B y P at G ru BB (See
Quick response saves Canadian heart victimattack
Clinic to offer anti-viral, page 5 Tight election coming up, page 3 Online facebook.com/allpointbulletinallpointbulletin.com Inside Classifieds 12 Coming Up 10 Crossings 14 Obituaries 11 Opinion 4 Sheriffs 14 Tides 13
Over 350,000
A 68-year-old Tsawwassen man can count himself lucky to be alive after suf fering a heart attack just seconds after be ing cleared through U.S. customs at Point Roberts on Sunday, August 14 about 2:15 p.m. After cycling up the 56th Street hill with his wife, the man’s heart went into ventricular fibrillation. CBP officers saw him fall from his bicycle and, along with his wife, who is a nurse, immediately be gan administering CPR to him. Ventricular fibrillation is an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) in which un synchronized heart signals cause the low er heart chambers to twitch uselessly. As a result, the heart doesn’t pump blood to the rest of the body. Ventricular fibrillation is an emergency that requires immediate medical attention and is the most frequent cause of sudden cardiac death.
Circle of Care has tasty events coming up, page 8
Local emergency medical technicians from the Point Roberts fire department ar rived on scene at 2:23 p.m., just five min utes after receiving the dispatch call and took over treatment of the man who had no pulse and wasn’t breathing. EMTs ad ministered two shocks using an Automat ed External Defibrillator (AED) at which point his heart started beating and he be gan breathing again. Care was taken over upon the arrival of the county’s Medic 45, which carried Point Roberts fire chief Christopher Carleton (who is also a trained paramedic). The patient was then intubated with a breath ing tube prior to the arrival of the Airlift Northwest helicopter approximately 1015 minutes after Medic 45 had arrived. He was then flown to PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center in Bellingham. The man was subsequently discharged from the ICU and transferred to the cardiac care unit, ac cording to chief Carleton. His name cannot be released without his permission.Hisexperience is eerily similar to that of Canadian Jim Graham who also col lapsed at the border after riding a bike up the 56th Street hill on June 7, 2015.
applicants waiting for interviews B y P at G ru BB
s Among the attractions at the Point Roberts fire department’s annual open house on August 20 was Airlift Northwest’s medevac heli copter. Fire chief Christopher Carleton (in red) was one of the emergency medical personnel who saved the life of a cyclist on August 14. Photo by Louise Mugar
CBP (See Heart attack, page 3) NEXUS, page 2)
Conditionally approved Nexus mem bers who re-applied for membership be fore their card’s expiry date will now have a five-year grace period to complete their interview and receive a new card. That also applies to new applicants although they will not enjoy Nexus benefits until they actually receive a card allowing them to use the Nexus lanes. The previous grace period was two years. Applicants might need that grace peri od. Most enrollment centers in the U.S. show no open interview slots until well into 2023 and some show no slots open between now and 2030. According to CBP spokesperson Jason Givens, “Trusted Traveler Programs (Global Entry, SENTRI, NEXUS, FAST) are currently experienc ing unprecedented increased numbers of application submissions. For example, in July 2022, CBP received an average of 11,500 new and renewal applications ev ery day. These events have created an ex tensive processing and interview backlog that CBP continues to diligently work hard to Accordingreduce.” to Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) spokesperson Rebecca Purdy, there are currently 339,887 Nexus and 10,698 FAST applicants waiting for an interview as of August 9. Canadian enroll
Get the latest POINT ROBERTS news every week sent directly to your inbox! All Point Bulletin Join Our Mailing List! ePB SIGN UP AT www.allpointbulletin.com/newsletterWEEKLY NEWS BULLETIN SHARE WITH FRIENDS!YOUR IN ISSUETHIS PointU.S.PRSRTECRWSSSTDPostagePAIDPermitNo.14Roberts,WA98281 Postal Patron Local September 2022 www.AllPointBulletin.com FREE

2 All Point Bulletin • September 2022 Ingrid Johnson ingridjohnson7@mac.com 206-391-0224 Tracy Evans tracy.evans@kw.com 206-658-5762 509 Island View Lane $1,150,000 709 Marine Drive $825,000 Low bank, west facing. Amazing waterfront! 1996 E Saturna Place $595,000 Exceptional Crystal Waters home with beach and tideland rights! WESTERN REALTY CRYSTALWATERSBEACH SOLD! 488 Georgia Way $389,900 420 Weasel Run $329,000 2249 Cedar Point Avenue $395,000 NEWLISTING! 1.14ACRES PENDING! GREATSTARTERHOME DOUBLE LOT! BuildingNielson’s Center 391 Tyee Drive, Point Roberts, WA • 360.945.3116 Hours: Mon-Fri 8-5 • Saturday 9-5 • Sunday 10-3 Shop online: Visit www.NielsonsBuildingCenter.com for over 65,000 products SEPTEMBER SPECIALS Celebrating 59 years in business! 1963 - 2022 1345 Gulf Rd. Point Roberts, WA • 360-945-SALT • TheSaltWaterCafe.com SALTWATERCAFE SALTWATERCAFE OPEN FOR BREAKFAST & LUNCH Thursday to Sunday 9am - 4pm FULLY LICENSED ment centers remain closed while the 12 U.S. centers are operating at reduced ca pacity due to Covid-19 protocols. “Canada and the US are in discussions about the timing of the reopening of Ca nadian enrollment centers (ECs). These discussions are focused on clarifying le gal protections for U.S. CBP officers while they are working in ECs. Until that time, ECs in Canada will continue to be closed,” Purdy said. The issue of legal protections for U.S. officers was raised in an April 21 story in the All Point Bulletin in which Purdy was specifically asked if the issue of carrying weapons while on duty was the reason why the two governments had failed to reach an agreement to re-open the ECs. Avoideding the question, Purdy replied that “the CBSA and the U.S. CBP are working together to mitigate the impact on members caused by the extended closures of the enrollment centers.”AU.S./Canada Preclearance agreement that went into effect in 2019 authorized U.S. officers working in Canadian airports NEXUS ... From page 1 (See Nexus, page 3)

The Point Roberts park district has placed a fleet of adult and kid stand up paddleboards that are free to use. To register to use them, go to prparkandrec. org/kayak.
3September 2022 • allpointbulletin.com NATIONAL REAL ESTATE Hugh Wilson, Broker Call or text: 604-910-5968 Call 360-945-1010 or email hwilson@pointroberts.net Mr. Wilson Hugh ALL HUES PAINTING CAN MAKE YOUR HOME READY FOR SALE Iconic Point Roberts building, the Roof House on Marine Drive. Residential. Almost 2 acres. 150 Mill Rd. 3 BR, 2 BA. Manufactured home. As is. Qualifies for mortgage. $239,000 NEWLISTING 550 South Beach Rd. Charming family com pound on 1.79 acres with 2 cabins. Minutes from South Beach. $329,000 RESTAURANTFRIENDAMILYFAMILYFRIENDLY&BAR PING PONG • DARTS • POOL • BIG SCREEN TVS • AIR HOCKEY On the West Side waterfront at the end of Gulf Rd. 360/945-REEF Open 7 days a week Come join us for the view and food! BBQ Burgers! Tues - Thurs • starting at 6pm Full Menu Friday nights, and starting at noon on Saturday and Sunday Pancake Breakfast Saturday & Sunday 9-11am - Pancakes, eggs & Sausage $10/pp PRIVATE PILATES INSTRUCTION in a beautiful studio setting in Point Roberts, WA In Person and Virtual Options www.canvaspilates.com info@canvaspilates.com Marcia Rosales Certified Classical Pilates Instructor by The New York Pilates Studio Certification Program Thrive In Your Body. and other ports performing immigration and customs duties in preclearance areas to carry guns wherever CBSA officers car ry guns. However, as CBSA officers are not NEXUS ... From previous page allowed to carry guns, neither are U.S. of ficers.Those seeking appointments are advised to check frequently as times will open up without warning. The first Monday of the month is when new appointments of ten appear. For appointments, go to bit. ly/3cedWFY.
officer Detliff Gollner administered CPR, bringing Graham “back from the brink of death twice.” Goellner had recently fin ished a CPR course. Goellner kept Graham alive until the arrival of a crew from the Point Roberts fire department with para medic Ben Boyko who carried on until the arrival of an Airlift Northwest helicopter. Graham was then transported to Peace Health St. Joseph Medical, according to an article published by the All Point Bulletin “Receiving CPR early is the key to sur Heart attack ...
Statewide, Steve Hobbs (D) will face Ju lie Anderson (nonpartisan) for the secre tary of state seat. Hobbs received 39.9 per cent of the statewide vote and Anderson received 12.8 percent. County votes fol lowed state results, with Hobbs receiving 39.5 percent of the county’s vote and An derson receiving 14 percent of the county’s vote.Incumbent Rick Larsen (D) and Dan Matthews (R) will run against each oth er for U.S. Congressional District 2 Rep resentative. In total, Larsen received 45.8 percent of votes, while Matthews received 17 percent. County votes were similar to state results, with Larsen receiving 41 per cent and Matthews receiving 23.3 percent of county Incumbentvotes.Patty Murray (D) will go against Tiffany Smiley (R) for U.S. Sena tor in November. Murray received 52.2 percent and Smiley received 33.7 percent of statewide votes. County votes followed statewide voting trends, with Murray re ceiving 52 percent and Smiley receiving 36 percent.
The Washington state Secretary of State certified final August primary election results, which hint at tight November 8 races. The top two candidates for each po sition who received the most amount of votes continue onto the general election. About 48.2 percent, or 74,914, of regis tered Whatcom County voters turned out for the August 2 primary election.
From page 1 vival,” said chief Carleton in an interview with the All Point Bulletin on August 18. “CPR sustains blood circulation until trained personnel can get there and ad minister advanced aid,” he said. “It is a huge thing for my people to be involved in a successful resuscitation and part of an in tegrated team working together,” Carleton said. “I’m very proud of my people.” The fire district has been offering free CPR courses this summer. The next one takes place on August 28 at the fire hall on Benson Road. It will begin at 1 p.m. and those interested in learning CPR should email chief@wcfd5.com
Sharon Shewmake (D) and incumbent Simon Sefzik (R) will head to the Novem ber election for the 42nd legislative district state senate seat. Shewmake received 47.1 percent of the votes, while Sefzik received 33.1 percent of votes. The Republican share of the vote was 52.9 percent versus 47.1 percent for Democratic candidates. Incumbent Alicia Rule (D) and Taw sha (Dykstra) Thompson are the top-two candidates for the 42nd legislative dis trict state representative position 1 seat. Rule received 48.7 percent of votes, while Thompson received 35.2. The Republican share of the vote was 48.8 percent versus 47.1 percent for Democratic candidates.
Final results portend tight races in November general election B y G race M c c arthy s
Photo by Pat Grubb
Joe Timmons (D) and Dan Johnson (R) will challenge each other for the 42nd leg islative district state representative posi tion 2 seat. Timmons received 28.9 percent of the vote, and Johnson received 27.9. The Republican share of the vote was 51.7 percent versus 48.3 percent for Democrat ic Ericcandidates.Richey (D) will run without oppo sition to retain his position as Whatcom County Prosecuting Attorney. Jonathan Rands and Gordon M. Jenkins will run for Whatcom County District Court judge position 2. Rands received 42.3 percent of votes and Jenkins 35.4 percent. The position was left without an incumbent.

Kate TheBarnstable,ArmstrongMAEditor:
ning, Green House has protected the rights of eldercare communities by destigmatiz ing aging and humanizing care through the creation of radically non-institution al eldercare environments that empower the lives of people who live and work in them.”Bythe end of this year our goal is to have a location, have completed a market fea sibility analysis and a financial feasibility study. We are following the guidelines of the Green House Project (GHP), who have established three contractual phases in which they collaborate with their partners. We have not yet signed a contract with GHP, as we need to satisfy the first phase, called early development: a market feasi bility analysis, financial feasibility study, design charette, stakeholder connections. Our greatest challenge will be staffing, a North America-wide problem. We are addressing this issue now by looking at long term rental availability and proactive ly recruiting local and statewide Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) trainees. We are also researching other solutions. There are questions we will not be able to answer until phase one is complete. We believe that we can realize our vision with your support and participation. If you would like to know more about the Green House Project, visit their web site at thegreenhouseproject.org. To get involved email prcircleofcare@gmail.com
Imagine that Point Roberts has an adult family home or two or three, dedicated to keeping people in our community, sur rounded by friends and family who come to visit, gardens to enjoy and animals for support and companionship. Circle of Care created this vision in Jan uary, 2021 and set about making it a real ity. We are in process of doing just that.
Circle of Care elder home update: A view to the future B y G alen W ood s Galen Wood. Photo by Louise Mugar Simon Fraser University (SFU) an nounced August 16 it will play four football games at the Blaine High School stadium due to Canada’s vaccination re quirement causing difficulty for traveling teams.SFU will play Texas A&M Universi ty-Kingsville October 1, Western New Mexico University October 22, Ange lo State University October 29 and West Texas A&M University November 12 in the Lone Star Conference. All four games are on Saturdays and will start at 6 p.m. General admission tickets will be $15 at the gate. Youth, 8 years old and younger, and seniors, 65 years and older, are free. The games will also be livestreamed at lon estarconferencenetwork.com.NewBlaineHighSchoolathletic director Chas Kok coordinated with SFU to bring the games to Blaine. He said part of admis sions will go toward the high school’s ath letics program.
opinion Letters to the editor
“I know Blaine is really passionate about sports, having grown up not very far from here in Lynden, and I thought to have Di vision II football here in Blaine would be a special thing for the community,” Kok said. “We’re excited to host the games.” With a capacity of 2,000 and artificial turf, Blaine High School’s new stadium makes it a suitable replacement for SFU’s Terry Fox Field. “We are all looking forward to a time when the impact of the global pandemic will be behind us,” said Theresa Hanson, senior director of athletics and recreation at “ThisSFU. news is especially disappointing for our student-athletes, but we continue to support them. We are looking forward to creating a home-field atmosphere in Blaine for these games.”
In the past six months we have identified three possible locations, have created a steering committee to develop a strategic plan, have begun to identify sources of funding, and have succeeded in garnering support from county and state agencies andIndepartments.addition,as many of you know, we have sought the support and advice of the Green House Project, who have suc cessfully partnered with organizations and individuals to build and operate over 370 homes for elders since 2003. In their own words: “Since the begin
4 All Point Bulletin • September 2022 The All Point Bulletin is published each month by Point Roberts Press Inc. The opinion expressed by contribu tors is their own and is offered for the general interest of our readers. Mail and classified ads should be addressed to: All Point Bulletin P.O. Box 1451 Point Roberts WA USA 98281 Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick J. Grubb Associate Publisher & Advertising Manager Louise H. Mugar Copy Editor Aly McGee Creative Services Ruth Lauman, Doug De Visser Advertising Sales Molly Ernst Contributors In This Issue Rhiannon Allen, Margot Griffiths Kris Lomedico, Annelle Norman, Mark Swenson, Galen Wood Administrative Services Jeanie Luna Founding Editor Glennys Christie Business & Editorial Office Phone: 360/945-0413 Email: sales@allpointbulletin.com Visit us online www.allpointbulletin.comat: Printed in Canada • Vol. XXXVI, No. 5 Next issue: Oct. 2022 Ads due: September 22 All Point Bulletin Letters Policy The All Point Bulletin welcomes letters to the editor; however, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Letters must include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters must not exceed 450 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality and good taste. A fresh viewpoint on matters of general interest to local readers will increase the likelihood of publication. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Re quests for withholding names will be con sidered on an individual basis. Thank you letters should be limited to ten names.Only one letter per month from an indi vidual correspondent will be published. Please email your letter to: letters@allpointbulletin.comP.O.Box1451,PointRoberts,WA98281
Wouldn’t you take steps to prevent a life-threatening condition, if supportive programs were easily accessible right in yourMorecommunity?than800,000 Americans suffer from kidney failure. The top cause of kid ney failure is diabetes. Without dialysis or a kidney transplant, end-stage renal dis ease (ESRD) is fatal. In 1972, Congress extended Medicare coverage to almost all ESRD patients, regardless of age. Since then, the program has grown from 10,000 beneficiaries to more than 600,000 today, with an annual price tag of more than $50 billion. Preventative measures, obviously, would save a lot of money, in addition to manyPeoplelives.with diabetes have a lot to juggle to manage their health care because dia betes raises the risk of other problems in addition to kidney disease, including heart attacks, strokes, nerve damage and vision loss. That may sound overwhelming, but the good news is steps you take to prevent one of those complications can help pre vent them all. While the program Common Threads Farm is not specific to diabetes preven tion, it effectively combats the condition through the promotion of connecting kids to healthy food in the garden, in the kitch en and at the table – it sets kids up for a life of healthy eating. Contact Laura Plaut for information and to learn about volun teer opportunities: laura.plaut@common threadsfarm.org.MostCommon Threads programs take place on public school grounds, during the school day in collaboration with teachers and food service staff. Washington State University offers a data-proven, results-oriented diabetes pre vention program – participants learn sim ple skills to achieve diabetes prevention goals in a supportive group. To sign up for the classes, contact kate.foster@wsu.edu As Ben Franklin advised, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Micki BellinghamJackson
College football is coming to Blaine High School
B y I an h au P t s The SFU football team, at work. Courtesy photo
The Editor: Yikes! The story of the cyclist collapsing in eart distress! I have lived on Cape Cod, Massachusetts since 1985, but as a teen living in Tsawwassen in the ’70s, I often rode my bike up the hill. I recently helped a fellow, along with my daughter, in Ipswich, Massachusetts at the beach. It was hot, he walked onto the beach and seemed unsteady putting his gear down. My daughter took the beach chair off of his back. All he wanted was to go for his swim. That’s it. We walked with him to the water’s edge. Exchanged names and a chuckle. We were his angels, he said. He kissed my cheek to thank me for my kindness, went in the wa ter and without drama took a dip and then another. But then it was still. He was gone. As I think of the fellow at the border … and the beach fellow, I think so much we all have to look out for each other. Hoping the man from Tsawwassen will fully recover.

“It is crucial that everyone is evaluated before taking the drug,” said Dr. Bozorg zad, adding, “The sooner you take this medicine, the better it works.” While it is approved for anyone over 12 years old and weighing more than 88 pounds, cer tain drugs such as simvastatin, St. John’s Wort and others preclude its use. Lowered kidney function and pregnancy also are counter-indicative.Thereisnocost to patients for the medicine. Dr. Bozorgzad told commis sioners that the clinic would reorder the treatment as needed. For more infor mation, go to Yale Medicine’s website at bit.ly/3SHKnwO.Covid-19testing is held on Sundays from 10-11 a.m. at the firehall at 2030 Benson Road. Bring ID and insurance in formation. The district is also offering CPR training on Sunday, August 28 beginning at 1 p.m. Email chief@wcfd5.com if you are interested.
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ing Covid-19 symptoms,
doses of the
5September 2022 • allpointbulletin.com Dan Schroeder, Managing Broker dan.schro@gmail.com 360-999-9365 www.BoundaryBayRealty.com BOUNDARY BAY REALTY LLC, WA LICENSE #27367 BOUNDARY BAY REALTY LISTINGS: - AVAILABLE$64,900 Rex St - Cleared lot w/ water $139,000 Gulf Rd - 1 Acre Lot $128,000 Gulf Rd - 0.98 Acre Lot $298,000 Rex St - 5 Acres - Reduced! $225,000 Harbor Seal Dr - Ocean View Lot $175,000 634 S Beach Rd - Fixer Cabin REALTY - PENDINGDan is now a State of Washington Notary Public $54,900 Park Dr - Building Lot, Percs Transfer Station Only U.S. funds will be accepted. TRANSFERSTATIONREGULARHOURS Thursdays & Sundays Noon - 4PM To arrange, please call or email: 360-945-CNDOinfo@candord.com(2636)www.candord.com 2005 Johnson Rd. EOW AND RECYCLING DATES: Monday Route, Sept. 5 & 19 Tuesday Route, Sept. 6 & 20 Wednesday Route, Sept. 7 & 21 MORE DETAILS ARE AVAILABLE AT: www.candord.com CURBSIDE COLLECTION Please contact our office (360) 945-2636, Monday — Friday 10:30am - 2:30pm to arrange for recycling bins and routing information. Tyee Dr. • www.PointRobertsMarketplace.com360-945-0237 Mon - Fri. such as Lasagna, Swedish Meatballs, Meatloaf, French Dip, Asian Rice Bowl. A different choice each day! AMAZING DEALS ON FRESH PRODUCE • FRESH CUT MEATS • CHEESES & MORE! OPEN EVERYDAY! We offer a full line of spirits in addition to our fine wine and beer selection! GREAT VALUES! Check out our great selection of: • fresh produce • fresh cut meats • cheeses OPEN EVERYDAY 8 A M 10 P M Weekly HOT specials Check them out in our store flyer! Dean Priestman Manager Come check out Dave’s expanded produce selection! Find hundreds of COUPONS online at www.PointRobertsMarketplace.com Video & DVD Dept $149 GREAT VALUES! Check out our great selection of: • fresh produce • fresh cut meats • cheeses OPEN EVERYDAY 8 A.M. - 10 P.M. Weekly HOT specials - Check them out in our store flyer! Monday Madness all rentals Tyee Drive • 945-0237 We now have a full line of spirits in addition to our fine wine and beer selection! GREAT VALUES! Check out our great selection of: • fresh produce • fresh cut meats • cheeses OPEN EVERYDAY 8 A M - 10 P M Weekly HOT specials Check them out in our store flyer! Dean Priestman Manager Come check out Dave’s expanded produce selection! Find hundreds of COUPONS online at www.PointRobertsMarketplace.com Video & DVD Dept $149 START SAVING! Find hundreds of www.PointRobertsMarketplace.com COUPONS ONLINE AT NEW! 2030 Benson Road Clinic Hours: Monday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tuesday 10 a.m.– 6 p.m. Thursday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. **Closed from 12-1 p.m. Call 360-945-2580 For info & appointments The Point Roberts Clinic is Owned by the Point Roberts Public Hospital District & operated by SuperTrack Urgent Care. Open Monday-Saturday in Bellingham Also Telemedicine appointments available. Call 360-746-6531 www.pointrobertsclinic.com Residential - Construction - Business 360-676-1174 or email us •pointrobertsautofreight@gmail.comat: In-Store Pick-ups / Freight Shipments • Refrigerated Transport • Flat deck or Cargo Trailer Transport 24 ft flat deck trailer 24 ft enclosed cargo trailer www.pointrobertsautofreight.net Auto Freight, Inc. IN BOUND & OUT BOUND FREIGHT SERVICES in the US and CANADA Bill and Michele Bennett purchased PRAF on Feb 16, 2019 and are committed to assisting with all your freight delivery needs! We provide an Essential Service to Point Roberts. Please give us a call, 360-676-1174. WE’RE HERE TO HELP!
to offer Covid-19 anti-viral B y P at G ru BB
antiviral medi cine, according to
clinic’s medical provider.
The Point Roberts Clinic is stocking Paxlovid Dr. Sean Bozorgzad, Supertrack Urgent Care, the The news was announced during the Point Roberts Hos pital District commission meeting held on August five days of develop Paxlovid has an 89 percent reduction in the risk of hospi talization and according to clinical trials conducted by Pfizer. It has been giv en an Emergency Use Authorization by the National Institutes of Health. The treatment is actually a combination of two generic drugs, nirmatrelvir and ri tonavir, and is taken for five days with a total of 30 pills. Nirmatrelvir inhibits an enzyme the virus needs to replicate while ritonavir slows down the metabolism in the liver so the nirmatrelvir doesn’t leave the body as quickly as it otherwise would.
co-owner of

6 All Point Bulletin • September 2022 Point Roberts | CallPrivatewww.pointrobertscounseling.commaureen@pointrobertscounseling.com360-945-0420andconfidentialore-mailforanappointment AmericanAssociationCounseling PROFESSION AL MEMBER Open 7am-11pm 7 days a week! 1557 Gulf Rd. Across from the Post Office 360-945-7611 fuel, dairy, beer and wineFor your needs! Come check out our competitive gas prices and our fine selection of beers and wine for all occasions. Growler refills available on tap. 5 flavors to choose from.OUR SERVICES: • Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry (crowns, bridges, bonding, veneers, smile design, implant crowns, whitening, clear aligners) • General Dentistry (hygiene, fillings, fresh breath treatment) • Neuromodulator Injectables for headaches/migraines/TMJ • Cosmetic Injectables for fine facial lines & wrinkles • Venus Viva & Microneedling for skin resurfacing • Rodan + Fields Cosmeceutical skin care Get the results you want from experienced dentists who LISTEN, SERVE & CARE. 5550 12th Avenue, Tsawwassen • 604-943-3343 NEW DENTAL PATIENT SPECIAL! Visit robertsdental.ca for details. Drs. Jan & Warren Roberts Suite B, 1423 Gulf Road, Point Roberts, WA 98281 Wednesday - Friday 10 am to 6 pm Saturday 9 am to 3 360-945-5152pm NOW OPEN for appointments! Please vaccinatedbe or wear a mask. Whatcom County Fire District #5 Point Roberts Community Paramedic CARES Program Providing non-emergency home medical care, education and referral services. For an appointment or more information, please contact Chief Christopher Carleton at 360-945-3473 or chief@wcfd5.com stowelawpllc@outlook.comwww.stowelawpllc.com360-945-0337 CERTIFIEDAGENTP.O. Box 129 • Point Roberts, WA 98281 REAL ESTATE • PROPERTY RIGHTS ESTATE PLANNING & PROBATE U.S. TAX COMPLIANCE Visit my Blog
“Come forth into the light of things, Let Nature be your teach er.”Much of William Word sworth’s poetry reveals his deep wonder at the world of nature. His conviction was that a con nection to nature is critical for living a life of fulfillment, security and morality. Though poetry has long faded as a cultural catalyst, poets remain among my mentors. Another nature lover, and mentor to me, is my closest neighbor, Kathleen McInnes, in whose garden I have seen wonders and found inspiration. Originally from Los Angeles, it was when Kathleen visited the Olympic National Forest that she fell in love with the nature of the northwest. “Especially moss,” she laughs. “This sparked me to leave Los Angeles forHerSeattle.”lifechanged again when a friend took her bungee jump ing over the Nanaimo River on Vancouver Island where she met her husband, Chuck. These two adventurers moved to Vancouver, but they had a shared goal for something more. “When I was living in Kitsilano,” Kath leen says, “it was my dream to have a back yard habitat. I read book after book.” And so, they found Point Roberts and in three quarters of an acre, have developed a ha ven of a habitat for wildlife. “The Point is a natural habitat already – when you’re connected to nature it’s constantly fasci nating.” of the point G G I ths (Please turn to the next page)
B y M ar
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It seems natural that in tandem with a devotion to nature, Kathleen lives a re flective life. “My mother raised me with a practice of yoga and meditation.” As a yoga teacher in Point Roberts, Kathleen has shared her love of yoga and meditation with our community for 16 years. This dovetails with the fulfillment she finds in nature. The fulfillment that Wordsworth so deeply believed comes from nature. The design of Kathleen’s garden has pur pose. She has chosen thoughtfully, with plantings that attract a variety of species. When I ask her what she plants for the birds, this is her answer, off the top of her head. “The elderberry shrub is loved by most birds, but especially the cedar wax wings, white crowned and song sparrows and finches. And if it’s an Adams elderber ry, it will also attract butterflies. Weigela and honeysuckle for the hummingbirds, raspberries and blueberries for robins, finches and sparrows, kale seed heads are loved by the American Goldfinch. Arbutus berries for the varied thrush, sunflower seeds for the grosbeaks, chickadees and downy woodpeckers. Cotoneaster ber ries in winter for thrushes, robins and to whees.”Fora neophyte birder, living next door to Kathleen is the mountaintop. I hear an unfamiliar bird call and she instantly iden tifies it. Chuck has mounted a bat house high on a post by the Arbutus tree. We need bats. They dine on mosquitos. We need all the creatures found in a backyard habitat and many are struggling to survive. Kathleen’s overriding focus now is the plight of the pollinators – the bees and butterflies. “We want to keep eat ing and we know that vegetables and fruit need pollinators. They support us and we need to support them.” Her reading these days includes vora cious dives into The Xerces Society, liter ature, whose goal is to protect pollinators and expand their habitats. “I start reading and I can’t stop.” She is eager to promote ideas that will benefit our community. “If we all did just a little ... an area in your yard dedicated to pollinators, with native seeds, shrubs and trees, where an insect can make its home – nesting and laying the larvae which feed on the nectar of the native plant.” And here’s the part I like best – it’s okay to get a little messy in the garden. What if not every leaf was raked in the fall? What if a patch of them – or even all of them –was left until the first frost? It’s in these fallow leaves that insects and bees nest. I left the cottonwood leaves where they fell. I left them all winter and the sky did not fall. In the spring, after a few mows, they just seemed to mulch in. The “No Mow May” movement is easy to get on board with. For that one month in late spring, not mowing your lawn will allow the wildflowers and clover to bloom and provide nectar for the native bees emerging from hibernation. With Kath leen’s encouragement, I left large swaths of my lawn alone, and I didn’t stop with May. All through summer and on into fall, the only mowing was to create meandering paths through the now tall grass. Kathleen has left several decaying logs in her yard, around which she has land scaped and in which bees make their homes. Mason bees in particular love this woodsyThanksopportunity.tohergarden wisdom, Kathleen s Author, l., with Kathleen McInnes Photo by Chuck McInnes and I now have a connected habitat. Our two yards blend seamlessly with a large bed of native wildflowers, sown expressly for the Turningpollinators.lawninto a habitat for the bees and butterflies is a simple process. “First you remove the grass,” Kathleen says, “which is easily done with black plastic or with layered mulch, which is cardboard covered by bark mulch to inhibit the grass growth. Leave it through one growing sea son, remove the dead grass and sow the native seeds.”
I’m walking with Kathleen through clouds of lavender and Joe Pye weed, where the loud hum of bees is intense and industrious. A tall stand of softly purple milkweed nurtures the Monarch butter flies. It takes about a year to see the results of sowing a wildflower meadow, and each year the seeds will just keep multiplying. The source of the seeds is: northwestmead owscapes.com.“Chuckand I are a good team,” Kath leen says, “because we both love this and he does a lot of the work.” He dug the pond dotted with waterlilies and created the waterfall where dragonflies and other insects gather and where a pair of mallards raise their young every year. They have created a little paradise where I can hear the words of the English phi losopher, John Ruskin, a devotee of Word sworth.“It is the poetry of Nature which uplifts the spirit within us. And which opens to our imagination a world of spiri tual beauty and holiness.”
s Ray Smith is the new head honcho of the Point Roberts Food Bank, following the retirement of longtime volunteer, Henry Rosenthal. Photo by Louise Mugar
7September 2022 • allpointbulletin.com www.blaineimmigration.com 435 Martin St., Suite 1010 • Blaine, WA Leonard D.M. Saunders, Attorney at Law The Immigration Law Firm 360-332-7100 www.blaineimmigration.com • 435 Martin St., Suite 2010 • Blaine, WA • U.S. green cards / naturalization • Work / investor visas • Denied entry waivers • Removal hearings • NEXUS appeals360-332-7100 Leonard D.M. Saunders, Attorney at Law The Immigration Law Firm • U.S. green cards / naturalization • Inadmissibility waivers • TN work(NAFTA)permits • U.S. Citizenship claims 360-945-1301PointRobertsHairStylistR obin N ault Cell: 360-927-5403 2 Great Services Protect & beautify your home this summer! We have a new local Office! 1469 Gulf Road #102 • Point Roberts Now Serving Point Roberts! OFFICE: 360-312-0720 George’s 360-305-5275Cell: Handyman Services 2 hours free with a minimum of 6 hr. job www.TheHandymanContractor.com CONTRACTORHANDYMANTHE REMODELS•REPAIRS•MAINTENANCE 6067 Portal Way Unit #1 • Ferndale, WA Roofing Services $500 OFF new roof system over 20 squares www.northsoundservices.com NORTH SOUND SERVICES ROOFING & HOME SERVICES OFFICE: 360-389-5628 George’s 360-305-5275Cell: HANDYHC853m9 NORTHSS855MZ H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Did you know we can supply? • Composite decking • Hardie siding • Cedar decking and siding • Aluminum railing • Metal roofing • Insulation • Moulding • Paving stones • Fence panels and posts Bring your questions to the Help Desk!

Circle of Care is planning a number of fundraising events this fall. Our ever-pop ular apple pies will be ready for pick-up on Saturday, October 1 – just in time to pop into the freezer to bake for your Canadian Thanksgiving meal. This year we’ll also be making butter tarts just in time for the hol idays. Watch for ordering information on social media, the ePB and in your emails. Once again, Circle of Care will be spon soring the Sixth Annual Apple Harvest Festival with a weekend full of fun and ac tivities on Friday through Sunday, October 7–9.As always, there will be apple cider pressing for the entire community (so start collecting your apples now) and planning is underway for a concert, silent auction and game night. Circle of Care welcomes all volunteers to help with the apple press ing and all other activities. If you’d like to help, please email prcircleofcare@gmail. com. Stay tuned in to the ePB for more details.
The Every Dog is a Winner contest attracted a lot of furry animals, all 44 of them and their human companions on July 30. Photo by Louise Mugar
The Whiskeydicks played to an enthusiastic, crossborder crowd at Maple Beach on July 30. Photo by Louise Mugar s An eagle’s view of the crowd attending the Whiskeydicks concert.. Courtesy photo s A drum circle started the festivities off for the Point’s first Eagle Sun Fest, organized by Jeff Butts to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Eagle SkyeNet . Photo by Louise Mugar s
B y a nnelle n or M an Circle of Care has some tasty plans s
8 All Point Bulletin • September 2022 Offering Specialty Gifts and Chocolates for over 40 years! Hours: 10 - 6 Monday - Saturday 1263 56 Street, Delta BC (604 943 www.thechocolatebearshoppe.com7535)

Life in Point Roberts was never the same after September 1982. Forty years ago this September, a supermarket and a bank opened for the first time in the exclave. Prior to this, mom and pop stores offered a limited selection of groceries on the Point, and residents often traveled to Delta or Bellingham to shop for food, requiring border declarations on the trip home. The arrival of the first supermarket ushered in a convenience which brought Point Roberts into the modern world. Frozen foods like ice cream became easier to buy compared to soggy trips home from mainland stores. Businesses throughout Point Roberts and Tsawwassen, some of which competed for food sales, took out ads in the paper wel coming the new store to the community. Initially named Mark & Pak, the super market occupied the south part of today’s store footprint. Three years later, the name changed to Point Roberts Marketplace. In 1992, the store expanded to its cur rent size, growing from 14,000 to 35,000 square feet, and updated its name to the International Marketplace. The expansion introduced new point of sale scanners, the delicatessen with its seating area, a larg er butcher shop and even a travel agency. To conform to the character plan, ropewrapped pilings were added to the front entrance. in the summer of 1995, an effort to give the store the look of a vintage coun try store saw the painting of the mural by Eddie Buendia at the north entrance. In the same month, the Point’s first bank branch opened in the footprint of today’s Umpqua Bank. In an era before debit cards, ATMs and online banking, banking re quired crossing the border at least to Tsaw wassen if not all the way to the mainland during bank hours. The bank has been owned and operated under several brands over the years, and many corrsponding TV commercials featured local residents. Together, the 1982 addition of the su
Forty years of bank and supermarket convenience B y M ark s W enson permarket and eventual bank branch in troduced conveniences which made life in our isolated community easier, saving time and border complexities. They also brought many new jobs to the community. At the time, Point Roberts still had just a couple of gas pumps, but this would grow to 60 pumps beginning the following year. Soon, instead of locals leaving the exclave for errands, visitors were entering the Point for its services, contributing to sig nificant increases in border crossing vol umes and wait times. Stop by the History Center on Gulf Road on Saturdays to share your stories of life on the Point before these modern conve niences were introduced. Two newspapers , 10 years apart. Top, Ruby White was the first customer at the new Mark & Pak. Left, the ground breaking ceremony to double the store’ssize.
and pupae of a number of pollinators. Sadly, if you don’t leave the garden de bris, these beneficials will die along with the pests like slugs. Your best bet is to let the litter lie. One thing exempt from the ‘leave it’ program are leaves of plants prone to diseases. For example, peonies are suscep tible to Botrytis, a nasty fungus that blights new leaves. After the growing season, cut peonies down to the soil level and remove all fallen leaves, putting everything into your landfill bin and not your compost. Hellebores are also prone to devast ing disease, and should receive the same treatment. Because Hellebores retain green foliage through the winter, this work can be done at any time before the emergence of new leaves. My preference is to leave healthy-looking leaves until the winter months, making sure that the old leaves are off to the landfill before new shoots emerge.Many roses round out the list of plants to include in fall cleanup. If you have a rose that regularly develops black spot on its leaves, then by all means, prune off and rake up leaves, waving them off to the landfill as well. The last big garden clean up task is har vesting fruit and vegetables so that they do not sit in the garden and rot – unless you really want to attract raccoons, hornets, and other pests. If you haven’t finished pulling your allium (garlic, shallots, on ions), now is the time to do it. Old rasp berry canes that have already fruited can be cut back now, but first check to make sure what variety you have and whether it is a variety that should be fall-pruned. Po tatoes should be dug up, cleaned and dried before being stored. (Save the small ones for next spring’s seed potatoes!) Other de bris can be left in your food garden until spring; although my preference is not to leave a lot of leaves for slugs and their eggs to hide under. Now relax! Did you know that the next Point Rob erts Garden Tour has been deferred until late June 2024, after which it will transition to a leap year event. Since the tour almost always includes the gardens of part-time residents, the Tour Committee wanted to give them two full summers back in their gardens before prepping for the tour.
9September 2022 • allpointbulletin.com
Once again, it’s the time of year when my sister asks me if I have started my fall garden cleanup and how I put my garden to bed. And every year, she is not alone in believing that I still say, “Nothing.” That’s right, I don’t really do fall cleanup. It’s not completely out of laziness. Current horticultural advice is to cut fall maintenance to the bare minimum in order to mimic natural landscape ecolo gy and encourage a healthy environment. For example, while leaves and branches should be removed from lawns lest they smother the grass, they should be left un disturbed in other areas just as they would be in nature. There are several reasons for this. First, a layer of leaves and garden lit ter forms a protective layer for frost-sensi tive plants. Second, that layer forms a nat ural mulch that inhibits the germination of weed seeds. Over the next three seasons, that layer gradually breaks down, and all the carbon and nutriments in it begin to enrich the soil beneath. If you have bro ken the litter down into smaller pieces (for example, by running it through a chipper or running the lawnmower over it), this process will be sped up. However, this isn’t necessary. The most I ever do is crumble dried large material into smaller bits just using my hands. And by the way, treat this mulch like you would treat commer cial organic mulch, keeping it away from your immediate house perimeter and the base of trees and shrubs. As an additional precaution, remove any obviously diseased litter and put it in your landfill bin. By the time spring rolls around, this nat ural mulch will have provided a habitat for microbes and small fauna. It’s true that slugs and wood lice will overwinter in the litter, but so do beneficial organisms. We are seeing catastrophic declines in insect and insectivore life, and leaving that litter is one small contribution towards saving the planet as we know it. As a personal bonus, many of these microbes and small fauna are actually helping the litter to break down into a fertilizing mulch, much like what happens in your compost bin. If you have an older child or can find the curious child in yourself, then bit. ly/3P57jTM has a great tutorial and activ ity suggestions on leaf-litter fauna. Other denizens of leaf litter include the larvae
in the Garden B y r h I annon a llen

Coming up ...
PR Taxpayers Association: Saturday, September 17, 11 a.m., community center. Point Roberts Fireside Stories and Songs: Tuesday, September 20, 3–4 p.m., PR library. Grades K-5. Gather round the campfire for some stories and songs. We provide the entertainment and refreshments, you bring your fun!
PR Hospital District: Wednesday, September 14, 7 p.m., via Zoom. Info: pointrobertsclinic.com.
PR Historical Society: Wednesday, September 21, 7 p.m., in the History Center, back room of the commu nity center.
Sincerely, Jessie Hettinga, M.S.Ed Principal/K-3 Pointjhettinga@blainesd.orgTeacherRobertsPrimary
Your Local Small Market: Saturdays, August 27 and September 3, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., community center. Takes place every other Saturday. Local vendors include Ollie Otter Bakery and The Garden Stand/Slow Botan icals. Come out and shop for local and handmade. Info: slowbotanicals@gmail.com.
PR Food Bank: Every Wednesday 8:30 –10 a.m. at the Gulf Road Community Center. Seniors and More Lunches: Wednesdays and Fridays drive through and pick up available from 11:45 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., PR community center. Weekly menus published on PAWS and Point Interface. All ages welcome. More info: prseniors@whidbey.com or 360/945-5424. Covid-19 PCR testing: Sundays,10–11 a.m., Point Roberts Fire Hall, 2030 Benson Road. Bring ID and insur ance information. Play and Learn at the Library: Saturday, August 27, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m., PR library. Come and cool off at the library. We’ll put out all the toys and the kids can play while the adults visit in our glassed-in reading area. Help to encourage a love of reading by spending time in the kids area at the library.
PR Garden Club: Wednesday, September 7, 6:45 p.m., Members Garden Visits, info: info@pointrobertsgar denclub.org. Music and Inspiration Journey: Jazz Vespers: Sundays, September 11 (outdoors) and 25 (indoors), 4 p.m., Trinity Church. Proceeds benefit church building restoration.
Fourth annual Golf Tournament: Saturday, August 27, registration at noon, shot gun start at 1 p.m., Bald Eagle Golf Club, 1350 Pelican Place. Cost: $120. Golf cart, 18 holes, Texas scramble, dinner, prizes, silent auction, swag bags, games and a $10,000 hole in one! Hosted by the Point Roberts Volunteer Firefighters Charitable Society. Info: kfaloon@wcfd5.com, kbilton@wcfd5.com.
PRCAC broadband town hall: Wednesday, August 31, 7 p.m., via Zoom.
10 All Point Bulletin • September 2022 456 ‘C’ Street, Blaine 98230 • www.good-sam.com/stafholt360-332-8733 Providing exceptional senior care & services for more than 60 years in Whatcom County Newly Remodeled & Spacious Private Suites, TV, Wi-Fi, Phone All Major Insurances Accepted • MDCR / MDCD Post-Acute Rehab / Skilled Nursing Edema Management / Wound Care Check out our district website! www.blainesd.org BorderiteTHEReport Brought To You By The Blaine School District Point Roberts Primary 2050 Benson Rd, P.O. Box 910 Point Roberts, WA 98281 945-ABCD (2223) Welcome to the 2022/2023 School Year!
PR Park and Recreation: Monday, August 12, at 7 p.m., via Zoom. Info: prparkandrec.org.
PR Community Advisory Committee: Thursday, September 15, 6 p.m., via Zoom.
Hello Blaine School District Students, families and community, Sincerely, Dr. Christopher Granger, EachSuperintendentStudent.Each Day.
"Borderline, 2020" Artwork copyright John Wehrle. Photo courtesy of the artist.
PR Amateur Radio Club: Monday, September 5, 7 p.m., via Zoom. Point Roberts town hall: Congresswoman Suzan DelBene: Tuesday, September 6, noon– 1 p.m., via Zoom. Sponsored by the Point Roberts Taxpayers Association. Register for the webinar: bit.ly/3AHJPA3.
The Friends of the Library AGM: Sunday, August 28, 2–3:30 p.m., The Commons in the back meeting room at the community center. Refreshments will be served.
As we prepare for the year ahead we are excited about the opportunity that lies before us for our students and community members! Over the years, Point Roberts Primary has developed long standing, collaborative relationships with the members of the community. With the start of the new school year we will be welcoming back some of our traditions and collaborations. We know that through this opportunity we will provide rich educational opportunities to each student in our care. This school year we will be spending time at our local library, our beaches and our trail system as a part of our weekly and monthly schedule. Our Winter Performance will return to the Community Center in December, and we are also looking forward to welcoming back volunteers into our school! We look forward to connecting with you throughout the school year ahead and know the year before us will be one filled with connection, education and overall growth for each of our students.Wethank you for your ongoing support of our local com munity school, Point Roberts Primary. As we look ahead to 2022-2023 the health and wellness of our staff, students, families and com munity will be a focus. In order to do our best, we have to take care of ourselves and others. When I look back on where we have been and look forward to what lies ahead, what strikes me is the word opportunity. We have an opportunity to work with your student each day and we want to make the most of those opportunities. We will focus on student outcomes through strong instruction from our amazing staff and collaboration with our staff, and the families we serve. We are all a part of what can bring out the best in the students of Blaine and we appreciate the opportunity to serve the community. In addition, we are focusing our efforts on each student and each day. Each time we are given the opportunity to work with a student we can have an impact on them. Parents are entrusting us with their most prized possessions, their children, and we do our best work when we do it in collaboration with you. We hope you will collaborate with us in supporting the success of each and every student. There are many ways to engage in conver sation with the district. I invite you to attend my regular Supper with the Superintendent events, which are an infor mal question and answer opportunity.
PR Library Hours: Tuesdays 1-7 p.m., Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Library express hours: 6 a.m. – 11 p.m. daily. Point Roberts Walkers: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 a.m., coffee to follow at 9 a.m., Thursdays we meet at the community center, with coffee at 9 a.m. Saturdays at Lily Point. Location subject to change, the current schedule can be found at prwalkers.wordpress.com.
PR Emergency Preparedness: Tuesday, September 6, 7 p.m., community center/Zoom. Info: prepgroup17@ gmail.com.
Water District: Tuesday, September 13, 5 p.m., via Zoom.
Friday Market: Fridays, 4–7 p.m., Marina West lawn. Make it, bake it or grow it vendors contact latitude@ whidbey.com to participate. Bring your own table, chair and umbrella, space is free. Kids welcome to host their own art table with parent/guardian supervision. Hosted by Salish Sea Co-op. History Center: Fridays, 4 – 7 p.m. and Saturdays, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. until Labor Day. Starting September 3, hours will reduce to only Saturdays 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Same great displays and store! Stop by to check out displays and the Pacific Northwest gift shop.
Point Roberts Clinic Hours: Primary Care: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., appointment needed. Urgent Care can be accessed through telemedicine or at the clinic Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sundays 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Always call for an appointment before coming in, even for urgent care ser vices. Hours subject to change. Flu shots available. Info: 360/945-2580.
Storytime: Wednesdays starting September 14, 10:30–11 a.m., PR library. For ages 2-6. An open program that includes stories, rhymes and songs with opportunities for movement and interactive participation.
Fire District 5: Wednesday, September 14, at 4 p.m., via Zoom. Info: WCFD5.com.
Community CPR Training: Sunday, August 28, 1 p.m., Benson Road fire hall. If it is a nice day, training will be outside under some tents and then inside to take a look at some videos. We look forward to helping you refresh on skill sets during our one-day training sessions. Please email chief@wcfd5.com if interested.
Sixth Annual Apple Harvest Festival: October 7-9. Apple cider pressing, live music, games. For more info, email recircleofcare@gmail.com.
Craft and Game Night: Tuesdays from 5–7 p.m., Point Roberts Library. Bring a craft to work on or a board game to play. Whatcom County Al-Anon: Online meetings available via Zoom and GoToMeeting. Info: whatcomafg.org.

Obituaries, page 13)
Evelyn Doreen McMillan October 9, 1928 – August 9, 2022 Doreen was born in Vancouver, B.C., where she spent her early years. She was a gifted student and possessed a distinc tive shade of lovely auburn hair. Moving to Victoria with her parents she received early entrance at the University of Victoria, then located at Craigdarroch Castle. Even tually, Doreen would attend the University of British Columbia (UBC). At UBC, she met John Henry Hayes McMillan (May 1927 – February 2022). They married in 1953. This marriage lasted almost 70 s Stephen E. Lynn s Evelyn Doreen McMillan years. Before Doreen left UBC, she would graduate with her master’s in social work, class of Starting1954.in 1955, she had five children Nancy, Janet, Susan (Pat), Diane (Spyros) and John. She loved her seven grandchil dren Laura (Jay), Tyler, Kelsey (Dillan) Sean, Mariah, Evie, and Will. Some of whom have given her five great-grandchil dren who she was absolutely enthralled with: Finley; Marlowe; Brynn; Lachlan and recentlyEventually,Lennon.she returned to a social work career after her youngest became school age. She worked full-time for 10 years and was a respected social worker in North Vancouver as well as two other municipalities.Doreenledan active lifestyle – always conscious of health and exercise. She would run the Stanley Park seawall and take exercise at Hollyburn Country Club. Her husband, John, thought her cooking was the best – both healthy and delicious. Doreen and John were avid travelers and enjoyed many trips throughout Europe and visited Greece many times. These des tinations come to mind: Egypt, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Germany, England, Ireland, Scandinavian, Hungary, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Croatia, Russia, Holland, USA, Mexico, China, Australia, and New Zealand.Doreen took continuing education class es in fine arts and tried her hand at oils and acrylics. A voracious reader for relax ation and she studied two languages! Lit tle known fact: she was an accomplished marksperson from her wartime cadet training. Also, Doreen spent years as a golfer, skier and windsurfer. Over time she made family comfortable creating homes in North Vancouver, Raw don, Quebec, Port Alberni, Powell Riv er, and West Vancouver. Throughout her child rearing years, Doreen was the plan ner, the packer, the activity scheduler and most often the head chef at annual vaca tions – a family of seven has lots of moving parts.Upon retirement, Doreen and John pur chased property in Point Roberts which became the focus of family gatherings. The cottage was a passion in her later years, (See
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Stephen E. Linn, PhD October 18, 1934 – August 6, 2022 Stephen passed away quietly on August 6, 2022. He was born in Brooklyn, New York on October 18, 1934 and was prede ceased by his parents, Charles and Jose phine Linn, and his older brother Daniel Linn.Stephen received a B.A. in industrial de sign from Syracuse University in 1956 then trained for the ROTC and went on to serve in the U.S. Air Force as a navigator for three years. While in the air force, Stephen learned to fly and owned a plane which he used for several years to fly around Amer ica. After his military service, Stephen moved to Los Angeles, where he decided to pursue a career as a psychologist. He received a master’s degree in psychology from Pepperdine University in 1969. He then moved to Pittsburgh, where he worked as a psychologist and studied for his PhD at Duquesne. He specialized in primal therapy. Primal therapy is a feel ing therapy that helps individuals connect to their emotional wounds and free them from destructive patterns that come from repressing those hurts. In the late ’80s, he began to teach in Vancouver, B.C. and eventually settled in Point Roberts, where he remained for 34 years until his death. He continued to hold classes in both Van couver and Point Roberts until 2008, when heStephenretired. was a strong advocate of or ganic food and clean living, having never smoked or drank. He had written several books, including I Am What I Am. Those who wish to remember Stephen may con tribute to a favorite charity in his name. There will be no funeral service.

LAND: 5.00 acres commercial land. .59 acres residential lot. 3.89 acres commercial land. 3625 Haynie Road, Blaine 8976 Snowy Owl Lane, Blaine 8854 Dunlin Court, Blaine 5655 Nakat Way, 6971BlaineBirch Bay Drive, Blaine 404 High Bluff Drive, Point Roberts 4565 Birch Bay Lynden 83944470BlaineRoad,CastlerockDrive,BlaineHarborviewRoad,Blaine
1-and a half story house with 2,812 SF, 2 BR, 2 BA, 796 SF attached garage, 400 SF patio, built in 2014, .44 acres land.
1-and a half story house with 2,542 SF, 3 BD, 3 BA, 948 SF attached garage, 318 SF deck, built in 1996, .45 acres land.
Weekly, monthly or long-term leases 1459 Edwards Drive OceanViewPointRoberts.com360-945-RENT Thematch!perfect Place ads call: 360-945-0413 or email: sales@pointrobertspress.com $15 for 15 words (plus 25¢ each additional word). FIND IT IN ALLPOINTBULLETIN.COMCLASSIFIEDS!THE Great online advertising opportunities. Call 360-945-0413 APB’s weeklyelectronic newsletter delivered to your inbox every Thursday! SUBSCRIBE AT www.allpointbulletin.com Find out what’s happening on the Point every week!All Point Bulletin
12 All Point Bulletin • September 2022 Classifieds Next Issue: October 2022 Ads Due: Sept. 23 Home-grown newspaper with delivery to Point Roberts homes and businesses and Tsawwassen. 3 POINT ROBERTS LOCATIONS Point Roberts MINI & STORAGEMOBILE Store boats, trailers, RV or camper and cars in our completely enclosed secure facilities. (360)(945-MINI)945-6464 PointRobertsMiniStorage.com $50Prices starting at Pay 1 year in advance get 1 month ParkingNOW!FREESpacesAvailable!! RentalsStorage-Apartment LandscapingHandyman Excavation Work/ Manlift Service 80ft. Genie Manlift Available. Tree Removal. Call / Text Eric: 360-319-6718 WA State Lic actol 794B6 Manlift rental available for construction projects / painters & people who are professional & experienced By the week including deliver/pickup Eric also provides: clearing, stump removal, wood & brush removal tree removal, dirt & concrete removal disposal, demolition of cabins, mobile homes, travel trailers, drainage work grading AND MORE. AnnouncementsConstructionCleaning WATERFRONT APARTMENTS - Oceanfront apartment suites available for short-term or long-term rent. Majestic southern view near Lighthouse Park. Call 360-945-RENT or visit Oceanviewpointroberts.com YARD MAINTENANCE Lawns • Pruning • Hedge/ shrub trimming • Gutters • Pressure Washing • 23 years experience. 360-945-1957. HANDYMAN Carpentry • Remodeling • Fencing • Decks • Painting • Pressure washing • Gutters • Hauling. 360-945-0521. SUNSHINE CARPET and upholstery steam cleaning, reasonable rates. 360-945-0411 or lawson_brad@yahoo.com. MASSAGE THERAPY Bryan Langsdale, LMT. 10+ years experience. Myofacscial - Deep Tissue - Craniosacral. Pain relief & relaxation. Located in Maple Beach. Contact pointrobertswellness@ gmail.com Want to find a new home? You’ve come to the right place! RECENT HOUSE & LOT PRICES Blaine, Birch Bay & Point Roberts DESCRIPTION LOCATION PRICESALE JULY 2022 HIGHER END HOUSES: $750,000 & ABOVE:
1-and a half story house with 1,964 SF, 3 BD, 3 BA, 638 SF attached garage, 552 SF deck, 140 SF storage, built in 2006; marine view, .57 acres land.
2-story house with 4,067 SF, 4 BD, 4 BA, 629 SF attached garage, 2,000 SF patio, built in 1981, waterfront; marine views, .28 land.acres
2-story house with 2,288 SF, 3 BD, 3 BA, 320 SF enclosed porch, 320 SF deck, 1920 SF storage, built in 1986, 5.00 acres land.
1-and a half story house with 1,344 SF, 2 BD, 2 BA, 330 SF attached garage, 360 SF deck, 432 SF patio, built in 1976, 50 feet waterfront; marine view, .11 acres land.

Craig Lee Reed
1.1 3:39
From page 11
8.0 2:48 pm 4.2 8:36 pm 8.7 Th 15 3:31 am 1.0 10:27
9.7 Sa 10
7.0 Tu 20 8:05
1.0 4:19 pm 8.5 10:08 pm 6.4 We 21 1:14 am 6.8 8:59 am 0.8 4:49 pm 8.6 10:34 pm 5.9 Th 22 2:34 am 6.9 9:47 am 0.7 5:15 pm 8.7 11:00 pm 5.3 Fr 23 3:38 am 7.1 10:29 am 0.8 5:37 pm 8.8 11:28 pm 4.5 Sa 24 4:34 am 7.4 11:07 am 1.0 5:59 pm 8.9 11:56 pm 3.7 Su 25 5:26 am 7.7 11:45 am 1.5 6:19 pm 8.9 Mo 26 12:26 am 2.8 6:16 am 8.0 12:21 pm 2.1 6:39 pm 8.9 Tu 27 12:58 am 2.0 7:08 am 8.2 12:59 pm 3.0 6:59 pm 8.9 We 28 1:32 am 1.2 8:02 am 8.4 1:37 pm 4.0 7:21 pm 8.8 Th 29 2:08 am 0.5 9:00 am 8.6 2:19 pm 5.0 7:43 pm 8.7 Fr 30 2:50 am -0.1 10:04 am 8.6 3:07 pm 6.0 8:05 pm 8.6 September Tides Tides at Tsawwassen DST Not For Navigation 49° 0’ 0”N - 122° 46’ 0”W Date Time Height Time Height
4.4 5:13
0.5 7:18
9.5 Mo 12 1:25 am 2.4 7:17
8.0 Sa 17 5:07
1.2 9:19
7.8 3:32 pm 5.3 9:00 pm 8.3 Fr 16 4:17
1.0 1:13
8.3 9:26
6.4 Th 8 2:53
1.1 2:39
8.0 7:18
9.6 Su 11
-1.1 6:20
Sa 3
8.4 1:24 pm 1.7 7:44 pm 9.3 Tu 13 2:07 am 1.7 8:17 am 8.2 2:06 pm 3.0 8:10 pm 9.0 We 14 2:49
We 7
7.7 4:24
7.8 5:32
5.5 Fr 9 4:05
7.6 Su 18 6:03
13September 2022 • allpointbulletin.com Since 1973 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL TWO BROTHERS MASONRY BRICK - BLOCK - STONE BARRY L. WIENS Licensed & Bonded phone: (360) 332-6300 www.twobrothersmasonry.com ERICK WIENS MATT WIENS TWO MASONRYBROTHERSRESIDENTIAL•COMMERCIAL Brick • Block • StoneBARRY L. WIENS Licensed & Bonded Lic #2BROTB1945DA (360) 332 - 6300 Since 1973 Hardwood LVP/Laminate&Flooring Installation & Refinishing 360-224-6466 Over 20 years experience. Licensed • Bonded • CASCAFL912J8Insured Including Point Roberts Keep Full Service • Budget Payment Plan • Tank Installation & Rental • Modern Equipment • Safety Checks Come see us at our new location - 2163 Nature’s Path Way, Blaine 360-332-3121 Locally Owned & Operated by Kal & Tracee Economy WHATCOM COUNTY Formerly 1st Propane of HAYDEN KELLY • (360) 922-9435 SEAMLESS GUTTERS GUARD • CLEANING QUALITY SEAMLESS GUTTERS LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED # GUTTEG*820C8 30 PointSERVINGYearsRoberts! Kelly & Son Roofing Roofing • Re-Roofing • Repairs Established 1991 • FREE ESTIMATES 360-945-ROOF (7 6 6 3) Chris Kelly • Licensed #KELLYS*8016MH Ken Calder Construction SEPTIC DESIGN, INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST Ken Calder, Owner, General Contractor BONDED & INSURED Contractors License: # KENCACC882MO Designers License: # 21015017 • Septic License: # PT0003241 • OSS O&M License: # PT0003625 Cell: 360-220-0133 kencalderconstruction@gmail.com Jeff Leghorn, Real Estate Attorney & Real Estate Agent Assistance with Buying, Developing, Leasing and Selling Real Estate Reasonable Flat Fees Call Jeff: 360.366.4925 • jeff@law-office.net LAW OFFICE OF A. JEFF LEGHORN, PLLC • WA REALTY LAW, LLC s Craig Lee Reed both Doreen and John happily spent most weekends there over the 28 years that they owned it. A kind, patient, and thoughtful mom to us all and she will be sorely missed. Our family thanks the staff of Hollyburn House and Sunrise of Lynn Valley for their provi sion of care for independent and support ed living over Doreen’s final years. A Celebration of Life will be held at a future date. Please donate to your favorite charity in lieu of flowers. Obituaries ...
June 28, 1944 – March 28, 2022 It’s with great sadness we announce the loss of our friend Craig Reed. Most of you remember him as the guy in the black Mer cedes cruising around Point Roberts. Al though he lived a longer life than he ever expected, he did pass away suddenly at the gym he frequented in Tsawwassen after the borderCraigreopened.wasraised and lived throughout the Pacific Northwest, usually never far from a golf course and/or near water. So, it’s no wonder he wanted to call Point Rob ertsHehome.was drafted for two years from 1966-1968 as a ground medic in the Viet nam War. After his service, he came back to Washington to study business at the University of Washington. From there, he started a lifelong career in human re sources, finance, banking, accounting and then as a commercial broker. He married twice and is survived by his step son (Ju lias Gaite) who lives in Sacramento, Cali fornia.Ten years ago, Craig’s dear friends Wayne and Linda Knowles introduced him to Point Roberts and from that mo ment on he was home. With Wayne’s help, Linda’s caring disposition and the support of many neighbors, locals and some Cana dian friends, he was settled and so happy to be in Point Roberts. He lived the major ity of these years in the condos at the golf course. He loved having visitors, golfers to watch, great neighbors and being sur rounded by the natural beauty of the Point. Throughout his long life, his passions were traveling, fixing up older cars, boat ing, wintering in Asia (the last few years before Covid), road trips, cooking dinners, James Bond and hanging out with friends for hours of thoughtful conversation. Craig’s greatest strength and pleasure came from many lifelong friendships. Some have passed too soon, but those of us remaining, gathered in Seattle last month for a meaningful day of stories, food and boating in his honor! We can’t thank everyone in Point Roberts enough for their help and support during this time and for the years of friendship shared with Craig. You made his last years here so happy and memorable. Craig is preceded in death by his mother Elaine Granroth-Hews, step-father Rich ard Hews and many life-long friends to include Wayne Knowles and John Henry Lysaker. RIP our forever friends, forever loved! 3:30 am 2.0 9:50 am 7.3 3:09 pm 4.3 9:11 pm 8.8 Fr 2 4:16 am 1.2 11:08 am 7.3 3:53 pm 5.5 9:35 pm 8.8 5:10 am 0.6 12:44 pm 7.6 4:53 pm 6.5 10:09 pm 8.7 4 6:10 am 0.0 2:24 pm 8.1 6:17 pm 7.3 10:53 pm 8.6 Mo 7:16 am -0.6 3:40 pm 8.7 8:01 pm 7.5 6 12:01 am 8.4 8:22 am -1.0 4:32 pm 9.1 9:25 pm 7.2 1:29 am 8.2 9:22 am -1.4 5:12 pm 10:25 pm am 10:18 am -1.4 pm 11:15 pm am 11:10 am pm 12:01 am am 11:58 am -0.5 pm 12:43 am am 12:42 pm pm am am am am am 11:43 am pm 9:24 pm am pm pm 9:50 pm am pm pm 10:26 pm am pm pm 11:40 pm am
Th 1
3.4 6:17
7.3 Mo 19 7:03

Library picks kr I s lo M ed
Total 145 (116); office visit 91 (118); labs 22 (12); PT/INR 4 (3); telemedicine visit 14 (0); Physical exams 0 (0); skin clinic 7 (9); B12 and flu shots 7 (0). IN
14 All Point Bulletin • September 2022 Serving Point Roberts Service You Trust. Experience You Expect. • Treating ants, mice & rats and all structural pests • Locally owned and operated since 1997 • Residential & commercial • WSDA #48346 and insured Call BIO BUG today for a free estimate! 360.647.7500 Bellingham 888.323.7378 Toll Free www.biobug.com Licensed, Bonded & Insured. CompleteBuildingCompleteServicesSitePreparations Hank’s Backhoe Service Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Also available: Sand, Gravel, Top Soil and Fill Material LIC #Hanksbs02102 Dozers, Excavator, Backhoes and Dump Trucks Call Jeff Peltier (360) 945-0754 www.hanksbackhoe.net Email: hanksbackhoe@pointroberts.net SERVING POINT ROBERTS SINCE 1967 PointSUPPORTWERobertsDollarsforSCHOLARS Pacific Coast Yacht Sales & Service YACHTS SALES • YACHT BROKERAGE • SERVICE Philip A. Cragg, President Point Roberts, WA • 604.708.1980 • Richmond, BC www.PacificCoastYachtSales.ca Email: PacificCoast@telus.net BC CERTIFIED BROKER • BONDED AND LICENSED IN WA STATE Yacht Sales–Power and Sail Service Import export experts - we will help you navigate both Canada Customs and US Customs Services mechanical, electrical, sailboat experts Delivery services Monthly monitoring Your Point Roberts , Blaine and Semiahmoo Broker of choice 27 years in Business
Celebration of life for David Gellatly we are coming together to recognize him and his achievements and not to mourn a life lost. We remember the wonderful days and moments that we were able to share withWhetherhim. you knew him for a short time or a long time, you saw how special of a person he was and how he positively im pacted so many lives, just with his pres ence.To properly celebrate and honor such a remarkable person and life, one that we were all fortunate enough to have been part of, please join us as we gather to gether on Saturday, September 10 between 1 and 5 p.m. at the Saltwater Cafe, 1345 Gulf Road in Point Roberts. Come ready to share memories, laugh at the good times, and remember the life he lived. You are welcome to stay for light food and drinks. I co
David George Alary Gellatly 22, 1957 April 22, 2020 join the family as we celebrate the life of David Gellatly. Let us remember that s David Gellatly
Bestsellers: Back to the Garden Laurie King
August 1, 3:17 p.m.: Refer to other agency on Bay View Drive. August 3, 3:15 p.m.: Suspi cious circumstances cold call on Cedar Street. August 5, 8:33 a.m.: Suspi cious circumstances cold call on Marine Drive. August 5, 7:02 p.m.: Suspi cious circumstances cold call on Wicklow Place. August 6, 9:10 a.m.: Trouble with subject on Gulf Road. August 6, 9:42 a.m.: Suspicious person cold call on Wicklow Place. August 6, 1:04 p.m.: Assist agency on Monte Drive. August 6, 2:09 p.m.: Domestic verbal on Ben son Road. August 6, 2:46 p.m.: Traffic problem cold call on Tyee Drive. August 6, 9:38 p.m.: Suspicious circumstances on Wicklow Place. August 6, 11:15 p.m.: Noise on Simundson Drive. August 7, 2:16 a.m.: Noise on Maple Street. August 9, 6:55 p.m.: Sus picious person on Simund son Drive. August 11, 3:21 p.m.: Whatcomm record on Ed wards Drive. August 11, 9:27 p.m.: Noise cold call on Cliffside Drive. August 13, 1:45 p.m.: Suspicious circumstances cold call on Tyee Drive. August 14, 2:28 p.m.: Not available on Tyee Drive. August 15, 1:16 p.m.: Suspicious vehicle cold call on Marine Drive. August 17, 9:51 a.m.: Civil standby on Benson Road. August 17, 10:34 p.m.: Watch for on South Beach Road. August 19, 8:53 p.m.: Welfare check on Claire Lane. August 21, 5:36 p.m.: Trespass on Edwards Drive. August 21, 9:25 p.m.: Party on Marine Drive. numbers >>> Traffic into Point Roberts August 2022, with figures for 2021 following. August: personal vehicles 53,262 (6,581); pedestrians 935 (12); commercial 454 (139). Fire Incidents for July 2022 Total calls (56); EMS calls (24), result ing in the following transports: Saint Jo sephs Hospital (10), Airlift Northwest (4), County Medic (2); Fire Classification (16) resulting in false alarm (2), vehicle fire (1), outdoor burns – permits (1), Outdoor burns – illegal (7), wrong address (1), wa ter rescue (1), smoke investigation (1); public service (4). Point Roberts clinic numbers for July 2022 (2021 figures following)
The Boys from Biloxi John Grisham Carrie Soto Is Back Taylor Jenkins Reid Aftermath Le Var Burton Movies: Ali & Ava Claire Rushbrook The Boleyns Shelley Conn Elvis Austin Butler Where the Crawdads Sing Daisy Edgar-Jones Music: Nothing but the Blues Eric Clampton Subject to Change Kelsea Ballerini Will of the People Muse Life After Snotty Nose Rez Kids Teens: A Darkness at the Door Khanani As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow Zoulfa Katouh Before Takeoff Ali Asaid Kids: Seekers of the Fox Kevin Sands Armadillo Antics Bill Martin Being a Dog Maria Gianferrari Hours: Tuesdays 1–7 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Express hours: Daily 6 a.m.–11 p.m. wcls.org sheriff’s report

15September 2022 • allpointbulletin.com

16 All Point Bulletin • September 2022 E M a i l : p r p r t y @ W h i d b e y c o m • w w w p o i n t ro b e r t s w a s h i n g t o Notar y Public * Successfully listing and selling Point Roberts real estate since 1968 3 6 0 /9 4 5 -5 5 5 5 • 1 3 3 9 G ul f R oa d , P. O . B ox 1 7 • P t. R ob e r t , 542 MCLAREN RD. 3BR cottage w/front and rear deck Adjacent to Lily Point Park $159,000 2117 1920s c 2 blocks to beach $169,000 NE 3BR 2 y 0 2 BR B ACREAGE: 6 39 ACRES, DESIRABLE EAST SIDE, SUBDIVIDABLE $299,000 J a m e s H J u l i u s , B r o k e r * 668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach $200,000 SON. 75 x 200 lot private, excellent condition $115,000 1275 BROUGHTON LANE 2BR 3BA beautiful west side home $199 000 Adjoining lot $35 000 877 WASHINGTON esigner home A must see! Make an offer! DR. ome facing $595,000 B E A C H P R O P E R T I E S DUCED w w w. J u l i u s R e a l t y. c o m Maureen Stevens, Broker E-Mail: prprty@Whidbey.com E M a i l : p r p r t y @ W h i d b e y c o m • w w w p o i n t ro b e r t s w a s h i n g t o n c o m Notary Public * Successfully listing and selling Point Roberts real estate since 1968 360/945 555 5 • 1339 Gul f R oa d , P O B ox 17 • P t R ob e r ts , WA 98281 542 MCLAREN RD 3BR cottage w/front and rear deck Adjacent to Lily Point Park $159 000 2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach 1920s cabin 2 BR wood burning FP 2 blocks to beach $169 000 676 CLAIRE LANE 3BR 2BA backs onto Lily Po nt Park $299 000 ACREAGE: 6 39 ACRES DES $ 0 J a m e s H J u l i u s , B r o k e r * 668 SOUTH BEACH RD 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach $200,000 1845 JOHNSON 75 x 200 lot Furnished private excellent condit on $115 000 1275 BROUGHTON LANE 2BR 3BA beautiful west side home $199 000 Ad oining lot $35 000 1877 WASHINGTON 2 BR designer home A must see! Make an offer! cing 000 B E A C H P R O P E R T I E S REDUCED w w w. J u pointrobertswashington.com James H. DesignatedJulius,Broker* *LISTING & SELLING POINT ROBERTS REAL ESTATE SINCE 1968 360-945-5555 • Cell: 360-525-4706 1339 Gulf Road, P.O. Box 1 • Point Roberts, WA 98281 CELEBRATINGYEARS SELLING POINT ROBERTS REAL ESTATE 55 See us on Zillow and Realtor.com 285 ELIZABETH 3-BR, 2-BA home on 3 lots Updated kitchen with granite and new appliances. Private setting. One of the better locations on the Point for proximity to Maple Beach. CALL JIM ... 360-525-4706 FEATURED WATERFRONT LOT WEST BLUFF VIEW BEACH TO TIDELANDS RARE OPPORTUNITY TO BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME ON THE WEST BLUFF. 50' WIDE X 395' DEEP. $485,000 640 BELLS GROVE. 2BR cottage with newly updated bathroom. New roof, back deck, shed & hot tub. Beach rights and path to the beach. $239,000 SUNNY SOUTH SIDE LOT Cedar Park N. Private, reinstalledhome.clearing.secluded76’x110’PreviouslyhadmanufacturedWatercanbeatreducedprice. $69,000 THIS AMAZING PROPERTY OVERLOOKING BOUNDARY BAY enjoys breath-taking views of the North Shore Mountains and the Lights of Vancouver. $835,000 1385 Gulf Road, Point 360-945-1011Roberts Paul 604/968-4006 paulrusk@pointroberts.us Greg 604/690-1468 gheppner@pointroberts.net Hugh 604/910-5968 hwilson@pointroberts.net BAVARIAN CHARM COMBINED WITH LATIN AMERICAN FLAVOUR is this two-story home located on a quiet street in the heart of Point Roberts. $488,000 SOLD Kristen 778/686-7625 kristenrockrealestate@gmail.com www.pointroberts.us RARE MAPLE BEACH SEASIDE FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT-INSPIRED COTTAGE on just under a third of an acre. Not to be missed. $799,000 FULLY RENOVATED HOME ON DOUBLE LOT with over 1400 sq. ft. of covered and open deck space, magnificent gardens and landscaping, and more. $489,000 RECENTLY RENOVATED HOME ON DOUBLE LOT with new roof, floors, kitchen, stainless steel appliances, bathrooms, and decks. $499,000 SOLD SOLD SOLD STUNNING MARINA VIEW LOT...ready to build your future dream home! Sewer installed - No need for septic. $175,000 SOLD SPOTLESSLY CLEAN, WELL-CARED FOR, move-in ready all-season bungalow on large landscaped and sun-drenched property. $295,000 SOUTH BEACH OPPORTUNITY with loads of potential. Less than a 5-minute walk to the warm sands and tidelands. $259,000 PENDING NEW SOLD 79 Tyee Drive Point Roberts, WA 98281 E/Mail: prr@pointroberts.com Phone: 360/945-1115 Fax: 945-0804 If you’re serious about purchasing at the “Point” do yourself a favor and visit our office for a complete list of everything for sale in the area and also check out our website for general information, color photos, maps and full property search function. COME TO THE POINT! “NOBODY KNOWS POINT ROBERTS LIKE POINT ROBERTS REALTY” visit our website: www.pointroberts.com UPDATED DAILY! View color photos, listings and complete information of all properties for sale.
This well-maintained home features water views from the top floor open living, dining, kitchen with a wood burning airtight stove, full bath and bedroom. Large sun porch with wrap around beach side deck. Lower level affords extra sleeping rooms for the kids or guest, large utility area and two-piece bath and tons of storage. Both levels have ductless heat pump for heat and cooling. All this is situated on an oversized 1/2 acre lot with the potential to subdivide. Beautiful water views, sunsets and easy beach access. $549,000 MAPLE BEACH Best of the Bay 3 BR, 2 BA. Large open living/kitchen, dining. Upper story has a family room area, utility, two bedrooms and second full bath. Oversized 66 x 100 lot and is situated four lots back from the beach on the low traffic Roosevelt Way. $493,000