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things to do
Get Fit Mobile: Chalk It Up!
Express yourself! Join us as we draw in full color. Drawing can also encourage your child's body awareness skills by tracing their hands or feet. Chalk games are therapeutic in building physical techniques of developmental and fine motor skills. The first 50 participants to register will get a FREE bucket of chalk!
Lane Manor Park wellness@pgparks.com
2 & up Tue May 9 5:00 - 7:00pm Free
May Fitness Day Event
Come out and enjoy an evening of exercises and healthy snacks.
Temple Hills Community Center templehillscc@pgparks.com
All ages Wed May 10 6:00 - 8:00pm Free
Platinum Film "Amazing Grace"
A documentary presenting Aretha Franklin with the choir at the New Bethel Baptist Church in Watts, Los Angeles in January 1972.
Prince George’s Publick Playhouse publickplayhouse@pgparks.com
60 & up Thu May 11 11:00 - 1:00pm $3(R); $4(NR)
Senior Spa Day
Relax and renew! Join us for a special spa day just for seniors. Rejuvenate your mind and body. Learn how to destress and emotionally refocus on your personal wellness. Sign up for a little “me” time today - you deserve it!
Harmony Hall Regional Center harmonyhallrc@pgparks.com
60 & up Thu May 11 11:00am - 1:00pm $15(R); $20(NR)
Get Fit Mobile: Kid’s Day in the Park
Discover the fun you can have outdoors at the park! Join us for a variety of fitness games. Score with the ball toss and tic-tac-toe, and learn to have fun with fitness. Get ready to play and make friends along the way!
Kentland Community Center kentlandcc@pgparks.com
2 & up Thu May 11 5:00 - 7:00pm Free
Uasuf Gueye Trio
The Uasuf Gueye Trio performs the music of the royal courts of 13th century Manding West Africa. By combining the traditional repertoire of the oral historians of Manding with innovative jazz and blues arrangements, they can create an intoxicating listening experience that has been described as “history in motion.” Whether creating a cool ambiance or an incredibly stimulating performance, the Uasuf Gueye Trio is guaranteed to transform any evening into a journey into the soul.
Brentwood Arts Exchange brentwoodarts@pgparks.com
All ages Fri May 12 8:00 - 11:00pm $15(R); $20(NR)
Get Fit Mobile: Spring Harvest
Wondering how to use those spring fruits and veggies? Stop by the Get Fit Mobile unit for new recipes to enjoy and fun activities to try. Good nutrition starts with MyPlate! Learn to plant fresh vegetables to go on your plate. Planting supplies provided. Bring the whole family!
Ellen E. Linson Splash Park linsonpool@pgparks.com
2 & up Sat May 13 8:00am - 1:00pm Free
Kayaking through History: Guided Archaeology Paddle
Archaeologists will lead a small group of kayakers on a tour through 13,000 years of history! We will launch from scenic Mount Calvert park and paddle by ancient Indigenous campsites, Colonial towns, and War of 1812 shipwrecks to learn about the countless people who once lived on the shores of the Patuxent River. A single kayak will be provided and prior experience is helpful but not necessary.
Mount Calvert Historic Site archaeology@pgparks.com
14 & up Sat May 13 10:00am - 2:00pm $25(R); $33(NR)
May is Fitness Month: Community Wellness Day
Participate in various activities, including senior exercise and Tabata classes, line dancing, Zumba, pingpong, and use of our weight and cardio rooms!
Rollingcrest-Chillum Community Center rollingcrestcc@pgparks.com
13 & up Sat May 13 10:00am - 12:00pm Free
Fighting Destiny Walking Tour
Walking Tour on Slavery and Resistance at Montpelier and in Maryland.
Montpelier Mansion montpeliermansion@pgparks.com MM-SPEC-GA-20230513 18 & up Sat May 13 2:00 - 3:30pm Free
Patuxent River Park Guided Tour
Experience the rural heritage of southern Prince George’s County with a guided tour interpreting museum buildings from a 1880’s log cabin, blacksmith shop, tobacco farming barn, and more.
Patuxent River Park patuxentriverpark@pgparks.com PRP-SPEC-GA-20230514 All ages Sun May 14 11:00am - 12:00pm Free
Hidden Spaces Tour
Ever wonder what’s behind the doors that say, “Staff Only”? On this tour, Montpelier staff will take visitors to the areas that are seldom open to the public including the three cellars, the attic, and the walk-in vault. Learn about the construction of the house and the changes over its 237-year history. The tour includes narrow winding stairs and ladders (optional). Older clothes and comfortable shoes are recommended.
Montpelier Mansion montpeliermansion@pgparks.com MM-SPEC-GA-20230514
18 & up Sun May 14 3:30 - 5:00pm $15(R); $20(NR)
Get Fit Mobile: Peace of Mind Pop-Up
Mental health is an essential part of overall health and wellness. Relieve stress and find your peace of mind through Yoga and coloring. Participants are encouraged to bring their own Yoga mat and towel.
Watkins Regional Park wellness@pgparks.com SPD-SPEC-GA-20230504 3 & up Thu May 4 5:00 - 7:00pm Free
Motown Get Down
Come dressed in your favorite retro outfit and dance to all of your favorite Motown hits at our second annual Motown Get Down Dance Party! The afternoon includes entertainment by a live band and a light lunch.
Southern Area Aquatics Rec Complex saarc@pgparks.com
SAARC-SPEC-GA-20230517 60 & up Wed May 17 11:00am - 1:30pm $25(R); $33(NR)
Sandra Bears
Sandra Bears, also known as Sandra Love (her solo artist stage name), is a native Washingtonian with a span of more than five decades in the music industry. She is one of the original founding members of DC’s fabulous female group of the 1960s, The Jewels. At 19 years old, the song “Opportunity” climbed the 1965 Billboard Charts. While performing with The Jewels at the world-famous Apollo Theater in New York City, they were hand-picked by the Godfather of Soul, James Brown, to tour with his famous James Brown Revue and they became his first female background singers. She continues to perform as a solo artist while recording and performing with The Jewels. Ms. Love excites audiences with her R&B, soul and blues songs, and her powerhouse stage presence.
Montpelier Arts Center montpelierarts@pgparks.com
60 & up Thu May 18 12:00 - 2:00pm $12(R); $16(NR)
Get Fit Mobile: Buckets of Bubbles
Bubbles, bubbles, and more bubbles! Come out and play with our bucket of bubbles activity and see if you can make the biggest bubble! Supplies will be provided.
Bladensburg Waterfront Park bladensburgwp@pgparks.com
2 & up Thu May 18 5:00 - 7:00pm Free
Get Fit Mobile: Peace of Mind Pop-Up
Mental health is an essential part of overall health and wellness. Relieve stress and find your peace of mind through Yoga and coloring. Participants are encouraged to bring their own Yoga mat and towel.
Tucker Road Ice Rink tuckerroadicerink@pgparks.com
3 & up Sat May 20 9:00 - 11:00am Free
Fighting Inflammation Naturally
Inflammation can be a friend or foe, but when it sticks around too long it can cause long-term health issues. Join us as we explore the causes of inflammation with a nutritionist from Giant Food. In this session, you will also learn how to fight inflammation naturally by incorporating healthy foods in your diet to improve your overall health. Registration required.
Suitland Community Center suitlandcc@pgparks.com
All ages Tue May 23 6:30 - 7:30pm Free
Sock Hop
Pull out your poodle skirts and leather jackets! It’s time to rock around the clock with the MAC Club. Enjoy dancing, music, a costume contest, and more!
Temple Hills Community Center templehillscc@pgparks.com
18 & up Wed May 24 12:00 - 4:00pm $10(R); $13(NR)
Senior All White Day Party
Enjoy live music and entertainment as we celebrate an end to another year of senior programming.
Harmony Hall Regional Center harmonyhallrc@pgparks.com
60 & up Thu May 25 12:00 - 3:00pm $20(R); $26(NR)
Get Fit Mobile: Agility Workout Challenge
How fast can you go? Use your best footwork to navigate around cones, over hurdles, and across agility ladders for a familyfriendly workout challenge! For all levels. Healthy behaviors, such as regular physical activity and free play, are an important part of reducing the risk of chronic disease in Prince George’s County. Get Fit Mobile supports the efforts of the County to improve health outcomes by creating opportunities for supervised, inclusive physical activities in local parks and neighborhoods.
Walker Mill Regional Park wellness@pgparks.com SPD-SPEC-GA-20230525
6 & up Thu May 25 5:00 - 7:00pm Free
Get Fit Mobile: Spring Harvest
Wondering how to eat spring fruit and veggies? Stop by the Get Fit Mobile unit for new recipes to enjoy and fun activities to try. Good nutrition starts with MyPlate! Learn to plant fresh vegetables to go on your plate. Planting supplies provided. Bring the whole family!
Marietta House Museum mariettahouse@pgparks.com
All ages Sat May 27 8:00am - 1:00pm Free
Cycle Through Aviation History
Discover 250 years of flight in a guided, bicycle tour along the Anacostia River Trail, from the first balloon flight in America to intriguing 20xth century inventions and industry. The ride will be a flat, 10-mile ride. Advance registration is required. If you would like to participate, but do not have access to a bike, please call a week in advance to reserve a bike. For Ages 13+ (Ages 17 & under must be accompanied by adult.)
College Park Aviation Museum collegeparkaviation@pgparks.com
13 & up Sat May 27 9:00am - 12:00pm $5(R); $7(NR)
Fighting Destiny Walking Tour
Walking Tour on Slavery and Resistance at Montpelier and in Maryland.
Montpelier Mansion montpeliermansion@pgparks.com MM-SPEC-GA-20230527
18 & up Sat May 27 2:00 - 3:30pm Free
Get Fit Mobile: Agility Workout Challenge
How fast can you go? Use your best footwork to navigate around cones, over hurdles, and across agility ladders for a familyfriendly workout challenge! For all levels. Healthy behaviors, such as regular physical activity and free play, are an important part of reducing the risk of chronic disease in Prince George’s County. Get Fit Mobile supports the efforts of the County to improve health outcomes by creating opportunities for supervised, inclusive physical activities in local parks and neighborhoods.
Westphalia Neighborhood Park wellness@pgparks.com
6 & up Wed May 31 5:00 - 7:00pm Free