January 2019
Historical society gets historic donation, page 3
Malibu fires recalled by local, page 4
ECRWSS PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 14
Rand Jack honored for lifetime achievements, page 7
Point Roberts, WA 98281 Postal Patron Local
New curbside And a Ho! Ho! Ho! to you, too! pickup scheme begins in 2019 By Meg Olson The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) has given the go-ahead to proposed new curbside pickup rates for the Point. At a November 30 open meeting, the commissioners approved an order allowing tariff revisions to go into effect on January 1 that would see the cost of residential every-other-week garbage pickup service increase by eight percent, from $10.80 to $11.68 per month. Curbside recycling rates will drop a few cents to $5.28 per month. Their ruling found that the increase agreed to by WUTC staff and the proponent, Cando Recycling and Disposal, was “fair, just, reasonable and sufficient because the company has demonstrated the need for additional revenue.” The new rates go hand in hand with the county ordinance adopted earlier this year which eliminates household exemptions from solid waste and recycling services in Point Roberts. When the law goes into effect in January, Cando will be required to serve 1,800 customers whereas the company now has 300 customers for curbside pickup services. An additional $398,000 of revenue will be generated under the new rates. “To increase its level of service, the company has had to acquire additional resources such as trucks and containers, and will incur increased costs for additional labor,” the commission’s order stated. The commission also pointed out that the company had not asked for a review of its rates, which must be approved by the WUTC, since it took over providing garbage service in 2008. “Staff has reviewed the company’s books and records, as well the county’s proposal to collect fees for the minimum level of service through its property tax billing process. Staff determined that if the company had requested a (See Trash, page 2)
s Sandra Procter was one of a number of local crafts people selling homemade gifts at the Holiday Gift Faire held December 1 and 2 at the Gulf Road community center. The proceeds went to benefit Circle of Care. Photo by Louise Mugar
year in
A Look Back at the Year That Just Was
By Meg Olson January • With close to $1 million sitting in the Point Roberts gas tax fund, the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee (PRCAC) and the county began to prioritize what projects it gets spent on. • The Point Roberts Hospital District put out a short survey to gauge what the community needed from the clinic in the
wake of a drop in users. • The driving force behind fundraising for the new library, Judy Ross, along with her late husband Ed Park, were recognized for their work by the Whatcom County Library System as construction on the new library moved forward. • Residents of a Point Roberts home got out in time with their pets thanks to smoke detectors when fire destroyed their home. February • County parks plans for new playground equipment at Lighthouse Marine
Manual recounts hand victories to incumbents By Stefanie Donahue Hand recounts for two 42nd legislative district races concluded on December 5 and resulted in victories for incumbent state senator Doug Ericksen (R) and state representative Luanne Van Werven (R). The Whatcom County Canvassing Board certified the results after election division staff began the mandatory hand recounts on November 29. In the race for state senate, Ericksen won with 45 votes over opponent Pinky Vargas
(D). Van Werven, who was running for state representative, position 1, won with 81 votes over opponent, Justin Boneau, chief deputy auditor Diana Bradrick said after the meeting. Ericksen and Van Werven will join Sharon Shewmake (D) in representing constituents in the 42nd legislative district. Shewmake won the state representative, position 2 race with 981 votes over her opponent Vincent Buys (R). She received 36,704 votes (50.68 percent), while Buys, an incumbent, received 35,723 votes
(49.32 percent). Bradrick said Ericksen received 36,338 votes (49.93 percent), while Vargas received 36,293 votes (49.87 percent) in the race for state senate. Van Werven received 36,242 votes (49.99 percent), while Boneau received 36,161 votes (49.88 percent) in the race for state representative, position 1. The percentages listed above account for write-in candidates. The legislative session begins on January 14 for the regularly scheduled 105-day season.
Park were shelved due to a budget shortfall in the boardwalk replacement project. • The Point Roberts fire department announced plans to add a community paramedic program providing medical home visits. • Both the food bank and the historical society asked the parks board for permission to use some of the space in the community center that would be freed up when the library moved to its new home. (See Year in review, page 3)
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Classifieds ......................................... 16 Coming Up ....................................... 15 Library ............................................. 14 Opinion ............................................... 4 Seniors ............................................. 14 Sheriffs ............................................. 14 Tides ................................................. 14
All Point Bulletin • January 2019
Trash ... From page 1
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rate increase for its current level of service to 300 customers, it would be entitled to approximately $34,000 additional annual revenue, or an increase of 18.7 percent.” To ensure that the rates generate adequate revenue for the company to fulfill its mandate but do not represent undue profits, the WUTC will require the company to make compliance filings in 2019 and 2020. Cando owner David Gellatly said that they anticipate starting service to all 1,800 properties that will now have their garbage fees billed as part of their property tax bill by the week of January 14. “We’re still not quite sure of what the routes and sched-
ules will be,” he said, but pickup days will be Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays while Sunday and Thursday will remain days the transfer station is open. As the new service model is rolled out, information will be updated on the company’s website candord.com and through a supplementary website candord.net. While basic garbage fees will be collected through the county, Gellatly said they would be sending statements to all customers every other month to let them know how many of their minimum service level (26 cans per year) they had used up and how to sign up for additional service if needed. “We are going to be expanding our office hours so if there are questions or complaints, we can make sure they are addressed,” he said.
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January 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
Year in review ... From page 1
• The water district had to find a new home after Best Time RV took over the office and property at 79 Tyee Drive looking to consolidate and expand their operations. • High winds met high tides resulting in flooding at Maple Beach, power outages around the Point and flying patio furniture. • New owners of the golf course, renamed Bald Eagle Golf Club at Point Rob-
erts, stepped up investment in the property, renovating the course and buildings for a spring reopening. March • With a goal of implementation by January 2019, the county health department and PRCAC moved ahead with plans to eliminate exemptions from mandatory garbage pickup in Point Roberts. • Brad Benson took over as port director at the Point Roberts U.S. port of entry. • A jewel-encrusted roaming toilet (See Year in review, page 5)
s Point Roberts Lighthouse Society secretary/treasurer Mark Robbins presented the PRLS’s check for $11,906.21 to Point Roberts Historical Society president Jessica McVey on December 14. “While we are sad that we were unable to build a lighthouse, we are happy to support another longstanding dream of a historical museum in the community center,” said Robbins. McVey thanked the lighthouse board for choosing the museum as the recipient of its funds and pledged to put the money to good use. McVey was joined by fellow historical society directors Bunny Miekle and Reneé Coe. The lighthouse society was dissolved after failing to receive support to construct a lighthouse from the Whatcom County executive and park district.
Photo by Madeleine Anderson
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All Point Bulletin • January 2019
All Point Bulletin The All Point Bulletin is published each month by Point Roberts Press Inc. Total circulation is 9,000 copies including home delivery in Point Roberts and Tsawwassen, subscriptions and distribution to retail establishments on the Point. The opinion expressed by contributors is their own and is offered for the general interest of our readers. Mail and classified ads should be addressed to:
H appy H olidays! from all of us at
All Point Bulletin P.O. Box 1451 Point Roberts WA USA 98281
Letters To The Editor
Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick J. Grubb Associate Publisher & Advertising Manager Louise H. Mugar News & Features Editor Meg Olson Copy Editor Aly Siemion Creative Services Ruth Lauman, Doug De Visser Advertising Sales Adam Albert Catherine Darkenwald, Molly Ernst Contributors In This Issue Ian Cassinos, Kris Lomedico, Riannon Allen, Carol Woodman Administrative Services Jeanie Luna Founding Editor Glennys Christie Business & Editorial Office Phone: 360/945-0413 Fax: 360/945-1613 Email: sales@allpointbulletin.com
Visit us online at:
www.allpointbulletin.com Printed in Canada • Vol. XXXIV, No. 9
Letters Policy The All Point Bulletin welcomes letters to the editor; however, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Letters must include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters must not exceed 450 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality and good taste. A fresh viewpoint on matters of general interest to local readers will increase the likelihood of publication. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis. Thank you letters should be limited to ten names. Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published.
Please email your letter to: letters@allpointbulletin.com P.O. Box 1451, Point Roberts, WA 98281 Fax: 360/945-1613
Next issue: Feb. 2019 Ads due: Jan. 18
The Editor: On behalf of the Point Roberts Public Hospital District, I wish to thank the community for your support and consideration during these months of preparation for the change in clinic service providers. Our thanks also go to the wonderful staff at the clinic, who have provided a safe and welcoming place for people to receive quality healthcare. This community has been made richer by their talents and dedication. Beginning in January, the Point Roberts Clinic will become part of SuperTrack Urgent Care PLLC, a state-of-the-art urgent care center in Bellingham. Our clinic will welcome patients for both urgent care and primary care visits. The phone number will remain the same, as will the hours of operation. We will continue to have physical therapy provided by Whatcom Physical Therapy on Wednesdays and on Friday mornings. Because of the holidays, the first day for the SuperTrack Point Roberts clinic will be Thursday, January 3, at which time we will have an open house. Please come by to meet the staff, including our physician’s assistant Deb Shields. Deb lives here in Point Roberts and is very happy to be returning to the clinic as our local provider. Take a tour if you wish and have some refreshments. You will also be able to schedule appointments. Our goal has always been to transition from the present contract to a new provider in a seamless manner, and this is what is happening. Dr. Sean Bozorgzadeh and Dr. Mae Lary, owners of SuperTrack, bring a wealth of primary and urgent care
expertise. Dr. Sean has an extensive background in both family and emergency medicine, and Dr. Mae’s equally impressive background includes internal medicine and oncology. Under their direction, it is our belief that our clinic will grow and prosper. Barbara Wayland Point Roberts The Editor: I would like to thank all the vendors who, on short notice, showed up for the Holiday Gift Faire December 1 and 2. It was a wonderful turn out, and greatly appreciated. A big thank you to our customers who came out to shop; we would not have had as nice a weekend without you. To Whidbey Telecom for their continued support of the Holiday Gift Faire with their generous donation to Circle of Care. Thanks to Circle of Care for another yummy lunch and our community bakers who brought goodies in for the bake sale and Campbell and Barb for decorating. To Ben, Bennett and Ramona, thanks for your help with decorations and event set up and moving tables around. Thanks to the All Point Bulletin for the ad in the paper and posting the fair in their events listing. To the ladies at Knit Night, who
got me to do another one, thanks to you. We will have more in 2019 and we hope you can join us for this. On behalf of the Point Roberts Historical Society, I would like to give a huge thank you to the Point Roberts Lighthouse Society. Their donation of over $11,000 will go a long way in giving us necessary supplies to see the historical society’s History Room come to fruition after so many years. We plan to be up and running next spring in the old library space. Feel free to pop by to see the progress. Thanks again! Jessica McVey Point Roberts The Editor: We are sad to see Unity Care leaving the Point Roberts Clinic after so many years serving the patients of Point Roberts. They have not only been a great organization to work for but as employees, we have been lucky enough to have worked with many talented and amazing individuals at Unity Care in both their Bellingham and Ferndale locations. To all the patients who used the clinic for their medical and lab needs, thank you for allowing us, the clinic staff, the opportunity and pleasure to work with you over the years. We will miss you greatly, but we will also miss working with each other. When you spend eight hours a day in a small office, you are bound to make long lasting friendships and all of us are grateful to have accomplished that as well. Natalié Davidson, Fran Rozyskie, Kristy Steinberger and Reneé Coe Point Roberts
Remembering the flames of Malibu, 1967 By Carol
w o o dm a n
Malibu, the land of sun, sand and movie stars. We had moved from New Jersey and were enthralled with the easy way of life. The schools were within walking distance and Zuma Beach was just across the road. In late September we were warned by our neighbors to keep an eye out for a fire cloud, as on occasion there were grass fires due to the Santa Ana winds which roared over the mountains in late September and October. It happened. One afternoon I could see a huge black cloud moving over the hill, so following my neighbor’s instructions, I filled up the bathtubs, pails and everything that would hold water and then shoved towels and cloths into the buckets. There would be no water pressure once the fire-
men turned on their hoses. The cloud kept moving our way, setting the dry grass on fire. My neighbor and I rushed over to the school to get the children. My ninth grade son and two friends had already jumped out a bathroom window and were on their way to our house. The high school in Santa Monica let the Malibu kids out and my son walked 10 miles to get home. The fire was moving very fast. I took the younger children, the dog and two horses down to the beach where other families were gathering and a friend took charge for me. I returned to the house, where two boys were now on the roof with pails; more water pots had been placed around the house to put out fire brands that landed under the eaves. The smoke was now very thick and the flames almost upon us. Our eyes
and throats were burning and we were covered with ash. Suddenly, the wind shifted and blew the fire back on itself. We were saved. However, the fire was now headed towards an elderly lady’s house, who had horses and dogs. We jumped in my car and followed a sheriff’s car down the highway a couple of miles where we calmed her horses, threw water on fire brands and tried to remember to turn off the electric fence. Oops, not always. It was scary and very iffy if her place could be saved. The fire was coming too fast. We were starting to evacuate when a fire truck arrived and hosed down her barn, house and pasture. Saved. As we were driving home, we watched a house implode. When I remember Malibu, I am thankful for the winter winds and rain in Point Roberts.
January 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
Year in review ... From page 3
was one of several fundraisers launched by community members rallying to help longtime resident Bradley Everett with the cost of fighting cancer. • A report by Environment and Climate Change Canada concluded that adding a second container terminal at Roberts Bank would cause irreversible environmental damage. • The Point Roberts water district relocated their offices to the former Liberty Wine Store building on Gulf Road. The move is expected to be temporary with the district intending to build a new office and shop on Benson Road in 2019. • The Point Roberts Parent Teacher Organization cancelled their annual Easter egg hunt because of time conflicts with the spring break plans of too many of the association members who put together and hide the thousands of eggs. April • Point Roberts Hospital District super-
intendent Elaine Komusi resigned citing growing professional and family demands and the negativity that came with numerous “unnecessary and at times repeat” requests for records by Shannon Tomsen and Victor Riley, whose intent she stated was “a relentless pursuit to find negative things” about the clinic. • The fire department began to offer home care services under a state law that allows emergency service providers to offer non-emergent care to community members with the goal of reducing dependence on 911 for routine medical needs. • Paul Beauchemin joined the team at the Bald Eagle Golf Club at Point Roberts as the club manager and golf professional as the revitalized golf course prepared to reopen.
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All Point Bulletin • January 2019
Whatcom County Fire District #5 Point Roberts
Community Paramedic CARES Program
Nattering nabobs of negativity shall not apply
Longtime fire commissioner Bill Meursing has resigned his position for personal reasons after over 15 years on the board, Providing non-emergency home medical care, education and referral services. most of them as chair. “I wish the fire department nothing but For an appointment or more information, please contact progress and good stuff,” said Meursing, Chief Christopher Carleton at 360-945-3473 or chief@wcfd5.com whose resignation is effective January 1, 2019. “I’ve enjoyed working there and I won’t be a stranger.” Meursing played a critical role in extracting the local fire department from its contract with North Whatcom Fire and Rescue and setting the course for local leadership of emergency services. “That was an unworkable situation, nothing but a drain of • U.S. green cards / naturalization funds and ineffective micro-management • Work / investor visas of our department,” he said. • Denied entry waivers He also played a leading role in securing voter approval for a doubling of taxes in • NEXUS appeals 2010 and in the replacement of chief Nick Kiniski with current chief Christopher Carleton. “The department has never been www.blaineimmigration.com • 435 Martin St., Suite 1010 • Blaine, WA run better,” he said. Leonard D.M. Saunders, Attorney at Law The fire district is now accepting applications from candidates for the commiswww.blaineimmigration.com • 435 Martin St., Suite 2010 • Blaine, WA sion. To be eligible, candidates must be a U.S. Citizen 18 years old or older, a regLeonard D.M. Saunders, Attorney at Law istered voter residing within the fire dis-
The Law Firm TheImmigration Immigration Law Firm
• U.S. green cards / naturalization • Work / investor visas • Denied entry waivers 360-332-7100 • Removal hearings • NEXUS appeals
trict boundaries for at least 30 days, have no felony convictions and no contractual conflict of interest. Letters of interest and resumes should be delivered or mailed to board secretary Linda Hughes at 2030 Benson Road, Point Roberts, WA 98281 no later than 5 p.m. January 18, 2019. Appointment may be made at the February regular meeting. For further information about the process or the duties of a fire district commissioner, please contact Commissioner Virginia Lester at vlester@ wcfd5.com. The Point Roberts Park and Recreation District is also looking for community members to fill two vacancies on their board in the new year. When the board met on December 18 it was the last meeting for outgoing chairman Linda Hughes and board member Sonia Liu also submitted her resignation. People interested in serving on the board and shaping the future of Point Roberts park and recreation are invited to attend the board’s next meeting on January 14 at 7 p.m. and share why they are interested in the position. For more information contact Falk at stalk.prpr@gmail.com.
CLOSED CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR’S DAY Upfront, honest spirit (hard alcohol) pricing all taxes included in shelf price.
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s The Point Roberts Historical Society’s new logo, designed by Bruce Meikle.
year in
POINT ROBERTS Historical Society
By Reneé Coe
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Did you know that Irene Waters and her husband Ken ran one of “the” three major jazz music sites in the county in 1956? The Reef’s decade long run with Irene in charge became one of the area’s ranking small jazz hubs ever! I knew Irene personally for many years but never knew this part of her story. That is why history needs a home and we need your help to create it. The dream of a permanent home for the Historical Society became a reality this past August with the approval from the parks district granting the old library room to our group which allows us to share our collection of photographs, artifacts and materials with the public in a space that both residents and visitors can enjoy and share. But we need your help to make our dream a reality! The towers have been stopped, the library is built and now we can really use your financial support as we move forward. As a non-profit organization for over 30 years, we can issue tax receipts for donations. Speaking of donations, we humbly and gratefully thank Mark Robbins and all the members of the Lighthouse Society who so generously gave the Historical Society their remaining funds. This money couldn’t come at a better time. We are starting from scratch and need to purchase display cases, interactive displays, photo swing panels, computerized inventory software, printers and
countless other items that we don’t even know we need yet. It’s a big empty space that we want to bring alive with the Point’s varied and interesting history but it takes money and we need your support. What can you do to help? Join our group. It’s easy and you’ll receive our bi-annual newsletter. Become a financial benefactor. We plan to set-up a PayPal account for those wishing to make large, small or monthly donations to our group. Have spare time on your hand? We need help from anyone who is willing to do light construction work for hanging material on the walls and hanging doors for the archive room. We don’t want our elder members climbing tall ladders. If you want to get your hands dirty, then volunteer to meet with other members who will be working on cleaning windows, scrubbing walls and moving cabinets and boxes into the archive room. Contact Jessica McVey at 360/945-0409 or email historicalsociety@pointroberts. net for future dates and times. A special thanks to member Bruce Meikle for designing our new logo. Thanks, Bruce! We are excited to begin the process of bringing the Point Roberts History Room to life with treasures, artifacts and photographs of the Point from years gone by. Individual membership is $10, family $15 and business $25. Send checks made payable to Point Roberts Historical Society - PO Box 780, Point Roberts, WA 98281. Find us on Facebook.
January 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
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Visit my Law Blog s From left, Dana Jack, Rand Jack, Cindy Louws and Whatcom County Executive Jack Louws. Photo by Louise Mugar
Rand Jack honored with Lifetime Achievement Award Rand Jack has been given the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce for 2018. In making the award, Jack was cited for his work with the Whatcom Land Trust as a founder and board member for 35 years. He was integrally involved with negotiating major transactions including Clark’s Point, Teddy Bear Cove, the Nesset Farm and the South Fork Park, the 2,200-acre Canyon Lake Community Forest with 1,000 year-old yellow cedar trees, Stimpson Family Nature Reserve, the 275-acre Lily Point Marine Park with 1.4 miles of shoreline, Maple Beach, Point Whitehorn Marine Reserve, the 4,400-acre reconveyance to create parkland around Lake Whatcom, Galbraith Mountain and, most recently, the Governors Point Nature Reserve. In 1991, he started the Law and Diversity Program at Fairhaven College, WWU, where he taught for 15 years. The program was for under-achieving students from communities underrepresented in the legal system who showed a spark of promise and wanted go to law school and return to serve their communities.
He served as the legal representation upholding a ban on jet skis in the San Juan Islands, challenging the Lynden ban on dancing and serving alcohol in the same place, and helping represent victims of childhood sexual abuse by a Catholic priest, including some here in Bellingham. He helped originate and for 10 years raised funds to support a project in the Upper Arun Valley, a remote mountain region of Nepal where villagers learned to cultivate medicinal and aromatic plants for sale in Tibet to supplement their marginal subsistence incomes. An extremely gifted carver, he has donated an 18-foot totem pole to the Whatcom Museum and numerous bird carvings to charity auctions (birdsbyrandjack.com).
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From page 5
(See Year in review, page 8)
Selling your boat?
Year in review ... • The International Marketplace helped out efforts by the Point Roberts Emergency Preparedness group to get a new emergency response team trailer with a fat $1,000 donation. • Former Lighthouse Marine Park manager Ben Van Buskirk was hired as the new program and facilities coordinator for the Point Roberts park and recreation district. • With leadership changes in the works at the Point Roberts Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), Point Interface administrator Al Conahan took over the community electronic information service as a private enterprise that begun as a fundraiser for PAWS. May • The attrition continued at the Point Roberts Hospital District as commissioner Robin Nault, recognizing “the timing is not ideal,” submitted her resignation. Nault said she would be moving to Tsawwassen and no longer met residency requirements for her position. • New PRCAC chair Jeff Christopher said that while solid waste issues have dominated the committee’s agenda for the last year, he wanted to see things like code revisions and economic development back on the agenda. • Close to 100 people attended a down-
Estate Planning: Ways to Avoid Probate For Your WA Real Estate & Other Assests
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All Point Bulletin • January 2019
Year in review ... From page 7
hill discussion hosted by PRCAC on the proposed mandatory solid waste pickup service for Point Roberts. While most attending supported making garbage collection mandatory, there was concern the base level of service being proposed, one can every other week, was too high. • PRCAC members endorsed a proposal by the local garden club to use a portion of the Point’s one-cent gas tax to maintain plantings along Tyee Drive. • Saturday Morning Market opened for the season at the Gulf Road community center parking lot. • A smaller refurbished boardwalk was opened to patrons of Lighthouse Marine Park. The Orca Center was removed permanently and the ship play structure was also removed for upgrades. • Whatcom County planning staff moved forward with a zoning text amendment to allow Best Time RV to construct a building for RV storage and repair at their new Tyee Drive location. • PAWS volunteers worked to revitalize
the organization following the departure of founder Carol Fuegi and launched their own electronic community bulletin board, PAWS Interface, to raise funds for the organization. The original Point Interface founded by Fuegi for that purpose was converted to a private enterprise by administrator Al Conahan. June • Whatcom County Council agreed to introduce an ordinance making garbage collection mandatory in Point Roberts and take it to a public hearing following a twoweek delay requested by council member Barbara Brenner to increase time for public input. • Kiniski’s Reef Tavern celebrated its 30th anniversary and owner Nick Kiniski gave up the idea of selling the iconic Gulf Road business. The business also made the switch to an all ages family restaurant. • The garbage discussion got a little too raucous at the PRCAC meeting prompting local deputy Tom McCarthy to remind the audience that disorderly conduct is punishable by up to 90 days in jail. In an attempt to allay concerns that the proposed minimum service level of one can every other week was onerous for seasonal resi-
Remember to winterize your summer home. Winterizing your home will help avoid any broken water pipes when temperatures dip below freezing. Unhook all outside hose bibs and have water service shut off. Please feel free to phone or email the Point Roberts Water District for further information at 360-945-4696 or prwd@whidbey.com. Point Roberts Water District No. 4 1437 Gulf Rd. • P.O. Box 39 Point Roberts, WA, 98281
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dents, county staff and PRCAC revised the minimum service language so that the 26 cans paid for annually could be put out at any time. • Azure Coast, a proposed 14-home subdivision on the property across from the golf course known as Reno Ranch, moved to the permitting stage with Whatcom County. • The Point Roberts Homegrown Co-Op was reorganized as Benson Road Homegrown Gardens, a community garden instead of a cooperative farm. • Stephen Falk took Robin Nault’s spot on the Point Roberts Hospital District board of directors and Barbara Wayland was appointed as district superintendent, replacing Elaine Komusi. July • Whatcom County Council voted 5–2 to eliminate exemptions to mandatory garbage pickup in Point Roberts. Opponents of the change submitted a petition with 364 signatories and asked council to hold
off on the change until a newly formed PRCAC solid waste subcommittee had time to review the Point’s solid waste system. • After a one-year hiatus, the Point Roberts Arts and Music Festival was back on the water at the end of Gulf Road in collaboration with Kiniski’s Reef. • Citing “increasing community turmoil” surrounding the Point Roberts Clinic, Unity Care NW decided not to renew their contract to operate the clinic. • It was a garden tour year, highlighting eight unique local gardens. • Water district commissioners approved a contract to provide irrigation water to the golf course. The golf course also asked the district to consider lowering their water rate, currently the same as other commercial users. August • Point Roberts library staff finished moving into the new library in the former (See Year in review, page 14)
In The Garden By Rhiannon Allen Nothing can really replace a human mentor when it comes to gardening. Many of us learned to garden working alongside parents and other people who took the time to demonstrate and to answer our questions. Some of those opportunities are still available through garden clubs and workshops at botanical gardens like Van Dusen Garden and the UBC Botanical Garden. If you are interested in exploring these opportunities, check out their websites in the spring to see what workshops they might be offering. As for garden clubs, both our own Point Roberts Garden Club and our ‘sister’ South Delta Garden Club welcome guests when they have invited speakers. If you are on Facebook, it is certainly worth following both of them (as well as botanical gardens mentioned earlier) to keep abreast of programs open to the public. The speakers themselves offer great advice, but great advice is also available from other gardeners during the social session that follows the speakers. All you have to do is ask! If the person you ask first doesn’t have an answer, then surely that person can point you in the right direction. In addition, both garden clubs offer handy resources through their websites. South Delta Garden Club, for example, publishes a monthly ‘To do list.’ And our own garden club provides a lot of handy links, as well as free books, magazines, and other materials at its meetings. But if you want gardening advice in the depths of winter, the two best resources are the library and some specific websites. I personally use Davesgarden.com a lot. You can easily spend all day clicking through all its useful pages and blogs. The thing I find particularly useful about Dave’s Garden is its Plant Scout (found under Products & Sources). If I am looking for an unusual plant or cultivar that I cannot find locally, I can enter the plant’s name in the search bar and Dave’s Garden will tell me who sells this plant. I can then search Dave’s Garden to find reviews of the vendor before visiting the vendor’s website or ordering from them. If you are on Facebook, you can also follow a number of garden pages, and even use Facebook to keep abreast of gardening workshops and meetings, ask questions in gardening groups, or message clubs and page administrators for advice. Both South Delta and Point Roberts Garden Clubs have Facebook pages that you can follow. And,
of course, each of these will occasionally share information that you might find interesting. As much fun as it is to surf the internet from the comfort of your own home, it is equally pleasurable to spend an afternoon in our new library. Although Gardens West, the best gardening magazine for our area, is long gone and the library does not have a subscription to the entertaining GreenPrints: The Weeder’s Digest, our library does have a good selection of gardening magazines and their special editions. Country Gardens, Fine Gardening, and Garden Gate all offer a variety of articles on plants, gardening, and garden design. It’s difficult to choose which to read, so why not hop into the library and leaf through each before taking home the one that fits your fancy? As for books, although there is a great selection that you can place on hold from other branches, our own collection is quite impressive. Reflecting interests of full- and part-time residents, there are many books on growing vegetables and on gardening in the Pacific Northwest. There are also some very specialized books that might pique your interest. One is Gardening for Birds, Bees, and Butterflies: I’m sure that our local beekeepers would be very pleased for you to read this book! Given that the Garden Club’s programs on pruning have been popular, I’ll also assume that many gardeners would be interested in The Complete Guide to Pruning Trees and Bushes. Right now, I’m working my way through Homegrown Berries. This beautifully illustrated book is published by Portland-based Timber Press (always a solid source for gardening books tailored to the Pacific Northwest). This book has given me some good advice on how to revive my overgrown strawberry patch and how to keep a raspberry hedge tidy and productive. It provides instructions on preventing pests from attacking my red currants – the same advice it took me forever to track down using Google early this year. And should I want to turn my hand to growing my own blueberries, it provides counseling on cultivar selection, planting requirements, and caring for these shrubs. It even has a chapter on cultivars that do especially well in particular areas, so that I can now go on Davesgarden.com or check to see if Cloud Mountain Nursery in Everson has specific cultivars that I can order. So use the winter months productively surfing and reading!
January 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
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360-599-0727 s Tamra Hansen, owner of Saltwater Cafe on Gulf Road, has opened up Driftwood Home Decor in the rear of the café. Searching for that perfect accent piece? Drop on by.
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1- story house with 1,218 SF, 2 BD, 1 BA, 354 SF detached garage, 364 SF shop, 192 SF storage, 1,390 SF deck, built in 1976, 70 feet waterfront; .75 acres land; marine view.
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Condo with 1,155 SF, 2 BD, 3 BA, built in 2008, waterfront; marine view.
Unit #A106, Marin Condominium, 9525 Semiahmoo Parkway, Blaine
Condo with 2,670 SF, 3 BD, 4 BA, 650 SF attached garage, 414 SF patio, built in 2018, waterfront; marine view.
Unit 39, Semiahmoo Shore Condominium, 9462 Turnstone Lane, Blaine
Condo with 2,875 SF, 3 BD, 5 BA, 451 SF built-in garage, 228 SF patio, built in 2017, waterfront; marine view.
Unit 17, Semiahmoo Shore Condominium, 9403 Turnstone Lane, Blaine
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Lot 5, The Cottages at Seabright Farm, 2222 Seabright Loop, Point Roberts
Pine Siskin Road, Blaine
1887 H Street and Ludwick Avenue, Blaine
COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES: Church with 5,218 SF, 2,378 SF basement, built in 1954, plus house, .32 acres land. LAND: .35 acres residential waterfront lot; marine view.
.51 acres residential waterfront lot; marine view. 6.36 acres industrial land with old house and outbuildings.
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All Point Bulletin • January 2019
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s It was a happy Holiday Hoedown at the Point Roberts Community Center on December 17 as the students of the primary school put on their annual December concert. Photo by Louise Mugar
Auntie Pam’s Country Store’s annual Christmas Cookie Contest was once again a successful fundraiser. First place winner was Vanessa Meyer for her white chocolate dipped peppermint truffle. A total of $420 was raised for the Point Roberts Food Bank. From left, Savilla Kress, Pamala Sheppard, Nancy King and Louise Mugar.
Photo by Candice Baird
Visit www.riverhousegroup.com Reservations 604-946-7545 Walk ins Welcome 6255 River Road, Delta
s A delightful tutorial concert was held on December 9 at the Trinity Lutheran Church by the Brass Trilogy Trio featuring classical tunes and a Christmas medley with percussion provided by members of the audience during the encore.
Courtesy photo
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January 2019 • allpointbulletin.com S Mackenzie Dobb, l., daughter of longtime Point Roberts residents Bryan and Stephanie Dobb will be appearing in a play entitled The Fighting Days at the Tsawwassen Arts Center. The Fighting Days is written by Wendy Lill, directed by Carroll Lefebvre and is based on the true story of the women’s suffrage movement in Canada. See Coming Up page for details.
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“A Day at the Beach” watercolor painting by Valerie Mayer of Points Roberts.
All Point Bulletin • January 2019
e t i r e d r o B Report
Brought To You By The Blaine School District Point Roberts Primary • 945-ABCD (2223) • 2050 Benson Rd, P.O. Box 910 • Point Roberts, WA 98281 Editor, Tammy McDonald - Comments or feedback: Send to: borderitenews@blainesd.org
Highlights from the Point Roberts Primary Holiday Hoedown on December 17 at the Community Center. Photos by Ashley Strub
s PREP members and Point Roberts firefighters installing ham radio communication Photo by Louise Mugar towers in the summer of 2018.
year in
POINT ROBERTS Circle of Care
By Annelle Norman
Point Roberts Primary wants to Thank You for a great 2018.
Here’s wishing everyone a Happy New Year! Check out our district website! www.blainesd.org
Circle of Care, a 501c3 non-profit, volunteer organization, provides information and referral services for seniors and others who need help to stay in their own homes following illness or injury. The first annual general meeting (AGM) was held in January with all trustees and 26 guests in attendance. 2017 Financials were posted on the web and are available for viewing here: bit.ly/2LpCNVf. Our 2018 AGM will be held February 17, 2019. Please watch APB for time and location. Circle of Care maintains a stock of durable medical equipment for loaning to members of our community. We have walkers, crutches, braces and walking boots, knee scooters, a wheelchair, transfer pole, toilet seats, shower and bath chairs/benches, safety bars, exercise cycles, miscellaneous pads, sterile kits and so much more. Please check with us before you purchase anything for your home or bathroom. We are happy to deliver and help you to install whatever you need. If you have any of this equipment to donate, please let us know. This year Circle of Care was successful in recruiting two residents to take the state
required training and become certified Home Care Aides. The certification involves 70 hours of classroom instruction, sitting and passing an exam and clearing a background check. In order to provide support and encouragement, Circle of Care is offering a scholarship to cover the tuition and fees to Point Roberts residents. Once again, South Beach House Restaurant sponsored a very successful fundraiser, a tasty Mexican brunch. A wonderful time was had by all. Thank you, Max and Diane Briand and all your wonderful staff for your continued support. We are very grateful to our volunteers who helped us with our clients with hundreds of hours of care, visits, rides, and everything from meals and housekeeping to walking the dogs and scooping the kitty litter. We are proud to be an approved, functioning non-profit organization and are able to provide you with a tax receipt for your donations. The board of trustees is immensely grateful to the community for their continued support of our efforts to be of service to those in need in Point Roberts. Wishing you all the joy of the season, and happy 2019!
January 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
year in
Emergency Preparedness
By Shant Tersakian As Point Roberts Emergency Preparedness group is tasked with educating the local residents with being prepared for disasters, we are also preparing our members to become amateur radio operators (HAMs) in coordination with Point Roberts Auxiliary Communications Service and the Community Emergency Response Team to assist the fire department in disasters. We have in 2018 invested a great deal of the funds raised through events and grants to purchase the CERT trailer, erect a base station antenna at the community center and put together a portable communication equipment, all of which is important to have when we get cut off from the U.S.
year in
Friends of the PR Library
B y J u d y R o ss We end 2018 big! We completed fundraising for the new library in Point Roberts, and we celebrated the new library at the August grand opening. The final task has been placing the donor recognition panels. In early December, an etched glass panel recognizing the founders (donations of at least $10,000) was placed in the front door entry. By mid-December, there will be three maple wood panels with brass plaques in the meeting room listing all who donated between $500 and $9,999. Then, everyone can enjoy this beautiful, sparkling new building that we all worked to make happen. Maybe Friends of the Point Roberts Library (FOPRL) should now just sit back and rest? Probably not. FOPRL members are committed to finding a way to keep selling used books to raise money for
year in
mainland, once power and telephones are not functional. In 2018, PREP has been involved in: • 4th of July pancake breakfast. • Fire department open house. • CERT training with fire dept. • Weekly net control testing (HAM). • Field day radio communications testing (PRACS). • Community center antenna erection and base station set up. • Prepping the CERT trailer for serving community needs. We are hoping to have more involvement from community members to be able to coordinate education/training days for CERT and HAM certifications during 2019.
smaller program expenses throughout each year. But book sales are also about building community, as we talk to each other about the books we read, share our enthusiasms, meet new people. But to do this, we need to have someplace to keep those books that the community steadily donates. We are hoping to find somewhere to set up a small space that will have enough room for book shelves, some comfortable seating and a coffee pot, cups and a plate of cookies. That way, we can circulate books and meet one another on a more or less regular basis to talk about how we can ensure that this community is all that it can be. The natural place is the Point Roberts Community Center and we will soon present a request to add a book/talk/coffee drop-in spot to the community center’s activities. If you have any ideas about how to make this happen, or want to help with it, write me at foprl1@gmail.com.
By Scott Hackleman For more than a decade now the Point Roberts Garden Club has been responsible for the landscaping on each side of Tyee Drive, from Benson Road to Gulf Road consisting of feature berms with perennials, grasses and wildflowers connected by more than 40 liquid ambar trees and flower beds full of thousands of daffodils and wildflowers in the spring. It’s worth mentioning this project has not been maintained and developed by a government municipality (like the lovely roses and palm trees we see coming through Tsawwassen), but rather by our Point Roberts community through its support of the Garden Club’s biennial garden tour and volunteers who have put in many hours, whether with the Tour or actual hands-on work on Tyee Drive. The Garden Club has immense gratitude for both. Funds from our Garden Tour and plant sale go to this beautification project through the purchase of soil, mulch, plants, equipment and occasional professional help. This year we planted hundreds of new plants to start the creation of a “Pollinator Corridor” along Tyee Drive. Most significantly this year also saw the
approval by county council for the use of some transportation benefit district funds (aka TBD or the gas tax) to help with maintenance of the Tyee beautification project. This is a fantastic help, since our members’ knees and backs have all been going out the last few years. The year has not just been spent working on Tyee. At our monthly meetings at the Point Roberts Community Center, we had presentations on diverse subjects ranging from preparations for the spring garden, to the initiatives of the Earthwise Society, to garden insects of North America. For one of our meetings, West Coast Seeds gave us a tour of their ½-acre garden, where they are experimenting with seed trials of new varieties of vegetables, herbs, flowers and other things. We like to have some of our meetings at members’ gardens when the weather is nice, so many of our meetings were also spent sharing gardening tips and socializing while browsing through lovely gardens around the Point. The Point Roberts Garden Club meets at 7 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month February through October at the community center on Gulf Road. All are welcome. You can contact us at pointrobertsgardenclub.org.
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All Point Bulletin • January 2019
ity Tree Care
945-0842 LICENSED
Sheriff’s Report p.m.:
December 10, 10:28 a.m.:
Neighborhood dispute cold call
Vandalism cold call on Sey-
on James Road.
mour Place.
December 1, 7:43 p.m.: Assist
December 10, 11:38 a.m.:
agency on Tyee Drive.
Follow up on Gulf Road.
December 1. 10:40 p.m.: Music
December 10, 12:07 p.m.:
on James Road.
December 3, 2:26 p.m.: Hit and
run cold call on McKenzie Way
December 10, 1:48 p.m.: Fol-
Over 20 years experience Licensed • Bonded • Insured CASCAFL912J8
FOLLOW US ON @pointrobertspress
December 3, 3:10 p.m.: Assist citizen on Ma-
December 10, 5:40 p.m.: Civil problem on
rine Drive.
Washington Drive.
December 7, 2:52 p.m.: Littering on Gulf Road
December 11, 12:10 p.m.: Mental on Ocean
December 7, 9:15 p.m.: Traffic stop on Tyee
View Lane.
Drive. One arrest and citation for driving with a
December 11, 2:35 p.m.: Refer to other agen-
suspended license.
cy on Washington Drive.
From page 8
Installation & Refinishing
low up on Alder Street.
and Delano Way.
Year in review ...
• Hardwood • Prefinished • Laminate
December 11, 2:41 p.m.: Watch for on Gulf Road. December 12, 10:42 p.m.: Traffic hazard on Winston Drive and Roosevelt Way. December 13, 12:55 p.m.: Follow up on Mc-
Julius fire station in preparation for an August 1 grand opening. • At the first meeting of hospital district commissioners after the local clinic lost its service provider, many community members expressed concern about the clinic’s future. • With marijuana becoming legal in Canada, questions multiplied about how to stay out of trouble when crossing the border to the U.S. • The dock at Lighthouse Marine Park failed again, and Whatcom County parks had no timeline to replace it. • At the local taxpayers association annual general meeting, Whidbey Telecom chief marketing officer Chris McKnight outlined the company’s roll-out of fiber optic cable serving Point Roberts. The first customer online was U.S. Customs and Border Services at the port of entry. • The parks district and the Point Roberts Historical Society began work on an agreement under which the historical society would use the room that previously housed the library as display and archival space. Parks board members were not in agreement on a food bank request for storage space at the community center. • PRCAC members unanimously endorsed the concept of an 80/20 split of annual gas tax revenues, with the larger percentage being set aside for large projects and the smaller percentage being used annually for smaller projects. • Prominent local developer Wayne Knowles, partner at the Cottages at Seabright Farm and vice president of development at the marina, died suddenly at (See Year in review, page 15)
Laren Road.
January Tides Tides at Point Roberts PST Not For Navigation 49° 0’ 0”N - 122° 46’ 0”W
Date Time Height
Time Height
Tu 1
2:55 am
7:04 am
1:04 pm
8:41 pm
We 2
4:07 am
8:16 am
1:42 pm
9:21 pm
Th 3
5:01 am
9:22 am
2:18 pm
10:01 pm
Fr 4
5:45 am
10:24 am
2:56 pm
10:37 pm
Sa 5
6:25 am
11:16 am
3:32 pm
11:11 pm
Su 6
6:59 am
12:04 pm
4:10 pm
11:47 pm
Mo 7
7:33 am
12:48 pm
4:46 pm
Tu 8 We 9
Senior’s Point Menus
Tuesday, January 1: Closed for New Year’s Day. Wednesday, January 2: Pub-style fish and chips, coleslaw and fresh melon. Friday, January 4: Roasted turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, seasonal veggies and pumpkin pie. Wednesday, January 9: Meat lasagna, Italian veggies, Caesar salad and sliced pears. Friday, January 11: BBQ pulled pork, brown rice and roll, crinkle cut carrots, coleslaw and fruit. Wednesday January 16: Ham with pineapple, potatoes au gratin, broccoli Normandy, garden salad and coconut fruit salad. Friday, January 18: Sloppy joes on multi-grain bun, rainbow potatoes, garden salad and rainbow sherbet. Monday, January 21: Closed for MLK Day. Wednesday, January 30: Chicken cordon bleu, mashed potatoes, Caribbean veggies, garden salad and fruit. All menus are subject to change due to food cost and availability. (Lunch is served at noon on Wednesdays and Fridays. Gluten-free entrées are available upon request and entrée salads are available every day. Special needs/diets can be arranged with an hour’s notice beforehand – please call 360/945-5424.)
12:19 am
8:05 am
1:32 pm
5:24 pm
12:53 am
8:37 am
2:18 pm
6:04 pm
Th 10
1:25 am
9:07 am
Library Picks
3:06 pm
6:48 pm
Fr 11
1:57 am
9:35 am
3:56 pm
7:44 pm
Bestsellers: The Peacock Emporium . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jojo Moyes The Night Tiger . . Yangsze Choo Cemetery Road . . . . . Greg Iles Pushing Brilliance . . . Tim Tigner
Sa 12
2:31 am
10:01 am
4:44 pm
9:00 pm
Su 13
3:07 am
10:29 am
5:32 pm
10:36 pm
10:57 am
Mo 14
3:47 am
6:18 pm
Tu 15
12:26 am
11:27 am
7:02 pm
2:10 am
5:53 am
We 16 Th 17
4:41 am
12:03 pm
7:48 pm
3:24 am
7:19 am
6.8 -0.4
12:43 pm
8:32 pm
Fr 18
4:18 am
8:35 am
1:31 pm
9:18 pm
Sa 19
5:06 am
9:43 am
2:21 pm
10:04 pm
Su 20
5:48 am
10:43 am
3:15 pm
10:50 pm
Mo 21
6:28 am
11:39 am
4:11 pm
11:38 pm
Tu 22
7:08 am
12:33 pm
5:09 pm
We 23
12:24 am
7:48 am
1:25 pm
6:09 pm
8.7 10.8
Th 24
1:08 am
8:26 am
2:21 pm
7:13 pm
Fr 25
1:54 am
9:04 am
3:21 pm
8:27 pm
Sa 26
2:42 am
9:40 am
4:21 pm
9:51 pm
Su 27
3:30 am
10:16 am
5:21 pm
11:31 pm
Mo 28
4:22 am
10:54 am
6:21 pm
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Movies: The Red Violin . Samuel L. Jackson, . . . . . . . . . . . .Greta Scacchi Anna Karenina . . Helen McCrory, . . . . . . . . . . . Kevin McKidd Venom . . . . . . . . . Tom Hardy, . . . . . . . . . Michelle Williams A Simple Favor . . Anna Kendrick, . . . . . . . . . . . . Blake Lively Music: Songs for Judy . . . . . Neil Young Look Now . . . . . Elvis Costello Hilary Hahn Plays Bach . H. Hahn Valiente . . . . . . . . . . . Thalia Teens: Fire & Heist . . . Sarah Beth Durst Never Say Die . Anthony Horowitz The Xy . . . . . . . Virginia Bergin Kids: Ghosted . . . . . . Leslie Margolis Gilda the Giant Sheep . . . . . . . . . Emilio Urberuaga Run Elephant, Run . . . . . . . . . Patricia McCarthy Ask about Playaways! Hours: Tue. 1-7, Wed. & Sat. 10-5. Library Express: After hours 6 a.m.- 11 p.m.
January 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
Year in review ... From page 14 home. September • Parks district commissioners began discussing a buyout proposal for their lease with the company that owns the Verizon cell tower adjacent to Baker Field. • Whatcom County parks engineers struggled to figure out how to design a dock that would last at Lighthouse Marine in the wake of repeated failures of newer
designs since the old wooden dock was taken out after 16 years in service. • Savilla Cress was named the winner of the 2018 HaHa Cup at the annual Point Roberts Joke Contest. RESIDENTIAL • The Point Roberts Hospital District started looking for a new service provider to replace Unity Care NW, the board approving a request for qualifications for potential applicants. Commissioners also reassured new and existing patients B RtheI C K clinic was still open and Unity Care would
Coming up ...
S i nSince c e 1973 1973
(See Year in review page 18)
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Events Pacific Arts Market: December 22–23, 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sunset Square, 1125 E. Sunset Drive, Bellingham. Locally crafted jewelry, illustrations, knitting, soap, photography and much more. Info: pacificartsmarket.com. Trinity Chamber Concert Series: Saturday, December 22, 3 p.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Bergamasca recorders performing Moon of Wintertime. Christmas Eve Service: Monday, December 24, 6:30 p.m. caroling, with a candlelight service at 7 p.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Christmas Day Service: Tuesday, December 25, 11 a.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road.
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New Year’s Eve: Monday, December 31, Breakwaters Bar and Grill, 715 Simundson Drive. Buffet dinner and music. Featuring Raincity Blue and Blackwater. Safe Ride available. Tickets on sale now. Info: Breakwatersbargrill.com or 360/945-2628. New Year’s Eve Party: Monday, December 31, Kiniski’s Reef Tavern, 1334 Gulf Road. Celebrate the New Year at Kiniski’s Reef Tavern. No cover. Galapagos Islands and the Peruvian Amazon: Wednesday, January 2, 7:30 p.m., Benediction Lutheran Church, 5575 6th Avenue at 56th Street, Tsawwassen. Presented by Delta Nature with naturalist Paul Rennie. Point Roberts Community Blood Drive: Saturday, January 12, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Bloodmobile at Point Roberts Fire Hall, 2030 Benson Road. Reading/prayer/meditation: Thursday, January 17, Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. With interfaith minister Bev Mar. The Fighting Days: January 17 – February 2. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday shows at 8 p.m., and Sunday shows at 2 p.m., Tsawwassen Arts Centre, 1172 56th street. Directed by Carroll Lefebvre, The Fighting Days is based on the true story of the women’s suffrage movement in Canada. Tickets $15 for children and senior 60+ and $18 for adults. To make reservations call 604/288-2415.
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Scheduled Meetings/Ongoing Events Point Roberts Book Club: Wednesday, December 26, 7-9:30 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. The book club meets at a different location each month on the last Wednesday. Call the library for book title and meeting location. Info: 360/945-6545. PR Hospital District: Wednesday, January 2, 7 p.m., community center. PR Registered Voters Association: Thursday, January 3, 6 p.m., community center. Info: prrva.org. PR Amateur Radio Club (PRARC): Monday January 7, 7 p.m., Point Roberts Community Center. Membership in the Point Roberts Amateur Radio Club (PRARC) is open to all. Info: incorridge@yahoo.com Friends of Point Roberts Library: Tuesday, January 8, noon-1 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Info: 360/945-6545. PR Water District: Tuesday, January 8, 5 p.m., community center, 1437 Gulf Road. PREP (PR Emergency Preparedness): Thursday, January 8, 7 p.m., community center. Info: Henry Rosenthal, 360/945-1711. PR Chamber of Commerce: Tuesday, January 8, 7 p.m., community center. Info: pointrobertschamberofcommerce.com. PR Fire District 5: Wednesday, January 9, 4 p.m., 2030 Benson Road. Info: 360/945-3473. PR Taxpayers Association: Wednesday, January 9, 7 p.m., community center. PR Park and Recreation District: Monday, January 14, 7 p.m., community center, 1437 Gulf Road. PR Historical Society: Wednesday, January 16, 7 p.m. Info: historicalsociety@pointroberts. net. PR Community Advisory Committee: Thursday, January 17, 6 p.m., community center. Info: comments@pointrobertscac.org. WTA’s “Zone Service” offers one round trip to Bellingham each Tuesday. Open to everyone. $1 per trip. For information, call 866/989-4287. Knee Club: Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Contact Shirley to reserve your spot. Info: 360/945-2617. Point Roberts Library Hours: Tuesdays, 1-7 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Holds and returns only can be accessed with your library card through Library Express every day from 6 a.m.–11 p.m. Knits & Crafts at Point Roberts Library: Tuesdays, 5-7 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Weekly handicraft time for knitting, crocheting, or any other hand crafts. Practice, advice, chat, and hot drinks. For adults and teens. Info: 360/945-6545. Wackie Walkers: Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays, 8 a.m., community center. Check wackiewalkers.wordpress.com for information about the Thursday walk location.
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All Point Bulletin • January 2019
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Point Roberts Public Hospital District HIRING 2 POSITIONS: SECRETARY:
6 hrs/week mostly self-scheduled. Skills: Microsoft Word, Excel; website posting; minutes of all meetings.
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Reports to Food Service Manager. 16-20 hours per week, approx. 7 a.m.-3 p.m./2-days per week. This position is responsible for the production, serving and clean-up of 30-45+ Senior Meals 2 days a week at the Point Roberts Center.
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PUBLIC NOTICE OF FIRE DISTRICT COMMISSIONER VACANCY POINT ROBERTS FIRE DEPARTMENT WHATCOM COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION NO. 5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Whatcom County Fire Protection District No. 5 has a current vacancy for Fire Commissioner. The vacancy is a temporary position that will be filled by appointment until the November, 2019 General Election, when the position will be open and on the ballot for regular election. The Commissioner position will be filled according to the results of the election. The Fire District is accepting letters of interest with an attached resume from individuals wanting to be considered to fill a vacancy on the Fire District Board of Commissioners. To be eligible to serve as a Fire Commissioner you must be: (1)a U.S. Citizen; (2) 18 years old or older; (3) a registered voter residing within the Fire District boundaries for at least 30 days; (4) have no felony convictions unless the individual has had his or her civil rights restored subsequent to the conviction; and (5) have no contractual conflict of interest with the District, i.e. a contractual relationship with the District that exceeds $1,500 per month in compensation. Letters of interest and resumes should be delivered or mailed to: LINDA HUGHES, BOARD SECRETARY 2030 Benson Road Point Roberts, WA 98281 in a sealed envelope no later than 5pm on or before January 18, 2019. Letters received after that date will not be considered. Applications will be reviewed by current Fire Commissioners. Applicants may be requested to participate in follow-up interviews by the Board of Fire Commissioners at an open public meeting. Appointment may be made at the February, 2019 regular meeting. For further information about the process or the duties of a Fire District Commissioner, please contact Commissioner Virginia Lester at vlester@wcfd5.com. Nothing in this Notice shall be deemed to create any contract or obligation, express or implied, by the Fire District to any individual applicant to or for any particular application process, for an interview of such applicant, or for appointment to the position after interview. In its sole discretion, the Fire District Board of Commissioners may change, amend, or modify the application process as it may deem necessary, including, but not limited to, requiring additional interviews, background checks, and conducting an additional application process if no applicants are deemed appropriate.
January 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
Classifieds continued
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year in
RESIDENTIAL HOUSE WANTED or buildable lot with owner financing offered. Call Michael Roberts at 786-708-8000 or email michael@roberts.global
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Trinity Community Church
B y L o u i s e C a ss i d y Sunday services at Trinity Church are a meaningful blend of liturgy, music and preaching. But Sundays are just one aspect of how the church is reaching out to support the needs of our community – support that spans the spiritual, physical and emotional dimensions of our daily lives. Throughout 2018, a typical week at Trinity saw many people giving of their time and gifts to bring new life to their community. The church week begins on Sunday at 11 a.m. Pastor Gina Gaudet and Father Chuck Cannon share the role of presiding over worship, each serving on alternate Sundays. Lucy and Dick Williams are also an important part of Sunday services and concerts alike, playing oboe and clarinet
year in
Real Estate Wanted
respectively. On Mondays and Wednesdays, Shirley Cannon holds “Knee Club” – an opportunity to spend an hour stretching and strengthening muscles and joints. On the first and third Sundays of each month, Gina Gaudet spends the afternoon offering “Healing Touch.” The third Thursday of the month, Interfaith minister Bev Mar offers the rare gift of a quiet hour – a time to reflect, re-center and recharge through reading, prayer and guided meditation. Natasha Neufeld, assisted by Andy Mar, leads the community choir and the church choir – two opportunities to express joy in the world through song. The church choir sings in most Sunday services, and the community choir performed a spring
By Jack Louws Here we are at year end 2018. It’s been quite a year for Whatcom County government. Probably the biggest impact for our citizens this year has been the strides we have made in technology improvements. We modernized our ballot counting systems allowing more efficiently administered elections with significant labor savings. We are actively working on a new permitting system that will streamline permit activities for staff and citizens. Permits issued in planning and development services, public works, and the health department will be available for online viewing and tracking. This system will go live in
late 2019. We also have a new agenda management system for county council meetings that will allow the pubic to view and/or listen to council meetings in real time while providing more online access to all documents that relate to agenda items. Additionally, food safety inspection reports for local restaurants are now available online. Council adopted our next two-year budget on November 20. This budget will allow us to stay within our monetary parameters, fund needed services and continue to streamline our services. We close out 2018 with a new council member – Carol Frazey, who was sworn in on November 27, and we say goodbye to Tim Ballew with
Find out what’s happening on the Point every week! APB’s weekly electronic newsletter!
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concert and three Christmas concerts. Natasha Neufeld and Gina Gaudet lead a small group of teens at “The Philosophers’ Café” – an opportunity to explore ideas in a climate of trust. Fred Culbert and his team share “The Power of Music” through video and discussions of various vocal artists. The atmosphere at the Saturday evening events is that of a casual, welcoming café with delicious refreshments. One of the real highlights of Trinity Church’s ministry is Lucy Williams’ concert series, where big city culture comes to our small community. Last July saw the 100th concert in the series – a major production lasting all day. The monies raised support Trinity’s Summer Musical Camp, led by Natasha Neufeld and is free to all children. This is a wonderful week of learning and of building friendships, culminating in a Biblical musical production. Trinity is an active, welcoming church and all are invited. We hope that you will join us!
gratitude for his service to the county. Point Roberts has a new solid waste collection and recycling program that will be in place January 1, 2019. This comes after many years of work between Point Roberts citizens, the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee and county staff. We continue to work towards the start of the Birch Bay Drive and Pedestrian facility and are hopeful that the final issues are resolved soon. The community has waited a long time for this to be a reality. I see your communities – Point Roberts, Birch Bay and Blaine growing and businesses opening or evolving. I am grateful for our Canadian neighbors who live and visit here. I’m also thankful for our law enforcement and first responder personnel who are always willing to serve our citizens. Best wishes for a wonderful year in 2019!
year in
By Barbara Brenner This past year has been difficult for many people due to lots of changes in water codes, land use, and yes, in property assessments which may result in higher taxes, although the council did not increase any of our county government taxes for existing properties or structures. For some reason, the assessor recently decided our properties are worth more. I still am looking for an explanation of that. However, at this time of year my goal is to find some good to share so this is it. I decided to offset politics by inventing extremely healthy, extremely delicious dark chocolate peanut butter cups, different flavored cream filled dark chocolate bonbons (pumpkin, lemon, lime, orange), my own version of Mounds and tonight I just invented my own sweet cherry cream dark chocolate bonbon. It is amazing how that sweetens and helps me stop thinking about the problems of the world. If you are ever interested in trying any, just give me a call (360/3842762) and we can arrange for you to come over for a taste. Happy Holidays!
All Point Bulletin • January 2019
year in
POINT ROBERTS Hospital District
ByBarbara Wayland The year 2019 has been busy for the Point Roberts Public Hospital District (PRPHD). Earlier this year, superintendent Elaine Komusi tendered her resignation due to the demands of her job in Vancouver, and Barbara Wayland, a former hospital district commissioner, was hired in her place. Long-serving commissioner Robin Nault became a Canadian resident and as such also had to resign from the district. She continues to provide support and attends many of our meetings, and we thank her for her excellent work on the commission. Stephen Falk was appointed to her position and has been an active and valuable member. In June, word came that Unity Care of Bellingham would not be renewing their contract to manage our clinic in 2019, and the search for a new service provider began. Phone calls, emails, conversations with knowledgeable people and advertise-
ments led us to our new provider, SuperTrack Urgent Care of Bellingham. The final preparations for the changeover are underway and the new service will begin January 2, 2019. Letters from SuperTrack will be going out to patients before the end of the year with information on access to care. We are excited that beginning in 2019 our clinic will be offering both primary and urgent care. Initially, the clinic will maintain the current days and hours, but over the next weeks and months, more hours and increased services will be added. We are also pleased that physician’s assistant Deb Shields is coming on board as our local provider. The PRPHD and the Point Roberts Clinic thank the people of Point Roberts for your support and your understanding during this time of change. Thank you as well to Unity Care for their years of service to Point Roberts and their support during this period of change.
Year in review ... From page 15
continue to run it until a new provider was chosen or the decision made to go it alone. • The hospital district reported the legal and administrative cost incurred since April 2017 of responding to Shannon Tomsen and husband Victor Riley’s continuing records requests was $11,053, or over four percent of the district’s annual property tax receipts. • The food bank was on the hunt for storage space again after parks district board members, after several months of discussion, decided to deny the food bank’s request for storage space at the Gulf Road community center. • The front door of Auntie Pam’s Country Store was smashed during an early morning crime spree that included several car prowls. A suspect subsequently came forward and worked with property owners to fix damage.
year in
year in
REVIEW A LOOK BACK Community Advisory Cmte By Jeff Christopher It is my pleasure to briefly summarize those issues, discussions, and proposals arising from your Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee (PRCAC) in 2018. After twenty-five months of presentations, debate and discussion, Whatcom County Council voted to legislate the Whatcom County Public Works Solid Waste Collection Proposal, debated and eventually – endorsed by PRCAC – commencing January 1, 2019. Those residents, who own properties with functioning dwellings, will receive 32-gallon garbage pickups every other week, along with recycling, to be used as their needs require, per calendar year. For complete information, please see candord. com. It will be the responsibility of PRCAC, in consultation with the Whatcom County health department, to monitor both customer satisfaction with the service as well as to apply actual service usage rates in determining appropriate levels of service going forward. By legislation, Whatcom County Council is the “purse-holder” for those monies accumulated through Transportation Benefit District (TBD) funding, commonly referred to as our “Gas Tax.” This one-cent per gallon tax is held and tracked by the county and is intended to help fund important road maintenance and transportation improvement projects that would benefit our community. PRCAC’s responsibility is, through community consultation, to recommend specific projects to the county that meet that criterion, while insisting that the county uphold its own responsibility to invest general tax revenues into Point Roberts infrastructure. Further, the nature and scope of these projects must be determined for both planning and budgetary purposes. Earlier this year, and by unanimous vote, PRCAC determined that all TBD revenue – both existing and forecast, be divided into two spending pools. Under the approved 80/20 program, 80
percent of revenues would be accrued for so-called “large-scale” projects with the intent of leveraging a corresponding amount of county monies in partnership for proposals going forward. The smaller pool (20 percent) would be used for smaller “Act Now” projects. Working with Whatcom County public works, the first two “Act Now” projects were pushed forward; landscaping support for the all-volunteer Point Roberts Garden Club, and the long-discussed completion of the Lighthouse Park walking circuit along Edwards and Marine drives. The former project has now been adopted by the county council while the latter is in the final planning stages. Economic development, land-use planning, and zoning refinement have been ongoing themes throughout the year. The Point Roberts business community has been reconnected with the Small Business Development Center with the intention of assisting local businesses with strategic and marketing guidance, in addition to counseling for developmental grant and loan applications. As the year closes, PRCAC has reopened discussions with the Whatcom County planning and development department in reviewing and potentially overhauling planning and zoning regulations to better reflect the economic realities of our community. Help select the PRCAC at-large nominee is an experiment in community participation designed to shed light on the PRCAC appointment process and has been arrived at with the assistance of the county executive’s office. Through this sort of debate and discussion, a greater bond is forged between the committee and the community; something that should greatly benefit the reconstituted PRCAC committee going forward. On a personal note, and as I will be departing PRCAC in the coming weeks, allow me to express my thanks and gratitude to have been allowed to serve our community in a small way and I wish my successors – and the whole community – the very best for a happy and healthy 2019.
Park & Recreation District
This past year has been an exciting time for the Point Roberts Park and Recreation District. Through the generosity of our local voters passing an increased levy, we were able to hire Ben Van Buskirk as our new programs and facilities coordinator in March. We started a trail maintenance program for Baker Field, and we hope to keep the trails open for year-round use. There are plans to add signage to the trails and create a trail map during the upcoming year. In October we started work on a new Enchanted Forest Trail for kids and anyone who is a kid at heart. The park district restarted the summer kayak program after a 3-year hiatus with the support of the Point Roberts Marina and we hope to expand this program in the upcoming year. We also held our kids summer camp for 6–12 year-olds. This free camp was very successful and is always a fun event for those who attend. The largest event for the park district this past year was in August when we
year in
(to be continued...)
By Bennett Blaustein
• Congresswoman Suzan DelBene spoke about what’s up in the “other Washington” at her annual town forum sponsored by the local taxpayers’ association. • PRCAC was willing to listen to community members calling for a lowering of the minimum service level in the newly adopted mandatory garbage pickup rules, but were not going to take up the issue again until it had a chance to be implemented. October • Circle of Care sponsored the Point Roberts Apple Harvest Festival as a way to celebrate the Point’s farming heritage. Circle of Care, the food bank, Benson Road Gardens and the garden club purchased a cider press to make gallons of juice from the abundant harvest of local apples. • The hospital district signed a letter of intent with SuperTrack, a Bellingham-based urgent care company, to take over operation of the local clinic. • Whidbey Tel began offering DISH satellite services on the Point.
hosted the grand opening of the new Point Roberts Library. This joint project between the park district, Friends of the Library, and the Whatcom County Library System took years of community fundraising and eight months of construction to convert the old firehall to our new library space. The park district and historical society are converting the old library space into a local historical museum and meeting room, which we hope to open early next year. The changes at the community center have given us an opportunity to begin a much needed refresh of the building to help keep the community center as a local gathering spot for the future. Our goal for 2019 is to develop, implement and maintain a long-term strategic plan so the park district can be better stewards of the community center and Baker Field as well as providing increased recreational programs to our residents. We plan to continue our support for all the organizations and residents of Point Roberts that use our facilities, and we wish everyone a happy new year.
Taxpayers Association
r o bb i n s
Our logo is “United States and Canadian Citizens Working Together for Point Roberts.” The Point Roberts Taxpayers Association (PRTA) seeks to promote appropriate economic development while preserving the social and environmental qualities that make the Point so attractive to residents and visitors. To this end, we create a space to discuss community issues and we participate actively on the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee (PRCAC) and the ad hoc border committee. We also volunteer for litter collection on Gulf Road under the county’s adopt-a-road program. PRTA’s board of directors meets on the second Wednesday of each month, at 7 p.m., in the community center, to discuss issues and concerns, hear guest speakers, and meet with local officials. The board consists of nine regular and four alternate directors, elected by the membership at our annual general meeting in July. Everyone is welcome to join and participate in all of these meetings to help make Point Roberts a great place in
which to live, work, invest, or visit. During this past year, PRTA has hosted several special guests at regular and special meetings, where the public was invited to ask questions and raise issues. These included Whatcom County Assessor Keith Willnauer (January), Blaine school district superintendent Ron Spanjer (April), Whidbey Telecom representatives (July), U.S. Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (August), and Point Roberts fire chief Chris Carleton (December). Over the years, PRTA has lobbied to preserve Lily Point, protect the environment, block unsafe or inappropriate development, improve local governance, and obtain better government services. A new, high priority of the organization is to identify a basis and mechanism to earmark some portion of state sales tax on out-ofstate purchases shipped to a Point Roberts address. We would like to create an account under the authority of county council, with advice and consent of PRCAC, to fund special projects that benefit quality of life in Point Roberts.
January 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
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•• 1339 Road,us Box360-525-4263 17 • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 REAL ESTATE 360/945-5555 360-945-5555 OrGulftext at E-Mail: prprty@Whidbey.com • P.O. www.pointrobertswashington.com
Phone: 360/945-1115 Fax: 945-0804
1339 Gulf Road, P.O. Box 1 • Point Roberts, WA 98281
*Member of NYPROPERTIES State MLS Listing Service BEACH
visit our website: www.pointroberts.com
UPDATED DAILY! View color photos, listings and complete information of all properties for sale.
697 MARINE DR. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
FREEMAN BEACH 697 MARINE DR. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
1.77 Acre view lot located on the sunny south slope Cleared and improved with a 4 bedroom septic and water installed.
The local market has improved and there are buyers looking for realistically priced listings. We don’t just want to list your property we want to sell your property and will be happy to give you a free market analysis of your property’s value, it may not be what you want to hear but it will be a true and honest assessment of current market value. A well- priced property does not linger long on the market.
If you’re serious about purchasing at the “Point” do yourself a favor and visit our office for a complete list of everything for sale in the area and also check out our website for general information, color photos, maps and full property search function.
3BR cottage w/front and rear deck. Adjacent to Lily Point Park. $159,000
BLUFF RD. 3BR, 2BA gorgeous bluffside home. Built-in bookshelves, formal dining room, library/office, large kitchen with island. Steps to beach. Sunset views. $549,000.
Westside Waterfront
723 WALTERS LANE. 100’ of level westside waterfront. Walk out directly to sandy beach. Large deck and nicely landscaped yard. 3BR, 2BA. 1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. 668 SOUTH BEACH RD. Sun wood-burning fireplaces. 2BR room, cottagegarage, plus 2 lots2near beach. Furnished, private, excellent $200,000 condition. $115,000 950’ from Lighthouse Park. $875,000 D
1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. 668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. Furnished, private, excellent $200,000 condition. $115,000 1877 WASHINGTON 676 CLAIRE LANE 3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point Park. $299,000
542 MCLAREN RD. 3BR cottage w/front and rear deck. Adjacent to Lily Point Park. $159,000
to All!
www.JuliusRealty.com See more listings at www.juliusrealty.com
1385 Gulf Road, Point Roberts
www.pointroberts.us Wishing all our Customers and Clients a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season!
and a
Happy New Year! 253 Bayview Dr.
1953 Holiday Lane
$1,200,000 Thank you for your continued support $775,000 $575,000 and business throughout 2018! ING ING ND ND MLS# 860192
MLS# 1064406
1877 WASHINGTON 2 BR designer home. A must-see! Make an offer!
Our heartfelt wishes for a
534 Tyee Drive
2 BR designer home. A must-see! Make an offer!
676 CLAIRE LANE 3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point Park. $299,000
Point Roberts Properties Discover more listings at DiscoverPointRoberts.com
MLS# 1101438
1275 BROUGHTON LANE 2BR, 3BA beautiful west side home. $199,000. Adjoining lot $35,000.
247 BAYVIEW DR. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000
1275 BROUGHTON LANE 2BR, 3BA beautiful west side home. $199,000. Adjoining lot $35,000. 380 WEST
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Merry Christmas
247 BAYVIEW DR. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000
2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, 2 blocks to beach. $169,000 542 MCLAREN RD.
2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, 2 blocks to beach. $169,000
Open beam living area, 2 BR 1 BA cottage. Walkout basement with storage & workshop. Updated windows, very private and quiet area. Property needs a new septic.
Westside Bluff
MLS# 1050258
From all of us at REMAX Northwest Team!
COMMERCIAL 1379 Gulf Rd. $525,000 MLS# 1034066
753 Walters Lane $509,000 MLS# 918572
340 Boundary Bay Rd. $448,000 MLS# 1057901
398 Marine Dr. $389,000 MLS# 883553 A BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED HOME with mountain and ocean views . The interior is exceptionally open throughout. The water views from inside are spectacular from any where you’re sitting as the front of the home is all glass. $1,200,000
371 W. Bluff Rd. $1,449,000 MLS# 1101438
1671 Edwards Dr. $1,375,000 MLS# 1392842
1668 Harbor Seal Dr. $1,069,500 MLS# 1291263
Ocean Views, Mountain Views, MaLow-bank waterfront. 4BD, 3BA, stunning - all in the same house! 2,701 SFRd. luxury home. Southern 688 Deer Lanerina Views! 276 632Absolutely Highland Dr. custom550 South Beach Shadyglen Ave. Maurice Pez design on ocean looking Light filled stunning architecture, exposure with expansive views. MLS# 1090840 $275,000 $325,000 MLS# 814163 $325,000 MLS# 942924 $279,000 MLS# 1075717 due west! Extra wide waterfront built for entertaining, w/huge open high ceilings. lot w/views.
If you about selling in call for us for a FREE Market Analysis.
1721 Benson Rd. #104 500 Moose cjlh@msn.com CHRIS HUGHES - 360-223-7601 $129,000 $124,000 MICHAELcjlh@msn.com HUGHES - 360-223-7603 CHRIS HUGHES -218-5595 PINCKSTON - 360-223-7601 604 OFFICE: 465 Tyee Dr. • Point Roberts, WA MICHAELTESSA HUGHES 495 Moose Trail $185,000 MLS# 1087917
D CE U D 2019, RE
G DIN N PE thinking are
568 Calder $234,900 MLS# 1091965
LIVE THE DREAM FROM SUNRISE TO SUNSET! Enjoy Marine Waterfront Beauty with breathtaking views of San Juan Islands, Mount Baker, sea lions, whales and soaring eagles. $649,000
MLS# 1082569
(incl. Lot 6 & 7) MLS# 823011
RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc. 465 Tyee Dr. • Point • 360-945-1313••800-723-1313 800-723-1313 RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc. Roberts, WA 360-945-1313
SPECTACULAR SOUTH BEACH HOME. Views to the south west from spacious living area and multiple decks. Custom built home to the highest possible standards. $768,000.
604/968-4006 paulrusk@pointroberts.us
360/945-2967 carolg@pointroberts.net
LARGE FAMILY HOME on a huge property, bright sunny and private backyard patio area. Includes Beach Access. $445,000
604/910-5968 hwilson@pointroberts.net
604/690-1468 gheppner@pointroberts.net