August 9 - 15, 2018
Community Newspaper of Blaine and Birch Bay HHHECRWSSHHH Postal Customer
Bands perform at the Birch Bay Music Festival, page 4
Teenagers paint murals at Blaine Skate Park, page 6
Photos from Drayton Harbor Days, page 10
PRSRT STD U. S. Postage PAID Permit NO. 87 Blaine, WA 98230
Incumbent Republicans to face vigorous Democratic challenge in District 42 B y S t e fa n i e D o n a h u e
(See Election, page 6)
s Kids kept cool during Splash Days on August 3. The event took place at 3rd and Martin streets in Blaine and will take place again from 1-3 p.m. on Friday, August 10. Pictured from l.: Brenna Crews, 5, Lucas Johnson, 3, and Charlie Johnson, 5. Photo by Mathew Roland
Time to rev your engines this weekend in Birch Bay B y S t e fa n i e D o n a h u e Birch Bay’s annual Rollback Weekend features live music, entertainment, a beer garden and a car competition and it takes place this weekend on Saturday and Sunday, August 11-12, at Birch Bay Beach Park. Car competition participants are welcome to register for the competition once the park opens at 10 a.m. on Saturday. Starting at 11 a.m., a beer garden opens and the entertainment and live music begins.
On Saturday, Firstborn will perform from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., The Replayzmentz from 1 to 3 p.m. and Lost at Last from 4:30 to 7 p.m. A hula hoop competition will commence at 4 p.m. and end at 4:30 p.m. Judges will scan each car from noon to 3 p.m. before awarding prizes at an awards ceremony beginning at 3 p.m. on Saturday. On Sunday, car competition participants can register for that day’s competition at 10 a.m. when the park opens. The beer garden will open at 11 a.m. as will a variety of
Blaine Senior Center reaches major milestone ‘Golden Anniversary Hoedown’ to take place from 4-8 p.m. Saturday, August 11 B y S t e fa n i e D o n a h u e The Blaine Senior Center, a popular hub for residents and visitors, is turning 50. To celebrate its legacy in the community, senior center staff and volunteers are host-
ing a Golden Anniversary Hoedown from 4 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, August 11 at the Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street. The special event will feature a barbecue dinner, beer garden and live music. Blaine mayor Bonnie Onyon, Whatcom County Parks and Recreation director Michael McFarlane and Betty Granlund, the daughter of late Blaine Senior Center co-founding member Evelyn Yarbrough, will briefly speak at the event. “The hoedown is a way for the senior center to give back,” director Kathy Sitker said. “It’s our way of saying ‘thank you.’”
History The creation of the Blaine Senior Center dates back to 1968, when a band of local seniors formed Young at Heart, Sitker said. The group met regularly at the former Blaine Lutheran Church before breaking ground on a facility of their own at 763 G Street in October 1974. Then city mayor John Nolan and Whatcom County commissioner Terry Unger were among the handful of local dignitaries who attended the ceremony. (See Seniors, page 9)
community games and live music. On Sunday, an Elvis impersonator will perform from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Infinity Dance Company from 4 to 4:30 p.m. and Bad Dog Blues from 4:30 to 7 p.m. The public gets to vote for Sunday’s car competition winners, which will be announced on Friday, August 17. The four cruisers with the most votes will win a custom, pinstriped Fender electric guitar. To register for the car competition online, visit
Initial primary election vote tallies indicate that incumbent Republicans serving three legislative positions in District 42 will face Democratic challengers in the general election this November. Incumbent state senator Doug Ericksen (R) will likely compete against Pinky Vargas (D) in the general. According to a vote count released on August 7, the day of the election, Ericksen received 12,847 votes (46 percent), Vargas received 8,132 (29 percent) and Tim Ballew II (D) received 7,074 (25 percent). Ericksen has served the position since 2010 and was last re-elected in 2014. Vargas is a senior business accounts manager at Puget Sound Energy and is a Bellingham City Councilmember serving the fourth ward. Both Republican incumbents running for state representative positions received fewer votes than their Democratic challengers. Incumbent state representative Luanne Van Werven (R) and challenger Justin Boneau (D) are posed to run against one another in the general. Boneau received 14,179 votes (51 percent) and Werven received 12,331 (44 percent). A third candidate, Dean Berkeley (R), received 1,429 votes (5 percent). For position 2, incumbent Vincent Buys (R) will run against Sharon Shewmake (D) in the general. Shewmake received 14,662 votes (53 percent) and Buys received
Letters . . . . . . . . . 4 Classifieds . . . . . 11
Coming Up . . . . . 14
Police . . . . . . . . . 14 Tides . . . . . . . . . . 14 TheNorthernLight
The Northern Light • August 9 - 15, 2018
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August 9 - 15, 2018 •
Border crossings on the rise S Combined, more than 800,000 passengers and pedestrians crossed the Peace Arch and Pacific Highway border crossings in May, approximately 100,000 more than the year before. Every month through May has shown higher traffic than in the previous two years, according to the Border Policy Research Institute.
K C A B L L O R D N E K E E W ROADEO Illustration by Oliver Lazenby
Truckloads of FUN at the 3
11 &12
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Blaine-Birch Bay Park & Recreation District 2
The Northern Light • August 9 - 15, 2018
The Northern L ght The Northern Light is published weekly by Point Roberts Press Inc. Locally owned and managed, the company also publishes the All Point Bulletin, covering Point Roberts, Mount Baker Experience, covering the Mt. Baker foothills area, and the summer recreation guide Waterside as well as maps and other publications. Point Roberts Press Inc. is a member of the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, Chambers of Commerce of Bellingham/ Whatcom County, Birch Bay, Blaine and Point Roberts and the Bellingham/ Whatcom County Convention and Visitors Bureau. The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors. Letters Policy The Northern Light welcomes letters to the editor. Please include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters are limited to 350 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality, length and good taste. Thank-you letters are limited to five individuals or groups. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis. Consumer complaints should be submitted directly to the business in question or the local chamber of commerce. Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published. Email letters to
Full lineup of bands perform at Birch Bay Music Festival
Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick Grubb Co-publisher & Advertising Director Louise Mugar Editor Stefanie Donahue Copy Editor Kara Spencer Editorial Intern Mathew Roland Reporter Oliver Lazenby Creative Services Ruth Lauman, Doug De Visser, Dailynne Reid Marketing Intern Ethan Donovan Office Manager Jeanie Luna Advertising Sales Molly Ernst, Janet McCall Catherine Darkenwald General Editorial Inquiries Contributors In This Issue Vicki McCullough The Northern Light 225 Marine Drive, Suite 200, Blaine, WA 98230 Tel: 360/332-1777 Vol XXIV, No 8 Circulation: 10,500 copies
Circulation Independently verified by:
Next issue: Aug. 16 Ads due: Aug. 10
s The 8th annual Birch Bay Music Festival on August 3-5 featured more than 20 bands. The three-day festival was a fundraiser for local animal rescue and welfare organizations, Lean on Me Service Dogs and Main Street Mutt Rescue. Pictured l.: Jon Olson on guitar and vocals. Above, r.: Joe Harkness and the band Southern Freight. Below, r.: Eric Haven on bass guitar. Photo by Mathew Roland
The Editor: With the upcoming primary and midterm elections, here are a few things that puzzle me about Ms. Angell’s letter. Let me just answer for myself because I cannot pretend to know what “people” she is addressing. 1. I am not upset about “foreigners” interfering in our elections, but I – and hope many others – are very upset about hard evidence that Vladimir Putin and his Russian cronies have been and continue to be hacking into our election system. 2. I live in a gated community, and advocate a system that admits any citizen from any country as long as he/she is a productive member of society. I feel learning about other’s customs and ideas will strengthen, not weaken our American way of life. Someday you might want to read the verse on the Statue of Liberty. 3. I never want to be asked for my ID to be able to cast a ballot in this country. When that happens it simply means someone doesn’t want me to vote, but wants only their own kind (a small minority) to have the right to choose their
leaders. The more persons we have voting, the more representative our government will be. 4. l can’t believe you asked this question. Why do so many people protest to protect the rights of children? These children are no more responsible for their situation than they are for the high divorce rates and single parent families you so much abhor. 5. Which “gruesome business practices” are you referring to? Planned Parenthood supplies health services to people who cannot afford them, and provides sex education to these same persons. There may be a German proverb about beginning at your own doorstep to improve the world, but I suggest rather than standing on your own doorstep, it might be wise to look around you and see that we are all foreigners in this land (except the Native Americans) and that rather than dwelling on the negative we might consider the many positive effects for which we can be thankful and move on. Don Griffiths Blaine
The Editor: I have lived in Birch Bay for almost 50 years. I know I am home when I come to the end of Birch Bay-Lynden Road and I look at the view corridor just to the south of the medical center to see the waters of Birch Bay. I am going to miss that view. Whatcom County Planning and Development Services is currently involved in the approval process for a project known as “Sunset Bay,” which sits directly in that view corridor. The proposal includes three buildings; the main building will be built parallel to Birch Bay Drive, approximately 270 feet long (think football field) and almost 40 feet high (the application states the building will be 30 feet high – but does not identify how much fill material will be under the building to lift it out of the flood plain.) A second building at the northern edge of the property will be 38 feet 2 inch(Continued on next page) Please send letters to no later than noon on Monday.
Civic Meetings Birch Bay Water & Sewer District: Second and fourth Thursdays, 4:30 p.m., district offices, 7096 Point Whitehorn Road, Birch Bay. Info:
Birch Bay Watershed & Aquatic Resources Management District: Third Wednesday, 6 p.m., location varies. Info: bbwarm.whatcom
Blaine City Council: Second and fourth Mondays, 6 p.m., Blaine City Council chambers, 435 Martin Street. Info:
Blaine Park and Cemetery Board: Second Thursday, 4 p.m., Blaine City Council chambers, 435 Martin Street. Info: 360/332-8311, ext. 3330.
Blaine Planning Commission: Second and fourth Thursdays, 7 p.m., Blaine City Council chambers, 435 Martin Street. Info: blainepc@ Blaine-Birch Bay Park and Recreation: Second Tuesday, 5:30 p.m., Birch Bay Chamber Office, 7900 Birch Bay Drive, Birch Bay. Info:
Blaine School Board: Fourth Monday, 7 p.m., Blaine school district offices. Info: North Whatcom Fire & Rescue: Third Thursday, 1 p.m. Blaine Fire Station. Info:
7 pm n
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CITY OF BLAINE Unless noted, all meetings are held at City Hall, 435 Martin Street, Suite 4000 and are open to the public. Agendas can be found on the City’s website.
Thursday, August 9 9 am – Park and Cemetery Board meeting 7 pm – Planning Commission meeting Monday, August 13 5 pm – Study Session Municipal Court Processes 6 pm – Regular City Council Meeting Tuesday, August 14 8 am – Blaine Tourism Advisory Committee Thursday, August 23 7 pm – Planning Commission Meeting Public Hearing – Sea Smoke PUD Amendment Request U.S. PASSPORTS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Call (360) 332-8311 or visit our website.
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Whatcom County Planning and Development Services at 5280 Northwest Drive, Bellingham, WA 98226. The senior planner for this project is Amy Keenan and the department director is Mark Personius. Stephen Nelson Blaine
4th St.
- Mues Council
es at the peak – plus material under the building. The “Shoreline Substantial Development Application” references all of the necessary Whatcom County Code regulations in WCC 23 that deal with specific “Shoreline Residential Regulations” such as density and height. As a result of a pre-application meeting (Pre2017-0009), it appears that the planning and development services has agreed the project is in compliance with these standards. When asked about any impact on views the response by the staff was “… Whatcom County does not have any view regulations that apply to this project.” While there are no view regulations, Whatcom County has adopted “goals and objectives” in WCC 23.20.090 Design development to minimize adverse impacts on views from public property or views enjoyed by a
substantial number of residences. (Ord. 2009-13). The property consists of 2.5 acres, allowing the developer adequate area to redesign the project. If you agree with me that the planning department should help preserve our views, contact
3rd St.
(Continued from previous page)
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August 9 - 15, 2018 •
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The Northern Light • August 9 - 15, 2018
Local teens help paint Blaine Skate Park
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Thursday, Aug. 30 to Sunday, Sept. 2 s ‘Paint the Park’ participants create murals at Blaine Skate Park.
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B y S t e fa n i e D o n a h u e Thanks to the Healthy Youth Coalition, Blaine Skate Park is getting a whole new look. The nonprofit launched Paint the Park on July 29 in conjunction with the weekly Teen Night. As part of the project, all ages were invited to paint murals on a select portion of the skate park, located at 635 4th Street. The next and final chance to participate in Paint the Park is at 6 p.m. on Saturday, August 11, said Healthy Youth
Coalition co-founder Jesse Creydt. He added, there may be more opportunities in the future. “Local teens will be helping to keep the painting confined to the designated green or orange walls, removing random graffiti and painting over old murals periodically, so new ones can be created,” Creydt said in an email. With help from Pacific Building Center and Stockton’s Paint in Bellingham, Healthy Youth Coalition has committed to providing participants with art supplies, including
Locally owned by Blaine residents.
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spray and outdoor paint. “It’s for everyone,” board member Gabriell Lord said. “Our goal is to get kids involved in the community in a healthy way.” The Healthy Youth Coalition formed late last year to address mental health issues among youth. Volunteers with the nonprofit host Teen Night from 5 to 9 p.m. on Saturdays at the Pizza Factory, 739 Peace Portal Drive. To learn more about the Healthy Youth Coalition, visit
Election ... From page 1
13,260 votes (48 percent). Mike Peetoom, a Custer resident, and Carol Frazey are set to compete for the at-large position on the Whatcom County Council, which serves a one-year term. Frazey received 16,172 votes (43 percent) and Peetoom received 9,161 votes (24 percent). Aaron Thomas received 7,143 votes (19 percent) and Eric Bostrom received 5,578 votes (15 percent). Peetoom is on the Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce board of directors; he and his wife Christie own Mike Peetoom Construction and Infinity Dance Company. In congressional races, incumbent Suzan DelBene (D) received 64,299 votes (60 percent) and will run in District 1 against Jeffrey Beeler (R) who received 26,761 votes (25 percent). Incumbent U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D) received 573,017 votes (55 percent) and will run against Susan Hutchison (R) who received 246,296 votes (24 percent). In Whatcom County, 41,641 ballots were counted on August 7 with about 5,000 remaining.
Fresh L ocal
U-Pick season in full swing in Whatcom County B y S t e fa n i e D o n a h u e Raspberries, blueberries and strawberries are among the many fruits that are ripe for the picking in Whatcom County. As such, many farms have opened U-Pick harvesting to the public. Here’s a quick look at locations nearby that offer the summertime activity: Barbie’s Berries: 7655 Melody Lane in Ferndale. Offers strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday-Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Visit or call 360/384-1260 for more information. Bellingham Country Gardens: 2838 Kelly Road in Bellingham. Offers vegetables, flowers, strawberries and raspberries. Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Visit or call 360/223-3724 for more information. Breckenridge Blueberries: 3595 Breckenridge Road in Everson. Offers blueberries. Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., seven days a week. Visit or call 360/220-4102 for more information. Boxx Berry Farm: 6211 Northwest Drive in Ferndale. Offers blueberries and flowers. Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday-Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Visit or call 360/380-2699
for more information. Cascade Blueberry Farm: 2667 Willeys Lake Road in Custer. Offers blueberries. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., seven days a week. Visit or call 360/366-5188 for more information. Generations Blueberry Farm: 2298 Stickney Island Road in Everson. They offer blueberries. Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday-Friday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. Visit or call 360/966-2600 for more information. Haugen’s Raspberries: 577 East Pole Road in Lynden. Offers Meeker raspberries and Duke blueberries. Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday-Saturday. Visit or call 360/354-4764 or 360/815-1344 for more information. Nooksack Blueberries: 102 South Pass Road in Nooksack. Offers blueberries. Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., seven days a week. Visit nooksackblueberries. com or email for more information. Shumway’s Berries: Offers Strawberries at 6010 Siper Road in Everson and raspberries, blackberries, tayberries, Logan berries and boysenberries at 3957 Mt. Baker Highway and blueberries and raspberries at 7845 Noon Road in Lynden. Open dawn till dusk seven days a week. Visit or call 360/815-7321 for more information.
Barbie’s Berries Raspberries, Blueberries, Blackberries and more Strawberries! Fresh in the summer, Frozen available all year U-Pick IS OPEN, call for details! 360-384-1260 • 7655 Melody Ln, Ferndale Barbie’s Berries
August 9 - 15, 2018 •
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Kathy Stauffer • 360-815-4718 • Managing Broker/Windermere-Whatcom
Spring Frog Farm: 5709 Putnam Road in Everson. Offers raspberries. Open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday. Visit or call 360/3033711 for more information. Terra Verde Farm: 2891 Massey Road in Everson. Offers blueberries. Open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. To learn more visit or call 360/393-2520 or 360/393-5402.
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The Northern Light • August 9 - 15, 2018
Active S eniors Young at Heart By Vicki McCullough On Saturday, August 11, the Blaine Senior Center will celebrate its 50th anniversary, so Young at Heart will share the story of how it began. This is the final piece of a five-part series written by the late Evelyn Yarbrough for the Blaine Senior Center: After school begun, the Lutheran church nearby let us use their kitchen and dining room until the building was complete. During the construction phase, things went smoothly aside from the contractor resigning and the construction superintendent suffering a heart attack.
Pam Hanson
We were able to tentatively move into our new building , but could not settle down completely. We submitted plans and got estimates for the library shelves, office facilities and all other unfinished things. Our top priority was the conversation area, which had open areas all the way around showing pipes, wiring, gobs of sawdust and other interesting features which were not inviting. We had to raise money for one thing at a time. Another volunteer and I found a place in Bellingham that placed art on our walls, bulletin area and all our other interior wall coverings at a reasonable price. Staff with the Whatcom County Parks and Recreation Department helped paint the interior walls. We whittled away at the jobs and after about three years we were
ready to tackle the final problem – folding doors. All of the American firms quoted prices that were still out of our reach. Two of my neighbors, who lived in Canada for most of the year, started searching Canadian sources for us and told us which locations were the best to try. Gary Chapman and I made a trip to Canada and found a very satisfactory product at a reasonable price. When we were finally ready to have the doors installed, we found that the architect had made an error in locating the beams and the installation could not be made until this was corrected. By this time, we were so used to major headaches being connected to every step that we would have probably been afraid that something was wrong if things had
gone smoothly. Now we were through. Another volunteer and I sat down to consider all that had happened. We felt that we were missing something. I think we may have felt like two old dogs who had lost a bone and didn’t know what to chew on next. The discussion and planning began in 1989 and 1990. The bond issue passed in the fall of 1991. The new building was complete in 1994. But times, they were a changing and Blaine was still growing. Sometime soon, someone is going to start with a new dream and a new plan. When that time comes, there is no better place than the city of Blaine. There are a lot of good people here who will work to see it through.
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456 ‘C’ Street, Blaine 98230 • 360-332-8733
Blaine Senior Center presents
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Thank You to our Sponsors: WECU, Dank of America, Totally Chocolate
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How aging adults can maintain their mental acuity Aging is associated with or linked to a host of mental and physical side effects. For example, many adults expect their vision to deteriorate as they grow older. Such a side effect can be combatted with routine eye examinations that may indicate a need for a stronger eyeglass prescription, which is a relatively simple solution that won’t impact adults’ daily lives much at all. While physical side effects like diminished vision might not strike much fear in the hearts of aging men and women, those same people may be concerned or frightened by the notion of age-related cognitive decline. Some immediately associate such decline with Alzheimer’s disease, an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that gradually destroys memory and cognitive skills, ultimately compromising a person’s ability to perform even the simplest of tasks. But age-related cognitive decline is not always symptomatic of Alzheimer’s disease. Learning about Alzheimer’s and how to maintain mental acuity can help aging men and women better understand the changes their brains might be undergoing as they near or pass retirement age. Is Alzheimer’s disease hereditary? The National Institute on Aging notes that only a very rare form of Alzheimer’s disease is inherited. Early-onset familial Alzheimer’s disease, (FAD), is caused by mutations in certain genes. If these genes are passed down from parent to child, then the child is likely, but not certain, to get FAD. So while many adults may be concerned about Alzheimer’s because one of their parents had the disease, the NIA notes that the majority of Alzheimer’s cases are late-onset, which has no obvious family pattern. Can Alzheimer’s disease be prevented? Studies of Alzheimer’s disease are ongoing, but to date there is no definitive way to prevent the onset of the disease. How can I maintain mental acuity as I age? Researchers have not yet determined a way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, but adults can take certain steps to maintain their mental acuity into retirement. Exercise regularly. Routine exercise may be most associated with physical benefits, but the NIA notes that such activity has been linked to benefits for the brain as well. For example, a 2011 study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America found that aerobic exercise training increas(See Aging, page 15)
August 9 - 15, 2018 •
Active S eniors
s Mayor John Nolan and Whatcom County commissioner Terry Unger were among the handful of dignitaries who attended a groundbreaking ceremony at the site of the original Blaine Senior Center in October 1974. Photo courtesy of the Blaine Senior Center
Seniors ... From page 1 The $93,000, multi-use building was officially dedicated in May 1975, Sitker said. Over the decades that followed, the Blaine Senior Center became such a hit among residents it couldn’t keep up with demand. In a chronicle written about the early days of the senior center, Yarbrough wrote, “The original Blaine Senior Center was a nice little building designed for a city that would not grow, but always stay the same. But things started to change. More people were living longer and a growing number of Blaine seniors were anxious to have more activities, classes and social interaction.” Serious talks about building a new, larger senior center started in the late 1980s and were proceeded by a bond that was passed by voters in 1991. Construction on the more than $1 million facility concluded in 1994. In 2003, the Blaine Senior Center underwent a series of taxpayer funded upgrades, including the installation of a gym, library and pool room, Sitker said. Currently owned by the city, the senior center’s latest remodel took place in 2016 and included the construction of a 5,000-square-foot indoor recreation area for use by the community, including Blaine-Birch
Bay Park and Recreation District 2, the Blaine Boys & Girls Club and the Blaine Senior Center. The present Today more than 650 people are enrolled as members at the Blaine Senior Center. “And we’re signing up new people every day,” said Sitker, who was hired as director in September 2016. The mission of the Blaine Senior Center hasn’t changed, she said. To date, it still provides accessible facilities, recreational opportunities and affordable meals to the community. More importantly, she said, it gives seniors the chance to stay engaged. “You can’t age and be home by yourself,” she said. “You have to be around other people.” Classes that teach meditation and stretching techniques have become very popular among
members, board president Toni Blakely said. Other activities, such as line dancing, bocce ball and card games are also a big hit. The senior center has also made an effort to address the interests of its members, Sitker said. In July, it hosted its first-ever workshop about cannabis. More than 25 people attended to listen to talks led by state-certified medical cannabis consultant Nancy Southern, First Amendment attorney Mike Hiestand and Dank of America owner Don Hartleben. “It’s a conversation that people have to have,” Sitker said. “People have questions.” Throughout the year, fitness fiends make use of the senior center’s gym, which contains a variety of fitness equipment, including the recently-acquired NuStep recumbent cross-trainer. Classes such as Tai Chi, ZUMBA and gentle yoga are also offered either at the gym or the indoor recreation area next door with support from Blaine Birch Bay Park and Recreation District 2. Members can also find a shoulder to lean on at regular support groups, including those that focus on maintaining a healthy weight or others geared toward individuals who are afflicted by memory loss. Daily meals are another popular attraction. Provided by the Bellingham-based Meals on Wheels and More program, a variety of healthy dishes are served to members and non-members between 11:30 and 12:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday for $7. Individuals who are age 60 and above, or who meet other eligibility requirements, can pay by donation. With so much to do, Blakely said, “It doesn’t take very long for people to get to know everyone around here.”
s From l.: Blaine Senior Center member Mick Blakely, board president Toni Blakely, director Kathy Sitker and co-founding member Elinor Blakely. Photo by Stefanie Donahue
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“They have to have a place to go,” Sitker said. At the senior center, she added, “We are not medical professionals.” Despite that setback, she’s eager for Unity Care NW to break ground on a new facility at 6060 Portal Way in 2019. “It’s a big deal,” she said. In the short term, staff are focused on raising money to install a wheelchair lift for the stage located at the center of the building, she said. Based on her experience with members, she’s not worried about raising the money. “The community steps up,” she said. “We’re very grateful for that.” Guests of the upcoming Golden Anniversary Hoedown are asked to RSVP by calling 360/332-8040.
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The future With membership on the rise, Sitker said she sees the role of the Blaine Senior Center changing within the next 5-10 years. “The number of boomers retiring is huge and it’s a tsunami,” she said. “We’ve really got to figure out what we want,” whether that be catering to just seniors or to all age groups. Intergenerational centers are cropping up across the nation, she said. There’s also an increasing need for services in north Whatcom County, she said, citing the impending closure of Northwest Adult Day Health and Wellness Center in Lynden. The adult day health program opened three years ago and provided support to caregivers and their patients.
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The Northern Light • August 9 - 15, 2018
Scenes from Drayton Harbor Days Blaine’s annual maritime festival Drayton Harbor Days drew a crowd to Blaine Harbor on August 4 and 5. The event was jam-packed with activities, including the Run to the Border 5K, Blaine-Birch Bay Park and Recreation District 2’s ‘Pirate Daze,’ a parade and costume contest, the Prestigious George Raft Race, vintage steamboat displays, Tall Ships, a pet contest and more. To see more photos, visit
s Pirates at Drayton Harbor Days entertain kids and families on August 4.
s Terra Aubertin races and takes first in the Prestigious George Raft Race.
s Model ships on display.
Photos by Mathew Roland unless otherwise noted
s Charlie June Johnson, holding number 18, won first place in the piPhoto by Susan Rutledge rate costume contest on August 4.
s Captain Grey Beard.
s The Hawaiian Chieftain.
s Blackstone Cherry and Captain Connor O’ Day.
s Pictured: Brian, Ale, Isabella and Caitlin Hobi.
August 9 - 15, 2018 •
MARKETPLACE Celebrationof Life In
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NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Notice is Hereby Given that Creditors and others, having claims against the Estate of the Deceased Elma Pearl Schaffer, formerly of 1747 Sugarpine Court, Coquitlam, BC V3E 3E4, are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the undersigned Executor, c/o Linda Silver, 1747 Sugarpine Court, Coquitlam, BC V3E 3E4 on or before September 15, 2018, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received. Linda Silver, Executor.
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The Northern Light • August 9 - 15, 2018
Real Estate
Windermere Real Estate/Whatcom Inc. 360.371.5100
8105 Birch Bay Square St. I-5 Exit 270, Blaine
9432 Turnstone Lane #33
Semiahmoo Shore’s most affordable Sunrise Home, 2025 SF w/luxurious owners suite on main flr & 2 bedrooms & full bath upstairs. 14’ vaulted great room. Finished in “Driftwood” design scheme including linear fireplace, quartz countertops & all appliances included. Wide plank white oak hardwood flooring. Attached double garage w/epoxy floor & storage cabinets. Miles of beaches, & walking trail. MLS# 1201035
Lisa Kent 360-594-8034
Semiahmoo Shore 2875 SF Sunrise Home w/spectacular view of Drayton Harbor & Mount Baker. Includes Guest Casita with its own private entry. Finished throughout with top of line finishes, hardware, flooring, full appliance package including washer & dryer. Extensive hardwood flooring, linear FP, quartz countertops, Grohe & Kohler fixtures. Beautiful guest & owners suites. Covered patio w/outdoor fireplace, double garage w/expoxy floors & much more. MLS# 1200998
Mike Kent 360-527-8901
9428 Turnstone Ln. #31
Another Semiahmoo Shore Masterpiece in the fabulous Driftwood design & color scheme. Over 2100 SF of rich hardwoods, tilework & Quartz countertops. Chefs kitchen w/soft close drawers, Island, dbl. oven, custom cabinetry & separate pantry area. Almost every room provides breathtaking Sunrise views over Mt. Baker & Drayton Harbor. Tucked behind the gates of Semiahmoo Shore you’ll enjoy the treasured lifestyle of exploring our endless beaches & more.
Lisa Sprague 360-961-0838
Minutes to U.S./Canada Border; under 2 hour drive to Seattle. DIRECTIONS TO SEMIAHMOO SHORE: Exit 270 West on Birch Bay Lynden Rd., R on Harborview, L on Lincoln Rd., to Semiahmoo Pkwy., Semiahmoo Shore on Left.
OPEN SUN 12:30-3
5410 Snow Goose Lane #506
8738 Charel Drive
Clubhouse Point, gated micro-community in Semiahmoo, hugging sunny Arnold Palmer designed 1st & 18th fairways. Single story, no steps. 2905 SF open plan. Great room, luxe kit, 2-BD, office, private guest Casita. Quality, current finishes: wood flooring, sleek cabinets, quartz counters. 2 car garage. MLS #1214955
Stunning top floor end unit Villa features vaulted ceilings and oversized windows that capture the light. Great room with cozy fireplace and south-facing deck is an excellent use of space. Private master-separate guest suite and covered parking make this a one of a kind purchase. Easy walking distance to all trails, championship golf & tennis club. Ideal vacation get-away, a great investment opportunity! Safe and secure gated neighborhood. A must see! MLS #1303847
A Perfect Get-Away Beach Home. JWR design & superb architecture with indoor/ outdoor living spaces, high-end finishes & panoramic VIEWS of Semiahmoo Bay. Prime beach access w/ amenities of waterfront living! Skylights, vaulted ceilings & windows embrace bright natural light. Master retreat w/ luxurious bathroom on main, heat pump with AC, tankless hot H2O & fireplace. Chef’s kit with quartz countertops, stainless appl, 2-car garage all on main. Deck, patio & fenced backyard.
Brian Southwick 360-815-6638
Kathy Stauffer 360-815-4718
Leslie Hobkirk 360-961-8052
8778 Clubhouse Point Drive
8785 Goshawk Rd. $784,000
8759 Wood Duck Way
$824,900 WOW - Stunning new construction home, offering sunny western exposure with fabulous covered deck. Capturing double wide never-to-change fairway views, on the 8th & 9th fairway. This is a single story home with cutting edge open design--spacious spa master--two private guest suites. 3-car garage “and then some”, space is ideal for a work shop & more than gracious storage. High ceilings, large clean line windows, a touch of contemporary design with just enough comfort to call this home. Looking for the best? Welcome home!
Kathy Stauffer 360-815-4718
Gorgeous, sunny 10th fairway single story w/bonus suite up. Secluded, oversized parcel near end of quiet cul-de-sac. Wide plank organic oak floors welcome. Updated dry stack stonewrapped horizontal gas fireplace, granite hearth. Custom glass enclosed 250 bottle wine locker next to open dining. Generous master suite, to the left of the great room. 2 guest bedrooms, full bath occupy other side of main flr. Charming den/ office. Upstairs: cozy gabled 4th bedroom enjoys its own 3/4 bath. 866 SF garage.
Linda Kiens 360-815-6640
8796 Osprey Rd. $1,125,000
4548 California Trail
$284,500 Gorgeous waterfront on California Creek, enjoy kayaking and boating... only steps away from your front door. Beautifully paved driveway, with a two-car carport and storage area. There is a sense of privacy in this 3 bedroom spacious home with open floor plan, bright kitchen with eating area and a separate dining room. Two sheds, and a workshop for your hobbies. Fruit trees, wheelchair access, and large covered deck. Experience a sense of peace and serenity in your own backyard.
Lorraine Hoving 360-961-2407
Pinnacle Semiahmoo fairway location! 10th fairway green-clubhouse, pondside on 11. Exceptional outlook coupled w/unusual privacy! Gracious 4416 SF on quiet cul-de-sac enjoys exquisite, timeless elements: Organic hardwoods. Abundant crystal cabinets. Workhorse kitchen w/48” sub zero, 48” Dacor dual fuel, etc. Epic outdoor room w/same 2 fairway outlook, wood burning fireplace, grill, sink, fridge, cable above fireplace. 2 master suites. 2 guestrms w/J&J bath. Den/ office. Huge garage, storage+!
Linda Kiens 360-815-6640
In case of inclement weather, please call agent to confirm open houses.
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Ben Affolter
2793 W. 99th St.
2806 W. 99th St.
Minutes from town, with large modern kitchen. Open great room w/mini-split heat/cool. Oversized 2-car garage. 3-BD, 2.5-BA, large family/entertain rm w/ wet bar, covered upstairs patio w/great views of the Canadian Cascades. MLS #1310148
Beautiful one-level custom built on quiet non-thru street in Blaine. 3-BD, 2-BA,2-car garage. 9’ ceilings, custom kit w/granite counters & bar. Super efficient heat pump and furnace w/Nest smart thermostat & elegant electric FP in living room.
Rentals - Rooms
MLS #1295338
Sam Freeman
Sam Freeman
360-201-2428 360-332-6400
360-201-2428 360-332-6400
All real estate/rentals advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-877-0246.
August 9 - 15, 2018 •
Birch Bay Square sold for $12.8 million
O B I T U A RY Leah Dawn Rochon
B y S t e fa n i e D o n a h u e Local Interstate-5 shopping mall Birch Bay Square has been sold for $12.8 million to a Surrey, B.C. investor. Represented by Thuy Tiller of Sterling Real Estate Group, Christopher Thanh Phat Quach purchased approximately 135,000 square feet of the retail center on July 19 from a Canadian investment group, registered as North America 6666 Investment Birch Bay LLP and North America 3333 Investment Birch Bay LLP. In addition to retail space, the purchase also included approximately 16 acres of undeveloped land located north of the mall. Tiller said the sale did not include the Jack in the Box, Bob’s Burgers & Brew or the Windermere building, which are independently owned. Formerly called the Peace Arch Factory Outlets, Birch Bay Square was built in 1993.
January 29, 1959 – July 4, 2017
s Birch Bay Square. In 2005, the Ware family of Mount Vernon purchased the mall but lost it in 2010 after Union Bank of San Francisco foreclosed on the property and claimed ownership. In 2012, North American 6666 Investment Birch Bay LLP
Photo by Stefanie Donahue
purchased the retail center for just under $8 million. Saratoga Commercial Real Estate, based in Bellingham, is the leasing agent for the property and did not return a request for comment.
On July 4, 2017, Leah Rochon died after a month-long battle with cancer. She is survived by her husband, Des, daughter Ingrid, and the hundreds of children whose lives she improved through her 22 years of service as a teacher at Ferndale’s Eagleridge Elementary. Leah’s love of reading and education was a thread that ran throughout her entire life. Her first career as a technician at the Fairhaven Library lasted nearly a decade. She met and married the librarian’s mailman, Desmond Rochon, in 1987. She remains, in his eyes, “the smartest woman I ever knew.” Leah earned her teaching degree and began her second career as a public school teacher in the early 1990’s. A generation of Ferndale students laughed at her jokes, listened to her stories, and learned from her gentle discipline. Her greatest delight was reading to her students – she always used character voices. Greatly missed by her family, Leah will forever be remembered by them as “TERRIFIC,” “RADIANT,” and unfailingly “HUMBLE.” She was in a class by herself. “By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone’s life can stand a little of that.” Memorial donations in memory of Leah may be made to the Prevent Cancer Foundation (www. or to the Audubon Society in honor of the love for animals she instilled in both her students and her own daughter ( Please share your thoughts and memories of Lean online at
BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL Louis Auto Glass 2011 Large Business of the Year
Lots to see at Point Whitehorn Marine Reserve S Rich in vegetation and wildlife, Point Whitehorn Marine Reserve, located south of Birch Bay State Park, is a place of discovery. The 54-acre reserve was donated to Whatcom County Parks by Whatcom Land Trust and contains forest, wetlands, shorelines and 2 miles of public beach. Flora includes orange honeysuckle, mouse-ear chickweed, Douglas’ aster, vine maple and more. Visitors can see shorebirds and seal pups near the beach and views of the Strait of Georgia and San Juan islands. Pictured is a participant at ‘What’s the Point,’ an event hosted at Point Whitehorn Marine Reserve by the Whatcom Land Trust in June. Learn more about the reserve at bit. ly/2OP6hNz.
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Photo courtesy of Whatcom Land Trust
BHS athletic Hall of Fame seeks nominations By Oliver Lazenby The Blaine Athletic Booster Club is working on establishing a Hall of Fame to honor former Blaine High School athletes, coaches, teams and contributing community members. The club is looking for nominations for its first induction ceremony, planned for Fall 2019. The Hall of Fame committee includes former high school baseball coach and athletic director Gary Clausen and former sports an-
nouncer John Liebert. The pair has a lot of recent knowledge of Blaine athletics between the two of them, so they’re especially interested in nominations for early Borderites sports heroes, they said. The Blaine High School Leadership class requested that the booster club start a hall of fame, but BHS coaches and athletic directors had discussed the idea for years, Clausen said. Once the booster club voted to establish a hall of fame, it began reviewing other districts’ hall of
fame programs – Bellingham, Stanwood and Lynden all have established programs that nominate former athletes, coaches and others involved in high school sports annually. The deadline for the first round of nominations is Monday, October 1. Nominations can be sent to Hall of Fame committee members said they hope to have criteria for consideration posted online at blaineathleticboosterclub. com soon.
Whatcom County Sheriff’s Reports: July 23-24 July 23, 1:41 p.m.: Burglary cold
July 23, 8:31 p.m.: Alarm audible
July 24, 4:30 a.m.: 911 hang up on
call on Peace Park Drive.
on Drayton Harbor Road.
Giles Road.
July 23, 5:50 p.m.: Vandalism cold
July 23, 9:22 p.m.: Traffic stop on
July 24, 8:41 a.m.: Welfare check
call on Nautical Court.
Harborview Road.
on Breeze Loop.
July 23, 5:59 p.m.: Security check
July 23, 9:31 p.m.: Domestic ver-
July 24, 8:51 a.m.: Welfare check
on Semiahmoo Drive.
bal on Henley Street.
on Windlass Lane.
July 23, 6:15 p.m.: Welfare check
July 23, 10:08 p.m.: Warrant served
July 24, 11:24 a.m.: Animal prob-
on Loomis Trail Road.
on Harborview Road.
lem on Portal Way.
July 23, 6:45 p.m.: Noise on Wind-
July 23, 11:11 p.m.: Extra patrol on
July 24, 12:29 p.m.: 911 hang up
lass Lane.
Fortune Lane.
on Bay Road.
Dining Guide Sun. - Tues. 6am-5pm Wed. - Sat. 6am-9pm
332-3540 234 D Street, Blaine
Farm Market • Café • Distillery Fine Farm Food in our Café Local Cider, Wine & Spirits 8 - 5 Wed.-Sun. • 6140 Guide Meridian
277 G Street • Downtown Blaine
Great Authentic Mexican Food 758 Peace Portal • Blaine 332-4045
1733 H St - Ste 420 Blaine International Marketplace Dine-in • Take-out • Reservations
The Northern Light • August 9 - 15, 2018
Coming up
Crossword DOWN
ACROSS 1. Sacred bull (Egyptian myth.) 5. One-time European money 8. Disfigure 11. Polish city 13. Move quickly on foot 14. Landlocked West African country 15. Used in aromatherapy 16. The greatest of all time 17. Type of horse 18. Volcanic craters 20. Type of graph (abbr.) 21. Supporters 22. North and South are two 25. Spread 30. Adjusted 31. Vietnamese offensive 32. Nazi architect
Weather Courtesy Birch Bay Water & Sewer Dist.
33. Nigerian peoples 38. When you hope to get there 41. Ridicules 43. Allied Powers vs. Central Powers 45. Produce 47. Ancient kingdom near Dead Sea 49. Hebrew unit of liquid capacity 50. Type of sword 55. “Sin City” actress 56. Female reproductive cells 57. Afflicted 59. One point north of northeast 60. Garland 61. Spiritual leader 62. Negative 63. Tooth caregiver 64. Cheek
1. Form of “to be” 2. A hand has one 3. Thought 4. Physical body 5. Removes 6. One who perpetrates wrongdoing 7. Make one 8. Kate and Rooney are two 9. __ Ladd, “Shane” actor 10. Makes fun of 12. Space station 14. Gene 19. Satisfy 23. Livid 24. It comes after “et” 25. More (Spanish) 26. Electronic data processing 27. Buffer solution to separate DNA and RNA 28. Primate 29. Scattered 34. Evergreen tree 35. What engaged couples will say 36. Barbie’s friend 37. Midway between south and southeast 39. A position from which progress can be made 40. Showed up 41. Insecticide 42. Type of milk 44. Verandas 45. Annoyingly talkative 46. Abba __, Israeli politician 47. “Heat” director 48. Plant genus 51. Swiss river 52. Prejudice 53. Actor Idris 54. Freedom fighters (slang) 58. Criticize ANSWERS: THENORTHERNLIGHT.COM
Precipitation: During the period of July 30 to August 5, no precipitation was recorded. The 2018 year-todate precipitation is 19 inches.
July 27, 4:00 p.m.: Suspicious circumstances on Peace Portal Drive. July 27, 7:45 p.m.: Citizen assist on H Street. July 27, 10:18 p.m.: Harassment on D Street. July 28, 1:25 a.m.: Noise disturbance on A Street. July 28, 12:36 p.m.: Dogs on Boundary Court. July 28, 2:36 p.m.: Driving without a license on Peace Portal Drive. July 28, 6:47 p.m.: Agency assist on H Street. July 31, 7:49 p.m.: Reportable collision on southbound I-5. July 31, 10:40 a.m.: Possession of amphetamine on 2nd Street. August 1, 10:46 a.m.: Harassment on Canvasback Road. August 1, 1:00 p.m.: Blaine warrant on H Street. August 1, 4:13 p.m.: Fraud on D Street. August 1, 7:46 p.m.: Traffic on Bell Road. August 1, 10:35 p.m.: Blaine warrant on H Street. August 2, 8:33 a.m.: Collision on Peace Portal Drive.
August 2, 4:36 p.m.: Alarm at residential building on Canvasback Road. August 2, 6:15 p.m.: Assist citizen on H Street. August 2, 6:32 p.m.: False alarm at commercial building on G Street. August 2, 7:16 p.m.: Juvenile problem on F Street. August 2, 8:38 p.m.: Lewd act on D Street. August 2, 8:51 p.m.: Domestic violence harassment on 4th Street. August 2, 11:37 a.m.: Suspicious circumstances on D Street. August 3, 9:15 a.m.: Animal complaints on Peace Portal Drive. August 3, 3:54 p.m.: Civil matter on Peace Portal Drive. August 4, 3:00 p.m.: Animal abuse on Peace Portal Drive. August 4, 5:00 p.m.: Animal complaint on Peace Portal Drive. August 4, 5:10 p.m.: Welfare check on Yew Street.
Report by Blaine Police Department.
11:07 am
6:37 pm
11:50 pm
Sa 11 4:42 am
11:57 am
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7:53 pm
Mo 13 1:34 am
6:44 am
8:31 pm
Tu 14 2:26 am
7:46 am
2:17 pm
9:07 pm
We 15 3:18 am
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Th 16 4:12 am
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3:47 pm
Golden Anniversary Hoedown: Saturday, August 11, 4–8 p.m., Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street. Country BBQ, raffle, door prizes, beer garden, live music, dancing. Suggested donation $5. Info: Live Music at The Vault: Saturday, August 11, 7–9 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar. 277 G Street. Featuring: The Kaeli Earle Trio. Peace Arch Park Concert Series: Sunday, August 12, 2 p.m., Peace Arch State Park. Featuring Gansango Music & Dance performing traditional and contemporary dance and music from West Africa. Friends of Birch Bay Library: Monday, August 13, 6:30-8 p.m., Birch Bay Bible Community Church, 4460 Bay Road. Members and those who wish to become members are welcome to attend. Info: Birch Bay Library Community Input Session: Saturday, August 18, 3 p.m., Birch Bay Library property, 7968 Birch Bay Drive. Respond to preliminary design concepts developed with community input thus far. Shuttle service available from the Birch Bay Chamber parking lot. Annual Salishan Neighborhood Picnic: Sunday, August 19, 1-4 p.m., Salishan Park, 1275 Blaine Avenue. Get to know your neighbors! Come dressed for the beach. Enjoy music, hot dogs, games and prizes. Loads of Love: Monday, August 20, 5:30-7:30 p.m., The Washhouse, 715 3rd Street, Blaine. Laundry costs covered.
Alaska Packers Cannery Museum: Friday-Sunday, 1-5 p.m., 9261 Semiahmoo Pkwy. No admission, donations are welcome. Open until September 30. Info: 360/371-3558.
Fr 10 3:40 am
3:01 pm
Haynie Opry: Friday-Saturday, August 11-12, 3 p.m. Haynie Grange, 3344 Haynie Road. Featuring artists “Flashback,” and Matt Audette and the Circle of Friends Band.
1:31 pm
Slip and Slide Kickball Picnic: Saturday, August 11, 1–3 p.m., Peace Arch State Park. Bring your family and friends out for a fun day of slip and slide kickball! Snack provided. Cost is $10 per family or $3 individual. Must pre-register by August 9,
Women’s Football Clinic: Thursday, September 6, Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street. Pro coach Larry Donovan is back for a presentation on the fundamentals of football. Info:
Rollback Weekend: Saturday-Sunday, August 11-12, Birch Bay Beach Park, 7930 Birch Bay Drive. Car show, cruising car show, music, food and craft vendors. Info:
Hike to Lake Ann: Tuesday, August 28, 8 a.m., Birch Bay Activity Center. Enjoy up close, breathtaking views of Mount Shuksan’s west face. Bring a sack lunch and meet at the activity center for carpooling.
49° 0’ 0”N - 122° 46’ 0”W
Su 12 12:42 am
Live Music at The Vault: Friday, August 10, 7–9 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar. 277 G Street. Featuring: Selena Rogers and Mark Williams.
Peace Arch Park Concert Series: Sunday, August 26, 2 p.m., Peace Arch State Park. Featuring Srivani Jade Ensemble playing soulful North Indian music featuring harmonium, tabla (a North Indian drum) and rich vocals.
August 10 – 16 at Blaine. Not for navigation.
Boots on the Beach: Saturday, August 11, 10:30 a.m., BP Heron Center. Explore the shore with a beach naturalist and enjoy a guided walk at Birch Bay State Park.
Summer Fun in the Park: Saturday, August 25, 5–10 p.m., Blaine Marine Park playground. Fun for the whole family! Food trucks, beer and wine garden, live music. Movie at dusk.
Spokeshaven Hustle Band: Friday, August 10, 6 p.m., BP Heron Center, Birch Bay State Park. Trio playing blues, rock classics and funky rhythms.
Beachwalker Training Session: Saturday, August 25, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Lions Camp Horizon, 7506 Gemini Street. Join the Coastal Observation Seabird Survey Team (COASST) Marine Debris program and help make a difference for the environment.
Temperature: High for the past week was 89°F on July 30 with a low of 56.2°F on August 4. Average high was 79°F and average low was 58.3°F.
Police Reports
Community Blood Drive: Friday, August 10, 8:30-11 a.m.; noon2:30 p.m., Bloodmobile in Cost Cutter Parking Lot, 1733 H Street. Please bring photo ID and come well-fed and well-hydrated. Walk-ins or appointments. Info: 800/398-7888.
Nar-anon Meetings: Mondays, 5:30-6:30, St. Luke’s Community Health Education Center, 3333 Squalicum Parkway, Bellingham. For anyone with an addicted loved one. Info: Wanda 360/224-6413. AA Meetings: Monday and Friday, 7:30 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday, noon; Wednesday, 7 p.m. (women only); Saturday, 11 a.m., United Church of Christ, 885 4th Street, Blaine. Teen Tuesday: Tuesdays, 3–4:30 p.m., Blaine Library, 610 3rd Street. Meet your friends for fun at the library! Play games, make crafts, talk books. For middle and high school students. Info: 360/305-3637. Alzheimer/Dementia/Memory Loss Caregiver and Care Partners Support Group: First Tuesday of the month, 1:30–3 p.m., Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street, Blaine. Info: 360/671-3316. Karaoke at Paso: Fridays and Saturdays, 9 p.m.–1 a.m., Paso del Norte, 758 Peace Portal Drive. Info: 332-4045. Teen Nite: Saturdays, 5–9 p.m., Pizza Factory, 738 Peace Portal Drive. Kids ages 13–18 come enjoy open mic, karaoke and prizes. Free pizza at 5 p.m. Submissions to Coming Up should be sent to no later than noon on Monday.
August 9 - 15, 2018 •
Aging ... From page 8
es the size of the hippocampus, leading to improvements in spatial memory. The NIA also notes that one study indicated exercise stimulated the brain’s ability to maintain old network connections and make new ones vital to cognitive health. Read more. Avid readers may be happy to learn that one of their favorite pastimes can improve the efficiency of their cognitive system while delaying the
system’s decline. A 2013 study published in the journal Neurology by researchers at Chicago’s Rush University Medical Center found that mentally active lifestyles may not prevent the formations of plaques and tangles associated with Alzheimer’s disease, but such lifestyles decreases the likelihood that the presence of plaques or tangles will impair cognitive function. Stay socially connected. Maintaining social connections with family, friends and community members also can help women prevent cognitive decline.
Epidemiologist Bryan James of the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center studied how social activity affected cognitive decline, ultimately noting that the rate of cognitive decline was considerably lower among men and women who maintained social contact than it was among those with low levels of social activity. The idea of age-related cognitive decline strikes fear in the hearts of many men and women, but there are ways for adults to maintain their mental acuity well into their golden years.
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