Emphasis Spring 2018

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Crew !


Spot these this Spring...

This issue, sisters Abby & Megan Stott from Preston take on our Green Leaf Crew Q&A together. Abby is 14 and Megan is ten, and they have two younger sisters – Matilda, six, and Lorien, three. Their dad David has PH. Q. What’s your favourite thing to do at school and why? A. Abby. Group projects, because they're a good way to get to know people you might not usually talk to, and it's a good way to judge people's reactions to responsibility. Megan. I like to do collages because it's fun to use the different materials in different ways. Q. What’s your favourite thing to do at the weekend? A. Abby. Spend time with friends and family. Megan. Relax and watch movies. Q. What’s your favourite biscuit? A. Abby. Hobnob. Megan. Custard creams. Q. What do you like to watch on TV? A. Abby. I don't really watch TV that often but when I do I usually watch shows like ‘Impractical Jokers’ or stand-up comedians. Megan. I normally watch cartoons like ‘The Amazing World of Gumball’ but sometimes I do watch ‘You've Been Framed’.

Megan abby Q. What’s your favourite thing to have for tea? A. Abby. Roast dinner. Megan. Pasta bolognese. Q. Who is your best friend and what do you like to do together? A. Abby. My best friend is Sam. We go to each other's houses a lot and mess around with music. Megan. Lilly because she's always really funny and kind and always shares her things with me. Q. If you could meet any famous person in the world, who would it be and why? A. Abby. Lin- Manuel Miranda. He's a huge inspiration to me and never fails to make me smile. Megan. David Attenborough because I love animals and sea creatures so I have always enjoyed his shows. Q. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? A. Abby. Shape-shifting. Megan. Invisibility because it would be fun to play tricks on everyone because they couldn't see me.

All 4 Sisters together SPRING 2018 emphasis 48

Would you lik e to answer the Green Leaf Q & A Contact us at ? editor @ phau k.org

Spring is a great time of year to be out in the garden, and it’s when animals which sleep through the winter come out of hibernation. Here are four creatures to look out for in your garden this spring.

Queen bumblebee

The first warm days of spring are the best time to spot bees. They’ll be out looking for their first pollen and nectar from the spring flowers.

But terfly

It’s easy to spot but terflies flut tering around in search of food. Like bumblebees, they’ll be hovering around the plants in your garden looking for pollen.


These prickly creatures spend all winter hibernating, so as the weather warms up they start to reappear. You might find them crawling through the soil looking for worms to eat.


If you have a pond or water feature in your garden, there might be some croaky friends which call it home. Spring is breeding time for frogs and toads.

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