October 2018
Help for local businesses offered, page 8
Legal pot poses problems for some Canadians
New staff changes at marina, page 11
ECRWSS PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 14
Come meet the general election candidates on October 4, page 12
Point Roberts, WA 98281 Postal Patron Local
A new year begins at Point Roberts Primary School
B y P a t G r u bb If Blaine immigration attorney Len Saunders is sure of one thing, it is this: Canada’s forthcoming nationwide legalization of marijuana on October 17 is going to mean lots of business for U.S. immigration attorneys. Recent proclamations coming out of Washington, D.C. have done nothing to make him think that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) authorities are going to take a commonsense approach to Canadian travelers who admit to having used or been involved in the marijuana business up north. “On Friday, [CBP] finally issued a statement on what their policy will be in light of Canada’s legalization of marijuana,” Saunders said. The September 21 statement advised that “Canada’s legalization of marijuana will not change CBP’s enforcement of United States laws regarding controlled substances [...] Although medical and recreational marijuana may be legal in some U.S. states and Canada, the sale, possession, production and distribution of marijuana remain illegal under U.S. federal law. Crossing the border or arriving at a U.S. port of entry in violation of this law may result in seizure, fines and/or arrest and impact admissibility.” Furthermore, anyone who admits to having used marijuana is inadmissible while anyone who works in the legal marijuana industry in the U.S. or Canada could be ruled inadmissible to the country. A U.S. state department foreign affairs manual opinion issued in April clarified that whether or not a controlled substance is legal under a state or foreign law is not relevant to its illegality under U.S. federal law. “Originally, I thought the government was going to take a hands-off approach to people who use cannabis legally or are involved in the business, but these recent statements indicate that’s not going to happen. I think they’re going to take a much more diligent approach to whether Canadians are admissible,” Saunders said. “As we get closer to the date, the authorities are getting more and more harsh. It’s going to be far-reaching – it could involve a government employee working in a cannabis store all the way up to the B.C. premier; technically, John Horgan is living off the avails of marijuana after October 17 under these overly broad interpretations of old immigration laws.” Saunders noted that the federal government was being inconsistent with the enforcement of federal laws. “If they’re going to enforce the letter of the law, why aren’t they going after state sales?” he asked. (See Pot, page 6)
s Point Roberts Primary School teacher Jessie Hettinga, top left, and secretary/instructional assistant Tammy McDonald and students are all curious and ready to learn. Photo by Louise Mugar
It’s time to celebrate apple harvest season By Meg Olson It’s time to celebrate autumn’s bounty and Point Robert’s farming heritage at the Point Roberts Apple Harvest Festival. The festival will run Saturday and Sunday, October 6 and 7, and is sponsored by Circle of Care. Circle of Care representative and festival organizer Annelle Norman said the event was created to make use of the abundant apples on the Point.
“Four organizations, Circle of Care, the food bank, Benson Road Gardens and the garden club decided to buy a hand-made Correll apple cider press,” Norman said. “The press was used for the first time last fall when gallons of apple juice were pressed from apples collected by dozens of people.” This year, the apple pressing will be from noon to 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. The food bank has ordered plastic one- and two-liter bottles for partici-
District okays new health provider B y P a t G r u bb Residents concerned about the future of the Point Roberts health clinic can stop holding their breath – a letter of intent with Super Track, a Bellingham-based urgent care company, was issued following a hospital district board of commissioners special meeting on September 14. The goal is to have the clinic switch to the new health provider by January 2, 2019. Super Track Urgent Care PLLC is owned
by Dr. Sean Bozorgzadeh and Dr. Mae Lary; the Bellingham clinic is located on Lakeway Drive and is open seven days a week. Bozorgzadeh’s previous clinical experience includes family medicine and emergency care while Lary’s involved oncology and internal medicine. The hospital district had received a proposal from Super Track dated September 10 laying out the company’s philosophy, (See Hospital, page 7)
pants to carry their apple juice home. Apples should be gathered in bushel baskets or cardboard boxes, without cuts or big bruises, and allowed to age for a week or two prior to juicing. A craft fair will run on both days of the festival from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and there will be an outdoor concert at the community center featuring Shaune Ann Feuz and the TimE3 Jazz Band on Sunday afternoon (See Apples, page 14)
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Church ............................................... 8 Classifieds ......................................... 16 Coming Up ....................................... 15 Crossings ............................................ 7 Obituaries ......................................... 18 Opinion ............................................... 4 Sheriffs ............................................. 14 Tides ................................................. 14
All Point Bulletin • October 2018
S After an early start to the rainy season, the sun finally peeked through over the Salish Sea and Lighthouse Marine Park on September 22. Photo by Pat Grubb
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October 2018 • allpointbulletin.com
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All Point Bulletin • October 2018
All Point Bulletin The All Point Bulletin is published each month by Point Roberts Press Inc. Total circulation is 9,000 copies including home delivery in Point Roberts and Tsawwassen, subscriptions and distribution to retail establishments on the Point. The opinion expressed by contributors is their own and is offered for the general interest of our readers. Mail and classified ads should be addressed to:
All Point Bulletin P.O. Box 1451 Point Roberts WA USA 98281
Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick J. Grubb Associate Publisher & Advertising Manager Louise H. Mugar News & Features Editor Meg Olson Copy Editor Kara Spencer Creative Services Ruth Lauman, Doug De Visser Advertising Sales Catherine Darkenwald, Molly Ernst Janet McCall
Contributors In This Issue Gina Gaudet Kris Lomedico Administrative Services Jeanie Luna Founding Editor Glennys Christie Business & Editorial Office Phone: 360/945-0413 Fax: 360/945-1613 Email: sales@allpointbulletin.com
Visit us online at:
www.allpointbulletin.com Printed in Canada • Vol. XXXIV, No. 6
Letters Policy The All Point Bulletin welcomes letters to the editor; however, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Letters must include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters must not exceed 450 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality and good taste. A fresh viewpoint on matters of general interest to local readers will increase the likelihood of publication. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis. Thank you letters should be limited to ten names. Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published.
Please email your letter to: letters@allpointbulletin.com P.O. Box 1451, Point Roberts, WA 98281 Fax: 360/945-1613
Next issue: Nov. 2018 Ads due: Oct. 19
Letters To The Editor The Editor: Further to Dave Harris’ letter: We’ve only had the pleasure of having a cottage on the Point for three summers. Some of the main reasons of our decision to choose Point Roberts were the golf course and the boat launch at Lighthouse Marine Park. We purchased the cottage in the off season and didn’t get a chance to see the dock and boat launch in an operational state. When the floating docks went in this spring, I had to laugh. My first thought was ‘that’s not going to last.’ I was told about the fancy new docks by a full-time resident who bemoaned it was going to be a waste of money. And it seems it was. On one of the first days I wanted to launch my boat I was disappointed because it was too windy and the chop was pretty severe. I recorded footage of the docks, articulating like a caterpillar. It was quite spectacular and hilarious. Why engineer such a thing when you have no breakwater? In subsequent weeks it had basically the same issues. The ramp hadn’t been cleared, the tide was a little too low for the overly short length of the cement ramp and it was too rough to launch safely. You can easily get high sided if your trailer wheels go over the gravel bar that builds up on the ramp. In the end, I used the marina sling a few times but it gets expensive to keep launching that way. I ended up moving my boat back to Vancouver. In my opinion, the only way that launch would work properly is with a sizeable breakwater and I doubt the Whatcom County parks department would budget for that. Unfortunately, the marina has no interest creating a boat launch at the far end of their property. Sell those aluminum rafts to some lakefront owners, they’ll make nice docks for them. We still love the Point nonetheless. Walt Vanderrijst Point Roberts The Editor: In support of Dave Harris’ letter last month, I too have been wondering how on earth an aluminum dock was thought to be a good idea in such an exposed section of waterfront. Japan’s worst aviation disaster was on a Boeing 747 and centered on an aluminum bulkhead with a poor design which failed due to flexing, contracting and vibrating over time with each takeoff and landing. The parallel is with each passing tide, that dock is jarred, rocked and resonates from the collective effect of waves, currents and wind. Aluminum is not the solution here as installed. What I would love to see is a countyinstalled breakwater much like the marina has to not only protect the dock, but its users as well. Launching and retrieving boats would be made much easier and safer and an aluminum dock would have a much longer life span as a result. And before the environmentalists start wondering about the negative effects of a breakwater, think of how much damage the commercial fishing fleet does to the ocean bottom each August – not to mention the by-catch. Consider that a breakwater with time would create an artificial habitat that would eventually become home and protection to bottom-dwelling sea life. Someone needs to own this. Admit it’s a flawed design and move on to something that is specific to the location in which it’s intended to function. John Carinha Burnaby The Editor: The U.S. government and the European Union pulled financial support for the Cambodian election after Cambodia dis-
solved the main opposition party last year. Neither the U.S. or EU sent election monitors for the election that was a landslide victory for Prime Minister Hun Sen, in power since 1985. In an interview with The Seattle Times published September 23, senator Ericksen discussed his time in Cambodia, saying “Nobody is going to claim it’s a perfect Jeffersonian democracy … America’s not a perfect Jeffersonian democracy, you know?” Four Republican legislators from Washington State decided to take it upon themselves to travel to Cambodia and watch the election, even though the Cambodian National Election Committee has been known to recruit fake monitors in the past to lend credibility to their elections. Republican state representatives Drew MacEwen and Brandon Vick cut their trip short after meetings with the U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia and hearing his concerns representing U.S. policy. Our 42nd legislators senator Ericksen and representative Vincent Buys stayed to praise the 80 percent turn out that international experts have loudly denounced as an illegitimate vote to support the strongman government that Ericksen admires. We do not need this kind of leadership in our county and district! Vote for Pinky Vargas to replace senator Ericksen and Sharon Shewmake (the agricultural economist professor) to succeed representative Buys. Donna Starr Blaine The Editor: Senator Ericksen’s latest PR piece is titled “Senator Doug Ericksen’s environmental successes you may have missed in your local media.” This may be because they didn’t really happen. As Ericksen’s piece claims, he did indeed co-sponsor SB-5939. But instead of “saving the solar industry in Washington” it was actually a tax incentive bill and provided a method of recycling renewable energy components. But it also ended the Renewable Energy Cost-Recovery Incentive program effective two years ago. This was a significant boost to the renewable energy industry in Washington, so instead of saving it, he actually helped curtail solar energy’s appeal. The PR piece also claims sponsorship of SB-6248, that he says protects rate payers and workers at coal-burning facilities as they are closed down. But the workers are all in Montana coal mines. Plus, SB-6248 actually has nothing to do with coal. Instead 6248 was a bill that allows community colleges and technical schools to award high school diplomas to qualified students. I guess mistakes happen when people in Texas fund (and write?) your campaign material. Jack Kintner Blaine The Editor: The days of Earth are numbered. And yet what emerges, grows, and blossoms here is immeasurable, a gift from the infinite journey of existence. What are Earth’s moods and expressions as it orbits the sun in a seemingly endless cycle of day and night? Earth can be happy in sunshine and
blue sky one moment and cloudy, wet, and cold the next. Yes, just like us, Earth can cry tears, can be icy and cold, and can be sunny and warm or darn hot! And Earth can be petulant beyond words in her earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and forest fires. What care does Earth need from me, from you, from all human beings? How do we protect and honor all of Earth’s gifts to life? For example, how can we begin to appreciate the role of trees on this planet, the role of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere and its effects in water, the effect of toxic human waste in Earth’s air, soils, oceans, rivers and lakes? And do we appreciate the gifts of all of Earth’s other creature such as insects, spiders, worms, birds, fish, other mammals, flowers, trees and weeds – essentially the Tree of Life which also includes all human beings. As summer ends and we experience a change of the seasons, reflect on the “gifts of care and renewal” you can give to Earth and to others. Kay Burrough Birch Bay The Editor: As the parks commissioners consider cashing in the district’s position as the lessor of the cell tower to a third party, it is time to look at what the community’s communications needs and desires are now and far into the future for what no doubt will be our only cell tower. The district placed no performance conditions for cell phone service in their 2007 contract with Verizon. They did not consider any other physical usage of the tower and new technologies that are being developed and proposed like 5G small cell service in conjunction with existing tower installations. Personally, I would like to see better cell phone coverage, better 911 coverage, an FM low power radio station, a ham radio repeater, back up internet, protections against unwanted or unauthorized data mining, locally owned media coverage, improved fire department communications, multiple providers, public WiFi, local TV, profit sharing, and a veto on new uses not covered in the lease. Overall, the community needs to have a say in its own future and get what it requires to be successful when developments occur, by getting benefits from these developments. Judson Meraw Point Roberts
Shake, rattle and roll At 10:18 a.m. on Thursday, October 18, all tsunami sirens in Washington state will go off with a wailing sound, as part of the Great Washington ShakeOut. This is just a test, but typically, the sirens are tested using the Westminster Chime on the first Monday of every month. Steven Friederich of the Washington emergency management division in Olympia said, “This event is a great opportunity to learn and practice the tsunami evacuation drills in your community. You can be part of ShakeOut, too. Practice earthquake and tsunami safety with the rest of the state and world.” Register for the drill and learn more survival tips at shakeout.org/washington. Learn more about tsunamis at wa.gov/tsunami.
October 2018 • allpointbulletin.com
S Collectively, the Point Roberts Fire Department picked up 150 pounds of garbage along Benson Road on September 8. The pick up included four tires, paint and one battery, chief Christopher Carleton said. Courtesy photo
Fire district relies on Canadian help With the local fire department breaking records for the number of calls it responds to, chief Christopher Carleton points out that the department is able to handle the higher volume thanks to Canadian firefighters who come to the Point to gain experience. “Without them, we wouldn’t be able to do everything that we’re doing,” he said at the September 12 fire commissioners meeting. The department answered a record 47 calls in the month of July and Carleton said he expects they will respond to over 300 calls in 2018. “It will be our busiest year ever,” he said. Rising call volumes are being supplemented by calls for new services like the community paramedic. Carleton said he wanted to correct any perception that local taxpayers are paying to train Canadian volunteers who then leave for full-time jobs in lower mainland fire departments. “They have already spent $16,000-$20,000 of their own money and are already fire qualified, with a host of other qualifications, before we will accept their application,” Carleton said. Canadian volunteers are able to attend emergency medical technician training in Washington through the department, but are under contract to serve the community for a set amount of years or repay the cost of that training, Carleton said. The department pays for all training for U.S. volun-
teers but they are also required to serve a contracted period of time or repay their training costs. Of the 47 volunteers on the fire department roster, 27 are from Canada. “Our patch has both the U.S. and Canadian flags on it,” Carleton said, and features the motto from the Peace Arch, ‘brethren dwelling together in unity.’ “This is a community and we take care of each other.”
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Pot ...
From page 1 “They’re focusing on foreigners when it’s happening here in the states. I hate to say it but I kind of feel sorry for the officers at the border. Most of them live in Washington state where it’s legal and they have to bar Canadians who admit to using it or being in the business. It puts the officers into a very difficult position.” Tough border enforcement could have implications than just those Canadians who find themselves with a lifetime ban for activities considered legal north of the border and in many U.S. states. “There’s got to be a chilling effect on economies like Blaine. There will be fewer people having their packages sent here, buying gas in the local stations – it’s got to have an effect. This inconsistency is to no one’s benefit other than immigration attorneys.” Saunders said he is usually interviewed about twice a day, mostly by Canadian media outlets, but the issue is receiving more and more interest by national American publications; the LA Times interviewed him a couple of days ago. “Nobody knows what’s going to happen. People need to be prepared for a broad interpretation. This is going to affect people’s trips to Hawaii, trips to see the Seahawks,” he warned. Saunders was critical of the Canadian government’s approach to the international ramifications of cannabis legalization. “The government’s focus has been on people bringing marijuana into the U.S. or into Canada. People know that, it’s not rocket science. People know that you can’t take it across the border. What they don’t understand is admitting it or being in the business will result in being banned from the states for life. All the government has to do is follow the money trail.” Saunders pointed out that buying marijuana in the states is a cash transaction but once it is legal across Canada, purchasers will use their credit or debit cards to make
a buy. All a CBP officer will need to do is to look at bank transactions on a border crosser’s smartphone to discover activity that would lead to a ban. “The Canadian government never thought out these issues. Marijuana is a controlled substance; they might as well have legalized cocaine. They should have worked this out a couple of years ago. If they couldn’t have reached an agreement with the U.S., perhaps they shouldn’t have legalized it,” he said. As for informing Canadians about cross-border concerns, Saunders said, “Their worst advice was advising Canadians to tell the truth at the border, advice that could lead to lifetime bans.” Saunders said while he would never counsel a client to lie to border officials, he did point out that no one has an obligation to incriminate themselves. “At any point, you can withdraw your application to enter the country,” he said. “If you are interrogated and they tell you that you have to tell the truth or they will give you a blood test, they can’t do that. If they tell you they’re going to administer a lie detector test, they can’t do it. If they say they’re going to charge you with a criminal offense for not answering questions, they can’t do that. Eventually, they’ll release you after making you wait a long time and release you to go north. The worse thing you can do is to follow the Canadian government’s advice and tell the truth because that will result in a lifetime bar. If you lie and they find out, it’s a lifetime bar. It’s better to just say nothing and return another day.” Asked what he expected to happen on October 17, Saunders said he expected hordes of news organizations to show up at the border, longer lines and more people being sent into secondary inspection. He also doesn’t expect to be going on vacation anytime soon. “I’m going to be going 24/7 for the foreseeable future,” he predicted.
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Photo by Pat Grubb
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360-945-5152 s Dr. Mae Lary and Dr. Sean Bozorgzadeh, r., meeting with hospital district commissioners Stephen Falk, Dick Williams, Kandace Harper, and district superintendent Barb Wayland. District secretary Reneé Coe shown with back to camera. Photo by Pat Grubb
District ... From page 1
a proposed schedule and an initial budget showing anticipated revenue and costs in the first year. Super Track expects to eke out a net income of $1,888 in 2019. Commissioner Stephen Falk told the duo that it was great to see their proposal and asked how the Point Roberts clinic fit in with their current operation. “We don’t see anything new to us, but I can see bringing in things that would be new to Point Roberts,” Lary replied. The clinic’s days of operation would expand from the current three days a week to six days, although just three days would be staffed by a physician or nurse practitioner. The other three days there would be a medical assistant (MA) who could administer care under the guidance of a medical provider. “As far as being new to us, we are both seasoned professionals, well over 12 years’ of care in different areas,” she said. The clinic will accept call-in and walkin patients as well as appointments and intend to offer tele-medicine, a feature of their Bellingham clinic. District superintendent Barbara Wayland advised the APB that, “An MA is someone who is trained to do the initial check-in activities, e.g. vital signs, urinalysis or fingerstick blood sugar if needed, etc. They cannot prescribe, but under the direction of a provider via a telemedicine link, where the provider sees the patient and can talk directly to the patient and the MA, treatment and medication can be ordered.” Bozorgzadeh, who received his medical degree from the University of British Columbia, is also an adjunct professor of computer science. “Our goal is to be as technologically advanced as possible,” he said. Lary grew up in Tampa, Florida and completed her medical education and in-
ternal medicine residency at the University of South Florida School of Medicine, now known as the Morsani College of Medicine. She completed a fellowship in the hematology/oncology department at the University of Washington School of Medicine, Swedish Hospital and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Board chair Dick Williams told the doctors that he believes that patients are concerned about the faces that they see at the clinic, alluding to the question as whether the current staff would stay on. In response, Lary said, “I know you are all aware that the profit and loss statement doesn’t look good,” adding they couldn’t guarantee that all employees would stay on. “Our goal is to keep as many of those ‘faces’ as possible.” Lary added that there was too many staff for the current number of patients. The staff are actually employees of UnityCare NW, the current health provider for the clinic. According to Wayland, “Unity has said they would have positions for them if they wanted to continue after the contract ends, but the staff have no obligation to Unity once the contract ends. No commitments have been made, but Sean and Mae want to maintain as much continuity as possible. … They said to me they would like to talk with the staff about staying on.” The transfer of patient records from Unity Care to Super Track could be a possible holdup to the January 2, 2019 changeover. Unity Care and Super Track use different recordkeeping companies which could slow down the transfer. “That part is out of our control,” Bozorgzadeh said. “The ideal thing is to have everything transferred ahead of time.” Amidst discussion of possible additions to patient care such as home care, Bozorgzadeh was optimistic but cautious. “We don’t want to over-promise and under-deliver; we’d rather under-promise and over-deliver,” he said.
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Whidbey Tel expands its offerings Whidbey Telecom has added DISH satellite service to its portfolio of product offerings. George Henny, Co-CEO of Whidbey Telecom stated, “The way people are getting their video entertainment is changing fast. People are shifting to streaming video options for entertainment, at home and on the go. We also needed to look for the best, most cost-effective solution for customers who want to stick with regular TV, especially when the major networks are relentlessly forcing massive price increases on us that end up getting passed along to our customers. We are excited that DISH can help us offer both SLING streaming and regular DISH TV options to our communities.”
Chris McKnight, chief marketing officer, added, “With DISH, customers choose from a variety of TV packages. The equipment is the most technologically advanced in the industry, but it’s still easy to use. DISH was recently ranked #1 in customer service by J.D. Power, which shows they listen to their customers.
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All Point Bulletin • October 2018
Business specialist reaches out to Point Roberts By Meg Olson A newly created position with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Western Washington University was tailor-made for communities like Point Roberts, and business advisor Asche Rider is
s Asche Rider.
Photo by Pat Grubb
spreading that message personally. “I was hired to do outreach in greater Whatcom County,” Rider said at the September 11 meeting of the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee (PRCAC). “If you’re a small business owner often you don’t have time to do anything except keep your business going. We can expand the services we can bring to local economies by having me go out and meet with people.” Business advisors from the SBDC have served a handful of Point Roberts businesses over the years, Rider said. She hopes to boost that level of participation. “We provide free, confidential, one on one technical assistance,” she said. “We can help a business with everything a business does.” Rider has worked with established businesses and startups, aiding different areas such as marketing, strategic planning, international trade, human resources, secur-
ing capital or just basic business management training. “There might be a business you would love to do but you don’t really know how to run a business,” she said. In the five months she’s been with the SBDC, Rider has discovered many businesses are having difficulty finding labor. Audience members agreed this was a perennial problem on the Point, with a small pool of working-age people compared to its population and two border crossings separating it from the larger pool of workers on the mainland. The center can help businesses improve their job descriptions to add flexibility and make jobs more attractive to more applicants, Rider said. To sign up for SBDC services and make an appointment, visit sbdc.wwu.edu/ and click the “becoming a client” link at the
bottom of the page or call 360/778-1762. In other PRCAC business, the committee deferred their review of the White Dog storage project on Tyee Drive until its October meeting. Committee chair Jeff Christopher said the business owner had “worked hard to bring it into compliance” as had the storage facility adjacent to Nielson’s Building Center. Other code compliance issues are arising for other RV businesses on the Point, he added, and would also be addressed by PRCAC in coming meetings. The committee has also voted to send a recommendation to the county to use gas tax funds for a sidewalk extension on the east side of Tyee Drive and the completion of a walking path along Marine Drive near Lighthouse Marine Park. S A familiar and smiling face around Point Roberts since 2005, Tracy Evans is a new real estate broker with Keller Williams Western Realty. With 27 years experience as a flight attendant and airline management, and former owner of two restaurants, Tracy knows a lot about customer service. Tracy can be reached at 206/6585762.
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Church News By Gina Gaudet
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O C TO B E R 6 & 7
Sponsored by Point Roberts Circle of Care SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR CORPORATE SPONSORS
All Point Bulletin
Apple Cider Pressing at the Community Center Saturday and Sunday, October 6 & 7, Noon-3pm.
October opens wide up with opportunities for blessing, healing, wisdom, prayer, meditation, music and more. Bless the Beasts: On Sunday, October 7, Trinity participates in the Apple Festival with a service of blessing for animals at 10 a.m. at the community center. Bring your beloved furry/feathered friends for a blessing. Candles & blessings provided for friends who have passed, so bring a picture if you wish. We will hold our regular 11 a.m. service at the church. Wisdom: Reverend Garry Schmidt will be our guest speaker on Sunday, October 7. The foundation of Garry’s myriad skills is the wisdom that comes from a journey of the soul’s “dark nights.” He exudes the welcome of grace, “a warm embrace.” Join us at 11, be inspired! Healing: In addition to Healing Touch, offered from 1-3 p.m. on Sunday, October 21, we are starting an EmotionCode ministry on the second Sunday of the month. Our group of skilled healing helpers are on hand to do some pretty miraculous work at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 14. If you wish to receive Healing Touch ministry and cannot come on Sundays, you can schedule a session with Gina at touchtoheal828@gmail.com.
Reading, prayer, meditation: This spiritual “break time” is led by Interfaith Minister Bev Mar, who sources different faith teachings and practices to create a thoughtful, peaceful return to soul and source. This month we reflect on “All Hallows/All Souls,” remembering loved ones in our lives, and considering the place and process of forgiveness. Join us from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 25. Music is always on the schedule! In the coming months, Trinity Chamber Concerts will host multiple events, starting on Saturday, November 17 with the Trinity Western University Chamber Choir and Sunday, December 9 with brass trio of Ray Kirkham, Gordon Cherry and Rich Mingus. Can’t get enough music? Consider joining the Trinity Community Choir, now meeting Thursdays at St. David’s Anglican Church in Tsawwassen, 6:30-8 p.m. Contact natashaneufeld@gmail.com On your knees! – Just kidding. Knee Club is actually a full-body stretch and strengthening workout for all your joints, which also improves your balance. The club is held from 10:30-11:30 on Mondays with Shirley Cannon (360/945-2617). We are so much more than Sunday morning! How can we bless you?
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Collect your apples and store them in preparation for juicing! This event is being organized by the Point Roberts Food Bank. Empty 1 and 2 liter jugs will be available for purchase for your juice (Sales benefit the Food Bank). Calling all Businesses and Civic Groups in Point Roberts and Delta: You are invited to participate too! Please plan your own event and get details to Circle of Care (prcircleofcare@gmail.com). We will market and promote all events en masse.
Call Today! 360-332-4444 Ghandi Vwich, Agent
Vwich Agency 341 H Street Blaine, WA 98230
October 2018 • allpointbulletin.com
Election 2018: It’s time to follow the money PINKY VARGAS (Democrat) CONTRIBUTORS
VINCENT BUYS (Republican)
PACs Caucus/Party
$0 $2,035
SPENT TO DATE: $77,030
$0 $130,876
SPENT TO DATE: $62,542
SPENT TO DATE: $61,607
8% 2% 11% 1%
Individuals Businesses PACs Caucus/Party Other Unions
Individuals Businesses PACs Caucus/Party Other Unions
SPENT TO DATE: $58,417
2% 1% 4% 7%
3% 5%
Individuals Businesses PACs Caucus/Party Unions Other
Individuals Businesses PACs Caucus/Party Unions Other
include contributions, expenditures, lobbyist activities and much more. For more information regarding these issues, go to pdc.wa.gov. To learn about contribution limits, go topdc.wa.gov/learn/contribution-limits
SPENT TO DATE: $40,719
Individuals Businesses PACs Caucus/Party Unions Other
$0 $4,200
Individuals Businesses PACs Caucus/Party Other Unions
Don’t wait
for the tsunami siren 1
to go off
An earthquake hits. The ground shakes. The best course of action is to drop, cover and hold on. Grab your go bag, then, head inland to high ground. Don’t wait for the siren to go off. And wait. Big waves may keep coming for hours. If you’re inside, you may not even hear the siren. Be sure to invest in a NOAA Weather Radio, available at most hardware stores and online.
Paid for by the NOAA/National Weather Service tsunami activities grant
The 2018 general election will be held Tuesday, November 6 and for a mid-term election, interest is running at a fevered pitch. Anti- and pro-Trump fervor is driving interest down the ballot and even local elections are getting people excited. This being America, there’s big money in the election process. At right are graphs showing contributions and expenditures for the three District 42 state legislative races that are on local voters ballots: senator and representative. Each week, candidates are required to file contribution and expenditure reports with the Washington state Public Disclosure Commission (PDC). According to the PDC, “The origin of Washington’s disclosure law can be traced to the efforts of concerned citizens who came together in 1970 believing that the public had the right to know about the financing of political activity in this state. In 1971, following an unsuccessful attempt to generate legislative action and with minimal success in 1972, those concerned citizens who now call themselves the Coalition for Open Government (COG), turned to the people. In order to place Initiative 276 on the November 1972 ballot, COG gathered nearly 163,000 signatures in record-breaking time. Seventy-two percent of voters approved I-276 and the law took effect January 1, 1973. In 1992, over 72 percent of reform-minded voters enacted contribution limits and other campaign restrictions with the approval of Initiative 134.” It is important to note that the figures shown at right are current as of September 25 and include both contributions and expenditures in the primary and general election campaigns. In the case of incumbents, the figures can also include surplus funds from earlier elections for the same position. For example, the top contribution listed for Luanne Van Werven is a surplus fund account total of $40,000. Reports available on the PDC website
On Oct. 18, at 10:18 a.m., all of the sirens will go off with a wailing sound across the coast. This is just a test, part of the Great Washington ShakeOut. Typically, the sirens are tested using the Westminster Chime on the first Monday of every month. You can be part of ShakeOut, too. Practice earthquake safety with the rest of the state. Learn more survival tips and register at shakeout.org/washington.
Find tsunami inundation maps and evacuation routes at mil.wa.gov/tsunami
All Point Bulletin • October 2018
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L E A R N M O R E AT W H I D B E Y. C O M / W I F I
“A Day at the Beach” watercolor painting by Valerie Mayer of Points Roberts.
October 2018 • allpointbulletin.com
Personnel changes made at marina By Meg Olson Theresa Coe has replaced Jacquelyne Everett as general manager of the Point Roberts Marina. “She has moved on to other avenues,” Coe said of Everett’s departure, extending her thanks to marina owner Sam Chen and to Everett for over 10 years managing the marina. Living in Point Roberts since 2008, Coe has worked at the marina for several years
s Theresa Coe.
and obtained management experience, according to a September 6 marina press release. She has worked in air traffic control in both Canada and the USA. “Her extensive experience, diverse background and passion for excellence will bring new ideas and strategies to the marina,” Chen wrote in announcing the transition. Buying her first boat at 16, Coe has a background in both sail and power, boating in Florida, the Bahamas and the Pacific Northwest. She has raced with the Deep Cove Yacht Club, Point Roberts Yacht Club and in Florida. A licensed PADI dive master, Coe has been a volunteer member with the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary search and rescue team operating out of Point Roberts. In other staffing moves, Steve Levine has been promoted to manager of the marina’s engineering department. “Steve has been with the marina over 20 years and we are looking forward to many more years and a bright future going forward,” Coe said.
Among the issues Coe and Levine will need to deal with in the near future is the state of firefighting infrastructure at the marina. A question by Bruno Moras regarding a recent electrical fire on a boat on Q dock at the fire district’s September 12 commission meeting led to a brief discussion by fire chief Christopher Carleton about sub-standard fire connections serving the docks. The fire chief told commissioners that he had been communicating with the previous marina management about the condition of the equipment and needed to meet with the new manager to keep progress on the situation. “Roughly eight docks have standpipes (vertical pipes that maintain uniform water pressure that fire hoses connect to). We’ve had a lot of failures in the systems, they’ve not been winterized.” Carleton said. “In April, we went down to do our training on the docks and found all but one system was out of order … there have been thefts of components of that system, caps that are gone, there’s an issue with needy metals so electrolysis is happening. There’s a lot of issues that need to be overcome and hopefully with marina staff I will be able to do that,” Carleton concluded.
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All Point Bulletin • October 2018
e t i r e d r o B Report
Brought To You By The Blaine School District Point Roberts Primary • 945-ABCD (2223) • 2050 Benson Rd, P.O. Box 910 • Point Roberts, WA 98281 Editor, Tammy McDonald - Comments or feedback: Send to: borderitenews@blainesd.org
TEACHER’S CORNER by Mrs. Hettinga, K-3 Teacher Point Roberts Primary School
As summer faded away and turned to fall, we scooped up as many outdoor learning experiences as possible! To kick off the school year, we took our first nature walk through the woods to one of our student’s homes to make apple cider! We learned about apples and how to turn them into something delicious! The highlight of this experience was taking home our own water bottle filled with this amazing treat!
learning about apples...
Meet the candidates! Point Roberts voters who are interested in the November general election will definitely want to block off their calendar for the afternoon and evening of Thursday, October 4. Voters will have the opportunity to meet and greet at least two of three state District 42 Democratic candidates in an informal gathering at the Point Roberts Community Center. Sharon Shewmake, running against Republican incumbent representative Vincent Buys, and Pinky Vargas, running against Republican incumbent senator Doug Ericksen, will be at the community center between 2 and 4 p.m. Democratic candidate Justin Boneau, running against incumbent state district 42 representative Luanne Van Werven, has other campaign commitments that could preclude his participation in the ‘meet and greet.’ However, he will be attending the Point Roberts Registered Voters Association’s 2018 Annual Candidate’s Night that begins at 6 p.m. in the community center. There will be refreshments served at the ‘meet and greet’ which is organized under the auspices of the Democratic Party precinct committee officer for Point Roberts, Virginia Lester. According to Lester, “Democrats believe that it is time for a change in the representation of the 42nd Legislative
District in Olympia, and we are delighted to have three outstanding candidates challenging the incumbents.” There will be a full slate of candidates on the dais for the candidate’s night with at least 10 signaling their intention to participate. These are: 42nd Legislative District State Senator (4-year term) Doug Ericksen (Republican) Pinky Vargas (Democratic) 42nd Legislative District State Representative Position 1 (2-year term) Luanne Van Werven (Republican) Justin Boneau (Democratic) 42nd Legislative District State Representative Pos. 2 (2-year term) Sharon Shewmake (Democratic) Vincent Buys (Republican) Whatcom County Prosecuting Attorney (4-year term) James Erb (Democratic Party Eric Richey (Democratic Party) Whatcom County at large Position B (1year unexpired term, non-partisan) Carol Frazey Mike Peetoom The event is a moderated town hall format with the opportunity for each candidate to speak for three minutes followed by a Q&A session.
Dollars for Scholars – Please give early and give often By Meg Olson
The following week we had a student led nature walk where one of our own students led the group through the marked trail. During this time, students stopped in various places making nature observations and discussing what they saw. I was amazed at their abilities to find treasures in nature! When we returned from our walk students created a nature journal entry from one of their personal observations. Our last summer field trip was a trip to Lighthouse Park where students learned about the characteristics of that beach and compared it to other beaches in Point Roberts. Again, students logged their observations in their personal nature journal. I consider it such a privilege to be able to share these amazing experiences with our local students. As fall begins, we look forward to more trip to hands-on-learning and Lighthouse Park... exploring in our amazing community!
The Point Roberts chapter of Dollars for Scholars will kick off its 2019 fundraising campaign by asking the community to help local students meet their educational goals starting Monday, October 1. “Dollars for Scholars provides scholarship assistance to high school and continuing education students who live in Point Roberts and want to pursue education after high school,” said chapter treasurer Fern Peltier. “We share a passionate belief that education changes the lives of individuals and communities for the better,” she added. In 2017-2018 the local chapter was able
to award $18,000 in scholarships to 18 students. There is a growing list of ways to donate. Umpqua bank is accepting donations, and there is an online fundraising site at youcaring.com/allpointrobertscollegestudents-797660. Checks can be mailed to Dollars for Scholars, P.O. Box 1354, Point Roberts, WA 98281. Donors can sign up to have .05 percent of their Amazon purchases go to the local Dollars for Scholars chapter by selecting Scholarship America Point Roberts at smile.amazon.com. Visit the chapter webpage at pointroberts.dollarsforscholars.org or email pointrobertsdfs@gmail.com.
Point Roberts Fire Department’s
Spooook tacular i
Haunted House & Social!
Unless you are a scaredy cat... Be at the Firehall
2030 Benson Rd. Saturday, October 27, 2017 2 - 5 PM Last Friday I made apple and pear cider. At Cedar’s house we learned about apples. I learned that you pick the apples off the ground because it’s more sweet and the tree apples aren’t.
Check out our district website! www.blainesd.org
• A Haunted House for Zombies young and old. • Monster fire trucks and other super scary fire equipment on display • Treats for Goblins of any age ou are y s a e m Co ot • Many more surprises!! med or n
Happy Halloween
October 2018 • allpointbulletin.com T Photographer Simon Burnett captured this spectacular image of David Jackson pushing his dad Ian in his wheelchair over the finish line, a fire hose, at the Hot Diggity Fun Run on July 28 at the Point Roberts Fire Station. The fundraiser benefitted the Point Robert Primary School and Volunteer Firefighters Association. S A local talent contest sponsored by Breakwaters Bar & Grill, Westwind Marine and Mobil Gas was held September 1. Left, first place winner Trista Monet Lang won $400 while Hunter Lang and Molly Annelle Mickelson split $250 for second place, while third place contestant Sophia Wallace won $100. The prizes were awarded by actor Neal McDonough, one of the judges along with Linda Knowles and Ysabelle Bertrand. Courtesy photos
Shaune Ann Feuz with the
TimE3 Jazz Trio
All Point Bulletin
Sunday, October 7, 4-7pm s Nelson Greidanus, center, received $750 for pulling in the biggest salmon at the Point Roberts Marina-sponsored Salmon Derby held September 15. Westwind Marine owner Mark Pondelick won second while Kent Beveridge claimed third. Photo by Simon Shanke
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On the lawn at the Community Center in Point Roberts, WA Tickets are $25.00 each and include two drinks (wine, beer or soft drinks). Tickets are available at Nielson’s Building Center and Auntie Pam's Country Store.
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All Point Bulletin • October 2018
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October Tides Tides at Point Roberts DST Not For Navigation 49° 0’ 0”N - 122° 46’ 0”W
Date Time Height Mo 1 4:15 am 4:54 pm Tu 2 5:13 am 6:16 pm We 3 6:19 am 7:44 pm Th 4 7:27 am 8:56 pm Fr 5 1:28 am 3:53 pm Sa 6 2:54 am 4:31 pm Su 7 4:06 am 5:07 pm Mo 8 5:12 am 5:41 pm Tu 9 12:00 am 12:09 pm We 10 12:42 am 12:55 pm Th 11 1:22 am 1:41 pm Fr 12 2:02 am 2:27 pm Sa 13 2:42 am 3:19 pm Su 14 3:24 am 4:19 pm Mo 15 4:10 am 5:33 pm Tu 16 5:02 am 7:13 pm We 17 5:58 am 8:45 pm Th 18 6:58 am 9:23 pm Fr 19 1:13 am 3:26 pm Sa 20 2:35 am 3:54 pm Su 21 3:41 am 4:22 pm Mo 22 4:35 am 4:46 pm Tu 23 5:25 am 5:12 pm We 24 6:13 am 5:38 pm Th 25 12:19 am 12:32 pm Fr 26 12:53 am 1:16 pm Sa 27 1:31 am 2:02 pm Su 28 2:11 am 2:56 pm Mo 29 2:55 am 3:58 pm Tu 30 3:47 am 5:14 pm We 31 4:43 am 6:40 pm
0.3 6.3 0.2 6.5 0.2 6.2 0.2 5.6 7.3 9.3 7.6 9.5 8.0 9.5 8.4 9.5 1.5 2.3 0.7 3.2 0.2 4.1 0.0 4.9 0.1 5.6 0.3 6.1 0.7 6.4 1.1 6.3 1.5 5.8 1.8 5.3 6.0 8.6 6.3 8.7 6.7 8.8 7.2 8.9 7.8 8.9 8.3 8.9 0.6 4.4 -0.1 5.0 -0.6 5.7 -0.9 6.2 -0.9 6.6 -0.7 6.6 -0.3 6.2
Time Height 11:47 am 9:32 pm 1:03 pm 10:32 pm 2:13 pm 11:56 pm 3:09 pm
8.4 7.9 8.5 7.6 8.8 7.3 9.1
8:33 am 9:50 pm 9:33 am 10:36 pm 10:29 am 11:18 pm 11:19 am
0.3 4.6 0.5 3.5 0.9 2.4 1.5
6:12 am 6:13 pm 7:08 am 6:45 pm 8:04 am 7:15 pm 8:58 am 7:43 pm 9:56 am 8:13 pm 10:58 am 8:43 pm 12:02 pm 9:19 pm 1:06 pm 10:11 pm 2:04 pm 11:37 pm 2:50 pm
8.8 9.4 9.0 9.2 9.1 8.8 9.0 8.4 8.9 8.0 8.7 7.5 8.6 7.0 8.5 6.5 8.5 6.1 8.6
7:58 am 9:51 pm 8:52 am 10:19 pm 9:40 am 10:47 pm 10:26 am 11:17 pm 11:08 am 11:47 pm 11:50 am
2.1 4.6 2.3 3.8 2.5 3.0 2.8 2.2 3.3 1.4 3.8
7:01 am 6:04 pm 7:49 am 6:30 pm 8:41 am 6:58 pm 9:35 am 7:30 pm 10:35 am 8:08 pm 11:39 am 8:58 pm 12:39 pm 10:18 pm
8.8 8.8 9.2 8.7 9.4 8.6 9.5 8.3 9.5 8.0 9.5 7.5 9.5 6.9
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Apples ...
From page 1 from 4-7 p.m. Tickets for the concert are $25 each and include the concert and two servings of wine, beer, cider or soft drinks. Tickets are being sold at both Auntie Pam’s Country Store on Gulf Road and Nielson’s Building Center on Tyee Drive. If you are looking for apples to juice, or have apples on trees that you would be willing to share please contact Norman at prcircleofcare@gmail.com or 360/9455222 and she will try to connect harvesters with apple trees. She added she would also like to hear from businesses or groups who would like to add their events to this year’s festival.
Sheriff’s Report
August 29, 9:14 p.m.: Assist agency on Peltier Drive. August 29, 10:06 p.m.: Fight on Simundson Drive. August 30, 1:07 p.m.: Forgery cold call on Claire Lane. August 30, 2:30 p.m.: Citizen assist cold call on Benson Road. August 30, 5:27 p.m.: Mental on Ocean View Lane. August 30, 11:11 p.m.: Party on Cedar Street. August 31, 2:26 p.m.: Assist agency on Tyee Drive. August 31, 7:57 p.m.: Traffic stop on Tyee Drive. August 31, 10:42 p.m.: Liquor law violation on Gulf Road. August 31, 8:58 a.m.: Theft on Marine Drive. September 3, 1:13 p.m.: Welfare check on Edwards Drive. September 5, 11:25 a.m.: Suspicious vehicle cold call on Gulf Road. September 6, 12:29 p.m.: Landlord tenant dispute cold call on Ocean View Lane. September 6, 7:05 p.m.: Threat cold call on Periwinkle Lane. September 7, 10:07 a.m.: Civil problem on Ocean View Lane. September 7, 2:00 p.m.: Citizen assist on Shaw Crescent Street. September 10, 12:30 p.m.: Theft cold call on Jonna Drive. September 11, 5:07 p.m.: Traffic stop on Tyee Drive. September 12, 12:33 p.m.: Security check on Benson Road. September 13, 6:40 p.m.: Alarm audible on Mckenzie Way. September 14, 8:04 a.m.: Harassment cold call on Pelican Place. September 14, 10:36 a.m.: Alarm silenced on Edwards Drive. September 14, 2:45 p.m.: Burglary cold call on Ocean View Lane. September 14, 4:24 p.m.: Search and rescue on APA Road. September 14, 5:09 p.m.: Citizen assist on Tyee Drive. September 14, 3:39 p.m.: Alarm audible on Edwards Drive. September 17, 10:02 a.m.: Drugs on Tyee Drive. September 17, 2:58 p.m.: Citizen assist on Deer Road. September 17, 2:07 p.m.: Neighborhood dispute cold call on Jonna Drive.
October 2018 • allpointbulletin.com
Coming up ... Events Raincity Blue Performs: Saturday, September 29, 8 p.m., Breakwaters Bar & Grill, 715 Simundson Drive. Democratic Party Meet and Greet: Thursday, October 4, 2-4 p.m., community center, 1437 Gulf Road. Come meet democratic candidates before the open forum. Voters Association Candidates Night: Thursday, October 4, 6-9 p.m., community center, 1437 Gulf Road. Town hall format will provide each candidate with three minutes to speak, followed by Q&A period. Please RSVP. Info: joel.lantz@prrva.org. Tiny Ted Talks: Saturday, October 6, 7-9 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. Local community members each present a 10-minute talk about a subject they are passionate about or have some expertise in, with a five-minute Q&A after each talk. Refreshments served. Apple Festival: Saturday-Sunday, October 6-7, community center, 1437 Gulf Road. Apple pressing noon-3 p.m. both days. Shaune Ann Feuz and band concert from 4-7 p.m. on Sunday. Will feature FIre District 5 Health Booth to check blood pressure, blood sugar and more. Blessing of the Animals at 10 a.m. on Sunday. Billy Gardell at Silver Reef: Saturday, October 6, 8 p.m., Silver Reef Casino, 4876 Haxton Way, Ferndale. Comedian from the TV show Mike and Molly performs. Oktoberfest: Saturday, October 6, Breakwaters Bar and Grill at the PR Marina. Food and Drink Specials all day. Blessing of the Animals: Sunday, October 7, 10 a.m., community center, 1437 Gulf Road.
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Youth Philosopher’s Cafe: Saturday, October 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. For youth 15-20. An evening of thought-provoking conversation, homemade baked goods, hot beverages and atmospheric guitar music. ‘70s Night: Saturday, October 13, 8 p.m., Kiniski’s Reef Tavern, 1334 Gulf Road. Featuring Delaney Rose. Prize for best dressed. Healing Touch with Gina Gaudet: Sunday, October 14, repeats October 28, Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Contact Gina to make an appointment. Info: touchtoheal828@gmail.com. Great Washington Shakeout: Thursday, October 18, 10:18 a.m. All sirens across the coast will wail as a tsunami test around the state. Learn more at shakeout.org/Washington. Mask Making: Tuesday, October 23, 3-4 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. Make a mask and hear a story. What will you be? Info: 360/945-6545. Reading, Prayer and Meditation: Thursday, October 25, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Hallow’s eve service to honor the dear loved ones who have passed away. Spook-Tacular Haunted House and Social: Saturday, October 27, 3-5 p.m. at the Point Roberts Fire Hall, 2030 Benson Road. All ages welcome.
Serving Point Roberts • Treating ants, mice & rats
Halloween Party: Saturday, October 27, 8 p.m., Kiniski’s Reef Tavern, 1334 Gulf Road. Featuring Craig Jacks and the Mighty Jackalopes.
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Halloween Bash with Soulux Band: Saturday, October 27, 8 p.m., Breakwaters Bar & Grill, 715 Simundson Drive.
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Scheduled Meetings/Ongoing Events PREP (PR Emergency Preparedness): Tuesday, October 2, 7 p.m., community center. Info: Henry Rosenthal, 360/945-1711. PR Chamber of Commerce: Tuesday, October 2, 7 p.m., community center. Info: pointrobertschamberofcommerce.com. PR Garden Club: Wednesday, October 3, 7 p.m., community center. Info: info@pointrobertsgardenclub.org. PR Registered Voters Association: Thursday, October 4, 6 p.m., community center. Info: prrva.org.
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PR Park and Recreation District: Monday, October 8, 7 p.m., community center, 1437 Gulf Road. Friends of Point Roberts Library: Tuesday, October 9, noon-1 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Info: 360/945-6545. PR Water District: Tuesday, October 9, 5 p.m., community center, 1437 Gulf Road. PR Fire District 5: Wednesday, October 10, 4 p.m., 2030 Benson Road. Info: 360/945-3473. PR Taxpayers Association: Wednesday, October 10, 7 p.m., community center. PR Hospital District: Thursday, October 11, 7 p.m., community center. PR Community Advisory Committee: Thursday, October 11, 6 p.m., community center. Info: comments@pointrobertscac.org. PR Historical Society: Wednesday, October 17, 7 p.m., community center. Info: historicalsociety@pointroberts.net. PR Cemetery District: Tuesday, October 23, 5 p.m., 260 Tyee Drive. Point Roberts Book Club: Wednesday, October 31, 7-9:30 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. The book club meets at a different location each month on the last Wednesday. Call the library for book title and meeting location. Info: 360/945-6545. Knee Club: Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Contact Shirley to reserve your spot. Info: 360/945-2617. Free Taxi to Bellingham: Tuesday mornings. Pick-up at Cordata. Info: 866/989-4287. Point Roberts Library Hours: Tuesdays, 1-7 p.m., Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Info: 360/945-6545. Knits & Crafts at Point Roberts Library: Tuesdays, 5-7 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Weekly handicraft time for knitting, crocheting, or any other hand crafts. Practice, advice, chat, and hot drinks. For adults and teens. Info: 360/945-6545.
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NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE POINT ROBERTS LIGHTHOUSE SOCIETY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Point Roberts Lighthouse Society (PRLS), a non-profit Washington corporation, doing business in Point Roberts, WA, intends to file Articles of Dissolution with the State of Washington Secretary of State, Corporation Division, by December 31, 2018. This decision, taken reluctantly and regretfully, by the PRLS Board of Directors on July 20, 2018, reflects a determination that insufficient policy and tangible support exists on the part of the Whatcom County Administration, including its Parks and Recreation Department, to achieve the Purpose of the Corporation “to promote the construction, maintenance, and preservation of a functioning lighthouse and marine observation facility in or adjacent to Lighthouse Marine Park, Point Roberts, Washington.” Any person or organization having an unsatisfied claim against the POINT ROBERTS LIGHTHOUSE SOCIETY is hereby notified that such claim must be presented in writing to PRLS, c/o Mark Robbins, Secretary/Treasurer, PO Box 141, Point Roberts, WA 98281-0141, by October 15, 2018.
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October 2018 • allpointbulletin.com
WUTC to hear rate increase By Meg Olson Cando Recycling and Disposal has applied to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) for a review of their proposed new tariff. In a September 11 filing with the state regulator, the company asked for changes to the company’s tariff, which sets the rates they can charge, for the first time since they applied to take over garbage operations in Point Roberts in 2008. In his letter accompanying the filing, company owner David Gellatly said the new rates will “implement service to an additional 1,800 residential garbage and recycling customers,” as part of the changes to the county’s new service plan for Point Roberts. Approved by Whatcom County Council in June and due to be implemented in January 2019, the plan eliminates exemptions to garbage collection in Point Roberts and establishes a minimum annual service level of twenty-six 32-gallon cans to be collected on a regular pickup day at the discretion of the property owner. All properties with a water connection would be billed for this minimum service level through the county property tax bills. Under the proposed new rate, the monthly cost for residential collection of a 32-gallon can every other week would increase by $1.32 for a total of $12.12 and recycling would increase by 26 cents for a total of $5.59. Combined, the monthly charge for trash and recycling would be $17.71 for a total annual cost of $212.52. There are no proposed changes to what recyclables would be collected except for the addition of “no plastic bags.” The only plastics collected would still be necked
plastic bottles. Commercial dumpster rates would change from $34.45 for the first pickup and $39.70 for additional pickups to $38.65 for each pickup. Gellatly said the rates reflected recommendations from WUTC regulatory staff after their analysis of the company’s financial records, employee hours and duties, depreciation schedules and anticipated volumes of waste and recycling under the new county plan. “I’m at their mercy,” he said. “I did not come up with these rates. They have asked for substantial information over many weeks and continue to, and they used their methodology to come up with these rates.” A letter to Cando’s customers was sent out on September 10 informing them of the filing and announcing a hearing to be held at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 11 in Olympia at which the commission will hear recommendations from WUTC staff, take public comment and set final rates. Cando requested the hearing occur within 30 days of their filing rather than the statutory 45 days so that the county will have adequate time to establish billing through property tax rolls, Gellatly said. The public can comment through the WUTC website at utc.wa.gov, by email at comments@utc.wa.gov, by mail at 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive, PO Box 47250, Olympia WA, 98504-7250 or in person at the hearing. Opponents of the upcoming changes in the garbage system held a meeting at the Gulf Road community center on September 22 attended by over 40 people. “We wanted to make everyone aware of the issues and how to contact the WUTC,”
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said Ken Calder, one of the organizers of the Garbage in Point Roberts website garbageinpr.com. The website collected almost 600 responses to a survey asking people about their use of the solid waste system that they will submit to the WUTC, Calder said. With 75 percent of survey respondents being full-time residents, Garbage in Point Roberts is encouraging seasonal residents to fill out the survey to better reflect the Point’s demographic. The minimum service level approved by the county is too high for the needs of most Point Roberts property owners, Calder said. They want to see the minimum service level set at one 20-gallon can per month, or a variable 12 pickups per year. The rate being proposed by Cando sets a price for that service, but the minimum service level established by county ordinance is for a variable twenty-six 32-gallon cans. “We want the WUTC to reject this rate and go back to the county,” Calder said, requesting that the minimum service level be reduced. Residents in other locations in Whatcom County are able to select their
100’+ of west-facing waterfront, unlimited views on 1.74 acres! Level lot; building site w/natural areas, gardens & privacy in area of estate homes. Short plat complete, 3-BR septic, water/power at street. Across from Point Roberts Golf Course. MLS #1117436 MLS #1117473
service level at the minimum offered by the hauler serving their area, which is one 20-gallon can a month. On September 12, Calder asked the Point Roberts Taxpayers’ Association, which had endorsed eliminating exemptions to mandatory garbage pickup when it went before county council in June, to send a letter to the county supporting lowering the minimum service level. Board members voted 7-4 in favor of lowering the minimum service. Calder said the current rate case also merited dismissal by the WUTC because the filing did not meet the statutory requirement for submission 45 days prior to the hearing. Kate Griffith with the WUTC said “the less than statutory notice is more of a technicality” which commissioners will consider when they review staff recommendations on Thursday, October 11. The applicant is required to notify affected customers 30 days prior to the hearing, which Cando did, and the timing of the filing with the WUTC had been necessary to meet county billing arrangements.
Holiday Publication Dates NOVEMBER issue
Ads due: October 19 Distribution: Friday, October 26
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JANUARY 2019 issue
Ads due: December 14 Distribution: Friday, December 21
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All Point Bulletin • October 2018
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Obituaries Diana Maloney November 21, 1943 – September 1, 2018 Diana Maloney wrote her own obituary during the last few days of her life. I watched her struggle at the keyboard. Even as she grew weaker, she was concerned about all living creatures. She will truly be missed by myself and her spouse. Her own unedited obituary is below: In Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, Central Africa, Diana Carreen Maloney was born on November 21, 1943 to parents were Daphne and Billy Brae. She became their first human baby, the other two being their beloved black cats. Animals played a huge role in her life from that moment on. Her mission to help an-
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spend over $50 and receive 20% off your purchase with this coupon. Excludes sale items. In stock only, not to be included with any other offers. Expires October 31, 2018.
imals was part of her life from the beginning. Life took her through various parts of Southern Rhodesia and then later to Cape Town and finally South Africa. An extended trip (lasting about one year) to the U.K., ultimately led her to settle in Canada, where she met and married her spouse of over 50 years, Patrick Maloney. To her, her greatest success in life was having two children, Carreen and Patrick, who would also care deeply about animals. Between the four members of their family, they were able to rescue many of the creatures she loved so passionately. Her greatest regret in leaving this earth is that her work was not complete. Her greatest wish would be that someone would step into her shoes and continue her latest fight to ban the poison black boxes that are killing our owls and other birds through second-hand poisoning. – Diana Maloney Diana and her husband lived for years in Point Roberts at the Eagle’s Nest on Johnson Road and she helped many, many homeless orphan cats find homes. Diana
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is survived by her loving spouse Patrick, her son Patrick Maloney (spouse Kelly) of Vancouver, B.C., daughter Carreen Maloney of New Orleans and grandchildren Jack, Lucy, Max and Laurel. She also leaves her sisters Athene (spouse Michael); Bayton-Forge of Estepona, Spain; June (spouse Nelson) of Vancouver; sister-in-law Darlene Maloney of Chicago; brother-in-law Michael (spouse Susan) of Selkirk Manitoba, Canada; and nephew Graham Pagden of Estepona, Spain. Diana was preceded in death by her parents Daphne and Bill Bray, her niece Ursula and in-laws Jack and Julie Maloney. She also leaves to mourn many friends and other relatives. A memorial service was held on September 12.
O c t ob e r
Open 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays 9 a.m.: Pool, coffee and snacks. Noon: Hot lunch 1 p.m.: Wednesdays, Bridge Fridays, cards and games Wednesday, October 3: Lemon herb rockfish, wild rice pilaf, steamed broccoli, garden salad and fruit medley. Friday, October 5: Chicken cordon bleu, scalloped potatoes, green beans, garden salad and fruit. Wednesday, October 10: Shrimp salad, oatmeal bread and fresh fruit. Friday, October 12: Roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, baby carrots, garden salad and raspberry sherbet. Wednesday, October 18: Ham with pineapple, roast sweet potato, Nantucket vegetables, garden salad and fruit. Friday, October 20: Chicken enchiladas, Spanish rice, pinto beans, garden salad and pineapple. Wednesday, October 25: Beef stroganoff with rotelle pasta, Brussels sprouts, garden salad and fruit. Friday, October 27: Barbeque chicken, potatoes colcannon, sweet petite peas, garden salad and fruit. October 31: Halloween lunch. Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, capri vegetables, garden salad, ice cream and sandwiches.
s Vaughn Ann Rundle Vaughn Ann Rundle October 23, 1930 - September 4, 2018 Vaughn Ann Rundle (neé Yvonne Dorothy Aubin) passed away on Labor Day at the age of 87. She is survived by her three children: Jody, Brian and Carole, two grandchildren: Maggie and Alexander and three great grandchildren. Vaughn had four siblings, with her younger sister Miriam surviving her. Vaughn was raised in Lafleche, Saskatchewan, Canada and moved to Vancouver to study nursing at St. Paul’s Hospital following high school. After graduating as a registered nurse she then married Howard and lived in England, Europe and the United States, eventually settling in Canada in Saskatoon. After raising her family and being widowed, Vaughn lived part time in Point Roberts and Tsawwassen. Vaughn had a profession as a nurse, was a good mother who stayed at home for her children when they were young and resumed her career as a nurse. She enjoyed painting, travel and spent many enjoyable years visiting her cabin at Blackstrap Lake outside of Saskatoon. A celebration of life was held on September 22.
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Notary Public
Maureen Stevens, Broker Notary Public * Successfully listing and selling
Point Roberts real estate since 1968 and selling E-Mail: prprty@Whidbey.com * Successfully listing E-Mail: prprty@Whidbey.com www.pointrobertswashington.com • www.pointrobertswashington.com Point Roberts real estate sinceYEARS 1968
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E/Mail: prr@pointroberts.com
Phone: 360/945-1115 Fax: 945-0804
1339Road, Gulf Road, P.O. Box 17 Roberts, • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 REAL ESTATE 360/945-5555 360-945-5555 • 1339• Gulf P.O.• Box 1 • Pt. WA 98281 E-Mail: prprty@Whidbey.com www.pointrobertswashington.com BEACH PROPERTIES *SUCCESSFULLY LISTING & SELLING POINT ROBERTS REAL ESTATE SINCE 1968 • 1339 Gulf Road, P.O. Box 17 • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 360/945-5555 *Member of NY State MLS Listing Service
Westside Waterfront
visit our website: www.pointroberts.com
UPDATED DAILY! View color photos, listings and complete information of all properties for sale.
FREEMAN BEACH 697 MARINE DR. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
FREEMAN BEACH 697 MARINE DR. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
Beautiful lot located in the desirable Boundary Heights area, backing onto Lily Point Park.
63x135 Best priced lot on the market. Soils work competed for septic.
2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach
1275 BROUGHTON LANE 2BR, 3BA beautiful west side home. $199,000. Adjoining lot $35,000.
247 BAYVIEW DR. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000
1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot.
1920s cabin,DRIVE 2 BR, wood-burning FP, Furnished, EDWARDS WATERFRONT LOT. One private, of the excellent 2 blocks to beach. $169,000 condition. $115,000 few remaining waterfront properties with tidelands. View from Lummi Island to Active Pass.
668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. $200,000
MCKENZIE WAY. 5 acres. Half cleared. Perfect EDfor hobby farm. $219,900
2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, 2 blocks to beach. $169,000 542 MCLAREN RD.
723 WALTERS LANE. 100’ of level westside waterfront. Walk out directly to sandy beach. Large deck and nicely landscaped yard. 3BR, 2BA. 1275 BROUGHTON LANE 247 BAYVIEW DR. room, garage, 2 side wood-burning fireplaces. 2BR, 3BA beautiful west home. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing Sun $199,000. Adjoining $35,000. Park. Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000 950’ from lot Lighthouse $875,000
3BR cottage w/front and rear deck. Adjacent to Lily Point Park.
1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. 668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. Furnished, private, excellent $200,000 condition. $115,000 1877 WASHINGTON 676 CLAIRE LANE 3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point Park. $299,000
2 BR designer home. A must-see! Make an offer!
MOOSE TRAIL, LOT 38. Secluded wooded area. $159,000 627 FREEMAN LANE. Low bank waterfront Soils test ACREAGE: completed 6.39 for 2-3BR. $29,900 ACRES, DESIRABLE EAST SIDE, SUBDIVIDABLE $299,000
www.JuliusRealty.com FABULOUS RETREAT
½ Acre compound with main house, guest house tennis court, playground and Bunkie. Extra cleared and landscaped lot included.
Water, city and mountains views from this private well-kept 3 BR 1 ½ BA Pan Abode with outstanding gardens. This is a MUST SEE Property.
If you’re serious about purchasing at the “Point” do yourself a favor and visit our office for a complete list of everything for sale in the area and also check out our website for general information, color photos, maps and full property search function.
1877 WASHINGTON 542 MCLAREN RD. 676 CLAIRE LANE 3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily 2 BR designer home. A must-see! 3BR cottage w/front and rear deck. 746Point MARINE DRIVE. C2BR, 2BA, 1580 SF. Views $299,000 Park. Make an offer! Adjacent to Lily Point Park. EDWARDS LOT 27. Clear water & island views. of Mt. Baker and water. 400 ft. to public beach. $159,000
Beach rights. Sewer. Water meter. $199,000
See more listings at www.juliusrealty.com www.JuliusRealty.com
Point Roberts Properties Discover more listings at DiscoverPointRoberts.com
1385 Gulf Road, Point Roberts
www.pointroberts.us 534 Tyee Drive $1,200,000 MLS# 1250304
371 W. Bluff Rd. $1,449,000 MLS# 1101438
24.97 EXTREMELY PRIVATE AND RARE OCEAN VIEW ACRES! 15 acres forest, 6 acres pasture, 4 acres cedar with 1,152 SF home surrounded by gardens and lawns. Dividable.
Absolutely stunning custom Maurice Pez design on ocean looking due west! Extra wide waterfront lot w/views.
MLS# 1101438
534 Tyee Drive $1,200,000 MLS# 860192
355 W. Bluff Rd. COMMERCIAL $895,000 MLS# 1366165
Ocean Views, Mountain Views, Marina Views! - all in the same house! Light filled stunning architecture, built for entertaining, w/huge open high ceilings.
253 Bayview Dr. ERC 1953 Holiday Lane $775,000 MLS# 1064406 OMM $575,000 MLS# 1050258
1668 Harbor Seal Dr. $1,069,500 MLS# 1291263
643 Highland Dr. $549,000 MLS# 1201227
JUST THE CUTEST and extremely well maintained beach cottage in Bells Grove. Very short walk to private beach. $179,900 SPECTACULAR SOUTH BEACH HOME only steps to the beach. Views to the southwest from spacious living area and multiple decks. Custom built home to the highest degree of finish. $699,000
1379 Gulf Road $529,000 MLS# 1250606
office space hobby room.
Facing West thisRd. all season property753 Walters Enjoy brilliant andBoundary expansive BayVery opportuni1379 Gulf Lane sunsets340 Rd.successful restaurant Marine offers epic sunsets, front row tickets views of the san juans, gulf & straight ty, grocery and398 deli as well, or Dr. many $525,000 MLS# 1034066 $509,000 MLS# 918572 $448,000 MLS# 1057901 $389,000 MLS# 883553 for storm watching and stunning of georgia plenty of room for guests, other possibilities! .86 acre lot. world-class ocean vistas.
1373 Gulf $295,000 131Highland Park Dr.Dr.$224,900 688 Deer Lane 680 Marine 550 South Beach Rd. Rd. $359,000 632 276Dr. Shadyglen Ave. MLS# 1303995 MLS# 1345305 1270689 $275,000 MLS# 1090840 $279,000 $325,000 MLS# 814163 $325,000 MLS# MLS# 942924 MLS# 1075717
CUTE LITTLE COTTAGE just a few blocks from the beach. Private back yard, updated bathroom, Beach Rights and brand new septic system. $199,000
EXPERIENCE BREATH-TAKING VIEWS! This 4 BR, 3 BA Home is located across the street from the Water with Beach Access. $680,000
WAREHOUSE ZONED RURAL INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING, 4000 sq/ft located on 1.96 acres abutting the airport. Multiple uses. $599,000
SOUTH BEACH OPPORTUNITY on Double Lot with View! Hundreds of square feet of deck space, 1296 sq.ft. home with 3 BR, 2 BA. $279,000
1958 Wellington Rd. $199,000 1721 BensonRd. #117 $159,000 500 Moose (incl. Lot 6 & 7) $124,000 MLS# 1291259
MLS# 1125664
MLS# 823011
CHRIS HUGHES - 360-223-7601 MICHAELcjlh@msn.com HUGHES - 360-223-7603 CHRIS HUGHES 360-223-7601 -218-5595 PINCKSTON - 604 OFFICE: 465 Tyee Dr. • Point Roberts, WA MICHAELTESSA HUGHES
568 Calder $234,900 MLS# 1091965
495 Moose Trail $185,000 MLS# 1087917
1721 Benson Rd. #104 $129,000 MLS# 1082569
500 Moose (incl. Lot 6 & 7) cjlh@msn.com $124,000 MLS# 823011
RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc. 465 Tyee Dr. • Point • 360-945-1313••800-723-1313 800-723-1313 RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc. Roberts, WA 360-945-1313
LARGE MOBILE HOME with detached carport and additions. Needs some work. High, dry and sunny lot, close to Lily Point $70,000
AMAZING AND UNIQUE PROPERTIES! Situated right across the road from the Beach and Beach Access. 0.44 Acres - $395,000 0.59 Acres - $455,000
Paul 604/968-4006
Carol 360/945-2967
Greg 604/690-1468