t a h t s o t o h p e h T
e l i m s s u e mak
At the beginning of the year, we asked you to blow away the January blues by sharing your ’happy snaps’ with us on Facebook. We were overwhelmed with the response, and couldn’t resist printing some of them here. Th I neeese two g smile d and c ive me an m the b on H el en A a do wn d ake me oost kers ay
My three are my reabeautiful grandchildre son to keep Pam Ellis going! n
o keep ndkids wdhays ra g s u o e My gorg g even on hard me goin
at my e, takenlikes to m d n a e Sarah y party. Sh IV line)! a ly niece My lovers 40th birthdicine is ok (my brothethat my med check n
hilds Carol C
niga Gail La
My face wit happy face ahftPHer and my and double lung my heart transplant. Pauline Gin n
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When you can get out with your family and enjoy life Richard Annett
me h so t i as w th istm e Smi r h C s
J ew
SPRING 2018 emphasis 16
fore ight blde. r e h t Me ofnully took ho PH Kingston Mark
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