2 minute read
Robert Bruce Williams
December 12, 1932 – April 1, 2023

Always one to toast with his favorite wine and tell humorous stories, Robert Bruce (RB/ Bob) Williams passed on a fitting day – April 1, 2023 – both April Fools’ Day and the first day of Washington Wine Month. Surrounded by his children and loving family, his final days were filled with laughter and love and shared memories from his 90 years.
The oldest of three, RB was a fourth generation Seattle resident. He married his life love, Marcia Kast Williams, and they shared 44 years of a loving marriage, making their home on Mercer Island, WA and taking many trips to Palm Springs and Vancouver, BC and dinners out to celebrate life and love. They have three children, Bruce (Marcia), Mark (Carrie York) and Allison Trull (Paul); five grandchildren, Rob (Rachael), Jim (Kelly), Amanda, Braden and Elisabeth; and three great-grandchildren, Emaline, Charlie and Paul. RB always delighted in his family, eager to hear of their adventures and laughing at the antics of the grands and great grands.
After Marcia’s death, RB married Elizabeth Tross-Deamer and welcomed her two children, Leslie and William Deamer to the family. After his retirement they moved to Semiahmoo, where they enjoyed golfing, walking and traveling, and visited many wineries during their 24 years of marriage.
For the past two years he lived with Allison and Paul, who together with amazing caregiver MarySymon Mbuguh encouraged RB’s love of life through experiences such as walks in the neighborhood and parks to see flowers and animals, and car rides out for coffee and fish and chips. He was able to spend time with his children and grands, sharing Disney movies, stories, wine and golf. He passed as he wanted to - at home with tender love and compassionate care and his family.
The Whatcom Hospice Foundation will hold free bereavement support groups in Blaine for people who have recently lost a loved one.
The sessions will be held monthly 1-2:30 p.m. on the Thursdays of April 20, May 18 and June 15 at Blaine United Church of Christ, 885 4th Street. Attendees may participate in one or all sessions.
The April class is “Grief in my body: Why can’t I sleep? Eat? Move,” the May class is “Grief in my heart: How do I love with a broken heart?” and the June class is “Grief in my head: Am I crazy or do I have dementia?”
“Our groups are both educational and supportive,” said Michelle Walsh, bereavement coordinator of Whatcom Hospice. “We provide support and education on different aspects of grief.”
Typical group sizes are about 10 people and attendees are able to receive support through sharing, if they choose, and con - necting with others, Walsh said. Registration is required for each session. To register or for more information, call 360/7335877 or email whatcomhospicegrief@peacehealth.org
In addition to the grief support in Blaine, Whatcom Hospice is hosting several support groups remotely and in Bellingham. More information on Whatcom Hospice Bereavement Services can be found at whatcomhospice.org/grief-support-groups
Always dedicated to work, RB was vice president and CPA for Rossoe Oil and Heat for more than 50 years, retiring when he was 80. He was a captain in the Army Reserves and was trained as a spy. He was the first in his family to graduate from University of Washington.
If you know RB, you remember his twinkling eyes and loyalty, and his love for flowers and great wine. As he asked, the family has held a celebration of his life and they hope you, too, will raise a glass to toast him or think of him when you’re in a park and seeing beautiful flowers, or laughing at a joke. Cheers to a life welllived, RB. We love you dearly and miss you and are forever grateful for you.