Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA): What does this fatty acid do for us?

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Xuchang Shangke Chemical Co., Ltd

Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA): What does this fatty acid do for us?

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1.What Is Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA)?........................................................................................... 2 2. Potential Health Benefits of CLA........................................................................................................ 2 (1) CLA weight loss benefits.................................................................................................2 (2) CLA Bodybuilding Help................................................................................................... 4 (3) Conjugated Linoleic Acids Improves Heart health......................................................... 5 (4) CLA Lowers Inflammation and Improves Immune System.............................................6 (5) Conjugated Linoleic acids help with Type 2 Diabetes.................................................... 6 (6) CLA helps In Cancer Research........................................................................................ 7 (7) CLA help in Bladder Cancer............................................................................................ 7 (8) Conjugated Linoleic Acids help in Rectal Cancer............................................................8 (9) CLA and Breast Cancer................................................................................................... 8 (10) CLA helps In Improving Bone Mass.............................................................................. 9 (11) Conjugated Linoleic Acids Helps in Fighting Fatty Liver Disease.................................. 9 (12) CLA helps In Muscle Efficiency................................................................................... 10 3. What Sources Can We Get Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA)?.......................................................... 11 4. How Much CLA Should We Take Every Day?.................................................................................... 14 5. Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA) Risks To Consider ..........................................................................14 6. Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA) Summary.......................................................................................16 More information on Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA)........................................................................ 17



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1.What Is Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA)? Conjugated Linoleic Acids belong to a family of fatty acids obtained from animal products such as dairy and meat. This compound is also commonly referred to as CLA (121250-47-3) and contains the beneficial omega-6 fatty acids. Conjugated Linoleic Acids is a type of polyunsaturated fat which have beneficial effects on our hearts according to the AHA (American Heart Association). CLA is also a form of natural trans-fat and doesn’t appear to have similar adverse effects like industrial and artificial trans fats. Conjugated Linoleic Acids is found in linoleic acid and is a product of digestion carried out by microbes in the rumen (first stomach) of grass-feeding animals like cows. That is why Conjugated Linoleic Acids are found in grass-eating dairy and beef products. Diets with extremely high omega-6 are sometimes inflammatory, and that’s probably why you may have heard that you need to avoid extremely high contents of omega-6 foods. However, your body requires omega-6 from food sources, but in small doses.

2. Potential Health Benefits of CLA Discussed below are some of the conjugated linoleic acids benefits (1) CLA weight loss benefits



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The most well-documented benefit of conjugated linoleic acids is its weight loss and fat-fighting power. Successful research on humans shows that dosages of three to four grams per day boosted body fat loss, in obese, overweight, and healthy participants. A research published in an American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that conjugated linoleic acids, taken at a dosage of 3.2 grams daily caused a loss of 0.05 kg in body fat compared to placebo. Conjugated linoleic acids can also cause weight loss through various other pathways. Different studies suggest that the CLA isomer influences PPAR-gamma receptors to block the genes which cause fat production and fat storage, preventing gaining of weight from the beginning. Furthermore, CLA boosts the energy expenditure of your body, enabling you to breakdown fat quicker than you store it. More research also suggests that CLA can promote your feeling of fullness (satiety). This is believed to lower your appetite, thereby reducing overall weight and body fat composition. The concept here is that CLA actually inhibits the expression of particular hunger-signalling activities in the hypothalamus. If you’re looking for a way of enhancing your weight loss regime, it is prudent that you Take Conjugated Linoleic Acids since studies have proved that they are effective in enhancing weight loss.



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(2) CLA Bodybuilding Help A research conducted in 2015 suggested that taking Conjugated Linoleic Acids supplements alongside exercising may help in bodybuilding. Scientists also documented several studies which suggested that CLA bodybuilding ability may be attributed to its ability to improve lean body mass and lower body fat. In one research, people who received 1.8 mg of Conjugated Linoleic Acids for three months and worked out for 90 minutes 3 times in seven days lowered their body fat while maintaining their body weight when the scientists compared them with a control group. The scientists said that Conjugated Linoleic Acids might reduce fat deposition. Currently, no studies are investigating the effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acids on Bodybuilding, but this may be a significant area of research in the near future.



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(3) Conjugated Linoleic Acids Improves Heart health Hardening of the arteries, also known as Atherosclerosis, is a condition where plaque builds up in your arteries. This is a very serious risk factor for heart disease. In a research conducted in 2018 involving obese rats, those rats that received CLA supplements were more protected against Atherosclerosis and didn’t get affected by the condition. More obese rats of those that didn’t receive the CLA supplements showed the symptoms of Atherosclerosis. However, scientists need to carry out more studies in order to understand the exact effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acids supplements on Atherosclerosis in human beings.



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(4) CLA Lowers Inflammation and Improves Immune System The anti-inflammatory activity of CLA, like other inflammation-fighting supplements, enables the supplement to support almost every system in the body. Research shows that conjugated linoleic acids play a significant role in the regulation of your body’s immune and inflammatory responses. CLA also supports the health of the liver to boost detoxification. CLAs bolster the body’s immune system and assist the body to build resistance against inflammatory disorders, infections, and other imbalances in the immune system like allergies and autoimmune diseases. In research published in The Journal of Nutrition, the inflammation-fighting characteristics of both conjugated linoleic acid isomers successfully lowered inflammation in rats with arthritis. It may also be beneficial to patients suffering from allergies and asthma by reducing over-responsive airway inflammation. All these results show that taking CLA supplements could help with other chronic conditions related to inflammation. Conjugated Linoleic Acids benefits in enhancing our immune system and lowering inflammation are therefore undisputable.

(5) Conjugated Linoleic acids help with Type 2 Diabetes.



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A research carried out in 55 postmenopausal and obese women, with type II diabetes found out that CLA supplements lowered BMI and lowered diabetic symptoms in the participants. Lowered insulin sensitivity is one of the main symptoms of type II diabetes. In rats, it was found out that conjugated linoleic acid supplements led to a low-fat gain. The study also discovered that while CLA supplements lowered build-up of fat, the fatty acid also supported fat tissue function and supported insulin sensitivity.

(6) CLA helps In Cancer Research There is insufficient evidence to show how Conjugated Linoleic Acids benefits people with cancer. However, there are some scientific studies that show a great probability that taking CLA supplements may help lower the severity of certain types of cancer.

(7) CLA help in Bladder Cancer In the cancer cells of the human bladder, Trans-10,cis-12 CLA was seen to inhibit growth factor receptor transmission. This lowered cell production which is usually rapid and enhanced the death of cells.



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(8) Conjugated Linoleic Acids help in Rectal Cancer Research in people with rectal cancer who were being treated through chemoradiotherapy was carried out. In the investigation, CLA supplements were seen to lower tumour resistance and downregulate tumour angiogenesis. Conjugated Linoleic Acid supplements were also seen to enhance chemoradiotherapy treatment efficacy. In colorectal cancer cells in humans, CLA supplements have been seen to improve growth arrest by blocking the production of energy in cancer cells.

(9) CLA and Breast Cancer Breast cancer is one of the most devastating diseases which affect many people. One of the primary reasons that make this disease so severe is that it spreads to other body organs both quickly and easily. One research which involved ladies suffering from lipogenic phenotype breast cancer discovered that treatment with Conjugated Linoleic Acids over a period of 12 days lowered production of new breast cancer tissues. Furthermore, studies breast cancer cells in mice have found out that Gemcitabine (a medication designed to protect against the spreading of cancer cells) was more potent when combined with Conjugated Linoleic Acids.



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(10) CLA helps In Improving Bone Mass A research conducted in old rats found out that fish oil and Conjugated Linoleic Acids functions to decrease bone marrow fat deposits and improve bone mass. Another benefit of CLA is attributed to its bone-protective and strengthening effects. CLA supplements significantly protect against loss in bone density by increasing the signals of the body to absorb calcitriol and parathyroid hormone (calcium), as well as decreasing osteoclasts activity. Osteoclasts are the cells that eat away your bones when you have low calcium. Conjugated Linoleic Acids is therefore effective at fighting osteoporosis.

(11) Conjugated Linoleic Acids Helps in Fighting Fatty Liver Disease The condition of Fatty liver disease is usually a significant challenge in overweight individuals. This illness causes an extremely high level of oxidative stress in their liver, which may lead to the failure of the liver. A two-month’s research involving 38 obese persons with the fatty liver disease showed that Conjugated Linoleic Acids supplements assisted in the decrease of oxidative stress in their liver. Furthermore, CLA assisted in reducing levels of cholesterol and enhancement of fats profile in their liver. 9


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(12) CLA helps In Muscle Efficiency A combination of omega three and Conjugated Linoleic Acids has been shown to improve mitochondrial efficiency in the cells of our muscles. In a study published in the National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health Omega 3 and CLA were found to significantly induce metabolic genes and oxidative metabolism, which involves oxygen consumption. They also stimulated extracellular acidification (glycolytic capacity), and metabolic rate in comparison to the control. The combined treatments significantly improved mitochondrial content. Scientists concluded that Omega 3 fatty acids, together with CLA, seemed to improve oxidative, glycolytic, and total metabolism. Also, both CLA and omega 3 treatment significantly improved mitochondrial content in comparison with the control. These mechanisms caused an improvement in the amount of energy produced from fat and glucose in muscles.



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3. What Sources Can We Get Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA)?

â?ś Meat and Dairy As a result of desaturation and biohydrogenation reactions in ruminants, products from these animals, especially dairy products, form major CLA sources for human beings. The milk and meat of ruminants, including sheep, cows, lambs, buffaloes, and goats, are believed to be the main CLA sources. Conjugated Linoleic Acids concentrations in dairy products typically range from around three to seven milligrams per one gram of fat. 11


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Various factors, including animal breed, seasonal factors, animal diet, and animal age, may influence the content of the compound in CLA sources. Available evidence shows that CLA content rises linearly with the intake of grass. Therefore, the milk of the cow produced from spring to fall will usually have a double amount of Conjugated Linoleic Acids compared to the milk produced in winter. The CLA (121250-47-3) content is also 300–500 percent higher in dairy and beef from grass-fed ruminants than grain-fed ruminants. Colby and Swiss cheeses are the highest CLA sources in this group. However, cottage cheese, butter, sour cream, homogenized milk, and yogurt also contain some CLA. Grass fed beef 4 ounce contains 180mg of non-organic or organic CLA while one ounce of whole milk cheddar cheese from cows feeding on grass contain 180mg of CLA.

â?ˇ CLA Supplements CLA supplements also act as good CLA sources. You can therefore buy conjugated linoleic acids supplement if you want to increase the amount of CLA in your diet. However, you need to be aware that some supplements do not contain CLA extracted from natural food sources but their CLA is manufactured by altering linoleic acid present in vegetable oils chemically. For this reason, some CLA supplements may not provide similar health effects as Conjugated Linoleic Acids from CLA food sources. 12


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❸ Vegetables CLA Sources If you are a strict vegetarian or you’re on a strict vegan diet, you can get CLA from pomegranate seed oil or white button mushrooms. Most vegetable oils, such as sunflower oils and safflower also contain this fatty acid.

❹ Chicken and Pork Several types of meat including chicken and pork contain CLA. However, pork and chicken only contain small amounts of CLA (121250-47-3). Ground turkey will significantly increase your intake of CLA since 4 ounces of ground turkey contains 23 mg of CLA. Four ounces of chicken contains 8 mg of CLA while four ounces of pork contains 6 mg of CLA.

❺ Dairy Diet Our dairy diet also acts as a good CLA sources. Most people already get some Conjugated Linoleic Acids through their dairy diet. The average CLA (121250-47-3) intake in the United States is approximately 151 mg in one day for women and around 212 mg for men.



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4. How Much CLA Should We Take Every Day? Most studies have used Conjugated Linoleic Acids dosage of 3.2 to 6.4 grams per day. One review found out that a minimum of three grams per day is effective for weight loss. Dosages of up to six grams daily are regarded as safe, with no reports of adverse side effects in users. The FDA (Federal Drug Administration) allows Conjugated Linoleic Acids to be added to our foods and gives it a generally regarded as safe (GRAS) status. However, always remember that the risk of Conjugated Linoleic Acids side effects goes up as your Conjugated Linoleic Acids dosage increases. You shouldn’t therefore take Conjugated Linoleic Acids above the recommended amount.

5. Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA) Risks To Consider There are several conjugated linoleic acids side affects you need to consider before taking the supplements as discussed below. â–˛ Worsening of Kidney Disease



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In overweight rats that were suffering from kidney disease, taking high Conjugated Linoleic Acids dosage led to worsening of the kidney function. This led to more kidney damage as a result of kidney enlargement. ▲ Accumulation of Fat in the Liver High dosages of CLA supplements (with more trans-10, cis-12 CLC’s) led to abnormal accumulation of fat in the liver. This trend was also noted in mice, humans, and hamsters who received high Conjugated Linoleic Acids dosage. The accumulation of fat led to decreased liver functionality and fatty liver disease. ▲ Bleeding disorders CLA may slow down the process of blood clotting. Practically, Conjugated Linoleic Acids supplements may increase the risk of bruising as well as bleeding in persons with bleeding illnesses. ▲ High oxidative stress in men with metabolic syndrome Men living with metabolic syndrome who took Trans-10, cis-12 CLA experienced high oxidative stress and insulin resistance .These complications caused increased diabetes and inflammation. ▲ Surgery



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Conjugated linoleic acids supplements may cause more bleeding during and after surgery. You should consider to stop using this Linoleic Acids burner at least two weeks before and after a surgery. Other Conjugated Linoleic Acids side effects that are not severe include: 


Excessive flatulence



Before you take conjugated linoleic acids, you’ll need to consider the above risk factors associated with CLA.

6. Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA) Summary If you’re struggling to lose extra weight, it is recommended that you take Conjugated Linoleic Acids since it doesn’t come with any serious adverse side effects at dosages of up to six grams daily. Conjugated Linoleic Acids supplements are popular among female athletes and modern fitness models and for good reasons. PLOS ONE published their research findings in 2015 showing that Linoleic Acids burner combined with a low-calorie,



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high-protein diet leads to a quicker decrease in the levels of body fat compared to taking diet alone. This CLA weight loss study was carried out on recreationally-trained female athletes over a period of three weeks. So whether you are a fitness enthusiast or a pro athlete, you really want to stay as lean as possible and get the most out of your sessions in the gym. CLA weight loss supplements can greatly assist you, particularly when used as part of a good workout program and balanced diet. You will find it easy to burn more calories, maintain your weight, and have greater energy during your work out programs.

More information on Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA) A research, documented in the 2016 journal of Lipids, shows that this fatty acid not only helps in weight loss but also improves physical performance and muscle metabolism. It also decreases breakdown of proteins, which may assist in improvement of muscle quality and strength. CLA bodybuilding ability has also made it very popular among the body building enthusiasts. Reliable sources and studies indicate that CLA is safe, though some people may show mild side effects, like digestive issues. Conjugated Linoleic Acids benefits outweigh the mild side effects.



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If you decide to buy Conjugated Linoleic Acids, look for a company that has been tested by a recognizable third-party laboratory. Doing so will ensure that you get the safest and the highest quality possible. You should also read the company’s conjugated linoleic acids reviews online before you make the decision to buy to know whether the users of the product were happy with the results. You can also buy conjugated linoleic acids online at a friendly price from our website. We have the knowledge, expertise, and sophisticated equipment to enables us produce high quality and pure form of this fatty acid. We also deliver CLA supplements to the U.S, Europe, Canada, and various other parts of the globe. You can contact us anytime for more information.

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3. Hu FB, Stampfer MJ, Manson JE, Rimm EB, Wolk A, Colditz GA, Hennekens CH,

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