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How Cycloastragenol fight with age?
Les us learn how does cycloastragenol works?
The Mechanism of Action of Cycloastragenol
i. Telomerase activation
Telomeres are nucleotide repeats at the ends of linear chromosomes and are bound by a certain set of proteins. Telomeres naturally shortens with every cell division. Telomerase, a ribonucleoprotein complex consisting of catalytic reverse transcriptase enzymes (TERT) and a telomerase RNA component (TERC) lengthens telomeres. Since the key role of telomeres is to protect chromosomes from fusion and degradation, cells usually recognize extremely short telomeres as damaged DNA.
Cycloastragenol telomerase activation results to lengthening of telomeres that in turn exhibits beneficial effects.
ii. Enhances lipid metabolism
Lipids naturally acts as a store for energy in our bodies. However, too much ofthese lipids could be detrimental to our health.
Cycloastragenol promotes healthy lipid metabolism through various lipidmetabolism biomarkers.
First, at low doses, CAG reduces cytoplasmic lipid droplets in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.Secondly, when used at high doses, CAG hinders the differentiation of 3T3-L1preadipocytes. Finally, CAG can trigger calcium influx in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes.
Since high intracellular calcium can suppress adipocytes differentiation, CAGbrings about a balance in lipid metabolism by stimulating calcium influx.
iii. Antioxidant activity
Oxidative stress is the root cause of many diseases and also cell senescence.Oxidative stress occurs when there is an excess of free radicals in the body.
Cycloastragenol exhibits anti-oxidative properties by enhancing the
antioxidant capacity. This antioxidant activity is related to the hydroxyl group found in CAG.
Furthermore, oxidative stress is the main cause of telomere shortening, thusCAG telomere protection is derived from both antioxidant activity andtelomerase activation.
iv. Anti-inflammatory activity
While inflammation is a natural means by which the body fights against infection or injury, chronic inflammation is harmful. Chronic inflammation is associated with many disorders such as pneumonia, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders and arthritis.
Cycloastragenol powder exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. The anti-inflammatory benefits of cycloastragenol are through various ways including inhibiting lymphocytes proliferation and improving AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation.
Benefits of Cycloastragenol
ii.Cycloastragenol and Anti-aging
Cycloastragenol anti-aging properties are the main interest of most research today. CAG has been indicated to delay aging in humans as well as reduce signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. Cycloastragenol anti-aging activity is achieved through four different mechanisms. The cycloastragenol anti-aging mechanisms include;

• Fighting oxidative stress
Oxidative stress occurs naturally when there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidant in the body. If not controlled, oxidative stress can accelerate the aging process as well lead to chronic conditions such as cancer, cardiac disorder and diabetes.
Cycloastragenol astragalus extract is an excellent antioxidant compound andalso improves the capacity of the naturally existing antioxidants. This helpsdelay aging and also prevent the occurrence of age-related disorders.
• Cycloastragenol offers protection from UV rays
When one gets exposed to sunlight for extended periods of time the body cellscan get damaged and as result fail to work well. This results to a form ofpremature aging referred to as photo-aging.
Cycloastragenol powder comes to the rescue as it is shown to protect the skinfrom the harmful effects of the UV rays.
• Cycloastragenol acts as a telomerase activator
As discussed in the above section about mechanism of action, cycloastragenol
helps lengthen telomeres. This plays a vital role in ensuring continuity of cell division thus delaying aging. This also helps in keeping the body organs functioning properly.