June 6 - 12, 2019 • thenorthernlight.com
MARKETPLACE Announcements
Cards • Balloons • Party Supplies
PLUS great gifts! ’s
Bluetooth Ear Pods $17.99 Bluetooth Ear Buds $4.99
Dollar$ Plus
MORE Smiles Learning Center
Now Enrolling 1 month - 12 years old
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Bathrooms & Kitchens
Licensed Contractor DecksGeneral & Porches serving & Blaine SmallBirch Jobs Bay Welcome
Call today! 360-332-7135
NewBirch Construction Serving Bay & Blaine Additions & Remodels
360-201-3464 Decks & Porches
www.WhatcomHomeBuilder.com 360-201-3464 CallLicUs#ForDESIGBL934JL A Free Estimate Lic # DESIGBL934JL
Integrity Contracting N.W. LLC
28 Years Experience Licensed & bonded
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Since 1973
Ask about our Specials!
Kendall’s Tree Service ,LLC
Brick • Block • Stone
Residential, business, new construction & move-outs. Very Affordable. Call Lisa for a free estimate.
Licensed & Bonded
ERICK WIENS phone: (360) 332-6300
360-318-3345 360-371-0172
TEMPUR-PEDIC pressure relieving mattress. Deluxe queen with queen foundation and glide-away queen frames. Washable cover. Still under 20year limited warranty. Excellent condition. $300. 360-319-4577.
icnwllc@comcast.net 3 Year Guarantee on all work No Job Too Big or Small Free Estimates
A+ Cleaning Service
For Sale
WINDOW WASHING Residential and Commercial. Licensed, Insured, Experienced. Call Wade 360-384-8888.
Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Ron 360-739-5097
Mark St. Germaine
CLEANING SPECIAL. 4 hours for $120 (1st time only). Professional cleaning, we do it all. 360-527-0555. www.marthascleaning.com.
We Beat Any Price!
Remodels•& Commercial Additions Residential
Full-time and part-time preschool options.
Plus Newstands in: Bellingham • Ferndale Custer • Birch Bay Semiahmoo • Blaine
Licensed & Bonded
(360) 332 - 6300
Service/Construction Residential - Commercial Industrial
• Hardwood • Prefinished • Laminate
Licensed • Bonded • Insured HOTLIE*914J7
Landscape Clean Ups • Mowing • Pruning • Weeding Landscape Installation • Mulch • Gravel • Dirt • Dump Runs • Pressure Washing & More! *ELITELM817BB
Licensed • Bonded And InSured
Specializing in Renovations & New Construction Kitchens & Baths • Custom & Spec Homes Decks, Garages & Additions
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Chapter 18.27.100 of the Revised Code of Washington requires that all advertisements for construction services include the contractor’s registration number in the advertisement. To verify a contractor’s license, call the Dept. of Labor and Industry’s contractors registration at 1-800-647-0982.
InstallatIon & RefInIshIng
(360) 305-2592
completeremodels@yahoo.com www.completeremodels.net COMPLR*006PP
Help Wanted PART-TIME, EVENING work, Blaine, 2-3 hours/day, You choose 1, 2, or 3 days/week. More info at washroomwizard.com/work-with-us/ (360)714-8460.
8139 Guide Meridian • Lynden, WA
HintonMotors.com Celebrating 71 years of business with a tradition of trust since 1947. Your only locally owned and operated GM Dealer in Whatcom County with a non-commissioned sales staff.
Diehl Ford
1615 Iowa St. • Bellingham
dodgechryslerjeepofbellingham.com At Rairdon’s of Bellingham you’ll find a wide assortment of new and pre-owned vehicles, a professional service department, financial assistance and more.
Get listed here! Call 360-332-1777
2017 Ford Escape EW 2017 Ford F-150 XLT SuperCrew 5.5’ Box SE 4WD N
1820 James St. •Quality Bellingham Factory-Certified Parts & Service Dept.
Since 1908 Diehl Ford has been providing excellent customer sales and service. 360-734-2640 / Dealership 800-628-9331 Diehl Ford is proud to be known as the that does things the right way!
1820 James St. • Bellingham • I-5 Exit 254 DiehlFord.com
360-392-7000 • 800-628-9331
Since 1908WWW.DIEHLFORD.COM Diehl Ford has been providing excellent customer sales and service for new & used vechicles. Diehl Ford is proud to be known as the Dealership that does things the right way!
Stk# 7FC4030
• 4-Door • I-4 2.0 L/122
AUTO GLASS Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram of Bellingham
2017 Ford Focus S Sedan
Louis Auto Glass
BELLINGHAM 1512 N State St. • 360-734-3840 LYNDEN 407 19th St. • 360-354-3232 LouisAutoGlass.com Since 1929, Louis Auto Glass has been the leading auto & residential glass company serving Northwest Washington. The Adelstein family has owned & operated the company for four generations. Quality workmanship & customer satisfaction has remained as strong as ever.
VIN#:1FADP3E28HL231012 A Diehl You Can Count On
Stk# 7FT5223
Salary Range: $22.21 – $26.91 per hour. This position is non-benefited. VIN#: 1FMCU9G92HUD41619
• Sport Utility • 6-Speed Auto w/OD • Intercooled Turbo I-4 2.0 L/121
A Diehl You Can Count On
Stk# 7FT5240
• Crew Cab Pickup • 6-Speed Auto w/OD • Twin Turbo V-6 2.7 L/164
$13,280 Applications $24,582 are being
360-332-1777 sales@thenorthernlight.com Public Notices IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WHATCOM In the Matter of the Estate of: CAROLYN VIVIAN KYZER, Deceased. No. 18-400493-37 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The above Court has appointed Kevin D. Owens as Administrator of Decedent’s estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must present the claim: (a) Before the time when the claim would be barred by any applicable statute of limitations, and (b) In the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070: (i) By filing the original of the claim with the foregoing Court, and (ii) By serving on or mailing to me at the address below a copy of the claim. The claim must be presented by the later of: (a) Thirty (30) days after I served or mailed this Notice as provided in RCW 11.40.020(1)(c), or (b) Four (4) months after the date of first publication of this Notice. If the claim is not presented within this time period, the claim will be forever barred except as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective for claims against both the Decedent’s probate and non-probate assets. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE: May 23, 2019 HELIOS LAW GROUP, PLLC Dated: May 16, 2019 /s/ Jeffrey L. Smoot Jeffrey L. Smoot, WSBA #39335 HELIOS LAW GROUP, PLLC 1455 NW Leary Way, Ste 400 Seattle, WA 98107 T: 206.489.5350 F: 206.960.4139 E: frontdesk@helioslaw.net
Greg Kendall, Owner-Operator
Tree Trimming & Removal Chipping & Hauling, Tree Sales Stump Grinding - Bucket Trucks
Lic #2BROTB1945DA
PLUS, your ad appears ONLINE FOR FFREE at thenorthernlight.com/classifieds
28-Years Experience
OPEN: Mon-Fri 6am - 6pm
Birch Bay Square-Unit 116 • I-5, Exit 270
Delivered to every home in the 98230 zip code.
Child Care
25¢ for each additional word
8-23-18 replace wording..."Now enrolling for Fall. Full-time and part-time preschool options." (last ad 39763.pdf).
$16 for 15 words
A Diehl You Can Count On
$39,333 accepted for a part-time, non-benefited Office MSRP: $42,725 $7,735 The Office Specialist performs a Specialist in the City Clerk’sSavings: Office. variety of complex and diverse clerical and administrative functions to support the City Clerk and general City operations. Activities typically include document coordination, processing, and scanning, coordinating cemetery information requests and sales, updating the City website, and processing customer requests. This position will receive specialized training and possible certifications to fulfill support duties.
Interested persons should submit a cover letter, resume, qualifications checklist, supplemental questionnaire, City employment application, and any other materials listed on the job page to the City Clerk’s office. Job description and application can be found on the City’s website, www.ci.blaine.wa.us/. The job description and application can also be acquired at City Hall, 435 Martin Street, Suite 3000, Blaine, WA 98230, (360) 332-8311. Deadline for applying is 4:30pm, Friday, July 5, 2019. THE CITY OF BLAINE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WHATCOM In the matter of the Estate of LILEEN BURLESON, Deceased. No. 19-400264-37 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the deceased must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner provided by RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative’s Attorney at the address stated below, a copy of the claim, and filing the original of the claim with the Court in which the probated proceedings have commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the Personal Representative mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020 (1) (c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of this notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim will be forever barred except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 or 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the probate and nonprobate assets of the decedent. DATE OF FILING OF NOTICE TO CREDITORS WITH CLERK OF THE COURT: May 24, 2019 DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: May 30, 2019 PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: ALICE LAI HOW ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Mark W. Stowe, WSBA#16655 ADDRESS FOR MAILING OR SERVICE: Stowe Law PLLC, 276 Boundary Bay Road, P.O. Box 129, Point Roberts, WA 98281, Phone: (360) 945-0337 Email:stowelawpllc@outlook.com DATED this 24th day of May 2019. STOWE LAW PLLC: Mark W. Stowe, WSBA# 16655 Attorney for Personal Representative ALICE LAI HOW
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Blaine School District No. 503, Whatcom County, Washington (the “District”) will hold a public hearing during a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the District scheduled for June 24, 2019 starting at 7:00 p.m., Pacific Time, or as soon thereafter as possible in the District Office Board Room located at 765 H Street in Blaine, Washington, for the purpose of hearing comments from the public on the proposed issuance by the District of its Limited General Obligation Bond, 2019. The Bond is proposed to be issued in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $4,600,000 and will be payable over a maximum term of 6 years with the final payment to occur no later than December 1, 2024. The Bond proceeds will be used to pay costs of (i) all necessary planning, engineering and other consulting services, inspection and testing required for the construction and installation of new grandstands at Blaine High School, including the installation of any necessary appurtenances for safety of access to the grandstands, (ii) campus-wide improvements; (iii) other purposes authorized by RCW 28A.530.080, and (iv) and costs of issuance of the Bond. The Bond will be payable solely from money from the District’s Capital Projects Fund, General Fund and/or from other money legally available therefore, within the constitutional and statutory limitations provided by law without a vote of the electors of the District. Any person may appear and be heard on the issue of this Bond. Comments will be heard from all interested parties attending the hearing. Written comments prior to the hearing may be directed to Amber Porter, Executive Director of Finance and Operations, Blaine School District No. 503, Whatcom County, Washington, 765 H Street, Blaine, WA 98230.
Garage Sales BIG MOVING Sale. Sat. June 8, 10-5 and Sun. June 9, 10-4. 1167 Rene Court. Patio furniture, household goods, holiday, and more. No early birds. MOVING SALE Saturday June 6, from 8 am to 4 pm. No early birds. 8545 Semiahmoo Dr. Everything must go including furniture.
We get the word out! FOLLOW US ON facebook.com/thenorthernlight
The Northern Light • June 6 - 12, 2019
Real Estate
9598 Sherwood Dr. • $1,550,000 Unrivaled modern masterpiece in Blaine’s best kept secret - the exclusive, gated Sherwood Dr. Estates! Stunning pivot door entry, 12’ motorized glass door/wall, suspended floating stairs, polished concrete floors - all tucked away on 5.76 park-like acres. Unparalleled in every way w/ all spaces planned & executed perfectly, this custom home is truly beyond compare. MLS# 1446049
668 Parkview Place • $425,000 Water & mountain view property close to town nestled in a private cul-de-sac. All primary living on the main level: open concept kitchen/living/dining features slate & hardwood flooring, S/S appliances + Master suite w/ direct access to the expansive deck! 2 more bedrooms + bath & family room on lower level create an ideal floor plan. MLS# 1461185
Jen Freeman 360-815-0803
2736 Stein Hill Lane • $720,000 5-acre spectacular mountain view estate! Superior original custom construction + high end kitchen remodel features s/s appliances, slab granite, cherry cabinetry & opens to living/dining areas w/ new hardwood flooring. Main floor master w/ updated ensuite & private deck. Brand new home theatre + bonus room & den. Amazing landscaped grounds & stone paver patio. MLS# 1465182
8045 Birch Bay Dr. Blaine, WA
360-371-7252 Century21BayProperties.com 1239 Geneva Hills Road • Bellingham $574,900
GENEVA NEIGHBORHOOD! Craftsman home quietly tucked away in Geneva neighborhood. Brazilian Cherry hardwood flooring SOLD! throughout w/gourmet kitchen opens up into the main living area w/vaulted ceilings, gas FP, floor to ceiling windows. Finished basement w/4 additional BD, full BA & large great room w/ FP.
9495 Semiahmoo Parkway #A1F
BEACHFRONT! SEMIAHMOO GROUND FLOOR CORNER VILLA! Toes in the sand... take in the yachting, fishing activity, & more! This NW beach dream condo has it all; 2-BD, 2-BA. SOLD! The best Beachwalker waterfront location, private, views to the bay, the Strait, and mountains! 1270 +/- sq ft, w/upgrades. crown molding, SS appliances, designer flooring and gas fireplace.
WEST FACING WATER VIEW! Elegance & beach living combined to create the perfect oasis. Enjoy views from every angle. Main flr Master. Chef’s Kitchen, BEACH ACCESS Dining & Living all for entertaining. Lower level has HUGE media room, additional bonus, 2 guest beds and bath, 2nd deck, garden & fire pit.
CeCelia Breivik 360-303-8161
8636 Ashbury Ct. • Loomis Green
VACANT LAND! One of few remaining Loomis Trail golf course view lots ready to build. Enjoy a panoramic view of the golf course, clubhouse and Mt. Baker. Offering NEW LISTING! 209 feet access off sidewalked boulevard and 113 feet of golf course frontage.
8128 Kayak Way • Birch Bay Village
JUST A SHORT WALK TO THE B’HAM BAY WATERFRONT! 1/3 acre property offers abundant opportunities for a recreational getaway PRICE REDUCED! or permanent homestead. Mature natural landscape, wildlife abound, as this well-preserved property is a blank slate for you to envision and create your serene masterpiece.
Jeremy Porter • (360) 306-1794
328 Boblett St. • Blaine
HISTORIC HOME! 2-story Historic craftsman located in the Salishan Neighborhood. 4-BD, 1.-BA. Original hardwood floors, crown moldings, high ceilings, built in PENDED IN 1 DAY! book shelves. Lots of tender loving care from iowner for past 52 years. Master BR & den on main w/3-BD on upper level. Close to downtown.
Ruth Skeete • (360) 358-5075
8361 Semiahmoo Dr. • Semiahmoo $1,899,800
WATERFRONT VIEWS! Flawless Masterpiece! Just shy of an acre, private sanctuary; 3,419 sq. ft & spectacular 139’ of waterfront w/views of BEACH ACCESS! Bay, Canada & San Juan Islands. NW Asian design. Chef’s kitchen, expansive great room, open floor plan all on one level. You have arrived!
8365 Kickerville Road • Blaine
NEW LISTING! One of-a-kind custom built home & turnkey business opportunity! Shy of pvt wooded 10 HOME BUSINESS acres, convenient location to I-5 freeway. DOGGY DAYCARE! Owners have converted residence into popular/lucrative day care/boarding w/exterior fencing & doggy play town. Interior home boasts generous rooms w/beautiful refinished hardwood flrs.
Julie Ward • (760) 522-2564
Presale/Under Construction - September Completion 8783 Clubhouse Point Dr. $1,049,000 3935 Sq. ft. Paired fairway home with interior courtyard, no steps main level. All living main level of the home, 3 car garages, Great Views! See floor plans at www.clubhousepoint.com
4751 Birch Bay-Lynden Rd. #316 • Birch Bay • $139,900
Latitude 49, year-round living! Homesite located in premier location, on back row of development w/great sun exposure. Open floor plan with lots of windows & natural light. Home is a 2010 with Hardie siding & well kept inside. Plenty of amenities!
5544 Whitehorn Way • Birch Bay Build the home of your dreams on one of only a handful of unbuilt lots on the North side of Whitehorn Way! Parcel slopes gently to the North. Abundant natural light. Seller has plans, if you would like to view. Views of saltwater & snow capped mountains, San Juan islands. Located at the South end of Birch Bay, just minutes from restaurants & shops in Birch Bay’s active heart! It’s a gentle stroll to Birch Bay State Park, or Point Whitehorn Marine Reserve.
More features than we can list. Call for details
Linda Kiens 360.815.6640
Brian Southwick 360.815.6638
NEWLY UPDATED Remarkable 3520 SF, 5-BD, 3-BA home has it all! Excellent condition with everything being updated in the last 5 years. New furnaces, PRICE REDUCED! AC, updated bathrooms,huge deck, exterior paint, closet organizers thru entire home. Hardwood floors re-finished 2 years ago, cabinets done. Lots of room downstairs w/large bar area with tons of entertainment room.
8105 Birch Bay Square St. I-5 Exit 270
-3 P M SE HOUN. 12:30 N E P U O .&S SAT
Beautiful properties with numerous amenities.
Christy Imperio • (360) 201-4100
Carl W. R. Dufton • (360) 815-6637
Heather Taylor • (425) 785-5771
This large (1,792 SF) 2-BD PLUS den home features 2 full bathrooms, an open floor plan and a large kitchen with generous cupboard space. The master includes an ensuite with an oversized tub and separate shower. Private location and a nice sized lot! Enjoy all that Birch Bay Village has to offer: marina, beaches, golf, outdoor pool and 24-hour MLS# 1458486 manned security gate. MLS# 1464848
Visit us at: www.JenAndLeah.com
Terry Conway • (360) 410-0503
Amy Bremer • (360) 961-0620
9787 W. 31st Place • $625,000 What a find: charming farmhouse + shop on 5 acres! The tree lined approach sets the stage & the park like setting can’t be beat! 4 BD home features large bonus room, loft, new stainless appliances, vaulted ceilings, main floor master suite, covered outdoor entertaining space, 2 car attached garage + 3 bay shop. Don’t miss this rare opportunity.
Leah Crews 360-305-4747 8737 Charel Dr. • Semiahmoo Area
XXXX Bayshore Drive • Bellingham
8262 Skeena Way • $268,500
1 S U N. N E P O
7531 Morrison Avenue Birch Bay • $159,000
Located just off Birch Bay’s sandy beaches, with frontage on Terrell creek that flows into Birch Bay about a thousand feet away. Kayaking and crabbing from your own back yard. How cool is that? Nice back yard with plenty of privacy for the afternoon sun. Remodel and make it your own little custom getaway or just live the vacation. Plenty of parking.
BUILDING LOTS READY FOR YOUR NEW HOME. Almost 1 acre just on the edge of town. Septic design with permit, wetlands report, and DNR assessment included, city water available. $110,000 – MLS# 1376575 Two mountain and water view building lots with water and sewer available to property line. $89,900 EACH. MLS#1454555 and MLS# 1456391
Billy Brown 360-220-7175 billybrown@windermere.com
SEE WHAT’S COMING UP! See page 15.
Rentals - Rooms
Call Hugh -360.371.5800 Hugh Brawford
29+ years of success assisting buyers & sellers!
21 ACRES on Kickerville at Headwaters on Terrell Creek
Owner contract is possible at 20% down, 6.5% 30 year Amortization Some residential zoning, currently in open space. Wet lands credit transfer? Recreational? Possible conservation easement opportunity. Great tax advantage. Call Hugh for the rest of the story.
Semiahmoo Marina boat slips AVAILABLE!
8105 Birch Bay Square St. - Blaine, WA 98230
4751 Birch Bay-Lynden Rd. • Birch Bay
Unit #193
MINT CONDITION! Truly a rare-find, used occasionally for weekends, well cared for, pride of ownership 365 day manufactured doublewide in gated community of Latitude 49. Close to pool, tennis, pickle ball courts, exercise room along with great neighbors. Don’t miss this opportunity, gated community, short walk to the beach & close to I-5 Canadian border.
9 Morrison Ave. • Birch Bay AFFORDABLE WATERFRONT in the heart of Birch Bay. Rare opportunity within a short walk to the beach and C Shop. Buy now and build your weekend getaway or full time home when the time permits. Water, sewer, power available in street. Enjoy all that Birch Bay has to offer. Spend your days crabbing, boating, and strolling the beach at low tide. Buyer to verify all information.
Rentals - Commercial
NELSON BUILDING 925 Ludwick Ave., Blaine
Leasing for Warehousing/Trucking. Have an 18,000 SF Fenced & Paved Yard Available Now for Vehicle Storage.
Don Nelson 360-332-2743 Email nelsbldg@msn.com Classifieds Work!!
9535 Semiahmoo Pkwy B301, Blaine • $868,000 Listing your property? Call Lisa for a Market Evaluation
Lisa Sprague Owner/Agent
Find it, Sell it, Buy it, Rent it IN THE
All estate/rentals advertisAll real real estate/rentals advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap familial status or national origin, or an intention make any suchispreference, ing in thistonewspaper subject limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal basis.Fair To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-877-0246. toopportunity the Federal Housing Act of 1968 as amended, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in vi-
Classifieds are online at thenorthernlight.com/classifieds