All Point Bulletin • October 2018
Next Issue: November 2018 Ads Due: Oct. 22
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Classifieds Home-grown newspaper with home delivery to Point Roberts, Tsawwassen and Retail Outlets. It’s the perfect match!
$15 for 15 words (plus 25¢ each additional word). Help Wanted
Rentals - Apartment
Rentals - Residential
MAIL CLERK position needed in parcel receiving center in Point Roberts. Computer experience and daily lifting of 30 pounds required; Friendly, fastpaced environment; full-time and part-time hours available. Paid holidays and health benefits after 90 days & paid vacation after one year employment. Call Daryl or Teresa at 360-945-0740.
WATERFRONT APARTMENTS - Oceanfront apartment suites available for short-term or longterm rent. Majestic southern view near Lighthouse Park. Call 360-945-RENT or visit Oceanviewpointroberts.com
BEAUTIFUL PLACE for rent in sunny location near beach. 360-945-2927.
Weekly, monthly or long-term leases 1459 Edwards Drive
1150 SF furnished 2 BD + den. Includes w/d, d/w, 8,000 SF private lot & fire pit. $660/mo. + utilities.1 year lease; require refs & credit check.
REEF TAVERN currently hiring for all positions: Kitchen, bar and waitstaff. Wages based on experience. Performance bonuses! Apply in person or by contacting Alli at 360-907-5982.
SUNSHINE CARPET and upholstery steam cleaning, reasonable rates. 360-945-0411 or lawson_brad@yahoo.com.
(Point Roberts, WA)
for Meals on Wheels and More Point Roberts Senior Center, Gulf Road Reports to Food Service Manager. 16-20 hours per week, approx. 7 a.m.-3 p.m./2-days per week. This position is responsible for the production, serving and clean-up of 30-45+ Senior Meals 2 days a week at the Point Roberts Center.
The Whatcom Council on Aging provides services and employment on a non-discriminatory basis, and complies with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the American Disabilities Act of 1990.
Lot clearing, stump removal, blackberry brush removal, trenching, utilities, foundation digs, oil tank removals. Demolitions of cabins, houses, sheds, mobile homes, old travel trailers and more!
Canadian funds as well as US funds accepted.
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COMPLETE YARD maintenance. Fall clean-up. Lawn mowing. Pruning. Plant care & bed cleanup. Hedge/shrub trimming, Gutter cleaning. Pressure washing. Truck for hauling. 22 years exp. Senior discount. 360-945-1957.
Lovely interior with well-equipped kitchen, great living room with fireplace, gorgeous large sunny yard with Jacuzzi & sauna.
We can grind them gone!
Handyman HANDYMAN Lg. range of repairs • Carpentry • Fencing • Decks • Painting • Pressure washing • Hauling. Great rates & references. 360-945-0521.
Classifieds are online at allpointbulletin.com/classifieds
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Store boats, trailers, RV or camper and cars in our completely enclosed secure facilities.
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ALL HUES PAINTING Interior and exterior painting, power washing, commercial and residential. wassuwilson@gmail.com or 360-945-1010. Lic. #ALLHUP*984M2.
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Units: 5x5 to 20x20
GW PAINTING CO. Interior and exterior painting,commercial and residential. Call or text Gary @ 360-778-9792. Or call 360-945-0954. Lic# GWPAIWP921BC
1480 Gulf Rd.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE POINT ROBERTS LIGHTHOUSE SOCIETY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Point Roberts Lighthouse Society (PRLS), a non-profit Washington corporation, doing business in Point Roberts, WA, intends to file Articles of Dissolution with the State of Washington Secretary of State, Corporation Division, by December 31, 2018. This decision, taken reluctantly and regretfully, by the PRLS Board of Directors on July 20, 2018, reflects a determination that insufficient policy and tangible support exists on the part of the Whatcom County Administration, including its Parks and Recreation Department, to achieve the Purpose of the Corporation “to promote the construction, maintenance, and preservation of a functioning lighthouse and marine observation facility in or adjacent to Lighthouse Marine Park, Point Roberts, Washington.” Any person or organization having an unsatisfied claim against the POINT ROBERTS LIGHTHOUSE SOCIETY is hereby notified that such claim must be presented in writing to PRLS, c/o Mark Robbins, Secretary/Treasurer, PO Box 141, Point Roberts, WA 98281-0141, by October 15, 2018.
Heated Storage Office Space Parking Space Pay 1 year in advance get 1 month
Public Notices
Annoying stumps in your yard?
Call/text Tom to view: 604-551-0244 Storage
Contact Ian for full job description and to submit resume: icassinos@wccoa.org.
Cottage For Rent
Lead Cook-Satellite Site
Meals on Wheels and More is a program of the Whatcom Council on Aging, a non-profit organization that supports the health, vitality and independence of seniors as they age.
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Enchanting Cottages Your own private mini-villa.
Real Estate
Border on Lily Point Park from $99/per night Monthly rates available
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Private tree-lined lane leads to secluded beautiful Victorian home. 4,200 SF on full acre lot. 4BD, 3.5BA. Teak, marble and granite throughout. Radiant heat. Views of Mt. Baker and stairs leading to the beach. Tranquility of Point Roberts with easy access to Vancouver Airport and city. berrylanepointroberts@gmail.com
Call 604-306-3574 to view.
October 2018 • allpointbulletin.com
WUTC to hear rate increase By Meg Olson Cando Recycling and Disposal has applied to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) for a review of their proposed new tariff. In a September 11 filing with the state regulator, the company asked for changes to the company’s tariff, which sets the rates they can charge, for the first time since they applied to take over garbage operations in Point Roberts in 2008. In his letter accompanying the filing, company owner David Gellatly said the new rates will “implement service to an additional 1,800 residential garbage and recycling customers,” as part of the changes to the county’s new service plan for Point Roberts. Approved by Whatcom County Council in June and due to be implemented in January 2019, the plan eliminates exemptions to garbage collection in Point Roberts and establishes a minimum annual service level of twenty-six 32-gallon cans to be collected on a regular pickup day at the discretion of the property owner. All properties with a water connection would be billed for this minimum service level through the county property tax bills. Under the proposed new rate, the monthly cost for residential collection of a 32-gallon can every other week would increase by $1.32 for a total of $12.12 and recycling would increase by 26 cents for a total of $5.59. Combined, the monthly charge for trash and recycling would be $17.71 for a total annual cost of $212.52. There are no proposed changes to what recyclables would be collected except for the addition of “no plastic bags.” The only plastics collected would still be necked
plastic bottles. Commercial dumpster rates would change from $34.45 for the first pickup and $39.70 for additional pickups to $38.65 for each pickup. Gellatly said the rates reflected recommendations from WUTC regulatory staff after their analysis of the company’s financial records, employee hours and duties, depreciation schedules and anticipated volumes of waste and recycling under the new county plan. “I’m at their mercy,” he said. “I did not come up with these rates. They have asked for substantial information over many weeks and continue to, and they used their methodology to come up with these rates.” A letter to Cando’s customers was sent out on September 10 informing them of the filing and announcing a hearing to be held at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 11 in Olympia at which the commission will hear recommendations from WUTC staff, take public comment and set final rates. Cando requested the hearing occur within 30 days of their filing rather than the statutory 45 days so that the county will have adequate time to establish billing through property tax rolls, Gellatly said. The public can comment through the WUTC website at utc.wa.gov, by email at comments@utc.wa.gov, by mail at 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive, PO Box 47250, Olympia WA, 98504-7250 or in person at the hearing. Opponents of the upcoming changes in the garbage system held a meeting at the Gulf Road community center on September 22 attended by over 40 people. “We wanted to make everyone aware of the issues and how to contact the WUTC,”
Real Estate
Tom Street 360-224-2755 Frances Evans 360-961-8579 Global Exposure • Local Expertise
PRIVATE VIEW LOT $79,999 Installed Septic and Views of City, Mountains, and Bay. Ready to Build.
Ready to Build Waterfront Lot! $448,888 The last beachfront lot in the Point - water, sewer and power at the street. Beach, views and sunsets plus easy access to marina and shops! MLS #956045
293 Marine Dr.
& 297 Marine Dr.
said Ken Calder, one of the organizers of the Garbage in Point Roberts website garbageinpr.com. The website collected almost 600 responses to a survey asking people about their use of the solid waste system that they will submit to the WUTC, Calder said. With 75 percent of survey respondents being full-time residents, Garbage in Point Roberts is encouraging seasonal residents to fill out the survey to better reflect the Point’s demographic. The minimum service level approved by the county is too high for the needs of most Point Roberts property owners, Calder said. They want to see the minimum service level set at one 20-gallon can per month, or a variable 12 pickups per year. The rate being proposed by Cando sets a price for that service, but the minimum service level established by county ordinance is for a variable twenty-six 32-gallon cans. “We want the WUTC to reject this rate and go back to the county,” Calder said, requesting that the minimum service level be reduced. Residents in other locations in Whatcom County are able to select their
100’+ of west-facing waterfront, unlimited views on 1.74 acres! Level lot; building site w/natural areas, gardens & privacy in area of estate homes. Short plat complete, 3-BR septic, water/power at street. Across from Point Roberts Golf Course. MLS #1117436 MLS #1117473
service level at the minimum offered by the hauler serving their area, which is one 20-gallon can a month. On September 12, Calder asked the Point Roberts Taxpayers’ Association, which had endorsed eliminating exemptions to mandatory garbage pickup when it went before county council in June, to send a letter to the county supporting lowering the minimum service level. Board members voted 7-4 in favor of lowering the minimum service. Calder said the current rate case also merited dismissal by the WUTC because the filing did not meet the statutory requirement for submission 45 days prior to the hearing. Kate Griffith with the WUTC said “the less than statutory notice is more of a technicality” which commissioners will consider when they review staff recommendations on Thursday, October 11. The applicant is required to notify affected customers 30 days prior to the hearing, which Cando did, and the timing of the filing with the WUTC had been necessary to meet county billing arrangements.
Holiday Publication Dates NOVEMBER issue
Ads due: October 19 Distribution: Friday, October 26
Ads due: November 16 Distribution: Friday, November 30
JANUARY 2019 issue
Ads due: December 14 Distribution: Friday, December 21
For more information call Louise All Point Bulletin
360-945-0413 • sales@pointrobertspress.com
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