As we look forward to the 2024-2025 school year, we are excited about the opportunities for our students, staff and community. This year, we remain focused on improving student outcomes through our use of data and strong instruction in each classroom.
We are also increasing our focus on family communication. Our communications will be consolidated with the use of ParentSquare which replaces multiple platforms used in the past. ParentSquare also makes it possible for interested community members to receive my weekly parent newsletter. Click on the QR code link below to sign up for this mailing list. In addition, I want to bring your attention to our district’s social media re-launch. Follow us at “Blaine School District, WA” on Facebook and Instagram.
With careful planning and strategic timing, we are asking voters to consider approval of a capital bond on the November General Election ballot which would (if approved) keep local tax rates flat while allowing us to make major updates across the district. Check our website for opportunities
to learn more about this initiative.
The world of education continues to evolve, and we continue to strive to be the best place for students to receive a high-quality well-rounded education. This includes the addition of a secondary online learning option beginning this year. We get to work with your students each day, and that is a tremendous gift you entrust us with.
It will take all of us working together to maximize the potential for our students and we want to do that in collaboration with you. I will continue to host a monthly Supper with the Superintendent to provide parents and community members with an opportunity to have open discussion in a town hall format. The Superintendent’s Advisory Committee continues to provide feedback on items under consideration for the future, such as a balanced school year calendar. If you are interested in participating on that committee, please email me at cgranger@blainesd.org. Whether it is one of the above options, or volunteering in the building, or joining a parent teacher organization or booster club, we look forward to working with you as a partner in supporting the success of “Each Student, Each Day!”
We are excited to announce a new opportunity for our students: Blaine High School’s Virtual Learning program (BHSVL). This program offers a flexible, alternative way to learn, tailored to meet the diverse needs of our students.
Using the Edgenuity curriculum, a proven and comprehensive educational platform, our online program provides high-quality instruction in a variety of subjects. Whether a student needs a more personalized learning pace, has a unique schedule, or simply thrives in a digital environment, this pro-
gram is designed to help them succeed. The program provides instructor-led online courses to students. BHSVL presents students with an interactive learning experience, not an online textbook. Full-time students are required to spend twenty-eight (28) hours per week working on their online coursework while being monitored by a Written Student Learning Plan. Admission to the program occurs quarterly, and the BHSVL curriculum mirrors the scope and sequence of content taught in the Blaine public schools.
Welcome back Borderites! As we enter a new school year, it’s fun to think about the possibilities that lay before us. New pens and pencils bring inspiration for new ideas and creative thinking. New calculators and graph paper bring the opportunity to develop problem solving and critical thinking skills. New friendships and classmates bring the hope for growth in our students’ abilities to collaborate and communicate in the world around them. We are excited to continue to support students and families in the year to come.
For those who are unfamiliar with HomeConnection, we are Blaine’s Parent Partnership school. We are an Alternative Learning Experience (ALE)
public school within Blaine School District that offers families a way to educate their students outside the traditional classroom setting. We serve students in Kindergarten through 8th grade. In our school families work with a certificated teacher to determine the curriculum needs of their students to develop a Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP) in line with Washington State Learning Standards. We provide families with curriculum materials and support as parents facilitate learning at home. Our teachers collaborate with parents to supervise, monitor, and evaluate student progress. We offer onsite elective classes such as art, history, and science, as well as district and state assessments to
While we still believe in face-to-face instruction for the vast majority of our students, this program is intended to meet specific needs for specific students and families. We invite you to inquire about this exciting new offering by visiting the Blaine High School website, where you’ll find a survey and application. Thank you for your continued support of Blaine High School. We look forward to seeing the positive impact this program will have with students and the broader community.
monitor student progress. We are looking forward to working collaboratively with our families to provide educational opportunities designed to meet their individual student’s learning needs. If you are interested in our program please reach out as we are excited to welcome new students and families into our school community for the 20242025 school year. Our phone number is (360) 332-0483. You can also reach Dawn Cottnair, Blaine HomeConnection Director, through email dcottnair@blainesd.org. We look forward to supporting families and students throughout the 2024-2025 school year.
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Administrative Offices (360) 332-5881
Pt. Roberts Primary School (360) 945-2223
Blaine Primary School (360) 332-1300
Blaine Elementary School (360) 332-5213
Blaine Middle School (360) 332-8226
Blaine High School (360) 332-6045
Blaine HomeConnection (360) 332-0483 Family Service
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! The administration and staff are here to support you every step of the way as we begin another year of learning and growth. As always, we are committed to providing the very best educational experience possible. This year, we are focused on preparing our students not just for graduation, but for the world beyond.
Success in school and life requires more than just knowledge – it demands the right attitudes and behaviors. We emphasize study skills, time management, self-awareness, persistence, and the ability to work effectively in collaborative settings. These skills and attitudes are crucial for success in high school and beyond. Our goal is to ensure that every student graduates ready for college or a career, equipped with the tools they need for a
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. We are blessed to live, work, and learn in Blaine, WA. Blaine Middle School is committed to creating a safe, caring, and respectful environment so that each student gets what they need in order to learn.
We have three focus areas that we will spend our time and energy on this year: School Culture, Academics, and Social and Emotional Learning.
Our first priority is to provide a positive school culture by creating and maintaining a safe and productive learning environment for each student and adult. Additionally, we will once again seek parent and guardian input, as well as invite families to volunteer in our hallways, cafeteria, and classrooms.
bright future.
This year, our focus remains on continuous improvement and clear communication. We will keep you informed through our school website, ParentSquare, social media, and Dr. Granger’s community Q&A sessions. Parents, please make sure your contact information is up to date, especially your email address, as this will be our primary method of communication.
Some things never change, like our belief in our mission:
We Are Blaine High School
We Demonstrate COMPASSION
Academically, students will attend core classes to prepare for the rigors of high school as they are on their journey to graduate. In addition, all middle school students will have classes focused on the skills they need as learners, called WIN (What I Need). WIN classes recognize that each student has a unique set of skills and ways of learning and are designed to build and extend each student’s strengths and areas of growth.
Socially, we recognize that middle school students experience a wide range of emotions that they are learning to regulate. Setting common expectations and behavior support for all students sets the foundation for students to enter and in-
I want to highlight the importance of fostering resilience. Resilience is a powerful skill that helps students overcome challenges and thrive in the face of adversity. It involves believing in your ability to influence your own life, finding purpose in difficult times, and learning from every experience. Know that your teachers care deeply about your success. Work hard, even when the going gets tough, and trust that your efforts will lead to great things.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our administrators via email at eeide@blainesd.org and jradke@blainesd.org. We are here to help you and your students with any concerns that may arise throughout the 2024-2025 school year. Looking forward to an incredible year ahead!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Blaine Primary and Blaine Elementary School! We are beyond excited to begin this new chapter with you and look forward to the incredible journey ahead. My name is Michelle McKeown, and I am so excited, humbled, and honored to serve as the principal of both schools. I have been working in the Blaine School District for 20 years, beginning my journey here as a teacher, and I am thrilled to now have the opportunity to lead these amazing schools. I am joined by two outstanding assistant principals, Kelli Alonso and Kristen Bauer, along with a phenomenal staff of caring, dedicated ed-
Thank you for entrusting us with your students and their education. We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment where every child can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Our dedicated teachers and staff have been hard at work preparing classrooms to welcome students for learning. We prioritize safety, belonging, and positive relationships, fostering an atmosphere that supports each student and their unique personalities.
In the coming weeks, we look forward to reconnecting with returning families and getting to
teract in a predictable environment where they can grow socially and emotionally as young adults.
Teachers will meet in their Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) each Wednesday morning from 7:50-8:50 a.m. with a unified focus on maintaining our positive school culture, improving student learning, and helping students build their social and emotional skills.
Finally, I want to invite middle school students and their families to the middle school cafeteria on August 26 between 2-3 p.m. to take an informal tour, get a copy of your student’s schedule, and update health and family contact information.
This is going to be an amazing Borderite year!
know those new to our community. We encourage all families to become actively involved in our school through various events, volunteer opportunities, and by staying in close communication with teachers and staff through ParentSquare. Together, we can ensure that every child has the support and encouragement they need to succeed. Thank you again for entrusting us with your children’s education. We are honored to be a part of their learning journey and are excited for the year ahead. On behalf of Blaine’s entire staff, we warmly welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year!
*NOTE: 1-Hour Late Start on Wednesdays, unless noted.
28 First Day of School for Students (Late Start) 28-30 Preschool, TK & K Conferences SEPTEMBER
2 Labor Day Holiday (No School)
3 First Day of School TK & K NOVEMBER
4 Teacher Work Day (Non Student Day)
5-8 K-8 Family Conferences (Early Release)
6 NO late start (Early Release) 11 Veterans Day Holiday (No School)
27 Early Release (K-12 Early Release 12:50pm; No Late Start)
28 Thanksgiving Day Holiday (No School)
29 Native American Heritage Day Holiday (No School)
20 Early Release (K-12 release at 12:50) 23 - January 3 Winter Break (No School)
6 School Resumes
20 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (No School)
27 Teacher Work Day (Non-Student Day)
We're excited to introduce ParentSquare, our new communication platform for staying connected with your school and district. ParentSquare lets you receive and send messages, get alerts, attendance notifications, newsletters, share files, and view calendar items—all in one place!
Invitation emails have been sent to families at the preferred email address listed in their student's record in Skyward Family Access. That email will guide you through activating your account, setting preferences, and choosing your preferred language. Even if you don't activate your ParentSquare account, you'll still receive email messages but won't have access to two-way communication features. For added convenience, download the free ParentSquare app for iOS or Android. Visit our website for more details. We're excited to enhance our communication with you!
Your student’s bus route information can be found in Family Access under “Busing”. If you’re new to Blaine School District, have moved or your student’s transportation needs have changed, please visit https://www.blainesd.org/page/transportation and click “Request Bus Transportation”. Some routes, bus stops and times have changed, so please pay close attention to your student’s busing information in Family Access. If you have questions or concerns, please email transportation@blainesd.org or call (360) 332-0700.
Closure Make-up Day (No School Unless Make-up Needed)
7-11 Spring Break (No School)
Teacher Work Day (Non-Student Day)
K-12 Family Conferences (Early Release at 12:50) 16 NO Late Start (Early Release)
5 Teacher Work Day (Non-Student Day)
BHS Graduation
Last Day of School for Students and Teachers (Early Release at 12:50)
Juneteenth Holiday (District