The Ohio Gamma Gazette

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George A Long Jr., Illinois Eta, 6/6/1939 #586

George A Long III, Indiana Alpha 1413

George A Long, Indiana Beta

#539 Theta,

C. Loy,





Indiana Strawbridge,



Theta, 4/5/1934 #504



Theta, 4/19/1936


Dallas Ryan

Long, Florida











Granville Moody

Jr. Illinois


3/7/1914 #232

OHIO GAMMA GAZETTE Official Newsletter of the Ohio Gamma Chapter of Phi Delta Theta at Ohio University




hink back on your Phi Delt experience at Ohio University. Do you remember a place to go where you always felt welcome? A place where there was always someone to hang out with? A place where you could catch the big game or study for a big exam? And as an alumnus of the Ohio Gamma Chapter, was there somewhere you knew you’d be welcomed when you returned to campus? The place that is likely coming to mind for many of you is 10 West Mulberry Street and for others perhaps 22 N. College, 57 East State or 59 N. Court, but either way the answer is the same: the Phi Delt house. The chapter house has been a consistent and crucial part of the student and alumni experience for generations. The location has changed over the years, but the significance and tradition of this place remains the same.

I come to you now, as a fellow brother of the Ohio Gamma chapter, and ask if you will help me secure our strength as a chapter and our place on Ohio University Greek Row. We have an opportunity before us to permanently place our letters on a home on North College Street, and all we need to do so is your help. As you know, the experience for the young men who live in the houses on campus is a bit different now, since Phi Delt went alcohol- and substance-free in 2000, but that environment has created a thriving Ohio Gamma Chapter in need of a permanent residence to maintain recruitment standards and build brotherhood. General Headquarters will also be assisting this house as a part of the pilot program known as Live-In Leadership Advisers. These advisers allow our undergraduate members to have a constant mentor in the house Continued on page 4



t is with a great deal of pride, satisfaction and optimism that I share with our brothers that the Phi Delta Theta House Corporation at Ohio University, Inc. has purchased the chapter house located at 28 N. College Street. The transaction closed on February 1, 2019.

At the conclusion of the owner financing period, if we have not raised enough funds through the capital campaign to be mortgage free, we will need to secure private financing. At a minimum, we believe we will need a maximum loan to value ratio of 70 percent ($689,500 mortgage, $295,000 equity) to secure financing.

While the execution of the plan to acquire the property took a few turns, we believe the deal that was struck will lay the foundation for a permanent presence on campus in one of the most visible and desirable areas.

We have many goals over the next four years with regard to the property. First and foremost is to launch this fundraising campaign and secure the support of a broad base of our alumni brothers. The initial $60,000 down payment indicated above was raised by securing the support of a small but very generous group of brothers who have shown a willingness to be involved. Time simply did not provide us the luxury to reach out to our entire alumni base during this phase.

The largest deviation from the original plan is that the transaction turned into a straight sale where we took possession of the title versus the original land contract path we were going down. This was necessitated because we were not able to agree with the seller on provisions regarding liability insurance. While this created some extra costs at closing, the fundamentals of the transaction remained similar. These included: • Purchase price of $985,000 • Owner financing for four years at 4.5 percent interest and forty-year amortization • An initial down payment of $60,000 with subsequent annual payments of $15,000, $25,000, and $25,000 in February 2020–2022 respectively • A balloon payment to the owner for the balance on February 1, 2023


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The Ohio Gamma Phi is published two times per year by the Ohio Gamma Chapter of Phi Delta Theta at Ohio University for alumni and parents. ©Copyright 2019 Ohio Gamma. All rights reserved. Send news, address updates and photos to: Ohio Gamma Chapter of Phi Delta Theta 2 South Campus Avenue, Oxford, Ohio 45056 STAY UP-TO-DATE /groups/ohiogamma/ /ouphidelt @phideltou CHAPTER ADVISORY BOARD Christopher Quolke, Chairman Mahn Yousef, Financial Adviser William Truax, Phikeia Education Adviser Todd Simmons, Recruitment Adviser Kyle Myers, Academic Adviser Tyler White, Alumni Relations Adviser


The Ohio Gamma Gazette » Spring 2019

CHAPTER OFFICERS Jayden McAdams, President Ethan Merten, Vice President Peter Metro, Treasurer Matthew Ruzicka, Recruitment Chairman William McNeil, Phikeia Educator Laith Rashdan, Scholarship Chairman Thaddeus Crowe, Risk Management Chairman Ralph Baierl, Social Chairman Maxwell Anthony, Secretary Zachary Weeks, Alumni Secretary Nathaniel Merten, Awards Chairman Tyler Ardizzone, Chaplain Robert Hitson, Chorister Daniel Maurer, Community Service Chairman Paul Kroh, Historian Wesley Brewer, House Manager Camden Gilreath, Philanthropy Chairman Luis Medina, Public Relations/Webmaster Robert Hitson, Warden HOUSE CORPORATION BOARD Brian Bastock, President Shannon Arnett Scott Long, Vice President Jeff Condon Zach Graman

Our second goal which will run simultaneous to the fundraising campaign is to begin the process in investing in the property to make it more aesthetically appealing. This can and will be accomplished by using a portion of our monthly positive cash flow from the member rents and providing low cost, high impact upgrades such as paint, newer furniture, and kitchen and bath fixtures. Our cash flow models show that at full occupancy, we will realize approximately $100,000 in positive cash over the four year period. As a reminder, the major infrastructure on the property including roof, windows, HVAC, and fire suppression, were all upgraded by the previous owner prior to sale. As stated in previous communication, we believe this property fits all of our objectives. At fifteen beds, it is the right size and ratio to our chapter size. In the heart of Greek Row, it is in a very desirable location. The aforementioned infrastructure upgrades should prevent the need for major cash outlays in the first few years. We have been very encouraged by the support and confidence shown by our brothers as we embarked on this project. This fundraising campaign is the critical next step in securing our future. Given our large alumni base, contributions of all sizes are welcome, necessary, and appreciated. We hope you can join us as we work on the next phase to secure Ohio Gamma’s future. Yours in the Bond,

Brian Bastock 1657 Campaign Chairman


Know any young men who would be great Phis? Then, encourage these young men to visit

Ohio Gamma

Award photos by Kristen Kardas/Office of Ohio University Sorority & Fraternity Life



am incredibly proud of the work being done by the chapter and the legacy we hope to leave. While this year has proved challenging, I have been amazed by the incredible change we have made so far while not forgetting who we truly are or where we came from. In September we supported women by hanging a banner on our house that read, ““It is not consent if they are too afraid to say no.” We also participated in the It’s On Us, Bobcats rally, an event held to raise awareness about sexual assault on campus and educate the over 250 attendees on the services available for students while raising money for the Survivor Advocacy Program. We worked with Gamma Phi Beta to create a program called “It Could Happen to Anyone,” for which we won the award for Outstanding Developmental or Educational Program at the Ohio University Sorority and Fraternity Life Awards in April. In October we took first place homecoming trophy with Delta Zeta and Theta Chi. Graduating a class of over thirty influential men demanded a change of culture and a revision of the chapter identity. The executive board started the calendar year with a two-day winter retreat where we created a chapter strategic plan based around our principles of Friendship, Sound Learning, and Rectitude. For the past ten years, chapter presidents have wanted to improve two areas: member engagement and scholarship. Although those two don’t evolve overnight, I would like to commend our last two scholarship chairmen, Ethan Merten 2046 and Laith Rashdan 2058, for their amazing work resulting in the chapter receiving the Outstanding Academic Support plan at the most recent Ohio University Sorority and Fraternity Life awards. Some highlights of their plan include: an academic draft to coerce constructive competition, bi-weekly grade checks, and a celebratory dinner for the men with the best chapter GPAs. After achieving the fourth highest GPA of the sixteen Interfraternity Council organizations and fourteen Dean’s List members, we cannot wait to see spring semester grades. Also during spring semester, our Recruitment Chair Matthew Ruzicka 2063 hosted a professional development workshop for members to hone their résumés, LinkedIn profiles, and interviewing skills in preparation for summer job opportunities. Our brotherhood chair, Matt Tylenda 2067, has done an exemplary job of creating new events such as bowling outings, a Super Bowl potluck, and dodgeball tournaments, to increase brotherhood in a way that everyone can get involved. To cap off the year, we teamed up with Sigma Phi Epsilon and the women of Alpha Delta Pi to win Greek Week by a landslide. Finally, we await the results of the General Headquarters awards to be announced at the Kleberg Emerging Leadership Conference in July.

In order to institutionalize greater moral rectitude, we focused on two areas: philanthropy and accountability. The risk management chairman joined the executive board at the start of the semester. Our chapter Outstanding Academic Support Program Winner Vice President Ethan Merten developed a chapter syllabus for members to understand basic expectations, have access to resources, and learn about the privileges available to them as members. In early March, we hosted PhiHop in collaboration with the men of Alpha Phi Alpha, a breakfast-style philanthropy event, to raise proceeds for the LiveLikeLou Foundation. The Foundation is committed to making an impact on ALS research while it supports the children of families affected by ALS. During the month of April, Alumni Secretary Zachary Weeks 2076 became Iron Phi #808 by participating in the Forget-Me-Not 5k and raising over $1,000 for the LiveLikeLou Foundation. We have set forth new initiatives to better our accountability in order to become the greatest versions of ourselves. We revamped our chapter bylaws from seventeen to thirty-seven pages that included a point system to both positively and negatively reinforce members. The chapter will be entering the fall with forty-three members from hometowns across the country—from Salt Lake City, Utah to Saunderstown, Rhode Island. On May 3, 2019, nineteen members of our senior class walked across the stage at commencement beginning a new chapter in their lives. We are appreciative of their contributions to the organization. This year the members have taken the initiative to spread the Phi Delt name across campus. We have boated members of club sports, the Schey Sales center, and more. We are even home to executives in the Ohio University Consulting Fellows, the Head of A&R at the campus’s record Label Brick City, American Marketing Association, Sports Business Association, and Student Government. We look forward to another great year in 2019! Yours in the Bond, Jayden McAdams 2055 Chapter President

The Ohio Gamma Gazette » Spring 2019


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TOP: Outstanding Developmental/Educational Program Winner, “It Could Happen to Anyone� from Ohio Gamma and Gamma Phi Beta. BOTTOM: First place in Greek Week as Team Connect 4 with Alpha Delta Pi, Ohio University, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Ohio Xi, and Ohio Gamma. Continued from page 1

to be a resource and guide their Phi Delt activities as well as be a guide for them during their time at Ohio University. These steps taken by Phi Delta Theta ensure the highest safety standards and are proven success methods for creating strong chapters. We know that Phi Delt has put the highest standards in place for our youngest members, and now we can help by giving them a stable place to recruit, share fellowship, study, host alumni and live for generations. You can help today by signing up to give as little as $15.00 per month to purchase this home for our chapter.

To learn more about signing up to give, please contact Brian Bastock (, 440-212-3153). Please remember the good times you had as a member of Phi Delta Theta and especially those memories shared with your brothers in the chapter house. Yours in the Bond, Brian Bastock 1657 Campaign Chairman


August 3, 2019

40-Year Recolonization Celebration Kick-Off All Ohio Gamma alumni are invited to a picnic get together on August 3. Scott Long 1742, has graciously offered his new home as the location for the picnic. Conveniently located in Hilliard (Columbus suburb), it offers a central location to enjoy our brotherhood, rekindle old friendships, and tell great stories from the many great eras of Ohio Gamma. To RSVP and for more information: RSVP: Scott ( or Brian Bastock ( so we can be sure to have adequate food supply for the event. Please indicate how many in your party will be attending. The picnic is family friendly, so please feel free to bring your spouse, significant other, and children. Hope to see you there as we begin celebration of this milestone. Please respond by July 31, 2019. Where: 4264 Elliott Road, Hilliard, Ohio 43026. When: August 3. Festivities begin at 1:00 p.m. and lasts until the stories run out Other: Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided. Please bring a dish to share as well as your favorite beverage and your favorite outdoor chair for relaxation. We will have lawn games. Kids and dogs are welcome! Lodging: For those wishing to stay over in the Columbus area, there are many hotels offering rooms for less than $100. PLUS, Scott is donating five (5) rooms at the Holiday Inn. so the first five to hit Scott or Brian up will have a room (with breakfast included).

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