Volume 20 Issue 2 Sept. 2011
Kelly Powers
Lionel Peralta
Julia Hutchison Annie Rosia
Photo by Michelle King IN THIS ISSUE Judging of Peruvian Horses Art or Mathematics? by Lionel Peralta Mi Paraiso by Vicky Hildebrandt A Good time was Had by All by Lois Worden Ride with Pride by Sue Gibbins
REGULAR FEATURES Peruvian Horse Association of Alberta Peruvian Paso Association of Ontario Classified Ads PICS
JUDGING OF PERUVIAN HORSES – ART OR MATHEMATICS? By Lionel Peralta L. At times there is discussion as to whether the judging of the Peruvian Paso horse is objective or subjective. I would like my contributions to this interesting topic. The objective goal is judging the condition of the object itself (ie - the horse) independently of the thinking or feeling of the evaluator. The subjective aspect refers to interpretations based on taste, experience or values which make judging become personal and unique. From the moment that there is a breed standard and an agreement on a number of parameters to classify the animals, we are in objective territory. It is not about what you like most as a judge or assessor, but which horse best meets these standards. Some of the parameters used to compare one individual with another in the trial are quantitative parameters (eg - size) and others are qualitative (eg - "stamp of a stallion�). As in the arena, quantitative assessments depend on the human eye and not a precise measurement tool, and are therefore imperfect. Despite the existence of objective parameters, especially the appreciation and the relative importance of these parameters together, we have the inevitable influence of tastes and preferences of the evaluator. The judge must consider and meet the agreed parameters and accept that their role is properly applied, subordinating their tastes and preferences to these parameters. At the end of the process is objective evidence, qualitative and imperfect. Hence derives its art and excitement of performance and breeding animals that seek to fulfill objective parameters. This generates rewarding experiences (subjectively) when we interact with this beautiful animal. The judging does not qualify or quantify, judging is the work of sorting the participants based on their merits or defects (quality), which are most apparent one day or another. This is not only by their genetic condition, but also external factors and variables such as the rider’s ability, the training, physical condition, and day and time they are presented in the arena. The more we discuss and reach agreement on the relative importance of the stated parameters, the less individual influence and therefore less subjectivity will formally or informally be left to the officiating judge, and the better the judge exercises his duties the arena, the better we can target our breeding programs in search of quality . And the mathematical part? Look at these formulas: Conformation + Temperament (Brio) = Belleza (Beauty) (Harmony + Function) + (Smoothness + Advance + Adornos [style]) = Pisos (Gait and Way of Going) Pisos + Belleza = Quality The formula reveals that a proper conformation with brio permits smoothness, and that is the result of the good gait characteristics of this breed. Our goal as breeders is beyond the relentless pursuit of quality. We also want sound animals. Soundness is a result of proper function, natural and unforced, and the correct function is the product of a proper conformation. Therefore, when the American Horse Shows Association began events in 1917, among the objectives of the judging were: 1) Identify the animals most likely to stay sound, 2) Identify the animals
In 2001, the American Horse Shows Association (ASHA) changed its name to United States Equestrian Federation (USEF).
with the best movement, 3) Certify the animals winners as breeding animals, because the resulting quality is not the blossom but of the same quality. Although all domestic horses have the same number and type of bones, length of bones, joint angles and muscle coverage varies from one animal to another. The muscle coverage is as important as the bone structure and muscle contraction is responsible for generating the movement. Muscles cannot "stretch" beyond their natural size, without contracting and then returning to its natural state. They do not "push" more than they "pull." Differences in bone and muscle structure are crucial in justifying functional differences between an animal and another. The breed standard tells us how different areas should be -- the horse's head, neck, limbs, back, rump, etc. This includes both bone and muscle components, to achieve a better sound function. Will be the subject of another article detailed analysis of each of these components of the breed standard and the role they play in the ideal structure for each. This arrangement is not adequate enough without a very characteristic component of this breed that is the spirit or “brio”. We understand brio as the aura of pride and energy that is expressed as a desire to walk with great arrogance and spectacular nobility. This is partly the result of genetic transmission that breeders have carefully preserved through the years. The genetic code is also responsible for understanding this harmony as the sum of a coordinated sequence of movements with lateral predominance in the rhythm of four beats. You hear the result of the four supporting footfalls that are generated at different times and coordinated. This is responsible for the function , understood as the determination and strength of the movement of the hind legs that get under the body mass and release energy without any wasted forward or vertical motion. This harmony and function result in smoothness that is expressed in the balance and stillness of the rider and the progress represented by the energetic impulsion or “drive”. Together with what we consider adornments (extension, temino and lift), make the excellent pisos of the Peruvian Horse Paso, source of pleasure and pride for those who enjoy "riding." So where is the art of judging? Well, in the correct evaluation of the formulas above, and this requires subjective and long periods of time, study, perseverance, passion and patience. ! Contact Lionel Peralta L. at Criadero Peralta Quirós, Email: Lperalta@pq.cr
From # E$tor’s desk
Thank you all for your the articles, photos, and ads. Submissions of articles was great this month and really appreciated. I am keeping a library of photos so please keep them coming in. The size and layout of each Paca Paca issue will determine the number of photos that will be used so some may turn up in later issues. . It is my understanding that fonts that translate well into PDF format are:Courier, Helvetica, Symbol, Times and Zapf Dingbats. Hopefully, I will be able to do a stallion issue later so keep that in mind while taking photos.!!!! Until next time S!anne Bro"
Announcements from the PHAC Board of Directors
Show Rules A complete set of the updated Book of Peruvian Horse Showing is available at the PHAC website www.phac.ca. Those members who wish to receive a copy by mail should send a $5 cheque payable to the PHAC to: PHAC, General Delivery, Lyalta, AB T0J 1Y0. 2011 PHAC Memberships To continue receiving the Paca Paca News and other member benefits, please send your cheque or money order payable to the PHAC to the CLRC, 2417 Holly Lane, Ottawa, ON K1V 0M7. Link your website with the PHAC website! The PHAC will add a link to your website for FREE. Email Bonnie Matheson at littlemountain@telus.net . Nominations to the PHAC Board of Directors Nominations to the PHAC Board of Directors can be made throughout the year and forwarded to Gus McCollister, Executive Secretary by email at gusmccollister@efirehose.net , by phone 403-935-4435, by fax 403-935-4774 or by mail at PHAC, General Delivery, Lyalta, AB T0J 1YO. 2011 Canadian National Show The 2011 Canadian National Show will be held September 30– Oct. 2 in Armstrong BC. Please contact Rob Sjodin at 4beat@telus.net if you have any questions concerning the show or would wish to volunteer. Volunteering: If anyone is interested in becoming part of any of the committees (e.g. Rules, Bylaws, Advertising, Drug Testing), please contact any of the Board of Directors. Programs offered by the PHAC
1. Junior Scholarship Program 2. Novice High Point Program 3. Trail Riding Program
We have updated our Website! Stop by and have a look.
Classified Ads WANTED Anyone who has an indoor ring and boards Peruvians for the winter months starting this Thanks giving. I would be interested and can be contacted at 403-281-3054. Must be close to SW Calgary (half hour) distance.
FOR SALE 7 year old chestnut show gelding for sale. MCD Coronel Needs an experienced rider. $6500. Would consider a trade for a calm trail horse. PH: 403-851-1051 or email:bheich57@shaw.ca
2011 Calendar of Events Event:
Date: Contact:
Diamond Classic Saskatoon, SK Judge: TBA
September 2-4
Phoebe Soles (306) 929-2350 foxcreek@inet2000.com
Canadian National Peruvian Horse Show September 30-Oct. 2 Rob Sjodin Armstrong, BC Judge: Juan Manuel Risso Patron 4beat@telus.net
To have your event included on this page, contact the editor at suzy_brown@shaw.ca Mark your calendars with these important dates! The premium lists for the PHAC approved shows are available at www.phac.ca. Members can also view show results on the website
Suzanne Brown, Sharyda & Julia Hutchison
email: suzie_brown@me.com
Paca Paca News is the official newsletter of the Peruvian Horse Association of Canada (PHAC). This publication is complimentary to those who hold a PHAC membership. To receive a subscription or membership, complete the form inside this newsletter and send with a cheque or money order for $45.00 (GST included) for an Owner/ Breeder membership or $15.00 (GST included) for Aficionado (non-owner) to:
Peruvian Horse Association of Canada CLRC 2417 Holly Lane Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0M7 Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of PHAC members, Board or the Editors. Paca Paca News makes every effort to avoid error and assumes no responsibility for copy submitted by contributors and/or advertisers. However, the Editor reserves the right to refuse material not suitable for publication. Items containing negative references toward individuals or groups or any other questionable material will be sent to the Board of Directors for approval prior to publication.
Classified Ads Classified ads (25 words or less) can be emailed to paca paca @shaw.ca Classified rates $5.00 – 2 consecutive issues (Members) $5.00 per issue (Non-members)
Advertising Rates Members/Non-Members *Front Cover $125.00/ $150.00 (Includes color & full pg inside Bl & White) *Back Cover (Color) *Inside Front Cover (Color)
$ 90.00/ $108.00
*Inside Back Cover (Color) Center Spread (Bl & Wh)
$ 80.00/ $95.00
Full Page Bl & Wh
$ 35.00/ $42.00
Half Page Bl & Wh
$ 20.00/ $24.00
Quarter Pg Bl & Wh
$ 10.00/ $12.00
Business Card (One full year)
$ 25.00/ $30.00
Classified section (25 words or less)
5.00 – 2 consecutive issues (Members)/ $5.00 per issue (nonmembers)
$ 80.00/ $95.00
$ 60.00/ $80.00
All rates are for camera ready copy. Please submit in PDF or jpeg format.. Ads requiring set-up will be subject to a $15.00 surcharge. *WINTER RATES: For all issues except the summer one, the newsletter format will be only in black and white. Ads for the usual “color spots” will be sold at a $40.00 per ad discount. CHEQUES PAYABLE TO PHAC. Send ads and other contributions to:
Paca Paca News c/o Suzanne Brown Email:
suzy_brown @shaw.ca Phone: (403) 680-1122
PHAC Board of Directors Ben Sawatzky, President 7886 Bench Row Road Vernon, BC V1H 1H3 Phone (250) 558-4743 Email: ben@spruceland.ab.ca Don Noltner, Vice-President Box 1133 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P3 Phone: (250) 835-8472 Email highcountryperuvains@xplornet.com Sherri Rosia, Secretary R.R. 1 Cochrane, AB T4C 1A1 Phone (403) 932-7032 Email SRosia.nhp@gmail.com Jocelyn Hastie, Treasurer Box 1, Site 2, RR3 High River, AB T1V 1N3 Phone (403) 601-2500 Email info@celestinaranch.com Mimi Busk-Downey, Director Box 449 Acme, AB T0M 0A0 Phone (403) 546-4331 Email cresmoon@supergait.com EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS:
Gus McCollister, Exec. Secretary General Delivery Lyalta, AB T0J 1Y0 Phone (403) 935-4435 Fax (403) 935-4774 Email: gusmccollister@efirehose.net Lynn Moker, Exec. Treasurer RR1Red Deer, AB T4N 5E1 phone(403)-343-2814 email: lmoker@xplornet.com AWARDS COMMITTEE: Sherri Rosia Mimi Busk-Downey Shannon Zaitsoff BY-LAWS COMMITTEE: Marion Bear Mimi Busk-Downey DRUG TEST COMMITTEE: Paul Rintoul NAME APPROVAL COMMITTEE: Lesa Steeves NOMINATION COMMITTEE: Gus McCollister RULES COMMITTEE: Val Henderson Phoebe Soles Daryl Olson
Box 207 Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0 Don Noltner, President Phone: (250) 832-1188 Email: highcountryperuvians@xplornet.com Website: www.phcbc.ca
PERUVIAN HORSE CLUB OF ALBERTA 11003 Oakfield Dr.SW. Calgary,AB T2W 3H3 Chantelle Sawatzky, President Phone: (403) 281-2114 Email: chantelle.sawatzky@gmail.com Website: www.peruvianpasosalberta.com
SASKATCHEWAN PERUVIAN HORSE CLUB INC. 147 Rao Crescent Saskatoon, SK S7K 6V7 Phoebe Soles, President Phone: (306) 929-2350 Email: foxcreek@inet2000.com
ONTARIO PERUVIAN HORSE ASSOCIATION c/o Lyn Knell 1067 Melville Rd, RR#2 Consecon, Ont K0K 1T0 Lyn Knell, President Email: lyn@peruvianpaso.ca Website: www.peruvianpaso.ca
PERUVIAN PASO HORSE ASSOC OF ONTARIO c/o Carlos Escudero,President Peruvian Paso Horse Assoc. of Ontario 63 Kinloch Cresc Maple, Ontario Phone: (905) 3038137 Email: pasohorse@bell.net
PERUVIAN ENTHUSIASTS & RECREATIONAL RIDERS UNLIMITED c/o Chris Thurn, Secretary PO Box 586 Linden, AB TOM 1J0 Wanda Malsbury, President Phone: (403) 546-4320 Email: thurnc@gmail.com Website: www.peru.org
ON THE COVER: Julia Hutchison my grandaughter, in the leadline class at the Wild West Classic having a serious discussion with Lionel Peralta, BC’s judge, and Kelly Powers student judge. Julia is looking forward to going in some junior classes next year and riding for Vista Ridge Ranch like her mom did. Special thanks to Annie for her help in this class.
GLIDE WITH PRIDE MY FRIENDS, from Sue Giddins “ANYONE WHO LOVES ANIMALS IS OK WITH ME” My Passion and great love (apart from my poodles) is my Peruvian Horses and their country of origin, PERU. (Opps forgot Len (Hubby) of course) Twice I have visited the home of these amazing animals and each time I have fallen further under their spell. Mimi Busk Downey (the human whirlwind) through Crescent Moon tours in Peru opened up a world one only imagines in their wildest dreams. Ancient ruins, wonderful history, amazing panoramas, and of course my beloved Peruvian Horses. Fun loving, animal lovers, sharing a small tour bus and the passion make for one hell of a good time and great camaraderie. My last visit in March 2011 (I wanted to see the Great Horse show at Mamacona) I dragged along three Aussie “horsey” friends to share the magic. Dee had never travelled outside Aus before, but she was fascinated by the Peruvian Horses and wanted to learn more about them. She has severe back injuries, but like many of us still wants to share the special connection of the rider and the horse, and these horses may be her answer. Don her partner who kept us entertained with his jokes and good humour, was already hooked. Dee and Don since have 3 pure bred Peruvian mares 2 of which are in foal to RTP Casino son of Soberano CM. Jill OʼBrien from Queensland our forth Amigo has purchased the first foal on the ground in
Australia out of RTP Casino (our Stallion now standing at Stud in Australia) GP ALEGRA. So Jill was keen to come along with a huge thirst for knowledge, and some good yarns and fun to boot. Mimi provided us with some unforgettable memories of visits to wonderful breeding studs. (Boy we really saw how the other half live). The hosts were most hospitable and we Aussies appreciated the warm welcome given. One thing I noticed was that the horse breeding industry in Peru is rather a “boys Club culture”. Our hosts were perfect gentlemen. One Stud that was an absolute stand out in my mind was that of Elsa Pugaʼs “Hacienda Los Ficus”. This setup was done with the greatest LOVE and understanding of these horses from Cradle (stable) to old age. All these horses truly loved Elsa and all her staff from the trainers and handlers to the stable hands, and this reflected In the way they performed for the public. We were so totally overwhelmed after riding her horses and seeing their demonstrations, many of us were brought to tears. I canʼt help feel that there is a very special connection between a women and a horse that just isnʼt there with a man. I am not being sexist in saying that however. Bravo Elsa and Friends You are Truly Amazing (By the way she has great accommodation at her Hacienda, a horse lovers dream) There would be about 200 pure bred Peruvian Horses in Australia but interest is slowly growing, about the unique qualities of these horses.
The PHAA (Peruvian Horse Association of Australasia) is almost up and running now and although it is taking a long time with implementation we down under are excited and honoured to be included in the world wide Peruvian Horse Fraternity. The CLRC will be administering all registrations etc which will provide a wonderful interactive data base for all North American, Canadian, and Australasian Horses.
GLIDE WITH PRIDE MY FRIENDS, from Sue Giddins Michelle Evans Equine and Animal Artist from DownUnder Producing amazing canvases of your favourite horses and animals. Very reasonably priced. For further information please email Michelle on me.evans.65@hotmail.com. An example of Michelle’s talent is this painting of Soberano CM commissioned by Sue Giddins as a lasting gift for special friend Mimi Busk Downey.
Summer 2011 Sales List To Approved Homes Only Prices in Canadian Dollars ~ GST Not Included
RSTD Espiritu (’00 Gelding) ~ Mensajero de Paijan x RSTD Canela Salvaje $4000 Espiritu has been a working ranch horse for the past 5 years. He is very smart and loves to work cattle and will to go through mud and water up to his belly if there is a cow to chase. A solid, strong horse that requires an intermediate rider. RSTD Luciernaga (’05 Mare) ~ *FC Veranero x JWF Aleli $3500 Lucy has been continuing her trail training recently, being ridden on roads and thru the trees. While she enjoys her time on the trail, she is cautious and attentive to her surroundings and would benefit from a patient and confident owner. RSTD Valeroso (03 Gelding) ~ *FC Veranero x Encima Valeroso may be the trail horse that you have been looking for. Big, strong, with good feet and bone, he has a wonderfully long stride at a walk. He has a great mind and trailers easily both near and far.
RSTD Trueno (’07 Stallion) ~ Espejo de Peru x RSTD Donadora Trueno won Best Bozal at his first show in 2010. He has been very easy to put into the bit and seems to be a natural in the Pleasure Division. So far this year (his first year in the bit) he has won two Reserve Champion Pleasure Stallion ribbons, one Champion of Champions Performance Stallion ribbon and one Reserve Champion Breeding Stallion ribbon.
For more information on Ringstead Ranch, please visit our website. You may also contact Rick or Deb at 403-931-3276. Visitors are always welcome, but please call ahead.
Rick & Deb Cones ~ Owners P.O. Box 31 Millarvillie, AB T0L 1K0
Tel: 403-931-3276 email: ringstead@xplornet.com email: rick.cones@gmail.com
Mi Paraiso In Germany they say animals are like their owners. On Mi Paraiso's registration papers it is written that I am his owner. I think in reality he must be my partners horse. Juan and Mi Paraiso are so much alike. They are both very proud and rather difficult if you ask them to do something they don't want to do. Mi Paraiso is a very good gelding but even though he does not know it, he is very small. I remember going to my first show, leading him around in the warm up area, trying to find a horse that was as small or even smaller than Paraiso. Every time I saw one that looked pretty small I secretly went as close as possible to compare the size. Just to find every time that my gelding was quite a bit smaller than the other horse. In my opinion a difficult horse just needs the right kind of job to excel. For several years our friends at the Peruvian Cultural Association in Calgary have asked Juan to dance a Marinera for them at one of their Gettogethers. Every year he had the same answer: Vicky has a horse... but it needs more work. At the few shows we went to I had a hard time picking up a ribbon on him, try to imagine him dancing with a woman swirling around in a dress, wiggeling a panuelo in front of his nose! This spring a very good friend of ours died of brain cancer. Libor was an active Volunteer for the Peruvian Cultural Association and member of the dance group Ritmos Peruanos. The same day he died the Club was celebrating Mothers day. It was the sadest peruvian party I have been to. That day Juan told the committee that he would dance the Marinera with Mi Paraiso for the Peruvian Independence day the end of July. And here we stood, 30th of July at the Marlborough Community Hall. There are a lot of Peruvian people in Calgary. Most of our friends are still very connected to Peru in their hearts. Some go to visit every year,others have not been back to their home country in 40 years. A lot of them never had the opportunity to see a Marinera dance with the man on horseback in Peru. Many brought their non Peruvian partners and Canadian kids. Over 400 people came to this years Fiestas Patrias, more than ever before. Nobody had expected so many people and they
ran out of their delicious food and Inca Cola early that evening. The group Ritmos Peruanos did a presentation of different traditional dances inside the Community Hall. Then everybody came outside to the soccer field. There was a hill in the far left corner behind which we were hiding Mi Paraiso. Juans son Juan Ernesto - we call him Neto - was to ride first with a band of cedar instead of regular reins to the song "Jose Antonio". The music started playing and Paraiso comes walking over the hill. The evening sun was shining like a spotlight onto horse and rider. We wondered...is Mi Paraiso going to go towards the big crowd who applauded, whistled and did a lot of oh's and ah's ? Well, this little gelding looked soooo proud! With his ears pirked up he almost seemed to have a smile on his face! He was not scared of anything, went by the crowd very closely and gave Neto a wonderful ride. Then Juan danced the Marinera on him with his daughter Caty on the ground. Caty is a very good dancer and on top of that not scared of horses at all. There were times where she touched Paraiso with her dress and the horse seemed to know it was part of the show that he obviously enjoyed. My favorite part was when Juan was clapping his hands, and the horse continued to dance with his mouth touching the stirrup. There were people that had tears in their eyes and lots of big smiles. And we had finally found a job for Mi Paraiso! Nobody had noticed how small he was. His pride made him look a lot taller than he is. What better job can you have than making so many people happy?! And to make others happy makes yourself feel happy. I am sure Paraiso knows that! Well, maybe there is something our gelding can do the rest of the year! He can give rides to our 19 month old son Lukas! Mi Paraiso loves him and Lukas loves Mi Paraiso. I tried to go into the Community Hall to enjoy the fiesta but lately
Lukas has been very shy towards strangers. He cried terribly and I was not able to calm him down. We spend the evening outside, away from people. Lukas watched his dad's and siblings show quite concentrated and started dancing himself to the music. After the exibition was over he got to ride Paraiso, dad and Neto led him by the stands where there were still quite a few people, calling out to him and making comments. There was no crying - just a very proud looking little boy on a horse. Thank you Deb and Rick Cones for this very special little gelding who has become a true family horse and also for letting us use your Truck and Trailer! Thank you to Juan for never giving up on Mi Paraiso! by Vicky Hildebrandt
The Marinera is a coastal dance of Peru generally
honor of the Peruvian Navy or the Marina de
called the "National Dance of Peru." The Marinera
Guerra del Peru in 1879 when Peru entered war
is a graceful and romantic couple's dance that
against Chile.
uses handkerchiefs as props. The dance is an elegant and stylized reenactment of a courtship, and it shows a blend of the different cultures of Peru. The dance itself has gained a lot of recognition and is one of the most popular
The claim coming from Peru is that the dance is
traditional dances of Peru.
exclusively Peruvian. According to Peruvian
The origin of the Marinera is generally traced back
historian R贸mulo C煤neo Vidal, the zamacueca was
to the Zamacueca ( an ancient Spanish colonial
itself a dance of rest during the times of the Inca
dance). Nevertheless, there are various other
empire (And in some Pre-Inca cultures). Thus,
theories about where it comes from.The exact
coming from such a far natively Peruvian
origin of the dance is unknown, but it is an
background, the dance is itself simply a derivation
unmistakable blend of , Spanish, Moorish, Andean
of an ancient Peruvian dance. A fact that may
and Gypsy rhythm influences. Though the
validate this statement are the ancient huacos
marinera dance style had been around for
(earthen ware pots) depicting people resting in
centuries in Peru, it gained the name "marinera" in
zamacueca positions.
Beautiful 2003 Chestnut Mare Polete IJB
This is a very kind beautiful mare; she has been on trails a lot and never hesitates. Trailers in a two horse straight haul; excellent with farrier.She has size, looks and a wonderful disposition. She has had one foal. Very smooth. She has the potential for the show ring, trails, or your breeding program SRO Castanero -856
JJBN Tacubo-737 Carina AAG-644
Polete IJB Fuerza IJB-965
Norteno Tesoro-SCP -393 Primavera Rosa -125 Please contact Jean @250-804-2325 or email k2_thom@sunwave.net. May be able to haul? I am asking $5800.00 Headsets $600.00 each
Almost new Peruvian saddle for sale $475.00
1997 Z28 Chevy truck in very nice condition $5000.00 and a 1992 Logan 2 horse straight haul 3500.00. Never had trouble with either. The trailer pulls like a dream. Large dressing & tack room. Good tires on both .Well maintained. Both units together will sell for $8000.00 firm
“A Good Time was had by ALL!” by Lois Worden (member of Ontario Peruvian Horse Association)
! The weekend of June 25/26 2011 is a date that will be remembered with a smile by the participants in the OPHA Clinic/Schooling Show at Beaconhurst Stable, Kendal, the home of Valerie and Norman Henderson! ! The arrival of our clinician/judge, Mimi BuskDowney from Alberta was delayed 3 hours by a late flight, but once she was here, the festivities began. After the fine details were discussed with some of the organizers over a barbeque at LoKey Ranch, we all made it an early night in anticipation of the weekend ahead. ! The agenda for Sat. opened promptly and the participants and auditors were educated, entertained and encouraged by Mimi’s very skilful and humourous style. Throughout the course of the day, twelve riders, in sets of two, were assigned a 45-minute session with Mimi to be personally instructed and to be afforded an opportunity to work on specific issues with their horses. We all learned so much about the unique style, characteristics and challenges of Peruvian horses and tack by participating and auditing. ! Beginning from the time the gate opened, we were treated to homemade foods served by the staff of the Farmhouse Grill from Keene, Ont. Delicious soups, sandwiches, baking and
fresh fruits were available. During our lunch break we were thrilled to observe Valerie Henderson and Nini Larsen in their formal attire performing a “Pas de Deux” on Val’s Andalusian, Derroche ROY and Nini’s Hanoverian, Cirrus. ! Also, during lunch break, Mimi provided us with additional information via a power point presentation on the aspects that a judge considers in a Peruvian show. ! Saturday night was a time for socializing with 30 people dining at Rhino’s Restaurant in Bewdley. If the volume of sound was any indication of the amount of fun we were having, we were certainly “over the top”! Mimi had generously donated some publications such as the Official Program from the Nationals in Peru and some antique Peruvian magazines. Our President, Lyn Knell, auctioned off these items and encouraged some excellent bids from those present for the benefit of OPHA. ! Sunday morning was a time to “test” out our learning at the Schooling Show which had been set up just like the real thing! Throughout the day, Mimi put us through our paces with the excellent assistance of our Ringmaster, Cher Toal. It was obvious as the day progressed that we had some keen competition going and we could observe some serious attempts at showing off our Peruvians in their best light. Mimi prompted us through all the details of the official aspects of the show and her comments to the participants regarding her
adjudication will go far to encourage improvements in our future endeavours both at shows and on the trail. Our Gatekeeper and Pooper Scooper, Lauri Rusk kept us on track throughout the day. Our Announcer, Curtis Simon did an admirable job of broadcasting the results for the day and keeping us on schedule. Curtis also provided videos from our Lindsay show as prizes and for profit to the club. ! Each and every class had a sponsor and prize generously donated (no small feat for our first-time effort). Sue Noltner from B.C. very graciously presented the winners with their trophies and gorgeous ribbons. Sue’s husband, Don Noltner, the President of the B.C. Peruvian club flew in from a holiday in Argentina to attend our event! ! We all agreed that the show highlight came in the form of our Junior Classes of six young girls competing with their Peruvians in two divisions for the honours of the day. They were so excellent in their presentations in the “Youth Under Saddle” class that our internationally-renowned judge, Mimi was unable to make a decision and awarded all of the participants with first prize which involved a ribbon, cash in an envelope and a medallion! ! The Champagne class and the Horseman’s Challenge provided some levity to the class participants and their audience! Of course, our Nicaraguan member, Luis had to be the winner of the coveted Champagne class (only because Norman was a lastminute scratch due to a slight injury to his horse and Keith’s horse had a piece of tack out of whack!). However, President, Lyn made the entire female cheering section proud,
when she walked off with a very close second place!! ! Betty Bassett, our Past-President and her husband Roy Metcalfe were proud to have 5 of their currently and previously owned Peruvians in the ring at our show! Betty was the recipient of the most coveted award of the show by winning the “Best Gaited
Horse� with BAB Torbellino! ! During lunch break, Lyn drew tickets for our gate prizes and presented Mimi with a token of our appreciation from OPHA. As well, Lyn voiced the sentiments of the group in a much-deserved thank-you to our generous hosts, Valerie and Norman Henderson who had spent untold hours making their farm the perfect setting for our day. !
Our efforts in producing this 2011 event for the Ontario Peruvian Horse Association were rewarded with words of praise and appreciation from the Peruvian Horse Association of Canada in personal notes from President, Ben Sawatzky and Vice President, Don Noltner! ! I think it is very appropriate for all of us in the Ontario Peruvian Horse Association to give ourselves a big pat on the back for a job well done!
******************************************************* ************
Ontario Peruvian Horse Association – Schooling Show June 26, 2011 - Beaconhurst Stable – Kendal, Ontario Judge: Mimi Busk-Downey Breeding Division Horses were shown on the line in their best gait and judged on quality of gait and confirmation. The Judge looked for excellence of heredity.
Stallion Halter 1. Val Henderson – BHS Centenario 2. Lise Munsie – HSDO Cascabel de Musanti Mares In Hand 1. Val Henderson – JJBN Hoya Dos 2. Sue Gambling – Embajadora 3. Roy Metcalfe – MVF La Gringa 4. Luis Fiallos – NHP Campanilla 5. Angie Nadon – Beata de Santa Rosa Junior Mares In Hand 1. Don Noltner – HCP Endora 2. Sue Gambling – Antorcha Blanca
Geldings In Hand 1. David Oke – MVF Ulises De La Montana 2. Keith Worden – CM Evidente 3. Val Henderson – BHS Piro 4. Lyn Knell – JBM Senor Cobrizo 5. Lise Munsie – MTR Valedor Youth in Hand 1. Megan Stroeder - Embajadora 2. Katherine Petrasek – NHP Campanilla 3. Samantha Smail - MFV Ulises De La Montana 4. Farrah Nadon – MCM Duquesa 5. Madison Stroeder – Antorcha Blanca 6. Giovanna Fiallos – MTR Valedor
Gait Division Horses were shown under saddle and judged on quality of Gait 95% and Confirmation 5%
Mares 1. Roy Metcalfe – MVF La Gringa 2. Luis Fiallos – NHP Campanilla 3. Norman Henderson – JJBN Hoya Dos 4. Sue Gambling – Antorcha Blanca Geldings 1. Terri Stewart – Aguila 2. Betty Bassett – BAB Torbellino 3. David Oke - MVF Ulises De La Montana 4. Lise Munsie – MTR Valedor 5. Norman Henderson – BHS Piro
6. Keith Worden - CM Evidente 7. Lyn Knell – Senor Cobrizo Youth (12 and under) Under Saddle – All entries won 1st Prize! Katherine Petrasek – NHP Campanilla Samantha Smail - MVF Ulises De La Montana Madison Stroeder – Antorcha Blanca Megan Stroeder – Embajadora Giovanna Fiallos – MTR Valedor Farrah Nadon – MCM Duquesa
Equitation Division The riders were judged with emphasis placed on the rider’s ability to show their mounts in the best possible light.
1. Lyn Knell – Senor Cobrizo 2. Keith Worden - CM Evidente 3. Roy Metcalfe – MVF La Gringa 4. Angie Nadon – Beata de Santa Rosa 5. Sue Gambling – Embajadora 6. David Oke - MVF Ulises De La Montana 7. Terri Stewart – Aguila 8. Betty Bassett – BAB Torbellino
1. Val Henderson – HSDO Cascabel de Musanti 2. Luis Fiallos – NHP Campanilla 3. Norman Henderson – BHS Piro 4. Lise Munsie – MTR Valedor
Pleasure Division Horses under saddle were judged on demonstration of good manners and tractability with relaxation.
Mares Trophy donated by Sterling Den Kennels 1. Luis Fiallos – NHP Campanilla 2. Roy Metcalfe– MVF La Gringa
Geldings 1. Keith Worden – CM Evidente 2. Norman Henderson – BHS Piro 3. Lise Munsie – MTR Valedor 4. Lyn Knell – Senor Cobrizo 5. Betty Bassett – BAB Torbellino 6. Terri Stewart – Aguila
Champagne Class Horses were shown under saddle with riders carrying a glass of champagne. Class was judged on the amount of champagne remaining in the glass at the conclusion of the class.
Horseman’s Challenge Riders were asked to navigate obstacles demonstrating their control of their mount and the trust the horse has in the rider.
1. Luis Fiallos – NHP Campanilla 1. Roy Metcalfe – MVF La Gringa 2. Lyn Knell – Senor Cobrizo 2. Lyn Knell – Senor Cobrizo 3. Keith Worden - CM Evidente 3. Betty Bassett – BAB Torbellino 4. Lise Munsie – MTR Valedor 4. Keith Worden – CM Evidente 5. Roy Metcalfe– MVF La Gringa 5. Katherine Petrasek – NHP Campanilla 6. Betty Bassett – BAB Torbellino 7. Terri Stewart – Aguila ************************************************************************* Best Gaited Horse in Show
1. Betty Bassett – BAB Torbellino
Arnie and Stephanie Thiessen, Port Colborne, Ontario Email address: pasotyme@gmail.com Telephone: (905) 835-8894
Norm Henderson & Farrah
Katherine Petrusk
Farrah Nadon OPHA Schooling Show
Annie & Cassie after the demo
Jocelyn Hastie At Mane Event Tanner, Vicki & Grant
Angie Nadon
Sandy Van den Brink in the Rockies
Mancora, Peru
Mimi Judges the winner ?
Mane Event - Red Deer 2011
Thanks to all of you who supported the Wild West Classic this year through sponsorships, volunteering, or attendance. We enjoyed seeing so many of you out this year – what a great turnout! The success of our show helps us to keep our club running, and gives us the opportunity to promote our breeds through events like Mane Event. These venues allow us to interact with people from the horse world, and to share the beauty and the joy that we find in the Peruvian Paso horse. We hope to continue this promotion in the future. Enjoy perusing the pictures above from this year’s events! 11003 Oakfield Drive SW, Calgary, Alberta T2W 3H3 peruvianpasosalberta.com