PGN Aug. 10-16, 2012 edition

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Much ado about Mauckingbird Theatre Company’s latest Shakespeare incarnation

Family Portrait: Jenn Anderson



Cluck, cluck, cluck: More crowing about the Chick-fil-A saga PAGES 10, 11 Aug. 10-16, 2012


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Vol. 36 No. 32

Milton Hershey school issues apology, invites HIV-positive boy to attend By Sarah Blazucki

PHILLY PROTESTERS CONVERGE ON CHICK-FIL-A: Over 70 people gathered Aug. 3 outside Chick-Fil-A on Columbus Boulevard, joining other same-sex couples and supporters around the country for a “kiss-in” protesting the company’s funding of antigay organizations. Photo: Scott A. Drake

Trans woman assaulted in Center City

The president of a private boarding school announced Monday it had reversed last year’s decision to ban an HIV-positive student. School president Anthony Colistra said in the statement, “Milton Hershey School will no longer refuse admission to otherwise qualified students who have HIV.” In the statement, Colistra said the school had extended an apology to the student who had applied last year, known as Abraham Smith, in a July 12 letter, as well as instituting an “Equal Opportunity Policy clearly stating that the school treats applicants with HIV no differently than any other appli-

cants” and new training for staff and students on HIV issues. In December 2011, the AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania filed a lawsuit on behalf of Smith on the grounds that the school’s refusal violated the Americans with Disabilities Act. Ronda Goldfein, executive director of ALP, said that despite this “important step in the case,” the lawsuit is moving forward. “If we think about how society works, and how the law works, there are laws and we have to follow them,” Goldfein said. “We cannot say, ‘Well, you know, this is the law and I’m not going to follow it and when I get caught I’m going to follow it.’” Goldfein said the school, which is open to youth from lowPAGE 22

Philly marks 30 years of gay-rights protections Part two of a two-part series

By Sarah Blazucki

By Jen Colletta

A trans woman reported she was assaulted by several men in the early-morning hours Aug. 5, 1982 of July 26 at the corner of 15th and Sansom After years of advocacy, Philadelphia’s streets. proposed gay-rights ordinance made it The woman, 28, told PGN she had left a to the full City Council for a vote Aug. 5, nightclub event and was outside smoking a 1982. cigarette around 2:40 a.m. when several men�� The energy in chambers was palpable the in their mid-30s to early-40s approached day the vote was scheduled. and started talking to her. “It was really charged,” said Scott Wilds, “I don’t remember what they said,” a member of Philadelphia Lesbian & Gay she said, except one man kept screaming, Task Force, the leading proponent of the “We’re going to fix you,” and she remem- bill. “The room was filled with supporters bers one man swung a traffic cone and hit but there was also a large group that had her in the face. PAGE 22 been bussed from a conservative Baptist

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church in the Northeast. It was quite a scene.” As lawmakers readied Bill 1358 for a final vote, Councilwoman Joan Krajewski attempted to stall by introducing a measure to recommit it to committee. Krajewski argued that opponents were unaware of a hearing held in late July, and brandished a letter from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia calling for further study of the legislative topic. The Archdiocese also argued that its officials deserved time before Council to clarify its position on the measure, after pro-gay testimony was submitted by Catholic clergy not affiliated with the Archdiocese.

Future mayor and then-Councilmember John Street railed against Krajewski’s motion. “What we have here is a situation where people neglected their responsibility to come in and state their views and at the last minute they’re trying to use a scam,” Street said. Wilds said that advocates were concerned that Krajewski’s tactic would be effective. “We didn’t know that we had the votes to stop it and we were afraid that, if a delay happened and it stretched over the summer, that it would just get stuck,” he said. However, Krajewski’s measure ultimately failed: She PAGE 19

for your faves. Entertainment, nightlife, people, VoteDetails on shopping, community and eats. page 30.


Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


New attorney granted for DelCo murder appeal By Timothy Cwiek PGN Contributor William F. Smithson’s quest for a new murder trial received a boost last week when a Delaware County judge agreed to appoint a new attorney for him. Smithson, a gay man convicted for the 2006 murder of his coworker Jason Shephard, is seeking a new trial on the grounds that his trial attorney, G. Guy Smith, was ineffective. Last November, Smithson filed a pro-se petition for a new trial. But four months later, his court-appointed attorney, Stephen D. Molineux, stated publicly that Smithson’s petition has no merit. During a brief court proceeding Aug. 2, Common Pleas Judge Barry C. Dozor agreed with Smithson that Molineux should be dismissed as his attorney. Molineux had no comment for this story. Dozor said an evidentiary hearing needs to be held to determine if Smithson’s petition for a new trial has any merit. He said Smithson’s new attorney will help him prepare for the hearing. But Dozor warned Smithson that he’s not entitled to an unlimited number of courtappointed attorneys. Dozor also expressed hope that Smithson’s next attorney — who has yet

to be named — will have a better working relationship with Smithson. Smithson retained the right to act as his own counsel if he’s dissatisfied with his next attorney. In November 2008, Smithson was convicted of first-degree murder, and sentenced to life in prison without parole. According to the prosecution, Smithson lured Shephard into his home in September 2006, slipped him the “date-rape” drug gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), then strangled him to death in the course of trying to rape him. In a prior interview, Smithson scoffed at the scenario as “absurd.” He said any drugs he shared with Shephard — and any sex the two men had together — were consensual. In his petition for a new trial, Smithson contends that his sixth-amendment right to confront witnesses was repeatedly violated during his trial. He said important witnesses weren’t subjected to cross-examination, including a man who was in Smithson’s house when Shephard died, a serologist and toxicologist whose findings contributed to the belief that Shephard had GHB in his system when he died, and Smithson’s niece. Instead, others testified on their behalf or read statements to jurors that purportedly were made by the witnesses, Smithson maintains.

In his petition, he notes that the right to confront witnesses dates back to the ancient days of Rome. Smithson said Shephard was bisexual, though his family from Shephard’s hometown of Cavalier, N.D., probably wouldn’t have known of his orientation. He said Shephard willingly came to his home on Sept. 18, 2006, partly for the purpose of having sex — which the two men had also engaged in the day before, according to Smithson. But Smithson said he had been tired that day, and the combination of drugs and alcohol caught up with him. He fell asleep before any sex took place between them, he claimed. “The last thing I remember was Jason elbowing me and saying, ‘You’re passing out,’” Smithson stated. He said that when he woke up later that day, he discovered Shephard lying dead in his bedroom. Two days after his death, Shephard’s body was discovered by police in Smithson’s basement, and Smithson was charged with a variety of offenses, including murder, kidnapping, administering intoxicants and abuse of a corpse. In his petition, Smithson refers to another man in the house, C. Bruce Covington, as a “prime suspect” in the murder. However, Covington was never called as a witness during Smithson’s trial. In January 2009, Smithson was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. He said he’s optimistic about his chances for a new trial. “There is still a long way to go with no guarantees,” he said. “However, the evidentiary hearing keeps hope alive. As difficult as it’s been to remain positive in this prison atmosphere, I must fight on for the sake of the truth.” Prosecutor William R. Toal 3rd said he welcomed an evidentiary hearing.

“I think it will make it clear that Mr. Smith did a good job representing his client, Mr. Smithson,” Toal told PGN. “There is no merit to Mr. Smithson’s allegation of ineffective assistance of counsel.” Smithson also maintains that prosecutors prejudiced jurors against him by emphasizing aspects of his sexual orientation in a lurid and sensationalized way. “I was portrayed as a monster,” Smithson said. “The jurors were shown sex toys and sex aids [from] my house, as if they had something to do with Jason’s death.” Toal disputed that criticism. “I think he got a fair trial,” Toal said. “The sexual-orientation aspects were facts that made up the circumstances of the case. They were not the core of the case. And they were not the reason why the jury found him guilty of first-degree murder. The jury found him guilty of first-degree murder because the evidence established that that was the proper verdict.” Outside the courtroom, Smith — the former attorney of Smithson — said he fully supports Smithson’s quest for a new trial. “I spent two years of my life living this case, and I know Bill Smithson never intended to harm Jason Shephard at any time,” Smith told PGN. “I will never, ever believe that Bill Smithson intended to kill Jason Shephard. I don’t know how Jason Shephard died. But I do know that Bill Smithson didn’t get a fair trial.” Smith also criticized the prosecution for seeking the death penalty for Smithson in 2006. Jurors who support the death penalty also tend to be more conservative on same-sex issues, he noted. “We had a death-qualified jury that was vulnerable to the homophobia put forth by the prosecution,” Smith said. Smithson, 47, remains incarcerated at the State Correctional Institution in Huntingdon. ■

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Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


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Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


PHILLY’S NIGHT OUT: Jaci Adams and Fred Bostwick of the Police Liaison Committee were on hand at Macy’s near City Hall on Aug. 7 for National Night Out, an annual initiative to promote safety and partnership between police and local communities. Photo: Scott A. Drake NEWS

Local Millennial Poz News Briefing Out Law Out Money

6 18 14 17 15



Creep of the Week Editorial Mark My Words Street Talk

10 10 11 11

What is the most effective way to express displeasure with an antigay business? Poll results from our online survey as of Aug. 8:

81% Stop spending money there 13% Social network driven boycotting 3% High-visibility protests 1% Personal letters or emails 0% Publicly bashing the company back 1% No way is effective for some businesses Go to to weigh in on this week’s question:

What’s your favorite cool-down treat?

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Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012



Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


Out doc mixes medicine with politics By Jen Colletta As a gastroenterology and hepatology fellow at Hahnemann University Hospital, Dr. Seth Kaufer spends his days working to solve the internal ailments of his patients. Off the clock, Kaufer strives to assuage public ills through another mechanism — politics. The openly gay doctor is the vice chair of the city’s Second Ward Republican Executive Committee and is serving as an alternate delegate to this year’s Republican National Convention. While most LGBTs tend to vote Democrat, being openly gay and a member of the Republican party are not mutually exclusive, Kaufer said. “I don’t know how they could be incompatible. I find it a little insulting for someone to say I can’t be both these things.” Kaufer, 32, grew up in Kingston, near Wilkes-Barre, which he described as a small, blue-collar coal town. It was not, however, a town conducive to coming out. “Where I grew up and when I grew up, it was not a really open or even accepting environment,” he said. “There were no openly gay people in my high school. It was a long process for me of accepting myself and becoming comfortable enough

DR. SETH KAUFER Photo: Scott A. Drake

to come out. Everyone does it in their own time frame but you have to have enough confidence in yourself to say, ‘This is me, take it or leave it.’” Kaufer came out in his mid-20s, around the time he moved to Philadelphia after earning his degree from Lafayette College. He attained his medical degree from Drexel University and completed his residency at Hahnemann. His passion for medicine grew from his own bouts with gastrointestinal problems as a child.

“Being on that side of the patient/doctor relationship, I was really impressed by my physicians. They helped me and so I saw them like heroes,” Kaufer said. “I saw when I was young how the best health-care association in the world, the American Health Care Association, developed medications that made a world of difference in my life. It opened my eyes as a youngster to what a huge difference this field can make on someone’s life.” Kaufer said he also has a “scientific” mind that drew him to medicine: While he enjoys research, he said he couldn’t sustain a lab-based career because he was eager to incorporate his people skills into his profession. His interest in politics also was sparked early, during a ninth-grade class project. “Our teacher inspired us to get involved — interview candidates, volunteer for campaigns. It was 1994 and that was the year of the ‘Republican Revolution,’ when the Republicans took back the House and Senate for the first time in many years, and I got really caught up in the campaign,” Kaufer said. “That’s when I realized I was a conservative person who believed in the Republican philosophy. Since then I’ve been working on campaigns for local, state and national races and just getting involved wherever I can.”

Kaufer said he hasn’t had a negative experience with a fellow Republican because of his orientation. The discrimination, he said, has come instead from those who criticize him for belonging to both the Republican and LGBT communities. “Everyone has their own frame of reference, comes from different places and believes in different things. Calling black Republicans ‘Uncle Toms’ and gay Republicans ‘homocons’ — it’s insulting,” he said. “I’ve worked hard to prove myself, and I want to be judged on my merits, and I have been. Growing up where I did, it wasn’t OK to be gay and, now that that’s more accepted, it seems like being a Republican in Philadelphia is the new thing that’s frowned upon.” The notion that Republicans are all antigay is a misconception, Kaufer said. He suggested that those attitudes are more skewed along the generational divide, which stretches across all parties. He said he believes that most elected Republican officials can see the value in commonsense LGBT equality issues. “Equal visitation rights for gay and straight partners, adoption equality, job security, financial equality in terms of no tax penalties for gay couples and the ability to inherit from a partner — I think these are all things that both sides can agree upon that need to be done now,” he said. “Politics sometimes gets in the way because Democrats want to turn out their voters, and Republicans want to turn out their voters. I’m a practical person, though, and I think that these issues are all really no-brainers and, in a couple years — no matter who is in control — can be accomplished. People get caught up in marriage, but there is a lot of the generational stuff involved with that, and I think we need to focus on the individual things that can be reconciled right now.” While Kaufer said a number of other issues should take precedence over LGBTrights efforts, out members of the GOP can encourage movement on some of those issues within his party. “This isn’t my No. 1 issue by any means, but I think being a gay person is helpful,” he said. “We need gay candidates and gay people involved, both Republicans and Democrats. It’s just like having gay family members and friends: When you have gay colleagues, it’s easier to be more openminded.” However, Kaufer doesn’t anticipate trading the hospital for the halls of a government building. “I see myself as a physician more than anything else,” he said. “Politics is the fun, side hobby that I do when I have the free time, but my profession is first. I don’t have much free time as it is, but I’m going to continue to be involved in politics. If you find two things you love to do so much, you can find the time for both.” ■


Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


PA Ren Faire opens castle gates to LGBTs By Jen Colletta The queen of camp — the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire — is about to get a whole lot gayer. Medieval meets modern-day Aug. 12 as local LGBTs head out for the first-ever Gay Day at the PA Ren Faire. The event is being organized by a coalition of LGBT groups, with a portion of ticket sales going to local nonprofits. Buses will leave from the William Way LGBT Community Center at 11 a.m. and return at 8:30 p.m., or guests can organize their own transportation to the Faire, which is about a 90-minute drive. Performance artist and PGN columnist Suzi Nash said that, after profiling an out Faire cast member last year, she suggested

the idea for an LGBT event to the Faire’s public-relations director. “I said, ‘You know, you should have a Gay Day here,’ and she loved the idea,” Nash said. “They obviously have a large gay following and a lot of gay folks in the cast who’d be really into it, so she asked if I’d be willing to help organize and I said absolutely.” Nash reached out to Stimulus Productions and Philly Gay Calendar to assist in the organizing and promotion process. The fair, open through October, features dozens of actors — knights, wenches and the celeb-like queen and her court — carrying out a daylong interactive story. Throughout the day, guests can take in song and dance performances, comedy shows, Shakespearian plays — a number of which have adult-themed twists — as

well as mud-wrestling challenges, jousting tournaments and a massive humanchess match. Nash took her 13-year-old nephew and his friend last summer and said she was surprised by the off-color humor in many of the shows. “It was a lot bawdier than I expected,” she said. “And from what I hear, they’re planning to camp it up even more for Gay Day.” But myriad options abound for the youngsters, who can try their own hand in a jousting match or at one of the assorted Renaissance games and activities. The grounds feature dozens of 16thcentury-themed dining options — such as the ubiquitous turkey leg on a stick — and a plethora of adult-beverage choices, including a wine-tasting of the collection

housed at Mt. Hope Winery, which is on the property. Merchants will be on hand with goods, many handcrafted — from pewter goblets to jewelry to period clothing. A collection of LGBT nonprofits also will have tables and Nash said there are still spaces open. Tickets to the event are $20 each — a one-third discount — and $5 from each ticket will be split among William Way, Delaware Valley Legacy Fund, The Attic Youth Center and Team Philadelphia. The bus is an additional $15 per person and seats are limited. To purchase event and bus tickets, visit Event tickets can also be purchased at with discount code INNERPRINCESS. ■

PGN editor elected as VP of national journo board By Jen Colletta The organization at the helm of the LGBT media world will now be led in part by a Philadelphia journalist. PGN editor Sarah Blazucki was elected to the board of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association last week. She will serve as vice president of print and digital media. Blazucki will serve with newly elected president Michael Triplett, assistant managing editor at Bloomberg BNA. Both will serve two-year terms. Also confirmed as board members were Matthew Berger, Barbara Dozetos, Sharif Durhams, Laura Kutch, Patty Mattern and Steve Rosen. The elections were confirmed last Tuesday at a board of directors meeting in Las Vegas that preceded the start of the UNITY 2012 Convention. NLGJA, which held its convention in Philadelphia last summer, last year voted to join UNITY, an alliance of Hispanic, AsianAmerican and Native-American journalist associations. Blazucki began with PGN as a staff writer in 2006 and became editor later that year. She joined NLGJA shortly after and said the local chapter has undergone a transformation since that time. “The chapter had really gone stagnant for a couple years,” she said. “Nobody was doing anything, the president wasn’t active, there weren’t any events, the members didn’t know one another. So we pretty much rebooted it.” Helping lead that effort were fellow members Matthew Patton, Chip Alfred and Gary Kramer. The culmination of the chapter’s recent

work was last year’s convention, which brought some 300 conventioneers to the city. Blazucki has served as treasurer, vice president and president of the Philadelphia chapter, then was elected to the national board as an at-large member. She said she was eager to continue her NLGJA service at the national level in support of its multifaceted aims. “It’s important to make sure we have LGBT voices in the mix,” Blazucki said. “A lot of people still aren’t comfortable being out in their newsrooms. It’s certainly gotten better but there are places where it’s still not OK. Until LGBT people have employment protections across the country, NLGJA is going to remain very important. It helps create camaraderie, helps people talk about issues affecting you as an LGBT person and works to make sure our stories get fair and accurate coverage.” The position Blazucki will hold was most recently titled “vice president of print and new media,” but the switch was made to accommodate the influence of the Internet age on the industry. Among her goals, Blazucki plans to more fully incorporate the digital-media world into the NLGJA fold. “Right now a large part of our membership works in online news: That brings in print, broadcast and people who work strictly online. So it pulls in a lot of different areas,” she said. “I think it’s important that we make sure we’re providing resources for all of these folks. There’s definitely outreach we need to do to folks who are doing citizen journalism, making sure they know there’s somewhere they can go to get new skills, and we can foster better reporting on LGBT people.” Blazucki’s term started Aug. 5. ■

Philadelphia Gay News


Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


Societal stigma poses negative health risks for LGBTQ youth By Kara Hopkins PGN Intern When 19-year-old Malcolm Pettiford came out to his family five years ago, he said he felt boxed in and that it was finally OK to tell his parents who he was. But it wasn’t. “My family said they’d accept me, then they lied,” the intern at Mill Creek Farm and Attic Youth member said. Even now, his mother verbally abuses him — he calls it “blacking out.” His family’s rejection of his sexual orientation affects him now, reflected in how he feels about himself and his openness about his sexual orientation. “When I am in Center City I can be myself, but when I get home, or around my home environment, I feel like I am in the closet.” Malcolm’s experience unfortunately isn’t unique. According to the LGBT companion document to Healthy People 2010, published by the Department of Health and Human Services, “Research suggests that LGBT individuals face disparities linked to societal stigma, discrimination and denial of their civil and human rights. Discrimination has been associated with high rates of psychiatric disorders, substance abuse and suicide.” Gay youth in particular face a lot of

stigma and often don’t have resources or allies to support them, so identifying and accepting one’s sexual orientation can be a painful process. Monique Walker, a Ph.D. candidate in the study of sexual and gender minorities and a therapist at The Attic Youth Center, said one of the ongoing challenges gay youth face is being bullied. “People are still being bullied and young people are being teased,” Walker said. “It’s not necessarily that you’re identifying as gay — it’s the perception that you are, that’s what gets most people in trouble, when most people start disliking themselves.” She continued, “Bullying impacts health in a multitude of ways, adds to the level of shame and guilt and the struggle you are already having. Bullying creates unsafe environments and so, for young people still in school, it takes a toll on your ability to focus, academics and desire to want to go to school.” Dr. Cynthia Closs, manager of addiction services in the Open Door program at Mazzoni Center and has studied queeridentified youth, said she sees “trauma symptoms in relation to bullying” in the youth who come to Mazzoni. Though she sees the consequences of not having support — of “not having an identified ally they can trust who would inter-

vene appropriately and help the youth have a voice” — she also sees the strength of youth. “I love working with queer youth,” she said. “They’re amazing, their ability to navigate hostile systems, they are resilient, fearless and courageous.” Impact of family acceptance Another issue LGBTQ youth face is acceptance. Parents and other family members may question their sexual orientation, which affects self-esteem. When others view their identity as a phase, it can heighten the sensitivity LGBTQ individuals feel about themselves. From societal conditioning, people believe that heterosexuals know they are attracted to the opposite sex at a young age, but that gay people know when they are older. This perpetuates the myth that LGBTQ youth don’t know their true identity until they are adults. But a 2009 San Francisco State University report, “Supportive Families, Healthy Children,” stated that young people begin to feel sexual attraction or have their first “crush” on another person at about 10 years old — which applies to both heterosexual and homosexual attraction. The degree of familial acceptance can have deeper, more lasting impacts as well. In the SFSU 2009 report, researchers stated that family rejection affects men-


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tal and physical health and that gay and transgender youth who were rejected had lower self-esteem and were at a higher risk of mental-health problems at ages 21-25. In families that were not at all accepting of their LGBTQ child’s identity, only one in three youth thought they would have a good and comfortable life as a gay adult. In contrast, almost all youth in families who were extremely accepting thought they would have a good life. Family acceptance was also found to help protect against risky behaviors in LGBTQ youth. Risky behaviors When Marcus Berry came out at 16, he faced losing his family and endearing a lot of painful feelings. At a family gathering, an older cousin expressed her feer that he could make her son gay. To deal with the pain, he began cutting himself. Now 21, Berry has found healthier outlets and resources, such as visiting The Attic Youth Center regularly, working out and listening to music. Nicole Portantiere, a 20-year-old Attic Youth member and graphic-arts student, said her mother was accepting when she came out, and it made a difference in her own acceptance. “I knew she’d be comfortable about it because that’s who she is, and I was like, That was easy,” she PAGE 20


Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


An Olympic House of our own By Al Patrick Special to PGN

floor. And we help each other and it can get quite physical. When we travel as a team, we sometimes have to share a bed with one or LONDON — South-African Olympic two other players because of a lack of fundarcher Karen Hultzer didn’t have to travel ing. I just couldn’t remain in the closet. The too far from the comforts of the Olympic team is very supportive of me but at first that Village last Saturday to attend the official wasn’t the case. But we have a saying on the opening of Pride House 2012 in Limehouse team: ‘100-percent me.’ It refers to being Basin. She said she came to relax, have a drug-free on the court. But for me, being out allows me to give 100 percent of me when I drink and protect the different. “In my country, we may be a protected am competing. Otherwise I would use up all class in the constitution, but let’s just say my energy pretending or lying about who I our society has not caught up with our con- am. The LGBT community has been very stitution. We are a Calvinistic society. We supportive. When you are in the Olympic are afraid of the different. So the different Village, you are under the media spotlight, needs to be protected there and everywhere so it’s nice to be able to come here to Pride really. An Olympic Pride House is a way to House, give something back to the commushow that different is OK. It is a political nity and show my support and get some supstatement. I wish it wasn’t a big deal but it port.” This is the second Olympic is. It’s nice to have a place to Pride House for the LGBT come, be myself and show my community. The first was at the support.” Vancouver Winter Olympics Hultzer made international two years ago. headlines recently as the The idea of community “Olympic athlete who came out” “houses” at the Olympic during the London Olympics Games is nothing new. During 2012. But she is quick to point each Olympic games, many out that the media tag is not participating countries host completely accurate. She says community houses in the host she was just answering a quescity. Anyone can drop by, have tion during an online discussion a drink, get something to eat about her life. The next thing and see exhibits that highlight she knew, she was featured in a that country’s accomplishments HuffPost article and the rest is and attractions and watch the now Olympic LGBT history. games. Even the smaller South “It was completely incidenPacific Island nations banded tal. I live my life as I live my together to host a house on a life. I’ve never not been out.” platoon on the River Thames in Hultzer said she was glad to London. show her support for London This year’s Pride House Pride House 2012, though. almost didn’t happen. The “There are so many gay and problem, said organizers, was a lesbian Olympic athletes in the lack of funding at the last minOlympic Village, especially ute. among the women. At least I Still, a group of dedicated think there are, if my gaydar is LGBT supporters banded right. Pride House is important together and secured a space and to show that gays and lesbians some funding. They landed at are in sports and participate at the ironically named yacht club all levels.” “The Cruising Association.” In two years, Russia will Londoners and longtime host the Winter Olympics and friends Daniel Monk and David Hultzer said the idea of a Pride Ross attended the first publicHouse for the LGBT commuopen day Aug. 4 at Pride House nity is something she supports after spending the morning at and hopes continues in the the Denmark House in Central future. London. “I’m glad we have a place CLAIRE HARVEY “[Denmark House organizers] we can go and relax and it will be especially important during (FROM TOP,) KAREN were welcoming and friendly, HULTZER AND trying to sell themselves. They future Olympics in countries DELIA JOHNSTON showed off their country’s furwhere you can’t really be who niture design, food and some you are.” Great Britain’s captain of the sitting other things,” said Monk, 46, a lecturer at Volleyball team, para-olympian Claire London University. Monk said he wanted to visit Pride Harvey, said Pride House allows her to give 100 percent when she competes. She added House because “there is a gay aspect to the that it was important for her to come out to Olympics and it’s nice to be able to come here, have a drink and watch the games.” her team. “Gay sports have taken off over the last “When I shower, I have to get out of my chair and drag myself across the shower 10 years or so. So [Pride House] a natural

LONDON 2012 PRIDE HOUSE Photo: Helen Maybanks

extension of that,” said Ross, a 52-year-old lawyer. “It’s good for gay people. It’s about saying you are here somehow. You can be a nelly queen and still into sports,” said Monk. “It’s good to celebrate the Olympics and it’s good for the gay athletes for us to show them our support.” Delia Johnston, 57, has been working for the London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games for the last year. Her job was to perform extensive background checks on all dignitaries traveling to London for the para-Olympics, which begin Aug. 29. The tall, blond, self-proclaimed “troublemaker” said her first reaction to being hired by LOCOG was, “Wow, this is unbelievable.” “The world’s top-tier athletes walk by me every day and no one bats an eye,” Johnston said. “I’ve worked with heads of state from all over the world, some from countries that would stone me to death or jail me. I was verbally abused by one guy so far — someone from Great Britain. You never know where it’s going to come from.” She became involved in organizing support for Pride House 2012 for one reason, she said: “I was following the story and I

noticed there was no transgendered involvement. And I thought, Where’s the T?” However, she added it’s important that the LGBT community involve everyone in the house, not just LGBT community members. “It’s about mixing outside also,” said Johnston.” You can come to Pride House and you don’t have to be part of our community.” Adrian Trett, 33, lives in Strafford, a suburb of London. He is one of thousands of British citizens who volunteered to work during the games by directing foot traffic to the game venues, hosting information booths and transporting athletes and members of the Olympic Family, as the Olympic organizers like to call themselves, all around London in specially designed Olympic cars driven on Olympic-vehicles-only transport lanes. He attended the Aug. 4 open house dressed in the now-familiar volunteer’s outfit, a purple polo shirt and khaki pants. The volunteers have become a strong presence on London streets. They are everywhere — local, temporary celebrities. In his teens, Trett was captain of his PAGE 12 school’s golf club, but


Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

Louis Sheldon


Muppets, kiss-ins and Berenstain Bears, oh my! In the latest installment of the Chickfil-A saga, the Berenstain family is attempting to distance itself from the controversy surrounding the antigay fast-food restaurant, directing readers to HarperCollins, publisher of the Berenstain Bears books. The Berenstain family posted a note (pushpin and all) on its website, noting that Chick-fil-A’s kid’s meal promotion featuring Berenstain Bear books had been in the works for over a year and that they were “unaware of any controversy involving Chick-fil-A until July 25th.” The note continued, “The Berenstain family does not at this time have control over whether this program proceeds or not. We hope those concerned about this issue will direct their comments toward HarperCollins and Chick-fil-A.” Not considering for the moment that the family probably has some control over promotional partnerships, upset readers delivered a petition with some 80,000 signatures to HarperCollins, accompanied by the book “The Berenstain Bears and the New Neighbors,” asking the company to end the Berenstain Bear promotion with Chick-fil-A. The outcry follows the Jim Henson Company’s announcement that it would no longer provide toys to Chick-fil-A after CEO Dan Cathy confirmed the company opposed same-sex marriage and it came to light that the company has donated millions to antigay organizations, including those that have performed reparative therapy on gays and

lesbians. Last Friday, supporters of same-sex marriage staged a “kiss-in” at Chickfil-A restaurants across the country, which followed a pro-Chick-fil-A “Appreciation Day” Aug. 1. The kiss-in had both supporters and detractors among same-sex-marriage backers, with detractors criticizing the move as a publicity stunt that backfired or, to a lesser degree, was misguided in its goals. (Showcasing gay couples kissing likely doesn’t demonstrate the damage that donations to reparative-therapy groups do, which might have been a more effective tactic.) Further, promoting a kiss-in, as wellintentioned as it may have been, put Chick-fil-A supporters on the defensive, and probably didn’t convert anyone into gay-marriage supporters. Chick-fil-A has long been a conservative fast-food retailer — this isn’t new news. (The company is closed on Sundays so that employees can partake in a biblical day of rest.) If the LGBT community wants to win more allies in this fight, it needs to figure out how to counter Chick-filA’s message and move the argument away from free speech (no one disputes Cathy’s right to oppose same-sex marriage) and focus on his actions and that of his company, who they fund and what those organizations do with that money. In the end, no one is forcing anyone else to eat or not eat at Chick-fil-A. Make your voice heard with your dollars and spend them elsewhere. ■

Gayship Enterprise to base, do you read me? I repeat, Gayship Enterprise to base. We are closing in on our target. The U.S.A. will soon be the U.S.G.H.L., the United States of Gay Homo Lesbos. We have permission to land. That’s the kind of message I imagine Louis Sheldon “intercepting” when he puts on his tin-foil hat. Sheldon, the founder of the antigay Traditional Values Coalition, penned a pretty amazing homophobic fantasy piece for Charisma Magazine, published online on July 31 and titled “The Plan For a Gay (Domi) Nation.” In it, Sheldon claims that the gays are taking over, and that Hollywood is largely to blame. “From kindergartens to city councils to churches to the Supreme Court, the mainstreaming of homosexuality has reshaped everything in America,” he writes. “And one of the most powerful vehicles by which the gay agenda has accomplished this is media.” I know, this is old news. Sheldon is hardly the first person to make such a claim. But Sheldon’s rantings about the homosexual “activists who have masterfully driven the gay agenda for more than 30 years and, with remarkable success and precision, changed our nation’s cultural mindset on homosexuality” have a certain hyperbolic je ne sais quoi. Sheldon laments that gay characters on TV are often “portrayed as witty, clever, lovable and just a little quirky,” instead of, as I presume Sheldon would prefer, sadsack sinners dying of AIDS. And what has the promo-homo media accomplished with shows like “Will & Grace” and that one time Mariel Hemingway kissed Roseanne Barr on “Roseanne”? “It’s perfectly clear what the Hollywood writers and producers were doing — grinding away at public morality, using comedy as a vehicle to overcome the natural resistance of adults and playing on the curiosity and credulity of children,” writes Sheldon. “By sheer persistence, the gay-friendly media have been forcing Americans to accept homosexuality as a normal and natural choice, whether they believe it or not.” First of all, “grinding away,” ha ha. Secondly, he’s right. By portraying LGBT characters in an even remotely positive way, Hollywood has managed to trick everybody into believing that LGBT people might be — could it be? — human beings capable and deserving of love and compassion. And America has been forced

to accept that such a concept could even exist when everyone who hates homos knows that isn’t possibly true. Take it from Sheldon. All of this leads Sheldon to make what is perhaps the most astounding claim I have yet heard in the “culture war” over homosexuality. He writes, “Today, based on the large number of primetime TV shows that currently feature openly gay characters, you have to believe that the most favored and most protected type of sexuality is homosexuality.” Wait, I’m sorry, what? Or, more specifically, WTF? What planet is this man living on? Because “Glee” is one of the most popular shows on TV, that makes homosexuality “favored” and “protected”? Does he even know what those words mean? If homosexuality were favored and protected in America, then it would not be legal anywhere in this country to fire someone because he or she is gay. We would not see young LGBT kids driven to suicide by relentless bullying. Same-sex couples would be allowed to be legally married and have it be recognized by all 50 states. Children being raised by same-sex couples would have the full legal protection of two parents, not just the one the government deems “real.” The list, sadly, goes on and on. But look, folks like Sheldon aren’t interested in all of that. After all, oppression is the goal. And whenever a teenage boy gets called “fag” and has the shit kicked out of him, whenever a gay man or lesbian dies and leaves behind a partner with no legal recognition, whenever another state passes an antigay “marriage” amendment, Sheldon’s camp celebrates. But hey, gays always have “Glee.” ■ D’Anne Witkowski is a freelance writer and poet. When she’s not taking on the creeps of the world, she reviews rock ’n’ roll shows in Detroit with her twin sister.

Tell us what you think Send letters and opinion column submissions to:; PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147; fax: (215) 925-6437.

Please include a daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity, style and space considerations.


Let’s not waste words here: Gay and — Can we, most importantly, control the debate? Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), you screwed up royally. In lead- — And if all else fails, what is our back-up ing the chicken wars of last week, you need plan? to go back to P.R. 101. It was the largest From the beginning, it seemed GLAAD public-relations failure for this community never had any of the above. And that’s the in a decade. The final straw was your proshort list when you’re thinking of engaging motion of the kiss-in. Are we back in high school? If so, you get an F. If you represent in a P.R. battle. Now the actual damage. Among the real this community, I for one am embarrassed by your lack of professionalism and knowl- winners, in order: Mike Huckabee, Rick edge of the media ... Is that not Santorum and Chick-fil-A. Bet what you are supposed to be an you’re surprised to see those expert on? first two on the winners’ list. As to last Friday’s kiss-in, Well, Huckabee devised and which GLAAD promoted but came up with “Appreciation did not endorse, you should Day,” and Santorum was first have known this was a bad idea. in line. The two losers of the Learn to lead, and learn that Republican primaries now have leading means sometimes saying a road back out of isolation. For Santorum, this could launch his no. You could have just stood next presidential run. Yes, the down, but instead you gave this damage is that severe. As for juvenile act credibility. A kissChick-fil-A, I have to admire the in, relegating our community way they handled their message to exactly where the right-wing and the media. wants us. You’ll be seeing those pictures in future right-wing The final piece of damage? Mark Segal When hundreds of thousands advertising campaigns. across the nation showed up to We can only move on when support Chick-fil-A, what were our numGLAAD stops attempting to defend itself bers? Let’s say they were low. Why did we and its actions and stops blaming our get into a fight we didn’t need to enter, and political allies. Accept the responsibility, why were we totally unprepared? If you then we’ll all learn from it and move on to rebuild. Sometimes failure can be an oppor- issue a press release, be assured of why you are issuing it, whose actions you are protunity. Now that my feelings — my strong feelmoting, if it meets the needs of the commuings — are out there, let’s take a look at the nity and whether it will be a distraction or mistakes and what can be learned from them. incur damage. First, choose your battles well. Before Others arguments and ideas this column engaging in a battle, know your opponents does not have space for: civil disobediand what they bring to the fight. That boils ence, violence against children, the First down to research. If you had done this, you Amendment, religious freedom, nondismight not have sent out the stream of press crimination policies and even Biblical releases. In politics they call this opposiknowledge. tion research. In this incident, the following In conclusion, GLAAD, if your misquestions would have helped GLAAD betsion is to do P.R. for the community, you ter prepare: failed. If your mission is to represent the community to foster better treatment of — Do we need to engage in this battle or the LGBT community in the media, you will it be a distraction from other more failed. The magnitude of this error is so important issues? great that GLAAD should now be on the — Is our message clear and simple to community’s watch list. As someone who understand by the public? has worked for 43 years to bring media — Where are the majority of Chick-filto where it is today, I join with the voices A franchises in the U.S. and do we have in our community who will not tolerate troops there? another in a long line of GLAAD missteps. — Who is their customer base? My suggestion? Instead of issuing a con— What would their defense be? tinuous stream of press releases like they — Are we prepared with a statement for all are blue-light specials, your board should possible responses they might use? have a long retreat and look at your mis— Where do they advertise? sion, and maybe even redefine it. This is a — Who would be their spokesperson? wake-up call. ■ —What is their image, and the image Mark Segal, PGN publisher, is the of their supporters they will bring to the media? nation’s most-award-winning commenta— Who are our spokespeople and have we tor in LGBT media. He can be reached at prepared them with the script of the issues?

Mark My Words


Street Talk What haven’t you done this summer that you would like to do before Labor Day? “Go to the Delaware Water Gap. They have the tallest waterfall in Pennsylvania. Its nickname is ‘Niagara Falls of Allison Coulter Pennsylvania.’ housecleaner Just being West Philadelphia there is very grounding and soothing, with the mist getting in your face. A great way to cool off on a hot summer day.”

“Take a trip to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. It’s such a clean, calm and peaceful beach. Time Maire Moriarty slows down data-base assistant there. You Bella Vista can really lose yourself in the ambience. It’s a nice change of pace from city living.”

“Visit the French Riviera. I’ve heard the water there is crystal clear. The beach would be a great place to hang out Rick Naughton with friends. administrative I'd put on lots assistant Washington Square of sunblock and I’m ready West to go. I’d also like to visit the casinos in Monaco while I’m there.”

“See Las Vegas. It’s a massive city in the middle of a desert. I’ve never been there before, but it sounds Angel O’Donnell exciting. student I’d really Liverpool, England find the contrast interesting. I’d go to some shows and dabble in the gambling.”

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Sentence GLAAD to a pit of Chick-fil-A

Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


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Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


Obituary Kenneth Sipos, 72 By Jen Colletta Longtime Philadelphia real-estate aficionado and active LGBT community volunteer Kenneth Sipos died last month. He was 72. Sipos died July 28 in a Florida hospice center after a multi-year battle with cancer. Sipos was born May 25, 1940, in New York City and grew up in Frenchtown, N.J. He studied at both Rider University and New York University before becoming an insurance broker. He relocated to Philadelphia in 1968. Sipos followed in his father’s footsteps and entered the real-estate realm, attaining a position as a real-estate specialist with the city. He worked for the city’s real-estate department in various positions for more than 40 years. “Being a broker before, it was just a natural leap when he moved into the city to move into real estate,” said Russell Force, a former partner of Sipos. “He knew it well and he enjoyed the process.” Sipos had a hand in nearly all of the city’s large real-estate transactions over the past several decades, such as the development of the commuter-rail tunnel. He was an active member of a number of city entities, such as the Mayor’s Geographical Information Systems Task

Force and the Land Records Te c h n o l o g y Committee. Sipos served as a trustee and vice president of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Urban & Regional Information S y s t e m s Association from 1992-2011, and was also vice chair of the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s Information Resource Exchange Group. His interests stretched far beyond city development. Sipos and Force owned and operated Magyar Hungarian Restaurant, 20th and Sansom streets, for about nine years through the 1970s-’80s. Force said the restaurant was one of Sipos’ longtime goals, as his parents hailed from Hungary. “It was one of his dreams,” said Force, who was with Sipos for 20 years. “Even anyone who knew him for more than a week knew that one of the things he really, really wanted to do in his life was open a Hungarian restaurant.” The pair was plagued with formidable

locations in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA — C.C. EAST OF BROAD

Bean Café, 615 South St. • Best Western Independence Park Hotel lobby, 215 Chestnut St. • Chocolate Works Condo lobby, 321 N. Third St. • Copabanana, 342 South St. • Dane Décor, 315 Arch St. • Famous 4th St. Deli, Fourth & Bainbridge sts. • Hopkinson House, 604 S. Washington Sq. • Hyatt Regency Hotel lobby, 201 S. Columbus Blvd. • Independence Place Condos, 241 S. Sixth St., lobby in both towers • Independence Visitors Center, Sixth & Market sts. • Old City Ironworks Gym, 141 N. Second St. • Nationality Service Center, 1216 Arch St. • Packard Apts., 317 N. Broad St. • PGN offices, 505 S. Fourth St. • Philadelphia Java Co., 518 S. Fourth St. • Reading Terminal Market, 12th & Filbert sts. • Strands Salon, 25 N. Third St. •


Adonis Cinema, 2026 Sansom St. • Art Institute, 1610 Chestnut St. • Art Institute, 1622 Chestnut St. • Art Institute, 2300 Market St. • The Attic Youth Center, 255 S. 16th St. • Bob & Barbara’s, 1509 South St. • Book Bin, 22nd & Market sts. • Dan Tobey R/E, 1401 Walnut St., 8th floor • Dr. Wakefield’s Office, 255 S. 17th St., Suite 2306 • Drexel Partnership, 1427 Vine St., 3rd floor • Latimer Deli, 255 S. 15th St. • L-2 Restaurant, 22nd & South sts. • MANNA, 12 S. 23rd St. • Marine Club Condos lobby, Broad St. & Washington Ave. • Metropolitan, 115 N. 15th St. • Safeguards Lobby, 1700 Market St., 18th floor • Sansom St. Gym, 2020 Sansom St. • South Square Market, 2221 South St. • Titan Room, 22nd & Market sts. • Touraine Building lobby, 1520 Spruce St. • U Do It Laundry, 15th & Spruce sts. • Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel, 17th & Race Sts. •

signs as they prepared to open Magyar’s doors: a week before, a break-in left them cleared of nearly all their belongings, and opening day brought a blizzard. However, the restaurant eventually flourished, with its renown growing such that it was selected to supply the cookies for the 1981 presidential inauguration. Baking was a favorite pastime of Sipos, as was gardening. He could often be found doling out fresh vegetables from his garden to his friends. He also dedicated his time and energy to the arts. Sipos was a member and supporter of Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus and served as facilities manager for Plays & Players Theater. His other volunteer endeavors included the Philadelphia Fringe Festival, Philadelphia Film Festival, QFest, Above Ground Theater, AIDS Fund’s Gay BINGO events and AIDS Services in Asian Communities. Caregiver and friend Bill Horton said Sipos was always ready to lend a helping hand. “He had a real willingness to support the arts and to give generously,” Horton said. “If anyone needed something, he’d give a check or he would even physically help them — build a set, volunteer for an event. He was very upbeat, just a let’s-get-it-done type of attitude.” Kevin Broad is another friend who cited Sipos’ generosity. Broad, a painter, said Sipos constantly encouraged him in his work and once gave

him an envelope of hundreds of euros to support a trip to Italy to paint. In all of the local productions for which Broad served as stage manager, Sipos served as a valuable asset. “He just wanted to be involved and help in any way he could — running lights, finding equipment to use. He knew so many people so if I ever needed to contact someone, he’d say, ‘Oh, you need to talk to so-and-so.’ His knowledge of people to work with in the city was really deep,” Broad said. “He had a willingness to serve and a desire to be part of a community that I think was underlying in all of his volunteerism.” Force said Sipos also had an adventurous spirit. “He was very spontaneous,” he said. “He would think of something at 6 in the morning and say, ‘Let’s go do this.’ You just never knew with him. I’m the type of person who tries to think through every aspect, and Ken would just say, ‘Come on, the day’s almost over, we have to get moving.’ His spontaneity was great.” Sipos was diagnosed with melanoma seven years ago, and spent the last six years with stage-four cancer. Most recently he lived in Logan Circle, but last month headed to Florida to spend his final days with his brother and his family. In addition to Force and Horton, Sipos is survived by brother David, sister Patricia, nieces, nephews and a wide circle of friends. A local memorial service is pending. ■

PRIDE HOUSE from page 9

“So the United States, for instance, could set aside a day or evening and call it Pride Day and show their support for gay and lesbian athletes.” But for some, that might not be enough. Many who spoke to PGN said a Pride House is especially important in an antigay political environment. The Moscow municipal government this year outlawed all gay Pride parades — not just for this year but for another 100 years. A court recently upheld the decision. Pride House organizers said they are looking forward to a successful Pride House in 2016, when Rio de Janeiro hosts the Summer Olympics. But many spoke with a tone of resignation when asked about Pride House 2014 in Russia. Not even Johnston, the selfdescribed troublemaker, would want to take on that project. “If they offered me a good salary to go set it up I would still say no,” she said. “It would be dangerous.” Johnston added the way forward is for the International Olympic Committee to become more inclusive of the LGBT community and get behind Pride House, something the body has been reluctant to do so far. “We must work to make the IOC much more inclusive,” she said. “But the question is, are they ready for that?” ■

never acknowledged his sexual orientation for fear of being excluded from his friends and teammates. When he did come out, he stopped playing golf and forgot how important sport was to him. “I just dropped out all together,” he said. He has since taken up golf again and his partner is captain of the local golf club’s competitive team. Pride House is important “not only for telling LGBT in sports that it’s OK but to show our support for the Olympic athletes,” Trett said. “It’s important we have a presence in London.” But there’s trouble ahead for Pride House. In two years, the Winter Olympics will be held in Sochi, Russia — and the Russian Olympic Committee has already said no to a Pride House. Pride House organizers from around Europe joined London activists Aug. 4 to discuss their options, which are limited. “It’s going to be an uphill battle,” said Daniel Vaudrin, who attended the meeting as co-president of the Gay and Lesbian in Sports Association International. “We came up with a few ideas. We’ll see.” One of those ideas is for various countries to host “Pride Days.”

T:10� PGN

Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012




Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012

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J. Houck Jr., and aiding and abetting the attack. O n N o v. 1 0 , 2 0 1 1 , Houck was reading a gay novel inside his cell at the Federal Detention Center in Philadelphia when Hannig and another male allegedly pulled Houck by his legs from the top bunk bed, then stomped on him and beat him with a chair. The tibia and fibula bones in Houck’s right leg were fractured during the incident, requiring the installation of a metal rod from ankle to knee for stabilization. Houck told PGN he underwent several medical procedures to avoid amputation of his leg. U.S. Magistrate Jacob P. Hart presided over Hannig’s arraignment. Hannig, 34, faces up to 10 years in federal lock-up if convicted. He remains incarcerated at the Federal Detention Center. W. Chris Montoya, an attorney for Hannig, couldn’t be reached for comment at press time. Assistant U.S. Attorney Neuman Leverett 3rd, who’s prosecuting Hannig, declined to comment. At the time of the assault, Houck was awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to one count of transporting child pornography. In February, U.S. District Judge Gregory M. Sleet sentenced Houck to 97 months in prison, to be followed by five years of supervised release. Houck’s projected release date is March 3, 2018. A trial date for Hannig hadn’t been set at press time.

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Litigation resumes in Scouts case Attempts to settle the city’s federal appeal to evict a local Boy Scouts of America council from a city building ended last month. The case has moved back into active litigation, according to court records. In an Aug. 3 filing, city attorneys asked the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals for permission to file its brief in the case Sept. 27, rather than Aug. 28. The attorneys said they needed 30 more days because of the “complicated” nature of the case. Since 2008, the city has been trying to evict the BSA Cradle of Liberty Council from 231-251 N. 22nd St. because the council refuses to accept gays, nor will it pay fair-market rent. But in 2010, a federal jury ruled the city’s eviction attempt placed an unconstitutional condition on the Scouts’ first-amendment right of expressive association. The city, however, contends that jurors weren’t given an opportunity to adequately consider a rental-payment option the city offered the Scouts. In March, U.S. District Judge Ronald L. Buckwalter upheld the jury verdict and ordered the city to pay the Scouts $877,122.07 in legal fees. The following month, the city appealed Buckwalter’s rulings in the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals. The appeal was referred to the court’s mediation program, but mediation was unsuccessful, according to court records. In their Aug. 3 filing, city attorneys also asked that the issue of paying the Scouts’ legal fees be addressed in a separate brief to simplify matters.

Not-guilty plea in prison assault ����������������� ������������������������ ������������������������ ��������������������


Kevin Vincent Hannig, a federal inmate accused of assaulting an openly gay inmate last year, pleaded not guilty to all charges at his Aug. 2 arraignment, according to court records. Hannig is charged with causing serious bodily harm to Kenneth

— Timothy Cwiek

Out at the movies for AIDS Law The AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania will host its annual Summer Movie Party fundraiser 6 p.m. Aug. 17 at William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St. This year’s party will include a screening of Joan Crawford’s 1952 noir film “Sudden Fear.” The movie starts at 7:30 p.m. Food and drink will be provided. Travel guides by Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Don Groff will be on sale for $1, with all proceeds going to ALP. Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit ■ — Jen Colletta


Using 529 plans to invest for college and manage wealth

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Q: My partner and I have two young children. We have been putting money away each month into a 529 plan to save for college. We’ve also heard of friends using 529 plans to help lower their estate taxes too. Can you please explain how that works?



A: I’m very pleased to hear you’re thinking ahead regarding college planning for your children. And your friends are doing some wise planning too. For affluent parents and grandparents, a 529 plan offers a variety of potential benefits — including some that go beyond the scope of college planning. A 529 plan may in fact play an integral role in an estate plan. Paying for a child’s or grandchild’s college education is an expensive proposition, even for many high-net-worth Americans. Today’s elite institutions promise graduates a rewarding future, but at a cost that more often than not extends well into six figures. Enter the 529 plan, a tax-advantaged investment vehicle generally available to families regardless of their income level. First and foremost, a college savings tool ... Before you consider the potential role of a 529 plan in your estate plan, it is important to understand a few basics:

Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012



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Out Money Jeremy Gussick

• There are two types of 529 plans: prepaid tuition plans, which let you lock in tomorrow’s tuition at today’s rates; and college savings plans, which let you choose from a menu of investments and offer more return potential, as well as risk. Both types of plans are generally sponsored by a state government and administered by one or more investment companies. (Tax law also permits certain educational institutions to sponsor prepaid tuition plans.) • Many 529 plans offer age-based asset-allocation portfolios that become more conservative as the beneficiary grows older.1 Others let account owners choose from individual investment options to create a customized portfolio. • Originally, 529 plans offered the benefit of tax-deferral — taxes on earnings were not due until withdrawal, and then only at the beneficiary’s rate. But a few years ago, Uncle Sam sweetened the pot, and now qualified withdrawals are federally tax-free. • Eligibility to contribute to a 529 plan is not limited by age or income. In addition, total plan contribution limits often exceed $200,000. • Withdrawals can be used to pay for undergraduate or graduate school expenses. Withdrawals used for purposes that fall outside of the “qualified education expenses” category are subject to ordinary income taxes and a 10-percent penalty tax. ... but with valuable wealth-transfer potential The IRS clearly had college planning in mind when it drafted Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. However, it also left the door open to use 529 plans as wealth-transfer tools. That is because a contribution to a 529 plan is considered a completed gift from the donor to the beneficiary named on the account, even though the account owner, not the beneficiary, maintains control over the money while it is in the account. Tax rules permit you to give $13,000 (indexed to inflation) to as many individuals as you choose each year, free from federal gift taxes. Couples, including same-sex partners, can give $26,000 without incurring taxes. As a result, one method of reducing a taxable estate is to make scheduled gifts up to the tax-free limits each year. For instance, you might give $13,000 to each grandchild on an annual basis. But there is more. Under special rules unique to 529 plans, donors

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Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


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looking to remove large sums of money from their taxable estates can make five-years’ worth of $13,000 gifts in one year — that’s $65,000 per individual donor or $130,000 per couple. Of course, you would not be able to make additional taxable gifts to that beneficiary during the five-year period. And if you use the five-year averaging election and die before the five years are up, a prorated portion of the contribution may be considered part of your taxable estate. But the wealth-transfer potential can be substantial. For instance, an individual who has five grandchildren could immediately remove up to $325,000 from his or her taxable estate by contributing the money to five separate 529 plan accounts. Five years later, he or she could do it again. You stay in control It’s worth emphasizing: Although the assets contributed to a 529 plan are no longer considered part of your taxable estate, you still exercise control over the money. You decide how it will be invested — within the confines of the plan’s available investment options — and when it will be withdrawn. You also have the right to change beneficiaries, in the event that the original beneficiary decides not to attend college, for example. And doing so generally will not trigger tax consequences if you choose a beneficiary who is a member of the original beneficiary’s family. (As spelled out in Section 529, qualified family members include the beneficiary’s brothers, sisters, parents, sons, daughters, nieces and nephews, among others.) If there is no other suitable beneficiary, you also have the option of closing the account and taking the money back, although earnings will be subject to income taxes, as well as a 10-percent penalty. When choosing a 529 plan, you will need to look beyond estateplanning considerations. There are dozens of plans available and their features and rules can vary greatly. To help narrow the choices, consider working with a qualified financial professional. And be sure to consult with an estate-planning attorney or tax professional before making any decisions that could affect your tax liability. Prior to investing in a 529 plan, investors should consider whether the investor’s or designated beneficiary’s home state offers any state tax or other benefits that are only available for investments in such state’s qualified tuition program. In our local tri-state area, Pennsylvania allows residents a state-tax deduction for contribution into any 529 plan (income limitations apply). New Jersey and Delaware currently offer no such state-tax deductions.2 ■ Jeremy R. Gussick is a financial advisor with LPL Financial, the nation’s largest independent broker-dealer.* Jeremy specializes in the financial planning needs of the LGBT community and was recently named a 2011 FIVE STAR Wealth Manager by Philadelphia Magazine.** He is active with several LGBT organizations in the Philadelphia region, including the Delaware Valley Legacy Fund, the Greater Philadelphia Professional Network and the Independence Business Alliance. OutMoney appears monthly. If you have a question for Jeremy, email LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. *As reported by Financial Planning magazine, 1996-2012, based on total revenues. **Award details can be found at 1 2

Asset allocation does not assure a profit or protect against a loss Source:

This article was prepared with the assistance of S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications and is not intended to provide specific investment advice or recommendations for any individual. Consult your financial advisor, or Jeremy, if you have any questions. Because of the possibility of human or mechanical error by S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications or its sources, neither S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications nor its sources guarantees the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or availability of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. In no event shall S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications be liable for any indirect, special or consequential damages in connection with subscribers’ or others’ use of the content.


Four steps to becoming a foster parent A brief review of LGBT-related law in all 50 the course also focus on how to deal with sexually states would not find Pennsylvania among the and physically abused children, as well as working most LGBT-friendly places to live. After all, 23 with their birth families. Additionally, prospective Pa.C.S.A. § 1704 still defines marriage as between foster parents will learn about separation and loss, since foster children characteristically deal with one man and one woman — our own mini resentment, fear and sadness after having been DOMA. However, Pennsylvania is a good place removed from their homes. Again, this training is to live for LGBT families or singles looking to become foster parents. And with so many children just another means of becoming better prepared to bring a foster child into your home. in need of safe loving homes, this is a really good thing. While the training course does a good job of While LGBT parents may have to covering the most important areas of jump through a lot of hoops on the path foster-parenting, it does not discuss to adoption, the bare-bones requirethe likelihood that a foster family ments that potential foster parents must might get a child who self-identifies meet are generally less arduous. Under as LGBT or is questioning gender or 55 Pa. Code § 3700.62, foster parsexual identity. Because LGBT youth ents must be at least 21 years of age. are often subject to increased physical They must also pass an initial mediand emotional abuse in their homes, cal appraisal by a licensed physician they comprise a sizable demographic to ensure that they are physically able of the foster-care pie. Their treatto care for the children and are free ment in foster care is not a guaranteed from communicable diseases. Although improvement, as foster siblings and prospective foster parents must have parents can be equally as abusive, if “sufficient income,” there are no hard not worse than, the child’s birth family. Angela While LGBT prospective foster parand fast financial requirements for the household that would result in pervaGiampolo ents may initially be more equipped to handle the needs of an LGBT or quessive socio-economic discrimination. tioning foster child, DHS has included There are also no restrictions preventing single people from becoming foster parents. a section on foster-Child gender identity and In states where only married couples can foster, sexual orientation on page 56 of its Foster Parent committed same-sex partners are openly discrimi- Handbook, which can be found at nated against since their relationships are deemed dhs/PDFs/fosterParentHandbook.pdf. On page 74 of the resources section, DHS has also listed legally inconsequential. On the other end of the spectrum, LGBT couples and singles can foster in seven LGBT organizations, beginning with The all states that recognize same-sex marriages. Attic Youth Center in Philadelphia. Simply having In addition to state law regarding foster-parthis information available is a dramatic improveent requirements, there may also be municipal or ment to the foster-care system. However, there are county requirements. It is important to research always ways to do better. Currently, there is no local law before moving forward. Luckily, proconsolidated list of LGBT-friendly foster agencies spective foster parents in Philadelphia face no in the Philadelphia area. If this resource existed, additional requirements. This is not the case for it would be very helpful both to prospective foster prospective adoptive families, who must comply parents and foster children alike. with regulations under Philadelphia Rule 15, as If you are interested in becoming a foster parent in the Philadelphia area, a good place to start well as those of the Pennsylvania Adoption Act. would be to contact the National Adoption Center Failure to dispense with both state and municipal requirements will hold up the process. located in Center City. They are a powerhouse of resources and can put you in touch with local Once a prospective parent(s) has satisfied the foster agencies and provide you with informabasic points listed above, he or she can get down tion. The Pennsylvania Statewide Adoption and to the nitty-gritty of the process. Focusing on Permanency Network is another resource for Philadelphia County, Philadelphia’s Department of Human Services lists four main steps: choosfamilies looking to foster, and can be found at or reached by ing a foster agency, obtaining background clearances, completing a home study and participating calling 888-711-0671. Regardless of the agency you go through, it is important to remember that in pre-service training. Choosing a foster agency everyone’s goal is generally the same — to place a is pretty straightforward. You can search for one online. Background clearances are only required child in a loving home, regardless of the sex of the for parties who are 18 years and older living in caretakers. At least that’s one thing LGBT citizens the home, and consist of a child-abuse check, as and Pennsylvania can agree on. ■ well as a criminal check. Next, during the home Angela D. Giampolo, principal of Giampolo Law study, a social worker will come to the prospective foster home to interview the family. This is Group, maintains offices in Pennsylvania and meant to ensure that the premises are safe and New Jersey and specializes in LGBT law, business adequate for hosting a foster child. After the home law, real-estate law and civil rights. Her website study, the prospective foster parent will be schedis and she maintains two uled for pre-service training to help him or her blogs, and www.lifeinlearn about child health, growth, development and Send Angela your legal questions at safety, including CPR certification. Sections of

Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


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Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


Cruising and disclosing When I first hit the streets of Philadelleprae and mycobacterium lepromatosis, phia eight years ago, cruising was the are not transferred through skin-to-skin contact.) only way I could sate my crushing 19Now, say I forgo disclosure. The hookyear-old libido. I was skilled beyond my up would probably go swimmingly (save years: I had the grace of a lion and the my shame — another topic entirely) cunning of a fox. Many fell before the unless my hook-up partner asks me after sallies of my wily exertions. the fact: “You’re clean, right?” Six years later, my polished pavement Two things come to mind in this perusing had migrated online to portals instance of cruising and random hooksuch as and Barebackrt. ups: One, to me, my disclosure makes com. I wandered the virtual Serengeti, the hook-up hotter because it shows I feasting on every delicious man-beast have enough respect for this I could find. I made friends, guy I’ve just met so that he fuck-buddies and mentors out of my trysts, not to mention can make an informed deciexpanding my sexual backlog sion; and two, wouldn’t the into the hundreds. guy’s rejection also turn you Now, having lived two years off? (Maybe not if you’re deswith HIV and less online time perate, but that’s a whole other to poke about the poultry (so conversation.) to speak), I’m scouring the I’ve only attempted one hook-up via street cruising as streets again with voracious intent. a poz man. Not only did it go My present practices, howwell, but I got a sexy response to my disclosure: ever, aren’t without their puzzles: hastened hook-ups mean Gayborhood. Midday. A hastened disclosures, which hot, 30-something Latino guy can bring any poz man’s conin contractor garb flashes me a Aaron Stella lusty smirk. I do my little turn quests to a clumsy, screeching halt. on the catwalk and catch up to Being rejected on a date is one thing, him. We agree to meet in one of the back but it’s quite another when your engine rooms of a local sex shop. Once inside, is flying at 8,000 RPM with another guy I tell him I’m poz. And to that he says, and your status engages his emergency “Well, that just means I’ll have to swallow your cum when I blow you instead brake. Even the most cocksure poz men of spitting it out, right?” (Which is actuprobably feel a little dejected, silly or ally a safer-sex practice amongst neg guilty after this experience. folks performing oral sex on poz folks.) It’s not us poz folk, and we know it. Not every hook-up will go as splenWe have just as much power over selectivity as the next man. But this split-secdidly (or salaciously) as this one. It’s ond selectivity is far different from the great, but certainly not required. I do selectivity of dating, where poz folk have feel, however, that HIV-neg folks should time to craft and schedule disclosure feel empowered to decline respectfully. speeches. Remember, respect is the currency here: Most of the gay men I know (poz and No matter who initiates the transaction, neg), who share a proclivity for cruising it’s one that’s better had than not. and random hook-ups, have had a handFor all the poz people who avoid ranful to a bushel of clandestine trysts. More dom hook-ups because of disclosure or less, the tacit idea is to quickly secure fears, consider this: Initiating respectful transactions through disclosure is a play quarters and drop your pants. The privilege all poz people share, and “It’s less talk, the better. Since I’m in the habit of disclosing my a privilege to give gifts” (Buddhist provstatus in sexual encounters, I have to talk erb). The moral of the story: Look forward unless the other guy asks about my status to giving gifts of respect (and blowjobs) first. In my experience, most dudes just and getting the same in return. want to hear that you’re neg so that they We’re all in this together, folks. Now don’t lose sleep. They aren’t concerned get out there and talk about it. ■ about ruining the moment, so to speak, because they probably don’t anticipate Aaron Stella is former editor-in-chief of encountering poz men in these circumstances, which is a silly yet common Philly Broadcaster. He has written for assumption. several publications in the city, and now Would asking about my status really devotes his life to tackling the challenges ruin the moment? And if so, how does of HIV in the 21st century. Millennial that ruin the moment? Poz, which recently won first place for Say I disclose my status right off the excellence in opinion writing from the bat, and it “ruins the moment.” What National Lesbian and Gay Journalists happened? Enter HIV stigma. Suddenly, Association and best column writI get rejected as if I had leprosy, not HIV. ing from the Local Media Association, appears in PGN monthly. Aaron can be (Contrary to biblical accounts, the bacteria that cause leprosy, mycobacterium reached at

Millennial Poz


was seconded by Councilmembers Harry Jannotti, Beatrice Chernock, Brian O’Neill, Joan Specter and Anna Verna but nine other members opposed. Once that hurdle was cleared, advocates knew they were headed for victory. Ultimately, the vote was 13-2, with Krajewski and Jannotti in opposition. Councilmembers in favor included lead sponsor Lucien Blackwell, John Anderson, Chernock, Augusta Clark, David Cohen, president Joseph Coleman, Ann Land, O’Neill, Specter, Street, James Tayoun, Verna and John White. “There were a lot of people in that room who’d put some serious energy into this, so it was like a carnival atmosphere,” said PLGTF co-founder David Fair. “For months we couldn’t come on too strong because we didn’t want to push any buttons, but this was the first time we could really be celebratory about this.” At the time Bill 1358 was approved, about 50 cities nationwide had moved to outlaw discrimination against gays and lesbians, and Pennsylvania Gov. Milton Shapp had, through executive order, banned sexual orientation-discrimination in state employment. Philadelphia was the first municipality in the state to do so. The fact that Philadelphia City Council joined these other entities to declare its support for its gay and lesbian citizens was, in itself, significant. “When this was first proposed in 1974, people were being arrested all the time and there were constantly raids of gay bars, and that was something that was even still going on in 1982. So the fact that we could get this done, and with such a clear majority, was very affirming,” Fair said. “It was really the first time that I had this very public affirmation as a gay person. It was the beginning of the process of believing that maybe it was possible to have LGBT people perceived of as just another group of people in the community, rather than outcasts who needed to be fought against.” Mayor Bill Green had until Sept. 9 to take action on the bill but, instead of adding his signature or vetoing it, he elected to quietly let it slip into law. “I would like to hope Bill Green now regrets the fact that he didn’t sign it,” Wilds said.

as race, religion and age, was updated to include sexual orientation, defined in the law as “male or female homosexuality, heterosexuality and bisexuality, by preference, practice or as perceived by others.” Potential violations of the law are handled by the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations, which investigates complaints, provides mediation services and can dole out penalties such as fines for individuals or organizations found to be in violation of the law. Over the years the law has seen other updates, such as the 2002 incorporation of gender identity and last year’s overhaul that strengthened the possible penalties and eased the city’s life-partner registration process. PCHR executive director Rue Landau said sexual orientation-related cases have comprised about 8 percent of the agency’s caseload in each of the last five years, with an average of 19 cases per year. Most of the complaints center on employment discrimination. “The law acts as a deterrent for discriminatory behavior,” Landau said. “It sends a strong message that the City of Philadelphia cares about and intends to protect the LGBT community and that anyone who violates the law will be penalized.” “Since the Fair Practices Ordinance covers discriminatory behavior in employment, housing and public accommodations, adding sexual orientation into the law has made Philadelphia a safer place for the LGBT community — us — to work, live and enjoy,” she said. Mark Seaman, director of development and communications at Philadelphia FIGHT, filed a complaint with PCHR in January 2010 after he and his then-partner were ejected from a taxi for sharing a kiss. The investigation is ongoing after the cab company argued that PCHR did not have jurisdiction over the issue, which the commission most recently rejected. Seaman said he was surprised by the length of time that has elapsed without a resolution, but added that he is heartened that he had legal recourse. “I think I just expected the law to be in place in a city like Philadelphia,” he said. “I’m grateful that this incident took place in Philadelphia rather than somewhere else where a law like this doesn’t exist. It felt comforting to know this company and this person aren’t going to get away with what happened.” Seaman, who noted that the law is older than he is, said the PAGE 20

“Since the Fair Practices Ordinance covers discriminatory behavior in employment, housing and public accommodations, adding sexual orientation into the law has made Philadelphia a safer place for the LGBT community — us — to work, live and enjoy.” Rue Landau

The law’s impact With the enactment of Bill 1358, the Fair Practices Ordinance, which already prohibited discrimination based on factors such

Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012



Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012



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PHILADELPHIA from page 19

work of the activists who secured passage of Bill 1358 is appreciated. “I am so grateful to those who made this law happen,” he said. “They spared generations from the pain and harm of uncorrected discrimination.” More than two-dozen other Pennsylvania municipalities now prohibit LGBT discrimination. Former PLGTF co-chair Dr. Larry Gross said the law’s strength lies in its ability to foster acceptance and awareness of the LGBT community. “It doesn’t have a great deal of teeth but it’s very important symbolically. The officials who represent this city said that they believe in equality and that they are opposed to discrimination,” Gross said. “The commission process can be slow and cumbersome and there isn’t too much enforcement built in, but having a law like this gives people a sense of progress and YOUTH from page 8

said. “I didn’t have any internal struggles directly with coming out to myself and my family, but I mean there’s also a lot of stress that [is caused by] people’s views in the world. Like the Westboro Baptist Church, for example. My blood pressure rises every time I hear something from them. People like that really get under my skin, but I accept my sexuality even if they don’t.” In her practice, Walker said, “personally and clinically what has stood out for me is depression and suicidality because there is a huge link. I see that more in people who engage in self-injurious behaviors, such as cutting, burning yourself, eating disorders, definitely depression and the linkage to suicidality.” Pettiford said he used to cut and burn himself to “relieve my pain.” He added, “I would light the lighter and hold it against my skin until I felt the burn.” LGBTQ youth who come from highly rejecting families are up to eight times as likely to have attempted suicide as LGBT peers who reported no or low levels of family rejection, according to a 2010 report by the Family Acceptance Project, “Family Acceptance in Adolescence and the Health of LGBT Young Adults.” In general, LGBTQ youth are four times more likely and questioning youth are three times more likely to attempt suicide as their straight peers, according to the 2011 Centers for Disease Control report “Sexual Identity, Sex of Sexual Contacts and HealthRisk Behaviors Among Students in Grades 9-12: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance.” A 2007 report by the American Association of Suicidology, “Transgender Youth and Life-Threatening Behaviors,” found that nearly half of young transgender people have seriously thought about taking

recognition. That’s exactly why opponents were against it.” In addition to the legal support that is now available to gays and lesbians, the passage of Bill 1358 had a resounding impact on the growth of the city’s LGBT political power. Fair suggested that other successful proLGBT initiatives — such as the creation of the AIDS Activities Coordinating Office, funding for LGBT causes and the creation of a domestic-partner program — can all be traced back to the victory of the gayrights ordinance. “We matured politically as a community during that time,” Fair said. “We learned to care about electoral politics, and we gained credibility that we’ve been able to use to get other bills passed. It all goes back to the fact that we organized effectively, created a strategy and succeeded. That gave us confidence to accomplish other things for the community as time went on.” ■ their lives and one-quarter report having made a suicide attempt. Coping mechanisms Both Closs and Walker stressed having a strong support system and access to resources as vital to helping LGBT youth accept who they are and build their selfesteem. Closs noted that “having a space to develop identity is key.” She also sees dating as an issue in the LGBTQ community, and believes youth need positive role models to show what healthy relationships look like. Closs said there are numerous resources available to youth and it helps if they have Internet access. “In Philadelphia, it’s a great city to access resources. Youth are telling me about resources in the city, but as far as suburban youth, not so much.” Despite resources being available, youth access to them can be difficult. “One of the big reasons is cost,” Walker said, “because it costs [money] to get therapy, it costs [money] to get medication if diagnosed.” She continued, “I think just accessing in terms of knowledge — knowing where to go, and knowing what resources are available [is important]. Most people in their youth rely on parents for that information, and if you’re not comfortable sharing what’s going on, then it would be harder to gain that information, about even who you should talk to. Transportation, getting there, not wanting to share what’s going on.” While adults may have the ability to seek resources, Walker noted it can be more difficult for youth. “In youth you don’t have those options because you have set communities, and places you have to go.” ■

Philadelphia Gay News

Liberty City Press AUGUST 5-12, 2012



������������������������ ������������������������� Proposed law may leave out a large percentage of voters �������������������


or obvious reasons, speculation about the impact of the state’s new voter ID law has focused on the presidential election, just more than three months away. Democrats contend the law is designed to give Mitt Romney a chance to win Pennsylvania, while Republicans say the only intent is to stamp out the (incredibly rare) phenomenon of inperson voter fraud. But if the law survives legal challenges, it could shape the results of elections far beyond the presidential contest, including local Philadelphia contests. ����������������������������������������������������������������tion required for voting under the state’s new law, which voter watchdog groups say is one of the most restrictive in the nation. Estimates for the number of eligible voters without valid IDs have varied wildly, from as low as 1 percent (as estimated by the Corbett ad��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������� ���� ������� ����� ���� ����������� ��� ����� ���� ���� ���� will disproportionately disenfranchise Philadelphians. There’s ample evidence that poor and minority voters are more likely to lack legally acceptable ID cards, and given Philadelphia’s demographics, the city’s voters could be disenfranchised by the tens of thousands if the law holds up. City Paper reported this week that as many as 43 percent of Phila���������� ������ ����� �������������� ������ ��� �������� ��������� ������� ��� PennDOT. Some of those residents could have other legally valid forms ����������������������������������


If those voters are disproportionately low-income and minority voters, the expectation is that the new law will make it harder for Barack Obama to run up a huge margin of victory in Philadelphia, which is necessary for any Democrat who wants to win Pennsylvania. But making it harder for tens of thousands of low-income minority voters in Philadelphia to cast ballots could have equally huge effects on future city elections. “It’s going to have an effect on candidates who appeal to lower-income and elderly voters, because those are the people who aren’t going to have the IDs,” said Philadelphia political consultant Larry Ceisler. “It’s not going to be the people in Chestnut Hill or West Mt. Airy who won’t get to vote.” In other words, it’s not just Obama who needs to be worried about the new law, but any

candidate whose strategy relies on a big turnout from low-income, minority or elderly voters in Philadelphia. But the next meaningful municipal election in Philadelphia isn’t until May, when the city controller and district attorney primary candidates face off. And it’ll be nearly three years before mayoral and City Council candidates run again. That should be more than enough time for dedicated vot���� ��� ������� ��������������� ���� no doubt many would. But will less-motivated voters bother? Or will they simply drop out of the voting ranks altogether? Ceisler expects that campaigns will be forced to step up their ground games. “Campaigns are pretty sophisticated about identifying their voters, getting them registered, getting them to the polls,” he said. “Now they’re going to have make sure their voters have IDs too.” In addition to PennDOT �������������� ������� ���� ������ ������ ������ ��� �������������� are: passports, U.S. Military ���� ��������� ������ ���������tion cards; employee ID cards issued by Pennsylvania local and state governments; public state college and university ID cards; and ID cards issued by long-term care facilities such as nursing homes.

GOP Reformer Schmidt Singed in Hot Voter ID Debate City Commissioner’s voting report receives criticism



or the last few years, new GOP City Commissioner Al Schmidt has been something of a progressive darling, despite his Republican registration status. Last November, liberal bastions in Center City and Northwest Philadelphia went big for Schmidt (by the paltry standards of a Republican candidate in Philadelphia, at least), thinking they were getting a reformer who, with Democrat Stephanie Singer, would clean up the City Commis��������� ������ ������ �������� ��� Marge Tartaglione’s iron rule. And Schmidt has largely Continued on page 2

AUGUST 5-12, 2012

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.


\\\ L i b e rt y C i t y P r e s s

�������������� ������������������� ������������������� Continued from page 1

given those voters what they wanted, forgoing a city-owned car, taking a voluntary pay cut, banning nepotism and so on. But in mid-July, Schmidt issued a report on voting irregularities in Philadelphia, just as he’d promised on the campaign trail. The snag is that Schmidt released his report in the middle of ����������������������������������� voter ID law, where it was immediately and predictably picked up by other Republicans as de facto evidence of widespread voter fraud in Philadelphia. News of Schmidt’s report was printed in newspapers as far away as San Francisco, and the commissioner ���� ������� �������� ��� ���� ��man Events website, a go-to news source for the national conservative intelligentsia. Democrats, meanwhile, blasted Schmidt’s report as tissue-paper-thin, saying that it dredged up old cases and failed to demonstrate anything like pervasive inperson voter fraud, which is what ���� �������� ���� ������ ���������tion law is designed to prevent. Schmidt is well aware that his image in liberal circles may have been tarnished by the episode, but there’s not much he would do differently. His report never so much ��� ��������� ������ ��������������� after all, and he claims the timing of its release couldn’t be helped. “If I released it earlier, or later, if I took political considerations about who would be happy or mad into account, that’s not the ���������������������������������� be,” Schmidt said. “We’re aware now that we have a problem. It’s a problem we need to solve.” ��


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Black and Green African-Americans speak out on environmental issues �����������������


and, water and litter are issues that don’t usually top the list of causes consciously embraced by African-Americans. But the three leaders examining an oversize squash sprouting from a former granite quarry on Lancaster Avenue near 61st Street have over the years taken a stand on these issues numerous times. Jerome Shabazz, a former employee of the Philadelphia Water Department, was behind the transformation of this centuries-old granite quarry into the Overbrook Environmental Education Center. Vivan VanStory battled blight one decade and abusive developers the next to preserve open space in North Philadelphia through her non-

������� ���������� ����� ������ Corp. Meanwhile, Phoebe Coles, in her capacity as executive director of Keep Philadelphia Beautiful, travels the city, educating, prodding and inspiring residents to repurpose typical throw-away items in new and productive ways. “Philadelphia raises $1 million [on the collected waste] a month on recycling,” Coles says. “The program pays for itself.” The uninformed ear must adjust to the lingo that Shabazz, VanStory and Coles drop regularly—phrases like “storm water drainage,” “porous pavements” and “litter abatement.” They admit topics like civil rights, criminal justice, public safety, political action and schools may sound

more familiar to the AfricanAmerican community. But they insist these issues are related to the environment. “Cleaner communities are safer communities,” Coles points out. The three also say healthy practices are nothing new to African-Americans. “My grandparents and people of that generation were very clear about their connection with nature,” said Shabazz, citing the use of certain foods as health remedies. Adds Coles, “My grandparents used to save their egg shells and put them in water and then water the garden with that. We are historically environmentalists because we had no other choice. But as we’ve gotten more prosperous and moved further away from our natural roots of farming and scraping by and cooking our own foods, our children are not educated now on how to cook a rutabaga.” (Actually, I don’t even know where to get one.) VanStory argues, “What we need can’t come from govern-

ment funds only. We have to sustain ourselves as community members.” VanStory and her Land Trust members were among the most outspoken opponents to the North Central Neighborhood Improvement District. They condemned the district’s assessment fee on neighborhood businesses would go to a third party instead of to the neighborhood. Mayor Michael A. Nutter praised Coles for “caring passionately” about making the city clean and environmentally sustainable. He cited Shabazz for being “at the forefront of sustainability and environmental progress” and commended VanStory for “improving North Philadelphia by adding green space and addressing urban blight.” The three say being environmentally friendly isn’t that hard. “If you have a vacant lot, and want people to stop dumping on it, you need to do something in that lot,” Coles said. “Put trees in there!”

AUGUST 5-12, 2012

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.

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\\\ Liberty City Press

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hen forced to confront moral dilemmas in public policy, Liberty City Press answers to a higher authority: Sister Mary Scullion. For more than two decades, Sister Mary has been a moral compass for our city, and we look to her for guidance on the moral dilemma of the day: the Nutter administration’s move to criminalize feeding of the homeless in public areas. Sister Mary says that in the absence of the city’s proposed “service-enriched dining centers…we are left with nothing but a prohibition on providing meals on the streets—an effective criminalization of charity, a violation of religious liberties for many church groups, and possibly the removal of a vital lifeline for many of those who are on the streets.” Sister Mary concludes: “This is not a step forward, but a lamentable step backward. It is only furthering the injustice and deepening the fracture of the human community.” But that begs the question: Is there a better approach to feeding the homeless than openair public food camps on the Parkway? The answer lies in an institution that was created to help the poor and underserved communities of Philadelphia. The answer lies in the Barnes Foundation. The words of Albert Barnes, in his indenture bequeathing the collection, show a man whose disdain for the rich and their museums was as real as his intent to use �������������������������������������������� It seems clear that Barnes would not have wanted his collection moved into

this museum (he once called the Philadelphia Museum of Art “a house of artistic and intellectual prostitution”) by the folks who moved it (read: the rich who feted its opening with a $50,000-a-table gala) and showcased as they have (by charging an adult ticket price of $18 to view a collection designed to ensure “free access” to the “plain people”). But it is also clear that Barnes brought this upon himself by restricting access to the collection in ways that threatened its very existence. We do not side with those who regard Barnes as a victim in this move. The irony is that the true victims may be ��������������������������������������������PHOTO BY TOM CRANE the very people Barnes wanted to use the collection to help most— people like the homeless. that gave us this jewel on the Parkway can ������������������������������������������ Yet in one bold move, the Barnes can carve out some open space for this center. Sister Mary and what most of us Philadel������ �� ������� ����� ������� ���� ������Operation times can be restricted outphians believe in our hearts: “That’s not the ment to the vision of its namesake. During side the museum’s public hours. In short, kind of city we are. We are better than that.” the one-year transition period set by the Barnes, you can do this. You should do this. The Barnes on the Parkway may have Nutter administration to establish its inTo do otherwise will leave us, in the remained true to the doctor in the way it door dining centers, the Barnes Museum words of Sister Mary Scullion, in the lays out his art, but it remains far less true should hold itself out as an outdoor home“worst-case scenario [with] the city’s new to the dream he had for the collection to be less feeding center. policy be[ing] used to move ‘undesirable’ a catalyst to improve the lives of the less We can hear the hue and cry now but people out of sight and out of mind, protectfortunate. If we feed the homeless at the ������������������������������������������ ing a billion-dollar investment in the new Barnes we can all have our Matisse and ������� ���� ����������������������� ����� Barnes Foundation.” By leading on this feel good about it too. AUGUST 5-12, 2012

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.



\\\ Liberty City Press

����������������������������������� Will the star wide receiver stay bound to Penn State? ������������������


he Penn State sexual abuse scandal and its aftermath is arguably the biggest, saddest and ugliest sports story this country has ever seen. Who could have ever imagined that the pow���� ��� �� ������ ������������ ������������ ���� school’s president and the most acclaimed college football coach of all time, would be partly responsible for the protection of a child predator, allowing him to molest boys for more than a dozen years? Now, the Jerry Sandusky jail sentence and conviction, the Freeh report, and the subsequent NCAA penalties—double-digit scholarships taken away yearly, no bowl ����������������������������������������� and wins vacated over a 13-year period— could knock Penn State from a would-be annual national-title contender to a squad hoping to have just enough student-athletes to form a team in 2012. As of print time, speculation is that many of Penn State’s current players will bolt for other schools, as the NCAA will not force these student-athletes to sit out for a year if they transfer. Even worse for Penn

State is the status of incoming recruits. New coach Bill O’Brien’s job went from almost impossible to virtually impossible in the past few days. His task? Retaining recruits he landed in February after taking over for the disgraced Joe Paterno in this off-season. Man, wasn’t his job tough enough already? William Fuller is a star wide receiver who is entering his senior year at Roman Catholic High School and was hoping to have an impact in the fall of 2013 at Penn State. He is one of many kids who have to decide if they will honor their commitment to the Nittany Lions. Fuller refused to answer media requests but issued a statement through Roman Catholic coach Joe McCourt on July 24. It reads: “At the present time, I am remaining committed to Penn State University. There’s a lot to process, in such little time, that a sudden change in my decision would be immature on my part. The sanctions handed down by the NCAA were extreme, especially the four-year bowl ban. To be safe, today I have sent my transcripts to just a handful of schools that have showed great interest in me prior to

Skyler Mornhinweg goes to Florida Quarterback decommits from Penn State after scandal Skyler Mornhinweg—if the name sounds familiar it’s because his dad, Marty, is the Philadelphia Eagles’ offensive coordinator. Outside Philadelphia, Marty is most known for declin�������������������������������������������������� the Detroit Lions. Skyler, who graduated from St. Joseph’s


Prep in June after a stellar career there as the starting quarterback in his last three seasons, committed to the University of Florida in February and is living in Gainesville now. But he is most known for having decommitted from Penn State last fall, after news of the �����������������������������������������������

my verbal commitment to Penn State.” “It’s really tough to be put in this position as a high-school senior,” McCourt said. “William loved Penn State. He loves Penn State. He was committed to Coach O’Brien and loved him. He’s disappointed. This is not what he signed up for. No bowl games are a killer for these players. He also is waiting on seeing what some of the other recruits are going to do.” McCourt thinks that most of the recruits will make decisions based on what Christian Mecklenberg decides. Mecklenberg is a 6-foot-4-inch quarterback from Fort Union, Va. who is considered the top prospect in the country at his position in the class of 2013. How O’Brien got him to commit to Penn State after the scandal was a miracle. Now, it will be topped if he can talk a potential ��������������������������������������������gram that can’t play in the postseason. “If he leaves, I think the domino effect will start,” said McCourt. “It’s my understanding that what that kid does will have an effect on everything and everybody.” Two other top 2013 recruits, defensive tackle Greg Webb (Erial, N.J.) and ���� ������ ������� ��������� ���� ���������� ��� Stanford prior to that, and then went with Penn State before landing in Florida. At 6-foot3-inches and 215 pounds, he is considered a top-10 quarterback prospect in the nation. Like most star players caught in the Penn ���������������������������������������������ers while making these tough decisions. The awkwardness and unusualness of the situation caused many media-savvy and attentionseeking kids like him to go silent. In Skyler’s case, he was being pressured by Penn State alumni through school letters and calls to his father and coaches, telling him not to bail on

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cornerback Ross Douglas (Avon, Ohio), already decommitted. Tight end Adam Breneman, a top 25 recruit, is still said to be committed to O’Brien and Penn State. Practice begins August 6. For local kids, Penn State was once a dream destination. The huge stadium, the fans, the Paterno factor and statue (which has been taken down) were all part of the lore of Penn State. “It’s very sad,” McCourt said. “William is sad about it. I think all of the recruits for this year and the next few years have a tough decision to make.” Paterno. Even if he had stayed with Penn State in February, it’s unlikely that he would still be there now, after the huge penalties imposed by the NCAA and what came out about Paterno in the Freeh report. “I really can’t say enough good things about [Skyler] and how he handled this whole situation,” said Prep coach Gabe Infante. “I hope he’s going to be very happy at Florida. What happened at Penn State was out of all of our control. I think we lose track of the fact that we’re talking about an 18-year-old kid here, but I’m happy the kid is entering a great situation at Florida.” ��

AUGUST 5-12, 2012

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.




Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


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Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012

HERSHEY from page 1

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income families, could have responded differently when they received Smith’s application. “When we told them there’s no medical or scientific basis for excluding him, they could have done any number of things to figure out that he didn’t present a threat at the school,” she said. “They could have talked to the [Penn State] Hershey Medical Center, a world-class medical center 3 miles away — they would have told them.” In his statement, Colistra said the school thought it made the right decision, then reconsidered based on guidance from the Department of Justice. “Although we believed that our decisions regarding Abraham Smith’s application were appropriate, we acknowledge that the application of federal law to our unique residential setting was a novel and difficult issue. The U.S. Department of Justice recently advised us that it disagrees with how we evaluated the risks and applied the law. We have decided to accept this guidance.” Goldfein said Smith, who is now 14 and going into the ninth grade, is considering if he wants to attend Milton Hershey in the fall. “Over the last year, he’s had a lot of time to think about it,” she said. “It was hurtful enough when the school excluded him, [essentially] saying he was dangerous enough to have to protect 1,800 students from him. He’s thinking about it and whether he’ll feel safe.” Goldfein said that a status conference for the lawsuit is scheduled for Sept. 19 and that they are moving forward with the discovery phase. The school was founded in 1909 by Milton S. Hershey, creator of the Hershey’s candy company, and is funded by the Milton Hershey Trust, which exceeds $7 billion in assets. ■

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“He was looking at me like I wasn’t there,” she said, “like he was swinging at a baseball.” Police spokesperson Sgt. Ray Evers said incident, categorized as a simple assault, was reported at 2:29 a.m. July 26 and that, according to the report, the victim had been kicked in the head by an unknown white male and had refused hospital treatment when the medic arrived. Evers said the initial report did not note anything about a potential hate crime, but that it could be categorized as such after further investigation. The woman said she sustained a concussion, a fractured nose and bruises to her face and body. The victim said she declined to go to the hospital or leave the scene with police to give a statement because of previous negative experiences with emergency-room staff and police, though she did say she would press charges against any suspects. She said she eventually got an appointment at a local clinic a week after the attack, where they confirmed her concussion and fracture. The woman didn’t think she was specifically targeted, but was at the “wrong place at the exact wrong time.” Patrick Rodgers, who was hosting an event that night at a nearby club and was there after the incident, was particularly disturbed by the attack. “I’m sickened that this would happen in a progressive city like Philadelphia but especially angry that it occurred in the heart of Center City,” he said. “I understand that LGBT liaisons from the Police Department and District Attorney’s office are investigating the matter,” he said. “There were several security cameras in the area, so I am hopeful that they will be able to identify and prosecute the thugs responsible for this reprehensible act of violence.” ■



Philadelphia Gay News

AC ul t ure rts


Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


Bulletin Board Family Portrait Get Out and Play Out & About Q Puzzle Scene in Philly Worth Watching

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36 25 27 34 32 31 32

T hanks FOR ‘NOTHING’ Mauckingbird gives Shakespeare another gay makeover By Larry Nichols


mally female are obviously gay men. But we found that there are two sets of men in this world: There are the Mauckingbird Theatre Company, soldiers, which are masculine and the local ensemble known for pro- strong, and what we have been callducing thought-provoking LGBT ing the fairer set of males, that are plays, is back in action with another softer, more emotional and not as gay interpretation of a William strong physically. So instead of a batShakespeare classic. This time, the tle of the sexes, it’s become a battle company is tackling the timeless of those who are masculine and those comedy “Much Ado About Nothing” who are not masculine.” Mauckingbird’s “Nothing,” finds through Aug. 26. Under the gay lens of Mauckingbird, Claudio and Benedick coming home “Nothing” contrasts the roman- from battle while the latter resumes tic entanglements of the young an ongoing rivalry with Beatrice, and and spontaneous Claudio and Hero Claudio discovers feelings for Hero. When friends and (Griffin Back and foes begin to gosCameron Slusser) sip, Benedick and with the banterBeatrice are drawn ing rivalry of older together while couple Beatrice Claudio and Hero and Benedick are bitterly torn (Sean Thompson apart. and Matt Tallman), “It’s always exploring issues of exciting to see how marriage, jealousy new the story feels and love through when told from a the eyes of gay queer point of view,” men. Mauckingbird artisThompson, who tic director Peter also starred in the Reynolds said. “In Mauckingbird/ Shakespeare’s play, Shakespeare Hero is a young p r o d u c t i o n “A woman shamed in Midsummer Night’s Dream,” SEAN THOMPSON a powerful scene by her father, Leonato. said there are chalIn our version, it lenges in transforming Shakespeare into a gay was the mother-gay son encounter that really moved the whole cast. story. “The challenges come with chang- Things were illuminated in a different ing the sexes of all the female charac- way — it became more emotional.” “Normally in any production, ters and changing the two older male characters to females, and how to get Claudio is the superstar soldier,” around that to tell the story clearly Thompson said. “He’s young and, enough through that gay lens,” he in this production, he’s particularly said. “The characters that are nor- y o u n g . Yo u PAGE 24



Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012

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marriage, audiences might expect “Nothing” have him falling in love with a very young to overflow with sentiments aimed at the hero, a young gay boy as opposed to the struggle for marriage equality in the United older Benedick and Beatrice who have States. But Thompson said the world these been around the block and know that story characters live in isn’t anything like the already. You get to see the older couple rail- actual world. “It’s a world we’ve not yet seen. It’s a ing against being together while the younger world where gay men marry everywhere and couple can’t wait to be together.” Slusser, who plays Hero, said the gay women can rule over this particular land. interpretation of the story changes the There’s no clear time period. It’s just a world we’ve not yet seen. The norm in this world nuances of Shakespeare’s humor. “Having gay characters, I don’t know is to be happy and married. Coming from playing Beatrice, all I if it creates jokes want is for my younger that weren’t already cousin, Hero, to be there, but it makes happy, uncomplicated them more apparand marry the love of ent,” the actor said. his life. So it’s not like “With Shakespeare, this world, where an there’s a lot of body older gay couple knows humor to begin with, that strain of being but when you make together in any decade it gay, there are much before right now.” more jokes about Even though body parts that are Mauckingbird’s take much more clear.” on “Much Ado About Thompson added Nothing” might not that changing the present itself as overtly main characters political, the message allowed the cast to rein this comedy still can imagine the conflicts speak to people on the between Benedick issue of marriage equaland Beatrice as ity. well as Claudio and GRIFFIN BACK “That’s what the play Hero. “In this production we decided they were is about: two men falling in love,” Slusser together at one point in time and Benedick said. “[Claudio and Hero] are the typikind of talked Beatrice off thoughtlessly and cal young-love-at-first-sight type of thing. fought in the war,” Thompson said. “So the That’s how the relationship plays out. To play discovers them when Benedick returns me, the story does not feel different than if from the war. So Beatrice is wondering if it were a man or woman. It feels very simithey are going to go back to what they were lar. What I’m pulling away from the story is love is love. In our time, or if Benedick is still gay marriage is debated deciding to toss him and banned. This love is off. And Benedick comthe same as if it were a pletely rallies against man and a woman. Just any long-term combecause it’s two men, mitment. [Claudio and it doesn’t make it any Hero] have this perfect different. The love that little relationship, young connects them is still the puppy love, and Hero same.” gets accused of being “I hope that audiunfaithful to Claudio. ences take away the Hero is supposed to be fact that gay people are pure and innocent, and just as normal as anyhe’s accused of being body else and deservpromiscuous. That’s ing of normalcy in their where the conflict romantic relationships,” comes in.” Thompson added. Slusser said that “What Mauckingbird is while some might see doing in this production the older couple in an is showing gay men and unfavorable light, they their story. There is no have the best of intentions. MATT TALLMAN railing against the current dilemma of gay mar“I think Beatrice and riage. It’s just showing a Benedick have large egos and intellectual egos as well,” he world where this is all OK and why can’t our noted. “So they think they know what is world be the same.” ■ right, how the world works and how love “Much Ado About Nothing” runs Aug. works. I don’t want to call them spiteful, but they think they know more about the world. 10-26 at the Off Broad Street Theater at But that kind of blinds them to the love they First Baptist Church, 1636 Sansom St. For more information or tickets, call 215-923have for each other.” With a story focusing on gay couples and 8909 or visit NOTHING from page 23


Family Portrait

Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


Suzi Nash

Jenn Anderson: From the microscopic to Star Trekking Last Friday around midnight, as I was being entertained by Wang Newton at a Phreak N Queer event, I got a phone call from my father. He left a message saying that he was sorry to call at such a late hour but he was just watching the news and saw me on TV kissing some woman in front of a Chick-fil-A. He called to say he was proud of me for organizing the event and standing up to bigotry. It was very nice of him, but other than smooching a stranger on the cheek and holding a sign, I didn’t have anything to do with the event. But I did talk to one of the actual organizers for this week’s portrait: biologist, BBW model, musician and feminist blogger Jenn Anderson. PGN: What do you remember about the place where you lived as a child? JA: I grew up in a small town in western New York. There were 57 kids in my senior class and it had a very small-town mentality. Everybody knew each other and knew each other’s business. And so I left right after graduation. PGN: Tell me about the family. JA: My mom lives in the Philadelphia area now, my dad lives in the Rochester area and my sister still lives in Avon, where we grew up. We’re a little spread out but we’re still close. PGN: Lots of places to visit. JA: Uh-huh. I’m going home next week for the corn fest, which is a big social event in my town. But it gives me a reason once a year to go see family and friends. PGN: Is there a corn queen? JA: [Laughs.] No, but there was a guy I went to high school with that dresses up in a corn suit. It’s the funniest thing ever. But he’s not anywhere close to being a queen. PGN: What clubs were you a member of in high school? JA: Oh my God, French club, chess club, choir, band, drama club. I was in a fire department band, the color guard, marching band, concert band. I even got to do a pips concert with the Rochester Philharmonic one time with the choir. PGN: What instrument did you play? JA: Tenor saxophone and guitar. PGN: Are you still interested in any of the same things? JA: I was in the Philadelphia Freedom Band for a while, which was really good for me. I was in the Chester County Community Band. And for singing, I was in the Philadelphia Voices of Pride and I have an audition coming up for another choir. And I’m actually still friends with my French professor on Facebook!

PGN: Worst performing mishap? JA: So one time, we were doing the Helen Keller play “The Miracle Worker,” and I was playing her teacher, Annie Sullivan. And in this one scene I’m supposed to chase her, and I’m not even going to lie to you: I stepped on the hem of my 1800s dress and tripped myself in front of hundreds of people! I tried to act like I meant to do it, but I was limping for a minute so it was hard to pull that off. I tend to damage myself far more than other people. It can be very entertaining. PGN: I have a talent for losing things without moving. I’ll be at my desk and manage to lose a stapler without leaving my chair! JA: I do that with pens. I stick them in my ponytail and then forget that they’re there. Later I’ll get tangled in a seatbelt in the car or when I go to change clothes it’ll get stuck on my shirt. PGN: Who was your best friend? JA: It’s a three-way tie, but I’ll go with Leah. We’ve been friends since fifth grade and, it’s so funny, she was the last person I came out to and she was so mad at me because I didn’t tell her first. She lives near Baltimore and we’re still inseparable.

and I love her to pieces. She’s incredibly talented. She was a wonderful gymnast until she got too tall. She’s now a licensed hairdresser but recently she’s started working in the business industry with a friend of mine. I’m so proud of her: She’s awesome. I’m excited to go home for the corn festival and to see her. PGN: And what do you do now? JA: I have a bachelor of science in biology with a concentration in microscopy from SUNY Purchase and a double minor in chemistry and gay and lesbian studies, so I spend a lot of time under a microscope at Penn at the Abramson Cancer Center. I’m lucky that I get to work in a center that does cell-therapy vaccines for cancer patients. PGN: And why gay and lesbian studies? JA: Well, at first I didn’t even know you could study LGBT issues. But it was pretty awesome. There I was, going to school for the very conservative field

PGN: Did you go to college? JA: Two of them. The Eastman School of Music in Rochester for vocal performance: I was going to be an opera singer and then there were some circumstances that wouldn’t allow me to continue there. So I moved to Canada and all over the place from there. Then I enrolled in SUNY Purchase up in Yonkers. PGN: What was life like in Canada? JA: I have to tell you, man, you pay more taxes but universal health care is fantastic! It’s soooo nice to be able to just walk in and see a doctor at any time, even after hours. It’s really great. That’s what I liked most. And Toronto is a really clean and gay-friendly city. PGN: Was it nice not having guns so prevalent? JA: You know there are always crazy holdouts that have them, but it’s something that you’re far less afraid of. Though I was out with a friend one night and we got mugged. The guy had his hand in his coat so we were like, “Oh God, what does he have in his hand?” But some guy rode by on his bike, saw us and got off his bike and threw it at the mugger! Turns out, the guy just had a beer bottle in his hand, but it was scary. Fortunately, there are some seriously good Samaritans in Toronto. PGN: Back to your family: one sister? JA: Yes, she’s two years younger than me

of science, and some of my teachers were very old-fashioned in the ways they spoke to women, so it was nice to have classes that helped break down gender roles and societal expectations and other things I’d never even thought about. It helps even now, since most of my coworkers are straight men. I’ll bring something up and they’ll say, “I didn’t even realize that was a problem.” Well of course you didn’t, because it doesn’t directly affect you.

PGN: What are some of the other things you’re involved with? JA: I’m an organizer for Dyke March and I’m the Tuesday trivia writer for Blitztrans. org. I’m also a blogger for, a feminist website, and I also work with “Miss Representation” here in Philly. After I saw the documentary on the way women and girls are represented in the media, I really wanted to get involved, so I came up with the idea to do private screenings of the film. I’ll go to someone’s house to show and talk about the film for a small group of people and bring resources to show them how they can get involved. PGN: I saw the film at the Stimulus screening, but for those who missed it, explain. JA: The film is about the sexual objectification of women in the media and some of the image issues and body shaming that comes from that. Some interesting and scary stats: Among youth 18 and younger, liposuctions nearly quadrupled between 1997-2007 and breast augmentations increased nearly six-fold in the same 10-year period. Also, about 65 percent of American women and girls report disordered eating behaviors. It’s crazy. Part of the problem is that most media is run by men: Women hold only 3 percent of clout positions in the mainstream media. PGN: Yeah, I recall them saying that the U.S. is 90th in the world in terms of women in national legislatures. We only have 17 percent of the seats in the House of Representatives, whereas the equivalent body in Rwanda is 56.3percent female and only 3 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs are female. JA: Yes, so we’re working to get more women into positions of power in government and the corporate world, and also doing things on a smaller level Photo: Suzi Nash with something as simple as pointing out things that are offensive to women through the “Not Buying It” program. We also have some great mentoring programs. PGN: I’m not familiar with “Not Buying It,” but I know the “Get Real” campaign. JA: Yes, there was a 14-year-old girl, Julia Bluhm from Maine, who wrote to Seventeen magazine and asked them to print just one unalPAGE 26



Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012

ANDERSON from page 25

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tered, non-Photoshopped photo spread per month, saying that the unrealistic altered photos made girls feel bad about themselves, and Seventeen said no. After a huge online petition campaign, they agreed that they would stop digitally altering the pictures.

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Online and in print every third Friday of the month.

PGN: Jumping topics, when did you come out? JA: I came out in high school, but not to my family. It was very difficult and I had to deal with some violence and abusive language and harassment. But I thought it was important to be true to myself, and I’m one of those people who’s kind of in your face about who I am. It wasn’t until I was in college that I came out to my family and it wasn’t awesome. But they’ve come around and they’re pretty accepting now. Though I’m not expecting to see them at any Pride parades or anything ... PGN: What was an incident you remember? JA: Well, I thought for sure that guys would be a problem, but it was the girls who got physical and abusive. I remember getting called queer and dyke and getting that “I know you’re looking at me” nonsense. It was all straight-up fear on their part, but I’m not going to lie, it scared the hell out of me as well. You’d have kids taunt you or drive past the house in the middle of the night and throw beer bottles. But I guess I never learned my lesson and I’d put myself in positions that, in retrospect, were not too safe. PGN: Such as ... JA: [Laughs.] Dancing with your butch partner in a straight bar in an Army town in North Carolina was probably not the best idea. I’m a little bit more aware now, but I’m still pretty sassy. I’ll ignore comments or say something back. I’m still not afraid. If something does happen, I know that I do have legal options and can report it to the police and bring attention to it. If all that comes out of it is that I become a statistic, it’s at least one more case spotlighting violence against LGBTQ people. It’ll be on record and counted. PGN: Let’s end with some random questions: Favorite piece of clothing? JA: The dress I wore to the rally. I saved up so long for that dress and it was totally worth it. It’s a retro design with a full circle skirt and I love everything about it. Either that or fishnet stockings; I’m telling you they go with everything. I’m all about the pin-up era, the 1940s. I love the whole aesthetic of that period: It was so much fun. Especially when it’s updated with piercings and tattoos to give an edge to it. I love the mix. PGN: Something you liked to buy as a kid? JA: After church on Sundays, my parents used to give us a dollar to spend at the corner store. They had those 5- and 10-cent

candy bins and we made out like champs with that dollar! It was one of my favorite memories. It was all me and I got to pick out whatever I wanted! PGN: If you were a Smurf, what would your name be? JA: Geeky Smurf. No one knows what an absolute geek I really am. I love science, I love “Star Trek,” I love anything on SyFy, I would rather read a book than go to a bar. I’m a geek. PGN: I have two “Star Trek” episodes on my DVR right now, including the one called “The Host” where Beverly Crusher falls in love with a guy only to realize that he’s a symbiont using a host body. When the host body dies, he gets a new body but this time it’s a female form. When “he” goes to kiss her but is in female form, she says she’s not quite advanced enough for that. It’s a good one. JA: I love “Star Trek.” I wanted to make a T-shirt that said, “Tasha Yar made me gay.” And I totally follow Wil Wheaton on Facebook. He’s hysterical. PGN: I liked Tasha Yar as head of security, but Seven of Nine in that skintight body suit was my gal. She didn’t make me gay but she confirmed it. JA: [Laughs.] I never imagined I’d be having a queer “Star Trek” conversation with Suzi Nash. This makes me happy! PGN: Me too! Other hobbies? JA: I love doing crafty things. I love making things for people and I just taught myself how to knit, so my friends will be getting a lot of scarves soon. And I like to cook. I show affection by feeding people. PGN: So speaking of affection, how did Dyke March end up organizing the kissin? JA: We were talking about the Chickfil-A situation and decided we wanted to do something. There was a lot more that went into it than we thought there would be. In addition to organizing, there was a lot of questioning from the community as to whether or not it was an immature response and if we were impeding someone’s right to free speech. But we decided to go through with it because money from the chain was going to antigay groups that work to suppress gay rights. It was difficult, because we wanted to address the concerns of everyone while still being dedicated to action. We do our march every year, but we’re about more than that. We want to work with and support other protests and organizations. We recently worked with Kate Hinchey on the vigil for the two girls shot in Texas. I love being a part of the organization because it helps me be part of something bigger. It’s a place where I can help people other than myself. ■ To suggest a community member for “Family Portrait,” write to


Get Out and Play

Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


Scott A. Drake

Prime-time playtime Summer sports aren’t over but it’s a slow The committee sent letters to time for Philly’s gay sports scene, for sure. Amsterdam, Limerick, London, Orlando, Paris, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo notifyBut before we preview some late-summer, ing them they are qualified to bid. The field early-fall events, here’s something fun to will be narrowed down to three before the occupy these quieter weeks. FGG site committee convenes in Cleveland Disc Golf is not just for hippies and in late 2013 to announce the Gay Games X geeks any more. It’s not much more exercise than walking, but many people play host city. just to be outdoors, and all you have to do at each “hole” is get a disc into a metal Short stops basket. For the experienced player, there • Philly Rollergirls compete 6-9 p.m. are different disc sizes, weights and styles Aug. 11 at Liacouras Center. This month designed for arcs, rolling and other tough it’s Liberty Belles vs. DC Rollergirls Allsituations, but one disc will do for fun. Stars followed by Broad Street Butchers We’re fortunate to have one of the vs. Heavy Metal Hookers; phillyrollergirls. top-rated in-city courses in the councom. try at Sedgley Woods Disc Golf Club in • Gay Day at the Pennsylvania Fairmount Park, 33rd and Oxford streets, Renaissance Faire is Aug. 12. Some of and LGBT disc throwers meet Saturday the proceeds go to Team Philadelphia, the mornings for group play. Word is if you umbrella organization that will help Philly teams and players go to the 2014 Gay have some free time on weekdays, the Games in Cleveland. course is very peaceful and you can take your time, but for your first visit you might want to go when it’s a little busier and follow another group so you can see how the course is laid out. You don’t have to play in Philly. There are nearby disc parks in Tyler State Park in Newtown and at Little Lehigh Parkway in Allentown. So dig out your old disc, buy a new one, text a friend to THE FALLEN ON THE BATTLEFIELD: Philadelphia Gryphons compete with you and Rugby Football held a fall boot camp for new and returning playget out and play. ers Aug. 4 at Pepper Middle School, 84th Street and Lindbergh

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Avenue. About 50 guys came and worked on tackling, passing,

Fall flagging and other skills to get ready for the fall season. The Gryphons Greater Philadelphia first home game will be Sept. 8; for more information, visit Photo: Scott A. Drake Flag Football League fall season signup • Also Aug. 12, several members of the started Aug. 8 on the new phillyflagfootPhiladelphia Frontrunners will website. These busy players pate in the Greater Philadelphia Runners and fundraisers collectively have become Pentathlon at Carey Stadium and Athletic Philadelphia’s fastest growing and mostComplex in Fort Washington. Stop by and popular sports organization. Due to their success, the number of teams and players cheer them on! is capped at 120, so if you are interested, • The 10th annual Gay Community get on that website soon. Night at the Phillies is coming Aug. 28 The GPFFL fall skills day begins 10 a.m. with the Phillies vs. Mets. Group tickets Sept. 8 at Columbus Playground in South are no longer available, but you can still Philly. If you want to hang out with some buy them online and be part of the party! of the players mostly undressed, trek up to Plus, CBLSL will host a pre-game tailgate New Hope for the Hold Onto Summer Pool party in the Jetro parking lot. It’s $30 for Party Sept. 9 at The Raven in New Hope. all-you-can-drink beer, -eat food, -play Or even head up Saturday night and stay games. Fun starts at 4 p.m. over; It’s always a great time of year to get out and play! ■ More Gay Games The Federation of Gay Games recently If you have a game, tournament, fundraiser announced site selection semi-finalists for or barbecue pool party for Get Out and 2018. For the first time, the list includes Play, email participating interest from South America.

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Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


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Veggie dishes trump meat at City Tap House By Larry Nichols

grapefruit habañero vinaigrette and tobikko. The crispy smoked octopus was also a delight, with perfectly roasted potatoes Considering its emphasis on staples like and lemon pale ale mojo sauce and curry burgers, wings and ribs, we didn’t expect to crema. Yet the vegetarian dishes shined brightcome out of City Tap House, 3925 Walnut St., raving about vegetarian dishes. But est. We normally have little or no intention of trying vegetarian items unless they damn it, we did. The gastropub has a roomy modern décor, come highly recommended but some of a great location and an impressive array of these dishes sang to us from the menu. craft beers (make sure you try the cherry The chickpea fritters ($12) put all other cider, by the way) to appeal to the university falafels we’ve had to shame, with a feta crowd, sports enthusiasts and urban hipsters purée thrown into the mix. The result was moist, hearty and addictive. The avenue alike. When it comes to food, City Tap House hoagie ($12) was another pleasant surtries really hard to capture the hearts of prise: City Tap House’s take on a Korean carnivores and, for the most part, suc- bánh mi sandwich was piled high with ceeds. The 10-spice wings ($10) were a pickled vegetables, avocado, tofu mayo nice detour from their saucier brethren, and wontons. And with a side of sweetgaining a kick from a dry rub. They had potato fries, the sandwich can hold its more than enough spice and flavor to get own against any of its meatier cousins. Desserts impressed as well, espethe job done, but the house ranch didn’t cially when accentuate the they incortaste. Next porated beer. time we’ll The chocolate ask for blue stout tiramisu cheese. was wonderThe smoked fully light and p o r k bu rg e r a i r y. T h e r e ($14) was an was no alcohol interesting in the banana change from caramel crisp, the typical but who beef burger, needs booze crisp and juicy when you are with chipotle immersed in a cream cheese warm swamp and salsa verde. The BANANA CARAMEL CRISP of sweetness surrounded by St. Louis ribs ($21) were generous portion and tasty as tasty chunks of caramelized banana and crispy pieces of pastry? well. We’re nowhere close to forsaking the What really knocked our socks off were the seafood and vegetarian dishes. red meats, but City Tap House, whether The black-bass ceviche ($12) had won- intended or not, definitely has us thinking derful texture and flavor thanks to a pink more seriously about going veggie. ■

If you go City Tap House 3925 Walnut St. 215-662-0115 Open daily for lunch and dinner; brunch on Sunday


Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012

Haute Mexican? Haute Mexican! After ten successful years in northeast Philadelphia, Paloma is serving to-die-for French-Mexican cuisine in Bella Vista. ������������������������������������������������ ���������������� �������������������������� �������������������������

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Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012

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Welcome to PGN’s Best of Gay Philadelphia 2012! Here’s how this will work: First, you, dear reader, will give us your picks for the best of LGBT Philly — in the community, eats, entertainment, nightlife, people and places. Submit your votes here, using this handy suvey. Voting is open Aug. 10-Sept. 10. Then, votes will be tallied and announced in the Sept. 28 issue. To cap it off, we’re planning a special invite-only party for the winners on Oct. 4. (Make sure you are in good with your favorite winner so you can get them to bring you along.) Some notes: If you are unsure if your favorite [person/place/thing] would qualify, refer to the helpful title: Best of Gay Philadelphia. For the most part, we want to know what the LGBT community thinks, with a focus on LGBT people, places and things. We don’t want to hear about the worst, the non-gay or the best in New York City. But if you present an argument for why your non-gay [person/ place/thing] should win, send it in. If you include witty comments with your survey, we may print them. Feel free to fill out as many — or as few — categories as you like. (We’re not sure any one of us could answer all the categories either.) To vote: Write in your picks, then send them to us via mail, fax or in person.

PGN’s Best of Gay Philadelphia 505 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia, PA 19147 Fax: 215-925-6437

To nominate online, go to, and click on the link for Best of Gay Philadelphia.


Nightlife Neighborhood Bar Sports Bar Dance Floor Casino Place to Grab a Beer Place to Meet Women Place to Neet Men Theme Night Happy Hour Bar Food (place) Martini (what/place) Mixed Drink (what/place) Overall Bar

Businesses Bicycle Shop Clothing Store Gym Hair Salon

LGBT Event


LGBT Fundraiser


LGBT Nonprofit


LGBT Sports League



Coffee Shop Overall Restaurant

Activist Bartender

Arts & Entertainment

Hair Stylist

Drag King

Personal Trainer

Drag Queen


Local Band


Local DJ Live Music Venue Local Musician Local Singer Party Promoter Theater Group


Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012




Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012

Q Puzzle Magic Carpet Ride Across

1. AZT, e.g. 5. Roadies’ burdens 9. Performed like a top 13. Rock’s longtime companion 14. Man in a skirt, perhaps 15. Coastal raptor 16. Nick was his master 17. 160 rods 18. Prefix meaning “middle” 19. With 21-Across and 33-Across, Ride up in the sky 21. See 19-Across 23. “Look but don’t touch” type

24. It was gauche, for Debussy 25. Mont. neighbor 26. What some did at Stonewall 28. Summer setting in Ore. 29. Encourage 32. Tendency to get pissed 33. See 19-Across 37. Prefix with physics 38. Mounts the soapbox 39. “Climb Ev’ry Mountain” mountain 40. Beat up on 43. “Xanadu” band, for short 44. Narrow walk 45. “The Seven-Year Itch” costar with Monroe

50. Challenger (vehicle of 52-Across) and others 52. Late NASA astronaut Ride 53. Six years for a senator 54. Many miles away 56. Peter the Great, for one 57. Internally pink 58. Stable female 59. Prisoners do it 60. Ruler of Valhalla 61. Makes tats 62. Salty bodies


1. NFL source of young tight ends 2. LGBT-rights activist O’Donnell 3. Too-too 4. “The ___

Menagerie” 5. Turkish title of honor 6. Feather, to Yankee Doodle 7. Learner’s license 8. Slob’s napkin 9. Sweet opening? 10. Situation of peril 11. Loosens a strap on a stallion 12. Nursery denizen 20. Nero’s land 22. Dreaded ink color 27. Saturn model 29. Part of a full erection? 30. “Jeopardy!” category 31. Thurman of “Even Cowgirls Get the Blues” 32. Club for swing-

ers 34. Where to find lions and tigers in pairs 35. Hindu title of respect 36. Reacts to a scare, perhaps 37. Copland, for example 40. Quick on the uptake 41. Meat stuffed in a hero, perhaps 42. Edberg of tennis 46. Number of bulbs 47. Borden bovine 48. Andean pack animal 49. Ancient Greeks plucked them 51. Some Feds 55. Hi-___ monitor PAGE 35

Worth Watching

LAUGH ALERT, PART I: “Daily Show” correspondent and comedian John Oliver shares the spotlight with some rising comedians in the new “John Oliver’s New York Stand-Up Show” 11 p.m. Aug. 10 on Comedy Central.

LAUGH ALERT, PART II: Comedian and impressionist Michael McDonald (“MADtv” and “My Life on the D-List”) stars in the comedy special “Michael McDonald: Model” 1 a.m. Aug 11 on Logo.

LAUGH ALERT, PART III: Catch comedian Wanda Sykes talk about the realities of marriage, children and celebrity sex scandals in her half-hour stand-up special “Comedy Central Presents Wanda Sykes-Hall” 9:30 p.m. Aug. 11 on Logo.

UNINTENDED LAUGH ALERT: Fourtime undefeated world-boxing champion Laila Ali is just one of the eight celebrities gathering at a remote training facility, where they will be challenged to execute complicated missions inspired by real military exercises, in the new series “Stars Earn Stripes” 8 p.m. Aug. 13 on NBC. Photo: NBC/Chris Haston


Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012




Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012

OUT & ABOUT The week ahead Fri. 08/10 Aiden James The out singersongwriter performs 7:30 p.m. at Tin Angel, 20 S. Second St.; 215-928-0978. Gogol Bordello The gypsy-punk band performs 8 p.m. at House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-3434000. Il Divo The vocal pop group performs 8 p.m. at Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609317-1000.

Mike Birbiglia The comedian from Comedy Central performs 9 p.m. at Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-317-1000.

Sat. 08/11 Girls Rock Philly The end-of-camp showcase takes place 11:30 a.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400. Jay Leno The comedian performs 8 p.m. at Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-317-1000.

Journey and Loverboy The rock bands perform 8 p.m. at Revel’s Ovation Hall, 500 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J.; 855-3480500. Peek-a-boo Revue Philly’s notorious burlesque troupe performs 10 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215-922-6888.

Sun. 08/12 Daughtry The rock band performs, 8 p.m. at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-317-1000.

Mon. 08/13 Groove Night Local musicians join forces to bring the R&B,

soul, jazz and funk, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. First Person StorySlam Spoken-word artists perform 8:30 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215222-1400. Community College The comedy film is screened 8 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215-9226888. Lipstick Mondays A weekly drag show featuring a changing roster of queens takes the stage 9 p.m. at The Raven, 385 W. Bridge St., New Hope; 215862-2081.

goes mobile Now you can read your favorite local LGBT news site on your Android or iPhone/iPad Just go to on your mobile device

Also check out our digital “flipbook” of the full print edition at with issuu’s Android app.

RELAPSING: The alternative-rock icons Jane’s Addiction are back for an evening of sonic hedonism performing 8:30 p.m. Aug. 15 at The Mann Center for the Performing Arts, 5201 Parkside Ave. For more information or tickets, call 215546-7900.

Tue. 08/14 Unlabeled: The Acoustic/ Electric Open Mic for Up and Comers Sign up and play, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas The musical film is screened 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. Rambo and The Expendables The action films are screened 8 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215-922-6888.

Wed. 08/15 4W5 Blues Jam Local musicians get down 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. The Last Summer on Earth Tour Barenaked Ladies, Blues Traveler and Cracker perform 7 p.m. at Festival Pier at Penn’s Landing, 201 N. Columbus Blvd.; 215-9281234.

Jane’s Addiction The alternativerock band performs 8:30 p.m. at The Mann Center for the Performing Arts, 5201 Parkside Ave.; 215-5467900.

Thu. 08/16 Comedian Deconstruction Out comedian Jess Carpenter hosts an evening of comedians and improv 7:30 p.m. at L’Etage, 624 S. Sixth St.; 215-5920656. Gin Blossoms The rock band performs 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400.

at Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.; 856-365-1300. My Morning Jacket The alternativerock band performs 7:30 p.m. at The Mann Center for the Performing Arts, 5201 Parkside Ave.; 215-546-7900. Jagged Edge and Dru Hill The R&B groups perform 8 p.m. at House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-3434000.

Marc Anthony The Latin pop singer performs 8 p.m. at Boardwalk Hall, 2301 Boardwalk, Atlantic City; 609-348-7000. Robert Klein The comedian performs 8 p.m. at Sellersville Theatre 1894, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville; 215-257-5858. MST3K: Cave Dweller Another bad scifi film gets savaged by sarcastic robots 9:45 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-1228.

Kelly Clarkson and The Fray The music starts 8 p.m. at Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.; 856-3651300. Musiq Soulchild The R&B singer performs 8 p.m. at House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-343-4000.

Fri. 08/17 Linkin Park & Incubus The rock bands perform 6:30 p.m.

QUEEN OF ROCK: In the midst of a tour opening for hair-metal superstars Def Leppard and Poison, rock singer-guitarist and former Runaway Lita Ford is performing her own headline show 8 p.m. Aug. 16 at Sellersville Theatre 1894, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville. For more information or tickets, call 215-257-5858.


Opening 55th Annual New Hope Automobile Show A showplace for magnificent antique and classic automobiles Aug. 11-12, New Hope-Solebury High School, 180 W. Bridge St.; 215-862-5665.

Continuing Collab: Four Decades of Giving Modern and Contemporary Design Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition that includes some of the finest examples of European, American and Japanese design, through fall, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. Crawl Space: The Attic Experience The William Way LGBT Community Center hosts an exhibition of works from Philadelphia’s LGBT youth center, through Aug. 31, 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220.

Gauguin, Cézanne, Matisse: Visions of Arcadia Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition exploring classic artists’ visions from page 32


of paradise, through March 2013, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-7638100. From Asbury Park to the Promised Land: The Life and Music of Bruce Springsteen The National Constitution Center presents an exhibition looking at The Boss’ entire career, with numerous items never before seen by the public, through Sept. 3, 525 Arch St., Independence Mall; 215-409-6895. Interlude Twenty-Two Gallery presents an exhibition of works by Melissa M. Bryant, through Sept. 9, 236 S. 22nd St.; 215772-1911. Much Ado About Nothing Mauckingbird Theatre company presents a gay interpretation of the Shakespeare play, through Sept. 1 at Off Broad Street Theater, 1363 Sansom St.; 215-923-8909.

SHOCK AT THE TROC: Philly’s notorious burlesque troupe Peek-A-Boo Revue makes the dog days of summer even hotter when the hotties perform 10 p.m. Aug. 11 at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St. For more information or tickets, call 215-9226888.

Cy Twombly: Sculptures Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of works from the Swiss sculptor, through March 2013, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100.

Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012

On My Honor: 100 Years of Girl Scouting The National Constitution Center presents an exhibition highlighting the history, contributions and traditions of Girl Scouts, including entrepreneurship, environmental awareness and civic engagement, through Dec. 31, 525 Arch St., Independence Mall; 215409-6895. The Philadelphia Photo Arts Center’s third annual photography competition and exhibition Photographs of all subject matter, photographic techniques and processes are on display through Sept. 9, 1400 N. American St.; 215-232-5678.

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Out & About Listings, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 fax: 215-925-6437; or e-mail: Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

RISE OF THE MACHINES: Disco meets metal when industrial hard-rock bands Static-X (pictured) and Prong bring the mechanized noise to TLA, 334 South St., 6 p.m. Aug.14. For more information or tickets, call 215-922-1011.

Prom Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of photographs by Mary Ellen Mark, through Oct. 28, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. Secret Garden Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition uniting works in fiber by Ted Hallman, Sheila Hicks and Jim Hodges,

through Aug. 26, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100.

Closing Tommy Davidson The comedian seen on “In Living Color” performs through Aug. 11 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; 215-4969001. ■

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Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012

Community Bulletin Board Community centers

■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held 4-8 p.m. MondayFriday; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday-Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331. ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St., 215-898-5044; Hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday.

and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; 215-957-7981;

■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220; Hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Peer counseling: 6-9 p.m. Monday through Friday Library hours: 12-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 12-3 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. Friday; 126 p.m. Saturday. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

Religion/Spirituality Arch Street United Methodist Church Services 8:30 and 11 a.m. at 55 N. Broad St.; 215-568-6250. Bethlehem-Judah Ministries Open and affirming congregation holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 5091 N. Dupont Hwy., Suite D, Dover, Del.; 302-730-4425. BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Church Services 10:15 a.m. at 2040 Street Road, Warrington; 215-3430406. Calvary United Methodist Church Reconciling, welcoming and affirming church holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 801 S. 48th St.; 215-724-1702.

Key numbers

■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: 856-933-9500 ext. 221

■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: 215-732-TALK

■ AIDS Library: 215-985-4851

■ Mayor’s Director of LGBT Affairs: Gloria Casarez, 215-6862194;; Fax: 215-686-2555

■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: 215592-1513 ■ AIDS Treatment Fact line: 800662-6080 ■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: 215-685-1633 ■ The COLOURS Organization Inc.: 112 N. Broad St., third floor; 215-496-0330 ■ Equality Pennsylvania: 215731-1447; ■ Equality Forum: 215-732-3378

■ Mazzoni Center: 215-563-0652; Legal Services: 215-563-0657, 866-LGBTLAW; legalservices@mazzonicenter. org ■ Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine: 215-563-0658 ■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): 215-572-1833


AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., Suite 205; 215-629-2300. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; noon-6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St. 215851-1822 or 866-222-3871. Spanish/English HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; 215-685-1803. HIV health insurance help Access to free medications and confidential HIV testing

■ Greater Philadelphia Professional Network Networking group for area business professionals, self-employed and business owners meets monthly in a different location throughout the city, invites speakers on various topics, partners with other nonprofits and maintains a Web site where everyone is invited to sign up for email notices for activities and events;

■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Deputy Commissioner Stephen Johnson: 215-683-2840 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: 215-760-3686; ppd. ■ Philly Pride Presents: 215875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: 717-9209537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: 215-732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: 215-686-4670

Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 3439 N. Hutchinson St.; 215-763-8870 ext. 6000.

■ Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia GALLOP holds board meetings at 6:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at 100 S. Broad St., Suite 1810; GALLOP also provides a free referral service; (215) 6279090;

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: 215-772-2000

Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; 215-563-0652. Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine Comprehensive primary health care, preventive health services, gynecology, sexual-health services and chronic-disease management, including comprehensive HIV care, 809 Locust St.; 215-563-0658. Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday except for noon-1 p.m. and 5-6 p.m., and 1-5 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; 215-985-9206.

Professional groups ■ Independence Business Alliance Greater Philadelphia’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce, providing networking, business development, marketing, educational and advocacy opportunities for LGBT and LGBT-friendly businesses and professionals. Visit for information about events, programs and membership; 215-557-0190; 1717 Arch St., Suite 3370. ■ National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association The Philadelphia chapter of NLGJA, open to professionals and

students, meets for social and networking events; ■ Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus A regional organization dedicated to promoting gay and lesbian tourism to the Greater Philadelphia region holds meetings every other month on the fourth Thursday (January, March, May, July, September and the third Thursday in November), open to the public; P.O. Box 58143, Philadelphia, PA 19102; ■ Philly OutGoing Professionals Social group for gay, lesbian and bisexual professionals meets for social and cultural activities, 856857-9283; popnews19@yahoo. com.

Old First Reformed Church Open and affirming United Church worships 10 a.m. at 151 N. Fourth St.; 215-922-4566; Penns Park United Methodist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 2394 Second Street Pike, Penns Park; 215-598-7601. Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral Progressive and affirming congregation holds services 10 a.m. Sundays with Holy Eucharist at 3723 Chestnut St.; 215-386-0234;

Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church Services 11 a.m. and Spirit at Play, an arts-based Sunday school for children, 9:30 a.m. at 8812 Germantown Ave.; 215-242-9321.

Rainbow Buddhist Meditation Group Meets 5 p.m. Sundays at the William Way Center.

Church of the Holy Trinity Inclusive church holds services 8:30 and 11 a.m. Sundays at 1904 Walnut St.; 215-567-1267. Dignity Jersey Shore An organization for sexual-minority Catholics meets the first Saturday of the month in Asbury Park. For time and location, call 732-502-0305. Dignity Metro NJ An organization for sexual-minority Catholics meets 4 p.m. the first and third Sundays of the month at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 550 Ridgewood Road, Maplewood; 973-509-0118. Dignity Philadelphia Holds Mass 7 p.m. Sundays at 330 S. 13th St.; 215-546-2093; Drexel Hill Baptist Church Nonjudgmental Christian congregation affiliated with American Baptist Churches of the USA holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 4400 State Road, Drexel Hill; 610-259-2356; Emanuel Lutheran Church Reconciling in Christ congregation meets 9:30 a.m. Sundays at New and Kirkpatrick streets, New Brunswick, N.J.; 732-545-2673; St. Paul Episcopal Church Welcoming and inclusive church holds services 9:30 a.m. Sundays and 7 p.m. Tuesdays at 89 Pinewood Drive, Levittown; 215-6881796;

available by appointment at 13 S. MacDade Blvd., Suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; 610-5869077.

Metropolitan Community Church of Philadelphia Holds services 1 p.m. Sundays at the University Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, 3637 Chestnut St.; 215-294-2020; www.

Central Baptist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds services 10:45 a.m. Sundays at 106 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne; 610-688-0664.

Church of the Crucifixion Inclusive Episcopal community holds services 10 a.m. Sundays and 6 p.m. Fridays at 620 S. Eighth St.; 215-922-1128.

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: 215-587-9377

Metropolitan Community Church of Christ the Liberator Holds services 10:45 a.m. Sundays at the Pride Center of New Jersey;

Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting worships 11 a.m. Sundays at 1515 Cherry St.; 215-241-7260; Resurrection Lutheran Church Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 620 Welsh Road, Horsham; 215-646-2597. Silverside Church Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays followed by a group discussion at 2800 Silverside Road, Wilmington, Del.; 302-478-5921; St. Asaph’s Church Inclusive and progressive Episcopal church holds services 9:15 a.m. Sundays, with a contemplative communion at 8 a.m., at 27 Conshohocken State Road, Bala Cynwyd; 610-664-0966; www. St. John’s Lutheran Church (ELCA) Reconciling in Christ congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 24 N. Ridge Ave., Ambler; 215-646-2451; www. St. Luke and The Epiphany Church Open and welcoming church holds liturgy 9 and 11 a.m. Sundays fall through winter at 330 S. 13th St.; 215-732-1918; St. Mary of Grace Parish Inclusive church in the Catholic tradition celebrates Mass 6 p.m. Sundays in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County, 145 W. Rose Tree Road, Media; 610-566-1393; www.

Evangelicals Concerned Lesbian and gay Christian group; 215-860-7445.

St. Mary’s Church Diverse and inclusive Episcopal church celebrates the Eucharist 11 a.m. Sundays; adult forum 9:30 a.m.; and evening prayer 6:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday at 3916 Locust Walk; 215-386-3916; www.

First Baptist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 123 S. 17th St.; 215-563-3853.

Tabernacle United Church Open and affirming congregation holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 3700 Chestnut St.; 215-386-4100;

First Presbyterian Church of Lansdowne Welcoming church holds services at 10 a.m. Sundays at 140 N. Lansdowne Ave.; 610-626-0800;

Trinity Memorial Episcopal Church Christian formation: adult, 9:30 a.m.; children: 10:30; youth: noon Sundays. Worship with nursery care, 10:30. First Sunday of the month, 7 p.m. Mosaic: jazz with poetry and prose; 2212 Spruce St.; 215-732-2515;

First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia A liberal, welcoming and diverse congregation that affirms the dignity of all. Sunday services at 10 a.m., 2125 Chestnut St.; 215563-3980; The First United Church of Germantown A sexual-minority-affirming congregation holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 6001 Germantown Ave.; lunch follows; 215-438-3077. Grace Epiphany Church A welcoming and diverse Episcopal congregation in Mt. Airy with services 9:30 a.m. Sundays at 224 E. Gowen Ave.; 215-248-2950. Holy Communion Lutheran Church ELCA Reconciling in Christ congregation worships Sundays at 9 a.m. at 2111 Sansom St. and 11 a.m. at 2110 Chestnut St.; 215-567-3668; Imago Dei Metropolitan Community Church Sexual-minority congregation worships at 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 1223 Middletown Road (Route 352), Glen Mills; 610-358-1716; Living Water United Church of Christ An open and affirming congregation that meets for worship 11 a.m. on Sundays; 2006 Germantown Ave.; 215-765-1970; www. Kol Tzedek Reconstructionist synagogue committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community meets at Calvary Center, 801 S. 48th St.; 215-764-6364;

Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County Welcoming congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. at 145 W. Rose Tree Road, Media. Interweave, a group for LGBT parishioners and allies, meets noon the first Sunday of the month; 610-566-4853; Unitarian Society of Germantown Welcoming congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 6511 Lincoln Drive; 215-844-1157; Unitarian Universalist Church of Cherry Hill Holds services 10:15 a.m. Interweave, a group of LGBT Unitarians and their allies, also meets at 401 N. Kings Highway, Cherry Hill, N.J.; 856-667-3618; Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration, Mt. Airy Welcoming congregation holds services 11 a.m. Sundays September-June at 6900 Stenton Ave.; 215-247-2561; www. Unitarian Universalist Congregation, South Jersey Shore Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays in Galloway Township; 609-9659400; Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown Holds services 10:30 a.m. at 1565 S. Keim St.; 610-327-2662. United Christian Church Open, affirming and welcoming congregation holds services 10:15 a.m. Sundays at 8525 New Falls Road, Levittown; 215-946-6800.

Mainline Unitarian Church Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 816 S. Valley Forge Road, Devon; 610-688-8332;

Unity Fellowship Church of Philadelphia Diverse, affirming LGBT congregation holds services 2 p.m. Sundays at 55 N. Broad St.

Maple Shade Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ Affirming congregation open to all sexual orientations and gender identities holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 45 N. Forklanding Road, Maple Shade, N.J.; 856-779-7739;

University Lutheran Church of the Incarnation Welcoming congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 3637 Chestnut St. preceded by “Adult Forum: Sundays” at 9:30 with discussion of religious alienation and struggles of faith; 215387-2885;


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Home of the Week

Beds: 4 Baths: 2.5 Price: $559,900

For Sale

SOUTH PHILA. 3 BR, newer windows, HW flrs, new paint, hi ceilings, new C/A, 200 amp svc., newer roof, designer EIK w/granite counters, SS appl, D/W. Nice quiet st. 1 blk. to subway, Methodist Hosp., permit parking. Asking $187,000, will negot. w/qualified buyer. Reply to ________________________________________36-32

VIAGRA 100MG AND CIALIS 20mg. 40 Pills + 4 FREE for only $99. #1 Male Enhancement. Discreet Shipping. Save $500.00. Call the Blue Pill Now! 1-800-491-8509. ________________________________________36-32 SLIMDOWN FOR SUMMER! Lose up to 20lbs in just 8 weeks. Call LA Weight Loss Today! 1-800-949-3950. ________________________________________36-32

Real Estate Rent


12TH & DICKINSON AREA Furnished Townhouse for rent: 3 levels. Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath. Very Unique. 1500. mo plus util. (negotiable). Call 215 468-9166 after 6 pm. or 215 686 3431 daytime. ________________________________________36-35 HADDON TWP, NJ Safe, sunny 2 BR apt. 2nd fl owner occ. duplex. 1000 sq.. ft., A/C, D/W, W/D, new carpet & paint. Pvt. ent. Close to speedline, bus, walk, bike to shops, parks, lakes, library. $900/mo. Call Brian, 12 PM-7 PM, 856-858-8620. ________________________________________36-35 QUAKERTOWN/SELLERSVILLE AREA 2 BR semi attached house. Living room, dining room, kitchen, first floor bath in a quiet setting. $950/mo. 215453-7267. ________________________________________36-33 ITALIAN MARKET/BELLA VISTA 2 BR, ultra modern. $1600/mo. Call Villa Realty 215271-0600. ________________________________________36-33

Jewelry bought. sold, repairs, estates, custom deisgn, 707 Sansom. 215-925-3822. ________________________________________36-49

PGN WILL NOT PUBLISH RACIAL DISTINCTIONS IN ROOMMATE ADS. SUCH NOTATIONS WILL BE EDITED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. _____________________________________________ GREATER NE PHILA. Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split level home with 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 full baths, W/D, upper and lower decks, use of kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least reasonably neat and employed. Rent is $600 + 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. ________________________________________36-32 $100 MONTHLY RENT For the guy who wants to share my life and house in N.E. Phila. 215-677-5610. ________________________________________36-40

Travel & Resorts Rooms for men. ________________________________________36-36

331 S. Hicks Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Rarely offered 4 bedroom home on picturesque Hicks Street in Rittenhouse Square. Beautiful new kitchen and 2 new bathrooms with custom tile-work. Private back yard with garden, formal dining room, fireplace, new central air & newer windows. Plenty of storage throughout. Conveniently located just off of 15th & Spruce.

Real Estate Sale


Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012

Real Estate Company: Prudential Fox & Roach, Society Hill Realtor: James Labonski

Real Estate Sale

Phone: 215-521-1552 E-mail: Website:

Real Estate Sale

Services EARN COLLEGE DEGREE ONLINE *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV Certified. Call 888-220-3984. ________________________________________36-32 AIRLINE CAREERS Begin here-Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified-Housing available. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-834-9715 ________________________________________36-32

Adoption Are you pregnant? A loving married couple seek to adopt. Financial security. Let’s help each other. Expenses paid. Holly & Max. Ask for Adam 1-800-790-5260. ________________________________________36-32 A childless couple seeks to adopt. Loving, happy home with tenderness, warmth & love. Flexible schedules. Financial security. Expenses paid. Regis & David (888)986-1520. ________________________________________36-32

E-mail us:

E-mail us: Open Houses - Sunday August 12, 2012 12:00-2:30 PM 1542 Christian Street, Unit B, Philadelphia, PA 19146 2BR/2BA townhouse-style condo $299,900 1808 Christian Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146 3BR/2 Full, 2-half Bath Home $575,000 Search all Philadelphia area listings @ Dan Tobey

The Curtis Center • 1 401 Walnut St. 8th Floor • Philadelphia, PA 19102

215.546.2700 Business • 267.238.1061 Direct 215.432.7151 Cell • 215.546.7728 Fax •




Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012

Hot ’n horny hookups.

Handsome Certified Therapist CAM CHAT




6’, 195 lbs, Muscle Gives Sensual / Therapeutic Massage

Horny? Hookup with local gay and bi men.

Call 215-432-6030

HEATWAVE Saturday, August 11th 2012 TIME: 11pm-3:30am WHAT TO EXPECT: • DJ David Dutch • Complimentary Food & Beverages • A Full House of Guys To Choose From & Soo Much More... -Rooms go quickly and are on a 1st Come, 1st Served Basis. SoCheck In Early if you want a room...-


(Philadelphia Area Nudist Group) Sunday, August 12th, 2012 TIME: 3pm- 6pm Boys Will Be Boys! Awaken Your Inner Spirit! - Join PANG for an afternoon of naked socializing and fun -


SUMMER WEEKEND SPECIALS - The Weather is HOT! Our Weekend Specials Are HOTTER! -

FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT: After Bar Special 6hr Rooms (2am to 8am) Members: $15.00 and Non-Members: $25.00 (Special Not Effective During Party Nights)

SATURDAY: AFTERNOON DELIGHT 4 hour Lockers (8am – 4pm) Members: $5.00 & Non-Members: $15.00


Half Price Rooms (6am Sunday till 8am Monday) Members: $12.50 & Non-Members: $22.50

Check out our website for our HOT NEW WEEKLY SPECIALS & JOIN OUR e-mail List to get the latest information on upcoming events...

Don’t forget to visit the Adonis Cinema right next door!! 2026 Sansom St/ PH: 215-557-9319


Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


Friends Men

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. ________________________________________36-36 BM, 60 looking for British gent, 35-45 for intimate encounters. 215-763-3391, 6PM-Midnight. ________________________________________36-35 I’m looking for a very well endowed top who is looking for a very nice white butt. 215-732-2108 8-11 PM. ________________________________________36-32 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. ________________________________________36-31 LOOKING For live-in companion and possible partner. 215-6775610. ________________________________________36-40 GWM, 30’s, Philly burbs, looks younger seeks older GWM. 609-510-5738. ________________________________________36-33

“Can You Dig It?” Heavy Equipment School. 3wk Training Program. Backhoes, Bulldozers, Excavators. Local Job Placement Asst. VA Benefits Approved. 2 National Certifications. 866-362-6497. ________________________________________36-32 Drivers: CRST offers the best Lease Purchase Program *SIGN ON BONUS *No down payment or credit check *Great Pay *Class A CDL required *Owner Operators Welcome. Call: 866-403-7044. ________________________________________36-32 Company Drivers: $2500 Sign-On Bonus! Super Service is hiring solo and team drivers. Great Benefits Package. CDL-A required. Students with CDL-A welcome. Call 888471-7081 or apply online at ________________________________________36-32 CLASS A DRIVERS Start NOW! Receive SIGN ON Bonus Just in time for CHRISTMAS!! Up to 42 CPM, Regional. 2 Years Experience Required. 800-524-5051. ________________________________________36-32 Drivers - Choose your hometime: Weekly, 7/ON-7/OFF, 14/ON-7/OFF, Full or Part-time. $0.01 increase per mile after 6 months. Requires 3 months recent experience. 800-414-9569 ________________________________________36-32 CALLING ALL CDL-A DRIVERS! Join the Team at Averitt. Great Hometime/Benefits. 4 Months T/T Experience Required - Apply Now! 888-362-8608 Visit Equal Opportunity Employer ________________________________________36-32

Exp. Reefer Drivers: GREAT PAY /Freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME, Boston-Lehigh, PA. 800-277-0212 or ________________________________________36-32 CDL-A EXPERIENCED DRIVERS 6 Months OTR experience starts at $.32/mile Up to $5,000 Sign-On Bonus! New student pay and lease program! 877-521-5775 ________________________________________36-32 HIRING EXPERIENCED/INEXPERIENCED TANKER DRIVERS! Great Benefits and Pay! New Fleet Volvo Tractors! 1 Year OTR Exp. Req.- Tanker Training Available. Call Today: 877-882-6537 ________________________________________36-32 Attn: Drivers. Great Miles + Top 5% Pay = Money. Security + Respect = PRICELESS. 2 Mos CDL Class A Exp. 877-258-8782. ________________________________________36-32 We’re a Drivers company That’s focused on Drivers. Solos .437, Teams .513, 1 YR OTR, CDL-A-HazMat 877-628-3748. ________________________________________36-32 Drivers- A. Duie Pyle Needs Owner Operators & Company Drivers. Regional Truckload Operations. HOME EVERY WEEKEND! O/O Average $1.84/Miles. Steady, Year-Round Work. Requires CDL-A, 2Yrs. Exp. Call Dan: 877-910-7711 ________________________________________36-32

Massage Diego, 28 yr. old BM. Race unimportant. Certified Massage Therapist. Small, thin muscular male. $35 half hour; hour $55. 267-333-5026. ________________________________________36-31

Personals Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-800-914-8742. ________________________________________36-32

Gay is our middle name.



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Philadelphia Gay News Aug. 10-16, 2012


O C T O B E R 8 T H - W E L L S FA R G O C E N T E R , P H I L A D E L P H I A T I C K E T S O N S A L E M O N DAY, A U G U S T 1 3 – 1 0 A M Tickets available at the Wells Fargo Center box office, charge by phone at 800-298-4200 and at



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