PGN June 30 - July 6, 2017

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pgn Philadelphia Gay News LGBT NEWS SINCE 1976

Vol. 41 No. 26 June 30 - July 6, 2017

Family Portrait: Dante Austin links LGBTs and the Sheriff’s Office

Two trans court cases proceed




HIV/AIDS still demands our attention PAGE 7

LGBTs represented in Philly’s new Museum of the American Revolution

Bill banning conversion therapy awaiting mayor’s signature

Weiss testifies in D.A.’s corruption trial By Timothy Cwiek Michael Weiss, a local LGBT business owner who lavished gifts on Philadelphia District Attorney R. Seth Williams, testified this week during Williams’ ongoing corruption trial. Weiss testified under a grant of immunity. Federal prosecutors say Williams requested many gifts from Weiss. In return, Weiss received favors from Williams relating to Weiss’ various legal problems. In his testimony, Weiss denied giving any bribes to Williams. “I don’t believe I bribed anybody,” Weiss testified. Weiss co-owns Woody’s Bar, a popular LGBT venue in the Gayborhood. Prosecutors allege that between 2012-15, Weiss gave Williams gifts including a used Jaguar, cash payments and trips to vacation spots. In return, Williams appointed Weiss as “special advisor” to the D.A.’s Office, helped Weiss obtain a police accident report for a friend and sent letters on behalf of Weiss relating to Weiss’ tax problems. Williams even let Weiss and his boyfriend drive a city-owned car a short distance in New Jersey, while the two men attended a party in Wildwood, according to prosecutors. Weiss testified that he eventually became concerned that Williams was requesting too much from him. Weiss said he told his brother Billy, “We’ve got to stop this. We’ve put enough into this friendship.” Weiss and his brother loaned Williams more than $2,000, but never received repayment, Weiss said. But Williams did offer to serve as a “celebrity bartender” to help repay the loans, Weiss testified. Weiss also testified he thought the Jaguar he gave Williams would be used by Williams’ girlfriend or her father. “I was taken aback, extremely upset [to learn PAGE 16 Williams kept it for him-


By Jeremy Rodriguez


As health-care debate wages, activists put the pressure on Toomey By Jeremy Rodriguez “Rain or shine, day or night. Health care is a human right.” Protesters chanted in front of Sen. Pat Toomey’s Philadelphia office despite the early-morning rain June 23. The activists camped out overnight as part of a 24-hour vigil to protest Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell’s new healthcare bill. The legislation would repeal the Affordable Care Act, cutting funding to Medicaid and other programs. Jose DeMarco, a member of HIV/AIDSactivism group ACT UP Philadelphia, said he was “exhausted” after camping out overnight and only took a two-hour nap. However, he noted this form of protest will bring attention to the issue. “I stayed out all night mainly for people with HIV and AIDS that probably couldn’t attend themselves and to send a point to the rest of the world that these Medicaid cuts are going to be the death of many people,” DeMarco told PGN. “There needs to be a lot of attention

brought to this issue. People need to be getting angry. I don’t think just staying out all night may change anything but hopefully this will bring a lot of attention to the issue and let people know that people are willing to stay out in the street all night to stop this bill.” DeMarco spoke at the first of two rallies during the June 22 portion of the vigil. The queer HIV-positive activist told more than 150 protesters he has been using HIV treatments for more than 20 years to stay alive. He said he had a bottle of medication in his pocket that costs $2,300, and that many people would not have access to such medications if the Republican health-care bill moves forward. “I’m a person of color and in this country, I have no other choice but to see everything through these lenses,” DeMarco added. “When America has a cold, black America gets pneumonia. I’m just really angry that we’ve come this far fighting this disease and these people are going to set us back.” The Rev. Dr. William Barber, president PAGE 17 of the North Carolina

City Council last week unanimously passed a bill to ban conversion therapy for minors. The bill would prohibit “the practice of conversion therapy by mental-health providers on patients under 18 years of age, under certain terms and conditions.” Those who violate the bill would face a $2,000 fine and the revocation of their commercial licenses. Additionally, repeat offenders will be subject to a minimum $1,000 fine, up to 90 days of imprisonment or both. Councilman Mark Squilla introduced the bill in December and the Committee on Public Health and Human Services unanimously approved it earlier this month. Squilla told PGN he introduced the bill after seeing LGBT individuals being treated as if they had a mental disorder. “We believed it was necessary to introduce the bill to exclude minors from that process against their will to go through some type of conversion therapy,” Squilla said. “We looked at it as a form of abuse and I believed that as a progressive city [like] Philadelphia, we would take the forefront and not permit it to happen. “It shows the welcoming nature of our city, that we are understanding and that people have the right to feel comfortable in their own shoes and to be who they are,” Squilla added. “We’re not going to force anybody to be any different at that. We stand up for all of the people in the city of Philadelphia.” The bill is currently awaiting Mayor Jim Kenney’s signature before it takes effect. Kenney was not immediately available for comment but voiced support of the bill when it was introduced. Squilla said the mayor is still “strongly in favor” of the bill. Conversion therapy is currently banned in eight states, with Pittsburgh being the first cityin Pennsylvania to ban the practice last year. Legislation was also introduced in Allentown to ban the practice earlier this month. n



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Resource listings Legal resources • ACLU of Pennsylvania: 215-592-1513; • AIDS Law Project of PA: 215-587-9377; • AIDS Law Project of South Jersey: 856-784-8532; • Equality PA: equalitypa. org; 215-731-1447

• Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations — Rue Landau: 215-686-4670 • Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: 215-7603686; • SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: 717-920-9537

• Office of LGBT Affairs — Amber Hikes: 215-686-0330;

Community centers • The Attic Youth Center; 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331, For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. • LGBT Center at the University of Pennsylvania; 3907 Spruce St.; 215-898-5044,

• Rainbow Room: Bucks County’s LGBTQ and Allies Youth Center; Salem UCC Education Building, 181 E.

Court St., Doylestown; 215-957-7981 ext. 9065,

• William Way LGBT Community Center 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220,

Health and HIV testing • Action Wellness: 1216 Arch St.; 215981-0088,

• AIDS Library:

1233 Locust St.;

• AIDS Treatment Fact line: 800-6626080

• COLOURS:, 215832-0100

• Congreso de Latinos Unidos;

216 W. Somerset St.; 215-763-8870

• GALAEI: 215-851-

1822 or 866-222-3871, Spanish/English

• Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad

St.; 215-685-1821

• Mazzoni Center:

1348 Bainbridge St.; 215-563-0652,

• Philadelphia FIGHT:

1233 Locust St.; 215985-4448, www.fight. org

• Washington West Project of Mazzoni Center:

1201 Locust St.; 215985-9206

• Transgender Health Action Coalition: 215-7321207

Other • Independence Branch Library Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection: 215-685-1633 • Independence Business Alliance; 215-557-0190,

• LGBT Peer Counseling Services: 215-732-TALK • PFLAG: Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): 215-572-1833 • Philly Pride Presents: 215-875-9288

School district seeks dismissal of trans antibias suit, citing Trump guidance By Timothy Cwiek Public-school officials in Minersville recently asked that a trans student’s antibias case be dismissed, citing Trump administration educational guidance that stops short of recommending gender-appropriate restroom access for trans students. “A.H.” is a third-grade student at Minersville Elementary School. She’s requesting a clear policy within the Minersville Area School District, ensuring that trans students have access to gender-appropriate restrooms. Minersville is located about 75 miles northwest of Philadelphia. In response to pro-trans guidance from the Obama administration last year, Minersville school-district officials allowed A.H. to use girls’ restrooms. However, in March, A.H.’s mother filed a federal civil-rights suit, requesting a permanent district-wide equal-access policy for trans students. On June 13, district officials filed a 12-page request for A.H’s suit to be dismissed. In the filing, district officials emphasized that A.H. has been permitted to use girls’ restrooms. “The facts even as pled by plaintiff suggest that the district made every reasonable effort to accommodate plaintiff,” school-district officials maintain. But district officials also note that the Trump administration in February issued “guidance rollback,” altering previous protrans educational guidance from the Obama administration. “[T]here simply is no legal basis to support a [federal] claim against defendants for alleged transgender discrimination,” the June filing states.

“Also, the district agreed to receive education and training on various topics including transgender student and bathroom policies ... The district’s voluntary agreement to the training is further evidence of its willingness to accommodate A.H. and her needs.” Neither side had a comment for this story. Justin F. Robinette, a local civil-rights attorney, said trans students face an “uphill battle” for access to gender-appropriate facilities under the Trump administration. “In June, the Trump administration issued revised educational guidance, which notes that trans students may have some federal protections — but not necessarily access to gender-appropriate restrooms,” Robinette told PGN. “While the Trump administration’s revised guidance doesn’t explicitly oppose equal-access rights for trans students, the Trump administration rolled back Obama’s pro-trans guidance pending further consideration. This means it’s going to be an uphill battle for trans students to convince a judge or jury of their federal equal-access rights, and also that school districts right now won’t lose federal funding if they refuse to provide gender-appropriate facilities.” Robinette also questioned the assertion by district officials that they’ve attended trans-inclusive sensitivity training. “That seems disingenuous at best, because district officials won’t do the right thing and enact a trans-inclusive equal-access policy,” Robinette added. “Whatever training district officials underwent couldn’t have been that successful, without a policy.” As of presstime, the school district’s request for dismissal of A.H.’s suit remained pending with U.S. District Judge Robert D. Mariani. If the case is permitted to move forward, a jury trial is expected to take place in July 2018. n

Trial date set in trans disability case By Timothy Cwiek A December trial date has been set in the case of Kate Lynn Blatt, a Pottsville trans woman who claims her former employer discriminated against her due to her gender dysphoria. Blatt, 36, alleges Cabela’s Retail Inc. committed disability discrimination when denying her access to a gender-appropriate name tag and restroom. She’s seeking more than $150,000 in damages. Cabela’s tried to have Blatt’s disability claim tossed out, noting that the Americans with Disabilities Act excludes coverage for “gender-identity disorders.” The ADA protects people with disabilities from discrimination in private employment, public accommodations and governmental services. But in May, U.S. District Judge Joseph F. Leeson Jr. ruled that Blatt’s disability claim

can move forward because Blatt reportedly suffers from gender dysphoria, a medical condition that isn’t explicitly excluded from ADA coverage. Blatt also has retaliation and sex-discrimination claims pending against Cabela’s. Between September 2006 and March 2007, Blatt worked at Cabela’s outlet in Hamburg as a seasonal stocker. After she complained of mistreatment, Cabela’s retaliated by firing her, Blatt alleges. Cabela’s is a retail chain that specializes in outdoor sports items. Jury selection is tentatively set for 10 a.m. Dec. 26 at the U.S. Court House in Center City. After a jury is selected, the trial will take place at the U.S. Court House in Allentown, according to court records. Neither side had a comment for this story. Justin F. Robinette, a local civil-rights attorney, said the Blatt case has “important legal implications” for the LGBT community. PAGE 16


Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

PGN is the winner of the 2016 Sigma Delta Chi Award for Deadline Reporting for our coverage of the Pulse tragedy. PGN is the only publication from Pennsylvania, and the only LGBT publication, among the 85 publications honored nationwide. The award is shared by Editor Jen Colletta, Art Director/Photographer Scott A. Drake and former Staff Writer Paige Cooperstein. The Sigma Delta Chi Award is a national honor that dates back to 1932. The awards are among the premiere prizes given for professional journalism.




Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

News & Opinion

10 — Creep of the Week Editorial 11 — Mark My Words Op-Ed Street Talk 14 — News Briefing 15 — International News


7 — On Being Well: HIV/AIDS still needs attention

Arts & Culture 19 23 25 26 28 29

— Feature: Summer music suggestions — Family Portrait — Scene in Philly — Out & About — Q Puzzle — Comics

~ Editorial, page 10

RETURN ENGAGEMENT: PGN’s art director/photographer Scott A. Drake and editor Jen Colletta returned to Washington, D.C., June 24 to collect the Sigma Delta Chi Award from the Society of Professional Journalists. The pair, along with former staff writer Paige Cooperstein, were honored for their deadline reporting on last summer’s mass shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Drake and Colletta won the SDX last year for their coverage of the 2015 marriage-equality Supreme Court ruling, and Drake won the previous year for a sports photo. Photo: Micheal Ward



Creep of the Week: Betsy DeVos demostrates how a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

PGN 505 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia, PA 19147-1506 Phone: 215-625-8501 Fax: 215-925-6437 E-mail: Web:

Publisher Mark Segal (ext. 204)


Day in the Life of ... event producer Josh Shonewolf.


Jen Colletta (ext. 206)

Advertising Sales Representative Prab Sandhu (ext. 212)

Staff Writers Jeremy Rodriguez (ext. 215)

Kyle Lamb (ext. 201)

Larry Nichols (ext. 213)

Office Manager/ Classifieds Don Pignolet (ext. 200)

Writer-at-Large Timothy Cwiek (ext. 208)

“Freedom is a contextual concept, one that evolves with our progress and our pitfalls. In times of community successes, freedom may seem to be a finite, attainable goal, while in times of extreme crisis, the freedoms we once coveted may seem luxurious. What that dichotomy shows is that, while little is out of reach, little should be taken for granted.”

Music for summer, however you choose to celebrate it.

Art Director/ Photographer

Scott A. Drake (ext. 210) 267-736-6743 Graphic Artist Sean Dorn (ext. 211)

Philadelphia Gay News is a member of: The Associated Press Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Suburban Newspapers of America


Philadelphia Union LGBT Night scores points with Falcons soccer players and friends.

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Mayor signs bill combatting racism, discrimination

ADVOCACY IN ACTION: Mayor Jim Kenney was surrounded by community advocates and lawmakers June 22 as he signed a bill into law that will strengthen the city’s LGBTinclusive Fair Practices Ordinance. Councilman Derek Green’s legislation will allow the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations to issue cease-and-desist orders to businesses found to be in violation of the nondiscrimination law. Green said the bill was a result of ongoing allegations of racial discrimination in the Gayborhood. Photo: Scott A. Drake

By Jeremy Rodriguez Mayor Jim Kenney performed a ceremonial signing for a bill last Thursday that will strengthen penalties for local businesses that discriminate. This bill amends the Fair Practices Ordinance by giving the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations authority to issue cease-and-desist orders to businesses violating the LGBTinclusive nondiscrimination ordinance. Councilman Derek S. Green introduced the bill in November after attending a fall PCHR hearing at which members of the community addressed issues of racism in the Gayborhood. Additionally, he told PGN in April that he also learned by “reading various news accounts and talking to other friends and contacts in the LGBTQ community about this issue.” Green said it was “an honor” to be in attendance at the bill signing in City Hall’s Reception Room and thanked the activists “who kept this issue at the forefront — from the Black & Brown Workers Collective to Ernest Owens.” “Sometimes we need an additional push to keep these issues on the forefront and they have done that,” Green said. “They will continue to do that.” PCHR Executive Director Rue Landau clarified during the signing that the commission would only “use this authority under egregious circumstances.” “This remedy is squarely in line with the enforcement mechanisms already invested by the commission and the Fair Practices Ordinance,” Landau said. City Director of LGBT Affairs Amber

Hikes thanked Green for his leadership on this issue. “At its best, this is what effective government looks like: identifying the issue that’s affecting their constituents, listening to their experiences and developing a policy to protect and improving the quality of their lives moving forward,” Hikes said. “This policy says to its constituencies, ‘We see you, we hear you’ and we’re willing to roll up our sleeves and get to work.” Hikes noted how the Office of LGBT Affairs recently raised a new rainbow flag featuring black and brown stripes to symbolize the LGBT community’s racial diversity. She said she “couldn’t be prouder of the city and its residents for pioneering long-overdue conversation and elevating the voices and experiences of our most marginalized community members.” “That flag was a promise from the city of substantive changes to come and this bill is one of those substantive changes,” Hikes added. “So let me be clear from this point forward: Businesses that violate this ordinance will not pass under the radar as they continue unlawful business practices.” Kenney added that the current presidential administration is “empowering people to hate.” “We will come out of that tunnel and back into the light and hopefully we will be a better country for it,” Kenney said before vacating the podium to sign the bill. In addition to Green’s bill, Kenney signed Councilman Kenyatta Johnson’s bill, “Ethnic Intimidation and Institutional Vandalism.” Johnson introduced this bill in May to increase penalties for vandalism of individual headstones and grave markers. n

Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017




Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Local law firm wins IBA’s Business Integrity Award for LGBT-inclusive practices By Jeremy Rodriguez The Greater Philadelphia’s LGBT chamber of commerce presented an award this week to a member business that promotes LGBT-inclusive policies toward customers, employees and the community. Law firm Berner Klaw & Watson received the Business Integrity Award at the Independence Business Alliance’s annual meeting Monday. “Every year we get a number of high-quality applicants and this one was selected by a committee of IBA members and folks from Integrity Staffing Solutions,” said IBA Executive Director Zach Wilcha. “They found that their commitments to the LGBT community, not just for this year but for the past decade and a half or so, was one that really stood out. The proof is in the work that they do.” Judy Stouffer, Berner Klaw & Watson’s law firm administrator, submitted the winning application. “The one thing I did say that we are really firm on is making sure that anybody who wants to work with us understands that we have a strong LGBTQIA practice and that we don’t want anybody to treat our clients any differently,” said Stouffer, who accepted the award alongside attorneys Jennifer Dumin and Stephanie Stecklair. “That goes for Catholic, Jewish, black, white — no discrimination whatsoever in who we represent.” In the application, Stouffer noted the firm’s hiring practices. While interview-

ing applicants for a part-time paralegal position this year, Stouffer had the firm’s senior paralegal and new partner sit in on the interviews with her. “After the first few interviews, one of them asked why I always made sure to mention our LGBTQ practice area,” Stouffer wrote in the application. “That answer is simple: We really don’t want anyone working for us who is unaccepting of any member of the LGBTQIA community. It is not uncommon to get a ‘Thanks for the opportunity to interview, but no thanks’ e-mail from those who I suspect are intolerant.” Stouffer noted that while she likes to think they had an LGBT person on staff at all times, there have been gaps. One of those employees was the openly gay Tom P. Rush, who died from AIDS in 1998. The firm’s partners, Joni Berner and Margaret Klaw, organized and paid for Rush’s memorial service since he did not have family in Pennsylvania or family who accepted him. “He continues to be sorely missed by those of us who remember working with him,” Stouffer wrote. Stouffer said the firm currently has one openly gay female attorney on the nine-person staff. “BKW’s family-law practice is proud to have helped and to continue to help LGBTQ individuals with their legal issues,” Stouffer wrote. “Years ago, it was more common to see potential clients who wanted to separate from the life they felt pressured to live by their families and/or


society. They generally called us once the kids were grown and the individual was ready to ‘come out.’” Additionally, firm representatives serve on boards for Mazzoni Center, write on LGBT issues for the Legal Intelligencer and host events in LGBT-inclusive venues. “In today’s day and age, it is unfortunate that not only businesses, but individuals, are unaccepting of the LGBTQ community and others,” Stouffer wrote. “We must

band together because an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. We hope our minority (women-owned) business, who loudly and proudly supports the LGBTQ community, sets an example for all.” In addition to the award, IBA announced Marc Coleman, Diana Lu, Jone Magagna, Brian McGinnis and Tiffany Newmuis as new board members. Rosalind Sutch and Mary Sparacino were elected as vice president and secretary, respectively. n


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Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017


HIV/AIDS still needs our energy and attention On June 27, we marked National HIV Diseases, in a press release noting the Testing Day, a federally designated event change. Fauci added that the website’s observed annually since 1995. It is a name change “appropriately reflects our meaningful one for those of us at Mazzoni evolution in transforming the pandemic, Center, since HIV testing, counseling, even as work remains to bring about an medical care and supportive services end to HIV.” have been core elements of our history and organizational purpose for Much progress, but far from decades, and continue to be a equally shared central focus of our work. There can be no question Jonathan Mermin, M.D., that tremendous advances have M.P.H., director of Centers been made in the treatment of for Disease Control’s National HIV/AIDS, and in the projected Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral health outcomes for individHepatitis, STD and TB uals who test positive. This Prevention, observed: “The can be credited to prevention number of annual HIV infecinitiatives, public health and tions in the U.S. fell 18 percent education campaigns, advances between 2008-14, but progress in research and treatment, the has not been the same for all introduction of retroviral medcommunities.” ications and the 2012 FDA I find myself reflecting on approval of the preventive use two recent articles that underElisabeth score how much work remains of Truvada, more commonly Flynn to be done and how tenuous known as “PrEP,” which has been found to be up to 99-perthese advances may be if the cent effective in preventing HIV infection current administration fails to recognize when taken as prescribed on a daily basis. the urgency and moral imperative of sup The announcement made earlier this porting some of the most marginalized month that the federal government has populations in the U.S., who are also changed its official website about HIV among those at the highest risk for HIV from “” to “” is just infection: young gay and bisexual men of one indicator of how much things have color and transgender women of color. If you haven’t read “America’s Hidden changed in recent years. “Today, lifesaving antiretroviral theraHIV Epidemic” by Linda Villarosa, which pies allow those living with HIV to enjoy appeared in the New York Times Sunday longer, healthier lives — an outcome that Magazine June 6, I would urge you to once seemed unattainable,” said Anthony look it up. I found it to be a heartbreaking S. Fauci, M.D., director of the National and well-reported account of the many Institute of Allergy and Infectious factors, and failures, that have contributed

On Being Well

to alarming rates of HIV/AIDS infection among black men who have sex with men (MSM) in the Southern United States. Villarosa concluded that “35 years of neglect, compounded by poverty and inadequate local health-care infrastructure, have left too many black gay and bisexual men falling through a series of safety nets.” The piece vividly underscored that there are still significant disparities that exist around HIV/AIDS and race, and they have devastating consequences — not just in the South but around the country. Also on my mind is a June 16 opinion piece in Newsweek, authored by Scott A. Schoettes, detailing why he and five of his colleagues resigned from the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/ AIDS this month. Among the reasons were the removal of the Office of National AIDS Policy website, which happened the day President Trump took office. Trump’s failure to appoint a leader for the White House Office of National AIDS Policy is an even more critical point, he argued. It’s not simply that the current administration has failed to prioritize the fight against HIV/AIDS, but it has actively promoted policies that threaten the advances and evidence-based policies that are already in place — and officials insist on repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, eliminating funding for programs critical to the health and well-being of low- and middle-income Americans. The changes to Medicaid outlined in the American Health Care Act — such as defunding Medicaid expansion, imposing limits on benefits an individual could receive and/or funding the program

through block grants to states — “would be particularly devastating for people living with HIV,” Schoettes noted, given that more than 40 percent of people with HIV receive care through Medicaid. It’s clear that, in order to effectively reduce and ultimately eliminate HIV infection in the United States, and specifically to reach the populations that are most heavily impacted, we must be willing to acknowledge and address the multiple factors that contribute to higher risk: including poverty, restricted health-care access, unemployment, lack of education, social stigma and the institutional racism that underlies many of these issues. We can’t afford to turn back the momentum and the gains that have been made, nor can we ignore the stark disparities that exist around HIV/AIDS in the United States today. And while the issues outlined above may seem overwhelming, there are many ways that each of us can make a difference. It could mean making your voice heard by contacting an elected official about proposed health-care reform, showing up at a rally for trans women of color, taking a friend to get tested for HIV or spreading the word about PrEP and programs that allow many people to access it free of charge. In honor of National HIV Testing Day, make a pledge to move things forward in your own way. n Mazzoni Center offers an array of HIV care and services, including medical care and supportive services for people regardless of insurance status, free rapid-testing services, as well as navigation services for people interested in learning more about PrEP.


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Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

America’s newest museum recognizes LGBTs in our revolution By Mark Segal PGN Publisher

PGN’s Summer Fun Issue July 7

America’s newest museum, Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia, does something quite revolutionary: It recognizes the LGBT community as having played a part of that revolution. And it does so with several exhibits. This may seem strange to point out, as LGBT people have been a part of every facet of life and war throughout history — and at times the major historical players, from Alexander the Great to World War II codebreaker Alan Turing. But up until now, you might have thought that LGBT people were invisible at the founding of the United States, and had no role in our country winning its independence. Thanks to this museum, that notion ends here and now. In addition to lauding the community’s historical efforts, another of the museum’s themes is that the revolution continues; we still have work to do. As Dr. Philip Mead, the museum’s director of curatorial affairs and chief historian, states: “We’re so pleased to have a story of the American Revolution here that we hope includes all Americans and messages for people around the world.” Here’s how LGBT media played a part in getting that story to the museum. It’s a rare experience when you actually get to see something that you’re passionate about take root. It’s even more special when academics in the field run with that material, embrace it and make it a major point of their own project. What the museum has done is a great leap in LGBT history. Those involved are well aware of that and embrace it, maybe more than me. And I just love when those who join the march begin to lead it or add to it to create discussion. So what has me so euphoric? It’s a story that goes back about six years. I was watching a TV talk show on which LGBT rights were being debated when a conservative on the panel stated something to the effect of, “When our founding fathers created this nation, they didn’t have those [LGBT] people in mind.” Well, this angered me and, as you’d expect, became a challenge. In response to that TV show, I pitched a project entitled “We Are America,” as part of the LGBT History Project I coordinate that appears in numerous newspapers around the country each October. We commissioned writers and began research on LGBT people who were instrumental to the cause of the Revolutionary War. In our research, there was one character who stood out and fascinated me. His name was Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben. He was a brilliant and somewhat flamboyant military genius. I read almost everything that I could find on the web and then the wonderful and revealing biogra-

phy “The Drillmaster of Valley Forge.” The book was written by Paul Lockhart, who at this point most would say is the foremost expert on von Steuben and a teacher of military history. Von Steuben was outrageous and he was going to be my contribution to the project — never did I expect how passionate I’d become about him earning his rightful place in history. Why von Steuben? Simply, his being acknowledged as a gay man would bring about major change in the way we look at the founding of this country. Without von Steuben, there would be no United States

ject as Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Adams and many others. The project of explaining von Steuben’s impact became so big and touched on so many founding fathers that we had to break it into various segments: a piece on Franklin, another on Washington and so on. Here in quick order is a short version of part of the von Steuben story: In the late 1700s, von Steuben had a somewhat-celebrated military leadership career in the various German states, though at numerous times he was accused of having sex with his male recruits. He never denied


of America, and that means a gay man was a founding father. If we could prove that the founding fathers knew he was gay, then the founding fathers not only had us in mind when founding this country, but also expected us to have equality, or what could pass for equality at that time. Clearly, one of those equality points was the issue of gays in the military. For that is where von Steuben and founding father Benjamin Franklin come in. Never did we expect that in our research we’d find such names touching on the sub-

the allegations, but did leave (escape) those countries before he could be charged or arrested. He arrived in Paris hoping to impress the Continental Congress’ ambassador to the Court of Louie XVI, Benjamin Franklin, and get a commission in the Continental Army commanded by George Washington. At the first meeting, Franklin was unimpressed. Von Steuben left Paris, but another scandal brought him back. Von Steuben and his friends — connected either to the court of Louie XVI or to Franklin — asked Franklin to have another meet-


ing with von Steuben, knowing of those scandals and the chances that he could be arrested in Paris if he did not escape Europe. Franklin met with von Steuben and agreed on the plan to escape, but not before von Steuben went shopping and enlisted an entourage. How could one not find him fascinating? There can be little doubt here that Franklin, the Bill Gates of his day and a major celebrity in Paris at that time, with spies at his disposal, would not have known of von Steuben’s “problems.” This makes Franklin the father of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Before von Steuben boarded his boat, he ordered fine, new special uniforms made with epaulets and medals, found a personal staff and, just to look like royalty, brought along a couple of dogs. He was then smuggled out of Paris on a ship that had munitions for the Continental Army, along with letters of introduction to Washington and Congress by Franklin. The ship arrived in New England, and von Steuben met members of the Adams family and John Hancock before heading to meet Congress, and then on to Valley Forge to meet Washington. It was at Valley Forge that von Steuben pulled together Washington’s rag-tag Continental Army and began to make them into a cohesive, collective force. He taught them to drill, created a regulation book (which continued to be used by U.S. military until the war of 1812), instituted standards of sanitation and became Washington’s chief of staff. Today, there are few, if any, professional historians who would doubt that von Steuben was gay. In our research, we unearthed correspondence among members of the Adams family regarding the subject. The whispers about von Steuben led the Continental Congress to delay granting him a pension, and it was Washington’s last act as commander of the Continental Army to write the Congress on behalf of von Steuben’s “moral character.” And finally, at the urging of Hamilton, the first secretary of the treasury of the new country, Congress granted von Steuben an annual $2,500 pension. According to the New York Public Library (“The Papers of von Steuben”), the following is a list of von Steuben’s major achievements: February 1778: Arrives at Valley Forge to serve under Washington, having informed Congress of his desire for paid service after an initial volunteer trial period, a request with which Washington concurs. March 1778: Begins tenure as inspector general, drilling troops according to established European military precepts. 1778-79: Writes “Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States,” which becomes a fundamental guide for the Continental Army and remains in active use through the War of

Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

as they maneuver. Though the army didn’t ask, and he didn’t tell, von Steuben is 1780-81: Serves as senior military officer thought by some historians to have been in charge of troop and supply mobilization gay.” On my recent visit to the museum, when in Virginia. Mead showed this to me, my response was, 1781: Replaced by Marquis de Lafayette as “What you’re going for is inclusion of the entire American family.” He smiled and commander in Virginia. responded, “Correct, the revolution belongs 1781-83: Continues to serve as Washington’s to all of us.” inspector general, and is active in improv- He pointed out other LGBT exhibits. ing discipline and streamlining administra- One features a scene of two Quaker women visiting American prisoners of war tion in the army. at Independence Hall, then known as the Spring 1783: Assists in formulating plans Pennsylvania State House. The exhibit was based on the diary of a Quaker woman for the post-war American military. named Elizabeth Drinker, who wrote about Washington rewarded von Steuben with the “two Hannah Catherells.” a house at Valley Forge (still in existence “Now there’s ambiguity in this scene,” and open for visits), which he shared with Mead noted. “It’s possible that this refers his aide-de-camps, Capt. William North to a niece and an aunt who were both and Gen. Benjamin Walker. Walker lived named Hannah Catherell in the Quaker with him through the remainder of his life, community. It’s also possible that it refers and von Steuben, who neither married nor to Hannah Catherell and Rebecca Jones, denied any of the allegations of homosex- two women who lived together who were uality, left his estate to North and Walker. described at the time as ‘yolk mates.’” His last will and testament, which includes When I inquired what “yolk mates” the line “extraordinarily intense emotional means, Mead explained, “They were relationship,” has been described as a love coworkers, co-laborers in this place, in a letter to Walker. school, for the good of the young people of Von Steuben, like many LGBT people Philadelphia. So some historians speculate and their histories and contributions, has that this may have been a same-sex couple. remained invisible or unrecognized until While we may not be able to prove that, recently. That is what is so revolutionary we thought some of these displays were about what the Museum of the American useful in getting people to think about the Revolution has done. presence of the gay community here in The largest original mural in the Philadelphia in the 18th century.” $150-million museum features von Steuben When I asked Dr. R. Scott Stephenson, drilling the troops along with key figures the museum’s vice president of collections, at Valley Forge. Each figure has a biogra- exhibitions and programming, about the phy. Here’s what the museum wrote about museum’s LGBT inclusion, he put it this von Steuben: “Baron von Steuben came way: “You can’t tell the story of E pluribus to the encampment as a volunteer but left unum without the pluribus.” it as a general. A German nobleman with Another possible LGBT connection experience in Frederick the Great’s Army, exists in the Revolution Gallery. von Steuben transformed the Continental One of the people highlighted along a wall Army’s drill and training. In May, he was of revolutionaries is Deborah Sampson. A promoted to inspector general of the army. post-war, 1790s portrait depicting Sampson Here he sits on a horse directing the troops in a dress with a necklace and typical women’s haircut is featured alongside a summary of her contributions. “You’ll learn here that, during the Revolutionary War, she dressed as a man to join the Fourth Massachusetts Regiment,” Mead explained. “She saw combat and was discovered after she was wounded. She was honorably discharged from the Continental Army on the basis of her gender and later published a memoir of her experiences, ‘The Female Review.’ DEBORAH SAMPSON DRESSED AS A MAN TO JOIN THE “This is the 1812, published in over 70 editions.

CONTINENTAL ARMY. Photo: Scott A. Drake


Summer means sun, sand, the shore, surfing,

cocktails at noon,

dinner at midnight, relaxing, reading, sunsets, sunrises, shopping, swimming, beach volleyball, seashells, dancing, drinking, long walks, making sand castles, taking naps,

PGN’s Summer Fun Issue July 7



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017


Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

Betsy DeVos


Fluidity of freedom As Pride Month comes to a close and Independence Day approaches, freedom has been a hot topic. While the word itself often signifies a fundamental, innate tenet upon which this nation was born, recent times have shown just how fluid of a concept freedom is. Two years ago, the LGBT community was celebrating marriage equality becoming the law of the land. Freedom to many at that time meant the ability to finally wed their partners, to join their names on legal documents, to create a family with fewer burdens. But just one year later, 49 people were gunned down at an LGBT nightclub in Orlando. The LGBT community was forced to re-examine the basic freedoms the incident threatened: the ability to be oneself, and associate as a community, without fear of violence or death. Weddings and legal paperwork took an immediate backseat. That back-and-forth seems to have been a recurring theme throughout LGBT history; when one hard-fought victory is won, another can cripple the community. Harvey Milk was elected in a historic move for LGBT representation in government, only to be gunned down. AIDS funding would be boosted in one part of the country and lost in another. A trans woman of color would grace the cover of a national magazine

as record numbers of trans women of color become victims of violence. And LGBT rights flourish under a progressive president only to be quickly yanked back by his successor. Freedom is a contextual concept, one that evolves with our progress and our pitfalls. In times of community successes, freedom may seem to be a finite, attainable goal, while in times of extreme crisis, the freedoms we once coveted may seem luxurious. What that dichotomy shows is that, while little is out of reach, little should be taken for granted. Our country and community are at interesting pinnacles right now; we’ve experienced tremendous gains but also seen the work that has fallen by the wayside. As a country, we’ve rebounded from a crippling recession but many blue-collar workers are suffering the impacts of globalization. As a community, we’ve won marriage equality and many other rights, but our most marginalized — trans individuals, elders, youth — continue to face serious hardships. Embracing our potential should be tempered by acknowledging the many gaps that need to be bridged — and the many more that need to be traversed as the concept of freedom continues its evolution. n

We want to know!

If you’re a school administrator, teacher or even a whole school district and you want to assert your right to discriminate against some of your students FOR REASONS, you’re in luck! The Education Department under Betsy DeVos ain’t gonna stop you. (Unless you’re against white Christians probably.) This is especially true if you want to discriminate against transgender students. The Education Department recently dropped cases in Ohio and elsewhere involving transgender students being harassed and denied bathroom access, basically saying, “This isn’t our problem.” You’ll recall that under Obama, the Education Department issued guidelines to schools about how to handle transgender students so that their dignity is respected and their right to an education is not trampled. But under Trump and DeVos, the Education Department ain’t care. Needless to say, those who support trans students are alarmed by the department’s shrugging off the issue. Shannon Minter of the National Center for Lesbian Rights told the Washington Post, “They have just sent a message to schools that it’s open season on transgender students.” In other words, it’s a pretty clear signal that the Trump administration has zero interest in hearing some transgender kid bitching about having to pee in a bucket in the janitor’s closet or something. Suck it up, buttercup, as Trump supporters like to say right before they head out to protest against Shakespeare. But it’s not just trans students DeVos wants to abandon. Civil rights are such a drag, after all. What do they do besides get in the way of privatizing America’s education system so that rich assholes can get richer? The Education Department’s Office of Civil Rights is so over crybaby civil-rights wanters. According to the Washington Post, the head of the civil-rights office “has directed lawyers to narrow the scope of investigations into sexual assault and discriminatory school-discipline policies.” What does this mean and how does it differ from what the Obama administration

was doing? Well, under Obama, the Education Department took students’ complaints about serious issues, well, seriously, and investigated whether such complaints were “symptomatic of a broader problem, in part by examining at least three years of past complaint data.” In other words, if a student complains that he or she was sexually assaulted at school, the Education Department felt like they should probably find out if this was an isolated incident or a pattern of wider abuse. Under DeVos’ leadership, however, they’re so busy trying to find ways to make education into a for-profit enterprise that they can’t be bothered with systemic civil-rights abuses at school. Ugh. Civil rights don’t make anybody rich. Of course, the department claims that this whole “don’t-look-into-civil-rightscomplaints-too-deeply” policy is to alleviate a troublesome backlog of cases. And while it’s true that a backlog of cases is a problem, their solution isn’t to hire the personnel needed to get these cases examined. Their solution is to simply stop looking. In a press release, Sherrilyn Ifill, president of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, said the Education Department was abdicating its “responsibility to protect the rights and dignity of our nation’s vulnerable children during the most crucial years of their lives, threatening not only to stall progress on racial, gender and sexual-orientation equality in schools, but to undo it altogether.” As is the plan, of course. MAGA ’til you puke. n

But it’s not just trans students DeVos wants to abandon. Civil rights are such a drag, after all. What do they do besides get in the way of privatizing America’s education system so that rich assholes can get richer?

D’Anne Witkowski is a poet, writer and comedian living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBT politics for over a decade. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

If you are celebrating an anniversary, engagement, wedding, adoption or other life event, we would be happy to help you announce it to the community. Send your contact information and a brief description of the event to


Chicago Dyke March: Full of shame! Hard headline, so let me make it more clear. Third, one can be Jewish and have pride Whoever is in charge of the Chicago Dyke in their religion and not be pro-Israel. And March has their heads up their asses. If you’ve finally, stereotyping all Jews as pro-Israel read this column before, you’ve never read is like stereotyping all Muslims as terrorlanguage like that from me before, but I’ll let ists. That said, here’s another way to look at you judge. Here are the facts: it: Would you threaten and forcibly remove About 1,500 people gathered to be a part of someone with a cross on a rainbow flag? How the Chicago Dyke March earlier about an Islamic symbol on that this month. As with many LGBT flag? Bet not, and you shouldn’t. events, people bring their own The point is the Chicago Dyke posters, picket signs and flags. March singled out one group and There were signs representing stereotyped them: Jews. At this many views at this march but point, this community is suporganizers asked only one group to posed to be part of the “resist” leave: three women with rainbow movement, but the Chicago Dyke flags with a Star of David superMarch is following Trump. Why? imposed on them. Trump lumps all Muslims into his According to the Windy City ban. The Dyke March lumps all Times, one of the women — A Jews into its ban. Shame! Wider Bridge Midwest Manager I’m proud to be a part of an Laurel Grauer — said she and her email chain that includes many of friends were approached a number us organizers, marshals or marchof times in the park because they ers in that first gay Pride march were holding the flag. Mark Segal in June of 1970. Many of us were “It was a flag from my conshocked at this action. We have gregation which celebrates my queer, Jewish been discussing it and I suggested a way that identity, which I have done for over a decade might show the Chicago Dyke March the marching in the Dyke March with the same errors of its ways. Next year, Jews march with flag,” Grauer told Windy City Times. She said the pink triangle Star of David. That symbol she lost count of the number of people who has nothing to do with Israel, it has to do with harassed her. One Dyke March Collective oppression. member said the women were told to leave Our community is fighting oppression and it because the flags “made people feel unsafe,” can’t do it splintered. We need to begin to unite and that the march was “anti-Zionist” and and agree to disagree with someone’s political “pro-Palestinian.” differences respectfully. Hell, the U.S. presiThe stupidity of that statement is overdent wants to ban Muslims; should we outlaw whelming. First, the Star of David, as reported American flags? Unite, don’t oppress. n in Windy City Times, stands for a religion, Mark Segal is the nation’s most-award-winning comnot a country, unless it has the blue and white, mentator in LGBT media. His memoir, “And Then which a rainbow flag does not. Second, many I Danced,” is available on, Barnes & people have various forms of rainbow flags. Noble or at your favorite bookseller.

Mark My Words


Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017


Street Talk What's your opinion of brown and black stripes added to Philadelphia's rainbow flag? "I support the change. I'm extremely liberal and I'm very supportive of racial equality. Our city, unfortunate- Ruth Bohlander ly, is one adjunct professor of the most Point Breeze segregated cities in the country. Anything we can do to ring a bell for equality, I'm all for."

"Keep the rainbow flag as it was. I'm more for maintaining the tradition. A rainbow is a rainbow. It doesn't have brown Ally Casey and black preschool teacher colors in it. Queen Village The rainbow flag has represented the LGBT community for many years. Why mess with it?"

"I see both sides. But there's so much racial tension. Why not make a point for racial equality, wherever Kelly Chambers you can? I graduate student think it's fine Northern Liberties to add the brown and black stripes."

"I agree with the change. Why not? Who does it hurt? The rainbow flag was beautiful as it was but it's even more beautiful with Marie Murphy the added Realtor colors. The Queen Village LGBT civilrights movement exemplifies inclusion. Why not continue to evolve by adding the new colors?"

Bruce Easop

Act now to advance equality Earlier this month, thousands of Philadelphians honored LGBTQ history, celebrated progress and affirmed our diverse identities at Pride. In the wake of these celebrations, now is the time to take action in the fight for LGBTQ equality. By advocating for the Equality Act, we can take a tangible step toward full, federal equality for all LGBTQ people. Despite significant progress nationwide, Pennsylvania remains one of 31 states that still lack fully inclusive LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections. This inconsistency in state law leaves 50 percent of LGBTQ Americans at risk of being fired just because of who they are or whom they love. In the face of such uncertainty, the Equality Act presents the bold solution that we need: codifying LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections in federal law. Reintroduced May 2, the Equality Act is crucially important bipartisan legislation that would add sexual orientation

and gender identity to the list of protected classes in our nation’s civil-rights laws. The Equality Act would establish explicit protections for LGBTQ people in employment, housing, public accommodations, federally funded programs, credit, education and jury service. It would also ban sex discrimination in federally funded programs and public accommodations, which would close a gap in vital protections for all women. Passing this law would have an immediate and substantial impact on the landscape of LGBTQ equality. As a member of the Human Rights Campaign of Greater Philadelphia, I am deeply grateful that Pennsylvania’s own Sen. Bob Casey and Reps. Brendan Boyle, Bob Brady, Matt Cartwright, Mike Doyle and Dwight Evans are among the cosponsors who reintroduced this bill. Their support recognizes that discrimination is a real and persistent threat to the lives and livelihoods of LGBTQ people.

In fact, nearly two-thirds of LGBTQ Americans have reported experiencing discrimination throughout their lives. Transgender women and women of color are particularly vulnerable to discrimination in employment, housing and education, areas addressed by the Equality Act. To fix this system, we must affirm that basic legal protections from discrimination should not depend on the state where you live. In short, we must pass the Equality Act. An unprecedented 241 members of Congress endorsed this fundamental belief as cosponsors of this year’s bill. This represents the largest showing of Congressional support for any pro-LGBTQ bill in history, but the fight is just beginning. The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBTQ-rights organization, is proud to stand with all LGBTQ people and allies to advocate for passing the Equality Act into law. Here in

Philadelphia, our steering committee is a group of dedicated and passionate volunteers who care deeply about advancing justice and equality for every member of the LGBTQ community. In the coming months, we look forward to working together with partners throughout Philadelphia and across the state in order to make full, federal LGBTQ equality a reality. You can make a difference by taking action. Those of us in the Greater Philadelphia area represented by Reps. Ryan Costello, Charlie Dent, Brian Fitzpatrick or Pat Meehan can call, write a letter, email or tweet our member of Congress or Sen. Pat Toomey and urge them to support the Equality Act. Together we can make our voices heard. n Bruce Easop is a co-chair of community engagement on the Human Rights Campaign of Greater Philadelphia Steering Committee.


Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017


Day in the Life of ...

an event producer, Josh Schonewolf By Jeremy Rodriguez

Photography by Scott A. Drake Winner of the celebrated Sigma Delta Chi Award


AC ul t ure rts

Nightlife, Concerts, Art Exhibits, Readings, Cabaret, Films, Theater, Food, Books, Music, Sports and Travel

Because Life Is More Than Just Gay News

Josh Schonewolf worked from the sound booth during the opening night of Mr. Everything at Tabu Lounge & Sports Bar. The talent show, which is in its fifth year, features male-identified performers showing off talents such as dancing, singing, spoken-word performances and lip-syncing. Judges offer their critiques of performers, who are eliminated each week. The June 7 opening night included performances ranging from a live rendition of “Poor Unfortunate Souls,” originally sung by Disney villainess Ursula from “The Little Mermaid,” to lip-syncing of Adam Lambert’s “For Your Entertainment.” Performers of all shapes and sizes came dressed in everything from drag to leather to barely anything at all. “Welcome to my job,” Schonewolf said with a grin. The 36-year-old produces and performs in a few-hundred nightlife shows each year through his company, Josh Schonewolf Presents. “On my calendar, I have two days off and that’s it,” he said, noting he had 28 shows scheduled throughout the month of June. “I’m used to it, though.” Schonewolf said he is typically more involved with the audience and serves as a “right-hand man” and is “more available” to the show’s judges and hosts. However, when his sound person got stuck at work, Schonewolf had to take over the responsibility. “Sometimes things like that happen and you just have to put your producer hat on and do it,” he said. “When you’re the producer, it’s almost like being a restaurant manager,” Schonewolf added. “If you don’t have enough servers, you’re serving tables. There’s always something to do at an event. If there’s nothing to do, then your event is boring.” Schonewolf was definitely not bored during this event. Several former winners of Mr. Everything and its companion show, Ms. Everything, joined him in the booth and exchanged laughs and thoughts on the show. Schonewolf also made sure to enjoy the performances, as he frequently patted his hand on the table to the beat of the music and cheered in between performances. However, his work isn’t limited to evening hours. On this particular day, he woke up at 9 a.m. and was “on the go” until Mr. Everything ended after midnight. He kicked off the morning by promoting the show on two radio broadcasts and recorded a podcast later in the afternoon. In between, he added rhinestones to a costume he would wear during a burlesque performance in Homo Erectus, whose producers booked

him to perform in New York City. “I’m always tired but I really love what I do,” he said. Schonewolf began his career as a producer when he hosted an event for the readers of his former food blog, “Josh Can’t Cook,” through which he provided tonguein-cheek recipes and humorous written pieces. His event, entitled Josh’s Dinner Party, was successful at Tabu and the bar’s general manager approached him to produce the weekly Ratchet Wednesdays featuring drag and burlesque performances. “That happened and then it spiraled out of control,” Schonewolf said of the event’s success. While his comp a ny p r o d u c e s different events ranging from singing compet i t i o n s t o bu rlesque shows, Schonewolf noted similarities among the shows he produces each year. “A Josh Schonewolf event is a community-based event that displays queer talent and mixes everybody together to create one big celebration of performance art,” he said. One of the events Schonewolf co-produces with this in mind is Bearlesque. The monthly show features “bears,” a slang term for larger and hairier gay men, and is showcased in Philadelphia, New Hope, Wilkes-Barre, Maryland and Washington, D.C. “It’s really important to me to have curvy, sexy people performing,” he said. Schonewolf also performs in Bearlesque and other productions. He noted a personal connection to the bear community. “Growing up, I have been called fat and being a gay person in the scene, I’ve been told I’m fat in a cutesy way forever. I think there’s a part of gay society where people think that being different means ‘ugly’ and we’re told that we’re not supposed to like ourselves from the beginning. Like, ‘You’re gay so you’re not worthy of love.’ So having Bearlesque in this luxury — producing really great shows with body-positivity as the message — is the greatest love of my life so far.” Schonewolf also encourages diversity in other ways. He said having a “nice, diverse cast” is very important to him and he will incorporate people of color, trans, gender-nonconforming and even straight people into his shows. “I like to have everybody represented in my shows. I would never have a show with 10 white guys that were 150 pounds with abs. That’s just not me.” This call for diversity has not made PAGE 17 Schonewolf immune to


Faith Issue

Exploring the intersections of faith and the LGBT community

Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017


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Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

News Briefing HIV swimming-pool-access case settled The lawsuit of “Bonnie Jones,” an HIVpositive woman who claimed she was illegally denied access to a therapeutic swimming pool due to her serostatus, was settled in May. In June 2016, Jones filed suit against OSS Orthopaedic Hospital, Drayer Physical Therapy Institute and a physical therapist after allegedly being denied access to the hospital’s therapeutic pool. The hospital is located in York. The AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania issued this statement: “On June 23, 2016, the AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of an HIV-positive Iraq war veteran. The lawsuit alleged ‘Bonnie Jones,’ who used a pseudonym to protect her identity, was denied aquatic therapy because she has HIV. Defendants Drayer Physical Therapy and OSS Orthopaedic Hospital deny liability. On May 16, 2017, this case was settled to the mutual satisfaction of all parties.” — Timothy Cwiek

Alternative Prom returns The longest consecutive-running prom for


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LGBT youth returns this weekend. The 22nd-annual Philadelphia Alternative Prom, organized by GALAEI, will be held from 7-11 p.m. June 30 at Arden Theater Company, 40 N. Second St. The event is geared toward LGBT people ages 14-20 and is meant to provide a safe and inclusive space for young adults to experience prom. This year’s theme is “Neon Nights.” Tickets are $10 and can be purchased online at Tickets can also be purchased at GALAEI, The Attic Youth Center or Youth Health Empowerment Project.

City museums to be free for Wawa Welcome America A number of museums celebrating the city’s and country’s history will offer free admission on selected days leading up to the Fourth of July. The Free Museum Day program is part of Wawa Welcome America, a weeklong celebration of Independence Day. Each day from June 30-July 4, different venues will offer free admission for the entire day or a select time slot. Museums include Penn Museum, Eastern State Penitentiary, African American Museum in Philadelphia, One Liberty Observation Deck, Philadelphia Museum of Art (pay what you wish), The Barnes Foundation, National Liberty Museum, The Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection at Temple University, National Museum of American Jewish History and Philadelphia History Museum. For more details, visit n — Jen Colletta

PGN REVOLUTION from page 9

place where we talk about the highest aspirations of the revolutionary generation in 1776,” Mead added about the gallery in which Sampson’s story is featured. “We talk about the limitations of the revolution in immediately expanding voting rights and other civil liberties of many groups. But our point here is that the revolution continues; it’s an idea, it’s ongoing. So while the 1760-90 period might not have seen major changes for all of these people, the ideas of the revolution made advancement possible. And along the way we meet people who have anticipation of those changes; they are pushing them forward with their own lives. Mead next took me to the final screening room before you leave the museum for a film about the continuing revolution of our nation. The set-up features a clip of Abraham Lincoln and the words: “These

International Turkish police shut down Pride march in Istanbul Turkish police stopped LGBT activists from gathering in large numbers for LGBT Pride in Istanbul June 25, but smaller groups made impromptu press statements defying a ban imposed by the governor. Organizers of the 2017 Istanbul LGBTI+ Pride had vowed to march in Central Taksim Square, using a Turkish hashtag for “We March,” despite the ban on LGBT Pride observances ordered by the Istanbul governor’s office for the third year in a row. Police established checkpoints in the area, preventing groups from entering Istiklal Avenue and turning back individuals who were deemed to be associated with the planned march. Small groups assembled on side streets were chased away by officers. At least 100 protesters gathered in a nearby neighborhood, beating drums and chanting slogans such as, “Don’t be quiet, shout out, gays exist!” and “Love, love, freedom; State, stay away!” They carried a banner that read, “Get used to it, we are here.” Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds and activists said plastic bullets

Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

were also used. Riot-control vehicles and buses were dispatched to the area. Turkey’s official Anadolu news agency said “an estimated 20 people” were detained after protesters did not heed warnings to disperse because the march did not have a permit. In banning the event, the governor’s office on June 24 cited safety and public order. It also said a valid parade application had not been obtained for the event, a claim rejected by organizers. The governor’s ban referred to “serious reactions by different segments of society” as several nationalist and religious groups called for the march’s cancellation. But Pride organizers said in a statement June 25 that the threats themselves should be dealt with, rather than limiting demonstrations. “Our security will be provided by recognizing us in the constitution, by securing justice, by equality and freedom,” the statement said.

Dozens of Serbia gays say pending election of gay PM historic Several-dozen Serbian LGBT people marched in the Serbian capital of Belgrade, hailing the expected election of a first openly gay prime minister as historic for the Balkan country. Activists on June 24 gathered at a World Pride event under heavy police protection. They carried banners reading “We want life worthy of humans” and “Support matters.” Serbia’s LGBT community has faced pressure and violence from extremist

revolutionaries were inspired and forged as a generation by their sacrifices and their belief that people have a right to liberty, equality and a role in governance. “In 1858 Abraham Lincoln answers,” the narrator continued. “He sees a connection between the ideas of a revolution and the hopes of millions of immigrants arriving on U.S. shores. He describes these new arrivals as American revolutionaries, people without family ties to the revolution itself. He says that the revolution includes all people who Dr. Vicki Bralow Dr. Scott Bralow are inspired by those words Family Practice Primary Care of 1776 and who look for the MDVIP physician Internal Medicine Declaration of Independence and feel they have a right to Bralow Medical Group claim it. He called that the electric cord that links the hearts of forward thinking preventative care, patriotic and liberty-loving men health care, and performance medicine together.” As these words played, we General Medical care and advanced medical practice. saw pictures of slaves winClassic “old tyme” family doctor’s office with today’s technology and practice ning their freedom, immigrants arriving at Ellis Island, laborers 8 3 4 S o u t h S t r e e t, P h i l a D e l P h i a , Pa 1 9 1 47 organizing, women fighting for the right to vote — and then a picture of the first Gay Pride email: March fill the entire screen. I cried. n

groups in the staunchly conservative nation. Meanwhile, Serbian lawmakers convened to launch proceedings needed for the election of Ana Brnabic as the new premier. If confirmed, the 41-year-old Brnabic will become Serbia’s first female and openly gay prime minister. Gay activist Predrag Azdejkovic noted, “That is something historical for Serbia, and groundbreaking.”

German parliament backs annulment of gay men’s convictions German lawmakers have approved a plan to annul the convictions of thousands of gay men under a law criminalizing homosexuality that was enforced enthusiastically in post-World War II West Germany. Parliament’s lower house voted unanimously June 22 in favor of the bill. The legislation criminalizing homosexuality was introduced in the 19th century, toughened under Nazi rule and retained in that form by West Germany, which convicted some 50,000 men between 1949-69. Homosexuality was decriminalized in 1969 but the legislation wasn’t taken off the books entirely until 1994. The new bill foresees compensation of $3,340 for each conviction, plus $1,670 for every year of jail time that convicted men started. Parliament’s upper house still has to clear the legislation. n



For more information about the Museum of the American Revolution, visit


— compiled by Larry Nichols



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

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TRANS from page 2

WEISS from page 1

“The Blatt case is very important,” Robinette told PGN. “It’s the first time a federal judge has stated that discriminating against someone because of their gender dysphoria is illegal disability discrimination. Ms. Blatt will still need to prove she actually has gender dysphoria, and the employer will likely raise nondiscriminatory reasons for its actions. But most workplace-bias cases settle before trial. So it is likely this case will never reach a jury.” Robinette said it would be helpful if a complete record is developed in Blatt’s case. “I’d like to see the law of disability discrimination for trans people developed further in the Blatt case. The more facts that are fleshed out publicly, the better for our community. Clear guidance as to what constitutes illegal gender-dysphoria discrimination is needed, and it would be useful to have examples of court-ordered reasonable accommodations for someone experiencing gender dysphoria.” Robinette also expressed hope that trans people without a gender-dysphoria diagnosis will have protections under the ADA in the future. “Judge Leeson considered ‘gender dysphoria’ protected under the disability laws — despite Congress’ archaic and biased exclusion of ‘gender-identity disorders.’ I’m optimistic that someday a court will strike down that exclusion itself and hold that trans people without gender dysphoria are covered under the disability laws. That’s because the ADA provides broad coverage for people with a history or ‘record’ of a disability. Also, the ADA covers people without an actual disability, but who are perceived to be disabled.” n

self], because that’s not what I expected,” Weiss testified. Additionally, Weiss said he feared “retaliation” from an “angry” Williams if he put an end to the gift-giving. Williams had a look of incredulity on his face when Weiss expressed his retaliation concern. But for most of Weiss’ testimony, Williams appeared emotionless while taking notes on a yellow legal pad. Under cross examination by defense attorney Thomas Burke, Weiss agreed that he had a close, affectionate relationship with Williams. Weiss also agreed that he was a “leader” in the LGBT communiy, and that Williams benefited from his expertise on LGBT issues. The two men, who’ve known each other since 2009, texted quite frequently. In one text, Weiss asked Williams: “What does Little Sethie want for his birthday?” Burke indicated the text demonstrated a loving relationship between the men, and that gifts would be expected. In 2010, Weiss pleaded guilty to “corruptly endeavoring to impede the due administration of the federal tax code” stemming from his involvement with the Palmer Social Club, an after-hours club on Spring Garden Street. Weiss was sentenced to three-years’ probation and fined $30,000. The social club was fined $562,063.04. Williams faces 29 counts including bribery, extortion and honest-services fraud. His alleged felonious activity includes misuse of campaign funds and diverting for his personal use funds that were supposed to cover his mother’s nursing-home costs. n


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PGN DILO from page 12

controversy. In 2014, he helped produce a show called “Once You Go Black” and received criticism from bloggers who said the event’s title was sexualizing and fetishizing people of color. Eventually, he canceled the event and said he has not made a mistake like that since.

“After having some useful conversation with people in the community that are people of color, I didn’t realize that I made mistakes,” he said. “But I did and I learned a lot from them.” Schonewolf said he has also dealt with

other difficulties in his five years as a producer. He said when he first began this career, other promoters criticized him for being an “amateur” and a “hack.” Ironically, he said, he ended up collaborating with a few of his critics but would not mention their names. “There were a lot of people, at first, that would trash me and then little by little, they realized I wasn’t going anywhere and that I was good at [producing],” Schonewolf said. “I feel like I had to prove myself from the beginning and then I just kind of did.” “Now I get hired by people all the time that used to hate me,” he added with a laugh. While Schonewolf said he loves what he does, he doesn’t like when event participants flake or are disrespectful. He tries to maintain a positive environment throughout each of his shows. “I like my events, for lack of a better word, to have a ‘glee’ vibe about them — like a very-happy, connective-network kind of feeling instead of a catty, nightlife feeling,” he said. “A lot of events can have that and I don’t like that. It makes me really uncomfortable. “I’d be a terrible ‘Real Housewife’ because I buckle when drama happens,” he joked. Schonewolf noted how he chooses events to produce. “That’s always the underlying mission of all of my events: having everybody celebrated from all walks of life. Producing shows that people give a shit about is what I want to do now. I just want to do shows that I would want to go to if I wasn’t producing them.” n For more information, visit Josh Schonewolf Presents on Facebook.

Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

PROTEST from page 1

NAACP and the leader of the Moral Mondays movement, delivered a 28-minute speech during the first day’s rally. Barber noted parallels in history throughout his speech and compared the current situation to how former slave-owners attempted to roll back the Freedmen’s Hospital. “This is the worst, most expensive attack on the poor since the days that slaves gave free labor to America,” Barber said, attributing the quote to his daughter. Barber instructed 50 protesters to lay down on the sidewalk in front of Toomey’s office, requesting people of different skin colors, sexual orientations, ages, faiths and other communities to collaborate. He referred to this as a “dry run” to show protesters how to symbolize those who will die as a result of the potential bill. “I’m telling you if you get in his office and do this, they may arrest you but it will begin to shift in that every one of you represents somebody that’s going to die, that’s literally going to die if they pass this bill,” Barber said. After 50 participants laid down, they participated in a chant led by Barber. “We will put our bodies on the line for all people because we believe health care is a moral issue. We will not retreat, Sen. Toomey,” Barber chanted. “We will not retreat, Donald Trump. We will not retreat, Speaker [Paul] Ryan. America needs a healing. We will fight until universal health care is a reality for all.” Councilwoman Helen Gym spoke at the rally the next morning.

“When they go low, we go local,” Gym said, to which protesters chanted back. “The fight is not in [Washington] D.C.,” she said, adding that senators like Toomey will not have a town hall, pick up phones or respond to messages from the community. “That means the fight can’t be there [in Washington],” Gym added. “The fight comes home to us, back to our communities, back to the places where we both build and expand our baits of power.” Gym noted that Ryan “admitted that Obamacare was the law of the land” after people flooded phone lines and protested. “This is an obscene bill that gives a monstrous tax cut to the wealthiest Americans, to the largest insurance companies and to a corporate America that [would rather] see people die than do the right thing,” Gym said. The councilwoman encouraged the protesters to keep the fight going. “No matter what comes out at the end of it, we’re going to look around and know who we stood with and who we stood for,” Gym said. “I’ll be with you all the way. City Council is going to be with you all the way in Philadelphia. Let’s take this fight to where it matters: back to our communities. Let’s go out there and win.” In addition to Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Health Access Network also hosted vigils in front of Toomey’s offices in Allentown, Erie, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Wilkes-Barre. Those opposed to the Republican health-care bill can call Toomey’s office at 215-241-1090. n


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Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

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Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017


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22 23 21 26 28 25

Pop and rock artists kick it up a notch on colorful new releases By Larry Nichols Katy Perry “Witness” Capitol Records Any pop fans still lamenting Lady Gaga going all ’70s soft rock on her latest album can breathe a sigh of relief, as colorful arena-packing star Katy Perry is sticking with a synthesizer-heavy sound on her latest album. And that can be both a blessing and a curse. If you like big, punchy processed beats and gigantic effects-laden synths, this album is your jam from front to back. While on previous efforts Perry’s vocals and personality surfed above the meticulously crafted songs, on this album her processed and auto-tuned vocals at times seem to be drowning in an endless sea of mechanized instrumentation, such as on the title track and “Roulette.” That sound works best with more relaxed mid-tempo songs that give the vocals

a little more breathing room like “Miss You More,” “Save as Draft” and “Tsunami.” But for the most part, the album sticks to the pop-star blueprint almost everybody is using these days: familiar club beats with catchy synth hooks, add picturesque pop singer’s vocals, add a guest here and there from whatever pool of hip rappers you can afford (in this case, Nicki Minaj and Migos) and repeat with the same level of sameness until the album is done. So, yeah, “Witness” as an album is bright, shiny and on point to sell like gangbusters, but if Perry’s name wasn’t attached to it, these songs — take “Hey, Hey, Hey,” “Pendulum” or “Bigger Than Me,” for example — feel like they can be cranked out by any other pop star with a similar level of popularity (i.e., Ke$ha, Rihanna, etc.). Perry is maintaining her high-profile status and level of sonic quality on this latest solid release, but at the end of the day she hasn’t delivered anything that sounds very different from what dozens of other pop singers with a small army of cowriters and coproducers behind them are doing right now.

Lorde “Melodrama” Lava/Republic After making a commercial and critical splash with her 2013 debut album, “Pure Heroine,” Lorde took her time writing and recording her follow-up album, and it shows. The New Zealand-born singer seems to have fleshed out her hauntingly and artfully ethereal sound a little more on her second album, while still maintaining that delightfully spare vibe that feels like Bjork and Goldfrapp crashing a Tori Amos concert. People who fell in love with Lorde’s sound on tracks like “Royals” from her last album will find plenty to cling to on this go-round, as tracks like “Hard Feelings” and “Writer in the Dark” have the same deeply strange and brooding allure. But Lorde also brings some alternative-rock, new-age and a sprinkling of gothic influences into play for spectacular effect. She shows her emotional range on this album with songs with similar titles and

melodies but vastly different feels to them, like the slickly modern “Sober” returning as the string-heavy and spookier “Sober II (Melodrama).” She repeats that trick again with the piano-driven melancholy beauty of “Liability” circling back later as the somber electro hymn that is “Liability (Reprise).” Elsewhere, the album balances out the overall mood and percolates with celebratory and youthful swagger on darkly propulsive and relatively upbeat tracks like “The Louvre,” “Supercut” and “Perfect Places.” Lorde definitely has a story to tell with “Melodrama,” and it’s something you will want to read from beginning to end. Motionless in White “Graveyard Shift” Roadrunner Records Pennsylvania-based metal band Motionless in White continues to refine its sound while keeping it heavy and spooky on its latest effort, which drenches the PAGE 20 crushingly heavy



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

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SUMMER MUSIC from page 19

rhythms with increasingly assured gothic and industrial soundscapes. These days, metalcore bands can sound achingly monotonous and indistinguishable from one another but “Motionless in White” stands out from the pack, thanks in large part to its generous use of electronic dance-oriented synthesizers adding melody to the walls of distorted riffs, and the theatrically ghoulish and charismatic vocals of singer Chris “Motionless” Cerulli. These elements lift up songs like the fist-pumping anthems “Untouchable” and “Loud (Fuck It),” as well as the more relentlessly pummeling tracks like “Soft” and “570.” Korn singer Jonathan Davis lends his voice to the catchy dirge of “Necessary Evil.” Other songs are just plain epic in feel and scope, like the dynamic and dramatic tracks “Eternally Yours” and “Hourglass.” Like a really good and unapologetic horror film, this album will probably scare the daylights out of your neighbors, even at a respectable volume. But if you are the type of person that is going to spend your summer angrily hiding from the daylight and going through a lot of black lipstick/dye, combat boots and fishnets, this is your soundtrack. Prince & The Revolution “Purple Rain: Deluxe Expanded Edition” Paisley Park Even if this was just a remaster of the classic masterpiece album that launched Prince into superstardom, it would be worth picking up. But Prince’s estate has opened his legendary vault and added a CD’s worth of unreleased material from that era of his career, as well as another CD

of extended and 7-inch single versions of the album’s hits and their B-sides, as well as a live concert from the “Purple Rain” tour that is available for the first time on DVD. “Purple Rain” is a flawless album, and its dance mixes and B-sides have been available and poured over in some way, shape or form for the last 30-plus years. So the real mystery here is if the unreleased material lives up to the hype of Prince’s legacy as a prolific and innovative performer and songwriter. “Purple Rain” was the commercial pinnacle of Prince’s career. After that, he started exploring styles of music outside of the new-wave and rock-influenced funk style he had perfected, eventually dissolving The Revolution and infusing jazz and psychedelic rock into his sound. Revisiting that era and that sound is bound to be refreshing, considering vintage ’80s synth sounds are back in fashion. And while most of these unearthed tracks might not hold a candle to the hits of “Purple Rain,” there are some tracks that remind listeners how much of a badass Prince was. Tracks like “Love and Sex,” “Wonderful Ass” and “We Can Fuck” bristle with Prince’s mechanized and funky, futuristic, cocksure swagger. Other less-dense tracks like the breezy “Katrina’s Paper Dolls” and bouncy “Velvet Kitty Cat” harken back to the more-playful and less-aggressive vibe he had in his pre-“Purple Rain” days. There’s also some excellent classic Prince penchant for sexy and anguished balladry on display on the piano-driven “Electric Intercourse” and melancholy instrumental “Father’s Song.” The Revolution also shines brightly on the excellently eclectic pop of “Our Destiny/ Roadhouse Garden.” Whether you are a casual fan or a hardcore Prince addict, this loaded issue has a lot to like and love, and it further shows the world how much of a creative genius Prince really was. n

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Get Out and Play

Scott A. Drake

Rendez-vous avec moi à Paris s’il vous plaît The quadrennial Gay Games are in Paris next year and it’s closing in as local groups are ramping up. Fundraisers are being held, registrations are underway and reservations are being made as the Philadelphia Freedom Team gears up for another international event. To aid with and formally kick off the games locally, a Gay Games XI representative from Paris will be in town July 27 to stimulate some enthusiasm and bring a soupçon of gay Paris right here to the City of Brotherly Love. A kickoff event from 6-9 p.m. at Boxers will include raffled prizes, giveaways, drink specials and a rousing time. There’s a new game slated for the Paris party: petanque. Think bocce and you’re darned close. If you’re not so athletic but always wanted to compete in an Olympics (oh, excuse me — Games — since the Olympic committee went to court to keep us gays from soiling their word), then look into petanque. Threeperson teams, tossing small balls near each other — how tough could it be? Meanwhile, the host committee is sea-hopping to inspect sites and get detailed information in preparation for the 2022 Games vote that will happen during the event in Paris. The short list for 2022 is Guadalajara, Mexico; Hong Kong, China; and Washington, D.C. Imagine in five years being able to hop the train or bus or driving down to D.C. to compete in an international LGBT sporting event — and returning home that night! If you’re pretty certain you’re competing next year, registering early has never been more valuable. As the months go on, the registration costs increase. The next deadlines for discounted rates are Sept. 30/2,000 people. In other words, when either of those criteria is met, that special price closes. For more information, to register or to view the complete list of sports for next year, visit In the meantime, get out and play!

participating in one of the original and widely recognized bowling tournament events. It’s a mite late to sign up, but if you’re curious about the league itself, you can always check out Laurel Lanes in New Jersey on the weekend. Meetups are at Stir Lounge, ICandy and U Bar, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, respectively, and the banquet cruise is Sunday night on the Spirit of Philadelphia, which concludes with fireworks on the river. Information for any of the tournament events can be culled from and info on the local league itself is at PhillyGayBowlingLeague/. Courting players again this summer for its annual Liberty Open tournament, the Philadelphia Liberty Tennis Association is now accepting registrations for its July 28-30 event at Legacy Youth Tennis and Education Center. This tournament pulls between 60-100 players every year from around the world. You must be registered and paid by July 12 to participate; for more information. Short stops • Philadelphia Falcons summer soccer league begins July 5 in Fairmount Park. Check out their moves and maybe play a half. There’s a one-time league fee of $15. • Stonewallers are heading to the nation’s capital for the annual summer tournament July 14-16. Past, present and future players are all encouraged to participate. n Scott A. Drake was the 2015 Sigma Delta Chi national winner for best sports photo and the 2017 Professional Keystone Press Awards winner for best sports column in a weekly paper. If you have a person or event you think should be highlighted, email

Summer tournaments heating up Starting off the month of July (June 30, to be exact) is the annual Fourth of July weekend Liberty Belle Invitational bowling tournament. Now in its 28th year, the Philadelphia Gay Bowling League hosts teams from around the country


Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Food and Drink Directory


Co-Op: Grown-up eats in University City By Larry Nichols University City usually caters to the nearby college students, with their cash-strapped budgets and varied tastes that fluctuate between health-conscious and irresponsible comfort food. But the newly opened Co-Op, 20 S. 33rd St., is looking to give the grown-up residents and visitors of the area a more-upscale place to dine. With outdoor-dining options and retractable windows that give indoor patrons a better view of Chestnut Street, the modern décor of the space provides great vistas of the foot traffic milling around the manicured streets. The menu at Co-Op features locally sourced New-American dishes in either snack form, small plates or large plates. On the snack side of the menu, the deviled eggs ($6) were pleasantly assertive and briny in flavor. The shishito peppers ($8) were abundantly plump, crispy and spicy,


making for great finger food. The chicken-liver mousse ($9) had some complexity to it, with pickled shallots and mustard seed giving the mousse a kick to contrast its smooth flavor base. The small-plates menu was especially wellrounded. The Maryland crab tartine ($16) was Co-Op a nicely 20 S. 33rd St. seasoned 215-398-1874 crab salad and served Breakfast on toasted Mon.-Fri.: 7-11 a.m. housemade Lunch sourdough Mon.-Fri.: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. bread. The Dinner Spanish Daily: 5:30-10 p.m. rock octopus Brunch had a spicy Sat.-Sun.: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Southern

If you go

feel, with the perfectly cooked tentacles resting on some silky and buttery grits peppered with spicy chorizo and fennel. The large plates lean more traditional in terms of refinement and technique but really deliver on the presentation. The blue-crab fettuccini ($21) and the mahi mahi ($27) are artfully and elegantly plated. The pasta in the former dish and the couscous that garnishes the latter are both creamy and feature an excellent texture and nicely roasted asparagus (green for the former, white for the latter), adding some garden freshness to the dishes. University City might have plenty of options for burritos, cheesesteaks, nachos and pizza, but now non-students have an outlet to keep them from having to cross the river. So stop by Co-Op and welcome them to the neighborhood. n

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Family Portrait

Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017


Suzi Nash

Dante Austin: Asking and telling with the Sheriff’s Office LGBT liaison When I was growing up, one of my favorite movies was “Blazing Saddles.” I think it was also the first R-rated movie that my younger brother and I went to. Aside from memories of my sibling literally laughing in the aisles, I also remember the striking figure of Cleavon Little as Sheriff Bart, the handsome black sheriff with a droll sense of humor (who fought both the bad guys and the racist townsfolk he was protecting). Here in Philadelphia, we also have a handsome black (deputy) sheriff, Officer Dante Austin. We spoke to Deputy Dante about his role as the first LGBT liaison to the Sheriff’s Office and his time in military service during “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

animal and didn’t even use his name, they just called him “It.” The second book is called “The Lost Boy” and it’s about what happened when child services removed him from the home and the last book is called “A Man Named Dave: A Story of Triumph and Forgiveness.” It’s very inspirational.

PGN: Tell me a little about yourself. DA: I was born and raised in Philly. I’m 25 and, outside of my time in service, I’ve been here my whole life.

PGN: What was an early sign you were gay? DA: In seventh grade, I had this best friend and you couldn’t tell me the guy didn’t walk on water. That was about the age when people started dating and he started seeing this girl. I hated her. I’m not a hateful person, but I hated her with every fiber of my being! And there was no reason for it but, of course in hindsight, it was pure jealousy. I’d be mad if he talked to her on the phone too much or when he told me he was hanging out with her, it was awful but I didn’t really have a clue or a name for how I felt. Once I got to high school, though, I figured it out.

PGN: I’ll say you have packed a lot into 25 years already. DA: [Laughs] Yeah, I’m trying. PGN: What were some of the things you liked to do as a kid? DA: I’ve always liked sports. I ran track all through school but I was also a big nerd so I liked to read a lot too. I grew up in a household with five of us: an older sister, younger brother and sister and my mother. PGN: I understand that you, like our former president, were raised by a single white mom. DA: Yes, yes, I’m biracial. My dad is black, brown hair and brown eyes and my mom’s white, blonde hair, blue eyes and I’m somewhere in between. Dad wasn’t really around, so she was the one that raised us. We grew up in the Northeast and I was predominantly around my family on the maternal side, so I always felt like the “black kid” — the black cousin, the black grandkid — and then I’d visit my dad’s side and I was the “white boy.” I’d hear, “You talk white!” PGN: I’m mixed on both sides, so it didn’t really matter. I used to joke that we all looked and sounded like the Cosby kids, though that’s not such a great reference these days! But back to you, who was a favorite teacher? DA: Hands down, without a doubt, Mrs. Reiss. She was my second-grade teacher and I’ll never, ever forget her. I keep in touch with her regularly and, in fact, we just had breakfast together recently. PGN: A favorite book? DA: There’s a series by Dave Pelzer, the first book is called “A Child Called It” and it’s incredible. He suffered terrible abuse as a kid; his parents treated him like an

PGN: Were you a very compassionate kid? DA: Oh yeah, my birthday is Feb. 24 and I’m a Pisces, so yeah, I’m a little sensitive. [Laughs] Though I prefer to say I’m in tune with my emotions. I take relationships, whether they’re familial relationships or friendships or romantic relationships, pretty seriously.

PGN: I’m surprised; usually mixed families tend to be more open-minded. DA: Well, my mom’s Christian and my dad’s Muslim. So there was a lot going on. Fortunately, I had my sister. She’s my best friend in the world. Everyone thinks we’re twins. And we went through similar things, from our parents splitting up to being biracial and LGBT and … PGN: Wait, she’s gay too? DA: She’s bisexual. We actually came out together. We walked up the stairs together to tell our mom. PGN: [Laughs] Well, no wonder your mother was thrown: That’s a lot to process at once! DA: I know! She was upset about grandkids, that whole gamut. PGN: Oy vey! We forget, we have years to figure out what’s going on with us and then give them 10 minutes to get

PGN: You were in service during “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” DA: Yes, and I was extremely closeted, for good reason. In my service packet, there were hundreds and hundreds of papers and one of the pages focused on homosexual conduct and how it was prohibited. The theory was that no one could ask you what your sexual orientation was and you weren’t allowed to tell anybody. Homophobia breeds in that type of environment. Once DADT was repealed, I still didn’t come out. I was worried about the way those that served with me would receive me in an army that, for men, was predominantly straight. I was in a unit that was also predominantly Caucasian so I was already one of the only black persons and I didn’t want to also be the only gay person in my unit. Until my last year, and then I came out to everyone. P PGN: How did that happen? DA: There was a huge event with an awards ceremony for us. It was a black-tie, or in our case a dress-blue, event. I decided to take my then-boyfriend as my date. I’d told some of the other soldiers before about me, but the majority of them did not know and it was a big shock. I’ll say we got overwhelming support, though clearly there were some people uncomfortable.

PGN: How did you come out? DA: I had the same girlfriend from freshman year until 12th grade. We broke up at the beginning of our senior year. There was an openly gay guy at school and he was really cool. No one bullied him and he was really accepted by the other students. He was also really handsome. I decided to befriend him and within a couple of weeks I came out to him and we started dating. That was over the winter break so, in that time, I made a full departure and by the time we went back to school I was out of the closet and had a boyfriend. Which is how I came out to my friends and the rest of the world. Prior to dating him, I did come out to my little sister and on Dec. 20, 2009, I came out to my mom. It was the single, solitary hardest thing I’d ever done in my life, still to this day. PGN: How did she take it? DA: Well, I’d enlisted in the military my senior year as well, and two weeks before I’d told her about that. I was her oldest boy and I had made her extremely proud and I was afraid that by coming out all that was going to go away. She didn’t take it well at first, not at all. As a matter of fact, I ended up moving out and living with one of my best friends and his family. Since then, she’s come a long way. She actually lives not too far from me so I see her all the time and we’re very close.

PGN: What did you do? DA: I was in the military intelligence corps and then after training I was in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard, training for deployment. My unit never deployed and last year I was honorably discharged after serving my time.

PGN: You just like to drop that shoe, don’t you? DA: Yeah, I guess my coming-out stories are always a little dramatic.

used to it. In your mom’s case, times two! DA: I know! PGN: What made you decide to go into the military? DA: My older sister enlisted three years before me and I really admired what she did. I also knew I wanted to go to college and I didn’t want to have student loans so I took her route.

PGN: Did you ever come close to being caught during DADT? DA: No, I took a lot of precautions. My boyfriend was in my phone under a girl’s name. When I was in basic training, he’d send me letters and would use a nickname to sign them and would not use any name on the return address. We never mentioned anything LGBT in our letters, at all. That would have been a literal paper trail. Other soldiers had pictures of their significant others in their lockers; not me. I was very cautious. PAGE 28



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017



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OVER 1000 BEERS AT HIGHLY COMPETITIVE PRICES. NEARLY EVERY BEER AVAILABLE BY THE BOTTLE. GROWLER STATION WITH 8 SEASONAL & CRAFT BEERS ON TAP. Some pricing only available while supplies last. We have made every effort to have enough inventory to last the whole sales period, but some items may not last at advertised price. EXPIRES 7/517. For up to date sales listings after 7/5, please visit


Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017


Slow Southern burn in ‘The Beguiled’

Theater & Arts Another Way of Telling: Women Photographers from the Collection Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition featuring exceptional and rare photographs by women exploring identity in and out of the studio, through July 16, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763- 8100. Arnez J The comedian seen on BET and Netflix performs through July 2 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; 215496- 9001.

By Gary M. Kramer PGN Contributor Sophia Coppola’s spellbinding remake of “The Beguiled” opens in 1864 Virginia. Amy (an excellent Oona Laurence) finds Yankee Corporal John McBurney (Colin Farrell) wounded beside a tree. She takes him back to the Seminary for Young Ladies, run by Martha Farnsworth (Nicole Kidman). It is there where the pinched schoolmarm Edwina Dabney (Kirsten Dunst) teaches five young girls, including the coquettish teen Alicia (Elle Fanning). While McBurney has his eye on all of the ladies, the polite women are all watching each other. “The Beguiled” may seem like a fox-in-a-henhouse story — with McBurney ogling and getting ogled — but it soon becomes a sinister comedy of manners. The ladies’ Southern hospitality quickly turns hostile. As the women’s repressed (and not-so-repressed) passions ignite,

issues of truth and trust, sin and shame, jealousy and desire come to light. Coppola’s film, a delicious feminist morality play, is a real slow burn. Its hothouse Southern Gothic atmosphere is seductive and engrossing as the power games play out among the characters. “The Beguiled” is also beautifully crafted. The many candlelit scenes create a real sense of intimacy, and the exquisite costumes reveal much about the characters. The performances by the entire ensemble cast are uniformly superb. Kidman, Dunst and Fanning all convey their characters’ internal thoughts with such precise expressions and body language, viewers will know exactly what they are thinking. And Farrell imbues McBurney with enough entitlement to make his not-unexpected come-uppance all the more satisfying. “The Beguiled” is, indeed, bewitching. n

pgn Philadelphia Gay News LGBT NEWS SINCE 1976


Around the World in 80 Days Hedgerow Theatre presents the global adventure story, July 6-Aug. 13, 64 Rose Valley Road, Media; 610-5654211. Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story The story of the early rock ’n’ roll icon comes to the stage through July 9 at The Kimmel’s Perelman Theater, 300 S. Broad St.; 215-893-1999. Channeling Nature by Design Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition examining how designers of handmade and industrial objects — including furniture, pottery, kitchenware and even a 3-D printed neckpiece — have responded to the beauty and

fragility of the natural world, through July 16, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-7638100. Chris Kattan The comedian and “SNL” alum performs July 6-8 at Punch Line Philly, 33 E. Laurel St.; 215-606-6555. Disney’s Cinderella Bristol Riverside Theatre presents the classic fairytale live on stage July 6-7, 120 Radcliffe St., Bristol; 215785-0100. Jerry’s Girls Walnut Street Theatre presents Broadway’s electrifying tribute to the all-American master of song, Jerry Herman, through July 2 at Independence Studio on 3, 825 Walnut St.; 215574-3550. Joe Machi The comedian seen on “Last Comic Standing” performs July 7-9 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; 215496-9001. Lino Tagliapietra: Painting in Glass Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition showcasing the artist’s complex glass vessels, through July 16, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-7638100. Mystery Science Theater 3000 Live! Join Joel Hodgson, creator of the critically acclaimed TV show, and its new host Jonah Heston

RUMORS ABOUND: Fleetwood Mac singers and songwriters Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie have teamed up for an album and a tour, with special guests The Wallflowers opening the show, 7:30 p.m. June 30 at The Mann Center, 5201 Parkside Ave. For more information or tickets, call 215-5467900.

as they bring the first live touring production of the popular series to the area 7 and 10 p.m. July 7 at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside; 215-572-7650.

phulkari, ornately embroidered textiles from Punjab, a region straddling Pakistan and India, through July 9, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100.

Philadelphia Assembled Initiated by artist Jeanne van Heeswijk, together with hundreds of collaborators from across the city, the project explores Philadelphia’s changing landscape and tells a story of radical community building and active resistance through July 31 at Philadelphia Museum of Art, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215763-8100.

Saturday Night Fever Walnut Street Theatre presents the stage-musical adaptation of the hit disco-era film featuring songs by the Bee Gees through July 16, 825 Walnut St.; 215-574-3550.

Phulkari: The Embroidered Textiles of Punjab Philadelphia Museum of Art explores the beauty and cultural significance of

Trainspotting and Trainspotting 2 The ’90s comedy-drama and its sequel are screened 8 p.m. July 5 at Trocadero Theater, 1003 Arch St.; 215-922-6888. Transparency The LGBTQ glass-art exhibition runs through Aug. 6 at National Liberty Museum, 321 Chestnut St.; 215-925-2800.


Stackhouse, Alex “Bambi” Weaver and Salotta Tee perform 11 p.m. June 30 at Tabu, 200 S. 12th St.; 215-964-9675.

Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017


Bucks County Playhouse brings ‘Buddy Holly’ to Philly

Wawa Welcome America Fireworks The city lights up for Independence Day 9:30-10 p.m. July 4 at Benjamin Franklin Parkway; www. welcomeamerica. com. SOUL FIREWORKS: Wawa Welcome America Festival heats up the Fourth of July with a concert honoring Philly natives Boyz II Men and featuring performances by The Philly POPS, Mandy Gonzalez, Tony DeSare and the neosoul superstar Mary J. Blige 7-9:30 p.m. July 4 on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. For more information, visit

Wild: Michael Nichols Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition exploring the work of legendary photographer Michael Nichols through Sept. 17, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-7638100. Witness: Reality and Imagination in the Prints of Francisco Goya Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of works by Francisco Goya, who witnessed decades of political turmoil and social upheaval as court painter to four successive rulers of Spain, through Sept. 6, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. The Woodmere Annual: 76th Juried Exhibition An exhibition featuring works in a wide variety of media from regional artists, through Sept. 4 at the Woodmere

Art Museum, 9201 Germantown Ave.; 215-247-0476.

Music Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers The rock band performs 7:30 p.m. July 1 at Wells Fargo Center, 3601 S. Broad St.; 215389-9543. R5 The pop-rock band performs 7:30 p.m. July 2 at TLA, 334 South St.; 215-9221011. Blac Youngsta The rapper performs 8 p.m. July 3 at TLA, 334 South St.; 215-9221011. John Mellencamp The classic-rock singer performs 7 p.m. July 6 at The Mann Center, 5201 Parkside Ave.; 215546-7900. Grunge Night Party like it’s 1993 when Nirvana (Supervana),

Rage Against the Machine (Rage On) and Nine Inch Nails (The Wretched) tribute bands perform 8 p.m. July 6 at TLA, 334 South St.; 215-9221011. Vans Warped Tour The day-long lineup of punk and rock bands performs, including CKY, Gwar, The Ataris, Save Ferris, Sick of It All and more, starting 11 a.m. July 7 at BB&T Pavilion, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.; 609365-1300.

Nightlife Spill the Tea Revue, Vol. 5 The Goddess Isis, Sakura Allure, Kevin “Powder”

Outta Town Barb Jungr and John McDaniel perform The Beatles The cabaret singers perform the music of the Fab Four 7:30 p.m. July 1 at The Rrazz Room, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope; 888-596-1027. Marooned The sci-fi thriller is screened 2 p.m. July 2 at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610-917-1228. The Ultimate Queen Celebration starring Marc Martel The Queen tribute band performs 9 p.m. July 7 at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-3171000. n

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Out & About Listings, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 fax: 215-925-6437; or e-mail: Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

Photo: Joan Marcus

By Larry Nichols Audiences can relive the early days of rock ’n’ roll when The Kimmel Center brings the Bucks County Playhouse production of “Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story” to Philly through July 9. The show follows the iconic singer’s rise to fame, starting in 1957 and through his tragic death less than two years later, when Holly, Richie Valens and The Big Bopper perished in a plane crash. But the show celebrates his life and music, featuring more than 20 of his greatest hits, including “That’ll Be The Day,” “Peggy Sue,” “Oh Boy” and many more. Out actor Gilbert Sanchez, who plays Valens in the show, said that while he wasn’t too familiar with the rock music of the 1950s, most people know more about the music of that era than they think. “It’s mostly Buddy Holly songs, but we have a few Ritchie Valens songs and one song by the Big Bopper as well,” he said about the music of the show. “I loved Richie Valens; ‘La Bamba’ was one of my go-to movies growing up. I wasn’t too familiar with Buddy Holly, but you don’t realize how much you know that music. It’s like, Oh, I definitely know all of these songs like ‘Johnny B. Goode.’ It’s always

there. When you watch the show you understand that it’s all there. It’s all influenced by them.” Sanchez said all of the performers in the show are accomplished musicians, who play live while singing. “I’m actually one of the very few people that do not play an instrument at all in the entire cast,” he said. “It’s funny because it’s written that Buddy and the Big Bopper ask Richie if they can play ‘La Bamba’ with him. So I don’t play instruments at all. I’m very lucky that I get to kind of shake my hips in front of the crowd and have these amazing musicians backing me.” Sanchez said audiences young and old are showing up because of their love of the music, but they are further pulled into the show by the story and the intensity of the musicians performing on stage. “The music is what draws them to it,” he said. “Once they start to hear the story and see the amazing musicians that I get to share the stage with, they are blown away. The music, of course, speaks for itself, but when they see the talent that is on the stage, it is truly impressive.” n The Kimmel Center presents “Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story” through July 9 at Perelman Theater, 300 S. Broad St. For more information or tickets, call 215-893-1999.

pgn Philadelphia Gay News LGBT NEWS SINCE 1976



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

PORTRAIT from page 28

PGN: What did you do next after you left? DA: While I was in the military, I got hired by the Sheriff’s Office in Philadelphia. I was a student at Penn State Abington but I left to go to the academy and I’ve been in the Sheriff’s Office ever since. I love it. PGN: Did you surprise them too or did you come in as an openly gay man? DA: With any law-enforcement agency, they do a background check and there are a series of questions about the people you live with. So I disclosed to them that I lived with my partner. I came out publicly to everyone else during a speech at the academy. We do a block of instructions on cultural diversity that touches on sensitivity, language barriers, religious differences, etc. They only briefly touched on the LGBT community. By then I was very gay — I had a man, I was out to my family — and after my time in the military I refused to ever be closeted again. So when we got to the communications block of training, where all the officers were required to give a speech, I focused on LGBT issues. PGN: And it seems like you’ve had mostly positive reactions. DA: Yup, absolutely. The Sheriff’s Office has been incredible. This month last year, they allowed me to do a whole presentation, Power Point and all, for the department. Something I’m particularly proud of, we do a lot of public events, parades and such. We go to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and the Puerto Rican Day Parade, but I wasn’t seeing people showing up for LGBT events. Part of that is because of the underrepresentation we have in law enforcement. I wanted more community outreach and visibility. So they asked if I wanted to become an official liaison, which allowed me to implement some of the things I wanted to do with some weight behind it. I’m not just the gay officer speaking up, I have an official role. The past year has been incredible; we’ve done trainings and donation drives and shown up to talk to queer youth and been at OutFest and at Pride. It’s been busy and exciting. PGN: How do you think being openly gay has made you a better officer? DA: When people are comfortable with themselves, they’re easier to get along with. And as LGBT officers, we know where the resources are; a lot of the straight, cisgendered officers don’t know about The Attic or Mazzoni Center … what special needs an LGBT youth or homeless person might have. So we share our knowledge with our fellow officers for them to use to help those in need. I’m actually working on a resource guide with everything from the significance of pronouns to a list of organizations all on a card they can carry. PGN: What’s an occasion where you had to school another officer? DA: I’m always schooling people. A lot of it is just ignorance, it’s not meant to be malicious. Though I did I have one officer


ask me, “We don’t have a straight parade, why do you need a Pride parade?” I gave him a lecture on the history of Pride as a response to police brutality and the meaning of straight privilege, the idea that he never had to walk down the street and think twice about holding his girlfriend’s hand or lie about the pronoun of his spouse or fear for his safety for some small PDA or being kicked out of his home because of who he was. He was never bullied in school because of being straight. I said, “Once LGBT kids stop being bullied or kicked out of their homes, once we have protection in housing and employment, once we’re not killing ourselves or having our trans sisters being killed at significantly higher rates, then I’ll entertain your question. Until then, instead of asking us why we feel the need to be screaming in the streets holding marches, be grateful you don’t need one.” PGN: Love it. OK, last time you sang for someone? DA: It was probably at Yakitori Boy. I love karaoke. Probably something from Bruno Mars. PGN: As a macho ex-military guy, what are you afraid of? DA: Water bugs. If I see even a dead one, I make my partner Tito get it. PGN: What does Tito do? DA: He just graduated from law school and is studying for the bar. Eventually he’ll probably run for office. PGN: If you could bring anyone back to life for 15 minutes, who would it be? DA: No question, Mom-Mom, my maternal grandmother. She was the second person I came out to. She was the backbone of our family and one of my best friends. PGN: A time when you felt, “This is why I became an officer”? DA: I met this kid in a courtroom about two years ago. This person was in custody for some petty crime. The kid always presented as a cisgender boy and I just assumed he was straight, then one day they came into the courthouse presenting fully as a female: long hair, makeup, nails, leggings, the whole 9 yards. When I sat in the courtroom, I heard the staff misgender this kid over and over and over. I knew the kid wasn’t listening to what was going on because of it. Immediately after the hearing, I pulled the kid to the side and introduced myself and shared my story about what it took for me to come out and let them know how brave I thought they were, how much fortitude it took for a young trans girl of color to be true to herself. We kept in touch and she just graduated high school last week and asked me to come to her graduation ceremony. I went and it was like, Wow, she just wanted someone to be there who would be proud of her and I was so, so proud. They gave me two tickets and Tito and I went. It was a beautiful moment. n To suggest a community member for Family Portrait, email

Q Puzzle Sour Grapes and Tennis Across

1. 37-Across said tennis is “___ of lesbians” 5. “Move your butt!” 9. TV newsman Brit 13. “Aida” solo 14. One way to have one’s meat 15. Part of, as a plot 16. Lesbian who beat Bobby Riggs in a 1973 Battle of the Sexes 19. Not taken in by 20. Portrayal of Mary and son 21. Mouth-tomouth pro 24. Crack investigator? 26. No-tell motel meetings 29. Isherwood’s “The ___ Stories” 31. They move your dinghy 33. Prefix with room 34. Skater Orser

35. Weight loss product 36. Borscht veggie 37. Homophobe who lost to Bobby Riggs in a 1973 Battle of the Sexes 40. Went down 41. Old photo print 42. Stuck your nose in 44. One in a fairy tale threesome 45. “It ___ Necessarily So” 46. Pussies with sharp teeth 47. Grownups 49. Collar kind 51. Old streaker over the Atlantic 52. Glove material 54. Got a little behind 56. Mass event John McEnroe hopes to have at the arena named for 37-Across 61. Cockpit predictions 62. Not even once, to Whitman

63. “Dancing Queen” band 64. Quality of Feniger’s cooking 65. Says further 66. Sentence unit


1. British sitcom “Ab ___” 2. William Tell’s canton 3. Like Abner, before Viagra? 4. Composer Edouard 5. Greek island dweller 6. Ursa ___ (nighttime bear) 7. Rough stuff underground 8. Minimal tide 9. Scouts out 10. Type of wedding candle 11. Men here don’t date women 12. Short tongue? 17. It consists of a top and a bottom 18. Kind of acid 21. Flow out 22. Howard Ashman’s little one

23. Make a pink gay symbol? 25. “Claudine at School” author 27. Is about to go down, perhaps 28. Posed for Annie Leibovitz 30. Carefree adventure 32. Butch’s part in the chorus 35. “Viva Las Vegas” middle name 36. Hamlet 38. Becomes erect 39. Gave a piece of one’s mind 40. Site for three men in a tub 43. P-town

summer hrs. 45. Bear witness 46. Eiffel’s erection, and others 48. Teachers in “The King and I” 50. Dragged behind 53. Warrior Princess 55. “Band of Brothers” event 56. States, informally 57. Crossed through 58. “How may ___ of service?” 59. Org. for rim jobs? 60. Toothy swimmer


Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017



Guide to the Gayborhood

The Philadelphia Gayborhood is roughly centered at Locust and Camac streets. Look for the rainbow street signs at intersections and remember to be aware of your surroundings wherever you go. Boxers

1330 Walnut St. boxersphl Sports bar with a dozen huge TVs, pool table, brick pizza oven, sports teams specials

Toasted Walnut



1316 Walnut St. 215.546.8888 Festively lit women-owned bar complete with a “beer” pong table

202 S. 13th St. 215.545.1893 Includes attached Walnut Street bars Rosewood and GloBar


m <— Juniper St.

Chancellor St.



St. James St.

m Locust St.


Manning St.


Quince St.


11th St.


Latimer St.

12th St.

13th St.


pgn Philadelphia Gay News

Camac St.



206 S Quince St. 215.627.1662 Old-school men’s bar; pool tables, big-screen sports action; basement has enforced dress code Walnut St.



The Bike Stop

200 S. 12th St. 215.964.9675 Sports bar with light fare and shows upstairs

Spruce St.



Cypress St.

William Way LGBT Community Writer’s Block Rehab Center 1342 Cypress St. 267.603.6960 A cozy, comfortable bar and lounge perfect for escaping the norm

1315 Spruce St. 215.732.2220 A resource for all things LGBT

<— <— West of Broad Street Stir Lounge

1705 Chancellor St. 215.732.2700 Fun two-bar lounge, DJ in the back, regular poker games and specials

The Attic Youth Center

255 S. 16th St. 215.545.4331 Safe space and programs for LGBTs age 16-23 weekday afternoons and evenings



U Bar


1221 St. James St. 215.735.5772 After-hours private club; membership required

1220 Locust St. 215.546.6660 Relaxing corner bar, easy-going crowd, popular for happy hour and window watching

225 S. 12th St. 215.925.1166 Fine-dining restaurant and bar, outdoor seating (weather permitting), piano in back room

254 S. 12th St. 267.324.3500 Three floors with a total of six bars; dance floor, lounge and rootop deck.

Tavern on Camac 255 S. Camac St. 215.545.8731 Piano lounge with upstairs dance floor; Tavern restaurant below is open late.

Pa. bars close at 2 a.m. unless they have a private-club license. Please drink responsibly.



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Classifieds All real-estate advertising is subject to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). PGN will not knowingly accept any realestate advertising that is in violation of any applicable law.

MARIANNE CAVEN P a t t e r s o n - S c h w a r t z

PGN does not accept advertising that is unlawful, false, misleading, harmful, threatening, abusive, invasive of another’s privacy, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful or racially or otherwise objectionable, including without limitation material of any kind or nature that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, provincial, national or international law or regulation, or encourage the use of controlled substances.

Real Estate Sale


VENTNOR, NJ House for sale in Ventnor NJ. 2 story 5 bedroom house, needs some repairs. Priced right. Call 215 468 9166. ________________________________________42-39 Delaware: New homes – Sussex and Kent counties from $169,000. 9 communities close to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware Bay (Bower’s Beach), or Nanticoke River (Seaford). 302-653-7700 ________________________________________41-25

AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAINING Get FAA certification to fix planes. Approved for military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-207-0345. ________________________________________41-25

Real Estate Rent RENOVATED SOUTH PHILLY TOWNHOUSES FSBO 2 on Durfor St. off 3rd St., 1 at 4th and Wolf. $199,900 each. Plus Twin off Lancaster Ave in Haverford PA, $379.9K & $399.9K respectively, Call 215-849-4049. _____________________________________________41-26

Vacation/Seasonal Rent OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Resort Services. 1-800-638-2102. Online reservations: ________________________________________41-26

Adoption Happily married couple will provide infant loving home and future filled with laughter, joy, and financial security. Expenses paid. Call/text Lauren and David: 917-714-0680. ________________________________________41-26

Getting married?

Help Wanted Adonis cinema needs cashier/ cleaner. 3rd shift. part time fornow. Call 215-557-9319. ________________________________________41-29 Vacancies – Assistant Elementary Principal, Elementary Education, Middle Education, Middle School Science, Middle School Mathematics, Business and Information Technology, English, Biology, Earth Science, Mathematics, History and Social Sciences, Special Education, Electronics/ Robotics, Physical Education. Application Procedure: To apply, please visit our website at and complete the online application. Closing: Until filled. EOE – Prince Edward County Public Schools, Farmville, VA 434-315-2100. ________________________________________41-26 DEDICATED DRIVING OPPORTUNITY – GUARANTEED SALARY & HOME NIGHTLY!!! Must have at least 3 years recent class A/CDL verifiable experience and live in Allentown PA area. Call 540-5148576 now! ________________________________________41-26

Legal Notices Court of Common Pleas for the County of Philadelphia, May Term, 2017, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on May 8, 2017, the petition of Paul McPhillips was filed, praying for a decree to change her name to Emma Paulette McPhillips. The Court has fixed July 5, 2017 at 12:00 pm, in Courtroom No. 691, in Philadelphia City Hall as the time and place for the hearing of said Petition, when and where all persons interested may appear and show cause, if they have any, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted. ________________________________________41-26

For Sale SAWMILLS from only $4397.00 – MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill – Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship! FREE Info/DVD: 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N. ________________________________________41-26 Dish Network-Satellite Television Services. Now Over 190 channels for ONLY $49.99/mo! HBO-FREE for one year. FREE Installation, FREE Streaming, FREE HD. Add Internet for $14.95 a month. 1-800-758-5070. ________________________________________41-26

t information and a brief description of the event to Friends Men LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. ________________________________________41-29 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. ________________________________________41-27 WM ISO same that would a little patient with me in letting me try to orally service you. Call Walt, 856-625-9195. ________________________________________41-28 WOULD Like to meet men from Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic for friendship and more. Also Mexicans. 856-547-4163. _____________________________________________41-27

Massage MASSAGE IN CENTER CITY After your workout or just a special treat for yourself. Book an appointment for a masssge in a safe clean space located in Center City Phila. Swedish, erotic and deep tissue I will tailor the massage to your specific needs. Call 609-203-1156. ________________________________________41-26


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Looking for a weekend retreat or year-round residence in the region’s loveliest waterfront town? Historic, walkable, museums, shops, pubs, restaurants, riverfront walk and park! Affordable gems, 100k–900k. 45 mins SO of Center City. Discover Old New Castle now! Call for tours and information. Marianne Caven | 302.588.7410 | Patterson-Schwartz R eal-Estate 3705 KEnnEtt PiKE, GREEnvillE, DE 19807 | O ffice: 302.429.4500 Search on a Map

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Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Even if your name does not appear on this list, we may still have property for you. Notice of Names of Persons Appearing to be Owners of Abandoned and Unclaimed Property.

Bucks, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties Listed in Alphabetical Order Bucks County Acker Kathy Anderson Eleanora N Applause Aquaro Michael, Sharon Bartelli Tiziana Bentle Yalden Alice R Bentley Paul C Family Uwo 1, Chris C Blagus Lorraine Estate Boughner Russ A Briggs Ross T Brodie Richard C Bullard Katheryn M Burke Steven A Calise Elizabeth Chongas Karyl Christy William Chrzan Kazimierz Chukusky Elizabeth W Clifford Dawn D Colavita Mollie Comly Lois M Conyers Amy B Coyle M James Creek Richard J Curry Elizabeth A Davis Carolyne K Davis Craig Decicco Carl P, Milena Dewitt Scott Dick Paul M Jr Dolores Pedro Carro Eckert Josephine C Emma A Friedemann Es Fridey Eugene J III Gallagher Richard J Gano William K Jr Gieseke Hilton Gluck Joan Gold James M Golden Dana

Grabarz Morgan H Greller Rebecca M, Ronald W, Stanton R Est Guest Jane A Hafer Kara L Herberg Edna E Hogue W R Horizon Solutions Hunt David W Jaffe Joel D, Mona Kassapidis Amalia Kellow John Kelter Saskia R Kilgore Jacqueline L Kinsley Douglas M Kroemmelbein Ariel Lengner Julia Mason Betsy Matheson Family Trust Mccauley Margaret Mccullough Kevin C Medieval Galler Inc Melching John C Jr, Mary S Mello William Michael W Laughead Triplex Group Miller Geneva B Moreno Cuenca Adrian Nieh Douglas P Oasis Magazine Inc Oneill Michael J Pastella Patrick J Peterson Angela Pierce Jennifer J Powell Evan Rafael Juan Ausencio P Rau William E, Carolann Read George C Jr Reilly Robert E Rorer Whitby Susan, William Rosenberg Paul Royster James Russo Philip Rutkowski John F

Ryan Christopher Schneider Christopher Schroeder Thomas E, Cory H Sheaffer Alice Simmons Herman W Simmons Terrence R Slachta Christopher Smith Robert R, Alice J Sobel Joshua A, Mark H Spireas Spiridon S Spurr Donald D Sunder Kadayam Sweeney Richard E Sykes Dick Karen A Thomas Clarence J Jr Toro Mariselle Turner Aubrey L Ua 03 30 92 Jane A Guest Vanholt Christopher S Vassalluzzo C J Villareale Patricia, Thomas Wagner Norman R Waldman Grant Weathington Talmage F Weisberg Robert A, Wendy S Willmott Ruth M Yerkes George M, Judith C

Delaware County 439 East 76th St Inc Abarbehenn Anna B Aberdeen Alvina Acura Ardmore Addicks Anne P Estate Addis Frederick Scott Agego Edna R Agnew Clarence G Ahima Rexford S Ahmed Muhammed R Akter Most M Alauddin Sheikh

Aldred W & Gregory S Scottgertrude Aldridge Kris Alexander Cheryl Alexander Marlette Alfayez Wafa Ali Mohammad A Ambler Rest Center Anderson Emilie R Decd Anderson Pete S Auto Service Anger Enite Ankarcrona Nils E Anthony Costa DMD Anthony Kerri Antonelli Theresa M Aqua America Inc Aqua Operations Inc Araya Bolanos Jose Arkivmusic Llc Llc Armstrong Wm J Aslam Mohammad Atch Hawa Atkinson Russell G Aurora Neha Authentic Handbags Unlimited Avellino Joseph C, Marie Aziz Mohammad I Azorsky Gary L Baffa Janet Lynn Bailey Irma C Bangura Marilyn Bannon James Patrick Barosy Madgean Barrow James E Bartlett Richard Basilavecchio Lisa D Bassetti Albin Martin, Lisa Battie Ella B Bay Irvin Beatty Lumber Millwork Beccari Kelly Beck William Beebe Loren W

Begum Julekha Begum Khurshida Bellizeare Brittany Abbott Beltrante Penelope Benitez Mariela Berry Brendan J Berryman Francis P, Margery T Best Megan L Bibeault Mary Biswas Rumpa Bivens Pamela D Blandau Elias Bmt Leasing Inc Boardman John R Bogutz Stephanie J, Marc L Borgersen Ana C Borochov Ariel Bosk Marjorie PhD Botel Neil E Bottom Percell Boucher Normand S, Anne Marie Bowden Makeedah Bowers Eloise Boyd Edward R Boyle Thomas, Edward Bradford Valerie R Bradley John J Breznitz Ruth Brighten at Bryn Mawr Britton Donald J Brogan Rose T Bryn Mawr Sports Medicine Bui Vanessa Burns Charles A Burnside Helen Byrne Bernadette C Calabrese Mary Ann, Anna M Calle Jaime Campbell Elizabeth, Bayard Campbell John Canizares Carlota Capaci Joseph Leagus



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Carberry Declan L Carlota Gonzalez Carney H Jeanne Carrick Allen R Carrington Chase Carroll Rita T Carter Esther L Caruso Pasquale T Case Curtis Caterson Edward III Chacha Bolivar Chakochan Prince P Chan Geoffrey Charles Mary E Chateau Senior Services Chaurasia Arvind Chisholm Andrea Choi Young Y Chowdhury Tarique Chuva Luis Ciraku Ermal Civil Elisena, Herold Clark Antoinette D Clark Lola Cocco Anthony F, Anne M Coke Patrick A Colbourne Cynthia D Collins Ellen G Collins Margaret W Estate Collis Steven H Consolidated Invoice Svc Consumer Water Co Converging Cultures Llc Cook Ann P Copeland Shahin M Cornog Dorothy Corsaro Rose Mary Craig James J, Eileen Cranford Barbara B, John R Cresswell Donaldson Crockett Martha J Curtin Sarah M Daniel Chevaughn V Dantonio Pauline M Date Emi, An Davie Gregory Davis James Deagler Tracie A Degrossa Estate Of Delrossi Ernest Denelli Victoria M, Dominic Dennis Annie Dennis Theophilus Diblasi Laura P Dicarlo Philip Dickman Barry Digiacome Lena Digiovanni Helen R Dinh Lan Dip Jg W Direnzo Vera S Distefano Sante J Disylvestro Angeline E, Ralph J Dixon Kenneth R Do Tai Dobron Rose E Donatiello Deborah M, Guy T Donatucci Robertroseanne Donnell Ultan O Donohoe Elizabeth, Kevin Donohue France Higgins Dorsainvil Gerda Dougherty Kevin M Douglass Caroline A Driscoll Andrew S Drucker Linda Drug Public Ds Auto Repair Inc Dube Hannah Dube Thobekani Duffy Evelyn K Dumond Susan Dupler Deborah K Dupont John E Dynasty Orien Furnishing Ecklund Sandra L Edwards Michael J Evans Latisha

Evans Veronica Ezaki Chieko Fabi Mark Fabian Andrew Kenneth, George S Family Dermatology Fanelli Harley Harper Farina Joseph Jr Farmer Susann M Felder Levy Femminello Anthony T Fennelly James P Ferraro Aria L Fetter Marilyn S, John B Firpi Charlene R Fite Mary L Fleming Robert L Foley Suzanne F Forbes Rose A Ford Andre M Ford Pacifico Forrest Tyronda Foundation Scotch Irish Fox Faith Foxman Caroline Fradeneck Helen B Francillon Jean Claude Freeman Belknap Freeman Jasmin M Frorer Peter H Fulton Mary P Future Use Inc Gabe Donald Gabisi Alieu Gail Kemmerer A Galiatsatos Nicholas Gallucci Jennie M Galmore James L Gambrel Anna M Gaspari Claude F Genovese Anthony M Gibson Victoria Gillam Renee, Joel Gillespie Brenda Gilmartin John J, Anne M Ginn Edward Gittleman Leslie F, Jared A Golden Kirtis Gollomp Kandace Goncharoff Andrew J Goodwin Natalie R Gordon Maurice Gorman Michael Gorson Murray S Gould Michael B, Helen B Gouriaberis George Gray Jr J Green Marla Greenough Allen L Greytok Nancy Griggs Rosalind Grubman Jack Grubman Luann Gsi Sitters Hahn Steven H, Declan S, Saoirse Hall Joyce Halpert Michael P, Samuel M Ham Su Jung Hammond Shawna Hamsher C David Hankins Clifton Sr Hannon James J Hannon Mary J Hansford Augustine Haresh Nita Harris Kencia D Harris Michelle Harrison Suzanne B Harry Jr Tr Hart Alfred L Jr Haslett John J Heary James K Heilmann Jeffrey Hemcher Daniel J Est of III Hickey Mary Hickman Mark Hill Juanita M Hinchman Caroline L Ho Un Soo

PGN Hopkins Konrad H Horowitz Steven Horvat Mark Houston Opal A Hovanessian Hagop Jack Hugo Tarquino Humble Robert Hussain Syed Huy Thuong Thuong Huynh Long P Iodice Armand J Est, Anne C Irvin Virginia M, C Bruce Irwin Catherine T Isett Cathryn E, Edward B Islam MD A Islam Shahidul Izzard Josiah Jablowski Louis Jackson Audrey Jackson Hannah Jackson William S Jamal Naghamana James A Fisher Jr Tr James F Mahoney Tr James Felix Jarwood William Jayanthi Raghavendra Jean Antoine M Jeffrey B Mccarron Life Ins Jenkins Eric Jenkins Jeff Jing Zheng Pc Joey S Outback Kritters Jones Ann Jones Geralean Jones Herbert N Jr Jones Latia M Jones Leon Jones Rosa L Jones Sammie L Jose Benitez Joseph Sumanth Joseph T Keenan & Sons Jrs Acquisition Corp Jumper Stacy Kadransky Harry Kaloy Ted Kamara Fanta Kamaratos Mihail Kamens Liz Kante Moriba Kapousidis Vasilios Karalis Alexandra Kassar Sausan E Kathryn G Mccarron Life Ins Katukuri Vinay Kaur Charanjit Kaur Mohinder Kaur Satinder Jeet Kemmerer Gail Kenny John P Keoboupha Phouvieng Kim Jong Ho King Laurabelle, Leo F King James P Kinsey Ayteesha M Kipke Frank Knox Columbus Koeuth Sokha Kopp Jeffrey Kovner Margaret K Kpanquoi Jallah Krishnan Asokan Kurz Shirlyn B Kwok Tsz K Kwon Eun H Kyelem Sibri Lacey Dawn R Lachmann Amy Lalley Edith M Lamb Shanea P Lamprinos Grigorios Landau Elias B, Rose B Landman Ryan W Langill Christopher F Lapenna Anthony G, Ace C Lawrence Robin A Lazzarotti Norma, Frank

Leaman Wilson Leddy John Lee Ernesto A Lee Juu Y Lee Karen Lee Keejoon Lee Willie James Leming George M Jr, Catharine C Lenoir Marguerite M Lewis Mary Ann Lieu Ngoc T Little Flora Lockwood Tony Lodato Gail Logan Virginia Lohner Ronald A MD Lohr John M Jr Lopez Louis J Estate, Linda L Louderback Marian Louis David Louise Mary Lundy Yves Lynch Katherine A Lynch Rona Roy Mackin Mary E Macklin Margaret Estate Magolon April Mahn Constance T Mahoney Isabel J Malkowicz Denise E Manice Alexis C Manley Bradford A Manobah J A Margaret O C Mariner Group Inc Maritsis Varvara Markey Jeanne A Mason Edward M Mastaj Lyn Mathew John Mathew Joseph Matson Robert E Mcandrews Scott R, Joanne Mcanulty John J Mccarron Robert N Mcclatchy John P Mcclintock Roy Jr Mccoy Harry Mccrea John F Jr Mcdaniel Carroll E Mcdonald Stephen Mcglone Francis A Mcgrory Margaret Mcguire Meghan M Mchugh Dorothy M Mchugh John P Mckenney Horace Mckeon Inc Mckimsmith Gridley Mclaughlin Patrick J Mcmackin Francis Mcmahon Mary L Mcneely George Mcnicholas Francis J Mcnicol Miriam Mcpherson Herman Meer Mark W Menson Gloria O Mentor Information Systems Meyer Francis, Mary E Midland Mortgage Company Miller Dawn Miller Ina B Miller Mersya Grickman Minor Timothy Mkelly Lillypulitzer Com Modern Auto Crafters Mongolian Grill 19032 Moorshead Nancy F Mooser Blandine C, Vincent E Morgan Gregory Jr Mosca Edythe M Multiple Benefit Services Inc Muncey David B Jr Murray Karla D Mushriqui Magdi, Triza Myers Jacqueline Nandwani Ajeet

Narkey Genievieve M Natric Neilson Etal Nettles Katherine Nguyen Anh Nguyen Bich V Nguyen Hai T Nguyen Hung T Niklanth Donut Corp Nyenka Ruth Z Och Mary I Oeur Chen Ohl Ethel W Okeefe Francis T, Mabel H Oliai Roseann Orthopaedic Specialitsts Pc Ortolaza Angel Oscar Palencia Osinski Emilie M Osmon Jeannette M Ostroffjohnson Mary Owen Doris L, Carol, Raymond Charles Oyarzun Jose L Jr Padachira Cheriyan Paluszynski Petron Pantaleon Michael Park Nicole Sigmund Park Sang C Parry Daniel Parvin Mst N Paul E Almquist Irr Tr Paulose Salomy E Payne William, Frances Payton Lionel Pearlstein John Pechin Thelma B Peed Hattie Pegler April J Peidl Martin M Pelletreau Dorothy Penugonda Neelima Perdue Steven R Perry Sheila L Peters Mackenzie Anne, Laura Peterson Hannah Brooks, Marian Pfizenmaier Richard Phan Chi Phan Tony Phipps Carolyn C Phoncescreen Pickering Linda A, Jack E Pierciey Benjamin V, David G, Elizabeth A Estate Pierre Marie P Plum Therese Porr Kiki Portner Nicole Prasad Abin Prasad Om Prakash Prater William N Pratt Christopher Pratt Dawn Pressley Joseph Provident Natl Bank Trust Purdy Marie M, Robert Quinn Barbara Rahman Shamim Rainey Loren Rankine Chiovonnie Raza Zulfiqar A Read Howard W Realtime Media Llc Reed Jane Reilly May Revis Andron Richards Rhonda W Richards Robert Riechers Barbara C Riesenfeld Valeri Roberts Ellie Roberts Jessie M Estate Robinson Quamilah Rockwell Margaret B Rogai Marie K Roney Rose M Estate, Edward T Roth Dorothy Royal Leonard, Angel Rubenstein Daniel K

PGN Ruitberg Rachel Ruppel Kathleen O Rush James C Ryan Florence B, John F Ryan Daniel J Saccomandi David Saedi Reza Sakamoto Kanta Saltzburg Lauren Samuel Chimerer Saradan Inc Saritsoglou Haralampus Scanlon Michael J Scarborough Richard L Schilgen Bruce Schmidt Richard G Schoenborn Jane Schreiber Allison R Scotch Irish Foundation Scott Greg Segal Brint Co Llc Segal J Robert Sell James J Sellers Cora Sesay Kandeh W Sgro Victor L Shaheen Abdul G Sharma Anil K Sharma Ashok K Shaw Evadney, Cecil Shaw Simone Sherin Kerry L Sherman Adrienne D Sherman Barry L Sherman Jot Enterprises Shirley Ct Shocket Lysa E Shoop Mark E Shumen Dorothy Merritt Mrs Silver Lake Restaurant Simeone Pasquale Simpson Terena Singh Avtar Singh Balwinder Singh Bhajan Singh Pratibha Singh Ranjit Sinha Rohit Skenderi Mirjana Slaw Edgar Smack Kia Smith Helen Smith Kenneth H Smith Lynda Smith Michael Sn Works Softleigh Asina A Sokan Jeremiah G Solomen Gloria Somers Joseph M, Mary J Spahr Elizabeth N Spatacco Anna M Spina Adams Upper Darby Spivak Herbert A St Rd Builders Supply Co Stachowiak Kris Stankiewicz Catherine P Stansell Robert E Stefanik Joan Stewart Andrea Stone Sally Stonehenge Adv Agent Stymiest Earl Suber D Ann Summit Gardens Apts Sundaram Kuppuswamy S Suny Gregory C Sweeney Mildred D, Daniel E Sykes Marjorie R, Edward D F Tacconelli Jos P Talawally Varney J Tanveer Lamees Tarley Diana Taylor Jc Antique Auto Taylor Samuel H Templeton Josephine J Tesno Janet L Tessler Ezra Saul

Thomas Timothy Thompson Herbert A Thompson James Thorpe James Thottungal Jacob P Tiffan Gerald L Tlili Mariah N Tortorella Helen Rita Touhill Shawn W Tran Luann Tran Xuan Travers Briana Travlos Elli Tucker Cisco Arthurline P Turner William H, Emma M Tzimas Panagiota Uddin Mohammed M Unal Asuman Upper Darby Chiropract Co Valentino Louis III Valer Elizabeth Van Dusen Page Muriel Van Siclen E Vasko Julia Vedder Helen M Venditti Mary Ann Vernon Jeremiah S, Jessy J Vijayakumar Rohit Vogelgesang Donald Waggoner Jason G Wakim Joseph Walker-Williams Lashaya T Wallace Patricia D Wallace Toby J Ward Matthew Waters Michael Sean, Joan Watson Christo Wattmclean Norma Webb Tamika Weber Stephanie K, Karen K Weinstein Eva Westad Rolf E Whaley Wanda S Whatmough Jocelyn H E Whicker Lease White Katrina A Whiterock Elect Inc Williams Cheney S, Julie D, C Cal Wilson Joseph Wintersgill Matthew S Wisehart Delbert E Wood Jason Woody William G Xaysittiphone Lany Yocum Rawle A Yoon Stephanie Younger Timothy Yurchenco John A Zacckey Phyllis V, Gene E Zambo Charles M Zick Mary Lou Zimmer Frederick A, Shirley J Zuccarello Josephine C, Albert S

Montgomery County A 1 Family Dental Care P C A S O Mart Aarikatla B Abbott Diane Abraham Kuruvilla Accellent B W Even Fbp Accu Claim Adjustment Accursio Marsala Acquaviva James R Adamov Victor Adams Marion J Adams Russell Harris Ade Marjorie M Adedokun Muda Adelsberger Anne Adt Security Services Inc Afum Victoria A Estate Agency Partners Insurance Ager Jacquelyn Agnew Jonathan Ahmed Shahid

Alameri Adel Albrecht Robert Albright Chester H Alexander Catherine A Alio Joan Allan Pharmaceutical Llc Alleman Donald L Allen Beth L Allen Thomas Alliance Adjustment Anafi Ron C Anand Chetan Anbalagan Babu Anderson Harriet M Anderson Robert Anderson Stephen Anderson Virginia S Anderson William R Andrews Sam Andrews Samuel D Jr Angel Abstract Services Llc Anson Fontana Angelita Arendasky Kay Arnold Ross J Arpajian Allan F Ashley Thomas Ashraf Meer M Assaf Marllely Associated Pediatric Dental Specialists Athena Diagnostics Atwell Denise Awbrey Lee B B S Autobody Inc Baber Nickolas H Bachman Jeanne M Bachrach Lynn Bad Dogs Bone Yard Baer Mandy Bahauddin Bailey Colleen M Bailey Dorothy Ann Baker William E, Lois D Baker Harold W Baker Sarah Genevieve Balint Timothy James Ballard Sara Balloge Arlene F Balmer Jessica M Banks Barbara R Banks Paula Bannan M, D Baquero Ashley Brian Barbera L Stewart Barcaro Eugene B Barker Roslyn Glass Barone Carl J Baroski Margaret Barrett Mark S Barrett Naomi N Barsky Neil J Bartle Marie R Bartol Shana Batchelor Elizabeth Battey Jane Patricia Battista Matthew J Baum Stanley D Baxter Scott Bazemore Robert B Bean Glynis Beas Pauline J Bechtel James A Beck Karen P Beckett Alphonsus Beckett Mary C Bedoya Felipe Behlert Joseph, Rose M Beideman Dorothy J, Samantha Bell Christopher Beller Paul S Beres Paula Estate Berger Jessica Berger Joan E Bergeys Collision Center of Lansdale Bergeys Lincoln Mercury Inc Bern Shannon Bernhardt Eric E Beyerle Richard H, Jean M Bhatt Deepak

Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Bhowmik Pronab Biddle Craig L Biglin Kathleen Birkmire Harvey E Birmingham Kathleen E, Joseph T Birster Margaret S Bischoff Megan F Bisciotti Joseph N Jr Bishop Scott W Blakely Alice E Blau Holly Marie Block Leonard, Sylvia Bloom Stefanie J Ms Boccella Elizabeth R Bogner Bessie M Bogra Vivek A Bohrer Marie Bolger Mary Lou, Robert Bonenberger Matthew W Bono William C Bono William C Sr Bosack-Weinrich Elizabeth Bose Tokon Bostick Stanley Bouboulis Ernest Boutcher Diamond Investments Bowers Children Trust Bowers Jean Bowers Paul MD Bowyer James F Braccia Kimberly Anne, Domenick Braddock Rasheen Bradley Coleman G, P, Jake J Bradley Andrew Bradley Cordelia Bradley Emma R Brady Thomas Braid Naomi Brand Robert Brennan Ruth S Breucker Martin Brothers Colavita S Brown Ian Brown Joan V Brown Michael J Brugger Craig F Bruno Douglas J Brunswick Joan Buckley Min Ki Buell Bruce G Buerger Alan H Buerger Constance Bulanhagui Edgard Bunks Albert Burke Craig A Burstein Sheila Sussman, Andrew Todd Burton Beverly B Buten Christopher Butler Devin J Byer Rachel, Carol Caffey Eva Caikoski Frank Calderone Rosaria Callahan Mary Faith Callahan Mary T Callahan Patrick Camarillo Amanda Campbell Audrey L Campbell Gordon C Canavan Katherine M Cannon Florence M, Alfonso Cannon Donald Cantor Harriet T Capers William Care Mildred C Carnahan Elbert R, Virginia Carnahan Virginia S Carpenter Darrell W Jr Carr Catherine Carrigan Thomas J Jr Carroll Margaretann M Carroll Suzanne Carstens Natalie Anne Carter Matson Carter Sonya Castellanos Diego A Catalano Joan Cataldi Mary

Cavarretta Frank Cbre Gws Llc Cech Lawrence J Central Montgomery Derm Assoc Century Properties Mgt Chambers Joanne Chambers Michael Charles Scwhab & Co Chaudhary Archana, Ajai K Chen Ruiqing Chen Ze Cheng Yi Chesterman Alice B Chevoor David P Chiccarella Philip D Chieffo Daniel M Chiminello Bowyer Heather Chin Brenton H Cho Chang H Cho Han N Choi Chang, Cathy Choi Ji Hyun Chougle Mubin Rehmatulla Chowdhury Taposh Christine Ellis Ira 1/2/96 Christmas David D Chughtai Mohammad A Chung Sae Young Cikanovich Eddie J Cipriano Lillian F Cirafesizielinski Barbara A Clark David M Clark Edward Jr Clark Ethel B Clark Joseph C Clark Mary Y Ttee Clay Alvin A Clemens Jacob R Cline Raymond A Jr, Margaret I Clunk Eleanor K Clyman Florence R Cmr Llc Cms Jv Partners Inc Cms Stonebridge Llc Coates Lawrence, Mary Coffey Bettie L Est Cohen Bruce A Cohen Joshua Colantonio Mark Cole Karen Coleman Chandler Collins Kathleen Collision Whitemarsh Colon Hector Comstar Supply Inc Conicelli Body Shop Connelly John P III Connelly Joseph C Jr Conner George Conner Michelle Connolly Joyce Consolidated Services Group I Conti Frederic Joseph Cook Francis, Harvey Cook Russell A, Naomi G Coope Roy A Cooper Garey S Cooper William Corbman Martin W, Leona Coren Benjamin L Corrado Valerie Costello Bros and Brady Inc Cotlar Leonard Courduff Brian Cox Nina Coy Peter Coyle Francis T Coyne Colette Craig Lindsay Jane, Jane E Cressman Allen G Jr Crimmins Diane M Crowley Kathleen T, Edward V Crown Contractors Inc Crowther Marie G Cruice Jennifer M Cubberley Walter A Cuff Alberta D Cuff Alfred B



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Cuff Coree I Cunningham Jacqueline Curcio Marcella M Curtis Morgan Cusack Janet T Estate Custom Audio Cyhan Natalie A Czarnecki Walter V Jr, Walter III, Ann V D Lauro Alana Dae Auto Care Inc Daiber June M Daiter Irma Daly Charles, Adele Daly Jerry Dangelo Gregory J Daniel J Ciabattoni Inc Daniello Nicholas Daniels Katorra V Dash William H Jr Dave Steele David Sale Memorial Fund Davidson Louise Davis Associates, Milton H Davis Dorothy M Davis Johnny Davis Matthew A Davis S Brett Davis Shawn N Davis Simone A Deacedo Salvador Sanz, Alvaro Sanz Dean Tyrone Debias Bernadette Defrancesco Celesta M Deitz Carrie Delancey Michael P Delans Darwin D Delgado Charleszetta Jr, Hector Jr Delgado Charleszet A Demarco Andrew D Demme Joan E Dennett Dolores M Depaul Francis Derr Albert J Design Llc Detwiler Marian A Dharmapal Vishwanatha Diamantis Beth Diamond Lee Dickerson Cynthia L Dickmann Maryann, Anton Dieffenderfer Paul F Dietz Thomas Derek Digiallorenzo David P Digirolamo Dominique Digiulio Susan Dijoseph Dorothy Dilegge Anna Maria, Peter Dillon Catherine C Dimpter Joseph J Dingman William Dinh Cuong Dinski Denise Ann, Jeffrey J, Mary Lee, Scott V Diprospero Anthony A Dns Wireless Llc Doakley A V Sis Dolan Daniel C Dolewa Eugene Domingo Leopoldo, Leticia Domingo Holly Domm Lois L Donovan Cathy Dorothy W Lang Trust Ua May 28 86 Dotto Monica H Double Happyness Travel Inc Douglas Alan B Douris Wendy Dover Kevin Doyle Lawrence Dubeck Jeffrey J Ducat Laurence A Duffy Joann M Duffy Mary M Dugan Harry Duprey Joel Duval Phil Ea Diana Ebert Annabel A

Eckart Arbic Theresa L Eckert Frank, Emily Eckert Lawrence H, Arlene B Eckman Paul Eckstrom John Edelson Debra J, Hal S Edmondson Bruce Edmund J Malak Eicholtz Linda Lee El Bawi Si Mohamed Elliott Laurence Elliott Lewis H Ellison Ike B Elsten James A Emergency Care Svcs of NJ Emerson Daryl Emstat Health Services Inc Eneanya Englebrake Jon J Enterprise Business Epicurean Feast Teva Pharmac Epstein Jared R, Jay Epstein Steven T Erwin D Cummings Fidelity Ira Eunice F Jorovsky Revocable Trust Evans Juliann Evans Sophia W Ewaniciw Donna J Ewing Allen Fairy Tooth Fanaro Ernest P Fanelli James Farina Joseph J Farley Kimberly A Farrell Edith M Faschetti Linda Fayette Kimberly, Gerald Fazzolari Nicholas M III, Nicholas M IV Fce Llc Feitelson Lee A Feldenheimer Margaret M, Melvin S Feldman Arthur Michael, Susan B Feliciano Providencio G Jr Fernandez Kenneth D Ferrari Carolyn C, William E Fink Kenneth Steward, Jane Finkelston John Firdaus Dave Fischer Joseph F Fischer Norma Fisfis Peter N, Diane F Fisher Suzanne Fishman Elinda B Fitzgerald Elva M Fitzpatrick Suzanne Fleischman Kenneth A Fleming Dolores R Flint Carolyn A Florio Carmela Flowers Kevin B Flynn Dawn E Fogel Jack III, Michael Foley James J Fontana Mary E Fonzo Sebastian Ford Ann M Forman Grace Forman Jerome Fox Gregory W, Lynn T Fox Kelly J, Brian H Frank Chris Frank Robin Franklin Linda A Franks William H Jr, Dorothy Frazer Glenn Freeman Daniel R Jr Fridkin Lorraine Mrs Fry Eva W Fuller Richard F, Lourdes C Fullman Tamara Funchion John F Fung Wing Yee Funk Aiyana Furlan Patricia Furmanets Andrey Gadson Fatima Gadson Joy R Gaitan Margoth

PGN Gallagher Eleanor Gallagher Michael J Gallo Margaret Estate Gannon James Francis Esq Garbutt Michael James Garcia Susan M, Robert Garis Stefani Garner Amylynn F Garoppo Elizabeth D Garrison Alverta Gault Lisa A Geary Julie Geddes Sara T Gehman Paul Robert Jr Geiges Laura Gelo Francine Gentilotti Gerald George Stuart M Gerald Shirley M, Edward H Gerald Shirley W Gerhardt Laurence J, Joseph Germes Stephanie Getson Jerilyn G Getty Ethel S Gibb Helen L Gillan Beverly A Gillan Martin M Gillespie Brenda D Gilman Janet S Giterman Arthur Gladulich Elizabeth, Mark Glaxosmithkline Inc Glick Seth Global Express Medical Supplies Llc Globalshopnow Glomb John Gobeler Patricia A Gold Lynne Golden Krista Goldsmith Blance, Moe Goldstone Alan H Gollhofer Margaret, William Gomez Ferdinand, Mary R Gongora Jessica Gonzalez Aureliano, Lydia Good Menno E Gordon Elizabeth L Gordon Judith Gordon Marlyn W Gordon Victor Gorman Edward, Mary Gorman Tina C Mrs Gorni John A Gottschalk Richard M Estate Gould Theresa A Graham Janet R Grand Sport Auto Body Grant Kevin Graul Charles W Greco Charles Edward Greco Timothy M Greco Victoria Greco William L Green Josephine Greene Leonard S Cust, Jeffrey M Ugma Greenhill Paul Klieman Gregor Kimberly A, Kelly Grimm Stefan K Groff David Grous N Guarini Josephine, Joseph Gubernick Claire Estate Guimond Joseph A, Ruth B Guirguis Nassef Guitelzon Iossif Gum W R Gupta Ridhima Guyer Jesse Haasz Mary M Hadwa Jamileh A Haenn Joseph Hafter Florence D Hagerty Marie Therese Haines Robert M Hajdinak Stephen Haley Robert J Hall Richard R, Joyce E Hall Joseph E

Hall Thomas B Halpern Joshua Hamid Ayesha Hammer Kenneth Han Sang J Hans Eric S Hansberry James Kelly, Mary Hansen Debra A Adm Harbaugh David Harman Robert A Harris Janice M, Glenn E Harris Donald J Harris Vernon Hart Madison Hart Virginia L Hartigan Wendy Hartman Evelyn M, Frank M Hartman Joseph E Jr, Cleora E Hartzell Sarah Harvie Jo Ann M Harz Margaret W Hasty Jesse D Haug Mary K Hauptfuhrer Barbara Barnes Havron Rose Florio Hawryluk Joan Hayes George C Hayes Richard Healthanswers Education Inc Heathland Hospitality Group Lp Hecker Jeanne B Heemyung Seo Hegedul H Lilliam Estate Heinzmann Christian Heller Lewis Hendricks Robin Hennessy Jamie Michael, Linda Henry Hugh M Jr, Sherry L Henry Gregory Henry Hugh M Hepburn Jean W Hepp Robert E, Cindy A Hernandez Maribel MD Hertzog Charles F Hess Samuel H Hewitt Elizabeth K Higgins Mary Higley Mary G Hill Christine, Coleen E Hill Brad Hill Lisa A Hilton Lily M Himmelstein Lena Hoban Margaret E Hobson Devon H Hodge Lindsay Hoffman Benjamin, Megan Hoffman Larry R Estate Hoffman Matthew W Hogg Ian Holden Paul D, Betty J Hollister Paul A Home Visit Doctors Hong Sungnam Honowitz M Hontz Doris C Hontz Helen Hope Rising Child Learning Center Hopkinson Vibeke L Horak Daniel A House C K Houser Stephanie A Howe Jesse P Howlader Mohammed N Hoyt George J Hozlock Dave Hudoka Deborah A Huff John A Hughes Cheryl Humenick Erdie M, John M Hummel Theresa Hunsberger Mary E Hunsicker Elizabeth Ann Huntingdon Valley Club Condominium Owner Hurlock Charles A, Mary S Hutchinson Matthew Hutnyk Michelle

Hybrid Heating Hyczko Jeanne M Ibbetson Gwendolyn Ickes Margaret F, Charles D Ide Hirmoi Ifkovitz Anna Illari Mary P Imedecs Inc Imms Joanne Imperato Nino B In Natavade Khli In Pattraporn Khli Inc Quest Diagnostics Indoor Air Quality Solutions Infante Eleanor Informed Diagnostics Inc Ingle Manish E Ingram William J Estate Innes James Innis Thomas R, Janet L Inter County Agency Inc Interpretive Neurodiagnostics Pc Ireland Charles Irvine Bonnie J Isaac Jaisy J L Freed and Sons I Jackson Ethel Jacobs Gladys Jacobs Glenn R Jr Jacobson Roberta Jaffke Jessica James Parra Jansch Ernest A Jenkins Elmer C Adm Jernigan Lisa A Jewell Arthur M Jewell Clifford Johnson Controls Inc Johnson Elliott B Johnson Eva N Johnson Jesse W Johnson Tiana Johnson William Johnston Justine Jones Barbara G Jones John Jones Nancy C Jorovsky Eunice F, Samuel R Jose Escamilla Joseph Charlesworth C L, Linda C Joseph Norma Joshi Samir S Joyce Julia M Juncosa Marcia Kacher Evelyn F Kaczmarczik Helen, Paul Kahler Lisa M Kahn Joseph, Hilda Kalman Mary Ann Kande Financial Llc Kandil Amany N Kane Dawn L Kanner Seth Kaplan Elissa B Kaplan Mitchell A Karabell Leonard P Kariofillis C D Katz Joel Katz Majorie Katz Samuel Kaufman Rose C Kay John David Kazmierczak Susan Kb Global Fund Llc Keane Thomas F, Helene M Keane Kevin Keane Stephen D Keirsey Barbara M Kelleher Colin Keller Judith A Kelley Colleen A Kelley Laura E Kelly Jennifer Kelly Jim Kelly Kristi L Kelly Robert J Kemmerling Joseph R Kemp Richard D

PGN Kennedy Linda M Kenney Kathleen Marie Mrs, James Richard Kernitz Barbara S Kerns Pearlste Onorato & Hladik Kerr Courtenay M, Paul M Kessler Dental Keszler Kimberly Khemdy Maniphet Khliin Chettha Khosla Anu Ki Woo Jong Kihle Layne Killeen Robyn Kim Gyeong, Young Kim Richard H Ugma, Sam Cust Kim Shin H, Byung Kim Yong Soon, Young Yim, Chan Soo, Joung H Kim Eun Kim Hee Joon Kim Hope Kim Jong S Kim Jung Hi Kim Kwi W Kim Myung S Kim Yong C Kimmel Murray H, Dolores T King Charles C King Smith Mary E Kirk Daniel P Kleaver Helen B Kleckner Chris J Klein Abraham Klenzoid Inc Kline Jerome Kly Minh Knight Beverly R Knight Helen H Knightbrook Insurance Knorr Robert Ko Myung Sook Kolar David Kolb Dorothy I, Harry H Koll Mildred Konefsky Albert Konstantis Nicholas Koolpe Louis Koshney James Krain Pearl Krajcirovic Thomas P II Kralick Melissa Kramer Lauren Kratchman Frederick, Helene M Kraus Frederick J Krause Marilyn Kravitz Gloria T Kretschman Berniece G Kriebel Leidy S Kril Adrian W, Larissa Kuehnle George W Kulp Nicole Lynn Kurth Dorothy M Kvint Michael Kwonyoon Myunghee Kypreos Antonios K L Francisco C Lafferty Ann Lagutkina Maria Lamb David C, Nina Landis Mark E Lang Dorothy W Lange Elizabeth M, A Quintin Lanigan Tiffany Lansdale Warehouse Co Inc Lanzilotta Paul Lapp & Alderfer Inc Larkin Thomas E Jr, Kathleen Lasstella Cheryl Lattanzi John Laughead Kim Law Robert W Jr Lawrence Jody Layman Mary T Lear Stephanie L Leary Thomas Leavey May B Estate Leckrone John W Lee Chang

Lee Che Lee Hyun Lee Kin Regan S Lee Kyeng Y Lee Mal S Lee Michele Lee Myung Hee Leger Alice M Lemole Christopher Lenhart Nicole Lennon Booker Keyyona L Leonetti Robert J, Mary T Leonhardt Danielle Leonhardt Kate Lerro Christopher Lester Ronald M Leutwyler Margaret Leva Virginia K Estate Levin Gabrielle J, Eric J Levin Kurt M Estate Levin I Howard MD Levine Wendy Lewis Constance D Lg Financial Consultants Li Ruth W Li Yongchao Libier Caresse Library Video Company Lichtenstein Morris, Allen Life Star Medical Transport Llc Linda Hart Linder James R Lindsay Gerald Lipman Eric P Lips Juice Lipsett Rosemarie B Litvin Kerry I Local Internet Traff Dba 1seo Com Lois Gindlesperger Revoc Tr London Holdings Llc Long Carol Lord Ruth A Loscalzo Christopher M Lou Jennifer Lu Kevin D Lucchesi Rita Luce Jane C Lupin Steven H Esq Lutz Clinton, Ruth Ly Due Lynet Edward J III Macadams Irene A Macdonald Thomas A Macfarland Mary Madden Edward J Madorma Jamie Madresh Marjorie Mahan Geraldine Main Line Health Center Collegeville Mainline Health Maki Man Sushi Malatesta Beatrice S, Carl C Maldonado Vicente Malikkal Jacob P Mangat Prabhjot Mangum Glen Manhart Olga Estate Manne Carly A Manzione Marc MD Facs Maranoff Marlee, Lisa, Beth Marberger Grace L Marchesani Michael Marcolina Gilliano Andrew Thomas Margolius Max Reimer Marino Giuseppe Marino Pat Markmann William J MD Marlos Florence D, Simon N Marsella Tracey L Martella Christopher Martin Robert Martinez Alba E Mashambanhaka Danford T Massack T Masucci Peter A, Velia C Masucci Peter N Mather Elizabeth F Mauger Andrea, Curtis

Maxey James L Maxfield Mary Ann Mayer Joseph Mcadoo Callie M Mcaleer Shawn J Mcandrew Michelle Mccauley Kate Mcconnell William A, Alec W Mcdonald James J, Helen M Mcdonald Eugene J Mcdonald Jacquline M Mcdonald Michael Estate Mcdonald Thomas M Mcdowell Florence Estate, Louis F Mcgill Mary E Mcginness Shawn Mcgoldrick Melanie J Mchale Marie Mchale Padraic J Mckemey Brian Mckenna Maryanne Mckenna Robert J Mckenzie Micheal M Mckeon Joseph A Mclaughlin Noah Peter, Beverly G, Thomas Edward Mclaughlin Rhonda Ms Mclean Sevion D Mcparland Joseph Mcpeak Vincent J, Cecelia MD Tr Medaglia Chilcote Jen Meeley Mary E Estate, Thomas C Meldrum Reda A Melissa Shaughnessy Trustee Uat Date Mellon Certified Restoration Mendoza Green Robin Merck Sharp Dohme Corp Merklinger Helen E Mermelstein Benjamin I, Jules J Merriweather Jason Messina Bruce W Michael Dooley J Michalski Laurie A Mickle Samuel C Mid Atlantic Retina Mignatti Theophile J Jr Miletto Lucy Milewski Kimberly Miller Sebsatian Bw, Wilbert S Miller Stanley C, Marilyn A Miller Wilbert S, Caspar S Miller David Miller David C Miller Marilyn Miller Penney Mitchell Margaret D Mms International Lt Moffly William Mohiuddin Manzoor N Money James Montgomery Mall Montgomery Margaret Y Monzo Francis J Mooney Joseph P Moore Lewis A Mora Cecelia Moreland Business Park Inc Morey Barbara A, John H Jr Morgan John M Morgan Jr DPM George H Morgan Kurt D Morin Miller C Morini Judy C Morrison Roderick A, Roberta H Moser S Mosner Maya Mosner Rachel Motson Charles T Jr Moyer Griffiths Catherine Moyer John Moyer Titus W Moynihan Kimberly Msd Fcu Tr Mueller Bernadette Mueller Kent Mukherjee Swapna Mullen Kathleen

Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Mullen Penny E Mullin James Multiflow Murawsky Melissa, Nathan Murphy Edward Murphy Lauren Murphy Paul Murray Douglas Murray Joyce J Murray Sheryl L Mutt Match Myers Herbert Nace Charles L Nadobenko Dmitry Nantista Lucian P Nast Vickie, Colin Natl Hemophilia Fdn of De Val Neiman Robert H Nelson Kevin Nenner Charles S Nettles Allyson M Neubauer Dann, Ruth New York Entertainment Newell Joseph F Newman Monique M Newton Keith Estate Nice William U, Eileen B Nichols Leroy Nichols Mcadoo Mary Niedzielski Bruno J Nikpour Rana Noga Thomas J Jr Nolan Elizabeth Nordlinger Jennie W, I F Norris Janet A North Penn Surgical Associates North Penn Transfer Inc Pension Plan Novacare Rehabilitation Nowroozi Rastin Dubose, Marian M Nrnncca Nusbaum Linda Oberholtzer Elizabeth F, Harold W Obrien Joan M Obrien Kevin T Obrien Sean T Oconnor Martin Odero Dennis Odhner Anthony, Mary L O’donnell John R Ogunkoya Oluwase J Oh Won S Okane Kathleen Olimpo Christopher D Omalley Sibyl Julia Oppmann Frederick Oreilly Robert F Orlemann Henry P III, Doris G Ortutay Patricia A Oscar Mark Oskin Timothy P Ott Elmer H Jr Owens Daniel L Oxenham Mitzie Packagingprogressionsinc Pahides Helene, Gus P Pak Stephenny J Palantino Joseph Di Paraschina Ellen Parekh Chandrakan Parisi Anna G Park Alice Hyun Joo Park and Associates Park Andrew Park Charles Park Mi Young Park Sang Min Park Young K Parker Charles Pastor Jon Patane Maurice W Patel Gita A Patel Kunal Patel Mayur Patel Premkumari Patel Priya Patlolla Vijaya B Patrick Genevieve E, Julia E Sis Paul Lawrence

Pearson Stanley, Gail Peddapaidi Srujan Pellechio Richard Pellegrino Mary D Pena Stephen M Penn Stat Inc Penner Regina, Peter Percetti John J Perelman Jewish Day Performance Lighting Perry Lafonsa G Pershing Llc Ira Rollover Perspective Consulting Inc Peterkin Gwendolyn Petrillo Bruno Pettit Bernard F Pfeiffer Bernie J, Erin M Pham Ann Phifer Frank Philip Anna Philips John Phillips Aidan Pierre Damascene L Pinecrest Policastro Chuck Poling Kevin Ray Pomerantz Mary Pompilio Rosalie Porch Geraldine Portman Tatyana, Michael Posner Daniel A Potts Barbara Anne Pouncy Angela A Pouncy Robert L Powell Elliot D Ppbna Pregler Rachel Prendergast Marlene, Ma Pricespective Llc Prince Richard Princeton Resource Associates Inc Pringle Thomas Pringle Yuri Proetto William Estate Professional Abstract Assurance Provider Services Pruss Paul Jr Pugliese Anthony N Punchard Chad R Q Business Source Quaker Coffee Company Quest Diagnostics Inc R A Industries Inc R M Penyak Company R M Rose Appraisal Services In Radice Lynn Rahns Construction Material Company Rajamanickam Somasundaram S Ralph Thomas Est Raman Santhanam Ramanathan Senthil K Ramapurathu Saju Rame David Y Ramos Kristen I Rand Spencer Randazzo Joseph A Randelman Kenneth Randolph Barbara H Randolph Delores Rankin William Rauch Michael S Ravi Supritha Reading Collision Center Reaves Walter Reed Jocelin A Reider J Patrick Reigart Lisa Reimer Michele Reiser Victoria Reji Annamma Remick Michael J, Patricia Residence Inn Philadelphia Montgomery Rheiner Rosemary, David Rhoads Industries Richards Rita G Richardson Susan Rickert Stanley P Riddle Theresa



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Riemenschneider Insurance# Rigdon Gregory Riling Joseph R Rines Samuel Ritchey Robert W Jr Rivera Alger Rizzo Anna Robb Rodney D Roberts Dennis H Robinson Ronald P, Michelle Robinson Darlene M Robinson Dionne M Robinson Graig Robinson Mark A Robinson Renee Roden Anne Rodriguez Joseph M Roe Lacey Rogacz Elizabeth, Kristi Roho Maarifa M Rosario Franciso Rose Dina Blady Trust Rose Tree Medical Associates Llc Rosenberg Donald M Rosenberg Samantha Rosenberger Carroll Rosengarten Todd F Rosenwald Priscilla Rossi Mary G Rotenberg Lois J Roth Lisa Roth Mariam E Rothenberg Sheila Rowan Sheila M, Maria Rudakevich Jarema Ruiz Jose Garcia Rupp Julie Rush Thomas Sr, Irene L Rush William Russell French Kathryn L Estate S Morantz Inc Sabol Jaclyn Sach Walter S Sadchaouche Farida Sakers Frances Sakthi Peetam of America Salemno Kathleen E, Steven T Samuel R Jorovsky Trust 10 29 97 Sando Nancy Sandoval Moises Santiago Rene S Satashia Bhavesha Scattone Ashlee R Schaeffer Nathaniel, Ida Solow Schaffel Jessica R, Edye G Schaffer Mark A Schemm Carolyn M Scheuerman F A Schlachta Eric Estate Schlosser Callie G Schmidt Frances M Schmidt Paul J Schmieg Nathaniel D Schuchman Jerry Mr Schultz M Barry, Ruth Schwartz Daniel A Schwenk Jonathan Schwille Stephen G, M R Scott Delores Secoda Michael Seery Thomas A, Mae M Seifert George H III Seraphin John M Seweryn Edwin Justin Shalitta Robert Shane Frank A Shaner Gloria Shanks Scott E Shapin Sidney Shaughnessy Melissa Shaughnessy Moira S Shelanski Samuel Shellenberger Ethel A Sher Yanna Sherburne Christine Sherman Barry Lee Shieh Abraham J, Anita Cl Shilling Anna

Shima Shamsun Shin Bong H Shin Bong Hee Shipping N Essentials Shirley M Doak Living Trust Sidorick Dante M Sidorick Jeanne Silber Dracia B Siliquini Christopher Silver Herb R Silverman Elliott J, Rose Simon Christine, Peter Simon Matthew L Simplice Paul Simpson Frances L Simpson Jared Singleton Samuel Slane Raymond Small Vincent Anne Smith Charles C Jr Smith Crystal Smith Enos W Jr Smith Janice H Smith Jeanette Smith Keith Smith Patricia Smith Renee Forrest Smith Shelley Smith Tiffany M Smith William R Smolen Marguerite Snell Jeanne Snethen Janice M Snowden Michael R Snyder Nicole G, Mark W Sobel Matthew, Nina Sohn Chang Hak Solorzano Leobaldo Son Joon, Sung Song Fei Hong Soueidan Maj M Soule Susan A Spectrum Food Brokers Inc Profit Sharing Spence Nicholas Spencer Stephen C Spolitino Fred R Jr Spotts Donna Spurgeon Robert Spurio Dane Stadler Debra Stakias Despina, John D Stancu Paul Stanley Christopher Starblazers Inc Stark Camille M Starling Shelly Starr Emily Stavorski Sara Jayne, John M Steele Greta R Stein Harry B, Sylvia Stein Harry Steinbach John E Steinberg Esther Stendal Marguerite Stephens Lonnie Stephens William S III Sterling Craig E Stevenson Alice, Russ Stewart George Jr Sticco Jana L Stiles Anita, Dean Stofka Marleen Stoler Sharon Stoll Lauren Leah Stoltzfus Gary Stone Thomas W, Eric B Stone Matthew C Stone Thomas J Stoner Andrew M Strahan Estha Straka Nancy Estate Straka Paul J Strock Brent Stroj Peter Strom Abigayle R Strom Sarah L Stuart Joseph Steven, Jonathan T Subramanian Bhavani

PGN Sulaiman Kamal Sun East Traders Llc Sung Nak Hoon Suozzo Joseph Sutrynowicz Alice Estate Sutton Mackenzie T, Sherry L Sutton Drema J Svoboda Caitlin Mary Swain Charles Swartwood Kevin Syrena Collision Tackett Lydia Schiavo Taggart Robert J Jr, Harriet M Taggart Warren Taing Melissa Tal Propertys Talarico Irene C Tannenbaum Annette Tanner Rita Tao Tao Taraborelli Varano Guerrina Taramoore Consulting Tarbiat Arefeh Taunt Ruth H Taylor Gertrude, Leonard Taylor Dorothy Taylor Marion B Techner Lee Teel Kristy M Tek Id Inc Tel Dat Communications Telecomm Elec Telyatnikov Vadim Terrill Dennis J Teva Neuroscience Incorpo Thomas Shari, Ruby Thomas A G Thomas A Gwendolyn Thomas Alex Thomas Marvin Tracey Thompson Michael Thomson Scott W, Susan Thoomkuzhiyil Molly Thumma Joseph Thungstrom Eric A Thuy Hoang Natalie D Tilli Seth J Tinsley Steven C Titus Sara Tobon Catalina Toledo Loretta Tolin Adam Tolmie Emma B Toneatti Aurora Top Wireless Inc Torrance Jack Toth Brooke Towns Robert Townsend Barbara E, David W Trakofler Paul G Tran Cindy Trickett Isaiah Tripp Jr Larry A Trivedy Satyen Troncelliti Law Associates Iolta Trumbauer Deborah A Truong Mai N Trustees Tsao Yun L Tulio Louisemarie Tumelty Denise D Turner Catherine E Turosinski Mark R Tuthill Donald E U T D 4 19 96 Leonard Katz Ins Trust Ua 06-Sep-95 Roderick A Morrison Living Trust Ua 12 18 92 Florio Family Trust Ua 8 31 93 Abraham Klein Living Trust Umberger Shaun Umile Theresa Estate Uphs Presbyterian Medical Grp Upright Henry Usbii Vadodaria Rupa Vahey Joseph V Valenteen Eileen L Valera Maria L

Vanfossen Timothy Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Varieur Doris Varley Brian Varrese Murray T Vazquez Rafael A Veit Herman C Velazquez Nestor J Vending Rake Vesey Kaitlin Vezzosi Thomas J Estate Villanueva Jack Villeneuve Danny Viruet Lynda S Visteon Corporation Vitelli Quinton C Vogety Sasidhar Volinsky Ethel Volinsky Samuel Vondrach Taylor Joan Estate Voorhees Garret S Vorobec Jaroslav Wachs Frances, David Wackerman Austin C Wackernagel Donald C, Joan S Wade William Wagens Laura Walker Katherine, John C Walker Virginia Walker Walter R Walker William J Walpert Jean D Walter L Cooper Jr Ira Waltrich Mary E Estate Wang Eric Wang Hong Ward Michael M Wasserman Joseph, Celia Wasserman Herbert S Wasserman Ronald Watanabe Mayu Watson Angela Watson Jamir Watts Deborah Weatherup Caleigh R, Mark P Weaver Laurie Weichert Co of Pennsylvania Inc Weidemann Joan M, Abel Weintraub Howard, Lee B Weiss Donna Welsh E Welsh Edna J Welsh Henry C Wentz Karen S Werner Ashley Elizabeth West Sylvia Westburne Supply Inc Wexler Lance Wfr Group Llc Whalen And Company Inc Wheeler Caroline, Kevin Whelan Aubrey Whiting Alexander Whiting Phylis Wilcox Fry James Mark Wilkerson Robert J Willard Helen E William J Markmann MD Willing Jack Wilson James D Wilson John Wilson Robert Winokur Marsha Wisnosky Ann Wojciechowicz Joseph P Wojke Thomas L Wolfberg Sarah H, Toby Wolfson Linda Wolsky Adrienne, John Wong Mary Woods Robert B Worth Lois L Wright John Wrightriggins Aidsand, Betty Wyndmoor Care Center Llc Wynnewood Automotive Wynter Lloyd Estate Yanni Jaclyn

Yeo Bok Young Yi Bang O Yoast John S III Yoo Jin S Yoon Kyungsun York Alexander Evans York Jonathan Evans Young Arabella Young Rebbeca Yuxuan Wang Zabor Edmund F, Clara H Zager Angela Zaitsev Alexander Zakian Lucy Zal Alice J Zelner Edward C, Marie A Zendt George B Zhu Jialin Zielinski Tecla Tillie Ms Zilberg Aneta Zinelli Jenna M Zink William H Est Ziv Goldstein Roberta Zolten Betty Estate Zuckerman Paul Zwicker Joy L

Philadelphia County 100 W Oxford St Partners 107 Callowhill Street Lp 1109 Walnut Associates 1514 Chestnut Street Association 17th and Wood Llc 1812 Spruce Lp 20 Corporate Ctr 209 13 Shurs Lane Associates 213t Associates Llc 296 Tennis Court Llc 300 Delaware Avenue 30th Street Ltd Lp 326 S 19th Rittenhouse Corp 3d Hospitality Llc 5 Star Dentistry 525 Carpenter Street Asso 8th St Pharmacy Llc 920 Market Street Llc 920 Montgomery Associates 941 N 26th Street Lp A & I Fashcon Inc A R A Service Abacus Management Inc Abbi Heart El Rah Abbott Lassale Abdelkerim Mohammed Abdul Hadi Eritrea Abdul Nabi Anwar Abdul Rahman Nashid Q Abdullah Alrubaian Abdurraheem Naima T Abernathy Pauline M Abrams Linda J Abreu Kathrine Abu Hijleh Duaa Ac Reproduction Acciavatti Louis Acharya Ravi V Adam Neiman M Adamo Derrick D Adamo Rose Adams Alice Adams Carl Adams Desiree Adams Doug Adams Sean Adams Victor Adams Wilbert L Addison Yulonda Adegbile Samuel Adeleye Shannon Adelis Walter D, Mary Ann Adelizzi Maria Adler Viola Admiral Sabrina M Adult Congenital Heart Association Adult Day Care Advanced Dental Designs

PGN Aecom Technical Services Aecom Usa Inc Afanador Jameson Aftra Agnes Continuing Care Center Aguilar Alejandro F Aguilar Edward A Agustina Margaret Ah Kim Ahmad Faisal Ahmad Mohammad Ahn Jaimo MD Ai Yu Zhang dba Imperial Chinese Aida Coleman B Aisikow Frances Akhil Chopra MD Akira Nishisaki MD Akiyama Hiromi Al Ahbabi Saeed S Al Junaibi Ahmed Alansari Khalid Albakri A Albarouki Omar Alberda Marie Julie Alexander Cheryl Alexander Harriet D Estate Alexander Jacob Alexander Monique Alexander Saddie Alghadir Sultan Salem Ali Ahmed A Ali Bibi Z Ali H Ammatullah Ali Hadiyyah A Ali Nawab Alice Rouse Donaldson Self Help Alix Christine Alkaabi Fahad, Noura Allan Domb Real Estate Allen George W, Eloise D Allen Angela D Allen Billy R Allen Gloria Allen Lucia L Allen Mark D Adm Allen Marvin R Alleyne Lorenzo L Allgood Siobhan M Alliance Consulting Almendariz Cristian Alothaim Faisal Alpert Craig Alpha Epsilon Pi D Alrajhi Abdulmohsin Alrayls Mohamed Alromaihi Bothayna A Alsalem Aala O Alsbrooks Quentin T Alsop Tyreesa T Alston Nazarene, Samuel Alston Alson Altman Craig A Esq Alvarado Chlouie Alvarado Zelma Alyahya Khatema Amamark Amaury Normand Ambrefe John Amdc Inc Ameri Health Inc American Arbitration American Kidney Foundation American Law Institute American Real Estate Parnters American Red Cross American Student Dental Association American Swedis Americhoice of Pa Amico Joseph D Amissah Marie C Ammar Alkharas Amstrup Lars Anadon Antonio Guemes Anastasi Madaline Andaloussi Larbi Anderson Arthur, Judy Anderson David Anderson Gregory L

Anderson Jesseca N Anderson Karen Anderson Mechele Anderson Sadie Andoni Lana Andrews & Ingersoll Ank Gor Llc Anne & Eric Gleacher Foundation Antigua Jules Patrick Antoine Karlin N Antonio Anthony D Antonius Daniel Anyiam Azuka H Anyiamuka Henry Anzel Scott R Apartments Campus Aponte Carmen Applebaum Barry Est Apt Irvin Aquatic Therapy of C Aquilla Thomas T Aracor Search & Abstract Aramark Services Inc Aramark Tower Aramark Uniform Career Svcs Arbor Hill Associates Archie Jessie Arellano Karina Arkema Inc Arline Margaret Armstrong Mary Armstrong Roger Arnao Ruth A Arnold S & Bette G Hoffman Arra Npowerpa Arraunkefer Brothers C Arrington V E Arrison John Arronson Edith Arroyo Mariellena Arthur Kaplan H Arxer Peter Aryanwa Putu Asbury Philip Ash Rae P Ashley Deon H Askins Lisa R Aslan Melisa Asnen Samuel, Pearl Associates in Cardio Education Astillero Kareem A Athanasiadis Kim Atkins Serena Atkins Tionna Atkinson William J Jr Atlantic Group Incorporat Atlas Real Estate Atmodjo Amir Atofina Chemicals Inc Aubrey Marie, Leo Aubrey & Company Aubrey Richard Audiometrics Inc Augustine Diane M Austin Lessie M, Arnold B Austin Mae Autry Mysheda Avallone Elizabeth H Avallone Matthew N Avanti Food Corporation Avellino Olympia Avendra Courtyard Aversa Master Robert Jr, Robert Avila Netzahaulcoyot Avitan Eliran Awaida Beatriz Awolu Adam Axis Pizza Azc Associates Llc Azizah Raja Azteca Ii Inc Lesee B and G Lawrence B M Oakley Memorial Temp Babb Ellen M Babb Selicia Babieri Thomas Baccari Anthony, Joanne Bacik Bradley M

Bacine Barrack Rodos Backman Irving W Baik and Associates Bailey George Bailey Robert Baird Emily Baird Gregory P Baird Veronica Baith Emily Baker Barbara Baker Jean M Baker John F Bakir Afif Balducci Balducci C Baldwin Robert D Balka & Balka Llc Ball Michelle A Ball Richard A Ballard April Ballinger Banerjee Anirban MD Banks Fatima L Banks Theresa Bansal Saurabh Baranello James D Barbara Roth Ira Barbieri Louis A Barbour Margaret B Barchas Charles S Barczak Samantha E Barker Michael J Barna Nicholas Barnaba Florence Barnes Charles Barnes Gertrude A Barnes Nannie E Barnes William Barnet Jacob M Barnhill Nathaniel L Baroody Steven Barot Ashok Barr Gordon Barrero Alejandro Barrett Beth A Barrett Ernest A Barrett John B Barrett Michele Barriero Sean Bartholomew David Bartikofsky Maurice Bartlett Edward Est Bartlett Michal S Towing Mike Bartlett Nicholas W Bartlett Tanya N Bartol Mary F Barton Joseph Barwin Connor A Basbascoe Nellesia Basenfelder Patricia Basile Italo R Basnyat Priyanjali Bass Patricia Bassett Jessica K Basso Joseph M Jr Bastien Marcel Basuwitin Juman S Bateman Patricia Miss Batra Jagriti Batten Loren Battieglieri Carmella Battiglieri Dominie Battistelli Janice, Joseph M, Thomas J, Joseph T Batts John Baum Pedro Baum William Baumgard Mary Baxter Corey Baxter Shirley Bayersdorfer Martin Jr Bayindir Sevket Baylon Jeremie R Baylor Lillie Bazelon Eileen MD Bazemore Roy Jr Bean Khaila B Beard Colette S, Barry Beatrice Pitt Marital Trust

Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Beattie Anna Bebop Props Lp Beck Adam Beck Deborah G Beck Phillip E Becker Ellen Beckett Sydney Beckford Jayson S Becoat James S Becroft Anna E, Robert Beisswenger Christoph Bell Angela Bell Atlantic Pa Bell Christy M Bell Dorothy Bell Mary S Bell Phoebe C Bell Rasheed Bell Reather Estate Bell Shymika Bellamy Scarlett Belle Nathaniel, Eva Belton Charlie Beltrante Rose Marie, John C Benefit Services Beneman Jay Benitez Abraham Benjamin Coleman Florence Benjamin Franklin House Benjamin Noble C Jr Bennett Bricklin and Saltzburg Bennett Heather Jeanne Bennett Linda Bennett Pearle Benshimol Asher Benson Cloyd Benson Wyatt L Bentley Ralonda L Benton George Estate Benton Quintina Berenato David M Berg Bessie Berg Dwelling Llc Berg Family Equity Fund Berg Helen M Berg Isabel Berg Juliana Bergen Martin Berman Adam Bernstein Philip, Hyman Bernstein Benjamin Bernstein George Bernstein Justin S Berry Boston A Berry Jeannette A Bertolino Frank Best Care Emergency Physicians Best Janett Best Wendy K Best Western Center City Hotel Beverly Ethel W, Avery W Bezerra Jose N Bezpalko Danuta Bfm Printing Llc Bhattacharjee A Bierlich Bradley Big Brothers Big Sisters of Americ Billotte Sante Billups Vera Bin Naji Ahmad Binder Jeffrey Binder Melody Biomedical Research Bishop David J Bishop Jennifer Bishop Tamika J Bistro 45 Partners Llc Black Alliance for Educational Options Black Cheri Black Martin Black Vivianna S Miss Blackstone Mercedes MD Blair Laurel Blair Mark W Blakely Thomas D Blakeney R J Jr Blakey Rondell Blanc Vivian

Blanchard James Bland Leah N Blank Daniel Blankenship Melissa Blanks Robert W Bleakley Amy Block Bobbi Blocker Kelly Blockley Llc Blockley Pour House Jollys Blom Aaron S Bloodworth Ida Blount Harold A Mr Blue Cross Broad Street Run Blum Lewis Blum Stanley G Boatman Paul K Bodamer George Bodhise Paul B Dr Bodison Lillian, David Bokin Karen S Bolds Jameal R Boling E Lucrtia Bolles Charles A, Rachel R Bolling Bettye Bond Quanda Bond Sarah Bonduki Salem Stephanie S Boney Linda C Bonneau Gabriel Bonner Thomas R Booker Alfred W Jr Boon Maurits S MD Boone Ella L Booth Bartolozzi Balderston Booth Dolores A Booth Mary B Boquoi Amelie Borg Ruben Borghese Robert J Bornemann Agnes Borowik Marcin Bos Paulina Boswell Peyton G Botto Lorenzo Bottom Katherine A Bourne Lily Bowditch Jessie Bowen Derek P Bowen John A Bowman Erin B Boyce Alean Estate Boyce Colon D Boyd Erin Boyd Ruby C Boykin Bambi C Brabham Shonda Bradley Robin R, Saul Jr Bradley Edward J Jr Bradley Kathleen D Bradley Saul Brake Joseph Branch Eugene Brand Robert P Brandan Kathrine Braskem Americas Inc Brasko Mary Braun Frederick Braunstein Inbal Braxton Inez Brazitis Neil Jr Breen Jeffrey Breton Jean Breydo Lev E Breymeier Oren Brice Clarence Brickley Margaret, William, John Bricklin Bennett Bridges Rubin Bridges Trumiler Brien Christopher T Brigante Barbara Brinkley Warren Briscoe Tiffany D Brislin Kirby M Brittain John S Brittany Asset Management Broad Jewelers Llc



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Broadwater Frances L, Edward G Brock Dorothy A Bron Karry Allison Bronchello Frank Brook George Brookins Bennie Brookman Rosenberg Brown Sandler Brooks Gerald Brooks Tina Brothers Julie A MD Brouer Eva B Browman Chrystelle Brown David Everett, E Everett Brown Dermotte, Veronia Brown Florida, Lily M Brown Jacqueline G, Lester C Brown Stuart, Tara Brown William H, Ethel L Brown & Brown Brown Anita Brown Ann Brown Boynes Margie Brown Bristow Brown David Brown Deanna R Brown Dolly E Brown Donna S Brown Eric Brown Florida Brown Gail A Brown Gay I Maria Brown John H Brown Josephita Estate Brown Kathleen Brown Kimbal Brown Lamir Brown Levy Brown Lily M Brown Magdalene M Brown Mahoginee Brown Margaret C Brown Michael D Brown Michael P Brown Naeem C Jr Brown Newton A III Brown Pearl Brown Renee D Brown Robin Brown Shirley E Ms Brown Theodore Brown Todd Brown Vanessa Brown William Everett, Ernest L Browning Herbert O Jr, Amanda K Browning Joseph W Brunner Barbara L, Arthur F Brunner Charles Brunozzi Stephen Brunton Lauri Bryan Carlos N Bryant Herston J, Dorothy Bryant Dominique L Bryant Tisha S Bryant Troy Bryant Wendy Bucci Matthew Bucher Arthur P Jr Bucholz Ida Budin B Budiono Karolus Budoyo William Bull William M, Elizabeth Bullock Trading Lp Bullrich Susana Bumphus Ruth Bunch Ryan Burgess Flora Tr Burke Helen Burkett Deidra Burkholder Kenrick T Burman Keith Burnes Alannah Burns Susan S Burris Rochell Burroughs Grace L Burrows Louistine, Eldridge Burton Beverly Burton Clifton

Burton Theresa E Bush Grace S, Sarah S Bush Michael B Adm Busky Kenneth H Estate Bustamante Andre Butcher Arline Butkovitz Harold, Sylvia Butler Rasual Butler Rita Butler Rochelle D Buzzcommunications Llc Bylaska Dorothea P Bylone Dorothea L, Sarah M Bynum Quanisha Byrd Robert H, Naomi B Byrd Walter Estate Byrnes Helen D, Helen B Byron Martamarie Bz Marketing C & H Cleaners Caas Stephen Attorney Caesar Revise Berstein Cohen Cafe De Laos Calabrese Louis Sr, Louis Jr Calabretta Rosario Caldwell Violet R Callaghan Matthew Calman Susan R Calvo Peter S Cammerota Joseph, Anna Campbell Agnes Campbell Anne Michelle Campbell Daisy M Campbell Paul Campi Roberta M Campione Anthony Campos Carla G Camuccio Dorothea, Joseph A Canady Aurelia Candie Dorothy M, Howard A Cangoz Soltan Cann Joseph P Cannady Camille Y Cannon Carl Cannon Ermaney B Canosa Jessica L Cantor Joyce Capaldi Doriana Capan Yusuf Capehart Madelyn Capetillo Nelson Caplan Natalie Cappelli Jaimie Cappello Kara M Cappello Salvatore L, Marie C Cappiccio Anna Cappuccio Joseph, Anna Capra Krista L Capra Louis Cardella Pietro Cardinale Nicole Cardona Miriam I Care Episcopal Long Care Rx Pharmacy Cargan Megan M Carlin Brian Carlin Mary V Carlton Sheraldine Carmichael Jeffrey Carney Craig Carpenter Myrtle G, M G Carpenter Mamie Carr Jan R Carr Juanita L Carr Robert P Carrasquillo Victor Carrington Esther L Carroll Charles J Carroll Jerry Carry James Carter Hattie T, C Howard Carter Troy L II Carter Verdina N, Verinda N Carter Brenda C Carter Clarence L Carter Delores P Carter Louis H Carter Sandra Inez

PGN Carter Terrance Carter Vikki L Carter-Soukup Saman Caruso Frank Caruso Jennifer Caruso S Market Inc Carvalho Carla Cascardo James J Casella Katherine, Cirino Cassis Noah A Castagna Adeline, Edward Castro Adilia E Castro Orato Humberto Castro Victor Cataldo David A Cathey Marian Cautilli Joani Cavalier Business Cavalieri Nicole Cavuto Joseph Cbl Path Inc Ceccacci Cinzia Cecchini Loretta Center City Legal Reproductions Center for Forensic Economic St Central City Optical Centrella Nicholas M Century 21 Alliance Escrow Agent Cermele Dominick M Certaine Joseph C Chabwera Daud Chadwick Jamie Chafai Rima Chagnon J Chajkowski Lauren L Chalphin Gerald Chamounix Mansion Intl Hostel Chan Vorleak Chandler Annie Chandler Rapheal Chandler Severn T Chaney Marques Chang Chialin Chang Jen Kuan Chang Wanting Chase Melanie Chassen Arthur Chatterjee Mita Chaudhary Imran, Amir Chavarria Melanie R Chawla Preet S Cheatham Abdallah Checchio Domineca Chen Diane Chen Henry Chen Man Yun Chen Zheng Z Chesson Karen, Susan Chestnut Dental Arts P C Cheung Eric K Cheung Tze K Chiavaroli Joanne Child and Family Connections Chima Philadelphia Llc Chin David Chin Jason L Chin Robert L Chiu Lin H Chmiel Kataryna V Chobert Rosemary C, Rupert B Choe Patricia Won-Mi Choi Seon J, Hwa S Choi So M Cholet Deborah S Chonofsky Andrew S Choucaira Jose Luis Chow Oscar A Christian Theresa Christiano Victor Christinzio Lisa Christmas Elisabeth A Christmas Lenora C Christy Shelleyan Chryssikos Kristen Chu James L Chung Heyoung, Edwin Chung Yoojin Church Frank

Churn James Ciarrocchi Anthony, Julia Ciccone Damon Ciccone Sukontarat T Cifelli Francesco Cina Stefan Cinquino Nicholas J Cirucci Carole J, Aimee A Citizens Public Adjusters Inc Ciuro Ignacia, Frank Civf III Op Lp Claims Worldwide Llc Clair Andrea J Clarfeld Carol J Clark Arnita Clark Ashley N Clark Deborah V Clark Edward Clark Henry A Clark Jamie M Clark Lucille Clark Veronica Clarke Emily Clarke Jacklyn H Claster Nancy Clearfield Ronald A Clemens Ryan M Clemente Carole Clinical Neuropsychology Associates Clinton Tiffany Cliveden Club Learn & Earn A Partnership Coach Peter De Manio Foundation Coaxum Carolyn O Cochran Adelaide E, O Norman Cochrane Leon M Coco Anthony B Cocroft Eugenia N Coddington Maria Cody Vanessa Cofer Brenda Coffee Jon Coffey Leslie K Cofield Janice Cohen Amy Sue, Abram Cohen Sally, Paul Cohen Adam M Cohen Dipaul Haber Cohen Elisabeth J Cohen Helen Cohen Josephine Cohen Lily Cohen Lou E Cohen Marilyn Cohen Sophia Colarocco Armida Colbert Alma B Colcher Robert E Cole Karen Cole Sheri Kathleen Coleman Amos W Jr Coleman Joyce L Coleman Marshall D Coleman Michael Collier David Irrevocable Fa, Beatrice Collins Alfred Collins Anna Collins Margaret Colon Edwin R Color Masters Plus Inc Colter Deborah L Coltun Carol R Community Behavioral Health Community Cultural Exchange Comprehensive Care Medical Assn Compservices Inc Conboy Jerome T Jr Conestoga Bank Conicelli Theresa L, Frank M Connelly Scott Conner Goldie T Conner Joseph Conner Wesley Constitution Partners Lp t/a Con Conte Mae Conti Robert Contreras Crespo Felipe Conway Jerome T

Conyers Fredwin Cook Nadia N Cooke & Bieler Cookman Rhyder Shuwall Coolbaugh Denise Cooney Willie M Cooper Kutheria, Oliver Cooper Amber Cooper James Cooper Lauren Cooper Lindsay Cooper Maurice Kenneth Cooper Sharon Coopersmith Benjamin Copeland Cecelia Copes Lakeisha M Coppinger Stacy Coppock Gerone Corbett Mary Corbin Charlotte P Cordaro Samuel R Corelli Craig Cornaglia Susan Coronado Castellanos Victor Corrigan Malcolm Corrigan Patricia A Corsello John Anthony Cortes Zamora Ezequiel Cortese Joanna Costigan Gregory, Matthew Cotinas Carlos F Cottie Paul Cottman Herbert Cottrell Brigitte M Court Reporting Cost Containment Courtyard Apartments Coviello Diana M Covington Viola Cozart Christopher A Cpr Restoration Cleaning Service Craig A Altman Pc As Craig Beverly C Cramer Lawrence Creative & Performing Arts Creative Department Inc Crenshaw Jonas Crew Sakinah Cromartie Lisa M Cromedy Billy O Crompton Corporation Crooks Mahalath N Crosby Ann Marie Crosby Robert Crowder Tyree Crowley Erin Crowley Margaret M Crowne Plaza Hotel Crumbley Bernice Cruz Jacqueline Cruz Lucia Cuddlty Rita Cuffee Gial Cui Tran Culver Anna C Cunniff Matthew Cunningham Tawanna Curley George A Cushman & Wakefield of Pa Custis Irving H Cutler Mary Hope, David A Cutler Seymour I Cyr Edmund Czajkowsky Nellie Dabar Dev Partners Llc Dabney Ruth E Estate Dailey Jeffrey Dais Earl Clifton Daka Jennie Dalessandro Evelyn T, Peter Dalton James N Daly Henry C Dambrosio Florence A Dambrosio Marc Dames R Dancey Natalie M Dancing Ferret Concerts Daniel A Jones MD Daniels Ann M Est

PGN Daniels Edward G Dankanis William Darby Donna M Dardanelli Eugene L, Rita J Darrow Diane A Ugma Dash Margie M Dashiell Marie R Datts Gloria S Daulton Darren Davale Llc David S Poll MD Pc Davidson John L Davis Edna Davis Elton P Davis Gloria Davis Joan Davis Margaret M Davis Peggy F Davis Ramel Davis Tanika S Davis Tiffany Davis Tina M Day Danielle A Day Moira Morgan De Pue Jason De Vreese Laetitia I Deangelus Alfred Deans Marquita L Dearcangelis Vania Deborah Gardner Deborah Heart & Lung Decarlo Jennie Dececco Frederic, Camillo Decourval Mark B Dee Hannah Dee Robert Defelice Cornelia T Defracesco Marie Degermentzidis Elias Degiose Catherine Deil Associates Llc Dejesus Heliber Dejesus Luerenda Dekker Sarah Dekoven Irma Del Borrello Albert L Delancey Clinton Associates Delarcia Lucy Delaware Group of Fu Delaware Investments Delbuono Samuel J, Mary A Delcasale Casey & Martin Dellapia Gregory, Anna Dellomo Frank J Dellorusso Sarah Delorenzo David A Deluca Peter Deluchey Katherine Delvecchio Peter Demiranda Alice R Democratic National Demos David Denardo John Dendy Clyde Denenstein Max Deng Ting Dennis Helen F Dennis Rochelle Dennis Samuel E Dent Rose A Deoliveira Alda Depalma Josephine T Depaul John Dereef Ramona Deshauteurs Aurora Desimone Dominick Dessasoure Louise Destefano Joseph F Details Devaul Bruce Dever Gerard Devictoria Carmen Devine Joseph Diarra Abdramane Diaz Stephen Dibiase Jennie Dibiase Rose Dicamillo Alba

Dicamillo Beth Dicarlo Candace Dicicco Bloom Benjamin Dickens Harvey H Estate Dickinson Donavan D, Frances Didomenico Concelia A Didonato Liesje Diehl Donna M, Anne M Difl Associates Llc Difrusco Guiseppe Digital Legal Medical Records Diguilio Angela Digusto Nicholas Diiorio Americo, Vitale Dillon Louise Dilworth Paxson Llp Dimatted Donald P, Mary H Dimeo Melissa Dimmerman Harper Dinh Francis Direct Marketing Spec Llc Disston Courtney Distefano Gregory Dittimus Addie Dittman M Carton Jr, Frances H Diversified Search Inc, Llc Dixon Anne M Dixon Patricia G Dixon Phinorice B Dixon Shana Djohan Herni Dmjm Harris Inc Doan Calvin T Dodds William Dodge Leonard L Est Dodson Darlene Doi Makiko Dolchin Slotkin, Todd Dollar Market Dolsey Wilhelmina Domasiute Migle Dome Messervey Inc Domni Lek Domurat Wendy Donahue Rose A Donahue Stephanie M Donald Kettl F Donatucci Maria Donatucci Robert C Donatucci Thomas F Dong Lei Dong Weijia Donohue Jim Donovan Jerome J Dorman Bernice E Dorrin Kevin A Dorsaneo Maria F Dorsey Curtis Doss Jeffrey Dotts Erin Dougherty Marysue G, Mary E Dougherty Bianca K Dougherty Colleen T Dougherty Mary Ellen Douglas Annette Douglass Lydell D Doumbia Charlynn Dow Vernette D Downes Gale M Downing John Jr Doyle Michael, Jenne Dr Denim Drinker Biddle & Reath Drivus Drs Ames & Roberts Dubin Cynthia E Dubroff Abe Duckett Baker Audrey M Duckett Mattie Dudley Michael S Dukes Lepketia D Dumoff Michael A, Daniel Dumrauf Judith Dunbar Angel Dunbar Carolyn Dunbar Lionel Dundovich Marlayne Dunlap Lamont Estate

Dunlevy Neal F, Mary Dupont Ashanti Duran Jason Durso Mary Duval Marjorie S Duvall Peter Dziurbiel Mary, Joan Early Elizabeth Eberhardt William R Eberlein Design Consultants Eckelmeye Arthur Economy League of Greater Philadel Edelstein Steinberg Llp Edith R Madway Estate Edmonds Sylvia C Edmunds Sara Jane Eduardo Marcos Edwards Aaron Edwards Claire Edwards Cynthia A Edwards Ethel Edwards Gwennell Edwards Hadnah R Edwards Murita E Egeli Bahiyyih M Egg Head Group Llc Egrie Anna M Ehrlich William W Eidelson Amanda Eisen Karin L Eisenberg Irwin L Eisenburg William Elders Lorine Williams Elias Buena Elite Litigation Solutions Elliott John Ellislihack Rickie C Ellman Pariya Elser Peter D Elshanawaney Ellyn Elsi S Restaurant Elvin Childs Ely Martha A T Ashley Muldoo Emanuel Yetta Eme Frank J Estate Emery W Lomis Trust Emmett Marianne R, Ilana R, Isaac C Emodacom Corporation Emoto Tatsuya Empire Healthcare System Pc Empire Investment Group Llc Enersys Engelbach Beatrice Engle David Entirety Brian Gavrielle Enzos Epio Lawrence Epperson Grace Eppy Dwayne B Epstein Edna Lerner Erace Michael Ercanbrack Shawn Erickson Abigail Ernster Judd Errazuriz Jorge Ertle Jennifer L Escobar Kenneth Essreg Leonard Est Marian T Bradley Est Michael Harmon Esther Kevitch Eugenia N Cocroft Tr Eurie Benjamain Evans Elaine A Estate Evans Esther Evans Miller Ewing Anna Lee Execustay Marriott Exelon Business Services Exley Nicole J Expoze Fabietti Agostino Fabulous Stationery Llc Facenda David Fagan June Faggins Maud Fairbanks Robert Fairmont Park

Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Faison Geannie, Marie Faison Latoya Family Connection Transportation Family House Now 21 Family Trust Skupen Fang Baiyuan Fang Qiang Fanny Korothoumou Fardshisheh Amir Faria Clebe Farley Lucy Farr Ruth C Farrales Amelia Farrell Jean Farrell Thomas S Favors Derrick Faxon Douglas Fecca Marie Fedor Rudolph A, Linda C Fei Xie Feinberg Jack Feinstein Jack Fellenbaum Lindsey Felton Otto Ferguson Edward, Mary, William Ferguson Robert Allen, Jeffrey A, Linda C Ferguson Patricia Ferguson S Betty Fernandez Aymara Fernandez Guarionex Ferrara Danielle Ferrer Lucas Ferrero Louis Adm, Catherine Fiddler Inc Fidelity Bank Tte Field Carol R Fields Nicole M Filemyr Mary D Miss Filip William Fincke Alyson Fine Whitney Fineburg M E Fineman Krekstein Harris Fingerote Decd Harriet Jane Finkelstein Mark Finly Robert Finn Michael D Mr Finney James A Fire Credit Un Firstrust Bank Fischer Norbert Fisher Phyllis M, Shana M Fisher Caroline Fisher Jeffrey H Fitts Constance L, Lawrence H Fitzgibbons Boiler C Fitzsimmons Erin Five Below Flagship Capital Management Flaherty John Fleming Lillian Flesihman Slyvia Mrs Fletcher John Flik International Corp Flippen Joyce M Flomenberg Neal Florence Odessa Flournoy Darren C Mr Floyd Barbara Ann, Robert Floyd Carson Publ Designee Floyd Elizabeth Fludino Catherine Flynn Shaun Fonseca Ivette Ford Elsie D Ford Nancey Forensic Economic Studies Formicola Theresa Forni Carl J Forrest Orrel Forrest Sigman Forsythe Thomas J, Cecelia Fortson Stanley Foster Yameeka L Fowler John W Jr, Deborah Fowler Evelyn Fowler Robert Fox Judith, Lori

Fram Jacob R, Hannah Francis Earlie H III Frank Jesse D Franklin Davis Rev Franklin Sharleen Franzone Micheal Fraser Anna L Frazier Barbara B Frazier Erik Frazier William M Freedman Neal I Freeman Jan Barbara, Leo C Freiberg Jeffrey E Frey Adelaide Estate Friedmanmedley Jill M Frisby Zelma Fromstein Lita N Fronckiewicz Michele S Frontino Joseph Fu Yifei Fuentes Alexis M Fuentes Rick Fuller Brian A Fulwood Ruth Funchess Willie Funderburg Barbara E Ms Funtanilla Ingrid V Furman Keatauna C Furth Emma Md Furtuna Florentina Fuscellaro Mary Fussell Juli G F Management Gaddy Harry Gadepalli Sirisha Gafford David P Ira Gagliardi Philip Gailliard Daniel A Gaines Edward H Gaines Pamela R Gaines Roger Galanis Taki Galfund A Harry Gallagher Benefit Services Gallaschick Ruth Gallery Mall Dental Gallman Irene Gallo Anna Galvis Carlos Gannone Jennie Garcia Francisco Garcia Hernandez Javier Garcia Jessica M Garcia Luis Gardner Annette Gardner Carton and Douglas Gardner Darren Gardner Madeline Gargano Anthony Garland Mildred Garner Dixon Patricia, Nicole D Garner Jerome Garner Mary Garner Milika D Garris David Garrow Christopher J Gary Nicole Gasper James J Sr Gass Farid Gat Vivian Gates Geneva Gattis Charles Jr Gauthney Latif Gaye Stephen A Geathers Raheem Geating Bethany R Gelletich Filomea Est Gelman Rich Gelman Rivie P Gerald Augusta Gerald Deborah C German Minnie Mae Germantown Nest #1624 Gerolamo Angela M Getson Alison R Getson Allan Ghezzi Mathieu Ghin Ja Inc



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Ghose Toorjo Giambelli Stefano Gianforcaro Joseph C Giantonio Bruce J Gibbons Andrea Marie Gibbs Carrie Gibbs Linda P Gibbs Lloyd Gibson Anthony Giddings Joseph Gilbert George W Gillespie James III Gillies Binti Gillispie Jan Elayne Gilmore Timothy F Gingrow Rhea Ginley Gerald P Ginsberg Ellis K Ginsburgs Herta Girman George Gitman John Gizelbach Karolina Gladden Robert Glassmoyer Frances T Glenmede Trust Glenn Beatrice Glenn Lisa Glennon Daniel L Global Arena Llc Global Submit Inc Gluzdov Mykola Gnr Gal B Llc Goggin Pc Gogineni Keerthi Gold Albert Gold Silverman and Goldenberg Golden Joseph C Golden Krust Golden Yaffee Goldfrach Andrew S Goldkorn De Assis L Goldman Gerald Goldrich Steven R Goldsmith Walker India K Goldstein Ronald F, Janice M Goldstein Harriet Goldsteins Funeral Directors Golf Now Inc Gollatz Griffin & Ewing Pc Gombar William, Mary Gomes Paulo Gonzalez Antonio Gonzalez Deyaniris Gonzalez Manuel Good Day Deli Good Shepherd Good Works Clothing Inc Goodman Patricia A Ms Goodwin Irene U Gorberg David J Gordon D Gordon Julius Goree Ingrid Gormley Dean Michael Gormley Thomas Gorski Alexander J Gosselink Daniel Gottliebstier Katja Gottlieb-Stier Katja Elana Gottschall Gary Gould Charles Gould Gordon Gowens Eula M W Graham Co Graham Michael A Graham William A Company Grant Almeta Grant Dennis Graubard Curtis Graveley Vincent Gray Cassandra M Gray Lucille Greater Phila Chamber Commerce Greater Phila Urban Affairs Greater Philadelphia Health Action Greco Anthony Greco James G

Green Buelah Green Clean Washing Inc Green Esther M Green James Jr Green Lawrence E Jr Green Loretta Green Mildred M Green W Anne Greenberg Michael Greene Donald C Greenlee Ellen T Greenstein Ronald Greenwald Emily E Greenwood Joseph M Gregg Charles M Gregory Camilla M Gregory J Tramut MD Greves Anna M Grieco Marian Grier Samuel A Jr, Hazel A Griffin Jamillah N Griffin Kevin B Griffin Michael T Grinberg Michelle, Suzanne Grodofsky Samuel R Groner Christina V Grose Deborah L Gross Geoffrey M Gross Laura Gross Lois J Groves Pamela Gruenberg Tillman Gtown Restoration Corp Guaglione Catherine Guerin Athletic Guerrero Bera S Auto Service Guidotti Janice Gunawan Felix Gunter Heather Guo Fengda Guo Ming Gupta Ashwani Guth Christopher M Guth Rebecca P Gutierrez Benjamin Guwon Enterprize Inc Guy Marlyn L H B Social Club Haefner Stephanie Hafler Eric Haggerty Patrick A Haghshenas Simin Hagopian Edward H Haidash Marina Haik Christopher Barrett Haile Sarah E Hailey Sherry H Haines May Haines Ruth L Halal Racha Hall Berkley L Jr, Ruby F Hall Elizabeth L, John L Hall Charles N Hall Elmira Hall Kim A Hall Michael J Hall Prathia L Hallam Rita Halpern Nikki Halprin Michael J Halstead Mark Hamayel Khalil Hamit Mohamed Estate Hammond Vilayphone Hampton La Vonw Han Gabjong Han Yang Handmade Reviews Handy Herbert, Fairlee Handy Fairlee Hanes Steven M Haney Jason Hangstuher Louisa Hanin Esther Hankerson Christopher M Hanlon Joseph, Mary Hanlon Mark J


Hanna Alice Hanson Paul Hanssens Amy Hanton Marilyn W Hanton Nadine Hanuschak Lee N Hanuscin Joseph P Harad and Greenberg Hardy Sallie Hargrove William E Harlam Urj C Harmon Michael, Joan C Harmon Joan C Harper Khadijah Harrington Sheila B Harrington William K Harris Pearl R, Joan A Harris Thomas W Jr, Sylvia Harris Adlean Harris Ambrose Jr Estate Harris Arther L Harris James W Harris Jermaine Harris Louise Harris Tawanda I Harris Thomas A Harrison Anthony L Harrison Willie B Harty Edward M Hartzell Joel W Harvey Cadeatra T Hasa Associates Llc Hastings Ervin P Hat Trick Productions Hatboro Cosmollision Inc Hatcher Helen Hatmil Dwain Hatten George J Hatter Giovanni Haverford Trust Co Hawkins Alfred W Hawkins J Estate Hawkins Terrance Hayes William Jr Hayward Rachel Hcsjd Limited Hearn Dorothy M Heckman John S Hector Niles R Hee George F Heidrick and Struggles Heimerl Rudolph, Helen Heinio Sara K Heinlein Robert E, Louis Heiser E Thelma Helman James Hem Chan L Henderson Eugene Estate Henderson Jerry Henderson Wilma Hendrickson Cleo Hendriyana Fnu Heng Joseph Heng Kheang Henley Matthew A Henrie James A Henry Frank M Jr Henry Marvin Herman Harold L Hermillon Claude P D Hernandez Jonathan Heron Dorothy D Herrera Camila Herrero Juan Herrington Dina L Herrmann Kristian M Herron William E, Jessica, Rebecca Hershman Zachary A Herskovitz Frieda Herskowitz M Heyburn Nhenowai J Heyman David D Hi Def Optics Llc Hickman Robert Hicks Faye F Hicks Ron E Hicks Virginia

Highsmith Charles A Jr Hill Benjamin F Jr Hill Eric Hill Joseph R Hill Kim Hill Scott Juanita M Hill Tracey J Hill Vernard Hilla Maureen Hilton Garden Inn Hilton Philadelphia Hotel Hines Dorothy Hines Utillie Hing Wilson Adler and Cheng Pc Hinton Lorna E Hisashi Nagamori Hitchens Joshua Hlusko Arlen Ho Lee Hyun Ho Wai L Hoang Catherine Al Hocker Noah L Hockstein Lillian, Leon Hoffmann Stephanie Hogg Ryan Hohner Mareike I Holland Jacquelin, George Holland Adrienne L Holland Baron B Hollett Victoria A Hollowniczky Betty Holly Joan M Holmes Ameen Holton John L Honig Matthew Honor Foods Inc Armandi Hook James Hopkins John Hopkins Lillian W Horbal Apryle Horlacker Ernest Horne Anne Estate Horner Thomas Horton Charles W Hosefinna Shally Hosley Leonard Houser Don J Houston Eric J Hovsepian Pierre Howard George W III, Austine R Howard Alfred Howard Conah E Jr Howard Doris L Howard James Howard Katrina D Howard Kenneth Howard Tyrone S Hoyle Fickler Herschel & Mathes Hoyle Lawrence T Hoyle Morris and Kerr Hua Michael Huang Fei Huang Hong Huang Robert S Huawei Technologies Usa Hudson Cheryl M Huefner Mary E Huffines Haley A Huggins Maxine F Hugues Dorothy E Hukman Sheida Hunt Corporation Hunt Helen Hunt Patricia Hunter Julia Hurowitz Bertram Hurwitz Melissa Hussain Danyal S Hussein Alassaf M Hutchins Benny Hutchinson H Dolores, James Huynh Linh Y Huynh Muoi T Huynh Thanh Hwee Park On, Pao, Susan, Lily Hydros Bottle Llc Hyunmin Kim

I Brodsky Associates Ibc James Moore Iezzi Gina Image Creative Organization Ince Mary Infante Suzanne Inforzato Barbara Ingram Stanley Inman Dou Inphi Investment Traders Assn Ins Federation of Pen Inc Insixiengmay Kingpheth Instock Inc Insurance Masters International Performing Art Iraola Manuel Irby Dorothy Irwin Albert E Isaacs Andre Isaacs Suzanne T Ishikawa Tsukasa, Hitomi Ishikawa Ayako Ismail Israel Larry C Istanbul Tunes Izutani Naomi J Morefield R Trismen & S Dennis Trsts Jablonska Maryanna Jack P Living Trust Jacks Sarah E Jackson David, Mary, John Jackson Melxa E, George Jackson Tremayne, Evelyn J Jackson Brandon Alex Jackson Charles W Jackson Charmaine L Jackson Consuela Jackson Cross Company Jackson Daniel S Estate Jackson Nikia A Jackson Patricia Jackson Rebecca C Jackson Roslyn L Jackson Wesley Jacobs James Jacobsen Timothy Jacobsohn Francoise Mrs Jacobson Nira Jacovini Stella Jaded Creative Productions Jaffee Jeffrey F Jake P Living Trust James C Davis Testamentary Trust James Decrescenzo Reporting James Denise M James Khalik Jamil James Louise James Peters & Son Inc James Raymond James Renarldo S James Ronell N James Twyla James Wilma M James Zachary Estate Janco Elizabeth T Jandura Kathryn M Jarman Harmony G Jefferson Bernard C, John J Jefferson Family Medicine Associates Jefferson Family Planning Jefferson Genevieve Jefferson Leroy Jefferson S Jeffries Virginia Jen David Jenkins Andrea Jenkins Antoinette C Jenkins Mary Jenkins Sharon M Jennersville Profess Jennifer Prough Jerista Terry Jeronimo Adriana Tellez Jessup Louise M Jewish Employment and Vocational Jiang Xionghua Jill Hunt

PGN Jim Hunt A Jimenez Samuel J Joh Hyeon Ah John De Virgilis Silver and Miller John J Wasniewski Jr DO Pc John Julie John P Living Trust Johns Deborah H Johnson Calvin H, Alvin B Johnson Andrew D Johnson Angelina Johnson Ashley Johnson Calvin H Johnson Caryn Johnson Daisy Johnson Delores S Johnson Elizabeth Johnson Eric L Johnson Gwendolyn Johnson Hallie B Johnson Jerry A Johnson Joseph F Johnson Joyce Johnson Karon T Johnson Kirk Johnson Latifah Johnson Marcus J Johnson Marie W Johnson Matthew H Johnson Moses Johnson Natasha Johnson Okolo B Johnson Paula Johnson Rachel Johnson Regina Johnson Renee Johnson Rickie Johnson Tamika L Johnson Wilfred A Johnson Willie Johnston Anthony Johnston Rodney Johnston Windsor Jones Eula M, John W Jones Russell M, Rosa E Jones Brandi L Jones Brian H Jones Daniel A Jones Danita C Jones Diana P Jones Fay Estate Jones Gladys Jones Idrees Jones Kim Jones Leeroy A Jones Lenroy Jones Lillian P Jones Marcella A Jones Margarita E Jones Mary Ann Jones Mildred R Jones Muriel B Jones Rudolph Estate Jones Terry M Jones Jones Terry N Jones Valerie R Joseph Nugent Joyner Brenda Judovich Sylvia Cust Jumpp Frank Junk Inc K & G Properties Kaine Emily Kaji Hideko Kakkar Vikram Kalson Michael J, Richard Kam Michael M Kane David Kanefield Thelma Kang Ho L Kang Ji E Kaplan Arthur Kaplan Esther Kaplan Marc Kaplan Rachel Kapungwe Hildah Karcich Danielle, Andrew Karkadan Mona

Karmano Linawati Karriem Abdulrazak Kasirer David Katcher Aaron H Kathleen Lang Katikineni Anita Katz Michele Jai Katz Olga Katz Rhoda C Kauffman Leon A Kavesh Karen Kawamura Ryutaro Kean Kirby Keck Jennifer J Keels Elizabeth A Jt, Edward W Jt Keen Elizabeth Keith Anna Keith Marshall S Keith Pamela Kell George P Kelly Anna Kelly Daniel Kelly Leander Jr Kelly Michael Kelly Sara A Kendal Orit Kennard Frazier G Kennedy Jan Y Kennedy Valerie D Kenner Darryl A Kenny Dorothy Kent Felicia, Edward Kent Mcbride Kerr Thomjas Jr, Lela H Kerr Harriet Hass Estate Kerrick David Kessler Jacqueline J Kessock Amy Kettrles Harriett Keyes Barbara Khafre Assad O Khalid Faraz Khodary Mohammad Khulbe Mitul Kiernan Brendan Kijima Eri Killian Caleb Brian Kim Catherine M Kim David H Kim Hansoo Kim Hyojin Kim Mingook Kim Miseon Kinczewski Leigh Kinder Franklin Estate Kindt Sabine Kinext Llc King Carrie King Isabelle King Michael King Susan A King Vanessa A King Wallace Tia Kinsey David J Kinslow Gregory Kinumatsu Takashi Kirby Yolanda Kircher Winifred Kirkland Aaron Marquis Kirn Bridget Kiwanis Club of Graham Company Klayman David Howard, Herman Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzberg and Elle Kleiber Gregory J Klein Jeffrew Kline & Specter Kling Vincent G, Nelson P Knight Morgan Knopf Estelle Knox Kohath Knudsen Erik Kochenour Candice Kofsky Joel Koncsics Thomas M Kondracki Demetria H, Joseph M Konena Mandolos Koonce Virginia B Kopylova Darya

Kosick Marguerite Koso Lorna Kossman Miriam R Kostecki John M Kotkin Nancy Kotzin Miriam N Koyama Ai Kpablee Amen Po Association Kraft and Kraft Pc Kranker Karis Kranzel Jerome E, Isador Krasno Williams Faith Kreider Jason R Kresloff Judith G Krieg Edward P Krishnamoorthy Vishwanath Krytovych Andriy Kubeka Ruth Kubeyka Joe Kubiak Stella M, Anna Kuhn Irwin J Kunberger William A Kuperman Julio L Kuperman Nicholas Kurland D Kurtz Ellen M Kurtz Lillian Kwass David Kwek Mean L Kwong Mary L Kyree Shaw Kyung Kim Ah I La Barr Edward T La Casa Espresso Llc La Mar Walter III Labar Benjamin Labletta Janine Labsan Jennifer Lafavre Hadia Lafferty Ruth K Laitman Benjamin M Lam Dung Q Lam Kevin Lambert Drexel C Sr Lambert Worldwide Llc Lamey Berenice, William Lamon Irene Mrs Lamons Ethel Adm, Renee Adm Lamotte Ferdinand Est of IV Lanatto Anthony J, Jane A Lancaster Robert W Sr, Gerald Lancaster Kenneth B Land Services Usa Inc Landsman Ruth K, David Lane Paul Langone Siri Lanning John Laroco Leonardo Adlao Jr Larry Laura Jean Lassiter Dorothy Laster Arlene E Lastuvka Ann Lasuchin Victor S Laura Weinstein Trust Laurence Margaret M Laurita Spicer Lavigna Inc Law Office Alan C Grossman Law Office of Dorothy K Phillip Law Offices of Parks Associates Lawn Stuart Lawrence Green Elaine Cust Lawrence S Levit Irrevocable Deed Lawson Gladys M Lawton Mary R Lazarus Mark D MD Lazer Gregory J Lc Food Inc Le Bec Fin Le Phuong Leach Brian H Leaf Commercial Capital In Leber Meredith Lebowitz Edith Ledonnes North Carolina Lee Hye Seon, Hyun Ji Lee Katherine, Clarence Lee Rosanna F Ugma, Anna Cust

Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Lee Jimin Lee Mattie Lee Michelle Lee Susan Lee Vincent Lee William Lee Won S Leggio C Lehman Margaret M Lehmann Christopher D Lehn Jenny K Lemmon Samule N Lenoir Marguerite M Lenton Janet M Estate Leon Angelica Leon Ventura Dionisia Leonard Alexandra K Leonard Maria Leonard Thomas Leonardus Fnu Leonhard Caren Lepore Dominic Lerro Linda M Lesage Wayne G Jr Lesicki Ronald Leung Guet Hoi M Leuzzi Ernest Levi Jonathan Levi Morton W Children Levin C Estate Levin Dolores T Levine Rona S Levy Adam M Levy Bertram A Levy Charlotte Lewis Allen Lewis Christopher I Lewis Della Lewis Dwight Lewis Eleanor Lewis Gilman & Kynett Inc Lewis James Lewis Shikita Li Robert Li Wan C Li Xue Liao Chunjing Liao Ying Liberati Bernard F, Anna R Liberty Mutual Insurance Liddell Maryann Lieberman Laura Liebner Matthew Lim Jungwoo Lima Adriana A Limani Robert B MD Lin Debra Lin Hang Lin Shan Lin Xiu Lin Yu Tao Lincoln Financial Groip Lindecamp Frank P, Lewis H Lindquist Kling Line Holiday Inn City Linehan Seam Lingual Institute Links Inc Penn The Lino Carosella Linscott Jessica Linying He Liong Katherin Lipschutz Aaron J Lipschutz Regina Litow Francesca Little Dawn K Little Lisa M Litvin Blumberg Matusow and Young Liu En Ming Liu Xiaoyu Liu Yang Lloyd Claudia M Lloyd Elizabeth Lloyd Greg Lloyd William Loduca Pauline Logan Betty Logue Thomas E

Lohmann Stella G Londonogentile Tatiana Long David Long John D Long William B Longo Christine, Joseph Lopez Consuela M Lorancarivera Luis E Lorusso Michael James Los Taquitos Louis Don Lourenco Jolene Loux Jennifer E Love Jean M Love Jennie R Lovich Lee R Lovit Stacy Lowenberg Rick Lowman Bush Danyelle Adm Lu Can Lu Li Luber Rachel Lubin Helen Lucker Laurence H Jr, Jane B Lugo Bobbie J Lun Zhang Lundy Charles C D, Inez G Lunkes Jenny Luo Xue Q Lussenhop Janet D Luterman Michael I Lvovich Svetlana Ly Amy Ly Chau Ly Chen T Ly My Lynagh Michael J Lynam Stacey Lynch Christopher Lynch Kathleen A Lynn Joshua Lyons Francis Thomas Lyons Karyn Lysinger Gertrude B, Herbert M Davis and Company Mabie Tabitha Kay Macari Mary Macasieb Sylvester Jr, Sylvester Macdonald Christopher Dennis Mackey Louise Mackey Richard Maclaughlin Auvel Macomber Shawn Madianos Evan Madorna Joseph L Maestre Maria T Magden Est O Maggard Sammie Maggiolini Peter Magna Legal Services Llc Mahaney Mary G Ms Mahlab Dana Maidman Mina B Maiellano Albert Mailman Marion K Ms Maimon Barbara G Mainline Honda Major League Quick Lube Makhijani Sunny Maki Rocks Inc Maldonado Fredi Maldonado Jeseph Fortier Maleef Education Llc Malet Frances Malinowski Joy E Malloy Jennie Malloy Maureen E Maloney Sarah Malpezzi Katie Mancall Elliot L Mancinelli Dolores, Olindo Mangano David Anthony Mangini Samuel Manigo Rosalie Mann Albertine Mann Talea Manning Nicole Mansor Mary Elizabeth, Helen Ann



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Mantana Isabelle Maples Dennis E Maplewood Marcet Carmen Marchese Theodore N, Marianna Marco Manufacturing Marcynszyn Gregory Mardre Taronda A Margolies Mildred H Maria Colmines Marine Walter S Marinelli Millie Maringer Alan Marinilli Sheila Marino Ralph J Mark Francis Market Street Securities Inc Marks Zachary R Maron Marvel Bradley & Anderson Marquard Teresa Marriott Edna E Marshall Arthur G Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman Marshall Linda Susan Marten Edith M Marter Marilynn Martes Carmen Martha Knox A Martin Architect The Martin Audrey D Martin David Martin Michael Martiner William J Martinez Beatriz Martinez Rosa Lee Martorano Lena Martucci Peters Llc Marvel Helen M Estate Marzluf Eric S Marzulli Louise Masco Communications Inc Masire Phatsimo C Mason Alonzo Est of Sr Massenburg Barbara A Master Gwynne Masterson Nicholas Mastropolito Louis Matchsupply Global Div Mathis Charles Mathis Michael Matias Tommy Matthew L Ramsey MD Matthews Streeter Mattson Allan L Maulana Shale Mayfield Anna A Mayrant Pansy Mays Shirley Mays William Mazhar Ahmad Mazza Thomas Estate Mazzola Donald J Mazzone Ralph Mc Call Linda A Mcarthur James Mcbride Michael J Mcbride Thomas P Mccabe Alice F Mccairns Robert G, Joan M Mccarthy Cillian J Mccauley John Mcclarin Dion Mccool Vincent D Mccoubrey Hannah Mccracken Louise Mccrary Earl H Cust Mccray Laura Mccunney Gladys M Mcdaniel Curtis H Jr Mcdevitt Tracey Mcdonough Michael Mcdowell Thomas W, Helen Mcdowell Helen Mceldrew Hanamirian Quinn and Damico Mcfadden Sonja M Mcfarland Robert N Mcgarry John J Mcgeoch Laura

Mcghie Lee Monica Mcgilberry David Mcginley Tara Lee Ann Miss, Joann Mrs Mcginnis Laura Mcgonigal Lorna A Mcgreal Dolores J, Bridget K Mcguigan Brandan T Mcguigan Helen C Mchenry Charles Mchose Patricia M Mciver Sonya L, Wyolene Mckay Thomas W Mckee Helen Mckeever Robert P Mckendrick Cheryl A Mckenna John Mckinley Maytor H V Mcknight Ann T Mclafferty Irene Mclaughlin Herbert R, Pauline Mclauglin Thomas Estate Mclean Patrick, Mary Mcleod Marie Mcmillan Roger Jr Mcmillan Ronald Mcneal Eleanor E Mcreynolds Samuel Mcs Group Inc Means Emma Mebane Adolphus Meccariello Catherine Meck Lisa Medina Vargus David Meehl Gisela Mueller, Emilie J Megavannan Mayavannan Meier Donald T Meigs Margaret H Melanio D Aguirre MD Pa Melloni Gloria Meloni Rose Melton Charles Melton Marcus J Meltzer Esq Melvin James T Menard Katcher Calies Mendla Katherine Meng Han Meng Lee Meng Mingyi Menoe Nefertiti S Mercado Petronila M, Natividad Mercer James E Mercer Rubber Co Tr Mercy Life Merhige Rochelle B Merritt Susie Merves Jennifer M Meskin Sheila V Messina Margaret Michael Gruber Design Michael Mcgill Michael Nix L Michael P Living Trust Michael Sher Trading as Pine St Realty Micheal Tanji L Michel Sophie J Mighty Garnet C Mikalic Paul Miles Robert G Miller Acquanetta Miller Bros Electrical Co Miller Craig Miller Ernest Miller Juli P Miller Michelle Y Miller Nena R Miller Nettie L Miller Patrica Miller Roslyn M Milligan Johnnie Millner Justine Milner Marlene F, C G Milsop Michael Milstein Marjorie, Lauren Mimken Nicholas Burton Minalgo Joel Minard Paulette L Miner Lloyd J

PGN Mingo Nicholas W Minnich Christopher Minnich Michael Minnick Anthony Minnis Catherine Minutemanpress Miscer Eleanor F Mitchell Adrienne Mitchell Caroline C Mitchell Lock and Safe Co Mitchell Mary Mitchell Nadine H Estate Mitchell Peter K Mr Mitchell Phylomina E Mitchell Sakina Mitchell Scott A Mitchell Shanara Mittal Alexander Chow, Khush Mitthaver Matthew M Modern Equipment S Moertel Mildred Moffa Agatha Mojica Richard J Molina Myrta Monacelli Mildred Mondelli Joe Mongelli-Smith Joanna R Monnich William J Monroe Willie M Montalvo Stephanie Ms Montero Florencia Montgomery Angela Montgomery Pamela L Monti Madeline Moody Mary H Moody Sarika T Moore Roosevelt, Emma J Moore Edwin S III Moore Jordan Margaret Moore Joyce L Moore Juanita M Moore Lucretia Moore Robert Jr Moore Valerie L Moore William C Mora Jania Morales Eduardo Morales-Arias Manuel Moran Kathleen E Morant Wade Yusef Mordi Anne Ekedima Morelos Inc Moreno Vasquez Miguel Morgan Jhaleem D Morisawa Takuya Mornhinweg Lindsay, Marty Morris Trustee for Atwood Gaskins Blanche Morris Lyssa A Morris Teresa Morrison Carl Morrison Clifton Morrison Norman Morrow Julian Morton L Zieve Trust Mosca Lillian G Mosley Theresa N Mosquera Julio Mpd Dining Llc Muatan Omran Muldoon Brian Mullahy James J Mullan Mary E Mullen Arnold Muller Hildagarde M Mullin Mark J Multiple Sclerosis Munoz Gonzalo S Munson Holly K, David B Murphy David J, Ella Murphy Jonathan J, Jane L Murray Shirley B, Amy Murray Anthony H Jr Murray John Jr Murrell Katherine, Joyce E Murtano Andrey K Musher Noah D Mustafa-Kamal Sandra D Muth Satha

Muto Francesco Mr Myers Christopher B Myers George Myers John N Myint Ni Lar Nagle Gretchen Nagy Alice R Nagy Kalman A Nakahata Yosuke Namakando Charles Napoli Joseph Nash Benjamin Nassau Henry N Natica Holmsley National Brain Tumor Society National Investor Services National Medical Imaging National Ms Society Greater Delaware National Renal Admin Natividad Nicholas, Benito Natsume Kenichi Naughton Michelle, Christina Navaline Helen A Neal Delores Nealy Malik Neat Company Inc Needle Michael R Nehemiah Nettie E Nelson Chantelle Nelson Gregory A Nelson Jevon Nelson Joyce Nelson Timothy J Sr Nemeroff Norman Neo Energy Solutions Inc Nesbitt Thomas J Nesmith Gladys Neurology and Neurophysiology Neurology Associates Ltd Nevels James E New Courtland Life New Egg Bus Inc New Watson Llc Newell Catharine V Newman Nicole Nextframe International Student Film Nf Clearing Inc Nfps Inc Ngo Jean C Nguyen Dao T Nguyen Dung N Nguyen Khanh N Nguyen Lan T Nguyen Quynh Nguyen Thuan Nguyen Trung M Ngyun T Nhaway Tywanya C Nichols Elsie Nichols Phyllis Nichols Rich Nicholson Joseph T Estate Nicholson Lucy A Nicole Kershaw Nicolella Lena Nigro Emelia Nigro Nicholas A Nigrone Timothy L Nikolai Mary Nikolic Isidora Nimmoins Joseph Nina Streets Designs Nixon Harry Nobles Gregory Noeller Paul Nolan John A Estate Nolan Ryan Nolley Queenie Noonan Julia A, Mary A Nordgren Theresa Norristown Regional Health Center North Phila Health S Nova Care Occupational Hlth Svs Novak Eleanor L, Alton J Novak Phyliss Stein Nowell Mamie Ree Nunez Luis A Nunez Marino

Nunnally Tristan A Nunzio Carto Jr Life Insurance Trust Nuon Saing K Nybakken Grant E, James E Oaks David E Oberli Gloria Iantha Estate Obermayer Rebnn Maxwell & Hippel Obiabaka Emenike C Obradovic Davor Obrien Elizabeth Obrien James P Obrien Patricia Obrien Robert Obus Betty F, Erwin H Ochai Danjuma O Ochuida Jaclyn Ocks Herbert L Oconnell Michael Oconnor Chris E Odom Donald C Odonnell Kenneth Ogonek Mary C Ogywnn Alicia N Ohara Ryan Oja Jaan Okabe Hiroshi, Eriko Okeefe Joseph S Okoh Anthonia I Okongwu Anne Olechna Francis Olga Katz Md PhD Olson Bruce W Olson Gustav Omene Akpoghenobo Omlin Pena Karla Omulvihill Kathryn M Oncology Care Llc One Liberty Tower Pl Oneal Naomi C Opus Financial Holdings Ordered Steps International Oregon Getty Oregon Auto Service Oreilly Luke Orsatti Fred Osg Inc Ossowicz Piotr Ostrov Mark Osullivan Mary Otero Albert J Otero Gudino Manuel Otero Poliquit Flordelin Ottaviano Andrea Ou Sra Oun Sopheak Outterbridge Wendell P, Ruth E Overmont Corp Overstreet Bobby Oviedo Paola C Ovum Recordings Inc Owen Dean Owens Bruce E Owens Sharon L Ozark Mahoning Co Oil Division P G Corbin Company Inc Pace Francis J, Mary M Pace Francine Pacheco Delma L Padmalingam My Page Siani W Page William Jr Paige Joyce Paige Robert Pain Injury Chiro Palm Morrissey Palma Jhevid Palmer Andrew Palmer Ashley Palmer Donna M Palmer Julia Palmer Marcia Palmore Curtis Pamuk Hummet Pan Guo Panah Suna Panitch Schwarze Belisario Nadel Pansini Law Firm Panzarella Anthony Paolini William J

PGN Parangan Jeannette R Parham Patryce E Paris Lindsay Parish Lawrence C MD Park Hyatt Philadelphia Park It Corporation Park Sang Uk Park Towne Place Parker Cloyce Parker Susan Parker Winifred M Parkh Dhaval J Parkinsons Disease Gene Therapy Parmenter Ethel Parnell Phillip A Parrillo Liberato J Parris Kitty Parsons Wendy G Parvis Eric Lansing Pascale Christina Pascale Frank Jr Pasco Daniel Pashuck Kathryn Pasquale Antonio, Rita B Pasquale Simone Passalaqua John Passlow Cetctest Patascher Adrian L Patel Mitesh H, Nafisa J Patel Ronak Patel Shilpa Esq Patterson Crystal H Patterson Kim Patterson Larnie Patton James C Patwari Ashok K Pavoni Louis Payne James W Pc Network Inc Peacock Melanie J Pearce Chelsea A Pearlstein Kathryn M Pearlstein Paul Pearson Eric Pearson Ricardo J Peba Peck Andrew Peeling Whitney Pellizzeri Santa Pelto Tom Pelzer Cornshea Pelzer James E Penazzo Camila Penn Center for Youth & Family Penn Center House Inc Penn Ruth L Pennick Shelli L Pennock Helen Pennsylvania Convention Ctr Penrose Properties Pepper Hamilton Llp Perez Marck Perilstein Louis, Rose Perkins Estate Of Perkins Melvin Perkins Winifred Estate, Laverne W Perkins Yvette Perlmutter Marion Pernsley Vernell J Perrier George Perro Daniel J Perry Tooshdi, Perry Keith Perry Charles A Perry Grant Perry Lillian L Perry Lowanna Perry Nick Perseus Books Group Peskin Jeremy Peskowitz Miriam Peter Fielding Elser Tr Peter School Petta Lawrence Pham Hoang Pham Huong G Pham Linh Pham Phuong T Phan Bao

Phan Tho T Phelan Hallinan and Schmieg Phelan Kevin G Phelps Peirce Phelps Zeddie L Phila Workforce Investment Bo Philadelphia Beverage Holding Philadelphia Dragon Boat Association Philadelphia Gas Works Philadelphia Hospitality Partners Philadep & Co Philadep and Co Philarx Pharmacy Philip S Asbury Pc Phillips Cleaster Phillips Ryan Philly Ad Club Philly Living Llc Phong Tran MD Picasso Rex Barbara Picuri Don A Piechota Darren Pieper Frances Pierce Bessie M Pierce Lydia Estate Piernock Steve Jr Pierok Alexander J Pierson Karla Pierson Robert Pigford Ruth A Pilarz Zygmunta Pilla Frances M, Delores Pilli Adriana Ping Anthony Jr Pinizzotto Jessica E Pinkney Carmella Pinkowski Edward Pinkston Karen M Pinkstone Morgan A Pinnacle Brokerage Services Pino Peter C Pinto Brett M, Susan B Pippen Deon A Plonczyk Darek Plowden Lorna E Podlaski Robert Estate Polise Maria Polit Edwin J Estate, David M Polkus Mary E Pollard Edwina Pollutri Louis Poly Justin P Ponticello Anna Ponton Barry, Maria Pontusson Jonas Porter Isaac T, Olga B Porter Jamal Portner David F, Henry N Poslusznyj Oleh Possiel Lauren M Post Law Firm Potoczny Emil W Pournader Parvin D Powell Helen G Powell T O Dr Powell Tamara Powers Doris Est Powers Leonard Powers Matthew Poyser James Prabhashanker Anuradha Prabujaya Paul Prasetya Darmawan Pratt Suzanne L Precision Watch Repair Inc Presbery Albert S Presott Paige A Pressley Florence Preston Elizabeth Preston Jaminson Previti Leonard Previty Jonathon A, Joseph Price Edward A Price Gary M Price Thomasina R Pringle Mary E Prizm Medical Resources Probert Jason W

Proetto William 10 17 Professional Assoc Consulting Srvcs Progressive Casualty Insurance Co Prokapus Michele L Property Management Group Prophet Jessica Provenzano Amy Provident Capital Management Ptr Inc Public Financial Management Pueblo Marriott Convention Center Purcell Nathan Purewal Miteswar Puroclean Property Restoration Putnam Clyde E Jr Qiongzhao Schicktanz Qu Zhi Yuan Quach Lee Quach Stephen, Caven Quality 1 Auto Shop Llc Quarles Sherman Quercetti Gertrude Quickle Colleen M Quigley Eileen Esq Quiles Hernandez Carlos Quinn Edith Quinn John Quinn Robert M R Chobert Painting Co Raanan Abby Rabatin Michael Rabinowitz Deborah Rabusa Sydrick Radian Services Inc Rafalko Henry Raffesty Mary C Sis Raghavan Ravi Raglan Janie Ragni Marie C, Anna H Rahatt Rosa Rainey Charles Jr Ralls Dale Rambert Valerie B Ramirez Inez E Mrs Ramos Antonio Ramos Virginia M Ramsey Matthew Randall Vera Randolph Cinquette Randolph David S Hannah Rankin John Ransom Albert W Ransom Brian A Ransom Shirley M Rashad Amirah Rasheed Ahmad Rashid Khamis Rasjid Bakri Rauch R Stewart Ravindran Bipin K Ravitz Ronald, Scott Ravitz Adam Rawson Emily Ray Kevin P Ray Tasha A Raymond Al Rcloff Elizabeth A Rdl Group Assoc Inc Read Virginia M Ready Cash Gp Corporation Reaves Joan Reconstructive Ortho Assocrothman Record Copy Services Reddick Natalie Redmond Vicki L Reed Sandra E Reed Smith Reeder Pearl Reese Alexis Regan Alma Regester Amelia Reichardt Keith Reichbach Amy M Ms Reid Fritz P C Attorney at Law Reid Thad Reinert Anna L Reingold Dolly Reisman Lillian B, William

Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Reit Mgmt And Research Reliance Standard Life In Rembert William Ren Warren Renzi Nicholas J Residual Interest Investments L P Residuary T/U/W of Henry Rockower Resnick Matthew, Susan Restraunt Plaza P Rettew Iona R Reyes Eileen M Rheinheimer David Rhoades Marie E Rice House Rice Thomas G Richard Mickman Richards Julia L Richardson Allen R Richardson Claire R Richardson Lillie Richardson Mary C Richardson Verlene Richardson Yisrael Richman Spear Greenfield Richmond Helen Estate Richmond James R Richter Jaime Ricks Fannie H Ridley Clare Right Management Consult B Gsm Riley Charvonne Riley Lauren Rim Set Rinehart Christopher K Rines Samuel Rintoul Lodis J Riser Kahliah N Risher Delores C Estate Riso Natalie U/W Fbo Nichol, Riso Nicholas F Ritner Myrtle B Miss Rittenhouse Management Co Rittenhouse Plaza Inc Rittenhouse Properties Rittenhousetees Com Rivera Egan Donna Rivera Miguel Rivers Kenneth, Gina N Riz Sheila Rma Inc Road Cheltenham Y Roane Richard Robb Mia L Robb Vincent P Robbins Robert E Roberson Roger Estate Robert D Baldwin Trust Robert F Green Ira Robert H Turchin Dmd Robert H Wise Management Co Robert Land Law Roberts George Robin Morris Robinette Justin Frederick Robinson Oconnor, Scott, Cozen Robinson Annie Robinson Archie L Robinson Brenda L Robinson Edward L Robinson Eric K Robinson Frank Robinson James Robinson L Estate Robinson Lawrence Robinson Marvin Robinson Mary Robinson Ratiana Robinson Rovena Robinson Sikeya M Robinson Tonya Roc Ruby Rocamora Carol PhD Roccato Gerald Roccos Collision Rock Lobster Inc Rodgers Kenneth, Kasey Rodgers Thomas Rodin Sharon

Rodriguez Bernard Rodriguez Christina Rodriguez Hernandez Omayra Rogers Raven L Rohe Andrew S Rojas Beatriz Romano Joseph Romer M J Romero Alberto J Mr Rondon Ramon Rooker Gwendolyn E Root 53 Foundation Rosales Oscar Rose Eliza Roseborough Erik Rosenberg E Philip Rosenberg Jacob N Rosenbluth International Rosenfeld Bernice F Rosenfelt Richard T Rosengarten Todd Rosenthal Shirleyann Rosenzweig Laurance G Ross Associates Ross Mccrea Llp Rossi Clementina Rotella Michael Roth Adrian Roth Janice Rothman Mary K, Jane E Rothman Institute Rounsville Kevin Rountree Mary R Rowan Margaret J Rowan T Hughes Rowe Thomas D Rowland Aaron M Roy F Weston Incorporated Royal Constructions Inc Royster Khaila B, Elaine Royster Elaine Rudd Peter Rudman Kal Rudnick Samuel Rudolf Joseph C Rudolph Jeffrey A Ruff Jennifer, Ronadl Ruffin Bettina Rufo Robert V Ruggeri Angelo Ruggeri Laura Ruiz Jesus Rumsey David A Rupprecht Laura Russell Mattie Russo Ryan C, Kevin Russo Jessica Gregory, Victoria Gregory Russo Patricia A Russock Larry Ruth Dordick Ryder Raymond S Ryder Sarah Elizabeth Rygler Jennifer D S I Creations Sabatel Gonzalo Manrique Sabato Samuel, Anne Sabrinas Cafe Llc & Rdls Inc Sackman Ashlee M, Ellen J Sadaka Jennifer Saddic Mae Safe Harbor Financial Inc Saferstein Gail Sai Fuel Inc Sakovics Meadow Salamat Faustino V, Jeffrey J Salandria Rose R Saleh Ahmed Saleh Rina Salinas Edward Salters Aleta M Sam Teena Sammon Joshua Samph Alison M Sample Lisa Sample Richard G Sample Zelva Samschick Michael Sanchez Alicea Ada



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Sanchez Venus A Sanchious Mary Sanders E Louise, Frank Sanders James Sandling Viola Sands David J, Edna Sangmi Kim Sanjuanita Gonzalez Iolta Sansiveri Sean C Santiago Carol L, Noel Santiago Wilberto Santillan Leonel O Santoro Thomas Santosusso Anthony Sao Rose Sara Doris Sarne Shira, Ofer Sarnese Mary Saslow S Satish Akhila Sauber Helene Saunders Anthony Saunders Donna Saunders Vincent K Savage Keith M Jr Savage Shirldaya Savastio Conrad Savin Lois Y Savitz Ruth Saxton Miriam Saysana Veng Scafidi Catherine, Stephen Scafidi Catherine C Scallatino Agatha C Scarantino Verna Scarbrough Deborah Schaefer Linda S Schaefer Paul M Schall Peter Schatanoff Joseph Schechinger Raen J Schell Edgar C Jr Adm, Edgar C III Scherer Eleanor M Schiaffo Conboy Edith A Schiavo Joseph Schiavo Sabrina Schick Mariann Schiller Judith Schirmer Kelly Schlichting Christi Schmidt Karen Schmuhl Andrew Schneider Francine R Schoemaker Ann Schriever Neil Schuchert Jeffrey A Schwartz Andrew N Schwartz Lenora F Schwarz Brian Scilovati Domenic Scott Karen, Alice Scott Alice Scott Karen Estate Scott Latika Scott Shay Scottos Pizza Screnci Louise E Scripts Future Seal Susan Seawright Solomon Seckinger Clifford A Segal Ajay Segal Mccambridge Singer Segal Schnader Harrison Seibert Joseph V Est of Jr, Joseph III Seidel Weitz Garfinkle Datz Llc Seigle Cindy Selden Stephanie R Selznick Richard H Semaan Boutros Seng Chau Seng Yoeuth Senior Needs Marketing Senning Connor Sepo Assocaites Serfess Joseph Services Bfch Services First

Setiawan Yudha Settles Dwayne C Sgro Margaret Roy, Joseph J Shaaban Kian Shaffmaster Fred Shah Adarsh Shah Amy Shah Shreayas S Shainfine Marilyn Shakur Saleem Shamberger Robert M Shanks Nancy Shannon Juanita Est Shapiro Ellen Sharpe Wendell H Shaw Dave Shaw David R Jr Shaw Doreen Shaw Joann Shaw Tamika Shecter Robert L Sheehan Albert J Jr, Rita Sheer Michael H Shegda John Jr Sheldon Diana M Shelfer Katherine M Shelton Andrew Christophe Sheng Die Sherlock Regina C Shiel Catherine Shields Beatrice G Shih Wei C Shine Alice Shirley Mays Shoatz Angela Shoemaker Katherine Shore Allen, Gwen Shrager David S Shutko Emma Sierra Ortega Gloria Signs John Sill Donald K Silva Henrique C Silver Miller & Devirgilis Silverberg Abby Silverman Gerald Silverman Rhonda Merle Ms Silvestri Laurel, Albert Simmons Barbara C Simmons James Simmons Mary Alice Simon Joan Simon Peter D Estate Simone Elizabeth L Simons Ulysses M Simp Harold L Estate Simpson Charly Simpson Jesica Sines Raymond Estate Singer Bernard A Singleton Tiffany D Sinnott Helene D Sirisaengtaksin Arweemas Sithirajvongsa Song Sitthivong Phoudone Skalski Stanley T Skwirut L G Slate David E Slaughter James L Sledzeski John Smacchi Matteo M Smialkowski Richard Estate Smiley William L Smith Elmer F, Emily M Smith Lillian M, John M Smith Alicia Smith Andrykah Smith Badley Smith Christopher G Smith Diane R Smith Eldridge W Smith Elmer Estate Smith Glen W Smith Glenda Smith James A Smith Jeffrey A Smith Jessie M Miss Smith Katherine B

PGN Smith Kerri Smith Lonnie Smith Patricia Smith Richard J Smith Rosetta L Smith Sarah J Smith Shanell L Smith Sharon E Smith Theresa D Smith Valerie P Smith William Smith Willie M Smolarski Elizabeth Snead Hobart S Snitcher Bryan S Snock Barbara, John Snow Billy Snyder Valjean P, Sherry Snyder Helen C Snyder Wilbur Dare Society Hill Dance Sport Inc Soetanto Jun Solmn Shermn Gabay Solms Stephen Solomon Matilda, Max E Solomon & Sherman Solomon Mike Solomon Noah Solomon Sherman & Gabay Attorneys Solomon Sherman Gabay Attorneys Solot Alyson Solow S J Sommerfield Pamela A Sonja M N Sorey Eugene Michael Sosa Ivette Soth John S South Philadelphia Muffler Southern Cross Mgmt Souza Walter Sowell Tony Spahr Ballard Llp Sparta Leon Spears Bobby Speath Mary Speck Joseph J Spector Gussie Speight Leona Spence Lawrence Spencer George Spencer Jamie C Spencer Lillian Sperlunto Gerald Spicer Lakiha T, Azheem Y Spiegel Eric N Spieler Eric Spinelli Marian Spinosi Nicholas R Spivey Bertha E Estate Sponheimer Joseph Estate Spring Delaware Associate Sprouffske Kathleen Spruce Street Mkt Spruill Albert Srivastava Anubhav St Hill Jenai H Stabile Patricia Staffierei Donald Stalcup Roslyn Est Stallworth Tieara Stamps Jeffrey O Stancil Jacquelyne R Stanco Rocco Stanford Gary Stanley A Roy Stanley Kenneth Staples John T Starcite Inc Statan Perlie Staten Timothy F, Susie B Staten Vernon W States Ellis P Staunton Michael A Steaks Genos Steel Francis P Stein Anthony Stein Berthe Stein Debora L

Stein Eric H Steinbecker Peggy A Steinberg Joseph Estate Steingard and Testa Medical Associates Stephen E Solma Irrevocable Trust Stephens John A Stephenson Helen G Sterling Winifred W W, Elwood T Stern Christie Stevens Herbert L Stevens Judith C Stevens Ryans Associates Stever Carol S Stewart Esther Stewart James W Stewart Lillie Ferris Stewart Paula Stickels Brian T Stiegel Evan Stier Marc W Stiles Richard Stinson Johnnie Stokes Rodney Stone Eldred Stone Patricia A Stoneman Dennis, Sandra Stoots Irene Storably Inc Storrie Sean Stott Ashley Stoudemire Charles C Stowers Ardelia Strange Brandi R Streat Kerisma Streett Wesley Streitz Kurt Strother Joyce Strother Natasha D Stroud Jamie B Stuebing William Est of Jr Suarez Angel J Suber Lamar Subramanian Kavitha Suburban Extended Stay Suengpyo Son Sugiyama Shimpei Sukonick Mitchell A Sullco Sullivan Amanda K Sullivan Heather M Sullivan Theodore Sulpizio John F Summerville Joanne Sun Jane Sutherland Virginia W Suttikulpanich Akepisith Sutton Kathy E Swain Faliesha Swain Jean Gutherie Swain Maude Swedloff Harvey Sweeney Joseph A Jr Swim Colleen Swint Kelomi Swirniuk Mary Swisher George, Ely M Sykes Abid K Sylvester Rupert Synergistic Healthca Sysco Philadelphia Llc Szczesniak Rosemary Taffet Julia Tahir Mella Atty Tall Cow Talmadge Christopher M Talmadge Julia Tamborello Sarah J Tan Dong M Tan Hadi W Tan Liting Tan Nadia Tannenbaum Alicia Tarducci Vincent Tarnoff Joseph Tartaglia Donald A Tartaglia James Tate Anderson Jayden, Anderson Kevin Tate Nakia D

Tatum Charlotte A Tausif Butt Tawo Zahnlener M Taws Presentation Plus Tay Adrian Taylor Arthur Jr Taylor David L Taylor Gwendolyn H Taylor Hannah Taylor Jason E Ugma Taylor Levonia Taylor Sarah K Taylor Shawn Tch Fin Serv Inc Teleflex Inc Sepp Tensortek Biotechnol Terkanian Anna Terramagra Orlando J Terrien Karell Tevelin David I, Sandy F The Mcs Group Inc Thelma Claire Ebrieght Rev Trust Theraphysical Care of Pa Thi Dan T Thomas Agnes Thomas Barbara J Thomas Camiller J Thomas Dorothy Thomas Janie Thomas John Thomas Lionel Thomas Logan Thomas Lydia Thomas Okolo Thomas Tiny Thompson Allen Celeste A Thompson Dolores J Thompson Donald D Thompson Jennifer Thompson John L Thompson Margaret Thompson Millard Thompson Myeesa C Thornton Samuel Thornton Samuel C Thorpe Melissa M Thottungal Jacob P Estate Tian Heng Tian Shiyi Tierney Laura A Tierno Floriggi, Carmela Tilghman Victoria Tillery Clifton, Anne Timoshenko Edna Tindal Lucille Tisdale Patricia A Tjong Huicin To Hoa Tobman Alan Tofani Kat Tolbert Juanita B, Timothy Tompkins John R Tompkins Thomas Toner Katherine M, Robert L Toomi Khaled A Torpey Beatrice D Torres Negron Adun M Touch Helen Touhari Djemia Toulemonde Anne C Towers Perrin Forster & Crosby Towns Annie Tps IV of Pa Llc Traceys Beauty Inc Traczyk Robert J Tran Hoa Tran Jean Paul Tran Phuong Tran Samuel Q Tran Thuy T Tran Tim T Trange Brew Coffee Transwestern Commercial S Trauner Consulting Services Trc Market Associates Lp Tremaine Melissa A Treston Robert K Trf Dp 8 Llc


Tri State Public Adjusters In Tricarico Cosimo Trice Melaina Trident Insurance Agency Trinh Huyen T Triple Net Properties Llc Triplin Mustapha H Triq Technology Llc Tristate Public Adjusters Inc Triumph Healthcare at St Agnes Trombley Kimberly Troupe Rhonda J Troutt Deven L Troyer Julia D Trulear Elizabeth D, Harold H Trustees of Joni J Beaver Retirement Tschabrunn Cory Tu Hai Tubman Sandra Tucker House Ncc Tucker Tiffany Tumarkin William, Naomi Tuono Karen J Turner Beatrice Turner Christine Turner Glenn Turner John Allen Turner Karen Turner Lana Turpin Denise M Twelfth Street Hotel Asso Twenty Four Seven Fo Tyler David Tyler William Tyson Gail Tzatzarov Roumen U T D 4 1 98 Eizen Finburg & Mccarthy Ua 7 10 80 Jeanne Pawling Ua Aug 24 9 the William I Kuhn & Emily Ufberg Rachel Uff Joseph U Jr Uffalussy Adam T Uhniat Melissa Ujjani Tejus Uk Kook Seung Umphlett Melissa A United Child Care Unrath Chris M Unti Oreste V, Margaret Upperman Juanita Urban Lauren Urban Real Estate Investment Urban Steel Llc Urbanspaced Development Corp Uyechi Chester Vaddi Madhavi Vaden Iris C Valentino J Ciullo Dpm Valentino Jaime Valley Delaware Van Derslice Linda M Van Ekelenburg Jennifer Van Phan Hung Vanderbent Michael C Vanhissenhoven Jean Marc Vannucci Marina Monteiro Vanoye Pamela M, Amaury Vappas Estelle M Vargas Estela Vario Dominique D Vaughn Cooke Anna Fay Vazquez Grisel Vedula Lakshmi S Ventus Mary

Verlin M E Verna John F Verrastro Gina Verratti Antonia Verruni Louis III Versatile Design Inc Vesper New Years Assn Vidal Taimeka Videogamejoe Viera Helen Estate Viner Juanita Virgi Giovanni Virgilio William R, Marc T Volusher Ray Vu Nghi T Vuong Stacey WAS DA Wade Albert T Wade J Patricia Wagner Edward Wah Jeffrey Waite Daren B Waiters Ann Wake Debra L Wakefield Shufang Wal Mart Walker Margaret, William, John Walker Clifford Walker Cory Walker Flossie Walker Janice E Walker Janice L Walker Joyce H Walker Laura Walker Mary Walker Sedonia Wall Pearl Wallace William Wallen Anthony, George Waller James Waller Olive A Walnut Chancellor Assoc Walreens Co Walsh Jordan Walter Chambers Exec Waltermeyer Donald Walton Charlene Walton William Wang Helen Wang Yongping Wapner Keith L MD Ward Daria Ward Norma W Warren Earleen M, Mildred Warren Morris, Sara Warren Christopher Warren Michailangel Washington Auto Collision Washington Emma Est Washington Jarma J Washington Taaz Washington Terrance Wasiakowski E Julia Wasniewski Jr DO Pc John J Watanabe Kensho Waters Aurelia B Waters James Estate Watkins Barbara A Watlington and Cooper Inc Watson Caroline O Watson Gloria Watson Joseph Watterson Jean A Watterson Robert B

Watts Elizabeth A Watts Milton S Watts Ruth Watts Walter Jr Est Weaver Leonard III Webb Amy M Webb Kevin J Weber G Linton Jr Weber Gallagher Simpson Stapleton Weber Glenn Webster Donald K Weekes Vanessa Wehmeyer Margaret Wein Jessica Weinstein Lynn P Weinstock Mildred L Weisman David Weiss Burton Welfer Paul G Welker Harvey J, Juliet C Wellen Shari L Weng Zhen Wenneman Richard T Wernick Isadore Wertheimer Karen A West Georgianna, Joseph Sr West Charon D West Coast Entertainment Corp West Elizabeth West Margaretta Westcoat Carol Ann Nelson Western Bank Llc Westminster Housing Development Wetherill Harriet A Wetzel John A Whalen Katherine Whaley Don Wheeler Harold B Wheeler Kelson Wheeler Michele K Wheels Inc Whelan Brendan P Whelan Ralph Whetstone James White Alfred White Amber White Boatright Rhonda T White David White Dolores White Earl White Fannie White Joseph White Nancy A White Richard Whiting John L Whitney Jaquirah Wibisono Gunawan Wible Carol Wienckowski J & L Towing Lenny Wigand John L Wihton Miriam R Wilcox Caroline L Wiley Byron Wilhelm Wendy Wilkes Maia Wilkie Earl Wilkins Ronald Wilkins Stephen Wilkinson Elizabeth P Wilkinson Lorraine R William A Graham Company William Martin Williams Alexis Williams Amanda

Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017

Williams Anthony Williams Catherine Williams Cesar D Jr Williams Charles Williams David Williams Dorothy S Williams Edna K Williams Eugenia Williams Evelyn & Alfred Williams Harry Williams Howard Williams James H Williams Jerri B Williams Joanne Williams Jonathan M Williams Katherine A Williams Kevin Williams Kevin Williams Louis T Williams Marisa B Williams Mark Williams Mary E D Williams Mary M Williams Randell Williams Tamiko Williamson Preston, Nellie Willis Robert Willis Wendy F Wilson Frances, Samuel Wilson Alicia Wilson Darrel J Wilson Justin Wilson Michael Wilson Mildred Wimberly Walter Wimes Floyd Winder Andrew L Sr Winston Carolyn M Winston Raymond P Est Winter Otto R Winterbottom Stephen Wintermyer Jason S Winters Brian S Wipman Sadie Wise David A Wise Insurance Group Wiseman Joan Witherspoon Juanita B Witherspoon Shirley Witts Esther V Wolf Shayna E Wolters Kluwer Health Inc Womans Health Care Service Womens Care Center City Ave Wong King Y Wood Adolphus F Sr Woodberry Lorestine Woodley Fernando J Woodrock Inc Woods Alexis Woods Susan M Woodward Robert Woolford Sheila Worby Leonard World Entertainment Inc Carmen Wright Albert Wright Appellate Services Inc Wright Mary Wright Tyrone Wroclawski Francine Cust, Serge Wu Annie K Wu Hsueh Ww Smith Scholarship Fund Wybor Nicola B

Wynn Farrah Wynn Mary Xiao Mingjun Xie Fei Xiuji Qiu Xu Haoke Xu Yan Yachi Wang Yancey Francine L Yang Amy Yang Celine Yang Gen J Yang Weidong Yang Xiaofan Yao Changgen Yao Zhiwei Yaxi Chen Yelsey Anne Yi Simach Yildirim Emre Yoh Kristen K Yoon Myong D York Cheltenham You Shuting Youn Jiwon Young Albert J Young Allison J Young Anthony Young Arline R Young Gloria Young William Youngblood William C Yoy Chanthara Yusof Mohamed Zaccone and Petrone Zacharatos Mario Zagame Evelyn Zaharchuk Julius Zair Jean L Zaken Ilan Zakrzewski Beata J Zandvliet Arno Zankowski Matthew J Zavorski Edward Zawacka B A Zawadsky Nancy C Zayas Saul Zbarsky Frank, Rose Zhang Chen Zhang Jun S Zhang Peng Zhang Xiaojiang Zhang Zi J Zheng Cheng Zheng Mindong Zheng Neng S Zhou En L Zhou Nan Zhou Qingsheng Zhu Jiaoya Zhu Yan F Ziesing Doris Zion A Zirbser Paul III Zirul Romando T Zito Erica L Zizka Jiri Zlatkin Lori Zolman Jeffrey Zorica Diane V Zou Chang Yao Zulli Helen Zurich North American

For information about the nature and value of the property, or to check for additional names, visit: | 1.800.222.2046 | |




Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017


LGBT employees are everywhere — and we want to help tell their stories.

2026 Sansom St (located 3 doors up from Sansom St Gym)

215-557-9319 4 Small Theaters with Video & Dark Room Area

HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday - Thursday


(closed an hour for cleaning)

Friday- Sunday:

Open 24hrs


We now accept all major credit cards.

Plenty of New Things Happening at 2020...... “THE SUITES”

Nominate yourself or someone else for Day in the Life Of to have one of our reporters spend a day on the job with you, and write about the experience. Email with your name, occupation, employer and work schedule for consideration.

• 8 NEW Deluxe Rooms “EVERYTHING is LARGER” • New sound system • New custom Slings • A New Video Room with 6 video booths



Half Price Rooms & Lockers (6am Sunday till 8am Monday, 12am Tuesday till 8am Wednesday) ROOMS: Members: $12.50 and Non-Members: $22.50 LOCKERS: Members: $9.00 and Non-Members: $19.00

MONDAY thru FRIDAY: (8am to 4pm) Business Mans Locker Special 4 hour lockers Members: $5.00 and Non-Members: $15.00 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISE $12 Flat Rate for Locker Admission & Clothing Optional (4pm-12 Midnight)

ALSO DO NOT FORGET P.A.N.G. (Philadelphia Area Nudist Group)

Sunday, June 25th • Time: 3pm- 6pm For More Information On Group:

SATURDAY AFTERNOON DELIGHT 4 Hour Lockers (8am - 4pm) Members: $5.00 and Non-Members: $15.00

Check out our website for our WEEKLY SPECIALS & JOIN OUR e-mail List to get the latest information on upcoming events....



Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017



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Philadelphia Gay News June 30-July 6, 2017


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