PGN May 6 - 12, 2016

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pgn Philadelphia Gay News LGBT NEWS SINCE 1976

Vol. 40 No. 19 May 6-12, 2016

Family Portrait: Susan DiPronio talks positively about SEXx PAGE 19

• Rapist of lesbian blasts judiciary PAGE 2


• Formerly homeless LGBT youth share stories with City Council PAGE 5


PA issues trans-inclusive insurance rule

Kathryn Knott sued for $5 million By Jen Colletta Kathryn Knott is facing another legal challenge stemming from her involvement in a 2014 gay bashing in Philadelphia. Kathleen O’Donnell, of Norristown, filed a federal lawsuit last Friday, claiming she unjustly lost her job after posting Internet comments about Knott. O’Donnell is seeking punitive damages of at least $5 million, as well as compensatory damages of at least $150,000. Named in the suit are Knott; her father, Karl Knott; Bucks County District Attorney David Heckler; two Bucks County detectives; and Bucks County. Knott, Kevin Harrigan and Philip Williams were arrested Sept. 24, 2014, for an attack earlier that month on a gay couple in Center City. Two days after the arrests, O’Donnell, 61, created an online profile on Disqus — a Web-commenting tool — under the name “Knotty is a Tramp,” using a photo of Knott drinking from a bottle of whiskey taken from a social-media account. PAGE 14 O’Donnell’s attorney,

Cho ’nuf, she’s back!

By Paige Cooperstein

PRIDE PROCLAMATION: The City of Philadelphia issued an official proclamation in honor of Philadelphia Black Pride in an April 29 ceremony at City Hall. The proclamation was read by Nellie Fitzpatrick (second from left), director of the city’s Office of LGBT Affairs. Joining Fitzpatrick were Jack Drummon (from left), director of the city’s Office of Black Male Engagement; D’Ontace Keyes, chief creative officer of PBP; Le Ferria Thomas, PBP board president; and Earl Fowlkes, CEO of The Center for Black Equity. See more PBP coverage on pages 12-13. Photo: Scott A. Drake

Insurance professionals are still awaiting a final rule on nondiscrimination protections, including for transgender people, which the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services proposed in the fall for the Affordable Care Act. “Because it hasn’t been finalized, we were getting questions from insurance companies about how it would apply to them,” said Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Teresa Miller. The state Insurance Department decided to clarify how the proposed rule, called Section 1557, would apply in Pennsylvania by issuing guidance April 27 stipulating that policies cannot contain “a blanket exclusion of coverage for health services related to an individual’s gender transition.” On the heels of Gov. Tom Wolf’s LGBT nondiscrimination orders, Miller said, “We thought, what a perfect opportunity to make it clear to insurance comPAGE 14

Six LGBT units part of new Chinatown housing By Paige Cooperstein

WELCOME HOME: About 100 people assembled Wednesday to celebrate the opening of Francis House of Peace, an affordable-housing facility at 810 Arch St. for low-income and formerly homeless people. Six of the building’s 94 units are set aside for LGBT residents, a number that is expected to increase in the future. Photo: Paige Cooperstein

Joseph Hill-Coles was born to a drug-addicted mother in Philadelphia and entered the foster-care system at the age of 3. Although he was adopted by a single mother when he was 10, he said he was an angry kid. He got kicked out of several schools before being arrested at 17. “When I got out, it was all about survival,” Hill-Coles said. “I house-hopped until I wore out my welcome.” He shared his struggles of living on the streets and sleeping in Love Park with nearly 100 people gathered May 4 in Chinatown for the opening of Francis House of Peace, an affordable-housing complex for formerly homeless and low-income people at 810

Arch St. The nine-story building, named for Pope Francis, has retail space and 94 units. Six are dedicated to LGBT residents and three of them are still available. Project HOME spearheaded the building in collaboration with the Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation and the Middleton Partnership. It’s the first LGBT-friendly space that Project HOME and Middleton Partnership have developed in their five years working together. Sister Mary Scullion, executive director of Project HOME, has committed to more LGBT units in her organization’s next project, said Mel Heifetz, an LGBT advocate who has participated in development meetings with Scullion. “She welcomes GLBT folks and has been very supportive over the years,” he said, noting

Scullion also collaborates with the Mazzoni Center and The Attic Youth Center. Heifetz was in the audience at the Francis House of Peace opening, as was Anne Fadullon, the out head of the new Planning and Development Cabinet. Hill-Coles told the audience he turned his life around with the help of Covenant House shelter in Germantown. Now 22, he works for Urban Tree Connection, plans to start Community College in the fall and moved into his own apartment in Francis House of Peace in March. “My journey was long and hard, but there were little lights along the way,” he said. “I want to be one of those lights for someone else.” Hill-Coles is not a member PAGE 14 of the LGBT


Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016


Alleged sex-harassment victim fights for day in court By Timothy Cwiek Officer Jason DeMent, who claims he was dismissed from the Haddon Township police force because he rebuffed his supervisor’s sexual advances, continues to plead for his day in court. DeMent, an 11-year veteran of the force, was dismissed in October after allegedly refusing to accept the sexual advances of Chief Mark Cavallo. But township officials maintain DeMent was dismissed due to a vision impairment that shows no signs of improvement. They want U.S. District Judge Robert G. Kugler to dismiss most of DeMent’s claims, before a jury can consider them. Township officials have claimed that DeMent cannot perform basic job duties, and it wouldn’t be reasonable to indefinitely accommodate him with “light duty.” “Since [DeMent] is unable to perform the essential functions of his job as a police officer, the township has no duty to provide him an accommodation as a matter of law,” a recent township filing states. But in an April 18 reply brief, DeMent reiterated his plea for reinstatement. He said he can perform modified job duties until his vision impairment — known as Stargardt’s Disease — improves with experimental stem-cell therapies. DeMent also accused the township of prematurely placing him on medical leave against his will, paving the way for his dis-

News Briefing City gets extension in SEPTA case The state Supreme Court recently granted an extension until May 23 for city attorneys to file an appellate brief in an antibias matter involving SEPTA. SEPTA argues it should not have to abide by the city’s LGBT-inclusive antibias laws as it’s a state agency. In August, Commonwealth Court sided with SEPTA, but in March, the state Supreme Court agreed to review the matter, at the city’s request. City officials want SEPTA to be under the jurisdiction of the city’s Human Relations Commission, which investigates LGBTrelated antibias complaints. Several groups are expected to file amicus briefs in support of the city’s position. Then, SEPTA will have 30 days to file a reply brief.

missal on Oct. 28 and the discontinuation of all workplace health benefits. “In retaliation for [DeMent’s] complaints of discrimination, defendants informed Officer DeMent that he would be terminated at the conclusion of his forced [medical] leave. He was, in fact, formally terminated on Oct. 28, 2015. Defendants’ actions constitute willful discrimination, interference and retaliation in violation of [federal law].” But township officials refute that claim as well. “[DeMent] did have a serious health condition that precluded him from working as a police officer when he was placed on leave,” according to a township filing. The township also claimed DeMent hasn’t demonstrated his vision will improve with experimental stem-cell therapies. DeMent has claimed that Cavallo made sexually oriented comments at work, touched him inappropriately and tried to kiss his neck, and repeatedly propositioned him for sex. Township spokesperson Dawn M. Pennock denied reports of Cavallo’s imminent retirement. “Chief Cavallo is not retiring at this time,” Pennock said in an email. Kevin Callahan, a spokesperson for the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office, declined to say whether the agency is investigating Cavallo. “We do not have a comment when charges have not been brought,” Callahan told PGN. n

Friars to stand trial in abuse case A Pennsylvania judge last month ruled that three Franciscan friars must stand trial on charges that they failed to properly supervise another friar who allegedly sexually molested about 100 boys. Anthony J. Criscitelli, 62; Robert J. D’Aversa, 69; and Anthony J. Schinelli, 73, are charged with endangering the welfare of children and criminal conspiracy. The defendants are former leaders of a Franciscan order based in Hollidaysburg. They allegedly knew that another friar, Stephen Baker, was suspected of molesting boys, yet failed to notify police. Magisterial District Judge Paula M. Aigner held the men over for trial on all charges after an April 14 hearing. Baker, who allegedly molested the boys in the 1990s, committed suicide in 2013, according to court records.

Judge orders county to file Milano records U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois has

Rapist of lesbian blasts judiciary By Timothy Cwiek In a legal pleading laced with insults against the judiciary, convicted rapist Jeffrey G. Marsalis reiterated his request for a new trial. Marsalis sexually assaulted three Philadelphia-area women between 2003-05, before going to Idaho and raping a lesbian there. In 2007, a Philadelphia jury convicted Marsalis of two counts of sexual assault and he pleaded no contest to one count of unlawful restraint. Common Pleas Judge Gary S. Glazer imposed a 10-and-a-half to 21-year prison sentence. But Marsalis maintains he received an unfair trial due to ineffective assistance of his trial counsel. He also claims Glazer and the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office were biased against him. In March, a three-judge panel of state Superior Court rejected Marsalis’ request for a new trial. The judges who served on the panel are John T. Bender, Judith F. Olson and William H. Platt. But last month, Marsalis filed a 28-page document, asking the entire court to reconsider the matter and order a new trial. In the document, Marsalis described Platt as “weathered, feeble and fatigued from his days of wielding his gavel to railroad criminal defendants.” Marsalis noted that he’s been referred to as a “scumbag” and “deadbeat” in the media, which may have caused the panel to be prejudiced against him. Marsalis also said the panel’s “only apparent exhibition of cogent thought was to mask ordered the Bucks County Clerk of Courts to provide all criminal records involving Richard Laird, who brutally murdered gay artist Anthony V. Milano in 1987. Laird was sentenced to death in 1988 but he seeks a new trial, claiming ineffective assistance of counsel. DuBois seeks to review Laird’s criminal records prior to deciding whether a new trial should be granted. Bucks County prosecutors offered to photocopy the records and provide them to DuBois. But in a two-page order April 29, DuBois noted the records are “voluminous” and should be photocopied by the court clerk’s office, not the prosecutor’s office. He issued a May 31 deadline for the records to be provided. — Timothy Cwiek

GALAEI awards postponed The ceremony for the seventh-annual David Acosta Revolutionary Leader Award will now take place in the fall. The event was originally scheduled for May 6. There was no word on the reason for the change. GALAEI: A Queer Latin@ Social Justice Organization, the award’s presenter, has

its laziness” by mischaracterizing his case so that it could rule against him. Marsalis claimed a post-conviction evidentiary hearing could have exonerated him but that Glazer unfairly denied him that hearing. Prosecutors accused Marsalis of drugging his victims prior to assaulting them. But in his filing, Marsalis said his alleged victims self-medicated due to health conditions. A thorough investigation of the medical backgrounds of his alleged victims is required to avoid a miscarriage of justice, according to Marsalis. “The panel’s determination [that Marsalis didn’t need an evidentiary hearing] falls as a blow well below the belt,” his pleading stated. Marsalis also said he was in Idaho on Jan. 2, 2004, when he allegedly raped a woman in Philadelphia, and that he can prove it if given the opportunity. “Certainly it cannot be reasonably said that, had the panel properly evaluated the foregoing claim as it was required to do, it could have reasonably concluded that [an evidentiary hearing wasn’t needed],” Marsalis added. Moreover, Marsalis reiterated his claim that the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office should be disqualified from the case, because it erroneously accused him of raping a local prosecutor. Cameron Kline, a spokesperson for the Philadelphia D.A.’s Office, declined to comment for this story. Marsalis remains incarcerated in a state prison in Marienville. He’s eligible to apply for parole next year. If released, he’s expected to serve a 14-year prison sentence in Idaho for raping a lesbian in that state, according to court records. n had several recent staff changes. Former executive director Elicia Gonzales left in February. Deja Lynn Alvarez, who previously worked with the Trans-Health Information Project, left at the end of April to start working this month for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health

Health and wellness initiatives launched at Allentown LGBT center Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center in Allentown launched two new wellness programs this week that deal with diabetes, injury and social isolation among older adults. The Pennsylvania Department of Health and Tobacco Free Northeast PA both support the programs. Trained facilitators will lead each one: Diabetes Prevention Program starts at 9 a.m. May 17 and continues weekly for 16 weeks, and Matter of Balance begins 8:30 a.m. May 9 and continues biweekly for four weeks. Classes are free to attend, but registration is required. The programs were developed as a response to a 2015 PAGE 7


Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016


Out Penn freshman earns IBA scholarship By Paige Cooperstein

40 years ago in PGN Pa. ‘sodomy’ repeal to be introduced Adapted from reporting by Harry Langhorne Democratic state Sen. Louis Hill announced his intention in April 1976 to repeal the so-called “sodomy law.” It referred to the “voluntary deviate sexual intercourse” section of the state penal code, which criminalized certain acts like oral and anal intercourse. Four other senators from Southeastern Pennsylvania agreed to co-sponsor the bill. At least 13 senators from other parts of the state indicated support. Hill said he decided to introduce the repeal bill after he saw the strong showing of gay-rights advocates during Gay Lobby Day in March 1976. The law was overturned by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in 1980. Gay counseling center in the works Adapted from reporting by Karen Martin

Psychological Alternatives, a new counseling center for gay people, was set to open in Philadelphia. Organizers announced that Dr. Frank W. Ginn would operate the center along similar lines of those used at the Eromin Center, where he used to work. “As a group, we’re committed to providing quality mental-health services to gay people,” Ginn said, noting he wanted to set up his own center because he wanted a clinical setting with minimal bureaucracy. He called counseling “an experience in living in which the counselor participates as much as the client, but where the responsibility for change is with the client.” Psychological Alternatives was slated to offer individual, group and couples counseling; awareness counseling; assertiveness training; treatment for sexual dysfunction and related services. Clients paid fees on a sliding scale based on their income. n — compiled by Paige Cooperstein

After winning the 2016 LGBTQ Scholarship this month from the Independence Business Alliance and DVLF, Ben Blanco said it was especially gratifying to earn financial support from organizations that empower students like him. The award is $2,500. Blanco is an out freshman at the University of Pennsylvania studying finance and statistics. He grew up in Los Angeles County. “Penn is a really strong and accepting place, especially in Wharton,” he said, highlighting the Wharton Alliance for STUDENT SUCCESS: University of LGBT and ally professionals in the busi- Pennsylvania freshman Ben Blanco (second from left) accepted the 2016 LGBTQ ness school. “I think it’s really important for there to Scholarship from Independence Business be a network,” Blanco said. “I had a lot of Alliance and DVLF April 28 at ab+c Creative really strong opportunities and I’d like to Intelligence. On hand were IBA executive director Zach Wilcha (from left), DVLF execuhelp others reach opportunities too.” Zach Wilcha, executive director of tive director Samantha Giusti and IBA board the Independence Business Alliance, the president Rich Horrow. Photo: Scott A. Drake region’s LGBT chamber of commerce, Over the summer at Penn, Blanco will said Blanco stood out among the applicants work on education research related to curbecause he had a commitment to connecting riculum rigor and school cost. He said he’s with other LGBT students and professionals. particularly interested in urban education. “He wanted to show that queer individuals “I’m trying to get more involved in educacan take on a wide range of professions,” tion policy issues,” Blanco said. “It’s someWilcha said. “We know he wants to use his thing I’d like to work more on in the future.” business degree to help underserved comBlanco said his ideal career path would munities.” use business skills to help people. n

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Joe Pesci as Joan Rivers



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016


Weekly features

News&Opinion 2 — News Briefing 7 — Obituary 10 — Creep of the Week Editorial 11 — Op-Ed Mark My Words Street Talk

Obituary: Proud father and former Spruce Street Singer Tom Morea.




19 20 21 22 31

— — — — —

Family Portrait Comics Scene in Philly Out & About Q Puzzle

15 — Out Law: EEOC and local lawsuits

C o — Queer Faith: l 16 Religion bumping u up against Title IX m — Get Out n 23 and Play: Let the s Games (registration) begin!

Classifieds 64 — Real Estate 66 — Personals 67 — Bulletin Board

Next week

CHRISTIAN CONVERSATION: Members of Whosoever Metropolitan Community Church of Philadelphia staged “Christians” April 28-30. The play, which featured acting and directing by church members, was meant to serve as an apology to faithful who’ve felt marginalized by Christian communities, with particular outreach to LGBT people of color. The play was staged in conjunction with the concurrently running Philadelphia Black Year. Photo: Scott A. Drake

Next week in PGN: Celebrating our northern neighbor: Bucks County!


“People seem to believe that because they live in certain areas, or because of the color of their skin, that their resources are limited. I want Philly Black Pride to be a platform to let them know that these organizations and nonprofits exist within the city. ” ~ Teneshia Washington, on Philly Black Pride and the “In Living Color” gala, page 13 PGN 505 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia, PA 19147-1506

Out Money Thinking Queerly

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From the archives: Gay Games IV medals winner Dale Dmitrzak. Registration for GG10 opens with a party at Boxers May 13.

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Formerly homeless LGBT youth share stories with City Council By Beth Boyle PGN Contributor Philadelphia City Councilmembers Helen Gym and Alan Domb held a hearing on ending youth homelessness in Philadelphia last Thursday. In front of more than 200 people, LGBT youth and their advocates, including Nellie Fitzpatrick of the Office of LGBT Affairs, came out in full force to tell City Council what young, queer and homeless Philadelphians need to live safe and healthy lives. LGBT youth are disproportionately affected by the problem of homelessness. According to the anti-homelessness organization Youth Valley House, 54 percent of Philadelphia’s young homeless people identify as LGBTQ. Often, they become homeless after family rejection of their sexuality or gender identity. In her testimony, Fitzpatrick requested

homeless for two years and described to the gallery nights of hunger, fear and sexual violence on city streets. He still struggles with trauma from that period in his life. The hardest part, he said, was feeling that he was alone with his pain. Jewel began working with The Attic Youth Center for counseling and support and in 2010 found permanent housing through Youth Valley House’s PRIDE program. Now he is back on track to being who he wants to be: He has toured in Europe as a vogue dancer, works as a mentor to LGBT youth and is currently preparing to enter graduate school. “I am one of the lucky few. Many of my LGBTQ brothers and sisters have gone through the same things and are now battling addiction, are incarcerated or are no longer with us,” he said. Phantazia Washington also gave testimony to Council. She described homeless-


that Council factor in the needs of LGBT youth and make accommodations when building a system to help homeless young people, including cultural competency training on LGBT issues for Department of Human Services staff and potential foster parents. She also urged LGBT-specific housing. Currently, youth in the system are placed without specific consideration of their sexuality or gender identity. Fitzpatrick told Council: “[Young people] often feel safer on the streets than dealing with the risk of the system.” Although the statistics for homeless LGBT youth are already significant, Fitzpatrick warned Council that there are even more young people in need than have been counted. “Don’t build a system around these numbers,” she said. “Homeless youth hide.” Council also heard from young people who have experienced homelessness. First was Kamar Jewel, who was homeless by age 16 after he was kicked out of his family’s home for coming out. Jewel was

ness as “a web of intertwined barriers and, like a web, the more you fight, the deeper you fall into it.” She described how, after coming out, she experienced bullying at school, an indifferent and homophobic school administration and a family who struggled to understand. By 16, she was living on the streets. Washington described the cycle she experienced: “You need an education to get a job. But how can I focus on school when I don’t know where I’m going to sleep at night?” She closed her testimony by saying, “If we are going to continue to call ourselves The City of Brotherly Love, we must remember that justice is what love looks like in public.” See Washington, Jewel and other young people tell their stories of coming back from homelessness and poverty by watching the full Council hearing here: https:// For more information or resources, visit and n

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016




Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Major atheist rally scheduled in D.C. By Timothy Cwiek

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Thousands of atheists and their allies are expected to converge on Washington, D.C., next month for a “Reason Rally.” The first Reason Rally, held in D.C. in 2012, attracted about 20,000 people in the rain, according to organizers. “We expect to double those numbers,” said Margaret A. Downey, president of the Freethought Society, based in Pocopson. She predicted the rally will be the largest national gathering of secular people ever. It’s sponsored by a coalition of secular groups, including the Freethought Society. The rally will be the centerpiece of a four-day event promoting the separation of religion and government, Downey said. The rally begins 10 a.m. June 4 in front of the Lincoln Memorial. The D.C. Gay Men’s Chorus will sing at the rally, and Margaret Cho, an openly lesbian comedian, will be another entertainer. Speakers at the rally include actors Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, scientists Bill Nye and Lawrence Krauss, rapper Baba Brinkman, writer John de Lancie, comedian Paul Prevenza, actor John Davidson and openly gay magician James Randi. “They’re all strong advocates for equal rights, rational thinking and separation of religion and government,” Downey said. She said the nontheist community has

a long history of working with the LGBT community, and she predicted a strong LGBT presence at the rally. “The LGBT community has much in common with the nontheist community,” Downey said. “Both communities know the harm that’s done by negative stereotyping, unfounded bigotry and blurring the line between religion and government.” Other activities during the four-day event include lobbying, two gala parties, a mini-conference and smaller gatherings attended by well-known atheists and allies. She said extensive lobbying efforts will take place June 2 and 3. “We’ll be flooding Congress with secular activists,” Downey said. “While we don’t necessarily expect that every politician will be receptive, we hope that some of our points will be well-received.” Throughout the event, guided walking tours will be offered of sites related to 19th-century agnostic Robert G. Ingersoll, who lived in D.C., Downey added. “We hope the activities will foster networking and camaraderie among participants,” Downey concluded. “The entire four-day event is intended to inspire and strengthen bonds. Then, when people go home, they’ll have the tools and ideas and encouragement to continue representing the secular community.” For more information, visit n

‘Empire’ star to headline Walk Against Hate By Paige Cooperstein

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Yazz the Greatest, an Overbrook-born rapper and star of the television hit “Empire,” will headline the sixth-annual Walk Against Hate next week. The walk, hosted by the Anti-Defamation League, takes place in each of the organization’s 28 chapters. It has a new home this year in Philadelphia at the Navy Yard and a new keynote speaker in Mayor Jim Kenney. It’s the first time a mayor has participated in the region’s event. “The city very much has always supported it, but this year several members of every community have relationships with the mayor’s office,” said Brandon Morrison, ADL executive committeemember. “Given Kenney’s platform and views on inclusion, this is a perfect fit for him.” The Walk Against Hate starts at 9 a.m. May 15 at the Navy Yard, South Broad Street and Constitution Avenue. It costs $25 to participate. The fee includes a T-shirt. The Diversity Expo, including information from organizations like Equality Pennsylvania, runs from 9:30-10:45 a.m. “We share a common cause with the [ADL] and their work to fight bigotry, defend democratic ideals and protect and extend civil rights to all Americans,” said Joe Dungee, director of operations at Equality Pennsylvania, which has participated in the walk since its 2011

inception. Yazz the Greatest will take the stage between 10:30-11:30 a.m. He plans to perform original tracks and some from “Empire,” as well as speak about his own experiences overcoming discrimination. “We all truly do have a civic responsibility to help improve the quality of the community and respond to hate, whether it’s directed at us or anyone else,” Morrison said. “Yazz works very hard to fight hate in a positive way.” Brittany Lynn’s Drag Mafia, led by Ian Morrison, will open for Yazz. “I’m squeezing every talent of every friend I have on stage,” Ian Morrison said, noting it’s Drag Mafia’s second year in the Walk Against Hate. He said he wanted to join the walk again because people from every walk of life participate. “It was the greatest mix of people I’ve seen in 20 years of performing,” he said. The walk has previously been held along Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. But, as event attendance blossomed, organizers wanted a bigger venue. Up to 5,000 people are expected to participate this year. The walk is also a fundraiser for ADL. More than $325,000 has been raised so far. The goal is $600,000. Ian Morrison has started a Gayborhood Team to raise money; people can join at phillygayborhood. For more information, visit n


Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Obituary Tom Morea, former Spruce Street Singer, 68 By Paige Cooperstein Tom Morea would’ve ranked the day his daughter married her wife as one of the happiest of his life. “He was excited that was something that was possible for me,” Lauren Morea said. “That wasn’t possible for him because of his generation.” Morea was married to Gwenne Morea before he came out. Lauren added that the first thing her father did when she came out was buy her a membership to the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBT organization. He also bought a membership for her girlfriend, Katherine, now her wife. Lauren this week remembered her father, who died April 30 after he fell and hit his head at home. He was 68. Morea had been a member of the Spruce Street Singers, a gay men’s choir, and active in the Philadelphia LGBT scene in the early 1980s. He lived in Mt. Laurel, N.J., and graduated from the New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers University before serving as a medic in the U.S. Army. Later, Tom worked as a radiologist at Upright MRI in Cherry Hill, N.J. “He was the life of the party,” said NEWS BRIEFING from page 2

LGBT Wellness Needs Assessment, administered by Bradbury-Sullivan, that found nearly 64 percent of LGBT people in the Lehigh Valley were interested in healthy eating strategies. Nearly 63 percent said they’d like to pursue active living strategies. “With these new programs, BradburySullivan LGBT Community Center is able to continue our important work promoting a healthy LGBT community,” Adrian Shanker, the center’s executive director, said in a statement. Other health programs at the center include tobacco prevention, gynecological cancer awareness and HIV and STI testing. For more information or to sign up for the health and wellness programs, contact Deb Miller at 610-347-9988 or

Innovative business to receive $10K at IBA lunch An LGBT business will be awarded $10,000 for its innovative practices at a luncheon hosted next week by the Independence Business Alliance, the Philadelphia region’s LGBT chamber of commerce, in partnership with PNC Bank. The 2016 Business Leaders Luncheon takes place from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. May 13 at

Lauren, who now lives in Ohio. “He loved to sing and dance. He could turn anything you ever said into a song.” Chris Bartlett, executive director of the William Way LGBT Community Center, got to know Morea at his Christmas party in New Jersey two years ago. Morea had been a volunteer and donor at the center for a number of years by that point. “What a generous person Tom was,” Bartlett said. “We appreciated all he did to support the center. He always went out of his way to connect us to other supporters.” Morea also made life an adventure for his kids. Lauren remembered one year when she and her brothers, Justin and Timothy, all got bow and arrow sets. The family had a treehouse in the backyard and the biggest pool in the neighborhood. “He didn’t like to relax,” Lauren said. “For vacation, we went skiing or white-water rafting. Even when we went to the beach, he didn’t lay on the sand. He went parasailing.” “My dad was very unconventional,” she added. “He had the best smile and the biggest heart.” Besides his children, Morea is survived by his grandchildren: Ryan, Alexander, Samantha and Oliver; as well as nieces and nephews from his sisters Patsy and Anne. In lieu of flowers, people can make contributions in Morea’s memory to the William Way LGBT Community Center or the Human Rights Campaign. n Hotel Sofitel, 120 S. 17th St. Tickets cost $74 for IBA members, $95 for guests and $750 for tables of 10. The new CEO of the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau, Julie Coker Graham, will deliver the keynote address. Mayor Jim Kenney will also speak. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Zach Wilcha, IBA executive director, at

Stonewall Sports among Elixir honorees Mazzoni Center’s 2016 Elixir gala will honor Stonewall Sports and the Rev. Dr. Lorina Marshall-Blake. Stonewall Sports, an LGBT athletic organization, has raised more than $30,000 to support local LGBT groups. Marshall-Blake is president of Independence Blue Cross Foundation, which was launched in 2011 to support healthier communities. Elixir takes place from 6-11 p.m. May 20 at Lubert Plaza at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital at 10th and Locust streets. General admission is $165, and VIP tickets are $260. The money supports Mazzoni Center. For more information, visit n — Paige Cooperstein

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Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Education, entertainment at SEXx 3.0 By Ray Simon PGN Contributor


ANti-Defamation league

Walk Against Hate may 15, 2016



The navy yard / marine parade grounds Join Mayor Jim Kenney as he kicks off The 2 mile walk. There’s fun, entertainment and a live performance by an international star. For more information, call 215.568.2223 #ADLWALK BGC-002837_ADL_WalkAgstHate2016_PGN-QtrPgSq-FNL.indd 1

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SEXx 3.0, which takes place May 11, is an innovative program mixing TED-style talks and entertaining performances. Kinky, queer and welcoming, it’s like the sex-ed class you always wished you’d had. SEXx 3.0 begins at 7 p.m. with a series of brief presentations at William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St. That portion of the program will last roughly two hours. After a short pause, the fun resumes at 10 p.m. at Franky Bradley’s, where burlesque, music and performance art are sure to be on the bill. Organizers have created a Facebook page for SEXx 3.0 to keep the curious informed. Tickets for SEXx 3.0 range from $5-$20. Best of all, the proceeds benefit William Way, which is appropriate given SEXx 3.0’s focus on the community. “We are trying to have more of a grownup conversation that’s about what is interesting to the community and the people in it,” said Dr. Timaree Schmit, a local author and sex educator. According to Schmit, SEXx 3.0 offers an alternative to mainstream media’s depictions of sex and sexuality. She described those depictions as objectifying, rigid and sexist. One goal of SEXx 3.0, she said, is “to offer space to have conversations about things that people have been thinking about, that they’ve been feeling about, that they’ve been researching.” To do that, Dr. Schmit and her fellow organizers — Susan DiPronio, Elicia Gonzales and Katelyn Regan — are putting together what promises to be a diverse lineup. Last year’s version, dubbed SEXx Interactive, may offer a clue. In addition to slideshows, workshops and videos, attendees in 2015 were treated to a history of the leatherman community, practical tips on how to bottom and a personal account of one woman’s initiation into Tantra, to name just three. The original idea for SEXx was hatched in 2014. Gonzales, former executive director of GALAEI, returned from a local TED talk and wondered why there wasn’t a similar local event dedicated to sexuality. She and her colleagues quickly rectified that by organizing the first SEXx event that May. That event drew a standing-room crowd and inspired the organizers to continue. “We saw there was a really big hunger for substantive, interesting, challenging, fun, ridiculous conversation around sexuality,” Dr. Schmit said. There was still something missing, though. The standard lecture format, Schmit explained, represents only one form of expression. But the organizers of SEXx wanted to represent as many approaches to sexuality as possible. So in 2015, they opened it up to performers who do burlesque, drag, play music — anything, really. “Whatever performance style they have, if that’s going to be how they get to con-

vey their information, the way that makes sense to them, then we want to give them that shot,” said Schmit, who, under the nom de plume HoneyTree EvilEye, does a bit of burlesque herself. That openness with regard to topics and format, gender and sexuality, is no accident. All of SEXx 3.0’s organizers are queer to some degree, said Schmit. They have also all worked in some capacity for organizations that support the LGBT community. Consequently, there’s a strong queer influence at work in SEXx 3.0. “Any time we’re talking openly about sexuality in an expansive, exploratory way, that’s to the benefit of queer rights, that is


to the benefit of any sexual minority, anybody who’s been oppressed on the basis of their sexuality,” Schmit said. That queer sensibility was one of the features of SEXx 3.0 that appealed to Amy Jo Goddard, a sexual-empowerment expert with 20 years’ experience. Goddard, who cheerfully said she is “out as a queer person, as a poly person, as a kinky person,” will be giving a talk during the first part of the evening called “Sexual Rocket Fuel.” For Goddard, sexuality is a vital component of peoples’ lives. “I see our sexual energy as creative energy,” she said, “and I think that when we work on our sexuality, when we develop it and give it attention and really step into our power sexually, it impacts every other part of our lives.” Goddard also appreciates the fact that SEXx 3.0 is open to everyone, of all genders, ages and sexual orientations. After two decades as an activist and educator, she knows that people have more in common than they imagine. “It really doesn’t matter what people’s sexual orientation is,” she said. “People struggle with a lot of the same things.” Perhaps the best part of SEXx 3.0, according to Schmit, is the fact that it’s also a blast. “It’s not just for personal development and growth,” she said. “It’s also just a really fun time hanging out with cool people.” So follow the doctor’s orders and check it out. Tickets for SEXx 3.0 are available online at n


Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Brian had his HIV under control with medication. But smoking with HIV caused him to have serious health problems, including a stroke, a blood clot in his lungs and surgery on an artery in his neck. Smoking makes living with HIV much worse. You can quit.



HIV alone didn’t cause the clogged artery in my neck. Smoking with HIV did. Brian, age 45, California



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016


Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

Ryan Anderson


The presidential pits When brainstorming for ideas for this week’s editorial, there was one idea that kept trumping the others: We’re feeling blue. It could be the Seattle-like weather we’ve been experiencing these recent days, but we’re instead speculating that our spirits have been dashed by the super-saturation of the ongoing presidential race. If you’re like us, it seems the race has instead been more like a slow death march. As members of the media, we attempt to pay attention to headlines but, each day, they seem to grow increasingly inane with regards to the contenders battling it out to lead our country: This one insulted women, yet again … This one had a handshake gaffe … This one was visited by a bird … This one flip-flopped … This presidential-campaign season has started to take on the air of a junior-high Student Council race: Memes abound on social media, personal insults fly and minute details of each candidate’s wardrobe have taken on equal significant to the details of their foreign-policy plans. These trends have not been helped by our national media, who have fueled conversation — surely for ratings, “likes” and more — about the baser elements of this race. The candidates themselves have also contributed to the chaos that has marked this cycle. Donald Trump has run a campaign centered primarily on proffering outrageous claims — without any attention to actual facts and without proposing any real, delineated plans — structured to ignite the passions of the least-educated and most virulently biased people in our country. That this tactic has worked might be part of what we’ve found so dispiriting. Trump’s success has shown an ugly truth about our country: Many, many Americans hold intense biases, and just as many have been ignorant to the depth and breadth of the prejudices that are rampant in America. That proclamations about tracking and labeling people of a certain religion or building physical structures to keep immigrants out of our melting pot of a country elicit laughs and cheers is truly frightening and disheartening. Absent a life remote to fast-forward six months to the general election, we’re hoping for at least an introduction of civility to this presidential race. Though with what the last six months have shown, we’re not holding our breath. n

Coming May 13

The Bucks County Issue

Hello, gay and lesbian readers. I’d like to talk to you about your pathetic lives devoid of friends or family. It’s hard when the only way you know how to connect with other humans is to mash your identical genitals together. Which is why you’re probably reading this on your computer at home, alone with your cats or in a print copy of the paper you picked up to hide your giant erection as you wait by the restroom door at a gay club, hoping to make a new “friend.” But don’t worry. Ryan Anderson, author of “Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom,” sees your pain. And he wants to invite you to dinner. And to babysit his kids or something. You know, so that your loneliness and alienation stop driving you to do gay sex stuff. Speaking at Cleveland Right to Life’s Bringing America Back to Life Convention in early March, Anderson basically said, Hey, we’ve got crisis-pregnancy centers to stop pregnant women from getting an abortion. What would the “functional equivalent look like for people with same-sex attractions?” Let me just stop and point out that he says “people with same-sex attractions” in order to make clear that “gay” is something people do, not something people are. It’s an important distinction when your goal is to dehumanize. Anderson continues, “If we’re not in favor of same-sex marriage, what are we in favor of for people with same-sex attractions and how are we helping them live out their vocations?” An interesting question. Particularly because he’s implying that gays need help from straight people, antigay straight Christians especially, to live their lives. It’s a weird claim. But when you see gays and lesbians as isolated perverts trying to make their way through this world, one hook-up at a time, it makes a kind of sick sense. “There’s a universal human desire for friendship, for companionship. We all have a need for relationships that matter,” Anderson said. So true! And that is the foundational argument for marriage equality. But, as you may have guessed, Anderson’s going in the opposite direction here. “When Thanksgiving comes around,

when Christmas comes around, are you inviting a same-sex-attracted colleague or friend or member of your church who isn’t married and doesn’t have a family of his or her own … Are you inviting them into your family to share Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas dinner? Are you having them be big brother or big sister, godfather or godmother to your children if they’re not going to be married and have children of their own? Are there ways in which we can show that there are other forms of community that matter, that are important, that are meaningful, without having to redefine marriage?” In other words, silly gay or lesbian, marriage is for heteros. You don’t need legal protections for your family. You don’t need a family at all! Just accept that you’re going to always be alone and childless so you might as well get adopted by a church group full of people who pity you. And notice that, in Anderson’s world, homos are super hard up for social engagements. I mean, Joe Blow, your single colleague who likes dudes, would probably spend Christmas on his knees in a bathhouse if he didn’t get to sit next to your Aunt Rita and listen to her extol the virtues of Donald Trump’s Mexican wall over mashed potatoes and ambrosia. Why wouldn’t gays and lesbians live chaste lives when they have so many Christians who hate them inviting them to dinner? To everyone who thinks Anderson has a great argument here, I say please, please, oh please invite me to Thanksgiving. Because I would have to decline since I have my own very real family, fuck you very much. n

In other words, silly gay or lesbian, marriage is for heteros. You don’t need legal protections for your family. You don’t need a family at all! Just accept that you’re going to always be alone and childless so you might as well get adopted by a church group full of people who pity you.

D’Anne Witkowski has been gay for pay since 2003. She’s a freelance writer and poet (believe it!). When she’s not taking on the creeps of the world, she reviews rock and roll shows in Detroit with her twin sister and teaches writing at the University of Michigan.


Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Bernie, meet Ralph Nader On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program Democrats need to get off the pinnacle Tuesday, Donald Trump asked why people on Mount Olympus and take a look around didn’t look into the reports that Ted Cruz’s the actual political landscape. This is not father was pictured with Lee Harvey going to be a cakewalk. We are talking Oswald, seeming to suggest that Cruz’s about a seismic change in the American father was a part of the assassination of political psyche. This kind of political President John F. Kennedy. realignment happens once in a This was based on a baseless generation. The last one was the story from a publication that Reagan Revolution. must be high on Trump’s read The point is, Bernie, now is ing list: the National Enquirer. the time for unity. Hey, I get This is the way, and the day, where you’re coming from, but that Trump essentially won ultimately, Hillary has more the Republican nomination for votes than you, more pledged president. Do you really think delegates, more super deleNovember’s general election is gates and has won more states. going to be any different? I respect the campaign you’ve Bernie Sanders, do you run, and what you stand for — remember Ralph Nader, that and I used to feel the same way fighter for American consumabout Ralph Nader. But continuers, political activist, one of the ing at this point, like Nader, you first to fight corporate America? risk becoming a spoiler. Please, He was a hero to many of us. Mark Segal do the honorable thing and meet Maybe you should pay close with Clinton, bargain for the attention to what happened to him. issues of importance to you to be a part of Nader came to prominence in the early the party platform, and I hope a voice in 1960s fighting the auto industry with a the fall campaign. book called “Unsafe At Any Speed.” He’s With the unpredictability of Trump, we don’t need to be reminded of that funny still a crusader, but few listen to him anyline of Will Rogers: “I am not a member more. People like me feel he cost Al Gore of any organized political party. I am a that 2000 election and thereby gave us Democrat.” George W. Bush as president. So Bernie, what does this have to do Trump has no moral compass other than with you? You don’t want to be the one a mirror. If he suggests that Cruz’s father whom people blame for the defeat of helped assassinate an American president, Hillary Clinton and the rise of Trump. imagine what he’ll come up with or stoop There’s one warning for Bernie, and to regarding Clinton. This is going to be here’s another for Democrats: Stop taking one of the ugliest campaigns in American Trump for granted, and believing that the history. We need to come together and general election is in the bag for Clinton. unite. n The Republican leadership in the U.S. Mark Segal, PGN publisher, is the nation’s mostSenate and House took Trump for granted; award-winning commentator in LGBT media. remember, we started with 16 potential You can follow him on Facebook at www.faceRepublican candidates, and look what has or Twitter at https:// happened.

Mark My Words

Street Talk What can Mayor Kenney do to help pass an LGBT civil-rights law in Harrisburg? "He needs to take a caravan out to Harrisburg, filled with LGBT people. Swarm the state Capitol, visit Eleni Delopoulos legislators' actor offices and West Philadelphia impress upon them the need for an LGBT civil-rights bill. If the legislators know that enough people are affected, I hope they'll act favorably."

"Let him organize a march in Harrisburg. If that doesn't bring results, do a sit-in outside the Capitol and shut down a Claire Moyer few streets. theater director Mayor West Philadelphia Kenney should always be nonviolent and respectful, but serious enough to get the point across. If he really cares about it, he needs to do this."

"One way for Kenney to draw attention to the problem is to embark on a hunger strike. It should just be temporary, Roberto Scolaro for a few attorney weeks. It Palermo, Italy wouldn't endanger his life but it would get public attention and move the issue forward."

"The mayor should hold a major parade in Philadelphia. Clothing can be distributed to the homeless people to Kenia Murphy help with student attendance. North Philadelphia At the end of the parade, he should give a speech in front of City Hall, calling for a state gay-rights law. He should make sure there's plenty of publicity arranged by his press people."


Tell us what you think Send letters and opinion column submissions to:; PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147; fax: 215-925-6437.


Please include a daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity, style and space con­sid­er­ations.

We want to know! If you are celebrating an anniversary, engagement, wedding, adoption or other life event, we would be happy to help you announce it to the community. Send your contact information and a brief description of the event to

Spreading the Pride Following the success of the Keystone Pride Conference on March 20, Philly Pride has listed all Pennsylvania and Delaware Valley events on our webpage ( keystone-pride-calendar). Many Philadelphians travel to New York at the end of June for its gay Pride parade, but there are many smaller events dotting our area that deserve your attention and support. They are all unique and represent the local characteristics of their areas. Quite frankly, these are the areas that gay Pride needs to expand and flourish. You should consider them when making your travel plans.

May 21: New Hope June 4: Chester County June 4: Northwest Pennsylvania June 12: Philly Pride (stay home for ours!) July 16: Staten Island July 17: Reading July 30: Central Pennsylvania Aug. 7: Northeast Pennsylvania Aug. 27: Northwest Pennsylvania Sept. 11: South Jersey Oct. 9: Philly Pride’s OutFest (stay home again!) — Chuck Volz Senior advisor, Philly Pride


Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016


Local leaders honored at Black Pride’s Society Lights awards dinner By Paige Cooperstein In 2013, D’Ontace Keyes was working full-time at Philadelphia FIGHT, an AIDS-service organization, and serving as the youth chair for Philadelphia Black Pride. Despite his busy schedule, he also started working weekends at the DSW shoe store because it had a philanthropy project. Keyes received $1,000 to put toward a cause of his choice. “I decided to do an awards ceremony,” he said. “You never really saw people of color being recognized for their contributions” to the LGBT community. Keyes shared the history of the Society Lights awards at the fourth-annual event that took place April 30 at Ms. Tootsie’s Soul Food Café in Bella Vista. He was feeling nostalgic as he announced it would be his last year with Philadelphia Black Pride. Keyes is graduating this month from his master’s pro-

gram for marketing and looking ahead to the next stage of his life. Philadelphia Black Pride’s president, Le Thomas, commended the six honorees for their impact on the community. “These are individual people doing individual things, but collectively their work is amazing,” he said. The Society Lights winners included: • Deborah Johnson, visitor services manager at the African American Museum of Philadelphia and a former board member of Philadelphia Black Pride. “Miss Deborah has been there for me for so long,” Keyes said. “She’s a supportive force in the community.” • Suzi Nash, contributor to Philadelphia Gay News and community advocate. “Suzi has been a staple not only to the paper, but also to the narratives of black LGBT people,” Keyes said. • Malcolm Kenyatta, an LGBT

NAMES IN LIGHTS: The honorees at the fourth-annual Society Lights Awards dinner April 30 at Ms. Tootsie’s Soul Food Cafe were Deborah Johnson (from left), Suzi Nash, Malcolm Kenyatta, Richard Laboy and Ja’Nae Tyler. Photo: Paige Cooperstein

political consultant and advocate. “He’s one of those young people who shakes the scene,” Keyes said.

• Richard Laboy, a clinical research assistant at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia who is active in the HIV/AIDS care community.

“He’s humbly shifted the paradigm in programming and research for HIV prevention in black and Latino communities,” Keyes said. “He’s not afraid to call out organizations and say, ‘Shape up or ship out.’” • Ja’Nae Tyler, an activist for trans women of color. “She speaks up for the lives of black trans women,” Keyes said, pointing out the inscription on the Society Lights award plaque, which says, “Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones.” • Dior Cartel, a DJ and mentor for young girls, was unable to attend the ceremony. Kenyatta and Nash also honored Nash’s mother, Toni, with a proclamation from Philadelphia City Council recognizing her many contributions to the city as a longstanding supporter of the LGBT community. The proclamation recognized her nineyear run hosting “Profiles” on WGBS-TV57, which is similar to Nash’s “Family Portrait” feature in PGN. n

Researchers: Trans men and women Philly Black Pride interested in app to rate community-police interactions must be included in HIV studies By Paige Cooperstein When Shante Miller began as a regional resource coordinator with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, she wanted to know how groups that received Ryan White funding for HIV/AIDS care served transgender populations. She remembered a superior telling her, “The data you need is not really collected.” “I was really interested to see all 10 of us started reporting on this at the same time,” Miller said of her colleagues at each regional office of Health and Human Services. “When the prevention strategy was updated through 2020, transgender people were included.” The National HIV/AIDS Strategy, released over the summer, is a policy document that outlines methods to curb HIV infections and health disparities. Miller shared the inclusion of trans people in discussions of HIV education, prevention and treatment at an April 28 event as part of the 17th annual Philadelphia Black Pride celebration. About 45 people attended the lunch at the African American Museum of Philadelphia in Old City. Mayor Jim Kenney opened the event. He said that, over the decades, it’s become easier to advocate for fair treatment for lesbian, gay and bisexual people. “But we’re not even close to treating the transgender community as human beings, as equal citizens,” he said. “We’ve got a long way to go and I’m committed to making sure

that happens.” Attendees turned their attention to the descriptions of two studies on HIV/AIDS. Derrick Matthews from the University of Pittsburgh outlined results of a study called POWER for “promoting our worth, equality and resilience.” Data was collected from more than 5,500 people over a three-year period with 192 identifying as trans. Results indicated that HIV prevalence was highest among black men who have sex with men (MSM) who are 40 or older. Forty-one percent of the surveyed black MSM didn’t have prior knowledge of their HIV status. Those who were more likely to not know they were HIV-positive, the study found, were more likely to identify as bisexual, have experienced intimate-partner violence, had higher levels of internalized homophobia or had lower levels of social support. About 38 percent of black trans women were HIV-positive, and half didn’t previously know their status. Annet Davis Vogel with the University of Pennsylvania discussed the antibody mediation prevention study, an international effort in the area of vaccine intervention to curb HIV infection, and is the first study in the field to enroll trans men. In the ongoing study, researchers aim to observe the effects of administering the antibody VRC01, which has shown to be HIVresistant, through an IV infusion. “We have some evidence it might work to prevent infection, but not 100-percent proof,” Davis Vogel said. n

By Paige Cooperstein Philadelphia Black Pride is in talks with the developers of The SWAT App, described as the Yelp of police services, to create Philadelphia-specific initiatives. D’Ontace Keyes, chief creative officer of Philadelphia Black Pride, said the organization is looking at contracting Brandon Anderson, founder of SWAT, in its next fiscal year, which begins in the fall. Details are still being worked out about how much funding would be dedicated to the endeavor and what the end product would be. Anderson discussed the app at an April 29 lunch event dedicated to anti-discrimination strategies as part of the 17th annual Philadelphia Black Pride celebration. SWAT stands for “safety with accountability and transparency.” The app, still in its beta testing phase, has built a database of 306,000 police officers across the country. After people have an interaction with the police, they are encouraged to rate their experiences with comments. “We collect that data and use it to push for new policies,” said Anderson, who noted the project aided in the successful effort to repeal a law allowing choke holds in Palo Alto, Calif. Anderson said The SWAT App team frequently files Freedom of Information Act paperwork to keep its list current of police officers and their employment histories. The app will also feature an interactive

mapping system so people can analyze police performance in their neighborhood. A release date for the app has not yet been set. Those interested in more information should visit Anderson, who lives in Washington, D.C., also shared the experiences in his life that led him to create SWAT. While in high school in Oklahoma City, Anderson brought a pellet gun to school and got expelled. His father kicked him out of the house and he ended up living in an abandoned building with his best friend, who became his first love. After some time, Anderson went to the Job Corps, a government-funded education and training program, to get his General Educational Development certificate. He enlisted in the military and became a satellite engineer, but asked for leave to see his boyfriend, who was dying in a hospital. An Oklahoma City police officer had shot him. “I disclosed my orientation,” Anderson said. “My commanding officer said to surrender my weapon and expect a dishonorable discharge.” He fought the designation in court and walked away with an honorable discharge. But confronting an unsupportive system stuck with him. “Institutions not only have the capability of being oppressive,” Anderson said. “They’re also pervasive and preclude us from developing meaningful relationships with the people and systems that should protect us.” n


Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Vendors, activists shine at first-ever ‘In Living Color’ expo By Bobby Brier PGN Contributor Teneshia Washington wanted to change the world from an early age. A native of West Philadelphia, she wondered how she could make a positive impact on other people’s lives. “How do you change the world with what you have?” she asked. Washington helped to organize and host the first-ever “In Living Color” LGBTQ Expo on April 30 at The Friends Center in Center City. The expo was free and open to the public and included vendors from the arts, health, family, technology, media, travel and nonprofit sectors. The event was one among many during the 17th Annual Philadelphia Black Pride/Penn Relays Celebration that took place April 28-May 1. According to Pride organizers, the fourday celebration gave an “opportunity for Black LGBTQ+ communities and allies to celebrate, network and build awareness.” Prisoner Visitation and Support, a nonprofit organization where Washington works as an administrative manager, sponsored the expo. The organization describes itself as “a nationwide network of volunteer visitors to prisoners in federal and military prisons throughout the United States.” Their goal is to give prisoners the opportunity to have conversations with volunteers, so that both parties can learn from each other. The hope is also that these conversations will help prisoners to have a successful re-entry to society. The expo featured an eclectic mix of vendors and included musical and spoken-word performances by numerous local artists. Among the vendors was Tamaya Magruder, the CEO and Makeup Chef of Beat Sweets, a makeup and cupcake bar that Magruder started last year. “This [expo] can become something so much greater,” she said. “I would just love to continue to be a part of it and aid in however [Washington] may need me.” She added that her company is based around Philadelphia because she was born here, but she has plans to grow it nationwide. Growth and love were common themes echoed not only by Magruder, but also by Ethan Tha-Barber, a vendor at the expo and self-taught barber born and raised in Philadelphia.

“Recently, I just started doing a new project called The Faded Four Project,” he said. “As a community barber, I go around to different areas where I might see homeless people or kids who are LGBT that may be homeless and just give out free cuts, you know, just to show love to build confidence and build their self-esteem.” Not all the vendors at the expo were small-business owners. Alicia Boykins is the director of Human Resources for the National LGBTQ Task Force in Washington, D.C. “The National LGBTQ Task Force advances full freedom, justice and equality for LGBTQ people,” she said. “We’re building a future where everyone is free to be themselves in every aspect of their lives.” She added that the Task Force was at the expo to support Philadelphia Black Pride, and also to let people know about the organization’s Creating Change conference, the nation’s largest annual LGBT conference. The next Creating Change will take place in Philadelphia from Jan. 17-22, 2017. Washington touched upon her goals for the future of the expo, which included the work that is done by the Task Force. “It would be a nice opportunity to continue to diversify [the Creating Change Conference], to have more vendors, to have more people,” she said. “I just hope that it would remain, you know, to understand that there is an underserved community of individuals. They need something that can give them a positive energy for them to be able to make their footprint.” She added that people who are eager to change the world should start by using the resources at their disposal. “People seem to believe that because they live in certain areas, or because of the color of their skin, that their resources are limited,” she said. “I want Philly Black Pride to be a platform to let them know that these organizations and nonprofits exist within the city. They’re always looking for volunteers. They’re always looking to make an impact. No matter what you look like — the color of your skin, your background, your means or how you identify yourself, any of those things — they don’t matter. Ultimately, all these organizations are trying to change the world. You can, from where you are, change the world.” n

Philadelphia Gay News Winner of 11 SPJ Keystone Awards

Scott A. Drake 267-736-6743

*2016 SPJ Keystone first place award-winning news photo



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

LAWSUIT from page 1

Sean Ruppert, told PGN O’Donnell did not know Knott and was interested in the case from news reports she viewed. Ruppert said O’Donnell posted several-hundred comments on news items about Knott’s case in the ensuing months. In some, he said, she wrote as if she were Knott, which Ruppert contended was a joke. “There were times she spoke in a parody of Kathryn Knott about stories about Kathryn Knott, and there were other topics in her own voice,” Ruppert said. “We feel it was very, very clearly parody. The name of the account, I think, is a pretty dead giveaway this was not the real person.” Ruppert said his team is not releasing the comments yet but, when they do, “they’ll show she was making very obvious jokes about Ms. Knott.” During a court hearing in which O’Donnell sought unemployment benefits after her termination, Ruppert said Bucks County detectives who testified said that Knott learned of the account and was “unhappy with it” and, according to the complaint, informed her father, who at the time was the Chalfont police chief and is now a captain in the Central Bucks Regional Police Department. Heckler told PGN this week that he was told Karl Knott relayed the information to detectives about the Disqus profile and other incidents as a private citizen, and not as a member of the police force. “My understanding is her father communicated to someone in the office, speaking as a citizen, that there was this site where someone purported to be his daughter’s emanations. It was also reported that, at their residence in Bucks County, they were receiving hate mail, death threats and some

INSURANCE from page

panies.” “We were just really proud to make this happen,” she added. Pennsylvania is the 17th state to issue this kind of guidance, said Thomas Ude, legal and public policy director with the Mazzoni Center. He said he’s more commonly seen policies that have blanket exclusions on care for gender dysphoria versus exclusions for certain procedures. “This moves the discussion forward to a conversation on medical necessity,” Ude said, noting Mazzoni works with “a significant number” of people who want help navigating their insurance policies to receive coverage for gender care. Miller said the Insurance Department would be scrutinizing the “medically necessary” criteria put out by insurers under its jurisdiction to make sure there aren’t


things of various menacing natures. That’s one business computer — so there was an how the detectives’ attention was called to assumption it was [O’Donnell] when it was this ‘Knotty’” account, Heckler said. determined she does work at that location On Aug. 6, 2015, Detectives Martin but there was a possibility there were a numMcDonough and Mark Zielinski visited ber of people doing this.” Walker Parking Consultants in Wayne, O’Donnell was brought into the meeting where O’Donnell had worked for about two and, according to the complaint, the detecyears as an administrative assistant. The tives informed her she “would be arrested filing says the detectives met privately with for ‘fraudulently impersonating Ms. Knott’” O’Donnell’s superif she continued visor and informed posting under the him of her Disqus “If anybody comes to me account. profile, contend- and says, ‘I’m a parent O’Donnell says ing O’Donnell had she told the detec“assumed the iden- of somebody who’s been tives she would tity” of Knott. The charged with a hateful stop. Later that day, detectives also told her supervisor fired the supervisor they crime and now we’re gether. had, through a court In her federal suit, ting bombarded with stuff O’Donnell order, obtained the charges IP address of the at our house focused on that her Disqus userdevices O’Donnell name was speech used to comment, her and also on us,’ my protected by the and one was a work- response would be the First Amendment, place computer. and that the defenHeckler said same. I don’t want criminal dants violated her detectives came to misconduct and don’t want free-speech rights O’Donnell’s work, by restricting her as opposed to home, anybody targeted in my ability to use the as there was the jurisdiction.” profile. She also potential for more contends the defenthan one employee dants conspired to to have contributed her rights. — David Heckler, Bucks violate to the account. While it is not “All of this stuff County DA directly stated in the is anonymous, so filing, O’Donnell’s they had to go back co-counsel Martell to the Internet service provider and find out Harris said they believe Karl Knott’s role in what computers were being used to trans- the Bucks County Police Department influmit this information,” Heckler said. “There enced the detectives’ actions. were two computers — one residential and “I would say that’s our working theory,

barriers to care. The Insurance Department regulates the commercial private market, not the self-insured, Miller said. She added people should check with their employers to find out if they have a Group and Pension Administrators plan, called a GPA. Some insurance cards through GPA plans have insurance company names on them, but they are not regulated by the Insurance Department. The trans-inclusive guidance does not require insurers to cover any new services, but it does require policies to provide coverage for medically necessary services regardless of a person’s gender identity. When asked about the recent lawsuit filed by a Delaware County trans man seeking Medicaid coverage for a hysterectomy, Miller said, “When you get into

the nitty gritty of specific examples, that’s where it gets hairy. In many cases, it’ll be a case-by-case evaluation. It’s going to depend on the particular services covered in an individual’s plan.” Ude agreed with that sentiment. But he went on to give the example that if a cisgender woman can receive coverage for hormone replacement therapy after breast cancer treatment, a transgender patient should also receive coverage for hormone replacement therapy. “It’s incredible the insurance industry has begun to realize that providing coverage for gender confirmation care is cost efficient and benefits the overall health of people experiencing gender dysphoria,” Ude said. “The long-term goal is people won’t need to call us because they’ll get approval for the treatment they need without fighting for it.” n

Philadelphia Gay News Bucks County Issue: May 13

given the relationship here and the ‘thin blue line,’” Harris said. “In our understanding, Karl Knott’s position would have given him access to be in contact with the other detectives. But the details will be fleshed out in discovery.” Heckler told PGN he does not believe he has ever met Karl Knott and said his office investigated the case like it would any other. “In speaking briefly with the detectives involved, I may never have laid eyes on this guy,” Heckler said. “If anybody comes to me and says, ‘I’m a parent of somebody who’s been charged with a hateful crime and now we’re getting bombarded with stuff at our house focused on her and also on us,’ my response would be the same. I don’t want criminal misconduct and don’t want anybody targeted in my jurisdiction.” Heckler added that Karl Knott may have known the complaint-reporting process since he is a member of the police force, but said that did not affect the investigation. “Does he know, by virtue of his position, to reach out to county detectives and make this complaint, whereas another regular citizen may not? That’s entirely possible. But in terms of how we evaluate a complaint, or what we’re inclined to do, [his position] does not make a bit of difference.” As of presstime, it was unclear if the Knotts had retained counsel. O’Donnell is seeking a jury trial. Once the complaint has been served to all the defendants, they will have 21 days to respond. Knott was sentenced in February to five to 10 months for her role in the 2014 incident. She remains incarcerated at Riverside Correctional Facility. Williams and Harrigan took plea deals that include community service. n

HOUSING from page 1

community, but considers himself an ally. He lives next-door to an LGBT resident and said the inclusive atmosphere of the Francis House of Peace makes it a good place for people to focus on employment goals and other life skills. “That is a story that should be told time and again so people understand the needs we have here,” said Mark Squilla, Philadelphia City Councilman for the First District, including the Gayborhood and Chinatown. “The administration is taking that to a new level and hoping to come up with a policy to really bring the hammer down on this.” Squilla said people are becoming homeless younger, and often they are members of the LGBT community. Forty percent of homeless youth in Philadelphia identify as LGBT, according to Valley Youth House, which helps kids in the Lehigh Valley and Philadelphia with stable housing and life skills. The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority owns the property where Francis House of Peace stands. It provided financial support to construct the building, along with the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, the Middleton Initiative and the Affordable Housing Program. n


Historic EEOC ruling makes local employment suits possible The Equal Employment Opportunity comments regarding her sexual orientation and Commission recently filed its first suits chalappearance, such as “I want to turn you back lenging sexual-orientation discrimination into a woman” and “You would look good in a as sex discrimination — one comes from dress.” Similarly, she complained to managePennsylvania and the other Maryland. In the ment and called the employee hotline about the lawsuits, the agency charges that a gay male harassment. IFCO fired the female employee employee and a lesbian employee were subjust a few days later, seemingly in retaliation jected to hostile work environments because of for making the complaints. their sex. The EEOC’s holding based on Oncale and This comes seven months after they found other case law is straightforward, which is quite that bringing such charges was legally permiswelcomed! Title VII prohibits discrimination sible based on a long line of precedent. On on the basis of sex, including irrational sex July 15, 2015, the EEOC ruled in a 3-2 decistereotyping. The EEOC previously held that sion that sexual-orientation discrimination is when an employer discriminates against a gay illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act employee for being effeminate — or a lesbian of 1964 because it’s a form of “sex” discrimiemployee for being butch — that qualifies as nation, which is explicitly forbidden. illegal sex stereotyping. Here, they The EEOC relied on its previous take that logic one step further and decision finding that Title VII bars hold that, when an employer disapdiscrimination on the basis of genproves of a lesbian employee’s orider identity, protecting transgender entation, he’s really objecting to the employees, but this groundbreaking fact that a woman is romantically decision effectively declares that attracted to another woman. This employment discrimination against objection is based on irrational, stegay, lesbian and bisexual workers reotyped views of femininity. Thus, is unlawful in all 50 states. The when the employer discriminates EEOC’s decision regarding LGBT against his lesbian employee, that discrimination in the workplace discrimination is based in large part has been a long time in the making on her sex, and on his disapproval and can be traced back to a unanithat she does not fit into her gender Angela role. mous 1997 Supreme Court opinion in Oncale v. Sundowner, written Giampolo The EEOC’s views on the scope by none other than Justice Antonin of Title VII are considered persuaScalia. sive, but not binding, authority in litigation. In That case confronted Title VII’s prohibithe past, the common reasoning among distion of discrimination “because of sex” after trict and federal courts is that “sexual orientaJoseph Oncale was brutally sexually harassed, tion” is not among the list of prohibited bases physically and verbally, by seven men with for employment action, that Congress did not whom he worked on an oil rig. Even though intend to eliminate antigay discrimination when Scalia acknowledged that male-on-male sexit enacted Title VII and that all this is further ual harassment “was assuredly not the principroved by the fact that over a 30-year time pal evil Congress was concerned with when it period Congress has repeatedly refused to add enacted Title VII,” he continued by stating that, “sexual orientation” to employment protections. “[s]tatutory prohibitions often go beyond the The EEOC fights for equality within the principal evil to cover reasonably comparable employment sphere and, to that end, the agency evils, and it is ultimately the provisions of our has heightened coverage of LGBT individuals laws rather than the principal concerns of our under Title VII’s sex-discrimination provisions legislators by which we are governed.” to one of six national priorities identified by The EEOC’s Philadelphia District Office EEOC’s Strategic Enforcement Plan. Not surfiled suit in U.S. District Court for the Western prisingly, the next president will play a deterDistrict of Pennsylvania against Scott Medical mining role in whether or not the EEOC’s Health Center, and, in U.S. District Court for ruling has a broader impact. That president the District of Maryland, Baltimore Division, could appoint EEOC members and Supreme against Pallet Companies, dba IFCO Systems. Court justices who feel differently about the In its suit against Scott, the EEOC charged meaning of Title VII, and the opinion could be that a gay man was subjected to harassment reversed. As with most civil-rights victories, the because of his sexual orientation when his LGBT community must not become complamanager repeatedly referred to him using varcent and understand that, while this EEOC rulious antigay epithets and made other highly ing is a huge victory, it is not etched in stone. offensive comments about his sexuality and sex Continued advocacy in the legal and political life. When he complained to the clinic director, realms will solidify equal protection for all. n the director responded that the manager was “just doing his job,” and refused to take any Angela D. Giampolo, principal of Giampolo Law Group, action to stop the harassment, according to the maintains offices in New Jersey and Pennsylvania and spesuit. After enduring weeks of such comments cializes in LGBT law, family law, business law, real-estate by his manager, he quit rather than endure furlaw and civil rights. Her website is, and she maintains a blog at ther harassment. Reach out to Angela with your legal questions at 215-645In its suit against IFCO, the EEOC charged 2415 or that a lesbian’s supervisor made numerous

Out Law

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016



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Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016


Confronting discrimination at religious schools As schools around the country surge administrators. They are tired of the culfor Title IX exemptions, students who ture of fear fostered by these schools that pay high tuition refuse to let the legalized keep students from coming out prior to discrimination slide. Title IX prohibits graduation. In previous years, schools with schools from discriminating no tolerance for LGBT students on the basis of sexual orientaand staff have withheld final tion and gender identity. Many transcripts, denied residency in Christian schools would like the dormitories, expelled stuto be exempt from this code dents for minor misdemeanors because it goes against school and the list goes on. policy and supposedly also their The pushback is going even religious beliefs. Since the mad further than single-campus rush for Title IX exemptions, protests. Campuses around the schools have begun to change country are banding together their student policies to include and organizing on social media words like “genetic male” or to include press and bring “genetic female” to especially much-needed awareness to the exclude transgender and gentactics of discrimiCrystal heightened der-nonconforming people. nation. In December, students Cheatham who belong to Campus Pride The numbers are only climbing, with as many as produced a #ShameList urging 60 Christian schools having submitted the NAACP to stop supporting schools requests to the Justice Department. The that file for the exemption. This list names changes, although they are often done each institution that has requested Title IX behind closed doors, are not going unnoexemptions to date, which Campus Pride ticed. Protests have erupted at Biola calls “religious-based bigotry.” Campus University, Oklahoma Baptist and the Pride director Shane Windmeyer called out like with students and alumni bringing the role the Justice Department is playawareness to the changes being applied by ing in the situation: “No student should

Queer Faith

fear for their safety in higher education — and no college should be allowed to openly discriminate against youth using religion-based bigotry. Taxpayer dollars are being used to sanction discrimination toward LGBTQ youth. This is harmful to these young people. It is shameful and wrong.” Similarly, students have risen up under a common hashtag through Soulforce demanding schools #GiveBackIX. On April 9, students tweeted “#GiveBackIX matters to me because my body is for running, not dictating gender.” They continue to call out the inconsistencies of the NCAA who earlier this month urged North Carolina to end discrimination. One tweet reads, “57 Colleges in the NCAA are seeking exemption from Title IX provisions protecting LGBTQ students. End the bigotry #ShameList #GiveBackIX.” Conservative right wingers are moving forward in favor of discrimination with military-like prowess. They are trying their damnedest to protect their schools, bakeries and bathrooms from the likes of us. It will take more than aggravated student bodies to stand up for this kind of social violence. If we individually cannot see

how the bathroom bills being passed in Southern states and the Title IV exemptions are connected, then we aren’t really paying attention. Their handiwork reminds me of a world Margaret Atwood only dreamed of in her dystopian novel “The Handmaids Tale,” where overnight a totalitarian Christian theocracy took hold of the United States. Maria Alekhina, or “Masha” of Pussy Riot, said it best: “It’s a very short way from joke to sad reality,” referring to Russia post-Putin’s election. “Everybody was joking about it. And nobody could imagine that after five, six years, we would have a war in Ukraine, annexation of Crimea and these problems in Syria.” It seems far-fetched but we can’t really leave this corner of the fight to the students, can we? #ShameList #GiveBackIX n

Crystal Cheatham is a writer and activist in Philadelphia. She chairs the Spirituality & Religion steering committee for the Human Rights Campaign, volunteers with Equality Pennsylvania and William Way LGBT Community Center’s Out & Faithful Committee and has written for the Huffington Post. You can find out more about her at

AC ul t ure rts


Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Family Portrait Get Out and Play Out & About Q Puzzle Scene in Philly

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19 23 22 31 21


Margaret Cho goes deep with new music By Larry Nichols

Out Emmy- and Grammy-winning comedian and actor Margaret Cho recently took her inner rock star out for a spin with the release of “American Myth.” Cho has done musical albums before, but this latest, which she co-wrote with folk/rock singer-songwriter and producer Garrison Starr, feels way more heartfelt and assured than her previous musical efforts. It offers dazzling insights and meditations on the subjects of family, anger, fame, gayness, grief, fat pride, love and hate. “I’ve worked with her before on ‘Cho Dependent’ and she is a very good friend of mine,” Cho said about her collaboration with Starr. “She and I work together very well as collaborators and she’s a great producer. She’s inspiring. She can write so effortlessly and add on to my writing. So we have a good rapport. We always have. I really enjoy being in a band with her.” Cho said the album’s title was inspired by one of the songs. “It’s from the song ‘Anna Nicole,’” she said about the first single on the album, which is about Anna Nicole Smith. “Her

story is quite an American myth: that small-town girl who becomes this beautiful icon but in a sense is too beautiful for this world. That’s a very American mythology sort of character in the same way that Marilyn Monroe is. You change your name, you change your identity to an extent but you can’t really escape certain things, certain truths. So to me that’s a very particular cinematic myth, that idea where you are too beautiful for this world like James Dean or even Princess Diana, even though she’s not American.” Cho has been known to strap on a guitar on stage every now and then but said that, for this effort, she just focused on her singing (which, by the way, is stellar). “I wrote the songs on the guitar and I didn’t actually play on any of the tracks, which is a shame because I should have,” she said. As most people know, between her standup shows, acting gigs and her duties as one of the hosts of “Fashion Police,” Cho has a really busy schedule. So we asked if it was tough to write and record an album, as well as film music videos for it, amid her already-hectic schedule. “Not really,” she said. “The part that was

really hard was deciding when to release it and to make the videos and put everything together. That took quite a while. Recording we did mostly in L.A. in Koreatown, which was convenient for us. But the writing, we did a lot of that in Atlanta, which was where I was living at the time. It just took a while to figure out when we could do it.” One of the cool things about the album is that, if Cho’s name wasn’t on it, you’d think you were listening to an album recorded by a seasoned lifelong musician, not a comedian. We asked Cho if she had considered putting out the album under a name other than her own. “That would be interesting,” she said. “I thought maybe I would have another alter ego as a band. I didn’t know what it would be. I would love to do that thing that [Garth Brooks] did where he had an actor play him that was thinner and younger. It was the Garth Brooks version of Ziggy Stardust. I should have done a Chris Gaines.” We also asked if she would ever tour as musician or band leader, without comedy. But she said it’s difficult for her to separate and compartmentalize the two. “I’ve done that before and it’s a little hard because I’m really very focused on

being a comedian,” she said. “I don’t know how I would go about doing that. I think it would be hard for me not to be what I am. I do sort of incorporate some music into my shows but not a strict music show. Maybe a festival or something. Maybe I’ll develop into that someday. This is really a true musical expression of what I do. Some of the songs I play in my work and my comedy. It isn’t as strictly comedy-music like my friends Fright of the Concords or Weird Al [Yankovich]. It’s very much a serious record too.” Still, Cho does mix and mingle with a lot of musicians. So we imagine it would be easy for her to call somebody up and go on the road as their opening act if she was so inclined. “I would love to go on the road with Fiona Apple,” she said of her dream musical gig. “That would be ideal because we could do stuff together. You know who would probably let me do it? Andrew Berg, probably because he has comedians open up for him as well. That would make sense.” For now, Cho is focused on her more high-profile jobs. Mainly, touring the world making peoPAGE 18



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CHO from page 17

ple laugh and appearing on E!’s “Fashion Police,” which saw Cho stepping in amid the creative chaos after the passing of original host Joan Rivers. The tumultuous transitional period after that saw Rivers’ replacement Kathy Griffin and co-host Kelly Osbourne walk away from the program. Cho said all the drama around the show didn’t faze her. “To me, it was very easy,” she said. “It was something that I wanted to do before. I have more invested in Joan Rivers. She was my mentor and my friend so I had been thinking towards that show far before any of that stuff happened with the arguing. The main point was for me to go there and just be there for Joan. My allegiance to her is very serious. It’s not just friendship. It’s really a spiritual thing. I wanted to be there for Joan. I never had a thought of having to deal with anything. And none of that is there. Everyone is nice and wonderful. We just make each other laugh. So it’s a very harmonious situation.” Cho said she has a lot to talk about both nationally and in Philly on this tour. “Unfortunately a lot of it is focused on the presidential race and unfortunately a lot of it is talking about Donald Trump, which I don’t think is positive,” she said. “Every show is tailored to the city I’m in. So in Philadelphia we’ll talk a lot about Kathryn Knott and her PSA, also other things that are happening in Philadelphia like the Mummers.” “American Myth” is available now. Margaret Cho performs May 19-21 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St. For more information, call 215-496-9001 or visit n


Family Portrait

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016


Suzi Nash

Susan DiPronio: Power of SEXx positivity The late great former Surgeon General Dr. Jocelyn Elders once stated, “I think masturbation is something that is a part of human sexuality and it’s a part of something that perhaps should be taught.” If you’re in the mood for a little education mixed in with a lot of fun, check out SEXx 3.0, a two-part event in honor of National Masturbation Month. We spoke to one of the people involved, award-winning artist, filmmaker, photographer and poet (among other things) Susan DiPronio. PGN: Where did you grow up? SD: Outside Buffalo, N.Y. PGN: Tell me about yourself and your work, Poe-sers. SD: When I was little, I was sick a lot and my mom was sick a lot, so she was often away at the hospital. But one time when she was home, she took me to the store. She said I could buy whatever I wanted, and that was a big deal. I had three other siblings and something like 30 cousins who all lived around us, but this was just me and my mom. Sometimes it was easy to get lost in the crowd, so having oneon-one time with her was special. I chose a big red book of poetry, “The Family Treasury of Poems.” It had a lot of basic poetry with some TS Elliot thrown in and a lot of Edgar Allen Poe. I obviously connected with Poe because just about everything I’ve written — every play, every poem or piece of art I’ve done since then — has had some of Poe’s influence. My mom and I would read the book to each other. We got really attached to one of his poems, “The Bells,” where he wrote about the ringing and swinging and rhyming and chiming of the bells, bells, bells, bells and he repeats the word a lot. We really loved reciting it. My mom is deceased so for me the book is a real attachment to her. I still have it. Poetry has changed my life and how I see the world. “A Poe-ser” was a play on words and the title of a play I wrote. I rediscovered that book after 20 years and found the pages still marked. When I opened it, I was reconnected with my past and I realized that a lot of Poe’s words could serve as introductions to different experiences in my life. PGN: Tell me something fun about the family. SD: We made our own wine. We had a huge garden with our own grape vines and we made wine from them, mostly red. PGN: Did you have to stomp it with your bare feet? SD: No, but it was God-awful even without that. When we were little and they wanted to build up your blood, they’d give you wine with water in it at dinner. Or if you were sick they’d warm it up and add

a little honey to it. Of course that would knock you out. Wine was the cure for everything.

were doing. She didn’t speak a word of English but she took over my care and here I am.

PGN: It seems from your work that it was a difficult childhood. SD: No, I wouldn’t say difficult. A lot of things happened to me. I was the kid in class who wore glasses so I was tortured a bit for that. Then I had eye surgery and then my appendix burst, so the physical problems were ongoing but other than that it was fine. I spent summers hanging out in our fruit trees reading my books or playing with my siblings or cousins. My mother would say, “If you’re bored, go read a book.” It was the best thing you could say to a kid.

PGN: Glad of it. You’ve been through a lot of health challenges. What was “Whispers, Songs, Ghosts of the Past”? SD: That was another show about my battle with breast cancer and what my lover at the time and I went through. I do a lot of work with people going through difficult challenges. “Shout” was from a five-week memoir workshop I did at Philadelphia FIGHT for adults with HIV/AIDS; David Acosta helped set that up. They wrote their stories and we performed them at the Asian Arts Black Box Theater. I also worked with kids as young as 9 who had HIV/AIDS over at Children’s Hospital and I did a piece called “Screams” with women with breast cancer. Many of the women were at the end stages. Some were survivors of sexual violence. It was an interactive audio piece; people were able to listen to their recorded personal stories and had

PGN: I’m trying to start a program to get books into kids’ hands. The library is fantastic, but it’s nice to have a book you can keep. SD: It really is a treasure when you’re a child. To have a book to call your own … up until the red book that never happened and you can see how much it meant to me; I still have it! PGN: What did the folks do? SD: My father worked in the steel mill but he was also a plumber. My mother had a beauty salon, which was attached to our house. I would help her sweep up and stuff. PGN: Did she influence your sense of style? SD: [Laughs] My mother was very ill and in the end couldn’t even leave the house. When she was in her last days, I was going to visit her and she wasn’t in her bed or in the house. I was frantic looking for her, going house to house asking the neighbors, from sister to sister and all my cousins if they’d seen her. I was running down the middle of the street and there was my mother walking calmly, arm in arm with her sister. I was calling, “Where have you been? You’re not supposed to be out of bed, never mind in the streets!” She’d had her hair and nails done and she said, “Susan, a girl’s always gotta take care of herself.” And that lesson stuck with me: Always take care of yourself, and that’s extended to physically and mentally. It was monumental advice for me. PGN: One of your pieces was about the fact that you always felt guilty, that it was your fault that your mom was sick. SD: Yeah, I did. When I was born was when she first got ill, and I was very ill, which took a toll. They thought I was going to die so I was baptized at home and they gave me last rights. You may have noticed, I didn’t die. My grandmother decided the doctors didn’t know what they

She was very young and fighting breast cancer for the third time. She kept telling me she wasn’t a writer and I said, “Everyone is a writer and has a story,” so she finally wrote one. I have it on tape and after that she wrote a book and published it! That was huge. Now she paints and sells her art. It’s been 10 years and she’s still here. PGN: Wow, you transformed someone’s world. Jumping back to you, did you run away from home at 15? SD: I did! How did you find that out? I did, not because I didn’t like home, I just felt there was a whole world out there and I was missing something. Ha. I still feel that way most of the time. PGN: How far did you get? SD: Not very far. I was picked up by the police when they arrested the guy I was running away with. He was older and, it turned out, a felon. So they arrested both of us and that’s how I got home. Be careful of the company you keep. PGN: Indeed. I read you got a BS in food marketing in college. How did you get started as an artist? SD: Well, I went to school off and on over the years and lived in a lot of places. I hitchhiked around the country and was homeless for a very long time. But I always wrote. I would write poems on scraps of paper or napkins and sell them for a quarter in San Francisco. Surprisingly, a lot of people bought them. PGN: What led to you being homeless? SD: I don’t know. I was living in D.C. in a commune and worked there for a while and then I went to Woodstock and never went back.

PGN PGN: Cool. Share a memory from Woodstock. SD: [Laughs] Uh, I don’t Photo: Suzi Nash the opportunity to tape their own stories remember a lot! It’s a little and be part of the ongoing installation. blurry for obvious reasons. It was part of the Fringe Festival and was We got there long before it started and invited to the Mainline Arts Center and stayed long after it was over. We didn’t Wooden Shoe. know how to leave. I still have the tickets because we were inside already before they PGN: Between the workshops and perforstarted collecting tickets. We were right mances and other works, was there a perup at the front. I got to see Janis Joplin son whose story really touched you? and Jimmy Hendrix up close. I seem to SD: There were so many, but we had one remember us lighting candles in the rain. I woman who was too sick to come to the was also at the Altamont Free Festival, the workshops, so I would go to her house. one with Santana and PAGE 31



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

pgn Philadelphia Gay News LGBT NEWS SINCE 1976


So far this year, PGN has won 18 journalism awards! PA News Media Association Keystone Press Awards Second place, Editorial Second place, General News “Coverage of SCOTUS marriage decision” First place, Ongoing News Coverage “Coverage of Philadelphia gay-bashing case” Honorable mention, Niche Publication

pgn Philadelphia Gay News LGBT NEWS SINCE 1976


Second place, News Feature Story “Sisterhood and brotherhood in Gay Officer Action League” Honorable mention, Graphic/Photo Illustration “1965-2015 Timeline”

Society of Professional Journalists Keystone Pro Chapter Spotlight Contest First place, Best Overall Newspaper First place, Broadsheet Page Design First place, Commentary First place, Editorial Writing First place, News Photography “The marriage equality decision is announced.” First place, Online Breaking News “Marriage equality comes to America.” First place, Sports Photography “Squeezed Out” First place, Spot News Story “Kathryn Knott convicted in gay bashing” Second place for Spot News Story “Kathryn Knott takes case to court” Third place, Photo Story Annual Reminder Days Celebration Third place, Spot News Story “Marriage equality comes to America”

Society of Professional Journalists 2015 Sigma Delta Chi Award for Deadline Reporting (NON-DAILY PUBLICATION) “Marriage equality comes to America”

PGN is the most award-winning LGBT newspaper in the country.


Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016


Cirque du Soleil to bug out in Philly

Theater & Arts 1776: The Musical The Media Music Theatre Company presents the historical musical comedy, set when our country was on the brink of declaring independence, through May 22, 104 E. State St., Media; 610-891-0100.

By Larry Nichols Cirque du Soleil returns to Philadelphia to infest the city with its newest touring show, “OVO,” May 11-15 at the Liacouras Center. The show plunges the audience into a colorful ecosystem teeming with performers and acrobats depicting insects as they work, eat, crawl, flutter, play and fight. “This show is brighter than a lot of their other shows,” out cast member Michelle Matlock said. “It’s an uplifting, spirited show. A lot of the shows by Cirque are known to be dark and mysterious creations. This one is very bright, colorful and energetic. It has a Brazilian feel and the music is very different from a lot of the other shows. It’s all about earth, happiness and environmental love.” Here’s the plotline: A mysterious egg appears in the insect world and the insects are curious about this object. When a gawky, quirky insect arrives in this bustling community, it’s love at first sight for it and a fabulous ladybug, played by Matlock. “She’s the only one of her kind that is in the show,” Matlock said of her ladybug character. “But she’s part of the community of the insects that are on stage for sure. She’s sort of lonely but confident and searching for love and the story is

definitely her story of finding that love.” Matlock said that, while insects are the inspiration for the show, it comes across as a visual extravaganza instead of a scientific documentary. “It’s not educational in that way,” she said. “It’s pure entertainment. But it uses families of insects based on real insects that live in the world. So if you pick up a program, you’re going to find out some information about each of those families of insects. As you’re watching the show, it’s pure entertainment and eye candy, but all the costumes, foliage and projections are based on real environments in the world.” Matlock added that the show’s focus on community and relationships makes it relatable to all kinds of audiences. “That’s one of the other things that sets the show apart,” she said. “There’s a straightforward storyline than can be followed by everyone. You can follow it from beginning to middle to end. It’s a great date show for couples. It’s also a great family show. It’s a fairly well-rounded show. Every person in the family will enjoy it.” n “Cirque du Soleil’s OVO” crawls into Philadelphia May 11-15 at the Liacouras Center, 1776 N. Broad St. For more information, visit or for tickets call 215-204-2400.

PGN’s Pride Issueour biggest issue of the year is coming

June 10

Always ... Patsy Cline Walnut Street Theatre presents the stories of laughter and heartache that brought together a housewife and a legendary country singer through July 3 at Independence Studio on 3, 825 Walnut St.; 215574-3550. Breaking Ground: Printmaking in the U.S. 1940– 1960 Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition exploring the variety of ways in which artists in the 1940s and ’50s pushed the boundaries of printmaking through July 24, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215763-8100. Brian Regan The comedian performs 8 p.m. May 7 at Kimmel’s Merriam Theater, 250 S. Broad St.; 215-670-2300. Heather McDonald The comedian from “Chelsea Lately” performs through May 7 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; 215496-9001.

PULLING HER STRINGS: Out singer-songwriter Erin McKeown shows off her skills as a performer and guitarist when she rocks the house 8 p.m. May 13 at Tin Angel, 20 N. Second St. For more information or tickets, call 215928-0978.

Holly Trostle Brigham: Sisters and Goddesses The Michener Art Museum hosts an exhibition of works by the Philadelphiabased artist featuring seven self-portraits, in which she takes the guise of artists of the past, through May 26, 138 S. Pine St., Doylestown; 215340-9800. Inside Out Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of large-scale replicas of favorite works from the museum’s collection of local neighborhoods through Nov. 1, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. International Pop Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition chronicling pop art’s emergence as a global movement, migrating from the United Kingdom and the United States to Western and Eastern Europe, Latin America and Japan, through May 16, 26th Street and

the Parkway; 215763-8100. The Naked Magic Show The world-renowned R-rated magic show comes to town 7 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. May 6 at Merriam Theatre, 250 S. Broad St.; 215-670-2300. Philadelphia in Style: A Century of Fashion The Michener Art Museum hosts a display of approximately 30 dressed forms and additional accessories spanning a century of high fashion through June 26, 138 S. Pine St., Doylestown; 215340-9800. Peter and the Starcatcher Walnut Street Theatre presents the grown-up’s prequel to “Peter Pan,” through May 1, 825 Walnut St.; 215574-3550. The Elixir of Love Opera Philadelphia performs through May 8 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 250 S. Broad St.; 215-670-2300.

Plays of/for a Respirateur Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an installation by Joseph Kosuth that includes a selection of his work along with a group of seminal works by Marcel Duchamp through the fall, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-7638100. Sex With Strangers The two-character play following two writers trapped overnight during a snowstorm runs through May 8 at Suzanne Roberts Theatre, 480 S. Broad St.; 215-9850420. Stéphane Denève Conducts Williams The Philadelphia Orchestra performs through May 7 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5800. Yannick and Lang Lang The Philadelphia Orchestra performs with the world-famous pianist May 12-14 at Kimmel’s


Get Out and Play

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016


Scott A. Drake

Gay Games 10 kicks off Friday the 13th

MILLION DECIBLE ‘BABY’: Don’t let the cute faces and costumes fool you: Japanese rock phenomenon Babymetal is bringing its thunder to Philly 7:30 p.m. May 7 at the Electric Factory, 421 N. Seventh St. For more information or tickets, call 215-627-1332.

Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; 215790-5800.

Music Ben Folds The rock pianist and musician performs 8 p.m. May 6 at The Fillmore Philadelphia, 1100 Canal St.; 215-6253681. Local H The alt-rock band performs “As Good As Dead,” for its 20th anniversary 9 p.m. May 6 at Underground Arts, 1200 Callowhill St.;

forms 8 p.m. May 13 at Tin Angel, 20 N. Second St.; 215928-0978.

Nightlife Lisa Lisa Show Legendary female impersonator Carl Max performs as Whitney Houston 11 p.m. May 6 at Bob & Barbara’s, 1509 South St.; 215-545-4511. YoGay It’s yoga for guys who like guys, 4-6 p.m. May 7 at Duross & Langel, 117 S. 13th St.; 215-735-7075.

Justin Bieber The pop singer performs 7:30 p.m. May 7 at Wells Fargo Center, 3601 S. Broad St.; 215389-9543.

Kentucky Derby Party West Laurel Hill Cemetery hosts its fourth-annual party derby-themed dishes and drinks, jazz music and a costume contest, to benefit Hope Springs Equestrian Therapy Center 4:30-7:30 p.m. May 7 at 215 Belmont Ave.; 610-6641591.

Erin McKeown The out singer-songwriter per-

Mr. Philly Drag King 2016 The 21st-annual

Babymetal The Japanese metal band performs 7:30 p.m. May 7 at the Electric Factory, 421 N. Seventh St. 215-627-1332.

drag king pageant to benefit Dyke March starts 7 p.m. May 7 at William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220. Bearracuda PHILLY! The bear-themed dance party, 9 p.m. May 7 at The Bike Stop, 206 S. Quince St.; 215-627-1662.

Outta Town Slaughter High The ’80s slasher film is screened 9:45 p.m. May 6 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610-917-1228. Suede The cabaret singer performs 7:30 p.m. May 7 at The Rrazz Room, 385

W. Bridge St., New Hope; 888-5961027. Foreigner The classic rock band performs 8 p.m. May 7 at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-317-1000. His Girl Friday The classic Cary Grant film is screened 2 p.m. March 8 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-1228. Will & Anthony The cabaret duo performs tunes from the American Songbook, 7 p.m. May 8 at The Rrazz Room, 385 W. Bridge St., New Hope; 888-5961027. n

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Out & About Listings, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 fax: 215-925-6437; or e-mail: Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

Gay Paree! Registration for the 10th quadrennial Gay Games opens May 13, and Philadelphia Liberty Tennis Association ( is teaming up with Boxers to host a registration party 5:30-8 that evening. Expect a 50/50 drawing and a raffle for registrations to 2018 Gay Games Paris, with proceeds going to PLTA and the Philadelphia Open tennis tournament. PLTA members play at FDR Park in South Philadelphia during certain weekend time blocks during the nicer weather. Everyone is welcome to watch, or register and play. The Philadelphia Open tournament is Aug. 5-7 at the Legacy Youth Tennis and Education Center. The 2018 destination was announced in 2014 during GG9 in Cleveland, just as the 2022 site will be announced in Paris during the games. Recently, the Federation of Gay Games, the governing body of the games, GAY GAMES IV DIVING AND SOFTBALL announced that a record 17 citPARTICIPANT DALE DMITRZAK ies worldwide have submitted Photo: PGN archives Requests For Information about three and then site visits are in order. the process. The list includes You don’t have to be an athlete to join the first submissions from the Middle in the fun and fabulousness at Boxers East and Asia. May 13. They are always on the lookout American cities include Anaheim, for athletic supporters. And if you have Los Angeles and San Francisco, an inkling that you are going to compete, Calif.; Atlanta, Ga.; Austin, Dallas and sign up and it could be your lucky night San Antonio, Texas; Denver, Colo.; to start planning your trip to Paris! Des Moines, Iowa; Madison, Wisc.; Minneapolis, Minn.; Salt Lake City, Short stops Utah; and Washington, D.C. Philadelphian David Killian, officer of • If you missed the deadline for group site selection for the Games, conveyed discount tickets to the Union vs. L.A. the excitement of the FGG in receiving Galaxy game May 11, you can still meet so many expressions of interest. up with the Falcons before and/or after. “The FGG has never received so Tickets: many expressions of interest, and these • Philadelphia Gryphons RFC are in requests for information go well beyond intense practice efforts to go to the a simple expression of intent,” he said. Bingham Cup in Nashville to compete “We are very satisfied with our proceand retain the Hoagland Cup, the newdure that allows for potential bidders est international rugby competition for to learn more about what the process select teams. Follow them on the pitch entails. Bidding is long, demanding, and has a cost that any interested party needs 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 26th and Morris streets, and Thursdays at 12th to take into account. After a review of and Wharton streets. For more info or to the responses, we consider that all bidders are able to continue the bidding pro- donate to their cause: n cess.” Official Letters of Intent are due June It’s getting busy on the fields and in the 30, and Final Bid Books are due Nov. courts! Help spread the news: scott@ 30. The process continues through next year, as the site list is whittled down to


Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016


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PGN PORTRAIT from page 19

Jefferson Airplane and the Rolling Stones that got out of control. A guy was killed and several people were hurt; that was a freakin’ nightmare. There was a documentary, “Gimme Shelter,” made about it. At one point, I was being crushed so much I passed out and some guy grabbed me and held me up by my head. I woke up in a field. That part was not fun. They were crazy times! PGN: What was a fun time? SD: Just being free and on the road. There were good and bad times. I remember being in the Tenderloin District, which is trendy now, but was dicey and dangerous back then. This guy who I used to hang out with, we’d panhandle and sing to get money for food and a place to stay. He and I were at a center and we were looking out the window and waving to a friend of ours. I only remember it vaguely but there was some kind of robbery going on and someone yelled “get down” as bullets came flying through the window. The friend was killed. It was a very transitory time, people came and went. But the memory of that friend stays forever. PGN: And, I imagine, had an influence on your work. SD: Definitely. But it also helps you realize that most things are not a big deal. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not a big deal if you don’t get the parking spot in front of your house. I hear people whine about minuscule things and I’m like, Really? Learn to appreciate what you do have instead of what you don’t because all we really have is this moment, right now. When I wake up and put my feet on the ground it’s like, Oh yeah! I have another day. It’s a good feeling. PGN: When did you come out? SD: I came out in Buffalo, in high school. I was in love with someone much older than me and they decided to get married and I was devastated. I was crying so much the nurse locked me in a room and called my family. They sent me to a psychiatrist to be cured. I don’t remember a lot from those times but I vividly remember the guy’s face. He was like 150 freakin’ years old trying to tell me what was wrong with me. After the second appointment, my mother said, “Just say yes to whatever he says. Say you were wrong if that’s what he needs to hear and get out of there.” So that’s what I did; otherwise in those days they could have had me committed or [given me] any number of nasty “cures.” PGN: Tell me about your upcoming program. SD: I’m working with Elicia Gonzales and Timaree Schmit on SEXx 3.0. It’s the third year and it consists of two events in one night in celebration of National Masturbation Month. The first event will be a TEDx-style program from 7-9 at William Way. The second half of the evening will be a series of live performances

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016


about sexuality starting at 10 p.m. at Franky Bradley’s nightclub. All the proceeds go to William Way. PGN: That sounds great. Now a few quickie questions. Your house is on fire; what do you take with you, not counting practical things like computers, etc.? SD: Hmmm, nothing’s that important to me. Maybe a banana, something to eat while I watch my house burn down. PGN: They’re doing the Susan DiPronio story. What actress should play you? SD: Someone who is a little radical, a little crazy. Maybe Jodie Foster to play the young me, Susan Sarandon for the older years. PGN: What was a wacky performance moment? SD: One time I was getting my body painted for a benefit promo shoot and I was told that it would wash off, but somehow they accidentally painted me in acrylic. I was running late for a dinner and when I got in the shower it would not come off! So I had to walk down the street and go to dinner in full body paint. Fortunately for them, I thought it was pretty cool because it took a couple of weeks to come off. PGN: There’s a lot of nudity in your work. What does that bring for you? SD: Well with my surgeries and scars, I didn’t want to think about what a mess my body was, but it became something I had to address and learn to become positive about. I’ve always loved women and women’s bodies and erotica. I hope that my work helps people look at and appreciate the beauty of their bodies. PGN: Before we go, I’d love to hear a line from one of your poems. SD: Sure: “I miss you curled against me/ Close as skin/ Skin which touches warms/ Reaches within” PGN: Lovely! What else is on the horizon? SD: I’m working with David Acosta and we have a new website for queer erotica called, “Wicked Gay Ways.” It’s essentially an online journal and it’ll be part of this year’s Fringe Festival. And I’m working with Linda Dubin Garfield on a writing project. We’re raising money for the New Day Women’s Drop-In Center in Kensington for victims of human trafficking. The working title is “Clothing” and it will also be part of the Fringe Festival in the fall. And I’m hoping to put together a one-woman show of my artwork, so if anyone has any ideas or a space they want to contribute … PGN: I’m sure we can find someone out there. Let’s go, people! ■ For more information on SEXx 3.0, visit

Q Puzzle Epitaph Across

1. Coin for Kahlo 5. Not cut, say 11. Supporter of bedroom activity 15. Jack of old Westerns 16. Emulated Kerouac’s “On the Road” 17. Dancer Tommy 18. Start of a quote from a song about lost loved ones 21. Speedy train 22. Ball lover 23. Ram as far up as you can get? 24. Snake, to Medusa 26. Big squares above crossword clues 27. More of the quote 32. Butch lesbian accessories 35. Robert of “Camelot” 36. Partner of Felix, for example 40. E. Lynn Harris’ “___ Way the Wind Blows” 41. Cooked immediately 42. Hero’s ending 43. More of the quote 46. Writer of the song 49. “Same here!” 50. Rhett Butler’s final word 54. Maria’s “do”

equivalent 55. Time that goes either way 56. Homeopathic plant 57. Lorca’s zip 58. Start of a footnote abbr. 59. End of the quote, and title of the song 62. Deli sandwich holder 64. Painting and such, to da Vinci 66. “The Karate Kid” star Pat 67. Layer beneath two plastic brides 68. “Va-va-va-___!” 69. Sign of horniness? 70. Shape of George Frenn’s track 71. Pomo ___ Homos 72. Feel rancor about 73. Moliere’s mom


1. Elizabeth of “Transamerica” 2. Word on a Stonewall Democrat’s poster 3. Pack rat 4. Brunch dishes 5. Pirate interjections 6. Sticky-tongued critter 7. “The Black Clark Gable” Diggs 8. Vital team 9. Old fruit drink 10. JFK’s predeces-

sor 11. Some Willa Cather works 12. Appealingly shocking 13. Warhol’s range? 14. Gay wedding guide author Ayers 19. Too hasty 20. Shoot off a flare, e.g. 25. George of “It’s My Party” 26. Crawled out of bed 28. “Getting to Know ___” 29. Obstacle, to Shakespeare 30. Wright angle? 31. Beginning to whiz 32. Skin designs, for short 33. Commemorating 34. Examiner of the balls in your sockets 37. Solid hit, in Glenn Burke’s sport

38. Like annual sex 39. One with a foamy head 44. “___-hoo! Fellas!” 45. “Mod Squad” character 47. Colonel, to Cammermeyer 48. Lupino of “Women’s Prison” 50. Vocalist Vic 51. Gives a heads-up to 52. Disney’s “The Gnome-___” 53. Spruce up 58. Liquid that’s shot off 60. Nicky, in “Funny Girl” 61. It shouldn’t come before the horse 63. Gardner of mystery 65. Alt-rock genre 67. Hulce of “Amadeus”


Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016


CLAIM WHAT’S YOURS Last year, the Pennsylvania Treasury returned more than $136 million of unclaimed property. We might have money for you – just search or call 800.222.2046 to find out. Every year, Treasury receives millions of dollars in unclaimed property, such as: Abandoned bank accounts / Forgotten stocks / Uncashed checks / Certificates of deposit / Life insurance policies / Safe deposit box contents / Recovered stolen property Treasury works hard to find the rightful owners of this unclaimed property. But even if we can’t find you, you can claim your property. It’s easy. Just visit and search for your name. We are required to publish one time the names of owners of property valued at $250 or more. Our online database is available 24/7 to search by name for property that may belong to you, a family member, a business, or organization you know. One of Treasury’s most important jobs is to collect, advertise and return unclaimed property.

There could be money waiting for you right now! Even if your name does not appear on this list, we may still have property for you. Notice of Names of Persons Appearing to be Owners of Abandoned and Unclaimed Property.

Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties Listed in Alphabetical Order Bucks County

Adams Steven Adekunle Oluwaseyi B Agios Z Aidee Dyna Airgood William Alec Martin Klatchko Ua American Business Alliance Andrews Empie Apel Boris Jr Apelian Robert J Apex Medical Equip Araki Hirobumi Associates Calhoun Atm Park Avenue Apts Llc Avalon Green Clean Llc Ballester Cesar A Barnes Michael Bartle Minerva E Bates Kenneth Jr Beacham Mandee Becker Gregory L Belton Sharlanda

Benedict Chang Bickel Gregory Binstock Sharon Blake Joanne Bommarito Brian Boose Thomas J, Megan A Borthwick Malcolm J Bowen Daniel Boyd Charles R Bozek Elaine M Broadway Theatrical Llc Broomall William T, Ethel L Brown Tyrone, Ruth Brown Kathleen V Bryant Albert J Burke Richard E Jr Burke Teresa M Capar Bayram Carroll Francis Chadwick Donna Chongas Anthony I, Karyl Chongas Karyl City Radiator

Clark Ralph B Cobun Gwendy Coleman Lawrence M Commodaro Barrett Commodaro Edith Conte Dina M Cook Ann Crane Rose Crawford Stefanie Crawley Donald C Cuttler Doris Davis Carolyne K Davis Gladys R Deals On Wheels Of Pa Debuono Janine Delano Thomas, Diana Denby Sally N Derolf Donald M, Donald Derry Henry Devaney Raymond J, Raymond Devaney Joseph F Dias Ceramic Tile Inc Dickerson Janna

Dimeglio Francis S Donnelly Thomas M, Marie T Donnelly Marie Dorfsman Elissa D Doris Joseph N Doughty Leigh Dowd Kellie J Dunham Susan, David Durant Chevelle A E Coast Installation Efaw Susan L Ez Ink Cartridge Faraco James P Fass Derek Ferguson Donna, Marie Fiore Carolyn L Firestone Sandra, Scott Firstin William Fisher George E III Fitzgerald B A Flitter Michael Flowers Paula Formax Fin Network Inc

Foster Mary E Franke Joan Franz Richard D Gale Eileen Gale Rhonda Gamache Thomas Gano Estella Gano William Jr Trust Garcia Arthur J Garron Robert D Geduldig Lise Gelb Judith Gerace Diane Gerard Robert Giacobello Michael J Glasgow Tara Glasscock W M Godsell Joseph David Gold Michael Grabowski Diane C Grastataro Gail R Green Gregory Gutauckis Dallas S

PGN Haggarty Patrick S Hanak Tammy M Hancock Stanley T Exe, Jerry Hanusey Bryan A Harry J D Hartman Tammy Harvey Darrell R Heard Keith Hearthside Realtors Inc Helkowski Robert Helsley Aimee L Herder Isaac Isreal Hermo Fernanda Holtzin Kathie M Homesellers Group Hood & Asso Inc Hood David Hood Richard David Horton Padraic Houwe Louise V Howarth Elmina C, John Hradsky Genniene Hrm Usa Hsbc Mortgage Corp Usa Ibric Munib Ikea Wholesale Inc Immordino Jennifer L Ingel Barbara Isik Emine Jacobs Theresa A Jagoe Lawrence D, M A Jagoe Sarah Jane, William H Janiec Maebelle I Janzer Henry J, Irene V Jensen Bradford K, Mary S Jesse R Hobbs Educational Fund Johnson Russell, Joann Jones Thomas J, Frances Jones Kathryn A Jones Lesley P Jones Yvette L Jordan Timothy Journeys Llc Kabuna Music Co Karczewski Linda Karlikowski Patricia A Katzman Edward G Kearney Gerald M Kelly Thomas, John T, Anne M Kelly Nicole Marie Kelly Patrick J Kettyle Michael M Khometskyy Vasyl Killiangioia Donielle Kimmel Craig Thor King William B, William W Kinsey Chris Kirkpatrick Donna Kirzgavis Joni Klatchko George A Kniese Norman Kosture Asso Inc Kramer Jeffrey, Adam M Krebs Esther C Kurko Metro J, Helen L Kurko Helen L Kurko Metro John Kurtz Jack G Lamy Lucien Laurel Ridge Farm Inc Lee Elizabeth Leeser Jack Leighton A J Sr Leighton John Leister Scott Leo Movers & Storage Inc Leonard Brodsky & Asso Inc Lewis Deborah Kay Liese Luzie A Loch Thomas Long Nancy Loux Robert L Lowery Charles H Lucy Alexandra G Lynch Deyamira, Joseph Lyons Colleen P Macomber Christopher Magill James L Maids Bi County Makris Caliope Mankin Dennis M Mann Linda Manz Immacolata, Michael W Manza Ralph Marcellas North Martinez Emil P Marylue Forkay, Liberia Mini M Mason Caroline R Masselles Auto Body Maurice Jacquelyn F Mcateer Christopher

Mccarty Scott C, Fran Mcdaniel Adele Mcdonnell Joan C Mcghee Dwayne H Mcguigan William R Mcinnes Citizens Pub Richard Est Mcnamara William Mcvey Mary Mendenhall William Mergaman Michelle D, Jay M Messick Christopher W, Karen P Mike Dagrossa, B & B Miles Camile A Millward James Minford Pamela Mintz Preston L, Susan M Moldovan Bruce M Molly Morton Molnar John J Est Moore Holland R Morley Kevin M, Carol L Munro Craig M Murphy Eleanor R Natal Doris A Nemzoff Susan Nika Trade Inc North American Window Door Odell Carole Odonnell Helena Oliver Jasper Olivieri Michael Olympus Bldg Svcs Onumah Neh Md Oppenheimer Jeffrey Oshea Deneen Overington May Peak Performance Tours Peiffer Zachary Perri James J Petrie Kurt S Pets Best Friend Vet Hospital Pfister Robert Phoenix Collision Pitts Eric W Pitts John Gothier Pizzo Patricia Plumb D R Powell Evan Prestigexoticars Primetime Partners Lp Prisciliano Perez Procerus Medspa Llc Pyle Ross A Questar Inc Quillian Entertainment Quinn David, Colin R L Limo Raimo Patricia M Rainville Mario Randall Lee Razzi Rayond G Reed Lorraine C Ricciardi Jeannine Roazzi Vincent M, Marlene Robert N Wilson Ins Trust Robertson Ray Eula Robinson Thomas Romanowski Sharon R Romatowski Przemyslaw, Sylwia Rosario Manuel A Jr Russell Madeline R, Allen V Russell Esther F Est Ryder Patrick J Salerno Anthony Santoro John D, Lucy Sarris Fin Group Inc Savoy Florence H, Dorris J Sawyer Anna M Schibik Brian Schreiber Julia Schubert Frank A Jr Schull Louissa P Schwartz Sophie Scofield Lawrence F, Alice Scott Rosemary Senapo Belinda Sharkey Sylvia Shimko Faith Shirey William A Shulman Lauren Silver Bernice, Joseph Snead Ruth Snyder Sarah Soffe John R Son Pil Stacherski Dorothy Stack Joan M Est Stanell William P Star Voyager Transporter Sterling Huntingdon Valley Stern Marion

Storm Devorah Sullivan Francis J Summes Robert Sumner Stephen Susco Michael Syrek Daniel S Taccalozzi Raymond J Talkamerica Tang Renyuan Tappan Deborah L Taylor Leslie L Tel Save Templin Carol M, Kurt R Thanki Ashokkumar S Thanki Shivshankar That Certain Age Thayer Dianne M Thome Andrea Thompson Dana Till George G Timmerman Gary Town Karen, Eric Trindle Claire E Trost Mark Troyen Steven Tuccillo Angela Ulley Jason Aaron Valley View Farm Partnership Vallone Melinda Van Scott Ann E Vanasse Ben Veight Mary Beth Virant Adam Vollmar Beatrice Katherine Miss Walinski Christopher D, Alexander L Walsh John Wash Depot Holdings Inc Webb Louise, Milton Weidenmiller Ryan Welch Marguerite E Wentink Dorothy Wesolowski Paul G Westcott B Whalen Susan White Lora H Williams Carrie L Est Wilson A W Wilson George K Wolfinger William, Robert Wood Rachel F Wood Wendy L Woods Sophia L Yardumian John Do Zaharoni Roy Zaleski Brittany Ann Zerba Travis Ziegler Elizabeth A Zito Mike Zluky Loretta M, Joseph Zluky Loretta M, Stephen

Chester County

Acevedo Guadalupe Ackerman George Est, Marjorie Acrodyne Industries Age Ex Inc Aldrich Rachel All City Plumbing Svcs Inc Allan Ronnie E Amores Ginny Anirudda Shendge T A European Plus Arcaini Dominic Est Ascanio Guido J Md Ash Agnes T Aujard Thierry B Auriemma Kevin Baglivo Jr DMD Baham Dennis Bailey Douglas, Amber Baily Carol L Baldwin Kyle Ball Rose Ballard Jay M, Albert Ballard Michael J Barbaretta Albert C Barnett Thomas E Barney David J Baylis Craig Beaver Michelle, Steven Bechtel Donald E Benyo Joan M Berg Patricia Blank Patricia Bloomer Deborah Blum Sadie Boalton Evelyn S Bober Mary Bodnar Maria Botta Nicole J, Joseph S Bouvier Adam H

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Boyd Lorene E Brenneman Kim Bricklin Alexandra Bringhurst Trust for the Twp Bucus Karl U Busserd Robert N Jr Butts Thomas F Byrne Bldg Lp Cacek Patricia Diana Cain William C, Ruth B Cain Debbie Cappelletti Katherine Y Caras Kasey Bond, John Bond Caras Katie J, John B Carney Debra Carr Stephen M Carter Elizabeth K Cartter Curtis J Castillo Alejandro, Mario H Cathey Mary L Catton Raymond M MD Chew Sandy H Chico Monique Chiroy Omar Chisca Adriana Cirigliano Geraldine Cleaner Usa Inc Coffey Kim E Coggins James Cohen Frances E, Arnold B Coll Vanessa, Diane Colleen Swartz Terrapin Cafe Comada Peggy Comprehensive Diagnostic Ctr Corridoni Alex John Jr Cullen John M Cullinan Mary Lou J Curtis Nattie Dallett Elijah Dambrosio Roger M Damiani Laurie, Louis Dampman Clarence Est Jr Davis Brad W Daywalt Jennifer Debellis Aurelio R Decker Robert L Delany Marianne Delgrippo Kristen Dellaquila Brunetta, Nicola Deranleau Michael Dianese Nancy Dippolito Mary Grace Dixon Joan Dixon Joseph F Do Lanh Domosh Marcy S Douglass Melvyn Dould Aaron Drake Lawrence Drysdale Madeline East Coast Shingle Recyclers Inc Eaves Doris V, Jack Eaves Doris V Ehland Elizabeth A Ehlmer Nathan, Renee Eickhoff Michelle L Elder Eyecare Group Eldridge Peter Elevated Innovation Llc Elko Delia M, Elko Paul Epps Jennifer, Stephen Erff Kathryn Estrada Carlos H Evan Kayla Faddis Teresa L Fahmy Wasfy F Fahy Helen H Fajardo Rosalba N Falini Frederick A Fanchalsky Frank Fang Hsiung Chen Edward Filetti Sharon T Financial Growth Plans Inc Firth Dayna Fisher Donald Fittipaldi Mary C Flores Gamaliel D Ford Richard L Ford Russell L Fox Joyce E Freedman Travis Freigas Kenia Fritz Henry A Fulmer David C Fulmer Shirley M Fury Fc Gappa Louis A, Mary E Gappa Joseph J Garber Dawn R Gaynor Garland Est, Garland Jr Gensey Donald Est

Gentile John A Gerstenberger Egon Gertenitch John Gianchiglia Dorothy S Giannopoulos John Gibbons Albert Edward Gibson Glennis Gleason Richard B, Joan T Golden Living Gomez Fredy S Gooden Hillary Gottschall Christopher C Grace Minich Graham Nicola Granese Stephanie Grealey Mary J Green Debora L Greenover William A II Grimaldi Dennis J Grogan Elkanah Hays Grout Busters Inc Ha To Haar Obrien Julia Hagen Barbara J Harrington Donald G Hart Paul Heilman Mark E Henderson Frank Henry J Taggart Hernandez Mirna Herrick Thomas A Hilend Andrew Hill Sahra Lynn Hine Willard T Hinson Janice H Hirsch Daniel B Hitner John Holland Danielle L Holman Evan W Horse Behavior DVD Com Houang Unruh Grace W Hovelsen Rolf B Hrubos Joseph Hughes Kathryn V Human Resource Admin Solutions Hunt Lillian M Huster John Iannacone Jonathan, Carley Industrial Vacuum Svc Inspiration to Movement Inc Irvine John Irwin Peggy Jo Jackson Roseann M, Frank M Jacobs Calvin E Jacobs Steve Johnston Brian C Jones Joshua J Judbar Group Llc Kantra Trudy Kasuba Louise T Keenan Justin P Ken Snyder Communications Kent Cherise Kent Cheryl L Kent Paul J Khokhar Hemant S, Eda Khoury John Kidproteq Kiel Kevin Kimberlymcrowley Kimberton Food Services Inc Kimberton Town Square Lp King Winnie Kirk Anna K Klavetter Dorothy Knight Ulysses S Kokat Janis R Kollar Catherine Krishna Jyothsna Kromer Matthew T Kvetan Mary F Est Lam Hau L Lange Helen Langsten Andre Lash Christopher M Laskowsky Anthony J, Lori L Lefchik Matthew Lejeune Daniel A Liberatore Emilio B, Melanie Lindenmuth Robert T Lindsay Michael Lingenfelter Dorothy D Lloyd Lewis Lukoil Kwik Farms Lurain Sher L, Devin Macelree David L Malonoski Susan M Manalo Mendez Marino Bruce Marino Lorraine N Marosfalvi Julius



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Martin Jerome Mason Mary Mastrangelo Kathleen Mauger Judy L Mauger Leonard D Mayer Margaret Mazei Thomas Mazzacco Stacy Mcbride Ada B Mcdaniels Charles Mcdougall Walter J, Thelma V Mcgrory Robert, Nancy Mcguire Diane A Mckay Janet Mckay Richard A Special Needs Trust Mclellan David Mcquiston Joan E Medexplus Meek Carmen M, Thomas D Melhem Elias R MD Mercer Mary A Merk Dorothy E Merk John C Messina John A Metz Stephanie L Mia Rebecca Midkiff Christina L Miller Audrey Miller Joanna L Miller Mildred L Minalga Mildred M Ming Wan Chen Joanne Mitchell Dale Monaghan Janice M, Ryan T Montafront Karen Montgomery Asso Inc Montgomery William V Jr Mooney Karen Munn Shirley Joy Myers Amanda Myers Jacquelyn Myers Laurie A Naab Beatrice C Nalis Barbara Neill Clara O Nelson Donald A Nelson Thelma M Newman Thomas Ngo Hoa V Nichol Arthur J, Louise D Nilsson Jeffrey Nobel Sheri A Noble William J Nolasco Romero Elber Eduardo Norman Lois M Norris James E Nouveau S Llc Novacare Oakley Christopher S Obrien Denise Office Concepts Olaniyi Oluwayemisi Abimbola Olm Jason Olson John W Orlow Richard D Overstreet James K II Padauk Patricia Paddick Danielle, Ryan Padilla Colleen Palmero Kathryn Panetta Matthew T Partlow Joshua S Partners In Shared Air Inc Patil Ganesh M Patrick Natasha Peduto Diane Pezely Joseph F Philips Adma Phillips Mary Alice Phoenixville Family Med Phoenixville Ggnsc II Phoenixville Lanes Bowling Pickering Creek Inn Piotrowicz Walter Pma Medical Specialists Llc Porter Glenn Potuznik Christopher, Gregory Price Gary Psrc Eastern Regional Conf Pudhiyabaram Aravindh Pufko Anna E Puleo Francis Pyle Frederick E Jr Quinn William J, Thomas L Railey William R Ramsey Archie Ratwani Neeta Rearraange With Style Reeves Catherine Reiff Christine, Gretchen Reinert Paul A Jr

Rempuszewski Renee Reynolds James F Reynolds Leona Right Jacob Rodriguez Luis Rodriques Amilton Rogers Mary Est Romano Andrea L Romero Raul S Rosati Kenneth Roth William Rowland Dave Rutecki Lynne M Safford Barbara Safford Robert O Sakal Joseph E Santamaria Thomas J Saville Blanche Saville Kenneth R Scheffey Elizabeth G, Robert E Schippnick Patricia M Schmidt John A Schott John G Seibel Shirley A Seidts James K Serwatka Garry J Shaner Mary A Shoemaker Fred W, Fred Sibert Emanuel Sidor Marjorie A Simmers Dolores V Singer Artie Sirekis Martin Slotoroff Irving J Smith Caroline Est Smith Deborah Elias Smith Suzanne Snyder Esther L Solomon Ira L Sombers Stella M Spectrum Healthcare Spishock Anna Sportsmemorabiliaguru Com Stephen J Vernille Pc Stephens Mallory Sterner Dale R Stone Trinity, Marc Strawhacker Charlotte K, Robert W Struk Irena Strzelecki Stephanie Min Sturm H Daniel ?, Karen Styer Harry F Taney Andrew J Taney Margaret Tauder Ford Taylor Tyl H Thomas Ronald L Thomson Sandra M Thornton Mary E Tobin Tamela S Tomashunas Susan F Toms Auto Body & Svc Ctr Turner Charles D, Ashley Turnstep Llc Ubiera Antonio Unruh Jeffrey R Uyyuru Vijay C Vail J Valley Forge Pizza Valley Forge Surgical Asso Vaughan James L Vaughn Jeremy Vencer Tech Llc Wade Michael Wall Deborah M, Danul W Walters Cindy S Walters Janet Wang Huifang Warren Michelle L Wassmer Carolynne F, Walter J Weidner Kenneth Weikel Karen L Weinberg Craig, Marc Weiss Christopher M Werkeiser Jason R Wilson Kevin J Winslow Stained Glass Wuolukka Shaunna Xxx Sheffield Furniture Yancey Gudsie Young Christopher R Youngs Medical Equipment Zacarias Natanael N Zapotak Dawn Zibell Robin

Delaware County 3 South State Rd Ass 7 Eleven 1406 20957 A G Edwards & Sons

PGN Aaa Auto Altv Auto Agy In Abbott Samantha Academy of Intl Ballet Accor Jane A Action National Sign Adama Kone Adams Pamela R Addicks Anne P Adelizzi Richard Adesida Stephen Adler Inst for Advanced Imaging Llc Advanced Life Support Unit Advantage One Abstract Inc Aegean Conferences Ahern Ashley M Ahmed Neshar Aiken Edith Aiken Hugh H Jr Akbar Naznin Akpan Christy I Akter Naznine Akter Syeda R Alamgir Badruzzaman Alarm Capital Alliance Llc Albano Antonio Albert T Widmaier Trust Alday Edgardo S Alden Geriatric Consult Alexander Edwina Est Ali Fatima A Allen Elizabeth F Allen Lillian Allen Susan Allison J Thomas 3rd Allstate Insurance Alternative Abstract Inc Altus Arlene Aly Marie D Ambrose Ketnah Analytic Biochemistry Anastasi Thomas M Anderson Cara Anderson Ronald Anderson Virginia W Andres Barbara Andress Jane T Andrian Isabella Annesley William H Anthony Eugene Anthony Helen Anthony William Aqua America Inc Aqua Pennsylvania 363 Ara Riffat Arblaster Elizabeth Archer Amoy Armstrong Hilary R Asbury Ervin R Ashby Sandra Nia Asso In Hematology Oncology Psp Ates Hurley Road A Athinim Inc Boston Style Pizza Atkins Nelle Bernice Attwood Theresa Aurite Margaret G, Richard A Automated Office Sys Awerbuch Jonathan Bagel Builders Bailey Wroght Robert A Baird John A Jr Bajaj Sushant Baker John Baldwin School Ballard Herman T Balmer Rebekah Bangura Fudia Bannon Rosemary A Bapat Ashok R Barbar Sam M Barber Tyrone Baribault Joan Barnard Elbridge Barnett International Barot Milan Barr Mary, Anna Barrett Kathryn E Barrett Virginia T Bashaw Fernanda M Bassett Dorothy J Batchelor Janet Gail Bateman Wesley Bates Gregory B Bauer Hans Baxter Lydia Baynum Jane E Bayonne Imaging Asso Llc Bazemore Roy Beamon Kejmar J Bean Cleo Beaumont at Bryn Mawr Beckham Epiphaniana

Beekman Barbara Begum Saleha Behring Daniel Bell Nicole L Bement Viola B Benn Anne Benn George S Bennett Maggie Benonis Helyn C, Vanissa Benonis Richard P, Reese A Berbuson Jeffrey P Berry Lester F Berry Lester J Berry Melissa Bevan Randy Beyene Ziyada Bhattacharya Dipti Bhrim Dorothy R Bianchi Mark V, Mark A Biddle Henry C Jr Biddle Stacie Bier Daniel E Sr Bier Marianne M Billstein Ross W Binswanger Patricia Birch Susan C Birnbaum Michael D Biswanger Adam Biti Eliona Blee Catherine E Blosenski Bertha, Frank Blount Kirk Bmc Crew Bobins Bruce Bobins Mildred A Est Boenning Henry Bollenback Jerry Bonaventura Heather L Bonavitacola Joseph Bonner Frank M Bono Katherine Books for Israel Inc Boone Alegre Boonpitaksathit Jariya Booth Wilma V Borrebach William B Jr Bosk Marjorie A Bosk Marjorie PhD Bosurgi Rita M Bottger David A Bouikidis Gus Boyd Jeanne B Boyer Marie A Boyland Christine Boyle Steve Bradley Daniel Bradshaw Chad A Bradshaw Wagner Lorraine Brady Jeanne F Branch Frances Brandywine Abstract Co Bransome Michael Bredin Patrick J Briddell Garresha Brighten at Bryn Mawr Brighten Health Group Brockington Audrey Brooks Anna M Brooks Christopher Brooks Sara E Brower Lilly Brown Saundra, Edward Brown Anthony Brown Azalee Brown Bettie Brown Carol Brown Eddie Brown Larry H Brown Patricia E Brown Pearley Brown Richard T Brown Robyn Brown Stephen Browne John J Brownell Samuel K Bruner Jeremiah L Bruner Joseph Bryant Willie J Bryn Mawr Auto Body Inc Bryn Mawr Foot Ankle Center Bryn Mawr Running Cl Bryn Mawr Trust Co Bryn Mawr Wound Care Buccino Josephine Y Buchanan Danielle M, Keith T Buchanan James Buckley James C Bullard Kimberly Burdsall Lorianne Kish, Noah Burk Anna O Burk Annemaire L

Burke Donald R Burnside Helen Butler Dorothy Butler Manning Butler Stephen Butts Marian Bychel Diane Byrd Regina Byrne Niall T, Aidan P Cab E Llc Cagnetti Anthony D Caleb Michelle A Callaway Michael J Calloway Charles B, Helen B Calvert Ann E Campagna Comm Llc Campbell Kath Campbell S E Cande Marcel L Cannon Nancy Joan, Edward Cannon Elaine P Cantwell Robert Est Capitol Ins Co Capuzzi Rachel M Capuzzi Robert S Caratua Henry Carbaugh Lena B Cardenas Mario Cardone Michael Carney Anna M Carney Patrick T Carpenter Mccadden Carr Racquel Carr Sean G Carroll Catherine T Carroll Daniel Carrozza Christopher Carson Karen Y Carson Valerie E Carter Areetha M Carter Krystal Caruso Louis J, Lisa G Caruso Jared P MD Case Lynn N Cash Sale No Customer Inf Castro William Randolph, Helen S Catanese Benjamin, Joy Catania Tina Caterson Edward III Caulfield Donald J K Caulfield June K Cavanaugh William Jeanetta Cera Augustus Cerato Alberto Chafee Curtis P Chalikan Grace M Chambers Barbara E Chan Sokhom Chandler Forrest Gabriel, Bonnie Chandler Pamela Chang Sook Inc Chang Wan C Chao Wei Yu Charles Kelly Jr Charles Moses Charlton Helen M Chartner Grace Chase Home Finance Llc Chasiluisa Guilcaso Jaime Chaudhry Halim Che Khanh Md Cheap Bills Electronics Chen Chijen Cheng Chinchang Cherry Fieger Cheung Hoi M Chiappetta Daniel R Chiarelli Caroline Chiu Priscilla Chobert John F Chohan Surinder S Choi Byung U Choi Jeffrey Ho Lam Chung Hyi H Chung Quyen D Chuva Maria M Cianfrani Carmela Ciarrocchi Attilio J Cimbala Stephen Citimortgage Inc Clark Lillie M Clark Sidney Clarke Robert J Clave Norman Mc III Clay Harrod E Clinical Care Asso Closson Viola Clune John H, John Cmi Co Melvin R Coco Beauty Inc

PGN Cogan Elma F Cohen Lillian Colado Ramon E Jr Cole William, Sara Coleman Charles S Colen Jeffrey Colket Mary H Coll Kathleen Collins Mabel I Collins Sue M Colombo John J Colon Carlos Colton Sabin W V Commercial Const Mgmt Comrie Christopher R Concepts Esf for Children Inc Concord Autobody Shop Condor Travel Svc Conner Charles C Connor William Conrad Doris L Convery Tara M, Jack R Cook Sarah Coolocean Llc Coombs Christopher Cooper Marie Cordray Daniel E, Evelyn H Corenzwit Daniel Corr Kelly Coskey Robert L Costanzo Sally S Costello Edmund, Mary Cowan Melissa Cowling Richard L Cowser Ernest Cps Properties Inc Craig Courtney Craig Eileen Craig James J Craig Kathryn L Crawley Allen Crockett Martha Est Crockett Martha J Cross Patricia, Dudley Cuddahy Patrick J Cully Sallie J Curran Firm Curran Sarah Curry Grover J Estate Of Custom Coach Auto Body Cutaiar Frank H Dailey William C Jr, William C, Jennifer Dale Patricia Dalesio Rose Dandison Ngozi Daniel Suzalia, Jean Daniel Reny Danser Lowry S Davies Lucia Davis Kevin Davis Michael Davis Nicole M Davis Sharon M Dawesfield D F Ventures Day Catherine De Amrco James W Deady Mary G Deane Elizabeth S, Raymond D Debellescize Mary F Decindis Dorothy Decker Francis P Decker James M Est Dejohn Medical Lab Delaney Carmel M Delany Deirdre M Delauretis Anna M Delaware Valley Bus Netwo Delaware Volleyball Academy Delborrello John F Dellaportas Christopher K, Dennis Delone Jeffrey Deluca Loretta Demers Kathryn Claire Deming Frank S Denio Traci A Dennis Shannah Dermatis Steven N Derrick Deshields Ronald Desmond Marilyn Devlin John, Sara Devlin Kathleen, Sara Devuono Lucy M Dewitt Andrea Diaz Sylvia Dibernardino Mary Ann, Donald Dibernardino Terence Dicarlantonio Maria DO Dickert Sheila E Dickey Esther Dickson Margaret

Diec Hoa H Diec Jenny Digiacomo Amelia Diguiseppe V Dillon Dolores W Dillon Joseph F Dimartini Rosalie M Dimeo Pasquale Dimopoulos Christos Dinh Lan Dinh Theresa Dirico Sandra S Dirienzi Michele, Ronald Divirgilis Henrietta Dm Sales Doan Anthony Doan Hai Dolente David S, Eileen Dolente Fred M Jr Dollar Depot, Glenn Gould Donald Dibernardino Irev Trust Donnell Kevin R Donnelly Margaret Donnelly Marie Dooner Brian C Doraz Catherine Dorazio Joseph Dorsey Louise Doty Mary C Dougherty Catherine M Dowell Sherman III, Darlene Dozor Joanne Dpherdd Raymond Kudzawu Du Fangfang Dunlevy Anna M Dunn Frank R Jr Durran Clifton Dushane Patricia M Dwamena Patricia Dworkin Norma Lee, Gerald E Dzienciol Max Dzubow Leonard M MD Echegorri Lucia Economides & Economides Edmondson Terence D Est Ee Premier Ortho & Sports Efthimiadis Mike Egan Jessica Eggert Florence E, William R Eichman Ann Eisenman George A Est Elam Constance Eldeiry Wafik S Eleanor B Sajeski Rev Liv Trust Elliott Margaret Elliott Richard R Jr Ellis Chester P Elwyn Dental Inc Elwyn Inc Elzey Ruth E Emanuel Margaret, Robert Engelwood Radiology Enrico Campitelli Jr Eppley William J Est Epps Mabel Esmail Khalid Espinoza Juan Eustace Mita Jr Evans Daniel Evans Elaine Evans Steven Everett Edna L Everett F Reginald Trust Everett Richard L Ewing Stephen E II Eynon De Chung Fadjoh Kokouvi Fahmii Nevin Faigle Anna E Fail Christine Marie Falconi Judith Fanelli Carol, Diane Faraj Samir S Farber Jennifer Farfaras Dimitrio Fargo Roger Farley Mark J Fauls Grace F Fazelbhoy Shaheen, Rafiq Federman Esther Felfelis Georgia Fennell Kathleen A Ferguson Virginia J, Thomas Ferrero Brian Fetter John Fetterolf Dorothy Fewell Betty L Fidelibus Claudina Fidelity Investments Filipatos Spyridon Financial Svc Prof

Finkelstein J Firm C First Keystone Federal First Lawrence Fischer Grace A Fish Marion A Fisher Elizabeth J Fisher Joseph Fitzgerald John P Fitzgerald Julia R Fitzsimmons Evelyn Flagler Jason H Flaim Simon J Flamer Alex Flandreau James Fleetway Systems Inc Fleming Edward, Rose Fleming Marie H Fm Ferrari Investments Foehl Gene Foldes Stephen, Delilah Fomoa P D Fontell Jenneth Ford Erica J Forman Steven D, Robin Forry Nicholas J Fortin Paul J Fortunato Meryle G Fortune Frantz Foulke Asso Inc Fox Matthew G Fraim Alfred E Francfort John Francis I Hathaway IV Frank Kenneth Franklin James H Franks Robert Earl Frazier Thomas G MD Freehling William, Alison Fusek Leon A G And D Builders Gadhia Hemang Gaertner Jared H, Gary L Gaeta Ralph III, Sarah Gakis Aristokratis, Antigoni Gallagher Mary D Galloway Lucian Gangadhara Panicker G Ganz Helen Gargano Rose H Garrett Winnie Hansford Garrison Scott W DDS Garvin Stephan Juan Garwood Thomas R Gaunt James, Edith Gavaghan Mindi A Gaynor Judith E Gazia Lena Gelb Amanda J Gelley Scott Gemeda Menbere Gentile James Geoghegan Patrick George Howard S Jr Germantown Imaging Gery Lester R Gett Kristy Getz Mary Ghaneie Arezoo Giacomucci Sam Giang Minh Gibson Lillian R Gibson Margaret E Est Gildea Thomas M Gillespie Hugh J Gillespie William III Gilligan Tracey M, Kevin H Gilroy Jeff Gimbel R Nicholas Ginesin Sheila Ginley Thomas H Jr Ginley Vanessa N Ginn Edward Girone Mary Glc Rtf Godfrey Clyde Golden Charles J Goldstein Rosalind B Goode Shawn Goodin Arthur C Goodwin Marie L Gooman Dina Gootee Martha M Gorbey Jessica Gordon A I Gordon Frederick Gordy Thomas Gossette Byron Gottesman Dorothy Gottlieb Elect Inc Goumas Artemis G

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Govan Larry Grace Salvatore G, Barbara A Grace A Fischer Trust Grackin Jennifer Graff Mary Graham William J Grangel Mary M Granger Edward Grant Rosemary A Grant Stephen Graves Edward Graves Kim Graves Napoleon Gray Emily Green George, Elna Green Andre Green Erica L Green Jamin L Green Kapri Green Lynn L Green Madelene L Green Mellisa Green Robert Green Scott Griffin Albert P Esq Griffin J Tyler Griffin Mattie B Griffin Myrois Griffith Patricia Grinnage Sharon Gross Florence S Grosse Stephen W Est Grossman Bruce S Grover Sarah E Guachichu Polivio Guardianship Svcs of Pa Guerzon Roque P Gullifer Virgini Gurubhagavatula Indira Guzman Luis C Gzesh Dan Jonathan MD Hairston Jerome Hall Joyce Hall Nathan Haller Catherine N Hallinan Charles Hallowell Sheila Est Hamsher C D Dr Hancock John A Hannon Helen L Haque Mohammad Harcum College Harde John J Harding Jane Hardy Jameer P, Tiffanie Harmon Zoe H Harris Calvin L Jr Est Harris Keisha Hart Eleanor D Hartnett John B 3rd Harvey Christophe Harvinder Gurpreet Dr Hassan Javad K Hasson Robert Hauck Helen R Haun Erik Hawk Morris A Hawrylak Greta M Hayashi Kohei Hayes Mildred F Hays Walter S Healthline Chiro North Helfrich Laura Henry Dolores Henry Georgia A Herko Bryan Herko Bryan Est Hermanson Mark H Hershey Carol J Hespenheide Dorothy J Hessler Dennis Higgins Stephen P Hill Julia P Hill Theodore E Hindlsy Alice M Hisler Charles Hispanic Construction Inc Hoban Francis P, Mary Hodgson Daniel C, Susan E Hoeffel Eleanore B Hoffman Edward G Hoffman James J Hoffman Robert J Esq Hoffman Tim Hoffman William P Holefelder E Holmes Lillian Holt Lorraine Hooven Edna M Hopewell Bryan Horchy Joanne S

Hormann Carl A Horner Donna Horowitz Leonard N Hovington Pricilla, Robert Howlander Moha Hu Yi H Hubert William, Julia Hubis Melissa A Hudson Michael Huebsch Margaret M Hughes Isabella V Hulcher Sherri Hulette Alice S Hull James S Humane Med Tran Llc Humphrey Sharon L Hung Nancy K, Paul P Hunt Myrtle Hunter Andrew Huo Yan Hurley Frank E Hussain Zayeda Y Hutchins John J Hutley Janice L Hutton Stephen P Hyland William V I A E Group Llc Indian Valley Court Reporting Infrasource Inc Inglis Roberto Insight Investig Inc Insurance Adjustment Bureau Investments Com Inza Meite Iodice Est Armand, Anne E Ipina Cindy Ippoldo Robert Ishkhanian Manuel Ivins William A J & J Motors Inc J G Wentworth J M Singley Asso Jablonski Louis Jackson Nancy J Jackson Rosalie E Jackson William B James C Maxwell Guardian Svcs James Frances M James S Mccormack Fam Jamie Lane Development Llc Jardeleza Maria Teresa Jean Baptiste Micheal Jeff L Lewin Atty Jeffrey Spano, Brothers Restau Jenkins Sharon A Jeong Seul K, Jin Jiarugsuwan Vena Jin Pamela Jm Singley & Asso Inc John J Williams Asso Johns Erin Johnson Agnes R Johnson Carolyn A Johnson Gertrude A Johnson Kariem Johnson Tina Johnson Todd Jonas Florence S, Herman B Jones Catriese D Jones David Jones Leon Jones Marie Jones Myron E Jones Sandra F Jopling Judith Ann Jordan Aleesha T Jorett Alison Joyce Ann Joyce Greg Julow Natalie M, Corinn M Kachman April D Kachur Bogdan Kakoli Paul Kamarck Michael Kamau Mariamu Kamau Simon N Kane Mathew Kanwalsanan Sarup S Kanyi Titus K Kaplan Benjamin S, Harriette Kaplan Beverly Est Karalis James Karazin Drew Karp Michael Kasahara Kei Kashlan Bassam Kassab Alexandra Soumaya Kaur Jatinder Kaur Manjinder Kaur Manpreet Kaye Karen



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Keita Kelity M Kelly Elisa Kelly Hay Harriett A Est Kelly Joan P Kelly Margaret M Kelly Norman Kelly Rose Kenmore Woods Llc Kenneally Edward Timothy Kent Douglas M Keoboupha Phouvieng Keothammachak Bangonh Kerns Eve M Kestner James D, Eileen Ketterer Robert M Kilmer William Est Kim Miha Kim Guntae Kim Jeongmoon Kim Myounghee Kim Seok Joo Kim Yeonsun Kim Yunhee Kinchela Charmaine Kindt Paul, Joan King Mary A Kings Appliance Cent Er Inc Kirk Kimberly B Kiron Hasena Kjgllc Klein Jamie B Kline Orvis A Klines Svcs Inc Klinger Melinda A, David J Klinger David J Klinges Kristina Knetzger Leonette J Knight Lauren Kochar Suneet Koczynski Chet Koechig Katherine U Est Koerner A Koerner Albert B Est Koerner Eileen M Kofink Ernest C Kolberg Heidi L MD Kone Safiatou Korab Linda L Kouahou Martine Kouemeni Armel Kovacs Laura Kpeigne Brah Kraft Kathleen V Kramer Harry A Jr Krant Irving Kressler Barbara Kromoh Anthony Krug Ellen A Kuerbitz Jimmy Kulshreshtha Megha Kumar Ashok Kumar Vinod Kunjuraman Mohanan Kwon Oh Sang Kwon So Young L J Coacher Agency La Rosa James Michael Labrum C Lachman John S Lafferty Vera T, Vt Lafferty William E Lakoff Kenneth Lam Austin Lam Rebecca Lam Victoria Lamond Margaret Land Kathleen Landua Elias B Lang Maud N Langdale Deborah A Lanier John L Lanni Paul G Lapish Kyle J Lapish Matthew C Lapshin Alexander Larabee Joyce Larch Frances Larsson Halsted M Lasala Keith H Laskas John J Lauer John M Laughlin John Sr Lavelle John J Law Ofc Joseph M Jachetti Pc Iolta Law Office of Stewart Lawler John J Lawler Tara S Lawrence Angi Elizabeth Leach Charlotte P Leaks Aisha Leathem Robert Harrison Jr, Dorothy Zahm

Ledan Daniela Lee Gerald, Ellen Lee Catherine Lee Jerry Lee Sang Jun Lee Song Y Lee Suk C Leed Jason Leighton Luther E, Mary C Leis Benjamin Lemming George M Jr, Catherine C Lemons Nicole L Lennox Archibald S, Frances V Lenormand Rune Lent John E Leonard Dzubow MD Leonard Eleanor A Leonard Jeanne A Leonard M Dzubow MD Leonard Margaret Lepanto Joseph C, Cobi Lesky Rosemary, Wayne Lessem Donald A Lewis Samuel C, Clara A Lewis Edward Lewis Elaine C Lewis Robert W Li James Liakos Thomas S, Anna Liberi Alfred A, Kathleen Liberty Alarm Svcs Llc Lidstone Steven Liebman Lindsay Lieu Tuan A Lifford Construction Llc Lim Henry Lim Su S Lindsay Geraldine C Lindsay Nancy C Linvill Sally P Lisavich Michael List Anthony F Lister Lowell Littlejohn Fanny Littman Jeffrey Liu Xiaotong Ljung Javanna L Llana Joyce Carol, Andres Lobar Bruce I Lockwood Charles D Lockwood Jacob R Lodato Gail Est Logan Virginia L Logue Patrick, Mary Lord George Lorpu Mamee Children Found Low Kelsey A Lowenstein Sylvia Lraus Harry Lu Ling Lukaszow M Lunchtime Investment Club Lutermansurick Doris M Lutza Dominic J Lynch Merrill Lynch Rona R Macar Auto Supply Inc Mack Rozina Macneill Margaret Maesaka Alan Magrogan William Maguire Susan Mahoney Alexandra Main G M Main Line Family Dentistry Ltd Main Line Ortho Recon Surgery Main Line Trophies Inc Majeed Lashanta N Maldonado Erika M Malek Ashraf Maloney Ralph Malvestio Alessandra Mand Barbara, Robert Manigault Anthony Manley Mark Manno Angelo Manser Norris J, Jeanne Maran Peter A Marchowsky David G Marcinkevicius Tadas Margolin Margaret Mariotti Denise Markland Randy R Marks Anna M Marriott Vincent J Martin Christopher Martin Janie Martin John J Martin Linda M Martin Y Martinelli Anita

PGN Martinko Joseph Mason Katherine Massageworks Inc Matsinger Thomas Matter Lauren P Matthews Frances Matusow Donald Maxwell Ada M Mayfield C Shahida Mazer Allyson Mc Keown Vincent F, Jewel D Mc Investors Morgan Cobb Mcallister John S Mcallister Robert J Mcaloon John F III, Lori V Mccall Dana R Mccann Mary J Mccann Padraig P Mccarriston James I Mccarthy James Vincent Sr, Rita Mccarty David H Mcclain Taleah Y Mcclelland Kadeidra Mcclenahan Samuel Mccloskey Adeline Mccloskey Edward Est Mccomb John Es, Andrew Mccone Marjorie V, Thomas V Mcconnell Matthew H, Jane V Mcconnell Jane V Mccown Donald Mccurdy Richard R Mcdevitt James E Mcdonnell William Mcelhone Eileen Mceneaney Charlotte N Mcfadden Josephine B Est Mcgee Kathleen Mcgeehan Charles J, Claire D Mcginnis Colello Mary T Mcglinn John Mcgoldrick Peter F Mcgonigle Ann R Mcgonigle Margaret M Est Mcgrath Jeanne M, James P Mcgrath Bruce R Mcgroarty Andrew J, Kevin R Mcgroary Conal J Mcgrory Kimberley, Margaret Mcgrory Margaret, Matthew Mcgrory Shannon E, Margaret Mcillan Buena Mcilvaine F Brian Mckay Donald Mckenzie Frances A Mckeon Lois Est Mckinley Geneva Mclaughlin Frank J Mcmaster Hannah C, James Mcnichol Meriam Media Inn Smv Meehan Catherine D Megaro Edith Est Mejia Gustavo D Mel Sales Inc Db Melasecca Lorie Meltz Len Melvin Seid Trust Menna Joseph Menold Ernest R, Helen E Mesquita Abdalla Samira F Messik Jessie Metrotans Tanning Salon Mews a Moore Ave Condo Michael E Kirk Contracting Mid Atlantic Pipeliners Inc Mid County Senior Svcs Miersch Julie Miersky Joseph F Migc Realty Llc Milice Joseph P Miller Andrew L, Robin A Miller Audrey B Est, Audrey B Miller Benjamin Noah, Robin A Miller Steven Eli, Robin A Miller Family Trust Miller James E Mills Carolyn S Minacci Gilbert E, Thelma K Est Minh Nguyen Dang Minhs Expert Auto Minton Virginia L Miriam Maria Mirzai M Mita Susanne E Mitchell Rachel Mitchell Thomas L Mls Fitness Moffett Marie D Mohammed Rocklyn N Mole Frank

Monahan Elizabeth Mondal Aminul Montesdeoca Leonardo Montrose Home Owner Asso Moore Barbara J Moore Lynn N Moore Pauline Mooser Vincent E, Anne L Mora Jose M Morelli A Morelli Karen Morgan Jeanne W Morrison Frances Morrison Lillian M Morse Stewart W Jr Moser Wm G Moses Mark Motamed Kate T Msu Group Inc Muchnik Jack Mukerji Jaydip Mulligan Susan Multani Pushpinder Mummah Henry Murarka Nishita Murch A Douglas Murdocca Marie F Murphy Joseph Murphy Richard W Murphy Robert Murray Mary A Murray Mary J Murtagh Brittan Myers Elizabeth J Myers Patrick Na Thalang Surapote Nagle Ashley V Napper Lela Nasta Manish, Sunita Nataloni Arlene Nataro Catherine National Imaging Pc Ndemassoha Adalbert Marthely Ndicu Susan Nea Deocratia Delaware Vly Neely Alice M Neidl Jennifer L Neighbors Productions Inc Nelling William M, William Newberg Kline Newman Gregory A, Felicia Nguyen Diemquynh T Nguyen Trang T Nichols Saffian Arlene W Nisman Florence, Abe Norcini Fiorie J, Anthony Norris Florence A, Amos W North Philadlephia Family Notskas Hariklia Ntp Marble Nyenwlah Frances Obey Lee Obrien Michael, Molly K Obrien Thomas E, Mary E Obrien Daniel Obrien Deborah Ann Obrien Eugene P Och Mary I Oconnor Construction Oconnor Michael Jr Oconnor Thomas J Odonnell Corey Oehrle Ruth B Oeur Tom Ohlson Norma Ohm Jeanne Okami Paul Okeefe Joseph, Tracey Oler Mildred Thomson Oliver Tracy L Oliver Williams Jillian Om Donut Corporation Omalley Frank J Omalley John One Physical Therapy & Wellness Oneill Darby Lyn, Lisa Oneill E Orsini Collision Orthopaedic Specialists Pc Osborn Peter James Oshea Francis H Osmon James Osmon Jimmy L Osmon Mae A Ostroff Ronald J Otto Kathleen M, Justin A Ovadia Omri A Oyarzon Elezaseve, Jose Paige John H Paine Christina Costas Pak Young Hee Jung, Jhang Ho

Palma Wilson Pan American Asso of Phila Panaccio Nicholas J Panichi Kimberley J, David E Papaioannou Demetris Papinghi Marie Parente Dolores Park Helen Park Hongjin Park Hyesung Parlow Pc their Atty Patel Chetan Patel Ravindrakumar L Patel Vishnu Paterno Christopher S Patrick Karin Patterson Ann P Patterson David C Patterson Eleanor J Patterson Florette Patton Ruth Anne Paul Durham Paxson Charles Payne Dailey Katharine Norvell Peacock Thomas Peet Rolland W Pegues Alexa Marian Pelletreau Dorothy Peng Xiaogang Pennington Barbara Pension Ann M Penugonda Neelima Person Inez Pesini Kathryn Peters Jean Peterso Jennifer Lynn Peterson Jennifer Pettijohn Naomi V Philip Green Son Inc Phillips Debbie Phillips Delsie A Phipps Carolyn C Piecukonis Joseph Pieper Elizabeth A Pierpoline Marie D Pillaga Freddy G Pillard Donna N Pincus Nathan D, Robin H Pinto Allwyn Pleuss James L Pogharian Sonia F, Paul Pohlman Edith N Pointer Richard E Polegato Maria Polk Florence Porter Ronald Est Powell Edgar L Jr Pozzuolo Salvatore Prabhu Petro Mart Llc Presbery Olivia M Price Barbara G Price Martha Price Sara E Princeton Ins Co Prosseda Lena Puffer Joanne M, Jack D Pugliese James H Pulmonary Critical Care & Sleep Asc Puppio Michael V Jr Puri Sheela, Madan Pyle Devon Pyle Devon Queen Bilkis R Quiah Fidel Quinlan Thomas Quinn Barbara Quinn Mary C R Albert E R Zug Albert E Raby Louise Raddwyn Apts Radnor House Condo Asso Radwyn Apartments Raffaele Michael A Rahman Mujibur Ramsey Nancy G, John E Ramsey Archie Ranalli Rebecca R, John A Rania Major Trunfio Raphael James, Stacy Rapushi Najada, Enton Rausha Mohammed Rawlings Co Llc Ready To Wear Llc Record Production Solutions Redner R Regan Tracey Reibstein Sasha Koozel, Seth Koozel, Larry M Reidy Patricia Reis Audrey

PGN Reischer Hilda Reist Scott M, Laura L Reliance Standard Life Ins Co Rengan Subhashini, Ramesh Resinski Helen M Rice Danielle M Richter Anne Richter Ronald L Riddle Village Riggins Leonard, Mary F Riley Raymond Rines Scott T Ritchie Frank J Rivel Elizabeth, Thomas R Rivel Thomas R Sr, Elizabeth Rnc 2006 Family Rnich Robbins Nancy J Robbins Stephen M Robert Stevens Watson R Roberts John R Robindore Roger S Robinson Catherine, Vivian Robinson George D III Robinson Stephanie D Roddy Barbara C Rodgers Stephanie A Rodono Josephine Est Rogers Henriette L Est Rogers Ralph Roland Matolyn Sara Rollison Eric M Roman Rojas Sheila Roper Winston L Jr Roseman Gertrude M Rothwell A D Roulston Dolores M Rowley Nina Isabel Rozo Jennifer, Teofilo Rpt Rehab Svcs Inc Rrs Rubenstein Renee C, Robyn N Rubenstein Richard Rubin Michael Rupnicki Walter T Russo Anna M Russo Ralph Mark Ryan Catherine Est Ryan Thomas Saengchaleun Klounmy Safe Harbor Group Sahed Abdul Sajeski Eleanor B, Edmund A Sajeski William A, Edmund A Saligram Sunita C Salmons John Salvina Louis C, Mary Samurai Japanese Restaura Sanchezcarrillo Marlon E Sanders Charley Sandhar Trucking Inc Saraceni M E Sargent Joan Sarvar Naseem A Satti Awadia Sauter Carl A Savage Donald Scalley Alicemae Schachner Helen Schaefer Kathryn P Schepis Samuel Schiavone Rocco Schlossberg Beth Schnovel Travis Schock Margaret M Schoenwalder Todd Schopfe Myrtle A Schopfer Frank E Schultz Norman H Scott Margaret P, Chelsea P Scott Anita B Scott Carol E Scott Raymond Scull Elizabeth Seibert Robert L, Deryl Seiders Ella M Sellers William Est Sen Vannak Sengupta Khadija S, Shibaji Sengupta Chandan Serendip Design Studios Llc Sessa John Sewell Phebe Shaheen Abdul G Shameem Abdus Shanosky Mark S Shapiro Catherine Shapiro Kay Sharda Investments Llc Sharma Anil K Sharp Carol

Shartlesville Star I Shein Joseph Jay Esq Shekmar Elizabeth F Shepherd Fergus Sherard Agzie A Sherbondy Henry H Jr, Lillian E Sherm Barry L Est Sherman Barry L Sherman Carol Sherman Jessica L Shields James F Shimer Donna Showell Harry Shuhart Ollie V Shuler Andre Shumen Dorothy Merritt Siciliano Joseph Siegal Todd MD Signs By Tomorrow Silberberg Marion Silveri Somers Nancy M Simmonds Clare R Simmons Owyda Simpson Catherine S Sims Armita B Singh Sulakhan Singh Yadwinder Sioiropoulos Chris Siu Rosemary Skinner Edith V Skurka John Slack Lawrence W Slap Gail Slavin Muriel Slifer Richard Slowe Clarice Smith C Lewis Jr, Ethel W Smith Roberta, Edward Smith Ann L Smith Ann M Smith Barney Smith Dennis Smith Hattie G Smith Helen K Est Smith Sarah Smith Thomas W Smith Tracy L Smits Esther M Snead Nathan Snyder Mark B, Max Society of Little Gardens Sokoll Steven M Solomon Frances D Somers Lawrence J Somoza Cesar A Southeast Radiology Spivack Herbert Sprangers Mae A Springfield Rehab Square D Co Srinivas Sapna Stamm Lillian M Standen Shawn Star Dental Inc Starks Emmons Statzell Harlan P 3rd, Robert W Stecker Stewart Stefan Gregory J Steinhart Carol A Steinmeyer Irrevoc Trust Stenger Dorothy Stephen A Inc Stevens Ilisha Stewart Kimberly J Stfort Tina Stitchberry Lawrence E, Beatrice L Stock Carlton A Stone Doris Stopford Jeff, Jane Stopper Violet E Strommer Margaret A Est, David A, Steven Strong Family Investments Inc Strum David P Stutzman Gladys S, Earl R Su Yingwu Suarez Luis Henry Suber Daisy Ann Substitute Teacher Svc Inc Suburban Abstract Co Inc Agent Sullivan Brian F Sumki Jannatul Surovell Settlement & Title Llc Surrick R Barclay, Patricia Susi Leah Sweeney Kathleen M, Conleth Sweeney Sean Jr, Sean Sweeney Thomas P, Sean Sweet Mary Swezey Michelle, Kyle Sylvester Joseph T Jr Systems Aria

T A Title Ins Co Ta Linda Tamayo Nanette A Tambadou Aminata Tancreeds Inc Tang Sam Tapino Erika L Tascone Brian J Tassone Gina Taylor Robert L, Mary E Taylor Dora Taylor Kenneth Taylor Mary H Taylor Maudell Tejankella Amie Templeman Norris E Ten Hoyet H Com Teng Meily Terry Otis Tessler Dennis Thankappan Chandrabose Theodore Richard Theveny Alisa M, Paul A Thomas William F, Helen L Thomas Edward R Jr Thomas Michael E Thomas Timothy M Trust Thompson Dorothy Thompson Varallo Alfe Tiffan Gerald L Tighe John W Tillery M Tilli Theresa V Tillman & Sons Plumbing Heating Inc Tillman Real Estate Titl All Cmc Escrow Agt Thomas Ottav Tobia Christopher T, Michelle Tolan Alan F Toland Henry Toland James Toland Mary Tomp Bryant Touhill Lawrence Toure Abdore Townes Margaret E Trainor Melva Tran Joseph Thien K Transportation Ins Placement Serv Trautner Kevin Trelopoulos Christina, Harry Trice Harry Trios Italian Poli Triple J Knitwear Troupe Frances E Trout Diane R Trush William J Ts Excecutive Closing Svcs Llc Tuck Johnnie Tudor Stephen Tumilty William D Est, Frances L Tung Sui P Turner Goerge Tursi Joseph A Tyler Elizabeth Uddin MD K Uhlfelder Myra L Univ of Penn Rad Oncology University City Housing Co Upper Darby Chiropractic Uritsky Dmitry Uro Rehab of Pennsylvania Urogynecology Asso of Phila Ustymenko Vasyl A Vanvladricken Kimberly Vanzyl Charles Varsalone Nunzio T Est Vassia Florence P Vaughters Warren W Vedder Helen M Veloric Gary Verikakis Constantin Veriticus Ventures Inc Vernon James B Vetter Richard Villanueva Saul Villari Regina Vite Scott Vivacqua Raymond J Vlanidis Fotini Vockroth William H Volk Karl Voncolln Madeline M Wadhwa Rohini Wadumbuhl Peter Wagman Harold, Elsie Wagner Dolores A Wagner Jeffrey Wakim Roberta Brown Waldman Jane M Walizer David Wall Anne M

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Wallace Christine Wallace Raymond J Walsh T Walter Mcilvain Co Walter Patrick Walters Sally Wang Miao Wanninayake Jagath Ward Robin M Psy D Warrington Charisse Washington Margaret Washington Thomas Washington Urell Watson Anthony J Watson Grace Watson Robert S Est Watzman Howard M Wean Lp MD Webb Charles E Webber Paul Weems Walter D Weichman H A Weinstein Steven H Weiss Elliott Weld Bradley Welde David Weller Barbara M Welsh Catherine B Welsh Charles Welsh Elizabeth M Wheeler Millie M Whitaker Suzanne White Lawrence C White Loretta White Mary Whitley Nora Whittaker Frank Widmaier Albert T, Mary A Widmaier Robert A Wild Wings & Pizza Wilding David M Wiley Ethel C William E Mcgowan Irrev Life Williams Thomas A, Julie B Williams Amelia S Williams Amy Williams Barbara Williams Delene M Williams Derrick L Williams Eddie Williams Harry Williams James Williams Kadian Williams Kevin Williams Mary C Williams Thelma Wills John Jay Esq Wilson Bessie Wilson Ruth M Windsor Consulting Group Inc Winnimore Lewis Winston Chante D Wisener Donna K Wisniewski John S Wolaniuk Frank R Wolf James Wolfington J Eustice Wolfington Kelly, Judith Kelly Wolson Irwin J Wood Jeffrey W Woodard Albert S Worgu Betty O Worrilow Jeffrey Wright Carl Wright Carroll Wright Elizabeth V Wright Gene Wyatt Oleson Wyk Joseph V Wynter Cristina M Est Yakulis Paul Yang Terence Yasuda Naoko Yasuda Tomoyuki Yee Ye H Yeung Chun Yocum George H Yoh H L Yorktown Dev Inc Young Hannah Young Jasmine Young Margaret P Young Robert Young Susie Youth Svcs of Virginia Llc Yun Hee Zack Tony Autobody Inc Zappala Brian R, Suzanne Zebrowitz Joseph R Zeger Erik L, Martha Zenor Barbara

Zenstein Gallant Zheng Jing DDS Zieger Charles Zisak Mary E Zug Jocelyn M Zug Thomas V Jr

Montgomery County

Abraham M Bobman Trust Alexander Spencer Allen Beth L Alloy Alyssa Alur Rajeev Arronson Marlene Badis Dalyn Elizabeth, Linda Marie Bagelman Elaine Bajayo Daphna Ballarini D Barclay Mamie Baron Jerome Baum Jordan R Beacham Patrick T, Ann Beacham Timothy B, Patrick T Bellini Beatrice Maria Betancourt Ernesto O Billingsley Lance W Birch Margaret Blumenthal Robert, Gary Bobman Sara Jane Boorse Rosemarie Boyle Stephen Bradley Henry D Braid Cathy Braid Steven Bramson John A Braunfeld Mildred Brecher Cohn James R Brenner Selma Brunswick Joan Cadran Agnes M Cardiovascular Asso Carr Catheine Cavanaugh Mary E Chapin John III Chernin Milton Cherry Estelle Cobrin Leonard Cohn Leah B Corr Helen L Cramer Evan Cubberley Walter A Damiani Laura R Dangeli Mary A Deichman Ruth Delaware Valley Dermatology Demaio Christopher Dernoncourt Cathy L Devine James Diakonia Dipasquale Donna M Dismar Corporation Doherty C Russell Therev Dougherty Agnes Rita Edible Arrangements Eg Medical Equip Expertplan Inc Faggioli Anne Fleming Carolyn, Daniel Forstater Selma Franklin Ski Club Inc Freckled Sage Llc Frederick C Hawkins DO Freudberg Sarah Dawn Freudberg Seth D Fridkin Lorraine Gallagher Gladys Game Stop Gandhi Smita P Gartland Madelyn D Geary Mary J Gershman Naomi Geshruy Amotz Geshury Ariel Giambalvo Adeline Glassman Karen Glickman Edward Gloster Michael P Goldberg Millicent Goldenthal Ariel M, Peter Goodkind Robert Frank, Walter L Gordon Gary Gordon Mark S Gornish Cheryl T Grab Properties Llc Gray Helen Greenberg Lester Grinnell Catherine, Phillip Gross Janie Gundersen Glenn Haas Charles J



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Haines William Walker Halili Elisabeta Harris Phoebe Hawthorne Property Group Heart Care Asso Helden Christina Herrmann Michael Herscott David M Heyman Zachary Hillerson Lee Hirsh Bernard Hoffman Bailey Reed, Andrew J Hofmann Richard W, Mary T Hofmann Rich Hossler Harry L Hotwire Communications House Saunders House William Hudome Megan, John Hummel H J Edward Pickering MD Jacobs Freda Jaeger Eugene A Jameson James Jared Surden Trust Matthew Jcc Kaiserman Johnson Jessica Kactoos Llc Kaiserman Kenneth S Kaiserman Shira Ann Kaschenbach Edwin J Katz Samuel Kim Gyu M Kirillova Julia Kjellman Per T Klarich Kathleen M Konefsky Albert, Ruth Kornhauser Sonia L, Murray Kriebel Gasparro Ann Kuretu Mwazhuwa Kwak Andrew Lankenau Surgical Found Lauer Roger Lee Jeongbae Leof Mildred Lepkowski Stacia Levine Lee Lewis Jerry Jr Liebman Rachel G, Philip Lile Margaret, Paul Lovelace Jeannette Luce Jane C Luff John H, Eva H Lynn Lorna A Lynn M Klein MD Llc Madden Patrick Mahoney Land Partnership, Wynnew Main Line Clinical Labs Malcolm Anna Mandel Howard M Marsh Evelyn, Robert Marx Rich, Joy Mazzarelli Pasquale Mcconnell Peden & Belden Assc Mcgill Sam Mcgowan Francis Mcguire Mary E Mcmanus Margaret Meltzer Thomas E Mercantile Capital Lp Mervine Lawrence L, Nancy E Miner Sydney Moon Bo Y Morgan Frank H Jr Moroff Howard Decd Moulton Catherine L Mousseau Edward L, Ann D Muldoon Marion D Murphy Erin M Murphy Kathryn R Myers Herbert Nadia Brama Nicoli Natale Daniel, Chana Neely William M Norman Robert O & G Ed Fund Oks Ltd Oliver Tyrone J Olson Edwin N Ot Rehab Svcs of Pa Pc Owston Thomas F Jr, Thomas T Paterno Matthew Perna Stephen Phelan Pamela G Philler Marie Phillips Lawrence R Ins Trust Pierce Benjamin R, Cynthia W Pincus Jack M Polonsky Shirley Pomerantz Barbara L, Milton A Proetto William Est

Quality Ins Plans Inc Quan Xiaoqing Quarembo Margare Quinn Ruth B Rand Spencer F Esq, Elizabeth B Reese Ann Reichstein Alison L Reiver Andrew Richardson Lydia C Romano Julia Rosen Thomas Rosenkranz Ellen Rosenstein Beatrice, Ilene C Sachs August Saltz Jeffrey, Adam, Andrew Sandon Lydia Saslofsky Blanche Schaffzin Bethann P Schimmel Edward B Seligman Martin Selverian Michael J Sharma Vivek Shaunik Alka Shechter Fred R Siegelman Evan S Sirlin Ruthe B Slobin Jack M Smith Ronald H Sorgenti Paterno Matthew Soss Murray C Spivak Harriet J Stahl Myer Stein Bill Steven J Vernille DC Sullivan David Susanin Elizabeth S T And T Remodeling Llc Taraborelli Peter Sr Terzian Garabed Trifunov Patricia W Trish Rita K Est Troiano Jessica Tseng Powen Tsuchiya Noriko, Ryo Union Painting Llc Vaniver Judith Hill H Volpp Kevin G Wald David A, Joyce W Walker Margaretta E Wang Jing Warne Phyllis M, Edward C Wasserman Herbert S Webstudy Inc Weinberg Carroll Weinberg Charlotte Weiser Norma R Weiss Leslie Weiss Weiss Wheele Henry L Wilcox Stephen Paul William Miller & Asso Williams E S MD Williamson Henry Winchester Robin T Winokur Helen Women for Women Div Womens Healthcare Group Llc Wright Gwendolyn Yaskin Louis Yee Branca Angelina May Yong Jian, Sun Yu Yuan J Zeller Betty Zhu Yi Jin Zinck Warren J Jr, Lillian M

Philadelphia County 01 Ma Hamilton 1 Mania III Inc 100 Alnus Place Llc 1518 Fairmount Partners 1520 Sampson Street Asso 1531 Pine Street Asso 18 N 40th St Co 18th St Apothecary 1st Fresh Catering 2040 Market St Asso 210 S 13th Street Llc & Fishnick 24 7 Food Market 40 Degrees Inc 4111 Walnut Street Partners 52nd St Gas Inc 5800 Block Rodman St Club 6100 Haverford Inc Callie Bro 6214 Ridge Lp 7 Generations Charte 740 S 51st St Hideaway Inn Inc 7501 Edmund Llc 8th St Pharmacy 908 Westmoreland St Llc

PGN 96 M 14 Petros A A Hearing Healthcare Center Inc A L Feingold Asso A List Promotions Ll A M Kligman, H Kligman Trust A W Rehn Asso A072564a Martha S Aaa Midatlantic Aba Systems Abadi Joseph Abbene Ida N Abbott Jenny Abdu Rashida Abdullah Azim Abernathy Pauline Margherita Abfs 2003 2 Inc Aboufares Ghada A Abraham Andrew Abraham Edward R Abraham Lena Abrahams Loewenstein Bushman Kauffman Abrams Berenice V Abrams Lucille Abrams Murray S Abramson Christin Est Absolute Smile Inc Abstract Inc Abubaker Ali M Abucevicz Grace Accardo Carmen V Accardo Jennifer A Acchione Armond, Marie Accra Llc Accu Care Medical Equip Ace American In Ace Public Adjusters Inc Achille Omoras Ackerman Arlene C Ackerman Patrick Ackermann Kerri Ackf T Ackley James Ad Alta Investments Lp Adair Francis R Adams Harriet, Robert Adams Michael P, Alice A Adams Arnita Adams Arnita M Adams Auto Body Adams Blanche B Adams Charles A Adams Donnell Adams Edna S Adams Gladys R Adams Joseph Adams Marcie R Adams Mark A Adams Marlene Adams Mary Adams Michael A Adams Morris Beverly Adams Roselle Adams Sallie C Adams Sean Adams Tim W Adams Tyrone Adams William L Adams Willie Mae Est Addes Loretta Est Addi Joseph Jr Adebayo Olumide O Adelson Rosalind Adhiraj Gupta Adjel Charles Adjuster Inc Adler Bernard Adminserver Inc Adolph Charles N Adrian Evelyn Adspacelist Advanced Med Resources Inc Advanced Med Training Llc Advocates for Financial Aecom Usa Inc Afanasyev Alexander Afeli Doh Affinito Jacqueline M Afify Dalia Afolabi Adekunle A African American Chamber of Commerce Afriqiah Books Afro American Press Agabegi Michael Agatucci Alfred Agbede Sharon Agbugui Samuel A Agc Enterprises Agee Beverly Agko Mouchammed Agrawal Shruti Aguilar Viviana

Aguilera Ernest Agustina Margaret Aha Packing Svcs Inc Ahearn Marie Ahlawat Pranay Ahmad Abdel M Ahmad Iqbal Ahmed Ismail E Ahmed Issam Ahmed Rekiya Y Ahooja Bhavna Ahrens Andrew Ahungena Alemayyehu Aid Hilde L Airmatic Inc Ait Aitz Inc Aker Sharyn K Akridge Sterling R Akshar Richa Inc Brunos Deli Akter Nasrin Al Dia Inc Al Hourani Naser Al Ramadahan Mohammed Alabdulkarim Emad A Alalili Muparak Alam Mohammed Alan Konefsky Atty Albert Alemu, 501 Albert Inc Albert Jacob Albert Jeanetta Albert Kligman Trust Albert Lauren L Albert Rachel N Alberta Louise L Albino Danny Albrecht Nicholas Est Albright Hugh N Aldhah Omar Aleesnow Emily M Aleev Andrey Aleksa Brian Alexander Herbert, Helen Alexander Bernice L PhD Alexander Charles Alexander Herbert Alexander James Alexander Lamont Alexander Lillian D Alexander Renee Alexander William Alexander Winthrop Alexs Auto Body Alfano Janet Alfaro Ruperto Algard Charles Algarin Angela Alhameli Abdulla Alhashem Luqman Alhashemi Hasan Ali Ahsan A Ali Hadiyyah A Ali Hamad S Ali N Alias Samir Alicea Laura Alili Ali A Alim Shakor Aliote Alistair Brett M Alkaabi Humaid Alkadi Nouf E Alkulaifi Yousuf All Cellular Philadelphia All Risk Syndicate Llc Allan Domb Real Estate Allegiance Public Adjusters Inc Allen Alice F Allen Alvin Allen Bailey Jacquelyn Allen Carlton Allen Cecil Allen Christina Allen Elizabeth A Est Allen Guy Allen Ina Allen Micheal Allen Permilliar J Allen Ricky Allen Sharonda Alles William Alleyne Delor Allgoode Natural Foods & Bev Allied Snug Harbor Lp Allin Nicholas Allison Robert Allston Spence Mavil E Alluru Lakshmi Kanth Almakedhi Kamaladdin A Almana Hessa M Almazrouei Masoud

Almeda Biggs Almohawes Abdulrahman Almond Carol L Almonte Arilein R Almost Home Alnafjan Mohammed Alperin Dorothy E Alqarni Abdulrahman Mohammed Alrashidi Meshari F Alsanosi Mohammed Alsbrooks Andrew Alshamisi Khaled S Alsheikh Turki Alston Carolyn Alston Eunice Alston Shardie Alsubaiheen Mohammed Altamuro Catherine Alternative Employment Althouse David Altman Craig A Pc Altschuller Henry Aluru Sravanth Alvarado Jose Alvarado Josue Alvarez Cristina C Alverest James Est Alvini Gloria A Alvini Marc A Alwarasna Khaled T Alzahrani Faisal Alzamel Ghada Amadou Connie Amadu Marglie Amaker Dearell Amalie Motor Oil Amanpreet Kaur Amaretto Apts Llc Amato Pete Amazan Marie Y Amber Pharmacy Ambrosano Perry Ambrose Joseph E Ameci Josephine, Joseph Ameen Lee Amelia W Ebbecke the Exper Dx Rad Amer Coll of Radiology Amer Shehadeh N Ameribest Home Care Inc America Check Cashing, United Check C America Direct Svc American Communications American Digital Solutions Inc American Expediting Co American Family Archives American Truth Investmt Asso Pm Llc Americredit Financial Svcs Amerihealth Ins Co Ameriprice Trust Co Ames Sean Ames Zelma Amexone Ammer Jerome Amodeo Antoinette Amodeo Dianna Amoh Nana Y Amoro Esmeraldo C, Luz M Amorosi A D Amoroso Saia Karen Amos Joan Amrollahi Mahdi Amy Cheri L An Kyangjin Anamwatnana Panarat Anane Stephen A Anastasi Andrea Anastopoulos Ioannis Anderson Kierston, Benjamin Anderson Allen Anderson Arlean Anderson Brittany Anderson Bruce Anderson Cynthia L Anderson Edward Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Gavondale Anderson Gina Anderson Grace Anderson John Sr Anderson Joseph Anderson Joyce M Anderson Kernie L Anderson Kyle Anderson Margaret H Anderson Marion E Anderson Mary A Anderson W R Andre Iguodala Youth Foundation Andrew Charles Catering Co Andrew Dashevsky Esq Andrews George H Jr, Charles B

PGN Andrews Franklin J Andrews George H Est Andrulis Dennis Andujar Korin Anello J Campana M Angel Peres R Angelas Massage Therapy Studio Angelides Jill Angeline Frank Angelis John K Angerome Caroline Angry Ollie Anisimova Maria Anletto Brittan Anmuth Margaret Annas Christopher A Anne & Eric Gleacher Foundation Antell Malcolm Anthony James Alvin Anthony Lois Anthony T Lam Dmd Pc Anthony V Benedetto Dermatolog Antinoff Maxine Antoine Dwayne Antonacci Christopher Antonelli Michael Antonio Evelia Antonsen Erika K Antonuccio Randy S Anufirnwu Florance B Anusionwu Florence, Uche Anwar Jahja Anziska David B Aon Risk Service In Apadula Nino Aparicio Eleazar Apfelbaum Andrew M Apostolidis Antonio G Applegate John Aquilino Lawrence L Aramark Corp Aramark Facility Svcs Arango Catalina Arbisser Ilana Arcangel Dominic, Teresa Arce Delfina Arce Yvonne Archdeacon George W, Gayle A Archer Greiner Archibald Lisa Arcilla Leo G Arican Ahmet Aritonang Johanes Ariza Jim Arkans Matthew Arkema Inc Arlett Neil A Arline Gladys Arline Margaret Armin Porzig Dc Llc Armour Barbara Armstrong Andrew B Armstrong Benjamin F III Armstrong Roger Arnold Chad W Arnold Elisabeth Arnold Florence Arnold Mabel Aronson Samuel H Arora Hartej Harry Arrington Mary N Arrojo Emma M Arroyo Jose A Art South Inc Arthur H Kaplan Trust Arthur Shulman Irrev Trust Agreeme Artis Robin Est Aruga Hidehisa Arya Nidhi Dinesh Asad Wisam Asahara Daisuke Asber Alfonso Asbury Philip S, Eva Mae Ashby Almore W Ashenbrenner J M Asher Mary L Ashland Oil Litigation Ashton Robert W Ashton Technology Ashuraey Sam Ashworth Kristin Leigh Aska Aaron Askia Malikah N Assoc in Psych & Human Assoc Promoting Relations Between Assoudani Ali Omar Astor James J Astrella Carmella At Home Medical Equip Llc Atchley Ciara Atella Louis P

Ates Sina Teoman Atkins Mabel Atkins Richard C Sr Atkinson Anakay Atkinson Jeremy Atkinson Robert Atmar Harris H Atmodjo Amir H Atmodjo Hondoko Atofina Atotech Usa Inc Atta Nafisa O Attaquin Hazel Atwater John D Atwood Roslyn Au Tri D Aubrey Michael Auch Harold F, Ann Audifred Fermina C Audinga Besusparyte Auer Edward, Doris August Sylvia A, Linda E August Ellen E Aulicino Michael J Aulston Charles H Aurora Loan Svc Llc Auspitz David Austin Allison Austin Bernadine Austin Francine B Austin Harry J Austin Marie Austin Samatha Austin Wendell Auto Show Collision Center Autrey Amy Avanz Inc Avent Diane Averhart Eloise Avery Robert Aviles Natalia Awadhi Noor Awel Amina Ayaganova Saltanat Aylesworth Paul Ayres Anisa Azarva Martin Azc Associates Llc Azcona Gary Azcona Michael D Azcona Olegario V B B Funded Properties Llc B R Management Co Berwind Babbage Matthew J Babiner Boris Baccash Mary Bacher Albert J Back Bruce M Back On My Feet Bacote Wilbur R, Peter Badey Sloan Digenova Badil Abish Tari Badkhen Anna Bae Inho Bae Joong Baer Adam Bagdonavicus Stefan Baginski Mezzanote Hasson Rubinate Bagnoll Ruth Bah Alseiny Bahm Joshua M Bailey Angela B Bailey Barbara Bailey Betty J Bailey Darcie H Bailey George Bailey H Bailey James E Bailey Samantha Bailoszewski John Bailuc Andreea Baime Michael J Baines Mary Est, Mary B Bair Angel H Baker Christopher, Lillie Baker Sherman B, Leonie Baker Chris Baker Jean M Baker K Baker Sherman B Balakathiresan Natarajan Baldwin Angeline Baldwin Doris L Baldwin Keith Bale Winfield S Jr, Dolores Ballard Clifford L Ballard Spahr Llp Ballas Melissa Ballester Leticia Ballew Edward C Ballouz Georges

Ballow Julius Balram Ottapathu Balsano Filomena Balsano Frank Bance Lisa Bancroft Fredrica Bandi Subramanya Someswar Banerjee Anirban MD Banerjee Arka Bang Yuan L Banies Mary Banister Robin W Bankers Securities Banks Andrew Banks Evelyn G Banks Gladys Banks Leslie Banks Martin Banner George M Bannett Aaron D Bannon Wilhemina Bansal Richa Bansal Suchi Bansal Vijayta G Banskter Olie Banton Kareem Banwell Larissa Banwickman of Key West Inc Bap Farah Jimenez Baptiste Justina W Md Barajas Juan A Barakat P G Nicholas Baraldi Alessio Baraniewicz Brian Baratiz Sydney Barbano Elvera M Barbecue Experience Llc Barber Aaron Barber Lenthe Barbieri A J Barbieri Augustine Barbordoro Celeste Barbosa Ernest Md Barbour Margaret B Barbour Yvette C Barchas Jack D Barchus Jared Bardakci Yasemin Barg Ida Barg Robin Barile John J Barker James Barkers Charles S Barkley Anna R Barkley Ariana S Barkley Rei Barkowitz Ed Barlow Carolyn Barnard Dale Barnes Joseph E, Matilda Barnes Timothy L, Otis Barnes Acey Barnes Evlyn D Barnes Geraldine Barnes Joseph E Barnes Kamilah Barnes Prince Barnes Rashana Barnes Ray Barnes Vera Barnes Willie Barnett Alvin, Adele Barney Salomon Smith Baron Barbara Ann Barone Anna Est, Anna Barone Kristin Barone Nancy Barr Bryan Barr Edward F Barreto Lisa M Barrett Craig Barrett Ernest A Barrett Everald F Barrett Ron Barrio Matias Fernandez Barrit Firn Corp Barriteau Gemma M Barros Lis F Barrow Clemens Barry Patricia Barry William Anthony Barsevick Andrea Barst Lindsey Bartash Printing Co Bartell Lydia M Bartholomew Joseph Bartilucci Charles Bartlett Christopher D Bartlett E Bartol III Trust Barton John Rhea Surgical

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Barton Joseph Bartosik Leonard Barunas Gerard Basdeo Ramdath Basile Mary C Bass Clifton R, Louse Bass Carly B Bassett Margart E Bassi Edward D Bastian Matthew F Bastias Rosa Bastias Rose Batastini Orthodonti Bates Andrew Rowley Bates James Bates Joan Batista Ednilson Batkie Ryan R Batt Bernard A Batt Brian D Battaglia Maria Battaglini Mark J Batten Robert G Battersby Krystal K Battle Charles Battle Frank L Battle Johnathan Battle Shawn J Battles Harold E Bauer Deborah A, Joseph T Baugh Marshall Jr, Bettye H Baugh Miller Bauman Rare Books Bauman Robert Paul Baumstark Tilman Baur Matthew, Gladys Baur Robert D Baxter Richard J Jr Bayer Harvey Baylor Eva M Bayroff Logan Bazan Mariana L Bazan Romero Mariana Lucia Bazar Maribel A Bazelon Richard L Beamer William H Sr Bearcom Pa Beasley Wesley Jr Beason Extor Beate Carolina E Beatrice Hirsch Rev Tr Beattie William Beatty Dion Beatty Joseph C Beatty Juanita R Beaumont Jennifer J Beauty Products Inc Beauvoir Favienne Beaver John Becchina Peter G Becerril K C Becker Dba Scott Beckett Sydney A Beckford Zemenia O Beckius Susan Lynn Beery Agcy Inc Beetle George R Beggin Gresh Beggin Greshes Begum Mina Behrend Rose S Beinlich Edward Beitler Guillermo Beizer Dina T Bekelja Mato Belansen Edna Belfatto Sally Belinsky David Belk Claire E, Ronald Bell Christopher C Bell Dorothy A Bell James A IV Bell Marlene Bell Nicole Bell Samuel D Bellamy Stephanie Bellarmino Giampetro & Scheuerman Bellettiere Anna Bello Rabi Bellomee Brenda Belopolsky Inna Belton Mary K Beltran Del Ri Abel Ben Avi Eran Ben Ayed Riadh Ben Franklin Hotel Asso Bender Catherine T Bender Melissa Benfield Blanch Inc Benigno Julia Beninati Giorah

Benitez Francisco Benitez Ipatzi Benlolo Charlie Benner Don Benner Edith L Bennett Andrew Bennett Brcklin & Saltzburg Bennett John C Res T Bennett Margaret Slade Bennett Mark Bennett Matilda K Bennett S D Bennieclark Lorraine A Benoit John S Benoliel Marion E, Osmond, Maria Bense Kiley Benson Adrienne Benson Joanna Colon Benson Phyliss Lynn Benson Richard Benson Tamika Benteke Per Bentley Walter Bently Robyn Benton George Beonal Alejandro Berardi Carmela D Berch David I Beredjiklian Pedro K MD Berenbaum Benjamin, Millie Berenson Jerome N Berezik Alfreda Bereznitsky Ella Berg Helen M Berg Jody Berg Mid Atlantic Llc Berger Jeanette, Albert Berger Amalia Berger Brian Berger David Berger Helen L Berger Jeffrey Bergeria George, Mary Bergman Arthur Bergman Jessica Bergman Stanley Bergmann Renee F Bergthold Megan J Beri Aditya Berkley L G Berkley Susie Berkowitz Matthew A, Marc Berkowitz Darryl H Md Berlehner Brian Garrett Berman Jason H Bermingham Kathleen M Bernal Juan Bernard Thomas B Bernardo Concetta Berney Steven MD Bernhardt Brian Bernhardt Zara Bernsdorf Melinda M Bernson Jerome Bernstein Alyse Bernstein Eric F Bernstein George Bernstein Marlene Bernstein Naomi E Bernstein Ruth Bernstein Susan N Berrios Sapphire Berry Matthew W, George R Berry Andy Berry Arnett D Berry Eric Berry Patrick Berryman Edward B Bersyanoff Sylvia S Bertolini Mildred C Bertoni Michael Bertrain Neimer Best Harold T Jr Best Lillie M Best Marcus Best Marquise Best Newsome Monquella Beta 2 Power of Ten Club Betances Eladio Betancourt Jose I, Jose M Beth Page Asso Inc Betha Shyaine Bethea Stanley M Bethea Tyneisha Bethel Meghan Bethel William Bevels Dennis Bey Beatrice S Beyah Raheem Bezark & Lerner Pc Bezuk Stephen F



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Bezwada Hari MD Bhagat Rekha Bhanji Wylene N Bharadwaj Prerana Bharath Karthik Bhavani Trivik Bhc Securities Inc Bialoszewski John Bianco Shelley H, Michael Bickey Carmela Bickley Ed Bickley Quillyn D Biddle Christine Biddle Daniel R Biello Jennie R Biemuller Karl A Bier Elizabeth J Bigelow Law Firm Pc Bilger Jami M Billet & Asso Llc Bimc Khh Emerg Med Bing Charlotte Binmobarak Huda Abdulhadi Binns Barbara A Biokinetics A Foster Wheeler Co Biosis Birgen Omer Bishop Edith F, Levin Bittner Clara W Bixler Lakana Black Victor T Est Jr, Justine C Black Alexander Black Edward Black Lily Inc Black Terrence Black Vivianna S Blackman Jo A Blackshear Virginia H Blackstock Sophie Blackwell Sammie O Blair Marvin D Blake James Blake Nan W Blakeney Ashley Blakeney W Blakeney Wilhelmina Bland E J Bland Glenn L Blanjean Eugene Blank Emanuel Blank Nina Blank Rome Llp Blaskovich Gerald S, Joy A Blassingame Willie Blatch Hakim Blatchford Adam S Blatstein Bart Blatt Hasenmiller Leibsker & Moore Blatt Miguel Bledsoe Cynthia Blinder Jason Blistein Jonathan P, Adam D Bliyler Sallie Block Agency Inc Block Bobbi Block Enter Corp Block Richard R Blocksom Elva S Blount L Blue Point Llc Blue Ribbon Scvs Blue Rock Reporting Blue Ronnie A Blue Square Bluebond Guitars Bluebond Music Education Fund Bluethenthal Ruth Blumenthal M Sandra Blyth Linda I Bobbin Patricia Boblitt Lottie Bobo Eli Boccalupo Sharon Bock Brandon Boda Pondo Bodell Bove Grace & Van Horn Pc Boden Josephine, Warren Bodhise Paul Bodner Brenda Jo Est Boe Securities Boehm Benjamin S Boeing Elizabeth Bogacheva Varvara Bogale Seble Bogatin Enter Boggs Karen L Bolay Lusu Bolden Robert O, Janice Bolden Leferve Bolden Robert O Bolger Thomas Edward, Mae Lucille

Bolig Bernadette Bollinger Douglas Bolt Cynthia Bolt Katherine W Boltz Brendan Bon Appetit Bon Appetit Catering At Bonacina Davide Bonaddio Vincent A Bonanno Bianca Bonanno Nicole Bonaparte Herman Bond Madison Bond Richard Boni Carol Ann Boniface Myriam Bonilla Louis Bonner James J Bonneville Noamie Boorgu Srilakshmi Booth Ellen A Borge Elaine Borishek Quaile Angel Borraccini Rita F Borst Ethan Borten Rose A Bos Paulina Bosaczyk Mike Bostic Lisa Botello Martin Bottigler Geraldine Boudreaux Lawrence Bouffard Jacob Bouie Mae Eva Bouldin M Ernestin Boulevard Law Center Boulton Julia Bounds Raymond S Jr, Mabel S Bounds Camille Bouraee Sara Bourrousse Charles P Bousquet Tess Boutet Chad Bove Elia Bove J Bowden Phyllis Bowditch Jessie R Bowe Otisha Bowen Sandra Jean Bowers Carnella Bowler Edward Bowles Robert E Bowman Adelline A Bowman Cyrena R Bowman Mildred R Bownan Minnie Bowser Barbara P Boyce William R, Ruth E Boyce Colon D Boyd Carla Boyd Dorothy Boyd Kelly Boyd Nichole Boyd Sharon Boyd Susan M Boyea Valerie W Boyer Elizabeth H Est Boykins Ralph Boylan Dennis Boyle Betty E Boyle Dennis P Boyle Grace Boyle Joseph F Boynton Alice B Boytchev Mihail S Bpc Enterprises Bpg Partners Llc Brac Margie Bracali Kirsti Braden Paul L Bradford Margrite, Charles Bradford Trust Co Bradley James S Bradley Janie B Bradley John J Bradley Larry L Bradley Lewis Bradley Rondale Bradley S Bradley Stewart Bradley Susan Bradley Veronica Bradshaw Chris Brady Elsie E, Harry Brady James J, Rose Brady James Joseph, Rose Brahin Judy Brahm Raymond Braid Arthur Braime Margaret E Brainard Jiooian R

PGN Bramble Lena Brame Nazeim Bramley Natasha M Bramson Mathew S Bramwell Maya Branch Roie Linda E Branch Todd Brandon Mark O Jr Brandywine Const Mgmt Inc Branin Randy J Branzberg & Ellers Llp Branzburg Klehr H Brasky Madeline Brassell Francis J Braswell Wilhelmenia C Bratton Lillian, Edward Braun Rachel Braun Spencer Bravo Health Pa Inc Braxton Charles Braxton Laura Braxton Loretta Braxton Wilbert Brecht Margaret L Breining Candice Brendlinger Norman Brennan Joseph F, Claire E Brennan Robin Brenner Beverly Brenner Lindsey A Brenner Milton Bresch Charles Brettschneider Johannes Brewer Francine, Inez Brewer John T Brey Jane R Brezec Primoz Brickley Margaret, John Brickley John Bricko Inc Bridgeman Jason Bridgeman Johnny M Bridges Cora Bridges Laurence Bridges Robert L Briggs Benjamin W Briggs Ronald Bright Constance Bright Eugene Bright Marvin Bright Tangayika Bright Yvette D Brill Jessica Brinkley Tom Brinkman Madelyn G Brinson Christine, Owen Brinson Emanuel Brinson Florence Brinson James Brisco Susan B Briscoe Rose M Brisendine Gail Bristle Donald Britt Kenneth M Est, Carol M Britt Hankins Moughan Brittinghan George Est Broadfield Annie L Broadnax Margarine Broadnax Michael V Broadus Mazie Broadway Theatrical Club Brock Jevon L Brockman Stanley K Brodie Mable Brodkin Edward Brodley Dwayne Brodsky Helene K Brody Jeanne Brokares Isabella Brokenbough Julius C Bronson Leroy Bronti Concetta Brookes William V, Janice M Brookman Philip A Brooks Beth Brooks Blair L Brooks Emma Brooks Geraldine Brooks Helen G Brooks James Brooks James T III Brooks Janet Brooks Jerome Brooks Kevin M Brooks Mildred Brooks Nathaniel Brooks Provisions Inc Brooks Reginald Brooks Robert M Brooks S Brophy Edward

Bros Shearson Lehman Brosier Mildred Brothers Joann Brouk Nadia Brown Kristie N, Brian D Brown Ronald, Alice Brown Alice C Brown Amber Brown Annie L Brown Anthony B Brown Barbara V Brown Barry Brown Benjamin Brown Candice Brown Celia Brown Crystal C Brown Curtis L Brown Darien Brown Darlene Brown Darnetta L Brown Deborah Brown Devon Brown Dora Brown Dorothy O Brown Elizabeth A Brown Eric Brown Esther L Brown Everett L Brown Francis P Brown Georgia Brown Harold W Brown Helen Brown Ida Brown Ivy Brown James Brown Janice Brown Jessica Brown John J Brown Jose Brown Joseph J Brown Joseph L Brown Karen E Brown Laura M Brown Lemuel Jr Brown Lester C Brown Lorretta Brown Mamie O Brown Margaret M Brown Margaret R Brown Merrill Brown Mollie Brown Newton A III Brown Odessa B Brown Oscar Brown Oscar Jr Brown Patrick J Brown Pauline H Brown Ralph Brown Raymond Brown Richard Brown Robert F Brown Samuel Brown Scott Brown Scypio Brown Stephan Brown Thonal Brown Tracey Brown Tsahani Ray Brown William H III Browne James V Jr, Justin A Browne Emma L Browne Margaret M Browne Tanya R Browning James F Brownlee Diane M, Addae D Brownlee Niyala J, Diane M Brownlee Kevin M Brownson Joanna J Brownstein Matthew J, Bruce W Broxton Anthony Broxton Leon Brubaker William E Bruckart Warren H Jr Brugnera Federica Brumbaugh Joseph R Bruneau Cecelia Brunetti Carmella Bruno Desiree Bruno Marie Bruno Pasquarosa Brusilow & Asso Bruton Eunice Bruton Gary Bruton Jacqueline Brutus Faith Bruza John M MD Bryan Joan Est Bryan Mary Bryant Charlotte A Bryant James Bryant Nancy

Bryant Rahme Bryant Reginald Bryant Robert Bryant Vicki L Bryne James Bu Huijun Bubble House Co Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Pc Buchanan James Buchanan Kim B Buchanico Anthony C, Mary Buck Timothy Buckler Mechthild Est Buckler Mechthild O Buckley John Buckley Thomas J Buckmonkey Llc Buckner Thomas Bucky Louis P MD Buczek Marian Budge Scott Buehler Edward Buescher Stephen Buffman Agnes A Bugg Christine K Bui Linh Building Owners & Managers Bullard Annie Bulletin The Bullies Sports Bar Rest Bullins Derek Bullman Harold J Bullock Geraldine Bullock Kenyatta Bullock Syreeta Bumberger Kevin Bumpess William Est Bunting Nicole L Buonanno Maureen Burak Joshua Burayak Eva Burckhalter Teresa L Burckhardt Oliver Burdette Carla Burganov Kamil Burgess Benjamin III Burgess Calvin Burgess Jessie Burgesson Christian H Burghart Wm E Burgis Rosalee Burgos Danilo Burke Cecelia B Burke Edward Burke Gary M Burke Hannah M Burke Maurice Burke Meghan E Burke Oona A Burke Steve Burke White William Burkland Danielle MD Burnett Jessica J, James R Burnett Norman Burnett Wilbur E Burns Albert Burns David Burns John K Burns Peter Burrows Eldridge Burstein Andrew Burstein Pablo D Burt Helen M Burton Patricia, James J Burton Jason D Burton Jsoeph Burwell Gertrude F Bus Septa Busco Ralph Bussiere Dorothea Bussiere Juliana F Butcher Arun Butchin Pauline Butler Helen, Lee Butler Jule Est, Jule B Butler Charles Jr Butler Georgina Butler James A Butler Jasmin Butler Jeffrey Butler Leroy Butler Lucy Butler M Butler Michael Butler Richard Butt Madison T Butts Edith L Butts Theodore W Butts Viola Buzby Paige Byard Terrell

PGN Byfield Tricia A Est, Walton L Bynum Robert B Byrd Ogress J, Adele F Byrd Ashby Byrd Benjamin Byrd Daniel Byrd Frankie Byrd Janitorial Serv Byrd Naomi Byrd Robert C Byrd Robert H Byrd Sandy L Byrne Teresa D Byrnes Helen B, John J Byun Hyung Caba Mehmet Cades Lillian Cadet Kechna Cadoret Frederic Cady Elizabeth Cahall Kathryn Ann Cai Xinyi Cai Yuchen Cai Zhen Caimitte Robens Cain Andreia Cain James J Cairo Linda, Louis Cairone John Calabrese Louis Calabreta Rosario Calabro Sal P Caldwell Dorothy E, Thomas J Caldwell Charlotte Caldwell Lois K Caldwell Tia Caldwell Veronica B Caleb Leveille Sr Callaghan Martha Callahan Amy P Callahan Anna Callahan Marguerit Callan Joseph F Callen Irene Est, Irene Calvary St Augustine Camacho Annette Camacho Paul R Camara Mamadou M Cambay Co Llc Cambronero Jose Cameron J D Camille Barnett Camp Geneva Est Camp Hill Apt Asso Lp Camp William L Campaign Group Campana Mary Campano Maria Campbell Agnes T, Joseph Campbell Julia, Fred Campbell William, Chanel Campbell Agnes T Campbell Barbara A Campbell Bernice Campbell Colleen M Campbell Dawn D Campbell Drew Campbell Edward J Jr Campbell Harold Campbell Hellen Campbell Joey S Campbell Karlyn Campbell Lillian Campbell Mary Campbell Ola Campbell Theresa A Campion Motyka Elizabeth Campione Anthony Campione Nicholas Jr Campione Philip Campionmotyka Liz Campus Arts Canaba Yvette Canada Reuben S Canal Thomas W Cananwill Inc Canda Robert Candelaria Brenda Cannon Diane Cannon Mildred Canole Gentiana, Neritan Canteen Vending Svcs Canter Martin J Canus Corp, Bl 7 Cao Lele Capaldi Marissa Nicole Capaldi Mark W Capaldi Marrissa Nicole Capecci Nick Capers Mary

Capitano Amy Capobianco Anthony Caporusso Frank D Capponi Dominic, Joy Capron Kelly R Capuano Gaetano Caraballo Jose Caraballo Melissa Carbin Thomas J Carbon Brushes Litig Fund Carbonara Marie Carbonell Chris O Carcich Jennifer L Cardell Alan D Carden Mark Cardinal Gina Cardiothoracic Surge Cardiovascular Med Asso Cardona Rosalie Cardone Ryan David Cardoso Thiago Care Network Chadds Ford Care Ric Carew Reginald Carine Carmella Carito Carlin May V Carlos Dos S Carlson Alfred Esq Carlson John Carlson Meaghan Carlson Megan Carlton Kimberly Carlyle Lillian D Carman Mascuilli A Carmosino Linda S Carnes Jennie Carney Frank Carney Odell P Carpenter Albert L Carpenter Hugh W Carpenter Linda A Carpenter Mathild Carpenter Tamara Carpenter Williams Carr Adrian Carr Antoine Carr F J Carr Harry Lee Jr Carr Mary E Carr Tara Carraccio Marilyn Carrafiello Matthew D Carrai Edward B Carrasco Lee R DDS Carrasquillo Jose Carrera Maria Carriero Maria Carriker Sharon Carrington Estelle Carroll J B MD Carroll Katherine Carroll Mary Carroll Patricia J Carrozza Cass Carrozza Catherine Cars Inc Carson Patricia Carter Margaret, Sean B Carter Christopher Carter Ella Mae Carter Frances B Carter L Carter Maria Carter Matilda Carter Meredith Carter Pinkie L Carter Suzette Carter Walette E Cartlidge Marjorie Carton Ida E Carty Melynda C Caruso Anna M Caruso Helen R Carver Jerry Casale Sandino Casals Jorge Caseiras Jo Ann Casella Antoinette Casey Troy Casillo Frank Caskey Ann G Cass Optical Co Cassell Harry Est Casselli J H Cassidy Oswald Est Cassise Dominick J Castagna Anna M Castagne Le Castaneda Elena

Castillapuentes Ruby Castillo Luis Castleberry Eleanor L Castner Gary Castorio Margaret, Felice F Castro Jose M Castro Rafael Castro Susan Casurra Leonardo Catanach Angela Catanzarite Eleanor Catenace Marie Catharine B Wood Trust Cathey Mary L Cattie Howard J Causanschi Hillary Cavalic Mina Cavanaugh Catherine, James Cavanaugh Nathan J Cavuto Joseph A DO Cawley Sean Cayetano Darius B Cb Richard Ellis Inc Cccs of Delaware Valley Cds Renovations Cdwg Ce Management Sus Llc Ceasar Wendell William Celek Brent S Celenva Vincent Celetti Jessica Cellini Michael Cellucci Violet, David Cendant Corp Sec Litigation Centennial Village Center City Chiropractic Center City Hotel Part Center City Legal Re Center City Reporting Inc Center for Autism Center for Consumer Central City Eyecare Central Providers Organization Centre for Well Being Centurion Securities Ceo Horizon House Cerdan Andre Cerruti Vincenza Certified Public Adjusters Cervera Pablo Cfd Corp Cha So W Cha Yewon Chacker Ruth N Chacko Jaimon Chacko Maya T Chacon Jessica G Chadwick Richard W, Mark C Chahar Vijit Singh Chahroudi Ann M Chaikin Samantha Chakrabarti Turja Chalal Gerald MD Chalfen Samuel Chalphin Gerald Chamberlain Stacey N Chambers Sarah L Chamley Watson Miles Champion Kimberly Chamreon Sar Chamroeum Rath Chan Brenda Chan Hee Chan Jamie H Chan Lionel Chan Ronald Chandler Richard L Chang Albert MD Chang Cheng Chang Christine M Chang Chui Wen Chang Chui Wen Kelvin Chang Cindy Chang Dean R Chang Hungjung Chang John Chang Melissa P Chanoff William Chant Dean H Chaplin Leonard Chapman Ronda Chapman Rose Chapolini Vincent Charbonnet Robert L Charitos Theophilos Charles B Darrow Trust Charles Singer & William Singer Irr Trus Charles Tiles Charlotte Craig Charlton Thomas A

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Charriez Alvarez Jose R Charthouse Rest Chase Howard J Jr, Anna Chase Home Finance Llc Chase Zachary Chasteen Jeremy Chatman Sherrie, Bree Chau An T Chau Cheung Chearavanont Tanyatip Cheek Curry Chellew Grover C, George Chelso Ashley Chen Chen Alice Plotkin MD Chen Bao P Chen Can H Chen Chingyin Chen Chisheng Chen Connie Chen Darwin Chen David Chen Derrick Chen Heng Chen Henry Chen Hong Chen Jack Chen Jian N Chen Kuan Jung Chen Li Chen Li H Chen Li Zhu Chen Long H Chen Peishen Chen Qiao Yun Chen Shu J Chen Shuo Chen Tian L Chen Weichi Chen Weihao Chen Xiaohong Chen Xiong Chen Yao Chen Yi C Chen Zhongqiang Chen Zi Y Cheng Chien M Cheng Chui Wah Cheng Guo D Cheng Hsing Chia Cheng Jennifer Cheng Jenny Cheng Shanlin Cheong Hong Cherizard Jimmy Cherry Hill M Autobody Cheryl A Van Valkenburch Ira Chesapeake Hotel Lp Delaw Lp Chesapeake Life Ins Co Cheshire Home Found of Phila Chesson Karen Chesson Susie Chesson Susie Benef Chester Catherine A, Jessie Cheung Ming Cheung Sulyn Moy C Chew Weng Chhour Paul Chi Hsiang Chiancone Pasquale W Chianese Lisa Chiappardi Vincent Chieffo Peter A Chiem Lam P Childs Aaron Childs Deborah J Childs John Chilton Mariana Chin Edwin Chin Sophal C Chin Valerie A China Victory Holdings Ltd China Village Inc Ching Sheena A Chippewa Beaver Falls Lp Chiranjeev Singh Chiu Lam P Chiu Wai Y Lui Chiu Yue S Chiwarah Chittima Chmel Emil Cho Chiho Cho Sung Choeun Sim Chohan Mariam Choi Jamyung Choi Jeonghye Choi Julie L Choi Jung Won Choi Minchan

Choi Ri Mi Choi Sarah Choi Yang Choice Rasheem Choice Terrace Chojnowski Margaret, Vincent Chok Cheng H Chonofsky Andrew S Chop Medical Staff Chop Primary Care Ctr 39th Chop Primary Chcc Cobbs Creek Chopra Tushar, Vinita Chou Chi C Chou Hantang Chou Wu H Chou Wu S Chow Christopher Chow Peter Chowdhury Lisa Christensen Carl R Christian Terry, Ann Christian Kelly Christian St Dev Lp Christie Pabarue Mortesenyoun Christofas Louis J Christofferson Anna Christopher Agnes Chropka John A Chroust Ryan A Chu Helen Chu Hui L Chubb Group of Ins Co Chudnow Lillian Chung Kimly Chung Zhen Chunn Ida B Chuptnya Ivan Churchill Lucinda D, Gerald Churchill David E Churchill Gearald E Churchill Lucinda Chymiy Paul Ciaccio Rocco Jr Cialella Alfred, Sue Cianci Mary Ciaranca Linda, Mary Ciavatta Celeste Ciborski Lauren C Cicatiello Stephanie Ciccotelli Lucy Cignarella Vincent Cigolle Alex P Ciliberti Joseph Cincotta Carl Cindyi Es Nails Inc Cintas 287 Cintron Christina Cintron Ivette Cione Agnes B Ciorciari Marissa J Cipparone John F Cite Theodore Citimortgage Inc Citizens Bank City Focus Realty Llc City Nails on Square Ciwa Asso Llc Cizmarik Pauline Claims Worldwide Llc Hisher Clair Catherine R Claire Weinstein Living Trust Clanton Tyshawn Clappier Emma Clardy Johnson Joshlen J, Joseph Clark Alphonso Clark Camille Clark Deborah Clark Dorothy Clark Eddie Clark Frederic W Clark Irene Clark Iris Clark Jacqueline J Clark Joel Clark Jonathan Clark Lewis Clark Lewis A Clark Lisa M Clark Loretta T Clark Mary B Clark Pauline Clark Richard Clark Sandra Clark Terrance Clark Vernon Clark Veronica Clarke Shawn Clase Robert Classic Mgmt Claude Debotton Trust



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Clavin Genevieve M Clay Amos Clay Phillip Claybourne Ronald, Rose Clayman Bradford L Claypoole Brynn Clearfield Matthew, William Clearfield Ronald A Esq Clegg Nancy Clegg Robert N Clemens Nancy Clement Walton III Trust Clemente Reynaldo Clendenin Gail Cleveland Theodora Clinical Health Care Asso of NJ Clinical Nephrology Clinkscale Billie Clinton John J, Mary J Clissa Sylvain E Cliveden Convalescent Ctr Clossetti Matilda Clovis William L Clymer John Cm Family Investment Club Cmk Entertainment Llc Cnp Realty Llc Coaley Emma Coates Emma M Est Coates Jamyng Coats Karen Cobb Dorothy Cobb Milton Coben Larry Coccagna William Cocco Filomena Cocco Ralph Coche Judith Cochran Elizabet Cochran John Cocklin Carmen Cockrell Clifford Coco Charles M Coco Josephine Cocon Hector Cocroft Eugenia N Coffee For Less Cogan Eliya Y Cohan Emma Cohen Kenneth F, Jean Cohen Martin Keogh, M Cohen Mildred R, Israel H Cohen Allison Cohen Ariel Cohen Bernard M Cohen Betty Cohen Co Capital Cohen CoSecurities Llc Cohen Elizabeth Cohen Howard P Cohen Jacqueline Cohen Jeremye D Cohen Lenard Esq Cohen Lorraine Cohen Phyllis L Cohen Sarah Cohn Jennifer Coimbra Leila Cola Robert G Cola Rosemarie Colabella Jason L Colaianni Kathleen Colantono Angelina T Colavechio Kathleen A Colavechio Thomas J Est Colbert Charles Cole David J Cole Donnel Cole Lee Cole Patricia C Coleman Roscoe B Jr, Edith Coleman Beverly Coleman Cynthia Coleman Diane Coleman Donald Coleman John Coleman Mark J Coleman Roscoe B Coleman William Scott Coleman Yvonne Est Coler Elena Coley Reginald Colfelt Jean Beggs Collin Emergency Phys Collins Ameriah Collins Andrew Collins Anna R Collins Brittany Collins Danita Collins Donald Collins Edward T Jr

Collins Ernest S Jr Collins Florence Est Collins Jerry Collins Maggie R Est Collins Ola Collins Valerie Collision Rossettis Colon Edison Colon Jamarys Colon Nilda Colon Ruth Elias Colton Andrew, Jonah Colton Jack Columbia Silk Dyeingco Inc Columbus Charles Comas Walter Comer Jonathan Comfort Inn Whitehaven Kripa Motel G Community Dev Partnership Networ Community Legal Services Inc Compher Kevin M Compservices Inc Compton Kevin Comtel Wireless Inc Conaghy Marie L Conant Emily F Concannon James Concerned Parents Inc Concha Valdivies Manuel Jose Conciergeclaim Aok Auto Body Concorde Commercial Plastic Condominium on Walnut 101 Confetti Usa Inc Conklin Esther M Connectechs Connected Connelly Andrea R Conner Jamie L, John H Conner David S Conner Marion Connor Marie T Jr Connor Ryan E Connors Callie Conrad Christine Conrad Joseph Conroy Elizabeth R, John J Conroy Catherine Conroy Patrick G Constantino Dominga R Cont Cable Const Conte Augustine A Conti Florence Conti Kelly Continental Paper Box Co Inc Contino Barbra Conway Charles A Conway Maxine Conway Peter P Conwell Inn Blgdg Cook Hanirah L, Adrienne Cook Crystal J Cook David K Cook Donald Sr Cook Leslie R Cook Robert Cook Vincent Cook Willie Cooke & B Cooke James Cookson Joseph Cooley Andrew J Cooley Mikel L Coombs Sondra K Coonet Nicholas Cooney John Cooper Joshua F, Joel B Cooper Arthur Cooper Charles S Atty Cooper Chun N Cooper David Cooper Denise Cooper Dexter Cooper Dorothy M Cooper Eleanor L Cooper Eric Cooper Gerald S Cooper Jane Cooper Louise Cooper Mary Cooper Mary L Cooper Patricia Cooper Sylvia Cooperman Shirley N, Jack J Coopersmith Andrew S Copeland Inez L Copeland Karlene Copes Anna Est Copes Helyne Copper Valentino Corazo Ignacio Corbacho Marion I Corbin Clifton C, Beverly R

PGN Corbin Belva E Harrison Corbin Clara Corbin Wallace A Cordeiro Nigel Cordero Christy Cordero John C Corica Marie C Corley Helen, John Corley Robert Cornell Mickey R Corosanite Angela Corretini Antoinette M, James V Corretini Lucille Corriss Vera Est Corse Sara J Cortes Amancio C Cortorreal Judieann Cosgrove Barbara Cosmi Carmella Est Coss Jason R Cossrow Joanne Costa Todd Costanzo Gabriel Costello James T Costello John J Costello Olive Coston Kyle C Cotellessa Diana Cottman Garrie, Garri Cottman Sarah Cotton Jessica Coulter Elizabeth Coulter Robert J Cour Timothee Courtland At Home Courtney Theresa, Edward Courtyard Asso Coury Marcus Cousar Nathaniel Cousins Althea L, Carl M Couto Rodrigo Couture Couturie Christine E Covenant Group Holdi Ngs Inc Cox Edward J Cox Kyong Cox Margret M Coxen Orville G, Joan A Coyle Joseph C Coyle Mary H Coyne Annette, John Coyne Allyson F Cozen Oconnor Cozza George A Cozzen William Cpr Restoration Inc Craddock William Crafton Emma Crager Terry Craig Drake Mfg Inc Craig Edward Craig Jason A Craig Robert III Craigg Philmore E Crain Brian T Crandall Margaret Crandall Starla Crane Giles Crawford Morgan Crawford Nicole L Crawley Jerry L Crcc Creative Media Intl Creegan Patricia Creely Alice P, Howard Cremins Keith Crespi Jonathan Crespo Peter Cressman Alicia Crews John Criniti Joseph Jr Crispin Jessa D Cristella Ernest Criswell James R Crittendon Jobbie Crittenton Gerald Croce Anthony J Croce Carlo M Croix Securities Inc Cromley Jennifer Crommarty Llewellyn C Crompton Corp Cromwell Violet Crooks Glenna M Croom Shannon Crosby Daryl J Crosby Geneva Cross Cynthia C Cross Florence S Cross Mariuccia Crosson Patricia Drum, Thomas G

Croston Valerie E Crouch Kenneth M Crowder George C Crowne Plaza Crozier Elizabeth J Crumley Gregg R Cruz Angelo Cruz Gabriel Cruz Joshua Cruz Mary Cruz Nilsa Cruzcolon Alex D Cseh Julia Cuarado Frank Cucinotta Francesca Cucinotta Joseph Bkrtcy Cucinotti Steven Cuculino Tony Cuellar Jeffrey Cuffee Florence B, Anthony B Cuffeld Charles H Cui Jian Cuisine Intl Restaurants Cukerberez Williams Cullinan William J Cummings Agne M Cummings Jill Cummings Kathleen Cummiskey Walter, Marie Cunfer Lauren Mcintyre, Todd E Cunningham Miles, Mary Cunningham Brian Cunningham Bridget Cunningham Mcgowa Larrabee Curbside Chef Inc Curcio Grace C Curello Pablo A Cureton Olivia A Curetonhill Rovenia A Curran Grace Curran Ryan J Cursuo Tommy Curtis Robert J, Robert Cusano Ann L Cushin William J, Mary A Cushing Kathy Cushman & Wakefield Cuss Sarah Custer Matthew Custis Beatrice Custis Hilda Custom Coach Inc, Angelonis Auto Collision Cutrufello E J Cwebb Lynne Da Contractors Inc Dabah Gloria E Dabas Ravi Dabney George H Dabney Nancy L Dacres Andre Dada Daniel Dadamo Derrick Daddio Lauren M Dae Hyun K Dahan Thomas Dai Julia Dailey Curtis H Dailey Morris Daily Joshua, Sonja Dalal Nar Dalal Saloni A Dale Hunt Frances Bernice Dalembert Samuel Daley Joseph J Daley Kathryn M Daley Laura E Daley Maureen Dalicandro Tara Dalinta Bontempo Dalton Joseph F, Joseph Dalton Bryant Dalton Lauren A Daly Barbara A Daly Honorah Daly Isabel R Daly James W Daly Jaun D’amato Diana Dambrosio Realty Metro Dames Ruth E Damico Lisa Damjanovic Terezo Damn Christopher Dampf Anna Danao Melissa Dandrade Joseph Dang An Tien Dang Huyen T Dangerfield Dana Dangerfield Paul Dangio Giulio J MD

Danglo Adam Daniel Kelly Daniel L Daniel Rosenthal S Daniele Carolina M Danielewicz Andre Daniels Bertha Daniels Donna M Daniels Ruth Daniels Turhan B Daniels Twanda P Danielski John J Danilyuk Karina Dann Dorfman Herrell Danoff Diane S Dao Diane Dao Jim Daps Philadelphia Darami Michele Darby Kevin Dardanelli Eugene L, Rita J Darling Kristen Darrow Charles B Darrow Esther J Darweis Inc Dasa Hospitality Llc Dascola Joseph P Dasilva Elisangelo C Dassey Sherie Dattani Brijesh S Daugherty David M Davenport James Davenport Megan Davenport Robin Est Daversa Vincent R Davey Calum B David Samuel J Jr, Mattie M David J Cole Revoc Trust David Leonard David Mann Ltd David Solomon David Taylor Davidson Margaret Elizabeth Davidson Robert Davidson Ruth E Davila Rossana Davis Annette, James Davis Sarah, Lynda Davis William H, Joshua J Davis Amiir L Davis Cheng Davis Clarence Davis Clifton L Davis Danyel R Davis Dorothy Davis Dorothy A Davis Earl Sabu Davis Elizabeth Davis Esther F Davis Gladys E Davis Gloria O Davis James C Davis Jeannine E Davis Jerry Davis Jomo A Davis Mamie Davis Obie Davis Paul Davis Rashaan Davis Robert L III Davis Shigeko Davis Thomas Davis Warren Davisson Ian S Dawkins Alexandra E Dawkins John M Dawson Cleveland Dawson Corey J Dawson Elizabeth E Dawson Jennifer M Day & Zimmermann Day Zimmerman Mason Hanger Dayao Manuel S Dayton Michael Dcv Inc De Stefano Caroline Dean Eddie Est Dean Nicole Dean Solomon B Deangelo Michael Deans Geoffrey Deantonio Psychc Svcs Deardorff Matt Dearie Paul J, Anne K Dearie Anne Dearies David J Dearing Nyhus Soren I Dearmas Luis Dease Dominique Deasey Mahoney Valentini North Deaver Dorothy A

PGN Deaver Dorothy A Est Deblasio Joseph R Deblue Asta Debona Nelson T Debotton Joyce Decarlis Catherine Decatur Randolph Dechant Jacob Decoteau Kordai I Dpm Dedhia Priya H Dee Robert J Deeizion Split Def Supp Ctr Dscp Mrpp Defense Supply Center Phila Defrancesco Doris S Defranco Louis Defreytas Kimiko C Degerlund Kurt J Deghayli Lina M Degovanni Collision Svc Degraffenriedt G Degregorio Amelia, Frank Degregorio Audrey, Amelia Degregorio Christina C Degrouchy William, Patrick Degrouchy William J Dejohn Michael Dejose Romero Adriana Dejulio Elizabeth Delacour Willis S Delancey Clinton Ass Oci Delanco Healthcare Delaney James M, Sally J Delaney Chelsea Delaney Helene A Delaney Katelynne Delaware Ave Distri Ctr Inc Delaware Comp Rating Bureau Delaware Dist Inc Delaware Funds Delaware Investments Trend Fund Delaware Macquarie Inv Delaware Valley Avaition Delaware Valley Healthcare Council Delaware Valley Medical Spec Pc Delaware Valley Restaurant Delaware Valley Society for Gastro Delcap Fund Concept I Series Deleo Judy Delgado Manuel A Delgaudio Giuseppe Della Penna Joan Dellior Reba V Dello Catering Delong Nicholas Delorenzo Peter & Nanette Delpopolo Anna T Deluca Domenic D Deluccia Rita Delucia Susan Demaio Joseph A Demarco Albert Demarco Anthony Est Demarco Debbie Demarco Petra Demarco Rei Inc Dembele Souleymane Demby Josephine A Demelo Cardoso Thiago Demuro Gerard Deneen Allen Denese Adrienne Deng Huan L Deng Lianghong Deng Weiqiong Deng Yuchen Dengler Henry Denicuolo Charles A Dennehey Warner Marshall Dennis Kenneth, Bertie Dennis Charles Dennis George J Dennis Harold T Dennis Hart Dennis Jeffery L Dennis Rodney Dennis Shaconda Dennis Stephen Denny Elizabeth D Dental Health Systems Pc Dentex Dental Group Ltd Depalma Mary Depeiza Sylvester Deppe Richard A Dequeiroz Filho Cirillo Alves Derisio Vincent Dermilio Rosemarie Derosa Louis Derose Charles Derry Construction Co Derry Richard

Desai Jay Desalvo Daniel Deshauteurs Aurora J Deshields Catherine Deshields John Deshmukh Sandeep P MD Desimone Biagio, Joanne Desimone Joanne Desoyza Colombo Destefano Carmela Destefano Luis Est Destra Rita Destribats Laura Details Llc Detrilles David A Deuschle Martha Deutsch Albert Devadhas Devakumar Dever Gerard A Devine Clifford Devine John W Devine Kerryanne Devine Mary Devirgilis John Devito Julie Devito Paul A Devlin Kelly A Devore Mary E Devoto Carolina Devoue Mary E Devuono Kenneth Dewan David, Paul Dewees Frederick Deyo Alexandra Deyonker James Dezura Molly Dhaenens Jon M Dhanwani Vic Dhermillon Claude Dia Aliou Diaco Agnes Est Diallo Khatri Diallo Ousmane Diantoniis Lisa D Diaz Diego Dibeneditto Chris Dibiasio Bernard J Jr Diblasi David J Dibona Jo Ann Dibona Joann Dicaprio Barbara E, Carmen M Dichter Bros & Glass Dichter Helen Dicicco John R Dickens Jamal Dickerson Bertha Dickerson Lloyd O Dickerson Miriam S Dickerson William Didomenico Concetta, Joseph Didonato Susan Diep Hanh Dieter Anne Dietz Agnes Difazio Donato Diflorio Robert Est Difrancesco Enrico Difranco Lawrence P, Eileen Difuntorum Andrea M Digiovanni Louise L Digiovanni Mary Digital Innovation Llc Digital Legal Pa L Digiulio Philip Dignam Francis J Sr, Alice M Digusto Eleanor Diienno Jean Dilks Mary Dill Gilbert Dillon Florence E Dilworth Paxson Lp Dimarco Theresa Dimarino Frank F III Dimiskovski Marko Ding Shengda Dinh To Dinicolantonio Mary Dintaman Lena M Dintino Cheryl Dintino Robert M Dinubile Philomen, Julian Dion Mcclarin Dion Est Dipasquale F Diperna Lauren Rachel Dipietro Joseph L Diplan Nuri Dipollo Domenick Dipompeo Nicholas G Dipretoro Eric Dirske Leah Disandro Joseph

Discount Door Dist Inc Disipio Natalie Distefano Francis, Doris Distefano Patrick, Doris Distefano Laurence Distell Daniel M Ditommaso Kathleen A Dittman Rebecca B Divgi Chaitanya R MD Dividend Focus Portfolio Divine Investment Club Dix John Dixon Anita S Dixon Bernadine Dixon Hermel Dixon John Dixon Nia E Dixon Rosa E Dixon Tanika Djerassi Foundation Djerassi Isaac Djr Trust Dmjm Harris Inc Do Lam T Do Martin S Do Paul Miller Dobak Roman Dobal Fernanda Dobbs Jc Dobromilski Helena Dochney Francis X Docktor Jack H Dodaro Peter Doddie Rita Dodyk Marcus Doebler Darrell Doerr Stephanie, George Doggie Style 3 Holding Co Doh Younjin Doherty Theresa Dolan Mark Dolbow Florence J Dolchan Michael J Dolente Anna Dolenti Ronald P Doll Raymond E Dolphin George M Dolsomse Olive Domenic Carol Dominguez Velez Julio Domorski Victor J Domus Inc Donaghue A F Donahue Patrick, Jill Donahue Raymond F Donaldson Karen Donaldson Lexis Donato Angelina Donelly Colin Dong Linda Dong Sheng Wu Dong Xian Dong Xing X Donley James Donlon Anne E Donniacuo Maria Donohue Erin T Donohue M Donzo Musa Dooley James Doppalapudi Pooja L Dorman Andrew Doroshow Steve Dorsey Carroll, Lucy Dorsey Carrie Dorsey Dolores E Dorsey Hattie B Dorsey Johnnie Doshi Sahir Dossantos Enestor Jr Double Lyte Pos Doucas Ruth Dougherty Margaret, Anna Dougherty Alice V Dougherty James J Dougherty Leventhal Price Llp Dougherty Maryellen Dougherty Richard A Douglas Annette, James Douglas James M Jr, Annette Douglas Charley V Douglas Emily Wallace Douglas Hope F Douglas James Douthit Alvis H Dow Luke A Dowd Michael F Dowd Virginia A Dowling Dennis R, Joan Downey Anna T, George Downey James

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Downing Joyce S Downing Mildred H Doyle Jill Doyle Joseph Doyle Marilyn Dozier Lionel Drabu Sukriti Drain Catherine M, Timothy Drake Cortes A Drake Kathryn Draper Evan F Drechsler Andrew R Dreher Corey B Drew Tasha D Drexel Property Asso Driskell Anna A Drlorenzo A Alston, Wellnes Sp Drt Financial Holdings Druckman Jeremy M Druding Elizabeth Drumheiser James Drummond Rosa Drummond Walter Du Yuyao Dua Awereh Martha Dua Ruchika Duane Morris Llp Dubin Stanley DDS Dubin Stanley M Dubose Richard N Dubouskaya Volha Dubow Steven Dubree Frank W Dubrowski Ian Duck Marlene D Duckett Anthony Dudley Charles B, Gussie Dudley Jacob A Duff & Phelps Llc Duffy Edward W Duffy Patrick Dugan Helen C, Walker Dugan Helen C Dugan Katherine Duggan Dana Dukes Eligah M Dukes Valicia G Duling Fred Dumpson Sally B Dumrongmongcolgul Asama Duncan Deania Duncan Debra M Duncan Sandra M Dundovich Marlayne N Dungey Herman Dunham Daniel Dunlap Rosa Dunmeyer Brenda Bolden Dunn Arnette Dunn Dixie Dunn Jonathan A Dunn Mary Ann Dup Inc Dupree Abdul A Duran Benito Duran Genaro Durante Richard Durham Wes Durkin Walter L, Mary B Durnev Lyudmila Dva Healthcare of PA Dwonick Albert Dworeski Darin Dyson Loman Dziabenko Dimitri E & J Supermarket Llc E & R Bldr E Hunter N Ea Simpler Custody II Eaddy Ethel T Eagle Pa Asso Lp Easley Annie Eason Annie Eason Louis E Jr Eason Sally B East James H Est, Cecilia A Easterday Harry Easterling Raheem Eastern Dist Co Inc Easwar Ramnath Eat Sweet Inc Eatmon Verda Eatoin Shirley Ebbecke George Eberwein Edward J Ebl & S Property Mgmt Inc Ecfmg Echeverri Aldolfo Echiverri Juan Crisostomo Eckard Richard Eckenhoff Verna

Eckerts Produce Eckles William J, Thomas E Economou Nicoleta J Edelman Jeffrey David MD Edelstein Mariam Edenhartpepe Terra R Edge Ethel M Ediboglu Baki C Edison Deborah L Edison Esther E Edison Michael Edmonds Aneita Edouard Bernard Edwa John M Est Edward A Wood Test Trust Edward B Myers Edward Daniels Edward J Filippone MD P C Edward S Cooper Practice Edwards Angela, Dyone Edwards George E Jr, Eva Edwards Rosemary, Walter Edwards Chauncey Edwards George E Jr Edwards Jannie Edwards John Edwards Lucille Edwards Lydia M Edwards Mary E Edwards Ronald Edwards Roselia L Edwards Thomas Efendy Kusni Efros Lauro Ega Ajith Kumar Egbe Asore of Phila Eglof Elsie M Egonopoulos Paul Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Marks Llc Egoul Katerina Ehrenreich Anthony J Ehrlich Cipora Ehrlich Michelle E Eichman John A III Eigenschaft Glass Inc Einbinder Stuart C Eis Maria Eisen Samuel E Est Eisenberg Aaron Jos Eisenberg & Mcguigan Eisenhower Michele MD Eisenman Sylvia H Eisler Brandon Eisold Wesley Eiss Bebe Eiwon Yoon Eizen Bernard El Carrusell Inc El Fuego Elam James Elan Prystowsky Ta Queen Village Elbaum Krost Elbaum Dds Eldabbas Maida Eleftherie Kalfas Elemica Elhage Nadia Elias Carmen Elias Florence L Elifant Albert R Elijah Iris F Elizabeth Hasan Beauty Shop Ellakany Abdelrazek Ellens Seafood Market Llc Eller Frederick Elliott Bryant O Elliott Jeffrey Elliott Joan Elliott Muriel Elliott Zelma L Ellis James Jr, Letha Ellis Anna Ellis April Ellis Joseph M Jr Ellis Keith Ellis Paul Ellis Stephanie Ellsworth Wayne Elmardi Egbal Elmore Palmer Trust Elrn Inc Elroueiheb Georges N Elsevier Journals Eluk Christopher Elwetidi Ahmed A Elwyn Dental Clinic Elwyn Inc Retire Pl Equities Memo Ely George Ely Jared T Emergency Med Svc Inc Emerson Ernestine Emerson Robert



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Emlen Thomas F Emoda Com Emodacom Corp Employee Benefit Consul Emre Dirim Enaco Margaret D Eneanya Dennis Engelbach Janette L, Nelson Engelhart Sarah N Englander Andrea, Leslie Englander Maria Carolina Englehardt Justin English Donald V, Ethel M Enoch Duane L Enochs Mildred A Enomoto Iwamoto Motomi Ensley Jenny Enterprise Rent A Car Entertainers Entrep Group Epps Blanche Epps Josephine Epps Julisa A Epps Pathena Epstein Matilda H, Ellen Epstein Ruth Epthimiatos Anna Equity Partners I Llr Erdem Anil Eric Rivera Selffunn Erickson Edward L Erin Treacy Erkan Osman Nihat Erlichman Fulton I Est Ermilio Alison N, Frank P Errera Domenic Ersa Court Reporters Escalante Marie Escher Alexandra Escorcia Jennifer Escorcia Michael Esdaile Leslie Esensten Gabrielle Esola Julia Espejo Luis Espinal Wilton Esposito Michael Esquire Deposition Svcs Estate of Anne E Carter Esteso Paul Esther Robin Eternity Shoes Inc Eternity Kids Ethengain Robin M Ety Trading Llc Eubanks Jacqueline J Eugene Melody D Eugene Oconnell Eun Daniel D MD Eurest Dining Eustace Lauren Evans Lillian, Arthur Evans Villari Lentz, Jenna Evans David T Evans Franklin J Evans Helen Est Evans Helene A Evans Karen A Evans Marguerite B Evans Sharon D Evans William M Even Pierre Evercare Health Plans Everett Tamar Everetts Eleanor B Everly Kyle Everton Bogle Ewald Kenneth Ewing Charles Ewing Chas P Excel Staffing Inc Excel Transportation Excelon Corp Service Executive House Apt Expectations Expert Parking Exton Square Property Llc Eye Encounters Ezike Saidu F And T Appliance F Jonesaviscontok Viscon F S Supermarket Faber Roy W Fabric Workshop Museum Fabulous Impax Stationery Fadel Aiman Amir Faden Francine Fafalios Aristeides Fafalowski Marie Fagan Elizabeth A Fagan Marie V Fagan Virginia Fagelson David

Faggens David Faggins Hattie Faheemi Fatima Fair Margaret Fairley Jamila C Fairmont Park Commission Fairmount Med Inc Fairmount Supreme Property Faisal Ali Faison Jerome Fallon John E Fallonjtten Sadie Foy Faltin Heather Fan Ying Fang J Fang Qiang Fang Zhiqin Fannie Mae Farbiarz Izak Fard John R Farello Ambrose Farighi Farina Carolina Farley Daniel P Sr Farley Michael Farlow Alana Parenti Farm Journal Corp Farm Journal Media Farmer Florence E Farmer Mary Farquhar Derek Farrah Helen Farrell Joseph L, Joseph Farrell Chrystal J Farrell James Farrell Monica Farrell Sarah Farrell Shawn R Fashion Anney C Fassett Bruce F Fast Agency Inc Fasullo Louis F Fasy Margaret F Fathom Online Fatuma Inc Faulk April Faunce M Faust Michael Favoni Rodrigo Fay Mary D Fayall R B Fazelbhoy Rafiq Fazenbaker Nina L Feamster Malik Feaster Thomas A Feather Christina Fedak Kelly M Feder Kenneth A Federman Jay L MD, Erik B Fedex Kinkos Office & Print Svcs Feeley Michael Feely Paul Feidt Margaret C Feig Harold Feinberg Gabriel Feingold William I Feinstein Barbara Crawford Feirick James D Feldenkreis Rose Felder Ollie Feldman Laura Feldman Michael Feliciani Marie V Felix Benjamin Fellehimer Judith, Alan Felsburg Katharine Felt George Sr, Rosemary Felton Rose Feminist Working Group Feng Dan Feng Mengxue Fengfan Chen Fenne Gina Ah Fenning Anita Fera Mary Feras Ali Alaqeeh Ferebee William Feret Rachel Ferguson Andrew P, Ian Ferguson Eric Ferguson Matt Ferguson Shandrea Ferko Festime Fermo Barongan Leonora V Fernandes Jason Fernandes Jesus Fernandez Burgos Margo Fernandez Eduardo A Fernandez Michael Fernys Max A Ferraro Gary

PGN Ferraro Jimmy Ferrazzano Florence Ferretti Caesar P Ferrili Robert Ferro Eleanora R Fertsch Joseph B Fessler Stella C, Donald J Feszczak Zenon L, Olena M Fetty Chelsea Feucht Elizabeth S Feudale Rosetta L Fey Michael Feygin Tamara Md Fia Csna 3013 Fialkowski Dorothy Fialkowski Perry Ficerai Andre Fichera Foods Fichina Domencio Fickling Riheem Fidell Linda M Fidler Kathryn Fidler Thomas J Fiedler Joel M MD Fielding Allen Fred Fields Marcia, Jesse Fields Carman A Fields Dorothy M Fields Elizabeth A Fields Gladys B Fields Viola Est Fien Paul B Fierstein Beatrice, Stuart Fifth Third Sec Inc Figlarowicz Regina, Leon Figueiredo David F Figuereoa Ivelis Figueroa Brendalee Figueroa Dover Figueroa Juan Figzgerald Laura M Fike Richard J Filippone Antonia Filkins Randy A Fillopena Samuel Filmon Caroline Financial Processing Svcs Llc Finarelli Daria Finca Llc T A Marigold Kithchen Fine Debbie Fineman Frances Fineman Herbert Fineman Jay B Fineman Krekstein & Harris Pc Finfer Isadore Finley Bruce W Finley Heather Finn Daniel Finn Karen M Finn Victoria M Finnegan Bridget Finnegan Lisa Finnegan Trust Victor Finney Carolyn Finocchiaro Ralph Finucane Ronald, Marie Fiordimondo Aaron Fiore Albert A Fiore Alicia A Fiorella Zia A Fiorelli Natalino J Firefly Literacy Fund Firemans Fund Firn Donna V Firn John First American Title Ins First Bank of Delaware First Class Towing First Clearing Llc First Derivatives Us Inc Fischbeck Peter F Fischer Edna M Fischer Katherine Fiserv Correspondent Svcs Inc Fiserv Iss Co Fiserv Sec Inc Fiserv Securities Inc Fiserve Investment Support Svc Fish Edward, Sarah Fish Lawrence W Fishaman Samuel Law Offices Fisher David Fisher Fannie Fisher Ilene S Fisher Jill Fisher Joseph Fisher Karen Fisher Lillian J Fisher Rakhil Fisher Randolph Fisher Timothy C

Fishman Charles Fite Elizabeth R Fittingoff Mildred, David Fittipaldi Mike Fitzgerald Academic Emerg Fitzgerald Darryl Fitzgerald David J Fitzgerald Isais A Fitzgerald Robert L Fitzgibbon Jofe F Fitzhugh Clarence R Fitzmaurice Francis J Fitzpatrick Barbara Fitzpatrick Charles A III Fitzpatrick Ryan J Five Star Parking Fixture One Corp Fixtureone Flacco Victoria, Mark S Flaherty Frank Flam Frances Flanagan Dorothy M Flanaghan C J Flately William, June Fleet Marcia Fleischman Mem Fleming Michael, Sarah A Fleming Dolores Flemming Roosevelt Flemming Tahmi Fletcher Antoina Fletcher Johluellen Fletcher Kelley Wanda Fletcher Omar Fletcher Robert Est Fletcher Troy Jr Flick Thomas Flicker Hilda Flocco Dana Flore Est Flores Alonso Julian Flores Manuel Flores Tomas Flourish Best Flower Lena Flowers Ernest W Flowers Joanne Flowers Tamieka Floyd Gentle Floyd Jeanette Fluellen Wanda Flying Monkey Llc Flynn Malia C Flynn Patricia A Fmc Corp Fmp Visual Comm Inc Fmtc Fnu Sugianto Fnu Susanna Fogel Deanna Fogel Magill Mankad D Fogle Homer W III Foglia Enrico Foley Mairen Folge Mabel H Folwell Justine A Foner Philip S Fong Elizabeth K Fong Mak Chan Wai Fong Richard C Fong So H Fonseca Bridgette E, David Fonseca Joel Font Rodolfo Fonville Donald P Foot & Ankle Center of Phila Footer B Footer Brian I Forbes Pamela L Forbes Raymond Forcino Delores Ford Eleanor Ford Gladys E Ford Harry Jr Ford Helen DMD Ford Lisa Ford M Ford Philip Ford Thomas L Foreman Lamont J Forester Morgan L Forgeard Marie Form Mary Forman Sylvia, Sean Forman Doris H Forman Sheldon Forrest Robert W Forsina Dolores Forte Michael Fortino Santo T Fortune Marion

Foster Alice Foster Margaret G Fosterdrain Robin Four Penn Center Fowler Barbara Fowler John Henry Fowler Mary Fowler Wyman B III Fox Amy Fox Chase Asso Fox Chase Cancer Ctr Fox Chase Lock & Key Inc Fox Edward T III Fox James Fox Joanna L Fox Leo Fox Rothschild Llp Fox Tina I Fox Zachary M Foxworth A Foy Timothy Fragoso Pablo France Lavonne Franchise Real Est Llc Francis Delaney Francis Lydia A Francis Mckearn Francis Victoria N Frank Diane, Myer Frank Benjamin Frank Diane Frank Hiram L Frank Marchiano US Frank Marie K Frank Marilyn Frank Stacie B Frankel Fred & Henrietta Cbom Frankford Ave Pediatrics Frankford Memorial Post Frankfurt Ins Agcy Inc Franklin David Franklin Glassworks Inc Franklin Heather Franklin Jesse Franklin Kelley G Franklyn Enos Franzone Amparo P Fraser Lillie Frattarola Susan Fratto Anna Frazier Gregory, Cynthia Frazier Clifford N Est Frazier Jeremiah Frazier Leroy Frazier William J Freas Amanda Fred S James Co Inc Pa Fred Zimmerman Tr Frederick & Edward Cohen Co-Exec Est Frederique Gina Fredrick Dennis Freed Rebecca Freedman Abramson Freedman Betty F Freedman David Freedman Eaf Abramson Freedman Harry Freedman Png of Queen Ervin Ellen Freedom Chemical Co Freeman James Freeman Thomas E Freeman Tysheeka Freese Kristin S Freitag Mary Frem Youssef French Charo M Freund Ariella Frey Curtis Friano Joann L Friano Vincent J Fridie James R Fridie James R III Friedlaender Eron Y MD Friedland Jason Edward, Kathy Friedman Aaron Esq Friedman Cynthia R Friedman Isabel Friedman Marc B Friedrich Jo Anne Friedrich Joanne Friel James P, Cyndi M Fries George A, Margie M Fries Amy Friesenbet Tigist Friner Arlene R Frock Matthew J Frost Anna Fryer Kathleen Fu Yingzi Fu Zhengping Fucci Joseph J Jr

PGN Fuchs Rebecca Fugere Genevieve S Fukushige Shiho Fuller Catherine Fuller Charlie Fuller Crystal Fuller Donna Fuller Miriam Fuller Stephanie M Fulmer Herchel L, Alice M Fulton Carrie J Fulton Cheryl A Fulton Robert Fulton Rosalino Fumo Bernard Funaro Michael Fund Harmony Lodge Furey Florence G, Donald F Furia Frances K MD Furman Jacob Furth Emma Fusello Rocco Futch Lisa G Edgar Patchel Irrev Trust G F Management Inc G M H Management G Williams A Gabriel Hernandez Gabriel Jeffrey M Gabriele Suzanne M, Angelo M Gaddard Laura Gadson Shirley Gaffney Shante Gaffney Thomas A Gaffney Thomas F Gailt Meredith Gaines James H Jr, Verolga N Gaines Essie Dolores Gaines Sidney Gaio Kate M Gaito Maria Galan Bianca Galanos Louie A Gale Loraine W Galette Marc Galiera Leopold, Julie Gallacher John Gallagher Michael F, Maria Gallagher Amber Gallagher Anthony Gallagher Eileen P Gallagher Erin Gallagher Gerard J Gallagher James F Gallagher John Gallagher Kacy Gallagher Megan Gallagher Michael F Gallagher Patrick J Gallagher Sally A Gallagher Sara Gallagher Weber Gallant Zenstein Gallery Mall Dental Gallo Mary Est Gallo Joseph J Gallogly Sirlin Galloway Thackery J Est Gallucci Angela M Galvez Julio Gamble Thomas P Gambone Grant Gambro Healthcare Lombard Gan Weijun Ganbescia Cindy Ganel Onne Gang Hannah Gans Courtney Gans Gilbert Gant Carlton Gant Samuel N Ganues Jannean Gao Tina X Gao Yu Gao Zhan F Garala Tarulatta Garant Daniel Garber Rachel Garcia Fernandez Venancio T Garcia Francisco Garcia Hiram Garcia Lizette Garcia Luis E Garcia Luis O Garcia Maria Del Refugi Garcia Mario Gardiner Geoffrey A Jr MD Gardner Allison E Gardner Frederick P Gardner Louise E Est Gardner Thersia

Garfield Pearl Garfinkle Raymond Garland Florence C Garland Margaret A Garlington Johnnie M Garner Cedric B Garner Lee Garozzo Joyce Garrett Ramona Garris David Garrison Mary E Gartland Samuel Gartner Andrew Gartner Kathleen T Garton John Garvey Edward B Jr Garvey Teresa A Garvin Barbara J, Edward J Garvin Keyser Theresa Garvin Roxanne T Gary Julia M Gary Rosetta M Gary Segal Gasiorowski Mikhail P Gaskins Brian Gasparro Robert P Gass Rose Gates Richard B Rev Gatewood Claude, Mary Gatling Reginald Gatta Ciriaco Gatto Anthony Gaul Jonathan P Gault Thomas J Gausz Barbara Jean Gautam Arpan Gavin Ellen Gavin Mary Sue Gavio Margaret, Frances Gavio Dominic Gay Edward T Gay Eugene Gay Roy N Gaydar Maxim Gayle Lipkin Ge Capital Ge Heming Gearhart Philip W Gebre Yvonne E Gebrekidan Seifesilassie Gee Edward Gee Jack Gee Shawn Geer Sabrina P Geiger Mark A Gelblum Peter G Gelches Kristin L Gelinas Robert A Esq Gellman Rivie Gelman Rivie P Gelman Steven J Genestra Josephine Geng Ran Geng Xuting Genis Xavier Gentile Michael J Gentzsch Laura Genung Lindsey Genung Stephanie L Geo Wash Scottish Rite George Naureen, Simeon George Benny George F Pettinos Inc George John George Premsy A George Shaun George Steven Gerace Donna M Gerald L Ross OD Gerbenlundy Judith Gercke Vanessa Gerhard Jamie German Edward, Mary Germanotta Yolanda Germantown Home Inc Gerolamo Mcnulty Dicis & Lewbart Gerome Frederick Geronimo Miguel B Gers J Gethers Thomas Getty Alexander, Anthony Getty Food Mart Getz Charles MD Gf Education Group Inc Gfin6 Mgmt Inc Country Hearth Inn 16 Gfin6 Mgmt Inc Country Hearth Inn 162 Gfoh8 Mgmt Inc Ghanem Helen J MD Gharghour Jessica Ghebrehiwet Neghisti Gholston Phyllis

Ghose John S Ghps of Phila St Gia Pronto Giacobetti Alexander B Giant Aquarium Giardina Antonio Giarrocco Colleen, Steven Gibbon Justina Gibbons Helena M Gibbons Sean M Gibbs Carrie R Gibbs Hybernia Gibbs Media & Comm Gibes Lisa M Gibson Theresa, Albert Gibson Breyana Gibson Ishmael Gibson Lorraine P Giddens Julia Gigliotti Mario Gigliotti Yvonne Gikas Effie H Gil Julio C Gilbert Ahmad Gilbert Judith Gilbert Percy Gilberto Juarez A Gilbertson Bonnie Giles Nicole Giles Tasha Giletti Mary T Gilfillan Edith A Gill Hasreet Gill Shazia Gillard Dorothy Gillen John F Gilleo M A Gillespie Albert Gillespie Daniel Gillespie Joseph G Gillespie Matthew J MD Gilliam Bailey Azalee Gilliard Anna Gilmore Gerquis Gilroy Kellie Gilroy Thomas Gilson Jacob Gimbel R Nicholas Ginley Genevieve Ginn Victory Est Ginsberg Sidney, Harry Ginzburg Vittorio Giogas Marionga M Giordano Angelini Giorgio Violetta Giorno Vincent, Rose Girard Square Partners Llc Gist Kimyatta Queen Gitlin Laura Giuliano Adeline Giusini Vincent, Dena M Givens Richard H Gizem Yali Gizzi Marie Gl Cliff Enterprise Gladney Venus Glanton Scheryl W Glaser David Glass Fred A Glass Lee A Glass Marilyn Gleckman Nicholas Glenmede Trust Co Glenn Louise Glezer Mathan Glick Emanuel Glickman Benjamin S Glickman Katy R Glickman Madeline Global Arena Llc Glogow Benjamin Gloria Violeta S Glover Elsie Glover Florence M Glover Nadine Gls Direct Gluck Dolores, Henry Go Satoshi Godbout Wesley B Godfrey Anna Godfrey Everett Godshalk Albert R Godwin Alena Godwin Chritine Goel Pooja Goffe Ann Gogate Shilpa S Goh Edwin Goihman Erick Goines Oliver J Gokal Sheetal Natver

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Gold Albert Gold Charlotte Gold Laurie Gold Mary Gold Robert M Goldberg Dara Goldberg Jessica Goldberg Michael Goldberger Norman M Goldburgh Rodgers & Triester Golden Philip F, James A Golden Anne Golden Investment Club Inc Golden J Patrick Golden Mary E Est Golden Planet Goldenberg Robert L MD Golderer Christine Goldfisher Edna Goldkorn Ida Goldman Carroll Goldman Robert J Goldmark Llc, Nh Relief Goldner Harold M Goldner Thomas M Goldrich Marissa S Goldrich Steven R Goldsmith Byron Goldsmith Edwin M III Goldsmith Irmgard M Goldsmith Kathryn Goldsmith Quantine Goldstein Brian S Goldstein Greenberg Goldstein Jared Goldstein Jay D Goldstein Lizabeth Goldsteins Funeral Directors Inc Goldwire William Goller Matthew W Goltra Phyllis H Gombar Joseph Gomez Christian Gomez Jacquelin C Gomez Lissette Gomez Margarita Gomez Mata Arantxa V Gondal Qayyum Gong Yimeng Gonzales Amanda Gonzales Peter J Gonzalez Johnny Jr, John Gonzalez Anna K Gonzalez Damaris Gonzalez Jose Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez Ruben Good Health Med Stats Inc Goodes Virginia M Goodman Alice Goodman Lawrence Goodman Mike Goodman Patricia A Goodman Robert Goodson Nathaniel Goodstein Selma R Est Goodwin Daniel Goodwin Joseph W Gorberg & Gaber Pc Iolta Gordon Aleisha Gordon John K Gordon Nancy A Gordy Steven H Gorski Alexander J Gorski Mariusz A Gortat Adam Gosnell Kermit Baron Gosten Agnes Gotera Anna Gottlieb Rachel Gough Raymond Dec Govan Allen Govberg Jennifer Goveas Brandon Governa Lisa M Goyal Monika K Md Gpha Frankford Avenue Health Center Gps Quality Pizza Inc Grace Marie Graci Joseph S Graduate Hospital Gragert Melissa Graham Anna L, Anna Graham Alisha L Graham Helen E Graham Malik Grand Scale Fund Raising Inc Grandell Ruta Granger Elizabeth Grannum Gillian D Grant Adlyn

Grant Alicia M Grant Annie Grant Christopher Grant Maxwell Grant Tyrone Grassi Viola M Est Grassinger Joseph C Grasso Anthony Grasso Michael B Grattan Edward Graves D Graves Joe H Graves Vaughan Gray Charles Gray David Gray George Gray Jeffery Gray Ural Grayson Zachary L Grcich Kenneth D, Stacy J Greaser Tamara Great Wall Rest Greaves Corin A Esq Greco Paula Greely Hansen Green William W Est, William W Green Clifford S Green Clinton W Green Danielle Green Edna R Green Edward C Green Endora Green Erick Green Frederick Green John C Green Keith Green Keynan Green Leon Green Ollie Green Sarah E Green Tyesha Green Valerie Green William Greenberg George Greenberg Gillian Greenberg Lois Greendlinger Leonard Greene Alberta Braxton, Earl A Jr Greene Andrew A Greene Arnold J Greene Howard Lee Greene Mattie L Greene Michael Greene Ryan Greene Spilliner Greenfield Rochelle Greenlee Ellen Greer Earle Greever Michael Wayne, Maria C Gregory Russell Greisler Patricia A Gresham Fateem Gretha P Grey Regina M Grica Robert Grier Ryan Wesley Jr Grierson Pauline Grieshaber Elizabeth L, Edmond Grieves Nicholas Griffey Margaret Griffin & Vogler Pc Griffin Arnesia Griffin Jason Griffin Kevin Griffin Mary E Griffin Samuel Griffin Teresa Blunt Griffin Thomas M Griffin Vogler Griffith Benjamin Griffith Gladys H Griffith Michael Griffith Shaun D Grimberg Adda MD Grimes Marcella R Grimes Paula Grimm John H III Grimmer William D Grimshaw Robert S Gringore Emma G Grisoglio Emma Groh Harry Groman Dorothy, John Gronich Ruth Groninga Soschin Misty L Grooters Benjamin Groshong Conlin D Gross Margaret, James Gross Florence M Gross Geneva Gross Jay M



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Grossberg Jonathan D Grossman Rebecca, Martin Grossman J Grossmayer Catherin Grosso Roberta Grost Kathy G Grover Margaret Growth Prprtes Invstmnt Ma Grubb Mabel E Grubb Randall Grudke George Est Grues Esausce Grushkevich Anna Gu Haiyan Gu Minming Guaracao Herman Guarantee & Trust Co Guaranteed Plumbing Inc Guaricela Luis V Guerra Carlos Guerra Diego A Guerrero Francisco Guess Bldg Guida Frances M Guida Mildred Guidi Raffaele Guidotti Janice Guilbaud Sergeo Guiliano Adeline Guiliano Michelle M Guillaume Jean Guillem Karine Gulrajani Deepa R Gumery Keith D Gunawan Felix Gunby Louise A Est Gunter Clarence Est Gunter Frederick Guo Jianwei Guo Jiayan Guo Naijia Guo Qiang Guo Wei Gupta Siddhartha, Gayatree Gupta Aanchal A Gupta Abhay Gupta Jaton Gupta Salil Gurbanova Nigar Gurney Joseph S Guryanov Artem Gutierrez Alexandra Gutierrez Petra Guy Valerie M Guyen Han Friedman Aaron Esq Guyer Richard A Guynn Jacqueline Guzel Bayrin B Guzman Olven Guzman Rochelle Guzowski Chelsea Gvianidze Emzar Gwend Kovach H G Kuch Co H H Christensen Llc Ha Hi T Haas Ilene Haas Jean Haas Jonathan L Habberstad Jeff Hachen Rachel K MD Hackett Mary R Haddington Town Haddon Phoebe A Hae Kim W Hafler Eric Hagan Tracy L Hagel Theresa C Hagel Thomas L Hagin Gregory Hagner Amy M Hagner William R Jr Hagood Dorothy L Hai Rong Haileab Simon Hain Christian Ray Haines Brooke A Hairston Ada L Hairston Barry A Hairston Connie S Hairston Constance Hakami Abdulatif Halasa Eva Halasa Nicholas A Halaway Melissa C Haldeman Englert Chad R Hale Herman L Halfhide Glen Hall Lillian, Odessa Hall Daisy G Hall Dorothy E

Hall Elaine Hall Herbert Hall James N Hall Jessica Hall Julia Hall Katherine Hall Lenda Hall Robert W Hall Shannon Hall Tyesha Hallen Mark E Hallinan Phelan Hallman Rudolph Halloran G B Halloran Joseph J Halperin Douglas R Halpern David Halpern Maria Halpin Kyle Ham Kenneth Hamazaki Mayuko Hamby Lauren N Hamed Nadia Hamilton 01 Equi Hamilton Cynthia Hamilton D C Equ Hamilton Dallas Hamilton Deborah Hamilton Dh Hamilton Lucy Hamilton Mary L Hamilton Robert J Hamilton Sherry F Hamilton Sonja Hamilton Troy J Hamilton Village Marathon Hammel James R Hammer Ashley Hammock Carl A Hammond Reginald, Alfair Hammond Reginald,Cynthia Hammond Dana Hammond Johnnie Mae Hammond Laura Hammond Michael C Hammonds Monica Hampton Patricia, Paul Hampton Amelia Hampton Eliza B Hampton Margaret W Hampton Patricia Hampton William Han Alan Han David Han Haina Han Wei Lun Han Xu Hanaoka Yoshishige Hand David Hand Tasheen Handelin Barbara Handy Matilda Hangley Aronchick Segal Hanley Kylina E Hanlon Mark J Hanlon Phyllis Hannah Monroe Hannah Peggy Ann Hannah Willie Hannan Mary R Hannibal Ahmed Hansel Gordon K Hansel Herbert A Hansen Erik P Est Hansford Antour Hanson Brian W Hanton Sarah Hao Jing Hao W Hao Wang Hao Yuhan Haon Harry, Mary Hapani Jitesh Haq Syed N Harari Nimrod Harbridge Jennie Hard Rock Cafe Phila Harden Ida Mae Harden Louise Hardigan Greg J Hardin Julia Harding Dolores R, Jamesz B Harding Hazel Harding Lorraine Harding Mitchell C Dc Harding S L Hardy Evans Esther Hardy Isabel Hare Brothers Printing Inc Hare James E Jr Hare William J

PGN Hargrove Russell, Diane G Hargrove Beulah Hargrove Christie Harigel Natalia Harkins Kelly Ann Harlan Scott T Harlen Med Arts Pharmacy Pooled Acct Harley Irene Est Harley Vanessa K Harmon Frances, Tanya Harmon Damaris Harmon Helen R Harmon Joan C Harmon Michael Est Harner Richard, Evelyn Harnett William Harnish John F III Harold Denise Harold S Levin Inc Harper Charle Harper Jamal Harper James A Harper Jon Harpold Amanda Harrell Granada Harrington Carrie Harrington Molly E Harris Chantell A, Mary Ann Harris Allicon Harris Angela Harris Angelica L Harris Ellen Harris Elvenur A Est Harris Estelle Harris Gail M Harris Hazel Harris Hildreth Harris Jason Harris Jeanette Harris Jimmy L Harris Lorenzo Harris Malik Harris Marion Harris Quoen Harris Rosie Lee Harris Thomas Harris Tiffany Harris William A Harrison Marlene, Marvin Harrison Annie Harrison Basil Jr Harrison Bernard A Harrison Catherine Harrison Seth Harrison Stacy Harry or Jack Hagner Educ Trust Harry Samuel Harshfield Wane Hart Anthony Hart Irene B Hartman Donald Hartsough William Harvey Rhoda, John Harvey Contance Harvey Kelly L Harvey Louis E Harvey M Harvey Pennington Cabot Griffith & Ren Harvey Pennington Ltd Harwood Robert Hasan Nimat B Haslerbrooks Nathan, Kerry Hassall Luke B Hassamain Khaled Hassell Isaiah L Hassin Richard Est Hatahaka Toru Hatch Chris Hatcher Carl Hatcher John Haubrich William Hauger Barbara A Haughton for Congress Haugue Sana Haus Lora N Haverson Gene Haviaras Stephano Havrusov Oleksandr Hawk Samuel H Hawkins Bessie Hawkins Carl Hawkins J Est Hawkins Renee Hawkins White Maria A Hawthorne Clay Hawthorne Community Dev Hawthorne Susie Hayden Sarah Haye Landscaping Inc Hayes David K Hayes Kirk

Hayes Sean Haynes Yolanda, Cynthia Haynes Florence Haynes Rishon Haynesworth Michael B Hayt Elizabeth Hayward Elaine D Haywood Ethel Haywood Patricia He Jiang He Sirong He Ying J Headlam Joyce S Headlong Dance Theater Heald Brian Healey Margaret, Bernard Health Care Compliance Assn Health Care Conf Admin Hc Health Svcs of Fox Healthcare Mgmt Alternatives Healthpartners Healy Katherine Heard Joseph, Marie Hearne Shelley Heary Patricia Heath James, Denia Heath Kelsy E Heberholtz Cat Heble Nikhil Hecht Irwin A Hecht Peter Heckscher Cynthia Heckstall Brian Hecktman Hillary Hedge Funds Care Inc Hedrick Lori Heeney Marie L Hefferan Joseph C Heffler & Co Heffler Jacob Heffner Hope A Hefler Melvin Hefline George R Hefter John Heida Julia L Heifet Arlette Heil Francis C, Hazel Heilakka Samuel Heim Sarah Heimall Jennifer R MD Heimlich Sandra R, Philip F Hein Hope M Heinemann Ryan Heinrich Dorothy B Heinz Edward Heist Dorothy Helbig Daniel Held Tyler S Helen Harvey Helene K Brodsky Revo Living Trust Helgerson David P Heller Dean Michael Heller Emily Heller Gertrude Heller Peter M Hellinger Jeffrey C MD Hellstern Steven Helphenstin Margaret Hemphill Jean C Henderson Annie Henderson C Henderson Eva Henderson James Henderson Mark Henderson May Henderson Pamela Hendricks Harrietta Est Hendrickson Rita Heng Gina S Heng Thew C Heng Yang Henis Nori L Henk Elizabeth Henkin Strother B Hennigan Ottie Henriksen Paul Henry Corey Henry Debra Est Henry Devon Henry Joseph Hensen Helen E Henson Bobby T Henson Sidney Est Henwood Patricia Heo Heather Hye Lim Herbert Benson Herbert Copel Herbert Rose Herczeg Jennifer, Mark Hergin Jerry Herman Benjamin

Herman Bruce J Herman Frances Herman Harold L Hermawan Ardi Hernandez Anthony Hernandez Antonio Hernandez Betzaida Hernandez Carlos Hernandez Elsy S Hernandez Erika Hernandez Jose Hernandez Maria Hernandez Saludora Hernandez Yave Garcia Herner Anthony, Helen Herr Joanne Herrera Argenis Herrin Bruce Herring Clinton Herrmann Matilda Herskovic Esther, Izak Herskovitz Frieda Hertz Kate L Hertzog Alon Hervey Richard M Herzeca Jane Heselden Ethel Q Heselden John E Hester Willie M Hetmi Hamad A Heuter John Hewitt Ena M Hewlett Margaret Heyday Entertainment Hhm Hibachi Sushi & Supreme Buffet Hibbs Jennifer Hibou Keith Hicking Edward W Jr, Violet Hickman Louise Hicks Inez Hicks John Hicks Madeline Hicks Patricia J MD Hicks Ruth B Hicks Sandra Hicks Steven C Hicks William Higdon & Higdon Inc Higgins Catherine C Higgins Richard E High Mary D Higham Albert Highgate Ventures Llc Highsmith Brian Hightower Leamma Hiilberd James Hildreth James W Hilibrand Alan S Hill Norma R, Alvera Hill Alma Hill Betty Hill Cordelia Hill Dorothy L Hill Elizabeth S Hill Elsie Hill Herbert Hill Patrick Hill Richard J Hill William Hillen Joseph R Hillengas Carl M Hilltop Views Llc Hilsberg Ruth E Him Mano Hin Kim Hines Linda, Flora Hines Bertha Hines Clarence M Hines Denise Hines Diane Jenkins Est Hines Dorothy Hines Jalin Hines Utillie Hink Laura Hinson Catherine Hinton Antoine Hinton Charles F Hinton Ozelle M Hinton Ralph Hinton Willie Hippel Llp Hippolyte Estelyse Hiraoka Aya Hirshkowitz Barbara His Auto Program Hite Clayton Othello Hite Herbert M Hjerpe Katherine F Ho Allen Ho Christophers

PGN Ho Nguyen Hoagland Michael L Hoang Mai Hoase Richard V Hoban Carol A Hoban Thomas Hobbs Margaret O Hockaday Reginald Hocker Joseph Hocker Marilyn Hoctor James Hodge Beatrice Hoek Smit Marja Hoff Trust Hoffler Tricia Hoffman Eric W Hoffman Stephen C Hoffstetter John Hogan Agnes B Hogarth James Hogg Tierra S Holden Florence A, William Holder Jerome D Holdsworth Brooke Holeman Denise Holland James Holland John F Holland John P Holland Kathryn Hollenback William M Jr Est Holler Raymond P Holley Anna E Holliday Jerome Est Holliday Linda Hollidge Bradley S Hollin Douglas Hollingshead John Holloman Jessie Est Holloway Helen Holloway Ida M Hollowell Joann M Hollstein Keating Cattell Johnson Godls Hollywood Can Suck It Holman Dorothy M Holman James Holman Tess Holme Clarence Holmes Khayri Holmes Mattie E Holovat John Holt Joseph A Holton Wilmore Sr Holtz Benjamin Holzbaur Helen E, Joseph Homan Gregory R Home Plus Enterrises Inc Homko Lorraine Honest Hospitality Inc Hong Alex Hong Gee W Hong Hongsha Hong Kong Chinese Rest Hong Riyehee Hong Sung M Hong Xiaobo Hood Vanessa Hooten Nicholas Hooten Teresa A Hoover Jillian Hope Day Nursery Hope James Hope Leslie B Hope Peter R Hope Timothy Hopewell Ethel Hopkins Arthur Jr Hopkins Marcus Hopkins Priscilla L Hopkins Thomas Hopkins W T Hopper Sara Hopson Deborah, Ashley Horace Mary P, John Horace Drever Trust Horan William, Alice Horan Arthur J Jr Horbal Donna A Horizon House Inc Horlacher Evan Hormann Albert, Ann Horn Candace Horn William Horne Anne Est Horne Anne S Horner Priscilla H Horning Rab Horsley Hunter Horton Melvin L Horwitz Harry M, Lottie Horwitz Joshua R, Kristi Horwitz Alfred

Horwitz Allan Horwitz Edwin Hosford Barbara C Hoshino Nahoko Hou Shangwei Hou Shihe Hough Earl Houle Timothy Raymond House Inglis House Jessie D Housing Asso of Deval Howard Easther Howard Ezekiel Howard F W Howard Fischer Asso Howard Francesco Howard Gailliard April N Howard Marion Howard P Kauffman & Clarke And Cohen Howard Theodore C Howard Wayne Howe John T Howell Edward IV, Georgia B Howell Bernice Est Howell Calvin Howell Edward III Howell Eric V Howell James Howerton Melody N Howes Helen Howren Gregory Hoyer Rachael Hoyle Michael Hsiao Emily Hsieh Anthony Hsieh Wanting Hsun Chih T Hu Christine Hu Ke Hu Tianyan Hu Xin Hua Chau Hua Van A Huang Chin Y Huang Darien Huang Guangzhou Huang Hong L Huang Jian Zhong Huang Peiran Huang Qi H Huang Qingqing Huang Steven Huang Xin Huang Xue F Huang Yong Chang Huang Zhiqin Hub Llc The Hubbard Robert Huber Jonathan Huckel Kathleen, Brian Huczko John, Mary Hudek Emma E Est Hudson Donald L Hudson George Hudson Lori Hudson Rosemary Hueber Joseph A Hueber Patricia A Huff Kristen M Huff Lesley Huffnagle Wilson L Jr Hufuna Ahmed Huggins Leon Hughes Moses, Ruth Hughes Francis Hughes James E Est Hughes Loretta Hughes Moses Hughes Richard P Hughes Taite Huh Suhhee Hull Timothy Human Resources Corp Hummill John Humphrey Jesse Humphries Irene J Hung Chu Chun Hung Te Y Hungarter Douglas A Hungate Kirsten Hunt Daly Melissa Hunt for the Cure Hunt Helen Hunt Larry Hunt Nastassja Di Hunter Bertenia, James Hunter Charmaine Pagh, Hodges Vera L Hunter Annette Hunter Dorothy R Hunter Joshie Hunter Minnie L

Hunter Vanessa A Huntington Franklin Huntington Ins Agency Inc Huntley Jill Huntsman Student Invest Fund Hup Hurrell Frances Hurst Robert W Md Hurtig Howard Md Hurwitz Samuel Huss Mary E Hussain Mohammed Hussey Sara Hutchinson Benita H Hutchinson Regina Hutchison Louis Huynh Nhi Huynh Tin N Huynh Tran Huzzy Gustina Hwa Yuan Inc, City Garden Hwang Jeesun Hyatt Hotels Hyde Abigail E Hyduk Tom Hyjazy Mohamed H Hyman Burnette Hyman Chaz D Hyon Michael Hyun Ji Kim I Brodsky Asso I Michael Luber Pc I W Levin And Co Inc Esc Agt Iachini Liliana Iang My Iannacone Mario C Jr Iannelli Delia Iannelli Terry Iannucci John Ibbotson A Ibbotson Tomas H Ibrahim Rami Ichord Rebecca N MD Icowhi Ida Barg Tr Fam of Gloria Levin Ideal Flooring Llc Ideas Thrifty Idris Dorothy Iezzi Anthony Igueni Mohamed Ik Soo Ilan Hayon 1605 5th St Ilardi M Im Hyunkyu Im Jung Chul Imaku Astrit, Anida Imbarc Immaculate Mary Home In Zane Music Inc 401k Plan Prmslic Inc Fiserv S Infinite Air Hvac Llc Ingersoll Ballard Spahr Inglis House Med Spec Ingram Cornelius Ingram Kevin Ingram Stacy Ingram Walter Injoque Gerardo Inlingua Innervision Eyewear Inc Inolex Chemical Co Ins Regulatory Ins Svcs Insurance Co of North America Intech Construction Inc Intelligent Comm Enterprise Cor Intensive Care Asso Intenzo Marie Interactive Media Group Interface Psych Services Intermind Research Inc Internal Medicine Asso International Alliance of Theaters International Health Organization International Used Truck Interstate Hotels & Resorts Inc As Manag Er For Hi Interstate Hotels & Resorts Inc As Manag Er For Ho Interstate Hotels & Resorts Inc As Manag Er For Pa Interstate Hotels & Resorts Inc As Manag Er For Sh Interurban Clinical Club Invite Media Inc Ioc Fidelity I Ipc United Plaza Lease Lp Iraloa Juan P Irawan Roby Irvin Alice Irvin William J Jr

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Irving Eleanor Irwin Alice M Irwin Jessica Isaac Djerassi MD Asso Isaac Thomas Isaacs Charles Isaacs Jeremy Isaacson Harunaga Isabella Elizabeth C, Anthony A Iscimenler Sinan Ishii Yumiko Isiaka Adesina Islam Hakim Island Imports Intl Israfilov Rauf Ito Suzuki Mayumi Ivanov Nikola I Ives Ronald Ivy Legacy Foundation The Ivy Ridge of Wisconsin Inc Izaguirre Roxanna J Donald Cameron Trust J Joseph Stokes Jr J Kermit Lief Uw J M Beauty Supply Llc Jack Anthony Jackson Dorothy M, John Jr Jackson Alcibia Jackson Alfred Jackson Anna M Jackson Annie Jackson Bailey Staffing Svcs Ll Jackson Briuana Jackson David T Jackson Doris Jackson Elizabeth A Jackson Evelyn Jackson Florence P Jackson Grace Jackson Hosie Jackson Jerel Jackson Joseph B Jackson Jovonna Jackson Lorna H Jackson Marc A Jackson Marlon E Jackson Mary Jackson Mona L Jackson Pearleen L Jackson Rene H Jackson Roy Jackson Terry Jackson Theo Jackson Thomas J Jackson Victoria Jackson Vincent Jackson Walter E Jacob Catherine Jacob Doherty Jacob Rodrigo Jacobs Allen J, Roberta Jacobs Ena M Jacobs Law Pc Jacobs Paula A Jacobs Tyrone Jacobs Wanda Jacobson Darlene Jaffe Joan F Jaffe Joel H DO Jaggers Donald Jah Marina Jaily Najlaa W Jain Aditi Jain Ishaan Jain Trisha Jakob Helen S Jakubowski Edward Jakubowski Thomas Jallo Jack Jamal Y Ali Est Jamanth Raj James Pauline, Carol James Peter S, Michael James Albert Public Adjusters James Crystal M James Elwell James F Mcguckin Md of Tx James Holly Anne James Irene James Jonathan James Pickett Felica James R Radmore P C James Renaldo D James W Fox IV & Asso Ltd James William J Jamison Ernestine Jamme Elizabeth A MD Jamois Eric Janaitis Mary A, Justin Jane Morgan I Jang Jin H

Jansen Fred C Est Jarmusik Frances Jaroski Kelly Jarvis Aguioar Jashnani Rajeev Javandel Mitra Jay Meyers Esquire Jayachandran Rajkumar Jean Madeline Inc Jeanes Emer Care Spec Llc Jeanpierre Henriot Jefferson Frances A, Samuel W Jefferson Aaron Jefferson Alfred Jefferson Anesthesiology Asso Jefferson Eileen B Jefferson Family Planning Jefferson Frances A Jefferson Health Systems Jefferson Joseph E Jefferson Oneal Jefferson Rashonda Jefferson Rehab Me Jefferson Ruth D Jefferson Shirley Jefferson Thomas Jefferson William M Jefferys Angela Jeffrey R Lessing Pc Jeffries Charles Jeffries Steve Jemison Beth H Jeng Annie Jenkins Calvin Jenkins Ebony M Jennings Walter, Linda Jennings Hallie Jennings Harry Jennings Hubert Jeon Eun Jeon Sun Y Jeong Yong S Jerolmack Douglas J Jeter Dwayne Jetter Keltha Jewish Comm Centers Greater Phila Jewish Employment Vocational Svc Jewish Fam Psych Svc Ji Chen Ji Youn Jia Wei Jian Bo Md Jian Haiying Jian Shengxian Jiang Jessica Jiang Min Jiang Xiaying Jiayin Nie Jibril Yisak Jifang Ma Jill Hunt Jimenez Geraldo Jimenez Jesus Jimenez Oscar Jin Guanghui Jin Joongsuk Jin Kim Jingqiao Wang Jividen Jon Gary, Silver, Irene Jlacqua Diane Jmh Realty Concepts Jms Llc Joanne Bran Joe Nam I John B Collins Asso Inc John Delaney Pub John Dugan J John E & Erlane D Tait Irvoc Trust John J Mcintyre Sons Inc John Laing Homes John Sanju John T Dorrance Jr Tuw Fbo Johns Theresa Johnsen Roger Johnso John Arnold Johnson Helen M, Albert Johnson Aloma M Johnson Alvin Johnson Andrea S Johnson Ann E Johnson Anna M Johnson Anthony Johnson Arelious E Johnson Betty E Johnson Bobby Nicloe Johnson Catrina Johnson Charles F Johnson Charles R Johnson Cherry Sherri Est Johnson Cheryl An Johnson David W W



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Johnson Denise Johnson Ebony Johnson Emogene Johnson Felicia R Johnson Gamby Phyllis Johnson Gladys Johnson Gloria Johnson Greta E Johnson Harry Johnson Howard Johnson James Lee Johnson Jason Johnson Jessie Johnson Joselyn Johnson Joseph Johnson Joyce O Johnson Julius K Johnson Kevin C Johnson Kirk W Johnson Kirk William Johnson Lesley C Johnson Lewis W Johnson Lillie B Johnson Louise Johnson Lucille Johnson Luetta Johnson Luther Johnson Mary E Johnson Melvin Johnson Mildred Johnson Mola Johnson Nora Johnson Norman Johnson Phyllis Johnson Richard Johnson Ruth Johnson Seymore H Jr Johnson Sharee Johnson Sharita D Johnson Shubrey Johnson Viola Johnson Wendelyn Johnston Jason Johnstone Jerika, Lance Joiner Dennal Joines Scott Joma Basma H Jones Aaron Jones Abdul Jones Alicia Jones Amy Jones April T Jones Carlisle T Jones Charlene T Jones Charles E Jr Jones Clyde H Jones Donna Jones Edmonia J Jones Eleanor P Jones Ellen C Jones George W Sr Jones Gloria Jones Harold L Jr Jones Harry Jones Howard Jones James A Jones James H Jones Janelle Jones Jennie Jones Joseph L Jr Jones Lawrence Jones Lewis Jones Lillie Jones Mahoney Lisa M Jones Margo Jones Marion Jones Mikel Law Firm Llc Jones Nephretite Jones Patricia Jones Peter L Jones Rebecca Jones Ryan K Jones Selena A Jones Sheinelle M Jones Shyrl Jones Sylvia Jones Tanya D Jones Thomas Jones Valerie Jones Vontia Jordan Elliot Jordan Leeroy Jordan Marcia D Jordan Mary A Jordan Paul Jordan Samuel Jordan Vanessa Jordan William N Jr Jordon Willa Jorizzo Michael Jose Caban

Jose Inc Jose Justin Jose Puthehu C Joseph Dallas Est Joseph Dimanche Enide Joseph Gerard W II Joseph Grigalaskas Joseph J Brooks Lees Personal Care Brd Hm Inc Joseph Kailath T A Indus Gallery Joseph Oscar Joseph Stokes Jr Joseph Stokes Jr Research Inst Josephine Romella Joshi Aravind K Joy Jincy Joyce & Cautilli Joyner Brenda Jean Joyner Kenneth Joyner Sharon Jq Investments Llc Jtj Assoc Inc Juan Construction Llc Juarez Maria E Jubilee Lawrence M Judd Emanuel Juliana Lucille Julius Tisa Juncker Kristine June Brook Jr Juned Zulfikar Jung Choi Jung Hur Jung Hyeyoon Jung So Jung Wai L Jung Won Jungyeon Kang Junior Investment Club Llp Junior Jose Juniper Chancellor Lp Junod Charles Junyin Zheng Jurkofsky Paul Jurosky Mary Just Electric Jutkowitz Edward Jw 1100 Vine Invest Llc Jwg 131 Inc Jy Kee Entertainment Llc Kabas Valentine R Kabir Nurul Kabra Archana L Kaden Carmella Kades Ventures Inc Ta Kadir Arif Kafrissen Arthur S Kagan Loren Kahn Elizabeth B Kahn Thomas H Kaida Masako Kain Catherine M Kaiserman Shira A Kaiserman Co Inc Kaiserman Shira Ann Kaisermanrobinson Constance Kaisling Emily Kaji Kartikeya Kakar Neketa Ms Kakuta Mitsutaka Kalada Michael T Kalai Mike Kalikas Mihalia Kalikiri Pramood Kalish Sandra R Kam Cheryl Kamada Kuzuhiro Kamara Abdul Kamara Abraham Kamholz Sandra H Kaminsky Jennifer Kampel Mary Kampf Nicholas M Kan Tung Chye, Ma Htwe Kancans Kristaps V Mr Kancewick Christine M Kandoi Yash V Kane & Shore Kane Elizabeth A Kane Henry Kane James S Kang Joohoon Kang Jun Kang Rue Soo Kang San Kang Yunjung Kansara Pratik J Kao Yun Ruei Kapas Susan H Kaplan Arthur H Kaplan Taylor

PGN Kapustka Heidi Kar Siddhartha Karachalios Spyridon Karahan Fatih Karbach Helen M Kardon Arlan M Kardon Bruce E Karekos Mary Karim Nafis Karim Ripon Karki Dhani Karnad Riti Karng Sroy Karpe Ashwath Karpiak T S Sr Karsenty Avihay Kartasevich Kevin Karzmar Walter H Kas Ilgin B Kascher Priscyla Kashlak Walter B Kasperowicz Jeanne Est Kasperowicz Patricia A Kassa Nebiyou E Kassam Salim Kast David J Kastle Systems of Phila Kastner Anna Katagiri Mitsuru Katcher Aaron H Kathleen Coppolino Kato Kenji Katro Avrel Katz Joan R, Amy Katz Benjamin J Katz James Katz Jennie Katz Kristy Katz Lia Katz Minnie Katz Olga A Katz Theodore T Katziner Margaret M Katzinger Helen M Katzman Lillian Kauffman Christopher Kaufman Lynne Kaufman Michael Kaufman W Kavei Cambodian Rest Inc Kavitsky Philip L Kawada Shuichiro Kawahara Hironori Kawai Yosuke Kay Marie F Kazelskis Lillian Kazman Arthur Kbs Fm Llc Kearney Joseph M Keating Mary Kee George A Kee Robert G Keehn Herbert A Keeler Emma J Keeley Brian R Keeley Charles W Keeley Robert R Keemer Laura Keen Elizabeth J Keenan at Lumpkin Keenan Auto Body Keenan Gertrude Est Keenan John E Keenan Sara Jr Keever Robert V Keeys Daiquan, Tonya D Kehan James Keidel Andrew L Keita Idrissa Keita Kissiman D Keitch J Keith Jacqueline A Kellam Readie B Kellapatha Anushka M Kellen Su Keller David R Keller Ethel L Keller Kate Keller William F Kelley A John J Kelley Helen C Kelley Peter Kelling Ernest C MD Kellman Sidney Kelloggmiller Forrest Kelly Anna E Kelly Brendan J Kelly Charles H Kelly Dorene I Kelly Ed Kelly Florence R

Kelly John Kelly Kathleen T Est Kelly Mark F Kelsey Angela D Kelsoe Julia Kemery Kathryn Kemp Grace Kemp Kirsten Kemp Raheem Kemp Ralph Kemper Adrianna T Kemper Lumbermans Ins Kendall Stanley W, Charlotte Kendall Charlotte Kendall Jonathan Kenexa Kennedy A Jr Kennedy Caitlyn Kennedy Dia Kennedy Elizabeth C Kennedy Jim J Jr Kennedy Matt W Kenney Diane Louise Kenney Kaitlyn Kenney Kathryn Kenney O Shea Llp Kenny Raymond, Faith Kent Michael E Kent Mitchell B Kent Stephanie H Keough Joseph, Alice Kern Mary C Kernodle Obra S III Kerns Mildred M Kerpelman Ethan Kerr Alexander Kerr Kathryrn A Kerrick David Kerrigan Karen Kersey Robert F Sr Kersis Anthony P Kersis Dorothy M Keskiner Eser Kessler Allison R Kessler Mark K Kestle Sydney Ketabchi Hamid Keum Soojin Kevin F Donohoe Co Kevon Construction Keys Laura Keyser Hallie Keystone Auto Club Keystone Health Plan East Keystone Ins Co Kgt Realty Corp Khaitan Sonakshi Khalid Faraz Khamsing Thamm Khan Elexa Khandelwal Namrita Khandhar Mary Khatibi Nayerosadat K Khera Raakhi S Khodary Mohammad Khojasteh Soorena Khol Seling Khorram Group Lp Khorram Raena Khurana Teerna Kibow Kids 4change Inc Kiefel Jarett Kiene Joseph F Kierallah Ahmad Mahdi Kil Ja Kim T A Expert Tailor And Kil Yu Jin Kildorf Kathryn A Killebrew Tebie Killino Jeffrey Kim Christine Kim Ellis Kim Gyeongsuk Kim Hee Sun Kim Hoon Gu Kim In Ji Kim James C Kim Jane Kim Jeeeon Kim Ji H Kim Jihyun J Kim Jinee Kim Jinhyun Kim John S Kim Kanggyk Kim Kyoungwoo Kim Mink Y Kim Patrick K Md Kim Saejoon Kim Seokhwan Kim Sojung

Kim Soobin Kim Steve Y Kim Su Kim Sujeong Kim Suk S Kim Youngin Kim Youngjae Kimbrell Hillary Kimmel John Kinder Premellous Kiner Esther S King Chan Pui King Constance L King Daniele King Frances E King Isabelle King Jay King Karl J King Khalife O King Lawson Re Ella King Lisa King Marilyn King Noemia King of Prussia Chirop King Patricia King Richard King Sayea J King Shawn King Siek S Kinjerski Brian Kinjo Ichiko Kinlaw Leola Kinley Dale L Kinsey Ayteesha M Kiral Tugba Kirby Eugene C Jr Kircher Tylor Kirk Dorothy L Kirkland Chad L Kirks Jeffrey Kirloss Rafaela Kirsch Zoe Kirschstein Rapheal Kisslinger Melissa R Kitchenman Thomas H Kittrell Lisa Kitty Noah Klagholz Tim Klarich Kathleen R, Timothy J Klay Eh Klay Klebanov Katherine Klein Arthur Klein Company Klein Elizabeth A Klein Jeffrey Klein Robert Kleinman Martin Klekotka Estelle A Klemm Leona T Klenk Peter L Klerr Leah J Kligman Ben Thomas Kligman Rose Kline Adelaide Kline Daniel Klink Anna L Knable Robert M Knapper Carolyn Knapper Robert J Knappik Helen Knecht Karen A Knigh W Eugene Est Knight Eugene Knight W E Knighton Elizabeth C Knights Marilyn Knobler Lois J Knopf Estelle H Est Knowledge Rules Knowlton Monica A, Kyle M Knox Margartt, Donald Knox Alfred N Knox Kohath X Koch Bernard N Kochanowicz Jacqueline A Kochhar Arman Kocian Paul E Kodex Inc Koenig Franz M Koff Edward D Koff Linda J Koffler Brad Kofmehl Smith Emma Kofsky Joel F Koger Rodney L Kohei Shinohara Kohler Larry J Kohler Thomas M Kohli Chitra Kohnstamm Sarah Kojima Yoshiyuki

PGN Kolansky Jeffrey M Kolatosz Roseann M Kollias Dimitra Kolling Rose A Kolman Dolores Kolodchak Paula M Kolunsag Ugur Kolunsag Zeynep Komara Haja Koneck Ernest M Konefsky Albert Esq Kong Dexia Kontrak Angelina R Koonce Edro Koontz Rob III Kooyoomjian Robert, Rose Kopacz Michael Robert Kopcinski Cecilia M Koperstein Jerome L, Nathan Korfin Arthur Kornelly Dorothy M, Franz E Kornelly Franz E Korpuze Elizabeth, Roque Korwin Zachary Koryat Katie Koston David Koth Heath Kotter Jonathan Koukoui Philippe Koutoulaki Anna Kovach John F Kovach Kelly L Kowalski Regina Koway Madeline Koway Theresa M Kownacky Brian C Koyuturk Tarik Koza Matt Kozak Mary Kozak Mary T Kozloff Katherine Krader Jeffrey A Kraft And Kraft Kraig Leiby Kraig Auto Body Kramer Miriam Hulda Krams Partners Lp Kranzel Jerome E Kranzel Sonia Krao Neeta Krause Jaclynn M Krause Paul Kravitz Harriet Kravtz Fered Kravvaritis Glykeria Krayci Lillian L Kremer Andrea R Kremer I Raymond Kress Barbara Krimm John Kripal Nick Krisciunas C Krize Julie J Krocker Alma Kennedy Kroggel Faith E Kroll Asso Inc Kronberger Barbara Krtolica Marija Krug Lindsey Kruger Charles, Dorothy Krum Irwin Krupnick Betsy Krushell Alexandra Krzesiczan Matevz Krzyzanowski Betty Kuang Tieliang Kubey Kudosh Bella Kuestner Eric J Kuharprema Napaporn Kuhler Marie Kuhn Robert M, Robert Kuhta Maureen Kuljian Corp Kulp Norlynne, Benjamin Kumar Pallavi Kumar Rajinder Kumar Supriya Kumazawa Toshiko Kummer Jeffrey Kuo Edward Kuo James J Kuperstein Joseph Kupfer Katie J Kurack James Esq Kurata Takahiro Kuriki Yusuke Kurt Jon Kurtz John E Kurtz Therese Kuruvila Jose V Kuruvilla Jiju

Kuruvilla Jinu Kushnerick Joseph E Kushnir Leo D Kushwara Arlene C Kusserow Estate Of Kviatkevich Katsiaryna Kwait Jeffrey, Emily Kwait Samantha, Jeffrey Kwak Ho M Kwon Ik Soo Kwon Ryoce L Kwong Evelyn Kyle Kelly Kyung Heerim Kyw L & L Lucky Market Inc La Colombe Torrefaction Inc La Gioconda Inc La Mimosa Designs Labarr Jeffrie D, Joann M Labcorp Labov Stephen Labov William Lacarreta Nite Club Llc Lacayo Pedro J Lachance Troy Lacorne Vanella Lacy Carol J Lacy Donna M Laddaga Reinaldo Ladner Natalie Ladon Capital Partners Laduke Casey D Laessig Gertrude, Gustav E Lafargue Paul Lafavre Hadia Lafleur Marie Lahoda Brittany Laine Karlene Lake Frances O Lake Willie Lakpor Lucia Lal Savita Lalevic Bogoljub, Marija Lall Suruchi Lally Rose Lam Alan Lam Ann Lam Kin Wo Lam Phong D Lam Shuet Wan Lam Tuyen Lamadrid Maria J Lamaj Gramos Lamb Anthony Lambert Hortense, Harvey Lambert Joyce Lambright Jacqueline Lamelza Luciano Lamm Barry A, Linda Lamont Dean Lamont Graham Guardianship Lampkin Jessie Lamplugh Henrietta Lampman Carrie Lamy Christophe M Lan Tan Mei Lancaster Frank G Lance John E III Lanci Josephine C Land Services Usa Landau Claire A Landfair Paul A Landis Joseph Lando Edward Lane Billie Lane Charles Lane Clyde Lane Cynthia Lane Donald Lane Eric Lane Joseph Lane Nathifa A Lane Vickers Llc Lane Wilford O Lang Jun S Lang Michael P Langan Anna J Lange Robert J, Steven Lange Kate M Lange Robert Lange Ronald W Langel Matthew J Langer Corey Langer Robert Langford Arthur B Langford James Langston Barbara A Laning Michael Lankford Katie Lannett Co Inc

Lansdowne Center Part Lanza Amy Lanzarotta Salvator Lapera Rose Lapizzeria Lapka Maria S Lapointe Ronald Laquaglia Jacqueline Lara Martha Larocca Karen Larocco Carmela Larry Auto Parts Inc Larsen Philip W Larue George W Jr Larue Nicole Lascala Philip, Jamie Laskar Leenia Laszlo Jozsef Latenco Alan Latha Sneha Laties Jane V Latif Rezia Lattanze Christine Lattanzio Charles P Lattman Matthew Latvinsky Oleg Lau Phat Lau Stephen Laucius Frederick J Laura M Brown Revoc Trust Laury Karen Lavecchio John G, Jennie Laverghetta Domenick Lavery Kathleen J Lavine Bette Lavitz Arnold Law Office of Robert Price Law Offices of Peter E Meltzer Asso Law Offices of S Richard Levin Tr Lawler John H Lawler Robert Lawlor Mary K Lawrence Daniel J, Mark J Lawrence Jose Lawrence Kahlynn M Lawrence Margaret Lawrence Viola Lawrence William H Lawry Matthew Lawson Demetria Lawson Derrick Lawson Gladys M Lawson Meaghann N Lawson Terrell J Lawson Thomas Lax Crystal L Lay Ry Layser Freiwald Pc Lazarus Mark D Lc Wegard Conversion Lcl Direct Llc Le Huy T Le Myn H Le Nhat Le Thao M Le V Leabourne Elizabeth Lead Now Foundation Leadum Brittany Leaf Funding Inc Leafey John J Leaks Gwendolyn, Aisha N Lear Brett Leary Dallas W Leary Rosetta Leasoff Burton Leatherbury Kershaw Leathurbury Elizabeth Lebanon Avenue Chirop Lebowitz Daniel J Lebron Mariano M Ledden Allen Ledonne Ernesto Ledonne S North Carolina Furn Ledsome Philip Lee Michael J, Jerry E Lee Wesley C, Jeffrey Lee Anais Lee Bobby Lee Caroline Lee Catherine Y Lee Chan L Lee Changsub Lee Changwoo Lee Charles Lee Curtis Lee Dana Lee Daquanya M Lee Dong H Lee Doris Lee Dyung

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Lee E Lee Elizabeth Lee Gloria Lee Grace M Lee Hai Soon Lee Hajung Lee Jae K Lee Jaejoon Lee Ji W Lee Ji Y Lee Ji Young Lee Jiyoung Lee Jonathan Lee Jonghee Lee Juho Lee Jun Youb Lee Jun Young Lee Justin Lee Mindo Lee Myung W Lee Myung Won Lee Oi F Lee Patricia Lee S Lee Seungjae Lee Seungyun Lee Shaun W Lee Si W Lee Soohyun Lee Sun Hee Lee Susan Lee Ted Lee Terese Lee Timothy Lee Yu Mie Leecan Alfred C Lees Shawn J Leeway Foundation Lefarietta Carlos Lefevre Settlor Thomas V, Eugene B Leffler Steven I MD Lefort Alec Lefsky Anna Legal Abstract Co Legg Mason Wood Walker Inc Legree Floyd Lehman Jason B Lehman Linda Lehnhoff James L Lehr Martin Lehrfeld Dale I Leibensperger Ri Leibowitz Helene Leidemap Cristo Leifer Marilyn Leiff Philip F, Rose Leiter Kevin Lember Jessica Lemus Carlos Lenas Fashions Lengemann Frederick Lenhart Chelsea Lentine Louise M Lenz Joseph Z Leo Robbins & Sons Leon M Mielcarek Jr MD P C Leon Tracy Leonard Thomas Jr, Thomas Leonard Aaron Leonard Doelph Leonard Joseph F Leonard Kristin D Leonard Maria Leonard Weaver Family Found Leone Mario Leonhard Caren Lepore Katrina Lerner Mitch Lerro Peter Lesaffre Stephane C Leshner Richard T Lesicko Christine M Leslie Stella S Leslie William E Lessick Natalie R Letnom Brookes Julian Leto Concetta Lett Brittany V Lett Colleen W Lett Eugene L Jr Leung Lai H, Siu K Leung Dolan C Leuzzi Mark Lev Rose Lev Stanley Est Levaro Edilfonso Levchuk Oleg Levenson Courtney H Levere Alice E Levere Sharna M Levers Margaret, William

Levesque Leon T Levi Jonathan Levin Sidney, Eva Levin Andrew Levin Craig Levin Gloria B Levin Marc A Levin Morris Levin Sarah L Levin Tami Levine Arielle Levine Sandra Levins Joseph A Levis Alan A Levonchuck Maria Levy Joel Levy Leon Levy Margaret Levy Marie L Levy Matt Levy Robert Levyn Jonathan DO Lewinski James Lewis George A Jr, Andra E Lewis Gwendolyn W, Hayward Lewis Herman, Laura Lewis Johnny E, Johnny Lewis Robert Sr, Robert Lewis Alonzo Lewis Brahim Lewis Casandra Lewis Charles Lewis Clarenese D Lewis Constance Lewis Dawn Lewis J Lewis James Lewis Jessie B Lewis Lopez Lewis Marcia Lewis Mary Lewis Matthew Lewis Mattie Lewis Mickhel Lewis Roger Lewis Tamara L Lewis Thomas III Lewis Tracy Lewis Valerie T Lewis Verdell R Lexington Law Group Pc Lf Driscoll Co Lfl Clinton Lp Li Ang Li Chen Li Chien H Li De Kui Li Eric L Li Feng Li Hong Mei Li Jing Li Leon P Li Li Li Ling Li Lingbo Li Meizi Li Meng Li Mengli Li Qing Li Qiyao Li Sun Li Wen Li Xiao T Li Xichen Li Yan Li Yang Li Yecheng Li Yi K Li Ying Li Yong Li Yu Li Yulun Li Zhongwei Liana Joseph Liang Jeffrey F Liao Jian Q Liao Liwen Liberato Armando Liberty Auto Body Liberty Property T R Libiszowski Adrian Liccio Jerry License Issuance Unit Psc Lichtenstein Toby L, Minnie Lie Fewen Liebchen Rita Est Lieber Sylvia C Lieberman Terry F Liebman Jennifer B Liew Lee Liggins Nakeeda



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Lighty Christopher Likes Effie V Lillian Glover Est Lillian Proud Lim Choong Lim Chung Tee Limantara Ilam Lin Adrian M Lin Alice A Lin Ching Chang Lin Dao Quan Lin Dong Lin Guo H Lin Hui Y Lin Jin Lin Ko Wei Lin Michael Lin Qintan Lin Richard Lin Xiaojuan Lin Yongnian Lina Melissa Linaris Eric Lincoln Natl Corp Tm Lincoln Natl Life Global Asset Alloc Lind Francis Lindecamp Marion S Linder Eric J Lindh Thomas C Lindler Edward Lindsay Josephine, William Lindsay Hudson I Lindsay Katelyn Ann Lindsay Phyliss Lindsey Lewis E Est Lindsey Plait Linearhealth Llc Linn Courtney, Timone Linnettes Auto Repair Linski Martha Linton Rose Lioti Paul C Liotino Ann Lipman Stephen I, Andrew C Lippincott S Lippincott Williams Lipschitz Ruth Lipschutz Steven M Esq Lipscomb Edward Lipscomb George S Sr Lipscomb Square Housing Corp Lipsitz Camner P.A Lisa Iacovelli, Rittenhouse Lisi Nicholas J Lisicki James List Terry Lit Beatrice E, Edward Lit Leonard, Larry Little Danyel E Little Folks Little John Little Ronald Anthony Litty Charles Litvin Blumberg Matusow & Yon Litvinovic Katarina Litz Andrew, A W Liu Anthony Liu Hsin H Liu Jian Di Di Liu Jiguang Liu Kin Sum Liu Meng Liu Nancy Liu Ning Liu Qian Liu Reijun Liu Rui Liu Xin S Liu Xinyu Liu Yang Liu Young Sheng Liu Yue B Liu Yu-Wen Lively Debra Liveris Anthony Lizardi Petra Lizzio Marion A Llazo Mite Llobell Cortell Arturo Lloyd Frances E Lloyd Grace E Lloyd Sallie Lmp Hedge Fund Llc Lo Albert Lo Chuan Hui Lo Chun Han Lo Kevin Lo Ndeye Lobello Rose Lobiondo Elizabeth, Albert Lobo Guerrero Carolina

Lockett Melvin Lockings Herbert Lockley Lena Lodripas Janice R Loeb Gail Loeb Lael Loeffler Bryan Loft Arch Loftus Bridget P, Bridget Loftus Mark Logan Betty Logan Circle Alternatives Lp Logan Public House Llc Logiurato Rochelle Logue William Lojeski Walter Lolli Anglina, Frank Lomax Anthony Lomax E Lomax John F Lomax Torrance R Lombard Matthew Lombardo Danielle R Lombardo Gary G M Lombardo Joseph R Lombardo Maria Lombardo Zachary Lombertin Filomena Lombordo Zachary J Lomzer Mutual Beneficial Assn London Edwin Loney Walter P Long Alice M Long David Long Fred J Long Lula Long Phat Long Randolph Long Sam Long Waline Longacre John J Longo Maria A Longo Marie C Longyi Beijing Loomans Peter Loomes Kathleen M Loonstyn Michael Lopez Edelmiro Jr Lopez Ivonne Lopez Jose Lopez Juana Lopez Luis Lopez Santiago Abel Loque Thomas E Lorah Donald C Lorden Isaiah G Lore Joan M Lore Peter Lorenc Xhemali Dba Lorenz Intl Llc Lott Kristen E Lott Mia Lou Yukon Louchheim Danielle W Loughran Joseph E Loughran Michael Louie Beth Louie Matthew Lounge Vango Lourole Clotilde Love Jean M Love Simone Loverland Jones Catherine Loverobinson Tiffany Lovett Sidney Lowe Sophie M, Edward T Lower Kathleen H Lowery Betty J Lowman Detrick Loyd Caitlin Lozano Daniel Lozenich Shane Ls Services Inc Lu Chonyang Lu Hui Lu Jianchao Lu Jiannan Lu Li P Lu Min Juan Lu Xiaohui Lublin Mark A Lucas Stanley L Lucchetto Brittany D Lucci Jennie, Frank Lucier Helen Luck Raemma Luckey Brenda E Lucky Garden Lucky Philadelphia Ludeman Courtney, Chad Ludovico Nicholas C

PGN Luebbert James Lueng Gabriel Luft Patrice R Lugo Helga E Lugo Jerry Lui Dan Lui Eugene Lui Mei Y Lui Pri C Luminent Mortgage Co Lun Dennis P Luna Velez Maria Lundblad Morgan Lundy Law Lung Ong T Luning George F Lupo Michael Luther Joy D Luttrell Lynne R Luu Li Li Luu Minh Luxenberg Garbett Lvovich Svetlana MD Ly Su V Ly Vincent Lyansky Yan Lyew Bradberry Lynam Llc Lynch Margaret E, Donald Lynch Margaret F, Donald Lynch Dunn Yvonne Admin Lynch Patrick J Lynch Walter Sr Lynn Aloysius Lynn Harreit Lynn Robert Lyons Florence, Daniels Lyons Gladys, John C Lyons Mary Lyons Noah Lyons Pest Control Lyons Stanford M Lyons William T Lyshon Amelia C M Feitelson Sons Inc M Fin Co Inc The M H Kaye Pavilion Inc M R S Restaurant Enter Ma Dan Dan Ma Li Maa Edy Mabel S Bounds Rev Tr Mabogunje Adedamola Mac Phee Margaret V Macalingdong Estrella Macaluso William Macchia Irene Macchio James Macduffie Katherine Mace Fred Macey & Kaufmann Llc Macgregor Douglas A, Cameron Macijewski Kelli M Mack Christopher R, Mary C Mack Darryl Mack Estelle Mack Jameel Mack Kenneth Mack Samell Mackenn Nicole Mackey Steven Mackrell Elva E Maclaughlin V Macle Lilly Gomez Maclean Logan Macleod Jessica Macnair Justin F Macool Maureen Maddy Monique Mader Zachary Madison Shamayra Madison Veronica Madoff Jonathan Madonia Lara Madway Edith R Est Maffei Gaten J Maffey Victoria Magarity Gregory T Maged Rophail Magee Edna, Joe Magee Rehabilitation Mager Edeltraut M Magerman Michael Maggiani Mauro Maggio Aneta P, Cosimo Magic Auto Body Magic Collision Center Maglio Robert C Magliocco Marie Magliocco Stella Magnati Gina F

Magolan Valerie Magowansciandra Nancy Magrann Const Services Inc Maguire Sports Academy Llc Mahale Rajiv C Mahaney Hayley Mahatma Gina G Mahc Methodist Anesthesia Practice Maher Ram Dev R Mahnfeldt Martin Mahoi Saidu Mpanny Jane Mahoney Mary Mahoney Richard Mahung Cressida A Mai Cong T Mai Jin L Mai Jing M Maialetti Dominic J Maier Eugene Maillard George Maiz Ricardo J Majeski James Maklari Istvan Maldonado Maryna Maldonado Teresa Malet Frances Malfara Carmen Malfara Mark L Malgorzata Goralczyk MD Malik Mustafa Malinero Anthony Malita Realtors Maliyil Philip, Sosa Mallalieu R S Mallen Beverly B Mallen Beverly L Malloy Edythe E Malloy Elizabeth Malloy Jamie Malone Ryan Malone Walter Maloney Sarah R Maloney Vivian Malsch Christopher Man Kevin Manalo Cecilia M Manayunk Brewing Co Mancall Elliot Mancino Ida Mandanas Victor J MD Mandel Richard Mandmarblestone Group Llc Maneely Fund Maneri Sadie Manfred Fred Mangete Ibifiri Magdalen Mangharam Siddharth Maniero Marie Manigo Carrie Manigo Jaylen Manley Mike Mann Alaulaqi Mann Music Center Mann Reginald Manning Elizabeth Manns Kenneth T Manon Vergerio Manos John S Mansfield Louis Mansfield Martha Manstein Plastic Surgical Asso Mantell Kathleen Mantyka Construction Co Manzano Mireia Manzo Dominic S, Anthony N Manzone Melissa Maoxamph Thonglock Maplewood Manor Maranan Reynaldo S Marano Aurora Marant Anna Marathon Grill Marchowsky Carmella Marcolongo Ellen M Marconi Bruce Marcure P Marcus Gail Marcynyszyn G J Marfione Michael Margaret H Meigs Trust Margaret Taxis Margeriso Kenneth H Margolis Berman Byrne Health Margrave Elena Z Mariani Annalisa Mariani Kathryn Marianne Welter Sep Prop Trust Mariano Sophia Marin Donald R Marinelli Millie Marino General Const Inc

Marino Michael Marino Sara Marion Chanda Mariotti Valentina Maritz Mcgettigan Mark Francis Markowitz Clyde E Marks Anna L Marks Jacob Marks Michael A Marks Oneill Obrien Courtney Pc Marks Rachelle R Marley Theresa Marlin Jean S Maron Eric Steven, Nathan Marone Phillip Maronski Catherine Marotta John Marple Alexander Marquardt Michael Marquardt Wayne R Marriott Charles Marriott Edna M Mars Gertrude, Harry Marsh & Mclennan A Marsh Irene L Marshall Barbara A, William H Marshall Bryan Marshall Carol Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Gog Marshall Ernestine Marshall Korey Marshall Linda Susan Marshall Thomas Marshall William G Jr Marsico Salvatore Mart Naythons Display Marter Marilynn Martha D Porter Trust Martha Knox A Martiello Josephine Martin Nicholas, Michele Martin Andrew Martin Banks Pond Lehockey Wilson Martin Catherine A Martin Eileen B Martin Eleanor Martin Ellen Allen Martin George N Martin Ieshia Martin James W Martin Jenny Martin John W Jr Martin Mary Martin Michael Martin Michele E Martin P Martin Patrick Martin Paul Martin Ronda Martin Wong Martina Joseph T Martinez Adolfo Martinez Alberto Martinez Carol Martinez Cesar Hernandez Martinez Gleidys Martinez Hector Martinez Jose Martinez Juanita Martinez Maurice Martinez Sagias Steven M Martinez Sergio J Martinez Walter Martinez Xochiquetzal Martini Fortunata R Martini John Martorello Bernadette Martz Megan M Maruhn Michael Marvania Sunny Mary Alice D Malone Gst Mary Ann Hagan Atty Mary Howard Health Center Mary P Wolf Trust Mary V Williamson Trust Maryak Dennis Marzano Cara Marzluf Eric S Masada Custom Builders Inc Masalta Joe Masch Rosalie Maschilli Domenico Mascoveto Josephin Maser Amanda Maser Joseph Mask & Wig Club Maskaron Robert Mason Robert, Ami Mason Anna Mason Barbara

PGN Mason Const & Investments Mason Deborah A Mason Hanger Corp Mason John Mason Norman Mason Ray Mason Richard J Jr Mason Robert Jr Mason Willie B Masri Nadia Rose Massa Katherine Massaquoi Chris T Massey Gail Massey Hortense Master Weinstein P C Mastrovito Carl J Mata Tony A Matarazzo Angelo, Jenny Matarazzo Francis S DDS Matesun Adewale Mather Mary L Mathew Johnson Mathews Akilah Mathias David William Mathis Judge W Mathonnat Jean L Matias Scaglia Gonzalo Matkoff Louis Matkoski Patricia Mato Michael, Mary B Matonti Michael J, Josephine Matorin Eleanor Matrishin Andrew Matsuda Yoshinari Matsunaga Erina Matsunaga Miyuki Matsuo Kenichi Matt Cunniff Design Asso Mattei Nanette Matthew Chinnamma Matthew L Ramsey MD Matthews Charles H Matthews Dorothy M Matthews Herbert Matthews Kevin Matthews L Matthews Loraine Matthews Pernella G Matthews Russell Matthews Samara Matthews Sarah A Matthews Streeter Matthews Wayne D Mattiace Concetta Mattiocco Martin Mattison Willie Mattsson Thomas Matus Alexander V, Ellen Matz Frances Mauney Ann D Maurer Philip MD Mauro Carla Mauro Robert Mavila Alfredo Mavromanolis J Max Mercado Practice Llc Maxie Clarence Maximenko Feodor Maxwell Anne S Maxwell Pinckney J IV May Bess R May Jeremy May Joshua L May Norma E May William J Mayberry Robert A, Eular M Maye William Mayer Ashley Mayer Lois Mayes James T Mayes Russell A Est Mayger Magdy R Mayna Rochdi Maynard Verna A Mayor Patrick Mayrargue Niels Mays Athena L Mays Nathaniel Mays Shawn Mazaika Megan Mazda Debra Mazer Toby Mazurek Law Firm Llc Mazzara Diane Est Mazzeo Pamela Mazzo Angeline Mazzola Christopher, Linda Mbaessayhelp A Div of Polareo Llc Mbah Vincent Mc Gee Edward L, Sandra E Mcadam Michael J

Mcalear Patricia M, Ronald J Mcallister Mcallister David Mcallister Elizabet Mcalpin Leonard J Est Mcalpin Nancy Mcandrew Maureen A Mcandrews Michael Mcandrews Mike Mcardle Mary Mcarthur Lawrence B Est Mcarthur Ollie Mcarthur-Scott Shalisa Mcaviney James P Mcbrearty George Mcbride Stewart Mccabe Jel, J L Mccabe Childrens Chari Trust Mccabe James L Mccabe Joshua T Mccabe Kyle V Mccafferty Isabelle, John Mccafferty Jacqueline A, John R Mccaffrey Helen Mccain Mary Spencer, Bryant Mary Mccall Bruce A Jr, Zakia Mccall Francis W, Patrick Mccall Hamidullah Mccall Victoria M Mccann Paul F Mccants Doris A Mccants Jean J Mccants Vincent Mccarron Agnes F Mccarron Sarah Mccarthy Alic Mccarthy John A Mccarthy Keri L Mccarthy Kristin Mccarthy Nadine Mccaughan Ella Mccausland Sandra M Mccay Osine Mcclain Warren Mcclarin Dion E Mcclarin Dion Est Mcclary Earl Mcclary Melany Mccleann Anthony Mcclenahan Helen Mccode Phillip Mccollum Christine Mccollum Hugh M Jr Mccollum Mildred Mcconaghey Marie Mcconnell Sadieli S, Joseph J Mcconnell Patricia M Mccorey Katie Mccormack Katherine, John Mccormack Anne Mccormick Lillian R Mccourt Rose Mccoy Margaret M, Eugene J Mccoy Alvertis Mccoy Barbara Mccoy James A Mccoy John Mccoy Queenie Mccracken Louise Mccrae Christopher Mccray Randy, Diana Mccrea Leela Mccreadie Ethan Mccrimmon Nadi Est, Marian D Mccrystal Patrick Mccrystal Steven F Mccue Mary A, John T Mccullough Azalee Furse Mccullough Julia Mccullough Samuel Mccurdy Layton Mcdaniel Christopher S Mcdaniel Halley Mcdermot Joshua Mcdermott Anne M Mcdermott Hugh J Mcdermott Sharon Mcdevitt Mary E Mcdonald & Snyder PC Mcdonald Julie Mcdonald Patrick Mcdonald Rory Mcdonnell Frances Mcdonough Eliz M Mcdougall Dawn Mcduffie Michelle Mcelravy Glen A Mcelveen Gregory Mceuen Francis Mcfadien Laurie A Mcfadien Leslie E

Mcfamany John J Mcgann Omar Mcgarity James F Jr Mcgarry John Mcgarry Lawrence C Mcgarvey Gertrude M Mcgee Dennis J Mcgee Maureen P Mcgee Wanda Mcgettigan Kevin J Mcgettigan Mary Mcgill Eva, Sam Mcgill Chante Mcgilloway Michael Mcginn George T Mcginnis Arthur Mcginnis Laura L Mcglynn Megan Mcgoldrick Thomas J Mcgonigle Rachel, Tim Mcgovern Margaret, Joseph J Mcgovern Francis J Mcgovern Nancy Mcgowan Irene Mcgrath Joseph Mcgrath Mary A Mcgraw Matthew Mcgraw Thelma L Mcguckin J F MD Mcguckin James F Mcguire Danielle, George Mchugh Josephine R, Edward C Mchugh Maire B Mcinnes Philip Mcinnis Bernadette Mcintire Kieran O Mcintyre Charles T Mcintyre Colin Roger Mcintyre Eric Mcintyre Matthew Mcintyre Robert F Mcintyre Sharon Mciver William Mckain Wilson R, Bessie Mckain Kailyn Frances Mckee Duncan Mckee J D Mckeever Joseph M Mckelvey Octavia Mckelvey Wallace Mckendrick Schonda Mckenna Garrett D, David Mckenna Bill Mckenna Catherine Mckenna Erin Mckenna Garrett D Mckenna Shawn Mckenna Susan Mckenna T M Mckenzie Mark Mckernan Helen Mckibbin Patricia M, Francis Mckie Sampson Mckinley Elijah Mckinley Francis Mckinley John D Mcknight Ruth Mcknight Sarah Mckoy Sherwood Mckoy Yvonne J Mclaughiln Robert Mclaughlin Brian A Mclaughlin Joh III Mclaughlin John Mclaughlin Rodger J Mclean Ornamik Mclellan A Thomas Mclendon Lawrence L Mcleod Rhonda Mcleod Shawn R Mcm Securities Lp Mcmahon Court Reporting Mcmahon Vincent Mcmaster Florence Mcmaster Mary Ethel Mcmillan Harriet Mcmillan Jonnie Mcmullen Michael P Mcmullen Robert Mcnally Terry B, Jake Mcnally Justin Mcnally Sinead Mcnamara Anthony Mcnamara Mary C Mcnamara Ryan Mcnamara Thomas Mcnamee Marie Celestine Mcnaugnton Nicole Mcneal Scott D Mcneil Eleanor L Mcneill Eugene

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Mcneill Marsha Mcneill Stewart Jessie M Mcnulty Thomas Mcquaid Evelyn Mcquire Marguerite Mcquitty Melanie Mcrae Alayah Mcrae Charles A Mcs Group Inc Mcshea John P Mctear Margaret M Mcternan Mike T Mcurtry Vanda Mcvey Thomas Mcvey Bernard Mcwilliams & Sweeney Pc Mead Hilda M Meadows Beatrice Meagher Michele Meanard Diane Means Dexter Meccariello Catherine Meccariello Velia Medeiros Luis C Meder Jacob Medical Broadcast Llc Medical Central Pharmacy Medical Copy Services Medina Nelson Medina Violet Mednick Mitchell Medoway Marci Medtron Inc Meepos Michelle Meersand Ronald S Mehta Aditya Mehta Karishma A Meine Susan Meirelles Mary Meisel Eric Meisler Esther Meissner Otto Mejias Maria C Melamed Jerome Melanson Joseph Melendez Angel Mellert Hestia Mellet Christine L, William H Mellet Oliver Mellette Dominic Melley Michael J Melnyk Bohdan, Irene Melton Dorothy Melton Lillie B Members Anna Memmo Maria Menaged Vanessa Menaquale Florence Mench Hazel M Mendell Carl F Mendelson Jacqueliine Mendez Cesoreo Mendezlugo Dionicio Mendizabal Manuel Mendoza David Mendoza Emerico Mendoza Jose Mengech Phillip K Menish Dana Menkes Celia Est Menon David Menzenski Julian P Menzies Robert Menzies Robert A Meo Frank Mercado Minerva Mercantile Pooled Fd Dvd Focus Mercer Hall Merchant Construction Co Mercy Family Healthcare Mercy Mgmt of Se Meredith Edna J Merel Joshua Merenda Christophe Mergre Morgan Merkins John Merlino Sarah Merrell David Y Merrill Eve R Merrill Lynch Merritt Baron Merriweather Ronald B Merryman Ethel Merves Rose H Mescia Pasquale, Denise Meskin Sheila V Mesoraca Joseph Mesoracco Joseph Messina Vincent Messner Carol Metchro Memel

Methodist Anesthesia Practice Methodist Home Care Dept Methodist Hosp Nursing Ctr Mette David Metzger Liana Mewara Swati Mexican Post Meyappan Janaki Meyer Joshua A Meyer Kristen Meyer Stephanie Eglin Foundation Meyers Margaret F, Ralph Meyers Robert Meyers William Mezzacappa Dale Mhs Industires Inc Mialou Inc Miao Bin Michael A Carter Trust Michael Ann Michael Cocciardi J Michael Dean Michael Gottlieb Irrev Life Insura Nce Trust Michael Shannon Designs Michael Smylie Michael Yung Michaelides Annie Michaels Henry Michaely Yuval Michlovitz Samantha S Michman Richard Mickens Wilmon Mickle Kaylie P Micro Trade Llc Mid Atlantic Rehab Svcs Inc Mid Atlantic Surgical Pra Middekeconlin Robert W Middle States Asso Middleton Felicia Midiri James F Midnight Mary L Miele Raymond Migoni Citlali Mihailova Diana Mike A Lorenzo Inc Mikes Steaks Mikula Mary A Milano Andrea Milaro Barbara Mildenberg Matthew Miles Derek V Miles Diane E Milkman Tasha M Miller Laura C, Laura L Miller Ari Miller Bertha Miller Brenda P Miller Bruce Miller Charles Miller Cynthia A Miller David S Miller Elizabeth Miller Elsie J Miller Felix Miller George Miller Harry Miller James J Miller Johanna Miller Joseph Miller Joyce Miller Justin K Miller Karen Miller L Miller Laura Miller Linda J Miller Louise Miller Mark Miller Megan Miller Melanie A Miller Michael Miller Michelle Miller Misty G Miller Naomi Miller Nora R Miller Patricia Miller Rev Trust Miller Richard Miller Rikki Miller Robert Miller Sallie Miller Stewart J Miller Thomas Miller Zach Miller Zakia Y Milliner John Millon Gustanis Mills Bonita Mills Corp Securities Mills Harold Mills Julye Tracy Mills Shellie Estate



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Milnes John W Milton Niles Milton S Milutinovic Slobodan Jakov Mina Amit Mingjian Wang Minker Robert Minogue William E Minor Elizabeth Minor Robert L Mintz Barbara B Mintzer Meghan Minuchehr Pardis Mirabello Fj Mirah Kim Mirarachi Vincent Miriello Antonio Mirpuri Giresh Mishra Tilak Misko Michael Miss Mary V Williamson Trst Misto Mary Estate Of Mistry Rakesh D Md Mitchel Catherine Mitchell Albert B Mitchell Alicia Mitchell Allen L Mitchell Cecil Mitchell Eric Mitchell Hefertiti Mitchell Kate Mitchell Kenneth A Mitchell Lynda A Mitchell Ossie Mitchell Robert J Mitchell Rosner Assoc In Cardio Ed Mitros Thomas G Mitsubishi Const Corp Mittal Juhi Mittal Pratham Mixed Up & Co Mixon Katherine E Miyamoto David Miyasaka Atsuhiro Miyoshi Takanori Mizrachi Michael Mkhize Khwezi Mm Partners Mo Zhou Mobility Saint Honore Mock John E Est Modern Eye Inc Modi Ashish K Modic Teresa Moelis Jordan S Moertel Mildred C Moffa Albert V Moffett Laura K Moffit Francis X Mohammadi Asa Mohammed Abdul Sayeed Mohler Emile Mohta Kartik Mojos Mokan Mariella, Bruce Mokdissi Joao Molaee Tony Molina Anthony Mollen Cynthia J MD Molnar Irene Est Molodstov Maxim Mon Soe Mi Thant Monaco Daniel Monaghan Henry Monaghan Robert P Monaghan Sean E Monahan Thomas M, Doris M Monahan Helen Monastery Carmelite Monell Chemical Money Fame & Love Moneymetrics Ins Agcy In Monk Davida E Monk Melanie L Montague Charles Montaldo Mitchell Montanez Jose Montano Marc A Montell Patricia A Montgomery Charles H, Mary Montgomery David, Sar Montgomery Annabelle Montgomery Chudney M Montgomery Frederick Montgomery Katelynn Montgomery Samuel Montgomery Sidiq Montier Mary Montler Donna M Mony Rat

Moock Diana Moody Joseph C Jr, Stephen P Moody Luther Moon Brenda Mooney Alice Mooney John C Mooney Thomas Moonis Gul Moore Carroll L, Mary Moore Constance, Thomas Moore John A, Frank Moore Agnes Moore Atiya Moore Barbara Moore Betty A Moore Charles Moore Christie Moore James B Moore John Moore Juanita Moore Leroy Moore Marilyn Moore Mark A Moore Mary D Moore Maurice L Est Moore Randall Moore Sandra R Moore Steven Moore Tyrone Moore Valerie L Moore William Moorhead Glen Morales Daniel Morales Duenas Benito Morales Luis S Morales William E Moran William J, Edith Morant Susan M, Morante Karen Morante Wilfredo Giovanni Moravian Asso Lp Morelli Jennifer Moreno Alexis J Moreno Isidoro Morgan Catherine E Morgan Claire Morgan Douglas Morgan Jane I Morgan Jeremy M Morgan Lewis Bokius Morgan Randal Morgan Rich Morgan Stanley Moriarty Christopher Moriarty David M Morkhantha Phounthaou Morlte Michael Morris Edna M, Robert Morris Anna M Morris Beatrice Morris Carmelita Morris D Morris Duane Morris J Cohen & Co Morris Laretta Morris Robin Morris Rose T Morris Walter Morrison Edith, John Morrison Edith, Rose Morrison A L Jr Morrison Robert Morrissey Joseph Morrissey Kaitlin L Mors Martha E Mortelliti Angelina, Nicholas Morton Helen Morton Holdings Liquidating Mortons Steakhou Mosby Mw III, Kay Moseley Lainey W Moser Antoniette M Est Moses Deborah Mosher Lance Mosko Christopher Moskowitz Michele T Moskowitz Peter Mosley James E Mosley Martha Moss Henry N Moss Jesse Moss Simon Motley William Mott Allison Mottle Kent Motzer Olga Mouaikel Nathalie, John Mouaikel John Mougin Catherine Mouhou Abdelhamid

PGN Moukarzel Lea Moussaco Inc Moussouttas Michael M MD Moutan Osamah Movado Watch Svc Moyer Andrew Moyer Marc Moylan Catharine Mozenter Robert B, Joyce S Mpdc Lp Mpe Inc T A Littlefish Rest Mr Ritts Inc Mr Storages Phila Mr Valterza Mri Contract Staffing R Mrinalini Sharma Mroz Joseph G Mt Airy Pediatrics Mt Airy Ventures Llc Mtc Phila Job Corps Ctr Mu Helen Mubarak Jassim Mughal Yasmin T Mugshots Muhammad Aleem Muhammad Bobby J Jr Muhammad Wilkerson Muhlenberg Nicholas Mukaty Zain A Mukhtar Fahd Muldowney Brian Mullahy James J Muller Laraine Schollmann Mullery Joseph Mulligan Kathryn A Mulligan Patricia P Mullin John C Mulvey Michael Mumford Georgia, Rhonda Mumford Rhonda Mumper Lorraine E Munford Timothy Muni Giovanina Jeni Est Munson Raymond Muntener Mary Muntin Llc Murelle Rita Murla Chad Murphy Margaret, James Murphy Francis J Murphy Jonathan P Murphy Larry Murphy Patrick Murphy Thomas Murphy Victoria E Murray Agnes G Murray Albert Murray Anna Murray Brand Asso Murray Diane L Murray Elaine Murray Lillian M Murray Michele Murray Peggy Murray Roberts Ethel Murray Sheridan Murray Susan M Murray Tracy Murray William P III Murrell Troy Sr Murrin Nancy, James Murthy Ashwin Muschel Louis H, Ruth J Muschynka Charles Muse Charles Museum 1214 Llc Museum Catering Co Museum Towers Musitano John J Est Mussel Marie Musumeci Josephine, Carmelo Mutchnick Scott Muth Lindsay Muth Sam Muth Satha Muthukumaran Aaditya J Mutombo Olivia Muturi Judith W Muzaale Hillary N My Film Co Myatt Will F Myers Jewelle C, Jeffery C Myers Charles H Jr Myers Chris T Myers Gregory E Myers Jaclyn C Myers John J Myers Justus A Myers Sage R MD

Myers Walter Myers Walter Jr Myint Thiri Soe Myslinski Scott Mystique Heat & Air Cond N & F General Contractors Inc N Broad Street Asso Naas Gary Nabors Patricia Nachman Joseph, Ivan, Mark Nachum Ayelet Nadebaum Christopher T Nagarajan Meenakshi Nagel Anna R Nagel Leonid Nagle Wesley Est Nahoko Hoshino Naik Ami Nair Rahul Najman Hindy Leah Nakamura Tasuku Nakasuji Machi Nakazawa Gota Nalbantian Theodore J Nale Clyde Nallakrishnan Anirudh Nalls Shawn L Namgung Eun Nami Anthony P Namiseth Khammanh Nancy Trachtenberg Ira Nanda Girish Naniche Nicole Narayan Atul Narkiewicz Richard Narula Munish Narumi Tetsuo Nash Benjamin Nash Darlene Nash Marvin J MD Nasife Eileen Nassman Melanie S Nasuti Richard Nat Rada Natale Rachel L Natali Dennis Natarajan Madhu Natarajan Shobha MD Nath National Archives Flynn Co National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund National Ctr on Adult Lit Pa National Dental Hygenists A National Financial Svcs National Medical Imaging National Property Analysts National Railroad Passenger Corp National Welding Supply Asso Nationalities Service Center Natl Disease Res Inst Natpal Natti Yamini P Nauman Michael F Naveja Diebold Juan Maria Navel Inventory Control Point Naver Margaret Navicp Navy Navy Day Regatta Nawara Kate Nay Robert Naymun Nessa Nazzario John Nbme Ndassacolday Yasmine Ndri Neal John H Neale Tanequa A Neely Kevin J Neerajdatt Soman Neff Beatrice Neff Michelle Negro Helen Negros Caroline M Neiditz Benjamin Neil Bruce Jewelry Inc Neil Jessica M Neill Emily O Neiman Jamie Marie, Cheryl Nelson Lillian, Judge Nelson Annie Nelson Bertha Nelson Judy R Nelson Medical Group Pc Nelson Rosanna Nelson Shaw Nelson William D Nelson William J Nemiroff & Mellon Asso Nemours Foundation Nemours Physician Asso

Nero Kristin Nero Worrell D Nesmith Ephis Nestler Lauren Nettleton Desiree Lynn Netxentry Llc Neubauer Nils N Neuhaus Follini Alexandra Neuls Weslliane Neurology Asso Ltd Neurology Asso of Univ Nevinsky Felix Nevitt Mildred New Beginnings New Jersey American Inc New Life Batteries New Testament Christian Investment Assoc New Way Staffing Inc New World Orient Inc Newall Michael Newberg Matthew Jay Newburb Corp Newcomb Nicole Newcourtland Newell Catharine V Newell Nathaniel Newkirk Barbara M Newman Morton M III Newsham Jim Newsome James W Sr, Virginia Newsome Constance L Newsuan Kim M Newswanger C G Newton Raymond Newton Stephanie Newton Victor A Est Ney Jeremy Neyzi Zulal Nf Clearing Corp Nf Clearing Inc Nfte Greater Washing Ng Gam F Ng Hang Wan Ng Jessica Ng Kwok Wang Ng Sonia C Md Ngjela Llambro, Ermira Ngo Hai Ngoun Thida Nguon Vanna Nguyen Trang D, Piez T Nguyen Dao B Nguyen Hanh Nguyen Hien V Nguyen Hoang Nguyen Lan Nguyen Long Nguyen Minh C Nguyen Thanh Nguyen Tuan Nguyen Van Thiep Nguyen Vu Ni Ching Tai Ni Yan Nicaise Nice Care Dental Asso Nichol Jamie Nicholas Edward Est Nicholas Sarah Jane Nicholls Simon Nichols Beatrice, Bruce Nichols Amy Nichols Daphne F Nichols Phyllis Nichols Rich Nicholson Alma Nicodemo Anthony J, Specrtum R Nicolazzo Sarah E Nicolli Elizabeth Niederman Theresa Niedospial Ashlee Nigro Domenic Nigro Russel Nija Smith Niknam Ali Nilsson Alexander Ning Autumn Ninth Street Internal Med Asso Nisenzon Maria Nivar Carnel Nixon William W Njc Holdings Nlanda Mendel N Noble Decor Llc Nobles Ernest D Nocella John, Edna Noel Brian Noel Margaret Noel Money Transfer Nofziger Sonia R

PGN Nolan Patrick Noonan John P Norfolk Southern Corp Norfolk Southern Rai Norma Smeltzer & Tri State Public Norman Anna R Norman Deree Norman Geneva Norris Elva Norris Lois W Est North Carolina Furniture North Dorothy North Phila Family Practice North Philly Pharmac North Star Bar Northeastern Eye Asso Northest Livestock Corp Northfield Lab Inc Northrop Ethel M Norwood Tony Nosal John Notarfrancesco Mary Nottis Alice Novakoski Karen A Novek Ethel Novick Lauren Novison Eric J Nowicki Darren Noyles Enrico Nrfc 2040 Market Lp Nrg America Manageme Ntoso Amma Ntziachristos Vasilis Nuamah Gordon K Nuciforo Margaret, Ronald Number One Beauty Supply Hai Numedco Inc Nunes Linda Nunez Antonio Nunez Jessica Nupson Anna K Nurse.Com Nuttall James P Nutter Elsie Nwabulu Ikechukwu, Ngozika Nwj Management Nzc Eq Lp O Connor Francis X Oak Island II Oakley James, Aditi Oaks Jawan Oaktown Financial Oberfield Joshua D, Annie E Oberholtzer Destiny Oberholtzer John Obermayer Maxwell R Obrien Patrick C, Anne T Obrien Anna T Obrien Bra C Obrien Christine Obrien Conrad Obrien Elizabeth Obrien William J Occupational Medicine Och Joshua Ochs Harry Ochs William Jr Esq Oconnell Jamie Oconnor John, Mary Oconnor Kathryn T, Thomas Oconnor William, Joyce Oconnor Anna Oconnor Arlene Oconnor Cozen Oconnor Heather A Oconnor Jeremy Oconnor John J Oconnor Mary Oconnor Sarah S Ocwen Mortgage Asset Trust Odebralski Janice M Odom Elizabeth, Joseph Odonnell John J III Odonnell Joseph Odonnell Rachel Odonnell Thomas J Oechsle Diane Oelschlegel Barbara Oertel Scott Oettinger Florian Ofer Olivia Office Doctor Ofranes Lucia Oglesby Anthony Oglesby Betty Ogozarek Margaret Ohagan Mary Ohanlon John J Ohara Ryan P Oharas Seafood Bar Grill Llc

Ohare Mitchelle Ohayton Issac Ohio Valley Taco Corp Ojoallen Joyce Ojumu Remilekun B Okeefe Christina N Okeefe Kelly A Okeeffe Moira A Okelo Francis G Okereke Enyi Md Olchanski Nickolay Old Glory Builders Llc Olde City Group Llc Older Donnette E Oleary Thomas F Olegovich Lisovskiy Ilya Oleyn Margaret M Olfano Carolyn Olian Guy Oliver Kimberly S Oliver Samuel Oliver Slater Crystal Oliver William Olkus Shane Ollendorf David Olson Alice E Olson Christopher Olszef Genevieve Olympic Studios Omalley E Omalley Elizabeth T Omalley Viola Omcp Clinical Asso Omeara F Omeara Francis Mr Omega Group Concepts III Ominsky Joseph Ondo Christopher Oneal Elizabeth Oneal Jeneva Oneal Marie Oneill Anna O Oneill John P Oneill Kathleen Oneill Margaret K Ong Kimberley Onikepe John I Gdit 401k P Oosterhuis Christopher Opatrick Henry Mall Operation Brigh Opher Or Fannie, Albert Opp Lillian Opperman Zachary Opportunity Mgmt Co Oreilly Zita Orlak John Orlando Deavina Orocofsky Louis J Orofino Elizabeth Orr Nina S Orr Nina V Orris Victor Orsini Barbara Orthopedic Specialists Pc Orthopedic Surgery Rehab Ass Ortiz Iris, Jose Ortiz Elliot Ortiz Gualberto Ortiz Nilda Ortiz Orlando Ortiz Robert Oshaughnessey Kathleen Oshaughnessy Ellen Clelia Oshea Patricia Osherow Aaron Osibodu Olutosin A Osman Douglas Osman Yosaf Osmond Post Vfw Ospa Nicholas Ossowicz Piotr Osterhoudt Kevin C MD Ostrow Edward Oswalt Jaron Otero Roslyn V, Carlos W Otoole Edith A Ott James R Ott Matthew Ottenbacher Anna M Otterman Walter F Jr Otto Margaret Ou Peggy Ou Yuan Jun Ouhamou Nouara Ousmane Doumbia Outin Waymon Outlaw Stacey Overton Lucas A Overton Steven Ovide Maritza

Oviedo Martha C Owa Azusa Owens Donna E Owens Eric J Owens Ernest S Owens Harold Owens John J Owens Joseph W Owens Wendall Oxman Joseph Oxman Steven Oyeniyi Olufunmi Amuchin Oyeniyi Oyewumi Marpule Ozber Natali P D D C Ricochet Mfg Pa Nj De Msdc Pa Pac For Progress Pa Paramedics Llc Eastern Pa Usa & Fujian Province Prc Inc Pabon Angelines Pace Antoinette Pacifico Rose Pacini Joseph Pack Juan Packman Gertrude J, Julia Padilla Erica Padilla Milagros M Padilla Victor Padula Nicole L Pagan Carmen Pagan Edwin Pagan Jose Pagano Grace R Pagano James M Page Scott Page Sylivia Pagent Benjamin Paglia Armando Paglia Giovanni Pahucki Edmund Paige Maudella Paisley Mj Czerpak Pakuris Justin Pal Properties Llc Palacio Felix Palinet Pallante Dr Paller Kathleen Palma Catherine M Palma Parker Jacqueline Palmer Knyeria N, Dontae Palmer Bernice E Palmer Jacqueline V Palmer Otis Palmer Ralph W Palmer Trust Elmore Palmerio Paul J Palochko William Palomo Victor M Palumbo Josephine Pan Abby Pan Haizhen Pandey Priyank Pandey Rakshit Pang Joanna M, Hannah Panhellenic Asso Panichelli Margaret Panitch Ronald L Panzer Jessica A Paolella Gloria, Malvina Paoli Ferdinand Papacoda Andrew A Papada Jonathan Papantoniou Antonios E Paperworks Ind Inc Parackel Amy Paragash Presha Paramarta Rizal Pardys Mae Est Pare Oliver Parent to Child Parente Katherine Parikh Sefali D Paris Asso Llc Paris Ether Parisano Danielle, Mary A, Daniel Parisi Joseph V Parisi Maddalena Park Chulwoo Park Daniel Park Julie Christine Park Miduck Park Pleasant Nursing Home Park So H Park Soo Park Wendy H Park Y Parke Mary M Parker Alfred M, Mildred Parker Maryanne, James

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Parker Maryanne, Joseph Parker Daniel Parker Emily R Parker Glenn A Parker Joyce Parker Margaret L Parker Martha Parker Suk Hui Parkes Charlotte J, John H Parkinsons Disease Foundation Adm Parkinsons Disease Gene T Parks Acacia Parks Benjamin R Parks Calvin Parks Cornelius Parks Ruth Parkway Corp Parkway Realty Tlp 38 Parlow Pc Parmigiani Carolyn F Parnell John Parris Patricia Parrish Charmaine Parshall Priscilla A Parson Deborah J Parsons Ethel Parsons Paul F Parthasarathy Ramya Partridge Architects Paselk Brittany N Paskevich John Est Paskevich Thomas A Pasquarella Kunnel & Pomo Pasquini E Bernice Passaro Thomas R Pasternack Marvin, Joan E Pastor Jeffrey Leath Pastore Marcelia Pasumarty Aditya Patel Ashok Patel Ashwin Patel Avni Patel Digyna Patel Janki Patel Mainakini N Patel Mrugesh Patel Neil Patel Nimesh B Patel Reena Patel Rohit A Patel Suketu J Patete Margaret R Patil Shivjit Pats Auto & Truck Repair Inc Pats Steak House Patten Martha L Est Pattern Analysis Inc Patterson Isaac N IV Patterson Isiah Patterson Jesse Patterson John Patterson Lorne O Patterson Sheron L Patton Ameen Paul Alice, Otto Paul Beatrice, Gershon Paul John A, Sara A Paul Scott, Todd Paul Beatrice Paul David G Jr Paul Green School of Rock Music Paul H Yeomans Inc Paul J Sedacca MD Paul John H Paul M Jean Paul Rabinowitz Glass Co Paul Ranz Aka Paul Rand, New Star Paul Reilly Paul Schure LP Paul Syreeta M Paulhill Kevin Paulin Romeo Paulo Richard J Pavone Kristine Paxia Restaurant Paxson Dilworth Paylor Xanthus Payne Saleem Payton John W Paz Gutierrez Maria Paz Rachael Pbx Pc Devlieger H Pc Fineman K Pc of Osteopathic Medicine Peak Thongsak Peakes Awanya R Pearl Charles E Pearl International Llc Pearl Pressman Liberty Comm

Pearlstein Martin Pearson Leo, L Pearson Sarah L Pediatric Medical Mission Peed Annie Peele Oscar Peggy Browning Fund Peiper Stephen Peisach Mike Pelino Clare M Pellak Nicole Pellegrini Leah Pellegrino Katera Pempleton Marceille Penco Neary Pendergrass Tracey Pendleton Elizabeth Pendleton Howard R Pendleton John A Pendleton Odessa J Penn Dda Penn Detroit Diesel Penn Dhamaka Penn Judith A Penn Lottie Penn Tennis Camps Penn Tower Hotel Pennell Anna M Pennrose Management Co Pennsylvania Ballet Asso Pennsylvania Business Bank Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bu Pennsylvania Fish Culturists Asso Pennsylvania Iolta Trust Accounts Pennsylvania Partnership Penrose Hallowell Pens Trust Wexler Weisman Pensirikul Alyssa Penz John Penza James Peoples Elenor Pepper Hamilton Llp Pepperjam Peralta Maria A Perdue Rasheeda Perdunn Loretta Perea Secundino Pereira Jennifer Pereira Jose Perez David Performance Studies Focus Group Perkins Mary H Perkins Yvette F Perks Raymond Perl Rachel Perlman Jeffrey L Perlmutter Leigh D Perri Angelo J Perri Robert Perrin Ardelia R, Samuel L Perrin Lynnsey Perrin Samuel V Perrin Sheronda Perrin Towers Perry Curtis Perry Gloria Est Perry Verona E Person Lesley Person Lora Persons Charles Perzel Agency Inc Perzley Julia A Pessel R Peter E Meltzer & Asso Peterkin Berdie Peterkin Thomas Peterman Heather R MD Peters Hazel Peters Jacob Peters Robert L Peterson Dorothy Peterson Francis G Peterson Ralph K Peterson Robinson E Peterson Shaleena Peterson Shawn Petosha Laureta Petrani Robert Petre Alexandra N Petro Dylan Petroska Susan Petroska Susan Donaghy Petroski Michael E Petruzzi Maurus N Pettiford Corine H Pettiford Stanell D Pettiford Stanell P Pettus Alfonso Peurifoy Grady Peyster David



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Pfeifer Francesca A Pham Cuong M Pham H Pham Thinh T Pham Victoria Phelan Hainan & Schmieg Pa Phelan Hallinan & Schmeig Llp Phelps Professional Srvs Phifer Ethel E Phila Locking Systems Philadelphia Asso of Prof Process Svc Philadelphia Bar Asso Philadelphia Beer Dstrb Assoc Philadelphia Corp for Investment Svc Philadelphia Entertainers Dev Philadelphia Fertility Institute Philadelphia Hand Center Philadelphia Management Co Philadelphia Media Holdings Philadelphia Orchestra Asso Philadelphia Parking Authority Philadelphia Pmc Dialysis Philadelphia Properties Philadelphia Real Estate Philadelphia Sleep Center Phila Broa Philadelphia Theatre Co Philadelphia Wings Philadelphila Found Spe Eq Philadep & Co Philarx Pharmacy Philippi George D Philipson Anita Phillips Alle Phillips Dorothy Phillips Edith Phillips Edward F Phillips Emma Phillips Fannie M Phillips George Phillips Jason Phillips Naomi M Phillips Reese B Phillips Stella L Phillips Susan Phillps James Philly Empire Lounge Philly Online Llc Philogene Edwin Pho Ha Restaurant Llc Phoenix Investor Llc Phomsouvanh Eric Phs Llc Phun Senh Phuvatanaraksa Yanika Piazza Honda of Phila Piazza Oliver David Piccinini David J Piccirilli Gaetano Piccoli Cara T Pickens Clinton Pickett Joseph Vel Picorella Darin Piech Robert J Piechnik Jakub Pielacha Raymond Piemontese Michael Pierce Beatrice E Pierce Jason Paris Pierce Patricia V Pierce Robert Pik Nathan Noah Ezriel, David Pillajr Fred Piller Francis Pilli Maria Pilotti Mildred Pim Associates Pc Pimpinella Silvio Pimtong Wittaya Pinckney Alvin J Est Pinckney Baseemah Ping Lee H, Tes S Pinkowitz Samantha A Pinney Matthew J Pinpoint Systems Inc Pinto Brothers Inc Pinto Jaime F Pinto Liberato Est Pinto Yamila C Piperio William Est Pirillo Anthony Piro Erminia Pirolli Grace Pirrone Emma Pisacano Nicholas Jr Pisharody Siddharth Pisimisis Anastasios Pistone Ryan P Pisuzka Margaret Pisuzko Joseph Pittman Dedante

Pitts Rosetta Pk Media Plan W Thacher Plant Christopher Plassmeyer Fred Plastine Patricia Platinum Jewelery Inc Platts Thompson Henrietta Playfair Leyman Pleasant News Please Touch Museum Ploch Barbara A Est Plonaco Armando Plossl Martha B, Anne B Ployd Sean Plumex Inc Po Yang Podulka Richard Poehler Michael Pogue Eric S Pogue Jill Pohler Ida Poindexter Belinda Point of Purchase Pokorny Stephen Polakoff Gail Polay Janet S Polimeno Eleanor Polisetti Sridhar Polizzi Francesco P DO Polk Beatrice M Pollak Louis Pollan Sara J Pollard Michael Pomponi Anthony Pond Marion F Pongonis Linda Ponomarenko Bohdan Ponsoll Joseph A, Suzanne Poole Gaynell Poon Chou Vivian Pooree Sherry M III Poorman Denise A Pope Kendall Popeeagan Virginia Popescu Cristina Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen Popp Margaret C Porcaro Josephine, Anna Porrini Dominic Porroca Theadore Portee Scheryl Porter Candice Porter Charles Porter Frank Porter Iciephene Porter Louise F Porter Ronald L Porter Shawn Portillo Manuel Posado Paster Posen Gerald Possehl Gregory L Post & Schell Pc Post Zachary Postell Clothiel, Wilton Poston Mary Pothala Raghunandan R Potok Gladys Potter Alexandra Potter Derrick Potts Richard Est Potts William C Poulson Elizabeth, Joseph Powell Adam C Powell Beatrice Powell Jennifer Powell Marilyn Powell Markeda Powell Mary L Powell Michael Powell Summer Power Claire Powers Melinda Powlen Robert J Pownall Brown Rachelle Pozza Betty, John Praizner Nir Prasad Mayank Pratt Eric Pregler Angelica S Premier Research Intl Llc Prescott Christopher Presidential Apts Presley Marcus Pressley Anthony Pressley Willie Pressman Robert, R Pressman Residuary Tr Under Complete Presti Adam P

PGN Presto Salvatore, Elizabeth Preston Benjamin B Preston Carol B Preston Herman Previdi Bianca M Prevost Brenda Price Barbara R, John M Price Marcia, Larry Price Christo Price Mark Price Rickey R Price Ronnie W Price Thomasina R Price William C C Prichak Lorenzo, Robert Priest Kevin James, Jane Althen Primak Grigoriy Pro Cap Advisors Llc Procare Rehab Pc Procking Antoine Procopio Jennifer L Procura Management Inc Progressive Family Club Phila Proietti Rose A Project R C Promseyla Bunheak Prota Eleanor , Prota George Protasov Andrey V Prothe Ashley Prothonotary Proudman William Proulx Janet Tobias Provenzano Anthony R Provenzano Salvatore Pruitt James H Prum Thann Prunty Tanya P Prusaitis James Prusinowki Mary Prusinowski Gerald C Pruss Andrew J Prwt Services Inc Prymejenomix Llc Prystowsky Elan Pti Ccc Inc Public Private Ventures Pugh Marshall H, Patricia Pugh David Puhl Helen Pulido Magaret A Pulizzi Michael Pulley John L Pullman Mooar Sally W Pumphrey Dorothy, Bentley Punshi Radhika Punzo Francis G Purcell Harry Purcell Nicholas Purewal Miteswar S, Uplekh S Puri Anukriti Puri Mahak S Puri Supriya Puri Surbhi Purnell Esther M Pustizzi Kelly Pv Imprts Inc Pyecroft James Qcc Ins Co, Amerihealth Ins Co Qi Qi G Qi Tian Qian Kai Qiang Li C4 Printing Llc Qiaoling Su Qiu Vicky Qiu Yi Qiuting Wu Qu Like Quach Binh Quach Lee Quadro Louis-Del Quality Litigation Svcs Quality Workforce Quantum Inc Quarles Sherman A Quattrone Frank Quigley Mary Quigley Mary A Quin Pierre Matthis Quinn Rebecca, John Quinn Francis X Quinn Margaret M Quinn Mary C Quintana Christian Quintanilla Daniel Quitman Wardell R3 Food Services Llc of Pitts Rabah Yahiaoui, Univ Piz Rabinovitz Louis Rabizadeh David Rachael R Gordon Irrev Trust

Rachleff Shelby Rachman Lily N Rader Christopher Rader Darryl V Radian Guaranty Inc Radian Mortgage Assur Co Radian Services Inc Radiance Tech Radiation/Oncology H Radiology Asso Radomsky Peter, Mary Radynsky Genia Rae Restaurant Raffa Marie Rafferty Ed Rafferty Rachel Rafsky Selma Raghavan Krishna Raghavan Srinidhi Ragin Carrie Ragin Margaret Rago Joseph Jr, Carmela Ragone William Raheem Mohamed Rahmaan Omar Rai Alok, Tia Rai Jitha Raimo Nicholas J Raines Robert M Rait Securities Uk Ltd Raj David L Raja Anita Raja Mahmoud Rajis Vera G Rak Katherine Ralph Lucille Ralph S Heaton Trust Raman Swaathy Rambo R Ramesh Prathyum Ramirez Inez Ramirez Jesus Ramirez Pedro Est Ramirez Sara N Ramonjarosa Christian Ramos Aurora Ramos Ibrain Ramos Lemus Jose Abdulio Rampant Group Inc Ramsay Bbtron Ramsay Jane M Ramsey Bernadette Ramsey Heather Ramsubramani Ragavan Ranck J Richard Randal Morgan Trust Randall Vera Randazzo Vincent Randell Alice Randle Ilene Randolph Randall, Elijah Rangaswami Janani Ranieri Millie Rao Do Sanjai Rapid Management Systems Inc Rappaport Shaffer Raschella Dominick Rascoe Kelly Rasnick Esther Rat Mony Ratliff John Ratsamy Khamhou K Rattan Mantosh S MD Ratz Gregory Rau Nakul N Rauch Frances B Raudenbush Michele L Rausch Elwood Charles Rauscher Frank III Ravan Popo Ravimohan Shruthi Ravitch Edward Ray George W, Ruth T Ray Demetra F Est Ray Gussie Ray Marjorie K Raymond Greg Raymond Jason Raymond Lori A Raysor H Re Veal Eric J Ream Wendy Reba V Dellior Ira Record Copy Svcs Red Robin Sec Litigation Redden William Reddick Flay R Reddick Malik Reddish William R III Reddy Abhinav

Reddy Manu Redkiewicz Patrycja Anna Redmond Adrienne L Redonnet Dany, Jena Redwing Jamie V Reece Melvin Reed Alexis D Ira Reed Ambria B Reed Damian Reed Dorothy Reed Jason C Reed Kareem Reed Kenna Reed Lisa Reed Loralee M Reed Martha Reed Martin Reed William Reeder Jonathan Rees Dorothy, John W Reese Alexis Reese Catheryn Reese Diane R Reese Karen Reeves Elwood F Jr Est Reeves Katie Regan Dolores H Regan Elizabeth Regan Gerad Reger & Rizzo Llp Reger Justin J Reger Rizzo Darnall Llp Reginald Rickey Register June Regusters Charles E Regusters Martin Leaping Lion Photo Reiber Pascal Reich Douglas R Reichek Jennifer L Reid Terry Reidy Matthew J Reiffert Darlene Reilly Janiczek Mcdevitt Pc Reilly Kathleen Reilly Mary Reilly Muredach Reilly Phillis J Rein Gerard J Reinewald Joseph Reisberg Marian I Reit Management Reiter Ella G Est Reliable Copy Service Reliance Standard Life Ins Co Relmon Stan Rembert William Remer William M Renal Treatment Ctr Phila Renaud M Renfroe Anthony Renova Homes Inc Rensel Lillian Rentschler Josephine G Renzulli Maria Repanshek Rachel M Repetto Augustine A Repici Dominic J Repoli Craig Reporting Svc Asso Inc Reporting Tanya K Republic First Bank Resident Education F Resnick Vincent Resolute Management Resource America Inc Retinovitreous Assoc Rettew Iona R Reutlinger Doris F Revel Corine Revzilla Motorsports Llc Rey Marie Reyers Julia Reyes Agripina Reyes Arlin Reyes Enrique Reynaga Galeas Julio Reynolds Ida J Reynolds Lauretta Reynolds Maurice Reynolds Mcilnay Ryann Reynolds Patsy Reynolds Thomas Jr Reznick Jessica K Rfn Co Rhines Celena Rhino Quartermaster Inc Rhoads Jed E Rhoads John Rhodes Christian L Rhodes Crystal H

PGN Rhodes Karen Rhyne Lyvaan Avery Ribecchi Taylor Catherine, Ribecchi Daniel D Ribner Paul Judge Ricchetti Addolorata Ricci Eleanor Rice Hilary Jensen, Peter B Rice Cornelia Rice James L Rice Rose Rich Megan A Richards Horace G, Marie Richards Abby M Richards Donna Richards Thomas L Jr Richards Vivian Richards Wendy Richards William Richardson Earnestine C, Herbert Richardson Malik Dawud, Barbara M Richardson Darnell Richardson Darrow K Richardson Emma Richardson Glorious Richardson Jane Richardson Joan Richardson Linda Richardson R A Richardson Russell C Richardson Sean Richardson Stella Irene Richardson Uyvette Richart William, Eileen Richie Megan Richins Custis E Richman Evan Richman Sarah C Ricker Charles R, Clara Ricketts William Ricks Darice S, John Ricks Fannie H Ricks Gloria Ricks James L Ricks John Riddle Ambrose Ridgways Rie Yamamoto Rieff Philip Rieger Alex Ries Nohanna M Riesberg Marian Riestra Wilfredo Riever Susan P Rift Valley Children S Fund Usa Inc Riggins B Riggs Margie Riggs Sonya R Right Management Consulta Right Way Dealer Warehouse Inc Riley Helen M, Frank Riley Augustus J Riley Betty H Riley Cas Jr Riley Frances Riley James Riley Maurice Riley Max Riley Quissan Riley Selina Riley Wydella Rim Dong M Rim Helen P Rinaldi Catherine Rindone Mary R Ringer Nathanael Ringgold Dondi Ringgold William Rinker Mary Rios Adrian Rios Alicia Rios Joseph Risk Management Asso Risque Video Rithin Antony Bosco Rittenhouse Development Co Rittenhouse Eye Rittenhouse Plastic Surgery Rittenhouse Plaza Inc Rittenhouse Square Imaging Rittereiser Alexis J Trust Rittereiser Frederic W Rivera Coral Rivera Giovanni Rivera Heriberto Rivera Nijha Rivera Rafael Rivera Steven Riverloft Rivers Derrick

Rivers Kennet Riverside Michael S Riviello Theodore Jr Rizzo Michelle V Roan D F Roane H M Roane Julia A Robbins Jeffery K Robbins June H Robbins Patrick Robbins Tracey Robert D Lynn Irrevo Robert Diamond Robert Fairey Robert H Carey B Wilcox Fam Tr Roberts Jeanne Roberts Joshua Roberts Louis Roberts Mary E Roberts Matthew Roberts Quay Condo Roberts Suzanne Roberts Virginia L Robertz Alcindah Robey Frank Robinson Beverly, Edwin A Robinson Clementine C, Benjamin Robinson Eric C, Cheryl Robinson Nancy, Mary Robinson Patricia, Kareem Robinson Adelina L Robinson Alic Robinson Annie E Robinson Collien B Robinson Daisy Robinson David A Robinson Delores A Robinson Diane Robinson Dianne L Robinson Eileen Robinson Joyce Robinson Lawrence Robinson Mary Robinson Mary E Robinson Mayso Robinson Mildred Robinson Nannie L Robinson Neverlyn Robinson Rosa Robinson Shamiyah Robinson Vivian Robinson William Roca Smith Carolina M Rocchio Dominick J Rocco Arlene M Roccos Collision Roccuzzo James, Joan Roche Nathan D Rock Tenn Recycling Rockco Plymouth Rodak John Rodan Laura Rodemer Marian Rodgers Angie Rodgers Delia Rodgers Helen R Rodgers James Rodgers Joseph B Rodgers K Rodgers Mary E Rodgers Travel Inc Rodos Myrondo St Vincent Med Asso Rodriguez Angel L Rodriguez Apolonia Rodriguez Benito Rodriguez Carmelo Rodriguez Daniel M Rodriguez Luis Rodriguez Marta M Rodriguez Melanie Rodriguez Sheila Rodriguez Teresa Roebuck Vanessa B Roebuck Victoria Roeder Katherine C Roegiers Fabrice J Roger J Guenette Ira Rogers Elizabeth, Wilford Rogers Daniel G Rogers Doreen L Rogers Elodius Rogers Helen Rogers Martha M Rogers Morgan Roie Linda E Rojas Beatriz Rojas Mendez Carmen Patricia Roldan Hector M Rollerson Lorenzo Roman Dumitru, Rodica

Roman Anna Roman Charles Roman Geraldine Romano Mildred Romanski John Romber & Co Rome Morton Romello Armand M Romero Alfredo Romero Antonio D Romero Brenda M Rona Elizabeth T Ronal His Attorney Ronan Joseph E Jr, Eamon A Rong Lan Rooker Gwendolyn Rooks James Rooney Mary C Roos Marita Roots Tynesha Rorer Asset Mgmt Llc Rosa Roberto Rosado Julio Rosario Evanisto Rosario Karl Rosario Manuel Rosario Maria M Rose Siegel Roselli Jeanne Rosemary Mini Market Rosen Evelyn Rosen Jamie Rosen Joshua Rosen Lenora Rosen Marc R MD Rosen Morris Rosenbaum Harry Rosenbaum Leon Rosenbaum Sara Rosenbaum Trust 2 Rosenberg Aaron Rosenberg Andrew Rosenberg Anne L MD Rosenberg Burton Rosenberg Elijah Rosenberg Hilda M Rosenberger Hermann II Esq Rosenblatt Carol S, Anne R Rosenbluth E Dickinson Nd Rosenbluth Lee Rosenbluth Vacation Rosendary Clarissa Powell Rosenfeld & Maron Medical Rosenthal Matthew Rosenthal Michael Rosetta Genomics Inc Rosetti John A Roshal Mike Ross Carlton L, Rachel C Ross Kathleen F, James F Ross Abe Ross Adrienne Ross Bliss Ross Douglas Ross Ellen Ross Hope Ross Karen R Ross Micheal Rossetti Tim Rossi Dominic J Esq Rossi Julia A Rossi Paul J Rossini Donna Maria Rost Barbara Rota Ultimo Roth Richard, Blake Roth Theodore, Viola V Roth Janice Roth Jennifer Rothberg Lauren Rothman Andrew E Rotko Family Foundation Roush David Rowan Danielle M Rowan Jack W Rowan John Rowan Joseph J Rowan Robert Rowe Florence, Douglas Rowe Valerie Rowland Jennifer Rowland Steve Rowland Vera Rowlands Ward J Rowley Bates Andrew Malcolm Roy Alex N Roy Arunavo Roy F Weston Inc Roy Karen B Roy M Taylor Asso

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Roy Ola W Royal Collins Janis Royal Court Reporting Svc Royal Jose Royster Joseph D, Theresa Rozak Valerie M Rozier Thomas Est Rozok Stefan Rozzen Shir Rp Terrace Space Solutions Rubel Walter L Rubenstein Lee Rubin Kimberly, Annie Rubin Allen W Rubin Dorothy Rubin Eli S Rubin Harry A Rubin Harry Esq Rubin Michael Rubin Milton Rubin Nicole Rubin Paige Rubin Robert Rubin Sharon R Rubini Dennis A Rubinstein Beth Rubio Ramon Ruch Margaret Ruderman Aviva Rudman Kal Rudolph Amy Rudolph Edward K Rudolph Henry R Ruff James Ruffin Rosetta Early Ruffin Tammy Rufo Vincent Rufus William E Ruggeri Francesca Ruggieri Michael J Ruggiero Angelina Ruggirello Rachel Rugs Dada Ruiz Celedonio Rulen Jason Rulon Miller Samuel Rumack Aidan Rumeci Freddy Rumford Charles C Rumpf Gustav Rundle Jonelle Runge Louise, Robert Ruppel Brad Ruppert Vernon C Russel David M, Helen Russell Davin Russell Ed Russell Georgina L Russell John Russell Lynda C Russell Maitlon T Russell Thomas Russo Nicolas C, Yolanda R Rutenberg Michael Ruth Laura Rutherford Brown Catherwood Llc Rutherford Helen Rutland Nettie Rutter Joanna R Ryals Reginald Ryan Caitlin Ryan Christopher Ryan Doris J Ryan E Ryan James J Ryan Jim Ryan Matthew J MD Ryan Thomas E Rychik Jack M MD Rymes Betsy Rynes Mildred M S G Enter Inc S Pk S R Wojdak & Assoc S2f Llc Saber Hospitality Sabia Barbara P Est Sabina Colleen Sable Sherry B Sabo Stephen Sabolic Margaret A Sabri Mounya Saccone Michael A Sachs Melanie, Wayne Sachs August F Sachs Barbara Sachse Laura Sacks Matt Sadagursky Pauline Saddler Gwendolyn

Saddler Lamont Sadeq Zahra Sadler Tommie Saffioti Judith E Safford Sean Saffren Weinberg Attys Safier Frances Saidu Samuel M Saint Fleur Ramson Saint Regis Psychotherapy Ed Asso Saito Kenji Saks Joshua Salaam Yasmin Salami Zahra O Salandra Corinne E Salandra Joseph Saldana Edmund C Saleh Salwa A Salem Khalifa Salerno Charles Salgado Francisco Salicrup Alejandro Salinas Cynthia L Salisbury Greg Salit Amy G Salman Alansari Salmond Ann Salter Alma B Salter Gerard Salter Paul Saltza Brown Salvador Vicenta Sam Sampheng Sam Teena Same Day Divorce Ll Sampayo Esther M MD Sampheng Sam Sampson Dorothy, Gary Sampson Kieb Samuel C Katz Esq Ltd Samuel Grossi & Sons Samuel Joel Samuel Robert Samuels Gregory Sanchez Alberta Sanchez Jacqueline Sanders Edd Sanders Harry S Sanders Khadija A Sanders Thelm Sanders Williams Sandiford Patricia C MD Sandler Ted Sandom Marian A Sandoval Jose Saner Hilda Sanginiti Jennie Sanguiliano Eleanor Sanith Bounchanh Sankarasubramanian Prakash Sannon Reare E Sansweet David M Santa Quida Emilio, Quida Jenny Santana Lesbia Santander Bank Santangelo Diane P Santano Gladys Santhakumari Sowmya Santiago C Santiago Jasmeen Santiago Joseph Santiago Nelson Santiago Norma Santiago Pedro Santilli Dominic Santilli Fernando A Santone Elizabeth Santoro Margaret Santos Anna Rose Santoso Ken A Sapience Mbc Inc Sapp Jewel Sapp Mary Sapp R N Sara Christiansen Saragaglia Domenic Saragaglia P Sarah Allen Comm Homes Sarah Connaughton Sarkar Monika A Sarkar Sangeeta Sarnow Mark Sasson Tova Satchell Anthony Satterfield Richard, Alice Satterfield Edith Saunders Daniel Saunders Fannie Savage Charles E Savage Deborah A



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Savage Kevina Savarese Deirdre, Ronald Savarese Matthew Saville Susan Est Savino Louis T Jr Savitz Savitz Steven Sawicki Nadia Sawyer Kelli M Sax Helen S Saye Kau Sayles Clarence D Saylor Jeanette M Saylor William Scafidi Catherine, Stephen Scafidi Ernest Scallatino Nettie Scandone Dorothy, Robert Scanlon Eugene M Scanlon Lawrence Scantlebury Emilio Scarbrough John Scardigli Theresa Scared Heart Free Home for Cancer Scarfone Valarie Scarpa Anthony J Scattergood Catherine Scavello Antonietta Scavo Anthony Scena Carmela A Schade Alexander Schaefer George V Schaeffer Renee Johnson II Schaeffer Susie E Schafer James Schafer Wilhelm Schaffer Michael Warren Schaffer Rhoda Schall Alexander G Schanbacker Christopher W Scharsig Evelyn T Scheefers Joseph P Scheffler Megan Scheffler Raymond Scheie Eye Institute Scheirey Michael S Schell Katherine Schenk Storm Est Scherz Heidi Schiaffino Giancarlo Schiff Francesco Schiffer Samuel Schild Clara Schildborn Jeffrey Schiller Joshua, Howard Schilling Curtis Schimelfenig Catherine Schkoorenko Catherine F Schlacks Hunter Schlecker Nikki Schleifer Weinstein Schlesman Joyce Schlessman Jason Schliffka Elise B Schloss Seymour, Gary R Schm Alberta F Est Schmid Lukas Schmidt Alice Schmitt Linda Schneider Marie Schneider Michael Jr Schneider Robyn Schnipper Felicia Schnurr Katharina Schoenenmann Richard W Schofield Damon Schorling Klett Rooney Schorske Carl Schottland Jeffrey N Schrandt Amy G Schreiber Alan D Schreiber Rosalind Schriver Todd Schu David A Schubert Mary A Schubert Richard Schuck Michelle A Schuh Owen Schuima Barbara Schuler Annie E Schules Krista Schultz Robert J Schuman Pearl Schuster Mindy G Schuster Mindy G MD Schvom Elliot S, Adam F Schwartz Anne Schwartz Bennett M Schwartz Daniel J Schwartz Derrick

Schwartz Esther Schwartz Fanny R Schwartz Gary E Schwartz Geraldine Schwartz James W Schwartz Joanne L Schwartz Lenora Schwartz Marc B Schwartz Selma Schwartz Sylvia Schwartzman Deborah L, Mitchell Schwartzman Richard Schwarz Donald F Schweitzer Mark Scientific Partners Llc Sciole Dominic D, Edna E Scittina Rose A Sciulli Egidio R Sclafani Mia J Scoreboard Sport Grill Scott Felicia, Alvin, Alice, Frank Scott Jeffrey C, Heidi L Scott Saundra, Horace Scott Alice J Scott Chanta Scott Charley C Scott Edna E Scott Elizabeth A Scott Ellen Scott Emily Scott Evelyn D Scott Evelyn E Scott Family Trust Scott Fannie Scott Frank Scott John B Scott June Scott Kelly L Scott Kevin W Scott La Verne Scott Marion Scott Qiana C Scott Robert E Scott Ruby L Scott Sallie Scott Savannah L Scott Tina Scott William H Screen Charles Screnci Louis V Scripnicencu Lynn Scruggs Pamela L Scull Edward P Jr Sdp Education Center Proj Se Penn Transport Seam Ladine, Sunly Sean Francis Music Seattergood Margaret Seawell Kareem Seay Geoffrey Seayhowell Angelique Sebhatu Zewdi Second Mile Center Sedahmed Abdulghafar Sedgwick Sedgwick Cms Sedlack Joseph Sedlak Vincent A Est Seelaus M Kathleen Seeney James Seet Daniel W Sefert Amy Segal Kathy J Psyd Segal Mollie Est Segal Noah A Segger Francis J Segura Margaret M Seiberlick Ralph W Seidler Arielle B Seif Alix E Seigel Sophie Seitz Anthony Seitz Barbara Ann Seiyon Oh Selarnick Hope S Sell Catherine L Sell Elsie Sellers Connie Sellers Jan Coward Selvaggio Francis Paul Est Sem Ekta Sembello Cleaners Semetko Vera I Semia Richard Semore Alethia E Sen Sanjukta Sen Soumya Senbeta Akilu Ta Era Club Seneca Capital Seng Go H

PGN Senick Jeannetta Est Senick Margaret Senick Shawn Senior Care Seniorscript Pace Mercy Life Sensenig Jonathon Seo Hyoju Seon Russell Serfer Jamie Serlen Gertrude Serno Frances M Serp Anthony J Serrano Mayolo Serviolo William Servis Julie Sesum Natasa Seth Siddarth Seu Jae Seung Ho Kim, Wireless On Sever Gil Severio Virginia Sewell Charles Sexton Laura Seydou Keita Seyfarth Lucia H Seyoun Amare Ephraim Sgro Sebastian, Agnes Sha Enterprises Shabazz Adib Shadding Rebecca Shaffer Neal Shafgat Noel Shah Anand Shah Atman Shah Hirsh Shah Mahendra Kumar Shah Mehul Shah R Shah Ritu Shah Shreyas S Shahane Anupama Shahin Najeh Shakoske Karen Shalet Angela M Shalev Orit Shallcross Corson H Shan Chang Shanbhag Maya Ramdas Shandler Henry R Shaner Timothy Shanghvi Vidhi D Shanks Frederick Est Shanley Andrea Shanley Thomas Shannon Aaron P, Marion Shannon Richard Shao Yun Duan Shao Zhang Shao Zhen H Shapiro H Shapiro Michael R Sharbaugh James Est Sharbaugh Thomas Sharma Zubin Sharodi Rahul M Sharp Claire Sharp William Sharpe Daniel Sharpe Khary P Shashou Alexander Shaw Helen E Shaw Louise Shay Edward F Shay Mary Shear Joy Beauty Centre Shearer Anthony Sheedy J Dennis Sheeks Patricia M, Bradley K Sheel Rajiv Sheerer Carol Sheffer Hadass Sheffield Christopher P Shehan Erin K Sheikh Tara Sheldon Jennifer R Sheldon Philip Shelley James P Shellihmer Beatrice Shelly Loretta Shellys Pharmacy Shen Peilan Shen Piin Jiun Shen Rui Shepard Carol P Sheperd Samuel Shepherd Erdine Sheppard Amir Sheppard Harry Sheppard Victoria Sher Frank J

Sheridan Margaret Sheridan Matthew Sheridan Melissa Ann Sheridan Vera C Sheriff Mauctaru Sherman Harold, Reba Sherman David Sherrot Michelle Sheth Neil Shetty Kananjar R Shetty Sarita R Shetz Catherine M Est Shi Bi F Shi Jian M Shi Yue Shiel Mackay Shields Carol Shields Thomas F Shiff Jacob Shih Yu Hsuan Shijie Lu Shin Dong Shin Jae Shin Joan Shin Jung Shin You J Shin You K Shine Ann P Shingle Frank J, Anna M Shinn Julianna M Shiozaki Akihisa Shirato Joanna E Shirley Lillian J Shirley Natalia R Shivers Delia Shivers Lynne Shlw Lp Shmeizer Ryan D Shmuckler Michael Shoemaker Michael Shop Digital Download Shoppers Kit Llc Shor Kolsby Gordon Shorr Johnson Magnus Short Christopher Shou Gou Patricia S Shou Hua Shrader Helen M Shrager David S Shreve Georgia Shroder Deborah Y Shroff Vismay P Shu William Shubert Amy B Shuda Julia Shuemate George Shuey Jane C Shuler Darryl Shulman Marilyn Shurney Simone Shuster Helen T Shuting You Shutt Stephen D Shynes Elencie E Siam Cuisine Inc Sibila Michele Siegel Samuel, Nancy Siegel Marlena Sieger Robert J Sierra Jesus M Sierra Vista Re Sifer Joseph F Siff David B Sigal Stan Sigmund Ellen M Signor Richard M Sigona Joe Siimpson Henry Silkerstein Saul, Ruth Sillamoni Francesco Revel Sillman Susan V, Paul V Silpasuvan Artit MD Silva Daniel Silva Frederico A Silva Rosa Silvagni Paolo Silver Robert Silverio Scarlet Silvers Tracy H Silverstein Andrew Silverstein Craig Silverstein Mark H Silverstein Tapp Ariella B Simcox Henry A Simmons Alberta Simmons Donald S Simmons Dorothy E Simmons Gertrude Simmons Hattie Simmons Margo R

Simmons Olive E Simmons Ronald Simmons Shirley M Simmons Thelma Simmons Walter F Simon Peter D Est Simon Rami Calder, Robert Simon Joan Simon Lyla Simon Scott Simon Vlademir Simond Samantha Simoni Lorie Simons Wilbur A Est Simos Simeonidis Simpers Joseph A Simpkins Frederick Simpson Charles Simpson Christpher L Simpson Estella Simpson House Inc Simpson James Simpson Jamilah Simpson Josephine Simpson Mary Sims Charles, Clara Sims Margaret L, Robert Jr Sims Adella Sims Brenda Sims Emanuel Sims Joseph P Jr Sims Margaret L Sin Kelly H Sincavage Edward J Sinclair Doris Singer Charles, William Singer Family Trust Singer William E Singh Akshay Singh Amit Singh Anant Singh Jagjit Singh Kanupriya Singh Manmeet Singhal Riju M Singleton Andrew R Singleton Cornelius S Singleton Frazier Singleton Michael Singleton Samuel Sinha Priyadarshi Sinkevitch Robert Sipe Carol A Siplet Esther Sipowicz Gloria Siravo Catherine A Sirisawat Ketsareepat Sirlin Gallolgy Lesser Sisneros James L Sisson Emma Jean Sit Lydia K Sitedogscom Sitko Bradley Siwulec Anne Sixtytwo Hulbert Avenue Llc Sjahrir Gita Skiles Bessie Skinner Jessica E Skinner Kaman Skipworth Devon Skokan John M Skoog Rachel M Sky Bar Sky Is The Limit Slackway George Jr, Eleanor Slater Oscar Slater Philip R Slaughter Dolores Slavetskas Joseph Slegel Andrew T Slevin Mary Slick Jeffrey W Slipman Curtis W Sloan Elizabeth A Sloan Robert A Slon Daniella Slovinska John Smakulski Edward Small Darlene, Annie Small Louis J Small Marie Small Reynard Small William Smalley Bernard W Smalley Ford Sandra D Smalls Charles Smalls James Smalls John H Smallwood Darryl Smart Kathryn, James

PGN Smith Barbara, Keith E Smith Paul Charles, Zachary Mark Smith Randolph, Joyce Smith Richard C, Mary B Smith Alex Smith Alicia E Smith Alphonso Smith Brenda Smith Bros Smith Bros Colbry Co Inc Smith Calvin Est Smith Candis L Smith Carole I Smith Catherine Est Smith China Smith Corey B Smith Delores Smith Dorothy Smith Duane Eric Jr Smith Elaine R Smith Eldridge W Smith Emilie M Smith Erdine N Smith Eric Smith Eugene Smith Frank J Smith Geneva Smith George Smith George D Jr Smith Gracie M Smith Helen Smith Howard Smith James Smith James E Smith James H Smith James J Smith James Roberson Smith Jeffrey A Smith Jermaine Smith Jerome Smith Jesse Smith John D Smith John F Smith John F III Smith John L Jr Smith Joseph F Smith Judith Smith Julia J Smith Juliatine Smith Kathy Smith Kevin Smith Linda Smith Margaret A Smith Marie E Smith Marie M Smith Mark T Smith Matthew S Jr Smith Maxine Smith Melvenia Smith Michael S Smith Mildred Est Smith Mozette V Smith Nancy Smith Nellie Smith Ralph Smith Robert Johnson Smith Robert Johnson II Smith Robert P Jr Smith Rodney Smith Sabrina Smith Samuel Smith Semaj Smith Sharon Smith Tanya Smith Thelma Smith Troy Smith William D Smithkline Beecham Smolen David Smoot Marguerite Smukler Eve Snackbar Rest Sneeringer David Snith William M Snowden Roger T Snyder Anne Snyder Elizabeth Snyder Jacob Snyder Logan Snyder Margaret E Snyder Margaret J Snyder Olivia Snyder Rose Snyderman Marilyn S So Phila Pt, Pennsport West Sobahi Rozan H Sobel Gene H Society Hill Anesthesia Cons Society of Women Engineers Sofer Yael

Sofia James Sogeke Olatubosun Oloruntoyi Sogno Communcation I Inc Sohn Shinhyang Soifer Cornelia Sokolewicz Paula Sokolowski Christine, Cecilia Sokso Thomas Solanki Jigna Solipaca Margo A Solms Ellen B Solomacha Andrew Solomon Adam Solomon Bereket S Solomon Jared Solomon Mark Solomon Noah Solomon Saul Solomon Sherman Gabay & Gwendolyn You Solomon Walter Somensky Marie B Somerset C 3 Someya Waka Sommerlatte Andrew Sommers Ruth M Son Gayeon Son Yeon Soo Song Hyejin Sons Anna C Sonwane Chadrashekhar Soo Ik Sook Lee Hae Sophia C Gordon Irrev Trust Soriano Andrea Sosa Aracelli Sosa Guillermo Sosa Luis Sothern M Soto Amin Sotz Christopher Sou Bunheang Sougstad Dilara Soulds Homer F Soule Susan A, Andrew Sounds of the Underg Sourn Dana South Phila Family Med South Phila Pain Mgmt South Philly Diamond Club South Street Jewelry Exch Southeast Penn Trans Southerland Latia C Sova Jennifer Sovco Inc Spahr Dorothy M Spalding Mary H Spalding Mary Jane Spalek Walker Spangler Paul F Spann Nena Sparrow Louis Spaulding Odessa Spaulding Shiela K Spay Anthony Spay Eleanor Spear Gertrude Spear Runckel Spear Wilderman Borish Endy Speciale Benjamin B Spector Pauline, Sol K Spector Jessica Speights John Speller Jasmine Speller June Spence Timothy Spencer Anna S Spencer Avril Spencer Rand Spergel Jonathan M MD Sperling Andrea L Spesivtsev Leonid Sphikas Constantine G, Yuriko Spicer Jane L Spielberg Josefine Spiess Saskia Spine Center The Spine Patient Society Spinner Joseph Spinosa Nicholas, Cecilia Spiral Q Puppet Theater Spiro Westley Spoerry Yves Sponheimer Joseph J Sport Cap Hats Spraggins Catherine Spring Garden Chiro Pc Spring Garden Towers Springboard Ventures Llc Springer Lawrenc Springer Lovist

Sprow Phyllis L Sprows Veronica Spruce Rana Deli Market Spurgeon Rosia Squarsich Tamara Squires Ashley B Squirrel Hill Comm Asso Sr 222 Rittenhouse Srinivasan Devi Srinivasan Kuruchi R Sriranganatha Amara Srivastava Bhaskar St Agnes Continuin Care Ctr St Agnes Long Term Intens St Ives Financial Inc St Mary S Family Respite Ctr St Monica Manor St Peter Claver Ctr Sta Teresa Estelita T Stabile Patricia Stadium Eagles Staffel Rudolf H Stafford Fannie Est Stafford Mary C Stage Local 8 Staller Jerry Stallworth Willie Bell Stambaugh Brian Stanco Rocco Stanford Allen Stanford Douglas J Stanisce Beatrice Stanke Charlotte Stankovich Rosemarie A Stanley Richard, June Stanley Darrin Stanley Morgan Stann Susan Stanton Vincent, Edna M Stanton Leonard Jr Staples Carolyn Staples Jeffrey Stapleton Christian Star Shooters Inc Starcite Inc Stark Joel A Starkes Leila M Starling Derrick Stars Caacy Starzenbach Ruth State Farm State Farm Indemnity Co Staten Anita E, Nancy M Staten Nancy M Staton D Staub Josephine C Stclair Agnes K Stea Dora Stedman Ruth M Steele Bernard Steenrod Matthew M Steenson Wesley P Steerman Cohen Kor Surgical Asso Inc Stefanovicz Stanley Steidel Raymond A Steigelman David R Stein Belle Stein David Stein Edward Stein Jake Stein Veronika M PhD Steinberg Harris M Steinberg Joseph Steiner Segal & Muller Pc Steinmetz Jacob Steinruck Carole M, Steven C Steitz Edward, Mary Stellarcare Stennis Carolyn R Stenton Place Asso Stenzler Henry Stephen L Fedder MD Pc Stephens Samuel Stephenson Mack Sterensis Barbara Sterman Daniel H MD Stern Anna Stern David Esq Stern Joseph F Steubronn Marion J Stevens Ebony Stevens Victoria Stevenson Paul Steverson Kelmer Steward James Stewart Anna M Stewart Bradley Stewart Christina Stewart J Miller Trust Stewart Jaimie

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Stewart Lamar Stewart Mary Stewart Melissa Stewart Ollie Stewart Print Sticher Bernard Stiffler William L Stiles Carol Still Kimberly Stillabower Laura M Stingelin Laura Stinney Britteny K Stjarnstrom Jennifer Stmaps James E Stock Carolyn Stock Clearing Corp of Phila Stockman Sidney Mays, Ursula F Stodomingo Milagros G Stofey Juleann Marie Stognief Vincent, Helen Stokes Charles R Stokes Clarence Sr Stokes Marian M Stokley Mary A Stoller Jessica Stoltz Susan L Stoltzfus Alanna Stone Charles H Stone Sasha Stone Zachary A Store 42169 Storti John Stoshs Pink Rose Corp Stots Marvin Stout Mary Stovall Dorothy Stowe Leonard V Stowers Claudia H Stracciolini Rose Strack Lorena C Strader Christina Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young Strahlendorff Tracy Straight Joy N Strain Meghann Strand Nettie Strange Brandi Strategic Governance Straub Linda Straus Joseph Jr Straus Philip A Strauss Edward J Strawn Jennifer Streamline Solutions Strickland Margaret Striga Michael, Richard Strikes Bowling Lounge Strohmeier Agnes D Stroman Donte Stroman Retha Strong Cassell Est Stroud Charlotte Struhsaker Paul Strunk Eden Stuard Doris Stubbs Joyce K Student Joseph Stukes James G, Sierra Stukes Mary Stulz Joan M Stump Ethan Stumpo Stacey L, Fern Stunson Elizabeth Stutz Christina Stutzman Rebecca Su Ya Jung Su Young Inc Suah Frances Suarez Rogelio Sub Robert J Suber Mijiza Suber Veronica Subramanian Sivaprakash Sucasa Multiservicios Inc Sueker Ruth Suelle Corp Sufong Chan C Suh Michael Sule Umaru Sulistyawati Dyana M Sulit Armando M MD Sullivan Joseph F, Helen Sullivan Asso Sullivan Henrietta Sullivan Kathryn Sullivan Katie Sullivan Leon H Sullivan Matthew Sulock Michelle Sulpizio Charles, Lucy

Sultan Ali Sultan Saleh M Sumithra Naidoo Summers Quinzell Summit Court Reporting Inc Sumoski Vincent C Sumpter Columbus Sun Cecilia Sun Company Inc Sun Fitness Facility Sun Life Assur Co of Canada Sun Oil Inc Sun Susan W Sun Yang Sun Yiren Sun Zhen Sundar Natarajan MD Sunderman F William Sunkett Vivian Sunpower Afrique Sunrise Senior Livin Sunsource Superior Physical Therapy Supple Michele A Supplier Minority Supreme Group Ltd Suraci Alex Suraci Daniel Suraci Joseph Angelo Jr Suraci Jospeh A Sure Trace Security Cor Suriano Patricia Suryani Syukur Susan G Komen for the Cure Susanto Efendi Susilo Santa M Sussex Marketing Llc Sussholtz Judith P Sussman Barbara J Sussman Gerald Sussman Joseph A Suswanto Teguh Sutaria Nilesh Sutin Matthew Sutton Martin S MD Suvannavejh Marisa Suzuki Masaaki, Serika Swain Charles Swain Ernestine Swalm Chad B Swanson Kimberly Swartz Campbell Llc Sweeney Brendan T, Terence M Sweeney Anne Marie Sweeney Joseph Sweeney Julia Rose Sweeney Margaret G Sweet Shirley E, William Sweet John Sweeten Robert, Judith Swiden Ahmed Swimming Marcus F Swinton Calvin Sylk T M, G A Sylla Mamadou Sylvan Learning Sylvester Patrick W Sylvia T Lotspeich Chartered Invest Co Syrena Auto Body Shop Szczepanski Edward, Donna Szewczak Donna T A Merriam Theater T F S Ins Agency Inc T R C Operations Inc T S O Adjustment Svc T W of Stanley E Zimmeerman T W Sidney R Rosenau Pat Guthman T&T Agency Inc Taaffe Jessica Tabbutt Sarah Tabernacle Beulah Tachiki Steven T Taft Cleveland Taglianetti Armando Tague Thomas Taing Pheng Taj Motors Tajimi Atsuko Takakuwa Kevin Takara Calvert Takeno Hiroko Takla Nanina Tal Sharon, Nadav Talavera Abigail Tallant Michael S Talley Doreen R Talley James Talodsuk Weerana Tamaccio Anthony Tamang Birkha



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Tamba Leroy Tamburino Savino, Mary Tan Gan Hong Tan Guo X Tan Liting Tan M Kristin Tana Antoinette R Tanaka Takemi Tancredi Albert R Tanel Lauren E Tanel Ronn Tang Amy Tang Tri Tang Xinjing Tang Zhongzhou Tangiku Toshio Tanguay Marsha J Tannenbaum Abraham, Esther Tanya Kraynak Reporting Tapia Carmelo Tapia Estelle Est Tapia Jaime Taqui Fatimah Taran Kuzey Taras Debra Taraskus Anthony, Stella Tardio Mary L Taricano Julie M Tarpley Juanita Tarsatana Joseph Tarsia Family Investments Tart Jean Tartaglione Margaret R Tartaglione Michael Trust Tarver Kyle Tas Serkan Tasch Edward B Tassone Katherine Tataren William J, Antonia Tate Tavonte Tacore Tateishi Takuya Taussig Ariella Tawiah Kwavena Tax Executives Inst Taxicab & Limousine Div Taylor Aversa, James, Linn Taylor Carl Taylor Charlonda Taylor Christopher Taylor Clara Taylor Corliss A Taylor David L Taylor Essie Taylor Ethel T Taylor Gwendolyn Taylor Iris G Taylor James Taylor Jarnell Taylor Jason Taylor Julius Taylor K P Taylor Kelli A Taylor Kimberlie A Taylor Lane Jr Taylor Leslie Taylor Mabel Taylor Mary L Taylor Ossie Taylor Patricia E Taylor Reba Louise Taylor Robert Taylor Tyvina Taylor Wesley Taylor Zelmo Tc Wentworth Mgmt Tchoufag Joel Td Bank Na Teagle Anna Est Teagle Diane Teagle Nathan Teal Alonza M Teberian Ida Tedeschi Rosemarie Est Teevan David Teevan Katherine E Tegeda Helcio A Teixeira Cristina Tejadarojas Cristina M Tekle Mulu Teklemuze Mulu Tekmen Tulu Telamerica Media Inc Teleos Leadership Inst Tellez Jafet Tempio David Temple Ashley Tennekoon Gihan MD Tenorio Cecilia Tensai Labs Llc Tenuto Edward

Teow Sue M Terai Mizue Teramagro Orlando Terker Ross L Terrance Armstrong Terranova L Terras Peter K Terrell Robert Jr Terrelonge Garth A Terrill Dorothy Tesauro Rita Tesch Gary Teshome Netsanet Tessler J Leonard Tettemer Red Tfm Investment Group Tfs Insurance Agency Inc Tgr Company Tgss Llc Thach Bich Thach Saren Thack Ingrid Thackray Sue Thaker Abigail Thanasouk Sokvilay Thapa Siddhartha Tharpe Otha Thayer Marion The Annenberg Center The Corp Housing Partners Llc Theara Kitchen Theater League of Phila Inc Theis Kathleen V, Andrew Theodore G Duncan & Asso Theorgood Lushington D Thielke Timothy A Thieu Stephen M, Jessica N Thistles 18 Inc Thomas Barbara J, Shelita M Thomas George, Ivy Thomas Andrea Thomas Anish Thomas Beatrice L Thomas Benke Thomas Brian K Thomas Burnis Thomas Daniel Kurt Heinr Thomas Edward Thomas Emma L Thomas Estelle Thomas Flynn E Est Thomas Gary R Thomas Gertrude Thomas Gladys Thomas James Thomas John Thomas Joshua C Thomas Kariama Thomas Karriem Thomas Kim E Thomas M Kohler Dds Thomas Margretta Thomas Mary Thomas Michelle S Thomas Monique J Thomas Prop Group Gail Korchak Thomas Ronald L Thomas Roy Thomas Sylvia Thompson Everld, Katie Thompson Bernard Thompson Denise Thompson Dianne Thompson Dorothea Thompson Florence E Thompson Helene E Thompson James A Thompson Jason Thompson Kirk S Thompson Margaret Thompson Melvin L Thompson Michael Thompson Natasha Thompson Regina Est Thompson Sheddie Thompson Tenia S Thompson Terressa A Thompson Tywann Thomsen David C Thomson Derrick Thomson Reuters Thomson Scientific Thon Pros Thor Savanna Thottungal Jacob P Throwaway Horse Llc Thulin Madeline Thurnauer Logan W Thurston Irene F Tian Chen

PGN Tian Qiu Tian Yu Xuan Ticketleap Tidwell Otto F Tildord Clarence D Tilles Sara Tilley Lillian E Tillman Janice Timberlake Patrick M Timbers Elroy Timoshenko Ivan Timotius Joesuf Tinney Margaret Tiong Raymond K Tippins Patricia Tirone Mark Tisch Samuel Tishman Const Titan Industrial Sup Titan Street Holdings Lp Titus Mitchell Tjendrawati Yohanes Erika Tjioe Jong T Tjokrosaputro Inggrid Tju Ortho Sports Med Tk Development Llc To Cindy To Sang N Tobin Margaret A Toborowsky Robort MD Toczylowski Maria Todays Bus Inc Todays Women Health Center Inc Todt John Tokska Irakli Tol Liquidation Settlement Toldya Inc Toliafarro Jibri Toll Edith Tom Samantha Tom Vuong Cig Asia Ltd Toman Vera Tomas Katrina Tomassetti Catherine Tomato Couch Tomeo Monica Tomizawa Keiko Tomkins Florence B Tomkins Judith A Tomsich John Tone Katherine A Toner Edward Tong Martina Tongue Lorraine Toole Edith O Toolin Catherine Toombs Beverly Toomer Bonita L Top of The Clock Enter Inc Top Tomato Pizza Cafe Inc Topalovic Filip Topoulos Arthur P MD Torchia Joseph N Torchia William Tordini Ida Torelli Rachel Torian Bernadette Torok Tibor, Eva Toroni Stephen Torpey Beatrice D Torquato Franco Torres Carmen S Torres Ursula Toscani Frances Toshniwal Dhruv R Toska John Total Health Total Sport Totally Wireless Inc Toure Fatoumata Tournezy Rock Towers Watson Pennsylvania Towing by the Hook Inc Towns Evelyn Exe Towns John A Est Townsend Helen M Townsend Rita M Toys for Tots Tps Iv of Pa Llc Tracy Beth Tracy Donald P Tracy Emon Tramel Phillip Tramel Saundra D Trampe Edward J Trampe Edward-Nora Tran Bao V Tran Chi Tran Eric Tran Hien

Tran Hung Tran Jennifer Obo Tran Jerry Tran Loc Tran Maryann Tran Quang D Tran Tan Tran Xinh H Transfield Services Transportation Ins Co Trantas Stephen Trasatti Pasquale Trasatti Violet Travagline Rose Travel Rodgers Travers Margaret F Travis Emma K Travkin Yriy Trc Pinnacle Towers Llc Treatman Isadore Treilmen Mark Trerotola James Treshaj Jeter P, Albena Tri State Public Adjusters Inc Triad Strategies Llc Triangle Medical Inc Trimingham Trust Pamela Dunbar Trinh Brian Trinh Phuc M Triple A Pharmacy Triplet Foods Inc Bains Trocki Daniel Trombetta Mildred Tropea Joseph Troup Darryl Trubman Shirley, Joseph Trudeau Isabel Truitt Mary P Trulear Charles F Truong Alvin Truong Betty Truong Buu H Truong Long Trusty Eugene Jr Trusty Iolette Truxton Billy Tryillo Roberta Tsai Christopher C Tsai Hsun Chih Tsai Hsunchih Tsai Lindsay Tsai Meng Yeh Tsai Pei C Tse Chi Yan Tse Natalie Tse Theresa Tsekhman Adam Tsepenyuk Juliya Tso Leonard K Tsuchiya Hiromichi Tsuei Jannie Tsui An Z Tsuru Junichiro Tsvbo Urara Tsz Leung Cheung Laundromat Tu Pei Hsuan Tu Qiang Tucker George Tucker Jackie Tucker Juliette Tucker Law Group Llc Tucker Shawn M Tud Albert F Hauptfuhrer Jr Tud Charles W Young Tuirner Elizabeth G Tullio Josephine Tully Henriette Tuman William M Dmd Tun Tavern Mcl Tunstall Cecilia A Tuono Andrew Turay David Turchin Robert H Turlington El Turnbull James Turner Iskandar A, Ebon K Turner Bernard N Turner Carol A Turner Construction Co Turner Daniel S Turner Iskandar Turner Louise Turner Nancy Turner Rubin Turner Sarah E Turner Shareea Turner Suzanne E Turner Tangela Turner Tashia Turso Kelly A

Tustin William E Tuttle Elizabeth Tv Works Llc Twelfth Street Hotel Asso Tyler Dominic Tyler James M Tyler William A Tyshon Brown Smith Schol Fund Tyson Adaline M Tyson Katherine U S Bank N A U Save Auto Ucci Albert, Mario Uchimoto William Uchiyama Yusuke Uddin Kosuma Udomvitayanukul Apinun Uebele Matthew T Ueda Yoshiyasu Uematsu Takafumi Uetake Mariko Ugnat Liana Uhl Vincent W Uhlar Elsie Uhlar Mary Ulrich Julie Ultimo Aaron Ulysses Kae W III Underwood Danae Underwood Tamika L Undrcrwn Unger Michael United Check Cashing United Elevator Co United Engineers Intl Universal Health Rehab Universal Service Admin Co University City Dental Center Pc University City Housing Co University of Family Planning Upadhyay Santosh Upchurch Lillian Uplinger Ruth E Upsfcu Upshaw Roosevelt, Robena Urban Florence F, Francis Urban Charles Urban Florence H Est Urbanczyk Amanda E Urbonowski Jason Uritis Mary Urso Yolanola Us Bank Corp Svcs Tlsg Us Bank Na Us Construction Inc Us Debt Settlement Llc Usem Morton Ut Lounge Uy Clariville V F Holdings Inc Vaddi Madhavi Vagnoni Michael L Vague Richard Valdez Patricia, David A Valdez Maribel Valentin Lilliana, Luis A Valentin Alvin Debra Valentine Carla Valentine Charles M Valentine Fred Valentine Joanne Valentine Rose M Valenzano Richard Valley Anne F Valterza Mr Value Furniture & Mattress Warehouse Van Zyl Sarel Johannes Stefanus Vance James W Vandegrift Mark Vandelay Marketing Llc Vanderkooi Jane Vandusen Nicholas, Laurie Vanessa Barnes Vanha Thu Vanish Archie Vankouwenberg Matthew N Vann Donald S Vann Starlett Vannello Anthony III Vannoord Julie Vanstory Vivian Vanzee Roger Var Theng S Varallo Michael A Varano Christopher M Varela Eliazabeth Varga Eugene Vargas Kenneth A Varges Jose Varquez Sabia V

PGN Varsami Evagelia Varsanyi Joseph Vasaturo Amy Vascular Access Center of Prince Georges Vasilyev Gennadiy Vassar Elizabeth Vaughan Lucy E Vaughn Alfred Vaughn Victoria Vazquez Antonio Vazquez Candalaria Veal Bunnal Vecchione Corinne M Vecchione Robert Jr Vecchione Steven R Vega Nicholas Vegh Moses Veith Geoffrey W, Samuel A Velasquez Hernan M Velazguez Ruben Velazquez Ismael Velazquez Omaida C Velez Manuel Velji Zaman Vella Joseph M Jr Velosky Helen C Vemulapalli Varun Vengraitis Katharine A Venkatesh Nischitha Ventras Capital Advisors Vera Anthony Vera Marcial Verdhi Miltvadh Verdi John Verdugo Angel R Veritext Acquisition Natl Depo Veritext Corp Veritext Pa Reporting Co Verna Anthony, Amalia Verona Peter Verrastro Leonard Vgontzas Athanasia Viatraveldesign Com Vicente Ana R, Peter Vicente Carmelo Vick Dathan Victory Milton M Vidallon Diana B Video Tape Deposition Svc Vie Financial Group Inc Vie Vanessa View Keith A Vigilante Mary A Vilaisak Bounlab Vilaisak Bounsri Vile Daniel Village at Temple Llc Villari Anthony Villata Dinora Villegas Carla Vilnyansky Yury Vinci John J, Rita Viner Alfred Vining John M Vinod Shanbhogue Amita A Vinson Gregory Vipavini Athayu Virtua Health Virtus Investment Vital Support Home Health Care Vitale Frances Vitale Mary L Vitelli John J Jr Vitt Geoffrey B Viverol Rodolfo Vla Vo Catherine Vo Phuong T Volpe James C Volpe Koenig Von Johnson Voneschenbach Frances M Voorhees James F Vorn Saly Vukich Eva Vuocolo Diane E Vuong Stacey Vuong To Vyas Hansa W L Schneider Asso Inc W Moennig & Son Ltd Wachter Jonathan Wade Charles, Mattie Wade Clark Mulcahy Wade Financial Wadhera Sangeeta, Naveen Wadhwa Ankit Wadleigh Virginia B Waeger Patrice S Wafer Eric

Wagenfeld Levine Wager Russell Wagman David Wagner Amanda V Waheed Sanam Wahl Constance A Wahrhaftig Ephraim, Clara Waite Daren B Waite Penelope V Walbank June Elizabeth Walczak Maria Walczykowski Richard, Lillian Waldman Amy T Md Waldman Jodie S Waldman Nahum M Waldron Charles Walker Elizabeth I, Evelyn Walker Christopher Walker Deshonda Walker Earl R Jr Walker Elizabeth Walker Emma Walker Erika Walker Espeut Marie L Walker Jeremy Walker Julius Walker Laura B Walker Luke G Walker Michael S Walker Shirley Walker William J Wall Elizabeth Wall Rose Wallace Anthony Wallace Bertha J Wallace Beth Wallace Dorothea Wallace Ella J Wallace Ellenor A Wallace Florence Wallace James Wallace Joseph J Wallace Rufus Wallace Shirley M Waller James Walls Verna L Wallsh Christie Walnut Towers Asso Walsh Elizabeth Walsh James B Walsh Jane Walsh Kathleen Walsh William A Walston Charles Walston Marilyn L Walter John G Waltermeyer Jean E Est Walters Alyssa Walters Benjamin Walters Joseph Walthour Cheron Walton Cedra Walton Colsum C Walton Edward A Jr Wambach Jacklyn Wan Kwok T Wands Robert Jr Wang Alena Wang Chung N Wang Cong S Wang Fa Po Wang Ke X Wang Kristina Wang Lei Wang Mier Wang Shang J Wang Tingying Wang Wenjie Wang Xin Wang Xinyi Wang Y Wang Yuan Wang Yuanfei Wang Yueduan Wang Zhuo Wangia Gregory Ward Luther E, Louise Ward John E III Ward Kevin D Est Ward Little Bernice A Ward Louise M Ward Margaret Ward Marie A Ward Marjorie E Ward William V Ware Adia Ware Mary G Warfield A Wargo Stephen Waring Michael J

Warman Kai S Mr Warner Coleman Goggmarshall Denne Warner Gordon I Warner Jamie G Warner Justin Warner Marshall Dennehey Coleman Goggi Warren & Vullings Llp Warren Carl Warren Ramenta D Warren Scott Warrington Dorothy Washington Ajanna Washington Brian Washington Cora Washington Eleanor Washington Irene Washington James Washington Lois Washington Rebecca Washington Samyre I Washington Tamaro Wasilsky Marcella E Wasylak Mae B Water Revenue Bureau Waters B Waters Catherine Waters Shelly Waters William Watkins Jahmilla Watkins Patterson Watkins Sylvester Est Watson Andre Watson Christopher Watson Corene M Watson Eaddy Watson Helen L Watson Jason Watson Robert A Watson Ronald Watson Svcs Inc Watt Robert Watt Robert F Watterson Jean Watunya Robert M Waxman David B Way Annie Way William E Waymon Seals, Ways Lounge Wayne Desiree Wayne Joseph Michael Wazlters William Wc Tuscola Llc Wealthcare Fin Advisory Weatherbee Marie Weathers Dwayne Weaver Anita Weaver Ashley Weaver Ella Weaver Gregory T Weaver Leonard Weaver Lorin Weaver Margaret R Webb Ethel D Webb George W Webb Rodney F Weber Elsie Weber Esther E Weber Gallagher Simpson Stapleton Weber Karyl A Weber Mariel P Weber Marilyn J Weber Michelle B Weber Yuning Webster Andrew P Webster Clinton Wechsler Grace Weckerly Emma Weddle Ryan Wedemeyer Sheldon Wee Yeong Weekly Jerry Weeks Steven Weglicki Timothy Wegrzyn Jon Paul Wei Jie Wei Ke Wei Linyi Weichselbaum Simone Weinberg Jason S Weinberg Marian S Weinberg Martha Weinberg Stephanie Pearl Weinberg Zachary W Weinberger Andrew S Weiner Betty R Weiner David A Weiner Honey Weiner Lynda Weingard Fred Weinstein Claire

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Weinstein Denise Weinstein Goss Schleifer Eisenberg Winkler & Rothw Weinstein J Marc Weinstein Lynn P Weinstein Schleifer & Kupersmith Pc Weinstock Jack Weir Joan L Weisberg Robyn Leslie, Alice Weisenthal Ben Weiser Gerard Weisman Jeffrey S, Sandra M Weisman Marilyn, Alma C, Eric Weiss Edward, Alan Weiss Robert E, Mary Weiss Allison Beth Weiss Brandon Weiss Karen Weiss Michael Weiss Richard Weiss Sari B Weiss Taryn Weisse Charles Weitz Tierney Weitzel Sandra S Welch Ernest E Weller Catherin Weller Christopher Wellinger Graig W Wellington Assos Llc Wellington Roxanne Wells Claudia Wells Gerald Wells Joseph Wells Justin Wells Margurite H Wells Mary Est Wells Naomi J Wellspring Advisors Weltman David I MD Welton George Welton Janice N Wenit Elizabeth Werner Willard W Wernovsky Gil MD Wertheimer Marc D Wertheimer Rose Wesley Allen G Wesley Rowena Wessels Ron West Eric F West Joshua West Larry M West Phila Realty Board West Stanley R West William Western Investments Corp Weston Arthur Westphal Linda Wexler Sarah A Wga Whalen James Whang Rennie Wharton Health Care Wharton Wanda R Whatley Carol B Wheeler Gladys E Wheeler Jonathan Wheelwright Traci M White Christine, Glenford White Jonathan, John White Leona M, John T White Ailya White & Williams Llp White Anthony L White Antonio White Aruby White Chad White Darel White Edward M White Jacquline White Jonathan R White Laura White Margaret T White Rebecca White Richard White Robert White Sealve White Solomon L White Ummu White Vashaun A White Vivian Est White Williams Llp Whitehead Herbert Whitehead Kevin K MD Whitest Daniel Whitfield Anna May Whitfield Hasan Whitfield Irene R Whitfield Michael

Whitfield Niya S Whitfield Pauline Whithers Jeffrey Whitlock Josie C, Thomas Whitman Jacob T Whitney Josh L Whittington Marie Est Why W R Wicher Janice M, Joseph C Wieczorek Louise A Wiedmann Anna K Wiegand Laura C Wiest Michael Wigfall Louis Wiggin Bethany Wiggins Jacqueline Wiggins Lawrence Wijaya Fanny Wilbur W Oaks & Asso Wilcox Robert H, Carey B Wilden Eric Wiles Evangeline Wiley Alice M Wiley Seth Wilhelm Clarence Wilhelm James C Wiliams Lakeya Wilk Brand Pc Wilke Carsten Wilkie Earl A Wilkins Dorothy M Wilkins Gloria Wilkinson Rachel P Willard Alphonso A William Baines A William Benjamin William Margo William Muhr Attys Williams Albert Z Jr Williams Dorothy W, John Williams Elizabeth, Albert Z Williams Aaron J Williams Abigail Melinda Williams Albert Z Williams Alfred Williams Amos Williams Andre J Williams Annette Williams Bertha Williams Betty Williams Bobby Ray Williams Catherine Williams Charles Williams Cleveland Williams Craig Williams Daniel Williams Danielle Williams Dominic Williams Donte L Williams Doreen J Williams Dorothy B Williams Edythe Williams Elizabeth Williams Eric Wayne Williams Fannie Williams Genda Est Williams Georgia Williams Gerald M Williams Gerald R Williams Geraldine Williams Gerngross Adele Williams Gilbert Williams Gregory N Williams Hattie Williams Helen E Williams Ida Flood Williams Jacqueline Williams James D Williams Jarod J Williams Jessie Williams John Jr Williams Josephine T Williams Julia Williams Kathleen C Williams Keith R Williams Kirk K Williams Lamont Williams Leila M Williams Loraine Est Williams Lorraine J Williams Louvan R Williams Margaret Williams Marie Williams Mary S Williams Meridith April Williams Michael J Williams Mildred Williams Nikkia Williams Opal Williams Robert C



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Williams Rodney Williams Ryan Williams Shawn Williams Solomon J Williams Talisa Williams Terrance Williams Thomas Williams Tremayne Williams Tyray Williams Tysheena Williams Virginia Williamson Dennis Williamson Elizabet Williamson John G Jr Williamson Louise R Williamson Mary V Est Willig Williams & Davidson Willingham James Willingham Jeremiah Willis Calla Willis Gerald Willis Helen Willis Ruby Willis Stephan Willits Robert Willson Nicolas Wilmington Trust Fsb Wilson Thelma, Elmer Wilson Anna E Wilson Annette Wilson Atkinson Mary Wilson Bernard Wilson Brian Wilson Cheryl Wilson Cindia Wilson Darryl Wilson Dorothy F Wilson Eileen Wilson Elmer Est Wilson Fannie E Wilson Garrison Wilson Homer G Wilson James Wilson Joel Wilson John Wilson Leon A Wilson Lewis Wilson Martin Wilson Mary Wilson Maureen D Wilson Ronald Est Wilson Rose Wilson Shah Coryan Wimberly Ella Wims Natalie Win Khaing Winata Sudharta Winchell Co Winchester Annabelle Wineglass Alberta Winer Michael Wing Cynthia Wing James J Wing Sarah Winkelstein Rebecca Winkey Shanice Winston Maxine Winterbottom Lynne Ann, Michele, Harry Winters Julie Wisdom Judith F Wise Gazel E Wise Ins Group Wise Janice M Wise John J Wise Nakia E Wise Nicholette Wishnefsky Jack J Witherspoon Shirley, Carol Witherspoon Smith Brittany Wittwer Thomas Witzleben James Paul Wm Penn Realty Group Woldenberg Jordan Wolf Caroline, Doris, Lisa Wolf Abigail

Wolf Doris Wolf Elizabeth O Wolf I Wolf Sandra M Wolf William N Wolfe Donald, Dona Wolfe Emily Wolfe Stanley Wolfson Jeffrey Wolman Amanda Wolos John Wolpow Nina Wolters Kluwer Health Inc Womble Mamie Womens Bail Fund Womens Health & Env Network Womens Intl League Pe Wong Anna Wong Cai Wong Cherry Wong Chyi H Wong Gary Wong Julie S Wong Sarah Wong Woon T Wong Zhen Miao Wongshing Grace Wongus Cynthia L Wood William, Marie Wood Henry W Wood Joann M Wood Margaret D Woodall Barbara S Woodard Michelle Woodard Tracy Woodbury Melvin Woodcock Washburn Llp Wooden Bland Woodland Heights Woodman Ron Woodridge Diana L Woodruff Ashley Woods Lorraine, Leroy Woods Rashad Woods Sciteisha Woodside Richard J Woodson Belle Woodward Marguerite, Allan Woodward Shelby Woolard Alice G Worgu Kenneth Working Concepts Inc Workman Eloise C, Anne L Workman Anne L Worldwide Ins Systems Enter I Wormley Diane L Wortham Pearl Woskob Larissa Wray Betty Wright Kenneth P, Julia Wright Dorsey Wright Family Trust Wright James H Wright John B II Wright Joseph Wright Kim M Wright Mark Wright Marlene Wright Mary Wright Phillip Wright Ronald Wright Sabrina Wright Shelba S Wright William Wrigley Margaret Wroten Lalita J Wu Dao Wu Ju C Wu Kathleen E Wu Michelle Wu Minfeng Wu Samuel Wu Song M Wu Xinye Wu Ya Huey


Wuchter James R Wugofski Wendy Wulbrecht Robert Est Wulf Robert Wuzardo Robert W Wwf Paper Co Wyche James Wyche Johnny L Jr Wyman Nicholas K Wynn Catherine Wynn Constance Wynn Nasir Wynne Nancy Jo Wynne Willie Wyrick Gabrielle Wysock Helen, Mary Wyzenbeek Kimberly Bowie Xia Mu Xiao Bei Xiao Li Xiao Zaiyuan Xie Qing Xie Xian Fang Xie Xiaoyue Xinmin Cai Xinyu Liang Xinyue Guo Xu Hongwu Xu Ke Xueyuan Zhang Yadala Sisira Yadav Abhishek Yaeger Ernestine Yaffee Shoshana Yakich Mary H Yamagami Jun Yamamoto Koji Yamamoto Kokichi Yan Yancey Marie S Yancone Stephanie E Yang Jingchan, Amanda Yang Cheng Yang Chungying Yang Han Chang Yang Hong Yang Jian H Yang Jian Quan Yang Jin Yang Jing Yang Jun Yang Ming Yang Tian Yang Wentao Yang Xiuzhen Yang Zhuohan Yankovich Rita Yanky Pator Yannaccone Meghan Yanofsky Benjamin Yanwei Lu Yarbrough Hank Yarmakhov Boris Yates Jahih Yayi Xu Yeager Joseph A Yeh Hsiao Yun Yelverton Willie Jr Yen Andrew Yeonhwa Lee Yermish Jeffrey A Yi Beth Yi Jean K Yi Meng Yi Vanna Yijung Kim Yildirim Emre Yim Phann Yip Kin Yiwen Xu Yoeung Phanna Yoga on the Parkway Yoh Services Llc Yohanes Stanley C Yong Xing Foods

Yongle Zhu Yongs Construction Inc Yoo Hyunjung Yoo Yonghwan Yoo Youngwook Yoon Hejae York Metal York Michael A Yost Edward L Yost Edward Nicholas You Chan You James S Est You Jung Min You Theresa W Young Calvin P Young Chante Young Charles R Young Edward Young El Moab Young Gloria Young Paul Young Pauline Young Roger Young Steven Young Tennis Young Wilda B Young William B Youngblood Edward C Youngblood Frederick Younge Varnceil Yousef Maan Shiekh Ypages Group Yu Eunju Yu Huan Yu Jason W Yu Jiaxin Yu Jun Yu Lawrence Yu Tiffany Yu Ya Jui Yu Zheya J Yucum Francis H Yumak Ali K Yunfan Huang Yung Alex Yuqing Li Yurgin Tommy Yushi Miyamoto Yushinski Rachel Est Zabczynski Est Joseph, Evelyn Zaccaria Rosemary Zaccone & Petrone Pc Zachary Winthrop Zachmann T X Zagzoog Ghaith Zahrany Saleh F Zaidi Saleha N Zaiyuan Xiao Zakarevicz Lisa C Zakhary Mina Zalascek Susan E Zalesne Lester M, Pearl Zambino Tillie Zamora Guillermo Zanaras Reporting Video Zani Stephen Paul, Frank A Zaoutis Theoklis E MD Zappala Mary Zaragoza Pamela Zaranka John M Zargulis Kevin Zarin Donald Zarrow Laura J Zasloff Eva S Zauhar Catherine X Zavino Wine Bar & Pizzaria Zawislak Genevieve Zayas Mercedes Zayas Osvaldo Zderic Olivia Zeigler Elizabeth Zeigler Linda Zelinsky Amy Zellman Catharine, Harry Zelner Jonathan L

Zemartis Robert Zemble Herbert O Zendig Michael Zeng Xi Liang, Siu Ling Zengin Ihsan Zerambo Bernard R Zervas Rachel Zevins Drug Store Zeyu Zhang Zhang Chun Zhang David Zhang Derrick Zhang Fuqiang Zhang Hualong Zhang Jin X Zhang Li Zhang Qi Zhang Qingshen Zhang Xiangjun Zhang Xiaochen Zhang Yuxing Zhang Zhi Zhong Zhao Bichuan Zhao Feng Zhao Jianguang Zhao Wei Zhaohuang Jiang Zheng Guo An Zheng Huishu Zheng Jian H Zheng Jing L Zheng Qi Zheng Shou Zhong Junjun Zhong Luo Xiao Zhou Chenchong Zhou Guangyu Zhou Hua Zhou Lin Zhou Nan Zhou Runjie Zhou Xiaoquan Zhu Yan Zhu Yanxi Zhuo Chun Y Zhuo Shuping Ziabari Seyed A Zibelman Legal Asso Pc Ziceardi Anna Zied Gertrude, I Harry Ziegler Arthur Zielenbach Paul J Zimmerman Rosalyn N Zimmerman Tammy S Zinazanian Mary Zingler Bridget Zinkewich Anna Zinkewich Joseph Zinni Maria Zinni Maria E Adm Zion Ilana Ziserman Maxine Ziss Bethany E Zissman Frances M Zito Alfred F Zitzmann Dara A Zobel Thomas W Zolinas Charles Zoltowski Mary N, John H Zong Yuan Zoom Holdings Llc Zoommania Zorana Romana Dekide Est Zoski Gloria Zou Zong Xiao Zubaly Elizabeth Zubashvili Nanuli Zubenko Vladimir Zubeyde Narinc Zucca Michael Zuccato Cecelia Zuhtu Ufuk Dirim Zul Kelly Zuppe Michael Zuritsky Joseph S

For information about the nature and value of the property, or to check for additional names, visit: | 1.800.222.2046 | | Paid for with Pennsylvania tax dollars


Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

If you’re a long-term survivor of HIV/AIDS come share your experience, and discover new ways of looking to the future.



SAturdAy, MAy 14, 9AM–5PM WilliAM WAy lGBt coMMunity center 1315 Spruce St. LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED • RsVP REqUEstED

The Reunion PRojeCT is a free daylong meeting for long-term survivors living with HIV/AIDS. Join other long-term survivors of HIV/AIDS to discuss how to live long, healthy lives and tHrIVe. the day will include a chance to hear each others’ stories, get updates on the latest medical and psychosocial information and support, and help build a strong community of those of us who are committed to our individual and collective health and wellness.

For more information and to register, call the William Way Community Center, (215) 732-2220. Sponsored by Act up philadelphia, Action AIDS, LGBt elder Initiative, Mazzoni center, philadelphia FIGHt, pWN-uSA-philly, the reunion project, and the William Way community center. Funding generously provided by Bristol-Myers Squibb.




Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Classifieds All real-estate advertising is subject to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). PGN will not knowingly accept any realestate advertising that is in violation of any applicable law.

PGN does not accept advertising that is unlawful, false, misleading, harmful, threatening, abusive, invasive of another’s privacy, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful or racially or otherwise objectionable, including without limitation material of any kind or nature that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, provincial, national or international law or regulation, or encourage the use of controlled substances.

Real Estate Sale

For Sale

VENTNOR, NJ House for sale in Ventnor NJ. 2 story 5 bedroom house, needs some repairs. Priced right. Call 215 468 9166. ________________________________________40-25 PASSYUNK SQ AREA 9TH & TASKER FSBO. 3 st. townhouse, 3 BR, 2 BA, tiled kit, all appl. incl W/D. Refin. oak/cherry flrs., ample storage, patio w/lg planter. Wonderful 3rd fl deck potential. Short walk to Passyunk/Ital Mkt area, 1 blk to pub trans. $285K. Call 215-849-4049. _____________________________________________40-19 ESCAPE THE STRESS, NOISE AND CRAZY PACE OF THE CITY!!! Slow down- fulfill your dreams at the East Coast’s most breathtaking recreational paradise. Relax in the pristine mtns near a 3900 acre recreational lake, next to 2 championship golf courses and beautiful ski resort! Gorgeous, estate-size homesites on sale now from only $79,900. Ready to build, all infrastructure completed & private entrance for quiet seclusion. Excellent low rate financing. Call and ask about our FREE Weekend Escape Tour 877888-7581 Ext. 622. _____________________________________________49-19

ANTIQUE LOVERS TAKE NOTE- BRIMFIELD’S Famous Outdoor Antique/ Collectibles Show of 5,000 Dealers starts Tuesday May 10h. Info on 20 individual show openings- May 10th - 15th 2016. ________________________________________40-19

Vacation / Seasonal Rentals OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Resort Services. 1-800-638-2102. Online reservations: ________________________________________40-19

Help Wanted Entry Level Heavy Equipment Operator Career. Get Trained - Get Certified – Get Hired! Bulldozers, Backhoes & Excavators. Immediate Lifetime Job Placement. VA Benefits. National Average $18.00-$22.00 1-866-362-6497. ________________________________________40-18 EARN $500 A DAY Insurance Agents Needed * Leads, No Cold Calls * Commissions Paid Daily * Lifetime Renewals * Complete Training * Health & Dental Insurance * Life License Required. Call 1-888-713-6020. ________________________________________40-18 NOW HIRING Work and Travel. 6 Openings Now. $20+ PER HOUR. FullTime Travel, Paid Training, Transportation Provided. Ages 18+, BBB Accredited. Apply online www.protekchemical. com Call toll-free 1-866-751-9114. ________________________________________40-18

Services AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Get hands on training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial Aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-834-9715. ________________________________________40-19 PA DRIVERS Auto-Insurance-Help-Line. Helping you find a Car Insurance Payment You can afford. Toll Free 1-800-231-3603 www. Auto-Insurance-Helpline.ORG ________________________________________40-19 20 year retired military man looking to assist others with driving, chores, being a companion, etc. Have pick up truck. Live in possible. Call 717-866-7309. ________________________________________40-19 IF YOU HAD HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY AND SUFFERED AN INFECTION between 2010 and the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800-535-5727. ________________________________________40-19

Adoption We are a loving and fun couple hoping to grow our family through adoption. (800)478-4080 ________________________________________40-19 ADOPTION Loving couple hoping to adopt a baby. Open, accepting, secure. Contact Sue and Gary at suegaryadopt@; 516-234-7187; full details and video at www. ________________________________________40-19

Auto 2002 PT Cruiser. Red with wood grain. 112K. Runs good. Well maintained. $3000.00. Call Joe-856-275-6271. ________________________________________40-19 Always Turned down for an AUTO Loan? Not anymore! We can Help you drive away today! Bad Credit, Low Credit, even Bankruptcies! Get Pre-Approved now call 1-800-441-4751. ________________________________________40-19


locations in Philadelphia CENTER CITY — AROUND THE GAYBORHOOD

12th Street Gym, 204 S. 12th St. • 13th Street Gourmet Pizza, 209 S. 13th St. • AACO, 1101 Market St., 9th floor • Action AIDS, 1216 Arch St. • Apt. & Townhouse Rentals, 304 S. 12th St. • The Bike Stop, 206 S. Quince St. • Bioscript Pharmacy, 1227 Locust St. • Boxers PHL, 1330 Walnut St. • Cafe Twelve, 212 S. 12th St. • Charlie Salon, 203 S. 12th St. • Charlie was a Sinner, 131 S. 13th St. • City Hall NE Entrance • Club Body Center, 1220 Chancellor St. • Com-Har Living Room, 101 S. Broad St., 14th floor • Criminal Justice Center, 1301 Filbert St. • Cut Salon, 204 S. 13th St. • Danny’s Bookstore 133 S. 13th St. • Dignity/St. Lukes, 330 S. 13th St. • Dirty Frank’s Bar, 13th & Pine sts. • The Foodery, 10th & Pine sts. • GALAEI, 1207 Chestnut St. • ICandy, 254 S. 12th St. • Independent Hotel, 13th & Locust sts. • John C. Anderson Apts., 249 S. 13th St. • Mazzoni Clinic, 809 Locust St. • Midtown II, 122 S. 11th St. • More Than Just Ice Cream, 1119 Locust St. • Nationality Service Center, 1216 Arch St. • Optimal Gym, 1315 Walnut St. • Paolo Pizzeria, 1336 Pine St. • PAT@Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St. • Phila. FIGHT/ Aids Library, 1233 Locust St., 2nd floor • Planned Parenthood, 1144 Locust St. • Reading Terminal Market, 12th & Filbert sts. • Salon K, 1216 Locust St. • Scorpio Books, 205 S. Juniper St. • Spruce Street Video, 252 S. 12th St. • Square One, 249 S. 13th St. • Tabu, 200 S. 12th St. • Toast, 12th & Spruce sts. • Triangle Medicine, 253 S. 10th St., 1st floor • U Bar, 1220 Locust St. • Valanni, 1229 Spruce St. • Venture Inn, 255 S. Camac St. • William Way LGBT Community Center, 1325 Spruce St. • Woody’s, 202 S. 13th St. •

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Philadelphia Gay News Our largest issue of the year is coming for

Philadelphia Gay Pride

Issue date: June 10 Art deadline: June 3


Bean Café, 615 South St. • Best Western Independence Park Hotel lobby, 215 Chestnut St. • Bodhi Coffee, 410 S. 2nd St. • Bridgeview Place, 315 New St. • Cedrone’s Flowers, 800 Lombard St. • Class Act Auto Repair, 2042 S. Bancroft St. • Copabanana, 342 South St. • Dane Décor, 315 Arch St. • Filter Coffee Co., 331 Race St. • Hopkinson House, 604 S. Washington Sq. • Hyatt Regency Hotel lobby, 201 S. Columbus Blvd. • Independence Place Condos, 241 S. Sixth St., lobby in both towers • Independence Visitors Center, 6th & Market sts. • Modish Hair Salon, 640B South St. • PGN offices, 505 S. Fourth St. • Philadelphia Java Co., 518 S. Fourth St. • Reading Terminal Market, 12th & Filbert sts. • Strands Salon, 25 N. Third St. • Two Independence Place, 233 S. 6th St. •Ultimo Coffee, 1900 S. 15th St. • Wireworks, 301 Race St. •


Adonis Cinema, 2026 Sansom St. • Art Institute, 1622 Chestnut St. • Art Institute, 2300 Market St. • The Attic Youth Center, 255 S. 16th St. • Bob & Barbara’s, 1509 South St. • Dan Tobey R/E, 1401 Walnut St., 8th floor • Dr. Wakefield’s Office, 255 S. 17th St., Suite 2306 • Drucker & Scaccetti, 1600 Market St., Suite 3300 • Drexel Partnership, 1427 Vine St., 3rd floor • Latimer Deli, 255 S. 15th St. • MANNA, 12 S. 23rd St. • Marine Club Condos lobby, Broad St. & Washington Ave. • Metropolitan, 115 N. 15th St. • PA Law Project, 2122 Chestnut St., Suite 1600 • Phila. Daily News, 801 Market St. • Safeguards Lobby, 1700 Market St., 18th floor • Sansom St. Gym, 2020 Sansom St. • South Square Market, 2221 South St. • Stir, 1705 Chancellor St. • U Do It Laundry, 15th & Spruce sts. • Westminster Arch Apts., Vine St., 3rd floor •


Almost Paradise, 742 Frankford Ave. • Awbry Aboretum, 1 Awbry Rd. • Caribbean Pharmacy, 3825 N. 5th St. •Elfant Wissahickon Realty, 8962 Ridge Ave. • Fantasy Island Books, 7363 State Road • Harry’s Natural Foods, 1805 Cottman Ave. • Infinity Jewelers, 3528 Cottman+ Ave. • Infusion Salon, 7133 Germantown Ave. • Morris House, 5537 Woodland Ave. • One Day At A Time, 2532 N. Broad St. • Philadelphia University KANBAR Center, 4201 Henry Ave. • Philly Pharmacy, 9475 Roosevelt Blvd. • WCAU TV lobby, City Line Ave. & Monument Road • Weaver’s Way, 559 Carpenter Lane • Welker Real Estate, 2311 Fairmount Ave. • WPVI TV lobby, City Line Ave. & Monument Road •

Would you like to be on our distribution list? Contact: or 215-451-6182 ext. 200 for delivery of complimentary copies.


Show your support for the gay community in our largest issue of the year, celebrating and one of city’s largest festivals: • Highest level of disposable income of any niche market • Highly educated and highly affluent audience • Readership of 50,000, plus an additional 8,000 bonus distribution at Philly Gay Pride June 14 at Penn’s Landing • 70% of gay and lesbian adults would pay premium for a product from a company that supports the LGBT community

To reserve your space today, email or call 215-625-8501 ext. 201



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Space, Light, and Low Condo Fees. In Center City.

I’m Here For You! RANKED TOP 1% NATIONALLY by Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach Realtors. The Menno Team

1352 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147

Tom Sherwood Sales Associate, Real Estate Agent Berkshire Hathaway Home Services

693 South State Street Newtown, Pa 18940 Business 215-968-6713 x3020 Fax 215-968-7823

• 1,100 - 2,500 sq ft • Covered deeded parking • 20’ ceilings • Pet friendly • Tax abatement thru 2017

Call or Visit Today! 215.545.1352




Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016


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Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Friends Men LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. ________________________________________40-29 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. ________________________________________40-21 Senior WM ISO same who would like to be orally serviced. Must be patient; I am very inexperienced. Call Bill at 856655-4013. NJ only, please. ________________________________________40-20

Massage David, 66, 6’, 200 lbs., attentive. 215-569-4949. (24/7) ________________________________________40-24





2026 Sansom St (located 3 doors up from Sansom St Gym)

215-557-9319 4 Small Theaters with Video & Dark Room Area

HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday - Thursday


(closed an hour for cleaning)

Friday- Sunday:

Open 24hrs

1976 - 2 016

Getting married?


If you are celebrating an anniversary, engagement, wedding, adoption or other life event, we would be happy to help you announce it to the community. Send your contact information and a brief description of the event to



Half Price Rooms & Lockers (6am Sunday till 8am Monday) ROOMS: Members: $12.50 and Non-Members: $22.50 LOCKERS: Members: $9.00 and Non-Members: $19.00

MONDAY thru FRIDAY: (8am to 4pm) Business Mans Locker Special 4 hour lockers Members: $5.00 and Non-Members: $15.00 TUESDAYS

Half Price Rooms (6am till 12 Midnight) Members: $12.50 and Non-Members: $22.50

WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISE $12 Flat Rate for Locker Admission & Clothing Optional (4pm-12 Midnight)

SATURDAY AFTERNOON DELIGHT 4 Hour Lockers (8am - 4pm) Members: $5.00 and Non-Members: $15.00

Check out our website for our WEEKLY SPECIALS & JOIN OUR e-mail List to get the latest information on upcoming events....





Delco Dudes A men’s social and support group meets 7-9 p.m. the first and third Wednesday of the month at Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County, 145 W. Rose Tree Road in Media; delco.dudes@

Evolutions A drop-in support group for anyone on the transgender spectrum meets 6 p.m. Thursdays at 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; 215-563-0652 ext. 235.

40 Acres of Change Discussion group for teen and young adults meets 6-8 p.m. Thursdays at The COLOURS Organization Inc., 1207 Chestnut St., third floor; 215-851-1975.

Mazzoni Center Family and Community Medicine Primary health care and specialized transgender services in a safe, professional, nonjudgmental environment, 809 Locust St.; 215563-0658.

GLBT Group of Hunterdon County Social and support groups for youth, teens and young adults, as well as parents and family members, meet at North County Branch Library, 65 Halstead St. in Clinton, N.J.; schedule at www., 908-300-1058.

Gay Married Men’s Association Meets 7-9 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St.; www. Men of All Colors Together Meets 7:30 p.m. the third Friday of the month, September through June, at William Way; 610-2776595, Men’s Coming Out Group, N.J. Meets 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at The Pride Center of New Jersey; Men of Color United A discussion/support group for gay and bisexual men of color meets 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays at 1207 Chestnut St., third floor; 215-4960330.

Parents/ Families Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Bucks County Meets 7:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month at Penns Park United Methodist Church, 2394 Second Street Pike, Penns Park, and hird Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at Warminster UCC, 785 Street Road; 215-348-9976. PFLAG/Chester County Meets 7 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month at the Unitarian Fellowship of West Chester, 501 S. High St.; 484-354-2448. PFLAG/Collingswood, N.J. Meets 6:30-9 p.m. the fourth Monday of the month at Collingswood Public Library, 771 Haddon Ave.; 609-202-4622, PFLAG/Media Meets 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universal Church, 145 Rose Tree Rd.; 610-368-2021. PFLAG/Philadelphia Meets 2-5 p.m. the third Sunday of the month at the LGBT Center at the University of Pennsylvania, 3907 Spruce St.; 215-572-1833. PFLAG/Princeton, N.J. Meets 7:30 p.m. the second Monday of the month in the George Thomas Room at Trinity Church, 33 Mercer St.; 609-6835155. PFLAG/Wilmington, Del. Meets 7-9 p.m. the second Thursday of the month at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1502 W. 13th St.; 302-654-2995. Philadelphia Family Pride Advocacy, support and social network for LGBT families offers play groups, monthly kids and teen talk groups, activities and outings. Planning meetings held monthly; 215-600-2864, info@, www.

T-MAN People-of-color support group for transmen, FTMs, butches, studs, aggressives, bois, genderqueer and all female-born individuals with gender questions meets 7:309:30 p.m. Mondays, 1201 Locust St., second floor; 215-632-3028, Transhealth Information Project Sponsors a weekly drop-in center from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays and and 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fridays at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; 215851-1822. Transgender Health Action Coalition Peer trans health-advocacy organization, 1201 Locust St., fourth floor; 215-732-1207. Young, Trans and Unified Support group for transgender and questioning individuals ages 13-23 meets 7:15 p.m. Thursdays at The Attic Youth Center, 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331, www.

Women Hanging Out With Lesbians A group in Central Pennsylvania that organizes concerts, camping, golf, picnics, hikes, plays and game nights in nonsmoking environments; com/group/howlofpa/. Lesbian Community of Delaware Valley Social group meets monthly for activities for gay women of all ages in Delaware, Chester and Montgomery counties; http:// Lesbian Couples Dining Group of Montgomery County Meets monthly; 215-542-2899. Mt. Airy Lesbian Social Club For lesbians in the Philadelphia area ages 35-plus; www.meetup. com/mtairylesbiansocial/. Queer Connections Social group for women in their 20s meets weekly; http:// queerconnections/. Sisters United A social/support group for transwomen of color ages 13-24, with weekly social events, open discusson and monthly movie/ discussions meets 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays, 1207 Chestnut St., third floor; 215-496-0330. Women Coming-Out Support Group Women, ages 18 and over, who consider themselves gay, lesbian, bisexual or questioning and are at any stage of the coming-out process are welcome to meet 7:30 p.m. the first Tuesday and third Thursday of the month at the Pride Center of New Jersey; www.


HAVEN LGBT, intersex, questioning, queer and allied youth ages 14-20 meet 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Lehigh Valley, 424 Center St., Bethlehem; 610-868-2153.

Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016

Community Bulletin Board Community centers

■ The Attic Youth Center 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331, For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held 4-7 p.m. Monday-Tuesday and 4-8:30 p.m. Wednesday-Friday. Case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday-Friday. ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St., 215-898-5044, center@dolphin. Regular hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. MondayThursday; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday; noon-6 p.m. Saturday; noon-8 p.m. Sunday. Summer hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

■ ActionAIDS: 215-981-0088

■ Rainbow Room: Bucks County’s LGBTQ and Allies Youth Center Salem UCC Education Building, 181 E. Court St., Doylestown; 215-957-7981 ext. 9065, Activities held 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays.

■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220, Hours: 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday, noon-5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays Peer counseling: 6-9 p.m. Monday-Friday Library: noon-9 p.m. Monday-Friday, noon-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Volunteers: New Orientation, first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

Key numbers

HiTOPS A safe-space support program for LGBT and questioning youth meets 2:30-4:30 p.m. the first and third Saturdays at 21 Wiggins St., Princeton, N.J.; 609-683-5155,

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: 215-587-9377

■ Equality Pennsylvania: 215731-1447;

■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: 856-933-9500 ext. 221

■ Equality Forum: 215-732-3378

Main Line Youth Alliance Meets from 7-9:30 p.m. Fridays at 106 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne; 610-688-1861, info@myaonline. org.

■ AIDS Library: 215-985-4851

Project Keeping it Safe LGBT youth drop-in center offers meetings, HIV and STD prevention and testing, counseling and other services on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 514 Cooper St., Camden, N.J.; 856-963-2432,

■ AIDS Treatment Fact line: 800662-6080

PRYSM Youth Center Youth ages 14-20 meet 6:30-8:30 p.m Wednesdays at the center, 126 East Baltimore Pike, Media; 610357-9948.

n The COLOURS Organization Inc.: 215-496-0330

Rainbow Room: Bucks County’s LGBTQ and Allies Youth Center Youth ages 14-21 meets 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays at Salem UCC Education Building, 181 E. Court St., Doylestown; 215-9577981 ext. 9065, rainbowroom@ Social X Change Social activity group for LGBT youth of color ages 13-23 meets 6-8 p.m. Tuesdays at 1207 Chestnut St., third floor; 215-8511975. Space to be Proud, Open, and Together Open to all LGBTQ queer youth and allies, ages 14-21, the SPOT meets 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursdays at Planned Parenthood of Chester County, 8 S. Wayne St.; 267-6876648. Young, Trans and Unified A support group for transgender and questioning youth ages 13-23 meets 7:15 p.m. Thursdays at The Attic Youth Center; 215-5454331, You’re Not Alone Sponsored by AIDS Delaware, the group for gay, lesbian and bisexual youth meets during the school year at 100 W. 10th St., Suite 315, Wilmington, Del; 800-810-6776. Youth Making a Difference A group for LGBTQ AfricanAmerican and Latino youth ages 14-24 meets 5-7 p.m. Tuesdays at Camden AHEC, 514 Cooper St.; 856-963-2432.


■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: 215592-1513

■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: 215-685-1633

■ LGBT Peer Counseling Services: 215-732-TALK ■ Mazzoni Center: 215-563-0652; Legal Services: 215-563-0657, 866-LGBT-LAW; Family & Community Medicine: 215-563-0658 ■ Office of LGBT Affairs — Director Nellie Fitzpatrick: 215-6860330;

■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Deputy Commissioner Kevin Bethel: 215-6863318 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: 215-760-3686 (Rick Lombardo); ■ Philly Pride Presents: 215875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: 717-9209537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: 215-732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)

■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): 215-572-1833 ■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: 215-686-4670


Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 216 W. Somerset St.; 215-763-8870. ActionAIDS Provides a range of programs for people affected by HIV/ AIDS, including case management, prevention, testing and education services at 1216 Arch St.; 215-981-0088, www. GALAEI: A Queer Latin@ Social Justice Organization Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; noon-6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St.; 215-851-1822 or 866-222-3871, Spanish/English HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays (walk-in) and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays (by appointment) at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; 215685-1821. HIV health insurance help Access to free medications and confidential HIV testing 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesdays at 13 S. MacDade Blvd., Suite

■ Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia Board meetings at 6:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at 100 S. Broad St., Suite 1810; free referral service at 215-6279090, ■ Independence Business Alliance Greater Philadelphia’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce, providing networking, business development, marketing, educational and advocacy opportunities for LGBT and LGBT-friendly busi-

108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; 610-586-9077. Mazzoni Center LGBTQ counseling and behavioral health services, HIV/ AIDS care and services, case management and support groups; 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; 215-563-0652, www. Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine Comprehensive primary health care, preventive health services, gynecology, sexual-health services and chronic-disease management, including comprehensive HIV care, as well as youth drop-in (ages 14-24) 5-7p.m. Wednesdays; 809 Locust St.; 215-563-0658. Philadelphia FIGHT Comprehensive AIDS service organization providing primary care, consumer education, advocacy and research on potential treatments and vaccines; 1233 Locust St.; 215985-4448; Washington West Project of Mazzoni Center Free, rapid HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 pm. Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Sunday; 1201 Locust St.; 215-985-9206.

Professional groups nesses and professionals; 215557-0190, ■ National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association Philadelphia chapter of NLGJA, open to professionals and students, meets for social and networking events; philly;

■ Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus Regional organization dedicated to promoting LGBT tourism to the Greater Philadelphia region, meetings every other month on the fourth Thursday (January, March, May, July, September and the third Thursday in November), open to the public; 215-8402039,



Philadelphia Gay News May 6-12, 2016


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