The Northern Light Classifieds: April 11-17, 2019

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The Northern Light • April 11 - 17, 2019 •


NEXT ISSUE: April 18 AD DEADLINE: April 15


MARKETPLACE 8-23-18 replace wording..."Now enrolling for Fall. Full-time and part-time preschool options." (last ad 39763.pdf).


Child Care

BINGO Fundraiser

Since 1973


Now Enrolling 1 month - 12 years old

Help send Blaine cross country athlete Elee Faulkner to an international tournament in Australia!


Brick • Block • Stone




Licensed & Bonded

Full-time and part-time ERICK preschool WIENS options.

Licensed & Bonded

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PLUS... Bluetooth air pods, ear buds & speakers! ’s Mike


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InstallatIon & RefInIshIng

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Ron 360-739-5097

Kitchens & Baths • Custom & Spec Homes Decks, Garages & Additions

(360) 305-2592



CLEANING SPECIAL. 4 hours for $120 (1st time only). Professional cleaning, we do it all. 360-527-0555.

WINDOW WASHING Residential and Commercial. Licensed, Insured, Experienced. Call Wade 360-384-8888.

Remodels•& Commercial Additions Residential Bathrooms & Kitchens

Licensed Contractor DecksGeneral & Porches serving Birch Bay & Blaine Small Jobs Welcome

Electric 360-201-3464 CallLicUs#ForDESIGBL934JL A Free Estimate


Licensed & Bonded • 30 Years Experience

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Mark St. Germaine 28 Years Experience Licensed & bonded C


Brush Strokes Painting Company

360-746-4902 3 Year Guarantee on all work No Job Too Big or Small Free Estimates

I New Construction • Remodeling • Roofing • Siding Windows & Doors • Fencing • Drywall • Painting

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Home & Garden Specialist

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Service/Construction Residential - Commercial Industrial

Ask about our Specials!


NewBirch Construction Serving Bay & Blaine


A+ Cleaning Service WE CLEAN IT ALL!


CORY LOGAN 360-296-1002


Greg Kendall, Owner-Operator

Tree Trimming & Removal Chipping & Hauling, Tree Sales Stump Grinding - Bucket Trucks 3040 BIRCH BAYLYNDEN RD.



Kendall’s Tree Service ,LLC


VACATION RENTAL CLEANING Mature, older woman with 10 years + experience looking to clean vacation rentals in the Blaine Birch Bay area. Call Delilah at 509-630-1736




Landscape Clean Ups • Mowing • Pruning • Weeding Landscape Installation • Mulch • Gravel • Dirt • Dump Runs • Pressure Washing & More! *ELITELM817BB





Diehl Ford


2017 Ford Focus S Sedan


Help Wanted

2017 Ford Escape EW 2017 Ford F-150 XLT SuperCrew 5.5’ Box SE 4WD N


8139 Guide Meridian • Lynden, WA

1820 James St. •Quality Bellingham Factory-Certified Parts & Service Dept.


360-734-2640 / 800-628-9331 Celebrating 71 years of business with a tradition of trust since 1947. Your only locally owned and operated GM Dealer in Whatcom County with a non-commissioned sales staff.

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Since 1908 Diehl Ford has been providing excellent customer sales and service. Diehl Ford is proud to be known as the Dealership that does things the right way!

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MORE Smiles Learning Center

Serving ages 1 month thru 12 yrs. OPEN: Mon-Fri 6am - 6pm

NOTICE isPUBLIC seeking an energetic Now Hiring! & enthusiastic individual other telecommunications services to thefor communities we serve. We have donetoday! this, Call 360-332-7135 a notwithstanding the higher costs of serving rural areas in the State of Washington and when

Since 1908WWW.DIEHLFORD.COM Diehl Ford has been providMSRP: $42,725 ing excellent customer sales and service Savings: $7,735 1 for new & used vechicles. Diehl Ford is Whidbey Telecom is a local telecommunications company that has been serving proud to be known as the Dealership the Point Roberts area since 1988. During the intervening years, we have worked that does things the right way!hard to build a telecommunications system that provides high quality telephone and

AUTO GLASS few, if any, other telecommunications companies were interested in serving our communities. Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram of Bellingham

1615 Iowa St. • Bellingham

866-448-0086 At Rairdon’s of Bellingham you’ll find a wide assortment of new and pre-owned vehicles, a professional service department, financial assistance and more.

Get listed in this Guide! Call 360-332-1777

Louis Auto Glass

Full Time Laborer

PART-TIME, EVENING work, We have served and intend to continue to serve both residential and business customers in 2 hours/day, 2-5 days/ our service area with high quality telecommunications services at attractive Blaine, and affordable rates. week. Go to washroomwizard.

BELLINGHAM com/work-with-us/ 1512 N State St. • 360-734-3840 In addition to our basic voice For telephony we offer throughout our service area moreservices, information, 8460. advanced telecommunications services, High Speed Internet, high-speed data services, LYNDEN Voicemail, Caller ID, our full-featured Premium Voice service with visit: 407 19th St. • 360-354-3232 special Calling Features,2please unlimited Long Distance , and Security & Alarms system installations and monitoring services. or Whidbey Telecom -



the basic voice telephony services offered by Whidbey Telecom is comprised of several Since 1929, Louis Auto Glass Each has of been Customer Service Chaptervoice 18.27.100 of the Revised Code of components, the leading auto & residential glass com- including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: (1) single-party, grade The access to the public switched network or its functional equivalent; (2) Washington an unlimitedrequires that all advertisements pany serving Northwest Washington. of local usage at no additional charge to end users; (3) access to 911 for or enhanced construction services include the conAdelstein family has owned & amount operated 1957 Johnson Road 3 911,Qualias implemented by local governmental authority in Whidbey Telecom’s tractor’s service area; registration number in the adverthe company for four generations. and (4) certain toll limitation services for qualifying low-income consumers (generally, ty workmanship & customer satisfaction tisement. To verify a contractor’s license, call Point Roberts, WA 98281 residential consumers who are eligible to participate in the federal Lifeline program). has remained as strong as ever.those the Dept. of Labor and Industry’s contractors Whidbey Telecom’s monthly charge for such basic voice telephony service is $16.00 for each


line designated as “residence” service and $16.50 for each line designated registration as “business”at 1-800-647-0982. service. The monthly charge for “residential” service may be reduced as described in the next paragraph. Applicable federal, state, county and municipal taxes and surcharges, including federally-mandated end user charges per line, are in addition to these amounts.4 The rates, charges, taxes and surcharges mentioned in this notice are subject to change, and in some instances are subject to change without notice. With respect to most, if not all, of its service area, including its Point Roberts service area, Whidbey Telecom participates in the Federal Lifeline and Tribal Link Up programs. Under the Federal Lifeline program, Whidbey Telecom offers to qualifying low-income consumers





PLUS, your ad appears ONLINE FOR FFREE at




25¢ for each additional word


MORE Smiles Learning Center RESIDENTIAL

Fri., April 26 • 5 pm Blaine Senior Center • 763 G St, Blaine

$16 for 15 words

Public Notices SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF THURSTON FAMILY AND JUVENILE COURT IN RE THE ESTATE OF: LORETTA M. GOWAN, Deceased. NO. 19-4-00222-34 NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 THE ADMINISTRATOR NAMED BELOW has been appointed as Administrator of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Administrator or the Administrator’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the Administrator served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: April 4, 2019 ADMINISTRATOR: ROSEMARY G. MEDFORD ATTORNEY FOR THE ADMINISTRATOR: J. Patrick Quinn ADDRESS FOR MAILING OR SERVICE: J. Patrick Quinn 711 South Capitol Way, Ste 303, Olympia, WA 98501 J. PATRICK QUINN LLM, PS Lakeland Restoration Services LLC, 78 E River Spur Rd., is seeking coverage under the Washington State Department of Ecology Aquatic Plant and Algae Management NPDES and State Waste Discharge General Permit. The proposed project applies to following geographical area: Lake Thunderbird and Kwann in Blaine, WA, which will be treated for Pondweed, Milfoil, Shoreline Grass, Cattails, Invasive Blackberries and Algae to improve the water quality. The permit allows the discharge of a specific list of pesticides provided permit conditions are met, however the pesticides currently anticipated for use are: Aquathol, Hydrothol, Imazapyr, Glyphosate, Tryclopyr and Green Clean. Ecology has made a SEPA determination of significance with the adoption of an existing environmental document for this proposal. Any person desiring to present their views to Ecology regarding this application may do so in writing within thirty days of the last date of publication of this notice. Comments should address whether coverage under this permit is appropriate for the proposed project. Comments must be submitted to Ecology. Any person interested in the department’s action on this application may notify the department of their interest within thirty days of the last date of publication of this notice. Comments can be submitted to: Department of Ecology, Water Quality Program, Attn: Aquatic Pesticide Permit Manager, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 985047600.

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR WHATCOM COUNTY In re the Estate of: DANIEL C. GALLAGHER, Deceased. No. 19-4-0014737. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Judge Lee Grochmal The Administrator named below has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Administrator or the Administrator’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probated proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the Administrator served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 AND 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Date of Filing of Notice to Creditors March 18, 2019 with Clerk of Court: Date of First Publication: March 20, 2019 Name of Administrator: ROBERT GALLAGHER Attorney for Administrators: Steven D. Avery, WSBA #35262 Address for Mailing or Service: Avery Elder Law, P.S. 801 Samish Way, Ste. 202 Bellingham WA 98229 Telephone: (360) 325-2550 Email: DATED March 18, 2019 AVERY ELDER LAW, P.S. STEVEN D. AVERY, WSBA #35262 Attorney for Administrator ROBERT GALLAGHER

AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to modify an existing wireless telecommunications facility on an existing transmission pole located at 9755 Allan Street, Blaine, Whatcom County, WA 98230. The modifications will consist of the removal and replacement of three panel antennas at a center height of 115 feet on the 116-foot tall transmission pole. Any interested party wishing to submit comments regarding the potential effect the proposed facility may have on any historic property may do so by sending such comments to: Project 6119001172 MKB EBI Consulting, 6876 Susquehanna Trail South, York, PA 17403, or via telephone at (717) 472-3070.

More Real Estate Listings are on pages 12 & 13

Help Wanted (Cont.)

Part-Time Activities Coordinator 30 hours/week

The Blaine-Birch Bay Park and Recreation District is currently seeking an Activity Coordinator to plan, organize, coordinate, administer, and promote athletic, fitness and recreation programs for the community’s youth and adults. This position will report directly to the Program Manager. For full job description and requirements, visit Please stop by in person at the Birch Bay Activity Center, 7511 Gemini Street, Blaine to drop off a cover letter and resume. Office hours are 9 to 5 pm. If you have questions, please call 360-656-6416. Application deadline April 12, 2019.


The Northern Light • April 11 - 17, 2019

Windermere Real Estate/Whatcom Inc. 8105 Birch Bay Square St. • I-5 Exit 270, Blaine 360.371.5100


National Open House Weekend! Saturday & Sunday April 13 & 14 SEMIAHMOO OPEN HOUSES OPEN SAT 12-2 AND SUN 1-3


OPEN SUN 12:30-3

OPEN SUN 12:30-3

Semiahmoo Shore 8783 Clubhouse Point • 1,049,000 9432 Turnstone Ln #33 • $795,000 9464 Turnstone Ln #40 • $1,095,000 8778 Clubhouse Point • $799,500 Presale now available! 3935 sq.ft. Last oppor-

MLS# 1201035. Semiahmoo Shore’s most affordable Sunrise Home, 2025 Sq. ft. w/luxurious Owners suite on main floor & 2 bdrms & full bath upstairs. 14’ Vaulted great room. Finished in “Driftwood” design scheme, Linear fireplace, quartz countertops. Attached Dbl. garage. Miles of beaches & walking trails. Dir: Exit 270 West on Birch Bay Lynden Rd., R on Harborview, L on Lincoln Rd., to Semiahmoo Pkwy., Semiahmoo Shore on L.

Lisa Kent 360-594-8034

Newest Semiahmoo Shore waterfront home with soaring vaulted great room design & expansive full width covered patio featuring full height stone fireplace & ample room for shoreline entertaining. All the exceptional design elements you’d expect at Semiahmoo Shore with fantastic guest suites on both main & upper floors. All main living on entry level, gated luxury at Semiahmoo spit with incomparable saltwater & mtn. views.

Lisa Sprague 360-961-0838

Just completed! NEW CONSTRUCTION! “Clubhouse Point”, gated micro-community w/ in Semiahmoo. Fairway 1. Single story with No Steps. 2905 sq. ft open plan. Great room, luxe kitchen. Super pantry, 3 bdrms, 2.75 baths includes Casita, Casita & office both open to interior courtyard. Quality, finishes: strand woven bamboo flooring, Graphite stained Birch cabinets, quartz counters. 522 sq. ft. 2 car garage + / - Air conditioning heat pump

Brian Southwick 360-815-6638

tunities to be a part of Semiahmoo’s unique “Clubhouse Point”. Premium, Southern exposure on 18th fairway, lake & green, A. Palmer Design. Primary living on main, office open to your secluded individual interior courtyard. Expansive decks, walls of windows bring the outdoors in. Huge kitchen, top notch appliances, stunning combinations of wood, stone, metals, juxtaposed w/substantial stonework create inviting design. 3 car garages.

Brian Southwick 360-815-6638


5544 Canvasback Rd • $460,000

Single Story Fairway View Semiahmoo Townhome. Rare: Excellent southwest sun exposure along fairway 17. Spacious great room adjoins dining. Large kitchen w/skylight, breakfast room. Epic grand master suite. Charming guestroom with its own en-suite bath. Den/ office is decked out w/white painted custom cabinetry, window seat. Powder. Spacious laundry. Two Car Garage. It’s a short stroll to Semiahmoo hotel, marina, restaurants, golf clubhouse, tennis, pool

Linda Kiens 360-815-6640





5463 Wood Duck Loop • $699,990 5449 Wood Duck Loop • $679,990 5439 Wood Duck Loop • $799,990

New construction at Semiahmoo! 3 bed 2 bath + den, mid-century modern style single level home w/ sharp facades & clean lines. Open, expansive floor plan, 10’ ceilings, 8’ glass doors, no steps & wide hallways make this a perfect ‘forever home’. Euro-style kitchen w/ grand island. Outdoor room w/ fireplace. Enjoy AC; in-floor radiant heat under Luxury Vinyl Plank; and, the latest in materials & high efficiency appliances. A 3 car garage (710 sf.) is perfect for extra storage or hobby space.

Kathy Stauffer 360-815-4718

New construction at Semiahmoo! 2 bed, 2 bath + den, mid-century modern style single level home w/ sharp facades & clean lines. Open & expansive, 10’ ceilings, 8’ glass doors, no steps, wide hallways & an 1,105 sqft garage! Space for 5 cars or make the third bay your workout studio, hobby shop, art gallery, you name it! Gourmet Euro-style kitchen w/ grand island. Outdoor rooms w/ gas fireplaces. AC & in-floor radiant heat under Luxury Vinyl Plank & the latest in high efficiency appliances.

Kathy Stauffer 360-815-4718

New construction @ Semiahmoo! 2 bed 2.5 bath + den, mid-century modern style single level home w/ sharp facades & clean lines. Open & expansive, 10’ ceilings, 8’ glass doors, no steps, wide hallways, the perfect ‘forever home’. Gourmet kitchen w/ grand island & butler pantry. Signature outdoor rooms w/ gas fireplace. Mother-in law suite. Enjoy AC & infloor radiant heat under Luxury Vinyl Plank. Super high efficiency appliances & materials. 4 car garage, perfect for storage or hobby space.

Kathy Stauffer 360-815-4718

5600 Sanderling Wy • $569,000

Nestled right off the 16th green at Semiahmoo, this traditional style home has been upgraded with a slightly European touch. Exceptional quality from the cabinet selection, flooring, and finishes. Tried & true design makes for comfortable living. Vaulted ceiling with large windows make for incredible backyard views. Curb appeal of this property is amazing! Lots of attention to detail in the grounds & consistent maintenance throughout the whole home, inside and out! One of a kind location!

Kathy Stauffer 360-815-4718




8746 Bufflehead Ct • $859,000

Ideal fairway location with expansive open view is the perfect location for this spacious & gracious Craftsman-style home. Custom double doors welcome you! All living on the main floor with high vaulted ceilings--walls of windows that frame the view & capture the light. Large kitchen with tons of storage & exceptional prep space. Lived in very lightly this home is better than new with two private guest quarters, custom 2nd office and ultimate media loft! Quality home and excellent value!

Kathy Stauffer 360-815-4718




OPEN SAT 11-12:30

8616 Great Horned Owl Ln 9535 Semiahmoo Pkwy #B303 9132 Wigeon Ct • $888,900 680 Georgia St • $799,000 1540 Bayview Ave • $360,000 $799,000 Semiahmoo’s most $750,000 Live life on top of the Cassidy built, custom waterfront DRAYTON HARBOR WATERFRONT! BACK ON MARKET! Hard to find 3 7489 Sole Drive • $365,000 sought after fairway neighborhood, Royal Troon, is the setting for this stunning craftsman home. Built by Lindbloom this home showcases his traditional features & custom design. Light flows through floor to ceiling windows with exposed cedar touches. Beautiful open design with spacious gourmet kitchen, lush and bright living room, and fabulous dining area. Master bdrm overlooks 5th hole fairway.

Kathy Stauffer 360-815-4718

world in this magnificent penthouse suite! 180 degree views of the water, mountains, & White Rock, BC. Open concept & design with luxury finishes throughout. excellent kitchen with breakfast bar--ideal for entertaining. Home includes sizable bedroom with private en-suite, as well as an office/ den. Best value for west facing sunset waterfront in the Pacific Northwest. Walking distance to Semiahmoo Spa.

Brandi Coplen 360-201-3951


Leah Crews 360-305-4747

Brandi Coplen 360-201-3951

Iconic home on Blaine’s historic waterfront offers nearly 3,600 sf of flexible-use living spaces. 4+ BD, 5 BA, office, loft, sunroom & large in-law suite w/separate entrance. Authentic log construction with soaring, beamed ceilings. Radiant heat, A/C, newer upgraded roof. Detached 4-car tandem garage has ¾ bath, heat & A/C. Exc. ADU potential! VIRTUAL TOUR:

Brenda Mills


bed/1.75 bath home on 1/3 acre lot IN TOWN & walking distance to schools, shopping, waterfront & marina! Loaded with charm & updates - full kitchen remodel w/ custom cabinets, granite & wine fridge, LED lighting, hardwood & tile flooring + upstairs features water view! Versatile layout: primary living on main level OR use upstairs as a grand Master suite. Back deck, huge backyard + room to build a shop!

Beautifully maintained 4 bed/2.5 bath (1950 sqft) home situated on a quiet, private cul-de-sac just blocks from the beach, trails and parks. Home features open floor plan, living room and family room, vaulted entry-way, master bedroom has walk in closet and ensuite bath. Back yard is a gardener’s paradise - large, sunny, fully fenced with fruit trees, storage shade, raised garden space and green house!



Jen Freeman 360-815-0803


9721 Vista Terrace • $369,000 6846 Holeman Ave • $549,000

Fantastic no steps rambler now available for the first time in decades! 3 bed/2.75 bath home on beautiful large lot is located in sought after area close to town - just minutes to the schools, downtown, the waterfront, US/CAN border & I-5 access. Over 2,000 sq ft well kept homes like this are hard to find + this one features separate living and family rooms, too! Blaine is booming, here’s your chance to be in the heart of it all!

home-a classic blend of southern comfort & east coast style! Beautiful wide plank floors, regal mill work and a “Hansel-Gretel” fireplace that serves as a gathering place for all. Bright, spacious & comfortable this shy one acre property captures Harbor & Mountain views--the ultimate in waterfront living. Spacious kitchen, sun dappled family room, generous guest suites! Private entry to the home office!

VIEWS! Brand new quality built home on peaceful & quite dead end street. Perched at top of hill on Point Whitehorn partial views extend 180 degrees north to Canadian mountains, Birch Bay, and west to San Juan islands. 3 bed, 2.5 bath plus office and bonus room with a mother-in-law suite configuration possible. Huge laundry room, upstairs loft, lots of storage, stainless appliances, and high-end custom finishes. Move in ready!

Mike Kooy 360-739-0869

In case of inclement weather, please call agent to confirm open houses.



Leah Crews 360-305-4747

8324 Fawn Crescent Dr 8133 Skagit Way • $624,900 5355 Nootka Loop • $750,000 6846 Holeman Ave • $549,000 $469,500 One of a kind quality Contemporary Design, new custom Beach front custom home in popular MLS#1435277. VIEWS! Brand new

home, no expense has been spared, hardwood floors, granite counter tops, Trex decking along architectural accents. NW living at its best, large lot, peaceful setting, minutes to shared beach. Whether a vacation home, VRBO or full time living, large windows unique loft with room for two more beds, patio and decks makes a bird watchers paradise this is a must see.

Gerry Allen 360-920-0563 & Daphne Gastis 360-824-0993

“Wiebe Construction” home in Birch Bay Village. Features circular drive, oversize garage, RV/boat parking, covered patio. Interior Design elements by Markie Nelson! Top fixtures, appliances. Hardwood floors, granite & Quartz countertops, tile work! Includes clubhouse, tennis, pool, golf. Directions: I-5 Exit 270 – W on Birch Bay Lynden Rd., L on Harborview, R on Birch Bay Dr. continue to Birch Bay Village on L.

Mike Kent 360-815-3898

Birch Bay Village guard gated, marina, golf & waterfront community. Features vaulted ceilings, concrete beach bulkhead. Ideal floor plan, huge patio, unobstructed views of Birch Bay, Georgia Strait & Mt Baker. Crab, clam & hundreds of acres of sandy beach at low tide to explore. Directions: I-5 Exit 270 – W on Birch Bay Lynden Rd., L on Harborview to R on Birch Bay Drive continue to Birch Bay Village on L.

Mike Kent 360-815-3898

quality built home on peaceful and quite dead end street. Perched at the top of the hill on Point Whitehorn partial views extend 180 degrees north to the Canadian mountains, Birch Bay, and west to the San Juan islands. 3 bed, 2.5 bath plus office & bonus room with mother-in-law suite configuration possible. Huge laundry room, upstairs loft, lots of storage, stainless appliances, & high-end custom finishes.

Mike Kooy 360-739-0869

The Northern Light • April 11 - 17, 2019 •

Friends of Birch Bay Library making progress on fundraising terials for tabling at events and preparing for future fundraisers, including a summer barbecue at the site of the future library. The group, which recently registered as a 501(c)3 nonprofit, has received several large donations, including a $100,000 donation from BP Cherry Point, and is now signing up members for a suggested $10 donation. The nonprofit’s website also allows individuals to set up recurring donations. The library may be getting a boost from the Washington state

By Oliver Lazenby It’s National Library Week and the Friends of Birch Bay Library group is working behind the scenes to raise approximately $3.5 million to build a branch of the Whatcom County Library System at 7968 Birch Bay Drive. At an April 8 meeting, the Friends of Birch Bay Library worked on such details as approving logos, letterheads and business cards, hiring a consultant to make its website appear on search engines, preparing ma-

C e l e b r at i o n

legislature: a draft of the House budget currently includes $2 million for the Birch Bay Vogt Community Library. The senate budget, however, does not include funding for the library. The two chambers must negotiate one plan for Governor Jay Inslee’s approval. “We still have to negotiate a compromise on each budget with the Senate,” 42nd District representative Sharon Shewmake said in an April 8 newsletter. Become a member of the friends group or learn more at

Real Estate (Cont.)

N OPE. 1- 3 N SU



Russell F. Seelye October 30, 1939—March 2, 2019 A Celebration of Life Russell’s family would like to invite you to celebrate his life on Saturday, April 20 from 2–4 p.m. at the Blaine Harbor Boating Center, 235 Marine Dr. Please join us for coffee, cookies, and stories.



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8105 Birch Bay Square St. - Blaine, WA 98230


5438 Snow Goose Lane #105

Lowest Priced Condo In Semiahmoo!

$389,000 One of a kind, hard to find, farmhouse on 4.47 acres. Literally minutes to Birch Bay beaches, I-5 and CDN border. Great hobby farm, weekend retreat. Home built in 1908 is situated on level property. Large shop and two storage sheds great for additional storage.

ONLY $280,000 Suzanne Dougan

Meticulously maintained 180-day Park Model on large landscaped lot in Latitude 49. Newer roof. Move in ready! Use as weekender/summer retreat. Low maintenance yard with patio for entertaining. Amenities; pool, hot tub, exercise room, club house,year round security gate, all this and minutes to the beach.


FOR YOUR HOME WITH EACH NEW LISTING! 8774 Oertel Drive • Birch Bay

8045 Birch Bay Dr. Blaine, WA

360-371-7252 4769 Sagebrush Lane • Birch Bay


BIRCH BAY HOME! Beautifully updated single level home located in Anderson Park. 3-BD, 1.75-BA plus an office! New flooring & JUST SOLD! paint throughout home. New SS appliances and fully fenced backyard. Close to the beaches and only 20 minutes to Bellingham!

9495 Semiahmoo Pkwy #A1F



XXXX Sylvia Street • Birch Bay


BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME! Convenient location, serviced 8,348 SF lot is ideal for your Birch Bay residence, get away, manufactured home you chose! Lightly forested w/ brush & needing wetlands NEW LISTING! survey to confirm suspected VACANT LAND wetlands in small area in north east corner of lot. Don’t miss out! A ready to build!



253 Whitetail Lp




325 Whitetail Lp

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Windshield Replacement

BELLINGHAMFree Pick up & Delivery Bellingham 1512 N. State St. • 360-734-3840

Looking for something new? Take a look at these 2 homes in Blaine’s newest neighborhood, Mountain Estates! Custom

kitchens, beautiful quartz counters & SS appliances. Both homes are over 2000 SF. with one home 3-BD/2.5BA and the other 4-BD/2.5-BA.


Free Loaner Cars

Lynden Vernon 407 19th St. •Mt.360-354-3232

(360) 734-3840 (360) 354-3232 (360) 424-9759 1512 N. State St.

407 19th St.

1721 E. College Way

To Our Canadian Friends

WHATCOM COUNTY Proud supporters of the Blaine Community!

Enjoy Huge Savings with U.S. Prices

253 & 325 Whitetail Lp • Blaine 253 Whitehall Lp - $404,000 325 Whitehall Lp - $425,000

Rock Chip Repairs

Must present ad for special. Not valid with any other offers. Expires June 30, 2014.

Keep Full Service • Budget Payment Plan • Tank Installation & Rental Modern Equipment • Safety Checks • Locally Owned & Operated

360 332-3121

Fill your bottles - Easy RV access

2163 Nature’s Path Way • Blaine

Christy Imperio • (360) 201-4100

Carl W. R. Dufton • (360) 815-6637


7372 Birch Bay Drive, Birch Bay


DRAYTON HARBOR VIEWS! Southwest view to Drayton Harbor & short walk to downtown Blaine! Elegantly remodeled immaculately maintained 3-BD, 2-BA, multi-level unit w/ ground floor sun room, NEW LISTING! 2nd floor open deck, 3rd floor master w/ partial bay view. Featuring new: furnace, hot water heater, fireplace, mantle, W/D, stove, fridge, blinds, cabinets, sinks, garbage disposal.

BEACH ACCESS FOR YOU BEACH LOVERS! Fabulous, new home in prime location features 3-BD, 2-BA. Birch Bay Gem features laminate floors & high ceilings. Master suite looks out to creek & spacious eat-inNEW PRICE! kitchen has peek-a-boo view of Bay. SS appliances adorn the kitchen. Located close to the public beach, cafes, restaurants, State Park for picnics!

9150 Aerie Lane #5 • Semiahmoo

5536 Mission Road • Bellingham

Jeremy Porter • (360) 306-1794


WATERFRONT AERIE CONDO! Spectacular waterfront condo in Semiahmoo! Excellent for entertaining with over 4,400 Sq. Ft., 3-BD +den and wide open floor plan. Views of PRICE REDUCED! Drayton Harbor, White Rock B.C., Mt. Baker & Canadian mountains! Perfect for year round living or weekend getaway!

Heather Taylor • (425) 785-5771

• Residential Lot Surveys & Boundary Surveys 2011 Large Business of the Year • FEMA Elevation Certificates

CeCelia Breivik 360-303-8161



Call for a FREE estimate!

Terry Conway • (360) 410-0503

BEACHFRONT! SEMIAHMOO GROUND FLOOR CORNER VILLA! This NW beach dream condo has it all; 2-BD, 2-BA. arguably the best Beachwalker waterfront location, private, views to the bay, the Strait, & mountains! NEW LISTING! 1270 +/- sq ft, w/upgrades; SS appliances, designer flooring, gas fireplace to cozy up to, and more! On the Semiahmoo spit, steps from 300 slip marina.

1340 4th Street #5, Blaine


STEPS TO THE BEACH! Exceptional quality In/Out only steps away to private beach access. Enjoy sunsets from the wrap around deck. Main floor w/open design, Master suite, den & laundry. Lower level, WATER VIEWS! 3-BD, full bath & 2nd deck for privacy. Step into the kitchen w/granite, walk-in pantry. LR w/FP, vaulted ceilings, new flooring and beach life! Salt air awaits

Amy Bremer • (360) 961-0620 Member SIPC

4751 Birch Bay Lynden Rd. #255 • Birch Bay

Schedule your Private Showing! Call Gerry - 360-920-0563


Terrell V Goertz, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU® Financial Advisor 119 N. Commercial Suite 140 Bellingham, WA 98225 360-738-3454


7258 Jackson Rd. • Birch Bay

Ground Floor remodeled 2-bed / 2-bath. MLS# 1434300

Rentals - Rooms


Dining Guide

Ruth Skeete • (360) 358-5075


GORGEOUS MT BAKER VIEW backdrops delightful country home on 6 acres! Many upgrades along w/added family and utility rm. Upgrades include: SS appliances, laminate NEW LISTING flooring, fresh ext/int paint, new shower/tub, custom fencing. Backyard entertaining patio area w/jacuzzi tub, gazebo & Koi pond. HUGE 30’x40’ shop w/power could be rented out. Great income potential! Chicken coop on property! Equestrian/pasture suitable. A must see!

Sun.-Wed. 7am-2pm Thurs.-Sat. 7am-8pm 360-332-3540 234 D Street, Blaine

Great Authentic Mexican Food 758 Peace Portal • Blaine 360-332-4045

Julie Ward • (760) 522-2564

Rentals - Commercial

1733 H St - Ste 420 Blaine International Marketplace


4,000 SF Available • 1790 Boblett Street, Blaine Office • Loading Dock • 3 Large Truck Doors 3-Phase Electricity • Fenced & Paved Yard Don Nelson 360-332-2743 Email

277 G Street • Downtown Blaine


TheVaultWine Dine-in • Take-out • Reservations


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