PGN May 29 - June 4, 2009 edition

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Philadelphia Gay News Vol. 33 No. 22

Honesty Integrity Professionalism

May 29 - June 4, 2009

Gays to wed in PA?

CA Supreme Ct. upholds Prop. 8 By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer The California Supreme Court this week upheld the ballot initiative that banned same-sex marriage in the state, but also validated the thousands of samesex marriages performed in the state when such unions were legal. The court released its longawaited ruling May 26, which was met by a sea of “shame on you” chants from the nearly 1,000 LGBT and ally supporters gathered outside the Supreme Court building in San Francisco. Although the court ruled in a 4-3 decision last May that denying same-sex couples access to marriage violated the state constitution’s equal-protection, due-process and privacy clauses, this week’s ruling noted that the constitution “explicitly recognizes the right of the people to amend their state constitution through the initiative process.” Following last year’s court ruling that overturned the state’s ban on same-sex marriage, marriage-equality opponents spearheaded the ballot initiative to limit the definition of marriage in the constitution as being between one man and one woman. Prop. 8, one of the most expensive and contentious ballot measures ever put forth in the country, passed with a 52-percent margin in the November election. This week’s ruling stemmed from several lawsuits filed by numerous same-sex couples and

marriage-equality organizations, as well as the cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles and the county of Santa Clara, after the passage of Prop. 8. The 6-1 decision, written by Chief Justice Ronald George, found that Prop. 8 was a proper amendment to the constitution, not a revision — a fundamental change to the constitution that would have required approval by the state legislature being posed to the public — as charged by opponents of the measure. The opinion noted that Prop. 8 “does not by any means ‘repeal’ or ‘strip’ gay individuals or samesex couples of the very significant substantive protections afforded by the state equal-protection See DECISION, Page 15


— Sarah Blazucki

LGBT seniors: Out of the closet and nowhere to go Part two of two

Photo: Wockner News/Steve Silberman

See SENIORS, Page 6

ON YOUR MARK: Swimmers take the plunge May 23 in the Fins Aquatic Club’s ninth International Swim Meet at the University of Pennsylvania’s Sheer Pool. The meet brought together nearly 130 swimmers from 17 teams, who competed in such races as freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, breaststroke, medley and relay. Anh Dang, president of the local LGBT swim team, said the meet, which the Fins host every other year, was a big success, drawing teams from Florida to New England. Photo: Scott A. Drake

By Victoria A. Brownworth PGN Contributor


According to a recent study by the Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law at UCLA, lesbians and gay men are twice as likely as heterosexuals to grow old unpartnered and nearly 10 times more likely not to have someone (a spouse, child or other family member) to care for them in old age. In addition to these daunting concerns, the Williams Institute report also cites lesbians and gay men as being half as likely to have health or long-term-care insurance. And, like a majority of seniors overall, the LGBT elderly do not have access to affordable and accessible housing. This worrisome reality leaves many LGBT seniors — as well as those in their 40s and 50s — fearful of an uncertain future. At 73, James Morrison (not his real name) is representative of many older gay men. He lives with his three cats in the tiny Manhattan apartment he’s rented for nearly 30 years. But with a kidney ailment

State Sen. Daylin Leach (D17th Dist.) announced Wednesday he plans to introduce a same-sexmarriage bill in the Senate, and is seeking co-sponsorship. The bill would mark the first time marriage equality is being considered by the state legislature. In addition to full marriage rights, the legislation would also recognize same-sex marriages conducted in other states. Leach said he planned to introduce the legislation next Tuesday and hoped it would be referred to the Judiciary committee, of which he is minority chair. Leach said he had been considering introducing similar legislation for some time and, in light of the recent California Supreme Court ruling revoking marriage equality, several nearby states enacting or considering marriage-equality laws and the intention of Sen. John Eichelberger (R-30th Dist.) to introduce a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, this was the “most propitious time to do it.” “It’s on people’s minds, and Pennsylvania should be part of that conversation,” he said. “I know it’s not going to pass with the ease with which we congratulate sports teams. But the legality of same-sex marriage is inevitable.” Jake Kaskey, policy and outreach coordinator of Equality Advocates Pennsylvania, commended the senator’s announcement. “Sen. Leach has been such a great ally and this is a historic first,” he said. “And we are still focused on passing H.B. 300 to protect thousands of LGBT people across the state from discrimination.” HB 300, presently in the House Appropriations Committee, would add protections for sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing and public accommodations. ■

There are few gay men who can’t do an imitation of Gloria Swanson in “Sunset Boulevard.” (“I’m ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.”) The quintessential commentary on what it means to grow old in a perpetual youth culture, Billy Wilder’s classic film featured a 50-year-old Swanson in the role of the “aging” silent-film star, Norma Desmond. Today, 50 is the new 40, not the death knell it was for both Swanson and her character. Yet, for many LGBT seniors, life can be as lonely and desperate as Desmond’s was in “Sunset Boulevard.” Add scary to that list. LGBT seniors face challenges their heterosexual counterparts simply do not. The most notable problems facing queers as they age are being alone and penniless. And for many older gay men, HIV/AIDS is another issue they face, making aging all the more difficult.



MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009


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MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009



LGBT Latino festival returns to North Philly By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer Last year’s inaugural Latino Pride Festival will return to the city next week, and organizers are determined to stage another successful event that unites LGBT individuals from the local Latino community and beyond. The second-annual Latino Pride Festival will run from 2-9 p.m. June 6 at Fifth and Jefferson streets in North Philadelphia. Brenda Torres, who is organizing the event with her partner Iris Melendez, co-owners of LGBT nightclub Rainbow Eye, said that last year’s event drew about 2,000 people, who represented all facets of the LGBT and ally communities. “It was so diverse,” Torres said. “We had people from so many different age groups and ethnic backgrounds; it wasn’t just about Latinos or just about young people.” Torres expects attendance to be even higher this year, fueled by the growing notoriety of the event. Additionally, last year the festival was held the day before the Pride celebration at Penn’s Landing, and Torres noted that organizers moved the event up a week so as not to interfere with Pride, which she said could also boost community involvement. “We made a point to hold it a week before Pride this year because we didn’t want to be in anyone’s way of having their annual event,” she said. “And Pride is usually a week full of events, so why not start things off that Saturday?” This year’s festival will feature a variety of Latino dancers and musicians, as well as other

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entertainment offerings such as a jazz band and drag performers. “We’re trying to include not just the Latino community in the entertainment, but also reach out to a lot of different communities with our performers,” Torres said. The event is not just an outlet for entertainment, however; this year’s festival also aims to raise awareness about cancer prevention among the LGBT community. Festival-goers will have access to myriad health information — via brochures and onsite medical professionals — about breast and prostate cancer. “Sometimes a lot of people in the LGBT community feel that we’re not touched by cancer. A gay woman may say, ‘Oh, I don’t need a breast exam,’ or a gay man may think, ‘I don’t need to get myself tested for prostate cancer,’ but

in reality no one is exempt from these terrible illnesses,” Torres said. “We’ve heard so many stories from friends and family who’ve never gotten a prostate-cancer test or a mammogram, and we have to start creating an awareness within the LGBT community that these are things that we all must do as individuals.” While the focus on cancer prevention is a new addition to this year’s festival, so too is the city’s budget crisis. Torres said that last year festival organizers were able to procure the stage for the event at a low cost from the city, but that, because of the current economic conditions, this option is no longer available. “This year because of the cuts within the city’s budget, they gave us a list of vendors that they recommend for the stage,

but the price is about four or five times what we paid with the city, so we’re having a major, major struggle with that this year,” she said. Torres said fundraising has also been a challenge. “It’s been like pulling teeth; it’s really been difficult,” she said. “Everybody’s like ‘Hooray, we can’t wait for the festival,’ but when it comes to the point where we actually need contributions, it’s a little harder. But we are still new, so we’re hoping to solidify ourselves as an annual festival and get more people to start looking our way. My grandfather always said that the first time you do something great, you earn applause, and the second time, you earn respect, so that’s what we’re hoping for.” Torres said organizers are

hosting a softball tournament May 31 at Fifth and Jefferson streets and a beef-and-beer event June 4 at the club, 1449 N. Fifth St., to raise funds for the festival. She added she’s confident the event will continue to grow each year and will succeed in heightening the visibility and strength of the local LGBT Latino community. “It’s time for us to say, ‘Yes, we’re Latino,’ and ‘Yes we’re in the LGBT community,’” she said. “Come to our barrio, our backyard. Come join us and see how much fun you’re going to have.” For more information about the festival, contact Torres at (267) 235-6045 or visit www.myspace. com/rainboweye_gaypride. ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at



MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

News Editorial 10 International News 14 Letters/Feedback 11 11 Mark My Words 7 Media Trail 5 News Briefing 7 National News 10 Other Views 5 Regional News 11 Street Talk

PGN 505 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia, PA 19147-1506 Phone: (215) 625-8501 Fax: (215) 925-6437 E-mail: Web:

Marriage on the rocks

Transgender in the trades

New Hampshire puts the brakes on passing a gay-marriage law.

Gender transitioning on the construction site leaves a local transgender resident at odds with coworkers.

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Page 9

Editor Sarah Blazucki (ext. 206)

Staff Writers Jen Colletta (ext. 215)

Comics 26-27 34 Diversions Portraits 26 36 Meeting Place 27 Q Puzzle 25 Scene in Philly Worth Watching 32

Larry Nichols (ext. 213) Writer-at-Large Timothy Cwiek (ext. 208)

Summer Reading Guide: We review a colorful selection of LGBT books that spans the rainbow. Page 18

Family Portraits:

Del Marquis The Scissor Sisters guitarist generates a finely honed CD with his first solo stab.

Freddie Tek

Page 26

Page 23

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Mark Segal (ext. 204)

Advertising Sales Representatives Kelly Root (ext. 207)

22 29 13

39 42

Morgan Levine (ext. 212)


Ms. Behavior


Worth Watching

Work it Out

How gender stereotypes affect all teens

Confidentiality: Ethics vs. friendship

Fantasy dances

“Get me out of here” (Is that Rob Blagojevich?)

Coming back after an injury

Page 34

Page 32

Page 22

Page 29

Poll results from our survey ending May 27:

Get a reading at Giovanni’s Room Page 35

Page 13

How many books do you read a month on average? 44%







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National Advertising Rivendell Media (212) 242-6863 Office Manager/Classifieds Don Pignolet (ext. 200) Executive Assistant Credit/Billing Manager Carol Giunta (ext. 202) Philadelphia Gay News is a member of: The Associated Press National Gay Newspaper Guild Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Published by Masco Communications Inc. © 2008 Masco Communications Inc. ISSN-0742-5155 The views of PGN are expressed only in the unsigned “Editorial” column. Opinions expressed in bylined columns, stories and letters to the editor are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of PGN. The appearance of names or pictorial representations in PGN does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that named or pictured person or persons.

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009



News Briefing


Porn murder lawyers step down

PUTTING DOWN THE PEN: Longtime Philadelphia Inquirer staffer Gail Shister announced last week that she will leave the publication June 1. The out journalist came to the Inquirer as its first female sports writer in 1979 and three years later started writing a daily television column for the publication, which she penned for 25 years. The Inquirer discontinued the column because of employment cutbacks in 2007, and Shister became a metro reporter, writing mostly profile pieces. Shister said she’s leaving the paper to focus on her teaching career at the University of Pennsylvania, as well as on her television column at The National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association inducted Shister into its Hall of Fame last August at the group’s convention. Photo: Jason Smith

FIGHT launches annual month-long HIV campaign By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer With June comes warmer weather and weekend trips to the beach, but a local HIV/ AIDS organization wants residents to think more about their health than their tanlines this month. Philadelphia FIGHT will launch its 15th annual AIDS Education Month next week, with an array of events seeking to raise awareness about HIV transmission and prevention. FIGHT originally began the Education Month events in 1994 and the effort has expanded over the years. This year’s activities will kick off with an opening reception from 5:30-7:30 p.m. June 3 at the Independence Visitors Center, Sixth and Market streets, which will feature remarks by Mayor Nutter and the presentation of numerous awards. FIGHT will recognize John Cella, the outgoing director of the city’s AIDS Activities Coordinating Office, with its Philadelphia Bowl honor. “John’s been really influential in Philadelphia for many years in his role as director of AACO and has always been a great supporter of AIDS Education Month and Philadelphia FIGHT, so we’re very excited to be giving him this award,” said Juliet Fink, FIGHT director of education. The organization will also present its annual Kiyoshi Kuromiya awards, named for the late local LGBT and HIV/AIDS activist, to Cynthia Vasquez of Congreso de Latino Unidos’ Esfuerzo program, which focuses on HIV-prevention efforts among the local Latino community; Greg Thompson and Lin Crowe of Kingdom Care Reentry Network, a faith-based program that strives for successful transitions for ex-offenders; and Adriane Medford and Scott Booker of the Philadelphia Freedom from AIDS Campaign ministry, which raises awareness about the disease in minority communities.

“These awards are really hitting a number of folks who have been playing specific roles over the years and who have been very influential in certain communities in Philadelphia impacted by HIV/AIDS,” Fink said. FIGHT will also target several of those communities with its annual summits. “Beyond the Walls: Prison Healthcare and Reentry Summit” will take place from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. June 9 at the Student Center at Temple University, 1755 N. 13th St. Fink said the event will bring together ex-offenders, prison guards, parole officers, defense attorneys and others involved in the criminal-justice system to “talk about and strategize ways to more effectively manage people’s health while they’re in prison as well as to better prepare them for when they come out and reenter society.” From 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. June 20, Temple’s Student Center will also host “One City, One Voice: Youth Outreach, Education and Empowerment Summit,” an event created by and for local youth. “The goal of this summit is to really engage young people to talk about sexuality, relationships, gender and identity — things that they don’t get to talk about in schools very frequently but that are critical for young people developing into adults,” Fink said. She added that FIGHT has heard from many teachers, parents and others who work with youth and who are interested in learning more about how to communicate positive health messages to them, spurring the organization to launch an “Adult Talk” track at this year’s summit, in which those over 25 can share ideas in a series of workshops run by local youth. The 10th annual “HIV Prevention and Outreach Summit,” from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. June 24 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch St., is the capstone event of the month’s activities. The conference

will provide various workshops and resources for those living with HIV/AIDS, service providers and others seeking more information about the disease and local efforts to combat its spread. “This summit is kind of the catch-all event, in which everyone’s included,” Fink said. “We have a number of topics — such as youth issues, sex work, faith-based communities and trans communities. It will touch on a number of topics and has a very, very wide audience.” In addition to the summits, FIGHT and presenting partners Congreso de Latinos Unidos and ActionAIDS will also offer such events as the invitation-only June 11 “Call to Action: Faith-Based Leaders as Change Catalysts in the HIV Field,” a discussion among local church leaders about the effort to de-stigmatize the disease; and the kickoff cookout, which is open to the public, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. June 6 at 33rd and Oxford streets in Fairmount Park. FIGHT has also worked with health agencies throughout the city to establish an extensive list of sites offering free HIV tests during National HIV Testing Day June 27. Fink said there are locations from “Northeast Philly to South Philly to Northwest Philly,” as well as in the suburbs and New Jersey, where local residents can receive free, confidential tests, most of which take just 20 minutes. “We challenged agencies to hold testing events throughout the city and signed up places from all over, so we’re very excited that there will be someplace in almost every single neighborhood in the city for people to go get tested,” she said. For the list of HIV testing sites or for more information about AIDS Education Month, visit ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at jen@epgn. com.

A judge in Luzerne County permitted the attorneys for convicted killer Harlow Cuadra to be removed from his case. Attorneys Joseph D’Andrea and Paul Walker asked to be withdrawn earlier this month, and Judge Peter Paul Olszewski granted their requests during a hearing May 22. D’Andrea and Walker asked Olszewski to appoint new conflict counsel, which the judge said he’d do once the attorneys submitted all of their materials from the case. A jury found Cuadra, 27, guilty of first-degree murder in March in the January 2007 stabbing death of Dallas Township gay-porn producer Bryan Kocis, and Olszewski sentenced him to life in prison. Cuadra’s former partner, Joseph Kerekes, 35, pleaded guilty to the murder in December and is serving a life sentence. In court papers filed by D’Andrea and Walker in April, Cuadra appealed both the verdict and the sentence, arguing that Olszewski should have restricted some evidence from being presented during the trial. D’Andrea and Walker said during last week’s hearing that they were only retained for the trial, not to spearhead an appeal, and that they didn’t believe Cuadra had the funds to pay them. Cuadra acknowledged this via video from the State Correctional Institution at Camp Hill, saying he doesn’t “have the means anymore” to compensate them. Once the new lawyers are appointed, they will have to refile the appeal after they’ve reviewed the case.

Painting for MANNA South Jersey pottery studio All Fired Up will host Rainbow Paint Weekend June 4-7 to kick off the unofficial nationwide Gay Pride Month, as well as to raise funds for Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutritional Alliance, a local agency that provides nutritional meals to those with life-threatening illnesses. The “paint-your-own-pottery” studio will donate its sitting fees — $8 for adults and $6 for those under 12 — throughout the weekend to MANNA. All Fired Up, 602 Haddon Ave., Collingswood, allows guests to add their own personal touches to such pieces as plates, bowls and figurines. Reservations are strongly recommended. For more information, call (856) 833-1330 or visit www. ■ — Jen Colletta


SENIORS From Page 1 and other health issues, he’s often confined to the third-floor walkup, because he isn’t always able to take the stairs. Morrison managed to escape the murderous impact of the AIDS crisis in New York City in the 1980s and ’90s. But now, being a survivor of that time also means most of his closest gay friends are dead, leaving him with an almostwholly heterosexual group of acquaintances. Morrison also feels “trapped” in his apartment and isolated from other gay people. “I feel like that guy on ‘Brothers & Sisters’ — the old queen who never has a boyfriend and only hangs out with his sister and her children. That’s me. Except my sister lives in another state.” Maintaining his identity as a gay man has been hard for Morrison, and skewed his sense of self. “It seems sometimes as if being a gay man is something I was in another life,” he said. “I feel quite divorced from the gay community. I want to be with men my own age who are also gay, but that just seems a fantasy.” Outreach to LGBT elders is complex. Like Morrison, many older LGBT people lose their connections to the queer community as they age or become physically limited. Irene Benedetti, a long-time aide to City Councilman Frank DiCicco, has worked on LGBT political issues in Philadelphia for several decades. At 67 and living alone, Benedetti is keenly aware of what older LGBT people face — particularly the isolation so many feel from the queer community. She’s worked on these issues for the past few years and recently organized a reunion at Sisters for lesbians who frequented the clubs in the 1960s and ’70s. Benedetti suggests outreach as the best and most essential approach to drawing LGBT seniors back into the community. Drawing on her own experience with organizing, Benedetti said, “The LGBT organizations sometimes give discounts to students at their fundraisers. Some seniors out there may not have the money to attend events, but would like to show their support, too. A senior discount might get them there.” Being involved with other seniors is also vital, Benedetti noted. Senior centers should have an LGBT night on a regular basis to


encourage sexual-minority seniors invested well, so he could afford nor would anyone comment on to interact with and meet other to be taken care of. But I don’t what provisions, if any, they LGBT elders, she suggested. think my partner and I will be as made for LGBT residents. With Some LGBT groups now have fortunate. To begin with, it’s not Pennsylvania having one of the online links for older queers. like we will have the marriage oldest populations of any state, the Services and Advocacy for Gay, benefits my parents had, since need for such facilities for LGBT Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender same-sex marriage isn’t legal here seniors is obvious. A survey conducted for SAGE’s Elders (SAGE) has a large Web in Pennsylvania.” Long Term Care site with a range of Task Force found services, as well as that only 13 a social calendar for percent of longLGBT seniors. term-care facilities But finding other include sensitivity seniors isn’t the only training on sexual hurdle facing queer elders. orientation. A Like those noted study by the in the Williams Milwaukee County Institute study, Department for Morrison subsists on the Aging found Social Security and that the city’s gay Medicare, which and lesbian seniors don’t meet all his were five times less financial or health likely than straight needs — an added seniors to access stressor. needed services The National if they feared Lesbian and Gay discrimination. Task Force has made No such studies aging a priority have been done in issue for the past Philadelphia, but it five years, working can be assumed the to include LGBT responses would issues and funding be similar. for LGBT elder Benedetti said concerns in other this is one area she national programs and others in the on aging, healthcare LGBT community and housing among in Philadelphia them. are hoping to NLGTF managed address — dealing PHILADELPHIA SENIOR CENTER ON SOUTH BROAD STREET with to include LGBT residential (ABOVE) AND THE ATRIA CENTER CITY SENIOR CENTER NEXT TO facilities for LGBT language in the THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE Photos: Scott A. Drake seniors. 2005 White House Several Conference onAging other cities in the Report and, in 2006, initiated Lombardi faced a cancer scare U.S., notably New York, Boston, the “first-ever LGBT Aging a year ago. Having to come out Houston, Miami and Los Angeles, Roundtable,” which consisted of to every medical professional have residential and assisted“bringing together LGBT aging she dealt with made her living facilities specifically for activists and professionals” to uncomfortable. lesbians and gay men. discuss their work, as well as “I’ve been out since I was a One place LGBT seniors can find “building a national network for teenager,” she explained, “but I “safe space” is — surprisingly — those involved with LGBT elder just began to realize how intrusive at the Philadelphia Senior Center, issues, services, policies and the healthcare process can be when Broad and Lombard streets. PSC advocacy.” you aren’t able to just say, ‘This is one of America’s oldest and As good as the budding NLGTF is my wife.’ It just adds another largest senior centers, with events programs are, however, they are hardship to an already-difficult and programs for all seniors — no match for the realities of aging situation.” including LGBT elders. According to SAGE, LGBT and where that leaves LGBT According to PSC’s Web site, elders will indeed face greater it is “the largest senior center in elders. “I admit that I have really indignities in old age than their Philadelphia” and “offers a comserious concerns about what will straight peers. Lambda Legal munity center in Center City on happen to me and my partner Defense has filed several lawsuits the Avenue of the Arts for GLBT when we are officially old,” said on behalf of LGBT elders who seniors, including a fitness center, Terri Lombardi. At 55, she’s far have been discriminated against social services, housing and counfrom retirement, but when her in assisted-living facilities and seling and support services. PSC 90-year-old father died a few elder-care housing. also offers GLBT clients help In Philadelphia, there is no with legal aid and referral, taxes, years ago, Lombardi said, “it was a wake-up call for me. My assisted-living facility or nursing financial management services father was ill and debilitated for home with specific programs and counseling. PSC also provides nearly 20 years prior to his death. for LGBT elders. None of the programming and special events Fortunately he had my mother and facilities contacted would give year-round, including the popular me and my other siblings to care a statement on the record about Arts on the Avenue program.” for him. He had worked hard and their lack of LGBT programs, That PSC not only has these

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

programs but advertises them sets it aside from the majority of similar centers nationwide. The central location of PSC — situated just off the Gayborhood — makes it even more inviting, particularly for LGBT seniors who are not politically oriented or aren’t familiar with the queer community. The William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St., also has programs for LGBT elders, including psychoeducation group Mornings OUT, social group Silver Foxes and a fitness program, Senior Stretch. According to director ‘Dolph Ward Goldenburg, there are currently a series of programs specifically for LGBT seniors, and seniors are welcome at any of the center’s other events. And the center will soon have an elevator, which will make it more accessible to seniors and others with disabilities or difficulty navigating stairs. One program acutely necessary, according to most advocates for elder care in the LGBT community, has also been established at William Way. The “Connecting Generations Friendly Visitor Program” may be one of the best ways to link older members of the community with younger members. The program matches an LGBT senior who is homebound or in a residential facility with a “friendly visitor.” Since half of LGBT seniors, like their heterosexual counterparts, are homebound, this program is a vital link to the community. The queer community has long been focused on youth and being young. What happens to queers as they age never got addressed — until now, when the nation as a whole is aging and Baby Boomers comprise nearly a fifth of the population. Philadelphia has a large aging population, among it a significant number of sexual minorities over 50. The community as a whole — and social workers and politicians in particular — must begin to look at how best to serve the aging LGBT population so that growing old does not mean, as it has for seniors like Morrison, divorcing themselves from their queer identities. With the first out generation of queers entering old age, the time to address these issues is definitely now. And each city and town — including Philadelphia — must concern itself with what happens to LGBT people as they grow old, so that they do not end up isolated and alone. ■

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009




Media Trail Nondiscrimination bill approved The Las Vegas Sun reports a bill barring discrimination based on sexual orientation in Nevada was signed into law May 22 by Gov. Jim Gibbons. Under SB 207, the Nevada Equal Rights Commission would be required to investigate complaints of such discrimination. Sen. David Parks (D-Las Vegas), an openly gay state lawmaker, sponsored the measure. Lee Rowland, of the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada, said the new law “honors the implied promise Nevada makes when it advertises to gay and lesbian tourists all over the world that they will be treated fairly and equally when they come to Nevada.” While Gibbons signed SB 207, he vetoed a domestic-partner bill this week.

Mayor quits job over boyfriend MARRIAGE DELAYED: The sponsor of New Hampshire’s gay-marriage bill, Jim Splaine (D-Portsmouth), walks off the House floor after an amended version of his bill was voted down 186-188 in the state House in Concord, N.H., May 20. The bill, which had been sent back to the legislature after Gov. John Lynch threatened a veto if it did not provide more protections for churches that oppose same-sex marriage, is currently in conference committee while the House and Senate try to reach an acceptable compromise. Prior to the House vote, the Senate passed the revised bill 14-10 last Wednesday. If the two houses reach a compromise, New Hampshire will join five other states in providing marriage equality, including Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont and Maine. AP Photo: Jim Cole

Congress to consider domestic-partner bills By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer A bipartisan coalition of lawmakers introduced legislation in both houses of Congress last week that seeks to provide domestic-partner benefits to federal employees. The Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act was introduced May 20 in the U.S. House of Representatives by openly gay Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) and in the Senate by Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine). The legislation calls for committed samesex partners of federal employees to be eligible for all the medical benefits currently available to heterosexual married spouses, including long-term care, family and medical leave and retirement benefits. Under the bill, domestic partners would also have to follow the same federal guidelines as spouses of employees, such as anti-nepotism rules and financial-disclosure guidelines. About 57 percent of the country’s Fortune 500 companies currently offer domesticpartner benefits to LGBT employees, and Baldwin said the federal government needs

to heighten its employment policies in order to build the most qualified workforce. “Extending benefits to the domestic partners of federal employees is more than a matter of fairness,” Baldwin said. “As a majority of Fortune 500 companies have already demonstrated, equality and diversity in the workplace boost productivity and help attract and keep the most qualified employees.” Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, said the bill would allow the federal government to “keep pace with other top employers” as well as “ensure that the government has access to the top talent on the same basis as the nation’s leading corporations.” Sixteen state governments, soon to include Pennsylvania, also offer such benefits. Following a policy change made last year by the Pennsylvania Employees Benefit Trust Fund, beginning July 1, state employees will be able to obtain the same medical benefits for their same- or oppositesex domestic partners that are currently available to heterosexual spouses of state employees. The PEBTF oversees benefits for more than 140,000 active and retired state employees.

A study by UCLA’s Williams Institute estimated that more than 30,000 federal employees are currently in committed same-sex relationships with non-federal employees. The Congressional Budget Office determined that the implementation of the legislation would increase the cost of federal benefits programs by less than .5 percent, amounting to a 10-year expenditure of about $670 million. The House bill is now in the Judiciary Committee and the Senate version was sent to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. The House bill was introduced with 64 cosponsors — none of whom are from Pennsylvania — and the Senate bill garnered 23 cosponsors, including local Sen. Robert Casey (D). Lieberman, former Sen. Gordon Smith (R-Ore.) and 20 cosponsors introduced the Senate bill in the last legislative session, along with Baldwin and 90 cosponsors in the House. Both bills died in committee when the last session ended. ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at jen@epgn. com.

The Houston Chronicle reports San Angelo, Texas, Mayor J.W. Lown submitted his resignation on May 19 because of his illegal-immigrant boyfriend. Lown had fallen for the man in March, after he had already filed for re-election. The man came to the U.S. five years ago to study at Angelo State University. Lown said he chose not to take the oath of office while “aiding and assisting” a person who was illegally in the country. Lown, 32, was elected in 2003 as the city’s youngest mayor and was re-elected three times. Lown said he planned to stay in Mexico to help his partner obtain a U.S. visa.

‘Dance’ judge apologizes Yahoo News reports “So You Think You Can Dance” judge Nigel Lythgoe, at the behest of GLAAD, has issued an apology for comments made during an audition by same-sex dance partners. On the May 21 premiere, Lythgoe critiqued the duo’s samba and said: “I’d like to see you both dancing with a girl.” Lythgoe then Tweeted about the controversy, saying, “I’m not a fan of Brokeback ballroom.” On May 23, Lythgoe took responsibility for his actions. “I sincerely regret the fact that I have upset people with the poor word choices and comments I made both during the taping of the ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ audition and on my personal status update,” he said. “I am not homophobic and it was extremely upsetting for me to be classed as such.” ■ — Larry Nichols



MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

Philadelphia Gay News is pleased to announce our staff received eight awards in the 2009 Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Foundation advertising contest.


Our congratulations to PGN’s graphic design staff: Chris Potter, Sean Dorn and Scott Drake

WINNER: New Media/Multi Media Piece “It only feels like an emergency” WINNER: Private Party Ad “Erotic dungeon master” First Place: Ad Campaign/Multiple Products “Look at us a whole new way” First Place: Classified Section “It’s time to read the writing on the wall” First Place: Self Promotion Advertising “Detour” First Place: Special Section/Niche Publication “Gayborhood” First Place: Wildcard Category “Metrodate” Second Place: Classified Section “We’ve got your color”

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009



Construction worker transitions to woman By Timothy Cwiek

PGN Writer-at-Large For Karen Diane Thomas, a construction worker, transitioning to the opposite gender hasn’t been an easy road. Twice in her journey, Thomas reverted back to presenting as a male, due in large part to workplace harassment. At one point, she underwent breastreduction surgery so that she could assume her former identity, as Ken. “I was isolated and hassled at work,” she said. “I got death threats. I had guys saying they want to kill me, fight me in the parking lot, different goofy stuff.” She said graffiti was scribbled on walls at job sites, stating: “Ken sucks dick,” “Ken’s a homo” and “Ken takes it up the ass.” No one acted on those threats, she said, but it was enough to push her back into the closet. Today, Thomas finds it impossible to continue the charade, and she’s reaffirmed her commitment to transitioning. She recently underwent an oriectomy, which involved the surgical removal of her testicles. Within the next two years, she expects to undergo complete gender-reassignment surgery. Since 1994, Thomas has been a member of Local 98, the

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers union, based in Philadelphia. Thomas’ job duties involve installing electrical outlets at an oil refinery in Southwest Philadelphia. Things have been quiet lately, and she’s been able to do her job without harassment, she said. But all that could change as she prepares for her surgery and lives more openly as a woman, she said. Currently, she ties her hair back in a ponytail and wears traditionally male clothing when traveling to and from work. But eventually she intends to let her hair down and wear clothing and makeup that will make her situation clear to coworkers. “I think a lot know it now, but more will know it later,” she said. Her union has about 4,000 members, most of whom seem to be close-minded on the subject of transgenderism, she said. Thomas doesn’t know of any other transgender union member. Patrick B. Gillespie serves as business manager of the Philadelphia Building and Construction Trades Council, which oversees 52 unions in the area, including Local 98. Last week, Gillespie pledged to ensure a safe, comfortable work environment for Thomas,

regardless of the gender she presents to coworkers. “No one has the right to harass someone else, for any reason,” Gillespie told PGN. “We would not want a person like Karen to feel abused. We wouldn’t stand for any of that. She has the specific right to privacy, to live her own life, unmolested by anybody else at the workplace.” Gillespie even said he would visit Thomas’ worksite if he received reports of pervasive workplace harassment that was interfering with her ability to be a productive worker. “On a number of occasions, where we’ve had some racial intimidation on the job, we’ve assembled people on that job and talked to them,” Gillespie said. “I want people to understand that our collective bargaining is based on fairness and equal treatment for everyone.” Thomas, 48, is married and has four sons and one grandson. Two

of her sons also are members of Local 98. She said she’s encouraged by Gillespie’s support, but she also consulted a local transgender attorney, Kristine W. Holt, in the event that she needs to take legal action to enforce her rights. “Anybody who crosses the line toward me or my children I will take to court, and take everything they have,” Thomas vowed. After completing her genderreassignment surgery, Thomas expects to remain married. She identifies as a lesbian and said her wife is trying hard to understand, because she loves her. Thomas finds some conflicts between her family life and her life in the LGBT community, but she’s optimistic about bridging the gap. “The work life is more challenging,” Thomas noted. “I think my wife and kids can pretty


much handle anything. [But] most of the guys I deal with are really close-minded.” She also expressed gratitude for the moral support provided by her lawyer. “I’m extremely grateful for the support and very capable advice of Kristine Holt.” ■ Timothy Cwiek can be reached at (215) 625-8501 ext. 208.



MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

Editorial On majorities and marriage The California state Supreme Court’s decision this week to uphold the ballot initiative that revoked same-sex marriage was disappointing, but not totally unexpected. Rumors have been circling for months that the court was not going to rule in favor of marriage equality, even though it was this same court that ruled in favor of marriage equality last May. In its most recent ruling, the court stated, “The principal issue before us concerns the scope of the right of the people, under the provisions of the California Constitution, to change or alter the state Constitution itself [emphasis in original] through the initiative process so as to incorporate such a limitation as an explicit section of the state Constitution.” Specifically, the court was not considering whether same-sex marriage was legal, but only if the process was legal — in this case, amending the state constitution by popular ballot. To this question, the court determined the ballot process was proper, but also noted amending the state constitution is “less arduous and restrictive than the amendment process embodied in the federal Constitution,” and illustrated this point by noting that in 100 years, more than 500 amendments were made to the state document, but only 27 to the federal document in 200 years. In response to the challenge that Prop. 8 should be considered a revision, not an amendment, the court stated that revisions can only be made during constitutional conventions and said the proposition didn’t “entirely repeal or abrogate” same-sex couples’ right to privacy, due process and equal protection, but “carves out a narrow and limited exception ... reserving the official designation of the term ‘marriage’ for the union of opposite-sex couples.” In the sole dissenting voice, Justice Carlos Moreno disagreed with the majority assertion that the amendment was not a revision, stating, “Denying the designation of marriage to same-sex couples cannot fairly be described as a ‘narrow’ or ‘limited’ exception to the requirement of equal protection.” He added, “Promising equal treatment to some is fundamentally different from promising equal treatment to all. Promising treatment that is almost equal is fundamentally different from ensuring truly equal treatment. Granting a disfavored minority only some of the rights enjoyed by the majority is fundamentally different from recognizing, as a constitutional imperative, that they must be granted all of those rights.” Moreno continued, “And if the majority does not avow that such broad constitutional changes could be made by amendment, but only more ‘limited’ ones, then I disagree with such an implicit distinction. As discussed, denying gays and lesbians the right to marry, by wrenching minority rights away from judicial protection and subjecting them instead to a majority vote, attacks the very core of the equal protection principle.” In this, Moreno is right. If the majority can take away rights from a minority — and the judiciary and the legislature cannot protect them — then what protection does anyone have? ■

Other Views

Glenn Lash (

Les Robinson

Fighting the good fight against DADT It feels like a whole lot of nothing is happening in Washington to rid us of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” The president hasn’t rushed to fulfill his campaign promise to kick the policy to the curb. Some administration officials can’t even see the curb. It’s time for the gay community to adopt a new approach. Let’s stop arguing that allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the United States military is a matter of civil rights or fairness. Let’s abandon logic and cease pointing out how harmful it is to our national security that the military keeps ejecting, for instance, Arab linguists. Let’s emphasize that this policy makes the U.S.A. inferior. To Uruguay. Yes, that petite Latin American country is now ahead of us, having moved to lift its ban on gays in the military. It’s a blow to our national pride. We’re lagging behind a country that, on a map, looks like the buttocks of South America. Uruguay’s gay ban was a relic of the 1973-85 military dictatorship. The law included homosexuality among the “mental illnesses and disorders” that made a person unfit for the armed forces. The new decree says sexual orientation is no longer grounds to

keep people from joining the military. All together now, I want to hear every red-blooded American chant, “We’re not number one! We’re not number one!” We’re not number two either. Scads of countries have leaped ahead of us. It’s just plain embarrassing. Earlier this year another South American nation, Argentina, jettisoned its ban on gays in the military. Days later the Philippines did the same. What a week. Not one but two countries outdistanced us. We earned a double helping of humble pie. Really, that week should have been enough to get Americans hopping mad over being trumped by countries that don’t have the decency to revere football. The gay community played it wrong. We shouldn’t have calmly pointed out that nations around the world are making the sensible choice for their militaries. Instead, we should’ve harangued our fellow Americans, shamed them, demanded to know how they can put up with being left in the dust by countries no one can spell. After attacking their patriotism, it might’ve been advantageous to question their bravery too. These podunk countries aren’t afraid of change. Are Americans so lily-livered that we’re paralyzed by homos serving

openly? Is the strongest military in the world actually made up of wusses? In addition to Uruguay, Argentina and the Philippines, other countries that have shot ahead of us include Canada, Israel, Australia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and more. My favorite is Bermuda. The Bermuda Regiment doesn’t discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, and Regiment members aren’t allowed to harass gay soldiers. In actuality, discrimination within the ranks is tolerated, but at least the teeny island nation has seen fit to put an affirmative policy in place. Which means that we’ve been bested by a military whose fiercest enemy is persistent seagulls. There’s another way of looking at this issue. Instead of focusing on those nations that allow gays to serve in the military, we could focus on those that explicitly ban them. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” isn’t precisely a ban but it’s close, so we have much in common with Egypt, Syria, Peru, Singapore and others. The others include Cuba, Iran and North Korea. Axis of Evil party boys. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” has us keeping company with the enemy. Blech. ■ Leslie Robinson lives in Seattle. Email her at

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

Mark My Words


Street Talk

Mark Segal

We lost Prop. 8 in 1978 We lost the Proposition 8 decision due to California property taxes and what has led to the state’s current financial problems. The seeds for the defeat of Prop. 8 were sown in 1978, during the California tax revolt. Californians felt that they were paying way too much in property taxes so, in accordance with state law, they went out and gathered the required signatures to put what became Proposition 13 on the ballot in 1978. Prop. 13 passed. With it was language that stated that future taxes could not be raised unless the legislature voted for them by a two-thirds majority. Here’s where we come in. The state, knowing that getting two-thirds of the legislature to vote for new taxes would be almost impossible, took Prop. 13 all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Prop. 13 folks won a major victory based on the California constitution, which gives all rights of laws to its citizens through the ballot, those aforementioned propositions. So, with the Prop. 8 ruling, the state Supreme Court is only upholding what the U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled on. Thus, not only do Californians not have marriage, they also have lower taxes, which has left them almost bankrupt. That’s the bad news. Here’s the good news. While the tax issue has not gotten any more


popular in California, gay marriage/marriage equality has. The publicity surrounding Prop. 8 has caused many a skeptic to look deeply at the issue, including many in our own community. And, like other topics, when you look deeply at an issue, you change the way you think about it. In this case, that’s to our adversaries’ disadvantage: You note that their objections are all false and that marriage equality changes nothing in their lives or the religions they follow. There is no better proof for that than the Mormon church, which was one of the most outspoken supporters of Prop. 8. The church and the ensuing controversy of their involvement has begun to shift on the issue. Mormons who supported marriage equality before Prop. 8 worried about excommunication. Now the church says there is room for members of the faith who believe in marriage equality but understand that the church does not. Now that’s not a seismic move, but it is movement. So if the Mormons have changed, what about less-religious-minded people? There is little doubt with another proposition we will be victorious — as long as we do not take any community support for granted. And with that comes some bragging rights: If California accomplishes this, it will be the first state that gains marriage equality through the ballot. And it would take a powerful tool away from the rightwingers. ■

Did homophobia impact the “American Idol” vote?

Austin Algeo bartender South Philadelphia

Laurence Harrington pre-law student Washington Square West

“No. It’s just a bunch of teeny-bopper girls voting for a cute little boy. Adam had the better voice. But Kris was sexier. And he had more relatability to the teenage girls.”

“Yes. Having gone to school in Indiana, I realize there’s a lot of conservatism out in Middle America. It’s getting better with the younger generation, but not that much better. Things are in flux. It’s unfortunate that sexual orientation still matters to some people.”

Stephen Saponaro physician Washington Square West

Trisha Schimek medical student Society Hill

“Yes. It’s a popularity contest, not a talent contest. And straights tend to be more popular than gays. Young ladies are more likely to vote for a straight guy. Part of that could be because they fantasize about having a relationship with the winner.”

“I’ll say no. It’s the older generation that would be bothered by someone’s sexual orientation. And they’re not the ones voting, for the most part. I’m 24. My generation is getting much more accepting about homosexuality.”

Mark Segal is PGN publisher. He can be reached at

Letters and Feedback In response to “Local wrestlers make hall of merit,” May 22-29 Actually, WWB is an international organization. The other four inductees this year to the Hall of Merit were Philippe Bruno of Paris, John English of Sydney and Erika Hom and Erich Richter of San Francisco. Congratulations to all six! — Roger Brigham In response to “Judge denies new murder trial,” May 8-14 What is it going to take to get a fair trial in Delco? I mean, this can happen to anyone! God forbid you’re gay and the police think you are guilty of something! What was the physical evidence that sent this man to prison? Why is another man, who has been proven to

drugging and raping people, still on the streets? What the heck is up with this county and the people who cast the votes? Is everybody as sick as the DA’s office or am I just not seeing things in the correct light? Someone help! This can’t be happening! This is like Big Brother takes over Delaware County! Come on guys, let’s roll! — Let’s Roll In response to “Philly releases gay-inclusive ad campaign,” May 15-21 Philadelphia seems to be a great city for all visitors, and for this reason it’s been selected as one of the first places for Black Boiz Web site to write about. The fact that the city has budgeted to reach the gay

community sets exceptional standards for other cities to follow. Your opinion is sought on the poll located on this page: — Black Boiz - website In response to “New Hope’s The Raven to reopen,” May 15-21 Great, can’t wait. The Raven was so much fun and a great summer getaway right in our own backyard. I will be there most weekends and encourage other gay guys to go. We need something like this for us and we should get out there and support The Raven. I hear the pool is going to be a blast. Come on, guys — it’s pool time at The Raven. — potogold



MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

30 years ago Riots rage in San Francisco A series of violent demonstrations later known as the White Night Riots broke out in San Francisco beginning May 21 following the verdict in the murder trial of openly gay city Supervisor Harvey Milk. A jury found Milk’s killer, former San Francisco Supervisor Dan White, guilty of voluntary manslaughter rather than first-degree murder, and he was sentenced to seven years in prison. Thousands of LGBT and ally individuals marched from Castro Street to City Hall for a protest, where some began smashing windows at the building with newspaper boxes, rocks and bricks. More than a dozen police cruisers and other vehicles were set on fire, windows in area businesses were smashed and protesters tore down electric trolley wires and threw tear gas that they’d taken from police into the crowd. Police, many of whom allegedly put black tape over their badge numbers to prevent identification, beat, kicked and clubbed dozens of protesters. Police later raided a bar in the Castro, unauthorized by Police Chief Charles Gain, smashing windows, beating patrons and prompting a second wave of violence. By the morning, more than 100 LGBT and ally individuals were hospitalized, as well as more than 60 police officers. The city estimated total damage from the riots at about $1 million, with $60,000 in damages at the City Hall building alone. Openly gay city Supervisor Harry Britt was unapologetic for the riots: “Society is going to have to deal with us not as nice little fairies who

have hairdressing salons, but as people capable of violence. That was gay anger you saw.” The following night, the city’s LGBT community gathered for a peaceful observance of what would have been Milk’s 49th birthday.

Gov. supports Gay Pride, angers lawmakers During a May 29 LGBT reception for former Pennsylvania Gov. Milton Shapp, Secretary to the Commonwealth Dr. Ethel Allen read a proclamation from then-Gov. Dick Thornburgh declaring the week of June 24-30 Gay Pride Week in the state, a move that drew sharp criticism from the state legislature. Two days after the announcement, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives voted 18014 on a resolution criticizing the proclamation and urging the governor to withdraw it. Among the 11 cosponsors of the resolution was current U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania Joe Pitts (R16th Dist.). Following the House vote, the governor’s office received more than 4,000 calls from residents angry with the governor’s decision. Fourteen churches throughout the state placed ads in local papers opposing Gay Pride Week, and 14 county commissions adopted resolutions supporting the House action. Thornburgh refused to withdraw his proclamation, but later issued a supplemental announcement also designating the week as Family Pride Week. ■ — Jen Colletta

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

Work it Out



Jared Carter

Coming back from an injury I would like to share an inspiring story with you today, the story of my client George. Too often, people suffer injuries and never fully recover. This can usually be avoided, if proper rehabilitative therapies and exercises are used. About six months ago, George fell down a staircase and fractured four vertebrae. Today, he is back to completely normal functioning. While I sincerely hope that you are not suffering from any debilitating injuries, I hope George’s story brings you hope if you are. George has been a personaltraining client of mine for almost two years. One morning in October, I received a call from his wife informing me that he had suffered a serious fall and would not be able to come to the studio that morning. She gave me a brief description of his injuries and they sounded fairly serious: broken ribs, fractured vertebrae, possible concussion and other injuries you would expect from falling down a flight of stairs. I called George a few days later to wish him well and see how he was feeling. To my surprise, he sounded good and wanted to get back to working out in a few weeks. This seemed like it would be too soon to me, but I told him that I would give him a call and see how things were going. As I suspected, George’s

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injuries were more serious than he realized. He was on bed rest for a few weeks and then confined to a body brace for a few more. Once he was out of the brace, he continued to suffer from extreme back pain when he walked more than a block. For George this was the worst: He is an avid walker and likes to walk to the market, theater or just about anywhere he needs to go. I happened to give George a call on the same day that his orthopedist cleared him to begin physical therapy and light exercise. George started coming back to the studio the first week of January, and we started him on very-low-impact exercises that focused on strengthening the supporting muscles of the back, as these muscles help protect the spine and prevent further injury. During his rehabilitation, we always stayed within safe limits, though George trained fairly aggressively. He continued to progress well and his strength increased quickly. The key to his exercise program was choosing exercises that engaged the muscles of the core and avoiding pain at all times. Within about a month, we had increased the amount of time he could walk before his back pain would cause him to stop. Steadily, we continued to see great results.

Everything culminated a few weeks ago. George went in for his final doctor’s appointment and literally knocked his orthopedist down during the strength test. To say that his doctor was surprised is an understatement. Today, less than six months after his fall, George suffers almost no back pain and is stronger than when he hurt himself. I wanted to share this story for two reasons. The first is that I am simply very proud of George and all that he has accomplished. The second is to give hope anyone with an injury. If you are suffering from a lingering injury, do not give up. Too many people hurt themselves and do not follow an exercise program that will help restore functioning. Be careful not to fall into this trap. While exercise may not be your favorite thing to do, being debilitated for the rest of your life is much worse. Learn from George’s example: He followed his doctor’s advice, engaged in a supervised exercise program and, in less than six months, he is stronger than he was before. ■ Jared Carter, CSCS, is the owner of Move Forward Fitness Personal Training Studio, 1616 Walnut St. Visit www. or reach him at (215) 399-3541.

*CHANGE OF DATE* Friday, May 15: BA Shabbat service, 8:00 PM. Please join us for a traditional rabbi-led BA service, followed by the oneg. *CHANGE OF PLAY/THEATRE* Saturday, May 16 : BA Theatre Party, 8:00 PM, “The Little Dog Laughed,” Adrienne Theatre, 20th and Sansom. Dinner prior to the show at a nearby restaurant. Tickets: $18/person. If interested in attending, please contact BA at 215-923-2003 with your name, phone number, e-mail address, and the number of tickets you’re interested in reserving. *NEW DATE* Sunday, June 14: The National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene presents, “Mama’s Lokshn Kugel,” a traveling Yiddish revue featuring classic songs and sketches, 3:00 PM; $10/person, payable at the door, Teller Auditorium at Rodeph Shalom. Supertitles will be projected during the performance--no knowledge of Yiddish required. Please reserve by calling BA at 215-923-2003 and leaving your name and phone number on our voicemail. Beth Ahavah and Rodeph Shalom are affiliated in spirit and share a sacred home. In July 2007 Beth Ahavah affiliated with Rodeph Shalom. Beth Ahavah retains its congregational status within the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) and proudly offers its congregation dual membership at both synagogues.



MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

International News Church of Scotland backs gay minister The Church of Scotland has voted in favor of appointing an openly gay minister — the latest incident involving sexual orientation to create a division in the Anglican Communion. The church’s ruling body voted 326-267 to support the appointment of the Rev. Scott Rennie, 37, who was previously married to a woman and is now in a relationship with a man. Rennie was first appointed as a minister 10 years ago, but has faced opposition from some critics since he moved to a church in Aberdeen, Scotland, last year. Protesters had lobbied the Kirk, the Church of Scotland’s ruling executive, over Rennie’s case, claiming his appointment was not consistent with the teachings of the Bible. “We are absolutely opposed to that on the basis of what God has to say about homosexuality in the Bible,” said one opponent, Pastor Jack Bell of the Zion Baptist Church in Glasgow, Scotland. The case has divided Scottish religious leaders and follows tensions within the worldwide 77-million-member Anglican Communion. About 900 elders and ministers took part in a debate on Rennie’s case, but many chose to abstain from casting a vote.

Study: Male sex workers ignored A new report released in Canada entitled “Under the Radar: The Sexual Exploitation of Young Men,” has found that men in the sex trade often end up alone and without support. The report’s author, Sue McIntyre, had previously conducted extensive research into the plight of female sex workers, but realized men had been largely forgotten. “I’ve had a fair bit of guilt about it, that it was ignored for so long,” she said. “People don’t even see them, they don’t notice them. Even when there are outreach programs in a lot of different cities that do work with this population, they’re usually geared more for working with young women in the trade.” McIntyre sought input from 157 male sex-trade workers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan

Larry Nichols

and Manitoba. Her report, which paints a bleak picture for male sex-trade workers, suggests comprehensive changes. For most of the sex-trade workers it is “survival sex” — having enough money for food, shelter, clothing and often to support addictions. Although many are gay, others are “gay for pay.” More than 99 percent of their customers are men, and they work for an average of nine years, double the time of their female counterparts. Seventy-five percent of respondents reported sexual abuse and 85 percent were physically assaulted before they ran away from home. They reported feeling shame and self-loathing. Even social workers who work with sex-trade workers report being uncomfortable dealing with them. McIntyre’s report recommends specialized programs to help male prostitutes get out, including detox and rehabilitation beds, housing and help finding other employment. The report also said there should be mentoring programs and that staff working with young men in the sexual-exploitation trade should be provided with gender nonconformity training.

U.K. cops fly gay flag Police in the U.K. recently displayed their solidarity with the LGBT community by flying rainbow flags on the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. The day commemorates the anniversary of the World Health Organization de-listing homosexuality as a mental illness 19 years ago, celebrated May 17. The gesture was meant as a reassurance from law enforcement to people who have been targeted for assault and persecution based on individual characteristics. In Liverpool, police decorated their headquarters building with rainbow-colored lights. Many police stations were obliged to fly the rainbow flag in place of the U.K. Union Jack. This move created some angst among antigay elements, including criticism from conservative lawmaker David Davies. “Showing support for particular campaigns is a very dangerous route for the police,” he said. “The

job of the police is to enforce the law even-handedly and without prejudice, and we ought to be able to take that for granted.” Gay and Lesbian Support Network chair Tracy O’Hara, commenting on the flag’s appearance over police headquarters in Liverpool, said, “The rainbow flag signifies freedom and fairness, and underlines the commitment of Merseyside Police to be inclusive and diverse and to provide a valuable service to all of the communities we serve.”

Africa AIDS activists criticize U.S. Health activists claim a shortfall in promised U.S. funding for HIV/ AIDS projects would affect over 30 million people and said President Obama risks reversing the gains made by his predecessor. “Such projects are like planes ... they must have a forward momentum or they will stall and crash,” said Dr. Paul Zeitz, the executive director of the Global AIDS Alliance. He singled out decreased funding for the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, which is credited with saving millions of lives. On the campaign trail, Obama promised to expand by PEPFAR by a billion dollars a year. But Zeitz said the budget Obama’s administration submitted this month does not contain any significant increase, maintaining funding levels at a steady $6 billion a year. He said this and lower-thanpromised commitments to other anti-HIV/AIDS projects mean 1 million people will not get lifesaving drugs. In total, he said, there was a $3.3-billion shortfall in U.S. support for global AIDS funding and bilateral AIDS programs. Rolake Odetoyimbo, from the Pan African Treatment Movement in Nigeria, said Obama’s failure to live up to his commitment means other countries are likely to spend less on the fight against AIDS. At the end of 2007, 33 million people were living with HIV, according to the World Health Organization, with two-thirds in sub-Saharan Africa. ■ Larry Nichols can be reached at

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

DECISION From Page 1 clause either with regard to the fundamental rights of privacy and due process or in any other area, with the sole exception of access to the designation of ‘marriage’ to describe their relationship,” allowing for the measure to be narrow enough to be considered an amendment, not a revision. Justice Carlos Moreno, the only Democrat on the bench, was also the only dissenter, arguing the measure should have been considered a revision. He held that constitutional changes such as Prop. 8 that “substantially alter the substance and integrity of the state constitution as a document of independent force and effect” should be treated as revisions. Moreno continued that the ruling “places at risk the state constitutional rights of all disfavored minorities” and “weakens the status of our state constitution as a bulwark of fundamental rights for minorities protected from the will of the majority.” All justices agreed, however, that the more than 18,000 samesex marriages that took place in the state between May and November 2008 should continue to be recognized. Stephen Carlino and Dennis Fee, owners of local Tavern on Camac, were married in California in October, and Carlino said that while he’s happy his marriage will still be recognized by law, he was frustrated with the court’s decision. “I’m very, very disappointed that they would allow a small majority of people to decide the fate of this large minority,” Carlino said. “This is a minority that now has less rights than the majority; they’ve set up almost a second class of citizens.” LGBT leaders across the country appeared determined this week to bring the issue back to the voters. Marc Solomon, Equality California marriage director, said that while his agency was eager to work with other marriage-equality supporters to determine if it would be more effective to pursue a ballot initiative to reverse Prop. 8 in 2010 or 2012, Equality California is leaning toward the sooner, the better. “We believe, as do the majority of our members, that 2010 is the best time to return to the ballot to repeal Prop. 8. We must take full advantage of the momentum and commitment people now have to do the work required on the ground,”


Solomon said. “We look forward to working with our coalition partners to make a final decision on when to return to the ballot and to putting together one powerful, winning campaign program to ensure that committed, same-sex couples are once again able to enjoy the dignity and protections that marriage provides.” According to the California secretary of state, marriageequality proponents would have until Aug. 17 to collect the nearly 700,000 signatures needed to have the repeal question qualify for the 2010 ballot. LGBT supporters also intend to take the fight to the federal courts. Former U.S. Solicitor Gen. Theodore B. Olson and David Boies — two attorneys who argued on opposing sides of the Bush/Gore 2000 presidential election case — announced Tuesday that they will represent two same-sex couples who were denied a marriage license after the passage of Prop. 8. The suit, which calls for an immediate injunction of the ballot measure, will be filed in U.S. District Court in the state. Marriage-equality opponents also took to the streets this week. Tens of thousands of LGBT and ally supporters held protests

and rallies in cities throughout the country, a coordinated effort fueled by the site DayofDecision. org, founded by Robin Tyler, one of the plaintiffs in the case, which posted planned protests in 108 cities. A few hours after the decision was published, San Francisco police arrested about 175 LGBT and ally protesters who were blocking an intersection in the city. Several thousands supporters turned out that night for a scheduled march from City Hall to the Castro district, and more than 5,000 reportedly gathered in San Diego and 1,000 in both Los Angeles and New York City. While appearing on “The Tonight Show” with Jay Leno on Tuesday, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) expressed confidence that the state’s LGBT community would eventually overturn Prop. 8. “I think that this is not over, the decision, because I think they’re going to come back,” Schwarzenegger said. “In a year or two, they will be back again with another initiative trying to get it. You know, eventually it’s going to be overturned.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at


Guaranteed Results!

Jared Carter, CSCS





MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009





MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

�������������������������� PGN Staff Just before each summer, PGN hits the books. No, we don’t go back to school. We scour our bookshelves, contact publishers and call friends. We narrow down our choices, then read. We read fluff, heady books (of both sorts), fantasy, romance and poetry, then report back. Here’s what we are reading this year, and what you might enjoy too. ��������������������� CA Conrad Nonfiction This book really would have benefited from having some pictures. Openly gay Philadelphia author and Elvis fanatic CA Conrad takes the reader on his own rambling and borderline psychotic pilgrimage to Graceland and Memphis with this loosely connected series of vignettes, poems and observations. Really, someone should have hired John Waters and a film crew to follow Conrad around on this trip. It’s hard to tell whether Conrad is taking the piss with his salivating fellow Elvis enthusiasts or cosigning their oftentimescreepy level of devotion to the legendary performer. For instance, there’s the old and sickly woman who plucked grass from Elvis’ grave because, she said, he misses his home and she could give it to him when she sees him in heaven. Wow. You would think a

real fan would bring him some Vicodin or a meat-lover’s pizza. But grass from his own grave? Then there are the locals that Conrad runs into from time to time who think a gay, vegetarian Elvis fan has the same level of wonder as meeting a real live unicorn. But those are balanced out by the group of women that Conrad falls in with that encourages him to try to sneak a guy into Elvis’ bedroom for a romp. At times, things get really weird. Conrad has a fantasy about sleeping naked next to Elvis in bed, wearing a body condom. Then there’s a pagan gathering involving an Elvis shrine and a surprise display of bestiality that one can only hope was a hallucination from eating too many fried peanut-butter and banana sandwiches. If you like Elvis, white trash or unintentional Southern gothic horror, your ship has come in with this book. — Larry Nichols ��������������������� Edited by Richard Labonte Fiction Any collection with “best” in the title is usually a safe bet, and this compilation of 18 short stories is a winner. And isn’t it true that variety is the spice of life? “Best Gay Romance 2009” is a great book to have handy for those times this

summer when you want to savor a few minutes of high-quality storytelling. The opening short, “One” by T. Hitman, is a story of two men finding each other in an unlikely workplace and sets the bar for the stories that follow. Vic Bach’s “Kindred Souls” shows that there is still the possibility of finding Mr. Right through the want ads, and “Coming Back to Me” by Simon Sheppard is a gem of a story of two men who have to lose each other to realize that they belong together. Three exceptional stories of learning to love someone new after becoming single are “What We Leave Behind” by Shanna Germain, “Chiaroscuro” by Jay Mandal and “Starting Over” by Sam Sommer. The final story in this anthology, “The Forrest of Suicides,” is poignant and chilling at the same time. In it, one man is waiting for a loved one to arrive and the mirror story is what is happening to that man that keeps him from arriving. It is a gripping tale that demands an immediate second reading for full effect. In any of the story narratives, whether about losing the love of one’s life, finding the love of one’s life or recalling the person we will remember the rest of our life, this collection will certainly remind the reader that love and romance are what make life. — Scott A. Drake �������� By Rakesh Satyal Fiction Blue Boy focuses on the adventures of Kiran, a sixth-grade Indian-American boy living in Cincinnati circa 1992, stuck

between his traditional immigrant Hindu parents and the social hell of being an outcast at school. Add into the mix that Kiran is really into wearing his mother’s makeup, dolls, the pop divas of the day (Whitney, Mariah, Janet, etc.) and trying to show everybody up in the school talent show, and you pretty much get the idea of the social minefield he has to tap-dance through every day. In his debut novel, Satyal makes you want to root for Kiran, whose life is loosely based on his own. Kiran is smart enough to know he is smarter and way more fabulous than most, but not streetwise enough to know when his classmates are setting him up to look like a fool. It helps that Kiran is likable, because you need to be on his side to motor through many of the particulars of the book, which goes into great detail about almost everything and everyone, no matter how small a role they play. At one point, he goes into excruciating detail about the minutiae of being at the mall, spending more time describing the landscape of kiosks and the food court than discussing the mission at hand: securing a porn magazine from the local book store without his mother

finding out. It turns out to be a pretty comical caper, and that kind of offbeat juvenile exploit fuels interest in Kiran’s story. “Blue Boy” reads like an early-’90s “Wonder Years” for the gay Hindu set, but it is also entertaining for anyone who felt out of place in his or her youth. — L.N. �������������������� By J. M. Redmann Mystery Lesbian detective Micky Knight returns in “Death of a Dying Man,” an engaging mystery set in New Orleans. Damon LaChance hires Micky to find the daughter he hopes to meet before



MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009



�������������������������� his hepatitis C and HIV kill him. Damon even changed his will to generously benefit her. Of course, one of Damon’s friends or lovers is angered enough by this to attempt murder. As Micky investigates who would kill a man about to die, she is assisted by Shannon — an unwelcome and attractive but brash and smart journalist. “Death of a Dying Man” shows Micky knows how to rattle cages and work a case — getting suspects to reveal more about themselves than they intend to tell her. Redmann knows how to create sexual tension in the smartass cracks Micky and Shannon exchange before bonding, and she provides a tangibly humid New Orleans atmosphere. Yet as good as Micky is in crime-solving, she doesn’t recognize the signs of a developing hurricane. The second half of “Death of a Dying Man” focuses on Katrina and its aftermath. Alas, Redmann’s well-written novel wrestles with telling both stories. The effects of the storm prove to be more interesting than the whodunnit that precedes it.

��������������� �������������� �������� By Jon Ginoli Autobiography “Deflowered” is the story of Pansy Division told from the point of view of band founder and frontman Ginoli. It is also queer rock’s answer to some of the more famous band tell-alls out there. Granted, the pioneering gay-punk band never reached the highest levels of rock-star fame — and the corresponding levels of debauchery found in similarly styled books by Aero-smith or Motley Crüe. But there is enough sex, drugs and loud music to go around and keep readers entertained. Ginoli writes candidly about his life and the band’s humble beginnings. They found a small but receptive and loyal audience, thanks to the window of opportunity the grunge movement afforded them. They rode that wave, flying the flag for gay rock musicians and opening for superstars like Green Day along the way. It’s fun to follow the band’s world travel, especially when Ginoli takes some well-deserved jabs at Blink-182, Bon Jovi and Limp Bizkit. And it’s wrenching to see the band’s fortunes take a dip as boy bands and rap-metal took over in the late 1990s and our heroes have to figure out how to

���� — Gary M. Kramer


survive as a group. Beyond the road stories, Ginoli paints a vivid picture of gay culture from the ’80s-’90s, which he oftentimes found frustrating. Punk-rock culture wasn’t quite ready for an outand-proud pop-punk band and gay culture wasn’t quite ready for a gay band that played rock or had overtly sexual lyrics. “Deflowered” is definitely a book that should be plucked off the shelves. — L.N. ������������� By Frank Anthony Polito Fiction Drama Queers!” is the 1980s version of “High School Musical” — only with characters who are a bit more overtly gay. Polito’s novel follows the senior year of Brad Dayton, an aspiring actor struggling to break out of the confines of his small Michigan town and make it big on the stage. On top of the typical high-school stresses — college applications, after-school jobs and parental clashes — Brad’s also struggling with his sexuality. While he’s accepted that he’s gay, he’s still trying to find the “right moment” to share this news with his loved ones. The one friend

he did come out to distanced himself from Brad, perhaps to alleviate suspicion about his own questionable sexuality, and Brad finds himself delving into several new romantic endeavors on his own without counsel from his friends or family. “Drama Queers!” is a comedic, coming-of-age story that allows the reader to trace Brad’s gradual maturity as he muddles through teen angst to reconcile his own identity and goals. The novel is written from the first-person perspective, and takes on an almost diary-like fashion as Brad candidly dishes about his latest crushes and other teen turmoil. The book is saturated with 1980s culture, each chapter previewed by lyrics from an ’80s song and with Brad’s frequent tangents about television, music and movie icons from the decade. And while such references may resonate with the over-30 crowd, this population might tire of the teen soap-opera nature of the novel. If you can get accustomed to Brad’s recurrent gushing and exaggerated use of words like “sooo” and “like,” his unrest is endearing and engaging and has the ability to transport the reader to days when the future was wide open and the present was all that mattered. — Jen Colletta ������������������������� �������� By Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy Nonfiction Originally published in 1997, this now-classic guide to polyamory and open relationships has a newly updated edition. Largely rewritten and reorganized by the original authors, it now includes

short, practical exercises useful for exploring the emotional minefield that can arise from making the decision to open things up. It also has a spiffy new cover. Presented in clear, matterof-fact language, largely free of the new-age spirituality too frequently found in other resources of this type, “The Ethical Slut” is the go-to guide for anyone considering an alternate relationship model. Included are guidelines for different sorts of open relationships, strategies for dealing with jealousy, the everpractical section on group-sex etiquette and a newly updated and expanded resource guide. Long considered the definitive text on the subject, “The Ethical Slut” just got that much better. For anyone out there feeling that life has more to offer than monogamy, this book should be your first step. Hey, if it’s good enough for Margaret Cho, right? — P. Alexander Butler ������������ Alex Beecroft M/M historical romance “False Colors,” the second in a series of English historical gay romances published locally, is an engrossing tale that takes place in the English navy during the ���������������������������


SUMMER READING From Page 19 1700s. Set almost entirely at sea, the newly appointed captain of the Meteor, John Cavendish, finds himself locked in a moral battle with some dark feelings about his well-liked lieutenant, Alfie Donwell. Sea battles, port raids and life at sea bring the men close, but when Donwell finally makes a move on the captain, the result is not good. The two end up serving separately and have to come to grips with their now-lost friendship. The fast-paced and involving “False Colors” captures the essence of maritime life with stronger structure than its predecessor “Transgressions” and with more action and direction. Additionally, Beecroft does an excellent job of drawing the reader into the characters’ emotional conflicts. For anyone who enjoys gay romance novels, both “False


Colors” and “Transgressions” should be worthwhile. And, as they are independent stories, feel free to read “False Colors” first. This fall, “Tangled Web” and “Lover’s Knot” will continue the series. — S.A.D. Fist of the Spider Woman: Tales of Fear and Queer Desire Edited by Amber Dawn Short stories There are some delightfully good stories to be found in this collection of horror from a queer feminine perspective, and far beyond the clichéd roles of women in horror as hapless victims or villainous she-devils. The poetry and vampire stories contained here are perfunctory enough, like Fiona Zedde’s “Every Dark Desire.” The intense power struggle between two supernatural beings ends exactly how you think it

will, and you get the sense that genre is too well-trodden to find anything particularly earth-shattering. It’s the stories that shake things up a bit that really deliver. Megan Milks’ “Slug” is a perfect mix of crazy sexual tension, genderfuck and H.P. Lovecraft-inspired freakish horror. Body horror is also a theme in “Crabby,” but this story is far more entrenched in real life and kind of comical to boot. Kristyn Dunnion’s “Homeland” is almost an homage to Alfred Hitchcock, as a homicidal lesbian hustler gets the tables turned on her in spectacular fashion by her wouldbe victim. Some anthologies make the mistake of boring the reader with repetitive storylines, but “Fist of the Spider Woman” presents a pleasant variety of styles and voices that makes it an enjoyable and sometimes spine-tingling read. — L.N. Hollywood Bohemians By Brett Abrams Nonfiction Although today’s Hollywood is decidedly different than it was in the early 20th century, one thing has remained true: Sex sells. Abrams’ “Hollywood

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

Bohemians” explores the growth of Hollywood between 191741, examining how some in the film industry challenged societal conceptions of gender. This fueled not only social change, but also Hollywood’s reputation as a place where sexual inhibition is not only uncommon but unexpected. Abrams’ work investigates how novels, films and mass media of the time gave extensive attention not only to gays and lesbians, but also to other such “bohemians” as crossdressers, effeminate males, butch females, adulterers and others who strayed from the accepted gender concepts of the era. “Hollywood Bohemians” provides an extensively researched analysis of the history of Hollywood, tracing how sexuality became the ingrained component of the movie industry that it is today. The book details the evolving Hollywood culture — from the movie sets to the nightspots to the parties — focusing on the gender expectations within those environments and how the wave of bohemians drastically changed that landscape. Abrams highlights such stars as Tallulah Bankhead, Clark Gable, William Randolph Hearst, Cary Grant and Greta Garbo, performers whose carefree perceptions of sex and sexuality — and the manner in which their lives were portrayed in the media — paved the way for the increasing risqué nature of Hollywood. Abrams’ work is written in a way that proffers plentiful scholarly research but also taps into the public’s continued desire to uncover all facets of Hollywood stars’ private lives. It would make an excellent addition to a film-history course, but is also an insightful and intriguing read for anyone bedazzled by the sexual abandon in the American movie industry. — J.C. A Human Eye Adrienne Rich Critical essays

In this collection, “A Human Eye: Essays on Art in Society, 1997-2008,” Rich has compiled 13 essays and lectures in which she examines topics ranging from the translation of Iraqi poetry (and what is lost in translation) to James Baldwin’s influence on the poet’s own work and civil rights in America. Rich’s writings reveal her deep intelligence and the rigor with which she has considered art and its ability to reflect — and change — society. In “Iraqi Poetry Today,” Rich evaluates how the translation of poetry is essential, yet fraught with difficulties. For the author, poetry is “unmistakably human as the human face, yet varied as faces are” and gives insight into other cultures not gained through other media or literature. In her analysis of several Iraqi poems, she considers the language the translators chose, wondering if syntax, tonalities and word choice ring true. And despite her criticisms of the language, she guesses: “Is this or that poem actually more remarkable than translation can suggest? Is it, in translation, bound, like Prometheus, on the rock of language and cultural references?” In “‘Candidates for My Love’: Three Gay and Lesbian Poets,” Rich dissects how out poets became activists in the 1960s and ’70s by the sheer act of self-definition. To illustrate her point, she considers poems by Walt Whitman, Robert Duncan and Judy Grahn, looking at how the very act of owning and writing about sexuality breaks with tradition. And, while she states, “There is no ‘progress’ — political or otherwise — in poetry — only riffs, echoes, of many poems and poets speaking into the future and back toward the past,” the poems of these three make it apparent that poetry marks society’s progress. — Sarah Blazucki

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009


Ice Song Kristen Imani Kasai Science fiction/fantasy

Lake Overturn By Vestal McIntyre Fiction

Kasai wastes no time setting up the action in “Ice Song,” the intriguing fantasy world she has created.

This astonishing novel —a great big captivating, multicharacter drama set in Eula, Idaho — has McIntyre juggling a half-dozen intersecting plots and people with extraordinary grace. The story spirals out from a junior-highschool science-fair project about the title phenomenon. Enrique and Gene are budding queers and trailer-park neighbors with single mothers. As they work on their project, other narratives ebb and flow. What connects Eulans is not just their location or their despair, but their emotions: Everyone aches for inappropriate or unrequited love. McIntyre provides remarkable details that reveal individual truths. From a description of how a woman cleans a house to Enrique’s “experiment” that leads Gene to physically explore his lust for Enrique’s brother, readers get inside the minds of these characters. The lies they tell are even more intriguing. Wanda, a junkie who wants to be a surrogate mother, has two unbelievable speeches that are quite striking. “Lake Overturn” also includes some fantastic imagery. One character is described as smelling like “neglected laundry,” while another shuts off her emotions “like unused rooms.” McIntyre so deeply invests himself and readers into his characters that it is a shame when “Lake Overturn” ends — especially since this otherwise fantastic book fumbles its conclusion.

Sorykah is an engineer on an ice-drilling sub-marine that spends months at a stretch mining fossil water, a nonaddictive substance found deep in the planet’s southern pole areas. She chose the job to stay in the good graces of The Company and to draw attention away from the fact that she is a Trader, a being able to switch genders suddenly. Traders have a number of difficulties in the world. The genders have no memory of who they are or what they did while they were switched. Also, traders are seen as objects of desire or revulsion by society at large and usually find themselves hunted or persecuted once their true nature is discovered. Complicating things is the fact that Sorykah has two children who are also Traders and, when they mysteriously disappear, it is up to Sorykah and her male alter ego, Soryk, to find them. “Ice Song” touches on social and environmental issues, such as the global impact of The Company, and the emergence of wild and sometimes-horrific genetic mutations in the population play out around Sorykah’s search for her children. “Ice Song” is definitely a compelling read, largely due to the fact that Sorykah is such a well-developed character. She has an equally intense and complex sense of love and resentment for her children. And the fact that she exists between the world of humans and the mutants is also a source of conflict for her character. “Ice Song” is a near-perfect combination of fantasy, great storytelling and social commentary. — L.N.

— G.M.K. Likewise By Ariel Schrag Graphic novel In her two previous autobiographical comics,

“Awkward and Definition” and “Potential,” Schrag depicted her first three years of high school; the latest installment, “Likewise,” picks up the story of her senior year. The longest of the three, Schrag painstakingly documents her parents’ post-divorce relationship, her obsession with her exgirlfriend and her first visit to Good Vibrations to buy her first dildo. Through both dialogue and graphics, Schrag details her teenaged angst nearly to the point of oversaturation. Recurring themes that she delves deeply into are her obsession with her ex-girlfriend, documenting (literally) everything for the comic and coming to terms with her sexual orientation. While the latter deserves careful self-reflection and observation, Schrag’s focus on the former two becomes tedious, particularly when she uses her drawing style to demonstrate her depression and lapses into stream-ofconsciousness dialogue. While the first two novels were Team Philadelphia presents a week+ of sports showcasing the Philadelphia LGBT Community. For further info: www.

Friday June 5

Discussion Panel: Homosexuality in Sports

7-9 PM, Carriage House, 3907 Spruce Street. FREE.

Saturday June 6 Dragon Boat ReGAYtta

7 AM, Kelly Drive. To Row: $50 for Team Philadelphia Members; $70 for nonmembers; $10 to hang. Soheila 267-455-7452, soheilanikpour@yahoo. com

Philadelphia Firebirds vs. Pittsburgh Passion

6 PM, Ben Johnston Stadium, 1000 E. Sedgwick Street. $10 Adults; $5 Students w/ID. Sherry: smccoy74@yahoo. com

Team Philadelphia Pass the Buck

9 PM-1 AM, Area Bars. Tony:


engaging, this installment comes across as heavy-handed and selfobsessed. — S.B. MemoraBEALEia By Walter Newkirk Nonfiction Most people who know anything about “Little Edie” Beale gained their knowledge from the 90-minute documentary “Grey Gardens,” first released in theaters in 1976. In the film, Little Edie appears as a somewhat-eccentric recluse who never gets out from under the dysfunctional relationship with her mother, Big Edie Beale. The film gained notoriety

because Big Edie was the sister of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis’ father, “Black Jack” Bouvier, making Little Edie Jackie’s first cousin. People were fascinated by the apparent differences between the two cousins — Jackie so sophisticated and independent, Edie so dizzy and co-dependent. In this new book by Newkirk, who met the Beales shortly after the film debuted and became good friends with Little Edie, Newkirk recounts touching anecdotes of a friendship that spanned 25 years. Interspersed in the narrative are photos of numerous letters written by Little Edie, snapshots of her at various events and news clips covering her life after the documentary. Newkirk does an admirable job of developing Little Edie into a real-life person, not the caricature that emerged from “Grey Gardens.” She is shown to be a woman of intelligence and compassion with a flair for See SUMMER READING, Page 28

Sunday June 14

FINS Stroke Clinic

Sunday June 7

Serves Up! Round Robin Tennis Tournament

9 AM-2 PM, FDR Park. $15 PLTA Members; $20 non-members; $25 day of event. John: vicepresident@plta. us

Monday June 8

Philadelphia Falcons Scrimmage & Barbecue

6-8 PM, Edgely Fields, Fairmount Park. FREE. Soheila: soheilanikpour@yahoo. com

Spartan Wrestling Club Open House

6:45-9 PM, First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut. $5. Ed:

Tuesday June 9

Freestyle Frisbee Frolic

6:30 PM. The Fountain in Washington Square Park. FREE Rick: 215-589-9193

Thursday June 11 3rd Annual Behind the 8 Ball Pool Tournament

8 Ball Pool Tournament, $100 prize for winner. Sign-in starts at 7 PM, Tournament starts at 8PM 7 PM. The Bike Stop [2nd Floor], 206 South Quince St. $5 Rick: 215-589-9193

Friday June 12 Athlete Meet & Greet, Gay Games Cologne Q&A

7-9 PM. Tavern on Camac, 243 South Camac Street. Tony:

Saturday June 13 Get Ready for Gay Games VIII Martial Arts Event

8:30 AM. Olde Pine Community Center, 401 Lombard. $20. Teresa: peobumjong@aol. com

Team Philadelphia Bar Night

8 PM-1 AM. The Bike Stop, 206 South Quince Street

10 AM-Noon, Friends Select School, 16th & Race. $10. Jennifer: 856-266-1195;

1 Mile Walk/Run with Pride

11:45 AM SHARP. 13th and Locust. $20, $25 day of event. Mike: ZuZu:

Sunday June 14 Noon-6PM Philadelphia Gay Pride Parade and Festival

Great Plaza, Penn’s Landing Rick: 215-589-9193

Thanks to our Sponsors:




MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

Dana Rudolph

New film shows how all teens affected by gender stereotypes and homophobia


Read it here first.

“I felt that teenagers in particular were really affected by antigay prejudice,” said Academy Awardwinning filmmaker Debra Chasnoff, “but so much of the conversation that’s been had to date about that prejudice has been solely focused on how homophobia affects youth who are self-identified as LGBT or questioning. While that’s incredibly important, it was leaving out the whole majority of the population.” Her new documentary, “Straightlaced,” aims to change that. “I wanted to make a film that would open up dialogue about how everybody is really boxed in by homophobia and anti-female prejudice,” she explained. The tragic suicide last month of 11-year-old Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover in Springfield, Mass., after prolonged antigay bullying, followed a week later by the suicide of Jaheem Herrara in Georgia for similar reasons, reinforced for Chasnoff exactly why “Straightlaced” was needed. The documentary showcases the voices of about 50 teens from various states, in inner-city, suburban and rural schools, both public and private. The students are a mix of straight, LGBT, gender-queer and questioning, and from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. They discuss topics such as sexual pressures, cultural differences regarding gender and fears of ostracism or physical harm for being gay, as well as the effect gender pressures have had on their friendships and selfimage. Many defy our expectations. There are straight boys taking ballet and a straight girl who is most comfortable in boyish, baggy clothes; others have been called gay for being too romantic or crying after a breakup. Some simply discuss the pressures they feel to dress or act in certain ways in order not to be seen as gay, and several express their uncertainty about how to react when peers make anti-LGBT

remarks. There is also a range of LGBT and gender-queer students, including a gay Eagle Scout and track star, a bisexual cheerleader and a transgender student who transitioned in high school, among others. Chasnoff began “Straightlaced” over four years ago as part of the Respect for All Project, an initiative of her nonprofit media company GroundSpark. The project also includes “That’s a Family,” a film for elementary students about different family structures; “Let’s Get Real,” about name-calling and bullying in middle schools; and “It’s Elementary” (now re-released with updates as “It’s STILL Elementary”), a film for and about educators discussing gay issues in schools. Despite her long immersion in these issues, Chasnoff said that in making “Straightlaced,” “I was really stunned at the extent to which homophobia is a huge — a huge — factor in people’s lives today. Just the number of ways so many students were able to roll off the tip of their tongue all the things they couldn’t do or they would be perceived as gay ... I was really, really moved by how pained they all were.” For all its painful topics, however, “Straightlaced” still offers hope, not only in the commitment of some of the students to expressing their true selves, but also in the support many of them show to friends who are challenging gender norms. In spite of the recent suicides, Chasnoff does think things are changing for the better. “The huge growth of gay-straight alliances, for example, is a really powerful indicator of the beginning of a culture change on this,” she reflected, although she affirmed that in the vast majority of high schools, it is still not safe to be openly gay or gendernonconforming. How do we then reach out to the schools and students who most need to hear the film’s message? “That’s always the hardest challenge,” Chasnoff said, but added she is “cautiously optimistic.” When “It’s Elementary” first came out, in

1996, people told her it would never get shown in the South. Last year, the film had public screenings in Alabama, and GroundSpark was invited back this year to conduct training for teachers on homophobia. Change happens in stages, however. “It takes individuals and a community finding each other and beginning to advocate for some step,” she explained. “You may not be having the gay and lesbian pride assembly at your school next week, but you could show a film to your faculty and have a conversation about what that brings up about what’s going on in your school. There are small steps that people can take. “I think the great thing about the films that we have produced,” she said, “is they do the job of touching people’s hearts and getting them in the room and focused.” Afterward, it is easier to turn the discussion toward similar issues in their own schools. So far, the response to “Straightlaced” has been very positive. “We’ve had youth standing up in the audience afterward screaming at us, ‘I love this film!’” Chasnoff said. “To adults, gay, straight, young, old, all different races, people seem to find somebody in the film that they really relate to, and it’s always a different person in the film.” Many people have approached her afterward about using the film in schools, at conferences or just showing it to friends and family. Chasnoff and GroundSpark are now raising funds to distribute the film and produce ancillary materials, including a curriculum guide, a professional development program for school staff and a discussion kit for parents. As part of the campaign, they will be screening “Straightlaced” at theaters and film festivals around the country. A full distribution program will begin in the fall, making the film a great resource for the new school year. ■ Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher of Mombian (www., a blog and resource directory for LGBT parents.

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009



Scissor Sisters guitarist dazzles with solo work By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer Scissor Sisters guitarist Del Marquis definitely has enough talent to be a star in his own right. Using the group’s downtime, the out guitarist has ventured on his own for a solo project. One listen to Marquis’ newwave coolness mixed with retro funkiness is all it takes to wonder how the rest of the Scissor Sisters let him get away with songs this good. “I have to answer this question very diplomatically,” he said. “Baby Daddy and Jake [Shears] are definitely our Lennon and they write most of the songs. This was a chance for me to do exactly what I want, for better or for worse. The songs are always going to find a place on a Scissor’s album. It’s just my opportunity. I have the time and I have the means. They’ve heard what I’ve done and they’re really proud of me, but I don’t know if they’d fit on a Scissor Sisters album.” Marquis is taking the road less traveled to distribute his music, choosing to ration out his songs as EPs, beginning with “Hothouse” released last December and “Character Assassination” released in March. His latest release, “Litter to Society,” recently hit the Internet. “It’s a bit of a throwback and it’s also a progressive idea of how people buy music in today’s market,” he said about releasing EPs. “There’s different pockets of consumers. Some people just want the single. Not everybody wants album tracks. Some people can’t really absorb an entire

album. I kind of did it for two reasons. Stylistically, I had so many different types of music that I felt I could group them thematically. Then, another reason was if I put them out as an album with my means independently and promoted with a small budget, it falls under the radar. This is a way for me to stagger and make an event for it each time I put one out.” Marquis said that “Litter To Society” is a progression into more intense music and themes than the guitar-driven “Hothouse” and the synth-heavy “Character Assassination.” “The first one was me getting out of the way of the melodic songs that were the most earnest and emotional,” he said. “Then it kind of gets progressively

darker and more schizophrenic. ‘Litter to Society’ is definitely the darkest of the things that I’m putting out. It kind of starts out with the most hopeless song I did for this collection. I don’t want to end on that idea. The end of this release, the last song, is kind of the redemption. All the songs

these songs live before he returns to the Scissor Sisters. “If you listen to the music, it’s a fully fleshed-out band,” he said. “It would be a huge production for me without tour support [from a record company] to put together a band. I have done one live show and I have plans to do a couple more, but they’re pretty much re-imagined versions of what you’re hearing. We stripped them of most live instrumentation. It’s me performing on vocals and guitar with two people on laptops and some synths.” For more information on Del Marquis or to download any of his EPs, visit www.delmarquis. com. ■ Larry Nichols can be reached at

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leading up to it on this release are about questioning your place in society and urban and emotional decay. I definitely want to come out of the end of that with some kind of sense of hope.” Marquis’ EPs pull from a number of influences, sounding very ’80s and modern all at once, echoing artists such as Prince, David Bowie and Gary Numan, to name a few. He said there are elements of all of those sounds in his DNA. “As a child of the ’80s, you grew up listening to a radio that would play just hits. It wasn’t about the genre,” he said. “You’d hear a Dolly Parton song next to Prince next to Hall & Oates.” He added that the complexity of the music probably means you won’t be seeing him perform

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MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009




Family Portraits “You spin me right round, baby, right round like a record baby ... ” These lyrics come to mind whenever I think of DJ Freddie Tek. A longtime figure on the LGBT music scene, the affable music meister has been keeping people on their toes for close to four decades. I took a beat to chat up the mix master known for his hearty, “Hey, hey, hey!” PGN: So Fred, are you an urban guy? FT: No, I was actually born in a small town, Berwick, Pa., the home of Wise potato chips. It’s halfway between Williamsport, where they play the Little League World Series, and Wilkes-Barre. PGN: Do you have any brothers or sisters? FT: I’m the oldest of three siblings. Next oldest is my brother and then a little sister. PGN: What did/do your parents do? FT: My dad currently is a sign painter. He used to work at the local forge, Berwick Forge and Fabricating. An interesting fact: Berwick was actually on Hitler’s top-10 list for bombing if the Nazis ever got here, because the forge supplied tanks, railroad cars and ammunition during the war. My mother worked at the


MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

Suzi Nash potato-chip plant in the packing department, where they packed the finished product into boxes. I worked there too in the summers. PGN: So were you raised on potato chips? FT: [Laughs.] It’s kind of like an “I Love Lucy” episode, where at first you’re all excited and eat all the product you can, then after three months you can’t stand it. Even the smell gets to you. PGN: What’s your background? FT: Hungarian on my father’s side and Russian and Slovak on my mother’s side. PGN: What were you like as a kid? FT: Pretty studious. From an early age, probably about 3 or 4, I loved math. I wanted to be a math professor and went to Penn State as a double major in math and physics. PGN: So how did you get into the entertainment business? FT: I started doing radio at home when I was 16 and that helped pay for my first year of college. My first two years, I went to a bridge campus of Penn State called Hazleton, which was only 20 minutes from my parents’ house, and then I went to the main campus starting my

junior year. While I was there, I started working at nightclubs and spinning for fraternity parties. I loved it and ended up pursuing it as a career. And, here I am 38 years later, still doing it. PGN: So does your math background help you with syncing up beats and combining music? FT: Yes, absolutely. PGN: Do you remember your favorite book as a kid? FT: I think it was “Helter Skelter,” the true-crime book by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt Gentry about the Manson murders. PGN: Favorite toy? FT: I was really into Tinker Toys and also the Kenner Bridge and Girder and Kenstruct Interstate Highway Set. I remember one year we went to the county fair and when we came home, I built a model of the different rides I’d gone on out of Tinker Toys. Later in life I also tinkered with the idea of becoming an architect. PGN: What were other things you liked to do? FT: I liked to do paint by numbers, but it was a bit embarrassing because my father did real painting, free-style. He is very creative and used

FREDDIE TEK to do still-life paintings. He’s from a family of nine kids and they all paint or do something creative. We have some of his pictures hanging in the dining room. He still is responsible for the lettering/signage on a lot of big tractor trucks, so I can see a

Photo: Suzi Nash

truck go by and say, “There’s my dad’s work!” PGN: What was a first sign that you were gay? FT: When I was 7 years old there was a show called “A Man’s World,” about four young men who live in a houseboat called the Elephant. I remember feeling all tingly when I watched it. I didn’t know why at the time, I just knew I was obsessed with the show. If I realized the show was on, I would come tearing in from outside so I wouldn’t miss any of it, and I would stand 2 feet from the TV to watch them. PGN: When did you start the coming-out process? FT: When I was 11, I had a friend from church who I used to have sleepovers with. One night he started fooling around with me and that was my first experience. After that, I mostly fooled around with “straight” friends at home. Then I started going down to Atlantic City when I was 18. One time, a buddy took me to a gay bar called the Chez Paree. I was appalled and excited at the same time. I’d never been around gay people that I knew of until then. I met my first boyfriend that year during Memorial Day weekend.

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

PGN: How did your family take it? FT: I’m not officially out to them. When I was 18, my mom found a letter from that first boyfriend. She confronted me and said that I needed to go to a psychiatrist. I told her that I wasn’t sick and that I wasn’t going and we’ve never discussed it since. That was the first and last time the subject was ever brought up. PGN: That’s wild considering how visible you’ve been in the community for so many years. Was being open in the public eye ever a concern? FT: No. I’ve always been open in public and at home; it’s just a subject that we never broach. PGN: What type of music would people be surprised to know our man from Berwick likes to listen to? FT: I like a lot of R&B and funk. Rap too to some degree. PGN: Do you collect anything? FT: I have a large comic-book collection. I had about 6,000some going back to the ’50s. I have a bunch of old Mad magazines as well.


PGN: Most unusual job? FT: One time, when I was at Penn State DJ’ing at a frat party, I locked myself out of my van as I was loading up to leave. The party was over and I pounded on the door for quite some time to get one of the brothers to let me in, and when someone finally opened the door, it was this handsome guy in a robe. This was back when I was in my hey-day, and he took one look at me and said, “If I’d have known what was waiting at the door, I would have come down sooner.” I learned that fraternities had the biggest closet doors of all. PGN: Your most unusual record? FT: I have the song “Africa” by the group Toto. The actual record is shaped like the continent of Africa, complete with color cartography. PGN: You’re so into music. Do you play any instruments? FT: I’m actually classically trained on the piano. I also play some clarinet and the pipe organ. I took lessons from the minister’s wife at church for four years. There’s a different technique for playing the pipe organ as opposed to the piano.

PGN: A beautiful childhood memory? FT: Going to Niagara Falls to go camping with my family. We went to a campsite about 5 miles from the falls and we got to go swimming and diving in the pool at the campgrounds, which I really enjoyed. And we spent two days at the falls, both on the Canadian side and the American side. It was a fun time.

PGN: If you could be reincarnated as an animal, which one would you choose? FT: I’m thinking maybe a lion. Purely for practical reasons. He’s pretty much on the top of the food chain, so I wouldn’t have to worry about anyone other than man messing with me!

PGN: Did you have a blankie or stuffed animal? FT: [Laughs.] I didn’t, but I’ll tell on my brother. He had a stuffed bunny!

PGN: What traits do you think you get from your parents? FT: I know I have the ability to hold my temper like my dad. It takes a lot to get us riled up,

PGN: Favorite ice cream? FT: I just had it when I went home for Mother’s Day — a flavor called teaberry. PGN: So during the outlandish ’70s, what was your wildest outfit? FT: Oh man, right before my senior year in high school, I’d lost about 40 pounds and had developed a really good body, so when I went down to A.C., I would wear these half shirts. I had one shirt in particular that was this outrageous maroon color. I look back and think how ridiculous we looked.

PGN: What zodiac sign are you? FT: I’m an Aries.

See PORTRAITS, Page 33


Q Puzzle Why we recruit Across: 1. Freudian undergarment? 5. Exams for srs. 9. It could blow up in your mouth, in a gag 14. Leaning erection site 15. Eat up, with “down” 16. Cell terminal 17. Arab head 18. C&W’s McEntire 19. Former German state 20. With 53-Across, question to Harvey, in “Milk” 22. FAQ part 23. Nothing at all 24. Megan’s “Will & Grace” character 26. Magneto portrayer Ian 31. Turn into 34. On the ball 35. Streaker in space 37. “No kidding!” 38. Peters out 39. Fannie Flagg’s “ ___ Green Tomatoes” 40. Lesbos, for one 41. Current unit 42. Singer Nyro 43. Nobelist Sadat 44. School of acting 46. Tops? 48. Gave a glowing review 50. “Lord, is ___?” 51. Streisand’s “The ___ Were” 53. See 20-Across 59. Drag queen Joey 60. “That makes sense” 61. Series ender 62. Torso opening 63. Crack investigator? 64. Dipstick wipers 65. On the up and up 66. Catwoman portrayer Eartha 67. Queens stadium name

Down: 1. Kind of sheet 2. Peru’s capital 3. “The doctor ___” 4. Wife and wife, e.g. 5. Dead Sea find 6. “Excuse me!” 7. Choice for Hamlet 8. Oscar winner Hilary 9. Minnelli movie 10. Bad way to come 11. With 28-Down, Harvey’s answer 12. Ending with chick 13. Split 21. Become limp 25. In the sack 26. Woman who goes both ways? 27. Weather conditions 28. See 11-Down 29. Earthy color

Read it here first.


30. Black to Bonheur 32. Back biter 33. Jugs 36. Lindsay Lohan’s “ ___ Girls” 39. Change from red to pink 40. They know what’s what 42. 6-0 for Mauresmo 43. Erotic opening 45. Birth state of Bette Midler 47. Emulate Gus van Sant 49. Bend an elbow 51. Cry like a banshee 52. Composer Thomas 54. Morales of “Resurrection Blvd.” 55. Full of pep 56. Place for Young men? 57. Composer John 58. Lanchester of “Bride of Frankenstein” See SOLUTION, Page 33



SUMMER READING From Page 21 writing, much like her famous cousin. For anyone interested in a more realistic portrayal of the Beales, particularly Little Edie, this book is a must-read. — Timothy Cwiek Object of Desire William J. Mann Fiction Mann has created an outstanding world of love, lust, loss, friendship, families and fortune through nearly 30 years and both coasts of the U.S. with his sixth

novel, “Object of Desire.” Danny Fortunato of East Hartford, Conn., now lives in Palm Springs with his English professor husband of 20 years, Frank Wilson. But the journey from being a skinny, shy boy in high school to a mature, masculine artist takes him through West Hollywood and nights of dancing on a box for tips from ogling and groping men and scores of, well, scores. Mann uses these locations in the first three chapters to create the framework for the rest of the book and, from that point on, interweaves them like gold and silk threads on a loom. It was Danny’s 14th birthday back in East Hartford when his sister Becky went missing. Danny doesn’t tell anyone that he knows Becky was with Chipper the afternoon she disappeared because he has his own crush on him. Eventually, Becky’s disappearance drives his mother insane, his father to drink and Danny to California. There, Danny’s acting career doesn’t work out and, while club dancing, he spies Frank, a man he wants desperately.

Completely taken by this man 14 years his senior, Danny moves in with him shortly thereafter. In present-day Palm Springs, Danny is now celebrating his 41st birthday with his best friend Randall when a man across the room captivates him. Kelly becomes the object of his desire much like Frank had 21 years previously in West Hollywood. But Danny becomes obsessed with Kelly much like his mother had with Becky, and even his open relationship with Frank reaches the breaking point. As all of Danny’s pasts catch up with the present, everything eventually becomes extraordinarily and inextricably fused. In the end, there are resolutions, revelations and some things that remain unresolved, for the reader to muse later. Read this book. And then read it again in the winter or next summer to absorb all of the subtleties that Mann has so giftedly and generously written. — S.A.D.

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

One Last Kiss By Mary Wilbon Fiction Murder, prostitution and politics collide in “One Last Kiss,” which follows a lesbian detective on the trail of a murderer who claimed the life of her first love. Detective Cassandra Slick, who left the New Jersey Police Department at the behest of her highsociety partner, Laura, finds herself back on the case when Gloria Roxley, a prostitute who lends her talents to some of New Jersey’s most high-powered politicians, is brutally murdered. Cassandra’s former adversary, homophobic Detective Tom Brandeal, is implicated in the

killing, and Cassandra and Laura set off to track down the details of Gloria’s life and death. Their investigation plunges them into the thick of New Jersey politics and police corruption, and proves that justice may not always be served best in court. “One Last Kiss” is a quick read, perfect for an afternoon on the beach. It’s the type of novel that encourages readers to don their own detective badges to try to solve a murder, as well as several other killings that occur in the story, before Cassandra does. The plot’s quick progression does require a bit of imagination to fill in some of the lacking character development, but the endless twists and turns keep the story exciting and continually surprising. There’s even a cameo appearance by “gay American” former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey. Who can beat that? — J.C. See SUMMER READING, Page 31






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MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009


Ms. Behavior


Meryl Cohn

Considering confidentialities Dear Ms. Behavior: I am a graduate psychology student and am required to recruit strangers or acquaintances for testing so that I can practice psychological assessment. Finding people to test can be awkward, so occasionally I fudge it and use someone from my circle of friends. Last year, I tested my friend Tony’s date, Stefan. According to the personality tests, Stefan seemed seriously disturbed and extremely narcissistic, with a borderline personality disorder. I was relieved when Tony’s relationship with him didn’t go anywhere. Now, fast forward to the present: Tony called out of the blue and said that he and Stefan got back together and he’s thinking of letting Stefan move in. He wants to know my thoughts about it. I’m tempted to tell him that Stefan has a very disturbed psychological profile, but I’m torn because the testing is supposed to be confidential. On the other hand, I don’t want my friend to get hurt. Should I make an exception to try to save Tony from further involvement with this guy? — Pre-Ph.D.

Dear Pre-Ph.D.: You’re discouraged from testing your friends for precisely this reason: so that you don’t diagnose them and then go blabbing the results to others. Perhaps testing people and spouting out the names of disorders makes you feel that you’ve gotten your money’s worth from your degree. Maybe it gives you the same thrill that firefighters feel when they get to hold the hose for the first time. But really, any bozo could pick up the DSM-IV and diagnose their friends and relatives, just like anyone could put out a candle with a garden hose. It doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. As a professional-in-training, you’re supposed to adhere to the ethics of your profession. If you were a layperson who carried around a textbook and diagnosed his friends, it would be annoying but at least you wouldn’t be violating ethical or legal boundaries. Also, there’d be no license for you to lose and no professional board to admonish you. Feel free to tell Tony anything that you would have said before you conducted your tests, e.g., “Stefan seems grumpy late at night” or “I like his hair.” But since Stefan does not appear to be a danger to himself or others, you must otherwise keep your mouth shut.

From now on, if you need to do psychological testing for school, make sure to extend your reach much farther out than your own polluted little pond of friends. Dear Ms. Behavior: I’m worried about whether I should move in with my girlfriend Gina. She’s great, but her daughter Becky is very fat. I don’t hold this against the kid; the problem is that Gina makes bad decisions. She stocks the pantries with potato chips and snack cakes, encourages the kid to eat like a pig, then complains that her 12-year-old daughter weighs over 200 pounds. Now she wants to staple the kid’s stomach — instead of putting her on a diet. I find it repulsive and weird. I’m not interested in being Becky’s mother, but I would certainly do a better job of getting her into healthier eating habits. My friends say I should stay distant and have a non-live-in arrangement with Gina. I like her house, though. I think we would do well living together ... except for the kid. What do you think? — Reluctant Dear Reluctant: You say you’d do well living with Gina “except for the kid.” But there’s no such thing as Gina without Becky, other than in your fantasies. When you’re considering a relationship with a woman who has a child, you

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Gay is our middle name.

may as well envision them as Siamese twins — with two little heads on one body — and see if you still like the idea. The fact that you want to stick yourself in the middle, like the gooey cream center in their household of Ring Dings, is worrisome. So, here’s some specific advice for you: 1) Never, ever get involved in an argument between a girlfriend and her child. No matter which side you’re on, you’ll lose. 2) Never move into a household of conflict. 3) Don’t ignore red flags and your reactions to them. Gina is

too lazy to help her daughter diet, and yet is willing to “fix it” by arranging gastric-bypass surgery for the child. Hello? You can be sure this problem extends into other areas of her life. You say you want to move in with Gina because you like her house. What about love or sex or shared values? On the plus side, no one could accuse you of being a silly romantic. ■ Meryl Cohn is the author of “‘Do What I Say’: Ms. Behavior’s Guide to Gay and Lesbian Etiquette” (Houghton Mifflin). Email her at or visit




MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009



MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009


SUMMER READING From Page 28 Our Life in Gardens Joe Eck and Wayne Winterrowd Nonfiction Partners Eck and Winterrowd have crafted a lovely and engaging book, mapping their life through their garden — how their relationship has changed and grown, even as their garden has changed and grown — and serving as a garden primer. The authors label each chapter with a gardening term or plant name, accompanied by a botanical illustration, framing a story about their garden (or life) or about the particular term at hand. For instance, in the chapter “Native Groundcover,” Eck and Winterrowd write about their favorite groundcover, pachysandra, giving background on the plant, its biological name and preferred growing conditions. In the chapter “The Pergola Walk,” the authors tell of how they came to have such a feature in their garden, tracing it back to a vacation on the Amalfi Coast in Italy, and what plants grace the walk now, all the while writing vivid descriptions of the plants, the garden and their experiences. While each chapter addresses a separate topic, taken together they paint a colorful picture of the joy the authors receive from their garden — and inspire garden envy in the reader. What could be a dry garden story is instead rich and lush, like a beautiful garden, attractive to gardeners and nongardeners alike. — S.B. Pre-Gay LA: A Social History of the Movement for Homosexual Rights C. Todd White Reference New York City claims the 1969 Stonewall riots as the origins of the gay-rights movement in America, even though gay-rights protests had been going on for

years in Philadelphia. Now, White has produced “Pre-Gay LA” as the epicenter, detailing the origins of Mattachine, ONE Incorporated, the Homosexual Information Center and the Institute for the Study of Human Resources beginning in the late 1940s. One can only expect a treatise on lateVictorian-era underground movements followed by the Roman bathhouse writings to pre-date this latest gay-movement carbon dating. White uses the HIC archives and interviews to create a tediously thorough background into early southern California publications and organizations to promote gay rights. Minutes from some Mattachine and ONE meetings are not light reading, nor engrossing to say the least, but there is lot of information packed into these 226 pages of text and 32 pages of appendices, notes, references and index. Hardcore history buffs, political-science students and curious others should at least check it out as a shelf-sitting reference tool. Insomniacs: We have a winner! — S.A.D. Santa Olivia By Jacqueline Carey Fantasy Carey takes a well-deserved break from the erotic alternate history adventures of her Kushiel’s Legacy series to deliver this tale about a group of orphans in a plague-ridden, near-future no-man’s-land border town. The daughter of a genetically engineered super soldier, Loup Garron initially hides her gifts from her fellow orphans, but eventually assumes the mantle of the town’s


patron saint, Santa Olivia, to dispense vigilante justice upon the military regime that controls the town. A coming-of-age story for an unusual young woman, as well as a bold reinterpretation of superhero storytelling, “Santa Olivia” succeeds on many levels. At a brisk 341 pages, the novel is about half the size of Carey’s more mythic doorstoppers, but contains all the strengths for which she is well-regarded: a strong female protagonist, excellent characterization, bigaction sequences and a love story that is both pulse-quickening and heartbreaking. “Santa Olivia” is a perfect piece of summer escapism, but in the final analysis, it is nothing short of a parable about learning to live without fear — and having the courage to allow your heart to do the same.

express frustration that others don’t understand her sexuality. Coyote’s identification is not an issue for her, and her writing exhibits an unwavering confidence and self-awareness that is refreshing. “The Slow Fix” would be especially advantageous for LGBT and questioning youth. In many of the stories, Coyote describes her hesitance to perform at conservative high schools but nevertheless doesn’t turn down these invitations, as she seeks to demonstrate to the LGBT youth in these student bodies that they, too, can overcome any marginalization. Just as she strives to inspire LGBT youth during her speaking engagements, “The Slow Fix” also demonstrates for readers that one’s potential does not have to be curtailed by societal expectations of gender.

— P.A.B.

— J.C.

The Slow Fix By Ivan E. Coyote Memoir/Short stories Canadian storyteller Coyote’s “The Slow Fix” provides an insightful look at just how ingrained gender expectations are in our society. The dozens of stories included in the book are largely autobiographical and detail everything from her childhood to her spoken-word performances at high schools to her relationships with different women. Threaded throughout all of the stories, however, is Coyote’s subtle challenge of gender stereotypes. Coyote describes numerous instances in which her gender ambiguity has led to puzzled and sometimes-panicked reactions from landlords, fellow public-restroom patrons and airplane seatmates, resulting in often humorous, and sometimes painful, interactions. Throughout the book, Coyote is unapologetic about her gender identity: She doesn’t try to label herself or even

Speak Low: Poems By Carl Phillips Thom Gunn Selected Poems Edited by August Kleinzahler Poetry The poems in Phillips’ “Speak Low” are intimate but not necessarily romantic. Phillips’ best pieces in this collection provide vivid, sensual images of the body. In “Now in Our Most Ordinary Voices,” he artfully describes the “shadowland” of penetrating bodies. In “DirecSee SUMMER READING, Page 37

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Queer by gone

FRIDAY Un-Broke: What You Need to Know About Money

By Victoria A. Brownworth PGN Contributor On May 21, Barbara Walters opened “The View” by asking whether Adam Lambert lost to Kris Allen on “American Idol” because he was gay. The flamboyant Lambert — exponentially more talented than Allen and a clear front-runner from the beginning — was regularly dissed by the audience for his “guy-liner” and “gay” look and style. Walters noted that “American Idol” was a “family show” and that Lambert’s perceived gayness had obviously hurt him in the final round of voting. Her implication: America wasn’t ready for a queer “Idol.” The other ladies of “The View” declined to engage Walters, dismissing her assertions, even though she cited numerous Internet reports about Lambert. “The View” exchange points out that even people whose job it is to court controversy don’t want to handle certain topics. The dissing of Lambert is merely the exclamation point on a season that found queers disappearing from the tube with alarming rapidity. As the season officially ends with the last of the finales, the de-gaying is disturbing. Most of the bisexual women characters on the tube this season lept from lesbian to straight. On “Bones,” “House,” “Ugly Betty,” “Knight Rider,” “Nip/Tuck,” even “The L Word,” bisexual women went back to men with amazing facility, often shifting bed partners in the course of a few hours. In addition, lesbian and gay characters seemed to simply disappear from the TV landscape all together. After a highly promising beginning, the lesbian storyline on “All My Children” devolved into a tawdry, disappointing melodrama before the beloved lesbian Bianca and her is-shebisexual-or-not wife Reese left the show. “Desperate Housewives,” created by a gay man, Marc Cherry, has four gay-male characters, including Bree’s son Andrew and his fiancé. But throughout this past season, only two — Andrew and Lee — have been in regular evidence, and neither in the context of their respective gay relationships. “Brothers & Sisters,” also created by a gay man, Greg Berlanti, features TV’s only legally married gay-male couple, Kevin and Scotty, as well as Saul, the only older gay man on a series. But while Kevin had a compelling lead role this season, Scotty was less frequently in the picture. Saul had a great build-up to a relationship, but after one episode, that relationship was never mentioned again. On “Ugly Betty,” Marc St. James is the gay fashionista, but this season he spent more time romancing his beard, Amanda, than any male companions. Other shows with recurring LGBT characters were cancelled or ended, including “Boston Legal,” “Dirty Sexy Money,” “ER,” “Do Not Disturb” and “Greek.” Not one of the longest-running series — the “Law & Order” and “CSI” franchises — has a single queer character. Nor do the top-rated series like “Heroes” and “Lost.” (How is it possible that there isn’t a single queer superhero or queer character on the island?) There are 616 regular and recurring characters on TV, but only 30 were queer in the 2008-09 season. There were actually more LGBT people on reality shows, in addition to four out queer hosts — Ellen, Rachel Maddow, Tim Gunn and Isaac Mizrahi — than there were queer fictional characters. Those numbers are simply disgraceful. As the fall lineup takes shape, it’s important for the networks to recognize that queers are a significant minority and deserve a level of representation that has yet to hit the small screen. ■

Move over, Suze Orman: Mellody Hobson has the 411 for you. ABC’s resident money maven talks personal finance in the recession. 9 p.m. on ABC. SATURDAY Groomer Has It

Tonight, contestants gussy-up shelter dogs for an adoption event. 9 p.m. on Animal Planet.

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

with Matt Damon. With Gwyneth Paltrow and fabulous European settings. 10 p.m. on TMC. MONDAY Medium

With Patricia Arquette as the pseudo detective who dreams dead people. 10 p.m. on NBC. TUESDAY Law & Order: SVU

Harper’s Island

Abby, Henry and J.D. discover another body. 9 p.m. on CBS.

Season finale. When an error jeopardizes a murder case, the detectives rush to find more evidence before the killer takes revenge on the squad. 10 p.m. on NBC.

Pushing Daisies


After a five-month hiatus, the quirky and queer Emmy-winning fantasy/mystery show returns. 10 p.m. on ABC. SUNDAY The Talented Mr. Ripley

Thrilling murder mystery from queer writer Patricia Highsmith features Jude Law in an incomparably sexy bathtub scene

Annabella Sciorra and Chris Vance star in this medical drama set in L.A. With Marisa Ramirez as Dr. Chloe Artis, a young lesbian doctor. 9 p.m. on Fox. WEDNESDAY New Adventures of Old Christine

With lesbian comedian Wanda Sykes. 8 p.m. on CBS.

The Goode Family

This animated series features a PC family of ultra-greenconscious vegans. The father states repeatedly that he always wanted more lesbians in his life. Whether he wanted the ones next door is another question. 9 p.m. on ABC. Law & Order

Season finale. Who will the killer be? The woman or the queer? The best detective duo in years, Anthony Anderson and Jeremy Sisto, hunt them down. 10 p.m. on NBC. THURSDAY So You Think You Can Dance?

Hotties and notties, queers and non-queers compete to see who is the best dancer. 8 p.m. on Fox. The Fashion Show

Just like “Project Runway,” but with a different gay guy. Designer Isaac Mizrahi hosts. 10 p.m. on Bravo.

Queer TV you can always see: The Young & The Restless A tempest in soapland erupted May 21 when the devoutly Catholic Chris Engen allegedly walked off the set rather than play a gay scene that included a same-sex kiss. “Y&R” has finally introduced a gay character, Rafe Torres, after 30 years. Engen, who plays Adam Wilson, had been in conflict with the writers for several months about the direction his character was taking. So, Michael Muhney will assume the role of Adam on June 25. Since Adam has been heterosexual throughout his tenure at “Y&R,” it’s difficult to imagine how the writers will twist a gay storyline out of him. Monday-Friday, 12:30 p.m. on CBS. As the World Turns Luke and Noah are going cruising — that is, on a cruise — with Damian, Lily and Meg. MondayFriday, 2 p.m. on CBS. WELCOME TO TV HELL! Summer is upon us and television is getting ready to reach new levels in crappy, soul-siphoning, miserable programming. Case in point: “I’m A Celebrity ... Get Me Out Of Here!” premiering June 1 with your haven’t-you-saved-up-enough-TV-whore-moneyyet run of reality-show regulars like Janice Dickenson (pictured), one of the less-successful Balwins (I think it’s Stephen), Sanjaya (did William Hung really have a more successful recording career than you?), Rod Blagojevich (what?) and more compete for something shiny (we’re guessing it’s not self-respect) at 8 p.m. Mondays-Thursdays in June on NBC. Photo: NBC/ Paul Drinkwater

Guiding Light Natalia and Olivia are so in love, it’s painful. Olivia even went to Jeffrey to ask him to testify for Natalia’s son. The two discussed living together again, but Natalia feels it wouldn’t be seemly. Especially after Natalia’s priest dropped by to have a talk with her about Frank. MondayFriday, 10 a.m. on CBS. Ellen Monday-Friday, 3 p.m. on NBC. The Rachel Maddow Show Monday-Friday, 9 p.m. on MSNBC.

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

PORTRAITS From Page 27 though if you do cross that line, watch out. And I have my mom’s stubbornness. PGN: Person you miss? FT: There was a local DJ named Eddie Meyers who used to go by the name “Helen.” He died in the early ’90s. He was a real popular DJ at Woody’s and used to throw these crazy parties after work. His mother used to be the coatcheck lady at Gatsby’s, and I’ve remained friends with her for all these years. PGN: Something you’d like to learn how to do? FT: I’ve always wanted to learn to bungee jump. But without a 100-percent guarantee that

SOLUTION From Page 27


I wasn’t going to perish, it’s not something that’s going to happen. PGN: Name some of the places you’ve played over the years. FT: I play at Sisters now and, last year, I was also spinning at Taylor’s in Cherry Hill. Wow, I played at Kurt’s in Philadelphia back in the day and at Studio V and a place called The Chester in Atlantic City. I played at a big club up at Penn State called Mr. C’s. That was one of my greatest achievements getting that job. I really wanted to work there, so I went for it full force and ended up being the first DJ hired for the club. I also played at Hepburn’s, which was located where the 12th Air Command is now, and I was the head DJ at Gatsby’s for five years. PGN: Others are embarrassed when I ...

FT: When I’m at Sisters having our shift drink after work, I know I embarrass the women when I talk explicitly about men or sex. Natalie, the bartender, always castigates me for being too graphic. PGN: A brush with fame? FT: I met the actor Jack Palance on two occasions. He was from the area I grew up in. In fact, he was from Hazleton where I went to school. His sister owned a bar there and I went with a friend whose boyfriend at the time was trying to buy Mr. Palance’s pipe organ. So we went to check it out and got to meet him. He was very nice and signed one of my schoolbooks for me. PGN: Are you into any sports? FT: I love the Phillies. I got to go see them the year that Veterans Stadium opened and was hooked. I follow all the games and have a


huge collection of caps. PGN: Any paranormal experiences? FT: When I was young, there was a hill near us where supposedly if you parked your car facing downward, it would slowly drift backward up the hill. I went with a bunch of friends and they swore they could feel it, but I didn’t notice anything. PGN: Did you play any sports? FT: I loved playing baseball but I wasn’t very good at it. I got teased for throwing like a girl. PGN: Ever have any trouble with the law? FT: I got busted once in Atlantic City for DUI. It didn’t make any sense because I’m not that big a drinker. I’d had two rum and Cokes over the course of the evening and, for a guy my size, that was not enough to do

anything. But the cop said that I was swerving all over the place. I didn’t remember it. I found out later that someone had put something in my drink. One of the people at the bar saw it and didn’t tell me. PGN: Something that makes your work special? FT: I’ve always prided myself on being one of the few DJs that will take requests. But you really have to know how to work the songs to squeeze in a request that might not be as popular as the other songs, to find a way to fit it in and still keep people dancing. I look forward to keeping them dancing for many more years to come. ■ To suggest a community member for “Family Portraits,” write to: Family Portraits, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 or




MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

Your guide to arts and entertainment


The Prince Music Theater, 1412 Chestnut St.; (215) 592-9560.

Camelot Plays & Players presents the classic musical through The Little Dog June 6, 1714 Delancey Laughed Place; (215) 735-0630. The Tony-nominated satire about a gay actor Grey Gardens and his agent’s efforts to Philadelphia Theatre keep him closeted makes Company presents the its Philadelphia premiere, eccentric lives of the reclusive Little Edie Beale through May 30 at Second Stage at the Adrienne, and her mother Edith 2030 Sansom St.; (215) Bouvier Beale, the cousin 665-9720. and aunt of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, through Little Lamb June 28 at Suzanne InterAct Theatre Roberts Theater, 480 S. Broad St.; (215) 985-0420. Company presents the story of a gay couple Forbidden Broadway’s who adopts a baby, only to have the birth mother Greatest Hits The Walnut Street Theatre visit with strong opinions presents a tribute to the big about the placement of her daughter, through shows and bigger legends June 28 at The Adrienne, in this hilarious, loving and endlessly entertaining 2030 Sansom St.; (215) 568-8079. revue, through June 28 at Independence Studio on 3, 825 Walnut St.; (215) 574- Little Mary Sunshine Barley Sheaf Players 3550. presents the silly and wonderful musical with Hysteria a little bit of everything: The Wilma Theater presents a madcap comedy Colorado rangers, a full of mistaken identities, stalwart captain, a chorus of simpering schoolgirls missing clothing and and a villainous Indian, dazzling surprises set in through June 20, 810 N. 1938 London, through June 14, 265 S. Broad St.; Whitford Road, Lionville; (610) 363-7075. (215) 546-7824 Intimate Chaos Society Hill Playhouse presents a drama exploring a lesbian relationship with love, desire, abandonment and betrayal, through May 31, 507 S. Eighth St.; (215) 923-0210.

The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940 Hedgerow Theatre presents the popular murder farce, through June 7, 64 Rose Valley Road, Media; (610) 5654211.

Let’s Pretend We’re Married 1812 Productions presents a new cabaret about bliss of the wedded sort featuring original material and classic cuts from Burns and Allen to The Bickersons, through June 14 at The Independence Foundation Black Box at

The Producers The Walnut Street Theatre presents an all-new production of Mel Brooks’ Tony Award-winning musical, through July 19, 825 Walnut St.; (215) 5743550. Respect: A Musical Journey of Women



2 p.m. June 5 and 7 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; (215) 7905847.

Music other

Andrew Lipke The Philadelphia-based singer-songwriter performs at 9 p.m. May 29 at The North Star Bar, 2639 Poplar St.; (215) 787-0488. Ninth Annual NonCOMMvention The industry’s premier musical discovery showcase conference runs May 29-30 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400. The Derek Trucks Band The rock group performs at 8 p.m. May 29 at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside; (215) 5727650.

Out dance artists Charles O. Anderson and Jen McGinn are among the artists set to perform at the nEW Festival, running June 3-7 at UArts Dance Theatre at The Drake, 1512 Spruce St. Choreographer McGinn will perform “Naughty Bits,” a fantasy journey through self-censorship in the DanceHouse program June 7. Anderson, with his company Dance Theatre X (above), will present “evidence of things (un)said” June 4 and 6, based on the science-fiction works of Octavia Butler that explores the fall of civilization. For more information, visit or call (215) 359-7775.

Act II Playhouse presents a high-energy celebration of just how much women have changed using the best songs of the past 100 years, through May 31, 56 E. Butler Ave., Ambler; (215) 654-0200. The Seafarer Arden Theatre Company presents Broadway’s Tony Award-nominated hit about a collection of misfits on Christmas Eve in Ireland, through June 14 on the F. Otto Haas Stage, 40 N. Second St.; (215) 922-1122.

Something Intangible Arden Theatre Company presents the world premiere by celebrated Philadelphia playwright Bruce Graham, set in Hollywood circa 1941, through June 7, 40 N. Second St.; (215) 9221122. Thoroughly Modern Millie The Media Theater presents the Tony Awardwinning 1920s musical romp, through June 7, 104 E. State St.; (610) 8910100.

Music classical

Dutoit Conducts Brahms The Philadelphia Orchestra presents a trio of European works from two centuries, at 8 p.m. May 29-30 and 2 p.m. May 31 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847. Thibaudet Plays Ravel The Philadelphia Orchestra presents Charles Dutoit leading a program of changing musical times, threaded with dancing, at 8 p.m. June 4 and 6 and

Marc Silver and The Stonethrowers The out singer-songwriter and his band open for the Jerry Douglas Band at 8 p.m. June 4 at Sellersville Theater 1894, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville; (215) 257-5808. X The influential punk band performs 8 p.m. June 4 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400.


Benjamin Long Proximity Gallery presents the artist’s current exhibition of paintings and photography through May 31, 2434 E. Dauphin St.; (267) 825-2949. A Closer Look Allens Lane Art Center presents new paintings and sculptures by artists Henrietta and Reinhold Edelschein, through June 12, 601 W. Allens Lane; (215) 248-0546.

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Diversions, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19147; fax them to (215) 925-6437; or e-mail them to Notices cannot be taken over the phone.


paintings using layers of transparent acrylic veils over collage on canvas, through June 5 in the Crane Arts Building, 1400 N. American St., Suite 102; (215) 684-1946. Kevin Murphy BOI’s of New Hope Art Gallery presents an exhibition from the internationally recognized, award-winning portrait painter and illustrator, through June 7, 9 W. Mechanic St., New Hope; (215) 862-8292.

Peter Alele: Entanglements and Folk Art Ephemeras The Philip and Muriel NEXUS presents an Berman Museum of exhibition using images Art at Ursinus College from the world of medicine presents an installation and the uses of the body/ focusing on examples from figure as a vehicle for expression, through June 5 Dr. David Bronstein’s collection of Pennsylvania in the Crane Arts Building, and Northeast Folk Art 1400 N. American St., and artifacts, through Suite 102; (215) 684-1946. Aug. 29, 601 E. Main St., Collegeville; (610) 409Pulp Function 3500. Fred Beans Gallery at Michener Art Museum Invasive Species presents a wide variety of The NEXUS cooperative at artistic expressions using the Community Arts Center handmade paper pulp, presents an experimental recycled paper, paper cuts, group exhibition through cardboard, papier-mâché June 19, 414 Plush Mill and folded paper, through June 28, 138 S. Pine St., Road, Wallingford; (610) 566-1713. Doylestown; (215) 3409800. Libbie Soffer: Of time and place Quiescent NEXUS presents an The Clay Studio presents exhibition of abstract the latest works from

utilitarian potter Julia Galloway, through May 31, 137 N. Second St.; (215) 925-3453. Show Some Love AxD Gallery presents an exhibition of the winners of the American Institute of Graphic Artists Philadelphia Design Awards, through May 30, 265 S. 10th St.; (215) 6276250. Small Favors IV: Benefit Exhibition and Sale The Clay Studio presents an original ceramic-arts exhibition, showcasing the latest in miniature, wallmounted artworks, through May 31, 137 N. Second St.; (215) 925-3453. Two Women: Two Visions Edge Gallery presents an exhibition featuring the work of Monika Dalkin and Noelle Stoffel, through May 31, 72 N. Second St.; (215) 413-7072. What Were They Thinking: 160 Years of Bad Taste Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts presents an exhibition of styles that were the height of fashion at some point in recent history, through Nov. 8 at The Carriage House Gallery at the Emlen Physick Estate, 1048 Washington St., Cape May, N.J.; (609) 884-5404.


Gilbert and Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance The Savoy Opera Company presents one of the most popular Gilbert and Sullivan operas, at 8 p.m. May 2930 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847.


In Performance: Remembering Daniel Nagrin Susan Hess Modern Dance Company presents a remembrance of the late American dance legend Daniel Nagrin, at 8 p.m. May 30, 2030 Sansom St., third floor; (215) 275-1800. nEW Festival The “dance-driven and artist-fueled” program that supports choreographic research and development runs June 3-7 at UArts Dance Theatre at The Drake, 1512 Spruce St.; (215) 359-7775.


Obama Documentary Arts Community Fundraiser Jnine Media, creators of the nonprofit Barack Obama “My Fellow Organizers” documentary, will host a preview screening fundraiser at 6:30 p.m. May 29 at Painted Bride Art Center, 230 Vine St.; (215) 925-9914.

Giovanni’s Room hosts a reading featuring five authors from Bold Strokes Books at 5:30 p.m. May 30, 345 S. 12th St. Bold Strokes Books publishes, releases and supports lesbian authors, including out romance novelists Bobbi Marolt, JD Glass, C.P. Rowlands, KI Thompson and Colette Moody, who will read excerpts from their latest novels. For more information, visit or call (215) 923-2960.


The Best of Animation Block Party New York’s premiere animation festival showcases some of the very best films in the history of the six-year festival, at 7 p.m. May 30 at the 941 Theater, 941 Front St.; (215) 235-1385. Bye Bye Birdie The classic 1963 film is screened at 2 p.m. May 31 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; (610) 9170223. Fanboys The 2008 comedy is screened at 8 p.m. June 1 at The Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 9225483.


A Reading with Five Bold Strokes Authors Out authors Bobbi Marolt, JD Glass, C.P. Rowlands, KI Thompson and Colette Moody host a reading at 5:30 p.m. May 30 at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; (215) 923-2960. Cheril N. Clarke The out playwright and author of “Losing Control” hosts a reading at 5:30 p.m. June 4 at Giovanni’s

Room, 345 S. 12th St.; (215) 923-2960. P.J. O’Rourke The satirist and author of “Driving Like Crazy” hosts a reading at 7:30 p.m. June 4 at Central Library, 1901 Vine St.; (215) 686-5322.


The Lesbians of Laughter The out comedians perform at 7:30 p.m. May 29 at Tin Angel, 20 N. Second St.; (215) 928-0770. Jay Leno The comedian performs at 8 p.m. May 30 at the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; (609) 317-1000. Wanda Sykes The out comedian performs at 8 and 11 p.m. May 30 at the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; (609) 317-1000. Steven Wright The deadpan-style comedian performs at 8 p.m. June 4 at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside; (215) 5727650. ■



Meeting Place A community bulletin board of activities, facilities and organizations

Community centers ■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held from 4-8 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday through Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; (215) 545-4331 ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St.; (215) 898-5044;, Summer hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. ■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; (215) 348-0558 ext. 65; ■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 732-2220; Peer counseling: Monday through Friday, 6-9 p.m. Library hours: Mondays 3-6 p.m., Tuesdays 3-6 p.m., Wednesdays 3-9 p.m., Thursdays 3-9 p.m., Fridays 3-6 p.m., Saturdays noon-6 p.m. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.; Volunteer Velada, third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.

Health Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 166 W. Lehigh Ave.; (215) 763-8870 ext. 6000. AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., suite 205; (2215) 536-2424. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursdays at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; (215) 851-1822 or (866) 2223871. Spanish/English. HIV testing Free, anonymous testing and counseling is offered from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday and by appointment at AIDS Resource, 520 W. Fourth St., suite 2A, Williamsport;

Key numbers ■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: (215) 587-9377 ■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: (856) 933-9500 ext. 221 ■ AIDS Library: (215) 985-4851

(570) 322-8448. HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; (215) 685-1803. HIV health insurance help Access to free medications, confidential HIV testing available at 17 MacDade Blvd., suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; (610) 586-9077. Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 1201 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-0652. Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; (215) 985-9206. Gloria Casarez, (215) 686-2194; Gloria.; Fax: (215) 686-2555 ■ Mazzoni Center: (215) 563-0652; ■ Mazzoni Center Family and Community Medicine: (215) 563-0658

■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: (215) 5921513

■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): (215) 572-1833

■ AIDS Treatment hot line: (215) 5452212

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: (215) 686-4670

■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: (215) 685-1633

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: (215) 772-2000

■ The COLOURS Organization Inc. 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 4960330. ■ Equality Advocates Pennsylvania: (215) 731-1447; (866) LGBTLAW ■ Equality Forum: (215) 732-3378 ■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: (215) 732-TALK ■ Mayor’s liaison to LGBT communities:

■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Chief Inspector James Tiano: (215) 685-3655 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: (215) 494-LGBT; ■ Philly Pride Presents: (215) 875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: (717) 920-9537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: (215) 732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays, and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)


Boys Night Out A social gathering for gay men, meets at 7 p.m. every second and fourth Tuesday at Iron Hill Brewery, 30 E. State St., Media; Delaware Valley 40-plus Club for Men Social group meets every other month; (215) 587-9933. Gay Married Men’s Association Meets at 8 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays at the William Way Center; (215) 483-1032. Men of All Colors Together Meets at 7:30 p.m. third Friday of the month September through June at the William Way Center; (610) 277-6595; Men’s Coming Out Group, N.J. Meets at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at The Pride Center of New Jersey. Men’s Coming Out Group Meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St.; (215) 563-0652 ext. 219. Men of Color United A discussion/support group for gay and bisexual men of color meets from 6:30-8:30 p.m. every Wednesday at 1201 Chestnut St., 15th floor; (215) 496-0330. Men of Standard Provides a place for men of color 21 and older to share issues of concern. Meets 7-9 p.m. every Thursday at Camden AHEC, 514 Cooper St., Camden, N.J.; (856) 963-2432 ext. 206; johnson_ Philly DADS An association of gay and bisexual fathers supporting each other meets at 7:30 p.m. fourth Friday of the month at the William Way Center; (215) 668-5239.


MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009 Interweave New Jersey An organization of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Unitarian and their allies meets every third Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 401 N. Kings Highway, Cherry Hill, N.J.; (856) 667-3618. Oasis Meets 7-8 p.m. Wednesdays at 1201 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-0652 ext. 509. Mazzoni Center Family and Community Medicine Primary healthcare and specialized transgender services in a safe, professional, non-judgemental environment, 809 Locust St.; (215) 563-0658. Renaissance Transgender Assoc. Meets at 8 p.m. third Saturday of the month at Into the Woods office complex in King of Prussia; (610) 975-9119 box 5; and 7:30 p.m. first Thursday of the month at the William Way Center; T-MAN People of color support group for transmen, FTMs, butches, studs, agressives, bois, genderqueer and all female-born individuals with gender questions meets 7:30-9:30 p.m. Mondays, second floor, 1201 Locust St.; (215) 834-9063; Transhealth Programming Committee Meetings are at 5 p.m. second and last Sundays of the month at the William Way Center. Transhealth Information Project Sponsors a weekly drop-in center from 7-11 p.m. Tuesdays at 1201 Locust St.; (267) 549-6497. Transgender Health Action Coalition Peer trans health-advocacy organization meets at 5 p.m. second and last Sundays of the month at the William Way Center; (215) 732-1207; www. WeXist FTM support group meets from 6-8 p.m. second Friday of the month at the William Way Center; first hour is open; second hour is for people assigned female at birth who have gender issues; (267) 250-1548;

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Bucks County Meets at 7:30 p.m. third Thursday of the month at Penns Park United Methodist Church, 2394 Second Street Pike, Penns Park; (215) 598-8005.

Young, Trans, and Unified! Support group for transgender and questioning individuals ages 13-23 meets from 7-8:30 p.m. every Thursday at The Attic Youth Center; (215) 545-4331 ext. 24.

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Cape May, N.J. Meets at 2 p.m. third Sunday of the month in the Maruchi Room of Burdette Tomlin Memorial Hospital, 2 Stone Harbor Blvd.; (609) 861-1848. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Chester County Meets at 7 p.m. first Tuesday of the month at the Unitarian Fellowship of West Chester, 501 S. High St., West Chester; (484) 354-2448.

African Asian Latina Lesbians United Social-issues discussion group meets fourth Thursday of the month at The Pride Center of New Jersey.

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Philadelphia Meets from 2-5 p.m. third Sunday of the month at the LGBT Center at the University of Pennsylvania, 3907 Spruce St.; (215) 572-1833.

Expressions Women’s Space Lesbian singles, family and coming-out groups meet at 1538 Church St.; (215) 535-3600.

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Princeton, N.J. Meets at 7:30 p.m. second Monday of the month in the George Thomas Room at Trinity Church, 33 Mercer St.; (609) 683-5155. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Wilmington, Del. Meets at 7 p.m. second Thursday of the month at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 13th and Rodney streets; (302) 654-2995. Philadelphia Family Pride Advocacy, support and social network for LGBT families offers play groups, monthly kids and teen talk groups, activities and outings. Planning meetings are held monthly; (215) 844-3360; www.


Gender Rights Advocacy Association of New Jersey A transgender civil-rights group meets first Sunday of the month at 1 p.m. at The Pride Center of New Jersey.


Bucks County Lesbian Alliance Meets monthly for social events;

Lesbians and BiWomen in Heterosexual Marriages A support group meets at 7:30 p.m. on third Wednesday of the month at The Pride Center of New Jersey. Lesbian Community of Delaware Valley Social group holds monthly meetings and activities for gay women of all ages in Delaware, Chester and Montgomery counties; P.O. Box 962, Phoenixville, PA 19460; group/LCDV/; Lesbian Couples Dining Group of Montgomery County Meets monthly; (215) 542-2899. Lesbian Social Network of South Jersey 500-member social group for lesbians holds monthly activities in South Jersey and surrounding area; Lesbians with Breast Cancer A support group meets from 6:30-8:30 on second Wednesday of the month at Gilda Club Delaware Valley, 200 Kirk Road, Warminster; (215) 4413290. Queer Connections

Social group for women in their 20s meets weekly; (215) 468-1352; queerconnect@yahoo. com. Republican Lesbians Meetings held at 7:30 p.m. on first Monday of the month at The Pride Center of New Jersey. South Jersey Lesbians of Color Meetings are the first and third Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at The Starting Point, 215 Highland Ave., Suite C, Westmont, N.J.; (856) 824-0881; e-mail: Women’s Coffee House for Lesbians A group for lesbian and bisexual women meets on first Saturday of the month at 7 p.m. at The Pride Center of New Jersey. The Womyn’s Village The first womyn-owned and operated thinktank targeting black African, Asian, Latina and Native American LBT and two-spirited womyn. Meets at 5 p.m. on third Thursday of the month at COLOURS Organization, 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 765-0121; the_womyns.


40 Acres of Change Discussion group for teen and young adults meets Thursdays at The COLOURS Organization Inc., 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 496-0330. Drop-in Group For gay, lesbian and bisexual youth; meets at 11 a.m. Saturdays at AIDS Delaware, 100 W. 10th St., Suite 315, Wilmington, Del.; (302) 652-6776. HAVEN For GLBT, intersex, questioning, queer and allied youth ages 14-20; meets from 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Lehigh Valley, 424 Center St., Bethlehem; (610) 868-2153. HiTOPS A safe-space support program for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth, will meet from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at 21 Wiggins St., Princeton, N.J.; (609) 683-5155. Main Line Youth Alliance Meets from 7-9:30 p.m. Fridays at 109 Lancaster Ave., Wayne; (610) 688-1861; info@myaonline. org. Mountain Meadow For youth with GLBTQ parents. Monthly programs for ages 8-16, family programs and parent coffee groups. Residential program offered in August; 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 772-1107; Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s LGBTQ and Allies Youth Center For ages 14-21; meets 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays at Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; (215) 3480558 ext. 65; Space to be Proud, Open, and Together Open to all LGBTQ queer youth and allies, ages 14-21, the SPOT meets Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Planned Parenthood of Chester County’s West Chester office, 8 S. Wayne St., West Chester; (610) 692-1770 ext. 108 or Teen Support Group Drop-in group for teens and adolescents meets Thursdays from 4:30-6 p.m. at 1201 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-0658 ext. 319. Under the Rainbow Discussion and social group for 18-25-year-old gays and lesbians meets at 7:30 p.m. at The Pride Center of New Jersey. Youth in Transition A support group for transgender and questioning youth ages 12-23 meets from 7:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays at the The Attic Youth Center. Youth Making a Difference For GLBTQ African-American and Latino youth ages 14-24. Meets from 5-7 p.m. every Tuesday at Camden AHEC, 514 Cooper St., Camden, N.J.; (856) 963-2432 ext. 234; gray_w@camden-ahec. org.

Send submissions to: e-mail: of fax: (215) 925-6437 PGN Meeting Place, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147

Meeting Place is a public service. Submissions must include a phone number for publication.

MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

SUMMER READING From Page 31 tions from Here,” the warmth of a sleeping boy touching himself is palpable. Likewise, the aroma of a man (and rough sex) is conjured in “Distortion.” “Speak Low” also features figures from “The Iliad” and history — Hadrian falls in love with a boy in “Night Song” — but these poems may be more satisfying for readers who understand all the classic references. Gunn’s poetry is no less elegant. Gunn uses couplets and rhyming schemes, fancy words (like “seeled” and “adventuring”) as well as repetition to create stanzas that echo and sing. His “Song for a Camera” for Robert Mapplethorpe uses imagery that reveals how a writer — and by extension, a photographer — work. An ode to the snail is captivating, as are many of his nature poems — especially “Hawk and Tamer” and “Lights among Redwoods.” This anthology collects several works throughout Gunn’s career, but even when he’s moody or intense — “Touch,” “The Bed” and “Three” — he captures emotion and feeling beautifully, brilliantly. — G.M.K. Straight Lies Rob Byrnes Fiction “Straight Lies” has quirky, shallow characters and a few odd plot twists that leave the reader with a feeling that is part satisfying, part “Huh?” The story revolves around a poorquality videotape of a man having sex in a hot tub with a woman.


Not just any man, but movie actor Romeo Romero, who made his millions by “courageously and selflessly” outing himself years earlier. The tape is inadvertently left in a cab and found by someone else — and that’s when the conniving starts. The finder wants to sell it to a tabloid for drinking money. The original owner wants it back to blackmail the actor. The actor wants the tape to protect his identity. The tabloid editor wants it to blackmail Romero and then expose him anyway. Partners Grant and Chase cook up a totally hare-brained idea to set up Romero and make a new tape, and the craziness accelerates like a car flying off the side of a mountain. The reader quickly catches on to the rhythm of action vs. happenstance in this story of con artists, thieves, actors, agents and unwilling partners, and can mentally play along with the author in guessing what happens next. Guessing correctly doesn’t earn points or win prizes, but it makes sense to engage in the implausible story as much as possible to stay interested. Byrnes is not trying for the great American novel here — just something to pass the time by the pool, on the sand or waiting for a life event. To that end, he succeeds. But if you need complex characters, believable dialogue and a tightly written story with less “Huh?” move on. — S.A.D. Transgressions Erastes M/M historical romance A local Philadelphia publisher is releasing four gay historical romance novels this year, with “Transgressions” as the first in the series. The backdrop of the English Civil War in the 1640s lends the story richness in living and social conditions, as well as in the religious and political beliefs of the era. The story centers around David, blacksmith Jacob

Caverly’s son, and Caverly’s Puritan apprentice Jonathan. David and Jonathan spend some memorable months working and playing together and seemingly fall in love, even though it is considered a mortal sin at that time. When David is accused by one of the local girls of seducing and taking advantage of her as a way to force a marriage that she wants, David slips out into the night to join the army and Jonathan goes another path toward rediscovery and introspection. Over the course of seven years, David and Jonathan weave through other men and locations, searching for what they once had and maybe still want. Not a tightly written narrative, the stilted language of the day dost detract from the story at times and the romantic encounters are occasionally unremarkable, but overall it holds the reader’s attention. This is a nice, light summer read for the beach or a day by the pool. — S.A.D. Ugly Man By Dennis Cooper Short stories Cooper likes to shock and awe. The unapologetic stories in his collection “Ugly Man” do both. The first piece, “Jerk,” has a character fistfucking a boy who was just beaten to death. The paragraph-long story “Santa Clause vs. Johnny Crawford” is about incestuous sexual abuse. Obviously, “Ugly Man” is not for the faint of heart — or for the beach. Yet one can’t dismiss Cooper’s work just for being off-putting. Some of his tales are dazzling — “The Anal Retentive Line Editor” is a highly amusing deconstruction and pornographic story by an editor who places himself in the writer’s life-narrative. Other highlights include two stories that are simply lists — “The Worst (1960-1971)” and “The Fifteen Worst Russian Gay Porn Web Sites.” However, entries like “The Boy


on the Far Left” or “The Noll Dynasty” seem more like doodles, or unfinished ideas. It’s one thing to want to know what happens next to the would-be lovers in the riveting “Oliver Twink,” but it’s another to not care about the characters in “The Brainiacs” or “The Hostage Drama.” Cooper is often disturbingly clever, but overall the stories in “Ugly Man” are either too strong or too short. — G.M.K. Verge By Z. Egloff Fiction A recovering alcoholic/former homewrecker and a do-gooder nun might not fit the typical Ellen/Portia mold, but Egloff’s “Verge” has readers rooting for the dubious twosome throughout their rollercoaster of a relationship. Claire McMinn has always had a way with women, but when her binge drinking leads her to the bed of her professor’s wife, her dreams of becoming a filmmaker are on the brink of disaster. Claire commits herself to getting sober and creates her own 12step program — which precludes all sexual contact — to get her life and her career goals back on track. When Claire dives into a filming project at a local community center, however, she finds one unlikely subject that piques her attention: Sister Hillary, a young, appealing “woman religious” to whom Claire finds herself immediately attracted. Their friendship evolves from the initial sexual spark — which threatens both Claire’s no-sex policy and Sister Hillary’s vow of celibacy — to a deeper connection that allows both to explore how their pasts have shaped the paths they’ve taken and led them to one another. Egloff’s tale seamlessly flows through the stages of Claire and Sister Hillary’s relationship, allowing the reader to pick up

on the subtle sexual frustrations and the emotional sufferings that both women unwittingly share. The prose is a perfect fusion of description and dialogue, moving the action at a realistic pace while still providing a welldetailed context and explanation for the characters’ motives. “Verge” is a story that highlights both the good and bad within each of us, and demonstrates how one’s happy ending can be a bit different — and even more valuable — than originally conceived. ■ — J.C.

No Matter...

How You...

Look at it...

You Can Always Trust



PAGE 44 38

1 - 4, 7, 2009 MAY 29MAY - JUNE

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PAGE MAY 2944 - JUNE 4, 2009

APRIL 24 PAGE - 30, 2009 39

����������� Classifieds

������������������������������������������������������ With Real Estate, Help Wanted, Services and Personals

�������������������������������������������������� Law protects renters from foreclosure evictions ������������� The Associated Press

By J.W. Elphinstone When sign up Press for Facebook Theyou Associated or Twitter, you expect to get a stream ofBuried randominmessages from people a housing lawthesigned whoweek make your virtual last by up President Obamasocial are network —that but will pitches homes for protections helponthousands ofsale? renters stay in their homes — at agents—and others are leastReal-estate for a while after their trolling for clients on these and other landlord has been foreclosed on. popular The lawonline allows social tenants networking to remain sites, mixing home huckstering with in their foreclosed rentals through their online networking. But is this the end of their lease and then 90 a good sell abeing homeforced or are days afterway thattobefore getting lost in toagents’ vacatesales by pitches the lender. Renters the post? without leases will have 90 days, a Agents improvement who use over the what social significant networking sites to market properties most received before: almost no say they hope to generate referrals notice at all. — just as tip off a there friend “Until thisyou lawmight was enacted, about a new for-sale sign on a lawn. had been no national protections the same way,” for “Tweeting any of theseis households,” said says Duane owner and Linda Couch,Hopper, deputyandirector at broker at Century 21 Real Estate the National Low Income Housing Center in“This Seattle, referring the Coalition. gives renters to time term for posting messages on the to adjust their lives.” microblogging Twitter. Now, renters Web like site 49-year-old com. “There is a multiplier effect that can take place, particularly on very hot information,” adds Hopper, who

posts information about homes he’s trying to sell and promotes himself on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Rittie Brantley have more time and in ActiveRain. their apartments. Two days before Twitter lets last usersyear, createa profiles Thanksgiving bank where they can post messages of up representative informed Brantley to 140 thatof canher be rented viewed she had characters to move out by anyone withapartment Internet access on a three-bedroom in New PC or mobile phone. Haven, Conn., because the landlord startedHer using site wasHopper in foreclosure. lease,the which last fall. Since then, he’s racked expires in June, didn’t matter, heup more told her.than 600 people who have elected “I had toa “follow” week to his be tweets. out,” (By comparison, celebrities said Brantley, who depends such on as Britney aid Spears have pay hundreds government to help the of thousands of todedicated rent. “I don’t want move to a tweet bad recipients.) neighborhood.” A recentBrantley look at Hopper’s Instead, took herTwitter case page revealed more thanAssistance 20 tweets, to the New Haven Legal although not all the posts were real Association. estate-related. With the new law, “overnight, she Hopper received liberally the right mixes to live tweets there about the Mariners baseball team through June and three months after— “Getting excited for Home Opening that,” said Amy Marx, the attorney Dayrepresents for the 5-2 Mariners” — with who Brantley. posts on his daily rounds: The National real-estate Low Income “On my way to paint For Sale Housing Coalition estimates Post 40 at our ofhotforeclosed new Kirkland listing. percent properties in Can’t anyone get the color right?” But often, Hopper’s tweets are listings of homes for sale that read like word-stingy newspaper

classified ads: “At Juanita Multilevel photo shoot,” started a recent post. “Listing coming. Hurry you the country have renters andif the have Under 2,190 new lawbuyers. could aid tens $500K, of thousands 3Bed 2.5Bth.” offeet. renters. Hopper also sometimes includes Before, many renters booted out links tohomes a virtual tour of to the ofWeb foreclosed would have home. find emergency shelter with family Jo-Ann because Cervin, they a buyer’s agent or friends have little with ZipRealty in Las Vegas, began savings to cover moving costs, first using the last week under month’s rentsite andjust a security deposit handleapartment. “LV—Cheap—Houses,” atthe another In the worst but she’s wasted little posting cases, some families aretime forced into a barrage of bulletins urging readers shelters for temporary housing. toAnd buy now. they had little recourse. So far, she has 44 users Foreclosures automatically subscribing to her tweets, terminated any lease. Only which New mostly consist of homes for sale Jersey and Washington, D.C.,or callslaws to action like this one:after “Las had honoring leases Vegas bankaccording owned properties are foreclosure, to NLIHC’s seeing multiple offers! The great Couch. deals arethis going QUICK!” Earlier year, Fannie Mae and Cervin worried the Freddie Macisn’t stepped up theirthat renter barrage of home listings via tweets protections, but they only applied scarethe off companies those who subscribe towill loans held or to her missives. guaranteed. “They’re choosing connect “The best we could dotobefore is withandme,” Cervin not beg plead with says. a bank“I’m to get spamming.” On Facebook, which boasts more than 200-million active users, many real-estate firms have profile pages

that sometimes feature home listings and discussions about real estate. Some agents setsaid. up commercial extra time,” Marx Facebook open to For theirpages, part, which lendersareapplaud all users. the new notice provision, but are Manywhen agentsthe use 90-day one of several unclear clock Facebook applications designed starts, said Francis Creighton, vice to highlight home listingsBankers on their president of the Mortgage profile page, such My Association. The as eListIt’s foreclosure Listings widget. Others let users process can last more than a year, pipethe in law video tours. and isn’t specific on when John Ammirati, anbe associate notice to the tenant must given. broker with Century 21 Prevete While Creighton said renters are in Long Island, N.Y.,situations, created a “blameless” in these Facebooktheir pageleases for his company honoring could disruptso his agents log in and post listings a foreclosure sale as new owners and information about open houses. try to move in. Other times, lenders just renters startinglive to get into have“We’re no idea in the video,” he says. properties, Creighton said, because a the more subtle the Hopper landlordstakes claimed property approach on Facebook, however. was their primary residence, not He tries to keepforit apersonal, a rental, to qualify lower posting photos mortgage rate. of a recent vacation, for example, only sprinkling Most banks,while in addition, don’t in real-estate listings and links to have property management virtual home tours. departments, so collecting rent, “I don’t want to complaints overwhelm keeping up with renter people,” Hopper issays. “It’stheir like and maintenance outside getting unsolicited advertising if you overdo it.” Cervin also only recently began playing up her real-estate business

on Facebook. She hopes her friends will refer her to wouldbe homebuyers. She’s also on business. ActiveRain, where she work, blogs then about “If the boiler doesn’t real estate and, ultimately, hopes they will have to take care of nab some clientset referrals other Lenders aren’t up to from do this,” agents onsaid. the site. Creighton Still, Marx Cervinhopes says she But this hasn’t law received any business directly from encourages lenders to keep renters her social networking activities in properties permanently. Banks— yet.will benefit, she said, because also “At this pointincome, it’s free advertising,” they’ll receive the house she says. will be better maintained and won’t Ammirati, who began be exposed to vandalism. This using will Twitter and now fires help propinupDecember its value too. off tweets six days Brantley, who hasa week lived toinnearly her 600 people on the New Haven rental site, for suggests almost finding real-estate-oriented groups four years, doesn’t want to move with more than 100 tweet trackers even after her reprieve is up in and join theShe pack. September. likes her neighbors Social networking has room beguntoto and her grandchildren have pay off for Ammirati. play in the front yard. The house is Since hebus andline histhat agents close to the runs began near using Facebook and other sites her daughter’s home. about a year ago, the efforts have “We’re still fearful,” she said. brought in at “We might beleast ablefour to clients. stay for a “Part of it is while, but I would like tothe stayagents here themselves for longer.” ■reconnecting with some people in the past,” Ammirati says. “Sometimes it’s hard to quantify how this networking leads exactly to [new clients].” ■

Location! Location! Location! ���������� ���������� This week’s featured ��������� property

����������������������������� 1023-25 Clinton St., Washington Square �����������������������������������

Beds: 2 Baths: 1.5 ������������������������ Square footage: 1,261 ��������������������� Cost: $468,000 ��������������� Realtor: Andrew J. Mariano ������������������� Real estate co.: RE/MAX Preferred �������������������������� Office phone: 610-325–4100 �������������������������������� Direct: 610-789–0982 ������������������������������� Web site: ��������������������� ������������������������������������������


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Want new with old-world charm? Check out this

Northern Libertiesupdated bi-levelbi-level penthouse pristine condition. beautifully oninsought-after 1 owner and only 4 years This spacious bi-level Clinton Street. Justold. blocks from Jefferson & condo has many large rooms, with 3 beds and 2.5 large baths, Pennsylvania hospitals, supermarkets, train, very large dining-living Room and includes a deeded, subway and Great theaters. Custom kitchen, gated, covered, secure parking space at no extra charge. 12’ ceilings, tall windows and much more. Condo fees are reasonable.

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MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

Real Estate



NYS LAND BARGAINS 5 AC w/ Rustic Camp- $19,900. Over 150 properties, 16 counties 5-200 acres. Specializing in family getaway camps, hunting & fishing properties & small lakefront camps. Financing available w/ payments starting at $200/ month call Christmas & Associates 800-229-7843 _______________________________33-22 BUYING OR SELLING CONTACT RICKY FLITZ PATRIOTS REALTY INC 267 709 2505. _______________________________33-23 SALE BY OWNER, WILMINGTON, DE Designer high-end condo in DE. STUNNING-FURNISHED Condo in Wilmington. Low taxes and condo fee-2br/2 bath- newly renovated. Balcony, Pool, Fitness Ctr, Community Ctr -MUST SEE- Call Ann at 267-251-9261. $135,000. _______________________________33-26 Cameron County- 9.8 acres near Sizerville State Park with 600’ stream frontage, bordering state forest, perc approved, electric, flat building area $89,000. Owner financing 800-668-8679. _______________________________33-22 BAY AREA VIRGINIA 29.50 Acres Subdividable Waterfront Was $399,900 Now $299,900. Distressed developer slashed price for quick sale. Owner arranged financing. Won’t last-call today! 1-804-687-6217. _______________________________33-22 FREE LIST Of North Carolina waterfront and water acMAY 1 7, 2009 cess homesites, real bargains available. No reasonable offer refused, Bank financing. 1-800-566-5263. ����������� _______________________________33-22








“Open Houses” Sun. May 31, 2009 Noon - 1:00 1637 Christian St. - New Listing. Ultra contemporary Brand New Construction, with 3 bed. 2 1/2 ba. garage, European Kitchen, media room, garden, deck, spa bath, wood floors, etc. Next door to million dollar homes. A true must see................................................$875,000 136-38 N 2nd St 4A “MALT HOUSE” condo - This is a very large 1 bd., 1 ba. condo with a big private terrace. Good condition and priced to sell..................................................just reduced......$290,000 1:30 - 2:30 415 S. 19th St. Unit 2D. New Listing Addison Condo. Great Rittenhouse Sq. location. 1 bd. 1 ba. Low fees and taxes. ................... ...........................................................................priced to sell $295,000 1027-31 N 4th St L Northern Liberties New Construction condominium 1 bd, 1.5 bath, hardwood floors, gas fireplace, s/s granite kitchen, w/d in unit, quiet courtyard location, low fees & taxes ........................................................................................ $285,000 1801- B Montrose St. New Listing. Quincy Court. Very large 3 bd, 2 full and 2 half ba. GARAGE, family room, finished basement, deck. Tax abatement. .........................................................................$635,000


Search all Philadelphia area listings @ Dan Tobey


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AVENUE OF THE ARTS OLD CITY �������� ������������������ 244-48 N. 3RD, UNIT 3B – Corner unit condo, parking 250 S. 13TH STREET- 1 br, doorman building, hw fl, ����������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� included $225,000 Kera Ritter tenant occupied $230,000 Kera Ritter ����������������������������� ����������������������������� RITTENHOUSE 1326 SPRUCE ST (CENTER CITY ONE)-2br, 2 bth, 29th fl ������������� ����������������� 2025 CHANCELLOR ST-(Wanamaker House) 3 br, 2.5 views $435,000 Tom Gangemi ���������������������������������������������������� bth townhouse comes w/rooftop pool, fitness, deeded �������������������������������������������������������� SOUTH PHILADELPHIA ���������������������������������������� parking, hw fl, recessed light, stainless steel appliances ��������������������������� 1904 S. 9TH ST- 2br home in Bella Vista w/ large living and 24hr doorman,������������������ plus much, much more, $795,000 room, $139,900 John ������������ Perno �������������������������������������������������������� Alison Ermilio ������������������������� GERMANTOWN ������������������������������������������������ 226 W. RITTENHOUSE SQ -2 br/den. 2 bth, newly reno��������������� 502 W. HARVEY ST- Large home, 4br Twin , 2.5 baths, ����������������������������������������������� vated, with park view, $895,000 Tom Gangemi hw fl oors, servant’s stairs, porch, yard $249,000 Janis ���������������������������������������������������� 401 S. 17TH ST-Quaint space, great location, new ��������������������������������������������������� Dubin ��������������������������������������������������� kitchen, commercial on 1st floor. $499,900. Kera Ritter �������������������������������������������� �������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� FOR RENT ��������������� ����������������������������������������������������� NEW LISTING- THE PHEONIX ��������������������������������������������������������� ������ Various, one and two bedroom condos available for rent in Logan Square. You can live, rent and play in the Phoenix building, while �����������������������������������������������

enjoying all the amenities that the Phoenix has to offer. OPEN HOUSE EVERY SUN-MON, 12:00-3:00pm, Call Tom Gangemi 484-654-6117or email �������� for an appt and more info.

We Are Your Guide to the Arts & Entertainment in The Gay Universe



PHOENIX-UNIT#619-Large 1br/1bth 100sq ft, gorgeous views of Love Park and City Hall $2170 Tom Gangemi �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2025 CHANCELLOR ST--(Wanamaker House) 3 br, 2.5 bth townhouse comes w/rooftop pool, fitness, deeded ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� parking, hw fl, recessed light, stainless steel appliances and 24hr doorman, plus much, much more $3750 Alison ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Ermilio ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 240 S. 13TH ST-. Sunny studio, new kitchen, hardwood floors, $1000 includes heat-Kera Ritter ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 226 W. RITTENHOUSE SQ-2br,den, recently renovated, balcony, view of park $3300 MO Tom Gangemi ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2314 REED ST- 6brm house $1800 MO Janis Dunis �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3512 BARING ST – Studio, utilities included in rent starting at $900 MO Kera Ritter �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1513 S. 31ST-Ultra Modern 1 BR, 1 BA with deck in Gray’s Ferry. Avail May 1 - $575 MO no pets Janis Dubin ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 250 S. 13TH -1 bedroom. Hw/fl, pets ok, heat included. Avail August 1. $1200 MO Kera Ritter ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 502 W. HARVEY ST-4br Twin w/ porch, yard avail July 1 $1800 MO Janis Dubin ����������������������������������������������������������������������� CAREER OPPORTUNITY FOR FULL TIME SALES AGENT- FOR INTERVIEW CALL OFFICE ��������������������������������������������������������������������� SPECIALIZING IN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT-CONDOS AND APARTMENTS 2-10 UNITS

WE ARE PLEASED TO WELCOME, OUR NEW SALES ASSOCIATE, EDDIE WRIGHT. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

The Curtis Center 170 W. Independence Mall , Suite L-44 Philadelphia, PA 19106


215.546.2700 Business • 267.238.1061 Direct 215.432.7151 Cell • 215.546.7728 Fax

For Sale – The Stouch Tavern 1785. Well established historic tavern located in the quaint village of Womelsdorf, Berks County, PA. Turnkey operation with business, real estate, and “HR” liquor license included. Possibilities galore, including B & B conversion!! $495,000.00 For Sale – The Naomi Hotel. Own a piece of history with this 200+ year old property overlooking the Schuylkill River in Robeson Twp., � PA. � � Once ���� �� Berks County, a respite for workers ��������������� along the old Schuylkill Canal; this property ����������������� ������������������������� offers many conversion options for the inves������������ tor. Zoned village-commercial. Real estate, 1.53 ������������������������ ������������������� acres, “H” liquor license offered. $369,900.00 ���������������������������� ������������������� Contact – Rae Wheelan, NAI Keystone

Commercial & Industrial, LLC for your personal tour. • 610-370-8514



PAGE 48 ���������������������������������������

����������� ������������������ MAY 29 - �JUNE 4, 2009 ����

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Areas include Shawnee, Camel Back, �������������������������� Mt. Airy������������� Casino and Rainbow Mt.

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Conrad Kuhn

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��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������� Cell: 609.221.1196

�������������������� ������������������� ������������������� ������������������� ������������������� satellite TV, heat and hot water, all included. ����������������������� WashingtonYou Township pay; gas Office cooking and electric. Subway ����������������������� ��������������������������� 42 door. $1,200 / month. and 5070 bus atRoute the front ��������������������������� 215-416-5545. Available May 2008. This is a Turnersville, NJ 08012

E-mail us: ����������� �����


_______________________________32-18 5 bedroom, 2 Baths Bank Repo only $45,000! Payments from $199/month! 5% down, 20 _______________________________32-16 3 Bedroom Bank foreclosure only $207/month! 4 bedroom, 2 bath home only $238/month! 5% down, 20 years @8% apr! For listings ��������������������������������


�������������������� Art Museum Area-- off 26th St. (800 N. �������������������������������� _______________________________32-16 Bambrey, 19130) Corner house on quiet �������������������������������� street, close to public transportation. Newly ������������������������� ����������� renovated, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, hardwood ___________________________________ floors, AC, laundry, deck, PARKING, wired. ���������������� ���������������������. Furness Flats. Large����������������� 2 bed, 1 bath. last $1600+ call 215-990-4850. Go to kratzworks. Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split unit left in this highly desirable building. Close to all Center City level home with 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 com for pix. Lovely 3 W/D, bd. 1upper ba. fully furnished home in Hospitals. Low fees and taxes ................................������������� full baths, and lower decks, use of _______________________________33-20 beautiful secluded gay court. 2 blocks to kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 ���������������� beach, jitney at corner. Long season-12,500. ������������������������ Sale Unique Garden min. to 58Condo” bus. We ask only that you be at least Two bedroom split-level apartment“George on second T. reasonably neat andfees employed. Rent is $600 + floor of row at 20th Christian streets. entrance.. level 1 home bd, 1 ba.and unit w/ private Low & Tax _______________________________32-17 LR, kitchen/dining, bath, small foyer. On-street 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. Abatement. Lowest price 1 bd. in area ........................��������. parking, pets okay. Utilities separate. $875+two _______________________________33-19 Lg. twhnse, 3 BR, 2.5 BA. No pets or smoking. NE Phila. house to share. $350/mo. Call Jim, months deposit. Scott 267.736.6743. ����������� _______________________________32-19 _______________________________33-18 215-821-1062. _______________________________33-18 ����������������� ����������������������. New open style 2 bedroom, 1 rentals. bath condo Best selection of affordable Full/partial �������������� 1 BR apts. avail. Various choices. $750 to weeks. Call for freefriendly brochure.building. Open daily. with lowCalltaxes and condo fees. Great pet Beach small blk. Share lovely 3 BR house w/senior $1000/mo. soon, 215-901-0041. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102 Online citizen. Full house privileges. Must be em_______________________________33-21 .........................................................................�������� ployed. $950/mo. Call Jim at 609-458-3711 �������������������� _______________________________32-16 to discuss details. Debordieu, The Oldkitchen, Swedes New Listing eld, Large 3 3 ������������������� room apartment, living room, bath,Court. _______________________________33-19 Jewels of the South Carolina Coast. House/ and bedroom (all Large rooms) 2nd floor, Bedroom 2.5 Bath with Garage, roof deck and hardwood fl oors. condo 2rentals. Beach start cable. here! Share BR apt. Uppervacations Darby, W/D, private $1000.00 month, includes Village Low entrance. association fees in Queen ....................�������� For availability call 1$350. Call 610-352-1188. utilities. Call 215 686-3431 or 215-468-9166 _______________________________33-21 _______________________________32-16 evenings. �������������. NEW LISTING. Large update 4 bd. ba.home within NorrisRoommate wanted to 2 share _______________________________33-24 $600/mo. half utils. Ref. req. Must love huge garden and wonderfully rooftown. deck with +city skyline views. ������������������ cats. call 610-270-0288. No drugs. .................................................................................�������� Entire 3rd floor apartment for rent has large _______________________________33-21 eat-in kitchen with ice maker, built in micro, ����������������������������������������������������������������� d/w, garb disp. lots of counter and storage. hall �������� closet, very large living room, rent includes all ��������� channel Tevo. bathroom has a washer/dryer, � ������������������ another hall closet and two bedrooms with more ������������������������������������� ���������������������� closets. Heat and hot water is also included. ��������������������� ������������������������������������������� $1,200.00/month. This is a non-smoking buildSuper-private 5 1/2 acres with views, stream, ������������������������������������ ing. 215-416-5545. waterfall, 20’ X 36’ pool. Fully funished 3 ����������������� _______________________________33-20 bedrooms, 3 baths, 4 TVs, 1 flat screen, DSL,

����������������� ����������������� �������������������������������� �������������������������������� ������������������������ ������������������������

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MAY 1 - 7, 2009

����������� CLASSIFIEDS


Mystery shoppers, make up to $150 a day. Drive the Big Rigs! 30 Trainees Needed ASAP. REAL REAL Undercover shoppersESTATE needed to judge retail $700-$800 per week,ESTATE Benefits, No CDL, No and dining establishemnts. Experience not Problem. No Credit, No Problem. GIT-R-DONE required. 877-280-7603. Call Now! 1-800-961-4319. _______________________________33-19 _______________________________33-18 Pensioner, GM inn, 609-287-8779 9 AM-1 Over 18? Between High School and College? PM only. Travel and Have Fun w/Young Successful _______________________________33-19 Business Group. No Experience Necessary. �������������������������� 2wks Paid Training. Lodging, Transportation No exp. necessary, will train. PT or FT. SJ Provided. 1-877-646-5050. shore area. Call 609-645-2010. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-19 Now Hiring OTR Dry-Van Drivers! WESTERN Travel, Travel, Travel! $500 Sign-on and EXPRESS *Regular Home-Time *Excellent $500 Performance bonuses. Seeking Sharp Equipment *One-Day Orientation *BCBS Guys/Gals, Blue Jean Environment, Music Insurance *Stable,Growing Company, Must Lovers Welcome! Janelle #888-375-9795 be 22Yrs. Old, Class-A CDL required 866Start Today! 863-4009. ������������������������ _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-18 Part-time, home-based Internet business. Earn ������������������� $500-$1000/month or more. Flexible hours. Mailing Brochures! Weekly pay + Bonus. Sup���������������������������� Training provided. No selling required. FREE plies furnished. Guaranteed Opportunity. Call Now! 1-800-307-7131. ������������������� details. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-18 “Can You Dig It?” Heavy Equipment 3wk ������������������������ Avg. Pay $21/hour or $54K annually including Training Program. Backhoes, Bulldozers, Federal Benefits and OT. Paid Training. Vaca- Trackhoes. Local job placement asst. COULD QUALIFY FOR GI/VA BENEFITS. 866-362tions. PT/FT 1-866-945-0341. _______________________________33-18 6497. _______________________________33-18 ���������������� National Company Hiring 18-30 Sharp People. NOW AVAILABLE! 2009 POST OFFICE JOBS. Able to Start Today. Transportation & Lodging $18-$20/hr. NO EXPERIENCE, PAID TRAINFurnished. NO EXPERIENCE Necessary. Paid ING, FED BENEFITS, VACATIONS. CALL 1-800-910-9941 TODAY! Ref #PA09. Training. Over 18+ 866-734-5216. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-18



��������� ��������������� ����������������� �������������������������


Services Directory



part-time editorial intern REAL ESTATE


The Philadelphia Gay News is seeking a part-time editorial intern. As AVENUE THE ARTS DICKINSON ST.the editorial intern,OF you will perform a variety of 12TH duties& in support of Entire 3rd floor apartment for rent has large 3 room apartment, living room, kitchen, bath, editorial staff. Duties might include writing short articles and weekly eat-in kitchen with ice maker, built in micro, and bedroom (all Large rooms) 2nd floor, event fact checking, ling,entrance. archiving data and special d/w, garb listings, disp. lots ofresearch, counter and storage. hall private $1000.00 month, includes closet, very large living room, rent includes all utilities. Call 215 686-3431 or 215-468-9166 projects.

channel Tevo. bathroom has a washer/dryer, evenings. Intern(s) mayand also the with opportunity (depending on level of interest another hall closet twohave bedrooms more _______________________________33-24 and journalistic attend local events (press conferences, rallies, closets. Heat and hot skills) water isto also included. 3 RM. APT. IN NEW REHAB. VICTORIAN $1,200.00/month. is a non-smoking build11’ clg, 6 windows in combined LR & bed. New etc.) and writeThis news and features articles. tile bath, sep. kitchen, walk-in closets, storage ing. 215-416-5545. Intern(s) should be highly motivated with strong writing A _______________________________33-24 & laundry in bsmt. $600.skills. 215-844-8118 GUEST HOUSE ON ESTATE _______________________________33-23 journalistic background is preferred but not required. Intern(s) must Upper (Ambler). remodeled, 3 working BREWERYTOWN 3 BR/3 Intern(s) BA HOME haveDublin the ability to Newly stay focused while independently. BR, 2.5 BA, hdwd flrs., C/A, pool, glamorous Beautiful home w/garage, 1400 square ft must be able to meet deadlines both on a daily and longer-term basis. kitchen overlooks formal gardens. $1800/mo. in Brewerytown Square built 2006 for rent 215-542-5642. in credit June. $2,100 /month15-20 +util. Literally This is an unpaid internship (academic available), hours steps _______________________________33-25 from Fairmount Park and the Art Museum. per week. STUDIO & ONE BEDROOM APTS. 3br, 3 full ba (master bath w/double sinks & Rittenhouse Skills: Square Area! $795-$995. Call double headed shower), beautiful kitchen (GE (215)546-1424 Location, close to Profile stainless appliances, gas range, Brazil(Prefer Word, e-mail, In-Design, Excel. Computer Great procient. restaurants, stores, etc. Why not be near the ian granite countertops and bar, stone floor), Photoshop a plus.) Square this summer? stunning large plank wood floors throughout, Organized, detail oriented _______________________________33-23 plush carpet in each br, separate living/dining rooms, full size knowledge front loader W&D, car Solid written and verbal communications skills; of APone style garage and one car driveway in gated area, Team player security system, tons of storage, master br with Please send résumé, cover letter and three tofrom private large walkwriting in closet, samples Skyline view Locust 21st Street. Editor, Very large, balcony. djmcintire@hotmail. Sarah& Blazucki, Philadelphia Gay202.669.7812 News, 505orS. Fourth St., com Avail. June. elegant 2Philadelphia, bed room, 2 bathPAapartment 19147. Or e-mail, _______________________________33-22


in Historic Victorian building. Separate entrance into sunlit foyer, Double parlor ����� with fireplace, den, new fully equipped gourmet eat-in���������� kitchen including com2001 Toyota Celica $2500! 2 door,custom mercial dual fuel GTS range, refrigerator/ made orange exterior, black interior, 96500 freezer, washer/dryer, andinfo: miles, 6 speed manual, dishwasher, 4 cyl. Contact or call at (208) garbage disposal. Huge walk-in closets. 977-9080. _______________________________33-18 Hardwood floors. Central air condition�������������� $3250 . Noah’s ing. Parking available. Receive $1000 Grocery Coupon. Arc Support No Kill Shelters. Research to 2009 . Available August 1, Advance Veterinary Treatments. Free Tow-

ing, Tax Deductible, Non-Runners accepted 1-866-912-GIVE _______________________________33-18


�������� RENTALS SECLUDED BUCKS SPREAD �������� Super-private 5 1/2 newborn acres withtoviews, stream, Wishing to adopt nurture and waterfall, 20’provide X 36’ your pool. baby Fully with funished 3 adore. Will warm, bedrooms, 3 baths, TVs,will 1 flat loving, stable home.4 You bescreen, treatedDSL, with stereo, piano, eat-in kitchen. Vine-covrespect/grand confidentiality. Expenses Paid. Please ered dining 1-866-535-8080. deck. $5000 per month. June to call Glenna Sept. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-23 ����� CITY, MARYLAND ChildlessOCEAN loving woman (teacher) wishes to Best of affordable rentals. Full/ partial adoptselection a newborn. Financially secure home weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. with close extended family. Legal/Confidential. Holiday Real Estate. Online Expenses paid. Please1-800-638-2102 call Denise: 1-866-201reservations 4602 Pin#01960. _______________________________33-22 _______________________________33-18 North Wildwood, NJ home, loving Considering Adoption? A beautiful FLORENTINE MOTEL attorney and nurturing full-time mom awaits Beach/Boardwalk Block, Pools, Efyour baby. Expenses paid.Heated Call Anne & Phyllis ficiency/ motel units refrigerator, elevator. Color (ask for michelle/adam) 1-800-790-5260. Brochure/ specials 609-522-4075 Dept.105 _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-22 Friendly men. _______________________________33-28



weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily.

����������������� Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102 Online ����������������� reservations ������������������ _______________________________33-18 ������������������


�������� PAGE 41 ��������� From only $2,990.00--Convert your LOGS TO VALUABLE LUMBER with your Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also WILL NOT PUBLISH RACIAL DISable. Free TINCTIONS1-800-578-1363-Ext300-N. IN ROOMMATE ADS. SUCH information: NOTATIONS WILL BE EDITED. THANK _______________________________33-18 YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ���������������� ___________________________________ Buy Soma, Ultram, Fioricet, Prozac, Buspar NE PHILA.PRICE IN$71.99/90 GREATER $107/180 Quantities. Have yourPRESCRIPTION! own bedroom in Over a beautiful split CLUDES 200 meds level home with 2 gay men. is 41-888BR, 2 $25 Coupon. Mention Offer:House #21A31. full baths, W/D, upper and lower decks, use of 531-6744. kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 _______________________________33-18 min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least ������������������������� reasonably neat and employed. Rent is $600 + Call today for your Medicare approved Power 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. Wheelchairs & Scooters. ABSOLUTELY NO _______________________________33-24 COST TO YOU if qualified! ELDERKARE MEDShare 2 BR apt. 1-888-54-ELDER(35337) Upper Darby, W/D, cable. ICAL SUPPLIES $350. Call 610-352-1188. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-22 ������������������������������ Roommate wanted shareChairs home&in NorrisLimited Offer! Powerto Wheel Scooters town. $600/mo. + half utils. Ref. req. Must love ACT NOW: 1-800-719-0024. cats. call 610-270-0288. No drugs. _______________________________33-17 _______________________________33-22 ������������������� AREA Homesites to Kayak Pools MALVERN looking for Demo Share furn. 3 BR, 3 BA home profPools. male. displaypvt. new maintenance free w/1 Kayak Updated kitchen, of office, gym. Great house! Save thousands $$. Unique opportunity! $550 utils. incl. Short 1-877-499-POOL. term (2 mos. min.) 100%neg. financing available. OK. You get pvt. BR & BA. 484-924-9956 or _______________________________33-18 ����������� _______________________________33-22 Distributor must sell entire inventory of leftSOUTH PHILLY over 2008 Pools! HUGE 31’x19’ w/Sundeck, Large furnishedd room, shared bath, full house Fence,Filter ONLY $890! (Install. extra) 100% priv. 1 blk from Broad. All utils incl. FINANCING! 3-Day Installation! Call Us!except 1-866phone. Must be employed. $450/mo. Call 237-2217 215-551-7611. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-22 BRIGANTINE, NJ �������� Beach blk. Share lovely 3 BR house w/senior citizen. Full house privileges. Must be employed. $950/mo. Call Jim at 609-458-3711 Insurance Agency for Sale: Major National to discuss details. Insurance Company has local agencies for _______________________________33-22 sale. Great Opportunity to run your own busiOVERBROOK PARK/CITY LINE ness. Please reply: Fax#866-296-7535 or Share house, furn. BR, cable, W/D, A/C. Avail. now. $450/mo. incl. utils. 215-850-7900. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-21 ���������������������� WILDWOOD AREA Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local Bi male looking for other bi male to share 2 BR candy route. Includes 25 Machines and Candy apt. $450, incl. all. 732-850-6180. All for $9,995. 1-800-460-4027. _______________________________33-22 _______________________________33-18 NEWARK, DE GAY/STRAIGHT HOUSE �������������������������� Rm in 6 bd castle $500 incl uti.l 3 cats. 302��������� 438-5037 Reduced rent for housework/elder Commercial Office Cleaning. Operate a Busicare. ness that YOU own! Since 1984, as low as _______________________________33-23 $1500 down, Equipment, Support, Customers. Phone: 717-260-3678. _______________________________33-16



�������� �������� Painting and paper hanging, reasonable prices. 45 yrs experience. Neat and clean work. Sonny, 215-888-1099. _______________________________33-18 ��������������������� From Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 866-858-2121 _______________________________33-18 ������������������� Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified -Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888)349-5387. _______________________________33-18

�������� ��������������������������� Auction. Selling for the bank, Late Model Logging/Construction Equipment, 80+ Pieces. May 14, 10 a.m. Rockingham, NC. Iron Horse Auction, NCAL3936, 800-997-2248, www. _______________________________33-18

PAGE MAY 142 - 7, 2009 MAY 1 - 7, 2009 MAY 1 - 7, 2009





POST OFFICE NOW HIRING! Avg. Pay $21/hour or $54K annually including Federal Benefits and OT. Paid Training. Vacations. PT/FT 1-866-945-0341. _______________________________33-22 Seeking licensed Life and Health Agents to market voluntary employee benefits programs to employers for COLONIAL LIFE. Non-licensed applicants considered. Contact Trivonne, 856482-0218. _______________________________33-22 ABLE TO TRAVEL National Company Hiring 18-30 Sharp People. Able to Start Today. Transportation & Lodging Furnished. NO EXPERIENCE Necessary. Paid Training. Over 18+ 866-734-5216. _______________________________33-22 Earn up to $500 weekly assembling our angel pins. No experience required. Call 413-3030474 or visit _______________________________33-22 34 Driver Trainees Needed. Werner Enterprises. Drive the BIG Rigs. No CDL, No Problem. No Credit, No Problem. $700-$800/week +Benefits Call Now! 1-800-961-4319. _______________________________33-22 Over 18? Between High School and College? Travel and Have Fun w/Young Successful Business Group. No Experience Necessary. 2wks Paid Training. Lodging, Transportation Provided. 1-877-646-5050. _______________________________33-22 Driver CDL-A. OTR Dry Van Drivers! WESTERN EXPRESS offers Professional Equipment, 1-Day Orientation. Great Hometime & Benefits. Class-A CDL, 22 YO Required 866-863-4009 _______________________________33-22 $12.00 GUARANTEED For every envelope stuffed with our sales material plus a free sign on bonus. FREE 24 hour information 1-866-526-0078. _______________________________33-22 Mailing Brochures! Weekly pay + Bonus. Supplies furnished. Guaranteed Opportunity. Call Now! 1-800-307-7131 _______________________________33-22 NOW AVAILABLE! 2009 POST OFFICE JOBS. $18-$20/hr. NO EXPERIENCE, PAID TRAINING, FED BENEFITS, VACATIONS. CALL 1-800-910-9941 TODAY! Ref #PA09. _______________________________33-22

ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE From Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 866-858-2121 _______________________________33-22 AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified -Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888)349-5387. PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS _______________________________33-22 SHIRT WASHING & IRONING Free pick-up and delivery service only, in Center City. Ten shirts minimum, washed and ironed at $2.50 per shirt. Call 215-732-1197 and leave a massage for pick-up services. _______________________________33-22 ELECTRICAL SERVICES ������������ Andy’s Electrical service has been servicing Montgomery County and all adjacent cities, ������������������ counties and buroughs for 12 yrs. w/top-notch craftmanship and budget friendly pricing. Call me for a free estimate or to chat about a project you are thinking about doing. ~master licensed/ fully insured~ ANDY 484-614-4358 REFERENCES CAN BE PROVIDED. _______________________________33-23


Dave’s K-9 College �▼�▼�▼�▼�▼� ��������������������������������������� Start your pet on the right “paw” where your pet goes to school

Certified Dog Trainer Contact Dave




���������������� ���������������� ���������������� � PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS BUSINESS ��������


ONLINE PHARMACY Buy Soma, Ultram, Fioricet, Prozac, Buspar $71.99/90 $107/180 Quantities. PRICE INCLUDES PRESCRIPTION! Over 200 meds $25 Coupon. Mention Offer:# 21A31. 1-888531-6744. _______________________________33-22 Metal Roofing and Siding: Buy Direct, We manufacture and cut to your length, also a large supplier of Pole Building material 1-800373-3703 _______________________________33-22 GET YOUR NEW Power Wheelchairs, Power Scooters and Hospital Beds at absolutely NO COST if you qualify!! Fastest delivery available!! Call Toll Free 1-800-470-7562. _______________________________33-22

AUTOS DONATE VEHICLE Receive $1000 Grocery Coupon. Noah’s Arc Support No Kill Shelters. Research to Advance Veterinary Treatments. Free Towing, Tax Deductible, Non-Runners accepted 1-866-912-GIVE _______________________________33-22 GREAT DEAL! 1963 Chevrolet Corvette clear title, $3900, 8cyl. exterior black, interior red, manual transmission, 48000 miles, call me 206-203-1273 or e-mail me _______________________________33-23





MAY 29 - JUNEPAGE 4, 2009 53

������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������� ������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ���������������� ���������������������������� ������������ ������������������������������������ ���������������� �����������������

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VANGUARD CLEANING SYSTEMS FRAN������������������������ CHISE Commercial Office Cleaning. Operate a Business that YOU own! Since 1984, as low as $1500 down, Equipment, Support, Customers. Phone: 717-260-3678. _______________________________33-22

������������ ������������ ������������ ������������������ ������������������ ������������������

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Settle IRS Back Taxes for less than you owe! If you quailify we can: Stop wage garnishments. Remove bank levies, tax levies, property seizures. Stop payment plans that get you nowhere. Settle state and business payroll tax problems. Eliminate penalties, interest charges & tax liens. If you owe over $15,000 in back taxes, call now! Free consultation! No Obligation! Confidential! American Tax Relief 1-800-317-9712. _______________________________33-22 Buried in Credit Card Debt? Balances never seem to go down? Only making the minimum payments? We can get you out of debt in months instead of years. We can save you thousands of dollars. We can help you avoid bankruptcy. Not a high-priced consolidation loan or one of those consumer credit counseling programs. Call for your FREE consultation! Credit Card Relief 1-866-475-5959. _______________________________33-22

���� ���

�������������� �������������� �������������� ������������������������ ������������������������ ������������������������

����� ������������� ������������ Reach Over 40,000 ������������������ Readers Weekly For As Little As $25.00 A Week.������������� Call 215-625 ����������������� ����������������� �������

ADOPTION Considering Adoption? A beautiful home, loving attorney and nurturing full-time mom awaits your baby. Expenses paid. Call Anne & Phyllis (ask for michelle/adam) 1-800-790-5260. _______________________________33-22

NOTICES Pennsylvania Treasurer Rob McCord wants to put money back in your wallet! Treasury is seeking the owners of over $1 billion in unclaimed property. Search You could have money waiting for you! _______________________________33-22


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������������� Reach Over 40,000 Readers Weekly ForAs As Little As $25.00 Reach Over Reach 40,000 Over Readers 40,000 Weekly Readers For Weekly As Little For As As$25.00 Little A Week. $25.00 A Week. ����������������� ���������������������� ������������������� ���������������������������������

PAGE 52 - JUNE 4, 2009 MAY 29



AMY F. STEERMAN Attorney at Law

Concentrating in Planning for Lesbian and Gay Couples • Probate • Wills • Living Wills • Powers of Attorney


1900 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

Terence S. Brady, Esq. Legal Representation In New Jersey Drunk Driving, Speeding, All Traffic Cases, Family Matters, Divorce, Visitation, Custody Criminal Matters, Real Estate Purchases, Foreclosures

Mt. Holly, N.J. 609 504 6310

MAY 1 PAGE - 7, 2009 43

William A. Torchia, Esquire Attorney-at-Law

Estate & Tax Planning

GENERAL PRACTICE FOR THE COMMUNITY ������������������������ ����������������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� �����������

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215-546-1950 (Voice)

215-546-8801 (Fax)

������ ▼

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Reach Over 40,000 Readers Weekly For As Little As $25.00 A Week. Call 215-625-8501 Today!

PAGE 44 50


����� ����� ��������

MAY 29MAY - JUNE 1 - 4, 7, 2009

HOME IMPROVEMENT DIRECTORY ������������� ������ ��������������

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Reach Over 40,000 Readers Weekly������������� For As Little As $25.00 A Week.

Reach Over 40,000 Readers Weekly For As Little As $25.00 A Week. Call 215-625-8501 Today!

MAY 129- -7,JUNE 2009 4, 2009




45 PAGE 51


AMY F. STEERMAN Attorney at Law


Estate & Tax Planning

Concentrating in Planning for Lesbian and Gay Couples • Probate • Wills • Living Wills • Powers of Attorney

GENERAL PRACTICE FOR THE COMMUNITY ������������������������ ����������������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� �����������


1900 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

215-546-1950 (Voice)

215-546-8801 (Fax)

������ ▼


eating &Dowd Air Inc. Heating & Air Inc. -752-3638215-752-3638 2490 Williamson Court Fax : 215-501-8306 Bensalem, Pa 19020

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n Court 19020

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Fax : 215-501-8306

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��������������������������� ��������������������������� Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. ����������������

�������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� Licensed & Insured ������ ������ ��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������

��������������� �����•����Sales �������������������� ������ ����������������������������•���Installation ������������� • Service ���������������� • Thermostats • Gas Valves �������������������� ������ �������������������� • Maintenance Contracts ���������������� �Pumps • Condensers • Hot Water Heaters ������������������ ��������������������������������•���Circulator ���� ������������������ • Fan���������������������������������� Motors • Duct Work • Boilers & Furnaces �������������������������� �� �������������������������� ��������

�������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������

�������������� Office: (215) 336-0156 �������������� �������������� ������������������������

Residential & Commercial

40,000 Reach Readers Weekly ForReach As Little As40,000 $25.00 A Call 215-625-8501 Over 40,000 Readers Weekly ForReaders AsWeek. Little As $25.00 A Week. Call 215-625-8501 Over Weekly For As LittleToday! As $25.00 A Week.Today! Call 215-625-




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MAY 1 - 7, 2009



ning ouples



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��������� CERTIFIED �MASSAGE �������

Come and Enjoy

William A. Torchia, Esquire William A. Torchia, Esquire Attorney-at-Law


����������������������������� �������������������� THE PLAYGROUND ���������������������� ������������������� PAGE 54 ���������������������������� � ������������������� ���� ��������� PAGE 55

Estate & Tax Planning Estate & TaxAPRIL Planning 24 - 30, 2009

GENERAL PRACTICE FOR THE COMMUNITY GENERAL PRACTICE FOR THE COMMUNITY ������������������������ ����������������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� �����������

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����������� ����������� PHILADELPHIA

215-546-1950 (Voice) 215-546-8801 (Fax) ����

��������� 215-546-8801�������� (Fax)

������� ����

Come���� and Enjoy

Xdress sex party. CD house orgy every Sat. nite. GWM couple ISO GWMs 18-40 yrs. for 1 on 1 and group sex. Stockings, pantyhose, etc. Starts 9 PM Sat. Call Sat. 7-8 PM 856910-8303, ask for Mark. _______________________________33-24

WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot ����������������������������� action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after �������������������� 11 PM. ���������������������� _______________________________33-19 GWM seeks new friends. 610-352-1188. ������������������� _______________________________33-21

����������������������������� ������������������� ���� ���������

������ ������ ▼

Steve - 717.615.2178 ��������� 610.203.2798 ��������


Steve - 717.615.2178 610.203.2798 ▼

��������� FRIENDS �������� MEN LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. _______________________________33-28

��������������� ������

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215-546-1950 (Voice) ����

��������������������� ����������� ������������� ��������������� �������������� GAY NEWS

55 MAY 29 - JUNEPAGE 4, 2009



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Make waves. Write a letter.




������� ����

Erotic Dungeon Master

6’, 165 lbs., 60 year old Master, greek active, french passive requires obedient slave for training, S&M, B/D, W/S, etc. Limits respected and expanded. Assistant Master wanted. Call Dave at 215-729-6670, day or evening. _______________________________33-48 Xdress sex party. CD house orgy every Sat. nite. GWM couple ISO GWMs 18-40 yrs. for 1 on 1 and group sex. Stockings, pantyhose, etc. Starts 9 PM Sat. Call Sat. 7-8 PM 856910-8303, ask for Mark. ������� _______________________________33-24 � GWM, Italian, top or bottom, 7” cut. Also into assplay, toys & water sports. Bi, straight, out of towners Daynice or night. Call Jeff at WM 60, 5’7’welcome. 155, bottom, looking, discreet, 215-850-7900. fit, hot, seeks top men only for relationship in _______________________________33-22 NE. 215-264-1058 LM. GWM seeks new friends. 610-352-1188. _______________________________33-19 _______________________________33-22 WM, NE Phila. you’re looking for hot CITYIfSERVICES action, call 215-934-5309. No calls Refs. after Any reasonable request. 215-205-5453. ��� 11 PM.Reasonable rates! avail. _______________________________33-22 _______________________________33-19 THAT CLEAN, CUMPLIANT ������ ������������ ����I’M � safe, D/D sane, sincere, You:free, big�equipment! Me: realsomewhat nice whitesubm butt. snr bi WM sock tucker, cork sacking real McCoy. 215-732-2108,�������������� 8-11 PM. ��� U R mature, intuitive, able 2 host afternoons. _______________________________33-20 215-574-1824. OK to leave any message. _______________________________33-24 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. _______________________________33-24

������� ��������


������������������� ������� Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth � gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are ������������������� also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If Attractive GWM, warm,tosensitive, caring, 48 this sounds interesting you feel free to call y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for me, David, 215-698-0215. _______________________________33-28 other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. 6’, 165 lbs., 60 year old Master, greek active, _______________________________33-28 ������ french passive requires obedient slave for training,�S&M, B/D, W/S, etc. Limits respected and expanded. Assistant Master wanted. Call Dave at 215-729-6670, day or evening. _______________________________33-48 6’, 165 lbs., 60 year old Master, greek active, GWM, or bottom, 7” cut. slave Also into french Italian, passivetop requires obedient for assplay, toys &B/D, water sports. Bi, straight, out training, S&M, W/S, etc. Limits respected of towners welcome. Day or night. Call Jeff at and expanded. Assistant Master wanted. Call 215-850-7900. Dave at 215-729-6670, day or evening. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-48 WM 60, 5’7’ 155, bottom, nice looking, discreet, Xdress sex party. CD house orgy every Sat. fit, hot, seeks top men only for relationship in nite. GWM couple ISO GWMs 18-40 yrs. for NE. 215-264-1058 LM. 1 on 1 and group sex. Stockings, pantyhose, _______________________________33-19 etc. Starts 9 PM Sat. Call Sat. 7-8 PM 856������������ 910-8303, ask for Mark. You: big� equipment! Me: real nice white butt. ������ _______________________________33-24 ��� 215-732-2108, � � � � � � � � �8-11 � � PM. GWM, Italian, top or bottom, 7” cut. Also into _______________________________33-20 � � � � � � � �� � � assplay, toys & water sports. Bi, straight, out ������������� Reliable, Safe, Honest & Discreet ������ FRIENDS of towners welcome. Daycity or night. Jeff at Shuttle service within limits,Call personal 215-850-7900. shopping, � help with bags, companion service, _______________________________33-18 lite cooking, dog walking & house sitting, any reasonable request. 215-205-5453. Refs. avail. Reasonable rates! _______________________________33-18


Make waves. Write a letter.


Erotic Dungeon Master

Erotic Dungeon ������� �������� Master

��������� ���������

�������������������� ��������� ���


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Gay is our middle ������������������� Fantasy ��������������� name. MASSAGE ������������������� Philly's Premium ����������������� Adult�� �� �� �� ������ ������ Escort Service ������� MEN



GWM se _______

Shuttle s shopping lite cooki reasonabr FULLB Reasona “A _______ 60 y.o., 5H City/ casual se ask for Z _______




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PREMIER 215-733-9779 Philly's Premium PREMIER Escort Service11AM til 2AM ������









�� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � �

Philly's Premium Escort Service �� �� �� �� �� ���� ������

���������� � � � � � �� � � �


• Full Body • Deep Tissue

Always Hiring

Reliable, Safe, Honest & Discreet

Online. Anyti WWW.EPGN � E-mail us: �������

�� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � �

Reliable, Safe, Honest & Discreet


������������������ ����������������������� ���������������

• Sensual

• Erotic

215-733-9779 11AM til 2AM ��� PGN 215-733-9779

�������� ��������� ekly ForReaders As LittleWeekly As $25.00 215-625-8501 40,000 For A AsWeek. Little Call As $25.00 A Week.Today! Call 215-625-8501 Today!

��������������� Always Hiring ������������������ 11AM til 2AM ������������������

PLAYGIRL Centerfold is Back!

����������������� �������������





MAY 1 - 7, 2009 MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009


�������� ��������� THE PLAYGROUND ���������

MAY 1 - 7, 2009

������� Adult/Personals

1188. ___33-21

personal n service, tting, any efs. avail.


___33-18 ooking for 538-2040


�������������������� ����� ���������������

�� ��������������������

Body shaving in/out

Deep tissue/Erotic massage BDSM training Body � � � � � � � shaving in/out

������������ �������������� ����






Electronic PGN: Let my strong hands release all your tensions.

FULLBODY • SENSUAL • EROTIC “Ask about my specials” Have car and will travel City/Suburbs/Jersey Shore/Hotels



���������� ���


215-733-9779 Electronic PGN:

11AM til 2AM

PLAYGIRL �������� Centerfold ��������� ��������������� is Back!

FRIENDS ������� �MEN ���

����������������� ������������� ������������������

Reliable, Safe, Honest & Discreet

��� Always Hiring ������������������


MAY 1 - 7, 2009







PLAYGIRL ���� Centerfold is Back!

������������������ ����������������������� ������� ���������������

������� ����

����������������� E-mail us: �������������





������������ ������������ �������������� ������������ ��������������������������������������� ������������

�������������� ���������������� You Deserve It!





����������������������������� �������������������� ���������������������� ������������������� ����������������������������� ������������������� ���� ���������


������������������� ������������������������ ������������������������������ ������������������������������

Make waves. Write a letter.

������������������ �������������������������� ��������������������� ���������������������������


rtising works. Advertising works.



Steve - 717.615.2178 610.203.2798

You Deserve It!

������������������������ C91 �������������������������������������


Come and Enjoy

�������������������������� ���������������������������������




�� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � �

d Strong Hands nds Massage & More ���


Philly's Premium Escort Service �� �� �� �� �� ���� ������ ����������������




������ FRIENDS ��������

FRIENDS ������� �������� MEN




������� ������� MASSAGE

����������� ������������� Deep ��������� tissue/Erotic massage BDSM training ��������


������������������� ��������������� �������������������



Make waves. Write a letter.




�������� ��������� ��������� ������������������� ��������������� �������������������



������ ��������

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MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2009

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