PGN April 1-7, 2011

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Family Portrait: Mark Mitchell PAGE 35

We don’t like to judge, unless it’s Pink Penny: PGN’s fifth-annual Philly favorites PAGE 23 April 1-7, 2011


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Vol. 35 No. 13

ENDA introduction pending in House

The bill would prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in hiring, firing and promotion decisions. The measure has been introduced every session except one since 1994 and last saw success in 2007, when it passed in the House for the first time. By Jen Colletta Out Congressman Barney Frank (DMass.) was set to introduce the Employment Nondiscrimination Act this week, but said he is holding off on formally submitting the bill as he looks for more cosponsors. In a March 30 press conference on Capitol Hill, Frank did not provide a specific timeline for the introduction of ENDA, but said he wanted to make sure it had the most amount of legislative support possible when it was unveiled. He was unequivocal, however, in his thoughts on the bill’s passage under the current Republican-controlled House. “This is a chance to continue — not begin, but continue — a lobbying effort that I am convinced will be successful, frankly, next time the Democrats take back the House of Representatives,” he said. Frank drew the ire of some LGBTs when he dropped “gender identity” from the 2007 version to ensure its passage; the 2009 and current versions are trans-inclusive. Details on a companion bill in the Senate h ave n o t y e t b e e n announced. Currently, 21 states and Washington, D.C., ban employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, 12 of which also extend protections based on genFRANK der identity. “All Americans worry about their economic future, but LGBT Americans’ anxieties are exacerbated when they can be fired for no other reason than their sexual orientation or gender identity,” said Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign. “Passing ENDA is a key element of making sure all Americans can get back to work and get our country moving again.” The last version of the bill, introduced in June 2009, died in committee with 203 cosponsors. Last session, a Senate committee held its first-ever hearings on ENDA. ■

Local Presbyterian leaders favor gay ordinations By Jen Colletta

FINALIZING FAIRNESS: City Councilman Bill Greenlee (center) welcomed Mayor Michael Nutter’s signing of his bill to strengthen the city’s nondiscrimination law at City Hall March 24. Greenlee’s measure to update the Fair Practices Ordinance received unanimous approval from Council earlier this month. The new law is the first complete overhaul the legislation has received in 60 years — it revises language to ensure it is in line with state and federal laws, eases restrictions on the same-sex life-partnership registry and heightens fines for violations of the LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination law from $300 to $2,000, among myriad other stipulations. The new law is considered especially critical for the LGBT community, which is one of the protected classes not afforded nondiscrimination protections at the state or federal level. Photo: Scott A. Drake

The governing body representing Presbyterian churches in the area voted last week to support the decision of the national Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to allow gays and lesbians in same-sex relationships to be eligible for ordination. In a 182-108 vote March 22, the Presbytery of Philadelphia approved Amendment 10-A to the church constitution, which would drop the provision that ordained Presbyterian leaders who are not married to a member of the opposite sex must live in celibacy. Last summer, Amendment 10-A passed the Presbyterian General Assembly with 53 percent of the vote. The measure would lift the stipulation that those called must live in “fidelity within PAGE 7

Feds halt, continue deportation of same-sex married couples In what was hailed as a major breakthrough for LGBT immigration rights, the U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services said Monday that a hold would be in place for cases of legally married binational same-sex couples — but two days later that hold was lifted. The questions stemmed from the Obama administration’s announcement in late February that it would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court because it is unconstitutional. The law, which prohibits the federal government from recognizing the legal marriages of same-sex couples, prevents

Americans legally married to non-citizens of the same sex for from applying for a green card for their spouse, a right only afforded to heterosexual couples. In a statement to the Advocate on Wednesday, CIS spokesperson Christopher Bentley said the agency had received the proper “legal guidance” from the Office of General Counsel at the Department of Homeland Security that enables it to proceed with the cases. Bentley emphasized that no change in immigration policy has been implemented. ■ — Jen Colletta

ERASING, EMBRACING: The LGBT and HIV/AIDS communities turned out March 26 to support The Philadelphia AIDS Consortium at its annual gala. “Erasing the Stigma” drew more than a hundred to the Loews Philadelphia Hotel, including guest speaker actor Sher yl Lee Ralph, and out CBS3 reporter Jim Donovan. The event also sought to raise awareness about and combat the negative stigma associated with the disease. Photo: Kimberly Kunda

2 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011



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GAMMA provides 20 years of support By Jen Colletta The men involved with the Gay and Married Men’s Association run the gamut — gay, bi, married, divorced, separated, partnered — but despite their differences, the members have found an unmatched sense of camaraderie through their shared experience in GAMMA. “When I came here, I referred to myself as a green-eyed monster — I thought I was the only married man who ever looked into a mirror and found out he was gay,” said longtime member Ken. “But I came here and found a whole room full of green-eyed monsters.” Ken is one of hundreds who’ve passed through GAMMA’s doors seeking advice and support over the last 20 years. Launched in March of 1991 by Steve Henner, GAMMA, meeting twice a month at the William Way LGBT Community Center, offers a support structure for men coming to terms with their sexuality in settings that often include heterosexual relationships and children. The men who attend are in different situations — some are out to their wives or significant others, some are closeted and others are exploring whether they want to remain in heterosexual relationships. But all faced fears in confronting their sexuality. “I walked around the corner so many times before I finally made myself come inside,” said Tom, a two-year member and the board outreach chairman. “When I did, I found a really interesting camaraderie, but it took me a long time to warm up to that.” Vince, who attended his first GAMMA meeting in 2002, said he and most of the other men were “complete messes when we first came here. When we walked in the door for the first time, I didn’t know if I’d even be able to make it home that night. It’s a process that’s taken years to deal with.” The group doesn’t advocate for men to leave their heterosexual relationships or remain in them, but rather provides a forum to explore their identities with others who’ve been in similar situations. Many of the members are parents, an element they said is sometimes difficult to share with the LGBT community outside of GAMMA. And while no two situations are identical, having an outlet in which they can openly discuss their feelings without fear of judgment is integral. “If I was to try to orchestrate the level of support these guys give to each other, there’s just no way to even begin to,” said Tom, the board chairperson who’s been with GAMMA since one of its first meetings. “I get enormous satisfaction getting to see these guys work through what’s happening to them and come out the other side.” GAMMA members tend to eventually “grow out” of the meetings, held the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, as they become equipped with the tools to cope with

their situations, but most GAMMA alums stay in touch. “I had a lot of friends before I came out, but those friends never knew the real me,” Vince said. “When I came here, it was like a switch went off. I now have so many real, close and good friends who understand who I am and accept me.” The importance of GAMMA is underscored by the dearth of similar groups in the area: There are GAMMA chapters in Washington, D.C., and a handful of other locations in the country, but GAMMA Philadelphia serves the entire metropolitan area, with members from New Jersey, Pennsylvania and surrounding areas. Brendan, a member who now lives in New York City but still remains in touch with the group, said similar initiatives in New York and other cities have devolved into “glorified hook-ups,” which the Philadelphia group is not. “This group is truly what it says it is — it’s a support group,” he said. “It’s not a place to hook up with other people. It’s unlike any other group I’ve heard of because it has this dynamic that is so truly focused on its mission.” That dynamic has literally been a lifesaver for many of GAMMA’s members. When asked what their lives would be like without the group, a majority of the GAMMA members at the group’s 20th-anniversary reunion meeting this month agreed: They probably wouldn’t be alive. “If it wasn’t for these guys, I wouldn’t be around today,” said Steve, a member for four years who was married for 25. “You’re led to think one way by society but you feel a different way, so you don’t know how to deal with society and society doesn’t know how to deal with you. But when I walked into this room, I found 20-some men in the same situation I was in. It finally made me feel normal.” Although society has become more accepting of the LGBT community since GAMMA’s founding, the pressures faced are just as impactful. “There are so many counter-influences that affect people’s lives — the religious beliefs they struggle with, the family things they struggle with,” said Dean, a member for eight years who divorced about five years ago. “There are a lot of obstacles people need to surmount. The people we see walking in now are struggling just as much now as people were 20 years ago.” The group hopes that, in time, it will no longer be needed — as the coming-out process loses its stigma — but, until then, is prepared to continue providing the safe haven it’s offered for two decades. For more information, visit or call 215-732-2220. GAMMA’s next meeting will be held from 8-10 p.m. April 13 at the center, 1315 Spruce St. The center also offers free, confidential peer-counseling services at 215-732-8255. ■

Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


4 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


Contents Greater Philadelphia Professional Network held its monthly social and business-card exchange at Opa. PAGE 8


Local News 5 News Briefing 8 Media Trail 9 National News 17 International News 20


Editorial Creep of the Week Mark My Words Street Talk Letters/Feedback

10 10 11 11 11


Crime Watch Out Law Mombian

9 12 13


Gay rugby star Gareth Thomas will attend the upcoming royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. PAGE 20

Are religion and homosexuality mutually exclusive? Poll results from our online survey as of March 30:

8% Yes, and always will be 1% Yes, for now 14% For some of the religious, not all 19% Not to me! 26% I am gay and spiritual 31% Who cares? Go to to weigh in on this week’s question:

Do you like the new Pride logo?

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Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


Pride marshals, logo announced By Jen Colletta With just over two months to go, preparations are beginning to come together for the annual Pride celebration. Pride organizers this week unveiled the winner of the logo contest and also announced the local community leaders who will be leading the parade down Market Street June 12. Philly Pride Presents, with the input of judges Scott Drake and Chuck Volz, selected Mary Sullivan’s logo submission as the winner. Sullivan will receive a $200 cash prize and ride on this year’s grandmarshal float. Philly Pride Presents executive director Franny Price said the organization held a logo-design contest about 15 years ago, and decided to bring the competition back this year to further engage the community in the event. “We wanted to get the community involved and get different people’s outlooks and perspectives,” she said. “This year the theme is ‘Pride Around the World,’ and we thought it’d be fun to have somebody within our own community design a logo that reflects that.” The logo will be used on all promotional materials for the event, on the website and on Pride T-shirts. Sullivan will be joined on the float by

several community leaders Philly Pride presents will honor for their contributions in the last year. This parade typically features two grand marshals, but this year there will be three: Carrie Jacobs, Jeff Sotland and PGN. Price said PGN was selected to honor its recent 35th-anniversary milestone, while the two local leaders have invested immeasurable time and energy into respective segments of the community. Sotland, the co-chair of the board of the William Way LGBT Community Center, recently stepped down as commissioner of the City of Brotherly Love Softball League after years at the helm. “We were thinking about picking someone involved in sports and everyone we talked to kept suggesting Jeff,” Price said. “His name kept coming up and everyone talked about how great and financially stable the league became because he was commissioner.” Sotland said he was honored by the grand-marshal designation. “I’m very appreciative of the selection,” he said. “I’m happy to be a part of Pride and I’m really looking forward to a great event this year.” Price said that, like Sotland, Jacobs was chosen for her long commitment to community work. “There are really only a few youth centers in the whole country, and The Attic was


Carrie’s vision and personal mission. She’s done so much for young people and she’s sincere about it,” Price said. “It’s never been about a job for her, it’s about helping young people. This grand-marshal award is way overdue for Carrie.” Jacobs will share the float with two of the youth from The Attic, who were chosen as Youth Grand Marshals: Alex Lopez and Kristen Thomas. Lopez is a senior at the Philadelphia High School for Creative and Performing Arts and, for the past two years, has been an active member of The Attic’s performance groups, lending his talents to the dance, drag and photography clubs. He was also integral in organizing the agency’s first youth drag show earlier this year.

Thomas is also a senior, at John W. Hallahan Catholic Girls’ High School, and has been involved with The Attic for about a year, participating in the organization’s young queer women’s group and workready program, as well as assisting in making banners for the local and New York City Dyke Marches. Thomas also helped produce a PowerPoint presentation on LGBT youth homelessness that will be shown to City Council. This year’s Friend of Pride award will go to Congressman Bob Brady (D-1st Dist.). Price said Brady has long been committed to advocating for the LGBT community and was a key figure in helping attain funding for the Pride parade; following city budget cuts in recent years, Brady last year created the Greater Philadelphia Traditions Fund to fuel the production of a number of city parades, and included Pride on the list. “He included us in the Traditions Fund, and it really meant a lot that he knows that Pride is a tradition for many people in the area,” Price said. “By including us, he put us right up there with the Mummers’ Parade, the Irish parade, the Polish parade. We very much needed to be a part of that fund, and it shows that he really gets the picture. Not only does it help a lot with funding, but it also shows a lot that one of our Congressmen thought to make sure we were included.” ■

6 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


Equality Forum director makes bid for Council By Jen Colletta

said. “We’re certainly gearing up for primetime in terms of Equality Forum, and then I’m spending the rest of my evenings and spare time doing all the work for the camWi t h p l a n n i n g paign.” well underway for Lazin said he would step down from the the annual internaorganization if he is elected in November, tional LGBT event adding he has discussed that possibility Equality Forum later with the board and executive committee of this month, the agenEquality Forum. cy’s executive direc“Our bylaws provide for a national search tor is also gearing up and a search committee, and I would stay in for another imporplace until that process was completed, and tant occasion — the then whatever period of time the new direcmunicipal primary tor would want me to remain so they can be election in May, in MALCOLM LAZIN brought up to speed, I would do that,” he which he’s running said. “City Council is not a required fullas the first out candidate endorsed by the Republican City time job, and a lot of City Councilpeople have outside employment, but my decision Committee. Malcolm Lazin drew the second-place was to do it full-time when I’m elected.” Lazin, who earned a law degree from position on the Republican City Council atBoston University, launched his career Large docket for the May 17 ballot. Lazin was one of the original founders in 1970 as a federal prosecutor with the of Equality Forum in 1993, then known as U.S. Attorney’s Office and was given the PrideFest, and has served as executive direc- Attorney General’s Distinguished Service tor for the past 12 years, during which time Award. In 1979, then-Gov. Dick Thornburgh the organization has grown to a weeklong celebration of LGBT culture that draws appointed Lazin to the Pennsylvania Crime Commission, which he later chaired and participation from throughout the world. Lazin said he is balancing campaigning helped lead through its investigation of organized-crime killings. with preparations for Equality Forum. He spent time in private practice before “I’m a person who knows how to multitask, and I don’t think either will suffer,” he heading up a real-estate development firm

that focused on revitalizing the Delaware River waterfront. Lazin has also served as the co-chair of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce’s legislative committee, and president of the Society Hill Civic Association, and is currently chair of its Washington Square Committee. “It’s a very diverse background, and it’s a background that includes law, nonprofit work, civic leadership and business experience,” Lazin said. “So I think all of those would be very helpful [for a City Councilperson]. And I think that background also projects that I’m not just a person who talks the talk but who also walks the walk and makes things happen.” The council race is not Lazin’s first foray into politics, as he ran against Ed Rendell in the 1977 District Attorney race, eventually losing to the future Philadelphia mayor and Pennsylvania governor. This time around, Lazin said, he’s eager to seek public office to help repair some of the city’s ills, including its current financial state. “I’m at a moment in my life where I wanted to give back to the city. I love this city, and I feel privileged to live here, but we have huge problems that we need to address, in particular our deficit — Philadelphia is in a sense the Titanic right now and is on a course with the iceberg called bankruptcy.

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We need to address those issues because, unless we change direction, when we hit bankruptcy there will be virtually no funding left to provide for those most in need of services in the city. And it would obviously be a huge detriment to the reputation of Philadelphia.” In terms of LGBT issues, Lazin said he would focus particularly on initiatives to alleviate bullying and homophobia in city schools. While the council race includes LGBTfriendly candidates, Lazin said having elected officials who are actual community members is significant. “I think we’ve seen across the country that whenever we’ve had one of our own in office, it made a huge difference. We had state Sen. Jarrett Barrios personalize the issue of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts, and we saw it around bullying with Joel Burns down in the Ft. Worth [Texas] City Council. When we have one of our own at the table, it gives us a voice.” As a Republican, Lazin said he has seen some pushback from conservative Republicans, critical that he’s running as an openly gay candidate. Republican Adam Taxin challenged Lazin’s nominating petitions, but the challenge was withdrawn. “There are obviously some homophobes in the Republican and Democratic parties,” he said. “My petitions were challenged by a known homophobe, and that was soundly defeated. I expect to do well in the primary and go on to the general election in November.” The top 10 vote-getters from the at-Large primary race — five each for Democrats and Republicans — will face off for the seven open at-Large seats in the general election. No more than five seats can be held by the same party, a rule that typically results in two Republican at-large members in the largely Democratic city. Lazin is facing nine Republican contenders, including incumbent Frank Rizzo Jr., who does not have party backing. Lazin said he isn’t concerned that many LGBTs are registered Democrats, as he is confident he’ll be able to survive the primary and later get the backing of the community in the general election, where voters’ party affiliations do not restrict their choices. “I think that will actually help my campaign. I expect I will be elected in the primary, and I think that in order to win in the general election, one needs crossover from Democrats and independents. And I think our community will cross over.” ■

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Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


Local Presbyterians approve gay ordinations ORDINATIONS, from page 1

the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman or chastity in singleness” and replace it with a policy that bases ordination on one’s “ability and commitment” to fulfill the responsibilities of an officer, leaving out marital status and sexual orientation. In order for the new policy to go into effect, it needs to be approved by a majority of the nation’s 173 presbyteries, or regional governing bodies — a total of 87 affirmative votes. With the Philadelphia nod, the policy change, as of press time, has 74 presbyteries in favor and 53 opposed, with 46 still left to vote. The issue failed when put to the presbyteries in 2008-09. Michael Adee, executive director of More Light Presbyterians, which works for the full participation of LGBT individuals in the Presbyterian Church, said this year’s vote looks more promising. This marks the first time that the “yes” votes are ahead, and 14 presbyteries that voted against the policy change the last time around have switched sides. “We stand at a remarkable moment in the life of the Presbyterian Church,” Adee said. “We are just 13 votes from ratification of the policy change, so we’re starting down a tunnel of probable policy change right now. But this isn’t just about policy change, it’s really about cultural change. It’s about

people understanding that LGBT people can be faith��������������������������������� ful Christians, good ministers and officers in the church.” While cultural change has been spreading throughout the country since the last vote, Pennsylvania still has ������������ a way to go — of the state’s ������� 11 presbyteries that have thus far cast votes on 10������������� A, only Philadelphia and ���������� Donegal did so in support. ������������� Three more presbyteries will vote before June, with ������������ only one, Lehigh, having approved the amendment last time. The Presbytery of “I’d compare Pennsylvania to what we’ve Pittsburgh voted 163-80 against 10-A and been seeing in places like Georgia, where the Presbytery of Shenango, which will we had one presbytery that supports it with vote in June on the measure, two years ago an overwhelming margin — Atlanta — and voted 101-4 against ratification, making it then for the first time Savannah also voted one of the most conservative in the nation. positively, but we expect big losses in a lot But, Adee noted, advances have been of the other presbyteries throughout the made in the Keystone State. state,” Adee said. “And a key difference in The Presbytery of Donegal, which covers Pennsylvania is looking at the presbyterYork, Lancaster and Chester counties, was ies of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. They’re one of the 14 that switched to “yes” votes both very large, major cities with large in the past two years, and Philadelphia wid- gay communities and universities and a lot ened its margin of votes about 10 percent, that would make you think they’d support up from the 2009 vote of 153-139. change, but the cast of the Pittsburgh pres-

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bytery is still pretty hardline conservative.” Adee said the fight for LGBT participation in the Presbyterian Church dates to 1974, when the Rev. David Sindt was the first Presbyterian minister to come out. Several years later, a church commission undertook a study to determine how gay and lesbian ministers could fit into the church and, despite a recommendation that open gay and lesbians be permitted to serve, the General Assembly in 1978 approved a policy banning the ordination of open gays and lesbians. The rule, however, left the decision of the ordination of celibate gays and lesbians up to local-level church leaders. In 1996, the church amended its policy to include the “fidelity and chastity” language, and efforts have been undertaken at each General Assembly since for its repeal. Adee said the building momentum to overturn the policy and allow full participation by LGBT people has been inspiring, especially in light of the role that religious organizations have played in constructing the social consciousness toward gays. “This vote on 10-A goes a long way in changing that and creating a different way of understanding moral equality for LGBT people and straight people. This isn’t about ordaining every gay person — one still has to be qualified. But ordination needs to be about faith and character, not marital status and sexuality.” ■

8 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


News Briefing Potential buyer of church urges its preservation

GREEK GOES GAY: About 50 members of the Greater Philadelphia Professional Network and the Independence Business Alliance mixed and mingled March 29 at Opa, 1311 Sansom St. For information on the monthly networking events, go to Facebook and search GPPN. Photos: Scott A. Drake

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A possible buyer of a historic church owned by an AIDS-services agency urged a city review panel this week to prevent its demolition. Timothy Duffield, board member of The Clay Studio, told the city’s Board of License and Inspection Review that his group would like to buy the Church of the Assumption — but it needs three months to do a feasibility study. He urged the review board to help facilitate the exploratory process by blocking the demolition. Siloam Ministries acquired the vacant church five years ago, when purchasing several buildings from the Archdiocese in a package deal. The church is located at 1133 Spring Garden St. In a nearby building, Siloam offers alternate therapies to low-income people with HIV/AIDS, including Reiki massage, stress-reduction training and nutritional counseling. Last September, the Philadelphia Historical Commission voted to allow the demolition, on the basis that it would be a financial hardship for Siloam if it were required to maintain the dilapidated structure. H ow eve r, t h e C a l l ow h i l l Neighborhood Association wants the review board to reverse that decision, citing the church’s historic ties to two

saints, and its value as a tourist attraction. The Clay Studio is a nonprofit ceramic arts organization currently renting space in Old City, but searching for a permanent location, Duffield testified. He said the group is considering the rehab effort — which he said would cost up to $9.7 million — provided that the church’s edifice is preserved. “We need to do a study to get into a position to make an offer,” Duffield testified March 28. “Within three months, we’ll know whether it’s worth going any further.” Supporters of Siloam countered that additional delays could be the death knell for the agency, noting that the church is in danger of collapse. But Samuel Y. Harris, an architect and engineer, testified that he made an outdoor visual inspection of the church recently, and it doesn’t appear to be in imminent danger of collapse. Harris said it would cost about $150,000 to stabilize the structure. “There are remarkable, economical things we can do to stabilize it,” he testified. “They’re crude but effective.” He also said state funding may be available to mothball it. Review-board members said they’ll render a decision within the next several weeks. After the hearing, Andrew R. Palewski, an architectural preservationist who nominated the church for the city’s Register of Historic Places, expressed optimism that the demolition will be blocked. “There are other viable options, which will still make money for Siloam,” Palewski told PGN. But Sr. Catherine Maguire, Siloam’s interim director, said she hopes the board approves the demolition. “We need to get this [demolition

issue] resolved so we can move forward,” she said. Siloam continues to provide services through volunteers, but its meager funds are being drained by the church, Maguire said. — Timothy Cwiek

Clean up the ’hood The Philadelphia Streets Department will stage its fourth annual Philly Spring Cleanup this weekend at locations around the city, including the Washington Square West area. Volunteers will work from 9 a.m. until about noon April 2 to beautify the area between Broad and 10th streets and Spruce and Bainbridge streets. Participants must pre-register by visiting www.philadelphiastreets. com/philly-spring-cleanup.aspx and searching for Washington Square West under the Center City tab.

Charity crowning The Liberty City Drag Kings & Burlesque will host its annual Mr. Philly Drag King Competition next week, with proceeds benefiting the upcoming Dyke March. The competition will be held from 7:30-10 p.m. April 9 at the William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St., with admission on a sliding scale from $5-$10. Guests must be 18 to enter and 21 to drink. Beer and pretzels will be served. The show will begin at 8 p.m. For more information, email ■ — Jen Colletta

Consumer Research Council’s top dentist 2007, 2008, and 2009. Rainbow Award best dentist who contributes to his community 2007 and 2008.

Medical Arts Bldg. 1601 Walnut St. , Suite 1302 Phila. PA 19102



Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011

Gayborhood Crime Watch The following incidents in the Midtown Village and Washington Square West areas were reported to the Sixth Police District between March 14-20. Information is courtesy of Sixth District Capt. Brian Korn; Stacy Irving, senior director, Crime Prevention Service; Center City District; the Police Liaison Committee and Midtown Village Merchants Association. To report crime tips, visit or call 215-686-TIPS (8477). ARREST: At midnight March 14, 6th District officers arrested a female for a summary offense inside the DoubleTree Hotel, 237 S. Broad St. REPORT: At 3:30 a.m. March 13 (reported March 15), complainant reported he was accosted at 11th and Clinton streets by a male who simulated having a gun and demanded his wallet. The complainant complied. The suspect was described as a black male, 30 years old, 5-foot-10, with a thin build and dark complexion, and wearing a black hoodie and baseball cap. ARREST: At 12:05 a.m. March 16, 6th District officers arrested a male for a summary offense in the 1200 block of Walnut Street. REPORT: Between 3 p.m. March 17 and 10:30 a.m. March 18, someone smashed the window of a 2005 Toyota, parked in the 300 block of South Camac Street, and stole a satellite radio. Also, someone smashed the window of a 1995 Toyota, parked in the 1100 block of Spruce Street, and stole a GPS. Officer Sweeney lifted fingerprints. ARREST: At 4:30 a.m. March 18, 6th District officers arrested a male in the 1300

block of Walnut Street as a fugitive from justice.

Media Trail

REPORT: At 11:30 p.m. March 18, complainant was walking along the 200 block of South Broad Street when a group of young females accosted her, struck her and took her BlackBerry phone. The group of about six females, ages 16-18, fled north on Broad then into the subway concourse. The suspects were described as black females, reports Marquette one was heavy set with a dark complexion University in Milwaukee will offer domesand straight hair; the other five were thin tic-partner benefits to employees next year. but with no further description. The move by the Catholic Jesuit REPORT: At 11:40 p.m. March 18, com- University comes a year after the school plainant took out his wallet while in the rescinded a job offer to a lesbian. Marquette 1200 block of Latimer Street to give an officials said at the time rescinding the job unknown male a dollar for a cigarette. The offer had nothing to do with sexual orientamale grabbed the wallet and fled east on tion. But it triggered heated debate. Both the Academic Senate and the Latimer. The offender was described as University Student Government voted to black, 6-foot-4, in his mid-20s, with a musurge Marquette to extend benefits. tache and beard and wearing a plaid shirt. Medical, dental and vision benefits will ARREST: At 7:55 p.m. March 19, officers be offered to same-sex couples who register from the Narcotic Strike Force stopped a with the local county clerk.

Catholic univ. to offer partner benefits

male for investigation in the 1300 block of Lombard Street. The 23-year-old male with a New York address was found to be in possession of marijuana and was charged with knowing and intentionally possessing marijuana.

Target sues gay-rights group

Yahoo News reports a judge said March 25 he would issue a ruling within the next ARREST: At 2:40 a.m. March 20, 6th seven days in a lawsuit filed by Target Corp. District police arrested a male for a summary offense outside Club Voyeur, 1221 St. James St. ARREST: At 11:25 p.m. March 20, 6th District officers arrested a male in the 1300 block of Locust Street as a fugitive from justice. ■


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against a pro-gay marriage group to make it stop canvassing outside the retailer’s San Diego County stores. The suit alleges the activists are driving away customers by cornering them and talking about gay marriage. Gay-rights advocates say the legal battle between Target and Canvass For A Cause could further strain the retailer’s relations with the gay and lesbian community. Target previously made a $150,000 donation to a group backing a Republican candidate opposed to gay marriage. Minnesota-based Target insisted it remained committed to the LGBT community and its lawsuit has nothing to do with the political agenda of the organization.

Bill would protect trans Fox 5 Vegas reports Nevadans who said they were denied interviews or fired because they are transgender cheered a bill that would expand the state’s employment antidiscrimination law. AB211 would prohibit employers from discriminating based on “gender identity or expression,” in addition to race, religion and sexual orientation. Proponents said unemployment among transgender people is double that of the general population, but some lawmakers questioned if this was a symptom of Nevada’s high unemployment rather than their transgender identity. ■ — Larry Nichols

10 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

Matt Barber


Picking Pink Penny Five years ago, we at PGN instituted the first annual Pink Penny awards. Though similar in concept to the defunct Lambda Awards PGN used to hand out, the Pink Pennies are different. While the Lambdas were based on community input, the Pink Pennies are driven by PGN staff. For six weeks, we’ve been hemming, hawing, arguing, procrastinating and cramming over it. We flesh out categories, winners and descriptions. We argue about semantics and connotations. We pour over previous years’ issues. We visit the contenders. We talk about why we like this better than that. We talk about photos and the cover, what would be interesting, what would be new, what we can actually accomplish. Pink Penny is by no means a representation of the best of Philadelphia. Frankly, PGN’s staff is too trim to tackle that one. We try to give a slice of the best of gay Philadelphia, but we know that we only touch, encounter, experience and know so much. So, that’s why we do the Pink Pennies. It’s our two cents about what we love right now in Philly. Some years, there are ties. Sometimes, previous winners win again. (Hello, Naked Chocolate.) Sometimes, as editor, I put my foot down. Other times I relent. Sometimes we forget to include people, places, things we absolutely adore. Consider it a labor of love. Or our love letter to Philadelphia for the year. Though, it’s a good thing we only have to do it once a year: It’s a bit too stressful to tackle more often. But lord knows we love some stress. Which is why, we think, we are planning to do a readers’ choice issue this year. We’ve been talking about it since the inception of Pink Penny, but have yet to figure out an easy way to make it work — and the wherewithal to commit precious time and energy to actually do it. But it’s on the calendar now. We’ve slated it for November. So, dear readers, you will need to start thinking about what you love about Philly. Which also means you — like us for Pink Penny — will need to leave your TV/computer/internet/job/whatever it is that keeps you inside, and go venture out into the great city we live in. We haven’t decided categories yet (who are we kidding?), but we have started to think about thinking about it. Or at least thinking about setting a date to start thinking about it. That works, right? ■

Have you punched a gay middleschooler for Christ today? Well, you’d better do it fast, because Barack Obama is trying to take this God-given duty and religious right away from you. It’s no secret that LGBT students get bullied at school. In fact, it’s no secret that kids who get bullied at school are often accused of being LGBT, even if they aren’t. And while a lot of folks think all of this bullying is really not conducive to learning, others, like the Liberty Council’s Matt Barber, apparently think it’s just a trial by fire to determine who is righteous. As you may know, the White House recently held an antibullying summit, which provoked outrage amongst the antigay right. On his Faith and Freedom radio program, Barber likened antibullying programs to a “Trojan horse,” saying that all of this talk about “safe schools” was really code for a “homosexual activist political indoctrination agenda and a curriculum of pro-homosexual propaganda.” That’s right, folks. Antibullying = progay. And not just supporting gay students, but mandating homosexuality. You’ve got two choices: a school where kids are total violent assholes to each other or a peaceful school where everyone’s gay. The fact is, antibullying problems are unfair to Christians. Forcing Christians to not bully their gay and lesbian classmates is unChristitutional, or whatever. “We have a situation that this creates where those who they accuse of being the bullies become the bullied,” Barber laments. “People with traditional values, Christians, kids who happen to believe what every major world religion, thousands of years of history and uncompromising human biology hold to be true, that sexual behavior is appropriate within the bonds of marriage between a man and a woman.” Barber is, I think, confused about what it means to be bullied. No one is saying that kids can’t believe what they want about gays. But it shouldn’t be acceptable to make a gay kid’s life a living hell just because your pastor says gays are evil. Shawn Akers, Barber’s co-host, points out that if you want to stop bullying, you work to “grow Judeo-Christian ethic.” “Even if you disagreed with someone’s lifestyle, the Judeo-Christian ethic would be the first to tell you you’re not going to bully, you’re not going to beat up, you’re not going to abuse anybody,” Akers says. Ah, so the problem is that kids aren’t Christian enough. It couldn’t have anything

to do with so-called Christian groups like, say, the Liberty Council, portraying LGBT people as sick and damaged that contributes to the bullying against them. So when a Christian kid gets the urge to beat up one of these disgusting queers, Judeo-Christian ethic steps in and says, “You leave that godless piece of trash alone,” and everything’s fine. Most enlightening was Barber’s suicideprevention strategy. He says sexually active teens, gay and straight, are more likely to commit suicide than their chaste peers. “We’ve had this spate of kids who have committed suicide and some of them it has been apparently because they have been bullied. A handful have actually also been kids who self-identified as gay or lesbian,” Barber says. “Kids who are engaging in homosexual behavior, I think often look inward and know that what they are doing is unnatural, is wrong, is immoral, and so they become depressed and the instances of suicide can rise there as well.” So Barber, spinning some of that JudeoChristian ethic magic, is essentially arguing that since gay kids are twisted and wrong, it’s no wonder they want to off themselves. If anything, bullies are really just doing gay kids a favor. “What Obama should be teaching, rather than promoting the LGBT agenda that pushes premarital sexual activity, be it homosexual or heterosexual,” Barber continues, “is advocating on behalf of abstinence education and encouraging kids to remain pure until marriage. That is the best way to prevent kids who are engaged in sexual behavior from committing suicide.” Abstinence education as suicide-prevention tool. Very novel. Very sure-to-work. What could go wrong? Keep in mind that gay people, for the most part, can’t get married. Which means there’s no room in Barber’s equation for them. And that’s exactly how he wants it. Antibullying programs are a problem precisely because they acknowledge that gay kids exist. And if gay kids no longer have to hide in the shadows, it’ll be a lot harder to convince them that they’re horrible and damaged. And the more gay kids who feel like they actually matter, the harder it’s going to be for Barber and his ilk to lie about who and what they are, which is, of course, the “[antigay] activist political indoctrination agenda.” ■ D’Anne Witkowski is a Detroit-based freelance writer and poet (believe it!).

Correction In last week’s Mark My Words column, “Cohen’s campaign victories,” the openly gay Pittsburgh City Councilman running for

reelection was misidentified. His name is Bruce Kraus. PGN regrets the error.


A seat at the (board) table A few weeks ago, I received a letter to discuss the invisibility of gays and lesbithat asked me to serve on the National ans in programming and the negative coverage we received in news shows. Diversity Advisory Council of Comcast The letter was written to him as well as NBC/Universal. With Comcast’s purchase his counterparts at the other two TV netof NBC/Universal, Comcast is one of the works. The Gay Raiders, which I headed nation’s largest entertainment companies. at the time, had created the With not only the NBC-TV nation’s first LGBT campaign Network, but also the NBC and against the networks — there USA cable networks, including Bravo and Telemundo was no cable TV then — to end among many others, and with the invisibility and stereotyping of the LGBT community in Universal Studios theme parks, broadcasting. cable division, phone and web Westin’s name is the only one services. This is one giant company. So it piqued my interest. I can recall, and I kept his letter Calling an executive at since it was a standard brush off Comcast, he told me this was from what I learned later was an not a common board and honored broadcast executive and would, in reality, serve the producer. executives of the various diviWe didn’t matter to him. We sions. I guess I still didn’t get didn’t matter to the networks. it until, one day last week, the Through various organizaannouncement email arrived. Mark Segal tions, we have continued the Our board is charged with dialogue that has brought shows five distinct areas: employment/workforce such as “Ellen” and even “Will & Grace” recruitment and retention; procurement; to TV, but we have a very long way to go. But with that letter in my hand from programming; and philanthropy and community investment. Comcast, we changed from fighting from the outside to being at the corporate table It hit me. Along with the 35 other national leaders of the board (there are making the policies. three LGBT members including myself), Thinking of that letter from 1972 and we are in a position to change broadcast this appointment is not only symbolic, it and cable to reflect the reality of America, points out clearly how the work of all of not “The Brady Bunch” or stereotypical you have done creates change. It is also a images that TV has so often pandered to. timeline in history of how we were fighting to get in circa 1972 and now we have a But what really hit me, and brought me seat at the table in 2011, literally. For me, to tears, was a letter that has stuck in my who has made media an issue for almost mind since 1972. Like it was yesterday, I still remember the man who wrote it. His 40 years now, this is an overwhelmingly name was Av Westin and he was the ABCemotional event. ■ TV vice president of standards and pracMark Segal, PGN publisher, is the nation’s tices. most-award-winning commentator in LGBT Westin’s letter was in response to one I media. He can be reached at mark@epgn. had written to ABC, asking for a meeting

Mark My Words


Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


Street Talk Should government fund public broadcasting? “Yes. I watch a lot of PBS online. I’d be very sad and disappointed if they lost their funding. True, there’s a liberal bias, but it’s not Sarah Burns as extreme student as Fox News. Washington Square West For the most part, public broadcasting has balanced programs.”

“No. I don’t want government controlling what I see and what I know. The government has enough on its plate without intruding into public broadcasting.”

“Yes. It’s especially enriching for the children. There’s so little good programming out there for children. Shows like Kaitlin O’Donnell ‘Sesame Street’ student are vital West Philadelphia for kids. It’s something for them to watch that’s entertaining, but also educational.”

“No, it’s not important. The money should be spent somewhere else. There are enough private broadcasting Kayleigh Starr companies. student The essentials Center City of life are what government should be focused on — and reducing the debt.”

John Fleshman server Washington Square West

Letters and Feedback In response to “Cohen’s campaign victories,” March 25-31: Sherry Cohen is a great person. Personable and committed. But is she qualified to be on Council? Nope. Her platform is one of legacy. Her father was a “lifer” on Council, and she has yet to step up to the plate and offer a well-crafted platform on why she should be elected, other than simply because she’s lesbian. If grilled on the issues, she simply cannot respond that she’s the voice of the poor and unheard, or pull the gay card. We need responsible people who are in Council because they understand the challenges and issues that the city faces, and have a plan to get us out of the mess that we are in. For this paper to endorse someone who has laid out no clear plan on how we’d better run this city, and simply endorse

her because she’s part of the legacy political machine, is a shame. Just because we haven’t had an openly gay councilperson doesn’t mean that the first one to step up to the plate should get the support of this community. Sherry needs to continue doing what she does best — and stay in her “community” to organize. Unless we see a strong plan on how she intends to lead in City Council, she doesn’t deserve our support. — councilwatch Where’s the article on Malcolm Lazin running for City Council? Is Mark Segal so filled with hate toward Lazin he won’t let all the LGBT news be reported? Shame on Segal and the PGN! — anonymous

[Editor’s note: PGN’s interview with Malcolm Lazin is in this issue.] In response to “Giovanni’s Room honored with historical marker,” March 25-31: Congrats and many blessings to Giovanni’s Room, Gloria Casarez and all who helped make this dream come true! This bookstore has been part of my own world since I was a young teen. I do not know what I would have done without them! My fave book I ever bought there is titled, “What The Bible Really Says About Homosexuality.” This amazing book helped so many of my clients, friends, family as well as educating clergy and opening minds and hearts through understanding! Great article, Jen Colletta! Keep up the

great work! Thank you and many blessings, everyone! — Pastor Janette Costanzo In response to “Amber Hikes: Stimulating community and education,” March 25-31: Amber is a shining star who is everywhere at once. Having only met her a few months ago, I am always amazed at her energy, genteel nature and positive attitude. Her smile is contagious, her can-do spirit is indomitable and her “lead by example” stewardship of Upward Bound makes her a force to be reckoned with and a name we won’t stop hearing any time soon. — Lindsay Yanez

12 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


First Amendment shouldn’t include hate speech Evelyn Beatrice Hall once famously well-known for attending high-profile quipped, “I do not agree with a word you funerals around the country. In January, say but will defend to the death your right the WBC made the news by threatening to to say it.” This quote has been used for attend the funeral of Christina Green, the centuries to fuel arguments arising over a 9-year-old girl shot and killed during the Jan. 8 assassination attempt on party’s right to free speech under U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords the First Amendment. Earlier this month, the Supreme Court (D-Ariz.). Other examples of breathed new life into the notion WBC’s protest venues include that free speech is an inalienable the funerals of AIDS victims, right — regardless of message gay people, soldiers and Coretta Scott King. or motivation. If WBC practices are despiThe March 2 decision of cable, its message is worse. “Snyder v. Phelps,” handed Phelps believes and preaches down by an eight-to-one that God is punishing the Supreme Court majority, has upheld the much-criticized United States for “the sin of practices of Fred Phelps and homosexuality.” He believes and preaches that U.S. soldiers the Westboro Baptist Church Angela deserve to die because they as protected under the First Amendment. The decision Giampolo fight for a country that allows on its own is no doubt a vichomosexuality. In the days tory for minorities everywhere immediately following Sept. 11, who struggle to have their message heard. 2001, Phelps was quoted saying, “There However, a bigger question looms: At what were 5,000 or 10,000 killed and, counting all those passengers in those airplanes, point did we stop championing the noble it’s very likely that every last single one of cause of free speech and begin fostering them was a fag or dyke or a fag enabler.” virulent hate-speech, void of nobility and (Fred Phelps Sermon, Sept. 14, 2001) exploitative of those who fight to preserve Hundreds of similar quotes are attribthat right? How did we get here? uted to Phelps, who founded the WBC in A brief background on the practices the mid 1950s. Each is more hateful and and methods of the WBC may be helpful. intolerant than the next. So why defend this Phelps and his church, mostly comprised of members of his extended family, is most man’s right to speak out and target a people

Out Law

as tolerant and accepting as America’s gay community? The Supreme Court’s majority opinion, written by Chief Justice Roberts, states that the First Amendment protects those who stage a peaceful protest on a matter of “public concern” near the funeral of a military servicemember from liability. However the message that Phelps and the WBC spread is a matter of public concern only by the broadest interpretation of the phrase. Phelps’ message is not one of public debate. It is hateful, crude and offensive and offers no constructive public discourse. The fact that WBC uses high-profile funerals as its soapbox only compounds the damage done to American progress and open-mindedness. To call the message set forth by WBC a “matter of public concern” is to cheapen real matters of public concern, such as universal marriage rights or teachers unions’ rights to bargain. WBC is not engaging in a public debate: They are targeting the vulnerable and exploiting those in grievance in an effort to spread hate. Justice Roberts states in his opinion, “As a nation we have chosen a different course — to protect even hurtful speech on public issues to ensure that we do not stifle public debate.” I cannot disagree with this notion, but find it inapplicable to the case at hand. The speech being addressed here is not “hurtful,” it is hateful.

In his dissenting opinion, Justice Alito wrties, “In order to have a society in which public issues can be openly and vigorously debated, it is not necessary to allow the brutalization of innocent victims.” If the Supreme Court seeks to further public debate and bolster citizens’ rights to voice their beliefs, “Snyder v. Phelps” is possibly the worst case for them to use in this pursuit. These are noble goals and ideals that our country was founded on. To allow Phelps and the WBC to stand on these notions is a misallocation of Supreme Court authority. I am proud to live in a country that upholds its citizens’ right to be heard but saddened to live in a society that fosters the hatred and intolerance demonstrated by Fred Phelps and the WBC. The right to free speech protected the civil-rights movement and is an integral weapon in the movement toward equal rights for the LGBT community. To use that right, the sword of the minority, to justify Phelps’ actions and those of the Westboro Baptist Church is a distortion of the Constitution. ■ Angela D. Giampolo, principal of Giampolo Law Group, maintains offices in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and specializes in LGBT law, business law, real-estate law and civil rights. Her website is and she maintains two blogs, and Send Angela your legal questions at


Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


Double the pregnancies, double the fun Pregnancy is tough enough when one childbirth. person in a couple is carrying a child. Ellis and Henderson are not the first When both are, though — a uniquely leslesbian couple to be pregnant together bian possibility — life can get especially — celebrity chef Cat Cora and her spouse complicated. Sarah Kate Ellis and Kristen Jennifer Cora are perhaps the most famous Henderson’s new memoir of example, having had their third and fourth children about simultaneous pregnancies, three months apart in 2009. “Times Two: Two Women in And Discovery Health’s 2008 Love and the Happy Family television special “Quads with They Made,” is a welcome addition to the small genre of Two Moms” profiled a lesbian LGBT parenting chronicles — couple who each gave birth although some might consider to twins within a day of each the tale of double the hormones, other. mood swings and postpartum Such examples are rarities, exhaustion to be more of a cauhowever, even among a comtionary tale. munity known for “alternative” Ellis is a marketing executive approaches to family creation. What stands out about Ellis in New York City. Henderson Dana Rudolph and Henderson’s tale, however, is a founding member of the is not the oddity of their dual all-female rock band Antigone pregnancies, but the normality of their Rising. In alternating chapters, they tell lives. They register at Babies “R” Us. They their intertwining tale of coming out, falling in love and starting a family. each have supportive — though occasionally interfering — parents and extended They did not intend to coordinate pregnancies. When Ellis had fertility problems, families. Ellis’ jobs at Real Simple and Henderson decided also to start trying to Vogue magazines place her firmly among conceive. Much to their surprise, they both the hordes of urban yuppies. (Whether become pregnant within three days of each that’s “normal” may be debatable, but it’s certainly mainstream.) Henderson’s band other. may have toured with the Rolling Stones, Along the way to parenthood, they discover their resiliency as a couple as they Aerosmith and Joan Jett, but she is far bond over the side effects of pregnancy from living a stereotypical, glamorous — heartburn, hemorrhoids and swollen “rock star” life. And Ellis craves ice cream ankles — and agree to disagree over issues and pickles, perhaps the biggest pregnancy cliché of all. such as whether to know the genders of their children and whether to try natural As with all books about parenting, not


Immediate end to ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ urged The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO — Gayrights advocates on Monday filed a challenge to a request by the Obama administration to keep the repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy in place while the Pentagon prepares for an end to the ban on allowing gays to serve openly in the military. In a brief filed in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, lawyers for gay political group Log Cabin Republicans said keeping the policy in place was “absurd.” At issue is the constitutionality of Congress allowing the policy to stay in effect to give the Pentagon time to train troops and take other steps outlined in December when lawmakers repealed the 1993 law that put the ban in place. Under the new policy, the restrictions remain until the Pentagon certifies that the change won’t damage combat readiness.

The repeal came several months after a federal district judge issued an injunction barring enforcement of the military ban declaring in September that the policy was unconstitutional. The Obama administration request to keep the policy in place was made in its brief challenging the injunction. Dan Woods, who is representing the Log Cabin Republicans, replied in the brief filed Monday. “Even though a judge found this to be unconstitutional and the administration is not disagreeing with that, they are still investigating and able to discharge people,” he said. Earlier this year, the administration said it would no longer defend the federal law that bars recognition of gay marriages. President Obama had concluded that any law that treats gay people differently is unconstitutional unless it serves a compelling governmental interest. ■

every reader will agree with every choice the two make. I cringed a little at Ellis’ outrage that if they didn’t find out the genders of both babies in advance, one child would get “gender-appropriate gifts” but the other would receive gender-neutral baby gear in green and yellow, as if that was a bad thing. But even though I dislike the automatic pink/blue separation of children based on biological gender, I find it useful to be reminded that even lesbians are bound to have a diversity of opinion on this as well as other matters. Sometimes even the nontraditional can be traditional. Speaking of diversity, however: In reading “Times Two,” it struck me that I can think of no full-length memoir, novel or movie about lesbian parenthood that was not about white, middle-class lesbians — and I say that as one myself. And while we need stories of all types of lesbian moms — even white, middle-class lesbian moms have varied and important tales to tell — I’d like to see greater racial and socioeconomic diversity. The fact is, almost four times as many lesbian couples raising children (and twoand-a-half times as many gay male ones) receive public assistance, compared to opposite-sex married ones, according to Gary Gates of the Williams Institute at UCLA, using data from Census 2010. Black or Latino same-sex couples are twice as likely as white ones to be raising children, and more likely to face economic hardships. And Census data doesn’t even let us count single lesbian or gay parents.

So why don’t we hear the stories of nonwhite, non-middle-class lesbian moms or other LGBT parents? Many live in states without laws protecting LGBT people against employment or housing discrimination, places that layer bias against LGBT people on top of a history of racial prejudice. If we have yet to hear their voices, we cannot blame them for keeping silent to protect their families, or for spending time earning a living rather than writing books. And, simply put, mainstream media still favors white over any other color. Yet these families do appear if we look hard, in the few LGBT parenting anthologies and the occasional newspaper article. Publishers should seek out the best of these stories for full-length treatment. Novelists and screenwriters should mine them for nuggets that could be incorporated into fiction. That is not a criticism of Ellis and Henderson. They have a unique story that should be told, and they do it with a warmth and honesty that shows on every page. It is just that at the end of the book, when they watch “The Kids Are All Right” — the hit movie about (white, middle class) lesbian moms — and comment that lesbian moms are now “totally mainstream,” I can’t help thinking that it’s only true for a certain segment of us. Some of us may be mainstream, but others are still hidden in the shadows. ■ Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher of Mombian (, a blog and resource directory for LGBT parents.

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14 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011



Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011



16 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011

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Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


ACLU to schools: Stop web filtering LGBT content By Heather Hollingsworth The Associated Press KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The American Civil Liberties Union sent letters Monday to schools in Missouri and Michigan telling them to stop blocking students’ access to educational websites about gay, lesbian and transgender issues. Besides the letters to the North Kansas City School District and Rochester Community Schools, the ACLU also is sending requests for information about web-filtering programs to school districts in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Wisconsin and Washington. The Missouri district blamed a technical problem for sites being blocked, and the Michigan district said it’s looking into it. Meanwhile, the North Kansas City School District’s filtering provider Lightspeed Systems reclassified one LGBT website Monday so it would be less likely to be blocked. The ACLU first addressed the issue in 2009 when it filed a lawsuit over access

to LGBT websites in the Knoxville and Nashville school districts in Tennessee. The districts ultimately agreed to stop using filtering software to block those sites. Since then, the organization has received numerous complaints that schools are continuing to block LGBT sites, prompting the national campaign. “Before it was a game of whack-a-mole,” said Joshua Block, staff attorney for ACLU’s Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender & AIDS Project. “You would fix it in one school district, and it would pop up in another.” The ACLU identified the schools it is contacting by working with the Yale Law School on a campaign called “Don’t Filter Me,” which asked students to check if their schools are blocking content by having them look up eight LGBT sites. Five provide educational and support while the ACLU characterizes the other three as antigay for encouraging gays and lesbians to change their sexual orientation. Block said filtering systems are set up to block out a range of content, from Internet gambling and shopping sites to social media and sports sites. The ACLU had no prob-

lems blocking out sexually explicit content, but Block said that’s not the aim of the filters blocking out LGBT content. One filter provider has a warning that pops up on students’ screens when they go to off-limits websites, telling them their search is being blocked because it’s LGBT and that their Internet use is being monitored. Block said that for an LGBT student without a supportive home environment, “that’s not very helpful, to say the least.” He said that while it’s legal for parents and private schools to block LGBT material, it’s another thing when public schools do it. Schools aren’t allowed to limit access just because they disagree with a group’s viewpoint, he said. He also said the ACLU is looking into whether the web-filtering vendors know their public-school customers are using their software to block material that students should be able to access. The record requests that the ACLU is sending to schools are seeking a range of details, including the types of content blocked under filtering software’s default settings. He said getting companies to address the

issue could prove easier than approaching thousands of schools. “At a minimum, the companies should warn public schools that some of the filter categories aren’t appropriate,” Block said. Rochester Community Schools said in a statement that it is in the process of “reviewing the filtering rules in the software” it uses from DeepNines Technologies and said this was the first time this issue had come up. Scott O’Neill, a spokesperson for Netsweeper Inc., which acquired DeepNines earlier this year, said he couldn’t discuss the Rochester situation specifically, but that if a school is inappropriately blocking content, that’s an issue the school should resolve internally. North Kansas City Schools said in a news release that two LGBT websites that the ACLU said were closed are now open and accessible. Amy Bennett, a spokesperson for Lightspeed Systems, North Kansas City Schools’ filtering provider, said the company’s default settings should have allowed students to view the two sites that the ACLU said were blocked. ■




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20 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011

people’s privacy, rather than giving them state recognition.


Northern Ireland school gets first GSA

Maltese trans wins right to be recognized as male A transgender man in Malta has won the right to have his birth certificate changed to male. The 26-year-old, who is not being named for legal reasons, was born female but said he had always felt and acted like a man. He has had gender-reassignment surgery abroad. Malta insists that trans men and women must have “irreversible” surgery in order to change gender. Justice Joseph Azzopardi granted his request to change his birth certificate and his name and ordered the public registry to make the changes. The case follows a transgender woman’s struggle to be allowed to marry. Joanne Cassar has won and lost her battle at various levels of the Maltese court system since 2004. The Director of Public Registry has denied her requests and claims that genderidentity laws were created to protect trans

A school in Northern Ireland is the first in the country to form a student gay-straight alliance. Teachers at Shimna Integrated College in Newcastle, County Down, hope the initiative will help tackle antigay bullying. Kevin Lambe, principal at Shimna Integrated College, said that while other bullying had mostly disappeared, homophobic bullying remains common. “Most bullying, most racism has been publicly gotten rid of,” he said. “Words that you are called because of your religion, because of your skin color, most of that has disappeared. But homophobic bullying, I’m sorry to say, is quite common. As the form of bullying which most induces young people to harm themselves or even kill themselves, surely we can’t turn away from that and say, ‘Oh, that’s a delicate type of bullying, we can’t really deal with that.’” Lambe added that no parents had complained about the alliance. “I haven’t had a single parent say a negative word about it,” he said. “I’ve had positive words about it, but no negativity at all. Let’s be honest, homophobic bullying happens openly, therefore I really believe you have to react to it and deal with it openly.” The school has been praised by Northern

Ireland LGBT group Rainbow Project. “Homophobic bullying is a serious and prevalent problem across schools in Northern Ireland,” said Gavin Boyd, education equality officer. “It is not frequently discussed in schools and many teachers are unsure of how or even if they should intervene when they witness homophobic bullying. There are young people, teachers and principals in schools all over Northern Ireland who want to make sure that their school is a safe and welcoming place for everyone, but perhaps they don’t know how to achieve this or if they will have support in tackling homophobic bullying.”

consensual sex act. Fraser had tied a shoelace around Moore’s neck. Pleading guilty to manslaughter, he claimed that Moore unexpectedly lost consciousness and died. The Supreme Court was told about the 2005 case after prosecutors argued that it showed Fraser was aware of the risks of erotic asphyxiation. The jury was dismissed after Fraser’s guilty plea. He will return to court in April.

Australian man pleads guilty to asphyxia murder

Gay rugby star Gareth Thomas will be attending the upcoming royal wedding. The athlete was recently in London to be fitted for a suit for Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding. “I’m a friend of William through rugby,” he said. “I’m just going to the service. I’m not nervous about it. It will be good.” Thomas, who came out in 2009, is now a gay-rights advocate and has spoken out against bullying in sports. The star is to be the subject of a Mickey Rourke film about his life.

An Australian gay man has pleaded guilty to the murder of a lover halfway through his trial. David Richard Fraser, of Adelaide, admits strangling 28-year-old Luke Noonan during a sex act involving erotic asphyxia in September 2009. Fraser, 36, initially denied murdering Noonan, but changed his plea March 28. The South Australian Supreme Court heard that he had wrapped a belt around Noonan’s neck during sex. At the time of the younger man’s death, Fraser was on parole following a conviction for the manslaughter of another man during a sex game. In 2005, he killed Shaine Moore during a

Out rugby star to attend royal wedding

Suffolk Pride canceled Suffolk Pride has been cancelled because organizers have not been able to raise the funds to hold it. The event, which began in 2009, was to

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Friday, April 22, 7:00 PM. Passover Shabbat Dinner & Discussion. A Passover-style dinner will be followed by teaching and discussion. A brief Shabbat service will start the evening. Please RSVP; send $25 per per person c/o Marcia Biggs at the synagogue office. Friday, April 29, 8:00 PM. Equality Forum Shabbat Services. Please join us for a special Shabbat with Sharon Singer, Director of Public Affairs and Social Media at the Consulate General of Israel in Philadelphia.

Free secure parking: Cross Spring Garden at 13th St., left at next Beth Ahavah and Rodeph Shalom are affiliated in spirit and share a sacred home. In July 2007 light, Mt. Vernon St. Beth Ahavah affiliated with Rodeph Shalom. Beth Ahavah retains its congregational status within Parking lot entrance the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) and proudly offers its congregation dual membership at on left.

both synagogues.


Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


OPENLY GAY RUGBY PLAYER GARETH THOMAS SANS TUX GATES TO END INDIA AIDS FUNDING: Bill Gates (top, from left), India’s third richest man Azim Premji, Melinda Gates and billionaire investor Warren Buffett speak at a be held on June 18. has few gay businesses, compared to areas March 24 press conference in New Delhi, India, urging India’s rich to help the country’s poor. AP Photo: Mustafa Quraishi Chairman Rod Flory said last year’s festi- like Brighton and London.

val cost $22,387 to stage, but that the money could not be found this year. “Most of the funds for last year came from public grants but they’re just not available this year,” Flory said. “The money’s not there anymore. We’re not blaming anyone. It’s just the way things are right now. We decided last week to cancel it and concentrate almost immediately on next year’s event.” He said organizers would be looking to the private sector for support for 2012’s event, although he conceded that Suffolk

Flory rejected suggestions that Suffolk Pride could charge visitors an entry fee, like Brighton Pride plans to. There will be no event to replace Suffolk Pride, although Norwich Pride is still set to go ahead. “Last year’s event was very successful,” Flory said. “We don’t want to do something mediocre this year. We want to leave them on a high from last year and come back in 2012 to hit them with a really strong event.”

Gates ends HIV funding for India Microsoft founder Bill Gates has announced that his foundation will no longer fund a plan to decrease rates of HIV in India. The Avahan initiative, which helped 80,000 gay and bisexual men, will be pulled after 2012. “The Avahan initiative has been a phenomenal success,” Gates said. “I should note,

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Image Courtesy of Germantown Historical Society

though, that the government of India has been together on this every step of the way. In fact, in the years ahead, most of the ongoing work on prevention would be funded by the government.” Gates committed almost $338 million to fight the HIV/AIDS epidemic in India. The work will be taken over by the National AIDS Control Organization after Gates relinquishes his duties. ■ — compiled by Larry Nichols


22 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


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Congratulations PGN staff!

Our staff won five awards in the 2010 Suburban Newspapers of America editorial contest PAGE 1

Health care act, national HIV strategy bold steps to end AIDS By Matthew McClain President, McClain and Associates Public Health Policy and Planning When future historians write their books on the AIDS crisis in America, this year may need its own chapter to tell how health reform and a national AIDS plan — both new in 2010 — helped to end the epidemic once and for all. So how does health reform required by the Affordable Care Act — ACA for short — impact people living with HIV/AIDS? Right now, fewer than one in five people living with HIV has private insurance. Nearly one-third do not have any coverage at all. When fully implemented in 2014, ACA will help ensure people living with HIV/AIDS will have secure, stable, affordable health insurance

and the relief they management and Notable years the history of need from skyrockother medical and AIDS in America eting health-insursupportive services 1991: The Ryan White Program was ance costs. through the federally launched, bringing new federal fundMedicaid, the funded Ryan White federal-state pro- ing to care for people living with HIV Program. Yet this in the Philadelphia region and 15 other gram that provides funding is not guarhealthcare benefits big cities anteed from year to to low-income peo- 1994: AZT was found to protect newyear. So advocates ple and people with borns from HIV must continuously 1996: The age of combination therapy disabilities, has long lobby Washington been a major source arrives for every dollar, of coverage for 2009: The ban on the use of federal every year. people with AIDS, funds for syringe-exchange programs The ACA will is lifted as is Medicare, the address some, but 2010: Enactment of the Patient federal program for not all, of these Protection and Affordable Care Act seniors and people problems. Already, with disabilities. The (ACA) and launch of the nation’s first insurers cannot deny Ryan White Program National HIV/AIDS Strategy coverage to children is another key source living with HIV/ of funding for health AIDS. They are also and social services for people living prohibited from canceling coverage for with HIV/AIDS. Currently, of the nearly adults or children unless they can show 30,000 people living with HIV/AIDS in evidence of fraud in an application. And the Delaware Valley, more than 12,000 of insurers can no longer impose a lifetime them receive primary care, medical case cap on benefits. Health insurers offering

new plans will have to develop an appeals process to make it easy for enrollees to dispute the denial of a medical claim. ACA brought $160 million federal dollars to Pennsylvania as of July 2010 to provide coverage for uninsured residents with preexisting medical conditions through a new transitional high-risk pool program, funded entirely by the federal government. It also for the first time gives Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware the option of federal Medicaid funding for coverage for all lowincome populations, irrespective of age, disability or family status as soon as the state applies for a special waiver that is available now. In addition to expanding coverage, the authors of the ACA wisely thought about how the estimated 30 million Americans who will be newly covered by 2019 will get their health care and who will provide the care. So, things like increased federal funding for community health centers and programs to expand the health-care work

PGN Staff First Place, Best Special Section World AIDS Supplement



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See STRATEGY, Page 4

Local activists press for cure By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

The AIDS Policy Project, headquartered in Philadelphia and San Francisco, is taking a rarely employed approach to the HIV/ AIDS epidemic, pressing not for enhanced prevention and treatment methods but for a more final solution: a cure. Kate Krauss, founder and executive director of the project, said she and other staffers have worked both in the prevention and treatment arenas and, while both are crucial in the fight against HIV/ AIDS, researchers need to start looking further into the future. “We know that prevention is not going to save the lives of the 33 million people who have AIDS now,” she said. “And treatment is very different when it comes to different countries: There are about 15 million people who need treatment immediately, but only about 36 percent are actually receiving it. The number of people with AIDS is increasing and most don’t have access to treatment, so they’re just dying.” Krauss said she’s seen a disconnect between those in the HIV/ AIDS community and HIV/AIDS researchers on this issue. “Many researchers think people

with AIDS are perfectly happy with their treatment and aren’t concerned about wanting a cure,” Krauss noted. “But people we’ve worked with who have AIDS are just stunned by that. Most of them have no idea that there would be any confusion over whether people with AIDS would want a cure found.” Just recently, Krauss was Skyped in the middle of the night by an HIV-positive man in Pakistan, who was interested in learning more about the work of The AIDS Policy Project. She said the man was on his second line of therapy, which wasn’t working well, and worried that he wouldn’t be able to afford to keep trying new drug combinations. Despite countless situations like that man’s, however, Krauss said researchers in the field have historically been resistant to opening up a discussion about a cure, an effort The AIDS Policy Project is hoping to fuel. “A lot of researchers have said it’s no longer necessary to look for a cure because the treatments are so tremendous. I’ve seen researchers use air quotes around the word ‘cure,’ and seen them whisper the word. And that’s really an issue. We want to connect activists and people with AIDS with

the researchers so they can just shake them and say, ‘Yes, you’re doing great work, but we do need a cure.’” The AIDS Policy Project last week hosted a town-hall meeting in Philadelphia to help educate the public about cure research. One of the most well-known efforts is the Berlin Patient, an HIV-positive German man with leukemia whose infection was cured in 2008 after he received a stem-cell transplant from a donor with a CCR5 double deletion, a mutation that makes cells highly resistant to AIDS. That case has spurred a number of research initiatives that utilize less risky methods, Krauss said. Cure research is being conducted at the University of Pennsylvania by Drs. Carl June and Pablo Tebas, as well as at the Quest lab in San Francisco, the University of California at Los Angeles and the University of Southern California. At the latter location, Dr. Paula Cannon administered human stemcell transplants in mice to create human immune systems and then infected the mice with HIV. Mice whose systems had been genetically modified to remove ALIVE WTH ACTIVISM: Philadelphians are reminded of HIV/AIDS

By Gary M. Kramer PGN Contributor John Waters may be a role model to his fans, but whom does he admire? In his terrific new book, “Role Models,” Waters writes about what he calls “the amazing people who inspire” him. The choices are, as his fans might expect, an eclectic collection of outsiders, ranging from fashion designer Rei Kawakubo and artist Cy Twombly to the singer Little Richard. But the one quality they all share is that they have lived, as Waters puts it, “an extreme life.”



budgetary, health and policy issues because of ACT-UP’s frequent See CAMPAIGN, Page 6 protests. Photos: Scott A. Drake

SEPT. 18 - 24, 2009

Sitting in the living room of his Baltimore home, surrounded by books and copious amounts of fake food — from a plastic hamburger on the window sill to a tempting box of chocolates on the table — the filmmaker explains what it takes to be one of his role models: “They are certainly people who have survived something — whether it’s great success, or great horror. They have had to be braver [than me]. They can inspire me through patience like Leslie Van Houten, who has been in jail for 40 years for something terrible she did, or being the opposite of me, like Johnny

SEPT. 18 - 24, 2009

By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer

At this point in her career, either you get Meshell Ndegeocello or you don’t. Unlike many of her peers, after 16 years of delivering powerfully soulful and stylistically diverse albums, the queer singer and multi-instrumentalist is showing no signs of losing her artistic edge. Ndegeocello first came to national attention as one of the first artists signed to Madonna’s Maverick Records label in the early 1990s. Her first album, 1993’s “Plantation Lullabies,” was a critical success, earning three Grammy nominations for “If That’s Your Boyfriend (He Wasn’t Last Night).” At the time, many credited Ndegeocello with sparking the neo-soul movement, but she never was one to get too caught up in categorizing her own music. “I just make what I make,” she said. “I do the best that I can. I try to have a good time. I stay interested in other music. I don’t really believe in genres. They’re all connected. Neo-soul, I don’t believe in that. I know I was given that moniker for a minute. The best I can do is be true to myself and express myself to the best of my abil-

ity.” Apparently her ability has grown over the years. Her upcoming album, “Devil’s Halo,” is an aural feast that finds Ndegeocello serving up an irresistible combination of R&B, rock, new wave and everything in between with fiery and sultry abandon. The independent label Mercer Street/Downtown Records is releasing the new album. Ndegeocello and Maverick parted ways in 2003, and her 2007 album “The World Has Made Me the Man of My Dreams” was released on the jazz label EmArcy. Ndegeocello said there were never any hard feelings or discord between her and Maverick during her time there or after the split. “I loved being on Maverick,” she said. “I never felt stifled creatively. They let me do whatever I wanted to do.. I just don’t think they knew what to do with me in terms of promotion or getting the music out there. I really liked my experience on Mercer. They’ve been super-supportive. It’s a different energy, for lack of a better word. I’m just always happy to make music. I’m not really involved with all the inner workings. I always have a good time. I’m happy to get a budget to try and be as creative as possible.”

Still, it can be argued that Ndegeocello’s creativity has expanded since her split with Maverick. “Devil’s Halo” and “The World Has Made Me the Man of My Dreams” both seem to draw from a wider range of genres than her Maverick albums. But Ndegeocello said that was more a result of where her head was at the time. “That’s just evolution and growth,” she said of her everevolving sound. “I’m around different people living in a different world. I’m exposed to a lot of different things. I definitely feel more excited about music now than I did back then just because I’m in a better place in my life. I did a world-music record on a European label [2005’s “The Spirit Music Jamia: Dance of the Infidel”] and it was a lot of fun to exorcise some of my demons. I don’t think too much about what other people are expecting of me. I just try to listen to as many artists as I can and maintain excitement about music.” For “Devil’s Halo,” Ndegeocello made a point to say that she focused on musicianship and live-band energy over the use of advanced technology and studio tricks, on which she thinks many musicians have become too dependent. “It’s too broad of a generalization, but sorry to say I do believe that. I’ve made several records with other people.

Everyone is really dependent on Pro Tools and Auto-Tune. It was getting a little stagnant. It was really fun to make a record on tape with no click [track] and no Pro Tools.” Ndegeocello is frank about the creative process involved in her new album, but when it comes to the meaning behind “Devil’s Halo,” she gets mercurial. “That there is a gray area,” she said. “That’s all. Everything is not so black and white.” We can’t be mad at her for that; the results are phenomenal. One of the most striking tracks on the album is her cover of “Love You Down,” a song by ’80s Prince & The Revolution wannabes Ready for the World. The original song might not have aged well, but Ndegeocello’s cover reinvents the dated slow jam as a powerfully sexy, yet ambient, crusher of a song. “I grew up with that,” she said. “It was one of the songs that shaped my creativity: Ready for the World and Prince. It was just like time-traveling back to first feeling my hormones kicking in. I just tried to relive that. I love the song. It’s sexy and nice. I just tried to put a little Wu-Tang in it. Hopefully people will enjoy it and move their body to it, make love and have a good time.” Ndegeocello’s knack for genre-mixing and her proficiency on many different instruments frequently earned her comparisons to Prince. Yet, while it was a heady experience to be compared to one of her idols, being in the same room with him wasn’t exactly what she expected. “It’s amazingly flattering,” she said about the comparison. “That’s what I wanted to be. It’s not only flattering, it’s inspiring. It means I’m OK. I’m doing all right. But then I met him and that wasn’t so great. He’s a jerk, I’m sorry to say. I’d tell it to his face. I remember getting that first record ‘For You’ and playing each side over and over again, learning all the bass lines and telling myself my goal is to make records. Even though he’s a jerk, he’s one of the greatest songwriters of our time and he deserves all the accolades that anyone could possibly give him.” Ndegeocello said despite her respect for Prince’s accomplishments, she couldn’t appreciate the talented megastar’s insular way of life.


Waters has always “stuck up for those people who had a tough time,” and this is why his fans like the way he thinks. “Everybody feels they are an outsider,” he says. Waters’ chapter on Tennessee Williams is especially revealing. After reading Williams’ “One Arm” — which he confesses to stealing from the library, because it was forbidden — he writes, “[I] didn’t have to worry about fitting in with a crowd I didn’t want to hang out with in the first place ... Didn’t want to be part of this dreary conformist life that I was told I had to join.”


“I’ve had personal interactions with him. He’s created this bubble. My dare to him is like, dude, come hang out with me in Brooklyn. We’ll go get some Levis 501s, some Tims and some T-shirts. How about you hang out with some regular folks and just have a regular experience because you’ve created something that’s like a surreal reality. Not to be weird. I’m not like the dinosaurs. They couldn’t see their demise. “Being in the time I am now, I get to look back on so many artists in terms of drug use, megalomania and other self-destructive behaviors. And I’m really glad that music is first and foremost to me and not fame and other things that people are battling with. Let’s sit on the porch and play some music.” It’s that laidback approach to the flow of creativity that has also made Ndegeocello so in demand as a producer. She said she looks for “individuality and openness” in the artists with whom she works.

A departure from the ordinary

The many faces of Meshell

Mathis. Or they can inspire me as a kid, as Madalyn Murray O’Hair did, even though she turned out to be kind of a horrible person. Sometimes we have to embrace the extremes in people that change the laws and how we live, even if they are not so honorable.” Embracing extremes is what Waters has done from his infamous 1972 classic cult film “Pink Flamingos” to his more mainstream success with “Hairspray.” (The latter became a hit Broadway musical, followed by a hit Hollywood film version/remake, and a sequel to the movie-musical is due out this summer).


happen in a studio. When I write a song, especially these songs, it was kind of a simple process. I wanted to make something that could exist with just a vocal and a guitar. But some of them grew from that. That’s why I like being more of a musician than being a recording artist. I like the challenge of bringing things to life.” She also said the songs will vary from night to night and that she and her band are still trying to figure out which ones to perform. “We’re all e-mailing each other now, submitting what we want to play. It’s interesting what everyone is choosing. It’s going to be a surprise. We have a very socialist band. Everyone has an opinion. I promised someone close to me that I’d play some old songs, so I’m curious to see what we come up with. We have to switch up or we’d kill each other. A few of the musicians I play with come from improvisational backgrounds. So in order to keep it fresh, especially for me, I have to switch it around or I become sort of tedious. I know that’s hard on the audience sometimes, but I definitely like to switch the setlist up.” That being said, when asked if they would be open to spontaneous requests (like if a certain PGN staff writer stood on a barstool shouting out song titles), Ndegeocello said, with a chuckle … “No. Um [thinking about it] … no. I play with musicians that have other groups they play with and their own lives. So we get together right before the tour and rehearse two weeks before and we prepare a certain number of songs that we can play well. I have a large catalog, but I don’t try to get the musicians to learn all eight records. That would be difficult.” We’re not mad at her. “Devil’s Halo” will be released Oct. 6. Meshell Ndegeocello performs at 7 p.m. Oct. 19 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. For more information, visit www. or call (215) 222-1400. � Larry Nichols can be reached at

“Lately I mostly get called to do improvisational musicians,” she said. “So I have to really enjoy their playing and their technique. They have to be someone I can be around for eight hours at a time and that we enjoy each other and find some kind of connection. I [like to] create an environment that allows the artist to be themselves and get to what they are trying to achieve.” Ndegeocello is about to hit the road in support of “Devil’s Halo,” requiring her and her band to figure out how to execute some of the new songs in a live setting. She said the live-performance element doesn’t weigh too heavily on her mind when she records. “I was just asked to produce this French artist who specifically told me she wanted to have a record that could sound exactly the same live. When I’m making a record, I kind of have the Steely Dan approach: We’re making a record. It can be whatever it is in this environment but it may change live. I just like to use what I have access to and be open to whatever can happen that maybe only can


By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer Photos by Scott A. Drake It was a beautiful day in the Gayborhood last weekend for the 19th annual OutFest. Rainbows abounded on clothes, pets and buildings as entertainers energized the already-rowdy crowd, and community organizations and activists turned out in full force to take part in the world’s largest Coming Out Day celebration. Franny Price, executive director of Philly Pride Presents, which stages the annual street festival, estimated that some 45,000 LGBTs and allies celebrated in the Gayborhood last Sunday. Attendance was slightly higher than last year and evidently not impacted by the National March for Equality, which took place in Washington, D.C., the same day. About 135 vendors set up shop throughout the streets of the Gayborhood, selling artisan goods and LGBT-related merchandise and informing passersby about local LGBT-service organizations and other resources.

Henri David hosted the entertainment on the main stage — which included performances by Hunter Valentine, Barry Brandon, Anne Simoni, Allazae, NIO, L.Y.F.E., local drag performers, The Attic Youth Center participants and entertainers with Cirque du Soleil — and representatives from LGBT health clinic the Mazzoni Center and the William Way LGBT Community Center, as well as Attic Youth volunteer Khalil Nelson, all took the stage to accept awards from Philly Pride Presents. Returning this year were the annual high-heel race and penis-shaped bagel-eating contest, and back by popular demand was a mechanical bull that Price said was a big hit with last week’s crowd. Price noted this year marked only the second time in OutFest’s history that the event actually fell on Oct. 11, the designated National Coming Out Day, which she said made this year’s celebration even more momentous. “The whole day was so great. There was just so much going on. Everything was special in its own little way.”

Scott A. Drake Honorable Mention, Best Photojournalism “Outfest”

Photos: Mark Seliger

OCT. 16 - 22, 2009

Tens of thousands come out for OutFest

Scott A. Drake Honorable Mention, Best News Photo “Historic Storm”

Larry Nichols Second Place, Best Arts & Entertainment Writing-Feature “The Many Faces of Meshell”

A handful of representatives of antigay group Repent America with signs and a microphone near the corner of 13th and Locust streets, where the main-stage entertainment was taking place. Five years ago, several Repent America members were arrested for protesting OutFest, and the Third Circuit Court of Appeals last year upheld a lower court’s ruling that the group was permitted to attend the event but could not “move from distributing literature and wearing signs to disruption of the permitted activities.” Price said she thought the group’s use of a microphone was on the border of that stipulation. “They were a little bit loud when they first got there,” she said. “And it was disappointing because the ruling allows them to be there and express their FirstAmendment rights, but not to disrupt the event. But the police did cut them off from the microphone eventually when the festival really got going and the louder they got, so we were happy about that.” Philadelphia Police spokesperson Officer Jill Russell said no arrests were made during OutFest.

OCT. 16 - 22, 2009

A Norristown woman said she sustained injuries after she tried to intervene in a fight on 13th Street outside Woody’s. The woman said four officers attempted to break up the fight between two other women she knew, and that a Civil Affairs officer threw her to the ground, knocking her unconscious. Officer Mitchell Spritzler of the office of Chief Inspector James Tiano, the police LGBT liaison, said the report from the incident cited that the participants were intoxicated and that police broke up a fight between the women twice. He said police offered medical assistance to the woman who was injured but that she declined. The woman told PGN the officers did not offer medical assistance. � Jen Colletta can be reached at




Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011

PGN’s f ifth annual list of what’s to love about Philly

AC ul t ure rts


Bulletin Board Family Portrait Out & About Q Puzzle Scene in Philly Worth Watching

Page 40 Page Page Page Page Page

35 36 39 31 38



24 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011

PINK PENNY V Once again, PGN has unleashed its journalistic army to tirelessly scour the ends of the earth, shedding many a gallon of blood, sweat and tears, to give you our two cents about the best, brightest and most interesting things, people and places out there. Now, when we say “army,” we really mean one mentally unstable staff writer, an overworked editor, a sleep-deprived photographer, one soon-to-be-replaced bicycle and the remaining writers, designers and sales reps who championed for their causes but don’t want their name on it. When we say “tirelessly,” we really mean until we got tired, which was often and easy. When we say “scour,” we really mean whatever we happened to bump into or brush up against in our zombie-like death marches for coffee and/or booze during our many, many misadventures. And when we say “ends of the earth,” we really mean you’re lucky if we even bothered to leave Center City. And those gallons of blood, sweat and tears were 99-percent tears. But it’s all love — and just a bit of venom. Do you think you can do better? We didn’t think so. Enjoy ...

PEOPLE AND GROUPS LIE WE’VE BEEN TOLD: The Nizah Morris homicide case file

was “found” in an inbox in the police archives. Here’s what we know: Nizah Morris was found with a fatal head wound shortly after receiving a police courtesy ride Dec. 22, 2002. At most, she was dropped off 10 minutes and two blocks away from where she was found. Since her death, ruled a homicide by the medical examiner, police “lost” her file and had to reconstruct it from the District Attorney’s copy. Insert Police Advisory Commission case review for police misconduct, a lawsuit by PGN writer Timothy Cwiek to obtain a copy of the file, a noncommittal promise by DA candidate Seth Williams to consider releasing the file and a new PAC to review the case again. And after eight years, police found the file. Though we haven’t seen it per se, we’re told it doesn’t contain 911 transcripts. PGN wonders what else it doesn’t contain. PISSING CONTEST: Philly Pride vs. Sunday Out When Sunday Out announced it was moving its LGBT event this year to Penn’s Landing six weeks before Philly Pride, which has called the location home for many years, it was like the two most popular girls in school showed up at prom with the same dress. The claws came out. Dirty looks were exchanged. Hair was pulled. We heard one of them bit off a piece of the other’s ear in the melee. It was brutal. But Philly Pride proved itself to be the queen

Have an affair at Valanni ��������������

Thinking of having an affair?





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STEPHEN GLASSMAN All photos by Scott A. Drake

bee of summer LGBT festivals in Philly.

prevent the disease.

POLITICAL SHOWDOWN (LOCAL): Philadelphia vs. Boy Scouts The wrangling over the city-owned building occupied by the antigay Boy Scouts of America has been a frustrating, drawn-out and fascinating shell game of legal hot potato that has managed to make the city look as backward as the organization it has tried — and failed — to oust. Considering that most of its operations are run out of the King of Prussia office (that’s one way to avoid city wage tax!), it really seems the BSA council is now being petty and obstinate. And really, if you have a shitty tenant, do you sell them the rental? Hell, no. You evict them. Here’s to hope that someone outbids the Boy Scouts on the building like something out of a contentious eBay auction — and that the city lets the better sale go through.

PERSON WE’D LIKE TO SEE RUN FOR OFFICE: Stephen Glassman We know he has a job already — he’s the highest openly gay appointed person in the state’s history — and he’s good at it. But there has been a dearth of LGBT representation in local and state government that needs to be remedied. While that may change with the City Council race, the LGBT community still needs representation at the state level. Don’t get us wrong: We appreciate our allies. But it’s not the same as being able to speak with your own voice. Just ask the original Boston Tea Party, the women suffragists, the African Americans and Washington, D.C. Glassman has enough integrity, intelligence and empathy to make any form of public service work for us and, for that reason, we’d vote for him.

POLITICAL SHOWDOWN (NATIONAL): The (hopefully) imminent end of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Not the homerun we wanted it to be, but we’ll take it. We guess slow and steady does eventually win the race.

FAVE ACTIVIST GROUP: Philadelphians Against Subsidized Discrimination We’re pretty tired of the fact that the Boy Scouts of America Cradle of Liberty Council is getting a sweet deal for the property at 231-251 N. 22nd St. City Council granted the group the land in 1928, BSA erected the building and ownership reverted to the city. The city ordinance states the city could terminate the arrangement at any time with a year’s notice. Which is why we can’t understand why the BSA council is still in the building, discriminating against gays and atheists. Thankfully, we aren’t the only ones who are pissed off about it. Members of Philadelphians Against Subsidized Discrimination are advocating for a solution other than the one on the city’s table — which is, sell the BSA council the building for far below market value and wash our hands.

PLEASE, GET YOUR S#%T TOGETHER: Lindsay Lohan Girrrl, you almost flew under the radar because of Charlie Sheen, but we see you! FAVE PLACE TO VOLUNTEER: MANNA; With the state of health care being what it is, any help we can give to those with life-threatening illnesses, even bringing them a nutritious hot meal, is a huge help. Guess what’s coming in November? Pie! FAVE NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION: Philadelphia FIGHT; We really, really wish we didn’t need Philadelphia FIGHT. But we are most grateful this organization is here to educate and care for people with HIV/AIDS and research potential therapies to treat and

PERSON WE’D LIKE TO SEE RETIRE: Bill O’Reilly Runners-up: Glenn Beck, Michele


Bachmann, Matt Barber, Haley Barbour, Maggie Gallagher, Peter LaBarbera. Honorable mentions: Sarah Palin, Victoria Jackson, Newt Gingrich.

The festival has the most artistic bang for our bucks. Plus, despite the film-fest drama from a couple years ago, the other local LGBT festivals fight too much.

FAVE FUNDRAISER: Gay BINGO, every month at Gershman Y, 401 S. Broad St.; 215-545-4400 With its changing themes (punk rock, cabaret, Wizard of Oz, etc.) and over-the-top personalities running the show, this definitely isn’t granny’s church bingo. And it’s for a good cause to boot.

FAVE COMMUNITY-MINDED BUSINESS OUTFIT (BAR): The Tavern Group: Tavern on Camac, Uncles, Tabu So, you’re telling us we can go to our favorite watering hole and support various good causes at the same time? Sold! Truth is, we love the fact that the owners of Tavern back nonprofit organizations without broadcasting it or expecting to receive credit for their good deeds. It’s the type of humility that we can admire in others but aren’t sure if we can achieve ourselves. Kudos, and keep up the good work.

FAVE LGBT-THEMED EVENT: Miss’d America; An annual convergence of drag queens, celebrity judges and Atlantic City. This year, the contestants upped the vocal-talent level a notch. What’s not to love? FAVE SPORTS ORGANIZATION: Greater Philadelphia Flag Football League; Even without the violence of regular football, this is still more interesting than anything we’re seeing from the NFL — especially since there’s a good chance the NFL is going to sit out the next season thanks to the player lockout. The league, which recently sent a team to the Sunshine Cup in Florida, is still accepting players for the spring season. FAVE ENTERTAINER TO COME OUT IN THE LAST YEAR: Chely Wright We had to give it up to the country singer because, unlike most of the other entertainment figures to come out in the last year (Ricky Martin, Meredith Baxter, etc.), she’s taking the biggest risk with her career. Please note this doesn’t mean we’re now going to listen to country music. FAVE ARTS FESTIVAL: QFest;

FAVE COMMUNITY-MINDED BUSINESS: Media Copy, 1315 Walnut St.; 215-717-5151 It seems like every event program we pick up has Media Copy’s name on it. Which means the print shop is either donating a chunk of change or its services. Either way, the owners deserve some recognition for their good works. Kudos, and keep it up.

FOOD AND DRINK FAVE THING TO DO WITH OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS: City Food Tours; We like to keep our company, especially family, tired and distracted with their mouths full. We can barely stand to talk about our own B.S., let alone hear about theirs. City Food Tours serves up a variety of ways to spend a few hours being a Philly foodie, without the pretension or breaking the bank. Perfect for the in-laws — or for making us feel like tourists in our own city. FAVE AFTER-HOURS EATING: 13th Street Gourmet Pizza, 209 S. 13th St.; 215-546-4453

Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


A late-night slice of pizza was the cure-all for what went wrong, or the gastronomic high-five for everything that went right, while we were making the rounds in the Gayborhood. Whether they’re soaking up some of the alcohol in your system, solace for going home alone or replacing the calories you spent shaking your ass on the dance floor, nothing beats one of 13th Street’s heavenly gourmet slices. You can stop in or enjoy delivery. We like the quality vegetable, cheese and meat selections, though we’re still screwing up the courage to try the mac and cheese pizza. FAVE RESTAURANT DÉCOR: Chifa; 707 Chestnut St.; 215-925-5555 While Chifa’s cuisine is great, the restaurant really impresses with its décor, which looks like the kind of place international spies meet up to have clandestine meetings. FAVE APPETIZERS: Darling’s Diner; 1033 N. Second St; 267-239-5775 It’s so hard to make it to the main course with Darling’s Diner placing any one of its plentiful and irresistible appetizers in between you and your selected meal. Our faves are the ahi tuna on toasted pita, the Port Richmond pierogies, Harry’s mac and cheese and the calamari fries. And if you’re trying to be good, you can opt for the crudite plate of fresh veggies. FAVE NEW ESTABLISHMENT CAPITALIZING ON DIY: Tutti Frutti Yogurt; 1315 Walnut St.; 215-546-9600 Do-it-yourself yogurt has suddenly become the “it” thing in Philly, as manifested by the myriad yogurt shops that popped up in the last year. (Witness: three in a two-block radius just in the Gayborhood!) When it comes to the best yogurt taste, flavors, toppings and value, Tuffi Frutti definitely takes the crown and lives up to its



26 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011

name. FAVE DESSERT SELECTION: Fork, 306 Market St.; 215-623-9425 Most dessert menus have maybe two things that pique our interest. And if we’re really greedy that night, we’ll order both. Fork is a different story: Everything on the dessert menu looks good — and tastes 10 times better. FAVE COMFORT FOOD: Honey’s Sit ‘n Eat; 800 N. Fourth St.; 215-925-1150 Even when it’s cold outside, the line to get into Honey’s stretches around the block (or to the local tea shop). That’s how good the food is at this small NoLibs outpost — breakfast, lunch and dinner. Whatever you’re in the mood for, you’ll find it: fried green tomatoes, omelets, mahi mahi tacos, Frito chili pie and a list of specials. Try to save room for dessert and don’t forget to bring cash. FAVE FIRST-DATE RESTAURANT: Q Lounge, 1234 Locust St.; 215-7321800 Don’t take this to mean that we go on a lot of first dates. But we really like the secluded patio, away from the street noise. It’s romantic, no car fumes and you can hear your date talk. FAVE ASIAN FOOD: Le Viet,; 1019 S. 11th St.; 215-463-1570 We are suckers for Le Viet’s well-executed and reasonably priced exotic flavors.


No, we don’t always know what the dishes are. But we do know that we love the fresh ingredients, the friendly staff and the modern décor. Le Viet has the best summer rolls and vermicelli for our money. FAVE SMALL PLATES: Valanni/Social, 1229 Spruce St.; 215-790-9494 No matter how many times we visit, we are always impressed with the quality and excitement Valanni and Social bring to their imaginative dishes. We can’t resist the crispy Brussels sprouts and the spicy pulled-chicken empanadas. The drink menu is quite fetching as well. Don’t forget the half-priced tapas for happy hour. SHOULDN’T THIS BE ILLEGAL?:


Naked Chocolate, 1317 Walnut St.; 215735-7310 If Naked Chocolate were any more addictive, you’d see us on A&E’s “Intervention.” We have been told there are other fine chocolatiers in the city, some close by. We have received and enjoyed chocolates from these establishments. But we keep returning to Naked Chocolate. We can’t help ourselves. BEST-KEPT SECRET IN CHINATOWN: Nan Zhou Hand-Drawn Noodle House, 927 Race St.; 215-923-1550 If it were any more obscure, there would be a hidden doorway, a secret knock and a sword fight with a dragon involved. But

just look for the yellow awning. Inside, you’ll find damn fine hand-drawn noodles and soups. It’s cheap and good. PLACE TO CHILL: Cake & The Beanstalk, 1112 Locust St.; 215-592-6505 Even if Beanstalk’s newly renovated space (formerly home to Flying Monkey II) wasn’t relaxing and serene, overlooking Sartain Garden, we’d challenge anyone to be rambunctious with the sinfully good cake products taking up residence in your lucky belly. FAVE LATIN FOOD: El Vez, 121 S. 13th St.; 215-928-9800 El Vez’s irresistible style and even better location easily edges out the competition

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for our south-of-the-border fix. Too bad we usually don’t feel like waiting at least one hour for a table. FAVE MEXICAN WHERE WE CAN GET A TABLE: Mad Mex, 3401 Walnut St.; 215-382-2221 This one is tucked away behind the Dunkin’ Donuts. Even though we had the address, we had to call for directions. But once we found it, we found happiness. We like that it’s funky and unpretentious. It’s got Tex-Mex staples and innovative dishes. Just be wary of the drunk college kids.

restaurant’s signature cocktail is also well worth dressing up for. FAVE PLACE TO GET CAFFEINATED: Philadelphia Java Co., 518 S. Fourth St.; 215-928-1811 Yes, it is damn near across the street from us, but considering there’s a Starbucks on the same block and we have a perfectly good coffeemaker gathering dust in the office, Java Co. does a good job of siphoning coffee money out of our wallets on a daily basis, thanks to the friendly staff and high-octane beverages.

FAVE MIDTOWN VILLAGE EATERY: Sampan; 124 S. 13th St.; 215-732-3501 We have a soft spot for a lot of the restaurants in the Gayborhood, but when we want the total package, we instantly make a beeline for Sampan. We love the menu, the look and the vibe. FAVE SOUTH PHILLY HANGOUT: Hawthornes, 738 S. 11th St.; 215-627-3012 Beer bar? Meh. Beer boutique? Hello! Throw in a rotating and extensive roster of ales and great eats for breakfast through dinner, and you’re routinely kicking us out well past last call.


CRAZIEST MENU: Adsum, 700 S. Fifth St.; 267-888-7002 We still haven’t decided whether chef Matt Levin is a mad genius or just plain nuts. For every plate of off-the-wall goodness, like the whisky bacon tater tots and Kool Aid-pickled watermelon, there are dishes we are too afraid to try, like the Kandy Kake sliders. That’s right, brisket patties sandwiched between Tastykake Kandy Kakes. Damn! FAVE SUSHI: Makiman Sushi, 1326 Spruce St.; 215-546-0180 Makiman won us over with a menu that’s out of the box — which sets it apart from many, if not all, of the sushi institutions in Center City. Memorable offerings include Cap n’ Crunch, Mama and Nature rolls. Bravo! FAVE ADVENTUROUS ADULT BEVERAGES: XIX, 200 S. Broad St.; 215-790-1919 We could spend the better part of the year drinking our way through XIX’s extensive selection of vodkas alone, but the


FAVE PLACE TO KNOCK BACK SHOTS: Kokopelli, 1904 Chestnut St.; 215-557-7510 It’s Cinco de Mayo all year long when you are doing tequila flights in the city’s newest tequila bar. The selection of available brands of the legendary beverage is staggering, much like our efforts to make it to the street and catch a cab home. FAVE PLACE TO SIP WINE: Biba Wine Bar, 3131 Walnut St.; 215-222-2422 Biba’s cozy confines and cool, relaxed ambience is the perfect place to unwind or have an impromptu nosh with a few friends. FAVE PLACE TO DRINK BEER: Tie: Tabu, 200 S. 12th St.; 215-964-9675; and The Westbury 261 S. 13th St.; 215546-5170 Both drinking establishments have just the right balance of beers to drink and people to get beer goggles for. And with their close proximity, we can stagger back and forth between the two. FAVE PLACE TO COUNT CALORIES: Fuel, 1225 Walnut St.; 215-922-3835 We love that Fuel not only keeps all its menu items under 500 calories, but also that it makes them taste as good as, if not better than, the less-healthier items we usually crave elsewhere.


Bone Jour, 14 N. Third St.; 215-574-1225 While we’re on the subject, people, please stop dyeing your pets all kinds of wild colors. It’s bad enough that you put

Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011



28 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011

clothing on them. But we have to draw the line at coloring Schnookums hot pink. We get it. You have money and he/she is your little prince/princess. But dammit, hot pink dogs with pigtails are some serious JonBenet shit. Stop it. For all your other pet needs — food, toys, harnesses — go to Bone Jour. FAVE INEXPENSIVE FURNITURE: Philly AIDS Thrift; 514 Bainbridge St.; 215-922-3186 A Pink Penny perennial. We love this

place. We love that we buy things and money goes to a good cause. Win-win! PLACE TO BUY KNICK-KNACKS: XIII on 13, 211 S. 13th St.; 215-5461313; Sometimes we have a weakness for kitsch. We used to pop into PHAG to fulfill our needs. Now, we can go here to find, say, a Wonder Woman plush. FAVE INEXPENSIVE CLOTHING: Buffalo Exchange, 1713 Chestnut St.;

215-557-9850 Of course we lie and tell people we got our duds somewhere else for a lot more than we actually paid — because you can do that with the kick-ass finds at Buffalo Exchange. FAVE PLACE TO BLOW OUR CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS BUDGET: Matthew Izzo, 111 S. 12th St.; 215-829-0606; It may cost a little more. Actually, it costs a lot more. But dammit, we’re worth

it. Figuratively, not literally. We’re poor and window-shop a lot. Please, help us. FAVE SHOES: Benjamin Lovell Shoes; Anything else and you might as well be walking barefoot. P.S. The South Street location has a sale section. Visit it. BRICK & MORTAR STORE WE MISS: Philadelphia Home and Garden (PHAG); Considering Fuel is now in PHAG’s


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Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011

old space, we consider it an almost-fair trade. But our hearts still ache a little for the loss of PHAG’s kitschy greatness. Thankfully, we can still visit www. for our fix. FAVE GROCERIES: Trader Joe’s, 2121 Market St.; We don’t get paid enough to shop at that other chain for sustenance (unless it’s a special occasion), but we still care about what’s staring back at us when we open the cupboard. We appreciate the lack of pretension, the good prices and the selection at Trader Joe’s. FAVE SKINCARE: Duross & Langel; 117 S. 13th St.; 215-592-SOAP We love that Duross & Langel and their handmade soaps are in the heart of the Gayborhood. And that they are superfriendly and knowledgeable. Best of all, we can take care of our skincare needs and get gifts for everyone we know. Thankfully, the new Haddonfield store doesn’t mean the anchor is closing.

THINGS TO DO FAVE WORKOUT: 12th Street Gym, 204 S. 12th St.; 215-985-4092 Hands down, 12th Street is the bestequipped gym for the kind of workout (not to mention no-nonsense way of doing business) we can afford. No wonder it’s always packed.

FAVE RUN: Schuylkill River Trail Water makes a good running buddy. It’s pretty and keeps you distracted. Plus, it never flakes out on you because it’s raining or it’s too cold outside. We’re pissed it’s been so cold out, but we still visit you.


HUMAN EYE CANDY: Kelly Drive Once you make eye contact, it’s hard not to try to take someone home. Too bad you are probably a sweaty mess out there.


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30 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


NON-HUMAN EYE CANDY: PAWS; Like with the humans on Kelly Drive, once you make eye contact, it’s hard not to try to take something home. But in the case of PAWS, your new fuzzy companion will be worthy, loyal, appreciative and will have had all of his or her shots. FAVE PLACE TO SHAKE OUR ASSES: The Scene; TLBTBProductions Normally, we don’t get too excited about hitting the dance floor, but The Scene does a superb job of getting great crowds and good DJs that we can’t resist. We’re buttdancing in our chairs right now just thinking about it. FAVE CABARET: Peek-a-boo Revue; We respect this cast of naughty misfits for being one of the hardest working cabaret troupes in the region. And they stay busy for a reason: They’re among the best. FAVE DRAG: Liberty City Kings; Now that we can see drag queens on TV all the time, drag kings are becoming the must-see performers out in the clubs. FAVE NON-ATLANTIC CITY/NEW HOPE/POCONOS/REHOBOTH BEACH GETAWAY: Asbury Park, N.J. Wow! Bruce Springsteen was right. Let’s hear it for fifth place! Oh, it’s getting dark. We have to go now before something untoward happens to our car. FAVE REASON TO GO TO NEW JERSEY (AS OPPOSED TO A MOREDISTANT DESTINATION): Lower gas prices Try to do something else while you’re over there to offset the fact that you’re paying a toll on the way back. We’re pretty sure that you have to pay a toll on most routes out of the Garden State. We are so ready to buy a hybrid now. FAVE PRIDE CELEBRATION OUTSIDE PHILLY: Toronto Pride; Hundreds of thousands of revelers during the summer descending upon one of the most happening metropolises in North America? Yeah, no contest. Get a passport. BEST REASON TO HAVE A PASSPORT: Perspective You’ll appreciate (or scrutinize) America a lot more when you visit other countries and interact with other cultures. Oh, and we checked: Cruise ships do not count. BEST REASON NOT TO USE IT: Uganda (i.e. the most homophobic place on earth) Leave it to religious zealots to make a


Third World country even more dangerous than it already was. We’d sooner visit Libya. Well, check back. FAVE LIVE MUSIC: World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400 When it comes to eclectic line-ups of musical acts, class and sheer volume of performances, it’s hard to beat the two stages that make up World Cafe Live. The fact that it opened a new location in Delaware speaks volumes about the owners’ dedication to live music. FAV BARTENDER: Ricky “Mac” McIntire at Woody’s, 202 S. 13th St.; 215-545-1893 Big smile, big heart, big arms and a well-mixed drink. What more do you want? FAVE LUBE/TOY STORE: Danny’s Adam and Eve, 133 S. 13th St.; 215-925-5041 Have you noticed that Danny’s is right between the bars and the restaurants? So, if you need to stop in and pick something up to go with that someone you picked up, you are set!


Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


32 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


Film reveals iconic NYT Style photographer By Gary M. Kramer PGN Contributor Anyone who reads The New York Times Style section knows Bill Cunningham’s work. This sly, shy photographer follows the trends — baggy trousers or polka-dot dresses — for his “On the Street” collages and documents who’s who of high society for his “Evening Hours” photo spreads. Famously reserved, Cunningham allowed himself to be filmed by director Richard Press and his partner, producer Philip Gefter, for this irresistible documentary “Bill Cunningham New York.” “We wore him down,” Press said, laughing, in a recent phone interview. “I met Bill and knew him for a few months, and wanted to make a film about him. He laughed. Thought it was a ridiculous idea. Couldn’t entertain it. ‘Why me?’ he asked. ‘There’s no subject here.’ He kept putting us off.” The filmmaker pressed on, though, thinking that maybe the man behind the camera needed to get used to being in front of it. “After a while, he said, ‘Come back to the Times if you want to film me at work,’” Press said. “At the end of that day, he said, ‘Now you have your movie. You’re done.’” But the film was just getting started. “My impetus was to show who Bill is as a person — his religious, obsessive relationship with his work. Once he agreed to be filmed, it was always a bit of a negotiation,” Press recalled. “He thought it would take a week, but it took almost a year.” “Bill Cunningham New York” captures the infectious spirit of its subject, a man who is incorruptibly honest as well as extremely modest. It may be these qualities that allow him to move freely between high

society, downtown hipsters and the fashionistas he photographs. The film captures the essence and flow of Cunningham’s life as he bikes around the city in his blue windbreaker, snapping candid shots on the street, or attending black-tie galas. Press said he wanted to shoot the 82-yearold “as invisibly as possible” — the same surreptitious approach the photographer uses as he stalks and shoots his subjects. One telling scene shows the photographer not identifying himself when he calls a camera store to arrange getting film being developed. At the beginning of the documentary, interviews with Anna Wintour and others who know Cunningham reveal that they don’t know anything about him. Press deliberately constructed the film to reveal bits about Cunningham, just as Cunningham revealed bits of himself to Press and Gefter during the course of shooting. Thus, the documentary eschews the traditional “biopic” format of its subject’s childhood, education and experiences. This is part of what makes the film so engaging. Viewers are initially captivated by the character of Cunningham, and become more interested as the film unspools, especially when details emerge about his fight against eviction, or when he’s the only media personality invited to Brooke Astor’s 100th birthday party. One early scene that Press especially appreciates involves Cunningham repairing his poncho. “I wanted to get him with his poncho. I sat waiting, and almost gave up. The next thing I know, he’s patching it and talking about it. This moment captures his sense of humor, his eccentricity, and his life force was in his smile. To me, it showed so much about him. It’s really a delicious

moment where the audience bonds with him as a character.” “Bill Cunningham New York” frequently follows the photographer on his bike as he darts around the city — at one point, amusingly, he runs into the back of a taxi while the camera keeps moving. Press said it was exhausting to keep up with him. “BILL CUNNINGHAM NEW YORK” CAPTURES THE SPIRIT “It was fun, but I was OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER literally begging him as almost monastic in his dedication to his to stop so I could take work. “He’s taken a vow of fashion,” Press a break.” For Cunningham, however, his life is joked. This comes across beautifully in the his work and there are no breaks. “Every film, which is why it’s almost a shame when day, all day, it is all about the work,” Press an off-camera Gefter asks Cunningham insisted. “He doesn’t go out to dinner or a about sex and religion. The scene reveals movie or a play. He would be at the Times the gentleman in Cunningham — he gets at 8 a.m. on a Sunday morning. He never at the subtext, asking, “You want to know published a book or had a show because it if I’m gay?!” — then shrewdly dodges the requires too much time and keeps him away question. Cunningham, a regular churchgoer, takes an almost uncomfortably long from what he loves.” The filmmaker recollects that getting time to respond to the query about religion. the few personal photos of Cunningham But the moment reveals his thoughtfulness. Press defended this scene that seems from his past was “like pulling teeth,” but when he wanted an image of iconic model to pry where the rest of the film simply Carmen Dell’Orefice jumping a puddle, observed. “We asked him about relationCunningham knew when he shot the photo ships — it’s what you would ask anybody. We wouldn’t have been doing due diligence and what cabinet it was in. “I gave him a list of the photos I wanted if we’d not.” This exchange is a minor flaw in an othand he came through,” Press said, “but going into his archive was frustrating for erwise wonderful, celebratory portrait of him because he only wants to spend his the photographer who, the filmmaker said, will never see the film. “He has no intention time taking photos.” The filmmaker described Cunningham of seeing it. He gave us his blessing.” ■

Food & Drink


Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011



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34 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011

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Information is courtesy of Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; (215) 923-2960; Ten-percent off most hardcover in-store sales. DVDs Women’s 1. “The Owls,” directed by Cheryl Dunyé (2010, 94 min., $27.95). 2. “The Watermelon Woman,” directed by Cheryl Dunyé (1997, 90 min., $19.95). 3. “A Marine Story,” directed by Ned Farr (2010, 93 min., $24.95). 4. “Purple Sea,” directed by Donatella Maiorca (2009, 105 min., $24.95, in Italian with subtitles). Two women in 19th-century Sicily defy tradition. 5. “Lovers & Friends Show,” Season 3, directed by Charmain Johnson (2010, 217 min., $19.95). The ever-changing lives of your favorite women steam up as their worlds are turned upside-down. 6. “Edie & Thea: A Very Long Engagement,” directed by Greta Olafsdottir and Susan Muska (2009, 61 min., $24.99). 7. “The Real L Word,” Season 1 (2010, 530 min., $36.98). Three-disc set. 8. “Lovers & Friends Show,” Season 2, directed by Charmain Johnson (2009, 163 min., $19.95). Men’s 1. “Howl,” directed by Jeffrey Friedman and Rob Epstein (2010, 90 min., $29.95). It’s San Francisco in 1957, and an American masterpiece, Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl,” is put on trial. 2. “Role Play,” directed by Robb Williams (2010, 85 min., $19.95). Love and trouble in Palm Springs. 3. “Sordid Lives: The Series,” directed by Del Shores (2009, 288 min., $35). 4. “Noah’s Arc,” Season 1, directed by Patrik-Ian Polk (2008, 101 min., $39.95). Three-disc set. 5. “Everything You Wanted to Know About Gay Porn Stars” (2010, 232 min., $24.98). Interviews. 6. “BearCity,” directed by Doug Langway (2010, 99 min., $19.99). Follows a tightknit pack of friends experiencing comical mishaps and emotionally sweet yet lusty romantic encounters. 7. “Boys Life 7,” directed by various (2010, 80 min., $24.95). Four short films. BOOKS General Interest 1. “From Where We Sit: Black Writers

Write Black Youth,” edited by Victoria Brownworth (Tiny Satchel, 350 pp., $16.95 pb). 2. “Great Speeches of Gay Rights,” edited by James Daley (Dover, 150 pp., $3.50 pb). 3. “Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States,” edited by Joey L. Mogul, Andrea J. Ritchie and Kay Whitlock (Beacon, 216 pp., $27.95 less 10 percent in the store). 4. “Coming Out, Coming Home: Helping Families Adjust to a Gay or Lesbian Child” (Columbia, 300 pp., $27.50, pb). Men’s 1. “Bob the Book,” by David Pratt (Chelsea Station, 202 pp., $16 pb). 2. “Black Fire: Gay African-American Erotica,” edited by Shane Allison (Bold Strokes, 288 pp., $16.95 pb). 3. “At Swim Two Boys,” by Jamie O’Neill (Scribner, 576 pp., $16 pb). 4. “True Stories: Portraits from My Past,” by Felice Picano (Chelsea Station, $16 pb). 5. “Man: Black: Images of Black Male Beauty,” photos by MichaelChristopher (Michael-Christopher, 100 pp., $22.99 pb). 6. “hidden,” by Tomas Mournian (Kensington, 387 pp., $15 pb). Gay Ahmed’s parents take him to a residential treatment center in Nevada, where he’s tortured, molested and put through a “straight” rehabilitation program. After 11 months, Ahmed manages to escape to a safe house for runaway gay teens in San Francisco. Women’s 1. “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” by Rebecca Skloot (Broadway, 400 pp., $16 pb). 2. “Missionary No More: Purple Panties 2,” by Zane (Strebor, 256 pp., $15 pb). 3. “Stone Butch Blues,” by Leslie Feinberg (Alyson, 320 pp., $14.95 pb). Now that Alyson has ceased publishing, we’ve bought all the copies we can find, but these may be the last copies available, at least for a while. 4. “For Frying Out Loud: Rehoboth Beach Diaries,” by Fay Jacobs (A & M, 233 pp., $17 pb). Wise and witty recollections about contemporary life in general and, more specifically, life in Rehoboth Beach. 5. “Annie on My Mind,” by Nancy Garden (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 272 pp., $8.99 pb). ■


Family Portrait

Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


Suzi Nash

Mark Mitchell: Heroes and ‘Steel Magnolias’ “Without heroes, we are all plain people and don’t know how far we can go.” — Bernard Malamud The Delaware Valley Legacy Fund honors heroes in our community at the annual Heroes event. This year’s event will be held May 6 at the PNC Center, 1600 Market St. We spoke to board president Mark Mitchell to find out whom his heroes are. PGN: I detect an accent: Where are you from? MM: Memphis, Tenn. My mother passed away three years ago and I found a book of hers that had her entire family history. I was surprised to learn that I’m a fifth-generation Memphian and one of my great-great uncles was a pioneer of Shelby County, which Memphis is a part of. PGN: What did your parents do? MM: My dad was an investment banker, a senior vice president for Duncan A. Williams Inc., and my mom worked for the county court clerk’s office. They met when my dad came in to get a license for something. After we were born, she was a stay-at-home mom until my dad passed away when we were 16, then she went into real estate. PGN: Who is “we?” MM: My identical twin and me. PGN: You mean there are two of you! MM: [Laughs.] I know, except that he’s straight. We’re very close though. We’re best of friends and call each other every other day. There was never any problem with me being gay or him being straight. PGN: What’s a funny twin moment? MM: We have an Aunt Betty who took my brother and me to the pediatrician. I was getting stitches removed, and so we swapped places. We thought the doctor would go crazy looking for them, but he didn’t fall for it. He yelled out with his southern drawl, “Betty Mitchell, git that other child in here now, ah don’t have time for these shenanigans!” My brother was trying to control his giggles, and I burst out laughing. We would switch all the time — classes, functions, you name it. It was great fun! PGN: Who had the hardest time telling you apart? MM: My dad! I have a small mole and he’d have to look for it to see which one was which. In pictures, we’d have to put an arrow so he’d know who was who. PGN: Other than pranksters, what were you like as kids? MM: We were mirror opposites. We got

along great though, which was good because we got everything in twos. If I got a truck, Robert got a truck. If he got a bike, I got a bike. Finally, about fourth grade, they realized that we were our own people and started treating us separately. It’s funny: I can look back and see that as the moment we became the people we are today. It really shaped our personalities being separated for the first time. He moved more toward athletics and I leaned more toward the arts. I sang in the church choir and in the high-school choir and was more of a leader than Rob. PGN: What was the best trick you ever played? MM: We set up a rink in our front yard. It was like a skating rink, but we used it to ride our mopeds. We put up jumps and everything. It was good until Robert went flying into a tree. I ran in to tell my mother and acted like I had nothing to do with the setup — “I have no idea what he was doing on the front lawn!” We used to blame each other for things though we never really got into trouble. In the South, you don’t have to be told something twice. If we got caught and were told not to do something again, you can best believe we wouldn’t push it for a second try.

of my last year, a friend of my mother’s offered me a job doing mortgage banking that kind of put me on the path to where I am now. It was unbelievably lucrative: No one at 21 should have been making that kind of money. PGN: When did you come out? MM: After college. It was tough coming out in the South. Thank goodness for “Steel Magnolias” and “Designing Women.” I laugh about it but they really did have an impact. “Designing Women” tackled AIDS when no one was talking about it and “Steel Magnolias” dealt with homosexuality. It started opening doors for people in my generation to talk. I think I knew in high school. I played the rabbi’s son in “Fiddler on the Roof” and had waaaay too much fun. I started noticing girls in a “hmm, that outfit would look much cuter on her” fashionista sort of way. I was the perfect date. The Southern gentleman the girls wanted to have escort

PGN: What was a favorite toy? MM: Rob and I asked Santa for an Atari game set. They’d just come out and no one in our area had one. But my father knew someone at Federal Express who knew someone at Atari and he managed to get one delivered to our house Christmas Eve. For weeks after that, all the kids came to our house to play. It was like Camp Mitchell at our house. I still remember some of the games — Asteroids and Centipede — on little cartridges. We were so happy that we wrote a letter to Santa thanking him. It somehow made its way to the desk of the president of Federal Express who contacted us and on behalf of Santa, gave us a private tour of a FedEx plane! It was amazing. PGN: Did that teach you the importance of letter-writing? MM: To this day, I always try to send out thank-you notes to people. I enjoy texting and emails, but I miss letters. I send out Christmas cards and birthday cards all the time. If someone’s puppy gives birth, I’ll find a card to send. I’m one of those people. PGN: Jumping forward, where did you go to college? MM: I went to Crichton College in Memphis, which was a small liberal-arts Christian college, and got my bachelor’s in business administration. In the summer

ever saying one negative thing about homosexuality and, in the early days of AIDS, he always mentioned those afflicted by HIV in our prayers. On top of that, our choir director was openly gay and had a partner and they were friends with my parents. We’d go to their house for Sunday dinners and my brother and I would hang out at their pool. My parents never had a problem with it. I was very lucky. As opposed to some kids who get kicked out of the house for being gay, my mother was like, “Why are you leaving? You can still work and travel and live at home!” Even my grandmother, who was very religious, was completely accepting. PGN: How did you end up in Philadelphia? MM: I moved to Nashville first to work at a mortgage company and we used to send a lot of business to Crusader Bank that used to be right here at 13th and Walnut. I got to go to dinner one night with the president of the bank and he said, “I’d like to offer you a job if you’d be willing to move to Philadelphia.” I spoke to my family about it and moved here on July 4, 1998, so I’ve been here for almost 14 years. I obviously like it. PGN: I understand you do a lot of nonprofit work. MM: Yes, before I moved here, I did some work for Habitat for Humanity back in Nashville.

them to parties. I’m sure at heart they knew I was gay and therefore “safe.” I got asked to everything! PGN: It sounds like you were involved with the church a lot. Was there a lot of fire and brimstone talk? MM: No, I went to the Disciples of Christ church and they were actually very progressive. It was the fourth-largest church in Memphis. I don’t remember our preacher

PGN: Did you hit your thumb with the hammer? MM: Many times! But some good came out of it as well, beyond just helping people. I met a great guy there. His name was Mott Moore, like the applesauce and the paint company. I just remember us laughing the whole time as I told him I didn’t know which to choose first, the fruit or the paint! Then when I first Photo: Suzi Nash moved here, I got involved with Dance Affiliates. My female hairdresser asked me to be on the board. I had no clue what I was doing, but accepted and got thrown into doing a fundraiser right off the bat. It was successful and I really got into it. From there, I got involved with the Human Rights Campaign and, currently, I’m the board president of the DVLF and I helped start the Philadelphia chapter of The Trevor Project — I’m the coambasPAGE 38


36 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011

OUT & ABOUT The week ahead Fri. 04/01 Black-Tie GayBingo AIDS Fund Philadelphia hosts the fundraising event at 6:30 p.m. at Crystal Tea Room, 100 Penn Square East, The Wanamaker Building; 215-7319255. Nnenna Freelon The Grammy-winning jazz singer performs 8 p.m. at Zellerbach Theatre, 3680 Walnut St.; 215-898-3900. The Residents The avant-garde band performs at 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400. The Terminator The blockbuster sci-fi film is screened

at 9:45 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223.

Sat. 04/02 Ms. Scorpio“N” The author of “Scorpio Rising: Black Lesbian Erotic Poetry” hosts a reading at 5:30 p.m. at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; 215-923-2960. Fooling April perform “Rubber Soul” and “Revolver” The Philadelphia band performs the two classic Beatles albums at 7:30 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400. Joe’s Café Rupert Wates and friends present a

critically acclaimed musical revue of songs based on true stories, performed by Stacey Lorin, Craig Bickhardt, JD Malone, Elle, Cassendre Xavier, Gina Blechman, Lizanne Knott and Ed Wise, 8 p.m. at Psalm Salon, 5841 Overbrook Ave.; 215-477-7578. Kevin Smith The award-winning director hosts a Q&A at 8 p.m. at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave.; 215-5727650. KT Sullivan The cabaret singer performs at 8:30 p.m. at Bob Egan’s New Hope, Ramada Inn, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope; (215) 862-5225. Alien vs. Ninja The sci-fi film is screened at midnight at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215922-6888.

CineFest returns, brings gay content After a year’s hiatus, CineFest returns with more than 60 feature films and shorts unspooling at area venues April 7-14. While there are only a few titles with queer content this year, they all are worthwhile. “The One,” a centerpiece screening, is an endearing low-budget romantic comedy-drama. Daniel (Jon Prescott) is a self-proclaimed “plain vanilla” straight guy — a college jock with a business-school degree and a fiancée. As the film opens, however, he has just spent the night with Tommy (Ian Novick), a handsome and self-assured gay guy. Their intense fling has Daniel struggling with his sexuality and fears of being outed, while Tommy worries that his heart will be broken. Although the characters wear their hearts — and their agendas — on their stylish sleeves, “The One” is likable, despite

Sun. 04/03 The Three Stooges Meet Hercules The 1962 film is screened at 2 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223.

GETTING SCHOOLED: Quince Productions presents “Educating Rita,” Willy Russell’s classic comedy about a Liverpool hairdresser (Alexis Newbauer) who decides she wants to get educated and Frank (Michael Hagan), a cynical professor and occasional drunk she clashes with, through April 23 at Walnut Street Theatre Studio 5, 825 Walnut St.; 215-574-3550.

VOICES Cabaret Mark Dolan and members of the Voices Choral present an evening of lively entertainment, 5 p.m. at Bob Egan’s New Hope, Ramada Inn, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope; 215862-5225.

at 8 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215922-6888.

Tue. 04/05

Wed. 04/06

David Sedaris The openly gay humorist performs at 7 p.m. at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave.; 215-5727650.

CREAM: The Best of Philly Rising The Philadelphiabased musician performs a showcase at 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400.

William Fitzsimmons The singer-songwriter, whose songs have been heard on “Grey’s Anatomy,” performs at 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400.

Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks The rock singers perform at 8 p.m.

Thu. 04/07

Mon. 04/04 Black Swan The Oscar-winning film is screened

Photo: John Donges

being a bit one-note. Writer/director Caytha Jentis shows promise here, building the film’s sexual and dramatic tension and making fine points about masculinity and identity before delivering a nice, appropriate ending. Novick is particularly ingratiating as Tommy. Unfortunately, Prescott plays Daniel and his conflict too stiffly: He always looks uncomfortable. Other highlights of CineFest include a sneak peak at out filmmaker François Ozon’s amusing comedy “Potiche,” starring Catherine Deneuve as a trophy wife in the 1970s who takes over her husband’s business during a strike, and “Old Cats,” a highly praised Chilean film by openly gay director Sebastian Silva that features a lesbian daughter and her lover visiting her aging parents. Lastly, out actress Kelly McGillis delivers a nuanced performance in the va m p i r e - z o m b i e film “Stake Land,” and gay actor/writerdirector Jonathan Lisecki has a supporting role in the comedy “Wuss.” For showtimes, tickets and more information, visit ■ — Gary M. Kramer

at Wells Fargo Center, 3601 S. Broad St.; 215336-3600.

The Harvest: Spoken Soul

215 Open Mic Spoken-word artists perform at 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400. Variety Showcase Night Eddie Bruce hosts a showcase at 8 p.m. at Bob Egan’s New Hope, Ramada Inn, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope; 215862-5225.

Fri. 04/08 Ralphie May The comedian performs at 8 p.m. at

Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave.; 215-5727650. Colleen Zenk The cabaret singer performs at 8:30 p.m. at Bob Egan’s New Hope, Ramada Inn, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope; 215862-5225. Club D’Elf with special guest John Medeski The Moroccan trance/dance artist performs at 9 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400. ■

SHE’S ALL THAT JAZZ: Six-time Grammy Award nominee and international jazz star Nnenna Freelon has shared the stage and appeared on recordings with music icons Herbie Hancock, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, the Count Basie Orchestra and more. Now, she’s returning to Philadelphia on the heels of her new album, “Homefree,” for a performance 8 p.m. April 1 at Zellerbach Theatre, 3680 Walnut St. For more information or tickets, call 215-898-3900. Photo: Randee St. Nicholas


Opening Basil Twist’s Petrushka The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts presents the story of a tragic love triangle brought to life by innovative puppetry, April 6-16 at Harold Prince Theatre, 3680 Walnut St.; 215-898-3900. Depth Perception AxD Gallery presents an exhibition by graphic designer and lettering artist John Langdon, best known for his pioneering work with ambigrams, April 8-May 14, 265 S. 10th St.; 215-627-6250. Educating Rita Quince Productions presents a comedy abut a hairdresser who decides she wants to get educated, through April 23 at Walnut Street Theatre Studio 5, 825 Walnut St.; 215-574-3550.

Continuing Alfred Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps Walnut Street Theatre, through May 1, 825 Walnut St.; 215-574-3550. Epherman Existence Gallery 339, through May 7, 339 S. 21st St.; 215-731-1530. Facing Out, Facing In: Figurative Works The James A. Michener Art Museum, through May 1, 138 S. Pine St., Doylestown; 215-340-9800. A Glimpse of Paradise: Gold in Islamic Art Philadelphia Museum of Art, through April 11, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-7638100.

Mary Poppins The stage adaptation of the beloved Disney musical is presented through April 17 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St.; 215-731-3333. The Men of Mah Jongg Society Hill Playhouse, through April 17 in the Red Room, 507 S. Eighth St.; 215923-0210. The Peacock Male: Exuberance and Extremes in Masculine Dress Philadelphia Museum of Art, through June, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215763-8100. Roberto Capucci: Art into Fashion Philadelphia Museum of Art, through June 5, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. Speaking In Tongues Walnut Street Theatre presents a mystery comprised of three interwoven stories through April 17 at Independence Studio on 3, 825 Walnut St.; 215-574-3550. Spies, Traitors & Saboteurs: Fear and Freedom in America The National Constitution Center, through May 30, 525 Arch St.; 215-4096600. Tailoring Philadelphia: Tradition and Innovation in Menswear Philadelphia Museum of Art, through summer, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. To Love, Honor and Obey? Stories of Italian Renaissance Marriage Chests Philadelphia Museum of Art, through July, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215763-8100. Tommy Media Theater presents the classic-rock opera through May 22, 104 E. State St., Media; 610-891-0100. The Eyes of Babylon The Bristol Riverside Theatre, through April 3, 120 Radcliffe St.; 215-7850100. Fruitville/The School Papers AxD Gallery presents an exhibition of two series of intimate, seldom-seen works by artist Douglas Witmer, through April 2, 265 S. 10th St.; 215-627-6250.

ROCK ROYALTY: The “Heart & Soul” tour featuring classic-rock superstars Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks (pictured) rolls into town at 8 p.m. April 5 at Wells Fargo Center, 3601 S. Broad St. For more information or tickets, call 215-336-3600.

In the Next Room or The Vibrator Play The Wilma Theater, through April 3, 265 S. Broad St.; 215-546-7824. Je’Caryous Johnson’s Marriage Material A couple’s counseling retreat goes sour for skeletons come flying out of the closet, through April 3 at Merriam Theatre, 250 S. Broad St.; 215-731-3333.

Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


undergoing some changes along with the community it’s in, through April 3 at F. Otto Hass Stage, 40 N. Second St.; 215922-1122.


Music and Comedy Peter Nero and the Philly Pops perform with comedian Robert Klein, through April The Terrible Girls 3 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad Azuka Theatre presents a dark comedy of St.; 215-893-1999. friendship, obsession and Southern sensibilities, through April 3 at The Latvian Paul Mooney Society, 531 N. Seventh St.; 215-733-0255. The comedian seen on “Chappelle’s Show” performs through April 2 at Helium Truly Classical Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; 215-496- The Philadelphia Orchestra performs 9001. with Canadian-born Philadelphian MarcAndré Hamelin and led by Munich-born Superior Donuts Jun Märkl, through April 2 at Kimmel’s Arden Theatre Company presents a Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; 215-893comedy about a doughnut shop that’s 1999. ■

TOY STORIES: Innovative master puppeteer Basil Twist makes his Philadelphia debut with “Petrushka,” which blends Czech and Japanese puppetry traditions. Puppets fly, dance and float in midair, telling the tragic story of a love triangle among three magical puppets whose stories emerge among the backdrop of Russian carnival, April 6-16 at Harold Prince Theatre, 3680 Walnut St. For more information or tickets, call 215-898-3900. Photo: Richard Termine


38 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011

Worth Watching

PORTRAIT, from page 35

sador. With the intensity of job, it kind of lightens my day doing the nonprofit work. It gives me perspective on what’s really important. SATURDAY NIGHT’S ALRIGHT FOR LAUGHING: Gay icon and pop superstar Sir Elton John does double duty as host and musical guest on a new episode of “Saturday Night Live,” 11:30 p.m. April 2 on NBC.

PGN: Any interesting fraud capers? MM: My very first day, the very first file that I reviewed looked a little funny to me. It felt like a ponzi scheme, so I contacted the woman on the account, who was retired. I interviewed her and she told me to get in touch with the FBI. I told my supervisor and he started telling me what to do if I got a subpoena and I’m like, “What? This is my first day, what’s all this about the FBI and subpoenas and testifying! No one said anything about having to testify to anything!” But I learned that it’s all part of the territory and now I really find my job fascinating.

TOO MANY COOKS?: Celebrity chef Curtis Stone (center) will host the new season of “Top Chef Masters,” which puts the notable and acclaimed chefs through the same paces the rising chefs on “Top Chef” go through to win cash for their favorite charities. Watch all the culinary action when the new season premieres at 11 p.m. April 6 on Bravo. Photo: Bravo/Justin

PGN: Here’s an arbitrary question: Which celebrity chef would you most like to fix you a meal? MM: Why, Paula Dean of course ... She fries everything!


THROWN A CURVE: In “Secret Millionaire,” America’s most successful businesspeople spend a week in the country’s poorest areas and ultimately gift deserving members of the community with their own money. This week, Gary and Diane Heavin, CEOs/founders of Curves International Inc., spend a week living in Houston’s Third Ward and have to survive on $6.50 per day, the equivalent of food stamps for a two-person household in Texas. Watch what happens at 8 p.m. April 3 on ABC. Photo: ABC/Vivian Zink

RISE OF THE MACHINES: No one is ever going to mistake her for Oscar-winner Meryl Streep, but Megan Fox steals the thunder of every robot on the screen as hotshot mechanic Mikaela in the blockbuster flick “Transformers,” 8 p.m. April 2 on ABC. Photo: DreamWorks LLC and Paramount Pictures Corporation

PGN: And what’s your day job? MM: I’m a special-investigations unit auditor with Radian Guaranty. I investigate potential fraudulent activity and examine suspicious insurance claims for evidence of fraud. It’s a combination of my parents’ jobs — investment banking and real estate. I got the job two years ago on the same day that Michael Jackson died, so I always remember when I started working there.

PGN: Clark Kent or Superman? MM: Clark Kent for sure. PGN: Name three objects you love. MM: The cufflinks I’m wearing were given to me by a dear friend. We went to lunch and she wished me a happy birthday and handed me a box from Tiffany’s. I adore the little blue box! It was wonderful, but I was a little surprised because it was January and my birthday is in July. She said, “Oh well, I knew it was a month with a ‘J’ in it.” So they’re very special and memorable. I also bought my first watch when I moved here. It was one of my first purchases and I also got it from Tiffany’s. It’s a classic timepiece and I treasure it. The third thing may sound crazy, but when my mother died, she left me a little cordial set. My father had given them to her as an anniversary gift and I like to bring them out sometimes when I have company. It reminds me of a time when you would sip your sherry or liqueurs when you had guests over. I love them.

with embroidered horses on them. I also have pants with mallard ducks and alligators. I love my seersuckers and my madras pants. When I step out, I have to be wearing something with fun and flair. PGN: Any pets? MM: I had an amazing Jack Russell named Teagan who passed away two years ago. She was a rescue dog and so funny. I called her my Mexican jumping bean, because she would pop up in the air. PGN: I’m so gay ... MM: That I’m obsessed with pop culture. Right now, I’m keeping up with Will and Kate getting ready for the royal wedding. I’m actually taking off of work that day so I can watch all the pomp and circumstance. PGN: If you could have lunch with anyone, whom would it be? MM: My grandmother. I have such fond memories of her. She was a Southern belle who lit up a room when she walked in. We had great conversations on her front porch and I’d love to be able to relive those fun times. PGN: What’s a good conversation? MM: When I first came out, she did not like my ex-boyfriend. She really pushed me to get away to Nashville and get rid of him. She said I could do better and she was right! PGN: Since you’re into pop culture, who’s an actor you’d like to be? MM: Montgomery Clift. Just the way he carried himself, not to mention those classic good looks. He was so debonair. PGN: And who should play you in your life story? MM: Nathan Lane. He’s totally me already. We both have the same wicked sense of humor. PGN: Favorite movie line? MM: “Steel Magnolias” when they’re in the beauty salon and Clairee is quoting her gay nephew saying, “All gay men have track lightin.’ And all gay men are named Mark, Rick or Steve.” Then Ouiser walks on and tells them her grandson Steve just helped her put in track lighting and she doesn’t know why they’re laughing. Oh, I could act out the whole scene! There are so many great lines in that movie! My friends hate me ’cause I quote them all.

PGN: Which was better: “Fame,” “Footloose” or “Flashdance”? MM: “Footloose” with Kevin Bacon all the way. That shower scene ... Enough said.

PGN: DVLF has its Heroes ball coming up: Who’s a real-life hero of yours? MM: Coretta Scott King [for] the way she fought for equal rights up until her last breath, and the way she embraced the gay community and fought for our rights as well. I can’t think of anyone else who I would want to emulate more than her. ■

PGN: Favorite piece of clothing? MM: I’ll confess, my nickname is “Crazy Pants Mark” because I have a pair of pants

To suggest a community member for “Family Portraits,” write to


Q Puzzle Family Ties Across

1. Climax, e.g. 6. Brief instant 9. “I vant to be alone” actress 14. Vibes not from a vibrator 15. Pay or Cray ending 16. Erection supporter 17. Start of a quote from Meredith Baxter 20. Audre Lorde’s tool 21. They have pressing work 22. Site of iniquity 23. Aladdin’s monkey 24. Shorten leaves of grass 26. More of the quote 33. Gad about 34. Home of T. Bankhead 35. From the top 37. Sorbonne summer

38. More of the quote 42. Low grade 43. Where colonists shot off their muskets in 1775 45. Needing to be set straight 47. Part of an espionage name 48. “Firebird” composer Stravinsky 49. More of the quote 56. Eugene O’Neill’s daughter 57. Game with “Reverse” cards 58. “Beat it!” 59. Cole Porter’s “Well, ___ You Evah” 60. End of the quote 64. Lance in a robe 65. Wall St. group 66. He danced in “Silk Stockings” 67. Dorm VIPs 68. From Jan. 1 to now 69. Kneel before, e.g. 70. Prufrock poet’s monogram


1. Bound gaily 2. Walk the waiting room 3. “Viva Las Vegas” middle name 4. Mustang’s sch. 5. Chevy model 6. Gay nightlife district of London 7. Joie de vivre 8. Spelunker’s opening 9. “Apocalypto” director Mel 10. James Buchanan follower, familiarly 11. Clarinet part 12. Ruination 13. Male mating call? 18. Beat soundly 19. Witty Bombeck 23. Very hairy swinger 25. Org. of guys who can knock you out 26. Magazine section 27. Like ambidextrous masturbation? 28. “Tearoom Trade”

Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


author Humphries 29. Variety 30. “___ Get a Witness” (Marvin Gaye) 31. It gets next to you 32. Patty Sheehan supporters 33. YMCA activity 36. Director Craven 38. Dick of “Bewitched” 39. Not a dup. 40. Way to come 41. Hourly pay 44. Water-to-wine town 46. It grows on trees 49. TV show of this puzzle’s quote 50. Get up 51. Gives a pink slip to 52. Coming soon 53. Stray from the herd 54. The I’s of Sappho 55. Horny lodge member? 60. Unsettle 61. Milk, so to speak 62. Cross-dresser Joan of ___ 63. To this point

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40 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011

Community Bulletin Board Community centers

■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held from 4-8 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday through Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331 ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St.; 215-898-5044;, Hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday

Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; 215-348-0558 ext. 65;

■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220; Hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Peer counseling: 6-9 p.m. Monday through Friday Library hours: 3-9 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday; 3-6 p.m. Tuesday; noon-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Allies

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: 215-587-9377

Key numbers ■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: 215-732-TALK

■ AIDS Library: 215-985-4851

■ Mayor’s Director of LGBT Affairs: Gloria Casarez, 215-6862194;; Fax: 215-686-2555

■ AIDS Treatment hot line: 215545-2212 ■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: 215-685-1633 ■ The COLOURS Organization Inc.: 112 N. Broad St., third floor; 215-496-0330 ■ Equality Pennsylvania: 215731-1447; ■ Equality Forum: 215-732-3378

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: 215-772-2000 ■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Deputy Commissioner Stephen Johnson: 215-683-2840 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: 267-216-6606; ppd.

■ Mazzoni Center: 215-563-0652; Legal Services: 215-563-0657, 866-LGBTLAW; legalservices@mazzonicenter. org ■ Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine: 215-563-0658 ■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): 215-572-1833

■ Philly Pride Presents: 215875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: 717-9209537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: 215-732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays, and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)

Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursdays at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; 215-851-1822 or 866-2223871. Spanish/English HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; 215-685-1803.

HIV health insurance help Access to free medications and confidential HIV testing available at 17 MacDade Blvd., Suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; 610-586-9077.

Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; 215-563-0652. Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine Comprehensive primary health care, preventive health services, gynecology, sexual-health services and chronicdisease management, including comprehensive HIV care; 809 Locust St.; 215-563-0658. Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; 215-985-9206.

Professional groups

■ Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia GALLOP holds board meetings at 6:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at 100 S. Broad St., Suite 1810; GALLOP also provides a free referral service; 215-627-9090;

■ Greater Philadelphia Professional Network Networking group for area business professionals, self-employed and business owners meets monthly in a different location throughout the city, invites speakers on various topics, partners with other nonprofits and maintains a Web site where everyone is invited to sign up for e-mail notices for activities and events; ■ Independence Business Alliance Greater Philadelphia’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce, providing networking, business development, marketing, educational and advocacy opportunities for LGBT and LGBT-friendly businesses and professionals. Visit for informa-

Gay Married Men’s Association Meets at 8 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays at the William Way Center; (215) 483-1032. Men of All Colors Together Meets at 7:30 p.m. third Friday of the month September through June at the William Way Center; (610) 277-6595;

Men’s Coming Out Group Meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St.; (215) 5630652 ext. 219. Men of Color United A discussion/support group for gay and bisexual men of color meets from 6-8 p.m. every Wednesday at 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 496-0330. Men of Standard Provides a place for gay men of color 21 and older to share issues of concern. Meets 7-9 p.m. every Thursday at Camden AHEC, 514 Cooper St., Camden, N.J.; (856) 963-2432 ext. 211; Philly DADS An association of gay and bisexual fathers supporting each other meets at 7:30 p.m. fourth Friday of the month at the William Way Center; (215) 668-5239.


Lesbians and Gays/Bucks County Meets at 7:30 p.m. third Thursday of the month at Penns Park United Methodist Church, 2394 Second Street Pike, Penns Park; (215) 598-8005.


AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., Suite 205; 215-536-2424.

Delaware Valley 40-plus Club for Men Social group meets every other month; (215) 587-9933.

Parents, Families and Friends of

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: 215-686-4670

Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 166 W. Lehigh Ave.; 215-763-8870 ext. 6000.

Boys Night Out A social gathering for gay men, meets at 7 p.m. every second and fourth Tuesday at Iron Hill Brewery, 30 E. State St., Media;

Men’s Coming Out Group, N.J. Meets at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at The Pride Center of New Jersey.

■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: 856-933-9500 ext. 221

■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: 215592-1513


tion about events, programs and membership; 215-557-0190; 1717 Arch St., Suite 3370.

■ National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association The Philadelphia chapter of NLGJA, open to professionals and students, meets for social and networking events;

■ Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus A regional organization dedicated to promoting gay and lesbian tourism to the Greater Philadelphia Region, holds meetings every other month on the fourth Thursday (January, March, May, July, September and the third Thursday in November), open to the public; P.O. Box 58143, Philadelphia, PA 19102; ■ Philly OutGoing Professionals Social group for gay, lesbian and bisexual professionals meets for social and cultural activities; 856-8579283;

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Cape May, N.J. Meets at 2 p.m. third Sunday of the month in the Maruchi Room of Burdette Tomlin Memorial Hospital, 2 Stone Harbor Blvd.; (609) 861-1848. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Chester County Meets at 7 p.m. first Tuesday of the month at the Unitarian Fellowship of West Chester, 501 S. High St., West Chester; (484) 354-2448. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Collingswood, N.J. Meets from 6-8:30 p.m. fourth Monday of the month at the Collingswood Public Library, 771 Haddon Ave., Collingswood, N.J.; (856)345-9112; Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Philadelphia Meets from 2-5 p.m. third Sunday of the month at the LGBT Center at the University of Pennsylvania, 3907 Spruce St.; (215) 572-1833. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Princeton, N.J. Meets at 7:30 p.m. second Monday of the month in the George Thomas Room at Trinity Church, 33 Mercer St.; (609) 683-5155. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Wilmington, Del. Meets at 7 p.m. second Thursday of the month at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 13th and Rodney streets; (302) 654-2995. Philadelphia Family Pride Advocacy, support and social network for LGBT families offers play groups, monthly kids and teen talk groups, activities and outings. Planning meetings are held monthly; (215) 8443360;


Gender Rights Advocacy Association of New Jersey A transgender civil-rights group meets first Sunday of the month at 1 p.m. at The Pride Center of New Jersey. Interweave New Jersey An organization of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Unitarian and their allies meets every third Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 401 N. Kings Highway, Cherry Hill, N.J.; (856) 667-3618. Oasis Meets 7-8 p.m. Wednesdays at 1201 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-0652 ext. 509. Mazzoni Center Family and Community Medicine Primary healthcare and specialized transgender services in a safe, professional, non-judgemental environment, 809 Locust St.; (215) 563-0658. Renaissance Transgender Assoc. Meets at 8 p.m. third Saturday of the month at Into the Woods office complex in King of Prussia; (610) 975-9119 box 5; and 7:30 p.m. first Thursday of the month at the William Way Center; T-MAN People of color support group for transmen, FTMs, butches, studs, agressives, bois, genderqueer and all female-born individuals with gender questions meets 7:30-9:30 p.m. Mondays, second floor, 1201 Locust St.; (215) 834-9063; Transhealth Programming Committee Meetings are at 5 p.m. second and last Sundays of the month at the William Way Center. Transhealth Information Project Sponsors a weekly drop-in center from 7-11 p.m. Tuesdays at 1201 Locust St.; (267) 549-6497. Transgender Health Action Coalition Peer trans health-advocacy organization meets at 5 p.m. second and last Sundays of the month at the William Way Center; (215) 732-1207; WeXist FTM support group meets from 6-8 p.m. second Friday of the month at the William Way Center; first hour is open; second hour is for people assigned female at birth who have gender issues; (267) 250-1548; www. Young, Trans, and Unified! Support group for transgender and questioning individuals ages 13-23 meets from 7-8:30 p.m. every Thursday at The Attic Youth Center; (215) 545-4331 ext. 24.


African Asian Latina Lesbians United Social-issues discussion group meets fourth Thursday of the month at The Pride Center of New Jersey. Bucks County Lesbian Alliance Meets monthly for social events; Expressions Women’s Space Lesbian singles, family and coming-out groups meet at 1538 Church St.; (215) 535-3600. Lesbians and BiWomen in Heterosexual Marriages A support group meets at 7:30 p.m. on third Wednesday of the month at The Pride Center of New Jersey. Lesbian Community of Delaware Valley Social group holds monthly meetings and activities for gay women of all ages in Delaware, Chester and Montgomery counties; P.O. Box 962, Phoenixville, PA 19460; group/LCDV/; Lesbian Couples Dining Group of Montgomery County Meets monthly; (215) 542-2899. Lesbian Social Network of South Jersey 1,000-member social group for lesbians holds monthly activities in South Jersey and surrounding area; Lesbians with Breast Cancer A support group meets from 6:30-8:30 on second Wednesday of the month at Gilda Club DelawareValley, 200 Kirk Road,

Warminster; (215) 441-3290. Queer Connections Social group for women in their 20s meets weekly; (215) 468-1352; Republican Lesbians Meetings held at 7:30 p.m. on first Monday of the month at The Pride Center of New Jersey. South Jersey Lesbians of Color Meetings are the first and third Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at The Starting Point, 215 Highland Ave., Suite C, Westmont, N.J.; (856) 824-0881; e-mail: Women’s Coffee House for Lesbians A group for lesbian and bisexual women meets on first Saturday of the month at 7 p.m. at The Pride Center of New Jersey. The Womyn’s Village The first womyn-owned and operated think-tank targeting black African, Asian, Latina and Native American LBT and two-spirited womyn. Meets at 5 p.m. on third Thursday of the month at COLOURS Organization, 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 765-0121; the_womyns.


40 Acres of Change Discussion group for teen and young adults meets from 6-8 p.m. Thursdays at The COLOURS Organization Inc., 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 496-0330. Drop-in Group For gay, lesbian and bisexual youth; meets at 11 a.m. Saturdays at AIDS Delaware, 100 W. 10th St., Suite 315, Wilmington, Del.; (302) 652-6776. HAVEN For GLBT, intersex, questioning, queer and allied youth ages 14-20; meets from 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Lehigh Valley, 424 Center St., Bethlehem; (610) 8682153. HiTOPS A safe-space support program for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth, will meet from 2:304:30 p.m. at 21 Wiggins St., Princeton, N.J.; (609) 683-5155. Main Line Youth Alliance Meets from 7-9:30 p.m. Fridays at 109 Lancaster Ave., Wayne; (610) 688-1861; Mountain Meadow For youth with GLBTQ parents. Monthly programs for ages 8-16, family programs and parent coffee groups. Residential program offered in August; 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 772-1107; Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s LGBTQ and Allies Youth Center For ages 14-21; meets 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays at Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; (215) 348-0558 ext. 65; Social X Change Social activity group for LGBT youth of color ages 13-23 meets from 6-8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays at 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 496-0330. Space to be Proud, Open, and Together Open to all LGBTQ queer youth and allies, ages 14-21, the SPOT meets Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Planned Parenthood of Chester County’s West Chester office, 8 S. Wayne St., West Chester; (610) 692-1770 ext. 108 or Teen Support Group Drop-in group for teens and adolescents meets Thursdays from 4:30-6 p.m. at 1201 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-0658 ext. 319. Youth in Transition A support group for transgender and questioning youth ages 12-23 meets from 7:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays at the The Attic Youth Center. Youth Making a Difference For GLBTQ African-American and Latino youth ages 13-24. Meets from 6:30-8:30 p.m. every Wednesday at Camden AHEC, 514 Cooper St., Camden, N.J.; (856) 9632432 ext. 205;


Classifieds PGN does not accept advertising that is unlawful, false, misleading, harmful, threatening, abusive, invasive of another’s privacy, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful or racially or otherwise objectionable, including without limitation material of any kind or nature that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, provincial, national or international law or regulation, or encourage the use of controlled substances.

Home of the Week


VENTNOR, NJ, FACING THE BAY House and Adjacent Lot (inground swimming pool). 1st floor 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room and deck. 2nd floor 2 bedrooms, bath, efficiency kitchen, living room, dining area and deck. Central Air. Corner Property. Call 215-468-9166 evenings only. $675,000.00. Also property for rent1500.00 month plus utilities. _______________________________35-19 INVEST NOW IN NY LAND! Our best New York land Bargains EVER! Camp on 5 Acres-$19,995. Big acreage w/ timber. Farms & hunting tracts. Waterfront @ 50% discount! Over 150 properties on sale. Call now 800-229-7843 Or visit www. _______________________________35-13 Lake Morris, NY: 5 acres on Lake $29,900. 6 acres Lakefront $29,900. 10 acres 2300’ Waterfront, Lake Peninsula $59,900. Village Road, Utilities. www.WaterfrontPropertyNY. com Owners-Broker 1-888-683-2626. _______________________________35-13 Potter County - 17 Acres in Keating Township near Keating Summit. Adjoins Pennsylvania State Forest lands. Perc, electric, wooded, gently rolling. $72,900. Owner financing 800668-8679. _______________________________35-13


Featured property:

Highlands, New Jersey 36 Navesink Ave. Sandy Hook Cottage currently being used as a Bed & Breakfast with unbeatable bay and ocean views & decorated Key West style. Main house consists of 3 guestrooms (1 w/ terrace,1 w/roofdeck-both w/oceanviews), owners quarters & 3 updated full baths. Guest cottage is 1 BD,1 Ba.Other features include hardwood floors thru-out, fireplace,open kitchen leading to a private deck & stairs leading to offstreet parking and hottub. Close to nude beach and NYC Seastreak Ferry. Large repeat guests.Potential expansion. All inclusive furnishings & operating systems. Also available as a private residence.

All real-estate advertising is subject to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). PGN will not knowingly accept any real-estate advertising that is in violation of any applicable law.


Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011





Beds: 5 Baths: 4

Phone: (732) 890-0598

Price: $799,000






Jersey Shore - A Rehoboth/Fire Island Alternative!

Open Houses Sunday April 3, 2011

NOON - 2:00 PM

For more info contact:

2155 MONTROSE STREET - new construction, tax abatement, 3BR/2.5BA ...................................$425,000

John C. Conover Agency - Asbury Park

2136 TRYON STREET - New listing in Rittenhouse Square area. Cute 2 bedroom, one bath with small garden and nice deck. ....................................$299,000

Robert Roccia 732-890-0598

155 W. Plumstead Ave Lansdowne, PA 19050 Open Sunday, April 3, 2011, 1-3PM

Your search is over! Move to a quiet street tree lined street in historic Lansdowne. Sun filled large living room with bay window, dining room with built in sconces and wainscoting. Both the LR and DR have gleaming inlaid HDW floors. Updated eat- in kitchen with SS gas range and microwave, DW, lots of cabinet space, eating area. MBR with a full bath. 2 add. bedrooms and hall bath. Full finished basement, garage, newer roof, windows, deck, yard, and concrete. Lansdowne is home to 11 parks and perfectly located just 6 miles from Phila and 6 miles to Media. Must see to appreciate.

Prudential Fox and Roach Realtors

Tara Bernhardt • 610 353-6200 • 610 804-8050


NOON - 1:00 PM 927 SPRUCE STREET, 2R Junior 1BR/1BA Condo, parking available for $20,000...........................$199,000 1:30-2:30 PM 255 S. HUTCHINSON STREET. 2BR/1.5BA cute home in great area...........................................$250,000 1109 SPRUCE STREET 4 units available -one studio, and three 1BR/1BA,Condos .........................$180,000+ Search all Philadelphia area listings @ Dan Tobey

The Curtis Center 1401 Walnut St. 8th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102

215.546.2700 Business • 267.238.1061 Direct 215.432.7151 Cell • 215.546.7728 Fax •





42 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011






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ROOMMATES PGN WILL NOT PUBLISH RACIAL DISTINCTIONS IN ROOMMATE ADS. SUCH NOTATIONS WILL BE EDITED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ___________________________________ GREATER NE PHILA. Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split level home with 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 full baths, W/D, upper and lower decks, use of kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least reasonably neat and employed. Rent is $600 + 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. _______________________________35-19 SPECT. RMATE IN BUCKS. FARM HS. Rarely avail. furn. by desgnr, lg 1 BR with sit. area, pvt. BR, C/A, cbl, W/D, swm. pool, must like pets. Resort set. $998 + sm. util. chg. 215-297-9751. _______________________________35-14 SOUTH PHILLY 1 blk. to Broad St. Line. 12x14 pvt. BR, unfurn, full use of home. SWGM pref. W/D, C/heat/air, 12’ square roof deck. $550/mo. inclusive. Sec. dep, long term lease. Small pet OK w/deposit. Call 215-468-7776. _______________________________35-15



12TH & DICKINSON AREA Furnished Townhouse for rent: 3 levels. Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms , bath. Very Unique. 1500. mo plus util. (negotiable). Call 215 468-9166 after 6 pm. or 215 686 3431 daytime. _______________________________35-19 QUEEN VILLAGE 3RD & CATHARINE Gated. 1 BR, hdwd flrs, F/P, C/A, W/D, D/W, private & quaint. $1100. 215-336-4629, cell, 215-687-8461. _______________________________35-13 JEFFERSONVILLE, NEAR K OF P, BLUE BELL Apt. in private wing on home with large yard. Private bath, entrance, kit. $495/mo. + elect. & sec. dep. 610-539-6381, leave message. _______________________________35-14 Bella Vista nice 1 BR apt. Avail. 4/1. $850 + utils. Contact Larry at 215-687-5629. _______________________________35-13 RITTENHOUSE SQUARE AREA Studios & 1 Bedrooms - Call for Availability (215)735-8050. _______________________________35-31 TINICUM TWP., BUCKS CO. One BR apt. $600.+ security & util. &10 hrs. light maintenance per month. 215-794-0611. _______________________________35-13

RENTAL AFFORDABLE FORT LAUDERDALE All Gay Resort. Apts., full kit, 10 min Gay Nightlife, beaches, attractions. Clothing opt. pool, WiFi. 877-927-0090, _______________________________35-15 OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102 Online reservations: _______________________________35-13

FOR SALE SAWMILLS Band/Chainsaw -Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. Build anything from furniture to homes. IN STOCK ready to ship. From $4090.00. 1-800-661-7747. _______________________________35-13 STEEL ARCH BUILDINGS Huge Savings on some of our Spring Clearance Buildings. Selling for Balance Owed Plus Repos. 16x20, 20x24, 25x30,etc. Supplies Won’t Last!!! 1-866-339-7449. _______________________________35-13

SERVICES AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888)834-9715. _______________________________35-13 HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY If you had hip replacement surgery between 2005 - present and suffered problems requiring a second revision surgery you may be entitled to compensation. Attorney Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727. _______________________________35-13


Do you earn $800 in a day? Your Own Local Candy Route! 25 Machines and Candy All for $9995. 877-915-8222 All Major Credit Cards Accepted! _______________________________35-13



OWNER OPERATORS 85% of Gross. 40% Advance on Loads. No Forced Dispatch. Trailer Rental Program. Low Cost Insurance Available. Flatbed, Dryvan, Specialized. JRC 866-572-7297. www. _______________________________35-13 TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED! 2011 PAY RAISE! UP TO $.52 PER MILE! HOME WEEKENDS! EXCELLENT BENEFITS! NEW EQUIPMENT! HEARTLAND EXPRESS 1-800-441-4953 _______________________________35-13 Driver: STRONG Freight *REGIONAL or EXPRESS lanes *F/T or P/T *LOCAL orientation *DAILY or WEEKLY pay! CDL-A, 3 months current OTR experience. 800-414-9569. www. _______________________________35-13 Attention Professional Truck Drivers! It’s NOW TIME to get back to work! More Freight and Top Earnings! Call Prime, Inc. Today! 1-800277-0212 _______________________________35-13 Announcing Incredible Pay Raise! Earn up to 44.5 cpm. Run Regional: Weekly Home Time, Great Miles, New Equipment. CDL-A, 6mo. experience required EEOE/AAP 866-322-4039 _______________________________35-13 Drivers: Regional Drivers GREAT PAY! Home Most Weekends. * Class A-CDL req’d. 866753-7513. _______________________________35-13 $500 Sign-On Bonus! for Van and Flatbed drivers. Plus top pay with high miles and brand new equipment. Excellent benefits and bonus opportunities. We’ve got it all! CDL-A, 6mo. OTR. 888-801-5295. _______________________________35-13 COMPANY Up to $2000 SIGN ON BONUS +FREE LAPTOP OR GPS! With 3 yrs. verified OTR exp. Up to $.50 Per Mile. Regional Lanes/ Home Weekly 888-463-3962 6 mo. OTR exp. & current CDL eoe m/f/h/v _______________________________35-13 Between High School and College? Over 18? Drop that entry level position. Earn what you’re worth!!! Travel w/Successful Young Business Group. Paid Training. Transportation, Lodging Provided. 1-877-646-5050. _______________________________35-13 15 CDL drivers needed to deliver trucks regionally. Availability to gross $60,000 and up. No force dispatch! Call 1-866-764-1601 or www. _______________________________35-13

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Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011



LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. _______________________________35-19 Got a big torpedo? Fire it into a white butt. Call 8-11 PM, 215-732-2108. _______________________________35-14 Daddy seeks playmate. 610-931-6633. _______________________________35-14 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. _______________________________35-15

Erotic Dungeon Master

6’, 165 lbs., 60 year old Master, greek active, french passive requires obedient slave for training, S&M, B/D, W/S, etc. Limits respected and expanded. Assistant Master wanted. Call Dave at 215-729-6670, day or evening. _______________________________3515Nice looking, in-shape 61YO masculine bottom. Seeks MASCULINE TOP ONLY in NE 4 LTR. 215-264-1058. _______________________________35-16 GWM, good body, 64, 5’10”, 190 lbs. seeks other men with good bodies. John, 570-6408179. _______________________________34-16





PLAYGIRL Centerfold is Back! Sensual Massage 6’5”, 240 lbs.





Saturday- April 9, 2011

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Come visit us. We are under NEW MANAGEMENT!! Sansom Street Gym 2020 Sansom Street 267-330-0151

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- Rooms are on a 1st Come, 1st Served Basis... Rooms Go Quickly! So CHECK IN EARLY :-)

*Don’t forget to visit the Adonis Cinema right next door!!





44 Philadelphia Gay News Apr. 1-7, 2011


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