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Integrate local culture & ar7sts •  Integrate local culture & ar7sts in project design standards, project communica7ons, and project process.

Link QOL/Park Projects to regional Trail System

Develop an organiza7onal and public rela7ons strategy emphasizing El Paso’s Brand of Prosperity to diverse local, regional na7onal and interna7onal community audiences;

Develop transporta7on oriented econ dev. Opportunites across the border

Proposed American Terminal

Proposed Mexican Terminal

Sketches by: Daniel Aburto

Proposed American Terminal, Aerial View

Sketches by: Daniel Aburto

Proposed Mexican Terminal, Aerial View

Cul7vate bi-na7onal and regional rela7ons

A region of connec+on, not a pass through but a node.

Picture of EP SUCCESS

Make EP/JRZ the most dynamic & seamless bina7onal community in the world both economically & culturally.

What to Buy For El Paso

Communica7on Strategy

Bina7onal/Regional Heritage Tourism Strategy Missions on both sides

UNESCO World Heritage Sites •  Camino Real Bike Ride/Tour •  Streetcar Heritage tour/ placemaking/preserva7on in Segundo Barrio/ Chihuahuita •  Mt. Critso Rey as des7na7on •  Securing Peace Park/Casa Adobe

Ecotourism: des7na7on strategy/ infrastructure

Rio Bosque

Interna7onal Mass Transit

Con7nued reinvestment in Downtown Phase 2 – DWNTWN - MCA


Let’s write checks this & Future Councils will Cash.

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