May 2020
County health dept. cancels summer events, page 3
Blackfish for Sale? page 8
ECRWSS PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 14
Point the safest place to be, says media, page 11
Point Roberts, WA 98281 Postal Patron Local
35 TH★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★ ★
198 5
Covid-19 news roundup: County lags state in testing, death at Stafholt, tests continue at fire district, tough decisions on small business grant applications By Oliver Lazenby As of April 30, the Whatcom County Health Department is reporting 304 confirmed cases of COVID-19 to date in Whatcom County and 28 deaths. In total, 2,737 in Whatcom County have been tested for the new coronavirus, making the rate of positive tests in Whatcom County 11.1 percent. That’s higher than the statewide positive rate of 7.5 percent, according to the Washington State Department of Health. Whatcom County has a higher rate of positive tests despite testing a smaller percentage of citizens than the state as a whole. In Whatcom County, 1.1 percent of the population has been tested, according to a calculation made with county health department numbers and the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2019 population estimate. That’s less than half the statewide rate of 2.4 percent. (See Covid-19, page 6)
s The view from Maple Beach of the April 8 Super Moon hovering over Boundary Bay was a memorable one.
Curbside trash and solid waste operations to continue By Meg Olson Cando Recycling and Disposal will continue to operate as usual after the sudden death of founder David Gellatly in late April. “David was a responsible business owner and, as such, ensured that succession and other planning was in place for such
an event,” said a statement from company management. “The company will continue to operate ‘business as usual;’ future operations will carry on, as they have in the past, to provide service to customers in the community.” Management does not anticipate any interruptions in service, the transfer station remains open and garbage/recycling
Point Roberts lagging in submitting census forms By Oliver Lazenby As of April 28, 61.6 percent of Whatcom County households had completed the 2020 census questionnaires, which can only be done online, by mail or by phone. But Point Roberts, Birch Bay and a few other areas in the county have a long way to go on the once-a-decade count, according
Photo by Leanne Myrdal
to response rates published on the U.S. Census Bureau’s website. So far, 59.7 percent of households in the state and 61.6 percent in Whatcom County have responded to the census – that’s above the national response rate of 54.3 percent. Though the county rate is above average, just 17.9 percent of households in Point
Roberts have responded to the survey. Birch Bay households are also neglecting the survey – one of the census tracts in Birch Bay had a response rate of 39.1 percent. In Blaine, 58.0 percent of households have responded. For the 2010 census, 62.1 percent of Blaine households and 67.6 percent
collection will continue, both as regularly scheduled or mandated. “There has been no interruption in services and staff continues to operate at capacity.”
Church ............................................. 14 Classifieds ......................................... 12 Coming Up ....................................... 13 Obituary ........................................... 15 Opinion ............................................... 5 Library ............................................. 11 Tides ................................................. 11
(See Census, page 2)
A FREE online service offered by All Point Bulletin keeping you up-to-date with who’s open, what business specials are available and current hours. Businesses, sign-up for FREE at:
All Point Bulletin • May 2020
Census ... From page 1
Point Roberts Taxpayers Association
of Whatcom County households responded. Households are required by law to respond to the census, and the U.S. Census Bureau is asking people to respond as soon as possible. Beginning May 27, census employees will interview households that haven’t responded yet. Households should have received a notice in the mail by March 20 with information on how to respond. The census provides data that lawmak-
United States & Canadian Citizens Working Together for Point Roberts, WA PRTA looks forward to resuming public meetings as soon as possible. In the meantime, we encourage everyone to support our local Point Roberts businesses and, most importantly, follow all the recommended precautions to STAY SAFE! PRTA is in touch with local, state, and federal elected officials to advocate for Point Roberts and share concerns of our residents — both full-time and part-time, US and Canadian. In particular, we follow comments posted on Next Door. Feel free to reach out directly to us as well. PRTA:
Border Issues:
ers, teachers, business owners and many others use to provide services and make decisions about communities. Results inform decisions on hundreds of billions in federal funding every year for programs including Medicaid, Head Start, food assistance programs and grants for community mental health services. The results also determine how many seats each state gets in the U.S. House of Representatives and are used to draw congressional and state legislative districts. For more information, please visit
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May 2020 •
County health department nixes summer events and gatherings Erika Lautenbach, director of the Whatcom County Health Department, has recommended the cancellation of summer events throughout the county. In a letter to community leaders dated April 14, Lautenbach noted that measures taken to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 have been showing positive results. “We see positive effects of the efforts to contain the virus, in large part due to the social distancing measures put into place in March,” said Lautenbach. She added that modeling presented by the health department on April 13 indicated Whatcom County is “on the downside of the first wave of COVID-19 spread locally. Scenarios suggest that with continued social distancing, the next wave could be mitigated as well. However, if group gatherings resume too soon, the virus’ spread could be deadlier.” Lautenbach said she recommends that all summer events – including parades, community festivals and fireworks displays – should be canceled. “I recognize that this recommendation creates considerable disappointment,” said Lautenbach. “However, the long-term health of our community and our econo-
my could be further damaged if we move too quickly to resume the activities that we know will put us at risk.” Subsequent to Lautenbach’s announcement, the first-ever Point Roberts Race Week has been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic, organizers announced on April 18. “This is especially heartbreaking as so much time, energy and financial resources have already gone into the preparations for the debut of the new venue in Point Roberts this summer,” wrote event producer Schelleen Rathkopf in a Race Week press release. “To get to this point has been a year’s worth of work and canceling the event due to COVID-19 is especially difficult,” she added. The event would have hosted a number of sailing races including the Corsair National Championships, the 6mR North Americans and the Carr Trophy. Planning has already begun for the 2021 race series. The dates being considered include July 12-16, July 19-23 and July 26-30. For more information, contact Rathkopf at
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All Point Bulletin • May 2020
All Point Bulletin The All Point Bulletin is published each month by Point Roberts Press Inc. Total circulation is 9,000 copies including home delivery in Point Roberts and Tsawwassen, subscriptions and distribution to retail establishments on the Point. The opinion expressed by contributors is their own and is offered for the general interest of our readers. Mail and classified ads should be addressed to:
All Point Bulletin P.O. Box 1451 Point Roberts WA USA 98281
Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick J. Grubb Associate Publisher & Advertising Manager Louise H. Mugar News & Features Editor Meg Olson Copy Editor Aly Siemion Creative Services Ruth Lauman, Doug De Visser Advertising Sales Molly Ernst, Adam Albert
Contributors In This Issue Rhiannon Allen Gina Gaudet Kris Lomedico Annelle Norman Administrative Services Jeanie Luna
Thank You to our readers and advertisers Your help has been invaluable in allowing us to fulfill our mission of presenting accurate and up-to-date reporting on the local response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our advertisers have been with us through thick or thin and it is their support that allows us to deliver the All Point Bulletin to all homes in Point Robert and Tsawwassen. Newspapers around the world are facing an uncertain future; many have already ceased publishing and many more will follow. It has been said that democracy relies upon a free press – it’s equally true that a free press relies upon a democracy. Without the press keeping an eye on those who hold power, those in power become answerable only to themselves. This is especially true now. For instance, why has Whatcom County tested just 1.1 percent of its residents? That’s half the rate of the state as a whole. Why are our positive results running at 12.3 percent versus the state’s 7.5 percent? In Vietnam, they have tested 966 people for every positive result. In Whatcom County? 9.1. We are asking these questions of the county and we will tell you what they say. If you believe having an independent local press is important, we ask you to consider making a contribution in support of that belief. You may use our website or the coupon below.
Thank you for your contribution
Founding Editor Glennys Christie Business & Editorial Office Phone: 360/945-0413 Fax: 360/945-1613 Email:
Visit us online at: Printed in Canada • Vol. Vol. XXXVI, No. 1
Letters Policy The All Point Bulletin welcomes letters to the editor; however, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Letters must include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters must not exceed 450 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality and good taste. A fresh viewpoint on matters of general interest to local readers will increase the likelihood of publication. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis. Thank you letters should be limited to ten names. Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published.
Please email your letter to: P.O. Box 1451, Point Roberts, WA 98281 Fax: 360/945-1613
Next issue: June 2020 Ads due: May 22
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Larry Farlow Fowler Family Thomas Fijal Shelley Fralic Rochelle Greenwood Foster Kerry Greer Margot Griffiths Kandy Harper Stephen Hedlund Betsy Henchey Roy Hubbard Elizabeth James Ian Lau Brian Lewis
Valerie Loreen Frank Lucci Aidan Maher Murray Marple Kevin McIntosh Judson Meraw Beverly Mitchell Rose Momsen Bruce Mowat James Murphy John Myrdal Doreen Peltier Sandra Pihowich Martin Pommerenke Amie Poole
Arthur Reber Mark Robbins Sally Roberts Holly Robinson Jim Sarkissian Linda Schwartz Katherine Smith Prakash Sundaresan Jennifer Urquhart Western Concepts Kay Wilen Michael & Barbara Williams Deb Wilkowski George Wright
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May 2020 •
Letter To The Editor The Editor: As I look back on 2019 from the perspective of March, 2020, I can only marvel at how quickly our worlds can be upended! While I know that COVID-19 and its attendant issues shall pass, it is going to take time and effort on the part of all of us to make sure we come through it well. Circle of Care was formed to help the residents of Point Roberts meet one of the final challenges we all must face wherever we live: dealing with aging and potential ill-health while remaining in our own homes if that is our wish. Our mission is to supply information and referrals as needed along with shortterm help with meals and household activities to help our friends and neighbors meet this challenge. We are very pleased that 2019 brought the acquisition of a 10-seat, wheelchair liftequipped bus to be used to transport Point Roberts residents to medical appointments and other destinations in Bellingham on a weekly basis. We could not have acquired our bus without the generous support of the Colton Foundation of California and their grant of $55,000. We are grateful, also, to our dedicated volunteers who help drive the bus along with any number of other necessary tasks
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for our residents. Over the past year we have helped approximately 25 residents in various ways and our volunteers have donated more than 1,000 hours of their time to help us with all we do including a number of fundraising activities such as the Apple Harvest Festival and the Spring and Christmas faires. A huge thank you to each and every one of them! In 2019, as a result of the generous donations of individuals and local businesses, as well as fundraising events, we raised $14,598. These funds allowed us to cover our year’s operating costs. Now, we begin a new year of fundraising in what appears to be a challenging environment. You can view our financial statement on our website at We hope that Point Roberts residents will join us in 2020 by becoming a volunteer and, if possible, by becoming a donor. We need each other: That’s what it means to be a community. All the very best to all of Point Roberts. Chris Cameron, president Point Roberts Circle of Care Point Roberts
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All Point Bulletin • May 2020
Covid-19 ...
county health department communicable disease and epidemiology manager Cindy Hollinsworth said, “Anyone can get tested From page 1 and there is sufficient testing capacity in When asked about the low rate of our community and we are also, here at testing at an April 27 press briefing, the health department, able to test those who cannot get tested by their healthcare provider or don’t have insurance.” Currently, testing in Whatcom County Point is performed by health care providers, at • Looking to buy in Point Roberts? a drive-through testing site in Bellingham Roberts that requires a healthcare provider referral, • Curious what your property is worth? Hair Stylist and at a drive-through site in Point RobI focus exclusively on Point Roberts! erts where residents can get tested even if they don’t have symptoms. Statewide, 13,842 have tested positive Dan Schroeder, for the virus and 786 have died, according Managing Broker to the state department of health’s April 28 Full service numbers. In the U.S., just over one salon for men, women lion have tested positive for the virus and & children about 59,000 with the virus have died, according to Johns Hopkins University. As of April 27, there were 1,998 people in B.C. Boundary Bay Realty LLC, WA License #27367 who had tested positive and 105 had died, according to the B.C. Centre for Disease Control. Stafholt reports one Covid-related death, no new cases in the past week A Good Samaritan Society – Stafholt ••U.S. green cards /cards naturalization resident with Covid-19 has passed away. U.S. green / naturalization Shawn Neisteadt, a spokesperson for the • Denied entry waivers • Work / investor visas South Dakota-based Good Samaritan So• NEXUS appeals ciety, confirmed the death in an email on ••U.S. Citizenship claims Denied entry waivers April 28, but didn’t say anything about the age, gender or health of the patient who • Removal hearings • NEXUS appeals passed away. Whatcom Unified Command, • 435 Martin St., Suite 1010 • Blaine, WA the multi-government group that is hanLeonard D.M. Saunders, Attorney at Law dling virus response in Whatcom County, didn’t respond to a request for information • 435 Martin St., Suite 2010 • Blaine, WA about the death or the situation at Stafholt by press time. Leonard D.M. Saunders, Attorney at Law In the past week, no additional residents or employees of the skilled nursing facility in Blaine have tested positive, Neisteadt said. To date, 17 Stafholt residents and seven employees have tested positive, Neisteadt said. Of those, two residents and six employees have recovered, he said. Port group makes “heartbreaking” decisions on which businesses get grants LISTEN, SERVE & CARE. Which small business deserves an emergency grant more: a two-year-old company OUR SERVICES: on an upward track or a 30-year-old busi• Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry (crowns, bridges, bonding, ness that’s otherwise in danger of closing veneers, smile design, implant crowns, whitening, clear aligners) forever? That’s the kind of choice the Port of Bell• General Dentistry (hygiene, fillings, fresh breath treatment) ingham’ s Regional Economic Partnership • Neuromodulator Injectables for headaches/migraines/TMJ had to make with 752 applicants to the • Cosmetic Injectables for fine facial lines & wrinkles Drs. Jan & Warren Roberts state Department of Commerce’s Working • Venus Viva & Microneedling for skin resurfacing Washington Small Business Emergency NEW DENTAL PATIENT SPECIAL! • Rodan + Fields Cosmeceutical skin care Grant program. Visit for details. On April 7, governor Jay Inslee announced the grant program, which allows 5550 12th Avenue, Tsawwassen • 604-943-3343 businesses with one to 10 employees to apply for grants of up to $10,000. The state originally funded the grant with $5 million from the its emergency response fund and later doubled the program’s funding with an additional $5 million. Still, that will cover only a fraction of the businesses that applied. The Regional Economic Partnership is the department of commerce’s Associated Development Organization (ADO), a designation that makes it Whatcom County’s commerce representative for economic development matters. As such, the Regional Economic Partnership had the task of Come check out our competitive gas prices and our narrowing the pool of applicants to about fine selection of beers and wine for all occasions. 100, Stark said. Those applications were forwarded to the department of commerce, which makes the final decision. The Regional Economic Partnership tried to be fair in its decisions by selecting businesses from all sectors and areas of the county, Stark said. The group also tried to put forth a “good portion” of businesses owned by women, tribal members, veterans and minorities, she said. Funds are expected to start reaching businesses in May, according to a department of commerce press release. “To determine if this restaurant was Across from the Post Office more worthy than this other restaurant ... the need far exceeded the resource,” Stark
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said. “It was a great thing that the government did, but at the same time, it was heartbreaking. It’s not like anything that I ever dreamed I would have to do in this job, and it’s something that I don’t wish on anyone else to have to do.” “I personally read all 700 applications, and getting to read how they’ve been impacted and the employees they’ve had to lay off – this virus doesn’t discriminate against who it affects, and it’s the same thing with our businesses,” Stark said. “No matter how long you’ve been open or what sector you’re in, this virus has been nondiscriminatory in terms of devastation.” District to offer Covid-19 testing In cooperation with the Point Roberts health clinic, the fire department will be again offering Covid-19 testing on Saturday, May 2 from 10 a.m. -1 p.m. at the Benson Road fire hall. Those wishing to be tested should email Christopher Carleton at chief@wcfd5 with your legal name, address, phone number and date of birth. A copy of your insurance card along with ID will need to be provided on the day of the test. On April 19, the fire district tested 40 individuals including some essential workers. In all, 177 have been tested over the last three weekends. Carleton said his goal is to test 300-400 people in all which would represent from 30-40 percent of the current population. Whatcom County as a whole has tested just 1.1 percent of the population. Carleton said he is also working on getting antibody testing for Point Roberts but hasn’t anything to report at this time.. Some public lands, fishing and golfing to open May 5 Washingtonians will soon have much more access to public lands, governor Jay Inslee said during a televised April 27 announcement to the public. Starting Tuesday, May 5, most state parks, along with public lands managed by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife will re-open, along with fishing, hunting and golf. Some national parks and forests are expected to open at about the same time. Most land managers closed public lands in March, after the governor issued a stay-at-home order effective March 23 to slow the spread of the new coronavirus. “This will open up widespread outdoor recreation, assuming health and safety guidelines continue to be used by Washingtonians,” Inslee said. Inslee said that social distancing restrictions will still apply while playing outside – people should not ride in cars to trailheads with people not in their household, for example, and if trailheads or parks are busy, people should go elsewhere. “Recreate responsibly,” said commissioner of public lands Hilary Franz, who joined Inslee in the televised update. “Before you leave, make sure you prepare, that you have hand sanitizer, water, a mask, and that when you arrive you avoid those crowds and you definitely utilize social distancing rules.” The governor encouraged other steps toward stopping the virus’ spread while recreating, including staying local, giving other hikers at least six feet when passing on the trail and sticking to day trips. Both primitive camping and developed campgrounds will remain closed, he said. Golfers should play only in twosomes, unless everyone in a larger group lives in the same house. Most state parks will open on May 5, Washington State Parks director Don Hoch said, but some would need extra time to coordinate re-opening with local communities. The governor’s office is working with the National Park Service and the U.S. Forest Service on opening some federal lands at (See Covid-19, page 7)
May 2020 • S Leanne Gerber is right where she wants to be. “The post office is the center of town!” said Gerber, who took over as postmaster in October. Gerber joined the U.S. Postal Service six and a half years ago and she loves the company she works for. “The postal service is an opportunity to serve.” Gerber, 51, arrived in Point Roberts 15 years ago. “When I got the job I had the intention to stay here until I retire and I always wanted to be postmaster,” she said. “I speak Point Roberts!” Photo by Louise Mugar
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With a little help from your friends Circle of Care has funds available to help people through life’s little emergencies, from broken eyeglasses to keeping the heat on. The “Our Finest Hour” fund was started with impetus from Crystal Water Beach homeowner Gary Morrison who reached out to his neighbors and collected $500 for the local food bank and Circle of Care to help people during the Covid-19 pandemic and associated restrictions. “They seeded it and the fund has grown,” said Annelle Norman with Circle of Care. Other donations including $1,000 from Whidbey Telecom have grown the fund to $3,000, she said. Norman said the fund was intended to help people where other government assistance was not available or sufficient. “If someone is struggling and what they’re getting isn’t going far enough and they need something essential, that’s what the fund is for,” she said. This could include a needed repair, gas to get to an appointment, or even covering a propane bill. Requests will be evaluated to see if they are appropriate for the program or if another funding source might fit the bill. “We want
there to be enough to go around,” Norman said. “We can’t pay people’s rent and there is other help available for that.” Requests for funds are confidential and can be made to 360/945-5222 or Donations to the fund can be made at Banner Bank or online at The Circle of Care van has been mostly inactive with many Point Roberts residents cancelling appointments in Bellingham, but Norman said they have continued to arrange rides for people who needed to get to Bellingham and the Thursday van program would start back up as need increased. “This is getting longer and people will be needing to reschedule appointments,” Norman predicted. The van can accommodate four passengers and a driver while maintaining recommended physical distances. Circle of Care also continues to offer free home delivery of groceries ordered from the Point Roberts Marketplace, and has face masks available for free sewn by volunteers with donated fabric. They can be reached at 360/945-5222 or
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Covid-19 affects the parks of the Point By Meg Olson Meghan Kelly’s first season as the ranger of the Point’s four county parks is off to a very different start than previous years. “I had to let go our camp hosts that have been here for many, many years, the thing that remained constant around here,” she said from her office at Lighthouse Marine Park. The campground did not open on April 10 as scheduled and Kelly said they would be following the lead of state parks as far as when the campground will open, as well as directives from the Governor’s office. Whatcom County parks camping facilities will stay closed until at least the end of May. “Things seem to be changing every day,” Kelly said. While state parks closed to day use during April, county parks including
Covid-19 ... From page 6
about the same time, said Jon Synder, the governor’s policy advisor on outdoor recreation and economic development. “Please call ahead and make sure the place you want to go is open and expect that some of our national partners will not have all their places open yet,” he said. Inslee has not extended his stay-athome order beyond May 4. Last week Inslee took a step toward re-opening the state by announcing that construction projects already underway could restart, provided that they could be done safely with adequate physical distancing. Inslee did not announce what other restrictions, if any, would be lifted after May 4, but said more would be announced about next steps of the state’s plan in a few days.
Monument Park, Lily Point Marine Park, Lighthouse Park and Maple Beach have remained open with some limitations. The play structure at Lighthouse Park is closed for public health reasons but bathrooms at Point Roberts parks are open and sanitized regularly, Kelly said. Improvements have been ongoing to other parks on the Point, including the completion of a one-mile round trip loop trail on the Cedar Point end of Lily Point Marine Park. Kelly said the bulk of the project was done in the January rain due to the availability of the county trails crew. “We were doing it in the rain, so it was not ideal,” she said. “We were rebuilding the trail as we went along.” Kelly has worked as seasonal help in Point Roberts county parks for two years and spent nine months in 2019 as the program and facilities coordinator for the local parks district before taking over as ranger from Aaron Johnson in January. Kelly was replaced as coordinator at Point Roberts Parks and Recreation District by James McCollum.
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Photo by Pat Grubb
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All Point Bulletin • May 2020
In The Garden By Rhiannon Allen for checking the days to maturity, as well as learning which varieties are resistant to late blight. (Note that Ladner-based West Coast Seeds can no longer pre-certify retail amounts of tomato seed to be brought into Point Roberts, unfortunately.) If you are lucky enough to have a greenhouse, the websites of Johnny’s Seeds and Territorial Seeds let you search for varieties that grow well in greenhouses. Beyond choosing a variety that will ripen in a timely fashion, what we grow is a matter of personal choice. What flavor, texture and size do you prefer? With tomatoes, there is a trade off between flavor and texture. Ever wondered why supermarket tomatoes generally don’t taste as good as your childhood memories of that garden-harvested tomato? Well, supermarket tomatoes were bred to be firm, and firmness for shipping and longevity comes at the genetic cost of flavor. And many of our heirloom varieties taste fabulous, but they are generally thin-skinned (easy munching for slugs) and somewhat mushy. I’d also ask my friend whether he prefers sweet, tart or ‘balanced’ flavor in his tomatoes. Some people revel in the sweetness of cherry and grape tomatoes, but others prefer the tartness of Siletz or Rutgers (the classic ‘Jersey field tomato’). Does he prefer a good balance between sweet and tart? The best balanced varieties are late season black and purple varieties but unfortunately my friend does not have a greenhouse. But he could try Better Boy outside, as long as he is willing to manage a plant that could grow as tall as he is! As for fruit size, most early season tomatoes grow small to medium-sized fruit, which is no surprise given that it takes less time to form a small tomato! Most cherry tomatoes are considered early season and come in a wonderful array of colors to brighten summer salads. A few early varieties like Early Girl and Manitoba are somewhat larger and can produce six-ounce tomatoes suitable for slicing. Tomato varieties that produce huge slicing fruit are more difficult to grow to harvest here. Whatever my friend’s choice, what can be better than biting into a juicy, sun-ripened tomato? Isn’t that the very essence of summer? The Point Roberts Garden Club regrets that Garden Tour #16 has been canceled for this year, as are all club meetings until further notice.
Whatcom County Fire District #5 Point Roberts
Community Paramedic CARES Program
Providing non-emergency home medical care, education and referral services. For an appointment or more information, please contact Chief Christopher Carleton at 360-945-3473 or
S A public access trail to the beach from Marine Drive will eventually be created once construction on the Blackfish Resort is complete. Photo by Pat Grubb
For sale or for investment? Informally known as the old cannery, Blackfish Resort has been listed for sale for just under $8 million, but developer Steve O’Neill says the move is more about attracting potential investors than unloading the property. “It is for sale and if someone can come in and pay for it, they can have it,” O’Neill said. “That said, the intention is not to sell it but to make it visible for potential investors.” As a private, small-scale stock offering, O’Neill said there were legal limits to how he could advertise the project to investors beyond word of mouth. “The supply of investors interested in a destination hotel in Point Roberts has dropped off recently,” O’Neill observed wryly. A legitimate offer for sale is one way he found to get broader knowledge of the project. “I have had people call me since the listing went up.”
line ve On
Permits are in place for construction to start on the 28-suite resort, which will include a spa, restaurant, brewery and event space, as soon as the capital is available. In addition to the resort, the project includes public beach access via a 10-foot easement running along the southern property line. The path, which will be five feet wide with compacted gravel to make it wheelchair accessible, will open as soon as construction is complete. “We are required to have it prior to occupancy but not until the resort is built,” O’Neill said. “I do have ‘no trespassing’ signs up now but people pass through every day and they will tell you I’m a pretty nice guy about it.” For safety reasons they will become more rigorous about keeping the public off the property when construction begins, he added. The real estate listing for the resort can be viewed at
9:30am (intermediate) 6:00pm (mixed levels) TUESDAY 9:30am (gentle) WEDNESDAY 9:30am (mixed levels) THURSDAY 9:30am (gentle) FRIDAY 9:30am (advanced flow) SATURDAY 9:30am (mixed levels)
Please phone or e-mail to reserve your space or to get more info. • 360-945-5536
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May 5 • June 2 July 7 • August 4
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Private and confidential Call or e-mail for an appointment
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Stay well and safe. Will open when permitted.
A friend asked me for advice on growing tomatoes because he loves to grow them, but never gets a good harvest of ripe tomatoes. Now let me say that I am no tomato expert, although I get a decent harvest. His email also caught me just as I finished ordering tomato seeds for both greenhouse and field planting at the Benson Road Garden, where we are generally swimming in luscious, ripe tomatoes by the end of summer. My friend wondered if he was planting varieties that don’t ripen soon enough before cool weather and late blight ravage his tomatoes. I think that his guess is correct. If you experience the same problem here in Point Roberts, you also might be trying to grow the wrong tomatoes. Right now is exactly the right time to buy the appropriate seeds or starts to get a bountiful harvest by early September. Unless you have a greenhouse or a sheltered, warm and sunny spot, it is best to focus on ‘early season’ tomatoes. Some nurseries or seed catalogs will make a special note of which tomatoes are early season. But sometimes you will need to look up a variety’s ‘days to maturity.’ For tomatoes, this indicates the number of days between planting the tomato start and harvesting that first ripe tomato. The traditional day for planting tomatoes is Mother’s Day, which makes it easy to calculate the expected date of that highly anticipated first tomato. Early season varieties were bred to produce their first fruit in less than 80 days. So, if you plant the early season variety Early Cascade on Mother’s Day, you can expect to pick your first medium-sized red tomato 55 days later at the beginning of July. If instead you plant the large-fruited ‘main season’ heirloom Black Krim outside then, you should expect the first juicy tomato 80 days later at the end of July or beginning of August. Since our days often turn chilly or wet early in September, I’d tell my friend not to bother with any outdoor or ‘field’ tomatoes that take 80 days or more to mature. He just won’t get a good harvest before his plants stop growing. That eliminates many paste tomatoes and some flashy late varieties like Red Zebra. Of course, those with the extended growing season that greenhouses or warm spots offer can certainly take advantage of main season tomato varieties. The websites of West Coast Seeds, Johnny’s Seeds, and Territorial Seeds are great
American Counseling Association
May 2020 •
Pets The watcher of the “safest place in America.”
Point Roberts Rooster.
Stout enjoying the sun.
Simon Burnett family
Best of O’Neill Family dogs
Less than a week old. Expecting Duck eggs in 6 or 7 months. Katherine Smith
Submitted by Renee Coe
Above is William, an Italian greyhound. To the left are Norah a beautiful white Whippet and Eli, a big goofy Weimaraner. Eva. Shelley Damewood’s “granddog”
Inseparable. Fiona, the kitty, and Lexi, the world’s best Golden.
Sheila Monty
Jessica McVey’s kids
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All Point Bulletin • May 2020
Point Roberts Primary • 945-ABCD (2223) 2050 Benson Rd, P.O. Box 910 Point Roberts, WA 98281
e t i r e d r o B t r o p e R
Brought To You By The Blaine School District
Editor, Tammy McDonald I would love to hear your comments or feedback. Send to:
At Home Learning
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” ~Pablo Picasso Winter Vaughan-Zack proudly displays his marionette that he made.
The coolest Pt. Roberts tree house ever! Damian Moir has been busy working on his tree house construction.
“When children are having fun they want to be involved and the learning occurs naturally.” ~ Deb Alter-Rasche Cedar and Emmett Strub show off their LEGO building skills as well as their gardening expertise. Can’t wait to see how tall your sunflower gets!
What did the tree wear to the pool party? Swimming Trunks! Ha Ha Ha. In celebration of Earth Day, Clay Garrioch shows us that he has the whole world in his hands!
Stinging Nettles Anyone? Naève Vaughan-Zack is practicing her culinary skills by first harvesting stinging nettles to be added to sauces and soups. Future botanists? William and Jonathan Le are busy learning about plants. They first started by making a plant diagram that labels the parts of a plant.
PU! Stinky Feet Experiment! Riley and Bay Foster took samples from between their toes, then let them grow for a few weeks before examining the results under a microscope. Who do you think had the stinkiest feet?
Did you say guitar solo? Micah Wilson is able to get in some extra guitar practicing.
A Look Back at the 2019/2020 School Year at Point Roberts Primary School It’s easy to take things for granted when we have the opportunity to experience them everyday. As our whole world has changed, I happened to remember one of our students writing about being thankful for the freedom to go to school, when we were honoring the great Martin Luther King, Jr. Yes, being able to go to school is definitely something to be thankful for. Our school year has changed and as we continue learning from the safety of our homes, I cherish the wonderful memories that the 2019/2020 school year gave to us when we were able to meet together in our special school in the woods! - Mrs. Hettinga, Teacher
It’s time! OPEN REGISTRATION available at Point Roberts Primary!
For more information call or email the school office to enroll your child. Phone: 360-945-2223
Check out our district website!
May 2020 •
Around The Point It all started with an article in the Globe and Mail newspaper on March 20 titled “The unique threat of illness in Point Roberts.” However, it wasn’t until the Guardian published “The safest place: how one isolated U.S. town is keeping coronavirus at bay” that it began to snowball. The thought that there was a community isolated from the pandemic obviously struck the nerves of numerous editors. The story, or variants thereof, have since appeared in the Daily Mail in England, Global News in Canada, and Fox News, Good Morning America and the New York Post in the U.S. as well as many other news outlets. ❦ British Columbia has extended the provincial state of emergency for the third time in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. “We can’t take our foot off the gas now,” said Premier John Horgan. “As we look toward the future and our ‘new normal’ we must remember what got us to this point and continue to stay yet course now to keep our communities and our loved ones safe.” The state of emergency is extended through May 12, and gives the province expanded powers to support the province’s pandemic response, from writing tickets for price gouging to property tax relief. The province will keep in place recommendations for limiting travel and physical distancing.
Library Picks K RIS L O M E D I C O Bestsellers: Radicalized . . . . Cory Doctorow 28 Summers . . . Elin Hilderbrand The Mist . . . . . Ragnar Jonasson Credible Threat . . . . .J.A. Jance Movies: 1917 . . . . . . . . .Andrew Scott Clemency . . . . Alfre Woodward The Gentlemen . . . . . . Matthew McConaughey Little Women . . . . Saoirse Ronan Music: American Standard . James Taylor And It Is Still Alright . . . . . . . . . .Nathaniel Rateliff Father of All . . . . . . Green Day The Slow Rush . . . .Tame Impala Teens: The Loop . . . . Benjamin Oliver Golden Arm . . . . . Carl Deuker Risking It All . . . . . . . Sm Coz Kids: Wink . . . . . . . . . .Rob Harrell Wonderous Rex . . . . . . . . Patricia MacLachan Brave Ollie Possum Ethan Nicolle Download e-books, movies, music, & magazines at Library, Express library, & Book drop temporarily closed.
May Tides Tides at Boundary Bay
To The Point
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All Point Bulletin • May 2020
Classified Advertising Next Issue: June 2020
REEF TAVERN currently hiring for all positions: Kitchen, bar and waitstaff. Wages based on experience. Performance bonuses! Apply in person or by contacting Alli at 360-907-5982.
Ads Due: May 25
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WATERFRONT APARTMENTS - Oceanfront apartment suites available for short-term or long-term rent. Majestic 1480southern Gulf Rd.view near Lighthouse Park. Call 360-945-RENT or visit
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Blaine, Birch Bay & Point Roberts MARCH 2020 LOCATION
HIGHER END HOUSES: 2-story condo with 2,428 SF, 4 BD, 3 BA, 441 SF attached garage, 578 SF patio, built in 2016; marine view.
Unit 36, Semiahmoo Shore Condominiums, 9438 Turnstone Lane, Blaine
2-story condo with 2,203 SF, 4 BD, 3 BA, built in 2016, 463 SF attached garage, 180 SF patio; marine view.
Unit 32, Semiahmoo Shore Condominiums, 9430 Turnstone Lane, Blaine
5401 Quail Run, Blaine
9350 Deltop Drive, Blaine
Unit 31, Semiahmoo Shore Condominiums, 9428 Turnstone Lane, Blaine
Unit 30, Semiahmoo Shore Condominiums, 9426 Turnstone Lane, Blaine
Drayton Harbor Road, Blaine
64.79 acres agricultural/ranch land
Blaine Road, Blaine
.31 acres commercial land.
147 C Street, Blaine
Harborview Road, Blaine
1-and a half story house with 3,011 SF, 1,258 SF basement, 4 BD, 5 BA, 624 SF built-in garage, 297 SF patio, 364 SF deck, built in 1995, .32 acres land. 1-story house with 2,311 SF, 3 BD, 3 BA, 590 SF attached garage, 548 SF deck, 2,500 SF shop/ storage, built in 1997, 5.75 acres wooded land; territorial views. 2-story condo with 2,203 SF, 4 BD, 3 BA, built in 2017, 464 SF attached garage, 180 SF patio; marine view. 2-story condo with 2,025 SF, 4 BD, 3 BA, 477 SF attached garage, 210 SF patio, built in 2017; marine view. LAND: 43.48 acres agricultural/forest land with outbuilding.
13.89 acres (3 lots) residential land.
floor office and retail space in The Northern Light Cannery-style building at Blaine Harbor.
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May 2020 •
Kelly & Son Roofing s There were two big 90th birthdays in April. Left, Sally Roberts celebrated on the 3rd while Lola Loreen had the cake on the 15th. Photos by Pat Grubb, left; Stephen Falk, right.
Coming up (virtually) ...
Roofing • Re-Roofing • Repairs Established 1991 • FREE ESTIMATES
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Events Virtual Children’s Art Walk: Friday, May 1 through Friday, May 15, the 20th annual Children’s Art Walk by Allied Arts of Whatcom County is going virtual this year. Program is primarily for elementary-school-aged youth, but all are welcome to join. Virtual Shakespeare in the Park: Hanry IV Part 1: Friday, May 1, 4–6:30 p.m., Facebook Premiere. Check out a stream of an archived Kentucky Shakespeare Festival show on Facebook. Link: Sunday Cyber Service: Sunday, May 3, 9 p.m. Vancouver Comedy Club presents a virtual comedy show. Follow them on Facebook @SundayServiceImprov for futiure dates. Link: Hampstead Theatre at Home: Through Sunday, May 3. London’s Hampstead Theatre will stream their 2013 production, #AIWW: The Arrest of Ai Wei Wei. Link: Cocoa Concert: Available Saturday May 9, 10 a.m. until Sunday, May 10, 6 p.m., online. Presented by the Budapest Festival Orchestra. Link: Music for Sprouts: Weekdays, 10 a.m. Children’s songs by Mr. Chris or Ms. Emma. Link: musicforsproutsvt/?tn-str=k*F. Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Online Concert Series: Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. Archived performances to enjoy from the comfort of your home. Link: Home Safari Facebook Lives at the Cincinnati Zoo: Every day, noon, Facebook live. Link: cincinnatizoo. Joshua Glass Facebook Concert: Daily, 6:30 p.m. With Burlington singer and keyboardist Joshua Glass. Link: Kitchen Quarantine: Daily livestream at 11:30 a.m. and available anytime. Italian chef Massimo Bottura is teaching daily live cooking lessons on Instagram. Link: @massimobottura.
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Nasa: Langley Research Center Virtual Tour: Check out a virtual tour of this NASA facility attractions to explore include variable density tunnel display, acoustics research lab, flight research hangar and more. Link: Whatcom County Library Services Streaming: Explore digital books, stream movies and televisions shows through Kanopy, find online curriculum and more. Link: Monterey Bay Aquarium Livestreams: Check out sharks, jellyfish, coral reefs, penguins, Monterey Bay and more whenever you feel like tuning in. Link: Great Wall of China Virtual Tour: Check out The China Guide for a self-directed tour of the Great Wall of China. Link: National Parks Virtual Tours: From the Grand Canyon to Yosemite National Park, step out into nature with these self-directed tours without setting a foot outside. Link: San Diego Zoo Live Cam: Tune into the San Diego Zoo live cams to see koalas, elephants, tigers, apes, burrowing owls and so much more. Link:
WE SHIP! Local authors, New releases, Books, Maps, Cards, Stickers on Coupeville’s historic waterfront 16 NW Front St., Coupeville, WA
Storyline Online: Award-winning children’s literacy website. Celebrity readers, including Viola Davis, Chris Pine, Lily Tomlin, Kevin Costner, Annette Bening, James Earl Jones, Betty White and many more read children’s books out loud. Supplemental curriculum available. SAG-AFTRA program. Link: Art Classes by Artists from Allied Arts: Check out several art classes and lessons. Link: art-education-at-home. Whatcom Museum Virtual Exhibits: Check out local art exhibits online through the Whatcom Museum. Link: Google Arts and Culture Museum Collection: Visit 2,000 museums with art from over 80 counties anytime you’d like. Link:
Get your business on the 2020 map!
YMCA Free Online CLasses: Check out free workout classes for yoga, Pilates, weight lifting, Tai Chi, youth sports and more. Link: Make to Give – Protective Face Masks: Check out these tutorials by Joann Fabrics to learn how to make face masks for yourself or to donate to frontline workers. Link:
Scheduled Meetings/Ongoing Events
NEW edition Spring 2020
PR Water District: Conducted via email. Please email your questions to before Tuesday, May 12 at 5 p.m. PR Fire District 5: Wednesday, May 13, 4 p.m., Zoom. Meeting invitation will be sent out via ePB, PAWS, Nextdoor and Point Interface. Info: 360/945-3473. PR Taxpayers Association: Wednesday, May 13, 7 p.m., virtual platform and details TBD. Meeting invitation will be sent out via ePB, PAWS and Next Door. PR Chamber of Commerce: Not known at press time. PR Registered Voters Association: Not known at press time. PR Park and Recreation District: Not known at press time. PR Hospital District: May meeting TBD. PR Historical Society: No May meeting. PR Community Advisory Committee: Not known at press time. PR Library Hours: Closed. Streaming services available Wackie Walkers: Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays, 8 a.m., community center. Saturdays, 8 a.m., Lily Point. Check for Thursday location.
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A Special Publication of the All Point Bulletin Newspaper
All Point Bulletin • May 2020
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Church News By Gina Gaudet This year we observed the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Could anyone in 1970 have imagined that despite half a century of Earth awareness, education, dedication and activism, we would stand at the edge of climate collapse? And we are also unexpectedly taking extreme steps to protect family, friends, neighborhoods and communities from a viral pandemic. These unsettling times challenge us to use this isolation not only to evaluate how we can change our lives to be more caring and compassionate, but also to observe how nature takes this time to breathe, to rest and recover from years of neglect and mistreatment at the hands of the very ones delegated to care for her. From genesis to revelation, the Bible continually reminds us that our well-being – our very survival – are inseparable from the well-being of our home planet. We must never forget that this planet was, in whatever way makes sense to you, created by forces beyond our narrow, earthly perceptions. And whether through being “placed” by a creator or evolving through eons of time, we are nonetheless the conscious custodians of this Earth. Read through the first chapters of Genesis – creation is methodically carried out over time. Its pinnacle is the creation of the ones who will live as caretakers of this vast garden and all life within. From the beginning it has been a relationship of mutual dependency; her survival dependent upon our custodial presence, ours upon her continual well-being. There is no way out of this. As the human story unfolds over generations, we understand that this mutual survival depends not only on our care for the gardens, but for each other. Generations of prophets have taught that our systems of justice, equality and compassion in turn engender fertility and prosperity. When we “return to the Lord,” the very land itself will rejoice and bless us with all
we need. Many of our psalms extoll the beauty and majesty of the natural world, how it continually expresses God’s love and care for us. Jesus’ teachings feature lessons of the natural world. Parables of wildflowers and sparrows, vintners and vineyards, mustard seeds and fig trees help us to understand how the natural order conveys spiritual truths. Further, in his teaching on the “sheep and goats” who stand before the throne of final judgment, those who are blessed to live with God are the ones who do specific acts of compassion: giving food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, welcome the foreigner, clothing for the naked, care for the sick and imprisoned. And we now know that the climate crisis is a “perfect storm” for all of the above. Food shortages, contaminated water, closed borders, and lack of care for the sick, imprisoned, impoverished. As the prophets have taught: when we fail each other, we fail our mother. In the final revelation, the prophet does not foretell a time when we exit a destroyed planet for a new home to ravage; but a “new heaven and a new earth” which are the same planet we live on. Quite literally, it means heaven descending to earth. So the big question is, as we slowly move out of isolation and into normalcy: Will we emerge toward a return to the “same old?” Or will we emerge from a time of contemplation and reflection as a people refined by the crucible of pandemic? Ready to reshape how we do humanness on planet Earth? We are the conscious ones, the choice-makers. We have been given “dominion” as it were. Finally, understand this word, often so misused to instill fear: apocalypse. The word actually translates to “revelation,” which is the conclusion of the Biblical story. Something new is coming; is to be revealed. But it is not coming from beyond us. It must come from within.
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May 2020 •
Sheriff’s Report
April 1, 5:17 p.m.: Suspicious vehicle
Tyee Drive.
on Marine Drive.
April 13, 8:15 p.m.: Suspicious vehi-
April 3, 9:39 a.m.: Landlord tenant
cle on Edwards Drive.
dispute cold call on Simundson Drive.
April 14, 11:04 a.m.: Security check
April 3, 12:11 p.m.: Assist citizen
on Maple Street. April 14, 3:59 p.m.: Motor vehicle
cold call on Seabright Loop. April 3, 7:15 p.m.: Alarm audible on Tyee
accident blocking on Province Road.
April 15, 4:22 a.m.: Whatcomm record on
April 6, 11:35 a.m.: Theft cold call on Teller
Johnson Road.
April 15, 11:18 a.m.: Domestic order violation
April 9, 3:50 p.m.: Assist agency cold call Ben-
cold call on Rex Street.
son Road.
April 18, 10:59 a.m.: Alarm audible on Tyee
April 9, 4:31 p.m.: Threat cold call on South
Beach Road.
April 18, 12:10 p.m.: Security check on Si-
April 10, 10:30 a.m.: Watch for on Walters
mundson Drive.
April 19, 9:42 p.m.: Runaway cold call on Mc-
April 10, 11:22 a.m.: Hang up (911) on Mill
laren Road.
April 21, 2:54 p.m.: Suspicious person on Si-
April 11, 8:37 p.m.: Domestic order violation
mundson Drive.
on Rex Street.
April 23, 11:36 a.m.: Suspicious circumstances
April 12, 3:48 p.m.: Welfare check on Mill
cold call on Williams Road.
April 24, 5:01 a.m.: Mental cold call on Ma-
April 12, 7:19 p.m.: Assist other agency on
rine Drive.
s David Gellatly. David George Alary Gellatly September 22, 1957 – April 22, 2020 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of David George Alary Gellatly on April 22, 2020 at the age of 62 in Point Roberts. Born September 22, 1957 in Vancouver, Canada and schooled at St. George’s Preparatory, he eventually moved to Point Roberts, Washington where he chose to make his home. Being both a U.S. citizen and maintaining his Canadian roots, David was a good citizen to both. David is survived by his beloved children Kaitlyn Sydney and Jordan David, his life partner Tamra Hansen, mother Yvette A. Gellatly, sister Yvette M. Gellatly, niece Alicia Garside and nephew David Garside. He is predeceased by his father, George Smith Gellatly in 1978, for whom he held the highest affection and regard. David was devoted to his family, and much loved and cherished by his children. David was a good friend to many and had a profound sense of civic pride and duty. David served in his native Canada as a volunteer firefighter and then the community of Point Roberts as volunteer fireman, fire chief and, finally, as fire commissioner.
David’s dedication to family and friends is a rare quality that will be missed by those who knew him and those he served in the community. David never stopped believing in helping, and was committed to making Point Roberts a better place. David was a fierce advocate for both his family and Point Roberts and faced challenges head on with both thoughtfulness and action. David was a problem solver, always looking for middle ground and a sensible solution. David’s work ethic may have come from his love of hockey. David was an avid club hockey player for most of his life and loved the game and his teammates. He shared his love of the game with his children and had them on skates from an early age. David remains respected by his business associates, employees, neighbors and many others in Point Roberts. David would help without hesitation or need of recognition. He leaves behind a hole in our hearts but, as he was so fond of saying, “Carry on.” A celebration of life to be announced at a later date.
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Keep an eye out for Scotch broom! By Meg Olson With its bright yellow blooms Scotch Broom is easy to spot this time of year, and the state is asking everyone to send in information about where they see it as part of efforts to control the invasive plant. The Washington Invasive Species Council (WISC) is calling for a May Scotch Broom census. “We need everyone’s help to size up the problem,” WISC executive coordinator Justin Bush said. “Without baseline information about the location and the population size, we don’t have enough details to determine solutions. The information from the census will help us set short-term and long-term action plans.” Scotch Broom crowds out beneficial native species and clogs healthy habitats. Its dense stands can be a fire hazard, take over recreational and farming lands, and poison livestock. While eliminating Scotch Broom is unlikely, the state wants to take action to remove it from at-risk landscapes, parks, roadsides, forests and riverbanks. “We’re asking people to send us information from their neighborhoods,” Bush said. Reports should include a photograph
and some indication of the size of the patch in addition to the location. Reports can be made at, or by using the WA Invasives mobile app. You can also share information on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using hashtags #TheGreatScotchBroomCensus or #ScotchBroom2020Census.
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MLS Listing Service BEACH PROPERTIES Road, P.O. Box 17 • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 360/945-5555 • 1339 Gulf
On the beach!
UPDATED DAILY! View color photos, listings and complete information of all properties for sale.
FREEMAN BEACH 697 MARINE DR. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
247 BAYVIEW DR. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000
FREEMAN BEACH 697 MARINE DR. 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, 2 blocks to beach. $169,000
One of the last large view lots on the South Slope. 1.5 Acre site has been improved with a 4-bedroom septic system and water connected, cleared and ready to roll. This is a rare opportunity for an estate setting with water & island views and sun to the bitter end. This property fits the bill for either a discriminating user or one looking for a prime investment property. $498,000
1805 SHAW CRESCENT Completely remodeled! Everything first class and new. $227,000
2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, 2 blocks to beach. $169,000 542 MCLAREN RD. 3BR cottage w/front and rear deck. 173 KENNEDY DR. Double-wide on Adjacent to Lily Point Park. $159,000 70‘x119’ lot. Recent septic.
EDWARDS DRIVE HOME 75’ level south facing waterfront. 4-BD, 2.5-BA. Lots of amenities: 1275 BROUGHTON LANE Granite countertops, 2BR, 3BA beautiful west side home. Brazilian hardwood throughout, master $199,000. Adjoining lot $35,000. bath w/jetted tub and steam shower, double car garage. Private tidelands to low water, panoramic island views.
1275 BROUGHTON LANE MUST SEE! $889,000 2BR, 3BA beautiful west side home. $199,000. Adjoining ! lot $35,000.
247 BAYVIEW DR. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000
1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. Furnished, private, excellent condition. $115,000
668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. $200,000
1728 EDWARDS DR. #32 1985 JOHNSON RD. 3-BR, 1.5-BA, sunroom plus 410’ privateCED 2-BR, 1-BA 14’x60’ Corinthian on tidelands, heated pool. $250,000 DU 74’x200’ lot. One owner. $99,999
1959 DRAKE
1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. 668 SOUTH BEACH RD. Fixer-upper! 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. Furnished, private, excellent $200,000 condition. $115,000 1877 WASHINGTON 676 CLAIRE LANE
3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point Park. $299,000
2 BR designer home. A must-see! WESTSIDE Make an offer!
BLUFF Panoramic sunsets. 50‘x400’+/- lot.
Move in ready 3 BR, 1 ¾ BA with open living dining, kitchen. Low traffic private setting backing onto acreage. Terrific starter, rental or second home. $183,000 If you’re serious about purchasing at the “Point” do yourself a favor and visit our office for a complete list of everything for sale in the area and also check out our website for general information, color photos, maps and full property search function.
EDWARDS LOT 27. Water 600 EVERGREEN LN. 88 DERBY AVE. & island views. Beach1877 WASHINGTON 2-BR cottage in sunny South 699 CLAIRE LN. 2+BR Cottage. 542 MCLAREN RD. 676 CLAIRE LANE rights. Sewer. Water meter. Recently New septic soon. 3BR,1.5-BA 2BA backs onto Lily Point 2 BR designer home. A tank must-see! 3BR Beach. cottage w/frontrefurbished. and rear deck. 2-BR, Reduced to $169,900 Make an$225,000 New septic. $189,000 $499,000 Park. $299,000 offer! Adjacent to Lily Point Park. $159,000
w/ 2-BR permit. Reduced to $79,000 $299,000 LOTS: Huge lot. $75,000 cleared. $220,000 ACREAGE: 6.39 ACRES, DESIRABLE EAST SIDE, SUBDIVIDABLE CHURCHILL DR.
5 ACRES near golf course, View more listings at
1385 Gulf Road, Point Roberts
360-945-1011 LD
GREAT LITTLE HOME, on full foundation, year round living, with Blaze King wood stove insert, central location, walk to everything. Sunny and private front and rear yard. Slight view from front of Marina. $153,000
SPACIOUS UPDATED FAMILY SIZED HOME in a quiet subdivision complete with 3 BR, 2 BA and Hardwood Floors. $199,900
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REASONABLY PRICED, nicely treed building lot located on low traffic street. $24,900
MULTI UNIT COMMERCIALLY ZONED 2.69 ACRES located across the street from the beach on the west side of Point Roberts. This is a water view property, cleared and ready for building. Services available at lot line. Site has been approved for 16 bedrooms. Zoning allows multi attached or detached units or Motel, Hotel etc $768,000
LARGE CLEARED 1/3 ACRE PROPERTY with Septic System Installed and peek-a-boo view of Boundary Bay. $38,000
BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME. Walking distance to Maple Beach! $48,000
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AFFORDABLE COTTAGE less than a 10 minute walk to Maple Beach. Two BR, Two BA and den plus large outbuilding. $159,000