All Point Bulletin – February 2023

Page 7

PRCAC to seek Maple Beach seawall funding

Following receipt of a letter from the Maple Beach Association (MBA) about flooding problems, Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee board chair Allison Calder believes it’s time to take action.

During storms and high water, the existing seawall is typically breached by water and debris subjecting low lying streets and homes to flooding. Some residents have suggested adding a topper to the wall which would deflect incoming waves backwards as seen on the seawall north of the border. Any such work would require county and state shoreline permitting that is difficult and time-consuming. “I’m not saying it’s impossible,” Calder said at the PRCAC meeting on January 19, “but it triggered me into looking for grants.”

Calder said there are federal and state grants available that could provide funding to replace existing vertical bulkheads with soft shoreline protection.

Bulkheads and seawalls can be detrimental for the health of the shoreline and concerns about their negative impact have inspired Washington state to push for soft shoreline development.

Soft shoreline development, also known as green shorelines or living shorelines, uses techniques that generally include some combination of native plantings, anchored drift logs, gravel berms, sand replenishment and site recontouring in areas that suffer from erosion or high wave energy. Soft shorelines look and feel natural and are constructed in a way that helps to prevent erosion.

“Because it (soft shoreline development) is what Washington state wants, the process of going through the U.S. Corp of Engineers, and departments of ecology and fish and wildlife is a lot easier and a lot smoother,” said Calder.

A similar project, the Birch Bay Drive and Pedestrian Facility Project, was completed in March 2021 after being first proposed by geologist Wolf Bauer in 1975. It took the county approximately 20 years of planning and permitting before work started in January 2020. The almost $16

(See Maple Beach, page 3)

The Point Roberts Primary School will most likely lose its third grade class this fall, according to Blaine school district superintendent Christopher Granger. He announced the district’s plan to harmonize the Point Roberts school with the Blaine primary school during a Supper with the Superintendent event January 17 at the school.

Granger said it made sense to have Point Roberts students transition into elementary school at the same time as the rest of the student body instead of delaying for a year. In addition, the state rules governing remote and necessary schools such as

the Point Roberts Primary School require schools to offer the same grades as similar schools operated by the district.

Approximately 20 people attended the supper including Granger, his wife and two daughters who brought pizza for the assembled parents. One bone of contention was raised by parents who believd a transitional kindergarten would be offered in January.

Granger apologized for the mixed signals, saying he took responsibility for the miscommunication. He pointed out that while the state had changed the rules on the fly, the district never intended to offer the program anywhere other than the main campus.

IN THIS ISSUE School board appoints director, page 6 The case for an adult home, page 4 Online Inside Church 9 Classifieds 12 Coming Up 11 Crossings 10 Opinion 4 Sheriffs 14 Tides 14 Pop!
s Children librarian Rose Momsen anticipating a popped balloon during a New Year’s Eve day party at the Point Roberts Library on Gulf Road. Children and their families watched the balloons drop at noon on December 31.
Keep fingers crossed for broadband, page 7 ECRWSS PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 14 Point Roberts, WA 98281 Postal Patron Local February 2023 FREE
B y P at G ru BB
Photo by Erin Kelly
Primary school likely to lose third grade
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2 All Point Bulletin • February 2023 Ingrid Johnson 206-391-0224 Tracy Evans 206-658-5762 156 Mill Road $329,000 1996 E Saturna Place $595,000 Exceptional Crystal Waters home with beach and tideland rights! WESTERN REALTY CRYSTALWATERS BEACH .42ACRES 1541 Ocean View Lane $1,599,000 BALD EAGLE GOLF COURSE - 1350 PELICAN PLACE$12,500,000 PRICEREDUCED Nielson’s Building Center 391 Tyee Drive, Point Roberts, WA • 360.945.3116 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 • Sat. 9-5 • Sun. 10-3 SHOP ONLINE: Visit for over 65,000 products Celebrating 60 years in business! 1963 - 2023 February PRICE BUSTERS! 1345 Gulf Rd. Point Roberts, WA • 360-945-SALT • SALTWATERCAFE SALTWATERCAFE OPEN FOR BREAKFAST & LUNCH Thursday to Sunday 9am - 4pm FULLY LICENSED S
January 16.
Two bald eagles checking
their hunting
at the Seabright development on
Photo by Pat Grubb

Maple Beach ...

From page 1

million project involved removing cement groins and placing 205,000 tons of gravel and sand along the 1.6 mile stretch of beach. In contrast, the existing cement seawall on Bayview Drive is approximately 0.63 miles long.

One possible complication lies in the fact that immediately north of the border, the homes in Canada have vertical bulkheads similar to the existing seawall on Bayview.

Past mitigation attempts to prevent undermining of the seawall by dumping loads of cobble stones have proved unsuccessful as the waves and currents washed the material northwards. Ideally, the county could work with the municipality of Delta on a coordinated approach to the problem.

The next step for the PRCAC is to have a meeting with the MBA to discuss options for a solution for the existing seawall. PRCAC nominated member Brian Hunter to represent them due to his background and work with drainage and stormwater runoff.


3 February 2023 • Thrive In Your Body • Build Strength • Improve Flexibility & Posture • Optimize Mobility • No Impact on Joints • Feel Less Aches & Pain P RIVATE PILATES INSTRUCTION in a beautiful studio setting. Group classes offered. NATIONAL REAL ESTATE Hugh Wilson, Real Estate Broker Call or text: 604-910-5968 Call 360-945-1010 or email Mr. Wilson Hugh ALL HUES PAINTING CAN MAKE YOUR HOME READY FOR SALE 187 Donegal Drive. Views of North Mountains and Boundary Bay, 2BR & 1.5BA Solid rancher with retro feel,lovely incoming light, fireplace, private treed backyard and patio w/fire pit. $433,000 NEWLISTING Roosevelt Way Corner lot close to Maple Beach. $49,900 SOLD We have a buyer for a house in good shape with a fully fenced yard. Call Hugh! AMI FRIENDLY FAMILY FRIENDLY RESTAURANT & BAR PING PONG • DARTS • POOL • BIG SCREEN TVS • AIR HOCKEY On the West Side waterfront at the end of Gulf Rd. 360/945-REEF
Hours Open Friday - Sunday Come join us for the food and waterfront views. Friday 4-9pm Saturday & Sunday Noon-9pm Kitchen closes at 8 pm
s Waves, water and debris topping the Bayview Drive seawall. Photo by Stephen Fowler s Low-lying properties west of Bayview Drive. Photo by Brian Calder s Much of the water comes through the stairwells down to the beach. Photo by Brian Calder

The Case For Building An Adult Family Home

The All Point Bulletin is published each month by Point Roberts Press Inc. and is delivered to homes and businesses in Point Roberts and Tsawwassen. The opinion expressed by contributors is their own and is offered for the general interest of our readers.

Mail and classified ads should be addressed to:

All Point Bulletin P.O. Box 1451

Point Roberts WA USA 98281

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Erin Kelly

Copy Editor

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Contributors In This Issue

Gina Gaudet

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Printed in Canada • Vol. XXXVI, No. 10

Letters Policy

The All Point Bulletin welcomes letters to the editor; however, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Letters must include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters must not exceed 450 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality and good taste.

A fresh viewpoint on matters of general interest to local readers will increase the likelihood of publication. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis.

Thank you letters should be limited to ten names.

Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published.

Please email your letter to:

P.O. Box 1451, Point Roberts, WA 98281

Fax: 360/945-1613

Next issue: Mar. 2023

Ads due: Feb. 17

Circle of Care is taking the necessary steps to ensure that it is feasible, demographically and financially, to build one or more adult family homes (AFH) in Point Roberts.

We have just completed a market feasibility study, authored by David Stumpo, a 22-year resident of Point Roberts.

Stumpo is the founder of APTREX Institute. The institute is known as a pioneer in the field of transit operations and workforce development specifically for professional transit certification of managerial staff from front line supervisors to senior and executive management. He has been instrumental in strategic planning, SWAT analysis, business development and operations and maintenance start-ups for public transit agencies.

This market feasibility study conducted over the last several months will drive the implementation phase for the creation of an adult family home in Point Roberts.

What is an adult family home?

“These are residential homes licensed to care for up to six non-related residents. They provide room, board, laundry, necessary supervision, and necessary help with activities of daily living, personal care, and

social services.” (RCW 70.128.010)

There were three main elements considered in the feasibility study:

1. The demographics of the community

2. The requirement for staffing a 24 hours/7 days-a-week operation

3. What competition exists for similar operations

First, to accurately determine if the population can support an AFH, it is important to evaluate the appropriate age range of potential residents, regardless of the total population of the community. Among the 65 to 74-year-old age group, six percent report relocating for health reasons; however, among the 75-plus cohort, this proportion swells to 26 percent.

Second, employment in Point Roberts historically has been a major challenge for businesses as the result of border rule changes and available rental housing. Because our economy is small and narrowly based, employment opportunities for full‐time work have been limited.

As a result, it has been more difficult to attract a labor force to commit to living and working in a remote community like Point Roberts. Circle of Care’s plan includes providing long term rental housing to staff to ensure long-term, permanent employment.

The opportunity to live in a beautiful,

safe community with affordable housing, without the stress and strain of traffic, safety issues as well as job security will override any hesitations about relocating here. Once the determination is made to build an adult family home, the adage “build it and they will come” will be the impetus behind filling the necessary job positions required.

Third, competition for this project is simply non-existent. There is no competition in Point Roberts. All existing adult family homes and skilled nursing facilities in Whatcom County are currently at full capacity and many have lengthy waitlists.

Finally, the three key components of the demographics, the staffing, and the competition, confirm the validity of the assumptions and recommendations outlined in the report.

In answer to the question, “Is this project feasible,” the answer is a resounding Yes!

Our next step is to conduct a financial feasibility study to determine what funding will be necessary and if one AFH (or more) can be successful over the years and generations.

If you would like a copy of the market feasibility study, please contact the Circle of Care at 360/945-5222 or email us at

Letters to the editor

The Editor and Bennett Knox, director, Whatcom County Parks Department:

A quotation for replacement of the boat launch and fishing dock was received today from Scott Strack at Knight Boat Docks in Deer Park, Washington. Copies attached for your review.

This quotation is for budgetary purposes, but a fast review shows that the cost estimate is less than one-third the cost of the previous replacement dock, which did not work.

The lead time from Knight Boat Docks should allow for installation and use of a new dock in the coming season. The seven steel pilings for anchoring the dock are already in place.

As discussed at our community town hall in October, Point Roberts has been without a functioning dock at Lighthouse Park for 14 years.

Both you and county executive Satpal Sidhu attended that meeting, so you are aware of the immediate need for a positive economic and recreational driver for Point Roberts – one that can be put in place expeditiously.

A replacement dock is supported by the Point Roberts Taxpayers Association, Point Roberts Registered Voters Association and the chamber of commerce. Community approval was registered in March 2010 with a petition of 664 signatures in favor of a replacement dock.

Priority should be given to the use of county resources to fund clearing the current concrete ramp area from accumulated rocks, gravel and wood debris in preparation for the new dock.

When full funding is authorized by Whatcom County, it is entirely possible that Lighthouse Park will finally have a working fishing pier and boat launch in place for the 2023 summer season.

Looking forward to working with you and the supplier on this project.

The Editor: I want to share information about having an alternative to having to pay too much for prescription drug medications. NBC’s series “Side Effects, NBC News In-

vestigating Drug Pricing” featured Mark Cuban who has started his own company called Cost Plus Drugs that makes prescription medications very affordable. He can do this because he bypasses the insurers and middle-men. An example is for the leukemia drug Imatinib, which retails at a pharmacy chain for more than $2,500, according to Cost Plus Drugs website. With insurance, a typical co-pay is $30. But at Cost Plus Drugs the same leukemia medication is $19.40 a month with no insurance needed, and so no co-pay either. Another example is the drug Albendazole, which has an average retail of $430, but at Cost Plus it is only $38.

Mark Cuban is on reality TV-show “Shark Tank” and is worth billions of dollars. When asked why he started his company, he said, “It’s the right thing to do. I have money.” In the 10 months since he started the company, he has about 1.5 million customers who can choose from about 350 generic medications. He says, “Transparency is the key.” On his bills, the

customers see what Cost Plus paid for the medication, along with a 15 percent mark up, a $3 pharmacy fee and a $5 shipping fee. That’s it.

A young girl Christina Costa, uses Cost Plus Drugs and created an Instagram video to share her experience. She has epilepsy and brain cancer, and anxiety. She quoted Mark Cuban, “Everyone should have safe, affordable medicines with transparent prices.” She’s never met Mark Cuban, but by using Cost Plus Drugs, she is saving 90 percent on her medications every month. It is worth going online (costplusdrugs. com) and seeing how much you can save on your prescription medications.

Birch Bay

The Editor:

I would like to congratulate Grace McCarthy for three years of excellent journalism at Point Roberts Press, Inc. and The Northern Light. She has now been there for three years, first as an intern for university credit and now at the helm as editor. This paper, and others like it, are essential to informing the public about key societal institutions in their further advancement, and Ms. McCarthy has done a brilliant job

(See Letters, page 6)

Please send letters to

4 All Point Bulletin • February 2023
All Point Bulletin
Email: Address: City: State: Zip: Support $24 (or whatever you can) MAIL TO: All Point Bulletin, PO Box 1451, Point Roberts, WA 98281 l 360/945-0413 You can also contribute online at Thank you for supporting local journalism. Thank you to our latest supporter:
B y G al E n W ood , C ir C l E of C ar E

Trinity C ommunity Lutheran Church

5 February 2023 • • Looking to buy in Point Roberts? • Curious what your property is worth? I focus exclusively on Point Roberts! Dan Schroeder, Managing Broker 360-999-9365 BOUNDARY BAY REALTY LISTINGS: - AVAILABLE$1,100,000 2110 Whalen Dr - 3 Bed 4 Bath $79,000 Windsor Dr - Double lot $49,900 Alberta Way - Reduced! $59,000 Sanders Ct - Includes Water & Culvert $139,000 Gulf Rd - 1 Acre Lot $150,000 634 S Beach Rd - Fixer Cabin REALTY - RECENTLY SOLDBY BOUNDARY BAY REALTY: $254,000 68 Regina Way Transfer Station Only U.S. funds will be accepted. TRANSFER STATION REGULAR HOURS Thursdays & Sundays Noon - 4PM To arrange, please call or email: 360-945-CNDO (2636) 2005 Johnson Rd. EOW AND RECYCLING DATES: Monday, Feb. 6 & 20 Tuesday, Feb. 7 & 21 Wednesday, Feb. 8 & 22 MORE DETAILS ARE AVAILABLE AT: CURBSIDE COLLECTION Please contact our office (360) 945-2636, Monday — Friday 10:30am - 2:30pm to arrange for recycling bins and routing information. Tyee Dr. • 360-945-0237 Mon - Fri. such as Lasagna, Swedish Meatballs, Meatloaf, French Dip, Asian Rice Bowl. A different choice each day! AMAZING DEALS ON FRESH PRODUCE • FRESH CUT MEATS • CHEESES & MORE! OPEN EVERYDAY! We offer a full line of spirits in addition to our fine wine and beer selection! GREAT VALUES! Check out our great selection of: • fresh produce • fresh cut meats • cheeses OPEN EVERYDAY 8 A M - 10 P M Weekly HOT specials - Check them out in our store flyer! Dean Priestman Manager Come check out Dave’s expanded produce selection! Find hundreds of COUPONS online at Video & DVD Dept $149 GREAT VALUES! Check out our great selection of: • fresh produce • fresh cut meats • cheeses OPEN EVERYDAY 8 A.M. - 10 P.M. Weekly HOT specials - Check them out in our store flyer! Monday Madness all rentals Tyee Drive • 945-0237 We now have a full line of spirits in addition to our fine wine and beer selection! GREAT VALUES! Check out our great selection of: • fresh produce • fresh cut meats • cheeses OPEN EVERYDAY 8 A M - 10 P M Weekly HOT specials - Check them out in our store flyer! Dean Priestman Manager Come check out Dave’s expanded produce selection! Find hundreds of COUPONS online at Video & DVD Dept $149 START SAVING! Find hundreds of COUPONS ONLINE AT NEW! Residential - Construction - Business 360-676-1174 or email us at: • In-Store Pick-ups / Freight Shipments • Refrigerated Transport • Flat deck or Cargo Trailer Transport 24 ft flat deck trailer 24 ft enclosed cargo trailer Auto Freight, Inc. IN BOUND & OUT BOUND FREIGHT SERVICES in the US and CANADA Bill and Michele Bennett purchased PRAF on Feb 16, 2019 and are committed to assisting with all your freight delivery needs! We provide an Essential Service to Point Roberts. Please give us a call, 360-676-1174. WE’RE HERE TO HELP! 2030 Benson Road Clinic Hours: Monday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tuesday 10 a.m.– 6 p.m. Thursday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. **Closed from 12-1 p.m. Call 360-945-2580 For info & appointments The Point Roberts Clinic is Owned by the Point Roberts Public Hospital District & operated by SuperTrack Urgent Care. Open Monday-Saturday in Bellingham Also Telemedicine appointments available. Call 360-746-6531
18 8 0 A P A R O A D , POINT R OB E R T S , W A 9 8 2 8 1 • A DM I N I S T R A T I O N P H O NE: 3 6 0 - 9 4 5 - 7 1 0 5 Sundays: (potluck after service) Feb 5th 11:00 am Service with Pastor Gina Gaudet Feb 12th 11:00 am Service with Interfaith Minister Bev Mar Feb 19th 11:00 am Service with Pastor Gina Gaudet Feb 26th 11:00 am Service with Pastor Gina Gaudet

School boards appoints board member

The Blaine school board voted 4-0 to appoint Pacific Building Center and True Value Hardware co-owner Kimberly Akre as its fifth member at a special meeting January 23. Akre will be sworn in at the board’s regular meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, February 27.

Akre will fill former board member Todd Nunamaker’s district 1 seat until November 7, when the seat is up for election. Nunamaker resigned from the board in October 2022 due to continued health challenges. Point Roberts is included in district 1.

The board was required to appoint a representative living in the district to fill the vacant seat as it had been 90 days since Nunamaker resigned. District 1 includes Point Roberts and western parts of downtown Blaine. Board members must also be a U.S. citizen and registered voter.

The school board interviewed two candidates, Akre and Brandy Hawkins, in its special meeting January 23. After about 35 minutes in executive session to discuss the candidates, the board unanimously appointed Akre.

“I saw it as a good opportunity to give back to the community,” Akre said January 24.

Akre said her family moved to the area in 1977. She attended Blaine schools, graduating in 1992. She and her family took over the Pacific Building Center in 1997. She owns it with her sister Stephanie Munden. Akre also has two boys who went to Blaine schools.

Akre said as a business owner she is

Letters ...

From page 4

documenting many of the key issues.

As a previous editor, I had the privilege of interviewing Ms. McCarthy for her internship application. After she was accepted, not only did she do top-notch reporting, but she also asked important ethical questions. When a small business that she was writing about sent her a free, unsolicited product sample, she asked if she should keep it or send it back. When a local legislator asked to edit one of their statements after a Q&A, Ms. McCarthy asked for guidance on this too (I advised that the politician couldn’t revise their quote).

In a profession that does not have legislated rules for sound constitutional reasons, these types of questions must be deliberated upon by each journalist as they chart their own course. Indeed, all of us must consider such questions, since we are all journalists every time we post on social media, speak up about common concerns and shared issues, or otherwise express ourselves to others.

The whole team at Point Roberts Press is doing a wonderful job at serving its readers, encouraging community engagement and helping to raise awareness of important topics relevant to this unique and special part of America and the world. Thank you for reading my letter, and best wishes to Ms. McCarthy for the continued progress of her outstanding journalism career.

The Editor:

I was encouraged to read Dr. Sandhya Gelou’s letter in which she addressed the urgency of diabetes prevention, noting some remarkable successes in the American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

comfortable dealing with financial issues and could apply this to a role as an adviser on district finances and operations. “I think a lot of people don’t realize that the school is a business,” Akre said. “It has to be run as a business.”

In November 2016, Akre was elected the first woman president of Western Building Material Association, a regional trade association serving Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. Akre has also served as president of the Blaine Chamber of Commerce.

Having caught her during the middle of the workday, Akre said she didn’t yet have any specific goals for her time on the board. “This has all been pretty new to me,” she said.

All other populations are continuing to trend upward in diabetes diagnoses at alarming rates.

It’s time to connect some dots: Diabetes prevention should be an ambitious public health initiative. Now. Not off into the future.

Type 2 diabetes, the opioid crisis, alcohol and tobacco use have something in common. They are among the top health challenges in our country. They are expensive to contain and treat and raise the cost of insurance and medical care for employers and employees. Additionally, they negatively impact workforce participation.

The governor, chambers of commerce, business owners and various media are expressing concerns about the difficulty in recruiting and retaining a stable workforce.

These challenges have become acute.

In December, the CDC warned of a 700 percent surge in diabetes in young Americans under the age of 20 in the coming decades. This new research should be a wake-up call to ensure all of our children are the healthiest they can be.

Our health department will be the administrator of the Healthy Children’s Fund (Proposition 5) that was approved in November 2022. They should include diabetes prevention as a priority. Prop. 5 plans are still in their developmental phase – so it’s possible to include diabetes prevention in the 10-year project, which is funded by property taxes.

How many readers know the elected Whatcom County Council comprises the board of our county health department?

It was county council that voted to put the so-called healthy kids measure on the ballot, even though there was no developed plan defined.

Diabetes prevention belongs on the public health agenda if we want a future healthy labor pool. Where’s the leadership?

6 All Point Bulletin • February 2023 Point Roberts | 360-945-0420 Private and confidential Call or e-mail for an appointment American Counseling Association P ROFESSION AL MEMBE R OUR SERVICES: • Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry (crowns, bridges, bonding, veneers, smile design, implant crowns, whitening, clear aligners) • General Dentistry (hygiene, fillings, fresh breath treatment) • Neuromodulator Injectables for headaches/migraines/TMJ • Cosmetic Injectables for fine facial lines & wrinkles • Venus Viva & Microneedling for skin resurfacing • Rodan + Fields Cosmeceutical skin care Get the results you want from experienced dentists who LISTEN, SERVE & CARE. 5550 12th Avenue, Tsawwassen • 604-943-3343 NEW DENTAL PATIENT SPECIAL! Visit for details. Drs. Jan & Warren Roberts 360-945-0337 CERTIFIED AGENT P.O. Box 129 • Point Roberts, WA 98281 REAL ESTATE • PROPERTY RIGHTS ESTATE PLANNING & PROBATE U.S. TAX COMPLIANCE Visit my Blog Whatcom County Fire District #5 Point Roberts Community Paramedic CARES Program
non-emergency home medical care, education and referral services.
an appointment or more information,
Chief Christopher Carleton
360-945-3473 or
B y i an H au P t
s Akre. Photo by Oliver Lazenby

PointNet partners with PUD #1 for state broadband grant

After nearly four years of work aimed to bring faster internet to Point Roberts, Bob Hillman, president and founder of PointNet Solutions, received a phone call from Whatcom County Public Utility District #1 (PUD #1) in early January asking if he would partner with them to apply for a grant from the Washington State Broadband Office (WSBO).

Hillman, a resident of Point Roberts and veteran of the telecommunications industry “had to think about it for about ten seconds” before agreeing to fully partner with PUD to apply for a grant to construct a 100 percent fiber expansion to the remaining areas of the Point that have not been covered in previous grants to Whidbey Telecom. The partnership is contingent upon success in the WSBO grant programs that closed on January 17.

PUD #1 has applied for a total of $8.1 million in grant money from the WSBO which would be used for broadband projects in the communities of Point Roberts, Glacier and Ravencrest. The program requires the applicant to supply 10 percent of the project cost in cash or in-kind donation.

There is approximately $120 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds available for this particular round of financing, which is open to qualified applicants such as tribal and nonprofit agencies and government/private enterprise entities.

The rationale behind the funding request for Point Roberts is outlined in an August 2022 report by the district’s Andrew Entrekin (

Hillman has been focused on improved community connectivity since the summer of 2019.

“Before Delta Cable cut the service to the Point, I was getting my broadband from them. I decided that the community was so poorly served that somebody needed to step up, so I created PointNet. I extensively surveyed the Point and did a bunch of designs to develop a plan to cover 100 percent of the community to fully meet federal and state service levels,” said Hillman.

When asked about why he is confident the grant will be awarded for Point Roberts, Hillman pointed out the necessity of

broadband on the Point. “Point Roberts suffered horribly during the pandemic. We had really poor broadband. People who needed to do remote work, or avail themselves of telemedicine, and the kids who needed to learn remotely were really hurting badly. We lost some decent families because of it. Hopefully the county will see this and decide to go through with this grant.”

Even though $1.5 million has been granted to Whidbey Telecom to extend fiber network areas along the south and western edges of the Point in late 2021, Hillman said that the Point will still have weak internet service. “PointNet is committed to taking Point Roberts from 168th ranked community in the state by internet download speed to the most connected community in the state,” he added.

The proposed project will bring eventually fiber optic service to all remaining areas of Point Roberts including Maple Beach and South Beach, the most densely built areas in the community. The PUD and PointNet project will cover over 1,250 homes in designated areas, approximately 50 percent of all homes. The budget for the project is $3.5 million, according to Hillman. A minimum service of 150 megabytes per second symmetrical (up and download) would cost $50/a month with a $100 one-time installation fee, he said.

In the project areas, PointNet will initially utilize new and existing cable lines dating from Delta Cablevision days; fiber optic lines will be installed in designated areas with 4-6 weeks and connected to homeowners’ outside walls. Contractors have agreed to start installing the cable lines within three weeks of when the grant money is awarded and could possibly be finished within a couple months of that.

“I’m really excited that the community is finally going to get what it needs,” said Hillman, “People will notice a black and white difference. Most people will say ‘oh, it’s about time.’ Well, you know, maybe they’re right.”

PointNet will have a three-year exclusive use of the system. After that, it will become a public utility, and will be fully open to any ISP that may wish to provide a competitive service. The funding and partnership are contingent on the grant, and announcements of the successful applicants is expected on February 28.

7 February 2023 • 2 Great Services Protect & beautify your home this winter! We have a new local Office! 1469 Gulf Road #102 • Point Roberts Now Serving Point Roberts! OFFICE: 360-312-0720 George’s Cell: 360-305-5275 Handyman Services 2 hours free with a minimum of 6 hr. job THE HANDYMAN CONTRACTOR REMODELS•REPAIRS•MAINTENANCE 6067 Portal Way Unit #1 • Ferndale, WA Roofing Services $500 OFF new roof system over 20 squares NORTH SOUND SERVICES ROOFING & HOME SERVICES OFFICE: 360-389-5628 George’s Cell: 360-305-5275 HANDYHC853m9 Open 7am-11pm 7 days a week! 1557 Gulf Rd. Across from the Post Office 360-945-7611 fuel, dairy, beer and wine For your needs! Come check out our competitive gas prices and our fine selection of beers and wine for all occasions. Growler refills available on tap. 5 flavors to choose from. H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Did you know we can supply? • Composite decking • Hardie siding • Cedar decking and siding • Aluminum railing • Metal roofing • Insulation • Moulding • Paving stones • Fence panels and posts Bring your questions to the Help Desk!
B y E rin K E lly
s Could an end to drooping cable lines be in sight? According to Bob Hillman, old Delta Cablevision lines will be replaced by fiber optic lines. Photo by Brian Calder



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A Fundraiser for
February 14th 6:30-9:00 pm Trinity Church Hall 1880
Point Roberts Circle of Care Shaune Ann Feuz and Savilla Kress julie Raymond James (USA) Ltd., member FINRA/SIPC. RJLU advisors may only conduct business with residents of the states and/or jurisdictions for which they are properly registered. s The sun rises over Lummi and the San Juan islands on January 11, 2023. Photo by Pat Grubb

ChurCh news

Jesus healed. He also preached and taught. When he spoke it was often to crowds of people, but when he healed it was personal. Healing took many forms to address many diseases and conditions. Sometimes it was just touch, sometimes a process, or a mixture of soil and saliva. He could heal from a distance. It was a significant part of his ministry on earth. And we read in the Book of Acts that his disciples healed, too. There are verses that connect all these miracles in the gospel of John:

“I tell you this truth, that the ones who believe in me will also do the works that I do; even greater works than these will they do, because I am returning to oneness with my father. So whatever you ask in my name will be done, that my father might be glorified in me …” (John 14: 12-14)

Why was healing so important to Jesus?

In any form, healing is an act of love. Jesus walked through a hurting world, among a people oppressed under Roman rule. Through word and action, he brought healing and hope to all he encountered. He did not see or present himself as a strong political or military leader, though some of his followers would project such hopes onto him. What he came to bring was healing. This was to be healing on many levels; physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. He understood that people who experience healing and wholeness can survive – perhaps sometimes even thrive – in the face of oppression.

So here the etymologist in me comes out to clarify that the words “heal” and “whole” are actually from the same root words in a number of European languages; Old English “hael” or “haelth”; German “heil,” Norse “heill” etc. All these words could be translated as heal/healed or whole/made whole. So, the pursuit of healing can also be understood as a quest for wholeness – a sense of general well-being that can be physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual. Healing/wholeness can be

achieved through healing modalities (conventional or holistic), but also through sharing a meal, walking in nature, reading, coffee with a friend, or a comforting visit or phone call. In this sense, we can all see ourselves as healers for each other and for our community.

The size, isolation and closeness of the Point Roberts community has allowed our residents to be sources of healing, comfort and support over many years. About four years ago, we began a healing ministry for the church and community, located in the PREP Room in the education building. As a certified healing touch practitioner, I could offer pain relief, promote peace of mind, provide spiritual comfort. This ministry continued right up to the arrival of Covid-19.

Ah, yes, Trinity community experienced some significant setbacks over the last few years; not just from Covid-19. A need for a good gutter-cleaning at this time revealed that our sanctuary was in serious need of repair – so much so that we could not legally gather there.

The formation of an intrepid finance committee (God bless them all!) resulted in a swift donor response, which allowed us to do the immediate repairs required to keep the building sound.

As we continue to return, repair and rebuild (in a number of ways), we’ve started to look again at the future of our healing ministry, and how it can be a part of the healing of our church and community. So, we have repurposed another room, designated and furnished it as a healing space, and will officially reopen our healing ministry this month.

We have a few members who are gifted/ trained in a variety of modalities, that will be reflecting on their experience and understanding of healing in this space of the paper. In the meantime, know that we are here, and we are here for you.

For now, inquiries can be addressed to me at, or by phone/ text at 604/828-3736.

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9 February 2023 • 360-945-1301 Point Roberts Hair Stylist R obin N ault Cell: 360-927-5403 Since 1985 604.946.5211 4831 Delta St. Ladner Village O’Neill saxx billabong element herschel stance pura vida & More! Shop online at ONE-STOP SHOPPING IN THE HEART OF LADNER VILLAGE SAHIRY SELLS POINT ROBERTS Sahiry IrelandReal Estate Agent
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y G ina G aud E t
s This intrepid group of cold-water enthusiasts greeted the New Year with a dip off of South Beach.
Photos by Erin Kelly

Borderite Report THE


As we have welcomed the new year we have purposefully emphasized our commitment to hands-on learning with STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) activities. STEAM activities inspire inquiry and curiosity, empowering students to ask thought-provoking questions that promote creativity and exploration, and to connect their problem-solving to real-world solutions.

STEAM projects that our students have participated in this month include the following…

• Engineering activities where students choose a material to build with, plan and construct an object, draw it and then write about it.

• Mega-Ultra Crunch Slime: the slime is crunchy because air bubbles are trapped in repurposed straws that are added into the recipe.

• Friction Climbers: Friction is a force that tries to stop things from sliding over each other. Our Friction Climbers experimented with different materials such as string holders, dowels and spools.

• Turing Tumble game boards: These game boards allow students to build marble powered computers and discover how computers work through engaging in engineering challenges.

Our students are studying the weather. We created breeze buddies and use them to make observations and graph our daily weather patterns in Point Roberts at 12:00 pm each day. We also continue our pumpkin studies through observations and scientific drawings of the process of decomposition.

We are excited to continue our STEAM studies throughout the school year!

LoCaL stats

Fire Incidents for December 2022

Total calls (41); EMS calls (10), resulting in the following transports: Saint Josephs Hospital (2); Fire Classification (13) resulting in outdoor burns – permits (1), outdoor burns – illegal (1), false alarm (3), vehicle fire (1), power lines down (1),structure (1), gas leak (1), water problem (4); public service (10).

Point Roberts health clinic numbers for December 2022

Total visits: 141 (123); office visit 68 (45); labs 12 (2); PT/INR 0(10); telemedicine visit 33 (19); Physical exams 1 (3); skin clinic 11 (6); B12 and flu shots 16 (38).

Seed exchange

A seed exchange will be held on Saturday, February 25 at the community center on Gulf Road from noon to 3 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Bring extra seeds to swap or come get some free seeds. For kids or those who have never gardened, this is a chance to get some free seeds to get started on your gardening journey in time for spring.


Traffic into Point Roberts November 2022, with figures for 2021 following. Personal vehicles 46,228 (12,509); personal passengers 60,692 (12,509); pedestrians 452 (120); commercial 458 (191).

10 All Point Bulletin • February 2023 Check out our district website! Point Roberts Primary 2050 Benson Rd, P.O. Box 910 Point Roberts, WA 98281 945-ABCD (2223)
Brought To You By The Blaine School District
Jessie Hettinga, M.S.Ed Principal, Point Roberts Primary s Savila Kress, second from l. and Shaune Anne Feuz, fourth from l. with their band The Point. Kress and Feuz will perform February 11 at the community center and again on February 14 at Trinity Church Hall. Photo by Erin Kelly s It was a happy band of felters busy felting away at The Commons on January 7. Photos by Erin Kelly

around the point

Circle of Care is hosting a Valentine’s Day date night on Tuesday, February 14 at 6:30 p.m. Come down to the Trinity Church community hall for a wine and chocolate tasting, love song singalong with Shaune Ann Feuz and Savilla Kress as well as a silent auction. The event proceeds will support Point Roberts Circle of Care.

Sample exotic chocolates, local wines, sing along to classic love tunes and bid on local Tsawwassen business services and goods with your Valentine. Tickets are $15 per person or $25 per couple. Only 50 tickets are available. Email prcircleofcare@ to purchase your tickets today.

Get on your party pants on and head to the community center on Gulf Road on Saturday, February 11, because the park and recreation district will be throwing a party! The St. Valentine’s Day dance starts at 7 p.m. Bring a dessert and then burn off the calories on the dance floor.

There will be performances by vocalists

Savilla Kress and Shaune Ann Feuz with


accompaniment by percussionist Jeff Butts. There will be a variety of love songs from the ’60s to the ’80s. Each song will offer an opportunity for locals to tear up the dance floor or to choose a partner for slow dancing.

Although Fuez has been singing professionally for decades, Kress is rather new to the music scene. After running karaoke at Breakwaters, she took an interest in singing, and traded some of her work as a seamstress for vocal lessons with Tracy Neff, director of the Delta Youth Theatre. Her confidence and voice are stronger than ever now, and she recently became a finalist on The Voice of the Ocean, a cruise ship singing competition where she sang “A Crazy Little Thing Called Love.”

In the 13 years Kress has lived here, she can’t remember there being any public dances at the community center. Kress stated, “I’m so excited that the parks department is having more events to get community involvement. I hope that they can continue to host theme dances in the future.”

up ...

Scheduled Meetings/Ongoing Events

Dollars for Scholars Open Enrollment: Through Monday, May 15. Students must complete an online profile on

Point Roberts Clinic Hours: Primary Care – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., appointment needed. Urgent Care can be accessed through telemedicine or at the clinic Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sundays 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Always call for an appointment before coming in, even for urgent care services. Hours subject to change. Flu shots available. Info: 360/945-2580.

PR Library Hours: Tuesdays 1-7 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Library express hours: 6 a.m. – 11 p.m. daily.

Point Roberts Walkers: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 a.m., coffee to follow at 9 a.m., Thursdays at the community center, Saturdays at Lily Point. Tuesdays location varies and can be found at prwalkers.

PR Food Bank: Every Wednesday 9–10:30 a.m. at the Gulf Road Community Center. Seniors and More Lunches: Wednesdays and Fridays drive through and pick up available from 11:45 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., PR community center. Weekly menus published on PAWS and Point Interface. All ages welcome. More info: or 360/945-5424.

Covid-19 PCR testing: Second and fourth Sundays, 10–11 a.m., Point Roberts Fire Hall, 2030 Benson Road. Bring ID and insurance information.

The Commons: Saturday, January 28, noon–2:30 p.m., the back room of the community center. We’ve got free used books and conversation. If you have some books you’d like to offer to your neighbors, we’d be glad to have a bag or two. Come on down!

PR Amateur Radio Club: Monday, February 6, 7 p.m., via Zoom.

PR Emergency Preparedness: Tuesday, February 7, 7 p.m., community center/Zoom. Info: prepgroup17@

Fire District 5: Wednesday, February 8, at 4 p.m., via Zoom. Info:

PR Hospital District: Wednesday, February 8, 7 p.m., via Zoom. Info:

Taxpayers Association: Thursday, February 9, 7 p.m., via Zoom.

Valentine’s Day Dance: Saturday, February 11, 7 p.m., Gulf Road Community Center. Come join the Point Roberts parks department for an evening of live music, dancing and dessert. Bring a dessert to share.

PR Park and Recreation: Monday, February 13, at 7 p.m., via Zoom. Info:

Water District: Tuesday, February 14, 5 p.m., via Zoom.

Valentine’s Date Night: Tuesday, February 14, 6:30–9 p.m, Trinity Church community hall. Bring your sweetheart for a wine and chocolate tasting, a love song sing-along with Shaune Ann Feuz and Savilla Kress and silent auction. Proceeds support Point Roberts Circle of Care. Tickets: $15 per person, $25 per couple. Only 50 tickets available! Contact for details and to purchase tickets.

PR Historical Society: Wednesday, February 15, 7 p.m., in the History Center.

PR Community Advisory Committee: Thursday, February 16, 7 p.m., via Zoom.

Heart Rider: Brock Tully’s Life and Message documentary screening: Sunday, February 26, noon – 2 p.m., The Cinematheque, 1131 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C. Inspired by part-time Point Roberts resident Brock Tully’s three bicycle trips around North America to raise awareness for a kinder world and bulling prevention. Screening followed by a Q & A with Brock Tully and filmmaker Juan José Cadotte Gajardo. Tickets: brocktully. com.

PR Garden Club: Tuesday, February 28, 7 p.m., community center. Hugelkultur. Public welcome. info:

History Center: Saturdays, 11 a.m.–3 p.m., History Center.

Storytime: Wednesdays, 10:30–11 a.m., PR library. For ages 2-6. An open program that includes stories, rhymes and songs with opportunities for movement and interactive participation.

Craft and Game Night: Tuesdays from 5–7 p.m., Point Roberts Library. Bring a craft to work on or a board game to play.

11 February 2023 • Including Point Roberts Keep Full Service • Budget Payment Plan • Tank Installation & Rental • Modern Equipment • Safety Checks Come see us at our new location - 2163 Nature’s Path Way, Blaine 360-332-3121 Locally Owned & Operated by Kal & Tracee Economy WHATCOM COUNTY Formerly 1st Propane of Amundson Heating 360-961-2914 AMUNDHA900CR Rebates Available from Puget Sound Energy Are Lower Utility Bills in your futire? They could be if you install a Daikin brand ductless indoor comfort system. Find out more from your local Daikin brand dealer.
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Help Wanted


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Condo with 1,621 SF, 2 BD, 3 BA, built in 2013; waterfront, marine view.

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Warehouse with 4,864 square feet, 280 detached garage, built in 1962 and 1985.

LAND: Residential lot

.18 acres residential lot; marine and territorial views.

.78 acres residential lot; marine view.

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March Feb 16

April Mar 23

May April 20

June May 18

July June 22

August July 20

September Aug 17

October Sept 21

November Oct 19









December Nov 9 Nov 17

January 2024



12 All Point Bulletin • February 2023 To place your ad call: Classifieds 360-945-0413 Next Issue: March 2023 Ads Due: Feb. 17 Home-grown newspaper with delivery to Point Roberts homes and businesses, and Tsawwassen. It’s the perfect match. $15 for 15 words (plus 25¢ each additional word). 20,700 readers! 3 POINT ROBERTS LOCATIONS Point Roberts MINI & MOBILE STORAGE Store boats, trailers, RV or camper and cars in our completely enclosed secure facilities. (360) 945-6464 (945-MINI) $50 Prices starting at Pay 1 year in advance get 1 month FREE NOW! Parking Spaces Available!! Storage Weekly, monthly or long-term leases 1459 Edwards Drive 360-945-RENT Rentals - Apartment Maintenance/Recreation Facilitator Support (Part-time Job Position) Point Roberts Park & Recreation District is seeking a self-motivated individual for a parttime position to help maintain park facilities and assist our Recreation Facilitator. The Park & Recreation District includes the Community Center, Baker Field, and the maintenance of all trails associated with the district. Candidate will be expected to maintain routine landscaping, perform minor building repairs, facilitate trail maintenance, and work with various civic groups, nonprofits and clubs in conjunction with the Recreation Facilitator. Starting hourly wage begins at $24-$28/hour depending on experience and is expected to account for 20 hours per week with some flexibility. For more information and an application visit our website at:
Roberts UPS Store is now seeking energetic versatile personnel to join our vibrant team. Kindly submit your resume in person at the UPS Store 1577 Gulf Rd or by email: Computer&printingskillsareconsideredassets. Help Wanted
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Feb 24
READ IT FIRST. ALLPOINTBULLETIN.COM your online hometown newspaper!

S The glow from the greenhouses reflecting off of clouds during night time.

Dark Sky advocates look north

B y E rin K E lly before implementing bylaws that affecting agricultural operations. Accordingly, the city forwarded the lighting bylaw to the ministry and requested approval by the provincial government. Such approval was not forthcoming and the result can be seen in the otherworldly glow in the Delta night sky.

Annelle Norman and the Dark Sky committee are setting their sights northward hoping to address the issue of light pollution coming from the greenhouses in Delta. The Dark Sky committee is a sub-committee of the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee established last year following an appeal by Norman. In a sub-committee report she gave at PRCAC’s regular monthly meeting on January 19, she told the board that she plans to attend a Delta city council meeting to ask them to “hold the greenhouses feet to the fire” and do something about the light pollution they create.

Artificial night-time lighting in greenhouses can increase crop yield by extending the growing season; however, the increased lighting has a negative effect on wildlife, especially the feeding patterns of migratory birds who overwinter in agricultural areas in Delta. Attaching screens to greenhouses would help eliminate the problem.

The city of Delta included light pollution abatement and control policies as part of the Official Community Plan Review and Update back in 2003 following community discussions regarding the various environmental and economic impacts caused by agricultural light pollution. However, under B.C.’s Local Government Act, municipalities are required to seek approval from the provincial agriculture minister

The Dark Sky sub-committee continues their efforts to keep the sky dark and the stars bright on this side of the border. “We are contacting some of the homeowners in Point Roberts to ask them to put shields on their lights so that they all point down and to put night lights on motion detectors,” Norman said.

Yacht Sales–Power and Sail Service


Whidbey Telecom1 is a local telecommunications company that has been serving the Point Roberts area since 1988. During the intervening years, we have worked hard to build a telecommunications system that provides high quality telephone and other telecommunications services to the communities we serve. We have done this, notwithstanding the higher costs of serving rural areas in the State of Washington and when few, if any, other telecommunications companies were interested in serving our communities.

We have served and intend to continue to serve both residential and business customers in our service area with high quality telecommunications services at attractive and affordable rates.

In addition to our basic voice telephony services, we offer throughout our service area advanced telecommunications services, High Speed Internet, high-speed data services, special Calling Features, Voicemail, Caller ID, our full-featured Premium Voice service with unlimited Long Distance2, and Security & Alarms system installations and monitoring services.

Each of the basic voice telephony services offered by Whidbey Telecom is comprised of several components, including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: (1) single-party, voice grade access to the public switched network or its functional equivalent; (2) an unlimited amount of local usage at no additional charge to end users; (3) access to 911 or enhanced 911, as implemented by local governmental authority in Whidbey Telecom’s service area;3 and (4) certain toll limitation services for qualifying low-income consumers (generally, those residential consumers who are eligible to participate in the federal Lifeline program). Whidbey Telecom’s monthly charge for such basic voice telephony service is $22 55 for each line designated as “residence” telephone exchange service and $22.55 for each line designated as “business” telephone exchange service. The monthly charge for “residential” service may be reduced as described in the next paragraph. Applicable federal, state, county and municipal taxes and surcharges, including federally-mandated end user charges per line, are in addition to these amounts.4 The rates, charges, taxes and surcharges mentioned in this notice are subject to change, and in some instances are subject to change without notice.

With respect to most, if not all, of its service area, including its Point Roberts service area, Whidbey Telecom participates in the Federal Lifeline and Tribal Link Up programs. Under the Federal Lifeline program, Whidbey Telecom offers to qualifying low-income consumers a discount off of the monthly rate for basic residential voice telephony service or broadband internet access service.For an eligible resident of Tribal Lands5, under this same program, additional discounts for either of these services may apply The current federal Lifeline discount of $5.25 for standalone residential voice-only service, or standard residential voice service with broadband service that is below the federally mandated minimum service standards, will be applied to waive the federally mandated end user Subscriber Line Charge.4 For Lifeline residential service on Tribal lands within its service area, Whidbey Telecom’s discounted monthly rate may be as low as $0.00. Discounted monthly rates for Whidbey Telecom’s broadband internet access services start as low as $50.75 and vary based on the level of service purchased. Under the Tribal Link Up program, Whidbey Telecom’s installation charge for either residential voice or broadband internet access service for a qualifying low-income consumer on Tribal lands within its service area may be discounted by up to $100.00. Lifeline is a governmental assistance program, the Lifeline-supported service is non-transferrable, only eligible consumers may enroll in the Lifeline program, and the Lifeline program is limited to one Lifeline discount per household. The Tribal Link Up program is also a governmental assistance program and is subject to restrictions. Participation in the Lifeline and Tribal Link Up programs requires that the qualifying consumer satisfy eligibility criteria and comply with applicable program rules and requirements.

The above-described services are available to all qualifying subscribers of Whidbey Telecom. The charges for these services are reflected each month on our normal telephone bill, and may be accompanied by charges for other services provided by Whidbey Telecom. The services described in the immediately preceding two paragraphs are those that Whidbey Telecom offers and must advertise in order to be eligible for federal funds that are used to help offset the high cost of serving rural areas and bringing affordable telephone service to residences and businesses in rural areas. These and other services are available by contacting Whidbey Telecom’s Customer Experience Center at (360) 945-1122.

referred to in this notice include any federally recognized Indian tribe’s reservation, pueblo, or colony; Indian allotments; Hawaiian Home Lands; and any land designated by the Federal Communications Commission as Tribal lands for purposes of the Lifeline and Tribal Link Up programs.

13 February 2023 • Since 1973 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BROTHERS MASONRY BRICK - BLOCK - STONE BARRY L. WIENS Licensed & Bonded 332-6300 WIENS MATT WIENS TWO BROTHERS MASONRY RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Brick • Block • Stone BARRY L. WIENS Licensed & Bonded Lic #2BROTB1945DA (360) 332 - 6300 Since 1973 1 2 3 4 Whidbey Telephone Company dba Whidbey Telecom. Unlimited long distance applies to calls to points within the contiguous forty-eight United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Excess usage charges may apply in certain instances. State and county taxes apply per line to help fund the provision of this capability. The federally-mandated end user charges per month that currently may apply include the following: Per Residence Per Single Line Per Multi-Line Line Business Line Business Line $ 6.50 $ 9.20 Subscriber Line Charge (SLC) $ 6.50 Access Recovery Charge (ARC) $ 0.00 $ 3.00 $ 3.00 5 “Tribal
PUBLIC NOTICE 435 Martin St., Suite 1010 • Blaine, WA Leonard D.M. Saunders, Attorney at Law The Immigration Law Firm 360-332-7100 • 435 Martin St., Suite 2010 • Blaine, WA • U.S. green cards / naturalization • Work / investor visas • Denied entry waivers • Removal hearings • NEXUS appeals360-332-7100 Leonard D.M. Saunders, Attorney at Law The Immigration Law Firm • U.S. green cards / naturalization • Inadmissibility waivers • TN (NAFTA) work permits • U.S. Citizenship claims Pacific Coast Yacht Sales & Service YACHTS SALES • YACHT BROKERAGE • SERVICE Philip A. Cragg, President Point Roberts, WA • 604.708.1980 • Richmond, BC Email: BC CERTIFIED BROKER • BONDED AND LICENSED IN WA STATE
Import export experts - we will help you navigate both Canada Customs and US Customs Services mechanical, electrical, sailboat experts Delivery services Monthly monitoring Your Point Roberts , Blaine and Semiahmoo Broker of choice 28 years in Business WES T ERN Quality Tree Care 945-0842 LICENSED INSURED ARBORIST SERVICES
Photo by Pat Grubb

sheriff’s report

Library piCks

K ri S lo ME di C o


The White Lady

Jacqueline Winspear

Victory City Salman Rushdie

Old Babes in the Wood Margaret Atwood

I Will Find You Harlan Coben


Armageddon Time Anne Hathaway

Black Adam Noah Centino

The Estate Toni Collette

The Menu Nicholas Hoult


Best of the Judds Naomi & Wynonna Judd

Here It Is Leonard Cohen

Diamonds & Rhinestones Dolly Parton

Get Rollin’ Nickelback


Chain of Thorns Cassandra Clare

Spice Road Maiya Ibrahim

Promise Boys Nick Brooks


The Lost Galumpus Joseph Helgerson

Bat Kitty Superbat Nick Bruel

Secret Saga Ogn Magnusson


Tue 1- – 7 Wed & Sat 10 – 5 Express Library: 6 a.m. – 11 p.m.

January 3, 1:25 p.m.: Mental health issue on Boundary Bay Road.

January 4, 11:35 a.m.: Harassment cold call on Seymore Place.

January 6, 11:05 p.m.: Alarm audible on Gulf Road.

January 7, 11:53 a.m.: Welfare check on Rex Street.

January 9, 4:35 a.m.: Request for law enforcement at Boundary Bay Road.

January 10, 3:40 p.m.: Assist citizen on Boundary Bay Road.

January 11, 3:40 p.m.: Assist agency on Boundary Bay Road.

January 13, 1:18 p.m.: Serve papers on South Beach Road.

January 13, 3:45 p.m.: Landlord tenant dispute on Pelican Place.

January 14, 9:03 a.m.: Assist agency on Benson Road and Tyee Drive.

January 14, 12:44 p.m.: Serve papers on Elizabeth Drive.

January 16, 1:26 p.m.: Threat cold call on Tyee Drive.

January 17, 6:35 p.m.: Security check on Benson Road.

January 19, 4:40 p.m.: Whatcomm record on Simundson Drive.

February Tides

14 All Point Bulletin • February 2023 Policies for all your personal & business needs. Great, affordable rates - Call us for a FREE QUOTE today! Representing over 44 major insurance companies for all your insurance and risk management needs. Foritphi Insurance is an independent insurance agency serving the Northwest since 1954. Call our team today for all your insurance needs. 288 Martin Street, Downtown Blaine (360) 332-7300 • (604) 256-1384 Hardwood & LVP/Laminate Flooring Installation & Refinishing 360-224-6466 Over 20 years experience. Licensed • Bonded • Insured CASCAFL912J8 HAYDEN KELLY • (360) 922-9435 SEAMLESS GUTTERS GUARD • CLEANING  QUALITY SEAMLESS GUTTERS LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED # GUTTEG*820C8 Licensed, Bonded & Insured. Complete Building Services Complete Site Preparations Hank’s Backhoe Service Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Also available: Sand, Gravel, Top Soil and Fill Material LIC #Hanksbs02102 Dozers, Excavator, Backhoes and Dump Trucks Call Jeff Peltier (360) 945-0754 Email: SERVING POINT ROBERTS SINCE 1967 WE SUPPORT Point Roberts Dollars for SCHOLARS 30 Years SERVING Point Roberts! Kelly & Son Roofing Roofing • Re-Roofing • Repairs Established 1991 • FREE ESTIMATES 360-945-ROOF (7 6 6 3) Chris Kelly • Licensed #KELLYS*8016MH We 1 4:37 am 13.8 9:42 am 12.1 12:32 pm 12.4 8:57 pm 3.6 Th 2 5:15 am 14.2 10:40 am 11.8 1:32 pm 12.2 9:39 pm 3.5 Fr 3 5:47 am 14.4 11:18 am 11.5 2:32 pm 12.1 10:17 pm 3.4 Sa 4 6:15 am 14.4 11:46 am 11.1 3:24 pm 12.0 10:51 pm 3.3 Su 5 6:37 am 14.3 12:14 pm 10.7 4:10 pm 12.0 11:25 pm 3.4 Mo 6 6:59 am 14.3 12:44 pm 10.2 4:54 pm 11.9 11:55 pm 3.7 Tu 7 7:19 am 14.3 1:14 pm 9.7 5:40 pm 11.7 We 8 12:27 am 4.2 7:39 am 14.2 1:46 pm 9.0 6:30 pm 11.5 Th 9 12:57 am 5.0 7:59 am 14.2 2:22 pm 8.2 7:26 pm 11.2 Fr 10 1:29 am 6.1 8:19 am 14.1 2:58 pm 7.3 8:30 pm 11.0 Sa 11 2:03 am 7.4 8:41 am 13.9 3:40 pm 6.5 9:50 pm 11.0 Su 12 2:39 am 8.9 9:03 am 13.8 4:28 pm 5.6 11:32 pm 11.2 Mo 13 3:23 am 10.2 9:29 am 13.7 5:20 pm 4.8 Tu 14 1:30 am 11.8 4:21 am 11.5 10:01 am 13.6 6:18 pm 4.0 We 15 3:02 am 12.7 6:05 am 12.3 10:47 am 13.5 7:20 pm 3.2 Th 16 3:58 am 13.5 8:05 am 12.5 11:51 am 13.3 8:20 pm 2.5 Fr 17 4:40 am 14.1 9:23 am 12.2 1:07 pm 13.3 9:14 pm 1.9 Sa 18 5:14 am 14.5 10:17 am 11.6 2:27 pm 13.3 10:06 pm 1.6 Su 19 5:46 am 14.7 11:03 am 10.7 3:37 pm 13.3 10:52 pm 1.7 Mo 20 6:16 am 14.9 11:49 am 9.7 4:43 pm 13.2 11:36 pm 2.3 Tu 21 6:44 am 14.9 12:35 pm 8.5 5:45 pm 13.0 We 22 12:20 am 3.4 7:12 am 14.8 1:21 pm 7.3 6:49 pm 12.6 Th 23 1:02 am 4.9 7:40 am 14.6 2:07 pm 6.3 7:59 pm 12.3 Fr 24 1:46 am 6.6 8:08 am 14.3 2:55 pm 5.4 9:15 pm 12.1 Sa 25 2:30 am 8.4 8:34 am 13.9 3:43 pm 4.9 10:43 pm 12.1 Su 26 3:24 am 10.0 9:02 am 13.3 4:35 pm 4.6 Mo 27 12:19 am 12.3 4:36 am 11.2 9:28 am 12.8 5:31 pm 4.6 Tu 28 1:55 am 12.8 6:32 am 11.8 9:58 am 12.3 6:29 pm 4.6
Tides at Tsawwassen PST Not For Navigation 49° 0’ 0”N - 122° 46’ 0”W Date Time Height Time Height
15 February 2023 • PAN-ROASTED SALMON Available in February starting at 11:00AM Pan-roasted salmon with couscous, and seasonal vegetables with a sun-dried tomato cream and herb oil. $18.95 We’ve Got That • I-5 Exit 260 • 360-383-0777 Visit Reef Rewards for details. Management reserves all rights. VALENTINE’S CARD Tuesday, February 14 • 8am - 10pm Win up to $500 in Free Play Visit a promotional kiosk to play.




This corner lot has it all, perfectly located in the Point Roberts Marine Estates Subdivision, one lot back from the waterfront with great Waterview’s and beach access directly across the street or walk to your boat within minutes. One of the larger lots in the subdivision, southern exposure, level lot with underground utilities and no need for septic as the area is serviced with sewer. This lot awaits your vision for that dream home you have been wanting. You will not find a better-quality building lot for the money.

If you are serious about purchasing at the “Point” do yourself a favor and visit our office for a complete list of everything for sale in the area. COME TO THE POINT!

16 All Point Bulletin • February 2023
79 Tyee Drive Point Roberts,
98281 E/Mail: Phone: 360/945-1115 Fax: 945-0804
$235,000 MAPLE BEACH Best of the Bay 3 BR, 2 BA. Large open living/ kitchen, dining. Upper story family room. Four lots from the beach. $493,000 FREEMANS BEACH Beach side Cottage with Waterview’s. 3 BR and 2 BA within steps to the BEACH. $349,000 E - M a i l : p r p r t y @ W h i d b e y c o m • w w w. p o i n t ro b e r t s w a s h i n g t o Notar y Public * Successfully listing and selling Point Roberts real estate since 1968 3 6 0 /9 4 5 -5 5 5 5 • 1 3 3 9 G ul f R oa d , P. O . B ox 1 7 • P t. R ob e r t 542 MCLAREN RD. 3BR cottage w/front and rear deck Adjacent to Lily Point Park $159,000 21 1920 g 2 blocks to beach $169,000 E nt 9 2 Beach rights $219 900 ACREAGE: 6.39 ACRES, DESIRABLE EAST SIDE, SUBDIVIDABLE $299,000 J a m e s H J u l i u s , B r o k e r * $200,000 N p at condition $115,000 1275 BROUGHTON LANE 2BR, 3BA beautiful west side home $199 000 Adjoining lot $35 000 1877 WASHINGTON 2 BR designer home A must-see! Make an offer! IEW DR ont home facing Mt Baker Crabtown $595 000 B E A C H P R O P E R T I E S REDUCED w w w. J u l i u s R e a l t y. c o m Maureen Stevens, Broker E-Mail: E - M a i l : p r p r t y @ W h i d b e y c o m • w w w p o i n t ro b e r t s w a s h i n g t o n c o m Notary Public * Successfully listing and selling Point Roberts real estate since 1968 360/945 -555 5 • 1339 Gul f R oa d , P O B ox 17 • P t R ob e r ts , WA 98281 542 MCLAREN RD 3BR cottage w/front and rear deck Adjacent to Lily Point Park $159 000 676 CLAIRE LANE 3BR 2BA backs onto Lily Po nt P k $299 000 ACREAGE: 6 39 ACRE 299 0 J a m e s H J u l i u s , B r o k e r * 5 x xc 0 1275 BROUGHTON LANE 2BR 3BA beautiful west side home $199 000 Ad oining lot $35 000 1877 WASHINGTON 2 BR designer home A must-see! M ke an offer! DR ome facing $595 000 B E A C H P R O P E R T I E S w w w James H. Julius, Designated Broker* *LISTING & SELLING POINT ROBERTS REAL ESTATE SINCE 1968 360-945-5555 • Cell: 360-525-4706 1339 Gulf Road, P.O. Box 1 • Point Roberts, WA 98281 CELEBRATING YEARS SELLING POINT ROBERTS REAL ESTATE 55 See us on Zillow and 285 ELIZABETH 3-BR, 2-BA home on 3 lots Updated kitchen with granite andnew appliances. Private setting.One of the better locations on the Point for proximity to Maple Beach. CALL JIM ... 360-525-4706 640 BELLS GROVE. 2BR COTTAGE WITH NEWLY UPDATED BATHROOM. NEW ROOF, BACK DECK, SHED & HOT TUB. BEACH RIGHTS AND PATH TO THE BEACH. SELLER PAYS FOR NEW SEPTIC SYSTEM. $279,000 1547 GULF RD. One acre small-town commercial. 200’ frontage on Gulf Rd. Large double-wide with 3BR. $400,000 SMALL-TOWN COMMERCIAL ONE OF THE MOST TRANQUIL SETTINGS on the Point just a short walk to trails in Lily Point Marine Park and then just a leisurely walk down to the beach. $69,000 1385 Gulf Road, Point Roberts 360-945-1011 Paul 604/968-4006 Greg 604/690-1468 Hugh 604/910-5968 QUALITY BUILT HOME WITH GARAGE! This home is very spacious and open featuring 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, large family room and large kitchen. $350,000 Kristen 778/686-7625 LARGE LOT WITH GREAT SW SUN EXPOSURE. Right across the street from undeveloped 10 Acre parcel. $45,000 SUPER SPACIOUS AND TASTEFULLY DECORATED HOME, four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Over 1800 square feet all on one level. $299,000 RARE PROPERTY DRENCHED IN SUN with mature and meticulously maintained landscaping, fruit trees and raised garden beds $139,000 SOLID RANCHER WITH VIEWS of Boundary Bay and the North Shore Mountains. Features a very private landscaped backyard with firepit. $399,000 DOUBLE LOT WITH BEACH RIGHTS. Has existing mobile home or bring your blueprints and build your dream home $209,000 THE BEACH COTTAGE AT BELLS GROVE. Rare opportunity to own one of the original cottages in South Beach – like walking back in time. $279,000 SOLD SOLD SOLD NEW REDUCED REDUCED REDUCED The Firm Real Estate Services LLC in association with The Fraser Elliott Group | 838 Peace Portal Drive, Blaine, WA 98230 Michael Hughes Call for a complimentary home evaluation from the Northwest Team! 360.980.8731 Call: 360.980.8731 Email: YOUR PROPERTY DESERVES THE VERY BEST MARKETING! Chris Hughes Sandra Procter MLS #1916431 $300,000 5 Peltier, Point Roberts MLS #1880961 $985,000 MLS #1915891 $330,000 MLS #1559789 $100,000 MLS #1944072 $309,000 Calhoun Dr. Lot, Pt. Roberts 337 Evergreen Point, Pt. Roberts 581 Marine Dr., Pt. Roberts 755 Marine Dr., Pt. Roberts 1361 Peltier Drive, Pt. Roberts 585 Marine Drive, Pt. Roberts MLS #1663566 $4,950,000 MLS #1573123 $5,800,000 MLS #1982310 $499,000 1728 Edwards Drive, Pt. Roberts MLS #1938455 $662,500 1515 Columbia Cres, Pt. Roberts SOLD PENDING

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