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Musculoskeletal conditions

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In patients with a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, twelve nutrition trials (10.7%) were found (Figure 1). These patients included those who have undergone or are about to undergo orthopaedic surgery, older adults who are temporarily immobilized while healing from an acute fracture, and adults with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, low bone mass, or osteoporosis.

In addition, there are 40 to 400 people in the target sample size. In addition, an overview of nutritional research , treatments and food supplements stratified by musculoskeletal diseases is provided by studies that provide participants with food supplements, high-protein ONS or ONS supplemented with HMB, or food modification alone or in conjunction with dietary guidance.


The criticaloutcomesof most trials are performance, or a combination of these.

researchmethods of muscle mass, muscularstrength, physical

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