Ep Electric Presentation 3.28.2018

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El Paso Electric

Federal Tax Rate Decrease •

On March 1, EPE filed a proposal to provide a credit to Texas customers for the decrease in the federal income tax rate

This credit would be effective with bills issues on or after April 1, 2018, on an interim basis until final rates are approved

The typical residential customer using an average of 635 kWh could see an average monthly bill decrease of $3.85, or 4.5%

A small commercial customer could see an average monthly bill decrease of approximately 4.6%

Community Solar Program

EPE’s Community Solar Pilot Program Community Solar is a new and easy way to purchase solar power to supplement your electric energy needs. Our solar facility is designed with you in mind and its production is shared with numerous other El Paso Electric (EPE) customers. Enrollment for Community Solar began on March 20, 2017, and was fully subscribed within a month. Currently, there is a waiting list of about 1,000 customers. The program is open to residential and commercial customers in our Texas service territory, whether they rent, lease or own their home.

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EPE’s Community Solar Pilot Program Expansion On March 20, 2018, EPE filed a request to expand the Community Solar program to be able to serve more customers. If approved, the additional 2 MW would allow the immediate participation of customers currently on the waiting list, and would reduce the monthly capacity charge by 9.4% per kW for all participants. As filed, the capacity charge would decrease from $20.96 to $18.99 per kW subscribed.

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Looking ahead All-Source RFP EPE issued an all-source Request for Proposal (RFP)in June 2017 for new generation resources to be completed and online by 2023. 50 MW by 2022 and 320 MW by 2023 for a total of 370 MW.

Five Year Capital Expenditure Plan

* Estimates are subject to change including\ the acceleration and/or postponement of projects. Includes approximately $20mm of large scale solar (5 MW for HAFB and 3 MW for TX community).

Texas Rate Case Residential Customers with Distributed Generation New customers with DG, such as customers with private rooftop solar systems, will see a minimum monthly bill of $30.00. Residential and Small Commercial customers who have rooftop solar installed or who submitted an application for interconnection and received an email from EPE stating the application has been received and is under review prior to December 14, 2017 will not be subject to the Minimum Bill provision at their current residence or place of business for a grandfathering term of 20 years from the date of interconnection of their DG installation.

About El Paso Electric 1901 El Paso Electric first began serving customers on August 30, 1901. At that time, it was known as the El Paso Electric Railway Company, with the primary business of providing transportation via mule-drawn streetcars.

About El Paso Electric 2017 Today, EPE is a public utility providing generation, transmission, and distribution service to approximately 416,000 retail and wholesale customers and employs more than 1,100 employees.

Service Territory

Diversified Energy Portfolio and Low Carbon Footprint 2017 ENERGY SOURCES

EE vs. U.S. Avg. Carbon Footprint (Short tons CO2 equivalent emissions/MWH)

Solar <1% Natural Gas 36%

Nuclear 49%

Purchased Power 15%*

* Renewable energy purchases represent 19% of total purchased power

2015 National Average 0.55

2016 EE 0.31

Community Engagement Volunteers in Action 8,800 volunteer hours in 2017

Community Partner Program

$1.2 million community contributions to more than 177 local non-profit organizations in 2017

Growing Customer Demand

2017 Programs Demand Response Pilot Program - eSmart Thermostat Demand Response is a program that encourages customers to reduce their electricity demand, or load, during peak hours or under certain conditions. Peak electricity demand typically occurs on hot summer days when households are operating refrigerated air conditioning units. Through the eSmart Thermostat Program, EPE will remotely communicate with the smart thermostats to control participating customer’s central refrigerated A/C thermostats in an attempt to reduce electrical load use during Demand Response events. During these events, EPE will send a signal to the customer’s smart thermostat to modify the temperature setting in an attempt to reduce overall load demand. Demand Response seasons begin on June 1 and end on September 30 each calendar year. EPE will accept up to 3,000 residential and small general service customers for enrollment in the Demand Response program.

2017 Texas Rate Case

2017 Texas Rate Case Montana Power Station A major reason for the need for the 2017 rate case is to include EPE’s Montana Power Station (MPS) Units 3 and 4 in rates. MPS Unit 3 was placed in service in May 2016 and MPS Unit 4 in September 2016, alongside associated transmission and further infrastructure improvements. Overall, El Paso Electric invested approximately $151.3 million in MPS Units 3 and 4 and related facilities which are not currently reflected in rates.

MPS consists of four state-of-the-art 88 megawatt simple-cycle aero-derivative combustion turbines powering approximately 160,000 homes.

2017 Texas Rate Case Why did El Paso Electric request to change rates? Since 2015, El Paso Electric (EPE) invested approximately $444.3 million in new generation, distribution and transmission facilities and upgrades to existing local and remote generation infrastructure. Infrastructure Investments since 2015 Montana Power Station Units 3 and 4

$151.3 million

Transmission and Distribution

$139.8 million

Palo Verde Capital Improvements

$59.4 million

Investment in existing local generation

$50.3 million

General and intangible plant

$43.5 million

2017 Texas Rate Case Residential Impact The average monthly residential bill increase in the summer will likely be $5.00 and the average monthly residential bill increase in the winter will likely be $3.50.

Small Commercial Customers Small commercial customers will see a monthly bill decrease of 2.6%. This customer class has historically subsidized other customer groups and the cost of service study in the original proposal reflected a reduction.

Residential Customers with Distributed Generation New customers with DG, such as customers with private rooftop solar systems, will see a minimum monthly bill of $30.00. Residential and Small Commercial customers who have rooftop solar installed or who submitted an application for interconnection and received an email from EPE stating the application has been received and is under review prior to December 14, 2017 will not be subject to the Minimum Bill provision at their current residence or place of business for a grandfathering term of 20 years from the date of interconnection of their DG installation.

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