The Northern Light: January 13-19, 2022

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January 13 - 19, 2022 •


Individual assistance on the way for Whatcom County residents impacted by the November flooding By Grace McCarthy President Joe Biden accepted governor Jay Inslee’s request to declare the November 2021 flooding a major disaster in Washington state on January 5, which will soon bring individual assistance to those impacted by the historic flooding. Federal assistance will be used in combination with local assistance for recovery efforts such as temporary housing, housing repairs and low-cost loans for un-

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city. The city decided to include neighboring property, 2221 Cedarwood Lane, in the annexation request because the Cedarwood Lane property owner had entered a utility agreement in 2002 that gave the city authority to annex it. The annexation request was first brought before council last January but was delayed due to procedural irregularities in the proposal. City council voted unanimously 6-0, with Davidson absent, to continue the annexation process for the properties. The next step will be for the properties to go to the Whatcom County boundary review board, which can either

insured property loss, according to the White House’s announcement on the declaration. Whatcom County Sheriff Bill Elfo said in a statement that the sheriff’s office division of emergency management will work with FEMA and the state to create a local disaster field office in the next few weeks. People impacted by the November flooding will need to register with FEMA, which will schedule time to inspect each home and business. The sheriff’s accept or deny the annexation request. Council voted unanimously to finance the estimated $6 million east Blaine sewer project to obtain a loan from Holman Capital. The interest rate would be 3.1 percent for the loan over 10 years, meaning total interest paid over 10 years would be $821,382, according to city documents. City finance director Daniel Heverling recommended council seek this option because it was flexible and saved paperwork and time for city staff. Council voted 3-2, with Steward abstaining and Davidson absent, to resume only virtual council meetings starting at the next meeting. Hill and Lopez were in favor of continuing hybrid meetings.

office notes that FEMA inspectors will wear their badge, so residents should be wary of individuals claiming to be inspectors without identification. The Whatcom County sheriff’s office division of emergency management said in the statement the November 2021 flooding created the worst natural disaster since Whatcom County’s incorporation in 1864. After the state finished assessing and collecting damages, Inslee sent a request to Biden on Decem-

ber 17 to declare a major disaster for severe flooding, winter storms, high winds, landslides and mudslides between November 5, 2021 and December 2, 2021. Biden declared major disaster areas in Whatcom, Skagit and Clallam counties as well as the Lummi Nation, Nooksack Indian Tribe and Quileute Tribe reservations. The state may request more federal help if additional damage is found. “This Individual Assistance Declaration is a major step for-

ward in helping our communities recover from the floods,” Elfo said. People can register for assistance at disasterassistance. gov, by calling 800/621-3362 or people with hearing and speech impairments can call 800/4627585. For information specific to Whatcom County, people can call the Whatcom County sheriff’s office division of emergency at 360/676-6681. To view the White House’s announcement on the disaster declaration, visit

s Blaine City Council at council chambers during its January 10 meeting. The new councilmembers in attendance were Kerena Higgins, Rhyan Lopez and Mike Hill. Photo by Grace McCarthy

Happy New Year and thank you for your business!

8941 Dearborn Ave. $1,450,000

9416 Turnstone Ln. #25 $1,165,000

8139 Kayak Way $600,000

8112 Birch Bay Dr. #3 $454,000

8257 Salish Ln. $302,500

4767 Alderson Rd. $290,000

Matt Berry BROKER


7553 Birch Bay Dr. $885,000

4108 Saltspring Dr. $852,600

2855 Whitewood Dr. $701,000

2762 Peace Portal Dr. #124 4751 Birch Bay Lynden Rd. #226 9540 Semiahmoo Pkwy #D12 $166,500 $155,000 $66,900

6885 Holeman Ave. $345,000

0 Coquitlam Dr. $217,500

It really has been a “Year to Remember.” Between the pandemic, border closure, housing shortage, and flooding, we have all been kept busy one way or another. In the coming year, let’s all keep healthy, stay dry, and help each other when called upon. Please see this selection of properties we had the honor of selling in 2021.

8780 Depot Rd. #213 $295,000

Gerry Allen BROKER


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