August 16 - 22, 2018
Community Newspaper of Blaine and Birch Bay HHHECRWSSHHH Postal Customer
Senior center hosts its ‘Golden Anniversary Hoedown,’ page 2
See heavy equipment in action at the ‘Roadeo’
Home Farm opens in Birch Bay, page 8-9
Photos from the Birch Bay Rollback Weekend, page 15
PRSRT STD U. S. Postage PAID Permit NO. 87 Blaine, WA 98230
Hundreds of visitors peruse classic cars in Birch Bay
Staff from the Blaine Public Works Department to offer demonstrations and prizes B y S t e fa n i e D o n a h u e
s Rollback Weekend visitors admire a 1946 Chevy on August 11. The two-day event was hosted by the Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce and featured live music, a beer garden and car competitions. See photos on page 15. Photo by Mathew Roland
Hearing on budget for school year set for August 27 By Oliver Lazenby The Blaine school district board of directors plans to adopt a budget for the 20182019 school year at their Monday, August 27 school board meeting. The district will hold a public hearing during the regularly scheduled board meeting and attendees will have the opportunity to speak for or against the budget. The board will the vote after the hearing.
In the budget’s draft, the district projects that its general fund – the fund that accounts for most district operations – will receive $33.7 million in revenues. Expenditures are expected to be $33.2 million. The general fund has a projected beginning balance of $1,574,414 and a projected ending balance of $1,994,646. General fund revenue comes from property taxes, state funds and federal grants
Majority of Blaine, Birch Bay voters favor Republican candidates B y S t e fa n i e D o n a h u e Despite a countywide surge in support for Democratic candidates running for key federal, state and county positions in the August 7 primary election, the majority of voters in Blaine and Birch Bay came out in favor of Republican candidates. Here’s a look at how locals voted on candidates running for legislative positions in District 42: Precinct data shows that incumbent state senator Doug Ericksen (R) received notable support from local voters with 53 percent (3,874 votes) of the vote. His
rivals, Pinky Vargas (D) and Tim Ballew II (D), received a combined 47 percent (3,375) of the vote. Countywide, 46 percent (19,054 votes) of residents voted Republican, while 54 percent (22,405) voted Democratic in the senatorial race. Ericksen will compete against Vargas in the general election. Ballew II endorsed Vargas in a statement released on August 8. Precinct data shows that voters in Blaine and Birch Bay also came out in support of Republican candidates running for state representative positions in District 42. Running for position 1, candidates Lu-
anne Van Werven (R) and Dean Berkeley (R) received a combined 58 percent (4,138 votes) of the vote while Justin Boneau (D) received 42 percent (3,061 votes) of the vote. Countywide, 49 percent (20,367 votes) of local residents voted Republican, while 51 percent (20,928) voted Democratic in the legislative race. Incumbent state representative Van Werven will compete against Boneau in the general election. Berkeley received just under 5 percent of the vote countywide. (See Election, page 7)
and funds. A hard copy of the draft budget summary is available at the district administrative office at 765 H Street. It can also be viewed online at A complete draft of the budget will be posted on the school district’s website before the hearing on Monday, August 27. More information on the budgeting process is available on the school district’s website at
The heavy equipment used to maintain city utilities and improve city streets will be on display, and may even perform a few tricks, at the third annual Roadeo in Blaine this Friday, August 17. The event is hosted by the Blaine Public Works Department and will take place from 1 to 3 p.m. at the parking lot located behind the Blaine Library at 610 3rd Street. All ages can attend the event for free. Donning hard hats and safety vets, staff from the public works department are set to display an excavator, loader, tractor, vactor waste truck, bucket truck, line truck and street sweeper, said public works director Ravyn Whitewolf. Staff will also demonstrate how to use the equipment. “We do a lot of amazing things,” Whitewolf said. “But we do our jobs silently.” During the event, onlookers will have the chance to view an excavator demonstration and learn how a robotic camera identifies sewer backups and failures. Whitewolf said the public can also see how a thumper device finds faults in underground circuits by emitting a miniature explosion. Exhibits will also offer trivia, prizes and lessons on water and power conservation. “The all-important and ever so memorable” water event will also return to the Roadeo, Whitewolf said. Staff perched up high in a bucket truck and kids down below will receive water balloons to toss back-and-forth. The impromptu water exchange started at the first Roadeo and looks to became an ongoing tradition. “[The Roadeo] is an opportunity for our staff to interact with the public we serve,” Whitewolf said. She said she hopes the event will inspire kids to consider a career in public works. To learn more about the Roadeo, visit or call 360/332-8820.
Letters . . . . . . . . . 4 Classifieds . . . . . 11
Coming Up . . . . . 14
Police . . . . . . . . . 14 Tides . . . . . . . . . . 14 TheNorthernLight
The Northern Light • August 16 - 22, 2018
The Blaine Senior Center hosts ‘Golden Anniversary Hoedown’ In honor of its 50th anniversary, staff with the Blaine Senior Center hosted a Golden Anniversary Hoedown on August 11. The creation of the Blaine Senior Center dates back to 1968, when a band of local seniors formed Young at Heart. The special anniversary event featured a barbecue dinner, beer garden, live music and a few words from local dignitaries.
s From l.: Michael Jones, Michael McFarlane, Kathy Sitker and Bonnie Onyon.
s Trudi Norquist and Ellie Bonebrake serve beer.
金 橘 紅燒
Photos by Mathew Roland
s Visitors enjoy a barbecue dinner on the Blaine Senior Center lawn.
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August 16 - 22, 2018 •
Briefly News from the Blaine City Council meeting on August 13 Council unsure about leasing property to Christ the King Church Blaine City Council voted 6–0, in the absence of councilmember Charlie Hawkins, to table a vote on a proposed lease agreement between the city and Christ the King Church. The agreement, which is posed to last one year, would allow representatives of the church to reserve the Blaine Senior Center and Blaine Pavilion at 763 G Street for church services for four hours on Sundays starting in October. Eventually, members of the congregation would like to establish a permanent location in Blaine. Currently, the Blaine Senior Center is used Monday through Friday until 4 p.m. and on Saturday until 1 p.m. The Blaine Pavilion is used Monday through Friday until 7 p.m. and on Saturdays for events. Both spaces are owned by the city and are available for rent outside of those hours. In a presentation, city clerk and assistant to the city manager Samuel Crawford said public assembly, including by religious groups, is permitted at both spaces. He said the agreement would boost revenue for the city while potentially increasing the cost of maintenance. Of paramount concern to the city council was limiting availability to the community. “I would like to see that the city clerk and the city manager work on this and bring it back to us in a couple weeks,” said city councilmember Steve Lawrenson. The lease agreement will go up for a vote at the next meeting on Monday, August 27. City staff will gather more information about the use of both spaces and the potential for displacement, said interim city manager Michael Jones.
Grant Avenue and Boblett Court. Reichhardt and Ebe Engineering was hired in 2012 to do a phased design for the project. After a preliminary design was completed, the firm was asked to stop due to lack of interest from developers. “With renewed interest in the airport property, staff brought the project back before council last March at which time it was decid-
ed to proceed with the project,” according to a city staff report. In a 6–0 vote, Blaine City Council also approved a $55,000 contract with Brown and Kysar, which is based in Battle Ground, Washington, for engineering design services. The firm will develop plans for a new electrical circuit to serve the Gateway Zoning District between H Street and Sweet Road.
Blaine-Birch Bay Park & Recreation District 2 is teaming with Birch Bay Waterslides in August!
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Two bids approved for projects in Gateway Zoning District With a growing interest in the Gateway Parcel, the city is moving forward with two projects to improve infrastructure in and around the former airport property. Blaine City Council voted 6–0 to approve a $146,920 contract with Lynden-based Reichhardt and Ebe Engineering for design of a regional storm pond to serve properties along Boblett Street,
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Kathy Stauffer • 360-815-4718 • Managing Broker/Windermere-Whatcom
The Northern Light • August 16 - 22, 2018
The Northern L ght Second ‘Splash Days’ is a hit The Northern Light is published weekly by Point Roberts Press Inc. Locally owned and managed, the company also publishes the All Point Bulletin, covering Point Roberts, Mount Baker Experience, covering the Mt. Baker foothills area, and the summer recreation guide Waterside as well as maps and other publications. Point Roberts Press Inc. is a member of the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, Chambers of Commerce of Bellingham/ Whatcom County, Birch Bay, Blaine and Point Roberts and the Bellingham/ Whatcom County Convention and Visitors Bureau. The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors. Letters Policy The Northern Light welcomes letters to the editor. Please include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters are limited to 350 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality, length and good taste. Thank-you letters are limited to five individuals or groups. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis. Consumer complaints should be submitted directly to the business in question or the local chamber of commerce. Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published. Email letters to
No excuse for fake news rhetoric By Fred Obee, executive director, Washington N e ws pa p e r P u b l i s h e r s A ss o c i at i o n The plight of a grieving orca who continues to carry her dead calf for weeks is reported by the Seattle Times. The Spokane Spokesman-Review lets people know for the first time the Legislature is forming a task force to exempt lawmakers from portions of the Public Records Act. The Northern Light reports that Republican incumbents in District 42 will face a strong challenge from Democratic rivals in the November general election. The Columbia Basin Herald in Moses Lake warns that air quality for the county fair may be unhealthy because of wildfire smoke pollution. The Omak County Chronicle reports that Wally Richards is this year’s Omak Stampede grand marshal. The Nisqually Valley News in Yelm tells its readers where ballot drop boxes will be located so they can participate in the primary election. In the Port Townsend Leader, we learn about firefighter Reece Chambers and ways the community can support his family following his heart transplant. These stories and more appeared recently in the pages of newspapers across Washington state as they chronicled the history of the communities they serve. For more than a century, they have informed, celebrated and lamented the good and bad of the schools, governments and people in their coverage area. And these are the enemy of the people? This is fake news? Of course not. Yet in one way or another all journalists are being tossed into the anti-media wa-
Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick Grubb Co-publisher & Advertising Director Louise Mugar Editor Stefanie Donahue Copy Editor Kara Spencer Editorial Intern Mathew Roland Reporter Oliver Lazenby Creative Services Ruth Lauman, Doug De Visser, Dailynne Reid Marketing Intern Ethan Donovan Office Manager Jeanie Luna Advertising Sales Molly Ernst, Janet McCall Catherine Darkenwald General Editorial Inquiries Contributors In This Issue Fred Obee The Northern Light 225 Marine Drive, Suite 200, Blaine, WA 98230 Tel: 360/332-1777 Vol XXIV, No 9 Circulation: 10,500 copies
Circulation Independently verified by:
Next issue: Aug. 23 Ads due: Aug. 17
s Kacie and Malachi Mattioli enjoy ‘Splash Days’ on August 10.
Photo by Mathew Roland
(Continued on next page)
Letter to the Editor The Editor: On Sunday, August 5, an historic Farmworker March for Dignity took place along the rural farm roads from Lynden to Sumas. Participants walked 15 miles over 10 hours, and had plenty of time to reflect on the long, hot, exhausting days endured by farmworkers day after day in order to bring food to our tables. The hundreds of participants chose to spend their Sunday to march all day in the heat in solidarity with some of the hardest working and lowest paid workers in our country.
How ironic, then, that there were some members of our local community who chose to use their voice to castigate the marchers by yelling “get a job!” from the air conditioned cabs of their shiny new black pickup trucks (probably not on their own way to work, on a Sunday). I wonder if they thought to yell the same slur to the crowd recreating at the go-kart race track that we passed along the way. What irony for people who live in a farming community to yell “get a job” to a crowd of hard-working farmworkers and their allies.
Thank you to all of the people who honked and waved and walked out of their front door to join us in solidarity. I want to challenge the handful of rude passersby to consider what they do on their own days off to help farmworkers feel appreciated, welcome, and safe here in Whatcom County. Krista Rome Bellingham Please send letters to no later than noon on Monday.
Civic Meetings Birch Bay Water & Sewer District: Second and fourth Thursdays, 4:30 p.m., district offices, 7096 Point Whitehorn Road, Birch Bay. Info:
Birch Bay Watershed & Aquatic Resources Management District: Third Wednesday, 6 p.m., location varies. Info: bbwarm.whatcom
Blaine City Council: Second and fourth Mondays, 6 p.m., Blaine City Council chambers, 435 Martin Street. Info:
Blaine Park and Cemetery Board: Second Thursday, 4 p.m., Blaine City Council chambers, 435 Martin Street. Info: 360/332-8311, ext. 3330.
Blaine Planning Commission: Second and fourth Thursdays, 7 p.m., Blaine City Council chambers, 435 Martin Street. Info: blainepc@ Blaine-Birch Bay Park and Recreation: Second Tuesday, 5:30 p.m., Birch Bay Chamber Office, 7900 Birch Bay Drive, Birch Bay. Info:
Blaine School Board: Fourth Monday, 7 p.m., Blaine school district offices. Info: North Whatcom Fire & Rescue: Third Thursday, 1 p.m. Blaine Fire Station. Info:
August 16 - 22, 2018 •
lic interest. If President Trump wants to dispute the criticism he gets from the press, he should try using facts and well-supported arguments that support his policies instead of spewing unfair and dangerous rhetoric from a rally podium. Our free press supports the rights of people expressing every imaginable political viewpoint. It’s not fake. It is very real and it’s time our President recognized and supported this very basic and central concept of our democracy.
reading “is not really happening.” Even the VFW winced, saying ters being chummed by President it was “disappointed to hear some Trump and others. of our members boo the press. We I do not write today to choose rely on the media to help spread sides on the right or left of national the VFW’s message. … We were politics. Instead, I write today on happy to have them there.” behalf of the more than 80 newsYet some people believe the papers of the Washington News- President and, unfortunately, the paper Publishers Association as ugly rhetoric is sifting downward, we join others across the nation in settling even on small newspapers. defense of our profession. Yes, even in Washington state, We witnessed President newspapers are being called “fake Trump’s June 27 rally in Fargo news” by candidates, public serwhen he, throughout the course vants and the people we cover as of an hour, taunted the media they seek to discredit news reports seven times, inciting jeers from and create their own smokescreens the audience. This month at a ral- in the face of news coverage they ly in Pennsylvania, he pointed at see as critical of themselves or reporters and called them “horri- their political beliefs. Do not fall for it. ble, horrendous people.” Newspapers are the first to ad“They can make anything bad, because they are fake, fake dis- mit they are not perfect, but they are serious about what they see as gusting news,” he said. During a speech at a VFW their core roles: documenting the event in Missouri, the President history of our towns and serving said that what Americans are as watchdogs to protect the pubThursday, August 23, 7 pm Planning Commission Meeting Public Hearing – Bridges PUD Amendment Request Public Hearing – Port of Bellingham Webhouse #1 – Shoreline Substantial Development Application Public Hearing – Sea Smoke PUD Amendment Request Monday, August 27 5 pm – Study Session 6 pm – Regular City Council Meeting Monday, September 3 City Offices Closed – Labor Day Tuesday, September 4, 3 pm Blaine Economic Development Advisory Committee Thursday, September 6, 10 am Public Works Advisory Committee Monday, September 10 5 pm – Study Session 6 pm – Regular City Council Meeting s Mike Andes, 22, purchased Anytime Fitness at Birch Bay Square last11, month. Tuesday, September 8 am Andes plans to revamp the gym and offer more programs Blaine Tourism Advisory Committee for seniors, he said. (Continued from previous page)
Kathy Stauffer • 360-815-4718 •
CITY OF BLAINE Unless noted, all meetings are held at City Hall, 435 Martin Street, Suite 4000 and are open to the public. Agendas can be found on the City’s website.
Thursday, August 23 7 pm • Planning Commission Meeting • Public Hearing- Bridges PUD Amendment Request • Public Hearing – Port of Bellingham Webhouse #1 – Shoreline Substantial Development Application • Public Hearing – Sea Smoke PUD Amendment Request
• Denied entry waivers Monday, September 3 • Denied entry waivers City Offices Closed – Labor Day
• Removal hearings • Removal NEXUS appeals hearings • NEXUS appeals
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Point Roberts Washington Public Hospital District is looking for a service provider for our medical clinic beginning January 1, 2019. We are a 3-day per week clinic providing primary and urgent care. Point Roberts is part of Whatcom County, situated on the US/Canada border at the southern tip of an otherwise British Columbia peninsula. We are currently contracted with a clinic-based organization but are also open to proposals to operate as an independent entity. Details about our clinic and services can be viewed at Questions or a request for our RFP can be sent to:
Tuesday, September 4 3 pm • Blaine Economic Development Advisory • 435 Martin St., Suite 2010 •••435 Blaine, WA St., Blaine,WA WA 435Martin Martin St., Suite Suite2010 1010 ••Blaine, Committee Leonard D.M. Saunders,Leonard AttorneyD.M. at Law Saunders, Attorney at Law
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The Northern Light • August 16 - 22, 2018
City hires new planning and public works staff
Condo with 2,052 SF, 3 BR, 3 BA, 484 SF attached garage, 315 SF Unit #22, Semiahmoo patio, built in 2018; marine and territorial view. Shore Condominium, 9408 Turnstone Lane, Blaine
1-story house with 2,102 SF, 3 BD, 3 BA, 529 SF attached garage, 494 SF patio, built in 1990, 90 feet low bank waterfront, .32 acres land; marine and territorial view.
5339 Nootka Loop, Blaine
In another round of staffing changes, the city of Blaine announced two new hires. Most recently, Andrew Douher was hired as community planner 1 for the Community Development Services department. He replaced Maddie Ottley who resigned in June. Previously, Douher served the city of Warren, Minnesota through Minnesota GreenCorps, a state-
1-and a half story house with 3,172 SF, 3 BD, 3 BA, 611 SF attached garage, 255 SF patio, built in 2003, .36 acres land; territorial view.
8634 Great Horned Owl Lane, Blaine
DUI patrols to increase in Whatcom, Skagit counties
Condo with 2 BD, 3 BA, 1,721 SF, built in 2013, waterfront; marine view.
Unit #B105, Marin Condominium, 9535 Semiahmoo Parkway, Blaine
Blaine, Birch Bay & Point Roberts JULY 2018
HIGHER END HOUSES: 1-story house with 1,352 SF, 3 BD, 2 BA, 1,076 SF deck, built in 1962, .75 acres land, 70 feet waterfront; marine view.
5537 Maple Way, Blaine
B y S t e fa n i e D o n a h u e $820,000
COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES: Shopping Mall with 107,152 SF, 250 parking spaces, built in 8115, 8130, and 8135 Birch $12,800,000 1993, remodeled in 1998. Bay Square Street, and 8179 Portal Way, Blaine 1-story espresso store with 1,731 SF, 447 SF patio, built in 2008. 1-story grocery store with 25,680 SF, 106 parking spaces, built in 1998, remodelled in 2009, storage tank built in 1963, 31.56 acres LAND: 16.20 acres wooded residential land. 84 Harborview Road, Blaine Residential lot; marine view.
Highland Drive, Blaine
.27 acres residential lot. Washington Avenue, Blaine
$150,000 $155,000 $125,000
5491 Canvasback Road, Blaine
Lot 53, Cottages at Seabright Farm, 2138 Seabright Loop, Point Roberts
2.27 acres residential land.
APA Road, Point Roberts
.24 acres (2 lots) residential land; marine view.
Jackson Road and Sunset Drive, Blaine
1668 and 1634 Kingsley Avenue and 1681 and 1637 Bayview Avenue, Blaine
5376 Canvasback Road, Blaine
.42 acres residential lot; territorial view. .41 acres residential lot; marine and territorial view.
.34 acres (4 lots) residential land
.50 acres residential lot; marine and territorial view. Sponsored by:
Last year, 250 people in Washington state were killed in car crashes that involved an impaired driver, according to the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC). To keep drivers safe, law enforcement agencies in Whatcom and Skagit counties will increase Driving while Under the Influence (DUI) patrols on Friday, August 17 through Monday, September 3. The patrols will take place during what is statistically the deadliest time of year for the state’s roadways, according to a WTSC press release. Poly-drug use, which is the
Salishan neighborhood hosts picnic This weekend get to know your neighbors at the Salishan Neighborhood Association’s annual picnic. This Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m.
wide program created to preserve and protect the environment. Douher began working in Blaine on July 23. He’ll act as the point of contact for the public on matters related to city planning and zoning. His position will eventually transition to include municipal code enforcement. Also new to the city is Samuel Castro who started as assistant public works director on June 18.
combination of two or more drugs or alcohol and drugs, is the most common type of driver impairment in Washington, according to a report from the WTSC. The number of fatal car crashes that involve poly-drug impaired drivers has increased by about 15 percent each year since 2012. The report states that since 2016, 1 in 4 of all traffic deaths in Washington involved a poly-drug impaired driver. “These tragedies are completely preventable,” said WTSC director Darrin Grondel in a press release. “As a community, we can end DUI-related deaths. We are asking for help. If you are in the position to prevent someone else from driving impaired, please be bold. at Salishan Park on the corner of Blaine Avenue and Alder Street. The association will be grilling up hotdogs and serving up punch and games to all ages. Everyone is welcome and invited to bring something to share and something to sit in. Wear your beachy best and enjoy music, a Tai Chi demonstration, door prizes and lots of good conversation.
I-5 Exit 270 at Birch Bay Square 360-527-8901 •
Before that, Castro was the public works director in Pend Oreille County, located north of Spokane. He has 25 years’ of experience working in public works and has also earned safety and emergency management certifications. Castro oversees the maintenance and operations at the Blaine Public Works Department and provides support to the management of facilities and park activities.
Offer to call them a ride or give them a safe place to sober up.” In a roadside survey conducted by the WTSC, more than half of drivers between the age of 15 and 20 who admitted to driving after marijuana use said they believed marijuana made their driving better. “This is an especially dangerous belief if, for example, a driver uses marijuana to compensate for the consumption of another substance that impairs driving ability, such as alcohol,” said WTSC research director Staci Hoff PhD in a press release. She added, “The deadly consequence of combining these two particular substances is very apparent in all our fatal crash data.”
Man dies in apparent suicide at Blaine Public Pier A man was found dead due to an apparent suicide at Blaine Pier on August 7. According to Blaine Police Department acting police chief Ryan King, a bystander discovered the man’s body around 6 a.m. and contacted authorities. King said the man died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800/273-8255 (TALK) or visit
Photo by Meg Olson
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August 16 - 22, 2018 •
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Kathy Stauffer • 360-815-4718 • Managing Broker/Windermere-Whatcom
s Pictured are the results of the District 42 state senate race in Blaine and Birch Bay precincts. Dark red indicates that 60 percent or more citizens voted in favor of the Republican candidate Doug Ericksen, while light red indicates 50-59 percent voted in favor of the candidate. Dark blue indicates that 60 percent or more residents voted in favor of either Pinky Vargas or Tim Ballew II, both Democratic candidates, while light blue indicates 50-59 percent voted in favor of Vargas or Ballew. Illustration by Doug De Visser
Election ... From page 1
Running for position 2, Vincent Buys (R) received 56 percent (4,006) of the local vote, while Sharon Shewmake (D) received 44 percent of the vote (3,219). Countywide, 48 percent (19,706) of residents voted Republican, while 52 percent (21,530) voted Democratic in the
legislative race. Buys and Shewmake will compete in the general election. In Washington state, 40 percent of registered voters turned out for the primary election; in Whatcom County, the turnout was 45 percent. The Whatcom County Auditor’s Office had counted 62,233 ballots at press time and had an estimated 227 left to count. The election results will be certified on Tuesday, August 21.
School district awarded $131,400 By Oliver Lazenby Whatcom County Council voted to provide the Blaine school district with $131,400 in behavioral health services for the upcoming school year at an August 8 county council meeting. Whatcom County’s behavioral health program fund provides all seven school districts in the county with money for behavioral health services. The Blaine school district will use the money for the following: $73,272 to continue funding an intervention/prevention specialist and a mental health
counselor. $37,970 for subcontracted services that could include drug, alcohol and psychological evaluations, case management, community presentations, and parent and staff trainings. $10,558 for program supplies, training and travel. $9,600 for stipends for members of the district’s behavioral health care team. The money approved on August 8 is part of a four-year contract that requires new funds to be approved annually. Whatcom County’s behavioral health fund is supported by local sales taxes.
Resort names new executive chef Semiahmoo Resort, Golf and Spa named Devin Kellogg its new executive chef on August 10. Kellogg has more than 20 years of experience working in the hospitality industry and started as an executive sous chef for the resort in 2017, according to a press release. He is an official delegate for the Slow Food Terra Madre Convention in Turin, Italy, which occurs every two years. “His focus is on farm-fresh, seasonal and local ingredient-driven menus,” read the press release. “He prides himself on creativity, efficiency and a very strong work
ethic, which he uses to lead his team to success.” A representative of the resort said Kellogg replaced Bruno Feldeisen who decided to pursue other opportunities related to his recent celebrity appearances. Most recently, Feldeisen was a judge on The Great Canadian Baking Show, which premiered in November on CBC. “Chef Bruno has been an integral part of the Semiahmoo team, and the resort is grateful for all of the contributions he made during his time at the property,” the representative said in an email.
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The Northern Light • August 16 - 22, 2018
Family-owned farm opens in Birch Bay
Story and photos by Mathew Roland
FOR TWO $ 50
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s Blueberry and currant plants sit in rows at the Home Farm in Birch Bay. A new farm has taken root in Birch Bay called Home Farm UPick & Events. The family-owned and operated farm is offering the public a new source of fresh, all-natural produce. Located on 25 acres at 8020 Kickerville Road, Home Farm is owned and operated by husband and wife Daniel Beurdick and Bridgette DiMonda with help from their seven-year-old daughter, Chloé Beurdick. The idea to start a farm began
in 2016 when Daniel, who is currently a serviceman for Puget Sound Energy (PSE), applied for a job opening in Whatcom County. The family of three moved 95 miles north from Monroe to Birch Bay in 2017 to opt out of a larger city and transition into traditional farming lifestyle. Daniel grew up working on a farm in Connecticut, so moving to Birch Bay was a return to his roots. “I’ve always liked growing things,” he said. “I’m amazed at
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s Above from l.: Bridgette DiMonda and Chloé Beurdick.
FRIDAYS! FOOD, SPIRITS & FUN! August & September • Fridays 6-9pm
The Prozac Mtn Boys August 17 Combine bluegrass instrumentation with rich vocal harmonies to create a surprisingly familiar, intimate blend of yesterday and today.
Fall Family Fun Thru September! 6140 Meridian, Lynden, WA 360-318-7720 •
Water Wisely Schedule
Even-Numbered Addresses
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Now through Sept. 15
how things can start so tiny and just grow up into something and then you get a reward out of it.” Daniel’s farming skills and Bridgette’s background in real estate marketing made for the perfect combination to form Home Farm’s brand on social media. Formerly a golf driving range, converting the land into a functional farm was not easy. Daniel, Bridgette and Chloé lived in their 34-foot camper on the property for 11 months while they renovated the home and prepped the land. They hauled out 15,000 pounds of scrap metal, 10,000 pounds of trash and donated 1,200 golf clubs left on the property. In October 2017, the family started planting. Support from surrounding neighbors and community members helped Home Farm grow. Lenny Sund, who works for a subcontractor of PSE, stepped up to support Home Farm by lending tractors and rotary tillers. “We still try and help each other,” he said. “If my neighbor breaks down, he calls to borrow something. If I break down, I borrow something from him. I want to see them succeed. It’s just nice to see the land is being used for growing something.” Early on, the family wanted to start a berry farm but quickly decided to create an all-crop farm, with the goal of supplying the surrounding community with fresh produce. Currently the farm yields approximately 6,000 strawberries of four different varieties, 2,000 raspberries of four different varieties, 1,200 blueberries of four different varieties and contains 100 red current plants and 100 black current plants and three acres of sweet corn. The farm also has 2 acres of pumpkin, 1 acre of green beans and peas, half an acre of pickling cucumbers and a couple of (Continued on next page)
Odd-Numbered Addresses
Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Saturday
s Daniel Beurdick.
August 16 - 22, 2018 •
Truckloads of FUN at the 3RD ANNUAL
ROADEO Friday, August 17
lot behind the 1-3 pm Parking Blaine Library
610 3rd St.
FREE Fun for kids of all ages!
s Chloé and Daniel Beurdick peer into a flow hive. The innovative hive allows for the collection of honey without disturbing the bees. (Continued from previous page) rows of sunflowers in addition to approximately 22 beehives and 50 chickens. “Our whole model is come to us, come and experience farming, have fun! We have fun here and we want people to come and enjoy it,” DiMonda said. With all that is going on at the Home Farm, they have big plans
for the future. Residents and customers can expect future crops of potatoes, garlic, carrots, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes and honey. Other future plans include Saturday movie nights at the farm, an animal petting zoo with goats and sheep and an orchard of 40-50 fruit trees. Home Farm currently sells a variety of fresh fruits and vege-
tables at a stand located at 8020 Kickerville Road from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., seven days a week. Community members are also welcome to drop by for U-Pick pumpkins this October. To learn more, contact Home Farm at 425/239-9402 or hello@ You can also follow the Home Farm on Instagram @homefarm. birchbay.
• Photos on Construction Equipment • Operator Demonstrations • Interactive Exhibits • Special Prizes SPONSORED BY: City of Blaine Public Works • 360-332-8820
Summer Fun Park in the
Saturday, August 25
5-10 pm
Blaine Marine Park Playground
Fun for the Whole Family! Food Trucks Beer & Wine Garden Live Music OUTDOOR MOVIE AT DUSK: s Chloé Beurdick holds up a bucket containing fresh picked produce, including pickling cucumbers, green beans, blueberries and raspberries.
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CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & Visitor Information Center
The Northern Light • August 16 - 22, 2018
Two acts left in concert series Concerts featuring music and dance from Tibet and India are set to take place at Peace Arch State Park this month as part of the annual Peace Arch International Concert Series. Sponsored by the Washington State Parks Folk and Traditional Arts Program, the series features free, one-hour performances at 2 p.m. on Sundays. Here are details on the two final performances: Lharik Dhakpa and Tsering Dolker Both performers draw from experience training at the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts based in Dharamsala, India. On Sunday, August 19, they’ll perform song and dance, including Tashi Sholpa, a masked dance;
Dranyen Shapdo, a Tibetan lute dance; Nangma, central Tibetan classical music; and other traditional folk songs, according to a press release. Srivani Jade Ensemble Featuring founder Srivani Jade, the Srivani Jade Ensemble will perform north Indian music on Sunday, August 26, featuring a harmonium and a north Indian drum called a tabla. An esteemed performer, Jade is a recipient of a fellowship award from the Washington State Arts Commission, two folk arts master-apprentice grants and an artist support program residency from Jack Straw Productions, according to a press release. Learn more:
Free parking at state parks on August 25 B y S t e fa n i e D o n a h u e
s The Seattle Women’s Steel Pan Project performed at the international concert series in 2017. Photo courtesy of Deborah Fant
State park visitors do not need a Discover Pass to park on Saturday, August 25 in honor of the National Park System’s 102nd birthday. “The National Park Service is celebrating its birthday this year as ‘something new for 102,’” said Washington State Parks director Don Hoch in a press release. “We think that’s a great idea, and we encourage visitors to take advantage of the free day by visiting a park they’ve never been to before or by trying a new activity at a favorite park.” The Discover Pass provides daytime access for visitors who are visiting by car. Passes cost
Pet Care
$35 annually or $11.50 for a one-day visit. They’re required for day-use visitors who park on lands managed by state parks, department of fish and wildlife and department of natural resources. Free days only apply to state parks and not land managed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife or Department of Natural Resources. In addition to the day in August, Discover Passes are not required on Saturday, September 22 for National Public Lands Day; Sunday, November 11 for Veterans Day; and Friday, November 23 for Autumn free day. To learn more about the Discover Pass, visit discoverpass.
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Adopt a pet! PeaceHealth hires new facility dog at therapy center We’re looking for good homes!
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Now roaming the halls of the Grabow Therapy and Wellness Center in Bellingham is PeaceHealth’s latest hire – Tessy, a two-year-old Labrador and Golden Retriever mix. Joining Labrador and Golden Retriever mix Galice, the center’s other facility dog, Tessy serves patients of all ages and abilities individually, according to a press release. She is paired with physical therapist Diana Kurth. “She’s just a sweet, sweet dog,” Kurth said. “She’s very loving but also a little goofy at times. She balances friendliness and a high energy level with the ability to take a step back and chill when needed.” Tessy likes to play fetch and tug-of-war with patients who need to gain balance, core strength and leg strength. Kurth
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monitors each interaction to ensure it meets patients’ needs. According to the press release, patients with Parkinson’s disease, for example, can benefit by taking Tessy for a walk to practice larger steps on new terrain while patients who have suffered a stroke can practice brushing Tessy’s fur to regain motor abilities on either side of their body. “Perhaps Tessy’s most notable trait is that she’s very encouraging,” according to Kurth. Tessy was matched with Kurth through the nonprofit Canine Companions for Independence. Amy and Brett Esary sponsored Tessy, who went through extensive training and testing with Kurth prior to arriving at the center. Grabow Therapy and Wellness Center is located at 3217 Squalicum Parkway in Bellingham.
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s Tessy provides balance training.
Did you know? The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) opposes declawing cats except in rare cases when it is necessary for medical purposes, such as the removal of cancerous tumors from cats’ nail beds. The HSUS advises that it’s perfectly natural for cats to scratch, which they typically begin doing as eight-week-old kittens, and that declawing may contribute to problems that are more serious than shredded furniture. Rather than planning to declaw their cats, pet owners can begin training kittens to use scratching posts and trim their nails when cats begin scratch-
Courtesy of PeaceHealth
ing. The HSUS notes that declawing can produce some very negative side effects for cats, including pain in the paw, infection, lameness, and back pain. When cat’s claws are removed, this can change the way their feet meet the ground, resulting in the same painful feelings that human beings may feel when wearing uncomfortable footwear. In addition, improperly removed claws may begin to grow back. Declawing also may contribute to nerve damage and result in the formation of potentially painful bone spurs. The HSUS also notes that some newly declawed cats begin to bite as a defense mechanism, putting themselves and anyone they encounter in danger.
August 16 - 22, 2018 •
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The Northern Light • August 16 - 22, 2018
Real Estate
8 decades of combined experience with Blaine & Birch Bay Real Estate
12-2 N U NS OPE
8146 Skeena Way $125,000
3470 Mountain View Rd. Rare Beaver Pond home with site/ $547,500 plan work done, ready to build. ADA
Call me to list or buy a home!
8365 Shoreline Ct. $225,000
Views, Views! 2252 SF upgraded farm home. On 6” slab, dry, siding, electrical, extra suite, 968 SF+ shop w/ floor Enjoy Birch Bay living in this spa- engineering for hoists, 1170 SF metal cious 2-BD, 1.75-BA on a cul-de-sac building with high ceilings for RV & with Peek-a-boo views of the Bay. boats & 468 SF carport, 9000 SF +/barn. New roofs / warranties. MLS 1252376
Suzanne Dougan
compliant, one-level home with no steps, 14’ ceilings living rm, 9 ft. rest of the home. Coffered ceilings in master with en-suite. Exposed beams, 8’ doors. Dbl-sided nat gas slate FP. MLS #1310652
Semiahmoo’s most sought after fairway neighborhood, Royal Troon, a stunning craftsman home. Built by Lindbloom, traditional features and custom design. Light flows through floor-to-ceiling windows with exposed cedar. Beautiful open design gourmet kit, lush living room. Spa-like ensuite! MLS #1268464
Cole Markusen
COMMUNITY WALK TO BEACH! Jairo “JB” Batres • (360) 306-9029 BEACH ACCESS! 8737 Charel Dr. - Semiahmoo $849,000 EXPANSIVE
WATER VIEWS! Stunning home, elegance & beach living. Views of Semiahmoo GOOD AS IT GETS! Bay & White Rock B.C. Main flr master, Chef’s kit, dining & living all designed for entertaining. Huge deck, media room, bonus room.
Linda Coyne 360-510-7670 XXXX Birch Bay Drive • $ 218,000
2072 SF, 2-BD, 2.5-BA, +508 SF finished basement/bonus space. Quality finishes: 9’ ceilings, quartz, eng hrdwd, Italian cabs, high efficiency HW & FURNACE. Bonus space. Master ste w/views, sunsets, and more!
GREAT BUILDABLE LOT! Perfect for your 2-story dream home which promises you an unobstructed view of the Bay. Located across the street from the beach with public access less than a block away, All utilities in the street. Come with your plans and enjoy all that Birch Bay has to offer.
Ruth Skeete • (360) 358-5075
JACOB’S LANDING on Birch Bay. 2-BD, 1 1/2-BA condo. Walk the beach, go crabbing, boating golfing! Recent updates, high ceilings and wall-to-wall view of Mount Baker! Indoor pool, racket ball court, outdoor tennis courts. Weekend retreat or full-time living! Close to Canadian border and I-5!
(360) 815-6638
for entertaining! Main floor living, master retreat, 2 ensuite bdrms. Lower w/wine cellar, 2nd master, game rm, indoor pool/spa. Home office/art studio or guest wing. Partial Seller financing available!
Heather Taylor • (425) 785-5771
UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Completion October 2018!
Linda Kiens (360) 815-6640
Hugh Brawford
On Kickerville at Headwaters on Terrell Creek
Possible WETLAND Mitigation Property
Some residential zoning, currently in open space, also in CREPS program. Earning roughly $3,000 per year. Owner contract is possible at 20% down, 6.5% 30 year Amortization. Wetlands credit transfer? Recreational? May be eligible for 503 use.
If you want your property
call Hugh! Semiahmoo Marina Slips for your yacht! $19,500 and up
BIRCH BAY ESCAPE! Remodeled 2-BD, 1.5-BA, upper level unit within 200 feet of beach w/ Birch Bay view! Great getaway or investment/rental property. Upgraded: lush carpets, new maple cabs, & granite, island and so much more.
Terry Conway • (360) 410-0503 5014 Alder Drive, Birch Bay • $ 215,000
WHIMSICAL LOG BEACH CABIN! Steps away from shores of Birch Bay. Log interiors, hardwood flooring, bead board paneling, floor to ceiling brick fireplace lends cozy, vintage feel inside. Mature landscape offers a park-like enjoyment of the spacious private lot.
Jeremy Porter • (360) 306-1794 4753 Tidal Way, Unit 103D, Birch Bay $289,900 THE TIDES AT BIRCH BAY!
New Craftsman-style cottage condos on 11 acres of hillside above bay. Over 1100 SF, with granite, rock gas FPs, SS, 2-BD, 1.75-BA, bonus loft & office/den +back deck overlooking Birch Creek.
I BUY HOMES FAST FOR CASH no matter the condition. Local, friendly and fair.
Tonia Thrift • (360) 595-3257
Rentals - Residential
HOUSE-FOR-RENT 3-BD, 2-BA Newer home in Blaine, very private. No smoking or pets, new flooring, all appliances $1,495/mo. www.nuwworld. com 360-332-7435.
Rentals - Rooms
Information subject to change.
Call with any questions.
Ben Affolter
Call Hugh -360.371.5800 It’s a great time to buy a boat, ask me about marina slips!
SPACIOUS! Large home in excellent condition. Lots of NEW LISTING! updates. New furnaces, A/C, updated baths with tile shower, deck, ext paint, closet organizers. Hrdwd floors re-finished 2 years ago. Roof 5 years new. Get in and see for yourself.
28 years experience.
Randy Weg
7806 Birch Bay Dr. #110 – Jacobs Landing $239,000
8128 Kayak Way, Birch Bay Village $ 525,000
at Semiahmoo OPEN HOUSE SUN 1-3
Amy Bremer • (360) 961-0620
2-BD, 1.5-BA home w/wrap-around ocean view deck. 2 RV spaces / hookups, ins gar/shop w/10’ door & storage. 2nd outbuilding for RV; AND 1-bdrm CASITA on top w/views. Separate building lot w/OCEAN VIEW! MLS #1295254
MOVE-IN READY Perfect single level home in Baycrest community. Minutes from beaches of Birch Bay. 3-BD, 2-BA, all appliances and furniture stay! 20 minutes from Bellingham, minutes from the US/CA border.
8105 Birch Bay Square St. - Blaine, WA 98230
7806 Birch Bay Dr. #808 MLS #1314860 $179,500
Lisa Sprague
7514 Seashell Way • $ 295,000
2920 SF, 2-car garage & Casita 8778 Clubhouse Pt. • $799,500
2-BD, 2.5-BA top flr luxury residence, newest Marin building. Private waterfront balconies, elevator service, secured garage. Minutes from border. craftsmanship finishes. MLS #1243288
Carl W. R. Dufton • (360) 815-6637 Christy Imperio • (360) 201-4100 9086 Pintail Loop, Semiahmoo Area $1,388,000 WATERFRONT OASIS! Built
6910 Pemberton Place $679,000
9535 Semiahmoo Pkwy #301 $898,800
Luxury single story townhomes on Semiahmoo’s emerald first fairway!
8045 Birch Bay Dr., Blaine, WA (360) 371-7252
CeCelia Breivik 360-303-8161 4729 Tidal Way - 101 & 102-J, Birch Bay $329,000 ALMOST
COMPLETED! Craftsman-style cottage condo. Quartz counters, fireplace, tile, SS appls, decorator blinds, designer NEW CONSTRUCTION fixtures! Amenities: pool, spa tub, club house. Great location!
Laura Marshall
8788 Charel Dr. Charel Terrace N/hood $ 528,000 SPECTACULAR WATERVIEW!
SF, 2-BD, 1-BA park model, 180 day corner lot. Closed-in carport w/covered access. Amenities: pool, hot tub, weight room & tennis courts. Minutes from Birch Bay sandy beaches.
I have more buyers looking for land and homes in Ferndale, Blaine and Birch Bay. Why wait? Buyers are looking NOW! Please call me for a copy of my “Listing Plan of Action”. We will sell your property for the highest price possible, in the least amount of time. 4751 Birch Bay Lynden Road #45 $ 103,000 LATITUDE 49! Adorable 398
8616 Great Horned Owl 3745 Sinclair • Ferndale $829,000
Brian Southwick
Billy Brown
Birch Bay Village BUILDERS/BUYERS!
This one is pending but there are others.
8105 Birch Bay Square • I-5 Exit 270 • Blaine
8083 Davit Court ~ $268,000 Single level Rambler on quiet Cul-de-sac with sidewalks. Vaulted ceilings, master suite, new hardwood flooring. Fenced sunny back yard with patio. Double attached garage. Minutes to the beach in established popular Birch Bay Community. MLS# 1341838
Mike Kent 360-815-3898
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August 16 - 22, 2018 •
. . T . X IN E N EK August 23 edition WE
Back to School! Special pull-out section to keep all year.
Features Blaine School District bus schedules, school calendar, and messages from the principals and superintendent.
Ad deadline Monday, August 20. To advertise call: 360-332-1777 or email:
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OBITUARIES Duane Sammons
December 30, 1936 – July 30, 2018 Duane Sammons, age 81, died peacefully in his sleep on July 30, 2018. Born in Omaha, Nebraska on December 30, 1936, he and his family moved to Seattle when he was a small child. He spent most of his life in Whatcom County as a professional musician, karate master, business owner, and civic leader. He had a musical career spanning six decades. He started playing the drums in junior high, continued through high school, and, in 1959, began drumming professionally in Seattle with the Larry Duran Trio and later with the Gary Dahl Trio through the late 1960s. When he moved to Bellingham, he became a member of Ken Colvin’s bands and The Skippers. In 1983, he joined the Bathtub Gin Party Band, which participated in jazz festivals across the Northwest and California, and toured in Japan. They even appeared in an episode of the TV show Northern Exposure. He started his karate career in Seattle with the YMCA and, by 1968, he had attained his black belt in Goju Ryu karate. He opened his own dojo when he moved to Bellingham and, in 1972, he bought the church building on the corner of High and Maple Streets, where he opened the Bellingham Academy of Self Defense. He was the head instructor there until 2010 when he retired. In 2002, he was awarded his 7th degree black belt. He also had black belts in Iaido, Kendo, and Jujitsu. He graduated from the University of Washington in 1960 and was honorably discharged from the Washington National Guard in 1962. Then he began his lifelong career in the insurance business. He started as a claims adjuster for CNA, then became a Safeco Insurance representative in the late 1960s. He joined Daw and Daw Insurance when he moved to Bellingham as an independent insurance agent and, in 1978, he opened his own business, Whatcom Insurance Center, buying Blaine Insurance the following year. Community service was a big part of his life. He joined the Bellingham Junior Chamber of Commerce, was a Blossom Time Grand Parade Chairman, a D.A.R.E. Association chairman, and served as Blaine Chamber of Commerce President for many terms. In 1976, he was a participant in the Bicentennial Wagon Train sendoff. He became chairman of D.A.R.E. Association in 1977. In 1981, he served as the Bellingham Chamber of Commerce president. One of his favorite assignments was as Chairman of the Ski to Sea Race (1979-1993). The Westside Record-Journal named him “Man of the Year” in 1990. He is survived by Ann Sammons, his wife of 37 years. He has two daughters Taylor Lynnde Sammons and Stacey Peter from a previous marriage. He has five grandchildren: Aubrey Kornelis, Kamron Sammons, Brad Philpott, Evan Philpott, and Donovan Peter. He has one grandson-in-law Jon Kornelis and great granddaughter Izabella Kornelis. A son, Mark, predeceased him. There will be a Celebration of Life at the Bellingham Elks Club #194, 710 Samish Way, on August 19 from 2 to 4 p.m. Donations to the Alzheimer’s Society of Washington, 1301 Fraser St. Bellingham, WA 98229 would be appreciated. To share your memories of Duane, please visit
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Renita Lea Cunningham
January 18, 1955 - July 30, 2018 Renita went to be with the Lord on July 30, 2018 while surrounded by her family. She was born in Butte, MT to Robert and Olivia Busch. Renita loved to dance, sing, and laugh. One of her strongest characteristics was compassion. She had a heart for those in need, especially children. She enjoyed traveling and making friends all over the world. She loved the beach, sun, animals, and collecting rocks. She was an avid reader and had a thirst for knowledge. Throughout her life she had a deep love and respect for Native American people and their culture. She spent countless hours researching their beliefs, history, and lifestyles. Some of her accomplishments included modeling, painting, sketching, and becoming a published author and poet. Renita has three biological children, two adopted children, and several foster children. She was preceded in death by her husband, Mark Cunningham, and is survived by her five children, Bryce Seneca, Olivia Karling, Raina Lenton, Rory Busch and Ryan Busch, thirteen grandchildren, three brothers, and one sister. A celebration of life was held for her on Saturday, August 11 at Christ Community Church.
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The Northern Light • August 16 - 22, 2018
Coming up
Live Music at Bay Breeze: Friday, August 17, 5–8 p.m., Bay Breeze Restaurant & Bar, 7829 Birch Bay Drive. Featuring Billy Shears upstairs on the patio. Info: 360/922-7902.
ACROSS 1. One-time money in Spain 8. “Got _ __ of one” 13. Set a framework for 14. Cover with drops of water 15. One who does something for a living 19. Germanium 20. An enclosure for confining livestock 21. Locks a door 22. Buddy 23. Supplement with difficulty 24. Not moving 25. Islamic unit of weight 26. Warmers 30. Hindu queen 31. Border river near Bosnia and Herzegovina
Weather Courtesy Birch Bay Water & Sewer Dist.
32. Analyzed 33. Caps 34. Pastime 35. Contrary belief 38. Walking devices 39. Accustom to something unpleasant 40. Singing methods 44. Shouts of farewell 45. Hand (Spanish) 46. Small constellation 47. Cardinals are this 48. Gives a hoot 49. Chatter incessantly 50. Thallium 51. Making very hot 55. Hours (Spanish) 57. Remove completely 58. Eyeglasses 59. Rubbed clean
Precipitation: During the period of August 6 to 12, no precipitation was recorded. The 2018 year-to-date precipitation is 19 inches.
1. Blues Traveler frontman 2. Found it! 3. Killed 4. A helper to Santa 5. Male fashion accessory 6. Autonomic nervous system 7. US Attorney General 8. Greek sophist 9. The world of the dead (Norse myth.) 10. Excessive and dangerous dose 11. One who receives a legacy 12. Brooded 16. Hindu warrior king 17. Used to anoint 18. One point east (clockwise) of due north 22. Connecting part of the brain stem 25. Most uncommon 27. Do-nothings 28. Emerge 29. Neat 30. Herb of tropical Asia 32. Reviews poorly 34. Waterproof overshoes 35. Fireplace floors 36. Surround 37. Regretted 38. One who whips 40. Ticket price 41. Calming 42. Citrus fruit 43. Drooped 45. An explorer’s necessity 48. Speak profanely 51. Pouch 52. A type of date (abbr.) 53. Away from 54. Large beer 56. Once more ANSWERS: THENORTHERNLIGHT.COM
Temperature: High for the past week was 91.6°F on August 9 with a low of 56.8°F on August 7. Average high was 84.6°F and average low was 58.8°F.
August 9, 8:50 a.m.: Non-reportable collision on 3rd Street. August 9, 11:04 a.m.: Animal complaints on Semiahmoo Parkway. August 9, 2:00 p.m.: Theft from a building on Semiahmoo Parkway. August 9, 12:00 p.m.: Agency assist on Skyline Drive. August 9, 4:00 p.m.: Assist agency on Stein Road. August 9, 5:49 p.m.: Physical control of vehicle/DUI on Runge Avenue. August 9, 9:00 p.m.: Third degree theft on Semiahmoo Parkway. August 9, 2:20 a.m.: Driving without a license on Peace Portal Drive. August 10, 10:42 a.m.: Harassment on Yew Avenue. August 10, 12:16 p.m.: Parking problem on Grant Avenue. August 10, 4:50 p.m.: Warrant served on H Street. August 10, 6:00 p.m.: Fraud on C Street.
Report by Blaine Police Department.
Farmtunes Presents Prozac Mountain Boys: Friday, August 17, 6-9 p.m., BelleWood Farms, 6140 Guide Meridian, Lynden. Info: 360/3187720. Live Music at The Vault: Friday, August 17, 7–9 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar, 277 G Street. Featuring Blues musician, Wes Mackey. EPIC Yard Sale: Saturday, August 18, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Birch Bay, 4815 Alderson Rd. All proceeds go to the The Bridge Community Hope Center. Info: 360/366-8763. Native Plant Walk: Saturday, August 18, 10 a.m., BP Heron Center, 7290 Birch Bay Drive. Dakota Creek Music Festival: Saturday, August 18, 3997 Hoier Road, Blaine. Camping, food, live music from 13 bands. $20 per person. Info: Birch Bay Library Community Input Session: Saturday, August 18, 3 p.m., Birch Bay Library property, 7968 Birch Bay Drive. Respond to some preliminary design concepts developed with community input thus far. Shuttle service available from the Birch Bay Chamber parking lot. Live Music at The Vault: Saturday, August 18, 7–9 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar, 277 G Street. Featuring Kaeli Earle Trio. Peace Arch Park Concert Series: Sunday, August 19, 2 p.m., Peace Arch State Park. Featuring Lharik Dhakpa and Tsering Dolker performing several styles of song and dance from across the Tibetan plateau. Loads of Love: Monday, August 20, 5:30-7:30 p.m., The Washhouse, 715 3rd Street, Blaine. Laundry costs covered. Live Music at The Vault: Friday, August 24, 7–9 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar, 277 G Street. Featuring Mike Bohnson. Beachwalker Training Session: Saturday, August 25, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Lions Camp Horizon, 7506 Gemini Street. Join the Coastal Observation Seabird Survey Team (COASST) Marine Debris program and help make a difference for the environment. Summer Fun in the Park: Saturday, August 25, 5–10 p.m., Blaine Marine Park playground. Fun for the whole family! Food trucks, beer and wine garden, live music. Outdoor movie Star Wars The Last Jedi at dusk. Live Music at The Vault: Saturday, August 25, 7–9 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar, 277 G Street. Featuring Mary Ellen Lykins and Craig Adams. Peace Arch Park Concert Series: Sunday, August 26, 2 p.m., Peace Arch State Park. Featuring Srivani Jade Ensemble playing soulful North Indian music featuring harmonium, tabla (a North Indian drum) and rich vocals. Hike to Lake Ann: Tuesday, August 28, 8 a.m., Birch Bay Activity Center. Enjoy up close, breathtaking views of Mount Shuksan’s west face. Bring a sack lunch and meet at the activity center for carpooling. Live Music at The Vault: Friday, August 31, 7–9 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar, 277 G Street. Featuring Marvin Johnson and friends. Women’s Football Clinic: Thursday, September 6, Blaine Senior Center, 763 G street. Pro football coach Larry Donovan is back for a fun presentation on the fundamentals of football. Info: blaineseniorcenter. com.
Police Reports August 7, 5:44 p.m.: Theft from vehicle on 2nd Street. August 7, 8:50 p.m.: Domestic violence verbal report on 3rd Street. August 7, 10:15 p.m.: Disorderly conduct on Peace Portal Drive. August 7, 11:50 p.m.: Trespass issued on Peace Portal Drive. August 7, 11:52 p.m.: Trespass issued on Peace Portal Drive. August 8, 12:50 a.m.: Suspicious circumstances on Martin Street. August 8, 2:00 a.m.: Park violation on Ludwick Avenue. August 8, 10:40 a.m.: Homelessness on Peace Portal Drive. August 8, 5:35 p.m.: Found property on H Street. August 8, 8:42 p.m.: Disturbance on Harrison Avenue. August 8, 10:00 p.m.: Telephone harassment on H Street. August 9, 3:25 a.m.: Suspicious circumstances on Birch Court. August 9, 3:53 a.m.: DUI alcohol/ traffic offense on 2nd Street. August 9, 5:35 p.m.: Property found on H street. August 9, 8:42 p.m.: Disturbance on Harrison Avenue.
Mammals of the Salish Sea: Friday, August 17, 6 p.m., Wildlife Theater, 7290 Birch Bay Drive. A presentation on the marine mammals of the Salish Sea.
Alaska Packers Cannery Museum: Friday-Sunday, 1-5 p.m., 9261 Semiahmoo Pkwy. No admission, donations are welcome. Open until September 30. Info: 360/371-3558. Birch Bay Activity Center Events: 7511 Gemini Street, Birch Bay. Pound Fit, pickleball, yoga, badminton, karate, ballroom dancing and total barre Basics. Days and times:
August 17 – 23 at Blaine. Not for navigation. 49° 0’ 0”N - 122° 46’ 0”W
Nar-anon Meetings: Mondays, 5:30-6:30 p.m., St. Luke’s Community Health Education Center, 3333 Squalicum Parkway, Bellingham. For anyone with an addicted loved one. Info: Wanda 360/224-6413.
11:26 am
10:55 pm
4:37 pm
AA Meetings: Monday and Friday, 7:30 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday, noon; Wednesday, 7 p.m. (women only); Saturday, 11 a.m., United Church of Christ, 885 4th Street, Blaine. Teen Tuesday: Tuesdays, 3–4:30 p.m., Blaine Library, 610 3rd Street. Meet your friends for fun at the library! Play games, make crafts, talk books. For middle and high school students. Info: 360/305-3637.
Sa 18 6:06 am
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Su 19 7:06 am
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Alzheimer/Dementia/Memory Loss Caregiver and Care Partners Support Group: First Tuesday of the month, 1:30–3 p.m., Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street, Blaine. Info: 360/671-3316. Al-Anon Meetings: Wednesdays, 1–2 p.m., Free Church Unitarian, 1218 Harrison, Blaine. Info: 360/332-6062.
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Th 23 2:53 am
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Karaoke at Paso: Fridays and Saturdays, 9 p.m.–1 a.m., Paso del Norte, 758 Peace Portal Drive. Info: 332-4045. Teen Nite: Saturdays, 5–9 p.m., Pizza Factory, 738 Peace Portal Drive. Kids ages 13–18 come enjoy open mic, karaoke and prizes. Free pizza at 5 p.m. Submissions to Coming Up should be sent to no later than noon on Monday.
August 16 - 22, 2018 •
Birch Bay Rollback Weekend The Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce hosted its annual Rollback Weekend on August 11 and 12. The event featured live music from The Replayzmentz, among other acts, a beer garden and car competitions.
s Car enthusiasts check out classic cars.
Photos by Mathew Roland
Bellingham Traverse September 15th
s Members of The Replayzmentz, Scott Kennedy, Dean Anderson, Mike Gallagher and Dave Tondi, play a variety of classic rock hits.
s The engine of a 1930s Ford.
s Classic fuzzy dice hang inside a 1964 Dune Buggy.
s Flames on a 1940 Ford.
The Northern Light • August 16 - 22, 2018
FOOD SPECIALS • I-5 Exit 260 • Ferndale, WA