A glorious September sunset

The Canadian government has an nounced that effective October 1, it will be dropping its Covid-19 vaccination require ment and end random Covid-19 testing for people entering the country. The current Covid-19 emergency order in council is set to expire at 11:59 p.m. on September 30.
Effective October 1, 2022, all travelers, regardless of citizenship, will no longer have to submit public health informa tion through the ArriveCAN app or web site; provide proof of vaccination; under go pre- or on-arrival testing; carry out Covid-19-related quarantine or isolation; or monitor and report if they develop signs or symptoms of Covid-19 upon arriving to Canada.
Transport Canada is also removing ex isting travel requirements. Travelers will no longer be required to undergo health checks for travel on air and rail; or wear masks on planes and trains.
Although the masking requirement is being lifted, all travelers are strongly recommended to wear high quality and well-fitted masks during their journeys.
Cruise measures are also being lifted, and travelers will no longer be required to have pre-board tests, be vaccinated, or use ArriveCAN. A set of guidelines will remain to protect passengers and crew, which will align with the approach used in the U.S.
On September 20, 16 Members of Parlia ment and mayors of 15 Canadian and sev en U.S. cities sent a letter to Prime Minis ter Justin Trudeau and President Joe Biden calling on them to drop Covid-19 restric tions at the border. “When COVID-19 was at its peak and border measures were effec tive at slowing transmission rates, we did our part to keep Canadians and Americans safe,” they wrote. “Now, we have been left behind in the recovery effort as both coun tries have largely returned to normal life.”
On hearing of the change in policy, one of the signatories to the letter, Windsor, Ontario mayor Drew Dilkens said, “I’m pleased to see that border restrictions and (See Border, page 3)
PRCAC asks county for faster broadband buildout
B y P at G ru BBWhatcom County Executive Satpal Sid hu is considering an unanimous request made by the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee (PRCAC) to have the county fund and deploy a wireless broad band service immediately. The executive forwarded PRCAC’s request to county council and told them his office would discuss the request with the Port of Bell ingham’s and Public Utility District #1’s broadband team and would report back. He reminded council that the county has $250,000 specifically allocated to Point Roberts by the state legislature.
As the county’s economic development agency, the Port of Bellingham is the pri

mary conduit through which federal and state dollars aimed at improving broad band access flow. The PUD is also a major player in this area.
PRCAC members voted unanimous ly at their September 15 regular meeting “to recommend that the county support authorizing use of the $250K in the state budget, and provide additional matching funds of at least $250K, to accelerate ac cess to broadband in Point Roberts that meets the following criteria:
• Meet the Washington state goal of sym metric (down/up) 150Mbs bandwidth to all residences and businesses
• Be reasonably priced – approximately $50/month for the 150Mbs service (could
s Warm summer days continued throughout the month of September, many ending in glorious sunsets like this one captured by Sue Johnson at the end of Gulf Road. Photo by Sue Johnson

Broadband ...
From page 1
be higher for faster speeds), and approx imately $100 installation fee, with addi tional accommodations for low-income customers.
• Be able to cover all of Point Roberts ex peditiously, ideally within six months of the signing of an agreement with a provid er.
In the email from PRCAC member Prakash Sundaresan to the county execu tive, Sundareson described the process and reasoning behind the committee’s request.
“Over the last three months,” he wrote, “PRCAC has facilitated extensive discus sion within the community on this topic, including two well-attended town-halls (that included presentations by PointNet Solutions and Whidbey Telecom (WT) respectively), an online poll on Nextdoor (with close to 100 responses), and a robust discussion both online and offline within the community.”

Sundaresan noted that while Whidbey Telecom had been rolling out fiber optic lines to around 500 addresses, the pace of installations remained slow and compara tively expensive.

Whidbey has been receiving federal and state grants that require the company to first install in areas that have the slowest connection speeds and these areas are not necessarily ones with a high percentage of permanent residents. Sundaresan said it would likely take millions of dollars and several years at a minimum for significant
Border ...
From page 1
use of the ArriveCan app to enter Canada are being dropped later this week. This is a good sign for our economy and the restart of tourism. It is my hope the United States will follow Canada’s lead and end restric tions for Canadians looking to visit the United States. It’s time to move forward.”
Blaine immigration attorney Len Saun ders said, “It’s definitely a step in the right direction and is encouraging but why hav en’t the Americans taken similar steps? Ar
progress to be made in installing the fiber optic throughout Point Roberts.
Although PRCAC’s recommendation was “intentionally vendor and technology agnostic,” the committee noted “that there is at least one vendor (PointNet Solu tions), which claims to be able to meet all the criteria specified using wireless mmWave technologies and is willing to work with the county to roll out this ser vice in Point Roberts as soon as possible. Such a wireless solution would potentially have additional benefits such as being able to provide data services for mobile devices in areas that are currently dead-zones, as well as providing free (limited bandwidth) wireless access for visitors and non-sub scribing locals alike along the major com mercial streets and at important points such as the marina.”
The wireless solution offered by Point Net has been promoted by its principal Bob Hillman who has been singing its praises for at least two years but has yet to announce an actual start date. Hillman is a long-time veteran of the telecommunica tions industry.

Sundaresan concluded his appeal to the county by writing, “In closing, the PRCAC requests the county to act immediately to enable ubiquitous, affordable, high-speed broadband access in Point Roberts.
“We believe this is a clear and acute need for the community and an opportu nity to demonstrate the responsiveness of the county to the community’s needs as well as make Point Roberts and Whatcom County a leader in providing an innovative solution to this problem.”
en’t the two governments talking to each other? As it is, it helps Americans more than Canadians. They will be able to come and go, regardless of their vaccination sta tus but unvaccinated Canadians won’t be able to come to the States. I’d be interested in knowing if Justin had called Joe to tell him what he was planning to do and sug gest that Joe do the same.”
Saunders described the changes as “baby steps” and said the two governments should also be cooperating on Nexus, the trusted traveler program that has huge de lays in processing hundreds of thousands of applications currently.
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“Parable of two brothers Part 1”
Oct 30th 11:00 am Service with Pastor Jean Barrington
“Parable of two brothers Part 2”
All Point Bulletin
The All Point Bulletin is published each month by Point Roberts Press Inc.
The opinion expressed by contribu tors is their own and is offered for the general interest of our readers.
Mail and classified ads should be addressed to:
All Point Bulletin
P.O. Box 1451
Point Roberts WA USA 98281
Letters to the editor
The Editor:
On behalf of our neighborhood at the south end of Maple Beach, we want to express our sincere thanks to our local sheriff’s deputy, the emergency medical team from the Point Roberts fire depart ment and the Airlift Northwest crew that responded to the medical emergency that our dear friend and neighbor suffered on our beach on August 30.
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Contributors In This Issue
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Phone: 360/945-0413
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Printed in Canada • Vol. XXXVI, No. 6
Letters Policy
The All Point Bulletin welcomes letters to the editor; however, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.
Letters must include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification.
Letters must not exceed 450 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality and good taste.
A fresh viewpoint on matters of general interest to local readers will increase the likelihood of publication. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Re quests for withholding names will be con sidered on an individual basis.
Thank you letters should be limited to ten names.
Only one letter per month from an indi vidual correspondent will be published.
Please email your letter to:
P.O. Box 1451, Point Roberts, WA 98281
Fax: 360/945-1613
Next issue: Nov. 2022
Ads due: Oct. 21
tive future.
To learn more go to: yeswhatcomkids. com Leslie Farris
Retired school counselor & “Yes for Whatcom Kids” Committee member BellinghamThe Editor:
Warning: Contains sarcasm.
The first paramedic arrived within seven minutes of our placing the 911 call to the county. This is remarkable for a rural com munity like ours. Everyone who attended was extremely professional, dedicated, courteous and compassionate. We could not ask for a more capable group of peo ple to be standing by to respond when we need them. We just wish we had everyone’s name so we could thank them personally.
Joanne and David Lloyd Point Roberts
The Editor:
I’m a Canadian citizen living on Salt Spring Island. I’m also a long time (since 1991) cottage owner in Point Roberts (my happy place!).
A couple of weeks back I posted on Next -door my comment, in response to oth ers, about the flagrant misuse of Canadi an tax payers money when Health Cana da deploys a single water taxi to pick up random test results for individuals living in the Gulf Islands where Fed Ex does not pick up and we don’t have Shoppers Drug Marts to drop off.
When I was finally able to cross the Boundary Bay border, after mandated clo sures, both my husband and I were given random tests crossing back into Canada. I was able to do the test at my son’s home in Kits and it was picked up by Fed Ex. But my husband was returning directly home to Salt Spring where he did the test and was told that FedEx doesn’t serve the Gulf Islands for pick-ups. He then phoned Health Canada for instructions and was told to take it to Duncan.... a ferry ride away! He refused. He was then told to drive the test results to the ferry dock at Fulford Harbor, a 20-minute drive from our home, where a water taxi, coming from Sidney on Vancouver Island, would meet him for pick up. He obediently did this and was greeted by the water taxi that picked up one sample – his! It was then that he realized that we, Canadian taxpay ers, are paying for this!
A similar scenario has happened since and more recently. This time my husband just didn’t do the test. After receiving re peated robo calls from Health Canada as reminders, he again called Health Can ada to speak to a real person. This time, he was told by that real person to ignore the calls and not to bother doing the test. The reminder calls eventually stopped and we haven’t had any difficulties crossing the border since. Go figure!
Almost three years on, shouldn’t we all know this by now?
Julie Kemble Salt Spring IslandThe Editor:
A few numbers for our perusal:
The longest distance that a car can travel in a relatively straight line in Point Rob erts is 1.9 miles. By my calculations, at 30 mph, it will take three minutes and 48 sec onds. At 35 mph, it will take precisely 33 seconds less. So, if you are winding your way from one corner of Point Roberts to an opposite corner – a maximum of four miles – and you are speeding at 35 mph, you will save yourself a whole minute and a few seconds.
Now, allow for the possibility that, on
your way to your destination, a dog sud denly runs out and lunges, barking and growling at a child walking on the edge of the pavement safely nestled between his mother ahead of him and his father behind him, just as you pass the family on the left. The child, frightened and reactive, runs into your lane and you hit him with your vehicle. If you have appropriately slowed down in honor of safety and are doing 20 mph (or less) the child has a better than 95 percent chance of surviving that collision. At 30 mph, he has a 45 percent likelihood of dying and at 40 mph that child is 95 per cent likely to die. And all so that you could save less than two minutes. To read the ar ticle that summarizes traffic safety studies go here: bit.ly/3SHzOsD
The roads in Point Roberts are narrow, and shoulders safe and wide enough for walking or biking are virtually non-exis tent. We are a community of walkers, bik ers, cats, dogs, deer, squirrels, raccoons, horses and riders, parents with prams, and visitors who have come here to revel in our natural beauty. Please slow down. You might just save a life.
Annelle Norman Point RobertsThe Editor: Yes for Whatcom Children’s Initiative.
Our community has an enormous op portunity to invest in the futures of its 10,000 youngest children on November 8th by voting YES for the Whatcom Coun ty Children’s Initiative.
Your vote will provide much-needed childcare slots, quality early learning op portunities, and support for our most vul nerable families.
Research confirms that 90 percent of brain development occurs between the ages of zero and five. Early childhood ed ucation during those critical years leads to higher third grade reading rates, increased high school graduation rates, access to post-high school education and lower in carceration rates. Prevention is far less ex pensive than the cost of missing this vital developmental window of opportunity.
At present, only 46 percent of our stu dents in Whatcom County arrive at kin dergarten prepared to learn. This percent age drops to 25 percent for our children of color. These figures impact our schools profoundly.
Most parents need to work, and how children spend their time while their par ents are at work impacts brain develop ment. Whatcom County currently lacks 5,000 childcare slots. This means that 5,000 children are not accessing early learning opportunities, and many of their parents are unable to return to our work force.
Meanwhile, 88 percent of Whatcom County businesses report that their em ployees are missing work due to childcare issues.
The goals of the Initiative will be achieved through a modest property tax of approximately $7 per month for the me dian property owner. This will raise about $8.2 million per year. It includes rigorous, transparent local oversight and strong ac countability measures.
Please vote “yes” for Proposition 5. Kids are our very best investment in our collec
An opportunity for Point Roberts. Point Roberts has been offered a big step up in internet service availability. If I un derstand correctly, the proposed system would offer WiFi access along two major roads and in the immediate vicinity of sub scribers’ residences and businesses.
Latency would be dramatically reduced relative to what’s available in Point Roberts now, which would be relevant to those who play internet games and those who wish to make carefully timed sales and purchases on financial markets. Bandwidth would also increase, which would benefit those who watch several HD movies simultane ously on a single internet connection.
But what would really change things around here is that high-performance wireless internet would be available in the streets. Are you having trouble with people stealing goods from your unattended road side retail stand? Mount an HD camera to a nearby tree or utility pole. The cost of the camera might be covered by the avoidance of the next two thefts.
But these may be relatively minor users of the new system. Let’s step back and look at a bigger picture. Imagine what could be accomplished if some organization (com mercial or governmental) were to install a few cheap HD cameras on every utility pole along these streets and on those poles in the vicinity of subscribers not near ma jor thoroughfares. Reduced privacy and anonymity might improve speed limit compliance. Maybe roadside litter rates would fall. Of course, that loss of privacy might affect the choice of topics discussed as we take a walk with a friend, even if that friend is on the other end of a cellphone conversation (many HD cameras have built-in microphones).
But we can see even more if we step back even farther. Look up Project NIM BUS (not the video game) using an inter net search for an example. WiFi saturation could enable Point Roberts to become a testing and proving ground for artificial intelligence-based surveillance products!
Our small size with borders all around could provide a unique environment for the development, optimization and demonstration of algorithms to identify individuals and track and forecast their whereabouts, behavior and emotional state as they move around in public spaces. A small fraction of the employment generat ed by this activity would accrue to Point Roberts in the form of high-paying jobs. By helping develop this core enabling tech nology, we can contribute to the world’s present shift to totalitarianism.
I hope our library has several copies of George Orwell’s 1984 on hand to help us anticipate these exciting changes.
Halden Field Point RobertsThe Editor:
I read about the Canadian heart attack victim in Point Roberts and I compliment the skilled people who saved him. Good work!
However, if what I’ve heard about the cost of medical treatment in Washington (See Letters, page 5)
Please send letters to editor@allpointbulletin.com
From page 4
is true, he may have another heart attack when he gets the bill from the hospital, if he doesn’t have travel insurance.
I suspect that many people who go to Point Roberts don’t have travel insurance. Maybe there’s a psychological feeling that nothing will happen to them in little Point Roberts in the short time that they’ll be there to buy gas. Plus, the fact that the Point is geographically the bottom of B.C. so there’s a feeling that one is still in B.C. Well, this man was just inside the U.S. bor der. This should be a lesson to all. It’s too bad he wasn’t flown to Ladner.
Some years ago, a similar incident oc curred on the Point and the heart attack victim was taken to Bellingham. I heard when he got his medical bill it was so high that he had to mortgage his house to pay it. However, I find that difficult to believe

although I admit that I’ve heard some scary stories about U.S. medical costs. I car ry TUGO, two-day travel insurance. For $83 CDN per year, I can go to the States as much as I please so long as I don’t stay more than 48 hours on each trip.
G.A. Scott Richmond, B.C.
Traffic into Point Roberts July & August 2022, with figures for 2021 following.
July: Personal vehicles 53,262 (6,581); Passengers 78,628 (7,895) Pedestrians 935 (12), Commercial 454 (139).

August: Personal vehicles 52,328 (9,129); Passengers 76,302 11,695) Pedes trians 664 (7); commercial 583 (149).
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Clinic shows solid increase in visits
B y P at G ru BBThe Point Roberts health clinic is showing a solid increase in patient visits in 2022. Through August, the clinic has logged 1,152 patient visit, which is 10 per cent higher than the 1,047 visits in 2021. Of those visits, 112, or 9.7 percent, were telemedicine visits, a sharp jump from 2021 which saw just 25 telemedicine vis its. Interestingly, skin care visits have de clined from 61 in 2021 to 50 in 2022.
While overall visits are up, costs are way up. Total operating revenue (patient rev enue plus hospital district contract reve nue) for the first six months of the year totals $143,094. Of that, contract revenue equals $96,000, or 67 percent. Patient rev enue is $47,000 approximately. This com pares to total costs of $226,982 for a deficit of $83,888. The major factor driving costs are salaries of staff members. Payroll costs including payroll taxes total $175,309 for 77.2 percent of all costs. In 2020, revenue in the first six months totaled $144,821 but salaries were only $71,620. (Compara ble 2021 figures were not available at time of press.)
According to clinic director Dr. Sean Bozorgzad, the major driver behind the in crease in payroll was due to the fact that the clinic is now employing all medical doctors instead of physician’s assistants as
in the past. Other factors include patient payments and insurance reimbursements.

“One of the things going on is insurance companies push more of the costs to the patients to satisfy their deductible require ments in the first part of the year and we don’t aggressively go after our patients to pay their bills. We are hoping to see high er payments in the later part of the year,” Bozorgzad told commissioners at their regular September meeting. SuperTrack’s Alexandra Wiley attributed the decreased revenue in the first quarter to a general slowdown in payments from insurance companies overall.
Commissioner Stephen Falk appeared a little nonplussed with the numbers. “I hope, for your sake, that SuperTrack can get back on track.”
In other district business, commission ers discussed the need to educate new residents about the existence and services provided by the clinic. Bozorgzad men tioned a new client who was “super grate ful” that she was able to be seen on short notice and provided with antibiotics at no charge. [The clinic distributes antibiotics free.] “We told her it was a gift from the community,” he said.
The district has been in the process of upgrading its website, which can be found at pointrobertsclinic.com. Hours, services and more are available online.

Chamber calls for post mortem

Reacting to the announcement that Can ada will be dropping its border restrictions on October 1, Point Roberts Chamber of Commerce president Brian Calder is call ing upon on federal and state officials to conduct a post-mortem on how those re strictions impacted exclave communities such as Point Roberts, Hyder, Alaska, the Northwest Angle in Minnesota and Cam pobello Island, New Brunswick.
“We have been waiting for this news for over two years,” Calder said. “We are ready to showcase our community which was virtually impossible over the past 2-1/2 years with border closures and re strictions. But while we do this, we have a responsibility to ensure we are prepared in the event of a future pandemic or global issue that could result in border closures. Exclaves were disproportionately affected by border closures and restrictions for well over two years and suffered unprecedented losses. We simply cannot survive another shutdown.”
Calder believes there are solutions and is calling on federal and state governments to work with Canadian authorities and

exclave communities on a complete and thorough post-mortem for all exclaves along the US/Canada border. Ideally, he would like a detailed analysis completed for each exclave that will prioritize specific cross-border access in the event of a future pandemic or other global emergency:
“In my opinion, the reason the exclaves were reeling during this pandemic was a failure by decision makers to learn and understand the unique needs of exclave communities before decisions were made,” added Calder.

“It is impossible to apply the same re strictions across an international border without consequences,” Calder pointed out. “These exclaves are not self-sufficient. I communicated with community leaders in the other exclaves to discuss how the border closures had affected each of their communities and while some issues we faced are similar, others were region-spe cific.”
“We must learn from past mistakes and be prepared for future events,” said Calder.

“Anything short of this will no doubt re sult in a repeat occurrence and the col lapse of our most vulnerable, isolated communities.”

S Boo! Gear up for Halloween events on the Point this year. The Point Roberts parks district is holding an event at the commu nity center on Saturday, October 29 starting at 5 p.m. There will be games, crafts and a Trunk or Treat in the parking lot, followed by a showing of Disney’s Hocus Pocus at 7 p.m. Then on Monday, October 31, Sheena Durflinger is planning the third Halloween on the Point celebration along the walking routes of Mill to James. These have been very successful events with pop-up booths. For more info, email Sheena at dreamevents bysd@hotmail.com. Time to start planning your costumes!

Parks board appoints member
The Point Roberts parks board has ap pointed Kathleen Pierce-Friedman to the board position that became vacant after the resignation of Bennett Blaustein in Au gust. The appointment was made at a spe cial meeting held September 27.

Asked why she wanted to serve, Fried man said, “I run a small business, though not small to me. My interest in joining the board would be to help continue the tremendous job that the parks board has done over the years.” She added that while she would like to see the parks board ex pand the programs available to children, she’d also work to provide programming for adults.
Former parks board member Stephen Falk reluctantly put his name forward as a candidate. Friedman is the wife of parks
board chair Mitch Friedman and Falk, a retired attorney, was concerned about po tential conflict of interest that could arise from having a married couple on the board.

Following a short executive session, the board came back and voted 2-1 for Fried man. Bill Zidel and Michael Cressy voted for her, Matt Wang voted for Falk, and Mitch Friedman recused himself.
In other parks business, the board ap pointed Mitch Friedman as chair and Bill Zidel as vice-chair.
Asked about the kayak and paddleboard program, district staffer Islena Faircrest said she had originally planned to take all of the watercraft into storage on Sep tember 30 but had been asked to delay for a couple of weeks or until the weather turned for the season.
Border Patrol seize big haul of meth
U.S. Border Patrol agents seized nearly 450 pounds of methamphetamine, esti mated to be worth nearly $2 million, in a Blaine residential area near the U.S./Cana da border.
Around 10 p.m. on September 9, Blaine sector agents found an abandoned 2006 Hummer H3 with multiple large duffle bags containing a white crystalline sub

stance. The substance was subsequently tested and determined to be methamphet amine.
Based on Drug Enforcement Adminis tration (DEA) street value estimates, 450 pounds of methamphetamine is worth over $1.7 million.

To report suspicious border activity to the U.S. Border Patrol, call 360/332-9200.

ChurCh news

“Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.”
– Saint Augustine Augustine was very wise re garding nature and her works, whether ordinary or extraordi nary. Indeed, nature reveals her true ca pacity through the wonders we witness, which turn our current thinking inside out and give us new sight – or, more accu rately, new insight.
Science, historically, has greatly en hanced our understanding of the workings of our bodies and our world, but often it is the observation and direct experience of nature and her miracles that reveals to us deeper potentials for healing.

Healing is a common topic these days. Applying a popular adage, one cannot walk down a street today without run ning into a healer of one sort or another. There are as many modalities as there are storefronts: massage, acupuncture, herb al, magnetic, yogic, crystal, essential oil, sound, color, etc. Throughout history, some of these modalities met early on with skepticism, criticism and ridicule; a few are still outliers in many health paradigms. Conversely, natural, herbal and plantbased healing has a deep history among Indigenous peoples, is still practiced to day, and continues to inform herbal and other practices.
Then there is God: The creator, the great healer. Through the prophets, through Je sus, the apostles and early Christians, and through great evangelists and healers, God healed – and continues to heal – bodies, minds and souls. Sometimes Jesus used potions or therapeutic processes (some times just his hands, but always with love and compassion. He heals relationships,
circumstances, challenges ... he heals them all. He heals lives. We have in our scriptural re cords many accounts of physical healings, which were perceived as miracles. And, I’m sure, many more that went unrecorded. In the Book of Acts, we read of the miracles performed by Jesus’ disciples. There are miraculous healings in the records of all religions. And miracles shared to this day.
Energy heals – through music, through movement, through nature, meditation, prayer, even poetry! And according to Saint Augustine, through healing nature teaches us about the infinity of possible outcomes, physical and otherwise. She teaches us just how miraculous our bodies are, how they connect us to our spirits, to heaven and to the world around us. Heal ing is a ministry.
It is a ministry of Christ, and of God’s people, God’s church. Through the min istries of several different modalities, our friends at Trinity experience healings in body, soul, family relationships, mental and spiritual health.
On Sunday, October 9, we will be cele brating the healing ministry of our church in our worship time. We will be singing, praying, listening, sharing, maybe even waxing poetic. Who knows?
When Covid-19 shut down our facilities and physically separated us, the healing properties of the body of Christ continued through prayer and through remote heal ing. And we celebrate those miracles as we prepare to re-establish a physical healing space in our building. Join us on Sunday, October 9, as we celebrate healing in many forms and experiences, and prepare to in augurate and celebrate a ministry of heal ing at Trinity!

The Apple Harvest Festival is on!

scheduled in conjunction with the Apple Harvest Festival include the following:

George Wright will answer all your questions about apples, growing them, what effects them on Saturday, October 8 at 3 p.m. at the community center.

The Point Roberts Apple Harvest Festi val will take place on Saturday and Sunday, October 8 and 9.
One of the weekend’s two big events –one Circle of Care’s primary fundraisers

B y a nnelle n orman Harvest Festival will provide hours of fun and activities for the whole family. On Sat urday and Sunday, we’ll pull out the beau tiful and very efficient electric apple press to turn your apples into delicious apple cider. Bring the kids and work together to create fun family memories and some of the best apple juice you’ll ever taste. If you have your own apples, great! If you don’t, contact Circle of Care to be connect ed with a homeowner with apple trees that need to be picked/gleaned. Other events
– is an afternoon of old-fashioned bingo games happening on Sunday, October 9 at 2:30 p.m. at Kiniski’s Reef. There will be both prizes and cash prizes so put on your wackiest Bingo outfit and bring along the whole family.
Sunday evening, also at the Reef, there will be a classic rock concert and dance par ty featuring Shaune Ann Feuz’s band, “The Point” with Savilla Kress, Krispian Emert, Casey Carmody and Alex Hamilton. These local musicians are great and will put on a terrific show for your listening and danc ing pleasure. Dust off your dancing shoes, tease your hair and get out the hairspray. The concert will play from 6:30 p.m. until closing and ticket prices are $25 or two for $40. There will be door-prizes and a 50/50 game. Don’t miss this party. The Reef’s bar and kitchen will be open for refreshments and dining.
Even though this year’s apple harvest has been sparse, Circle of Care’s Apple

Hey, businesses!
Get to know your chamber of commerce – an informational and social meeting will be held at the Point Roberts Marina Club on Tuesday, October 4 at 6 p.m. Light re freshments will be served.

Please RSVP to info@pointrobertscham berofcommerce.com.
Gorgeous Border Cruisers will be on dis play at our Classic Car Show to help you get in the mood for Sunday’s classic rock concert.
Growing Dahlias and More will take place on Saturday, October 8, from 1 – 2 p.m. in the Point Roberts Library meet ing room. Come meet Catherine Stewart from Clover Blossom Farm. Learn about growing dahlias in Point Roberts and how
to have a cutting garden full of colorful blooms. There will be a Q&A at the end, so bring your questions about flower farm ing. Enter to have a chance to win a flower bouquet or a dahlia tuber for your garden.
Even if you’re unable to attend the weekend’s activities, we hope to have your support in our mission to provide care and services to residents as they age or recov er from illness or surgery so that they can stay here, safely, in their homes and com munity.
For more information or to donate to our mission, please visit us on our web site at prcircleofcare.com or find us on Facebook.

by Jessie Hettinga M.S.Ed.

It has been a great start to our 2022/2023 school year. We welcomed our families to an open house on Wednesday, September 21st. It was wonderful seeing the families back in our school. Open house was student led where families toured and students explained what their school day consisted of and what they were learning.

The start of the new school year promises opportunity ahead. We have loved returning to traditions of monthly library visits, nature walks and beach field trips. We are actively exploring the world around us and are also conducting science experiments inside our classroom and around our school grounds. We are excited about the year ahead where we know we will have many opportunities to continue to explore our world, ask questions and find answers.
Sincerely, Jessie Hettinga, M.S.Ed Principal/K-3 Teacher

Point Roberts Primary
If you want view property, then you should buy view property
“The reason I’m talking about this is I don’t want this to happen to anyone else,” said Tom Fijal.
Fijal, along with his wife, Desiree Klee man, owned Maple Meadows B&B at the foot of Goodman Hill until they sold it this summer and moved to Santa Barbara.
The property extends up the hill to Whalen Drive and Fijal was referring to an incident where an uphill couple took it upon themselves and hired a company to cut down over 70 trees on the Fijil/Kl eeman property without seeking approval from the owner.

“The thing is, the Whalen Drive home owners association had proposed changes to a long-standing view easement after an earlier incident where trees were cut down in an unsafe manner. The plan spelled out how the cutting should be done in order to ensure it was done in an environmen tally conscious way. For some reason or not, the association hadn’t done anything for awhile and our uphill neighbor took things into their own hands,” he said.
It ended up being a very expensive mis take. Washington state law does not look lightly upon people cutting other peo ple’s trees and shrubs without permission. RCW 64.12.030 states “whenever any per son shall cut down, girdle, or otherwise injure or carry off any tree,” or shrub that any judgment shall be triple the amount of damages claimed or assessed.

The owners sued the uphill couple un der that RCW and ended up settling out of court through mediation. Fijal declined to say how much money they received except to say that after deducting legal and other professional fees, what remained was “a very significant and substantial amount.”
Additionally, persons can be charged with malicious mischief in the 2nd degree whenever they damage property worth $750 or more, a Class C felony.
s Top, Fijal standing on top of one of the 72 trees that were cut down without permission. In a recent incident on Eagle Lane, neighbors chopped down a mature group of shrubs as well as cut the central stalks of newly planted cedars. Cutting the central stalk perma nently stunts the growth of the plants. Top, Courtesy photo, bottom photos by Pat Grubb B y P at G ru BBGovernor to end state of emergency
Governor Jay Inslee will lift Washing ton’s state of emergency for Covid-19 by the end of October, ending more than two and a half years of unprecedented executive powers used to tamp down the pandemic.
Inslee’s announcement in a September 8 news conference comes as the pandemic –along with public appetite for government controls to curb the virus – have waned, with more people becoming vaccinated or getting immunity after recovering.
More than 14,000 Washingtonians have died of Covid-19, according to state health data, which is among the lowest per capi
ta Covid-19 death rates among the states. Still, Washington continues to announce about 10 deaths daily due to the virus, ac cording to the governor’s office.

“We’ve come a long way the past two years in developing the tools that allow us to adapt and live with Covid-19,” the governor said. “Ending this order does not mean we take it less seriously or will lose focus on how this virus has changed the way we live. We will continue our com mitments to the public’s well-being, but simply through different tools that are now more appropriate for the era we’ve entered.”
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Teed off on Benson Road
B y m ark S wen S onThe opening of the Bald Eagle Golf Club provided a place on the Point to play golf, but it wasn’t the first golf business in Point Roberts. That honor arguably goes to a mini-golf course that the Whalen fami ly operated at Maple Beach from 1928 to 1938 on the corner of Bay View Drive and Roosevelt Way, where the townhouses are today.
Benson Road was home to another golf business in the 1970s and 1980s. This is the 45th anniversary of the groundbreak ing on the Gulf-Aire Golf Driving Range. Jack Graham, who owned the adjacent Gulf-Aire Mobile Villa, and later the Chev ron gas station, began construction in the autumn of 1977 and the business opened in June 1978.

Golfers teed off over an empty field gen tly sloping to the south, ringed by tall nets. Two sand traps tested players’ skill. Twen ty tees were placed atop a long, narrow concrete slab. Graham constructed a long,

open-sided wooden structure of covered tee boxes behind the teeing platform.
Golfers paid $1.50 to whack a bucket of balls and improve their game, dawn until dusk.

Over time, golfing at the driving range slowly petered out. After it was no longer operated as a business, the driving range remained accessible and golfers continued to practice their swings from the tees until gates were eventually put up.
Today, cars drive along Gulf Road, many unaware of the golfing history they’re pass ing, though those with a sharp eye can still spot the large sloping field, and the con crete tee platform, which is still visible from the road.
Did you practice your golf swing at the Gulf-Aire Golf Driving Range back in the day? Stop by the Point Roberts History Center on Gulf Road, open Saturdays, to share your memories. The Point Roberts Historical Society is seeking a photograph of the driving range from the time it was operated as a business.
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Ads Due: October 24
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Reporter Wanted
Are you interested in reporting for the All Point Bulletin? This part time position involves attending, writing and photographing local meetings, events and news. Send letter and/or resume and writing samples to pgrubb@pointrobertspress.com.
YARD MAINTENANCE Lawns • Pruning • Hedge/shrub trimming • Gutters • Pressure Washing • 23 years experience. 360-9451957.

MAPLE BEACH TIDELANDS 50' of perfect summer moorage, just south of Garth Road stairs. $30,000. 360-945-1086.
SUNSHINE CARPET and upholstery steam cleaning, reasonable rates. 360-945-0411 or lawson_brad@yahoo.com.
1-story house with 1,846 SF, 1,828 SF basement, 3 BD, 3 BA, 792 SF attached garage, 402 SF deck, built in 2002; marine and territorial views, .42 acres land.
1 and a half story house with 3,627 SF, 3 BD, 5 BA, 675 SF builtin garage, 2,000 SF detached garage, 943 SF covered porch, 320 SF porch, outbuilding, built in 2019, 49.72 acres agricultural and residential land.
1-and a half story house with 3,369 SF, 4 BD, 4 BA, 768 SF attached garage, 300 SF loft, 1,200 SF deck, built in 1991, .39 acres land.
1-story house with 1,582 SF, 3 BD, 4 BA, 560 SF attached garage, built in 1996; marine and territorial views; .44 acres land.
Condo with 2,075 SF, 2 BD, 3 BA, detached garage, built in 2013, waterfront; marine and territorial views.
1-and a half story house with 3,063 SF, 3 BD, 2 BA, 572 SF at tached garage, 496 SF deck, 595 SF patio, 576 SF storage/shop, built in 1981, 2.97 acres land.
1 and a half story house with 1,640 SF, 3 BD, 2 BA, 1,104 SF built-in garage, 476 SF enclosed porch, 120 SF storage, built in 1982, remodeled in 2000; marine and territorial view, .21 acres land.
2-story house with 1,536 SF, 1 BD, 1 BA, 1,536 SF shop, 192 SF storage, built in 2017, 4.78 acres land.
New 1-story house with 2,454 SF, 4 BD, office, 3 BA, 2 patios, attached garage, built in 2022, .30 acres land.
1-and a half story house with 3,055 SF, 3 BD, 3 BA, 696 SF at tached garage, 520 SF patio, built in 2015; marine and territorial view, .20 acres land.
2- story house with 2,576 SF, 4 BD, 3 BA, 884 SF attached garage, 1,920 SF shop, 280 SF patio, 210 SF deck, built in 2002, 4.75 acres land.
LAND: .22 acres residential lot; marine view. 1.73 acres commercial land. .91 acres residential lot, waterfront; marine views.
5660 Whitehorn Way, Blaine

4205 Arnie Road, Blaine
5610 Sanderling Way, Blaine
2123 Whalen Drive, Point Roberts
#B101, Marin Condominium, 9535 Semiahmoo Parkway, Blaine
3733 Haynie Road, Blaine
8027 Niska Road, Blaine
9528 Kettle Way, Blaine
8995 Garibaldi Court, Blaine
5338 Coastal Loop, Blaine
9641 Markworth Road, Blaine
8025 Kayak Way, Blaine Portal Way, Blaine
5518 Pine Siskin Road, Blaine
$900,000 $2,450,000 $825,000 $810,000 $1,275,000 $950,000 $750,000 $775,000 $859,950 $860,000 $900,000 $202,000 $275,000 $449,000

WATERFRONT APARTMENTS - Oceanfront apartment suites available for short-term or long-term rent. Majestic southern view near Lighthouse Park. Call 360-945-RENT or visit Oceanviewpointroberts.com
BEAUTIFUL HOUSE 3 BD on fenced acreage. Furnished, W/D, fireplace. References. $1200/ mo. 360-945-0521.
Sa 1 3:38 am -0.4 11:20 am 8.7
4:05 pm 6.9 8:33 pm 8.4
Su 2 4:32 am -0.6 12:42 pm 8.8
5:25 pm 7.4 9:11 pm 8.1
Mo 3 5:36 am -0.5 2:02 pm 9.0
7:09 pm 7.3 10:17 pm 7.7
Tu 4 6:46 am -0.4 3:02 pm 9.2
8:45 pm 6.7
We 5 12:05 am 7.2 7:56 am -0.2
3:46 pm 9.4 9:41 pm 5.7
Th 6 1:53 am 7.1 9:00 am 0.0
4:22 pm 9.5 10:23 pm 4.6
Fr 7 3:21 am 7.4 9:56 am 0.5
4:54 pm 9.5 11:03 pm 3.4
Sa 8 4:33 am 7.8 10:48 am 1.2
5:24 pm 9.4 11:41 pm 2.2
Su 9 5:39 am 8.2 11:36 am 2.1
5:50 pm 9.3
Mo 10 12:17 am 1.2 6:37 am 8.6
12:22 pm 3.1 6:16 pm 9.2
Tu 11 12:53 am 0.4 7:33 am 8.8
1:04 pm 4.2 6:40 pm 8.9
We 12 1:29 am 0.0 8:27 am 8.9 1:48 pm 5.1 7:04 pm 8.6
Th 13 2:05 am -0.2 9:21 am 8.9
2:34 pm 5.9 7:26 pm 8.3
Fr 14 2:43 am -0.1 10:21 am 8.8 3:24 pm 6.6 7:44 pm 7.9
Sa 15 3:23 am 0.2 11:25 am 8.7 4:28 pm 7.0 7:56 pm 7.5
4:09 am 0.5 12:33 pm 8.6 6:04 pm 7.1 7:42 pm 7.2
5:01 am 0.9 1:41 pm 8.6
6:00 am 1.2 2:34 pm 8.6
7:01 am 1.5 3:11 pm 8.7 9:56 pm 5.6
12:54 am 5.9 8:01 am 1.7 3:39 pm 8.8 10:06 pm 4.8
2:30 am
Aileen Crosetti
April 11, 1922 – August 19, 2022

Aileen Crosetti, long-time resident of Point Roberts, passed away August 19, 2022. Aileen was born April 11, 1922 in Vancouver, B.C. to James and Gertrude Wilson. She met her future husband, Lawrence (Larry) Crosetti in Seattle and they were married on July 26,1947 in Vancouver.

They made their home first in Hungry Horse, Montana, where their three chil dren were born. They later lived in Bremer ton, Washington; Niagara Falls, New York; and Silverdale, Washington. Aileen and Larry spent several years building their retirement home on Claire Lane in Point Roberts and moved there in 1987.
They were passionate about the pres ervation of Lily Point and devoted many hours and resources to protect the area from overdevelopment. Aileen was a force to be reckoned with. She was fiercely inde pendent and lived life on her terms.
She is survived by her three children, Diane Walworth (Bainbridge Island, Washington), Jim Crosetti (Louisville, Kentucky), and Bonnie Salter (Olympia, Washington); seven grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Larry, in 2013.

There was a memorial service on Satur day, September 3. The family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to a local humane society. Aileen loved dogs and always had one at her side.
sheriff’s report
September 2, 10:30 p.m.: Behavioral health on Boundary Bay Road.
September 3, 10:06 a.m.: Neighborhood dis pute cold call on Walters Lane.
September 3, 2:20 p.m.: Missing person on Benson Road.
September 5, 11:28 a.m.: Trespass cold call on Gulf Road.
September 5, 2:46 p.m.: Serve papers on Ma rine Drive
September 7, 10:49 a.m.: Domestic physical on Heather Way.
Library piCks
kri S lomedi C o
Storm Watch C J Box
Someone Else’s Shoes Jojo Moyes
Victory City Salman Rushdie
Bad Cree Jessica Johns Movies:
The Automat Mel Brooks
Breaking John Boyega
Bullet Train Brad Pitt
Gone in the Night Winona Ryder
The Comeback Zac Brown Band
Crybaby Tegan & Sara Ep3 Ringo Starr
Hope Soweto Gospel Choir Teens:
Eight Nights of Flirting
Hannah Reynolds
Tasting Light A R Capetta
This Is Our Place Vitor Martins
Always, Clementine Carlie Sorosiak
The Sea Way Sophia Gilmore
I Believe in Me Emma Dodd Hours: Tuesdays 1–7 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Express Hours: 6 a.m. – 11 p.m. daily wcls.org
September 8, 4:57 a.m.: Behavioral health cold call on Boundary Bay Road.

September 8, 8:38 p.m.: Domestic verbal on Benson Road.
September 10, 10:38 a.m.: Security check on George Road.
September 10, 11:42 a.m.: Suspicious circum stances cold call on Mill Road.
September 10, 5:33 p.m.: Harassment cold call on Walters Lane.
September 11, 12:37 p.m.: Assist citizen cold call on Bay View Drive.
September 12, 1:18 p.m.: Suspicious circum stances cold call on Gulf Road.
September 15, 2:59 p.m.: Welfare check on McLaren Road.
pr by the numbers
Fire Incidents for August 2022
Total calls (36); EMS calls (15), resulting in the following transports: Saint Josephs Hospital (1), Airlift Northwest (7); Fire Classification (6) resulting in false alarm (2), outdoor burns – permits (1), smoke investigation (1), structure (1), wrong ad dress (1); public service (3).
Point Roberts clinic numbers for August (2021 figures following)

Total 171 (162); office visit 105(118); labs 29(23); PT/INR 4(6); telemedicine visit 22(14); Physical exams 2(1); skin clinic 5(0); B12 and flu shots 4(0).
September 16, 12:48 a.m.: Domestic physical on Benson and Mill roads.
September 18, 3:21 p.m.: Serve papers on Walters Lane.
September 18, 6:28 p.m.: Welfare check on Pelican Place.
September 21, 11:29 a.m.: Vehicle prowl cold call on Broughton Lane.
Call Jeff: 360.366.4925

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Coming up ...
Scheduled Meetings/Ongoing Events
Point Roberts Clinic Hours: Primary Care: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., appointment need ed. Urgent Care can be accessed through telemedicine or at the clinic Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sundays 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Always call for an appointment before coming in, even for urgent care services. Hours subject to change. Flu shots available. Info: 360/945-2580.
PR Library Hours: Tuesdays 1-7 p.m., Wednesdays, and Saturdays 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Library express hours: 6 a.m. – 11 p.m. daily.
Point Roberts Walkers: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 a.m., coffee to follow at 9 a.m., Thursdays we meet at the community center, with coffee at 9 a.m. Saturdays at Lily Point. Location subject to change, the current schedule can be found at prwalkers.wordpress.com.
PR Food Bank: Every Wednesday 8:30 –10 a.m. at the Point Roberts Community Center.
Seniors and More Lunches: Wednesdays and Fridays drive through and pick up available from 11:45 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., PR community center. Weekly menus published on PAWS and Point Interface. All ages welcome. More info: prseniors@whidbey.com or 360/945-5424.
Covid-19 PCR testing: Sundays,10–11 a.m., Point Roberts Fire Hall, 2030 Benson Road. Bring ID and insur ance information.

The Commons: Saturday, October 1, noon – 2:30 in the back room of the community center. We’ve got free used books, conversation, book title haikus, and this week we’ll have textile art with animals you might want to see. Come join us. The History Center will also be open.
PR Amateur Radio Club: Monday, October 3, 7 p.m., via Zoom.
PR Chamber of Commerce: Tuesday, October 4, 6 p.m., Point Roberts Marina Club. Attention Point Rob erts business owners, come to this informational meeting and social and get to know your chamber. Light refreshments served. RSVP to info@pointrobertschamberofcommerce.com. Info: pointrobertschamberofcom merce.com.
PR Emergency Preparedness: Tuesday, October 4, 7 p.m., community center/Zoom. Info: prepgroup17@ gmail.com.
PR Garden Club: Wednesday, October 5, 7 p.m, community center. Info: info@pointrobertsgardenclub.org.
PR Registered Voters Association: Thursday, October 6, 6 p.m., community center. Info: prrva.org.

Apple Harvest Festival: Saturday, October 8, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. and Sunday, October 9, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., PR community center and Kiniski’s Reef Tavern. Sponsored by Point Roberts Circle of Care. An old-fashioned family fun weekend of apple cider pressing at the community center. Bingo games will be held from 2:30– 5 p.m. on Sunday followed by a classic rock concert at 6:30 p.m. at Kiniski’s Reef Tavern.
Your Local Small Market: Saturdays, October 8 and 22, 11 a.m – 2 p.m., community center. Local vendors include Ollie Otter Bakery and The Garden Stand/Slow Botanicals. Come out and shop for local and hand made. Info: slowbotanicals@gmail.com.
Community CPR training: Sunday, October 9, 1 p.m., firehall, 2030 Benson Road. Come learn how to help someone in cardiac arrest or that is choking. We will cover the latest guidelines in treatment for infants, children and adults. You will also learn how to use an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator). Email chief@ wcfd5.com if interested.
Winter Coat Distribution: Monday, October 10 and Friday, October 14, 9 a.m.–1 p.m.; Wednesday, Octo ber 12, 5–8 p.m.; Saturday, October 15, 10 a.m.–noon. CAP Center, 508 G Street. Free winter coats, hats, gloves, and socks for those living in Blaine, Birch Bay, Custer, and Point Roberts. Sponsored by the Communi ty Assistance Program. Info: Amee 360/319-0269.
PR Park and Recreation: Monday, October 10, at 7 p.m., via Zoom. Info: prparkandrec.org.
Water District: Tuesday, October 11, 5 p.m., via Zoom.
Fire District 5: Wednesday, October 12, 4 p.m., via Zoom. Info: WCFD5.com.
PR Hospital District: Wednesday, October 12, 7 p.m., via Zoom. Info: pointrobertsclinic.com.
Advanced Directive Workshop: Wednesday, October 13, 2 p.m., PR library. Hosted by Circle of Care. All materials provided to complete a hard copy. Info: dementia-directive.org. Reserve your spot: prcircleofcare@ gmail.com. Please specify in your email if you would like to create a dementia directive.
PR Taxpayers Association: Thursday, October 13, 7 p.m., via Zoom. Link: bit.ly/3dwO3BV.
Thanksgiving Baskets Registration: Friday, October 14–Friday, November 11. Free, ready-to-cook Thanks giving dinners for those with limited financial resources living in Blaine, Birch Bay, Custer, and Point Roberts. Reservations required at blainecap.org or call 360/383-8027. Baskets will be available for pick-up on Tuesday, November 22, noon – 2:30 p.m., in Blaine.
Covid Bivalent Vaccination Event: Sunday, October 15, firehall, 2030 Benson Road. Pfizer and Moderna (Pfizer:12 years or older; Moderna:18 years or older). This event is only for bivalent booster doses. If you have received the primary series of Pfizer, Moderna or JJ and your last dose was at least two months prior to event date, you are eligible for the bivalent booster. Please send an email to chief@wcfd5.com with the vaccine you are requesting and number of participants to register. We offer vaccination to anyone within our community. Pirates in our Midst: Tuesday, October 18, 3–4 p.m., PR library. Grades K-5. Celebrate all things Pirate! Make a spyglass and hat, choose a parrot, and play cannonball games, in the library.
PR Historical Society: Wednesday, October 19, 7 p.m., in the History Center.
PR Community Advisory Committee: Thursday, October 20, 6 p.m., via Zoom.
PC Care Clinic: Sunday, October 23, noon – 4 p.m., community center. We will provide free checkup, cleaning, and repair if we can. If your PC/laptop has a problem that we can fix on-site, the fix will be free. If the problem requires parts, we will provide an estimate for you to decide. The goals of the PC Care Clinic are to help out local PR computer users who need assistance, and to keep your electronics out of the landfill by extending its life.
Halloween Spooktacular: Saturday, October 29, PR community center. Sponsored by the Point Roberts Park and Recreation District. Witch crafts and games, Trunk or Treat at 5 p.m. in the parking lot, and a showing of Disney’s Hocus Pocus at 7 p.m. Put on your costume, decorate your ride with your best Halloween decor, and bring treats for all the trick or treaters. To register: prparkdistrict@gmail.com.
Halloween Trunk-or-Treat: Monday, October 31. If you are interested in handing candy out, decorating an area, volunteering, donating kids prizes or sharing an idea please reach out via email dreameventsbysd@ hotmail.com.
Friday Market: Fridays, 4–6 p.m., Marina West lawn. Make it, bake it or grow it vendors contact latitude@ whidbey.com to participate. Harvest vegetables and more. Bring your own table, chair and umbrella, space is free. Kids welcome to host their own art table with parent/guardian supervision. Hosted by Salish Sea Co-op.
History Center: Saturdays, 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Same great displays and store! Stop by to check out displays and the Pacific Northwest gift shop.
Storytime: Wednesdays, 10:30–11 a.m., PR library. For ages 2-6. An open program that includes stories, rhymes and songs with opportunities for movement and interactive participation. Craft and Game Night: Tuesdays from 5–7 p.m., Point Roberts Library. Bring a craft to work on or a board game to play