All Point Bulletin Classifieds January 2019

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All Point Bulletin • January 2019

Next Issue: February 2019

Ads Due: Jan. 21

To place your ad call:


Classifieds Home-grown newspaper with home delivery to Point Roberts, Tsawwassen and Retail Outlets. It’s the perfect match!

$15 for 15 words (plus 25¢ each additional word).



The Gofer

SUNSHINE CARPET and upholstery steam cleaning, reasonable rates. 360-945-0411 or


Will run errands for you! • Ride sharing • Shopping • Pick up/Delivery & more Please call for rates and to book your time slot

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Lot clearing, stump removal, trenching, utilities, foundation digs, oil tank removals, tree removals, gravel, and drainage work.

Small or large jobs welcome. Hourly or bid price.


With over 40 years of experience, Mary shares guidance, tools, techniques and options focusing on creative empowering solutions to life’s challenges. Consult her for questions on timing, health, relocation, career, finance, personal growth, relationships and earth changes. Knowing options available as well as timing of their opening and closing, decisions may be made with more confidence, wisdom and empowerment. In these rapidly changing times this information , when applied, is a great asset allowing shifts to occur in a smooth easy manner. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (360)201-2501 Consultations done by phone and in person.

Call Eric 360-319-6718 WA State Lic All Aroun900bn

ROOFING WORK New roofs, re-roofs Repairing roof leaks Moss removal and roof cleaning Gutter cleaning Small roofs and large roofs Torchdown and shingles WA State Lic All Aroun900bn

happening on the Point every week!

Handyman HANDYMAN Lg. range of repairs • Carpentry • Fencing • Decks • Painting • Pressure washing • Hauling. Great rates & references. 360-945-0521.

Landscaping COMPLETE YARD maintenance. Winter cleanup. Lawn mowing. Pruning. Plant care & bed cleanup. Hedge/shrub trimming, Gutter cleaning. Pressure washing. Truck for hauling. 22 years exp. Senior discount. 360-945-1957.

APB’s weekly electronic newsletter!

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Point Roberts Public Hospital District HIRING 2 POSITIONS: SECRETARY:

6 hrs/week mostly self-scheduled. Skills: Microsoft Word, Excel; website posting; minutes of all meetings.


manages financial records, prepares financial reports, payroll, invoice payment requests. Quick Books, knowledge of Excel.

Resumé, questions to REEF TAVERN currently hiring for all positions: Kitchen, bar and waitstaff. Wages based on experience. Performance bonuses! Apply in person or by contacting Alli at 360-907-5982.

Call or Text Eric 360-319-6718

Find out what’s

Help Wanted

Demolitions of cabins, houses, sheds, mobile homes, old travel trailers and more! 3 excavator sizes + a skid steer available

Painting ALL HUES PAINTING Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! or 360945-1010. Lic. #ALLHUP*984M2. GW PAINTING CO. Interior and exterior painting,commercial and residential. Call or text Gary @ 360-778-9792. Or call 360-945-0954. Lic# GWPAIWP921BC

Rentals - Residential BEAUTIFUL PLACE for rent in sunny location near beach. 360-945-2927.

20,700 readers!

Lead Cook-Satellite Site (Point Roberts, WA)

for Meals on Wheels and More Point Roberts Senior Center, Gulf Road

Place your ad in

Reports to Food Service Manager. 16-20 hours per week, approx. 7 a.m.-3 p.m./2-days per week. This position is responsible for the production, serving and clean-up of 30-45+ Senior Meals 2 days a week at the Point Roberts Center.


Meals on Wheels and More is a program of the Whatcom Council on Aging, a non-profit organization that supports the health, vitality and independence of seniors as they age.

S erving P oint r obertS , WA And d eltA , bC

call 360-332-1777

The Whatcom Council on Aging provides services and employment on a non-discriminatory basis, and complies with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the American Disabilities Act of 1990.

Contact Ian for full job description and to submit resume:

PUBLIC NOTICE OF FIRE DISTRICT COMMISSIONER VACANCY POINT ROBERTS FIRE DEPARTMENT WHATCOM COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION NO. 5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Whatcom County Fire Protection District No. 5 has a current vacancy for Fire Commissioner. The vacancy is a temporary position that will be filled by appointment until the November, 2019 General Election, when the position will be open and on the ballot for regular election. The Commissioner position will be filled according to the results of the election. The Fire District is accepting letters of interest with an attached resume from individuals wanting to be considered to fill a vacancy on the Fire District Board of Commissioners. To be eligible to serve as a Fire Commissioner you must be: (1)a U.S. Citizen; (2) 18 years old or older; (3) a registered voter residing within the Fire District boundaries for at least 30 days; (4) have no felony convictions unless the individual has had his or her civil rights restored subsequent to the conviction; and (5) have no contractual conflict of interest with the District, i.e. a contractual relationship with the District that exceeds $1,500 per month in compensation. Letters of interest and resumes should be delivered or mailed to: LINDA HUGHES, BOARD SECRETARY 2030 Benson Road Point Roberts, WA 98281 in a sealed envelope no later than 5pm on or before January 18, 2019. Letters received after that date will not be considered. Applications will be reviewed by current Fire Commissioners. Applicants may be requested to participate in follow-up interviews by the Board of Fire Commissioners at an open public meeting. Appointment may be made at the February, 2019 regular meeting. For further information about the process or the duties of a Fire District Commissioner, please contact Commissioner Virginia Lester at Nothing in this Notice shall be deemed to create any contract or obligation, express or implied, by the Fire District to any individual applicant to or for any particular application process, for an interview of such applicant, or for appointment to the position after interview. In its sole discretion, the Fire District Board of Commissioners may change, amend, or modify the application process as it may deem necessary, including, but not limited to, requiring additional interviews, background checks, and conducting an additional application process if no applicants are deemed appropriate.

January 2019 •

Classifieds continued

Rentals - Vacation

Enchanting Cottages Your own private mini-villa. Border on Lily Point Park from $99/per night Monthly rates available or 206-227-3186


year in


RESIDENTIAL HOUSE WANTED or buildable lot with owner financing offered. Call Michael Roberts at 786-708-8000 or email

Rentals - Apartment WATERFRONT APARTMENTS - Oceanfront apartment suites available for short-term or longterm rent. Majestic southern view near Lighthouse Park. Call 360-945-RENT or visit

Weekly, monthly or long-term leases 1459 Edwards Drive

Trinity Community Church

By Louise Cassidy Sunday services at Trinity Church are a meaningful blend of liturgy, music and preaching. But Sundays are just one aspect of how the church is reaching out to support the needs of our community – support that spans the spiritual, physical and emotional dimensions of our daily lives. Throughout 2018, a typical week at Trinity saw many people giving of their time and gifts to bring new life to their community. The church week begins on Sunday at 11 a.m. Pastor Gina Gaudet and Father Chuck Cannon share the role of presiding over worship, each serving on alternate Sundays. Lucy and Dick Williams are also an important part of Sunday services and concerts alike, playing oboe and clarinet


year in



Real Estate Wanted


respectively. On Mondays and Wednesdays, Shirley Cannon holds “Knee Club” – an opportunity to spend an hour stretching and strengthening muscles and joints. On the first and third Sundays of each month, Gina Gaudet spends the afternoon offering “Healing Touch.” The third Thursday of the month, Interfaith minister Bev Mar offers the rare gift of a quiet hour – a time to reflect, re-center and recharge through reading, prayer and guided meditation. Natasha Neufeld, assisted by Andy Mar, leads the community choir and the church choir – two opportunities to express joy in the world through song. The church choir sings in most Sunday services, and the community choir performed a spring


By Jack Louws Here we are at year end 2018. It’s been quite a year for Whatcom County government. Probably the biggest impact for our citizens this year has been the strides we have made in technology improvements. We modernized our ballot counting systems allowing more efficiently administered elections with significant labor savings. We are actively working on a new permitting system that will streamline permit activities for staff and citizens. Permits issued in planning and development services, public works, and the health department will be available for online viewing and tracking. This system will go live in

late 2019. We also have a new agenda management system for county council meetings that will allow the pubic to view and/or listen to council meetings in real time while providing more online access to all documents that relate to agenda items. Additionally, food safety inspection reports for local restaurants are now available online. Council adopted our next two-year budget on November 20. This budget will allow us to stay within our monetary parameters, fund needed services and continue to streamline our services. We close out 2018 with a new council member – Carol Frazey, who was sworn in on November 27, and we say good bye to Tim Ballew

Find out what’s happening on the Point every week! APB’s weekly electronic newsletter!

SUBSCRIBE AT Great online advertising opportunities. Call 945-0413




Point Roberts


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Stunning Marina Estates Home! Beautiful 4-BR, 3-BA built in 2004 with panoramic views from every room. Entertainer’s dream only steps from marina and community beach. MLS #1168948

$319,999 Beautifully landscaped 1.4 acre 1977 Province Rd. lot with mountain, city and ocean views! Level building site, installed septic, bathhouse - ready for your dream home and your horses! MLS #1293515


concert and three Christmas concerts. Natasha Neufeld and Gina Gaudet lead a small group of teens at “The Philosophers’ Café” – an opportunity to explore ideas in a climate of trust. Fred Culbert and his team share “The Power of Music” through video and discussions of various vocal artists. The atmosphere at the Saturday evening events is that of a casual, welcoming café with delicious refreshments. One of the real highlights of Trinity Church’s ministry is Lucy Williams’ concert series, where big city culture comes to our small community. Last July saw the 100th concert in the series – a major production lasting all day. The monies raised support Trinity’s Summer Musical Camp, led by Natasha Neufeld and free to all children. This is a wonderful week of learning and of building friendships, culminating in a Biblical musical production. Trinity is an active, welcoming church and all are invited. We hope that you will join us!

with gratitude for his service to the county. Point Roberts has a new solid waste collection and recycling program that will be in place January 1, 2019. This comes after many years of work between Point Roberts citizens, the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee and county staff. We continue to work towards the start of the Birch Bay Drive and Pedestrian facility and are hopeful that the final issues are resolved soon. The community has waited a long time for this to be a reality. I see your communities – Point Roberts, Birch Bay and Blaine growing and businesses opening or evolving. I am grateful for our Canadian neighbors who live and visit here. I’m also thankful for our law enforcement and first responder personnel who are always willing to serve our citizens. Best wishes for a wonderful year in 2019!


year in




By Barbara Brenner This past year has been difficult for many people due to lots of changes in water codes, land use, and yes, in property assessments which may result in higher taxes, although the council did not increase any of our county government taxes for existing properties or structures. For some reason, the assessor recently decided our properties are worth more. I still am looking for an explanation of that. However, at this time of year my goal is to find some good to share so this is it. I decided to offset politics by inventing extremely healthy, extremely delicious dark chocolate peanut butter cups, different flavored cream filled dark chocolate bonbons (pumpkin, lemon, lime, orange), my own version of Mounds and tonight I just invented my own sweet cherry cream dark chocolate bonbon. It is amazing how that sweetens and helps me stop thinking about the problems of the world. If you are ever interested in trying any, just give me a call (360/3842762) and we can arrange for you to come over for a taste. Happy Holidays!

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