The Northern Light: March 20-26, 2025

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March 20 - 26, 2025

Whatcom County health director let go from position

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Whatcom County Health and Community Services Department director

Erika Lautenbach was let go from her position on March 19, with Whatcom County Executive Satpal Sidhu citing “a need for better alignment with the county’s strategic priorities.”

The Whatcom County Executive’s Office announced Lautenbach’s resignation in a March 19 statement provided to The Northern Light . Sidhu gave no specific reasons for Lautenbach’s dismissal but instead offered an anodyne description of a new leadership structure.

“Last year Executive Sidhu established a new leadership structure in his office, providing increased departmental oversight and a stronger focus on stabilizing the County’s budget and operations,” the statement read. “As a result, Executive Sidhu ultimately determined that new leadership is needed for alignment on these priorities.”

The county put Lautenbach on administrative leave on March 5. Whatcom County Council was informed of Lautenbach’s leave on March 11.

Efforts to reach Lautenbach were unsuccessful. However, in a statement she sent to the Bellingham Herald, she said she was surprised to hear she was terminated.

“I believed our legal teams were negotiating a separation agreement in good faith, and we were still within the lawfully required period of time for my consideration. I have served the county with integrity and have, in all matters, put the health and safety of the public first. I did nothing illegal, unethical or otherwise. The reasons stated for my termination are inaccurate. I have been concerned for some time by the executive’s actions and believe this termination is directly related to these concerns,” she wrote in the statement provided to the Bellingham Herald.

Lautenbach was appointed as health director on March 18, 2020, at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. At

(See Lautenbach, page

Blaine students walkout in support of the arts

s Roughly 100 Blaine High School students walked out of school and congregated


Surrey, B.C. resident Kay Pearl watched President Donald Trump’s inauguration address from her living room, 10 minutes from the Pacific Highway border crossing, on January 20.

The next morning, she got up early and crossed the border to be at Banner Bank in Blaine by the time it opened at 9 a.m. She withdrew everything she had before closing the bank account she opened more than two decades ago.

When the teller asked for the reason, she told him, “Trump. Your government is threatening my government, and I don’t feel safe here anymore.” Then she watched as the teller wrote, “Account not needed anymore.”

“I feel like the U.S. has declared war on Canada and the only way I can help is to keep my dollars here,” Pearl said.

Pearl is among a growing number of Canadians who have pledged to not travel into the U.S. after Trump started a trade war against the country and continues talks of Canada becoming a 51st state. “Buy Canadian” campaigns emerged in early February, after Trump’s tariffs were originally expected to go into effect and have gained momentum as more Canadian consumers look to keep their dollars in their country.

In February 2025, 544,000 cars traveled into Washington from B.C., 136,000 fewer than the 680,000 cars that traveled into the

(See Border, page 3)

Photo by Nolan Baker

Birch Bay residents complain of foul odor near bp Cherry Point refinery

B y N ola N B aker

More than 70 complaints of an irritating odor coming from the bp Cherry Point refinery were reported to the Northwest Clean Air Agency (NWCAA) over the weekend, which the government agency said was due in part to incomplete burning of hydrocarbon gases at the refinery.

NWCAA contacted the refinery and sent staff to inspect on March 17 after receiving multiple complaints of a “strong burning oil” smell from addresses in Ferndale and Birch Bay that were within roughly five miles of Washington’s largest oil refinery.

Seth Preston, NWCAA communications program manager, said

the smells occurred while the facility was in the process of shutting down a coker unit for routine maintenance. During the shutdown, gases in the coker chamber containing odorous hydrocarbons were not properly burned off before being released into the atmosphere, Preston said.

Coker units convert heavier, lower value residual oil residues remaining after refining petroleum and convert it into more valuable products such as naphtha or diesel.

“In this case, the flare may not have been burning efficiently, which likely contributed to the odor,” Preston wrote in an email to The Northern Light Refinery staff were able to adjust

the flare and reduce the amount of gas being released, but another tank used in the coking process was also improperly venting gases into the atmosphere, which may have also contributed to the smell, Preston wrote.

NWCAA did not have any details on the specific chemicals or the amount released, but Preston did write that refinery coker units can contain sulfur compounds such as mercaptans, which are “readily detectable by most people at very low concentrations.”

NWCAA is continuing its investigation into the gas release. Representatives from bp did not respond to a request for comment before press time.

Blaine students protest possible cuts to arts programs

About 100 Blaine High School students walked out of their second period classes on March 19 and marched across Mitchell Avenue to the Blaine school district administration offices to protest the possibility of cuts to next year’s theater and band programs.

The cuts – which will need to total $2.5-3 million for the district to balance its budget – will be formally announced at the next school board meeting on Monday, March 24. It will be the district’s third consecutive reduced education plan.

Students in the theater arts and band programs said their teachers have informed them of the proposed cuts that would no

longer support a theater director, and consolidate the band program into a single band, getting rid of specific bands like wind ensemble.

Many of the upperclassmen students protesting the possible cuts on Wednesday were walking out for the second time in their high school tenures. Students walked out on April 24, 2023 to protest staff cuts that eliminated 65 positions from the district, 38 of which were teachers.

Riley Osburn, a junior who’s performed in multiple roles for the Blaine High School theater arts program, said he participated in the walkout to not only support his program, but to show district administration how much these cuts matter to the student body.

“We’re here to raise awareness, but also we want to save our program,” Osburn said. “These things really, really matter to us and we want them to stick around.”

To cut costs, the district also proposed a merger of first and second grade classes from the primary school to the elementary school to save roughly $600,000, according to the district. But that still won’t cover the multi-million dollar funding gap caused by a lack of state and federal funding, the ending of pandemic-era emergency funding, and dwindling enrollment in the district.

According to district data, staff salaries make up roughly (See School, page 13)

Being local is more than the location of your bank—it’s the people. When you visit our Bellingham branch, you’ll meet our experienced team of dedicated bankers that you can depend upon for excellent customer service. We are here to serve the community, and it is our

and local businesses that makes us a perfect t. Visit us today to experience the Mountain Paci c Bank di erence.

Border ...

From page 1

state in February 2026, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data.

Pearl said neither she nor her friends are planning to travel to the U.S. or purchase American products anytime soon. They canceled their Alaska cruise, have asked U.S. relatives to travel to them, are booking flights without stops in the U.S. and one friend is now trying to sell her Birch Bay home, Pearl said.

Surrey resident Amy Wasney, who lives one block from 0 Avenue near Peace Arch Historical State Park, said she has no plans to visit the U.S. anytime soon, despite it being a short walk from her front door. After Trump began threatening tariffs and annexing Canada, Wasney said she began feeling unsafe to travel to the U.S., fearing political unrest and rising political tension. She also noticed changes at the border, such as a Black Hawk helicopter that began flying over the border.

Wasney said her family canceled its Fourth of July trip to visit relatives in Kentucky, which would have been their first time in the state. Wasney’s decision to withhold U.S. travel also came from not feeling that the U.S. government is respecting Canada.

“We don’t harbor any resentment or hard feelings to the American people,” Wasney said. “We want to continue the relationship we’ve always had. “The Peace Arch monument is right in my front yard, and it stands for never allowing the borders to close and that we have a friendly relationship.”

(The Northern Light requested the perspective of Surrey and White Rock residents to include in this article through a community Facebook group. As of press time, there were nearly 400 comments on the post from Canadians sharing their varying opinions on crossing the U.S. border and buying American products.)

Blaine business

City of Blaine officials are scrambling to make sense of the rapid changes for the city, which have the potential to significantly lower the sales tax revenue, a significant funding source that pays for everyday city operations.

“I have a feeling this will be on par with the pandemic,” councilmember Sonia Hurt said during the last city council meeting. “It will have just as dramatic of an effect.”

The impacts are already being felt for Blaine mailbox stores and other Blaine businesses that heavily cater to Canadians.

Ship49 manager Josie Frodert said the parcel store, which overlooks the Pacific Highway border crossing, began seeing fewer customers about two weeks ago. Business has plummeted 60 percent from this time last year, meaning Frodert now spends the day reading murder mysteries instead of helping customers lining out the door. She’s also become selective about the days she keeps the lights and heat on.

“It’s really sad because we depend on Canadians,” Frodert said. “We just provide a legal U.S. address for them to get their mail and parcels.”

Ship49 opened in 2022 after the

previous parcel store at its location closed during the pandemic.

Frodert said her regulars aren’t just customers but are family. When Frodert received a call that her sister, Jessica, was in a near-fatal car crash last year, her Canadian customers were the ones who refused to leave her side until her boyfriend arrived. “The customers got me through the worst time of my life,” Frodert said. “They’re just amazing. We’ve made our own little family here.”

Travis Wyatt, warehouse manager at Mail to Border, said business so far this year has been in line with the beginning of the pandemic. “It’s only gotten worse as of March,” he said.

Canadian customers, who make up nearly the entire business, have either decided to not come to the U.S. or they are ordering fewer packages, Wyatt said. The packages they are ordering are either not subject to tariffs or are items that can’t be shipped into Canada, such as car parts and vitamins. Confusion about the tariffs also dissuades Canadian customers, Wyatt said.

Mike Hill, owner of Hill’s Chevron in downtown Blaine, said business has decreased about 45 percent at his gas station, where Canadians make up about 75 percent of people at the pumps. Business started dipping near the beginning of February and has only increased since, he said.

Hill said he’s still paying for the $1 million he lost during the pandemic, and if trends continue, this impact would be worse.

“I don’t know how some people will hang on when your bills don’t change and you have no money coming in,” Hill said.

David Cook, president and co-owner of The Markets LLC, which owns IGA Market in Blaine and The Market at Birch Bay, said business has been down about 15 percent at both grocery stores. He said the company is holding off on its remodel of The Market at Birch Bay and has decided to not replace departing employees to reduce the

company’s expenses.

However, Cook said the indirect impact, such as tax revenue to local governments, concerns him more.

“I’m more hopeful that this is a very short blip, and we can get back to our regular rhythm of business once cooler heads prevail on this, but right now it’s inflamed,” Cook said.

Railway Cafe owners Vicka and Rodney Haywood said in late February that they had 30 percent fewer sales compared to the previous February. At the time, they didn’t know how much of an impact that tariffs had versus it being offseason and the Canadian dollar being lower.

Blaine Visitor Information Center manager Carroll Solomon said she’s noticed fewer Canadian license plates downtown, though she also noted the winter is typically a slow season.

Other businesses, such as L&L Bakery, have said they’ve noticed fewer Canadians but have a steady number of local residents visiting the shop.

Going forward

While momentum is growing in Canada to shop local, some Canadians are still sticking to their regular shopping patterns across the border. Surrey resident Charles Kwok said he will continue to shop in the U.S. if he can purchase products for cheaper, such as gas, which saves him $20 CAD per tank, even with the weak Canadian dollar. Kwok said he will also continue to visit his timeshare in Florida biannually.

“I refuse to play into this Canadian pride thing others are having just because they hate Trump,” Kwok said.

Kwok said he understands why the Trump administration is deploying the tariffs to force Canada and Mexico to tighten their borders to uncontrolled immigration, and as a way to put economic pressure against China.

“Now with less Canadians traveling to the states because of this kerfuffle, I will enjoy the Disney and Universal Parks even more be-

cause it will be way less crowded,” Kwok said. “In conclusion, this whole tariff thing doesn’t affect me much.”

Hill, at Hill’s Chevron, said he hopes the tensions between the U.S. and Canada won’t permanently wreck the countries’ longstanding friendship.

As for Pearl, in Surrey, she said she wanted Blaine residents to know she was sad she couldn’t go to the U.S. anymore – something to which she had never given a second thought. But now, she said she feels like she’s betraying her country if she economically supports the U.S.

“We don’t understand how this could happen in the world’s greatest democracy,” Pearl said.

“There’s a real lack of trust because even if things go back to the way they were, the ease at which everything was stripped away was just shocking.”

s Ship49 manager Josie Frodert at the front counter of the Blaine parcel store on March 17. The business has seen a 60 percent decrease from this time last year as fewer Canadians are ordering packages because of tariffs and annexation threats.
Photo by Grace McCarthy

The Northern L ght

The Northern Light is published weekly by Point Roberts Press Inc.

Locally owned and managed, the company also publishes the All Point Bulletin, covering Point Roberts, Mount Baker Experience, covering the Mt. Baker foothills area, Pacific Coast Weddings annual guide, and the summer recreation guide Waterside as well as maps and other publications. Point Roberts Press Inc. is a member of the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, Chambers of Commerce of Bellingham/ Whatcom County, Birch Bay, Blaine and Point Roberts and the Bellingham/ Whatcom County Convention and Visitors Bureau.

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors.

Letters Policy

The Northern Light welcomes letters to the editor. Please include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters are limited to 350 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality, length and good taste. The letters to the editor column is primarily intended to allow readers to voice their opinions on local issues of general interest to local readers. A fresh viewpoint will increase the likelihood of publication. Thank-you letters are limited to five individuals or groups. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis. Consumer complaints should be submitted directly to the business in question or the local chamber of commerce. Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published. Email letters to

Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick Grubb

Co-publisher & Advertising Director Louise Mugar

Editor Grace McCarthy

Reporter Nolan Baker

Editorial Intern Zen Hill

Creative Services

Doug De Visser, Ruth Lauman

Office Manager

Jeanie Luna

Advertising Sales

Molly Ernst, Gary Lee

General Editorial Inquiries

Contributors In This Issue Joshua Krenz

Vol XXX, No 40

Circulation: 11,000 copies

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s The Peace Arch border crossing into Blaine on March 23, 2020, two days after the U.S./Canada border-crossing restrictions went into effect at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. The restrictions were believed to be temporary at the time. Canada began accepting fully vaccinated U.S. travelers in August 2021 and the U.S. reopened its borders with Canada and Mexico in November 2021.

Five years ago today .... OpiniOn Letters

The Editor:

To my own Blaine High School.

To the band program developed over 40 years by the now retired but esteemed Mr. Gray that is to be cut down from the Concert Band, advanced Wind Ensemble, and Jazz Band to just the Concert Band.

To the theater program I hold close to my own heart, which has brought high level shows like “Hadestown,” “The Importance of Being Earnest,” and “Mamma Mia!” to this town which will have all of its classes cut entirely, as well as our truly unique and constantly inspirational director Mrs. T with it.

To the programs we’ve worked hard to create and have put our passion into which we now watch crumble. It is for this I write. It is here now for the sole purpose of reaching the school I’ve gone from loving and adoring, to absolutely loathing every time I think of it.

“Grapevines & Chains”

Away from dust and rubble,

I came to be within your walls, And there I thrived and sat safe from the rains.

With trust I shrugged over your trouble, Not hearing those before and their calls, Slowly sighing with the dwindling gains.

Still I smiled through the growing stubble,

Echoing laughter through the halls, Always skipping in the plains. However now as I see you crumble, Unable to lift from your crawls,

The reins that once I gave you have become pains.

Pushing outward the sides of this bubble,

Of this chamber which once hosted balls,

Of this place with hanging grapevines turned burning chains.

I find you now in your own dust and rubble,

Fueling me with withdrawals, Betrayed as I sit sorry on the leaving trains.

Riley Osburn

Birch Bay

The Editor:

The Blaine Senior Center is a nonprofit organization that has, for almost 60 years, provided a multitude of services to the senior community in the Blaine and Birch Bay area. It’s an organization that is member based, run by seniors for seniors. Many have put their hearts and souls into making it the vibrant, welcoming and social community it is. They take great pride in it and have full voice in its operation.

The city of Blaine and the Blaine-Birch Bay Park and Recreation District 2 (BBB-

CiviC Meetings

Birch Bay Water and Sewer District: Second and fourth Thursdays, 4 p.m., district office, 7096 Point Whitehorn Road, Birch Bay. Info and Zoom meeting link:

Blaine City Council: Second and fourth Mondays, 6 p.m., Blaine City Council chambers, 435 Martin Street. Info:

Blaine Planning Commission: Second Thursday, 6 p.m., Blaine City Council chambers, 435 Martin Street. Info:

Blaine-Birch Bay Park and Recreation: Second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Info:

PRD2) have coordinated efforts to take this program out of the hands of the members, and place it in the hands of a government agency.

They apparently believe BBBPRD2 can do a better job or somehow it will save the city money. They have not fully considered the impact of this decision. They will be taking away the voice and autonomy of seniors in running their own lives. Voices that are already diminished for a vulnerable, aging population. They will be taking our worth and sense of pride. And by taking away all funding, even of our membership dues, they will be destroying a needed community non-profit.

The Senior Center to us is more than just a building in which we do activities. It is a home. It is our social life. It is our friend base. It is ours. The lack of empathy demonstrated during this entire process is astonishing. Sure, some members will still come. Some have no choice as it is life-sustaining to them. But it will never be the same. And this grief needs to be acknowledged.

This decision to move control of the Senior Center facility and programming (See Letters, next page)

Please send letters to no later than noon on Monday.

Blaine Public Works and Park Advisory Board: Second Thursday, 9:30 a.m., Blaine council chambers. Info: 360/332-8311, ext. 3330.

Blaine School Board: Fourth Monday, 7 p.m., Blaine school district boardroom, 770 Mitchell Avenue. Info:

North Whatcom Fire and Rescue: Third Thursday, 10:30 a.m., Station 61 at 9408 Odell Road and via Zoom. Info:

BBWARM: Birch Bay Watershed and Aquatic Resources Management (BBWARM) District Advisory Committee meets quarterly in-person and on Zoom. Info:

Photo by Louise Mugar

From previous page

to an already overstretched government agency will be a stain on this community, Blaine City Council and the Blaine-Birch Bay Park and Recreation District 2. Constituents, many of them senior citizens, will remember which elected officials supported this.

Please write to your city council members and come to meetings to express your support for the Blaine Senior Center to retain the contract for services.

Sieneke Stevenson, president Blaine Senior Center Board Blaine

The Editor:

This is an open letter to the Washington state contingent in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, and is being sent to their offices.

I won’t try to rehash all the things that are happening under President Trump’s administration. I do know there are many lawsuits challenging his illegal and destructive actions. But that should not encourage you to sit back and let the courts protect us. While I’m on the subject of courage, perhaps you could lend some of yours to your colleagues. Convince them to stand up for America, that you’ll stand with them so they aren’t alone. Urge them to resist what they surely know to be wrong and harmful. Lend them your support, so that the entire Congress will have the strength to stand against the obvious harm being done to not just your constituents, but all Americans.

Taking an oath is not enough. Fulfilling that oath by resisting Trump and Musk is what will prove you deserve your position, now and for the future. That resistance will also show the world that, when this current nightmare ends, America would be proud to once again join the rest of society in protecting the innocent around the globe from war, famine, disease and power-hungry dictators.

There are serious mistakes being made that will have serious consequences. Please find a way to show strength and lend some of that strength to those

who know that what is happening is wrong, but are too afraid to stand alone. Do not concede the power with which you are entrusted. We will not forget it. There are lives in the balance. I hope one day to be convinced that heroes don’t look like they used to, they look like you do.

Gary Meador Everson

The Editor: “An Ode to Friendship”

Hey Southern neighbor, we gently shout

Please tell us, what’s it all about?

Not long ago – the lowest tide – (White Rock – Blaine)

We walked on sand, stood side by side

Hey “Elephant”

We are the “mouse”

And on the hill, the big white house

Trying hard to squash the “mouse”!

Forgive as friends? – We are perplexed

There is no kindness in your text!

The “elephant,” oh yes it is

Come look! – On the “endangered list”!

The little “mouse” – oh pardon us –

Will multiply without much fuss!

Belittle us – go right ahead –

To lift you up – one does just that!

Goodbye, good luck and friends will say:

We watch you close – how fate will play?

Oh Canada! Eh –

Heidi Bumann

South Surrey, B.C.

This week’s supporters:

Donna Stanford

Graham Hunter

Christine Truett Anonymous

Elizabeth Canez-Banagan and George Banagan

Lise Tranberg

Op-Ed: School funding

B y J oshua k re N z

At the end of Sunday’s matinee showing of “Hadestown,” which could be the last school-funded high school performance hosted by the district, I witnessed a crowded stage of over 50 students, each hold up letters to a teacher telling her what she meant to them.

A teacher who will no longer be with the district starting next year due to budget cuts.

The gesture filled me with emotion, not just the sentiment nor the great loss for our community, but for my own young children who are unlikely to get the privilege of a performing arts program in their education.

I do not envy the incoming superintendent, because – contrary to those who claim online that schools have a spending problem –Blaine has a real uphill battle.

It is not lost on me that mere hours before that likely last performance, the 30-year-old lighting system finally gave out, and our students had to make do with an improvised solution. You see, for the past few years, Birch Bay and Blaine have continued to miss the steep 60

percent threshold required to pass a bond that would help improve and upgrade building facilities.

Knowing there was no funding for next year, that their teacher was part of another round of staffing cuts, the performing arts program went all out. “Hadestown” featured an impressive set, beautiful costumes, a live band, and stunning choreography. But more importantly, a packed house witnessed the talents of our bright students who performed with real, raw feeling and talent. As tears filled the eyes of performers during the closing piece, I couldn’t help but wonder if they also carried a burden we never should have put on them –the knowledge that something they value is going away because the state won’t provide adequate budget, the community won’t muster support, and the district is fine to do without.

As the students bravely thanked their departing teacher, an urge to yell out to the crowd “Fund our schools!” swelled in me, but I did not wish to rob the students of their moment. They earned it, but should not be tasked with fighting alone.

Until we prioritize this issue, there will be more sacrifices and compromises that leave us star-


The City of Blaine Water Division started flushing the City's water distribution system. This is accomplished by opening hydrants along the system (starting at the well fields) to move fresh water throughout the distribution system. The purpose of flushing the system is to remove any grit and debris in order to improve water quality through the distribution system.

During the city flushing program city water customers may experience a temporary low water pressure and/or cloudiness when flushing is going on. The cloudiness condition (caused by air) should be only temporary, and can be cleared by running a cold water tap for a few minutes to clean and flush your service line. If the condition continues for an extended period of time please contact the Blaine Public Works.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions, feel free to call Public Works at (360) 332-8820, or visit for weekly area updates. Blaine Public Works.

ing at a crumbling stage. “Hadestown” tells a story of seasons, a cycle between hope and despair –and there is a recent surge in activity that should keep us optimistic. The community at large is starting to show up to town halls, parents are raising awareness online about the proposed merge, and advocates are fighting disinformation with clear messaging about why our district finds itself is in this condition. Still, there is more to do.

Next year, the Performing Arts Center joins the schools’ libraries, health services, and pre-K, sitting largely vacant with no funding to support it. After that, a program or teacher close to your heart will be cut – unless we demand more for our students today. So please consider adding your voice to local funding pushes, voting for the upcoming bond, and letting state legislators know that our students are the future of this community and we value them.

Congratulations on a moving production of “Hadestown,” Blaine high school. I hope we can show up for you.

s Artwork of an elephant and mouse by letter writer Heidi Bumann. Photo by Nolan Baker

Boys golf places third, boys soccer loses 2-1 in home openers

Blaine spring sports kicked off the season with two games for the boys soccer team, and a home match at Semiahmoo Golf and Country Club for boys golf, though softball and baseball have yet to start the season after scheduled openers against Sultan were cancelled.

In winter sports news, the Blaine wrestling program was awarded for another great season with five wrestlers named to the All-Northwest Conference team. Encompassing 1A, 2A and 3A programs, Blaine girls wrestling garnered four honors, with Analicea Ordonez earning First Team All-NWC, and Makenna Lausier, Abby Gonzalez and Jasmine Delos-Santos named Second Team All-NWC. Cole Voight earned First Team All-NWC honors for his great season on the boys team that ended in a state tournament placement.

Boys Soccer

Blaine boys soccer opened the season on the road against a tough Cedar Park Christian school that doesn’t seem to have lost a step from last season, with Blaine losing 2-6 on March 15. At Borderite Stadium for the home opener on March 18, Blaine played close all game against Oak Harbor, losing 2-1 after a second-half goal from Oak Harbor.

Blaine’s lone goal came off a crisp set piece, with junior midfielder Dmitriy Yuryev curling a free kick into the box, and junior defender Wade Lottimer blasting it on the volley to tie the game at 1-1 late in the first half.

The Borderites saw moments of real promise on offense, bulldozing through Oak Harbor’s defense on a few counter attacks, but couldn’t ever capitalize with a second goal.

The Borderites couldn’t keep up with Oak Harbor’s speedy wings, giving up the first goal on a breakaway and late cross that beat junior goalkeeper Abel Carlson-Vega. After Oak Harbor scored again in the second half, a desperate Blaine offense just couldn’t muster a late equalizer.

The loss drops the Borderites to 0-2-0 to start the season, and the loss to Oak Habor puts Blaine in the bottom-half of the Northwest Conference (NWC) table at 0-1-0 in conference play.

The Borderites travel to face NWC rival Lakewood on Thursday, March 20 at 7 p.m., then host Squalicum on Tuesday, March 25 at 7 p.m. Blaine’s first 1A NWC matchup will come on the road against Lynden Christian on Thursday, March 27 at 4:30 p.m.

Boys Golf

Blaine boys golf started off the season with a solid team performance at Semiahmoo Golf and Country Club on Tuesday, March 18, placing third among eight NWC teams.

Blaine shot for a combined team score of 477 on the 18-hole course, finishing behind second place Ferndale (455) and first

place Oak Harbor (412).

Sophomore Peyton Bouma led the Borderites, shooting an 86 and placing 6th among the field.

Ellis Griffen was close behind with a score of 91, placing 13th. Riyer Hamel placed 23rd with a score of 97, Ryan Kloes placed 26th with a score of 100, Steven Phelps-McDonald placed 28th with a score of 103, and Brady Thiessen placed 32nd with a score of 107.

The two golfers to lead the Borderites, Bouma and Griffen, were the same two that head coach Matt McAuley said he expected to have big seasons this spring. Through the first match of a long season, the head coach’s prediction seems to be right on, with the duo looking comfortable shooting at their home course.

Bouma hit a stellar chip shot on the front nine directly in front of his head coach, earning kudos from his NWC opponents and McAuley alike.

Blaine boys golf will continue its long season with a match at Swinomish Golf Links in Anacortes on Wednesday, April 2, first tee at 2 p.m. The Borderites will return to play in Whatcom County on Tuesday, April 15 at 3 p.m. when it tees off at North Bellingham Golf Course. Baseball/Softball

Borderite bat and ball sports have yet to start the season, with games against Sultan scheduled for early this week being cancelled due to inclement weather, according to Blaine Athletic Director Chas Kok. Rescheduling the games is unlikely, Kok said.

Softball and baseball are both scheduled to travel to play Orcas Island on Thursday, March 20 at 4 p.m. The first home baseball game of the season is scheduled for Saturday, March 22 against Mount Vernon Christian at Pipeline Fields, and softball will have its home opener on Thursday, March 27 against Oak Harbor.

B y N ola N B aker
s From top: Junior fullback Wade Lottimer celebrates his equalizing goal with senior forward Christian Sanchez in the first half of Blaine’s 2-1 loss to Oak Harbor at Borderite Stadium on March 18. Sophomore golfer Peyon Bouma reacts to sinking a 15-foot chip shot in the front nine of Blaine’s match at Semiahmoo Golf and Country Club on March 18. Bouma led the Borderites with a sixth-place finish, shooting an 86. Brady Thiessen reacts to narrowly missing a putt in the front-nine of Blaine’s match at Semiahmoo Golf and Country Club on March 18. Thiessen finished 36th with a score of 107.
Photos by Nolan Baker

Hunter Anderson is shaping Blaine’s baseball future, one swing at a time

The Blaine High School baseball is set for its first pitch of the season and second-year head coach Hunter Anderson is ready to lead this season’s young Borderites.

Anderson originally came to Blaine to coach football alongside Andy Olson in 2023 because the two had coached football together at Burlington-Edison High School.

“A couple of months later, baseball opened up and worked out that way,” Anderson said.

Anderson said he believed last year’s team had a good culture and followed its four pillars of success. This year, they added the fifth pillar: time on task, which is focused on the time a player spends on a skill with the intention of improving.

“Your culture is not what you say it is. It’s how you act when others aren’t around,” Anderson said. “It takes ownership from your players to buy into it.”

Last season, the Borderites went 12-10 under Anderson’s leadership and were 7-8 in the Northwest Conference.

After the departure of nine seniors, Blaine’s team is young but hopeful. One of Blaine’s players to watch is senior catcher Evan Yates, who plays one of the most important roles on the field.

Anderson was a catcher at Burlington-Edison High School before playing two seasons at Yakima Valley College. He earned his bachelor’s degree in health and physical education at Eastern Washington University and received his master’s in sport administration from Louisiana State University.

Anderson comes from a family of baseball players, including his uncle Todd, who has joined the Borderites coaching staff this spring. Todd played baseball at Yakima Valley College and Lewis-Clark State College, where he won two National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics championships in 1990 and 1991. Todd also played rookie ball for the Montreal Expos for one season.

“He knows what it takes to play baseball at a high level, but he’s also a very good teacher of the game,” Anderson said. “That veteran presence is huge.”

Also on this season’s coaching staff is Trey Lopez, the 2024 Whatcom Preps Football Assistant Coach of the Year, who will be working with the pitchers.

The staff looks to continue their mission of improving the boys both as players and people, Anderson said. Anderson has also

had a major role in developing Blaine athletes before they reach high school.

During the summer, Anderson coaches the summer high school team, the Pipeline Pirates. This offseason, Anderson also teamed up with Blaine softball head coach Riley Miller to offer open batting cages for younger players in an effort to be more involved in Blaine’s youth baseball and softball programs.

“I think we’re going to see a positive trend in the near future with our youth program,” Miller said. “Hunter Anderson and I are both going to have our hands on that.”

With a young Borderite team and a commitment to developing young athletes, Anderson is ready to lead Blaine baseball to competing at a high level.

“Building those practice habits and the culture piece is going to be a lot of fun,” Anderson said.

s Hunter Anderson speaks to his team on March 7 at Pipeline Fields. Anderson was an assistant coach at Burlington-Edison High School before becoming Blaine’s head coach last season.
Photo by Zen Hill

Whatcom County to hold school to work transition fair

B y N ola N B aker

Whatcom County is set to hold the 2025 School to Work Transition Fair at the Ferndale Events Center from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Thursday, March 27.

The event is for young adults with developmental and other disabilities, their families, educators and interested community members to learn about local

opportunities and organizations for life after school.

Dozens of local organizations will provide information on a range of topics including disability advocacy, community engagement, community and technical colleges, the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), guardianship, health and employment, among others.

Participating agencies include Max Higbee Center, Lions Camp Horizon, DDA, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Northwest Workforce Council, Special Olympics Bellingham and the Social Security Administration.

The free event is held at the Ferndale Events Center on 5715 Barrett Road and is wheelchair accessible.

Northern Light is now mailed directly to 10,027 homes, 620 more than last year. More people live in Blaine, Birch Bay and Semiahmoo than anywhere else in Whatcom County outside of Bellingham. The Northern Light difference:

• mailed to every household in Blaine, Birch Bay and Semiahmoo.

• largest audited newspaper circulation in the county

• NOW 11,000 copies distributed every week

• 85% regularly read The Northern Light and 81% frequently purchase products/services from ads in the newspaper


Q: Is it important to add a Power of Attorney to your accounts?

A: At Skyline Advisors, we help clients protect their assets by adding trusted individuals who can assist in emergencies. Adding a Power of Attorney (POA) to your account is essential if you’re unable to manage it yourself. Are you a senior or single?

Consider a Power of Attorney before there is a need. It’s important to understand the different types of POA and be clear about the specific powers you’re granting to ensure you’re comfortable with the access provided.

Additionally, many financial institutions offer the option to designate a Trusted Contact. While a Trusted Contact won’t have access to your account details, they can be reached if you’re unresponsive. A Trusted Contact can help identify the right person to manage your finances if needed. You can always adjust your POA or Trusted Contact as life changes occur, but having one in place covers your bases if and when you need it. At Skyline Advisors we continually assist our clients with their planning needs.

Q: How is the Blaine real estate market shaping up this spring, and what should sellers know?

A: The Blaine real estate market has experienced notable shifts this spring. According to the Northwest Multiple Listing Service (NWMLS), the median home price in Blaine is approximately $660,000, reflecting a 5.4% decrease from the previous year. Additionally, homes are now spending an average of 58 days on the market, indicating a slight slowdown in buyer activity. In this evolving market, accurate pricing is crucial. Overpriced homes tend to linger, making it essential to set a competitive price from the outset. Enhancing your property’s appeal through effective staging, improving curb appeal, and investing in professional photography can significantly attract potential buyers. A comprehensive marketing strategy, tailored to reach the right audience, is also vital. Partnering with a local real estate expert who comprehends the current market dynamics will ensure a smooth and successful sale.

Brandi Coplen 360-201-3951

Q: I’m thinking about getting a wearable fitness tracker. How would a device help me?

A: A wearable fitness tracker can help you stay on top of your health by monitoring key metrics like steps, heart rate, sleep quality, and calories burned. Whether you’re aiming to improve fitness, recover from an injury, or just stay active, these devices provide real-time insights to keep you accountable.

For example, if you’re recovering from an injury, a tracker can monitor your movement patterns and remind you to stay within safe activity levels. If you sit too long, it can prompt you to move. Many models also track sleep, stress levels, and even heart rate variability, helping you optimize recovery and performance.

With personalized data at your fingertips, a fitness tracker makes it easier to set, track, and achieve your health goals.

Q: Why is regular plumbing maintenance necessary?

A: • Leaky Faucets: Persistent dripping usually means worn washers or seals need replacing.

• Slow Drains: Sluggish drainage often indicates a clog developing in the pipes.

• Unpleasant Odors: Foul smells can signal problems with the sewer line or stagnant water.

• Water Pressure Changes: A sudden drop in water pressure may indicate leaks or blockages.

• Discolored Water: Brown or rusty water usually means the pipes are corroding.

• Wet Spots: Unexplained dampness on walls or floors could mean there's a hidden leak.

• Increased Water Bills: A sudden spike in your water bill can point to leaks or a running toilet.

By recognizing these signs, you can address plumbing issues promptly and prevent them from becoming major problems.

Natalie Milligan, MPT, MS

Paso del Norte rebuilds itself after kitchen fire

B y z e N h ill

Paso del Norte owner Miguel Ramos is back doing what he has done for 30 years, feeding the Blaine community, after a kitchen fire closed the restaurant for nearly a year.

“We didn’t expect to be this busy,” Ramos said of the January 16 reopening. “The first week and a half was crazy.”

A kitchen fire on March 29, 2024, that damaged the hood ventilation system was only expected to close the restaurant for a couple

of months, but extensive repairs and renovations caused delays. In addition to kitchen repairs, Ramos redesigned booths and the layout in the downtown restaurant, at 758 Peace Portal Drive.

“I wanted to change the restaurant,” Ramos said. “It’s like limbo though because you don’t know what’s going to happen.”

Ramos struggled to receive funding from insurance to pay his employees after the restaurant closed, which included paying all staff for the first three months and paying his six longest ten-

ured employees for the entire closure.

To help pay the bills, Ramos started traveling to Seattle to remodel homes and do landscaping.

A GoFundMe raised $6,420 for Paso del Norte through community donations shortly after the fire.

“It made me cry,” Ramos said. “It helped us pay some bills.”

Now that the restaurant is open, Ramos can continue to serve burritos, fajitas, enchiladas, nachos and more.

Ramos is committed to providing an affordable and well-portioned menu to customers, but costs like free chips and salsa and soda refills have to be reflected on the menu.

“We try to keep our prices fair. I know everything is high right now,” Ramos said. “Tortillas two years ago were 12 bucks. I’m paying $32 right now for the same container.”

Ramos was born in Mexico but moved to Seattle in 1989, where he went to community college to become a welder. However, those plans were sidelined in 1995 when, at 20 years old, Ramos

was passing through Blaine and stopped at the El Sombrero Mexican restaurant. The owner offered to sell the restaurant to Ramos for $5,000, which he accepted and renamed Paso del Norte. He operated Paso del Norte at 289 2nd Street for 11 years before moving the restaurant to its current location in 2006.

“We want people to feel happy

and feel at home,” Ramos said. “If you give good customer service, you build a relationship with the customers, and they keep coming back.”

Restaurant recommendation: Miguel recommends readers try the molcajete or birria tacos. This article is part of a series in

Pets & Pet Care

Millions of cats reside safely in people’s homes, but many more are stray, outdoor cats that make their living quarters in any spots where they can find shelter. These outdoor cats also mate with one another, producing litter upon litter of kittens that quickly lead to overpopulation.

The SPCA of York County in Pennsylvania says a single un-

spayed female cat can give birth to about 180 kittens in her lifetime, on average. Females have the potential to have litters three to four times per year.

Outdoor cats can be nuisances in neighborhoods, digging, urinating or defecating in people’s yards. They also may sleep under people’s cars or close to the engine to stay warm, where they are

vulnerable to injuries, accidents or even death. Stray cats also may get into tussles with domesticated pets, leading to injuries. Controlling overpopulation of cats, which may end up in shelters and other facilities, often comes down to sterilization. People who have cats as pets are urged to keep them indoors at all times and to spay or neuter them. In regard to feral or stray cats, the Humane Society of the United States suggests a solution of TNR: trap, neuter, return.

TNR is a non-lethal way to deal with overpopulation to help improve the quality of life for cats. A growing number of animal welfare organizations have TNR programs and can connect people with the resources they need. To learn more about TNR and taming cat overpopulation, visit

The Northern Light highlighting Blaine and Birch Bay restaurants.
s Miguel Ramos sits in Paso del Norte at 758 Peace Portal Drive on March 17. Ramos reopened the restaurant in January after a kitchen fire shut down the business in March 2024. Photo by Zen Hill
s The nachos deluxe from Paso Del Norte. Photo by Zen Hill


The Administrator named below has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Administrator or the Administrator’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probated proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the Administrator served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets.

Date of Filing of Notice to Creditors

March 12, 2025 with Clerk of Court:

Date of First Publication: March 20, 2025

Name of Administrator: DAVID JENKINS

Attorney for Administrators: Steven D. Avery, WSBA #35262

Address for Mailing or Service: Avery Elder Law, P.S. 801 Samish Way, Ste. 202 Bellingham WA 98229

Telephone: (360) 325-2550


DATED March 12, 2025



the claim and filing the original of the claim with the Clerk of this Court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1) (c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice (twenty-four (24) months if notice is not published). If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets.

Date of filing copy of Notice to Creditors: March 5, 2025.

Date of first publication of Notice to Creditors: March 13, 2025.

Date of Closure of Creditor Claim Period: July 13, 2025.

Attorney for the Estate: KEITH A. BODE, WSBA #7791

Personal Representative: MELINDA E. BAZAN 314 Fifth Street, P.O. Box 688 Lynden, WA 98264-0688 Tel. (360) 354-5021

Petsitting! Professionally petsitting since 2002. Licensed and insured. Former veterinary asst., CPR and First Aid certified. Numerous references. Call Gina at 360631-1336.

Attorney for Administrator: DAVID JENKINS

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF Whatcom In Re the Estate of Molly Hite, Deceased. NO. 25-4-0022637. PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) JUDGE: Robert E. Olson

All real estate/rentals advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800877-0246.

All real estate/rentals advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-877-0246.

The personal representative named below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets.


court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets.

Date of First Publication: March 20, 2025

Personal Representative: Elizabeth Hampton 504 16th Street Bellingham, WA 98225

Attorney for the Personal Representative: Katti Esp 301 Prospect Street Bellingham, WA 98225

Address for Mailing or Service: Katti Esp 301 Prospect Street Bellingham, WA 98225

Court of Probate Proceedings Superior Court of Whatcom County and Cause Number: Cause No. 25-4-00254-37. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE

Real Estate


In re parentage: Petitioner: NIKOLE J. TIERNEY And Respondent: JERED G. LARSON No. 25-5-00007-37 Summons: Served by Publication (SM)

To: Jered G. Larson: Petitioner has started a court case by filing a petition. The name of the Petition is: Petition to Decide Parentage. You must respond in writing if you want the court to consider your side.

Deadline! Your Response must be filed and served within 60 days of the date this Summons is published: February 20, 2025.

If you do not file and serve your Response or a Notice of Appearance by the deadline:

• No one has to notify you about other hearings in this case, and

• The court may approve the requests in the Petition without hearing your side (called a default judgment).

Follow these steps:

1. Read the Petition and any other documents that were filed at court with this Summons. Those documents explain what the other party is asking for.

2. Fill out a Response on this form: FL Parentage 302, Response to Petition to Decide Parentage

You can get the Response form and other forms you may need at:

• The Washington State Courts’ website: • Washington LawHelp:, or • The Superior Court Clerk’s office or county law library (for a fee). 3. Serve (give) a copy of your Response to the person who filed this Summons at the address below, and to any

School ...

From page 2

85 percent of the school district’s budget, meaning any method to saving $3 million would almost assuredly include staff cuts.

Last year’s budget cut saved the district $2.5 million, cutting 30 staff positions across the district including a K-5 principal and special education staff.

The school funding issue is not just impacting Blaine. School districts around the state are struggling to balance their budgets, which is legally required for school districts to avoid binding conditions, which would mean the state superintendent take control of financial decisions.

Mt. Baker school district has been in binding conditions since the 2023-24 school year, and joined Blaine along with Ferndale school district for a town hall community meeting with 42nd District state representatives to ask for increased funding from Olympia.

Whether more money is coming from the state remains to be seen, but there are multiple bills making their way through the state capitol that could alleviate some financial woes. Senate Bill 5168, which would lower the supermajority requirement to pass a school bond from 60 percent to 55 percent, passed the Senate and is currently in committee in the House. Blaine school district brought a $70 million bond proposal to fund significant upgrades to Blaine middle school, the Performing Arts Center and Pipeline Fields, to the ballot, but failed in the November 2024 election with 55.9 percent approval.

The next Blaine school board meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, March 24 at the district boardroom, 770 Mitchell Avenue.

Lautenbach ...

From page 1

the time of her appointment, she had over 15 years of public health experience, which included previously serving as assistant director of the county health department.

“Ms. Lautenbach led WCHCS through the difficult years of the pandemic and oversaw a significant expansion of the department’s services, including the Response Systems Division, Healthy Children’s Fund, Fentanyl response plan and severe weather shelters,” Sidhu wrote in the statement. “We are very grateful for these accomplishments and wish her well on her future personal and professional endeavors.”

Whatcom County health officer Dr. Amy Harley will lead WCHCS until county council selects an interim director. Assistant director Charlene Ramont will help with the dayto-day administration of the department.

Sidhu intends to name an interim director shortly and will provide more details regarding the recruitment process for a permanent replacement.


Debra Marie (Clarke) Smith

Our lovely friend, mother and grandmother Debra Marie (Clarke) Smith passed away on January 13, 2025 surrounded by family and friends at Hospice House in Bellingham, WA. Debra was born in Coos Bay, Oregon to a Coast Guard family and moved all around the country, from one duty station to another.

Debra worked for the Blaine School District for many years as a para educator. She got to see our son graduate high school in Blaine, then WSU in Pullman, and finally law school in Michigan. Debra became an instant grandmother when Jason got married to his wife Emma. Debra took to grandmotherhood with the same care and compassion she brought to everything she set her mind and heart toward. Debra’s world grew ever brighter upon welcoming two additional grandchildren into her loving arms. Debra had a distinct passion for being the best mother-in-law and grandmother she could be.

Debra is survived by her former husband and life partner Chris; son Jason; daughter-in-law Emma; and grandchildren Micah, Arianna, Isabella, Benjamin, Liam and Elizabeth Smith. Debra is also survived by her sisters Kimberly and Theresa Clarke; brothers David and Charles Clarke; along with sister-in-law Tracy; niece Brianna and nephew Timothy. Debra was preceded in death by her mother Dorothy Clarke; stepfather Harry Clarke; biological father Don Nelson; and brother Robert Clarke.

A service for Debra will be held at the Bellwether at 11 a.m. on April 13, 2025. In lieu of flowers our family requests you donate to the Hospice House in Bellingham.

British and Canadian women released from U.S. detention centers

B y G race M c c arthy

A British tourist and Vancouver woman who made international news headlines over the past few weeks were released from separate U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention centers.

British tourist Rebecca Burke, 28, was held in the ICE detention facility in Tacoma for 19 days after attempting to enter Canada from the U.S. on February 26. Burke’s father, Paul Burke, wrote in a public Facebook post that his daughter was on a four-month backpacking trip where she was staying with host families and helping with chores in exchange for accommodation.

When trying to travel to Vancouver, B.C., Canada Border Services Agency denied Burke entry, which she said in a March 10 BBC article was because they believed she intended to work illegally.

After being returned to the U.S., CBP officials determined she had violated her visa because the accommodation exchange was considered work and Burke was transported to the ICE detention facility in Tacoma, according to the BBC article. Burke’s father said her conditions were “deeply concerning,” and that her possessions had been confiscated and she had limited access to calls.

An ICE spokesperson told The Northern Light that Burke was released and returned to the United Kingdom on March 18.

“Burke was previously detained by ICE at the Northwest ICE Processing Center related to the violation of the terms and conditions

of her admission,” the spokesperson said. “All aliens in violation of U.S. immigration law may be subject to arrest, detention and if found removable by final order, removal from the United States regardless of nationality.”

A few days after Burke was detained, 35-year-old Abbotsford resident Jasmine Mooney was detained at the U.S./Mexico border on March 3. According to the Vancouver Sun, Mooney, who had been working in the U.S., went to San Ysidro border crossing to get a new visa after her original visa was revoked last November after she had gone home to Vancouver for a visit. She had been told to reapply at a U.S. consulate, but instead went to the border crossing where she had originally received her first visa.

Mooney was transferred to three facilities, handcuffed and slept on a mat with aluminum foil as a blanket, according to the Vancouver Sun. She was returned to Vancouver on March 15.

sheriff’s repOrts

March 7, 11:52 a.m.: Moving vehicle accident injury on Ham Road.

March 7, 12:54 p.m.: Suspicious vehicle on Harborview Road.

March 7, 4:01 p.m.: Domestic order violence cold call on Peace Park Drive.

March 8: Six sex offender registrations on Delta Line Road, Arnie Road, Sunset Drive, Harborview Road and Bay Ridge Drive.

March 8, 5:39 p.m.: Drugs cold call on Halibut Drive.

March 8, 8:55 p.m.: DUI, hit and run arrest on Cherry Tree Lane.

March 9, 12:51 a.m.: DUI arrest on Birch Bay-Lynden Road.

March 9, 1:09 p.m.: Warrant arrest on East Street.

March 9, 3:45 p.m.: Civil problem cold call on Loomis Trail Road.

March 9, 4:08 p.m.: Domestic – physical on Boblett Road.

March 9, 8:19 p.m.: Suicidal subject on Birch Bay Drive.

March 10, 10:09 a.m.: Serve

warrant on Surf Place.

March 10, 1:32 p.m.: Fraud cold call on Sunburst Drive.

March 10, 4:54 p.m.: Vandalism cold call on Peace Park Drive.

March 10, 10:00 p.m.: Burglary, domestic violence arrest on Birch Bay Drive.

March 11, 12:49 p.m.: Fraud cold call on Birch Bay-Lynden Road.

March 11, 1:21 p.m.: Burglary cold call on Blaine Road.

March 11, 8:00 p.m.: Suicidal subject on Haida Way.

March 12, 4:34 a.m.: Vandalism on Birch Bay Drive.

March 12, 6:32 a.m.: Sex offender registration on Hazel Lane.

March 12, 10:01 a.m.: Vandalism cold call on Birch Bay Drive.

March 12, 3:00 p.m.: Theft cold call on Holeman Avenue.

March 12, 5:45 p.m.: Neighborhood dispute cold call on H Street Road.

March 12, 8:44 p.m.: Suicidal subject on Harborview Road.


ACROSS 1. Take heed 5. One’s superior

9. Prepped meat

11. Tighten anew

13. Type of textile fiber

15. Animalistic 16. When you hope to get somewhere 17. Offender

19. Former NYC mayor Ed 21. Type of cryptocurrency 22. Mauna __, Hawaiian volcano

23. Herring-like fish

25. Popular PBS program

26. Congressman (abbr.)

27. Flightless Australian birds

29. Defrosted

31. Prior Yankee sensation Kevin

33. Nasal mucus

34. Some are southern

36. A place to construct

38. Popular beer brand

39. Shouts of farewell

41. Network of nerves

43. Make a mistake

44. Showed old movie

46. Body parts

48. A divisor

52. Congressional investigatory body

53. Papers

54. Most unnatural

56. Judge the worth of something

57. Makes sounds while sleeping 58. Which 59. Hungarian Violinist DOWN 1. Pages 2. Head pain 3. A loud utterance 4. Large brown seaweed 5. Hulu’s chef Carmine 6. Greek mountain

7. Made final 8. Bar 9. Tai subgroup 10. What you eat 11. Teaches again 12. Small constellation

14. Type of berry 15. Cows fattened for meat

18. A way to hoof it 20. Exaggerated a role

24. About two 26. Long upholstered seat

28. What employees earn 30. Fiber from a coconut husk 32. Digits 34. Polish by rubbing 35. Liquid body substances

37. Furniture with open shelves 38. Edible part of a chicken 40. Satisfy 42. Tool used to remove

March 13, 12:11 p.m.: Vandalism cold call on Anderson Road.

March 13, 2:11 p.m.: Shots on Birch Point Road.

March 13, 4:38 p.m.: Drug sale cold call on Harborview Road.

March 13, 4:58 p.m.: Burglary cold call on Ostrich Trail.

March 13, 5:31 p.m.: Trouble with subject on Alderson Road.

March 13, 8:02 p.m.: Sex offender registration on Loomis Trail Road.

March 13, 8:17 p.m.: Sex offender registration on Creasey Road.

March 13, 8:36 p.m.: Sex offender registration on Kickerville Road.

March 13, 9:01 p.m.: Sex offender registration on East Street.

March 14, 8:02 p.m.: Fraud cold call on Harborview Road.

March 14, 6:06 p.m.: Sex offender registration on East Street.

March 14, 6:58 p.m.: Fraud cold call on Alderson Road.

43. Icelandic poems

45. Swiss village

47. Drunks

49. Evergreen plant genus

50. Light precipitation

51. Ribosomal ribonucleic acid

55. An informal debt instrument


20 - 26 at Blaine. Not for navigation.

Coming up

Birch Bay Chamber Member Luncheon: Thursday, March 20, 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m., Lions Camp Horizon theater building, 7506 Gemini Street. Speaker: Sacha Sanguinetti, Birch Bay Chamber event coordinator, discussing the 2025 event schedule and information on the 2026 Polar Bear Plunge record attempt. Registration:

Blaine Chamber After-hours Networking: Thursday, March 20, 4–5:30 p.m., Wheelhouse Bar and Grill, 746 Peace Portal Drive. Network with other local businesses. No-host. Info:

Kokedama Plant Workshop: Thursday, March 20, 6 p.m., Blaine Library, 610 3rd Street. Explore the unconventional free form growing practice of kokedama. Participants will create their own kokedama using epiphytic plants, discuss which plants are best suited for growing without a pot, and chat about caring for and maintaining kokedama. All materials provided. Info and registration: Books and Bites: Friday, March 21, 1 p.m., Blaine Library, 610 3rd Street. March title: When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Regan Barnhill. Info: Kelly at 360/305-3637.

Peace and a Handshake Rally: Saturday, March 22, 10 a.m.–noon, Peace Arch State Park. Join American and Canadian citizens coming together in peace, love, and support of one another.

Tidepool Exploration: Saturday, March 22, 11 a.m. Meet in Semiahmoo Resort lobby, 9565 Semiahmoo Parkway. Free.

Big Bucks Bingo: Saturday, March 22, Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street. Over $275 in prizes. Games begin at 12:30 p.m. Eight games $15. Concession stand snacks available. Info: School to Work Transition Fair: Thursday, March 27, 9 a.m.–noon, Ferndale Events Center, 5715 Barrett Road, Ferndale. Family members, educators and community members are invited to explore essential resources for students with developmental and other disabilities. Featuring local organizations offering insights and services on advocacy, employment, community inclusion and more. Info: Sponsored by Whatcom Health and Community Services.

Live Music at Packers: Thursday, March 27, 6–8 p.m., Packers Kitchen + Bar, 9565 Semiahmoo Parkway. Featuring Wicked Timing. Info:

Craft Fair: Saturday, March 29, 9 a.m.–3 p.m., American Legion Post 7, 1688 W. Bakerview Road, Bellingham. Over 35 vendors featuring artisans, candy, baked goods, jewelry and more. cFree admission. Lots of parking. Sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary Post 7 to support local veterans and their families.

Orchids and Houseplants: Saturday, March 29, 10 a.m.–noon, Blaine Library, 610 3rd Street. Tips and tricks for getting your orchids blooming again. Plus an orchid dividing and repotting demonstration, slide presentation and “plant sale.” Bring a houseplant to trade. Learn about general information for indoor plant care, especially during the winter months. Free. Info:

Comedy Night Dinner, Auction, Fundraiser: Saturday, March 29, 5 p.m., Semiahmoo Golf and Country Club, 8720 Semiahmoo Parkway. Featuring comedian Kermet Apio, winner of the Great American Comedy Festival. Dinner, silent and live auctions. Tickets $75 at Proceeds benefit Blaine’s Safe and Sober Grad Night.

Ponds, Water Features, Rain Barrels and Rain Gardens: Wednesday, April 2, 3–5 p.m., Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street. Learn the dos and don’ts of ponds and water features, requirements plus plants and fish. Also discussing rain gardens and new rules on rain barrels. Info:

Whatcom County Home and Lifestyle Show: Friday and Sunday, April 4–6, Northwest Washington Fairgrounds, 1775 Front Street, Lynden. View over 250 exhibitors for home improvement information and inspiration. Seminars, PNWBA BBQ competition, Lego Masters building class, reptile show and food trucks. Free. Info: Sponsored but the Building Industry Association of Whatcom County.


Blaine Food Bank: 500 C Street. Open Mondays 9 a.m.–noon, Wednesdays 5–7 p.m., and Fridays 9 a.m.–noon. Info:360/3326350 or

The Bridge Food Bank: Fridays, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m., The Bridge Community Hope Center, 7620 Birch Bay Drive. New registration required at or call 360/366-8763. Volunteers welcome.

CAP Clothing Bank: Mondays and Fridays, 9 a.m.–noon and Wednesdays, 5–7 p.m. 508 G Street. The Community Assistance Program clothing bank is now located in the basement of the CAP Center providing free clothing and linens. Donations accepted only during open hours or by special arrangement. Info: or 360/392-8484.


Precipitation: During the period of March 10 to 16, 1 inch of precipitation was recorded. The 2025 year-to-date precipitation is 8.5 inches.

Temperature: High for the past week was 52.9°F on March 13, with a low of 35.4°F on March 14. Average high was 64.1°F and average low was 38°F.

Senior Community Meals: Monday–Friday, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street. Suggested donation of $6 per meal ($10 if under 60) or whatever is affordable. First come, first serve basis. Info: 360/332-8040.

The Bridge Clothing Bank Boutique: Open Wednesday–Saturday, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Donations accepted Wednesdays, 11 a.m.– 2 p.m. or by appointment. The Bridge Community Hope Center’s new location, 7620 Birch Bay Drive.

Friends of Blaine Library: Meets third Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., Blaine Library, 610 3rd Street. Find out the latest library news at this monthly FOBL Board of Directors meeting. All members and guests are welcome to attend. Info:

Submissions to Coming Up should be sent to

Wings Over Water Northwest Birding Festival 2025

Wings Over Water Northwest Birding Festival held its 22nd festival March 14-16 in Blaine and Birch Bay.

The festival included an opening reception, all-day birding expo, live raptor presentations,

wildlife cruises, youth activities and bird watching field trips. For more information about the festival, visit


unless otherwise noted

Ruth Lauman,
Photo by Mary Jane Thompson
Photo by Mary Jane Thompson

The 22nd Annual Wings Over Water NW Birding Festival would like to thank all the generous sponsors, supporters, volunteers, and friends for making the 2025 festival a great success!

Alex Jeffers

Amy Brightman*

Amy Eberling

Andrea Warner, NCAS

APA Museum Volunteers

Ball RV Park

Bill Brooks

Birch Bay Market

Blanche Burch

Bob Stucco, NCAS

Bob’s Burgers and Brew

Brooklyn Mecham, BBBRD2

Carroll Solomon*

Cathy White

Celine Mauger, BBBRD2

Charlotte Allen, NCAS


Cheryl English, Dir. Blaine Senior Center

Chris Brewer, NCAS*

Chuck Kinzer*

David Drummond, NCAS

Debbie Harger*

Diane Major

Doug Brown, NCAS

Ellen Clark

Ethel Stephens*

Eric Ellingson, NCAS

Forrest Chel Art

Friends of Birch Bay Library

Friends of Birch Bay State Park

Gary and Renate Tomsic

Gayle Stebbings, NCAS

GLM Winery

Gregory Green

Heidi Holmes

Hill’s Chevron, Gifts & Specialty Items

Holly Roger, Wild Whatcom

Jana Turner

Jim Carr, BBBRD2

John & Jane Aspnes, NCAS

Joe Meche

John Horner, NCAS

Josiah Chase, NCAS

Joy of Pilates & Friends

Joyce Dippold, BBBRDS

Justin Bajema, NCAS

Karen Topham

Kate Kohut, Wild Whatcom

Kathy Sitker

Laura Nesse, BBBPRD2

LFS Marine and Outdoor

Linda Cline, BBBPRD2

Lyle Anderson, NCAS

Lynne Givler, NCAS

Marjorie Leon, NCAS

Marsha Kolinski, NCAS

Mary Jane Thompson

Matt Vann

Pacific Builders

Pam Borso, NCAS

Pam Jacobs, NCAS

Paso Del Norte

Patrick Alesse*

Paul Woodcock,* NCAS

Pauline Sterin, NCAS

Rae Edwards, NCAS

Robert & Deborah Kaye, NCAS

Ruth Lauman

Sonia Hurt*

Stephen Chase, NCAS

Sydney Foster, BBBRD2

Terry Galvin

The C Shop

Tim Alger

Trader Joe’s

Wayne Diaz*

Westside Pizza

Wild Bird Chalet

Community Newspaper of Blaine & Birch Bay

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