PGN Feb. 22 - 23. 2013

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Get on the bus

Family Portrait: Claire Baker


1950s photos generate search to identify gay married couple



Feb. 22-28, 2013


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Vol. 37 No. 8

Study: PA LGBT population below national average By Jen Colletta A study released last week from an LGBT thinktank found that the percentage of Pennsylvanians who self-identify as LGBT is below the national average. The Williams Institute at UCLA found last week that about 3.5 percent of all U.S. adults nationwide consider themselves LGBT, and about 2.7 percent of Pennsylvania residents identify as community members. The report is based on six months of Gallup surveys from 2012 and is the largest-ever study of LGBT population size in the country. It was initiated after Gallup added the question, “Do you personally identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender?” in its daily tracking interviews. Washington, D.C., reported the highest percentage of LGBTs — 10 percent —, followed by Hawaii at 5.1 percent. North Dakota was ranked last at 1.7 percent. Pennsylvania was among 16 states that reported less than 3 percent of self-identified LGBT residents and is ranked among the bottom 10. PAGE 14

Casey to reintroduce anti-bullying bill By Angela Thomas U.S. Sen. Bob Casey from Pennsylvania is gearing up to reintroduce the Safe Schools Improvement Act. Casey plans to submit the bill next week. The legislation, which stalled in committee last session, would amend the Safe and DrugFree Schools and Communities Act to require all districts funded through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to introduce codes of conduct that would prohibit bullying and harassment. The mandated antibullying policies must, among other provisions, ban harassment based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Casey said there have not been any changes to the bill since he last introduced it two years ago. “We are going to keep it pretty much the same,” he said in an interview with PGN this week. “Prior to introduction, we might take a look at some provisions. I don’t think it is in need of much amendment because it is pretty simple.” When he last submitted the bill, he did so with 18 cosponsors; this time

FLAGGING THE ISSUE: U.S. Sen. Bob Casey spoke to students at Warren G. Harding Middle School in Bridesburg Feb. 20 about bullying and his soon-to-be-introduced Safe Schools Improvement Act. Casey participated in the launch of Cartoon Network’s new flag-raising campaign as part of its “Stop Bullying: Speak Out” initiative. Casey enumerated the provisions of the SSIA for the students, noting that it mandates federally funded schools institute a code of conduct, take specific bullying-prevention steps and introduce tracking methods for bullying incidents. He plans to reintroduce the measure next week. Photo: Scott A. Drake

around, he and lead sponsor Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) garnered 41 bipartisan cosponsors. He was unsure about the timeline for the legislation, but said it’s feasible the bill could be folded into the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which was his intent last session. “It would help to be a part of that. It would be a moving bill that would get consideration on the floor,” he said. “In order to get the ESEA bill out of the committee, we had to make tough decisions and one of them was to drop Safe Schools from that. This year, I would like find a way to make it part of ESEA or find another path.” Casey said the bill is integral to the education and well-being of students in Pennsylvania and across the country. “The fact that we had heard from people across the state and even beyond the state about the problem made us want to do something that was practical and get to the root of the problem,” he said about the legislation. “When a young person goes to school, PAGE 17

Activists blast Scouts’ job-application form By Timothy Cwiek

NOT ALONE NOW: Dozens of guests at the Human Rights Campaign’s Philadelphia Gala took to the stage Feb. 16 as 1980s pop sensation Tiffany closed her set with hit “I Think We’re Alone Now.” The singer posed for pictures with guests at the 17th annual fundraising dinner, which was held at the Loews Hotel, and mingled with fans at the after-party at Sisters. The gala also included the presentation of the Ally for Equality Award to MSNBC anchor Melissa Harris-Perry (inset) and remarks by HRC president Chad Griffin. Photos: Patrick Hagerty

Civil-rights activists are speaking out against a job-application form issued by the national Boy Scouts of America organization that excludes atheists and “known or avowed homosexuals” from employment. The local BSA Cradle of Liberty Council uses the form, but the extent of its use by Cradle has never been publicly clarified, according to court records. Existing case law indicates that Cradle has a right to exclude gays and atheists from jobs that directly affect its ability to convey an exclusionary message. But Cradle doesn’t necessarily have a right to exclude gays and/or

atheists from jobs that have minimal interaction with the general public, according to case law. The city has been locked in a fiveyear legal battle to evict Cradle from a city-owned building on 22nd Street near the Ben Franklin Parkway. Throughout the eviction dispute, Cradle hasn’t clarified the extent to which it relies on the application form to screen out gays and/or atheists. The city’s eviction effort remains pending in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. Kera Armstrong, a Cradle spokesperson, didn’t provide a list of Cradle jobs that are open to gays and/or atheists when asked for one by PGN. Margaret A. Downey, president of

the Freethought Society, an advocacy group for atheists, said Cradle needs to clarify its employment opportunities for gays and/or atheists. If Cradle declines to do so, the city should initiate a probe of its employment practices and release the results to the public, she added. “I’m very concerned about the damaging effects of Cradle’s behavior — not just on the LGBT community, but also the nontheist community,” Downey said. Mark McDonald, a spokesperson for the Nutter administration, had no comment about any potential city probe. Downey also said Cradle’s employment practices are directly linked to its membership policies. “ [ C r a d l e ’s ] PAGE 17


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

News Briefing AIDS whistleblower compensated Dr. Daniel J. Feldman, who accused Weill Cornell Medical College and one of its faculty members of filing false claims when seeking funding for AIDS research, has been partially compensated for his whistleblowing efforts. I n D e c e m b e r, F e l d m a n r e c e ive d $267,484.43 from the U.S. government for his efforts, he said. In November, Feldman also received about $23,000 from Weill Cornell as partial compensation for his outof-pocket expenses incurred during the litigation. In 1997, Weill Cornell faculty member Dr. Wilfred G. van Gorp applied to the federal government for an AIDS-research grant, promising to train post-doctoral fellows at Weill Cornell in the neuropsychology of HIV/AIDS. As a post-doctoral fellow at Weill Cornell, Feldman participated in the program from September 1998 to December 1999. He soon became concerned that the program wasn’t being administered properly, he said. In 2003, Feldman sued in federal court under a federal whistle-blowing statute known as the False Claims Act. In 2010, a federal jury in New York found that the defendants submitted false claims to the government on three separate occa-


sions from 1999-2001. U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley 3d ordered Weill Cornell and van Gorp to pay $887,714 in restitution. The defendants appealed the jury verdict, but on Sept. 5, 2012, the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the verdict. Feldman expressed gratitude for the partial compensation, but noted that the 13year ordeal has taken a toll on him both personally and professionally. “It’s been challenging,” Feldman said. “But at the end of the day, I have no regrets, I would do it over again. I have my integrity, and that’s worth more to me than gold.” He also expressed gratitude for his attorneys, Michael J. Salmanson and Scott B. Goldshaw. Feldman, 44, holds a Ph.D. in clinical neuropsychology. He’s preparing to relocate to San Francisco, where he plans to continue his consultation business to the pharmaceutical industry and develop a practice in wellness and neuropsychology.

Hearing scheduled in church dispute A city review board is scheduled to hold a hearing Feb. 25 on the fate of the old Church of the Assumption, which was formerly owned by Siloam, a local HIV/AIDS agency Siloam sold the building to developer John Wei in July, and he wants to demolish it. The city’s Board of License and Inspection Review will convene at 2 p.m. Feb. 25 at 1515 Arch St., 18th floor, to consider Wei’s demolition request. The church, built in 1849 by Charles Patrick Keely, is located at 1123-33 Spring

Garden St. in the Callowhill section of the city. Siloam owned the church for several years prior to selling it, and two adjacent buildings, to Wei. Siloam continues to operate in one of the adjacent buildings. The Callowhill Neighborhood Association wants the church preserved as a tourist attraction, noting its ties to two local saints, Katharine Drexel and John Neumann. But Carl S. Primavera, an attorney for Wei, said the building is in danger of collapse, and should be demolished. “There have been too many delays,” Primavera told PGN. “By necessity, [the church] has to come down. It’s a dangerous building. We can’t risk the public safety because people want to hold on to the past.” Andrew S. Palewski, a neighborhood activist, said the church doesn’t pose a danger. “This is more of the standard rhetoric that has played like a broken record for four years now — first from Siloam and now from the developer, John Wei,” Palewski told PGN. “The assertion that the building is a danger is baseless and is merely an effort to elicit fear and sympathy from the Board of L&I Review and from the courts.” The matter also remains pending in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court. — Timothy Cwiek

Wash. West to look at property taxes The Washington Square West Civic Association will host City Councilman Mark Squilla for a question-and-answer

session on the Actual Value Initiative that is overhauling the city’s property-tax system. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m Feb. 28 at Jefferson Alumni Hall, 1020 Locust St. City Councilman Jim Kenney and Board of Revision of Taxes representative Carla Pagan will also be present.

Student filmmakers get their chance College students interested in having their short, LGBT-themed films featured at Philadelphia Q Fest will have the chance to submit their work to the QFest Student Film Competition. Submissions, which can be in any genre, are due April 1, and students can submit multiple films. The works must have been produced in 2012 or early 2013. Q Fest will run from July 11-22, and a prize will be awarded for best student film. All submissions should be in DVD format or through an Internet link. Interested candidates can submit their work to Philadelphia Cinema Alliance, 234 Market St., fourth floor, Philadelphia, Pa., 19106 with attention to Raymond Murray, QFest Student LGBT Film Competition. Submissions can also be made at qfest-submission-entry-form.cfm. Q Fest will also host a free screening of “Latter Days,” a romantic drama about a closeted Mormon missionary, 8 p.m. March 21 at the URBN Annex Large Screening Room, 3401 Filbert St., on the campus of Drexel University. The screening is free to all students with a valid school ID. For more information, visit www.qfest. com. ■ — Angela Thomas


12th Street Gym, 204 S. 12th St. • 13th Street Gourmet Pizza, 209 S. 13th St. • AACO, 1101 Market St., 9th floor • Action AIDS, 1216 Arch St. • Apt. & Townhouse Rentals, 304 S. 12th St. • ASIAC, 1711 S. Broad St. • The Bike Stop, 206 S. Quince St. • Bioscript Pharmacy, 1227 Locust St. • Cafe Twelve, 212 S. 12th St. • Charlie Salon, 203 S. 12th St. • City Hall NE Entrance • Club Body Center, 1220 Chancellor St. • Com-Har Living Room, 101 S. Broad St., 14th floor • Criminal Justice Center, 1301 Filbert St. • Cut Salon, 204 S. 13th St. • Danny’s Bookstore 133 S. 13th St. • Dignity/St. Lukes, 330 S. 13th St. • Dirty Frank’s Bar, 13th & Pine sts. • The Foodery, 10th & Pine sts. • Fusion Gym, 105 S. 12th St., 2nd floor • Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St. • I Goldberg, 1300 Chestnut St. • ICandy, 254 S. 12th St. • Independent Hotel, 13th & Locust sts. • Mazzoni Clinic, 809 Locust St. • Midtown II, 122 S. 11th St. • More Than Just Ice Cream, 1119 Locust St. • Pa. AIDS Law Project, 1211 Chestnut St., 12th floor • Paolo Pizzeria, 1336 Pine St. • Parker Hotel Lobby, 261 S. 13th St. • Phila. FIGHT/Aids Library, 1233 Locust St., 5th floor • Phila. Family Planning Commission, 260 S. Broad St., 10th floor • Planned Parenthood, 1144 Locust St. • Sansom Cinema, 120 S. 13th St., basement • Santa Fe Burrito, 212 S. 11th St. • Scorpio Books, 202 S. Juniper St. • Sisters, 1320 Chancellor St. • Spruce Street Video, 252 S. 12th St. • Packard Apartments, 317 N. Broad St. • Safeguards lobby, 1211 Chestnut St. #610 • Salon K, 1216 Locust St. • Sansom Cinema, 120 S. 13th St. • Sante Fe Burrito, 212 S. 11th St. • Tabu, 200 S. 12th St. • Tavern on Camac, 243 S. Camac St. • Triangle Medicine, 253 S. 10th St., 1st floor • Uncles, 1220 Locust St. • Valanni, 1229 Spruce St. • Venture Inn, 255 S. Camac St. • Voyeur, 1220 St. James St. • Westbury, 261 S. 13th St. • William Way LGBT Community Center, 1325 Spruce St. • Woody’s, 202 S. 13th St. •

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


Kimmel Center for the performing arts






Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

We’re all getting older. For LGBT seniors, being out in the golden years can pose a whole new set of challenges. Each month, Gettin’ On brings you insights on aging, from legal issues to sexual health.

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What special challenges does the LGBT community face when it comes to the law? Whether it’s adoption, co-habitation agreements or a will, Angela Giampolo shares legal advice for our community each month.

THE BACHELORS: Eight single singers were literally up for grabs at the annual Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus bachelor auction Feb. 17 at Woody’s. Hosted by Stella D’Oro and Mrs. P., the bidding wars, which allowed guests to compete for dates such as dinner and shows with the eligible gents, raised more than $3,300, with the overall event bringing in $5,100 for PGMC. Bachelor Adam Funck (front row, second from left) brought in the highest bid, at $575. The PGMC’S next concert is an all-Broadway sing-along March 21-23. Photo: Scott A. Drake

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


Archive looking for Philly gay couple from 1950s ceremony By Jen Colletta In the late 1950s, two local men celebrated their love in a ceremony and, like many couples, they likely eagerly awaited the return of their photos of the big day — which they may soon finally receive, nearly 60 years later. ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives is seeking to identify two men captured in a series of 21 photos, copies of which were recently donated to the archives by a New Jersey woman. The photos depict two men, who appear to be in their 20s or 30s, exchanging rings before a man who could be a minister, along with two male witnesses. The men are shown kissing, cutting a cake, opening gifts and dancing among other same-sex couples in what appears to be an apartment. Cherry Hill resident Jackie Madarang came upon the photos when sorting through old family pictures and, not knowing the subjects, asked her father, who explained that her mother, who has since passed, took the prints home from her job at a photo shop at Broad Street and Allegheny Avenue in North Philadelphia in 1957. The store’s manager, Madarang’s father explained, had a policy that customers would not receive their developed photos if he deemed them “inappropriate,” but he allowed staff to do with the pictures what they liked. “My mother had a somewhat photographic memory for faces and retained these in the event the customers who dropped them off ever came back to the shop so that she could give them to the customers on the sly,” Madarang wrote in a letter to ONE.

to have it taken away from you is a huge injury. So the best outcome would be to find the people to whom they belong.” Chenier noted that the men were young in the photos, so they could still be alive. Or, relatives or friends may recognize the pictures and be able to identify the subjects. Oliveira said ONE has hundreds of photos of unidentified subjects, often donated by

The customers, however, never returned and the photos went into the Madarang family collection. Once they were uncovered, Madarang auctioned them on Ebay to two bidders, giving the profits to her father, and, at the suggestion of one of the bidders, donating copies of the prints to ONE. ONE project archivist Michael Oliveira said the photos — and their subsequent story — provide an interesting, yet unsettling, look at life for the LGBT community half-a-century ago. “This gives us insight into what was happening at that time; you can understand in some ways if it was illicit pictures but this is a step far beyond that,” he said. “I’m not sure what it was like to live in the ’50s but I can guess from this. This captures a moment in Philadelphia history and was a fantastic example of a life denied.” Elice Chenier was introduced to the photos when doing research at ONE for a book on same-sex unions in the early part of the second-half of the 21st century. “That story hurts,” she said.

friends and family of late loved ones. But, he said, they have had luck with connecting items with their former owners — such as when a researcher recognized a scrapbook containing dozens of photos of authors taken at the now-defunct A Different Light bookstore in San Francisco, or when an artist identified her own self-portrait. “It’s great when you get to see the full story and link things up,” Oliveira said. “That’s wonderful when we get to see that and, for these men or someone surviving in those photos, to find something like this and recapture some of that time would be amazing.” ■ If you recognize the subjects in the photos, or to view more photos, call 215-628-8501, ext. 206 or email jen@epgn. com.

“I think when you think about queer life and the oppression of gay and lesbian people, you think about overt acts of violence, people committing suicide, people being beaten up or thrown in jail, losing their jobs — dramatic things. But I think it’s often the little things that add up that make people so vulnerable. To have your own photographs of your own wedding arbitrarily confiscated by a photo shop owner and to never have that record for yourself ...



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

AIDS Fund to honor leaders at black-tie event By Angela Thomas

Every Wednesday night 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. you can get a free confidential HIV test at

Philadelphia FIGHT

and receive free admission to Woody’s dance floor, a free slice of pizza from 13th Street Gourmet Pizza, and a chance to win great prizes.

“He is an incredible performer and, in addition to the efforts he has done with the AIDS Fund, he works in the HIV/AIDS community and helps raise funds for HIV/ AIDS research,” Reichard said. Byrne, who previously volunteered and worked for AIDS Fund, credited his colleagues at ActionAIDS with inspiring his own work. “Coming to ActionAIDS, I was able to see the difference that the people I worked with made in people’s lives daily. I am amazed at how incredible they are — they are the true heroes,” he said. Byrne said he is

at the AIDS Fund because I felt the need to make a difference and help folks that were afflicted by a disease that took the lives of some of my friends and family. It was AIDS Fund is ready to glam up the city something that really pulled at my heart,” for its 14th annual Black-Tie GayBINGO. he said. The black-tie affair will start at 6:30 p.m. Jones, who started work at AIDS Fund March 1 in the Crystal Tea Room, 100 Penn in August 2000, said she was immediately Square East. Tickets are $150 and can be impressed that the organization was so purchased at closely committed to the community, and The event will include a dinner, six that its commitment yielded visible results. BINGO games, a silent auction and danc“For an organization like AIDS Fund with ing. Proceeds will support AIDS Fund’s such a small budget to make such a large mission of funding area HIV/AIDS serimpact on the community organizations it vice organizations. funds is an amazing demonstration to us as According to executive director Robb individual donors,” she said. “It reminds us Reichard, the event is expected to be bigthat you do not need to have a lot to make ger than ever, with a guest list of more a difference.” than 225 supporters. Jones has volunteered for AIDS Fund While there will be some new addisince 2007 and is also involved in voluntions to the lineup, Reichard said the teer activities with Shades Of Image and event’s format is always a community Women With Outbursts of Love, Inc. favorite. Reichard said Jones has been a unique “We are always trying to do new volunteer because of her deep knowledge things to freshen it up for participants. MICHAEL BYRNE of the organization as a former We have a couple surprises for our guests employee. this year, but the overall formula for the “We know she can just jump in event works so well and our guests enjoy it continually impressed by the sense of commuand take a leadership role as a volunso much,” he said. teer. It is wonderful having someone AIDS Fund, which hosts monthly nity among the various there that we know and trust. One of GayBINGO events to raise money and HIV/AIDS organizathe things we look for in a volunteer awareness for HIV/AIDS, will present its tions in Philadelphia. “Regardless of who award recipient is commitment to Founders’ Award to ActionAIDS director the issues, longevity of service and of development Michael Byrne, the Ferrara you are raising money somebody who makes the life of the Family Volunteer Award to former AIDS for, we are all supAIDS Fund staff easier, and she has Fund director of operations Afríca Jones portive of each other’s done just that over the years,” he and the Favorite Straight Person of the work,” he said. “We said. Year Award to longtime former state Rep. realize that no agency Jones said through her work at does this by themselves, Babette Josephs. AIDS Fund, she has become more Reichard said Byrne was an easy candi- no individual does this cognizant of the evolving issues in by themselves; we are date for the honor. the HIV/AIDS community. “He has been involved in the fight against all in this together.” AFRÍCA JONES “I have become aware of the veryByrnes, who has lost HIV in our community for two decades,” ongoing needs for funding and suploved ones to AIDS, Reichard said. Byrne, who has worked for 13 years at said the Founders’ Award is appreciated not port for the AIDS-service organizations in ActionAIDS, is also the original co-host just on a professional but also a personal the Philadelphia area,” she said. Jones considers it a particular honor of GayBINGO in his drag persona, Carlota level. “I started volunteering and then working to be the recipient of the Ferrara Family Ttendant. Volunteer Award since she volunteered and got to know its namesakes, Immy and Phil Ferrera, during her time at AIDS Fund. “Their passion and drive as volunteers is happy to welcome is remarkable. I only wish that I could do more,” she said. to the dental practice! Reichard said Josephs was selected for her long commitment to advocating for both the LGBT and HIV/AIDS communities. • Cosmetic dentistry “She was one of the first legislators to • Veneers really fight for HIV/AIDS legislation. She was involved early on in the HIV • Crowns Confidentiality Act in Pennsylvania and we wanted to recognize that longtime commit• Whitening ment,” he said. ■

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Philadelphia Gay News


Mazzoni to celebrate legal work with new locale, format By Angela Thomas Mazzoni Center will host its fourth annual Open Bar Event on Feb. 27, this year at a new location, the National Liberty Museum, 321 Chestnut St. The event, 3-7 p.m., will raise money for Mazzoni’s Legal Services Department, which provides legal services for low-income individuals in the LGBT community. Open Bar will be split into two parts, with a Continuing Legal Education program from 35:15 p.m. and an evening reception to follow. Ticket prices range from $125 for the CLE portion to $20 for the reception. Perry Monastero, Mazzoni director of development and marketing, said he hopes the event sheds light on the high-quality work the legal-services team provides. “This is the fourth year that we are hosting the Open Bar event and we just want people to know about the legal services that are at the Mazzoni Center,” he said. David Rosenblum, director of legal services, said he has seen the department’s tangible impact on the LGBT community. “We do a great number of simple procedures like name changes for transgender people, and we also have a number of people who come in with claims of discrimination

in employment or public-accommodation issues,” he said. Although the legal department serves mostly Philadelphia residents, it also has worked with people statewide. “We get people from all over Pennsylvania because we are the only LGBT nonprofit that has legal services in the entire state,” Rosenblum said. The Open Bar event caters to professionals in the legal field but also brings in clients and supporters of Mazzoni. Open Bar is sponsored by Dechert LLP, the recipient of the first-ever Amicus Award for its work and commitment to the LGBT community. The event will also recognize two leaders with Justice In Action awards for their trailblazing work within the legal field. For the first time, legal professionals can receive two credit hours of CLE programming, with one in ethics and one in a substantive area — allowing participants to explore issues like marriage equality. “It is a nice forum for people to talk about different issues,” Rosenblum said. “The world is hopefully going to change very soon, especially with the cases of DOMA and Prop. 8. There will be energy around this and we want to engage the community.” To purchase tickets, visit ■

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


NJ group launches LGBT equality coalition By Angela Thomas A local LGBT organization is ready to bring equality statewide. Garden State Equality has formed a coalition of regional and national groups that organizers hope will help win marriage equality and combat bullying in New Jersey schools. The Garden State Coalition for Equality currently consists of eight organizations — Communication Workers of America, Equality Federation, Freedom to Marry, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, The Trevor Project, Human Rights Campaign, American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey and Gender Rights Advocacy Association of New Jersey. The coalition was officially launched at a Feb. 19 town-hall meeting at Garden State Equality’s headquarters in Montclair, N.J. Garden State Equality’s new executive director, Troy Stevenson, said the coalition was motivated by the need for more broad-based backing for the LGBT community. “We need as much support as possible and we need a broad spectrum of individuals together to effectively win,” he said.

Stevenson said he contacted HRC and Freedom To Marry in order to get the ball rolling. “I asked them for their help and support and we planned how we could work together,” he said. GSE has also enlisted help from other local LGBT organizations and labor groups, Stevenson added, noting that he expects the coalition to continue to grow quickly. Despite Gov. Chris Christie’s opposition to same-sex marriage, Stevenson said he’s hopeful marriage equality will become a reality in New Jersey, with the help of the coalition. “We are going to get back to our grassroots,” he said. “We are currently organizing all over the state and places that have never seen us and the messages we have built. We are mobilizing volunteers throughout the state.” In addition to its legislative goals, Stevenson said he hopes the coalition will show lawmakers and others the determination of the community and its allies. “We hope to win marriage equality and stop bullying, but we also hope to show a broad range of support so that legislators know exactly what they are up against.” ■


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


LOVE IN ACTION: Constituents (above) of City Councilman Mark Squilla, who represents the Gayborhood, stopped into his office on Valentine’s Day to deliver petitions calling for the passage of the Healthy Families and Workplaces Bill, which would mandate earned sick time for Philadelphia workers, which could be used to care for a samesex partner. The action was organized by the Philadelphia Coalition for Healthy Families and Workplaces and PathWays PA.



FOR TICKETS CALL 800.736.1420 OR VISIT TICKETMASTER.COM ® GOLDEN NUGGET ATLANTIC CITY HOTEL . CASINO . MARINA Huron Ave. & Brigantine Blvd. Atlantic City, NJ 08401 Entertainment subject to change and management reserves all rights. Tickets subject to availablity.

A VERY GAY V-DAY: Students at the University of Pennsylvania (clockwise from above right) showed their LGBT support Feb. 14 at Love is Love, organized by the Penn Democrats, College Republicans and Lambda Alliance. The campus community had the chance to have their pictures taken before a rainbow-papered LOVE statue, holding signs calling for equality. That evening, Mondo Guerra of “Project Runway” fame was the guest of honor at ActionAIDS’ Fashion in Action fundraiser at Hotel Palomar. Guerra (above, third from left) unveiled his new design for this year’s Dining Out for Life T-shirts and was welcomed to the city by hundreds of ActionAIDS supporters, including executive director Kevin Burns (above, left). Photos: Scott A. Drake


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

To tie the knot or not? it is important to be united and prepared. Remember that you have the choice here: to invite people who are allied with you, people who love you and who will be fun to have around. As with any couple (LGBTQ or otherwise), there may be some folks you will simply choose not to invite. Expectations are a big part of weddings. You and your partner may have distinctly different ideas from your parents and friends. It can be a challenge to navigate these somewhatentrenched ideals of how “the big day” will be. Feelings run deep and tempers can flare even in the most usually stable families. These are nice, liberalminded people, right? So why are they acting so nuts? Perhaps even more than other special occasions or life events, a marriage can tend to magnify relationships and emotions. In my experience, healthy boundaries and good communication are not only the “super food” of wedDiane ding plans; they’re also the founGibfried dation of a good relationship.

“Because the condition of marriage is worldly and its meaning communal, no one party to it can be solely in charge. What you alone think it ought to be, it is not going to be. Where you alone think you want it to go, it is not going to go. It is going where the two of you — and marriage, time, life, history and the world — will take it. You do not know the road; you have committed your life to a way ... As the traditional marriage ceremony insists, not everything that we stay to find out will make us happy. The faith, rather, is that by staying, and only by staying, we will learn something of the truth, that the truth is good to know, and that it is always both different and larger than we thought.” — Wendell Barry, “Poetry and Marriage” I believe it often starts this way: “I’m crazy about you.” “I’m crazy about you, too!” “So, since we’re both crazy ... should we be committed?” There’s a lot of discussion, inside and outside of the LGBTQ community, about “assimilation” vs. “radical” views on marriage. Some folks believe marriage rights are affirming and open the door to other human rights and societal protections and, therefore, must be good. Others feel that marriage (which began as a business proposition) is fraught with problems, including marginalizing all the diverse ways that folks define their relationships. Some will argue that love is a private thing in two people’s hearts, and they don’t see any need for the formal event or certificate to make it official. Others can’t wait for the opportunity to stand in the presence of the community and publicly present their vows. There’s no one right answer to this debate — but for the purposes of this column, I am focusing on couples who are considering marriage, or have already chosen to take this big step. As a therapist at Mazzoni Center, I am hearing more and more about marriage plans (and complications) from the clients I see every week. They range from whether or not to take the plunge, to how and where to have the ceremony, to “what should I do about Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Ray (who’ll never understand!)?” Even beyond this I am hearing questions like, “How do we stay together and get our needs met, raise our children?” and even, “How do we untie the knot and move forward?” If you have decided to take this step yourself, the first thing you may encounter when you make the announcement is curiosity from friends and family. You may hear the question, “Why do you need to get married?” And then there are the family members who may be opposed for whatever reason. Some of this you can predict ... and sometimes it may surprise you. As a couple,

On Being Well

Organization So you’re going forward with your wedding. Congratulations! Now, make sure you have a plan. There are a multitude of options, from speaking your vows in a park and going to a nice dinner with friends and family to a great big traditional wedding. It helps a lot if you and your partner have already discussed this and determined what you want — and what you don’t want. This makes it easier to come up with the list of important people in your life to include, from the planning stages through to the actual event. If you and your honey are doing this on your own and want little to no input, say so. If you are open to ideas and input, let the people around you know. And if you’re feeling completely uncertain (or overwhelmed) when it comes to the details, you will find that friends and family are often grateful to be given a specific task, or a list of options and the opportunity to choose how they will help you. It is not only important to articulate what you need, but it may be helpful to suggest to others how you hope your needs can be met. Respect yourself/family drama As a couple, it will be important to present a united front while appreciating and acknowledging people’s good intentions. This will be easier to do if you take care of yourself and each other. It’s hard to plan a milestone event while you are both working long hours and/or managing the house, kids, pets, etc. Respect yourself and find ways to manage your stress. Break up your tasks into chunks so that they are more manageable. Recognize each others’ strengths and weaknesses and strategize as much as possible so you can tackle the planning one step PAGE 12 at a time.

WELLNESS AT WILLIAM WAY: The William Way LGBT Community Center hosted its first-ever Wellness Festival Feb. 18, along with sponsor Optimal Sport Health Clubs. More than 200 people attended the fair, where they were able to receive wellness tips from 10 vendors, who specialized in such areas as nutrition, snack on free samples from healthy food locales like Eat-A-Pita and take part in free hands-on health-and-wellness activities like massages, yoga and workout classes. The center expects to host similar wellness fairs at least twice a year, and William Way director of development Michael Pomante said the organization is considering turning the event into an entire weekend affair. “I think it was an incredibly successful day,” Pomante said. “We are incredibly grateful for our ongoing partnership with Optimal Sport Health Clubs and look forward to continuing to collaborate on programs and events that promote health and wellness in Greater Philadelphia’s LGBTQ community.” Photo: Scott A. Drake

An intimate evening with nationally acclaimed singer, songwriter and recording artist

Eric Himan

in his only Philadelphia performance during his

Under the Ink U.S. Winter Tour!

Feb. 27 The Philadelphia Room at the William Way Community Center

Pre-show beverages: 6:45 - 7:15 p.m. Showtime:

7:30 p.m. sharp!

$20 for wine reception + performance $15 for performance only



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

Diana Medley


Polling Pennsylvania A number of new polls over the past few weeks have offered interesting insight into the Keystone State’s LGBT community — and its growing base of supporters. A study out of Williams Institute at UCLA last week found that about 2.7 percent of Pennsylvanians self-identify as LGBT, ranking our state among the bottom 10 in terms of the ratio of self-identified LGBT populations to the overall population of the state. States with better laws for LGBT people — inclusive nondiscrimination measures and relationship-recognition laws — boasted higher numbers. This is yet another example that LGBT-supportive lawmakers should use this session to help push forward bills to protect the community. Telling legislators who are on the fence that a nondiscrimination bill would give LGBT residents the dignity and respect they deserve is one thing — but following that up with statistics that show that pro-LGBT measures could bring in new residents, who will bring with them money to fuel Pennsylvania’s economy, is another. However, researchers noted that the findings don’t necessarily show the exact size of the states’ LGBT populations, but more definitively show the willingness of survey respondents to self-identify as LGBT. This could suggest that if Pennsylvania took steps to make our state more welcoming to LGBTs — through legislative means and other initiatives — more residents may feel empowered and affirmed to come out and identify with the community. Often, state government may seem like a foreign, disconnected entity to Pennsylvanians, but this study suggests that the state’s treatment of and attitude toward its LGBT and questioning residents could have a meaningful and tangible personal impact. While this study showed the work that Pennsylvania needs to do to catch up to its neighbors, other recent polls reinforced that residents are closer than ever to wanting those changes. Equality Pennsylvania earlier this month released the results of a survey conducted by CivicScience that found that more than 60 percent of residents believe LGBT people are entitled to the same rights and protections as other minorities. And about 70 percent of respondents thought LGBTs should be protected from being fired for their identities and from discrimination in public accommodations. Interestingly, about 60 percent of self-identified Republicans thought LGBT people deserve workplace and other protections. And a Franklin & Marshall poll from early February found that 52 percent of Pennsylvanians support marriage equality — that’s up from 33 percent in the same poll in 2006. While the overall ideology of the state’s residents is of course not as progressive as that of New Jersey’s or New York’s residents, the Keystone State shouldn’t be counted out as a lost cause for LGBT rights. With leadership at the state level, our state’s residents needs to be moved forward to make the jump from their growing acceptance of the LGBT community to taking actual action to push for LGBT rights. Times are changing in Pennsylvania, and that change can’t come fast enough. ■

Not every teacher is able to find the courage to boldly declare that gay, lesbian and bisexual students have no purpose in life and that their very existence is offensive to her. But Sullivan High School special-education teacher Diana Medley is an exception. Especially if by “courage” we mean ignorance and bigotry — or, as the combination of the two is more commonly called, “dumbfuckery.” Now, as I am sure you can imagine, the gays started it. All Medley and a few likeminded folks wanted was a homo-free prom but Sullivan High School wouldn’t give it to them, metaphorically punching Jesus in the face by allowing samesex couples not only to attend prom, but to participate in the Grand March, which I guess is some kind of prom parade or whatever, but it doesn’t even matter what it is because obviously gays shouldn’t be allowed in it because of GOD. “We don’t agree with it and it’s offensive to us,” Medley told a local TV news reporter. By “it,” I’m pretty sure she’s talking about homosexuality and since she and her cohorts are all offended, they decided to make their own little prom in a church basement or something and make it very clear: NO HOMOS ALLOWED. Besides being offended that people who are different than her exist, Medley has some very specific thoughts about gays and lesbians. “I believe it was a choice that she made,” she told NBC 2 (who “she” is here is not clear, though it could be any lesbian. I think it’s pretty safe to say that they’re all the same to Medley). “I don’t believe that they were born that way. I think that life circumstances made them choose that. I think that God made everybody equal.” Let’s unpack that. Gay people were not born gay, they just choose to be gay to compensate for their terrible lives. And God made everybody equal. Except that Medley obviously is not interested in treating gay, lesbian and bisexual students as equal to heterosexual students. So by

“equal,” I think she means “straight.” Which means that the queers have gone and “unequaled” themselves, making this whole thing their own damn fault. And to think that Medley gets paid real taxpayer dollars to “educate” openly gay students. “I have kids come to me because of their sexual preference, and they know I don’t agree with it, but I care about you,” she said. For the record, I would advise students not to go to Medley about your “sexual preference” because, for one, she doesn’t seem to know that’s not the same thing as sexual orientation. Though I doubt she cares. Secondly, someone who thinks you’re too icky to go to prom doesn’t care about you. If LGBT students need further proof of Medley’s “caring,” check out what she says when the newscaster then asks if she thinks that gays have a purpose in life. “I don’t. I personally don’t. I’m sorry. I just, I don’t understand it. A gay student or adult or person isn’t going to come up and make some change unless it’s because they realize, you know what, it was a choice and I’m choosing God,” said Medley. Granted it’s not the most articulate answer, and I think the words “I don’t understand it” speak volumes, but the meaning is pretty clear. The only purpose Medley thinks homos have is to de-gay themselves in the name of God. Oh, and also to ruin prom for the kids who matter. ■

Let’s unpack that. Gay people were not born gay, they just choose to be gay to compensate for their terrible lives.

D’Anne Witkowski has been gay for pay since 2003. She’s a freelance writer and poet (believe it!). When she’s not taking on the creeps of the world, she reviews rock ’n’ roll shows in Detroit with her twin sister.

We want to know! If you are celebrating an anniversary, engagement, wedding, adoption or other life event, we would be happy to help you announce it to the community. Send your contact information and a brief description of the event to


Time to start looking back An easy way for a columnist to get a colyear from now. umn out quickly is to do an update on previAt the groundbreaking for the affordous columns. Allow me to use that shortcut able senior-housing facility in October, we this week. hosted several LGBT pioneers — which led That was going to be my opening line me to think of their historic gifts to our community and how much of their contributions until I actually looked back at the last year, have been ignored. This led me and you know what, it’s a look to a decision to write a column back in pride and wonder at how we found the time to accomplish where I promised my brothers all we did. and sisters from Gay Liberation First up has been the planFront 1969-71 to work on a ning for the LGBT Media documentary. The response that Journalists Convening. This is idea has received amazed me. an invite-only event presented We have already shot some footage, arranged to film most of the annually by Haas Foundation of San Francisco that brings members still with us, staged a together LGBT media memreunion, got feelers from other bers from across the country documentarians and even have to discuss issues affecting the seen a nibble for broadcast. And LGBT community. It’s one of SAGE has signed on as a supporter. While at times I thought the most prestigious invites to get for LGBT journalists, put I had no idea where each project Mark Segal was headed when I started, each together by Matt Foreman, former executive director of the of them is moving forward, and National Lesbian and Gay Task Force, and fast. Where there is a vision, there is a way. Bil Browing of Bilerico blog. In past years, And along the way we predicted, two the event has taken place in New York City, months ago, that Allyson Schwartz would San Francisco and last year in Houston, be a candidate for governor, which appears where, with the OK of Mayor Nutter, I made to be coming to fruition. Treasurer Rob the pitch for the 2013 Convening to be held McCord is also emerging as an attractive in Philly. Thanks to the strong support of gubernatorial candidate. And don’t be surthe Greater Philadelphia Marketing Tourism prised to see some good LGBT candidates in the spring primary. Corporation and Comcast, more than 100 Other recent developments include LGBT bloggers and media types will be my new column, in which I enjoying Philly hospitality this weekend. explained how guns and immigration were My most time-consuming project LGBT issues, and expressed outrage at has been The John C. Anderson Senior Philly Mag’s treatment of the LGBT comApartments, an LGBT-friendly senior complex that is currently the nation’s largest munity. And there was the incredible joy of LGBT-friendly capital building project. The hearing our president say, “Seneca Falls, $19.5-million project is fully under conSelma and Stonewall.” It brought chills and pride to a long road. struction. The foundation is complete and Time well spent. ■ the steel structure on first floor is going up. We are now in the full process of working out details on what the lease-up process will Mark Segal, PGN publisher, is the nation’s be and finalizing partnerships with our com- most-award-winning commentator in LGBT munity organizations. The building is set to media. He can be reached at mark@epgn. com. open in February 2014. Yep, that’s just one

Mark My Words

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


Street Talk How should the next pope address LGBT issues? “God says don’t judge people. The new pope should say that, too. Just accept people for who they are. If he’s going Star Benford to take on the operations manager role of pope, Germantown he should accept everyone. We’re all God’s children. As a leader, he should make that clear to his followers.”

“He should express excitement about the opportunity to partner with the LGBT community. We’re moving Mary Tuomanen actor into the 21st South Philadelphia century. The Catholic Church should change with the times and usher people into the fold. It should open its doors to women, and the LGBT community.”

“Tell people to be compassionate to the LGBT community. They have a right to lead their own lives as they see fit. Michael He should Winstanley also make student Croydon it clear that violence is unacceptable. If you don’t like gays, just leave them alone. Don’t give them a hard time.”

“He has a lot of repair work to do. He should actively and vocally reach out to the LGBT community — and try to Rebecca Wright artist make up for West Philadelphia hundreds of years of religious persecution that the LGBT community has been subjected to. He should do this immediately.”

make us care about your plight. But no, the article does not go there. Even the use of the word “dung” in the title, indicating that the author is trying to invent a clever pun, is ultimately dehumanizing. Dung is the word humans use for animal feces. People say, and make, excrement, or just plain poop. I can imagine an enemy of the LGBT community, such as Focus on the Family or some such, getting a hold of this

and really going to town. They would use this as an example of how sexual-minority people are only interested in certain things, most having to do with body parts, and in the most puerile of fashions. Wow, what a mind-fuck this article is.

Letters and Feedback In response to “Has Sen. Casey evolved?” May 18-24: No letter makes it clearer as to Senator Casey’s stand on marriage equality than the one I have posted on www.me4pa. org. Marriage Equality for Pennsylvania has also pushed Sen. Casey through letters and phone calls. His commitment to LGBT civil rights is, in fact, tepid, and should be shown for what it is. If we want bold, progressive leadership for ALL Pennsylvanians, we need to consider a challenger to Casey when he is up for reelection. — david_nwpa While reading, and after reflecting upon the experience of reading [Millennial Poz

columnist Aaron Stella’s] article “Annie get your dung” in a recent issue of the PGN, I found myself aghast and somewhat sickened. Lowering the level of the PGN’s professionalism a notch or two, Stella’s article is one of the most vulgar, vile things I have ever seen in print. What was the author thinking, or better still, what was he not thinking about? Is the author just trying to push the envelope of respectability, to see what he can get away with? Is Stella trying to straddle the line between seriousness and “being funny”? I cannot tell. It is one matter to have an article that tells us readers about some health problem, and then goes on to enlighten and educate us by describing the health concern and all of its manifestations. Please, give us details about your visit to a proctologist, and

— Stephen Campellone Philadelphia

Tell us what you think Send letters and opinion column submissions to:; PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147; fax: 215-925-6437.

Please include a daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity, style and space considerations.



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

Seven foods to ignite your workouts We all gather into the grocery store muscles. The best thing about them is with hundreds of food choices daily they are quick and easy to make. Try to pick from. Many of us always end them scrambled, in an omelet with up putting the same five or 10 items vegetables for added nutrients or hardin our carts. However, you can have boil them for a quick and easy midmorning snack. flavor and health, not tasteless, borAll-natural peanut buting recipes and meal plans. I picked ter is a quick, easy way seven big must-have foods to add healthy fats to your to power your workouts, diet. Add some on to your keep you healthy and get apple, to 100-percent you energized! Make sure whole-grain bread or throw those same five-10 items you end up putting into your 1 or 2 tablespoons into your cart include these must-buy protein shake to add in B items: vitamins, vitamin E, calAlmonds are an excellent cium and fiber. Two tablechoice to snack on during spoons also have 8 grams of the day and contain the antiprotein. oxidant vitamin E, which Quinoa is a power caris hard to find from good bohydrate. It contains the food sources without an most protein over any carextra supplement. Vitamin E bohydrate and is loaded helps your immune system fiber and nutrients. Charlie Biggs with and protects your body from Vegetarians, this is a great cell damage. Put these in addition to help your diet. your arsenal to fill up on healthy fats It covers iron, magnesium, potassium and get some added fiber to keep you and vitamin E. Complex-carb quifeeling fuller longer. Try sprinkling noa helps keep insulin levels low and diced almonds on your oatmeal or add- happy, so your body stays happy. Sweet potatoes are an excellent ing some to a mid-afternoon snack. Eggs are a great source of complete choice if you are looking for a slowprotein to power your muscles and burning carbohydrate for energy. fuel your workouts. They contain all Slow-burning carbohydrates keep your the crucial amino acids to repair your insulin levels low, so fat-burning can

Work It Out

happen more easily for your body. Who doesn’t like great abs? Sweet potatoes are loaded in vitamin A and beta carotene, which helps gives them their color, and are superior to white potatoes. Combine them with a protein for an excellent dinner or lunch choice. Black beans contain a great source of soluble fiber, the cholesterol-lowering, heart-healthy fiber, along with a great percentage of protein and folate, a B vitamin that is good for heart circulation. Make some black-bean turkey burgers or black-bean soup, or add them to your chili for some hearthealthy meals. Salmon is the king of omega-3 fatty acids in fish. A 4-ounce serving has 25-30 grams of protein and will help your joints. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation in the body, which is a plus for everyone. Add them to a bed of dark, leafy greens, with brown/wild rice or quinoa, or if you’re looking for a low-carb dinner, pair it with one or two cups of colorful vegetables. ■ Charlie Biggs is one of the more than 30 registered personal trainers at 12th Street Gym. To learn about Charlie, visit or 12streetgym. com.

ON BEING WELL from page 9

Organization and stress management can go a long way to preventing/handling family drama. If family drama does erupt, your plan and selfrespect will support you in maintaining healthy boundaries. Some have had a lot of practice, but for some of you, this may be the first time that you assert yourselves as a couple. Determine what those boundaries should be from the get-go. For example, you may not appreciate some of the traditional activities — like bachelor parties or showers — or maybe you don’t mind. On the one hand, you may be uncomfortable because you feel these activities are “consumerist” and/or gender-role-reinforcing ... but on the other hand, you could certainly use a new toaster! Again, you get to choose where you draw the line — and being the creative couple you are, you may find a way to invent your own traditions. Expect a combination of both enjoyment and stress if you are choosing to forge a path where no one has gone before. The most important thing is to hold onto the meaning of the day — and the meaning of the rest of the ways that you “stay to learn something of the truth” (to quote Wendell Berry again). The key is to hold onto the love you have for each other and remind each other of that love during the joyous moments and the stressful ones. Love each other and allow others to “fall in love with your love.” Because that’s what happens at weddings, right? ■ Diane Gibfried is a licensed clinical social worker and therapist at Mazzoni Center. Mazzoni’s Open Door program offers counseling for LGBTQ individuals or couples. For more information, call 215563-0663 ext. 248 or visit

Who cares about the Supreme Court? It’s not like you were planning on inviting them anyway. In coordination with

the Sixth Annual Philadelphia Gay & Lesbian Wedding Expo, and in celebration of love and equality, PGN presents

the Wedding Issue - March 1, 2013.

This issue will cover the ins and outs of getting hitched - not just the legal logistics of pursuing a formal marriage or civil union all around our region, but planning tips for making your big day exactly as memorable and unique as you want it to be.


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


Children’s book shows gay family within Jewish tradition It is a truism in the LGBT commuwho worked with Keshet on the book, said nity to say that we need LGBT-inclusive in an interview that Kar-Ben had long been children’s books so our kids see images interested in such a work. “With both the of families like theirs. Yet with few excepConservative and Reform movements [of tions, LGBT-inclusive picture Judaism] now recognizing gay marriage and more and more books have largely shown culturally and religiously neutral states recognizing gay marriages, we felt the time had cerfamilies. Diversity of color tainly come for this story.” has started to appear, but even Kushner, a lesbian mom those books don’t explore the herself, was formerly a librarfamilies’ various cultural and religious traditions. Kids may ian at a Jewish day school. She see some important aspects explained at the Kar-Ben blog of their families in these that she long wanted to write about Purim, a holiday for cosbooks, but others are left out. tume-wearing, song and feastElisabeth Kushner’s “The Purim ing — the perfect setting for a Superhero,” the first clearly children’s book. LGBT-inclusive Jewish children’s book in English, takes a Dana Rudolph The Keshet contest gave her different approach. the idea of an LGBT angle. Part The book centers around a family with of the Purim tale involves Queen Esther, two dads celebrating the Jewish holiday the wife of the Persian King Ahasuerus, of Purim, a commemoration of the delivrevealing to her husband that she is a Jew, erance of the Jews in the Persian Empire and convincing him not to heed his evil from a plot to destroy them. It grew out of counselor Haman and kill all the Jews. a children’s book-writing contest hosted “Purim is about ‘coming out’ as yourself,” Kushner said. “Esther is a great by Keshet, the national organization that example of someone who comes out for a works for the full inclusion of LGBTQ Jews. Kushner won and earned publication good cause, and I thought that would be a good setting for a book about a kid with by Kar-Ben Publishing, an award-winning publisher of Jewish children’s books. gay parents.” Illustrator Mike Byrne added cheerful The book is less “about” having gay images that enhance the tale. parents, though, and more about trying to Joni Sussman, the Kar-Ben publisher remain true to oneself in the face of expec-


Congratulations We want to know!

If you are celebrating an anniversary, engagement, wedding, adoption or other life event, we would be happy to help you announce it to the community. Send your contact information and a brief description of the event to

tations and peer pressure. The protagonist, a boy named Nate, wants to dress as an alien for Purim but has doubts when he learns the other boys at his Hebrew school will be dressing up as superheroes. He asks his dads for advice, and they tell him, “Not all boys have to be the same thing.” Nate’s solution to the problem is original, yet feels like something a real boy would do. Kushner wisely avoids a heavy-handed analogy about being from a gay family. She includes the one line, “Nate thought about how most kids had a mom and a dad, not a Daddy and an Abba,” but does not dwell on it. The dads use Queen Esther herself, not their own family, to convince Nate that being different is OK — and Nate himself worries more over his different costume choice than his family structure. Readers will likely draw the parallels, but it is to Kushner’s credit that she incorporates many aspects of difference rather than focusing on the gay one. Although this is her first children’s book, Kushner avoids the new-writer trap of having her characters simply plod through a sequence of actions till the end. She packs a problem, character development and solution into about 30 kid-friendly pages.

Kushner also avoids trying too hard to prove gay families are just like any others: She celebrates difference rather than touting sameness, while depicting a two-dad family as an accepted part of a deep religious and cultural tradition. Sussman noted the story isn’t “a didactic tale about a family with two dads” but rather an engaging Purim story in the setting of a same-sex family. “We think this story will be read by LGBT and straight families alike.” That, perhaps, is the best thing about “The Purim Superhero.” Everyone can benefit from its message. Not only will it delight Jewish gay and lesbian families, but by being more about the Jewish tradition than about being gay, it may also appeal to straight Jewish families. It may even attract some straight, non-Jewish families who like its message that, as Nate’s Abba puts it, “Sometimes showing who you really are makes you stronger, even if you’re different from other people.” ■

Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher of Mombian (, an award-winning blog and resource directory for LGBT parents.

The 6th Annual Same Love, Same Rights®

Philadelphia LGBT Wedding Expo presented by

Sunday March 3, 2013 ● 12:30-3:30pm Homewood Suites by Hilton - Newtown 110 Pheasant Run Newtown, PA 18940

More Info & RSVP at


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

PGN NEWS STUDY from page 1

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The local figure was based on interviews with 9,716 residents; only Texas, California, Florida and New York had higher numbers of sample sizes. While there was not considerable variation among the states, the findings did suggest that selfidentified LGBTs tend to live in more progressive areas. Of the 10 states and D.C. that reported at least 4 percent of respondents who identify as LGBT, seven of the jurisdictions have been ranked by Gallup as the most liberal in the country — while six of the bottom 10, not including Pennsylvania, were labeled as the most conservative. Additionally, all of the over-4 percent states, except for South Dakota, offer LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination protections and some form of relationship recognition for same-sex couples. “The variation, while not as big as some might expect, is clearly not random,” research Gary Gates told PGN. “The places that have more accepting social climates and legal climates for LGBT people have a higher percentage of self-identified LGBT people living there. In Pennsylvania, the social and legal issues for LGBTs are still pretty challenging.” In the region, 3.7 percent of respondents self-identified as LGBT in New Jersey; Delaware, 3.4 percent; Maryland, 3.3 percent; and New York, 3.8 percent. “The only thing separating Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York is borders but yet we saw some different numbers there,” Gates said. “So I think that’s in part because of the broader social climates where there may be some additional social or legal stigma in Pennsylvania that’s not in the other states.” But, Gates cautioned, the figure doesn’t necessarily mean that LGBTs aren’t living in Pennsylvania — but rather that they may not be as willing to self-identify. “ I t ’s n o t t h a t a l l g a y Pennsylvanians have moved to New England or the West Coast and that’s making the differences in percentages,” he said. “When people interpret the findings, they need to remember that what we’re measuring here is willingness to identify as LGBT. We’re not capturing sexual behaviors or attractions; it’s very explicitly a measure of people who selfidentify as LGBT.” ■


Media Trail Nevada district relaxes LGBT website restrictions The Reno Gazette Journal reports that, at the urging of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Clark County School District has relaxed certain website restrictions facing students. Under the policy change, school computers will no longer block students from informational websites on LGBT issues. The ACLU first approached the school district about the issue in April and received word of the change Feb. 11. ACLU spokeswoman Staci Pratt says the First Amendment forbids school districts from selectively censoring websites based on particular viewpoints, and her organization will start reviewing policies in other school districts in the state. School district spokeswoman Amanda Fulkerson says officials “considered input” from the ACLU when updating the district’s filtering software. The ACLU’s request was part of its nationwide Don’t Filter Me campaign.

Mass. ed. dept. rules on trans pupils The Boston Globe reports the Massachusetts education department has issued directives on how schools should treat transgender students, including allowing them to use the bathroom of whatever sex with which they identify. The guidance by the department was issued Feb. 15 to help schools follow the requirements of the state’s 2011 nondiscrimination law protecting transgender people. The directive also said schools should allow students to participate on the sports teams of whatever sex they identify as. A n d r ew B e c k w i t h o f t h e Massachusetts Family Institute said the department is protecting transgender students at the expense of the safety and privacy of other students. Gunner Scott of the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition said the guid-

ance is welcomed by transgender students and their parents, who often worry if their children will be safe at school.

Pro soccer player comes out Yahoo News reports former Major League Soccer and U.S. national team player Robbie Rogers says he is gay. In a post on his personal website, Rogers recently wrote: “Life is only complete when your loved ones know you ... Try explaining to your loved ones after 25 years you are gay.” Rogers’ agent, Shaun Higgins, confirmed on Feb. 16 that the post was from his client. Rogers linked the post from his Twitter account. Rogers played for the Columbus Crew of MLS from 2007-11. He has received an outpouring of support from American teammates, players in England’s professional leagues, soccer officials and oth-

ers around the world. No professional athlete in any of the four major North American team sports has come out until well after he was done playing.

Five accused of beating Ore. man According to the Seattle PostIntelligencer, Gresham police say five young people were arrested for beating and robbing a man they lured into a park under the pretense that he would meet another man for sex. Police called it “a targeted attack based on his sexual orientation.” They suspect there have been other attacks and victims were unwilling to report them. Police got a report Feb. 15 of masked people with guns punching and kicking a man at Vance Park. He was described as a 24year-old Clackamas man but not named. His wallet and cell phone were stolen. He had minor inju-

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

ries. Police said the robbers fled but were later arrested and charged with robbery, intimidation and assault. Four are juveniles, three boys and a girl. A fifth was identified as 19-year-old Justin Simms of Gresham.

Tebow to speak at church of antigay pastor Tim Tebow has booked a speaking engagement at a Texas church run by an infamous antigay, antiSemitic pastor. The New York Jets reserve quarterback will talk at First Baptist Dallas Church April 28. Rev. Robert Jeffress, the church pastor, has said that “70 percent of the gay population” has AIDS and that Island, Judaism and Mormonism are religions that come from “the pit of hell.” Tebow’s message to the church’s

11,000 members has not been released. He’ll be speaking at two services that Sunday morning. In the past, the devout Christian and son of missionaries has been quiet about his views on gay marriage. Jeffress, meanwhile, has come under fire for his hateful comments. “There are a disproportionate amount of assaults against children by homosexuals than by heterosexuals, you can’t deny that,” he said in July. In November, he told his congregation that President Obama’s re-election was “paving the way for the future reign of the antichrist.” Jeffress did say he will be changing the way he speaks about homosexuals from the pulpit — he’ll no longer single the community out for special condemnation. ■

— compiled by Larry Nichols

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


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NEWS PGN CASEY from page 1

sometimes a child, sometimes a high -chool student, they are there to learn and they spend half their day in fear. They miss school, they can’t study, they can’t learn and they are in constant anguish. It is the ultimate betrayal if we can’t keep them safe in school. It is about a basic obligation to our children.” And those problems can be especially felt by LGBT students, he added. “Bullying is an acute problem for children who happen to be LGBT and a lot of the examples have been in that context,” he said. Casey announced the reintroduction of his measure during the launch of a flag-raising campaign as part of Cartoon Network’s “Stop Bullying: Speak Up”

initiative Feb. 20 at Warren G. Harding Middle School in Northeast Philadelphia. The campaign, and the new flag-raising component that encourages schools to put their commitment to anti-bullying on display, is designed to elevate bullying as a top-priority issue. “One of the biggest challenges we have when we have legislation is to keep an issue in front of the American people in a consistent way, and often the only way you can do that is bringing an issue to people’s attention in many different ways,” Casey said. “You try and find multiple different ways to highlight the solution. [The campaign] is an opportunity to highlight a problem and do it in a unique way.” ■

SCOUTS from page 1

members become its employees, and vice versa,” she noted. If Cradle is violating workplace-antibias laws, the city should lodge a complaint against the council, and seek an injunction to stop any illegal discrimination, Downey added. Palma M. Rasmussen, a disability-rights expert, said the pending eviction case shouldn’t stop the city from probing Cradle’s employment practices. “The eviction case can easily drag on another five years, especially if a new trial is ordered,” Rasmussen said. “Meanwhile, inertia sets in. Nothing gets done. The city shouldn’t be frozen into inaction just because the eviction case is pending. We’re talking about people’s livelihoods.”

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

Rasmussen added: “The Boy Scouts are pros at working the legal system to delay justice indefinitely. They’ll do whatever they can to delay the process. They’ve done that throughout the country, even in the child-molestation cases. They drag their feet and point the blame in the opposite direction of where they’re standing.” In a related matter, the BSA job-application form was recently spotlighted on the web site of the Human Rights Campaign. Due to that exposure, the form has received attention from national media outlets, including Huffington Post and The New York Times. Dan Rafter, an HRC spokesperson, said BSA should enact an LGBTinclusive antibias policy

that covers membership and employment. “HRC is advocating for the rights of our community to participate in the Boy Scouts,” Rafter told PGN. HRC hasn’t taken a position on the legality of BSA’s employment practices, Rafter added. In May, BSA is expected to announce whether it will stop requiring local troops and councils to ban gays members. But BSA hasn’t commented on the possibility of ending its ban on gay and/or atheist employees. Rich Ferraro, a spokesperson for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, said GLAAD has joined forces with HRC to spotlight BSA’s jobapplication form. GLAAD hasn’t taken a

position on the legality of BSA’s employment practices. But the organization is discouraging people from donating to BSA until it enacts an LGBT-inclusive employment and membership policy, Ferraro added. “There are a lot of dirty little secrets that have come out about the Boy Scouts over the past year, and this job-application form is one of them,” Ferraro said. He also expressed concern about BSA’s expulsion of a lesbian Cub Scout den mother, Jennifer Tyrrell, and BSA’s dismissal of an openly gay camp counselor, Tim Griffin. “Our main goal is to stop the discrimination against our community,” Ferraro concluded. “Gay Americans today are bullied enough. We need to stand up and be heard.” ■

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


Liberty City Press FEB. 17-24, 2013



Go Big or Go Home For Philly’s last casino, size matters


he following are excerpts from testimony delivered before City Council at a hearing to discuss Penn National ������������������������������������������������������ that would distribute two-thirds of its equity to city ��������������������������������������������������������������������� for a casino from a 13-acre site at 7th and Packer streets to a 23-acre site at 3rd and Packer streets were also discussed. Congressman Robert A. Brady: The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Act allows Philadelphia to host two casinos that can be built to a maximum of 5,000 slot machines. This represents a huge opportunity for a city that faces ��������������������������������������� In FY2011/2012 Sugarhouse had only 1,600 slot machines generating a little more than $7.5 million in Local Share Assessment (LSA). During the same period, Parx Casino in Bensalem operated 3,500 slot machines generating over $15 million in LSA �������������������������������������������������������������������� We as a city are losing $7.5 million annually simply because our �������������������������������������������������������������������� Today we have six applicants competing for our last license and not one of these applications contemplates building out anything close to the 5,000 maximum slot capacity. Most contemplate 2,000–2,500 machines. Most do not have the physical footprint to ever get beyond that. Let me repeat that: Four of the six applicants, including Penn Gaming at 7th and Packer, will never be able to deliver the maximum revenue to the city simply because their properties are too small to operate at the max. Now some may argue that the market will not support the 5,000 ������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������� years from now the market cannot sustain 5,000 slots? Will anyone on this legislative body be patting themselves on the back when

Parx moves to 5,000 slots in Bensalem and we are sitting on two casinos that cannot do better than half that? Nick Lillo, president of Bianco Mano Corporation, developer of the Forum Shops at Caesars Palace for the Simon Development Group: First, when it comes to casinos, size matters. The lessons of Las Vegas and Atlantic City teach us that ground level square footage is essential to the success of retail and restaurants on a casino property. The opening of The Forum Shops and the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas have become known in the industry as the Big Bang of Eatertainment; iconic restaurant chains, celebrity chefs, and brand name retail creating amenities to the casino experience. First, this mix of restaurant and retail gener����� �� ������������ ������� ��� economic activity. The Forum ������������������������������ erally overnight, became the largest grossing sales-per-

The proposed plans for a new casino include a concert venue, a night club, a 300-room hotel and a tailgate park. Image courtesy of Varenhorst ����������������������������

square-foot shopping center in America; a title that the Forum still holds to this day. A corollary to this lesson is equally important: going vertical does not work for this restaurant/retail mix. We tried it in Phase 3 of the Forum Shops and we failed. They tried it in The Piers in Atlantic City and they failed. This lesson is particularly important for Philadelphia as we discuss two properties with sig����������� ���������� ������������ Simply put, one cannot proj���� ������������ ����������� revenue from a property that requires these programs be built vertically above the ca����� ������� ���� ����� ��������� for casino properties under 20 acres like those at 7th and Packer. Third and Packer, however, presents a footprint

of over 23 acres, providing a unique opportunity for the city to maximize its non-gaming revenue in the way that that the Forum Shops did for Caesars in Las Vegas. Patrick McNulty, managing partner of Mohr Partners, a global corporate real estate advisor that brokered the sale of the Chester property that is now the site of Harrah’s Philadelphia: The potential for higher and better uses greatly expands as the footprint of the casino expands. High quality and credit retail users such as national and strong regional restaurants, hotels, banks and retail stores of all types, will want to be part of the ������������������������������� portion of the development and would be willing to pay much higher rents. FEB. 17-24, 2013

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.



\\\ Liberty City Press

Chester Crushes Neumann-Goretti

Continued from page 12 hosting this game because they felt their venue was too small. Ultimately, Neumann University ��������������������������������� there capped ticket sales at 1,400. Event staff did provide press seats for Temple coach Dunphy, La Salle coach Dr. John Giannini, Villanova coach Jay Wright, 76ers player Evan Turner, and former Camden star and Cleveland Cavalier player DaJuan Wagner. Chester broke open the 25-17 game at halftime to win shockingly easily. At one point the Clippers (19-3) led 45-20. Most fans and members of the media—myself included—believed the game would be close, though I am not surprised Chester won. The Clippers’ star Rondae Jefferson had 20 points and 10 rebounds. The Arizona recruit ������������������������������er, the second in Clippers’ history after the Magic’s Jameer Nelson. “It was a lot of fun,” Jefferson said. “Nothing personal, but we really wanted to show everyone in Philly that we were the best team around. There was a lot of talk about the game. We wanted to prove it on the court.” Chester has won two straight PIAA AAAA championships, and at one point they had won 55 games in a row. They lost three games to national competition this season but have won against. Gonzaga (Washington, D.C.) and Neumann-Goretti, who have both been ranked in the national top-20 ratings this year. Neumann-Goretti (17-5) never got it going Sunday night. The Clippers messed them up with


a match-up zone in the second half that stymied penetration by star guard Ja’Quan Newton. The Saints were stuck on 20 points for about 6 minutes of action spanning the third and fourth quarter. “We couldn’t make a basket, we weren’t scoring, and we kind of panicked,” said Neumann-Goretti coach Carl Arrigale. “We let the offensive problems affect our play. We didn’t get back on defense, and they got a lot of easy baskets.” Chester’s current coaches would never say it, but extra motivation came from an unexpected source: the Internet. Legendary former Chester coach Fred Pickett said the Chester players responded to some pregame antics from Neumann’s players. “I didn’t see it personally but there was stuff posted on the Internet by some of the Neumann players, saying they were going to win,” said Pickett. “I know that our kids saw it and it really made them focused.” Chester native Calvin Underwood is making a documentary about the season on his network, YesgodTV. He said he found a clip of some of the Neumann players “hyping up the game” and “calling Chester out.” He immediately posted it on Facebook. “I hope it helped our Chester guys,” Underwood said. Chester coach Larry Yarbray said that he was happy his team played so well on both a local and a national stage. “We’re used to winning and we are expected to win, so sometimes it’s hard to ���������������������������������� was thrilled that we found that gear in this game. A lot of people thought this game was Philly versus Chester, so I think it’s great that we showcased what we are all about.”

Jeff Brown of ShopRite leads a community meeting at Dobbins High School. Brown discusses the opening of a new ShopRite in North Philadelphia. Sarah J. Glover/photographer

Grocer Transforms Jeff Brown and his ShopRites help restore communities

by Sheila Simmons


live in what’s called a food desert. That means if you see a store stocked with fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and other nutritious foods—it’s a mirage. Residents of my area of North Philadelphia, just above East Falls, travel to supermarkets in Germantown, in Roxborough, on City Avenue or further into North Philadelphia for such goodies. Others subsist on the canned foods, cellophane-wrapped snacks and soda from the corner store. So excuse me while I sing ���� �������� ��� ����� ������� ���� ���� ���������� ��� �������� ������ Stores, on the state-of-the-art ShopRite due to open in my area this August. We eagerly await the opening of the 71,000-squarefoot store—which will anchor ��������������������������������ke site at Fox Street, Hunting Park

Avenue and Roberts Avenue. Whereas some businesses preface store openings with ban��������������������������������� ��������� ������� ���������� ����� introduced themselves through a community-wide meeting. Uplift set out to draw 1,000 community residents to that meeting on Jan. 31 at Murrell Dobbins CTE High School on Lehigh Avenue. More than 1,200 attended. They packed the auditorium to see a presentation moderated ��� ������ �������� ���� ��� ����� the management team, hear about hiring practices and learn about the future store’s health clinic, community rooms, halal butcher and on-site dietician. Fourth District Councilman Curtis Jones joked that he was at the meeting to “start the ‘Jeff ��������������������������� �����������������������������

for his vision. He sees something in neighborhoods like mine where so many others see nothing. It’s almost as if he’s in business not to make money but to transform. With 10 other area stores that include locations in Haverford ���� ���������� ������ ��� ����� ��� Pennsylvania’s Fresh Food Financing Initiative (FFFI), which matches state and private money to improve access to healthy, affordable food. Certainly, his ef������ ����� ��������� ����� ������� such as the one for $12 million that state Sen. Vincent Hughes, the Democratic chair of the state Senate’s appropriations commit���������������������������������tre through the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program. ���� ������ ����� ��������� everywhere, which I saw for myself in meetings. Uplift pulled together groups from NicetownTioga, Allegheny West, North Philadelphia and Ridge-Allegheny Hunting Park to plan for ������������������������������ long, the groups had assembled their own resume-writing and job-preparation workshops. Raj Lewis, community liaison ��������������������������������� “wants his stores to be community stores. He wants to hire locally and address the needs of the neighborhood. So when that store opens, it’s not just that ShopRite has opened its doors, it’s that the community has opened the ShopRite grocery store.” In that case, we can’t wait for our store!

FEB. 17-24, 2013

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.

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\\\ Liberty City Press

Chester Crushes Neumann-Goretti A long-awaited showdown attracts fans, coaches and ESPN by Jeremy Treatman


any highschool hoop heads in the Delaware Valley have clamored for a Chester Neumann-Goretti match-up for years. Scholastic Play-by-Play Classics organized a game on the night of Feb. 10 between Chester and NeumannGoretti high schools at Neumann University. (Full disclosure, Jeremy Treatman, author, is the co-founder and director of Scho-


lastic Play-by-Play Classics.) Not only was the game talked about and highly anticipated for years, it was televised on ESPN2 and attracted a national audience. For those high-school sports fans who missed it, Chester won, eas�������������������������������� In the past, one of these two teams was always out of games or unwilling to play the other. Plus, the reality is this: If you lose, it’s a tough mental hurdle. After all, these two


standout programs have never played each other before. There are some heavy hearts in South Philadelphia now, after the way Neumann lost. Saints coaches Carl Arrigale and John Mosco will need to massage the egos of their stars and ready Saints for a possible state-championship run. Neumann-Goretti has won three of the last four AAA crowns, and if they are to win this year, the loss to Chester will be the biggest hurdle the squad must overcome.


Rondae Jefferson (second from right) was named as MVP of the game. Above, he is pictured with Ilalee Harrison, author Jeremy Treatman and Ariana Casanovas at the Chester vs. Neumann Goretti Scholastic Play by Play game Sarah J. Glover/photographer

��������������������������cient—site for the game was dif������� ������ ���� ����� ������ enacted in November 2011, a “third party organizer” such as the Scholastic Play-by-Play Classics, a sports-event company, is not allowed to rent facilities of

Division I colleges. That ruled out St. Joseph’s University and left small colleges as the only options to host the game, because high school gyms did not meet ESPN’s camera requirements. Most small colleges balked at Continued on page 2


A “Gorgeous” Evening ���������������������������������������������������������������� by HughE Dillon 1. Noel Zayas (right) produced another in his series of “Gorgeous” fashion fundraisers, which highlight Philadelphia fashion. This one was held earlier this month at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Center City and proceeds from the event benefitted City of Hope to help fight cancer. With Zayas is designer Nigel Richards (left) of 611 Lifestyle, whose fashions were featured in the show. 2. Co-hosting the event was Mike Jerrick of Fox 29’s Good Day Philadelphia as well as Kharisma McIlwaine of CBS3 and CW57. 3. From left: Josh Schonewolf, food blogger of Josh Can’t Cook; Thom Cardwell, director of development at Qfest; Steve McCann of; and Jonathan Hernandez, photographer. 4. From left: Christina Shanchez of Queen Diva and Erica Mendez. HughE Dillon/ Photographer


FEB. 17-24, 2013

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.

AC ul t ure rts


‘Priscilla’ rolls into Philly By Larry Nichols The iconic film “The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert” is making the jump from screen to stage for the first national tour of “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert: The Musical,” which rolls into town Feb. 26-March 3. The premise is unchanged: A trio of friends embarks on the road trip of a lifetime as they hop aboard an old bus, christened Priscilla, searching for love and friendship in the middle of the Australian Outback. Wade McCollum stars as drag performer Tick/Mitzi, Scott Willis is Bernadette and Bryan West portrays young upstart drag queen Adam/Felicia. With more than 500 dazzling 2011 Tony Award-winning costumes and more than 20 dance-floor favorites, the musical version of Priscilla offers fans of the film a n even bigger feast of sights and songs than the film that it is based on. “I think the music that they bring to the Broadway show definitely adds another layer to the show,” West said. “The costumes as well — as outrageous as they were in the film, they are that much more outrageous on the stage because they had a much bigger budget for the Broadway show. They take the costumes in the movie to the next level.”

West is no stranger to lavish productions, having been on national tours of “Hairspray” and “Wicked.” But, he said, “Priscilla is a different theatrical animal than those shows. “‘Wicked,’ I used to call it ‘Gone With the Wind’ on stage because it was very grand and drawn-out. It’s dark in moments and much more still than our s h ow. O u r show is just production number after production number.

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


Dining Out Family Portrait Get Out and Play Out & About Q Puzzle Scene in Philly Worth Watching

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This show flies by. It’s like being shot out of a cannon. With ‘Wicked,’ they took a lot longer to develop things but they also had three hours to do that in. So we’re a lot less time than that. I love them both for different reasons.” One thing West was a stranger to before “Priscilla” was dressing up in drag. “This is my first time,” he said. “As far as I know, maybe some of the other people have done it on some level, but not on a level this big. So it’s been an interesting

journey figuring out the makeup and the wig and how to play it.” While West said he doesn’t think he has too many personality traits in common with the sometimes-brash Adam/Felicia, he does enjoy playing the character. “I relate to the shock value of the character,” he said. “I like to throw one-liners and hear people laugh at how I can shock them at the moment. But I think the fact that we’re both around the same age and love performing is about as far as it goes. But it’s fun to play a character that you are different from because you can explore that in a lot of ways.” He added that all of the characters offer elements that can resonate with the actors and the audience. “We are all definitely missing something in our lives,” he said of the plight of the show’s main characters. “Bernadette, the transsexual, is looking for a companion. Her boyfriend dies in the beginning of the show and she is left alone. Tick has definitely been missing his child for six years. He hasn’t seen him or talked to him. Me, I’m definitely missing a PAGE 20 WEST (BOTTOM, FROM LEFT) AS ADAM, WILLIS AS BERNADETTE, JOE HART AS BOB AND MCCOLLUM AS TICK AND BRIT WEST (FLYING, FROM LEFT), EMILY AFTON AND BRE JACKSON AS THE DIVAS



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


father figure in my life. That’s where we connect and fill that void with each other. We’re all accomplished performers in our own right. Bernadette has been doing this since the 1970s with ‘Les Girls,’ which is an Australian drag troupe. Tick is definitely on the circuit but I’m bridging the gap between the old form of drag and the new drag, where I actually sing my songs instead of lip-syncing.” Speaking of lip-syncing, West said there is none of that in the show, even when the characters are supposed to be faking it. “We’re all singing live,” he said. “Whenever there is lip-syncing happening, there are three divas that descend from the sky and they sing while we lipsync to them so they are always there. So everything is done live.” (Ah ... if only we could afford to have back-up divas descend from that sky all the time in our regular lives. Remind us to buy lottery tickets so we can make that happen.) West said the show has been a hit internationally despite the occasional language barrier. “Every production has its differences,” he said. “Just on a visual level, it’s a spectacle, so that is something that anyone can relate to. Having done other Broadway shows, we have a lot of people from Asia who come over and they can’t understand a word of what’s happening, but as long as you give them colors and costumes, they are loving it.” West said he doesn’t favor one version of “Priscilla” over the other, as they are very unique experiences with common themes. “I look at them as two different things,” he said. “Having originated the Broadway show, I have a special place in my heart for

BRYAN WEST this show just because the reaction from audiences is unlike anything I’ve ever been in. The movie had a darker side than the show. It’s a little more raw, which I think is really cool—but then again, we’re doing a Broadway musical. We have some dark moments but it doesn’t linger through the entire show like that. I like them both but I actually consider them different on those levels. I know when I saw [the film] when I was a kid, I was drawn to its outrageousness. It’s in your face, which I love. It’s not hiding anything. We’re not trying to pretend we are not who we are. I think that’s why audiences, whether gay, straight, young or old, they all end up coming away from the show having a great time, because at some point they are relating to something in the show and also the music. Everyone knows all the music, so that there is a barrier that is dropped. The second they hear ‘I Will Survive,’ ‘Hot Stuff’ or ‘True Colors,’ music brings down those barriers.” While the film has a huge following, West added that, for a significant number of the audience members, the Broadway show is their first exposure to “Priscilla.” “We have a mix,” he said. “Sometimes people are laughing because they know what’s coming next. But traveling across the country to smaller towns, I think a lot of people are coming who are subscribers who just don’t know what it’s going to be about. But the show is so well-crafted and so well-constructed that it doesn’t matter if you know the movie or not.” ■

Catch “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert: The Musical” Feb. 26March 3 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. For more information or tickets, call 215BRYAN WEST AS FELICIA ATOP PRISCILLA IN 790-5847. “SEMPRE LIBERA” Photo Credit: Joan Marcus


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013



Family Portrait

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


Suzi Nash

Claire Baker: From flying high to smelling the roses The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Philadelphia Flower Show is the nation’s largest indoor flower show, blooming every March at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. We all love a good queen and this year’s theme explores Britain’s heritage and culture, from royal events to the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, from London’s foggy climate to sunny cottage gardens, and from Sgt. Pepper’s band to Jack the Ripper’s Whitechapel. Visitors will stroll past rolling British hillsides, a manicured cricket club and a floral presentation of the Crown Jewels (insert Prince Harry joke here). For you Gayby boomers, there’s a PHS Kids Zone, and for the first time in its 184-year history, organizers will add an extra day to the show’s run. Also new, the public can purchase Pre-Show Sneak Peek ticket packages, an exciting way to get behindthe-scenes access during the construction of the exhibits. And for you royal watchers, the new Make & Take workshops will offer opportunities for visitors to design, craft and take home their own fashionable fascinators — stylish hats popularized at royal weddings. This week we spoke to Claire Baker, director of gardening programs at PHS. Some of you may remember her as the former executive director at the William Way Community Center.

PGN: Are you close to the bros? CB: Yes, they’re not too terribly much older than me, so we’re all pretty close. We all went to the same college and were there at the same time so we’d do lots of stuff together — skiing, holidays, etc. My parents died when we were fairly young; my mom passed away when I was 24 and my dad died when I was in my early 30s, so having brothers gives me context, people who knew me when. They’re both great and I appreciate the gift they are to me.

PGN: You’re from Oklahoma. Is it mandatory to be a Sooner? CB: [Laughs.] No, I am from there but Sooner implies you went to the University of Oklahoma and I didn’t; I attended Oklahoma State and they are the Cowboys (and Cowgirls for women’s teams). It matters because there’s a big rivalry between the two. It is mandatory that I pretend to pay attention to LSU sports though I haven’t, as my family will attest.

PGN: What was a funny flying moment? CB: When I was 5 or 6 we’d all go out with my dad and jam into this little plane. When you’re in a power plane, before you take off you have to open the window and shout “clear!” — with an Oklahoma accent that sounds like “Claire!” So, thinking my dad was yelling at me, I’d burst into tears. We also went to glider camp. Gliders are purely recreational so it’s totally about the journey and not the destination. I learned I really preferred them, so by age 14 I was soloing glider planes.

PGN: So tell me about growing up. CB: Mom was a homemaker, dad was a petroleum engineer and I have two older brothers, Glen and Dan. We lived outside of a little town called Guthrie, which I think is the most interesting town in Oklahoma. It was the territorial capital before Oklahoma was a state. Oklahoma had land runs where people would go out and stake a claim on a piece of property and then register it in Guthrie. In the 1970s, the city leaders decided to capitalize on its history and they restored a number of original buildings and refronted the rest to look period, put in brick sidewalks and really made the place look cool. Of course when I was there, it was a little lame because to me it was just a little town in Oklahoma, one of those places you’re happy to leave if you’ve got ideas of going off and making your mark in the world. But I always recommend it to anyone visiting the state.

PGN: What were you like as a kid? CB: We lived in the country and there weren’t a lot of girls around. I was a tomboy wannabe but I got bored and discovered Eskimo pies and was chubby for a lot of those years. I mostly tagged along with my brothers until high school, when I started getting into student government. I was student-council president and I was in band for a number of years. PGN: What did you play? CB: Glockenspiel, which migrated into marching bells and orchestra bells and xylophone and marimba — any kind of percussive keyboard instrument. We all had orthodontia issues so my dad wouldn’t let us play any horns.

PGN: Any hobbies now? CB: Well, I’m a mom now, so a lot of what I do are things my kids like to do. Outside of family and PHS gardening, I do a lot of stuff around food and Celiac disease. I was diagnosed with it a few years ago and so I have a website (www. and a blog providing education and support and gluten-free dining recommendations. I also have a meetup group, teach a couple of classes and have written a gluten-free e-cookbook. We like to ski too, but only get to do it about once a year. PGN: What was your fist recollection of being gay? CB: Oh man, her name was Kelly. She was my first crush in second grade. I just thought that that was what best friends felt like. I had a relationship from my highschool senior year into college and still

didn’t get it. [Laughs.] It’s a little strange to be in a relationship with a woman and not realize that you were a lesbian but I managed it! It was Oklahoma and it was the ’80s so it went over my own head. It wasn’t until my senior year when I fell in love with another woman that I finally realized there was a pattern. It was the first time that I acknowledged that my “crushes” were romantic in nature. It was April 5, as I was leaving for grad school, that the light finally went “ka-ching! Hello!” I hadn’t said anything to the people who knew me at OSU, but I made the decision that when I arrived at grad school at Colorado State, I would do it as an open lesbian. When I left, I was happy to see Oklahoma in the rearview mirror and had no intention of returning. I was going to grad school for industrial organizational psychology and I came out to my boss and her boss and they were fine. I was an assistant hall director and I came out to my staff and they were fine — of course I was the boss so what were they going

PGN: How did you and your partner meet? CB: I moved to Delaware with someone I was dating who came here to attend the University of Delaware. Two weeks after I got here, my mom died. She was only 53 and it was totally unexpected. I was far from home and everybody I knew and I decided I needed to build some community pretty quickly. We’d both been in the Denver Women’s Chorus and so I joined the Anna Crusis Choir. Jennifer was a singer in the choir. She was with someone, as was I, but we liked hanging out together. I liked the fact that she was really out; she had short dykey hair and dyke buttons on her backpack. I wasn’t used to anyone being that much out and proud and I found it quite attractive, like, “Wow, she’s really cool!” Time passed and we broke up with our respective partners and ,in 1991, we started dating each other and ,in 1994, we had a commitment ceremony. Coming from a small town, I’d always thought that having kids was a door that was closed, but then a lot of our friends were starting families and we realized that it was something we wanted to pursue as well. And now we have two lovely boys. Jenn carried them and we used the same anonymous donor so they are 100-percent sibs. PGN: A fun fact about each of them? CB: Corley’s really into magic. He’s made close to 100 magic videos and he’s had about 50,000 views on his YouTube channel. I don’t have anywhere near that number on my YouTube channel! Scott is into acrobatics. He used to stand around trying to balance on my yoga ball, so we enrolled him in the Philadelphia School of Circus Arts and now he’s learning trapeze and all sorts of things.

to do? — and I met someone, and like young lesbians do, we got the U-Haul and moved in together. We got a little bit of harassment for that, which was scary because I’d never faced it before — drunk college boys yelling inappropriate stuff at us — but since I was in a position of power, I could pick up the phone and tell campus police and they’d immediately take care of it. That was kind of cool. Not that I got shouted at, but that I could do something about it!

Photo: Suzi Nash

PGN: A couple of showmen! So speaking of shows, let’s get to PHS and the Flower Show. What are your responsibilities with

PHS? CB: I’m the director for gardening programs, and for the last seven years, I’ve worked with the City Harvest team. With CH, we work with inmates in the prison system to grow seedlings that get distributed to our network of community gardens, and they in turn grow produce that’s donated to local food cupboards. It provides fresh produce PAGE 26


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

Food & Drink


Citron and Rose shows the comforts of kosher dining By Larry Nichols Dedicated to serving up high-quality kosher fare, Citron and Rose, 370 Montgomery Ave., does an amazing job of appealing to all tastes. The new venue, which opened last year, specializes in the culinary traditions of European Jews as they migrated throughout the continent, adapting the local cuisine to their religious customs. Chef Michael Solomonov— owner/chef of Z’ahav, Percy Street Barbeque and Federal Doughnuts,who has been featured on “Iron Chef,” composed a menu of familiar dishes inspired and updated by his American-Jewish upbringing. And judging from the results, the journey was well worth it. The cozy, modern décor of the restaurant and bar (the libations are kosher too, by the way) is warm and inviting, as are Citron’s well-crafted dishes — where even the smallest of details makes a big difference. First-course dishes set the bar pretty high. The mushroom knish ($10) was light and fluffy with an extraordinary garnish of carrot mustard. The beef tartare ($12) was especially flavorful and had the added joy of tasty bonemarrow croquettes to send the experience over the top. The salad lyonnaise ($10) was a rich experience as well, topped with a poached egg and tasty slivers of roasted duck. The second-course dishes were even better. The seared tuna ($26) was elegantly presented and perfectly cooked, with an amazing rye haluska (dumplings) and a velvety smoked tuna sauce. We were implored to try the dry-aged rib eye for two ($79) and we are glad we did, even though the super-tender and juicy slab of carnivore heaven could have easily satisfied four people. The steak sauce, almost blood-like in appearance, was divine, and the horseradish fritters and green tomatoes that garnished the plate were a nice touch. Desserts, while showing a level of refinement and restraint, still impressed when it came to flavor. Plus, we


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

Haute Mexican? Haute Mexican! After ten successful years in northeast Philadelphia, Paloma is serving to-die-for French-Mexican cuisine in Bella Vista. ������������������������������������������������ ���������������� �������������������������� �������������������������

a semifinalist for the 2011 James Beard Foundation awards

DRY-AGED RIB EYE FOR TWO liked that all of the desserts were accompanied by sorbet or ice cream. The French toast bread pudding ($9) was serviceable enough, but it was the potent coffee ice cream that really made an impression. The cinnamon babka ($9) hit the right notes, reminiscent of a Cinnabon but without the decadent size and wet, sugary overkill. We

763 South 8th Street (corner of 8th & Fulton) 215.928.9500

don’t know if paring it with a red wine sorbet was the best idea; the sorbet was great on its own but somewhat clashed with the familiar sweetness of the babka. Still, we would come back for this dessert any time. Whether or not your diet requires kosher fare, Citron and Rose is a go-to destination for a drink and a nice meal. ■

If you go Citron and Rose

370 Montgomery Ave., Merion Sun.-Thurs.: 5:3010 p.m. 610-664-4919

Scott A. Drake Photography CITRON AND ROSE Photos: Scott A. Drake




Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


Q Puzzle In all the right circles Across

1. Strip in the locker room 5. Weight unit for your stones 10. Cry out for 14. Oodles 15. Emanation from Feniger’s kitchen 16. “___ Betty” 17. Women’s suffrage leader Carrie 18. Toxic stuff 19. Part of a plane 20. At a rock-bottom price 22. Groups of manhunters 24. Lass in a Hardy tale 26. Baby’s dusting 27. March cockily 30. Neighbor of Miss. 32. Day of many Hudson flicks 36. Graceful steeds 37. Eccentricity 38. “Dinah ___ Weekend” 39. Smith of “Dawson’s Creek”

40. Ecclesiastical gathering 42. Shakespeare’s stream 43. Twin to Jacob 44. Thick liqueur 45. “___ It Like Beckham” 46. Retreat for D.H. Lawrence 48. Member of the opposition 50. ___ City in America (26-Down, per The Advocate) 53. Uranus and others 57. Do an impression of 58. An end to sex? 60. Use of a homophone, perhaps 61. Lucy of _Charlie’s Angels_ 62. Broadway musical about unhappy guys? 66. NCAA home of the Bruins 67. Tickle pink 68. Lorca’s mouth 69. Student woe 70. Sondheim’s staff members 71. British carbine


1. Meaty Mexican dish 2. Ball of film and TV 3. Poker prizes 4. Caesar’s question about a Russian singing duo? 5. Spelunkers’ openings 6. “Diamonds ___ a Girl’s Best Friend” 7. Dancer Reagan 8. First in a Latin threesome 9. Home of the Buccaneers 10. Comment about women living together in “Sister Act”? 11. Big ones in porn films, sometimes 12. Last word in a threat 13. Changes colors 21. Do-overs for Amelie Mauresmo 23. Pioneer automaker 25. Well-endowed old goats? 26. Put the letters

in circles here 27. Drink from the land of the samurai 28. Very, to Verlaine 29. Cicero’s singular 31. Dotterman’s “Antonia’s ___ “ 33. Travel around 34. Something to pump 35. Put on cloud nine 40. Cumming and others 41. Old people may take them out for a blow job 47. Early AIDS play 49. Rocker Turner 50. Full range 51. Lickety-split 52. “Lesbians ignite!” and more 54. Pass out 55. Dorothy, to Em 56. Her name is Anthony 59. Dog in “The Mask” 60. Guitarist Townshend 63. Stop fasting 64. Posed for Herb Ritts 65. Tiny balls PAGE 31

PORTRAIT from page 23

for more than 1,000 families each week. We also do nutrition education and we provide resources and technical assistance to urban farmers and entrepreneurial growers, and have expanded the prison program from just growing seedlings to a full jobtraining program called Roots to Reentry. Those inmates who qualify get some intensive landscape-management training and, since PHS works with a lot of landscape contractors, we’re able to help place a lot of our graduates. PGN: I was reading that the community gardens in Philadelphia produce an enormous amount of food. CB: Yes, there are more than 270 community gardens in Philadelphia that grow more than 2-million pounds of food at a value of about $5 million. Through City Harvest, we work with hundreds of growers at more than 100 community gardens and urban farms, who donate produce or sell it in their neighborhoods where it’s hard to get local, organic vegetables and fruit. Since the start of City Harvest, more than 213,000 pounds of produce have been provided to families who otherwise may not have had access to it. PGN: I bet a lot of people don’t realize that PHS does so much more than the Flower Show. CB: True. With City Harvest and our Garden Tenders education program, we work to create community gardens. We plant trees with partners in the city and the region, work on neighborhood parks and transform civic spaces like Logan Square.

We also reclaim vacant land. Research shows that reclaimed vacant land leads to reductions in violent crime. PGN: Yeah, we have a vacant lot next to my house that we fixed up and it has made a huge difference. CB: I bet. We do a lot of work with young people as well. Gardens are a great outdoor classroom for hands-on learning. For instance, the Community Farm and Food Resource Center at Bartram’s Garden is a unique partnership between PHS, Bartram’s Garden, the Agatston Urban Nutrition Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania’s Netter Center and the Philadelphia Parks and Recreation Department. The Urban Nutritional Initiative model works with youth and engages with the local community, distributing resources, partnering with schools and educating. In Philadelphia, the Greenworks 2015 goal is to bring local food within 10 minutes of 75 percent of residents. The plan at Bartram’s Garden called for development of a greenhouse, hardening-off area, storage sheds, a vegetable crop field, an orchard, a community garden and perennial fruit beds. We transformed a 3.5-acre site in less than a year and our effort employed 21 high-school interns, produced over 7,000 pounds of food, engaged 25 families in the community garden, grew and distributed 40,000 transplants in and around Philadelphia, planted 110 fruit trees and hosted over 1,000 volunteers. PGN: Wow! And what can we expect to see at the Flower Show this year?

CB: Well, this year’s theme is “Brilliant!” and it celebrates all things British. There are going to be a variety of new culinary experiences, including appearances by Food Network host Sandra Lee and “Real Housewives of New York” star Ramona Singer, all sorts of guest-chef demonstrations and even a British tavern on the show floor. The Garden to Table Studio is cool, they’ll have cooking demonstrations there three times a day with a number of renowned chefs, including our own Daniel Stern and “Iron Chef America” competitor Edward Lee. Once again they’ll be having a special LGBT party on March 3, 4-6 p.m. — special cocktails with celebrity guest bartenders, hors d’oeuvres and fun. PGN: What was your favorite Flower Show exhibit last year? CB: My job is to work with the PHS exhibit, and last year we had a great space with a beautiful perennial garden with ornamentals and edibles and, of course, the lettuce wall that everyone was talking about. One of the funniest things I saw was a woman sitting on the little brick wall surrounding the garden. Suddenly she reached over and snapped off a chunk of broccoli and ate it! I was afraid we wouldn’t have anything left by the end of the week. PGN: OK, a few random questions. An item of yours that you should probably throw away? CB: I loved “Xena: Warrior Princess,” and I have an old Xena T-shirt that’s in tatters that I still wear to bed. And I haven’t had a VCR in years, but I have six seasons of “Xena” on VHS.

PGN: Favorite family picture? CB: My former boss got us great tickets to the Phillies game when the kids were young. We were in right field and, to keep them excited about the game, every time a lefty came up to bat, I’d tell them, “Get ready! Get ready! The ball’s going to come to us!” And of course it never did ... until the last inning, when Ryan Howard stepped up to the plate and smashed the ball right at us. I played some softball but I didn’t have a glove and didn’t want to break a finger so I let it go past. What I didn’t know was that it hit Jenn in the leg and rolled into our stuff. I saw it and handed it to Corley, who stood with the ball in the air. They got a great picture of it. They took the ball back, had it signed and mailed it back to us. The good part was it was a great moment and Jenn’s leg was OK. The bad part is that every game after that, he thought we were supposed to catch a Ryan Howard homer. PGN: Vegetarian or carnivore? CB: I’ve been a vegetarian for about 17 years. And my palate has really expanded now that I’ve been here. I never really ate beets before and now I love them, even beet greens, which I never would have considered. Dandelion leaves, pickled okra — there’s a whole spectrum of vegetables to explore. You can learn about them at the Flower Show! ■ “Brilliant!” will run March 2-10 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. For more information, visit To suggest a community member for “Family Portrait,” write to


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


Photo exhibition sheds light on LGBT servicemembers By Larry Nichols Imperfect Gallery is giving the public a look into the impact of the military’s policies on the lives of LGBT servicemembers with the exhibition “Gays in the Military: How America Thanked Me,” featuring photographs by renowned New York-based photographer Vincent Cianni, through March 2. For the exhibition, and a book on the same subject due out next year, Cianni interviewed and photographed more than 70 servicemen and women from all ranks and departments of the United States military. In 2010, he spent six weeks on the road compiling oral histories and making por-

traits of his subjects. His photographs show his subjects in frank and familiar depictions. Cianni said the interviews he conducted were especially revealing about the long and varied challenges LGBTs have faced in the military — and the personal impact of those obstacles. “They really delve into aspects of their entire life,” he said. “Things that were most shocking was the amount of psychological devastation that occurred. It was really different throughout the decades. In the 1960s and 1970s, it was physical and sexual abuse. In the 1980s, a lot of it centered around witch hunts and the destruction of careers.

Then in the 1990s, with the advent of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ a lot of it was psychological in terms of being part of an organization but not being open about your sexuality, even though it was in a roundabout way accepted. There was this sense of ambiguity that occurred.” While Cianni’s exhibition predates the 2011 repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” he has conducted further postDADT interviews with servicemembers. “None of the subjects photographed except for one are still in the military,” he said. “Many of them have either retired or left the military or were discharged before. One of them is still on active duty and I have a continuing relationship with him. He is the gentleman that is dressed in his Nay whites and his face is obscured by shadow because, at the time, he needed to maintain anonymity. But I have gone back after the repeal of DADT and interviewed and photographed people who were reinstated or reenlisted after the repeal, as well as those LGBT people who joined after the repeal. So I do have interviews that are not represented in the exhibition and photographs that represent the post-DADT era.” Cianni hopes the project, which will ultimately be archived at the Rubenstein Library at Duke University, will preserve the history of the struggles of LGBT service members. “The point of this project was to look at the history of the ban,” he said. “People just have a tendency of generically calling it DADT, but that was something really specific and in the 1990s and the first decade of the new millennium. I went back to the

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1950s and it was an outright ban back then. What I hope for is it to be an archive of the history of the ban on homosexuality and the effects it had on people’s lives. It will be a repository of an aspect of the history of our community. What I really wanted from this project is for people to get a sense of the pervasiveness of the effects, whether it be psychological, career, emotional or physical, that it has on a wide number of people.” ■ Imperfect Gallery presents “Gays in the Military: How America Thanked Me,” through March 2, at 5601 Greene St. For more information, visit ImperfectGallery or

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

Get Out and Play

Scott A. Drake

Your team name here The Attic Youth Center has long been one of the darlings of the LGBT sports community when it comes to fundraisers and donations. Last month, members of the Fins Aquatic Club took a tour of The Attic to get a better idea of the building space, programs and educational opportunities offered throughout the year to those ages 1423. The Fins followed that by donating half of their Postal Swim fundraising dollars to The Attic. Now, the community has another great way to support The Attic — T-shirts and other printables. With a long list of season openings this spring that includes softball, rugby and flag football, this is an opportunity to get your shirts made and simultaneously help The Attic. Beth Pulcinella is The Attic resource in charge of the printing press, as it were. They keep the prices competitive, she adds. Pulcinella has been working with quality designers and ordering shirts locally through Bodek Rhodes and Alpha Shirts. “We have mostly printed on T-shirts,” she said, “but they have every kind of product in stock — tote bags, long-sleeve, hoodies, polo, organic, and we could probably do rally towels easily as well.” The only limitation for now is the number of colors that can be used. “We have a four-color limit, which makes rainbows a little difficult,” Pulcinella said. The website is being updated and there should be better visuals by March.

ROUGH AND READY: Paul Crane (right) charges Luke Kockett in tackling practice during the Gryphons Rugby Football Club boot camp Feb. 16 at George Pepper Middle School. Crane was one of 12 new boot-camp attendees who took to the cold and mud with many returning players who were there to improve their playing skills. Gryphons RFC hosts Widener Law in its spring season home opener March 23 at the same location. Photo: Scott A. Drake

Gay Games 9 If it’s not a question of if, but when. you plan to register for Gay Games 9 in Cleveland in 2014, sooner is definitely better than later. Why? First of all, you save money. Registration to participate is currently $165, and that goes up to $195 Sept. 1. You also don’t have to pay for your competition entry fee at the same time. Take care of that later. Sure, you could wait until this summer, when you’re spending money on vacations and long weekends—but why not throw some of that income-tax return at it? Then it’s done and off the budget list. Another good reason is to help the organizers. The more early registrations they have, the easier their job is to find sponsorships. You try to raise $2 million in two years. And did you know that if you cannot or decide not to attend the Games next year, your registration is transferable? Yup. It’s good

as gold and a lot less heavy. Keep your eye on this column for regular GG9 information and adventures, and in the meantime, get out and play!

Short stops • Gryphons’ monthly first Saturday party in March is at UBar 9 p.m. March 2, and the team is having a special Shamrocks and Jocks party March 16

at Westbury. You don’t have to be a player to come out and play; philadelphiagryphons. org. • March 16 is skills day for the City of Brotherly Love Softball League. Skills day is followed by the league’s spring pub crawl, which commences at 4 p.m. The Bar route will be included in the next Get Out and Play column; • Greater Philadelphia Flag Football League is prepping for another spring season. Registration opens 5 p.m. Feb. 25 and closes March 18. The league is limited to 144 players, so register early to guarantee a spot; ■ Countdown to Gay Games 9: 532 days. Email your event listings, schedules, questions and silly comments to scott@epgn.



Gay, S. Philly life in spotlight By Gary M. Kramer PGN Contributor

performers crack jokes and ad-lib, creating a warm, genial effect, not unlike the feeling one gets from the script. Nuzzolese kisses South Philly native Giovanni Vitacolonna Daphne Di Cinto, the actor playing Valerie, is on the path to realizing his dream of cre- his character’s fiancé, but Ford and Moretti ating TV series “Center City” — about an resist a lip-lock (much to Vitacolonna’s mock disappointment) in their scene. Italian family in Philadelphia. Ford gave his reading an unexpectedly The project, which began as a satire of both gay life and life in South Philly as a soulful tone, while Moretti excelled in his serial for now-defunct Au Courant, con- monologue — a sermon about how the cerns Anna Fontana, owner of Gaetano’s, church considers and/or oppresses gay peoan Italian Market restaurant that has moved ple. Nuzzolese exhibited a nice camaraderie to Rittenhouse Square. Her two sons are with Romano, who plays his mother, as well Dominic, who works in the restaurant, and as with Moretti, his character’s brother. Ford said he was drawn to the character Marc, a Franciscan friar who left the priesthood and now works alongside his brother. of Father Jacobs in part because “ there was Eight episodes are written, and last week- a darkness and edge” he wanted to explore. While Ford has acted (with Moretti) in end, Vitacolonna staged a reading of the pilot episode of his script at the Republican the TV series “The Lair,” he is foremost a Club in Port Richmond. Richie Nuzzolese singer. His new CD, “The Way I Am,” is read Dominic, David Moretti performed the expected out next month. “It’s probably my most mainstream, comrole of Marc and Colton Ford appeared as Father Jacob. Other actors who auditioned mercial, broad-based album,” he said. But the musician said acting is a differ— Danny Donnelly and Connie Romano — read the parts of Tommy, a former rent ent way to express his creativity, which is why he enjoys having the opportunity to do boy, and Anna, the matriarch. “Marc is the most autobiographical for a series like “Center City.” Moretti is also excited by what the series me,” Vitacolonna said in an interview. “He comes from my life as a Franciscan friar can offer him. “The character is not about being gay, but and goes through what I went through in my his family struggles and identity struggles coming-out process as a seminarian.” and things from his past and future,” he said. “He’s more complex than just ‘the gay guy.’” Making a pilot presentation in Philly, he added, can be beneficial for getting attention from someone who might greenlight the series, although he hopes the show could become a web series that will get picked up by a network. Vitacolonna is hoping COLTON FORD (FROM LEFT), CONNIE ROMANO, RICHIE for a cable station. NUZZOLESE AND DAVID MORETTI AT THE READWhile in Philadelphia, THROUGH OF “CENTER CITY” Photo: Scott A. Drake Moretti and Nuzzolese played pool at a meetThe writer acknowledged that the strug- and-greet with the actors at The Bike Stop gles Marc and Jacob have in “Center City” the night before the table reading. “David and I have that brotherly link were inspired by his own experiences. “Jacob is a gay priest, but he’s a good already — which is great because you somepriest. I know people like this who do not times have a little agita when you don’t have that connection,” Nuzzolese said. see the hypocrisy,” he said. The model-turned-actor, who turned The writer cast Ford in the role, he said, heads with his abs in the Katy Perry video “because he is such a gay sex symbol.” He also effused about Moretti, “David is for “Last Fright Night,” is excited about pervery intelligent and unashamed of his gay- forming in a series that is close to his heart. “The script matches me, it’s so Italian!” ness. He brings a lot of nuance to the role he said. “Giovanni did a great job in how that someone who wasn’t gay couldn’t.” At the Republican Club, Vitacolonna natural he made the characters speak.” And hopefully audiences will get an stroked his beard in a fatherly manner as various actors auditioned in cold readings opportunity to hear and see “Center City.” While the show is in its initial stages, the [seeing the script for the first time]. Donnelly is perfect as Tommy and holds table reading showed promise, and those in his own against Moretti in their early scene. attendance left hungry for more. ■ Romano is engaging as Anna, but repeatedly flubs the name “Gaetano” to everyone’s Follow Gary M. Kramer on Twitter at amusement. During the read-through, the @garymkramer.

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

Worth Watching ROCK ’EM SOCK ’EM: The new series “Robot Combat League” features tournament-style battles each week between 8-feet tall, state-of-theart humanoid robots controlled by human “robo-jockeys” and is hosted by WWE wrestler Chris Jericho, 10 p.m. Feb. 26 on SyFy Channel. Photo: SyFy/Tommy Garcia/SyFy

YOU LOOK MARVELOUS!: Out comedian Margaret Cho’s outrageously funny comedy special “Beautiful” hits the small screen 9 p.m. Feb. 26 on Logo.

DREAM ON: Adapted from the 1981 Broadway musical of the same name, “Dreamgirls” follows the lives of Effie White (Jennifer Hudson), Deena Jones (Beyoncé Knowles) and Lorrell Robinson (Anika Noni Rose), who form a singing trio from Detroit called The Dreamettes, 8 p.m. Feb. 23 on ABC. Photo: Dreamworks LLC and Paramount Pictures

WHO HAS A DATE WITH OSCAR?: Seth MacFarlane hosts “The 85th Annual Academy Awards,” 8:30 p.m. Feb. 24 on ABC. Photo: ABC/ Bob D’Amico




Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

OUT & ABOUT The week ahead Fri. 02/22 Lewis Black The comedian performs 8 p.m. at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St.; 215790-5847.

Sat. 02/23 Beat, Brews and BBQ The drink and drink gets served up 1 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215222-1400. It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World The classic comedy film is screened 2 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223.

Matchbox 20 The rock band performs 7:30 p.m. at Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-3171000. Sgt. Sass The out hiphop duo hosts a record release party, 10 p.m. at Kung Fu Necktie, 1250 N. Front St.; 215-291-4919.

Sun. 02/24 Psycho The 1960 Alfred Hitchcock film is screened 2 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610-917-0223.

A Reading with Joseph Dorazio The author of “As Is: Selected Poems of Joseph Dorazio” hosts a reading at 5:30 p.m. at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; 215-923-2960. Cradle of Filth The gothic/blackmetal band performs 7 p.m. at TLA, 334 South St.; 215-9221011. Sophie B. Hawkins The singer-songwriter performs 7 p.m. at Tin Angel, 20 S. Second St.; 215-928-0978. Oscar Viewing Party Josh Schonewolf presents a viewing party of Hollywood’s big night at 8 p.m. at Stir Lounge, 1705 Chancellor St.; 215-732-2700.

Mon. 02/25 Free Quizzo & Board Game Night Roll the dice, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. Hot Mesh Tavern on Camac’s hottest new party, where mesh is the outfit of choice, kicks off at 7 p.m. in the Ascend Lounge at TOC, 243 S. Camac St.; 215-545-0900. The Neve rending Story The fantasy film is screened 8 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215-922-6888. Lipstick Mondays A weekly drag show featuring a changing roster of queens takes

Tired of eating at the same old dives? Thinking about hitting a new hot spot? We’ll tell you what we liked — and didn’t

Dining Out Read PGN’s food reviews every second and fourth week of the month

Only in

BODY TALK: Painted Bride Art Center presents a piece of living dance history with a weekend of video installations, workshops and performances through Feb. 23 that culminates in a performance of “Body Against Body,” followed by a post-show discussion by acclaimed choreographer Bill T. Jones. Jones is known for his groundbreaking work in the 1970s with his late partner and collaborator Arnie Zane, as well as for his Tony Award-winning choreography of the Broadway hit “Fela!” The public Q&A with Jones is from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Painted Bride Art Center, 230 Vine St. For more information, call 215-925-9914.

the stage 9 p.m. at The Raven, 385 W. Bridge St., New Hope; 215-8622081.

Tue. 02/26 Open Mic: The Best of What’s Next Sign up and play, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400.

Wed. 02/27 John J. Wilcox, Jr. Archives: Ungilding the Gold Star Gay Writer and academic Aren Aizura and artist Emmett Ramstad host a lecture 6 p.m. at the William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220. 4W5 Blues Jam Local musicians get down, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400.

Thu. 02/28 Sweet Honey in the Rock The Grammy Award-nominated a cappella ensemble performs 7:30 p.m. at Merriam Theater, 250 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5800. Mary Gauthier The out singersongwriter performs 8 p.m. at Sellersville Theatre 1894, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville; 215-257-5858.

Bob and Barbara’s, 1509 South St.; 215-545-4511.

Fri. 03/01 Beyond the Score: Shostakovich 5 The Philadelphia Orchestra performs 7 p.m. at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; 215790-5800.

Brandy The R&B singer performs 9 p.m. at TLA, 334 South St.; 215-9221011. The Mist The horror film is screened 9:45 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223.

Pig Pen Theatre Co. The indie-folk band performs 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400. Tenacious D The rock duo performs 8 p.m. at House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-343-4000. Bob and Barbara’s Drag Show The outrageousness begins 11 p.m. at

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Out & About Listings, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 fax: 215-925-6437; or e-mail: Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

MARY SINGS THE ‘BLUE’: The Out singer-songwriter Mary Gauthier is on the road in support of her recently released new CD, “Live at Blue Rock,” performing 8 p.m. Feb. 28 at Sellersville Theatre 1894, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville. For more information or tickets, call 215-257-5858.


Opening Everyone and I Azuka Theatre presents the story about a man and his love for the music of Billie Holiday, March 28-April 7, 1636 Sansom St.; 215-563-1100. Parsons Dance The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts presents the celebrated dance company Feb. 27-March 2 at Zellerbach Theatre, 3680 Walnut St.; 215-898-3900. Priscilla Queen of the Desert The story of drag queens journeying through the desert in a bus takes the stage Feb. 26-March 3 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St.; 215-7905847. Todd Glass The out comedian performs Feb. 27March 2 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; 215-496-9001.

Continuing Cooking With the Calamari Sisters The all-singing, all-dancing, all-cooking hit musical comedy, through May 19 at

Cy Twombly: Sculptures Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of works from the Swiss sculptor, through March, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. Double Portrait Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of works from designer Paula Scher and illustrator Seymour Chwast, through April 14, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. The Female Gaze: Women Artists Making Their World Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts presents more than 150 works from the Linda Lee Alter Collection of Art by women, through April 7, 128 N. Broad St.; Forever Plaid Media Theater presents the story of The Plaids, a classic 1950s all-male singing group that returns from the Great Beyond to perform the show they never got to do while alive, through March 31, 104 E. State St., Media; 610-8910100. Journeys to New Worlds Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an

Ronaldus Shamask: Form, Fashion, Reflection Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of drawings and sketches by the fashion designer, through March 10, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100.

Closing To Fool the Eye 1812 Productions presents a romantic comedy about a poor hat maker drawn into the world of an eccentric duchess, through March 3 at Drexel’s Mandell Theater, 33rd and Chestnut streets; 215895-2787. It’s a Whartonful Life Penn students perform an original musical comedy parodying the MBA experience, through Feb. 23 at Zellerbach Theater, 3680 Walnut St.; 215-898-3900. My Brother Marvin A candid and revealing story of the life of musical icon Marvin Gaye, through Feb. 24 at Merriam Theater, 250 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5800. The Rite of Spring The Philadelphia Orchestra performs through Feb. 24 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5800. Robert Kelly The comedian seen on “Louie” performs through Feb. 23 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; 215-496-9001. ■

KEEPING IT SASSY: The out Philadelphia hip-hop duo Sgt. Sass hosts a release party for it’s new record, 10 p.m. Feb. 22 at Kung Fu Necktie, 1250 N. Front St. For more information, call 215-2914919.

Society Hill Playhouse, 507 S. Eighth St.; 215-923-0210.

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

exhibition of Spanish and Portuguese colonial art from the Roberta and Richard Huber Collection, through May 19, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. The Mind’s Eye: 50 Years of Photography by Jerry Uelsmann The James A. Michener Art Museum hosts an exhibition of iconic photographs from the famed photographer, through April 28, 138 S. Pine St., Doylestown; 215-340-9800. Oscar Wilde’s An Ideal Husband Walnut Street Theatre presents the story of romance and scandal, through March 3, 825 Walnut St.; 215-5743550.

GOING ‘UNDER’ FOR A GOOD CAUSE: Out singer-songwriter Eric Himan is on the road for his “Under the Ink” U.S. tour and making a stop in Philadelphia to perform an intimate show to benefit the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, 7:30-9 p.m. Feb. 27 at The William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St. For more information or tickets visit www.




Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

Classifieds Real Estate Sale

Real Estate Sale

Open Houses - Sunday February 24, 2012 12:00-2:30 PM 3031 Cambridge St, Philadelphia, PA 19130 Totally rehabbed 2BR/1.5BA home in Art Museum Area. Perfect for first-time home buyer. REDUCED! $224,900 936 N.30th St, Philadelphia, PA 19130 Just Listed! Beautiful 3BR/2.5BA home in Art Museum Area. $350,000

12:00-2:30 PM The Lenox Condominiums - 250 S. 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Condos from $390,000 Search all Philadelphia area listings @ Dan Tobey

Real Estate Sale

Travel and Resorts

BEAUTIFUL ADIRONDACK CABIN 5 Acres w/ Camp: $29,900 Nicely wooded Setting. Locations include: NY’s Southern Tier Adirondacks, Salmon River Region, Tug Hill Snow Country. Call for details: 1-800-229-7843. Christmas & Associates. ________________________________________37-08 WESTMONT NJ Charming house priced to sell. 2 minute walk to Patco speedline. English gardens and massive garage. Only $189,000 ________________________________________37-08 UNIQUE PROPERTY DEVON One of a kind property, 1.95 acres, old world charm, carriage house, pool. $925,000 CALL SANDY (Weichert Realtors) 215-840-0544. ________________________________________37-08 OPEN HOUSE SUN 2-4 NEWTOWN SQUARE Classic stone colonial with modern flair. Quiet street in preestigious area, over an acre, lovely walled patio, den (office) with backstairs. 6beds/4baths. SANDY (Weichert Realtors) 215-840 0544 directions from rt 30 (Paoli), S on 252, L on Millbrook (after crossing Waterloo), R on Andover to 656 Golf Club Rd. ________________________________________37-08

OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800638-2102. Online reservations: ________________________________________37-08

Real Estate Rent

1401 Walnut St. • 8th Floor • Philadelphia, PA 19102

215.546.2700 Business • 267.238.1061 Direct 215.432.7151 Cell • 215.558.1063 Fax •

711 Lawn Ave. Sellersville, PA 18960

12TH & DICKINSON AREA Furnished Townhouse for rent: 3 levels. Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath. Very Unique. 1500. mo plus util. (negotiable). Call 215 468-9166 after 6 pm. or 215 686 3431 daytime. ________________________________________37-08 WILLOW GROVE, PA 3 bdr, top fl duplex, WT inc $1,300 mo +utils, NWLY renovated, W/D in unit, wlk dis to shops, groc, and pub trans. Call Stephen 215-409-8741. ________________________________________37-07 36XX BARING ST. 2 BR 2 sty apt., Conv. to pub trans, U of P, LR/DR, EIK, CT bath, A/C, W/D. No smoking bldg. 1 yr lease. $1500/mo incl. heat. Photos avail. Contact ________________________________________37-07 34XX HAMILTON ST. Excep. 2 BR apt. First time avail. Lg sunken LR, large deck, galley kit, DR, A/C, cer. tile bath. Entire floor, 1000 sq ft. $1650/mo inc. heat & hot water. 1 yr. lease. Non smoking bldg. Photos avail. Contact ________________________________________37-07 PASSYUNK SQUARE VICINITY 1 BR, $1200/mo, all utilities & basic cable incl. Close to shops, trans. & entertainment. Call Frank Jacovini, 215755-6700. ________________________________________37-11

Legal Notices Court of Common Pleas for the County of Philadelphia, January Term, 2013, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2013 the petition of SAYVONNE GARDNER HUNLEY was filed, praying for a decree to change her name to JANIYA NIYASUA DESHIELDES. The Court has fixed March 22, 2013 at 2:00 p.m., in Room No. 478, in Philadelphia City Hall for hearing. All persons interested may appear and show cause if they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. ________________________________________37-08 Court of Common Pleas for the County of Philadelphia, January Term, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 1, 2013 the petition of Phong Hoai Nguyen was filed, praying for a decree to change her name to Audrey Hoang Ai. The Court has fixed March 22, 2013 at 2:00 p.m., in Room No. 478, in Philadelphia City Hall for hearing. All persons interested may appear and show cause if they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. ________________________________________37-08 Court of Common Pleas for the County of Philadelphia, January Term, 2013, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 8, 2013 the petition of EMILY KLOSIEWSKI was filed, praying for a decree to change his name to ZEM XANDER CHANCE. The Court has fixed March 22, 2013 at 2:00 p.m., in Room No. 478, in Philadelphia City Hall for hearing. All persons interested may appear and show cause if they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. ________________________________________37-08

For Sale SAWMILLS From only $3997.00- MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: 1800-578-1363 Ext.300N. ________________________________________37-08

Adoption Are you pregnant? A happily married couple seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on mom and devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses paid. Christa & Paul. 1-800-936-1631. ________________________________________37-08

Lease opportunity! Prime location for your medical office in Sellersville, PA near Grand View Hospital. Close proximity to other medical providers. Excellent location for medical, pharmaceutical or related office use. Separate entrance. Space renovated in 2010--new carpeting and paint throughout premises. Lower-level space in 2-story building. Approximately 2,500 SF. Onsite parking at no additional cost. Gross lease including taxes and utilities--the very best deal in the area. $2500/month. First month rent and security deposit.

MLS # 6042319

Call Listing Agent. 215-628-2021 Virginia Scarano, REALTOR 215-641-2422 (direct) Prudential Fox and Roach 215-628-2021 (cell) The Karen Sandler Team

Independently Owned and Operated Member of the Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. All real-estate advertising is subject to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). PGN will not knowingly accept any real-estate advertising that is in violation of any applicable law.

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013



Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Friends Men

EXP RELIABLE HOUSECLEANER Let me free up your valuable time by cleaning your house or apt. Weekly biweekly monthly. I have 10+ years exp. FREE estimates. Call Wayne 215-422-2654. Ref’s upon request. ________________________________________37-09 EARN COLLEGE DEGREE ONLINE *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV Certified. Call 888-220-3984. ________________________________________37-08 AIRLINE CAREERS Begin here-Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified-Housing available. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-834-9715 ________________________________________37-08 CAN YOU DIG IT? Heavy Equipment Operator Training! 3Wk Hands On Program. Bulldozers, Backhoes, Excavators. Lifetime Job Placement Asst. w/National Certs. VA Benefits Eligible866-362-6497. ________________________________________37-08 MEDICAL-BILLING-TRAINEES NEEDED! Train to become a Medical Office Assistant. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Online training gets you Job ready ASAP. HS Diploma/GED & PC/Internet needed! 1-888926-7882. ________________________________________37-08

LANDSCAPING/HORTICULTURE Seeking hardworking, creative people to design/maintain landscape beds, perennial gardens and container garden display. Garden Gallery Designs, 610-789-2130. ________________________________________37-08 Owner Operators: $3,000 Sign-On Bonus. Excellent Rates & Paid FSC. Home Daily. 80% Drop & Hook. Great Fuel & Tire Discounts. L/P available. CDL-A with 1 year tractortrailer experience required. 888-703-3889 or apply online at ________________________________________37-08 Get up to $1,000 sign-on bonus and superior work/life balance with weekly hometime. Class A exp drivers for Milton terminal. 800-333-9291 ________________________________________37-08 Company Drivers: $2500 Sign-On Bonus! Super Service is hiring solo and team drivers. Great hometime options. CDL-A required. Recent graduates with CDL-A welcome. Call 888-471-7081, or apply online at ________________________________________37-08 Driver: Qualify for any portion of $.03/mile quarterly bonus: $.01 Safety, $.01 Production, $.01 MPG. Two raises in first year. 3-months recent experience. 800-414-9569 www. ________________________________________37-08 TEAM WITH TOTAL $.50 /Mile For Hazmat Teams. Solo Drivers Also Needed! 1 yr. exp. req’d. 800-942-2104 Ext. 7308 or 7307 www. ________________________________________37-08 $5,000 SIGN-ON BONUS For exp’d solo OTR drivers & O/O’s. Tuition reimbursement also available! New Student Pay & Lease Program. USA TRUCK 877-521-5775 ________________________________________37-08 GORDON TRUCKING, INC. CDL-A Drivers Needed! Up to $3,000 SIGN ON BONUS. Refrigerated Fleet & Great Miles. Pay Incentive & Benefits! Recruiters available 7 days/wk! EOE. TeamGTI. com 866-554-7856. ________________________________________37-08

Exp. Reefer Drivers: GREAT PAY /Freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME, Boston-Lehigh, PA. 800-277-0212 or ________________________________________37-08 Drivers: A. Duie Pyle Needs Owner Operators. Local work out of Philadelphia, Wilmington and Jersey Ports. *Containerized Pier Operations *O/O Average $1.84/Mile *Steady, Year-round Work *CDL-A & 2 Years Exp. Required. Call Dan 888-419-6606 ________________________________________37-08 CRST offers the Best Lease Purchase Program! SIGN ON BONUS. No Down Payment or Credit Check. Great Pay. Class-A CDL required. Owner Operators Welcome! Call:866-403-7044. ________________________________________37-08 Private club looking for promoter with following. Call John at 267-252-4924. Great opportunity! ________________________________________37-09 Company Driver: Solo Regional and OTR Lanes. Competitive Pay. Great Hometime. CDL-A with 1 year OTR and Hazmat End. Sign-On Bonus. $2000 Solo & $5000 Teams. 888-705-3217 or apply online at ________________________________________37-08 Drivers- Pyle Transport (A Division of A. Duie Pyle) Needs Owner Operators. Regional Truckload Operations. HOME EVERY WEEKEND! O/O Average $1.85/Mile. Steady, Year-Round Work. Requires CDL-A, 2 Yrs. Exp. Call Dan: 877-910-7711 ________________________________________37-08

LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. ________________________________________37-08 BM, 60 looking for British gent, 35-45 for intimate encounters. 215-763-3391, 6PM-Midnight. ________________________________________37-08 Attractive GWM, 37, friendly, sweet, caring, funny, naughtyboy, brutally attacked in prison. Every guy I ever loved has abandoned me. I’m so very lonely. ISO guys to write to me. I will reply to all. Kenneth Houck #06743-015, Federal Medical Center, PO Box 1600, Butner NC 27509. ________________________________________37-08 Senior GWM ISO male, 40+, all races for platonic friendship. Phila. area only. PO Box 302, Merion Sta., PA 19066. ________________________________________37-09 Masculine WM in NE, nice looking, in shape 63, bottom, quiet type. Looking 4 masculine top only 4 possible LTR. Leave mesage. 215-264-1058. ________________________________________37-08 OLDER SEEKING YOUNGER Hispanic males: Mexican, Puerto Rican, South American, Asian, etc. Like reading, travel, TV, outdoors. Seeks someone for friendship & good times. Habla Espanol. 856-547-4163. ________________________________________37-09 I’m looking for a large build, burly WM, big ass bruiser. 215-732-2108 8-11 PM. ________________________________________37-10 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. ________________________________________37-11

Financial Services LAWSUIT LOANS FAST Up to $50,000. Car accidents, dog bites, civil rights, other causes. Call now 866-688-2900. expresslawsuitfunding. com Call Today Cash Tomorrow. ________________________________________37-08

Business Opportunity START NOW! OPEN RED HOT DOLLAR, DOLLAR PLUS, MAILBOX, DISCOUNT PARTY, $10 CLOTHING STORE, TEEN STORE, FITNESS CENTER FROM $53,900 WORLDWIDE! WWW.DRSS19.COM 1-800-518-3064. ________________________________________37-08

Massage David, 63, 6’, 200 lbs., educated. 215-569-4949. ________________________________________37-14 Massage in the burbs. $60/hr. 610-710-6213 for appt. ________________________________________37-11

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013

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ACT-UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) meets 6-9 p.m. every Monday at St. Luke and The Epiphany Church, 330 S. 13th St.; 215-386-1981; Delaware Valley Chapter, Americans United for Separation of Church and State seeks activists and supporters of church-state separation. Holds monthly meetings and events; Equality Pennsylvania holds a volunteer night the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m., 1211 Chestnut St., Suite 605; 215-731-1447; Green Party of Philadelphia holds general meetings the fourth Thursday of the month except August and December, 7 p.m.; 215-243-7103; Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club meets seasonally;


Library Book Club meets to discuss a new book 7 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month at the William Way Center. Philadelphia Freedom Band, an audition-free LGBT band that does concerts and parades, rehearses Mondays 7-9:30 p.m.; Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus rehearses 7-10 p.m. Wednesdays; 215-731-9230; Philadelphia Gay Men’s Opera Club meets to share and listen to recordings 6:30 p.m. the last Saturday of the month; 215-732-7898. Philadelphia Voices of Pride, Philadelphia’s first mixed GLBT chorus, rehearses 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays at the William Way Center; Queer Writer’s Collective workshop and discussion group meets 4-6 p.m. the fourth Saturday of the month at the William Way Center. Reading Queerly, open to all women and genderqueer/ trans people, meets 6:45 p.m. the first Thursday of the month at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.


Gay Bridge Club non-beginners group meets Monday 1:30-4:30 p.m. at the William Way Center; reservations required. Call 215-732-2220. Gay-friendly Scrabble Club meets 6-11 p.m. in the P.I.C. Building, 42nd and Locust streets; 215-382-0789. Gay Opera Guys of Philly, a new group for opera appreciation, meets the last Sunday of the month at 2:30 p.m. in Roxborough/Andorra area; 215-483-1032. Humboldt Society: Lesbian and Gay Naturalists meets the second Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the William Way Center; 215-985-1456; Independence Squares LGBT square-dance club, modern Western square dancing. Monthly open house. Tuesday classes in the fall; Lutheran Church, 2111 Sansom St.;; Male Oenophile Group forming to discuss, appreciate and taste various wines. Will meet once a month to investigate the nuances and glories of the fermented grape. Call 267230-6750 for more information. Mornings OUT LGBT Senior Social activities for senior gay men are held every Tuesday, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the William Way Center. PhilaVentures, Philadelphia’s LGBT outdoor group, meets for hikes in Wissahickon Valley and Valley Forge Park;


Brandywine Women’s Rugby Club meets for Tuesday and Thursday practice at 8 p.m. Greenfield Park, West Chester; City of Brotherly Love Softball League serves the Philadelphia metropolitan area. Games are played Sundays, beginning in April, in Fairmount Park; Frontrunners running club meets 9:30 a.m. Saturdays for a run and brunch. Lloyd Hall, No. 1 Boathouse Row; www. Philadelphia Falcons Soccer Club LGBT and allies; plays 6 p.m. Wednesdays and 10 a.m. Saturdays at Edgely Fields in Fairmount Park; Philadelphia Fins Swim Team, male and female swimmers, meets 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday at Friends Select School and 10:30 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays at Kelly Pool in Fairmount Park; Philadelphia Gay Bowling League meets 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays September-April at Brunswick Zone, 1328 Delsea Drive, Deptford, N.J.; 856-889-1434; Greater Philadelphia Flag Football League games played Saturdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., at Columbus Square Park, 1200 Wharton St.; Philadelphia Gryphons Rugby Football Club seeks play-

ers, all skill levels welcome; meets 7:45 p.m. Thursdays at Columbus Square Park, 1200 Wharton St.; 215-913-7531;; Philadelphia Liberty Belles women’s semi-pro full-tackle football league holds fall tryouts; Philadelphia Liberty Tennis Association plays yearround, all skill levels welcome; philadelphialibertytennis. com. Philadelphia Firebirds women’s football team seeks players; Philadelphia Women’s Baseball League seeks players, all skill levels and ages welcome. Practice is Thursdays, 7 p.m. at Marian Anderson Recreation Center, 17th and Fitzwater streets, with games on Sundays 2:30 p.m.;; contact Narda Quigley, (day) 215991-5995 or (evening) 301-919-1194. Philly Gay Hockey Association Philadelphia Phury seeks players; 917-656-1936; Philly QCycle LGBT bicycling club promotes organized recreational riding for all levels in the Greater Philadelphia region. Contact the organization via Facebook. Rainbow Riders of the Delaware Valley motorcycle club meets regularly; 215-836-0440; group/rainbowridersdv/. Rainbow Rollers gay and lesbian bowling league meets 7:45 p.m. Tuesdays at Boulevard Lanes in Northeast Philadelphia; Spartan Wrestling Club, the gay wresting team, meets 6:30-9 p.m. Mondays (no August practice) at the First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut St.; 215-732-4545; www. Suburban Gay Bowling League bowls at 8 p.m. Thursdays from August-April at Facenda-Whitaker Lanes, 2912 Swede Road, Norristown; Team Philadelphia, the umbrella group for gay and lesbian sports teams, and individual athletes in the Delaware Valley come together to provide a healthy outlet for all members of the community;


AIDS Law Project provides free legal assistance to people with HIV/AIDS and sponsors free monthly seminars on work and housing; 1211 Chestnut St., Suite 600; 215-5879377; BiUnity, Philadelphia-area social and support network for bisexuals, their family members and friends meets the second Friday of every other month at the William Way Center; Delaware Valley Pink Pistols for LGBT people dedicated to legal, safe and responsible use of firearms for selfdefense; meets 2 p.m. the third Saturday of the month at Classic Indoor Range, 1310 Industrial Blvd., Southampton; 610-879-2364; Delaware Pride holds planning meetings 7 p.m. the first Thursday of the month at the United Church of Christ, 300 Main St., Newark; 302-265-3020; Haverford College’s Sexuality and Gender Alliance holds open meetings 10-11 p.m. Mondays during the school year in the lounge in Jones Basement at Haverford College, 370 Lancaster Ave.; 610-896-4938. Men and Women for Human Excellence support group meets from noon-2 p.m. the first and third Saturdays of the month at 26th Street and Cecil B. Moore Avenue; 267-2733513; Long Yang Club Philadelphia social organization for gay Asians and their friends holds monthly socials; www. Our Night Out, a casual social networking party of LGBT professionals, friends and colleagues, meets in a different Philadelphia hot spot each month. To receive monthly event invitations, email; more information on Facebook. Philadelphia Bar Association Legal Advice offered 5-8 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month; 215-238-6333. Philadelphia Prime Timers club for mature gay and bisexual men and their admirers meets regularly; primetim Philadelphians MC Club for leather men and women meets 7:30 p.m. the first and third Monday of the month at The Pit at The Bike Stop, 201 S. Quince St.; Rainbow Amateur Radio Association ARRL-affiliated, weekly HF nets, quarterly newsletter; Rock ’n’ Roll Queer Bar Party for gay and lesbian rockers with host Psydde Delicious starts 10 p.m. every first Sunday at Fluid, 613 S. Fourth St.; www. Silver Foxes, a social and educational group for gays and lesbians 50 and older, meets 3-5 p.m. the fourth Sunday of the month at the William Way Center. SNJ Queers meets monthly for queer/queer-friendly folks in South Jersey to mix and mingle. Search for SNJ Queers on Facebook; contact Wendy at 856-375-3708 or

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


Community Bulletin Board Community centers

■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held 4-8 p.m. MondayFriday; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday-Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331. ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St., 215-898-5044; Hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday.

and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; 215-957-7981;

■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220; Hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Peer counseling: 6-9 p.m. Monday through Friday Library hours: 12-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 12-3 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. Friday; 126 p.m. Saturday. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: 215-587-9377

Key numbers

■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: 856-933-9500 ext. 221

■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: 215-732-TALK

■ AIDS Library: 215-985-4851

■ Mayor’s Director of LGBT Affairs: Gloria Casarez, 215-6862194;; Fax: 215-686-2555

■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: 215592-1513 ■ AIDS Treatment Fact line: 800662-6080 ■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: 215-685-1633 ■ The COLOURS Organization Inc.: 112 N. Broad St., third floor; 215-496-0330 ■ Equality Pennsylvania: 215731-1447; ■ Equality Forum: 215-732-3378

■ Mazzoni Center: 215-563-0652; Legal Services: 215-563-0657, 866-LGBTLAW; legalservices@mazzonicenter. org ■ Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine: 215-563-0658 ■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): 215-572-1833


AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., Suite 205; 215-629-2300. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; noon-6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St. 215851-1822 or 866-222-3871. Spanish/English HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; 215-685-1803. HIV health insurance help Access to free medications and confidential HIV testing

■ Greater Philadelphia Professional Network Networking group for area business professionals, self-employed and business owners meets monthly in a different location throughout the city, invites speakers on various topics, partners with other nonprofits and maintains a Web site where everyone is invited to sign up for email notices for activities and events;

■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Deputy Commissioner Stephen Johnson: 215-683-2840 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: 215-760-3686; ppd. ■ Philly Pride Presents: 215875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: 717-9209537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: 215-732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: 215-686-4670

Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 3439 N. Hutchinson St.; 215-763-8870 ext. 6000.

■ Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia GALLOP holds board meetings at 6:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at 100 S. Broad St., Suite 1810; GALLOP also provides a free referral service; (215) 6279090;

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: 215-772-2000

available by appointment at 13 S. MacDade Blvd., Suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; 610-5869077.

Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; 215-563-0652. Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine Comprehensive primary health care, preventive health services, gynecology, sexual-health services and chronic-disease management, including comprehensive HIV care, 809 Locust St.; 215-563-0658. Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday except for noon-1 p.m. and 5-6 p.m., and 1-5 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; 215-985-9206.

Professional groups ■ Independence Business Alliance Greater Philadelphia’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce, providing networking, business development, marketing, educational and advocacy opportunities for LGBT and LGBT-friendly businesses and professionals. Visit for information about events, programs and membership; 215-557-0190; 1717 Arch St., Suite 3370. ■ National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association The Philadelphia chapter of NLGJA, open to professionals and

students, meets for social and networking events; ■ Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus A regional organization dedicated to promoting gay and lesbian tourism to the Greater Philadelphia region holds meetings every other month on the fourth Thursday (January, March, May, July, September and the third Thursday in November), open to the public; P.O. Box 58143, Philadelphia, PA 19102; ■ Philly OutGoing Professionals Social group for gay, lesbian and bisexual professionals meets for social and cultural activities, 856857-9283; popnews19@yahoo. com.


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 22-28, 2013


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