Back to School

Local artists to showcase talent in the Wave studio tours
B y M adisun T o B isch
The Wave studio art tour descends on the Blaine area from Friday, August 25 to Sunday, August 27, with local artists ready to showcase their talents.
The Blaine Arts Council (BAC) kicks off its event at the Blaine Harbor Boating Center Friday, 6-9 p.m., with an opening night gala including a silent auction, wine pull, appetizers and drinks. Tickets are available on the BAC website with a discount for members.

Saturday and Sunday offer an opportunity to tour artists’ home studios in Blaine and Birch Bay. Several artists will be in free pop-up galleries at the Blaine Community Center Pavilion, at 635 8th Street, and the boating center. Artists working with oils, acrylic, metal, sculpture and various other media will be ready to talk and tour with studio visitors from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on both days, according to the BAC website.
Suzanne Steel, a professional artist specializing in photography and watercolors, participated in the art studio tour last year before the BAC was created with the goal of bringing more attention to art in the community. This year, she is excited to offer the public a glimpse into her 40 years as an artist by welcoming them to her Birch Bay home.
“There’s never perfection. You’re always striving to put a piece of your soul and heart into the production,” she said, adding that she hopes the turnout of this weekend’s event celebrates the hard work she and other artists put into their passion.
She also hopes to part ways with some of the collection in her self-described
(See Art tours, page 15)
Crab season opens, page 4
Library supporters bring jazzy tunes to PAC

Upgraded burn ban prohibits all open burning
A dry summer has led to the Whatcom County Fire Marshal’s Office upgrading the burn ban to a stage two ban, which prohibits all open burning in unincorporated county areas.
The fire marshal’s office issued the burn ban on August 16 to prohibit all outdoor burning, including recreational, yard debris and land clearing fires. The county burn ban coincides with statewide burn bans on lands managed by the Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Forest Service.
The fire marshal’s office will continue allowing propane fire pits without solid wood-burning material as well as propane and charcoal barbecues. Charcoal and ash must be discarded in a metal container and put out with water. The container needs to
remain 10 feet from structures or vegetation for 72 hours.

The fire marshal’s office does not allow wood-burning fire pits, charcoal pits or similar enclosures with grates or screens. Liquid gas-fired stoves or barbecues, or charcoal barbecues, on private properties need to be over a nonflammable surface and at least five feet from vegetation or structures.
Burn ban violations carry a $250 minimum fine. Illegal fires that escape can result in additional fines and criminal charges.
The fire marshal’s office issued the stage one burn ban in early June.
The Whatcom County Fire Marshal’s Office can answer questions regarding open burning at 360/778-5900. Current burn ban information is available at 360/778-5903.

Derby Day parade, activities return
The Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce will close its summer event season with Derby Day’s annual parade and other family activities on Saturday, August 26.

Derby Day, formerly known as Discover Birch Bay Days, will kick off with the Friends of the Birch Bay Library’s Love Your Library 5K Run/Walk at 9 a.m. at the Birch Bay berm, near Birch Bay Drive and Cottonwood Avenue. The fundraiser will raise money for the Birch Bay Library Express and costs $25 for people 13 years and older and $14 for youth 12 years and younger.

The Birch Bay Drive parade will start at 10 a.m. near Alderson Road and end around 11 a.m. at Harborview Road. Longtime Birch Bay resident Kathy Berg will be the parade fire marshal, escorted by North Whatcom Fire and Rescue. Parade registration can be done at bit. ly/47DOHoi and will be open until the parade starts.

A vendor market will run from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. behind The Beach at Birch Bay and Beach Cat Brewing Co. BlaineBirch Bay Park and Recreation District 2 will host kids activities behind The Beach from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

A poker run will start at noon at the Birch Bay Library Express, 7948 Birch Bay Drive, and have participants scrambling on their golf carts and bicycles to find their best poker hands across

Birch Bay until 2 p.m. Winners of the non-gambling event will receive prizes.

Chamber member Billy Brown will host a crab derby from 3

to 6 p.m. behind The Beach at Birch Bay. Awards will be given for the heaviest catch limit, the (See Derby Day, page 5)

The Northern L ght
The Northern Light is published weekly by Point Roberts Press Inc.
Locally owned and managed, the company also publishes the All Point Bulletin, covering Point Roberts, Mount Baker Experience, covering the Mt. Baker foothills area, Pacific Coast Weddings annual guide, and the summer recreation guide Waterside as well as maps and other publications. Point Roberts Press Inc. is a member of the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, Chambers of Commerce of Bellingham/ Whatcom County, Birch Bay, Blaine and Point Roberts and the Bellingham/ Whatcom County Convention and Visitors Bureau.
The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors.
Letters Policy
The Northern Light welcomes letters to the editor. Please include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters are limited to 350 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality, length and good taste. The letters to the editor column is primarily intended to allow readers to voice their opinions on local issues of general interest to local readers. A fresh viewpoint will increase the likelihood of publication. Thank-you letters are limited to five individuals or groups. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis. Consumer complaints should be submitted directly to the business in question or the local chamber of commerce. Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published. Email letters to
Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick Grubb
Co-publisher & Advertising Director Louise Mugar
Editor Grace McCarthy
Reporter Nolan Baker
Editorial Intern Madisun Tobisch
Creative Services
Doug De Visser, Ruth Lauman
Office Manager Jeanie Luna
Advertising Sales Molly Ernst, Gary Lee

General Editorial Inquiries
Contributors In This Issue
Doug Dahl
The Northern Light 225 Marine Drive, Suite 200, Blaine, WA 98230
Tel: 360/332-1777
Vol XXVIII, No 11
Circulation: 10,500 copies
Circulation Independently verified by:

Recreational crabbing season started in the Blaine and Birch Bay area on August 20 with a late, but highly anticipated opening.
The opening covered all of Marine Area 7 North, which runs from Lummi Island to Point Roberts. The crabbing area will be open Thursdays through Mondays until Saturday, September 30, according to the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW).
The recreational crabbing season was delayed from its August 17 start because not enough crabs had hardened shells, which can lead to high mortality rates among softshell crabs that are often discarded for having little meat.

WDFW and tribal co-managers are required to test fisheries before the season opening to ensure 80 percent of crabs have hardened shells.
After delay, crabbing seasons begins August 20 OpiniOn Letters
The Editor:
I want to highlight an important issue that impacts all Whatcom County citizens that was just debated by the county council: Electing vs. appointing the county sheriff.
This idea that was proposed earlier this month by councilmember Todd Donovan would take away the power of voters and give it to politicians. Currently, candidates for sheriff are required to go and meet the public, knock on doors, attend community meetings, etc. and are connected to the community. Changing this to an appointed position by the county
executive and county council removes this. The sheriff provides a check and balance on other elected officials, which is why protecting the independence of the office is critical.
Thank you to all of the citizens who voiced their opinion before and at the council meeting and a special thanks to the four councilmembers who voted against this idea that ensures that this important positions remains in the hands of all Whatcom voters: Councilmembers Buchanan, Byrd, Elenbaas and Kershner.
Dann Mead Smith Birch BayCiviC Meetings
Birch Bay Water & Sewer District: Second and fourth Thursdays, 4 p.m., district offices, 7096 Point Whitehorn Road, Birch Bay. Info and Zoom meeting link:

Blaine City Council: Second and fourth Mondays, 6 p.m., Blaine City Council chambers, 435 Martin Street. Info and virtual meeting login:
Blaine Planning Commission: Second Thursday, 6 p.m. Info: blainepc@ Info for joining Zoom meetings:
Blaine-Birch Bay Park and Recreation: Meetings are second Tues-
Recreational crabbers are given a daily allotment of five male Dungeness crab, as long as they have hard shells and a minimum carapace width of 6 ¼ inches, according to WDFW. Crabbers may also keep six red rock crab, either male or female, that have hard shells and a carapace width of five inches. For more information on WDFW recreational crabbing regulations, visit the WDFW website at
Please send letters to no later than noon on Monday.
In the August 17 issue of The Northern Light, an article titled, “Upcoming art studio tour to highlight Blaine, Birch Bay artists” incorrectly stated the location of one of the pop-up art galleries. A gallery will be located at the Blaine Community Center Pavilion, at 635 8th Street, not the H Street Plaza. We regret the error.
day, 5:30 p.m., location varies. Info:
Blaine Park and Cemetery Board: Second Thursday, 9 a.m., council chambers and virtual meeting. Info: 360/332-8311, ext. 3330.
Blaine School Board: Fourth Monday, 7 p.m., Blaine school district offices. Info:
North Whatcom Fire & Rescue: Third Thursday, 11 a.m., Station 61 at 9408 Odell Road and via Zoom. Info:
Derby Day ...
From page 3

heaviest crab and the largest red rock crab.
Up to 800 rubber ducks will be dropped into Terrell Creek around 3:30 p.m. for the rubber duck derby. Awards will be given to winning ducks crossing the finish line at the bridge by The C Shop. Ducks can be purchased at ducky-derby.

For more information and registration links, visit birchbaywa. org/birch-bay-derby-day

s Derby Day, formerly known as Discover Birch Bay Days, will have a parade and other activities. File photo by Chuck Kinzer/

Education, training planned for Overdose Awareness Day
The Whatcom County Health and Community Services (WCHCS) and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are using Overdose Awareness Day as an opportunity to educate the public and encourage conversation on overdoses in the community.
WCHCS and EMS are jointly holding an Overdose Awareness

Day recognition event behind Bellingham Public Library, 210 Central Avenue, from noon to 6 p.m. Wednesday, August 30.

The event will provide information and training on administering naloxone, widely known by its commercial name Narcan.
Adults attending the event may receive a free Narcan kit, accord-
ing to an August 10 WCHCS press release.

Attendees will learn how to identify and respond to an overdose, use nasal naloxone and safely store naloxone. Event organizers will also explain Washington state’s Good Samaritan law, which protects people giving aid in an emer-

gency situation from being liable for civil damages.

The event’s theme is recognizing people who go unseen.
“With this year’s theme we honor and support those people whose lives have been lost or forever changed by overdose,” wrote Dr. Greg Thompson, WCHCS co-health officer, in a statement. “These are the family and friends grieving the loss of a loved one, workers in healthcare extending training and compassion, and spontaneous first responders who selflessly assume the role of lifesaver with Naloxone.”
So far in 2023, Whatcom County EMS has received nearly as many suspected opioid overdose calls as it did for all
of 2022. As of August 18, EMS data shows 562 suspected opioid overdose calls, and in 2022, there were 593 total suspected opioid overdose calls.
To date, Whatcom County has had 72 overdose deaths in 2023 versus 93 overdose deaths in 2022, according to the Whatcom County Medical Examiner’s Office. From 2010 to 2021, the opioid overdose death rate doubled in Whatcom County.
Overdose deaths were highest among people 25-44 years old and 45-64 years old from 2017 to 2021. During that time, overdoses were higher in men than women.
For more information on Whatcom County overdose prevention, visit
State opens secure donation portal for Maui wildfire aid
The Washington Office of the Secretary of State (SOS) has organized a list of verified nonprofits for people who want to donate to Maui wildfire relief efforts.
The SOS’s Disaster Relief Center website provides links to nonprofits accepting one-time donations to help Maui fire victims and first responders. The website,, provides a brief description on how each nonprofit provides assistance.
State employees can also donate by payroll or retirement deductions through the Disaster Relief Center website.

As of August 21, 115 people were confirmed dead by the Maui Police Department as the search
shifted from single-story residential properties to multi-story properties. Between 500 and 1,000 people remain missing, according to the Associated Press after wildfires destroyed the town of Lahaina and thousands of acres in Maui County.
The SOS runs the Disaster Relief Center through its charity fundraising program, Combined Fund Drive. The Disaster Relief Center has facilitated donations to other crises, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In addition to running the Disaster Relief Center project, the SOS oversees a variety of areas of the government including state elections, registered corporations and charities, and the state archives.
As we look forward to the 2023-2024 school year, we are excited about the opportunities ahead for our students, staff and community. Last year, we focused on student outcomes through strong instruction from our amazing teachers along with collaboration between our staff and the families we serve. As a next step in the continual improvement process for providing the best outcomes for your students, we will be starting school one (1) hour late each Wednesday to give our staff time to collaborate in professional learning. The world of education continues to evolve, and we continue to strive to be the best place for students to receive a high quality well rounded education. We GET to work with your students each day, and that is a tremendous gift you entrust us with.

Please know we are continuing to work to improve, and we want to do that in collaboration with you. I will continue to host a monthly Supper with the Superintendent to provide parents and community members with an opportunity to have open discussion. In addition, I’m working with a Superintendent’s Advisory Committee that provides feedback on items under consideration for the future, such as a balanced school year calendar. If you are interested in participating on that committee, please email me at Whether it is one of the above options, or volunteering in the building, or joining a parent teacher organization or booster club, we look forward to working with you as a partner in supporting the success of each student.

Back to School 2023-2024
Students and families of Blaine Elementary School, I hope this letter finds you well and filled with excitement for the upcoming 2023-24 school year! As we gear up to welcome you back, I feel a sense of joy and anticipation for the fantastic experiences that lie ahead.
For those of you I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet, I am Jordan Radke, your principal at Blaine Elementary School. I am eager to get to know each and every one of you and build upon the strong sense of community that makes BES such a special place.
Our team at Blaine Elementary School is already hard at work, preparing for an exceptional year ahead. Our commitment remains unwavering—to ensure each Borderite’s success

Welcome back Borderites! We are excited to welcome all HomeConnection students and families to our new on-campus location at 905 H Street! Our team is working diligently to prepare our new home for our students and families. HomeConnection is Blaine’s parent partnership school. We are an Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) public school within Blaine School District. This means we are able to offer students and families a way to educate their students outside of the traditional classroom setting. This year, we will serve students in Kindergarten through 8th grade. As a parent partnership program, our families work with a certificated teacher to determine the curriculum needs of their student(s) to develop a Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP) in line with Washington State Learning Standards. We pro-
and to meet every student exactly where they are on their educational journey. We firmly believe that by working together and supporting each other, we can achieve greatness.
As the school year approaches, you may have questions or concerns. Please know that we are here for you, ready to lend a helping hand and provide any necessary support. You may call the school at 360-332-5213 or email me directly at We welcome your communication and will address your inquiries promptly.
I have no doubt that this year will be filled with exciting opportunities for growth and learning. Our dedicated staff is determined to go the extra mile to ensure your experience at Blaine Elementary School is enriching and enjoyable. Togeth-
er, we will make this school year a memorable one.

The BES school community is a true family, and it’s an honor to be a part of it. I am genuinely grateful for the opportunity to serve your students and work alongside each of you. Together, let’s make this 2023-24 school year the best one yet!
Wishing you all a fantastic start to the school year!

vide families with the curriculum materials and support as parents facilitate learning at home. Our teachers collaborate with parents to supervise, monitor, and evaluate student progress. We offer onsite elective classes such as art, music, and science. Teachers and students connect weekly. Monthly reports, as well as district and state assessments, are used to ensure students are making satisfactory progress. We are looking forward to working collaboratively with our families to provide educational opportunities designed to meet their individual student’s learning needs.
This year, our focus will continue to be on building partnerships with families and supporting student needs. With our move to campus, we are excited to expand our work with student support services around the district. We will
continue to expand our growing community.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions at 360-3320483. You can also reach Dawn Cottnair, Blaine HomeConnection Director, via email at We look forward to supporting our families and students throughout the 2023-2024 school year.
Jordan Radke, Principal Blaine Elementary School

Administrative Offices (360) 332-5881

Pt. Roberts Primary School (360) 945-2223

Blaine Primary School (360) 332-1300
Blaine Elementary School (360) 332-5213
Blaine Middle School (360) 332-8226
Blaine High School (360) 332-6045
Blaine HomeConnection (360) 332-0483

Family Service Center (360) 332-0740

Special Education (360) 332-5881

District Schedule Hotline (360) 332-0789

Transportation (360) 332-0700

Welcome back Borderites! The administration and staff are here for you every step of the way as we prepare for the 2023-2024 year. This year, as every year, we commit ourselves to providing the very best educational experience possible as we return back to school. As our students move through their final years in the Blaine School District, we want them to be ready for the world they are about to enter. Similarly important are the attitudes and behavioral attributes that students who succeed in school must demonstrate. Among these are study skills, time management, awareness of one’s performance, persistence and the ability to utilize collaborative groups of study and structure. These are specific skills and more general attitudes, but all of them require high degrees of self-awareness and intentionality on the part of the students while in high school and in preparation for life and education thereafter. As they graduate they will be college or career prepared with many opportunities for success in their futures.
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. Blaine Middle School is dedicated to creating a safe, caring, and respectful environment so that each student can learn. We work hard to ensure that our teaching, learning, collaboration, and leadership all serve to improve student outcomes.
Our school improvement plan focuses on building a safe and productive learning environment and improving math and literacy skills. Our first duty is to create and maintain a safe and productive learning culture for each student and adult. As a school, we share common expectations. Students will once again belong to one of four houses where they will have opportunities to build friendships and learn to lead and take pride in their school.
In math, we want each student to be able to fluently
My name is Michelle McKeown and I am so excited, humbled and honored to be serving as the principal at Blaine Primary School. I am joined by an amazing assistant principal Kelli Alonso and a phenomenal staff of caring, dedicated educators. I want to personally thank you for entrusting us with your students and their education. We take our work very seriously and know just how important education is for our children. The staff here at Blaine Primary wants you to know we are here for you and are committed to your child’s success, now more than ever. Our mission is to empower every child’s potential by uniting families, staff, and students. Together, we’ll nurture

Our focus is on continuous improvement and communication. We will update you often through our district and school websites, mobile app, and email. Parents, be sure to verify and update your student’s information, including an accurate parent email. We will continue to communicate with you primarily via email regarding your student, school news, and updates.

There are a few things we will never change, such as our belief and our mission that:
We model RESPECT
We demonstrate COMPASSION
In particular, resilience is a precious skill. People who have it tend to also have three underlying advantages: a belief that they can influence life events; a tendency to find meaningful purpose in life’s turmoil; and a conviction that
they can learn from both positive and adverse experiences. Students, know that your teachers care about you and your education. Work hard under difficult circumstances and push through adversity knowing that good things will be there for you.
Feel free to contact our administrators via email at scott_ and eeide@ We are here to help you and your students with any issues that may occur during the 2023-2024 school year.
add, subtract, multiply, and divide and apply what they have learned when solving equations. In literacy, we want students to improve their ability to cite textual evidence, determine a central idea, identify a theme or central idea of a text, determine the meanings of words, and be able to produce clear and coherent writing.

To accomplish these goals, teacher collaboration time has been increased and integrated into Wednesday morning late starts. Each Wednesday morning, teachers will meet in teams called Professional Learning Communities (PLC) with a unified focus on improving student learning. In their PLCs, teachers will set goals, study their curriculum, and look at student work samples and student assessment results to identify student learning gaps and make changes to what they teach.
Finally, I want to invite all middle school students and

their families to the middle school cafeteria on August 28 between 12-4pm to tour the school, get a copy of their schedule, and update vaccination and family contact information. In addition, families are encouraged to participate in the Back To School Services Fair being held at the same time and day in the high school cafeteria. Welcome to Blaine Middle School!
growth and create tailored opportunities for each student. Our goal is a lifelong love for learning that meets individual needs.
Our classrooms are prepared with care, aiming to provide a welcoming and engaging environment. We prioritize safety, belonging, and positive relationships, fostering an atmosphere that supports social-emotional well-being and agency in learning.
Parents and guardians, stay informed through the Blaine School District website, mobile app, and email updates. Keeping your contact information current ensures you won’t miss vital announcements and can actively partici-

pate in your child’s educational journey.
This year promises extraordinary experiences and unforgettable memories. We’re honored to serve your children and our community, eagerly anticipating their return for an enriching learning adventure. On behalf of Blaine Primary School’s entire staff, we warmly welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year!
Back to School 2023-2024

Calendar 2023-24
In an effort to more effectively and efficiently provide our families with valuable school and community resources, Blaine School District will email flyers out to families weekly through Peachjar. Parents and guardians will receive periodic emails with flyers which can be clicked to take immediate action. These flyers may include school newsletters as well as community information. Additionally, all approved flyers will be posted to our web flyerboard which is linked from the Peachjar logo on our homepage, as well as on the district’s Community E-Flyers page.
Peachjar is used exclusively for the distribution of school and district-approved flyers only. In order to ensure delivery of these notifications, please make sure your email address is up to date on your student’s record, and add to your email contacts.

We look forward to providing families with important updates through this new communication tool.

Your student’s bus route can be found in Family Access under “Transportation”. If you are new to Blaine School District or need to make changes to current transportation, please visit and click on the bus transportation request and rules summary form.

Some bus routes are changing from last year, so please pay close attention to your student’s stop location, time and bus route number in Family Access. If you have questions or concerns, you may contact us at or call 360/332-0700
Students (K-12 Early Release 12:50pm)
14,17,18 Closure Make-up Days (No School unless make up day is needed)
19 Juneteenth Holiday (District Closed)
BACK TO SCHOOL! School Supplies Stationery Crafts & More!

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7650 Birch Bay Drive #S2

MLS #2150953 $369,000
Affordable saltwater view condo with justcompleted 2022/2023 remodel. New kitchen, bathrooms, & interior remodeling. Enjoy ocean views from primary, living room, and kitchen. Access to gated beach, including paddle board/kayak storage. Steps to inground pool, close parking. Ample attic storage. HOA $300/month includes water, sewer, garbage, flood insurance, snow removal & exterior maintenance. Rental potential of $1950-2250/month depending on season.
Brian Mattioli 360-201-4198

7704 Birch Bay Dr #36-01

MLS #2138290 $72,500
Simple, affordable, getaway home close to the ocean! A 5-min walk to the beach, dining, crabbing, and amazing sunsets. Everything is included in this 1980 Park Model that makes it move-in ready, sleeps 4 people. One-bed, full bath, with a private yard, covered deck, and community fireplace right out your back door to enjoy with your neighbors. A Cabana for extra space and storage is in the backyard. The Leisure Park community offers safety and security.
LeshaHutchison 360-510-0640

7395 Birch Bay Drive
MLS #2148452 $1,595,000

ONE-OF-A-KIND 4 bdrm, 4 bath beachfront home w/real cedar timber walls, original hardwood floors, swimming pool, & spacious patio brings back Birch Bay history of days gone by! Unique features: lrg cozy living room w/stone fireplace, sunroom + dining nook w/amazing views, vaulted cedar ceilings thru-out, French doors & built-ins. Upper level showcases vaulted primary suite w/skylights, fireplace, plus million-dollar view. Lrg walk-in tiled shower, double sinks. Randy Weg 360-305-5704
6887 Holeman Avenue
MLS #2150205 $960,000
Absolutely stunning, waterfront haven offers unparalleled 180-degree vistas of bay, islands, & mountains. Discover charming, intimate, & updated retreat plus private beach. Complete renovation was done inside & out over past 12 years. Recent upgrades include new roofing, AC, fencing, decks, dual view enhancing sliding doors, thoughtful landscaping & enhanced drainage. Presently flourishing as sought-after short-term rental. Relish awe-inspiring sunsets!
MattBerry 360-389-0104

756 A Street #2A
MLS #2152948 $300,000
Affordable 2 bedroom/1.5 bathroom NO STAIRS condo in booming Blaine now available! Light & bright end unit features open concept floor plan & private patio that backs to a greenbelt. Attached one car garage + additional parking directly in front of the home and RV parking in the community lot. The savvy buyer will update cosmetically to their liking for an immediate equity boost. Low HOA dues cover water, sewer, garbage & exterior maintenance. Walkable location. Leah Crews 360-305-4747
4751 Birch Bay Lynden Rd #260

MLS #2140275 $188,900
Discover this beautiful home in the amenityrich Latitude 49 Resort, just steps from the picturesque Birch Bay. Cathedral ceilings add an air of elegance throughout. You’ll love the large, covered deck. The property offers a private lot, a storage shed, and an easy-to-maintain yard. Enjoy a plethora of community amenities, including an outdoor pool, hot tub, pickleball courts, exercise room, golf practice area, gym, on-site laundry, and clubhouse with a recreational area.
Brandi Coplen 360-201-3951

6969 Birch Bay Drive

MLS #2066387 $1,175,000
Attention to detail! Beautiful immaculate 3 bdrm 2.5 bath beachfront home has all the outstanding details plus stunning ocean view in coveted Birch Bay neighborhood. Starting with paver-tiled entry showcasing pair of palm trees, spiral staircase greeting you inside the door & a floorplan that takes advantage of the spectacular 180-degree views. Three gas fireplaces thru-out the home, full sauna & spacious primary bed/ bath w/private covered upper-level deck Randy Weg 360-305-5704
Cotterill Blvd
MLS #2136883 $498,000
This creekside home in Birch Bay could be just what you are looking for. 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 full baths, Primary suite has a walk-in closet, full bathroom, with ample counter space. This light and bright home is ready for a full-time residence, weekend getaway, or VRBO. Spectacular views of the ocean from the front deck & living room and the views of beautiful Terrill Creek from the kitchen and back deck. The home is recently remodeled and includes new appliances. Jessica Bates 360-410-0900
8087 Kispiox Road
MLS# 2136198 $539,000
Exceptional single-level home with mountain views & excellent sun exposure. Rare find, elevated location with a level homesite. Provides wide parking space, including a potential area for boat or RV parking, not situated in a floodplain. Backyard is expansive & fully fenced. Home is 1503 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, 1.75 baths, a Great room, & Living room. Vinyl siding & composition roof, while interior offers oak hardwood flooring entry, Great room, dining, & kitchen areas. Brian Southwick 360-815-6638
MLS #2142324 $978,500
View that dreams are made of...absolutely breathtaking sunsets, dazzling water & city night lights...all front & center from penthouse stunner! Radiating PNW charm, soaring ceilings set the tone & every thoughtfully executed detail is spot on. Luxurious spalike primary suite overlooks the Salish Sea and is privately tucked away from the second bedroom w/ensuite + additional office/ den. Marin owners enjoy exclusive beach access, 2 assigned garage parking spaces. Jen Freeman 360-815-0803
7387 Birch Bay Drive

MLS #2049257 $1,000,000
Rare opportunity to own direct waterfront steps from Birch Bay State Park. This charming and functional two-bedroom, onebathroom home is perfect for those who love the ocean and want to enjoy all that Birch Bay has to offer. The gorgeous wood fireplace, real wood paneling, and exposed beams add a cozy touch to the living room as you stare out across the bay. Entertain outside on the expansive 850 sf patio overlooking the ocean, complete with sea wall. Gerry Allen 360-920-0563
9408 Turnstone Lane #22
MLS #2150635 $1,299,800
Beautiful Semiahmoo Shore gated community townhome with stunning views of Drayton Harbor, w/access to miles of trails & beaches. Featuring gourmet kitchen, stainless appliances & butler’s pantry w/wine fridge. Dining room, living room w/gas fireplace, both rooms have French Doors that open to large patio with outdoor fireplace with gorgeous views. Primary bedroom w/ on-suit on main floor. Second bedroom main. 3rd bedroom/private casita for guests.
Lisa Sprague

BEAUTIFUL STUDIO APT in Blaine available Sept. 1. Excellent references required. $750/month plus $50/month for utilities. Fully furnished. Beautiful country setting. Single occupancy. Text 360-739-5606.
All real estate/rentals advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-877-0246.
All real estate/rentals advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in olation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-877-0246.
Golfers donate $23,000 to food bank

Maria Trinidad Torres Lear (Trini)

September 18, 1955 – August 2, 2023
You may have been greeted at the Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center by Trini’s welcoming smile, irrepressible even behind her COVID-19 mask. Or, you may have seen her wave on one of her many walks in Birch Bay Village. Her smile came from an indomitable strength from within. A strength that expressed an unreconcilable love and respect for everyone she met. And, she loved the sea. Not once did she come down the hill and get on Birch Bay Drive without exclaiming, “It is so beautiful.” Trini was living a storybook romance here in the United States after meeting her husband Gerald Allen Stege (Jerry) in her home town of Zaragoza, Spain. After their four year romance of letters and visits, and much to the relief of her husband, she moved to Spokane in 1996 and married. In 2005 with a BA in Business and Tourism from Spain, an AAS Network Engineer Degree from Spokane Community College, and her A+ Professional Certification they moved to Birch Bay Village.
s The Good Ol’ Boys Semiahmoo golf group selected the Blaine Food Bank as the recipient of its silent auction and fundraiser during its annual tournament at the Semiahmoo Golf and Country Club on August 18. The fundraiser collected $23,140 to provide hunger relief for Blaine area families. Food bank manager Sally Church, holding check, expressed gratitude to organizer Thomas Yang and the Good Ol’ Boys for their support as the food bank sees high demand and reduced resources. In total, the Good Ol’ Boys have fundraised $70,000 for the food bank over the past four years.
Blaine residents achieve higher education
The hard work of several Blaine students pursuing higher education has recently been recognized by their institutions.
Ryan Carew and Amya Cook
honor roll
were placed on the Eastern Washington University Dean’s List for spring quarter. The students received a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Kaitlyn Carampot and Peter
Road Rules: Dealing with dual yields
B y d oug d ahl
Question: Who has the rightof-way if one direction of traffic has a “right turn yield” and the opposite has “left hand yield on green”? People always act like they have the right-of-way going in both directions, often nearly causing crashes.
Answer: In life (and in driving) we’re in an ongoing pursuit of understanding. At the same time, perfect understanding is unachievable. A Sisyphean task, to be sure. I lead with that in order that we might have grace and patience for the people we share the road with when they fall short of understanding how to properly yield the right-of-way.
I’m going to guess you’re talking about an intersection that looks something like what is pictured. Here we have an intersection mostly controlled by traffic lights, with one right turn lane managed by a yield sign. I’d like us to consider a couple scenarios, but before we do, keep in mind that the law requires a driver approaching a yield sign to yield the right-of-way to any vehicle in the intersection.
Scenario one: Both of the
cars in the diagram arrive at the intersection at about the same time. If the two cars approach the intersection from opposite directions, intending to turn west, and both arrive at the intersection at the same time, there’s enough distance between the two of them that if they both go there shouldn’t be a conflict; the driver at the yield sign will enter the westbound lane, followed by the driver at the green light, who can see the right-turning car and adjust their speed appropriately.

It should all mesh together like clockwork as they both happily carry on their way. I know, I’m an optimist.
Scenario two: The car turning left arrives and enters the intersection first. If we refer back to the law, it’s clear that the car turning right has to yield to the left-turning car already in the intersection. I know some of you right now are shouting that I’m wrong. How do I know that? I’ve had this conversation before.
Let’s say you disagree with my answer. I can tolerate that, as long as we agree on a higher goal: Doing what it takes to avoid a crash.
Valum were placed on the Spokane Falls Community College honor roll for spring quarter. The students received a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Trini dearly loved her years as a volunteer and then an employee at the Birch Bay Visitor Center. She left the Chamber two years ago when her Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma became unmanageable. Her indomitable strength absolutely surprised everyone but as she she put it recently, “The cancer is winning.”
Trini’s favorite charities for many years have been UNICEF and the World Food Program. Catholic services will be held early next month in Zaragoza, Spain with her husband, family, and childhood friends at her side.
Marian Runnels
Marian Runnels died of a rare swift-acting cancer on July 31, 2023 at age 76.
She was an engineer, scientist, artist, mother, friend, partner, teacher, mentor, and reader of all things. She trusted science, logic, and reason. She was compassionate and generous; yet, still a very private person. She was more than the sum of her parts.
Marian is survived by two daughters and her husband of 57 years. Her dog, Charlie, dutifully waits for her to come home.

Besides, when you’re pulling up to the intersection, my interpretation matters a lot less than what the person coming the other direction thinks.
When you’re approaching an unfamiliar or possibly confusing intersection, you don’t have time to look up the law, or even
read an article trying to explain the law.
Given that you’ve read this far, you hopefully know what to do, but the other driver might not be as far along in their pursuit of understanding. If you extend a bit of patience and kindness, leaving some time and space for
error and ignorance, you’ll be a step closer to achieving Nirvana, or whatever metaphysical destination you aspire to, and it’ll be safer for everyone on the road.
Doug Dahl is a manager with the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, Region 11 and publishes
sheriff’s repOrts
August 16, 7:41 a.m.: Trespass cold call on Birch Bay Drive
August 16, 5:55 p.m.: Shots on Fisherman’s Bend Lane
August 16, 9:46 p.m.: Hit and run on Glendale Road and West Badger Road
August 17, 11:16 a.m.: Fraud cold call on Blaine Road
August 17, 12:36 p.m.: Trespass on Birch Bay Square Street
August 17, 12:52 p.m.: Theft cold call on Kickerville Road
August 17, 3:46 p.m.: Suspicious circumstances on Cedar Street
August 18, 6:39 a.m.: Suspicious circumstances cold call on Birch Bay Lynden Drive
August 18, 7:43 a.m.: Domestic order violence on Harbor Drive
August 18, 3:32 p.m.: Theft cold call on Kickerville Road
August 19, 8:48 a.m.: Traffic stop on Kickerville and Loomis Trail Roads
August 19, 9:47 a.m.: Traffic stop on Birch Bay Lynden Drive
August 19, 3:17 p.m.: Harassment cold call on Haynie Road
August 20, 3:56 a.m.: Suspicious vehicle on Birch Bay Drive
August 20, 8:16 a.m.: Traffic stop on Legion Drive
August 20, 12:54 p.m.: Suspicious
circumstances cold call on Clamdigger Drive
August 20, 2:51 p.m.: Fight on Marine Drive
August 20, 4:52 p.m.: Rape cold call on Halibut Drive
August 21, 11:48 a.m.: Neighborhood dispute cold call on West 88th Street
August 21, 11:51 a.m.: Hot rod cold call on Lincoln Road
Coming up
August 22, 12:46 a.m.: Noise on Creasey Road, Custer.
August 22, 8:24 a.m.: Neighborhood dispute cold call on Arnie Road
August 22, 12:12 p.m.: Traffic hazard on Behme and Valley View roads, Custer.
August 22, 6:23 p.m.: Trespass on Birch Bay Drive
August 22, 8:27 p.m.: Suspicious person on Cedar Street
pOLiCe repOrts
August 12, 7:50 a.m.: Suspicious vehicle on Cedar Street
August 12, 2:43 p.m.: Theft on Drayton Court
August 12, 7:29 p.m.: Simple assault on 3rd Street
August 13, 8:50 a.m.: Moving vehicle accident injury on Peace Portal Drive
August 13, 11:22 a.m.: Moving vehicle accident injury on Peace Portal Drive
August 13, 9:34 a.m.: DUI on 8th Street
August 14, 10:57 a.m.: DUI on 8th Street
August 14, 11:44 a.m.: Vandal -

46. The small projection of a mammary gland 49. Technological advancement 50. Male parent 51. Dissociable 55. More cold 58. Cape Verde Islands capital 59. Blood disorder
1. Occur as a result of 2. Spiritual essences
3. Representative
4. Entering
5. Nobel Prize-winning physicist
6. Midway between northeast and east
7. Consumed
8. Tablelands
9. Kids’ craft accessory
10. Not known
11. Sound directed through two or more speakers
12. A major division of geological time
13. Wild ox
19. Shock treatment
21. Turner and Lasso are two
24. Genus of flowering plants
25. Relating to ductless glands
26. Stock certificate
27. Satisfies
31. Places to enjoy a rest
32. Edward __, author and writer
34. “__ but goodie”
35. One hundredth of a liter
36. Shabbiness
40. TV personality Roker
41. Triangular upper part of a building
45. Speed at which you move
47. Offend
48. A reference point to shoot at
52. Forays
ism on Milhollin Drive
August 14, 10:04 p.m.: Missing person on Belted Kingfisher Road
August 15, 10:38 a.m.: Shots on H Street
August 15, 1:22 p.m.: Theft on H Street
August 16, 10:03 a.m.: Theft on H Street
August 16, 10:47 p.m.: Prowler on Harrison Avenue
August 17, 5:31 p.m.: Neighborhood dispute on 3rd Street
August 18, 1:28 a.m.: Vehicle theft on Bayview Avenue
Report by Blaine Police Department
53. Biblical city
54. Blatted
56. Northern sea duck
57. Shabby (slang)
59. Allege 60. Tax collector
61. Whereabouts unknown 62. Chinese philosophical principle 63.
Precipitation: During the period of August 14-20, no precipitation was recorded. The 2023 year-to-date precipitation is 11.8 inches.
Temperature: High for the past week was 86°F on August 15 with a low of 50°F on August 19. Average high was 81°F and average low was 59°F.
Trivia at The Vault: Thursday, August 24, 7 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar + Bistro, 277 G Street. This week’s theme: science. Info:
The Wave Art Studio Tour Opening Night Event: Friday, August 25, 6–9 p.m., Blaine Boating Center, 235 Marine Drive. Reception, refreshments, silent auction and wine pull. Tickets at
Live Music at The Vault: Friday, August 25, 7 p.m., The Vault Wine Bar + Bistro, 277 G Street. Featuring: Anna Katarina. Info:
End of Summer Book Sale and Breakfast Fundraiser: Saturday, August 26, 8:30–10 a.m., Birch Bay Library property, 7948 Birch Bay Drive. Proceeds benefit the Birch Bay Library Express building project. Info:
The Wave Art Studio Tour: Saturday and Sunday, August 26 and 27, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Free self-guided tour at private studios, the Blaine Boating Center and Blaine Senior Center Pavilion. For a tour map, visit
Love the Library Fun Run: Saturday, August 26, 9 a.m., Birch Bay north berm entry (Cottonwood Avenue and Birch Bay Drive). 5K Run Run/Walk on the berm. $25 for 13 and up, $14 for 12 and under. Register at wcls. org/events. Fundraiser for the Birch Bay Vogt Library Express.
Birch Bay Derby Day: Saturday, August 26. A day of family fun with a parade down Birch Bay Drive at 10 a.m., vendor market behind The Beach at Birch Bay from 11 a.m.–5 p.m., poker run from noon–2 p.m., rubber duck derby in Terrell Creek at 3:30 p.m., and crab derby. Register for the events and purchase ducks at
Summer Market: Saturday, August 26, 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Home Farm U-Pick & Events, 8020 Kickerville Road. Local goods from over 40 local artisans, food and activities for the whole family. Admission $3, 12 and under free. Info:
7 Elements Wellness Spa Anniversary Celebration: Saturday, August 26, 11 a.m.–2 p.m., 7714 Birch Bay Drive. Food, beverages, free chair massages, free skin care consults, games, live music and auction benefiting the Blaine Harbor Music Festival. Info:
Live Music in Birch Bay State Park: Saturday, August 26, 3–5 p.m., bp Heron Center at Birch Bay State Park. Featuring On the Loose Band, an eclectic band of memorial country western and swing music. Bring a camp chair, picnic and enjoy a rocking time.
Summer Fun in the Park: Saturday, August 26, 5:30–8:30 p.m., Blaine Marine Park playground. Fun for the whole family with food trucks, beer and wine garden and live music by Family Therapy. Sponsored by Jen Free- man and Leah Crews of Windermere Real Estate.
Blaine School District Family Resource Fair: Monday, August 28, noon–4 p.m., Blaine High School cafeteria (behind Borderite Stadium). Connect with school and community organizations, sports physicals and immunizations (first come, first served with parent or guardian). Info:
Clamming 101: Tuesday, August 29, 10 a.m, bp Heron Center at Birch Bay State Park. Learn the basics for clamming and clam identification.
Crabbing 101: Wednesday, August 30, 10 a.m., bp Heron Center at Birch Bay State Park. Learn the rules and regulations for crabbing in the Salish Sea.
Wading for Crabbing: Thursday, August 31, 11 a.m., bp Heron Center at Birch Bay State Park. Bring your crab license to participate and come prepared to get wet as we learn to wade for crab.
“Dive-In” Movie Night: Friday, September 1, 8 p.m., Semiahmoo Resort Pool, 9565 Semiahmoo Parkway. Abby the Mermaid will be at the pool for a meet and greet, pictures and face painting. “The Little Mermaid” movie (1989) will begin at sunset. Snacks and drinks are available for purchase in the spa lobby. This event is complimentary for resort guests; community members can purchase tickets to enjoy the experience. Info:
Semiahmoo Spit Bird Walk: Saturday, September 2, 9 a.m.–noon. Join our small group as we check the beaches on Drayton Harbor and Semiahmoo Bay, the only designated Important Bird Area in Whatcom County, to locate and observe resident birds and early migrants. Space is limited. Registration required at Hosted but North Cascades Audubon Society.
Whatcom Water Week: September 9-17. Several events at various locations around Whatcom County. Full list of events at: whatcomwin. org/water-week-events.
Run with the Chums 5K Fun Run and Smolt Sprint: Saturday, September 9, BP Highlands, 6898 Point Whitehorn Road. Free 5K fun run and smolt sprint for kids under 10 to kick off Whatcom Water Week. Register:
Blaine Food Bank: 500 C Street. Open Mondays 9 a.m.–noon, Wednesdays 5-7 p.m., and Fridays 9 a.m.–noon. Delivery options available. Info: 360/332-6350 or
The Bridge Food Bank: Fridays 2:30–4:30 p.m., The Bridge Community Hope Center’s new location, 7620 Birch Bay Drive. New registration required at or call 360/366-8763. Volunteers welcome.
CAP Clothing Bank: Mondays and Fridays, 9 a.m.–noon and Wednesdays, 5-7 p.m. 508 G Street. The Community Assistance Program clothing bank is now located in the basement of the CAP Center providing free clothing and linens. Donations accepted only during open hours or by special arrangement. Info: or 360/392-8484.
Meals on Wheels Frozen Meals: Thursdays 11:30 a.m.–noon, Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street. Adults 60+ pick up five frozen meals. Suggested donation $5 per meal or whatever is affordable. First come, first serve basis. Info: 360/332-8040.
Senior Community Meals: Monday–Friday, 11:30 a.m.– 2:30 p.m., Blaine Senior Center, 763 G Street. Suggested donation of $5 per meal ($8.50 if under 60) or whatever is affordable. First come, first serve basis. Info: 360/332-8040.
Narcotics Anonymous: Mondays, 7–8 p.m., Blaine United Church of Christ basement, 855 4th Street. Everyone welcome. Info:
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings: Tuesdays at 7 p.m., Thursdays at noon, Fridays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at noon, women’s meeting Mondays at 4 p.m., Blaine United Church of Christ basement, 855 4th Street. Info: 307/349-0450.
Art tours ...

From page 1

“eclectic” studio. Those interested in picking up new pieces for their home or office will have the opportunity to support hyperlocal artists.

In addition to Steel’s watercolor and photography, Blaine resident Scott Smith is showcasing about a dozen of his woodworking and epoxy creations, such as a table, knife rack and corner shelf.
“There’s no limit to what you can do with epoxy,” he said. “I’ve had fun with it.”
Smith and his wife, Liesa, moved to Blaine from Colorado in time to attend the first art tour last year, hosted by BAC member Kay Dee Powell and the Blaine Chamber of Commerce. The idea of artistic collaboration made Smith excited to get involved with the BAC.

“I like to get people’s input on what inspires them,” Smith said, adding that he often produces work after people come to him with pieces of wood they’d like to refurbish with epoxy art.
For more information on the 25 local artists featured in the Wave art studio tour, visit the interactive map on the BAC website, at blaineartscouncil. org/2023-studio-art-tour.

Whole Pilates of Birch
Hi, I’m Chuck!
Hi, my name is Chuck Rudolph. I moved to Bellingham from San Diego, CA two years ago to be close to my daughter and her family. I have four children, 11 grandchildren and soon to be 5 great grandchildren. After College I was drafted into the U.S. Army for two years. I then started my career as a U.S. History teacher at the Catholic High School level and realized I needed to make more money. At that time, a teacher’s weekly salary was $90. I searched for another career and after taking many tests through the county for police, fire and probation I was offered a job with the San Diego probation department. I spent 30 years in that department before retiring. I worked in adult casework, juvenile investigations and ran the juvenile maximum-security unit for 14 years. It was rewarding work and I had an amazing team of professionals to work with. I lived in San Diego 62 years before moving here and decided that I didn’t want to cook, do housekeeping or maintenance. My daughter and I searched for a place where I had the freedom to enjoy my time as I wanted. The obvious answer for me was Solstice Senior Living in Bellingham.

7 months

Interest Rates Effective: 07/24/2023

* APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Penalties may be imposed on early withdrawal.

**New money is described as funds not previously held on deposit at First Fed within the last 30 days. Opening deposit can be combined with existing funds once the initial $5,000 new money requirement is met.