February 2019
Photos of the biggest windstorm in memory, page 6
ECRWSS PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 14
Few hiccups with first big trash pickup, page 8
Pay it forward! page 14
Point Roberts, WA 98281 Postal Patron Local
Federal shutdown takes toll on local employees As the government shutdown drags into its fifth week, approximately 11,000 unpaid federal workers in Washington state are struggling to make ends meet. With no end in sight, local residents have reportedly been dropping off cookies and Starbucks gift cards at the Point Roberts port of entry, and groups in Whatcom County and elsewhere are stepping forward to lend a hand. Point Roberts Food Bank The local food bank has been working with U.S. Customs and Border Protection port director Brad Denson to help soften the blow for local federal employees and their families affected by the government shutdown. “Whatever he says they need, we will try and suppy,” said food bank director Henry Rosenthal. “They know we are all part of the same community and we’ll do whatever it takes.” Two weeks into the reduction in government services that saw some of the officers at the local port of entry go without a paycheck, Rosenthal said the food bank put together 350 pounds of canned and packaged food and took it to the border for management to distribute as they saw fit. Rosenthal said community members, such as golf course cook Roger Gookstedder, have been taking hot food over, like pizzas. “They’re getting lots of food,” Rosenthal said. Efforts to help pay for gas for those who work at the Point Roberts border and live on the mainland were stymied because the federal government prohibits any individual government employee from accepting more than $20 in gifts per year, Rosenthal said. Operation Shutdown Fun Several businesses in Whatcom County are offering free or reduced-fee activities to federal workers and their families. (See Shutdown, page 3)
s The tree canopy over APA Road was one of the most effected areas in Point Roberts during the wind storm that hit December 20. The highest reported wind gusts of 76 mph were taken just off of the Tsawwassen ferry terminal. Story, page 5. Photo by Pat Grubb
Park district appoints two new board members B y P a t G r u bb The Point Roberts parks board is back at full strength after two new commissioners were appointed at the commission’s regular meeting on January 14. The five-member board was short-staffed after the resignation of Linda Hughes and Sonya Lieu in December. A total of six candidates had expressed interest in serving on the board but just three of them, Raye Newmen, Holly Robin-
son and Chwynyn Vaughan, showed up at the meeting to tell the remaining commissioners, Bennett Blaustein, Stephen Falk and Arthur Reber, why they wanted the job. The other three had either dropped out beforehand or simply did not appear. Following short presentations by each of the candidates, the commission held an executive session and resumed business by first appointing Vaughan. The now four-member board went into executive session to discuss the fifth and last com-
PRCAC continues to whittle away at local zoning By
Meg Olson
The Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee (PRCAC) is heading into 2019 with a lot of new faces at the table. Following a December 18 townhall meeting where the community heard from four candidates seeking to fill the at-large position on the committee previously held by Keith Glading, Stephen Falk earned a solid majority of email votes and has been named to the committee by county execu-
tive Jack Louws. Linda Hughes, the other at-large member of the committee, has one year left in her term. Former PRCAC chair Jeff Christopher chose not to seek another term as the representative from the Point Roberts Taxpayers’ Association and the association has put forward Steve Wolf in his place. The Point Roberts Chamber of Commerce has put forward David Gellatly for another 2-year term on the committee.
Joel Lantz has stepped down as president of the Point Roberts Voters Association and the group’s PRCAC representative. He will be replaced by Tessa Pinkston, a lifelong Point Roberts resident and local realtor. The new committee members will all begin their terms at the regular PRCAC meeting on February 21 at the community center starting at 6 p.m. (See PRCAC, page 5)
missioner; following the resumption of regular business, Holly Robinson made the cut. All three hopefuls had earlier been encouraged by Blaustein to remain involved with the parks district even if they weren’t chosen as Blaustein does not intend to run for re-election this year. As is customary for January board meetings, officers were elected for 2019. Falk (See Parks, page 3)
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Church ............................................. 17 Classifieds ......................................... 16 Coming Up ....................................... 15 Crossings ............................................ 6 Obituary ........................................... 17 Opinion ............................................... 4 Seniors, Library ............................... 18 Tides ................................................. 18
All Point Bulletin • February 2019
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s From front, Raye Newmen, Chwynyn Vaughan and Holly Robinson offered to serve as park commissioners at the park district’s regular January meeting. Photo by Pat Grubb
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February 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
Parks ... From page 1
will serve as chair while Blaustein will be vice-chair. Reviewing park operations over the last month, Blaustein announced that a grant application made to Whidbey Telecom for fiber optic and business level WiFi service had been approved by the company. The value of the grant is approximately $5,000 annually. Blaustein also reviewed the role of the parks district during the December wind storm emergency as well as the state of park trails at Baker Field. A large number of trees had fallen in the parking lot, many of them blocking trails for users. The board agreed to reallocate funds that had already been approved for tree clearing in the Baker Field area to be used for the main trail between the parking lot and the field. In addition, the board approved new language in the memorandum of agreement between the park board and the marina to better reflect where the kayaks would be located for the park district’s summer kayak program.
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“Being in their situation is stressful and having an hour or two of fun gives them a reprieve from that reality,” said Suzanne Westcott-England. Westcott-England is the organizer of Operation Shutdown Fun, which is a Facebook page that allows federal workers to find free or reduced-fee activities offered by businesses in Whatcom County. Participating Whatcom County businesses include Sportsplex, Perch & Play, Love to Move Studioz and Lynden Skateway, among others. To learn more, visit the Operation Shutdown Fun page on Facebook or email Westcott-England at swestcottengland@ gmail.com. Banks offer loans The Washington Bankers Association (WBA) announced many member banks would be offering assistance for furloughed federal workers. Banks have a variety of options available for federal employees not receiving a paycheck during the shutdown, such as special short-term loans with low rates. Services can vary from bank to bank, but some are working one-on-one with members to manage unique solutions for this challenging financial period. “It can be very hard not knowing when your next paycheck is coming, and I am heartened to see our members reducing some of that uncertainty,” said Glen
From page 1
Shutdown ...
Simecek, president and CEO of WBA in the release. “I encourage anyone affected by the shutdown to reach out to their own financial institution.” The Washington Bankers Association listed 1st Security Bank of Washington, Baker Boyer Bank, Bank of America, Banner Bank, Cashmere Valley Bank, First Federal KeyBank, Kitsap Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Sound Community Bank, Union Bank, U.S. Bank, Washington Federal and Wells Fargo as those providing plans for federal workers. Members will have to contact their individual bank for details about payment and eligibility. Whatcom Educational Credit Union (WECU) began promoting loan programs for furloughed government employees last week. According to WECU’s website, federal workers that are affected by the shutdown can apply for a short-term loan at zero percent APR, to be paid back at the end of 90 days, or a longer-term loan at six percent APR, which has a maximum length of 48 months. Government workers are also being encouraged to apply for the WECU Skipa-Pay program to postpone payments on current loans while they are not receiving pay. The Skip-a-Pay program can only be applied to one monthly payment per loan within a 12-month period, according to WECU’s website. WECU members are being urged to read the fine print on loans and assess funds before applying to ensure the available programs do not further negatively impact their finances. To apply for the available programs for federal employees, members must show proof they are affected by the shutdown (they recommend a letter from an employer) and a recent pay stub. Blaine Food Bank The Blaine Food Bank, located at 500 C Street, will open its doors exclusively to federal workers and their families between noon and 2 p.m. on Saturday, January 26. “The border has always supported us,” said volunteer Sally Church of CBP agents. “So many of these people are a part of this community.” Currently, CBP administrative offices are closed and non-essential CBP functions can’t be performed. Church said the Blaine Food Bank isn’t in need of extra volunteer assistance, but is accepting donations. There is a particular need for diapers, toilet paper, paper towels and baby food, she said. “We have no idea what kind of volume we’re going to have,” she said. “We are here to meet whatever need they may have.” Guests are encouraged to bring identification, verifying federal employment. Reporting by Meg Olson, Stefanie Donahue, Aly Siemion and Gwen Roley
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All Point Bulletin • February 2019
All Point Bulletin The All Point Bulletin is published each month by Point Roberts Press Inc. Total circulation is 9,000 copies including home delivery in Point Roberts and Tsawwassen, subscriptions and distribution to retail establishments on the Point. The opinion expressed by contributors is their own and is offered for the general interest of our readers. Mail and classified ads should be addressed to:
opinion A Super Blood Wolf Moon eclipse ...
All Point Bulletin P.O. Box 1451 Point Roberts WA USA 98281
Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick J. Grubb Associate Publisher & Advertising Manager Louise H. Mugar News & Features Editor Meg Olson Copy Editor Aly Siemion Creative Services Ruth Lauman, Doug De Visser Advertising Sales Adam Albert, Molly Ernst
Contributors In This Issue Gwen Roley, Gina Gaudet Kris Lomedico, Annelle Norman Administrative Services Jeanie Luna Founding Editor Glennys Christie Business & Editorial Office Phone: 360/945-0413 Fax: 360/945-1613 Email: sales@allpointbulletin.com
Visit us online at:
www.allpointbulletin.com Printed in Canada • Vol. XXXIV, No. 10
Letters Policy The All Point Bulletin welcomes letters to the editor; however, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Letters must include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters must not exceed 450 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality and good taste. A fresh viewpoint on matters of general interest to local readers will increase the likelihood of publication. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis. Thank you letters should be limited to ten names. Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published.
Please email your letter to: letters@allpointbulletin.com P.O. Box 1451, Point Roberts, WA 98281 Fax: 360/945-1613
Next issue: Mar. 2019 Ads due: Feb. 15
s Locals were blessed with clear skies to view an eclipse of the moon on January 20. Shortly after the moon entered totality, it was struck by a small meteorite estimated in size between a tennis ball and a football, creating a crater of around 20 feet in diameter.
Photo by Jack McKenna
Letters To The Editor The Editor: On behalf of the Point Roberts Park and Recreation District, we would like to thank everyone who assisted us in opening and operating the community center as a shelter during the December storm disaster. We had several hundred people come in to get warm over the three days we had the facility fully operational. Our wonderful volunteers served between 400 and 500 hot meals as well as gallons of coffee to those in need, and no one was turned away. There are a few special people that I wish to point out who went above board when it came to helping me keep the facility open. Roger Gookstetter from the Eagle’s Roost Restaurant at the golf course really stepped up and did the yeoman’s work of running the kitchen and providing enough delicious hot meals for everyone; Virginia Lester who helped serve the meals with a small cadre of volunteers who helped clean the pots, pans, cutlery and utensils; Pamela Saulnier who also cooked when Roger was not available and assisted with serving meals; Raye Newman for his endless hours manning the communications center and Sandra Henry for filling in when Raye needed a break as well as helping wherever needed. Our fire chief, Christopher Carleton, who kept me in the loop with accurate information on what was going on so we could pass it on to all those who were taking shelter as well as addressing any needs that we identified to keep the shelter fully functional. To the firemen who helped clean when they were not needed in the field, the PREP and CERT trained volunteers who did show up, those who stepped forward to run food out to people stuck at home or essential jobs, and those who drove people anywhere around the Point they needed to go, thank you.
On a personal note, I wanted to say that I love this community and I am proud of what we achieved. We can be quirky and fiercely independent at times but we come together when we need to. This disaster was a great test for us on what we can do together and what we need to do for the future. Bennett Blaustein Park commissioner The Editor: Point Roberts Emergency Preparedness (PREP) would like to express its appreciation for any and all who helped us through the Point’s December emergency. First, for the largely spontaneous outpouring by people here on the Point for their help clearing fallen trees and branches across roadways or blocking residences or driveways. Secondly, for all the fire department personnel, both Canadian and American, who quickly identified fallen and dangerous wires as well as providing help and safe directions to persons coming to the Point to check on their homes. Third, to the fire chief, while the winds were still causing damage, who for a time centralized his command post at the Shell Station to facilitate neighborhood canvassing by volunteer fire personnel as well as PREP volunteers assessing injured persons, downed power lines and poles, road blockages and home damages while en-
suring that absent homeowners received timely notifications of damages. Fourth, for Bennett Blaustein, and the Point Roberts parks personnel who opened the community center and, supported by various volunteers and cooks, welcomed anyone needing warmth and/or food and ended up providing temporary refuge to an estimated 800 visitors during the four power outage days of this mini emergency. And for Henry Rosenthal and the Food Bank along with the volunteer cooks and the senior center crew who provided 500 hot meals during the outage. Fifth, for key individuals, especially Virginia Lester and fire department EMTs who remained alert and ready throughout and who worked with PREP members to set up beds at the fire department for any whose homes were damaged, too cold or otherwise blocked and in need of overnight accommodations. Sixth, for Dan Bourks who, with the support of the water board, took the initiative to switch the amateur radio club repeater to back up power, keeping it running and providing the fire department and PRARC emergency communications we needed during this storm. Seventh, for all of the many others who helped neighbors, who endured the Market Place darkness to shop and then write their purchases for later tabulation and payment, who loaned generators to save family foods, who canvassed neighborhoods making sure housebound persons were not forgotten, and who persevered through it all offering help and solace where and when the opportunity was presented. Campbell McClusky Point Roberts Please send letters to editor@allpointbulletin.com
February 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
Commissioners applaud performance B y P a t G r u bb Fire commissioner Virginia Lester was fulsome in her praise of fire chief Christopher Carleton and assistant chief John Shields in the wake of the violent windstorm that brought most of Point Roberts to a crashing halt on December 20 and 21. Speaking at the commission’s first regular meeting of 2019, Lester said, “I think the community owes a great gratitude to you, chief, and the assistant chief, John, for the professional way in which you carried out your role in this disaster. Watching all the volunteers that you sent out to help and how dedicated they all were and how hard they were working, I think we all have to realize that it’s such an important part of their jobs but they did it so well.” In response, Carleton heaped praise on the volunteers as well as other groups and participants for stepping up during a difficult time. He told commissioners that he had scheduled a meeting for January 11 to discuss how the response was handled and what could be done to improve operations in future events. “It was a great, real exercise that put our training in the past to the test and I want to thank our volunteers who did the majority of the recovery work,” he said, going on to single out PREP, the food bank and park commissioner Bennett Blaustein who coordinated efforts at the community center. Volunteers had come from as far away as North Vancouver, driving for an hour and a half and immediately going out into the storm and working for 10 hours straight, he said. Carleton worked with Whatcom County public works, local tree professionals and
many volunteers to clear roadways and ditches of felled trees in the weeks following the storm. He also secured permission from the Northwest Clean Air Authority for a community burn pile that will be located on land owned by the water district adjacent to the Benson Road Fire Station. “This will be healthier for the community to have one large burn versus multiple small burns throughout the community,” Carleton said. “This also provides a central location for community members to continue harvesting fire wood from the larger debris that is not able to be chipped.” Community members have through January 31, 2019 to bring their tree debris to this location. Raye Newmen, leader of the Point Roberts Amateur Radio Club, who also took over as president of the Point Roberts Emergency Preparedness (PREP) group on December 19, said the two groups had learned a lot from the recent disaster that saw the Point without power for four days and many roads blocked by debris. “One of our main goals is going to be to increase
community awareness,” he said. “Many people didn’t know who PREP was, or what options were available to them.” With the leadership transition at PREP so recent, Newmen said he too was unclear as to what his role was in shelter operations, and Park and Recreation District commissioner Bennett Blaustein was the
one who got the community center open to serve as a shelter and worked with the food bank and volunteers to provide hot meals for three days. Carleton said they also opened the fire station for people to take a hot shower, recharge their electron(See Storm, page 6)
Trinity Community Lutheran Church Sundays:
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From page 1
PRCAC will also hold a special meeting on January 31 at 6 p.m. to continue the discussion started at a December 11 meeting on proposed revisions to the section of county code specific to the Point – the Point Roberts Special District (20.72). Cliff Strong from Whatcom County Planning and Development Services is scheduled to attend.
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All Point Bulletin • February 2019
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S Puget Sound Energy (PSE) showed up in force working all hours to restore power to residents of Point Roberts. They were faced with damage such as this snapped-in-two power pole.
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s While no area was left unscathed, the south side of the Point received perhaps the greatest hit as illustrated by this photo of Seabright Farm. Photo by Louise Mugar
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s Above, a canopy was blown down at the golf club while APA Road’s beloved tree canopy was destroyed. Top photo by Pat Grubb
Right photo by Louise Mugar
Storm ... From page 5
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ics or spend the night. Carleton mustered members of the amateur radio club as soon as the main power to the Point went down, and they spent the three days that the community center was operated as a shelter relaying information to the incident command center at the Benson Road fire station. Without power, many people and businesses did not have phone service and brought information about damage to the community center if they could not get to the fire station. “The new antenna on the community center did what it was built for!” said Sandy Henry who manned the radio for the bulk of the time. The club has a field day scheduled for the weekend of January 25 and welcomes the community to come learn what the club’s role is in an emergency and how people can join.
Virginia Lester was elected fire commission chair at the district’s January meeting, while Pat Harper was named vice-chair in the annual election of officers. There are two candidates interested in filling Bill Meursing’s seat on the commission from which he resigned in December. Finally, the two commissioners approved raising their pay from $114 to $128 per meeting.
Crossings >>>
Due to the federal government shutdown over the funding of a wall across the southern border, there are no Crossing statistics this month.
February 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
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Trees were snapped and stop signs and fences were blown over. Photos by Pat Grubb
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s All hands were on deck as the fire district and local emergency groups sprung into action. Photo by Christopher Carleton
s Slowly, slowly, the power returned..
Photo by Louise Mugar
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s Showers and cots and companionship were on tap at the Benson Road firehall.
Photo by Louise Mugar
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All Point Bulletin • February 2019
Expanded trash collection goes off without major hitches By Meg Olson
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According to Cando Recycling and Disposal Services owner David Gellatly, the numbers from the rollout of mandatory garbage pickup show the system is doing what it’s supposed to do. “I believe the garbage is going where it’s supposed to go and people who weren’t handling their garbage in an appropriate manner are now handling it appropriately,” he said. The second week in January saw the start of mandatory garbage collection for all developed parcels, as established by county ordinance in 2018. Gellatly said they had split the Point into three routes with approximately 640 stops each that will be served on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday every other week by a garbage and recycling truck. Property owners will be billed for that basic service by the county through the property tax rolls. Customers also have the option to pay for weekly garbage service on their appointed pickup day. During the first pickup week, Gellatly said approximately 450 people put garbage out, up from the 300 customers that had signed up for curbside service prior to it becoming mandatory. “We certainly expect that to go up in the summer,” he said. The volume of residential garbage collected increased by 40 percent, while the volume of commercial garbage dropped by 30 percent compared to the previous col-
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lection period. “I believe people are putting their garbage at the curb instead of in businesses’ dumpsters,” Gellatly said. He added he also expects to see a drop in trips to the transfer station. Recyclables collected also increased by 25 percent. Gellatly said he has hired an additional full-time employee in the office and increased the hours his drivers and swampers work. He expects those positions will become full-time in the summer months. Staff at the transfer station and on the trucks have been working to help people understand the new system. “We’ve had 400 to 500 people come in and to pick up recycling bins and ask questions,” he said. With a growing number of homes served, Gellatly said the trucks were starting earlier in order to stay on schedule. “Residents need to have their garbage at the curb by 8 a.m.,” he said. “If it’s not at the curb we can’t pick it up unless you’ve made arrangements ahead of time.”
Ham operators to hold field day As recent events have shown, emergencies don’t only happen during inclement weather, so members of the Point Roberts Amateur Radio Club (PRARC) will be holding a winter version of their successful summer field day. Starting on Friday, January 25 club members will begin setting up their antennas at the Gulf Road community center and aim to be on the air by 11 a.m. Saturday, January 26 until noon the following day. “We plan to have multiple radio stations on the air at the same time,” said club secretary Halden Field. “We’ll be making as many contacts with amateur (or ham) radio operators throughout North America as we can.” In June 2018, PRARC made contact with 137 radio operators as far away as Santiago, Chile as part of the American Radio Relay League’s annual field day. The Winter Field Day’s goal is similar – make contact with as many other amateur radio operators as possible in 24 hours, but under more challenging winter conditions. “This time we will be using the Community Emergency Response Team’s trailer and/or tent for shelter,” Field said. Since amateur radio operators played a key role in coordinating community response to the recent December storm, club members are encouraging community members to come out and see citizen radio communication in action.“We’re eager for community members to stop by, help raise antennas and discuss their own emergency communication needs as well as those of Point Roberts,” Field said. “Hopefully some of them will decide they would like to do it themselves.” The group is looking for volunteers to help with antenna setup on Friday and early Saturday morning. For more information on how to participate, contact Field at incorridge@yahoo.com.
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s Open seven days a week, the Shell Center on Tyee Drive serves fresh baked and prepared foods from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., including pizza and hot sandwiches. Perfect to go with their fresh brewed espresso drinks. Seen here, Crystal Daniels is ready to serve you. Photo by Louise Mugar
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February 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
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All Point Bulletin • February 2019
e t i r e d r o B Report
Brought To You By The Blaine School District Point Roberts Primary • 945-ABCD (2223) • 2050 Benson Rd, P.O. Box 910 • Point Roberts, WA 98281 Editor, Tammy McDonald - Comments or feedback: Send to: borderitenews@blainesd.org
Etienne Zack
We are so fortunate to have volunteers who care so deeply for our students and school. Etienne Zack is one of our volunteers who works with our students on a regular basis as he gives art instruction twice a month to the students at PRPS. Etienne believes that it is important to teach students about art because, “art is a thoughtful and creative tool that comes with practice. It is a tool that students can use to think, understand and if they choose, change their reality throughout their lives.” Etienne is an artist who lives in Point Roberts, WA with his family yet is known as an accomplished artist throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. Eitenne studied at Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver, Concordia University, and College St-Laurent, Montreal. In 2005 he was the winner of the national Canadian painting prize RBC Painting Competition. He is also the recipient of the 2014 Emily Award in Vancouver. His work is collected by institutions and museums including, but not limited to, the National Gallery of Canada Collection, Vancouver Art Gallery, Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art, Zabludowicz Collection (London, England) and The Model Museum (Sligo, Ireland). Thank you for sharing your experience with our students Etienne! We are so appreciative that you share your experiences with the students in making, thinking and living with art!
s The Point Roberts Historical Society is using plenty of elbow grease and sweat getting the old library turned into a Point Roberts Museum. Here, Pauli DeHaan, l., and Renée Coe scrub down the walls and windows at a work party on January 13.
Photo by Louise Mugar
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February 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
The First Minds ...
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By Meg Olson In his latest book, Point Roberts resident Arthur Reber makes the argument that if it’s alive, it knows it, at least at some level. “The First Minds: Caterpillars, Karyotes and Consciousness,” published by Oxford University Press in December 2018, puts forward a theory Reber has called the cellular basis of consciousness – that being sentient, conscious and aware is an inextricable part of life itself. Reber says the idea behind the book crystalized for him, “during an impromptu and mostly one-way chat with a small green caterpillar who was laying waste to my basil plants.” The caterpillar might not be wondering whether Reber was conscious, as he was wondering about it, but it did have a level of awareness. “We usually think of animals like that as organic robots but it struck me as thinking, deciding which leaf might be better, checking for predators,” he said. The book pulls together the work of researchers in a wide variety of disciplines from cell biology to philosophy. “In the past several decades, the issue of consciousness has become one of the more intensely examined in the biological, psychological and philosophical areas,” he said.
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To The Point s Arthur Reber Researchers who draw a line of biological complexity, like having a brain, under which living things aren’t conscious run up against the problem of why the line is there. “You’re going to have to identify precisely what physiological, bio-mechanical events suddenly allowed consciousness to blow into existence,” Reber said. “Worse, you’re going to have to explain how it happened again and again.” A more elegant and simple solution, according to Reber, is that consciousness is a quality of all living things. “If we are comfortable viewing all life as having evolved from a single occurrence 3 or 3.5 billion years ago, we shouldn’t have a problem viewing experiential elements, awareness, sentience, minds, in a similar fashion.” The book has plenty of examples of sentience where you might not expect it, such as altruistic bacteria on the edge of a colony who slow down their use of nutrients in response to a chemical signal from cells at the center of the colony. Reber also looks at evidence of sentience in plants, presenting some evidence that “might make vegetarians a tad uncomfortable.” Reber said he hopes the book will spark discussion and further research into what the American Association for the Advancement of Science has dubbed the second most unanswered question in all of science – how does the brain make consciousness? The book is available at Albany Books in Tsawwassen as well as on Amazon and from Oxford University Press online.
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Book on Gene Kiniski released By Meg Olson In his new biography of Gene Kiniski, author Steven Verrier goes beyond the wrestling legend to document a life that left its stamp on the communities of Blaine, Point Roberts and beyond. “I had no idea what a complex character Gene Kiniski was and what an impact he had on so many people,” said Verrier, whose book, Gene Kiniski: Canadian Wrestling Legend, was just released in January. “I aim to tell the story of Kiniski, his complexities, his era and his setting in a way that satisfies a broad readership. Kiniski was much more than a wrestler, and his biography aims to be much more than a wrestling book.” Kiniski is remembered for his accomplishments in the ring and signature style by generations of wrestling fans who remember him as “Canada’s Greatest Athlete.” He was a leading wrestler for a quarter century, with three years as National Wrestling Alliance champion. He was also the co-owner of a wrestling promotion company in British Columbia. “There aren’t many Kiniski-style wrestlers anywhere these days – sharp talkers and bruising technicians you can take seriously,” Verrier said.
Verrier’s book draws from interviews with people who knew Kiniski in and out of the ring, including his sons Kelly and Nick, and his many friends who knew him from his retirement years in Blaine and Point Roberts. “I joke with Steve that he knew my Dad better than I did,” Nick Kiniski said. Verrrier is currently working on events to celebrate the release of the book in both Blaine and Point Roberts. An event at the Reef Tavern, owned by Nick Kiniski and full of memorabilia of his father’s career, is planned for April.
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All Point Bulletin • February 2019
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October • With a growing call volume for fire and emergency medical calls, fire chief Christopher Carleton reiterated the importance of Canadian firefighters who come to the Point to gain experience in maintaining good service levels for the community. • Small Business Development Center business advisor Asche Rider was the featured speaker at this month’s PRCAC meeting, offering a variety of technical support service to local businesses. • Cando Recycling and Disposal Services applied to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) for a review of proposed new rates in light of recent county legislation that mandates garbage pickup for all developed properties on the Point. November • The WUTC delayed their decision on Cando Recycling and Disposal Service rates to allow for greater notice to stakeholders. • The fire district purchased a 2018 mini-pumper demonstration fire truck to add a new rapid and flexible unit to their firefighting fleet. • Whatcom County planning and development services shelved a proposal to eliminate a loophole in the Point’s tree retention rules to give the community more time to bring their concerns about the changes to PRCAC. • Unity Care NW announced they would stop providing care at the Point Roberts clinic on December 31, 2018, a decision hospital district commissioner Stephen Falk described as “disappointing” given the organization had initially offered to serve the community past the end of their contract period to insure there was not a lapse in service. The contract between the district and new provider SuperTrack was reported to be nearing completion.
• Water district commissioners weighed their options after bids to build the district’s new shop and office came in over $2 million more than twice the project budget. • Candidates for state and county office crowded the stage during the annual voters’ association candidates night in the lead-up to an election marked by hotly contested seats. December • Tsawwassen residents brought their concerns about unpermitted land clearing and potential development of the Guichon Farm property across the border to the Point Roberts taxpayers association meeting. • New rates for garbage service in Point Roberts were in front of the WUTC for approval again. • PRCAC scheduled a series of meetings to get rolling on their long-delayed review of county zoning codes specific to Point Roberts. The fast-tracked review was spurred by enforcement actions aimed at overnight parking at 1480 Gulf Road. • A winter clothing drive brought in almost three tons of used clothing to help families in need on the Point and beyond. • Parks district commissioners Linda Hughes and Sonia Liu resigned, prompting the district to invite interested community members to throw their hat in the ring. • With the results too close to call, races for state senate and representative in the 42nd legislative district went to a hand recount. • After years of successful fundraising and unsuccessful lobbying at Whatcom County, the Point Roberts Lighthouse Society board voted to dissolve and transfer their remaining funds to the Point Roberts Historical Society to be used on the new museum at the community center.
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As you may already know, over 50 percent of Point Roberts residents are over 60 years of age and about half of those are over 70 and 80 years of age.* If you are fortunate, you too will live into your 80s and 90s healthy with no need of assistance until suddenly you just pass away. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen for all of us and sooner or later most of us will need some support from our family, friends, neighbors or community. Take a look around at your neighbors – how many are elderly and dealing with a chronic illness? Are you feeling the effects of aging or anticipating surgery? Circle of Care is being called upon to aid more and more of our residents each month with needs as varied as picking up a prescription, rides to appointments, providing meals, caring for pets, providing a safety net or company for people living alone, etc. Most tasks take less than 30 minutes. Some tasks are impersonal, some are very social, most are straightforward and easily accomplished and oftentimes are one-offs. Our volunteers report a great deal of satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment in being able to make someone’s life a bit easier, safer, healthier or more enjoyable. Research shows that people who volunteer routinely are, themselves, happier, healthier individuals, so the benefit goes both ways. In order to serve more people, Circle of Care needs more volunteers to call upon
when help is needed. Could you spare 30 minutes? An hour? Would you be willing to make an extra serving of a meal you are already preparing and drop it off for someone who is housebound? Or pick up something at the grocery store on your next shopping trip? Would you be available to walk their dog or clear the kitty litter? There are so many small yet significant ways that we can be of assistance. Would you like to join us? If so, please email us at prcircleofcare@gmail.com. Circle of Care maintains an extensive lending stock of walkers, exercise bikes, shower and bath chairs, toilet chairs, canes, etc. If you or a family member will be in need of any durable medical equipment, please contact us at 360/945-5222. If you would like to support Circle of Care financially, you may donate at any time. You may also set up an automatic deposit to Circle of Care’s account at Banner Bank. It’s easy: ask your bank teller. Could you afford $5 or $10 a month? We’re an official federal 501c3 non-profit charity. Your donations are tax-deductible. Circle of Care will hold its annual general meeting on February 17 at 1 p.m. at the Point Roberts Library. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Sean of SuperTrack who will speak to us about their plans for the Point Roberts Clinic. Please come to learn all about Circle of Care and our goals for 2019-20 and to meet and hear Dr. Shawn speak. *These statistics were gleaned by extrapolating the numbers for Point Roberts in the 2010 USA Census
February 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
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Coming up ... Events The Fighting Days: Through February 2. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday shows at 8 p.m., and Sunday shows at 2 p.m., Tsawwassen Arts Centre, 1172 56th street. Directed by Carroll Lefebvre, The Fighting Days is based on the true story of the women’s suffrage movement in Canada. Tickets $15 for children and senior 60+ and $18 for adults. To make reservations call 604/288-2415.
Amateur Radio Winter Field Day: Saturday, January 26, 11 a.m. through Sunday, January 27, 11 a.m., community center in CERT trailer. Making contact with as many amateur radio operators in North America as possible in 24 hours. Help raise antennas early Saturday morning, or come and discuss emergency communication needs. Info: incorridge@yahoo.com.
Whidbey Telecom1 is a local telecommunications company that has been serving the Point Roberts area since 1988. During the intervening years, we have worked hard to build a telecommunications system that provides high quality telephone and other telecommunications services to the communities we serve. We have done this, notwithstanding the higher costs of serving rural areas in the State of Washington and when few, if any, other telecommunications companies were interested in serving our communities.
The Greg Blake Band: February 3, 6 p.m. potluck, 7 p.m. music, Trinity Church, 1880 APA Road. Bluegrass/country. $25 suggested donation. Info: 206/579-8520
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Let’s Make Valentines: Tuesday, February 12, 3-4 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. Make one-of-a-kind Valentines for family and friends. All materials provided. For grades K-5. Info: 360/945-6545.
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Library Movie Night: Friday, February 15, 6:30 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. All are welcome. Circle of Care Annual General Meeting: Sunday, February 17, 1 p.m., Point Roberts Library meeting room, 1431 Gulf Road. Guest speaker: Dr. Sean of SuperTrack on plans and visions for the clinic. Cookies, coffee and tea will be served. RSVP: prcircleofcare@gmail.com or leave a message at 360/945-5222. The Welcome Spring Faire: Saturday, March 16, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. and Sunday, March 17, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Space fee is $5.00 a day. Canadians welcome to join, but required to have a US citizen handling all money.To reserve a space, contact: Jessica at jessica@pointbob.net or 360/945-0409.
Scheduled Meetings/Ongoing Events PRCAC 20.72 Meeting: Thursday, January 31, 6 p.m., community center. Discussion and proposed revision or amendment to the Point Roberts Special District (20.72). PREP (PR Emergency Preparedness): Tuesday, February 5, 7 p.m., community center. Info: Henry Rosenthal, 360/945-1711. PR Chamber of Commerce: Tuesday, February 5, 7 p.m., community center. Info: pointrobertschamberofcommerce.com. PR Hospital District: Wednesday, February 6, 7 p.m., community center. PR Garden Club: Wednesday, February 6, 7 p.m., community center, A Slide Show Reprise of 2018. info: info@pointrobertsgardenclub.org. PR Registered Voters Association: Thursday, February 7, 6 p.m., community center. Info: prrva.org. PR Park and Recreation District: Monday, February 11, 7 p.m., community center, 1437 Gulf Road. Friends of Point Roberts Library: Tuesday, January 12, noon-1 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Info: 360/945-6545. PR Water District: Tuesday, February 12, 5 p.m., community center, 1437 Gulf Road. PR Fire District 5: Wednesday, February 13, 4 p.m., 2030 Benson Road. Info: 360/945-3473. PR Taxpayers Association: Wednesday, February 13, 7 p.m., community center. PR Historical Society: Wednesday, February 20, 7 p.m. Info: historicalsociety@pointroberts. net. PR Community Advisory Committee: Thursday, February 21, 6 p.m., community center. Info: comments@pointrobertscac.org. WTA’s “Zone Service” offers one round trip to Bellingham each Tuesday. Open to everyone. $1 per trip. For information, call 866/989-4287.
Each of the basic voice telephony services offered by Whidbey Telecom is comprised of several components, including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: (1) single-party, voice grade access to the public switched network or its functional equivalent; (2) an unlimited amount of local usage at no additional charge to end users; (3) access to 911 or enhanced 911, as implemented by local governmental authority in Whidbey Telecom’s service area;3 and (4) certain toll limitation services for qualifying low-income consumers (generally, those residential consumers who are eligible to participate in the federal Lifeline program). Whidbey Telecom’s monthly charge for such basic voice telephony service is $18.00 for each line designated as “residence” telephone exchange service and $18.00 for each line designated as “business” telephone exchange service. The monthly charge for “residential” service may be reduced as described in the next paragraph. Applicable federal, state, county and municipal taxes and surcharges, including federally-mandated end user charges per line, are in addition to these amounts.4 The rates, charges, taxes and surcharges mentioned in this notice are subject to change, and in some instances are subject to change without notice. With respect to most, if not all, of its service area, including its Point Roberts service area, Whidbey Telecom participates in the Federal Lifeline and Tribal Link Up programs. Under the Federal Lifeline program, Whidbey Telecom offers to qualifying low-income consumers a discount off of the monthly rate for basic residential voice telephony service or broadband internet access service. For an eligible resident of Tribal Lands5, under this same program, additional discounts for either of these services may apply. Whidbey Telecom’s current discounted monthly rate for Lifeline residential voice service on non-Tribal lands within its service area is $15.25, and for Lifeline residential service on Tribal lands within its service area may be as low as $0.00. Discounted monthly rates for Whidbey Telecom’s broadband internet access services start as low as $40.75 and vary based on the level of service purchased. Under the Tribal Link Up program, Whidbey Telecom’s installation charge for either residential voice or broadband internet access service for a qualifying low-income consumer on Tribal lands within its service area may be discounted by up to $100.00. Lifeline is a governmental assistance program, the Lifeline-supported service is non-transferrable, only eligible consumers may enroll in the Lifeline program, and the Lifeline program is limited to one Lifeline discount per household. The Tribal Link Up program is also a governmental assistance program and is subject to restrictions. Participation in the Lifeline and Tribal Link Up programs requires that the qualifying consumer satisfy eligibility criteria and comply with applicable program rules and requirements. The above-described services are available to all qualifying subscribers of Whidbey Telecom. The charges for these services are reflected each month on our normal telephone bill, and may be accompanied by charges for other services provided by Whidbey Telecom. The services described in the immediately preceding two paragraphs are those that Whidbey Telecom offers and must advertise in order to be eligible for federal funds that are used to help offset the high cost of serving rural areas and bringing affordable telephone service to residences and businesses in rural areas. These and other services are available by contacting Whidbey Telecom’s Customer Experience Center at (360) 945-1122. 1
Whidbey Telephone Company dba Whidbey Telecom.
Unlimited long distance applies to calls to points within the contiguous forty-eight United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Excess usage charges may apply in certain instances.
State and county taxes apply per line to help fund the provision of this capability.
The federally-mandated end user charges per month that currently may apply include the following:
Knee Club: Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Contact Shirley to reserve your spot. Info: 360/945-2617. Point Roberts Library Hours: Tuesdays, 1-7 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Holds and returns only can be accessed with your library card through Library Express every day from 6 a.m.–11 p.m. Knits & Crafts at Point Roberts Library: Tuesdays, 5-7 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Weekly handicraft time for knitting, crocheting, or any other hand crafts. Practice, advice, chat and hot drinks. For adults and teens. Info: 360/945-6545. Wackie Walkers: Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays, 8 a.m., Lighthouse Marine Park. Check wackiewalkers.wordpress.com for information about the Thursday walk location.
Per Residence Line
Per Single Line Business Line
Per Multi-Line Business Line
Subscriber Line Charge (SLC)
$ 6.50
$ 6.50
$ 9.20
Access Recovery Charge (ARC)
$ 3.00
$ 3.00
$ 3.00
“Tribal lands” referred to in this notice include any federally recognized Indian tribe’s reservation, pueblo, or colony; Indian allotments; Hawaiian Home Lands; and any land designated by the Federal Communications Commission as Tribal lands for purposes of the Lifeline and Tribal Link Up programs.
All Point Bulletin • February 2019
Next Issue: March 2019
Ads Due: Feb. 15
To place your ad call:
360-945-0413 info@allpointbulletin.com
Classifieds Home-grown newspaper with home delivery to Point Roberts, Tsawwassen and Retail Outlets. It’s the perfect match!
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FOUND EYEGLASSES Found, mid-December on Gulf Rd., one pair of women’s prescription eyeglasses. Chanel frame. Ask at Point Roberts Library.
SUNSHINE CARPET and upholstery steam cleaning, reasonable rates. 360-945-0411 or lawson_brad@yahoo.com.
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Help Wanted REEF TAVERN currently hiring for all positions: Kitchen, bar and waitstaff. Wages based on experience. Performance bonuses! Apply in person or by contacting Alli at 360-907-5982.
SuperTrack Point Roberts
CLINIC seeks an additional
Skills include phlebotomy, good knowledge of1480 frontGulf andRd.back office, and basic computer skills. Please send your resumé and any questions to superintendent@prphd.org
20,700 readers!
Real Estate
Lot clearing, stump removal, trenching, utilities, foundation digs, oil tank removals, tree removals, gravel, and drainage work.
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Stunning Marina Estates Home! Beautiful 4-BR, 3-BA built in 2004 with panoramic views from every room. Entertainer’s dream only steps from marina and community beach. MLS #1168948
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Rentals - Vacation
RESIDENTIAL HOUSE WANTED or buildable lot with owner financing offered. Call Michael Roberts at 786-708-8000 or email michael@roberts.global
Rentals - Apartment WATERFRONT APARTMENTS - Oceanfront apartment suites available for short-term or long-term rent. Majestic southern view near Lighthouse Park. Call 360-945-RENT or visit Oceanviewpointroberts.com
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February 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
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s Aubrey and Ava, granddaughters of Mark and Vicki Fiore, were the winners of the “World’s Largest Stocking” from Nielson’s Building Center. Courtesy photo
Church News By Gina Gaudet As a young teen, I had a typical need to question and doubt everything, especially religion. My parents required church attendance (under threat of being grounded), so I was a faithful, if doubtful, pew-sitter. One Sunday, the cover of the worship bulletin was a page from Paul’s first letter to the Church at Corinth. Thirteenth chapter, verses 1–13. As the sermon droned in the background, I read the words over and over. At home, I pinned the paper on a wall of my room. It stayed with me through my high school career and my churchless days of college like my own personal “bible.” Looking toward the month of Valentine, these verses came back to me, but in a more “poetic” transliteration of Paul’s words.
Verses 1–8: My great, prophetic words, without love, are just loud. empty. noise. My great acts of faith, even my miracles – without love – are nothing. Nothing. My charity – even my poverty – have no substance if there is no love. Love is patient. And kind. Always. Jealous? Resentful? Boastful or arrogant? Never. Rude? Irritable? Impossible! Love cannot rejoice at misfortune or wrongdoing, but only in the highest good for all. It bears even the unbearable. It believes the unbelievable. Love is hope beyond hope and endurance … endurance! Love. Never. Ends.
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Get your business on the 2019/20 map!
Obituary Wilma Donaldson October 2, 1921 – January 16, 2019 Long-time Point Roberts resident Wilma Louise Donaldson died January 16 at Delta Hospital at the age of 97. Wilma was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, to Walter and Florence (Puddicombe) Weatherhead. Wilma worked as a bookkeeper in Burnaby where she met her future husband, Graham Donaldson. They married in 1968 and shared a love of curling, traveling and dancing. In 1972, Graham and Wil-
s Wilma Donaldson
ma bought a cottage at Maple Beach and it quickly became their favorite place to be. Wilma always had a smile and a funny quip for everyone she met. She had a very thoughtful, caring nature which she shared with many friends and family members. During her years at the Point, Wilma tended to the stray cats, feeding them, caring for them and getting them neutered. Many people knew her as the “cat lady” and would lend her a helping hand or a bag of food. Wilma will be greatly missed by her cousin, Evelyn Weatherhead of Ladner. Her most special friends at the Point, Denis Sauer and Shelley Bedore, were Wilma’s “kids” and they had many adventures together, Wilma’s favorite being their trips to the local casinos and to Las Vegas. (Wilma always won!) Other loving friends are too numerous to mention. Graham and Wilma loved to gather with friends at the Point and enjoyed their cocktail time on the patio. We’d like to gather for drinks and stories one day soon and we invite everyone to come. We’ll provide the date and location as soon as it is determined. Please direct comments or questions to Georgia Gardner, PO Box 1558, Coupeville, WA 98239
R U O Y E V RESER NOW! SPACE 13 4 0 5 4 9 0 6 3 Call .com rtspress
obe or email sales@pointr
NEW edition June 2019 Map cover art by Kitty Doyle A Special Publication of the All Point Bulletin Newspaper
All Point Bulletin • February 2019
Sheriff’s Report W
Hardwood & Laminate Flooring
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Over 18 years experience.
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January 13, 1:47 p.m.: Follow up on Simundson Drive. January 15, 3:37 p.m.: Traffic stop on Peltier Drive. One arrest and citation for driving with a suspended license. January 19, 3:43 p.m.: Traffic stop on Gulf Road.
January 4, 11:41 a.m.: Burglary on Peltier Drive. January 5, 3:11 p.m.: Alarm audible on Cliff Road. January 6, 4:22 p.m.: Assist agency on Baher Road. January 6, 9:26 p.m.: Extra patrol on Johnson Road. January 7, 5:59 p.m.: Welfare check on Marine Drive. January 11, 4:48 p.m.: Mental cold call on Boundary Bay Road. January 12, 11:27 a.m.: Hit and run cold call on Edwards Drive. January 12, 2:16 p.m.: Civil problem cold call on Tyee Drive.
February Tides Tides at Point Roberts
Selling your boat?
PST Not For Navigation
We love boats - We can get it sold! Specializing in Marketing Vessels in Point Roberts WA, Richmond BC, Captain’s Cove and River House Marinas We Handle all aspects of the sales cycle: • Market analysis to determine a fair marketing price • Prepare an advertising strategy • Quality pictures for marketing and Sea Trial Videos • Market the boat to generate the most amount of qualified buyers
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Co-operation with all Brokers to promote your Vessel better. Industry Leader of Import/Export USA/Canada Transactions with more than 1,500 completions Proven track record - 23 years in Business • We sell our listings faster and for more than the others
Pacific Coast Yacht Sales. Ltd. Philip A. Cragg, President
Point Roberts, WA •
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Email: PacificCoast@telus.ca
Blaine, Birch Bay & Point Roberts DECEMBER 2018
DESCRIPTION HIGHER END HOUSES: 2-story house with 2,862 SF, 4 BD, 3 BA, 936 SF attached garage, 812 SF patio, gated entrance, built in 2002, 5,06 acres wooded land.
LOCATION 6090 Birch Point Road, Blaine
49° 0’ 0”N - 122° 46’ 0”W
1-story house with 1,890 SF, 3 BD, 2 BA, 584 SF attached garage, 235 SF patio, built in 2018, .21 acres land; territorial view.
5496 Tsawwassen Loop, Blaine
2-story house with 3,158 SF, 3 BD, 3 BA, 506 SF attached garage, 708 SF deck, built in 1993, .24 acres land; marine and territorial views.
1664 Harbor Seal Drive, Point Roberts
2-story with 3,534 SF, 1,224 SF basement, 5 BD, 5 BA, 811 SF attached garage, 1,112 SF patio, 334 SF storage, built in 2007, .25 acres land.
5532 Whitehorn Way, Blaine
2-story house with 3,920 SF, 2,703 SF basement, 4 BD, 8 BA, 894 SF attached garage, 1,473 SF patio, 993 SF deck, indoor pool, wine cellar, bonus room and guest suite, built in 2001, marine views; waterfront, .93 acres land.
9086 Pintail Loop, Blaine
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Condo with 2,659 SF, 2 BD, 4 BA, built-in garage, built in 1998, waterfront; marine view.
Unit #3, The Aerie at Semiahmoo Condo, Blaine
COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES: Store with 2,102 SF+ house, both built in 1946, .44 acres land.
3:33 pm
9:55 pm
1610 Peace Portal Drive, Blaine
$455,000 (QCD)
Mo 25
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4:29 pm
11:23 pm
Tu 26
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Warehouse mini storage/store/office with a total of 15,280 SF, built in 1977, remodeled in 1993, plus mobile home, 7.33 acres land. LAND: 4.64 acres commercial land.
8870 Blaine Road, Blaine
Blaine Road and 8000 Anchor Village Loop, Blaine
Th 28
Senior’s Point Menus
Friday, February 1: Macaroni and cheese, Italian sausage link (chicken), crinkle cut carrots and salad/ fruit. Wednesday, February 6: Pork loin with apple chutney, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots and parsnips and fruit. Friday, February 8: Beef stroganoff, rotelle pasta, peas and onions, garden salad and fruit. Wednesday, February 13: Country fried steak, mashed potatoes, country gravy, peas and carrots and raspberry sherbet. Friday, February 15: Mandarin oranges and chicken with rice, steamed broccoli, Asian sesame slaw and fruit. Wednesday, February 20: Beef stroganoff, rotelle pasta, peas and onions, garden salad and fruit. Friday, February 22: BBQ chicken, roasted reds, steamed veggies, citrus kale salad and sliced pears. Wednesday, February 27: Spaghetti with meat sauce, Italian green beans, Caesar salad and sliced peaches. All menus are subject to change due to food cost and availability. Gluten free entrée available (please ask). Entrée salad available daily.
Library Picks K RIS L O M EDI C O Bestsellers: Wolf Pack . . . . . . . . . C.J. Box Gingerbread . . . . Helen Oyeyemi The River . . . . . . . Peter Heller The Island of Sea Women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa See Movies: Manchester by the Sea . . Casey Affleck, Michelle Williams The Big Sick . . . Kumail Nanjiani, Holly Hunter Lincoln . . . .Daniel Day Lewis, Sally Field The Shape of Water . . Sally Hawkins, Richard Jenkins Music: She Remembers Everything . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rosanne Cash New Year’s Concert Riccardo Muti Best of Everything . . . Tom Petty Alegria . . . . Sonia de los Santos Teens: The Ancient Magus Bride . . . . . . . . . . . Kore Yamazaki Dodger Boy . . . . . . . . Sara Ellis Snow in Love . . . . . . . Various Kids: The Bat Boy & His Violin . . . . . . . . . . . . Gavin Curtis Aladdin . . . . . . Yasmine Seale Dog Man: Brawl of the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dav Pilkey Hours: Tue 1-7, Wed & Sat 10-5. Library Express Hours: Daily 6 am to 11 pm.
February 2019 • allpointbulletin.com
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All Point Bulletin • February 2019 JamesJames H. James H.Julius, Julius, H.Broker* Julius, Broker* CELEBRATING Designated Broker*
Notary Public
Maureen Stevens, Broker Notary Public * Successfully listing and selling
Point Roberts real estate since 1968 and selling E-Mail: prprty@Whidbey.com * Successfully listing E-Mail: prprty@Whidbey.com www.pointrobertswashington.com • www.pointrobertswashington.com Point Roberts real estate sinceYEARS 1968
79 Tyee Drive Point Roberts, WA 98281
E/Mail: prr@pointroberts.com
•• 1339 Road,us Box360-525-4263 17 • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 REAL ESTATE 360/945-5555 360-945-5555 OrGulftext at E-Mail: prprty@Whidbey.com • P.O. www.pointrobertswashington.com
Phone: 360/945-1115 Fax: 945-0804
1339 Gulf Road, P.O. Box 1 • Point Roberts, WA 98281
*Member of NYPROPERTIES State MLS Listing Service BEACH
On the beach!
visit our website: www.pointroberts.com
UPDATED DAILY! View color photos, listings and complete information of all properties for sale.
697 MARINE DR. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
FREEMAN BEACH 697 MARINE DR. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
Edwards Drive home with 75’ level south facing waterfront. 3BD, 2.5BA. 1275 BROUGHTON LANE 247 BAYVIEW DR. Lots of amenities: home. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing 2BR, 3BA beautiful west side $199,000. Adjoining lotGranite $35,000. countertops, Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000 Brazilian hardwood throughout, master bath w/jetted tub and steam shower, double 1275 BROUGHTON LANE 247 BAYVIEW DR. car garage. Private tidelands 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing 2BR, 3BA beautiful west side home. to Adjoining low water, panoramic $199,000. lot $35,000. Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000 island views.
MUST SEE! $889,000.
1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. Furnished, private, excellent condition. $115,000
ED UC D RE 2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, 2 blocks to beach. $169,000 542 MCLAREN RD.
THINKING OF SELLING? The local market has improved and there are buyers looking for realistically priced listings. We don’t just want to list your property we want to sell your property and will be happy to give you a free market analysis of your property’s value, it may not be what you want to hear but it will be a true and honest assessment of current market value. A well- priced property does not linger long on the market.
If you’re serious about purchasing at the “Point” do yourself a favor and visit our office for a complete list of everything for sale in the area and also check out our website for general information, color photos, maps and full property search function.
3BR cottage w/front and rear deck. Adjacent to Lily Point Park. $159,000
1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. 668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. Furnished, private, excellent $200,000 condition. $115,000 1877 WASHINGTON 676 CLAIRE LANE 3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point Park. $299,000
Westside Waterfront 542 MCLAREN RD. 3BR cottage w/front and rear deck. Adjacent to Lily Point Park. $159,000
723 WALTERS LANE. 100’ of level westside waterfront. Walk out directly to sandy beach. Large deck and nicely landscaped yard. 3BR, 2BA. Sun room, garage, 2 woodburning fireplaces. 950’ from Lighthouse Park. $875,000
www.JuliusRealty.com See more listings at www.juliusrealty.com
1385 Gulf Road, Point Roberts
355 W Bluff Rd. $895,000
MLS# 1366165
West facing sanctuary offers epic sunsets and stunning world-class ocean vistas with 3 extensive decks.
Low-bank waterfront 4-BD, 4-BA luxury property is an epic retreat year-round. Expansive views of Mt Baker & Islands.
2031 Cliffside Dr. $625,000 MLS#1381666
683 South Beach Rd.
534 Tyee Drive
253 Bayview Dr. $775,000 MLS# 1064406
$649,000 1376905 $1,200,000MLS# MLS# 860192
$1,449,000 MLS# 1101438 The ultimate compound, 3 adjoining properties located in
desirable South Beach. Included in sale a manufactured home G neighboring lot (Parcel #:405311123455). on INthe
Like new 3,398 sq
4-BD homeLane with 1953 Holiday stunning of $575,000 MLS#views 1050258 the ocean.with 3 extensive decks.
SOUTH BEACH HOME ON ACREAGE with 3 bedroom home, Barn and much more. Sunny, private 5 acre property with large family home, double car garage. Outbuilding Barn and additional storage buildings. $438,000
MLS# 1399556
Waterfront Delight! The nicest condo in Point Roberts - stunning views!
340 Boundary Bay Rd. 398 Marine Dr. Wellington Rd.883553 $448,000 MLS# 1057901 1958$389,000 MLS#
680 Marine Drive
MLS# 1345305
One of a kind offering.
MLS# 1291259
Super clean and easy layout - great lot with ton of natural light!
688 Deer Lane $275,000 MLS# 1090840
550 South Beach Rd. $325,000 MLS# 814163
$529,000 ING D
N PE Very successful restaurant opportunity MLS# 1250606
or many other possibilities
ALMOST WATERFRONT WITH AMAZING VIEW! This delightful home is located directly across the street from the Beach. $457,000 LARGE HOME with two complete suites on 2 acres. Many fruit trees and plenty of room for a hobby farm or horses. Private and sunny. $368,000
Marine Drive
MLS# 889997
3.05 acres oceanfront with 190 feet of coastline. Golf Course directly across the street.
D $900,000 CEMLS#890013 U
D 2.55 acres of E oceanfront with 190 feet R Golf Course directly of coastline. across the street.
CHRIS HUGHES - 360-223-7601 MICHAELcjlh@msn.com HUGHES - 360-223-7603 CHRIS HUGHES -218-5595 PINCKSTON - 360-223-7601 604 OFFICE: 465 Tyee Dr. • Point Roberts, WA MICHAELTESSA HUGHES 495 Moose Trail $185,000 MLS# 1087917
1721 Benson Rd. #104 $129,000 MLS# 1082569
BEST PRICED LOT. Imagine your cottage and weekend retreat nested among the ferns with just a short walk to Lily Point. $29,900
276 Shadyglen Ave. $279,000 MLS# 1075717
WE HAVE MORE LISTINGS! PLEASE CALL! 568 Calder $234,900 MLS# 1091965
Vacant Land
632 Highland Dr. $325,000 MLS# 942924 1379 Gulf Rd.
PARTIALLY CLEARED LOT with culvert and driveway installed - just a short walk to Monument Park. $35,000
COMMERCIAL 1379 Gulf Rd. 753 Walters Lane 1728 Edwards Dr. #16 $509,000 MLS# 918572 $525,000 MLS# 1034066
1877 WASHINGTON 2 BR designer home. A must-see! Make an offer!
676 CLAIRE LANE 3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point Park. $299,000
Point Roberts Properties Discover more listings at DiscoverPointRoberts.com
MLS# 1392842
2 BR designer home. A must-see! Make an offer!
1617 Edwards Dr.
668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. $200,000
Open beam living area, 2 BR 1 BA cottage. Walkout basement with storage & workshop. Updated windows, very private and quiet area. Property needs a new septic.
1.77 Acre view lot located on the sunny south slope Cleared and improved with a 4 bedroom septic and water installed.
2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, 2 blocks to beach. $169,000
500 Moose (incl. Lot 6 & 7) cjlh@msn.com $124,000 MLS# 823011
RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc. 465 Tyee Dr. • Point • 360-945-1313••800-723-1313 800-723-1313 RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc. Roberts, WA 360-945-1313
MULTI UNIT - COMMERCIALLY ZONED 2.69 ACRES located across the street from the beach on the west side of Point Roberts. This is a water view property, cleared and ready for building. Services available at lot line. Site has been approved for 16 bedrooms. Zoning allows multi attached or detached units or Motel, Hotel etc. Contact agent directly for all detailed site information. $768,000
604/968-4006 paulrusk@pointroberts.us
360/945-2967 carolg@pointroberts.net
FAMILY SIZED HOME LOCATED IN THE QUIET CUL-DE-SAC of Ocean View Estates on one of the largest lots in the Subdivision - 0.63 Acres. $429,000
604/910-5968 hwilson@pointroberts.net
604/690-1468 gheppner@pointroberts.net