PGN June 22-23, 2012

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Olympic icon Greg Louganis dives into a new project

Family Portrait: Kory Aversa


“Berlin Patient” tells his story at the Philadelphia FIGHT Prevention Summit



June 22-28, 2012


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Vol. 36 No. 25

Report: William Way one of oldest, largest centers in U.S.

By Jen Colletta A teen-led committee of a local grantmaking agency awarded $10,000 each last week to two LGBT-focused agencies. YOUTHadelphia, a youth panel of The Philadelphia Foundation, presented $85,000 in grants last Thursday to nine youth-serving programs, including The Attic Youth Center and Gay and Lesbian Latinos AIDS Education Initiative.

The funding was provided from The Fund for Children, supported by the Philadelphia Eagles and Phillies. The YOUTHadelphia committee is comprised of 19 local teens from across Philadelphia who lead the entire grantmaking process — learning how to develop a request for proposals, evaluate applications and make strategic funding decisions. Philadelphia Foundation president R. Andrew Swinney said his agency believes PAGE 16 in youth empowerment

William Way wins $20K for web work By Jen Colletta Googlers will be one step closer to William Way LGBT Community Center after the organization took the top prize in a social-media contest earlier this month. The center received the most “likes” in a Facebook contest hosted by SEER Interactive, a search-engine optimization group, topping seven other local nonprofits.

As its reward, the center will be the focus and beneficiary of SEO conference “Did You Google It?” June 22 and will receive $20,000 worth of website and SEO consultation, applications and programs. SEER business development manager Jamie Blomquist said most nonprofits face challenges in establishing their strongest possible web presence. “When you look at the online world, it’s not a level playing field,” she said. PAGE 18 “Nonprofits like William

National average

William Way Community Center

40 30 20 10 0


Go v’ vid t u Fo un als da Fu tion nd s ra isi n Re g n Be tal qu es ts In -K Co ind rp or at e Ot Pr her og ra m s

Teen grantmakers award $10K to Attic, GALAEI


Although the center’s staff did not include as much diversity as other organizations, the agency was found to serve a diverse cross-section of the city’s LGBT community with a PAGE 2


TRUCKIN’ INTO TOWN: AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s Condom Nation Tour made a stop in the Gayborhood last weekend. The 70-foot-long 18-wheeler was parked on Locust Street between 12th and 13th Friday night to arm passersby with free condoms and safe-sex resources. The 25-state, 40-city tour launched in February with a goal of giving away 10 million condoms by the campaign’s end next month — some 51,000 were reportedly distributed in Philly. AHF partnered with Metropolitan Community Church of Philadelphia, GALAEI and Philadelphia FIGHT for the local stop. Photo: Scott A. Drake

A national coalition of LGBT community centers this month released results of a wide-ranging survey that found Philadelphia’s center succeeding in many areas. CenterLink and Movement Advancement Project’s LGBT Community Center Survey Report gathered data from 79 LGBT centers from across the nation, finding that they collectively served more than 1.7 million people last year. William Way was one of the oldest in the nation and boasted longer hours, more space and larger staffs and

volunteer bases than many similarly situated organizations. While the agency’s revenue was a bit below the national average, the organization relies on more diversified and stabilized means of income.

Percent of Revenue

By Jen Colletta

Source: CenterLink and Movement Advancement Project’s LGBT Community Center Survey Report. Sean Dorn/PGN

Advocates push for LGBT, HIV inclusion in aging plan By Jen Colletta

A coalition of local organizations is urging the state to better work to meet the needs of LGBT and HIV-positive older adults. Representatives of a number of LGBT, HIV/AIDS and elderly service organizations will testify next week at a public hearing on the Pennsylvania Department of Aging’s 2012-16 State Plan on Aging to call for the inclusion of specific language addressing the needs of LGBT and HIV/ AIDS older-adult communities. The newly formed coalition includes the LGBT Elder Initiative, AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania, Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly, Mazzoni Center and William Way LGBT Community Center. “We want the state to specifically name LGBT older adults in the plan,” said LGBTEI communications chair Ed Bomba. “We need to begin to look at the needs of this community as well as the community

of older Pennsylvanians living with HIV/ AIDS.” Among its particular aims, the coalition is asking the department to add representatives of both the LGBT and HIV/AIDS populations to the state’s Council on Aging and Cultural Diversity Advisory Council, as well as regional councils. LGBTEI co-chair Heshie Zinman said he and other advocates have been calling on the state to appoint representatives of the LGBT and HIV/AIDS communities to state panels for some time, but the conversations have fallen on deaf ears. “No one at the state level is listening to us,” Zinman said. “We make up a substantial part of the population, and they’re not talking to us and they’re not getting feedback from us. I feel like the state doesn’t care about me, doesn’t care about the LGBT community and people with HIV.” Zinman noted that, in the next few years, more than half of the state’s HIV-positive population will be over 50. The coalition will also PAGE 14

51-65: 20% 66-75: 10% 2

Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012


76+: 4%

Report names William Way one of oldest, largest centers CENTER from page 1

broad range of programs and services. “Largely, the survey shows that our community center is one of the stronger in the United States,” said center executive director Chris Bartlett. “The strategies put in place over many years here are reaping benefits financially and programmatically and have allowed us to fulfill our mission of meeting the needs of the Philadelphia LGBT community.” Organization The center, founded under another name in 1974, is older than most centers. The L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center is the oldest, having opened in 1969, but more than half of the agencies were founded since 1990. William Way is one of just 13 percent of the centers surveyed that owns its building outright. More than half of the agencies rent their property, and another quarter owns with a mortgage. “The fact that we own our building gives us tremendous security,” Bartlett said. “But it’s also symbolically important to say that we own our own piece of property that represents the LGBT community in the city. Our community should expect stability after so many years of [predecessor] Penguin Place moving from location to location. To be able to say that we are firmly and stably located at 1315 Spruce St. is very significant.” William Way’s building came out in front in terms of space, with 29,000 square feet — the average large center offers 17,000 — and hours of accessibility, open an average 68 hours per week, topping the average 50 hours of the rest of the agencies. Nearly all large centers offer computer services, more than half of which are through the David Bohnett Cyber Center Program, as is William Way’s. The local center provides 11 computers, compared with the average eight at other Bohnett centers, and two printers, as opposed to one at other agencies. Nationally, about 370 people visit Bohnett centers monthly, although William Way reported about 200 people per month. Finances Most centers saw an increase in expenses from 2010-12 — about a 19-percent jump on average — marking a turnaround from the previous survey two years ago that found sharp drops in spending. William Way’s expenses jumped from $835,816 in 2010 to $887,337 the following year, but the 2012 budget predicts $772,655 in expenses. The center’s 2012 budgeted expenses are lower than the average $1.5 million (which excludes the L.A. center) that large centers reported; however, the revenue is also less. William Way reported an increase in revenue from $783,399 to $837,177 between 2010-11, accounting for an approximately 7-percent increase, compared with the average 13-percent growth in revenues of the other agencies.

Last year, the large centers on average brought in $1.5 million each. Bartlett noted that many of the other centers receive funding for HIV services, which the center doesn’t offer. “When the HIV/AIDS dollars were split up in Philadelphia 15-20 years ago, William Way wasn’t around that table,” he said. “A lot of other centers have HIV/AIDS programs and get a lot of government funding for them, and we don’t. That’s both a plus and a challenge.” Nationally, large centers relied most heavily on government grants, which comprised 46 percent of their revenue in 2011, followed by individual donations, fundraising and foundational support. However, William Way’s largest revenue stream last year was bequests, which comprised about 24 percent of total revenue, with about 20 percent from in-kind contributions. Both of these categories amounted to just 2 percent each of the revenue of the other agencies. Government support accounted for just 1 percent of its revenue last year. The center’s 2011 remaining revenue came from — largest to smallest — rentals, individual donations, foundational support, fundraising and program income. While Bartlett said the center is interested in pursuing more government support, its reliance on non-governmental sources is vital. “I’m on the board of CenterLink and when I have conversations with my peers, they have a lot of envy that we have such a strong individual-donor base,” Bartlett said. “Individuals tend to be much less fickle than the government and foundations, and they’re more reliable over decades, where foundations and government sources often change year to year. It’s great that we have such strong support from our individual donors, but the LGBT community in Philadelphia also has the right to expect government support for these services, so that’s something we’re committed to improving.” Programs Of its 2011 expenses, the center spent 79 percent on programs, 11 on fundraising and

10 for management and general expenses, figures that were just about on par with other agencies, although the average large 76+: 4% 55% center White: spent more on management than fundraising. Black: 15% William Way’s programmatic spending Asian/Pacific was divvied up between social/recreational Islander: 13% activities and arts/cultural programs, at 35 percentLatino: each, 10% with an additional 10 percent going toOther: information/education, community 5% outreach and mental-health programs. Native most large centers spent on Nationally, American: 1% physical/mental 0-12: 1% health, followed by information/education, social/recreation, com13-18: 10% munity outreach and arts and culture. 19-25: 10% Bartlett explained that Mazzoni Center offers a wealth of 26-35: 20% LGBT health ser36-50: 25% vices so, instead of 50% Male: 51-65: 20% launching its own Female: 40% health program, 66-75: 10% William Way has Genderqueer 76+: 4% focused on the other /Other: 10% programmatic areas. “We have a wonderful health organization in town so it makes sense for us to focus on all of the other areas of com76+: 4% White: 55% munity organizing. They do what they Black: 15% do very well, and we Asian/Pacific do what we do very Islander: 13% well,” he said, notLatino: 10% ing that both agencies frequently make Other: 5% referrals to the other. Native “Strong partnerships American: 1% are key, and allows Mazzoni to have a focused mission on 0-12: 1% health and us to have 13-18: 10% a focused mission on what we do well, 19-25: 10% the arts and cultural 26-35: 20% 50% Male: and community pro36-50: 25% gramming.” Female: 40% The center’s ser51-65: 20% Genderqueer vices were tailored /Other: 66-75: 10% to a number of spe76+: 4% cific populations, such as parents of LGBT youth, LGBT parents, older adults, men, women and transgender people, although William Way did not report programs geared toward groups like LGBT youth, the HIV/AIDS community, LGBTs of color and homeless individuals. Similar the health programming, 76+:to 4% White: 55% Bartlett said William Way refers youth proBlack: gramming to15% such youth-focused agencies as The Attic Youth Center. Asian/Pacific Islander: He noted that13% the center is launching a new program geared toward those aged 23Latino: 10% 28 who have graduated from The Attic. Other: 5%

ClientsNative American: 1% access the center’s serAbout 200 people vices per week, and they run the gamut of diversity.

Just about half of the center’s patrons are men, 40 percent are women and the remaining clients identify another way, about on par with the national statistics, as was the 8 percent of clients who identify as transgender. Fifty-five percent of William Way’s clients are white, 15 percent black, 13 percent Asian and 10 percent Latino, similar to national trends, as were the average ages of the center’s patrons — most are between 36-50, followed by 26-35 and then 51-65. Most clients at centers across the nation fall below the U.S. average $51,000 household-income threshold, which held true for William Way. Some 29 percent of William Way’s patrons have a household income greater than $60,000. Educational attainment of clients varied greatly among centers, and William Way’s clients trended toward less education. Forty-three percent of the center’s clients do not have a high-school diploma or GED, while 31 percent do. Twenty-one percent earned some college credits, and 24 percent achieved a bachelor’s degree. About 12 percent attained a post-graduate degree. Management William Way is run by a larger staff than most large LGBT centers — more than half of the organizations have fewer than 10 paid staffers, while the local center has 14, six of whom are full-time and eight of whom are part-time. The center’s staff, however, doesn’t include as much diversity as other agencies. Nationally, more than half of the centers’ staff are people of color, while William Way is staffed by 11 white individuals and three who identify as people of color. The center’s staff is also comprised largely of men, while nationally the breakdown in gender identity is more even. Bartlett said the center has had a low turnover rate for a number of years, which has inhibited its ability to bring on a more diversified staff. “One of the things I’m proud of is the stability in staff at the center,” he said. “We’ve only had one staffer who had to leave since I started here and that’s great, but it also means we haven’t hired any new staffers so we keep the same demographics. We need to expand our staff to reflect women, people of color, transgender people. We’re striving to have diversity on the staff, the board and all of our volunteer bodies. That’s strategically a key goal.” In addition to its staff, the center’s board of 14 members is larger than the average 10 members. The board members equally represent men and women, with one transgender member and about 20 percent who identify as people of color, equal to the national average. The center’s volunteer base is also larger than other centers’ — large centers reported an average of 171 people who contributed more than 12 hours per week, while William Way amassed 250 volunteers last year. ■


Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

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Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

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CHORAL COMMUNITY: The 30-year history of the Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus came to life on stage at Prince Music Theater last weekend with “Legacy.” About 650 guests took in the sights and sounds of the anniversary concert during PGMC’s three performances June 15 and 16. Chorus members presented fan favorites, choral standards and the world premiere of a specially commissioned piece. In honor of the anniversary, Mayor Michael Nutter signed a proclamation declaring June 15 PGMC Day in Philadelphia. Photo: Scott A. Drake NEWS

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Creep of the Week Editorial Letters/Feedback Mark My Words Street Talk

10 10 11 11 11

How did you cool off at Philly Pride?

“I lingered in the shadows of my mind to hide from forces I believed would conjure greater torrents of pathos in my life, as if my fate was to live in perpetual sorrow, and barebacking indiscriminately would keep fate at bay.”

Poll results from our online survey as of June 20:

21% 10% 34% 3% 17% 14%

Go to to weigh in on this week’s question:

How often do you go to the William Way?

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Only in

Went to a bar Stayed in the shade Water, drinking it Water, getting in it I didn’t cool off Other

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Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012


‘Berlin Patient’ tells Philadelphia his story By Jen Colletta “My mother named me Timothy Ray Brown. The media renamed me ‘the Berlin Patient’ I am the man who once had HIV.” This is how the crowd at Philadelphia FIGHT’s Prevention and Outreach Summit June 14 met the keynote speaker, a man thought to be the only person to be ostensibly cured of the HIV virus. Several years ago, Brown, 46, was the recipient of two stem-cell transplants that were meant to eradicate his leukemia and which also sought to explore a new avenue for eradicating HIV. Doctors utilized a CCR5-negative donor, a rare genetic mutation in which the individual lacks the receptor gene that the HIV virus often uses to enter cells. While Brown’s recovery process was lengthy and challenging, his HIV levels have since been declared undetectable. “I didn’t really believe it at first,” he told PGN last week. “Although the doctors told me, I didn’t really believe I was cured until the New England Journal of Medicine released their report about me. It felt really, really good.” Brown, who is gay, was diagnosed with HIV in 1995 when he was studying in Berlin. Although he said he at first thought the virus was a death sentence, he eventually learned that he could live a reasonably

comfortable life on antiretrovirals. However, he was faced with another diagnosis a decade later: leukemia. After unsuccessful chemotherapy, Brown’s doctor decided to turn to then-more-unusual method of stem-cell transplantation, screening 67 potential candidates until finding a compatible donor who also had the genetic mutation. After full-body irradiation, the transplant was performed in February 2007. Following the recovery period, Brown’s HIV levels became undetectable and his physical strength returned. He went back to the gym and was able to regain muscle weight. “I did really well for that first year,” he said. However, upon a visit to the United States later that year, he was struck with pneumonia and during treatment learned that his platelets were low, an indication that his leukemia had returned, which was confirmed when he returned to Germany. Brown underwent multiple bone-marrow biopsies and was eventually faced with deciding if he should have a second stem-cell transplant: While survival rate for an initial transplant is about 70 percent, it drops to just 5 percent for a second procedure, he said. He ultimately elected to take the risk and received the second transplant in February 2008. After the procedure, he experienced

weight loss, delirium, bleeding behind his eyes and a wealth of other conditions, and spent months in rehabilitation learning to walk again. He gradually regained his strength and mobility and, while he was left with some residual neurological challenges, Brown is now cancer-free — and, even though he has been off his antiretrovirals since 2007, HIVfree. Brown’s identity was not publicly revealed until 2010, having only previously been known as “the Berlin Patient.” He has participated in countless speaking engagements since then and said he has been inspired by the effect his story has had on people who are HIV-positive. One of Brown’s most memorable encounters was with an HIV-positive Canadian woman who said her son, also HIV-positive, was brought back from the brink of suicide upon hearing Brown’s story. “I was told that my information changed his life, made him want to live,” he said. Brown’s name was again in the news last week with the release of a report out of Spain that suggested HIV traces still existed in his body. University of California scientist Steven Yuki contended in his study that his team identified what could be bits of HIV genetic material in Brown’s system. While responses varied, many in the medical community suggested that the samples in the

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highly sensitive tests were contaminated, which Brown believes. While Brown said his treatment was successful, he noted that it’s not a feasible cure for all HIV-infected people, in part because of the extremely high cost and risk: Germany’s universal healthcare system allowed him to undergo the extensive procedures, which he said he would not have been able to do in America. “My treatment went surprisingly well but I wouldn’t wish what I went through on my worst enemy,” he said. “What needs to come about is a cure that is easier on people than what I had to do.” ■

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Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

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‘Gittings Way’ in the works By Jen Colletta The legacy of early gay-rights pioneer Barbara Gittings could be immortalized in Philadelphia’s Gayborhood in the coming months. A committee of Philadelphia City Council last week unanimously approved a measure authorizing the naming of Locust Street between 12th and 13th streets as Barbara Gittings Way. The measure was introduced by Councilman Mark Squilla, whose district encompasses the Gayborhood, along with Councilman Jim Kenney June 14 and passed out of committee the same day. It will come before the full council in September, following its summer recess. Organizers are aiming to unveil the signs to coincide with the launch of Gay History Month in October. Squilla said at least two signs will be affixed and the city will cover the cost, which he estimated to be a couple hundred dollars. The idea for the street-renaming was first proposed by Equality Forum. “Washington, D.C., has a Frank Kameny Way and San Francisco has a Harvey Milk Plaza, so we thought it was important we in Philadelphia honor Barbara, who we view as the mother of the LGBT civil-rights movement,” said Equality Forum executive director Malcolm Lazin.

As noted in the resolution, Gittings, a native Philadelphian who died in 2007, was instrumental in organizing the “Annual Reminders” of the 1960s at Independence Hall, some of the earliest gay-rights demonstrations in the nation. Gittings founded the New York chapter of the Daughter of Bilitis and was an editor of the group’s publication. Gittings is credited with helping to secure the removal of homosexuality from the American Psychiatric Association’s listing of mental illnesses. Lazin said a number of local agencies, such as Equality Pennsylvania and William Way LGBT Community Center, are backing the initiative, as is a bipartisan group of councilmembers, whom he believes will unanimously pass the resolution this fall. Squilla said he strongly supported the suggestion, and thinks the proposed location is representative of Gittings’ storied work on behalf of the gay community. “What better place than right in the Gayborhood? That block of Locust is right in the middle of the Gayborhood and a location that people can really relate to. I thought it seemed like a good fit.” Gittings’ longtime partner Kay Lahusen welcomed the initiative. “I know Barbara would have been thrilled by this turn of events had she lived to see it,” she said. “I’m very grateful to Equality Forum for initiating this idea and especially am happy that this block is in the very heart of the Gayborhood.” ■

Ravi released, won’t face deportation By Jen Colletta

After 20 days in prison, Dharun Ravi is a free man. T h e 2 0 - y e a r- o l d f o r m e r R u t g e r s University student walked out of Middlesex County Department of Corrections Tuesday morning, smiling and with a beard he didn’t sport when he reported to prison May 31. Ravi was convicted of several counts of bias intimidation and invasion of privacy this spring for spying on his Rutgers roommate Tyler Clementi’s embrace with another man in September 2010. Ravi watched the encounter remotely via a webcam and invited others to view it. Shortly after learning about the privacy invasion, Clementi committed suicide. Last month, New Jersey Superior Court Judge Glenn Berman sentenced Ravi to 30 days in jail, far below the 10 years he could have faced. Both prosecutors and defense attorneys have appealed the sentence. All prisoners automatically receive a five-day credit for good behavior, and Ravi received an additional five-day credit for working, allowing for the early release. Garden State Equality chair Steven Goldstein called Ravi’s 20 days in prison “a travesty of justice.” He said Ravi’s defense was “engineered by powerhouse lawyers

and a publicity machine few others in his position could ever afford.” “Had Ravi gotten two-years’ jail time, or a year, or even six months, any of those would have better reflected a balance of crime and punishment without vengeance for the sake of vengeance,” Goldstein said. “Instead, 20 days in jail was a fleeting and repugnant non-lesson for a young man who passed up nearly every chance to show remorse.” Clementi’s family pointed out before the sentencing that Ravi never offered an apology for his actions or took responsibility for his role in the incident. In a statement released before he entered prison, Ravi offered some words of remorse but the family characterized them as insincere. Ravi is a native of India and moved to the United States at age 5. Since he is still an Indian citizen, his conviction could have merited deportation, but immigration authorities announced Monday that they would not move to deport him. Goldstein said his agency agreed with that decision, which he called “extreme.” “We are uncomfortable with the government’s using citizenship or residency status as a weapon against someone who has spent almost his entire life in the United States.” Ravi was also sentenced to 300 hours of community service, which he will begin immediately; a fine of more than $11,000; and he must attend anti-bullying training. ■


Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012




Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

Fitness company gets PNC award By Jen Colletta At the second-annual Independence Business Alliance Business Leaders Luncheon Tuesday, a local out fitness expert was awarded $5,000 to expand his business to a potentially international audience. The PNC Bank LGBT Business Award went to Unite Fitness, the new brand name for Fusion Cross-training studios, founded by out fitness expert Gavin McKay. McKay said the company will use the grant to spearhead a new online program and to support a fitness decathlon race Unite is launching in July. “We’re expanding this year,” McKay said. “We’re creating an online program for people across the country, or really the world, to use our program, and then we’re creating a fitness race and working on a lot of other things. We can use every dollar to help create better products and be able to market them. This is our year for reinvesting in our company. McKay founded Fusion five-and-a-half years ago and has been an IBA member since the organization’s inception. He said PNC also gave him one of his first start-up loans. The award, presented for the first time last year, goes to a “business that demonstrates a well-defined plan for growth, including innovation, sustainability and ongoing contribution to the community.” PNC Wealth Management senior investment advisor David Huting said McKay’s application was the most rounded and researched. “His plan was extremely well-written,” Huting said. “And within the plan, he examined the competitive landscape very thoroughly.”


Eight companies applied for the award, on par with last year’s grantmaking process. Huting explained that, in addition to the award presentation, the partnership with IBA allows PNC to present a business-planning seminar, which he said he’s eager to see develop. “We offer this planning seminar and we’ve gotten about 25 people who attend but we really want to see that grow,” he said. “The award itself is significant but where we can have a really significant impact in the LGBT community is helping businesses do better planning. So we want to keep taking the seminar to a better and better level.” ■

PGN partners with niche papers in new publication PGN is proud to announce that starting with this issue, it will be a partner in a new general circulation publication in conjunction with the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network. The members are The Philadelphia Sunday Sun headed by Philadelphia NAACP president Jerry Mondesire, Philadelphia’s most widely read Hispanic publication Al Día, The Metro Chinese Weekly and Metro Viet News, among others. PGN has long been on the vanguard of local LGBT publishing, pioneering many of the techniques now widely used in LGBT media. From vending boxes to professional journalism organizations, a gay chat line called Mascomp and the first newspaper in Philadelphia to do production via computer, PGN has led the way. As media is ever-changing and growing, PGN has been out front as one of the first to embrace the Internet and social media, as well as using The Associated Press and what was once United Press International. With the inclusion of this new general circulation, nothing in PGN will change. You’ll still be able to pick it up every Friday as you have for the last 37 years. The new general circulation publication will be an added feature. We hope it will be a way for communities within the city to communicate, as well as what PGN does so well, create dialogue. This is a proud achievement for Philadelphia: With the new Liberty City Press, the city leads the way in multi-cultural publishing. Being in the city where “Common Sense” was written, printed and distributed, this makes us very proud. ■ — PGN staff

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Sarah D. Craven, B.S. Nursing, U.S. Army 2002-10 Ashley O. Parker, B.A. Communications, U.S. Navy 2005-09


Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012


Gayborhood Crime Watch The following incidents in the Midtown Village and Washington Square West areas were reported to the 6th Police District between May 30-June 10. Information is courtesy of 6th District Capt. Brian Korn; Stacy Irving, senior director, Crime Prevention Service; Center City District; the Police Liaison Committee and Midtown Village Merchants Association. To report crime tips, visit or call 215-686-TIPS (8477). INCIDENTS — At midnight May 30 (reported 11:20 a.m., 9th District), a man reported he was walking in the 1300 block of Market Street when three males accosted him, lifted him up and took his wallet. The suspects were described as black males, no physical descriptions given. One was wearing a black hat and jeans, another was wearing a white T-shirt and a baseball cap and the other was wearing a button-down shirt. — Between 2:15-4:30 p.m. May 30, someone entered a residence in the 900 block of Latimer Street without force and stole a laptop and a wallet. Sixth District Officer Chim attempted to lift fingerprints. — At 2:15 p.m. May 31, a man was walking in the 200 block of South Eighth Street when a male reached into his rear pocket, took his wallet and ran north on Eighth. The suspect was described as a black male in his 20s with a medium complexion and a thin build and wearing a black shirt with a red letter, red cap and tan cargo shorts. — At 4 a.m. June 1, a woman was accosted in the 1200 block of St. James Street by a male who punched her, knocked her down and took her Droid phone. The suspect was described as a black male, 25 years old, 5-foot-6, with short hair with a discolored right eye, and wearing an orange-and-white striped shirt. — At 12:30 a.m. June 3, complainant was inside The Boilermaker, 216 S. 11th St., with a Droid phone on the table. A

male took the phone and fled; he was last seen running west on Walnut. The suspect was described as a black male wearing a white shirt, rolled-up blue jeans and work boots. — At 10 p.m. June 3, a man was walking in the 300 block of South 11th Street when two males approached from behind, hit him on the head with an unknown object and took his iPhone. The suspects fled east on Clinton and were described as black males, both 14-18 years old, both wearing all-black clothing and baseball caps. — Between 1:30-2:08 a.m. June 4, a 2012 Jeep parked outside 1216 Locust St. was stolen. It was recovered June 5 in Deptford, N.J. — Between 6:45 p.m. June 7 and 8 a.m. June 8, a secured bicycle was stolen from the 300 block of South Eighth Street. — At 9:50 p.m. June 8, while exchanging phone numbers outside 13th and Spruce streets, a male pointed an unknown black object at another male and demanded his money. The suspect fled in a taxi and was described as a black male, 28 years old, 6foot tall, bald and wearing a black shirt, a gray hoodie and white Air Force 1 Nike sneakers. — At 7:45 p.m. June 10, a woman was at 10th and Market streets when a male came from behind, stuck an unknown object (claiming it was a gun) to her back and demanded her laptop and money. The woman said she had no money and could not get the strap to the laptop case over her shoulder. The male took two credit cards and fled. The woman did not see the suspect and could not provide a description. NON-SUMMARY ARRESTS — At 12:15 a.m. May 29, a man was in the parking lot at 1110 Sansom St. when four males, all known to the victim, confronted him with a handgun and demanded items. The man wrestled with the gunman and the suspects fled west on Sansom. Police recovered a .25 caliber handgun

both he and the arresting officer fell through a plate glass window of the CVS. The 36year-old suspect with a North Philadelphia address was charged with gambling and resisting arrest. — At 7:10 p.m. June 7, an employee of Mercado Restaurant, 1216 Spruce St., saw a female seated at a table reach into the handbag of another patron at a table next to her and attempt to take a wallet. The employee confronted the female, took her picture and ordered her to leave. Sixth District Officer Corrado responded to the employee’s 911 call, saw the photo and obtained a description. The officer stopped the suspect 15 minutes later at 13th and Pine streets, where she was identified by the employee. The 35-year-old suspect with a Feltonville address was charged with attempted theft. — At 6:55 p.m. June 8 inside Macy’s, 1300 Market St., a female was observed by store security removing a wallet from the handbag of a customer. The 35-year-old suspect with a Lawncrest address was held for police and charged with theft. — At 12:20 p.m. June 9, 6th District officers set up surveillance in the East Market Street area and, on the northeast corner of 10th and Market streets, observed two males purchase pills from a female. Police recovered a quantity of pills, one narcotic, two prescription non-narcotics, and marijuana. The 33-year-old female with a Northeast Philadelphia address was charged with illegal narcotic sales and the 26- and 22-year-old males, both with Northeast Philadelphia addresses, were charged with possession of narcotics. — Between 2-4:15 p.m. June 10, a 2009 Honda parked in the 300 block of South Eighth Street was taken without permission. At 7:15 p.m., same date, 24th District police stopped the vehicle in the 100 block of East Tusculum Street. The 29-year-old operator with a Tacony address was taken into custody and charged with auto theft and related offenses. ■

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in the 1300 block of Sansom. Central Detective Division obtained warrants for all four suspects and arrested them at 6:30 p.m. May 29. All four, ages 17, 19, 19 and 20, all with South Philadelphia addresses, were charged with robbery and related offenses. — On May 29, 6th District Officers Ferrero and Blackburn were assigned to plainclothes duty to address bicycle thefts in the area. They set up surveillance in the 200 block of South Juniper Street and at 1:15 p.m. observed a male take a bicycle without permission and attempt to walk away with it. The 41-year-old suspect with a Roxborough address was charged with theft. — On May 30, 6th District Officers Ferrero and Blackburn were assigned to plainclothes duty to address bicycle thefts in the area. They set up surveillance in the 200 block South Juniper Street and at 5:40 p.m. observed a male take a bicycle without permission and attempt to walk away with it. The 20-year-old suspect with a South Philadelphia address was charged with theft. — On May 31, 6th District Officers Ferrero and Blackburn were assigned to plainclothes duty to address bicycle thefts in the area. They set up surveillance outside 208 S. Juniper St. and at 1:35 p.m. observed a male take a bicycle without permission and attempt to walk away with it. The 54-year-old homeless suspect was charged with theft. — On May 31, Jefferson University security officers observed a male cutting a lock from a bicycle outside 1020 Locust St. The male was apprehended after a foot pursuit. The 41-year-old suspect with a Camden, N.J., address was charged with attempted theft. — At 3 p.m. June 2, 6th District Officers Ferrero and Blackburn observed a threecard monty game operating outside 1046 Market St. The male operating the game was apprehended after resisting arrest, and

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Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012


Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

Joe Haveman


Romney, really? This week, the gay Republican organization GOProud endorsed former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for president. It’s a move that is (somewhat) surprising and disappointing. GOProud’s board did not unanimously endorse Romney, with at least one board member backing Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson. GOProud came to being around the time the Tea Party movement started and describes its membership as “seeking to promote freedom by supporting free markets, limited government and a respect for individual rights.” Though the organization’s agenda emphasizes “conservative and libertarian principles” — and doesn’t mention the Republican Party — the name GOProud seems to indicate who they support. Why the founders felt inclined to start a group to rival the long-established Log Cabin Republicans is a different conversation. But why endorse Romney, particularly when his track record on LGBT issues leaves much to be desired? For starters, he said he would work to reinstate “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” When he ran against Sen. Ted Kennedy, he said he was better than the senator on gay-rights issues, then backed away from that position in a later campaign. Certainly, Romney opposes same-sex marriage. Wouldn’t that stance alone impede GOProud from endorsing him? If you are promoting freedom, limited government and a respect for individual rights, wouldn’t same-sex marriage be covered in that?

And why doesn’t GOProud support a candidate that more closely aligns with the group’s mission and tenets — specifically the tenet that opposes an antigay federal marriage amendment — such as Johnson or openly gay Republican candidate Fred Karger? Because those candidates aren’t going to win the Republican presidential nomination. Somehow, instead of seeming like an astute political move, this group’s endorsement of Romney feels more like a calculated political move, so GOProud can later say it was allied with a winning campaign — since Johnson and Karger don’t have much of a shot and the allegedly unaffiliated GOProud would never back a Democrat. In its endorsement, GOProud lauds Romney’s private-sector business background, saying he has the “experience and expertise to turn this economy around.” While the parties can debate and slam each other’s economic, free-market and size-of-government policies, lauding Romney’s business background seems somewhat shortsighted. Romney’s record of “cleaning up” faltering companies by downsizing workers doesn’t necessarily translate to effectively leading a country. What would happen if he shrunk the federal government by firing those workers? Where would they go? Would they get unemployment? Though Republicans often criticize Democrats as supporting “big government,” it’s historically been the latter who have reduced the number of federal workers. ■

You know, if you would have asked me a year ago what’s the most terrible state in the nation for lesbians or gays, I would not have said Michigan. I mean, yes, Michigan would have made the list, but not at the coveted No. 1 spot. Well, apparently Michigan Rep. Joe Haveman (R-Holland) has a competitive streak and didn’t like Michigan being anything less than the worst. And so in March he introduced House Bill 5040, aka the “Julea Ward Freedom of Conscience Act.” This odious bill, according to Emily Dievendorf, director of policy at Equality Michigan, “would prohibit public colleges and universities from disciplining students participating in counseling, social work and psychology programs who refuse treatment to a patient based on the patient’s sexual orientation or gender identity, if the discrimination is motivated by a ‘sincerely held religious belief.’” In other words, if you’re gay or lesbian and you want mental-health care and your counselor or therapist thinks homos are yucky, they don’t have to help you. A little backstory here: Julea Ward was a student at Eastern Michigan University who got booted from the counseling program there because she refused to help a gay student, because it offended her because of Jesus or whatever. Afterward she became a hero to antigay folks everywhere, obviously. “Every individual is entitled to religious beliefs and should not be reprimanded for those beliefs,” Haveman stated. Um, yes, we’re all entitled to believe whatever we want, batshit crazy or otherwise, and nobody denied Ward that. However, being gay is not a belief, it’s a real thing. And gay people are human beings, which, presumably, someone in a counseling program has a desire to help. “Ms. Ward did not deny counseling to the client,” Haveman continued. “She requested to refer the client to another counselor, and by being responsible to make sure the client received the best counseling available, she was punished.” In other words, Ward was not capable of providing the best counseling available. So why should she get a counseling degree? Oh, yeah. Because she didn’t want to help a gay person and that’s a matter of “conscience.” Now, if she had refused to help someone because they were Hispanic or because they were confined to a wheelchair, then everyone would call that blatant

discrimination. According to Dievendorf, “discrimination based on various categories, including age, culture, disability, ethnicity, race, religion/spirituality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, language preference, and socioeconomic status is prohibited by national counseling standards.” So by saying, “Hey, I don’t want to treat gay people,” Ward essentially said, “Hey, I am not qualified for this program.” Just like if you want to be a doctor and you say, “Oh, by the way, I don’t believe in medicine and science and will just pray to Jesus on behalf of my sick patients,” you should be shown the door — not given a diploma. I have heard the argument made again and again that this bill actually benefits gay clients because who wants to be counseled by a homophobe? And, yes, that is true. But not everyone has the luxury of shopping around when it comes to care providers. Some people are limited by insurance or lack thereof. Nor do kids who see school social workers have many options. And the last thing an LGBT kid struggling with his or her sexuality needs is a counselor who says, “You’re too broken to help.” But for Haveman and the others who supported this bill, religious rights — and let’s be clear, that really means “Christian rights” — trump LGBT civil rights every time. ■

I have heard the argument made again and again that this bill actually benefits gay clients because who wants to be counseled by a homophobe?

D’Anne Witkowski has been gay for pay since 2003. She’s a freelance writer and poet (believe it!). When she’s not taking on the creeps of the world, she reviews rock ’n’ roll shows in Detroit with her twin sister.


Lost in space: Danger LGBT community, danger A couple years ago, my friend Jerry eye to — making those executive orders Hose was invited to the White House laws. And securing the laws that we have LGBT Pride Reception. Like me, Jerry won, such as the repeal of “Don’t Ask, was at the very first gay Pride march, Don’t Tell.” And, as I’ve said a thousand which we called Christopher Street Gay times, passing the Employment NonLiberation Day. It was in commemoraDiscrimination Act really needs to be a tion of the Stonewall riots the priority, but not now. year before and, like Jerry, I Now we are in a fight to was the only one in the room at keep the modest gains we have this year’s White House Pride made. And the only way to do Reception who had been at that that is to reelect Obama. Let’s first march. I still have my marbe clear: This is not going to be an easy election. Did you shal’s badge — a 3-by-5 card with the stamp of CSLDC on notice Wisconsin? Did you it. We didn’t have much money notice the money in that race? in those days — there was no Sheldon Adelson, a Las Vegas Gay Inc. then. casino operator and the man So when the president who financed Newt Gingrich’s run, has stated that he might entered to make his speech, I hung to the back of the room give Romney and his super PAC along with an old friend from $100 million. Chances are that the Democratic National Romney will have more funds Convention, some White House Mark Segal than Obama. If that were not enough, did you know there are personnel and blogger Mike Rogers. now 24 states that have pending voter ID The president welcomed all to the White legislation? That means that certain people House last Friday and then ran off a list will have a problem voting. Do you even of his administration’s accomplishments wonder which people they are? The ugliest for this community. Not going to list them of those states is Florida. Remember Gore vs. Bush? here, but they are impressive. As I write this, a press release from After the speech, he worked the rope GOProud, the gay Republican organizaline and spoke with a few guests. Later, tion, hits my desk. They endorse Mitt one of those told me he asked the president to sign an executive order — hold it Romney. And here’s the rub. They do right there! so for Romney’s private sector econLet’s take a reality break. It is a waste omy record. There is no mention of any of time to ask the president to issue any Romney LGBT support to this community in any way. Guess you’d have to be new policy changes. Not that the change a rich, white self-hating homo to appreis not necessary, not that you’d be wrong ciate endorsing someone who says he’ll in wanting the changes. It’s just absolutely a waste of time and priorities. Why, not honor you or your relationship — and you ask? Any executive order issued by attempt to toss you out of the military President Obama can be undone by the since being gay means you are not fit for next president. Therefore, if for any reaU.S. military service. While this might son Obama does not get reelected, do you be a hard statement on GOProud, we really think Mitt Romney would keep it are more than just our wallets. GOProud in place? So why ask the president for should at least endorse someone who has something that will only last six months? given an something to this community. But that’s only half the story. Much of Obviously, this is how poorly they think of what this administration has accomplished themselves. But their endorsement makes for this community can be undone by a point: divide and conquer. Romney. And even that is not the full If you don’t want to wake up on Jan. 21 story. Because Romney says he’d try to and see all your rights vanish, your first appeal the other areas that have been writpriority is to reelect President Obama. ■ ten into law. Mark Segal, PGN publisher, is the With that, I say your No. 1 priority is to nation’s most-award-winning commentareelect President Obama to protect your tor in LGBT media. He can be reached at rights and gains and to give him the time he needs to do what most kept a blind

Mark My Words

Tell us what you think Send letters and opinion column submissions to:; PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147; fax: 215-925-6437.

Please include a daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity, style and space considerations.

Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012


Street Talk Should the Olympics ban anti-LGBT countries? “I think the Olympics should adopt a strong policy in favor of LGBT rights — and make public statements to that effect. Paul Kieper But I wouldn’t systems engineer support a Hawthorne ban of antiLGBT countries. That would be punishing the athletes. And the individual athletes might not share the views of their respective governments.”

“Yes. Any country that punishes people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity Matt Rankin should be scientist banned. But South Philadelphia I wouldn’t use same-sex marriage as a litmus test. If you’re too strict, you’ll limit too many countries, And it wouldn’t be much of a competition.”

“No. You can’t force people to think the way you want them to think. We’re a free country. And we should be giving other countries the Kylie Ristine opportunity student to have Port Richmond the same freedoms. Otherwise you’d be taking away someone else’s rights.”

“If a country is killing LGBT people, they shouldn’t be permitted to compete. The Olympics should have Kim Soli certain blogger standards. South Philadelphia Murdering innocent people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity is completely unacceptable. I hope a ban would encourage the country to make positive changes.”

Letters and Feedback In response to “Still here and still proud,” June 15-21: Immediately upon my honorable discharge from the U.S. Navy (I was unsuccessfully “baited” to admit my sexuality just after leaving combat in Viet Nam and two months before my scheduled release from active duty), I attended Penn State. Years before you arrived, I was a founding member of Homophiles of Penn State, the first gay organization recognized by a major university. I remember distinctly driving up the hill to the courthouse in Bellefonte, because the queens with whom I was riding blurted out, “Oh my God! It’s Emerald City! Within this churchy atmosphere, two men in suits entered from either side of the front of what should have been an altar, shook hands and walked apart. We all looked at each other in wonder until someone asked the clerk what

just happened. He said, “You just won.” This was quickly followed by what the school paper called “the first true ‘mixer’ the university had ever hosted.” It all seemed like it was going to be a walk in the park. When people protested in front of the Liberty Bell, we all pooh-poohed the notion of trying to look respectable and thought there would really be no difference between equal rights for African Americans and for us. A group of us old retired gay men recently watched “After Stonewall,” and one gentleman’s response stayed with me. “I’m mad,” he said. “I’ve been on the fighting side of this struggle since I was a teenager and we don’t seem to have progressed very far.” But there is no alternative. — John Petsinger


Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012


Media Trail

In May, Thorne-Begland received 33 yes votes, 31 no votes — all from Republicans — and 10 abstentions in his bid for the seat. The appointment was left to the court because the General Assembly failed to fill the seat.

Virginia court appoints gay judge Tenn. School lawmakers rejected district to allow T h e R i c h m o n d T i m e s gay pride displays EXPANSIVE GRATITUDE: Mazzoni Center hosted a donor reception June 14 for supporters of the expansion of the health center at 809 Locust St. Mazzoni staff, along with friends of the late Dr. Peter Mazzoni, including Dignity Philadelphia leaders Jimmy Calnan, Barbara Gindhart and Michael Rocks, unveiled a plaque outside the building and a tree planted to honor the namesake who volunteered for the agency at the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis before his death in 1990. Photo: Tara Lessard ����������


Dispatch reports the Richmond Circuit Court has appointed an openly gay Richmond prosecutor to a General District Court judgeship a month after legislators blocked the appointment. In June 14 statement, Sen. A. Donald McEachin applauded the court for “putting aside bigotry, prejudice and false excuses” in naming Tracy Thorne-Begland to the seat. Supporters have said ThorneBegland would be Virginia’s first openly gay jurist. Thorne-Begland was honorably discharged as a Navy pilot after publicly disclosing his sexual orientation. Some legislators pointed to that defiance as a reason he should not serve.

Nashville’s News Channel 5 reports the Hardin County School District has agreed to allow students to display their support for gays and lesbians. The assertion came in a letter from the district’s attorney to the nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center. The center had complained last month that students were being prohibited from publicly supporting gay rights in school. That was after several highschool students said an assistant principal told them that T-shirts such as one with a rainbow flag violated the dress code by promoting sex. The school district attor-

ney wrote that students can peacefully display “non-vulgar expressions in support of LGBT people.” The letter also affirms that slogans such as “Lesbian and Proud” and “I Love My Gay Friends” are not vulgar or sexually suggestive.

Gay marriage foes in Maine begin fundraising Seacoast Online reports scores of churches around Maine are passing the collection plate a second time at Sunday services to raise money for the campaign in opposition to November’s ballot question asking if same-sex marriage should be legalized. Between 100-150 churches are expected to raise money for the Protect Marriage Maine political action committee. The offerings represent the kickoff to the PAC’s fundraising campaign to oppose November’s statewide referendum. Referendum opponents say they expect to be far outspent by gay-marriage supporters in the campaign. ■ — compiled by Larry Nichols

locations in Pa. outside of Philadelphia

Allentown • Allentown Brew Works, 812 Hamilton St. • Candida, 247 N. 12th St. • MCCLV, 930 N. Fourth St. • Stonewall, 28-30 N. 10th St. • Annville • Lebanon Valley College, Sheridan Ave. • Ardmore • Ardmore Station, Anderson Ave. near Coulter Ave. • Bethel • Adult World, 341 Midway Road • Bethlehem • LGBTQ Services Lehigh U, 25 Trembley Dr. • Bloomsberg • Bloomsberg University LGBTA Center, 400 E. Second St. • Bristol • Bristol News World, 576B Bristol Pike • Bryn Mawr • Bryn Mawr College, Canaday Library • Bryn Mawr Station, Morris Ave. near Bryn Mawr Ave. • Fox & Roach Realty, 763 Lancaster Ave. • TLA Video, 761 Lancaster Ave. • Chalfont • Dr. Annette Lee, 700 Horizon Circle, Suite 202 • Chester • Harrah’s Chester Casino, 777 Harrah’s Blvd. • Widener University, 1 University Place • Collegeville • Adult World, 3975 Ridge Pike • Devon • Devon Station, Devon State Road & Lancaster Pike • Doylestown • Doylestown Bookshop, 16 S. Main St. • Siren Records, 25 E. State St. • East Stroudsburg • Rainbow Mountain Resort, 210 Mt. Nebo Road • Easton • La Pazza, 1251 Ferry St. • Gibson • Hillside Campground, 1 Creek Road • Glen Mills • Imago Dei MCC, 1223 Middletown Road • Glenside • Keswick Cycle, 408 N. Easton Road • Harrisburg • 704 Strawberry Café, 704 N. Third St. • AIDS Community Alliance, 100 N. Cameron St. • Brownstone Lounge, 412 Forster St. • Liquid 891, 891 Eisenhower Blvd. • MCC of the Spirit, 2973 Jefferson St. • Stallions, 706 N. Third St. • Haverford • Haverford Station, Haverford Station Road near Lancaster Ave. • Kutztown • Kutztown University, 15200 Main St. • Lancaster • Downtown Books, 227 N. Prince St. • Rainbow Pet Creations, 305 N. Queen St. • Sundown Lounge, 429 N. Mulberry St. • Tally Ho Tavern, 201 W. Orange St. • Lansdale • Gwynedd Vet Hospital, 1615 W. Pointe Pike • Lehighton • Woods Campground, 845 Vaughn Acres Road • Levittown • Levitt Books, 7406 Bristol Pike • Malvern • Malvern Station, King St. & Warren Ave. • Media • Unitarian Universalist Church, 145 W. Rose Tree Road • The Media Theater, 104 E. State St. • LGBT Alliance Group, Delaware Co. Campus, Penn State Univ., 901 Media Line Road • Narberth • Narberth Station, Haverford & Narberth avenues • New Hope • Café Europa, 11 Market Place • Cornerstone Gym, 419 York Road • Eagle Diner, 6522 York Road • Havana, 105 S. Main St. • John & Peters, 96 S. Main St. • Karla’s Restaurant, 5 W. Mechanic St. • La Chateau Exotique, 31A W. Mechanic St. • Havana Bar & Grill, 105 S. Main St. • The Raven, 385 W. Bridge St. • Sandbar, 90 S. Main St. • Triumph Brewing Co., 400 Union Square Drive • Wildflowers, 8 W. Mechanic St. • New Milford • Oneida Campground, 2580 E. Lake Road • Newtown • Bucks Co. Community College, 275 Swamp Road • North Wales • Adult World, 608 Upper State Road• Old Forge • Twelve Penny Saloon, 535 Hickory St. • Paoli • Paoli Station, North Valley Road & Lincoln Highway • Plains Township • Twist Bar, Fox Ridge Plaza, Rte. 315 • Quakertown • Adult World, 880 S. West End Blvd. • Reading • Berls Aid Network, 429 Walnut St. • Reading Adult Center, 316 Penn St. • Rosemont • Rosemont Station, Airdale Road & Montrose Ave. • Spring Grove • Atland’s Ranch, RR6, Box 6543 • Swarthmore • Swarthmore College, 500 College Ave., Parrish Hall • Temple • Naughty But Nice, 4502 N. Fifth St. • Upper Darby • Honor Box, 69th Street Station • Villanova • Villanova Station, Spring Mill Road near County Line Road • Warminster • Planned Parenthood of Bucks Co., 610 Louis Dr. • Wayne • Central Baptist Church, 106 W. Lancaster Ave. • Stafford Station, Old Eagle School & Crestline roads • Wayne Station, N. Wayne & West Ave. • West Chester • Chester County Books, 975 Paoli Pike • Williamsport • Peachies, 144 E. Fourth St. • Willow Grove • Barnes & Noble, 102 Park Ave. • Wynnwood • Wynnwood Station, Wynnewood & Penn roads • York • Club XS, 36 W. 11th St. • Cupid’s Connextion, 244 N. George St. •


Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

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Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

News Briefing Police sex-assault case scheduled for June 25 Jury selection is set to begin next week in the federal lawsuit filed by James Harris, who claims he was sexually assaulted by an on-duty Philadelphia police officer in 2007. Harris, 34, contends that Officer Michael Paige repeatedly forced him to perform oral sex inside his police cruiser at a secluded area of Fairmount Park during the pre-dawn hours of March 16, 2007. Paige is currently employed by the Philadelphia Police Department, patrolling the streets of West Philadelphia. There is DNA evidence allegedly corrob-

orating Harris’ story, but Paige denies that he had sex with Harris, according to court records. A jury trial was scheduled to begin May 7, but Paige was unexpectedly deployed for military service. U.S. District Judge Robert F. Kelly set a new trial date for 9:30 a.m. June 25 in Courtroom 11B of the U.S. Courthouse, 601 Market St. The trial is expected to last five days. Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey is listed as a possible witness, according to court records. Paige was dismissed from the police force shortly after the alleged sexual assault. In 2008, Philadelphia Common Pleas Judge Anthony J. DeFino dismissed all criminal charges against Paige after publicly questioning the credibility of Harris. Paige returned to the police force in April 2009, after an independent arbitrator reduced his discipline from dismissal to a 30-day suspension. Brian M. Puricelli, an attorney for Paige, had no comment for this story.

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Brian F. Humble, an attorney for Harris, said Paige’s alleged behavior is a matter of public concern. “My client has immense courage,” Humble told PGN. “If it weren’t for James Harris, this incident would have been swept under the rug a log time ago. At least he’s letting people know what goes on in Philadelphia.” Humble said the exact amount of damages Harris seeks hasn’t been specified at press time. “We will be seeking substantial remuneration for my client’s pain and suffering — as well as punitive damages for the egregious behavior of Paige,” Humble said.

Records allegedly destroyed in transgender antibias case Attorneys for a transgender woman who’s suing her former employer for wrongful termination filed a motion last week alleging that the firm destroyed “highly relevant” records in the case. Janis Stacy of Kunkletown worked as an engineer at LSI Corp. for about 10 years before she was terminated in 2008. Stacy sued in federal court two years ago, claiming the Allentown electronics firm terminated her because of her gender, gender identity and disability. According to a June 11 motion filed by Stacy’s attorneys, LSI destroyed electronically stored information that would have helped jurors compare Stacy’s job skills with those of her former coworkers. The alleged destruction took place after LSI was notified of the potential for litigation due to Stacy’s termination, according to the motion. “[LSI] failed in their duty to preserve the records and in doing so forever prejudiced [Stacy’s] ability to fairly litigate this matter,” the motion states. The motion requests that jurors be AGING from page 1

urge the department to collect demographic information on LGBT and HIV-positive elders, implement cultural-competency and sensitivity training throughout its aging-service programs and promote HIV testing among at-risk, older populations. Complicating the lack of attention for LGBT and HIV/AIDS issues, Zinman said, are state initiatives like last year’s Act 22, which allowed the Department of Public Welfare to sidestep the independent regulatory review process to confront budgetary issues, meaning cuts to needed services. “You have a governor who is completely shutting down the feedback process, you have the aging-services system being decimated by Act 22 and you have a system that itself is not addressing the needs of LGBT folks or people living with HIV/ AIDS,” he said. “So I’m furious, we’re all absolutely furious.” Zinman noted that the aging population is not typically one that takes to the streets,

instructed that they’re permitted to infer that the contents of the destroyed records would have been favorable to Stacy. Robert W. Cameron, an attorney for LSI, had no comment about the motion. According to court papers, LSI requested an indefinite extension to respond to the motion, which was granted by U.S. District Judge Eduardo C. Robreno on June 15. In defense papers, LSI contends Stacy was terminated due to workforce reductions, and because she lacked the skills necessary to help move the company forward. But Stacy contends she was more skilled than coworkers who remained at LSI after her termination. She’s suing for an unspecified amount in monetary damages. At press time, no date has been scheduled for a jury trial. — Timothy Cwiek

LGBT youth prom The 17th annual Alternative Prom will bring together LGBT and allied youth for an “Evening Under the Stars,” 8 p.m.-midnight June 29 at Gershman Y, 401 S. Broad St. The event will feature dinner, dancing, raffles, music by DJ Mz Deluxx and the election of the Royal Court. Tickets are $15 in advance and can be purchased at GALAEI, The Attic Youth Center, YouthHealth Empowerment Project, Giovanni’s Room or Mazzoni Center. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $25. GALAEI has a selection of free prom dresses up for grabs from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday at its office, 1207 Chestnut St. For more information, contact Sergio Morales at or 215851-1822. ■ — Jen Colletta but that, nonetheless strong advocacy is needed on these issues. “Many folks in these communities are elderly people, who may be infirm and in need of services, and are not always the people who are marching,” he said. “So there’s a real challenge about how to create a movement and train people to give voice to what is happening within this state, but we need to do this. We’re all fired up and we should be.” The proposed plan can be viewed at The hearings will be held from 10 a.m.noon and 1-3 p.m. June 25 at the University of Pennsylvania’s Biomedical Research Building, 421 Curie Blvd. People who want to offer testimony should contact Brittany Bendigo at 717-425-5719. People wishing to submit comments on the plan should write to David Gingerich, Acting Deputy Secretary of Aging, 555 Walnut St., Fifth Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17101. Comments can also be submitted to ■


Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

What’s the big deal about hepatitis C? It is estimated that 5 million people in the U.S. are living with chronic hepatitis C, which is a blood-borne virus that primarily targets the liver. Unlike many other diseases of the liver, hepatitis C is typically very slow to progress and often has no symptoms. Unfortunately, as a result, many people are diagnosed at an advanced stage of the disease process: Hepatitis C has consistently been the numberone cause of cirrhosis and indication for liver transplantation in the U.S. Hepatitis C has been getting a lot of attention recently due to the recent development of newer and more effective treatment options. With the FDA approval of two new direct-acting antiviral drugs in 2011, and countless new medications in the pipeline, more and more patients will be able to be cured Dusty of their hepatitis C.

between 1945-65. The majority of this population was infected in the 1970s and 1980s, prior to the identification of the virus and its risk factors. In May 2012, the CDC named an official Hepatitis Testing Day, and recommended that all baby boomers be tested for hepatitis C. One area of controversy over the years is the question of whether hepatitis C can be considered a sexually transmitted infection. One large research study looked at the likelihood of sexual transmission in heterosexual monogamous couples over the course of a 10-year period. The study concluded that, for their study population, sexual transmission was not a significant risk factor for hepatitis C transmission. As years have passed, an increasing number of infections have been Latimer reported in men who have sex with men whose only reportable risk factor is anal sex. This risk seems Who needs to be tested for hepatitis C? to be associated with poorly lubricated or Since the identification of this virus rougher anal sex, where there is trauma to approximately 25 years ago, public health the anal tissue, causing microscopic bleeding. messages have targeted the populations at the highest risk for having contracted Do I need to be tested for hepatitis C? hepatitis C. Initially, intravenous-drug Knowing the transmission risks is the users, those who received blood or blood first step in determining if you should be products prior to the development of the tested. Step two involves a detailed conscreening test in 1992 and those with versation with your primary care provider. known occupational exposures were In the very near future, your primary care tested. As time passed, patients without provider will have a rapid test that will be these classic risk factors started testing able to confirm whether you have been positive for hepatitis C. We now know that hemodialysis patients exposed to hepatitis C while you wait in the office. This test functions similarly to and those born to hepatitis C-infected the rapid HIV antibody test, though it only mothers are at an increased risk for the indicates whether you have been exposed virus. Additionally, sharing straws with to hepatitis C, as 15-20 percent of those intranasal drug use, or snorting drugs, exposed to the virus will not develop the increases the likelihood of hepatitis C chronic form of the disease. As treatment transmission. Reports have also suggested options continue to improve, an increasthat the recent rise in popularity of tattoo ing number of public health messages will parties has also increaseD transmission of be targeted at education and screening for hepatitis C, particularly in younger populations. hepatitis C. We have also learned that the HIVHere in Philadelphia, Mazzoni Center positive population is at an increased risk Family and Community Medicine at for hepatitis C. In fact, 20-30 percent of 809 Locust St. has clinical staff who are people who are HIV-positive are cointrained in the evaluation and treatment of fected with hepatitis C, and as HIV medihepatitis C, and can be a resource for indications continue to improve, liver disease viduals who have been diagnosed or are has become an increasingly common concerned about their risk factors. Even if cause of death for those living with HIV. you do not have insurance, you can make Accordingly, it is recommended that all an appointment to see one of our clinicians persons living with HIV be screened for and evaluate your condition. Visit www. hepatitis C. or call 215-563-0658 for more information. â– Recently, public-health efforts began to target another population. Of those infected with hepatitis C, the baby boomer Dusty Latimer, PA-C, is a physician assistant at Mazzoni Center Family and Community generation is disproportionately affected. Medicine. He is a primary care provider who It is estimated that 75 percent of those specializes in treating liver disease. with hepatitis C in the U.S. were born

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Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012


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YOUTH from page 1

and generally strives to fund youth-serving organizations that engage young people in programs and on agency boards. He said YOUTHadelphia fits well with that mission. “If we want to engage young people, they should also be engaged in the grantmaking process,” Swinney said, noting that the program also teaches youth practical skills. “It’s important that young people learn about philanthropy and see that it’s not that easy to give away money.” The youth evaluated all 33 applications for everything from finances to feasibility and conducted site visits of some candidates. Swinney said the committee, which includes LGBT representation, also focused on how certain projects could fill particular needs of the city’s youth community. The Attic received the grant for the first time last year and will put this year’s funding toward a new school-outreach program, spearheaded by the agency’s Youth Planning Committee. Carrie Jacobs, executive director of The Attic, said the program will focus on school safety, bullying, self-acceptance and HIV-prevention, with workshops led by trained YPC members. The committee plans to survey stuTHE ATTIC YOUTH CENTER dents at the involved schools on LGBT student safety, scoring each school and working with The Attic’s Bryson Institute to implement training programs. GALAEI will use its grant to develop a year-round LGBTQ youth group, germinating from the youth panel that helps plan the annual Alternative Prom, coming up June 29. “What we proposed is to expand that group to a year-round group that will provide a safe space for LGBT youth to come to GALAEI, learn from one another and get mentorship, skill-building and take part in a speakers’ bureau,” said GALAEI executive director Elicia Gonzales. “The whole purpose is for them to be seen and be heard on a year-round basis, rather than just for the prom.” Gonzales commended the youth who sit on the YOUTHadelphia committee. “They had to decide on priorities of how to deal with really significant issues that are affecting youth, like violence, bullying, education and joblessness,” she said. “So for the youth themselves to recGALAEI ognize this particular need, to make sure LGBT youth feel safe and included and validated, was completely amazing and a real testament to their vision of what’s needed right now in the city.” The nine eventual YOUTHadelphia winners work with a wide array of factions of the youth population. “We as a foundation believe in diversity at all levels, from our board and staff to the organizations we support, because as a community foundation, we support the whole community,” Swinney said. “That means improving the quality of life for everyone in the community. Both in our grantmaking and with YOUTHadelphia, diversity is a key element so that we can address as many of the needs as we can across the many diverse populations that make up the city.” While countless youth will benefit from the programs funded by YOUTHadelphia, Swinney said the young people involved in the grantmaking process have already profited from the experience. “We were very impressed with the young people, as we always are. They’re passionate, committed and they themselves grow during the process, which is wonderful to see because that’s what our intention is — to get them engaged, excited and have them learn from the process.” ■


Work It Out

Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012


Kimberly Hall

Feet: a surprising gateway to better health! If any body part takes a beating and keeps on going, it’s our feet. Thousands of miles of walking, running, dancing — it all adds up. And do we thank our feet? Are we good to them? Actually, not much at all! But there is a way to relate to this misunderstood and neglected (but oh-soimportant) limb: Age-old techniques of foot detoxification and reflexology offer a gateway to relaxation and better health. Natural-healing practitioners believe that people need to relax and eliminate stress before they can fully heal. Research has shown that many illnesses and ailments in the world today are triggered or caused by stress. A lot of this stress is accumulated in our bodies from daily toxins we take in from the environment around us. What is a toxin? A toxin is really any substance that is harmful or noxious to your body or mind. Toxins often act as obstacles to a cure in the treatment of people with diseases. Toxins create diseases themselves. At the very least, toxins aggravate existing health conditions. We are faced with toxins every day, in the air we breathe, the food we eat and even in the prescribed medications we take. In order to maintain a healthy body, it is imperative that it is able to handle toxins

and adequately eliminate them. An ionic foot detox can be extremely helpful with this. It helps the body to eliminate these nasty, unhealthy toxins. It is said while using the ionic foot detox, it is possible to actually detoxify the kidney, bladder, urinary tract (females), prostate area (males), joints, liver, gallbladder and the lymphatic system. Too often, we fill our bodies with all of these toxins and don’t do any type of detoxification program to eliminate them. Before we know it, we have waited until it is too late to do anything to fully cleanse ourselves. We end up taking too many prescribed medications, which actually aide in the process of adding more toxins into our system and still no elimination. Then we get to where we are beyond getting the type of help we need. We can prevent all of this by eliminating the toxins early — before they have had a chance to affect the body. There are some people who say they never get sick so they wouldn’t need to go through a detoxification like the ionic foot detox. Although that is very good, you still need to maintain a certain state of health and wellness by eliminating the toxins before they eventually invade your wellbeing. There is an old saying that is still

true today: “Prevention is the best cure.” Prevention is something we should all practice. Reflexology is another natural health treatment that has been around for thousands of years but has been overlooked by many. Reflexology is not a medical treatment but rather an alternative method of healing and a tool to help ease painful conditions. Reflexology is a type of massage used to relieve stress and tension and treat illnesses based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands and ears that are associated to every part of the body. For example, someone who has arthritis in the shoulder may be able to find relief by having the pressure point for the shoulder in the foot treated. With a traditional massage, the therapist works on a specific part of the body by using a series of techniques to help work the muscles and fascia to ease pain and tension at that spot. This is the similar technique practiced in reflexology but, instead of working on the specific muscle on the body, the therapist works solely on the connecting pressure points in the feet, hands or ears, relieving pain in other parts of the body. The basis for using pressure points is not a new-age

belief. It dates back thousands of years to eastern medicine, where practitioners used the pressure points in the body to help treat ailments and ease pain. Many people favored this type of treatment and the system of pressure points that could be triggered. Reflexology is also very helpful for diabetics because it helps to restore proper circulation to the feet and legs. It is also a helpful treatment for patients with high blood pressure because it helps them relax, lowering stress levels and therefore lowering their blood pressure. In holistic health, the focus is not just on how the person feels at that moment, but more on how they should feel all the time. Taking medicine may solve a particular problem for the moment but, in order to get total relief, we need to focus on the whole person and find out the root of the cause and ways we can naturally resolve it. To be truly happy, one must be healthy, because it is really hard on the body to produce a smile when the body is suffering. ■ Kimberly Hall is the owner of Be Healthy Wellness Center in the Camac Center at 12th Street Gym. For more information about the Camac Center’s fitness and personal-care services, visit www.12streetgym. com/camac.


Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

WEB WORK from page 1

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Concentrating in Planning for Lesbian and Gay Couples • Probate • Wills • Living Wills • Powers of Attorney

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Way are going up against companies with tremendous budgets and who can sink more resources and time into their online presence.” Blomquist said SEER was eager to offer its own web expertise to alleviate that burden. After a 10-day campaign, William Way finished with 680 “likes,” topping a diverse group of nonprofits that offer such services as domestic-violence and cancer-support programs. The contest was the first of its kind that the company offered, she said, noting the company moved into a refurbished church in Northern Liberties a few months ago, opening the opportunity to host community events like the upcoming conference. The conference will feature presentations by SEER’s founder Wil Reynolds and SEO consultant Ethan Lyon, as well as Distilled’s Tom Critchlow and iAcquire’s Mike King, who will demonstrate tools and linking strategies to help William Way move up the chain in Internet searches. All donations collected at the event, held 6 p.m. at 1028 N. Third St., will go to William Way. While the event will concentrate on the center, it is designed to have a wide applicability. “This is meant for any organization — especially nonprofits or small businesses — that want to learn more about what it takes to optimize a site and perform well on search engines,” B l o m q u i s t s a i d . “A ny o n e who’s doing this themselves or bootstrapping should come ... because there will be a lot that they can bring back to apply to their own sites.” SEER, Distilled and iAcquire will offer the free consultation to William Way, which is preparing to embark on a site redesign, making the timing optimal. “We’re very grateful to partner with SEER Interactive,” said center executive director Chris Bartlett. “They’re one of the top companies in the country for search-engine optimization, web design and online community building, and it’s a huge benefit for the William Way to receive their services pro bono. We’re excited to partner with them to bring William Way’s web presence firmly into the 21st century.” For more information or tickets, go to ■

Liberty City Press JUNE 17-24, 2012



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he pro-privatization Students First PAC has been a huge player in state politics from the moment it emerged in ������������������������������������������������������� �������� ���� ��������� �������� ������������ �������� ������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������� sums on state representatives and senators receptive to the organiza����������������������������������������� ���� ����� ���� ����� �������� ���������� ��� ���� ������ ��������� ��� ������� ��� ������������� ���������� ����� ������ ��������� ������ ������ ���� ��������������������������������������������������������������� ����� ��� ����� ��������� ������ ������� ��������� ��������� ������ ��� ����������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������� ��������������������������������������������������� First there’s the fact that Sánchez and Henon both oppose school ���������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������

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Nutter plan brews tension Mayor’s property valuation initiative strains relations with city delegation Mayor Nutter’s Actual Value ��������������� ���� ������� ���� assessing property in Philadel�������������������������������� legislative approval both in Har�������� ���� ����� ��������� ����� ��������������������������������� �������������� But it has not been a victory ������������������������������� delphia’s statehouse delegation ���� �������� �������� ��� ������� been left out of the conversation and feeling personally slighted �������������������������������� have stoked some long-burning ������������ ������������������������������ knee jerk here to make matters ������� ���� ������������� ����� ���� ���������������������������������� been a little troubled for some ����������������������������������� �� ��������� ���� ����������� ����� �������������������������� Part of the problem is that ����� ������������ �������� ���� ��������� ������� ���� ����� ������� ������������������������������� Contined on page 2 Continued

JUNE 17-24, 2012

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.



\\\ Liberty City Press

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800 meters and came in third ���������������������������������� about to venture to North Caro����������������������������������� ������������������������������ to be the fastest 800-meter run��������������������������������� ���������������������������������� �������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ���� �� �� ���� ������ ������� ����� �������������������������


����� ������� ���������� ��clined comment through a ������������� ��������� ���� ������������ those big 2011 Students First �������������� ������ ����������� a bigger role for the PAC in up����������������������� Given the reform package put forth by the School Reform ����������� ����� ������� �����delphia is fast becoming ground zero for the national school-re���������������������������������������������������������������� legislative session to push to get ���� ������ ����� ���������� ���� ���� �������������������������������� ������������������������������� feels they have the best chance of achieving political success by creating a crisis atmosphere ��� ���� ��������� ��� �������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������� ����� ������ ���� ���� ��������� ������ ������������ ���� ������������������������������������ ���������� ����� ��������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ������������ ��� �������� ����

800-meters indoors in a per-

������ ������� ����� ��� �������� ��� ��������������������������������-

�������������������������������� ��������������������������������

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Guiding Daddies to Be “Right Here” Local group helps fathers reconnect with children �����������������


abir Alim thinks ��������������������� another part of life ����� �������� ������ ����������������������������������� ����������������������������� ������������������������������� focused on African-American fa������������������������������������ ���������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������ family has been minimized to the ���������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� Alim says his fathers not ����� ����� ���������� ����� ����� ������������ ���������� ���� ������������ �������� ����� ������� ������ ���������������������������������� ��������� ���� ������� ���� the father’s separation from a ����������� ��� ���������� �������� ��������� ��������������� ��������� ����������� ���� ����� ����������

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���� ���������� �������� ���� ������� ��������������������������������� ���� ��������������� ����� ����� ����� ����� ��� ������ ���� ��� ��������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ���������������� ������������������������������� ����� �� ���� ��� ���� ��� ������ ����� ��������������������������������� ���������������������������������� Sometimes his son doesn’t arrive ���������������������������������� ����������������������������������� �������������������������������� ������������������������������� ���� ��������� ����������� ���� ���� �������� ������ ����� ������ ����� ����������������������������������� ��� ������� ��� ���� ���� ����������� ��������������������������������������������������������������� �� ��������� ������������� ����� �� daughter born outside his mar������� ��� ����� ���� ��������� ����� ����� ������� ���� ���� ������ ��� ���������� ������������������������������ ���������������������������������

JUNE 17-24, 2012

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.

�������������� �����������





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Give Me Liberty in our next issue: an ethically challenged board of ethics…winners and losers in house redistricting …a bike ride in fairmount park…neumann goretti: great baseball/bad press. liberty city press. read it…

or else.

Liberty City Press \\\



����������������� ���������������� Philadelphia’s former city treasurer has served longer than his peers—and he has 36 months to go


������������������������������� ����������������������������������� to be removed from the public ������� � ���� ����� ���� ����� ���� �� ����������������������������������������������������� �������������������� �������������������������������������������dering on the implicit assumption of his innocence ���� ������� ����� ���������� ������������ ������� ������������������� �������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� �������� ������ ��������� ���� ����� ����������� ���-

����������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� number of months served by his public corruption ������ ��� ����������� ������ �� ������� ���� ������ �� ������� ����� ������ ����� �������� ������ ������� ���������������������������������������������� �������������������������������� ������� ������ ������ ����� ���� �������� ������� �������������������������������������������������� ������� ������� ���� �������� ����� ������� ��� ����� and he has 36 months to go� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ sentencing seems to suggest that society ������������������������������������������� �������� ��� ��� ����� ���������� ����� ����� ��� ��� �������� ����� � ���� ����� ����� ����� ���� ������ ���� ����� ����� ������ ����� ������ ��� ���� ����� ��� ��� ����� ��� ���� ����� ��� ��������� ������������������������������������������ ������� ��� ������ ����� �������� ���� ����� ��� �������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������tions there seems to be a disparity of treatment in ������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� �������� ���� ���������� �������� ��� ������������ �� thank God for his protection and a sound mind dur���������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ���������������������������������

A Tale of Two Super Bowls A trip to the big game leads to the big house—for one �������� ���� ������ ������ ����� ���� �������� ���������� �������� ������� �������� ���� ��� �� �������� ������ ������� ���� ���� �������� ������ ����� ������� ��� �� Beverly Hills hotel before taking ��������������������������������� ����� �� ����������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������� ��������������� ��������� ��� ������ �������can State Senate President Pro ���� ���� ��������� ���� �����tives of a large energy company got on a private plane headed

������������������������������� ������� ��� �� ������� ������ ��fore taking a limo to see Super ����� ����� ������� ������� a Pennsylvania-based energy company seeking to open up Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale ��������������������������������� ��������������������������� ���������������������������� ������ ����� ��� ������ ����� ������� ���� �������� ���������� ����� ��������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������

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��������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� JUNE 17-24, 2012

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.



\\\ Liberty City Press

�������������� ���������� Local high school athlete shows his winning spirit on and off the track



��� ���������� ���� ���� ������ ���� ��� ������������������ ������������������ & Technology High School track ����� ������� ������ ����� ������ ��� the 800 meters at the Pennsyl������ ������ ��������� ��� ������� �������������������������������ter being knocked off his stride by Chambersburg’s Ryun Hold����������������������������������������������������������������� ����� �������� ����������� �����������������

����� ���� ����� ��������burg [Holder] came over to ��� ���� ���� ������ ���� ����� ��� ��������� �������� ���� ������� �������� ��� ���� �������������� ����� ����������������������������������� ���� ��� ���� ��� ��������� �� ���� �������� ��������� ���� ���� ������ �������� ��������������� ��� �� ����� ������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ������������������������ Track organizers converged and then in an unprecedented

Swenson Track Team’s Winning Stride Small Northeast team makes a big impact on city sports For years, it was easy to identify the top sports teams in Philadel-

phia’s public leagues. Overbook, West Philadelphia, Ben Franklin and

Simon Gratz dominated basketball. Northeast, Frankford and George Washington ruled football. And Northeast, William Penn and Gratz prevailed in track.

However, in the last decade, Swenson Arts & Technology, a tiny high

school in the Northeast corridor of Northeast Philadelphia, has emerged as


��� ����� ��� �������� ������������������������ ����� ������ ���������� ���������� ������ ������� ������ ������ ����� ��������� ����� ����� ��� ���� ��� ��� ������ ��� ������� �� told Haneef that this ���� ����� ���������� ����� ��������������� Being a good person and helping this kid out ����� ����� ����� ���� ���� ������������������� ��������� ������ ���� ������� ��������� ������ ����� ����� ������ ��� ���� �������������������������� ������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������� �������� ���� ����� ����� SARAH GLOVER / Photographer took third in the state ������ ��������� ���� ������ ��AAA indoors meet for large ���������������������������������� came an instant folk hero in ���� ������������� �������������� Central Pennsylvania for his ���������������������������������� ������������� ���������������������������������� ��� ���� ������ ����� ������ the state indoor champion in the Continued coaches all over the state telling Contined on page 2 So how did this tiny school far away from many of the well-known big

schools in the city, become a track paradise? Well, it’s not the facilities. The teams run in the hallways of their buildings or outdoors in a marked parking lot. Lent and legendary assistant coach Tim Hickey, the former long-time state-champion coach of William Penn, mark the running routes with white chalk to guide their �������������������������������������������������������������������������� in meets on real tracks, based on the times they achieve running around their simulated concrete circles. �������������������������������������������������������������������and enjoyed it,” said senior Jay Hardy. Like the Simon Gratz basketball team in its heyday, the Swenson

Amani Nesmith is one of many talented juniors who led Swenson Arts & Technology’s girls team to within a point of the state cham-

pionship. She is perhaps most valuable because she scores

points where no one on the boys or girls team generally does—in

��������������������������������� Public League and District 12 girls

champion in the long jump and triple jump, as well as a member of the winning 4 x 100, 4 x 200 and 4 x 400 meter relay teams.

“I never really saw this com-

ing,” Nesmith said. “I just started

learning all these events two

years ago. I started getting good last year. Our coaches are really

dedicated to helping us work hard and get better.”

The coaching ability of Lent

and Hickey, combined with recent success and being one of the

city’s better and safer schools, has led to a recipe for success. Nes mith

added, “I hope next year is even better.” ��

SARAH GLOVER / Photographer

track team members run cross-country in the fall. The school’s basketball coach allows his players like Haneef and Jay Hardy to run track

“I think overall, this was our best boys and girls seasons together,”

for Shippensburg next year, and Haneef will run for the University of

outdoor meet, losing by one point after winning it all in 2007, 2008 and 2009.

during the season when time allows, as well. Jay will be playing hoops

said coach Dean Lent. “We have dedicated kids who put the work in and



Amani Nesmith



really want to get better.”

�������� ������������

Lent added, “There is great support of our kids here.” ��

JUNE 17-24, 2012

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.


Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

���������������� ��������������������� ������ ���� ������������ ��

Sewell, N.J. 08080

Builders & Remodelers Complete Home & Business Renovations �������������


��������������� ���������


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Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012



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Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012



Bulletin Board Family Portrait Out & About Scene in Philly Q Puzzle Worth Watching

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Greg Louganis: the gold standard

Out Olympic legend to visit Philly By Larry Nichols With the Summer Olympics about to be in full swing, Parx Casino is celebrating by inviting Olympic icons and gold medalists Greg Louganis, Bruce Jenner and Kerri Strug to meet their adoring fans, answer questions and sign memorabilia. Of course we’ll be in line to meet Louganis, the legendary Olympic diver and author known as much for bringing home Olympic gold in 1984 and 1988 as he is for coming out and disclosing his HIV-positive status in the mid-1990s. Louganis, 52, also is a best-selling author, most notably for his autobiography “Breaking the Surface,” and an actor, appearing in TV shows (“Portlandia”) and movies (“Watercolors”). If that weren’t enough, he keeps his competitive spirit going by training dogs for agility competitions. Louganis talked about the Olympics and what comes with them — and after — with PGN. PGN: How does it feel, after more than 20 years that you competed, that you are considered the best Olympic diver of all time? GL: It’s so interesting because, when I was diving, I wanted the diving to speak for itself so I didn’t have to speak for my div-

ing. That was the goal. I’m not real boastful and I’m not one to toot my own horn. It’s amazing that the records still stand and I’m still looked at as a really great diver, I guess. I don’t know. It’s weird, but it’s flattering. PGN: What do the Olympics provide for fans that professional sports don’t? GL: The Olympics happen every four years. There’s a lot that goes into it. It’s like the whole world comes together. You have all these different varied sports that are coming to this one place. It’s an incredible media circus surrounding the event. Emotions are high. There are a lot of stories. People work a lifetime to get to the games. You see

a lot of people’s lives and dreams unfold right in front of you. PGN: Do you think things have gotten better for gay and lesbians in the Olympics since you were a competitor? GL: I’m not sure because I’m not competing now. It seems to have gotten better. The only thing I can go on is I coached for a very short time and the reactions from the kids. A reporter asked how do the kids feel about being coached by a gay coach. I never thought about that. So I asked them and they don’t care. It’s kind of a nonissue for a certain generation, at least here in the States. I haven’t been on the international stage for many, many years.

PGN: So you’re no longer coaching? GL: No. What I’m doing is I’m an athlete mentor for USA diving, so I’m working with Olympic hopefuls and their coaches in preparation for London. PGN: When you participate in an event like the one you’re doing at Parx or a book signing, do you find that the people showing up are as big a fan of your work as an advocate as they are of your work as an athlete? GL: I think that it’ll be interesting to see who does show up and why. I think that more of the people I would imagine who’d come out, because it’s a bit more current, are fans of my book or my advocacy. Basically living my life as an openly gay man with HIV, I think those are more the people who would come and see me. PGN: Did the disclosure of your HIV status change the public’s perception of the disease at the time and, if so, do you think those perceptions continue to evolve? GL: I really don’t know. For one thing, I don’t read my press. So I don’t know what’s being said about me most of the time. Sometimes people bring things to my attention. I don’t really get caught up in all that.


Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

PGN: Do you think the increased awareness about HIV and AIDS has made younger generations more complacent about it? GL: I think the thing that concerns me most is the complacency, where kids are thinking that HIV is manageable like diabetes or something like that. HIV is preventable. You wouldn’t wish diabetes on someone, and we know how to prevent HIV transmission by being responsible and conducting ourselves in a certain manner. It’s a mixed message. We’ve come a long way as far as treatment and people are living longer, but not everyone tolerates medications. So it’s kind of a crapshoot. Prevention is paramount.


tion into the Olympic Games with your eyes open. Also, one thing I was warned about in 1976, Pat McCormick came up to me and said, “Watch out for the Olympic blues.” I didn’t know what the heck she was talking about. A short time after the Olympic games, I knew. The Olympics is a super-high high. After that comes some pretty low lows. That’s what she was talking about. A lot of young athletes go through down cycles, maybe just momentarily. You’re way up high and you come

fered from depression. I tried to commit suicide. It was a pretty low low. I wasn’t sure I was going to come back. But every time that I quit diving, I always came back to it and came back stronger, with a stronger conviction and passion for it. PGN: How did you get into dog training? GL: Quite by accident. I had a Great Dane when I was diving. But I started traveling so much I couldn’t take care of her the way I wanted to. So I placed

when I was doing obedience training I got another dog, a Jack Russell terrier. I was preparing her for obedience trials and happened on to this field with all this jump equipment: tunnels, teeter a-frames and poles, and she took to it. She was incredible. That’s how we got into dog agility. I just love observing behavior. That’s how I trained. I found some purely positive trainers. I like that approach: Reward the good behavior, ignore the bad. The behavior that’s rewarded is more apt to be repeated. PGN: Do you see any parallels between training dogs and athletes? GL: Yes. Behavior is behavior. Just as with kids, people and dogs, what you’re trying to do is shape behaviors and modify them to what works and what’s going to be successful.

PGN: How common is it for an Olympic athlete to continue with a particular sport after competing? GL: It depends on the individual. It also depends on what their interests are in the sport. Most athletes who compete on a high national level, they make their way back to their sports. It’s an individual thing. I was away from my sport for quite a number of years and I found my way back because I was busy with other things. I took my time.

down. That’s just part of life.

PGN: In mentoring athletes, what is something you want them to know about the Olympics that they might not expect? GL: The biggest misconception is when agents come around and say Olympic gold medals are worth millions of dollars. You examine the history. It’s not the case. You should go into the situa-

PGN: And how did you deal with it? GL: I was only 16 at my first Olympics [in 1976] and I was a silver medalist — I actually felt like a failure. I didn’t go there to take second. My only purpose for being on this earth was to prevent Klaus DiBiase from breaking my coach’s record. So I failed in what my mission was. I suf-

PGN: Do you have any books or TV projects in your future? GL: I just signed up to do the web series “Old Dog, New Tricks.” I’m judging the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series. I’m working on my third book; it’s about learning because I’m dyslexic. Dyslexia is a learning difference. It is not a disability. We just learn differLOUGANIS THEN AND NOW ently. So we’re examining the different way that I have her with a family. I vowed to get another learned through the years and examining Great Dane after I retired from diving. the left-brain, right-brain communications. I just have to get off my ass and I went and saw this litter and there was write it. ■ one puppy left. The woman said he was a show-marked harlequin and he had to be shown. That was one of the conditions Greg Louganis will appear 5 p.m. June 29 at Parx Casino, 2999 Street Road, of me getting him. So I learned about confirmation — it’s like a beauty contest. Bensalem. For more information or tickets, visit or parxcaIt was fine but I got kind of bored with that, so I ventured into obedience. Then


Family Portrait

Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012


Suzi Nash

Kory Aversa: From quilts to cupcakes and circus arts Kory Aversa loves two things for sure: Philadelphia and fun. From Philadelphia School of Circus Arts to Please Touch Museum, he has been the publicist for some of Philadelphia’s most exciting organizations. Oh, and he loves a good cupcake too. PGN: So where are you from? KA: I was born in upstate New York, Utica. Most of my life I’ve been a nonprofit junkie — involved in many causes, served on many boards, donated to many organizations and have been doing fundraising for as long as I remember. I was that kid who would sell you a candy bar one week and the following week I’d be hawking raffle tickets. PGN: Tell me about growing up in Utica. KA: It was a great place that had a lot going for it. A lot of the things accessible there helped make me the person I am today. We had several great museums on the Erie Canal, Ft. Rickey Children’s Discovery Zoo, an amusement park, which had rides and games, and they all contributed to my sense of fun and love of history and animals. Rome is nearby, which is where they had the last Woodstock, the crazy one that set everything afire. I was there in the middle of the flames until it was time to evacuate. PGN: Family fun fact? KA: My stepbrother Kevin does the Internet and website for “Mitt Romney for President.” We’ve taken different paths! PGN: Can we pay him to print a few exposés? KA: [Laughs.] I don’t think he’d go for that. PGN: What were you like as a kid? KA: I’d do anything and everything, kind of like now. I hate to be bored. You know when it was 8 o’clock on a Sunday and all your friends had to go in to get ready for school? I’d stay out and find something to do, even if it was by myself. I did a lot in school, from editing the school newspaper to being the president of the spirit pep club. I was voted most spirited and most likely to succeed and a few other things. One thing most people don’t know about me was that I was a magician as a kid. I wasn’t very good, but I was good at the PR, so I’d put on my own sold-out shows. One show I used smoke bombs. It would have been a smart idea to test them beforehand, but I didn’t and the only thing I made disappear was the audience. PGN: Where did you go to college? KA: I went to Mohawk Valley Community College. Most people don’t know that I started as an art major. On occasion, when

people are visiting my house, they’ll notice the artwork but not know that it’s mine until they see the signature. I transferred to Utica College of Syracuse and changed my major from art to public relations with a minor in political science. I traded the use of one side of the brain for the other. PGN: When did you come out? KA: When I was 19, I started my own nonprofit with my best friend. We were both somewhat still in the closet and we decided to bring the AIDS quilt to Utica. I don’t think she realized how big my vision was for this. I was determined to bring the whole quilt to our town. It was a really big to-do. I got us a floor of the United Way building to use as an office. We got 6,000 people to attend with 1,000 volunteers, which was amazing considering the time period and people’s resistance to anything having to do with AIDS. It was such a sensitive subject: There were bomb threats and signs were slashed, parents throwing themselves on the quilts in grief, other parents in denial lashing out at partners who tried to attach sentimental items. It was crazy and we were just teenagers. But it was a huge success and we raised $100,000. It was one of the largest displays of the quilt in New York. PGN: And the coming out? KA: Oh, yes! Well, my grandparents helped raise me; they were a big part of my life. My grandmother was a very religious woman, in church every Sunday. I used to get in the paper a lot. I was a part of the Young Democrats, I helped coordinate the Bill Clinton campaign in our area, I was involved in environmental groups, etc. So, with the quilt project, we were getting coverage in the news and papers every day. In the middle of it, my very conservative Catholic grandmother wrote a letter to the editor congratulating us as two young gay and lesbian people making a difference! Neither of us were out yet! I guess there was no fooling grandma. PGN: That’s great. KA: Yes, she and my other grandmother, who was homebound, came out to read the names on the first day. It was pretty special. We got 1,000 school kids to come and got one of the Republican representatives to unfold the quilt just as all the church bells were coordinated to ring in honor of the dead. That was major. We also had a candlelight processional that night and a big drag show that was our biggest fundraiser, and my father did all the promo shots and even remembered to use the right pronouns. Leading up to the event, we had the Gay Men’s Chorus perform, which was unheard of, and my grandmother had her hair done and came

to that too! My whole family was supportive. It was a life-changing experience for people and a lot of people credited us with sort of bringing upstate New York out of the closet. It was good for me too, as I went from there into local politics. I went to Albany and interned for Deborah Glick, who was the first openly LGBT member of the New York state legislature. I got to help with LGBT issues like filing for same-sex marriage, which we did each year. My grandfather was also very involved with politics at the time so I was carrying on the family tradition. I became a committee person even though I was bumped off the ballot for being gay. I waged an aggressive write-in campaign and won. I even thought about running for mayor one day, but my boyfriend at the time got a job in Philly and we moved here. PGN: What was your impression of Philly? KA: When I first came here, I walked from the Parkway to Giovanni’s Room. I swore

PGN: Any nicknames? KA: Funny you should ask: They call me the King of Philadelphia Cupcakes and Desserts. I have a food blog and I post about a lot of food things. PGN: And what did you do when you moved here? KA: I started working at the Epilepsy Foundation. It was a great experience with some wonderful people. Then I was the executive director of the Children’s Health Care foundation in New Jersey and raised money for multiple hospitals. Golf tournaments, bowl-athons, etc. After they closed up shop, I worked at the Senior Center for years, which is where a lot of people know me from. It was the best job of my life. I figured I’d be working with some old people doing some fundraising; turns out it was so much more. I helped them build a volunteer program that went from 200 people to 1,100, and did the campaign that shut down Broad Street so we could refurbish the air conditioning. Every day was my favorite day there. I got to help people do everything from fixing a watch to major fundraising. It was like the best parts of being a politician. And now I have my own PR firm, Aversa PR, and clients that range from Ms. Goody Cupcake to Philadelphia School of Circus Arts to City Year Greater Philadelphia and East Passyunk Avenue. We just did a fundraiser for City Year that raised $1.1 million and I was the event coordinator. I’m also the owner of Phillylovesfun. com, a website for fun food, fun adventure, fun people.

PGN: School of Circus Arts: Are you taking any classes? KA: Yes, I can now juggle somewhat and I’ve taken unicycling, rope — my favorite — some trapeze and a little tightwire. It sets the tone for my life now, Photo: Suzi Nash it took me about 12 hours and I thought, doing things that scare me Wow, this city is too big. Now I realbut are exciting. My biggest ize that it’s only about a 10-minute walk. accomplishment for them was that I was in And moving to South Philly was crazy: I’d charge of the campaign for PIFA and some never seen awnings before or wires across of their gay initiatives like bringing them the street. I thought, who would live like to Outfest and, of course, getting [PGN this? But now I really appreciate the neigh- publisher] Mark Segal and PGN editor borhoods and their different flavors. The Sarah Blazucki on the trapeze. city you see as a visitor is nice, but when you live here, you realize how great it is. PGN: You also do a lot of nonprofit work. There are so many hidden gems and cusKA: Yes, I chair Big Game Event benefiting ActionAIDS and toms and traditions. PAGE 29


Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

Food & Drink


La Veranda gets Italian groove back By Larry Nichols One gets the impression that La Veranda, 30 N. Columbus Blvd., hasn’t been at the top of its game and is trying to win diners back and rehab its image. Mission accomplished! A first glance at La Veranda’s posh, manicured décor and great view of the Delaware River might have you think the Northern Italian-inspired menu is going to take a back seat to the scenery. It doesn’t. That was apparent as soon as our waiter, Alex, showed up. A longtime fixture at the restaurant, he knows the menu inside and out, can recommend dishes with confidence and authority and knows how to turn on the charm. And he doesn’t blow smoke: If he tells you something is excellent, you can take that to the bank. It would be easy for La Veranda to slide into stereotypical high-end Italian restaurant mode, but it avoids that pitfall by playing modern Italian adult contemporary and pop music in the restaurant — as well as paying close attention to details on the menu. It also doesn’t hurt that the wine selection is scary-good. The grilled calamari ($14) was a welcome diversion from the fried version of the appetizer. But it was the prosciutto, melon and cheese appetizer ($18.95) that was the harbinger of how great the meal was going to be. The seafood dishes we tried were impeccable. The langostine, large Mediterranean shrimp ($42), were nice and meaty. You have to go at

If you go La Veranda

30 N. Columbus Blvd. 215-351-1898 www.laveran Open for lunch and dinner daily

Photo: Scott A. Drake

them as you would small lobster tails, which adds another level of exotic to the experience. La Veranda also restored our faith in branzino. We had a horrible experience with the fish recently, so when it appeared as a special here, we wanted to give it a shot at redemption. La Veranda’s branzino was heavenly and the presentation was half the fun. The fish is cooked whole after being rolled in salt, creating a shell around it that seals in the moisture. Alex broke through the salt shell tableside, filleted the fish, liberated the best steaming-hot, flaky portions of the meat and dressed them lightly with olive oil, salt and pepper. One bite and you know every step was worthwhile. The one meat dish we tried at La Veranda was strong too. The Bauletto all’ Abruzzese ($22) was a delicious portion of veal stuffed with mozzarella and ham. Pasta dishes maintained a high level of execution too. The bucatini all’ amatriciana ($15.95) made it hard for us to enjoy spaghetti from a box, as

the pleasantly thick and ropey bucatini made a nice vehicle for the hearty sauce of bacon, tomatoes, pecorino cheese and hot peppers. The ziti alla vodka ($14.95) stood head and shoulders above any and all vodka sauces we’ve had in recent memory. Usually when we have been hit with so much excellence in the entrée portion of the meal, we expect some coasting when it comes to dessert. In this case, we were wrong. La Veranda’s dessert menu brought some serious heat. We would have been happy just with the rainbow of gelato flavors on offer if it wasn’t for desserts such as banana and chocolate pie and rum cake. The pie was impressive, striking the perfect balance of flavors. The rum cake was light, moist and flavorful. It looks like La Veranda is back at the top of its game. So if you’re looking for a place to impress the significant other with a picturesque view, an excellent meal and financial prowess on a summer night, La Veranda is the place to go. ■


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Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012




Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

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It’s a Miracle Man, talk about feast or famine! Last time I could barely squeeze everything that was going on into one column. This time, which includes Fourth of July week, it’s a different story. But not everybody heads down the shore or up the mountains. What about those of us who are staying in town for the fireworks and the Queen Latifah concert? Just because there aren’t any special events doesn’t mean there’s nothing going on. This time, let’s take a look at all the regular weekly events that sometimes get lost in the shuffle. Country Line Dancing Get your weekly fix of country music and two-stepping Fridays from 7-11 p.m. at Woody’s, 202 S. 13th St., with DJ Cliff Roberts. Get there early for the free lessons, from 7-7:45, and you’ll be a pro in no time.

Jockstrap Night Hang out in your jock every Monday from 10 p.m.-2 a.m. at The Bike Stop, 206 S. Quince St. If you don’t have a jock, you can buy one from the bartenders or you can just hang around and watch. No one will mind. College Night Be the big man on campus every Wednesday from 10 p.m.-2 a.m. at Woody’s, 202 S. 13th St. This is the oldest gay 18-and-up night in the city, and it still packs them in. Cover is $10 for everybody.

Barcrawlr Jim KileyZufelt

Frat House Fridays Hang out with frat boys on Fridays from 10 p.m.-2 a.m. at ICandy, 254 S. 12th St. You must be 18 to enter and 21 to drink. They’ll have hot DJs, hot dancing boys and cool summer drink specials. Cover is $5 for 21 and up or $10 for the youngsters. Hangover Brunch Nurse yourself back to life every Sunday from noon-4 p.m. at ICandy, 254 S. 12th St. The $20 all-you-can-eat brunch buffet, bottomless mimosas and half-price bloody Marys will have you on your feet in no time. Looking for the Sunday brunch at Sisters? Don’t worry: It’s only on hiatus until fall. Sinful Sundays It’s drag as only Tabu can do it, every Sunday from 9 p.m.-2 a.m. at Tabu, 200 S. 12th St., starring the Goddess Isis, Navaya Shay and Omyra Lynn. There’s a $5 cover, which includes one drink ticket. This is the only drag show in town with an “openmic” policy, so if you think you’ve got what it takes, be there before 10 and you might become their next star! Big Boys with Big Toys Check out the hot dancers every Wednesday from 10 p.m.-2 a.m. at ICandy, 254 S. 12th St. There’s no cover, but there’s a guaranteed good time with drink specials and hot-body contests.

Mimi Imfurst and the Dollhouse Revue The hardest-working bitch in the business pulls it out every Wednesday from 10 p.m.-3 a.m. at Voyeur, 1221 St. James St. Every week there’s a different theme so you’ll never see the same show twice, and you never know who will show up as a special guest!

Texas Hold’em Poker Learn when to hold’em and when to fold’em every Wednesday from 8-11 p.m. at Stir, 1705 Chancellor St. It’s free to play and the top two players take home prizes every time. No prize for making it through the entire night without humming “The Gambler.” Bob & Barbara’s Drag Show Catch the longest-running drag show in Philly every Thursday from 11 p.m.-1 a.m. at Bob & Barbara’s, 1509 South St. Don’t miss hostess Lisa Lisa, her special guests and her hot male dancers. Cover is only $7. Latin Night Tired of the same old dance-floor tracks? Then move to a Latin beat, every Thursday from 10 p.m.-2 a.m. at Woody’s, 202 S. 13th St. And if you really want to confuse people try to pick someone up by saying, “Amicus, quid tibi signum?” I doubt it will work, but the reaction could be worth it. ■ Questions? Comments? Did you know the original title of Culture Club’s “It’s a Miracle” was “It’s America?” Why do I remember shit like that? Contact Jim at or follow him on Facebook for links to back articles and crappy old pop videos.

Gay is our middle name.


Birthday pride We have been lucky, I know, living in a My son is turning 9 soon, and it frightstate with a good track record on LGBT ens me. Nine is perilously close to 10, first of the double digits, rubbing shoulders issues and a generally liberal air. So far, with that phantasm of every parent’s night- our son has not experienced any negative comments from his classmates about his mares, puberty. Nine seems like the last hurrah of young childhood before it gradu- family. I hope that will last through the ally starts to give way to the moods, interyears to come — and if it doesn’t, that we ests and concerns of an older phase of life. have helped him develop the resilience to Puberty is the big transformation, of stand up to any negative comments or bulcourse, but 9 reminds me that we’re well lying that come his way. on our way toward it. The fact that my son Our son told us he wanted an “Avengers” theme for his party this year — which has had a recent growth spurt, now wears my shoe size and will probably reminds me that, like many of see eye to eye with me before his peers, he loves superheroes and is just as susceptible to he’s out of elementary school mass merchandising. Watching may have something to do with him with his friends — at it as well. I know: Technically school or on the playground growth happens fastest in the — one cannot tell which of infant and toddler years. But human perception seems to them has two moms (or any make each successive year go other particular type of family structure). by faster and faster. I do notice, however, that he Nine may not be a milestone is one of few children his age celebration in our family’s culwho has invited members of ture, but it seems to be causing more than my usual amount the opposite gender to his party Dana Rudolph — only about a quarter of the of birthday reminiscence. I find myself looking back on total, but still more than at most moments both big and small — when he of his friends’ parties. He plays with the learned to walk, talk and ride a bike; the girls pretty much as with the boys (except first day of school; our first family campthat he has developed an amusing tendency to address all his male friends as “dude”). ing trip; any number of sunny afternoons I hope that this willingness to view girls as on the playground and bedtime stories surrounded by teddy bears. friends and equals, not some alien species, I think I am in this extra-reflective state continues as he gets older, even if a few friendships may in the future blossom into because 9 marks the halfway point to 18, romance. (From things he’s said, he seems when my son will be legally an adult and to be straight.) I’d like to think that’s a posmost likely moving out of our house. The itive legacy of having two moms, even if it past nine years have flown, and I’m scared is not exclusive to us. of how fast the next nine will go. (I am under no delusions, though — I realize that June is therefore a month of both personal and community pride for me. Despite parenting is in fact a lifetime honor and my complicated feelings about my son obligation. But when he hits 18, he starts turning 9, I am nevertheless filled with doing his own laundry.) pride at the young man he is becoming. I am writing this column in between I’m proud of my spouse and myself for baking a cake and filling gift bags for his learning on the fly (as all parents do) and, birthday party. Despite the extra work, I am delighted that he has lots of friends I think, not doing too bad a job of raiswho are coming to the party, who like him ing him so far — although the most trying for who he is and whose (mostly straight) years may still be ahead of us. parents do not mind that we are a twoI am also proud of the LGBT community mom household. That, to me, is one of the for continuing to work, in ways large and small, so that my son — and all children key ways we will win equality — not just — can grow up into a world more fair and by laws and court decisions, but by being welcoming for everyone. active and visible in our communities, putNow if you’ll excuse me, I have to go ting the realities of our everyday lives out there as examples of what it means to be an frost a cake. It’s for my son’s party — but in a way, it’s for all of us. ■ LGBT family. We can fill kids with sugar and give away cheesy party favors with the best of them. (Contrary to popular belief, Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher not everything lesbians cook contains hum- of Mombian (, a blog mus or granola.) and resource directory for LGBT parents.


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Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012




Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

Q Puzzle Dick Partner Across

1. “Hairspray” list 5. Inmates 9. Group of sets, for Mauresmo 14. Suffix with leather 15. Cruising greeting 16. Marlon Brando’s hometown 17. Province of Spain 18. Some Feds 19. Tibet neighbor 20. Portrayer of 40-Across in “Liz & Dick” 23. “Keep your pants on!” 24. Penn. neighbor 25. Rita’s second name 28. Denial for Nanette 31. Dykes on Bikes, e.g. 33. Salty white

stuff from the Greeks 37. Vidal’s Breckinridge 39. Barracks boss 40. Gay icon and advocate 43. O’Neal of “The Bad News Bears” 44. Weighty volume 45. Stiff bristle 46. Accustoms 48. Kristy McNichol sitcom “Empty ___ “ 50. Courtroom VIPs 51. Louis XIV, for one 53. Decoration for skin 58. 40-Across, for one 61. Web site? 64. Sometime defender of gay rights 65. 9 inches, e.g. 66. Painter Kahlo 67. Moby Dick

chaser 68. Sommer of film 69. LBJ, e.g. 70. Sperm homophone? 71. Cause of the Tin Woodsman’s rust


1. Yo-Yo Ma’s instrument 2. Gave head at home? 3. “Alexander” director Oliver 4. Sees to 5. Underground burial site 6. “Lions and tigers and bears, ___!” 7. Coward of “Blithe Spirit” 8. Meeting of the rite people 9. Da Vinci signature piece 10. Pious ejaculation 11. Draw from

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12. Tea, on the Thames 13. Shakespearean prince 21. DC figure 22. The other woman 25. Cosmetician Norman 26. Inside tongue? 27. Former NFL player Tuaolo 29. No, in Moscow 30. Joe of “The Ruffian on the Stair” 32. Boxes of calendars 33. Stale and then some 34. Writer Dykewomon 35. Shakespeare’s Andronicus 36. Côte d’___ 38. Quaint sigh 41. “ ___ Idol” 42. Like babies

born without heterosexual activity 47. “Scram!” in Auden’s land, with “off” 49. Half a drink 52. Newton, who got hit on the head by a fruit 54. Remote target 55. Property paper 56. Japanese industrial center 57. Aquatic mammal 58. Elton John Broadway musical 59. BenGay target 60. Decked out 61. Toward the rear, to sailors 62. Three, in Torino 63. B.O. buys



GPFFL [Greater Philadelphia Flag Football League] and am a former board member of DVLF [Delaware Valley Legacy Fund] and Safeguards. I’m also the chairperson of the Public Relations Society of America Philly Chapter Nonprofit Resource Committee and I recently won the commissioner’s award from GPFFL for community service. I want to be the go-to guy for gay causes. Another initiative that I’m proud of is that when I noticed that the Public Relations Society didn’t have a nonprofit committee to give back, I started one. Through that I can reach out to all my constituencies — gay organizations, senior groups, animal care, environmental groups, etc. We’re going to do a speed-dating kind of thing with PR specialists. People can come in and sit for 10 minutes with a social-media expert then move to a financial person, then a PR person. It’ll be a great opportunity for small businesses. PGN: Hobbies? KA: I used to play softball and then I transitioned into flag football. The commissioner himself said that he was proud of me because it’s no secret that I sucked at softball and, even though no one taught me, I seem to be a pretty good center. I’m a big blocky wall and tough to get around. I also coordinate the community service for the league. PGN: How did you meet your boyfriend, gymnast Dash Sears? KA: We met at PIFA. [PGN] Photographer Scott Drake had invited him, and Dash came to watch everyone on the trapeze. My friend Rich was there and pointed to Dash across the lot and said, “Look, he’s the one for you.” I went over to him and Dash totally blew me off! I thought it was the end of the story but, a few months later, we saw each other on a dating website and started talking and I invited him for cupcakes. We’ve been together ever since. I think it was Ms. Goody’s cupcakes that did it. PGN: What was an early sign you were gay? KA: Probably music. I remember getting my first cassette tapes and I had Duran Duran, Lionel Richie and Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.” I used to dance around to that for hours. PGN: Have you ever been gay-bashed, discriminated against? KA: Yes. Back home in upstate New York, I once had a car follow me after leaving a bar, throw a brick at my window and try to run me off the entrance to the overpass. PGN: Worst hairstyle? KA: I used to play basketball and this was at the time when perms were really in. I got one right before a game one time and it was ridiculous. I didn’t realize how long it was going to take so I was late for the game. I walked on the court and everyone was staring at me. And what they don’t tell you was that it smells for days, so as I ran

past people on the court, it was like, whew, there goes Kory!

Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

Worth Watching

PGN: What reality show would you be on? KA: I think it would have to be called, “Real Housewives of South Philly.” It’s an adventure there everyday.

ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS: Catch out news personality and political expert Rachel Maddow on “The Rachel Maddow Show” weeknights at 9 p.m. on MSNBC.

PGN: If you could go back in time to any era, what date would you choose? KA: The Civil War era. It was such an interesting time in our country’s history that was so conflict ridden yet led us to such growth. I have read/watched “North and South” more times than I can mention. PGN: Any tattoos? KA: Yes! And most people would be surprised to find that out. I designed it myself and it’s the windmill from “Moulin Rouge” with the man in the moon and it says, “Truth, beauty, love, freedom.”

HAIL TO THE DIVA: Out comedian Margaret Cho stars in a new episode of the dramedy series “Drop Dead Diva,” airing 9 p.m. June 24 on Lifetime.

PGN: Who would you invite to a dinner party? KA: Ooh, New York’s reigning cake diva Sylvia Weinstien, because I know in addition to the great desserts she’s a hoot and would be a lot of fun! And Nicki Minaj — she’s my new “it” person. She has just enough wackiness, but let’s be honest: She knows what she’s doing. She knows how to make the deal, who to partner with, how to get it done. I like her energy.

Photo: Kevin Lynch

PGN: Something people don’t know about you? KA: I like being around people with different stances than me. That fire-and-ice thing. I like being around people who challenge me. I generally find myself dating Republicans! The whole push and pull of it keeps things fresh. PGN: Did you have a blanket or stuffed animal? KA: I had a blankie, which I carried around everywhere and couldn’t live without as a child. It was pretty pastel colors! PGN: Any pets? KA: Yes, Buster Brown, he’s large and fun and probably more well-known than I am. I love animals and have been involved in animal causes as well. There was a big exposé of one of the shelters in the city a while back and I was part of getting that coverage. I was also a part of the people/ pet partnership that was responsible for getting Philadelphia to be a no-kill city. PGN: Your most interesting show-and-tell item? KA: In college I took PR and Journalism: Censorship, and the teacher knew I was gay and she asked me to find her a gay adult video to show the students in class. It was very awkward and odd to have a teacher ask for that. And she was very specific in what she wanted! ■ To suggest a community member for “Professional Portrait,” write to

DIFFICULTIES IN THE BIG EASY: Out food expert Ted Allen hosts a new episode of “Chopped” featuring chefs from New Orleans, 10 p.m. June 26 on Food Network.

DESPERATE EX-WIVES: Hollywood’s A-List ex-wives must adjust their own courses without their former husbands and make a name for themselves in new series “Hollywood Exes,” starring Jessica Canseco (ex of Jose Canseco, from left), Mayte Garcia (ex of Prince), Nicole Murphy (ex-wife of Eddie Murphy), Andrea Kelly (ex of R. Kelly) and Sheree Fletcher (ex of Will Smith), 9 p.m. June 27 on VH1. Photo: VH1/Piotr Sikora




Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

OUT & ABOUT The week ahead Fri. 06/22 Jon McLaughlin The acclaimed pianist performs 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400. Gaslight Anthem The alt-rock band performs 8 p.m. at House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-343-4000. Antigone Rising The rock band with out members performs 8:30 p.m. at Tin Angel, 20 S. Second St.; 215928-0770.

Sat. 06/23 Theodore Fuller The author of “The Secret Taboo:

Homophobia in Black America” hosts a reading 5:30 p.m. at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; 215-923-2960. Aziz Ansari The comedian performs 7 and 10 p.m. at Kimmel’s Merriam Theater, 250 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5800. Jim Gaffigan The comedian performs 7 and 10 p.m. at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-317-1000. Faith Evans The R&B singer performs 8 p.m. at House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-3434000.

Zombie Beach Party Philly Zombie Crawl presents an event for the undead and the people who love them, 8 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215-9226888. Comedy Cabaret Series starring Lawrence Owens, Hadiyah Robinson and John Moses The comedy begins 8:30 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. Beck The alt-rock singer performs 9 p.m. at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-317-1000.

Sun. 06/24 Ledisi & Eric Benet The R&B singers perform 7:30 p.m. at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave.; 215-5727650.

Mon. 06/25 Groove Night Local musicians join forces to bring the R&B, soul, jazz and funk, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. Spaceballs The “Star Wars” spoof is screened 7:30 p.m. at Sellersville Theater 1894, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville; 215-257-5808. Amelie The film is screened 8 p.m. at the Trocadero

Get out of town. No, really, we mean it. Find deals both near and far, along with travel tips from Philly’s own Jeff Guaracino.

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RISING AGAIN: Antigone Rising, the all-female rock band with out members, is back in town to perform 8:30 p.m. June 22 at Tin Angel, 20 S. Second St. For more information or tickets, visit www. or call 215-9280770.

Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215-922-6888. Lipstick Mondays A weekly drag show featuring a changing roster of queens takes the stage 9 p.m. at The Raven, 385 W. Bridge St., New Hope; 215-8622081.

Tue. 06/26 Unlabeled: The Acoustic/ Electric Open Mic for Up and Comers Sign up and play, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. Some Like It Hot The classic 1959 comedy film is screened 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. Dave Matthews Band The rock band performs 8 p.m. at Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.; 856-365-1300.

Wed. 06/27 4W5 Blues Jam Local musicians get down 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.;

302-994-1400. Book Club “The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You” by S. Bear Bergman is discussed 7-8 p.m. at the William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St.; 215732-2220. Dave Matthews Band The rock band performs 8 p.m. at Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.; 856-365-1300.

Thu. 06/28

Room, 345 S. 12th St.; 215-923-2960. Iron Maiden and Alice Cooper The influential hard-rock acts perform 7:30 p.m. at Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.; 856-365-1300. Mary J. Blige The R&B singer performs 8 p.m. at Caesars Atlantic City, 2100 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-348-4411. The Jacksons The musical family performs 8 p.m. at

the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-317-1000. Burlesque Showcase Sisters Nightclub gets down with the naughty entertainment 9 p.m.-1 a.m., 1320 Chancellor St.; 215-735-0735. John Oates Half of Hall & Oates performs 9 p.m. at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-317-1000.

Kaskade The electro-dance artist performs 7:30 p.m. at Festival Pier at Penn’s Landing, 121 N. Columbus Blvd.; 215-5699400. Paula Cole The singer-songwriter performs 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. Bob and Barbara’s Drag Show The outrageousness begins 11 p.m. at Bob and Barbara’s, 1509 South St.; 215-545-4511.

Fri. 06/29 Holler! On open-mic night, 7 p.m. at Giovanni’s

SOUL SISTER: R&B reigning diva Mary J. Blige brings the glamour to Atlantic City when she performs 8 p.m. June 29 at Caesars Atlantic City, 2100 Pacific Ave. For more information or tickets, call 609-348-4411.


Opening Orion Music + More The music festival features performances by Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold, Arctic Monkeys, Modest Mouse, Volbeat and more, June 23-24 at Bader Field, 501 N. Albany Ave., Atlantic City, N.J.;

Continuing Angels In America, Part 1: Millennium Approaches Wilma Theater presents the Tony Awardwinning epic play through July 1, 265 S. Broad St.; 215-546-7824. The Art of German Stoneware Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of stoneware ceramics from German-speaking centers in modern-day Germany and the Low Countries, through Aug. 5, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215763-8100.

From Asbury Park to the Promised Land: The Life and Music of Bruce Springsteen The National Constitution Center presents an exhibition looking at The Boss’ entire career, with numerous items never before seen by the public, through Sept. 3, 525 Arch St., Independence Mall; 215-409-6895. A Grand Night for Singing Walnut Street Theater presents Broadway’s tribute to the genius of Rodgers & Hammerstein through July 1 at Independence Studio on 3, 825 Walnut St.; 215-574-3550. Ralph Eugene Meatyard: Dolls and Masks Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of works by the photographer and artist that explore concepts in visual perception, through Aug. 5, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-7638100. WE DON’T WANT TO WAIT: Grammy-winning singersongwriter Paula Cole performs a career-spanning set of songs 8 p.m. June 28 at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del. For more information or tickets, call 302-994-1400.

Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story Walnut Street Theater presents the story of the early rock ’n’ roll star through July 15, 825 Walnut St.; 215-574-3550. Collab: Four Decades of Giving Modern and Contemporary Design Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition that includes some of the finest examples of European, American and Japanese design, through fall, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. SOLUTION from page 28

Rockwell Kent — Voyager: An Artist’s Journey in Prints, Drawings and Illustrated Books Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of works by the famous printmaker and illustrator, through July 29, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. Secret Garden Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition uniting works in fiber by Ted Hallman, Sheila Hicks and Jim Hodges, through July, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. Tulipomania: The Musical Arden Theatre Company presents the world premiere of a musical paralleling modern-day financial collapses with the tulip craze of 1636, through July 1, 40 N. Second St.; 215-922-1122.

Closing Animal Issue The James Oliver Gallery presents a representational perspective of animal proportions featuring Lars Kremer, Emily Bowser, Alex Spinney and Jessica Nissen, through June 23, 723 Chestnut St.; 215923-1242.

Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012


Etched in Skin on a Sunlit Night InterAct Theatre company presents a drama exploring issues of racial and personal identity through June 24 at The Adrienne, 2030 Sansom St.; 215568-8079. Full House: A Series of Cabarets Quince Productions presents nine cabarets with LGBT performers and content, through June 26 at Red Room at Society Hill Playhouse, 507 S. Eighth St.; 215-923-0210. Lucky Stiff The Centre Theater presents the comedy following nerdy English shoe salesman Harry Witherspoon as he tries to win his multimillion-dollar inheritance by taking his dead uncle’s corpse to Monte Carlo for a final funfilled vacation, through June 24 at the Montgomery County Cultural Center, 208 DeKalb St.; 610-279-1013 or The Marvelous Wonderettes The 11th Hour Theatre Company takes you to the 1958 Springfield High School prom, where we meet the Wonderettes, four girls with hopes and dreams as big as their hoop skirts, through June 24 at The Skybox at The Adrienne, 2030 Sansom St.; 267-9879865. ■

MONSTERS OF ROCK: Influential heavy-metal icons Iron Maiden and Alice Cooper (pictured) have teamed up for a summer tour that is set to tear the roof off the joint 7:30 p.m. June 29 at Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J. For more information or tickets, call 856-365-1300.


Send notices at least one week in advance to: Out & About Listings, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 fax: 215-925-6437; or e-mail: Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

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Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012

Community Bulletin Board Community centers

■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held 4-8 p.m. MondayFriday; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday-Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331. ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St., 215-898-5044; Hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday.

and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; 215-957-7981;

■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220; Hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Peer counseling: 6-9 p.m. Monday through Friday Library hours: 12-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 12-3 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. Friday; 126 p.m. Saturday. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: 215-587-9377

Key numbers

■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: 856-933-9500 ext. 221

■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: 215-732-TALK

■ AIDS Library: 215-985-4851

■ Mayor’s Director of LGBT Affairs: Gloria Casarez, 215-6862194;; Fax: 215-686-2555

■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: 215592-1513 ■ AIDS Treatment Fact line: 800662-6080 ■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: 215-685-1633 ■ The COLOURS Organization Inc.: 112 N. Broad St., third floor; 215-496-0330 ■ Equality Pennsylvania: 215731-1447; ■ Equality Forum: 215-732-3378

■ Mazzoni Center: 215-563-0652; Legal Services: 215-563-0657, 866-LGBTLAW; legalservices@mazzonicenter. org ■ Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine: 215-563-0658 ■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): 215-572-1833


AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., Suite 205; 215-629-2300. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; noon-6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St. 215851-1822 or 866-222-3871. Spanish/English HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; 215-685-1803. HIV health insurance help Access to free medications and confidential HIV testing

■ Greater Philadelphia Professional Network Networking group for area business professionals, self-employed and business owners meets monthly in a different location throughout the city, invites speakers on various topics, partners with other nonprofits and maintains a Web site where everyone is invited to sign up for email notices for activities and events;

■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Deputy Commissioner Stephen Johnson: 215-683-2840 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: 215-760-3686; ppd. ■ Philly Pride Presents: 215875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: 717-9209537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: 215-732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: 215-686-4670

Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 3439 N. Hutchinson St.; 215-763-8870 ext. 6000.

■ Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia GALLOP holds board meetings at 6:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at 100 S. Broad St., Suite 1810; GALLOP also provides a free referral service; (215) 6279090;

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: 215-772-2000

available by appointment at 13 S. MacDade Blvd., Suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; 610-5869077.

Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; 215-563-0652. Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine Comprehensive primary health care, preventive health services, gynecology, sexual-health services and chronic-disease management, including comprehensive HIV care, 809 Locust St.; 215-563-0658. Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday except for noon-1 p.m. and 5-6 p.m., and 1-5 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; 215-985-9206.

Professional groups ■ Independence Business Alliance Greater Philadelphia’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce, providing networking, business development, marketing, educational and advocacy opportunities for LGBT and LGBT-friendly businesses and professionals. Visit for information about events, programs and membership; 215-557-0190; 1717 Arch St., Suite 3370. ■ National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association The Philadelphia chapter of NLGJA, open to professionals and

students, meets for social and networking events; ■ Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus A regional organization dedicated to promoting gay and lesbian tourism to the Greater Philadelphia region holds meetings every other month on the fourth Thursday (January, March, May, July, September and the third Thursday in November), open to the public; P.O. Box 58143, Philadelphia, PA 19102; ■ Philly OutGoing Professionals Social group for gay, lesbian and bisexual professionals meets for social and cultural activities, 856857-9283; popnews19@yahoo. com.


ACT-UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) meets 6-9 p.m. every Monday at St. Luke and The Epiphany Church, 330 S. 13th St.; 215-386-1981; Delaware Valley Chapter, Americans United for Separation of Church and State seeks activists and supporters of church-state separation. Holds monthly meetings and events; Equality Philadelphia holds a volunteer night the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m., 1211 Chestnut St., Suite 605; 215-731-1447; Green Party of Philadelphia holds general meetings the fourth Thursday of the month except December, 7 p.m.; 215-243-7103; Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club meets seasonally;


Library Book Club meets to discuss a new book 7 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month at the William Way Center. Philadelphia Freedom Band, an audition-free LGBT band that does concerts and parades, rehearses Mondays 7-9:30 p.m.; 215-603-BAND; Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus rehearses 7-10 p.m. Wednesdays; 215-731-9230; Philadelphia Gay Men’s Opera Club meets to share and listen to recordings 6:30 p.m. the last Saturday of the month; 215-732-7898. Philadelphia Voices of Pride, Philadelphia’s first mixed GLBT chorus, rehearses 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays at the William Way Center; Queer Writer’s Collective workshop and discussion group meets 4-6 p.m. the fourth Saturday of the month at the William Way Center. Reading Queerly, open to all women and genderqueer/ trans people, meets 6:45 p.m. the first Thursday of the month at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.


Diversity Dancers ballroom dancers meet the first Sunday of the month for tea and lessons. Other events scheduled throughout the year; 215-922-2129; DiversityDancers@aol. com. Gay Bridge Club non-beginners group meets Monday afternoons at the William Way Center; reservations required. Call 215-732-2220. Gay-friendly Scrabble Club meets 6-11 p.m. in the P.I.C. Building, 42nd and Locust streets; 215-382-0789. Gay Opera Guys of Philly, a new group for opera appreciation, meets the last Sunday of the month at 2:30 p.m. in Roxborough/Andorra area; 215-483-1032. Humboldt Society: Lesbian and Gay Naturalists meets the second Thursday of the month at the William Way Center; 215-985-1456; Independence Squares LGBT square-dance club, modern Western square dancing. Monthly open house. Tuesday classes in the fall; Lutheran Church, 2111 Sansom St.;; LGBT Bridge Group congenial group meets for supper and to play bridge monthly on a Monday at 6:30 p.m. Members rotate as host. New players welcome. For information, call Tony at 215-732-1020. Male Oenophile Group forming to discuss, appreciate and taste various wines. Will meet once a month to investigate the nuances and glories of the fermented grape. Call 267230-6750 for more information. Mornings OUT LGBT Senior Social activities for senior gay men are held every Tuesday, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the William Way Center. PhilaVentures, Philadelphia’s LGBT outdoor group, meets for a hike in Wissahickon Valley Park on Sundays at 2 p.m. at 8701 Germantown Ave.; to RSVP email


Brandywine Women’s Rugby Club meets for Tuesday and Thursday practice at Greene Field, Howell Street and Moore Road, West Chester; City of Brotherly Love Softball League serves the Philadelphia metropolitan area. Games are played Sundays, beginning in April, in Fairmount Park; Frontrunners running club meets 9:30 a.m. Saturdays for a run and brunch. Lloyd Hall, No. 1 Boathouse Row; www. Philadelphia Falcons Soccer Club GLBT and allied; practices Mondays and Thursdays at Cruz Recreation Center (Fifth and Jefferson streets), 6 p.m., and Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. at Edgely Fields in Fairmount Park; www. Philadelphia Fins Swim Team, male and female swimmers, meets 7-8:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 1011:30 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays at Friends Select School or Kelly Pool in Fairmount Park; finspresident@gmail. com; Philadelphia Gay Bowling League meets 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays September-April at Brunswick Zone, 1328 Delsea Drive, Deptford, N.J.; 856-889-1434;

Greater Philadelphia Flag Football League games played Saturdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., at Columbus Square Park, 12th and Wharton streets; Philadelphia Gryphons Rugby Football Club seeks players, all skill levels welcome; meets 7:45 p.m. Thursdays at Columbus Field, 12th and Wharton streets; 215-913-7531;; Philadelphia Liberty Belles women’s semi-pro full-tackle football league holds fall tryouts; Philadelphia Liberty Tennis Association plays yearround, all skill levels welcome; philadelphialibertytennis. com. Philadelphia Firebirds women’s football team seeks players; Philadelphia Women’s Baseball League seeks players, all skill levels and ages welcome. Practice is Thursdays, 7:30-9:30p.m., at Marian Anderson Recreation Center, 17th and Fitzwater streets, with games on Sundays;; contact Narda Quigley, (day) 215-9915995 or (evening) 301-919-1194. Philly Gay Hockey Association Philadelphia Phury seeks players; 917-656-1936; Philly QCycle LGBT bicycling club promotes organized recreational riding for all levels in the Greater Philadelphia region. Contact the organization via Facebook. Rainbow Riders of the Delaware Valley motorcycle club meets regularly; 215-836-0440; group/rainbowridersdv/. Rainbow Rollers gay and lesbian bowling league meets 7:45 p.m. Tuesdays at Boulevard Lanes in Northeast Philadelphia; South Jersey Gay Bowling League gay and lesbian bowling league meets 7 p.m. Fridays September-April at Laurel Lanes, 2825 Rte. 73 South, Maple Shade; 856-778-7467. Spartan Wrestling Club, the gay wresting team, meets 6:30-9 p.m. Mondays and 9:30 a.m.-noon Saturdays at the First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut St.; 215-732-4545; Suburban Gay Bowling League bowls at 8 p.m. Tuesdays from August-April at Facenda-Whitaker Lanes, 2912 Swede Road, Norristown; Team Philadelphia, the umbrella group for gay and lesbian sports teams, and individual athletes in the Delaware Valley come together to provide a healthy outlet for all members of the community;


AIDS Law Project provides free legal assistance to people with HIV/AIDS and sponsors free monthly seminars on work and housing; 1211 Chestnut St., Suite 600; 215-5879377; BiUnity, Philadelphia-area social and support network for bisexuals, their family members and friends meets the second Friday of every other month at the William Way Center; Delaware Valley Pink Pistols for LGBT people dedicated to legal, safe and responsible use of firearms for selfdefense; meets 2 p.m. the third Saturday of the month at Classic Indoor Range, 1310 Industrial Blvd., Southampton; 610-879-2364; Delaware Pride holds planning meetings 7 p.m. the first Thursday of the month at the United Church of Christ, 300 Main St., Newark; 302-265-3020; Haverford College’s Sexuality and Gender Alliance holds open meetings 10-11 p.m. Mondays during the school year in the lounge in Jones Basement at Haverford College, 370 Lancaster Ave.; 610-896-4938. Long Yang Club Philadelphia social organization for gay Asians and their friends holds monthly socials; www. Our Night Out, a casual social networking party of LGBT professionals, friends and colleagues, meets in a different Philadelphia hot spot each month. To receive monthly event invitations, email; more information on Facebook. Philadelphia Bar Association Legal Advice offered 5-8 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month; 215-238-6333. Philadelphia Prime Timers Club for mature gay and bisexual men and their admirers meets regularly; primetim Philadelphians MC Club for leather men and women meets 7:30 p.m. the first and third Monday of the month at The Pit at The Bike Stop, 201 S. Quince St.; Rainbow Amateur Radio Association ARRL-affiliated, private, weekly HF nets, monthly newsletter, email server; 302-539-2392; Rock ’n’ Roll Queer Bar Party for gay and lesbian rockers with host Psydde Delicious starts 10 p.m. every first Sunday at Fluid, 613 S. Fourth St.; www. Silver Foxes, a social and educational group for gays and lesbians 50 and older, meets 3-5 p.m. the fourth Sunday of the month at the William Way Center. SNJ Queers meets monthly for queer/queer-friendly folks in South Jersey to mix and mingle. Search for SNJ Queers on Facebook; contact Wendy at 856-375-3708 or


Classifieds PGN does not accept advertising that is unlawful, false, misleading, harmful, threatening, abusive, invasive of another’s privacy, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful or racially or otherwise objectionable, including without limitation material of any kind or nature that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, provincial, national or international law or regulation, or encourage the use of controlled substances.

Home of the Week

MAY 1 - 7, 2009

All real-estate advertising is subject to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), ����������� ����������� as amended. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits � � discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody Beds: 4 of children under the age of 18), and handicap Baths: 2.5 ��������������������������������������� (disability). PGN will not knowingly accept any Price: $559,900 ������������������ real-estate advertising that is in violation of any applicable law. ����������������������������������������������������������




NY Land & Cabin Bargain Sale: Classic Adirondack Camp 5 acres - $29,995. Cozy Cabin-Base Camp 5 acres - $19,995. Near 1000’s of acres of Stateland, lakes, & rivers. Access to snowmobile & ATV trails. Our best deal ever! Call 800-229-7843. See pics at www. _______________________________36-25 1909 Pt. Breeze Ave: beaut. renov. top to bottom. New roof, plumbing, elec., A/C, tile bath. 3 BR, 1 BA. Must see. $119,900. 1915 Pt. Breeze Ave. Beaut. renov. top to bottom. New roof, plumbing, elec., A/C, tile bath. 3 BR, 1.5 BA. Must see. $123,000. 2049 Fernon St. New home, 2 BR, HWF, A/C. Must see. $109,000. Big lot, 6351 Old York Rd. $19,000. Call 267-334-0744 for all properties. _______________________________36-25

Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012


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����������������������������� REAL ESTATE ����������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������� WATERFRONT PROPERTY SALE ������������ NY: 8 acres waterfront home $99,900. 5 acres West Bass Pond $19,900. 5 acres Deer Creek ������������������������������������������������ Forest $14,900. Financing available. www. ����������������������������������������������� 1-888-683-2626. ��������������������������������������������������� _______________________________36-25 �������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� TRAVEL & ����������������������������������������������������� ������



Featured property:

331 S. Hicks Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Rarely offered 4 bedroom home on ���� picturesque Hicks Street in �Rittenhouse Square. Beautiful new kitchen and 2 new bathrooms with custom tile-work. Private back yard with garden, formalPAGE 47 dining room, fireplace, new central air & newer windows. Plenty of storage throughout. Conveniently located just off of 15th & Spruce.

Real Estate Company: Prudential Fox & Roach,

Society Hill ���������������������������

Realtor: James Labonski

�������� ����������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� ������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������ PGN WILL NOT PUBLISH RACIAL DIS�������������������������������������������������������� TINCTIONS IN ROOMMATE ADS. SUCH ������������������������� NOTATIONS WILL BE EDITED. THANK ��������������� YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ���������������������������������������������������� ___________________________________ ��������������������������������������������������� GREATER NE PHILA. �������������������� Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split level home with ��������������� 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 ��������������������������������������������������������� full baths, W/D, upper and lower decks, use of ����������������������������������������������� kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1


min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least Rooms for men. �������� reasonably neat and employed. Rent is $600 + _______________________________36-36 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. Easy Day Trip! Bring the family and watch ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� _______________________________36-32 history come alive at the annual Gettysburg ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Civil War Battle Reenactment July 6-8, 2012. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� REAL ESTATE Contact: ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 717-338-1525. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� _______________________________36-25 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


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E-mail us:

��� ������������������������������ ����������� ���������������������. Furness Flats. Large 2 bed, 1 bath. last unit left in this highly desirable building. Close to all Center City Hospitals. Low fees and taxes ................................������������� ������������������������ “George T. Sale Condo” Unique Garden level 1 bd, 1 ba. unit w/ private entrance.. Low fees & Tax Abatement. Lowest price 1 bd. in area ........................��������. ����������� ����������������������. New open style 2 bedroom, 1 bath condo with low taxes and condo fees. Great small pet friendly building. .........................................................................�������� ������������������� Old Swedes Court. New Listing Large 3 Bedroom 2.5 Bath with Garage, roof deck and hardwood floors. Low association fees in Queen Village ....................��������


Phone: 215-521-1552 E-mail: Website:





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������������������������ ������������������� ���������������������������� �������������������

Open House Sunday June 24, 2012 Noon-2:30PM 1007 S Fairhill Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147 Brand new construction 3BR/2.5BA townhouse in the Queen Village area $400,000 The Lenox Condominiums 250 S. 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Condos from $175,000 Rentals from $1,800/mo Noon-1:00PM 1542 Christian St B 19146 2BR/2BA townhouse-style condo $299,900 1:30-2:30PM 1443 S Bancroft St 19146 2BR/1BA house $189,900 Search all Philadelphia area listings @ Dan Tobey

The Curtis Center 1401 Walnut St. 8th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102

215.546.2700 Business • 267.238.1061 Direct 215.432.7151 Cell • 215.546.7728 Fax •


Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012



(Philadelphia Area Nudist Group) Sunday, June 24th, 2012 TIME: 3pm- 6pm

- Boys Will Be Boys! Awaken Your Inner SpiritNot your typical Sunday Funday. Enjoy an afternoon of naked socializing and fun...


BUSINESS MANS 4HR LOCKER SPECIAL Mon. thru Friday (8am-4pm) Members: $5.00 & Non-Members: $15.00 $12 Locker Wed. & Thurs., 4pm-12 Midnight LATE NIGHT CREEP Monday - Thursday (12 Midnight - 8am) Members: $9.00 & Non-Members: $19.00 HALF PRICE ROOMS Tuesday ( 6am- 12 Midnight) Members: $12.50 & Non-Members: $22.50 $12 FLAT RATE LOCKERS 4pm -12 Midnight, Wednesday &Thursday

Check out our website for our HOT NEW WEEKLY SPECIALS & JOIN OUR e-mail List to get the latest information on upcoming events...

Don’t forget to visit the Adonis Cinema right next door!! 2026 Sansom St/ PH: 215-557-9319

We want to know! If you are celebrating an anniversary, engagement, wedding, adoption or other life event, we would be happy to help you announce it to the community. Send your contact information and a brief description of the event to





Handsome Certified Therapist 6’, 195 lbs, Muscle Gives Sensual / Therapeutic Massage

Call 215-432-6030


LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. _______________________________36-29 BM, 60 looking for British gent, 35-45 for intimate encounters. 215-763-3391, 6PMMidnight. _______________________________36-25 GWM, 63 hot, down to earth 5’6’ slim, nice looking, energetic. I’m a Bottom looking for a TOP only- for reg get togethers. Clean and discreet. Leave VM 215-264-1058. _______________________________36-27 I’m looking for a very well endowed top who is looking for a very nice white butt. 215-7322108 8-11 PM. _______________________________36-28 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. _______________________________36-27

OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102 Online reservations: _______________________________36-25 MARGATE 2 BR, 1 BA apts. avail. 1st: $10,000 for Jul/Aug or $5000/mo. Other $4900/mo. Across from the beach, W/D, furnished. Fabulous! Call 276-746-0678 or 609-287-1973. _______________________________36-25





Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-800-914-8742. _______________________________36-25



12TH & DICKINSON AREA Furnished Townhouse for rent: 3 levels. Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath. Very Unique. 1500. mo plus util. (negotiable). Call 215 468-9166 after 6 pm. or 215 686 3431 daytime. ______________________________36-35 RITTENHOUSE SQUARE AREA Studios & 1 Bedrooms - Call for Availability (215) 735-8050 _______________________________36-30 HADDON TWP, NJ Safe, sunny 2 BR apt. 2nd fl owner occ. duplex. 1000 sq.. ft., A/C, D/W, W/D, new carpet & paint. Pvt. ent. Close to speedline, bus, walk, bike to shops, parks, lakes, library. $900/mo. Call Brian, 12 PM-7 PM, 856-858-8620. _______________________________36-27


TO BUY WANTED UNEXPIRED DIABETIC TEST STRIPS Up to $26.00/Box. PRE-PAID SHIPPING LABELS. Hablamo Espanol. 1-800-266-0702 _______________________________36-24

Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012



Out of High School? Over 18? Your 1st Phenomenal Opportunity to Travel While Earning Big $$$. No Experience Necessary. Paid Training. Transportation/Lodging Provided. 1-877-646-5050. _______________________________36-25 CDL-A DRIVERS NEEDED! Up to $5,000 Sign-On Bonus for Experienced Drivers! New student pay AND Lease Program Now Available! 877-521-5775 www. _______________________________36-25 PROFESSIONAL CLASS A DRIVERS OTR tractor trailer, good pay, great home time, health insurance, 401K, paid vacation, bonus package, and top equipment all in a small company atmosphere, backed up with large company benefits. Call Victoria 877-833-9307 or visit _______________________________36-25 Drivers: Great pay, quarterly safety bonus. Hometime choices. Steady freight, full or part-time. Safe, clean, modern trucks. CDL-A, 3 months current OTR experience. 800-414-9569 www. _______________________________36-25 AVERITT Is Looking for CDL-A Drivers! Great, Low-cost Benefits Package and Weekly Hometime. 4-Months T/T Experience Required. Apply Now! 888-362-8608 Visit AVERITTcareers. com Equal Opportunity Employer. _______________________________36-25

NEW TO TRUCKING? Your new career starts now! *$0 Tuition Cost *No Credit Check *Great Pay & Benefits. Short employment commitment required. Call: (866)447-0377 _______________________________36-25 Exp. Reefer Drivers: GREAT PAY /Freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME, Boston-Lehigh, PA. 800-277-0212 or _______________________________36-25 JOIN MARTEN TRANSPORT Regional Runs Available! More HOMETIME & EARNING POWER; EXCELLENT PAY & BENEFITS! Recent Increase on AUTOMATIC DETENTION PAY! Plus: FLEX FLEET opportunities >> 4 DAYS ON, 4 DAYS OFF! << OR >> 7 DAYS ON, 7 DAYS OFF! << (866) 370-4469 CDL-A, 6 mos. exp. required. EEOE/AAP. _______________________________36-25 CLASS A DRIVERS Regional Up to 42CPM. Wkly Pay. Benefits. Home Time. Sign ON BONUS. Paid Orientation. 2 Years T/T EXP 800-524-5051 www. _______________________________36-25 We’re a Driver’s Company that’s focused on drivers. Solos .437 & Teams .513 1 yr OTR Exp CDL-A-HazMat. Solos $2000, Teams $7500 Sign-On. 877-628-3748 _______________________________36-25


SERVICES EARN COLLEGE DEGREE ONLINE *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV Certified. Call 888-220-3984. _______________________________36-25 AIRLINE CAREERS Begin here-Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified-Housing available. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-834-9715 _______________________________36-25

ADOPTION ADOPTION A childless, financially secure couple (37&42) seeks to adopt. Together 18 years. Flexible work schedules. Expenses paid. Call Rich & Tim 1-800-494-4533. _______________________________36-25 A childless couple seeks to adopt. Loving, happy home with tenderness, warmth & love. Flexible schedules. Financial security. Expenses paid. Regis & David (888)986-1520. _______________________________36-25


Online. Anytime. Also visit us on your iPhone or Android device to access our mobile version. Like us on Facebook to win tickets.

Pursuant to §128.85 of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Title 7 regulations, GROWMARK FS, LLC. hereby gives notice of ground application of “Restricted Use Pesticides” for the protection of agricultural crops in municipalities in Pennsylvania during the next 45 days. Residents of contiguous property to our application sites should contact your local GROWMARK FS, LLC. facility for additional information. Concerned Citizens should contact: Michael Layton, MGR. Safety & Environment, GROWMARK FS, LLC. 308 N.E. Front Street, Milford, DE 19963. Call 302-422-3002. _______________________________36-24


PGN currently has an advertising sales position available for an energetic, self-motivated individual with outstanding communication skills. Our ideal candidate must have polished sales skills with experience in lead generation and cold calling, combined with a track record of closing the sale. QUALIFICATIONS:

• Two years of successful sales experience, preferably in print and/or online sales • Strong verbal and writing skills • Excellent at relationship building • Ability to work independently and part of a team • Knowledge of local media market and/or LGBT community a plus • Computer literacy a must Salary/Benefits: Salary plus commission. Our benefits package includes medical and dental insurance, paid holidays, vacation and a casual work environment. Qualified individuals interested in applying are encouraged to send their resume to


Philadelphia Gay News June 22-28, 2012


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