
Next Issue: April 2023 Ads Due: March 24
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Scheduled Meetings/Ongoing Events
Dollars for Scholars Open Enrollment: Through Monday, May 15. Students must complete an online profile on
Point Roberts Clinic Hours: Primary Care: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., appointment needed. Urgent Care can be accessed through telemedicine or at the clinic Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sundays 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Always call for an appointment before coming in, even for urgent care services. Hours subject to change. Flu shots available. Info: 360/945-2580.
PR Library Hours: Tuesdays 1-7 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Library express hours: 6 a.m. – 11 p.m. daily.
Point Roberts Walkers: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 a.m., coffee to follow at 9 a.m., Thursdays at the community center, Saturdays at Lily Point. Tuesdays location varies and can be found at
PR Food Bank: Every Wednesday 9–10:30 a.m. at the Gulf Road Community Center. Info:
Seniors and More Lunches: Wednesdays and Fridays, dine-in or park and come inside the community center to pick up your lunches available from 11:45 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., PR community center. Weekly menus published on and Point Interface. All ages welcome. More info: or 360/945-5424.
Covid-19 PCR testing: Second and fourth Sundays, 10–11 a.m., Point Roberts Fire Hall, 2030 Benson Road. Bring ID and insurance information.
Seedy Saturday: Saturday, February 25, noon –3 p.m., community center. Bring seeds (labeled, please!), take seeds, share the fun of seed starting!
The Commons: Saturday, February 25, noon – 2:30 p.m. in the back room of the community center. You’ll find Seedy Saturday there too, as well as free used books and all. So come down and see what seeds there are that you need for your garden and bring what seeds you can offer to others. History center is also open. It’s warm inside the community center!
Heart Rider: Brock Tully’s Life and Message documentary screening: Sunday, February 26, noon – 2 p.m., The Cinematheque, 1131 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C. Inspired by part-time Point Roberts resident Brock Tully’s three bicycle trips around North America to raise awareness for a kinder world and bulling prevention. Screening followed by a Q & A with Brock Tully and filmmaker Juan José Cadotte Gajardo. Tickets:
PR Garden Club: Tuesday, February 28, 7 p.m., community center. Hugelkultur. Public welcome. info:
Kindergarten information night: Wednesday, March 1, 4–5 p.m. and 5–6 p.m., Blaine Primary School. Join us for one of two separate one-hour information sessions to learn about kindergarten at Blaine Primary School. Come with your questions! Children welcome.
Carole MacRury Poetry Reading: Saturday, March 4, 7 p.m., PR library. MacRury will be reading a selection of her poems and one about Point Roberts by William Stafford.
Kindergarten Registration: Starting Monday, March 6. All children who will be 5 before September 1 can be registered for kindergarten. Info:
PR Amateur Radio Club: Monday, March 6, 7 p.m., via Zoom.

PR Emergency Preparedness: Tuesday, March 7, 7 p.m., community center/Zoom. Info:
Fire District 5: Wednesday, March 8, at 4 p.m., via Zoom. Info:
PR Hospital District: Wednesday, March 8, 7 p.m., via Zoom. Info:
Taxpayers Association: Thursday, March 9, 7 p.m., via Zoom. Info:

PR Park and Recreation: Monday, March 13, at 7 p.m., via Zoom. Info:
Water District: Tuesday, March 14, 5 p.m., via Zoom.
PR Historical Society: Wednesday, March 15, 7 p.m., in the History Center.
PR Community Advisory Committee: Thursday, March 16, 7 p.m., via Zoom.
PREP Chili Cookoff: Saturday, April 8, noon – 2 p.m., Kiniski’s Reef Tavern. Tickets: $10. Prizes for first, second and third. Info: prep
Septic System Homeowner Training: Saturday, April 15, 10 a.m. – noon, community center. Whatcom County Health Department is offering a free training that allows homeowners to perform required evaluation and become eligible for septic system rebates. Register: or call 360/778-6000.

History Center: Saturdays, 11 a.m.–3 p.m., History Center. Gulf Road Community Center.

Storytime: Wednesdays, 10:30–11 a.m., PR library. For ages 2-6. An open program that includes stories, rhymes and songs with opportunities for movement and interactive participation.
Craft and Game Night: Tuesdays from 5–7 p.m., Point Roberts Library. Bring a craft to work on or a board game to play.
Whatcom County Al-Anon: Online meetings available via Zoom and GoToMeeting. Info: