PGN Jan. 30 - Aug. 5, 2010

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Philadelphia Gay News Vol. 34 No. 31

Honesty Integrity Professionalism

July 30 - Aug. 5, 2010

In ‘constitutional manner,’ city may evict Scouts By Timothy Cwiek PGN Writer-at-Large

BON VOYAGE: Local athletes were dressed and ready to go during a sendoff party July 22 at Stir as the LGBT community came together to wish them good luck in their trip to Cologne, Germany, for the Gay Games. The 55 Team Philadelphia athletes making the trip include the organization’s co-chair, Kurt Douglass (from left) — modeling the local contingent’s opening-ceremony shirt — Michael LoFurno, marketing chair Bob Szwajkos, treasurer Carl Funk — wearing the closing-ceremony shirt — Adelina Santiago and Jan Elsasser. The local competitors will play 13 different sports throughout the weeklong event, which ends Aug. 7. Photo: Scott A. Drake

Philly athletes head to Games By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer Local LGBT athletes were doing their last-minute packing this week before shipping off to Germany for the world’s largest LGBT sporting event. The Gay Games, held this year in Cologne, Germany, will include representation from 55 athletes from the Philadelphia area. The quadrennial Olympic-style event runs July 31Aug. 7, with opportunities for athletes to compete in 35 different athletic disciplines. The Philadelphia contingent will participate in 13 sports, covering everything from bowling to martial arts to tennis to wrestling. The largest groups, with 15 and 13 athletes, respectively, will compete in softball and swimming

events. Kurt Douglass, co-chair of Team Philadelphia — the umbrella organization that oversees all of Philadelphia’s LGBT sports clubs and the local delegate to the Gay Games — said the countless hours he and marketing director Bob Szwajkos, as well as all of the participants, put in to prepare for the trip paid off at the send-off party last week at Stir. “At the bon voyage party, you could really see that the entire community is behind Team Philadelphia and all of the athletes, so that’s the reward we were able to get for the year we had out there,” he said. Szwajkos agreed that organizing the local contingent was no easy feat. “We’ve been to more fundraisers and more sportSee GAY GAMES, Page 8

A federal judge has cleared the way for the city to once again begin eviction proceedings against a local Boy Scouts of America chapter, but he cautioned that any new effort must be done in a constitutional manner. However, city attorneys want U.S. District Judge Ronald L. Buckwalter to overturn an unfavorable portion of last month’s jury verdict, which invalidates the city’s prior effort to evict the Cradle of Liberty Council. The city has been trying to evict the council from a city-owned facility for four years because the council won’t permit openly gay participants, or, in the alternative, pay fair-market rent. Last month, a federal jury said the city was “reasonable” in wanting to evict the council, but it wasn’t “reasonable” when it asked the council to “repudiate” BSA’s anti-gay policy to remain in the building rent-free. That alleged request placed an “unconstitutional condition” on the council’s right to occupy the building rent-free, jurors said. On July 14, Buckwalter entered judgment on the verdict by inval-

idating the city’s prior eviction effort and denying the city’s request for $333,000 in back rent from the council. But Buckwalter also ruled the city may begin eviction proceedings against the council once again, “provided it does so in a manner which does not violate the constitutional rights of [the council].” Buckwalter’s two-page order revises his November 2009 preliminary injunction that blocked the council’s eviction. The injunction is now permanent, and specifically acknowledges the city’s right to evict the council if it’s done constitutionally. Despite this acknowledgment, city attorneys want Buckwalter to overturn the unfavorable portion without a new trial or hold a new trial on that issue. “As a matter of law, the government has a right to condition subsidies on nondiscriminatory conduct,” city attorneys stated in a July 21 filing. In prior court briefs, the Scouts maintained that the city impermissibly conditioned its rental subsidy on the relinquishment of the council’s constitutional right to See SCOUTS, Page 12

NJ Supreme Court refuses gay-marriage case By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer Marriage-equality supporters suffered a blow in the Garden State this week when the New Jersey Supreme Court declined to hear a case filed by same-sex couples seeking the right to marry. The court released the split decision Monday, with three justices consenting to take the case and three opposed. Four justices must consent for a case to proceed, and the seventh seat is currently vacant. The justices wrote that, instead of heading to the state Supreme Court, the case should instead be heard by the lower courts because it “cannot be decided without the

development of an appropriate trial-like record,” which leaves the door open to the case eventually making its way back to the highest court. Justice Virginia Long wrote the dissenting opinion for the court, saying the oral arguments that could have been delivered before the Supreme Court would have made up for the lack of a trial record. The case was filed earlier this year by six same-sex couples who served as the original plaintiffs in Lewis v. Harris, the landmark New Jersey Supreme Court case that found that same-sex couples are entitled to the same rights and benefits as heterosexual married couples and paved the way for the state’s civil-union law.

The couples asked the court to revisit its decision in the original case, considering the reported failures in the civil-union law that have prevented some same-sex couples from receiving equal treatment, which are enumerated in a 2008 report by the Civil Union Review Commission. The commission cited numerous cases of samesex couples who were denied benefits by employers, hospitals and other entities that didn’t understand the meaning of civil unions, and recommended that full-marriage equality would remedy those issues. Hayley Gorenberg, deputy director of Lambda Legal, which is representing the plaintiffs, said her agency is “terribly disappointed” in the ruling.

“Our plaintiffs and the New Jersey legislature’s own Civil Union Review Commission documented the rampant discrimination same-sex couples face as a consequence of civil-union status, and this ruling now relegates our plaintiffs to second-class citizenship for even longer,” she said. Gorenberg said Lambda Legal is currently assessing “possible next steps in Superior Court.” The New Jersey legislature defeated a marriage-equality bill in January, and Republican Gov. Chris Christie has said he is opposed to such efforts. See NEW JERSEY, Page 2



JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

Area women’s softball team wins statewide tourney By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer After making it through a weekend of games undefeated, a group of local female softball players claimed a state title and won the chance to represent Pennsylvania at a national tournament in September. The 15 players on Tom’s Bar team in the Norristown Area Softball League won the Class D State Championship in the Women’s Amateur Softball Association July 26. The ASA tournament brought together 27 teams from throughout Pennsylvania to State College for two days of games; Tom’s Bar won three games on Saturday and two the following day, although the final match-up was rained

out. Throughout the state tournament, the team got 88 hits and 55 runs, allowing just 13 runs against them. And Tom’s won all of the

games by a wide margin, boasting final scores like 13-3, 11-0 and 12-5. The team — which is currently third in its division of the


Norristown league with an 8-7 record this season — draws a diverse group of women from the metropolitan Philadelphia area, said coach Susan Wenrick. The players, who range in age from 23-50, hail from Philadelphia, Montgomery and Delaware counties and play up to twice a week from May through August. Wenrick joked that she’s in the “far minority” on the team, as one of only a few heterosexuals. The team has been in existence for more than 10 years, and she said the close ties the women have developed contributed to their success. “It’s a really good team,” Wenrick said. “There’s a core group of players that have stuck with it. Each year we’ve added

one or two people if players leave, but they’ve developed such a family atmosphere and support each other both on and off the field. They’re a real cohesive group.” The team, which is sponsored by Tom’s Bar in Royersford and BTC Foods Inc. in Philadelphia, will head to Columbus, Ohio, for the Sept. 3-6 ASA national tournament. Wenrick said the team follows a mantra all season that she hopes will ensure a win at nationals. “We have three goals that we play by: The first is just to have fun. The second is to win the inning. And the third is to play up to our potential. That’s what I want us to do out there.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

NEW JERSEY From Page 1 The three justices who voted not to take the case — Chief Justice Stuart Rabner and Justices Roberto Rivera-Soto and Helen Hoens — are all up for renomination by the governor and reconfirmation by the Senate. The three who would have accepted the case have already received lifetime tenure. Former Chief Justice John Wallace was denied lifetime tenure earlier this year by Christie, the first time such an action had been taken by a governor in the state for more than 60 years. New Jersey Sen. Ray Lesniak, the prime sponsor of the marriageequality bill, told that he wasn’t sure if Christie’s decision to deny Wallace tenure influenced the justices, but acknowledged the possibility. “There’s speculation about that, and the integrity of the judiciary has been put in question by what Christie did.” ■

Gay is our middle name.


JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010





JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

News Crime Watch 8 Editorial 10 International News 18 Letters/Feedback 11 11 Mark My Words 7 Media Trail 5 News Briefing 7 National News 5 Regional News 11 Street Talk

PGN 505 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia, PA 19147-1506

‘Log’ jam in California

Phone: (215) 625-8501 Fax: (215) 925-6437 E-mail: Web:

Gay politician opposes gay marriage


Log Cabin Republicans take on DADT in California

Lesbian Australian minister cites “cultural and religious” reasons

Page 7

Page 18

Detour Comic Dining Guide Diversions Meeting Place Portraits Q Puzzle Scene In Philly Worth Watching

Editor Sarah Blazucki (ext. 206) Art Director Scott A. Drake (ext. 210)

25 31 26 30 24 25 21 32

Staff Writers Jen Colletta (ext. 215) Larry Nichols (ext. 213) Writer-at-Large Timothy Cwiek (ext. 208)

TV fashionista’s right-hand man

Kelis breaks ‘Hearts’ with Robyn

Family Portraits:

Dwight Anthony Bailey Page 19

Page 24

Page 22


Worth Watching


Jodie in the sky with problems

Yo’ mama!

Developing political maturity

Cyndi sings the blues at Keswick

Page 10

Page 11

Page 26

Page 32

Page 23

Poll results from our online survey as of July 28: What’s your favorite Philly hangout outside the Gayborhood? 24% 19% 18% 13% 13%

Events: News/story ideas:



NOM’s president Maggie Gallagher



Advertising Director Tami Sortman (ext. 218)

Advertising Sales Representatives David Augustine (ext. 219)

Creep of the Week Mark My Words 33 36

Graphic Artist Sean Dorn (ext. 211)

Advertising Manager Greg Dennis (ext. 201)

Creep of the Week 10 Mombian 23

Classifieds Directories

Mark Segal (ext. 204)

A ‘peachy’ midnight horror film

Page 28

9% 5%

Rittenhouse Sq. Old City Other Art Museum S. Philly/E. Passyunk NoLibs Manayunk

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National Advertising Rivendell Media (212) 242-6863 Office Manager/Classifieds Don Pignolet (ext. 200) Executive Assistant Credit/Billing Manager Carol Giunta (ext. 202) Philadelphia Gay News is a member of: The Associated Press National Gay Newspaper Guild Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Published by Masco Communications Inc. © 2010 Masco Communications Inc. ISSN-0742-5155

The views of PGN are expressed only in the unsigned “Editorial” column. Opinions expressed in bylined columns, stories and letters to the editor are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of PGN. The appearance of names or pictorial representations in PGN does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that named or pictured person or persons.

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010



Regional CBLSL head to step down one year early hoped to achieve during his run as commissioner. “We didn’t have a written-up The City of Brotherly Love strategic plan, but everything Softball League season wrapped we’d hoped to accomplish in up last weekend with the the past five years, we have,” he announcement that the head of said. “So I thought it was time to the league would also be wrap- let somebody else take a shot at this.” ping up his tenure. Cathy Harris, commissioner Jeff Sotland, CBLSL commisof the women’s division, said sioner for Sotland guided her through the five years, ins and outs of CBLSL when announced she took on her leadership role during the two years ago. closing-day “He really helped me to learn events July the ropes,” she said. “Since he’s 25 that he a lawyer, when it comes to the would be constitution and the rules, he’s ending his a by-the-books kind of guy, so third twothat really helped. And the work year term one he’s done for the league is just year early. amazing. He’s done more than Sotland any other commissioner ever plans to offiCBLSL cially resign COMMISSIONER has.” This past year was one of the after he preJEFF SOTLAND league’s best, Sotland said, with s i d e s ove r a record number of teams from the CBLSL general membership meeting around the country who particiin November, during which the pated in the Liberty Bell Classic members will vote on one of the and a greater number of CBLSL three divisional commissioners members than last season. Following last weekend’s allto finish Sotland’s term. Since Sotland took the helm, star games — which allowed CBLSL has grown its mem- members of all the teams to bership by 50 percent, secured compete side by side — CBLSL longterm fields for the league to members came together for a play on with the recent $30,000 picnic and to recognize the seapayment to the city, won the son’s winners. The Westbury Classics took bid to host next year’s women’s world series and has made the top spot in the Recreational its annual Liberty Bell Classic Division, while there was a tournament one of the most suc- three-way tie in the Competitive cessful tourneys in the country, Division, among Tavern on Sotland said — all goals he had Camac Triple Play, Sisters Rage By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

CLASSIC CELEBRATION: Members of the Westbury Classics celebrate winning the top spot in the Recreational Division of the City of Brotherly Love Softball League during a league picnic July 26. Trophies for the winning teams were given out during the picnic, and individual players who excelled this season were also recognized. The event marked the close of the regular season, but CBLSL will launch a Fall Ball recreational league in September. Photo: Chris Fanelli

and Woody’s Wolves. In Women’s, the A Division was won by 5 O’Clock Somewhere, the B Division by Holy Smoke! and the C Division by Foul Play. Also in the Women’s Division, MVP awards were given to Mia Fabrizio of the Flying Monkeys, Wendy Collins of Girls Like Us and Sandy Luz of Simon’s 369ers. The Rookie of the Year Award went to Marge Gooch of Grog ’n’ Grill, and the Manager of the Year Award was presented to Tricia Depoe of the Phightin’ Phlapjacks. Players who are already

missing the fields are invited to return in September for Fall Ball, a smaller softball league that previously operated on its own but that will be run this year by CBLSL. The fall league, which costs $20 a player, is not divided among skill levels or sex. “In the regular season, there’s a divide between people who play in competitive, recreational and intermediate, and then with all the different levels and between men and women, but everyone’s going to be sharing the fields this time,” Harris said. “It’s a chance for people


Celebrity judges will look for the best-looking picnic setting, and guests can either use a theme or decorate the setting to their own liking. The only beverage that can be brought in is bottled water. The grand-prize winner will be awarded a one-night stay at The Loews Hotel in Philadelphia and dinner for two at Solefood, including gratuity and parking. The first runner-up will receive two tickets to the Tony Bennett concert, Aug. 28 at The Mann,

to interact with members of the league they may have never met before. Aside from keeping your softball skills sharp, it’s a great way to meet some new people.” Games will be played on Sundays from mid-September through the end of October on two fields in FDR Park in South Philadelphia, and Sotland said he expects the league will include six teams. “Everybody’s going to be mixed together, so it’ll be men and women and people from recreational or competitive all playing together. There’ll be different rules [from CBLSL’s regular season], so it’s more of a game for people to have fun and socialize and have a good time than to really compete.” Competition will be the focus, however, of next year’s Amateur Sports Alliance of North America Women’s World Series, which will be held in Philadelphia. The CBLSL is already gearing up. Harris said she signed the contracts for the event last week, and that planning will continue throughout the year. “The CBLSL season ended on a high note this year because we’re bringing the world series here next year,” she said. “Everyone’s saying that softball’s over for the year, but for myself and the committee members who are planning this, it’s just beginning.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

News Briefing Donor challenge for kids’ group A reproduction-assistance agency recently made a donation that would allow a child of samesex parents to attend a local summer camp, and another contributor has since stepped forward with a donor challenge. Reproductive Medicine Associates of Philadelphia donated $394 to Mountain Meadow, which

operates the annual summer camp for kids of LGBT parents, and a supporter of the agency has pledged $500 if another donor steps forward to donate a $394 “campership.” Contact executive director Steve Duffy at steve@mountainmeadow. org for more information on the donor challenge. There will be a public tour of the camp from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Aug. 14. Camp will be in session from Aug. 8-21 in Southern New

Summer-themed concert contest The Mann Center for the Performing Arts will hosts its first annual LGBT Lawn Party Extravaganza at 6 p.m. Aug. 4, prior to the Rufus Wainwright concert at 7:30 p.m. at the venue, 5201 Parkside Ave. in Fairmount Park.

and the second-runner up will be awarded two tickets to Mark Nadler and the New York Pops, Sept. 22 at The Mann. Only guests with tickets for the Wainwright show are considered eligible. Register for the Lawn Party by e-mailing and including your name, phone number, e-mail address and number of people in your party. ■ — Jen Colletta



JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010 PROTESTS GET PERSONAL: Blaze Waters and about 70 other protesters reportedly gathered outside Albert’s Café & Sports Bar in Northeast Philadelphia July 24 to protest the shuttering of House of Blaze, an LGBT club above Albert’s. Waters has been locked in a rental dispute with building owner Albert Buoncristiano, who Waters said has tripled his rent and locked the doors to the club earlier this month, preventing him from retrieving personal belongings. Prior to the protest, someone took a photo of Blaze’s daughter and posted it on a pole outside the bar, presumably in retaliation, Waters said. Another protest is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. July 31 at Albert’s, 3180 Grant Ave. A fundraiser for House of Blaze will be held from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Aug. 21 at Voyeur, 1221 St. James St.


What’s going on? Check out Diversions. Page 26.

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010




Media Trail

Federal ‘Don’t Ask’ trial wraps up

ACLU sues Montana over same-sex rights The Missoulian reports the ACLU filed a lawsuit July 22 on behalf of seven gay couples, who are demanding the state of Montana provide them the same rights married couples have in making decisions affecting their family’s health care, finances, inheritance and other matters. The group maintains the state is violating the Montana Constitution by denying those rights to gay couples. The 14 plaintiffs aren’t challenging an amendment to the state constitution that bans same-sex marriage, but want the state to acknowledge that gay couples have a constitutional right to equal protection.

Judge reverses block on partner benefits

DADT ON TRIAL: Charles Moran, national spokesperson for the Log Cabin Republicans, speaks to reporters outside the Riverside Federal Courthouse in California at the start of the agency’s federal trial on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” The LCR’s 2004 lawsuit against the federal government, which contends that the military’s ban on openly gay servicemembers is unconstitutional, made its way to court in a two-week non-jury trial that wrapped up late last week. Photo: Nick Ut/The Associated Press

By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer A federal judge in California heard closing arguments last week in a challenge brought by an LGBT group seeking to overturn the military’s ban on openly gay servicemembers. An attorney for the Log Cabin Republicans, a Republican LGBT organization, requested in his closing statement that U.S. District Judge Virginia A. Phillips issue an injunction that would halt dismissals under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” The agency filed the suit in 2004, charging that the policy violates gay individuals’ constitutional rights to free speech, due process and open association, marking the first time that a suit was brought challenging the constitutionality of the law. LCR lead attorney Dan Woods referenced the 2003 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that found anti-sodomy laws to be unconstitutional, arguing that “‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ infringes on that right, punishing individuals who engage in a constitutionally protected activity.”

“Log Cabin Republicans have brought this case to trial to call out the government on the wrong it’s doing on current and future homosexuals who wish to serve their country,” Woods told the judge. “We ask you to do them right.” Throughout the two-week trial, Woods presented reports and analyses proffering that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” has done little to protect unit cohesion, one of the stated goals of the 1993 law. He also introduced a series of statements by military and government leaders, including President Obama, who all urged repeal of the law. Woods presented such witnesses as Servicemembers United executive director Alex Nicholson, a former Army linguist who was discharged nine years ago after being outed by a colleague, and Joseph Rocha, a former petty officer third class who faced years of physical and mental abuse because of suspicions of his sexual orientation, and who later came out to escape the harassment. Author Nathaniel Frank, a Philadelphia native and senior research fellow at University of California think tank The Palm Center, who has written extensively on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” also testified.

U.S. Attorney Paul Freeborne defended the policy on behalf of the Justice Department and argued that Congress “exhaustively considered” the same matters that arose during the plaintiffs’ witness testimony, and that the future of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” should rest with Congress and not the courts. Freeborne also contended that LCR did not have the proper standing to file the case, as they had no direct interest in the military policy. The defense did not present any witnesses but rather only detailed the legislative history of the law. Phillips did not give a timeline for when she would reach her decision, but some analysts expect her to wait until Congress moves on a bill that could repeal the law. In May, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a defense-spending bill to which the repeal measure, introduced by Pennsylvania Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-8th Dist.), was attached. The Senate has yet to vote on the bill, but is expected to consider it in September. ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at jen@epgn. com. reports a federal judge issued an injunction July 23 to prevent the state of Arizona from enforcing a law that would eliminate domestic-partner benefits for gay and lesbian state employees. “Contrary to the State’s suggestion, it is not equitable to lay the burden of the State budgetary shortfall on homosexual employees, any more than on any other distinct class, such as employees with green eyes or red hair,” wrote U.S. District Judge John Sedwick. The law, on track to go into effect Oct. 1, would have ended coverage for all unmarried domestic partners and their children.

Sonoma Co. settles discrimination suit The San Jose Mercury News reports Sonoma County has agreed to pay $600,000 to settle a lawsuit by an elderly gay man who said social workers kept him from seeing his dying partner in the hospital. Clay Greene, 78, of Guerneville, Calif., claimed the county discriminated against him based on sexual orientation. Greene said social workers denied him visitation rights to see his partner, Harold Scull, despite signed wills, medical declarations and powers of attorney naming each other as spouses. The couple was not married nor registered as domestic partners. The suit also alleged that after Scull’s death, social workers forced Greene into a nursing home and sold their property. The county’s lawyer denied the discrimination claims but admitted mistakes in selling the property. The county said Greene was kept away from Scull because of domestic-violence allegations. ■ — Larry Nichols



JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

Gayborhood Crime Watch The following incidents in the Midtown Village and Washington Square West areas were reported to the Sixth Police District between July 11-17. Information is courtesy of Sixth District Capt. Brian Korn; Stacy Irving, senior director, Crime Prevention Service; Center City District; the Police Liaison Committee and Midtown Village Merchants Association. REPORT: At 6 p.m. July 11, out-of-town complainant parked his rented 2011 Hyundai with the valet at a paid lot at 1305 Walnut St. When he returned at 9:30 a.m. July 12, the vehicle was missing.

Philadelphia Gay News

REPORT: Between 7 a.m.-5:15 p.m. July 12, complainant’s apartment in the 1100 block of Walnut Street was entered via an unsecured window and a laptop was stolen. An officer attempted to lift fingerprints. REPORT: At 1:10 p.m. July 13, complainant’s unlocked, parked 2005 Ford van, in the 900 block of Spruce Street, was robbed of an iPod and two cell phones. The alleged offenders, who fled north on Ninth Street, were described as black males, 18-20 years old, with two wearing tan shorts and the third wearing all black. REPORT: Between midnight8:20 a.m. July 13, complainant’s 2002 Nissan, parked in the 200 block of South 12th Street, was stolen. It was recovered July 14 in the 14th Police District. REPORT: At 3:30 a.m. July

GAY GAMES From Page 1 ing events than I can even count,” he said. Each athlete had to pay his or her way, and Szwajkos said the individual teams held fundraisers to support their members. P o r t i o n s o f t h e Te a m Philadelphia membership dues helped to subsidize uniforms — which consist of jackets and opening- and closing-ceremony shirts — and Szwajkos said LGBT community members turned out in full force to support the athletes with both financial and in-kind donations, such as the contribution of shirts by the Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus and another gift of small Pennsylvania flags, which the athletes will carry in the

14, out-of-town complainants left Voyeur Nightclub, 1221 St. James St., and couldn’t find their car. Two males offered to help them find the car and led them to the 1300 block of Cypress Street, where the males demanded the complainants’ valuables. The offenders took an iPhone and some cash, and fled west on Cypress. The suspects were described as black males, 20-25 years old. One was 5-foot7 and 160 pounds wearing a red shirt with a faded logo and jeans. The second was 5-foot-9 and 140 pounds wearing an orange shirt and jeans. REPORT: At 9:50 p.m. July 15, complainant’s iPhone was taken from an outdoor table at Caribou Cafe, 1126 Walnut St. The suspect is described as a black male, 24 years old, 6-feet tall, 160 pounds with a dark complexion, clean shaven and wearing a baggy white T-shirt and black jeans. REPORT: At 7:15 p.m. July 16, two unknown males stole complainant’s iPhone from an outdoor table at Brew HaHa! coffee shop, 212 S. 12th St. Both suspects were described as two black males in their 20s. The first had a medium complexion and was wearing an orange shirt and cargo pants. The second was wearing a white T-shirt and black pants. REPORT: At about 11 p.m. July 16, police responded to a burglar alarm in an apartment building in the 300 block of South 13th Street and found a basement window opening ceremonies. In addition to the sporting component, the Gay Games also encompass LGBT culture. The Philadelphia Freedom Band, a local marching band, will take part in its first Gay Games, alongside LGBT singers, dancers and performers from around the world. Douglass attended the second Gay Games in 1986 as part of a marching band, and will march with the Philadelphia Freedom Band as a twirler in the opening ceremony, while Szwajkos will carry a flag for the band. Douglass is also going to compete athletically, playing tennis. “For me, I think it’s the use of athleticism to tell our stories,” he said of his reason for participating. “It’s just one more facet of our diversity. I think all of society

broken and the security bars bent. Police awaited the return of the owner, who found that laptops, a bracelet and gift cards were missing from the apartment. An officer attempted to lift fingerprints. ARREST: At 1:40 a.m. July 17, complainant was confronted by two males at 12th and Spruce streets who were armed with a razor and demanded his valuables. The complainant resisted and one of the males Maced him and took his cell phone and cash. A Sixth District officer responded to a 911 call and surveyed the area along with the complainant, who identified a male at Camac and Spruce streets as one of the offenders. The 31-year-old suspect with a South Philadelphia address was apprehended and charged with robbery, assault and related offenses. REPORT: At 10 p.m. July 17, complainant was at 13th and Spruce streets when a male pushed him down and took his cell phone, then fled south on 13th. The offender was described as a black male, 32 years old, 5foot-7, 200 pounds and wearing red pants, a black hat and a white shirt. REPORT: At 10:10 p.m. July 17, complainant was walking in the 1300 block of Spruce Street when a male snatched an iPhone from her hand and fled south on 13th. The thief was described as a black male, 18 years old, 5-foot9, 140 pounds, clean shaven with short hair and wearing a white Tshirt and orange cargo shorts. ■ can recognize and understand athletics on some level, so it allows us to have conversations around the same table with people from all backgrounds.” Szwajkos ran a marathon at the 2006 games and is one of three local marathoners this year. While the Gay Games are competitive, he noted that it’s also a chance to socialize with LGBT individuals of different cultures. “It’s an opportunity to meet so many wonderful people, who all have the added feature of athletics in their profile,” Szwajkos said. “From the low-amateur level to the high-level athletes who will be there, we’re going to be at so many different events.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010



DVLF board names temporary co-director By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer The Delaware Valley Legacy Fund announced this week that an officer of its board of directors will help guide the LGBT-grantmaking agency through its final transition period. Former board treasurer Michael Stara was appointed as the cointerim executive director, alongside Sandra Thompson, who had been overseeing the agency with Chris Bartlett. Bartlett left the post this summer to become executive director at the William Way LGBT Community Center. Stara, a certified public accountant, began his leadership with DVLF on its finance committee last year and, soon after, was appointed as treasurer. Stara is president of East Coast Consulting Group, which specializes in credit training and market research for financial clients. In the LGBT community, he serves

as the Pennsylvania state chair of the Log Cabin Republicans and was recently elected to the board of Equality Forum. MICHAEL STARA He said he volunteered as co-director because of the great potential he sees in the agency. “This organization presents a real opportunity for gays in the Delaware Valley and the surrounding areas to leave a legacy, to leave something behind that when we’re not around will be helpful to gay organizations and gay people,” he said. “Conceptually, that’s just really appealing to me. And personally, the time was right: The board had a need and I wanted to be able to do my part.” The board is nearing the home

stretch in its search for a permanent executive director, after former head Perry Monastero stepped down last fall to take a position at Mazzoni Center. Angela Giampolo, board president, said the agency will finalize the new director “as soon as is practically possible.” She noted that Stara’s contribution will be vital to the transition. “It was extremely gracious for him to step up in this transition period in the midst of managing his own career,” she said. “The entire DVLF board throughout this transition period really coalesced as one entire unit, and to have a board member step up at a critical time like this was really amazing.” In addition to working with the search committee, Stara said he also wants to concentrate on generating new donations from untapped resources, including during a business trip to Palm Springs, Calif., this week, where

Local bars gear up to Bar AIDS By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer An HIV/AIDS fundraiser that has been organized in cities throughout the country is making its way to the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection this summer. On Aug. 26, Philadelphia will participate for the first time in Bar AIDS, a citywide fundraiser in which local bars and coffeehouses donate a portion of their proceeds to area HIV/AIDS service organizations. The four local beneficiaries are Action AIDS, AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia FIGHT and Mazzoni Center. Bar AIDS originally launched in Chicago in 2004, spearheaded by nonprofit-management company EdgeAlliance. Jim Flosi, president and CEO of EdgeAlliance, said the first Chicago event — inspired by the restaurant-based Dining Out for Life, which originated with Action AIDS — included 25 participating bars and coffeehouses, and this year he expects 50 venues to sign on, with an anticipated net profit of $50,000. “It’s turned out to be a really great event here in Chicago, both for raising awareness about HIV/ AIDS and for raising money,” he said, noting that Bar AIDS has

since spread to such cities as San Francisco, Reno, and Minneapolis/ St. Paul. Flosi said the friendship he established with Action AIDS development director Michael Byrne through their work on their cities’ respective Dining Out for Life events allowed the two to brainstorm about expanding Bar AIDS into Philadelphia. Action AIDS executive director Kevin Burns said he and representatives of the other agencies have been scouring bars and coffeehouses throughout the area to enlist support, and expect to have about 10 participating locations for Bar AIDS’ inaugural year. Representatives of the agencies will be on hand at all the locations distributing information about HIV transmission, prevention and services. The bars will contribute 33 percent of their night’s profits, while the coffeehouses will give 15 percent. Burns said the work invested by all four groups will help to generate support from a diverse audience. “It’s been a really neat experience with the four agencies collaborating because we’ve all been reaching out to the different people we work with, so this is something that’s going to allow us to reach a lot of new and different people

than we do with something like Dining Out for Life,” he said. Mark Seaman, FIGHT development director, said the organizers also thought it was important to expand the focus beyond just establishments that have a primarily LGBT clientele. “HIV is a pandemic that affects everyone and, for us, FIGHT’s mission isn’t just about the LGBT community but about anyone who’s infected with HIV,” Seaman said. “We wanted to make sure that the information that we’re going to be sharing during Bar AIDS reaches everyone, and everyone who’s affected by the pandemic can do their part and contribute.” Matthew Vlahos, principal of Matthew Vlahos Public Relations, said venues South Philadelphia Taproom, Tabu, Knock, Fergie’s Pub, Woody’s and Café Cret have all signed on for Bar AIDS. Burns noted that he anticipates Bar AIDS will see the same gradual growth as Dining Out for Life, which began with just seven participating restaurants and this year was supported by more than 200. For more information, visit the Bar AIDS Philadelphia page on Facebook. ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

he planned to connect with some former Philadelphians. “ I f e e l l i k e w e ’r e v e r y Philadelphia-focused and there are many other counties in the area in terms of donor opportunities, as well as the people we can

serve. And even out in the Palm Springs area, I’m going to be calling on some wealthy potential donors who have Delaware Valley roots. We really want to expand our donor base, so we need to take those opportunities.” ■

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JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

Editorial Et tu, Target? On July 27, Target Corp. chief executive Gregg Steinhafel said the company’s support of the gay community is “unwavering.” This came after the Associated Press reported on a $150,000 donation the Minnesota-based retail chain made to a group supporting the gubernatorial candidacy of a conservative, antigay Minnesota state representative, Tom Emmer. How antigay is Emmer? He’s the only Minnesota candidate for governor who opposes gay marriage. In 2007, he wrote a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and civil unions, which didn’t pass. He tried to narrow LGBT rights by (unsuccessfully) attempting to replace the word “parents” with “mother and father” in a surrogacy bill. He’s also contributed to an antigay Christian rock band that lauded the execution of gays in Muslim countries on its radio program (though the band later retracted its statements). In all fairness to Target, the corporation does extend domestic-partner benefits to gays and lesbians, and has sponsored Pride and other LGBT-related events in the state. Also, Target’s support of Emmer on the surface seems to be more of a business move than an endorsement of the man’s political views. But when Steinhafel used the word “unwavering?” Please! Even if we didn’t know what “unwavering” meant, we can look it up. unwavering; un·wa·ver·ing — adj — firm in your view or purpose and unable to be swayed or diverted from it. Supporting a politician who is somewhere between Anita Bryant and Fred Phelps is a serious diversion from purpose. Target, as a corporation, is supporting a man who wants to strip a supposedly valued portion of its customer base of rights that the rest of its customers freely enjoy. Then has the audacity to ask the LGBT community to give it a pass on it? Unfortunately, the company cannot openly support a bigot without some kind of blowback. Recently, the total buying power of the adult LGBT community in the U.S. was estimated to be $743 billion. And frankly, there is a huge chunk of the community that sees right through calculated public-relations buzzwords like “unwavering” — and they’re pissed off and ready to take their piece of that buying power elsewhere. But the most heinous outcome of this turn of events is that the LGBT community, with the right-leaning conservative specter of Wal-Mart and the wavering of Target, now has to consider whether to start shopping at Kmart. And really, nobody should have to make that choice. ■

Tell us what you think Send letters and opinion column submissions to:; PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147; fax: (215) 925-6437. Please include a daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity, style and space considerations.

Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

National Organization for Marriage You know, nothing says summer lovin’ like jumping in a van and going on a whirlwind national tour to “defend marriage” from depraved homosexuals. And if anyone knows how to have a good time, it’s the National Organization for Marriage, whose cronies are making damn sure that they have plenty to write about in their “What I Did On My Summer Vacation” essays. The only trouble is it looks like their rallies aren’t exactly attracting a lot of antigay fans. From the reports I’ve been reading, they’re bringing in just as many — and sometimes more — marriage-equality folks as NOMers. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Just visit NOM’s YouTube channel and watch their less-than-inspiring tour videos. Take their video of the Lima, Ohio, stop, which features a smattering of white folks in what looks like a WalMart parking lot. The video mostly shows the backs of heads of people standing or, in equal numbers, sitting in lawn chairs, as a NOM speaker stands at a podium urging them to keep marriage safe from the queers. It’s a pretty common camera shot throughout NOM’s tour videos. After all, it creates the illusion that the cameraperson is standing only a few rows back in a crowd that goes on and on behind them. In reality, it

appears that these first few rows are the only rows. You’d think that if NOM had swarms of heterosexual-marriage defenders at these rallies — a sea-toshining-sea, if you will, of men and women joined penis to vagina like God intended — they’d put that in their tour videos instead of a shot of their marriage RV dissolving into a shot of a dumpy middle-aged woman leaning over a folding table to sign some kind of penis+vagina=forever pledge. The only crowd shots in the videos are of NOM’s opposition, which often seem to outnumber NOMers themselves. In the Columbus video, a good deal of time is spent on shots of homos behaving badly. Mostly guys flipping off the camera surrounded by rainbow flags. Because you know how homos are: so disrespectful of folks rolling into town in order to take away their rights and paint them as less than human. Perhaps it’s because of the pisspoor turnout thus far that NOM is trying to capitalize on their footage of protesters in order to make homos look like the bad guys. In one video, a voiceover claims that the gays came “armed” with rainbow balloons and umbrellas. The gay weapons of choice. The voiceover also says that gay protesters “followed a Hispanic woman to the back of the rally, bully-

ing her as she tried to nurse her baby and watch the rally with her children.” Yikes! Sounds pretty terrible. Until you learn that they “bullied” this woman by simply standing at the perimeter of the rally with their rainbow umbrellas, which blocked her view. It must have been terrifying. The video also accuses Rhode Island protesters of “targeting young children with intimidation” and then cuts to a shot of a protester yelling to someone off camera attending the rally, “You’d better watch that kid or we’re gonna kidnap him.” Tactless? Yes. But what it really amounts to is gallows humor. After all, the folks at the NOM rallies do espouse the belief that gays can’t be trusted with kids because all gays are child molesters. Then there was the Indianapolis rally where, according to the Bilerico Project, only 40 folks attended the rally while 250 protesters showed up. No wonder NOM felt intimidated. No worries, though. One NOMer had the perfect solution to gay marriage rendered on a placard he held: Leviticus 20:13 paired with a drawing of twin nooses. Something tells me he isn’t going to make it into NOM’s official tour video. ■ D’Anne Witkowski is a Detroit-based freelance writer and poet.


JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

Mark My Words Mark Segal GetEQUAL, get real! Learn! Let’s face it: GetEQUAL, which has gotten much LGBT media attention of late, needs to mature somewhat. It shows promise, but unfortunately the inexperience is beginning to show. They don’t see where the enemy lies, and the enemy is in plain view. If you thought the political process of Washington, D.C., would change overnight with an Obama presidency, then it’s easy to blame the president for what some feel is a slow process on changes in federal policies, programs and laws regarding the LGBT community. That is too simplistic and shows a lack of any political knowledge or understanding of U.S. governance or history. Let’s point out the pitfalls of D.C. and, surprisingly enough, it’s the number-one complaint by GetEQUAL and others, who feel the administration and the Democratic National Committee wasted a majority in the Senate and Congress by not moving fast enough on LGBT issues. As pointed out in this very column numerous times in the last two years. Obama has four years to prove his ability to bring change for the LGBT community, not one year and nine months. In November 2012, we will decide if he’s fulfilled the promises. But the minefields are numerous. Let’s look at everyone’s favorite: “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” The administration has worked tirelessly in attempting to pull this one out of the bag. The problem? Blue-dog Democrats and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The answer? A compromised repeal, which all parties agreed to. What happened? The Joint Chiefs created a questionnaire and sent it out to 400,000 active servicemembers and reservists. In itself, the questionnaire is like a political push poll: It is geared

to get a negative response. And it’s like something out of the 1950s. For example: “If ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ is repealed and you are assigned to share a room, berth or field tent with someone you believe to be a gay or lesbian servicemember, which are you most likely to do?” Replace gay and lesbian with Jew, Irish, African American. But my favorite is this: “If ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ is repealed and a gay or lesbian servicemember attended a military social function with a same-sex partner, which are you most likely to do?” Yes, protest by not having a martini at your local country club with your fellow reservists. Underline this, please: The military is attempting to nuke this at every step. The Joint Chiefs have gone back on their agreement with the White House. Why? Homophobia is not the answer. Every administration does a dance with the Pentagon. It’s about budgets, personnel and, in this case, the wars themselves and the contracts they bring. What better way to covertly fight the administration than to create obstacles to one of its core promises? It keeps the administration focused on the ban, while the Pentagon gets to concentrate on its own programs and contracts. That’s the insidethe-beltway game that’s being played, and we’re allowing them to play it. Oh, and that survey is costing you $4.5 million. Gee, another Pentagon contract. What’s the best response? How about taking it to the Pentagon or recruiting stations rather than the fence of the White House? Let’s get creative, and maybe that media attention might find its way into more mainstream media than just the LGBT media. And this is a two-partner dance, so we need to help the president change partners. What better time than sometime in the middle of November? ■


Street Talk Did the Sherrod flap alter your opinion of the Obama administration’s commitment to minority rights?

Zachary Gray canvasser Washington Square West

Russell Langley musician South Philadelphia

“I never thought the administration was all that committed to minority rights. I’m very concerned about the limits it’s placed on women’s reproductive freedom. Somebody screwed up by firing Shirley Sherrod. But I’m reserving judgment as to the scope of the problem.”

“It makes me a little wary of Obama. If you’re going to fire somebody, you should look into it carefully before taking such drastic action. The administration drops just a notch in my estimation. But I don’t blame Obama personally.”

Anders Larson student South Philadelphia

Amy Miskovsky nursing student Washington Square West

“I don’t question the sincerity of Obama’s commitment to minority rights. But political expediency comes first with him. Most presidents would get rid of a person that’s seen as politically damaging. This doesn’t change my view of Obama or his administration.”

“The president shouldn’t rely on a media source, Fox News, that’s not known to be impartial. It was surprising to me that Obama made such a poor and rash decision. But that doesn’t necessarily reflect a lack of commitment to minority rights.”

Mark Segal is PGN publisher. He can be reached at

Letters and Feedback In response to “‘The Avenue’ sees continued LGBT growth,” July 23-29: Great article. We hope to continue to see growth in our backyard! Chartreuse is a great addition to our area. We love Metro Men’s Clothing and all the hot places to eat and drink. — PhillyGuy2 Very nice article. My partner and I moved out of South Philly a year ago to come back in Europe and I miss so much this area. When we used to live next to The Avenue, we saw the neighborhood changing a lot in a good way. Chartreuse moved in with, as usual, good taste and Mark’s

hands making stunning creations. Chartreuse is a perfect engine to add more color to The Avenue and raise the area. Fortunately, we’ll be back on Tuesday for vacation and I can’t wait to see all the new changes and enjoy the QOTA. Long life to South Philly and its Avenue. — Herve (Brussels) In response to “Marriage supporters, opponents clash in NJ,” July 23-29: NOM came here to Annapolis, Md. Only about 20 people showed up. Maggie Gallagher, the radical Catholic who is one of the key NOM people — guess what?

— her first child was illegitimate. And strangely missing from her rallies is her husband. I’m sure the church did the “utter guilt and damnation that awaits you” game, which they also use to “fix gays.” Whose new game, by the way, is to say, “We love you, but no marriage,” while they claim that gay people are haters. Watch out for this one. And by the way, somewhere else on NOM’s tour de hate, they only had a very small crowd. But they Photoshopped a pic of a large crowd from the big FAFI soccer crowd into their pic, and put it up on, I believe it was, their blog. — SteveMD2



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SCOUTS From Page 1 exclude openly gay participants. In their July 21 brief, city attorneys said a recent Supreme Court ruling makes clear that the club had no constitutional right to a city subsidy; thus, any or no reason given for the withdrawal of a city subsidy couldn’t be deemed an “unconstitutional condition.” That ruling, Christian Legal S o c i e t y v s . U n ive r s i t y o f California’s Hastings College of the Law, was handed down five days after the jury’s “flawed” verdict in the local dispute, city attorneys said. The 5-4 Supreme Court ruling upheld the right of a California university to deny a subsidy to an antigay student group because its subsidy policy was reasonable and viewpoint-neutral. The jury in the local case determined that the city’s subsidy policy was reasonable and viewpoint-neutral. Therefore, “it makes no sense” for the jury to invalidate that determination by also declaring that the policy placed an “unconstitutional condition” on the council, city attorneys noted. Even without the CLS ruling, the attorneys stated, the “unconstitutional condition” verdict should be overturned because there’s no evidence to support the claim. The city was within its rights to ask the council to comply with its anti-bias rules, and didn’t expect the council to “repudiate” BSA’s antigay policy as a condition of

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

remaining in the building, city attorneys said. “Just as a sign on a shop window or on a lunch counter or rest-room door that members of a race, religion or ethnic group may not enter, the Cradle of Liberty’s press releases [and] adoption of BSA policy statements and employment application are conduct subject to the city’s nondiscrimination laws and policies,” city attorneys stated. On May 5, both sides informed Buckwalter that the CLS decision would be handed down by the end of June, and would have a “likely impact” on the Philadelphia dispute, city attorneys maintained. Despite this information, Buckwalter ordered the jury trial to begin on June 14 — just two weeks before the CLS decision was handed down. The city has alleged numerous errors in the structure of the trial, the instructions given to jurors and the verdict form utilized by jurors. According to city attorneys, six questions on the verdict form implied that the council owns the building — an implication that was “misleading and contrary to the facts.” “The record evidence is undisputed that the city owns the property,” city attorneys noted in their July 21 filing. Additionally, the attorneys are trying to convince Buckwalter that the council has the financial means to either pay fair-market rent for the building — or relocate to another building — without experiencing an undue hardship.



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They pointed to the club’s recent IRS filings, which indicate $26 million in assets, of which $14 million are in cash and securities. In a statement issued July 27, the council said its total assets are $22,951,545. Most of that money is earmarked for the council’s camp properties and its permanent-endowment fund. Other funds are restricted to operations related to the National Scouts Jamboree and summer camp, council officials stated. “The only unrestricted dollars available for capital expenses as of June 30 are $80,472, most of which is required to pay the final costs of a renovation project at the [council]-operated camp, Resica Falls,” the council said. Also in the statement, the council said it’s “looking into” the expulsion of Greg Lattera, a gay Life Scout who was ousted from the club in 2003 after coming out. “The [council] is looking into Mr. Lattera’s appeal in an effort to answer his questions,” the BSA contingent stated, without elaborating. At press time, Maura Kennedy, a spokesperson for Mayor Nutter, had no comment on whether the city would initiate a new eviction action against the council while the federal litigation remains pending. The Scouts built the structure in question, at 231-251 N. 22nd St., in 1928 on city-owned land. Under the terms of a city ordinance that same year, the city owns the building and the council is permitted to occupy it rent-free unless given one-year’s notice by the city to vacate. At press time, the council hadn’t filed a reply brief to the city’s July 21 motion. It has until Aug. 2 to file a reply with Buckwalter. In prior filings, the council stated that the jury’s verdict is supported by the facts and should remain undisturbed. It challenged the relevancy of the CLS ruling, noting that the council has received a city subsidy for more than 80 years, while CLS never received a government subsidy. In his order, Buckwalter said he would decide whether to award any legal costs and attorneys’ fees if and when a petition requesting such fees and costs is presented to him. At press time, neither side had presented such a petition. ■ Timothy Cwiek can be reached at (215) 625-8501 ext. 208.

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010



Out motorcyclist take message coast to coast By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer When Lanier Lobdell learned she had rheumatoid arthritis two decades ago, she feared the daily pain she experienced would prevent her from reveling in her favorite mode of transportation — her prized motorcycle. But, earlier this month, the openly gay Eugene, Ore., resident set off on her Honda Valkyrie on a trip that would take her across the country, raising awareness about the disease and giving hope to those who were in the same desperate situation she was in 20 years ago. Lobdell’s “Going the Extra Mile Tour” made a stop July 22 in Horsham at the Centocor Ortho Biotech office, a company that has been key to getting her back on her feet and her bike. L o b d e l l , 5 5 , a n a t ive o f Manhattan who was raised in Monmouth County, N.J., first learned she had RA after a motorcycle trip to a women’s festival. “I couldn’t move my shoulder at all and was in excruciating pain and then it started to go down into my feet and I couldn’t walk,” she said. “The person I was with was a nurse and she knew right away what was going on, and when I

got home, I got in to see a rheumatologist and that was that.” RA is an autoimmune disorder that attacks the joints, causing inflammation and disfiguring nodules and affecting more than 1 million Americans. “I wasn’t able to do anything. It hit me pretty hard very fast,” Lobdell said. “It was pretty much debilitating. My wrists were crooked, my hands were crooked and fatigue was a big part of it.

to find anything that was successful. About 10 years ago, however, she learned of a new biologic called Remicade and decided to give it a try. The product, created by Centocor, involves an IV infusion every six weeks, which Lobdell said gave her instant relief. After her diagnosis, Lobdell had to cut her hours back as a bus driver for the public-transit system in Eugene, and about 10 years ago she moved over to the customer-service department, where she now is back to a full-time schedule. After seven years of not being able to ride, Lobdell purchased the new Valkyrie and has been riding it since, with modifications made to the handlebars. LANIER LOBDELL (LEFT) AND She said the idea for the FLAXEN CONWAY tour — the longest motorcycle trip she’s ever taken I was just in amazing pain every — began germinating during a trip last year. day.” “I was riding last year and, Lobdell eventually had to sell her BMW motorcycle, which you have a lot of time to think sat dusty in her garage for years when you’re on a motorcycle, because the constant pain, along and I was thinking that without with her hand and wrist changes, the Remicade I’d be home. And I thought, Hey, I want to make a made it difficult to ride. She said she tried medication bumper sticker that says that. So I after medication, but wasn’t able called [Centocor] for the trademark

Target backs antigay pols By Martiga Lohn The Associated Press ST. PAUL, Minn. — Here’s something Target Corp. isn’t advertising in its Sunday circular: The discount retailer is now a major donor to a group backing the Republican candidate for Minnesota governor. And that’s not sitting well with every Target shopper. Under new laws allowing corporations to spend company money on election campaigns, the Minneapolis-based chain gave $150,000 to a Republican-friendly political fund staffed by insiders from departing GOP Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s administration. The group, MN Forward, is running TV ads supporting state legislator Tom Emmer, the presumptive GOP nominee. Electronic retailer Best Buy Co., another major Minnesotabased corporation, gave $100,000

to the group, according to an MN Forward report made public Tuesday. The corporate money has been flowing since the U.S. Supreme Court threw out parts of a 63-yearold law that prohibited companies and unions from donating to campaigns for or against candidates. The decision, which came earlier this year, changed rules in about half the states. In Minnesota, where Target has its headquarters and opened its first store 48 years ago, Democrats are grumbling about the large donation, and some are talking about striking back at the popular brand. A few voices are even calling for a boycott in the state, one of Target’s top three for sales. One Democratic-backed group is reaching out to Target employees through Facebook ads urging them to sign a petition opposing the donations.

ATogether Target spokesperson said the We Can, a discussion company supports and cangroup for peoplecauses dealing with didates “based strictly issues emotional, mental and onaddictive that affect will our meet retailatand business problems, 7 p.m. at The objectives.” Lena Michaud added Trans-Health Information thatThe Target has a history of givProject willand hold a drop-in center ing in state local races where for all trans from 7-11 p.m. allowed, butpersons wouldn’t provide oor; detail on those donations. She said that TargetCitizens, the The Humboldt a gay and company’s federalSociety, political action lesbian naturalist club, will meet committee, has spread donaat 7:30 p.m. at the William Way tions evenly between Democrats and Republicans so far this year. Ties That Bind Us, a 12-step Political action committees contribute money collected from employees and shareholders, not from corporate funds. Target’s donations to MN Forward — $100,000 in cash and $50,000 in brand consulting — slightly exceeds the total amount the company has given this year to all campaigns and causes at the federal level. By contrast, indiSee TARGET, Page 18

issues and everything and then it just took off from there, with us having a conversation about how my story is so interesting and it’s something that should be told. It ballooned into this as a way for me to get this message out there: that I do have RA but I’m able to ride and do what I love to do.” Her tour kicked off from her partner’s newly opened restaurant in Eugene July 10, and also made a stop in Milwaukee for a meeting with the Wisconsin chapter of the Arthritis Foundation, an agency she said has been a big supporter of her efforts. While she was in Horsham, the Eastern Pennsylvania chapter of the organization held a luncheon in her honor, before Lobdell set off for her final destination of Portland, Maine. Lobdell and her friend Flaxen Conway have been riding 10 or 11 hours per day and spending nights in hotels. Apart from the organized awareness-raising

events along the route, Lobdell has also had the chance to explain her mission to everyday people they encounter. “People have been stopping us at gas stations because they see our bags and our Oregon plates and ask where we’re coming from and what we’re doing,” she said. In all of her interactions, Lobdell said she hopes to inspire people with RA or those who have loved ones with the disease that relief is possible. “You can’t give up,” she said. “You have to be your own advocate. You have to keep talking to your doctor, and if one medication isn’t working then you have to try something else. When I was first diagnosed, there weren’t many choices and the medications were pretty limited, but it’s gotten so much better now. You just can’t give up.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

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International News

Larry Nichols

Gay pol won’t back gay marriage The first openly gay cabinet minister in Australia has claimed that she has suffered discrimination but refuses to support gay marriage. Penny Wong, the Labor climate change minister, told ABC television, “By virtue of who I am, prejudice and discrimination are things I have firsthand knowledge of. “When I entered the parliament, I did actually think very carefully about how to handle being Asian, and gay, and in the parliament, because it hadn’t been done before.” Wong, who has been in a relationship with Sophie Allouache for a number of years, refused to support gay marriage. When asked if she would support the introduction of marriage equality, Wong said, “I’ve made quite a number of comments on this issue. I appreciate your interest, but I’m here today to talk about using water wisely here in Western Australia.” When asked a similar question by Channel 10 television, she said: “On the issue of marriage, I think the reality is there is a cultural, religious and historical view around that, which we have to respect. The party’s position is very clear and that is an institution between a man and a woman. I do respect the fact that’s how people view the institution.” Same-sex domestic-partnership ceremonies are available in New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria and South Australia. Civil partnerships similar to the British model are available in the Australian Capital Territory.

TARGET From Page 13 viduals can give a maximum of only $2,000 to candidates under Minnesota law. Emmer is a fiery conservative who opposes gay marriage, lauds Arizona’s strict approach to illegal immigration, once advocated chemical castration for sex offenders and wants to lower taxes. His profile contrasts with Target’s moderate image in Minnesota, where the company is known for donating to public-school programs, food shelves and the annual Twin Cities Gay Pride Festival.

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

OUT POLITICIAN AGAINST GAY MARRIAGE: Openly lesbian Australian Cabinet Minister, Penny Wong (left, pictured with Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, attending the 64th General Assembly Debate and the Climate Change Summit in 2009) recently said she refuses to support gay marriage because it clashes her country’s cultural and religious views. Photo: AP/David Karp

Activist cleared on porn charge A Zimbabwean gay-rights advocate arrested on charges of having porn in his office has been found not guilty. Ignatius Muhambi, 38, a worker for the Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe organization, was arrested in May on allegations of possessing “indecent material.” Another worker, Ellen Chadehama, 34, was also arrested with Muhambi. They have been out on bail since May. When the pair were arrested, police said they found photographs depicting gay sex and a displayed letter of support for former San Francisco Mayor Willie Lewis Brown that criticized President Robert Mugabe’s stance on homosexuality. The latter accusation was Three Democrats, House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher, former U.S. Sen. Mark Dayton and former state Rep. Matt Entenza, are running in the Aug. 10 primary. Pawlenty chose not to seek a third term and is instead exploring a 2012 presidential bid. Although corporate donations are now legal, they could be sensitive for companies that serve customers of different political orientation. “You’re never going to please everyone,”’ said Elliot Schreiber, a professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia and consultant on corporate-image management. “Taking sides is only going to exacerbate the situa-

dropped. Muhambi’s lawyer, Jeremiah Bamu, said the prosecution failed to establish a case against him. Recently, Mugabe renewed his attacks on homosexuality after gay groups pleaded to be protected by the country’s new constitution. Mugabe told a religious gathering: “We will not listen to those advocating for their rights in the new constitution. Today, the [progay] Anglican Church condones marriages between men and the same for women. That is similar to dog behavior.”

Ireland starts rural LGBT program Soon after Ireland President Mary McAleese legalized civil partnerships, the head of the country’s LGBT program launched tion.” MN Forward is technically nonpartisan, but executive director Brian McClung, Pawlenty’s former spokesperson, said Emmer is the only gubernatorial candidate the group supports. As of Tuesday, Target was the largest single donor to the group, which had raised more than $1 million from industry trade groups and companies, including Pentair Inc., Hubbard Broadcasting Inc., Davisco Foods International Inc. and Polaris Industries Inc. “We believe that everybody has the right to express their opinions and we’re going to run a fair and factual campaign,” McClung said.

Bank to couple: Live apart

were shocked to be told by a bank clerk that they should reconsider their relationship and live apart. Sara Evaldsson, 29, and Maria Engström, 31, decided to move in together after living 100 miles apart and found a two-bedroom property in Västerås. The couple believed they had gotten a bargain price for the new home and were confident of securing a mortgage, as both were employed and had good credit ratings. Engström claims a female clerk at Swedbank told them that the $67,130 they wanted to borrow was “a lot of money” and insisted that a 10-percent deposit would be necessary. She said that when she and Evaldsson questioned the decision, the clerk replied: “You should reconsider your personal situation and continue to live in different places.” The couple have reported the clerk to Sweden’s Discrimination Ombudsman. They then obtained a mortgage from rival bank Nordea and renovated the apartment, which they’ve had valued at $109,600. Anna Sundblad, Swedbank’s head of press relations, said the bank would work with the Discrimination Ombudsman to investigate the incident. “We take these kinds of incidents very seriously,” she said. “We have a clear policy that we never discriminate on the grounds of religion, gender or sexual orientation. We also aim to set a good example in questions like this: We sponsor the Stockholm Pride festival, for instance.” ■

A Swedish lesbian couple who tried to get a mortgage said they

Larry Nichols can be reached at

“Our first ad is a positive ad talking about a candidate’s vision for creating jobs.” The Supreme Court ruling left in place state prohibitions against companies giving directly to the candidates. The money can go to independent groups supporting the candidates. But individuals can donate directly to the candidates’ campaigns. Money from Target’s top executives has gone mainly to Republicans. Former CEO Robert Ulrich, who retired last year, gave $617,000 during his time as Target’s leader, most of it to the state GOP. Current chief executive Gregg Steinhafel has donated

about $25,000, almost exclusively to Republican candidates and causes. Outside the SuperTarget in Roseville, on the site of the original Target store, most customers hadn’t heard about the donations. Some weren’t pleased to learn of the company’s new political involvement in the state. “Target usually has the appearance of wanting to be neutral,” said Kevin Enberg, a 50-year-old dad from Arden Hills, who said he visits Target daily and wants to know more about the company’s role in Minnesota politics. He added: “You need to know where your money ends up.” ■

a new initiative to provide better resources for those in isolated and underserved communities. Program manager Derek McDonell realized the need for development workers throughout the country’s less populous regions. “Despite recent progress for LGBT people in Ireland, a significant number still find it difficult to be ‘out’ and remain living in their local communities,” he said. “Much of this is the result of a lack of recognition that all communities are made up of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.” The initiative aims to unite and strengthen LGBT organizations throughout the country to better address the needs of each region. The group was developed out of collaboration among 11 Irish LGBT organizations and will receive funding from the Atlantic Philanthropies, a grant group that gives billions of dollars to various aid programs each year. Pat Carey, minister of community, equality and Gaeltacht affairs, launched the program. “Irish society has not always been as supportive of gay people as it should have been, particularly in rural Ireland,” he said, adding that it is “a cause of sadness and a terrible waste of potential when a young person is lost to a rural community because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.”


JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010


A departure from the ordinary




Out fashion insider endures on reality show By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer

Bravo’s reality series “The Rachel Zoe Project” cranks up the tension for the premiere of its third season as the show’s titular celebrity fashion stylist and her team deal with the fallout of one of their own leaving the company. Even if you haven’t watched the show, or have only seen snippets

of the action during commercials while watching episodes of “Top Chef” or “Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List,” you can pick up on the drama pretty quick. Celebrity stylist Rachel Zoe runs her company with her husband, Rodger Berman, and the help of her two assistants, Taylor Jacobson and the openly gay Brad Goreski. Jacobson quickly becomes the brat of the show and constantly butts heads with Goreski and, to a

lesser degree, Zoe. This season opens with Jacobson getting fired from the company for reasons that are not spelled out onscreen. Goreski didn’t get into specifics either, but said her dismissal didn’t result from their conflict. “What happened didn’t have anything to do with me. It was all behavior that she was doing of her own accord. I wasn’t really involved in



JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

we’ll have a studio full of and let things happen,” added Goreski. “I try not clothes for a photo shoot to focus too much on the future and just kind of let and just get that out, then whatever guiding forces push me along. And, so far, get a request for a fitting they’ve been pushing me in good directions.” and have to get a whole What Goreski didn’t count on was getting his other set of clothes in here dream job at the launch of the reality series. He said the next day. The most he was worried about having the camera around at stressful part is keeping up first, but the notoriety of the show ended up being an asset to him. with everything.” “When we first started filming, they filmed me on By comparison, the celebrities that Zoe and company my first day. So, I was nervous about having an audiwork with — such as Gwen ence seeing my first few weeks and months in a new Stefani, Demi Moore and job. Now it’s part of the job and I love it. I’m glad Molly Sims, to name a few that audiences enjoy us and what we do. The show — seem at ease with the is really good because people can understand what hectic flurry that comes happens and what a stylist does. It makes it easier, with the territory. Goreski especially being an assistant. People who haven’t said there is a good reason met me know who I am and that I work for Rachel, for that. so when we are trying to create relationships with “Our job is to make them designers we haven’t worked with before, it does GORESKI DURING FILMING Photo: Jason DeCrow/Bravo feel at ease and be excited make it easier because of that platform.” about going to a premiere The new season of “The Rachel Zoe Project” the reason why she was fired. If that was her intention or going to an awards premieres at 10 p.m. Aug. 3 on Bravo. For more at that point, I can’t really say.” show,” he said. “Our job is to find them the absolute information, visit the first episode of the new season, it perfect dress that they are going to love and want project. ■ doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure that Jacobson everyone to see them in. If they are [stressing out], probably had aspirations to start her own company for then we aren’t doing our job properly.” Larry Nichols can be reached at a while and is going to be a sore spot for Zoe and crew One thing that is apparent on the far beyond her firing. Goreski said he immediately felt show is that being a fashion stylist the effects of Jacobson’s departure. isn’t your typical 9-to-5 job — and “When she was fired, it was a huge surprise to me,” that it can take over your life. the 32-year-old said. “You go from one day being “That’s why you have to find a a team to being alone. I had to adapt to carrying the balance,” Goreski said. “You have workload all on my own, which took a little bit of to learn to leave the job at work getting used to. Instead of having the e-mails kind of and you have to learn when there evenly divided between the two of us, I was the only is down time, you have to take it. point person. It made people aware of how instrumen- That’s far and few between for us tal I am in Rachel’s business and how closely we work but, when we do have down time, together. It gave me the opportunity to shine more in I always make the most of it. I’ve Rachel’s company. People were just happy that I was also been in a relationship for over still around and had an opportunity to show what I was nine years now. So I always have made of. We adapted quickly and kept on moving for- that grounding. That’s the thing ward. Thank God there were no huge disasters along that means the most. I love my job the way.” and I love working for Rachel, but It might be a trick of the editing process or a really I have to keep reminding myself accurate portrayal, but when Goreski, Zoe and their that there are other things too in assorted assistants aren’t dealing with the drama du my life that are just as important.” jour of fulfilling the fashion dreams of their celebrity Even with the long hours and clients, there seems to be an awful lot of sitting around the stress, Goreski said working sighing and complaining about how tired/busted/ with Zoe and her company was exhausted/frazzled they are. Which would be fine if and continues to be a dream for they didn’t spend the majority of their screen time not him. breaking a sweat and idly pecking away at their laptops “I’ve always been interested in and/or BlackBerrys. To be fair, the massive amounts of fashion. I was always pushing the high-end shoes and clothing they seem to have at their boundaries, even as a kid in my beck and call probably don’t magically appear and go hometown of Ontario, Canada. away on their own. But still, what is seen on the screen I interned in college at Vogue in is a far cry from the “Norma Rae” level of labor that New York and just knew I needed they make it out to be. to work in fashion. I knew it was Goreski is quite aware that the intense and hectic where I wanted to be. Once I got nature of their work doesn’t always translate to the knowledge of who Rachel was small screen. styling, and how great all of her “I don’t think people actually grasp or see how much clients look all the time, I knew I work it really is,” he said. “I think people think work- wanted to work for her. I spent a ing with celebrities and all of these amazing designer year pursuing a job with her and clothes is super glamorous, and don’t get me wrong, finally got one. I had no idea that, it is. But the majority of the work is manual labor and almost three years later, I’d be a lot of follow-up. It’s a lot more work that it appears. here and having the experiences The most stressful part is the pace: just how many jobs that I’ve had. we have all the time and how quickly things move here. “For me, the way I like to live There are just so many variables every day. One day, my life is to stay out of the way GORESKI WITH NEW ASSISTANT ASHLEY Photo: Isabella Vosmikova/Bravo

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010





JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

Kelis to appear in the ‘Flesh’ in Philly By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer International pop artist Kelis just released an excellent new album, the fun and electro-pop-drenched “Flesh Tone.” Even better: She’s on the road with one of our favorite international pop singers, Robyn, for the All Hearts tour, which hits town Aug. 3. We thought we had tons to talk about with the outspoken artist, who spent the last decade bouncing around to different major record labels, touring the world and turning out hits such as “Caught Out There” and “Milkshake.” Surely, she had a lot on her mind and would give us some insights on her new artistic direction and her years in the music industry. If she did, she wasn’t telling us. PGN: The All Hearts tour sounds like a brilliant idea. Whose idea was it for you to tour with Robyn? K: I thought of the name and it was a joint thought for Robyn and I to go out on the road together. I think she’s great and we get along great. PGN: This tour is only doing a handful of cities and a lot of the dates have already sold out. Did you ever consider doing a longer tour of bigger venues? K: We figured we just wanted to hit it and quit it. PGN: At any point will the two of you perform together? K: We haven’t decided. PGN: Your recent appearances on late-night television have been amazing. Will your stage show for this tour be anything like those performances? K: I don’t know yet, my dear. I don’t know what we’re doing tonight so we’ll see. PGN: Were there any particular artists that influenced the direction of the new album? K: I don’t know. I sort of just take things as they come, particularly on this record. The music drove it. There wasn’t a master plan of as to who I like or who I wanted to work with. It was like, wow, this really feels really good to me. Let me write it and go back and produce that. I just take it as it comes. PGN: Do you think the press will still label you as an R&B/hip-hop artist after the more-electronic


direction of “Flesh Tone”? K: I don’t know who considered me that before. I never called myself any of the above. I guess people need titles to digest things. To me, it doesn’t make any difference what you call it. PGN: Does being on Will.I.Am’s [of The Black Eyed Peas] label give you more creative freedom than you would have on another major label? K: What gave me more creative freedom off the jump was the fact that my album was already done before I was signed. I think being signed to another artist is helpful. PGN: In your opinion, what is the most significant change in the music industry since you started? K: The Internet, for sure. We’re way more accessible as artists. We’re able to reach more people. There isn’t an outlet for videos any longer. Now it’s online and you end up doing more interviews for blogs and magazines. PGN: What has been the highlight of your career so far? K: I think, for me, I feel really good when I have a vision and I am able to get the right team around me to help pull that vision off. And then when it comes out the way I saw it or better, those are the moments that stick with me. PGN: Are there any places you look forward to performing when you go on tour? K: I enjoy performing outside. Any kind of summertime festival is really fun. Those are always the good ones. ■ Check out the All Hearts tour with Kelis and Robyn at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 3 at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St. For more information or tickets, call (215) 922-6888. Larry Nichols needs people to meet him halfway if they want to sound interesting in print and can be reached at

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010




Fi r st Ba p t i st C h u r c h

Dana Rudolph


Mama Grizzlies vs. Mama Lezzies Sarah Palin has a new ad out, proclaiming that conservative MARCH 21 - 27, 2008 women will rise up like that the mayor of the“mama Athens grizsuburb of Kessariani has agreed to this perform zlies” the ceremony. year to put a “I have no objection to celebrating stop to the “fundamental transthis union so long as the law is formation” of our country respected,” Mayor Spyros that Tzokas threatens their children. Moms said. “just of know when some-the It kind is uncertain whether thing is goingwill wrong,” she says,the government recognize and will fight back when somemarriage. one threatens something is The Greek“to do government adverse cubs.” The preparingtoward to their introduce civiltarget date legislation for her stampede partnership later thisofyear, granting legal“pink rightselephants,” to unmarried conservative couples. it hasher notmetaphors, said if sameshe adds,But, mixing sex couples be included. will be Nov.would 2 — Election Day. But what will happen when her Mama Grizzlies meet the Mama Gay men jailed in Lezzies? Palin is unspecific in the video Morocco as to exactly what “transformations” is against — except for The she Moroccan Association to show people in the Human Rights, along backwith Human ground Rights holding Watch, signs has against launched a “Obamacare.” Even we assume petition following theifimprisonment she is men referring to issues she has of six for homosexuality. Moroccan the men raised before,police sucharrested as healthin November 2007 after a video care reform, financial reform circulated onspending, the Internet showing and defense I wonder a private party threat in Ksar-el-Kbir, where the direct is that is Morocco,her thattothe press claimed was causing rear up on her hind a gay-marriage ceremony. legs and show her fashionably The claws. country’s penal code polished criminalizes sexual conduct between Since Palin is fond of animal members of the same sex. Despite analogies, here’s one for her. the fact that the video showed no Once upon a time, a fox was evidence of sexual acts, the six men chasing a rabbit. fox, fierce were convicted of The committing “lewd and muscularacts predator it or unnatural with anthough individual was, could not catch the rabbit, of the same sex” and sentenced to who escaped. a bird askedin between four When and 10 months the fox why, he replied, “I was prison. just running for myAssociation dinner. Thefor The Moroccan rabbit was running for its life.” Palin may be looking for a little more food for her cubs. That’s not a bad thing in itself; most parents would do the same. But let’s take a look at the situation for the Mama Lezzies and our families. In Florida, no lesbian or gay individual may adopt. In another four states, they cannot do so because of simultaneous bans on same-sex marriage and adoption by unmarried people. In seven states, most children of same-sex couples cannot have the security

of two legal parents — secondparent adoption is not allowed. (Some may have a legal oppositesex parent from a parent’s previous relationship, however.) In another 16 states, second-parent adoption is only allowed in some Human RightsInand HumanindividRights jurisdictions. 38 states, Watchincluding are petitioning thecan Moroccan uals, parents, lose government for a fair trial for the their jobs for being transgender, men and to protect their right to and in 29 states for being lesbian privacy. or The gay.groups are asking supporters In 38their states, too, children of to show opposition to Moroccan same-sex couples know that the to authorities by sending an e-mail state treats their family as class by specifically denying their parents the right to marry — and Cartoons in some cases, not draw even the right to have a civil union or domestic Russian irestate, they partnership. In every know the federal government Protestant groups in Moscow does not extend these rights, are trying to shut down a cartoon and that often carries financial channel because they claim it burdens. Respected psycholopromotes homosexuality and gists have testified to civil-union religious intolerance. commissions both New Western Jersey Channel 2x2inbroadcasts and Vermont as to the emotional cartoons like “South Park,” which stress that thepromotes lack of “homosexual equalsome believe ity places on children, and the propaganda.” harassment they may face. Vitaly Vlasenki, a spokesperson ask Janice forPalin Theshould Consultative Council of Langbehn the threatChurches to her the Heads about of Protestant children Langbehn, who was in Russia,—said the group had sent a letter to Prosecutor General Yury kept from her dying partner’s Chaika on March 12 three accusing side, along with their chil-the network promoting “cruelty, dren, by aof hospital that refused violence, homosexual to recognize they werepropaganda, a family. religious hatred intolerance.” She should ask and Renee Harmon, Yekaterina Doglosheveva, head who was just told by a Michigan of corporate affairsthat for she Prof-Media, Court of Appeals does dismissed the standing criticismtofrom the not even have file for religious group. joint custody of the children she “The Federal Culture and raised with her ex-partner. She be Cinematography Agency may should Janet whose able to ask control theJenkins, activities of our ex-partner Miller renounced channel, butLisa the Protestants cannot,” lesbianism andsaid. went into hiding Doglosheveva with their 8-year-old daughter,also Channel 2x2, which keeping her “The from friends and has broadcasts Simpsons,” school, rather than give custody to Jenkins as ordered by a court. Then there is Judy Shepard, whose son Matthew was murdered for being gay, and who has become a fierce advocate for LGBT rights. There are Sirdeaner Walker and Masika Bermudez, whose 11-year-old sons Carl Joseph Walker Hoover and Jaheem Herrera committed suicide (in separate instances) after months of harassment because of their perceived sexual orientation. Walker has since testified

to Congress about the need for LGBT-inclusive anti-bullying laws. Let’s not forget Frank Gill and his partner, who are fighting for Gill to be able to adopt the PHILADELPHIA NEWS two brothers whom GAY they have been fostering in Florida for built cult following Russia nearlyasix years, after theinboys despite gainingfrom just 1.9 were removed theirpercent abusiveof the audience share in February. birth parents. There are many MTV in Russia also more examples, too, that never shows “South Park,” but has yet make the headlines. to receive any criticism from the Yes, there may be some in the Protestant group. LGBT community who agree with Palin on certain political points. There’s no necessary Trans meeting mutual exclusivity. But Palin is no set for Berlin friend to the LGBT community: She has said publicly that she It was aannounced March 14 that supports 1998 Alaskan constithe second meeting ofthat the defines European tutional amendment Transgender Council one willman be held marriage as between and this year in Germany. one woman. Although in 2006 comprised sheThe vetoed acouncil, bill that would have of Transgender Europe, the prevented the state from extendTransgender Network Berlin and ing benefits to same-sex partners TransInterQueer Berlin, will meet of state employees, she did May 2-4 in Berlin. Their lastsoevent on the advice of herinAttorney was held in Vienna 2005. General, who saidfrom the international bill was Representatives unconstitutional. then did activist groups andShe experts such as sign a bill putting the and measure up Human Rights Watch Amnesty for a non-binding referendum. International are expected to attend Andevent the conservative the and share theircandidates experiences eld of human rights in shethe has recently endorsed, suchand as transgender-related work. Bob McDonnell (R), running for Study of the theThe U.S.results Houseofinthe Colorado, and Lives of Transgender people Kelly Ayotte (R), running for theIn Europe, conducted by Press for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire, Change (U.K.), will be revealed, are no supporters of LGBT rights which either. polled more than 2,000 transgender people. I don’t think it is far-fetched, Berlin has a diverse transgender therefore, to pit the Mama scene, and Wigstoeckel Transgender Lezziesis—set andtothe gay dads, United organize the city bisexual and transgender show andparents, party for council’s ofcial andevent. parents of LGBT children � the (and those perceived to be) — against the Mama Larry Nichols can beGrizzlies. reached at We face the threat each day that our children will be harmed emotionally or physically because of the laws and biases against LGBT people. While Palin and her grizzlies may be fighting for their dinner, we are fighting for our lives. She wants to see moms rise up to fight in November? Let’s bring it. ■ Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher of Mombian (, a blog and resource directory for LGBT parents.


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Family Portraits Batter up! It’s time for the eighth annual Gay Community Night at the Phillies, a night for us to show our pride and have an excuse to eat hot dogs and chili and wear beer cans strapped to our heads, no questions asked. Fun that it is, the event is also a fundraiser for the Sean Halpin Scholarship Fund. Halpin was an openly gay activist and attorney who served on the boards of a number of local LGBT organizations. He was also an avid baseball fan. A $1,000 scholarship is given in his name each year to an openly LGBT law student in the Philadelphia area. We took time this week to speak to last year’s recipient, Dwight Anthony Bailey. PGN: You have quite a résumé

already: Villanova Law National Trial Team member, president of the Black Law Students Association, student board member of the Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia, lieutenant governor of American Bar Association Representatives, Law Student Division. You’ve worked in the District Attorney’s office, have a bachelor’s in political science from Temple, studied at the Sorbonne in Paris and you’re currently enrolled at Villanova University School of Law. What does the Halpin Scholarship mean to you? DAB: Well, it means I’ll have $1,000 less to pay in student loans! But most of all, I’m honored to represent Sean as someone who gave back to the community. I believe that we create the world around us, and it’s great to have a party, but it’s important to remember that not everyone has the same access to cake and balloons and the things you might have. It’s hard to really enjoy your party knowing that others are not so lucky, so it’s important to give back in a way to help everyone have a decent life, whether that’s through probono work, setting up a scholarship or volunteering. I look forward to the time when I can start the Dwight Bailey Scholarship Fund. Not memorial, I hope ... PGN: Tell me about yourself. DAB: I’m Philadelphia born and

bred. I lived in West Philadelphia until I turned 10, when we moved to Yeadon. It’s in Delaware County, but it was literally only three blocks from the edge of Philly to my house. I went to

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

Suzi Nash Masterman for middle and high school. Then to Drexel, then a brief stop at Community, then Temple and, as you said, I’m currently at Villanova Law.

ties with some of the people I met and I had a great time, but I didn’t get to hit too many clubs.

PGN: What’s the family dynam-

have a glass of wine, I get more fluent!


DAB: I’m the only child of a single mom. She had me when she was really young and, while I’m an only child, from the age of 10 until I went to college, I was raised with my cousin, Shaun, who is about three-andthree-quarter-years younger than me. We were like brothers, [with] silly arguments over the car and daily fights. PGN: I still have hair-pulling

arguments with my brother over who gets to sit in the front seat when we visit my mother. DAB: I always wanted the back seat, so it wasn’t a problem! PGN: What did you do for fun? DAB: What we did as kids in

the ’90s: hung out at the Gallery Mall and around the shops up at 60th Street. PGN: What was your favorite book as a kid? DAB: “The Cat in the Hat” by Dr. Seuss. I loved that book. PGN: Fun activity? DAB: Shaun and I played video

games 24/7. We were just saying how talented we might have been at some particular trade or skill if we hadn’t spent half our lives playing video games! If we’d used that time to learn how to play the piano or learning Shakespeare ... But no, we concentrated all our time learning Super Mario Brothers and Street Fighter.

PGN: Do you still speak French? DAB: I’ve lost a lot of it, but if I

PGN: What did you want to be

when you grew up?

DAB: Well, I think I had a bit of

ADD, so I wanted to be a singing-dancing-actor-lawyer-doctorastronaut. As the years have gone by, I’ve been able to check some of them off the list and have been successful at some of them. I’m still not an astronaut and still hoping to get that Ph.D. at some point. PGN: Acting and dancing? DAB: For acting, I was on a few

of those low-budget after-school specials that they show to kids to prevent them from gambling or committing suicide. I also did a few plays in church. As far as the dancing goes, I used to dance on an MTV show called “Direct Effect.” I’d take the train up to New York and I was part of the regular cast of dancers. It came on after [“Total Request Live”] and they’d take all the kids to a different studio and we’d do a kind of “Soul Train” line and dance. It was fun; I got to be on national TV. You know, I’m an old man, so we’re talking years ago, maybe 2000, 2001, something like that.

thug: You giggle, for heaven’s sake. DAB: Yes, well ... [Giggles.] That was what was so funny about the whole thing! Every once in a while, when I have friends over, we’ll watch it and have a good laugh. But I guess I’m a good actor. While I’m not exactly a thug, I grew up around enough of them to know how to imitate the behavior.

PGN: You did not just reference

PGN: And what singing have you

2001 as the olden days with a straight face! Don’t make me smack you. DAB: [Laughs.] On the cool meter! It was a long time ago on the cool meter.

PGN: “Star Wars” or “Star

PGN: [Laughs.] You’re making

PGN: You studied in France at

PGN: So tell me about your

Trek”? DAB: “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” the Sorbonne: What was the gay scene like there? DAB: I did a lot of the moretouristy stuff like the Moulin Rouge and a gay club that was right near it. I met some people who showed me around and let me hang out with them. Contrary to popular opinion, everyone was very nice to me and they liked Americans. I got to go on a few gay boat rides and private par-


it worse! I’ll turn this interview around right now young man. DAB: I’m sorry! after-school specials. What was the craziest one? DAB: In the first one I did, I played a gun-toting street tough. I gambled with these high-school kids and, when they didn’t have the money to pay up, there was a scene where I stalked them at school, toting my gun and lurking around the school. We filmed it at an actual school and one of the real community police

officers saw me peaking in the windows looking like a hood and pulled up. We had to quickly reassure him that we were doing a film and authorized to be there! PGN: I can’t imagine you as a


DAB: I’m waiting until I get engaged and then I’ll take singing lessons so I can sing to my husband at the reception. PGN: You did some teaching.

What was that like, and what was the funniest thing you faced? DAB: I did a little stint with the Children’s Defense Fund teaching fourth-graders. We taught reading to inner-city youth attending low-budget schools. These kids were great but they asked every inappropriate question you could imagine, from “Do you have a girlfriend?” to “How big is your chest?” PGN: How big is your chest? DAB: Yes, some girl apparently

had a crush on me and, when I asked her why she was asking about my chest, she said,

“Because I told my sister about you and she wanted to know if you had a chest.” I guess she said something flattering to peak the sister’s interest. At the time, I didn’t have a chest, so it was embarrassing that she had to ask! I just laughed it off. But you never knew what they were going to ask. PGN: Any hobbies outside of law


DAB: I’ve become a huge fan of

the gym and am proud to say I do have a chest now. Yeah! I also do some running, not marathonworthy, but a few miles at a time. Just enough to burn off the piece of cake from the night before. I’ve also gotten into indoor-rock climbing. I like it because you use your brain and body at the same time. When you’re up there, you really have to think quickly and challenge yourself. I’ve also been very intimate with my DVR this week. I love being able to catch up on favorite shows. Apart from that, I don’t have time for much else outside of school and work. PGN: What are two favorite


DAB: “True Blood.” I always

watch that, and I love “Top Chef.” And when it’s not in reruns, I love “America’s Next Top Model.” I gotta see what Tyra’s gonna say! PGN: Now that the show is in

reruns, what are you doing these days? DAB: I’m working this sum-

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

mer on an internship with the Philadelphia Defender Association. I lucked out and got a job working with a new program called “Video Crash Court,” where they are trying to get people who are in jail for low-level crimes, like being caught with a small amount of marijuana or shoplifting, to have their day in court as fast as possible instead of taking up a cell for four months just waiting to go to trial. Instead of transporting them to court, which means a lot of work and manpower, with having to process them in and out from jail to court and back, armed guards, etc., we can essentially set up courtroom via video conference, where they can see the judge and lawyers and vice versa and do it that way. Most of these people have jobs and are otherwise taxpaying citizens, not usually a menace to society, but if they can’t make bail, there’s a good possibility they might lose their jobs sitting in a cell for months waiting for a trial. It’s a great program and, since I’ve been in it since the beginning, I get to have a lot of input. PGN: Last year you worked for

the District Attorney’s office. What did you learn there? DAB: It was intense. One of my favorite shows is “Law and Order: SVU.” I don’t watch any of the other versions, just that one. I’ve always been fascinated with the subject matter. Last summer, I worked in the family violence/sex crimes unit of the District Attorney’s office. I did a lot of interviews with victims relating their stories and it was pretty sad. PGN: What was the most sur-

prising? DAB: I was astounded at the number of children who are molested on a regular basis in this city. It was eye-opening. It really showed the importance of protecting children and being really careful of whom you trust. PGN: It seems there’s such a fear of “stranger danger” but, from what I gather, the real danger is people you know. DAB: Yeah, most of the parents had the best of intentions, but just trusted the wrong people. We really need to be careful who we bring into our children’s worlds. PGN: What do you think makes

you a good lawyer?

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS DAB: I think that I’m a person who is always on task. I’m good at focusing on something and sticking with it. It’s funny: I get comments at work for being too serious, too intense. And I’m like, “Um, I’m at work. Aren’t we supposed to be serious? We’re dealing with people’s liberty here, I should be taking it seriously.” Away from work, I’m happy-go-lucky, but I buckle down when it’s important. I’m also very passionate about what I do. I love it. I really took the advice “do what you love” and found something that I’m crazy about. I even enjoy all the grunt work because it’s all a part of the process. I can’t wait to be in court arguing a case, giving summations in front of a judge and jury. I think I read people really well and have a good understanding of them, which is important for a lawyer. PGN: I would think your acting

skills would help.

DAB: Oh, definitely! Sometimes

you have to deliver a message several times in different ways depending on who you’re giving it to. You present to a judge differently than you would present to a jury. When delivering a case, you want people to see your case as you want them to and the ability to dramatize certainly helps. The whole thing is very theatrical, from the layout of the courtroom with the judge sitting high above to the defendant entering the spectator gallery. PGN: Very Shakespearian. DAB: Oh yes, it can be a stage.

That’s part of what I enjoy about it. I get to put on a nice costume, read my lines and help people. It’s the best of many worlds. ■ To suggest a community member for “Family Portraits,” write to: Family Portraits, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 or


Q Puzzle Glee Club Across 1. Once the largest co. with domestic partner benefits 4. “An Early ___ ” 9. Be attracted to 14. To God, in “Banana Boat Song”? 15. Cukor’s “ ___ and Juliet” 16. Taking it lying down 17. Wife of 59-Across 19. Eva Gabor’s “Green ___ ” 20. All thumbs 21. Metrosexual 23. New Age music pioneer 24. One of a 1492 threesome 25. 2000 mockumentary film of 59-Across 29. Painter O’Keeffe 31. Film material 32. Suffix with prefer 34. Lost some of its size 35. 2003 musical spoof of 59Across 39. Edna and Judi Dench 41. Sounds of relief 42. Krypton, for one 45. Put back on the payroll 50. Early role for 59-Across 52. Irene of “Fame” 53. Sash, to a Samurai 54. Kid of a parent’s sib 55. Hits high fly balls 56. Country house, to Nureyev 59. Outfest Achievement award recipient 62. Surfer’s post 63. End of a Stein quote 64. Summer along the Seine 65. Activity of Isadora Duncan 66. “A Streetcar ___ Desire” 67. Puncture sound Down 1. Running in place 2. It tops a freshman 3. Rita of “West Side Story” 4. Ridge on Melissa’s neck

5. Letters after CD 6. Fed. book balancers 7. Workers at the bottom 8. Camry maker 9. 1.0, for one 10. Tolkien beast 11. Stroke for Mauresmo 12. Monotonous 13. Scattered seed anew 18. On ___ with 22. Upload it with your profile 25. Cherry variety 26. Unit price word 27. Fairly recent 28. Gay-dog owner of “South Park” 30. Seuss’s real last name 33. Sked info 35. Idol word? 36. Note to Jared Polis’ staff 37. Male enhancement exaggeration? 38. Milk component 39. Put in plaintext 40. Jim Nabors’ home state 43. Network of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show”

44. Condom used at Southern Cal? 46. Revolting 47. Ella of old films 48. Becomes hard 49. Sprints at the Gay Games 51. Sculptor Nancy 55. Aspen vehicle 57. Popular fruit drink 58. Pub offering 60. Marseilles moniker 61. Nationality ending SOLUTION




JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

Your guide to arts and entertainment


Cirque Dreams Jungle Fantasy The animal-themed show blending circus elements and Broadway theatrics runs through Sept. 5 at Trump Taj Mahal’s Xanadu Theater, 1000 Boardwalk, Atlantic City; (609) 4416150. Damn Yankees Bristol Riverside Theatre presents the story of baseball fanatic Joe Boyd, who trades his soul to the devil for a chance to lead his favorite team to victory in the pennant race against the New York Yankees, July 31-Aug. 6, 120 Radcliffe St., Bristol; (215) 785-0100. Guys and Dolls The Brandywiners perform the musical through Aug. 7 at Longwood Gardens, 1001 Longwood Road, Kennett Square; (800) 3386965. Les Misèrables Media Theatre for the Performing Arts presents the popular musical through Aug. 8, 104 E. State St., Media; (610) 891-0100. The Producers The Ritz Theatre Company presents the Mel Brooks comedy about a scheme to get rich off a Broadway flop, through Aug. 7, 915 White Horse Pike, Haddon Township, N.J.; (856) 8585320.

Anton Chekhov’s master work, through Aug. 1 at Tomlinson Theater, 1301 W. Norris St.; (800) 838-3006.

Barenaked Ladies The rock band performs at 8 p.m. Aug. 4 at the Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.; (856) 365-1300.

The Wizard of Oz The classic story of Dorothy and her quest to get back to Kansas is presented through July 30 at Upper Darby Performing Arts Center, 601 N. Lansdowne Ave., Drexel Hill; (610) 622-1189.

Reconstruction of The Fables: A Tribute to 30 Years of R.E.M. The music of R.E.M. is performed at 8 p.m. Aug. 5 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 2221400.


Cyndi Lauper The pop star and LGBT ally performs at 8 p.m. July 30 at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside; (215) 572-7650. The Fixx The ’80s rock band performs at 8 p.m. July 30 at Atlantic City Hilton & Resorts, 3400 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City; (609) 3477111. John Mayer and Train The rock artists perform at 8 p.m. July 30 at the Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.; (856) 365-1300. Projektfest ’10 This all-ages gothic cabaret features performances by Voltaire, Black Tape for a Blue Girl, Unto Ashes and The Twilight Garden at 8 p.m. July 30 at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 922-6888. Celtic Woman The international music group performs at 8 p.m. July 31 at The Mann Center for the Performing Arts, 5201 Parkside Ave.; (215) 546-7900.

The Secret of Sherlock Holmes People’s Light & Theatre Company presents a play exploring the relationship between Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, through Counting Crows Aug. 8, 39 Conestoga Road, The alternative-rock band Malvern; (610) 647-1900. performs at 8 p.m. July 31 at the Borgata Hotel Casino Three Sisters and Spa Event Center, 1 Temple University Borgata Way, Atlantic City; presents a staging of (609) 317-1000.


CYNDI SINGS THE BLUES: International platinum-selling siren Cyndi Lauper returns to the area in support of her latest album, “Memphis Blues,” performing at 8 p.m. July 30 at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. Hopefully, she’ll break out some of her pop classics as well. For more information, visit or call (215) 572-7650.

Interpol The alternative-rock band performs at 8 p.m. July 31 at the House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City; (609) 345-8652. Richard Durand The trance DJ spins at 10 p.m. July 31 at Voyeur Nightclub, 1221 St. James St.; (215) 732-5772. Arcade Fire The Grammy-winning alternative-rock group performs at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 2 at The Mann Center for the Performing Arts, 5201 Parkside Ave.; (215) 546-7900. Green Day and AFI The punk-rock bands perform at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 3 at the Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbour

Blvd., Camden, N.J.; (856) 365-1300. Robyn and Kelis The electro-pop divas perform at 8 p.m. Aug. 3 at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 9226888. Honda Civic Tour Out rock band Tegan and Sara join headliners Paramore and New Found Glory for a concert at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 4 at Festival Pier, 121 N. Columbus Blvd.; (215) 928-8801. Rufus Wainwright The out singer-songwriter performs at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 4 at The Mann Center for the Performing Arts, 5201 Parkside Ave.; (215) 546-7900.

Ancient Rome & America The National Constitution Center presents an exhibition of rare artifacts from Italy and the United States, including excavated remains from Pompeii and Roman busts of Julius Caesar and Cicero, through Aug. 1, 525 Arch St.; (215) 409-6600. Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt The Franklin Institute presents an exhibition of 150 artifacts from Egypt, through Jan. 2, 20th Street and the Parkway; (215) 448-1200. Ellis Island: Ghosts of Freedom James A. Michener Art Museum presents an exhibition of photos featuring the New York Harbor through the lenses of Lewis Hines and Stephen Wilkes, through Oct. 10 in the museum’s Fred Beans Gallery, 138 S. Pine St., Doylestown; (215) 3409800. Fowl Images Twenty-Two Gallery presents an exhibition of Eric N. Fausnacht’s portraits of domestic fowl in a contemporary style, through Aug. 8, 236 S. 22nd St.; (215) 772-1911.

Inspiring Fashion: Gifts from Designers Honoring Tom Marotta Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of contemporary specialoccasion and eveningwear, through Sept. 6, 26th Street and the Parkway; (215) 763-8100. Juried Art Winners: McLean, Muller, Stroud The William Way LGBT Community Center hosts an exhibition of the three winners of the fifth-annual Juried Art Competition — Kathy McLean, Elke Muller and Jeff Stroud — through Aug. 27, 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 732-2220. Michelle Berkowitz: Contemporary Costumes James A. Michener Art Museum presents an exhibition of fashions using antique fabrics and period sewing techniques, through Aug. 8, 138 S. Pine St., Doylestown; (215) 3409800. Out of the Wild ArtStar Gallery hosts an exhibition of works featuring animal imagery, through Aug. 29, 623 N. Second St.; (215) 238-1557. Pleasures and Pastimes in Japanese Art Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of costumes, masks and poetry exploring the ways in which leisure time was interpreted across all social classes in Japanese art, through fall, 26th Street and the Parkway; (215) 7638100. queerArt? AxD Gallery presents an exhibition of works examining queer sensibilities, through

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Diversions, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19147; fax them to (215) 925-6437; or e-mail them to diversions@epgn. com. Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

Aug. 7, 265 S. 10th St.; (215) 627-6250. Queer Voices Institute of Contemporary Art presents a group exhibition of queer art, through Aug. 1, 118 S. 36th St.; (215) 898-7108. The Seventh Annual Marge Brown Kalodner Graduate Student Exhibition The Clay Studio presents an exhibition of new works through Aug. 1, 139 N. Second St.; (215) 925-3453. Silkscreen: A Universal Tool of Justice Spiral Q presents an exhibit of original silkscreen posters created by Parkway Northwest High School students inspired by the use of posters in the South African anti-apartheid movement, through Aug. 5 at NEXUS, 1400 N. American St.; (215) 222-6979.


theater at 4 p.m. July 31, 8480 Hagy’s Mill Road; (215) 4827300.


Don’t Look Back The film capturing Bob Dylan’s 1965 tour of England is screened at 2 p.m. Aug. 1 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; (610) 917-0223. Clash of the Titans The 2010 fantasy-action film is screened at 8 p.m. Aug. 2 at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 922-6888. Seven Samurai Bryn Mawr Film Institute hosts a screening of the 1954 epic as part of the Akira Kurosawa Retrospective film series, 7 p.m. Aug. 3, 824 W. Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr; (610) 527-9898. Mary Poppins The 1964 film classic musical is screened at 7 p.m. Aug. 4 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; (610) 917-0223.


The Diaspora Reading Group Josh Lanyon’s “The Hell You Say” is discussed at 7 p.m. Aug. 4 at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; (215) 923-2960. Mary Roach The author of “Packing for


Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void” and “Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers” hosts a reading at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 3 at Central Library, 1901 Vine St.; (215) 686-5322.




Bob & Barbara’s Drag Show Miss Lisa Lisa and her rotating cast of girls entertain from 11 p.m. -1 a.m. Aug. 5 at Bob and Barbara’s, 1509 South St.; (215) 545-4511.


Jim Gaffigan The comedian performs at 8 p.m. July 30 at the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City; (609) 317-1000. Philadelphia Rainbow Awards Sandy Beach hosts this community-based awards program honoring individuals, groups, businesses and organizations who have made notable contributions to the community, 9-11 p.m. Aug. 1 at Venture Inn, 255 S. Camac St.; (215) 545-8731. Christopher Titus The comedian from the sitcom “Titus” performs Aug. 5-7 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; (215) 496-9001. ■

Fresh and Healthy Food

If you haven’t checked out the “queerArt?” exhibition yet, you really need to hightail it down to AxD Gallery, 265 S. 10th St., and see what the buzz is all about. The works of 11 artists, including Michael Biello (“Duet,” above) and Randy Husava, are on display, ranging from the abstract to the erotic. The exhibition ends Aug. 7, so don’t delay. For more information, visit or call (215) 627-6250.

Scott A. Drake Photography

Smooth Cartographies The Phillip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art at Ursinus College presents an exhibition of work from digital-media artist Greg Scranton using locative technologies, through Aug. 1, 601 E. Main St., Collegeville; (610) 409-3500. Wired and Hazy SALT Art Gallery hosts an exhibition featuring the works of Chris Harford, Jill Allen, Thomas Pitilli, Sheila Delvin and Tim Ward, through Aug. 21, 212 Race St.; (215) 939-7426.


Green Chair Dance Company Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education presents the collaborative dance

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JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

‘Evil’ keeps the violence in film By Gary M. Kramer PGN Contributor “All About Evil” is the brainchild of Joshua Grannell (aka Peaches Christ). A wickedly funny horror comedy about a movie theatre manager turned filmmaker, Deborah Tennis (Natasha Lyonne), who snuffs out bad manners by making snuff films starring the offenders. Unspooling as a midnight movie Friday, July 30 at the Ritz East, the film co-

stars Mink Stole and Cassandra “Elvira” Peterson. In this Q&A, the filmmaker and his co-stars chatted about “All About Evil.”

where all these multiplexes were opening and I had a fear/paranoia about single-screen theaters closing.

PGN: Joshua, where did you get

PGN: You have two Midnight

the inspiration for “All About Evil?” JG: It came from having worked in movie theaters. I was running the Bridge, a single-screen theater in San Francisco, where I did my Midnight Mass show. The city was going through a change

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Movie stars in your film — Mink Stole and Cassandra “Elvira” Peterson. But you cast them in “normal” roles. Was that deliberate? JG: Yes, it was. It was one of those things where I got to be in a position where I knew them as friends, outside of their iconic roles. I’m a huge fan. In my drag persona, I worship Elvira and at the altar of Mink Stole. So doing tributes to them was a thrill, but I’ve gotten to know them as women, professionals and friends. When I wrote the screenplay, I didn’t write the parts for them, but created a world of characters. When I was done, and started thinking of casting, I saw Cassandra as this mother, outside of the drag. It wasn’t totally intentional, but it was a chance to see them in roles I believed that they could play. PGN: You act in the film as

Peaches Christ. Was it difficult to perform and direct? JG: That was another challenging thing. Harder than I imagined when I wrote the part. Peaches is a character that exists, and I thought she should have a cameo. But friends encouraged me — “More Peaches!” I wanted her to exist in the world of the movie. I didn’t want it to feel out of place. I have the hardest time watching the Peaches scenes because I feel she looks fat! PGN: Natasha Lyonne is fabu-

lous as Deborah Tennis. She seems to be paying homage to every great female vamp. What cues did you give her? JG: She was amazing. She’s truly a lover of old movies. She showed up with that under her belt. When I pitched the film to her, she not only knew Doris Wishman, but she met Doris and knew her before she died. [Doris] was the only female exploitation filmmaker: She was an eccentric who played in this man’s world. For Deborah, she was without a female role model, but she takes her persona from her knowledge of women from the big screen. We mapped out Deborah, with Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, Mae West, Barbara Stanwyck, Gloria


Swanson, etc. But we also looked at Tim Curry as Frank N. Furter, too. Natasha was game, and we really put her through the ringer. PGN: You come up with some

very funny/clever film titles in the movie — “A Tale of Two Severed Titties” for example — and is that because you’re a sassy drag queen? JG: That’s a big part of it. The movie embraces my dark sense of humor and love of puns. Any drag queen should love a good pun. I loved all those horror movies and great taglines. I came up with the idea of her making films of the great works of literature. MINK STOLE PGN: Mink, you were a mid-

night movie star with “Pink Flamingos.” How do you feel this genre of films has changed over the years? MS: Enormously! Shocking isn’t shocking any more. What we got away with — what we didn’t get away with — now shows up on television. I got fed on this film. Peaches fed me. John [Waters] didn’t feed me on “Pink Flamingos.” PGN: You play a librarian here,

who lives alone with her cat. She seemed so boring and normal. How did you relate to your character? MS: Those are the hardest characters to play. Insane people are easy — all you do is unfocus your eyes and yell. Trying to make a normal person interesting is hard; there’s no hook. I found her a challenge. I’m a book reader, so that felt comfortable to me. I related to her love of books. PGN: What did you enjoy about

making a horror film where you got to be a little violent? MS: I never see horror movies. They frighten me. Fake blood scares me. I know they are fake

and everything is a special effect. I don’t like roller coasters, driving too fast. I’m not a thrill junkie. It doesn’t occur to me to jump out of the plane. This one, there was such a humor to this. It’s not a straight horror movie — it’s funny. The whole sequence of the “Maiming of the Shrew” was very amusing. [Ed: Stole’s character gets “maimed”]. I enjoyed that. I had a full face cast, and that was no fun — it took several times to make it. But it looks really real. I can watch that knowing that it wasn’t, and it doesn’t make me cringe, because I can appreciate the effect. I like being able to say I’ve done that. This film gave my life more interesting sentences. CASSANDRA PETERSON PGN: You created one of the

great midnight movie characters, but here you played a mother. Did you deliberately decide to do this role as Cassandra, not Elvira? CP: No, Joshua asked me if I’d play this part. I didn’t know if I could play a normal character. It took a lot of talking for him to get me to do it. He wanted me to play myself, but no one else does. PGN: As someone who’s seen

her share of horror, your character doesn’t really get too involved in the gore until late in the film. Did you want to mess around with the horror stuff or not? CP: I liked that I was on the other side, and that appealed to me when Peaches asked me to do it — that I was playing such a straight character. But I do get involved in the gore in the end, a tribute to Elvira in a way. PGN: Do you find the violence

by women against women offensive or just over the top? CP: I am extremely anti-violence against women, and I have turned down a zillion offers to host or be involved with movies that have that in it. The reason I did this [film] is because I liked that it went over the top, and taking the edge off was women against women, not some guy against women. I was upset about some of it in the beginning. I wasn’t sure I wanted to participate, but we talked about it and it was OK. In the end, it really didn’t bother me because of how it’s put together. ■

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010





Meeting Place A community bulletin board of activities, facilities and organizations

Community centers ■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held from 4-8 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday through Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; (215) 545-4331 ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St.; (215) 898-5044;, Summer hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. ■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; (215) 348-0558 ext. 65; ■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 732-2220; Peer counseling: Monday through Friday, 6-9 p.m. Library hours: Mondays 3-9 p.m., Tuesdays 3-6 p.m., Wednesdays 3-9 p.m., Thursdays 3-9 p.m., Fridays 3-9 p.m., Saturdays noon-6 p.m., Sundays noon-6 p.m. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.; Volunteer Velada, third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.

Health Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 166 W. Lehigh Ave.; (215) 763-8870 ext. 6000. AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., suite 205; (2215) 536-2424. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursdays at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; (215) 851-1822 or (866) 222-3871. Spanish/English. HIV testing Free, anonymous testing and counseling is offered from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday and by appointment at AIDS Resource, 520 W. Fourth St., suite 2A, Williamsport; (570) 322-8448.

Key numbers

HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; (215) 685-1803. HIV health insurance help Access to free medications, confidential HIV testing available at 17 MacDade Blvd., suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; (610) 586-9077. Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 1201 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-0652. Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; (215) 985-9206.; Fax: (215) 686-2555 ■ Mazzoni Center: (215) 563-0652; www.

■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: (856) 933-9500 ext. 221

■ Mazzoni Center Family and Community Medicine: (215) 563-0658

■ AIDS Library: (215) 985-4851 ■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: (215) 592-1513

■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): (215) 572-1833

■ AIDS Treatment hot line: (215) 5452212

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: (215) 686-4670

■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: (215) 685-1633

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: (215) 772-2000 ■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Chief Inspector James Tiano: (215) 685-3655 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: (215) 600-0627;

■ Equality Advocates Pennsylvania: (215) 731-1447; (866) LGBTLAW

■ Philly Pride Presents: (215) 875-9288

■ Equality Forum: (215) 732-3378

■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: (717) 920-9537

■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: (215) 732-TALK ■ Mayor’s liaison to LGBT communities: Gloria Casarez, (215) 686-2194; Gloria.

Boys Night Out A social gathering for gay men, meets at 7 p.m. every second and fourth Tuesday at Iron Hill Brewery, 30 E. State St., Media; Delaware Valley 40-plus Club for Men Social group meets every other month; (215) 5879933. Gay Married Men’s Association Meets at 8 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays at the William Way Center; (215) 483-1032. Men of All Colors Together Meets at 7:30 p.m. third Friday of the month September through June at the William Way Center; (610) 277-6595; Men’s Coming Out Group, N.J. Meets at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at The Pride Center of New Jersey. Men’s Coming Out Group Meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St.; (215) 563-0652 ext. 219. Men of Color United A discussion/support group for gay and bisexual men of color meets from 6-8 p.m. every Wednesday at 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 496-0330. Men of Standard Provides a place for gay men of color 21 and older to share issues of concern. Meets 7-9 p.m. every Thursday at Camden AHEC, 514 Cooper St., Camden, N.J.; (856) 963-2432 ext. 211; ruberte_j@camden_ Philly DADS An association of gay and bisexual fathers supporting each other meets at 7:30 p.m. fourth Friday of the month at the William Way Center; (215) 668-5239.


■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: (215) 587-9377

■ The COLOURS Organization Inc. 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 4960330.


■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: (215) 732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays, and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010 Interweave New Jersey An organization of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Unitarian and their allies meets every third Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 401 N. Kings Highway, Cherry Hill, N.J.; (856) 667-3618. Oasis Meets 7-8 p.m. Wednesdays at 1201 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-0652 ext. 509. Mazzoni Center Family and Community Medicine Primary healthcare and specialized transgender services in a safe, professional, non-judgemental environment, 809 Locust St.; (215) 563-0658. Renaissance Transgender Assoc. Meets at 8 p.m. third Saturday of the month at Into the Woods office complex in King of Prussia; (610) 975-9119 box 5; and 7:30 p.m. first Thursday of the month at the William Way Center; T-MAN People of color support group for transmen, FTMs, butches, studs, agressives, bois, genderqueer and all female-born individuals with gender questions meets 7:30-9:30 p.m. Mondays, second floor, 1201 Locust St.; (215) 834-9063; Transhealth Programming Committee Meetings are at 5 p.m. second and last Sundays of the month at the William Way Center. Transhealth Information Project Sponsors a weekly drop-in center from 7-11 p.m. Tuesdays at 1201 Locust St.; (267) 5496497. Transgender Health Action Coalition Peer trans health-advocacy organization meets at 5 p.m. second and last Sundays of the month at the William Way Center; (215) 732-1207; www.

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Bucks County Meets at 7:30 p.m. third Thursday of the month at Penns Park United Methodist Church, 2394 Second Street Pike, Penns Park; (215) 598-8005.

WeXist FTM support group meets from 6-8 p.m. second Friday of the month at the William Way Center; first hour is open; second hour is for people assigned female at birth who have gender issues; (267) 250-1548;

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Cape May, N.J. Meets at 2 p.m. third Sunday of the month in the Maruchi Room of Burdette Tomlin Memorial Hospital, 2 Stone Harbor Blvd.; (609) 861-1848.

Young, Trans, and Unified! Support group for transgender and questioning individuals ages 13-23 meets from 7-8:30 p.m. every Thursday at The Attic Youth Center; (215) 545-4331 ext. 24.

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Chester County Meets at 7 p.m. first Tuesday of the month at the Unitarian Fellowship of West Chester, 501 S. High St., West Chester; (484) 354-2448. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Collingswood, N.J. Meets from 6-8:30 p.m. fourth Monday of the month at the Collingswood Public Library, 771 Haddon Ave., Collingswood, N.J.; (856)345-9112; Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Philadelphia Meets from 2-5 p.m. third Sunday of the month at the LGBT Center at the University of Pennsylvania, 3907 Spruce St.; (215) 572-1833. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Princeton, N.J. Meets at 7:30 p.m. second Monday of the month in the George Thomas Room at Trinity Church, 33 Mercer St.; (609) 683-5155. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays/Wilmington, Del. Meets at 7 p.m. second Thursday of the month at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 13th and Rodney streets; (302) 654-2995. Philadelphia Family Pride Advocacy, support and social network for LGBT families offers play groups, monthly kids and teen talk groups, activities and outings. Planning meetings are held monthly; (215) 844-3360; www.


Gender Rights Advocacy Association of New Jersey A transgender civil-rights group meets first Sunday of the month at 1 p.m. at The Pride Center of New Jersey.


African Asian Latina Lesbians United Social-issues discussion group meets fourth Thursday of the month at The Pride Center of New Jersey. Bucks County Lesbian Alliance Meets monthly for social events; Expressions Women’s Space Lesbian singles, family and coming-out groups meet at 1538 Church St.; (215) 535-3600. Lesbians and BiWomen in Heterosexual Marriages A support group meets at 7:30 p.m. on third Wednesday of the month at The Pride Center of New Jersey. Lesbian Community of Delaware Valley Social group holds monthly meetings and activities for gay women of all ages in Delaware, Chester and Montgomery counties; P.O. Box 962, Phoenixville, PA 19460; http://groups. group/LCDV/; Lesbian Couples Dining Group of Montgomery County Meets monthly; (215) 542-2899. Lesbian Social Network of South Jersey 1,000-member social group for lesbians holds monthly activities in South Jersey and surrounding area; Lesbians with Breast Cancer A support group meets from 6:30-8:30 on second Wednesday of the month at Gilda Club Delaware Valley, 200 Kirk Road, Warminster; (215) 4413290.

Queer Connections Social group for women in their 20s meets weekly; (215) 468-1352; queerconnect@yahoo. com. Republican Lesbians Meetings held at 7:30 p.m. on first Monday of the month at The Pride Center of New Jersey. South Jersey Lesbians of Color Meetings are the first and third Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at The Starting Point, 215 Highland Ave., Suite C, Westmont, N.J.; (856) 824-0881; email: Women’s Coffee House for Lesbians A group for lesbian and bisexual women meets on first Saturday of the month at 7 p.m. at The Pride Center of New Jersey. The Womyn’s Village The first womyn-owned and operated thinktank targeting black African, Asian, Latina and Native American LBT and two-spirited womyn. Meets at 5 p.m. on third Thursday of the month at COLOURS Organization, 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 765-0121; the_womyns.


40 Acres of Change Discussion group for teen and young adults meets from 6-8 p.m. Thursdays at The COLOURS Organization Inc., 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 496-0330. Drop-in Group For gay, lesbian and bisexual youth; meets at 11 a.m. Saturdays at AIDS Delaware, 100 W. 10th St., Suite 315, Wilmington, Del.; (302) 652-6776. HAVEN For GLBT, intersex, questioning, queer and allied youth ages 14-20; meets from 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Lehigh Valley, 424 Center St., Bethlehem; (610) 868-2153. HiTOPS A safe-space support program for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth, will meet from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at 21 Wiggins St., Princeton, N.J.; (609) 683-5155. Main Line Youth Alliance Meets from 7-9:30 p.m. Fridays at 109 Lancaster Ave., Wayne; (610) 688-1861; Mountain Meadow For youth with GLBTQ parents. Monthly programs for ages 8-16, family programs and parent coffee groups. Residential program offered in August; 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 7721107; Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s LGBTQ and Allies Youth Center For ages 14-21; meets 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays at Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; (215) 348-0558 ext. 65; Social X Change Social activity group for LGBT youth of color ages 13-23 meets from 6-8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays at 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 496-0330. Space to be Proud, Open, and Together Open to all LGBTQ queer youth and allies, ages 14-21, the SPOT meets Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Planned Parenthood of Chester County’s West Chester office, 8 S. Wayne St., West Chester; (610) 692-1770 ext. 108 or Teen Support Group Drop-in group for teens and adolescents meets Thursdays from 4:30-6 p.m. at 1201 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-0658 ext. 319. Youth in Transition A support group for transgender and questioning youth ages 12-23 meets from 7:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays at the The Attic Youth Center. Youth Making a Difference For GLBTQ African-American and Latino youth ages 13-24. Meets from 6:30-8:30 p.m. every Wednesday at Camden AHEC, 514 Cooper St., Camden, N.J.; (856) 963-2432 ext. 205;

Send submissions to or fax (215) 925-6437 PGN Meeting Place, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147

Meeting Place is a public service. Submissions must include a phone number for publication. Complete Meeting Place listings of all Parent/Family, Professional, Recovery, Recreation, Religion, Sports, Men, Women, Trans, Youth groups can be found online @ and


JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010


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worth watching: Queer TV you can always see: The Ellen DeGeneres Show Monday-Friday, 3 p.m. on NBC. The Rachel Maddow Show Monday-Friday, 9 p.m. on MSNBC. FRIDAY The Real L Word Jill and Nikki scout wedding locations. 9 p.m. on Showtime. Anderson Cooper 360 A news-magazine show starring the TV personality. 10 p.m. on CNN. SATURDAY We’re All Angels A profile of gay Christian-music duo Jason and DeMarco. 8 p.m. on Logo. The Beautiful People Gay character Simon decides to run away after being bullied in the season finale of this British comedy. 10 p.m. on Logo. The Jaquie Brown Diaries The season finale of this quirky comedy about a fame-hungry TV personality. 10:30 p.m. on Logo. The Wanda Sykes Show The out comedian hosts this repeat of her weekly talk show with guests Paula Poundstone and Michelle Rodriguez. 11 p.m. on Fox.

SUNDAY Clay Aiken: Tried & True ... Live The out singer and “American Idol” runner-up performs in Raleigh, N.C. 9 p.m. on WLVT. Drop Dead Diva Comedian Margaret Cho co-stars in this new episode where Kim and Grayson handle a property dispute for a transgender client. 9 p.m. on Lifetime. Imagine Me & You A bride falls in love with another woman as she’s walking down the aisle in this romantic comedy. 10:30 p.m. on Logo. MONDAY How I Met Your Mother Out actor Neil Patrick Harris stars in this repeat. 8 p.m. on CBS. Purple Rain Prince and the Revolution star in the datedlooking ’80s hit film with the amazing soundtrack. 8 p.m. on VH1 Classic. RuPaul’s Drag U The queens clean up women with dirty jobs. 9 p.m. on Logo. TUESDAY America’s Got Talent Twelve acts from the top 48 spots perform. 9 p.m. on NBC. One Night Standup LGBT comedians perform. 9 p.m. on Logo. My Life on the D-List Comedian Kathy Griffin stars in this reality

THE UNFRIENDLY SKIES: Jodi Foster stars in the suspense thriller “Flightplan,” as a mother whose young daughter turns up missing without a trace during a trans-Atlantic flight. Foster’s character has to unravel the mystery before the plane lands. 9 p.m. July 31 on ABC. Photo: Touchstone Pictures/Ron Batzdorff

series. 10 p.m. on Bravo. Strangers With Candy The irreverent comedy series starring Amy Sedaris. 10 p.m. on Logo. WEDNESDAY America’s Next Top Model A repeat of the reality competition featuring out fashion experts Miss J. Alexander and Jay Hernandez. This week, the model hopefuls walk the runway in front of drag queens. 8 p.m. on CW. America’s Got Talent Four winning acts are selected to advance. 9 p.m. on NBC. Modern Family Look for out characters Mitchell and Cameron in this repeat where Cameron hangs out with Gloria. 9 p.m. on ABC.

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Top Chef: Washington, D.C. One of the best cooking-competition shows on TV. 9 p.m. on Bravo. The Real World: New Orleans Out cast member Preston continues to clash with Ryan. 10 p.m. on MTV. THURSDAY Glee Out actress Jane Lynch stars in this repeat. 8 p.m. on Fox. So You Think You Can Dance One of the dancers is eliminated. 8 p.m. on Fox. Mulligans A drama about a family man who falls in love with his son’s best friend. 9 p.m. on Logo. ■

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010




With Real Estate, Help Wanted, Services and Personals

Sales of previously occupied homes fall 5.1 pct. By Alan Zibel The Associated Press

Sales of previously occupied homes fell in June and are expected to keep sinking, indicating that the housing market’s troubles are likely to drag on in the economic recovery. Sales fell 5.1 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.37 million, the National Association of Realtors said last week. But even as the outlook for the housing industry remained bleak, the sales figures weren’t as poor as analysts had expected. And traders expressed new optimism in the economic recovery after a flurry of strong earnings reports suggested many companies might be ready to step up hiring soon. That would lead consumers to spend more. The Standard & Poor’s index of retail stocks surged about 3 percent, outperforming the broader market. Homebuilder stocks

jumped too. “When the world thinks we’re headed into recovery, they buy the builders,” said Michael Widner, an analyst who covers homebuilders for Stifel Nicolaus. “When they think we’re going into a doubledip [recession], they sell the builders.” The Realtors report counts home sales once a deal closes. Last month’s report captured some buyers receiving federal tax credits of up to $8,000 that boosted sales this year. Buyers initially had to close their purchases by June 30, but Congress extended the deadline to the end of September. Since the tax credits expired, the number of people buying homes has fallen sharply, despite lower prices and the lowest mortgage rates in decades. The situation has been worsened by high unemployment, tight lending standards and rising foreclosures. “The economy and the housing market are going to remain stag-

nant for a long time,” said Sam Khater, senior economist at realestate data provider CoreLogic. “There’s nothing that’s going to propel sales any time soon. It’s all about jobs and income growth.” As sales slide, home prices are widely expected to fall further. Prices are expected to drop 1.7 percent this year from a year earlier, according to the average forecasts of more than 100 analysts surveyed by MacroMarkets LLC. The forecasters have adopted a more negative outlook. In May, 40 percent of those surveyed expected prices would fall this year. That figure has risen to 60 percent. Many homeowners are unable to move because they owe more on their properties than their mortgages are worth. That means they haven’t been able to take advantage of the lowest mortgage rates in decades. The average rate for 30-year fixed loans this week was 4.56 percent, down from 4.57 last

week, mortgage company Freddie Mac said last Thursday. That’s the lowest since Freddie Mac began tracking rates in 1971. The last time home-loan rates were lower was during the 1950s, when most mortgages lasted just 20 or 25 years. As sales have slowed, the supply of unsold homes on the market has risen 2.5 percent to nearly 4 million. That’s a nearly nine-month supply at the current sales pace, the highest level since August. It compares with a healthy level of about six months. Sales are likely to keep falling for three to four months, said Lawrence Yun, the Realtors’ chief economist. That would likely boost the supply of unsold homes to more than 10 months for the first time since the spring of 2009. And it could push down home prices. “It’s still a fragile situation in the housing market,” Yun said. Home sales are down 26 per-

cent from the peak — 7.25 million in September 2005. But they have climbed 19 percent from the low of 4.5 million hit in January 2009 — the lowest level of the recession. With the tax credit gone, sales could fall below that level in the coming months, before inching up in the fall, said Credit Suisse economist Jonathan Basile. Consumers’ fear about the economy is the main reason. “They believe they’re going to earn less money,” Basile said. “When your income expectations are negative, you’re going to be more cautious with your money.” The drop in June sales was led by a more-than 9-percent decline from a month earlier in the West. Sales were down 7.5 percent in the Midwest and down 6.5 percent in the South. But they rose nearly 8 percent in the Northeast. The median sale price was $183,700, up 1 percent from a year earlier. ■

Location! Location! Location! This week’s featured property

Beds: 2 Baths: 1.5 Cost: $235,000 Square footage: 1,600 Realtor: Conrad Kuhn Real-estate co.: Weichert Realtors Phone: 856-227-1950 ext. 124 Cell: (609) 221-1196 Website:

You’ll feel like you’re in the mountains. Custom home on 1+ acre. Every room has slider to the deck. Perfect entertaining home. Large LR, FR & DR. Newer kitchen, sunroom & hot tub.

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JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010






CHESTER COUNTY RETREAT Situated on 21 acres in popular Charlestown Township with its country aura, Chester County, Great Valley School District, this beautiful, unique custom-built Manor home is true to Tuscan life-style, warm and welcoming to ����������� friends and family. 6 br, 7 ba, pool, indoor spa, chef-designed� kitchen fits easily into flow of open floor plan. Relax in the outdoor pool or indoor spa. Quality craftsmanship throughout. Other amenities include 3 fireplaces + brick oven, wine cellar, private office, two-story library, many patios and balconies bringing the outdoors in, stocked pond, spring house, incredibly finished lower level suite includes second full kitchen, full bath, full laundry, great ��������������������������������������� room, sunroom and convenient drive-up access. For appt: Contact Linda Appler, Prudential ������������������ Fox & Roach Realtors, 232 Eaglveview Blvd, ���������������������������������������������������������� Exton PA 19341. 484-875-2600, x2578 or direct at����������������������������� 610-952-5457. Visit this home on the web ����������������� at _______________________________34-32 ��������������������������������������������������������

BRIDGEPORT, PA Completely renov. single house. 3 BR, 2 BA, lg. loft, LR, mod. EIK, 1st fl. laundry rm., full PHILADELPHIA NEWSGas bsmt. w/exit. Lg. yard & 2 GAY car driveway. ht. Pub. trans. Koffer ceilings in 1st fl. FSBO, $244,900. Call 610-539-3694. ����������� _______________________________34-34 VENTNOR, � NJ, FACING THE BAY House and Adjacent Lot (inground swimming pool). 1st floor 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room and deck. 2nd floor 2 bedrooms, bath, efficiency kitchen, living room, dining area and deck. Central Air. Corner Property. Call 215-468-9166 evenings only. $675,000.00. Also property for rent1500.00 month plus��������������������������� utilities. _______________________________34-39 ��������bordering thousands Potter County - 12 Acres of����������������������������������������������������� acres of state forest near Keating Summit. ����������������������������� Perc approved, surveyed, electric, access to ������������� snowmobile trails. $39,900. 800-668-8679 ���������������������������������������������������� _______________________________34-31

WWW.GAYREALESTATE.COM Free On-Line Directory. Top Gay & Lesbian Realtors in Philadelphia. _______________________________3440Can’t Wait Until Fall! New York Land for Sale! Our Best Deer Tract: 97 acres Surrounded by Stateland- $119,995. Our #1 Camp Deal: 40 acres w/ Camp & Stream- $59,995. Our Best All-time Deal: 5 acres w/ Wilderness Cabin$19,995! Call TODAY and receive FREE CLOSING COSTS! Private financing offered. 800-229-7843 _______________________________34-31

RITTENHOUSE SQUARE AREA Studios & 1 Bedrooms - Call for Availability (215) 735-8050. _______________________________34-31 PAGE 47 SOUTH PHILA. 13TH & PASSYUNK MUST SEE! Recently Fully Renovated Commercial/Retail space in the heart of exciting area! Brand new hardwood floors, walls primed for the lessee’s preference. Full basement. Approx. 1100 sq. ft. $1400/month. Don’t Miss it! 610-996-1949. _______________________________34-31 HOME FOR RENT, 9TH & PORTER Beautiful 2 BR, 3 Bath. Large Corner property. Full Basement, Walk-In Closets, Fireplace, EIK, DR, LR, W/D. $1400/month + util. 610996-1949 _______________________________34-31 PENNSPORT 2 BR, 1 BA row home. New W/D, nice size yard. Very cute, must see! $1250/mo. For more info, call 215-882-3888. _______________________________34-32

12TH & DICKINSON AREA Furnished Townhouse for rent: 3 levels. Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms , bath. Very Unique. 1500. mo plus util. (negotiable). Call 215 468-9166 after 6 pm. or 215 686 3431 daytime. _______________________________34-39 COLLINGSWOOD APT. FOR RENT Victorian charm 2nd & 3rd floor 3BR. E/I kit w/dw, w/d in basement, 1st floor entry Walk to downtown and Patco. Exc credit & refs 609-932-4387. _______________________________34-31 1700 JACKSON ST. VICINITY Large, ultra modern 2 BR on 2nd floor. Totally new! C/A, D/W, G/D, hdwd flrs, GARAGE! Call Villa Realty, 215-271-0600. _______________________________34-32




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Open Houses - Sunday Aug. 01, 2010

6367 Woodbine Ave. Overbrook Farms. Large Dutch ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Colonial Single home. 6 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. Totally updated but with lots of original details. This is a must see on charming block close to CC, train and City Line Ave. ................ .........................................................reduced only $399,000

E-mail us: Noon - 1:00 PM


1109 Spruce St Unit. 1R. Deluxe bi-level 2 bedroom, 2 bath with PARKING. Renovated unit. Deluxe Granite and S/S kitchen, large garden, close to Jefferson and Pa. Hospitals. ..... .........................................................................only $299,000


1:30 - 2:30 PM ����������� 1109 Spruce St. Units 2R and 3R. Best condo deal in Washington Sq. West. 1 bd.,Flats. 1 ba. Large units. 2Low andlast fees. ���������������������. Furness bed,taxes 1 bath. Close and Penn. Hospital unit lefttoinJefferson this highly desirable building. ...................................... Close to all Center City ...........................................................$180,000 & $225,000 Hospitals. Low fees and taxes ................................������������� ������������������������ “George T. Sale Condo” Unique Garden Search all Philadelphia listings @ level 1 bd, 1 ba. unit w/area private entrance.. Low fees & Tax Abatement. Lowest price 1 bd. in area ........................��������. Dan Tobey

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����������������������. New •open styleDirect 2 bedroom, 1 bath condo 215.546.2700 Business 267.238.1061 215.432.7151 Cell • 215.546.7728 Fax small pet friendly building. with low taxes and condo fees. Great .........................................................................�������� ������������������� Old Swedes Court. New Listing Large 3 Bedroom 2.5 Bath with Garage, roof deck and hardwood floors.




OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102 Online reservations _______________________________34-31

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HELP WANTED Live in house help wanted. Light work around the house, all around helper. Free room in exchange for household duties in lovely Bucks County condo. Fully furnished very laid back casual lifestyle. Awesome opportunity for the right person. Call for info, 267-337-2313. _______________________________34-31 Heat & Air JOBS - Ready to work? 3 week accelerated program. Hands on environment. Nationwide certifications and Local Job Placment Assistance! 1-877-994-9904. _______________________________34-31 TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED! MORE HOMETIME! TOP PAY! EXCELLENT BENEFITS! NEWER EQUIPMENT! Up to $.48/mile company drivers! HEARTLAND EXPRESS 1-800-441-4953 _______________________________34-31 Driver- Average 2,400 miles/week! Local orientation. Up to $.03 performance pay in 1st year. Daily or weekly pay. CDL-A; 6 months recent experience. 800-832-8356. www. _______________________________34-31 COMPANY Experienced OTR drivers and Teams. Consistent Miles, Excellent Health Benefits. 6 mo. OTR exp. & current CDL 888-463-3962 www. EOE M/F/H/V _______________________________34-31 CDL-A Drivers: Work Hard, Earn Big! Van & Flatbed Divisions. New Equipment Coming! $500 Sign-on for Flatbed Drivers. CDL-A, 6 mo. OTR, Good driving record required. Western Express 888-801-5295. _______________________________34-31 Professional Drivers! Class-A CDL Drivers Needed! Practical Mile Pay. $2,400 Bonus. Guaranteed Home-Time. Strong, Stable, & Safe. 1 Year OTR experience required. www. 800-333-9291. _______________________________34-31 Driver FB- Boyd Bros. is Hiring Experienced CDL-A Drivers. We are loaded with freight! Sign-on Bonus! Top Equipment and Benefits. Flatbed Training Available. Lease Purchase Program. 1 yr. OTR exp. req. 800-543-8923. _______________________________34-31 DRIVERS Only 6 Months Experience Required! $0 Down/ $1 Buyout Lease Purchase! Flexible Payments & Utilization Pay! Owner Ops Always Welcome! O&S Trucking 800-509-2021 www. _______________________________34-31 VACANCY Teacher of Earth Science, Prince Edward Schools, Farmville, VA (434)-315-2100. Website: Closing: Until filled. EOE. _______________________________34-31

JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010



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ROOMMATES PGN WILL NOT PUBLISH RACIAL DISTINCTIONS IN ROOMMATE ADS. SUCH NOTATIONS WILL BE EDITED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ___________________________________ GREATER NE PHILA. Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split level home with 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 full baths, W/D, upper and lower decks, use of kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least reasonably neat and employed. Rent is $600 + 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. _______________________________34-39 TWO CATS WHO KNOW DOROTHY “These two boys are young, adorable, and very loving toward each other as well as toward humans. All they need is a place to call home. For details, see: http://www.petfinder. com/petdetail/1661- 6502 _______________________________34-32


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LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. _______________________________34-39


JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010







PAGEErotic 54

Dungeon Master

6’, 165 lbs., 60 year old Master, greek active, french passive requires obedient slave for training, S&M, B/D, W/S, etc. Limits respected and expanded. Assistant Master wanted. Call Dave at 215-729-6670, day or evening. _______________________________34-34 609-345-8203 _______________________________34-39 Harrisburg area GWM, 68 seeks discreet oral. Slim to medium build. Straight or married. 717732-6666, leave message if not home. _______________________________34-31 ������� You: XXX endowed. Me: nice white butt. Ready? 8-11 PM, � 215-732-2108. _______________________________34-31 MONMOUTH COUNTY, NJ ������������������� GWM, 49, conservative, Italian, professional Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 seeks friends/relationship with same, 45-55. y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for Good sense of humor, solid core values a must, other732-763-1470. GWM, 30-50, who is also incalls. good shape. Call No blocked _______________________________34-38 I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are SUB BOTTOM DOMINANT TOP also sensitive, caring4with a fun personality. If GWM, 42, 6’3”, 240, br/br, hairy, this sounds interesting to you feelsub freebottom to call for Mild to wild. Oral, anal, SM, BD, me,youruse. David, 215-698-0215. WS, CBT, TT, spanking, boots, feet, pits, spit, _______________________________33-28 humiliation, kink, role play, your service. In Del. Co. 610-622-0916. _______________________________34-32 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 6’, PM. 165 lbs., 60 year old Master, greek active, 11 french passive requires obedient slave for _______________________________34-32 training, S&M, B/D, W/S, etc. Limits respected HEY YOU... Good looking middle agedMaster GWM looking forCall anand expanded. Assistant wanted. other what feels best. live in or near Dave to atdo 215-729-6670, dayIf you or evening. Philadelphia, even better. 215-748-2406. _______________________________33-48 _______________________________34-37 Xdress sex party. CD house orgy every Sat.




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Erotic Dungeon Master

WM 60, 5’7’ 155, bottom, nice looking, discreet, fit, hot, seeks top men only for relationship in NE. 215-264-1058 LM. _______________________________33-19 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. _______________________________33-19 ������������ You: big equipment! Me: real nice white butt. 215-732-2108, 8-11 PM. _______________________________33-20

GWM seeks new friends. 610-352-1188. _______________________________33-21 ������������� Shuttle service within city limits, personal shopping, help with bags, companion service, lite cooking, dog walking & house sitting, any reasonable request. 215-205-5453. Refs. avail. Reasonable rates! _______________________________33-18 60 y.o., 5’7”, 160, 7” crossdresser looking for casual sex. Northern suburbs. 215-538-2040 ask for Zeta. _______________________________33-21

nite. GWM couple ISO GWMs 18-40 yrs. for FRIENDS 1 on 1 and group sex. Stockings, pantyhose, etc. Starts 9 PM Sat. Call Sat. 7-8 PM 856910-8303, ask for Mark. _______________________________33-24 REALLY COULD USE A FRIEND GWM, Italian, top or bottom, 7” cut. Also into Looking for a friend that is a good listener. Reassplay, & water sports. Bi, straight, out ally needtoys someone to talk to. Trust me. I know of towners Day or Calllistener Jeff at I’m asking welcome. a lot in return. I’mnight. a good 215-850-7900. too. _______________________________33-18 _______________________________34-33








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JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010










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JULY 30 - AUG. 5, 2010

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