August 2019
PRCAC told to go back to the Parks kayak program sinks, page 9 beginning, page 7
ECRWSS PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 14
School district narrows down search, page 12
Point Roberts, WA 98281 Postal Patron Local
A race to the finish like no others WUTC to review Cando’s rates By Meg Olson Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) staff will be visiting Point Roberts in coming weeks to see how the changes to the garbage system are working and whether or not prices need to be adjusted. The visit is part of a new compliance filing due August 15 the WUTC required of Cando Recycling and Disposal when it approved a new rate structure for the company last November. The new rates reflected projected volumes resulting from a 2018 county ordinance that made a minimum service level of garbage collection mandatory with service fees collected from all properties with septic permits. The WUTC is requiring compliance filings in 2019 and 2020 to make sure the rates reflect the cost of providing the service and are fair to users of the system. “I am expecting them at any time and we are ready for their visit,” said Cando owner David Gellatly. “They will reevaluate the rates and decide whether there needs to be an increase or a decrease. With recycling commodities in flux they will likely do a review on those rates every year.” Gellatly said the company currently can only sell its metal recyclables, which earn $140 per ton but constitute only 6 percent of the recycling stream. The company pays to dispose of all other recycling commodities. “At the beginning of 2019, it cost $237 a ton to dispose of recycling materials.” Gellatly said some users, especially Canadian residents, expect recycling disposal to be free because it is north of the border. “In Canada they pay a deposit and an environmental fee on bottles and cans and that’s what funds those programs,” Gellatly said. “We don’t have deposits and environmental fees on containers in Washington. Perhaps we need to look inwardly in Washington and do something like our (See Cando, page 3)
s With no hands, this group of intrepid watermelon eaters vie to show how fast they go through fresh watermelons at Kiniski’s Reef Tavern on July 4. Photo by Louise Mugar
Charity awards major grants to local organizations By Meg Olson A California charitable organization has awarded over $150,000 in grants to local organizations. Thanks to a connection with a local seasonal resident, the board of the Helen and Jose Colton Foundation visited Point Roberts in July for a week, according to local foundation spokesman Hugh Wilson. “They like to find communities where they can really get the most bang for their buck
and Point Roberts fit the bill,” Wilson said. The foundation’s mandate is to fund causes that support children, animal welfare, seniors and veterans. The Point Roberts Volunteer Firefighter’s Charitable Foundation received a grant for $60,000. “The majority of the grant will be used to purchase and disperse new automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) and cardiac monitors,” said fire chief Christopher Carleton. One AED will be added at Umpqua
Register to vote for August 6 primary election By
Jami Makan
The August 6 primary election is approaching, giving voters a chance to vote for candidates running for various offices in Whatcom County. Offices up for primary election of interest to Point Roberts voters include Whatcom County executive, Whatcom County Council district 5, and Blaine school district director districts 2 and 4. The goal of the primary election is to
narrow the field of candidates. A primary election is only held for offices for which three or more candidates have filed. (Exceptions are park and recreation districts and cemetery districts; positions for these districts advance directly to the general election.) After a primary election, the two candidates with the most votes continue on to the general election, which takes place on November 5. Those who wish to vote in the primaries must be registered to vote. One can reg-
ister online at A Washington state driver license or ID is required. Alternatively, one can print and mail registration forms, which are available in a variety of languages. A third option is to visit the Whatcom County auditor’s office during business hours, where a clerk can assist with the registration process. The office is located at 311 Grand Avenue, Suite 103 in Bellingham. It is open Monday through (See Primary, page 5)
Bank and several older models throughout the community will be replaced with new ones, Carleton said. “They are fully automatic units so they can be used by a person with no training.” The grant will also purchase a new LifePack15, a cardiac monitor and defibrillator used by emergency medical personnel. The Point Roberts Emergency (See Grants, page 3)
Church ............................................... 8 Classifieds ......................................... 20 Coming Up ....................................... 21 Obituaries ......................................... 19 Opinion ............................................... 4 Seniors ............................................. 18 Tides ................................................. 16
All Point Bulletin • August 2019
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s Nate Peterson, along with the help of his daughter Grace, hauled in this nice coho salmon while casting off the shore at Lighthouse Park on July 15. Photo by Kat Smith
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August 2019 •
Grants ... From page 1
Preparedness group received a grant for $40,000, most of which they received as a non-profit on behalf of the local parks and recreation district. PREP will use approximately $4,000 of the funds for a storage container while $36,000 will be directed to an upgrade of the kitchen at the community center. “They liked our kitchen upgrade plan and it supports their mandate to help seniors,” said Point Roberts Park and Recreation District board member Stephen Falk at their July 8 meeting. The funds will be used primarily to replace aging appliances and fixtures in the kitchen, making it more useable for the senior’s nutrition program. “This is phase one for us,” said board member Bennett Blaustein. “Our understanding is they will be back next year,” to look at further improvements to the center. “One of the things being teased about is an electrified shed behind the building
for the food bank.” The Point Roberts Food Bank received a $5,000 grant to help them acquire refrigeration equipment and develop a central location for food storage. “We are now using the grocery store for storing perishables and it becomes unwieldy,” said food bank representative Henry Rosenthal. Circle of Care also received a grant for $55,000. “We are actively in search of a wheelchair accessible van with a focus on getting people to and from their medical appointments,” said board member Galen Wood. “In addition, we can help in getting people to and from senior lunches, or even to wonderful events in Delta or Vancouver.” Wood said they were looking forward to continuing to work with the foundation to improve the quality of life of local seniors and disabled residents. “I don’t think this will be the last time we see them,” she said. “I think we will see them next year and in the future to check on how we are doing and offer their help. They are an amazing group of people with very big hearts.”
A fun-filled youth musical based on the Old Testament book of Jonah that teaches compassion and forgiveness.
NEW MENU!A T T H E P O I N T R O B E R T S M A R I N A s Nick Kiniski, l. center and brother Kelly, r. center, regaled a full house at Kiniski’s Reef Tavern on July 7 with tales of their father Gene Kiniski. The occasion marked the recent publication of Gene Kiniski: Canadian Wrestling Legend by author Steven Verrier, l. Also in attendance was James Cybulski, r., from Sportsnet 650AM Vancouver. Photo by Louise Mugar
Cando ... From page 1
neighbors to fund recycling programs like they do.” Gellatly takes the Point’s recycling to Canada for disposal but as a commercial hauler, he pays for its disposal if it cannot be sold. Overall, Gellatly said mandatory collection has resulted in a significant increase of residential garbage being collected with a decrease in garbage going to the transfer station and a decrease in commercial garbage. In June 2018, the company collected
14 tons of garbage and 6.4 tons of recycling at the curb. In June 2019 they collected 28.7 tons of garbage and 15 tons of recycling. “It’s good to see people taking advantage of what they’re paying for,” Gellatly said. With 26 cans to set out a year, he said they were seeing summer residents cleaning up their properties and setting out extra cans to compensate what they won’t use in the off-season. “I’m really encouraged by the recycling numbers and we’re seeing a decrease in commercial collection so I think people who were putting their trash in dumpsters are now taking it to the curb.”
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All Point Bulletin • August 2019
All Point Bulletin The state of public access in Point Roberts ... The All Point Bulletin is published each month by Point Roberts Press Inc. Total circulation is 9,000 copies including home delivery in Point Roberts and Tsawwassen, subscriptions and distribution to retail establishments on the Point. The opinion expressed by contributors is their own and is offered for the general interest of our readers. Mail and classified ads should be addressed to:
All Point Bulletin P.O. Box 1451 Point Roberts WA USA 98281
Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick J. Grubb Associate Publisher & Advertising Manager Louise H. Mugar News & Features Editor Meg Olson Copy Editor Aly Siemion Creative Services Ruth Lauman, Doug De Visser Advertising Sales Molly Ernst, Adam Albert
Contributors In This Issue Gina Gaudet, Kris Lomedico Raye Newmen Administrative Services Jeanie Luna Founding Editor Glennys Christie Business & Editorial Office Phone: 360/945-0413 Fax: 360/945-1613 Email:
Visit us online at: Printed in Canada • Vol. XXXV, No. 4
Letters Policy The All Point Bulletin welcomes letters to the editor; however, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Letters must include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters must not exceed 450 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality and good taste. A fresh viewpoint on matters of general interest to local readers will increase the likelihood of publication. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis. Thank you letters should be limited to ten names. Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published.
Please email your letter to: P.O. Box 1451, Point Roberts, WA 98281 Fax: 360/945-1613
Next issue: Sept. 2019 Ads due: August 23
s Seven months after the December windstorm that toppled trees across the Point, the public access trail on the north side of The Cottages at Seabright Farm development remain blocked by trees and over-grown vegetation. The trail was mandated public access during the permitting process for the development. Meanwhile, the public can still access the beach trail in front of the Marina Condominiums on Edwards Drive which was also a condition of approval when the marina was permitted. At right is a schematic of the marina which includes the public access areas. The arrow denotes an area 3.18 acres in size that was set aside for public recreation but never developed. Photos by Pat Grubb
Letters To The Editor The Editor: This letter is long overdue, but, as the saying goes, “Better late than never.” Over the course of this last winter my wife and I had some difficulties to face: moving, job searching, illness, family issues out of town. We were assisted by numerous people, too many to thank all in one letter. However, a few stand out: David from Westwind Marine for an act of kindness that lasted all winter, Tucker from Westwind for his assistance on several occasions, Sue Longo for her generosity, Henry Rosenthal for the helping hand he has provided to so many, Cheryl and Ray Christopherson for saving us when things were at their worst, Jacqui Everett for the true friend she has been through some difficult times at the marina, Bill and Jeanette Meursing for getting me back on my feet after being hospitalized over Christmas and unable to walk for six weeks, and Sarah Barnard for her help and a gentle nudge getting us going in a direction we needed to go. There are many others and they know who they are ... thanks to all. And special thanks to marina manager Theresa Coe and president Sam Chen, for their generous and considerate going away present in recognition of my 13 years as the groundskeeper for the marina. Their gesture was unexpected and memorable. Bill Knowles Point Roberts
The Editor: I’ve been struggling to understand the value of mandatory garbage. I initially thought the project was put into place to offset illegal dumping along the roadside. But that doesn’t appear to be a part of the new service. Six months into the new system, abandoned items are still peppered along the road. Eighty percent of properties are owned by Canadians, who have limited access to staying in Point Roberts. With an added tax bill of $218 (Canadian $300), there is little value to the added expense. I’ve used curbside only twice. For a decade, we got along just fine taking our garbage to the dump for significantly less than what we’re paying now. What’s even more unsettling is trying to glean information via the Point Roberts blog (aka Next Door). Any whisper of displeasure against Cando … regardless of how polite, factual and short … is quickly deleted by Next Door’s anonymous moderator. A coincidence? Or is the modera-
tor associated with Cando? It is extremely disturbing (Orwellian) to have a nameless individual choosing what information the public is privy to. Mandatory garbage for a population of mostly non-residents appears a tax grab for Whatcom County and a huge windfall for Cando. Both entities are not supplying any quality of service for my extra Canadian $300 tax bill. If Cando picked up the abandoned furniture and other odds and sods littering our streets then I wouldn’t object quite so much. As it stands, Cando circles around our neighborhood more or less twiddling their thumbs. Lea Watson Vancouver/Point Roberts The Editor: The organizers of the Maple Beach Cottage Tour, held on July 13, would like to thank all the “tourists” from Point Roberts and beyond who bought tickets and spent a beautiful day touring the 20 Maple Beach cottages that homeowners so graciously opened up to the public. It was great to see so many people out and about in the community, getting to know one another and picking up beach decor tips. The money raised through ticket sales has been disbursed to three local charitable organizations: The Food Bank, Circle of Care and the Point Roberts Historical Society. Shelley Fralic and Doris Meyer Point Roberts
August 2019 •
Primary ... From page 1
Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The deadline to register online is Monday, July 29. Similarly, mailed registration forms must be received at the Whatcom County auditor’s office by July 29 in order to be processed. The deadline to register in-person is later; one can register up to and including election day. Ballots were mailed out on July 17 and usually arrive three to five days after mailing. (Military and overseas ballots were mailed on June 21.) Ballots must be postmarked by primary election day in order to be counted. Alternatively, ballots can be placed in a designated drop box. Drop boxes opened on July 17 and close at 8 p.m. on primary election day. A map of ballot drop box locations is available online at No stamp is needed. For voters with disabilities, accessible voting units will be available starting on July 17 at 311 Grand Avenue, Suite 103 in Bellingham. Large print ballots are available upon request. Various resources are available on Whatcom County’s website, whatcomcounty. us. These include a sample ballot and an online voters’ guide. Those with questions or concerns about the primary election can contact Whatcom County’s election division at 360/778-5102 during business hours.
s Crews from Puget Sound Energy and Potelco have begun replacing select utility poles, electrical equipment and wires on Benson Road between Tyee Drive and Boundary Bay Road. The wire will be replaced by tree wire, specially coated overhead wire designed to prevent an electric short if a branch falls onto it. Power outages have been reduced by up to 70 percent where it has been installed. The work takes place 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday for up to two months.
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Photo by Pat Grubb
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August 11th service is at Tsawwassen United Church (693 53rd Street).
Ongoing Events: Mondays and Wednesdays 10:30 - 11:30 am KNEE CLUB with Shirley Cannon. 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month 1:00 - 3:00 pm HEALING TOUCH with Gina Gaudet.
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All Point Bulletin • August 2019
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s Above r., former county council member and Lummi tribal chairman Tim Ballew II was the featured speaker at the Point Roberts taxpayers association’s annual general meeting on July 18. Above l., Ballew and his wife and son look over the blanket newly hung in the community center that the Lummi Nation had presented years before to the local conservation society for their efforts on creating the Lily Point Marine Park. Photos by Pat Grubb
Proponents of a new taxing district told to come back with petition signatures By Meg Olson Proponents of a solid waste disposal district specific to Point Roberts are starting to circulate a petition asking Whatcom County to make it happen. “We want to be a greener community,” said Allison Calder, a proponent of the district. “Instead of the garbage taxes collected on the waste picked up curbside and at the transfer station going to Whatcom County, we want those funds to come here.” Calder was one of several individuals who spoke at a June 18 meeting of the county council’s public works and health committee, looking to have a measure on the ballot asking voters if they wanted to see such a district created. Council members felt there remained too many unanswered questions and told them to refine their proposal and come back with signatures on a petition to gauge public support for the idea. Currently, the county, similar to other counties in the state, is established as one large solid waste district with the council as its governing body. According to state law, the only way to form a separate solid waste district for Point Roberts would be for council to take action following a public hearing. A solid waste disposal district has the ability to levy property taxes and establish additional garbage excise taxes to support its operations, which do not include curbside collection, regulated by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC). For every ton of garbage collected in Point Roberts, either curbside or at the transfer station, the county’s solid waste district receives $8.50. Cando Recycling and Refuse, which currently operates the transfer station and the curbside collection service, collects the tax from its customers. “This doesn’t change mandatory curbside collection. It doesn’t change Cando’s tariff with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC). It doesn’t change their contract for curbside collection with the county,” Calder said. “It has to do with the transfer station and keeping garbage taxes collected in Point Roberts in Point Roberts.” San Juan County is the only county in
Washington that has a separate solid waste district established for a particular area – Lopez Island. The Lopez island solid waste district operates a drop-off facility that charges for garbage dropped off at their location – $8 for a 32-gallon can – but accepts recycling for free and has a goal of turning Lopez Island into a zero-waste community. Under their proposal, Calder said, the solid waste disposal district would take over the operation of the transfer station. “The district would have employees and would run the transfer station. The transfer station makes money,” she said. Employees would also implement new recycling options and education programs using garbage excise tax collected at the facility. Calder said that the district would remove trash and recyclables from the Point, which Cando currently does, and would charge the garbage hauler to bring collected garbage and recycling to the transfer station. “An agreement between the solid waste district and the hauler can be made,” she said, for those costs as well as the storage of equipment. The WUTC rates approved for the curbside collection would reflect any increase or decrease in costs to Cando associated with those changes. Cando owner David Gellatly said separating the transfer station operation from curbside collection would likely have impacts on costs to users of the garbage system. “They are tightly integrated operations and there are economies of scale,” he said. The drive to form a solid waste district came on the heels of the establishment of mandatory garbage collection by county ordinance in 2018. Among the complaints from opponents of that system is that it did not prioritize recycling high enough. Calder said that she was met with resistance from the county health department, which manages solid waste, when she asked that they fund expanded recycling programs on the Point. “By county code, one of the uses of the garbage taxes collected is to increase recycling education and opportunities,” she said. “Initially, I didn’t ask for a garbage district, just a recycling district, and they told me it was all or nothing,” Calder explained.
August 2019 •
PERSONAL Representation & Cons PERSONAL Representation & Consulting for Purchasers and Sellers EXPORT/IMPORT Specialists / US EXPORT/IMPORT Specialists / US Customs Consumption Bonds PERSONAL Representation & Consulting for Purchasers and Se Covering Point Roberts & Blaine
EXPORT/IMPORT Specialists / US Customs Consumption Bon 360-306-5687 s Whatcom County senior planner Cliff Strong, r., met with the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee July 18 to consider the committee’s proposed changes to the Point’s zoning regulations. Photo by Pat Grubb
Bill Steele, 604-312-5857
Bill Steele, 604-312-5857
PRCAC code review sent back to square one looked at with a wider lens, he added. “Sit down with a map and decide what you want the community to look like,” Strong said. “We can craft code around that.” PRCAC will meet again on Saturday, July 27 at 3 p.m. at the community center and decide how to proceed with their code review. The county has received a request from a group calling itself the Independent Business Council requesting that 20.72 be repealed altogether and that land use on the Point not have special rules but be subject to the same rules as most of the other unincorporated areas in the county. Strong said the proponents had been directed to take their request to PRCAC. “The PRCAC is Whatcom County Council’s official advisory committee and it needs to go through them.”
By Meg Olson Whatcom County senior planner Cliff Strong is sending members of the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee (PRCAC) back to the drawing board before the county moves ahead with proposed changes to the Point Roberts special zoning district. At the July 18 PRCAC meeting, Strong went through proposed changes to the section of county code specific to Point Roberts, chapter 20.72, that the committee has been working on for almost a year. “There were more questions than anything,” Strong said, about what could and could not be done to adjust the code to current community priorities. Most minor changes to things like where to locate parking and setback were easy to make, Strong said. “If that’s what the community wants, we can do it,” he said. Property specific changes needed to be
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School board to vote on public access to school facilities By Oliver Lazenby The Blaine school district board of directors will vote on an update to a policy about public access to school facilities at its July 29 regular meeting. The district’s “Use of School Facilities” policy governs how the community and outside groups can use sports fields, playgrounds, gymnasiums, theatres and other school district property. The policy was last updated in 2004, and district staff is updating the language to reflect current practices and working to make the fees more clear and specific. The district wants the public to be able to use school facilities as long as it doesn’t cost the school district money. A draft of the new policy states that the public is encouraged to use school facilities, but the district aims to “ensure that funds intended for education are not used for other purposes.” The policy sets new rental rates for sports organizations and other groups that use school facilities. Rates vary by type of organization based on how directly those organizations support local kids and whether they charge money. During the first reading of the policy, at a June 24 board meeting, board member Laura McKinney said she’d like to see clarification on how the process of applying to rent school facilities will work. Blaine superintendent Ron Spanjer said district staff would work to make that clear before the July board meeting. The district began working on the update earlier this year by gathering public input. At a February 25 work session on the policy, community members expressed desire for more access to Pipeline Fields,
the districts complex of sports fields on Pipeline Road east of Blaine. The recent draft policy mentions informal use of sports fields, but doesn’t specifically address Pipeline Fields. “Because of the value of the district’s playing fields to the community’s total recreational opportunity, the fields may be used by all residents. The use must be appropriate and compatible with each play field and its surrounding area,” the draft policy states. Though anyone can use Pipeline Fields when the gates are unlocked, the school district doesn’t want people there without supervision, Spanjer said. Often in spring, summer and fall, the gates are unlocked for school and recreational teams to use the fields, he said. “There’s a lot of activity at Pipeline in spring and fall and we don’t turn people away,” he said. “To leave it open when no one is there – we don’t know how that would work.” Unsupervised use at Pipeline Fields has led to costly damage in the past, Spanjer said. Unsupervised access to play structures, fields and courts on the H Street campus poses much less risk for vandalism and damage than unsupervised use at Pipeline Fields would, Spanjer said. “It’s not that we don’t trust people in general, it’s just that one person with the wrong intent feeling like no one even knows they’re there could do a reasonable amount of damage,” he said. The July 29 school board meeting starts at 7 p.m. in the district administrative office at 765 H Street in Blaine. More information and the draft of the policy from the June 24 board meeting can be found at
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All Point Bulletin • August 2019
Church News By Gina Gaudet A few weeks ago, Father Chuck Cannon spoke eloquently on the parable we know as the “Good Samaritan.” One aspect of the story he highlighted was the response of the priest and the levite (likely the priest’s assistant) to the presence of a man lying on the side of the road, clearly in dire need of assistance, and possibly dead. The two individuals passing by did not address the situation. Two reasons present: 1) a dead man is unclean; not to be touched by the priestly class, and/or 2) on
this dangerous stretch of road, the man might be a decoy for robbers. Interestingly, it is a Samaritan, a foreigner, deeply disliked by Jews, who comes to the man’s aid, dressing his wounds, transporting him to an inn in the nearest town and paying the innkeeper to further care for the unfortunate traveler. Jesus’ question was who was the true neighbor to the man? The true neighbor is the one who is compassionate, in this case, from a place of empathy. Samaritans were outcasts of sorts themselves; this hero had empathy
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for his fellow traveler, regardless of national or religious affiliation. I wondered, if I were in a foreign country because my own was torn apart by corruption and conflict, who would take me in? The one with compassion. In a Latin American country, that could be just about anyone. They share an experience of persecution, poverty and threat. But compassion doesn’t have to be born solely of shared experience. Jesus didn’t necessarily share a true story, but rather a story planted in truth. The true neighbor is the one who acts from compassion. Simple truth. This story should speak to the numbers of Christians who view our detained neighbors from Central America with disdain, anger, fear or hatred. It is hard to conjure up basic compassion when your
life hasn’t been threatened. But Jesus asks us to react to the plight of the refugee as if we had known the same circumstances in our lives. Compassion borne of love. Just love. Love your neighbor as yourself. Our communion liturgy contains powerful words telling of the power of God’s love in our lives. Before we take the bread and wine, we sing to Jesus, the lamb of God. In the second verse: “Lamb of God, you break the chains of hatred and fear: have mercy on us.” Third verse: “Lamb of God, you are the way of justice and peace, have mercy on us” Fourth verse: “Lamb of God, you are the way of mercy and love, have mercy on us.” Have mercy on us all.
Burn ban in effect, so watch those cigs By Meg Olson Hot summer weather means increased fire danger and the county fire marshal has imposed a ban on outdoor burning. “Wildland fires are becoming a bigger concern during the summer,” said fire chief Christopher Carleton. “Burn safely and educated.” On July 12, a burn ban was implemented to cover land clearing and residential fires, but recreational fires are still allowed at this time. All fires need permits, which can be obtained at the Benson Road fire station. The fire department website ( has information about obtaining permits, rules for fires and updates on the status of the burn ban, which can become a total ban on outdoor fires if hot dry weather persists. Violations of burn restrictions can result in a minimum $250 fine. In addition, if you have a fire that escapes or needs to be extinguished by the fire department, you may be held financially responsible for fire suppression costs, as well as be criminally charged. Carleton said the fire district had been working with other regional organizations on how local residents should respond to emergencies, and wildfires were one of them. Carleton said residents and visitors were encouraged not to run for the border but to head away from the fire and for the beaches. “You should be safe by the water,”
he said. Rather than trying to load animals and drive them off the Point, Carleton said it was best to release them. “They will find safety and we can help round them up once the event is mitigated.” Users of local parks and trails are also asked not to smoke. “We’d appreciate people not smoking during a burn ban when moisture levels are so low,” Carleton said. “We have the ability to respond to fires in these areas but it is limited so we are asking people in the parks and on the trails for their cooperation.” Rules for recreational fires: • Must only contain seasoned firewood or charcoal. • Must be contained in an enclosure no larger than 3 feet by 3 feet across, and must be a minimum 16 inches high, made of cement blocks, stones or steel. • Beach fires (where allowed) can be dug into an 8-inch deep pit, surrounded by 4-inch high enclosure of rocks. • Fires must be 25 feet from structures, timber and combustible materials. • A charged garden hose or (2) 5-gallon buckets full of water to be next to the fire. • A shovel or rake capable of stirring and extinguishing the fire to be on-site. • Recreational fires are allowed after dark, if attended by someone 16 years or older at all times. • Fires must be attended until out cold. • No burning when winds exceed seven mph.
THANK YOU! for your donations to the Spectacular Point Roberts Fireworks Shows on July 1st and 4th!!!
In Cooperation with Breakwaters Bar and Grill and the Point Roberts Community Growth Society.
PLATINUM SPONSOR $ 1000 + Cando Disposal and Recycling Colten Foundation Westwind Marine GOLD SPONSOR $500 - $999 Breakwaters Bar and Grill Jucy RV Pt. Roberts Market Place Point to Point Parcel Whidbey Telecom
SILVER SPONSOR $100 - $499 Auntie’s Pam Country Store Jimi and Charlene Lockman Banner Bank Brian & Erica Conlan Tim Leeking and Beth Calder Danny Magnusson TSB Shipping Al and Maureen Gerard Marv and Sheena Durflinger Greg Wallace Construction AR Mower and Supply Fraser River Outfitters Kelsey’s Lemonade Stand
A HUGE THANK YOU to the Point Roberts Fire Department for their continued support and event coverage and a special thanks to the Westwind Marine pyrotech team. And THANK YOU for the generosity of those who put cash in many of the donation jars around town.
August 2019 •
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Community Paramedic CARES Program
Providing non-emergency home medical care, education and referral services. s The park district’s kayaks are currently stored behind the community center just blocks away from the Salish Sea. Photo by Pat Grubb
For an appointment or more information, please contact Chief Christopher Carleton at 360-945-3473 or
These boats don’t float By Meg Olson The Point Roberts Parks and Recreation District has cancelled its kayak program for the fifth year in a row and commissioners are looking at ways to restructure the program. “At least this gives me plenty of time to look for someone who can do it next year,” said parks district commissioner Bennett Blaustein ruefully at the district’s July 8 meeting after announcing that the program had been cancelled due to the lack of a qualified instructor. In its current format, participants in the program pay $50 annually for a one-time training course in kayak safety and the opportunity to use one of the district’s kayaks during the summer months. The program has struggled with hiring a qualified instructor for several years but Blaustein said he felt the liability issues of novice kayakers using district equipment highlighted an even greater need for an instructor. “We want to address the concerns about novice people taking out the kayaks by possibly restructuring,” he said, suggesting weekly paddles led by the instructor in addition to training classes. Board member Holly Robinson suggested they remove rather than add limits to how the kayaks can be used. “I’m concerned we are necessarily restricting the activity,” she said. “Don’t they sign a waiver of liability? I have a lot of friends who come here and are kayakers and would love to have access to a kayak. I would think our goal should be to maximize usage.” Robinson suggested the district could offer the kayaks as rentals. Additional insurance needed for potentially increased liability would be covered by rental fees. Board member Stephen Falk said “From a legal standpoint, we could probably cover ourselves just fine with appropriate pa-
perwork. Not that safety isn’t a consideration, but it limits the program.” Falk suggested the district could offer both rentals and classes or guided paddles, depending on what users felt they needed or wanted. “It’s not our job to decide who needs training,” Robinson added. Meghan Kelly, the district’s program and facilities coordinator suggested the district could consider bicycle rentals as well, since Pedal Pushers bike shop no longer offered the once popular option to visitors. Blaustein was leery of the suggestion, suggesting that Pedal Pushers had stopped offering rentals “because of the liability and the high, high, high cost of insurance for that specific activity of renting bicycles.” Robinson asked Kelly to look into the district’s insurance for renting both kayaks and bicycles. “I can’t imagine a kayak is safer than a bicycle,” she said. “We are a government entity with significant liability insurance.” Robinson encouraged her fellow commissioners to look into more ways to broaden their offerings, from rentals to classes. “We’re in the business of recreation and that’s what we should be offering more of,” she said. “If people want to take a kayak safety course, we should offer it. If people want to take a class in bike maintenance, we should offer it. There are a lot of things we can do feasibly and inexpensively.” Kayak as well as bike rentals could offer people a less structured way to explore the Point. “With the collapse of the kayak program as it has been we need to be looking at other models.”
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All Point Bulletin • August 2019
s There’s a little bit of Arles right here on Pauls Road in Point Roberts. Are there any Van Goghs around the neighborhood? Photo by Pat Grubb
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s Ladner resident Shannon Wood and family were out boating off Point Roberts on July 21 when they were treated to an aerial display from a member of the southern resident orca family.
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All Point Bulletin • August 2019
s Despite a touch of precipitation, the three bands featured in the Strike Up the Band concert put on fine performances. R., organizer Lucy Williams keeps the momentum going... Photo by Louise Mugar
“Community Shopping in the Heart of Town.”
s After the county parks department stopped placing garbage containers at Maple Beach, a county park, Cando Recycling stepped up to the plate and placed containers for beachgoers’ convenience. Photo by Pat Grubb
School superintendent search narrows down
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By Oliver Lazenby The Blaine school board selected four candidates to replace Ron Spanjer as school district superintendent and plans to interview all four during a public meeting on Saturday, August 10. The school board voted unanimously to select the following candidates out of about 20 at a July 22 board meeting. Candidates are listed with their current or most recent jobs: - Christopher Granger, assistant superintendent at Bisbee Unified School District, Bisbee, Arizona. - Rodrick Merrell, director of secondary schools at Marysville School District, Marysville, Washington. - Christopher Nesmith, superintendent intern at West Valley School District, Yakima, Washington. - John Steach, superintendent at Evergreen Public Schools, Vancouver, Washington. At an August 10 meeting that’s open for observation, the board will interview each candidate for an hour. That meeting starts at 10 a.m., in the school district administrative office at 765 H Street. A meeting schedule is posted on the district’s website. The board will likely pick three finalists for a second round of interviews on August 12, said Tina Padilla, school district assistant to the superintendent. For planning purposes, the district is asking participants to notify the district office if they play to attend the interview sessions on August 10 or 12. The board may then pick a new superintendent on August 13 or 14, according to the district’s projected timeline, or decide to hire an interim superintendent and extend the hiring process. Current school district superintendent Spanjer announced in April that he would retire at the end of August. More information on the August 10 interviews is available on the school district’s website or at
August 2019 •
P oint R obeRts F iRe
s If this guy thought the fireworks were loud, wait until the tsunami warning goes off! Photo by Reneé Coe
Saturday August 10th, 2019 11 AM - 3 PM • 2030 Benson Road • Point Roberts
It’s your turn! There will be a special three-day filing period held August 14-16 for offices up for election in which no candidate filed during the official candidate filing week in May. In all, there were 15 county positions that remain without a candidate. There are three positions in Point Roberts lacking candidates; one each in the parks, hospital and cemetery district. All offices will be on the November 5 general election ballot. Declarations of candidacy can be filed: Online: Online filing will open at 8:30 a.m., Wednesday, August 14, and will close at 4:30 p.m., Friday, August 16. In person: Whatcom County Auditor’s Office, 311 Grand Ave., Suite 103, Bellingham. Wednesday, August 14 – Friday, August 16, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Fax: 360/778-5101 Email:
Come and meet the professionals who provide your emergency services. Explore emergency response vehicles, firehouse, medical transport helicopter, along with great food and fun for all ages. Bloodworks Northwest will be here with their mobile blood drive unit from 10 AM - 4 PM. To register, call (800) 398-7888 and use code: 668A
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All Point Bulletin • August 2019
Celebrating America
Photos by Jeff Ferguson, Judson Meraw, Pat Grubb and Louise Mugar.
4 -July th
August 2019 •
All Point Bulletin • August 2019
August Tides Tides at Boundary Bay DST Not For Navigation
Date Time Height
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Time Height
Th 1 12:13 am 6.6 4:45 am 9.0 12:14 pm -2.6 7:44 pm 10.2 Fr 2 1:05 am 6.0 5:45 am 8.8 1:00 pm -2.3 8:20 pm 10.3 Sa 3 1:55 am 5.3 6:47 am 8.5 1:46 pm -1.6 8:56 pm 10.3 Su 4 2:49 am 4.4 7:51 am 8.0 2:30 pm -0.4 9:34 pm 10.1 Mo 5 3:45 am 3.5 9:01 am 7.4 3:18 pm 1.0 10:10 pm 9.9 Tu 6 4:43 am 2.6 10:23 am 7.0 4:06 pm 2.6 10:46 pm 9.7 We 7 5:41 am 1.8 11:55 am 6.7 5:00 pm 4.1 11:22 pm 9.5 Th 8 6:41 am 1.0 1:39 pm 6.9 6:02 pm 5.4 Fr 9 12:04 am 9.2 7:41 am 0.4 3:15 pm 7.5 7:18 pm 6.3 Sa 10 12:48 am 8.9 8:39 am -0.2 4:29 pm 8.1 8:42 pm 6.8 Su 11 1:38 am 8.6 9:29 am -0.5 5:23 pm 8.6 9:58 pm 6.9 Mo 12 2:30 am 8.4 10:15 am -0.7 6:05 pm 9.0 11:00 pm 6.7 Tu 13 3:22 am 8.3 10:57 am -0.8 6:39 pm 9.2 11:48 pm 6.4 We 14 4:10 am 8.1 11:37 am -0.8 7:09 pm 9.2 Th 15 12:28 am 6.0 4:58 am 8.0 12:13 pm -0.6 7:37 pm 9.2 Fr 16 1:04 am 5.6 5:42 am 7.8 12:47 pm -0.3 8:03 pm 9.2 Sa 17 1:40 am 5.2 6:28 am 7.6 1:19 pm 0.2 8:27 pm 9.1 Su 18 2:16 am 4.8 7:12 am 7.3 1:51 pm 0.9 8:51 pm 8.9 Mo 19 2:52 am 4.3 8:00 am 7.0 2:23 pm 1.7 9:13 pm 8.8 Tu 20 3:30 am 3.8 8:52 am 6.7 2:55 pm 2.6 9:37 pm 8.6 We 21 4:12 am 3.3 9:54 am 6.5 3:29 pm 3.6 10:01 pm 8.5 Th 22 4:56 am 2.7 11:08 am 6.4 4:09 pm 4.6 10:27 pm 8.4 Fr 23 5:44 am 2.1 12:38 pm 6.6 4:59 pm 5.5 10:57 pm 8.3 Sa 24 6:36 am 1.4 2:16 pm 7.1 6:11 pm 6.3 11:37 pm 8.3 Su 25 7:34 am 0.6 3:32 pm 7.8 7:41 pm 6.8 Mo 26 12:31 am 8.3 8:30 am -0.2 4:26 pm 8.4 9:03 pm 6.8 Tu 27 1:37 am 8.3 9:24 am -0.9 5:08 pm 9.0 10:07 pm 6.5 We 28 2:45 am 8.5 10:16 am -1.4 5:48 pm 9.5 11:01 pm 5.9 Th 29 3:51 am 8.7 11:06 am -1.6 6:24 pm 9.8 11:51 pm 5.1 Fr 30 4:55 am 8.8 11:56 am -1.5 6:58 pm 9.9 Sa 31 12:39 am 4.2 5:59 am 8.9 12:42 pm -0.9 7:32 pm 9.9
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PREP B y R ay e N e w m e n Wildland Fire A Recurring Threat to Point Roberts This month we will take a look at an immediate threat: wildland fire. It’s been dry here in Point Roberts for several years and our forestland has been affected. Now, in early August, we are entering the highest fire-risk period of the year. The windstorm of last December left a great deal of tree debris on the ground. While the parks and recreation district and Whatcom County parks have done a fine job of clearing this debris from our parkland, most of the forested areas in Point Roberts are in private hands. Cleanup results there are mixed. There’s still remaining tree debris that can, as a potent fuel source, greatly intensify any fires that reach those areas. As long as a fire outbreak remains below the tree canopy, our firefighters have a good chance of keeping it under control and putting it out. If the fire manages to reach the tops of our tall trees, and starts to spread from tree to tree, firefighters will no longer be able to reach the flames and gain control as the fire spreads. At that point, your only recourse is to flee to the water that fortunately surrounds us on three sides. What you can do What actions can you take in advance to reduce the likelihood of a wildland fire destroying your home? First, take a careful walk around your property. Note any tree debris and overgrown underbrush, and remove them. Second, do whatever you can to create and maintain a 50-foot (15-meter) safety zone around your house. Keep that area as clear as you can. Finally, installing a rooftop sprinkler system can help. If the fire danger is heading your way, just turn it on and head for a coastline using the safest direction of travel. Do not stand in your yard with a hose in your hand in a brave but futile attempt to save your family home. You must leave quickly so that there is time to reach safety. Be Prepared Point Roberts is not a large place, and a wildland fire can spread very quickly. That’s why the planning and preparations mentioned in the July article are so important. With it, you will all be ready to go while there’s still time to make it to the water’s edge. If some family members are, or become, separated, all will know how to keep in touch through your outof-area contact, and where to meet when the danger subsides. When you are all back together, you will have everything you need with you to get by. This level of preparation enables you to avoid much of the chaos and panic often associated with such events. In future columns, we will take a look at other likely dangers here in Point Roberts and how you can effectively respond to each. What is common to all is the necessity of getting and staying well informed, having a plan, and taking what action you can for the safety of your home and family. As always, if you have any questions or comments, please send an email to PREP@ and we will be delighted to respond to you.
Great work, Grace! Grace Marie Wilkowski of Point Roberts was named to the Washington State University Spring 2019 honor role. A student must achieve a minimum 3.5 grade point average to be placed on the president’s honor roll.
August 2019 •
2019 Maple Beach Cottage Tour
Twenty cottages, some in original condition and many others renovated, created a delightful tour for hundreds of locals and visitors on July 13. Photos by Louise Mugar
S Did you know that 10 years ago the Salish Sea was adopted in Washington, 20 years ago the board game DAO was invented in Point Roberts and 30 years ago the first mailing house opened. These are a few tidbits that will be highlighted in the new historical society center at the Gulf Road community center. A small but dedicated group of members have been working diligently on getting the space ready for all to enjoy. Join us Saturday, August 31 for the grand opening as we unveil Point Roberts’ long and illustrious history to the community.” Photo by Pauli DeHaan
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s First place and overall grand winner for the 2019 Maple Beach Sandcastle Contest were Tia, Ricki, Romera, Jose, Jorge and Jesus for “Couch Potato.” Photo by Steve Fowler
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All Point Bulletin • August 2019
ity Tree Care
945-0842 LICENSED
s From l., Alex Peltier, Alexus McGill-Lujan, Riley Gookstetter, Brandon Dixon, Trinity Armoogam, Isabella Nielson, Jackson Nielson and Allison Hartley were on hand to receive checks from the Point Roberts Dollars for Scholars organization on July 13. Also receiving awards but unable to attend were Devon Cano, Ethan Fowler, Bo Glaser, Charles Glaser, Vincent Glaser, Leah Laird, Alex Szabo, Ryan Vaughan-Jones, Sarah Vaughan-Jones and Miles Williams. Courtesy photo
Call for a FREE estimate! • Residential Lot Surveys & Boundary Surveys • FEMA Elevation Certificates Serving North Puget Sound Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish 360-224-3806
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Septic Installation & Maintenance Specialist General Contractor
July 1, 7:25 p.m.: Refer to other
July 8, 3:21 p.m.: Welfare
agency on Marine Drive.
check on Benson Road.
July 1, 10:31 p.m.: Fireworks on
July 12, 2:55 a.m.: Alarm au-
Benson Road.
dible on Tyee Drive.
July 3, 1:14 p.m.: Fireworks cold
July 12, 1:03 p.m.: Suspi-
call on Marine Drive.
cious circumstances cold call
July 3, 2:24 p.m.: Suspicious
on Marine Drive.
circumstances cold call on Sey-
July 13, 2:46 a.m.: Disorder-
mour Place.
ly conduct on Benson and
July 4, 2:35 p.m.: Theft cold call
Boundary Bay roads. July 13, 2:49 a.m.: Disorder-
on Simundson Drive. July 4, 9:56 p.m.: Theft cold call on Simundson
ly conduct on Boundary Bay Road and Eliza-
and Edwards drives.
beth Drive.
July 4, 11:13 p.m.: Drunk on Simundson Drive.
July 13, 3:13 a.m.: Disorderly conduct on
July 4, 11:48 p.m.: Trespass on Mill Road.
Boundary Bay and Benson roads.
July 5, 1:37 p.m.: Harassment cold call on Pel-
July 13, 6:36 a.m.: Alarm audible on Edwards
tier Drive.
July 5, 5:37 p.m.: Harassment cold call on
July 13, 8:34 p.m.: Assist agency on Boundary
Austin and Mill roads.
Bay and Culp Court roads.
July 6, 12:01 p.m.: Follow up on Jonna Drive.
July 14, 12:13 a.m.: Alcohol minor in posses-
July 6, 6:19 p.m.: Drugs cold call on Tyee
sion on Elizabeth Drive.
July 14, 2:32 p.m.: Traffic problem cold call on
July 8, 9:23 a.m.: Unknown on Alder Street.
South Beach and APA roads.
July 8, 9:26 a.m.: Vandalism cold call on Alder
July 14, 4:05 p.m.: Assist agency cold call on
Tyee Drive.
July 8, 11:45 a.m.: Fight on South Beach and
July 14, 6:54 p.m.: Missing person on Marine
APA roads.
July 8, 1:59 p.m.: Motor vehicle accident
July 16, 1:23 p.m.: Theft cold call on Simund-
blocking on Gulf Road.
son Drive. July 17, 1:49 p.m.: Unknown on Gulf Road.
Ken Calder Construction
Ken Calder, Owner
Sheriff’s Report
Cell: 360-220-0133
BONDED & INSURED Contractors License: # KENCACC882MO • Septic License: # PT0003241 • OSS O&M License: # PT0003625
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Library Picks KRIS L O M EDI C O August Bestsellers: Labyrinth . . . Catherine Coulter Heavy on the Dead . . G.M. Ford Damage Control . . . . J.A. Jance Philosophy of Ruin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicholas Mancusi Movies: Shazam . . . . . . . Zachary Levi Pet Sematary . . . . Jason Clarke Breakthrough . . . Chrissy Metz Transit . . . . Franz Rowgowski Music: Diamonds . . . . . . . Elton John Lover . . . . . . . . Taylor Swift Bridges to Bremen . . . . . . . . . . . Rolling Stones III . . . . . . . . . . . Lumineers Teens: Unnatural Creatures . . . . . . . . . . . . Neil Gaiman The Grief Keeper . . . . . . . . Alexandra Villasante How to Be Luminous . . . . . . Harriet Reuter Hapgood Kids: Awake in the World . Jason Gurley Batting Order . . . . Mike Lupica Because . . . . . . . Mo Willems Summer Hours: Tuesday, 1–7 p.m. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Library Express: Daily 6 a.m.–11 p.m.
July 17, 4:47 p.m.: Extra patrol on Washington Drive. July 18, 10:17 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident non-blocking/non-injury on no location listed. July 19, 3:10 p.m.: Vandalism cold call on Mallard Drive.
Senior’s Point Menus
Wednesdays and Fridays, games, snookers and more! Friday, August 2: Crab cake, rice pilaf, mixed veggies, garden salad and fresh fruit. Wednesday, August 7: Denver omelet, roasted potatoes, fruit and yogurt and orange juice. Friday, August 9: Beef stroganoff, rotelle pasta, peas and carrots, garden salad and fruit. Wednesday, August 14: Meat lasagna, veggies, garden salad, fruit and chocolate chip cookie. Friday, August 23: BBQ chicken, baby red potatoes, crinkle cut carrots, garden salad and sliced apples. Wednesday, August 28: Lemon pepper cod, roasted yam, Capri veggies, garden salad and fruit. Friday, August 30: Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, steamed veggies, garden salad and fruit. All menus are subject to change due to food cost and availability. Gluten free entrée available (ask). Entrée salad available daily.
August 2019 •
Dean Thomas Nelson October 22, 1946 – June 24, 2019 Dean Thomas Nelson, 72, of Custer, Washington, passed away on June 24, 2019. Dean was born in Mankato, Minnesota on October 22, 1946 to Cleo Nelson and Dorothy (Connelly) Nelson of Butternut Township, Lake Crystal, Minnesota. Dean grew up on his grandparents Tom and Ella Nelson’s farm where Dean helped farm 160 acres, and raised Holsteins, chickens, and pigs. Dean had a love for horses since he was young and was able to enjoy having several horses in his retirement. He graduated from Lake Crystal High School in 1964. He was actively involved in Butternut Boosters 4H club, served as class officer, student council officer, FFA officer and wrestling team co-captain. He attended Mankato State College in 1964-65 then worked for Kraft Foods prior to joining the U. S. Navy in 1966. Dean did two tours to Vietnam aboard the CVA 61, USS Ranger. He also did training missions with the squadrons on carriers Enterprise, Oriskiny and a few others. Dean was discharged in March 1970 as a Petty Officer 3rd Class (E-4), Aviation Storekeeper. After his discharge, Dean returned to work at Kraft Foods. While in service, he met the love of his life, Norma Gail Hurteau on March 3, 1967 at John’s Pizza Parlor in Vancouver, B.C. He would hitchhike from Oak Harbor in his Navy uniform to Vancouver to see Norma once a month. Dean and Norma were married August 22, 1970 at Sacred Heart Church in Vancouver and the rest, as they say, is history. They would spend the next 48-plus years together, rarely spending a day apart. While in Minnesota, Dean attended Mankato Technical school full time in the day and worked at Kraft Foods in the evening. Dean graduated from Mankato Technical School majoring in accounting and went to work for Continental Can in Mankato, as a timekeeper/cost clerk. In May 1973 they moved west to start a family. In September 1977, they were blessed with their first son, Nathan and three years later welcomed second son Aaron Nelson. While working at the Kirkland Post Office, Dean became the main carrier-clerk relief supervisor. On November 14, 1981 he became the postmaster at Point Roberts. Dean retired from his postmaster duties on December 31, 2001 retiring to their dream home in Custer. Dean is survived by his two sons, Nathan and Aaron (Kelly) Nelson, his grandson Owen Nelson, his brothers Dick (Peggy) Nelson, David (Lynn) Nelson, Doug (Debbie) Nelson and sister Donna (Dale) Voges, his horse Sugar, as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Dean is preceded in death by his parents. Cleo and Dorothy Nelson (Connelly) and his wife of over 48 years, Norma Nelson (Hurteau) who passed away four weeks prior on May 28, 2019. A celebration of life for Dean and Norma was held Saturday, July 13 at their home in Custer.
Norma Gail (Hurteau) Nelson October 22, 1948 – May 28, 2019 Norma Gail (Hurteau) Nelson, 70, of Custer passed away on May 28, 2019. She was born in Vancouver, B.C. to parents Norman and Aleta Hurteau. The youngest of three, Norma graduated from Britannia Secondary School in Vancouver. Norma spent many summers riding the train back to Saskatchewan to visit relatives. She met the love of her life, Dean Thomas Nelson, a U.S. Navy serviceman, in March of 1967 at John’s Pizza Parlor in Vancouver, B.C. It was “the summer of love” and they learned that they both loved to dance and go camping and that they even shared the same birthday. They were married on August 22, 1970 at the Sacred Heart Church in Vancouver, B.C. and for the next 48+ years they rarely spent a day apart. The always practical Norma never shied away from adventure, spending her honeymoon tenting while they moved to Minnesota. In Minnesota, Norma worked as a bookkeeper and managed an apartment complex. After three years they came west to Brier, Washington. Norma was immediately hired to work for General Telephone Company. After welcoming two boys, they set down roots in Point Roberts for 20 years before retiring in Custer. Resourceful, determined and practical, Norma enjoyed the simple pleasures – even if it was just her favorite soap opera. She was famous for her award-winning apple pie and her contagious smile. Norma loved spending time with her “girls” Liz, Barb, and Deidre who she met in Tsawwassen. She and Dean enjoyed annual trips to Palm Springs and spent many weeks camping on the Oregon coast. Norma is survived by her sons, Nathan Nelson of Custer and Aaron (Kelly) Nelson of Everson, her “pride and joy” and only grandson Owen Nelson, her brothers Wallace (Evelyn) Hurteau and Fred (Donna) Hurteau as well as numerous nieces and nephews. A celebration of life for Norma and Dean, who passed away four weeks later, was held at the family home in Custer on July 13, 2019.
Commissioner to resign from hospital district Point Roberts Hospital District commission chair Dick Williams announced his intention to resign his position at the conclusion of next month’s regular meeting. Williams told fellow commissioners Stephen Falk and Kandace Harper at the July 10 regular meeting. Although Falk is running for Williams’ position in the 2019 general election, the board decided they would want to appoint someone to fill that position in the short term. Anyone interested in doing so can attend the board’s regular meeting on August 5 at 7 p.m. and make their interest known. Falk’s current position is also up for election in November but no one has filed to run.
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Learn CPR! The local fire department is offering neighborhoods and homeowners associations the opportunity to host a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) class right in their own back yards. “We enjoy the weather outside instead of sitting in the classroom and the opportunity to teach people about CPR and first aid,” said fire chief Christopher Carleton. Groups interested in scheduling a class at their location can contact Carleton at The fire department also offers CPR classes every Monday at 6 p.m. at the Benson Road fire station and it is not necessary to preregister. “We want to see everyone in the community get this training,” Carleton said.
Point Roberts Dollars for SCHOLARS
Complete Site Preparations Also available: Sand, Gravel, Top Soil and Fill Material
LIC #Hanksbs02102
Dozers, Excavator, Backhoes and Dump Trucks
Call Jeff Peltier (360) 945-0754 Serving Point Roberts since 1967
All Point Bulletin • August 2019
Next Issue: September 2019 Ads Due: Aug. 23
To place your ad call:
With over 40 years of experience, Mary shares guidance, tools, techniques and options focusing on creative empowering solutions to life’s challenges. Consult her for questions on timing, health, relocation, career, finance, personal growth, relationships and earth changes. Knowing options available as well as timing of their opening and closing, decisions may be made with more confidence, wisdom and empowerment. In these rapidly changing times this information , when applied, is a great asset allowing shifts to occur in a smooth easy manner. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (360)201-2501 Consultations done by phone and in person.
Cleaning SUNSHINE CARPET and upholstery steam cleaning, reasonable rates. 360-945-0411 or
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Home-grown newspaper with home delivery to Point Roberts, Tsawwassen and Retail Outlets. It’s the perfect match!
$15 for 15 words (plus 25¢ each additional word). Construction
Classifieds Landscaping
Lot clearing, stump removal, trenching, utilities, foundation digs, oil tank removals, tree removals, gravel, and drainage work.
Demolitions of cabins, houses, sheds, mobile homes, old travel trailers and more!
Call Eric 360-319-6718 WA State Lic All Aroun900bn
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COMPLETE YARD maintenance. Lawn mowing. Pruning. Plant care & bed cleanup. Hedge/shrub trimming, Gutter cleaning. Pressure washing. Truck for hauling. 22 years exp. Senior discount. 360-945-1957.
Painting ALL HUES PAINTING HAVE A GOOD SUMMER! Limited openings for exterior painting and pressure washing. Email or 360945-1010. Lic. #ALLHUP*984M2.
Public Notices
3 excavator sizes + a skid steer available Small or large jobs welcome. Hourly or bid price.
20,700 readers!
Point Roberts Park & Recreation District #1
Notice Of Substantial Completion
Point Roberts Library Project Laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, materialmen, and suppliers, take notice that unless written claim is presented to Point Roberts Park and Recreation District No. 1, P.O. Box 156, Point Roberts, WA 98281, and filed as required by law within forty-five (45) days after publication of this Notice, all claims against the contractor’s bond or the retainage percentage are forever barred. Therefore, no person shall have any right of action for recovery against the bond or retainage on the contract with H. B. Hansen Construction Inc., 8759 Guide Meridian Road (WA-539) (P.O. Box 266), Lynden, WA 98264. Dated 7/10/2019 Stephen Falk Commissioner, Chairperson Point Roberts Park & Recreation District No. 1 P.O. Box 156 Point Roberts, WA 98281
Weekly, monthly or long-term leases 1459 Edwards Drive
WATERFRONT APARTMENTS - Oceanfront apartment suites available for short-term or long-term rent. Majestic southern view near Lighthouse Park. Call 360-945-RENT or visit
Rentals - Residential SHORT WALK to the beach. 3-BR, 1-BA at Maple Beach. Modern interior with fireplace. Private yard. YOU'LL LOVE IT! 604-825-3110.
Rentals - Vacation
WA State Lic All Aroun900bn
For Sale
Enchanting Cottages For Rent $99 / night - weekly and monthly also 206-227-3186
FOR SALE 29’ Spencer Sloop.
Yanmar diesel engine. Lots of new updates. View at PR Marina E Dock, Slip 12. Also available for sale NEW dinghy and Mercury outboard motor 2.5 HP.
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for REAL news
August 2019 •
Coming up ... Events 5th Annual Point Roberts Salmon Classic Fishing Derby: Saturday and Sunday, July 27-28, sunrise to 6 p.m. on Saturday, and sunrise to noon on Sunday. Tickets: $50 for adults/$20 for kids. Burgers and one beer included both days. Awards at 1 p.m. Sunday at Breakwaters. Hot Diggity Jog and Pancake Breakfast: Saturday, July 27, 8:30 - 11:30 a.m., Point Roberts Fire Department. Register online at with “Point Roberts Hot Diggity Jog.” Used Book Sale: Saturday, July 27, 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Next to the PR Library in the parking lot.
THE small HOUSE CATALOG, LLC Custom drafting, design & permitting services for Point Roberts
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Town Hall Meeting with Congresswoman Suzan DelBene: Saturday, August 3, 11 a.m.–noon, PR Fire Hall, 2030 Benson Road. Hosted by Point Roberts Taxpayers Association. Live Music at Breakwaters: Friday, August 2. Mike Bell Irish Band. Live Music at Breakwaters: Saturday, August 3. Raincity. Healing Touch: Sunday, August 4 and 18, 1–3 p.m., Trinity Church, 1880 APA Road. Trinity Summer Music Camp: August 6-11, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Tsawwassen United Church, 693 53rd Street. This year’s musical - Oh, Jonah! Free for kids age 6-12. Contact to reserve your spot.
Home with a view!
Friends of the Point Roberts Library Meeting: Thursday, August 8, noon–1 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road, Join the Friends and help us support the Point Roberts Library. Info: 360/945-6545. Blood Drive: Saturday, August 10, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (Closed 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.), Bloodmobile at Point Roberts fire station at 2030 Benson Road. To schedule an appointment visit and use sponsor code 668A or call 800/398-7888. Point Roberts Storytime: Saturday, August 10, 10:30–11 a.m. Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road,For ages 2-6, 30 minutes. Info: 360/945-6545. Point Roberts Fire Open House: Saturday, August 10, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., 2030 Benson Road. Come meet and support the professionals who provide emergency services. Explore emergency response vehicles, firehouse and helicopter along with great food and fun for all ages. Every Dog’s a Winner: Saturday, August 10, noon, community center, back grassy area. $10 suggested donation per dog. Raffle tickets available at additional cost. To volunteer, donate to the raffle or for more information email Third Annual Rory’s Ride: Saturday, August 10, 1 p.m., 1334 Gulf Road. Burgers, beers and raffle prizes to follow at the Reef. Sign up and donate at Rock and Oil Class: Sunday, August 11, 6:30–8:30 p.m., Saltwater Cafe, 1345 Gulf Road. Discover the energy and magic that happens when crystals meet essencial oils. $22 U.S. cash. Workbook and two custom “Rock and Oil” roll ons included. Beer and wine available and self-serve cash bar. Info/RSVP: or Point Roberts Free Library Movie Night: Friday, August 16, 7–9 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. Free popcorn and drinks. Call for title. Info: 360/945-6545. Pig Roast at Kiniski’s Reef Tavern: Saturday, August 17 at 6 p.m. Tickets on sale at Kiniski’s Reef Tavern. Point Roberts Joke Telling Contest: Saturday, August 17, 7–9:30 p.m., community center’s Dining Room. Jokes reign supreme at the FOPRL Annual Joke Telling Contest. Adults only. Point Roberts Book Club: Wednesday, August 28, 7–9:30 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. Monthly discussion group. Call for title. Info: 360/945-6545. Historical Society Grand Opening: Saturday, August 31, community center. Info:
Scheduled Meetings/Ongoing Events PR Community Advisory Committee Special Meeting: Saturday, July 27, 3 p.m., community center. Discussion of possible changes to WCC 20.72. PR Registered Voters Ass’n: Thursday, August 1, 6 p.m., community center. PR Amateur Radio Club: Monday, August 5, 7 p.m., community center. PR Chamber of Commerce: Tuesday, August 6, 7 p.m., community center. Pointrobertschamberofcommerce. com. PREP (PR Emergency Preparedness): Tuesday, August 6, 7 p.m., community center. Info: Henry Rosenthal, 360/945-1711. PR Hospital District: Wednesday, August 7, 6 p.m., community center, 1487 Gulf Road. PR Park and Recreation District: Monday, August 12, 7 p.m., community center. PR Water District: Tuesday, August 13, 5 p.m., community center, 1487 Gulf Road. Friends of Point Roberts Library: Tuesday, August 13, noon–1 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Info: 360/945-6545. PR Fire District 5: Wednesday, August 14, 4 p.m., 2030 Benson Road. Info: 360/945-3473. PR Taxpayers Association: Thursday, August 14, 7 p.m., community center. PR Community Advisory Committee: Thursday, August 15, 6 p.m., community center. PR Garden Club Annual General Meeting: Friday, August 16, 5:30 pm. info: info@pointrobertsgardenclub. org or 945-5075. PR Historical Society: Wednesday, August 21, 7 p.m., community center. PR Community Advisory Committee Special Meeting: Tuesday, July 9, 6 p.m., community center. Discussion of possible changes to WCC 20.72. WTA’s “Zone Service:” Tuesdays. One round trip to Bellingham. $1 per trip. 866/989-4287. PR Library Hours: Tuesday, 1–7 p.m., Wednesday/Friday/Saturday 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Knits & Crafts at Point Roberts Library: Tuesdays, 5–7 p.m., PR Library, 1437 Gulf Road. For adults and teens. Info: 360/945-6545. Wackie Walkers: Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays, 8 a.m., community center. Check wackiewalkers.wordpress. com for information about the Thursday walk location. Knee Club: Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30–11:30 a.m., Trinity Church, 1880 APA Road. With Shirley Cannon. Saturday Summer Crafts: Saturdays, 11 a.m. –3 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1431 Gulf Road. Info: events.
2116 Whalen Drive POINT ROBERTS, WA
4-BD, 1-Den, 2.5-BA, Approx. Sq. Ft: 3900 $1,050,000 Commission paid to Selling Realtor For more info & details email:
Blaine, Birch Bay & Point Roberts JUNE 2019 DESCRIPTION
HIGHER END HOUSES: 2-story house with 2,663 SF, 3 BD, 1 BA, 911 SF deck, 728 SFstorage, built in 1986; marine view, waterfront, .76 acres land.
8809 Semiahmoo Drive, Blaine
New 1-story house with 2,905 SF, 3 BD, 3 BA, 522 SF attached garage, built in 2019; territorial view, .21 acres land.
8778 Clubhouse Point Dr., Blaine
Unit #7, Aerie Condominiums, 9146 Aerie Lane, Blaine
2-story house with 8,451 SF, 6 BD, 6 BA, 684 SF attached garage, 720 SF detached garage, 615 SF patio, built in 2008, waterfront; marine views, .69 acres land.
8493 Pointe Road North, Blaine
2-story house with 2,547 SF, 1,030 SF basement, 4 BD, 4 BA, 432 SF carport, 672 SF detached garage, 591 SF deck, built in 1994, waterfront; marine view, .30 acres land
680 Georgia Street & Peace Portal Drive, Blaine
5439 Wood Duck Loop, Blaine
9533 Flambeau Road, Blaine
LAND: .15 acres commercial land.
715 Peace Portal Drive, Blaine
1.11 acres residential lot, waterfront; marine view.
8471 Semiahmoo Drive, Blaine
Condo with 2,884 SF, 2 BD, 3 BA, built in 2001, waterfront; marine view.
1-story with 2,627 SF, 2 BD, 3 BA, built in 2018, .45 acres land. 2-story house with 2,721 SF, 3 BD, 3 BA, 775 SF detached garage, 480 SF deck, built in 1995, 2.46 acres land.
All Point Bulletin • August 2019
s Forty-eight golfers participated in a July 20 charity golf tournament hosted by the Point Roberts Volunteer Firefighters Charitable Society. The event raised $3,500 for Canucks Place children’s hospice, Point Roberts food bank and Dollars for Scholars. Courtesy photo
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Notary Public
Maureen Stevens, Broker Notary Public * Successfully listing and selling
Point Roberts real estate since 1968 and selling E-Mail: * Successfully listing YEARS E-Mail: • Point Roberts real estateSELLING sincePOINT1968 ROBERTS
79 Tyee Drive Point Roberts, WA 98281
REAL ESTATE • 1339 Gulf Road, P.O. Box 17 • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 360/945-5555 360-945-5555 • Cell: E-Mail: • 360-525-4263 *Member of NY State
Phone: 360/945-1115 Fax: 945-0804
1339 Gulf Road, P.O. Box 1 • Point Roberts, WA 98281
MLS Listing Service BEACH PROPERTIES Road, P.O. Box 17 • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 360/945-5555 • 1339 Gulf
On the beach!
UPDATED DAILY! View color photos, listings and complete information of all properties for sale.
FREEMAN BEACH 697 MARINE DR. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
FREEMAN BEACH 697 MARINE DR. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
Meticulously maintained 3 BR, 1 ½ BA Crystal Beach Cottage. Open living, dining and kitchen. Over height crawl with workshop, storage.
2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, 2 blocks to beach. $169,000
1.5 Acre view lot located on the sunny south slope, cleared and improved with a 4-BR septic and water installed, ready to build.
EDWARDS DRIVE HOME 75’ level south facing waterfront. 3BD, 2.5BA. Lots of amenities: 1275 BROUGHTON LANE 247 BAYVIEW DR. Granite countertops, side home. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing 2BR, 3BA beautiful west $199,000. Adjoining lot $35,000. Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000 Brazilian hardwood throughout, master bath w/jetted tub and steam shower, double car garage. Private tidelandsLANE to low 1275 BROUGHTON 247 BAYVIEW DR. panoramicwest island views. 3BA beautiful side home. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing 2BR, water, $199,000. lot $35,000. MUSTAdjoining SEE! $889,000.
Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000
1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. Furnished, private, excellent condition. $115,000
668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. $200,000
1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. 668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning private, excellent MARINA FP, MIST Furnished, LD LANE $200,000 2 blocks to beach. $169,000 condition. $115,000 1877 WASHINGTON 542 MCLAREN RD. Nice 676 OCLAIRE CONDO.
3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point 2 BR designer home. A must-see! 3BR cottage w/front and rear deck. OCEANSIDE Park. $299,000 Make an offer! Adjacent to Lily2BR Pointend Park.unit $159,000 w/2-car garage. ESTATES.
Maple Beach cottage with recent upgrades including new septic tank, roof and foundation. Clean, cute and ready for a summer of fun.
Quality 3-BR, 2¾-BA home situated on a private 1/2-acre lot with a paved private driveway. Bonus room over the 2 car garage. Solid wood floors and upscale finishing throughout. $589,000
If you’re serious about purchasing at the “Point” do yourself a favor and visit our office for a complete list of everything for sale in the area and also check out our website for general information, color photos, maps and full property search function.
2275 Berry Ln.
2170 BAYVIEW. Waterfront condo 600 EVERGREEN LN. 2-BR cottage 1531 COLUMBIA VISTA. 2-BR, 1877 WASHINGTON 542 MCLAREN RD. 676Beach. CLAIRE LANErefurbished. 3/4-BA. Short walk to shopping, post on Maple Beach. Large end unit with in South Recently 3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point 2office, BR designer A must-see! 3BR additional cottage w/front and rear deck. library. home. $149,000 deck. $389,000 New Septic permit. $182,500 Adjacent to Lily Point Park. $159,000 CLAIRE LANE VIEW w/ 2-BR
Park. $299,000
1385 Gulf Road, Point Roberts
MLS# 1476426
589 Marine Dr.
Incredibly rare, fully serviced, 75’ wide (.69 acres!) west facing, low bank waterfront property!
Tessa Pinckston
1692 Benson Rd.
WATERFRONT TOWNHOUSE on Maple Beach. Recently updated throughout. The property is meticulously maintained. This large end unit has additional south facing side deck. $389,000 SPECTACULAR OCEAN VIEWS AND SOARING EAGLES. Just two of many things that make this property simply amazing. $379,000
MLS# 1492364
Private oasis with updated 3-BD, 3.5-BA home in the heart of Point Roberts. South exposure.
1881 Holiday Ln.
2-BD classic cottage in absolute stunning waterfront south facing location!
Michael Hughes
371 West Bluff $1,375,000
MLS# 1250304
534 Tyee Dr. $1,200,000
MLS# 1440019
1688 Harbor Seal $995,000
465 Tyee Drive Point Roberts, WA
360-945-1313 800-723-1313
S SOUTH BEACH WATERFRONT COTTAGE - In between the South Beach House and the Marina is located the Best Piece of Beach in Point Roberts. $672,000
CLASSIC COTTAGE on one of the most desirable streets in Maple Beach. Less than a block to the Beach. $299,000
355 West Bluff $710,000
MLS# 1381666
2031 Cliffside Dr. $599,000
MLS# 1376905
683 South Beach Rd. $599,000
MLS# 1476302
2185 Culp Ct. $349,000
MLS# 1436199
134 Monte Drive $299,000
MLS# 1345305
680 Marine Dr. $295,000
S THIS HOME IS IN PERFECT ORIGINAL CONDITION “MINT”. A Panabode home built to last many lifetimes. Beautiful concrete foundation, solid quality built home with original finishes in perfect condition. $229,000
STUNNING MARINA VIEW LOT with Beach Access... ready to build your future dream home! $97,500
PRIVACY, VIEW, SUN …Views of the city, mountains and ocean, even from the hot tub. Or if you prefer extra income, this would certainly be the most sought after short term rental in Point Roberts. $299,000
RE/MAX Whatcom County, Inc.
MLS# 1366165
MLS# 1440207
MLS# 1493560
Make an offer!
EDWARDS DRIVE w/views of BENSON RD. 30,278 SF w/septic, permit $89,900 San Juan Islands. Private sewer. water, power. $130,000 ACREAGE: 6.39 ACRES, DESIRABLE EAST SIDE, SUBDIVIDABLE $299,000 $199,000 See more listings at
Stunning views of Mount Baker! 4167 SF on full acre.
MLS# 1492364
Chris Hughes
$279,000 Waterfront.
GEORGIA CT. Treed lot.
WEST SIDE STARTER BEACH COTTAGE in need of some TLC (Tender Loving Care). The start of something great! $89,000