May 2019
PRCAC tells the county how it feels, page 7
People of the Point, page 9
ECRWSS PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 14
Get rid of hazardous waste, page 17
Point Roberts, WA 98281 Postal Patron Local
Cleaning up after the Easter Bunny ... Get ready for the asphaltic emulsion of the Point B y P a t G r u bb
(See Roadwork, page 5)
s Little bunnies were on the hunt for Easter Eggs on Sunday, April 21 down at Kiniski’s Reef Tavern on Gulf Road.
It’s up to us, according to county executive Jack Louws By Meg Olson Addressing the Point Roberts community for likely the last time before he leaves his position as county executive after eight years on the job, Jack Louws kept coming back to the same message: It’s up to you. “Be vocal and come together with a collaborative vision of what you would like for your home, your area of the county,” Louws told those attending the April 4 meeting of the Point Roberts Registered
Voters Association. Whether the topic was economic development planning, zoning changes, bike paths, planting trees or how gas tax dollars should be spent: “It’s a community decision.” However, when it came to the primary topic on the minds of many who attended the meeting – Lighthouse Marine Park maintenance and the recent decision to eliminate the dock on the heels of the elimination of a large portion of the boardwalk – Louws was not talking about
community vision anymore. It was about dollars and Louws is conservative when it comes to spending. When he took office, he said, the general fund ending fund balance was $9 million while today it stands at $17 million. “The dock situation was a difficult decision to make,” Louws said, but the $50,000 the state and the county were ready to commit to repairing the thrice (See County, page 2)
School district budget likely includes teacher layoffs board of directors typically passes a final budget at its August meeting. The audience at the April 15 budget work session was comprised mostly of school staff. Any staffing cuts will impact students; changes to kitchen staff could mean less items on the menu and a line longer than the lunch period; fewer teachers mean bigger classes; losing intervention specialist and learning support staff mean less support for students at risk of (See Layoffs, page 6)
★ ★
The Blaine school district is projecting a $1.1 million budget shortfall next year and is planning a budget for the 2019-2020 school year that could mean laying off up to six teachers. The prospects remain fluid, as state lawmakers continue to work on a budget that will affect the district’s finances, but the district is contractually obligated to notify teachers of possible layoffs by May 15.
“We have to continue moving forward with this process and assume the worst case scenario,” Blaine school district superintendent Ron Spanjer said at the beginning of an April 15 budget work session. Complicating things further, the state legislative session isn’t scheduled to end until April 28 and lawmakers haven’t adjourned on schedule since 2009; the 2015 and 2017 state legislative sessions both extended into July. The Blaine school district
198 5
By Oliver Lazenby
Photo by Louise Mugar
34 TH★ ★ ★ ★
Beginning next month, residents and visitors can expect traffic control delays, lower speed limits and loose rocks on roadways as the county road department applies what they call an asphaltic emulsion on the majority of roads in Point Roberts. Asphaltic emulsion, or chip seal, as locals say, will be applied on 23 miles of the Point’s 37 miles of public roads. Major roads that are scheduled to be chip-sealed include Tyee Drive, Gulf Road, APA Road, Johnson Road, Benson Road, Marine Drive, Simundson Drive and South Beach Road. Work is scheduled to begin in May when asphalt trucks will be laying a thin layer of asphalt on four miles of selected roads while the chip-sealing will take place from June through late July. Roads that have shoulders such as Tyee Drive, Gulf Road and others will have the chip-sealing only in the traffic lane, leaving the shoulders smooth for pedestrians and cyclists. Roads without paved shoulders will be chip-sealed entirely; any dirt shoulders will not be covered, according to Joe Rutan of Whatcom County public works department. That would be considered new construction, he said, and would be considered a capital works project that would trigger new regulations involving drainage and other issues. Users of wheeled modes of transportation should expect loose rocks for about two weeks after the application of the chipseal. Cyclists and motorcyclists in particular should be cautious while navigating the Point during this period to avoid wiping out while cornering. Asked why pure pavement roads such as Gulf Road, Tyee Drive and parts of Marine Drive, APA Road and Simundson Drive needed to be covered with chip-seal as opposed to straight asphalt, Rutan said that’s the way the county maintains its roads.
All Point Bulletin • May 2019
County ... From page 1
failed “new” dock was not going to be sufficient to build a dock suited to the conditions. County parks director Michael McFarlane also attended the meeting and highlighted the investments the county was making in Lighthouse Marine Park: a new playground and $18,000 to replace grills in the picnic areas. McFarlane said the county had worked with the available budget to try and design a dock that met current environmental standards. “Only a small portion could touch the bottom when the tide was out and that portion would have to support the whole structure,” he said. Early plans to have a pile pier or a second row of piles to help support the dock fell by the wayside “for whatever reason,” he said. “There was a lot for us to juggle including a limited budget.” While Louws later said the decision to permanently eliminate a dock at the park was primarily guided by financial feasibility and not by usage numbers, he did mention that the Lighthouse Marine Park boat launch averaged 280 launches per season, low compared to other boat launches in the county. “For that many launches it doesn’t make sense,” he said. Audience members pointed out the dock had uses beyond launching boats, from fishing to sightseeing, and that a portion of launches went unrecorded as payment was on the honor system. McFarlane pointed to other ways the county had invested in local parks in the last 12 years, from $6 million for property acquisition at Lily Point to $1.4 million on park improvements, primarily at Lily Point but also for the Monument Park Trail and Lighthouse Marine Park. As the audience brought the topic back around to the county’s commitment to maintain Lighthouse Marine Park – citing everything from ongoing erosion and elimination of amenities to inadequate vegetation control – Louws said “obviously we have a difference of opinion when it comes to what’s acceptable and what’s appropriate out there. I go out to the park and it looks fine to me. The dollars everybody wants for everything in Whatcom County are not there.” Economic Development Planning? Stating he represented a newly formed independent business council, Tom O’Brien suggested current work by the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee (PRCAC) to revise the Point’s zoning amounted to “putting the cart before
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the horse.” What was needed first, he said, was a comprehensive economic development plan that wasn’t 20 years old. The Point Roberts strategic economic plan, which involved lengthy community consultation, was completed by the Port of Bellingham in 1999. The Whatcom County comprehensive economic development strategy was last updated in 2015 and is due for its next revision in 2020. The plan’s project checklist – which covers county, port and municipality economic priorities – is updated annually. Point Roberts is not mentioned in the 2018 checklist, in which the county’s top five priorities are the county courthouse facade, three Bellingham streets and a new jail. Louws said he has spoken with community members about renewed economic development planning in Point Roberts and had “encouraged them to be self-starting, self-motivated and be leaders in making that happen.” He said the community needed to get the process rolling and “come back to Whatcom County with more of a self-governance plan. We’re ready to start building that. We have the people and we have a council that would be very interested in making that happen.” Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety? Asked if the county could roll widened shoulders or bike paths into this summer’s planned resurfacing of the 36 miles of county road in Point Roberts, county engineer Joe Rutan said it wasn’t a simple process. “It’s not a maintenance project, it’s a capital project,” and an expensive one. “I can build anything if you bring me the money.” County general funds aren’t going to pay for it, but the growing Point Roberts Transportation Benefit District (TBD) fund could. According to state auditor files between 2010 and 2018 there have been no expenditures in the fund except for $20,623 in 2013. The fund, filled through a one-cent per gallon local gasoline tax and earmarked for transportation projects, topped a million dollars last year and continues to grow. The Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee (PRCAC) is tasked with bringing the county the community’s highest priorities, and Louws said that’s where any project like bike lanes needed to start. “I’d like to start at Lighthouse Marine Park and go until we run out of money,” Rutan said, but the direction needs to come from the community. Community members are invited to send PRCAC their transportation project priorities and ideas to
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May 2019 •
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s County executive Jack Louws, r., responds to a question from the audience. On stage from l., county council members Carol Frazey and Satpal Sidhu, county road engineer Joe Rutan and parks director Mike McFarlane. Photo by Louise Mugar
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All Point Bulletin • May 2019
All Point Bulletin The All Point Bulletin is published each month by Point Roberts Press Inc. Total circulation is 9,000 copies including home delivery in Point Roberts and Tsawwassen, subscriptions and distribution to retail establishments on the Point. The opinion expressed by contributors is their own and is offered for the general interest of our readers. Mail and classified ads should be addressed to:
All Point Bulletin P.O. Box 1451 Point Roberts WA USA 98281
Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick J. Grubb Associate Publisher & Advertising Manager Louise H. Mugar News & Features Editor Meg Olson Copy Editor Aly Siemion Creative Services Ruth Lauman, Doug De Visser Advertising Sales Molly Ernst, Adam Albert
Contributors In This Issue Gina Gaudet, Scott Hackleman Kris Lomedico, Raye Newmen Administrative Services Jeanie Luna Founding Editor Glennys Christie Business & Editorial Office Phone: 360/945-0413 Fax: 360/945-1613 Email:
Visit us online at: Printed in Canada • Vol. XXXV, No. 1
Letters Policy The All Point Bulletin welcomes letters to the editor; however, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Letters must include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters must not exceed 450 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality and good taste. A fresh viewpoint on matters of general interest to local readers will increase the likelihood of publication. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis. Thank you letters should be limited to ten names. Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published.
Please email your letter to: P.O. Box 1451, Point Roberts, WA 98281 Fax: 360/945-1613
Next issue: June 2019 Ads due: May 24
s The canopy over APA Road as it looked in July 2015.
Photo by Louise Mugar
Letters To The Editor The Editor: If you have driven down APA Road between Pauls Road and Boundary Bay Road since the huge windstorm that occurred on December 20, you know the about the massive damage to our beautiful APA tree canopy. At the ferry terminal, 76 mph hurricane-force wind gusts were recorded and they created this destruction. Ed Park’s iconic pictures of this area were often captioned “The Maple Cathedral.” You can view one of his pictures on the Point Roberts Conservation Society page of the excellent Point Roberts Resource Directory (P.13). This green tunnel was my favorite spot on the Point. The west end of this two-block-long stretch of APA Road was somewhat protected by wind-break trees so a few of the large maples still stand. Whatcom County Public Works (WCPW) removed all the fallen trees from the roadway and hopefully some of the trees will slowly regenerate along the right-of-way from stumps and seeds. In the meantime, the Point Roberts Conservation Society is sponsoring a project to replant maples in the most devastated areas. We are suggesting sugar maples because they are so colorful in the fall and they are approved by WCPW for right-of-way plantings. Big leaf maples are not approved due to their propensity to have upper limb breakage during windstorms. Right. We noticed! With natural forest regeneration and about 20 well-placed new sugar maple plantings, it will once again be a beautiful area ... in time. Once we have a firm price and tree approval by the county and evidence of wide community support, we will ask PRCAC to formally present our request to What-
com County Council for final approval. The best time to plant trees is in the fall. The county has been helpful and encouraging and even pleased to help with this project. County officials say is very likely that transportation benefit district funds, the one cent per gallon gas tax which now has over $1,100,000 accumulated, will pay for this relatively small project. The Point collects over $9,000 per month to add to this fund. The APA tree restoration project would only cost a fraction of one month’s gain. So far, this project has been met with enthusiasm and wide approval when we have presented our plans at community meetings but we want and need more citizen comments. Petitions will be circulated all summer starting in mid-May but meanwhile please send an email to and leave a comment. Sometimes people find it easier to say “no” than “yes.” So, if you want to vote “yes” please be sure to chime in, too. We need your help to show there is community-wide support for this project. Thank you! Armene Belless Point Roberts Conservation Society The Editor: The Lighthouse Park dock system. So
it happened. What everyone with a high school education and the ability to put hammer to nail knew all along. The articulating dock was not the right fit for the environment the Lighthouse Park shoreline offers. Designers, engineers, installers and the parks organization couldn’t forecast a dock that merely went up and down with the tide and rolled with the waves wouldn’t get beat to death? There is no breakwater! (See my letter and others regarding this issue.) I overheard an elderly woman on a wavy day in the summer of 2017 exclaim, “Oh my, I don’t think the dock is going to do well with all those waves.” Somebody’s grandmother made that observation. Clearly this issue has been beaten to death. Ha ha! Now, what to do with it? The county says they may sell it off for lake dwellers or some like use. In the last few weeks I have been hearing appeals on KISM 92.9 for money to build a swimming dock for kids in Bellingham. I’m not familiar with that water environment but could these docks be used there? Repurpose is the catch phrase these days so maybe it’s a cause worth exploring. The money has been spent so maybe the purchase can serve a meaningful purpose. And the county can claim a tax exemption for the gift. Walter Venderrijst Point Roberts (Ed. Note: The county owns the dock and has indicated it will be re-purposed somewhere else in the county park system.)
Please send letters to
May 2019 •
Time to pay!
for MOM!
By Jami Makan Whatcom County Treasurer, Steven Oliver, is reminding taxpayers that “first half” property tax payments are due April 30. Taxes must be paid or postmarked by April 30 to avoid interest and penalties. Taxes become delinquent on May 1, and interest is calculated at one percent each month on the full amount with an additional three percent penalty on amounts unpaid on June 1. “USPS ships county mail to Seattle for processing, so do not wait until the due date to mail your payment if you want to ensure that it will receive a timely postmark,” advises Oliver. The county accepts most credit cards. Taxes may be paid in person at the treasurer’s office, 311 Grand Avenue in Bellingham, or online. To pay taxes through an automated telephone system, call 855/461-9815. Convenience fees may apply, including a $3.50 flat fee if using a debit card with a Visa or MasterCard logo, or 2.35 percent of taxes paid if using a credit card, with a $2 minimum fee. If paying online with an electronic check, a $1 convenience fee would apply. If you are at least 61 years of age or retired because of a disability, own your primary residence and have income of $40,000 or less, you may be entitled to a property tax exemption. Contact the assessor’s office at 360/778-5050 for info.
Roadwork ...
Mother's Day May 12th
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“We’re a rural county and that’s the way we do it.” In 2004, however, Rutan said the county “upgraded” a number of roads from chipsealed to asphalt when much of Maple Beach, South Beach Road, Edwards, Marina and Harbor Seal drives were overlaid with asphalt, among others. A list of roads to be chipsealed can be found at
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From page 1
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All Point Bulletin • May 2019
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dropping out, speakers said. What might be cut? District finance director Amber Porter presented a plan to the board at the April 15 meeting that outlined cutting $650,000 from the district’s budget for teachers and about $250,000 from the classified staffing budget. Classified staff include most non-teaching positions, such as janitors, cafeteria and playground support, secretaries, maintenance and operations, and library staff. That corresponds to roughly six teacher positions and eight to 10 classified positions, though many classified positions are part-time and as little as 2.5 hours per day, Porter said. While the district has a May 15 deadline for its decision on teacher layoffs, there’s no contractual deadline for classified staff. District officials would try to spread the cuts out across a variety of positions, Spanjer and Porter said. Alleviating layoffs The district can get creative to reduce the number of actual layoffs. Two teachers have retired or resigned so far this year and if more teachers retire, the district may be able to shuffle teachers around and avoid laying anyone off, administrators said. Teacher salaries, including benefits and all other costs to the district, range from about $73,000 to $130,000, Porter said. Typically, teachers who retire are near the top of the pay scale. The district is looking at having teachers change grade levels to maximize the amount of state money it can receive. The district can get additional state money by keeping primary grade class sizes below 17, so it could move teachers from the elementary school to the primary school to unlock those extra state funds. If resignations and shifting teachers around can’t close the $650,000 gap, teacher positions would need to be cut. “Those discussions tend to lead toward electives,” Spanjer said, especially at the middle school and high school level. “That’s not to diminish the importance of electives. We’re limited in terms of what our options are and right now the discussions lead to how we can be more efficient at the seventh to twelfth grade level.” For classified staff, Porter said meeting the budget cut may be manageable by retirements and realignments alone.
Crossings >>>
Traffic into Point Roberts for February 2019, with 2018 figures following: Vehicles – 58,947 (68,333); Passengers – 80,839 (108,695); Commercial – 758 (1,017); NEXUS – 26,808 (29,574); NEXUS passengers – 35,028 (46,107).
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From page 1
Please contact our office (360) 945-2636 Monday — Friday 10:30am - 2:30pm to arrange for recycling bins and routing information.
Layoffs ...
Why the deficit? In 2017, lawmakers capped the amount that districts can collect from local tax levies at $1.50 per $1,000 in assessed value or $2,500 per student, whichever is lower, and that money can no longer pay for salaries and other basic education needs. In turn, the state is now allocating an average of at least $64,000 per teacher, up from $54,000, but the amount varies by district. The state intended to make districts more equitable by providing more state funds and making districts less reliant on local taxpayers. The change has benefitted some districts financially and hurt others. For 2019-2020, the amount the Blaine school district can levy dropped by $2 million. Other factors contributing to the district’s budget deficit include increasing costs for audits, assessments and other programs the school is mandated to carry out, and increased staff wages, Porter said. The state legislature is currently discussing several proposals that may shrink the district’s budget deficit, including the state’s formula for funding special education, mental health and school counseling, how much the state provides for employee health care and a temporary adjustment to how much districts can levy. What’s next? At the April 29 school board meeting, the board will vote on a reduced budget plan that will specify which positions would get cut. School districts around the state are facing similar shortfalls to Blaine and preparing for layoffs. The Spokane public school district announced earlier this month that it could lay off up to 325 employees because of projected deficits. Teachers in some districts have already received layoff notices. Officials and employees from districts around the state are pressuring the legislature for more financial support. “We’re still trying to account for how much reduction is going to be necessary,” Spanjer said. “We think it won’t be more than $1.1 million and likely less.”
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May 2019 •
Church News
9:30am (intermediate) 6:00pm (mixed levels) WEDNESDAY 9:30am (mixed levels) THURSDAY 9:30am (gentle) FRIDAY 9:30am (advanced flow) SATURDAY 9:30am (mixed levels) SUNDAY 9:30am (pilates)
By Gina Gaudet It is tempting to say that Easter is over. The church sees Easter as the culmination of the Lenten season, so in a way, it is an ending. Not so! The Easter story takes place in the early morning, just after dawn. But just as the dawn is not the whole day, Easter morning is not the whole Easter story. There are many stories left to tell about Jesus and his followers after the resurrection. So many, in fact, that we will be journeying through the Easter story for another seven weeks. The life of the church is the life of the resurrection, people. It’s the story of hope and resistance. It is the story of how love shows up, not only in the unexpected places – a feed trough in a barn cave, at parties with hookers, taxmen or other ‘unlikely’ types, at community wells in the heat of the day or at an execution on a hill outside the city – but right in the middle
of whatever is happening in our little part of the world, with the people we know or love, or in those parts of the world we only read or see on the evening news. In an anxious, uncertain world, love shows up. In the dozens of small things you do each day, love can show up. In various community meetings, with their decisions and disagreements, love can show up. On your journeys, whether local, statewide or international, love is available to show up. During the Easter season, we will be exploring how love shows up for us, for our homes and our world. Or, more precisely, how we bring love to all by our presence, our actions, our persistence and our highest intentions. Resurrection is not the end of the Jesus story – it is the beginning of the story of the Easter people! We invite you to join us on this journey!
Please phone or e-mail to reserve your space or to get more info. • 360-945-5536
360-945-5152 Wednesday - Friday 10 am to 6 pm Saturday 9 am to 3 pm Suite B, 1423 Gulf Road, Point Roberts, WA 98281
Ladybug Nursery
PRCAC expresses its dismay over dock The county’s decision not to fix and reinstall the dock at Lighthouse Marine Park has gotten a lot of people in Point Roberts upset, among them, the members of the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee. In a March 27 letter to county executive Jack Louws, the committee laid bare its concerns. The letter began with a history of what the group called “the systematic dismantling of Lighthouse Marine Park. Twenty years ago, Lighthouse Marine Park had a significant boardwalk; a whale watching tower; an orca information center; a ‘chow hut’; a boat launch and floating dock; a children’s playground and a group and individual campgrounds and picnic area, including washroom facilities. “In the past several years, the park has seen 60 percent of the boardwalk removed; the orca center and whale watching tower removed; the dock removed, and then replaced many years later with an inferior product developed and designed without consideration for the conditions and the
environment in which they were to exist, which resulted in its removal again; a fix of an inferior product that was doomed to fail again; and now ultimately what seems to be their final failure and removal for repurposing to another county park facility.” Stressing the important role of parks in attracting tourism, the group blamed the decision as “the almost inevitable result of doing things ‘for’ Point Roberts without any input from Point Roberts” and told Louws that the community deserves “a functioning and durable floating dock as an integral part of the park, as was the case for over 15 years before the latest debacle was foisted on the community.” “Moving forward, we would like to see more significant engagement with the community and a significant investment in to the properties that Whatcom County parks has been entrusted to preserve and manage here in Point Roberts; a long term plan to install sensible and viable
OPEN Thurs. to Mon. 10am to 6pm Ladybug Nursery
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(See PRCAC, page 8)
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All Point Bulletin • May 2019
PREP: Who you gonna call? Where you gonna go? Getting help in an emergency erts offers a place of comfort and refuge for those who are unable to remain in their homes during an emergency: our community center. During wide spread power outages or natural disasters, the community center at 1487 Gulf Road becomes the place to go for warmth, information, community support and a hot meal. Call 360/945-5424 to determine if it is in operation, and head over. You will be welcomed. If you lack transportation, every effort will be made to pick you up as soon as roads are open. If the community center is not in operation, call the fire district at 360/945-FIRE and follow the directions provided. No working phone? Head to the fire hall at 2030 Benson Road as soon as you can. There is help and support available here in Point Roberts. Use it when you and your family need to. Meanwhile, become as self-reliant as you can. In subsequent articles, we will show you what you can do to become more resilient when the next incident occurs, as it will. Announcement A powerful means of becoming more self-sufficient and acquiring skills that can assist your family and enable you to benefit your community, is through the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training program. A class is being offered right here in Point Roberts, if a sufficient number of volunteers enroll. Please note the following announcement, and sign up! CERT Training The recent wind disaster in Point Roberts has prompted several people to inquire about Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. Disasters will occur without warning, and we need people to be able to assist the fire chief with immediate disaster support. Affected residents may need shelter, food and other assistance until expert disaster support can be deployed to Point Roberts. This means we will need to be able to fend for ourselves for as long as two to three weeks. We will be offering a Basic CERT Training class in June or July. Possible dates: June 14, 15,16 or July 12, 13, 14. The class will be offered over three consecutive days starting on Friday, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with lunch and dinner breaks. Interested persons should call Virginia Lester, 360/945-2827, or Kandy Harper, 360/945-5144, to sign up. The class will be limited to 20 people. (Raye Newman is president of the Point Roberts Emergency Preparedness group (PREP) See Coming Up for their meting times and places.)
By Raye Newmen
Locally operated in Point Roberts
As we learned last December, disasters can happen here that disrupt our lives and endanger our homes. When the next incident occurs, what should you do? What questions do you need to ask and answer? Is my telephone working? During a power outage, cordless phones won’t work, but a simple, old-fashioned corded land line phone plugged into a telephone outlet can usually work. If you have one and a Whidbey Telecom account, use it! In many jurisdictions, 911 service will work without an account, but not here. In Point Roberts, without an account, you are out of luck. How about my cell phone? Cell service in Point Roberts is far from robust. Coverage can be spotty and the cell tower can become overloaded by high call volume and unable to accept your voice call. Try sending a text message first. TexVE SA ting can often get through neighboring & P I towers when voice calls cannot. C L If you do not get a response to your text, try a voice call and see if you can get through. Who should you call? If there is any threat to the health and well-being of any family member, dial 911 immediately. When you do reach 911, make sure to say you need Point Roberts 911 in the U.S. For non-emergency issues, you can report incidents and receive guidance through our fire district by calling: 360/945-FIRE (3473). Should you remain in your home? Has your house sustained damage and is no longer a suitable shelter? Is an event such as an approaching fire putting your house in danger? If so, grab your Go Kit and leave! (No Go Kit? We’ll tell you how to assemble one in a future article.) Many emergencies involve power outages as well. During severe weather conditions, long-term lack of power can make it difficult and uncomfortable to remain in your home. That’s particularly true for the elderly and those with medical conditions. If so, leave. Where are you going to go? If you have family or friends nearby who can accommodate you, and a means of getting there, that’s great. If not, Point Rob-
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structures and facilities in our parks and a maintenance program which takes into consideration the very existence of Point Roberts, geographically and economically,” the letter concluded.
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May 2019 •
People of the Point By Margot Griffiths Point Roberts resident Mark Stowe is an attorney with a wide-ranging practice. While he has clients in Seattle, Bellingham, Point Roberts and Canada, Mark says his real desire is to be a “small town lawyer with an open-door policy.” He believes that with its focus on a corporate style and billable hours, law has lost its connection with people. Here is an accomplished lawyer who will meet with you in in your own home. No, really. Of course, he’ll also meet with you in Seattle or Bellingham, but who among us wants one more drive down I-5? Mark was born in Long Island, New York and lived there until he was 13. That’s a long way, physically and culturally, from our small community, and yet he says his “New York mentality ties into life in Point Roberts.” He grew up in a neighborhood where people’s doors were open to each other. “There was respect for differences and parents looked out for other people’s kids.” When he moved to Point Roberts in 2003, this was the mentality he was looking for. And it was when his children, Elliot and Celise, began school and Mark became part of a cadre of parents, that he came to fully appreciate Point Roberts – a place where people look out for each other. “In the place you live, you’ve got to contribute.” How did a boy from the east coast end up here? It was his aunt in Seattle who introduced his family to the beauty and relative quiet of the west coast. They moved to Marysville at a time when the town was so small, he bused to high school in Bothell, just as his children would later
bus to Blaine. He went to the University of Washington for an undergraduate degree in philosophy “because I love to debate” and this led to a law degree from Gonzaga. At 18, Mark bought his first piece of property; a decision plagued with problems. Land use and septic issues were just the tip of the iceberg. This experience led him to specialize in real estate law, with an eye to looking out for consumer protection. In 1987, he opened a solo practice – “career suicide,” said his peers – in Woodinville. He thrived. In 2000, he moved his practice to Blaine, in order to further another career interest. Being a hockey agent for the National Hockey League Players Association, a certification he still holds today. Representing players from the U.S. and Canada, Mark knew Blaine was a strategic place to be. And while the population of Woodinville grew, Blaine still held that small town appeal. But not for long. Only a few years later, Mark moved to the smallest town of all – Point Roberts. And here he has stayed. Mark frames his practice in real estate law as a “property tree,” with branches in real estate, estate planning, tax compliance and property disputes. His Point Roberts clients are primarily Canadians who own real estate here. “As soon as a Canadian signs on to property in the U.S., they are in the tax system.” Canadians and Americans alike can benefit from Mark’s experience with code violations, zoning disputes and property disputes. “Point Roberts has a very interesting history with regard to property,” Mark says. “Old families with acreages granted by the government often devel-
oped their land themselves.” That often leads to zoning or septic issues, or property line disputes. And owning property, or anything else, ultimately leads to the need for estate planning and wills. Mark has the expertise. And the best part – he’s our neighbor. And what’s the best part for him? “The freedom to walk the dog – on leash! To ride my mountain bike, to have friends over for a social. To be a part of a small, close community.” One of the central focuses of Mark’s life is raising his 14-year-old daughter, Celise, who also enjoys the Point, and is active in sports at Blaine High School. His son, Elliot, 19, is exploring life in Australia. There’s breadth to Mark Stowe. He’s not your typical lawyer. Out of the blocks, he’s warm and accessible. In his own words, “I’m a little bit out of the box.” He’s found himself the perfect home in Point Roberts. (
s Mark Stowe.
Photo by Louise Mugar
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All Point Bulletin • May 2019
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Book Review B y P at G r u bb Growing Perennial Foods by Acadia Tucker Just in time for Earth Day, Stone Pier Press, an environmentally focused publishing house, has released Growing Perennial Foods, a Field Guide to Raising Resilient Herbs, Fruits and Vegetables. Written by Acadia Tucker with illustrations by Krishna Chavda, this easy-to-understand guide will enable new and experienced gardeners to get the best possible results out of their gardens.
Tucker was one of four founding directors of the Point Roberts Home-grown Coop which established the first Community Supported Agriculture farm on the Point. Utilizing greenhouses and open field farming, Tucker and her crew operated a four-season organic farm that supplied the local community and restaurants with vegetables and fruit and was an educational resource for the local school. In this, her first book, Tucker starts off
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by talking about regenerative farming which attempts to mimic the way nature grows food when left to its own devices. Using regenerative farming techniques allows farmers and gardeners to achieve the best growing results while also replenishing the natural environment. Also known as carbon farming, this approach can play a critically important role in reducing atmospheric carbon, Tucker tells us. The book has three sections. The first part tells readers how to plan and prepare their garden with special emphasis on how it all starts with the soil. Tucker speaks from experience here as she relates her unsuccessful attempts to grow blueberries without preparing the soil beforehand. Soil testing, planning and building your garden, choosing your plants – all are covered in an easy flowing, conversational style of writing that gets the point across without delving too deeply into the technical weeds, so to speak. The main section of the book, nearly
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Promotion (604) 943-1735 • Leasing (604) 943-2203 s Acadia Tucker, author of Growing Perennial Foods with Nimbus, the farm dog.
Courtesy photo
200 pages worth, covers a wide selection of herbs, fruits and vegetables and provides instructions on how best to grow them, lists good companion plantings, challenges and harvesting guides. Tucker also provides recipes that showcase the individual qualities of the plant in question. The recipes are interspersed throughout the book but the index provides a centralized location so you can quickly access a recipe without having to remember which plant and where in the book it was located. Finally, there is a section devoted to frequently asked questions and a glossary. Here the reader will find answers to questions that run the gamut from how to make your own compost to growing a container garden to what kind of organic pest control to use. While the book is directed at those readers who are new to gardening and especially regenerative gardening, there’s more than enough here to appeal to more experienced growers. Beautifully written, prettily illustrated, Growing Perennial Foods will be a wellthumbed addition to your gardening library. A paperback, the book is on order by the Whatcom County Library System but already has two holds on it. It is available online at (best for the author and publisher), Amazon and at Village Books. It is also available by special order from Albany Books in Tsawwassen, B.C. Price varies. (ISBN 978-0998862354) Keep your eyes open for Tucker’s next book, Growing Good Food: A Citizen’s Guide to Backyard Carbon Farming which will be published this summer.
Candidate filing week approaches If you’re interested in running for one of the 134 offices up for election in Whatcom County this November, get ready to file your declaration of candidacy. Candidate filing week is May 13-17. Closer to home, virtually every elected commission has one or more positions up for election. The hospital district has two seats, the parks has four, water district has one, fire has all three seats and the cemetery has one. For a full list, go online to Candidates can file their declaration online at Online filing begins at 9 a.m. on Monday, May 13 and closes at 4 p.m. on Friday, May 17. Alternatively, candidates may file in person at the auditor’s office, 311 Grand Avenue in Bellingham. In-person filing opens May 13 at 8:30 a.m. and ends May 17 at 4:30 p.m.
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All Point Bulletin • May 2019
e t i r e d r o B Report
Editor, Tammy McDonald Comments or feedback: Send to:
Brought To You By The Blaine School District Point Roberts Primary • 945-ABCD (2223) • 2050 Benson Rd, P.O. Box 910 • Point Roberts, WA 98281
The students at Point Roberts Primary School have been actively learning about the world around them, specifically their tiny spot in the world: Point Roberts. We have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of sunny days and the first blossoms of spring to hang our Mason Bee house. During the winter the bees hibernated in the fridge inside their cocoons. Now that spring has sprung and the sun has emerged the bees were moved to their house to hatch from their cocoons. The students are making daily observations, science journal entries and are reading and writing about different kinds of bees. The students are also learning about the importance of bees in our small community and will be taking care of their own Mason Bee nest to help promote pollination and give back to the local community through the next seasons and school years. Our daily story time has taken us into the genre of BIOGRAPHY! In honor of Earth Day, we have been reading biographies about women in history who have made a difference in their world by advocating for trees and forestation. If you have never heard of Katherine Olivia Sessions or Wangari Maathai look them up and be inspired knowing that one person can make a huge difference in the world! Throughout the year, we get to enjoy the beaches of our community. It is our job to take care of our treasures such as our local beaches and trails. Students spent the Friday before Earth Day cleaning our local beach in an effort to make our tiny spot in the world a better place! As Earth Day comes each and every year, it is a good reminder that we only have one planet; we can assess our lives and make choices on a daily basis to protect our world for the next generations to come!
Be e s
PENGUINS Penguins are good to learn about. Emperor penguins lay one egg at a time. Female penguins go look for food while the male watches the egg. Baby penguins are fluffy looking. I like learning about penguins.
S The Bennett family. Courtesy photo
PRAF gains new owners Point Roberts Auto Freight (PRAF) is under new ownership and will continue to be a link between the Point and the U.S. mainland. Bill and Michelle Bennett purchased the business, originally founded in 1935, in February. “We have been trying to get everything streamlined and making sure everyone receives the quality service they deserve,” said Michelle. “Nothing business-wise has really changed, but I would definitely say it has improved. Consistent and reliable service needs to be our top priority, along with excellent communication.” The Bennetts are no strangers to the unique challenges of getting goods to the Point. Bill had a 17-year career with Sound Beverage, 11 of them spent serving Point Roberts businesses. Michelle, who will manage the office and warehouse in Bellingham, also holds a commercial driver’s license and has been a school bus driver, as well as running her own business as a health insurance broker. Longtime county residents, the couple and their two daughters, aged 12 and 14, live in Custer. “Bill and I have looked for a business
both he and I could have a functional role in, a family type of business that our girls could easily be a part of and that had a solid foundation,” Michelle said. “The combination of our skills makes us a very unique fit for this business and as we progress I think the community will agree. With just two months under our belt we are very proud of the feedback we’ve received.” PRAF can handle household moves, construction packages, even vehicles and refrigerated cargo. While they currently only offer service between points in the U.S., Michelle said they had received inquiries about transporting goods to and from Canada and would look into the possibility in the future. They are also working to establish a business relationship with Costco. Pickups from many other retailers are already possible. “We would like to encourage customers to reach out and let us know what their specific freight servicing needs look like,” Michelle said. “Let us see what we can do to make it happen.” Contact PRAF at 360/676-1174 or email Also, go to
Why did the bee go to the barbershop? A: To get a buzz-cut. What is a bee’s favorite sport? A: Rug-Bee.
by Mayghen
It’s time to Register for Kindergarten! at Point Roberts Primary Call or stop by the school office to enroll your child.
Phone: 945-2223 Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. For questions, you can send an email to:
Check out our district website!
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May 2019 •
In The Garden
Visit my Real Estate Blog
By Scott Hackleman
7 Tips when Buying & Selling Washington Real Estate
Turning Tyee Drive into a Pollinator Corridor Point Roberts has been called many things, such as a gated community or an island with water on three sides and a border on the fourth, but here’s a new one: it’s an oasis. That’s how the Point was referred to in a presentation to the Point Roberts Garden Club not long ago. This oasis is obviously not a pond in the desert, but rather an oasis for pollinators. We usually just think of bees as pollinators, but they are a part of a broad selection of critters that relentlessly busy themselves with going from plant to plant searching for food (nectar) and inadvertently pollinating all they touch. Besides bees, there are butterflies, moths and hummingbirds. The presenter mentioned that, as the land to our north became more inhabited and developed and more plant life was removed or replaced with turf or asphalt, this same shift in environment was not happening so much on the Point. Little by little, our tip of this peninsula became somewhat separate from the rest and so became an oasis for pollinators. The two main reasons the Point became something of an oasis is because these tiny creatures have a limited range. They can only go so far from home before they run out of energy. The other reason is the diversity of plants. They need some source of energy available to them throughout the seasons. This was not a big problem to the tiny inhabitants of this peninsula when there was plenty of places to find rest or resuscitation, but as the years have passed, that’s not so true anymore. Inspired in part by the pollinator pathway project in Seattle (pollinatorpathway. com) and by the efforts of our local friends at the Earthwise Society and Feed the Bees, the Point Roberts Garden Club has been creating a pollinator corridor as part of our beautification project on Tyee Drive. Our main purpose is to provide nectar and pollen from March through October. By doing this we support the health of all our pollinators as well as both honey bees and native bees. Keys to fostering healthy pollinator populations are herbs, heirloom plants and eschewing use of pesticides. Our emphasis will be on affordable, long-blooming plants. We are starting small and gradually expanding as we learn what works best, but here is a taste of what we are experimenting with: Late winter sees pollinators gathering on Mahonia (Oregon grape), leopards bane, sea thrift, Brunnera and Sedum spathulifolium, followed in early spring on native Tellima (fringecup), Aquilegia formosa and lupins. Old fashioned varieties of Ceanothus, Campanula and peren-
to get a checklist for
nial geraniums are also attractive. Midsummer attractants are Echinacea, Penstemon, Scabiosa and verbenas. As we move into autumn, pollinators switch to Sedum Autumn Joy, sea holly, Joe Pye weed, Coreopsis, hyssop, aster and rudbeckia. In creating a pollinator corridor, we help extend the range of our tiny helpers so our oasis does not become an outpost. The added bonus to us all is the addition of lovely, flowering perennials which we can enjoy throughout most of the seasons. So consider this an invitation to take walk on Tyee Drive occasionally rather than blasting by in the car, or perhaps take a break on our bench and join the bees and butterflies in watching the rest of the world blast by. Earthwise Society (earthwisesociety. has long been a partner in Delta’s Feed the Bees program (, helping develop bee-friendly streetscapes, selling pollinator-friendly plants, and maintaining a website that lists bee-friendly plants. Be sure to take in the Point Roberts Garden Club Biennial Plant sale on Saturday, May 18. Please join us at 105 Park Drive where you can purchase all manner of plants, trees and garden tools. Sale begins at 9 a.m. and runs until 2 p.m. (or when we run out of things to sell). (Scott Hackleman, president of the Point Roberts Garden Club, has a small cottage garden where he tries to keep the bees and hummingbirds happy. His grateful bees like dandelions.)
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s Don Goldberg will be the guest speaker at the Point Roberts Chamber of Commerce noon luncheon at the Gulf Road community center on Thursday, May 23. Goldberg is director of economic development for the Port of Bellingham. He came to the port in 2018 where he was tasked with developing a sustainable approach towards economic development. He was formerly the director of business development for the Port of Portland. Courtesy photo
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All Point Bulletin • May 2019
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Coming up ... Events 100th Year Anniversary Birthday Party for Children’s Book Week: Saturday, April 27, 11 a.m. Point Robert Library. Birthday cake, special storytime, party games and activities for kids of all ages. Info: 360/945-6545. Power of Music Video Event: Saturday, April 27, 7 p.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Songs about spirit. Elvis Tribute Dinner Show: Saturday, April 27, Feat: Jeffrey Elvis. Healing touch: Sundays, April 28, May 5 and May 19, 1–3 p.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. With Gina Gaudet.
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Pilgrimage to Burns Bog: Sunday, April 28, 1:30–4 p.m., Delta Nature Reserve, 10389 Nordel Court, Delta. This family event celebrates Burns Bog and global peatlands. Performers sing, drum and dance as participants walk through the Delta Nature Reserve. Info: burnsbog. org. Trinity Chamber Concert Series: Sunday, April 28, 3 p.m.,Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Songs about spirit. The Bergamasca Recorders. Call for vendors for Saturday Markets: Starting Saturday, May 4, 10 a.m.–2 p.m., community center. Make it, bake it or grow it market every Saturday until September. Vendors welcome. Bring your own table. Feature Boot Sale begins Saturday, May 25 and then every fourth Saturday. Contact: Comedy Night: Saturday, May 4, 6 p.m., SDSS Equinox Theatre, 750 53 Street, Delta, B.C. Dry grad fundraiser. Tickets: $20 in advance or $25 at the door. Advanced tickets available through Albany Books, Wood N Frog or online through 19+. Friends of the Point Roberts Library AGM: Sunday, May 5, 2–4 p.m., Point Roberts Library. Join us to celebrate our community’s commitment to making our new library a reality! Light refreshments to follow. Info: 360/945-6545. Drop in Art Day: Wednesday, May 8, 1–3:30 p.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. With Jean Barrington. Point Roberts Library Movie Night: Friday, May 17, 7–9 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. Enjoy a movie on our new big screen in the library meeting room. Check with the library staff to find out this month’s movie selection. Info: 360/945-6545. Biennial Point Roberts Plant Sale: Saturday, May 18, 9 a.m.–2 p.m., 105 Park Drive. Plants, trees and garden tools for sale. Sponsored by the Point Roberts Garden Club. Night Art Session: Wednesday, May 22, 6:30–8:30 p.m., community center dining hall, 1487 Gulf Road. Any skill level. Any media. Bring own art supplies. Bring snacks if you wish! Port of Bellingham Economic Development Luncheon: Thursday, May 23, noon, community center. Speaker: Don Goldberg. Sponsored by the PR Chamber of Commerce. Point Roberts Book Club: Wednesday, May 29, 7–9:30 p.m. Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. All are welcome to join in this lively monthly discussion group on the last Wednesday at the library’s meeting room. Call the library for the book title at 360/945-6545. Trinity Community Choir Concert: Sunday, June 9, 3 p.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Songs about spirit. Celebrate! Music from stage and screen.
Scheduled Meetings/Ongoing Events PR Hospital District: Wednesday, May 1, 7 p.m., community center, 1487 Gulf Road. PR Garden Club: Wednesday, May 1, 7 p.m., community center. PR Registered Voters Association: Thursday, May 2, 6 p.m., community center. PR Community Advisory Committee Special Meeting: Saturday, May 4, 7 p.m., community center. Discussion of possible changes to WCC 20.72. PR Amateur Radio Club: Monday, May 6, 7 p.m., community center, 1487 Gulf Road. PREP (PR Emergency Preparedness): Tuesday, May 7, 7 p.m., community center. Info: Henry Rosenthal, 360/945-1711. PR Community Advisory Committee: Thursday, May 9, 6 p.m., community center. PR Fire District 5: Wednesday, May 8, 4 p.m., 2030 Benson Road. Info: 360/945-3473. PR Taxpayers Association: Wednesday, May 8, 7 p.m., community center. Friends of the Point Roberts Library Meeting: Thursday, May 9, noon–1 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. Join the Friends and help us support the Point Roberts Library. We volunteer our time to raise funds, plan events, and help with purchases the library’s budget doesn’t cover. Plus, we have a lot of fun! Info: 360/945-6545. PR Park and Recreation District: Monday, May 13, 7 p.m., community center. PR Water District: Tuesday, May 14, 5 p.m., community center, 1487 Gulf Road.
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Friends of Point Roberts Library: Thursday, May 14, noon–1 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Info: 360/945-6545. PR Historical Society: Wednesday, May 15, 7 p.m., community center. Historicalsociety@ PR Community Advisory Committee Special Meeting: Tuesday, May 21, 7 p.m., community center. Discussion of possible changes to WCC 20.72. WTA’s “Zone Service:” Tuesdays. One round trip to Bellingham. $1 per trip. 866/989-4287. Point Roberts Library Hours: Tuesdays, 1–7 p.m., Wednesdays/Saturdays, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Knits & Crafts at Point Roberts Library: Tuesdays, 5–7 p.m., PR Library, 1437 Gulf Road. For adults and teens. Info: 360/945-6545. Wackie Walkers: Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays, 8 a.m., Lighthouse Marine Park. Check for information about the Thursday walk location.
May 2019 •
ProPerty ManageMent ServiceS
May Tides Tides at Boundary Bay
Successfully Listing and Selling Homes and Property!
DST Not For Navigation 49° 0’ 0”N - 122° 46’ 0”W
Date Time Height
s Billy Mitchell will be one of four standup comics performing Saturday, May 4 at 6 p.m. at the SDSS Equinox Theatre in a fundraiser for this year’s Dry Grad. For details check Coming Up on preceding page.
Courtesy photo
Going fishing across the line? Washington anglers who plan to fish for salmon in Canadian waters and return in their boats with their catch to Washington are required to notify the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) before leaving state waters by completing an online form. The form should be filled out before departure. Anglers will receive an email confirmation that their trip information has been received. Canada no longer provides U.S. fishers with the means to document their legally caught salmon in Canadian waters. In the event that anglers are subject to a dockside inspection upon their return to Washington, anglers need to complete the form notifying WDFW of their plans to fish in Canadian waters. Anglers are not allowed to catch their daily limit of salmon in both Canadian and Washington waters on the same day. Anglers with Canadian salmon in their possession may not fish in Washington marine waters unless it is legal to retain the fish caught in Canada in the area where fishing in Washington. A Washington fishing license is not required to fish in Canada or to fill out the trip notification form. However, a Canadian fishing license is required for fishing up north. To buy online, go to The form asks for the date you enter Canada, the date you leave, the number of the vessel and the number of people on board. Go to or look under the fishing license tab on the WDFW website.
Celebrate Children’s Book Week This year is the 100th anniversary of Children’s Book Week, the longest running literacy campaign in the United States of America. On Saturday, April 27 the Point Roberts Library will join the annual celebration of books written for children with a birthday cake and stories read by a variety of story-loving Point Roberts residents. “We’ll have both kids crafts and teen crafts in the meeting room set up all day on a drop-in basis,” said Rose Momsen, children’s librarian at the Point Roberts branch of the Whatcom County Library System. Momsen has also prepared a slide show of the 100 years of children’s book art that has been featured during Children’s Book Week. This year’s theme for the annual celebration of children’s books is Read Now, Read Forever and our local librarians are full of ideas to help your child fall in love with reading.
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Hugh Wilson, Broker
604-910-5968 call or text 360-945-1010 home E S TAT E 1385 Gulf Rd. Point Roberts 360-945-1011
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S i nSince c e 1973 1973
12:12 pm
RESIDENTIAL 6:21 pm 2.4
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2:00 pm
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All Point Bulletin • May 2019
Next Issue: June 2019
Ads Due: May 24
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Classifieds Home-grown newspaper with home delivery to Point Roberts, Tsawwassen and Retail Outlets. It’s the perfect match!
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ROOFING WORK New roofs, re-roofs Repairing roof leaks Moss removal and roof cleaning Gutter cleaning Small roofs and large roofs Torchdown and shingles
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Point Roberts Park & Recreation District is looking for a part-time, temporary Assistant Kayak Program Instructor needed to work with the Kayak Program Coordinator. Must have technical knowledge and skills to operate kayaks, good communication and teaching skills. Flexibility to adapt work schedule according to weather and participant availability. Will provide some additional training for qualified applicant. Job pay is $16 per hour when classes are held and free use of the kayaks. Send request for job application to
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May 2019 •
Senior’s Point Menus
M ay
Wednesdays & Fridays Games, snooker & more! Lunch Menu: Wednesday, May 1: Pork chops, potatoes au gratin, green beans, garden salad and cinnamon applesauce. Friday, May 3: Reuben style chicken, roasted yam, green beans, garden salad and fruited Jell-O. Wednesday, May 8: Shrimp salad, oatmeal bread and fresh oranges. Friday, May 10: Wild mushroom omelet, roasted potatoes, orange juice and fruit and Greek yogurt. Wednesday, May 15: Lemon pepper chicken, roasted red potatoes, baby carrots, spinach salad and fruit. Friday, May 17: Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, Brussels sprouts, garden salad and fruit. Wednesday, May 22: All beef frank on whole wheat bun with kraut, potato salad and peach cobbler. Friday, May 24: Turkey pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, Nantucket veggies, garden salad and fruit cocktail. Wednesday, May 29: Spaghetti with meat sauce, Italian green beans, Caesar salad and fresh grapes. Friday, May 31: Pub style fish and chips, rainbow potatoes, kale coleslaw and fresh fruit. All menus are subject to change due to food cost and availability. Gluten-free entrée (ask) and entrée salad available daily.
Classifieds continued Storage
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Store boats, trailers, RV or camper and cars in our completely enclosed secure facilities. Prices starting at $
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Library Picks KRIS L O M E D IC O Bestsellers: Sentence is Death . . A. Horowitz Summer of ’69 . . Elin Hilderbrand Recursion . . . . . . Blake Crouch Plain Vanilla Murder . . . . . . . . .Susan Wittig Albert Movies: Siberia . . . . . . . Keanu Reeves American Renegade J. K. Simmons Arctic . . . . . . Mads Mikkelsen Gloria Bell . . . . . Julianne Moore Music: Amidst the Chaos . . Sara Bareilles The Best of Everything Tom Petty Acoustic Women . . . . . . Various The Girl from Chickasaw County . . . . . . . . . . . Bobbie Gentry Teens: Hot Dog Girl . . . . Jennifer Dugan Supernova . . . . . . Kass Morgan Keep this to Yourself . . Tom Ryan Kids: Aladdin . . . . . . New translation A Peaceful Garden . . Lucy London Dream Flights on Arctic Nights . . . . . . . . . . Brooke Hartman Hours: Tue 1-7 Wed & Sat 10-5 Library Express: 7 am to 11 pm
Sheriff’s Report
Clear it out! Whatcom County has scheduled its annual household hazardous waste collection event in Point Roberts for Saturday, June 15 allowing seasonal residents to clean out their sheds, too. The event goes from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Point Roberts Solid Waste Transfer Station at 2005 Johnson Road. Up to 55 gallons of products per household can be dropped off at no charge. Acceptable items include oil-based paints, gasoline, garden chemicals and fertilizers, solvents, oil and antifreeze, cleaning products, aerosols, acids and bases, fluorescent tubes and lights, re-chargeable batteries and more. Items not accepted include garbage, business waste, latex paint, biomedical waste, alkaline batteries, explosives and ammo, radioactive material (smoke alarms), empty containers, asbestos and waste in drums. Please call the Disposal of Toxics Program for further details at 360/380-4640 or visit\.
April 1, 2:18 p.m.: Traffic stop on Tyee Drive. One arrest and citation for driving with a suspended license in the 3rd degree. April 2, 4:03 p.m.: Suspicious circumstances cold call on Wicklow Place. April 6, 11:22 a.m.: Alarm audible on Edwards Drive. April 8, 3:29 p.m.: Suspicious circumstances cold call on APA Road. April 15, 10:11 a.m.: Hang up (911) in progress on Goodman Road. April 16, 8:36 a.m.: Civil problem cold call on Windsor Drive. April 16, 1:30 p.m.: Juvenile problem cold call on Seabright Loop. April 16, 7:42 p.m.: Hang up (911) on Evergreen Way. April 20, 1:02 a.m.: Alarm audible on Edwards Drive. April 20, 1:38 p.m.: Alarm audible on Edwards Drive. April 21, 4:02 p.m.: Follow up on Tyee Drive.
Blaine, Birch Bay & Point Roberts MARCH 2019 LOCATION
COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES: 4-plex with 4,368 SF, built in 1994, .34 acres land.
627 F Street, Blaine
4-plex with 4,368 SF, built in 1989, .34 acres land.
657 F Street, Blaine
Semiahmoo Drive & Charel Dr, Blaine
Residential lot with marine view.
Holeman Avenue, Blaine
Residential lot with marine view.
Edwards Drive, Point Roberts
LAND: .93 acres (4 residential lots)
Doreen M. Gudmundson January 18,1931 - January 26, 2019 Doreen Gudmundson (nee Latimer) passed away peacefully in her sleep January 26, 2019 in her home at Orchard Park in Bellingham. Born January 18, 1931 and raised in Vancouver, B.C., Doreen married Magnus Gudmundson in 1951. After living at Hood Canal for some years and giving birth to son Lee and daughter Julia, Doreen and Magnus settled in Bellingham. After her children were grown and moved on to their various pursuits, she moved to her much-beloved home in Point Roberts where she led an active life before returning to Bellingham in the 2010s. Doreen was always an avid letter writer. Even as friends, children, children of friends and friends of children moved to far flung locations, she steadfastly wrote to one and all, keeping everyone in touch with the goings-on in Point Roberts and Bellingham. Doreen was preceded in death by son Kristinn and daughter Julia, and is survived by her sister Isabel St. Clair, of Kelowna, B.C., and sons Lee Gudmundson of Bellingham, Eric Gudmundson of Lynnwood, and Jon Gudmundson of Logan, Utah. She is also survived by nine grandchildren and numerous great grandchildren. The family would like to express their heartfelt thanks to the wonderful staff at Orchard Park for their loving care of Doreen and for their warmth and kindness to the family. The family is holding a gathering at the Point Roberts Cemetery on Saturday, May 5, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. In the case of rain, it will be held at the Trinity Community Lutheran Church Hall. For more information, please contact Lee Gudmundson at 360/224-8552.
Get your business on the 2019/20 map!
R U O Y E V R RESE ! W O N E SPAC 45-0413 Call 360-9 ob or email sales@pointr
NewNEW Edition edition Summer June 2019 2019 Map cover art by Kitty Doyle A Special Publication of the All Point Bulletin Newspaper
All Point Bulletin • May 2019
PERSONAL Representation & Consulting for Purchasers and Sellers PERSONAL Representation & Consulting for Purchasers and Sellers EXPORT/IMPORT Specialists / US Customs Consumption Bonds EXPORT/IMPORT Specialists / US Customs Consumption Bonds PERSONAL Representation & Consulting for Purchasers and Sellers Covering Point Roberts & Blaine
EXPORT/IMPORT Specialists / US Customs Consumption Bonds 360-306-5687 Bill Steele, 604-312-5857
Bill Steele, 604-312-5857
s Don’t believe in gnomes? Guess what? Maybe they don’t believe in you.
Photo by Bennett Blaustein
Enchanted Forest trail to open By Bennett Blaustein
Selling your boat?
Point Roberts has gained some new residents this past winter. A growing population of fairies, gnomes, elves, huldufólk and other assorted mythical woodland creatures have made their homes along a new Enchanted Forest Trail. These forest dwellers love having visitors come see them and share their magical place in nature. Our new residents plan to have a grand opening for anyone who enjoys a bit of whimsy and imagination on
Saturday, May 18 at 1:30 p.m. They welcome all who wish to join in for a short walk from Baker Field to the new trail site. Additional guided walks will be available on Sunday, May 19 at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and Monday, May 20 from the picnic benches at Baker Field. If you are interested in finding out more about the Enchanted Forest Trail, then please contact the Point Roberts park and recreation district at 360/945-5424. (Bennett Blaustein is a Point Roberts parks district commissioner.)
We love boats - We can get it sold! Specializing in Marketing Vessels in Point Roberts WA, Richmond BC, Captain’s Cove and River House Marinas We Handle all aspects of the sales cycle: • Market analysis to determine a fair marketing price • Prepare an advertising strategy • Quality pictures for marketing and Sea Trial Videos • Market the boat to generate the most amount of qualified buyers
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Co-operation with all Brokers to promote your Vessel better. Industry Leader of Import/Export USA/Canada Transactions with more than 1,500 completions Proven track record - 23 years in Business • We sell our listings faster and for more than the others
Pacific Coast Yacht Sales. Ltd. Philip A. Cragg, President
Point Roberts, WA •
• Richmond, BC
rd Saturday, August 23 Sat., June 15 • 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
11 a.m.August - 4 p.m. 23 rd Saturday, Point Roberts Solid Waste Transfer Station • 2005 Johnson Rd. For
11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Point Roberts Solid Waste Transfer Station 2005 Johnson Road information on which hazardous waste is accepted, contact
the Disposal of Toxics Program, (360) 380-4640. Bring us Roberts your Household Waste Point Solid WasteHazardous Transfer Station *Limit of 55Johnson gallons per Road household. 2005 oil-based paints, solvents, aerosol cans, garden chemicals, motor oil, antifreeze, gasoline, Sponsored by the Whatcom County Health Department, Bring usfluorescent your Household Hazardous Waste lamps, and other hazardous products. the Disposal of Toxics Program, and Cando Recycling & Disposal.
oil-based solvents, aerosol cans, We paints, will NOT accept: garden chemicals, motor oil, antifreeze, gasoline, latex paint, asbestos, biomedical waste, products. ammunition, fluorescent lamps, and other hazardous explosives, waste in drums, or radioactive waste.
We will NOT accept:
s Kyle German returns to Point Roberts as the new general manager/head golf pro at Bald Eagle Golf Club. He’s seen here with assistant GM Tracy Evans. Kyle was formerly the general manager from 2005-2011. Kyle is offering short game clinics for groups of 3-6 people, $20 hour per person. He can be reached at the club at 866/460-0368. Photo by Louise Mugar
Blaine schools superintendent Ron Spanjer retiring after 36 year career By Oliver Lazenby After 13 years as Blaine school district superintendent and 36 years in public education, Ron Spanjer announced plans to retire at the end of August 2019. “This is something that my wife and I have been thinking about for a while,” he said. “Thirteen years is a long time. It’s been a very positive experience and I’ve worked with very supportive people and incredibly dedicated board members, so the years have really gone by quickly.” With the three-year Blaine High School construction project coming to a close this summer, the timing seemed right, Spanjer said. He counts that as a standout project during his tenure, along with shifting all district schools to the same schedule and expanding college in the classroom and career and technical education programs, among other things. Before coming to Blaine, Spanjer worked for the Port Angeles school district as assistant superintendent for eight years. In retirement, Spanjer plans to spend
more time with his family. He has three kids and other family members scattered throughout Washington and Oregon. “It will be nice to take a step away from a 24–7 schedule and do more than just flyby visits with family,” he said. Spanjer’s decision to retire isn’t related to the district’s forecast $1.1 million budget deficit for the 2019-2020 school year or the district’s need to reduce salaries, he said, “Not at all, this is just the time.” “I’ve committed to stay through August to see that budget process through,” Spanjer said. “We’ll get to the other side of it and there will be a quality program in place with quality staff supporting kids. There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind about that.” The school board is holding a special meeting from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 29, to discuss the process of hiring a new superintendent. Larry Francois, superintendent of the Northwest Educational Service District 189, will discuss how other districts go about recruiting and training new superintendents.
May 2019 •
All Point Bulletin • May 2019 JamesJames H. James H.Julius, Julius, H.Broker* Julius, Broker* Designated Broker*
Notary Public
Maureen Stevens, Broker Notary Public * Successfully listing and selling
Point Roberts real estate since 1968 and selling E-Mail: * Successfully listing YEARS E-Mail: • Point Roberts real estateSELLING sincePOINT1968 ROBERTS
79 Tyee Drive Point Roberts, WA 98281
REAL ESTATE • 1339 Gulf Road, P.O. Box 17 • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 360/945-5555 360-945-5555 • Cell: E-Mail: • 360-525-4263 *Member of NY State
Phone: 360/945-1115 Fax: 945-0804
1339 Gulf Road, P.O. Box 1 • Point Roberts, WA 98281
MLS Listing Service BEACH PROPERTIES Road, P.O. Box 17 • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 360/945-5555 • 1339 Gulf
On the beach!
UPDATED DAILY! View color photos, listings and complete information of all properties for sale.
FREEMAN BEACH 697 MARINE DR. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
EDWARDS DRIVE HOME 75’ level south facing waterfront. 3BD, 2.5BA. Lots of amenities: 1275 BROUGHTON LANE 247 BAYVIEW DR. Granite countertops, side home. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing 2BR, 3BA beautiful west $199,000. Adjoining lot $35,000. Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000 Brazilian hardwood throughout, master bath w/jetted tub and steam shower, double car garage.BROUGHTON Private tidelandsLANE to low 1275 247 BAYVIEW DR. panoramicwest island views. 3BA beautiful side home. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing 2BR, water,
FREEMAN BEACH 697 MARINE DR. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
1.5 Acre view lot located on the sunny south slope, cleared and improved with a 4-bedroom septic and water installed, ready to build. $498,000
Open beam living area, 2 BR 1 BA cottage. Walkout basement with storage & workshop. Updated windows, very private and quiet area. Property needs a new septic. $109,000
2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, 2 blocks to beach. $169,000
1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. Furnished, private, excellent condition. $115,000
1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. 668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. Furnished, private, excellent $200,000 condition. $115,000 723 WALTERS LANE. 100’ of 1877 WASHINGTON 676 CLAIRE LANE
Westside Waterfront
waterfront. Walk out directly to sandy beach. 3BR, 2BA. Sun room, garage, 2 wood6.39 ACRES, DESIRABLE EAST SIDE, SUBDIVIDABLE $299,000 burning fireplaces. 950’ from Lighthouse Park. $875,000
3BR cottage w/front and rear deck. Adjacent to Lily Point Park. $159,000 ACREAGE:
Quality 3 BR 2 ¾ BA home situated on a private 1/2-acre lot with a paved private driveway. Bonus room over the 2 car garage. Solid wood floors and upscale finishing throughout. $589,000
If you’re serious about purchasing at the “Point” do yourself a favor and visit our office for a complete list of everything for sale in the area and also check out our website for general information, color photos, maps and full property search function.
371 West Bluff
Low-bank waterfront 4-BD, 4-BA luxury property. Views of Mt Baker & Islands.
Views from every room plus 100+ ft of westside waterfront. A must see!
MLS# 1392842
EDWARDS DRIVE w/views of San Juan Islands. CLAIRE LANE VIEW w/ 2-BR permit LOTS: $89,900 Private sewer. $199,000 ACREAGE: 6.39 ACRES, DESIRABLE EAST SIDE, SUBDIVIDABLE $299,000
Stunning Home - Ocean Views, Mountain Views, Marina Views! 145’ waterfront!
355 W Bluff Rd. $795,000
West facing 683 South Beach Rd. 534 Tyee Drive sanctuary offers Bayview Dr.2031 Cliffside 1953Dr. Holiday Lane $649,000 MLS# 253 1376905 $599,000 epic sunsets & $1,200,000 MLS# compound, 860192 MLS# 1101438 Ultimate 3$775,000 adjoining propMLS# 1064406 $575,000 MLS#1381666MLS# 1050258 stunning ocean erties located in desirable South Beach. vistas with 3 Included in sale manuf. home onGneigh- Like new 3,398 sq, 4-BD home, stunning views of ocean, 3 decks. decks. boring lot (Parcel #:405311123455). DIN
753 Walters Lane $509,000 MLS# 918572
730 Walters Ln.
340 Boundary Bay Rd. $448,000 MLS# 1057901 $478,000
MLS# 1406631
Outstanding views of ocean and marina. 3-BD plus office, 3-BA, turnkey home.
Rare Westside Beach rancher. 3-BR, 3-BA. Exceptionally maintained. Beach rights.
398 Marine Dr. $389,000 MLS# 883553
636 Calhoun Dr.
MLS# 1404473
632 Highland Dr. $325,000 MLS# 942924
550 South Beach Rd. $325,000 MLS# 814163
688 Deer Lane $275,000 MLS# 1090840
276 Shadyglen Ave. $279,000 MLS# 1075717
134 Monte $299,000 MLS# 1436199
2157 ING Birch St. D N $299,000 MLS# 1409840 E PMaple Beach cottage. 2-BR,
680 Marine Drive $295,000 MLS# 1345305
D 1379 CE Gulf Rd. U MLS# 1250606 $529,000 ED
1-BA, on desirable street.
One of a kind offering.
SPECTACULAR VIEW HOME overlooking Vancouver, Boundary Bay, North Shore Mountains and the city lights. Custom built home with the highest degree of finish and workmanship. MLS #10595640 - Shown by app only $938,000
1721 Benson Rd. #104 500 Moose CHRIS HUGHES - 360-223-7601 $129,000 $124,000 HUGHES - 360-223-7603 CHRIS HUGHES -218-5595 PINCKSTON - 360-223-7601 604 OFFICE: 465 Tyee Dr. • Point Roberts, WA MICHAELTESSA HUGHES 495 Moose Trail $185,000 MLS# 1087917
SOUTH BEACH VIEW COTTAGE on rare triple sized lot. Completely Renovated, just move in and enjoy. $329,000
SOUTH BEACH COTTAGE just minutes walk away to Private Beach Access. Open floor plan with four bedrooms. $239,000
MLS# 1082569
THE ULTIMATE IN PRIVATE ESTATE LIVING on 5 acres with custom built 3300 sq/ft home, triple garage and professional equestrian center. MLS #10596520. Shown by appointment only.
CUTE AND SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE at the end of Sunrise Drive in a sunny south facing location. $199,000
R Successful restaurant opportunity or many other possibilities
CALL US...WE HAVE LAND LISTINGS! 568 Calder $234,900 MLS# 1091965
One of a kind South Beach cottage. 2-BR, 1-BA.
3-BR, 2-BA home. Beautiful double lot.
PRISTINE COTTAGE across street from west side beach. Private beach access. Spectacular view from almost every room. Roof top deck views. MLS# 10583478 $328,000
1571 Harbor Seal Dr. $544,999 MLS# 1405557
D CE U D COMMERCIAL RE 1379 Gulf Rd. $525,000 MLS# 1034066
1385 Gulf Road, Point Roberts
MLS# 1366165
2 BR designer home. A must-see! $289,000 Make an offer! See more listings at
1668 Harbor Seal Drive $995,000 MLS# 1440019
MLS# 1440207
MARINA MIST CONDOS. Unit 14. 2-BR, 2.5-BA, 1877 WASHINGTON 2-car garage.
542 MCLAREN RD. 3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point 3BR cottage w/front and rear deck. $149,000 Park. $299,000 Adjacent to Lily Point Park. $159,000
1617 Edwards Dr. $1,375,000
1531 COLUMBIA VISTA. 2-BR, 3/4-BA. Short walk to shopping, CLAIRE LANE post office,676 library.
2 BR designer home. levelA must-see! westside Make an offer!
3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point Park. $299,000
Point Roberts Properties Discover more listings at EW
668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. $200,000
ED UC D RE 2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, 2 blocks to beach. $169,000 542 MCLAREN RD.
Maple Beach cottage with recent upgrades including new septic tank, roof and foundation. Clean, cute and ready for a summer of fun. This one will not last long.
$199,000. lot $35,000. MUSTAdjoining SEE! $889,000.
Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000
(incl. Lot 6 & 7) MLS# 823011
RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc. 465 Tyee Dr. • Point • 360-945-1313••800-723-1313 800-723-1313 RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc. Roberts, WA 360-945-1313
4.85 BEAUTIFUL SUNNY ACRES high, dry and private. This is the highest and driest land in Point Roberts, Paved private road access, private well and power installed. MLS# 10591379 $ 299,000
FAMILY SIZED HOME located in quiet cul-de-sac on almost 2/3 acre lot. Includes Beach Access. $409,000