December 2019
Get ready for the Holiday Faire, page 3
Cando expands recycling options, page 7
ECRWSS PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 14
Floral studio opens up in time for holidays, page 12
Point Roberts, WA 98281 Postal Patron Local
Group presses The annual migration returns... council review of trash system By Meg Olson Critics of the current garbage collection system are pressuring Whatcom County Council to review the ordinance establishing mandatory garbage collection for all properties, and they have the support of at least two council members. “Point Roberts, you heard it a year ago when we said we would bring it back and look at the impacts and reassess,” Tyler Byrd told half a dozen Point Roberts residents attending the November 19 county council meeting. “Did it happen? No.” Allison Calder, president of the Point Roberts Voters’ Association whose board has voted unanimously to request the review, said she was looking forward to further discussion of the matter when the council, public works and health committee meets on Tuesday, December 3, chaired by Barbara Brenner who has voiced her support for revisiting the mandatory collection ordinance. Several other speakers echoed a wish to see the minimum service level reduced from 26 pickups of a 32-gallon can to 12 pickups of a 20-gallon can. “There is no incentive to reduce waste,” said Ken Calder. He said customers in the rest of the county, where curbside collection is not mandatory, have the option to choose a service level as low as one 20-gallon can per month. Both the Washington Utilities and Transportation (WUTC) and staff with the county health department, which oversees solid waste collection, have recently completed their reviews of the curbside collection system, which was established as a mandatory service for all property owners in Point Roberts by county council action in June 2018 and went into effect January 2019. The WUTC does not propose any changes in the tariff for Cando Recycling and Disposal (Cando), which operated the curbside collection system and the transfer (See Garbage, page 6)
s Making their autumnal return to the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, clouds of Sandhill Cranes provide a splendid sight to behold as they descend to feed before continuing their journey. Photo by Tara Nelson
Sidhu declares victory in the county exec race By Jami Makan Following a switch from election night vote totals, Satpal Sidhu is now ahead and has declared victory against opponent Tony Larson in the race to become Whatcom County executive. When initial election results were released shortly after 8 p.m. on election day, Sidhu trailed Larson by 61 votes. On November 6, the following day, Sidhu pulled
ahead of Larson by 163 votes. Sidhu has since increased his lead, according to the latest counts released by the Whatcom County Auditor’s Office. As of the last count on November 14, Sidhu had received 41,104 votes (51.1%), 1,835 more than Larson’s 39,269 votes (48.8%). At that time, the Whatcom County Auditor’s Office had three ballots left to count, although this figure did not include ballots that had not yet been received. “Ballot sig-
Water district to prepare sewer system checklist By Meg Olson Point Roberts water district commissioners have approved funds to put together a checklist for potential sewer system proponents. “We have been contacted by some local folks with properties here in the commercial district who, in the last year, have become aware of a new technology for a sewer treatment system” that could make such a system feasible in that area, chair Scott
Hackleman told fellow commissioners at their November 12 meeting. “It’s kind of a chicken and an egg thing. Money has to be spent for feasibility studies, and it is not water system dollars that should be spent, but they need to go through us for grants.” The water district is officially a water and sewer district, explained district manager Dan Bourks. The district manages the marina community sewer system and would be responsible for operating any other sewer system. “We are required by
law to provide the service if we receive a sufficient petition,” he said. However, funds from the water system cannot be used to plan or build sewer systems. Proponents need to come up with funds for feasibility studies, engineering and the eventual establishment of a local improvement district through which property owners served by the system pay to have it built and operated. “It is no easy (See Sewer, page 2)
nature cures and overseas ballots are not included and can be received up until the day before certification,” according to the Whatcom County Auditor’s Office website. Certification of the election will take place on November 26. On November 8, Sidhu declared victory over Larson. “It is a great honor and privilege to have earned the trust of the voters (See Election, page 13
Church ............................................. 10 Classifieds ......................................... 16 Coming Up ....................................... 17 Obituaries ......................................... 18 Opinion ............................................... 4 Seniors ............................................. 14 Sheriffs, Library................................ 15 Tides ................................................. 14
All Point Bulletin • December 2019
S A LT WAT E R C A F E Serving Full Breakfasts & Lunch! (Breakfast served all day!)
Sewer ... From page 1
task to petition for service and there are a lot of moving parts,” Bourks said. Hackleman said they had a telephone consultation with the district’s legal staff who, for approximately $4,000, would put together a comprehensive checklist of all the legal requirements for a sufficient petition. “It’s one thing for people to come to us with a pipe dream and want us to pay for it, but what this will do is lay out in black
and white how to move down that road,” he said. “Practicality will set in once they realize what will be required.” Bourks said the funds to pay for the checklist would not come from water system funds but from sewer funds that were left over from a 1985 general obligation bond. At that time, commissioners approved the bond and used funds to purchase a five-acre parcel near the airstrip for potential future development as a sewer plant. Remaining funds can be used to pursue sewer options. At this time, approximately $28,000 remain in that fund, Bourks said.
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Point Roberts to Bellingham and back every Thursday at 9:00 am To schedule your ride, please contact: Volunteer Services Coordinator (360) 945-5222 Donations to Circle of Care Gratefully Accepted
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December 2019 •
It’s Faire time! It’s going to be a full house at the Point Roberts Holiday Faire this year. “We have 25 vendors signed up with a large range of offerings,” said organizer Jessica McVey. “It’s going to be really fun!” Vendors will offer collectibles, vintage clothing, jewelry, fabric arts, needlework, knitting and crochet items, visual art, candy and lots more. There will also be raffle items. The fair is open at the Gulf Road community center on Saturday, December 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, December 8 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. On Saturday, Circle of Care will be offering a soup and sandwich lunch for sale. McVey added that the History Center will also be open on both days of the fair.
S With the community raised garden beds next to the library getting a little long in the tooth, local contractor John Myrdal constructed new ones and Casey Hubbard, l., helped in their installation. Photo by Rose Momsen
THE PERFECT HOLIDAY GIFT Gourmet coffee beans! Fresh roasted right here in Point Roberts
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All Point Bulletin • December 2019
All Point Bulletin The All Point Bulletin is published each month by Point Roberts Press Inc. Total circulation is 9,000 copies including home delivery in Point Roberts and Tsawwassen, subscriptions and distribution to retail establishments on the Point. The opinion expressed by contributors is their own and is offered for the general interest of our readers. Mail and classified ads should be addressed to:
All Point Bulletin P.O. Box 1451 Point Roberts WA USA 98281
Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick J. Grubb Associate Publisher & Advertising Manager Louise H. Mugar News & Features Editor Meg Olson Copy Editor Aly Siemion Creative Services Ruth Lauman, Doug De Visser Advertising Sales Molly Ernst, Adam Albert
Contributors In This Issue Gina Gaudet, Kris Lomedico Campbell McClusky, Annelle Norman Administrative Services Jeanie Luna Founding Editor Glennys Christie Business & Editorial Office Phone: 360/945-0413 Fax: 360/945-1613 Email:
Visit us online at: Printed in Canada • Vol. XXXV, No. 8
Letters Policy The All Point Bulletin welcomes letters to the editor; however, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Letters must include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters must not exceed 450 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality and good taste. A fresh viewpoint on matters of general interest to local readers will increase the likelihood of publication. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis. Thank you letters should be limited to ten names. Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published.
Please email your letter to: P.O. Box 1451, Point Roberts, WA 98281 Fax: 360/945-1613
Next issue: Jan.2020 Ads due: Dec. 13
Letters To The Editor The Editor: In regard to the Senior’s Point column that appears every month in the All Point Bulletin. The apostrophe should come after the plural (seniors’) or else you are referring to the singular! This senior is going to gain weight eating all this food. Ilma Gourley Point Roberts (Ed. Note: Regarding the apostrophe … the person who originally titled the column was Glennys Christie who started the All Point Bulletin in 1985. After we bought it, we asked about it but we don’t remember her answer. Unfortunately, she’s no longer around to ask again but she did have a reason. And we’re sticking with that reason, whatever it is. Perhaps it’s because we want to see how many readers pay attention to grammar. Judging by the number of people who have commented on it, I guess the answer is one. Congratulations, Ilma! Please don’t celebrate by eating all of the lunch offerings at the senior lunch.) The Editor: I was very pleased to be a part of this democratic process we just went through. It appears that the incumbent, Bennett Blaustein, has won the election for parks commissioner position 1. It was a close race. Congratulations, Bennett! It was great to see the high voter turnout. Remember, your vote counts! Thank you to everyone for your support; I will continue to help the parks board in any way I can. Hugh Wilson Point Roberts The Editor: For the past year, the Friends of the Point Roberts Library has been sponsoring film evenings at least once a month. The movies are shown on Friday evenings in the library meeting room. It’s a new program and the audience has varied by the season, of course, with more people coming out during the summer. But the numbers have been steady. The Friends has purchased a yearly film license to make these showings possible. But it is a Friends project, not a library project. Staff from the library who have
been running these films are volunteering their time, a gift for which we are very grateful. But in the long run, it needs to be a community group project that is supported by the Friends. We’re looking for some people who are interested in hosting these film nights (opening and closing the building, turning on the heat), choosing the films, doing publicity for them and operating the computer that runs the film. We’d be pleased to hear from anyone who is interested in joining us to create such a group; email us at Judy Ross, Friends of the Library Point Roberts The Editor: Another point I could have added to my recent letter to you is that, in Canada, lottery winnings are not taxable. In fact, I’ve been told that no gambling winnings are taxable, unless one earns his living as a professional gambler. But I think a person could get around this by having some part-time job and declare that as his means of livelihood. The Canada Revenue Agency would probably look at it tonguein-cheek, but not take any action – if they actually knew the guy was a gambler. I find them easy to deal with if one is up front with them. A racket that is going on in Canada works like this: an immigrant gets a mysterious phone call. The caller says the immigrant is in trouble with the income tax department, but the caller says his outfit can prevent the immigrant from going to jail. They will get him out of trouble for a fee. One woman was taken for $28,000 CDN. The caller wanted payment in gift cards! You would think that alone would have put her wise to the fraud. The last place that the Canada Revenue Agency
Y E H sD! S! I d K Y i E Hk
wants you is in jail! You can’t pay them when you’re in jail! The problem is that most immigrants come from police-state countries where they don’t have English common law as we do in the states, and all English-speaking countries such as Canada. We like government to be afraid of the people, not vice versa. P.S. One more thing. The federal government allows Canadians to invest between $5,500 and $10,000 each year into a tax-free savings account. I missed three years, so they told me I could invest $17,000 tax free. If Canada can afford a national medical plan, then most certainly the United States can, if anybody can. G. Scott Richmond, B.C. The Editor: Re: Advisory vote regarding Canadian purchase of Point Roberts Thanks to those who have voiced their opinions on this so far. Now that both Whatcom County and Canadian elections are behind us, efforts to have this initiative on the November 2020 ballot are moving ahead. Suggested title of the ballot initiative: “Do you support commencing serious negotiations between Canada and the United States regarding purchase of Point Roberts by the government of Canada?” (text subject to final review and approval by Whatcom County prosecutor and Whatcom County Council) Here is a status report: 1. The results of the Whatcom County election will be certified on November 26. 2. The calculations for the total number of voters in the recent county election from the county auditor will be available on December 31. 3. Number of signatures needed on a petition to place initiative measure on ballot is to be determined in early January. Please continue to submit letters, emails and letters to the editor on this subject. Your early opinions count. Please send letters to
Bring your
Letters to Santa
into Nielson’s BuildingCenter Centerand andyou youjust justmight might into Nielson’s Building
WINLARGEST THE WORLD’S LARGEST CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS STOCKING! See Nielson’s Building Center ad on page 2 STOCKING! Drawing to be held on Saturday, December 21.
See Nielson’s Building Center ad on page 2. Drawing to be held on Saturday, December 20
December 2019 •
Letters ...
From page 4 Some additional email addresses for your reference: Washington Governor Jay Inslee – jay@ County councilmember-elect, coastal district 5, Ben Elenbaas – council@ Whatcom County Executive-elect Satpal Sidhu – (Satpal takes office in January and will have a new email address at that time. He will succeed Jack Louws.) John Lesow North Vancouver, B.C. The Editor: We want to express our gratitude to the Point Roberts fire department. Chief Carleton, Deb Shields and Virginia Lester have eased the trauma of losing our husband and father. So many friends and neighbors have been a great source of help and comfort. There is no way to properly thank everyone. Linda Dorner and family Point Roberts The Editor: Let me take this opportunity to be thankful for any and all of our dedicated, articulate, hard-working and helpful neighbors who contribute to and account for achievements of the taxpayers, the voters, fire department, its Community Paramedic Cares program, the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee, Circle of Care, the Point Roberts branch of Whatcom County Library System, the Friends of the Library, the Senior Center programs and lunches, the Food Bank, Point Roberts Emergency Preparedness, the garden club, the Point Roberts parks board, the hospital district, the Point Roberts clinic, the water board, the cemetery district, the historical society, the Wacky Walkers, the Saturday markets, and the July 4th parade and breakfasts, the primary school and the school buses, the marina, the golf course and its luncheons, the chamber of commerce, our All Point Bulletin community newspaper and, finally, assorted all volunteer fund-raising events. Lest we forget, we thank our dedicated fellow citizens who keep Trinity Church and its variety of entertaining programs including volunteer musicians, singers and writers. The International Marketplace, Best Time RV, Auntie Pam’s, Whidbey Telephone, the gas stations and stores, and the Shell Cafe, the Reef, South Beach House, Breakwaters, the Salt Water Cafe, the hardware store, assorted real estate entities, the transfer station, deputy sheriffs and tireless border personnel at both U.S. and
Canadian borders, as well as Stephen’s Hair Design. Also those not exactly from here, but who are charged in part with our interests: our representatives at Whatcom County, Washington state legislature, Washington state governor and our stalwart friends in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Finally, all the thoughtful full-time and part-time residents who volunteer in so many, often unseen ways, to help welcome newcomers, comfort those with losses, contribute to young scholars and succeed in making plans come to fruition. Any omissions or oversights not intentional. Happy holidays. Campbell McClusky Point Roberts The Editor: I would like to thank everyone who voted for me and Hugh Wilson during this past election. Hugh and I have talked on several occasions and we both recognize how hard it is to be a commissioner on the park board and how difficult it is to get people to serve on one of the few boards where there is no financial compensation. The main objective of being a park commissioner is to provide good governance over the assets of the park district and the public funds that we are entrusted with. Part of this is trying to provide the best facilities, services and recreational opportunities to the broadest range of groups and residents from Point Roberts. I can say that Hugh and I had honorable intentions when we ran against each other and I am grateful to have been selected to serve a second term. Bennett Blaustein, commissioner Point Roberts
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The Parks Board was founded in 1969. It was the first Parks Board in Whatcom County. The Community Center was originally owned by the Blaine School District and was given over to the Point Roberts Parks Board in 1969. Construction of the original school that was located on the site of the community center, was completed in 1937. It merged with the Blaine School District in 1941. If the building is not utilized, it will go back to the Blaine School District. I was honored to be asked by the Helen and Jose Colton Foundation to be a liason to help provide private funding for the Community Center building to upgrade the kitchen and refrigeration area. The Helen and Jose Colton Foundation also donated to the Food Bank to create a permanent storage area on Parks Board land, Circle of Care, Dollars for Scholars and other local charities benefitted also. Hugh Wilson Broker, National Real Estate Owner, All Hues Painting
Hugh Wilson,
All Hues Painting
Property Management, and Broker NATIONAL Real Estate Cell: 604-910-5968
Interior & Residential Hugh Wilson, Owner
Cell: 604-910-5968 1385 Gulf Rd. Point Roberts 234 Windsor Drive Point Roberts
All Point Bulletin • December 2019
Garbage ...
bined with the variable option (…), appears to have been well embraced” the letter continued. Cando owner David Gellatly encouraged county council members to carefully review his company’s data and the reviews by the health department and the WUTC before taking action that could destabilize the system and impact rates. Gellatly said he had made significant investment in infrastructure to serve a larger customer base since the adoption of the mandatory collection ordinance. If a lower minimum service level were approved, “the rates would need to be adjusted so I could recover my investment,” he said, which would be part of the next WUTC compliance review. Overall, Gellatly said he believes 80 percent of his customers are satisfied with the current minimum service level.
From page 1
station (which the WUTC does not regulate.) There will be another compliance review in 2020 that will look at financial information from a full year for the new system, which added an additional 1,600 customers to Cando’s curbed collection system. “The goals of the new program requirements were to necessarily increase viability of service provision, in an area with unique challenges, while supporting higher levels of service at cost effective rates, and reducing illegal dumping,” wrote Jeff Hegedus with the county health department in an October 21 letter. “Implementation is proceeding very well. The minimum level of service, com-
Come check out Dave’s expanded produce selection! Come check out Dave’s expanded produce selection!
We now have a full line of spirits in addition
S Community members such as Jack Procter, l., turned up to help the volunteer firefighters raise money during the 24-hour rowathon to support veterans in Canada and the U.S. Well over $6,000 was raised on November 11.
We now have a full line of spirits in addition to our our fine finewine wineand andbeer beerselection! selection! to
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Photo by Pat Grubb
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Plenty of Parking Located on east end of Kiniski’s Reef Tavern on Gulf Rd.
Only U.S. funds will be accepted.
CURBSIDE COLLECTION Please contact our office (360) 945-2636, Monday — Friday 10:30am - 2:30pm to arrange for recycling bins and routing information.
EOW AND RECYCLING DATES: Monday Route, December 2, 16 & 30 Tuesday Route, December 3, 17 & 31 Wednesday Route, Dec. 4, 18, and Jan. 2
MORE DETAILS ARE AVAILABLE AT: and To arrange, please call or email:
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December 2019 •
T he 2019 h oliday
Art, Craft and Collectible Faire s A Remembrance Day ceremony included a tribute to veterans given by flying officer (ret.) Harold Lowe who amassed 22,000 hours flying time during WWII. He was introduced by Richard Foreman, r., Canadian Coast Guard master diver. The November 11 event at the fire hall attracted a standing room-only crowd. Photo by Pat Grubb
Cando expanding recycling list By Meg Olson Joining a growing number of disposal entities nationwide, Cando Recycling and Disposal is partnering with SC Johnson to expand their list of accepted recyclables to include plastic film. Starting on January 13, 2020, Point Roberts property owners with garbage pickup can recycle clean and dry plastic bags and film, including Ziplock-style bags, plastic film, dry-cleaning bags, grocery bags and bread bags. Plastic bags and film to be recycled should be put into a plastic bag which should be tied at the top when it’s about the size of a soccer ball and placed out on pickup day on top of mixed paper in the white recycling bin. Cando will be the second small disposal system to join the current SC Johnson pilot program, which aims to expand plastics recyclables to smaller systems. “The most important thing we can to do to save our oceans from plastic waste is to address the issue at its root cause by improving waste collection systems and capturing plastic before it gets into the ocean,” said SC Johnson chairman and CEO Fisk Johnson. In other Cando news, the company announced that it plans to work with the staff at the WUTC in the early part of 2020 in order to implement a curbside yard waste pro-
gram. This program would likely be funded through subscribership and would run from March through November. The company does not intend to include food waste in this program. The curbside pickups of yard waste would occur on the “off” week (the week that recycling is not collected).
Saturday, December 7 • 10-4 AND
Sunday, December 8 • 11-4 Point Roberts Community Center 1437 Gulf Road RESERVATIONS OR QUESTIONS: 360 945 0409
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All Point Bulletin • December 2019
Preparedness depends on you, and you, and you By Campbell McClusky Point Roberts Emergency Preparedness (PREP) is made up entirely of volunteers and has limited local financial resources. PREP is dependent upon fundraising events and member dues. It needs your help. Previous emergency training not required, as needed training can be provided. There were 44 Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteers certified here at the Point at one time, but many have moved on or not
maintained their certifications. Some of the key “energizers” over the years have moved away; it is time for new neighbors to step up to PREP’s “neighbors helping neighbors” programs. Come to the PREP annual general meeting (AGM) on Tuesday, December 3, at 7 p.m. at the Point Roberts Community Center. Everyone is welcome, whether you’re available to volunteer or not. Get a sense of what we are about, what we’re looking to achieve and how to be best prepared. Keep in mind that we, both long-term and short-term residents, may
Visit my Blog Estate Planning: Ways to Avoid Probate For Your WA Real Estate & Other Assests
be “all we’ve got” here on this exclave when an emergency occurs. Come have a say as to how we could and should help each other when an emergency strikes. All who come and sign the attendance sheet become full voting members. Your say, your vote and, most importantly, your participation will count! Our monthly meetings will let you see who is doing what and how our leadership is coping with our limited cadre. Attending the AGM will also give you the opportunity to point out what you think we should be doing or doing more of. Then too, you could meet or become part of existing volunteers currently set to focus on emergency shelters. Sheltering training and additional shelter equipment is being offered. The Point and PREP have already identified two potential shelters – the community center and Trinity Church – to supplement the emergency cots and mats that the fire department keeps available for use. The upcoming sheltering training is designed to enable all-weather emergency enclosures to be erected by PREP and CERT and other volunteers wherever and
Vacancy opens up on parks board By Meg Olson
P.O. Box 129 • Point Roberts, WA 98281
Whatcom County Fire District #5 Point Roberts
Community Paramedic CARES Program
Providing non-emergency home medical care, education and referral services. For an appointment or more information, please contact Chief Christopher Carleton at 360-945-3473 or
.02 +tax
Weekend / Holiday
whenever needed – equipped with items from cots to stoves to sanitary facilities. The more of us who gain some sheltering familiarity, the more effectively the fire department, its cadre of volunteer firefighters and assorted PREP volunteers, will be able to cope with coordinating the full scope of rescue and relief urgencies. Whatever mother nature throws at us, many neighborhoods have already assessed who will need special help and which homes may be especially well suited for local collection and coordination points. It will be helpful to know how many live where, and what skills the neighborhood residents may already possess. “Mapping” the neighborhood is an initial step each neighborhood may want to take. One such exercise disclosed at least one family which hadn’t even stocked an emergency water supply and another family unaware they could shut-off the water from the water main to the house. Hence, there may be some simple basic preparedness steps from which many of us could benefit. Maybe our motto should be, “neighbors preparing neighbors.”
With four out of five positions on the ballot and one resignation in November, the board of the Point Roberts park and recreation district could have seen a lot of new faces in the new year, but most of the existing board will be back in 2020. It was a close race for commissioner Bennett Blaustein, but with the election results a few days away from certification, he held off challenger Hugh Wilson by 15 votes. Commissioners Holly Robinson and Chwynyn Vaughan ran unopposed for another term. Parks board chair Stephen Falk had intended to run for another term but found out he had to choose between putting his name on the ballot to retain his position on the hospital district board, to which he was appointed, or running again for the parks board. “I was surprised,” said Falk, who also serves on the cemetery district board and on the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee. “It makes sense
if you were running for governor and for senator I suppose but not so much for these districts in small communities.” Michele Wallis ran for the position and will take Falk’s place on the board in January. At the November 7 parks district meeting Arthur Reber resigned from his position, leaving an opening that commissioners plan to fill by appointment when they meet on December 9. “Those interested in being considered are encouraged to provide a resume or similar information by December 6, 2019 to the parks district at PRparkdistrict@gmail. com,” Falk said. Applicants are also encouraged to attend the meeting and make a statement in support of their application. If no candidates present themselves, or at the discretion of the other commissioners, Falk could be appointed to the position left vacant by Reber. While Falk said he would serve if asked, he said it would put him in the same position come election time two years from now. Whoever is appointed to Reber’s seat will have the opportunity to run again when his term expires in 2021, and Falk’s spot on the cemetery district board will also be on the ballot.
Pancakes & cookies!
.53 +tax
Midweek / Non-Holiday
Adult Daily Lift Ticket Prices. Tax Not Included. Photo: Grant Gunderson Skier: KC Deane
The Point Roberts Volunteer Firefighter Charitable Society is hosting a pancake breakfast with Santa this holiday season to help fill the coffers of the local food bank. The Saturday, December 21 event at the Gulf Road community center will cost $10 per person, but kids under 12 eat for free. In addition to a pancake feast, there will be complimentary pictures with Santa, who will make an appearance at 11 a.m., gingerbread-house making and an opportunity to write Santa a letter. The event runs from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and all proceeds benefit the food bank. Auntie Pam’s Country Store will also be collecting donations for the local food bank at their Thursday, December 14 cookie contest. The contest is free to enter by bringing a plate of cookies to the store before 5 p.m., but prospective judges need to make a donation to the food bank. Judges get to taste all the cookies and cast a ballot for their favorite! Judging is from 5 to 8 p.m. and there will be free wine, punch and milk as well as prizes for the top three cookie batches!
December 2019 •
Need a ride to Bellingham? By Anelle Norman Welcome aboard! Circle of Care is announcing the launch of its new wheelchair accessible bus this week and encourages Point Roberts residents to book a ride. Call 360/945-5222 to reserve your seat on the first trip to Bellingham on Thursday, December 5. Rides to and from the grocery store or to Bellingham for doctor’s appointments, prescription pick-ups and visits to the hospital are frequent requests made of Circle of Care’s volunteers, accounting for about 40 percent of the requests for assistance. As a result, the board of trustees announced its intention to acquire the funding and purchase a wheelchair accessible vehicle at its annual general meeting in February. A proposal to the Colton Family Foundation was submitted in the spring, and the funds to purchase and operate the bus were awarded in July. The bus was purchased in the autumn with grant funding. The intended purpose is providing Point Roberts residents with transportation to doctors and other medical appointments. Initially, the service will make a weekly run to Bellingham on Thursdays, so clients are encouraged to do their best to arrange their appointments on Thursdays after 9:30 a.m. and before 3 p.m. Riders will be collected from their homes, driven to their appointments, collected afterward and returned to their doorsteps. If you anticipate utilizing the service, you are encouraged to acquire a Nexus card if you don’t have one, as the bus and its riders will – under most circumstances – be allowed to use the Nexus lanes. Not having a Nexus card will not prohibit you from taking advantage of the service, but
will affect the scheduling of the departure time so as to ensure that everyone can be processed by CBP/CBSA and arrive in Bellingham on time for their appointments. There is room for eight passengers and four wheelchairs as well as a driver and a volunteer rider to assist passengers on and off the bus. The Circle of Care board of trustees hopes to see the bus traveling to Bellingham full of passengers and will schedule another day each week when demand increases. The bus can also be used to provide rides around the Point for senior lunch, grocery shopping, appointments at the clinic or for physical therapy. It could even be booked for special excursions into B.C. for cultural or special events. Currently, two drivers have are willing
to make the weekly trip. Each trip with a wheelchair user present will need a volunteer to assist in loading the wheelchair and securing it and its occupant. If you are interested in either being a driver (no CDL is required due to the occupancy of the bus) or assist in helping passengers on and off at their destinations, please let Circle of Care know. To book your trip, or if you have any questions about the bus service, please leave a message on the Circle of Care voicemail at 360/945-5222.
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All Point Bulletin • December 2019
s Who says firemen are good looking? There were plenty of ghoulish firefighters around at the annual Point Roberts fire department Halloween party on October 26.
s Never too young to be scared witless!
Church News
Photo by Stefan Jones
“Community Shopping in the Heart of Town.”
TSAWWASSEN TOWN CENTRE MALL 1299A 56TH STREET, DELTA Promotion (604) 943-1735 • Leasing (604) 943-2203
Your local premier chocolate and confectionary shop is always available to help you get ready for Christmas! Whether it is the perfect specialty chocolates or gifts. We are here to help. Just to name a few things; we carry beautiful Waterford or Wedgwood ornaments and Museum of Modern Art Christmas Cards. The
Chocolate Bear Shoppe
Mon-Sat: 9:30-6 • Sun. 12-5 till Christmas 1263-56th Street • Tsawwassen Centre Mall
Photo by Stefan Jones
By Gina Gaudet Just as we see the yearly passage of time as a cycle through natural seasons and created annual holidays, so goes the liturgical church. The church year actually begins with Advent (December 1 this year) and ends on Christ the King Sunday (November 24 this year). The seasons of Advent, through Easter, represent the earthly life of Jesus. The festival of Pentecost (seven weeks after Easter) marks the arrival of the Holy Spirit, and the birth of the church under the spirit’s guidance. This season also takes us back to the life and, more specifically, the teachings of Jesus, which guide the life of the church and God’s people today. Here is what’s so interesting. The Sunday we call Christ the King refers directly to the hope that Christ will return in a bodily form to establish the eternal just and compassionate reign of God on earth, defeating all powers of evil in its many forms. So there is sense of the end of the story here, yet it leads us forward in time and subsequently back to the beginning! Once again, we long with the ancient prophets, for the coming of a “king.” That king then shows up in totally unexpected and astounding form as a baby! A universal be-
ginning of life event! It would seem, then, that what we are left with is an endless cycle of longing, rejoicing, learning, serving and longing, rejoicing ... how do we break the cycle of longing for a final “ending” to the story? The crazy beauty of this story is that it actually has no ending. Because if we let it take root in our own lives, it becomes our own life story! It finds expression, action, resolution in the story it tells of each of us. It becomes millions of stories! When we take into our own hearts the life, baptism, teaching, healing, serving, death, resurrection and revelation of the mystery of God’s presence in our own lives, we are the story! If there is a moral to this story, it is simply this: ask yourself, this year, will you embrace the hype of shopping, spending and stressing, or will you accept the invitation to step into the never-ending story of Christ on earth? How will this story become your story? Your life? At Trinity Church we tell the story, we share the story, we live the story in as many different ways as there are people in the pews. We would invite you to be part of our story and let us be part of yours.
Exp. Dec. 24
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December 2019 •
New Plastic Film Recycling Program Coming to Point Roberts
All Point Bulletin • December 2019
Brambles & Blackberries floral studio opens in time for the holidays
e t i r e d r o B Report
Editor, Tammy McDonald Comments or feedback: Send to:
Brought To You By The Blaine School District Point Roberts Primary • 945-ABCD (2223) • 2050 Benson Rd, P.O. Box 910 • Point Roberts, WA 98281
TEACHERS’S CORNER by Jessie Hettinga M.S.Ed.
We have had so many opportunities to learn about the amazing world we live in through interactive ways as we have gained momentum into our school year. In October, we toured the Honeybee Center where we continued our on-going bee studies. After a fantastic presentation, we visited Westham Island Herb Farm where the students learned about the farm, types of vegetables and each student picked out a pumpkin. During the month of October we also learned about bats. As students learned about this mammal, they realized how vital bats are to the natural environment and how they are gentle creatures contrary to many spooky myths. Through this study, students combined linguistic and artistic talents to create bat inspired poems and paintings using watercolors, tempera paint and mixed media. In the month of November, we collaborated with Rose and our local library. Our first project was to write postcards to our favorite authors. We are hoping that one of the authors will write back. The students top 3 favorite authors were: Mo Willems, Dav Pilkey and Jan Brett. Next, after a school visit from Rose, we brainstormed the future of Point Roberts in the year 2094 and students made futuristic posters for the Whatcom County Library System’s 75th birthday party. We had a lot of fun celebrating the library’s birthday with Rose and the other library staff. To honor both Veteran’s Day and Remembrance Day, students read books about Veterans, wrote about their freedoms and created beautiful oil pastel poppies which were inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe. Our students were thankful to Veterans for the freedoms to go to school, to love, and to travel between countries. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn with such wise children.
s An example of Peggy Fletcher’s floral art.
By Meg Olson When she was 11-years-old, Peggy Fletcher’s parents bought a flower shop in Peace River, Alberta. She has been working as a florist ever since, and this month opens her floral studio in Point Roberts. “We have a little over an acre here and the studio is attached to our barn,” Fletcher said. “I do a lot of foraging on our property and my style is very garden-ey with lots of texture.” Brambles & Blackberries is not a retail florist, but a studio, she explained. “It is seasonal and event-related.” To usher in the Christmas season, the
Photo courtesy of Peggy Fletcher
studio will have an open house on Saturday, November 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 519 Island View Lane. “There will be an eclectic array of different things,” Fletcher said, including items for sale and gift cards. “I really enjoy Christmas.” Among the services Brambles & Blackberries offers are flowers for events like weddings or decorating your home for the season. Fletcher said she would also consider starting a subscription service if there is enough interest. To see some of Fletcher’s work follow her on Instagram at @brambles_and_blackberries. She can be reached at 360/945-1610.
Group seeks input from Point
Emmett Stru b, Grade K
Riley Foster, 1st Grade
With growing community participation in their events, is asking the community to weigh in on what their sustainability priorities are. “We’ve had such a great response to our clothing drives and beach cleanups that we thought it would be good to reach out and see what people want us to be doing,” said organizer Allison Calder. The October 26 clothing drive, the second organized by GarbageinPR, brought in over 250 bags of clothing to distribute to several charities in the county and north of the border. “The turnout again exceeded our expectations so we will look at having two clothing drives next year, one in spring and one in the fall,” Calder said. The group also organized two beach
cleanups in 2019. Cando Recycling and Disposal partnered in the latest cleanup, providing their small garbage truck to dispose of what was taken off the beaches. The survey, which can be found at bit. ly/35mvOoV, takes less than five minutes and asks what respondents are doing now to promote sustainable living in their home and community, what they aspire to do and what kinds of events and programs would help them get there. “We’re going to use this information to plan for next year,” Calder said, adding that they are considering adding classes and bringing in speakers on topics that have strong community interest. To learn what programs and events are coming up, check
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December 2019 •
H H H H ELECTION Whatcom County and local races results as of 11/08/2019 4:24 PM. State Measures results as of 11/11/2019 12:56 PM.
RESULTS 2019 H H H H Blaine School District 503 Director District 2
Whatcom County Executive Tony Larson
Todd Berge
48.8% (39,269)
43.23% (2,413)
Satpal S. Sidhu
Dougal Thomas
51.1% (41,104)
56.52% (3,155)
Whatcom County Council District 5 Ben Elenbaas
Blaine School District 503 Director District 4 Charles Gibson
58.6% (9,563)
51.99% (2,909)
Natalie McClendon
Tana Perkins Reneau
41.3% (6,732)
47.56% (2,661)
Whatcom County At-Large Position B
Point Roberts Park & Recreation District Position 2 Bennett Blaustein
Carol Frazey
51.7% (215)
60.8% (46,502)
Hugh Wilson
David Ramirez
48.1% (200)
38.9% (29,801)
Whatcom County Council District 4 Brian Estes
24.6% (3,925)
Referendum Measure No. 88
Kathy Kershner
75.4% (12,074)
Allows the state to implement affirmative action policies in public education, employment and contracting.
Whatcom County Assessor
49.4% (948,825)
Rebecca Xczar Rejected
60.8% (37,127)
50.5% (969,782)
John Romaker
38.9% (35,734)
Initiative Measure No. 976 Repeals, reduces or removes authority to impose certain vehicle taxes and fees; limits annual motor vehicle license fees to $30, except voter-approved charges; and bases vehicle taxes on Kelley Blue Book value.
Whatcom County Sheriff
Joy Gilfilen
52.9% (1,051,456)
30.9% (24,198) No
Bill Elfo
47.1% (933,661)
68.9% (53,954) Port of Bellingham Commissioner District 3
Whatcom County Election Stats Number of Precincts . . . . . . Number of Registered Voters Total Ballots Counted . . . . . Voter Turnout . . . . . . . . . .
Anthony Distefano
34.8% (24,808)
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . 180 146,824 . 82,375 . 56 .1%
Robert (Bobby) Briscoe Source: Whatcom County Auditor’s Office (county and local races) and the Washington Secretary of State Elections Division (State Measures).
64.9% (46,307)
Election ... From page 1
of Whatcom County,” he said. “During this campaign, I had the opportunity to speak with thousands of people from all corners of the county and listen to their concerns. It was a valuable learning experience and I will bring that with me to this office.”
Asked for a comment from Larson, the All Point Bulletin did not receive a response. To date, Larson has not conceded defeat publicly. Sidhu, whose four-year term as executive will begin in January, stated that he has already been in touch with outgoing executive Jack Louws. “Mr. Louws has already reached out to me, and we will be meeting in the near future,” read Sidhu’s statement.
“I am putting together a highly qualified transition team to ensure a smooth handover, and I will be ready to lead from day one.” In another switch in lead, Whatcom County assessor candidate Rebecca Xczar pulled ahead of opponent John Romaker. On election night, Xczar had been trailing Romaker by 729 votes. As of November 14, however, Xczar had received 37,127 votes (50.8%), 1,393 more votes than Ro-
maker’s 35,734 votes (48.9%). Closer to home, sitting Point Roberts parks commissioner Bennett Blaustein came from behind on election night and now has 215 votes (51.7%) versus opponent Hugh Wilson’s 200 votes (48.1%). The Whatcom County canvassing board will certify the results of the election on Tuesday, November 26. For the most upto-date tallies, visit results/current/whatcom.
All Point Bulletin • December 2019
Around The Point
December Tides Tides at Boundary Bay PST Not For Navigation
49° 0’ 0”N - 122° 46’ 0”W
Date Time Height
Land Surveying
• Residential Lot Surveys & Boundary Surveys • FEMA Elevation Certificates • Call for free estimate 360-224-3806
Top Soil, Bark Mulch, Gravel and Sand
Su 1
1:55 am
9:57 am
4:00 pm
6:50 pm
Mo 2
2:37 am
10:43 am
5:32 pm
7:36 pm
Tu 3
3:21 am
11:25 am
6:52 pm
9:06 pm
We 4
4:09 am
12:03 pm
7:30 pm
10:58 pm
Th 5
4:59 am
12:35 pm
7:58 pm
Fr 6
Serving North Puget Sound Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish
Licensed and Insured
12:52 am
5:57 am
1:05 pm
8:22 pm
Sa 7
2:22 am
6:59 am
1:33 pm
8:50 pm
Su 8
3:28 am
7:59 am
2:01 pm
9:18 pm
Mo 9
4:22 am
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2:27 pm
9:48 pm
Tu 10
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2:57 pm
10:22 pm
We 11
5:52 am
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3:25 pm
10:56 pm
Th 12
6:32 am
11:31 am
3:57 pm
11:32 pm
Fr 13
7:14 am
12:21 pm
4:31 pm
Sa 14
Deliveries to Point Roberts
Time Height
12:10 am
7:58 am
1:13 pm
5:07 pm
8:42 am
2:09 pm
5:51 pm
Mo 16
1:32 am
9:26 am
3:13 pm
6:43 pm
Tu 17
2:18 am
10:08 am
4:21 pm
7:57 pm
We 18
3:08 am
10:48 am
5:27 pm
9:37 pm
Th 19
4:02 am
11:28 am
6:25 pm
11:29 pm
Fr 20
5:02 am
12:06 pm
7:17 pm
Sa 21
1:23 am
6:10 am
12:44 pm
8:05 pm
Stone n Brick n Tile n Hardscapes New Construction & Renovations
Su 22
2:55 am
7:24 am
1:22 pm
8:49 pm
Mo 23
4:05 am
8:34 am
2:02 pm
9:33 pm
Tu 24
5:05 am
9:40 am
2:40 pm
10:15 pm
We 25
5:55 am
10:42 am
3:20 pm
10:55 pm
Formerly 1st Propane of
Th 26
6:39 am
11:40 am
4:00 pm
11:35 pm
Fr 27
7:21 am
12:34 pm
4:40 pm
Call David 360-255-3710
To The Point
Alan Richards Ph: (360) 945-0405
Including Point Roberts
Sa 28
Keep Full Service • Budget Payment Plan • Tank Installation & Rental • Modern Equipment • Safety Checks
Come see us at our new location - 2163 Nature’s Path Way, Blaine
Locally Owned & Operated by Kal & Tracee Economy
Su 29
12:50 am
Su 15
With the term for one of the two at-large positions on the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee ending in early 2020, interested applicants are encouraged to apply through the county executive’s office. For more information on the committee and how to contact the executive’s office visit ❦ Students from Point Roberts have been named to the dean’s list at the University of Washington for the spring 2019 quarter. The students named to the dean’s list are Brandon Charles Stewart Dixon, junior, and Charles Denton Glaser, senior. To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student must have completed at least 12 graded credits and have a grade point average of at least 3.5 (out of 4).
12:13 am
8:01 am
1:26 pm
5:20 pm
10.4 8.3
12:51 am
8:41 am
2:20 pm
6:00 pm
Mo 30
1:27 am
9:17 am
3:18 pm
6:42 pm
Tu 31
2:03 am
9:51 am
4:16 pm
7:36 pm
Senior’s Point Menus
Wednesdays & Fridays Games, Snooker & more! Lunch Menu Wednesday, December 4: Turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes, veggies, garden salad and fruit. Friday, December 6: Spaghetti with meat sauce, Italian veggies, Caesar salad and fruit. Wednesday, December 11: Taco salad, cornbread and oranges. Friday, December 13: Beef stroganoff over rotelle pasta, peas and onions, garden salad and sliced peaches. Wednesday, December 18: Chicken strips, potato wedges, broccoli florets, coleslaw and pineapple chunks. Friday, December 20: Holiday luncheon: Orange glazed salmon, rice pilaf, green beans, spinach salad and pecan pie. Wednesday, December 25: Closed for Christmas. Friday, December 27: BBQ Chicken, drumsticks, roasted red potatoes, green beans, garden salad and tropical fruit. (Lunch is served at noon on Wednesdays and Fridays. Gluten-free entrées are available upon request and entrée salads are available every day. Special needs/diets can be arranged with an hour’s notice beforehand – please call 360/945-5424.)
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December 2019 •
Backhoe Service Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Licensed, Bonded & Insured.
Complete Building Services
s The local library staff celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Whatcom County Library System on November 7 along with WCLS human resources manager Christina Read, board member Brad Cornwell and executive director Christine Perkins.
Photo by Neil McKay
Point Roberts Dollars for SCHOLARS
Complete Site Preparations Also available: Sand, Gravel, Top Soil and Fill Material
LIC #Hanksbs02102
Dozers, Excavator, Backhoes and Dump Trucks
Library Picks
Sheriff’s Report
S i nSince c e 1973 1973
November 1, 12:42 p.m.: Theft cold call on Washington Drive. November 2, 9:13 a.m.: Assist citizen on Burns Way. November 2, 3:29 p.m.: Assist citizen on Ocean View Lane. November 6, 2:53 p.m.: Serve papers on APA Road. November 9, 1 a.m.: Alarm audible on Churchill Drive. November 12, 1:12 a.m.: Assist agency on Tyee Drive. November 13, 11:22 a.m.: Suspicious circumstances cold call on Park Drive November 13, 10:55 p.m.: Mental on Burns Way. November 14, 9:43 a.m.: Alarm silent on Roosevelt Way. November 15, 3:02 p.m.: Welfare check on Ocean View Lane. November 16, 5:50 p.m.: Welfare check on Ocean View Lane. November 17, 1:55 a.m.: Music on Burns Way. November 17, 7:29 p.m.: Drugs cold call on Burns Way. November 17, 10:02 p.m.: Whatcomm record on Burns Way.
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KRIS L O MEDI C O Bestsellers: Hunter Killer . . . . . Brad Thor No Fixed Line . . Dana Stabenow Hi Five . . . . . . . . . . Joe Ide Long Petal of the Sea Isabel Allende Movies: Saint Judy . . Michelle Monaghan Angel Has Fallen Morgan Freeman Indian Horse . . . . Sladen Peltier Sister Aimee . . . Amy Hargreaves Music: 8:47 . . . . . . . . . Elijah Woods All Blues . . Peter Frampton Band Beneath the Eyrie . . . . . .Pixies All Mirrors . . . . . . Angel Olson Teens: Ziggy, Stardust & Me James Brandon Blood Heir . . . Amelia Wen Zhao Crying Laughing . . Lance Rubin Kids: Finding Narnia Carolina McAlister Ali Cross . . . . . James Patterson A Songbird Dreams of Singing . . . . . . . . . . . . Kate Hosford Hours: Tuesdays, 1–7 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays, 10 a.m. –5 p.m. Library Express: Daily, 7 a.m. – 11 p.m.
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All Point Bulletin • December 2019
Classified Advertising Next Issue: January 2020
Ads Due: December 16
The only newspaper around that delivers to homes in Point Roberts and Tsawwassen. Plus we deliver to retail outlets! 8,000 copies in total! All for only $15 for 15 words (plus 25 each additional word). Call 360/945-0413 to place your ad!
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Point Roberts
Store boats, trailers, RV or camper and cars in our completely enclosed secure facilities.
Holiday Publication Dates
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1473 Gulf Rd. 1480 Gulf Rd.
Units: 5x5 to 20x20
Pay 1 year in advance get 1 month
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FOR LEASE Retail/Office Space
New roofs, re-roofs Repairing roof leaks Moss removal and roof cleaning Gutter cleaning Small roofs and large roofs Torchdown and shingles
With Waterfront Views of Blaine Marina
Call or Text Eric 360-319-6718 WA State Lic All Aroun900bn
Lot clearing, stump removal, trenching, utilities, foundation digs, oil tank removals, tree removals, gravel, and drainage work.
Demolitions of cabins, houses, sheds, mobile homes, old travel trailers and more!
800 - 1600 s.f.
Prime ground floor office and retail space in The Northern Light Cannery-style building at Blaine Harbor. Fiber optic internet access.
For leasing information, contact Pat Grubb 360/332-1777
Blaine, Birch Bay & Point Roberts OCTOBER 2019 LOCATION
HIGHER END HOUSES: 1-story house with 2,750 SF, 3 BD, 3 BA, 927 SF attached garage, 398 SF deck, built in 2016; territorial view, .34 acres land.
5541 Peregrine Way, Blaine
2-story house with 2,288 SF, 3 BD, 3 BA, 320 SF enclosed porch, 1,920 SF storage, built in 1986, 5.00 acres wooded land.
3625 Haynie Road, Blane
1-story house with 1,947 SF, 3 BD, 2 BA, 702 SF attached garage, 429 SF patio, built in 2015, 1.01 acres land.
5148 Heronswood Drive, Blaine
2-story house with 2,572 SF, 3 BD, 3 BA, 352 SF attached garage, 638 SF deck, built in 1968, 50 feet waterfront; marine view, .18 acres land.
735 Kendor Drive, Point Roberts
Unit #41, Semiahmoo Shore Condominiums, 9466 Turnstone Lane, Blaine
5486 Night Heron Drive, Blaine
Small or large jobs welcome. Hourly or bid price.
WA State Lic All Aroun900bn
Call Eric 360-319-6718
Rentals - Vacation
RARE 3-BR, 2-BA house, huge deck, hot tub, too many appliances to list. $995/month. Call Scotty, 604-727-4117 or email for photos.
Rentals - Apartment WATERFRONT APARTMENTS - Oceanfront apartment suites available for short-term or long-term rent. Majestic southern view near Lighthouse Park. Call 360-945-RENT or visit
Rentals - Commercial
REEF TAVERN currently hiring for all positions: Kitchen, bar and waitstaff. Wages based on experience. Performance bonuses! Apply in person or by contacting Alli at 360-907-5982.
Rentals - Residential
3 excavator sizes + a skid steer available
ALL HUES PAINTING Now accepting Interior paint jobs. Email or 360-945-1010. Lic. #ALLHUP*984M2.
for REAL news
Heated Storage Office Space Parking Space
COMPLETE YARD maintenance. Get ready for winter! Lawn mowing. Pruning. Plant care & bed cleanup. Hedge/shrub trimming, Gutter cleaning. Pressure washing. Truck for hauling. 22 years exp. Senior discount. 360-945-1957.
Weekly, monthly or long-term leases 1459 Edwards Drive
Condo with 2,670 SF, 3 BD, 3 BA, 410 SF attached garage, built in 2019, waterfront; marine and territorial view. Enchanting Cottages For Rent $99 / night - weekly and monthly also 206-227-3186
Rent Your Property on AirBnb and VRBO
Make extra $$$$ when your not there We take care of everything Revenue goes directly into your account
2-story house with 2,564 SF, 896 SF basement, 4 BD, 5 BA, 414 SF balcony, 649 SF attached garage, 487 SF patio, built in 2007; marine and territorial view, .33 acres land.
COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES: A101, A102, & A103 Peace Portal Business Park Condominium, 3 condominium units. A101, A102, and A103 Peace Portal Business Park 2748 Peace Portal Drive, Blaine Office with 1,494 SF, built in 1908, .14 acres land. LAND: .28 acres residential land (4 lots).
Contact us at :
7.65 acres residential land.
Successfully managing rentals since 2006
.84 acres residential lot.
978 Peace Portal Way, Blaine
Hughes Avenue, Blaine
Semiahmoo Parkway, Blaine
9060 Winged Teal Court, Blaine
December 2019 •
Coming up ... Events Community Assistance Program: Community Toy Store Registration: Register by Sunday, December 1. Families living in the Blaine school district who qualify for free or reduced lunch can sign up to receive assistance providing holiday gifts for their children. Details/registration: or 360/332-0740. Community Toy Store Toy Drive: Through Friday, December 6. Toys will be offered in a store-like setting to families that qualify for free or reduced lunch in the Blaine school district. Sponsored by the Community Assistance Program. Drop off locations and info: History Center Open House: Saturday, November 23, 10 a.m.–4 p.m., community center, 1437 Gulf Road. Selling Pacific Northwest books, mugs, sweatshirts and T-shirts. Refreshments. Brambles & Blackberries Studio Open House: Saturday, November 23, 10 a.m.–4 p.m., 519 Island View Lane. New floral design studio on the Point. Info: Point Roberts Book Club: Wednesday, November 27, 7-9:30 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. Call the library for the book title at 360/945-6545. Create your own Holiday Swag: Saturday, November 30, 2–4 p.m., community center. Raw materials and instructions provided. Circle of Care fundraiser. $20 suggested donation. Info: 360/945-5222. Power of Music Video Event: Saturday, November 30, 7 p.m., Trinity Church, 1880 APA Road. Free. Healing Touch: Sundays, December 1 and 15, 1–3 p.m., Trinity Church, 1880 APA Road. Holiday Faire: Saturday, December 7, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and Sunday, December 8, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., community center. Arts, crafts and collectables. Blood Drive: Saturday, December 7, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (Closed 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.), Point Roberts Fire Department training room, 2030 Benson Road. To schedule an appointment, visit schedule.bloodworksnw. org and use sponsor code 668A or call 800/398-7888. Bring photo ID or BWNW Donor Card and eat a substantial meal prior to giving. Questions: 800/398-7888, ext 4. Point Roberts Let’s Make Presents: Tuesday, December 10, 3 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. Kids, make great gifts for family and friends. For grades K–5. Info: 360/945-6545. Great Christmas Cookie Contest: Saturday, December 14, 5–8 p.m., Auntie Pam’s Country Store. Free to enter; bring platter of cookies before 5 p.m. To judge, donate to the food bank. Free wine, milk and punch. Point Roberts Drop-In Legal Clinic: Wednesday, December 18, 3–4:30 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. Talk to a lawyer for free. Info: Reading/Prayer/Meditation: Thursday, December 19, noon–1 p.m., Trinity Church, 1880 APA Road. Point Roberts Library Movie Night: Friday, December 20, 7 p.m.–9p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. Check with the library for this month’s selection. Info: 360/945-6545. A Midwinter Noel: Friday, December 20, 7 p.m., Trinity Church, 1880 APA Road. Trinity Community Choir. Pancake Breakfast with Santa: Saturday, December 21, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., community center, 1487 Gulf Road. Hosted by Point Roberts Volunteer Firefighter Charitable Society. Proceeds support the Point Roberts Food Bank. Complimentary pictures with Santa, gingerbread house making, write a letter to Santa, Santa arrives at 11 a.m. $10 per person, under 12-years-old eats free. Bergamasca Recorders: Radiant Stars: Saturday, December 21, 2 p.m., Trinity Church, 1880 APA Road. Free concert; donations accepted. Proceeds benefit Trinity Summer Musical Camp. Christmas Eve Service: Tuesday, December 24, 6 p.m., Trinity Church, 1880 APA Road. Christmas Day Service: Wednesday, December 25, 11 a.m., Trinity Church, 1880 APA Road.
Council approves TBD expenditures Whatcom County Council has unanimously approved another $20,000 annual budget for the expenditure funds in the Point Roberts Transportation Benefit District (TBD) account, but several council members want to review how much of a slice the county keeps for administration. “I think you guys are getting cheated,” said county council member Barbara Brenner at a public hearing on November 19 to authorize the 2020 budget for the TBD. Several community members spoke during the public hearing and expressed concern that the public works department’s fees to administer a contract maintaining plantings along Tyee Drive represented 41 percent of the total expenditures for that purpose. An accounting summary from the county shows that from June 2018 through October 2019 there had been $11,859 paid to
the landscaper maintaining plantings on Tyee Drive while the county had charged $8,557 in fees. Voters’ association president Allison Calder called the administration fees “insane” and pointed out that the interest earned by the almost million dollars held in the TBD fund did not go into the fund but into the county general fund, ostensibly to support its administration. If that is the case, she said, no further administration fees should be charged. “If we are planning on spending that million on a larger project we need to know up front how much of a cut the county is going to take!” Council member Tyler Byrd said there had been ongoing conversations about the fees being charged. “None of us really like seeing that and I think we’ll see some resolution moving forward,” he said.
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Scheduled Meetings/Ongoing Events PR Community Advisory Committee: Saturday, November 23, 10 a.m., community center. Comments@ PR Hospital District Special Meeting: Saturday, November 23, noon, Point Roberts Library meeting room. Discussion and approval of the PRPHD 2020 budget. PR Amateur Radio Club: Monday, December 2, 7 p.m., community center. PR Chamber of Commerce: Tuesday, December 3, 7 p.m., community center. PREP (PR Emergency Preparedness) Annual General Meeting: Tuesday, December 3, 7 p.m., community center, 1487 Gulf Road. Info: Henry Rosenthal, 360/945-1711. PR Registered Voters Association: Thursday, December 5, 6 p.m., community center. PR Park and Recreation District: Monday, December 9, 7 p.m., community center. Friends of Point Roberts Library: Tuesday, December 10, noon–1 p.m., PR Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Info: 360/945-6545. PR Water District: Tuesday, Decembr 10, 5 p.m., community center, 1487 Gulf Road. PR Hospital District: Tuesday, December 10, 7 p.m., community center, 1487 Gulf Road. PR Fire District 5: Wednesday, December 11, 4 p.m., 2030 Benson Road. Info: 360/945-3473. PR Taxpayers Association: Wednesday, December 11, 7 p.m., community center. PR Historical Society: Wednesday, December 18, 7 p.m., community center. Historicalsociety@pointroberts. net. PR Community Advisory Committee: Thursday, December 19, 6 p.m., community center. Comments@ Historical Society Hours: November: Wednesdays, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturdays, noon-3 p.m., December: Saturdays, noon–4 p.m.; December 1 through 22, Sundays, noon–3 p.m.; December 1 through 18, Wednesdays, 11 a.m.– 3 p.m., community center. Info: WTA’s “Zone Service:” Tuesdays. One round trip to Bellingham. $1 per trip. 866/989-4287. PR Library Hours: Tuesday, 1–7 p.m., Wednesday/Saturday 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Knits & Crafts: Tuesdays, 5–7 p.m., except December 24 and 31, PR Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Adults/teens. Info: 360/945-6545. Wackie Walkers: Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays, 8 a.m., community center. Check for Thursday location. Knee Club: Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30–11:30 a.m., Trinity Church, 1880 APA Road. Point Roberts Storytime: Saturdays through December 14, 10:30–11 a.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. Ages 2–6. Info: 360/945-6545. Healing Through Movement: Mondays and Wednesdays, starting December 9, 10:30–11:30 a.m., Trinity Church, 1880 APA Road.
Remember to winterize your summer home. Winterizing your home will help avoid any broken water pipes when temperatures dip below freezing. Unhook all outside hose bibs and have water service shut off. Please feel free to phone or email the Point Roberts Water District for further information at 360-945-4696 or Point Roberts Water District No. 4 1437 Gulf Rd. • P.O. Box 39 Point Roberts, WA, 98281
All Point Bulletin • December 2019
at a memorial service which will take place on Wednesday, December 4 at 3 p.m. at the Point Roberts Community Center. With many thanks to the Point Roberts fire district for all their thoughtful and professional assistance – always!
step-grandson. He will be missed by all. A celebration of life will be held at the American Legion Post 86, 4580 Legion Drive on Saturday, November 23.
ity Tree Care
945-0842 LICENSED
s J. Martin Anderson
Photo by Temperate Sage
J. Martin Anderson June 23, 1949 – September 9, 2019 Martin was a resident of Point Roberts for 19 years, almost to the day. Martin was born in Wilmington, Delaware, moving out here in 2000 to be close to his sister, Madeleine Anderson and brother-in-law, Holger Michelsen. His brother, David Scott Anderson, still resides in Wilmington. He got to know many people and enjoyed his part-time jobs and volunteering at the community center, helping Jim Linde and the kitchen crew for the senior lunch program. He was fond of the outdoors and used many of his ‘found’ objects from nature – primarily the beach and the forest – to create specific and 3-D elements in a lot of his artwork. Many of you may remember him zooming around the Point on his tricycle, enjoying the wind in his hair and (since he was unable to drive) a touch of freedom. He loved rock and roll, attended many concerts and enjoyed his guitar. You are invited to join family & friends
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s Keith LaPorte Keith Charles LaPorte October 27, 1950 – November 11, 2019 It is with the deepest sadness that we grieve the sudden loss of Keith Charles LaPorte on November 11, 2019 in Palm Springs, California. Born to Rita and Ron LaPorte, on October 27, 1950, Keith leaves behind his wife Terrie, daughters Michelle (Gavin), Morgan (Geof), son Mac (Mercedes) and seven wonderful grandchildren, Kendra, Hunter, Theoren, Harlo, Kane, Rhys and Cruz, as well as his brother Ron (Quinn) and twin sister Susan (Murray) and many nieces and nephews. A spark of light and enthusiasm, loyal and strong in his values, true to the family bond, kind and giving, and always lending a helping hand to everyone. Loved by so many. A whistler, never to be forgotten. Entrepreneur and handyman, builder extraordinaire and a wonderful husband, father, brother, grandpa, son and friend. Point Roberts The LaPorte family has enjoyed the Point Roberts lifestyle since the early ’60s when Ron and Rita built their cottage on Province Road. Keith and Terrie built their first summer home – an A-frame – in 1969 on Shaw Crescent Street. They had several recreational homes before making a solid commitment with Maple Meadow B&B after Keith retired from LaPorte Moving and Storage, which he co-founded with his brother Ron. During this period, they made improvements to the old matchbox-designed heritage farm. Keith’s impact on Goodman Road is still visible by way of the windmill that he built by ordering parts from all over America. He built several homes in the area, but his chalet just south of the windmill was his most aggressive effort. Presently, his son Mac and family are the proud owners; fittingly, Mac went on to become a builder of high quality homes in Vancouver. I don’t think there has been one year that Keith or one of the family haven’t had a boat at the marina. The times hanging at the marina, running out for crab and salmon, just added to Keith’s love of the Point. Please join us for his celebration of life on Saturday, November 23 from noon to 3 p.m. Bring memorabilia and stories to share. All are welcome. Beach Grove Golf Course, 5946 12th Ave, Delta, B.C. RSVP to: In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
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s John Joseph Hawkes John Joseph Hawkes July 28, 1950 – October 19, 2019 John Joseph Hawkes passed away at age 69 in Potrero, Costa Rica on October 19, 2019. John was born in Vancouver, British Columbia on July 28, 1950. He moved to Point Roberts, Washington just before his teen years and lived with his grandfather and grandmother. At age 16, he became a real estate agent and did very well. The Vietnam War started and he enlisted in the Marine Corps, thinking it was the Merchant Marines. He left the USA and moved to Australia, where his son Jonathan was born to his wife Gaye. He returned to the U.S. where his son Shandor was born; however, he soon separated from his wife and sons. John then ended up in the diamond drilling and fishing businesses. He lived in Blaine for a while and then moved to Sausalito, California to operate a fishing dock for a local Bellingham company. While in Sausalito he met his second wife Linda and they were married in Point Roberts in 1983. John continued to do some diamond drilling work and then he took a job as manager of a fishing dock in Alaska. He lived with Linda in Seward and worked for two companies until they moved back to Washington and bought their home in Custer. John drove truck for some time until Linda passed away. He then met Eileen, his widow, in 2005 and they were married shortly thereafter. He was commander of the American Legion Post 86 in Blaine on three occasions. John was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2013 and he battled that until the end. John is survived by his wife Eileen, his mother Yvonne, his two sons, three brothers and two sisters, three grandsons and one
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December 2019 •
All Point Bulletin • December 2019 JamesJames H. James H.Julius, Julius, H.Broker* Julius, Broker* Designated Broker*
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Maureen Stevens, Broker Notary Public * Successfully listing and selling
Point Roberts real estate since 1968 and selling E-Mail: * Successfully listing YEARS E-Mail: • Point Roberts real estateSELLING sincePOINT1968 ROBERTS
79 Tyee Drive Point Roberts, WA 98281
REAL ESTATE • 1339 Gulf Road, P.O. Box 17 • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 360/945-5555 360-945-5555 • Cell: E-Mail: • 360-525-4706 *Member of NY State
Phone: 360/945-1115 Fax: 945-0804
1339 Gulf Road, P.O. Box 1 • Point Roberts, WA 98281
MLS Listing Service BEACH PROPERTIES Road, P.O. Box 17 • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 360/945-5555 • 1339 Gulf
On the beach!
UPDATED DAILY! View color photos, listings and complete information of all properties for sale.
FREEMAN BEACH 697 MARINE DR. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
FREEMAN BEACH 697 MARINE DR. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
EDWARDS DRIVE HOME 75’ level south facing waterfront. 4BD, 2.5BA. Lots of amenities: 1275 BROUGHTON LANE 247 BAYVIEW DR. Granite countertops, side home. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing 2BR, 3BA beautiful west $199,000. Adjoining lot $35,000. Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000 Brazilian hardwood throughout, master bath w/jetted tub and steam shower, double car garage.BROUGHTON Private tidelandsLANE to low 1275 247 BAYVIEW DR. panoramicwest island views. 3BA beautiful side home. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing 2BR, water, $199,000.MUST Adjoining lot $35,000. SEE!
Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000
1.5 Acre view lot located on the sunny south slope, cleared and improved with a 4-BR septic and water installed, ready to build.
Sunny corner lot at a reasonable price. Located in Dogwood Park near the border.
2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, 2 blocks to beach. $169,000
1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. Furnished, private, excellent condition. $115,000
668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. $200,000
173 KENNEDY DR. Double-wide on
PL 2+BR Cottage. BLUFF. MA ROOSEVELT. Maple 1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. 2117 NewBeach septic tank Panoramic
668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 70‘x119’ lot. 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, Furnished, private, excellent soon. 20‘x52’ lot. sunsets. Recent septic. $200,000 2 blocks to beach. $169,000 condition. $115,000 1877 WASHINGTON 542 MCLAREN RD. 676 CLAIRE LANE
3BR cottage w/front and rear deck. Adjacent to Lily Point Park. $159,000
Move in ready 3-BR, 1¾-BA with open living dining, kitchen. Low traffic private setting backing onto acreage. Terrific starter or second home.
Quality 3-BR 2¾-BA home situated on a private 1/2-acre lot with a paved private driveway. Bonus room over the 2 car garage. Solid wood floors and upscale finishing throughout. $589,000
If you’re serious about purchasing at the “Point” do yourself a favor and visit our office for a complete list of everything for sale in the area and also check out our website for general information, color photos, maps and full property search function.
EDWARDS LOT 27. Clear water & island views. Beach rights. Sewer. Water meter. ReducedRD. to $170,000 542 MCLAREN
Chris Hughes
w/ 2-BR permit. Reduced to $79,000 See more listings at
1385 Gulf Road, Point Roberts
MLS# 1392842
581 Marine Dr.
5-BD, 4.5-BA, waterfront estate, set on a 150’ west facing low bank gated property.
1617 Edwards Dr. $1,375,000 N
MLS# 1440207
2275 Berry Ln. $1,325,000
371 West Bluff $1,275,000
Low-bank waterfront 4-BD, 4-BA luxury property. Oceanfront southern exposure is jaw dropping!
MLS# 1440019
MLS# 1476426
589 Marine Dr. $1,249,000
1688 Harbor Seal $995,000
MLS# 1493560
Michael Hughes
465 Tyee Drive Point Roberts, WA
293 & 297 Marine Dr. 1692 Benson Rd. $660,000 $675,000 EACH
MLS# 1381666
MLS# 1529986
674 South Beach Rd. 2031 Cliffside Dr. $599,000 $649,000
NEW Pelican Lane lots at Bald Eagle Golf Course! Starting at $250,000 FULLY SERVICED LOTS!
360-945-1313 800-723-1313 MLS# 1529077
Fully serviced lots backing onto nature preserve. Choose from our custom home plans - or bring your own! 25 year entitlement to free golf - plus limited number of custom golf carts. Extremely beautiful setting, very private and surrounded by nature.
MLS# 1504278
RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc.
1458 Rex Street $419,000
MLS# 1436199
MLS# 1497822
134 Monte Drive $299,000
2157 Birch Street $279,000
MLS# 1522463
2215 Ross Rd. $249,000
LARGE WELL PRICED HOME with vaulted ceilings, large back yard, a chicken coop and New Septic System. $139,000
OVER 1/3 ACRE within the controlled subdivision of Ocean View Estates. Just blocks to the Beach. $50,000
OVERLOOKING BOUNDARY BAY with views of the North Shore Mountains and City Lights. Lot is cleared with septic system and water installed. $92,000
LARGE 1/3 ACRE LOT at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac. Sidewalks and Beach Rights included. $67,000
SOUTH BEACH OPPORTUNITY on almost ¼ acre with View! Blocks to the Beach - hundreds of sq. ft. of deck space. $249,000
ADORABLE AND WELL MAINTAINED CHALET STYLE COTTAGE with cedar finish located on fully landscaped property. $189,000 MLS# 1529986
BEAUTIFUL HOME nestled in the trees with lots of privacy! Located on Double Lot within walking distance to Golf Course. $299,000
MLS# 1492364
Tessa Pinckston
600 EVERGREEN LN. 2-BR cottage 1531 COLUMBIA VISTA. 2-BR, in South Beach. Recently refurbished. 3/4-BA. Short walk to shopping, post office, library. New 676 septicCLAIRE system. LANE $182,500 1877 WASHINGTON
MLS# 1491914
Try $118,000
3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point 2 BR designer home. A must-see! 3BR cottage w/front and rear deck. Park. $299,000 Make an offer! Adjacent to Lily Point Park. GEORGIA CT. Treed lot. $35,000 $159,000 CLAIRE LANE VIEW
50‘x400’+/- lot.
3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point 2 BR designer home. A must-see! Park. $299,000 $595,000 Make an offer!
FAMILY SIZED HOME located near the end of a quiet cul-de-sac, just 10 minutes walk to Maple Beach. $279,000