Mon 19th April 2021
Get pharmacy onboard now: Twomey FEDERAL Deputy Prime Minister, Michael McCormack, is being urged to push for rural pharmacies to be given the green light to join the COVID-19 vaccination rollout ahead of schedule. In a letter sent to McCormack and Minister for Regional Health, Mark Coulton, yesterday, Rural Pharmacists Australia (RPA) Chair, Georgina Twomey, expressed concern over the lack of access to COVID-19 vaccines in rural and remote Australia, “particularly for vulnerable populations and frontline healthcare workers”. “Our respective members have indicated the current challenges with access in regional, rural and remote towns, including eligible populations in Phase 1a and 1b being asked to travel long distances to Pfizer hubs or general practices that are providing AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccines,” she said. “The recent advice from the Australia Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI), that recommends the use of the Pfizer vaccine in those age under 50 and the subsequent ‘recalibration’ of the vaccination rollout has further exacerbated the access issues. “This also adds to the hesitancy
to receive either of the available vaccines. “It is for this reason we ask that serious consideration be given to activating the community pharmacy network in regional, rural and remote areas (MMM 3-7) earlier than the planned Phase 2a. “Community pharmacies in regional, rural and remote areas are embedded personally and professionally in their communities. “They are a trusted source of advice and healthcare provision. “They are often open extended hours, and are accessible - in fact there are over 1,300 pharmacies in MMM 3-7. “Of these we know that there are more than 400 pharmacies in towns where there is only one medical centre/GP or none at all. “It makes sense to us that every available trained and willing vaccination provider is used to protect our most vulnerable, especially where access to other vaccination centres is limited. “We do understand that the rollout is dependent on vaccine availability, and that solutions for regional, rural and remote delivery of vaccine have logistical implications. Which patient groups are particularly effected?
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“Solutions need to be tailored for individual communities. “We ask for your support in bringing the rural community pharmacy network into the rollout as soon as possible, so that our members can play their part in protecting their communities.” MEANWHILE, Pharmacy Guild of Australia National President, Trent Twomey, also called for pharmacies to be given an “early call-up” to the campaign, while dubbing plans for mass vaccination centres as “a last resort.”
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