Emphasis Winter 2018

Page 6

Emphasis exchange If you have any news and views to share via the Emphasis exchange please e-mail editor@phauk.org and don’t forget to keep in touch via Facebook and Twitter too.


Dear P HA U K

I am 52 yea rs old and w as diagnose Pulmonary d with Chro Hypertensio nic Thromb n (CTEPH) in 12 or more m oembolic August 2017 onths of chro a ft e r nic fatigue probably and breathle My GP and ssness. local cardio logist were tests, and ev both promp entually to t in sending see Dr Rach Hospital. Aft me for el Davies at er yet more Hammersm tests it was candidate fo ith eventually d r Pulmonary ecided I was Endarterecto Papworth a a my. I saw D nd was place r David Jen d on the wa still suffer w kins at it list after b ith residual eing told th pulmonary a t I would hypertensio I am now n n after surg early 18 mo ery. nths post-o get breathle p. I still suff ss on prolon e r with tiredn ged exertio benefits of su ess and n but have rgery. On 29 ce rtainly felt th th Septemb As you can e er 2018, I go see we were t married to blessed with our special A drian. beautiful w day with fa eather and mily and fr who contin w e ie sh n ared d s. I would lik ue with my e to thank a healthcare. ll those Finally, a m assive heart felt thank y husband, w ou must go ho has been to my wond amazing in dif ficult con erful supporting dition - in si me through ckness and this in health!

Amanda L ucas

WINTER 2018 emphasis 6

nary e of pulmo c n e ri e p x ve an e to share? Do you ha you’d like t a th y m iting for cto people wa endartere m o fr ts s s from reque real storie r a e h We’ve had to t s who wan did you operation e it? Why v a h u o y ll your hy did did you te w others. W o H ? it erience, t to have r your exp choose no e v te a h W ut it? family abo ou. ear from y h to e v lo we’d auk.org

h media @ p il a m e e s Plea

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