UPI 9.7. 2017 Mesita meeting

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University Pedestrian Improvements Project September 6, 2017 Updates


Presenta<on Overview Summary of Items to be Addressed with Businesses on September 7th

v  Design and Construc<on Update v  Designated Loading Zones v  Parking Benefit District v  Sidewalk Café Ordinance v  Other Concerns to be Discussed •  Glory Road Transfer Center Parking •  Ability to Hold Street Events •  Other concerns? “Delivering Outstanding Services”

Construc<on Update Project on Schedule

Cincinna: blocks to the east and west of Mesa Street are on schedule for comple:on in late November. ü  U<li<es complete at west block of Cincinna< at Oregon. ü  Boring and founda<ons for archway in progress. ü  Archway in fabrica<on. ü  New fire department connec<on installed. ü  Cincinna< between Oregon and Mesa, finished underground except for the drilled shaX for light poles. ü  Curb and flatwork will begin end of next week -on track for end of October ü  Mesa to Stanton block: underground done end of next week including light founda<ons. •  curb and flatwork starts next week •  3 weeks away from sidewalk work in that block . (to be coordinated with each business business). •  Sidewalk work will occur in off hours. ü  End of September: begin block between Stanton and alley to the east. “Delivering Outstanding Services”

Design Update Stanton Update August 2017 ü

Temporary striping at Stanton block north of Bal<more removed ü  AECOM providing design services to improve street sec<on

“Delivering Outstanding Services”

Design Update Stanton Update

“Delivering Outstanding Services�

Design Update Stanton Update

“Delivering Outstanding Services�

Design Update Stanton Update

“Delivering Outstanding Services�

Construc<on Update Project Timeline

October 2017

•  Curb and sidewalk complete at both blocks; •  Paving at both blocks completed; •  Parking meters to arrive at end of month, installa<on to begin; •  Light posts installed; and •  Archway comple<on at end of month.

November 2017

•  Landscape installed throughout project area; •  String lights installed; and •  Bike racks and street furniture placed.

“Delivering Outstanding Services”

Loading Zones •  Loca:on recommended for loading: the northeast corner of the Stanton and Cincinna: intersec:on. •  Other op<ons require removal of metered parking. •  The alleys cannot be used for loading as trucks, when unloading, would block emergency access. •  Addi<onally, turning into the alleys by a large truck would be problema<c.

“Delivering Outstanding Services”

Parking Benefit District Overview What is a Parking Benefit District (PBD)? An area where a percentage of funds collected from paid parking located within the area’s boundary are used to fund improvements within that area.

What Improvements Could be Funded by a PBD? •  Improvements may include public ameni:es that enhance the quality of life and public safety in the District. •  Examples: increased security, sidewalk and pedestrian walkway improvements, street maintenance, street lights, landscaping, parking studies, parking facili<es, improvements that promote walking, cycling and the use of public transporta<on, and wayfinding.

How are Improvements Determined? •  An Advisory CommiTee may be appointed by City Council to make recommenda<ons related to Improvements eligible for funding within the PBD. •  The Commifee consists of business owners or property owners, including residents, whose property is located within the boundaries of the PBD or within a Neighborhood Associa<on whose boundaries are located within or adjacent to the district. “Delivering Outstanding Services”

Parking Benefit District Proposed University Pedestrian Improvement PBD Annual Meter Revenue Es:mate

# Meters Scenario 1 Scenario 2 93









Scenario 1 is most conserva<ve and assumes median Downtown revenue for calendar year 2016; Scenario 2 assumes 75th percen<le Downtown revenue fro calendar year 2016. *Represents those parking spaces along the Stanton spur highlighted in orange.

Annual UPI Maintenance Cost Es:mate



Landscaping and Area Cleaning/Maintenance




Contract Management (20% of Subtotal)


Total Cost


“Delivering Outstanding Services”

Sidewalk Café Ordinance Purpose and Applicability Purpose: To simplify and clarify the applica<on and approval process, while also upda<ng, improving and clarifying design requirements.

Applicability: •

Sidewalk café ordinance is applicable to temporary sidewalk cafés that are located on a public sidewalk.

To be temporary, the café must include removable barriers fixed to the sidewalk with no more than one bolt in each corner of the café space.

Temporary Sidewalk Café Permit: •  Dura:on: One to five years (applicant may choose term); •  Process: Streamlined process that does not require construc<on drawings; •  Reviewing Department: Planning & Inspec<ons (addi<onal departments may be included depending on design complexity, proposed furniture and elements, or proximity to u<lity infrastructure. •  Installa:on: Removable barriers fixed to the sidewalk with no more than bolt in each corner of the café space. •  Fees: $75 applica<on fee and $150 annual permit fee. “Delivering Outstanding Services”

Sidewalk Café Ordinance Applica:on Process

1.  Review sidewalk café regula<ons to ensure compliance with design guidelines and ADA requirements. 2.  Submit notarized applica<on, non-refundable applica<on fee, and required suppor<ng documenta<on. 3.  Allow 30 days for review of the applica<on, documenta<on packet, and site issues. 4.  If approved, pay the annual permit fee (up to five years may be paid in advance) and sign a notarized maintenance agreement. 5.  Sidewalk café permit is ac<vated and installa<on is permifed. 6.  Opera<on of café may begin following site visit to check for compliance. A full applica*on must be submi2ed annually unless mul*ple years (up to five) are paid in advance. “Delivering Outstanding Services”

Sidewalk Café Ordinance Required Documenta:on •  Complete applica:on form; •  Proof of property ownership (warranty deed or deed of trust); •  Copy of TABC permit, if applicable. •  Site plan and eleva:ons: •  Detailed site plan drawn to scale •  Eleva<ons; •  Detailed fencing plan, if applicable; •  List of all materials. •  Photographs •  One photo from across the street; •  One photo from each end of the proposed café. •  Historic and Landmark Districts Approval, if applicable. •  Cer:ficate of insurance •  $1 million per occurrence and $1 million in liquor liability, if applicable; •  City of El Paso as Addi<onal Insured; •  “City of El Paso, Afn: One-Stop-Shop, 811 Texas Ave., El Paso, TX 79912” named as Cer<ficate Holder •  Surety bond to cover the cost to the City to remove the café if necessary. •  $5,000 if unbolted; •  $10,000 if bolted. “Delivering Outstanding Services”

Sidewalk Café Ordinance Design Guidelines Pedestrian Clearance •  For sidewalks less than 15 feet, a minimum 6 foot clear pedestrian zone is required; •  For sidewalks 15 feet or greater, a minimum 9’ pedestrian clear pedestrian zone is required. •  3’ minimum clear visual zone must be maintained within the pedestrian passageway. •  Note: the clear pedestrian zone may meander while the clear visual zone must be a straight corridor.

“Delivering Outstanding Services”

Sidewalk Café Ordinance Design Guidelines Barriers Requirements •  Sidewalk cafés that do not serve alcohol do not require physical barriers. •  Sidewalk cafés serving alcohol must be delineated by physical barriers: •  At a minimum, delinea<on is achieved with two end-cap barriers are required, one at each exterior corner or end of the café; •  A fully enclosed space defined with a fenced barrier is permifed but not required.

Barrier Design •  Height: Café posts, planters, and/or fence sec<ons shall be a minimum of 3 feet in height and a maximum of 4 feet in height; •  Distance from the Ground: The distance from the lowest point of the barrier to the ground shall be no more than 6 inches; ensures visually-impaired detect the barrier; •  Open Design: Barriers shall allow patrons and pedestrians to see from the café to the street and vice versa.

Types of Barriers •  Sec<onal fencing (glass fencing is prohibited). •  Planters (plants may extend above the planter but may not be taller than 6 feet). “Delivering Outstanding Services”

Sidewalk Café Ordinance Design Guidelines Entrance and Access Openings •  Entrance should be in front of the adjacent restaurant. •  Deliveries and furnishings may not obstruct doorways and access openings. •  3’ minimum access opening is required for ADA. •  3’ minimum aisle between tables must be maintained for ADA.

Setbacks from other Businesses •  The sidewalk café must remain within the storefront boundaries of the business.

Furnishings •  Sea<ng is required and must be shown in the site plan during applica<on submifal. •  All sea<ng and tables must be movable to accommodate wheelchair access. •  Tables may not be over 36 inches in height.

Materials •  A materials list must be provided with the applica<on. •  Materials unsuitable for outdoor use may not be approved (e.g. breakable plas<cs, unfinished lumber, glass, etc.). “Delivering Outstanding Services”

Sidewalk Café Ordinance Design Guidelines Umbrellas •  Umbrellas must be contained within the defined sidewalk café area and must be between 7 feet and 10 feet tall.

Surface of Sidewalk •  Within the sidewalk café space, the exis<ng sidewalk or paver surface must be maintained and cannot be painted •  Raised plarorms and floor coverings (carpet, fabric, canvas, wool, linoleum, <le, turf, etc.) are prohibited.

Signage •  One sandwich board and one free-standing menu board reaching a maximum height of 4 feet is permifed. •  Permifed sandwich/menu boards may be placed within the sidewalk café area or adjacent to the area provided the required pedestrian clearance is maintained.

“Delivering Outstanding Services”

Sidewalk Café Ordinance Other Items to Consider •  Lifer and recycle containers must be provided and the area cleaned of all lifer, refuse, and spills aXer each day’s opera<on by the Permit Holder; •  Hours of opera<on must be in conjunc<on within the establishment’s business hours. •  No equipment for sound amplifica<on shall be permifed within the café area. •  No signs or banners, except the sandwich board and/or menu board may be placed in the café area. •  No u<lity connec<ons may be installed in the café area. •  Permit is not transferable. •  Permit revocability. •  Limits to types of establishments that qualify for a sidewalk café permit. “Delivering Outstanding Services”

Other Concerns Glory Road Transfer Center Parking

A reduced rate offered exclusively to Cincinna< area businesses for employee parking at $30 per space per month. To purchase passes, contact: Richard Garcia (915) 534-0651 rigarcia@des:na:onelpaso.com

“Delivering Outstanding Services”

Sidewalk Café Ordinance Ability to Hold Street Events •  Street events require an event permit. •  Must apply for the permit at least 30 days in advance of your event. •  Applica<on Fee: $373 (non-refundable); •  Closure Fee: $106 per 12 hour period. •  Addi<onal permits may be required. •  Annual permit is available for the same recurring event (requires at least 14 days no<ce to the City of the event). •  For more informa<on: City of El Paso Special Events One Stop Shop 811 Texas Ave. El Paso, TX 79901-1503 Phone: (915) 212-1506 Email: SpecialEvents@elpasotexas.gov Website: hTps://www.elpasotexas.gov/planning-and-inspec:ons/special-events “Delivering Outstanding Services”

Other Concerns?

“Delivering Outstanding Services�

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