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Martial Arts
Judo: Children, Beginner
An introduction to basic judo fundamentals and techniques including falling, rolling, and grappling.
College Park Community Center collegeparkcc@pgparks.com 21205-216E 6 - 12yrs. 16 classes
Tue, Thu 6:00 - 8:00pm starts May 2 $35(R); $46(NR)
Judo: Children, Intermediate Prerequisite: Judo for beginners. Instruction on more difficult skills.
College Park Community Center collegeparkcc@pgparks.com 21206-216E 6 - 12yrs. 16 classes
Tue, Thu 6:00 - 8:00pm starts May 2 $35(R); $46(NR)
Tae Kwon Do: Children
This Korean martial arts program teaches self-defense, fitness, and self-control through its emphasis on mental discipline through various levels. Contact the offering facility for specifics on levels taught.
Hillcrest Heights Community Center hillcrestheightscc@pgparks.com 21201-234A 6 - 12yrs. 10 classes
Mon, Wed 6:30 - 7:30pm starts Mar 6 $42(R); $55(NR) 21201-234B 6 - 12yrs. 12 classes Mon, Wed 6:30 - 7:30pm starts Apr 17 $51(R); $67(NR)
Tang Soo Do: Children
Learn the Tang Soo Do method of karate. Learn deep breathing techniques, coordination, flexibility, listening skills, and more in this fun, active self-defense class.
Kentland Community Center kentlandcc@pgparks.com 21202-240A 6 - 12yrs. 6 classes
Tue, Thu 6:30 - 7:45pm starts Mar 7 $60(R); $78(NR) 21202-240B 6 - 12yrs. 6 classes
Tue, Thu 6:30 - 7:45pm starts Apr 11 $60(R); $78(NR)
TKA Karate: Beginner
A beginner’s level for Tompkins Karate.
Good Luck Community Center goodluckcc@pgparks.com 21203-229AA 6 - 12yrs. 12 classes
Thu 6:00 - 7:00pm starts Mar 9 $66(R); $86(NR)
TKA Karate: Intermediate
Further develop karate skills through Tompkins Karate.
Good Luck Community Center goodluckcc@pgparks.com 21204-229AA 6 - 12yrs. 12 classes
Thu 7:00 - 8:00pm starts Mar 9 $66(R); $86(NR)
Judo: Teens, Beginner
An introduction to judo fundamentals and techniques including falling, rolling methods, and grappling.
College Park Community Center collegeparkcc@pgparks.com
21301-216E 13 - 17yrs. 16 classes
Tue, Thu 6:00 - 8:00pm starts May 2 $35(R); $46(NR)
21301-216F 13 - 17yrs. 16 classes
Tue, Thu 6:00 - 8:00pm starts May 2 $40(R); $52(NR)
Judo: Teens, Intermediate
An introduction to judo fundamentals and techniques including falling, rolling methods, and grappling.
College Park Community Center collegeparkcc@pgparks.com
21302-216F 13 - 17yrs. 16 classes
Tue, Thu 6:00 - 8:00pm starts May 2 $35(R); $46(NR)
Aikido: Adults
Did you know Aikido loosely means a way of adapting the spirit? Grounded in the samurai code of honor, this Japanese, noncompetitive martial art does not focus on punching and kicking, but on using an opponent’s energy against them. Engage your senses in this cooperative culture of martial arts as you build self-confidence, develop character, and master new skills.
College Park Community Center collegeparkcc@pgparks.com
21401-216C 18 & up 12 classes
Mon, Wed 7:30 - 9:00pm starts Apr 10 $65(R); $85(NR)
21401-216D 18 & up 12 classes Mon, Wed 7:30 - 9:00pm starts May 22 $65(R); $85(NR)
Prince George’s Plaza Community Ctr princegeorgesplazacc@pgparks.com
21401-266A 18 & up 16 classes
Wed, Sat 6:45 - 8:45pm starts Mar 1 $100(R); $130(NR)
21401-266B 18 & up 16 classes Wed, Sat 6:45 - 8:45pm starts May 3 $100(R); $130(NR)
Japanese Karate: Adult, All Levels
Strengthen both body and mind! Studied internationally in 20 countries, Itosu-Kai is a traditional style of Japanese Karate focusing on self-defense and character development. Gain physical skills, increase stamina, and develop self-discipline while learning to overcome challenges and limitations both physical and mental. Training includes Kihon (basics), Kata (forms), and Kumite (controlled sparring). From the beginner through advanced student, testing is done periodically for participants seeking to progress from White Belt to Black Belt.
Southern Area Aquatics Rec Complex saarc@pgparks.com
21407-275MA 18 & up 12 classes
Tue, Thu 7:00 - 8:00pm starts Mar 14 $72(R); $94(NR)
21407-275MB 18 & up 12 classes
Tue, Thu 7:00 - 8:00pm starts Apr 25 $72(R); $94(NR)
Southern Reg Tec & Rec Complex techrec@pgparks.com
21407-277A 18 & up 12 classes
Mon, Wed 7:00 - 8:00pm starts Mar 13 $72(R); $94(NR)
21407-277B 18 & up 12 classes
Mon, Wed 7:00 - 8:00pm starts Apr 24 $72(R); $94(NR)
Judo: Adults, Beginner
Looking to improve your reaction time, coordination, endurance, and agility? Well Judo may be the sport of you. In this introductory course, students will learn the fundamentals of the sport. Students will learn to apply the use of balance, leverage, and momentum against opponents. Develop character and confidence while building strength, speed, and coordination.
Beltsville Community Center beltsvillecc@pgparks.com
21403-205A 18 & up 16 classes
Tue, Thu 7:30 - 8:30pm starts Mar 7 $40(R); $52(NR)
21403-205B 18 & up 16 classes
Tue, Thu 7:30 - 8:30pm starts May 2 $40(R); $52(NR)
College Park Community Center collegeparkcc@pgparks.com
21403-216F 18 & up 16 classes
Tue, Thu 6:00 - 8:00pm starts May 2 $35(R); $46(NR)
Judo: Adults, Intermediate
Keep the momentum going! You’ve fought your way through strangleholds, chokeholds, and pinning techniques but now you’re ready for more. Join us as we continue to develop those Judo skills, character, and confidence in this intermediate level course. You’re on your way to a belt!
College Park Community Center collegeparkcc@pgparks.com
21404-216F 18 & up 16 classes
Tue, Thu 6:00 - 8:00pm starts May 2 $35(R); $46(NR)
Judo: Adults, Advanced
Showcase your skills in the ways of judo while sharpening your reaction time, endurance, and agility. Students will use their experience and knowledge of the sport and learn to apply the use of balance, leverage, and momentum against opponents. Develop character and confidence while building strength, speed, and coordination.
Beltsville Community Center beltsvillecc@pgparks.com
21411-205A 18 & up 16 classes
Tue, Thu 6:30 - 7:30pm starts Mar 7 $40(R); $52(NR)
21411-205B 18 & up 16 classes
Tue, Thu 6:30 - 7:30pm starts May 2 $40(R); $52(NR)
Karate: Adults, Beginner
Learn this ancient form of self-defense and fighting in our basic level karate course. You will gain self-confidence, learn fighting skill sets, improve stamina, quicken reflexes, improve coordination, and tone your physique. Get fit and empowered as you build relationships with learners new to this sport!
Lake Arbor Community Center lakearborcc@pgparks.com
21405-241A 18 & up 8 classes
Sat 11:00am - 12:00pm starts Apr 22 $80(R); $104(NR)
Martial Arts: Kickboxing
Get ready to get your heart pumping while kickboxing! Kickboxing is a broad combative term that encompasses any martial art that uses the hands and feet during competition, but may also include the usage of knee strikes, elbow strikes, sweeps, and clinching techniques. The Ramblers Kickboxing class is not just the aerobic activity known as “cardio kickboxing,” it’s also a full-fledged martial arts class that keeps you active.
Bladensburg Community Center bladensburgcc@pgparks.com
21410-207A 18 & up 8 classes
Thu 7:30 - 8:30pm starts Mar 16 $65(R); $85(NR)
21410-207B 18 & up 8 classes
Thu 7:30 - 8:30pm starts May 11 $65(R); $85(NR)
Self-Defense: Women
You have the power to fight back! Register today for a selfdefense class designed for women. In a casual, hands-on environment, apply martial arts skills useful in everyday life. Gain techniques to avoid threatening situations and harm. Condition your body and use our methods to protect yourself. Build a foundation of self-confidence, strength, and perseverance. Be ready and don’t be a victim.
Westphalia Community Center westphaliacc@pgparks.com
21406-290A 18 & up 10 classes
Sat 12:45 - 1:45pm starts Mar 11 $35(R); $46(NR)
Tae Kwon Do: Adults
This Korean martial arts program teaches self-defense, fitness, and self-control through its emphasis on mental discipline through various levels. Contact the offering facility for specifics on levels taught.
Bladensburg Community Center bladensburgcc@pgparks.com
21402-207A 18 & up 8 classes
Sat 12:30 - 1:30pm starts Mar 11 $65(R); $85(NR)
21402-207B 18 & up 8 classes
Sat 12:30 - 1:30pm starts May 6 $65(R); $85(NR)
Mixed Ages
Fitness Kung Fu
Many Americans associate “Kung Fu” or “Gung Fu” with a form of Chinese martial arts. The literal Chinese translation is ‘acquired skill’. It can also mean work performed, special skills, strength, ability, or time spent. This course will focus on exercise using the movements found in southern Chinese Kung Fu forms. It requires natural movements, concentration and self-discipline. The only contact sparring will be choreographed two-man forms or ‘Empty Hands’.
Berwyn Heights Elementary School
21634-206A 17 & up 8 classes
Wed 7:00am - 9:00pm starts Mar 8 $60(R); $78(NR)
Hillcrest Heights Community Center hillcrestheightscc@pgparks.com
21634-234A 17 & up 10 classes Mon, Wed 7:30 - 8:30pm starts Mar 6 $42(R); $55(NR) 21634-234B 17 & up 10 classes Mon, Wed 7:30 - 8:30pm starts Apr 17 $42(R); $55(NR)
Oakcrest Community Center oakcrestcc@pgparks.com
21634-255A 6 - 13yrs. 8 classes
Sat 2:00 - 3:15pm starts Mar 4 $48(R); $63(NR) 21634-255B 6 - 13yrs. 8 classes Sat 2:00 - 3:15pm starts Apr 29 $48(R); $63(NR)
Japanese Karate: Mixed Ages, Beginner Learn a traditional style of Japanese Karate, Itosu-Kai. Class includes Kihon (basics), Kata (forms), and Kumite (controlled sparring). Emphasis on self-control, etiquette, and concentration skills, as well as developing technical skill. Beginner level (White Belt through Yellow 2 Stripe). Testing is done periodically.
Fort Washington Forest Comm Center fortwashingtoncc@pgparks.com
21623-224A 6 - 17yrs. 12 classes
Tue, Thu 3:00 - 4:00pm starts Mar 14 $72(R); $94(NR) 21623-224B 6 - 17yrs. 12 classes
Tue, Thu 3:00 - 4:00pm starts Apr 25 $72(R); $94(NR)
Southern Area Aquatics Rec Complex saarc@pgparks.com 21623-275MA 6 - 17yrs. 12 classes
Tue, Thu 5:00 - 6:00pm starts Mar 14 $72(R); $94(NR) 21623-275MB 6 - 17yrs. 12 classes
Tue, Thu 5:00 - 6:00pm starts Apr 25 $72(R); $94(NR)
Southern Reg Tec & Rec Complex techrec@pgparks.com 21623-277A 6 - 17yrs. 12 classes
Mon, Wed 5:00 - 6:00pm starts Mar 13 $72(R); $94(NR) 21623-277B 6 - 17yrs. 12 classes
Mon, Wed 5:00 - 6:00pm starts Apr 24 $72(R); $94(NR)
Japanese Karate: Mixed Ages
Continuation of learning a traditional style of Japanese Karate, Itosu-Kai. Class includes Kihon (basics), Kata (forms), and Kumite (controlled sparring). Intermediate/Advanced Level (Purple Belt minimum). Emphasis on furthering technical skill, gaining more knowledge of Itosu-Kai system, and progressing into advanced level techniques. Testing is done periodically.
Southern Area Aquatics Rec Complex saarc@pgparks.com
21624-275MA 6 - 17yrs. 12 classes
Tue, Thu 6:00 - 7:00pm starts Mar 14 $72(R); $94(NR)
21624-275MB 6 - 17yrs. 12 classes
Tue, Thu 6:00 - 7:00pm starts Apr 25 $72(R); $94(NR)
Southern Reg Tec & Rec Complex techrec@pgparks.com
21624-277A 6 - 17yrs. 12 classes
Mon, Wed 6:00 - 7:00pm starts Mar 13 $72(R); $94(NR)
21624-277B 6 - 17yrs. 12 classes
Mon, Wed 6:00 - 7:00pm starts Apr 24 $72(R); $94(NR)
Judo: Families, Beginner
Course provides a basic introduction to Judo fundamentals.
College Park Community Center collegeparkcc@pgparks.com
21602-216F 5 & up 16 classes
Tue, Thu 6:00 - 8:00pm starts May 2 $25(R); $33(NR)
Judo: Mixed Ages, Beginner
Course provides a basic introduction to Judo fundamentals.
Beltsville Community Center beltsvillecc@pgparks.com
21603-205A 5 - 17yrs. 16 classes
Tue, Thu 6:30 - 7:30pm starts Mar 7 $40(R); $52(NR)
21603-205B 5 - 17yrs. 16 classes
Tue, Thu 6:30 - 7:30pm starts May 2 $40(R); $52(NR)
Judo: Mixed Ages, Intermediate
Keep the momentum going! You’ve fought your way through strangleholds, chokeholds, and pinning techniques but now you’re ready for more. Join us as we continue to develop those Judo skills, character, and confidence in this intermediate level course. You’re on your way to a belt!
Beltsville Community Center beltsvillecc@pgparks.com 21604-205A 5 & up 16 classes
Tue, Thu 7:30 - 8:30pm starts Mar 7 $40(R); $52(NR)
21604-205B 5 & up 16 classes
Tue, Thu 7:30 - 8:30pm starts May 2 $40(R); $52(NR)
Karate: Mixed Ages, Beginner
Enjoy this ancient form of self-defense and fighting. Learn basic karate moves and techniques. Karate will: build your self-confidence, fighting skills, stamina, reflex reactions, improve coordination, and give you a toned physique. Get fit and empowered as you build relationships with learners new to this sport!
Lake Arbor Community Center lakearborcc@pgparks.com
21605-241A 5 - 12yrs. 8 classes
Sat 10:00 - 11:00am starts Apr 22 $80(R); $104(NR)
Langley Park Community Center langleyparkcc@pgparks.com
21605-243C 13 & up 8 classes
Sun 1:30 - 2:30pm starts Mar 12 $71(R); $93(NR)
21605-243B 5 - 12yrs. 8 classes
Mon 6:00 - 7:00pm starts Mar 13 $71(R); $93(NR)
Okinawan Karate: Beginner
The secret is out! With influences from Japanese, Chinese, and Southeast Asian cultures, Okinawan karate was privately practiced by fighting masters until the early 20th Century. This combative style of karate emphasizes natural body movements to develop coordination and balance while learning self-defense using open hands and weaponless fighting. Develop the skills and self-awareness needed to begin mastery of this ancient martial art!
Prince George’s Sports & Learn Cmplx splex@pgparks.com
21614-268B 7 & up 4 classes
Sat 9:30 - 10:30am starts Mar 4 $68(R); $89(NR); $51(IA)
21614-268D 7 & up 4 classes
Sat 9:30 - 10:30am starts Apr 1 $68(R); $89(NR); $51(IA)
21614-268F 7 & up 4 classes
Sat 9:30 - 10:30am starts May 6 $68(R); $89(NR); $51(IA)