George A Long Jr., Illinois Eta, 6/6/1939 #586
George A Long III, Indiana Alpha 1413
George A Long, Indiana Beta
#539 Theta,
C. Loy,
Indiana Strawbridge,
Theta, 4/5/1934 #504
Theta, 4/19/1936
Dallas Ryan
Long, Florida
Granville Moody
Jr. Illinois
3/7/1914 #232
OREGON BETA STAR Official Newsletter of the Oregon Beta Chapter of Phi Delta Theta at Oregon State University
Photo form the Centennial Grand Celebration Dinner on April 21, 2018
n 1906 a group of men at Oregon Agricultural College formed the Kappa Sigma Nu Society, a local fraternity. Quickly these men decided they wanted to be part of a larger organization and decreed famously it was “Phi Delt or Nothin.” It took several years but in January of 1918 word came in the form of telegram to the men of KSN from the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. The telegram simply said “Charter Granted.” A few short months later they were initiated and installed as the Oregon Beta Chapter of Phi Delta Theta. And here we are today. Continued on page 2
he excitement around the new chapter house plan is at an all-time high. We want to thank everyone who has contributed financially to The Centennial Campaign for Oregon Beta campaign. To date we have raised $1,157,147 toward our $1.5 million goal. Continued on page 5
Friday, September 7, 2018
(OSU football home opener vs. Southern Utah is Saturday, September 8!) Where: Langdon Farms Golf Club When: Noon Shotgun start: 1:30 p.m. Dinner: 6 p.m. Cost: $125 Register Online: http://oregonstate. phideltatheta.org/alumni/golf-tournament/
his term has been quite eventful for the chapter. We started the term off riding our winter term grades. We had a 3.04 as a chapter GPA with over 80 members. We are very proud of our Sound Learning Scholarship program that focuses on studying for all members not just the Phikeia. We hold weekly study tables. Continued on page 6
CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION: continued from page 1
On the weekend of April 20–22, 2018 we celebrated the Centennial Celebration of our chapter’s chartering. As this was an event 100 years in the making, we made sure to do it big. It was a full weekend celebration with over 150 alumni coming to Corvallis to partake. We had every living era of Oregon Beta Phis in attendance ranging from Bud Burg 533 initiated over 70 years ago, to Hamza Swatti 1891 initiated on Saturday, April 21, 2018. It all started on Friday at the Oregon State baseball game where 60 Phis attended. The game was a civil war against the Ducks. The Beavs won 2–1. After the game we all met up at McMenamins on Monroe for a happy hour before everyone went to different pubs all over town. On Saturday morning, the chapter house was open to everyone. We raised the flag, held the memorial service where we recited all the names of the Oregon Beta Chapter Grand and had lunch prepared by the house cook. After lunch the actives held an imitation. For many alumni this was the first time they had been back to an initiation since they graduated. It was a very special event. Then at five o’clock we held the Grand Celebration dinner at the club level of Reser Stadium. This was the main event of the weekend. Over 300 people attended: alumni, actives, wives, daughters, and special guests. The special guests included several members from the General Phi Delta Theta Fraternity: General Council Reporter Moe Stevens, Southern Indiana ’99, and two Past Presidents of the General Council, Rich Fabritius, Kent State ’94, and Rudy Porchivina, San Jose State ’89. From Oregon State University the guests included: Leslie Schacht Drey, associate dean of student life, director of the center for fraternity and sorority life; Carol Millie, director of student conduct and community standards; and Bill Brennan, former director of Greek life. At the event we shared a meal, discussed the state of the chapter and its future, handed out awards and recognized someone very special to all of us. That night we recognized Brother Erin Haynes
The Oregon Beta Star is published three times per year by the Oregon Beta Chapter of Phi Delta Theta at Oregon State University for alumni and parents. ©Copyright 2018 Oregon Beta. All rights reserved. Send news, address updates and photos to: Oregon Beta Chapter PO Box 20995 Portland, OR 97294 STAY UP-TO-DATE /PDTOregonBeta OregonBetaAlumni@gmail.com /phideltatheta_osu/ CHAPTER ADVISORY BOARD Steven L. Walker, Chairman Peter Fahlman, Risk Management Advisor Aaron Kerosky, Phikeia Advisor Henry Johnson, Financial Advisor
The Oregon Beta Star » Spring 2018
linkedin.com/groups/95210 oregonstate.phideltatheta.org
Paul Clem, Recruitment Advisor Chon Madrigal, Scholarship Advisor Mealoha McFadden, OSU Faculty Advisor Erin Haynes, Alumni Involvement Advisor
966 with the Order of Oregon Beta Lifetime Achievement Award. This award was created to honor those with at least 40 years of service to the chapter. Erin has been working with the chapter since he was initiated. He knows all of us and still comes by to do dishes at the chapter house multiple times per week. Keeping this from Erin was the most difficult part as he is so involved in both the active chapter and alumni board. The House Corporation Board knew that if Erin knew what our plans were, he would want to nominate a whole slew of Phis and would never be willing to accept this award himself. So not only did we want Erin to be the first initiate of this Order, but can think of no greater way to honor Erin then to name this award after him. So for the future, this award will be called the Erin J. Haynes Order of Oregon Beta Lifetime Achievement award. The next morning a group of alumni and members attended church service at the First United Methodist Church of Corvallis. After the service we gathered with the design committee to go over in greater detail about the building project this summer. This weekend was about honoring our history, preserving our legacy at Oregon State, and most of all, launching us into the next 100 years of Phi Delta Theta. It was more than just an alumni gathering; it was the columniation of 100 years of Friendship, Sound Learning, and Moral Rectitude that we all share. It was about us all coming together to celebrate this grand organization that has made us all part of one family, our Phi Delt family. While a centennial only happens everyone 100 years, we will continue to hold our fall golf tournament and spring Founders Day. Also, every five to ten years we will hold a Phi Delt reunion in Corvallis in the spring. Similar to the Centennial Celebration, it too will be a Phi Delt weekend in Corvallis. So if you weren’t able to attend this event, please look for our next one. We are committed to keeping Phi Delta Theta the Fraternity for Life.
CHAPTER OFFICERS Garrett Johnson, President Jackson Van Winkle, Vice President Michael Barabas, Treasurer Brody Sales, Recruitment Chairman Nick Steele & John Hockley, Phikeia Educators Collin Nielsen, Phikeia Educator, Scholarship Benjamin Musser, Scholarship, PR/Webmaster Sean Lieberson, Risk Management Camden Wulf, Risk Management/Alumni Secretary Joshua Cooper & Nicholas Reed, Risk Management Evan McFadden & Dylan Seefeldt, Social Chairmen
Jacob Werger, Secretary Isaac Derman, Awards Chairman Parker Atkinson, Chaplain Chris Faulknor & Alex Getsiv, Historians Max McCutcheon, House Manager, Steward Cole Smith, Steward Jack Cole, Warden Zachary Levison, John DeRego & Graham Johnson, House Managers
KAPPA SIGMA NU HOUSE CORPORATION John Lidstrom, President Chon Madrigal Steven Walker, Vice President Peter Fahlman Henry Johnson, Treasurer Mealoha McFadden Erin Haynes, Secretary Aaron Kerosky Paul Clem Luke Eliers
David Sly Garrett Johnson Robert Yarnall, House Dad
Oregon Beta
Photos by Julian McFadden 1749. More photos online at https://www.facebook.com/ORBETAAlumni/ http://oregonstate.phideltatheta.org
The Oregon Beta StarÂť Spring 2018
By: David Clewett 1658
y time spent at Phi Delta Theta and Oregon State University was definitely one of the most phenomenal parts of my life,” said Keith Rautio 1060. “Being in Phi Delta Theta Fraternity molded me into the man I am today. My experience during my college years was profoundly impacted by the experiences and wonderful times, friendships and excellent overall Fraternity life I experienced.” Rautio started at OSU in the fall of 1974 having been raised in Astoria, Oregon. As a child he wanted to attend OSU so at seven years old he started delivering the Daily Astorian newspaper and saving money for his education. At 12 he started working on the Columbia River as a gill net boat puller and then during the summers of 1973–1977 he was a commercial fisherman in Alaska to earn enough money to pay for his education. Rautio’s mother raised her five children with the dream that all her children would get a college education and good jobs. Ultimately, all five children paid their own way through college and she was able to realize her dream. Rautio was introduced to Phi Delta Theta by a high school friend and pledge of Phi Delta Theta named Kevin Leahy 1062. Rautio sent in his rush card in May of 1974 then left for Alaska and worked all summer without making contact with the rush chairman. Two days before rush week, Rautio threw all his clothes into a duffle bag and made his way to the front steps of the chapter house. He entered the house and started walking up the stairs. At the top of the stairs he met Bobby Wentworth 1049. Since nobody had heard from or talked to Rautio, the men of Phi Delta Theta thought that “Keith Rautio” was
a fictitious pledge and a prank created by Phil Dyer 1019. Sure enough, Rautio was real and settled in for his first night in the chapter house. “Phil Dyer ended up becoming my big brother. The next morning I met Todd Thompson 1027 and he became my closest friend in the Fraternity and has remained my closest friend throughout my entire life. We are true brothers in The Bond.” Rautio recently attended the Centennial Celebration where he witnessed several generations of Phi Delts all reminiscing and reconnecting the same way he and many others have done throughout the decades. That was the moment Rautio decided to make a significant contribution to the building fund. “The memories of my time in the house flooded back. I saw a positive attitude among the alumni and an overwhelmingly positive attitude of the members and Phikeias. I have always felt that giving back to Phi Delta Theta was important and that someday I would make a donation that I could afford. To me it’s about paying it forward in order to remember the past,” Rautio said. Rautio felt compelled to make a large contribution and learned that he could donate over a five-year payment plan. “Payments such as these help a person make a larger donation so the overall goal of remodeling the house becomes a reality sooner.
Continued on page 8
s we announced in late 2016, the Kappa Sigma Nu Association developed plans to conduct a major renovation of our Chapter House. The emphasis of the project was on providing essential renovations to the infrastructure of the house. Our aim was a high-quality facility and a safe living and learning environment. Our deeply committed alumni volunteers are active in protecting and preserving our Chapter House, which is not only our mutual “investment” but also the emotional focal point of our common bond. We completed the exterior renovations last summer. The chapter has already seen measurable savings from the new windows and roof. ФФ Replaced the 1971 roof with a new 50-year roof ФФ Replaced the original 1930s siding with new cedar siding ФФ Installed new windows on the second and third floors ФФ Raised the north wing addition by three inches and placed it on 27 fully leveled concert piers ФФ Installed a new downspout rain drainage to keep water out of the basement Phase II includes extensive interior renovations that support our undergraduate brothers’ safety, comfort, and academic endeavors. Fostering a sense of scholastic excellence has always been a priority for Oregon Beta Chapter and so updating this space for our future brothers is also important. ФФ Install new flooring and lighting on second floor hallways ФФ Install a new wireless Internet system ФФ Remodel study rooms on second and third floors (new desks, wardrobes, flooring, wired Internet, and lighting) 4
The Oregon Beta Star » Spring 2018
ФФ Install new flooring in sleeping porch ФФ Upgrade boiler system to new a 90% efficient hydronic heating system Make an Investment in Our Future College fraternities continue to play a relevant role in the lives of young men. It is important that we provide young men with a group environment that offers a solid foundation for high academic achievement and the development of leadership and social skills. Our undergraduate brothers have already made a commitment to work hard in maintaining the programs and traditions that have benefited the lives of many members over the years. The undergraduate men are good stewards, and they care about its condition. Together with our undergraduates, the campaign committee is committed to this major undertaking, cementing Phi Delta Theta’s position as a preeminent fraternity at Oregon State. Pay It Forward You are the only one who can place a value on your Phi Delt membership—the lifelong friendships you made, the development of your values and principles, and the many ways the Oregon Beta enhanced your college years. The men who came before you made your experience possible. Your investment in Oregon Beta now is absolutely vital to the future success of our fraternity and our undergraduate brothers. We urge your thoughtful consideration of this plan.
Oregon Beta
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: continued from page 1 We have made great progress with our fundraising, but we need to increase participation to ensure the chapter is on a solid financial foundation. So far, 167 brothers (or only 16%) have made a commitment to the campaign. With the average participation rate among Greek campaigns being 20–25%, we know we can do better. To promote involvement from all eras, the campaign board announced a friendly pledge class challenge with two room-naming opportunities: ФФ The class with the most dollars raised now through August 31 ФФ The class with the highest percent participation Plaques and naming rights are meaningful because they commemorate a moment in time that warrants being remembered. The renovation of our Oregon Beta home and this historic project is certainly worthy of that honor. The campaign plaque will hang in the Oregon Beta halls long after we’re gone, and future brothers will read the names inscribed and know that we cared enough to create a better future for them. Ensure your name is not missing from this plaque and consider sending your gift today.
Brothers, the next step is yours. It is up to us to finish this project as strongly as we started. We must meet our $1.5 million goal to guarantee we can complete the project as planned. If you have been considering a gift to the campaign, please consider these reasons to send in your gift today: ФФ Be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity ФФ Many brothers have taken advantage of our convenient five-year pledge program to maximize their giving potential ФФ Any donor who contributes $2,500 or more will have his name listed on a plaque in a prominent area of the new chapter house ФФ If you know of a brother who has not stepped forward with a gift, encourage him to make a pledge immediately The need is huge, and the time is now. Please don’t wait. Make your pledge to Oregon Beta today. Yours in the Bond, Centennial Campaign Board
CAMPAIGN DONORS We are deeply grateful to our donors for committing $1,157,147 to The Centennial Campaign for Oregon Beta. These brothers recognize the importance of ensuring the future of Oregon Beta and have demonstrated a sense of gratitude for their personal experience. Commitments are still needed from the rest of our alumni to achieve our goal and complete this major project. If an error has been made in recording your gift, or your name has been mistakenly omitted, we sincerely apologize. Please advise our campaign coordinator at (785) 856-9583. The 1918 Society ($100,000 to $249,999) Craig Estey 1007 Oregon Beta Chapter of Phi Delta Theta The Bond Society ($50,000 to $99,999) Coleman Family Gift Richard A. Coleman 624 James E. Coleman 679 John N. Coleman 784 Timothy E. Coleman 1408 Jim Vance 914 Bruce N. Ritter 956 James D. Rodway 1104 The Oregon Beta Society ($25,000 to $49,999) Larry Brown 675 Robert E. Bauer 681 Thomas F. Haley 827 In memory of all Chapter Grand Phis–Class 1962–67 Robert R. Poole 846 Jon Sandstrom 894 Robert Olsen 927 Nick Johnson 941 Daniel A. Sanders 1002 Walker Family Gift J. Jeffrey Walker 1059 Steven L. Walker 1224 Gregory T. Walker 1281 Matthew J. Walker 1789 Stevens Family Gift Robert E. Stevens 443 Thomas K. Stevens 1082 Camron D. Stevens 1750 Parrish Family Gift Scott N. Parrish 1115 Reynolds Family Gift Kenneth J. Reynolds 1166 http://oregonstate.phideltatheta.org
Dennis H. Steinkamp 1179 In memory of Erik Steinkamp Jones Family Gift Jeffrey D. Jones 1200 Spencer Jones, Chapman ’16 George E. O’Toole Jr. 1233 Domonic G. Biggi 1286
The Kappa Sigma Nu Society ($15,000 to $24,999) Floberg Family Gift Ralph D Floberg 356 Douglas Grim, WA State ’67 William C Floberg 924 Charles W Floberg 1014 Jon R Floberg 1110 Richard L. Brooks 773 Stan Watters 1125 The Scroll Society ($10,000 to $14,999) Richard Granger 578 Craig D. Chambers 933 Charles J. Sauvain 1085 Fettig Family Gift Dick Fettig II 1107 Chuck Fettig 1159 John Fettig 1172 Eric J. Fettig 1688 Matt Fetti 1725 Blair Fettig 1759 Richard Fettig III 1780 Chase Fettig 1812 Mike Wells 1144 Brad Kisner 1220 Memorial Gifts William S. Gray 1176 Steve Berkus 1198 Quincy Powers 1204 William J. Maguire 1208 James Young 1212 Scott Wiswall 1214
Mark Granger 1289 John S. Lidstrom 1641
The Brotherhood Society ($5,000 to $9,999) Thomas Letter Tom H. Tebb 617 Stuart Wilson 707 Gregory Johnson 668 Thomas J. Usher 928 Robert Hall Jr. 930 Erin J. Haynes 966 Wentworth Family Gift Robert C. Wentworth 1049 Anita Wentworth Timothy Nielsen 1113 Mark Hettum 1140 Marc Baker 1160 In memory of Neil W. Baker 648 Dave Mingo 1177 Patrick W. Shannon 1187 David A. Sly 1422 Henry T. Johnson 1513 Kyle Sullens 1516 Luke T. Eilers 1650 Aaron R. Kerosky 1666 Daniel A. Doumani 1668 The Sword and the Shield Society ($2,500 to $4,999) Bud Berg 533 Peter Stearns 594 Wes Ediger 633 John Lampros 653 Robert H. Baker 775 Bob Ballin 778 David F. Heniges 839 Russell Kuhns 848 John Jendrzejewski 883 Randall L. Hargens 996 Ronald Camden 1000 Thomas A. Mattson 1042
Charles J. English Jr. 1046 In memory of Charles J. English 389 John Bosch 1089 Lee Johnston 1168 In memory of Robin Williams 1189 Mike Stack 1185 Sean Dooney 1186 In memory of Daniel Dooney 1171 Tom Bie 1349 Richard Phillips 1635 Chon L. Madrigal 1639 Peter D. Fahlman 1642 Eric J. Fettig 1688 Louis Barker 1829
The Argent and Azure Society ($1,000 to 2,499) Donald W. Moore 439 Wallace Gibbs 484 Shirley Carl In memory of Robert W. Carl 504 Thomas Marineau 546 Donald S. Duman 591 In memory of Ron Fundingsland 587 Dal Brethauer Dr. Wallace Hodge 592 Edwin W. Dey 609 In memory of David A. Hasle 553 John Leffel 615 Fredrick Robertson 630 Frank Guthrie 652 John C. Narver 655 Stephen Merchant 668 Larry Massey 709 Larry Phillips 738 Terry W. Baker 769 Paul Stefani 785 In memory of Paul Tebb 764
Daniel Kline 826 Robert Handel 831 Jerome Colonna 838 In memory of Justin Colonna Michael Porter 845 Craig Sonniksen 859 Bill Dockstader 861 In memory of C. Fred Roberts James Mattson 871 In memory of Willard S. White 269 Ralph Keck 952 Ronald Blackledge 957 Gary Lawrence 969 James C. Peterson 987 William Tingley 1010 John W. Anderson 1013 Chuck Swenson 1040 In memory of Gary Meyer 1088 Keith Rautio 1060 Thomas R. Riggs 1081 Eric N. Day 1128 Robert Buhrow 1163 James N. Barnes 1178 Chris Neathamer 1261 John Family Gift Peter Johnson 1228 Adamin Johnson 1788 Marc Doumitt 1342 Brett A. Johnson 1361 Chris Connelly 371 Rob Kelleher 1463 Brandon Burroughs 1468 Chance Hansen 1616 Tom Gunness 1617 Garrett Courtney 1632 Charles Wente 1646 Paul K. Clem 1654 Matthew Thompson 1659 Hayden McClellan 1720 Rodney Meserve 1859
The Oregon Beta Star» Spring 2018
PRESIDENT’S CORNER: continued from page 1 After wrapping up another successful recruitment period, the men of Oregon Beta were excited to welcome nine new recruits to the Fraternity. In addition, the chapter is preparing for a successful summer recruitment and is requesting as much alumni support as possible. The brothers are eagerly anticipating another successful golf tournament this summer. The chapter has also had the privilege to participate in a variety of philanthropies and community service projects throughout the term. As a chapter, we were moved by the dedication and commitment from the Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority to raise money for CASA and we were honored to be included. Along with raising money for nonprofit organizations, members have continued their commitment to the values of Oregon State University by actively participating in a variety of safety workshops both at the chapter house and on campus. Members continue to foster the scholastic and attentive environment to create the premier leaders on the Oregon State campus. In April, the chapter was able to celebrate our centennial here at Oregon State. This was an amazing weekend put on by our Housing Corporation and members. A weekend that Oregon Beta will certainly not forget anytime soon. We were able to meet and collaborate with many of the individuals who helped build such a revered fraternity on campus. During that weekend the brothers performed a memorial service for all the deceased men of Oregon Beta, in addition to having the privilege of initiating five new brothers into the Fraternity. It was an honor for the chapter to be able to perform an initiation with so many alumni in the chapter room, and the Phikeia who were initiated were humbled by the support this chapter continues to receive from such a strong alumni base. At our celebration dinner, brothers were
able to further honor our alumni by presenting several Oregon Beta legends with membership pins ranging from thirty to fifty years of being a Phi. In sum, the centennial celebration weekend was a fantastic opportunity for the chapter to be able to connect with the roots and values that bring us all together as men of Oregon Beta and we were privileged to be able to put on such a great event. As the chapter prepares for the next academic year we look to have another successful recruitment period next fall and be able to continue to be the premier leadership organization for college-aged men. Additionally, the chapter would like to express its deepest condolences to the Dooney family as the mourn the passing of beloved Sean Dooney 1186 and Kevin Dooney. Sean was part of a fantastic era of Oregon Beta men throughout the ’80s and we are grateful for everything the Dooney family has done for our organization. In this difficult time know that the active brothers remember and revere the commitments the Dooney family has made to Oregon Beta. Yours in the Bond, Garrett Johnson 1835, Chapter President johnsongarrett1996@gmail.com
fter wrapping up a very successful Spring Recruitment period in April we are eager to continue this momentum going into the summer. The chapter extended nine (9) bids this spring, all of which were accepted. Our events all had a large attendance, allowing us to be selective and only bid the men we saw as being a best fit for Oregon Beta. Thanks to the Centennial Campaign, our newly renovated chapter house will be a our best recruiting tool to use, once completed. Many guys that see the house for the first time are blown away by its size and how nice we keep it, giving us an upper hand on other chapters at Oregon State. We look forward to the interior renovations this summer and cannot wait to show off all the new features of the house to recruits. Starting in June we will begin one of the most imperative parts of recruitment. Our recruitment chairmen and committee will be getting in contact with incoming freshman daily and we plan to host multiple events every week. Most of these will occur in the Portland area, but we will also make sure there are opportunities to meet guys around the state, ranging from Medford to Bend to Corvallis. This will give us the chance to have a strong list of potential new members in the fall as we build our next Phikeia class. Including our newest nine members, we hope to have a Phikeia class of at least 40 members for the 2018–2019 school year. The easiest way for us to make this possible and be sure that we are only choosing the best men is to have an extensive list of potential
Know any young men who would be great Phis? Refer them here: oregonstate. phideltatheta.org/join/refer-someone/. Then, encourage these young men to visit futurephidelt.org. 6
The Oregon Beta Star » Spring 2018
new members. We need the help of our alumni to continue our chapter’s success. If you know of any incoming male freshman coming to Oregon State please refer them if you think would be a good fit for Oregon. This can be family members, friends, neighbors, coworkers’ sons, and really anyone else that is coming to Oregon State in the fall and is interested in the fraternity experience. We believe that with this support we will be able to successfully sign a large Phikeia class with a lot of potential. If you would like to refer someone please use the form included in this newsletter and place it in the mail or email Oregon.Beta.Alumni@ gmail.com and our alumni board will forward over the contact information. Yours in the Bond, Ben Musser 1865 , Head Recruitment Chairman musserb@oregonstate.edu
Please visit phideltatheta.org/members/update-your-info/ to update you contact information.
Oregon Beta
hase Fettig 1815 is a 2018 Oregon State University graduate with a major in public health, health management and policy and a minor in business and entrepreneurship. During his time at Oregon Beta, Fettig held the positions of chapter president, chapter vice president and president of the Be the Match Foundation. Fettig recently moved to Portland to begin working at The Partners Group which is an employee benefits, financial services, and commercial insurance firm. During his career, Fettig intends to remain in the Pacific Northwest and seek further opportunities in the healthcare field. “Eventually, my goal is to start a business or lead a company and I’m looking forward to building the skills necessary to do so over the next several years,” Fettig said. As he enters the ranks of alumnus status, Fettig reminisces about his experiences and how they have prepared him for his future. “The experiences that I’ve gained throughout my time in Phi Delta Theta and the Corvallis community have completely shaped who I am as an individual,” Fettig said. “I will always be appreciative of the cohesive brotherhood that I have been a part of over the past four years.” One of Fettig’s accomplishments at Oregon Beta that he is most proud of is how the chapter has built a strong connection with Oregon State University. “Our mutually-beneficial relationship enables our members to engage in university activities, promote Oregon State’s values and help other Fraternities to provide services and resources to members of the Corvallis community.” Oregon Beta’s constant drive to better the lives of others through community involvement is the most worthwhile lesson he’s obtained over the past four years. “We have definitely separated ourselves as a chapter and become the go to for every church and homeless shelter in the community. If your parents live in Corvallis, they can always go to the Phi Delt house and get some help with their project.”
NEWEST INITIATES AND PHIKEIA 2018 FALL INITIATES Parker Atkinson 1874, Jacksonville, Ore. Alex Dempewolf 1875, Portland, Ore. Tyler Mack 1876, Tigard, Oregon Alex Follett 1877, Tigard, Ore. Casey Bauer 1878, Tigard, Ore. Skyler Loogman 1879, Phoenix, Ore. Ryan Patridge 1880, Portland, Ore. Ethan VanderZanden 1881, Hillsboro, Ore. Jem Taskin 1882, San Diego, Calif.
Colin Hammons 1883, Portland, Ore. Tyler Praven 1884, Kent, Wash. Joe Niehuser 1885, Portland, Ore. Trevor Dowd 1886, Grants Pass, Ore. Andrew Rillatt 1887, Beaverton, Ore. Anthony Mba 1888, Wilsonville, Ore. Jake Kasiah 1889, Grants Pass, Ore. Benjamin Walker 1890, Lake Oswego, Ore. Hamza Swatti 1891, San Francisco, Calif.
2018 SPRING PHIKEIA CLASS Cody Cook, Hamakua, Ore. Zac DeLashmutt, Newberg, Ore. Matthew Elder, Hillsboro, Ore. John Elliot, Portland, Ore. Owen Hatch, Corvallis, Ore.
Chase Kaloust, Oregon City, Ore. Gurnaaz Kang, Ludihana, India Matt Murdough, Danville, Calif. Jacob Wolf, Tigard, Ore.
By: David Clewett 1658 According to Fettig, Phi Delta Theta’s dedication to being respectful, upstanding members of the community is unmatched and is something he will continue to pursue beyond his college years. “Our internal collaboration as a chapter enables members to work within a mini-society, obtaining vital lessons through both difficult and prosperous times. I believe the process that our active members encounter will shape future successes after moving on from college. It is an experience that, even on its own, parallels the value of a college degree.” As a leader of Oregon Beta for nearly two and a half years, Fettig and his peers spearheaded a cultural change for the internal organization and the entire Greek community. As the university implemented new policies, Oregon Beta became leaders within the community and paved the way for other Greek organizations to follow. Fettig plans to continue promoting and supporting the chapter for years to come. He recognizes that members often need the support of alumni and he plans to remain involved in recruitment, networking and providing general guidance. He looks forward to attending alumni events and eventually joining the Kappa Sigma Nu board to help coordinate such activities.
2017–18 CHAPTER AWARDS Gerry McCafferty Outstanding Senior Award Chase Fettig 1815 Vane Gibson Outstanding Junior Award Isaac Derman 1839 Colonel Julian McFadden Outstanding Sophomore Award Joshua Cooper 1868 Madeline “Mom” Dyer Outstanding New Initiate Award Parker Atkinson 1874 Robert Edwards Outstanding Recruitment Award Jackson Van Winkle 1833 Forrest and Dr. Susan Lindsey Scholarships Recipients Jackson Van Winkle 1833, junior $350 John De Rego 1852, junior $100 Hill Johnson 1834, senior $100 Steven Guerrero 1864, sophomore $100 Garrett Johnson 1835, junior $500 Ben Musser 1865, sophomore $500 Isaac Derman 1839, junior $350 Joshua Cooper 1868, sophomore $100 Collin Neilsen 1844, junior $500 Parker Atkinson 1874, freshman $350 Jack Kusick 1845, junior $100 Skyler Skoogman 1879, freshman $100 Riley Beiber 1846, junior $100 Ryan Patridge 1880, freshman $100 Kenny Hardebeck 1847, junior $500 Jem Taskin 1882, freshman $100 The Oregon Beta Star» Spring 2018
CHAPTER GRAND M. Douglas Hogland 573 Loving husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and one of the oldest living former NFL players passed away on March 4, 2017. Doug is preceded in death by his parents; sister, Frankie; brothers, Gerald and Wesley; wife, Joanne; and daughter, Caroline Josi. He is survived by his brother, Gordon; his daughters, Elizabeth (Raymond), Jessica (Gary), Catherine (Parry), and Margaret; and his son, Matthew (Sanae); as well as grandchildren, Nicholas, Michael, Justin, Julia, Christopher, Cecelia, Hugh and Cole; and great-grandchildren, Elijah, lsabelle, Audrey, Mia, Oliver, Enzo, Tristan, Albert, and Padrig.
PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #1315 DAYTON, OH Oregon Gamma Chapter of Phi Delta Theta 2 South Campus Avenue Oxford, Ohio 45056 Address Service Requested
Terry Allen Nimz 985 Terry was in the first graduating class of Gladstone High School where he met the love of his life, Sandy Neumayer. They married in 1971 while students at Oregon State University where Terry was on a football scholarship. An avid fisherman and woodworker, his big heart and goofy sense of humor touched many lives in his 30+ years of teaching and coaching in Vernonia, Gladstone and Estacada High Schools. In addition to his wife Sandy, Terry is survived by his sister, Linda; three daughters, Tarah, Amy and Andrea; and his three grandchildren, Madison, Oliver and Ellis. Michael “Mike” Colliau 1097 Michael graduated from South Pasadena High School, Oregon State University and the University of Utah Law School. He is survived by his wife Jeanne Scott Colliau, children, Steven Scott Colliau, Taylor Michele Colliau, mother Ellie Arturo Colliau, brother, Douglas J. Colliau (Michele), sister Anne Marie Smith (Christopher) and nieces and nephews who adored their uncle Mike. Sean Dooney 1186 Sean Dooney died tragically in a boating accident along with his uncle, Kevin Dooney, on the Washington coast Sunday, May 6, 2018. Sean leaves behind his wife, Sheri; his children, Brian Patrick, Sean Michael Jr., Meagan Kathleen, Daniel Ryan (Danny), Erin Colleen, Ronan Timothy and Molly Maureen; his parents, Brian and Margaret; siblings, Maryann, Kathleen Niedermeyer (Jon), Tim (Dena) and Michael; 10 nieces and nephews; as well as many cousins, aunts and uncles.
…in coelo quies est
“…in heaven there is rest”
ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: continued from page 4 The remodeling campaign is going well but they still need contributions. Anything and everything helps to achieve that goal and I urge you to commit a pledge to our house. The young men of today and future generations of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity members will thank you for allowing them to have the memories that we as alumni have today.” Rautio lives in Tacoma, Washington. His son Ryan earned an MBA from University of Washington and is an attorney in North Seattle. His daughter Patience is attending Central Washington University as a freshman this year.
ALUMNI UPDATES As written in the spring 2018 Oregon Stater: “Jim Coleman 679, ’58, Modesto, California, is this year’s recipient of the alumni association’s highest honor, the E.B. Lemon Distinguished Alumni Award, named for a legendary alumnus, teacher, dean and volunteer leader. Coleman is co-chair of E. & J. Gallo Winery, the world’s largest winery, a family-owned business with nearly 6,000 employees. He and his wife, Susann Coleman, ’58, are dedicated and loyal Beavers with a long and generous record of investing in the College of Business and the Austin Family Business Program. Jim Coleman’s legacy of support at Oregon State spans decades. He has been an outspoken advocate for student success, professional development and research and programs that support family businesses. He takes time from his busy schedule for frequent trips to Oregon to fulfill his volunteer duties with the College of Business Dean’s Council for Excellence, the OSU Foundation Board of Trustees and his Phi Delta Theta Fraternity council.” Jordan Briscoe 1633, his wife Sarah and son Camden, live in Phoenix, Arizona. Aaron Kerosky 1666, married his college sweetheart Miriam Moore.