guide to
member services
Cultural Alliance membership gives your organization a voice in determining the future of the arts and cultural industry in the Greater Philadelphia region, while also providing you with direct services that enable you to thrive in today’s competitive operating environment.
The Cultural Alliance’s policy team works to increase awareness of and support for the cultural sector, and leverages that support to increase arts and culture’s role in the broader community and regional public policy. The Alliance promotes favorable public policies for arts and culture, encourages arts-based revitalization, provides seed money for innovative projects, and charts future directions for the creative sector. The Cultural Alliance also directs Engage 2020, a research and marketing initiative focused on doubling cultural engagement in Greater Philadelphia by 2020. In these times of rapid change from forces as disparate as technology, shifting demographics, and larger cultural transformations, Engage 2020 offers resources, learning, and funding for cultural organizations seeking not just to survive, but to thrive in the coming decades. Starting with a core of research, Engage 2020 provides multiple pathways for members to successfully expand cultural engagement. Finally, the Cultural Alliance offers its over 375 member organizations an array of programs and services designed to help them reduce expenses, increase revenues, and save time. This guide is designed to help you take full advantage of the full spectrum of membership benefits. *Please note: The contents of this publication are current as of August 2009. Programs, services, and prices are subject to availability and can change.
Meet Decision Makers
Greater Philadelphia CultureWire and Industry News
Annual Member Meeting
Member Directory
Arts-Based Community Development Toolbox
Community Planning
TempCheck Member Survey
Facility Rental Listing
Become a Grant Panelist
Breakfast Clubs Research
Job Bank
Club Quarters
Resource Providers Guide
Planning Your Advocacy Activities
Health Insurance and Employee Benefits
Office Basics
Philadelphia Cultural List Cooperative Career Visions Professional Development Workshops and Responsive Programs Engage 2020 Leadership Program
Payroll Service Solutions Directors and Officers Insurance Drexel E-Learning
Advocacy Alerts
Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
make connections Meet Decision-Makers
Member Directory
The Cultural Alliance is uniquely positioned to forge ties between the region’s decision makers and the cultural community. Our advocacy promotes the strength and impact of the cultural sector, while familiarizing elected officials, other government representatives, and civic leaders with your organization’s work.
The Cultural Alliance’s online Member Directory provides a comprehensive community resource filled with information about the region’s nonprofit arts and culture organizations. This searchable directory is continuously updated, and is provided as a free service to all Cultural Alliance members, as well as select partners and elected officials.
The Cultural Alliance organizes regular trips to Washington, D.C. and Harrisburg for our members to meet and share concerns with legislators. Cultural Alliance staff members are also available to provide your organization with opportunities to meet and exchange information and ideas with local, state, and federal lawmakers.
Check out the online Member Directory at
To join the Alliance in advocacy trips or to receive assistance or guidance with elected representatives, please contact the Policy Department at (215) 399-3511.
Annual Member Meeting & Reception The Cultural Alliance’s Annual Member Meeting & Reception is the perfect opportunity to meet and network with your colleagues, supporters of the cultural sector, and Cultural Alliance staff. This event provides a forum to establish and deepen professional relationships and exchange ideas with individuals in other nonprofit cultural institutions. The Annual Meeting is held in late September and is the networking event for arts and culture professionals in Greater Philadelphia. For more information about the Annual Meeting call our Event Staff at (215) 399-3520 or visit
Photo by: Jason Smith
Guide to Member Services
Photo by: Jason Smith
Community Planning
Become a Grant Panelist
Communities throughout the region often look to culture as a key component of revitalization, growth, and development. The Cultural Alliance can help your town or neighborhood establish a local arts council, create an arts district, and assist efforts to develop new spaces for a variety of cultural activities. We can help you reach community planners and decision-makers in your area, coordinate meetings and planning activities, and communicate your needs and interests to other stakeholders.
Each year the Cultural Alliance accepts nominations for individuals to serve on a Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts (PPA) Advisory Panel. Panel involvement provides participants with:
The Cultural Alliance’s cultural policy team is available to meet with your staff and board members to help define your organization’s objectives, and develop the tools and information you need to achieve your goals. We can provide research about issues directly affecting your organization and community, as well as many examples of successful, culturally-based community development efforts nationwide.
• the opportunity to network with peers across
To schedule a presentation and discussion for your staff or board gathering, or to request assistance with arts-based community planning, please contact our Regional Director at (215) 654-0676.
an exciting community volunteer experience;
a variety of sectors; a way to support the communities in which they live and work; •
a look at the grantmaking process from the position of the funder; •
a sampler of the many creative ways arts organizations are making a difference. •
For more information on becoming a grant panelist contact our Government Relations Manager at (215) 399-3511 or visit panelists
Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
stay current Greater Philadelphia CultureWire and Industry News
Arts-Based Community Development (ABCD) Toolbox
CultureWire is the e-newsletter of the Cultural Alliance. CultureWire contains information about and for the region’s cultural sector such as news, events, and opportunities. CultureWire is the Alliance’s primary vehicle for communicating with our constituency about issues of importance in a timely, succinct actionable format.
Across our region and the country, people are using arts and culture in different ways to help with community building and economic growth. We refer to these diverse efforts as ABCD or Arts-Based Community Development. Our ABCD Toolbox contains information for artists, arts groups, residents, civic leaders, government officials… for anyone who wants to use arts and culture to improve their community. The Toolbox has examples of communities that are involved in ABCD efforts, provides a basic step-by-step guide to help you get started as well as links to additional resources on the topic.
For more information, contact the Web & Publications department at (215) 399-3523. To sign up for CultureWire or to view past issues, visit The news section of Philaculture, the Alliance’s business-to-business website, contains current stories that impact the arts and cultural sector. The stories include those written by Cultural Alliance staff as well as those gathered and compiled by staff or provided by national sources including
ProCalendar ProCalendar is your place to find professional events including professional development workshops, trainings, lectures, and conferences as well as advocacy activities, public hearings, and community presentations. You can search events by date, keyword or event category, and see upcoming Cultural Alliance events at a glance. In addition to the Cultural Alliance’s activities ProCalendar lists events from other major regional and national service organizations.
Social Media
Become a fan on
Visit our online ABCD Toolbox at
TempCheck Member Survey In 2009, the Cultural Alliance introduced a new benefit, TempCheck, a quick, periodic online survey that asks members to rate their “temperature” along four simple metrics: income, program changes, administration changes, and outlook. The information provides the Alliance and the field with a current snapshot of the sector’s health that we can communicate to policy makers and other community leaders about what’s happening in arts and culture, and what they can do to help. It also provides up-to-date management information to arts leaders so that they can get a quick directional read from their peers. Check out TempCheck online at
Cultural Alliance:
Guide to Member Services
Research The Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance performs and commissions rigorous, innovative research. Research helps citizens, lawmakers, and civic leaders understand the social and economic impact of arts and culture. Cultural Alliance research is available free of charge to member organizations. Recent publications include: Research into Action: Pathways to New Opportunities (2009) This report brings together key findings from recent research commissioned or sponsored by the Cultural Alliance and offers recommendations for expanding audiences and building the next generation of cultural consumers. 2008 Portfolio (2008) Building on the first edition released in 2006, the 2008 Portfolio offers more participating organizations, new topics and analyses, and a ten-year trend analysis. The Philadelphia Daily News called the 2006 Portfolio “so far, the most ambitious and impressive attempt to uncover hard data on revenue and expense figures, community engagement, governmental support, and audience attendance.� (September 26, 2006)
Breakfast Clubs Breakfast Clubs bring together cultural professionals to read, critique, and discuss marketing research as a step toward putting this research into action within their own organizations. Breakfast Clubs are a great opportunity for you to network and share ideas with other members about current research and issues impacting the field. To learn about upcoming Breakfast Club sessions, call our Research Project Manager at (215) 399-3531 or check
Follow us on
Arts, Culture, and Economic Prosperity in Greater Philadelphia (2007) Arts and culture is a tremendous asset to the local economy. The report documents 40,000 jobs generated by the economic activity of the cultural sector, $1.3 Billion in direct spending, and $158 million in taxes returned to state and local communities. Arts and Culture in the Metropolis: Strategies for Sustainability (2007), a RAND Corporation study co-sponsored with the William Penn Foundation, examines structures of support for the arts in 11 cities and makes findings and recommendations for Philadelphia. To request these reports or to find information about issues of concern to your organization, please contact us at (215) 399-3514 or visit our website at for our latest research.
Cultural Alliance:
Cultural Alliance Job Bank:
Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
increase visibility Phillyfunguide and Funsavers Increasing participation in arts and culture is the primary focus of our Phillyfunguide events calendar and Funsavers emails. These programs increase attendance, earned income, and marketing efficiency for Cultural Alliance member organizations.
Phillyfunguide is the Greater Philadelphia region’s “go-to” web site for accurate and detailed information about upcoming cultural, entertainment and sporting events. As the Alliance’s business-to-consumer site, Phillyfunguide attracts over 75,000 unique visitors per month and contains information on thousands of events and attractions. The content found on Phillyfunguide is also fed to events calendars for over 20 partner sites including WXPN,, and the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau. In this way, a member’s event information, submitted just once, is distributed to multiple information channels. Submit your events to Phillyfunguide–it’s free! Go to, click on the “Submit a Listing,” link at the top right hand side of any page. Please allow for a three week lead-time to ensure your event is added to the calendar. For more information about Phillyfunguide, please contact us at (215) 399-3532.
Part of Phillyfunguide, Funsavers is Greater Philadelphia’s most successful weekly discount email program. Every Thursday over 81,000 subscribers receive up to 35 half-price offers to a wide range of performances from the best in Theater, Music, Dance, Museum exhibitions, and more. Submitting a Funsavers offer is free for Cultural Alliance members, and the success of the program is significant. Since its launch, over 200,000 tickets have been sold that might otherwise have gone unsold, and participating organizations have received over $3.3 million dollars in revenue. Funsavers is a great opportunity for your organization to sell excess inventory, increase paid admission, and reach new audiences. To submit a Funsavers offer, go to and click on the “Funsavers” link at the top of any page. Then click the “Submit a Funsavers Offer” and complete the form.
For more information about Funsavers, please contact us at (215) 399-3521.
Phillyfunguide and Funsavers are programs of the Engage 2020 initiative.
Guide to Member Services
Facility Rental Listing
The Cultural Alliance offers online advertising opportunities on both of its websites, and, which provide exposure for your event or service to targeted audiences.
Interested in renting your facility? Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance members can list their facilities on the online Facility Rental Guide free of charge. Potential renters use this searchable database to find your building, venue, or facility to rent for special events and meetings.
Promote Your Event (Phillyfunguide & Funsavers) Cultural Alliance members receive discounted rates on advertising on both Phillyfunguide and Funsavers. Reach Phillyfunguide’s over 73,000 unique monthly visitors with banner advertising starting as low as $400 for 50,000 impressions. Funsavers is a great opportunity to develop new audiences – reach over 81,000 consumers with a banner ad for only $300.
Visit the Facility Rental Guide online at resources/facility/search. For more information about the Facility Rental Guide, contact us at (215) 399-3533.
For more information about advertising on Phillyfunguide or Funsavers, contact us at (215) 399-3530. Promote Your Service (Philaculture) A banner ad on Philaculture can place your services in front of thousands of managers, job seekers and decision makers from the cultural sector. In addition, your ad will visibly communicate your support for the mission of the Cultural Alliance. For more information on advertising on Philaculture, contact us at (215) 399-3515.
Photo by: Jason Smith
Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
work smarter Job Bank
Health Insurance and Employee Benefits
The Cultural Alliance’s online Job Bank is the region’s definitive source of employment opportunities in the arts and culture industry. Job listings span all creative disciplines and include administrative, curatorial, development, education, financial, management, and senior-level positions, as well as volunteer opportunities. On a monthly basis the site attracts over 15,000 unique visitors and 117,000 page views. Jobs are posted as they are received. The Cultural Alliance is pleased to offer this service to its members free of charge to help recruit and retain high-quality staff in the arts and culture industry.
The Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance has partnered with Gallagher Benefit Services to manage our group health insurance and employee benefit programs. Gallagher has long been a supporter of the cultural sector and has made their work within our community a priority. Gallagher also represents a full array of benefit products and internal expertise including Health, Dental, Vision, Disability, EAP, Section 125, Flexible Spending Accounts, Business Travel, Long Term Care and benefit structuring. They are committed to designing and implementing quality benefit programs to meet the complex needs of non-profit organizations and their employees.
To view or post jobs please visit To post jobs, simply log in or register for a username and password. For additional information and assistance, please call (215) 399-3533, or email
Resource Providers Guide The online Resource Providers Guide is a searchable database of organizations that provide information, services, funding, and support to the cultural sector. Philaculture users are encouraged to submit providers, rate them, and post comments on their services. Search by keyword or service provided to find the resources you need.
Individual artists and sole proprietors looking to obtain coverage can visit the following health insurance carriers’ websites directly to explore coverage options and get rate quotes: or Both Independence Blue Cross and Aetna have individual health coverage available. If you wish to explore available group coverage options, contact Gallagher Benefit Services at (610) 230-2100. You may also visit our benefits website at
Photo by: Karl Seifert
Guide to Member Services
Philadelphia Cultural List Cooperative The Philadelphia Cultural List Cooperative (List Co-Op) is a master database of consumer mailing lists compiled from participating Cultural Alliance member organizations. The List Co-Op simplifies mailing list exchanges, improves marketing intelligence, saves time for cultural marketers, and cuts costs for organizational members. Participation in the List Co-Op is free and open to active Cultural Alliance member institutions and includes: •
FREE basic list pulls through eMerge
quarterly National Change of Address (NCOA) list hygiene
• Compliance
Professional Development Workshops and Responsive Programs The Cultural Alliance offers professional development seminars, research briefings, and marketing workshops that provide employees of member organizations with the opportunity to examine important issues facing nonprofit arts and culture organizations. The Cultural Alliance also convenes periodic public meetings to examine issues that are important to the cultural industry in our region as part of our ongoing cultural planning process. To learn of upcoming professional development or other program opportunities, check
with new Post Office regulations for bulk mail rates
100% control of your data; the List Co-Op is permission based
Dedicated technical support
To learn more about the List Co-Op please call our Member Programs & Communications Manager at (215) 399-3520 or visit
Career Visions Working through a partnership with Career Visions, a local firm with strong ties to the nonprofit community, the Cultural Alliance has arranged for member organizations to provide practical, compassionate assistance to employees who will lose their jobs. The program is designed as a series of five personalized sessions for the employee at significantly subsidized rates. Career Visions’ Outplacement Services consist of in-person, telephone and email coaching during the transition and job search. The employee will receive a comprehensive career assessment and assistance with resume development, interview skills and job search strategy. To begin sessions or inquire about services, you may contact Career Visions at (215) 564-5277. You can also visit to view full program details.
Photos by: Jason Smith
Engage 2020 Leadership Program The Engage 2020 Leadership Program is a collaborative learning program for marketing and development professionals. The program builds capacity at nonprofit art and cultural institutions through faceto-face meetings with program peers, shared learning, networking, and group attendance at a national conference. This program includes scholarships for conference registration and travel stipends. For more information on the Engage 2020 Leadership Program please call our Member Programs & Communications Manager at (215) 399-3520 or visit
Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
save money Club Quarters
Office Basics
The Cultural Alliance is a member of the Club Quarters network, entitling you, your employees, family and friends to enjoy its prime locations and amenities, including hotel rooms, corporate apartments, meeting spaces, and party rooms at the low membership rates.
GlobalFit is a leading provider of discount gym membership and benefits for healthy living. Available to all Cultural Alliance member organizations, their employees, family and friends, GlobalFit offers a broad selection of programs, products, and services expressly designed to create a healthier world.
Cultural Alliance members are entitled to special reduced pricing on every item in Office Basics’ already discounted catalog of over 5,800 most commonly ordered items. Members are also entitled to 30% off the list price of less commonly ordered items in the Office Basics master catalog. There is no minimum order and Office Basics offers free next day delivery anywhere in Southeastern Pennsylvania.
As a private hotel, Club Quarters provides a club-like, quiet, and safe facility
that focuses its services on the business traveler. Club Quarters offers over ten prime downtown locations in the US and UK. Guest rooms, studio apartments, meeting rooms, offices or combinations of the above are available for periods of less than a day or 30 days+. If you would like to make a reservation, call (212) 575-0006 and mention the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance as your member organization. For online reservations visit and login with the password PHILACULTURE.
Your staff can join one of more than 100 Greater Philadelphia-area health clubs affiliated with GlobalFit at a discount of For more information about Office Basics, call up to 60%. Additionally, your employees (800) 541-5855 or visit save on weight management programs, as well as smoking cessation, health coaching, and home exercise equipment! You can choose a month-to-month membership with no contract or a commitment membership to save even more. You can also transfer your membership to another club and even freeze your membership for up to 2 months. Please visit to explore available health clubs and enroll in this program.
Guide to Member Services
Payroll Services
Drexel E-Learning
The Cultural Alliance has negotiated a 10% discount on payroll processing for members with Payroll Service Solutions. The firm is locally-based and understands the needs of the nonprofit sector. Payroll Service Solutions also offers services like direct deposit, check signing and stuffing, monthly management reports, record retention, new hire reporting, garnishment/ levies payments, logo imaging, 1099 and W-2 forms, and quarterly earning analysis.
Through the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance and Drexel University, you can now earn a degree or certificate and receive special tuition rates for enrolling in any of Drexel’s distinguished online programs. Employees of Cultural Alliance member organizations and their immediate family members are entitled to receive a tuition reduction on Drexel’s fully-accredited bachelors, masters, and certificate programs.
For more information about discounted payroll services, contact Payroll Service Solutions at (215) 624-0922 or
Directors and Officers Insurance All businesses carry general liability insurance to protect against the financial impact of injury, property damage or libel lawsuits. But it is just as important to protect your professional decision-making and employment practices against allegations of wrongful termination; sexual harassment; age, sex and race discrimination and similar legal actions. Every organization should also carry directors and officers insurance and employment practices insurance.
Earn the same respected degree that you would on campus, without career interruption, commuting, or fixed class hours. Cultural Alliance members receive a 10-25% tuition reduction on over 60 fully accredited degree programs, including a MS in Arts Administration; BS in Communication; BS in Education; MS in Information Systems; MBA Anywhere™ and more! Visit to learn more about your partnership benefits and the educational opportunities available to you at Drexel University Online.
The Cultural Alliance has an agreement with the U.S. Liability Insurance Company and Solutions for the Nonprofit to offer a reduced rate Directors and Officers Liability policy for Cultural Alliance members. Call Solutions for the Nonprofit at (484) 386-6050, ext.112 or email to discuss the policy or obtain an application.
Photos by: Karl Seifert
Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
take action
Photo by: Anthony Tanzi
Planning Your Advocacy Activities The Cultural Alliance can help you define goals and objectives for your advocacy work, identify the tasks necessary to achieve them, determine which of your stakeholders can play key roles in carrying out your plan, and help you communicate your message. The Cultural Alliance’s advocacy team is available to meet with your staff and board members to make the case for advocacy, help define your organization’s advocacy objectives, and provide you with the customized tools and information you need to achieve your goals. We can also provide research pertaining to specific advocacy issues directly affecting your organization. To schedule an advocacy presentation and discussion for your staff or board gathering, or to request assistance in developing an advocacy plan, please contact us at (215) 399-3511.
Advocacy Alerts As issues affecting the nonprofit arts and cultural sector arise in government, the Cultural Alliance informs members of the need for action and what steps to take through our online action center’s advocacy alerts. Alerts contain background information about the issue at hand, current status of legislation or other events, and suggested steps for taking action. If the need arises, letters can be emailed or faxed to legislators through our advocacy platform. Due to their timely nature, advocacy alerts are distributed via email. Member organizations can also check the status of advocacy issues, participate in advocacy campaigns, and read alerts at the online Action Center. To join the Cultural Alliance’s advocacy online Action Center, visit To learn more, please contact us at (215) 399-3522.
our supporters The Cultural Alliance’s programs and services are made possible by the generous support of individuals and the following: Foundations The Barra Foundation
Corporate Partners Gifts of $1,000 and up
In Kind African American Museum in Philadelphia
Bravo Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation
Bank of America
Bach Festival of Philadelphia
The Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation
Berwind Corporation
Center City District
Samuel S. Fels Fund
Harmelin Media
Chester County Art Association
Phoebe W. Haas Charitable Trust “A”
Longwood Gardens
Hedgerow Theatre
Phoebe W. Haas Charitable Trust “B”
Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads
The Hub, Cira Center
The Honickman Foundation
Nonprofit Finance Fund
KYW NewsRadio 1060
Independence Foundation
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania
Lincoln Financial Foundation
Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust (PREIT)
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Mercer Museum Moore College of Art & Design Museum Catering
The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage, through the Philadelphia Cultural Management Initiative
Corporate Supporters
Philadelphia Brewing Co.
Gifts up to $999
Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau
The Philadelphia Foundation
Avencia Incorporated
Philadelphia Museum of Art
The Suzanne F. Roberts Cultural Development Fund
Cross Atlantic Capital Partners, Inc. Foundation
Joel Katz Design Associates
Tabula Studio
Kleinbard Bell & Brecker LLP
Target Resource Group
The University of the Arts
The Rock School for Dance Education
Schultz & Williams
WRTI 90.1 FM
WXPN 88.5 FM
The Wallace Foundation The William Penn Foundation
Printed on recycled paper
Design: Tabula Studio
National Arts Strategies Nina Zucker Associates
Public Agencies National Endowment for the Arts Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Philadelphia Cultural Fund
Complete as of August 31, 2009
1616 Walnut Street Suite 600 Philadelphia, PA 19103 P (215) 557-7811 F (215) 557-7823