PGN June 19 - 25, 2009 edition

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Philadelphia Gay News June 19 - 25, 2009

Honesty Integrity Professionalism

Vol. 33 No. 25

Obama extends benefits to LGBT federal employees By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

NEW DEM, NEW TO PRIDE: U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter (D) made his first visit to Philadelphia’s annual Pride celebration during the June 14 festival at Penn’s Landing. PGN publisher Mark Segal introduced Specter, a former Republican who this spring announced he was switching parties to become a Democrat, as a surprise guest during the event. The festival and parade drew a crowd of between 9,000-10,000 people, the highest attendance at the event in 10 years. Photo: Scott A. Drake

President Obama signed a presidential memorandum June 17 granting samesex partners of federal employees access to some of the same benefits enjoyed by heterosexual married spouses. The president’s directive applied to employees in both civil- and foreign-service positions. John Berry, openly gay director of the Office of Personnel Management, said Wednesday that the directive does not include health benefits because the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which bans samesex marriage at the federal level, would prohibit such a change. The memo, which differs from an executive order in that it will expire at the end of Obama’s term, allows for the samesex partners of civil-service employees to be eligible for long-term-care insurance programs, and for the employees to use sick leave to take care of a domestic partner or non-biological, non-adopted children. Same-sex partners of foreign-service

employees will now be able to use medical facilities at their partners’ posts, qualify for medical evacuation from the posts, and will be included in family size when housing allocations are determined. The personnel changes do not apply to military employees, as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the military’s ban on openly gay servicemembers, would prevent the implementation of such policies. Berry called the changes “the first step, not the final step” in guaranteeing equal rights for LGBT federal employees. “This is an attempt to get our federal house in order, which is very important to do,” Berry said. “It’s an example of practicing before you preach, and the president is taking bold action to do just that.” Leonard Hirsch, chair of the Federal GLOBE, which represents LGBT federal employees, called the memo “a significant next step toward equal rights for LGBT employees in the federal government.” Hirsch said the president’s directive provides for benefits “to the extent that he

Pride draws largest crowd in 10 years Justice Dept. calls for dismissal By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

Although plans for last weekend’s Pride parade and festival were still up in the air just days before the festivities, the 21st annual event kicked off without a hitch and drew the largest crowd of the past decade. Franny Price, executive director of Philly Pride Presents, which organizes the celebration, estimated that between 9,000 and 10,000 people gathered for the parade and the festival at Penn’s Landing, far surpassing last year’s count of 6,000. Price said that while the entertainment lineup may have fueled the high turnout this year, the weather probably also played a role. Temperatures at last year’s celebration topped out near 100 degrees, but on Sunday — after several days of rainstorms — the sky was clear with temps in the high 70s. “The weather was beautiful, and I think people had cabin fever and were glad to get out,” she said. Just four days before the event, the outlook was not so sunny as organizers met with city officials to negotiate what the city was planning to charge Philly Pride Presents for police presence — a cost the city previously covered but, late last year, discontinued because of its budget crisis.

One of the stipulations of the eventual price agreement shortened the parade route by several blocks, cutting out the parade’s traditional procession past longtime LGBT bookstore Giovanni’s Room at 12th and Pine, which Price said was unfortunate, but it turned out to be a successful move. “I actually like this route better. I’m the biggest advocate for passing Giovanni’s Room, but this way there were more people lined up watching the parade, which was good for the morale of the people in the parade,” she said. “There were just rows and rows of people. And a lot of people in the parade and watching the parade came up to me and said, ‘I really like this way, please keep this.’” More than 30 organizations participated in the parade, which stretched more than a mile from 13th and Locust, past the judges at the reviewing stand at Sixth and Market and down to Penn’s Landing. Openly lesbian ABC 6 news reporter Denise James served as this year’s parade announcer. The contingent from Tavern on Camac took home the grand-prize Fruit Bowl from the parade and also won the Best Bar Float prize. Other winners included Mazzoni Center for Best Float; Woody’s/

See OBAMA, Page 7

of first federal marriage suit By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

A federal agency moved last week to dismiss the first lawsuit filed against the federal ban on same-sex marriage. The U.S. Department of Justice filed a motion June 11 to dismiss a suit by a married same-sex couple from California, Arthur Smelt and Christopher Hammer, who argued that the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act violates their federal rights to privacy, travel and free expression. Congress approved DOMA in 1996, a law that prohibits the extension of federal marriage benefits to same-sex couples. In last week’s brief, the Department of Justice acknowledged that Smelt and Hammer were legally married in California, but said they were not entitled to any other recognition on account of DOMA. “This case does not call upon the court to pass judgment ... on the legal or moral right of same-sex couples to be married,” the motion states. “Plaintiffs are married and their challenge to DOMA poses a different set of questions: whether by virtue of their See PRIDE, Page 8 marital status they are constitutionally

entitled to acknowledgment of their union by states that do not recognize same-sex marriage, and whether they are similarly entitled to certain federal benefits. Under the law binding on this court, the answer to these questions must be no.” Shin Inouye, White House LGBT spokesperson, said the department is required to support current law. “As it generally does with existing statutes, the Justice Department is defending the law on the books in court,” Inouye said. Smelt and Hammer married in California in July, during the five-month period when such unions were legal, prior to the passage of Proposition 8, a ballot measure that banned same-sex marriage in the state. The couple filed the suit in state court in December, one month after Prop. 8 passed, and the case moved to federal court in March. Also last week, California Attorney Gen. Jerry Brown filed a brief in support of another federal lawsuit, submitted by two California couples who tried to obtain marriage licenses after the passage of Prop. See MARRIAGE SUIT, Page 17



JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

Attorney sued for legal malpractice By Timothy Cwiek PGN Writer-at-Large Jonathan J. James, a local civilrights attorney who’s handled many LGBT-related cases, has been sued for legal malpractice in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court. Dr. Don Walter Kannangara, an infectious-disease specialist, contended James failed to give him adequate legal representation, resulting in the permanent suspension of Kannangara’s staff privileges at two local hospitals. In a brief interview, Kannangara said his staff privileges at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Girard Medical Center in North Philadelphia were temporarily suspended in February 2007, after he complained about substandard and unsafe conditions at the hospitals. Kannangara said some personnel at the hospitals failed to practice basic hygiene such as washing their hands with sanitizing lotion prior to treating patients. He said incorrect lab results for patients resulted in serious medical errors. Additionally, he said, some patients with HIV were neglected and not given their medications. Conversely, unnecessary medical treatments were ordered for other

patients, Kannangara told PGN. The doctor said he notified various oversight agencies about his concerns, including the state Attorney General’s Office, the state Health Department and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, which certifies more than 15,000 healthcare organizations and programs in the U.S. To his knowledge, no corrective action was taken at the hospitals, he said. “Instead, I was punished for making the complaints,” Kannangara said. James allegedly failed to provide “prompt and adequate and appropriate professional services,” causing Kannangara to “lose his staff privileges at medical facilities where he practiced for more than 25 years,” according to the lawsuit filed in March. James allegedly missed two key appeal hearings that might have resulted in the restoration of Kannangara’s staff privileges, according to the lawsuit. Kannangara was en route to one of the hearings when James allegedly told him, via telephone, that “[Kannangara’s] presence would not help lead to a successful outcome,” according to the lawsuit. Due to that phone conversation,

Kannangara did not attend the hearing, and no defense was presented on his behalf — causing a negative outcome for the doctor, according to the lawsuit. James had no comment for this story. Kannangara said he tried on several occasions to stay informed about the progress of his appeals, but James allegedly failed to cooperate with his requests for legal updates, according to the suit. “[James] ignored pleas for help throughout the suspension process, thereby robbing Dr. Kannangara of an opportunity to regain his hospital privileges and resume his successful practice,” the allegation states. “Dr. Kannangara has been completely prevented from pursuing his chosen profession, due to the wrongful actions of [James].” Futhermore, Kannangara claimed, when he asked hospital officials about the status of his appeals process, he was referred to James, who didn’t explain the situation. The lawsuit describes James’ alleged legal malpractice as “breathtaking and intentional neglect of his client.” Because no defense was presented at the appeal hearings,

Kannangara’s staff privileges were permanently suspended at both hospitals, according to the suit. Officials at both hospitals refuted the allegations Kannangara made against their institutions. Catherine Kutzler, CEO at St. Joseph’s Hospital, said excellent patient care is provided at the facility. “We do whatever we have to do to get the care for the patients here,” she said. “I’m very proud of the care. I also know that we take very good care of HIV patients. We’re not 100-percent perfect. But we respond immediately to any complaints.” Marlene Douglas-Walsh, administrator at Girard Medical Center, echoed those assertions. “If something occurs that we know about, of course we’re going to fix it,” she said. “We don’t put patients’ lives at risk. The allegations that the doctor came up with were investigated thoroughly and found not to be true. They’re all unfounded. If there was truth to his allegations, would we still be in business?” Kannangara paid James a $5,000 retainer fee, which was considered non-refundable and never returned to him, according to the lawsuit.

The suit also states that James “effectively destroyed Dr. Kannangara’s ability to continue the practice of medicine.” Kannangara “no longer receives referrals from other doctors at the hospitals, which was the lifeblood of his busy practice,” it continues. Kannangara also is suing PrePaid Legal Services Inc. of Ada, Okla., and a Pittsburgh-based law firm, Welch Gold and Seigel P.C. Both agencies allegedly were instrumental in referring Kannangara to James, according to the suit. Officials at Pre-Paid Legal Services and Welch Gold and Siegel had no comment for this story. Kannangara is seeking more than $250,000 in punitive and compensatory damages. His lawsuit lists various counts, including legal malpractice, breach of contract, professional negligence and breach of fiduciary duty. According to Philadelphia Common Pleas Court documents, all parties have been instructed to be prepared for a jury trial to begin on March 7, 2011. ■

Timothy Cwiek can be reached at (215) 625-8501 ext. 208.

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009





JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

News Editorial 10 International News 14 Letters/Feedback 11 11 Mark My Words 7 Media Trail 5 News Briefing 7 National News 10 Other Views 5 Regional News 11 Street Talk

PGN 505 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia, PA 19147-1506 Phone: (215) 625-8501 Fax: (215) 925-6437 E-mail: Web:

Pride full

Roman holiday

A packed Penn’s Landing showcased the local pride on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

Pride celebrations across Europe draw tens of thousands.

Pages 8-9

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Detour Comics Diversions Meeting Place Portraits Q Puzzle Scene In Philly Worth Watching

Editor Sarah Blazucki (ext. 206) Art Director Christopher Potter Staff Writers Jen Colletta (ext. 215)

24 32 34 25 24 21 31

Larry Nichols (ext. 213) Writer-at-Large Timothy Cwiek (ext. 208)

Del Shores is bringing his “Sordid Life” to Philly and putting all on stage for everyone to see. Page 18

Family Portraits:

Pansy Division is bringing the punkrock party to North Star Bar Jun24.


Page 32

Columns Leather Lookout Offline


Mark Segal (ext. 204)

Graphic Artist Sean Dorn (ext. 211) Photographer/Graphic Artist Scott A. Drake (ext. 216) Advertising Manager Greg Dennis (ext. 201) Advertising Sales Representatives Morgan Levine (ext. 212)

22 28

Kelly Root (ext. 207)

Classifieds Directories

64 69


Tom Hulce

Leather Lookout



Jack Stehlin plays Roy Till, the hot gay DEA agent.

It’s a “Spring Awakening” for this producer

On the road again and off the road again

Equality, liberty and fraternity

Yadda, yadda, yadda

Page 23

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Page 23

Poll results from our online survey as of June 17:

How many Pride events do you attend each year? 57% 1% 14% 28%

Art and faith

1-2 3-4 None As many as possible

Go to to weigh in on this week’s question: Page 13

How effective are hate-crime laws?

National Advertising Rivendell Media (212) 242-6863 Office Manager/Classifieds Don Pignolet (ext. 200) Executive Assistant Credit/Billing Manager Carol Giunta (ext. 202) Philadelphia Gay News is a member of: The Associated Press National Gay Newspaper Guild Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Published by Masco Communications Inc. © 2009 Masco Communications Inc. ISSN-0742-5155

The views of PGN are expressed only in the unsigned “Editorial” column. Opinions expressed in bylined columns, stories and letters to the editor are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of PGN. The appearance of names or pictorial representations in PGN does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that named or pictured person or persons.

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009




News Briefing COLOURS to host HIV forum

LGBT leaders go for gold at DVLF event

The COLOURS Organization Inc.’s next monthly community townhall meeting will focus on the future of HIVprevention efforts for men of color. The discussion will be held at 6 p.m. June 24 at Arch Street United Methodist Church, 55 N. Broad St. For more information, call Lawrence Frazier at (215) 496-0330.

By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

LGBT grantmaking organization Delaware Valley Legacy Fund will host its second-annual Platinum Day June 25 to promote LGBT philanthropy. The organization will feature several workshops geared toward specific groups within the local LGBT community, and will give out its third-annual Platinum Awards to honor individuals who have made significant strides toward ensuring the financial stability of the community. The day will kick off with a Professional Advisors Breakfast from 7:45-9:30 a.m. at the Philadelphia Foundation, where attendees will be able to network with other legal and financial advisors and discuss the importance of educating members of the local community about LGBT charitable possibilities. “We want to make the business case for why professionals should include philanthropy in discussions with their clients,” said Perry Monastero, DVLF executive director. “Data has shown that when we engage clients about philanthropy, we’re more likely to have access to new funds and assets that we wouldn’t have had before. Prompting clients to think about philanthropy opens the door for them to think about something they might not have thought about before.” Following the breakfast, the steering committee of DVLF’s Wonder Women group will gather to address their goal of heightening female participation in local LGBT organizations. “Wonder Women is working to develop a strategic plan as to how we can engage more women in our community,” Monastero said, noting that DVLF is currently being led by its third consecutive female president, Angela Giampolo, but that it’s “not often the case with a lot of LGBT-service organizations.” New to this year’s Platinum Day is a program for executive directors of local LGBT organizations and groups that work with the LGBT community, where participants will explore the possibility of creating a monthly executive-directors’ meeting to address the progression of the LGBT community. “We’ve seen other communities, such as in Milwaukee and San Diego, do this, and they’re appropriate models for this program based on the size of the cities,” Monastero said. “Having these meetings every month would create collaboration possibilities and even build cost-sharing strength.” Monastero said one of the first things the directors would evaluate is the feasibility of providing collaborative health and benefits packages to cut down on costs and ensure proper healthcare for all employees. “This would be a huge, amazing leap. Some of the organizations can’t offer health packages at all, so by partnering and creating this association, we can try to find high-quality, lower-cost healthcare for all people involved in the LGBT movement,” he said. While most of the day’s activities are focused on the future, during the Legacy Society and Platinum Awards Reception, 6-7:30 p.m. at PNC Bank Center, 1600 Market St., third floor, DVLF will take time to concentrate on the present and recognize the many individuals who have donated money and time to fuel the growth of the local LGBT community. This year’s Platinum Awards will be presented to DVLF board

LGBT screenwriting contest returns

GALLOPING INTO SUMMER: Brian Sims (far left, clockwise), chair of the Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia; Larry Felzer, GALLOP board member and co-chair of the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Committee on LGBT Rights; Court of Common Pleas Judge Dan Anders; Virginia Essandoh, diversity director at Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP; Court of Common Pleas Judge Anne Butchart; PBA chancellor Sayde Ladov; and Rebecca Schatschneider, co-chair of PBA’s Committee on LGBT Rights, were among numerous legal professionals who met with dozens of law students at the annual Summer Associates and Law Students Reception June 15 at the Ballard offices. About 75 people attended the event, which Sims said highlighted for the aspiring lawyers “how welcoming and open the city is to LGBT attorneys” and helped connect law students seeking summer associates with some of the city’s largest firms. Photo: Scott A. Drake

members Jeremy Gussick and Ted Greenberg, who Monastero said have successfully worked with their clients to communicate the need for continued investment in community causes. “They’ve put in a lot of volunteer time to educate members of the community about leaving a legacy for the LGBT community,” Monastero said. “Sometimes these gifts are very large and other times they’re small, but each is very special and unique because it represents people putting to paper a permanent way of how they want to build the community.” Monastero said the reception is a way to spotlight a few of the countless individuals who work to guarantee the future successes of the LGBT community. “This is not something that people get recognized for very often, but we find it very important to do this. Both the donors and Jeremy and Ted are people who do a lot of behind-the-scenes work, and this is our chance to thank them for their work and for their charity.” The Platinum reception is open to the public. To RSVP, contact Monastero at (215) 563-6417 ext. 117. ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

Your city, your life, your news.


The 11th-annual One in Ten Screenplay Contest, the largest LGBT screenwriting contest in the world, is now accepting submissions. The contest is open to all writers with the stipulation that at least one of the main characters in the screenplay be LGBT and that such characters be portrayed in a positive light. Screenplays should be between 90-125 pages, and contestants are permitted to submit multiple screenplays, as long as each submission is accompanied by the proper paperwork. The first-place winner will receive a $1,000 cash prize and have his or her screenplay submitted to five studios or producers; the second-place writer will receive a $500 cash prize and have his or her work submitted to three studios or producers; and the third-place winner will receive a $100 cash prize. Submissions should be accompanied by a $45 entrance fee. All materials must be postmarked by Sept. 1. For more information on the submission process, visit www.screenplaycontests. com/oneinten/index.html.

Pittsburgh to stage youth conference The Pittsburgh chapter of the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network will host its first-ever summit on LGBT youth issues next month. “Unified 4 Youth” will take place July 17-19 at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, 420 Boulevard of the Allies. There will be a registration reception the first evening of the event, and the next day, participants can attend a series of workshops that will explore topics such as gender identity and classroom bullying. There will be separate workshops for youth and adult participants. Later that night, filmmakers Joe See NEWS BRIEFING, Page 12



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By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

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A COMMUNITY CONVENTION: About 1,500 people attended last week’s Philadelphia Trans-Health Conference at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, including Ken Oakes, president of the board of directors of the Mazzoni Center (from left); Dr. Donald Schwarz, Philadelphia health commissioner and deputy mayor of health and opportunity; conference keynote speaker Dr. Lisa O’Connor; and Mazzoni Center executive director Nurit Shein. The eighth-annual conference, held June 11-13, featured dozens of workshops for LGBT and ally community members, as well as for medical and social-work professionals who work with the transgender community, in addition to a job fair, film festival and other networking and entertainment outlets. Photo: Courtesy of Dave Rumsey/Mazzoni Center

NJ guv candidates take opposite stances on gay marriage


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JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

Read it here first.

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The two contenders for governor of New Jersey who will go head to head in November, have vastly opposing views on same-sex marriage, an issue that could play an important role in the election. Chris Christie, who won the primary election earlier this month to become the Republican nominee for governor of the Garden State, details his opposition to marriage equality on his campaign Web site. “I believe marriage should be exclusively between one man and one woman,” it states. “While I have no issue with same-sex couples sharing contractual rights, I believe that marriage should remain the exclusive domain of one man and one woman.” Christie goes on to say that he would veto a marriage-equality bill if it were to come to his desk. He said if the state’s current marriage laws were changed through the court system, he would be in favor of a “constitutional amendment on the ballot so that voters, not judges, would decide this important social question.” Christie did not respond to numerous requests for comment. Incumbent Democratic candidate Jon Corzine, however, is a strong proponent of marriage equality. Corzine spokesperson Robert Coralles reiterated the governor’s support to PGN this week. “The governor has said he

supports same-sex marriage and would sign a bill if it reaches his desk,” Corrales said. “The legislation would first have to pass in both respective houses, but if the bill comes to his desk, he would sign it.” Marriage-equality bills are currently in committee in both the New Jersey Senate and Assembly. Both versions of the bill were introduced last June and sent to the judiciary committees of their respective chambers. The Assembly legislation has 12 cosponsors, while the Senate bill has six. Steven Goldstein, chair of Garden State Equality, said he anticipates movement on the bills by the end of the year. “We expect a vote on the marriage-equality bill in 2009, which includes the post-generalelection period between now and December,” Goldstein said. On June 16, the Maplewood Township Committee became the first municipal governing body in the state to pass a resolution urging the legislature to legalize same-sex marriage. The resolution passed unanimously, supported by committeemembers Mayor Victor DeLuca, Lester Lewis-Powder, Kathleen Leventhal, Jerry Ryan and Fred R. Profeta Jr., who introduced the measure. DeLuca said the committee pursued the issue because it’s a “matter of basic civil rights.” “We represent everyone in our community, and there is a portion

of people in our community that are right now being denied their rights,” DeLuca said. “We think it’s important as public officials to speak out, urging the legislature to correct that glaring inequity.” DeLuca also noted the issue of same-sex marriage has been prominent in the news lately and is sure to make an appearance in the New Jersey governor’s race, and the committee felt “this is a time when this is being talked about more and more, and we thought that we ought to express our opinion.” DeLuca said the committee has received little opposition from the public and has already been contacted by the mayor of South Orange, N.J., who was looking to pose the resolution to that town’s governing council. DeLuca said he’s also planning to forward the resolution to the New Jersey Conference of Mayors to heighten visibility and encourage other municipalities to take similar action. New Jersey legalized civil unions for same-sex couples in 2006, but a state commission released a report last year that recommended the state extend its marriage laws to include LGBT couples. A Quinnipiac University poll released in April found that 49 percent of New Jersey residents favored marriage equality, while 43 percent were opposed. ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009




Media Trail

US mayors endorse marriage equality

Prison segregated lesbian inmates

By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer A committee of the U.S. Conference of Mayors approved a resolution this week during its annual convention that backs marriage equality, both at the state and federal levels, and supports various other pro-LGBT issues. The Criminal and Social Justice Committee approved the resolution, “Equality and Civil Rights for Gay and Lesbian Americans,” on June 15. Openly gay mayors Christopher Cabaldon of West Sacramento, Calif.; Sam Adams of Portland, Ore.; and David Cicilline of Providence, R.I., the host city for the conference, authored the resolution. Mayor Nutter, who attended the conference, was not a member of the committee. The mayors expressed support of the Employment Nondiscrimination Act, which would ban discrimination against LGBT individuals at the federal level; the Military Readiness Enhancement Act, which seeks to repeal the military’s ban on

OBAMA From Page 1 is permitted to do so under the administrative rule,” referring to the limitations of DOMA. “That sounds bureaucratic, and it is,” Hirsch said. “But this is an organization that is a bureaucracy and is governed by law. The administration has been carefully looking at the laws and trying to figure out where there was administrative jurisdiction that they have.” Berry said the directive stemmed from a several-month review conducted by his office and the Department of State to investigate what benefits the agencies were able to legally grant to same-sex couples. Berry said that while some agencies have already provided such benefits to their LGBT employees, the memo eliminates any ambiguity from the government’s policies. “Previously, employees were subject to the whim of their supervisors, and if they had an enlightened supervisor, then yes, there was a possibility [that they would grant equal benefits],” Berry said. “But we’re making this no longer optional. It’s now

openly gay servicemembers; the Uniting American Families Act, legislation that would amend U.S. immigration law to allow Americans to sponsor their samesex foreign-born partners for immigration; and the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate-Crimes Prevention Act, which would include the LGBT community in federal hate-crimes legislation. The resolution further provides unequivocal support for same-sex marriage. “The U.S. Conference of Mayors supports marriage equality for same-sex couples, and the recognition and extension of full equal rights to such unions, including family and medical leave, tax equity and insurance and retirement benefits, and opposes the enshrinement of discrimination in the federal or state constitutions,” the resolution states. Evan Wolfson, executive director of Freedom to Marry, commended the mayors’ position on equality. “By passing this resolution, America’s mayors spoke for the families they know and serve in communities across the

mandatory and clear that this is now the policy of the federal government. Federal employees will no longer have to rely on whether their supervisors are enlightened or not.” The memo instructs heads of other federal agencies to also conduct their own investigations to determine if they, too, can expand their personnel policies to the samesex partners of their employees, and also directs OPM to work with all federal agencies over the next three months to ensure full understanding of the federal government’s employment policy, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. “It’s the view of the president and this administration and a bedrock principle of federal civil service and a statutory mandate that the federal government does not make employment decisions based on anything but the individual’s ability to do their job,” Berry said. “That’s why the president believes in reaffirming that it’s illegal to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or any other non-merit factor. OPM will issue guidance in the next few weeks to help agencies

country, and said that excluding those families from the freedom to marry must stop,” Wolfson said. “The mayors have their fingers on the pulse of the country, and their voices said loud and clear that ending discrimination in marriage is the way to go.” The resolution described that the U.S. Conference of Mayors has had a long history of championing LGBT rights, citing its 1984 resolution calling for widespread nondiscrimination laws for gays and lesbians; its endorsement of hate-crimes protections to LGBT individuals in 1991, 1992 and 1994; and the $12.6 million it has awarded for HIV prevention work.

The measure also drew attention to the work of numerous mayors who have taken the lead on LGBT issues, such as San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, who authorized the granting of same-sex marriage licenses in 2004; and Washington, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, who earlier this year signed legislation to allow the district to recognize legal samesex marriages. ■

Jen Colletta can be reached at jen@epgn. com.

implement that law and that principle.” Berry denied that the president’s memo was motivated by the sharp backlash from the LGBT community after the Department of Justice’s recent legal brief in support of DOMA. “This is in no way a response to any outside pressure,” Berry said. “This is part of a clear strategy the president and the administration have.” Berry said the most effective means to guarantee full benefits for LGBT employees is through the repeal of DOMA, which he said the president supports. Berry could not give a timeline for the repeal of the law, but said Obama will continue to advocate for such an action, as well as for the passage of an inclusive hate-crimes law, employment nondiscrimination law and the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” “None of that will happen until we have 218 votes in the House and 60 votes in the Senate. We’re there on hate crimes, but still have a ways to go on the next three. The president is supportive and wants to see them all done. The gay community, of which I’m

a member, can be extremely proud that this president is with us and stands with us 100 percent on the core issues we care deeply about right now.” Last month, U.S. Sens. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine), along with Reps. Tammy Baldwin (DWisc.) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), introduced the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act in the Senate and House, which seeks to provide same-sex partners of federal employees all the same benefits — including health insurance, retirement benefits and family leave — to the married spouses of heterosexual federal employees. The Senate bill has 23 cosponsors, including local Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey (D), and is currently in the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, while the House legislation has 76 cosponsors, including local Rep. Joe Sestak (D-7th Dist.), and is awaiting approval of the Judiciary Committee. Similar bills died in committee in the last legislative session. ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at reports the largest women’s prison in Virginia segregated dozens of masculine-looking lesbian and straight inmates from the rest of the population. Inmates and corrections officers claimed that what began as an effort to break up couples and stop sexual activity at the Fluvanna Correctional Center in Troy turned into a practice of sending women to a unit called the “butch wing” based on their appearance. Women sent to wing 5D said they were verbally harassed by the staff there and separated from other inmates. Three guards confirmed the charges. Former guard William Drumheller said that manager Timothy Back started the practice, which lasted for over one year. The practice stopped recently.

Chastity Bono announces sex change Yahoo News reports Chastity Bono is having a sex change to become a man. A spokesperson for Bono, born to Sonny and Cher, said he “has made the courageous decision to honor his true identity” and began the sex-change process earlier this year. Publicist Howard Bragman said Bono hopes “that his choice to transition will open the hearts and minds of the public regarding this issue.” The 40-year-old writer, activist and reality-TV star came out as lesbian 20 years ago.

Court overturns lesbian sex conviction The Southern Voice reports that, with a 5-2 vote, the Georgia Supreme Court set aside the 10-year prison sentence of a lesbian teacher who engaged in an affair with a former student. Melissa Lee Chase was 28 when she was convicted of sexual assault for having sex with a 16-year-old female former student. Although the student testified she initiated the relationship, Chase was not allowed to present evidence at her trial. In the majority opinion, Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears wrote that since the age of consent is 16 in Georgia, minors can enter into sexual relationships with adults. The opinion stated that if there is no imbalance of power, it is legal to have a relationship with a former student who is of consenting age. ■ — Larry Nichols




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Pure for Best Bar; Passional Boutique for Best Decorated Vehicle; Independence Squares for Best Performing Theme; Men of All Colors Together for Best Nonperforming Theme; Veterans for Peace for Best Public Statement; Metropolitan Community Church of Philadelphia for Best Pride Day Theme; Flaggots for Best Marching With Music; William Way LGBT Community Center for Best Marching Without Music; The Attic Youth Center for Best Nonprofit Group; Fusion Drexel Hill Baptist Church for Best Nonprofit Float; Gay and Lesbian Friends of Lansdowne for Best Nonprofit Marching; Salotta Tea for Best Drag; and openly gay Court of Common Pleas Judge Dan Anders and Municipal Court Judge Dawn Segal for Best Duet. Dozens of LGBT and mainstream organizations welcomed the cavalcade to Penn’s Landing for an afternoon of entertainment, education and networking. In honor of Flag Day, the St. Thomas Gospel Choir made its first appearance at Pride, singing the National Anthem, and Dena Underwood kicked off the festival with annual favorite “I Am What I Am.” The stage was alive all day, as all-female band Betty returned for another Pride performance, along with entertainers Brittany Lynn, Ya Ya Delight, Daniel Gray, the Philadelphia Marching Band and Peter Danzig and Amie Robidoux from Quince Productions’ upcoming performance of “Full House.” Headliner Alec Mapa from “Ugly Betty” and “Desperate Housewives” brought his comedic flavor to Philly, which Price said was well-received by the crowd. “Philadelphia just loved Alec Mapa,” she said. “They stayed around for a long time after his performance waiting for his autograph and were just really excited about him.” The event also had a political bent, with Pride grand marshals Stephen Glassman, chair of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, and Rue Laundau, chair of the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations, calling on the community to mobilize behind such issues as the nondiscrimination bill currently in the state legislature. National politics were in the spotlight when U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak (D-7th Dist.) See PRIDE, Page 12

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009


Photos: Scott A. Drake




JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

Editorial Marriage politicking Last week, the Department of Justice filed a legal brief in support of the Defense of Marriage Act, drawing the ire of LGBT activists already angered by what they see as President Obama dragging his feet on LGBT civil-rights issues. The Obama administration filed a motion to dismiss a case brought by a gay couple married in California who are suing for federal marriage benefits. Under DOMA, same-sex couples are not eligible to file joint taxes or afforded government-pension spousal benefits or other federal marriage rights. Specifically, the LGBT community was angered by the tone of the brief, as well as the tone-deaf response the administration has had so far to its criticisms. Instead of merely opposing the suit on a technicality, the administration defends DOMA as good law. For instance, the brief compares same-sex marriage to marriage between cousins and underage marriage; states that DOMA ensures same-sex marriage doesn’t financially burden federal and state benefit programs; and that it is “reasonable and rational” for Congress to support “traditional” heterosexual marriage. When activists called for an explanation — after all, President Obama had previously called DOMA “abhorrent” — a White House spokesperson said the Department of Justice must defend existing law. Not so fast. While the DOJ is charged with defending and enforcing laws on the books, it by no means is required to file briefs to support or oppose any particular case. Furthermore, presidential administrations have a history of filing briefs opposing laws they believe are unconstitutional. Though activists are raking Obama over the coals for this, it’s likely he was not aware of the brief’s language, much less that it contradicted his stated positions on same-sex marriage and civil rights so strongly. Despite the disturbing language of the brief and the administration’s defense of it, it may well be that this wasn’t the best case to go to the Supreme Court — and not the best timing either. After all, if Sonia Sotomayor is confirmed to replace Justice David Souter, the court majority still leans conservative. It might be better to wait for a more liberal court to hear a same-sex marriage-case than risk a bad ruling now. ■

Correction In “City funding crisis almost derails Pride parade” (June 12-18), an attendee of the June 10 meeting, Gloria Casarez, director of LGBT affairs for Mayor Nutter, was omitted. Also, shortening the parade route contributed to the reduction in cost, in addition to other concessions by the city and Pride organizers.

Glenn Lash (

Other Views Jennifer Vanasco Facing the administration It is starting to seem like a tautology that if the Obama administration is asked to weigh in on a question of gay rights, then it will come down on the wrong side. It happened again last week. Obama’s Department of Justice crafted a brief defending the Defense of Marriage Act that used all of the arguments of the antigay Right. Heterosexual marriages are “traditional,” it said. Denying federal recognition to legal state marriages doesn’t hurt anyone, it said. We do not have a “friend in the White House.” We do not have a “fierce advocate.” What we have is an enemy. He is, sure, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, wearing a glittering costume embroidered with “Hope,” “Change” and empty promises. He is a master of doublespeak, saying he is against DOMA yet not protesting when a Bush holdover presses a poison dagger of a marriage brief into our chests; he says he supports the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” but has yet to issue a stop-loss order to keep hunted gays and lesbians in their military jobs. Obama is no longer hurting us with benign neglect. Obama’s administration is now actively attacking us. If George W. Bush had responded

this way to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and DOMA, we would be rising in the streets. We would be protesting in front of the White House. Joe Solmonese, executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, wrote a beautiful letter to the White House expressing just this sense of betrayal. “I cannot overstate the pain that we feel as human beings and as families when we read an argument, presented in federal court, implying that our own marriages have no more constitutional standing than incestuous ones,” he wrote. Obama has forgotten, perhaps, that we are human beings with families. He perhaps has made the erroneous assumption that we will wait our turn humbly, hats in hand, until he decides to be beneficent in the waning days of a second term. We need to show him we will not. The world is a different place than it was five years ago, or even six months ago. Establishment Republicans — Dick Cheney! Joe Bruno in New York! — are now coming out in favor of gay marriage. A majority of Americans favor the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Gay and lesbian civil rights are no longer a fringe issue. And gays and lesbians are no longer a minority who will be placated with hate-crimes legislation in lieu of full and equal

rights. There will always be urgent issues competing for a president’s attention. That’s what being president is. But those other issues shouldn’t make us back down. In fact, they should make us fight harder. Healthcare? DOMA might make it impossible for our spouses to be our dependents in a federal healthcare program. The economy? Our families would certainly be better off if the money we paid to Social Security could go to our loved ones if we passed before they did. The war? America would have a stronger fighting force if it stopped ejecting perfectly qualified, long-serving soldiers just because they are gay. We must stop giving Obama the benefit of the doubt. It is time to show him that we will not support a second term, that we will not support the Democratic Party, if this continues. We will not give a dollar of our money. We will not give an hour of our time. We will Stonewall him and his administration. The time for being treated as the equal Americans we are has come, and we will not be pushed aside. ■ Jennifer Vanasco is an award-winning syndicated columnist. E-mail her at


JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

Mark My Words

Mark Segal

Bad breaks and missed reunions The worse break of my life, literally. Last Saturday, we had a new air-conditioning unit installed on the office rooftop. It was amazing to watch the crane lift the unit four stories. After the installation, I was going to look over the work, but on the way up, about halfway up the ladder, I lost my grip and fell down the stairs. It seemed like one of those old Warner Bros. Wile E. Coyote cartoons where the coyote hits a wall, then sees stars. Lots of stars. I knew immediately this was not good — especially when I could not get up and stand on my foot. On Monday, after a lot of prodding, X-rays and CT scans, the folks at the Rothman Institute told me I had a calcaneus fracture — in layman’s terms, a fractured heel. Basically, this means I’ll be off my feet for a couple of weeks until they do corrective surgery on the 25th. While in the best of times, as you know, I’m not one to lay around, but the timing of this injury is especially upsetting. On the 25th, I was supposed to be in New York City on a panel at the NY LGBT Community Center to talk about Gay Liberation Front, Gay Youth and the 40th anniversary of Stonewall with my fellow pioneers from 1969-71. Instead, I’ll be in a hospital. The irony here is that I’ll be missing out on the celebration of my love of LGBT history and my own part in it — and, strange as it seems, I’ll also miss the interaction and heated disagreements of the panel. Truth be told, at times I even stoked the flames to watch the fireworks: I don’t know if there was a GLF meeting where I didn’t call

someone an ageist. Then, I was chair of Gay Youth and 18 and, well, you do the math. But these were my teachers and all that I have done since then is, in part, thanks to them. Those disagreements taught me how to continue to fight for what I thought was needed, regardless of those in our community who did not believe in agreeing to disagree and preferred using hateful tactics. They taught me to stick to my principles. The best comparison I could give is, it’s like your high-school reunion, but with historical significance. These are people I grew up with, learned about community building when there was no community. And the four of us Gay Youth who are still in the “alumni” are literally the first graduates of the new gay movement. That Sunday, for the first time in many years, we planned to march as a group. We are the founders of that parade, the first LGBT community center, the first organization that cared for our youth and trans people. We debated feminism, marched against injustice, stickered the walls of Christopher Street and set up emergency phone lines. We held sit-ins, dances at Alternate U. and movie nights. Gay Youth even had a speakers’ bureau that visited high schools. These are my fondest memories of my youth. To my dearest GLFers, I’ve enjoyed the disagreements that have led to our reunion — from one who will now miss it. Please soak up every minute. It is so special that it has filled me with emotion; I truly know how special this time is. So please try to appreciate all that we have accomplished rather than focus on our differences. You changed the world. ■


Street Talk Are all gay-marriage opponents bigots?

Jeremy Tan medical student East Falls

Jennifer Tran medical student Center City

“No. I try not to judge other people until I hear what they have to say. It would take a lot on their part to convince me they’re not a bigot, but I’m always open to listening. I’d give them that option.”

“Not necessarily. Maybe if you hated all LGBT people, then I would label you a bigot. But if a person has a sincere personal belief against gay marriage based on their religion, that might prevent me from labeling the person a bigot.”

Mark Weaver shipping coordinator Fishtown

Zenobia Webb massage therapist Mt. Airy

“No. Name-calling is not the adult way of handling this debate. It just upsets people even more. We don’t need [to use] polarizing words. That’s not the best way to approach the matter. We need more understanding from both sides.”

“Yes. It’s no different than any other type of prejudice. They’re being intolerant and close-minded. They’re imposing their views too inflexibly. God made gay people, and there’s no justification for denying them equal rights.”

Mark Segal is PGN publisher. He can be reached at

Letters and Feedback In response to “City funding crisis almost derails Pride parade,” June 12-18: I just wish the parade would be less tacky. It also is a bit disorganized when one group is half a mile behind another. — PrideGuy As much as I appreciate the efforts of Price, Volz and others, the truth is, Philadelphia should put all its June Pride efforts into producing a first-class Pride festival at Penn’s Landing and forgo the local parade entirely. I realize that we are our own city, but the fact is, it’s impossible to compete with the New York City parade and, no matter how much we try, we’re always going to look like a backwater town trying hard to show its pride when compared to the parades in D.C. or NYC.

The money and time saved by not producing a parade can be placed into creating a stronger and more prominent (i.e., A-list) talent lineup and make that our celebratory event every June. — PhillyFan In response to “Marriage-equality bill introduced in PA Senate,” June 12-18: Calling the introduced bill a “marriage equality” bill is a lie. It is a bill to allow samesex marriage in Pennsylvania. It would not and cannot allow marriage equality. Marriage equality is having all of the rights of marriage, both state and federal. No state can grant federal benefits, only Congress can. Therefore, at this time, no state has “marriage equality.” By the way, having all the rights of marriage, both state

and federal, does not have to be in a category labeled “marriage.” If I had all of the federal and state rights of marriage, it would not matter to me if it were called marriage, civil unions or domestic partnerships. I know it matters what it is called to many; however, I am more interested in the rights of marriage than the rites of marriage. — Leland Traiman In response to “The ’Net’s OK with gray and gay,” May 22-28: Growing old is hard enough, but to be old and gay is doubly hard. I hope the gay and lesbian community will start an insurance program akin to long-term care and 55-and-over communities all over this country. ■ — gay&lesbianmother






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PRIDE From Page 8 and U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter (D), making his first Pride appearance, took the stage. Specter had an afternoon engagement and had to go on stage around 1 p.m., before the majority of the parade participants and spectators arrived at Penn’s Landing, but Chuck Volz, Philly Pride Presents senior advisor, said his participation was appreciated. “We would have liked to have seen him sooner, but I understand his situation has recently changed,” Volz said, referring to Specter’s recent party change. “But everyone warmly received him.” While Specter was a first-time participant in Pride, veteran attendee Michael Marcavage, and his supporters from Repent America returned this year with signs and microphones to preach against the gay community. The protesters stationed themselves along the parade

NEWS BRIEFING From Page 5 Wilson and Dean Hamer will screen their new documentary, “Out in the Silence,” and host a post-film discussion. Also on July 18, Stephen Glassman, chair of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission,

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

route and at the entrance to the festival. Volz said he walked Sestak through the entrance and that the Congressman was one of many guests who were surprised by the protesters’ close proximity to the gate. Volz said he spoke with police patrolling the entrance, who told him they were trying to give Marcavage and the protesters “some latitude” because of recent free-speech lawsuits the group filed. Price said Repent America’s presence was a nuisance during the parade. “The protesters were very annoying, especially around the reviewing stand,” she said. “Usually once a performance stops, they’re not allowed to interrupt, but they did and were so loud and rude, even while the Veterans for Peace were doing their salute to the fallen soldiers. It was so disrespectful.” Price also requested that anyone who had trouble with the protesters contact her directly at will address the crowd about current issues facing the local LGBT community. Registration for the event is $25, with additional family members for $10. The cost will cover admission to all conference activities, as well as three meals on Saturday and one on Sunday. For more information or to Overall, Price noted, the protesters’ attendance did little to dampen the mood of the crowd. “There were so many people out there just enjoying the day, and it was great seeing Penn’s Landing filled to capacity like that,” she said. “And there was a whole new generation of people there, young people, who came out to celebrate. We saw a lot of new faces.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at register, visit — Jen Colletta

Complaint filed against Uncles A North Philadelphia man has filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission against Uncles Bar, 1220 Locust St., citing racial bias. The LGBT bar, opened in 1984, has become a popular gathering spot for many members of the community. Marlon Brandon, 42, filed his suit on May 27. According to the complaint, Brandon spoke out against alleged racial profiling at the bar in March. He allegedly was retaliated against by being permanently barred from the bar by thenowner Mort Wernik, according to his complaint. Wernik died on April 21 after a lengthy bout with pancreatic cancer. Joseph F. Brazill, manager of Uncles Bar, declined to comment, citing the pending complaint. Nancy L. Gippert, a spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, said Brandon’s complaint is under investigation, but declined additional comment. ■

— Timothy Cwiek

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009



Looking at HIV/AIDS through art, faith By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

A local church is inviting the community to take a peek into the minds of men and women living with HIV/AIDS in an innovative exhibit that fuses art with the reallife experiences of the local HIV/ AIDS community. Penns Park United Methodist Church, 2394 Second St. Pike, will exhibit “Through the Window: Insight into the Spirituality of AIDS” through the end of July. Philadelphia artist Lois Wilson created the 12-piece exhibit as part of her work toward her doctorate degree in art and theology, which she received last year from Wesley University in Washington, D.C. Wilson, a professional storyteller, is also the founder of Artwell, an organization she launched in 2005 that utilizes creative and performing arts as therapeutic outlets for individuals with HIV/AIDS. During group sessions, she began to take note of the profound and often inspirational messages being passed among participants and decided to record them. “People who were living with the virus were just saying these incredibly important things, so I started to write them down in this little spiral notebook,” Wilson said. “I thought, ‘They’re too good, I don’t want to forget this.’” For about two years, Wilson copied down comments that she found especially meaningful, along with the first names of the individuals who delivered them. When she started her doctorate program and was brainstorming for the final project she’d eventually be tasked with, she got the idea to fuse the thoughts shared during the sessions and into one cohesive work of art that demonstrates the myriad questions those with HIV/ AIDS face on a daily basis. While she was out walking one day, Wilson spotted an old window in the trash and carried it home, with her, deciding to incorporate it — and numerous others she later collected — into her project. “It was a practical idea at first, just to use the windows as frames for each piece, but it occurred to me that there was an enormous metaphor waiting to be understood with the windows,” Wilson said. “With the windows themselves, I think they’re just beautiful the way they are. I never did anything

with them besides clean them a little, so they’re scarred, they’re broken and they have their own little stories to tell. And when I put the windows together with the pieces, it created this metaphor of looking through this window to understand another person’s experience.” Wilson said the use of the windows illustrates the natural barriers that separate all people, including those with HIV/AIDS. “I used the windows because this is how all of our conversations take place — across gender lines, racial lines, socioeconomic lines — just person to person. I can’t crawl inside your skin to understand you, but the best I can do is just look through the window to what’s on the other side.” It took Wilson about two years to complete the project, the final product of which was 12 window-framed collages, each containing a quote describing one individual’s experience with HIV/ AIDS, surrounded by Wilson’s own artistic interpretations. The exhibit has spent the last

two years traveling to churches and faith communities, and was featured at Washington D.C.’s Church of the Pilgrims as one of the cultural events during the 2007 Capital Pride. Wilson said the exhibit has been featured primarily in religious circles, as these are often the communities who most need to be exposed to the messages contained in the work. “One of my beliefs that drove the formation of the exhibit is that communities of faith — and I find this to be a genuine tragedy — are often the last place where people who are newly diagnosed with HIV or AIDS turn for support. These communities have typically been unwelcoming to the gay community and to others who have been most deeply impacted by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, so when folks get diagnosed, they may not want to go talk to their pastor because they may feel like they’ll be judged or rejected,” Wilson said. “Part of my desire in creating this exhibit was to give a voice to the HIV community

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and to help others witness and hear the grassroots spirituality that is coming forth from this community, so that together we can build a bridge across that gap, between the faith communities and the HIV community.” Yet the exhibit is not confined to religious settings; Wilson said she would present it to any audience that wants to learn more about the human impact of the disease. “It’s not a heavy-handed religious approach, but rather it’s about the spirituality of this community, not of any one religion or dogma.” The exhibit will be on display at Penns Park from 3-6 p.m. Friday-Sunday through the end of July, and Wilson will be on hand from 6-8 p.m. June 20 for an artist reception at the church. If you’d like to host “Through the Windows,” contact Wilson at, and include the exhibit’s name in the subject line of the e-mail. ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

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Sunday, June 14: The National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene presents, “Mama’s Lokshn Kugel,” a traveling Yiddish revue featuring classic songs and sketches, 3:00 PM; $10/person, payable at the door, Teller Auditorium at Rodeph Shalom. Supertitles will be projected during the performance--no knowledge of Yiddish required. Please reserve by calling BA at 215-923-2003 and leaving your name and phone number on our voicemail. Friday, June 19: BA Shabbat service, 8:00 PM. Please join us for a rabbi-led BA service, followed by the oneg. Beth Ahavah and Rodeph Shalom are affiliated in spirit and share a sacred home. In July 2007 Beth Ahavah affiliated with Rodeph Shalom. Beth Ahavah retains its congregational status within the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) and proudly offers its congregation dual membership at both synagogues.

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JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

International News

Larry Nichols

Pride fests march across Europe


Gay is our middle name

Tens of thousands of gayrights activists demanding rights for same-sex couples marched through the streets of Rome on June 13 in a gay Pride parade. Smaller marches wound through the capitals of heavily Catholic Poland and Croatia, where counter-demonstrators shouted antigay and nationalist slogans. In Rome, costumed demonstrators carrying rainbow flags and signs reading “Freedom for all” attacked the conservative government of Premier Silvio Berlusconi. They demanded rights for samesex couples and the recognition of gay marriage. Activists dressed as fake clergy with colorful hats and signs reading “No Vatican” protested what they say is the church’s excessive influence on Italy’s policies. In Warsaw, hundreds of gay and lesbian activists marched, also calling for legal unions between same-sex couples. About 1,500 demonstrators marched along Warsaw’s main Marszalkowska Street under escort, police said. Several dozen right-wing youths shouting antigay invectives confronted the parade near the Parliament building, but there was no violence, police said. Some previous gay demonstrations have been marked by violence. In Croatia, another mostly Roman-Catholic country, about

WHEN IN ROME: A couple kisses as other participants stand around in their briefs near the Vittoriano monument to the unknown soldier during Rome’s Gay Pride on June 13. AP Photo: Andrew Medichini

500 gay activists marched through Zagreb. No violence was reported, but about 50 people held a counterdemonstration and shouted antigay slogans. One demonstrator was led away by police after trying to break through a cordon that authorities had created around the parade to protect it.

Trans man hits soccer field Next season, a 25-year-old trans man will become the first to play competitive football on a men’s team in Australia. Will, who wouldn’t provide his full name, has been living as a man for the last two years. “I’m just an ordinary guy who wants to play football, just with

slightly different circumstances of how I came to be a guy,” he said. “I thought, well, if fat blokes who are in their 40s are playing football, surely I can. The only thing stopping me is other people’s prejudice.” Following a meeting with Victorian Country Football League, he was given the goahead to join one of their clubs. He hopes to join the Bendigo football league, one of the oldest in Australia. For insurance purposes, however, he will have to legally amend the gender on his birth certificate to male. Under Victorian law, trans men must have their female reproductive organs removed in order to be legally recognized as male. To avoid Will encountering discrimination or abuse, VCFL president Glen Scott has pledged to educate players about trans issues.

Trans man suffers miscarriage A Spanish trans man who was due to give birth to twin boys in September has miscarried. Ruben Noe Coronado, 25, who was born a woman, had stopped his course of hormone treatments in order to become pregnant via artificial insemination. He had not yet had surgery to remove his female reproductive organs. He decided to carry the babies himself after his wife was told she could no longer conceive. The two are planning to try again, which means further interruption of his transition.

0663 ex AI Commu work gr PAGE 15 at 1201 (215) 5 � Comi gay, bi will me Delawa St., Wil � A gay Registered Master Plumber meet fr License No. 3647 Buildin (215) 3 Repairs, Renovations and � The L New Construction meet fr Church P.O. Box 31697 Newark Philadelphia, PA 19147 � A m be held transge ���������������������������������������������������� and th at the Parenth ����������� 348-05 � A me with H ������������������������������������ 6-7:30 ����������������� ��������� Area E ������������� in Tren ���������������

Online. Anytime.

Last year, Spain passed a law allowing those with “a sexual identity problem” to officially change their sexual status without gender-realignment surgery.


the Council’s report, which has yet to be officially released, gayrights groups and left-wing parties condemned it.

Spain offers Dutch schools can wedding/IVF ban gay teachers package A leaked report from the Dutch government has said that religious schools can refuse to employ gay teachers. The report came from the Council of State, the highest advisory body to the Dutch government. It said that religious schools can exclude gay teachers if their behavior is contrary to school beliefs, regardless of whether it is outside the classroom. The advisory paper, which had been prepared for the government, was leaked to a newspaper with Christian values. Although it said schools must not discriminate, the report said they have the right to demand “explicit loyalty” from staff with regard to school culture. The vast majority of religious schools are, like non-denominational schools, state-funded. In April, a gay-male teacher in the village of Emst was suspended after he spoke to fellow staff members at the school where he worked about being in a relationship with another man. According to the school board, his sexual orientation was in conflict with the school’s mission. The school’s dismissal of the teacher in Emst and the leaked report from the Council of State seem to contradict Article One of the Dutch constitution, which states: “All persons in the Netherlands shall be treated equally in equal circumstances. Discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race or sex or on any other grounds whatsoever shall not be permitted.” The current antidiscrimination law in the Netherlands states that no schools in the country, even religious schools, can allow the “single fact” of a person’s sexuality, race or gender to affect whether they are hired for a position or dismissed. However, the law currently allows what is known as “additional behavior” to be taken into consideration. If a teacher leads “a certain lifestyle” that his/her school considers contrary to what the institution represents, the teacher could run the risk of dismissal. While religious schools praised

Lesbian couples can now have a Spanish holiday package that includes a marriage ceremony and an insemination treatment. The lesbian and gay travel agency Rainbow Travel, in collaboration with the Instituto Bernabeu fertility clinic, offers the package. Following the 2005 ruling that sperm donations in Britain may no longer be made anonymously, an increasing number of lesbians have chosen to receive treatment in fertility clinics in Europe, where the change in the law does not apply.

Although Spain introduced same-sex marriage four years ago, couples seeking fertility treatment there don’t need to be married already. This has led Spain to be considered one of Europe’s most liberal destinations. “As long as you are in control of your mental faculties, then you can do it,” said Dr. Rafael Bernabeu, founder of the fertility institute. Bernabeu said more than 30 British women visited his clinic last month, despite the sizeable cost of the treatment. Egg Together We Can, a discussion implantations in Spanish clinics group for people dealing with start at about $9,800 and can emotional, mental and addictive cost up to $16,450, problems, will meet atwhile 7 p.m.donor at The insemination starts at $1,650. Rainbow also offersInformation to help The Trans-Health lesbian whoa want to marry Projectcouples will hold drop-in center infor Spain. all trans However, persons frommarriages 7-11 p.m. enacted in Spain are only valid oor; in countries that accept same-sex marriage. ■ The Humboldt Society, a gay and lesbian naturalist club, will meet at 7:30 p.m. atcan thebeWilliam Larry Nichols reachedWay at

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JUNE 19 - 25, 2009


JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

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Buy Gay in the � � � � � � � Gayborhood!

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JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

MARRIAGE SUIT From Page 1 8.

The Department of Justice’s motion notes that Smelt and Hammer lack proper standing to challenge DOMA, as they have not tried to obtain — or been subsequently denied — federal marriage benefits or benefits from other states. However, the motion goes on to promote DOMA as a fair and costeffective policy, one that reflects a “cautious policy of federal neutrality towards a new form of marriage,” in that it allows states to decide the issue of marriage equality on their own but does not “obligate federal taxpayers in other states to subsidize a form of marriage their own states do not recognize. This policy of neutrality maximizes the state autonomy and democratic self-governance in an area of traditional state concern and preserves scarce government resources. It is thus entirely rational.” The brief also raises another justification for DOMA: that a government does not have to recognize certain marriages if they conflict with public policy, noting that Italy sanctions certain types of incestuous marriages, while such unions would violate American public policy. The department’s defense of DOMA has drawn the ire of LGBT individuals and organizations throughout the country. Lynn Zeitlin, executive director of Equality Advocates Pennsylvania, said that while the department may be bound to defend DOMA, it did not need to use the language that it did. “They may have to support the law, but they could have done so in a much more minimalist way,” Zeitlin said. “They could have just said DOMA is the law, and the Department of Justice must uphold the law, and therefore, we must support DOMA.” Geoffrey Kors, executive director of Equality California, criticized the brief’s reasoning that “Congress has the right to deny one minority equal benefits as a way of saving money” as “truly offensive.” Jennifer Pizer, marriage project director for Lambda Legal, said the administration’s apparent support for DOMA outlined in the motion directly opposes President Obama’s previous stance on DOMA. “The president made very explicit and emphatic campaign promises that he opposes DOMA


and would provide leadership calling on Congress to repeal it,” she said. “This brief is not consistent with that promise.” During an appearance on “The Rachel Maddow Show” this week, former Democratic National Committee chairman and Vermont Gov. Howard Dean decried the language of the brief, but said he doubted the president played a role in crafting it. “The language in this brief is really offensive and it really is a terrible mistake,” said Dean. “I doubt very much the president knew this was coming. I don’t think for a minute this represents the president’s position. But he is now going to have to dig himself out of this, because people are really upset about this, not just in the gay and lesbian community, but in the community of people who are interested in equal rights.” Inoyue said Obama is still in favor DOMA’s repeal, but asserted that the DOJ cannot revoke its support of DOMA until Congress repeals the law. “The president has said he wants to see a legislative repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act because it prevents LGBT couples from being granted equal rights and benefits,” Inouye said, adding that “until Congress passes legislation repealing the law, the administration will continue to defend the statute when it is challenged in the justice system.” Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, sent a letter to Obama June 15 blasting the brief and asking the president to take action on DOMA. “When your administration filed [the brief], I realized that although I and other LGBT leaders have introduced ourselves to you as policymakers, we clearly have not been heard and seen as what we also are: human beings whose lives, loves and families are equal to yours,” the letter stated in part. “As an American, a civil-rights advocate and a human being, I hold this administration to a higher standard than this brief. In the course of your campaign, I became convinced — and I still want to believe — that you do, too. We call on you to put your principles into action and send legislation repealing DOMA to Congress.” Openly gay U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) said she was “profoundly disappointed” at the administration’s action, but expressed optimism that Obama and Congress can work together

to repeal the statute. “I still take President Obama at his word that he is committed to the repeal of DOMA. I also recognize that he cannot do it alone,” Baldwin said. “Congress has the responsibility on its shoulders to pass legislation that would give the opportunity to the president to keep his word and ensure that all married


people, including those in samesex marriages, enjoy the same rights under federal law.” Zeitlin noted that the brief could urge Congress to move forward on the repeal of DOMA. “I think that the members of Congress who understand the harm that DOMA does — states that have full free equality, but

don’t have federal equality that they can give to their citizens — must be very upset with this,” she said. “Right now we have a patchwork of protection and lack of protection that makes our country frankly look ridiculous.” ■

Jen Colletta can be reached at



JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

The whole ‘Sordid’ story

Detour A departure from the ordinary


JUNE 19 - 25, 2009


Del Shores and Leslie Jordan to hold court in Philly By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer So what is a self-respecting gay writer, director and producer to do when his immensely popular TV show grinds to a halt? If you are Del Shores and that TV show is “Sordid Lives: The Series,” you take your act, and sometimes a few of the cast members, on the road. Shores will touch down in Philadelphia for “My Sordid Life,” an “unscripted” one-man show where he shares the real-life stories that have inspired his work — often darkly comical tales set in the white-trashiest parts of Texas, like the aforementioned TV series, the stage play it was based on and other productions, like “Daddy’s Dyin’ (Who’s Got the Will?),” “Southern Baptist Sissies” and “The Trials and Tribulations of a Trailer Trash Housewife.” His shows have been wildly successful, not only in Texas and the rest of the South, but also in more metro-leaning strongholds like Los Angeles and Palm Springs. Shores credits the success of his work to the fact that everyone knows someone like one of the characters in his plays. “I find that no matter where I am, people identify with ‘Sordid Lives,’” he said. “They can see somebody in their family in these characters. So many people go, ‘Oh, I have a grandmother just like Sissy’ or ‘My mother is Latrelle.’ I go no, no, no ... my mother is Latrelle. I base my characters on people I know. In my show, I basically say I am not a writer, I am a thief — much to the chagrin of my family.” And while Shores was being completely candid, he admitted his show isn’t as unscripted as it used to be. “I have scripted the show but it lends itself to audience participation,” he said. “So I can get off track and get right back to it. Sometimes those are the most fun moments. It’s a little bit of a blend of standup and theater.” His show also isn’t very one-man at times. His June 20 performance at Plays & Players Theatre will feature longtime friend and “Sordid Lives” cast member Leslie Jordan. It’s OK if you’re thinking it, because Shores knows from past experience that Jordan is probably going to run away with the show like a Southern hobbit clutching the one ring.

SHORES (LEFT) and JORDAN Left photo: Rosemary Alexander

“It’s so funny,” Shores said from his home in Los Angeles. “Last night I walked out on stage — the Zephyr Theater is threequarters — and he was sitting in a spot right behind me where the entire audience can see him and I said, ‘What the fuck are you doing behind me? I can’t have you there.’ Of course, he’s just magic in his reaction. It was quite wonderful. He’s opened for me in Palm Springs and we’re such kindred spirits. He is a hysterical man. I think it just heightens everything. The way it’s going to work in Philly is he’s going to hijack my show for a little while.” Jordan, in acknowledging Shores’ talent, knows that following his act on stage is not easy. “He’s been working it out in Los Angeles, and so it started I would go on first to warm up and then he said, ‘I can’t compete with that,’” Jordan relayed. “He is a wonderful storyteller but he doesn’t have the years of performing skills. I’m good up there. Many of his stories intersect with my stories because we’ve been best friends for years and years. So what we’ve got going now is that he tells a story and then I jump up with the rebuttal, which seems to be working pretty good. But he said the other night, ‘It’s still a scramble once you sit down.’” Jordan added that he isn’t the only cast member from “Sordid

Lives” that sometimes ends up joining Shores on stage. “We’ve got five nights in New York on our way to Philadelphia where we’re performing with Rue McClanahan, who’s another scene-stealer,” he said. “I even have a little trouble with her. And Caroline Rhea, she’s a funny, funny lady. So I’m sure by the time we reach Philadelphia, it’s going to be a dog-and-pony show.” “We’re doing several of those shows,” Shores added of the performances featuring Jordan, McClanahan and Rhea. “Sometimes Rue is with us and sometimes she’s not. It’s all family. We love each other. It’s not an act. What you see on the screen is what you get. It’s a lovefest with this troupe. We’ve been together since ’96 and Leslie and I have been together since ’85.” Both Shores and Jordan find some solace performing with the cast members from “Sordid Lives” after the TV show stalled following its first successful season on Logo. “It’s a really unfortunate situation,” Shores said about the show’s demise. “We gave them our best. It was their No. 1 show and 20-times bigger than any show they had ever had. They did order a second season, but Logo doesn’t own the show. A company called Once Upon A Time Film owns it and they are in violation of all the guilds in paying us

our residuals. The series ran on Logo 271 times collectively. The actors and myself were not paid any residuals. So now it’s a legal matter. The first stall was that our foreign financier was not ready to come on board for the second season. That probably would have happened in good time. But it’s a non-issue now because none of us are going back to work until this situation is resolved.” Shores also laid some of the blame for the fate of “Sordid Lives” on the Logo Network. “Quite frankly, Logo has not stepped up and helped us. I’ve never worked for a network that has been less supportive. It sort of breaks my heart because I made a commitment to work for this gay network and I felt that I was bringing them something of quality. I was bringing them stars for the first time. And right now, I’m feeling very unappreciated. But you go on. You go forward.” Much like Jordan’s participation in Shores’ show, he has his side of the “Sordid” story. As someone who’s spent more than 20 years working on both wildly successful and woefully obscure TV shows, some of which never made it past the pilot stage, Jordan knows the warnings that can signal a show’s end. “I knew we were in trouble when Logo had us on the air and I was touring 45 cities for this book I wrote, ‘My Trip Down the

Pink Carpet,’ and my producer wondered what it would cost to get an ad on Logo during the show. It was $300. I thought, ‘My God, we suck!’ Logo is a brandnew network and I’m not putting them down. They loved our show, but they can’t afford it. We had Emmy winners. We were all willing to jump in and give them a season. Rue said she made more in one episode guest-starring on one show she did lately than she did on a whole season for Logo.” Shores said even though he could get over his differences with Logo, it’s hard for him to buy into the network’s financial struggle when he knows how they spend their money. “I could patch up with Logo, I think, if they were willing,” he said. “All it would take would be Viacom to support Logo and Logo to support the show. I don’t think Logo is the problem in the big picture. I believe that Logo thought ‘Sordid Lives’ was an important show to them, but Viacom is not financially that supportive of Logo. It’s like, ‘Here’s 5 cents, make a show.’ We made ‘Sordid Lives’ for an unreasonable amount of money. It was just unheard of how I made the show: I had to write all 12 episodes and shoot it at a rapid pace like a movie. We shot 12 episodes in 35 days and got all kinds of performances. The actors worked for very little money and, of course, we were expecting to be compensated through residuals. The response had been fantastic, but now the fans are not happy and they’re dropping their tier package that has Logo. Many of them switched to Direct TV just to get the series. “The final straw for me was that I was willing to not include Logo in what I perceived as the reason the second season was not happening. However, when Logo was given the opportunity to help buy the series and get it out of Once Upon A Time’s hands, they did not. And a little later, they bought reruns of ‘The Sarah Silverman Show,’ according to the trades, for $400,000 an episode, which is $4 million. They could have gotten ‘Sordid Lives’ back for a fourth of that and owned the show. Their license fee for ‘The Sarah Silverman Show’ is $1.2 million. Logo paid $275,000 per episode for “Sordid Lives.” They’re paying more for reruns than they paid for first runs of See DEL SHORES, Page 20



DEL SHORES From Page 19 ‘Sordid Lives.’ So you can see why I’m a little bitter.” Jordan’s view of the work and the financial goings-on is not as bitter. He said he enjoyed the marathon filming of the show ... for all the wrong reasons.

“We went to Shreveport, La., and shot the first season of ‘Sordid Lives’ and we really connected,” he said. “Shreveport is just a cesspool of vice. It’s a gambling town but you can’t gamble except on the water. So they have their enormous hotels and you go over to the gambling boats. We had so much fun that when the second

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

season became sort of iffy, it was Caroline Rhea’s idea to head out and see what we can come up with.” Even if the show did pay residuals, Jordan knows from experience that it might not have been the boon that most of the actors expected. “Some of the actors were

Photo: Alan Mercer

disgruntled that we weren’t getting paid residuals and that’s not Logo’s fault,” he said. “That’s the production company. It gets very convoluted. The difference is, if ‘Will & Grace’ runs on a rerun on some bigger cable station, I get about $300. Well, you don’t see that money for months. Then I had some other little series that was running on cable and I’d get $5. I’d get checks for 20 cents. It’s amazing the difference. For these actors to be so disgruntled because they’re not getting residuals, they don’t understand. They’re probably going to get 2 cents per episode. It just got ugly and I hate when that happens.” Jordan added that all the legal issues around the show probably mean it won’t ever be back on television. “Del is such an optimist, he’s holding out hope,” he said. “But I know when a project gets a little bit of a stench on it, if there’s ever lawyers involved, no one is ever going to come near it. I just don’t think they have the money to step up to the base for a second season.” In the meantime, Shores said he is more than happy to carry on the “Sordid Lives” torch in his show. “It’s one way of continuing the franchise and it’s also a way of making income right now,” he said. “I was just creatively crippled for a little while because I gave my

heart and soul to ‘Sordid Lives: The Series.’ I’ve enjoyed being in the spotlight; I didn’t think I was going to. I do love to be in control and direct. Once you step on that stage all by yourself, it’s pretty frightening. I’m really comfortable with it now. I’ve connected with my fans in a way that I had never have [before]. I’m really loving it. I seem to be getting a really good response from it. It’s just a nice change after many years of being behind the camera.” But don’t expect that change to be permanent. Shores said his bumpy ride with “Sordid Lives: The Series” hasn’t forever soured him on writing and producing his own projects. “As long as people will watch me, I’ll keep doing this as well,” he said about his one-man shows. “But I’m not going to abandon writing. I do still own the franchise of ‘Sordid Lives’ stage and publishing. So no matter what, they can’t take that away from me. I’m writing a play called ‘A Merry Sordid Christmas,’ so that will be fun.” Del Shores and Leslie Jordan perform at 8 p.m. June 20 at Plays and Players Theater, 1714 Delancey St. For more information, visit or call (215) 985-0420. ■ Larry Nichols can be reached at

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009





Leather Lookout

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

Jim Kiley-Zufelt

Eighth Avenue breakdown In 1976, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band released the single “Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out.” It only reached number 83 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, but it went on to become a rock classic and a fan favorite when played live. In 2009, 33 years later, the Philadelphia leather community gathered around an old Ford F-150 pickup truck decorated by members of Philadelphians MC with club colors, camo netting, leather and bear flags, and stepped off in the Philly Gay Pride parade to the sound of Springsteen crooning the title song from that classic 1976 album, “Born To Run.” The group of just over twodozen folks from the Philadelphia and New Jersey region marched proudly while rocking to songs old and new blasting out of the cab. Everybody was having a great time until they reached Eighth and Market streets, where the Ford’s transmission suddenly

decided to blow its load of tranny fluid all over the pavement. Five guys maneuvered the truck into the parking lot and dealt with the engine trouble, while the rest of the group carried on toward the reviewing stand and the festival. It may not have been the most glamorous way for the leather community to make its mark on this year’s parade but, last I checked, that stain was still in the middle of Market Street, so it’s better than nothing! Even with the engine trouble, I think it was the best Philly Pride Parade in years. We laughed harder and danced and hugged and kissed more than in previous years. It just felt like a bigger celebration somehow. Maybe it was the crappy economy, maybe it was the perfect weather, maybe it was Bruce Springsteen singing about tramps like us. Whatever the reason, it was a truly spectacular day! Foreplay in Asbury Park On June 6, a small group from Philadelphia traveled up I-295 to hang out at the Foreplay block party, held the day before New Jersey Pride in Asbury Park. I’ve been hearing for years that

Asbury Park is on the verge of coming back — and what a difference a couple of years makes! Asbury Park is definitely coming back to life, and both the gay and leather communities seem to be driving a lot of the rebirth. Foreplay wasn’t an overwhelmingly large event, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t great fun. It was just the right size, and jam-packed with vendors, entertainers and hot men and women from all over Jersey and New York City. It’s only about a 75-minute drive from Philly, so it’s definitely worth checking out. Asbury is back, baby! Anniversary boys The Keystone boys of Leather recently celebrated their first anniversary in a somewhat uncharacteristic way — quietly! I love me some boys who make noise, and this group made a lot of that in its spectacular first year, with barbeques and car washes and, what I hope will become a signature annual event, Bootlust at The Bike Stop. Congratulations on a great year, boys! A few miles south, another group of boys is celebrating its

BEFORE, DURING & AFTER: The Philadelphians MC pickup truck, all dressed up and ready for her closeup before the parade (top left); Philly’s leather community and friends march up 11th Street during the parade (bottom); and the result of a poorly cared-for transmission (top right). Let this be a lesson, kids! Photos: Jim Kiley-Zufelt

10th anniversary over the Fourth of July weekend. The DC boys of Leather will mark the occasion with three days of food, fun, debauchery and service, not to mention cocktail parties, bar crawls, a Daddy/boy auction, a puppy show, a leather invasion of museums and monuments and

an AMCC meeting that will draw leathermen from member clubs all over the East Coast. There’s still time to register at www. IML 31 Over Memorial Day weekend, Jeffrey Payne, Mr. Texas Leather 2009, won the title of International Mr. Leather XXXI in Chicago. First runner-up was Brendan McGovern, Mr. Leather Ottawa 2009, and second runner-up was Alan Penrod, Mr. Atlanta Eagle 2009. The winner of International Mr. Bootblack 2009 was McG of the Black Eagle Toronto (no, not the director of “Charlie’s Angels” and “Terminator Salvation,” but how freakin’ cool would that have been!). Congratulations to Canada on its strong showing! Upcoming events — Laid Saturdays: Every Saturday at 8 p.m., 200 S. 12th St. Wear your gear! www.laidsaturdays. com — WOOF! Philly: Every Sunday at 5 p.m., 200 S. 12th St.; www. or www.myspace. com/woofphilly — Liberty Gay Rodeo Association: Bar night, 9 p.m.-1 a.m., June 27 at The Bike Stop ■ Questions? Comments? Summer camping tips? Contact Jim at

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009



Gay DEA agent out for revenge on ‘Weeds’ By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer It doesn’t look like the smoke is going to clear any time soon for “Weeds.” The dark comedy/drama kicked off its fifth season this month as one of the most popular shows on Showtime. When “Weeds” debuted in 2005, it was almost quaint in its misadventures about a recently widowed suburban mother, Nancy (Mary-Louise Parker), who started selling marijuana to her fellow suburbanites to keep her family afloat. Now in its fifth season, Nancy’s business has mutated into a more precarious and complex operation, where she finds herself involved in trafficking as well as keeping dangerous company with ruthless drug cartels and driven DEA agents. Jack Stehlin, who plays DEA agent Capt. Roy Till, said that, given the subject matter, the show is almost obligated to ratchet up the dramatic tension each season. “It seems to be building in momentum and the stakes,” he said. “Nancy starts out as a pot mom and who’s hurt? She sells a few bags of pot and they have some fun. Now we have the Mexican cartels killing DEA agents over the situation she’s in. That’s just

huge. It seems to me they’re going to have to deliver on that level.” Lots of popular shows feature law-breaking protagonists, but Stehlin said he’s often surprised at how many teetotalers are fans of the show. “It’s an amazing nerve that the show strikes out there in the world,” he said. “I’m always amazed about the people who I think of as stodgy and conservative really liking it. Obviously us liberals and people with an open mind are really going to like it. So what could that be? There’s a certain honesty in it. People are really complex. People have family members who are one thing and they find out that they’re a bunch of different things. The show does a good job of showing people in a really complex light. Till is definitely one of those complex characters. This season, the crass but sharp DEA agent, who viewers recently found out is gay — or at least bisexual — is hell-bent on avenging last season’s murder of his partner, who was also secretly his lover. Stehlin, who is straight, said Till’s character wasn’t originally written as gay when he debuted on the series in 2006. “They threw it in later,” he said. “It wasn’t even until the third season. My feeling about it was they were just working to get an

interesting twist on it. That idea just appeared in the writers’ room and it just worked.” Stehlin added the writers also seem to be tapping into the escalating real-life violence surrounding the drug trade in Mexico and bordering U.S. states. “I know that the writers are acutely aware of what’s going on in the world,” he said. “That’s where it’s happening. The show is set in Southern California. It’s impossible for them to not be affected by that reality.” Stehlin is used to playing authoritative hard-asses, having played characters with personalities similar to Till’s on shows like “JAG,” “The Practice” and “NYPD Blue.” Still, he admits he doesn’t know whether his character is remotely accurate in depicting a real DEA agent, as these agents usually aren’t at liberty to discuss trade secrets. “I can imagine if I did get in a conversation with a real DEA guy, it would be doubtful that they would tell me how willing they are to do what is necessary to get the job done,” he said. “You can’t even imagine how tough that is. These people who do undercover and the people who are really right on the edge with these people, the things they have to do to survive,

you can only imagine. I’ve approached Roy Till as someone who truly believes in the law and is trying to do the right thing. He has to do things sometimes to get the job done.” Stehlin said with half of the new season already filmed, he still doesn’t know what fate awaits his character. “We’re only doing one week at a time,” he said. “I really don’t know from week to week what is going to happen. They are known for their curve balls and their secrecy. Anything could happen.” “Weeds” airs Mondays at 10 p.m. on Showtime. For more information on Stehlin, visit ■ Larry Nichols can be reached at




JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

Q Puzzle Gay C&W Bars Across


1. Bingham of United Flight 93 5. Sexual partners, to the insensitive 9. Food, clothing, shelter, and sex? 14. Environs 15. Word from a Spanish count? 16. Santa’s assistants 17. Direction for Rick Rodgers 18. Like a muscle Mary’s waist 19. Invitation info 20. Gay C&W bar in Phoenix 23. “___ out!” (cry by Pallone) 24. Friend of Dorothy 25. Caesar’s thus 28. Where they yell “Cut!” 30. Poet James 35. Gay C&W bar in Denver or Chicago 38. Nairobi’s nation 39. Foam at the mouth 40. Like spiked punch 43. Emcee’s platform 44. “Spartacus” venue 46. Gay C&W bar in Atlanta 48. Sonny and Cher, to Chastity 51. Saint, in Rio 52. The I’s have it 53. Stephen McCauley’s “ ___ Enough” 55. G. O’Malley and J. Kildare 57. Gay C&W bar in Las Vegas 64. Knock-down-drag-out 65. Debussy’s deity 66. Covet thy neighbor’s ass, e.g. 67. Read between the lines 68. Way out there 69. Vowels of Sappho 70. Affleck’s “Chasing Amy” crush 71. Brontë woman 72. A fireman goes down on it


1. Opposite of fem. 2. Diva’s piece 3. N.Y. Liberty game officials 4. Bates of “Primary Colors” 5 Lubricant left on your dipstick 6. Light brown 7. “I can take ___!” 8. Beat it 9. When doubled, a song from “On the Town” 10. K through 12 11. Steven’s opening 12. Laura of “Recount” 13. U-turn from NNW 21. “Kiss of the Spider Woman” setting 22. AAA way 25. Tiny leftover 26. Samurai writer Saikaku 27. Sue Wicks, for one 29. Sympathy’s partner 31. Decorate anew 32. Like someone blown away

33. What some are doing in bed 34. Gay rodeo accessory 36. Director Norman of “Longtime Companion” 37. Coll. or univ. 41. Shooter in Bruce Weber’s field 42. Certain, on “Six Feet Under”? 45. Nice rack on a male 47. Nickelodeon explorer 49. Sung syllable 50. Treat with a cherry on top 54. Enlighten 56. What hibernating bears do 57. “ ___ It Like Beckham” 58. Sports car, briefly 59. Regard as 60. Seal in the juices, to Traci Des Jardins 61. Atop 62. Like Obama’s office 63. Org. that may include bears 64. “Mamma ___!”


Read it here first. PGN

And read it here again.

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

Family Portraits According to the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, nearly 13,000 servicemembers have been discharged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” — the military’s ban on openly gay members — since 1993, and strong evidence suggests that countless others have made the choice not to join the military or have left military service rather than serve under the discriminatory law. In the last five years, the military has discharged almost 800 mission-critical troops and at least 59 Arabic and nine Farsi linguists under the ban. David Christopher Keener was one of those brave men drummed out under the policy. I had a chance to speak to Keener and his buddy, Bryan Worthen, a straight ally who served under his command in the Coast Guard and was upset enough about the discharge to come to Pride Day in Philadelphia to support his friend. PGN: Let’s start with basic training. Where are you from? DCK: Yes, ma’am, I was born and raised in Savannah, Ga. PGN: You could have stopped at the “Yes, ma’am” and I would have guessed. I love Savannah. DCK: [Laughs.] A lot of people say that. “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil,” the river walk — it’s all beautiful. And yes, I have met the Lady Chablis. PGN: Family? DCK: I come from a military family: Both mom and dad served. I have an older brother as well. PGN: What was life like growing up in Savannah? DCK: I don’t think it was like most people imagine. Savannah is a port city, so we get a lot of different kinds of people. I grew up with an Irish, mostly conservative family but, despite that, my parents allowed us to think for ourselves and never tried to make us think like them, which was pretty remarkable. Most of my friends were very liberal. Growing up with such different cultures around, we didn’t have the stereotypes that a lot of people in the South do. We were more like the Florida or California coasts. Now go out into the sticks and it might have been a different story! Go out to Blackshear or Tiger Ridge and



Suzi Nash [he sings the banjo tune from “Deliverance”] it’s a different story. [Note: Tiger Ridge is said to be famous for inbred families and Christmas lights.] PGN: What did you do for fun? DCK: I was into sports. I played soccer and tennis. I played street hockey with my brother. We’d go gallivanting in the woods, exploring, walking and hiking. I was really into videogames — still am. I loooove my videogames! When I got older, we hit the bars and clubs. In Savannah, you only had to be 18 to get in. Plus I knew a lot of people. I like to think I’m a friendly guy. PGN: How was coming out? DCK: I was getting ready to join the military so I wanted to tell my mother before I signed on. She’s a remarkable person — a little eccentric, but great. She gave me a hug and said, “We’ll get through this.” I don’t really discuss it with the rest of the family. They know and they don’t know. It’s kind of our own “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” [Smiles.] But for the most part, with most people, I have no problem speaking my mind about it. PGN: When did you realize, “Hmm, there’s something different about me?” DCK: I can’t honestly tell you. From day one, I liked the boys. I never had a girlfriend or tried to date women. I pretty much knew for as far back as I remember. I remember in kindergarten, I asked for and got a Ken doll for my birthday; I was really into him. I had my first memorable experience when I was about 17 or 18. I went with this guy I knew to his place and we started making out and that was it. It was good stuff. We were together for a long, long time after that. PGN: How old were you when you enlisted? DCK: I was 20. So I had already been out for a while. PGN: Were you concerned about being gay in the military? DCK: Not really. As I said, I come from a military family, so the military was very familiar to me. I knew the policy, but I figured I’d take it as it came. I was in for 10 years before getting booted.


PGN: You were there for quite a while. What did you do? DCK: I was in aircraft avionics and electronics. My rank was petty officer second class. I worked on all the electronic communications on the aircraft and was the search-and-rescue flight mechanic. Basically I’m the guy who kicked the divers out of the plane and hoisted them and the victims out of the water

whenever there was a sinking boat or maritime emergency. PGN: What was the most difficult mission? DCK: Thanksgiving 2004, 3 p.m. we were heading to the galley for dinner and we got a SAR [search-and-rescue] call. We were in Northern California and the fog was unbelievably thick. There was a 600-foot container vessel,

which was empty, so it was swaying back and forth like a flag flapping in the wind. Two guys had been working on a scaffold and fell off into a hole between two big gimbals and had been really hurt. I had to hoist them out from between the gimbals. It was the most challenging rescue because it was nighttime, it was See PORTRAITS, Page 30

“Building Community One Act at a Time!” Now in our 7th exciting season at the Adrienne Theatre!

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And Baby Makes Seven

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PGLTF Cabarets at Tavern on Camac

Friends are Forever: A Musical Celebration – 6/13 @ 8 p.m. The cast of Bare – 6/20 @ 8 p.m.

To purchase tickets please visit our website or call 215.627.6483



JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

Rock musical ‘Awakens’ audiences By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer



One of the more electrifying productions in recent Broadway history is about to take the stage in Philadelphia. The Tony Award-winning Broadway musical “Spring Awakening” makes its area debut June 23 at the Academy of Music. Based on the 1891 Frank Wedekind play, “Spring Awakening” opened on Broadway in 2006 featuring a score by singer-songwriter Duncan Sheik and choreography by the openly gay, award-winning dancer Bill T. Jones. At the 2007 Tony Awards, it won eight of its 11 nominations, including Best Musical, Best Director and Best Choreography. Set in late 19th-century Germany, “Spring Awakening” is a provocative story of youthful rebellion, discovery and sexuality as three teenagers struggle with the pressures and misinformation from the repressive adult world. Most of the teenage characters are very misinformed about sex and the ways of the world, but producer Tom Hulce said it doesn’t mean younger and savvier audiences won’t relate to the characters and their struggles. “Young people have more information but they necessarily don’t have more emotional experience,” he said. “There’s a difference between the facts you can get on the Internet and actual experience. I don’t think much has changed in terms of going through it with someone for the first time. And it deals with all kinds of firsts: your first loves, your first best friend, your first failure and your first loss. It’s not really all about whether or not you get information. It’s about how you navigate all the major experiences that time of your life offers.” Sexual discovery also gets a gay nod when two of the secondary characters, Hanschen and Ernst, hook up amid the ongoing dramatic events. “They each have minor

storylines,” Hulce said. “It’s a running thread through the piece. There’s one incredibly delicious scene that they have in the second half.” The setting might be in the 19th century, but the music of “Spring Awakening” is far more contemporary. Hulce credits in part the gripping rock ’n’ roll numbers of the play for its rise in popularity. “The soundtrack has been the way that people who have seen the show communicate with other people who haven’t,” he said. “It’s been a phenomenal vehicle for people understanding that it’s something they’d like to see. It’s the thing that happens now because you can go on YouTube and see all the numbers from the show and you can go to iTunes and sample a song or two. The music has been an amazing kind of front event for the show, as well as word of mouth.” Combining rock music and dancing under the umbrella of a serious and sometimes darkthemed period piece can’t be


It appears “Spring Awakening” has been keeping audiences on their toes the world over, as it has been playing internationally since last year in places like Sweden, Budapest, Korea, Denmark, Austria and the U.K. “All over the world, the response has exceeded our expectations,” Hulce said. “I think it is both because the score

“SPRING AWAKENING” Photo: Paul Kolnik

the easiest thing to pull off night after night, but Hulce contends the complex nature of the show brings out the best in the onstage talent. “It’s a pretty phenomenal company that’s doing the tour,” he said. “‘Complicated’ makes an actor and people happy because there’s a challenge every night. There’s something new about every night. I think the fact that the show is as unusual as it is allows the performances to remain so fresh. It’s not unlike ‘West Side Story’ in its time. It was very avant-garde at the time. It had some serious subject matter. It had some gorgeous music. It does require everyone to be on their toes.”

is so glorious, but also because it’s a time that every one of us has gone through as we learn about the world and find out who we want to be in it. It’s the last time that everything is possible. So the fact that it’s both incredibly thrilling and a heartbreaking time is part of what makes it so accessible to any one of any age.” “Spring Awakening” runs June 23-28 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. For more information or tickets, visit or call (215) 790-5847. ■ Larry Nichols can be reached at

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009





JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

Offline Bruce Yelk Celebrate your independence, fight for equality I want to start off by thanking everyone who stopped out to Mad River for’s third annual Triumphant Pride party on Sunday. It was an incredible afternoon, and I’m already looking forward to next year! Jumping ahead to the next couple of weeks, it’s hard to believe that we’re already gearing up for July 4. While that means beach time for many of us, Philadelphia will be buzzing as residents and visitors take part in

a week’s worth of activities for Sunoco Welcome America! This is the time of year not only to celebrate the rights our community enjoys, but also to reflect on the freedoms and liberties for which we are still fighting. From DOMA to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” equal rights for gays and lesbians represent the most contentious social issue facing our country. We must remain strong, vocal and steadfast in our pursuit of equality, regardless of any resistance we encounter along the way. So as your social calendar for the next two weeks fills up, remember to celebrate your independence while continuing the fight for equality.

Team Philadelphia would like to thank all of the participants, volunteers, and especially the sponsors who made SportsWeek 2009 possible.

While some of us may take it a little easy this weekend in preparation for July 4, I strongly encourage you to consider supporting AIDS Fund’s season finale of Gay Bingo tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the Gershman Y, 401 S. Broad St. One of our community’s most popular events, Gay Bingo is always packed with surprises and campy fun. Floor seating for tomorrow night is already sold out, but balcony seating is still available. For more information, visit gaybingo. While we continue the fight for equality, we must not forget arguably the most complex issue to ever face our community: the battle against HIV/AIDS. On June 24, COLOURS and GALAEI are co-presenting a town-hall meeting entitled “The Future of HIV Prevention in Men of Color” at 6 p.m. at the Arch Street United Methodist Church, 55 N. Broad St. This promises to be an engaging and meaningful dialogue. If you have questions about the meeting, visit or As mentioned above, Sunoco Welcome America! is Philadelphia’s annual celebration of the

birthplace of the country. With July 4 falling on a Saturday this year, the celebration will build for an entire week leading up to Independence Day. Here are my top picks for a festive, cost-effective and memorable July 4 holiday in the city. For a complete schedule, visit — The first “official” Sunoco Welcome America! event is on June 23, when hundreds of locals will be treated to a special screening of “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.” Organized by Philly @ The Movies and beginning at 7:30 p.m., this is a fantastic opportunity to see one of the summer’s most hotly anticipated blockbusters. The show will screen at The Pearl at Avenue North, 1600 N. Broad St. — On July 3 at 8:30 p.m., Peter Nero and the Philly Pops will hold their annual outdoor “Pops on Independence” performance. This event is free and open to the public, and it’s an unparalleled opportunity to enjoy one of the world’s finest orchestral conductors at Independence Mall. Lawn seating always fills up quickly, with many people enjoying picnics before the concert, so arrive

early to secure a spot. — Unlike previous years when the Penn’s Landing and Parkway concerts and fireworks were held on consecutive evenings, this year they are slated for consecutive weekends. The Penn’s Landing extravaganza, featuring a free concert by Angie Stone at 8 p.m. and a late-night fireworks display, will take place on June 27. On July 4, Sheryl Crow will be in concert at 8 p.m. with fireworks to follow in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art on the Ben Franklin Parkway. If the preceding list isn’t enough to keep you busy, this is the perfect time of year to enjoy a Phillies game at Citizens Bank Park. There’s still excitement in the air from last year’s World Series victory, and the team has been playing well in recent pressure-packed series with the New York Mets and Boston Red Sox. Visit or to check the schedule and purchase tickets. That’s it for this installment. ’Til next time, get offline and see what your community has to offer! ■ If you have comments or information on upcoming events, e-mail, reference Offline.

THURS., 6/25, 5:30 TO 7 PM




MON. - SAT. 11:30 - 7p.m. SUNDAY 1:00 - 7p.m. email:

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009




From Page 25 foggy and we hit BINGO, which means we were running with almost no fuel left. We managed to get them out and I got an accommodation medal for it, which was pretty cool.

PGN: And yet you were still discharged ... DCK: Yes, I was ultimately discharged last year on June 26. There was a court-martial regarding an incident. Within the court-martial, I had to defend myself and, in doing that, I had to reveal that I was gay. The case was not regarding me being gay,

but it came up when I was under oath. I’ve never lied period about being gay, even in the military: I would just tell someone that it wasn’t relevant or their business, but I never lied. The court-martial was dropped and everything was fine, but unfortunately because of my testimony, under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” I had to be discharged. All the people I worked with were really great and very supportive. My commanding officer and executive officer and all my friends in my unit were all upset that I’d been exonerated and yet, because of this technicality, I was being discharged. I told the truth and as a result got screwed. PGN: So what do you do now? DCK: Play a lot of videogames! I’m taking some time to regroup and explore new options. I’m a creative type and big computer geek, so I’m looking to find something along those lines. I’m told that I have a nice personality, so it would be fun to do something where I can interact with people. It’s why I love doing community outreach like I did on Pride Day. PGN: Boxers, briefs or commando? DCK: All three! PGN: Are you a member of the mile-high club? DCK: I’m a flight mechanic — of

course I am! PGN: What kinds of books do you enjoy? DCK: I like a lot of fantasy. I love “The Lord of the Rings” series and I’m into Harry Potter as well. Good books. I’m into Christopher Rice, and Dan Brown novels are always interesting. Terry Brooks who wrote the “Shannara” series is another favorite. Al Franken on politics. I read a little bit of everything. PGN: Are you a political guy? DCK: Oh,yes — even in the military I was always running my mouth about things, no matter who was the commander-in-chief. How could you not question the things that Bush did? I am a religious guy, but I was infuriated by all the faith-based initiatives he put forth. I am a Christian and it really angered me when he took my faith and applied his opinions to religion.. PGN: [To Bryan] Speaking of politics, what made you decide to support Christopher? BW: Well, I don’t agree with what happened to Chris. I think they need to get rid of the policy banning openly gay and lesbian military personnel. When he told me he was going to a gay Pride event, to let people know what happened to him and other gay soldiers, I told him that I wanted to help out.



JUNE 19 - 25, 2009


PGN: Is this your first time at Pride? BW: This is my first time at any gay event. It’s been fun. PGN: What’s been the most surprising aspect? BW: I guess I expected it to be like you see in the movies or on the news, with everyone being really flamboyant, but this was just like a normal day. PGN: So you worked with Chris? BW: Yes, he was my supervisor before they kicked him out. A lot of us disagreed with what happened. I decided to take a stand by coming out with him today. PGN: Any concerns it could get you in trouble? BW: No: I’m straight so there’s really nothing they can do to me. DCK: The policy has a few good points, one of them being that going to Pride events or even going into a gay bar is not grounds for discharge. Supposedly, you have to have concrete proof that a homosexual act has occurred or that someone is admittedly homosexual. Unfortunately, they now can go digging on MySpace and Facebook and try to find a smoking gun. PGN: As I understand, the policy was originally supposed to try to protect people so that they couldn’t directly ask you during recruiting or during your service if you were gay. DCK: Yes, but even so, it promotes a certain mentality that you aren’t supposed to be there, that you don’t belong. And especially that you shouldn’t be who you are. Yet we have a lot of people like Bryan who agree that the policy should be struck down and that we should be able to serve openly and honestly. I loved what I was doing, I achieved the job that I wanted and had great people around me. I thought I would spend a long time in the Coast Guard helping people and it was taken away from me. The military wants you to uphold the core values of honesty, and yet not be honest about who you are. The policy makes you lie every day just to serve your country. I’m speaking out to make sure that it doesn’t continue. ■ To suggest a community member for “Family Portraits,” write to: Family Portraits, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 or

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009


worth watching: FRIDAY Far from Heaven

Dennis Quaid is extraordinary as a closeted gay man in 1950s suburbia in Todd Haynes’ powerful drama. With Julianne Moore and Dennis Haysbert. 7 p.m. on IFC. Into the Wild

Fact-based drama about a man with confused sexuality (Emile Hirsch) who leaves his family to wander seemingly aimlessly in the wilderness, with tragic consequences. With Catherine Keener and Hal Holbrook. 7:30 p.m. on Showtime 2.

Jeffrey and Cole Casserole

Season premiere. Gay blogger Jeffrey Self goes bananas. 11 p.m. on Logo.

SATURDAY Groomer Has It

The remaining groomers must create videos of their work. 9 p.m. on Animal Planet. Sundance Pride Programming The Yacoubian Building

Compelling Egyptian drama based on the novel of the same name about several interconnected characters, each with his/her own secrets. 10 p.m. on Sundance.

Queer TV you can always see: The Young & The Restless Rafe Torres (Yani Gellman), the only gay character, remains MIA. While viewers wait for the proposed gay relationship between him and Adam, Phillip III or Philip IV, Adam has killed Ashley’s baby. The new Adam debuts June 25. Will Rafe resurface then? Monday-Friday, 12:30 p.m. on CBS.

Q on the tube: Tropical Malady

Thai film in two segments. Beautiful and atmospheric. The first Thai film to ever win an award at Cannes (Jury Prize, 2004). 12:45 a.m. on Sundance. SUNDAY True Blood

While Sookie tries her best to cope with Bill’s obligations to Jessica, Maryanne charms the locals at Merlotte’s with Sam powerless to stop her. 9 p.m. on HBO. MONDAY Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List

Calling all queers — the diva of dish is back, hailing the homos. 10 p.m. on Bravo. Raising the Bar

Law clerk Charlie came out to his colleagues and Jerry does a striptease in court. 10 p.m. on TNT.


Pot-growing on federal forest land? Whose idea was that? 10 p.m. on Showtime. Nurse Jackie

Edie Falco stars in this new dark dramedy. With queer nurse MoMo. Tonight, downsizing hits home. 10:30 p.m. on Showtime. TUESDAY America’s Got Talent

The best talent show on TV. With Sharon Osborne, Piers Morgan and David Hasselhoff as the judges. 9 p.m. on NBC. Mental

WEDNESDAY New Adventures of Old Christine

With lesbian comedian Wanda Sykes. 8 p.m. on CBS. The Real World: Cancun

Season premiere. When it starts out with naked guys, where will it end up? 10 p.m. on MTV. Top Chef Masters

Because summer is for gay cooking shows. The first six episodes feature four cooks in battle — including queer ones. 10 p.m. on Bravo.

Will we get to see more of Chloe? Or her girlfriend? Tonight, a movie star breaks down live, but later claims it was all an act. 9 p.m. on Fox.

THURSDAY So You Think You Can Dance?

The Cleaner

The Fashion Show

Season premiere. Whoopi Goldberg guest stars. 10 p.m. on A&E.

Hotties and notties, queers and non-queers compete. 8 p.m. on Fox.

Out designer Isaac Mizrahi hosts. 10 p.m. on Bravo. ■

As the World Turns Noah is working on his film as the son of an Army colonel, but there’s been no mention of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” And then there’s the mysterious Riley. Monday-Friday, 2 p.m. on CBS. Guiding Light Natalia and Olivia may as well be having sex. The longing looks and food sharing burn up the screen. Meanwhile, Josh and Matt are trying hard to win Olivia. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. on CBS. Ellen Monday-Friday, 3 p.m. on NBC. The Rachel Maddow Show Maddow is the only one taking on the Obama administration’s antigay policies. Monday-Friday, 9 p.m. on MSNBC.


MIAMI VICES: The new season of the lesbian reality series “Gimme Sugar” finds Charlene (third from left) heading to Miami in pursuit of her dream to launch and promote her own nightclub. Helping her navigate the new scene will be “Sugar” newcomers Gaby (from left), Jazmin, Omar, Hilary, season-one cast member Davonee, Maisi and Angel, at 10 p.m. June 22 on Logo. Photo: Logo

Titillation 101

By Victoria A. Brownworth PGN Contributor

There may be no equality for lesbians and gay men in America: Witness the Obama administration’s utterly unnecessary support for the Defense of Marriage Act in a legal brief filed last week, after he wooed lesbian and gay voters by pledging to overturn what he called “an abhorrent statute” while campaigning, not to mention his shape-shifting on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” But while lesbians and gays have largely been excluded from the civil-rights pantheon by the Obama administration, the tube has found a spot for LGBT people: titillation TV. It’s not all Tila Tequila and her reality show “House of Love” — although that’s certainly the nadir of the titillation trend. There are the serious news pieces. Sort of. No coverage of DOMA or “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” No mention of escalating hate crimes against lesbians and gay men. No mention even of the latest state — New Hampshire — to legalize same-sex marriage. But there’s Adam Lambert. And Chastity/Chaz Bono. Discussion of their sexuality is apparently supposed to pass for coverage of LGBT issues. On the June 12 episode of “20/20,” Adam Lambert, the glam-rock runnerup from “American Idol,” reprised his “Rolling Stone” interview by coming out again. After Lambert lost to Christian boy-band extra Kris Allen, pop-music critic Ken Tucker lamented the loss of one of the best “AI” contestants since Kelly Clarkson won the first show. But even Lambert, who told “20/20” he’d “always” been out, noted that had he declared himself on the show, the sensationalism would have overwhelmed the competition. As it was, Lambert believes Internet photos of him that surfaced before the final competition hurt his chances. Because being gay is still scandalous and thus titillating. But being gay is not as scandalous as changing genders. Chastity Bono, the daughter of Cher and Sonny Bono, announced last week she is transitioning to being male. S/he wants to be known as Chaz from now on. Chastity/Chaz also asked — through a press agent — for privacy, although the tabloid shows were rife with rumors that C/C was selling her/ his story to fund her/his upcoming sex-reassignment surgery and that s/he might be having the surgery filmed for TV. How much more titillation can an LGBT celebrity provide for one week? Who cares about DOMA when Chastity is becoming Chaz and Lambert and his mother are on “20/20”? “20/20” juxtaposed Lambert with an interview of right-wing radio shock-jock Glenn Beck. Wouldn’t it have been more appropriate to pair Lambert’s interview with discussion of that day’s DOMA shocker? On the June 15 episode of “The View,” Chastity/Chaz Bono’s announcement was the topic of discussion in the hottopics section. The five women — all mothers — agreed they would support their child no matter his or her decision. The titillation these news stories provide for the tabloid shows, as well as more serious news magazines like “20/20,” proves there’s a disconnect between what most Americans say to a pollster and what they actually think about LGBT people. When the administration of the first biracial president of the U.S. chooses the anniversary of “Loving v. Virginia” — the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that allowed interracial marriage, thus making his own parents’ marriage possible — to equate same-sex marriage with incest, that story should pre-empt an interview with Adam Lambert or a dish-fest on Chastity/Chaz Bono changing genders. ■




JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

Your guide to arts and entertainment



Avenue X Philadelphia Shakespeare Festival Theater presents an all a-cappella musical set in Brooklyn circa 1963, in which two young men want nothing more than to sing at the Legendary Fox Theater, through June 21, 2111 Sansom St.; (267) 987-9865. Grey Gardens Philadelphia Theatre Company presents the eccentric lives of the reclusive Little Edie Beale and her mother Edith Bouvier Beale, the cousin and aunt of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, respectively, through June 28 at Suzanne Roberts Theater, 480 S. Broad St.; (215) 985-0420. Forbidden Broadway’s Greatest Hits The Walnut Street Theatre presents a tribute to the big shows and bigger legends in this hilarious, loving and endlessly entertaining revue, through June 28 at Independence Studio on 3, 825 Walnut St.; (215) 574-3550. It Was A Very Good Year Bristol Riverside Theatre presents the musical featuring pop standards of the late ’50s and early ’60s, through June 28, 120 Radcliffe St., Bristol; (215) 785-0100. Little Lamb InterAct Theatre Company presents the story of a gay couple who adopts a baby only to have the birth mother visit with strong opinions about the placement of her daughter, through June 28 at The Adrienne, 2030 Sansom St.; (215) 568-8079.


Pansy Division is forging ahead with one of its busiest years in recent memory. So far this year, the group released its latest album, “That’s So Gay,” and singer/mastermind Jon Ginoli’s excellent punk-rock memoir, “Deflowered: My Life in Pansy Division,” hit the shelves. Now the pioneering gay punk-rock band is going to rock the house when it performs at 7 p.m. June 24 at North Star Bar, 2639 Poplar St. For more information, visit or call (215) 787-0488. Photo: Lauren Bilanko

Little Mary Sunshine Barley Sheaf Players presents the silly and wonderful musical with a little bit of everything: Colorado Rangers, a stalwart captain, a chorus of simpering school girls and a villainous Indian, through June 20, 810 N. Whitford Road, Lionville; (610) 3637075. The Producers The Walnut Street Theatre presents an all-new production of Mel Brooks’ Tony Award-winning musical, through July 19, 825 Walnut St.; (215) 5743550. Respect: A Musical Journey of Women Act II Playhouse presents a high-energy celebration of

just how much women have changed, using the best songs of the past 100 years, through June 28, 56 E. Butler Ave., Ambler; (215) 654-0200. Spring Awakening Broadway’s most talked-about new musical celebrating the unforgettable journey from youth to adulthood runs June 23-28 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847.

Music classical

Berlioz’s Requiem The Philadelphia Orchestra presents a significant and daring piece by Hector Berlioz, written in 1837 for a large chorus, an enormous orchestra and ethereal tenor

solo, at 2 p.m. June 19 and 20 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847. Best of Baroque The Philadelphia Orchestra presents the music of the Baroque period at 7 p.m. June 24 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847.

Music other

Diana Krall The Canadian pop and jazz singer performs at 8 p.m. June 19 at The Mann Center for the Performing Arts, 5201 Parkside Ave.; (215) 546-7900. Pawnshop Roses The rock band performs 8 p.m. June 19 at World

Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400. Francis Dunnery The singer-songwriter performs at 7 and 10 p.m. June 20 at Tin Angel, 20 N. Second St.; (215) 928-0770.

expectation, through June 30, 2434 E. Dauphin St.; (267) 825-2949.

Draw 4 Art Star Gallery presents a group exhibition featuring Ryan Myers, Lisa Hurwitz, Kurt Halsey, Isaac Bushkin, Nylon Magazine Mandy Sutcliffe of Belle & Summer Music Tour Boo, Angie Mason, Ashley Cutting-edge rock Goldberg, Rachel Bone and performers Patrick Wolf, Susie Gahremani of Boy Living Things, Plasticine Girl Party, through July 26, and Jaguar Love perform at 623 N. Second St.; (215) 7 p.m. June 20 at North Star 238-1557. Bar, 2639 Poplar St.; (215) 787-0488. Frenz Fleisher/Ollman presents an Def Leppard, Poison exhibition of works selected and Cheap Trick by Will Oldham, the prolific The good-time rock bands singer-songwriter who perform at 7 p.m. June 23 at records and performs under Susquehanna Bank Center, the moniker Bonnie Prince 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, Billy, through the end of N.J.; (856) 365-1300. summer, 1616 Walnut St., suite 100; (215) 545-7562. The Fray and Jack’s Mannequin Invasive Species The alt-rock bands perform The NEXUS co-operative at at 8 p.m. June 24 at the Community Arts Center Susquehanna Bank Center, presents an experimental 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, group exhibition through N.J.; (856) 365-1300. June 19, 414 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford; (610) George Benson, 566-1713. Babyface and Ledisi The highly successful New Abstractions jazz, pop and R&B artists Edge Gallery presents an perform at 8 p.m. June 24 exhibition featuring the at The Mann Center for work of modernist painter the Performing Arts, 5201 Robert Langford, through Parkside Ave.; (215) 5467900. Ryan Cabrera The singer-songwriter performs at 8:30 p.m. June 25 at Tin Angel, 20 N. Second St.; (215) 928-0770.


Crazy Ladies Proximity Gallery presents a collection of drawings, paintings and other works by Christine Jones thematically linked to achieve both the reticence of youth slipping away and the quiet musings of adult


Send notices at least one week in advance to: Diversions, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19147; fax them to (215) 925-6437; or e-mail them to diversions@epgn. com. Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009


at some point in recent history, through Nov. 8 at The Carriage House Gallery at the Emlen Physick Estate, 1048 Washington St., Cape May, N.J.; (609) 8845404.


Guglielmo Ratcliff Amici Opera Company presents Mascagni’s opera at 7 p.m. June 20 at The Garden Church, 82 N. Lansdowne Ave.; (215) 224-0257. Rossini’s Il Viaggio a Reims Opera Company of Philadelphia presents a film of one of Rossini’s finest compositions, through June 21 at Bryn Mawr Film Institute, 824 W. Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr; (610) 527-9898.

NOT THAT THERE’S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT: We here at PGN like a few f-bombs, irresponsible anti-social behavior and edgy political/social views in our comedy, but it’s not for everybody. So it’s a good thing that reliable, non-threatening superstar comedian Jerry Seinfeld pulls into town for what is sure to be a hot ticket at 7 and 9:30 p.m. June 19-20 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. For more information or tickets, call (215) 790-5847.


Look Inside Dancer and choreographer Meredith Rainey performs June 19-21 at the CEC Meeting House Theatre, 3500 Lancaster Ave.; (215) 387-1911.

June 28, 72 N. Second St.; (215) 413-7072. New Works The Clay Studio presents an exhibition by artist Rebecca Chappell, through June 28, 137 N. Second St.; (215) 925-3453. Outgrowths AxD Gallery presents a solo sculpture exhibition by artist Carey Netherton, through July 28, 265 S. 10th St.; (215) 627-6250. Pickles and Pop The Clay Studio presents the latest works from artist Melissa Mytty, through June 28, 137 N. Second St.; (215) 925-3453. Urban Convergence Asian Arts Initiative hosts a multi-artist-exhibition merging and morphing of artistic genres and culture — high art with street art, underground with pop, fine art with street culture, through Aug. 2 at 1219 Vine St.; (215) 557-0455. What Were They Thinking: 160 Years of Bad Taste Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts presents an exhibition of styles that were the height of fashion


Bjork: Voltaic Live in Paris The concert film is screened at 8:30 p.m. June 20 at 941 Theater, 941 N. Front St.; (215) 235-1385. Lord of the Rings marathon All three director’s cuts of the epic fantasy films are screened beginning at 10 p.m. June 21 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; (610) 9170223. Donnie Darko The creepy 2001 drama is screened at 8 p.m. June 22 at The Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 922-5483.


Sex and the Single Singer Quince Productions presents cabaret performer Karen Gross at 7:30 p.m. June 25 at Society Hill Playhouse, 507 S. Eighth St.; (215) 923-0210.


James Lovelock The environmentalist and author

of “The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Call to Action” hosts a reading at 7:30 p.m. June 23 at Central Library, 1901 Vine St.; (215) 686-5322. Joseph Olshan The author of “The Conversion” hosts a reading at 5:30 p.m. June 25 at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; (215) 923-2960.


Farai Chideya The journalist, radio host and author of “Kiss The Sky” hosts a reading at 7:30 p.m. June 25 at Central Library, 1901 Vine St.; (215) 686-5322.


D.L. Hughley The raucous comedian performs

at 9 p.m. June 19 at the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; (609) 317-1000. Kaiju Big Battel People in monster suits beat the crap out of each other at 8 p.m. June 20 at The Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 922-5483. ■



Meeting Place A community bulletin board of activities, facilities and organizations

Community centers

Religion/Spirituality Arch Street United Methodist Church Services at 8:30 and 11 a.m. at Broad and Arch streets; (215) 568-6250.

First United Methodist Church of Philadelphia Inclusive, welcoming and progressive congregation worships at 11 a.m. Sundays at 6023 Germantown Ave. Lunch follows; childcare is provided; (215) 438-3677.

Bethlehem-Judah Ministries Open and affirming congregation holds services at 10 a.m. Sundays at 3847 N. Dupont Hwy., Kent Plaza Suite #2, Dover, Del.; (302) 734-9350.

Gay Christian Singles Philly Burbs Provides support and fellowship for GLBT singles through discussion groups and social events; (610) 457-2081;

BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Church Hold services at 10:15 a.m. at 2040 Street Road, Warrington; (215) 343-0406.

Global Heart Spiritual Center Holds services at 10:30 a.m. at 1812 HaddonfieldBerlin Road, Cherry Hill, N.J.; (609) 868-2372.

Calvary United Methodist Church Reconciling, welcoming and affirming church holds services at 11 a.m. Sundays at 48th Street and Baltimore Avenue; (215) 724-1702.

Grace Epiphany Church A welcoming and diverse Episcopal congregation in Mt. Airy, holds services at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Sundays, at 224 E. Gowen Ave., Mt. Airy; (215) 248-2950;

■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held from 4-8 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday through Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; (215) 545-4331

Central Baptist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds services at 10:45 a.m. Sundays at 106 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne; (610) 688-0664.

■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St.; (215) 898-5044;, Summer hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church Services at 11 a.m. and Spirit at Play, an arts-based Sunday school for children, at 9:30 a.m. at 8812 Germantown Ave.; (215) 242-9321.

■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; (215) 348-0558 ext. 65;

Church of the Crucifixion Inclusive Episcopal community holds services at 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sundays at Eighth and Bainbridge streets; (215) 922-1128.

■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 732-2220; Peer counseling: Monday through Friday, 6-9 p.m. Library hours: Mondays 3-9 p.m., Tuesdays 3-6 p.m., Wednesdays 3-9 p.m., Thursdays 3-9 p.m., Fridays 3-9 p.m., Saturdays noon-6 p.m., Sundays noon-6 p.m. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.; Volunteer Velada, third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.

Church of the Trinity Lutheran Reconciling in Christ parish holds services at 10 a.m. Sundays at 18th and Wolf streets; (215) 334-6656.

Health Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 166 W. Lehigh Ave.; (215) 763-8870 ext. 6000. AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., suite 205; (2215) 536-2424. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursdays at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; (215) 851-1822 or (866) 2223871. Spanish/English. HIV testing Free, anonymous testing and counseling is offered from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday and by appointment at AIDS Resource, 520 W. Fourth St., suite 2A, Williamsport;

Key numbers ■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: (215) 587-9377 ■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: (856) 933-9500 ext. 221 ■ AIDS Library: (215) 985-4851

(570) 322-8448. HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; (215) 685-1803.

LC/NA Delaware Valley chapter A group for Lutherans who are not out in their own congregations meets at 7 p.m. fourth Sunday of the month at University Lutheran Church, 3637 Chestnut St.; (215) 387-2885. Kol Tzedek Reconstructionist Synagogue committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community meets at Calvary Center, 801 S. 48th St.; (215) 764-6364; www.

Emanuel Lutheran Church Reconciling in Christ congregation meets at 10:30 a.m. Sundays at New and Kirkpatrick streets, New Brunswick, N.J.; (732) 545-2673; www.

Maple Shade Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ Affirming congregation open to all sexual orientations and gender identities holds services at 10 a.m. Sundays at 45 N. Forklanding Road, Maple Shade, N.J.; (856) 779-7739;

Episcopal Church of St. Paul Welcoming and inclusive church holds services at 10 a.m. Sundays and 7 p.m. Tuesdays at 89 Pinewood Drive, Levittown; (215) 945-2886;

Metropolitan Community Church Holds services at 10:30 a.m. Sundays preceded by a 9:30 a.m. Bible study at The Pride Center of New Jersey.

Evangelicals Concerned Lesbian and gay Christian group meets at 2 p.m. the second and fourth Sundays of the month; (215) 860-7445.

Metropolitan Community Church of Philadelphia Holds services at 11 a.m. Sundays at the William Way Center, 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 735-MCC3;

Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; (215) 985-9206.

Gloria Casarez, (215) 686-2194; Gloria.; Fax: (215) 686-2555 ■ Mazzoni Center: (215) 563-0652; ■ Mazzoni Center Family and Community Medicine: (215) 563-0658

■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: (215) 685-1633

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: (215) 772-2000

■ Mayor’s liaison to LGBT communities:

Interweave Organization of LGBT Unitarians and allies meets monthly at Unitarian Universalist Church of Cherry Hill, N.J., 401 N. Kings Highway; (856) 667-3618;

Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 1201 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-0652.

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: (215) 686-4670

■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: (215) 732-TALK

Dignity Philadelphia Holds Mass at 7 p.m. Sundays at 330 S. 13th St.; (215) 546-2093;

Imago Dei Metropolitan Community Church Sexual-minority congregation worships at 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 1223 Middletown Road (Route 352), Glen Mills; (610) 358-1716; www.

Mainline Unitarian Church Holds services at 9 and 11 a.m. Sundays at 816 S. Valley Forge Road, Devon; (610) 688-8332; www.

■ AIDS Treatment hot line: (215) 5452212

■ Equality Forum: (215) 732-3378

Dignity Metro NJ An organization for sexual-minority Catholics meets at 4 p.m. Sundays at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 550 Ridgewood Road, Maplewood, N.J.; (973) 857-4040.

Hope Ministry Family Fellowship Affirming Christ-centered church meets at 11 a.m. Sundays in Allentown; (610) 791-0716;

Drexel Hill Baptist Church Non-judgmental Christian congregation affiliated with American Baptist Churches of the USA holds services at 11 a.m. Sundays at Childs Avenue and State Road, Drexel Hill; (610) 259-2356; www.

■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): (215) 572-1833

■ Equality Advocates Pennsylvania: (215) 731-1447; (866) LGBTLAW

Dignity Jersey Shore An organization for sexual-minority Catholics meets first Saturday of the month in Asbury Park. For time and location, call (732) 502-0305.

Holy Communion Lutheran Church (ELCA) Reconciling in Christ congregation worships Sundays at 9 a.m. at 2111 Sansom St. and 11 a.m. at 2110 Chestnut St.; (215) 569-1840; www.

HIV health insurance help Access to free medications, confidential HIV testing available at 17 MacDade Blvd., suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; (610) 586-9077.

■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: (215) 5921513

■ The COLOURS Organization Inc. 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 4960330.

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Chief Inspector James Tiano: (215) 685-3655

First Baptist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds services at 11 a.m. Sundays at 123 S. 17th St.; (215) 563-3853. First Presbyterian Church of Lansdowne Welcoming church holds services at 10 a.m. Sundays at 140 N. Lansdowne Ave.; (610) 622-0800; www. First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia A liberal, welcoming and diverse congregation that affirms the dignity of all. Sunday services at 10 a.m. at 2125 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-3980; The First United Church of Germantown A sexual-minority-affirming congregation holds services at 11 a.m. Sundays at 6023 Germantown Ave.; lunch follows; (215) 438-3677.

New Thought Spiritual Community Nondenominational service is offered at 10:30 a.m. Sundays at Cradle of Liberty Council, 1485 Valley Forge Road, Wayne; (610) 962-9923. Old First Reformed Church Open and affirming United Church worships at 11 a.m. Sundays September through June, and 10 a.m. June through August at 151 N. Fourth St.; (215) 922-4566; Penns Park United Methodist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds services at 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 2394 Second Street Pike, Penns Park; (215) 598-7601. Rainbow Buddhist Meditation Group Meets at 5 p.m. Sundays at the William Way Center.

Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting worships at 11 a.m. Sundays at 1515 Cherry St.; (215) 241-7260; Resurrection Lutheran Church Holds services at 10 a.m. Sundays at 620 Welsh Road, Horsham; (215) 646-2597. Silverside Church Holds services at 10 a.m. Sundays followed by a group discussion at 2800 Silverside Road, Wilmington, Del.; (302) 478-5921. St. Asaph’s Church Inclusive and progressive Episcopal Church holds services at 10 a.m. Sundays, with a contemplative communion at 8 a.m. at 27 Conshohocken State Road, Bala Cynwyd; (610) 664-0966; www. St. John’s Lutheran Church (ELCA) Reconciling in Christ congregation holds services at 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 24 N. Ridge Ave., Ambler; (215) 646-2451; St. Luke and The Epiphany Church Open and welcoming church holds liturgy at 9 and 11 a.m. Sundays fall through winter and “Prayer Around the Cross” at 7 p.m. first Friday of the month at 330 S. 13th St.; (215) 732-1918. St. Mary of Grace Parish Inclusive church in the Catholic tradition celebrates Mass at 6 p.m. Sundays in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County, 145 W. Rose Tree Road, Media; (610) 566-1393; www. St. Mary’s Church Diverse and inclusive Episcopal church, with openly gay rector, celebrates Eucharist at 11 a.m. Sundays; adult forum is held at 9:30 a.m.; and evening prayer is at 6:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday at 3916 Locust Walk; (215) 386-3916; www.stmarysatpenn. org. Tabernacle United Church Open and affirming congregation holds services at 10 a.m. Sundays at 3700 Chestnut St.; (215) 3864100. Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County Welcoming congregation holds services at 10:30 a.m. at 145 W. Rose Tree Road, Media. Children’s program (pre-8th) 10:30 a.m.; youth programming 6 p.m. Sunday; (610) 566-4853; Unitarian Society of Germantown Welcoming congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 6511 Lincoln Drive (West Mt. Airy); (215) 844-1158; Unitarian Universalist Church of Cherry Hill Holds services at 10:15 a.m. at 401 N. Kings Highway, Cherry Hill, N.J.; (856) 667-3618. Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration, Mt. Airy Welcoming congregation holds services at 11 a.m. Sundays September through June at 6900 Stenton Ave.; (215) 836-1812; Unitarian Universalist Congregation, South Jersey Shore Holds services at 10 a.m. Sundays in Galloway Township, N.J.; (609) 926-8890; Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown Holds services at 10 a.m. at 1565 S. Keim St., Pottstown; (610) 327-2662. United Christian Church Open, affirming and welcoming congregation holds servies at 11 a.m. Sundays at 8525 New Falls Road, Levittown; (215) 946-6800. Unity Fellowship Church of Philadelphia Diverse, affirming GLBT congregation holds services at 2 p.m. Sundays at Broad and Arch streets; (215) 222-3180. University Lutheran Church of the Incarnation Welcoming congregation holds services at 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 3637 Chestnut St. preceded by “Adult Forum: Sundays” at 9:30 discussing religious

■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: (215) 494-LGBT;

Send submissions to or fax (215) 925-6437 PGN Meeting Place, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147

■ Philly Pride Presents: (215) 875-9288

Meeting Place is a public service. Submissions must include a phone number for publication.

■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: (717) 920-9537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: (215) 732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays, and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)

Complete Meeting Place listings of all Parent/Family, Professional, Recovery, Recreation, Religion, Sports, Men, Women, Trans, Youth groups can be found online @ and


T M . Mc C O




JUNE 19 - 25, 2009



PA Treasury Seeks Local Unclaimed Property Owners



Philadelphia County AT E



Notice of Names of Persons Appearing to be Owners of Abandoned and Unclaimed Property

1 Stop R. 440 S. 55th Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 1013 E Cheltenham Assoc 7010 Swagger Rd New Hope Pa 18938 1260 Housing Dev Co 910 E. Price Street Philadelphia Pa 19138 12th Locust Joint Vent Assoc 221 S 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19110 17th & Kennedy Assoc L.P. 100 N. 17th Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 17th & Latimer Inc 247 S 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19103 181464 Ira A 5 Penn Center Plaza Philadelphia Pa 19103 191 Laboratory Inc 191 Presidential B Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 2025 27 Walnut St Ass 2025 Walnut Street, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19103 228232 South Street Llc 609 S 2nd St Phila Pa 19147 260 S Broad St Asso 260 S. Broad Street Philadelphia Pa 19102 3bk Inc 9043 Ashton Rd, M1 Philadelphia Pa 19136 595 Adams Avenue Inc 441 Hoffnagle Street Philadephia Pa 19111 642 N Broad Assoc 642 N. Broad Street, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19130 711 West Avenue Llc 711 West Ave Jenkintown Pa 19046


A & B Partnership 143 W. Chelten Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19144 A 1 Party Rent All 5229 Simpson Ferry Rd Philadelphia Pa 19149A H E R F 2901 Island Ave Philadelphia Pa 19153 A Touch Of Glass Inc 817 A North Easton Road Doylestown Pa 18901 Aaborg Terry H 3224 Ryan Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136 Aacr Public Ledger Bldgste 826 150 S Independence Mall West Philadelphia Pa Aamco Transmssn Inc 1 Presidential Blvd Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Abarca Adriana 2015 Disston Street Philadelphia Pa 19149 Abate Rita 1527 Emily Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Abbas Syed 154 Copley Road Upper Darby Pa 19082 Abbott Rosalyn 2502 Jackson St Apt 2b Philadelphia Pa 19145-3137 Abbott Theresa 2711 Elbridge Street Philadelphia Pa 19149 Abbraccio Restaurant 820 South 47th Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 Abdel Jalil Odeh M 4823 C Street, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19120 Abduh Akil H 4261 N. 7th Street Philadelphia Pa 19140 Abdul Mumin Murad M 716 Wynnewood Road Philadelphia Pa 19151 Abdul Samad Naimah 5443 Spring Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Abdullah Luqman 943 W. Master Street, 1f72 Philadelphia Pa 19122 Abel Ronald F 4114 Higbee Street Philadelphia Pa 19135 Abel Rory Douglas 4037 Spring Garden Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Abelson Karen 1217 S. 8th Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Abrahams Barbara B 3910 Powelon Ave 7 Philadelphia Pa 19104-0000 Abrams Marcia K 1250 Greenwood Ave Apt 210 Jenkintown Pa 19046-2956 Abrams Marcia K 739 N. Croskey Street Philadelphia Pa 19130 Abramson Esther 2110 Saint Vincent St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Abramson Minnie 6819 Sylvester St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2219 Abramson Steven J 2110 Saint Vincent St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Absolutely Apropos 22 Union Avenue 2nd Floor Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Academy Sq Assoc 3308 Primrose Rd, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Accardo Rose 1326 S. 9th Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Ace Beer Investment Inc. 4500 N. 20th Street Philadelphia Pa 19140 ��������������������������������������������������������������� Acko Aley 5082 F Street, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19124 Acme Uniform Rental 1900 E. Clementine Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Acosta Adelaida 6038 Castor Ave, 2 Fl Philadelphia Pa 19149 Acpasim 190 N Independence Mall West Attn: Betty Layberger Philadelphia Pa Acree Drusilla 5791 Stewart Street Philadelphia Pa 19131 Active Auto Radiator Service 3010 Tulip St Philadelphia Pa 19134Adamietz Peggy R 3630 E. Thompson Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Adams Arthur 6257 Walker Street Philadelphia Pa 19135 Adams Corlie 5840 Delancey St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Adams Crista L 2819 Norcross Lane Philadelphia Pa 19114 Adams Edward J 940 Herbert St Philadelphia Pa 19124-2417 Adams Ieshaa R 655 E Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Adams John H Grundy Hall Apt 629 1720 S Easton Rd Doylestown Pa 18901 Adams Kirk A 2056 Kater Street Philadelphia Pa 19146 Adams Leonard 446 E. High Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Adams Lottie K. 1921 S Ithan Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 Adams Marguerite 4708 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19139-4623 Adams Neysa C 3006 Foxx Lane Philadelphia Pa 19144-5406 Adams Peter V 424 Beverly Blvd Upper Darby Pa 19082-3715 Adams Thomas J 2120 Fraley Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Adams Victor 7200 Merion Trace #A105 Upper Darby Pa 19082 Adams Wesley A 3432 N. Bouvier Street Philadelphia Pa 19140 Adamski Robert J 3419 Stanwood Street Philadelphia Pa 19136 Adamson Louise 4637 Umbria Street Philadelphia Pa 19127 Add B Anderson Jr Ira 1500 Market St 3200 Centre Sq W Philadelphia Pa 19102 Adderley Frances 6223 Washington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Addison James 4211 Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19124 Adelman Samuel 1519 Robbins Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Adk Company 228 Market Street, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19106 Adom Edwin Md 255 S 17th St Medical Towers Ste 2704 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Adr Options Inc One Commerce Square Suite 530 2005 Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Afghani Hassan 603 Roxborough Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19128 Afsc Informal Ret Fund 353 150 S Independent Square West Philadelphia Pa Agate Michael J 9411 Woodbridge Road Philadelphia Pa 19114 Agrusa Anna 6340 Brous Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Aguero Courtney B 1224 East Pike St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Agustin Casillos 2115 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19122 Ahmed Basheir 226 Rock Street Phila Pa 19128-3740 Ai Minhthai 1918 E. Chelten Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Aichele Doris 6119 Edmund Street Philadelphia Pa 19135 Aidara Cheikh 1918 S. 65th Street Philadelphia Pa 19142 Aigeldinger Elizabeth 14 Braxton Rd Rosemont Pa 19010-1029 Aigeldinger Steven 14 Braxton Rd Rosemont Pa 19010-1029 Aiken Leonie A Apt D-209 7200 Miriam Terr Upper Darby Pa 19082 Air Bev Inc 1500 South Delaware Ave Philadelphia Pa 19147

Akey Christine R 8448 Jackson Street Philadelphia Pa 19136 Akiens Mary 1931 N. 9th Street Philadelphia Pa 19122 Akins Andrew J 4514 Oakmont Street Philadelphia Pa 19136 Al Yehya Ali 5450 Wissahickon Ave Apt 846b Philadelphia Pa 19144 Alabudi Sadeq H 2619 Levick Street Philadelphia Pa 19149 Alamo Rent-A-Car 9179 Roosevelt Boulevard #43 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Alan H Klein Inc 4701 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Albahar Ahmad K 2020 N. Carlisle Street Philadelphia Pa 19121 Albea Nellie 1531 N 11th Street Philadephia Pa 19122 Albergato Vincent M 785 S 2nd St Frnt A Phila Pa 19147 Albergo Albert 2225 S. Colorado Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Albert Ring Attorney C O Eric Ring 555 E City Avenue Suite 510 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Albert William G 300 Huntingdon Pike Jenkintown Pa 19046-4445 Alberto Ramon 375 Eldridge St Phila Pa 19111 Albite Sulpicio M 340 Hellerman Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Albright Michael 1123 Englewood Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Aldo U S Inc. 1707 Walnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Aleman Alfredo 2400 Chestnut Street Apt 3102 Philadelphia Pa 19103Alexander Christopher M 2203 Madison Sq Philadelphia Pa 19146 Alexander David 9348b Neil Road Philadelphia Pa 19115 Alexander Robin 3903 City Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Alexis Pizza & Pita- 4671 Frankford Av 1st F Philadelphia Pa 19124 Alexy Steven R 12850 Mccarthy Circle Philadelphia Pa 19154 Alford Francis 1000 65th Ave Philadelphia Pa 19126 Algeo William 6907 Chelwynde Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Algier Edward J 40103 Delaire Landing Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114-4409 Ali Wanda R 825 Lindley Ave Philadelphia Pa 19141 Alicea David 1636 Lycoming St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Alicea Jeneira L 2622 N Lwrnc St Apt 207 Phila Pa 19133 Alicea Jeneira L 2047 E. Rush Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Alison Kaufmann 3175 Jfk Blvd Apt 412 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Alisuag Martina L 1530 Locust St Apt 8d Philadelphia Pa 19102-4423 Alixanian Victoria 5008 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Allal Viola M 1842 E Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134-3120 Allen Bajien 240 S 69th St Upper Darby Pa 19082 Allen Charisse L 820 N. 45th Street, F-102 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Allen Curtis C 3456 Crystal Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Allen Esther 2255 Cross St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Allen Eugene 143 N. Wilton Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Allen Evelyn 4759 Vista Street Philadelphia Pa 19136 Allen Frank J Jr 825 N. 26th Street, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Allen George R 404 S 22nd Street, Front Philadelphia Pa 19146 Allen H Bar Md Pension Plan 108 Arch St 702 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Allen Mildred 1132 Unruh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Allen Odessa 2452 Montrose Street Philadelphia Pa 19146 Allen Ray 1 Logan Sq Ste 2929 Philadelphia Pa 19103-6931 Allen Richard J 2319 S. Marshall Street Philadelphia Pa 19148 Allen Robert W 2206 S. 69th Street Philadelphia Pa 19142 Allen Roberta 859 N. 26th Street, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19130 Allen Rodney D 630 E. Hilton Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Allen Wm H 2031 Walnut Street, Hse Philadelphia Pa 19103 Allied Digital Inc Po Box 30458 Philadelphia Pa 19103-8458 Allied Medical Assoc Inc C/O Leonard K Hill & Associate 2 Penn Ctr Ste 520 15th St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Allinson Jennie 2727 Helen St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Allol Viola 1842 E Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134-3120 Allsman Frank 7018 Cleveland Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082 Allston Theresa 5025 Catharine Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 Allten Alfred 2037 Haworth Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Almomani Mohammad A 3701 Conshohocken Ave Apt 304 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Alon Francine 8201 Henry Ave Apt Q3 Philadelphia Pa 19128 Alsaadi Omar 9921 Bustleton Ave, S11 Philadelphia Pa 19115 Alsbrooks Kelly R 5453 Willows Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Alston Beverla D 3520 N 11th Street Philadelphia Pa 19140 Alston Douglas 1533 Wynsam Street Philadelphia Pa 19138 Alston Joseph 5828 W Girard Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19131 Alston Lurrell 5652 Gainor Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Altamuro Nichols C 6306 Reedland Street Philadelphia Pa 19142 Altenberger Albert 2934 Normandy Dr. Philadelphia Pa 19154 Altieri Sara S 1440 River Rd New Hope Pa 18938 Altimari Nancy A 12510 Ramer Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Altomari Frank 4516 Tolbut Street Philadelphia Pa 19136 Altomari Stephen P 1148 S 10th St Fl 1 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Altomari Stephen P 1148 S 10th St Fl 1 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Alullo Michael J Jr 1031 Chandler Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Alvarez Leon 4401 Manayunk Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19128 Alvelo Pedro J 6040 N. American Street Philadelphia Pa 19120 Am Phu 4021 Fairdale Rd, Str Philadelphia Pa 19154 Amadie Concetta 2316 Rhawn Street Philadelphia Pa 19152 Amaio James 6407 N. 11th Street Philadelphia Pa 19126 Amaker Paul 2127 North Wanamaker St Philadelphia Pa 19131Amaro Jose A 2014 S. Philip Street Philadelphia Pa 19148 Amatelli Joseph 7720 Chelwynde Ave Philadelphia Pa 19153 Amato Michael 1645 Worrell Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Ambrose Benjamin Sr 5003 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Amer Leg Post 839 2668 Martha Street Philadelphia Pa 19125 Ameriasian Chiro Health Ctr 901 East Passyunk Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19147 American Arbitration Assoc 230 South Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19102 American Association For Cancer Research 150 S Independence Mall Wall Philadelphia Pa 19106American Board Of Internal Med 510 Walnut Street Suite 1700 Philadelphia Pa American Board Of Surgery 1617 John F Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19103 American Business Financial 111 Presidential Blvd Ste 411 Bala Cynwyd Pa

American Center Tech Art 4531 Paul Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 American College 270 S Bryn Mawr Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 American Healthcare Ntwrk T-A Hemodialysis Center Ste 5101 Box 48 Phila Pa American Historical Theatre 208 Walnut Street Phila Pa 19130-3236 American Philological Association Placement Service 291 Logan Hall/249 South 36th Philadelphia Pa 19104 American Wholesale Fence Co Dt#7 1074 Bethlehem Pi North Whales Pa 19454 Americas Develop Corp The 230 Vine St, B Philadelphia Pa 19106 Americas Food Serv Temp. 1031 Spring Garden Street Philadelphia Pa 19123 Amerimar International Attn: Charles 65 Rockhill Rd Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Ames Catherine 1720 S. 60th Street Philadelphia Pa 19142 Amick Wynne Stuart 3 Greenbriar Circle Newtown Pa 18940-0000 Amin Gas Mini Mart 901 S 46th St & Baltimore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Amoako Samuel A 1631 Cobbs Creek Pkwy, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19143 Amodou Digan 3093 Kensington Ave Phila Pa 19134 Amoriello Anthony 101 W. Ritner St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19148 Amorose Antoinette 6631 Guyer Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Amsterdam Charles 6063 Roosevelt St 207 Philadelphia Pa 19149-0000 Amsterdam Dorothy Miss 6063 Roosevelt St 207 Philadelphia Pa 19149-0000 An Hyun J 501 S. 42nd St, 1 Fr Philadelphia Pa 19104 Anastasi Rosalie 1728 W. Ritner St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19145 Anderer Joseph 8202 Verree Rd, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Anderson Alline 8643 Forrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150 Anderson Anita 228 S. 59th Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Anderson Calvin 2328 W. Sergeant St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Anderson Carolyn J 5437 Rutland Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Anderson Charles Gordon 226 W Rittenhuse Sq Apt 2516 Philadelphia Pa 19103Anderson Daniel 5115 Irving Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Anderson David 2125 W. Venango Street, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19140 Anderson Dolores 4527 Sansom Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Anderson Esther 1007 Hartel Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19111-3203 Anderson Gerard J 7522 Lawndale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Anderson James 5040 Walnut St 2nd Floor Philadelphia Pa 19139 Anderson John 3111 Winchester Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136 Anderson Kathryn B 226 W Rittenhuse Sq Apt 2516 Philadelphia Pa 19103-5756 Anderson Kim Y 5013 Chester Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Anderson Margaret L 1317 S 19th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Anderson Mary 7248 Lawndale St Philadelphia Pa 19111-4008 Anderson Mary T 3604 N Livingston St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Anderson Michael 1731 N 27th Street Philadelphia Pa 19130 Anderson Shirley 6132 Vine St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Anderson Thelma W 4617 Pine Street, H405 Philadelphia Pa 19143 Andeson Elmer Rr 1 Caledonia Pa 19134 Andrade Manuel G 7512 Castor Ave, 7 Philadelphia Pa 19152 Andreadis George 176 Dimarco Dr Philadelphia Pa 19154 Andress Thelma D 4201 Pine St 11-B Philadelphia Pa 19104-4039 Andrews Renee 5450 Wissahickon Ave. Apt. 802 Philadelphia Pa 19144 Andrews Richard 5338 Lena Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Andricak Judith V 9217 Convent Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Andrisani Nathan J 9023 Ayrdale Circle, Esb Philadelphia Pa 19128 Andros Irene 447 Roxborough Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-0000 Andros Marie I Miss 447 Roxborough Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-0000 ������������������������������������������������������������������ Andujar Andujar 2028 Alcart St. Philadelphia Pa 19134 Anenkova Lyudmila 1939 Grant Ave, 102 Philadelphia Pa 19115 ���������������������������������������������������������� Ang Qiun T 4108 Lancaster Ave. Philadelphia Pa 19104 Angel Pagan 3044 N Hutchinson St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Angeli Luigi 921 N. 68th Street Philadelphia Pa 19151 Angelo Leonard 1911 S. Lambert Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Angelo Maria 1944 S Hollywood St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Angelucci Barbara 2609 S. Sheridan Street Philadelphia Pa 19148 Angelucci Stefano 3628 Belgrade St Philadelphia Pa 19134Angulo Paul A 2900 River Rd. New Hope Pa 18938 Anna P Harris Rev Liv Trust 745 Yorkway Pl C/O Law Offc Of George Luskus Jenkintown Pa 19046-2711 Annette Timothy A 2138 Green St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Anodoniadis Andreas 3131 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Ansell Miriam 122 North Main Street New Hope Pa 18938 Anskis Carolyn 953 Marcella Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Anstotz Mary T 6158 Newtown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Antczak David J 408 Spruce St, 121 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Anthomelids Dimosthenis 121 S 22nd St Apt 3f Phila Pa 19103 Anthon Rebecca 609 Lombard St, C Philadelphia Pa 19147 Anthony Corine 1246 E. Syndey Street Philadelphia Pa 19150 Anthony Geraldine 5449 Trinity Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 Anton Lauren B 235 Christian St, Rh Philadelphia Pa 19147 Antonelli Ernestine 2337 S. Warnock Street Philadelphia Pa 19148 Antonette Berger 408 East Woodlawn Avenue Phila Pa 19144 Antonio Ciro T A Ciro Electric 1732 Jackson St 40 Philadelphia Pa 19145 Aok Auto Body Inc 1330 Washington Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19147 Aon Risk Services One Liberty Place 1650 Market St Ste 1000 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Aponte Carmen M 5618 N. 2nd Street Philadelphia Pa 19120 Appel Howard M Ste 417 1 Belmont Ave Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Apple Frederick E 3623 Salina Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Applebaum Russell 7452 Ruskin Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Appleby Michael H 2409 Naudain Street Philadelphia Pa 19146 Applegate Anna 3112 D St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Applegate Brian 1285 Eagle Road New Hope Pa 18938 Applegate Mary A 1285 Eagle Road New Hope Pa 18938 Appolon Lunie Jean 538 W. Duncannon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Apra Greater Phila Market Research & Analysis 3451 Walnut St 5th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19104 April Wright 6010 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143

For information about the nature and value of the property, or to check for additional names, visit

Pennsylvania Treasury Department Rob McCord, Treasurer

PAGE 36 Apt Assoc Of Phila 3901 Main Street, 3a Philadelphia Pa 19127 Ara Services Inc Independence Square W Philadelphia Pa 19106Arana Rose M R 5263 N. 6th Street Philadelphia Pa 19120 Archer Margaret P O Box 253 Doylestown Pa 18901-0253 Ardie Sabililla 2200 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy Philadelphia Pa 19130 Arena Mario J 715 Great Springs Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Arevalo Miguel 5419 Horrocks Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Argeros James E 527 Fanshawe St Phila Pa 19111-4646 Ark Wildlife Rehab Educatn Ctr 107 Twining Bridge Rd Newtown Pa 18940 Arkema Inc 2000 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103-3289 Arleth James 1135 E. Sanger Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Armstead Elnora L 1601 66th Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19126 Armstead Encie 206 N Plum St Media Pa 19063 Armstead William 1001 E. Mount Pleasant Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150 Armstrong Edwin G 2725 S. 10th Street Philadelphia Pa 19148 Armstrong Theresa 4737 Marple Street Philadelphia Pa 19136 Arnan Maya 3414 Hamilton Street, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Arnold Michael 5539 Whitby Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Arnold Mildred I 874 N Beechwood St Gerald Arnold Philadelphia Pa 19130 Arnold Sidney 4561 N. Mole Street Philadelphia Pa 19140 Arnoldi Richard 1366 Farrington Rd. Philadelphia Pa 19151 Arora Ajay 45 Hurley Ct Upper Darby Pa 19082 Arovitch Mark 342 S. 5th Street Philadelphia Pa 19106 Arpe Curtis R 1701 W. Lehigh Ave, 03 Philadelphia Pa 19132 Arrabal Jesuel 7313 Frontenac St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Arrasheed Fateen 5849 Florance Ave. Philadelphia Pa 19143 Arroyo Angelique M 616 S. Conestoga Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 Artis Tina 2514 S. Berbro Street Philadelphia Pa 19153 Artuso Michael J 946 Marcella St. Philadelphia Pa 19124 Asaad Mary Estate Of 305 Parkview Way Newtown Pa 18940 Asante Askari J 5642 Walnut St 2nd Fl Philadelphia Pa 19139 Aschenback Ruth M 5121 Sansom St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Ash Beverly T 1220 E. Stafford St. Philadelphia Pa 19138 Ashby Henrietta 1037 N. 46th Street Philadelphia Pa 19131 Ashcroft George 4726 Grant Ave, D Philadelphia Pa 19114 Ashjean Harry H 6523 Lebanon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Ashraf Qazi M Md 7950 Henry Ave Apt 5b Philadelphia Pa 19128 Askew Lillie 2226 Dickinson St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Asoc Subspecialty Professor 700 Clinical Res Blg Philadelphia Pa 19104 Asplundh 708 Blair Mill Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090 Asplundh Tree Expertco 708 Blair Mill Rd Attn:Charles O King Willow Grove Pa 19090-1784 Asprino Carmine 7704 Woodbine Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Asres Estifanos 4715 Baltimore Ave, 3r Philadelphia Pa 19143 Assoc For Indep Grow Inc 362 E. Claremont Rd, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19120 Astley Mason R 4153 Tower St. Philadelphia Pa 19127 Astm 1916 Race St Philadelphia Pa 19103Atene Michael A 2209 S. Lambert Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Athletes Advisory Assoc Inc Lafayette Bldg Suite 925 5th & Chestnut Sts Philadelphia Pa 19106 Atkinson Clive 6022 Irving St, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19139 Atlantic Investors Llc 260 S Broad St Ste 920 The Hayman Company Philadelphia Pa 19102 Atlas Co 2117 E. Huntingdon Philadelphia Pa 19125 Atleson Joyce 200 Walnut St 2nd Floor Jenkintown Pa 19046Atotech Usa Inc 2000 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103-3289 Au Coton Inc 524 South Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 ���������������������������������������������������������� Augusta Clark 210 W Rittenhouse Sq Ste 406 Philadelphia Pa 19103-5771 Augustus Alfred A 40 Sloan Street Philadephia Pa 19104 Austin Arthur 1523 N 53rd St Philadelphia Pa 19131-4006 Austin Ava 5966 Malta St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Austin Mary 1644 N. 26th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19121 Auto Italia Group Inc. Po Box 70 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Avanzato Salvatore 239 Mcclellan St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19148 Avdarahman Sy Dba Legend Sportswear 2743 Germantown Ave Phila Pa 19133 Avelar Antonio 6806 Eastwood St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Avery Celeste 223 W Zeralda St Phila Pa 19144 Aviles Sonia 253 Lindley Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Awoonor Nenya A 235 East Sedgwick St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Axe Allen 1129 Kent Lane Philadelphia Pa 19115 Axt Patricia I 4139 Gilham St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Ayala Julio 1401 E Bristol St Apt D203 Philadelphia Pa 19124 Ayers Harry J Estate Of 1700 Market Street Suite 3050 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Ayzman Lazar 9341 Jamison Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19115 Azzaam Muhammad 129 S 51st St3f Philadelphia Pa 19139


B E J Partners Inc. 622 S. 6th Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 B Five Studio Llp 2118 Locust Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 B J Co 314 194 Montgomery Mall Spc I North Wales Pa 19454-3924 Babbitt Sherry 853 N. Taney Street Philadelphia Pa 19130 Babiak John 260 Mather Rd Apt 10 Jenkintown Pa 19046 Babitts Jill A 342 S. 16th Street Philadelphia Pa 19102 Bachman Renee L Box 674 Boyertown Pa 19512 Bachran Bessie G 1515 Fairway Rydal Pa 19046-1458 Bacile Jerome F 5167 Montour Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Bacon Kimberly 36 N. 57th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Bacon Lucille 4808 N 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Bacon Marie 2144 Carpenter St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Badey Brandon 9417 Lansford St 2nd Fl Apt 1-A Philadelphia Pa 19114 Badger All En J 7642 Fayette St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Badson Venice 4040 Reno St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Baek Tae 6210 A Roosevelt Blvd Phila Pa 19149 Baer Dana 1326 Spruce St Apt 2003 Philadelphia Pa 19122 Bagby Mitchell 2504 W. Oxford St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Bagdonis Simon L 2835 Sebring Rd Philadelphia Pa 19152 Baggs Richard 3486 Weikel St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Baggs Teresa 4642 Melrose St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Bagley Willie 537 E Tabor Rd, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19120 Bagnall Emma 112 Osborne St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Bahoff Esther B 1823 Cottman Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Bailey Derek 7328 Devon St Phila Pa 19119 Bailey Jeremiah Jr 1228 S 46th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Bailey Jermanita E 2242 Earp St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Bailey Marjorie 4529 N. Gratz St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Bailey Mitchell Po Box 28127 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Bailey Scott Higg 146 Montgomery Avenue Suite 200 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Bailey Selvin 710 S. Hicks St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Bailey Wayne H 5650 Pine St 1st Philadelphia Pa 19143-1322 Bailey William A 715 Wolcott Dr Apt A Philadelphia Pa 19118-4334 Bainbridge Bruce C/O Marnie Henretig 307 Bryn Mawr Ave Bala Cynwyd Pa

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS 19004-2606 Baird Thomas D 3060 Richmond St Fl 2 Phila Pa 19134 Bak Magali C 1122 Rodman St Apt 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Bakalova Kalina P 616 South St # 3 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Baker Edith M 128 E. Pomona St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Baker Edna 2927 Cambridge Street Philadelphia Pa 19130 Baker Joy 215 W Pomona St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Baker Margaret 635 N 12th St, B Philadelphia Pa 19123 Baker Margaretde 178 N Madison Ave Upper Darber Pa 19082 Baker Nancy 1622 N 55 St Flr 2 Phila Pa 19131 Baker Raymond E 815 Greenwood Ave Jenkintown Pa 19046-2800 Baker Roseann J 3614 Chalfont Dr, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19154 Bakker Brian R 709 North 24th St Apt 2f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Balalirski Maya 4107 Spruce St, 4a Philadelphia Pa 19104 Baldwin Alice 6000 Baltimore Ave, 309 Philadelphia Pa 19143 Baldwin Jeanne 523 N. 37th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Baldwin Lois 1718 Cloverly Ln Rydal Pa 19046 Baldwin Tanya M 336 E. Upsal St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Ball James W 1349 Ellsworth St, 3e Philadelphia Pa 19147 Ballantyne Todd A 2213 Green St, A7 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Ballard Clifford 2309 Turner St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Ballentine Donald 1153 Sanger Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Ballinger One Commerce Square Philadelphia Pa 19103-7088 Balmer Bennett E 117 Catharine St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Balshan Frances C 309 Levick St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Baltazar Anna D 1528 S. Corlies St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Baltimore Property G 1600 Market St Suite# 1410 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Baltrukonis Catherine E 6607 Mccallum St Philadelphia Pa 19119-3122 Baltrukonis Charles 1515 Locust Street 10th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19102-3714 Banachowski Joseph J Jr 826 N 24th St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1914 Banachowski Marie G 826 N 24th St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1914 Banana Star L L C 245 Race St, Str Philadelphia Pa 19106 ���������������������������������������������������������� Bangis Irving 638 Lawler Pl Philadelphia Pa 19116 Banks Florence 3900 Ford Rd 14a Philadelphia Pa 19131-0000 Banks James 7701 Lindbergh Blvd, 1004 Philadelphia Pa 19153 Banks Johnny L 8225 Pickering St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Banks Joseph 5418 Webster St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Banks Keith A 6048 Greenway Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19142 Banks Maggie 618 S 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Banks Mary T 1224 S Markoe St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Banks Nicholas 3900 Ford Rd 14a Philadelphia Pa 19131-0000 Bannett Aaron 304 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Bannon Joseph T 6338 Grays Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Baptist Willie 1215 S Markoe St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Barats George J 2214 Cedar St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Barba L V 700 Hendren St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Barbagiovanni Anthony 2429 S. Alder St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Barbagiovanni Jos 1228 Fitzgerald St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Barbara White Tr Turner’s Childrens Tru 1022 Barberry Road Bryn Mawr Pa Barber Ida M 6205 Mershon St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3015 Barber Jacques P Phd 418 Service Dr 320 Blockley Hall Phila Pa 19104-6021 Barbet Tamara A 32 Sibelius Dr Newtown Pa 18940-1212 Barbosa Jessica 203 N 34th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Barbour James 6323 Overbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Barbour James W 7129 Marsden St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Barclay Joy S 4913 Keyser St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Barczyk Adam R 9339 Jamison Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19115 Bardsley Mary 3503 Carey Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Barg Ida Apt 1625 1901 John F Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19102 Barker Gregory 615 West Cambria Street Philadelphia Pa 19133 Barket Keith F 1813 Delancey St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Barlow Otis 5326 Greene St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Barnard Julia A 435 S Orange St Media Pa 19063 Barndt Stanley C 601 Gilham St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Barnes Bessie A 5620 Crowson St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Barnes Charles 1732 Pierce St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Barnes Dawn 5425 Lansdowne Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Barnes James F 4640 Reach St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Barnes Timara 812 South 49th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Barnes Walter F Jr 6332 Everett St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Barnet International 1400 North Providence Bd Suite 2000 Media Pa 19063Baron Marleen A 108 Delancey St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Baron Michael 1801 Winchester Ave, A19 Philadelphia Pa 19115 Baron Sondra D 1619 Longshore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-1738 �������������������������������������������������� Barr Charles L 4330 Teesdale St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Barr Duncan 3512 Woodhaven Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Barracks Devon 6908 Oxford Ave Apt 2nd Floor Philadelphia Pa 19111 Barratt Rosemary 1612 Brill St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Barrett Donald J 2627 S. 68th Street Philadelphia Pa 19142 Barrett Donna T 1231 Winorim Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Barrick Philip B 7900 Michener Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19150 Barriga Marcelino 4925 Saul St, 12 Philadelphia Pa 19124 Barron Esther L 6744 Kindred Street Philadelphia Pa 19149-2203 Barrow James 2139 E William St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Barsel Debra 6906 Sherman St Philadelphia Pa 19119Barsky Lena 1948 President St Philadelphia Pa 19115 Bartholomew Susan D 201 Rochelle Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-3813 Bartlett Dorothy E 37 S 61st St Philadelphia Pa 19139-3010 Bass Fred P 133 Catharine St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Basset Gallagher 102 Chelsey Drive Media Pa 19063Bassetts Auto Ins Agy Inc 859 N Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19123 Bastian Minerva 2538 S. 15th Street, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19145 Bateman Christie Jean 4000 Presidential Blvd Apt. #1413 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Bates Alva B 930 Herbert St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Bates Dorthey 5708 Cedar Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Bates Gary H 6352 Germantown Ave, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19144 Bates Julia 8227 Elberon Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19111 Batson Terence 206 South Cecil St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Battersby William J 5902 Reach Street Philadelphia Pa 19120 Battista Albert P Apt C-2 9309 Ashton Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114-3415 Batts Mabel 5846 Woodcrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Battson Ruby 2219 W. Oxford St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19121 Bauer Helen Vernon Ln Rose Valley Pa 19063-0000 Bauerle Louis 3127 Fanshawe St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Baughan Nicholas 8005 Navajo St Philadelphia Pa 19118-3926 Baum Carolyn A 1244 Greeby St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Baumgartner Edgar 329 S. 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Baumgen William 6517 N. 10th St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Baumner William R 6032 Hasbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Baxter Denise 5213 Webster St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Baxter Thelma 3213 W. Diamond St, E Philadelphia Pa 19121 Bay Janet E P O Box 16330 Philadelphia Pa 19114-0430 Baynard Charles 6742 N. 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Baynes Penrose H 6320 Chew Ave, 38d Philadelphia Pa 19138 Bazelon G R C/O R L Bazelon Esq Foxx Lane Phila Pa 19144-5405 Bazelon Richard L C/O R L Bazelon Esq Foxx Lane Phila Pa 19144-5405 Beach Lois M 616 Hampton Court Doylestown Pa 18901 Beadenkopf F Scott 29 Llanberris Rd Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2316 Beard Samuel 325 Crest Park Road Phila Pa 19119-1014 Beardsley Laura E 712 Bradford Aly Philadelphia Pa 19147 Beasley Beatrice 5439 Race Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Beasley Felsher A 124 N. Salford St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Beasley William 401 Tyson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Beatty Bertha M 6038 N. 19th St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Beatty Glen C/O General Electric 6901 Elmwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Beatus Helena 416 Mahogany Walk Newtown Pa 18940-4211 Beaty Sheila 5414 Addison St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Beccaria David Po Box 2776 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Beccaria Michele Po Box 2776 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Beck Gordon 35 Diamond Dr Newtown Pa 18940 Beck Heather M 326 S. 17th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19103 Becker John 763 N. Croskey St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Becker Melody Ann Independence Place #1211 6thst & Locust Walk Philadlephia Pa 19106 Beckerman Rebecca Brith Shalom House Apt 51 3939 Conshohocken Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131-5400 Beckett Norman 2 Penn Ctrsuite 200 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Beckham Marie 2218 N 15th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Bed Bath Beyond 609 Po Box 545 Media Pa 19063 Beekman Elma 6334 Trotter St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Beers Verna E 1368 Anchor St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Behl Oscar T 2626 N Sartain Philadelphia Pa 19133-1410 Behrends Sharon L 10923 E. Keswick Rd, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19154 Behrman Jeanette 208 E. Walnut Park Dr Philadelphia Pa 19144 Beissel Roseanne 1023 Bridge St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Belill Amy 1013 Spruce St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19107 Belkina Edita 2330 Strahle St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19152 Belknap Eric J 4418 Spruce St, D2 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Belkowski Stanley M 910 Fox Chase Rd Apt 1 Rockledge Pa 19046 Bell Atlantic Tap Future Link At Cael 1608 Walnut Street Suite 1404 Philadelphia Pa 19103Bell Brittany 729 North 57th Stree Philadelphia Pa 19131 Bell Carlin H 5431 Spruce St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19139 Bell Carol S 1008 E. Chelten Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Bell Claudia J 2123 Bryn Mawr Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Bell Diane M 5519 Woodland Ave. Philadelphia Pa 19143 Bell Douglas 6414 Boyer St. Philadelphia Pa 19138 Bell Elizabeth 1246 E. Price St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19138 Bell Francine G 621 Meadowvale Ln Media Pa 19063 Bell Lamont 1505 Dyre St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Bell Larry 3135 N. Judson St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Bell Mattie 2019 N. Stillman St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Bell Partners C/O Commerce Markets Attn 2005 Market St Ste 200 Phila Pa Bell Samuel D P O Box 15509 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Bell Sylvester 4812 N. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Bell Tom 4318 Rte 202 Doylestown Pa 18901 Bell Twan 712 S. Colorado St, B Philadelphia Pa 19146 Bellamy Clara L 1020 N. 43rd St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Belle Margaret University Sq Apt 1309 3901 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19104Bellet Laura M 607 Fulton St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Bellitta Diane 7545 Valley Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Bellizzie Rose 2640 S Hicks St Philadelphia Pa 19145-4622 Bellos Konstantinos E 7348 Frankford Ave, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19136 Belmont Center 4200 Monument Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Belton Charlene 510 N 52nd St Philapa Pa 19131 Bemussi Mary 2672 Belgrade St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Ben Or Sharon 232 S. 21st St, 3r Philadelphia Pa 19103 Ben Samuel Orna 6834 Horrocks St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Bendedetto Lynda 12137 Barbary Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Bender Linda 1419 Lardner St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Bender Madeline E 8580 Verree Rd Apt 501 Philadelphia Pa 19111 Bendo Paula 3301 N. Park Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19140 ���������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������� Benjamin Allison R 437 Martin St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19128 Benjamin Leroy 4511 N. Colorado St. Philadelphia Pa 19140 Bennecoff Henry 4164 Paul St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Bennett Bricklin & Saltzburg 1601 Market Street 16th Floor Philadelphia Pa Bennett Harry J 2600 Welsh Rd, 77 Philadelphia Pa 19152 Bennett Irene 1600 W. Sparks St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Bennett Jaime C 3617 Gypsy Lane Philadelphia Pa 19129 Bennett Jannie 24 147 N 56 St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Bennett Madelyn A 204 N 58th St Philadelphia Pa 19139-1213 Bennett Margaret A 2819 Newberry Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Bennett Rethel C 8431 Walker St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Bennett Tenita A 5865 N. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Bennett William 1404 Marlborough St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Benoit Zoila C 2829 Nature Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Benoliel D J 1830 Addison St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1403 Benson Andre 1408 S. Ringgold St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Benson Carolyn 630 Levick St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Benson Helen 6674 Blakemore St. Philadelphia Pa 19119 Benson Maria E Oak Summit Apts B424 310 S Easton Rd Glenside Pa 19038 Bentley Alice R 231 Aquetong Rd New Hope Pa 18938-1104 Bentley Theresa H 3011 N Water St Phila Pa 19134 Bentoulis Dimitrios 14250 Bustleton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19116 Bepariko Biocom One Belmont Avenue Suite 417 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Berardi Armand W 1621 S. Franklin St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19148 Bercon Builders 1709 Francis St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Berean Mnual Trning Indus Schl 1901 W Girard Ave Phila Pa 19130 Bereanu Adrian 6311 Cardiff St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Berenbaum Cynthia 730 Selmer Rd Philadelphia Pa 19116 Berenson Andrew 399 Market St 2nd Flr. Philadelphia Pa 19123 Berenson Cheryl S 625 S 9th St Philadelphia Pa 19147-2027 ������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� Berger & Sons Inc 1013 Spring Garden St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19123 Berger Franklin W 522 W. Girard Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19123 Bergeron David J 2300 Naudain St, P Philadelphia Pa 19146

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Bergman Fred W 115 W Aarons Ave New Britain Pa 18901-5103 Bergman Noel J 226 S. 44th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Bergman William 334 Fitzgerald St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Bergson H Scott 2138 Mt Vernon St Phillidelphia Pa 19130-3134 Bergson Janet Mcdaniel 2138 Mt Vernon St Phillidelphia Pa 19130-3134 Bergson Louis 2204 Mount Vernon St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Bergson Louis J C/O George Koudelis Esquire 42 Copley Road Upper Darby Pa Berkowitz Bessie 738 Brighton St Philadelphia Pa 19111-4028 Berkowitz Bessie 738 Brighton St Philadelphia Pa 19111-4028 Berkowitz Jacob 738 Brighton St Philadelphia Pa 19111-4028 Berkowitz Jacob 738 Brighton St Philadelphia Pa 19111-4028 Berkowitz Joe 3737 Lankenau Road Philadelphia Pa 19131 Berlinerblau Michele M Md 325 Chestnut Street Suite 1308 Phila Pa 19106-2613 Berman Cindy 4041 Ridge Ave, 18511 Philadelphia Pa 19129 Bermudez Jaime 3431 N. Fairhill St Phila Pa 19133 Bermudez Jaime 3098 1/2 Aramingo Av 2nd Fl Philadelphia Pa 19134 Bernard De 2 Liberty Pl 1601 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103-4202 Bernas Thomas G 726 Pine St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19106 Bernstein Faye 1419 N. 75th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Bernstein Jacob 1526 Longshore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Bernstein Larry 9469 Ashton Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19114 Bernstein Nina S C/O L Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Bernstein Sarah 911 Ellsworth St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Berrios Isidora 546 E. Wyoming Ave. Philadelphia Pa 19120 Berry Frances 1639 S 19th St Phila Pa 19145 Berry Joseph W Iii 369 Ripka St Phila Pa 19128 Berry Theophilus T 5808 Walton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Berry William E 1639 S 19th St Phila Pa 19145 Berschler Lauren R 2 Penn Ctr Plaza Ste 910 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Bershanoff William 2536 S. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Bervine Damion 528 East Walnut Lane Philadelphia Pa 19144���������������������������������������������������� Best Cleveland 914 Belmont Ave, Rear2 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Best George M 2414 76th Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150 Best Marty A 3220 W. Willard St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Beswick Claudette 159 W Hansberry St Philadelphia Pa 19144Bethea Henry 2922 N. Bailey St. Philadelphia Pa 19132 Bethea Maude E 1917 Ashley St. Philadelphia Pa 19138 Bethune Rick D 6714 N. 15th St Philadelphia Pa 19126 �������������������������������������������������������� Beuerle William J 4402 Ernie Davis Circle Philadelphia Pa 19154 Bey Michael 515 Gorgas Ln, B Philadelphia Pa 19128 Bey Vanna P 416 W. Somerville Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Beyer Dorothy 940 E Ontaio St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Bezdek Lucy A 319 S 41st St Phila Pa 19104 Bfg Heritage Investors Lp 1500 Market St 3000 Cent Philadelphia Pa 19102 Bhadra Ashish Apt 2f 126 S 19th Philadelphia Pa 19103 Bhc Securities Inc 100 North 20th St Philadelphia Pa 19103-1443 Bhutani Pramod 7201 Hill Rd Philadelphia Pa 19128 Bia Of Philadelphia 1735 Market Street Suite A432 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Bianchi Mario 912 Flanders Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Bianco Joseph J 1780 Tomlinson Rd, 5a Philadelphia Pa 19116 Biando Florence 2229 S Norwood St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3412 Bibb Emmett J 134 Lauriston St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Biben Joseph E N E Cor 23rd & Washington Aven Philadelphia Pa 19146 Bickerstaff Polly M 230 N 57th St Apt 406 Philadelphia Pa 19139-1258 Biedrzycki Catherine 1919 Lippincott St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Biegel Anna M E 3322 Glenview St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Bielesch Joseph J 2091 Scattergood St Phila Pa 19124 Bielesch Lisa H 2091 Scattergood St Phila Pa 19124 Bienvenida Nicholas 4158 N. Reese St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Big M Inc 2533 S. 24th St, E Philadelphia Pa 19145 Big Martys 6951 State Rd Philadelphia Pa 19135 Bigwood John 6733 Lebanon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Billi Michael 2683 Aramingo Ave Philadelphia Pa 19125 Billups Carl A 4929 Greene St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Billups Geraldine 6113 W. Oxford St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Bilyi Helen 848 S. 2nd St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Bin Steven R 1466 Van Kirk St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Bingham Bernard 1517 S Chadwick Street W56 Philadelphia Pa 19146 Bircks Douglas E. 5955 Bingham St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Birds Of Paradise 1500 Federal Stret Philadelphia Pa 19146 Birey Melten 2212 Locust St, 3 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Birnbrauer Helen L 1518 Spring Ave Jenkintown Pa 19046-2320 Biscardi Rachel 389 Fairway Ter Phila Pa 19128 Bishop Marguerite 1436 Bleigh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Bissingers Heat Ac 33 Shady Ln Boyerstown Pa 19512 Bissonnette Eric 1232 Welsh Rd North Wales Pa 19454 Bittner Edwin 20-4 Strawberry St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Bivings Burt I 634 Rosalie St. Philadelphia Pa 19120 Black Carolyn 227 West Simpson St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Black John 3062 Carol St Philadelphia Pa 19118 Black John 2513 Tulip St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Black Louise 4833 Fairmount Ave Philadelphia Pa 19139-2137 Blackman Joan 565 N 58th St Phila Pa 19131-4864 Blackmon Edna L 2509 N. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Blackshaw Mary 126 Rex Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118-3742 Blackson Donald 1709 N. Ruby St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Blagrave Richard A Mazda Amer Credit 6519 Oxford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Blair Christina R 3007 Poplar St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Blair Sanbee 600w Harvey Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Blake Kenneth 4569 Worth Street Philadelphia Pa 19124Blake Viola 2846 Amber St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Blanch Hunt & Phila. Honda 851 N. 47th St. Philadelphia Pa 19139 Blanch Ibel B 4650 Boudinot St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Blanchard Donald E Jr 604 S Washington Square Unit 7 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Blanck Robert F Two Penn Center Ste 400 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Bland E J 158 N 23rd St 209 Philadelphia Pa 19103-0000 Bland Elizabeth J 158 N 23rd St Apt 209 Philadelphia Pa 19103-1037 Blandford Jeffrey W 4530 E. Howell St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Blank Linda L 16 Clwyd Road Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2440 Blank Nathan K 16 Clwyd Road Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2440 Blank Rome Comisky Mccauley One Logan Square 3 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Blanton John H 5415 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19139-4061 Blasko Anne M 4 Old Mill Lane New Hope Pa 18938 Blasko John P 4 Old Mill Lane New Hope Pa 18938 Blaszczak Jerzy 2839 Fanshawe St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Blatstein Max 8702 Frontenac St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Blaustein Marc A 1750 Wrightstown Rd Newtown Pa 18940-2608 Blay Edmund 4101 Gypsy Ln Philadelphia Pa 19144Blessing Louise K 618 Abington Ave Glenside Pa 19038-5414

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Blevins Frank B 210 Wendover St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Blizzard Clara W 6437 Palmetto St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Block Eugene 307 S. 41st St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Blocker Robin 1437 S. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Bloom Staloff Corp 2000 Market Street-18th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 ���������������������������������������������������������������� Blount James R 1030 S 60th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Blount Jozette 5226 Kingsessing Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Blount Pauline 5010 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Blow Charlotte 2232 N. 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Blue Esc 937 Fillmore St Valella C Blue Philadelphia Pa 19124 Blue Nellie 4014 Haverford Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Bluemle Susan M 751 S. Warnock St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Bluestein Asya O 275 Bryn Mawr Ave Apt F22 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Blumhardt Anna M 5602 Heirskell St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Blum-Moore Reporting Svcs Inc 350 South Main Street Suite 203 Doylestown Pa Blundy Earl 1728 Olive St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Boardman Clifford A 1623 South St 2/3 1500 Jfk Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19146 Boateng Kwabena A 4991 Parkside Ave 59 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Boatright Eva 4321 Pennsgrove St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Bocachia Orlando 9200 Bustleton Ave, 704 Philadelphia Pa 19115 Bocchicchio A J 11123 Drake Dr Philadelphia Pa 19154 Bocchicchio Louis 3575 Kensington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134Bochinski Phyllis 3253 Knorr St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Bochniak William 1414 Lardner St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Bodine Brian 215 Victoria Court Doylestown Pa 18901 Bodison Kurt R 6935 Ibis Pl Philadelphia Pa 19142 Bodon Alberto 2659 N Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Boehmer Mary 4 Pelham Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119 Boerner William 1575 Devereaux Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-2802 Boettger Etta L Rd2 Box 944 Boyertown Pa 19512 Boettger Stephen J Rd2 Box 944 Boyertown Pa 19512 Bofah Kwasi 499 W Jefferson St Apt 403 Media Pa 19063 Boggi Kathleen 1333 Robbins St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Bogle Margaret 436 Green Ln Philadelphia Pa 19128 Bohn Peter J 12 Summit Drive Bryn Mawr Pa 19010Boland John J 3850 Fairdale Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Boldt David R 7809 Winston Rd Philadelphia Pa 19118-3532 Bolen Milton D 6030 Christian St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Bolger Mary C 5641 Rosehill St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Bolvin Annecia 1544 Church Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Bomberowich Steve 4912 Knorr St Philadelphia Pa 19135 ������������������������������������������������������������ Bonaparte Phillip 2452 N Fairhill St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Bonato Lucia 924 Wharton St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Bonczek Louise A 2727 E. Madison St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Bond Johnnie 5412 Regent St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Bond Mildred 3114 N. Chadwick St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Bond Roland O 847 N. 63rd St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Bonfanti David E 820 Vauclain Rd. Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 �������������������������������������������������� Bonilla Audrey 188 W. Ruscomb St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Bonitatibus Michael 13 Whitemarsh Avenue Erdenheim Pa 19038Bonk Thomas R 7025 Crease Ln Philadelphia Pa 19128 Bonner Angela 836 Brill St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Bono Shirley 101 Cumberland Place Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Boo Com North America Tow Peen Center Plaza Ste 700 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Booker Anise J 2809 Norcross Ln Apt B Philadelphia Pa 19114 Booker Russel 6328 N. Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Booker Taichi M 907 N. Fallon Street Philadelphia Pa 19131 Boone Karen T 2115 Cherry St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Boone Novella Apt C-5 437 W Schol House Ln Phila Pa 19144 Boornazian Roxie 1141 Englewood St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Booth Jacob 2532 Gaul St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Booth Mary 6114 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Booth William J . 4356 Biddeford Circle Doylestown Pa 18901 Boothby Richard C One Logan Square Ste 3030 Dba Boothby And As Inc Philadelphia Pa 19103 Boothroyd Robert H 1732 Vista St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Bordogna Joseph 1732 W Ritner St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Bordonali Kathleen 32 W Allens Ln Philadelphia Pa 19119 Borgia Audrey 3475 Indian Queen Ln Philadelphia Pa 19129 Boris R 3308 Hamilton St 6 Apt N-6 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Boris Theodore 2658 E. Ontario St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19134 Borkowski Dawn D 969 Anchor St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Borras Peter 57 Country Lane Dr Philadelphia Pa 19115 Borrebach W B 217 N Olive St Media Pa 19063-2810 Borrero Martinez Luis D 826 S. 48th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Borschell Daniel P 5932 Alma St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Bosak Michael D 3920 Manor St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Bostic Delano 9 S 43rd St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Bostic Mary 760 N. 49th St, 1a Philadelphia Pa 19139 Botello Daniel 705 Pine St # 2f Philadelphia Pa 19106 ����������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� Bowdren Dorothy M 970 N 7th St Apt 213 Philadelphia Pa 19123-1320 Bowen Mary 5457 Wayne Ave Apt 213 Philadelphia Pa 19144 Bowes Catherine E 6053 Summerdale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-3631 Bowman Elaine 1503 Womrath St Fl 1 Phila Pa 19124 Bowman Joshua 3416 Race St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19104 Bowser Cordelia 2521 Ellsworth St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Boyajian Michael 4205 Sansom St, 2w Philadelphia Pa 19104 Boyd Harry 6306 Allman St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Boyd James H 729 Moredon Rd Meadowbrook Pa 19046 Boyd Jean 2619 S. 61st St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Boyd Laura 5419 Lebanon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Boyer Genevieve M 1970 Church Lane Philadelphia Pa 19141 Boyer Jeanette- 2863 N. 27th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Boyer Mazelle 7701 Lindbergh Blvd, 1602 Philadelphia Pa 19153 �������������������������������������������������������� Boylan Aanika 2109 Brandywine St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Boylan Dennis 423 N 20th St Phila Pa 19130-3846 Boylan Gina M 2115 S 20th St Fl 2 Phila Pa 19145 Boyle Anna 826 Wilder St Philadelphia Pa 19147-5714 Boyle Daniel 422 Littlecroft Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Boyle Keith R 4209 E. Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Boyle Mary E 2839 Rhawn St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Boyle Robert 3329 Malta St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Boyle Teresa E 5030 Comly St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Boyle Theresa M 1537 Cottman Av Philadelphia Pa 19111 Boyle Thomas 3129 Holly Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154

PAGE 37 Bozajian Krikor 4122 Merrick St Philadelphia Pa 19128-0000 Bracy Jackson 1716 Ellsworth St Phila Pa 19146 Bradford Larrie 146 E. Tulpehocken St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Bradford Lucille R 6639 Limekiln Pike Philadelphia Pa 19138 Bradford Martha 909 W Boston Ave Philadelphia Pa 19133 ������������������������������������������������� Bradley Frances G 1608 Walnut St Fl 13 C O Addison Capital Management Philadelphia Pa 19103-5457 Bradley James G Po Box 25 New Britain Pa 18901--002 Bradley John E 7207 Ditman St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Bradley Joseph 609 E Dupont St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Bradley Joseph M Jr 2787 Pratt St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Bradley Margaret K Po Box 25 New Britain Pa 18901--002 Bradley Mary 904 N 29th St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Bradley Richard 4218 Levick St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Bradley Virginia 527 E. Washington Ln Philadelphia Pa 19144 Brady Anne E 7131 Chew Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119Brady Gladys 2143 N. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Brady James 7131 Chew Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119Brady Robert W 2560 Memphis St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Brahen Irvin W 1333 Glenview St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Brancato Genevieve Z 1318 Wharton St Philadelphia Pa 19147-4427 Brandie Helen C 5304 Haverford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19139 Brandt Albert J 2616 S. Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Brandt Denise A 875 Bridge St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Brandywine Abstract Co Lp 1062 Lancaster Ave Ste 15d Rosemont Pa 19010 Brandywine Const & Mgnt 23 N 3rd St Apt 3-D Philadelphia Pa 19106 Brasch Sam 2011 Waverly St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Braun Elizabeth A 518 S 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19147-1137 Braun Florence M Apt 109 St Joseph Ct 160 Long Lane Upper Darby Pa 19082 Braun Rachel 518 S 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19147-1137 Brauns Lynn A 2-4 Aspen Way Doylestown Pa 18901-2741 Brav Joanna 2401 Pennsylvania Av 6b21 Philadelphia Pa 19130-3025 Brav Solomon S 2401 Pennsylvania Ave Apt 6b21 Philadelphia Pa 19130-0000 Brav Sophie S 2401 Pennsylvania Ave Apt 6b21 Philadelphia Pa 19130-0000 Braxton Angela 645 E. Sanger St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Braxton Tikea 1740 Webster St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Bray Anne E 7131 Chew Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119Bray Marvin Jr 6138 Mccallum St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Brecher Sadie R 11 Martins Run Apt A 208 Media Pa 19063-1071 Breitenstein K 171 W. Master St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Bremble Catherine A 1935 Panama St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Brennan J R 124 Hermit St Philadelphia Pa 19127 ���������������������������������������������������� Brennan Joseph 922 N Fallon St Philadelphia Pa 19131-5121 Breslin Martha 3020 N 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Breslin Thomas A 1820 E. Lippincott St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Brewing Clarence E 2107 Carpenter St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Brewington Ronald T 814 Cantrell St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Brian Fabricant 2724 West Country Club Philadelphia Pa 19131 Brian Wagner 8038 Roanoke St Philadelphia Pa 19118 Brian Wong Brian Wong 130 S 39th Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Briara Retail Co 6500 Elmwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Brickey Lilly 6101 Morris St Apt 907 Phila Pa 19144 Bridal Terry R 11-2 Aspen Way Doylestown Pa 18901 Briggs & Bodine 30 East Bell’s Mill Road Philadelphia Pa 19118 Briggs William 1837 Elston St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Brindisi James 1319 Westbury Dr Philadelphia Pa 19151 Briscoe John A 2542 Brown St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Bristol Myers Squibb 105 Summer Lea Ct Attn: Sean Braddish New Hope Pa 18938-2236 Bristol Wendell A Jr 6220 Washington Ave Philadephia Pa 19143-2917 British American Business Council 200 S Broad Street Phila Pa 19102 Brittingham Raymond 652 N. Sickels St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Britto Mary I 1746 S Ringgold St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Brizuela Hernan 6800 Castor Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19149 Broad Street Investments 828 N. Broad St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19130 ���������������������������������������������������������� Broadbentp Elva 7122 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1211 Broadhurst Lois 3999 Stevenson Ln, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19114 Brock Lillie E 5781 Stewart St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Brockington Mildred 1704 N. Gratz St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Brockington Trudy 188 E Heman St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Brodsky Isadore Trianon Apts #206 20 Conshohocken State Rd Bala Cynwyd Pa Brodsky Max 2246 Longshore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Brody Juliette L 18 S. 3rd St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19106 Broggi Rebecca S 8602 Frontenac St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Broggins Cephus 950 N 11th Street Philadelphia Pa 19123 Brokerage Professionals Inc 40-50 West Front Street Media Pa 19063 Bronshteyn Mark 1231 Fountain Road Newtown Pa 18940-3721 Bronson Jackson Crystal 101 Wentz St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Bronson Samuel A 5325 Haverford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19139 Brooker Goldsboro 2250 N 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19133-1006 Brookman David 210 Carpenter St, Rh Philadelphia Pa 19147 Brooks Armored Car Ser In 3521 Wharton St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Brooks Charles 6635 Mccallum St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Brooks Gilbert 13400 Worthington Rd Philadelphia Pa 19116 Brooks John J 6679 Church Lane Upper Darby Pa 19082-4301 Brooks Lavonda S 812 Wynnewood Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19151 Brooks Lee Earl 1117 Shackamaxon St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19125 Brooks Michael G 721 E 4th St Boyertown Pa 19512-0000 Brooks Paula J 721 E 4th St Boyertown Pa 19512-0000 Brooks Pearline 5317 W Diamond St Philadelphia Pa 19131-2322 Brooks Reno O 5558 Chancellor St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Brooks Sch Assoc L P 5631 Haverford Ave, 108 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Brookstein Sara R 220 Dupont St Philadelphia Pa 19127 ����������������������������������������������������� Broskey Thomas 6625 Erdrick St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Brosso David J 844 N. 29th St, Unit 117 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Brown Aaron 1942 S. 22nd Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Brown Adames Joy T 6040 Montague St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Brown Akinsheye 4429 Walnut St Apt 2f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Brown April 2245 S. Felton St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Brown Beatrice 1537 W. Pike St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Brown Bernard 6515 Dorcas St Phila Pa 19111 Brown Blanche 1724 S. 54th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Brown Carla 2147 E. Ann St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Brown Carolyn 5610 W Berks St Philadelphia Pa 19131-3121 Brown Cheryl 815 Avon St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Brown Curtis 4900 Penn St 1rst Fl W33 Philadelphia Pa 19124 Brown Darlene 2456 N. Marston St Philadelphia Pa 19132


PAGE 38 ���������������������������������������������������������� Brown Ebonie 1148 E. Stafford St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Brown Edna 6515 Dorcas St Phila Pa 19111 Brown Emmett 509 W. Mount Pleasant Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Brown Eric L 5402 Wyalusing Ave # 3 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Brown Essie 5644 Christian St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Brown Esther 1740 Edgley St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Brown Esther L 1900 Jfk Blvd Apartment 1824 Phila Pa 19103 Brown Eva 1511 N. 19th St, C Philadelphia Pa 19121 Brown Everton 449 E. Slocum St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Brown Geneva 2226 N. 21st St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19132 Brown Geneva 5110 Ranstead St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19139 Brown Helen 6201 Revere St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Brown James 1957 73rd Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Brown James H Estate Of 1901 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Brown James J 637 E Cornwall St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1823 Brown James P 3400 Midvale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19129 Brown Jeffrey 4034 Parkside Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Brown Jessica M 400 Gypsy Lane #346 Philadelphia Pa 19144 Brown Karen A 5322 W. Thompson St, A Philadelphia Pa 19131 Brown Kelly M 4614 Silverwood St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19128 Brown Leon 2430 N. 54th St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Brown Luke R 253 S. 16th St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19102 Brown Marie P 5928 Crester Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Brown Mary E 5809 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Brown Morris 1123 Passmore St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Brown Myrna C 2746 Belmont Ave Apt 422 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Brown Nicholas 230 S. Broad Street Suite 1800 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Brown Ora 1746 Margaret St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Brown Patricia 422 Watkins St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Brown Quintin W 1836 Webster St Phila Pa 19146 Brown Rebecca 2833 Ogden St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Brown Richard A 5804 N. 15th St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Brown Richard S 925 S. 6th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Brown Robert 212 W Penn St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Brown Robert 1740 Edgley St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Brown Robert 7341 Ogontz Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Brown Robert E 255 Dimarco Dr Philadelphia Pa 19154 Brown Robert P Jr 1717 Arch Street 19th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 Brown Rose 3805 Baring St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19104 Brown Russell E 3135 Wharton St Philadelphia Pa 19146Brown Sarah E 109 N 58 St Philadelphia Pa 19139-0000 Brown Shakirat A 9601 Ashton Rd Apt A15 Phila Pa 19114 �������������������������������������������������������� Brown Silas 1008 S. 60th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Brown Sonsarae T 4911 Walton Ave Apt A Philadelphia Pa 19143 Brown Stephen 6236 Homer St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Brown Tamnya R 3847 Melon St Philadelphia Pa 19104Brown Victoria 2003 S 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Brown W 5319 Walnut St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19139 Brown Walter 2223 N. 21st St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19132 Brown William H 6025 Woodcrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Brown Willis 1818 N. Taylor St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Brown Yvette 1905 Ruan St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Browne Edha R 719 E. Sharpnack St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Browne Laurence T Md 4030 Apalogen Rd Philadelphia Pa 19144 Brownlee Matthew B 914 S. 6th St, 2s Philadelphia Pa 19147 Browsh Maxhije 1624 N. 2nd St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Brubaker Anne M 415 S. Van Pelt St, A1 Philadelphia Pa 19146 Bruce Meryn 6337 Baynton St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Brumo Otto 874 Bridge St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Brunner Terry L P O Box 13598 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Bruno Danny 2313 S. 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Bruno Frank 502 W. King St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Bruno Sarah 9206 Lansford St Philadelphia Pa 19114 Brunson Julia 5132 N Knox Philadelphia Pa 19144 Brunson Stephen D 5731 Stewart St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Brusco Ida 833 W. Ritner St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Brusco James F 3rd 1067 Welsh Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115 Bryan Edward J 2217 Cedar St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Bryan Kenneth 260 N Keswick Ave First Floor Glenside Pa 19038-0000 Bryan Virette Dba Exxtra Records 131 S 60 St Phila Pa 19139 Bryant Christina 4810 E. Alcott St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Bryant Joseph 1721 Federal Street Philadelphia Pa 19146 Bryant Otha V 1619 Reed St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Bryant P J 1475 N. Wilton St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Bryant Rutha L 5911 N. 10th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19141 Bryant Sara 2127 W. Seybert St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Bryant Terranthony 4615 Greene St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Brydges Edwin C 6719 Trinity St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Bsn Po Box 49 Jenkintown Pa 19046 Bt Washington Inc 1001 Washington Ave, Str Philadelphia Pa 19147 Buccalee Karen A 8024 Jeanes Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Bucceroni Anna M Po Box 2731 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Buchko Vera M 871 N. Beechwood St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Buchman Jacobjesta Dorchester Apt 805 226 W Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa Buchsbaum Bruce 4827 Unruh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19135 Buck Elmer S 1854 E. Wensley St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Buckholtz Bernard 4845 Cedar Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Buckley James D 3505 Moorland Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090 Willow Grove Pa Buckstein Michael H 4105 Spruce St Phila Pa 19104 Budnicki James E 1872 E. Schiller St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Buechner Kathryn 509 67th Ave Philadelphia Pa 19126 Buffalo Soldiers Vision Quest 620 East Durham Street Philadelphia Pa 19119Bufort Esther 2438 Harlan St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Buggs Charles E 6107 N. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Bui Gai T 1926 E. Hazzard St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Bui Hop 6225 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Bui James N 7400 Miller Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082 Builders Of The Future 5116 Diamond St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Builders Of The Future 1451 Higbee St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Bull Elaine L 2168 E York St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19125 Bullins Darlene 1533 W. Courtland St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Bullock Valeria 346 Limekiln Pike Glenside Pa 19038 Bulman Leo F 540 Tyson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Bumarch Charlene M 1700 W. Oregon Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19145 Bunn Marissa E 2029 N. Broad St. L404 Philadelphia Pa 19122-1115 Bunyi Celia B 1724 Watkins St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Burak Jack 1127 Passmore St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Burckhardt William 4220 Aldine St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Burczewski Gerard 3127 Memphis St Philadelphia Pa 19134

Burda Lev 9926 Haldeman Ave, 101b Philadelphia Pa 19115 Burdett Arthur J 5321 Malcolm St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Burgess Beatrice 1831 E Airdie St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Burgess Ephony D 331 N. Edgewood St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Burgess Leary 830 C Percy Place Philadelphia Pa 19123 Burgess Shakespeare 208 N. Robinson St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Burghen Raymond A Ii 1103 Waverly St Phila Pa 19147 Burholme First Aide Corp 830 Bleigh Av Philadelphia Pa 19111 Burka Jacquelyn Nan 1919 Chestnut St Apt 2718 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Burke Andrew 3440 Indian Queen Ln, 1 Frnt Philadelphia Pa 19129 Burke Brigid Ann 3324 Willits Rd, 1b Philadelphia Pa 19136 Burke Elena 12 S Orange St Media Pa 19063 Burke Jospeh 7601 Crittenden St #E10 Philadelphia Pa 19118 Burke Margaret 6500 Tulip St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Burke Maria R 2332 S. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Burke Sara M 363 W. Salaignac St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Burkle Kathaleen 3541 Stouton St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Burley Edward Jr 723 N Dekalb St Philadelphia Pa 19104-1628 Burlij B 311 Bunker Hollow Doylestown Pa 18901 Burnette Al Jr 5406 Baltimore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19147 Burns Brenda 2319 N. 33rd St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19132 ���������������������������������������������������������� Burns Eddie 1711 S. 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 ���������������������������������������������������� Burns Margaret H 2410 Manning St Philadelphia Pa 19103-5524 Burns Michael A 1911 Berkshire St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Burns Robert C 981 Suburban Station Bldg Philadelphia Pa 19103 Burns Susan A 140 N Yewdall St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Burns Thomas 1637 Rodman St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Burrows Herman 1223 N. 60th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Burston John 1114 West Berks St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Burton Clifford A Jr 420 E Slocum St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Burton Louisa 2269 N. Colorado St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Busanovich Julia 2731 Sears St Philadelphia Pa 19146-3719 Busch Eric 721 Bainbridge St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Bush Brenda 1638 Mohican St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Bushyager Thomas 1822 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Bustard Thomas J 212 Walnut Street Jenkintown Pa 19046Butcher Company 1528 Walnut St Ste 2100 Philadelphia Pa 19102-3683 Butcher Juanita 4908 Parrish St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Butler Brian M 2127 S. 66th St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Butler Corinne W 1007 S. 49th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Butler Elva 3617 Witte St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Butler Foster Patricia 255 W. Ruscomb St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Butler Paula 2403 N. Lawrence St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Butler Warren 2111 W. Master St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Butler William 517 S. 6th St, A Philadelphia Pa 19147 Button Forrest C Jr 8118 Revere St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Butts G L 729 N Easton Rd Doylestown Pa 18901 Butts Thomas J 75 Sauerman Rd Doylestown Pa 18901 Buvel Joan M 5947 Shisler St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Buzilow John F 4810 Warrington Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Byard Rajeia 929 South 5th Street Philadelphia Pa 19147Byarms Nathaniel Jr 132 N. Edgewood St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Byrd Brian 1066 Alcott St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Byrd George 4908 Knox St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Byrd Herbert Jr 414 E. Mount Airy Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Byrne Carrie A 2300 Naudain St, P Philadelphia Pa 19146 Byrne Mary T 1466 Stevens St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Byrnes Brigid H 57 Copperleaf Dr Newtown Pa 18940 Byron Howard 218 Carpenter St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Byung H Choi 6426 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149


C A Asher Inc 5541 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 C Careline Del.Valley 430 N. 8th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19123 C D C Frkd Grp Minist 1711 Meadow St Philadelphia Pa 19124 C M A C 1601 Market St 12th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 C M H Develpmt L P 4301 M. St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19124 C M Limited 2201 Chestnut St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19103 C/O Gambro H 4126-38 Walnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19104-3511 Cabiri Lulu Temple C/O Harry Reiter 81 Chestnut Lane North Wales Pa 19454Caesar Mary C 2063 Brandywine St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Cage Ernest G 6301 Sherwood Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Caimi Carol A 224 Victoria Ct Doylestown Pa 18901-6407 Cain Edard 1221 N Frazier St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Cain Jamie L 2152 N. Carlisle St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Cain Modestine P 7355 N. Bouvier St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Cain Shawn 833 Livezey Street Philadelphia Pa 19128 Caine Monica M 828 Grakyn Ln Philadelphia Pa 19128 Cairo Marion M C/O Barbara A Cairo 509 E Gorgas Lane Philadelphia Pa 19119Caldaretti Alexander 2619 S. Bialy St Philadelphia Pa 19153 Caldwell Banker Reality 9749 Glenhope Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115 Caldwell Celestine O 4722 Hazel Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Caldwell E L 1608 Walnut St Fl 6 Philadelphia Pa 19103-5457 Caldwell Helen M R 517 Rosalie St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Calhoun Kathleen 1125 W Indiana Ave Phila Pa 19133-1333 Calhoun Royalston 5424 Osage Ave2f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Calhoun Steven C 5329 Walton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Calici Jennifer 3779 Cresson St. Philadelphia Pa 19127 Callahan Andrew Andrew Callahan 131 Ashby Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-3128 Callahan John J 308 North Lawrence St Philadelphia Pa 19106Callahan Patrick 866 Martin Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-3844 Callan Joseph 1511 S 27th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Calle Catherine M 9000 Crefeld St Philadelphia Pa 19118 Calloway Elliott T 2725 Webb St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Callum Elizabeth 6736 Vandike St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Camacho Moises 4017 “ I “ Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Camara Sriki 810 N 45th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Camara Sriki 810 N 45th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Cameron Investment Corp C/O Samuel Rosenblum 191 Presidential Blvd Suite 40 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-1221 Cameron Monique 313 Huntley Road Upper Darby Pa 19082 Camilla Pohlman Dba J R Trucking 6706 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Camm Karen M 6622 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Camp Floyd 764 S 52nd St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Camp James H 4936 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Campagna Anthony J Sr 814 S. 5th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Campagna Michael 610 S. 8th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Campale Michael 4916 Keyser St Philadelphia Pa 19144-3614 Campbell Alfreda 6729 N. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Campbell Catherine E 318 E Upsal St Philadelphia Pa 19119-2347

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Campbell Chalene 1917 Christian Street Philadelphia Pa 19146 Campbell Dennis 802 S. Allison St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Campbell John T Iii 531 Lindley Rd Glenside Pa 19038-0000 Campbell John T Iii 531 Lindley Rd Glenside Pa 19038-0000 �������������������������������������������������������������������� Campbell Lloyd 7722 Gilbert St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Campbell Mary F 2025 Fitzwater St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Campbell Michael A 2122 E. Lippincott St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Campbell Rhett V 4326 N. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Campbell Robert 2337 S. Lee St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Campbell Susie 940 S 23rd St Philadelphia Pa 19146-2539 Campion John 777 Ferry Rd 12 Pagoda Cluster Doylestown Pa 18901-2150 Camps Manuel 6220 Frankford Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19135 Camuccio Stephen 3303 Morning Glory Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Canale C 5016 Penn St Fl 2 Philadelphia Pa 19124-9124 Caney Arlene J 433 Outh 45th Street Philadelphia Pa 19104-0000 ������������������������������������������������������ Cangeni Paul D 2843 Norcom Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Cannanwill Consumer Discount Co 4 Penn Center Philadelphia Pa 19103 Cannon James D 214 Copley Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-0000 Cannon John 1825 Delancey St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19103 Cannon Marianne 214 Copley Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-0000 Cannon Robert F 3850 Kipling Pl Philadelphia Pa 19154 Cannon Viola 5445 Walker St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Canonoy Maria 521 N. Gross St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Cantalupo Carla 31 Westview St. Philadelphia Pa 19119 Canty Bisby Jr 1122 E. Cliveden St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Canty Grace 1818 Market St 3200 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Cape Edward 248 Sentinel Ave Newtown Pa 18940 Capehart Bertha V 6348 Musgrave St Philadelphia Pa 19144-0000 Capella Shelly 133 Leverington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19127 Capers Catharine 1545 N. Wanamaker St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Capers William L 403 E Wadsworth Ave Phila Pa 19119 Capita Michael 333 W Fourth St Media Pa 19063Capitanio James L 1100 Friendship St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Capozzi Nicholas 4120 Higbee St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Capp Inc 6135 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Cappelli Mark F 2301 Cherry Street Bala Pa 19103 Capuzzi Nicholas 651 Beverly Blvd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Car One Rental 2506 South Garnet Street Philadelphia Pa 19145Cara Frank J 1613 Jackson St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19145 Caramandi Maria 2801 S. Simpson St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Carangi Louis 2606 S. 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Carberry Mary 6120 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Carder Elizabeth M 1021 W. Upsal St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Cardiovascular Medicine Div 3400 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Cardonick Mavin 1328 Hellerman St Philadelphia Pa 19111-0000 Cardonick Tara 1328 Hellerman St Philadelphia Pa 19111-0000 Care Emerg Inc 5357 Lancaster Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Career Services Rosemont College Jr 1400 Montgomery Ave Rosemont Pa 19010 Carelink Comm Support S Er 5608 Ridge Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 �������������������������������������������������������������� Carey Daniel L 1849 Emerson St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Carey Hainesjr 130 W. Mount Pleasant Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Carl Heinz Horn 5427 Quentin St Philadelphia Pa 19128-2818 Carline Thomas 220 E. Mermaid Ln, 222 Philadelphia Pa 19118 Carlson Joel M 3500 Hamilton St, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Carmichael Mary C 911 N Franklin St Apt 113 Philadelphia Pa 19123-1314 Carn Faye 522 W. Wyoming Ave Philadelphia Pa 19140 Carney Willam 3467 Palmetto St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Carolyn H Horn U/W Alice 429 Vernon Road Jenkintown Pa 19046-2845 Carolyn H Horn U/W Irma N 429 Vernon Road Jenkintown Pa 19046-2845 Carp Laney A 1835 Arch St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Carpenter Hannelore 241 E. Stella St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Carr Carole 4419 Fleming St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Carr Deshell 2839 W. Huntingdon St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Carr James 4954 Whitaker Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Carr Mary 4605 Magee Ave Philadelphia Pa 19135 Carr Mattie 8340 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Carr Michael T 5328 Morris St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19144 Carr Monique 513 High St Apt.B Philadelphia Pa 19144 Carroll Bryan 1669 North Wolten St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Carroll Pauline 7610 Linda Pl Philadelphia Pa 19111 Carroll Rita T 4817 Benner St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Carroll Saul M 9720 Portis Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115 Carson Emily 2715 Daly Dr Philadelphia Pa 19145-3113 Carson Fred 616 Mechanic Philadelphia Pa 19144 Carson Timothy J 227 Curwen Rd Rosemont Pa 19010 Carson Timothy J 227 Curwen Rd Rosemont Pa 19010 Cartemps Usa #290 2115 Oregon Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19145 Carter Damos 878 N. Uber St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Carter Elizabeth 5158 Viola St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Carter Gladys 1805 W. Cayuga St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Carter Glendorria 2550 N 7th Street Philadelphia Pa 19133 Carter Henrietta 127 W. Olney Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Carter John 6885 Forrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Carter Karen B 5928 N. Warnock St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19141 Carter Kenrick 4628 Shelbourne St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Carter Milton 10825 E. Keswick Rd, 88 Philadelphia Pa 19154 Carter Natosha S 113 S. 61st St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Carter Roy 2956 N. Bambrey St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Carter Sarah 4811 N Bernard St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Carter Sarah J 230 Rex Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Carty James 2731 Kensington Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19134 Caruthers Virginia 1709 Morris Street Philadephia Pa 19145 Cary R K 904 Wynnewood Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Cascarino Victoria 6636 Marden St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Case H John 2000 Market St #10th Flr Philadelphia Pa 19103-7006 Case Katherine L 546 W Chew Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Casey Martin J 6210 Hasbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-5602 Casey Michelle P 14 Ellis Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090 Casey Timothy 7229 Shalkop St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Cashdollar Christopher J 1029 N. Lawrence St, A Philadelphia Pa 19123 Casner Jerrold L 2648 S. Hutchinson St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Caspar Frederick 3510 Cottman Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Cassel Mary 2145 N Aprk Philadelphia Pa 19122 Cassel Mary 2145 N Park Philadelphia Pa 19122 Cassell Judith 1127 S. 60th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Cassell Judith 1127 S. 60th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Cassell Maria B 9926 Haldeman Ave, B94 Philadelphia Pa 19115 Casselli Edna 159 Levering St Philadelphia Pa 19127

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Cassidy Daniel J 350 Green Ln Philadelphia Pa 19128-4708 Cassidy John H 211 Ladbroke Road Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-3607 Castellana Angelo 1318 Sigel St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Castellano Anthony Jr. 821 Greenwich St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Castelli Nicholas 887 Glenbrook Av Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Castellucci Nicholas C/O Sharon Kwartnik 8638 Steeple Dr Philadelphia Pa 19128 Castillo Jennifer 1479 Lardner Street Philadelphia Pa 19149Castle Edna 2139 N. Stanley St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Castoria Nicki A 641 St Anthony Lane Upper Darby Pa 19082-5431 Castros Stephanie 513 S. 13th St, Fr Philadelphia Pa 19147 Catania Carmela 758 S Marvine St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Catherine Morley C O Independence Blue Cross 1901 Market Street 40th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 Catlin Ingrid W 654 W. Rittenhouse St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19144 ������������������������������������������������������� Caul Simonia 2736 W. Master St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Cauley James T 2521 S. Shields St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Cauli Mario 1038 Emily St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Cavadus John 5450 Wissahickon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Cavagnaro Madeline 1901 N Ridley Creek Rd Media Pa 19063-1923 Cavanaugh Lucy 1833 S. 5th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19148 Cavarocchi Alvira 130 Long Ln Apt 111 Upper Darby Pa 19082-3411 Cavell Louise J 1941 N 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Cavender Katheryn 106 W Baltimore Avenue Media Pa 19063-3206 Cavoto Robert 240 South 69th Street Upper Darby Pa 19082 Cavoto Robert Dc 240 South 69th Street Upper Darby Pa 19082 Cbc Sutton Pl Holdngs Llc 2929 Arch St 17th Fl Cira Ctr Philidelphia Pa 19104 Cci 8400 West Chester Pike Upper Darby Pa 19082Cdi Corporation 18th & Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19103-1670 Ceary Stennett A 563 N. 63rd St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19151 Ceasar Annette 5029 W Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Cease Cresencia H 4350 N. Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Ceci Joseph 1529 S. Clarion St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Cecil B Moore Ave Dev Co 1516 N. 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Cedar Glenn Apts 9210 Old Bustleton Ave, E202 Philadelphia Pa 19115-4633 Cedeno Luis 2121 N. Howard St, 312 Philadelphia Pa 19122 Cedrone Agnes 22 S 22nd St Apt 1718 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Cellruth Claudette 1972 Alter St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Center For Applied R 3600 Market Street #501 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Central Bucks A 455 East St Doylestown Pa 18901-3844 Central Locating Ser 708 Blair Mill Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090-1701 Cephas Cindy J R 4951 Ogden St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Cerasi Victor J 5124 Master St Phila Pa 19131 Cermanski John 3128 Gaul St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Ch Of Lord Jesus Christ Of The Ap P O Box 3880 Philadelphia Pa 19146 Chadwick John 229 Ripka St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Chafee Charles P 319 Bailey Road Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-1201 Chafee Charles P 319 Bailey Road Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-1201 Chaka Payne Ta Black Elephant Productions Philadelphia Pa 19102 Chakraborty Beatrice M 2721 W. Country Club Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 ������������������������������������������������������������� Chambers Leon 5436 Woodbine Ave Phila Pa 19131 Chan Paul K 1500 Morris St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19145 Chan Wai L 454 N 12th St 1st Fl Philadelphia Pa 19123 Chance Britton 4014 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Chance Roberta 110 Christian St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Chang Benjamin 3400 Spruce Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Chang Chun-Fang 3634 Earp St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Chang Chuntek 4222 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Chang E H 4901 N. 5th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Chang Hyon Taek 8112 Veree Road Apt #B-205 Philadelphia Pa 19111 Chansky Tamar 617 Glen Eco Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119 Chapin Shelly A 4820 Unruh Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19135 Chapman Arnold 1923 S. Hemberger St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Chapman Darrell 234 E. Collom St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Chapman Kenneth C 332 W. Logan St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Chapman William T 213 N. Cecil St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Chareunsack Bounpha 604 W. Moyamensing Ave Philadelphia Pa 19148 Charles A Carew Jr Trust Attn Burton Spear 3040 Mill Rd Doylestown Pa 18901 Charles Marie M 6607 Leeds St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Charlotte Jane Hess Exec 520 Fox Rd Glenside Pa 19038-2808 Chas E Shoemaker Inc 1007 Edge Hill Rd 1007 Edge Hill Rd Glenside Pa 19038 Chasten Reginald 7601 Rugby St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Chau Phuc V N 548 N. 12th St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19123 Chaudhuri Sarbani Apt 1211 2400 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103-4318 Chavarria Miguel J 4224 W. Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Chavez Luis 2835 N. 5th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19133 ����������������������������������������������������������� Chavis Bernard 3309 Frankford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Chavous Gregory 132 W. Ruscomb St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Chawla Ravi 1126 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19107 Chazak Glenn M 281 Rochelle Ave 2nd Floor Philadelphia Pa 19128-3813 Che Chol O 404 Gardner St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Chea Hang E 4907 Old York Rd, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19141 Chea Khleng 1323 Point Breeze Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Checchia Peter L W 2008 Spruce St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19103 Checchia Virginia 9317 Frankford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Check Theresa 2745 Ash St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Cheeves Dax J 2118 N Hobart St Philadelphia Pa 19131-3014 Cheeves Dax J 2118 N Hobart St Philadelphia Pa 19131-3014 Chelten St Lot Store 2800 W. Dauphin St, 4i Philadelphia Pa 19132 Cheltenham Bank 6101 Rising Sun Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Chen Chin T O 430 S. 46th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Chen Hua L 123 N. 10th St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19107 Chen Jennifer Lee 2200 N. Gratz St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19132 Chen Lin Yi 1221 S. 7th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Chen Ping Yi 1230 Englewood St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Chen Qiu Y 5515 Lindbergh Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19143 Cheney Kathryn A 502 Lawler Ter, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Cheng Kam 5650 Chew Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Cheng Zhi Ye 1838 S. 58th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Chepress Wayne 3134 Guilford St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19152 Chern Maria 418 E. Flora St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Chernyak Zinoviy 2600 Welsh Rd, 64 Philadelphia Pa 19152 Cherry Margaret L 2803 Cantrell St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Chest Lottie L 9316 Laramie Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115 Chester Freya A 7950 Bayard St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Chestnut Helen 9722 Legion St Philadelphia Pa 19114 Chestnut Hill Country Sto 8605 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Chestnut Lewis 5227 Beaumont Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Chestnut Parners Lp 1336 Chestnut St, A Philadelphia Pa 19107

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Cheung Kenneth 7709 Overbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Cheung Lai F 1739 E. Passyunk Ave Philadelphia Pa 19148 Chhetry Madan 313 E Jefferson Street Media Pa 19063 Chiancone Susan 2608 Emily St. Philadelphia Pa 19145 Chiang Weipeng 450 S Easton Rd Glenside Pa 19038 Chiappe Margherita 310 S. Smedley St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Chien Mallory H 1001 Easton Rd Apt 917 Willow Grove Pa 19090 Childrens Seashore House 3405 Civic Center Blvd. Philadelphia Pa 19104 Childs Beulah 116 W. Sharpnack St. Philadelphia Pa 19119 Childs Beulah 116 W. Sharpnack St. Philadelphia Pa 19119 Childs Stephanie L 6102 Webster St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19143 Chiles Odell 1120 W Nevada St Philadelphia Pa 19133-1027 Chiles Odell 1120 W. Nevada St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Chilutti Joseph 12 W. Gown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Chin Dr L L 321 Arch St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Chinkes Shelly L Suit 1210 1601 Walnut St Phila Pa 19102 Chinsky Stanley Estate 1838 Megargee St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19152-1806 Chisholm Laura 815 N. Lex St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Cho Kye Cheol 6600 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Choate Gertrudebe %2101 Belmont Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Choi Young 1100 02 Apt 2a Philadelphia Pa 19104 Choice Tv Rental 3047 Kensington Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19134 Chol Sangkim 6101 W. Jefferson St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Chomenko Cecilia M 9210 Cottage Street Philadelphia Pa 19114-3912 Chong Kisun 418 W. Chew Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Chou Lili Apt 5309 3901 Conshohocken Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131-5421 Chrisdakis Micheal 6734 Kindred St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Christi Insurance Group 320 Bickley Road Glenside Pa 19038-4407 Christian Brothers Co 615 S. Felton St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Christian Henry 1616 South 52nd St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Christian Robert E 6308 Reedland St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Christine Taylor Home Collection 4986 Merchanicsville Road Doylestown Pa Christopher Betty J 35 No Millick St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Christy Phyllis 6101 Wheeler St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Chrostowski Terrence J 2067 Bridge St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Chrzanowski Alex 3054 Mercer St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Chubb Group Pittsburgh 1 Liberty Place 1650 Market Philadelphia Pa 19103 Chudd Ronald 10101 Academy Rd Ste 203 Philadelphia Pa 19114 ������������������������������������������������������������ Chulchatschinow E 2922 Passmore St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Chun Bella R. 4226 Chester Avenue Apt 6 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Chung Sang 3046 N. Front St, 50 Philadelphia Pa 19133 Chung W Oh 6112 Lansdowne Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19151 Chupein 25 W 2nd Street Media Pa 19063 Chupein 25 W 2nd Street Media Pa 19063 Church Repent B 329 W Cambria St Philadelphia Pa 19133-3131 Church Street Properties 251 Pine Street Philadelphia Pa 19106 Chymych Ihor A 327 W Seymour St Philadelphia Pa 19144-4113 Ciaccio Timothy 1618 S 28th St Phila Pa 19145 Cianci Sergio 1811 S Chadwick St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Ciancio Florence 4238 Greeby St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Cianfrani Henry J 1843 S. Broad St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19148 Ciardullo Marietta 608 E. Girard Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19125 Ciarpocchi Vincent 2023 S. Hollywood St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Cibo 603 S. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Ciccarelli Monica 2400 Chestnut St Apt#1901 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Cicchetti Irene 139 Raven Hollow Dr North Wales Pa 19454-0000 ���������������������������������������������������������� Cicillos Inc Roosevelt Plaza Ship Ctr Philadelphia Pa 19149Cieri Michelle 715 S. 19th St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Cifaldi John A 4533 Loring St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Cillaghan Patk Martin Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 ���������������������������������������������������������������� Cini Irene J 112 Stump Rd North Wales Pa 19454 Cinko John 2121 Brandywine St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Cintron Nilda 3431 N. Lee St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Ciplet Morris 3801 Conshohocken Avenue Apt 702 Philadelphia Pa 19131-5527 Cipolloni George 6412 Elmwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Circle K Tosco 659 North Easton Rd Doylestown Pa 18901 Cirone Louise 1522 Curtin St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Citizens Action Pac Federal Po Box 22468 Philadelphia Pa 19110 City Line Clinical Assoc. Pc 4190 City Line Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19131 City Line Delictsn 7549 Haverford Ave, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19151 Ciubotaru Violeta 9940 President St Philadelphia Pa 19115 Cizmar Lubomir 2714 E. Cambria Stree Philadelphia Pa 19134 Clark Betty J 4314 Terrace St Philadelphia Pa 19128-4935 Clark Brenda Lee 5707 Arch St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Clark Carol Anne 3397 S Keswick St Philadelphia Pa 19114 Clark Cheryl A 5500 Wyalusing Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Clark D M R 6433 Woodcrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Clark Deborah 3584 Grant Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19114 Clark Drew 2609 Jenkintown Rd Glenside Pa 19038-2501 Clark Estella M 128 Ardsley Ave Glenside Pa 19038 Clark Evelyn K 7220 Sellers Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082 Clark Isaiah 4314 Terrace St Philadelphia Pa 19128-4935 Clark Louise M 5614 Addison St Philadelphia Pa 19143-1308 Clark May 4 E Church Ln Philadelphia Pa 19144 Clark Patrick 4010 Spruce St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Clark Peggyann 6349 Buist Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Clark Robert H 4522 Loring St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19136 Clark Shirely 307 N 55th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Clark Shirely 5624 Woodcrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Clark Theodore 722 North Ter, 5c Philadelphia Pa 19123 Clark Wayne C 119 E. Durham St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Clark William S 135 N Liberty St Newtown Pa 18940 Clarke Janice Y 5411 Windsor Ave Phila Pa 19143 Clarke Margaret E Manheim Gardens Apt 1c Philadelphia Pa 19144 Clarke Marie A 104 Clemson Rd Po Box 1101 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-3719 Clarke Robert J 104 Clemson Rd Po Box 1101 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-3719 Clarke Stephen T 7334 Rockwell Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Clarke Vivian 616 S. Yewdall St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Class Rhs 849 Cathedral Rd Phila Pa 19128-1201 Claud Frank 7112 Forrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Claude Dumancier 656 N. 52nd St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Clay Dorothea 4204 Baltimore Ave, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Clay Frank 3413 Edgemont St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Claybrook Montague S Trust One Logan Sq 18th Cherry St C O Michael S Bowman Esq Blank Philadelphia Pa 19103 Clayman Bradford L Apt 1801 1500 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19102-4337 Clayton Matthew D 865 Belmont Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Clayton Milton L 6017 Buist Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142

PAGE 39 Clayton William L 4062 Ford Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Clayton Wm G 3837 Bennington St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Cleaning S M 4953 Rubicam Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Cleary Kathleen M 143 Carson St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Cleaver Herbert R C/O Herbert O Cleaver Parkway Apts #253 2601 Pennsylvania Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19130-2348 Clee Elizabeth R 526 Gilham St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Clemens Adrienne L N 11924 Waldemire Dr, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19154 Clemens Samuel W 3456 Frankford Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19134 Clement Beatrice L 1111 Ripley St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Clementi Joanne 1125 S. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Clemins Vincent 8017 Narvon St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Clemons James 6035 Washington Ave, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Clendening Patricia W 8519 Alicia St Philadelphia Pa 19111-1301 Cliett Eugene 7258 Allens Pl Philadelphia Pa 19119-3320 Cliett Mary 7258 Allens Pl Philadelphia Pa 19119-3320 Clifford Paul 1510 S. Corlies St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Clifford S Wagner Trust 9 W Bishop Hollow Road Media Pa 19063 Clift Edward 929 S. 10th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Clift Lula S 48th & Locust Sts Philadelphia Pa 19139 Cliggett Daniel B 3357 Elliston Cr Philadelphia Pa 19114 Cline Henry S 240 W Tulpenhocken St Philadelphia Pa 19144-3210 Clinical Neuropsychology Assoc Architect’s Bldg Ste 1700 117 S 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Clinton Donald L 459 W. Harvey St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Clokey Anna 2831 Belgrade St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Clore John H 2146 N. 20th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19121 Close Richard 7138 Vandike St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Clowney Brenda 848 E. Cornwall St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Cluck Stanley L 5101 N. Camac St, A Philadelphia Pa 19141 Cluck Stanley L 5101 N. Camac St, De1 Philadelphia Pa 19141 Co Amorosos B 845 S 55th Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 Coady George 6244 Algard St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Coates Gary 8332 Jeanes St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Coates Maria J C O Sylvester Coates 1508 S 52nd St Philadelphia Pa 19143-5008 Cobbs Charles 4526 N. Palethorp St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Cochrane Sandra V 206 W. Mount Pleasant Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Cody Paul J S 129 N. Mole St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Coggins Kathleen 6354 Theodore St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Cohen Albert 2116 Unruh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Cohen Alvin Estate Of 1700 Market St Ste 3050 Phila Pa 19103 Cohen Brendi 10034 Verree Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Cohen Dorothy 5100 Convent Ln Apt 511 Philadelphia Pa 19114-3121 ��������������������������������������������������� Cohen Harry 4137 Glendale Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Cohen Joshua R 1906 Wallace St Apt B Philadelphia Pa 19130 Cohen Lillian B Mrs Kennedy House 2215 Philadelphia Pa 19124 Cohen Martin 3713 Genesee Dr Philadelphia Pa 19154 Cohen Nelson 5100 Convent Ln Apt 511 Philadelphia Pa 19114-3121 Cohen Paul 36103 Delaire Landing Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Cohen Rory A 524 W. Westview St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Cohen Rose R 1931 Chestnut St, B Philadelphia Pa 19103 Cohen Ruth 4137 Glendale Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Cohen Stewart 330 S. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Cohen Stuart 877 E. Sanger St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Cohen Stuart 273 S. 63rd St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Coia Jennie 1627 S. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Colahan Anna 2924 Elbridge St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Colanero Contr Co 6864 Upland St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Colanzi Ernestina 1804 S. 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Colbert Alma 1516 W. Ruscomb St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Cole Estelle 724 S. Cecil St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Colella Egidio 1364 Kennedy St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Coleman Clara 3826 Mount Vernon St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Coleman Cornelia 2231 Gerritt Street Philadephia Pa 19146 Coleman Felica R 2134 N. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Coleman Frank Gray Manor Aptartments 1600 N 8th St Apt 5k Philadelphia Pa Coleman Gregory 250 N. Wanamaker St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Coleman Mary B 4215 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19104-3005 Coleman Michael M Apt 2010 226 W Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia Pa 19103 Coleman Ryan T 5714 Hunter St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Coleman Stacie V 3202 Mantua Ave Apt A Philadelphia Pa 19104 Coles Harry C 74 Pasture Ln 320 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-1766 Coley James R 7720 C Stenton Ave Apt 108 Phila Pa 19119 Coley William F 2141 N. 29th St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Collazo Ana M 1302 W. Wyoming Ave Philadelphia Pa 19140 Collazo Johnny 412 W. Raymond St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Collector Opt Municipal Bldg Upper Darby Pa 19082 Colleg Harcum J 750 Montgomery Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Collick Delores 3900 Ford Road Apt 5k Philadelphia Pa 19131 Collier W E W 3334 W. Penn St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Collins Angela 5215 Schuyler St C-309 Philadelphia Pa 19144 Collins David 6245 N. Grantz St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Collins Ellen 1533 Stoney Ln, B Philadelphia Pa 19115 Collins Gertrude 1226 E. Sydney St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Collins Kim A N 2029 Granite St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Collins Loretta A 304 Righter St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Collins Roy E 2105 N. Wanamaker St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Collins Theresa 1440 Keper St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Collins Theresa 1440 Kerper St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Collins Tiffany J 1317 East Carey St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Colombo Elizabeth A 4671 Arendell Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Colon Angel 2800 North 5th Street Philadelphia Pa 19133 Colon Elmma 1618 Mount Vernon St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Colon Eusebio 3040 N. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Colon Hilda 1942 N. Mutter St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Colon Humberto 244 W. Oxford St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Colon Matos Luis 2049 E. Auburn St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Colon Rafael 1837 E. Wensley St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Colon Victoria D 1004 Levick St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Colony Abstract Inc. 2050 S 59th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Colquitt Christopher J 206 E. Cliveden St Philadelphia Pa 19119 ������������������������������������������������������ Columbo Carlo 1815 John F Kennedy Blvd Suite 1413 Phila Pa 19103 Comas Peter M 8023 Lawndale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Combs Mollie 1120 N. 66th St, 5d Philadelphia Pa 19151 Comfort Doris M 5129 Leiper St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Commonwealth Emergency Ph One Bala Plaza Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Co 1700 Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19103-3990 Community Coach Ten Penn Center 5th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103

PAGE 40 Composto Marlene 1255 Pierce St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Comprehensive Group Ins Serv 40 Monument Rd Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Comroe David B 1608 Walnut St Ste 300 Philadelphia Pa 19103-5446 Conboy Judith A 427 Pensdale St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Conboy Pearl 147 Fountain St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Concannon Thomas M 1215 W Baltimore Pike Ste 4 Media Pa 19063 Concepcion Jennifer L 1167 Overington Philadelphia Pa 19124 Concha Margarita 2442 Aspen St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Concord Prod Comp Inc 4745 Worth St, B Philadelphia Pa 19124 Concordia Nicholas 209 Sumac St Fl 2 Phila Pa 19128 Conde Elizabeth H 1527 Naudain St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Condo Maria 1139 Wilder St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Condran Irene W 733 Hartel Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Conlan Meghan 1029 Waverly St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Conley Norma 1928 S. Front St, Rear Hse Philadelphia Pa 19148 Conley Susan B 294 Saint James Pl Philadelphia Pa 19106 Conly Helen 752 N. 22nd St Philadelphia Pa 19123 Conn David M 205 S. Sartain St Philadelphia Pa 19107 Connecticut General Insur Po Box 2170 Bala Cynwd Pa 19004 Connelly Diane 742 Carpetner St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Connelly Jennifer A 4662 Umbria St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19127 Connelly Patricia 3323 Fuller St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Conner Claude 1232 N. 57th St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Conner George 2453 N. Dover St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Conner Martin C 6629 Ditman St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Conners Michael 5932 Alma St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Conningham Angelina 6148 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Connolly Catherine 5 Wellington Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-3320 Connor Kristen A 1 Orchard Lane Doylestown Pa 18901 Connor Richard C 1333 E. Sedwick St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19150 Connors F P 1810 S Rittenhouse Square 1709 Philadelphia Pa 19103-5827 Connors John J 343 Magee Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Conover Elizabeth 5743 N. Mascher St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Conquest Catherine 6950 Germantown Ave Rm 313d Philadelphia Pa 19119-2120 Conrad Mary M Patricia Sowinski Exec 3177 Gaul Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Conrad Nancy Geib 2550 Ball Road Willow Grove Pa 19090-1512 Conrad Nicole 211 Parker Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082 Conroy Edward 1638 S 28th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Conroy-Schwartz Jennifer 47 Wexford Rd North Wales Pa 19454 Consalvo Frank J 3 Wheatsheaf New Hope Pa 18938-9507 Consalvo Robert P 3 Wheatsheaf New Hope Pa 18938-9507 �������������������������������������������������������������������� Constantine Joshue L 801 N. Woodstock St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Constellar Corp 252 N. 32nd St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Consumers Water Co 762 W Lancaster Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-3402 Continental Bank Attn Cathy Ashley 1500 Market Street 1th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19102-0000 Continental Cust Made Fur 171 E. Hunting Park Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Continental Furniture Ta T/A Continental Plaza 171 E Hunting Park Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Continental Imports 3901 Main St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Continental R E Invest C 1128 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19107 Contino Donald 5837 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Contursi Jose 7614 Langdon St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Conway Addie G L 435 E. Slocum St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Conway David S 3221 Longshore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Conway Dorinda 4901 Stenton Ave, L9 Philadelphia Pa 19144 Conway Ellen 1708 Madeira Ave Jenkintown Pa 19046 Conway Janis Apt # 202 7100 Brief Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082 Coogan Dolores C 615 S Ninth St Philadelphia Pa 19147-0000 Cook Claire 3219 Mount Vernon St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Cook Clara Mae 2308 W. Seybert St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Cook Dorthea A 1740 N. Robinson St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Cook James 2312 Waverly Street Philadelphia Pa 19146-1124 Cook James 2312 Waverly Street Philadelphia Pa 19146-1124 Cook James 2312 Waverly St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1124 Cook Marjorie E C/O Sean Cook 230 W Mt Airy Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Cook Michele O 457 E. High St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Cook Randy 1551 N. Edgewood St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Cook Robert W 4703 James St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Cook Sarah B 2012 South Street Apt.2f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Cook Sean 911 Belmont Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Cooke Nora 6134 Palmetto St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Cooke Paul 5926 Tabor Rd Philadelphia Pa 19120 Cooley Fannie 858 N 42nd St Philadelphia Pa 19104-1472 Coombs Harry 4905 Parkside Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Cooper Alfred D 4036 Sansom St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Cooper Brian 1050 Floyd Terrace Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Cooper Derick 1714 Wallace Street Philadelphia Pa 19131 Cooper Edward 7351 Woodbine Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Cooper Gordon 33 Cherry St Willow Grove Pa 19090-3409 Cooper James 1540 N. 58th St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Cooper Keith 218 Harrison Avenue Glenside Pa 19038Cooper Marc C 115 W Chelten Ave Apt 1103 Philadelphia Pa 19144-3301 Cooper Marjorie P 33 N Hirst St Philadelphia Pa 19139-2225 Cooper Randall 317 Catharine St Philadelphia Pa 19147-3201 Cooper Ronald A 1849 N. 77th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Cooper Rose 744 Catherine St Philadelphia Pa 19147-2812 Cooper Vivian 2318 N. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Cooperson David 1138 Brighton St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Copi Quick Inc 2727 Commerce Way Philadelphia Pa 19154 Coppol Bill J 7202 Battersby St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19149 Coppola Gregory 4932 Germantown Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19144 Corbett Stella M 1525 Fitzwater St Apt 303 Philadelphia Pa 19146 Corbin Edward Po Box 3904 Philadelphia Pa 19146 Corbman Jane 4341 Main St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19127 Corchado Martha 5815 W Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Cordova Edwin 2414 Leithgow St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Coren Indik Co 4224 N. Front St, M1 Philadelphia Pa 19140 Corey Harkness 849 Carver St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Corini Joseph E 1834 Sigel St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Corinthian Baptist Chur Ch 2144 W. Godfrey Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19134 Cornacchio Barbara 2315 Naudain St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Cornish Raymond 706 N 66th St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Corrado Anthony 327 Titan St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Correa Benitez Leandro B 2147 N Calle 2 Philadelphia Pa 19122 Correll Francis M Jr 1359 E. Montgomery Ave Philadelphia Pa 19125 Corrigan Deidre 1717 Medeiro Ave Jenkintown Pa 19046-2216 Corrigan Elizabeth A 1717 Medeiro Ave Jenkintown Pa 19046-0000 Corrigan Timothy R 1717 Medeiro Ave Jenkintown Pa 19046-2216 Corson Arthur I 3517 E. Crown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Corson Barry Md 1010 Horsham Rd Ste 101 North Wales Pa 19454-1500 Cortez Herman 4634 A Street Philadelphia Pa 19120 Cosby Anna 6159 N. 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Cosgrove Regina 265 N Linden Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082 Cosmetic City 1010 English Village Shoppe Rte 309 63 North Wales Pa 19454 ���������������������������������������������������������� Costa John J 2434 S. Lambert St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Costanza Theresa F 585 Alcott St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Costello & Padden L L C 5821 Morris St, 361f Philadelphia Pa 19144 Costello Kevin 2109 Loney St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Costello Mary 6636 Gillespie St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Costello Mary E 4027 Lansing St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Costello Richard 714 E. Ontario St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Costigan Christopher A 63 Suburban Ln Upper Darby Pa 19082-2615 Costilo Alan 1544 Magee Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Cote Frederic 1122 Rodman St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19147 Cotrufello Anthony 6614 Malvern Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Cotton Margaret 5730 Filbert St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Coulibaly 4609 Cedar Ave Apt C3 Philadelphia Pa 19143 Coulter Rose M 2083 Anchor St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Council Merrie 622 E. Allens Ln Philadelphia Pa 19119 Counsel 4025 Chestnut St Fl 1 Philadelphia Pa 19104-3054 Counsel Charley 50 N 54th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Courtney Gerald 922 E. Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Courtney Jerome 927 E Russell St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Cousins Archibald 424 E. Allens Ln Philadelphia Pa 19119 Cousounis Gerry T 527 Gates St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Couto Marineide 2607 Welsh Rd, G101 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Covey Alma C 2655 Hazel Ave Glenside Pa 19038-3013 Coward Geraldine 1537 N. Bouvier St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Cowrie Pharmacy 25 E Walnut Ln Philadelphia Pa 19144 Cox George J 4308 Ludlow St Philadelphia Pa 19104Coyle Dennis J 4237 Hellerman St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Coyle Kathryn 2314 Parrish St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Coyle Maurice J 4516 Marple St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Coyle William F 323 Milford Court Newtown Pa 18940 Coyne Donna 300 W. Stae St. Media Pa 19063 Crabill Joyce M 6149 Wheeler St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Craft Bilt Mfg Co 2901 N. 18th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19132 Craig Karolynn 876 N 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Craig Mark A 217 Washington Newtown Pa 18940 Crane Kathleen L 8 Apple Ave Media Pa 19063-0000 Crane Kathleen L 8 Apple Ave Media Pa 19063-0000 Crane Peter 106 S. 13th St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19107 Crane Wade J 1615 W. End Dr Philadelphia Pa 19151 Crawford Albert J 261 S. 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Crawford Alyce 1102 E. Hortter St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Crawford Eleanor M 759 Robinhood Rd Rosemont Pa 19010-1239 Crawford Francis P 759 Robinhood Rd Rosemont Pa 19010-1239 Crawford Karen A Apt 3a 217 North 35th St Philadelphia Pa 19104-2427 Crawley Carol J 7112 Locust St Upper Darby Pa 19082 Crawley Franklin 201 N. 61 St Philadelphia Pa 19139 ������������������������������������������������������������ Creamer Lois 3850 Brown St Philadelphia Pa 19104-1627 Creamer Madeline 1901 N Ridley Creek Rd Media Pa 19063-1923 Creely Ru Estate Of 325 Krams Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Crescitelli Maria 200 Veterans La Doylestown Pa 18901 Cresheim Valley Construction Inc 68 Washington Ln Philadelphia Pa 19144 Cressotti Thomas 3901 City Ave Apt 8517 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Crews Cheran 405 Wellesley Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119 Crilley Thomas 195 W. 65th Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19120 Crisci Jane J 8539 Tolbut St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Cristinziani Robert 2241 S. Lambert St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Crocker John University Of Pennsylvania 209 South 33rd Street Philadelphia Pa Croker Neddie 4507 N. 17th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19140 Cronartie Mark 4206 Richmond St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Cronin Edward J C/O Sturtevant 5088 Sagewood Ct Doylestown Pa 18901-6202 Cropps Cynthia A 2803 Norcross Ln, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Crosbee Mildred 6517 N. 5th St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Crosby Towers Per 1500 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Croson David C 448 S 48th St Philadelphia Pa 19143-1727 Cross Keys Diner Inc 4125 Swamp Rd Doylestown Pa 18901 Cross William T 107 Hampden Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-3109 Cross William T 105 Hampden Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-3109 Cross William T 105 Hampden Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-3109 Croulet Ervin 2035 S. Aikens Philadelphia Pa 19142 Crouse Francis A 854 Martin Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Crowder Todd R 7413 Torresdale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136 Crowell Samuel 1221 E. Vernon Rd Philadelphia Pa 19150 Crowley Michael J 8512 Shawnee St Philadelphia Pa 19118 Crowther Charles 2817 Rhawn St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Crowther Thomas 4150 Fairdale Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Crudele Donna 2651 S. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Crump Kathleen A 4819 Beaumont Ave, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Crusemire Mary P One Penn Ctr Ste 1110 Philadelphia Pa 19103-1834 Cruz Benjamin 120 E. Ontario St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Cruz David 3507 G Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Cruz Felix 3437 N. Lee St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Cruz Matilde 309 E. Sterner St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Cruz Vazquez Artemio 631 Washington Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19147 Cruz Virginia 1517 N. 7th St, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19122 Crystal Clark 434 W Durham St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Cssco Inc 6800 Caster Ave Unit A Philadelphia Pa 19149 Cuadrado Alexander 3430 Hurley St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Cue Lula 5043 Walton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143Cuffeld Charles 513 Glen Echo Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119 Cullen John 7250 Walnut St Apt A105 Upper Darby Pa 19082-3813 Cullen Rose A 2527 Potter St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Cullison Irene 9218 Wesleyan Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Culpepper Theodore 1330 S. 54th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Cummings Frank 4845 Pine St Apt D1 Philadelphia Pa 19143 Cummings Orlando 217 Pelham Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119 Cummings Wm 2935 Turner St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Cummins Lisa 8124 Henning St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Cummins Margaret 3817 Elsinore St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Cuniff Catharine M 1423 S. 28th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Cunningham Mary 3516 N 6th St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Cupo Jennifer L 3779 Cresson St. Philadelphia Pa 19127 Curran Francis 580 E. Sanger St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Curran Marilyn R 1124 Indian Creek Rd Philadelphia Pa 19133-1331 Currency One Inc #888 300 S. 60th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Current Medicine Inc 400 Market Street Suite 700 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Currey Lynn 1352 N. Hancock St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Currie Aisha 849 E. Chelten Ave, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19138 Currie Heather A 10605 Cowden St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Curry Pamela A 5942 Trinity St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Curry Thomas H 4062 Benner St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Curtin Sally 505 S. 10th St, F Philadelphia Pa 19147 Curtis Thomas D 634 Mccallum St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Curtis Thomas D 634 Mccallum St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Curtosi Anthony 446 Durfor St Philadelphia Pa 19148 ������������������������������������������������������������������ Cusick Mary B 7422 Miller Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082 Custer Betty 3648 Calumet St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Cuthbertson Dianna 3013 Cambridge St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Cutler Bernard J 310 Glenway Rd Erdenheim Pa 19038-7018 Cutler Post The 2107 Spruce St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19103 �������������������������������������������������� Cutts Debra L 1018 S. Chadwick St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Cuzzins Dev Inc 6457 Greene St Philadelphia Pa 19119Cwikla Stanley 153 East Chelten Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144-2153 Cyndel Realtor Corp 359 W. Mount Airy Ave, A Philadelphia Pa 19119 Czaus Gregory J 1527 S. 6th St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19147 Czechura Jorge 208 Brown St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19130


D L Business Services Inc Po Box 28398 Philadelphia Pa 19149 Dabbas Entisar 3302 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19140 Dadura Shirley 3762 Richmond St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Dafonseca Carlos M 718 Adams Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Dagney Michael 7424 Torresdale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136 Dagustino Frances 53 E Cosgrove St Philadelphia Pa 19144-2107 Dailey Rainey 848 South Front Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Dales Maurice 4554 N. Hicks St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Dalessandro Louise 4848 Ogle St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Dalessio Deborah 961 E. Ontario St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Daley Thomas J 2712 N. Warnock St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Dalfonso John R 5209 N. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Dallagassa Ada 2104 Orthodox St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19124 Dalton Edeline J 1015 Cherrywood Ct North Wales Pa 19454 Dalton James Po Box 1546 Media Pa 19063 Dalvet Kathleen S 627 N Monroe St Media Pa 19063-2505 Daly Esther 1717 S. Orianna St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Daly James 2205 S. 23rd St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Daly Kathleen 826 Kenmore Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Damiano Helene 2423 S. Woodstock St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Damore Philip G 621 Kelly Lane Glenside Pa 19038 Danatu Alexis 3049 Collins St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Danchenko Larisa 10613 Lockart Rd, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Dancy Tamekia L 243 West Tulpehocken St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Dandridge Sheila 6653 Perry Avenue Upper Darby Pa 19082Dang Tung V N 4535 Mckinley St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Dangelo John 1140 Bloomdale Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115 Daniel A Menichella 9208 Cambridge St Philadelphia Pa 19114 Daniel Alan S 31 Spruce Ct Newtown Pa 18940-3247 Daniel J Keating Company 812 N. Park Ave Philadelphia Pa 19123 Daniels Edward G 530 S 2nd St Apt 737 Philadelphia Pa 19147-2425 Daniels Everett Jr 2416 N. 33rd St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19132 Daniels Francisco A 2713 Cranston Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19131 Daniels Joseph E 5837 Newtown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Daniels Justice B 4934 W. Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Daniels Mary L 5018 Brown St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19139 Daniels Mrs A 1313 S. Fairhill St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Daniels Thomas 870 N. 28th St, 213 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Dankel Janet 1000 Lindsay Ln Rydal Pa 19046-1727 Dannenbaum Harry M Jr 1816 Delancey St Phila Pa 19103-6607 Danoff Bradley D 2301 Cherry Street Bala Pa 19103 Danoff Douglas M 2301 Cherry Street Bala Pa 19103 Dant Gary J 541 E. Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Dantonio Joseph A 3305 Saint Vincent St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Dantzler Evelyn 2031 W. Atlantic St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Dao Phuong T 2727 N American St Philadelphia Pa 19133 ����������������������������������������������������������� Dar Ali M 3713 Mimi Cir, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19131 Dara Rith 1639 S. Hicks St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Daramola Olaitan D 904 Carlisle Street Philadelphia Pa 19130 Dari Tiffany 2536 W. Lehigh Ave, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19132 Darigo Robert J 3419 Decatur St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Dash Mary Ellen 3001 W. Dakota St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Datil Bruce 3018 Fairdale Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Daurizio Elizabeth 2270 Saint Vincent St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Davenport Anthony 1343 Ellsworth St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19147 David Roger 629 W. Courtland St Philadelphia Pa David Schmittlein 210 W Rittenhouse Sq Ste 406 Philadelphia Pa 19103-5771 David Stuart R 1500 Jfk Blvd Phila Pa 19102 Davidson Dorothy A 3710 Bandon Dr Philadelphia Pa 19154 Davidson Joseph 2800 W. Dauphin St, 2a Philadelphia Pa 19132 Davidson Josh B 875 N. Markoe Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Davidson Robert M 2525 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19103-0000 Davies Joanne 412 Fitzwater St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Davies Lloyd 630 Kater St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Davies Samantha L 4224 Chester Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104-4475 Davis Albert 5110 Wayne Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Davis Andrew 325 Gates St Philadelphia Pa 19128-4618 Davis Carrie 2107 Church Ln Philadelphia Pa 19138 Davis Charlotte 237 S 13th St, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19107 Davis Desiree D 1218 Haworth St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Davis Doyona M 5914 Cobbs Creek Pkwy Philadelphia Pa 19143 Davis Elder 1711 Ellsworth Philadelphia Pa 19146 Davis Eric S 408 E Mount Airy Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19143 Davis Evelyn 1515 S. 53rd St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Davis Fleming Kelly 9192 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Davis Greggory A 4967 N. 2nd St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120 Davis Helen 2955 N. Taney St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Davis Ida 2336 N Reese Street Philadelphia Pa 19133-2517 Davis James 3083 Tilton St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Davis James 1708 Conlyn St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Davis Jennie H 2948 Gerritt St Philadelphia Pa 19146-3514 Davis John 2822 N. Taney St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Davis John H 5110 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Davis Kevin M 6519 Haverford Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa Davis Kinney 2727 Rhawn St, 37b Philadelphia Pa 19152 Davis Lawrence J 2113 Kennedy St Philadelphia Pa 19124

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Davis Lillian F 3638 N. 9th St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Davis Linda 107 N 61st St Philadelphia Pa 19139Davis Maria 5856 Hazel Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Davis Marjorie C Apt A 252 Long Ln Upper Darby Pa 19082 Davis Mark A 6147 Washington Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Davis Nadira Y C%O Aurora N Crunt 1437 S Patton St Phila Pa 19146 Davis Nakeisha A 527 S. 60th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Davis Nancy 1101 Whitehall Dr Doylestown Pa 18901 Davis Nicole 4638 Mulberry St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Davis Nicole 4638 Mulberry St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Davis Pamela K 248 Mallard Drive East North Wales Pa 19454-1197 Davis Paul R 4257 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Davis Ramona 5365 Newhall St, 2f Philadelphia Pa Davis Regina M 218 Fitzwilliams Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Davis Robert 825 S 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19147-2635 Davis Ruby 6233 Ellsworth St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Davis Ruth 1606 Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19122-2918 Davis Ruth E 5644 Arbor St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Davis Sarah 2800 W Poplar St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Davis Thelma 2011 Carpenter St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Davis Thomasine Defense Personnel Support Attn: Bryant Kern 700 Robbins St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5008 Davis Tina L 5002 Penn St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19124 Davis Vergus 5339 Reinhard St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Davis Wallace 126 E. Tulpehocken St Philadelphia Pa 19144 ����������������������������������������������������� Dawdanow Alexandra 104 E. Tabor Rd Philadelphia Pa 19120 Dawes Glendon 1886 Pratt St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Dawson Curtis 3420 E. Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Day & Zimmerman Llc 1818 Market St 10th Fl Philadelphia Pa 19103 Day & Zimmermann 1818 Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Day David G 6418 N. 5th St Philadelphia Pa 19126 De La Cruz Nola 823 Levick Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 De Soto S 1121 Mount Vernon Stapt 3r Philadelphia Pa 19123-2524 Deacetis Joseph J 1628 Strahle St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Deal John W 201 Girard Ave Glenside Pa 19038-1009 Dean Darrell 5516 Haverford Ave, D5 Philadelphia Pa 19139 Deane William P 813 Densmore Rd Philadelphia Pa 19116 Deangelo Edmund T 43 Garrett Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-1452 Deangelo Rose 7365 Elmwood Ave, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19153 Deas Katherine 1208 S. Bonsall St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Deberry Jason 7740 Stenton Ave Apt 312 Philadelphia Pa 19118 Debrest Cherie Garrett 719 E Dorset St Philadelphia Pa 19119-1526 Debrest Daryl 719 E Dorset St Philadelphia Pa 19119-1526 Dec John 870 Mercer St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Decicco Carmela 1226 S 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Decimo Michael 1702 W. Oregon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19145 Dedomenico Patricia 4061 Creston St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Dedukh Anna 119 Nandina St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19116 ������������������������������������������������������ Defrancesco C N 1 Farwood Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Degarmo Georgette 3045 Frankford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Deignan Ruth 6733 Pleasant Pl Philadelphia Pa 19119 Dejesus Angelo 4401 N. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Dejesus Jaime 1322 S. Fairhill St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Dejesus Tina 210 W Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19133 Delaney Ethel M 1941 Church Ln Philadelphia Pa 19141 Delarso Mary 7207 Shalkop St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Delatorre Katrina 412 Bainbridge St, K Philadelphia Pa 19147 Delatorre Maria 106 W. Spencer St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Delaurenti Christopher W. 1825 Lansing St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Delaurentis Eugene 6132 Newtown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Delaware Management Trust Comp 2005 Market St Fl 30 Philadelphia Pa 19103Delaware Valley Rose Lp 826 Newton Yardley Rd Suite 200 Newton Pa 18940 Delay Ann 204 E Indiana Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Delbonifro D 250 W Bayberry Ln Upper Darby Pa 19082 Delcorpo Alfred J 4816 Florence Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Deleon Domingo 1815 W. Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Delgado Wilmary 5006 F St Phila Pa 19124 Delgado Yvette Marie 4718 Devereaux St Philadelphia Pa D’elia Carissa 304 Cherry St. Phila Pa 19106 Delilah Co Inc. 3253 N. Hope St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Delima Adair A 7314 Dungan Rd 2nd Fl Philadelphia Pa 19111 Delizio Gaetano 1233 S 11th Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Della Pietra Iii Anthony C 102 Station Dr North Wales Pa 19454Dellaripa Ernest A 2329 South 21st Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Dellelmo Robert 2135 S 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3813 ����������������������������������������������������� Delmarco Benj J 2317 Ripley St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Delta Kappa Epsilon 4247 Locust Street 522 Christine Spodnick Philadelphia Pa Deluca Joseph J Iii 7287 Valley Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Delucia Michael 15 Brinker Dr Doylestown Pa 18901-7008 Delucia Philip A 9004 W Chester Pike Upper Darby Pa 19082 Demarco Edward 6624 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149a Demartinis Nicholas Md 2137 S. Lambert St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Demartino Charles 6314 Glenloch St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Dembo Charles E 45 E City Line Avenue Apt 457 Bala Cynwd Pa 19004 Dembo Charles E 45 E City Line Avenue Apt 457 Bala Cynwd Pa 19004 Demby-Afum Gene 2242 Montrose St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Demoody Tereza 1331 Elbridge St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Demota Barbara 1660 N Lindenwood St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Dempsey Deborah 3122 Memphis St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Demtchouk Bronislava 1068 Herkness Drive Meadowbrook Pa 19046Denardo Antoinette 1734 Stocker St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Denardo Auto Body 2100 Washington Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19146 Denenberg Esther 8808 Rising Sun Ave Philadelphia Pa 19115 Denis Esther R Jamestown Apts 111 499 W Jefferson Street Media Pa 19063-0000 Denis George E Jamestown Apts 111 499 W Jefferson Street Media Pa 19063-0000 Denis Patrick 1648 Granite St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Denis Patrick 1648 Granite St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Denison Joseph J 5847 Morton Street Philadelphia Pa 19144-5763 Denn Lisa M P O Box 5 Jekintown Pa 19046 Denn Lisa M P O Box 5 Jekintown Pa 19046 Denner Anne L 2117 Fitzwater St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Dennis Brian D 5918 N. Lawrence St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Dennis Rosalie C/O River’s Edge Nursing & Reh Philadelphia Pa 19114 Dennison Fred 530 E Johnson St Phila Pa 19144-1001 Dennison Maria 221 Moylan Ave Media Pa 19063-6102 Denshuick Lisa A 778 S. 3rd St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19147 Dent Carolyn 170 Cotton St, 207 Philadelphia Pa 19127 Depalma Barbara J 11751 Colman Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Depaul Mary G 1935 Berkshire St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Deperro Frank 4261 Penn St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Depta Anita 13079 Townsend Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Derby Waldemar 2324 Almond St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Derdiel Jose M 4826 Walton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Derita Michael 730 W. Porter St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Deritis Joane 728 S Front St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Derose Richard 5618 N. 5th St Philadelphia Pa Derricotte Loretta H 2908 Old Welsh Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090 Derrough Patricia G 6209 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Desantis Joseph 6618 Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19149 Desouza Jose A 6208 Algon Av 2nd Fl Philadelphia Pa 19111 Desphy Paul S 826 E. Locust Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Destefano Maryann 2436 S. 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Destralo Helen 1716 S. 10th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Deturk Sabrina 1627 E. Berks St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Deutsche Asset Management 424 Fi Fund 150 S Independence Square Philadelphia Pa 19106 Devaney Joseph F 10 E Mechanic Street New Hope Pa 18938 Devaughn Diane 5106 Wayne Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Deveaux Ray A 1846 N. Natrona St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19121 Developing Dimensions 805 Corintian Ave Philadelphia Pa 19130 Devenney Brooke 1801 Buttonwood St #1015 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Devera Eddie 2648 N. Fairhill St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Devereux Foundation 950 Haverford Road Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Devila Celestina 200 E Somerset St Apt 203 Phila Pa 19134 Devlin Charles 5237 Oxford Ave Apt 2r Philadelphia Pa 19124 Devlin John 1830 E. Thayer St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Devore Van H 2nd 115 W. Washington Ln Philadelphia Pa 19144 Dexter Florence 707 S. Mole St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Dhakad Manisha 201 South 18th Street Apt 2317 Philadelphia Pa 19103Dheer Sachin 4029 Walnut St, 18 Philadelphia Pa 19104-3569 Di Bona Rose C 1804 Shunk St Apt 6 State Pa 19145 Diakite Yaya 6724 Marshall Rd. Upper Darby Pa 19082 Diako Pattie 4418 Service St. Philadelphia Pa 19104 Diakun Michael 7946 Dorcas St Philadelphia Pa 19111-2820 Diamond Coach Inc 14 Meadows Ln New Hope Pa 18938 Diamond John 1300 W. Wishart St Philadelphia Pa 19132-2419 Diamond Phase Ii Ventur E 3126 W. Diamond St, C Philadelphia Pa 19121-1112 Diane Mohamed 4944 Walnut St, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19139-4346 Dianna Rocco 1904 S. 28th St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2408 Diantonio Robert 342 Roseberry St Philadelphia Pa 19148-3928 Diawara Khalil 6849 Slyvester St. Philadelphia Pa 19149 Diaz Benny 2928 N. 6th St Philadelphia Pa 19133-2803 Diaz Gladys 1938 N Howard Street W26 Philadelphia Pa 19122 Diaz Luis A 4724 Whitaker Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120-4626 Diaz Maria 2007 N 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19122-1301 Diaz Nydia 2637 N 9th St Philadelphia Pa 19133-1919 Diaz Tomas 161 W Grange Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120-2445 Dibona Frances W 865 N Taylor St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Dibonis Samuel 821 Green Valley Dr Philadelphia Pa 19128-1010 Dibricida Anthony 622 Park Ter Philadelphia Pa 19128-1630 Dicamillo Rose 1825 S. Carlisle St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2306 Dicarlo Amedeo 769 Manatawna Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-1020 Dicecco Dolores 868 Mercer St Philadelphia Pa 19125-3519 Dicicco Michelina 843 Winton St Philadelphia Pa 19148-3123 Dickey Christopher 6474 Lensen St Philadelphia Pa 19119-2322 Dickman Mitchell W 226 W Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia Pa 19103-5768 Dicko Moustapha 4815 Pine Street Apt. C2 Philadelphia Pa 19143 Dickson Edwin O 15003 Bustleton Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19116-1121 Didenedetto Emidio 7665 Overbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151-2015 Didomenico Aldo 116 W Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19123 Didonato Valerie 2711 S 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19145-4614 Diehl Alan J 143 Sutten Road Ardmore Pa 19103 Diehl Kristine Md 8203 St Martin Ln Philadelphia Pa 19118 Diehl Matthew J 212 W Highland Ave Philladelphia Pa 19118 Diep Ba 6752 Horrocks St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2210 Diep Daky 248 E Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Dietrich Charles Jr 7348 Buist Ave Philadelphia Pa 19153-2222 Dietrick Frederick A 1541 Iseminger Street Philadelphia Pa 19146 Dietz Margaret 11745 Telfair Rd, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19154-4317 ��������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� Diggs Larry E J 441 N. Simpson St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19151-4022 Digiacomo C 2897 Stamford St Philadelphia Pa 19152-2108 Dignity Housing 143 E. Westmoreland St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1654 Dik Mark 7358 Castor Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19152-4205 Dillon Elwood J 11120 Ridgeway St Philadelphia Pa 19116-2752 Diluzio Robert 2632 Poplar St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1322 Diluzio Robert 4732 Kingsessing Ave, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19143-3849 Dilworth Paxson Llp 1500 Market St Ste 3500e Philadelphia Pa 19102-2101 Dilworth Paxson Retr Plan 1608 Walnut St Fl 6 Philadelphia Pa 19103-5457 Dilworth Robert W 3228 Midvale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19129-1012 Dimaggio Michael V 1637 Ashurst Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151-2713 ��������������������������������������������������������������� Dimemmo Rudolph Jr 4608 Oakmont St Philadelphia Pa 19136-3720 Dimeo Danielle 1034 Watkins St Philadelphia Pa 19148-1654 Dimitriadis K 2802 Fanshawe St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2511 Dimoulakis Madline K 9272 Jamison Ave B Philadelphia Pa 19115-4281 Dimova Boryana 7667 Burholme Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111Dina Hobson Dba Dimension 4601 Market St Flr 3 Suite 311 Philadelphia Pa Dina Lillian 9227 Treaty Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114-3824 Dinapoli Michael J 2230 S. Hicks St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3927 Dinardo Anthony 832 League St Philadelphia Pa 19147-4715 Dingfelder Ethel C 12129 Sweet Briar Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154-1713 Dinkins Malinda 250 W. Zeralda Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Dinkins Rose 250 W. Zeralda Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Dinning Gladys 1341 Sellers St Philadelphia Pa 19124-3643 Dinubile Victor J 215 Carpenter St Philadelphia Pa 19147-4213 Dipaolo Justin 3377 S. Keswick Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114-1609 Dipasquale Anthony 4142 Whiting Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154-2807 Dipentima Robert J 7205 Souder St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1228 Dipiero Richard S 939 Caledonia St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Dipietrantonio J 2634 S. Berbro St Philadelphia Pa 19153-2203 Dipper Ruth M 2550 Ball Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090-1512 Direnzi Clara 2921 S. Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19148-4949 Direnzi Florence V 1801 S. Etting St Philadelphia Pa 19145-1709 Direnzo Simon 10207 Clark St Philadelphia Pa 19116-3814 Disadvantage Workers Inc 221 Chestnut St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19106-2857 Disimone Paris 810 Addison St Philadelphia Pa 19147-1303 Disimone Paris 810 Addison St Philadelphia Pa 19147-1303

PAGE 41 Dist 4 Lodge Sons & Maids 236 S State Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-2908 Distefano Velia 1509 S. 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19147-6204 Diteodoro Lois 1543 Curtin St # 1st Fl Philadelphia Pa 19145 Ditman Robert J 6318 Elmhurst St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5805 Ditrich Joseph J 254 W. Somerville Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120-3221 Divers Robert A 1512 S. Marston St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4423 Divirgilio Amy 2430 S. Percy St Philadelphia Pa 19148-3730 Dix Anthony 534 E High St Philadelphia Pa 19144Dixon Clara W 138 N. Millick St Philadelphia Pa 19139-2326 Dixon Dwayne A 2738 N. Gratz St Philadelphia Pa 19132-2103 Dixon Kenneth 194 E. Sharpnack St Philadelphia Pa 19119-2240 Dixon Rosa Lee 6523 N. Lambert St Philadelphia Pa 19138-3112 Djalimin Judirman 1630 S. Mole St Philadelphia Pa 19145-1515 Do Linh T 3551 Aldine St Philadelphia Pa 19136-3805 Do Ozaki 3600 Chestnut St Sansom Pl E Rm 1302 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Do Richardson Associates 10 East Chestnut Hill Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19118 Doan Hai T 2518 N. Water St Philadelphia Pa 19125-1022 Dobrinski T 2709 E. Huntingdon St Philadelphia Pa 19125-4007 Dobson Caroline 1704 Titan St Philadelphia Pa 19146-3034 Docksides 717 S Columbus Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19147 Dodds William R 99 Barclay Street Apt 7112 Newtown Pa 18940 Dodson Beverly 1635 Nedro Ave Philadelphia Pa 19141-1811 Doering Elizabeth A 4506 Baker St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19127-1201 Doerr Kevin 871 Brill St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1005 Dogopolov Viatcheslav 531 Avon St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19116-3324 Dollar Land Inc 1419 W. Oregon Ave, 1a Philadelphia Pa 19145-4926 Dollard Theres M 8225 Ferndale St Philadelphia Pa 19111-1900 Dolleh Ibrahim J 1436 S. 55th St Philadelphia Pa 19143-4907 Domantovskiy Boris 2301 Woodward St, J8 Philadelphia Pa 19115-5135 Dombroski Michelle 4318 Aldine St Philadelphia Pa 19136-3901 Domenech Lydia 6237 N. Lawrence St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1426 Domestic Uniform Ren 4100 Frankford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Domini C Sciole 2526 S Cleveland St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Dominick Jacqueline 4917 Boudinot St Philadelphia Pa 19120-4306 Donado Mohamed 4424 N. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19140-2322 Donahue Anna 6740 Kindred St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2203 Donahue James P 122 Ashton Road Upper Darby Pa 19082-4802 Donahue Mary G 122 Ashton Road Upper Darby Pa 19082-4802 Donaldson Lewis A 8002 Rodney St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19150-3011 Donnell Mary O 809 E Hilton St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Donnelly Charles 3318 Argyle St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1904 Donnelly Kathryn 7320 E. Walnut Ln Philadelphia Pa 19138-1332 Donnelly Kelly A 563 Leverington Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19128-2635 Donnelly Nicole J 7556 Battersby St Philadelphia Pa 19152-4528 ������������������������������������������������������������� Donovan Alice 1519 S 53rd St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Donskaya Argina 7130 Kindred St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1130 Doorley Christopher 7 Pickering Dr Newtown Pa 18940 Doran Mark 502 Woodland Ter, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19104-4564 Dorchery Atnold 401 N. 60th St Philadelphia Pa 19151-4304 Dorchester 226 Rittenhouse Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 ������������������������������������������������������������� Doriana Newstand 101 West Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19123 Dorlands Directories 1617 Jfk Blvd Ste 946 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Dorman Miguel 121 Long Lane Upper Darby Pa 19082 Dorn William 117 N. Salford St Philadelphia Pa 19139-2347 Dorothy E Duckery 1901 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Dorothy Marietaylo 604 Spring Ave Jenkintown Pa 19046 Jenkintown Pa 19046 Dorrell William D Jr 401 City Avenue Suite 200 Attn Shana N Hill Mand Marblestone & Danziger Pc Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-1117 Dorrian Margaret 8512 57th St Philadelphia Pa 19139-0000 Dorsey Charles 905 N Fallon St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Dorsey Eleanor 1334 S Clarion St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Dorsey Karen E 141 East St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1805 Dorsey Laura 1828 E. Lippincott St Philadelphia Pa 19134-3129 Dorsey Paul 6212 W. Jefferson St Philadelphia Pa 19151-3442 Dos-Reis Umbelina C 851 E Godfrey Av Apt 101 Philadelphia Pa 19124 Dotzman Doug 579 Grant Road Newtown Pa 18940 Dotzman Judy 579 Grant Road Newtown Pa 18940 Dougherty Donald J Jr 343 Durfor St Philadelphia Pa 19148-3901 Dougherty Edward 958 E. Schiller St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1315 Doughty James J 8132 Craig St Philadelphia Pa 19136-2323 Douglas Dameane One Novacare Way Philadelphia Pa 19145 Douglas Patricia 59 N. Ruby St Philadelphia Pa 19139-2641 Douglas Quintis 5123 Viola St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Douglas Talisa 5223 N. Sydenham St Philadelphia Pa 19141-1617 Douglas Wilbert 6139 Sansom St Philadelphia Pa 19139-3050 Douglass Alice 7467 Sommers Rd Philadelphia Pa 19138-1406 Doura Gertrude 6236 Walton Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143-2216 Dove Constance 712 65th Ave Philadelphia Pa 19126-3709 Dovgovich Bernadette 3170 Livingston St Philadelphia Pa 19134-5129 Dow Barbara G 507 E Roumfort Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119-1035 Dow Norris F 507 E Roumfort Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119-1035 Dowling Elizabeth 1308 N 51st St Philadelphia Pa 19131-4402 Downie Erin 726 South 10th Street Apt. 4 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Downing Sandra C 4506 Nehemiah Way Philadelphia Pa 19139-2848 Downing William Henry 5428 Belmar Ter Philadelphia Pa 19143-4804 Dowtin Bonnett 347 P O Philadelphia Pa 19123 Doyle Daniel E Jr 232 Montrose St Philadelphia Pa 19147-4243 Doyle Mary L U 6424 Saybrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-2321 Doyleston Hospital 695 West Street Doyleston Pa 18901 Doyon Denis F 4808 Windsor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-3416 ��������������������������������������������������������� Drake Cindi Posner 546 W Hortter Street Philadelphia Pa 19119-3612 Drake Hileman Davis 252 West Swamp Rd Doylestown Pa 18901 Drake Thomas Lyons 546 W Hortter Street Philadelphia Pa 19119-3612 Draper & Co C/O The Bryn Mawr Trust Co Trust Dep Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Drapkin Yetta 1343 Kerper St Philadelphia Pa 19111-4901 Dravo Aristeo 4265 N. Darien St Philadelphia Pa 19140-2220 Draycott Annmarie 759 Corinthian Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19130-2614 Drayton Denise 1102 Van Kirk St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Drayton Erika L 8279 Fayette St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19150-2001 Dredge Dorothy 3041 Arbor St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Dreitt Elijah M 5228 Sylvester St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Dresnin Helen 1363 Unruh Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Dresnin Nathan 1363 Unruh Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Dreyzin Lev 7810 Algon Ave Apt A105 Philadelphia Pa 19111 Drice Edner 5237 Montour St Philadelphia Pa 19124-3038 Driggins Richard L 1607 Farrington Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151-2715 Drinks Verlonda D 4234 Claridge St Philadelphia Pa 19124-4902 Driscoll L F 9 Presidential Blvd Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004

PAGE 42 Droboniku Caci 622 Moyer St Philadelphia Pa 19125-3419 Druian Rafael 2413 Manning St Philadelphia Pa 19103-5525 ������������������������������������������������������� Duany Ruben 311 E. Cheltenham Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120-1602 Dubin Gary 2250 Tyson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-1920 Dubree Robert D Germantown Hse Apt 210 5457 Wayne Ave Philadelphia Pa Dubrovin Vladimir 9945 Norwalk Rd, A6 Philadelphia Pa 19115-2187 Duby Anna C 2852 N 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Duch Teresa 3026 Richmond St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19134-5849 Duckett M 314 South Third St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Dudek Dorothea 2822 Sandyford Rd Philadelphia Pa 19152-4413 Dudley Sue Carol 251 Queen St Philadelphia Pa 19147-3318 Duerr Catherine T 384 Avon Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-4702 Duerr Robert 384 Avon Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-4702 Duff Chen L 2118 Spruce St Apt Ir Philadelphia Pa 19103-2554 Duff Elwood T 1216 Overington St Phila Pa 19124-3137 Duff Thelma J 1216 Overington St Phila Pa 19124-3137 Duffey Daniel E Iii 190 Widener St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1951 Duffy David S 2506 E. Cumberland St Philadelphia Pa 19125-3107 Duffy Joseph 762 S 6th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Duffy Michael 323 Glenview St Ph Pa 19111 Dugan Barbara 6053 Summerdale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-3631 Dugan Gerrold 522 South 45th Str Philadelphia Pa 19104 Dugas Carolyn Thomas V Dugas E Estate Of 220 Hillside Ave Jenkintown Pa Duguleseu Vasile I 2313 Rhawn St Philadelphia Pa 19152-3315 Duke John 227 N Gross St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Dunbar Michael 8434 Madison Pl Philadelphia Pa 19153-1527 Duncan Edna 5345 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19139-4024 Duncan Sarah L 3112 G Street Philadelphia Pa 19134-2419 Dundon Susan 426 Carpenter Ln Philadelphia Pa 19119-3040 Dungee Ruth I 721 E. Upsal St Philadelphia Pa 19119-1540 Dunkle Leon 4821 Paschall Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Dunkley Kerisha 4037 Locust Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Dunlap Elizabeth S 683 Mayfair St Philadelphia Pa 19120-2645 Dunlap Helen 3845 Red Lion Rd Phila Pa 19114-1402 Dunleavy Charles L 9205 Leon St Philadelphia Pa 19114-2830 Dunlop John A 3706 Ronnald Dr, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19154 Dunn Anna Estate Of 1134 Sth Front St Philadelphia Pa 19147-5522 Dunn Madeline 5645 Sansom St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Dunn Newbold 2220 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Dunn Robert 709 N. 63rd St Philadelphia Pa 19151-3804 Dunn William 2001 Market Street Suite 1700 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Duong Mai M 4811 Old York Rd, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19141-2607 Dupee Frances M 4535 Wilde St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1226 Dupree Jeanette Po Box 2873 Upper Darby Pa 19082-7873 Dupree Jennifer M 7911 Navajo St Philadelphia Pa 19118-4043 Dura Paul 3401 Arch St Box 711 Phila Pa 19104 Duran Anthony 206 S. 46th St, 3a Philadelphia Pa 19139-4512 During Matthew 2021 Delancey St Philadelphia Pa 19103-6509 Durkalec William C 1704 Lansing St Phila Pa 19111 Durkin James B 2 Cushman Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-1407 Durkin James L 2953 S. Smedley St Philadelphia Pa 19145-4825 Durkin Laurie Broad & Vine #Ms609 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Durose Paul 228 Pine St, 101 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Durst Dorothy 635 Ridgewood Road Upper Darby Pa 19082-3520 Dussich Renee 22 S 22nd Street Apt 411 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Dute Julia G 2638 Poplar St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1322 Dutton Philip R 311 S. 22nd St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Duval Frances G 2816 Frankford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Dyer Delores 5222 Catharine St Philadelphia Pa 19143-2625


E Peter S 2301 N. Lambert St Philadelphia Pa 19132-4819 Eager James N 814 N. Broad St, K Philadelphia Pa 19130-2204 Eagle And Blue Bell Mining Co C/O John Henderson 1629 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19103-6304 Eagle Larrimore 2045 Geoffrey Road Willow Grove Pa 19090 Eagle National Bank 150 Monument Rd Acordia Of Pennsylvania Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Eaks 8206 Murrys 1413 Point Breeze Ave Philadelphia Pa 19146-4521 Eaman Mary C 1928 Rodman St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19146-1417 Ear Susan 1616 Loney St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Eareckson Vincent 120 N 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Earl Palmer & Brown 400 Shurs Ln Philadelphia Pa 19128-3501 Earley Wiliam 956 E Railroad Ave Brym Mawr Pa 19010 Easley Joseph R 2736 Eddington St Philadelphia Pa 19137-1524 East William James 7600 Stenton Ave Apt 19g Philadelphia Pa 19118-3231 Eastburn Christian L 7308 Hiola Road Philadelphia Pa 19128-1413 Easter Sandra L 3030 D Street Philadelphia Pa 19134-2903 Easterling Darick 7936 Mars Pl Philadelphia Pa 19153-1206 Eastern Elect App 126 S. 30th St, M1 Philadelphia Pa 19104-3403 Easy Anthony D 5243 Westford Rd Philadelphia Pa 19120-3618 Eatmon Rose 1633 S. 53rd St Philadelphia Pa 19143-5409 Eaton Angelette 1315 E. Barringer St Philadelphia Pa 19119-3944 Eaton Lois 1520 Spruce Street Apt 701 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Eaves Marvin 617 Pemberton St Philadelphia Pa 19147-2116 Eberlein Design Consulting 1616 Walnut Street Suite 1500 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Ebert Mitchell C 4071 Trails Way E Doylestown Pa 18901 Ebo Eleanor 5730 N. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19120-2210 Echa 1 Penn Blvd Wister Bldg Philadelphia Pa 19144-1476 Eckenrode Catherine B 724 S. American St, Rh Philadelphia Pa 19147-3301 Ecker David J 2238 Bainbridge St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1131 Eckert Carolyn 659 Hill Church Rd Boyertown Pa 19512 Eckert Robert J 2802 N Water Street Philadelphia Pa 19134Eco & Law Charter Sch 6615 Chester Ave, Radiants Philadelphia Pa Econometrics Rightime 1095 Rydal Road Rydal Pa 19046 Eddy Martina 113 Ripka St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1906 Edelman Edward B 1322 Robbins St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5822 Edelstein Miriam S 645 N. 24th Street Philadelphia Pa 19130-3172 Edmond Harold S 6113 Osage St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Edmonds Donald Jr R 9157 Ryerson Road Philadelphia Pa 19114 Edward J Mclaughlin Jr T A Select 4456 Penn St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Edwards Anthony V 334 N. Wilton St Philadelphia Pa 19139-1443 Edwards Arlene 5924 Greenway Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-5909 Edwards Carl 3821 Red Lion Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114-1402 Edwards Marion E Jr 1741 N. 26th St Philadelphia Pa 19121-2808 Edwards Michele 2908 Aramingo Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Edwards Tab M 1710 Manning St Philadelphia Pa 19103-6108 Edwards Wayne 1521 Walnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19102 Edwards Willie 1034 Cleveland St W39 Philadelphia Pa 19146 Eenzang Michael 2019 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19103 �������������������������������������������������������������

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Egan Charlotte 8 Foxlair Viillage Media Pa 19063-2041 Egan Robert T 2828 Mercer St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4725 Egbukwu Isaac 1509 S. Marston St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4422 Eggleston Jonora 3741 N. Gratz St Philadelphia Pa 19140-3524 Eichengreen Lydia R 1203 Passmore St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5530 Einhorn Blanche 800 Cottman Ave Apt B1 Philadelphia Pa 19111-3056 Einhorn Manuel 8517 Summerdale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19152-1141 Einstein Boiler Hse 5400 N. Camac St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Eisenberg Richard Al 703 Cornerstone Lane Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Eisenhart Fred 4432 Vista St Philadelphia Pa 19136-3709 Eisenman Leonard 3509 Indian Queen Ln Philadelphia Pa 19129-1522 Eisenmann Werner 8762 Glenloch St Philadelphia Pa 19136-2115 Eisner Debra A 885 North Easton Rd Apt 8a2 Glenside Pa 19038Ek Nam S 2604 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19133-1617 Ekizian Stephanie 3505 West Moreland Road Apt 124 Willow Grove Pa 19090Elayan Khalid A 638 Devereaux Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111-5734 ��������������������������������������������������������� Eldred Agnes 2620 Reed St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4428 Eldridge Erica D 5330 W. Stiles St Philadelphia Pa 19131-4312 Elegance Bridal And Tuxedo 2812 Cottman Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19149Elenback Nancy A 615 Dupont St Philadelphia Pa 19128-2615 Elgabalawi Fayez Md 4200 Monument Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131-1625 Elise E Martin J O Halloran 121 Gordon Rd Erdenheim Philadelphia Pa 19118 Elizabeth Newberry 1668 N 56th St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Elkman Richard 1717 Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 19103 Elko Micheal 4143 O Street Philadelphia Pa 19124-5346 Elliott Dorothy 8210 Elberon Ave, A2 Philadelphia Pa 19111-1843 Elliott Edward J 8210 Elberon Ave Apt A2 Philadelphia Pa 19111-1843 Elliott Jason R 1124 Overinton St Philadelphia Pa Elliott Joseph 1400 N Providence Rd Ste 1015 Media Pa 19063 Elliott Kathleen D 2851 Norcom Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154-1629 Ellis Alene 2029 N. College Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19121-4806 Ellis Atiba R 2100 Walnut Street #70 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Ellis Cb R 1800 Jfk Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19103 Ellis Jimmie Iii V C C 5220 Whitby Ave, D Philadelphia Pa 19143-3211 Ellis Mary 1446 N. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 19122-3608 Ellman Marjorie Foxcroft Square Apts 610 Jenkintown Pa 19046 Ellman Walter Foxcroft Square Apts 610 Jenkintown Pa 19046 Elmar Incorporated 601 Davisville Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090-1514 Elsevier Sciecne The Curtis Center 170 South Independence Mall W Phildelphia Pa 19106 Elwyn Inc 111 Elwyn Rd Elwyn Pa 19063 Emenyom Leona Olachi 862 E. Sanger St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1015 Emerald Bay Apart Assoc 1500 Market Street Suite 3000 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Emmons Thomas P 8233 Crittenden St Phila Pa 19118-2911 Empawr Inc 3914 Locust Walk Philadelphia Pa 19104 Empire Martial Arts 101 E. Olney Ave, C3 Philadelphia Pa 19120 En Xian S 2400 N. Broad St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19132-4010 ����������������������������������������������������������� Eng Jia H 3807 Pulaski Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19140-3505 Eng Kevin 3024 W. York St Philadelphia Pa 19132-3447 Eng O 6003 Lansdowne Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19151-3936 Eng Xiu M 115 E. Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134-2206 Engelhart Daniel E 621 Reed St Apt 3r Phila Pa 19147 Engle Jeff 7151 Brous Ave Phila Pa 19149 English Connie A 3922 N. 9th St Philadelphia Pa 19140-3104 English Jessica N 464 Parker Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 English Latrice 2622 Lawrence St Phila Pa 19133 English Preston C 3030 N. 23rd St Philadelphia Pa 19132-1401 Engst Fred 229 W. Mount Pleasant Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119-2414 Ennis Shamia 247 Collom St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Ent Prof Assoc. 830 Old Lancaster Road Suite 209 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Enterprise Rentacar 55 N York Road Willow Grove Pa 19090 Enz Fred 543 Rosalie St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1221 Eoyang Thomas Jr 12 Saint James Ct Philadelphia Pa 19106-3702 Ep Sokhen Y 1301 N. 29th St Philadelphia Pa 19121-4503 Eppinger Anton Karl 123 Blake Ave Rockledge Pa 19046-4208 Epstein Joseph T 5724 Keystone St, C3 Philadelphia Pa 19135-4226 Epvaluecom Inc 610 Old York Road Jenkintown Pa 19046 Erb Carl W 160 Richmond St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19125-4126 Erckert Ann Carroll 1003 Easton Rd Apt 907c Willow Grove Pa 19090-2021 Erick Kurt W 1113 Solly Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-1446 Ernest Coleman Ta Ernest’s News Stand 5138 Market St Phila Pa 19139 Ervais Ronald A 203 Rhyl Lane Bala-Cynwyd Pa 19004-2323 Ervin Gerard L 875 Marcella St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1732 Erwin Anita 732 N. 19th St Philadelphia Pa 19130-2030 Escalante Edwin 48 Oriole Ave Media Pa 19063-4515 Eshleman Do 5303 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19124 Esida Abiodum 552 N. 17th St, Ofc Philadelphia Pa 19130 Esposito Fred 2034 E. Westmoreland St Philadelphia Pa 19134-3225 Esposito Joanne M 12619 Medford Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154-1415 Esquire Deposition Service 1880 J F Kennedy Blvd 15th Fl Philadelphia Pa 19103 Essex Barton G 4121 Main St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Essex Capital Assoc 315 N. 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19107 Estate Corp F P B 4102 Manayunk Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-5026 Estate Of Ronald C Ricciardi 205 N Monroe St Media Pa 19063 Estevez Michelle 885 N 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Estremera Magda 2203 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19133 Etherington Frederick H 736 Woodleave Road Bryn Pa 19010 Etkin William 2103 Solly Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19152-2804 Evans Conger Broussard Mccrea I One Bala Plaza Suite 640 Bala Cynwyd Pa Evans Craig 302 Carson St Philadelphia Pa 19128-4803 Evans Eileen M 1842 Lukens Ave Willow Grove Pa 19090-3944 Evans Fatima 43 E Meehan Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19144 Evans Holly E 7601 Crittenden St, G11 Philadelphia Pa 19118-3235 Evans Joseph 1920 S Croskey St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Evans Karen 365 East Meehan Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19119Evans Kathleen M 3081 Janney St Philadelphia Pa 19134-3715 Evans Kimberly One Liberty Place 1650 Market St Ste 1000 Philadelphia Pa Evans Lindell 1858 S. 65th St Philadelphia Pa 19142-1312 Evans Lorraine 5324 Stiles St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Evans Louise C School House Ln & Henry Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Evelock James C 435 E. Allens Ln Philadelphia Pa 19119-1104 Everett C D 5713 Wydale Ave Phila Pa 19131 Everett Shirley 5714 Dunlap St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Evernham Emilia D 1825 S. Bancroft St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2206 Ewen Ashley A 3522 Sunnyside Ave Philadelphia Pa 19129-1628 Excelle Derek S 530 Walnut St Ste 550 Phila Pa 19106 Excelle Derek S 530 Walnut St Ste 550 Phila Pa 19106 Executive Health 727 Delancey Street Philadelphia Pa 19106Exterior Concepts Mae 4231 E Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Exton Rex L E 23 E. Sharpnack St Philadelphia Pa 19119-2236


F W Woolworth Co 1026 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19107-4205 Fabio John J 4608 Richmond St Philadelphia Pa 19137-2215 Fabre Nelson N 7326 Shisler Street Philadelphia Pa 19111-3824 Fackler Christine S 5927 Elmhurst St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3603 Fahrbach Marie M 403 Godfrey Philadelphia Pa 19144 Fahy John 3719 Claredon St Philadelphia Pa 19114-1920 Fahy Rosemarie 1840 Berwyn St Philadelphia Pa 19115-3208 Fair Plan 530 Walnut St Suite 1650 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Fairmont Behavioral Hlth System Uhs Of Fairmont 561 Fairthorne Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-2412 Fairmount Behav Health Sys Phc 561 Fairthorne Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Fairweather Sam B 3643 Lancaster Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19104-2679 Faison Michelle L 221 E. Solcum St Philadelphia Pa 19119-2149 Faith Joseph 3468 Braddock St Philadelphia Pa 19134-2620 Falla Yearly Asso 3255 Cresson St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19129-1575 Fallows John 71 Yorkshire Drive Newtown Pa 18940-4013 Falone Fernando 6221 Woodland Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-2005 Fames Famous Pizza 1835 N 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Famiglietti Jean 6151 Reedland St Philadelphia Pa 19142-3211 Famularo William 300 E Rittenhouse St Philadelphia Pa 19144-5742 Fanchiang Cathy 515 W Chelten Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Fanchiang Cathy 515 W Chelten Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Fanelli Francis J 965 Dearing Lane Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Fanelli John 2005 Market St One Commerce Sq Philadelphia Pa 19103-7085 Fantazzi Anna 1509 W. End Dr Philadelphia Pa 19151-2234 Fao 13108356 2005 Market Street 2005 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103-7042 Farland Asheley “7934 Germantown Ave #2” Philadelphia Pa 19118 Farley Alexander T 603 W. Harwell Ln, A Philadelphia Pa Farley David 422 Edgeboro Drive Newtown Pa 18940 Farmer Carol 5428 W. Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19131-4242 Farmer Laura M 48 E. Wister St Philadelphia Pa 19144-5907 Farmer Mabel 1852 N. Taney St Philadelphia Pa 19121-2612 Farmer Mary 6920 Cresheim Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119-2501 Farrand Dennis A 1521 Wakeling St, Bs Philadelphia Pa 19124 Farrell Alice C 2100 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103-4810 Farrell Ann F 122 Osborne St Philadelphia Pa 19128-3707 Farrell Dennis P 34 Wyckwood Ct Newtoon Pa 18940 Farrell Eric D 120 N. Mole St Philadelphia Pa 19102-1405 Farren Wayne A 2801 Windybush Road Newton Pa 18940 Fasano Charles J 3359 Wiehle St Philadelphia Pa 19129-1752 Fasion Daniels Carolyn 2036 N. Wanamaker St Philadelphia Pa 19131-3021 Fassel William J 2961 Weikel St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4106 Faunders John 3448 W. Queen Ln Philadelphia Pa 19129-1441 Fauntleroy Bernard 2407 W. Oakdale St Philadelphia Pa 19132-3630 Fauset Marian 17th Parkway Philadelphia Pa 19103 Faust James 1713 Conlyn St Philadelphia Pa 19141-1831 Faustino Elizabeth E 6139 Grays Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-3207 Fay Claire 7028 Grays Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-1717 Fayter Darlene H 6352 Torresdale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19135-3304 Fci Usa Inc 2005 Market Street Etters Pa 19103-7017 Fci Usa Inc 2005 Market Street Etters Pa 19103-7017 Feast Your Eyes Gourmet 914-20 N. 2nd Street Philadelphia Pa 19123 Featherman John P O Box 22452 B Philadelphia Pa 19110 Febres Marangely 6729 Lynford St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2127 Fed Jewish Agencies 226 S. 16th St Philadelphia Pa Federation Of Iraq 555 City Line Ave Baia Cynwyo Pa 19004 Federman Frank Suite 900 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Fedoroff Francis J 625 Washington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19147 Fedors Eugene A 2528 Waverly St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1050 Fee Kevin Jr 117 Savory Ln North Wales Pa 19454 Feeny William 1208 E. Washington Ln Philadelphia Pa 19138 Fego Kimberly 1618 S. Bailey St Philadelphia Pa 19145-1219 Feindt William J 1842 S Chadwick Street Phila Pa 19145-2229 Feld David 6713 Eastwood St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Felder Hampton 526 Parnell Pl Philadelphia Pa 19144-1426 Felder Jane H 1730 Stenton Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19141-1433 Felder Renee 3842 N. Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19140-3229 Feldman Annette 1236 Unruh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-4934 Feldman Ilyse H 1714 Borbeck Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111-3515 Feldman Meyer 1236 Unruh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-4934 Felicia Nicholas 1017 Disston St Philadelphia Pa 19111-4410 Feliciano Luis M Jr 3011 N. Lee St Philadelphia Pa 19134-2825 Feliciano Mary 2303 E. Ann St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4301 Felker Guy M 8008 Algon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19152-2202 Fell Ada M 103 North State Apt 6 Newtown Pa 18940Fellner Gabriel 627 W. Kingsley St Philadelphia Pa 19144-3707 Felt Mary A 2607 Brown St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Feng Yu Fei 929 Arch St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19107-2404 Fennell Leonard 816 N. Markoe St Philadelphia Pa 19139-1829 Fenning Stanley 5029 Frankford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Fera Dale 3703 Daner Ln Philadelphia Pa 19114 Fera Joan B 213 Polo Dr North Wales Pa 19454 Ference Josephine N 181 N Clinton St Doylestown Pa 18901-3647 Ferguson Ann S 633 W. Sedgwick St. Philadelphia Pa 19119 Ferguson Isobel K 8102 Seminole St Philadelphia Pa 19118-3917 Ferguson Lynn 1906 Mount Vernon St Philadelphia Pa 19130-3214 Ferguson Mike 909 Granite St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1730 Ferguson Robert A 49 Hortter Philadelphia Pa 19119 Ferguson Susan M 224 N. Felton St Philadelphia Pa 19139-1146 Fernanders Rose 8503 Temple Rd Philadelphia Pa 19150-1908 Fernandez John H 1844 Christian St Philadelphia Pa 19146-2647 ������������������������������������������������������� Ferrante Joseph E 107 S Orange St # 2e Media Pa 19063 Ferrara Lucia 6255 Lawndale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-5705 Ferreira Adriano D 2005 Longshore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-1816 Ferretti Jeannine M 2315 Hoffnagle St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19152-2513 Ferro Virginia 2132 S. 64th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19142-2027 Fersner Yuhanna A 155 East Godfrey Avenue Apt L104 Philadelphia Pa 19127 Fetsko John D 325 Saint Andrews Dr Media Pa 19063 Fey Henrietta M 2540 S. Beulah St Philadelphia Pa 19148-4519 Feyissa Sisay 1339 S 29th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Fhcs Frankford Hospital 5009 Frankford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Fidalgo Jill 632 Gorgas Ln Philadelphia Pa 19128-2448 Fiedler David One Pitcairn Pl Jenkintown Pa 19046 Fiedler Heather One Pitcairn Pl Jenkintown Pa 19046 Fields Julia 3220 Princeton Ave Phila Pa 19149-1517 Fields Julia M 3220 Princeton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-1517 Fields Kimberly 2029 Croskey Philadelphia Pa 19145 Fields Lemon 6556 N. 18th St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19126-3401

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Fienberg Daniel Md 215 Bainbridge Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Figg Frederic 8530 Ridgeway St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19111-1314 Figueiredo Jose A 3027 Nesper St Philadelphia Pa 19152-4507 Figueroa Domingo 2960 Rutledge St Philadelphia Pa 19134-2922 Figueroa Genoveva 2307 N. 7th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19133-2103 Figueroa Jose 1745 N. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19122-3004 Figueroa Maria R 2616 N Franklin Street Philadelphia Pa 19133 Figueroa Nilsa 2163 N. Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19122-1321 Filer Dorothy 596 Anchor St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1706 Filho Anisio M 1224 Van Kirk St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19149-3729 Filippi Sam 7839 Devon St Philadelphia Pa 19118-3503 Fillette Janee M 737 Spruce St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19106 Filsaima Daniel 5459 W. Montgomery Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131-3105 Finch John G 1237 Rodman St, Fr Philadelphia Pa 19147-1129 Findlay Carol 1310 South St, Bsmt Philadelphia Pa 19147 Fineman S D 3 Penn Center Plaza Philadelphia Pa 19102 Finio Theresa 451 N. 65th St Philadelphia Pa 19151-4004 Finkbiner John 423 S. 8th St, 3r Philadelphia Pa 19147-1354 Finkelstein Jerry 214 Moredun Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115-4016 Finley Harry 2850 S. Simpson St Philadelphia Pa 19142-3320 Finn Andrew J 8019 Burholme Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-1863 Finn Molly 607 Fulton St Philadelphia Pa 19147-2915 Finnegan Joseph A Iii 1718 S. Dover St Philadelphia Pa 19145-1620 Finnerty Helen M 5311 Glenlock St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1521 Finnerty Thomas J 2628 N 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19133-1401 Finney Pearl 5404 Bartram Dr Philadelphia Pa 19143 Finston Anona B 2401 Pennsylvania Apt 12 C 46 Phila Pa 19130-3061 Finzimer Suzanne 44 Birch Court Newtown Pa 18940 Fiordimondo Gaetano 2516 S. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 19148-4633 Fiore Peter 2631 Dudley St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2503 Fiorenza Bruno F 10618 Lockart Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19116-3130 Firserv Securities Attn Francis Ridolfo C/O Citizen Investments 2005 Market St Philadelphia Pa First Corthian B C 5101 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19143-1507 First States Investors 5000a 1725 The Fairway Jenkintown Pa 19046 Fischer Peter P 146 E Ashland St Doylestown Pa 18901 Fiserv C Services 2005 Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19103-0000 Fish Edward 7122 Lincoln Dr Philadelphia Pa 19119-2437 Fish Sarah 7122 Lincoln Dr Philadelphia Pa 19119-2437 Fisher Arthur 7640 Wyndale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151--2707 Fisher Bertha 1512 Lardner St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3304 Fisher Bros Supply 7900 Rockwell Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Fisher Howard 820 Leland St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Fisher M L 906 N Park Towne Pl Philadelphia Pa 19130 Fisher Mamie 809 N. 50th St Philadelphia Pa 19139-1711 Fisher Mildred 414 E. Rockland St Philadelphia Pa 19120-4319 Fisher Nichole 112 W. Allens Ln Philadelphia Pa 19119-4102 Fisher Phyllis M 906 N Park Towne Pl Philadelphia Pa 19130 Fisher Raymond 842 S 2nd Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Fishgold Evelyn 6714 Leonard St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2407 Fishley Clinton 1133 S. 60th St Philadelphia Pa 19143-2344 Fitchett Lillian 5243 Pennsgrove St Philadelphia Pa 19131Fitchett Liston 5243 Pennsgrove St Philadelphia Pa 19131Fitchett Nichele 154 E. Pomona St Philadelphia Pa 19144-1931 Fitzgerald Dorothy 5429 Rutland St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1127 Fitzgerald Marie 4026 Claridge St Philadelphia Pa 19124-5309 Fitzgerald Marlene 3907 Mitchell St Philadelphia Pa 19128-3610 Fitzhenry Maureen 6311 Calvert St Philadelphia Pa 19149Fitzpatrick Florence A 3426 Morrell Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19114 Fitzpatrick Joseph 636 Leverington Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19128 Fitzpatrick Meghan M 2991 W. School House Lane Philadelphia Pa 19144 Fitzpatrick William T 4610 Worth St Philadelphia Pa 19124-3425 Flacks Vida S 2224 N. 16th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19132-4418 Flake S N 1131 Springmont Cir Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Flamer Alvin A 934 S 49th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Flanagan Margaret M 3418 Vaux St Philadelphia Pa 19129-1437 Flanigan James L Jr 6117 Webster St Philadelphia Pa 19143-2217 Flannery Edward 1544 Pratt St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19124-1923 Flannery M M 527 N Easton Rd Sloane Nissan Glenside Pa 19038 Flato Lillian S 3516 Hartel Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136-3030 Fleck Charles N 4738 Silverwood St Philadelphia Pa 19128-4624 Fleetwood Alpha H 4764 Vista St Philadelphia Pa 19136-4113 Fleming Helen E 36 W Mt Cury Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Fleming Peter F 4003 K St Philadelphia Pa 19124-5218 Fleming Rose M 477 Jacques Lane Media Pa 19063-1914 Fletcher Denise 4039 Howland St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Fletcher Jamie Katherine 2601 Blair Mill Rd Apt D12 Willow Grove Pa 19090Fletcher Vanessa A 2315 Fernon St Philadelphia Pa 19145-1321 Fleurimond Joseph F 6145 N. Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1328 Flicker Allen 394 Woodhaven Rd Philadelphia Pa 19116-1910 Flora Richard 2045 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Florence Brooks % Diane Graham Exectric 9209 Ridge Pike Philadelphia Pa Florio Anna M 6821 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-2107 Florio Giovanna 6821 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-2107 Flourine Winstead 2630 Elliott Ave Willow Grove Pa 19090 Flowers Brenda 4135 Reno St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Floyd Beatrice 1233 Lombard St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Floyd Gloria 385 Harrison Ave Apt A7 Upperdarby Pa 19082 Floyed Daman J. 5755 Walton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-2427 Fluehr John 3512 Cottman Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-1606 Fluellen Joyce L 5702 Chestunut St 1st Floor Phila Pa 19139 ��������������������������������������������� Flynn Christina 7122 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1211 Flynn Julia A 15012 Liberty Ln Philadelphia Pa 19116-1535 Flynn Thomas 7154 Rutland St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1115 Flynn Tracy A 6145 Harley Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-3411 Focaccio Josephine 1629 S. Bancroft St Philadelphia Pa 19145-1507 Foedisch Robert C Jr 631 S. 42nd St Philadelphia Pa 19104-446 Foester Marilyn H 404 Cheswick Pl 402 Rosemont Pa 19010-0000 Fogerty Thomas 7501 Dungan Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111-2718 Foglia Anthony 1437 S. Percy St Philadelphia Pa 19147-5614 ��������������������������������������������������������������� Foley Ann M 777 N. 23rd St Philadelphia Pa 19130-2619 Foley Elaine 914 Oakmont St Philadelphia Pa 19111-3223 Foley Leslie R 821 Levick St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111-5319 Foley Rita M 627 N Monroe St Media Pa 19063-2505 Foley Theresa M 2140 Mc Kinley St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3535 Foley William J 1336 Wales Pl Philadelphia Pa 19116-1529 Folk Margaret 4032 Green St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Folkenson L 313 Pineville Rd Newtown Pa 18940 Follette Eva June 127 Pelham Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Fonseca Carmen 2738 N. Mascher St Philadelphia Pa 19133-3505 Foor Jana M 3327 Conrad St Philadelphia Pa 19129-1514 Foot Stop Inc Good Buys Plaza Philadelphia Pa 19145Foppe Barbara 1228 Marlyn Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151-3125 Foran Frances X 1302 Fillmore Street Philadelphia Pa 19124-5926 Foran Frances X 1302 Fillmore Street Philadelphia Pa 19124-5926 Ford Ashley 703 S. 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19146-2015 Ford Bonnie The Wallace Bldg 642 N Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19130-3409 ��������������������������������������������������������� Ford John 824 N Markoe St Philadelphia Pa 19139-1829 Ford John 824 N Markoe St Philadelphia Pa 19139-1829 Ford Latricia 1643 North 55th St Apt 5 Philadelphia Pa 19139 Ford Margaret 1332 S Paxon Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 Ford Martha R 6420 N. 15th St Philadelphia Pa 19126-3502 Ford Patrena 2150 Regent St Apt H Philadelphia Pa 19143Ford Sheren E 6166 Hasbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-5921 Ford Wilbert 5443 N 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19141-3007 Forden Charmaine E 7823 New St Wyndmoor Pa 19038 Forem Alice 1506 W. Diamond St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19121 Foreman Stanley A 7135 Large St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Forlano August 9921 Bustleton Ave, H10 Philadelphia Pa 19115-1548 Forman Roscoe 146 Wishart Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Forman Sandra 1650 Arch St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Forms Inc Dbg 2800 Black Lake Pl Philadelphia Pa 19154 Forrest Helena J 1511 W. Chelten Ave Philadelphia Pa 19126-3520 Forrest Marie 3005 N Water Philadelphia Pa 19134 Forrest Marie 3005 N Water St Philadelphia Pa 19134-2827 Forrest Viola M 132 N Hobart St Philadelphia Pa 19139-2431 Forstater Seth M 2401 Pennsylvania Ave A4 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Forstein Mary C/O Mary Forstein Solow 162 Commonwealth Drive Newtown Pa Forstein Shirley C/O Mary Forstein Solow 162 Commonwealth Drive Newtown Pa 18940 Forth Joyce 513 Parrish St Philadelphia Pa 19123-2111 Fortune Gloria 5306 Angora Terrace Philadelphia Pa 19143 Foschini Gerald R 2041 Peirce St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2012 Fossler Barbara 243 Rubicam St Philadelphia Pa 19120-3316 Foster Agnes 1211 S 54th St Philadelphia Pa 19143-4817 Foster Bernice K C/O Caren Foster 807 Parkridge Dr Media Pa 19063-1715 Foster Carolyn J 1315 E. Rittenhouse St Philadelphia Pa 19138-1916 Foster Carolyn O 2821 Midvale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19129-1023 Foster Cyril E C/O Caren Foster 807 Parkridge Dr Media Pa 19063-1715 Foster Hildreth 70 S Main St Doylestown Pa 18901 Foster Vincent 5308 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1222 Founda Frankf H S 4900 Penn St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19124-2614 Foundas Mary 44 Marlborough Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-2429 Fountain Lucille 1436 W. Hagert St Philadelphia Pa 19132-4021 ������������������������������������������������������������������ Foust Raymond Iii 3315 Indian Queen Ln, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19129-1519 Fowler Lynne V 210 N. Sartain St Philadelphia Pa 19107 Fowler Ruby 2100 S 58th St Apt 461 Philadelphia Pa 19143-5949 Fox Chase Cancer Ctr 7701 Burholme Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Fox Chris G 413 Fulton St Philadelphia Pa 19147-3110 Fox Jacqueline 742 S. 59th St Philadelphia Pa 19143-2437 Fox Leon 828 Larkspur St Philadelphia Pa 19116-2932 Foxworth Kathleen 324 Titan St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Frances Odonnell 2021 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Frances T Butler Exec C/O Joseph B Siedlarz 19 W 3rd Street Media Pa 19063 Francis Ciociola 1919 Chestnut Street Apt 1609 Wm Penn Hse Philadelphia Pa Francis Elinor W 409 Caversham Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-2901 Francis Paul M 1227 N. Conestoga St Philadelphia Pa 19131-4211 Francis Rafael P O Box 723 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 ��������������������������������������������������������������� Franganillo Marcelo 301 S 19th St Apt 9a Philadelphia Pa 19103 Frangiadis Dimitri 542 Hermit St Philadelphia Pa 19128-2722 Frank Ramondo 120 W Mount Pleasant Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119-2411 Frankel Lynn 1845 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Frankel William 1845 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Frankenberger Warren D 4712 Warrington Ave, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19143-3505 ������������������������������������������������������������������ Frankie Algarin Jr 2811 N Swanson St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Franklin Huntington Hodge & 1500 John F Kennedy Blvd Suite 1032 Two Penn Cntr Plaza Philadelphia Pa 19102 Franklin Inst Press Po Box 2266 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Franklin James E 1520 N. Bailey St Philadelphia Pa 19121-3708 Franks Hannah 1103 Gilham St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5408 Frantz William P 3813 Sharp St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1815 Fraser Veronica M 503 Parnell Pl Philadelphia Pa 19144-1425 Frazier Dacia C 4558 N. 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19140-1204 Frazier Jeffrey 162 E Duval St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Frazier Ross Jr 1453 N. Wanamaker St Philadelphia Pa 19131-3825 Frebowitz Edward R 239 Brown St Philadelphia Pa 19123-2232 Frederic Roobens 1236 Harrison St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Freed Katherinp 7122 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1211 Freedman Fay 95 Brownsburg Rd New Hope Pa 18938 Freedman Max C 1327 Spruce Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Freedman Minerva 522 Glendale Road Upper Darby Pa 19082-5019 Freedman Minerva 522 Glendale Road Upper Darby Pa 19082-5019 Freedman Rick S 1310 Magee St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Freeman Anna M 3131 Weymouth St Philadelphia Pa 19134-2412 Freeman Jane T 110 Fitzwater St Philadelphia Pa 19147Freeman Sheilah M 5046 N. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19120-3836 Freeman Sylvia 1538 W. Lehigh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19132-2213 Freiberg Betty 206 Robina St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19116-3517 Freidman Sue The Bellvue 4th Floor Broad & Philadelphia Pa 19102 Freire Antonio 4946 N. 5th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120-3810 Freire Charter Schoo 1425 Arch St 4th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19102 Freisheim Robert Jr 6271 Kindred St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19149-2806 French Mary E 4215 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19104-3005 French Valerie 4215 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19104-3005 Fresh City Of Market St Llc 1735 Market St, S1 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Fricker Kenneth 5718 N. 2nd St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120-2402 Friedenberg Marvin 3389 S. Keswick Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114-1609 Friedland Judi 1203 Passmore St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5530 Friedlander Cary 1307 Pine Rd Rosemont Pa 19010-1634 Friedman Gertrude 7224 Hanford St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1312 Friedman Glori 863 Hendrix St Philadelphia Pa 19116-2525 Friedman Mae 5609 Chester Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Friedman Sidney 1700 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103-3913 Friedman Suzanne 4045 Locust St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19104-3506 Friedman Tracie 408 Sawyers Lane Newtown Pa 18940 Friend Robert P 411 S. Croskey St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1103

PAGE 43 Friends Rehab Transitional Hou Accounts Payable Philadelphia Pa 19123 Frierson Angela 5206 F Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Frigar Cynthia Ann 9 Ingham Way New Hope Pa 18938-1043 Friner Arlene 812 S. Delhi St Philadelphia Pa 19147-2718 Frisbey Sondra 1001 W Girard Ave Apt 309 Philadelphia Pa 19123 Frishman Arlene 135 Benjamin Ct Phila Pa 19114 Fritsch John C 6313 Cottage St Philadelphia Pa 19135-3220 Fritz Ruth O 903 Surrey Rd Media Pa 19063-1631 Frommer Linda Po Box 4348 Philadelphia Pa 19118-8348 Frost James R Jr. 443 Hermitage St Philadelphia Pa 19128-3330 Frost Michael 1538 S Myrtlewood Street Philadelphia Pa 19146-3518 Frumkin Abe 2057 Lombard St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1314 Frye Clinton Jr 135 52nd St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Frye Cynthia L 550 Geneva Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120-2626 Fryer Margaret 5511 W Oxford St Philadelphia Pa 19131-3526 Fuentes Angel D 914 E. Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1307 Fuentes Miguel 1646 N. Cadwallader St Philadelphia Pa 19122-3014 Fuerst Richard G Jr 3513 Morrell Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114-1918 Fullam Alice 372 Brownsburg Rd Newtown Pa 18940-9626 Fuller Conrad 631 N. Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19123-2417 Fuller Jean M 2979 Weikel St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4106 Fuller Mary Po Box 27552 Phila Pa 19118 Fuller Mary 1608 Chattin Rd Glenside Pa 19038 Fuller Richard S 5520 Wayne Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144-3317 Fuller Thomas 723 S Frazier St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Fulp Carl T 148 N 121st St # 5 Phila Pa 19103 Fund R 849 Cathedral Rd Phila Pa 19128-1201 Furman Gerald 819 N. Bucknell St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1919 Fussy John 911 N. 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19123


G S Mgt Assoc 6608 N. 12th St, M2 Philadelphia Pa 19126 Gable Jordan F. 126 Titian St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Gaerlan Alicia 414 Acker St Philadelphia Pa 19126-3917 Gagllana Paul 6343 Gillispie St Philadelphia Pa 19135-3222 Gaines Bernice 1255 N. 15th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19121-5130 Gaines Joseph A 5631 Haverford Ave, G3 Philadelphia Pa Gaines Terri R 1533 Beverly Road Philadelphia Pa 19119Gaines William 633 E Mount Airy Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Gairing Clara 6041 N. Mascher St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1937 Gaitan Colleen 247 E. Louden St Philadelphia Pa 19120-3933 Galdi Patricia 408 W. Durham St Philadelphia Pa 19119-2910 Galiczynski William P 1059 Eagle Rd Newtown Pa 18940-2825 Gallagher Bernadette 1510 S. Marston St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4423 Gallagher David R 513 Woodland Ter, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19104-4511 Gallagher Diana M Cpl Usmcr 1926 Rodman St Apt B Philadelphia Pa 19146 Gallagher Garrett G 1900 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Gallagher John 2931 S. Dewey St Philadelphia Pa 19142-3407 Gallagher John 2150 Mckinley St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3535 Gallagher Marie O 1945 Ambassador St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19115-4635 Gallagher Michael F 1425 Unity St Philadelphia Pa ������������������������������������������������������������ Gallagher Sean M 2839 Saxton Rd, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19114-2403 Gallagher Stephen Po Box 63366 Philadelphia Pa 19114-8366 Gallman Claude . 5412 Addison St. Philadelphia Pa 19143 Gallo 61 W. Chelten Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144-2701 Gallo Kathleen 8121 Cresco Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136-2210 Galloway Lillian 718 N. 17th St, 308 Philadelphia Pa 19130-2829 Gammon Betty 4303 Elsinore St Philadelphia Pa 19124-4305 ���������������������������������������������������������� Gandelsman Jonathan 2116 Walnut St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19103 Gandy Marvin 641 Allengrove St Philadelphia Pa 19120-2105 Gannon Ellen 5913 Newtown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120-1130 Gannon George K Estate Of P O Box 81 Media Pa 19063-0081 Gannon James E 204 Red Barn Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090-1611 Gannon Marilyn M 204 Red Barn Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090-1611 Gannon Raymond 3621 Whitehall Ln Philadelphia Pa 19114-1826 Ganson David K 1734 Pine St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19103-6784 Gant Anna 1648 S. Conestoga St Philadelphia Pa 19143-5416 Gap Inc The 1710 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Garay Jaime 4259 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124-4919 Garbacz Edward L 104 Preston Drive North Wales Pa 19454-4225 Garber Lackman Dental 200 Monument Rd Ste 4 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Garber Marie T 5035 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Garcia Andres 2203 Germantown Ave, 102 Philadelphia Pa 19133-2126 Garcia Eduardo Eduardo Garcia 704 Marley Rd Philadelphia Pa 19124-3013 Garcia Felicita 2642 N. 3rd St, B Philadelphia Pa 19133-3101 Garcia Jose F N 747 Marley Rd Philadelphia Pa 19124-3012 Garcia Wilfredo Jr 3236 Kip St Philadelphia Pa 19134-2203 Garden Inc 1617 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Gardere Jean 6317 Callowhill St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19151-4125 Gardiner Leilah 126 N Lindenwood St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Gardy A Carter 192 E Court St Po Box 2587 Doylestown Pa 18901 ��������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������� Garg Smita 1815 John F Kennedy Blvd Apt 2 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Gargiuley Lucy V 1531 S 32nd St Philadelphia Pa 19146-3412 Garland James E 3323 Guilford St Philadelphia Pa 19136-4308 Garlick Kathleen E 1368 Anchor St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Garner Marlene 1287 Wallace St Philadelphia Pa 19123-2408 Garner Patricia 1972 Renovo St Philadelphia Pa 19138-2226 Garnett Lisa C 5705 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144-2136 Garrett Charles 1428 W. Chew St Philadelphia Pa 19141-2310 Garrett Cora 47 N Robinson St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Garrett David 8843 Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19152-1311 Garrett Winnie Hansford C/O Kenneth H Garrett Poa 121 Rose Valley Rd Media Pa 19063-4202 Gart Corporation Box 260 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-0260 Garvin Helen M 642 N Broad St 6th Fl Philadelphia Pa 19130-3424 Gary Kaschak Corp 1500 Jfk Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19102-1721 Gary William 138 E Willard St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Garzella Michael F 406 W. Chelten Ave, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19144-4453 Gaskill Genevieve 3460 Emerald St Philadelphia Pa 19134-2011 Gaskill Mary H 726 Sproul Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-1115 Gaskins Gloria 122 W Logan St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Gaspari Dennis J 2235 S. Chadwick St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3851 Gasparro Frank 2428 S. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19145-4301 Gasper Susan N 1419 S. 4th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147-5935 Gassler Bryan M 3830 Sharp St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1816 Gates Rose 7109 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Gatley Marion 4343 Tackawanna St Philadelphia Pa 19124-4039 Gattis Deral R 2616 Oakford Street Philadelphia Pa 19146-3814

PAGE 44 Gaubas Julia 2027 Beyer Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19115-4704 Gauntner Sheri 2526 S Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Gavaghan Kimberley A 834 E. Schiller St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1333 Gawinowicz Gregg J 3207 Unruh Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19149-2626 Gawthrop Nancy W 805 S Fairway Rd Glenside Pa 19038-1408 Gay Marina 1027 N. Pallas St Philadelphia Pa 19104-1220 Gay Mary M 4141 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19104-3012 Gay Robert L 7119 Woodland Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-1039 Gcs Service Inc Po Box 3564 Philadelphia Pa 19123 Gearon Elizabeth 7344 Belden St Philadelphia Pa 19111-3812 Geary Sean P 407 Green Ln Apt 3r Philadelphia Pa 19128 Gebhardt Chas 515 W. Mount Pleasant Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119-2930 Gebhardt Mary H 203 Benson Manor Jenkintown Pa 19046-0000 Geckle Patrick G. 1845 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Geesey Cynthia 119 Dupont St Phila Pa 19127 Geffen Rela 215 S. Bonsall St Philadelphia Pa 19103-5507 Geibel David 524 N. 19th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19130-3835 Geiger Marian 8325 Pine Rd Philadelphia Pa 19111-1860 Geissel Robert A 5204 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1913 Gelishvili Mikheil 9926 Haldeman Ave, B55 Philadelphia Pa 19115-1613 Gemmell Ann T 1212 Wendover Avenue Rosemont Pa 19010-2720 Genl Felt Ind 2121 Wheatsheaf Ln, M1 Philadelphia Pa 19137-1021 Gentile Concrete Inc P O Box 226 Newtown Pa 18940 Gentile Roland 1432 Mckinley St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2705 Geoghegan Margaret E 1428 Wellington St Philadelphia Pa 19111-4231 George Boby 1218 Friendship St # D Philadelphia Pa 19111 George Francis 2409 Tremont St, A Philadelphia Pa 19115-5032 George H Perkins Trust 5242 Old Easton Road Doylestown Pa 18901-9760 George Joseph 10931 E. Keswick Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19154-4139 George Wayne 3324 Willits Rd, 3a Philadelphia Pa 19136-1238 Georgette Innes Inc 1202 Mckinley St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5834 Gerardi Vincent J 2517 S. Broad St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19148-4309 Gerba Steven J 1230 Day St Philadelphia Pa 19125-3940 Gerbarg Louis Golden 546 Oxford Road Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Gercasky Morris 7135 Rutland St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19149-1116 Gerigne Hugues 120 S 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Germanis Dolores C 908 E. Westmoreland St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1927 Germantown Settlement 48 E Penn Street Philadelphia Pa 19144-2308 Gerolamo Mcnulty Divis & Lewhart 225 S 15th St Ste 1600 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Gerthart Robert 136 Sparks St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1945 Gertrude M Burghart 100 South Broad St Suite 1430 James Mcgraft Exec Philadelphia Pa 19110 Geser Sharon 4052 Powelton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Gethers Brian C 2813 Poplar St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1222 Gethers Thomas 424 S. 57th St Philadelphia Pa 19143-1332 Getzow Steven Po Box 1264 Doylestown Pa 18901 Geyer Mary E 761 Smylie Rd Philadelphia Pa 19124-3034 Gf Management 1811 Chestnut St. Suite 702 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Ghionni Nicholas Ejr . 2732 Cleveland S St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Ghosh Martha S 7715 Crefeld St Philadelphia Pa 19118-4022 Giambuzzi Rudolph 1215 S. Clarion St Philadelphia Pa 19147-4413 Giannakakais Antonis Bldg 3;Rm 1331 421 Chewy Blvd Phila Pa 19104 Giannas Inc 721-3 Wharton St, 1f Philadelphia Pa Giannattisio Gildi 2820 S. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19145-4811 Gianopulos William 1511 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19102-4624 Giasullo Ann Donegan 195 Pepperidge Cir Philadelphia Pa 19123-0000 Giasullo Ann Donegan 195 Pepperidge Cir Philadelphia Pa 19123-0000 Gibbons Ida 4250 Westminster Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Gibbs 4325 Sansom St, 1rear Philadelphia Pa 19104 Gibbs Arthur 930 S. 49th St Philadelphia Pa 19143-3404 Gibbs Carol 702 N Preston Street Philadelphia Pa 19104Gibbs Derek 1820 Gillingham Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Gibbs Howard I 7106 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1201 Gibbs John G 1617 Nedro Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19141-1811 Gibson James 326 Maypole Road Upper Darby Pa 19082 Gibson John P 6511 Theodore St Philadelphia Pa 19142-2821 Gibson Samuel 1830 S. Taylor St Philadelphia Pa 19145-1815 Giddings Dexter 731 Maple Lane Apt. 1 Philadelphia Pa 19124 Giddings Lauren 217 Rodman Avenue Jenkintown Pa 19046Gieger Willie 2337 N. Carlisle St Philadelphia Pa 19132-4515 Gietmann Mary 3050 Magee Ave. Philadelphia Pa 19149 Gilbert Margaret 379 S Reading Ave Boyertown Pa 19512 Gilbert Marilyn 516 Wadsworth Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119-1131 Gilbertmee Rebecca 2229 S. Shields St Philadelphia Pa 19142-2213 Gilbertson Warren H Est Of 2400 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Gilden Saul 2109 Rhawn St, A12 Philadelphia Pa 19152 Giletto Charles 2542 S. Warnock St Philadelphia Pa 19148-4429 Gillett David 1917 Waverly St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1424 Gillette Elizabeth 2423 N. Newkirk St Philadelphia Pa 19132-3508 Gilliam James R 5905 Cobbs Creek Parkway Philadelphia Pa 19143Gilliam Kathryn P 5905 Cobbs Creek Parkway Philadelphia Pa 19143Gilliard Linda M 6649 N. 16th St, A1 Philadelphia Pa 19126-2726 Gilliard Thomas 2046 Mckean St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2827 Gilligan Sarah 4310 Pechin St Philadelphia Pa 19128-3437 Gillis Beatrice 1508 E. Cliveden St Philadelphia Pa 19150-3310 Gillman Joe 620 E. Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134-2303 Gilly Agnes 4910 E Cheltenham Ave Phila Pa 19124-1615 Gilmore Nicole 54 E Coulter Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Gimball Nicole N 2434 E. Somerset St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4220 Gines Andy 1852 Wensley St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Ginger Laverne Inc D/B/A Eden Roc 1437 South Street Philadelphia Pa 19146Ginion Edward D 512 Robbins St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5764 Ginko Ass 1124 Oneil St Philadelphia Pa 19123-1610 Ginnif Leslie 7116 Marsden St Philadelphia Pa 19135-1223 Ginsberg Helen 7901 Henry Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Ginsberg Jerry N.W. Corner Front & Norris St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Giorgio Elvafrances 898 Carver Street Philadelphia Pa 19124-1010 Giorgio James J 898 Carver St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1010 Girard Auto Body 808 N. 19th St. Phila Pa 19130 Girard Medical Center 8th St And Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19122 Girl Scouts Of Southeastern Pa Troop 396 190 Sherbrook Blvd Upper Darby Pa Girone Mary 7115 Dorel St Philadelphia Pa 19153-2403 Glacken Charlene 6860 Guyer Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-2519 Gladden Ella 2056 Mountain Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Gladstone Bernice Po Box 2125 Jenkintown Pa 19046-0725 Gladstone Leonard Po Box 2125 Jenkintown Pa 19046-0725 Glanzmann Gerald 4319 Marple St Philadelphia Pa 19136-3630 Glaspie Richard 5029 Frankford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Glass Steven 2015 Locust St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19103-5626 Glass Walter 3540 Joyce St Philadelphia Pa 19134-2126 Glavis David S 2116 Earp St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4532

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Glaxosmithkline 200 N 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19102-1225 Glaze David M 306 West Waverly Rd Glenside Pa 19038 Glazer Neil L 264 S. 4th St, 1a Philadelphia Pa 19106 Gleason Timothy 6720 Dicks Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-2605 Glen Ronald V 4504 N 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19140-2335 Glenn Samuel L 1656 E. Walnut Ln Philadelphia Pa 19138-1609 Glenn Septhen 157 Cotton St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1419 Glessner Mathew E 4050 Irving St Philadelphia Pa 19104-3532 Glickman Sadie Park Towne Pl Apt W301 2200 Ben Franklin Pkwy Philadelphia Pa 19130-0000 Gliner Leon Ira C/O Neema Emerg Med Assoc Pc 401 E City Ave #820 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Gliwa Gary 5452 Valley St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1413 Global Medical Solutions 21 N 52nd St Philadelphia Pa 19139-2644 Glodek Jane M R 5213 Greene St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19144 Glover Bernice 1115 S Paxon St Philadelphia Pa 19143-4316 Glynn Melissa 2415 Fitlers Walk Philadelphia Pa 19103-5562 Gnecco Sean Patrick 3464 Bowman St Philadelphia Pa 19129-1509 Godet Cecelia 2101 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103-4415 ����������������������������������������������������������������� Godown Charlene Michele 1835 Easton Road Doylestown Pa 18901Godown Robin A 1835 Easton Road Doylestown Pa 18901Goenka Anant Anant Goenka 3820 Locust Walk Philadelphia Pa 19104-6134 Gogna Sumit 7112 Seaford Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Gold Charmaine 1540 Devereaux St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Gold Herbert 9015 Revere St Philadelphia Pa 19152-1414 Gold Richard J 1608 Walnut St Ste 1600 Philadelphia Pa 19103-5410 Gold Street Investment Club 817 So 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19146-2016 Goldberg Gladys Po Box 901 Jefferson Bldg Media Pa 19063-0901 Goldberg Louis 877 Ronnie Ln Philadelphia Pa 19128-1035 Goldberg Marsha 1103 Gilham St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5408 Goldberg Steve Beaver College 450 South End Road Glenside Pa 19038 Goldberg Sura 7201 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1214 Golden Aimee M 225 Delancey St. Philadelphia Pa 19106 Golden Christine 1835 Ingersoll St Philadelphia Pa 19121-4927 Golden Donald 3045 N. 15th St Philadelphia Pa 19132-2305 Golden Edward 5520 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-1908 Golden Fay 6630 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2326 Golden Gregory 1301 E. Montgomery Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19125-2701 Golden Harry 6630 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2326 Golden Jay L 6630 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2326 Golden Samuel 2401 N. 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19132-4441 Goldenburg David 728 Arnold St Philadelphia Pa 19111-1327 Golder Thelma Sutton Terrace - 711 50 Belmont Ave Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2437 Goldfarb Lawrence 600 S. 48th St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19143 Goldman Glen 15155 Beverly Dr, B Philadelphia Pa 19116-1410 Goldsberry Phil 2005 Market St Ste 1200 Philadelphia Pa 19103-7008 Goldsborou Lawrence 6101 Baynton St Philadelphia Pa 19144-2012 Goldsborough Michelle 51 N. 3rd St #207 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Goldson Karen P 4944 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19139-4207 Goldstein Charles A 441 N 5th St Philadelphia Pa 19123 Goldstein Janice C/O Romm 7517 Whitaker Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-3315 Goldstein Lilly 1250 Greenwood Ave Apt 324 Jenkintown Pa 19046-2903 Goldstein Matthew C/O Romm 7517 Whitaker Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-3315 Goldstein Seth Michael 2100 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Goldy Co D/B/A Envy Nightclub 27 Bank Street Philadelphia Pa 19106Golia Jodi 1062 ‘Lancaster Ave Apt 411 Rosemont Pa 19010 Golinsky Danile G 9339 Jamison Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19115-4278 Golomidov Dmitry 3820 Locust Walk Philadelphia Pa 19104 Gomes Rejane 5840 Hasbrook Ave, 3 Philadelphia Pa 19120-1148 Gomez Elsa A 216 E. Albanus St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19120-3504 Gomez Eneida 12849 Mccarthy Cir Philadelphia Pa 19154-1529 Gonzales Roman Marie 3950 N. 5th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19140-3303 Gonzalez Eddie 3447 Hurley St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1114 Gonzalez Gabriel 207 W. Duncannon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120-3326 Gonzalez Lia Z 6700 Harbison Ave, 7 Philadelphia Pa 19149 Gonzalez Margarita 1810 Rittenhouse Sq Apt 1411 Philadelphia Pa 19103-5822 Gonzalez Maria 4047 Neilson Str Phila Pa 19124 Gonzalez Rosa H 2931 N. Philip St Philadelphia Pa 19133-3607 Gonzalez Wilfredo 2726 N. 5th St Philadelphia Pa 19133-2701 Good Shepherd Convent 6601 Chester Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-1304 Good Stuff Cafe 140 S. 20th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19103-4434 Goodbar Beamon Jacqueline 1607 Elaine St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19150-1005 Goode Arthur E 3510 N. Warnock St Philadelphia Pa 19140-4316 Goodline John R 103 Township Line Rd Ste A Jenkintown Pa 19046-5127 Goodman Harry 2350 Tremont St, 204 Philadelphia Pa 19115-5048 Goodman James D 2224 Manning St Philadelphia Pa 19103-5515 Goods Jason N 3619 Warren St Philadelphia Pa 19104-2605 Goodwin Allen 2019 Wilder St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Goodwin Brian 1511 Manton St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Goodwin Gregory T 6638 Greene St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Goodwin Nancy A 2962 Richmond St Philadelphia Pa 19134-5720 Goodwin Nancy A 2948 Richmond St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19134-5720 Goodwin Robert N 352 E Wister St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Goodyear Auto Service Center 545 North Broad Street Philadelphia Pa 19123Gorbey James Henery Jr 10-12 West Front St Media Pa 19063 Gordon Candice T 1215 N. Franklin St, 2nd Philadelphia Pa 19122-4324 Gordon Ernest 6630 Mccallum St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Gordon Jason 4000 Roosvelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19124-3032 Gordon Jennifer 334 Pemberton St Philadelphia Pa 19147-3214 Gordon Matthew N 1135 Wellington Street Philadelphia Pa 19111-4238 Gordon Ralph 5660 Cherry St Philadelphia Pa 19139-2554 Gordon Ricardo 7729 Fayette St Philadelphia Pa 19150-2217 Gorlitsky Helen 133 Ripka St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19127-1937 Gorman John 518 E. Wyoming Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120-4510 Gormley William J 3123 Englewood St Phila Pa 19149-1504 Gorti Subbarao 1139 Luzerne Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Gorti Subbarao 1139 Luzerne Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Gosciniec Elizabeth 2404 Duncan St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1405 Gosnnay Richard 3565 Lafayette St Philadelphia Pa 19129-1626 Gotlieb Jill S 161 Leverington Ave, 3008 Philadelphia Pa 19127-2036 Gottlieb Sandra J 92 Kirkwood Dr Newtown Pa 18940 Gouda Magdy 221 Barrington Rd. Upper Darby Pa 19082 Gouedy Van 2232 N. Colorado St Philadelphia Pa 19132-4329 Gould Suzan Neiger 609 Geigel Hill Rd Ottsville Pa 18901 Gouveia Victor M 6916 Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19149-1918 Goz Abram 207 Lockart Ln, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19116-3125 Grace M Flowers C/O Thomas F Grady Esq 2033 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Grace Patricia 5261 Glenloch St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1545 Gracia Jacqueline 1359 E. Susquehanna Ave Philadelphia Pa 19125-2840 Gracia Ray 3652 Jasper St Philadelphia Pa 19134

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Graduate Cari 1 Graduate Plaza Po Box 13537-4266 Philadelphia Pa 19146 Grady Margaret C 3507 Sunnyside Ave Philadelphia Pa 19129-1627 Grady Tanya D 4703 N. 15th St Philadelphia Pa 19141-2101 Graf Werner H 721 S. 17th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19146-2015 Graham Ayana 6205 W. Jefferson St, 2b Philadelphia Pa 19151-4532 Graham Company One Penn Square West Philadelphia Pa 19102 Graham Donald S 7393 Elmwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19153-1426 Graham Dwight E 7522 Rugby St Philadelphia Pa 19150-2608 Graham James 6732 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2328 Graham M 2265 N. Lambert St Philadelphia Pa 19132-4817 Graham Marion B Foxcroft Square Apt 420 Plymouth Pa 19046 Graham Melissa A 6611 N. 2nd St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19126-3102 Graham Thomas E 3134 Tyson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-2001 Graham Tiffany C 2714 West Hicks St Philadelphia Pa 19131 ���������������������������������������������������������� Granato Albert 4367 Salmon St Philadelphia Pa 19137-1601 Grand Case Inc 4619 Chester Ave, A Philadelphia Pa 19143 Grande David A 2322 S 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3418 Grande David A 2322 S 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3418 Grande Frank 408 Wellesley Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119-2907 Grande Lucille 2322 S 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3418 Grande The Re:Apt 2009 111 S 15th St Phila Pa 19102 Grand-Pierre Snell 7250 Walnut St Upper Darby Pa 19082 Granoff Jeanne 1121 Princeton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-4232 Grant David 230 S. Broad St Ste. 08 West Phila Pa 19102 Grant Florien 961 Glenbrooke Ave Brynmawr Pa 19010 Grant Orett O 235 E Garrett St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Grant Richard W 526 Catharine St Philadelphia Pa 19147-3034 Grant Theresa 5100 Lebanon Ave-#607 Philadelphia Pa 19131 ����������������������������������������������������������� Grassey Daniel 5722 Erdrick St Philadelphia Pa 19135-3908 Grasty Harper 2621 Phipps Ave Willow Grove Pa 19090 Grasty Tamara 7121 Sprague St, K Philadelphia Pa 19119-1238 ����������������������������������������������������������� Graves Bernina C 1618 E. Mcpherson St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19150-1010 Graves Jerry 5662 Warrington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-4723 Graves Lewin Sr 4098 Olive Sy Philadelphia Pa 19104 Graves Tammy 6028 N. Warnock St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19141-3710 Gray Annie 2100 Medary Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138-2526 Gray Bernice 523 E. Walnut Ln Philadelphia Pa 19144-1053 Gray Charlotte 10 W Duval St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Gray Eveline B 6736 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19135-2210 Gray Larry S 1216 N. 50th St Philadelphia Pa 19131-4503 Gray Phil 1204 Society Pl Newtown Pa 18940 Gray Phil Ent 1204 Society Pl Newtown Pa 18940 Grayson Joan 5935 Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19149-3320 Greco Jennie 4536 Magee Ave Philadelphia Pa 19135-2738 Greco Joseph A 859 Old Lancaster Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-3227 Gredesky Carolyn J A 2421 Olive St Philadelphia Pa 19130-2523 Green Craig A 10103 Northeast Ave, 14 Philadelphia Pa 19116 Green Creola L 612 S 15th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Green Eleanor 3860 N. Gratz St Philadelphia Pa 19140-3526 Green Esther 5828 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-1913 Green Frank L 104 N. Felton St Philadelphia Pa 19139-2222 ������������������������������������������������������� Green Jason Nas Willow Grovew Jrb Willow Grove Pa 19090Green Kenneth Lawrence 220 E. Mermaid Ln, 157 Philadelphia Pa 19118-3212 Green Lena 5444 Webster St C/O Annie Ruth Holmes Philadelphia Pa 19143 Green Mary 5651 Beaumont Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-4710 Green Moses 1916 Latona Street Philadephia Pa 19146 Green Nancy 1567 Stocton Road Meadowbrook Pa 19046 Green Othella 2446 N. 50th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19131-1405 Green Tiffany L Cus Mrs Esther V Witts 1422 N 57th St Philadelphia Pa 19131Green Valerie 609 E. Mount Airy Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119-1147 Green William 1198 E. Washington Ln Philadelphia Pa Greenberg Fannie 6538 Gesner St Philadelphia Pa 19142-2204 Greenberg Leigh S 1938 Brandywine St, 5 Philadelphia Pa 19130-3201 Greenberg Noah 870 N. Ringgold St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1943 Greenberg Paul 8203 Dorcas St Philadelphia Pa 19152-2253 Greenberg Renee L 12th Fl Packard Bldg Philadelphi Pa 19102 Greene Harold 2634 S. 6th St Philadelphia Pa 19148-4625 Greene Margaret 5112 Baltimore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Greene Margaret 5112 Baltimore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 ��������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������� Greenleaf Clinton 5166 Funston St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Greenleaf Clinton 5166 Funston St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Greenspan Jeffrey 2437 E. Norris St Philadelphia Pa 19125-2935 Greenspan Law Firm 1608 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Greentree Brokerage 1700 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103Greentree Propereties Inc 2426 S. 23rd St, #594 Philadelphia Pa 19145 Greenway George 532 Watkins St Philadelphia Pa 19148-1841 Greenwood William 804 E. Hortter St Philadelphia Pa 19119-1529 Greer Brendan M Md 4025 Chestnut 1st Fl Phila Pa 19104-3054 Greer Charlotte 2506 S. Hobson St Philadelphia Pa 19142-2720 Greg Conference The At The American College 270 Sourh Bryn Mawr Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Gregor Annarita 12008 Tyrone Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154-1829 Gregorski Martin T 220 E Mermaid Lane - Unit 157 Philadelphia Pa 19118 Gregory David T Jr 1686 Harrison St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19124 Gregory Doris T 1722 N. Gratz St Philadelphia Pa 19121-3113 Gregory Richard 5432 Vine St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Greir John 2829 Amber St Philadelphia Pa 19134-3930 Greisler Rachel B 7144 Eastwood St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1205 Gresh W Perry C/O Tucker Gresh Po Box 385 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Gresham Billie J 4054 Boone St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1719 Gresham Leigh 4054 Boone St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1719 Gress Robert J 1 Foxlair Village Media Pa 19063-2041 Gress Sarah 4304 L Street Philadelphia Pa 19124-4324 Grey Kim 2231 S. Beechwood St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3409 Greyhound Maint Center 710 N Delaware Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19123 Grier Dolores W 1122 W. Wyoming Ave Philadelphia Pa 19140-1247 Grier Dorothy V 1556 N. Felton St Philadelphia Pa 19151-3807 Griesbach Rudolph John Iii 700 East Hermit Lane Apt 2 Philadelphia Pa 19128 ���������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 ������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� Grimes Edward 515 W Chelten Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Grimes Joshua L 100 N 22nd St, 101 Philadelphia Pa 19103-1340 Grimes Quanda 1627 S Bancroft St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Grip Margaret 220 Locust St At 2b Philadelphia Pa 19106-3928 Gripman Greg 846 Welton St Philadelphia Pa 19116-2523 Grisanti Stephen 3900 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Grizzell Gilder A 7514 Buist Ave Philadelphia Pa 19153-1804 Grobes Stanley O Po Box 1028 North Wales Pa 19454-0028 Grobes Stanley O Po Box 1028 North Wales Pa 19454-0028 Grobes Stanley O 6349 Magnolia St Philadelphia Pa 19144-1649 Groell Eliz 6209 Crafton St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3510 Grone Joe 1211 E. Columbia Ave Philadelphia Pa 19125-3934 Gross Annahnuss 324 W Walnut St North Wales Pa 19454 Gross Deborah S 1473 Revelation Rd Meadowbrook Pa 19046-1023 Gross Donald 130 West Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19133 Gross G S Do 732 S Eighth St Phila Pa 19147-2004 Gross Hugh D 12402 Wyndom Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154-1322 Gross James A 113 Sumac St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19128-3822 Gross Lloyd 1507 Rodman St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1628 Gross Sheldon E 1473 Revelation Rd Meadowbrook Pa 19046-1023 Gross Shirley G 9839 Montour St Philadelphia Pa 19115-2208 Grossinger Steven D 708 Sturbridge Drive Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Grosso Anthony M 6213 Chelwynde Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-3005 Grosso Ella M 4560 Silverwood St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1225 Grothe Christophe 408 W. Olney Ave, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19120-2303 Grou Maria 4955 Rorer St Philadelphia Pa 19120-4325 Group Farrell W 22 S 22nd St Apt 1607 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Group Farrell W 22 S 22nd St Apt 1607 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Grover Donald James 6926 Guilford Rd. Upper Darby Pa 19082 Grubb Joseph R Jr 1269 Hunt Club Lane Media Pa 19063-2033 Grubb Margaret P 1269 Hunt Club Lane Media Pa 19063-2033 Gruber Donna M 5814 Ditman St Philadelphia Pa 19135-4043 Gruber Rachel H 901 S 47th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Grundy Shirley 2500 Shelmire Ave Philadelphia Pa 19152-4104 Grymes Naomi 1615 N. Dover St Philadelphia Pa 19121-2707 Grzywna Ron S 4610 Horrocks St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Gsa Of Greater Phila Po Box 27540 Philadelphia Pa 19118-0540 Guarracino Carmela 2828 S. 9th St Philadelphia Pa 19148-5050 Guarracino Charlotte 9026 Cloverly Rd Philadelphia Pa 19136-1104 Guercio Kimberly Kimberly Guercio 2128 Longshore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149Guerra Bertha 319 Lyceum Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-4815 Guerra Jose A 230 W. Grange Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120-1861 Guggenheim Hortense F 855 Gregory Road Rydal Pa 19046 Guggenheim Richard 855 Gregory Rd Rydal Pa 19046 Guha Indranil 101 South 39th St G 301 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Guidera Ann C 4681 Dickinson Way Doylestown Pa 18901 Guido Isabella M 4230 M Street Philadelphia Pa 19124-4911 Guidotti Ann 1208 Wilder St Philadelphia Pa 19147-4927 Guilfoy Del 2426 Spruce St Apt 3 Phila Pa 19103-6456 Guinan Rooney Assoc 4416-8 Osage Ave, M1 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Guirate Norma 5331 Sylvester St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1112 Guire Armand T 1122 S. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Gunder Rose C 232 Grannery Lane North Wales Pa 19454Gung Tza Li 3801 Conshohocken Ave #303 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Guo Liu Z 335 N 11th St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19107-1307 Gupta Bobby R 5163 D Street, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120-3609 Guriev Ina 5015 Osage Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-1610 Guriev Oleg 5015 Osage Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-1610 ������������������������������������������������������ Gusso Gwyn 1202 Rhawn Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Gustafson Timothy 3904 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Gutierrez Domingo 3146 Jasper St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Gutman Mc Gad 201 Old York Rd. Jenkintown Pa 19046 Guttman Gad Md 201 Old York Road Jenkintown Pa 19046 Guy John L 641 Robbins St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5741 Guzman Daniel 1903 N Hancock Street Philadelphia Pa 19122Guzman Julia 1903 N Hancock Street Philadelphia Pa 19122Guzzi Steven R 152 W. Penn St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19144


H C Securities Inc B 2005 Market Street 12th Fl Phila Pa 19103 H E L P Phila I Ass L 4810 Wyalusing Ave, F Philadelphia Pa 19131-5115 H Unong Thi Le 5313 Oxford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124-1123 H&R Block 4240 N. Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Ha Tiffany T 2307 S. 7th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19148-3811 Haag Raymond G 3943 Arcadia St Philadelphia Pa 19124-5008 Haak Alice 117 E. Duncannon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120-3511 Haak Herbert C 3rd 3520 Woodhaven Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154-2623 Habana Holding Corp 1245 N Conestoga St1 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Habboushe Fawzi 101 Ashland Ave # 1 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-0000 Haber Rebecca Jo 816 Parkridge Dr Media Pa 19063Habtetian Asghedom 5638 Elmwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-6125 Hack John 214 Hermitage St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1019 Hadgu B. 5336 Woodland Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19143 Hadman Anis W 3879 L Street Philadelphia Pa 19124-5513 Haftel Barbara 906 Brill St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1008 Hagaman Carolyn R 7517 Manti St Philadelphia Pa 19128-4131 Hagan Mary 514 E. Sanger St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1719 Hagee Mary H L 863 N. 26th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19130-1823 Hagen Alfred D 5029 Knorr St Philadelphia Pa Haggen Robert 249 Haller Rd 400 Patriot Ridley Park Pa 19130 Haggerty Deborah A 2220 E. Boston St Philadelphia Pa 19125-2102 Hahn Jonathan F 8201 Henry Ave Apt D 8 Phila Pa 19128 Haidle Norman P Po Box 335 Glenside Pa 19038 Haigh James 2902 N Howard St Phila Pa 19133-4128 Haigh James 2902 N Howard St Philadelphia Pa 19133-4128 Haigh Jas 2902 N Howard St Philadelphia Pa 19133-4128 Hailstock Dorothy 1725 S Bancroft St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Haines Christopher 163 Carson St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1332 Haines Edward J 1744 S. 2nd St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19148-1908 Haines Morgan G 5033 Copley Road Philadelphia Pa 19144-4802 Hairston Julia 1607 W. Wyoming Ave Philadelphia Pa 19140-1133 Hairston Thomas L 3137 Jasper St Philadelphia Pa 19134-3148 Hajdinaj Perparime 402 E. Flora St Philadelphia Pa 19125-3316 Halaby Samuel Amin 1022 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Hale Maria L 2019 S. Bancroft St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3025 Haley Deborah 525 Monastery Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-1625 Halick Marion 1031 Spring Garden St Philadelphia Pa 19123-3305

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Hall Caitlin 756 S. Darien St, 8r Philadelphia Pa 19147-2827 Hall Catherine 4520 Shelmire Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136-3708 Hall David B 3461 Ainslie St, 3 Philadelphia Pa 19129-1425 Hall John 5641 Larchwood Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19143Hall Kathryn 124 North 49th St Philadelphia Pa 19139-2717 Hall Lester W 5398 Oxford Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19124-1140 Hall Lynda D 2717 W. Eyre St Philadelphia Pa 19121-2830 Hall Vanessa 5605 Diamond St Philadelphia Pa 19131-3122 Hallager Tennille N 6128 Lindbergh Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19142-3414 Halligan Robert M 150 Monument Rd Ste 310 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Hallman Laura E 7014 Glenloch St Philadelphia Pa 19135-1806 Halloran Lois 2636 S. Hobson St Philadelphia Pa 19142-2722 Hallowell Merritt Po Box 4132 Rydal Pa 19046-6132 Halpern Martin 269 S. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19106-3912 Halstead Mark J 911 Abington Avenue Wyndmoor Pa 19038-7913 Ham Dorette L 5629 Hunter St Philadelphia Pa 19131-3402 Hamburg Samuel 1708 Borbeck Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111-3515 Hamcomm Inc 348 Llandrillo Rd Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Hamidullah Mateen M 2615 W. Montgomery Ave, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19121-2629 Hamilton Annie 2624 W. Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150-1311 Hamilton Barbara C/O Martin Banks Pond Lehochy Phila Pa 19103 Hamilton Charles Jr 5930 N. Marvine St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19141-3213 Hamilton Dallace B 2413 Carpenter St Philadelphia Pa 19146-2417 Hamilton Dr R B 801 Carpenter Ln Philadelphia Pa Hamilton Luther 1436 N 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Hamilton Marla S 343 N Robinson Stt Philadelphia Pa 19139 Hamilton Phillip E 7317 Bryan St Philadelphia Pa 19119-1635 Hamilton Robin L 343 N Robinson Stt Philadelphia Pa 19139 Hamilton Wayne 1108 Marlborough St Philadelphia Pa 19125-4139 Hamilton William 1920 Lombard St, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19146-1411 Hammond Bernice 1611 Manton St Philadelphia Pa 19146-3029 Hampton Evelyn 1673 W. Wyoming Ave Philadelphia Pa 19140-1133 Hampton Martine 5848 Rodman St Phila Pa 19143-1944 Hampton Martine 5848 Rodman St Phila Pa 19143-1944 Hampton William 636 N 40th St Philadelphia Pa 19104-1848 Hamsher Mary J 7208 Hazel Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082-3005 Han Kun W 300 N 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19106-1101 Han Meoung Ok 46 N. 10th St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19107-3007 Hancock Michael 360 New Britain Road Doylestown Pa 18901 Hand Edna L 319 Roberts Ave Glensdie Pa 19038 Hand Lillian 2736 N. 24th St Philadelphia Pa 19132-3220 Hand Todd T 135 Delphine St Philadelphia Pa 19120-3239 Hand Willis 2736 N. 24th St Philadelphia Pa 19132-3220 Handel Ruben 519 Wilder St Philadelphia Pa 19147-5826 Handy Sonya L 4819 N. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19120-3729 Hang Lien K 3421 Aldine St Philadelphia Pa 19136-3803 Hanible Regine 1114 S.Alder St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Hanifen Imhoff Clearing C 2005 Market St Ste 1200 Philadelphia Pa 19103-7008 Hankerson Lola 1607 Woodbrook Ln Philadelphia Pa 19150-1021 Hankins Annie L 4943 Ogden St Philadelphia Pa 19139-1719 Hanley Michael B 4617 Hartel Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136-3242 Hanna Lillian G 3601 Powellton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104-2372 Hannay Bertha 5513 Ridge Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Hanners Carl 7040 Grays Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-1717 Hannold Harrison J 904 Wooton Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Hannold Pamela Joan 904 Wooton Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Hannum E Penrose 56 War Admiral Ln Media Pa 19063-5239 Hanson Arlene T 3651 Whitehall Ln Philadelphia Pa 19114-1826 Hanson Lisa M 6920 Lawnton St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19128-3210 Hansteen Robert 5233 Laurens St, Aw Philadelphia Pa 19144-4603 Hanstein Scott J 4606 Magee Ave Philadelphia Pa 19135-2724 Happy Rooster 118 S. 16th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19102-2821 Haraszkiewicz Steph 2645 S. Alder St Philadelphia Pa 19148-4409 Harchut Francis 559 Wigard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-3131 Hardcastle Jerry Scott 622 N Lemon St Media Pa 19063-0000 Harding Diane 5248 Cedar Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-1525 Hare Diana S 1530 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Hargrove Mark A 6021 Wister St Philadelphia Pa 19138-2403 Hargrove Ralph 1671 N Lindenwood St Philadelphia Pa 19131-3605 Harlan Dorothea 6750 Rutland St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Harley Elizabeth 264 W. Erie Ave Philadelphia Pa 19140-4559 Harley Joseph T 2749 Helen St Philadelphia Pa 19134-3428 Harley Teresa 3850 West Poplar Street Phila Pa 19104 Harmer Frances 4354 Dexter St Philadelphia Pa 19128-4821 Harmer William R 4809 Regent St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Harmon Fred 6022 Trinity St Philadelphia Pa 19142-1420 Harold Jason 740 E. Hilton St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1807 Harold Suzanne M 434 Lombard St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19147 Harper Newton 5719 Ogontz Ave Philadelphia Pa 19141-1212 Harper Patricia A N 3355 Ainslie St Philadelphia Pa 19129-1423 Harrell Frank 56 W. Pomona St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19144-1914 Harrell Olivia 1832 Roselyn St Philadelphia Pa 19141-1332 Harrell Trina 1829 N. 22nd St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19121-2120 Harrington David 114-16 Rochelle Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19128-3810 Harrington Doris W 600 E Cathedral Rd A 309 Philadelphia Pa 19128-1925 Harrington James J 558 Monastery Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-1624 Harrington Lee A 1729 Spruce St, 1a Philadelphia Pa 19103-6137 Harrington Leroy 3025 N. 16th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19132-2309 Harris Amelia 5631 Belmar Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143Harris Anna 622 E. Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120-1716 Harris Austin 1906 Mount Vernon St Philadelphia Pa 19130-3214 Harris Austin G 1906 Mt Vernon St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Harris Barbara 1935 Brown St Philadelphia Pa 19130-2026 Harris Betty E 6081 Upland St Philadelphia Pa 19142-2415 Harris Chris L 5429 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Harris Clevell 1324 Kings Pl Philadelphia Pa 19122-4110 Harris Colin Colin Harris 4000 Gypsy Ln Philadelphia Pa 19144-5560 Harris Darryl C 821 S 58th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Harris Dorette 732 South 16th Street A Philadelphia Pa 19146 Harris Gloria 4726 Sansom St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Harris Harold E 2720 Phipps St Willow Grove Pa 19090 Harris Jack 286 Andrew Dr Newtown Pa 18940-2221 Harris Janice 929 South 23rd Street W56 Philadelphia Pa 19146 Harris John L 4724 Rosehill St Philadelphia Pa 19120-4409 Harris Johnie M 3906 Brown St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Harris Marcel G 5758 Hunter St Philadelphia Pa 19132-3422 Harris Mary 5549 Catharine St Philadelphia Pa 19143-2511 Harris Melvin Jr 6039 Buist Ave, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19142-3502 Harris Nathanial 1512 Dondill Pl Philadelphia Pa 19122-3312 Harris Rosella General Delivery Philadelphia Pa 19104-9999 Harris Ruth 1723 E. Tulpehocken St Philadelphia Pa 19138-1603

PAGE 45 Harris Ruth 8511 Michener Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150-1601 Harris Shirley 1503 E. Mayland St Philadelphia Pa 19138-1119 Harrison Antoinette C/O Mikolas Pogonyl 1515 Arch St 6th Floor Philadelphia Pa Harrison Bernard M K-50 275 Byrn Mawr Avenue Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Harrison Harry 1206 Reno St Philadelphia Pa 19123 Harrison Joseph R Joseph R Harrison 2414 Golf Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Harrison Louis 1527 N 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19122-3309 Harrison Rebeeca 443 E. Ontario St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1123 Harrison Rondney H 4636 Green St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Harrison Schnader 1719 Packard Building Philadelphia Pa 19102 �������������������������������������������������������������� Harrison William 17 Brecknock Ct Newtown Pa 18940 Harrity Shannon 4663 Adams Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Harry L Freeman Ins Agency 7217 Marshall Road Upper Darby Pa 19082 Harshaw Robinddmda 780 Lancaster Ave Ste 100 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Hart Hermine 1607 Wharton St Philadelphia Pa 19146-3036 Hart Lateefah 615 Dickinson St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147-6416 Harte Elsie C 1324 E. Hunting Park Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124-4930 Hartenstein Alice Marie 3134 Fanshawe St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2608 Hartenstein William J 3134 Fanshawe St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2608 Hartman Frank 4608 Millett St Philadelphia Pa 19136-2434 Hartman Michael 436 Lombard St Philadelphia Pa 19147-1517 Hartner Marie A 5402 Tabor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120-2116 Harty Ruth P 99 Barclay Street Apt 7112 William R Dodds Newtown Pa 18940 Harvey Kelly 6729 Leeds St Philadelphia Pa 19151-3019 Harvey Lawrence 5022 Miriam Rd Philadelphia Pa 19124-2429 Harvey Louise C 5711 Leonard Street Philadelphia Pa 19149-3518 Harvey Louise K 5711 Leonard St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3518 Harvey Pearl 5808 Knox St Philadelphia Pa 19144-3305 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� Harvitz Printing 6809 State Rd, M1 Philadelphia Pa 19135-1530 Harwin Co 13045 Depue Ave Philadelphia Pa 19116-1674 Hasage Eunice H 6345 Lancaster Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151-2620 Haslam Joan 2731 E. Allegheny Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19134-5915 Hastings Geraldine D 126 W. Logan St Philadelphia Pa 19144-3620 Hatgimisios Kosta 2447 S. Fairhill St Philadelphia Pa 19148-3931 Hathen Milton 3613 Unruh Ave Phila Pa 19139 Hathen Richard R 3613 Unsula Philadelphia Pa 19010 Hatt James R 913 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19107-5721 Haubert Alfred W 1800 Pratt St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1428 Haubrick Anthony J 339 Titan St Philadelphia Pa 19147-5211 Hauck Stephanie S 2128 Cypress St Philadelphia Pa 19103-6508 �������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� Haughes Annie 2219 Fitzwater Street Philadelphia Pa 19146-1132 Haulcy Roosevelt S 300 Gwynedd Ave North Wales Pa 19454 Hausdorf Jeanne 3037 Unruh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-2510 Hauser Patricia Ann 3023 Cambridge St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1117 Hausmann William R 4022 Wells St Philadelphia Pa 19135-2529 Hausner Steffen Frank 153 Markle St, R Philadelphia Pa 19127-1709 Hawk Steven H 2119 E. Firth St Philadelphia Pa 19125-1706 Hawkins Brandon 4901 Knox St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19144-3617 Hawkins Diane 5112 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19139-4124 Hawkins Eddie 1806 Pemberton St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1824 Hawkins James 5837 Master St Philadelphia Pa 19131-3839 Hawkins Miriam Two Penn Center Ste 400 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Hawkins Miriam Two Penn Center Ste 400 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Hawkins Paulette E 5420 Gainor Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131-3112 Hawkins Rayette 2525 Turner St Philadelphia Pa 19121-2840 Hawkins Sophronia 2919 N. Taney St Philadelphia Pa 19132-1210 Haye Clifton R 1841 W. Champlost St Philadelphia Pa 19141-1317 Hayes Eileen 7972 Summerdale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-2950 Hayes James 5448 W Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131-4240 Hayes Margaret 823 Fuller St Philadelphia Pa 19111Hayes Maria C 2824 Cambridge St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1209 Hayes Patrice M 2237 N. Sydenham St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19132-4430 Hayes Patricia 5707 Reedland St Philadelphia Pa 19143-6131 Hayman Freda S 314 Saint James Place Philadelphia Pa 19106-3805 Hays Kraig L 1210 Fairy Hill Rd Rydal Pa 19046 Hays Nara D 1210 Fairy Hill Rd Rydal Pa 19046 Haywood Eddie 1314 S. 22nd Street Philadephia Pa 19146 Hazard Geoffrey 7940 Lincoln Dr Philadelphia Pa Hazelnis Ronald 10869 Parlin Ter, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19116-3525 Hazzard Rev J M 1724 Cobbs Creek Pkwy Philadelphia Pa 19142-1412 Hdl Inc 4322 N. 5th St, 42 Philadelphia Pa 19140-2302 He Cheang Ty 5563 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19139-3940 He Jacky 1316 St Vincent St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Head Thomas A 589 Wartman Street Philadelphia Pa 19128 Headley Patricia A 1954 E. Elkhart St Philadelphia Pa 19134-3108 Heal Paul I 528 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Healthcare Business 1 Bala Plaza Ste 545 Balacynwyd Pa 19004 Healthline Chiropractic 325 South 22nd Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Healthlink International 1628 Jfk Blvd Suit 420 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Hechler Kathleen L. 745 Linton Hill Road Newtown Pa 18940 Heckman Curtina L 1830 Daly St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3716 Heckman David 1091 Horsham Rd Windwood Suite D 1 North Wales Pa 19454 Heckscher Llp One Liberty Place Philadelphia Pa 19103-7396 Hector Adolphe 5912 Washington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-3024 Hector Angelena 3550 Kensington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Heeney Vincent 835 Brill St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1005 Heery Scott 850 N 25th St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1834 Heffron Joseph Jr 4517 Mckinley St Philadelphia Pa 19135-3218 Heideck Karl 2 Roberts Block Glenside Pa 19038 Heidenry Thomas 3314 Ainslie St Philadelphia Pa 19129-1424 Heim Robert C 2123 Brandywine St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Heisse Veronica 2919 Ruth St Philadelphia Pa 19134-3531 Hejazi Carina N Carina N Hejazi 2040 Locust St Apt 3r Philadelphia Pa 19103Helbig Leonard 3rd 307 Pine St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19106 Helena Deans 416 N 62nd St Philadelphia Pa 19151-4101 Heller Jay L 261 Old York Rd Jenkintown Pa 19046 Heller Nathan 1818 Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Heller Ralph 220 West Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia Pa 19103Hellmig Carl C 2635 S. Massey St Philadelphia Pa 19142-2128 Hellmuth Steven T 1046 E. Tioga St Philadelphia Pa Helms Sarah 1915 S. 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3012 Hence Glover Jr 1508 W. Oxford St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19121-3416 Henderson Cassandra M 5450 Willows Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-4130 Henderson Denzel 1931 Dudley St Philadelphia Pa 19145Henderson Fatima E 2728 N. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19133-2005 Henderson Georgiana 2518 W. Diamond St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19121-1230 Henderson Hanes R 1429 Montrose St Philadelphia Pa 19146

PAGE 46 Henderson Kevin V 5660 Morton St Philadelphia Pa 19144-1330 Henderson Lenora T 4949 Olive St Philadelphia Pa 19139-1730 Henderson Marquerite 42 E Baltimore Pike Media Pa 19063 Henderson Rebecca 3106 Gilham St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Henderson Robert 763 N. Judson St Philadelphia Pa 19130-2507 Henderson Terry 264 Kent Road Upper Darby Pa 19082 Hendricks Donna M 1100 S Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Hendricks George E 4249 W Swamp Road Doylestown Pa 18901 Hendridge Prop L. 204 E. Salaignac St, A8 Philadelphia Pa 19128-3722 Heng Thai 2617 W. Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19132-1222 Henley Danny T 911 Scotia Rd Philadelphia Pa 19128 Henne Eileen 4192 Jester Ln Doylestown Pa 18901 Hennie Yvonne M 927 E. Stafford St Philadelphia Pa 19138-1725 Henry Alice M 1203 Overington St Philadelphia Pa 19124-3136 Henry Hermina 4901 Stenton Ave, J1 Philadelphia Pa 19144-3050 Henry Joseph 3482 Kirkwood Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114-3607 Hensford Cathy 229 West Upsal St.#307 Philadelphia Pa 19119 Hensley Carol Anne 13 Whitemarsh Avenue Erdenheim Pa 19038Her Better Leather Inc 4228 Main St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1603 Heracles Saint Vil 1116 Magee St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Herbert Odell 401 City Avenue Suite 415 Bala-Cynwyd Pa 19004 Herbert Victoria M 5161 Parrish St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Herbertstern M.D. 9140 A-Acadeny Road Phila Pa 19114 Herman Goldner Co Inc 7777 Brewster Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19104 Herman Herman 5024 N. 5th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120-3804 Herman Stephen 4105 Baltimore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Herman Stephen 3946 Delancey St Philadelphia Pa 19104-4107 Hernandez Brendaliz 300 Cecil B Moore Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19122-3015 Hernandez Carmen M 2832 N. Mutter St Philadelphia Pa 19133-3527 Hernandez Rogaciano 3331 A Street Philadelphia Pa 19134-1601 Herr Gregory A 2301 Cherry Street Bala Pa 19103 Herr Melissa L 2301 Cherry Street Bala Pa 19103 Herrera Cleophus M 2544 S. 58th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Herring Gladys M 2925 S. 67th St Philadelphia Pa 19142-2613 Herring Herbert 3129 N. 29th St Philadelphia Pa 19132-1103 Herrmann Howard C Md 3400 Spruce St Phila Pa 19104-4206 Herskovitz Frieda 103 Rock Hill Rd Cynwyd Pa 19004 Hertzog Barbara 3577 Emerald St Philadelphia Pa 19134-2033 Hervey E F Granite Farms Estate D 216 1343 W Baltimore Pike Wawa Pa 19063Hervey E Frances Granite Farms Estate D 216 1343 W Baltimore Pike Wawa Pa Hervey Marion E Granite Farms Estate D 216 1343 W Baltimore Pike Wawa Pa Hesko Helen 2653 E. Toronto St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4908 Hess Lawrence E Jr Decd Estate Of 520 Fox Rd Glenside Pa 19038-2808 Hession Margaret S 4466 Tolbut St Philadelphia Pa 19136-1416 Hester Vanessa L 1458 N. Wanamaker St Philadelphia Pa 19131-3826 Hetherington James N 6535 Belmar St Philadelphia Pa 19142-1316 Hetzer Andrew 9082 Wesleyan Rd Philadelphia Pa 19136-1113 Heubach Gertrude E 532 Monastery Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-1624 Hewlett Elizabeth 4203 W. Girard Ave, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19104-1012 Heyward Emily 5617 Willows Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-4611 Hibberd Mary 8209 Elberon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-1814 Hickey Florencm 7122 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1211 ��������������������������������������������������������� Hickman Robert Robert Hickman 1201 E Cliveden St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Hickok Matthew A 2718 Kirkbride St Philadelphia Pa 19137-2122 Hicks Kitoria 2302 Cecil B Moore Ave, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19121-2927 Hicks Reeta V 257 Rochelle Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-3813 Hicks Richard 400 Seville St Philadelphia Pa 19128-3630 Hicks Sherwin 7900b Stenton Ave Apt 302 Philadelphia Pa 19118 Hidalgo Cesar E 521 S. 9th St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19147 Hiestand Larry R 218 Victoria Ct Doylestown Pa 18901 Higdon Gloria 4715 Hazel Ave, 1st Floor Philadelphia Pa 19143-2022 Higdon Osia 568 Tyson Ave Glenside Pa 19038 Higginson Harry 5153 N. Fairhill St Philadelphia Pa 19120-3126 Higginson Teresa 1415 Rosalie St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3322 Highland Mamie 6021 Spring St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Hightower D A Simpson House 2101 Belmont Ave B204 Phildelphia Pa 19131Hihi Christine 2108 Fairmount Av Philadelphia Pa 19130 Hilda Friedman 2401 Pennsylvania Ave Apt 7 A 10 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Hill Barbara E 237 S Chancellor St. Newton Pa 18940 Hill Bianca A 7020 Woodland Ave, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19142-1127 Hill Christian T 34 Sunnybrook Dr Doylestown Pa 18901-5043 Hill Claudine 254 S. 54th St. Philadelphia Pa 19139-4039 Hill Cornelius 7908 Caesar Place Philadelphia Pa 19153-1729 Hill Craig E 1325 Ellsworth St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19147-4403 Hill Ethel 5631 Haverford Ave, 209 Philadelphia Pa Hill Jacqueline 8412 Fayette St Philadelphia Pa 19150-1915 Hill Kate A 34 Sunnybrook Dr Doylestown Pa 18901-5043 Hill Katherine 3000 N. Bailey St Philadelphia Pa 19132-1207 Hill Leroy 2200 W. Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138-1422 Hill Lucille 2014 South Street Philadelphia Pa 19146-1321 Hill Robert B 1816 Cecil B Moore Ave, Awh Philadelphia Pa Hill Samuel 1506 S. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4711 Hillcrest Medical Pc Po Box 2184 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Hilliard Helen 2718 E. Cambria St Philadelphia Pa 19134-5618 Hilpert Lillian 501 N Providence Rd Media Pa 19063-2557 Himmelsbach Martin 2913 Tyson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-1908 Hin Chiu Yue 3910 Irving Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Hindman Patrick 1408 Fanshawe St Philadelphia Pa 19111-4914 Hines Rosalie T 8018 Cornelius St Philadelphia Pa 19150-3503 Hinton Jr Melvin 858 Wynnewood Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151-3418 Hinton Laverne 6017 Chester Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-1410 Hippel John E 722 Harriton Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Hirsh Louis 2846 Walnut Hill St Philadelphia Pa 19152-1503 Hispanic Assoc Contractor 242 W. Girard Ave, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19123-1538 Hitchens Charles J 6149 Walker St Philadelphia Pa 19135-3525 Hitrak Michael 242 Lockart Pl Philadelphia Pa 19116-2309 Hlthcre Chestnut H 5830 Henry Ave Ste 200 Phila Pa 19128 Ho Bi 1429 S. 7th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147-5830 Hoang Nguyen Thuy 7117 Germantown Ave, Str2 Philadelphia Pa 19119 Hobbs Janice 4000 Presidential Blvd Apt 1321 C/O Big Friends Philadelphia Pa Hobbs Judith 4384 Richmond St Philadelphia Pa 19137-1912 Hochgelerent Harriett S 1563 Devereaux Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-2802 Hochstetler Edna 7402 Algon Ave Apt F Phila Pa 19111 Hodde Booth 849 N. 23rd St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1949 Hoder Louis 813 Fanshawe St Philadelphia Pa 19111-4821 Hodges Evelyn 3953 Mt Vernon St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Hodges Fred 433 E Phil Ellena St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Hodgson Allan Jr 3109 Willits Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114-3816 Hodrea Radu T 1801 South Broad St Phila Pa 19147 Hoey Millisa E Estate Of P O Box 81 Media Pa 19063-0081

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Hoffer Eric 4413 Baltimore Ave, Hse Philadelphia Pa 19104 Hoffman Benjamin P 443 W Price St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Hoffman Bud 1700 Market St Ste 3000 Phila Pa 19103 Hoffman Dorothy 2101 Walnut St Apt 1321 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Hoffman Leonard L 201 South 18th Street Apartment 1718 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Hoffman Mary 4459 Leiper St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Hoffman Patricia A 9526-B State Rd Phila Pa 19114 Hoffman Robert F 620 Flamingo St Philadelphia Pa 19128-3119 Hofstra Alex 126 Conarroe St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Hogan Chris B 512 N. 19th St Philadelphia Pa 19130-3802 Hogan Scott 4042 I St Phila Pa 19124 Hoggard Evelyn E Estate Of C/O Joseph B Siedlarz 19 W 3rd Street Media Pa Holeton Elizabeth 1705 E Hunting Park Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Holeva Thomas 3305 Powelton Ave 1r Philadelphia Pa 19104 Holland Leslie 7629 Jay Pl Philadelphia Pa 19153-2131 Holland Lynda 6240 Algard St Philadelphia Pa 19135-3502 Holland Ross 170 E Meehan Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Hollen Harold S 2018 E. Clementine St Philadelphia Pa 19134-3819 Holley Samuel 4235 Ogden St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Hollis Ceola 2728 N. Dover St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Holloman Caroline 3232 Hurley St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Holloway Dennis 6133 Osage Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Holloway Karen 15 Gaylord Court Newtown Pa 18940 Holly Covington 324 E Growen Ave. Philadelphia Pa 19119 Hollyway Onnie 2612 N. Napa St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Holmes Andre 613a Mcmahon Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Holmes Arlette 4537 Osage Ave, C4 Philadelphia Pa 19143 Holmes David 2508 N. 30th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Holmes James 237 South 48th Street Apt 43a Philadelphia Pa 19139 Holmes Jennifer 5516 Angora Terrace W6 Philadelphia Pa 19143 Holmes Mary 239 N. Ruby St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Holmes Phyliss 221 Bringhurst Phila Pa 19144 Holmes Rosalind 1833 Elston St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Holmsley Natica Po Box 447 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-0447 Holston Irwin 806 Westview St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Holston Max 806 Westview St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Holt Fela T 100 E Price St Apt Gb Philadelphia Pa 19144 Holt Wm 1732 W. Passyunk Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19145 Holton Priscilla B 428 E. Montana St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Holton Walker 1517 Swain St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Holts Tobacconist 1522 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Holubec Kathleen R 5943 Loretto Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-3706 Holy Redeemer Health System 1602 Huntingdon Pike Meadowbrook Pa 19046 Holzapfel Scott 1730 Pine St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19103 Holzman Margaret B 4432 Sherwood Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Holzwarth Dorothy M 8049 Pine Rd Philadelphia Pa 19111-1849 Homan Melissa D 600 Red Lion Rd, O10 Philadelphia Pa 19115 Homeloan Financial Inc 7 Bala Ave Ste 202 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Hong Kim 520 Darrah St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Hong M Cheong 5065 N. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Hong Simon 1431 Elbridge St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Honzik Georges Mercedes Benz Credit Corp 121 Kenilworth Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Hood George M W 2027 Wallace St Philadelphia Pa 19130-3221 Hooks Lucy A 5548 Wyalusing Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19131 Hooks Lucy A 5548 Wyalusing Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19131 Hooper Alvin 1510 W. Huntingdon St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Hope Makler 225 S 18th St Phila Pa 19103 Hopkins Albert J 1620 N. Robinson St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Hopkins Joy E 2048 E Wellington Rd Newtown Pa 18940-3710 Hopkins Mark C 7239 Barnard St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19149 Hopkins R C 2048 E Wellington Rd Newtown Pa 18940-3710 Hoppes Jennifer 298 Greenough St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Hops Louisa 1023 Orthodox St Philadelphia Pa 19124-3129 Hops Louisa 1023 Orthodox Street Philadelphia Pa 19124-3129 Hopson Lisa 2800 N. 20th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Horin Edward W 4249 Neilson St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Horizon Inc 129 League St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Hormann Robert 6704 Chresheim Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119 Horn Carolyn H 429 Vernon Road Jenkintown Pa 19046-2845 Horn Carolyn H 429 Vernon Road Jenkintown Pa 19046-2845 Horn David 428 Lyceum Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Horn Frank W Pine Run Community 4 Magnolia Cluster Doylestown Pa 18901 Horn John 424 W Hortter St Philadelphia Pa 19119-3645 Horn Louise 5323 Osage Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-1410 Horn Thilman 5323 Osage Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-1410 Horne Sarah A 109 N. 22nd St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Horner Susan T 1407 E. Wilt St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Hornstra Marie K 31 Merwood Drive Upper Darby Pa 19082 Horowitz Michael W 2311 Hartel Ave Philadelphia Pa 19152 Horvat V 737 North 24th St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Horvath Frank J 1514 Green St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19130 Horwitz Emanuel 1304 Kennedy House 19 & J F Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia Pa Hoskins Kenneth R 6527 Guyer Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Hospital Of 3400 Spruce Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Houck Paul R 885 N Easton Rd Glenside Pa 19038-5237 Houck Paul R 885 N Easton Road Glenside Pa 19038-5237 Houk Chhouem 2801 N. 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Houlihan Kevin J 6347 Tulip St Philadelphia Pa 19135 House Hold F 4247 Romain St Philadelphia Pa 19124 House Of Industry 619 Catharine St, A2 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Howard Doris 29 46 E St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Howard Gussie L 2541 S. Wanamaker St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Howard Kurstin 2722 Cranston Road Philadelphia Pa 19131 Howard M Nemiroff 1118 S 9th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Howard Samuel 3601 N. 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Howard Sylvester 6041 W. Oxford St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Howarth Mabel L 10 Aurora Ct Doylestown Pa 18901-2646 Howell Christine 5822 N. Park Ave Philadelphia Pa 19141 Hower Henry 3426 N. 2nd St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Howser James 3338 Fordham Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Hox Diane K 7 Old Pennell Rd Media Pa 19063-5936 Hox Steven 7 Old Pennell Rd Media Pa 19063-5936 Hoy Edith M Palmers Mill + Paxon Hollow Ro Media Pa 19063 Hoy Edith M Palmers Mill + Paxon Hollow Ro Media Pa 19063 Hrm Health Plans Pa Inc 1818 Market St 19th Philadelphia Pa 19103-3601 Hrubos Blanche 5019 Homestead St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Hua Hai H 4257 N. Hicks St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Hua Van A 1321 S 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Huang Yangiu 1810 N 13th St 210 Speakman Hall Philadelphia Pa 19122 Huber Kelly Lynn 4048 Balwynne Park Road Philadelphia Pa 19131-

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Huber Lola 1812 N. 77th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Huber William 1 Queens St 14 B Philadelphia Pa 19147 Hubing Alan J 32 Blythewood Road Doylestown Pa 18901-2638 Hubler James M 7422 Torresdale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136 Hubler John F 1522 S 53rd St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Huc Angela R 1232 S. 58th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Huddleston Patricia 165 W. Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Hudouse Felecia S 6145 Arch St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Hudson Arelia 1337 E. Rittenhouse St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Hudson Bernard 6320 Burbridge St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Hudson Clifton 2914 Cecil B Moore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19121 Hudson Elois 3019 N. Taney St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Hudson Walter 5126 Germantown Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19144 Hudwell Latanyan 2236 Winton St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Huff Adrian 291 E. Armstrong St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19144 Huff Dward J 5106 Chester Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Huff Edward J 5106 Chester Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Huffman Vernell 5705 N. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Hughes Agnes B 7805 Crefeld St Philadelphia Pa 19118-4023 Hughes Evelyn M 5910 Weymouth St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Hughes Francis S Jr 7805 Crefeld St Philadelphia Pa 19118-4023 Hughes Herbert 4626 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19139-4519 Hughes Michael 4055 Manayunk Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Hughes Richard T 3870 W Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Hughes Susan L. 910 Spruce St, 8 Philadelphia Pa 19107 Hughey Brian 1327 N. 76th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Hughlett Emmett 504 Wellesley Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119 Hugues Ashley M 5515 Wissahickon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Huh Yung Do 468 W. Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19126 Hui Chester 3820 Locust Walk Box 62 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Hulincik Elizabeth 878 N. Beechwood St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Human Services Mgmt 4700 Wissahickon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144-4248 Humma Mary E Estate Of 7715 Keiffer St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Humphrey Naoma 2356 S 20th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Humphreys Elizabeth 2538 N. 15th St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19132 Humphries Marie E 968 Allengrove St Philadelphia Pa 19124-2410 Hundley Edith 677 Brooklyn Street Philadephia Pa 19104 Hunkele Thomas H 9001 Ridge Av Unit 51 Apt 24 Philadelphia Pa 19128 Hunt Jerry 2560 N. Napa St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Hunt Sadie 1510 N. Gratz St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Hunter Arthur B 929 S. 12th St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Hunter Christopher A 1214 Addison Walk Philadelphia Pa 19147 Hunter David A 121 Widener St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Hunter Dorothy 421 N. 53rd St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Hunter Harry 5615 Cedar Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Hunter Helen 7108 Llanfair Road Upper Darby Pa 19082Hunter Kelly 1014 Dalls St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Hunter Margaret Po Box 45173 Philadelphia Pa 19124 Hunter Mary A 4404 Mitchell St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Hunter Samantha 806 69th Ave, 2b Philadelphia Pa 19126 Huong Kang 2901 N. Stillman St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Hurd Deann 3324 Rand St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Hurley Michael J 86 Wood St Doylestown Pa 18901 Hurst William 207 Elbridge St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Hurtt Margaret 212 N 52nd St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Hurwitz Demarco Mark Po Box 108 Media Del Co Pa 19063 Huse Brendan S 4125 Cresson St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Hussain Aysha 5450 Wissahickon Ave Apt 641b Philadelphia Pa 19144 Hutcherson Lillian 815 N. 20th St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Hutchings William Jr 827 E. Westmoreland St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Hutchinson Joseph 3032 N. Stillman St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Hutchinson Joseph 7316 N. 20th St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Hutchinson Kath S 5529 Sprague St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Hutchinson Viveca 1719 Edgley St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Hutchison Cara Elizabeth 625 S 9th St Philadelphia Pa 19147-2027 Huth Christophe R 1900 Pine St, 3r Philadelphia Pa 19103 Hutt Debra L 2739 Plum St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Hutt Lillian 5862 N. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Huttemann Joseph C 1818 Market St 35th Flr Philadelphia Pa 19103 Huttick John 2324 Benson St2nd Floor Phila Pa 19134 Huymaier Andrew 5040 F St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Huynh Kim 4731 K St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Huynh Xay T M 207 Laveer St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Hyater Shaniqua 19 W Allen Ln #12 Philadelphia Pa 19119 Hye Kyung Yoon 1801 Buttonwood St Apt 312 Philadelphia Pa 19130-3947 Hygrade Food Co 8400 Executive Avea Philadelphia Pa 19153 Hyland James F 879 Carver St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Hyman Shamika T 5456 Willows Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Hymes Ronald L 1752 E. Mayland St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Hymowitz Kay S C/O Sunstein Estates 1500 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Hynson Andrew 5128 Gainor Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131-3307 Hyun Jung 7220 Samson St Upper Darby Pa 19082 Hyun Jung 7220 Samson St Upper Darby Pa 19082


Iacovelli Louis 4504 Baker St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Iacovelli Michael 4504 Baker St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Iacovelli Michael C 4504 Baker St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Ibarrola Yolanda D 2129 Mckean St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Ibrahim Abdirahman 807 S. 13th St. Philadelphia Pa 19147 Icon Clinical Resear 212 Church Rd North Wales Pa 19454-4140 ������������������������������������� Ihop 201 S. 18th St, C Philadelphia Pa 19103 Illiano Cipriano 2625 Tremont St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19152 Ilseman Florence 5231 Wayne Ave Phila Pa 19144-3527 Im Andrew 4026 Lancaster Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Im Pres Label 2839 Southampton Rd Philadelphia Pa 19116 Indo Us Childrens Assoc 604 Autumn Ln Media Pa 19063-1517 Iney Lynwood 1633 W. Huntingdon St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Inez Lawrence 5067 Funston Street Philadephia Pa 19139 ������������������������������������������������������ Ing Lalin 913 Kerper Street Philadelphia Pa 19111Ingber Jeffrey 743 E. Passyunk Ave Philadelphia Pa 19147 Ingerman N W Manor L P 430 W. Manheim St, 21a Philadelphia Pa 19144 Inglese Theresa 1923 S 16th Street Philadelphia Pa 19145-3010 Inglis House 2600 Belmont Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19131 Ingram Linda 1410 N. Etting St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Ingram Rhonda 6030 Trinity St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Inhae H Choe 239 W. Colonial St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Inn On Blueberry Hill 1715 Easton Rd S Doylestown Pa 18901 Inniss Delmark 7405 Rogers Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082-2009 Inoa Jose 249 E. Rockland St Philadelphia Pa 19120

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Institute For Beauty 110 Hyde Park Doylestown Pa 18901 �������������������������������������������������������������������� Institute On Aging Enrichment Training Conference 1601 N Broad St Suite 206 Philadelphia Pa 19122 Intech Construction 3001 Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19104-2809 Interact 6710 Ridge Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19128 Intern City Comm Chur 2552 S. Millick St Philadelphia Pa 19142 International Paper 2100 Byberry Rd, C Philadelphia Pa 19116 Internet Business Management L % Robert Deboyace 209 N 3rd Street Philadelphia Pa 19106 Interstat Reality Mgnt 1236 Fairmount Ave Philadelphia Pa 19123 Intes Xavier Po Bx 30817 Phila Pa 19104 Intown Management Group 4209 E. Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Inver Charles 822 Princeton Ave Philadephia Pa 19111 Investment Traders The The Glenmede Trust Company 1650 Market St Suite 1200 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Irby Christine T 5470 Summer St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Ireland Michael 106 E Gowen Avenue Pat 1b Philadelphia Pa 19119-1615 Ireton Betty A 10 Mcpherson St Philadelphia Pa 19119-1616 Irish Jennifer C 6100 City Avee Apt 515 Apt 515 Phila Pa 19131 Irizarry Juan 175 E Ontario Street W53 Philadelphia Pa 19134 Irizarry Louis 4145 M Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Irons John W C/O Sarah Brown Robinson 708 S 20th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Irwin Marie A 1510 W Porter St Philadelphia Pa 19145-4609 Isaac Mattie 751 S. Watts St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Isaac Wilma C 4225 Elsinore St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Isaacs David 222 Grape Street Philadelphia Pa 19128 Isely Jeter 1735 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103Ishmael Robert Jr 280 Montgomery Mall North Wales Pa 19454 Ismail Mohamed 1140 N. 64th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Ison Lesslie Mae 739 S 55th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Ison Mamie I 2502 N. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Its A Grand Slam Inc 441 Hoffnagel Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Iu Pat Kam S 627 Kimball St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Iulianetti Angelo - 2409 S. 62nd St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Ivers James 473 Rolling Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Ivey Dennis E Jr 479 W. Abbottsford St. Philadelphia Pa 19144 Ivey James H 1260 Elbridge St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Ivitsky Vadim 8022 Germantown Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19118 Iz Carlos 700 W. Cambria St Philadelphia Pa 19133


J & J Insurance Inc 2448 Cottman Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 J D M Management Inc 1019 Spring Garden St Philadelphia Pa 19130 J Silver Clothing Inc 2533 S. 24th St, A Philadelphia Pa 19145 Jablonowski Robert 3134 Englewood St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Jack Kellman Co 717 Chestnut St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19106 Jackmon Rebecca 1645 S. Wilton St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Jackonski Edward 481 Markle St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Jackson Anna Mae 251 N 60th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Jackson Brenda N 5126 Newhall St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Jackson Cynthia 1927 Elston St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Jackson Daisy 2106 Earp St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Jackson Edith 2813 N. 24th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Jackson Grace 334 N 42nd St Philadelphia Pa 19104-2238 Jackson Grace 4005 Spring Garden St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Jackson Jennifer 1833 E. Lippincott St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Jackson Jennifer M 7224 Alderbrook Rd Apt D Upper Darby Pa 19082 Jackson Kristene 117 W Sedgwick Street Philadelphia Pa 19119 Jackson Kya 2311 Fairmount Ave Fl 3 Phila Pa 19130 Jackson Lee E 2908 W. Dauphin St, 2w Philadelphia Pa 19132 Jackson Leroy 1612 French St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Jackson Lillie 825 S 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19147-2635 Jackson Lloyd 7203 Wayne Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082-2008 Jackson Lloyd 7203 Wayne Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082-2008 Jackson Mapp Christine 4883 Merion Ave. P.O. Box 9622 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Jackson Marlon 6830 Radbourne Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Jackson Martinez 134 W. Spencer St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Jackson Mathew 234 E Mount Pleasant Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Jackson Paul L 1234 E. Cliveden St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Jackson Priscilla 5412 Chestnut St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19139 Jackson Sherlyn 6824 Algon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Jackson Teresa 177 West Logan Street Bobs Philadelphia Pa 19144 Jackson Thelma 5148 Hoopes St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Jackson Tyesha 4254 M St Philadelphia Pa 19124Jackson Vaughn 6358 Sherman Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Jackson Zelzita 2814 Saxton Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19114 Jacobowitz Herman 1420 Shunk St Philadelphia Pa 19145-4647 Jacobs Arnold 41 Corshohocker State Road Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-0000 Jacobs Barry 1845 Walnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Jacobs Barry 1845 Walnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Jacobs Carol A 12135 Academy Rd, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19154 Jacobs Cherly J 5230 Knox St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19144 Jacobs Fred 1810 G Nth 25th Street St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Jacobs Ruby 5537 Irving St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Jacobs Sylvia 1431 Lardner St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Jacou Sophie 120 S 17th St #524 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Jacquez Silo 1532 67th Ave Philadelphia Pa 19126 Jacyshyn Joseph 44202 Delaire Landing Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Jaffe Howard A 3726 Stanton St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Jaffe Richard A 502 S. 11th St, A38 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Jaffee Janice 1841 Fox Chase Rd Philadelphia Pa 19152 Jaffee Joseph 5940 Osage Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Jago Lillian I 1334 Welsh Road North Wales Pa 19454-1905 Jaiser Olivia 908 S 47th St Fl 1 Phila Pa 19143 Jakande Bukola 9601 Ashton Rd Apt B9 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Jakobowicz David 1923 Morrell St Philadelphia Pa 19115 Jakubicki Anna 829 N. Bucknell St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Jalla Deva Harsha Vardhan 1046 West Jefferson St. Philadelphia Pa 19122-3436 Jamanow Jean 7143 Horrocks St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1210 James Anderson 1500 N. Robinson St Philadelphia Pa 19102 James Debra 43 N. 63rd St, 1a Philadelphia Pa 19139 James Joseph Iii 4307 Conly St Philadelphia Pa 19123 James Kevin 1640 E. Comly St Philadelphia Pa 19149 James Mona K 603 Garland St Philadelphia Pa 19120 James Pamela 4941 N. 10th St Philadelphia Pa 19141 James Samuel C 5821 Trinity St Philadelphia Pa 19143 James Zachary O Estate Of 1432 Dondill Place Philadelphia Pa 19122 Jamieson Brooke G 226 W Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia Pa 19103 Jamison Inez 3837 N. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Jamison Plastic Corp 9750 Ashton Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Janas Krzysztop 4708 Devereaux St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19135

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Janiszewski Mrs R 4702 Tacony St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Jankins Dorothy 2431 N Orkney St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Jankovic Stanka 4505 Tolbut St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Janton Claire M 237 Wyncote Road Jenkintown Pa 19046Jappe Paul 2031 South Street A Philadelphia Pa 19146 Jaquez Dario 2300 N. 25th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Jardine Melva M 3552 Shelmire Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136 Jarema Walter 5447 Howland St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Jarvis Adeline 3051 N. 22nd St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19132 Jasani Karan K 3903 City Ave. Presidential Apt. #C-814 Philadelphia Pa 19131Jasiecki Donna M 459 Martin St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19128 Javed Iqbal 2623 W Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19130 ����������������������������������������������������������� Jay Minnie S T 419 W. Rittenhouse St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Jaynes Malzenia E 5631 Haverford Ave, 209 Philadelphia Pa 19131 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� Jean Jacqueline 313 E. Clarkson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Jeej Pa Service Stations 12055 Knights Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Jeffers Conway T 6908 Ibis Pl Philadelphia Pa 19142 Jefferson Jamal 402 W. Chelten Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19144 Jefferson Lois 1700 E Plum St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Jefferson Margie 2556 N. 28th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Jefferson Michael 6544 Dicks Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Jeffrey Blank & Assoc 300 Jenkintown Common Jenkintown Pa 19046 Jeffreys Kareem 5145 Old Stenton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Jeffries Tyree 1436 N. Allison St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Jeng Weichung 311 S Hicks St Apt 2b Philadelphia Pa 19102 Jenkins Florence S 155 The Fairway Apt 141 Rydal Pa 19046 Jenkins Henry E Unknown New Hope Pa 18938 Jenkins James A Jr 6678 Lincoln Dr Philadelphia Pa 19119 Jenkins Lena M 5516 Boyer St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Jenkins William 3801 Conshohocken Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131-5530 Jenkins Wolf Rubinate Hasson & Styliades Public Ledger Bldg Ste 500 6th And Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Jennie Porco 2004 S. Cleveland St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Jennings Dean 6137b Old York Rd, A Philadelphia Pa 19141 Jennings Esther M Germantown Hse Apt 210 5457 Wayne Ave Philadelphia Pa Jensen John T 613 South 42nd Street Philadelphia Pa 19104-4406 Jeran Charissa E 7702 Henry Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Jereb Constance 3328 Jasper St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Jerinimo Gabino 1308 S Mole St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Jerome Cassizzi Funeral Home 2915 E Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Jerome Joey 7300 Sherwood Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19151 �������������������������������������������������������� Jessup Robert B 422 Tregaron Road Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Jester Carl N Jr 4228 Spruce Street Philadelphia Pa 19104-0000 Jester Carl N Jr 4228 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19104-4040 Jeter Samuel 17 E. Ashmead St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Jett Raymond J 1110 E. Hortter St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Jeudy Jesula 6065 N. Norwood St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Jewell Yvonne 5401 Christian St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Jha Deepak K 2400 Chestnut Street Apt #1511 Philadelphia Pa 19103Jho Low Taek 3900 Chestnut St Apt 917 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Ji & Jda Inc 6723 Elmwood Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19142 Jiang Feng 101 Summit Ln G-1 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2951 Jiggetts Evelena 710 S 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Jimenez Louis F 2831 Sebring Rd Philadelphia Pa 19152 Jimenez Stephen M 2341 E. Susquehanna Ave Philadelphia Pa 19125 Jin Jung S 435 W. Chew Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120 Jja Food Inc 1514 Oregon Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19145Jn E Myung 1524 N. Broad St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19121 Joachim Daniel 5709 Cedar Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143Jobanputra Vasant 6319 Foxhill Rd Philadelphia Pa 19120 Jocson Gwen 3310 S. Keswick Ter, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19114 Johhson Esther 5754 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19143 John Adrien 230 S 44th St Philadelphia Pa 19104-2930 John Albert W 531 Byberry Rd, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19116 John Blaine 416 W Norris St Philadelphia Pa 19122 John Hart 1125 W Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19122 John Leeanna 6326 Ross St Philadelphia Pa 19144 John Spelman 322 N. 32nd St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Johnakin Elmore 216 W. Mount Pleasant Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Johns Barbara 2523 S. Berbro St Philadelphia Pa 19153 Johns Floyd L 2008 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Johns Vivian 7014 Ardleigh St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Johnson Angela A 87 N. 46th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Johnson Anthony L 229 S 49 St Philadelphia Pa 19139-4205 Johnson Anthony L 229 S 49 St Philadelphia Pa 19139-4205 Johnson April Custodian 4118 Parrish Street Philadelphia Pa 19104Johnson Augusta 5823 Arch St Philadelphia Pa 19139 ��������������������������������������������������������� Johnson Carmen P 1532 N. Hollywood St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Johnson Catherine S 2911-13 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19134Johnson Cecile 5550 Willows Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Johnson Corinne 2819 N. 26th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Johnson Delphine 5128 N. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Johnson Donna 2101 Belmont Ave Simpson House Philadelphia Pa 19131 Johnson Dorothy 3827 Pennsylvania St Philadelphia Pa 19130-0000 Johnson Dorothy 2117 E. Auburn St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Johnson Edward 1343 W. Silver St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Johnson Elizabeth 1306 S. 15th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Johnson Ellamae 4513 N. Colorado St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Johnson Elmo 3901 Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Johnson Elouise 3228 W. Norris St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Johnson Eric 330 S. 17th St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19103 Johnson Eric 204 Saint Marks Sq Philadelphia Pa 19104 Johnson Ernest 5618 Sansom St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Johnson Ernestine 2426 N. 28th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Johnson Florence 20 E. Gorgas Ln Philadelphia Pa 19119 Johnson Garry A A Jr 5273 Arlington St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19131 Johnson Gary W 6800 Horrocks St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19149 Johnson George J 7332 Drexel Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Johnson Geraldine 2110 N. 20th St, A Philadelphia Pa 19121 Johnson Giovani 2911-13 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19134Johnson Horatio 209 S 50th Street Philadelphia Pa 19139Johnson Howard 5137 W Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Johnson Jamie S 2911-13 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19134Johnson Joan I 2215 Mckean St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19145 Johnson Joel D 5992 Woodbine Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Johnson Josephine 9305 Ashton Rd, C10 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Johnson Josie 604 Christian Street Philadephia Pa 19147

PAGE 47 Johnson Kenneth 1732 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Johnson L One Stockton Ct Newtown Pa 18940 Johnson Lawrence 4420 Knorr St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Johnson Learin 119 N. Gross St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Johnson Leonard O 4855 N. Howard St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Johnson Lillian E 1416 N. 56th St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Johnson Linford Jr 211 No Alden Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Johnson Mamie 3201 W. Diamond St, A Philadelphia Pa 19121 Johnson Margaret 234 E. Comly St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Johnson Marie 5034 Griscom St Phila Pa 19124 Johnson Martino 5144 Baynton St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19144 Johnson Nakia C 5810 N. American St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Johnson Nieda F 210 N. 63 Rd Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Johnson Raymond 653 N. 53rd St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Johnson Ronald Jr 5838 N. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Johnson Sean J 1501 Montrose St, 3 Philadelphia Pa 19146 ��������������������������������������������������������������� Johnson Sheila 2011 S. Cecil St Philadelphia Pa 19143 ��������������������������������������������������������� Johnson Terrance 1826 Fillmore Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Johnson Theola 338 N. Wilton St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Johnson Thomas 532 E Tulpechocken Philadelphia Pa 19144 Johnson Thomas S 2217 Fernon St Phila Pa 19145-1319 Johnson Tiara K 7619 Williams Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19150 Johnson Twanna 5125 Hazel Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143Johnson Valarie 7053 Lynford St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Johnson Wallas 309 N. Salford St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Johnson Waymer L 6646 Lincoln Dr Philadelphia Pa 19119-3158 Johnson William 850 N 22nd St Phila Pa 19130-1457 Johnson William A 850 N 22nd St Phila Pa 19130-1457 Johnson William F 850 N 22nd Street Philadelphia Pa 19130-1457 Johnston Eric W 6721 Ditman St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Johnston Matthew 659 N Preston St Philadelphia Pa 19104-0000 Johnston Matthew 659 N Preston St Philadelphia Pa 19104-0000 Jonas Gary A 177 Osborne St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Jonas Robert 3248 Rhett Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Jones Adrienne L 2102 Annin St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Jones Anna E 4572 Bermuda St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Jones Anthony 1103 S 3rd Street Philadelphia Pa 19147Jones Benjamin 5030 Spruce St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19139 Jones Blanche C/O Blanche Thompson 5304 Willows Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143Jones Carrie 5519 Belmar Ter Philadelphia Pa 19143 Jones Catherine 1964 Plymouth St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Jones Catherine 2008 W. Ontario St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Jones Christine 715 N 46th St Philadelphia Pa 19139-1936 Jones Clarence 5947 Frontenac St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Jones Clifton C 5701 Wheeler St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Jones Cornell W 429 N Holly St Philadelphia Pa 19104Jones Crawford L 1635 Frazier St Philadelphia Pa 19143-5315 Jones Daniel 4036 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Jones Darryl 520 S 55th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Jones Doretha 2512 N. 10th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Jones Equipment Su 528 40 West Oxford Streeet Philadelphia Pa 19122 Jones Eric 1148 Glenwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19133 Jones Eugene 3755 Warren St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Jones Eugene B 306 Monroe St Philadelphia Pa 19147-3212 Jones Gary K 7450 Malvern Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Jones George 54 E Herman St Philadelphia Pa 19144-2017 Jones George J 200 N 50th St Philadelphia Pa 19139-0000 Jones Gloria 2563 N. 28th St, B Philadelphia Pa 19132 Jones Heath E 3739 Calumet St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19129 Jones Henry 3822 Olive St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Jones I 2430 75th Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Jones James 1506 S. Opal St, 1a Philadelphia Pa 19146 Jones James A 8034 Rodney St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Jones James L 2914 W. Gordon St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Jones Jim Jr 4556 N. Warnock St, B Philadelphia Pa 19140 Jones Joe 6241 Vine St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Jones John H 4736 Marple St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Jones John H 6336 Sprague St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Jones Joyce Y 5786 Stewart St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Jones Karim 1321 S. Dover St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Jones Khalid 1619 Haworth Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Jones Kim 7727 Temple Rd Philadelphia Pa 19150 Jones Lisa D 1828 Christian St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Jones Lorraine 1710 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2114 Jones Marcus J 623 N Brooklyn St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Jones Margaret B 5433 Walnut St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19139 Jones Margaret E 3717 N. Gratz St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Jones Marion 5643 N. Uber St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Jones Mozel 2326 W. Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Jones Nadie 1023 E. Solcum St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Jones Rev C L 941 E. Roumfort Rd Philadelphia Pa 19150 Jones Rosetta 3334 Fox St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Jones Steve L 5140 D Street, Rear 2 Philadelphia Pa 19120 Jones Thelma 611 N. 34th St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19104 Jones Thomas 1117 E. Passyunk Ave, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Jones William C 4th And Callowhill St C/O Hirshmans Philadlephia Pa 19123 Jones William R 408 Greenwich Ct New Hope Pa 18938-1089 Jong Hyun-Cho 1801 N 10th St. Philadelphia Pa 19122 Jordan Birdie 6231 Ellsworth Street Philadelphia Pa 19143-2912 Jordan Birdie 6231 Ellsworth Street Philadelphia Pa 19143-2912 Jordan Eloise 124 S. 46th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19139 Jordan Elva M 805 Bleigh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Jordan Mckinley 3057 N. Sydenham St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Jordan Reses Home Hlt Car 2330 S. Croskey St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19145 Jorge Jose A 4137 N. 6th St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Joselson Gail C 191 Presidential Boulevard #Ph21 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Joseph Donald K C/O R L Bazelon Esq Ua 30 Dec 3009 Foxx Lane Phila Pa 19144-5405 Joseph Lieberman & Sons 2121 S. Iseminger St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Joseph Tony 440 N. 38th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Joslow Maya R 7272 Hanford St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1312 Joslow Penny J 7272 Hanford St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1312 Joutsouros John 6216 Roosevelt Blvd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19149 Jouve Jean L 2116 Walnut St Apt 2f Phila Pa 19103 Jowers Edward 932 W Dakota St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Joy Judy A 16 Leighton Terrace Upper Darby Pa 19082 Joyce Charles 6631 Algard St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Joyner Samuel 2718 N. Sydenham St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Jrs Family Pizza & Rest 20 S. 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19103

PAGE 48 Juarez Hipolito 810 E. Westmoreland St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Judge Christopher 1825 Ringold Philadelphia Pa 19145 Judge Michael 607 Poquessing Ave Philadelphia Pa 19116 Judiciary Courts Of The Common 510 Walnut St Ste 319 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Jules Thin Crust Llc 78 S Main St Doylestown Pa 18901 Julius Kevin M 1930 Lombard St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Jumper Hugh 1500 Walnut St-Su#630 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Jung Miah 4107 Chester Ave Apt 3d Philadelphia Pa 19104Junod Donna M 101 Lockart Plz, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Jurist Inc 1701 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19103-6147 Justice James 489 W. Abbottsford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Justiniano Jorge 1914 E. Dauphin St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Justo Maria Arturo 1504 Dickinson Street Philadelphia Pa 19146-4830


K & G Garment Inc 910 Cherry St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19107 K B Enterprises Inc 6391 Oxford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 K Mart Store 3117 2620 W Moreland Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090-4099 K T M Inc 1916 Spring Garden St, Hse Philadelphia Pa 19130 K Vanchan 2220 W. Norris St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Kaczmarczyk William J 7338 Hill Road Philadelphia Pa 19128Kadari Tamar Tamar Kadari 32 Conshohocken State Rd Apt. E1 Bala Cynwyd Pa Kadelski Leon 2554 E. Birch St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Kahn Isidore 745 Rhoads Ave Jenkintown Pa 19046-3433 Kahn Jolie 503 Lombard St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Kahn Laura 1341 Revelation Rd Meadowbrook Pa 19046 Kahn Paul H 2642 Brown St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19130 Kahn Robert J The Warwick Apt 1804 1700 Locust Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Kahoe R G Iii 233 W Allens Ln Philadelphia Pa 19119-4103 Kai W Lu 924 S. 20th St, 1a Philadelphia Pa 19146 Kai Zhang 204 Mudd Buildingity Ave 415 S University Ave Philadelphia Pa Kain Dorothy M 1111 Marlborough St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Kaiser Claudius 5676 Morton St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Kaiser Marie 1500 Walnut St Ste 1210 Philadlephia Pa 19102-3523 Kalick Florence 9227 Blue Grass Rd, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Kalinowski Aniela 2263 E. Cambria St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Kam Shing Lam 7322 Woodcrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Kamalanathan Tina 1512 Naudain St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19146 Kamara Larmie 5252 Spruce St. Philadelphia Pa 19139 Kambouris James 1141 Levick St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kambouris Tilemahos 2074 E. Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Kaminski Helen 9841 Northeast Ave, 15b Philadelphia Pa 19115 Kammer Fred 6702 N. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Kampf William 872 N. 26th St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Kanamalla Uday S 2517 Welsh Rd, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19114 Kancher Louis 45 E City Ave Fl 380 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Kane A J 261 S 44th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Kane Arthur J 261 S 44th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Kane John P 1361 E Lycoming St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Kang Dongju 2607 Welsh Rd, L203 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Kanlayanasukho Puttichai 4417 Pine St Apt 410 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Kannengieszer Nickolas 6222 Shelbourne St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kansal Leena 212 Christian St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Kantor James D O Pc 3368 Memphis St, B Philadelphia Pa 19134 Kanu Joseph 5439 Thomas Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kapadia Mark Chizuru Yorizumi 253 S 45th St Phila Pa 19104 Kapczynski Laura 2061 Anchor St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Kapka Josephine B 1418 Saint Vincent St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kaplan Amy 2407 Pine St St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Kaplan Martha 608 S Third St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Kaplan Paul D 4620 Unruh Ave, Str Philadelphia Pa 19135 Kaplan Rebecca 1701 North Tenth Str Apt 307 Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kaplan Sarah 6622 Eastwood St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Kappa Alpha Theta Hse C O 4039 Walnut St, A Philadelphia Pa 19104 Karasik Ellen 427 S. 43rd St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Karchner Patricia 1360 Brill St Philadelphia Pa 19124Karcutskie Mildred 3517 Frankford Ave, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19134 Karen Roby 6002 Greene Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Karewska Sophie 3254 Emery St Philadelphia Pa 19134-5927 Karol William 2500 S. 28th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Karsevar Judith A 81 E. Moreland Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Kascsak Monica L 223 E. Wishart St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Kaspar Julie A 2743 S. Alder St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19148 Kassab Edward 214 N Jackson St Media Pa 19063-2807 Kassab Mary 815 N Olive St Media Pa 19063-2535 Kassab Steven 815 N Olive St Media Pa 19063-2535 Kasson Michael 5464 Vicaris St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19128 Kasumu Musbau 5226 N. 9th St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Katiya Constance N 4717 N. Marshall St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120 Kats Khaya S 1959 Ambassador St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19115 Katz Glenn 901 Glenview St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Katz Isadore 338 Wadsworth Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Katzman Lillian 3901 Conshohocken Ave Apt G14 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Kauder Donald R Md 3400 Spruce St 10 Gates Bldg Phila Pa 19104-4206 Kaufman C J 7841 Ridge Ave B 239 Phila Pa 19128-3053 Kaufman C J 7841 Ridge Ave B 239 Phila Pa 19128-3053 Kaufman John 2324 Wallace St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Kaufmann Robin 713 Hyde Park Doylestown Pa 18901-6612 Kaupp Lisa 4239 Teesdale St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19136 Kaur Ravinder 143 Ashby Road Upper Darby Pa 19082 Kaur Sandeep 140 Overhill Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Kavanagh Edward 7363 Theodore St Philadelphia Pa 19153 Kay Allen 272 Hendrix St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Kay James 801 South St, G Philadelphia Pa 19147 Kay M Atherton Exec C/O Evan Smith Esq 11 Bala Ave Ste 39 Bala Cynwyd Pa Kaye Diana P 3046 Robbins Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Kayes Helen M 2225 S Lambert St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Kaznicki Ronald J 3135 Cedar St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Kcr Partnership Dba Clean Scents 3007 Mt Carmel Ave 1st Fl North Hills Pa Keal Angela M Ihs Of Chestnut Hill 8833 Stenton Ave Wyndmoor Pa 19038 Keal Pearl Ihs Of Chestnut Hill 8833 Stenton Ave Wyndmoor Pa 19038 Kean Herbert 1530 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Kean Leroy 2417 Welsh Rd4 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Kear Seam Y 1411 S. 6th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Kearney Alice 164 Gay Street Philadelphia Pa 19127-1308 Kearns Christopher D 7839 Anita Dr Philadelphia Pa 19111 Keating Daniel J 815 N. Camac St Philadelphia Pa 19123 Keating Jeffrey D 1904 N 17th Street Philadelphia Pa 19122 Kebler Anna E 3415 W. Penn St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Kec Antoni 4018 N. Reese St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Kedson David N 1204 Addison Walk Philadelphia Pa 19147 Keegan Grace 469 E Penn St Philadelphia Pa 19144

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Keeley Miriam T 4514 Vista St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Keen Katharine 506 S. 4th St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Keen Sharon 313 E. Cliveden St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Keenan & Penrose 5336 Woodland Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19143 Keenan Mary 9562 State Rd, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Keenan Michael 3209 Boring Street Philadelphia Pa 19104Keenan’s Auto Body 5809 Rodman Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 Keenehan Marie 4344 M St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Keeney Anna C 2510 S. Warnock St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Kees Valere 300 N Ithan Ave Rosemont Pa 19010 Keith Interiors 112 Spruce Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Keith Kennedy 5968 N. Norwood St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Keith Mary 5545 Pearl Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Kellam Erica 2428 N 54th St Philadelphia Pa 19131Keller Henry V 2911 S. 67th St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Keller Jacqueline 516 W. Coulter St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19144 Keller Wendy A 225 Lyceum Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Kellogg George Taylor 106 W Baltimore Avenue Media Pa 19063-3206 Kelly Barbara 5768 Stewart St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Kelly Charles J 241 Brown St Philadelphia Pa 19123 Kelly Emanuel 4513 Regent Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kelly Emanuel 4513 Regent Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kelly Felicia 1129 W. Rockland St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Kelly George 5535 Catharine St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kelly James 7906 Fayette St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Kelly James E 615 Benner St Phila Pa 19111-5717 Kelly James M 6358 Glenloch St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Kelly John P 8115 Ardleigh St Philadelphia Pa 19118 Kelly Mark T 212 Sumac St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19128 Kelly Otis T 4720 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kelly Paul J 610 Arthur St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kelly Richard J Jr 1866 E. Wensley St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Kelly Sean 2023 Waverly St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Kelly Shane J 4829 Ogle St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Kelly Theresa E 32 West Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Kelly Thomas 4748 Umbria St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Kemery Daniel S 1206 South 6th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Kemp Louise 2443 W. Sergeant St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Kendry Oliver 172 W. Wingohocking St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Kenion Robert 5724 Christian St Phila Pa 19143 Kennealy Sean 1329 Lombard St Philadelphia Pa 19147Kennedy Alma M 248 Mallard Drive East North Wales Pa 19454-1197 Kennedy Carrie 2125 N. Newkirk St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Kennedy Catherine 3029 Fanshawe Street Philadelphia Pa 19149 Kennedy Dutton Iii 248 Mallard Drive East North Wales Pa 19454-1197 Kennedy House Apts 1901 Jfk Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19103-1598 Kennedy Jonathan 4713 Umbria St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Kennedy Joseph 2614 Bonaffon Ter Philadelphia Pa 19142 Kennedy Michelle K 7804 Froebel Rd Glenside Pa 19038 Kennedy Paralee 6015 Media St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Kennedy William A 220 E Ashland St Doylestown Pa 18901 Kennerly Marlene 2025 Lombard St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Kenneth Garson 640 W Carpenter Ln Philadelphia Pa 19119 Kenneth Renko . 201 Amy Ct N. Wales Pa 19454 Kenney Ann 2827 Amber St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Kenney Elizabeth 4322 Manayunk Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Kenney Emma 150 W Evergreen Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Kenney Jessie 261 Lyceum Ave Phila Pa 19128-4830 Kennith Bryan Ta Apt 2nd Rear 272 N Keswick Ave Glenside Pa 19038 Kent Elizabeth 9244 Edmund St Philadelphia Pa 19114 Kent Milton 253 W Hansberry Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Kent Richard Sr 5052 Haverford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19139 Keogh Natalie 734 Longshore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kephart David 397 Delmar St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Keppler Margaret E 532 Rosalie St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Ker Martin 116 W. Tabor Rd Philadelphia Pa 19120 Kerkula John 1457 N. Edgewood St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Kern Geo A 4721 Silverwood St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Kern Stephen 1023 Kimball St. Philadelphia Pa 19147 Kerner Joseph J 3512 Sussex Ln Philadelphia Pa 19114 Kerr Cynthia L 760 Woodleave Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-1709 Kerr Cynthia L 760 Woodleave Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-1709 Kerrick David M 2118 Fitzwater St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Kershaw Sherry 419 Delmar St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Kesselring Linda S 5958 Colgate St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Kessler Allan J 47204 Delaire Landing Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Kessler Andrew F 2023 Anchor St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Ketler Susan 4116 Higbee St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Kettelberger John 109 E Price St Philadelphia Pa 19144-2145 Key Freda A 2442 N. 56th St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Key Of David Publications Inc 222 North 17th St.7th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 Keyra Mamoudou 557 E. Church Lane Philadelphia Pa 19144 Keyser Albert 6336 Algard St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Keyser Walter C 2427 S. Beulah St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Keysha W Mcgi 3405 Hurley St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Keystone Grand Lodg 3039 N. Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Keystone Health Plan East 1901 Market Street; 43rd Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 Khan Abdos 3258 Glenview St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Khan Kong 3133 N Front St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Khan Shirin 7715 Langdon St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Khan Tariq 2346 S. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Khanna Surajit 1109 Brighton St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Khatri Dawood A 434 W. Fisher Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Khatri Yusuf A 5124 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Khbiri Magdi El 7806 Limekiln Pike, R Philadelphia Pa 19150 ���������������������������������������������������� Khon O Binh 400 S. 60th St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19143 Khouri Rosemarie 1030 Lancaster Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-1440 Khov Eak Sing 6165 Pine St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kidd Cheryl A 457 E Sharpnack St Phila Pa 19119 Kiefaber Peter W Ambassador Town House Apt 316 2101 Chestnut Street Philadelp Philadelphia Pa 19103-3123 Kiefaber Peter W Apt 316 2101 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103-3123 Kiefer Helen 9558 James St, A Philadelphia Pa 19114 Kiernan Edith M 1425 Van Kirk St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Kiernan Joseph L 1425 Van Kirk St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Kiernan Kathleen V 1019 Harrison St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Kiker Robert 4124 Apple St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Killebrew Ieta E 745 S 23rd St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1720 Killebrew Mona L 745 S 23rd St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1720 Killeen Amy 825 North Beechwood Street Philadelphia Pa 19130-1404

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Killen Beulah 2422 W. Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Killingsworth Ann 5629 Sansom St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Kilpatrick Eugene 215 N 58th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Kilroy Dorothy 566 Periwinkle Ave Langhorne Pa 19046 Kilty Illumynada 526 W. Cambria St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Kim 7617 Burholme Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kim Chang Take Out 1842 Fillmore St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Kim Haeng D E 821 Barlow St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Kim Hye C 629 Beechwood Road Willow Grove Pa 19090-1303 Kim Hyun Eui 300 S. 52nd St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kim Hyun K 9948 President St Philadelphia Pa 19115 Kim Jeehye 3142 Fordham Road Philadelphia Pa 19114 Kim Jin K 5948 N 4th Street Philadelphia Pa 19120 Kim Joan 1938 South St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Kim Ki K 515 Arnold St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kim Mission 235 South 21st Philadelphia Pa 19103 Kim Pil Jun 3701 Conshohockenave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Kim Su Hong C/O Mr Dukki Kim Philadelphia Pa 19144 Kim Tae Y N 5700 Malvern Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Kim Young S 5201 Westminster Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Kimble Ann E Attn Fap Billing Dept 1095 Rydal Rd Rydal Pa 19046-1711 Kimble William 1713 67th Ave Philadelphia Pa 19126 Kimbrough Bryan 5022 Cedar Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kimbrough Bryan 5022 Cedar Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kimeys Place 414 N 34th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Kimmel Louis 4401 Conshohocken Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131-1553 Kin Raymond A 5 General Washington Driv Media Pa 19063 Kincy Harton 2517 N. Hollywood St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Kinczel John B 226 Bucks Meadow Lane Newtown Pa 18940 Kinebrew Louise 135 W. Washington Ln Philadelphia Pa 19144 King Andrew 5553 W. Thompson St. Philadelphia Pa 19131 King Christopher S 3400 Red Lion Rd Apt 33c Phila Pa 19114 King Edward A 2505 Waverly St. Philadelphia Pa 19146 King Ellen 5032 Ogden St Philadelphia Pa 19139 King Florence 52 S. 61st St Philadelphia Pa 19139 King Florence H 2956 Gaul Street Philadelphia Pa 19134-4337 King George 6740 N. Bouvier St Philadelphia Pa 19126 King Helen M 104 E Walnut Ln Philadelphia Pa 19144 King Jason 822 Swanson St Philadelphia Pa 19147 King Jeff 206 Hopkins Ct North Wales Pa 19454 King Margaret R 3240 Fordham Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114-0000 King Nettie 4628 Tackawanna St Philadelphia Pa 19124-3334 King Patricia 1612 N. 6th St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19122 King Sean M 7346 N. 21st Street Philadelphia Pa 19138 King Susan 242 Stamper St Philadelphia Pa 19147 King Tom 249 Queen St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19147 King Veronica 602 Wendover St Philadelphia Pa 19128 King Wanda Estate Of 4435 Baltimore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Kinkler Burnell 5803 N. Front St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Kinnett Justin M 4213 Baltimore Av Phila Pa 19104 Kinscherf Jane P 6 Hawthorne Lane Rosemont Pa 19010-1016 Kinsella John T 2647 S. Muhlfeld St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Kinsley Joseph 910 Fernon St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Kirby Carolyn 701 Summit Ave Apt B211 Philadelphia Pa 19128Kirby Jessica Susan 1015 Foulkrod St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Kirby Nicholas 3943 Stevenson St Philadelphia Pa 19114Kirk Corine 1710 S. Taylor St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Kirk John 5929 Loretto Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Kirkland Richard J 1712 Kater St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Kirkpatrick John A 240 Righter St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Kirkwood Elizabeth M 3215 Holly Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Kitchen Rosemarie 2239 N. 22nd St, A Philadelphia Pa 19132 Kitson Cyreeta J 1902 Solly Ave, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19152 Kleeman Andrew 1838 Bainbridge St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Kleepel Judy B 5500 Wissahickon Ave, 705b Philadelphia Pa 19144 Klein Alan 4300 Osage Ave, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19104 Klein Annette E 2618 N. Sugan Rd Apt T-204 Newtown Pa 18938 Klein Charlotte 5809 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Klein Herman 8567 Bustleton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19152 Klein John E 124 S. 22nd St, Hse Philadelphia Pa 19103 �������������������������������������������������� Kleinerman Nicholas 2430 S. Camac St. Philadelphia Pa 19148 Klett Rooney Lieber & Shorling 2 Logan Sq. 12th Flr Philadelphia Pa 19103 Kleydman Mark M 1857 Nester St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19115 Kline Elmer E 5020 Torresdale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Kline Faith 1203 Brighton St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kline John A 409 S. Iseminger St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Kline Marcel E 5720 Kingsessing Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kling Lindquist Partnership Inc Mark Burns 2301 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa Kling Martin F 5931 N. Front St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Klinger Stewart 4822 E. Alcott St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Kliniewski Walter 5430 Sylvester St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Klinman Edward 412 Moyer St, 24 Philadelphia Pa 19125 Klosz Nick 5926 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Klucznik Anne 3152 Cedar St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Kluzinski Francis 2943 Magee Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Kmiez John J 845 Granite St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Knarr Charlotte E W 403 Riddle Village 1048 W Baltimore Pike Media Pa 19063Knell Jennifer M 8025 Elberon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Knight Ledell 3742 N. Carlisle St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19140 Knight Megan 1 Washington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19147 Knode Marion H Meadow Bank Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Knode Marion H Meadow Bank Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Knoelke Harry W 600 Cathedral Rd Apt F 505 Philadelphia Pa 19128-1966 Knoelke Marion W 600 Cathedral Rd Apt F 505 Philadelphia Pa 19128-1966 Knower Cyrus 1232 Marlborough St. Philadelphia Pa 19125 Knowles Coady 7617 Verree Rd Philadelphia Pa 19111Knox Floyd 6518 N. Bouvier St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Knox George 3922 Sansom St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Knox James D 200 W Sedgwick St Apt 302 Philadelphia Pa 19119 Kobayashi Takashi 4040 Presidential Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Koch Brent 939 N. Bambrey St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Koch Carol S 3120 Brentwood Dr Doylestown Pa 18901-1600 Koch Debra A 5531 Rinker Cir Doylestown Pa 18901-9070 Kochar Harvinder 517 S Heilbron Dr Media Pa 19063-4549 Kochar Harvinder 517 S Heilbron Dr Media Pa 19063-4549 Kochodon Stanley 4151 I Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Koehler William 441 W. Hansberry St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Kofa-Monu Juah N. 2028 Mckinley Street Philadelphia Pa 19149 Kohler Glen E 649 E. Annsbury St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Kohn Aimee D 1111 Rodman St, Rh1 Philadelphia Pa 19147

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Kok Lam Ng 3210 Cottman Av Philadelphia Pa 19149 Kolaczynski Jerzy 809 Addison St, B Philadelphia Pa 19147 Kolb Milton 921 Shelmire Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kolb W 4003 Mechanicsville Road Doylestown Pa 18901 Kondonijakos Maria 510 Selma St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Kone Kassim 2618 Paggett Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kone Kassim 2618 Paggett Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kone Oumar 2617 S. Holbrook St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Kong Chantha 3400 N. 2nd St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19140 Koniecki Andrew B 456 Shurs Ln, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19128 Konopka Mary 7153 Montague St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Konstance Matthew C 3219 Morrell Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19114 Koo Winston 5500 Wissahickon Ave, M705c Philadelphia Pa 19144 Kook Young Chunt 3635 Germatown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19140 Kope Miriam 5783 Haddington St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Kopishke Thomas 217 N Olive St Media Pa 19063-2810 Korean Church 11000 Ferndale St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Korenstein Maria 2620 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19133-1617 Korman Corp 6419 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Korman Corp 6402 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Korman Corporation 10825 E. Keswick Rd, 163 Philadelphia Pa 19154 Korman Penrose Pa 7701 Lindbergh Blvd, 1203 Philadelphia Pa 19153 Korman Suites 3614 Chalfont Dr, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19154 Korn Adam S 411 Magee Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-4618 Korn Phillip A 3178 Aramingo Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Korniyenko Nimel 301 Byberry Rd, H3 Philadelphia Pa 19116 Koros Diana L 4617 Osage Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kosmalski Leon 338 Thompsom Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Kostmeyer Peter 3 Bala Plaza East Ste 502 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Koudis Steve 5559 Baltimore Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Kourakos Peter 3rd 4621 Kraydor St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Koury George Po Box 4777 Philadelphia Pa 19134-0177 Kouy Yav 5267 N. 6th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Kowalski Catherine J 3166 Chatham St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Kozak Distributors Inc 2049 E. Boston St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Kozarsky Karen F 2809 Parrish St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Koziel Stanley 709 Glenview St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kozlowski Mary 1022 Brandywine St Philadelphia Pa 19123 Kpou Dehkontee 1340 51st Philadelphia Pa 19143 Krakower Andrea S 220 W Rittenhouse Sq Unit 9f Philadelphia Pa 19103 Kramkimel Leonard & Frances J 1129 Levick St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Krantz Alvin 415 Caversham Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Kratz Michelle L E 311 Kater St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Krause Paul 2313 Madison Sq Philadelphia Pa 19146 Krausz Charles 6500 Tabor Rd Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kravitz Morris H 2008 Disston St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1812 Kravnick Cecelia 1901 Jfk Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19103-1503 Krawczyk Jennifer 10013 Jeanes St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Krawice Mary 6522 Hasbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kreider Victoria H 1710 Rittenhouse Sq. Philadelphia Pa 19103 Kreider William L 505 South 9th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Kretzinger Michael 3253 Teesdale St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Kriger William 416 Levick St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kriner Stacy 1126 Rodman St, 3drh Philadelphia Pa 19147 Krishen Didhi 727 S. 2nd St, 3 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Kristiansen Steve H 1719 Nathaniel Dr Philadelphia Pa 19116 Kroberly Dr B R 7900 Farnsworth St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Krueger Hildegard 406 E. Howell St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Kruger Mark J 2128 Mount Vernon St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Kruse Susan 624 Gaul St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Kryger John 6120 Lindbergh Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19142 Krzywicki Joyce M 6734 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Ku Enda 3503 Ainslie St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19129 Kubek Harry S 5370 Charles St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Kudile Anna M Rd 2 385 Pineville Rd Newtown Pa 18940-3111 Kudile Margaret 385 Pineville Road Newtown Pa 18940-3111 Kuech Joseph P 301 Byberry Rd, D10 Philadelphia Pa 19116 Kuehn Edward H 5436 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Kulik Regina 3425 Amber St 2nd Floor Philadelphia Pa 19134 Kulp Norman John 1137 Synder Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19148 Kummerling Margaret 7269 Hanford St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Kuney George K 903 W. Ritner St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Kunkel James 1035 E. Palmer St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Kunnel Jose M 11068 Proctor Rd Philadelphia Pa 19116 Kunz Wm T 1914 E. Wishart St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Kuo Margaret H 120 Carnoustie Way Media Pa 19063-1859 Kuo Mary A 1513 Green St, 2-3fr Philadelphia Pa 19130 Kurtz Iris M 1251 Serota Dr Philadelphia Pa 19115 Kurtz John 2219 N. Front St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19133 Kurz Florence 3324 B St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Kuschke Kieran “1428 Diamond St. Apartment 2 Philadelphia Pa 19122 Kushner Bonnie R 101 Jackson Ave North Hills Pa 19038 Kutner Phillip 9094 Pine Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115 Kuziemska Jolanta 5707 Torresdale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19135 Kwa Siang 1149 S 7th St 2nd Fl Philadelphia Pa 19147 Kwiatkowski Joseph G 1329 Glenview St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kwok Hi H 1346 Magee Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Kwok Mei Yip 313 Vine St Apt 402 Philadelphia Pa 19106-1149 Kyu Kim B Kim B Kyu 3602 Powelton Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19104


La Best Bakery 5905 N. 5th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19120 Labor Ready 2701 N. Broad St, 2b Philadelphia Pa 19132 Labov Lydia H Poa 134 Dale Ave Willow Grove Pa 19090 Lac Dung 2438 Durfor St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Lacakos Gregory G 7316 Frankford Ave, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19136 Lacavaro Jules A Suite 2108 1088 W Baltimore Pke Media Pa 19063-5136 Lacinski Steven 6219 Buist Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Lack Savan Savan Lack 6823 Radbourne Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-5213 Lacroix Norman B 5242 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Lacy Earl W 2401 Catherine St Philadelphia Pa 19146-2403 Lafayette Bl Assoc 55 S. 5th St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Lafortune Carole 6403 Bingham Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Lagana Anthony M 161 Springton Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-4808 Lagana Anthonym 161 Springton Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-4808 Lahr Rosemary 3064 Martha St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Lai David 1629 W. Cumberland St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19132 Lai Duong Dba 416 S 56th St Diamond Palace Philadelphia Pa 19143 Laidlaw Transit Inc 470 State St S Newtown Pa 18940 Laitinen Outi M 4041 Ridge Ave, 18502 Philadelphia Pa 19129 Lal Jagdish 35 Stephen Court Apt 2 Upper Darby Pa 19082 Lally Marie D 306 Gilham St Philadelphia Pa 19111

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Lalvani Nikhil 2001 Hamilton St 1620 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Lam Binh 1336 W Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19123 Lam Jenny M 4165 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19140 Lamar Warren 512 E. Vernon Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119 Lamb Esmeraldo 2813 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19133 Lambrino Vasilios 324 N. 18th St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19103 Lame Edwin L 29 W Sunset Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Lamont Albert 605 E. Godfrey Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Lamp Kevin M 1713 Fitzwater St, B Philadelphia Pa 19146 Lan Nguyen Thu 2061 Snyder Ave Philadelphia Pa 19145 Lancaster George 1163 Atwood Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Lanci Ralph F Jr 1852 Tree Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Land Curtis 3708 Manayunk Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Land Evelyn 7447 N. 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Land Transportation Llc 2520 E Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Landau Elias B 820 Roscommonrd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-1845 Landau Rose B 191 Presidental Blvd Unit 819 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-1234 Landers Vidia C 1833 E. Lippincott St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Landry Christie M 1838 S. Broad St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19145 Landsness Karen 2830 Ogden St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Lane Annie R T 3205 Summer St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Lane George 832 Moyer St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Lane Gloria 2523 N 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 ������������������������������������������������������� Langendorf Gertrude 1426 Englewood St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Langford James C 525 S. Taney St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Langford Ryan 2436 Christian Street Philadelphia Pa 19146 Lanny Lewis D 3830 Old Easton Rd (Rear) Doylestown Pa 18901 Lanoza Jennifer L 2819 Norcross Ln, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Lansberry J 217 N Olive St Media Pa 19063-2810 Lansdowne Center 1922 Spruce St C/O William Chanoff & Company Philadelphia Pa 19103 Lapetina Nichols 889 N. 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19130 ������������������������������������������������������������ Lapworth George 234 W. Highland Ave, Hse Philadelphia Pa 19118 Laquindanum Eliz 4302 Chippendale St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Lara Roberto 1500 Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19102 Lardiere Jennifer R 126 Lombard St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Largoza Naciancenot 1210 Point Breeze Ave Philadelphia Pa 19146 Lark Maxine 2355 Montrose St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Larkin Helen M 8006 Anderson St Philadelphia Pa 19118 Larocco Rose 913 N. 65th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Larose Chenet 5555 Wissahickon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144Larrys 604 Bar 604 W. York St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Larsen Robert 1701 Addison St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Larsen Wm 2855 Chatham St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Las Vegas Club The 500 W. Berks St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Lasden Daniel 1720 N. 5th St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19122 Lash Edith 7232 Rutland St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Latham Floyd T 5824 Chew Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Latini Rose 2218 S. Mildred St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Latorre Jeffery 5927 N. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Lau Wai L 1442 Benner St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Lau Yung T 523 Washington Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19147 ������������������������������������������������������������� Laucius Sara E 602 S. 2nd St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Laueien Teresa A 9164 Ellie Dr, B Philadelphia Pa 19114 Laurito Rosechell L 3157 Wellington St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Laurito Rosechell L 3157 Wellington St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Lavecchia Louise 1956 Brunner St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Lavelle Sharon 2633 Jasper St Philadelphia Pa 19125 ���������������������������������������������������������� Lavong April L 63 W. Seymour St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Lavong Joyce L 904 E. Gowen Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150 Lavoy John F 941 South St. Bernard Philadelphia Pa 19143 Law Barry 2973 Weikel St Philadelphia Pa 19134 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� Law Margaret 6823 Guyer Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Law Ofc Of Samuel Fishman 1422 Chestnut St Ste 701 Philadelphia Pa 19102 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������� Lawrence E 3901 Conshohocken Av Phila Pa 19131 Lawrence Florence E 6244 N. Gratz St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Lawrence John W Md 1078 W Baltimore Pike Media Pa 19063-5105 Lawrence Kenneth 6241 Catharin St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Lawrence Kirsten 2400 Chestnut St Apt 3309 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Lawrence Nathaniel 4615 Griscom St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19124 Lawriw John 1418 N. Philip St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Lawruk Maria C/O Rev Paul Wolensky 833 N Franklin St Philadeplhia Pa 19123 Lawson Eulas 2735 N. Dover St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Lawson Selma A 4714 N. Camac St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Laxton Madeline 413 S. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Laymon Robert 2306 Grays Ferry Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Lazar Nicholas 1100 Solly Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Lazar Thomas 1958 King Arthur Rd Philadelphia Pa 19116 Lazzaro Domenick Jr 709 S 7th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Lcf Construction Inc E W Tapping Services 3853 Cold Spring Creamery Rd Doylestown Pa 18901 Ldsmith Orrie Jr 1520 N. Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Le Pore & Sons 5952-54 Germantown Av Philadelphia Pa 19144 Leathem Dorothy Zahm C/O Mark S Pinnie Esq 218 W Front St Media Pa 19063Leathem Robert Harrison Jr C/O Mark S Pinnie Esq 218 W Front St Media Pa Lebron Alexand 1130 E Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Lebron Amanda 1677 Dyre St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Lebron Edwin 3232 Emerald St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19134 Lebron Eusebio 4942 N. Hutchinson St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Lebron Luis E 1204 N. 7th St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19122 Lebrun Anne S 4417 Baker St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19127 Lecoin Lonnie 5214 Cedar Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Ledent Francis 3531 Vista St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Lederer Rose 10812 Perrin Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Lee Alberta T 8109 Langdon St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19152 Lee Alex D 104 Vassar St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Lee Benhur 322 S. Juniper St Philadelphia Pa 19107 Lee Charles W 5930 Ellsworth St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Lee Chong C 929 Tyson Ave Apt B7 Philadelphia Pa 19111-4434 Lee Denise A 56 Neshaminy Falls Circle North Walls Pa 19454 Lee Hyun A 929 Tyson Ave Apt B7 Philadelphia Pa 19111-4434 Lee Irving C/O David Monahan 451 Summit Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Lee Ji Hyung 4308 Chestnut St 305 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Lee John 1421 N 57th St Phila Pa 19131

PAGE 49 Lee Jong Dae 1410 W Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19103 Lee Jun Hee 137 W. Chelten Ave, A Philadelphia Pa 19144 Lee Karen L 8247 Temple Rd Philadelphia Pa 19150 Lee Linda H 4110 Spruce St, 2a Philadelphia Pa 19104 Lee Michael 10217 Clark St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Lee Richard 839 E. Sanger St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Lee Robert E Jr 5766 Nassau St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Lee Tae S O 5313 N. 5th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19120 Lee Tjenchew 3650 Chestnut St Box 208 Phila Pa 19104 Lee Vivienne Grace C/O David Monahan 451 Summit Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Lee Wing K 6005 Belden St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Lee Young K 9209 Jamison Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19115 Leecan Rydonia 5807 Pentridge St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Leech Dowling Lisa 34 W. Gowen Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Leeman Shelly Ann 932 N. 29th St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Legare Lamar A 122 S 49th St Apt A104 Philadelphia Pa 19139-3549 Legros Roert Roert Legros 8201 Henry Ave Apt B26 Philadelphia Pa 19128-2913 Leheta Mokhtar A 2946 Devereaux Ave Apt 10a Philadelphia Pa 19149 Lehman Marguerite 326 E. Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19120 Lehr C B Box 78 Rydal Pa 19046 Lehr H A Box 78 Rydal Pa 19046 Leibholz Stephen 1204 Pheasant Rd Rydal Pa 19046 Leibrand George 3412 D St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Leidtke Stacey 6032 Bingham St Philadelphia Pa 19111 ������������������������������������������������������� Leighton Warren R 2001 Hamilton St Philadelphia Pa 19130-4201 ������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������ Leiton Deilym V 1147 Elbridge St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Leming Robert 643 W. Sedgwick St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Lemonde Kimberly A 4232 Pine St Phila Pa 19104 Lenain Luc 935 Lombard St, 105 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Lenat Anne 5901 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Lenchner Charles Fl 3 137 W Ellena St Phila Pa 19119 Lenchner Charles Fl 3 137 W Ellena St Phila Pa 19119 Lenet Dinah 893 N Taney St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Lennon Margaret M 1800 John F Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19103-7421 Lennon Patricia 2103 E. Stella St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Lennox Rosemary 8515 Alicia St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Lentin John 4104 Pechin St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Lenza Antonette 1816 S 55th St Philadelphia Pa 19143-5727 Lenza Antonette 1816 S 55th St Philadelphia Pa 19143-5727 Leo Choi Fashions 429 N 11th Street Philadelphia Pa 19123 Leonard Clara 1951 S Bonsall St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Leonard Margaret 1127 Diamond St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Leonard Snydman 1515 The Fair Way Rydal Pa 19046 Leonardo Karyn 938 South Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Leonetti Elisabetta M 2121 S. Lambert St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Lepinski Sandra 44 Merwood Dr Upper Darby Pa 19082 Lepko Carmela C 615 S Ninth St Philadelphia Pa 19147-0000 Lepore Rose 970 Pratt St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1749 Lepore Rose 9790 Pratt Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Lepouskt Joseph 2511 E. Thompson St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19125 Leppanen William 4432 Tolbut St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Lerke Florence P 1112 Rhawn St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Lerro Daniel 2232 S. 10th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Lesnick Carolyn 4648 Silverwood St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Leszczynski R A Jr 3042 Memphis St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Letson Edward 5815 Arch St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Lettieri Francis 1811 Packer Ave Philadelphia Pa 19145 Leung Wai M Wai M Leung Box 981 3820 Locust Walk Philadelphia Pa 19104Levans Harry 323 Sage Ln Philadelphia Pa 19128 Leventhal Michael 116 Windsong Dr Doylestown Pa 18901 Leverenz Chad 2330 Poplar St 1st Fl. Philadelphia Pa 19130 Levering Kathryn H 8500 Seminole St Philadelphia Pa 19118 Levi Netanel Fl 2;Apt B Phila Pa 19147 Levin Alan R 901 Princeton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Levin Anne Appel 9026 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Levin Barry J Two Mellon Bank Center 13th Floor Pittsburgh Pa 19102 Levin Frederick G Suite 3232 Corporate Financial Svcs Philadelphia Pa 19103 Levin Jeffrey 2205 Brighton St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Levin Luydmila 314 Avon St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Levin M J 2401 Pennsylvania Ave Philadelphia Pa 19130-3010 Levin Marcadmd 1601 Walnut St Ste 1414 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Levin Michael 373 E. Church Ln, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19144 Levin Myrna S 168 Hunting Hills Lane Media Pa 19063-4523 Levin Nathan G The Lafayette 8580 Verree Rd Apt 503 Philadelphia Pa 191111376 Levin Rachel 1836 N. 6th St, B Philadelphia Pa 19122 �������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� Levine Marshall S 738 Tree St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Levine Paul 2405 Spruce Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Levis Harriet S 110 W. Coulter St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Levitt Andrea E 702 Keely St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Levy Berthold W 2401 Pennsylvania Ave Apt 6b21 Philadelphia Pa 19130-0000 Levy Jocelyn 8504 Alicia St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Levy Joseph 7959 Langdon St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Levy Stanley 2648 Tremont St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Lewis Agnes 4932 N. Hutchinson St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Lewis Anne M 4252 Penn St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Lewis Catherine 3010 N American St Philadelphia Pa 19133-3619 Lewis Catherine 654 Summit Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Lewis Cherie L 1345 E. Cheltenham Ave, 1a Philadelphia Pa 19124 Lewis Constance M 6330 Burbridge St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Lewis Deborah A 6214 Baynton St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Lewis Dorothy 1600 E. Mcpherson St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Lewis Karen 143 N Yewdall Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Lewis Kathryn 4120 Glendale St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Lewis Lamar 236 S 55 St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Lewis Linda L 722 S. American St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Lewis Mae 6971 Forrest Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19138 Lewis Marion B Rosemont Plaza 606 1062 Lancaster Ave Rosemont Pa 19010Lewis Maryrita 15 Armstrong Circle Newtown Pa 18940 Lewis Morgan 1701 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103Lewis Oscar 1031 S. 50th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Lewis Patricia Po Box 771 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-0771 Lgot James 1302 Arrott St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Li Jorge R 2616 S 73rd St Philadelphia Pa 19153 Li Ting 530 E Allegheng Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 ��������������������������������������������������������


PAGE 50 Li Yue Y 7206 Calvert St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Liang Jih M 1600 Garrett Rd Apt K-205 Upper Darby Pa 19082 Lianidis Steven 30 Milbourne Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082 Liao George 4011 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Libby Karen M 2543 Lefevre St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Libertoi Aniello 1608 S 20th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Liberty Auto Body 1616 Mckean Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Liberty Mutual 15 King Grant Drive Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004Lichstein Edith M 6727 Lawnton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19126 Lichtman Garrett C 7225 Hanford St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Lichtman Sandra 6619 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Lidstone James James Lidstone Po Box 58151 Philadelphia Pa 19102-8151 Lie Khiem Tjing 1951 S 17th St 1st Fl Philadelphia Pa 19145 Life & Health Ins Co 2202 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Lifka Reed C 816 N. 26th St, A Philadelphia Pa 19130 Lightfoot Marie P 4311 Pechin St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Lillian Mayo &Margaret-J On 1625 Elaine St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19150 Lilly Linda 2004 Kater St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Lilly William I Jr 5528 N. American St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Lim Ho 130 S Fairview Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082 Liming Montrose 227 Furley St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Lin Ji Mou 529 S. 60th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Lin Jian Shen 1504 Devereaux Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Lin Maoxun 6337 Eastwood St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Lindee Susan 29 Little Lane Media Pa 19063 Lindeman Valerie 876 N 22nd St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Linden Court Apts 9181 Academy Rd A-8 Lansdale Pa 19114 Linder John H 6745 Greenway Ave, Rh Philadelphia Pa 19142 Lindley Collision Service Cod 39 North York Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090 Lindquist George 5244 W Jefferson St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Lindsay Alice 2117 S. Hancock St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Lindsay Andrew G 1136 Snyder Ave Philadelphia Pa 19148 Lindsley Coleman 805 S. 8th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Lindy M 2607 Welsh Rd, D303 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Ling Ou 5809 Lansdowne Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Linh T Do 7316 Frankford Ave, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19136 Link P 3701 Stanton St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Linton Wilhelma 3532 N. 19th St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Lipenta Debra 1913 S Broad Street Apt 3 Willow Grove Pa 19090 Lipoff David C One Franklin Town Philadelphia Pa 19103 Lippincott Nicholas S 12 S Monroe St 2 Media Pa 19063-2915 Lippincott Williams Wilkins 530 Walnut St 8th Fl East Philadelphia Pa 19106 Lipshutz Jonathan D 2101 Delancey St Philadelphia Pa 19103-6511 Lisitsa Avram 735 Kentwood St, 104 Philadelphia Pa 19116 Liss Leon 9908 Bustleton Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19115 ������������������������������������������������������� Little Caesars Enterp Inc 7105 Frankford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19135 Little Folks Care Center 3901 Market St Box 1952 Philadelphia Pa 19104-3133 Little James G 1226 E. Pike St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Little Patricia A Dc 55 Cherry Lane Newtown Pa 18940-1473 Little Patricia A Dc 55 Cherry Lane Newtown Pa 18940-1473 Littlejohn Cynthia G A 606 S. 10th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Littles Elaine 6749 N. Smedley St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Liu Hong L 1442 S 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Liu Jirong 4514 Pine St, B307 Philadelphia Pa 19143 Liu Shou Zhu 801 June St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Liu Vrian E 1815 John F Kennedy Blvd Apt 1 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Liu Xue X 123 Normandy Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Lizanne Shaffer & Murphy&Oliver Pc Retirement Plan C/O Sage Financial Group 33 Rock Hill Rd Ste 200 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-Llewellyn M R 4753 N. Mascher St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Llinaro Michele G 2020 Spruce St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19103 Lloyd Denise A 4828 Germantown Avenue Apt# 2b Philadelphia Pa 19144-3033 Lloyd Elizabeth M 2107 S. Opal St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Lloyd Jacobs Monifa L 1628 Brown Street Philadelphia Pa 19130-2807 Lloyd Nathaniel 728 South Ithan Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 ���������������������������������������������������� Lmm Fashions Inc 1029 Race St, 5 Philadelphia Pa 19107 Lobiondo Ellen 1228 Wilder St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Lobiondo Janet 815 Mountain St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Local 11913 1601 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Locastro Rosanne M 2701 S. Holbrook St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Lockard Heather L 801 N. Woodstock St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Lockhart Leon E 2625 Braddock St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Locks Arthur M 4217 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Locust Sandra 5427 Locust St Apt F Phila Pa 19139 Locust St Assoc 1631 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Loewy Amos 2437 Jenkintown Rd Glenside Pa 19038-0000 Loewy Andre H 2437 Jenkintown Rd Glenside Pa 19038-0000 Lofters Eric M 2103 Parkwyn Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Loftland Jerileon 3924 Haverford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Lofton Tammy 1520 68th Ave Philadelphia Pa 19126 Logan Caroline E 3126 Tilton St Philadelphia Pa 19134-5817 Logan Martell V 1209 S 58th St, 2a Philadelphia Pa 19143 Logan Michael R 3301 Arch St Room 708 Philadelphia Pa 19104Logan Sabina 2332 S Lambert St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Logan Vaughn R 1913 Auth St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Logue Carolyn A 723 Ripley St Philadelphia Pa 19111-2524 Logue Theresa 6320 Hegerman St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Lohr Nancy L 4132 Manayunk Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Lois John 817 Brighton St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Lois Mararesku Dba Svcs 407 S 10th St Phila Pa 19147 Loiseau Catherine 1923 N. Hope St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Lomas Katharine 1678 Meadow St Philadelphia Pa 19124-3342 Lomax Carl D 314 W Apsley Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Lombardi Marie D 2317 S Woodstock St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Lombo Joseph A 4203 Chester Av 2-D Philadelphia Pa 19104 London Rochelle W 2030 Tyson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Long Cherrie B 432 N. 37th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Long Deborah M 1626 Ivy Hill Rd Philadelphia Pa 19150 Long Edna B 3148 Friendship St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Long Francis X 109 Browning Ln Rosemont Pa 19010-1007 Long H Luu 6727 Elmwood Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19142 Long James 161 Fountain St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1923 Long Loretta Apt 145b 5450 Wissahickon Ave Phila Pa 19144 Long Marilyn 2215 S. Felton St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Long Mary J 3319 B Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Long Michelle H 331 W. Berkley St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Long Parella J 2943 Limekiln Pike North Hills Pa 19038 Long Priscilla Estate Of 2617 Earp St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Longacre Poultry Market 19 S 60th St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19139

Longbotton John J 1862 E. Clementine St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Longo Alicia 2315 Watkins St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Longpham Vuongphi 6518 Woodland Ave, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19142 Longshore Medical Center I Po Box 2125 Jenkintown Pa 19046-0725 Longstreth Thacher W 210 West Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia Pa 19103Lonner Jess Hanley 1901 Walnut St #18f Philidelphia Pa 19103-4640 Lonner Jess Hanley 1901 Walnut St #18f Philidelphia Pa 19103-4640 Lonner Joseph J 1901 Walnut St #18f Philidelphia Pa 19103-4640 Lonner Joseph J 1901 Walnut St #18f Philidelphia Pa 19103-4640 Lopez Frank 3816 N. Darien St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Lopez Ismael 3409 Disston St Phila Pa 19149 Lopez Melvin 1930 N. 4th St, 3a Philadelphia Pa 19122 Loranger Regis R 7010 Penna Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082 Lord Pamela J 6920 Wister St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Lord Velmer Meldine 207 Pelham Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119 Lorenz Sigmund J 15 Wynmoor Road Media Pa 19063 Lorenzo Julia 6537 Kindred Street Philadelphia Pa 19149 Lotz Larayne 4508 Ritchie St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Loucks Bernice G 119 E Washington Lane Philadelphia Pa 19144-0000 Louis Garzarelli 605 Bobbin Mill Rd Media Pa 19063 ���������������������������������������������������������� Louis Octave 1618 S. Frazier St. Philadelphia Pa 19143 Love Robert 144 Mcclellan St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Lovell Limited Partn 1823 W. Diamond St, 3ff Philadelphia Pa 19121 Lovering Elliott 515 W. Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19123 Lovework Elizabeth C 101 S 39th St # 401 Phila Pa 19104 Lowell Todd 1900 Mount Vernon St, 3r Philadelphia Pa 19130 Lowery Virginia 1935 Kater St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Lowry Edna A 3543 Frankford Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19134 Lubas William 1854 E. Westmoreland St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Luber Francis O 437 N Napa St Philadelphia Pa 19104-2518 Luber Luke M 437 N Napa St Philadelphia Pa 19104-2518 Luber Sheldon 10229 Jeanes St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Lubin Thomas 1530 Spruce St #703 Phila Pa 19102 ����������������������������������������������� Lucas Charles 6148 N. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Lucas Edith 5519 Morton St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Lucas Rui F 2833 Brighton Pl 2nd Fl Phila Pa 19149 ���������������������������������������������������������� Lucci Thomas 603 E. Wyoming Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Lucey Catherine 1313 Spruce St, 1b Philadelphia Pa 19107 Luci Patrick 1930 S. 30th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Luciano Maria A 578 Livezey St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Luckey Anita M 1015 W Cumberland St Philadelphia Pa 19133-1633 Ludovico Basso N 6901 Valley Ave, K3 Philadelphia Pa 19128 Luhmann Carolyn K Pine Run Community 19 Redwood Cluster Doylestown Pa Lukach Michael 2543 Tulip St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Lukas Rita T 57 Valley Green Drive Doylestown Pa 18901 Lumpkin Emma 1030 Belmont Ave Steven Smith Twrs Apt 506 Philadelphia Pa Lumpkin Kevin D 1911 Nedro Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19141 Lumpkin Stephen G Ii 4910 Royal St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Lundy Nellie 5031 Race St Philadelphia Pa 19139-2752 Lundy Sylvia 2605 W. Mimi Cir, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Lurie Jeffrey A 1024 Kerper St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Lurry Kate Lurry 5532 Warrington Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19143 Luu Ha 6045 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Luu Nam 1514 Snyder Ave Fl 2 Phila Pa 19145 Luu Vinh K 2048 Robbins Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Lvy Kaliv 5401 Tennis Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Ly Michaels Inc 7554 Haverford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Ly Phuong Q 821 Fernon St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Ly Samba 1668 Margaret St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Lyde Marcia M 6214 Hazel Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Lyman Michael 8116 Terry St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Lynch Harold V 6926 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19119-2165 Lynch John J 440 Parlin St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Lynch Mary 221 W Mount Airy Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119-2441 Lynch William 917 N. 64th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Lynn Aloysius 1229 N 2nd St Philadelphia Pa 19122-4501 Lynn Sheila 1805 Megargee St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Lyons Emily 2125 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Lyons Isabelle 122 N. 54th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Lyons Nicholas D 30 Central Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-3208 Lyons Norman D 5910 Greene St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Lyons Regina M 30 Central Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-3208 Lyons Restoration 29 Good Shepherd Terrance Bryn Mawr Pa 19010Lyons Thomas J 3244 D St Philadelphia Pa 19134


M & R Water Inc 456 Conarroe St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19128 M And M Food Market 6801-6803 Marshall Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-4208 M C P Hahnemann 245 North 15th Street Mail Stop 446 Philadelphia Pa 19102 M Miles Trust 1900 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19103-6613 M N Q Fast Food Corp 22 N. 52nd St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Mabel Wagner Tr Ua 21 Aug 91 9 Bishop Hollow Rd Media Pa 19063-0000 Mac International 3501 Woodhaven Rd, Ce2 Philadelphia Pa 19154 Mac Lan 1001 South Street Apt. 3r Phila Pa 19147 Macafee Margaret 5547 Regent St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Maccarone Jacquelyn 2322 S 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3418 Macciocca Patrick T 207 Alnus St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Maccorkle Colleen M 221 Headhouse Ct Philadelphia Pa 19147 Macdonald Marie J C/O Herbert O Cleaver Parkway Apts #253 2601 Pennsylvania Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19130-2348 Macdonald Matthew D 164 Markle St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Macfarland Emilie M C/O John Midwood 300 N Lawrence St Philadelphia Pa Mach Phung 6234 N. Front St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Mack Christopher 8242 Dorcas St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Mack Robert 235 Rubicam St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Mack Wayne L 129 S. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Macke Samantha 411 S. 42nd St, 303 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Mackey Alynn 188 Long Lane Boyertown Pa 19512 Mackey Keith E 6126 Mccallum St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Mackin Ella M 4231 Palmetto St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Maclaren Donald 3410 Race St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19104 Maclaren Donald 215 S. 46th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Macnamara Coleen A 4116 Spruce St Phila Pa 19104 Macneal Robert 626 Benson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Macneil Craig G 1020 Fitzwater St. 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Maconaghy Mary 4026 Meridian St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Madantschi Mohammad H 142 F Wight St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Madden Edelle 724 Bergen St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Madden Joseph V 562 Van Kirk St Philadelphia Pa 19120

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Madden Lawrence 177 W. Godfrey Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Madden William T 5750 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Maddonni Elsie 4238 Malta St Philadelphia Pa 19124-4809 Madison Robert L 2549 W. Silver St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Madonna Mary A 1395 Paxon Place Media Pa 19063 Magaldo Thomas C 6939 Shelbourne St Philadelphia Pa 19111-3932 Magallanes Pete 954 N. Randolph St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19123 Magaziner Daniel 1627 East Cliveden Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Magcalas D C 4525 Pine St Apt 14 Philadelphia Pa 19143 Magcalas Delilah 4525 Pine St Apt 14 Philadelphia Pa 19143 Magcalas Douglas 4525 Pine St Apt 14 Philadelphia Pa 19143 Mager Beth A 1896 E. Haworth St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Magill Mary A 4121 Markland St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Magill W S 4450 Mcneal Road Doylestown Pa 18901 Maglietta Kristine 482 Norristown Rd Ste 200 Glenside Pa 19038 Maglione Marie V 1025 Rosalie St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19149 Magobet Carisia 5048 Pennway Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Magobet Nancy 165 W. Nedro Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 ������������������������������������������������������������������ Maher Thomas E 653 E Thayer St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Mahon John J 1022 Pine St, 1022 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Mahoney Elizabeth M 12513 Medford Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Mahoney Irene 1530 N 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Mahoney Louise 404 Cheswick Place Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-1251 ���������������������������������������������������������� Maiellano Jacqueline 1714 S. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Maier Brooke E 4609 Vista St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Mailing Bus Solutions 2027 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Main Line Family Dentistry Ltd 931 Haverford Road Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-3838 Maines Clarence 6424 Glenmore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Maiorano Anna 529 Queen St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Majczuk Joseph 2169 Pratt St Phila Pa 19124 Makadji Mody 6609 Yocum St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Makowski Janice 3113 Belgrade St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Malachi Ralph 425 E. Montana St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Malampy Carollyn A 3701 Avalon St Philadelphia Pa 19114 Malcolm L Ecker Ste 12 8815 Germantown Ave Phila Pa 19118 Maldonado Alvin 430 Reed St #105 Philadelphia Pa 19147-5929 Maldonado Edwin M 6740 Eastwood St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Maldonado Julio 4624 Worth St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Mallin Joshua A. 721 Oxford Road Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Malloy Jennifer 8510 Chippewa Rd Phila Pa 19128 Mallya Benna 2 Logan Sq. Ste 300 Philadelphia Pa 19103-4901 Malone Joanne P 644 E. Carver St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Malone John 1526 S. 30th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Malone Michael 530 Inman Terrace Willow Grove Pa 19090-3614 Malone Veronica 232 W. Earlham Ter Philadelphia Pa 19144 Maloney Joe L 577 Martin St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Maloney Marie D 305 Pine St Phila Pa 19106 Maloney Mark C 327 Pine St, Hh Philadelphia Pa 19106 Malova Marina 1831 Bergen St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Malove Samuel 33 Levering St Balacynwd Pa 19004 Malt House Condominium 136 N 2nd St Philadelphia Pa 19106Mamadou Barry 4725 Chester Avenue D3 Philadelphia Pa 19143 Maman Aleyamma 5723 Rising Sun Ave, 2c Philadelphia Pa 19120 Mamaril Liza Marie 1 Franklin Town Blvd Apt 1214 Philadelphia Pa 19103Manayunk Associates The 300 Parker Ave, A Philadelphia Pa 19128 Mancini Michael 2023 Emily St Phila Pa 19145 Mancini Raymond 2208 S. 16th St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19145 Mandel Milford L 3714 Saint George Ci Doylestown Pa 18901-0000 Mandell Seymour 114 Delancey St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Mander Michael 2611 S. 66th St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Mang Julius R 2454 S. 2nd St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19148 Mangoni Evelyn 13359 Susan Ter Philadelphia Pa 19116 Manion Elizabeth 1717 Arch Street Philadlephia Pa 19103 Manion James Jr 317 Simms St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Manire Catherine 2609 North Marshall Street Philadelphia Pa 19133 Maniscalo Concetta 2447 S. 20th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Manley Herman E 52 North 62nd St Philadelphia Pa 19139Manley Lucille P 52 North 62nd St Philadelphia Pa 19139Manne Ralph A 5004-L N Convent Lane Phila Pa 19114 Mannherz Eugene V 323 Stoopville Road Newtown Pa 18940 Manning Artis 524 Green Hill Lane Philadelphia Pa 19128 Manning Christine 524 Green Hill Lane Philadelphia Pa 19128 Manning Paul 8011 Rugby St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Manning Shirley 4643 Boudinot St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Manning Stephen T 2230 S 10th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19148 Manno Filmena P 205 Krams Ave Philadelphia Pa 19127 Manns Louise J 1413 N. Hobart St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Manns Stephanie D 6520 N. American St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Manogue Louise 1235 Saint Vincent St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Mansell-Bryant Lateefa 4615 Greene St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Manta & Welge 2000 Market St 6th Philadelphia Pa 19103-3202 Manta And Welge 2000 Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Mantua Community Plnrs 34th & Haverford Ave Phila Pa 19104 Manzi Alfonso 500 Sandy Bank Rd Apt 237 Media Pa 19063 Manzo Vincent Sr 733 S 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Mapes Kristen M 2130 Locust Street B-1 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Maples Lois 3830 Lancaster Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Mapp Welton 4883 Merion Ave. P.O. Box 9622 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Maranzan Mathilda 204 N 34th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Maratea Josephine 747 Watkins St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Marca Lucia 7040 Terminal Sq 2nd Floor Upper Darby Pa 19082Marca Lucia 7040 Terminal Square 2nd Floor Upper Darby Pa 19082Marcano Marilyn 137 W Lippincott St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Marcha Edgar 219 Wiltshire Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-4112 Marchand Babette 4612 Chester Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Marchetti Richard 12610 Nanton Dr Philadelphia Pa 19154 Marchio Josephine 2906 S 15th St Phila Pa 19145 Marchowsky Lisa M 1371 Dyre St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Marci Brown 1916 Watkins St Philadelphia Pa 19145 �������������������������������������������������������� Marco Collision 6300 B & D Washington Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19144 Marcolina Victor 7731 Ardleigh St Philadelphia Pa 19118 Marcolongo Josephine 2003 Mckean St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Marcos Diaz 1009 Sprng Garden St 3rd Fl Philadelphia Pa 19123 Marcus Andrew 2001 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Marcus Ida 548 E Gilham St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5231 Marder Jack 1702 Loney St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Marega Tidiany Apt A 414 S 44th St Philadelphia Pa 19104-3923 Maresch Howard J 7256 Large St Philadelphia Pa 19149

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Margo Geoffrey Md 210 West Washington Square Mezzanine Level Philadelphia Pa 19106 Margolis Harris R 416 Lindy Ln Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-1330 Margurite Rodgers Ltd 2131 N American St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Marie P Snydman Trust 1515 The Fair Way Leonard Snydman Rydal Pa 19046 Mariney Robert 184 Bethlehem Pike Philadelphia Pa 19118-2815 Marino Domenick J 8246 W Chester Pike Upper Darby Pa 19082-2723 Marino Giuseppe 1716 W. Allegheny Ave, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19132 Marino John K 9013 Lully Dr Doylestown Pa 18901 Marino Theresa 1683 Dyre St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Marino Tisha M 232 Watkins St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Marjorie Snowden Murray 15tth Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19102-4737 Markgal Realty 6026 Woodland Ave, Str5b Philadelphia Pa 19142 Markley Clare&Robert 1236 E. Palmer St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Markol George 824 N Beechwood St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1405 Markovitz Karen E 1874 Foster St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Markowitz Irvin 2313 Oakmont St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Markowitz Marc S 8523 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19152 Markowski Edward P 726 Hoffnagle Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Marks Bert 246 Highland Av 1st Apt 331 Media Pa 19063 Marks Florence 2539 W 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Marks Oneil Obrien Courtney 1880 Jfk Blvd Suite 1200 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Marlette David C 2025 S. 13th St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19148 Marques David B 6203 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Marrazzo Joan 1636 E Willow Grove Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Marrero Benjamin 5900 N. Lawrence St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Marrero William G 4129 N. Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Marriott Anna 1643 Ellsworth Street Philadephia Pa 19146 Marriott Marlene 732 E Chelten Ave Apt 1 Philadelphia Pa 19144 Marrow Thannie 1432 S 31st St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Marsden Todd 3528 Sunnyside Ave Philadelphia Pa 19129 Marshall Bonita 287 E. Ashmead St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Marshall David Louis Estate Of 2108 Walnut St Apt 2f Philadelphia Pa 19103 Marshall Fields Optical Vision Care Department 1900 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Marshall James D 5315 Large St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Marshall Josephine 5430 Cedar Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Marshall Stacie 736 E Church Lane Philadelphia Pa 19144 Marshall Warnercoem 1845 Walnut St 16th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 Marsteller Dennis L 57 Fern Drive Boyertown Pa 19512-8103 Marteau Alexis P 812 Lombard St, 31 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Marter Alexander B 2224 Summer St Phila Pa 19103 Martin Alfred J Jr 6820 Edmund St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Martin Anthony 3950 D Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 ������������������������������������������������������������ Martin Cheryl P 2269 N. Lambert St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Martin Coretta 237 South 48th Street Apartment 35 A Philadelphia Pa 19139 Martin Darrell 44 N 56th Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Martin Donald 128 W. Logan St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19144 Martin Esther A C/O Sandra Martin Pedrick 223 Oakland Pl North Wales Pa Martin Gloria 1434 N. Wanamaker St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Martin Jimmy L 5307 N. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Martin Joann 2833 Agate St Philadelphia Pa 19134 ������������������������������������������������������������� Martin Lillian 1727 N. Newkirk St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Martin Lossie 2326 Fitzwater St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Martin Mary 2711 S. Cleveland St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Martin Nicholas 5602 Lansdowne Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Martin Ricardo J 2729 Poplar St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Martin Robert Jr 1125 E. Stafford St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Martin William F 2031 Locust Street Apt 1101 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Martin William L 931 E. Russell St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Martine Fedrick 1225 Filmore St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Martinez Janett 815 E. Schiller St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Martinez Judith 175 E Ontario Street W53 Philadelphia Pa 19134 Martinez Luis 3041 Rorer St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Martinez Mara E 2102 E Cambria St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Martinez Meliza I. 9720 Bustleton Ave, 30 Philadelphia Pa 19115 Martinez Ralph 8300 Shawnee St Philadelphia Pa 19118 Martini Chris 6313 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Martini Louis W 143 Long Ln 145 Upper Darby Pa 19082-3116 Martini Louis W 143 Long Ln 145 Upper Darby Pa 19082-3116 Martino A A Po Box 222 Jenkintown Pa 19046-0222 Martino Alice A 4416 Elizabeth St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19124 Martino Armand 2332 S. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Martins Antonio 2928 Passmore St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Marucci Saturnino General Delivery Philadelphia Pa 19104-9999 Marvill Fraser 7945 Bingham St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Marvit Peter 213 Saint Marks Sq Philadelphia Pa 19104 Mary 212 N Alden St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Mary Kohler 3514 East Crown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Mary Krawice 6522 Hasbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Mary Krawice 6522 Hasbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Marzano Anton 882 N. Bucknell St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Marzi Shallen B 3719 Spring Garden St Fl 3 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Marzluf Eric S 2109 Delancey St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Masceri Marianne P 7218 Brous Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Mascino Anthony 7927 Calvert St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Mascot Petroleum 7200 3200 Richmond Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Mashiah Anat 1925 Fox Chase Rd, 2b Philadelphia Pa 19152 Masington Charles J 3655 N. Hereford Ln Philadelphia Pa 19114 Maslynsky Jill A 521 S. 17th St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Mason Barbara L 5126 Mebus St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Mason Clarence 113 W. Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19120 Mason Ernest C 875 N 45th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Mason Gerald M 1333 Hale St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Mason Vaughn 6119 Carpenter St Philadelphia Pa 19143-2904 Mason William B Apt 701 501 N Providence Rd Media Pa 19063-2546 Massa-Mcclure & Co Inc 2300 Computer Ave Suite J54 Willow Grove Pa 19090 Massara Carl 1531 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Massaro Thomas 6640 Germantown Ave, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19119 Massaro Thomas H 21 E. Mount Pleasant Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Massenburg Harvey R Jr 940 E. Slocum St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Massey Ethel E 2002 S. Larry St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Massi Phyllis 2135 S 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3813 Masson Ella 3929 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19104-4186 Master Frances 4610 Jansom St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Masterson Jane C Riddle Village Hampton #303 Media Pa 19063-0000 Masterson Jane C Riddle Village Hampton #303 Media Pa 19063-0000 Mastrangelo Adriano 1413 S. 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Mastropaolo Mary 729 Tasker St Philadelphia Pa 19148

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Mataac Melanie 1629 Fitzwater St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Matera Joseph 7257 Brous Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Mathai Thankamma K 5127 C Street Philadelphia Pa 19120 Mather William V 1101 Fillmore St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Mathew Belle 422 Christian Street 2ff Philadephia Pa 19147 Mathews Joby Joby Mathews 114 Deer Pass Ln Media Pa 19063 Mathews Joseph 630 Van Kirk St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Mathis Bertha B 5801 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Mathis Evelyn D 2452 N. Marston St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Mathis Sharon 2925 N. Taylor St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Mathis Stephanie R 1034 Brighton St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Matieson Abraham 6747 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Matkovic Michael J 3332 Midvale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19129 Matkowski Julian 3815 Pearson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Matrullo John 6828 N. 10th St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Matsko Katherin A 4523 Worth St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Matt Kofke 211 Woodward Rd Media Pa 19063 Matt Mccarthy 4303 Arendell Ave Phila Pa 19114 Mattero Susan C 4138 L Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Matthews A 5556 Thomas Ave Phila Pa 19143 Matthews Dorothy E 5626 Diamond St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Matthews Ellen M 9951 Lorry Pl, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19114 Matthews Jamie Lynn Estate Of C/O Evan Smith Esq 11 Bala Ave Ste 39 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-3201 Matthews John 4247 Locust Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Matthews Tyree R 5449 Beaumont Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Mattiacci Anthony A 1455 Alcott St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Mattis Tara 465 Connaroe St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Mattock Nichole M 4042 Aldine St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Mattson Vera M 4032 Holly Way Doylestown Pa 18901-5447 Matus Regina 1912 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Matusow Tami 1836 Ripley St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Matz Catherine 449 E. Wyoming Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Mauer William J 310 Richmond St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19125 Maurycy Stanley 5994 Henry Ave, 2b Philadelphia Pa 19128 Mavrianos Rose K 735 E. Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19134 ���������������������������������������������������� Maxim Health Systems Llc Po Box 631191 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Maxwell Anne S 842 S 2nd Street Ste 5 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Maxwell Jane 515 Spruce St Phila Pa 19106-3707 Maxwell Jessica N 515 Spruce St Phila Pa 19106-3707 Maxwell Rudolph 5713 Harmer St Philadelphia Pa 19131 May Anton 9242 Andover Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 May Jonathan 3914 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19104-6026 May Rosemary 4641 Hurley St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Maya Pablo 2821 N 6th St West26 Philadelphia Pa 19134 Mayes Paula E 2562 N. Dover St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Mayo Jesse 7204 N. 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Mayo Samuel 1703 Snyder Ave, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19145 Mays John J 2012 E. Sergeant St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Mays Lucy 2335 N 5th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Mays Richard P C 4327 Baltimore Ave, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Mazur Salene 327 South 18th St Apt 2f Philadelphia Pa 19103 Mazza Anthony 4122 Decatur St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Mazzagatti Mary C 8615 Ferndale St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Mazzoni Teresa M 907 Carver St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Mc Monagle Gary 422 Industrial Dr North Wales Pa 19454-4151 Mcalear Ronald J 2018 Race St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Mcallister James 4377 Salmon St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Mcallister John S 1846 S 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2203 Mcallister Thomas 4401 W Conshocken Ave Apt B-19 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Mcallister Vanessa 536 Walnut Lane 2nd Floor Philadelphia Pa 19128����������������������������������������������������������� Mcardle Amy F 138 Hoffman St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Mcaroy Stella 8734 Glenloch St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Mcarthur Malikah 1718 S 24 St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Mcateer Margaret A 2434 E. Somerset St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Mcauliffe F Rittner St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Mcavoy Eileen 3619 Nanton Pl, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19154 Mcavoy Ely R 330 Queen St 1 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Mcbeth Nancy 1921 Sharon Rd Jenkintown Pa 19046-1126 Mcbride Helen-Jean J 2627 Bonaffon Ter Philadelphia Pa 19142 Mcbridge Megan 2104 Locust St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19103 Mcburrow Sherrie 2543 N. 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Mccabe Agnes 1002 N. 67th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Mccabe Devin M 4481 Blue Ridge Dr Doylestown Pa 18901 Mccabe Devin M 4481 Blue Ridge Dr Doylestown Pa 18901 Mccabe Jacqueline H 6044 Hasbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Mccabe James L 701 Williamson Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Mccabe Mary 5163 Ogden St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Mccade John A 2534 S. Carroll St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19142 Mccafferty Mary E 324 Oak Rd Glenside Pa 19038-0000 Mccaffery James 1224 Jennifer Rd Philadelphia Pa 19116 Mccall Marie E 4326 Elsinore St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Mccall Richard J 2704 S. 70th St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Mccallion Joan 6304 Wissahickon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Mccambridge Adam 86 W State St Unit 2 Doylestown Pa 18901 Mccandless Jack Jr 1034 Daly St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Mccann Cecelia M 1831 E Cambria St Philadelphia Pa 19134-3549 Mccann Francis 460 Tyson Ave Glenside Pa 19038 Mccann Francis 460 Tyson Ave Glenside Pa 19038 Mccann John 2614 S. Robinson St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Mccann Thomas 6436 Garman St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Mccarrin Debbie 224 S Lynn Bl Upper Darby Pa 19082 Mccarthy Dennis 6320 Germantown Ave, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19144 Mccarthy Honora 2519 S 73rd St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Mccarthy Marie P 4010 Benner St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Mccartney Maureen 8422 Germantown Ave, 3a Philadelphia Pa 19118 Mccarty Holly 110 Osborn Street Philadelphia Pa 19128 Mccarville Hugh J 5604 Harley Dr Philadelphia Pa 19143 Mccauley Marie 6344 W. Columbia Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Mccausland Marie T 4025 K Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Mcclain Herbert 639 N. Frazier Street Philadephia Pa 19131 Mcclain Herbert 639 N. Frazier Street Philadephia Pa 19131 Mcclean Marlene E 816 Marlyn Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Mccleary Phyllis 406 N. Wilton St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Mcclellan Guy 618 S. 10th Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Mcclellan James 5338 Hedge St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Mcclintock William 1507 S. Bailey St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Mccloskey Jennifer L 3417 W. Penn St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Mccloskey Joseph 4152 Levick St Philadelphia Pa 19135

PAGE 51 Mccloskey Michael J 9234 Andover Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114Mccloskey Michael J 9234 Andover Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114Mccollum Daniel 623 Jamestown St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Mccone Maurice J 106 Watkins St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Mcconnell Charles W 225 S. 4th St, 205 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Mcconnell Stephanie 1717 Arch Street 29 East Philadelphia Pa 19103 Mccook Lorrel A 881 Perkiomen St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Mccorey Doris 1931 N. 5th Street Philadelphia Pa 19122 Mccormick Margaret 324 Tree St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Mccoy Karen P 124 W. Fisher Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Mccoy Lula N 2517 N. 30th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Mccrae Eugene 4603 Wayne Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19144 Mccrary Geo 1133 E. Stafford St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Mccray Sharon M . 5215 Shuyler St Apt 305b Philadelphia Pa 19144 Mccrewell Dana & A 8412 Cedarbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150 Mcculloug Myrtle E 5962 Agusta St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Mccullough Beverly H 9524 Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19115 Mccullough Eliz 706 Landis St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Mccullough John W 4986 Baynton St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Mccullough Rosalyn 14 N 54th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Mccusker Gregory P 4211 Knorr St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Mccutchen Herbert 1243 N. 58th St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Mccwright Evalyn 134 Edgehill Rd Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-3145 Mcdermott James J 1901 W Olney Ave Philadelphia Pa 19141 Mcdermott Maire 512w Sedgwick St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Mcdevitt Adam 424 Monastery Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19128 Mcdevitt Agnes M 1603 S 54th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Mcdevitt Anne T 300 S Roberts Rd Rosemont Pa 19010-1270 Mcdevitt Dawn L 424 Monastery Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19128 Mcdevitt Hugh A 300 S Roberts Rd Rosemont Pa 19010-1270 Mcdevitt James M 4735 Maple Lane Philadelphia Pa 19124 Mcdevitt Joseph 3633 E. Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Mcdevitt Margaret 7920 Barnes St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Mcdonald Margaret 1641 Fillmore St Philadelphia Pa 19124-2703 Mcdonald Michael 3172 Livingston St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Mcdonald Regina L 2438 Hartel Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19152 Mcdonnell Karen 535 Christian St, 3fr Philadelphia Pa 19147 Mcdonnell Laurie A 928 Tyson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Mcdonnell Stephen R 126 Bainbridge St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19147 Mcdonough William J Jr 2555 S. Carroll St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Mcdowell Etta A Po Box 27568 Philadelphia Pa 19118-0568 Mcdowell Etta A Po Box 27568 Philadelphia Pa 19118-0568 Mcdowell Etta A Po Box 27568 Philadelphia Pa 19118-0568 Mcdowell Etta A P O Box 27568 Phila Pa 19118-0568 Mcdowell Etta A Po Box 27568 Philadelphia Pa 19118-0568 Mcdowell Jodeph 3rd 4724 Devereaux St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Mcdowell Wm W Jr 39 W. Highland Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Mcdyer Thomas E 5165 W. Jefferson St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Mcelroy H Sandy 872 Scattergood St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Mcelroy Theresa 1415 Oakmont St Phila Pa 19111 Mcentee Ellen M 885 Marcella St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1732 Mcentee Joseph F 885 Marcella St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1732 Mcfadden Carl 34 W. Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Mcfadden Florence V 711 E. Cornwall St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Mcfadden Tyrone 7435 Tulpehocken St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Mcfarland Grace E 619 N. 65th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Mcgahan Margaret 2620 E. Dauphin St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Mcgeachy Ashley 2317 Lombard St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Mcgee Jason 1307 Hale St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Mcgee Joan 724 Princeton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111Mcgill Jaime 1021 Banbridge Stree Philadelphia Pa 19147 Mcgill James J Jr 410 Fanshawe St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Mcgill John F 306 Carson St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Mcgill Steward J 4231 Pechin St Philadelphia Pa 19128-5023 Mcgillin Brian 4640 Hazel Ave, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19143 Mcginley 232 Stoneybrook Road Newtown Pa 18940 Mcginley Kevin 204 Margate Avenue Upper Darby Pa 19082 Mcginnis Albert 6942 Lynford St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Mcginty Kathleen 1336 S 56th St Philadelphia Pa 19143-4037 Mcginty Maureen 747 S. 11th St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Mcgirt James 1840 Christian St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Mcglawn Reginald 1834 Cobden Rd Glenside Pa 19038 Mcglawn Reginald 1834 Cobden Rd Glenside Pa 19038 Mcglinah John 4947 Lancaster Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Mcglinchey James P 1442 S. 28th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 ��������������������������������������������������������� Mcgoff Matthew D 1108 S. Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Mcgough Frances 528 Gilham St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5231 Mcgough Robt 7221 Bradford St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Mcgovern John F 2891 Tremont St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Mcgowan Maureen L 812 Lombard St, 27 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Mcgowan O Meara & Co Inc 1530 Locust St, 7d Philadelphia Pa 19102 Mcgrail Margaret 7008 Passyunk Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Mcgrath Diane 6319 Trotter Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Mcgraw Constance F 2602 E. Lehigh Ave, 1s Philadelphia Pa 19125 Mcgregor Pearl 245 Ella St Philadelphia Pa 19134-0000 Mcgriff Willie B 7650 Rugby St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Mcguckin Marie 3055 Tulip St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Mcguigan Lisa A 4707 Almond St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Mcguigan Michael 2635 Mt Carmel Ave Glenside Pa 19038 Mcguire Frank 1909 Carpenter St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Mchale Julia 2328 N 9th St Philadelphia Pa 19111-2877 Mchayle Lorraine R 250 Beverly Blvd Apt F 17 Upper Darby Pa 19082Mchenry Elmer P 4934 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Mchugh Bernadette 4323 Pechin St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Mchugh Margaret 3909 Lancaster Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Mchugh Mike 420 Fern St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Mcinnes Rachel 5555 Wissahickon Ave Apt 1010 Philadelphia Pa 19144 Mcintyre Bertha 1744 S. 2nd St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19148 Mcintyre Katharine 205a Park Pl Media Pa 19063-2056 Mciver Fickland 5523 Poplar St Philadelphia Pa 19131-4215 Mckay Dorothy 3191 Janney St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Mckay Edna S 6232 N. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Mckay Jamal 271 E Bringhurst St Phila Pa 19144 Mckelvy Catherine 1165 E Sanger St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Mckenna John 228 S Carol Blvd Upper Darby Pa 19082-2815 Mckenney Ernest 1000 W. Westview St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Mckeown Richard T 4236 J St Philadelphia Pa 19124-4804 Mckibben Debra A 7829 Horrocks St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Mckinley Robert 4758 Vista St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Mckinley Staton 2506 Jackson St Apt 6a Philadelphia Pa 19145-3165

PAGE 52 Mckinley Wilfred 213 Magnolia Terrace Upper Darby Pa 19082 Mckinnon Malcolm 254 S. 22nd St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Mckinsey David 3230 Fontain St Philadelphia Pa 19121-1727 Mcknight Albert 2404 Federal St Philadelphia Pa 19146-2432 Mcknight Albert 2404 Federal St Philadelphia Pa 19146-2432 Mclaughlin Anne 8057 Rowland Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136-2220 Mclaughlin John 7144 Dicks Ave Philadelphia Pa 19153-2402 Mclaughlin Patrick 1014 Disston St Philadelphia Pa 19111-4411 Mclaughlin Thomas F 425 S. Carlisle St, 3b Philadelphia Pa 19146 Mclaughlin Winston 5843 Sansom St Philadelphia Pa 19139-3148 Mclaurin Joy D 105 Sherbrook Blvd Joy Denise Mclaurin Guardian Upper Darby Pa 19082 Mclean James 611 West Avenue Jenkintown Pa 19046-2707 Mclean Louise 4834 Ogden St Philadelphia Pa 19139-1839 Mcloughlin Amy E 249 S Melville St Philadelphia Pa 19139-0000 Mcmahon Arthur 131 Kalos St Philadelphia Pa 19128-3829 Mcmanus Robert J 3200 Saint Vincent St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19149-1513 Mcmaon Joseph 139 Kalos St Philadelphia Pa 19128-3829 Mcmenamin James T 321 Farm Lane N Wales Lane Pa 19454 Mcmenamin Melissa 2106 Scattergood St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Mcmichael Alfonso 5633 Nelson St Philadelphia Pa 19138-2322 Mcmillin Lovetta 154 Bishops Gate Ln Doylestown Pa 18901-0000 Mcmillin Lovetta 154 Bishops Gate Lane Doylestown Pa 18901-2481 Mcmonagle Joseph 2325 E. Ann St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4324 Mcmullen Lauren R 3204 Birch Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154-1721 Mcmullen Margaret 4702 Large St Philadelphia Pa 19124-2939 Mcmullen Margaret 4702 Large St Philadelphia Pa 19124-2939 Mcmullin Brian 2216 S. 62nd St Philadelphia Pa 19142-2301 Mcmullin Michael 3023 Chatham St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4306 Mcnabb Harry 526 Acorn St Philadelphia Pa 19128-2503 Mcnamara Patrick J 5910 Henry Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Mcnamee Anne Apt 449 8580 Verree Rd Philadelphia Pa 19111-1375 Mcnaney Joanne 161 Springton Rd June 2 2006 Upper Darby Pa 19082-4808 Mcneil Bertha 135 N Peach St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Mcneil Collin F 307 Fishers Road Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Mcneil Henry S Jr 2104 Delancey Place Philadelphia Pa 19103 Mcneil Leonard 632 S 60th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Mcneil Venetie L 5733 N. Beechwood St Philadelphia Pa 19138-2801 Mcneil Willie M E 1544 N. 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19122-3310 Mcneill Eileen 6549 Vandike St Philadelphia Pa 19135-2825 Mcnichol Louise 1304 Rhawn St Apt 204 Philadelphia Pa 19111-2877 Mcnichols Mary C 1225 E. Oxford St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Mcpatrick Crystal 7102 Paschall Ave, Hh Philadelphia Pa 19142 Mcpherson Elizabeth 275 S Bryn Mawr Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Mcpherson Elizabeth 7900 Lindbergh Blvd, 4502 Philadelphia Pa 19153-2017 Mcphu Center For Count Health City Ave & Presidential P.O. Box 95000-1035 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Mcphu Dermatology Associates 1800 Lombard Street P.O. Box 95000-1035 Philadelphia Pa 19146 Mcquade Michele 2914 Lardner St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3519 Mcquade Renee C 2914 Lardner St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3519 Mcquade William S 2914 Lardner St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3519 Mcqueen Denise P 1210 South 22nd St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Mcrae Robert 7033 Sherwood Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151-2326 Mcs 1601 Market St. Philadelphia Pa 19103 Mcs Group Inc 1601 Market Street #800 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Mcshane George D 5915 Malta St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1211 Mcwarren Shynikah 1827 Catherine Street Philadelphia Pa 19146 Mcwhite Darlene 1702 S. Conestoga St Philadelphia Pa 19143-5417 Mcwilliams Dallas K 7014 Mccallum St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Mdm Investments Llc 2005 Naomi’s Court North Wales Pa 19454 Meadows Donald R Jr 1718 Webster St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1921 Meagher Kelly A 7122 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1211 Mealey Mary D V 9968 Dungan Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115-1713 Meck Frank 5213 Ditman St Philadelphia Pa 19124-2001 Med Chi Agency Inc 2005 S Easton Rd Ste 202 Doylestown Pa 18901 Med Max Inc 4640 Roosevelt Blvd, M1 Philadelphia Pa 19124-2340 Med Rehab Ctrs Of Pa 1606 Walnut Street 1st Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 Medeiros Virginia 366 Stevens St Philadelphia Pa 19111-6025 Medeiros Virginia 366 Stevens St Philadelphia Pa 19111-6025 Media Concepts 331 N. Broad St, 4f Philadelphia Pa 19107-1026 Media Pediatrics 920 N Providence Rd Fl 1 Media Pa 19063 Media Quarry Co 38 Ridge Rd Media Pa 19063 Medical College Pa 3426 Henry Ave, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19129-1122 Medical Copy Services 1601 Market St Ste 800 Philadelphia Pa 19103-2399 Medici James 2600 Wilmot St Philadelphia Pa ���������������������������������������������������������������� Mednick Mezyk & Kredo 1831 Chestnut Street 2nd Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 Mednick Mezyk & Kredo 1831 Chestnut St. 2nd Fl. Philadelphia Pa 19103 Meehan Daniel P 249 South 23rd Street Philadelphia Pa 19103-5540 Meehan Richard 6321 Buist Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-3106 Meek Cory 717 S. 19th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19146-1840 Meekins Lillian 4445 W Parrish St Apt201-C Philadelphia Pa 19104 Meginley Mathew 6849 Regent St Philadelphia Pa 19142-1212 Mehaffey Cheryl A 1524 Longshore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-1742 Mehdizadeh Issa 7417 Ruskin Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151-2925 Meintel Nancy 328 Synder Ave Philadelphia Pa 19148-2634 Meisler Eric 3630 Fisk Ave Philadelphia Pa 19129-1611 Meister Terry N 101 Oxford Ln North Wales Pa 19454 Mejia Jose P 3914 Arcadia St Philadelphia Pa 19124-5009 Mejias Hilda 2928 N. Hope St Philadelphia Pa 19133-4126 Meketon Irene 1250 Greenwood Ave Apt 820 Jenkintown Pa 19046 Mekonnen Maria 5100 Lebanon Ave Apt 608 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Melcher Christopher J 8035 Jeanes St Philadelphia Pa 19111-2324 Melchiorre Camillo 7 Appletree Ct Philadelphia Pa 19106-2014 Mele Modestino 2542 Brown St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19130-1811 Melendez Ramona 2121 N. Howard St, 408 Philadelphia Pa 19122-1725 Melhorn & Co Attn Trust Vault F2-F070-B2-1 Co Pnc Bank 1600 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Melissen Leo 244 E Gravers Lane Philadelphia Pa 19118 Melita Pauline Miss C/O Nicolena Gazzara 1434 Comly St Philadelphia Pa 19149Mell Ezra 832 North 24th St Apt 3-F Philadelphia Pa 19130 Mellor Karl 12029 Waldemire Dr. Philadelphia Pa 19154-2621 Meloy R Blanche C/O R Stuart Jenkins 334 W Front St Media Pa 19063-0000 Meloy Thomas M Jr C/O R Stuart Jenkins 334 W Front St Media Pa 19063-0000 Meloy Trout Martha D C/O R Stuart Jenkins 334 W Front St Media Pa 19063Melton Barbara 2210 Titan St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4229 Melton Frances Estate Of C/O Thomas F Grady Esq 2033 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Melton Mariah 414 E Bringhurst St Philadelphia Pa 19144-1722 Melvin Charles 3106 Glenview St Philadelphia Pa

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Memmos Konstantinos 2712 Poplar St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Mendel April J 5723 Willows Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-4516 Mendelssohn Edwin 815 N Mt Pleasant Road Philadelphia Pa 19119 Mendez David 1805 E Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Mendez Lisa 3431 F Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Mendez Maria 1805 E Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Mendez Mildred A 366 Cinnaminson St Philadelphia Pa 19128-4553 Mendez Omar J 4720 Tampa St Philadelphia Pa 19120-4622 Mendoza Martha 4949 Frankford Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19124-2669 Menning Mark M 2525 Waverly St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1049 Mercadante Louis 7101 Charles St Philadelphia Pa 19135-1001 Mercado 21 S 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19103-3148 Merch Raymond Jr 2942 Lardner St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3519 Meriano Albert 2918 S. Felton St Philadelphia Pa 19142-3410 Merion Healthcare Inc Po Box 453 Jenkintown Pa 19046 Merk Florence 3652 Whitehall Ln Philadelphia Pa 19114-1827 Merkle Edward G 1926 Hart Lane Philadelphia Pa 19134-3537 Mermon Kenneth C 7926 Ridge Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-3011 Merritt Pamela A 1821 Bainbridge St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19146-1429 Merriweather Ernest 6488 Ross St Philadlephia Pa 19119 Merscher John C 1017 Fanshawe St Philadelphia Pa 19111-4803 Mesirov Leon Estate Of 2401 Pennsylvania Philadelphia Pa 19130 Mesirov Sylvia P 1735 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103-7501 Mesoraca Anna 2604 S. 6th St Philadelphia Pa 19148-4625 Messerschmidt Gerald L 270 Curwen Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Meszaros Michael E 6920 Lawnton St Philadelphia Pa 19128-3210 Methlie Mary C 532 E. Indiana Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134-3026 Metran Funding Of Phila 1500 Market Street Sw 12f Philadelphia Pa 19102 Metro Mobile Cts Of Alb % 1717 Arch St 30th Flo Philadelphia Pa 19103 Metro Pamela 230 Stamper St Philadelphia Pa 19147-1604 Metters Leonard 3035 N Front St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Metusec Nicholas 1830 Glendale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-3403 Metz Kathleen R 4511 Deep Creek Way Doylestown Pa 18901 Meyer Ann L 1815 Jfk Blvd #1605 Philadelphia Pa 19103-1713 Meyer Edward C Jr 1815 Jfk Blvd #1605 Philadelphia Pa 19103-1713 Meyerovich Alexander 10204 Jeanes St Philadelphia Pa 19116-3620 Meyers Barbara 5818 Addison St Philadelphia Pa 19143-1204 Meyers Cranchard 1704 Catharine St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1924 Meyers Seymour 2415 Aspen St Philadelphia Pa 19130-2503 Mg Industries Inc 2300 Church St Philadelphia Pa Mi Young Lewe 9351 Krewstown Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115-3710 Miazga Peter 726 Livezey Ln Philadelphia Pa 19128-1525 Micciche Josephine S 628 Pierce St Philadelphia Pa 19148-1720 Michael Judith 707 Corinthian Ave Philadelphia Pa 19130-2614 Michael Naomi P 2462 River Rd New Hope Pa 18938 Michael Slanina 6404 Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19149-2943 Michael W Mc Arthur 3721 Lankenau Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Michalski Katharine G 701 N Providence Rd Media Pa 19063-2509 Michie Harold 6541 Cutler St Philadelphia Pa 19126-3504 Mickens Keisha 6237 N. Woodstock St Philadelphia Pa 19138-3041 Mickie Roy R 4174 Newhall St Philadelphia Pa 19140-2933 Microsoft Corp Microsoft Corp 318 S 10th St North Wales Pa 19454-3017 Mid America Group Northeast Inc 2005 S Fasteon Rd Ste 202 Doylestown Pa Middle State Association 3624 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19104 ����������������������������������������������������������� Middleton Rose 166 Covington Rd Philadelphia Pa 19120-1004 Midtown Realty Corporation 210 W Rittenhouse Sq Ste 406 Philadelphia Pa Miernicki Lisa 9 Water Lily Way Newtown Pa 18940-9228 Mignacca Dionisio F 1514 S Clarion St Phil Pa 19147-6210 Mignucci William 5234 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1548 Mike’s Auto Body & Repair 7116 Castor Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19149 Mikes Ornamental Iron P. O. Box 19504 Philadelphia Pa 19124 Mikesell Lisa M 4400 Spruce St, A2 Philadelphia Pa 19104-4763 Mikoda Astrid 3133 Reach Street Phila Pa 19134-2410 Milaro Salvatore 2112 S. 19th St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3601 Milavitch Stephanie L 909 Maple Ave Ardsley Pa 19038 Milbourne Cynthia D 1532 Wynsam St Philadelphia Pa 19138-1628 Mildoons Decorating 32 State Road Media Pa 19063 Miles Darrin O 2032 Latimer St Philadelphia Pa 19103-5612 Miles E J 600 Great Springs Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-1702 Miles Leroy 127 Avondale Drive North Wales Pa 19454 Miles The 1900 Spruce St Phila Pa 19103-6613 Mileski Catharine C 6006 Belden St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3232 Miletto Anthony 6809 Lynford St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2117 Milice Rodriquez 429 W. Tabor Rd Philadelphia Pa 19120-2833 Miller Adam F 2462 N. Hollywood St Philadelphia Pa 19132-3012 Miller Adia R . 315 S 45th St Apy 1g Philadelphia Pa 19104 Miller Albert 2412 N. 16th Street Philadelphia Pa 19132-4438 Miller Albert J 5622 Lebanon Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19131Miller Barbara 1198 E. Upsal St Philadelphia Pa 19150-2600 Miller Carolyn 14 North St Reynard St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Miller Charles 49 Cloverdale Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082 Miller Cynthia C 1307 S. Carlisle St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4810 Miller Ernest C 21 Wells Fleet Way Media Pa 19063-4324 Miller Herman 631 Alcott St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1219 Miller Hetty 1514 E. Lycoming St Philadelphia Pa 19124-5341 Miller Irvin R Jr 1130 Crease St Philadelphia Pa 19125-4108 Miller James E 2314 Aspen St Philadelphia Pa 19130-2502 Miller Jeannette L C/O Smith Barney Attn R Newell 31st Floor Centre Square West Philadelphia Pa 19102-2146 Miller John 3068 Cedar St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4319 Miller John 3068 Cedar St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4319 Miller John E C/O Smith Barney Attn R Newell 31st Floor Centre Square West Philadelphia Pa 19102-2146 Miller Kenneth H 4336 Boone St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Miller Kevin C 5729 Belmar Ter Philadelphia Pa 19143-5230 Miller Kirstin J 1835 Arch St #405 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Miller Lucy A 3526 Joyce St Philadelphia Pa 19134-2126 Miller Mary 2106 E Monmouth St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4115 Miller Mary E 2106 E Monmouth St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4115 Miller Maude E 804 Chandlers St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Miller Michael L 3954 Frankford Av Philadelphia Pa 19124-4430 Miller Michele 211 E. Meade St Philadelphia Pa 19118-2812 Miller Rosalind 3824 Reno St, B Philadelphia Pa 19104-1633 �������������������������������������������������������������� Miller William B 1509 S 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19147-6201 Miller William B 1509 S 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19147-6201 Miller Zina 327 W. Albanus St Philadelphia Pa 19120-3828 Millner Cleo Y 441 S 55 Street Philadelphia Pa 19143-1433 Millner Wageedah 3230 F Street Philadelphia Pa 19134-1833 Mills Franklin 1434 Franklin Mills Circl Philadelphia Pa 19114

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Mills Generator Ser 1616 Poplar St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1621 Mills Tara 3807 Baring St Apt 1 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Mills Tara 3807 Baring St Apt 1 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Mills Yvette 3153 Custer St Phila Pa 19134 Milner Bessie 2055 N Camac St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Milner Jenness 941 N 48th St Philadelphia Pa 19131-5205 Miner Louise 611 N. Moss St Philadelphia Pa 19139-2834 Ming Latoya 664 N Conestoga St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Ming Wenyu 524 S. 42nd St, 8a Philadelphia Pa 19104-4422 Minh Nzoctran 6212 Woodland Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-2308 Minich Bryan 2870 Sellers St Philadelphia Pa 19137-1923 Mininall Carolyn 5658 Ridgewood St Philadelphia Pa 19143-4610 Miniscalco Rose 7321 Shisler St Philadelphia Pa Minker Allan P 100 Mansion Drive Media Pa 19063 Minnick Jessie 71 W. Sharpnack St, 1f Philadelphia Pa Minton Leon 1217 S. Bucknell St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4120 Miodusezewski Janet M 714 Bradford Aly Philadelphia Pa 19147-1327 Mirabile Daniel D 6900 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1819 Miraglilo Leonard 226 W Rittenhouse Sq Phila Pa 19103 Miranda Marcus 1733 Mcclellan St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2122 Mirillo Jeanne A 1430 Cecil B Moore Ave, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19121-3424 Mirmont Treatment Center 100 Yearsley Mill Road Lima Pa 19063-5593 Mirsky Emily L 1938 Brandywine Street Philadelphia Pa 19130-0000 Miskiv Bernard 2301 Cherry Street 4 D Sharon Pa 19103 Miskiv Bernard D 2301 Cherry Street Bala Pa 19103 Miskiv Bernard D Serp 2301 Cherry Street Bala Pa 19103 Missina Darlene 169 Cotton St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Misson Year 2307 E. Fletcher St Philadelphia Pa 19125-2507 Mistretta Joseph 3745 Bandon Dr Philadelphia Pa Miszak Grace A 2350 Ripley St Philadelphia Pa 19152-3318 Mitchell Ada M 1505 W. Erie Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19140-4124 Mitchell Annie 3805 N. Darien St Philadelphia Pa 19140-3226 Mitchell April 7255 Leonard St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1315 Mitchell Beverly 1424 S. 15th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19146-4804 Mitchell Carrie 3642 N. Marvine St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19140-4242 Mitchell Concetta 2405 S. 61st St Philadelphia Pa 19142-3215 Mitchell Helen 6904 Cedar Park Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138-2002 Mitchell Helen 3100 Teesdale St Philadelphia Pa 19152-4514 Mitchell Jake 4601 N 10th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Mitchell James 319 E. Elwood St Philadelphia Pa 19144-1805 Mitchell Joseph 2055 Albright St Philadelphia Pa 19134-2101 Mitchell Juanita 153 N Peach St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Mitchell Lillie 931 W. Erie Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19140-4328 Mitchell Richard 5550 Broomall St Phila Pa 19131 Mitchell Richard 5550 Broomall St Phila Pa 19131 Mitchell Samuelesta 6235 Spruce Philadelphia Pa 19139 Mitchell Theresa 1311 Fitawzter St Apt 8l Philadelphia Pa 19147 Mitra Sumanta S 9381b Neil Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115-4276 Mitrano Alice A 4505 Conshohocken Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131-0000 Mitros Aloysius J 111 4611 Saint Davids St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1105 Mittman Thomas 805 Strahle Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Mix William Jr 1840 N. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19121-3301 Mizell Christine 2721 W. Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19121-4652 Mli Nabil B 1104 S. 9th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147-4610 Moak Peter J 8411 Anderson St Philadelphia Pa 19118 Moaney William 907 Woodbrook Ln Philadelphia Pa 19150-3217 Mocharnuk William 860 N. Bambrey St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1825 Mock Catherine 4621 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Model Cities Assoc 2235 N. 13th St, 1d Philadelphia Pa 19133-1040 Modells Pa Inc 2440 Cottman Ave, A Philadelphia Pa 19149 Moderski Joseph 755 S. 2nd St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147-3425 Modi Ketang H 7900 Lindbergh Blvd, 4813 Philadelphia Pa 19153-2020 Modres Alexa N 547 Fairway Ter Philadelphia Pa 19128-2519 Modres Steven J 547 Fairway Ter Philadelphia Pa 19128-2519 Modres Tania 547 Fairway Ter Philadelphia Pa 19128-2519 Moebius George 415 E. Flora St Philadelphia Pa 19125-3315 Moffett Helen E 5515 Media St Philadelphia Pa 19131-3912 Mohammad Q 2000 Margaret St Philadelphia Pa 19124-2806 Mohanes Agnes 2163 Hartranft St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Mohollen Michele 3231 Unruh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-2626 Moir William 2520 S. 63rd St Philadelphia Pa 19142-3102 Moisy Pierre 1900 Pine St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19103-6674 Molchanow Joan M 3886 Glendale St Philadelphia Pa 19124-5508 Molina Manuel 509 S. 42nd St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19104-4429 Molinari Giovanni 2019 S. 9th St Philadelphia Pa 19148-2301 Molines Bethann 3765 Lankenau Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Mollica Lillian 540 Fernon St Philadelphia Pa 19148-1218 Monaco Gay 3374 Agate St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4504 Monaghan Andrew 736 Tyson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-4327 Monaghan Catharine 557 Conarroe St Philadelphia Pa 19128-1629 Monaghan John 142 Longleat Drive North Wales Pa 19454 Mondrosch Charlotte 6633 N. Lawrence St Philadelphia Pa 19126-3133 Monge Carman 700 E Hilton St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1807 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Pa 19123 Montanero Rita 1221 Durfor St Philadelphia Pa 19148-3513 Montemurro Anthony G Jr 3690 Burnt House Hill Rd Oylestown Pa 18901-1525 Montemurro Susan 3690 Burnt House Hill Rd Oylestown Pa 18901-1525 Monterosso Robert 7025 Rutland St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1717 Montgomery David L 5111 Regent St, E Philadelphia Pa 19143-4359 Montgomery Gilda A 2228 W. Oakdale St Philadelphia Pa 19132-3626 Montgomery Kenneth A 161 Leverington Ave, 4003 Philadelphia Pa 19127-2037 Montgomery Michael 7403 Shisler St Philadelphia Pa 19111Montgomery Pamela J 631 S Leverington Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19128-2638 Montgomery Richard L 4725 Leiper St Philadelphia Pa 19124-3222 Montgomery Robert 7390 Rugby St Philadelphia Pa 19138-1209 Montico Antonio W 768 Smylie Rd Philadelphia Pa 19124-3035 Montrose Steven 1824 Montrose St Suite 230 Philadelphia Pa 19146 Moody Lavoria 1762 N. Aberdeen St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19131-3613 Moore A 5813 W. Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19131-4119 Moore Adele A 5755 Kemble Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19141-1208 Moore Alfred Sgt Arng 4924 Warrington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Moore Beatrice P 1636 W. Butler St Philadelphia Pa 19140-3616 Moore Carrie L 817 S 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19147-2601 Moore Carrie L 817 S. 11th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147-2601 Moore Cheryl L 52 E. Montana St Philadelphia Pa 19119-2210 Moore Edward F 2303 N. 32nd St Philadelphia Pa 19132-3303 Moore Geraldine 5737 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Moore Howard 5410 Kingsessing Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-4917 Moore James 3265 Cottman Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19149-1512 Moore Katie 425 41st St N Philadelphia Pa 19104

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Moore Kevin P 60 Colonial Heritage Doylestown Pa 18901-2237 Moore Kina F 4919 Warrington Ave Flr 3 Phila Pa 19143 Moore Mazie E 7136 Yocum St Philadelphia Pa 19142-1042 Moore Patricia 258 S. Hirst St. Philadelphia Pa 19139 Moore Richard 758 S. Cleveland St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1812 Moore Robert 4719 Worth St Philadelphia Pa 19124-2813 Moore Robert V 2017 Sigel Street Philadelphia Pa 19145Moore Rudolph 6214 Magnolia St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Moore S Lloyd Jr 1827 Faunce St Philadelphia Pa 19111-3413 Moore Thearis J 6031 Locust St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19139-3735 Moore Thomas F 3514 Lancaster Avenue Apt 304 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Moorehead Carolyn 1606 N. 52nd St, B3 Philadelphia Pa 19131-3649 Moorman Melissa 400 E Pleasant St Phila Pa 19119 ������������������������������������������������������������������� Mora Octavia 3915 Elsinore St Philadelphia Pa 19124-5411 Morales Alfredo 5401 Westford Rd Philadelphia Pa 19120-2639 Morales Benito 273 W. Wellens Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120-3330 Morales Cesar 17 Spring Garden Street Philadelphia Pa 19106 Morales Enedigna 3862 N. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19140-3204 Morales Fabiano 4818 N. Lawrence St Philadelphia Pa 19120-4127 Morales Margarita 3026 Rorer St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Morales Mary C 2511 E. Indiana Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134-4915 Moran Maria 2516 N. Water St Philadelphia Pa 19125-1022 Moras Karla Phd 418 Service Drive Room 320 Phila Pa 19104-6021 Moras Karla Phd 418 Service Drive Room 320 Phila Pa 19104-6021 Morata Vera Lucia 436 W. Roosevelt Blvd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120-4123 Morck Charles W Iii 100 Admirals Way Philadelphia Pa 19146 Morecom Acumin Mnftg Division Univ Cit 3401 Market St 2nd Fl Philadelphia Pa 19104 Moreland Tyrone F 1975 Sterling St Philadelphia Pa 19138-2227 Moreno Mercedes 3652 Jasper St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Moresco Matthew M 4048 Ridge Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19129-1504 ������������������������������������������� Morgan Bruce 1237 So 20th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Morgan Elizabeth A 804 Moyer St Philadelphia Pa 19125-3507 Morgan Florence F 631 Marlyn Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151-3842 Morgan Harry 8107 Stenton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150-3524 Morgano Kevin M R 2024 E. Madison St Philadelphia Pa 19134-3223 Morgenstern Arthur B Morgenstern Gail S Philadelpha Pa 19103 Morgenstern Gail S Morgenstern Gail S Philadelpha Pa 19103 Moritz John 3412 Holyoke Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114-2604 Morley Nellie 2736 Unruh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-2418 Morley Nellie 2736 Unruh Ave Phila Pa 19149-2418 Mornell Frank 6106 Loretto Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-3211 Morris Alma 5401 Eastwick Terr Apt 3b Philadelphia Pa 19143 Morris Barbara J 4604 Kraydor St Philadelphia Pa 19136-2822 Morris Brenda 2711 Titan Street Philadelphia Pa 19146 Morris Duane One Liberty Place Philadelphia Pa 19103-7396 Morris Lauren A 8320 Seminole Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Morris Marie K 6414 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Morrison Beulah 914 S 22nd St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Morrison Charles 5220 Delancey St Philadelphia Pa 19143-1506 Morrison Charles D 5220 Delancey St Philadelphia Pa 19143-1506 Morrison David L 1100 S. 46th St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19143-3731 Morrison Gerald 3037 Holme Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136-1101 Morrison Jennifer 4337 Oakmont St Philadelphia Pa 19136-3614 Morrison Kathleen 2232 Memphis St Philadelphia Pa 19125-2530 Morrison Michael W 1630 N. 60th St Philadelphia Pa 19151-3907 Morrison William 267 Kalos St Philadelphia Pa 19128-3833 Morrissey Mary E % St Martins Rectory Oxford Ave & Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19119 Morrow Thomas E 713 Hoffman St Philadelphia Pa 19148-2407 Morton Clifford W 2342 N Fairhill Street Philadelphia Pa 19133 Moscufo Janis M 10930 Helmer Dr, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19154-4114 Moser Leroy C Rr 3 Boyertown Pa 19512-9803 Boyertown Pa 19512 Moser Lincoln 1806 S Broad Street Philadelphia Pa 19145Moses Edward 8657 Fayette St Philadelphia Pa 19150-1903 Moses Katie T 426 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19106-4214 Moses Kimberly 924 S 49th Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 Moses Margo 137 Osborne St Philadelphia Pa 19128-3716 Moskat Martin 7126 Whitaker Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-4109 Moskovitz Jason 8880 Rising Sun Ave Philadelphia Pa 19115-4815 Moskowitz Fern 305 Sage Ln Philadelphia Pa 19128 Mosley Bennie 2512 N. Douglas St Philadelphia Pa 19132-2902 Motahar H A 7373 Ridge Avenue Apt 344 Philadelphia Pa 19128 Mothers Work Inc Store 506 456 N 5 St Philadelphia Pa 19123 Mott Quelory 1327 Farrington Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151-2832 Moule Louise D 7423 Dorcas St Philadelphia Pa 19111-3713 Mount James 3018b Emerald St Philadelphia Pa 19134-3102 Mount West Ap 1414 71st Ave, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19126-1643 Mount West Ap 1411 72nd Ave, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19126-1658 Mountcastle Amelia 401 E. Sharpnack St Philadelphia Pa 19119-2016 Mouzon Bridget J 7405 Rogers Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082-2009 Moy Ken 812 N. 26th St, B Philadelphia Pa 19130-1819 Moye Jason S Jason S. Moye 1023 Fanshawe St Philadelphia Pa 19111-4803 Moyer Edward 616 E. Willard St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1818 Moyer Kathleen N 3326 N. Bouvier St Philadelphia Pa 19140-4921 Mozee Myra 3202 Latona St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Ms 3rd Frank 20 N. 60th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19139-2348 Mts Inc Dba Tower Records 425 South Street, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147-1532 Mts Management 4401 Cresson St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1339 Muchison Evelyn 6325 Vine St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Muchison Maureen L 4205 W. Girard Ave, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19104-1012 Mucklow Katherine 1011 S 49th St Philadelphia Pa 19143-3433 Muetterties Bonnie 240 Rushley Way Media Pa 19063-5514 Muetterties Matthew 240 Rushley Way Media Pa 19063-5514 Mufti Ziaudin 3148 Birch Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154-1719 Muhammad Kenneth W 1613 Mount Vernon St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19130-3319 Muhammad Khalil A 706 W Kingsley St Apt 1f C/O A Mc Lean Philadelphia Pa Muhammadu Bilaal F 3219 Mount Vernon St Philadelphia Pa 19104-2025 Muir Carla R 1308 Van Kirk St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3724 Mukuria Altrena 1504 N. 10th St Philadelphia Pa 19122-3403 Mulckhuyse Barbara 1131 North 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19123 Mulero Rafael A Jr 5134 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Mullan Dennis 3621 Calumet St Philadelphia Pa 19129-1603 Mullarey Mary 3518 Grant Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Mullen Germaine S 2442 E. Gordon St Philadelphia Pa 19125-2908 Mulligan Patrick 142 Maplewood Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19144 Mullin Cynthia M 722 E. Thayer St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1814 Mullins Flora 1808 N. 22nd St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19121-2111 Muloey Marjorie E 130 Long Lane Upper Darby Pa 19082-3437

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Mulraine Lilian 1108 Olive Place Philadelphia Pa 19123 Mulvehill Thomas L 3514 Avalon St Philadelphia Pa 19114-1502 Mungo Neatha 51 N. Ithan St Philadelphia Pa 19139-2558 Munoz Jose 3082 N Frankford Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Munoz Seth M 159 E. Chelten Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19144-2153 Munsey M Anne 1811 E Ontario St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Munson William Jr Apt 415 1221 Fairmount Ave Phila Pa 19123 Murawski Kathleen 121 W. Salaignac St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1820 Muri Mai 830 South St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19147-2040 Murphey Joel 7752 Rockwell Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19111-2424 Murphy Casandra A 1800 Jfk Blvd 19th Flr Philadelphia Pa 19103-7480 Murphy Florence 302 E. Sanger St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120-1610 Murphy Frank 1346 Tanglewood Dr North Wales Pa 19454 Murphy Gertrude 5837 Ellsworth St Philadelphia Pa 19143-3015 Murphy Jennifer 979 Carver St Phila Pa 19124-1037 Murphy Jerry Md 7700a Stenton Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19118 Murphy Kevin J 3206 Powelton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104-2723 Murphy Regina 8739 Marsden St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19136-2116 Murphy William P Jr 1042 E. Luzerne St Philadelphia Pa 19124-5233 Murray Alice 6129 W. Columbia Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151-4504 Murray Florence L 6101 Baynton St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Murray Harold 2407 N. Colorado St. Philadelphia Pa 19132-4310 Murray Hattie 646 N. Frazier St Philadelphia Pa 19131-4811 Murray Jennifer 321 S Orange St Media Pa 19063-3145 Murray Joseph R 6647 Gillespie St Philadelphia Pa 19135-2716 Murray Judith T 108 Arch Street Philadelphia Pa 19106Murray Linda 7838 Lorna Dr Philadelphia Pa 19111-2812 Murray Richard P 6100 City Ave Apt Ph-308 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Murray Sol 2545 N. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 9133-2220 Murtagh Robert J 1835 Market St 29th Flr. Philadelphia Pa 19103-2989 Muse Robert 905 Fraser Rd Erdenheim Pa 19038 Muse Vernon 6328 N. Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19141-2010 Musero Theresa A 531 Rosalie St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1221 Musgrave Charles 7053 Radbourne Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Musgrove Daryl 6805 Chew Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19119-1920 Musick David T 2326 S. Bancroft St Philadelphia Pa 19145-4314 Musser Margaret 3437 Reach St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Musser Warren V 6726 Mitchell St Philadelphia Pa 19128-4535 Mutual Fire And Marine Center Square 1500 Market Street 17th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19102 Mychlyk Alice 4922 Van Kirk St Philadelphia Pa 19135-4212 Myerow Jonathan D 32 Woodvale Rd Philadelphia Pa 19118-3430 Myers Alice 2414 Sharswood St Philadelphia Pa 19121-3811 Myers Avery Frazee 8101 Ardmore Avenue Wyndmoor Pa 19038-8419 Mykies Lillian 3824 N. 15th St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19140-3604 Myndziuk Maria 2158 Saint Vincent St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1333 Myriam Arteaga Di 5427 Quentin St Philadelphia Pa 19128-2818


N Philadelphia Health Sy 8th Girard St Joe S Girard Div A D Philadelphia Pa Nace Frances 6312 Lawnton St Philadelphia Pa 19128-2513 Nachbar Joel 900 Brighton St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Nadzieja Andre 2846 Gilham St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3016 Nagle Margurite 2013 Tulip St Philadelphia Pa 19125-1911 Nagy Sarah A 3427 Conrad St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19129-1636 Nahrgang Eleanor 4330 M St Philadelphia Pa 19124-4330 Nam Hun Kim 2632-34 Ridge Ave, Str Philadelphia Pa Nam M Sung 567 N. 63rd St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19151-4134 Nam Sokhary C 1905 S. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19148-2401 Naoe Yoshinori 2300 Walnut St Apt 526 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Napor Lindsay 2104 Spruce St. Apt 1f Philadelphia Pa 19103 Nardy Grace 2118 Green St Philadelphia Pa 19130-3166 Nardy Grace 2118 Green St Philadelphia Pa 19130-3166 Nase Mary J N 6772 Marsden St Philadelphia Pa 19135-2226 Naseef Antoinette K 1600 Chestnut St Apt 608 Phila Pa 19103 Nash Casonvel 641 E. Westmoreland St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1829 Nash Walter 6231 Germantown Ave, Bsmt Philadelphia Pa 19144-2053 Nat Life Acc Ins Co 1341 N. Delaware Ave, M5 Philadelphia Pa 19125-4300 Natale Camille 12015 Academy Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154-2618 Natale Charles J 593 Allengrove St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120-2104 ��������������������������������������������������������� Natali Karen 1714 Faunce St Philadelphia Pa 19111-3432 Nater Yariana 509 S. 13th St, R Philadelphia Pa 19147-1127 Nath Vishant 136 N 2nd St 4-C Philadelphia Pa 19106 National Industrial Hardware 462 North 4th Street Philadelphia Pa 19123 ������������������������������������������������������������ Naughton Marie 11004 E. Keswick Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154-4137 Naulty Scaricamazza Mcdevitt Ltd Suite1600 1617 Joh F Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19103 Naumoff Nicole E 816 N. 28th St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1702 Naussner Michael 6817 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Nawaz Chaudhary 57 Sunshine Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082 Nazari Ahmad 4950 Pine St, Hse Philadelphia Pa 19143-1613 Nccaffrey John J 3 Loxley Ct Phila Pa 19106 Ncginn Joseph D 7950 Henry Avenue Apt 28a Philadelphia Pa 19128 Nco Financial System Inc 421 North 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19123 Ncs Industries 2255 Wyandotte Road Willow Grove Pa 19090 Ndp Assoc 1723 Walnut St, Rear3 Philadelphia Pa 19103-5204 Neary Catherine E 2017 S. 24th St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2616 Nedro Medical 413 East Woodlawn Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Needle Shirley 6542 Souder St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2814 Neely Ann 2020 St Albans St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Neema Emergency Medical Of N.Y C/O Liberty Health Care Corp 401 City Avenue Suite 820 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Neff William J Jr 863 E. Sanger St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1014 Negrey Mike 2211 Wallace St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19130-3125 Negron Edwin 1500 Robinson Bldg 42 S 15th Street Philadelphia Pa 19102-2218 Neighborhood Husing Ser 5739 N. Park Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19141-3109 Neighborhood Rest. L.P. 19 S. Conestoga St Philadelphia Pa 19139-3341 Neighborhood Restorati 5106 Hazel Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143-1513 ���������������������������������������������������������������������� Neighborhood Restoration 5647 Diamond St Philadelphia Pa 19131-3122 Neimond Erin 226 S. 44th St Philadelphia Pa 19104-2930 Nejman Patrick H N 1408 E. Hunting Park Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124-4913 Neloms Mary B L 7202 Cornelius St Philadelphia Pa 19138-1618 Nelson Antoinette 7217 Mallard Pl Philadelphia Pa 19153-2707 Nelson Carl 516 Domino Ln Philadelphia Pa 19128-3225 Nelson Irene 5900 Belden Philadelphia Pa 19149 Nelson John 215 Church St, 4f Philadelphia Pa 19106-4518 Nelson John- 215 Church St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19106-4518 Nelson Medical Group 255 South 17th Street Suite 2001 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Nelson Rosa M 644 South 59th Street Philadelphia Pa 19143-2433

PAGE 53 Nelson Verna Verna Nelson 4962 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19143-1613 Nemeth Louis 2131 Spruce St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19103-4849 Nemoy Nelson 1323 N. 76th St Philadelphia Pa 19151-2824 Neri Denise 2134 Benson St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19152-2404 Neris Jaime C 1314 Gilham St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5524 Nerzig Matthew Osc 1500 Walnut St 1300 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Nes Frank D 1923 S. 70th St Philadelphia Pa 19142-1205 Nesbitt Betty 2534 N 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19133Nesbitt T S 1447 N. 60th St Philadelphia Pa 19151-4204 Nesmith Heyward 6510 N. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19126-3511 Nester Construction 22 S Reading Ave Boyertown Pa 19512-1438 Netherlands Prop Pl 4310 Chestnut St, 406 Philadelphia Pa Network Ambulance Service 4730 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19139Netzer Albert 6629 Hegerman St Philadelphia Pa 19135-2804 Neuman Cora 239 S State Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-3533 Neuman Michelle A 702 S. 6th St. 3f Philadelphia Pa 19147-2110 Neuman Samuel R 308 Kauffman St Philadelphia Pa 19147-3210 Neuman William R 610 S. 3rd St, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19147-2302 Neumann Helen C 2928 Reed Philadelphia Pa 19146 Neumann Helen C Miss 2928 Reed Philadelphia Pa 19146-3519 Nevin Thomas P Jr 10213 Ambridge Pl Philadelphia Pa 19114-1101 Nevins Sean 611 S 27th Street Philadelphia Pa 19146 Nevins Tamara 611 S 27th Street Philadelphia Pa 19146 New Beginning’s Ministry 4925 Saul St Apt 17 Philadelphia Pa 19124 New Brams 9235 Frankford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114-2823 New Dragon 319 S. 58th St Philadelphia Pa 19143-1223 New Hope General Store Deli 1 Bridge St W New Hope Pa 18938 New Rising Sun Bapt 1024 Christian St Philadelphia Pa 19147-3743 ������������������������������������������������������������������ Newborn Mark 1896 Foster St Philadelphia Pa 19116-3824 Newcom Glenda H 4000 Presidential Blvd Apt 512 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Newell Kristy 800 Cottman Avenue Bldg 2 Apt 369 Philadelphia Pa 19111Newkirk Drake 633 W. Rittenhouse Apt A Philadelphia Pa 19144 Newkirk Ronald 1954 73rd Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138-2723 Newman Roberta 2829 N. Palethorp St Philadelphia Pa 19133-3530 Newmann Kaye Lewis 1127 Wyndo N Rd Rosemont Pa 19010-2858 Newmann Paul 1127 Wyndo N Rd Rosemont Pa 19010-2858 Newton John 2473 Amber St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Newton Robert Sr 409 S. 63rd St Philadelphia Pa 19143-1017 Newton Victor 2200 Glenview St, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19149-2402 Nezelkewicz Christine C 4520 Wilde Street Philadelphia Pa 19127 Nf Clearing Inc 2005 Market St One Commerce Square Philadelphia Pa 19102 Ng Bong Ki 3152 N. Broad St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19132-2421 Ng Myeon Yi 3403 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19140-5311 Ng Pyong Hwan 1800 E. Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134-3120 Ngai Ellen 101 South 39th Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Ngo Hoy L 2329 S. 7th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19148-3836 Ngo Sean L 2116 S. 7th St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19148-3213 Ngov Kevin C H 408 W. Somerville Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19120-3209 Ngov Ngang V N 408 W. Somerville Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120-3209 Nguyen Anna 3456 Tampa St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1230 Nguyen Anna T 4231 M Street Philadelphia Pa 19124-4910 Nguyen Du 4435 Sansom St Philadelphia Pa 19104-2915 Nguyen Dung T 1920 S. 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19148-2536 Nguyen Dung X Dung X Nguyen 2010 S 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2902 Nguyen Hai V N 737 E. Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1215 Nguyen Hung Phi 829 E. Westmoreland St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1924 Nguyen Kiet Tan 630 Watkins St Philadelphia Pa 19148-1728 Nguyen Manh T 1803 Moore St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19145-2112 Nguyen Minh 7215 Pine St Upper Darby Pa 19082 Nguyen Steven 1321 S 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Nguyen Tai H 910 S. 8th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Nguyen Thanh V 408 E. Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19120-4011 Nguyen Thi C I 6505 Linmore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-2206 Nguyen Tony 7228 Frankford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19135-1016 Nibur Allegheny Realty In 3200 C Street Philadelphia Pa 19134-1738 Nicholas Theodore J 2921 Pennsylvania Ave Philadelphia Pa 19130-1107 Nichols Jean M 1547 N 56th St Phila Pa 19131 Nicholson Kathleen H 2401 Pennsylvania Ave Philadelphia Pa 19130-3010 Nickles William G 5141 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1901 Nicolas Sahuguet 2027 Walnut St Apt 3r Phila Pa 19103 Nicolas Sahuguet 2027 Walnut St Apt 3r Phila Pa 19103 Nicosia Mary L U 560 E. Carver St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1712 Niergarth William A 2031 Delancey Pl Philadelphia Pa 19103-6509 Nieves Danika 1148 S. 10th St. Apt. 2 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Nilan Margaret 2339 Belgrade St Philadelphia Pa 19125-3641 Nirenberg John J 3429 Cottman Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-1605 Niroda Vincent P 3623 Canby Dr Philadelphia Pa 19154-2007 Nistor Aurel 6021 Lawndale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-5723 Nistor Florare 3155 Weymouth St Philadelphia Pa 19134-2412 Nitterauer Mildred 7907 Queen St Wyndmoor Pa 19038-8036 Nix Don H 429 N 13th St Apt 4e Philadelphia Pa 19123 ������������������������������������������������������������� Noble Francis T 6148 Algard St Philadelphia Pa 19135-3510 Nobles Debra 220 E. Mermaid Ln, 224 Philadelphia Pa 19118-3219 Nocal Maria 1018 S. 45th St Philadelphia Pa 19104-4409 Noch Sarom 5136 N. 10th St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19141-4008 Noel Cartion D 720 64th Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19126-3707 Nogalski Antoni W Po Box 330 1013 Fox Chase Rd Jenkintown Pa 19046 Noguchi Medical Research Institute 3600 Market St Ste 350 Phila Pa 19104 Nolan Ann 50 Lenape Drive New Hope Pa 18938Nolan Carolyn 346 Central Avenue North Hills Pa 19038-1207 ������������������������������������������������������������ Nolan Steven 7401 Palmetto St Philadelphia Pa 19111-3632 Nolen Tracey 6225 Christian St Philadelphia Pa 19143-2920 Nophut Michael J 1246 Magee Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-4942 Nordstrom Carla R E 3328 W. Penn St Philadelphia Pa 19129-1408 Norman Atherine A 3731 Lancaster Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19104-2334 Norman Geneva 3801 Haverford Avenue Philadephia Pa 19104 Norman William E 507 E. Vernon Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119-3861 Normans 126 Terry Drive Newtown Pa 18940 Norment Lillie B 43 E. Clapier St Philadelphia Pa 19144-5932 North American Aquatic Nurseries 200 Limekiln Pike Glenside Pa 19038-3320 North Broad Street L.P. 6547 Wheeler St Philadelphia Pa 19142-2823 North Philly Trucking Corp 190 W Berk St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Northeast Emergencymedical As 401 E City Ave #820 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Northwest Center 6617 Wissahickon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Northwest Orthopaedic Special Two Penn Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19144 Northwest Rehabilitation 255 South 17th Street Suite 2001 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Nottage David 203 W Upsal St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Novacare Outpatient Rehab 2400 Maryland Road Willow Grove Pa 19090


PAGE 54 Novak Frank A 4751 Smick St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Novak John 9644 Convent Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114-3604 Novak Kristy L 515 S. 9th St, 1b Philadelphia Pa 19147-1351 Novak One Logan Square Philadelphia Pa 19103 Novello Beatrice 2226 Cantrell St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3307 Novotny Yetta E R D North Wales Pa 19454-0000 Nrm International Llc 1800 Callowhill St Fl 3 Phila Pa 19130 Nunez Ismael 2936 N Howard St W 53 Philadelphia Pa 19133 Nurek John 3158 Miller St Philadelphia Pa 19134-5122 Nuth Born 2026 S Bucknell St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2608 Nutini George 442 N. Gross St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19147 Nutter Valerie 6127 Morton St Philadelphia Pa 19144-1002 Nyahuma Tahiya 1509 W. Lehigh Ave, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19132-2214


O Brien Lallie L 8020 St Martins Lane Philadelphia Pa 19118 O Hare Lynn 2nd Floor 2309 Catherine Street Philadelphia Pa 19146-1705 Oakes Charles 1344 W. Shunk St Philadelphia Pa 19148-4349 Oakes John A 3126 South Uber Street Philadelphia Pa 19145Oakes Micheal J 4516 Overbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131-1524 Oakey Robert L 4325 Sansom St Apt 2f Philadelphia Pa 19104-6403 Oakwood Corp Housin 1014 Whitehall Dr Doylestown Pa 18901 Oaten Lynda 4809 Mckean Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144-4707 Oates Mark 4330 Cresson St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Obrien Allie J 112 N. 3rd St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19106-1802 Obrien Christoper 4635 Umbria St Philadelphia Pa 19127-1935 Obrien Joseph L 3150 Saint Vincent St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1524 Obrien Joseph P 3744 Bandon Dr Philadelphia Pa 19154-3002 Obrien Martin J 225 Linton St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1801 Obrien Mary 2606 Naudain St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1034 Obrien Robert N 6622 Woodland Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19142-2223 Obrien Stella 140 Dimarco Dr Philadelphia Pa 19154-4301 Obrien William 724 St Andrews Road Philadelphia Pa 19118 O’brien William 4541 Pulaski Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19144 O’connell Corinne M 352 Fisher Rd Jenkintown Pa 19046-3814 O’connell Corinne M 352 Fisher Rd Jenkintown Pa 19046-3814 Oconnor William 1100 Lombard St Phila Pa 19147 Odoherty Veronica 8119 Cresco Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136-2210 Odom Rosemarie 547 Parnell Pl Philadelphia Pa 19144-1425 Odonnell Daniel 2604 S. 68th St Philadelphia Pa 19142-2109 Odonnell Estateofag 9209 Ridge Pike Whitemarsh Pa 19128 ����������������������������������������������������������� Odonnell Joseph F 9509 Hoff St, A Philadelphia Pa 19115-3802 Odrick Paulette G 1442 N. Warnock St, A16 Philadelphia Pa 19122-3459 Odstein Insberg 1514 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19102-2701 Oeffner Catherine A 1163 E. Passyunk Ave Philadelphia Pa 19147-5134 Oeste Louise C 1928 Lardner Street Philadelphia Pa 19149-3444 Oeste Louise C 5262 Horrocks Street Philadelphia Pa 19124-1812 Oestreich Richard M 6506 Rising Sun Ave, Fl2-3 Philadelphia Pa 19111-5237 �������������������������������������������� Ogle Francis 338 W. Duval St Philadelphia Pa 19144-3102 Ogontz Pharmacy 626 South American Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Oh Seek Kwon 1801 Buttonwood St Apt 312 Philadelphia Pa 19130-3947 Ohalloran Elizabeth 3051 Disston St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19149-1902 Ohara Catherine 3023 Saint Vincent St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1416 Okane Charles 3339 Richmond St Philadelphia Pa 19134-6005 Okoye Nkem M 1604 Arnold Ave Willow Grove Pa 19090Oles Edward J 4249 Levick St Philadelphia Pa 19135-3109 Oliai Parviz 1813 S. Dover St Philadelphia Pa 19145-1621 Olimpo Mary L 738 Tennis Ave Glenside Pa 19038 Olinger Michael 6453 Stoney Hill Rd New Hope Pa 18938-9689 Oliphant Chahi 1900 Brunner St Philadelphia Pa 19140-1702 Oliva Jeny 6152 Charles St Philadelphia Pa 19135-3414 Olive Garden 1269 1200 Bethlehem Pike North Wales Pa 19454 Oliver Bilal 5040 Erringer Place Philadelphia Pa 19144 Oliver James 7931 Castor Ave, 3 Philadelphia Pa 19152-3228 Oliver Mary F 5857 Magnolia St Philadelphia Pa 19144-1261 Oliver Tyriq 1221 Mckinley St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Oliveras Fidel 249 W. Westmoreland St Philadelphia Pa 19140-5747 Oliveras Rodrigu Alejandro 901 Carlisle Street 2 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Olmos Pardo Sergio 1300 Cecil B Moore Ave Apt 124 South Philadelphia Pa Olsen Tracey 1846 E. Schiller St Philadelphia Pa 19134-2009 Olson Lori Beth 443 W. Price St Philadelphia Pa 19144-4430 Olszewski Candice M Cust 2740 Cranston Rd 1st Fl Philadelphia Pa 19131 Olszewski Francis 4481 Fleming St Philadelphia Pa 19128-4808 Olszewski Robert 3632 Earp St Philadelphia Pa 19146-3206 Oltimer Christian J 1921 Wallace St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19130-3252 Omalley Timothy S 6719 Horrocks St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2211 Omara Brian A 3924 Richmond St Philadelphia Pa 19137-1418 Omni Hotel 401 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Omoplata Enterprises Llc 264 S 4th Street Apt 3f Philadelphia Pa 19106 Omrod Charles 3901 Richmond St Philadelphia Pa 19137-1417 On Tae I 5622 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144-2228 Oneal Evelyn S 263 Glen Riddle Rd Media Pa 19063-0000 Oneal Glen 263 Glen Riddle Rd Media Pa 19063-0000 Oneil James C 3016 Agate St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4321 Oneil Thomas J 713 Kerper Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Oneil Thomas J 713 Kerper St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Oneill Carol P 2816 Disston St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1927 Oneill Catherine 1923 Mckean St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Oneill Charles 3251 Keim St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1808 Oneill Christopher T 2727 S. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19145-4614 Oneill Lillian M 1638 W Oregon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19145-4543 Oneill Theresa 5157 Leiper St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19124-1917 Oneill Tom 4820 Warrington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Onopchenko Nikolay 6901 Valley Ave, F5 Philadelphia Pa 19128-1531 Ontea Goodwin 2208 Mcculellan Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Opass Edward S 16 Stacey Drive Doylestown Pa 18901-3310 Oravetz Anne L. 1806 Catharine St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1835 Ori Hideo 4002 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19104-4117 Oritz Jose R 5544 N. 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19120-2825 Orleans Corporation 307 Stoopville Rd Newtown Pa 18940 Orourke Catherine 8224 Pine Rd Philadelphia Pa 19111-1861 Orr Jennie 3404 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Orr Richard 2815 Elliot Ave Willow Grv Pa 19090 Orr Richard 2815 Elliot Ave Willow Grv Pa 19090 Orr Robert 9203 Exeter Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114-3801 Ortega Ivan J 2124 N. Percy St Philadelphia Pa 19122-1326 Ortegae John C 1431 Hellerman St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19149-2742 Ortiz Jessica L 2112 Kennedy St Philadelphia Pa 19124-2017 Ortiz Margarita I 191 W. 65th Ave, A Philadelphia Pa 19120-1035 Ortiz Maria 1250 N 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19122

Ortiz Marta H 5131 Whitaker Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124-3036 Oryl Henrietta 5614 N. Mascher St Philadelphia Pa 19120-2430 Orzeck Mark 4751 Smick St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Oscarson Kim 5225 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1912 Osman Taha Salah M 120 W. Louden St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19120-4206 Osowski Edward 2746 Alresford St Philadelphia Pa 19137-1531 Ospine Jorge Lpedroza 6171 Glenmore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142-3205 Ostroff Sol 3222 Kensington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134-1918 Oswald William E 718 E. Vernon Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119-1517 Oteng John A 4839 Pine St, D2 Philadelphia Pa 19143-1764 Otero Rafael 2308 N. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 19133-2115 Ott Brandon 3927 Pine St Apt 2f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Ottaviano Sophia 513 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19106-4110 Otto Katherine L 8422 Germantown Ave, 2a Philadelphia Pa 19118-3300 Oum Deth 5101 N. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19141-2807 Outen Sean 8444 Forrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150-2302 Outley Proff Services 2018 E. Chelten Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19138-3044 Outterbridge Alma 4906 Knox St Philadelphia Pa 19144-3618 Ouzts Hannah 1444 N Perth St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Overbrook Ital Amer 636 N. 66th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19151-3606 Overlander Alice 428 E. Howell St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1113 Overton Mark 5938 Warrington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-5218 Overton Theresa R 5503 Upland St Philadelphia Pa 19143-5623 Ow Seng M 810 S 13th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Owen Byron 1100 S Broad St Apt # 408-A Philadelphia Pa 19146 Owen Irrev Trust 1142 Irrev Trust Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Owens Alexander 3651 N. 21st St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19140-3926 Owens Bernease 3827 N. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19140-3605 Owens Brian A 4425 Strahle St, 2f Philadelphia Pa Owens Graylyn 2121 Reed St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4533 Owens Mae 2121 Reed St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4533 Owens Phyllis 3916 Pensgrove St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Owens Thomas C 100 North 20th St Philadelphia Pa 19103-1443 Owes Joenathan 136 West Sedgwick Philadelphia Pa 19119 Oxenberg Stefanie 220 E. Mermaid Ln, 154 Philadelphia Pa 19118-3212 Oxford Circle Family Medicine 5363 Oxford Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19124 Ozark Mahoning Co Oil Division 3 Parkway Philadelphia Pa 19102-1321


P C J Properties 1731 N. Aberdeen St Philadelphia Pa 19131-3612 P N D Assoc 4200 Roosevelt Blvd, 4 Philadelphia Pa 19124-3033 Paavola Lance G 5331 Wingohocking Terrace Philadelphia Pa. Pa 19144 Pabon Michael 1130 E Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Pacetti Jane 3460 Emerald St Philadelphia Pa 19134-2011 Pacheco Maria L 2628 Coral St Philadelphia Pa 19125-1410 ������������������������������������������������������������� Pacocha Maria G 9214 Melrose St Philadelphia Pa 19114-4218 Pacs Inc 2 Penn Center Plz Ste 1820 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Padgeon Robert M 587b E. Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa Pagan Albert 109 W. Wishart St Philadelphia Pa 19133-4228 Pagan Iyvonne 4633 Adams Ave Apt 2nd Floor Rear Philadelphia Pa 19124-3112 Pagan Jose 2719 N Orkney St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Pagan Mirna 192 W. Spencer St Philadelphia Pa 19120-1938 Pagano Frank 700 Robbins Avenue Bldg 4b Philadelphia Pa 19111 Pagano James Jr 1633 S. Newkirk St Philadelphia Pa 19145-1207 Paglia Lido 8800 Wainwright Road Glenside Pa 19038-7446 Paige Shalean C 8014 Temple Rd Philadelphia Pa 19150-1225 Paine Webber 1500 Market St 3200 Centre Sq W Philadelphia Pa 19102 Pak Sang Yeol 1007 W. Cumberland St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Pakalinsky Michelle R 3540 Morrell Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Pakopoulou Elissavet 1434 Lombard St, 3fr Philadelphia Pa 19146-1683 Palhares Rejane Maria 1226 Passmore St 2nd Pl Philadelphia Pa 19144Palladino Dolores 1820 Daly St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3716 Palma Sheldon 2040 N 56th St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Palmer John 1937 Haworth St Philadelphia Pa 19124-2129 Palmer Mildred A 3365 Vaux St Philadelphia Pa 19129-1529 Palmer Seta B 6004 Greene St Philadelphia Pa 19144-2726 Palmero Mark J 946 Brill St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1008 Paltenstein Lill 1628 Emerson St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19152-2211 Paluba David C 1020 N 5th St Philadelphia Pa 19123-1404 Paluch Teodosia 2650 E. Ann St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Palumbo David A 8000 Germantown Ave, 3fr Philadelphia Pa 19118 Palumbo Michael V 559 Green Ln Philadelphia Pa 19128 Pameijer Colette 4733 Silverwood St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Panache Cafe Di Leo 3817 Aramingo Ave Philadelphia Pa 19137 Panagiotidis Evangelos 4821 A Street Philadelphia Pa 19120 Panah Jacob G 2740 Cranston Rd 1st Fl Candice M Olszewski Philadelphia Pa Panek David 1001 N 2nd St Phila Pa 19123 Pang Ming J 112 N 9th Street, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19107 Pantalone William 2646 S. Mildred St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Pantyushina Tatiana 1026 E. Sanger St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19124 Paparo Joseph 2130 S. Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Papazian Lyssa D 1520 S. 10th St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19147 Pape Frederick 2802 Disston St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Papke Mary C 525 Simms St Philadelphia Pa 19116 ���������������������������������������������������������������� Pappas Gregory G 535 Spruce Street Philadelphia Pa 19106-3707 Paralta Maria 2010 E Madison St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Parchment Curtis L 6173 Upland St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Parent D M 3429 Mount Vernon Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Parfrey Sharon E 3683 Morrell Av Philadelphia Pa 19114 Parham Catherine K 313 Cobbs Creek Pkwy Philadelphia Pa 19143-1016 Parham Joseph 1240 N. Alden St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Parham Marion 1534 N. Newkirk St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Parhart Nancy 2148 N 9th St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Parikh Jiren N 129 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Paris Kenneth 4230 Benner St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Parish Lawrence C Md 1819 J F Kennedy Blvd. Philadelphia Pa 19103 Parisi Inc 305 Pheasant Run Newtown Pa 18940 Parisi Inc 305 Pheasant Run Newtown Pa 18940-3423 Parisi Joseph 15153 Milford St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Park Doo S U 6033 N. Water St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Park Hyunjoon Hyunjoon Park 7022 Terminal Sq Apt. 209 Upper Darby Pa 19082 Park Kyung S 5503 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Parker Anthony 4923 Woodcrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Parker Helen P 1718 N. Aberdeen St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Parker Mary 612 S. 61st St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Parkes Enid 5613 N. 10th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19141 Parkes Jerry 3730 Walnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Parkinson Eleanor M 2264 Friendship St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Parkinson Joe 412 Leverinton Ave Phila Pa 19128 Parks David 438 S 62nd St Philadelphia Pa 19143

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Parks Ernest 7701 Fayette St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Parks Robert L 613a Vine Street Philadelphia Pa 19139Parra Noelia 2121 N. Howard St, 311 Philadelphia Pa 19122 Parris Olivia 1606 Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19122-2918 Parsons George 5141 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19139 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� Partne W T 2028 S. Norwood St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Partridge Evelyn 1717 Meadow St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Party City Cottman 160 2201 Cottman Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Pasco Inc 7242 Paschall Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Pashley Betty L 6426 Bingham St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5308 Pashley William D 6426 Bingham St Philadelphia Pa 19111-5308 Pasicznyk Stephanie 759 N. Bucknell St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Pastalone Lucille M 209 N. Simpson St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Patel Ghanshyam B 325 N. 40th St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19104 Patel Jasuben 2718 Holme Ave Philadelphia Pa 19152 Patel Jaykumar C 9 Brighton Place Newtown Pa 18940-1171 Patel Karana 3624 Lancaster Av Apt B Philadelphia Pa 19104 Patel Ketanbdmd 3400 Aramingo Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Patel Kiritbhai N 288 Nandina St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Patel Leena R 3902 City Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131-0000 Patel Lila K 8116 Verree Rd #D106 Philadelphia Pa 19111 Patel Surendra 2408 Rhawn St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Patete Richard Jr 471 Gerhard St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Path Inc 8203 Castor Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19152 Patheja Satpal S 1828 Arnold St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Patricia Dionne C O Independence Blue Cross 1901 Market Street 40th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 Patterson Charline 1622 Point Breeze Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19145 Patterson Denise 6244 N. Woodstock St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Patterson Josephine 1317 N. 6th St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19122 Patterson Lucreshaw 5022 Portico Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Patterson Mae 2643 N. 28th St. Philadelphia Pa 19132 Patterson Oscar 2516 W. Sergeant St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Patterson Sean H 5208 Drexel Road Philadelphia Pa 19131 Patton Charlene A 4626 Van Kirk St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Patton Eileen A 1233 E. Luzerne St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19124 Paul Bros 4800 Chestnut St Phila Pa 19139 Paul Janet 8081 Knorr Street Philadelphia Pa 19111Paul Paul 54 N. 3rd St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19106 Paul W Albertson Ira 5 Penn Center Plaza Philadelphia Pa 19103-2301 Paulino Anyolina 1223 Adams Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Paullnicho D 1211 N 58th St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Paulus Ewa 2100 Delancey Pl Apt 1d Philadelphia Pa 19103 Pavis Weil Theta R 2657 E. Schiller St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Pavlis Mary 6118 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Pawang Jose A 1834 Mckean Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Payano Ramon M 7550 Verree Rd Philadelphia Pa 19111 Payne Artimese 1010 W. Indiana Ave Philadelphia Pa 19133 Payne Beulah 1515 W. Allegheny Ave, 200 Philadelphia Pa 19132 Payne Jennifer 2102 Scattergood St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Payne Juanita 7519 Gilbert St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Payne Lafayett 5428 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19139-4058 Payne Leo C 1301 City Av A313 Phila Pa 19131 Paynter William H 1552 E. Mayland St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Payumo Alma F 3928 Pine St Apt 3f Phila Pa 19104 Pazisis C 210 E. Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19125 Pc Usa 2000 Market Street Presbyterian Church Board Of Pensions Of The Philadelphia Pa 19103 Peace Edna 3147 Fox St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Pearce Joan 2600 S. Hobson St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Pearsall Ermia 5506 Ridgewood St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Pearson Marilyn 417 Dupont St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Pease Lisa M 107 Academy Lane Upper Darby Pa 19082 Peay Eleanor 4309 Wyalusing Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Peckiconis Rita 833 Central Av Ardsley Pa 19038 Pecora Louis J 2915 S. Felton St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Pediatric Dental Ass Oc Ltd 6801 Ridge Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Peebles Mabel 5848 Walton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Peed Leona 5531 Malcolm St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Peel Tonya L 5226 Catharine St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Pegram Nestor J 2844 Boudinot St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Peifer Marlyn 2102 S. Howard St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Peirce Sherrie L 1003 Levick St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Peixoto Marina M 5131 Westford Rd Philadelphia Pa 19120 Pekter Bernard 2423 N. 7th St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19133 Pelino Donald K 1252 S. Dover St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Pellegrino Elizabeth 3807 Aubrey Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Pelli Stanley A One Penn Ctr Ste 1110 Philadelphia Pa 19103-1834 Peltz Jean 209 Rhyl Lane Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Pembleton Herbert 4959 N. Warnock St, Bsmt Philadelphia Pa 19141 Pena Alejandro 1241 N. Mascher St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Pena Jo Ann 4840 Roosevelt Blv Philadelphia Pa 19124 Pendelton Charlene 5050 Wayne Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19144 Penden Raymond E 2303 Greenwich St Raymond E Penden Philadelphia Pa Penderghest Joseph V Iii 1800 Harrison St Philadelphia Pa 19124-2824 Pendleton Jerry 1936 Dallas Rd Philadelphia Pa 19138 Pendrak Mendel 2401 Rhawn St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Penn Distributors Inc. 401 Domino Lane Philadelphia Pa 19128 Penn Elmer 2011 Rosalie St Philadelphia Pa 19135 ������������������������������������������������������� Penn Harry 938 South St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Penn Rose Properties Pha 12 S 23rd St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Penn Stacey H 309 S. 40th St, B1 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Penn Vent Co 3575 Amber St, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19134 Penn Ventilator Co Inc 1370 Welsh Rd North Wales Pa 19454 Penna Oncology H Suite 305 700 Spruce Street Philadelphia Pa 19106 Pennock Ronald 761 N. 26th St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Pennswood Village Pharmacy 1382 Newton Langhorne Rd Newtown Pa 18940 Pennypacker Jared D 139 W Phildelphia Ave Boyertown Pa 19512 Penrose A/B 5336 Woodland Ave Phila Pa 19143 Penrose Auto Body 5336 Woodland Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Penrose Auto Body 5336 Woodland Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Peoples Nicolle 395 1/2 Cliveden Street 2l Philadelphia Pa 19119�������������������������������������������������� Pepenelli Carmelita 7729 Overbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Pepper Gordon Breen 21 S 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19103-3148 Perch Carla M 8002 Winston Rd Philadelphia Pa 19118 Perelis Ronnie 824 South 5th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Perez Carlos 630 E. Wishart St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Perez Francisco 3723 N. 5th St Philadelphia Pa 19140

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Perez Hector 2788 Emerald St Philadelphia Pa 19134-3427 Perez Ismael 4010 Conshohocken Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Perez Ismael 5912 Bennington St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Perez Juanita 4220 N. Bodine St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Perez Melanie 4116 Terrace St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Perez Pedro 4047 Neilson Str Phila Pa 19124 Perez Rafael 4801 N. Front St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120 Perez Robert D 2159 E. Firth St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Perez Wanda 3441 E. St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Perez Wanda I 5052 N. Fairhill St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Perkins George H 5242 Old Easton Road Doylestown Pa 18901-9760 Perlin Michael A 254 Nandina Plz, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Perlman Lee M 624 Pine Street Philadelphia Pa 19106 Peronneau Bill A 503 S. Melville St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Perot Christine H 53 N. Mascher St, F Philadelphia Pa 19106 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Philadelphia Pa 19102 Perrino Catherine M 6220 Tackawanna St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Perrott Margaret V 4030 Loring St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Perry Albert 758 Manatawna Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Perry Antonette 5531 Willows Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Perry Hout Jennifer 4733 Vista St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Perry Mae 1333 Christian St 1st 3rd Philadelphia Pa 19147 Peruto Christina M 101 Signal Hill Court North Wales Pa 19454-2092 Peruto Lisa A 101 Signal Hill Court North Wales Pa 19454-2092 Perzel Michael J 2435 Tremont St, A Philadelphia Pa 19115 Pesin Hazel H 191 Presidential Blvd Apt 516 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-1218 Peskin Realty 6932 Elmwood Ave, E Philadelphia Pa 19142 Pester Eleanor M 3791 Cresson St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Pet Food Store The 3595 Aramingo Ave, A Philadelphia Pa 19134 Peter & Roberts Ent 1326 Buttonwood St Philadelphia Pa 19123 Peters James Jr 212 N. 57th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Peterson Amy 3208 Friendship St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Peterson Arthur 9851 Frankford Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19114 Peterson Faith 1729 W. Juniata St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Peterson Welton 1145 South 16th Street Philadephia Pa 19146 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� Petrarca Raymond 4001 Baltimore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Petrik Barbara 2330 S Bonsall St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3211 Petrik Barbara 2330 S Bonsall St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3211 Petroso Vitor 1248 Magee St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Petrushkewich John 6622 N. Lawrence St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Petter Marlene 2020 South St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Pettis Gilbert E 2227 N. 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Pettit Kevin P 12033 Waldemire Dr Philadelphia Pa 19154 Pettnichio Martin 1745 S Newkirk St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Pettola Anthony 13034 Worthington Rd Philadelphia Pa 19116 Pettus T L V 2439 N. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Pettyjohn Peter W 221 Olive Media Pa 19063 Pew Catherine 4417 Baltimore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Peyton Robin A 6462 Musgrave St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Pfautsch Gertrud B Philadelphia Protestant Home 6555 Tabor Rd Apt 1708 Philadelphia Pa 19111-5385 Pfeiffer Arthur C 6308 Tabor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-5716 Pfeiffer Dorothy 6308 Tabor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-5716 ���������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� Pham Coi T 2507 A Street Philadelphia Pa 19125 Pham Em Dung 6543 Kingsessing Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Pham Geoffrey 1600 Garrett Rd Apt H300 Upper Darby Pa 19082 Pham Hong Chau 5534 N. 5th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Pham Hung T 4450 Malta St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Pham Nhung 131 E. Louden St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Pham Quy V 1122 S 8th St #3 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Pham Truong C 6414 Woodland Ave, Bsmt Philadelphia Pa 19142 Phd Cristine C 901 E Willow Grove Ave Ste B Glenside Pa 19038-7977 Phd Joshua P 255 South 17th St Ste 1905 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Phila Anthropological Soc 2 Franklin Town Blvd Apt 1906 Philadelphia Pa Phila Counc Anchor 1543 Mckean St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Phila Dance 25 N. Preston St, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Phila Direct Marketing Park Towne Plc Suite #108 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Phila Geriatric Ctr 5301 Old York Rd Philadelphia Pa 19141 Phila Medical Rehab & Diagnost P.O. Box 40286 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Philadelphia Boooth Manor 5522 Arch Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Philadelphia Heart Inst 51 N 39th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Philadelphia Java Co 518 S. 4th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Philadelphia Legal Secretaries P.O. Box 59491 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Philbrick Catherin 7613 Ridge Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-3139 Phillipps Christine P Christine P Phillipps 74 Pasture Ln Box 238 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-1765 Phillips Albert 1323 W 56th St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Phillips David R 4231 Main St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19127 Phillips Freddie 1963 Rowan St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19140 Phillips James G C/O Biddle Paul Dawson Yokum 1830 Land Litte Bldg Philadalphia Pa 19110 Phillips Jessica S. 5726 W. Jefferson Street Philadelphia Pa 19131 Phillips Mary E 5246 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Phillips Mary E 5246 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Phillips Matthew A 2115 St Albans Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Phillips Russell R 527 66th Ave Philadelphia Pa 19126 Phillips Theresa M 836 S. Howard St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Phillis Lucreshia C 2401 S. 72nd St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19142 Philly Fudd 1v L.P. 4640 Roosevelt Blvd, K Philadelphia Pa 19124 Philpast Philader Co 1900 Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Phoenix Foods 4970 W. Jefferson St. Philadelphia Pa 19131 Phoenix Group 1700 L.P 1700 Sansom St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Phoenix Language S P O Box 6070 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Phu Luong V 1415 S 8th St Phila Pa 19147 Phun Ing 517 Reed St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Physicians Choice 300 Donimo Ln Philadelphia Pa 19128 Physicians Choice Amb Svc Po Box 41072 Phila Pa 19127-0072 Piatt Clarke 3326 Wiehle St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Picano Anthony 2737 S. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Pickens Yohnel 3465 Hartville St W53 Philadelphia Pa 19134 Pickett Elbert 1022 S. 53rd St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Picking Gretchen M 108 Greenbrook Ct New Hope Pa 18938-1074 Pickup James P 4530 Hurley St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Piduch Edward 114 Mckean St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Piechota Darren F 530 S. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Piel Jesse 301 Cedar Ln Upper Darby Pa 19082 Piening Lois W 2655 Hazel Ave Glenside Pa 19038-3013

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Pierce Alma R 522 Kendrick St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Pierce Townsand 58 Good St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Pierre Carine 6538 W. Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Pierre Chrisnel 6233 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Piesen Carolyn E 4015 Baltimore Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Pietz Kwang S 5150 N 5th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19120 Piffer Elaine 4024 L Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Piffer Patricia 5413 Mulberry St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Pigford Rodney B 1731 N 28th St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Pignataro Giulano M 1726 Green Street Apt. #2 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Pike Brian J 1208 Friel Pl Philadelphia Pa 19116 Pilecki Victoria 4135 Terrace St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Pimentel Angel L 2265 Pratt St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Pinto Vincent 6524 Lansdowne Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19151 Piorkowski Anne M 310 E. Cambria St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Piotek Rosemary 3450 Almond St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Piquoin France M 7218 Limekiln Pike Philadelphia Pa 19138 Piselli Louis T 821 Dickinson St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Pitcairn Group L P One Pitcairen Place Suite 3000 Jenkintown Pa 19046-3543 Pitroli Rita J 2413 S. Bancroft St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Pittinsky Beverly A 2 Meghan Circle Media Pa 19063-6301 Pittman Nicole 1511 S Newkirk St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Pittman Roy C 2841 S 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Pitts Helen L 6848 Ogontz Ave, M2 Philadelphia Pa 19138 Pitts Thomas 7655 Rugby St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Pivoroff Paul 2409 S. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Pizzani Jennifer 1715 Wallace St Apt 102 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Plantan Janet R 521 S. 48th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Platt James 6152 Lawnton St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Pleatman Mark 2991 School House Lane P21w Philadelphia Pa 19144 Plotrick Howard 5451 Horrocks St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Plover Jos 4207 Terrace St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Plummer Chester A 900 69th Ave Philadelphia Pa 19126 Plush Lois M 148 Leverington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19127 Pmi 130 South State Road Upper Darby Pa 19082 Podell Barbara A 32 East Princeton Road Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004--224 Pohle Joey 1 Montgomery Ave Apt 312 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2653 Poitier Regina H 5119 Cedar Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-1511 Policare Frank R Po Box 1985 Doylestown Pa 18901 Polidoro Michael 12451 Barbary Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Poll David S 422 Garden Lane Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-3626 Pollack Max 7114 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Pollak Louis 1520 Spruce Street Apt 901 Philadelphia Pa 19102Pollard Martha E 2502 Jackson St Apt 2b Philadelphia Pa 19145-3137 ������������������������������������������������������� Pomerlian Oksana 9404a Fairgreen Ln Oksana Pomerlian Agent Philadelphia Pa Pomianek Jessie M 342 Green Lane Residence Philadelphia Pa 19128 Pompano Masonary Corp 302 E. Mount Airy Ave, House Philadelphia Pa 19119 Pompei Rita 2606 S. 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Pond Bethany 1722 Rodman St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Poole Garvin P 1200 E. Upsal St, 4 Philadelphia Pa 19150 Poole Valerie 7839 Baldwin St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Pooler Annamarie 117 Gladstone St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Pooler Hugh 2608 S. 6th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Poon Shi H 6506 Algon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 �������������������������������������������������� Poplar Joseph 4308 L St Philadelphia Pa 19124-4324 Popova Anna 9426 Kirkwood Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Poquessing Corp 5226 C Street Philadelphia Pa 19120 Porcher Cynthia 3922 Mount Vernon St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Poretta Joseph 272 W Court St Doylestown Pa 18901-4043 Porter Barry 108 Leighton Drive Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-2080 Porter Gwendolyn 5000 N 19th Street Philadelphia Pa 19141 Porto Frank 3739 Calumet St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19129 Posey Sarah T 3531 N. Sydenham St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Post & Schell 1800 Jfk Blvd 19th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 Post Wesley 1900 Emerson St Philadelphia Pa 19152 ��������������������������������������������������������� Potts James L 6922 Ardleigh St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19119 Powell Alonzo 6964 Forrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Powell Anne M 3006 Fanshawe St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Powell Blanch Inc Dubos 519 N 39th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Powell Joel 3825 Lancaster Ave Phila Pa 19104 Powell Raymond I 4216 Fairdale Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Powell Thomas 3070 Tilton St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Powell Vivian 1160 E. Phil Ellena St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Powell William Po Box 16386 Philadelphia Pa 19114Powells 6233 Cor- 6233 Lancaster Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Powers Delphine 2108 Wallace St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Pozos Carlos 1167 Carprizo Street #3 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Ppi Venture One Pitcairn Place 165 Twp Line Rd Suite 1500 Jenkintown Pa 19046 Prathanaluangxay Chan 753 Herkness St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Pray Kathleen 3349 Saint Vincent St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Precision Print Communctns Ltd P O Box 564 Media Pa 19063-0564 Preis Eran 1440 Vista St, 8 Philadelphia Pa 19111 Premier Res Worldwide 124 S 15th St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Prendergast Marlene M 1059 Edison Ave Philadelphia Pa 19116 Presbery Amos 5853 Brush Rd Philadelphia Pa 19138 Prescott Tim 121 Titan St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Presgrave Edna E Miss Attn Mildred C Crimmins Adm 2501 Maryland Rd Apt C3 Willow Grove Nas Pa 19090-1806 Presser Abraham 3602 Manet St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Pressley Anthony 4153 Lancaster Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Pressman Barbara #1907 1919 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103-3431 Preston James 823 S. Alden St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Preston Rosemarie T 5344 Saul St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19124 Pretz Co Inc 211 N. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Prevard James 2835 N. 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Price Alison 2526 Swain Street Philadelphia Pa 19130 Price Cheryl A 5038 N. Smedley St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Price Joseph 5601 Woodcrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Price Kami 933 N. Orkney St, Fr Philadelphia Pa 19123 Price Margaret 939 S. Conestoga St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Price Siobhane 1322 Locust St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19107 Pride Maxine V 1918 Bonitz St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Priest Adrienne Priest Adrienne 511 George St North Wales Pa 19454 Primavera Systems - Bala Cynwyd 3 Bala Plaza West 7th Floor Bala Cynwyd Pa Prince Benjamin 319 Parker Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Prince Sue Apt 207 50 Belmont Avenue Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2410 Prince Sylvia 4614 Old York Rd, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19140 Pringle Nicole 5922 Frontenac St Philadelphia Pa 19149

PAGE 55 Priority Healthcare Pharm Inc 3998 Red Lion Road Philadelphia Pa 19114 Procopio William 2326 S. Mildred St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Procrument Dryden 1030 E Lancaster Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Proctor Ella E Parkwood Manor Apts State & Pennarth Aves Upper Darby Pa 19082 Prodigy Phoenix 220 E Johnson St Philadelphia Pa 19144-1605 Proud Elizabeth T 1710 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2114 Provident Capital Mgmt F/A/O Pnc Bank Na 1600 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103Provident Mutual Life Pob 8207 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Prozzillo Anthony D 341 Rector St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Prudential Bank Trust The 1608 Walnut St Fl 6 Philadelphia Pa 19103-5457 Pruitt Jamie 1539 S. Dover St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Pruitt Mary 4706 Warrington Ave Philadellphia Pa 19143-0000 Pruyn Gladys B 401 Rodman Ave Jenkintown Pa 19046-2118 Pruyn Gladys B 401 Rodman Ave Jenkintown Pa 19046-2118 Pryor Vera 577 Fountain St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Przestzelcka Sophie 3254 Emery St Philadelphia Pa 19134-5927 Psrkin Noelle K 3699 D Hereford Ln Phila Pa 19114 Pts Security Inc 1217 N Providence Rd Media Pa 19063Pugh Edward 432 E. Montana St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Pugh Ronald 317 Inman Ter Willow Grove Pa 19090-3515 Pughs Way 638 N. 39th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Puglisi Heather 6818 Quincy St, 3r Philadelphia Pa 19119 Pulley Craig 7841 Ridge Ave # A211 Philadelphia Pa 19128 Pulmonary Care Assoc Ltd 1098 Baltimore Pike Suite 3402 Media Pa 19063-5139 Purcell Bernard A 359 Margate Road Upper Darby Pa 19082 Purdy Gloria 4569 Worth Street Philadelphia Pa 19124Purdy Thomas G 23 W. Mount Pleasant Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Purnell Margaret 7126 Chew Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119-1816 Purtell John 4262 Neilson St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Purvines Gary 6108 Cedar Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Putong Paul B 402 Livezey St Philadelphia Pa 19128


Qaadir Yahya A D 3970 Lankenau Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19131 Qi Dan Chen 2801 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Qu Di 300 Hartel Ave 1/F Philiadelphia Pa 19111 Quality Ins 5451 Horrocks St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Quality Ins Grpllc 5451 Horrocks Street Philadelphia Pa 19124-1119 Quality Insurance Grpllc 5451 Horrocks St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Quality Property Mgt 3908 Howland St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Qualter Louise 3562 Joyce St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Quann Catherine 6625 Blakemore St Apt D Philadelphia Pa 19119 Quantum North America 1835 Market St Ste 1100 Philadelphia Pa 19130Quarles Cathrine 7601 Crittenden St Philadelphia Pa 19118 Quarles Charles 5761 Stewart St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Quartett Swim C 4011 Linden Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Queenan Susan Renee P. O. Box 2039 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Queeney Donna M 6544 Glenmore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Quigley Edward 901 N Penn St 1024 Mason A Philadelphia Pa 19123 Quigley Kathleen E 115 Rorer St Glenside Pa 19038 Quigley Thomas 2633 S. Iseminger St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Quinlan William 7527 Lawndale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Quinn Agnes 1535 S. Marston St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Quinn Bros. 930 N. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19123 Quinn Charles 3116 Morning Glory Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Quinn James 9932 Bridle Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115 Quinn James J Jr 6243 N. 5th St, 1a Philadelphia Pa 19120 Quinn John R 888 N. Beechwood St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Quinn Kate 601 W Cliveden St Appt 112b Philadelphia Pa 19119 Quinn Katherine 3930 Lawndale St Philadelphia Pa 19124-5434 Quinones Augustine 848 E Williard St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Quinones Delia 2940 Tulip St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Quintana Cristina 3200 Race St Po Box E 115 A Philadelphia Pa 19104-2753 Quivar Florence E 2217 Wharton St Philadelphia Pa 19146


R & B Tavern Inc 5840 Master St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19131 R Bruce Drysdale Dds Associates 9523 Frankford Ave Bruce R Drysdale Dds Philadelphia Pa 19114 R C D 740 Sansom St Ste 602 Philadelphia Pa 19106-3229 R C Goerlich & Co Inc 301 South Tyson Ave Glenside Pa 19038-3400 R K Partnership 1520 S. 30th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 R& K Enterprises 6720 Guyer Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 R&K Enterprises 2020 Penrose Ave Unit B Philadelphia Pa 19145 R&R Hideway I 1348 S. 33rd St, M2 Philadelphia Pa 19146 Rabben Jean Apt 207 50 Belmont Avenue Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2410 Rabinowitz David 4810 Regent St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Rachel Davis 1720 Aderdeen Street Phila Pa 19131 Rachuba Anthony 1332 Tyson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Rachwal Clair 7634 Loretto Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 ����������������������������������������������������������������� Rackus Madeline 347 Winton St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Radbill Martha Presidential Apts C 1122 Philadelphia Pa 19131-0000 Radcliffe Scott K 4532 Wilde St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Radecke Mary T 2017 E Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Radian 1601 Market Street 6th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 Radian Group 1601 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103-2301 Radian Guaranty 1601 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Radian Guaranty Radian Guaranty 1601 Market St Theresa Sperduto Philadelphia Pa 19103-2301 Radoslavov Ivanov G 201 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Raduta Daniel 1539 Robbins Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Radzenski Stephen 2011 E Stella St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Rafael Acevedo 1901 E Monmouth St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Rafferty Thomas 2441 S. 28th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Rahill C 3441 Wellington St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Rahim A 1212 S 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19146-9146 Rahman Muneera Riaz 203 Mallard Drive North Wales Pa 19454-0000 Raines Herman 5512 Rising Sun Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120 ������������������������������������������������������������� Rainey Elizabeth 7709 Richard St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Rakowski Mary M 6128 Algard St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Raleigh Webb 2100 Annin St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Raley Paul L 3946 Constance Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Ralph Lucille 6150 Oxford St. Apt 407g Philadephia Pa 19131 Rambeau Jonathan P 133 Levering St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Rambert Lester 870 N. 19th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Rambo Milton R 568 Dupont St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Ramdeen Chamdaye 316 Sparks St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Ramirez Roberto 2505 N 5th Str Phila Pa 19133

PAGE 56 Ramirez Vidalina 301 W. York St. Philadelphia Pa 19133 Ramos Alexis 951 E Russell St Phila Pa 19134 Ramos Angelo 2875 N. Lee St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Ramos Eliseo 2533 N Franklin St Phila Pa 19133 Ramos Miguel 1213 Green St, 3fr Philadelphia Pa 19123 Ramos Ms S L 405 Delphine St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Ramos Roberto 1142 Elbridge St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Ramsden Frank A Jr 589 E. Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Ranaudo Mary A 4433 Fleming St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19128 Randal T Slacum Ta Slacum Home Improvements 1340 Bernard Ave Wlw Grv Pa Randall Leo 5773 W. Jefferson St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Randall Roger 1 Christian St, 7 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Randazzo Joseph S 2336 E. Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Randles Schubert G 1835 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103-2968 Randolph Richard 5209 Hazel Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Ransom Jamal 3008 N. Marvine St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Rapoport Pharmacy & Med 6934 Bustleton Ave & Tyson Philadelphia Pa 19149 Rapp Robert F 1900 Ritenhouse Sq Apt 17b Philadelphia Pa 19103 Rarick William J 1901 J F Kennedy Blvd Unit 2403 Philadelphia Pa 19103-1520 Rastelli Sheri 2224 S. Hemberger St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Rauchut Norbert 3446 Kirkwood Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Raup Florence R 6866 Regent St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Ravitch Carl M 500 Lombard St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Ravreby Hannah R 201 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Ray Albert C 1671 Orthodox St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19124 Ray Lolita E 5446 W Berk St Apt 1 Phila Pa 19104 Raymond Linda S A 3836 Terrace St, B Philadelphia Pa 19128 Raymond Zishaan 201 Rodman Ave Jenkintown Pa 19046 Raypole Mariana E 160 Long Ln Apt 115 Upper Darby Pa 19082 Rayson Florence Miss 614 Magee Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-4716 Rdesinski Helen V 4103 Knorr St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Readio Melissa 1936 South St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Reagan Jason A 3420 Englewood St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Reago Anthony 2017 E Ontario St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Real Win Win Inc 1728 Spruce Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Reavy Margaret 5523 Yocum St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Reavy Margaret 5523 Yocum St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Reber Richard J Warwick Hotel 1701 Locust St Phila Pa 19103 Recchione William Jr 3656 N. Hereford Ln Philadelphia Pa 19114 Record Reproduction Services 600 N Jackson St Ste 104 Media Pa 19063 Recr Inc 4104 Parkside Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Reczulska Helena 2965 Memphia St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Reddick John E 34 S Ruby St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Reddick Rashawn 567 Mill Bank Road Upper Darby Pa 19082 Redding Brahim 2411 N. 11th Apt. 802 Philadelphia Pa 19133 Redeemer Cardio Holy Redeemer Hosp Phila Pa 19124 ������������������������������������������������������ Redker Amanda R 7720 Stenton Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19118 ���������������������������������������������������� Reed Ersell 214 S. 49th St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Reed Toshiko 1809 Ashley St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Reeder Deanna C 2438 N. 25th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Reese Theresa A 2613 S. 83rd St Philadelphia Pa 19153 Refugio De Am 2203 Germantown Ave, 404 Philadelphia Pa 19133 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Regalbuto Marie 1303 S Fairhills St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Regan Nellie 1332 S. Howard St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Regency Medical Center Pc P.O. Box 2318 Upper Darby Pa 19082 Regent National Bank 1426 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Reginelli James 7616 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19152 Rehman Fazal 2606 S. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Reibstein Sally J 121 Montgomery Ave.#301 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Reibstein Sally J 121 Montgomery Ave.#301 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Reibstein Sasha 152 N 21 St Flr 3 Apt Rear Phila Pa 19103 Reich Barry D 104 Christian St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Reichenbach Pam Mail 7 Colonial Heritage Doylestown Pa 18901 Reid Louise 1113 W. Colona St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Reid Pauline 4836 Cedar Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19143Reid Ronald J 2128 Grant Ave, 9 Philadelphia Pa 19115 Reid Sarah Apt 313 1030 Belmont Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104-1271 Reif Robert W 4759 Bingham St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Reihm John 2111 E Cambria St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Reilly Claudette C 199 W. Godfrey Ave, Str Philadelphia Pa 19120 Reim Dawn K 414 Forest Lane North Wales Pa 19454 Reinhart Associates Inc Benson East Jenkintown Pa 19046 Reiser Dale 242 Delancey St, Rh Philadelphia Pa 19106 ���������������������������������������������������� Reitzes Judy 632 Glen Echo Road Philadelphia Pa 19119 Reivich Betty C/O Mary J Drexel Home 238 Belmont Ave Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2334 Rejuvenations Rehabilitation P.O. Box 40056 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Relationhips 4025 Chestnut St Fl 1 Philadelphia Pa 19104-3054 Rementer Raymond 1619 Solly Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19152 Renaissance Charter School C/O Katura Williams 7500 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119Rendell Governor 1500 Sanson St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Rendell Inaugural Committee 1500 Sansom St 4th Fl Philadelphia Pa 19102 Renner Frank 3607 Weightman St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Renninger Mary E 4414 Hurley St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Reno Roberto S 5910 W. Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Renwick Keith 7951 Temple Rd Philadelphia Pa 19150 Renzulli Louis 1911 Mckean St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Repholz Anton M 1682 E. Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Repin Nikoly 9926 Haldeman Ave, B83 Philadelphia Pa 19115 ���������������������������������������������������������������� Resnick Betty 1801 Kennedy Blvd Apt 1708 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Resnick Laura 1235 Hale St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Resource Human Dev 850 E. Russell St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Resource Human Dev 4630 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Resources For Human Dev 237 E. Sharpnack St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Resources Of Human Develo 2034 Conlyn St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Restaurants To Go Inc 785 S. 6th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Restrepo Dario 701 S. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Resurrection Bapt Church 5401 Lansdowne Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131-3516 Resurrection Community Meth 401 N 38th St Philadelphia Pa 19104-2301 Retallick James M 9446 Lansford St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19114 Reuters America 401 E City Ave Ste 120 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-1116 Revers Ewald 913 Murdoch Rd Philadelphia Pa 19150 Reyes Jacqueline 5928 W. Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Reyes Juan 822 Lehigh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19133 Reyes Petra G R 2348 N. Lawrence St Philadelphia Pa 19133

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Reynaud Chris 402 Unruh Ave, D Philadelphia Pa 19111 Reynolds Harrison 3836 Spring Garden Philadelphia Pa 19104-2326 Rhoads Jonathan E 131 W Walnut Ln Philadelphia Pa 19144-2611 Rhoden Esther 150 N. Ruby St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Rhodes Christian L 1 Franklin Town Blvd Apt 609 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Rhone Chaunte 5403a Walnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Ricca Amanada L 3550 Teton Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Riccobono Anthony 4039 Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19124 Rice Gary 2600 Belmont Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19131Rice Hattie 2847 N Marvine St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Rice Joan M 2025 Christian St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Rice Lucretia 7200 Merion Terr Apt.# A-402 Upper Darby Pa 19082 Rice Neil A 3703 Stanton St, Fh Philadelphia Pa 19129 Richard Brown Dba Advisors 1520 Locust St Ste 804 Phila Pa 19102 Richard Freifelder 1071 Grandeview Blvd Ap Philadelphia Pa 19104-0000 Richard Hardware 624 Andover Drive Upper Darby Pa 19082-5204 Richard Masse 1025 Filmore St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Richards Donald 3131 Holly Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Richards Francis M Jr 359 Thornbrook Ave Rosemont Pa 19010-1661 Richards Frederick 1237 N Allison St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Richards Gaynor W 359 Thornbrook Ave Rosemont Pa 19010-1661 Richards Holly A 867 N. 26th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Richards Marie Apt 1405 2 Franklin Town Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19103-1228 Richards Rebecca 229 S. 41st St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Richards Samantha 2341 N. Park Ave, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19132 Richards Silbert 736 E Haines St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Richardson Bessie 1215 S Millick St Philadelphia Pa 19143-2333 Richardson David G 7460 Oxford Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Richardson Irene 5830 Alter St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Richardson Lee E Mr 913 S. 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Richardson Louis 718 E. Ontario St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Richardson Pamela K 1215 S Millick St Philadelphia Pa 19143-2333 Richardson Pearl 517 S. Salford St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Richardson Rhea R 7701 Lindbergh Blvd, 1100 Philadelphia Pa 19153 Richardson Ruth B 108 S. 59th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Richberg Roberta 5604 Heiskell St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Richette Lisa A 1918 Lombard St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Richman Jason D 9313 Banes St Philadelphia Pa 19115 Ricker Linda E P O Box 268 New Hope Pa 18938-0268 Ricketts Bertha 153 Peach St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Ricketts Glenn V 812 Unruh Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19111-4830 Riddagh Rita C 2727 Unruh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Riddick Minnie 947 N St Bernard St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Riddle George 1526 Lombard St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1625 Rieck Charles L 2059 E Somerset St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Riehs Lisa M 1006 N. 5th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19123 Rielly Charles F 2725 Moore St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Right Choice Medical Center 2432 S. Broad St Phila Pa 19145 Right Mgmt Consultant 1818 Market Street 14th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 Rigney Cynthia 425 N 50th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Rikhof Bart 3701 Chestnut Street Room B1 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Riley Eliza 6300 Walnut St Apt 326 Philadelphia Pa 19139-3752 Riley Thomas A 1515 Wood Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Rimple Mark T 833 Cross St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Ringgold Wallace 1850 S Ringgold St Philadelphia Pa 19145-1811 Rios Carmen 2810 Jasper St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Risner Lisa 260 Rock St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Rispers Gwedolyn 2056 Mountain Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Riss Harry 2607 Welsh Rd, B107 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Ritchie Laura K 8049 Winston Road Philadelphia Pa 19118 Ritchie Laura K 8049 Winston Road Philadelphia Pa 19118 Rittenhouse Abstract Inc 2617 S 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Rittenhouse Square Imaging Pc 1705 Rittenhouse Square Phila Pa 19103-6109 Ritter Adam D 4041 Ridge Ave, 17103 Philadelphia Pa 19129 Ritz Carlton Philade 10 Avenue Of The Arts Philadelphia Pa 19102 Ritz Filmbill 46 North Front St Philadelphia Pa 19106Rivas Sindy M 212 E. Tabor Rd, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19120 River Deck Holding Corp D/B/A Chemistry 4100 Main Street Philadelphia Pa Rivera Amilka 132 W Wishart St Rivera Philadelphia Pa 19133 Rivera Edna 3926 N Bott St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Rivera Gilbert 193 E. Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19120 Rivera Jose 4143 Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19124 Rivera Luis 2226 Waterloo St Phila Pa 19133 Rivera Maria F 2800 Tyson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Rivera Mario 3342 Rand St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Rivera Nelson 2966 Rosehill St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Rivera Victor M 2830 N. Lee St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Rivera Wanda I 173 E. Ontario St Philadelphia Pa 19134 ��������������������������������������������������������� Rivers Robert Jr 2616 North Hutchinson Street Philadelphia Pa 19133 Rizzello Joseph 404 Hidden Valley Rd. Media Pa 19063 Rizzo Concetta A 146 Long Lane Apt 108 Upper Darby Pa 19082-3419 Roa Jorge 2553 Salmon St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Roane Sandra 1600 Murdock Rd, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19150 Robbins John 2213 Emerald St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Robbins John A 416 S. Iseminger St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Robbins Leon W Jr 4814 Windsor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-3416 Robbins Robert S 704 Sansom St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Robert B Jr 1447 E. Vernon Rd Philadelphia Pa 19150 Robert C Burns Associates Inc Suburban Station 9th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 Robert Hall Mesirov Gelman E/A Dba Rober 1735 Market St Philadelphia Pa Robert Small 1844 Lambert Rd Jenkintown Pa 19046 Roberts Aileen 450 West Chestnut Hill Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19118 Roberts Constance E 7436 Briar Rd Philadelphia Pa 19138 Roberts David K 96 E. Montana St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Roberts Dawn 33 State Rd # E-3 Media Pa 19063 Roberts Della P O Box 58160 Philadelphia Pa 19102-8160 Roberts Delma 1823 Wakeling St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Roberts Dorothy M 8100 Michener Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150 Roberts Ernest S 1129 E. Durham St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Roberts Joel 3729 Midvale Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19129 Roberts John W 3408 Haverford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Roberts Joy D 1520 Spruce St Apt 1001 Philadelphia Pa 19102-4570 Roberts Maria E 2618 Cecil B Moore Ave, Str Philadelphia Pa 19121 Roberts Maria P 1518 Church St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Roberts Melvin L 5118 Gainor Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Roberts Noah 434 S 60th St Philadelphia Pa 19143-1147 Roberts Rebecca 5100 Newhall St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Roberts Thomas 220 W Harvey St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Roberts Thomas 2117 Pratt St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Roberts William 7135 Guyer Ave Philadelphia Pa 19153

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Roberts William L 349 W Baltimore Pi 3 Media Pa 19063-0000 Robertson Alva M 329 North Preston Street Philadelphia Pa 19104-0000 Robertson Alva M Miss C/O Michael Swift 2401 Pennsylvania Ave Ste 1c 4 Philadelphia Pa 19130-7722 Robertson Claudine 2161 N 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Robertson Daniel M 236 S 60th St 3rd Fl Front Philadelphia Pa 19139-3840 Robertson Phyllis R 236 S 60th St 3rd Fl Front Philadelphia Pa 19139-3840 Robichaw Arnold 3446 D Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Robinson & Co. Inc. 425 15th Street Philadelphia Pa 19102 Robinson Archie 1754 E. Mayland St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Robinson Building 42 S 15th Street Philadelphia Pa 19102 Robinson Christine 4770 Silverwood St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Robinson Danielle 146 N Congress St Newtown Pa 18940 Robinson George H 3118 Stouton St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Robinson Howard 1551 N. Edgewood St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Robinson James 1126 S. 15th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Robinson John S 5646 Blakemore St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Robinson Joseph 2148 N. 20th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19121 Robinson June R 1988 W. Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Robinson Karen T 2938 Poplar St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Robinson Keith D 10165 Bridle Rd, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Robinson Laquisha 2305 Montrose St W56 Philadelphia Pa 19146 Robinson Lucille 808 N Union St Philadelphia Pa 19104 ��������������������������������������������������������� Robinson Mary 2858 N. Leithgow St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Robinson Quinton A 2108 North 5th Street Philadelphia Pa 19122 Robinson Robert 4846 N. 9th St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Robinson Robert 819 Lombard St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Robinson Rose Marie 5914 Walton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Robinson Samuel 2023 Pemberton St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Robinson Timothy T 3334 Rhawn St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Robinson Velder L 3007 W. Dauphin St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19132 Robinson William 820 N. 11th Street Philadephia Pa 19123 Robinson Yvonne 7945 Gilbert St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Robinson Zenobia 4234 Parkside Ave Phila Pa 19104 Robles Ivan 3243 A St Phila Pa 19134 Robles Jesus 350 E Indiana Av Philadelphia Pa 19134 Robles Juanita 5028 N. Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Roca Rutilio 2417 S. 61st St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Rochow Charles 4425 Unruh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19135 Rock John 5552 Chancellor St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Rodack Paul C 128 Bainbridge St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Roddock Deborah 436 W Stafford 1st Fl Philadelphia Pa 19144 Rodgers John 1615 S. Lindenwood St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Rodiguez Gilda Y 4855 Rorer St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Rodiguez Marques 441 E. Rockland St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Rodriguez Alexis 3126 Hartville St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Rodriguez Auis 12838 Mccarthy Circ Philadelphia Pa 19154 Rodriguez Awilda 806 W. Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Rodriguez Carmen I 2531 N. Lee St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Rodriguez Javier 4354 N. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Rodriguez Julia A 3919 Dungan St Phila Pa 19124 Rodriguez Leonor 4444 N. 5th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19140 Rodriguez Louis 2423 S. 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Rodriguez Luzmaria 1331 Church St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Rodriguez Manuel 2515 N Water Street Rivera Philadelphia Pa 19134 Rodriguez Maribel 1904 N. Howard St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Rodriguez Victor 2935 N. Mascher St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Rodriquez Loaida E 3442 E Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Roe Katherine 5516 Wheeler St Philadelphia Pa 19143-6139 Roemer Benjamin 3700 Sheaff Ln B 201 Philadelphi Pa 19145 Roessler Mildred 2824 N Hancock Street Philadelphia Pa 19133-3523 Roewe Rachael R 3942 Delancey St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Rogan William 2213 S. Hicks St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Rogers Morgan 2111 Medary Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Rogers Susan M Unknown Upper Darby Pa 19082 Rogers Warren 4922 N. Marvine St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Rogomenticks John 6626 Guyer Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Rohde Helen 188 W Stella St Philadelphia Pa 19133-3914 Rohn & Haas Company 100 Independence Mall West Philadelphia Pa 19106Roig Jose 12012 Bustleton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19116 Roik Barbara A Gateway Manor 6575 Tabor Rd 223 Philadelphia Pa 19111-0000 Rojas Evelin 4515 N. Lee St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Roken Mary M 2529 S. Millick St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Rola Susan M 3429 Helen St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Roland Lynne C 937 E. Hortter St Philadelphia Pa 19150 Roldan Francisco 236 W. Birch St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Roldan Samuel 433 W. Butler St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Rolen William G 6539 Large St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19149 Rollins Ronald 183 Widener St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Rollo Helen 2013 Lansing St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Rolls Pauline 1919 N. 25th St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Roman Arlene S 3939 Conshohocken Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131-5400 Roman Elicin 1231 N 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Roman Francis 6127 Reach St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Romanishin Roma 3055 Richmond St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19134 Romeo Carmela 815 Moore St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Romeo Donna J . 239 S Alden St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Romeo Silvana 1527 W. End Dr Philadelphia Pa 19151 Romero Don 1004 Parrish St Philadelphia Pa 19123 Romero Luz 3108 N Percy St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Romero Marcelo 5549 B Street, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120 Romero Melanie 5414 Overbrook Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19131 Romero Nilsa 616 W. Annsbury St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Romero Ubaldo 2010 E Madison St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Romirowsky Harold 1122 Gilham St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Romoanowski Steven 928 E. Moyamensing Ave, 3-2 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Romolini Michael D 623 N. 65th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Romsdahl Patricia 13070 Kelvin Ave Philadelphia Pa 19116 Ronald J Dunn Exec 1134 Sth Front St Philadelphia Pa 19147-5522 Ronanmcinerney Sharon 3328 Tilden St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Ronca James R 1642 Lombard St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Rondiak Peter B 1633 Spruce St Apt 2f Philadelphia Pa 19103 Room Service Furn Galleries Inc T/A Continental Plaza 171 E Hunting Park Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Rooney Gertrude M 2916 Gaul St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Roosevelt Howard 5213 Chester Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Roque Richard M Md 6711 Oxford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Rosa Feliz J 1016 E. Tioga St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19134 Rosa M R 3128 G Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Rosade Ernesto 6505 Enola St Philadelphia Pa 19111-

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Rosado Juan 1504 Rosalie Street West 26 Philadelphia Pa 19149 Rosario Jose A 1926 N. 5th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19122 Rosario Lydia E 2942 N. Hancock St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Rosci Albert 1236 N. 65th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Rose Casual Dining Lp 826 Newton Yardley Rd Newton Pa 18940 Rose Gertrude S Rr 1 Upper Darby Pa 19082 Rose Glen Capital Management 251 St Asaphs Rd 3 Bala Plaza East Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004Rose Martin 516 W. Porter St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Rose Rose M 2536 Aspen St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Roseberry Renee 2311 Saint Albans St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19146 ������������������������������������������������������������������������ Pa 19010 Rosemont Manor 35 Rosemont Ave Rosemont Pa 19010 Rosen Donald M 190 Presidential Blvd Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-1106 Rosen Donna M 8617 Trumbauer St Glenside Pa 19038 Rosen Frances 7557 Sherwood Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Rosen Jonathan D 4038 Sansom St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Rosenau Nancy Lynn 154 N 22nd Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Rosenau Peter 154 N 22nd Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Rosenberg Harriet A 101 Rennard Pl Philadelphia Pa 19116 Rosenberg Karen D 2110 Saint Vincent St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Rosenberg Susan 7805 Farnsworth St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Rosenbluth International 2401 Walnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Rosencoren Inc Broad & Walnut Streets 4th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19102Rosenfeld And Maron Medical Assoc 39th And Markets Sts Presbyterian Med Ctr Phila Pa 19104 Rosenthal David 7924 Leonard St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Rosenthal Randy H 716 Arden Rd Jenkintown Pa 19046-1525 Rosenwasser Harvey 2012 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Rosetti Anthony 3015 S. Carlisle St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Roshon Mabel L 6120 Ridge Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128-1603 Roshon Mabel L 6912 Ridge Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Ross Andrew J 68 N. 2nd St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19106 Ross Gary 3952 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Ross Sally A 4308 Old York Rd Philadelphia Pa 19140 Ross Sharon 8420 Madison Pl Philadelphia Pa 19153 Ross Tillie 1352 Orthodox St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Ross William H 5549 Greenway Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Rost James T 103 Brownstone Lane Horsham Pa 19044 Rota Mark A 2552 S. Warnock St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Rotary Club Of Philadelphia 1617 Jfk Boulevard Philadelphia Pa 19103 Roth Ellen 9361 Jamison Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19115 Roth Grace 8342 Millman St Philadelphia Pa 19118-3832 Roth Joseph S 323 Reed St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19147 Roth Marie 2129 Granite St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Roth Nancy 8319 Ardleigh St Philadelphia Pa 19118 Rotondo Ann M 2323 Oakmont St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Roundtree Angela 4636 Walnut St, B3 Philadelphia Pa 19139 Roundtree Josephine 3815 Brandywine St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Rouse Emma Martin 1 Blackwell Pl Philadelphia Pa 19147-1611 Routzahn Stephen R 4618 E. Howell St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Rowe Roosevelt 22 E Pastorius St Philadelphia Pa 19144-2024 Rowe Roosevelt 22 E Pastorius St Philadelphia Pa 19144-2024 Rowland Co Po Box 12278 Philadelphia Pa 19144Rowland Sophie 2244 N. Fairhill St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Rowley Mickey 1707 Addison St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Rox Nurses Res 5800 Ridge Ave, Nurse Philadelphia Pa 19128 Roxborough Health Serv In 525 Jamestown St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Roxborough-Manayunk Fed 4354 Main St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19127 Roy Dennis M 425 W. Ruscome St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Roy Kausuik 401 E City Ave Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Royal Car Center Inc 1051 E Eric Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Royal Cleaners 6391 Oxford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Royal Globe Co 330 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Royer Jody L 42 East Front Street #2 Media Pa 19063 Royster Almer 5414 Trinity St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Roz & Ruth Design 709 Haviland Drive Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Rozniakowski Maria 1517 Longshore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Rpu Pgw 113 S. 40th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Rpu Pgw 1325 Ellsworth St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19147 Rrell Richard D 1309 N. 52nd St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Rriello Paul 1169 S. 9th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Rte Asset Management Attn Fap Billing Dept 1095 Rydal Rd Rydal Pa 19046Ruane Irene 310 Hampden Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-4009 Ruano Gustavo 1632 S. Hicks Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Ruben Eric W 763 N. 64th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Rubens Ethel 906 Kimball St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Rubert Theresa M 101 Bryn Mawr Ave Suite 110 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-3122 Rubin Adrian 5948 Market St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19139 Rubin Debra F 7034 Dorcas Street Philadelphia Pa 19111-4112 Rubin Joseph 1839 Danforth St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19152 Rubin Murray 205 Dumont Pl Philadelphia Pa 19116 Ruch Kenneth A 5616 N. Mascher St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120 Ruddell Peter 3505 W Moreland Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090 Rudloff Robert L 2035 Spring Gardent St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Rudloff Robert L 2035 Spring Gardent St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Rudolph C B 2185 E. Norris St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Rudolph Frederick L 3344 Friendship St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Rudolph Rudolph 6727 Cinnamon Dr Philadelphia Pa 19128 Rudolph Thomas 256 Barren Rd Media Pa 19063-4506 Rudolph Thomas T 256 Baren Road Media Pa 19063-0000 Rudzinski Julia C 8530 Jeanes St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Ruff Stephanie 1531 Corlies St Philadelphia Pa 19146 ���������������������������������������������������� Ruffo Claire T A 2906 Rawle St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Ruggiero Alfonso 5413 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Rumsey Ruth 3561 Retta Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Rushton Patricia 7193 Montague St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Russ Manley 1711 N. 25th St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Russell Anthony 728 Chestnut St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19106 Russello Mildred 1909 S. Juniper St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Russo Lawrence J J 1828 Merribrook Ln Philadelphia Pa 19151 Russo Stefano J 1307 W. Wyoming Ave Philadelphia Pa 19140 Ruth Lorraine 3027 Belgrade St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Ruth Myrtle M 4027 Neilson St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Rutkowski Sophia V 105 Kingsley St Philadelphia Pa 19127 ������������������������������������������������������������������ Rwb Escrow Agt For 500 Hyde Park Doylestown Pa 18901 Ryan David M 517 Wyndmoor Ave Glenside Pa 19038 Ryan George 658 E Thayer St Philadelphia Pa 19134

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Ryan Joseph M 4013 Lawndale St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Ryan Micahel Patrick 133 Long Lane Upper Darby Pa 19082 Rybczyk Thomas 1101 Alcott St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Ryder Donnie 3109 Maureen Dr Philadelphia Pa 19154 Ryder Maurice J 4309 Terrace St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Rye Howard 6522 N. 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Rykodisc Inc 101 Charles Drive Bldg 1 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Rynes Mildred M Mrs 135 South 19th St Wellington Apts 1608 Philadelphia Pa Rystemi Teki 1059 Tyson Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19111Rzuela Ramon 1835 Harrison St Philadelphia Pa 19124


S D Davis Inc 2228 E. Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19134 S E C Patricia Trujillo 601 Walnut St Ste 1120 E Philadelphia Pa 19106 S R D Mktg/On-Line Srvcs Inc 1920 Nectarine St Philadelphia Pa 19130-3845 S Southern Maint Adv Council 25th & Oakford St Philadelphia Pa 19146Saad Theodore F 632 S. 48th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Sabara Adelaide 313 W. Wellens Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Sabb Gerald Apt 1 Philadelphia Pa 19111 Sabooor Inc 213 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Sabree Abdul H 2237 Pierce St Phila Pa 19145 Sacchetti Lynne 334 W Front St Media Pa 19063 Sack Elizabeth T 614 Borbeck Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Sacks Bryan 220 Greenwood Avenue Jenkintown Pa 19046Sacks Martha 220 Greenwood Avenue Jenkintown Pa 19046Saddler Theresa M 5837 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Sadler Zenobia N P.O. Box 31872 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Sadowniczak Brandon 3015 Tilton St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Sadowski Cathy 3511 Nottingham Lane Philadelphia Pa 19114 Sahm William 6566 Walnut Park Dr Philadelphia Pa 19120 Saia David 1314 S. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19147 ������������������������������������������������������������ Salaam Rassoull 4540 Greene St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Salahub Daniel J 3221 Powelton Av Philadelphia Pa 19104 Salazar Gerard 2657 Mount Carmel Av Glenside Pa 19038 Salemno Peter 222 E. Benezet St Philadelphia Pa 19118 Salguero Frances 308 35th St Ne Philadelphia Pa 19104-2450 Saliaenkham Chanthy 2429 S. 6th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Salifu Mohammed D 548 W. Luray St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Salih Jamila Y 13 W. Wyneva St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Salkin Louis B 6617 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Sallee Renee 1113 E. Tioga St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19134 Salley Francis J 3438 Bleigh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136 Salley Quinton 1723 S 53rd St Phila Pa 19143 Sallins Sherida 1612 Lindley Ave Philadelphia Pa 19141 Saltzberg Judith 111 N. 49th St Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Salvatico Emily 1336 Sellers St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19124 Salvato Concetta 1244 Fitzgerald St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Sam Joseph W 702 S. 2nd St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Sam Soung 1901 S 30 St Phila Pa 19145 Samara Manal Nafez 1442 Higbee Street Philadelphia Pa 19149 ����������������������������������������������������������� Samkavipz Margaret A 639 Maris St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Sammartino Rosemarie V 3019 S. Colorado St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Sammie Beechroft 191 West Cambria Philadelphia Pa 19133 Sampson Crystal 5126 Arch St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Sampson Darlene L 263 W. Fisher Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Sampson Robert 5606 Baynton St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Sampson Robin 2921 Cambridge St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Samuel Baby M T 1025 Alpena Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115 Samuel Mangini 605 Fitzwater St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Sananman Peter D 3403 Hamilton St Phila Pa 19104 Sanchez Aimee 1925 Wallace St, C Philadelphia Pa 19130 Sanchez Elizabeth 886 Marcella St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Sanchez Jay 2232 Mt Carmel Ave Glenside Pa 19038-4610 Sanchez Rosendo 905 Cantrell St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Sandberg Rae 5109 Diamond St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Sanders Darlice 501 E. Hilton St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Sanders Edmund L 5300 Master St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Sanders Helen 916 S. Farragut St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Sanders Jerolene 4958 N. 19th St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Sanders Jordan 844 E. Madison St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Sanders Marie 3148 N. Park Ave Philadelphia Pa 19132 Sanders Sylvia 6623 Kindred St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Sandoe Menga D 2036 E. Wishart St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Sandoli Elizabeth 203 W Clapier St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Sanfratello Nicholas 2063 South St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19146 Sansom Street Investments 121 S. 13th St, B Philadelphia Pa 19107 Santana Eric 1821 Rain Garden Street Philadelphia Pa 19130 Santiago Ana Myriam 617 W. Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Santiago Carmen 662 N. 15th St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Santiago Christy 3423 N. Bodine St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Santiago Juana 4039 N. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Santiago Julio R 6043 Large St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Santiago Luisa A 307 Manton St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Santiago Nivea 3006 N Howard St W53 Philadelphia Pa 19133 Santiago Rosa 3810 N. Percy St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Santilli John V 732 S. 6th Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Santilli Rosaria 3232 Teesdale St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Santolirovera Daniela 933 Wooten Road Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Santoro Joseph E 5 Penn Center Plaza Philadelphia Pa 19103 Santoro Mary A 540 Lawler St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Santos German A 6152 Callowhill St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19151 Santos Roseanna L 1961 Wakeling St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Saponara Nicola 5105 Roosevelt Blvd, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19124 Sarah Allen Community 704-706 W Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19123Sarajian Alice 2550 S. Dewey St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Sarauskas Helen 2625 E. Schiller St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Sarazin Rita F 533 E. Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Sargent Raymond B 6839 Walnut Park Dr Upper Darby Pa 19082 Sarne Lenora 427 Tasker St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Sarzynski Thomas V 3609 Meridian St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Satchell Carolyn 4319 Reno St Philadelphia Pa 19104-1346 Satchell Carolyn 4319 Reno St Philadelphia Pa 19104-1346 Satchell Kimberly A 635 Pierce St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Sato Alice I 4940 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Saunders B 323 S. 60th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Saunders Derrick 745 E Rittenhouse St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Saunders Kia 301 E Pleasant St Apt #H Philadelphia Pa 19119 Saunders Michael 7210 Oxford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111Saunders Walter A 941 N 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19123-2217 Savage Lonnie C L 426 Wellesley Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119

PAGE 57 Savage Russell T Jr 4114 Pechin St Phila Pa 19128 Savage Wendell B Jr 14 Kerwick Court North Wales Pa 19454 Saville Walter E 342 Gladstone St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Savitch John 708 S. Perth St, R Philadelphia Pa 19147 Savitz Andrew F 2328 S Rosewood St Philadelphia Pa 19145-4428 Savyckyj Dan 1228 Pine St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19107 Sawka Eugene 7324 Hill Rd Philadelphia Pa 19128 Saxton Caroll L 2143 S. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Sayers Donna M 140 Meadow Ln Philadelphia Pa 19154 Sayles Erik A 3543 Sunnyside Ave Philadelphia Pa 19129 Sbi Communications Inc 324 Stanwood St Philadelphia Pa 19111-1832 Scafetta Joanna M 2323 S Bancroft St Philadelphia Pa 19145-4313 Scafetta Joanna M 2323 S Bancroft St Philadelphia Pa 19145-4313 ������������������������������������������������������������ Scales Leonard E 61 W. Duval St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Scaltrito Salvatore 1230 Wolf St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Scanlon Robert M 8117 Pine Rd Philadelphia Pa 19111 Scanlon Tina M 6118 Howthorne St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Scarborough Jason 3039 Hellerman St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3130 Scarborough Jerome L 1337 S. 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Scarborough Sharon L 1119 W. Nevada St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Scarpitta Ther 2 Liberty Pl 1601 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103-4202 Scavillo Kathleen 2359 E. Boston St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Schad Julie 301 Race St Apt 313 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Schade Ruth 1917 Sanford St Philadelphia Pa 19116 ������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� Schaeffer Ali M 1890 Haworth St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Schaeffer Kathryn 7122 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1211 ��������������������������������������������������������� Schaffer Lester J 2 Franklintown Blv Apt 2212 Philadelphis Pa 19103-1236 Schaffer Marian H 2 Franklintown Blv Apt 2212 Philadelphis Pa 19103-1236 Schaller Daniel J 2304 Belgrade St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Schambacker Walter 3346 Brighton St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2029 Scharf Stephen E 607 Strahle St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Scharff Joseph 7023 Valley Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Scharnikow Thomas 11 Park Avenue Apt # 36 Willow Grove Pa 19090 Schein Benjamin 4037 Locust St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Scheiner Amanda 319 S. 41st St, 3 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Schell Fannie M 239 S Alden St Philadelphia Pa 19139-3819 Schell Fannie M 239 S Alden St Philadelphia Pa 19139-3819 Schermety Edwin 2058 N 2nd St Piloto Auto Sales Philadelphia Pa 19122 Schewk Michael 1850 E. Monmouth St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Schiavo John 1426 Snyder Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19145 Schiavo Joseph A 2660 S. 70th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19142 Schiffman Patricia 2206 St James Court Philadelphia Pa 19103 Schiller Maggie F 173 Fountain St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Schinco Thomas 705 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Schlegelmilch Suzanne 881 N. 21st St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Schmalback Robin L 746 S. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Schmid Myrtle 4320 Cloud Street Philadelphia Pa 19124-4007 Schmidgall Kathleen 507 E. Cornwall St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Schmidt George 2743 Cranston Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19131 Schmidt Harry A 3417 Hartville St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Schmidt Jonathan T 4617 Pine St, C611 Philadelphia Pa 19143 Schmieg Ann 640 Carpenter La Phila Pa 19119 Schmieg Martin 640 Carpenter La Phila Pa 19119 Schmitt Janet C 741 Linton Hill Rd Newtown Pa 18940-1207 Schmitt Keith R 741 Linton Hill Rd Newtown Pa 18940-1207 Schmitt Perry R 741 Linton Hill Rd Newtown Pa 18940-1207 Schmitt Stephanie 741 Linton Hill Rd Newtown Pa 18940-1207 Schneider Helen 6255 Revere St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Schneider Josephine 2414 S. Sartain St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Schneider Karl A 564 Leverington Avenue Phila Pa 19128-2634 Schneider Rebecca M 6935 Sherman St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Schneider Robert W 12510 Ramer Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 ��������������������������������������������������������� Schreiber Randi 3701 Stanton St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Schul Emma F 40 Pueblo Rd New Britain Pa 18901 Schuler Margaret M 5939 Loretto Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Schulgen Ronald 6139 Edmund St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Schultz Jeffrey J 4019 Aldine St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Schultz Philip J 1140 E Sedgley Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Schultz Stanley 2002 Laveer St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Schultz Ward G 235 Wembly Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Schurr James 1461 Lardner St Philadelphia Pa 19149 �������������������������������������������������������� Schwartz Bessie 8126 Summerdale Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19152 Schwartz Beth 1307 Pine Rd Rosemont Pa 19010-1634 Schwartz David S Md 4641 Roosevelt Boulevard Adams Medical Building Phila Pa 19124-2343 Schwartz Florence 1635 Hoffnagle St, B5 Philadelphia Pa 19152 Schwartz Havivah D 3510 Hamilton St, 3w Philadelphia Pa 19104 Schwartz Jill 1226 Glenview St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Schwartz Linda S 441 N 5th Street Philadelphia Pa 19123 Schwartz Robert J Sr 4603 Bleigh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19136 Schwartz Thomas S 136 W Tulpehocken St Philadelphia Pa 19144-2620 Schwartz William 3244 Aramingo Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134-4405 Schwartzman Richard 2530 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Schweizer George 9223 Convent Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Schwendner Betty L Miss 263 Glen Riddle Rd 262 Media Pa 19063-0000 Schwendner Betty L Miss 263 Glen Riddle Rd 262 Media Pa 19063-0000 Schwitter Frank 10212 Ambridge Pl Philadelphia Pa 19114 Sciandra Kathryn A 2200 Ben Franklin Pky Philadelphia Pa 19130 Scirato Jennie 2024 S. 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Scotchbrook Twn Houses 1536 Gregg St, B Philadelphia Pa 19115 Scott Bob 250 S 17th St Apt 1000 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Scott Claudia 1354 Weaver St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19150 Scott David 1218 W. Oxford St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Scott Debra Leigh 17 Bryn Mawravenue Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Scott Edna 1634 Titan St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Scott Edna M 6459 Chew Ave Phila Pa 19119-2038 Scott Glen 5542 W Girard Ave 2nd Fl Philadelphia Pa 19131Scott Lawrence 5121 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Scott Marvin 1731 W. Atlantic St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Scott Patricia 5043 N. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Scott Sara 4047 Irving St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Scott Terri L. 33 Jasmine Court Newtown Pa 18940 Scott Virgel A 2907 N. 26th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Scotty’s Auto Body & Repair & 5410 Morse Street Philadelphia Pa 19131

PAGE 58 Scroggins Laverne H 4000 Presidntl Bl7-701 222 S Easton Philadelphia Pa 19131 Scruggs Diane L 7508 Forrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150 Scruggs Harold V 7301 Algon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Scudder William 5157 Whittaker Ave Phila Pa 19124 Scuderi Paul 2246 S. Hemberger St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Scullin Mary J 3956 Terrace St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Scurry Dwayne 204 E. Hortter St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Scurry Wilma 5734 Wheeler St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Search T C 1426 W. Girard Ave, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19130 Security National Servici 1958 Dallas Rd Philadelphia Pa 19138 Seder Paul 3812 Violet Dr Philadelphia Pa 19154 Sedgwick Claims 1801 Market St 5 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Sedlack Helen G 3038 Brighton St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1924 Seese Charles 625 Whitney St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Segal Donald P O Box 1150 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Segal Jeanne 111 Cuthbert St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Segletes Angela 3757 Cresson St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Seifert Pearl 7806 Cresheim Road Philadelphia Pa 19118-4003 Seitz Gary F 555 Parker Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19128 Seitz John 4052 Irving St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Selano Ariel H 3776 Cresson St Philadelphia Pa 19127-2103 Self Inc 1835 S. 57th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Selig Colin H 6129 Greene St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Sellar Jeffrey R 3231 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19104-6202 Seloski Muamed 1229 N. Hancock St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Seltzer Michelle 873 N. Pennock St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Seltzer William 99 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Selvaggio Leonard J 240 South Street 2nd Flr Philadelphia Pa 19147 Sem Kosal 2234 S. 5th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Semola Donna M. 2612 Brown Street Philadelphia Pa 19130 Senavitis Stephen J 2004 E. Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Seneca Robert 11 North Main St New Hope Pa 18938 Senkins Shareef 51 N 3rd St # 135 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Sephes Michael S 5612 Willows Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Serab C H 864 S. Alden St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Serhant James A 2411 E Delancey Place Philadelphia Pa 19103-6408 Serrano Carmelo 3059 N. Orianna St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Serrano Matos Jose M 2022 N. 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Serrano Pedro A 1303 N. 6th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19122 Serritella Antoinette R 415 S Van Pelt Street Philadelphia Pa 19146 Service Auto Supply Philadelphia Pa Service Minnette 1720 S. 6th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19148 Sery Michael 51 N 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Sesqui Dry Cleaning 28 Garrett Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Settles Lillian 1626 N. Newkirk St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Sew Smart Fabrics 30 W Oakland Av Doylestown Pa 18901 Sewastynowicz Czeslawa 12576 Nanton Dr Philadelphia Pa 19154 Sewell Brandy D 6118 Locust St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19139 Sgrignuoli F T 1866 E Clarence St Phila Pa 19134 Sh Medical Associates 2116 Chestnut St Sh Medical Assoc Phila Pa 19103-4401 Shablin Elizabeth 1431 Higbee St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3222 Shablin Elizabeth 1431 Higbee Street Philadelphia Pa 19149 Shachnovitz Melissa 1110 Tabor Ln Phila Pa 19111 Shadyside Medical Services C/O Healthcare Bus. Resources One Bala Plaza Suite 545 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Shah Mahendra 1818 Market Street 30th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103-3699 Shah Nikhil 3914 Sansom St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Shah Rushabh 2200 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy Apt. #W512 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Shah Sarla D 2034 Chestnust St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Shahabe Vishwajit 3902 City Ave Apt B-1108 Philadelphia Pa 19131-7706 Shaheed Nasir 2539 N. 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Shakir Abdul 4420 Parrish Street Philadelhia Pa 19104 Shakur Sakina 5628 N. Warnock St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Shal Pao Chen Ta The Great Wall 6200 Castor Ave Phila Pa 19149 Shane Edith S 1311 E Carey St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Shaner Corrie A 25 Sandy Hill Road Boyertown Pa 19512 Shaner William 1866 E. Westmoreland St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Shanken Andy 713 S. 19th St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Shanley Lois M 7901 Henry Av 412 Philadelphia Pa 19128-3060 Shannon Grady Enterprises 231 St Asaphs Rd Apt 131 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Shannon Joseph P 761 E Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Shap Electronics Co Inc 10071 Sandmeyer Ln, B Philadelphia Pa 19116 Shapey Thelma 2541 Shelmire Ave, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19152 Shapiro Herman 8531 Benton St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Shapiro Inessa 750 Sanford St, 203 Philadelphia Pa 19116 Shapiro Louis 1334 N. 76th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Shaqfeh Daniel 32 North Lincoln Avenue Newtown Pa 18940Sharma Ajay 220 E. Mermaid Ln, 206 Philadelphia Pa 19118 Sharon Baptist Church 3955 Conshohocken Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Sharp Irene B 370 S Old Middletown Rd Media Pa 19063 Sharp Kathleen A 5718 N. Lawrence St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Sharpe Norice 621 Elkins Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Sharpe Roy M 358 E Meehan Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Shaughnessy William 1626 E. Howell St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Shaw John 3836 Lancaster Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Shaw Louise 4914 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-2006 Shaw Louise 4914 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-0000 Shaw Michael 113 N. 63rd St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Shaw Raymond 6715 Glenloch St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Shaw Tom 7223 Rupert St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1317 Shawcroft Phyllis 8104 Bustleton Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19152 Shawqi Masterbil 2221 S. Bonsall St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Shea Daniel 3935 Baltimore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Shea Ronald E 12657 Biscayne Dr Philadelphia Pa 19154 Shearn Charles E %Mrs Gertrude Baxter 12 Catherine St Doylestown Pa 18901 Shedlarski Sean J 735 N. 26th St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Sheehan Susan J A 7649 Malvern Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Sheehan William 1601 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19102-2909 Sheeran Joan Y 1924 S. 29th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Sheerin John E 6019 N. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Sheets Mark J Anne Brandt Eckell Sparks Firm Media Pa 19063 ��������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ Sheikh Rashid S 31 Kent Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-2406 Sheils Stephanie F 410 N. 32nd St, A Philadelphia Pa 19104 Shein & Brookman 235 S. 17th St, A Philadelphia Pa 19103 Shek Jay K Unknown Philadelphia Pa 19104 Sheldon Frank 2925 Teesdale St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Shellenberger Elisabeth 107 W School House Ln Philadelphia Pa 19144-3348 Shellys Pharmacy 3 10101 Academy Road Philadelphia Pa 19114 Shelton Chante C 7325a West Chester 1-B 2600 Philmon Upper Darby Pa 19082

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Shepard Executive Resources 2 Bala Plaza Suite 300 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Shepard Lorraine 239 N. Gross St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Shepherd Dennis 7105 Ridge Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Shepherd Theresa M 7105 Ridge Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Shepherdson Judy 116 E. Moreland Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Sheppard Alma Paige 7430 Thouron Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19138 Sheppard Elizabeth L C/O Frank Beverages 3929 G St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Sher Michael 8369 Langdon St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Sheridan Kristie 333 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Sheridan Matthew J 7228 Rutland St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Sheriff Keima N 6913 Sylvester St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19149 Sherk Rodd C 7230 Ditman St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Sherman Alexander 536 Lawler St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Sherman Harold 7612 Brentwood Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Sherman Irene The Warwick Apt 906 1700 Locust Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Sherman Irving The Warwick Apt 906 1700 Locust Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Sherman Khadijah N 2147 S. Gould St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Sherman Laurie A 509 S. 24th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Sherman Mark E 4524 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Shermer Marie L 264 West Walnut Lane Philadelphia Pa 19144 Sherrick Edward L 2830 E. Venango St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Sherrod Shawn 1806 S Broad Street Philadelphia Pa 19145Shf Financial Inc 2200 Ben Franklin Pkwy 10 Philadelphia Pa 19130-3704 Shields Timothy 2226 N. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 ������������������������������������������������������������� Shimer Albert 26 S 59th St Philadelphia Pa 19139-3104 Shimer Albert G 26 S 59th St Philadelphia Pa 19139-3104 Shindell Annette S 1505 Elbridge St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2821 Shindell Jack F 1505 Elbridge St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2821 Shine Michele U 2505 N. Colorado St Philadelphia Pa 19132 ������������������������������������������������������������� Shinholestor Frances 2240 Pemberton Street Philadelphia Pa 19146 Shinnamon Tana G 1911 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Shinners William L 60 W Princeton Rd Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2512 Shinners William L 60 W Princeton Rd Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2512 Shipp Rendell L 2002 N. Etting St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Shiu Tze Mun Rhoda 924 Garrett Rd. Upper Darby Pa 19082 Shlomchik Seymour 413 S. 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Shmidt Richard G Md Po Box 2519 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Shoenberger Joseph 4018 N. Darien St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Shorb Jay W 1295 N Providence Rd #105 Media Pa 19063-1234 Shore Bunny 226 W Rittenhouse Sq Philadelphia Pa 19103Shore Leonard 64103 Delaire Landing Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Short & Shuls 15203 Bustleton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19116 Shoukry Amer M 2033 Wilmot St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Shoulder Brett K 151 Leverington Ave, 300 Philadelphia Pa 19127 Shouse Christa M 1626 Dickinson St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Shovlin Bernard I 1920 Chestnut St-Room 900 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Shrager Anita R 214 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Shu Han Yang 3900 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Shuler Raymond W 236 E. Collom St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Shultz Jake M 346 Central Avenue North Hills Pa 19038-1207 Shupe Cynthia 55101 Delaire Landing Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Shuster Godfrey Jr 1262 Hemlock Dr Philadelphia Pa 19116 Shutack John G 11 Courtney Circle Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Shwartzcampbell And Detweille 1601 Market St 34th Flr Philadelphia Pa 19103 Siano Dennis 1116 E. Cheltenham Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Siddharth Meera B 643 Lombard St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Siddiqui Adnan K 275 S Bryn Mawr Ave Apt D15 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Siderio Paul 3418 Aubrey Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Siebenaler Lavern V 107 Center Ave Willow Grove Pa 19090 Siegal Ida 6638 Horrocks St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Siegal Robert 6638 Horrocks St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Siegfried Margaretta 4640 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Sielski Michael 116 Mary Street Doylestown Pa 18901 ������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������� Siker L 1804 Orthodox St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Sikorski E D 3038 Brighton St Philadelphia Pa 19149-1924 ������������������������������������������������������������� Silinskas Walter J 3033 Memphis St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Siliquini John J 304 Silver Ave Willow Grove Pa 19090 Silk Abstract Co 224 S 20th St Phila Pa 19103 Sillhopkins Joy 2048 E Wellington Rd Newtown Pa 18940-3710 Siloam Meth Ch 1333 E. Susquehanna Ave Philadelphia Pa 19125 Silva Alacelma 6391 Oxford Ave Unit 293 Phila Pa 19134 Silva Amenia F 5110 Arendell Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Silva Ermida 6711 Castor Ave 1st Floor Philadelphia Pa 19149 Silva Marie 1136 Tree St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Silvente Marion 1534 Pine St, 3r Philadelphia Pa 19102 Silver Michael 6223 Langdon St. Phila Pa 19111 Silverberg Misoon 2024 Locust Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Silveri Vincenzo 6544 Harlan St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Silverman Ann 4560 Old Easton Rd Doylestown Pa 18901 Silverman Herman 4560 Old Easton Rd Doylestown Pa 18901 Silverstein Joseph Barnett 2 Logan Sq. 12th Flr. Philadelphia Pa 19103 Silverstein William B 501 W. Westview St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Silvetti Deborah 818 E. Schiller St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Simcox Anna Mary 209 Anderson Ave Media Pa 19063-5918 Simkus Mary 9746 Redd Rambler Ter Philadelphia Pa 19115 Simmons Annie 3015 W. Sedgley Ave Philadelphia Pa 19121 Simmons Bernard E C/O Cassandra Simmons 1522 So 18th St Philadelphia Pa Simmons James 391 E. Cliveden St, A1 Philadelphia Pa 19119 Simmons Jean 2923 W. Oakdale St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Simmons Lillie 3136 N.12th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Simmons Manuel 5629 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19139-3211 Simms Herbert 2226 Latona St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Simon Ann M 7901 Henry Ave Apt D310 Phila Pa 19128 Simon David Logan Square East Apt 1912 Phila Pa 19103 Simon David Logan Square East Apt 1912 Phila Pa 19103 Simon Jean Two Franklintown Blvd Logan Square East Apt 1912 Phila Pa 19103 Simon Jean Two Franklintown Blvd Logan Square East Apt 1912 Phila Pa 19103 Simon Jean T 1723 Mount Vernon St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19130 Simon Julia 1216 Hellerman St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Simoni Amelia 6320 Large St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2743 Simons Celia A 473 W. Ellet St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Simpkins Cornelia 2814 W. Stiles St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Simpson Alice 5115 N. 10th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19141 Simpson Edward 1418 N. Hirst St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Simpson Junior 5418 Chester Ave, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19143 Simpson Mary 2317 Tulip St Philadelphia Pa 19125

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Sims Weldon H 4401 Conshohocken Ave Apt B7 Philadelphia Pa 19131-1539 Singer Gail L Po Box 58271 Phila Pa 19102 Singer Harry 231 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19106-4313 Singer Jaime E 4029 Walnut St, 7 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Singer Kenneth M 1116 Easton Rd Apt 4 Willow Grove Pa 19090 Singer Mark G 32 East Princeton Road Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2241 Singer Mark G 32 E Princeton Rd Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2241 Singer Samatha J. 275 Bryn Mawr Avenue Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Singer Victoria 231 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19106-4313 Singh Inderjit 243 Rocklyn Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Singh Kunwar 3903 City Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Singhal Sunil 3131 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Singleton Charles 112 N. Dewey St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Singleton Ruth 5647 Appletree St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Sinkler Gladys Arnold 508 Ott Road William R Reynolds Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Sinnott Anna Arrott Arms 9e Arrott & Leiper St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Siorek Josephine 217 Carson Street Philadelphia Pa 19127 Sipes Clifford Sr 1911 Hartel Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Sirianni Margaret 4518 Tadkawanna St Philadelphia Pa 19124-3732 Siriki Kamagate 4706 Baltimore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19147 Sisholtz Abraham 421 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Siv K Ly 5441 Baltimore Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Skibber Christina 911 S. Bodine St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Sklar Mary K 746 S. 3rd St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Sklar Scott 9021 Ashton Rd Philadelphia Pa 19136 Sklodowski Daniel W 3519 Vinton Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Skocic Joseph 6426 Chelwynde Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Skookowsky Margaret 3059 Magee Ave, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19149 Skora Matthew 2737 E. Indiana Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Skordian C 3016 N Percy St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Slack Harriet 9503 State Road Apt # 313 Philadelphia Pa 19114-3037 Slade John A 8302 Williams Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150 Slade Sylvester 705 N. 40th St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19104 Slamander Well Interiors 603 West Hartwell Lane Philadelphia Pa 19118 Slapinsky Karina C/O Joseph & Gretchen Slapinsk 910 Harston Lane Erdenheim Pa 19038 ����������������������������������������������������������������������� Slaughter Robert L 1538 Point Breeze Ave Philadelphia Pa 19146-0000 Slaughter Robert L 1538 Point Breeze Ave Philadelphia Pa 19146-0000 Slauter Eric T 4836 Hazel Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Slavin John 5232 Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19124 Slavin M R 8713 Shawnee St Phila Pa 19118-3709 Slaweski Paul 3202 Birch Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Slayton Aina 106 North Ruby St. Philadelphia Pa 19139 Slemmer Rosemary 3133 Hellerman St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Slemmer William E Jr 4215 Marple St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Slick Marlyn G 9425 Stenton Ave Unit 206 Glenside Pa 19038-8232 Slifkin Axe 260 S Broad St Ste 1100 Philadelphia Pa 19102-5021 Slipakoff Jerald E 101 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Sloan Judith 6653 Blakemore St, D Philadelphia Pa 19119 Sloane Alease 1620 N. 62nd St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Slygh Thomas H 4514 Ogden St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Slyvester Patrick 1815 Delancey Pl Philadelphia Pa 19103 Smakulski Christine 1620 E. Lycoming St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Smart Rachael 614 E. Allens Ln Philadelphia Pa 19119 Smeed Patrick C 5547 Torresdale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Smelter Laura E 2815 W. Queen Ln, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19129 Smigielski John 2528 E Westmoreland St Philadelphia Pa 19134-5234 Smile Builders Inc 3790 Morrell Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Smile Builders Inc 3790 Morrell Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Smith A M 11618 Bustleton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19116 Smith Amy L 4318 N. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Smith Anna 5906 Lansdowne Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Smith Anna M R 2608 S. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Smith Candis L 324 Lombard Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Smith Catherine F 1504 S. Newkirk St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Smith Christine 346 N 62nd St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Smith Clarence 2935 N 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Smith Colleen M 618 Glen Echo Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119 Smith Connie 2702 Willits Rd, 3d Philadelphia Pa 19152 Smith Corathea 2254 N. 9th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Smith Corene 1626 Swain St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Smith Cynthia B 8734 Wissahickon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Smith Darryl W 829 S 57th Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 Smith Donald E 1815 E. Wensley St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Smith Dorothy G 1859 E. Tioga St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Smith Earl 308 N. 39th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Smith Edward 1222 E. Susquehanna Ave Philadelphia Pa 19125 Smith Efrosini 5917 Shisler St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Smith Elizabeth 3939 Cambridge St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Smith Ella M 303 E. Ashdale St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Smith Ethel L 5312 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19143-1415 Smith Fannie P 3435 Ridge Ave Philadelphia Pa 19132 Smith Fred 5453 Wissahickon Ave. Philadelphia Pa 19144 Smith Gail 5227 N. Sydenham St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Smith Harvey M 1436 S Taylor St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4010 Smith Harvey M 1436 S Taylor St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4010 Smith Ian S M 512 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Smith Ibilara E 6435 Grays Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Smith Isaas 3215 W. Gordon St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Smith J W Ex Jr 101 Bryn Mawr Ave Suite 110 Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-3122 Smith Jabari One Logan Sq Phila Pa 19103 Smith Jacob R 2005 Market Street Suite 1200 Philadelphia Pa 19103-7008 Smith James 4001 Monument Rd Apt 407 Phila Pa 19131 Smith James 5912 N. 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Smith James H 5534 Beaumont Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-4706 Smith James H 5534 Beaumont Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-4706 Smith Jeffrey 1619 Grove Ave Rydal Pa 19046 Smith John 441 Roxborough Roxborough Pa 19128 Smith Joseph 4639 Westmister Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Smith Joseph 5844 Trinity St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Smith Judy 90 E. Springer St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Smith Kenneth 1430 S 49th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Smith Marilyn E 4609 Regent St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Smith Martha 3615 K Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Smith Mary 2323 Christian Street Philadephia Pa 19146 Smith Matthew 1542 S. 15th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Smith May 3342 Collins St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Smith Michael Sr 1272 Bonsall St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Smith Moneka L 140 E. Walnut Ln Philadelphia Pa 19144 Smith Nichole 1829 N. Ringgold St Philadelphia Pa 19121

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Smith Norma 242 Righter St Phila Pa 19128 Smith Olivia 817 Diamond St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Smith Paticia 528 S. 15th St. Phila Pa 19146 Smith Pauline 223 N. Ruby St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Smith Ray E 3431 Kirwin Pl N Capehart Hsin Philadelphia Pa 19145 Smith Rebecca Y 1813 N. Newkirk St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Smith Regina 2150 Stevens St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Smith Richard B 357 Pelham Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119 Smith Robert 1720 Girard Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19130 Smith Robert 2511 North 9th Street Philadelphia Pa 19133 Smith Robert R 4731 Marple St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Smith Samuel 5138 Keyser St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Smith Stephen 4508 Mitchell St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Smith Tammy S 1345 S Dover St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Smith Tina E 8322 Ardleigh Street Philadelphia Pa 19118 Smith Viola 4832 Aspen St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Smith Wallace 19 N 58th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Smith Wallace 19 N 58th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Smith Wallace 19 N 58th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Smith Wandetta 1215 W. Fisher Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19141 Smith William 327 Krams Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Smith Willie M 5631 Haverford Ave Phila Pa 19131 Smith Willie R 241 N 60th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Smith Yvonne 1832 N. 17th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19121 Smolarski Lenora 1325 Marlborough St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Smolowe Jonathan L 2866 Furlong Rd Doylestown Pa 18901-1606 Smolowe Shaina L 2866 Furlong Rd Doylestown Pa 18901-1606 Smuckler William 7315 Sprague St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Smyth Mary R 1905 E. Monmouth St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Snead George 853 N. 27th St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Snead Ira 4034 Parkside Ave, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Snock Catherine V 153 Widener St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Snyder Lillian 7718 Bradford St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Snyder Mark S 418 Fitzwater St, B Philadelphia Pa 19147 Snyder Milton A Iii 8244 West Chester Pike Upper Darby Pa 19082-2723 Snyder Milton A Iii 8244 West Chester Pike Upper Darby Pa 19082-2723 Snyder Theodore 1542 Hellerman St Phila Pa 19149-2825 Snydman Marie P Trust 1515 The Fair Way Leonard Snydman Rydal Pa 19046 Sobah Victoria 64 Springton Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Sobolesky Mary 2715 E. Monmouth St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Social Security Po Box 3430 Philadelphia Pa 19122 Society Hill Florist 713 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19106-3247 Sodano Frank J 226 E. Fisher Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Soden Thomas 65 N 34th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Soeun Tough 701 Summit Ave Apt B211 Philadelphia Pa 19128Soffen Deborah 463 West Ellet Street Philadelphia Pa 19119 Soffen Julie Hannah 463 West Ellet Street Philadelphia Pa 19119 Soffer Beth Park Towne 22nd & Parkway Philadelphia Pa 19130 Soffer Kenneth Park Towne 22nd & Parkway Philadelphia Pa 19130 Soffer Mildred 6719 Oakland St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19149 Sohn Jeff 8114 Verree Rd Apt C 208 Philadelphia Pa 19111-2380 Sokolov Serguei 9305 Ashton Rd, F1 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Sokolowski Stanley 357 Lemonte St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Solari Nicolette 1426 S. Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Soler Baillo Jose M 531 South 17th Street Apt. A Philadelphia Pa 19146-1557 Solivan Luis R 7103 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Solodar James S 720 Lombard St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Solomon Althea 5615 Mcmahon St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Solomon Annabelle Apt 1608 William Oenn House 1919 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103Solomon Benjamin B Apt 1608 William Oenn House 1919 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103Solomon Morris 1334 Pennington Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Solomon Schechter Day School Old Lancaster Rd And Highland Bala Cynwyd Pa Solomon Sherman Gabay Suite 1600 1 Penn Ctr At Subu 1617 John F Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19103 Solow Josh 177 W Master St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Som Ou 4732 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Som Suchinda 6145 Market St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19139 Somershoe Alvie E 306 Church St Willow Grove Pa 19090 Sommerville Elaine 5331 Willows Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Son Gloria P 2002 Titan St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Song Cha Man 2629 W. Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19130 Song Junkyeu 3900 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Song Liang 10825 E. Keswick Rd, 202 Philadelphia Pa 19154 Sons Insurance Servi 1601 Washington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19146 Sophia Mc Cla 720 W. Wellens Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Sorokin Meyer 3901 Conshocken Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Sosronie Mihai 3643 Lancaster Ave, C Philadelphia Pa 19104 Sotero Joanna 532 S 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Soto Madeline 4156 Orchard St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Souder Shirley T 4634 Ella St Philadelphia Pa 19120 South Phila Ins Assoc 7275 Rupert St Philadelphia Pa 19149 South Philadelphia Medical Practice Logan Pediatrics 1438 E Passyunk Ave Philadelphia Pa 19147South Philadelphia Therapy 1801 South 20th Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 South Shore Auto World 50 Monument Dr Bala Cynwd Pa 19004 South Street Properties L 802 South St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Southerlamd Craig 3500 Fairmount Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Southwark Plaza 901 S. 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Southwark Plaza L P 311 Washington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19147 Southwark Plaza L P 929 S. 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Souza Reinaldo 1200 Greeby St Apt A Phila Pa 19111 Sovath J Sinn 1831 Harrison St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Sovath Sinn J 5053 Baltimore Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Sow Elizabeth 709 W. Raymond St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Spadaro Emma 730 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Spadaro Mary T 1537 S. 11th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Spadel Edward F 5938 Colgate St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Spaeth Ann W 15 Laughlin Lane Philadelphia Pa 19118 Spagnoli Rita 1709 S Bancroft St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2204 Spain Julia 1523 67th Ave Philadelphia Pa 19126 Spalek Katharina 4248 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Spangenberg Georgia 1418 N 2nd Street Philadelphia Pa 19122 Spaniak Patty 1908 Green St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Sparkman Edward Po Box 40119 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Sparkman Willie 140 E. Albanus St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Sparks Nettie 256 S St Bernard St Philadelphia Pa 19139-4238 Spates Diane 2339 W. Firth St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Spear Burton Attn Burton Spear 3040 Mill Rd Doylestown Pa 18901 Speca Oswald 2725 Mckean St Philadelphia Pa 19145-2513

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Specker Bertha J 2778 W. Country Club Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19131 Spector Rose 2103 Tyson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Speegle Retta 6106 Torresdale Ave, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19135 Speller Dorothy 2538 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Speller Towanda L 5653 Malcolm St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Spence Cecil 1634 Titan St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Spence Gleen R 1200 Ellsworth St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Spence Harriet E 6738 Rising Sun Ave, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19111 ����������������������������������������������������������� Spencer William J 1027 Chandler St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Spenkle Thomas P 3931 Lawndale St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Spevak Sylvia Brith Shalom House Apt 51 3939 Conshohocken Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131--540 Spicer James T 2563 S. 69th St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Spiewak Elizabeth 2625 E. Schiller St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Spinal Rehabilitation Assoc 4520 City Avenue 3rd Floor Philadelphia Pa 19131 Spinelli Frank 2740 Cranston Rd 2nd Floor Philadelphia Pa 19131 Spiro Anna 6819 Sylvester St Philadelphia Pa 19149-2219 Spivak Boris 7810 Algon Ave Apt A 105 Philadelphia Pa 19111-2851 Spivery Joyce 1640 S. Conestoga St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Spiwak Cecelia 27415 E Venango Philadelphia Pa 19134-0000 Sprangers Michael 6640 Algard St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Springs Devereux C 950 Haverford Road Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Spruce Mri Associates 210 W Washington Square Philadelphia Pa 19106 Spruce Street Physical Therapy 6100 Spruce Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Squadroni Lucielle 2107 S. 20th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Sroka Helen 2363 Duncan St Philadelphia Pa 19124 St John Margaret 4018 Howland St Philadelphia Pa 19124 St Josephs University 4040 Presidential Blvd Apt 2402 Lincoln Green Apts Philadelphia Pa 19131 Stack Catherine S 691 Mayfair St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Stadler Daniel 1009 South 8th St Apt 4 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Stafford Janie M 3439 W. School House Ln Philadelphia Pa 19129 Stafford Joseph 2056 Eastburn Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Stahl Claire 7034 Horrocks St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Stahlnecker John Jr 2122 E. Birch St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Stahmer Sarah A 925 Morgan Road Rydal Pa 19046 Stalker Estateofje 160 Long Ln #416 Upper Darbey Pa 19082 Stalker Estateofje 160 Long Ln #416 Upper Darbey Pa 19082 Stallings Joe N 5242 N. 10th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19141 Stallworth Howard 2534 N. Palethorp St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Stallybrass Peter 2407 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Stampone Nicholas P 6341 Marsden St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Stanbach George T 7228 Radbourne Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082-5115 Stanback Rose M R 2840 W. Albert St Philadelphia Pa 19132 �������������������������������������������������������������� Stanley Christa 3610 Baring St Philadelphia Pa 19104-2333 Stanley David 3610 Baring St Philadelphia Pa 19104-2333 Stanley Margaret 5322 Arlington St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19131 Stanley Stanley T 5501 Vine St Philadelphia Pa 19139 ������������������������������������������������������������������ Stapleton Patrick J 3422 W. Queen Ln Philadelphia Pa 19129 Starcite Inc 1650 Arch Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Starkes Leila M 2432 N 56th St Philadelphia Pa 19131-1311 Starling Fredrick H 2033 Spring Garden St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Starr Jo R 833 Dickinson St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Stas Christian A 8425 Germantown Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19118 Stasiak Bernard 9197 Ryerson Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Staton Rosa 5631 Haverford Ave, 205 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Staton Selena D 2206 Madison Sq Philadelphia Pa 19146 Stauffer Charles R 100 W. Mermaid Ln Philadelphia Pa 19118 Stavola Maria 515 N. 64th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Steaks 8207 Murrys 3521 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19140 Stearne Elsie 1250 Pratt St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Stebbing Harry 15 Arthur Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-1502 Stec Peter C 8306 Alma St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19152 Steck Eleanor C 9359 Lansford St Philadelphia Pa 19114 Steele Vanessa 230 Stamper St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Steer Sara B 1921 Briarcliff Rd Meadowbrook Pa 19046-1301 Stefano Anna M R 3003 S. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Stegena Roy T.J. 414 East Baltimore Pike Media Pa 19063 Steger Brenda 1951 E Berkshire Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Steil W Gladys 5414 Spring St Philadelphia Pa 19139-2052 Stein Mindy B 1 Independence Place Apt 805 241 S 6th Street Philadelphia Pa Steinberg Charles 4433 Saint Davids St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19127 Steinberg Reva B 812 Lombard St, 5 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Steinbrook Stephen 756 N. 26th St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Steiner Steven L 717 Red Lion Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19115 Steinman Gertrude K 1901 John F Kennedy Bl 1806 Philadelphia Pa 19103-0000 Steinman Irving 1901 John F Kennedy Bl 1806 Philadelphia Pa 19103-0000 Steltz Doris K 247 East Rd Doylestown Pa 18901-3120 Stem George 4550 Loring St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Stemmer M M S 453 Leverington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Stephen Gale And Associates Llp 200 S 36th St Phila Pa 19104 Stephen Welch 1100 S Broad St Apt #507b Philadelphia Pa 19146 Stephens Colleen 4823 Old York Rd, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19141 Stephens Frank 6929 Ardleigh St Philadelphia Pa 19119 ���������������������������������������������������������� Stephenson Jay T 836 N 25th St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1819 Sterling Frances G 1156 South 52nd St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Sterling Group Reality 4229 Germantown Av Philadelphia Pa 19144 Steve Sharp Photography 413 N. Seventh St. Suite 600 Philadelphia Pa 19123 Steven John G 1339 S. 4th St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Steven Prusky 1 Belmont Ave #519 Bala Cynwid Pa 19004 Stevens Advertising 1700 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Stevens Myrtle 4523 N. Gratz St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Stevens Russell 1742 Sansom Street Phila Pa 19103 Stevenson Walter 129 S. 48th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Stever Mark 716 Hartel Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Stewart Alfred 2317 Gaulet St Philadelphia Pa 19063 Stewart Constance 2130 Montrose St, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19146 Stewart Dolly M 2556 N. Sartain St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Stewart Gwendolyn 711 S. Frazier St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Stewart Herbert 6057 Regent St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Stewart Herbert L 7124 Forrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Stewart John J 6437 Edmund St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19135 Stewart Michael 5740 N. Camac St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Stewart Robert 2131 Longshore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149-1818 Stewart Robert J 3208 D Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Stieffenhofer Carl Jr 1107 Arrott St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Stier Marc 6714 Wissahickon Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19119-0000

PAGE 59 Stilchea Carmela 1321 Sigel St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Stiles Kari S 2759 E. Country Club Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19131 Stiles Wonza A 6730 N. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Stillo Carlo M 2254 N. Front St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Stinney Lillian 5504 Beaumont Ave, A Philadelphia Pa 19143 Stinson Jaclyn C 437 Roxborough Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19128 Stinson Shirley 5129 Aspen St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Stinson Steven S 437 Roxborough Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19128 Stinson William 1232 S. Markoe St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Stirling Linda 2859 Shipley Rd Philadelphia Pa 19152 Stith Theresa M 4701 Conshohocken Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Stock Amy 3971 Capt Molly Cir Doylestown Pa 18901 Stockman Darin L 3200 Race Street Philadelphia Pa 19104Stokes Bernice 1806 N. Taney St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Stokes F J 5500 Tabor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Stokes Timothy R 924 N. 4th St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19123 Stokley Randolph 3851 N. 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Stollman Norma 608 Princeton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Stolz Management 10175 Northeast Ave, A Philadelphia Pa 19116 Stone Barbara 2231 S Bouvier St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3806 Stone Camille M 425 N. Simpson St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Stone Deborah 6219 Samson St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Stone Eric J 333 S. 43rd St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Stone Jack 1513 S. 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Stone Olga M 8517 Alicia St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Stone Rhonda Williams 7720 Buist Ave Philadelphia Pa 19153 Stopyra Josephine 4327 Deerpath Ln Philadelphia Pa 19154 Storch Scott S 326 Bainbridge Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Storr Cynthia 33 Wyckwood Ct Newtown Pa 18940Storti Lucille A N 2432 S. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Stovall Arthur H 254 S. Ithan St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Stover Sharon 2031 S Frazier St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Stowers Andrea R 1513 S. Cleveland St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Stracciolini Wm 1526 S. 9th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Strassler Matthew J 2319 Naudain St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Stratford Dalshe 1414 N. 15th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19121 Stratford Kathy 3914 Coral St Philadelphia Pa 19124-5015 Stratford Ronald 7223 Sommers Rd Philadelphia Pa 19138 Straus Dorothy K Bever Hills Apt B3 Jenkintown Pa 19046 Straus John F 1614 Lewis St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Strauss Fannie 3921 Poplar St Philadelphia Pa 19104-1115 Strawberry Mansion Medical 1801 South 20th Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Strecker Elmer 2354 E. York St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Strenchock Ruth A 2634 S. Daggett St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Stretz Mary 5901 Elmhurst St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Strickman Sarah Overbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Stringer Carissa 2006 E. Birch St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Stroguzzi Pietro 2015 S. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Strom Carolyn 4000 Pine St, 3r Philadelphia Pa 19104 Strong Woodrow 5121 Warrington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Strotmeyer Patricia B 4745 Umbria St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19127 Stroud Jonathan 1500 S St Ap 3404 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Stroud Richard J 582 Alcott St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Strouse Sandra D 403 S Lane St Apt G 104 Doylestown Pa 18901 Strum Maude R 2121 Reed St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4533 Strunk Shanon 6626 Lynford St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Struth Ellen G 3515 N Water St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1027 Struther Ernest L 49 Hamilton Cir Philadelphia Pa 19130 Stsb Inc 7000 Terminal Square Upper Darby Pa 19082 Stubenrauch Albert F 10825 E. Keswick Rd, 102 Philadelphia Pa 19154 Stumacher Rosalie 9206 Laramie Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115 Stumar Investigation P.O. Box 4699 Philadelphia Pa 19127 Stumpf Chris 18 S. Letitia St, 1a Philadelphia Pa 19106 Sturgis William J 1030 Belmont Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104-1277 Sturm Goldie T 618 E. Durham St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Sturtz Stephen D 4201 Stirling St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Sturtz Stephen D 4203 Stirling St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Su Chih H 3902 City Ave B-1005 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Suarez Eric J 158 Mcclellan St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Suber Berchard V 1814 W Mt Airy Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Submicron Systems Inc 111 Township Line Rd Philadelphia Pa 19111 Suburban Orthopaedic 1648 Huntingdon Pike Meadowbrook Pa 19046 Suburban Pain Control Center One Abington Plaza Ste 202 Jenkintown Pa 19046 Suchochic Susan 2725 E. Cumberland St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19125 Sucholdolski Joseph 10218 Dedaker St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Sudler Nancy 1411 Walnut St W61 Philadelphia Pa 19102 ����������������������������������������������������������� Suh Cynthia M 5409 N. 5th St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19120 Suh Jin Dba J&M Wireless 128 S 20 St Phila Pa 19103 Sullivan Daniel F 2606 Saint Christopher Dr Philadelphia Pa 19148 Sullivan Francis J 6407 N. 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Sullivan James 910 S 51st St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Sullivan Judith A 4420 Aldine St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Sullivan Loretta R 5719 Reach St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Sullivan Nannie R 4037 Springgarden St Apt 2 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Sullivan Tracy A 583 Alcott St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Sulpizio Anthony 1023 Carpenter St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Sultan Siddique 5431 Howland St 2 Phila Pa 19124 ����������������������������������������������������������� Summers Beverly 343 Limekiln Pike Glenside Pa 19038-3321 Summit Park 701 Summit Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19128 ������������������������������������������������� Sungaila Joseph F 5214 Burton St Philadelphia Pa 19124-1502 Sunoco Inc 1801 Market St 27th Fl Philadelphia Pa 19103 Sunshine Eugene 1810 Grant Ave, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19115 Sunstein Charles G Jr C/O Sunstein Estates One Penn Center Ste 335 1617 Jfk Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19103-1821 Sunstein Melissa Joy C/O Sunstein Estates One Penn Center Ste 335 1617 Jfk Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19103-1821 Supper Eleanor 6101 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Suren Mark 1909 E. Dauphin St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Suren William 4602 St Davids Street Philadelphia Pa 19127 Surgical Care Physicians Pc P.O. Box 817 Newtown Pa 18940 Surrey Marc 1717 Kendrick St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Susaywich John 2503 E. Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Suskin Patricia L 2424 Golf Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131-1417 Susquehanna Int 401 City Line Ave Suite 220 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004Susson Bessie 2151 Friendship St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Suter Margaret 2119 S Mole St Philadelphia Pa 19145-3914 Suttin Jack 3939 Conshohocken Ave Arlene Suttin Roman Philadelphia Pa 19131Sutton Mary 1331 N. 23rd St Philadelphia Pa 19121

PAGE 60 Suzanne Lopinto Ent . 97 Ashland Ave. #8a Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Swain Jr William A 6365 Chew Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Swainbank Wendy 100 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Swales Martha Unknown Upper Darby Pa 19082 Swan George 9011 Ayrdale Cres, A Philadelphia Pa 19128 Swan John M 3823 Lauriston St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Swan Matthew 6814 Quincy St, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19119 Swanson Harold L 527 S 9th St Apt 1 C O Robert Maygar Philadelphia Pa 19147 Swartley Clark 6835 Ridge Ave Manayunk Pa 19127 Swartz Campbell & Detweiler 1601 Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Swartz Ralph 3334 Potter St Philadelphia Pa 19134-1405 Swartz/Campbell/Detweiller 1601 Market St. Phila Pa 19103 Swears C 2000 Hamilton Street Philadelphia Pa 19130-3814 Swears Whitney A 2000 Hamilton Street Philadelphia Pa 19130-3814 Swedlige George 2074 Fraley St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Sweed Kristina M 3750 Clarendon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Sweeney & Sheehan 1515 Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19102 Sweeney Margaret 3106 Princeton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Sweeney Ruby 5911 Addison St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Swenson Jean M 1008 West Cliveden St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Swenson Robert M 1008 West Cliveden St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Swisher Christine E 2755 N Philip St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Sykes Abid A 653 N 15th Street Apt #2f Phila Pa 19130 Sykes Joseph 4428 Carwithan St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Sykes Joseph R 551 Arthur St Philadelphia Pa 19111 ������������������������������������������������������������������� Synygy Inc 1014 South Second Street Bala Cynwyd Pa 19147 Szafran Anthony 9343 Andover Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Szagut Eileen T 3263 Agate St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Szlemp Stephana 1230 Atwood Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Szumowski Angela E 1308 Welsh Rd North Wales Pa 19454 Szumski Margaret 307 Gaskill St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Szwajkowski Cecilia 2810 Overington St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Szymanik Susan E 304 Fanshawe St Philadelphia Pa 19111


T A Holdings Inc 2 Veterans Sq 2nd Fl Media Pa 19063 T S Health Mart Inc 710 Chestnut St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19106 Tabas Harriette S 191 Presidential Blvd Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Taber Kristin Po Box 1073 Westminister Theological Glenside Pa 19038 Tabourne Lillian 6306 N. Park Ave Philadelphia Pa 19141 Tacconelli Anthony 2729 E. Somerset St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Taco Bell Corp 3981 Kensington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Tadych Kristine 1012 S. 45th St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Takle Garry B 5500 Wissahickon Ave, M702c Philadelphia Pa 19144 Taliaferro Bettye 1118 E. Cliveden St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Taliaferro George C 7012 Ardleigh St Phila Pa 19119 Talkcom 6805 Route 202 New Hope Pa 18938 ��������������������������������������������������������� Talley Louise 135 N. Millick St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Talley Sarah 109 E. Phil Ellena St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Talley Willie 4323 Terrace St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Tan Meng 1838 S. 58th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Tana Richard L 1518 Curtin St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Tancredi Elodia 1841 E. Tulpehocken St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Tancredi Samuel F 1636 S Broad St Philadelphia 48 Pa 19145-1509 Tancredi Samuel F 1636 S Broad St Philadelphia 48 Pa 19145-1509 Tancredi William L 1020 S 2 St Phila Pa 19147 Tang Sam A 1927 S. 8th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19148 Tangert Diane 12031 Audobon Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Tanner Herbert G Apt 1611 2101 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Tantaros Dorothy E 2340 E. Hagert St Philadelphia Pa 19125 �������������������������������������������������������������� Tanzymore Hattie M 165 E. Duval St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Tao Shannon 3701 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19104-3104 Taraborrelli Luigi 640 Marlyn Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Taraskus Anthony 1519 E Moyamensing Ave Philadelphia Pa 19147-0000 Taraskus Stella 1519 E Moyamensting Ave Philadelphia Pa 19147-6027 Tartaglia Frank 1161 E Passyunk Ave Philadelphia Pa 19147 Tarun Y K 1531 Spring Garden St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Tassa Verneda 2320 E. Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Tassi Helen 2821 Ryerson Pl Philadelphia Pa 19114 Tate Michael M Michael M Tate 7300 Creshiem Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119-4143 ���������������������������������������������������������� Taylor & Francis Inc 325 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19106 Taylor Aaron B 5919 N. 10th St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Taylor Beatrice 914 N. Farson Street Philadephia Pa 19131 Taylor Byron 5825 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Taylor Chris 101 Conshohocken State Rd Apt E 4 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004Taylor Dennis 2793 Kirkbride St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Taylor Evelyn C 3610 Indian Queen Ln Philadelphia Pa 19129 Taylor Fontella 1204 S. 57th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Taylor George 1807 Nolan St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Taylor George 8227 Forrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150 Taylor Harold G 1614 Wallace St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Taylor Jared 6541 Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19149 Taylor Joanne 560 N Main St**Store#636 Attn: Steve Leatherman Doyle Pa 18901 Taylor Katherine 1140 Oneil St Philadelphia Pa 19122 �������������������������������������������������������� Taylor Levonia 155 W. Manheim St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19144 Taylor Lisa 529 Arnold St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Taylor Raymond B 2 Harvard Dr Media Pa 19063 Taylor Raymont 4329 Reno Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Taylor Renita 2154 Eastburn Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 �������������������������������������������������������� Taylor Rosa L E 4643 N. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Taylor Sean 3714 Westhampton Dr Philadelphia Pa 19118 Taylor Shakiyla 7269 Glenthorn Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Taylor Tamara N 2624 N. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Taylor Terrell M 5450 Whitby Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Team Won Inc 1800 Jfk Blvd Suite 404 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Teamah Leola 2026 W. Atlantic St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Tedesco Michael 2647 S. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Teixeira Wellington B 10028 Jeanes St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Telemarketing Rmh 40 Morris Av Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Telines Inc. 611 S. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Temple East Inc Northeastern Hosp 2301 East Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa Temple University 1009 Montgomery Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19122 Terjanian Peirre 2049 Chestnut St, 6 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Terrance Jackson D 5717 Green St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Terrance Jeremiah 7968 Provident Rd Philadelphia Pa 19150 �������������������������������������������������������������

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Terrance Summers Dba Studio 2357 Wilder St Phila Pa 19146 Terrell Noel 4717 Hazel Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19145 Terry Henry 5734 Kemble Ave Philadelphia Pa 19141 Terry Lizzie D 256 Linton St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Terzi Debra 717 Rhawn St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Teshak Sheri C/O John Matekovic 1701 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103-2921 Testaccio Travis 3143 F Street 2nd Fl Philadelphia Pa 19134 Tetelman Lev 2301 Woodward St, H15 Philadelphia Pa 19115 Teter Carolyn 1321 Wakeling St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Thach Lein 2428 S. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Thach Quangngoc 449 E. Wyoming Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Thaddeus Stevenson Ltd 104 Roxborough Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19127 Thalheimer Clarence S 220 W Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia Pa 19103 The $.99 Store Inc. #7126 7126 Frankford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19135 The Collision Ctr Of S 53rd St 919 South 53rd Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 The Sanctuary Church 5923 41 Walnut St Philadelphia Pa 19139-3839 Theodore Ilene 4044 Walnut St, B Philadelphia Pa 19104 Theresa Inglese 1923 S 16th Street Philadelphia Pa 19145-3010 Theresa Urquhart 3150 Reach St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Thiramongkol Ami 104 S Main St Apt 4 North Wales Pa 19454 Third Eternal Baptist Chu 5388 Chew Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Tholoor Gracey 5406 N. 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Thomas Adrian 5873 Hickory Hollow Lane Doylestown Pa 18901 Thomas Antony 544 W. Somerville Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Thomas Ayana 111 North 49th Street Philadelphia Pa 19139 Thomas Catherine 1310 Catharine St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Thomas Chanae 1338 Kings Place Philadelphia Pa 19122 Thomas Christopher 3950 D Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Thomas Clarence 534 N. Allison St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Thomas Dennis 1440 N 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Thomas Donita S 716 E. Madison St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Thomas E R Jr % Legg Mason 1735 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Thomas Esthel W 2931 S. 67th St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Thomas Francis Jr 4727 Silverwood St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Thomas Gerald W 4610 Chester Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Thomas Gregory 2215 N. Lambert St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Thomas James 6200 Baynton St Philadelphia Pa 19144-2015 Thomas James 3701 Melon St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Thomas Jane E 5400 Webster St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Thomas Janett J 6136 Walton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Thomas John 1671 N 56th St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Thomas Joseph D 2024 Annin St Philadelphia Pa 19146-2809 Thomas Louise V 7338 Dorcas St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Thomas Mabel M S 1227 S. 22nd St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Thomas Marianna 726 Colebrook Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115 Thomas Mary P 834 Bartlett St Philadelphia Pa 19115 Thomas Miriam H 106 W. Highland Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Thomas Robert J 1818 Spring Garden St Apt 2f Philadelphia Pa 19130-4047 Thomas Rosezlo 5533 Boyer St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Thomas Wanda 2956 N. Bonsall St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Thomas Wayne 1807 Latona St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Thomkins Crp 5026 N. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Thompkins Shon 5536 Belmar Terrace Philadelphia Pa 19143 Thompson Alisa 5504 N. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Thompson Brian 8301 Lynnewood Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19150 Thompson Caroline 139 W. Wyneva St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Thompson Christian C 4233 Main St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19127 Thompson Curtis 1312 Leithgow St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Thompson David J 5818 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Thompson Delores 4921 Hawthorne St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19124 Thompson Flora 3617 Weikel St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Thompson Frederick 7314 Ogontz Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 �������������������������������������������������������������������������delphia Pa 19103 Thompson Gilbert 1106 Johnson Hall Philadelphia Pa 19122-0000 Thompson Harriet B C/O Executor 34 W. Willow Grove Ave Philadelphia Pa Thompson Howard R Sr 601 E. Hilton St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Thompson India 1926 Webster St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Thompson Jervis W 434 S. 42nd St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Thompson Joseph 2023 Brandywine St, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Thompson Kristen 379 Ripka Street 2-A Philadelphia Pa 19128Thompson Leon 939 S. 58th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Thompson Martha B 5617 W Master St Phila Pa 19131 Thompson Nicole M 2615 S. Hobson St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Thompson Paul R 107 W. Durham St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Thompson Robert R 4139 L Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Thompson Seth L 4338 Boone St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Thompson Shandora C/O Deborah Herbert 1515 Arch St 6th Floor Philadelphia Pa 19102 Thompson Valerie A 401 N. 63rd St, 3fr Philadelphia Pa 19151 Thompson Yolanda R 7438 Rugby St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Thomson Financial Se Rvice 150 Monument Rd Ste 310 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Thorne Verdia 2022 Mountain St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Thornton Dwight 5627 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Thornton Marie 14 W. Hartwell Ln Philadelphia Pa 19118 Thornton Theodore 2149 N Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Thorpe Mary 470 Kingsley St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Thorum Gregory 9511 Tulip St Philadelphia Pa 19114 Thourot Alfred 6638 N. Uber St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Threadgill Hampton 1423 N. Wanamaker St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Throckmorton Demetria 4526 Sansom St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Thurner Irene M 208 Kenilworth Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Tier Clair C 6100 Henry Ave Apt 3c Philadelphia Pa 19128-1546 Tiffany & Tiffany 1901 Walnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Tiggett Michael 1403 S. 54th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Tilley Estelle V 714 S. 57th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Tilley Harold 1222 S. 23rd St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Tillinghast Daniel J 853 Scattergood St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Tillman Gill 2611 W. York St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Timm George J Jr 6047 Charles St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Timmins Matthew 188 Levering St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Timothy E Thomas 1901 Fitzwatertown Rd Apt 9 Willow Grove Pa 19090 Timothy M Thomas Tax Sensitive Gr Bal 312 West Laurier Place Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-2532 Timothyjbevington 309 Monterey Pl Newtown Pa 18940 Ting Tsun Y 515 E. Courtland St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Tinney Matthew N 3500 Powelton Ave Apt A303 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Tipping Ms L L 944 N. 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19123 Titlebaum Richard 110 Pennswood Rd Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Titlebomb Richard 110 Pennzwood Road Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Titlow Anna C 8625 Wissahickon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Tlc Associates 638 Newton-Yardley Rd Newtown Pa 18940 Tnick Morris 4931 Wayne Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 To Nhan 3047 Arbor St Philadelphia Pa 19134 To Nhon T 5700 Chester Ave, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19143 Tobin Thomas H 542 Righter St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Toby Mr 2448 W. Toronto St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Toczydlowski John E 218 Roslyn Ave Glenside Pa 19038-3516 Todaro Maria 926 Moore St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Todisco Suzanne 2654 S. Jessup St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Tokar David A 503 Greenwood Ave Jenkintown Pa 19046 Tokumitsutake Inc 108 S. 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Tolan Michael 1905 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Toland Wendell B Jr 7875 Provident Rd Philadelphia Pa 19150 Tolbert Ruby 5718 Thomas Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Tolbert Ruby 5718 Thomas Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Toledo Julia M 612 Levick St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Toll Ebby Langer Marvin 1500 Market Street Marvin Larsson Henkin Scheurit Philadelphia Pa 19102 Toll Harry 5418 Gainor Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Tolomeo Anthony J 1401 S. Etting St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Tolstoshev Sasha 1015 Annin Street 2nd Floor Philadelphia Pa 19147 Tom Weist The B R 237 S. 18th St, Bsmt Philadelphia Pa 19103 Tomascewski Edward R 1141 Englewood St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Tomaszewski Kevin 5913 Torresdale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19135 Tompkins Brenda 2745 S. 10th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Tompkins Edward R 809 Kendrick St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Toner Homes Inc. 9204 Melrose St Philadelphia Pa 19114 Toner Julie A 16 E. Sixth Street Media Pa 19063 Toner Keith 3993 Carteret Dr Philadelphia Pa 19114-2005 ������������������������������������������������������� Toole W H 5 Well Fleet Dr Media Pa 19063 Toombs Mary 1931 S. Sartain St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Toombs Ruby 3827 Wyalusing Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104 Topolsky David L. 1929 Brandywine St. Philadelphia Pa 19131 Torrellas Marilyn 1520 Mount Vernon St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Torrente Daniel J 2667 Aramingo Ave Philadelphia Pa 19125 Torres Angel M 2600 N. Lawrence St, 204 Philadelphia Pa 19133 Torres Irma I 3411 E Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Torres Kisha 3118 N 7th St Phila Pa 19133 Torres Luz 1830 N. 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Torres Marcelino 2513 W. Somerset St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Torres Mary 2960 N Orkney St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Torres Nelson 641 Sears Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Torres Pia M 201 S 18th St Apt 1513 Phila Pa 19103 Torres Rafael 1504 N Orkney St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Torres Steven 4413 Malta St Philadelphia Pa 19124��������������������������������������������������� Totaro Mathew R S 249 Mather Rd Jenkintown Pa 19046-3133 Totaro Robert C 249 Mather Rd Jenkintown Pa 19046-3133 Toth Vincent 3567 Wessex Ln Philadelphia Pa 19114 Tothero B 1717 Arch St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Touchstone Kelly D 1730 Webster St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Tovmassian Lilia 406 Beverly Blvd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Tower Economics Co Inc Po Box 776 349 Montgomery Av Bala Cynwyd Pa Towles Richard 5013 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Townes Bryan 1009 S. 47th St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19143 Townsend Aieda 22 North Dewey St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Townsend Clara 2210 Gaul St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Townsend Nicholas 2624 N. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Township Newtown 100 Municipal Dr Newtown Pa 18940 Tracey Mary T 1819 S 58th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Trader Kenneth 1044 Alcott St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Trader Marie E 6144 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Traineor James 1837 E. Moyamensing Ave Philadelphia Pa 19148 Tramantozzi Patrick 3329 Elliston Cir Philadelphia Pa 19114 Tran Ky 6151 Yocum St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Tran Lynda 2319 Madison Sq Philadelphia Pa 19146 Tran Matthew J 1608 S. Taney St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Tran Tam 1211 S Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Tran Thanh C 4245 Elsinore St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Tran Thy U 305 Long Ln Upper Darby Pa 19082 Trans Display Inc 2200 Richmond St, C Philadelphia Pa 19125 ������������������������������������������������������������������������� Transit Aide Inc 1712 North 2nd Street Po Box B Philadelphia Pa 19122 Transportation Club 401 N 38th St Philadelphia Pa 19104-2301 Traupman David 8720 Stenton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 ������������������������������������������������������������� Travia Anthony 6342 Grays Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Travis Gary 3414 Wallace Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Trawally Baka 637 S Yewdall St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Treadwell Errold 2103 S. 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Tremblay Kimberly 807 N. 21st St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Tremoglie Rose 1911 Schley St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Trent Jane 1707 North St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Tresley Anna 1827 Hart Ln Philadelphia Pa 19134 Trexler Dana Marie 4312 Main St. Apt. 4 Philadelphia Pa 19127 Trey Bellah 2406 Panama Street Philadelphia Pa 19103-6411 Trey Sonia 2406 Panama Street Philadelphia Pa 19103-6411 Treyball 4th St Investmen 35 S. 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Tri Enterprises Inc 149 Selner La 100 Polo Run Doylestown Pa 18901 Tribuiani Albert Jr 1825 E. Passyunk Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19148 Trice Rashaan 5613 Crowson St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Trinity Ref Ep Ch 3159 F Street, M2 Philadelphia Pa 19134 Trio Cold Cu 6932 Elmwood Ave, C Philadelphia Pa 19142 Triolo Lisa M 2127 S. 15th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Triple A Pharmacy 702 S 49th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Tripple Ethel M 562 Crescent Ave Glenside Pa 19038-5008 Tripple Ethel M 562 Crescent Ave Glenside Pa 19038-5008 Trish Jamie Y 4118 Baltimore Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19104 Tri-State Physical Therapy Ctr 1331 East Passyunk Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19147 Tritle C 39 Windsor Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082-2727 Tritsch Diana 7532 Woodcrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Tritt David W 449 E. Mentor St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Trocine Philomenia 222 E. Clarkson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Troilo Richard A Sa Usn 2623 Emily St Phila Pa 19145 Trommer Evelyn M 258 S 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19103-6145 Tronkes Anna 3130 Tyson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Trotter Tarik 1901 Green St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Trowbridge James R 809 Carpenter Ln Philadelphia Pa 19119 Troy Strom 749 E. Ontario St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Trubman Joseph 2200 Saint Vincent St Philadelphia Pa 19149

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Truesdale Shenise 745 E Rittenhouse St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Truitt Catherine R 5411 Eadom St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Truitt Vincent 7450 Beverly Rd Philadelphia Pa 19138 Trujillo Sandra C Brunings 438 Tyson Avenue Glenside Pa 19038Trummell & Aaron Lassiter 9207 Blue Grass Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 ������������������������������������������������������������� Trust Bldg. Assoc.L.P. 111 S. 17th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19103 Truxon Erik C. 4088 Ford Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Tsan Viktor 204 Alnus St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Tsirulnikova Dora 10865 Parlin Ter, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Tsm Wireless Inc 6185 Ridge Avenue Ste 200 Philadelphia Pa 19128 Ttee Lucile Hartwell John N Hartwell Udt Dtd 6-29-7 C/O Catherine Hoagland Doylestown Pa 18901 Tu Canh M N 529 W. Olney Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Tu Loan T 2508 S. 2nd St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Tuck Francis 1042 S. Frazier St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Tuck Michele E 1819 N. 53rd St, K2 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Tucker House 1001 11 Wallace Street Phila Pa 19123-2502 Tucker James 256 E Ashmead Place Philadelphia Pa 19144 Tucker Russell W 748 Glen Rd Jenkintown Pa 19046-1529 Tudor Corporation 660 Newtown Vardley Rd Newtown Pa 18940-0000 Tufano Ciro 1617 Jfk Blvd 1600 One Penn Ctr Philadelphia Pa 19103 Tugwell Lewis 1849 N. Willington St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Tulman Roman 709 Sanford St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Tumarkin William 720 W. Sedgwick St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Tuner Monique 1645 S Marston St Phila Pa 19145 Tunnell Arlene 5833 Chester Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Tuohy Amy 3952 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Turakhia Ashimi 311 13n 33rd St Apt 58 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Turek Richard J 13 Riddlewood Dr Media Pa 19063 Turetsky Judy A 29 Llanberris Rd Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2316 Turner Andrew 3312 Hamilton St Apt 13 Philadelphia Pa 19104-2577 Turner Chas M 5430 Walnut St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19139 Turner Construction 1800 Jfk Blvd Suite 1200 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Turner Elzena 5105 Race St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Turner Garland W 3744 N. Sydenham St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Turner Kelly A 3100 Unruh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Turner Virdlee 4802 N. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Turpyn Greg Greg Turpyn 465 N 5th Street Philadelphia Pa 19123 Tuskegee Airmen Educ Po Box 18966 Philadelphia Pa 19119 Tustin Kevin E 2525 Welsh Rd, S2 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Tuttle Allison 3161 Reach Street Philadelphia Pa 19134-2410 Tuttle Edwin E 514 Pine St Phila Pa 19106 Tuttle Edwin E 514 Pine St Phila Pa 19106 Twelkmeyer Denise C 1224 Lenox Road Jenkintown Pa 19046 Twerdok Abigail L 3926 Sansom Street 1st Floor Philadelphia Pa 19104 Twomey James M 7 Myrtle Place Newtown Pa 18940 Tyler Edna 1316 W. Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19140 Tyler Trudy 4 E. Hortter St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Tynan Christopher 3401 Powelton Philadelphia Pa 19104 Tyong Chhoeun 1632 S. 5th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19148 Tyrec Henry 50 N. Dewey St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Tyrol Insurance Agency Inc 112 N. Sycamore Street Newtown Pa 18940 Tyrrell George W 3442 N. 2nd St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19140 Tyrrell Patrick 604 S Washington Sq Apt 2017 Philadelphia Pa 19106 Tyson John 3020 Princeton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149


�������������������������������������������������������� Uddin Mehar 1219 Montrose Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Uhs Of Delaware Dba Uhs Fairmount 561 Fairthorne Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128Uknis Aaron 621 Lawler St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Ultimate Search Inc 1601 Market St Ste 720 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Umholtz Nellie 6542 Kindred St 1st Floor Philadelphia Pa 19149 Umstead Lisa 400 N Busti St Apt 607 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Underwood Essie M E 1935 S. 19th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Ung Carol Huong 4518 Frankford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Ung Ryan A 116 S. 43rd St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19104 Unique Health Inc 1950 Marshall Street Suite 8 Philadelphia Pa 19114 Uniscribe Professional Svc 2005 Market St 1130 Philadelphia Pa 19103-7035 United Health Care Services 5601 Chestnut Street Suburban Home Health Philadelphia Pa 19139 United Healthcare Ins Co C/O Aarp Hlth Care Options P O Box 13999 Philadelphia Pa 19103 United House Of Prayer For All 4033 Haverford Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19104 Universal Medical Associates 855 East Hunting Park Avenue Philadelphia Pa University City H 237 S 44th St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19104 Uon Saron 4901 Old York Rd, Frnt3 Philadelphia Pa 19141 Uphold Bethany A 3628 Haywood St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Upland Mortgage One Presidential Blvd Suite 41 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Upmunc 1996 Po Box 31826 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Urbach John D 621 Rosalie St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Urban Christopher J. Two Penn Center Plaza Suite 515 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Urban Ed Foundation 4751 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Urban Genesis 1421 Arch Street Philadelphia Pa 19102 Urban Growth Property Inc 131 S. 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Urban Wireless Inc. 534 S. 4th St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Urbanski Michael 2106 Vista St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Urbany David 4005 Chestnut St. Philadelphia Pa 19104 Urbin Starr M 3203 Wellington St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Urgiles Celso 1440 Wolf St W24 Philadelphia Pa 19145 Urology Assoc. C.P.U.P. 3400 Spruce St 5th Fl 1 Rhoades Pav. Philadelphia Pa Usa Auto Body 2431 Washington Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19147 Utescher Ellen E C O Ballard Spahr Andrew & Ing Attn M Sanborne 1735 Mkt St 51 Philadelphia Pa 19103-0000 Uwanyirigira Gedeon 1205 Foulkrod St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Uy Saovrithy 2223 S. 7th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19148


Valazquez Pedro 3064 N. Darien St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Valdivieso Regalada 337 E. Wyoming Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Valdiviezo Marc A 5500 Wissahickon Ave, M202c Philadelphia Pa 19144 Valencia Myrtle 4937 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Valente Anna 2844 S. Simpson St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Valente Donna 130 Cunningham Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082-1005 Valenteen John D 417 W Jefferson St Media Pa 19063-3605 Valentine Flora 3145 Jasper St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Valentino Alice 541 Seville St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Valentino Alice 541 Seville St Philadelphia Pa 19128 Valentino John 10832 E. Keswick Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Valerio Carmela 505 N. Simpson St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Valery Gilbert M Estate 195 Pepperidge Cir Philadelphia Pa 19123-0000

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Van Casey 5458 Whitby Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Van James K 37 E. Seltzer St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Vance Gertrude 31 W. Phil Ellena St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Vance June K 1515 The Fairway Apt 430 H Rydal Pa 19046-1443 Vance June K 1515 The Fairway Apt 430 H Rydal Pa 19046-1443 ������������������������������������������������������� Vanderhart Darrell 1444 S. Marston St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Vanderhost Fred 266 W. Rittenhouse St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Vandever Jeanette 1771 Brill St Philadelphia Pa 19024 Vaneerden Peter 340 Fitzwater St Philadelphia Pa 19147 ����������������������������������������������� Vangalen Donna J 12329 Dunks Ferry Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Vanguard Group C/O Sage Financial Group 33 Rock Hill Rd Ste 200 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Vanholt John R 5227 N. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Vanlandingham G 241 E. Sedwick St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Vanmunster Augusta M 610 Green Ln, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19128 Vann Chan 133 E. Rockland St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Vann Evelyn 2132 Manton St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Vann Everlyna 2132 Manton St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Vansciver Florence 8935 Revere St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Vansworth Emma Mae 8406 Jeanes St Philadelphia Pa 19111-1308 Varady Eugene 575 Alburger Ave Philadelphia Pa 19115 Vargas Gonzalez Luis A 6234 Roosevelt Blvd, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19149 Vargas Juan 850 N.Easton Rd Glenside Pa 19038 Vargas Laura E 1720 Fox Chase Rd Philadelphia Pa 19152 Vargas Porfyrio 4300 N. 16th St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19140 Varkkey Varkkey T 247 W. Somerville Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Varley Bridgette 900 North Broad Street Philadelphia Pa 19130 Varner Jeffrey Od 116 South Main Street North Wales Pa 19454-2833 Varquez Manuel 756 S. Front St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19147 Varsanyi Joseph 2835 Hellerman St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Varughese Thomas 10105 Jeanes St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Vaskus Albert 318 Sparks St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Vasquez Francisco P 2830 N. Lawrence St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Vasquez Juan D V 2202 S. 23rd St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Vassallo Sandra 3832 Manayunk Ave 2nd Fl Philadelphia Pa 19128 Vaughan Linda W 6734 Ogontz Ave Philadelphia Pa 19126 Vaughan Lucy E 6431 Clearview St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Vaughan Margaret A Riddle Village 405 Arlington Media Pa 19063-6006 Vaughan Margaret A Riddle Village 405 Arlington Media Pa 19063-6006 Vaughan-Norton Margaret M 3 Maple Ave Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Vaughn Madge B 3001 N. Ringgold St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Vaz John 1525 S. 19th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Vazquez Maria D 3358 N. Howard St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19140 Vazquez Marselo 615 Allengrove St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Vazquez Nereida 3131 N Sheridan Street Philadelphia Pa 19133 Veal Sandra 4114 N. Marshall St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Veasey Marie T 118 E. Allen St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Veasley Joyce L 5759 Hunter St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Vega Carmen 1637 Orthodox St Philadelphia Pa 19124 �������������������������������������������������������������� Vega Josephina 2422 N. Lawrence St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Velazquez Gerardo S 5324 Tabor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Velazquez Natasha M 3141 N 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Velez Pedro 2661 N. Waterloo St, A Philadelphia Pa 19133 Venet Nick 2116 Walnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19103-4855 Veneziale Domenic 4701 Leiper St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19124 Veneziale Ernest 7123 Hegerman St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Veneziale Philip 5019 Ditman St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Venne Jillian 1664 Powderhorn Dr Newtown Pa 18940 Verberg Robert 813 W. Bristol St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Verdi Michael Micheal Verdi 1218 S 6th St Philadelphia Pa 19147-4828 Vergara Raul 2420 Catherine St. 2nd Floor Philadelphia Pa 19146-2404 Vical Antonia 3338 N. Mascher St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Vicenti Norberto J Jr 4724 Whitaker Ave Philadelphia Pa 19120 Video Update Inc 6201 N. Front St, 010 Philadelphia Pa 19120 Vignoa Cort 511 S. 13th St, R Philadelphia Pa 19147 Vijayakumar Vinod 2001 Hamilton St Apt 1614 Phila Pa 19130 Vilim Guy P 1608 Walnut St Ste 1600 Philadelphia Pa 19103-5410 Villari Anthony 624 Carpenter St Philadelphia Pa 19147-2908 Vinokur Leonid 7051 Rutland St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Vitelli Jean 945 Federal St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Vivino Francis J 4230 Terrace St Philadelphia Pa 19128-5018 Vo Hieu T 1946 E. Somerset St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Vo Xuan T 513 Larchwood Ave Upper Darby Pa 19082 Vock Dominik A Dominik A Vock 201 S 25th St Apt 301 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Voight Derek 1520 Pine St Apt 1f Philadelphia Pa 19102 Volunteers In Aid 3900 City Line Ave Washington Bldg Apt A 609 Phila Pa 19131 Volz Loretta 2074 E. Letterly St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Vom Berg Haubold 2102 South St, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19146 Vongphakdy Oun 2008 S. 7th St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Voss Joseph J Jr 3400 Henry Ave, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19129 Voychok Pelageya 10801 Kelvin Ave Philadelphia Pa 19116 Vozzelli Tony 2975 Tilton St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Vp & Jp 6057 Inc 6057 Haverford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Vu Binh 31 Glendale Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Vu Chinh Dinh 2523 N. Water St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Vu Dat T 5352 Howland St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Vu Yenlan 4862 D Street, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120 Vuong Minh 5247 Montour St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Vy Le Tuong 2324 South 20th Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Vyas Saroj S 1832 Ruan St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Vyborna Maria 415 E. Howell St Philadelphia Pa 19120


Wachtfogel David 7626 Dorcas St Philadelphia Pa 19111-3324 Wacker Thomas 481 Van Kirk St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19120 Wade Jacqueline N 501 W Hansberry St Phila Pa 19144-4002 Wade Jacqueline N 501 W Hansberry St Phila Pa 19144-4002 Wade Mark E 1714 Kater St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Wade Moussa 5100 Lebanon Ave Apt 702 Philadelphia Pa 19131 Wade Paul G 1709 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Wadsworth Maureen 2653 S. 73rd St Philadelphia Pa 19153 Wadsworth Rehab & Diag Ctr 4009 Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19104 Wagner Annamay 8016 Lawndale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Wagner Clifford 9 Bishop Hollow Rd Media Pa 19063-0000 Wagner Clifford S 9 Bishop Hollow Rd Media Pa 19063-0000 Wagner James 1020 W. Oregon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19148 Wagner James M 713 Hyde Park Doylestown Pa 18901-6612 Wagner Johanna 264 S. 20th St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Wagner K Thomas 726 Harriton Road 12 Longview Drive Bryn Pa 19010

PAGE 61 Wagner Mabel Ua 21 Aug 91 9 Bishop Hollow Rd Media Pa 19063-4343 Wagner Mabel S 9 Bishop Hollow Rd Media Pa 19063 Wagner Patrick D 195 Baldwin St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Waiters Emma 2036 Maroine Lane Philadephia Pa 19119 ������������������������������������������������������ Waks Chana 6805 Castor Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Walcott Gwenneth P 171 E. Walnut Ln, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19144 Waldron Catherine T 1650 E. Hunting Park Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Walizer Mark A 443 Martin St Philadelphia Pa 19128-3423 Walker Adam C 120 N Dearborn Philadelphia Pa 19139 Walker Amy 3700 Spruce St # 1779 Box 1779 Philadelphia Pa 19104-6028 Walker Andre L 5222 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Walker Angela 7429 Tanager Pl Philadelphia Pa 19153 Walker Daniel E Jr 7843 Horrocks St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Walker Dorothy 4512 N. Smedley St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Walker Edna B 201 Yeakel Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118-0000 Walker George E 230 S 44th St Philadelphia Pa 19104-2930 Walker J Robert 201 Yeakel Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118-0000 Walker Jeffrey 1822 W. Diamond St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19121 Walker John B 80 E. Hortter St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Walker Jonathan 127 East Liptincott St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Walker Joseph 5643 Hunter St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Walker Kenneth R 3229 Morning Glory Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Walker Leroy 603 E. Mount Airy Ave Philadelphia Pa 19119 Walker Markeyter 1111 Rosalie St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Walker Raymond 7321 E. Walnut Ln Philadelphia Pa 19138 Walker Tremayne 4714 Hazel Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19143 Walker Vincent M 6928 Ardleigh St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Walker Wayne R 2026 Naudain Street Philadelphia Pa 19146 Wall Charles G Public Ledger Bldg Suite 1229 Philadelphia Pa 19106-0000 Wall Sam 5726 Delancey St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Wallace Albert 5044 Hazel Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Wallace Andrew 218 E. Durham St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Wallace Fatima L 1818 Market St 2900 Phila Pa 19103 Wallace Frederick 4714 Ramona Ave Philadelphia Pa 19124 Wallace Kathryn F 411 N Middletown Rd A331 Media Pa 19063-3613 Wallace Patricia 411 S. 46th St. Philadelphia Pa 19143 Wallace Rasheed A 1818 Market St 2900 Phila Pa 19103 Wallace Ray 8919 Krewstown Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115 Wallace Ronald 1432 S Bouvier St Philadelphia Pa 19146-4725 Wallen Michael J 6259 Montague St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Waller Robert 1452 N 56 St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Waller William R 4221 Westminster Ave Philadelphia Pa 19104-1427 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Wallick Joseph P 2095 Red Lion Rd, A Philadelphia Pa 19115 Wallon Marie P 1737 N. 61st St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Walls Elmer Jr 9 Bishop Hollow Rd Media Pa 19063 Walls Joan W 9 Bishop Hollow Rd Media Pa 19063-0000 Walls Viola R 2524 S. Clarion St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Walner John C 2227 Mount Vernon St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Walsh Abraham J 3710 W. Country Club Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Walsh Gregory 48 Limekin Rd Doylestown Pa 18901 Walsh Gregory 48 Limekin Rd Doylestown Pa 18901 Walsh Laverne V 2873 Angus Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Walsh Mary E 4624 Van Kirk St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Walsh Michael 1 Christian Street Unit 23 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Walsh Timothy 306 Pemberton St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Walter A Mcclatchy J Associates 6454 Market St Upper Darby Pa 19082 Walter Douglas C 2010 Tyson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Walter Scott 2013 Naudain St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Walters Helen R 1516 S Wilton St Philadelphia Pa 19143-5024 Walther Mark W 179 Widener St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Waltner Douglas 351 Pelham Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119 Walton Dewitt S 122 Mento Ave Glenside Pa 19038 Walton Jeanette 5017 Osage Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Walton Yvonne B 1536 Wharton St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Wanas Tamer 1356 Unruh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Wang Guam W Unknown Philadelphia Pa 19104 Wang Jean C 9247 Jamison Ave, B Philadelphia Pa 19115 Wang Jeongyeon 4317 Spruce St, 105 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Wang Shu L 3600 Conshohocken Ave Apt 1514 Phila Pa 19131 Ward Eleanor M 2027 E Madison St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Ward Gregory G 1812 N. 76th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Ward North America 1601 Cherry St Philadelphia Pa 19102Ward William 25 E. Slocum St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Wardle John J 5222 Castor Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19124 Wardlow Adrienne 4041 Ridge Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Ware Joseph F A 144 W. Ruscomb St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Wareikis Albert E 931 Montgomery Ave Bryn Mawr Pa 19010-2801 Warfel Pearl 2506 S. Bellford St Philadelphia Pa 19153 Warner Elijah W 6843 Limekiln Pike Philadelphia Pa 19138 Warner George R Jr 4822 Florence Ave Phila Pa 19143-3421 Warner Kellie M 56 N Yewdall St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Warner Kenneth 1940 S Ithan St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Warner Marshallde Coleman & Goggin Pc 10 North Mauin St 2nd Floor Doylestown Pa 18901 Warner Michael 2005 Market St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Warren Evans 5821 Hoffman Ave Phila Pa 19143 Warren Heather D 260 S 20th St 2nd Floor Philadelphia Pa 19103 Warthen Phyllis M E 6935 Theodore St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Washington Carrie S 6101 N Gardenia Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Washington Christine 540 E. Penn St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Washington Gus 1813 Montrose St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Washington Harry Estate Of C/O Alan R Jackson 611 S 48th St Philadelphia Pa Washington Helen C 3131 N. Croskey St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Washington James 1739 S. 19th St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Washington Louise 816 N. 65th St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Washington Mildred E Miss 5706 W Oxford St Philadelphia Pa 19131-0000 Washington Mildred E Miss 5706 W Oxford St Philadelphia Pa 19131-0000 Washington Mutual Home Loans Inc P O Box 13911 Philadelphia Pa 19010 Washington Samuel 1324 Betsy Ross Pl Philadelphia Pa 19122 Washington William J 5036 Hazel Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19143 Wasielak Izabela 203 Erica Ter, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19116 Wasilewski Richard 128 Mallory St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Wasim Haskiya 5102 Frankford Ave, 3 Philadelphia Pa 19124 Waskiel Edward 4614 E. Howell St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Wasserbach Charles 5337 Large St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Wasserman Anna 1001 Easton Rd Apt 218-M Willow Grove Pa 19090 Waters Edmond 7829 Temple Rd Philadelphia Pa 19150 Waters James G 646 Green Ln, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19128 Waters Ronald G 108 South 61st Street Philadelphia Pa 19139

PAGE 62 Wathen Timothy M 9344 Annapolis Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Watkins Catherine 2917 N. Marston St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Watkins Mattie 5031 Race St, 208 Philadelphia Pa 19139 Watkins Thomas 165 W. Harvey St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19144 Watrous Industries Inc 161 W Cecil B Moore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19122 Watson Brian 7930 Barnes St, C10 Philadelphia Pa 19111 Watson Esther 1820 E Wishart St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Watson John 3553 N. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Watson Latisha M 1836 Wharton Street Philadelphia Pa 19146Watson Luevenia M 1811 Wharton Street Philadelphia Pa 19146Watson Michele E 119 W. Louden St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Watson Paulette 6362 Mccallum St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Watson Ruth H 158 N 23rd St Apt 209 Philadelphia Pa 19103-1037 Watson Ruth H 158 N 23rd St Apt 209 Philadelphia Pa 19103-1037 Watson Ruth H 158 N 23rd St Apt 209 Philadelphia Pa 19103-1037 Watt Roland 7015 Kindred St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Watts Carl E 105 W Weaver St Philadelphia Pa 19119-4026 Watts H M 219 Spruce St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Watts Jessica M 428 13st Fl 6 Apt B Phila Pa 19123 Watts William 6101 Carpenter St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Wawa Inc 260 W Baltimore Park Wawa Pa 19063 Way Frances 4037 Springgarden St Apt 2 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Wayne Ave Assoc Llc 177 W. Hansberry St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19144 Waysome Leonard 1823 Brunner St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Waysome Leonard A 6730 Wyncote Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Wdas Radio 111 Presidential Blvd Ste 100 Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Wdc Construction Com Po Box 30735 Philadelphia Pa 19104 We The Peop 2922 E Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Weant Tracy 924 E Passyunk Ave Apt 1 Philadelphia Pa 19147-2942 Weaver Deborah 2600 Belmont Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19131Weaver Edward 6017 Woodcrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131-2217 Weaver Elnora 6017 Woodcrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131-2217 Weaver Gerald 1801 W. Cayuga St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Weaver Gerald 1801 W. Cayuga St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19140 Webb Christine 541 Tyson St Philadelphia 11 Pa 19111-4318 Webb Deborah J 1020 A Magee Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111-4816 Webb Nathaniel 2818 W. Albert St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Webb Raymond S Jr 6310 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19019 Webb Vernora 429 Rosalie St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Weber Erik C 248 W. Harvey St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Weber Francis 300 Parker Ave Apt 104 Philadelphia Pa 19128-4432 Weber John 2923 Hellerman St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Weber Karen A 6355 Lancaster Ave, 302 Philadelphia Pa 19151 Weber Margaret G 51 E Bells Mills Road Philadelphia Pa 19118-2614 Weber Roselaie 2435 S. Chadwick St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Webster Raymond 1232 S 31 St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Weckerly Emma 4034 Shelmire Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19136 Weeks Robert V 6342 Morton St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Weems Tameca S 6027 Ludlow St, D Philadelphia Pa 19139 Weeney Lauren 806 S. Sheridan St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Weidner Christophe W 4113 Gilham St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Weigel John P 520 Raab St Willow Grove Pa 19090 Weikel Jason 1322 Dickinson St 1st Fl Frnt Philadelphia Pa 19147 Weinberg Abigail B 6913 Greene Street Ezra Weinberg Philadelphia Pa 19119 Weinberg Marian S 1337 Kerper St Philadephia Pa 19111 Weinbrom Nicole L 3218 Pearl St, A Philadelphia Pa 19104 Weiner Heather P 218 W. Walnut Ln, 1fr Philadelphia Pa 19144 Weiner Sue B 5025 I S Convent Ln Philadelphia Pa 19114-3139 Weingrad Robert 6326 Summerdale Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Weinhardt Philip 400 W. Wingohocking St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Weinman Susan 1600 Arch St. Philadelphia Pa 19103 Weinstein Joshua 832 N 24th St #1 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Weinstock Bennet 2026 Delancey St Philadelphia Pa 19103 Weinstock Robert M Md Pc 515 West Chelten Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19144 Weirauch Richard 5307 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Weis Rita M 12037 Tyrone Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Weiser Jonathan 7518 Greenhill Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Weiss Andrea L 770 N 24th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Weiss Barnet 105 107 Grape St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Weiss Emma M 2306 Memphis St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Weiss Lester 1940 E Westmoreland St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Weiss Michael 105 107 Grape St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Weiss William 105 107 Grape St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Weitzman Klevan & Abramowitz 1515 Market Street Philadelphia Pa 19102 Welker Linnea 150 Green Ln Philadelphia Pa 19127 Wells Barbara 2628 S. 65th St Philadelphia Pa 19142 Wells Carol 1314 Steinber St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Wells Dorthy E 555 Larkspur St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Wells Dwayne R 9347 Banes St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19115 Wells Gawen D C/O Mitchell & Titus 1 Logan S 9 Phila Pa 19103 Wells Margaret 1443 N. 52nd St. Philadelphia Pa 19131 Welsh Gerald 518 W. Eleanor St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Welsh Judson B 1039 Lakeside Ave Philadelphia Pa 19126 Welsh Lloyd 7791 Hasbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19111 Welsh Thomas 3129 N. Judson St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Welsh Todd 2223 Mount Vernon St, 2b Philadelphia Pa 19130 Welte Donald 2350 E. Tucker St Philadelphia Pa 19125 Wen Chi Hung 3701 Chestnut Street Apt C20 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Wendt Clara I 7124 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Wendys Rest 522 E. Hunting Park Ave, C Philadelphia Pa 19124 Wendys Temple Store 1700 N Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Wentz Lawrence J 6705 N. 8th St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Wenzel Dena 4333 Fleming Street 2nd Floor Philadelphia Pa 19128Werner Loretta M 2617 1/2 E Monmouth St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4810 Wertz Diane 318 Stevens St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Weryaski Chester 3130 Chatham St Philadelphia Pa 19134-4448 Weschules Douglas J 124 Conarroe St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19127 West Dwana 1241 S. Peach St Philadelphia Pa 19143 West John H Jr 1117 Sanger Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 West Kelly A 2238 Fraley St Philadelphia Pa 19137 West Kenneth Sr 1924 Catherine St Philadelphia Pa 19146-1810 West Lottie B 1529 S. 32nd St Philadelphia Pa 19146 West Louise 1724 Addison St Philadelphia Pa 19146 West Matilda 5225 Pennway St Philadelphia Pa 19124 West Palm Inc 5217 W. Girard Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19131 West Side Auto Body 1229 Belmont Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19104 Westchester Speciality Warrant 1601 Chestnut St Tl3 Philadelphia Pa 19103 ���������������������������������������������������������������� Westminster Devereux C 950 Haverford Road Bryn Mawr Pa 19010 Westmont Retire Hm 953 N 6th St, R Philadelphia Pa 19123 Weston Louis 51 W Sharpnack St Philadelphia Pa 19119

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Weston Nadia 5228 Jefferson Street Philadelphia Pa 19131 Westphal Linda 135 Krams Ave Philadelphia Pa 19127 Wetherbee Catherine A 3141 Barnett St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Wetherill Francis D 154 Hillcrest Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Wetzel Dorthy 5235 Greenway Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Wetzel Judy B 118 W. Salaignac St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Wexler Esther 9503 State Road Philadelphia Pa 19114 Weyman George D 1845 Rhawn St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Whalen Edna 2723 N Phillip St Philadelphia Pa 19133-3512 Whalen Pearl 3334 N. 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Whartons Aresty Inst On Exec Educ 255 S 38th St Philadelphia Pa 19104Wheelan Susan 144 N. Bread St Philadelphia Pa 19106 Wheeler Alan 2811 Ogden St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Whelan Joseph 330 S. 16th St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Whelan Joseph 2032 Pine St, Awh Philadelphia Pa 19103 Wheller Martha Etal 5942 N. 10th St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19141 Whichard Gregory K 2040 North 5th St Philadelphia Pa 19122-1410 Whidbee Maggie 1927 Sharswood St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Whims Robert 4307 Horrocks St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Whitaker Candace A 29 N. Preston St, 2 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Whitaker Shawn M 4323 Cottman Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19135 Whitby Isaiah 5919 W. Thompson St Philadelphia Pa 19151 White Altemese 1239 N. Frazier St Philadelphia Pa 19131 ��������������������������������������������������������� White Bernice 1529 Poplar St, A Philadelphia Pa 19130 White Bernita 559 E. Herman St Philadelphia Pa 19144 White Brad E 201 S 18th Street Apt 1018 Philadelphia Pa 19103 White Brian K 4320 Megargee St, Whs Philadelphia Pa 19136 White Carey 5901 Overbrook Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 White Castle System 527 Franklin Mills Circ Philadelphia Pa 19154 White Cynthia 929 Flanders Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 White David 6130 Upper Mtn Rd New Hope Pa 18938 White David A 124 Conarroe St, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19127 White Dorothy 5931 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19139 White Eliza 2649 N. Hollywood St Philadelphia Pa 19132 White Euthia M 1422 N 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19122-3411 White Euthia M 1422 N. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19122 White Francis M Granite Farms Estate#D112 1343w Baltimore Pike Media Pa White Geoffrey 7213 Charlton St Philadelphia Pa 19119 White Gwendolyn C G 1817 N. 53rd St, J2 Philadelphia Pa 19131 White Jessica Y 384 E. Upsal St, 1a Philadelphia Pa 19119 White Levi 3435 N. 21st St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19140 White Linda M 4133 Robbins Ave Philadelphia Pa 19135 White Madeleine J 4610 Wilbrock St Philadelphia Pa 19136 White Robt 7450 Sommers Rd Philadelphia Pa 19138 White Rock Bapt 124 N. 54th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 White Sharese 2016 Bainbridge St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19146 White Snyder J 146 N 57th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Whiteamber-Xbs 709 N Easton Road Willow Grove Pa 19090 Whitehead Billy Bethesda Broad 722 N Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Whitehead Essie M 851 N. 48th St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Whitelaw Jill R 812 Lombard St, 17 Philadelphia Pa 19147 Whiteman Howard 4554 Manayunk Ave Phildelphia Pa 19128 Whiteside Elvia 23 S. Sickels St Philadelphia Pa 19139 ��������������������������������������������������� Whitford Charles 4315 Marple St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Whitlock William H 345 E. Phil Ellena St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Whitman Anna & G 714 W. Allens Ln Philadelphia Pa 19119 Whitman Anne 8521 Tolbut St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Whyy Inc 150 North 6th Street Philadelphia Pa 19106 Wichert Vanida 405 Leverington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Wick Judith A 3426 Sansom St, 3 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Widder Claudette V 337 Queen St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Widodo Agus 2039 Colorado St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Wieckowski John 563 Alcott St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Wieckowski Patricia A 4037 Tudor St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Wieder Craig 117 W. Washington Lane Philadelphia Pa 19144 Wiedner David 1028 Irving St Philadelphia Pa 19107 Wienckowski Richard 8042 Leon St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Wieners Charles 576 Fairway Ter Philadelphia Pa 19128 Wiengand Edward J 12056 Abby Rd, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19154 Wiesner David 700 W. Westview St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Wiezbick J M S 4717 Melrose St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Wiggins Leroy D 4621 Locust St Phila Pa 19139-4520 Wiggins Tara L 2638 S. 80th St Philadelphia Pa 19153 Wilbanks Stephen H 5420 N. 11th St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Wilbur C Martin 2010 Chancellor St Philadelphia Pa 19103-0000 Wilbur Kathryn E 2010 Chancellor St Philadelphia Pa 19103-0000 Wildey Brian R 2966 Whitetail Ct Doylestown Pa 18901-0000 Wildey Judith J 2966 Whitetail Ct Doylestown Pa 18901-0000 Wildonger Francis J 4243 M Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Wildrick Emily H 1134 Dickinson St 3rd Flr Philadelphia Pa 19147 Wileczek Dolores 7324 Garman St Philadelphia Pa 19153 Wileczek Margaret 2337 Perot St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Wilent James 2135 S. Hancock St Philadelphia Pa 19148 Wiley Troy D 244 E. Durham St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Wilkerson Margie 1536 S. Bailey St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Wilkins Marie 5849 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Wilkins Roslyn M 6627 Haddington Ln Philadelphia Pa 19151 Wilkinson Lissi M 5000 Akron St Philadelphia Pa 19124-2615 Wilkinson Llyod P 6422 Buist Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Wilkinson Mobil 3401 W Moreland Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090-3828 Will William 848 Carpenter Ln Philadelphia Pa 19119 Willgruber John C 3340 Wiehle St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Willhide Jason A 429 Vine St, 3 Philadelphia Pa 19106 William Benita 1020 Cecil B Moore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19122 William Christine 2427 N. 50th St Philadelphia Pa 19131 William Maktin 1416 Snyder Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19145 William Sandra L 6568 N. Woodstock St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Williams Albert 3011 N. Judson St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Williams Alfred W 5136 Gainor Rd Philadelphia Pa 19131 Williams Alvin C/O Mitchell & Titus 1 Logan S 9 Phila Pa 19103 Williams Annie M 6300 Walnut St Apt 326 Philadelphia Pa 19139-3752 Williams Barbara 2136 N. 27th St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Williams Barbara J 1216 Kenwyn St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Williams Benjamin 5229 Oakland St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Williams Beverly A 704 S. 6th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19147 Williams Brenton D 4367 Cresson St, 3r Philadelphia Pa 19127 Williams Bryan 4625 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Williams Charles 2951 Rawle St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Williams Charles 8656 Rugby St Philadelphia Pa 19150

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Williams Christian 1136 N. Union St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Williams Christophe 5826 Baynton St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Williams Clara 5458 Lebanon Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Williams Dareese A 6127 Mcmahon Street Philadelphia Pa 19144Williams Edward 3900 City Line Ave Apt 1006b Philadelphia Pa 19131-2908 Williams Emma 2208 North Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Williams Emma 2205 N Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Williams Eveland 2364 N. Gratz St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Williams Francine M Dpm 2951 Levick Street Phila Pa 19149-3031 Williams Jacqueline 1645 S Latona St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Williams James E 912 S48th Street Philadelphia Pa 19143 Williams Jeffery F 610 S 59th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Williams John 5608 Walton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143-2426 Williams John 54 E Coulter Street Philadelphia Pa 19144 Williams John V 7901 Henry Ave Phila Pa 19102 Williams John V 7901 Henry Ave Philda Pa 19102 Williams Joseph 1414 S. 18th St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Williams Joseph E 1113 Fanshawe St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Williams Joseph T 1617 Bainbridge St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Williams Joyce 113 E Baker Street Media Pa 19063-3764 Williams Joyce 1914 N. Ringgold St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Williams Justin 5025 Wissahickon Aveune Philadelphia Pa 19144-4811 Williams Kevin C 1640 S. Carlisle St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Williams Kurtae 1700 Walnut St 68 Phila Pa 19103-6000 Williams Laura S 4548 Manayunk Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Williams Lawrence L 2748 W. Seltzer St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Williams Lillie 4544 Fernhill Rd Philadelphia Pa 19144 Williams Luevina 5345 Pine St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Williams M Tamika 4241 Ridge Ave, A Philadelphia Pa 19129 Williams Mabel 120 W. Hortter St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Williams Marian 4804 N. 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Williams Mary 5538 Chancellor St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Williams Mary A 231 S. 45th St. #3f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Williams Matthew 7811 Michener Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150 Williams Maxine 1310 N. Dover St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Williams Oliver H 5610 N. Camac St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Williams Pandora 513 N. 56th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19131 Williams Philip 1314 W. Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia Pa 19140 Williams Robert 2492 78th Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150 Williams Robert L 6257 N. 15th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19141 Williams Rodney D 642 N Broad St 6th Fl Philadelphia Pa 19130-3424 Williams Rodney D The Wallace Bldg 642 N Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19130Williams Shirely 2342 Fitzwater St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Williams Stephen B 1903 E. Cambria St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Williams Steven G 4861 Parkside Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Williams Steven G 4861 Parkside Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Williams Thel B 5206 Larchwood Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Williams Thomas A 5114 W Thopmson St Phila Pa 19131 Williams Thomas A 5114 W Thopmson St Phila Pa 19131 Williams Walter 5128 Locust St Apt 1st Fl Philadelphia Pa 19139-4124 Williams Wyndell R 114 E. Walnut Ln Philadelphia Pa 19144 Williams Yvonne 28 N. Edgewood St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Williman Melvin 7120 Whitaker Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19111Willis George N Sr 5923 W. Girard Ave Philadelphia Pa 19151 Willis John A 6232 Hazel Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Willis Lakisha T 2500 S. 8th St, B Philadelphia Pa 19148 Willis Ralph 1705 Bridge St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Willow Cleaners 361 N York Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090 Willow Grove Park Mall 2500 Moreland Road Willow Grove Pa 19090 Wilmer Charles 1926 E. Atlantic St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Wilshire Credit Co 1939 E. Warnock St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Wilson Bill 3021 Knorr St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Wilson Blanche 1903 Fairview Ave Willow Grave Pa 19090 Wilson Christina A 2313 Walnut St, B3 Philadelphia Pa 19103 Wilson Clara M 1928 Ruan St Philadelphia Pa 19124-4623 Wilson Clifford 45 E. City Line Ave Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Wilson Clifford 45 E. City Line Ave Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Wilson Corine 6207 Homer St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Wilson Elementary School 1300 S. 46th Street Philadelphia Pa 19143-3804 Wilson Farralon 3913 Pine St Apt 3f Apt 3f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Wilson Frances 940 S 23rd St Philadelphia Pa 19146-2539 Wilson Garry G 2621 W. Girard Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19130 Wilson George 409 Easton Ave Willow Grove Pa 19090 Wilson Gerald 2033 Ripley St Philadelphia Pa 19152 Wilson Gwendolyn 6120 Musgrave St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Wilson Harold 5620 Heiskell St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Wilson Herbert 1802 Chestnut St Philadelphia Pa 19103-4902 Wilson Jeffrey M 7132 Germantown Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19119 Wilson John H 4400 Garden St Philadelphia Pa 19137 Wilson Lawyer A 5552 Pearl St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Wilson Lawyer A 5552 Pearl St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Wilson Linda T 937 Fillmore St Valella C Blue Philadelphia Pa 19124 Wilson Luke 6101 Morris St #409 Philadelphia Pa 19144-0000 Wilson Maria 1528 Christian St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19146 Wilson Monque T 432 Glen Echo Rd Philadelphia Pa 19119 Wilson Nichole C 3301 Baring St Apt 5 Philadelphia Pa 19104 Wilson Priscilla J 517 S Orange St Media Pa 19063Wilson Richard 5354 Palaski Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Wilson Ruth 5354 W. Columbia Ave Philadelphia Pa 19131 Wilson Samuel L 646 S. 55th St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19143 Wilson Seldon L 6216 Vine St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Wilson Thomas F 517 S Orange St Media Pa 19063Wimberly Cornell 1941 W. Willard St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Wimberly Derrick J 414 S 48th St Philadelphia Pa 19143 Wingate Elijah 3341 Argyle Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 Wink Ronald 2172 E. Gordon St Philadelphia Pa 19125 ����������������������������������������������������������� Winston Jones 6551 N. Gratz St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19126 Winston William 335 Christian St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Winter Sidney G 1720 Lombard Street Philadelphia Pa 19146-1544 Winthrop Anna 883 N Taylor St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1944 Winthrop Anna 883 N Taylor St Philadelphia Pa 19130-1944 Wise Harry 2022 South 22nd St Philadelphia Pa 19145Wisniewski Rose E 13022 Townsend Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Wisotzkey Grace I 5508 N. Palethorp St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Wissinoming Council 17 Degree Of Pocahon Domino Lane Apt 1 Philadelphia Pa Witlin Anthony 2328 S Rosewood St Philadelphia Pa 19145-4428 Wolf Block Schorr 1926 Arch Street Philadelphia Pa 19103 Wolf Bros Inc Pension Trust 2400 E Tioga Street Philadelphia Pa 19134 Wolf Donna 3181 South Syderham Street Philadelphia Pa 19145Wolf Harold 2400 E Tioga Street Philadelphia Pa 19134


JUNE 19 - 25, 2009 Wolf Jodie 2301 Cherry Street Bala Pa 19103 Wolfgang Peter A 4713 Umbria St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Wolfpack Inc 620 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Pa 19106Wolfs Market 1500 Locust St Philadelphia Pa 19102 Womach Aaron L 6220 N. Smedley St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Womack George W 347 N 60th St Philadelphia Pa 19139-0000 Womans Association Inc 502 S. 45th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19104 Womens Club Of Noble 1518 Upland Ave Jenkintown Pa 19046-2307 Wong Christopher Wing Cheon 3820 Locust Walk Philadelphia Pa 19104-6134 Wong K 4522 N. Front St Philadelphia Pa 19140 Wong Lai C U 1924 Ripley St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Wong Yip Yan 904 Arch St, 3f Philadelphia Pa 19107 Wood Marie 25 S. Sickels St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Wood Mary A N 5818 N. Fairhill St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Wood Sam 1336 N. 58th St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Wood Walter 253 Rochelle Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19128 Woodall Towanda 2036 Mckean Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Woodard Christophe A 2044 Bainbridge St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Woodard Robert 1139 S 19th St Lansdale Pa 19146 Woodhead Robert 3029 Longshore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Woodill Grace 1937 Buckius St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Woodington Joyce B 822 Pine Hill Ave Philadelphia Pa 19115 Woodington Mary 431 E Allegheny Ave Philadelphia Pa 19134 Woodland Ave Pain Center 1801 South 20th Street Philadelphia Pa 19145 Woodlock Gladys 7122 Ardleigh St, G Philadelphia Pa 19119 Woods Bonita L 101 E. Pleasant St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19119 Woods Margaret M 454 Hermit Street Philadelphia Pa 19128-3636 Woods Patrick J 454 Hermit Street Philadelphia Pa 19128-3636 Woods Sonia 5446 Haverford Ave Phila Pa 19139 Woods Sonia 5446 Haverford Ave Phila Pa 19139 Woods Susan Mcmurray 121 Brakel Lane Media Pa 19063-5962 Woods Wilbert 7156 Bustleton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Woodson Clifton 148 E. Pleasant St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Woodson Priscilla 5650 Race St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Woodson Shirley 1806 W. Rockland St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Woodwork Alexander 1529 Parrish St Philadelphia Pa 19130 Woody Mary S 29 E Seymour St Philadelphia Pa 19144-5901 World Information Corp 555 City Line Ave Baia Cynwyo Pa 19004 Worldwide Evangelistic Ch 5106 Penn St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19124 Worley Anthony 5965 N. Norwood St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Woven Legends Inc 4700 Wissahickon Ave, R1 Philadelphia Pa 19144 Wright Bennie 509 N. 63rd St Philadelphia Pa 19151 Wright Christopher F 759 S. Cleveland St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Wright Earl 609 Washington Ave Media Pa 19063 Wright Jeanne 12011 Academy Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Wright Kimberly 7900 Deer Run Rd Laverock Pa 19038 Wright Kimberly 7900 Deer Run Rd Laverock Pa 19038 Wright Lovella 2250 N 12th St Philadelphia Pa 19133-1006 Wright Lucille 1502 N Bouvier St 222 S Easton Philadelphia Pa 19122 Wright M E 38 Gate House Lane Doylestown Pa 18901-2263 Wright Michael 6320 Carnation St, A Philadelphia Pa 19144 Wright Natalie 1221 Glenview St Philadelphia Pa 19111Wright Osborne H Jr 7835 Buist Ave Philadelphia Pa 19153 Wright Raymond E 7381 Rugby St Philadelphia Pa 19138 Wright Roger 519 W King St Apt E45 Philadelphia Pa 19144-4650 Wright Willie 2145 N. Van Pelt St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Wright Winifred Apt B305 6724 Marshall Rd Upper Darby Pa 19082 Wrobel Harold S 303 Vine Street Philadelphia Pa 19106 Wros Ethel Jt 822 Princeton Ave Philadephia Pa 19111 Wrynm Dylan 4821 Baltimore Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Wu Hsin Y 1311 Cottman Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Wu Michael 7302 Sherwood Rd Philadelphia Pa 19151 Wu Yu Juan 1504 Devereaux Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Wyche Armique 2128 Phillip Street Philadelphia Pa 19122 Wycoff David W 753 South Mildred Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Wymard Amy-Lee S 203 East Street Philadelphia Pa 19128 Wyndham Franklin Plaza Account Two Franklin Plz 17th Race Philadelphia Pa 19103-1282 Wynne Christian 3350 Rand St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Wynne Nancy Jo 199 Green Lane Philadelphia Pa 19127-0000 Wynnebrook Pharmacy 1901 N 54th St Philadelphia Pa 19131



Xando Incorprated 8605 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118 Ximimes J S 2324 N. 50th St Philadelphia Pa 19131 Xiu Xiu 5833-5 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Xu Jiong 2135 Walnut St Apt 902 Jiong Xu Philadelphia Pa 19103-4449 Xu Jiong 2135 Walnut St Apt 902 Jiong Xu Philadelphia Pa 19103-4449 Xu Yue 2607 Welsh Rd, N204 Philadelphia Pa 19114

Yrich Julie 527 Fairmount Ave, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19123 Yu Joon 226 Tudor Dr North Wales Pa 19454 Yudelson Harry 5758 N. 5th St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Yuhasz Mary 2950 Hellerman St Philadelphia Pa 19149-3028 Yun Sang 6100 N. 5th St, 2c Philadelphia Pa 19120 Yun Soon S 2949 N. 22nd St Philadelphia Pa 19132 Yundt Anna Miss C/O Kimberly Melleski Or Rebec 9501 State Rd Philedephia Pa

Yacovetti Mark J 3225 Birch Rd Philadelphia Pa 19154 Yagubov Nelly 1917 Tomlinson Rd Philadelphia Pa 19116 Yamada Keiko 1722 Catherine Street Philadelphia Pa 19146-1924 Yancey Marie S 79 E Phil Ellena St Philadelphia Pa 19119-2223 Yancy Harry J 1300 W. Jefferson St, 3-05 Philadelphia Pa 19122 Yang Zu Ling 6003 Lansdowne Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19151 Yanga Marlon C 1616 S Broad St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Yankanich Dolores 4110 Levick St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Yap Eleanor E 902 Pine St, 2r Philadelphia Pa 19147 Yarnall Roseanne C 628 E. Sanger St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Yarnell Cathryn . 2902 Disston St Phila Pa 19149 Yarnell Joanna 6326 Edmund St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Yath Ny 403 Acker St Philadelphia Pa 19126 Ye Glenda Lou 409 S. 22nd St Philadelphia Pa 19146 Yeager Edna M Estate 1800 John F Kennedy Blvd Suit Philadelphia Pa 19103 Yeager Sharon 2458 76th Ave Philadelphia Pa 19150 Yeager Walter Jr 4225 Tudor St Philadelphia Pa 19136 Yeatman Jan 248 Mallard Drive East North Wales Pa 19454-1197 Yelverton Marcus 1819 E Tioga St Apt 8 Philadelphia Pa 19134 Yeuson Mimi 7827 Deer Run Rd Laverock Pa 19038-7223 Yi Hunyong 2009 S. 7th St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19148 Yi Ik Kyong 101 Flagstaff Rd Philadelphia Pa 19115 Yi Woong 1910 N Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Yi Woong 1910 N Franklin St Philadelphia Pa 19122 Yoder Grace M 849 Clover Dr North Wales Pa 19454-2749 Yoder Raymond S 109 Rydal Pk Rydal Pa 19046 Yollin Beartice 4003 K St Philadelphia Pa 19124-5218 Yon Yvonne J 2314 S. Bonsall St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Yong S Nam 5708 Germantown Ave Philadelphia Pa 19144 Yoo Kyungmo 10211 Clark St Philadelphia Pa 19116 Yoo Min J 7232 Sprague St Philadelphia Pa 19119 York Dorothy M 1818 Spring Garden Street Apt #6l Philadelphia Pa 19130 York Edward H Cdr Usnr Ret C/O Evelyn Q York 26 Pond Ln Bryn Mawr Pa York House 1320 W. Somerville Ave, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19141 Yosevitch Bessie 1063 Tyson Ave, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19111 Yost Elizabeth 4826 Griscom St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Yott Shannon C 805 N. 26th St Philadelphia Pa 19130 You Lim Ta Markoe’s Chinese Food 800 N Markoe St Fl 1 Phila Pa 19139 Youmans David 2003 Fairmount Ave, 1 Philadelphia Pa 19130 Youming Ye 1618 N. 29th St Philadelphia Pa 19121 Young Aisha S 501 W Hortter St Philadelphia Pa 19119 Young Daniel 2033 Moore St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Young David L 3321 Argyle St Philadelphia Pa 19134 Young Diane M 3911 Dungan St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Young Dizzie B 339 North 60th Philadelphia Pa 19139 Young Dolly K 402 W Huntingdon St Philadelphia Pa 19133 Young Dorothea 1157 E. Chelten Ave, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19138 Young Estelle 1527 Poplar St, A Philadelphia Pa 19130 Young Herbert 136 N Wilton St Philadelphia Pa 19139 Young Jerome 3902 Howland St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Young M Yee 5615 Thomas Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Young Marvin B 1530 N. 10th St, B Philadelphia Pa 19122 Young Michael F 260 W. Johnson St, 2b Philadelphia Pa 19144 Young Michael F 231 W. Jonnson St, Str Philadelphia Pa 19144 Young Shirley 5008 Walton Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Young Smyth Field Condo Assoc 1800 John F Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia Pa Youngwirth William D 4717 Longshore Ave, 1r Philadelphia Pa 19135 Younus Sameera 1602 Rhawn Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Younus Sameera 1602 Rhawn Street Philadelphia Pa 19111 Your Custom Shop 9 E State St Media Pa 19063--291 Yraola Deogracias 1834 S. Chadwick St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Yraola Noel D 1811 S. Chadwick St Philadelphia Pa 19145

Zaborowski Anthony S 2425 Ball Rd Willow Grove Pa 19090-1509 Zacharczuk Borys 4900 N. 13th St Philadelphia Pa 19141 Zacharias Maureen 1825 East Wensley Street Philadelphia Pa 19134Zachary Gwen R 7244 Walker St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Zachian Toby F Md 2 Bala Plaza Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-1504 Zachian Toby F Md 2 Bala Plaza Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-1504 Zag Development I 7178 Ogontz Ave, C Philadelphia Pa 19138 Zahairagunn Ortelin 6531 N 7gh St Jenkintown Pa 19046 Zalewski Theodore 1446 Van Kirk St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Zambrano Yola 7028 Passyunk Ave Philadelphia Pa 19142 Zanger Earl A Iii 4149 Glendale St Philadelphia Pa 19124 Zappacosta Rose 2219 S. Bancroft St Philadelphia Pa 19145 Zaritsky Isadore 1233 Hale St Philadelphia Pa 19111 Zavia Scott V 4116 Parrish St, Bse Philadelphia Pa 19104 Zawislak Stanley 627 W Johnson Street Philadelphia Pa 19144-3705 Zegain Duyen 3420 Crawford St Philadelphia Pa 19129 Zehnle Franz 6051 N. Water St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Zelem Eudokia 7714 Ferndale St Philadelphia Pa 19111-3139 Zelem Peter 7714 Ferndale St Philadelphia Pa 19111-3139 Zellars Sharon 3910 Cambridge St Philadelphia Pa 19104 Zeller Ann L 1 W Second St Media Pa 19063-2801 Zeman Ben 423 Moyer St, Rh Philadelphia Pa 19125 Zemel Alan R 131 E Levering Mill Rd Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004-2250 Zeminski Mary 5236 Bingham St Philadelphia Pa 19120 Zeng Yifeng 215 S. 45th St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19104 Zenquis Aldaberto 5649 E. Wister St Philadelphia Pa 19144 Zerambo Joseph 2110 Unruh Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Zerbe Jason 717 N. 24th St, 2fr Philadelphia Pa 19130 Zevner Elmer 9315 Cloverly Rd Philadelphia Pa 19114 Zhao Mei Nu 2036 Tyson Ave Philadelphia Pa 19149 Zheng Jin Li 5608 Chew Ave Philadelphia Pa 19138 Zheng Yong T 1145 Wharton St Philadelphia Pa 19147 Ziegler Derek M 330 S. 17th St, 3fr Philadelphia Pa 19103 Zielke Jaclyn 3683 Sablewood Drive Doylestown Pa 18901 Zierler David 718 Annin Street Philadelphia Pa 19147 Ziga Adella E 7446 Hill Rd Philadelphia Pa 19128 Zimmerman Earl C Jr. 6805 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Zimmerman John E Apt D2 219 E Willow Grove Ave Philadelphia Pa 19118-2922 Zimmerman John Micah 310 Liaudrillo Road Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Zimmerman Louis I 309 15th St Philadelphia Pa 19102-4903 Zimmerman Robert A 4624 Hazel Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 Zimmerman Robert H 310 Liaudrillo Road Bala Cynwyd Pa 19004 Zimniuch Sabina B Rydal Park Rm 442 1515 The Fairway Jenkintown Pa 19046Zinman Philip 1500 Chestnut St Suite 903 Philadelphia Pa 19102 Ziolo Joseph M 4808 Friendship St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Zipler Martin 6336 Eastwood St Philadelphia Pa 19149 Zivitz Jeremy S 134 Conarroe St Philadelphia Pa 19127 Zoehrns Mildred 1714 Loney St Philadelphia Pa 19111-2910 Zogorski William R 2 Winterset Ct Newtown Pa 18940 Zoll John H 4341 Benner St Philadelphia Pa 19135 Zorojewski John 2903 Gaul Street Philadelphia Pa 19134-4308 Zou Chang Y 525 Washington Ave Philadelphia Pa 19147 ������������������������������������������������������ Zuk Edward 9404 Frankford Ave Philadelphia Pa 19114 Zuniga Michael J 457 W. Ellet St, 1f Philadelphia Pa 19119 Zuniga Venancia 2749 Levick St, 2f Philadelphia Pa 19149 Zupo Denise M 5448 Ridge Ave Philadelphia Pa 19128 Zwir Manuil C/O Rev Paul Wolensky 833 N Franklin St Philadeplhia Pa 19123 Zwir Taras C/O Rev Paul Wolensky 833 N Franklin St Philadeplhia Pa 19123 Zwizanski Deborah A 1717 Arch Street 13 S Philadelphia Pa 19103 Zysk Stanley W 303 Princeton Ct Bryn Mawr Pa 19010Zywko Anna 1927 Nester St Philadelphia Pa 19115



For information about the nature and value of the property, or to check for additional names, visit

Pennsylvania Treasury Department Rob McCord, Treasurer



JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

With Real Estate, Help Wanted, Services and Personals

Foreclosures fall 6 percent in May from April By Alan Zibel The Associated Press The number of U.S. households on the verge of losing their homes dipped in May from April, and the annual increase was the smallest in three years. But as layoffs, rather than risky mortgages, become the main reason that borrowers default on their home loans, foreclosures likely will remain elevated this year and into 2010. Many economists expect unemployment, now at 9.4 percent nationwide, to rise as high as 10 percent, and some project it will exceed the post-World War II record of 10.8 percent. Foreclosure filings fell 6 percent in May from April,

according to RealtyTrac Inc. More than 321,000 households received at least one foreclosurerelated notice last month — 18percent more than a year earlier, but the smallest annual gain since June 2006. Despite the drop from April, it was the third-highest monthly rate since Irvine, Calif.-based RealtyTrac began its report in January 2005, and the third straight month with more than 300,000 households receiving a foreclosure filing. One in every 398 U.S. homes received a foreclosure filing last month, according to the foreclosure listing firm’s report. The mortgage industry has resumed cracking down on delinquent borrowers after

foreclosures were temporarily halted by mortgage-finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and other lenders. “It would not be a huge surprise to see the numbers level off a little bit at this point,” said Rick Sharga, RealtyTrac’s senior vice president for marketing. Banks repossessed about 65,000 homes in May, up from 64,000 in April, due to big increases in several states including Michigan, Arizona and Nevada. The Obama administration announced a plan in March to provide $50 billion from the financial-industry rescue fund as an incentive for the mortgage industry to modify loans at lower monthly payments.

But the effectiveness of the relief plan remains unclear, with questions lingering about how much the lending industry will cooperate. Many housing counselors say it hasn’t made much of a difference so far. After banks take over foreclosed homes, they usually put them up for sale at deep discounts, pulling down prices for other sellers. Nationwide, sales of foreclosures and other distressed properties made up about 45 percent of the market in April, according to the National Association of Realtors. The supply of new foreclosures had diminished in recent months as banks held off on taking back properties, but it’s starting to surge again, said Gary Kent, a San Diego real-estate broker

who focuses on the foreclosure market. “Everything I’ve got that’s priced right is just flying off the shelves,” he said. On a state-by-state basis, Nevada had the nation’s highest foreclosure rate in May, with one of every 64 households receiving a filing. California took the No. 2 slot previously occupied by Florida. California’s rate was one in every 144 households. In Florida, one in every 148 households received a foreclosure filing. Rounding out the top 10 were Arizona, Utah, Michigan, Georgia, Colorado, Idaho and Ohio. Among large cities, Las Vegas led the way with one in every 54 households receiving a filing. ■

Location! Location! Location! This week’s featured property

921 Delmont Drive - Wynnewood, PA

Beds: 4 Baths: 2 Square footage: 1,652 Cost: $339,900 Age of Property: 69 years Realtor: Andrew J. Mariano Real estate co: RE/MAX Preferred Phone: 610-325-4100 Direct: 610-789-0982 E-mail:

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Classic 3-Bedroom, 2-bath brick colonial with 1st-floor addition with full bath could be in-law suite - and 4th bedroom family room. Awesome Main Line location.

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Philadelphia Gay News assumes responsibility for errors in classified ads only when notified by noon the Tuesday after the ad first appears. To receive credit for errors, please notify PGN by then. Credit only will be extended in the form of additional advertising space. Any cash refunds, for any reason, are subject to a $10 service charge. PGN will publish no classified ad — in any category — that contains sexually explicit language. Obviously excluded are traditional four-letter words that relate to sexual activity. Other words may be excluded at the discretion of the publisher, who reserves the right to edit or rewrite any ad that, in his opinion, violates this policy or its intent.

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

Real Estate




REAL ESTATE ����������� �SALE ����


BD/1 BA, erry wood

. BD with ows in $4 , Realtor, 348-0000, 3, 1-3 ___33-18



to Live inand America by Money Magazine) Mountain lake views. $678,000. Call Dave


PRIVATE, PRESTIGIOUS, ����������������� PEACEFUL, ���������������������������� MAINTENANCE-FREE ���������������������������������������������������������������������� _______________________________32-16 ������������������������������������������ LIVING

_______________________________32-16 72 acres along McKean/Potter County line near Shinglehouse. Mostly wooded, some open area, includes old hunting cabin, electric, $199,000. Field and Stream RE.

������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath, ����������������������������������������������������������������������

basement, patio, garage, �������� hardwood floors, fireplace, ����������������������������������������������������� cul-de-sac location! ���������������������������������������������� MLS# 5393257

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Cell: 609-304-4812 Office: 856-235-4664

REAL ESTATE ����������� �SALE ����



���������� Designer high-end condo in DE. ����������� STUNNING-FURNISHED Condo in Wilmington. Low � taxes and condo fee-2br/2 bath- newly renovated. Balcony, Pool, Fitness Ctr, Community Ctr -MUST SEE- Call Ann at 267-251-9261. $135,000. _______________________________33-26 New York State Family Owned Farm Since 1880 -FOR SALE 5 Acres -Gorgeous Reidgeline Views -$19,900. 10 Acres w/Meadows, Woods, Streams -$25,900. Larger Tracts Available 800-229-7843 www.LandandCamps. com _______________________________33-25 Potter County- 2 wooded acres near State For����������� est Land perfect for cabin or camper. 20 minutes from Coudersport. � Electric, Perc $19,900. 800668-8679 or _______________________________33-25 Attention Hunters! 60 Acres- $99,900 Timber co. liquidating a hunting 20AC with Utilities & paradiseCountry loaded Road w/big was whitetail hardwood trails me$99,900 deer. Now All $69,900 BLMsetting, access. Deer & andering throughout, pristine mountain views. elk galore! Call to view 877-229-7840 www. Old state road frontage, just 20 minutes to town. Best buy in West Virginia! Easy owner _______________________________32-16 financing. Call now 1-877-526-3764. (Voted One of The 100 Best Places _______________________________33-18 Luxury four bedroom, four bath. Fully furnished.

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Areas include Shawnee, Camel Back, �������������������������� Mt. Airy������������� Casino and Rainbow Mt. Corners of Routes 390 & 447 • Candensis, PA 18325 ������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������� ��������������������


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Conrad Kuhn

���������� Cell: 609.221.1196 �������� �������������������� ��������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

satellite TV, heat and hot water, all included. ������������������� ������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� WashingtonYou Township pay; gas Office cooking and electric. Subway ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42 door. $1,200 / month. and 5070 bus atRoute the front ����������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 215-416-5545. Available May 2008. This is a ��������������������������� Turnersville, NJ 08012

��������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� _______________________________32-18 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 bedroom, 2 Baths Bank Repo only $45,000! ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Payments from $199/month! 5% down, 20 ����������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� _______________________________32-16 � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 Bedroom Bank foreclosure only $207/month! 4 bedroom, 2 bath home only $238/month! ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 5% down, 20 years @8% apr! For listings �������������������������������� �������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������



Art Museum Area-- off 26th St. (800 N. �������������������������������� _______________________________32-16 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Bambrey, 19130) Corner house on quiet �������������������������������� 1608 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA 19103 street, close to public transportation. Newly ������������������������� AVENUE OF THE2ARTS RITTENHOUSE renovated, 2 bedrooms, baths, hardwood ___________________________________ 250 S. 13thAC, Street-laundry, 1 br, doorman building,PARKING, hw fl, tenant occupied 2025 CHANCELLOR����������������� ST-(Wanamaker House) 3 br, 2.5 bth townhouse floors, deck, wired. ���������������� comes w/rooftop pool, fibedroom tness, deededinparking, hw fl, recessed $230,000 Kera $1600+ callRitter 215-990-4850. Go to kratzworks. Have your own a beautiful split light, stainless steel appliances and 24hr doorman, plus much, 1326 SPRUCE ST (Center City One)-2br, 2 bth, 29th fl views $399,000 level home withAlison 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 com for pix. much more, $795,000 Ermilio Tom Gangemi Lovely 3 W/D, bd. 1upper ba. fully furnished home in and lower use _______________________________33-20 full 226 baths, W. RITTENHOUSE SQ -2 br/den. 2 bth, newly decks, renovated, with of 1326 Spruce St-1br, 1bth, on 24th fl, high ceilings, balcony w/ beautiful secluded court. 2 blocks to kitchen. Property isGangemi bygay Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 ���������������� park view, $895,000 Tom south views, $282,500 Tom Gangemi beach, jitney at corner. Long season-12,500. to 58 bus. askspace, onlygreat thatlocation, you be Two bedroom split-level apartment on second min. 401 S. 17th St-401 S. 17th:We Quaint newat least SOUTH PHILADELPHIA neat Rent floor home 20thVista andw/Christian streets. reasonably kitchen, commercial onand 1st flemployed. oor. $499,900. Kera Ritteris $600 + _______________________________32-17 1904 S.of9throw St- 2br home at in Bella large living room, LR, kitchen/dining, at 215-698-0215. GERMANTOWN $139,900 John Perno bath, small foyer. On-street 1/3 utils. Contact Dave parking, pets okay. UtilitiesSQUARE separate. $875+two _______________________________33-19 502 W.twhnse, Harvey St- Large home, TwinNo , 2.5pets baths,orhwsmoking. floors, Lg. 3 BR, 2.54br BA. WASHINGTON servant’s stairs, porch, yard $249,000 Janis Dubin Call Jim, NE Phila. house to share. $350/mo. months 267.736.6743. 1213 Pine St-deposit. 3br,2.5bth,Scott in Washignton Sq West w/ private _______________________________32-19 215-821-1062. _______________________________33-18 garden and garage $529,900 John Perno _______________________________33-18 FOR RENT ����������������� Best selection�������������� of affordable rentals. Full/partial 1 BR apts. avail. Various choices. $750 to THE NEW LISTINGPHEONIX weeks. Call for free brochure. Open daily. Beach blk. Share lovely 3 BR house w/senior $1000/mo. Call soon, 215-901-0041. Various, one and two bedroom condos available for rent����������� in Logan Square. Holiday You can live,Real rent andEstate. play in the Phoenix building, while enjoying all 1-800-638-2102 Online _______________________________33-21 citizen. Full house privileges. Must be emthe amenities that the Phoenix has to offer. OPENployed. HOUSE EVERY SUN-MON, 12:00-3:00pm, $950/mo. Call Jim at 609-458-3711 �������������������� _______________________________32-16 Call Tom Gangemi 484-654-6117or email for2anbed, appt and more info. ���������������������. Furnessbath, Flats. Largedetails. 1 eld, bath. last The to discuss Debordieu, 3 room apartment, living room, kitchen, RENTALS IN AND AROUND TOWN _______________________________33-19 Jewels ofClose the South Coast.City House/ unit left in(all this highly desirable building. toCarolina all Center and bedroom Large rooms) 2nd floor, PHOENIX-UNIT #619-995 sq ft, 1b/1bth $21000MO Tom Gangemi Share #1602925 sq ft, 1/1, $1990 MO Tom Gangemi condo 2rentals. Beach vacations start here! BR apt. Upper Darby, W/D, cable. Hospitals. and private entrance. month, includes................................������������� MO Tom taxes Gangemi $2200 MO Tom Gangemi #519- Low 100$1000.00 sq ft,fees 1/1, $2000 #17141,090 sq ft, 1⁄2, For availability call 1$350. Call 610-352-1188. Tom Gangemi sq ft, 1/1, $3200 #1806- 1,467 sw ft, 2/2, $3200 MO Tom Gangemi utilities. Call#721215995686-3431 or MO 215-468-9166 #903- 965 sw ft, 1/1, $1950 MO Tom Gangemi #1906- 1,287 sqUnique ft, 2/2, $2700 MO Tom Gangemi ������������������������ “George T._______________________________33-21 Sale Condo” Garden _______________________________32-16 evenings. wanted home in Gangemi Norris#1006- 1,090 sq ft, 1/1.1, $2180 MO Tom Gangemi Roommate#2009867 sqtoft,1share br loft, $2100 MO Tom level 1 bd, 1 ba. unit w/ private entrance.. Low fees & Tax _______________________________33-24 town. $600/mo. + half utils. Ref. req. Must love 240 S. 13TH ST-. Sunny studio, new kitchen, hardwood floors, $1000 INCLUDES HEAT-Kera Ritter call........................��������. 610-270-0288. No drugs. Abatement. Lowest bd. incats. area 2314 REED ������������������ ST- 2 apts avail starting atprice $795MO1Janis Dunis Entire 3rd floor apartment for rentin has large at _______________________________33-21 3512 BARING ST – Studio, utilities included rent starting $900 MO Kera Ritter ����������� eat-in ice1maker, in micro, 1513 31ST-Ultrawith Modern BR, 1 BAbuilt with deck in Gray’s Ferry. Avail May 1 - $575 MO NO PETS Janis Dubin d/w, disp.ST-4br lots of counter and storage. 502garb W. HARVEY Twin w/ porch, yard avail Julyhall 1 $1800 MO Janis Dubin �������� ����������������������. open 1 bath condo COMMERCIAL SPACEliving FOR RENT closet, very large room, rentNew includes all style 2 bedroom, 1608 SPRUCE ST-Spacious Commercial Office Space on 2nd Floor, Kit,small Storage in bsmt,friendly $2000 with low taxes and fees. Great building. channel Tevo. bathroom hascondo a washer/dryer, � pet OPPORTUNITY FOR FULL TIME SALES AGENT- FOR INTERVIEW CALL OFFICE another hall closet andCAREER two bedrooms with more .........................................................................�������� SPECIALIZING IN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT-CONDOS AND APARTMENTS 2-10 UNITS closets. Heat and hot water is also included. $1,200.00/month. This is a non-smoking build-Court. ��������������������� ������������������� Old Swedes New Listing Large 3 Super-private 5 1/2 acres with views, stream, ing. 215-416-5545. Bedroom 2.5 Bath with Garage, roof deck hardwood floors. 3 waterfall, 20’and X 36’ pool. Fully funished _______________________________33-20 bedrooms, 3 baths, 4 TVs, 1 flat screen, DSL, Low association fees in Queen Village ....................�������� stereo, grand piano, eat-in kitchen. Vine-cov-

E-mail us:


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������������������������ �������������������� ������������������������������������� ������������������� ������������������������������������ ������ �������������������� ����������� ������������������


����������� SALE


����������� SALE


Mystery shoppers, make up to $150 a day. Drive the Big Rigs! 30 Trainees Needed ASAP. Undercover shoppers needed to judge retail $700-$800 per week, Benefits, No CDL, No and dining establishemnts. Experience not Problem. No Credit, No Problem. GIT-R-DONE required. 877-280-7603. Call Now! 1-800-961-4319. _______________________________33-19 _______________________________33-18 Pensioner, GM inn, 609-287-8779 9 AM-1 Over 18? Between High School and College? Broker/Sales Rep. Since 1987 PM only. Have Fun w/Young Successful NJAR Circle of Excellence SalesTravel Awardand 19912007 _______________________________33-19 Business Group. No Experience Necessary. Weichert President’s & Ambassador’s Clubs �������������������������� 2wks Paid Training. Lodging, Transportation No exp. necessary, will train. PT or FT. SJ Provided. 1-877-646-5050. Office: 856.227.1950 ext. 124 shore area. Call 609-645-2010. _______________________________33-18 609.221.1196 _______________________________33-19 Cell: Now Hiring OTR Dry-Van Drivers! WESTERN Travel, Travel, Travel! $500 Sign-on EXPRESS *Regular Home-Time *Excellent $500 Performance bonuses. Seeking Sharp Equipment *One-Day Orientation *BCBS Guys/Gals, Blue Jean Environment, Music Washington Township Office Insurance *Stable,Growing Company, Must Lovers Welcome! Janelle #888-375-9795 5070 Route 42 CDL required 866be 22Yrs. Old, Class-A Start Today! 863-4009.NJ 08012 Turnersville, _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-18 Part-time, home-based Internet business. Earn $500-$1000/month or more. Flexible hours. Mailing Brochures! Weekly pay + Bonus. SupTraining provided. No selling required. FREE plies furnished. Guaranteed Opportunity. Call Now! 1-800-307-7131. details. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-18 “Can You Dig It?” Heavy Equipment 3wk ������������������������ Avg. Pay $21/hour or $54K annually including Training Program. Backhoes, Bulldozers, Federal Benefits and OT. Paid Training. Vaca- Trackhoes. Local job placement asst. COULD QUALIFY FOR GI/VA BENEFITS. 866-362tions. PT/FT 1-866-945-0341. _______________________________33-18 6497. _______________________________33-18 ���������������� National Company Hiring 18-30 Sharp People. NOW AVAILABLE! 2009 POST OFFICE JOBS. Able to Start Today. Transportation & Lodging $18-$20/hr. NO EXPERIENCE, PAID TRAINFurnished. NO EXPERIENCE Necessary. Paid ING, FED BENEFITS, VACATIONS. CALL 1-800-910-9941 TODAY! Ref #PA09. Training. Over 18+ 866-734-5216. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-18 ������������������������

Conrad Kuhn

��������� ��������������� ����������������� �������������������������


������������������� ���������������������������� Seeking part-time editorial intern �������������������

The Philadelphia Gay News is seeking a part-time editorial intern. As editorial intern, you will perform a variety of duties in support of the editorial staff. Duties might include writing short articles and weekly event listings, research, fact checking, ling, archiving data and special projects. Noon - 1:00

Open Houses Sunday June 21, 2009

Intern(s) may opportunity (depending on level 250 S. 13th Unitalso 1D have “Newthe Lsiting” Lenox Condo” Deluxe one of bd,interest 1 ba. and journalistic attend local events (press conferences, rallies, New kitchen andskills) Wood floors........................Low price....$235,000 etc.) and write news and features articles.

1027- N 4th St L Northern Liberties New Construction condominium 1 bd, Intern(s) be highly with s/s strong writing skills.w/d A in unit, 1.5 bath, should hardwood floors,motivated gas fireplace, granite kitchen, journalistic background preferred not............................ required. Intern(s)$285,000 must quiet courtyard location,islow fees & but taxes have the ability to stay focused while working independently. Intern(s)

813 N. Bambrey St. NEW Listing. Newer 3 bd. 1.5 ba with finished lower must be able to meet deadlines both on a daily and longer-term basis. level and nice rear garden. Great Art Museum Location ........................ This is an unpaid internship (academic credit available), 15-20 hours ........................................................................Priced to sell..... $300,000 per week.

1:30 - 2:30


2118 Montrose St. New Listing. Totally rehabbed extra large 2 bd. 2 1/2 Computer procient. (Prefer Word, e-mail, In-Design, Excel. ba. w/ wood floor, garnite & S/S deluxe kitchen. landscaped garden. Photoshop a plus.) Roof deck. A must see...............................................................$325,000 Organized, detail oriented

1027N 4th St L Northern Liberties New Construction condominium bd, Solid written and verbal communications skills; knowledge of AP1 style 1.5Team bath,player hardwood floors, gas fireplace, s/s granite kitchen, w/d in unit, quiet courtyard location, low fees & taxes ............................ $285,000 Please send résumé, cover letter and three writing samples to 238 S 13th St. Unit G100 “George T. Sale Condo” - Unique Garden level Sarah Blazucki, Editor, Philadelphia Gay News, 505 S. Fourth St.,1 bd, 1 ba.Philadelphia, unit w/ private Low fees & Tax Abatement. Lowest PAentrance.. 19147. Or e-mail, price 1 bd. in area......................................................................$200,000

Search all Philadelphia area listings @


Dan Tobey


The Curtis Center �������� ���������� 170 GTS W. Independence Mall , Suite L-44 Wishing to adopt newborn to nurture and 2001 Toyota Celica $2500! 2 door,custom Philadelphia, PA 19106 made orange exterior, black interior, 96500 adore. Will provide your baby with warm, 215.546.2700 Business • 267.238.1061 Direct miles, 6 speed manual, 4 cyl. Contact info: loving, stable home. You will be treated with 215.432.7151 Cell • 215.546.7728 Fax or call at (208) respect/ confidentiality. Expenses Paid. Please call Glenna 1-866-535-8080. 977-9080. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________33-18 ����� �������������� Receive $1000 Grocery Coupon. Noah’s Childless loving woman (teacher) wishes to Arc Support No Kill Shelters. Research to adopt a newborn. Financially secure home

From on TO VALU portable b able. ww informati _______

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JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

Placing Classifieds Liner Ads In Person: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday, By Phone or on the Web: 24 Hours, 7 Days

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JUNE 19 - 25, 2009













PGN What’s going on? Check out Diversions. For Center City Rentals Call

Joseph N. Reilly Real Estate Inc. 1737 South Street Philadelphia, PA 19146


Availabilities from studios to luxury town homes. Now or during the summer. Here is a listing of some of our rentals. Call for other availabilities. Rittenhouse Square Area - Studio in the Wanamaker House $1300 plus electric. Bonaparte House - 1 B/R 260 s. 9th $1200 plus electric. Olde City - 1 B/R 122 Chestnut st. $1400 plus utilities. Bonaparte House - 2 B/R 260 S. 9th St. $2000 plus utilities Graduate Hospital Area - 3 B/R 762 16th St. $1900 plus utilities Society Hill Area - House, 2706 South St. $1400 plus utilities Naval Square Area - 2219 Bainbridge St. $2700 plus utilities

o Electronic PGN:








12TH & DICKINSON ST. 3 room apartment, living room, kitchen, bath, and bedroom (all Large rooms) 2nd floor, private entrance. $1000.00 month, includes utilities. Call 215 686-3431 or 215-468-9166 evenings. _______________________________33-28 AVENUE OF THE ARTS Entire 3rd floor apartment for rent has large eat-in kitchen with ice maker, built in micro, d/w, garb disp. lots of counter and storage. hall closet, very large living room, rent includes all channel Tevo. bathroom has a washer/dryer, another hall closet and two bedrooms with more closets. Heat and hot water is also included. $1,200.00/month. This is a non-smoking building. 215-416-5545. _______________________________33-28 NEW HOPE OVERLOOKING DELAWARE Walk to shops, restaurants and theater. 3 BR, 3 BA, LR w/F/P, formal DR, eat in custom kit w/tile flrs. D/W, W/D, lg. family rm, C/A, screen porch, pool, deck on river. $2200/mo. 215-542-5642. _______________________________33-25 CHARMING 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Light filled second floor apartment in private home located in Morrisville, Pa. Minutes to Rt. 1, 95 and the train station. Be in New York and Philadelphia in no time. Not to mention a lovely 20 minute drive along the river to New Hope. Includes storage, private laundry with washer/dryer and off street parking. No pets/ no smoking. $925 plus electric. Call 215-802-3550 for appointment. _______________________________33-25 19XX S. CHADWICK ST. Live on a gay street! Rent a row house in back of St. Agnes Hospital in South Philly, 1 block from public transportaton. 1 BR, 1 BA, 3 floors including finished basement, W/D, new stove, new refrigerator, garbage disposal, private back yard. $800 per month., Available 7/1/09. Call 717-589-7828 or 215-917-4261. _______________________________33-27 MINUTES FROM CENTER CITY 3 BR, 1 full bath, 2 half baths, hdwd flrs thruout, lg. EIK, stainless steel appl, D/W G/D, W/D, clean & spacious basement, lg. back yard. Pets OK. $1500/mo. 267-278-1636. _______________________________33-28

Studio Condo Ogunquit, Maine

VANGUARD CLEANING SYSTEMS FRANCHISE Commercial Office Cleaning. Operate a Business that YOU own! Since 1984, as low as $1500 down, Equipment, Support, Customers. Phone: 717-260-3678. _______________________________33-25 ALL CASH VENDING! Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 25 Machines and Candy All for $9,995. 1-800-460-4027. _______________________________33-25


ROOMMATES PGN WILL NOT PUBLISH RACIAL DISTINCTIONS IN ROOMMATE ADS. SUCH NOTATIONS WILL BE EDITED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ___________________________________ GREATER NE PHILA. Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split level home with 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 full baths, W/D, upper and lower decks, use of kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least reasonably neat and employed. Rent is $600 + 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. _______________________________33-29 OVERBROOK PARK/CITY LINE Share house, furn. BR, cable, W/D, A/C. Avail. now. $450/mo. incl. utils. 215-850-7900. _______________________________33-23 2614 W. MONTGOMERY AVE. Rooms for rent ranging from $350 to $500. Located on 2nd & 3rd floor. Utils. paid by landlord. Please contact Mrs. Johnson. 917825-7761 _______________________________33-27 Have private 2 rms in 15 room hist. house. Share 1st fl. $575+ el. 215-844-8118. _______________________________33-27


Sleeps 4, pool, ocean view, full kitchen, dining area, deck. Close to Marginal way and centrally located. $850+tax a week. Available various weeks in July and August.

Contact Larry 610-453-3555

OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102 Online reservations _______________________________33-25

SERVICES ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE From Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 866-858-2121 _______________________________33-25 AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified -Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888)349-5387. _______________________________33-25


Alexander Inn

Hotel desk clerk for full or part time. Must have prior hotel experience with references. Good salary plus bonus pkg. Apply in person or call days. Call John 215-923-3535 Let’s Talk!

HELP WANTED POST OFFICE NOW HIRING! Avg. Pay $21/hour or $54K annually including Federal Benefits and OT. Paid Training. Vacations. PT/FT 1-866-945-0341. _______________________________33-25 $12.00 GUARANTEED For every envelope stuffed with our sales material plus a free sign on bonus. FREE 24 hour information 1-866-526-0078. _______________________________33-25 AWESOME CAREER $20/hr Avg, $57K/yr, Postal Jobs. Pd Training, Vacations, OT, Full Benefits, Pension Plan. Call M-F, 8-5 CST. 1-888-361-6551 Ext 1031. _______________________________33-25 Wanted: person for cleaning. 1bedroom 1bath and also a half bath. Living room, dining room and kitchen. No laundry and no windows. Neg. hours, days and pay. 856 223 9482. Mullica Hill, NJ. _______________________________33-26 VACANCY Teacher of Mathematics - Prince Edward SChools, Farmville, VA (434)315-2100. Website: Closing: Until filled. EOE. _______________________________33-25 Werner Enterprises. 40 Driver Trainees needed. Drive the Big Rigs. No CDL, No Problem. No Credit, No Problem. $700-$800/week plus Benefits Call Now! 1-800-961-4319Over 18? _______________________________33-25 Between High School and College? Travel and Have Fun w/Young Successful Business Group. No Experience Necessary. 2wks Paid Training. Lodging, Transportation Provided. 1-877-646-5050. _______________________________33-25 Driver CDL-A We’ve Got The Freight!! OTR Experienced or Truck Driving Training. Reefer and Flatbed Positions Available. Min. 21 years of age. CALL NOW!! 800-277-0212. _______________________________33-25 Looking for a driving job with excellent pay, benefits, fleet options and the stability of a debt-free company? Call Crete Carrier Today! 1-800-998-2221 _______________________________33-25

Ad Test

Currently seeking payroll clerks and accountants. Job comes with great benefits. Applicants should kindly e-mail resumes or inquiries to Guiseppina Cavaliere.

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009



Metal Roofing and Siding: Buy Direct, We manufacture and cut to your length, also a large supplier of Pole Building material 1-800373-3703 _______________________________33-25 SAWMILLS From Only $2,990.00--Convert your LOGS TO VALUABLE LUMBER with your Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. Free information: 1-800-578-1363-Ext300-N. _______________________________33-25 GET YOUR NEW Power Wheelchairs, Power Scooters and Hospital Beds at absolutely NO COST if you qualify!! Fastest delivery available!! Call Toll Free 1-800-470-7562. _______________________________33-25

DONATE VEHICLE Receive $1000 Grocery Coupon. Noah’s Arc Support No Kill Shelters. Research to Advance Veterinary Treatments. Free Towing, Tax Deductible, Non-Runners accepted 1-866-912-GIVE _______________________________33-25

ADOPTION ADOPT Childless loving woman (teacher) wishes to adopt a newborn. Financially secure home with close extended family. Legal/Confidential. Expenses paid. Please call Denise: 1-866-2014602 Pin#01960. _______________________________33-25


LEGAL NOTICE Pennsylvania Treasurer Rob McCord wants to put money back in your wallet! Treasury is seeking the owners of over $1 billion in unclaimed property. Search You could have money waiting for you! _______________________________33-25 Pursuant to §128.85 of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Title 7 regulations, GROWMARK FS, LLC. hereby gives notice of ground application of “Restricted Use Pesticides” for the protection of agricultural crops in municipalities in Pennsylvania during the next 45 days. Residents of contiguous property to our application sites should contact your local GROWMARK FS, LLC. facility for additional information. Concerned Citizens should contact: Michael Layton, MGR. Safety & Environment, GROWMARK FS, LLC. 308 N.E. Front Street, Milford, DE 19963. Call 302-422-3002. _______________________________33-25

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009



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PAGE 106


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PAGE 106


AMY F. STEERMAN Attorney at Law

Concentrating in Planning for Lesbian and Gay Couples • Probate • Wills • Living Wills • Powers of Attorney


1900 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19103


Terence S. Brady, Esq. Legal Representation In New Jersey Drunk Driving, Speeding, All Traffic Cases, Family Matters, Divorce, Visitation, Custody Criminal Matters, Real Estate Purchases, MARCH 28 - APRIL 3, 2008 Foreclosures


Mt. Holly, N.J. 609 504 6310


James M. M.SPACE Quesenberry, MA, CRC,CVE CVE AMY F.William STEERMAN A. Torchia, Esquire THIS ISMA, YOURS James Quesenberry, CRC, Attorney-at-Law Disability Consultant James M. Quesenberry, MA, CRC, CVE Attorney at Law Disability Consultant

$25.00 * Consultant Estate & Tax Planning Concentrating in Planning OnlyDisability for Lesbian and Gay Couples GENERAL PRACTICE FORSocial THE COMMUNITY Security Disability Week! SocialPer Security Disability ������������������������ ��������������������� ��������������� • Probate • Wills ����������������������������� ����������� • Living Wills ��������������������� ������������� • Powers of Attorney ��������������������� ��������������� CLASSIFIEDS ����������� ��������������

Social Security Disability Claims Appeals Appeals ���������� Claims Claims Appeals ���������������� That’s Less Than

215-629-0585 215-629-0585

215-629-0585 A Week’s Worth Of 1900��������������������������� Spruce Street Suite 202 202 Suite Double Mocha Lattes Philadelphia, PA 19103 Suite 202 Rd. ���������������������� Oxford Valley Rd. Oxford Valley


����������������� ����������� Oxford Valley Rd. 215-546-1950 (Voice) 215-546-8801 Fairless Hills, PA19030 19030 (Fax) Fairless Hills, PA *8 Week Minimum

Fairless Hills, PA 19030

Torchia & Kaufmann, L.L.C. Attorneys-at-Law

Estate & Tax Planning


PROVIDING DIRECT LEGAL SERVICES, • Property Agreements • Guardianships • Social Security APRIL 25 MAY 1, 2008 • Accidents • Real Estate • Elder Law EDUCATION & 1528 Walnut St. Suite 1220, Philadelphia, PA 19102 POLICY REFORM 215-546-1950 (Voice) 215-546-8801 (Fax) FOR THE LGBT � � � � � THISCOMMUNITY. SPACE IS YOURS • Estate Administration • Wills, Living Wills, Trusts • Powers of Attorney

• Domestic Relations • Incorporation • Adoption • Criminal • Name Change • Immigration



Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia Bar Association Serving Southeastern PA., South Jersey; and Delaware. Organized to promote civil and human rights. GALLOP Referral Service provides free referrals to attorneys sensitive to the needs of the community For info or a referral, call 215-627-9090 P.O. Box 58279, Penn Center Station, Phila., PA 19102


this space: only $25 per week*

APRIL 25 - MAY 1, 2008


Only $25.00* Per Week! FREE LEGAL HOTLINE (215) 731-1477

That’s Less Than A Week’s Worth Of Double Mocha Lattes *8 Week Minimum

Your ad dollars go further when you target your 215-629-0585 215-627-8200 PA audience 302-777-2201 DE Suite 202 *when you run for a minimum of 8 weeks

Jeremy R. Gussick Financial Advisor

Smith Barney

1211 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19107

215-238-5849 A division of Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. Member SIPC








521 Valley S. 2NDRd. ST., PHILA., PA Oxford APPT. ALSO AVAIL IN DE & NJ Fairless Hills, PA 19030

Financial Advice for the GLBT Community


Charles S. Frazier, Esq. Attorney at Law

• General Practice • Wills and Trusts • Living Wills • Powers of Attorney • Cohabitation Agreements

Wayne, PA (610) 687-4077

THIS SPACE IS YOURS Only $25.00* Per Week!

That’s Less Than A Week’s Worth Of Double Mocha Lattes

Gregory H. Quig

Attorney at L Real Estate / Zoni Liquor Licenses an

1822 S. Broad St. Philadlephia, PA 19145

*8 Week Minimum

R. FRANCISCO CORBIN, ESQUIRE Reach Over 40,000 Readers Weekly For As Little As $25.00 A Week. Call 215-625-8501 Today! Areas of Practice: Automobile Accidents Slip and Falls Workers Compensation

3000 Market Street Suite 201 Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 243-3450


JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

Don’t paint yourself into a corner...

PAGE 108


Is it time to look for a new doctor? CLASSIFIEDS

�� � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � �� � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � ��� � � �

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���������������������� ���������������������

Is it time to look for a new doctor?

Hire a professional! PGN

Home Improvement



APRIL 25 - MAY 1, 2008

Want to let mom, dad and all of your ����������������������������������������� exs know you’re tying the knot?

PAGE 108

Is it time to Your ad dollars forwhen a golook further you target your new doctor? audience this space: only $25 per week*

*when you run for a minimum of 8 weeks


Erotic Dungeon Master


6’, 165 lbs., 60 year old Master, greek active, THE PLAYGROUND french passive requires obedient slave for training, S&M, B/D, W/S, etc. Limits respected and expanded. Assistant Master wanted. Call Dave at 215-729-6670, day or evening. _______________________________33-48 Xdress sex party. CD house orgy every Sat. nite. GWM couple ISO GWMs 18-40 yrs. for 1 on 1 and group sex. Stockings, pantyhose, etc. Starts 9 PM Sat. Call Sat. 7-8 PM 856910-8303, ask for Mark. _______________________________33-24 GWM, Italian, top or bottom, 7” cut. Also into assplay, toys & water sports. Bi, straight, out of towners welcome. Day or night. Call Jeff at FRIENDS 215-850-7900. _______________________________33-18

You: big equipment! Me: real nice white butt. 215-732-2108, 8-11 PM. _______________________________33-20

Adult/Personals FRIENDS


LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. _______________________________33-28

Xdress sex party. CD house orgy every Sat. nite. GWM couple ISO GWMs 18-40 yrs. for 1 on 1 and group sex. Stockings, pantyhose, etc. Starts 9 PM Sat. Call Sat. 7-8 PM 856910-8303, ask for Mark. _______________________________33-25 Friendly men. _______________________________33-28 RELATIONSHIP GWM, top, 39, 5’10”, 165 lbs., athletic build, looking for LTR with bottom. Only serious need reply. Call 703-772-7774. _______________________________33-28 Hi, I’m Joey. I’m 40 yrs old, 140 pounds, 5’9”, very thin. I live on the Main Line in Ardmore. I’m looking for a friend to play with and have fun. We can massage each other. Call me at 484-238-4707. _______________________________33-26 FLORIDA MAN IN TOWN Bi WM, 5’10”, 160 lbs. 30” waist. Top. New to this. Teach me some got hot sex! Need a workover. 863-401-5437. _______________________________33-29


Erotic Dungeon Master

6’, 165 lbs., 60 year old Master, greek active, french passive requires obedient slave for training, S&M, B/D, W/S, etc. Limits respected and expanded. Assistant Master wanted. Call Dave at 215-729-6670, day or evening. _______________________________33-48 GWM, Italian, top or bottom, 7” cut. Also into assplay, toys & water sports. Bi, straight, out of towners welcome. Day or night. Call Jeff at 215-850-7900. _______________________________33-25



60 y.o., 5’7”, 160, 7” crossdresser looking for casual sex. Northern suburbs. 215-538-2040 ask for Zeta. _______________________________33-21

JUNE 19 - 25, 2009





FRIENDS FRIENDS ���������������������������� MEN MEN ����� ���������������������� ����������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������ �������������������������������������




r FULLB “A H City/


Online. Anytime.



Does Your House Need is A New Gay ourCoat? We’ve Got Specialists!

middle name.

PGN Home Improvement Directory




����� Activities

Meeting Place

JUNE 2009 MAY192 -- 25, 8, 2008




Man forTissue, Man Massage Deep Sensual Tall, attractive, muscular and Erotic Massage Sensual/Erotic Massage

RELAX & Hands Experience A Strong Massage & More

by handsome athletic man. I will tailor your massage Available for toin/out suit your needs... appointments. Incall/Outcall Discreet, clean and relaxing atmosphere.

Convenient to Lower Bucks, NE Phila. 15 mins from CC & S.Jersey Call Franco 24/7 Available to any anytime Phila area Hotel

at 215 463- 0368. 215-313-1010 G12

B24 B24

Deep tissue/Erotic massage BDSM training Body shaving in/out

KEN 215-317-8378

Ask about the After Midnight Special.

Call Franco anytime 24/7 kbmassage kbmassage B24 at 215-463-0368

Come and Enjoy

• Full Body • Deep Tissue • Sensual • Erotic Let my strong hands


Steve - 717.615.2178 610.203.2798B-2

Available 24/7 (215)465-2427

G-02B-2 B-2

Strong Hands Massage & More

by handsome athletic man


• Full Body • Deep Tissue

release all your tensions. FULLBODY • SENSUAL • EROTIC “Ask about my specials” Call CallHave car and will travel City/Suburbs/Jersey Shore/Hotels Adam

Deep Tissue, Sensual Submit and Surrender and Erotic Massage




a professional, therapeutic, and sensual massage • Sensual • Erotic tailored to your needs in my convenient NW suburban location G-06 G-06

FOR DISCREET MEN Good Looking 46yo 5’10 well endowed OUTCALLS ONLY Michael 609-238-6247

95s/322 location Make the call: 610-909-6552


Reservation deadline CERTIFIED MASSAGE is Friday, 3pm, prior to issue to appear. Camera ready ads must arrive by noon on Monday prior to issue. PGN deadlines are Handsome strictly followed. Certified Therapist


6’, 195 lbs, Muscle Gives Sensual / Therapeutic Massage

Call 215-432-6030




PA , N J & D E S i n c e 19 8 7


Philly's Premium Escort Service 2N 2o wn d I nYeOaurr! Reliable, Safe, Honest & Discreet

215-733-9779 Jon-Jon

Handsome Certified Therapist


30 Others Available On Our Website - Black Box = New

Phila.11AM 215.733.9779 Or Always til 2AM Hiring Toll Free 888.765.6665 Alwaystil Hiring Hours:11AM 2AM

6’, 195 lbs, Muscle Gives Sensual / Therapeutic Massage

Call 215-432-6030

Our Special Guests OurSpecial SpecialGuests Guests Our Work Out Exclusively at WorkOut OutExclusively Exclusively at Work 12th Street Gym 12thStreet StreetGym Gym 12th B-7 B-7 B-7

Display Advertising Deadlines Reservation deadline is Friday, 3pm, prior to issue to appear. Camera ready ads must arrive by noon on Monday prior to issue. PGN deadlines are strictly followed.





Professional Massage given by Chad.

Display Advertising Deadlines

Some Like It Hott! Sexy Dominican/Brazilian 5’11 , 160 lbs, 32” waist – with 9 ways to please you! Ask about my specials?




G-02 G-02 G-02

GOT MILK? I DO, ANLOT o w I nOFO uITr 21 CUM SEE! s t Ye a r !

P Ph h ii ll ll y y '' s s P P rr e em m ii u um m


Have Have car car and and will will travel travel •• City/Suburb/Jersey City/Suburb/Jersey Shore Shore



E PPAA ,, NNJJ && DDEE Es sc co o rr tt S Se e rr v v ii c ce e SSiinnccee 19 198877 Reliable, Reliable, Safe, Safe, Honest Honest & & Discreet Discreet

Let Let my my strong strong hands hands release release all all your your tensions. tensions. A-55 FULLBODY FULLBODY •• SENSUAL SENSUAL •• EROTIC EROTIC “Ask “Ask about about my my specials” specials”

G-01 G-01 G-01






JUNE 19 - 25, 2009

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