The Northern Light Classifieds: April 4-10, 2019

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April 4 - 10, 2019 •



Child Care

Easter is here!

OPEN: Mon-Fri 6am - 6pm

Now Enrolling 1 month - 12 years old Call today! 360-332-7135

Dollar$ Plus 360-656-5201


• Hardwood • Prefinished • Laminate

Essential Oils Open House

Wed., April 10 • 2-8 pm

Licensed • Bonded And InSured


Specializing in Renovations & New Construction

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Since 1908 Diehl Ford has been providing excellent customer sales and service. 360-734-2640 / Dealership 800-628-9331 Diehl Ford is proud to be known as the that does things the right way! Celebrating 71 years of business with a tradition of trust since 1947. Your only locally owned and operated GM Dealer in Whatcom County with a non-commissioned sales staff.

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Since 1908WWW.DIEHLFORD.COM Diehl Ford has been providing excellent customer sales and service for new & used vechicles. Diehl Ford is proud to be known as the Dealership that does things the right way!

1615 Iowa St. • Bellingham

866-448-0086 At Rairdon’s of Bellingham you’ll find a wide assortment of new and pre-owned vehicles, a professional service department, financial assistance and more.

Get listed in this Guide! Call 360-332-1777


• 4-Door • I-4 2.0 L/122

Louis Auto Glass

BELLINGHAM 1512 N State St. • 360-734-3840 LYNDEN 407 19th St. • 360-354-3232 Since 1929, Louis Auto Glass has been the leading auto & residential glass company serving Northwest Washington. The Adelstein family has owned & operated the company for four generations. Quality workmanship & customer satisfaction has remained as strong as ever.

Since 1973




VACATION RENTAL CLEANBrick • Block • Stone L. WIENS ING Mature, older woman with BARRY Licensed & Bonded BARRY L. WIENS 10 years + experience looking ERICK WIENS WIENS Licensed &MATT Bonded to clean vacation phone: rentals in the (360) 332-6300 Blaine Birch Bay area. Call Del(360) 332 - 6300 ilah at 509-630-1736 Lic #2BROTB1945DA WINDOW WASHING Residential and Commercial. Licensed, Insured, Experienced. Call DESIGN Wade 360-384-8888. BRICK - BLOCK - STONE

A+ Cleaning Service Ask about our Specials!



Remodels•& Commercial Additions Residential

Bathrooms & Kitchens Licensed Contractor DecksGeneral & Porches serving & Blaine SmallBirch Jobs Bay Welcome

Residential, business, new construction & move-outs. Very Affordable. Call Lisa for a free estimate.

NewBirch Construction Serving Bay & Blaine

360-318-3345 360-371-0172 360-201-3464 CallLicUs#ForDESIGBL934JL A Free Estimate

Licensed • Bonded • Insured

Additions & Remodels 360-201-3464 Decks & Porches Lic # DESIGBL934JL


New Construction • Remodeling • Roofing • Siding Windows & Doors • Fencing • Drywall • Painting

VIN#:1FADP3E28HL231012 A Diehl You Can Count On


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• Sport Utility • 6-Speed Auto w/OD • Intercooled Turbo I-4 2.0 L/121

A Diehl You Can Count On



A Diehl You Can Count On




Savings: $7,735

HOTLINE ELECTRIC Licensed • Bonded • Insured HOTLIE*914J7


Estate Sales

HUGE ESTATE SALE - Two days Apr 5th to 6th 8AM - 2PM 7258 Jackson Road, Blaine. 50 years of accumulation antiques, lamps, table & chairs, dishes, vases, tools, ladders. too much to lift. Look for signs/balloons!

Handyman 28-Years Experience

We Beat Any Price!

A-1 Handyman Plus • Remodel & Home Repairs • All Phases of Carpentry • Kitchen & Bathrooms • Doors & Windows • Decks & Porches • Drywall & Textures • Painting • Rot Repair We get it done! Lic #A1HanHp962MH

Now Hiring!

and requirements.

The above-described services are available to all qualifying subscribers of Whidbey Telecom.

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF The THEcharges STATEfor these services are reflected each month on our normal telephone bill, and may be accompanied by charges for other services provided by Whidbey Telecom. The OF WASHINGTON IN AND FORservices WHATCOM described in the immediately preceding two paragraphs are those that Whidbey COUNTY In re the Estate of:Telecom DANIELoffers C. and must advertise in order to be eligible for federal funds that are used to help offset the high cost of serving rural areas and bringing affordable telephone service to GALLAGHER, Deceased. No. 19-4-00147residences and businesses in rural areas. These and other services are available by contacting 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Whidbey Judge Lee Telecom’s Customer Experience Center at (360) 945-1122. Grochmal Whidbey Telephone Company dba Whidbey Telecom. The Administrator named below has been Unlimited long distance applies to calls to points within the contiguous forty-eight United States, Alaska, appointed and has qualified as AdminisHawaii, Canada, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Excess usage charges may apply in certain instances. Interior • Exterior trator of this estate. Any person State having and a county taxes apply per line to help fund the provision of this capability. Plus Doors, Cabinets & Trim The federally-mandated end user charges per month that currently may apply include the following: claim against the decedent must, before Residence Per Single Line Per Multi-Line CORYPer LOGAN the time the claim would be barred by Line Business Line Business Line any otherwise applicable statuteSubscriber of lim-Line Charge (SLC) $ 6.50 $ 6.50 $ 9.20 Recovery Charge (ARC) $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 3.00 itations, present the claim in theAccess manner lands” referred to in this notice include any federally recognized Indian tribe’s reservation, pueblo, or as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by“Tribal serving colony; Indian allotments; and any land designated by the Federal Communications Commission as Tribal lands purposes of the Lifeline and Tribal Link Up programs. on or mailing to the Administrator orforthe Administrator’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filPUBLIC NOTICE ing the original of the claim with the court in which the probated proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the Administrator served or mailed the noFree Estimates tice to the creditor as provided under RCW ,LLC Dependable Yard Maintenance 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after Greg Kendall, Owner-Operator • Spring Clean Up the date of first publication of the notice. If Tree Trimming & Removal • Thatching & Weeding the claim is not presented within this time • Planting Flowers & Roses Chipping & Hauling, Tree Sales frame, the claim is forever barred, except • Pressure Washing as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 Stump Grinding - Bucket Trucks AND 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to • Gutter Cleaning 3040 BIRCH BAYLYNDEN RD. claims against both the decedent’s pro• & Much More! bate and nonprobate assets. Licensed & Bonded • 30 Years Experience Date of Filing of Notice to Creditors March 18, 2019 with Clerk of Court: 714-600-8455 & MINI-EXCAVATION LLC Date of First Publication: Landscape Clean Ups • Mowing • Pruning • Weeding March 20, 2019 Landscape Installation • Mulch • Gravel • Dirt • Dump Name of Administrator: Runs • Pressure Washing & More! *ELITELM817BB ROBERT GALLAGHER Attorney for Administrators: 360-296-4824 Steven D. Avery, WSBA #35262 Address for Mailing or Service: Avery Elder Law, P.S. 801 Samish Way, Ste. 202 Bellingham WA 98229 Telephone: (360) 325-2550 Email: DATED March 18, 2019 AVERY ELDER LAW, P.S. STEVEN D. AVERY, WSBA #35262 Attorney for Administrator ROBERT GALLAGHER




• Crew Cab Pickup • 6-Speed Auto w/OD • Twin Turbo V-6 2.7 L/164

Service/Construction Residential - Commercial Industrial


CLEANING SPECIAL. 4 hours for $120 (1st time only). Professional cleaning, we do it all. RESIDENTIAL 360-527-0555.

3 Year Guarantee on all work No Job Too Big or Small 2017 Ford F-150 XLT I 2017 Ford Escape NEWFree Estimates SuperCrew 5.5’ Box NEW Lic # CCINTEGCN869DD

Stk# 7FC4030



2017 Ford Focus S Sedan


8139 Guide Meridian • Lynden, WA

Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram of Bellingham


Diehl Ford



MORE Smiles Learning Center

AD HERE! 360/332-1777

Mark St. Germaine


BAY CENTER Market hiring SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON PT/FT afternoon shift. MultiCOUNTY OF THURSTON FAMILY AND tasking, stocker, deli and cusJUVENILE COURT IN RE THE ESTATE tomer-oriented experience a OF: LORETTA M. GOWAN, Deceased. plus. 21+ required, available on NO. 19-4-00222-34 NOTICE TO CREDweekends. Pick up application PUBLIC NOTICE ITORS RCW 11.40.030 at 8050 Harborview Road, Birch 1 Whidbey Telecom is a local telecommunications company that has Bay. been serving THE ADMINISTRATOR NAMED BELOW the Point Roberts area since 1988. During the intervening years, we have worked has been appointed as Administrator of hard to build a telecommunications system that provides high quality telephone and this estate. Any person having a claim other telecommunications services to the communities we serve. We have done this, the higher costs of serving rural areas in the State of Washington and when against the decedent must, notwithstanding before the few, if any, other telecommunications companies were interested in serving our communities. time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute We of have limitaserved and intend to continue to serve both residential and business customers Serving inages 1 month thru 12 yrs. service tions, present the claim in the our manner asarea with high quality telecommunications services at attractive and affordable OPEN: Mon-Fri 6am - 6pm rates. provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Administrator or the to our basic voice telephony services, we offer throughout our service area In addition For more information, advanced Administrator’s attorney at the addresstelecommunications services, High Speed Internet, high-speed data services, Calling Features,please Voicemail, Caller ID, our full-featured Premium Voice service with visit: stated below a copy of the special claim and unlimited Long Distance2, and Security & Alarms system installations and monitoring services. filing the original of the claim with the or Whidbey Telecom Each ofwiththe basic voice telephony services offered by Whidbey Telecom is comprised of several court. The claim must be presented Customer Service in the later of: (1) Thirty dayscomponents, after the including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: (1) single-party, voice grade access to the public switched network or its functional equivalent; (2) an unlimited Administrator served or mailedamount the notice of local usage at no additional charge to end users; (3) access to 911 or enhanced 1957 Johnson Road 911, asRCW implemented by local governmental authority in Whidbey Telecom’s service area;3 to the creditor as provided under and (4) certain toll limitation services for qualifying low-income consumersEvery (generally, edition online: 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the Point Roberts, WA 98281 those residential consumers who are eligible to participate in the federal Lifeline program). date of first publication of theWhidbey notice. Telecom’s If monthly charge for such basic voice telephony service is $16.00 for each EEOC linethis designated as “residence” service and $16.50 for each line designated as “business” the claim is not presented within time service. The monthly charge for “residential” service may be reduced as described in the next frame, the claim is forever barred, except paragraph. Applicable federal, state, county and municipal taxes and surcharges, including as otherwise provided in RCW federally-mandated 11.40.051 end user charges per line, are in addition to these amounts.4 The rates, charges, and in some and 11.40.060. This bar is effective astaxes to and surcharges mentioned in this notice are subject to change, instances are subject to change without notice. claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. With respect to most, if not all, of its service area, including its Point Roberts service area, DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION:Whidbey Telecom participates in the Federal Lifeline and Tribal Link Up programs. Under the Federal Lifeline program, Whidbey Telecom qualifying low-income consumers The Blaine-Birch Bayoffers Parktoand Recreation District is currently seeking an Activity April 4, 2019 a discount off of the monthly rate for basic residential exchange service. For an eligible Coordinator to plan, organize, coordinate, administer, and promote athletic, fitness 5 , under this same program, additional discounts may be applied resident of Tribal Lands ADMINISTRATOR: towards the monthly rate for recreation basic residential exchangefor service. Whidbey Telecom’s current and programs the community’s youth and adults. This position will ROSEMARY G. MEDFORD discounted monthly rate for Lifeline residential service on non-Tribal lands within its service the Program ATTORNEY FOR THE ADMINISTRATOR: area is $13.25, and for report Lifeline directly residentialtoservice on TribalManager. lands within its service area may be as low as $0.00. Under the Tribal Link Up program, Whidbey Telecom’s installation J. Patrick Quinn Forforfull job description and requirements, visit charge for residential service a qualifying low-income consumer on Tribal lands within ADDRESS FOR MAILING OR SERVICE: its service area may be discounted by up to $100.00. Lifeline is a governmental assistance Please stop by in person at the program, the Lifeline-supported service is non-transferrable, only eligible consumers mayBirch Bay Activity Center, J. Patrick Quinn enroll in the Lifeline program, and the Lifeline program is limitedStreet, to one Lifeline discount 7511 Gemini Blaine to drop off a cover letter and 711 South Capitol Way, Ste 303, Olymper household. The Tribal Link Up program is also a governmental assistance program and is arerequires 9 to 5thatpm. If you have questions, pia, WA 98501 subject to restrictions. Participation in the Lifelineresume. and Tribal Office Link Up hours programs comply applicable program rules deadline April 12, 2019. J. PATRICK QUINN LLM, PS the qualifying consumer satisfy eligibility criteria and please callwith 360-656-6416. Application


Integrity Contracting N.W. LLC


Help Wanted




30 hours/week

(360) 305-2592



Part-Time Activities Coordinator

Kitchens & Baths • Custom & Spec Homes Decks, Garages & Additions


Plus Newstands in: Bellingham • Ferndale Custer • Birch Bay Semiahmoo • Blaine

Call today! 360-332-7135

InstallatIon & RefInIshIng


Learn about emotional healing through essential oils. Soul Space Studio 264 H St • Blaine

PLUS, your ad appears ONLINE FOR FFREE at

Full Time Laborer


Birch Bay Square Unit 116 • I-5, Exit 270

Delivered to every home in the 98230 zip code.

is seeking an energetic & enthusiastic individual for a

Full-time and part-time preschool options.

PLUS... Bluetooth air pods, ear buds & speakers! ’s Mike


25¢ for each additional word

Public Notices

MORE Smiles Learning Center

• Decorations • Party Supplies • Basket Stuffers • Egg Decorating

NEXT ISSUE: April 11 AD DEADLINE: April 8 $16 for 15 words WE ACCEPT:


Brush Strokes Painting Company


3 4




Home & Garden Specialist



8-23-18 replace wording..."Now enrolling for Fall. Full-time and part-time preschool options." (last ad 39763.pdf).


Kendall’s Tree Service





Connect Your Business with our Popular Special Sections

Health & Wellness - First week of every month Active Seniors - Second week of every month

Ron 360-739-5097

Advice from the Pros - Third week of every month PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Chapter 18.27.100 of the Revised Code of Washington requires that all advertisements for construction services include the contractor’s registration number in the advertisement. To verify a contractor’s license, call the Dept. of Labor and Industry’s contractors registration at 1-800-647-0982.

Pet Care - Third week of every month Home & Garden - Last week of every month

To advertise call 360-332-1777 or email

The Northern Light • April 4 - 10, 2019

Real Estate

Windermere Real Estate/Whatcom Inc. 8105 Birch Bay Square St. • I-5 Exit 270, Blaine 360.371.5100



9432 Turnstone Ln. #33


Semiahmoo Shore’s most affordable Sunrise Home, 2025 Sq ft w/luxurious Owners suite on main floor & 2-BD & full bath upstairs. 14’ Vaulted great room. Finished in “Driftwood” design w/Linear FP, quartz countertops & all appliances. Wide Plank White Oak Hardwood flooring. Attached dbl. garage w/epoxy floor & storage cabinets. Miles of beaches & walking trails. MLS# 1201035

OPEN SUN. 12- 5


Semiahmoo Shore 2187 sq. ft. “Sunrise” home w/soaring 12’10” great rm ceilings & large windows taking full advantage of views over the Open Space meadow & Drayton Harbor. Finished in Driftwood theme including Wide Plank Flooring, Linear FP, quartz countertops, full SS appliance package, dbl. garage w/expoxy floor & covered patio. Miles of beaches & walking trails. Minutes to U.S./Canada border. MLS# 1201008

9464 Turnstone Ln #40


Rd., to Semiahmoo Pkwy., Semiahmoo Shore on Left. For more information visit

Lisa Sprague 360-961-0838



OPEN SUN. 1- 4

OPEN SUN. 1- 4

OPEN SAT & SUN 12- 3

OPEN SAT & SUN 12- 3

9436 Turnstone Ln. #35

Newest Semiahmoo Shore waterfront home with soaring vaulted great room design & expansive full width covered patio featuring full height stone fireplace & ample room for shoreline entertaining. All the exceptional design elements you'd expect at Semiahmoo Shore with fantastic guest suites on both main & upper floors. All main living on entry level, gated Mike Kent 360-527-8901 Lisa Kent 360-594-8034 luxury at Semiahmoo spit with incompaDIRECTIONS: Exit 270 West on Birch Bay-Lynden Rd., R on Harborview, L on Lincoln rable saltwater & mtn. views.

OPEN SAT & SUN 12- 3


OPEN SUN. 12:30-3

5463 Wood Duck Loop

5449 Wood Duck Loop

5439 Wood Duck Loop

Just completed! NEW CONSTRUCTION! "Clubhouse Point", gated micro-community w/in Semiahmoo . Fairway 1. Single story with No Steps. 2905 sq. ft open plan. Great room, luxe kitchen. Super pantry, 3 bdrms, 2.75 baths includes Casita, Casita & office both open to interior courtyard. Quality, finishes: strand woven bamboo flooring, Graphite stained Birch cabinets, quartz counters. 522 sq. ft. 2 car garage + / - Air conditioning heat pump

New construction at Semiahmoo! 3 bed 2 bath + den, mid-century modern style single level home w/ sharp facades & clean lines. Open, expansive floor plan, 10’ ceilings, 8’ glass doors, no steps & wide hallways make this a perfect 'forever home'. Euro-style kitchen w/ grand island. Outdoor room w/ fireplace. Enjoy AC; in-floor radiant heat under Luxury Vinyl Plank; and, the latest in materials & high efficiency appliances. A 3 car garage (710 sf.) is perfect for extra storage or hobby space.

New construction at Semiahmoo! 2 bed, 2 bath + den, mid-century modern style single level home w/ sharp facades & clean lines. Open & expansive, 10’ ceilings, 8’ glass doors, no steps, wide hallways & an 1,105 sqft garage! Space for 5 cars or make the third bay your workout studio, hobby shop, art gallery, you name it! Gourmet Euro-style kitchen w/ grand island. Outdoor rooms w/ gas fireplaces. AC & in-floor radiant heat under Luxury Vinyl Plank & the latest in high efficiency appliances.

New construction @ Semiahmoo! 2 bed 2.5 bath + den, mid-century modern style single level home w/ sharp facades & clean lines. Open & expansive, 10’ ceilings, 8’ glass doors, no steps, wide hallways, the perfect 'forever home'. Gourmet kitchen w/ grand island & butler pantry. Signature outdoor rooms w/ gas fireplace. Mother-in law suite. Enjoy AC & in-floor radiant heat under Luxury Vinyl Plank. Super high efficiency appliances & materials. 4 car garage, perfect for storage or hobby space.

Brian Southwick 360-815-6638

Kathy Stauffer 360-815-4718

Kathy Stauffer 360-815-4718

Kathy Stauffer 360-815-4718

OPEN SAT. 1- 4

OPEN SUN. 1- 4

8778 Clubhouse Point



OPEN SUN. 12- 2

5486 Night Heron Dr

New construction @ Semiahmoo! 3 bed 3 bath + den, mid-century modern style single level home w/ sharp facades & clean lines. Open & expansive, 10’ ceilings, 8’ glass doors, no steps, wide hallways make this a perfect 'forever home'. Gourmet kitchen w/ grand island & prep kitchen. Double master suites! Covered outdoor rooms w/ gas fireplace. Enjoy AC & in-floor radiant heat under Luxury Vinyl Plank. Super high efficiency appliances & materials. 4 car garage is perfect for storage or hobby space.

Incredible view--your own back yard-the Canadian Coast Range & Drayton Harbor--nestled between the native fir & cedar trees this warm & inviting home has room for everyone! Clean architectural detail in the open great room frame the view. Well cared for--newly painted-- this home is in excellent condition. The ever-changing beauty of the PNW is yours to enjoy. Sunrise greets over the top of Mt. Baker. Comfortable & casual--a home for the way you live. Beautiful interior doors and trim detail.

8324 Fawn Crescent Dr

8324 Fawn Crescent Dr

DRAYTON HARBOR WATERFRONT! Nearly 3,600 sf home with flexible-use living spaces including 4+ BD, 5 BA, office, loft, sunroom & large lower level in-law suite. Authentic log construction with soaring beamed ceilings. Radiant heat plus mini split heat/air conditioning. Newer upgraded roof. Detached 4-car tandem garage with ¾ bath, plumbed for potential ADU. VIRTUAL TOUR:

One of a kind quality home, no expense has been spared, hardwood floors, granite counter tops, trex decking along architectural accents. NW living at its best, large lot, peaceful setting, minutes to shared beach. Whether a vacation home, VRBO or full time living, large windows unique loft with room for two more beds, patio and decks makes a bird watchers paradise this is a must see.

Kathy Stauffer 360-815-4718

Kathy Stauffer 360-815-4718

Brenda Mills 360-319-0072

Gerry Allen 360-920-0563


680 Georgia Street



One of a kind quality home, no expense has been spared, hardwood floors, granite counter tops, trex decking along architectural accents. NW living at its best, large lot, peaceful setting, minutes to shared beach. Whether a vacation home, VRBO or full time living, large windows unique loft with room for two more beds, patio and decks makes a bird watchers paradise this is a must see.

Beautiful Architecturally Designed BBV Home. High ceilings, granite counter tops, engineered floors/carpet. Numerous ADA features all on one level. Large en-suite and walk-in closet in master. Completely landscaped, with $8000+ water retention system, over-sized garage, great for hobby and crafts, on demand hot water. Enjoy all that BB V has to offer, 24 security, swimming pool, private salt water beaches along with year around marina, tennis courts and golf course. THIS IS A MUST SEE HOME!

A perfect affordable Birch Bay getaway with amazing ocean view! Single wide in great condition, all furnishings included. Spacious deck with hot tub. Includes a storage basement for all toys, kayaks, bicycles, etc. Don't miss this unique property, private lot, just a few minutes walk to the beach.

Daphne Gastis 360-824-0993

Gerry Allen 360-920-0563

Randy Weg 360-305-5704


Rentals - Rooms

Sun. April 7 • 12-2pm

8105 Birch Bay Square St. - Blaine, WA 98230

Featuring all primary living on main floor with plenty of entertainment space. Gorgeous chef’s kitchen. Wow guests with secondary master suite opening up to spacious loft upstairs. Garden level suite complemented by large rec room & waterfront views. Paulina Antczak, Brandon Nelson Partners

Rentals - Commercial

NELSON BUILDING 360-920-0563

Panoramic views of Mt. Baker & Drayton Harbor

Birch Bay Rare Find! $239,500

4751 Birch Bay-Lynden Rd. Unit 193

TRULY A RARE FIND, used occasionally for weekends, mint condition, well cared for, pride of ownership 365 day manufactured double wide in gated community of Latitude 49. Close to pool, tennis, pickle ball courts and exercise room. Don’t miss this opportunity! Short walk to the beach and close to I-5 / Canadian border.

Schedule a Private Showing! Call Gerry - 360-920-0563


OPEN SAT. 1- 3

8139 Kayak Way $460,000


9146 Aerie Lane $849,000


7535 Sunset Dr


In case of inclement weather, please call agent to confirm open houses.

3-BD, 3.25-BA, Approx. Sq. Ft: 4618



5445 Wood Duck Loop


OPEN SAT & SUN 12- 3



Do you want new customers to see your business?

80.7% of readers


products or services from ads seen in

Statistics audited by the Community Newspaper of Blaine, Birch Bay & Semiahmoo

Call or email to advertise: 360-332-1777 or

All real estate/rentals advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-877-0246.


4,000 SF Available 1790 Boblett Street, Blaine Office Loading Dock 3 Large Truck Doors 3-Phase Electricity Fenced & Paved Yard Don Nelson 360-332-2743 Email


Advertise in The Northern Light. 23,600 readers weekly! Call 332-1777




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