Emphasis exchange If you have any news and views to share via the Emphasis exchange please e-mail editor@phauk.org and don’t forget to keep in touch via Facebook and Twitter too.
Chesterwo od Show, n ow in its th as ever, rais irteenth ye ing £1,459.3 ar, was as su 0 for the PH ccessful A UK. We had entr ies in each o f the show classes, wit jumping, ‘h h lots of yo andy pony’ unger child and games great to see re n taking part . this year, w hich was Jackie and Jo sie Brown a gain very k to the show indly donate . They gave d a handm it to the pers deserved it, ade jump on who the someone w y th o u h g ose riding im ht most the day. Th proved most e very lucky o v re e r ci th p ients this ye e course of Faith Rourk ar were sist e. ers Hannah and Thank you very much to a ll the sponso the show co rs and help uldn’t go ah ers without e a d. A special Howard fro whom mention m m High Pla u st go to Joo ins who ag Woodland ls ain generou Ride vouch sly donated ers. so m e A massive th ank you mu st a ls organising o go to my the show; sh sister Suzie Pigg for e has done and has ma th is for the past de it into th thirteen ye e success it for allowin ars is today. Th g us on his a n k s a la ls n o d to a nd Brenda, Graeme gorgeous fo Ellen and th od. eir team fo r the We had an amazing da y a nd raised th which is bri e fantastic lliant. This, sum of £1,4 to g e ther with p raised an a 59.30 revious yea mazing £19 rs, means w ,220.27. e have These contr ibutions an d th e show itself raising awa help enorm reness of pu ously towa lmonary hy rds Many than pertension. ks again to you all.
Sheena Robins o
SPRING 2018 emphasis 6