PGN Aug. 20-26, 2010 issue

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Philadelphia Gay News Vol. 34 No. 34

Honesty Integrity Professionalism

Aug. 20 - 26, 2010

Doylestown bans LGBT discrimination By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

SCREENING PROGRAM: B. Nettles (from left), Beth Pulcinella, K.C. and Tony Perkins show off their artwork at The Attic Youth Center Rainbow Expo Aug. 12 at the William Way LGBT Community Center. The youth planned the event as part of a six-week service-learning project, which won First Place in Civic Engagement and Social Action from the Philadelphia Youth Network’s WorkReady Program. At right, Pulcinella demonstrates silkscreening techniques. The youth also showed off their artistic talents in drama, movies, creative writing and leadership. About 150 people packed the Mark Segal Ballroom for the expo, Photos: Scott A. Drake

The Doylestown Borough Council gave its resounding support to the LGBT community this week when it unanimously voted in favor of including sexual orientation and gender identity in the borough’s non-discrimination ordinance. About 150 people packed into Doylestown Borough Hall Monday night and gave a standing ovation after the commission gave its 9-0 vote, becoming the 17th municipality in the state to approve such a law. “To get a unanimous vote is

really sensational,” said Marlene Pray, one of the lead community activists who worked on the measure. “It sets us in a good direction, and I think only good things are going to come from this.” The standing-room-only crowd, nearly all of whom were wearing rainbow “Doylestown Pride” stickers, waited about an hour as the commission made its way through other bills before it began discussion on Commissioner Don Berk’s measure, which will ban LGBT discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations and also create a See DOYLESTOWN, Page 8

Gay foes, LGBTs rally in Harrisburg By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer The National Organization for Marriage’s summer-tour bus, which has been traveling throughout the country rallying against marriage equality for the past month, parked in front of the Capitol Building in Harrisburg last week, while a collection of LGBT supporters demonstrated across the street. The NOM rally drew about 75 people, while the counter-protest brought out 53, according to the Courage Campaign Institute’s NOM Tour Tracker, which has fol-

lowed and documented the national tour. The night before the protests, statewide LGBT-advocacy group Equality Pennsylvania hosted a film screening and discussion with youth from across the state about LGBT activism, which drew between 60-80 supporters. Prior to the NOM visit, Equality PA urged supporters not to participate in any counter-protests, so as to avoid any potentially inflammatory confrontations. “NOM knows that they can provoke people and then play the victim, and what they’ve been doing

is filming these interactions with counter-protesters, and then using them to raise money in churches and faith organizations,” explained Equality PA executive director Ted Martin. “That right there was enough for me to say, I don’t want to provide them with the air they need to do that.” Martin said he suspects NOM is also planning to use the filmed counter-protests and confrontations to support the group’s court case in Maine, in which they’re fighting to keep the names of signatories who supported a petition to overturn the

UNANIMOUS UNITY: About 150 LGBTs and allies gathered in Doylestown Borough Hall Aug. 16 to debate Commissioner Don Berk’s (second from left) measure to extend the borough’s nondiscrimination ordinance to cover sexual orientation and gender identity. The bill eventually passed, with a unanimous 9-0 vote, making Doylestown the 17th municipality in See HARRISBURG, Page 6 Pennsylvania to ban LGBT discrimination. Photo: Jen Colletta

CA marriage on hold, appeal sped up By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

UNWELCOMED GUESTS: Metropolitan Community Church of Philadelphia members John Speer (center) and Jessica PalmerNelson (right) were among at least 50 marriage-equality supporters who joined in a rally near Harrisburg’s Capitol Building Aug. 13. The event was a response to a visit from antigay National Organization for Marriage, whose members demonstrated against marriage equality on the steps of the Capitol. Photo: The Rev. Jeffrey Jordan

Same-sex couples last week prepared to head to courthouses throughout California to tie the knot, but a ruling from an appeals court put those wedding plans on hold indefinitely. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday overturned last week’s decision by District Court Judge Vaughn Walker, who declined to impose a stay on his earlier landmark ruling repealing the state’s marriage-equality

ban. Walker ruled last week that the stay would “force California to continue to violate plaintiffs’ constitutional rights and would demonstrably harm plaintiffs and other gays and lesbians in California,” but the three-judge panel of the appeals court disagreed, without explanation. However, the court did order an expedited hearing for the appeal, and oral arguments are set to begin in December. The case was originally filed by two same-sex couples who

were denied marriage licenses after California voters passed Proposition 8, overturning a previous state Supreme Court legalizing same-sex marriage, in November 2008. While proponents of marriage equality on Monday expressed disappointment with the ruling, attorneys for the plaintiffs and state officials like California attorney general Jerry Brown said they would not appeal the stay. See CALIFORNIA, Page 7



AUG. 20 - 26, 2010


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AUG. 20 - 26, 2010


Trans woman admits to killing boyfriend By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer A transgender woman from Philadelphia was arrested for murder after she allegedly stabbed her boyfriend to death. Police in Norristown arrested Asia Dominique Santana Aug. 13 and charged her with first-degree murder in the death of Eric Nevith, 28. A s t a t ement from the Montgomery County District A t t o r n ey ’s O ffi c e a f t e r the arrest described that Santana, who is identified ASIA by her birth DOMINIQUE name, Tyrone SANTANA Crawley, called police shortly after 2 p.m. last Friday. The DA said Santana reported that her boyfriend was unresponsive and that she “may have used a knife” to kill him. When police arrived, Santana, 40, of Philadelphia, was sitting on the front steps of a home in the 400 block of Moore Street, where she and Nevith had been staying for several days. Police found Nevith’s body in a second-floor bedroom, wrapped in a sheet and comforter. The DA’s office said Santana related to detectives that she and Nevith were alone in the bedroom when they got into an argument and Nevith struck her in the face. She said she “blacked out” and

“the next thing he [sic] recalled was Nevith lying on the floor, bleeding from his mouth. The defendant said he [sic] then realized he [sic] was holding a knife in his [sic] own hand.” Santana told detectives she placed the knife near the bedroom television set and placed Nevith’s body on the bed, covering him with the sheet. Satana told police she took a shower after the incident because she “felt dirty.” An autopsy was conducted, and the forensic pathologist found multiple stab wounds to the torso, back and leg and ruled the death a homicide. Santana was denied bail during her arraignment last week and is currently being held at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility, with a preliminary hearing scheduled for Aug. 23. While the reason for the fight was not clear, the Times Herald reported that Santana’s family said she had been upset that Nevith had allegedly infected her with HIV. A c c o r d i n g t o S a n t a n a ’s Facebook page, she is a 1988 graduate of Martin Luther King High School and studied communications at Community College of Philadelphia. She wrote that she works in the jewelry department at Macy’s. According to court records, Santana was arrested in Philadelphia in 2000 on charges of robbery, simple assault and reckless endangerment and the following year for prostitution. ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

PGN Next week: Our annual fall preview issue



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AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

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Editorial Letters/Feedback Media Trail News Briefing National News Other Views Regional News Street Talk

PGN 505 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia, PA 19147-1506

Flying high An Idaho aviator has reached an agreement with the U.S. Air Force to temporarily block his discharge from military service under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Page 7

Phone: (215) 625-8501 Fax: (215) 925-6437 E-mail: Web:

Justice is blind

An editorial cartoon on the California Proposition 8 decision. Page 10

Detour Comics Diversions Meeting Place Portraits Q Puzzle Scene In Philly Worth Watching


Mark Segal (ext. 204)

Editor Sarah Blazucki (ext. 206) Art Director Scott A. Drake (ext. 210)

20 26 28 20 21 19 25

Staff Writers Jen Colletta (ext. 215) Larry Nichols (ext. 213)

Jeff Lewis flipped jobs — from flipping houses to more detail-oriented design work. Page 14

2009 Qfest film “Patrik 1.5” is in Philadelphia for a week of encore performances at Ritz at the Bourse.

Professional Portraits: David White

Page 20

Page 17

Writer-at-Large Timothy Cwiek (ext. 208) Graphic Artist Sean Dorn (ext. 211) Advertising Director Tami Sortman (ext. 218)


Advertising Manager Greg Dennis (ext. 201)

Creep of the Week 10 Offline 18 Outward Bound 23

Advertising Sales Representatives David Augustine (ext. 219)

Classifieds Directories

30 32

Creep of the Week


Attic fundraiser

Worth Watching

Get Pucked

Bill McCollum says gays aren’t even fit to be foster parents

The summer hits just keep on comin’

Aiden James is among the performers

Hair today; maybe even hair again tomorrow

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Maukingbird style

Page 10

Page 18


Page 25

Page 16

Poll results from our online survey as of Aug. 18:

Which sport do you find least homophobic? 60% 25% 8% 5% 3%

Events: News/story ideas:

Soccer Baseball Basketball Hockey Football

Office Manager/Classifieds Don Pignolet (ext. 200) Executive Assistant Credit/Billing Manager Carol Giunta (ext. 202) Philadelphia Gay News is a member of: The Associated Press National Gay Newspaper Guild Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Published by Masco Communications Inc. © 2010 Masco Communications Inc. ISSN-0742-5155

Go to to weigh in on this week’s question:

Letters/Opinions: Distribution:

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National Advertising Rivendell Media (212) 242-6863

The road to gay Toronto

Page 22

Would you consider adopting/fostering a child?

The views of PGN are expressed only in the unsigned “Editorial” column. Opinions expressed in bylined columns, stories and letters to the editor are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of PGN. The appearance of names or pictorial representations in PGN does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that named or pictured person or persons.

AUG. 20 - 26, 2010



News Briefing


Vote for out candidate

PICNIC PERFORMANCES: The LGBT community spread out picnic blankets outside the Mann Center for the Performing Arts Aug. 4 for the inaugural LGBT Lawn Party Extravaganza. Vicky Kramer Eisele took home the grand prize — a weekend stay at the Loews Hotel and dinner for two at SoleFood — for her creative “Music Mayhem” display, which in part paid homage to Rufus Wainwright, who was playing at the Mann that evening. NBC 10 meteorologist (back row, from left) Michelle Grossman and traffic reporter Jillian Mele, as well as singer/bandleader Eddie Bruce, served as judges for the competition, awarding the second-place prize, tickets to the upcoming Tony Bennett concert, to the AIDS Fund contingent, represented by Tiffany Brower (from left, sitting), Jillian Toussaint and Jessica Heckman. Photos: Sharla Feldscher

Temple prof looks at LGBT elder issues By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer While the “golden years” are generally a time for retirement and rejuvenation, for the LGBT population, aging can be a process filled with questions, doubts and fears. O u t Te m p l e University law professor Dr. Nancy DR. NANCY Knauer recently won KNAUER two national prizes for her article that examined the complex issues facing LGBT elders, and she’s now preparing for the release of a book that further explores this topic. Knauer, who’s conducted extensive research on LGBT topics, said her attention was first drawn to the LGBT senior population two years ago when California approved marriage equality, and Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, together for more than 50 years, became San Francisco’s first married same-sex couple. “These were people who’d lived through McCarthyism and through the diagnosis of homosexuality as a mental illness and came out on the other side,” Knauer said. “So for them to get married was incredible. So I decided I wanted to look around and see what else was going on with older gay men and lesbians.” What Knauer found was that Martin’s and Lyon’s triumph was an anomaly. Currently, Senior Action in a Gay Environment is the only national LGBT senior agency, and Knauer said she quickly discovered that the lack of organizational

support is reflective of a wider dearth in resources for LGBT elders. “When you think about LGBT elders, they should have two really good constituent groups — the LGBT community and the senior community — working for them,” she said. “But what’s happened is that they’ve been left out of both.” Knauer said there are a wealth of factors that influence the detachment many LGBT seniors face — including ageism that many older people face and homophobia that LGBTs of all ages must contend with — noting that the younger LGBT community and senior-service providers often don’t comprehend the unique mindset of this generation. “We’re talking about people born in 1945 and before, and homosexuality wasn’t declassified as a mental illness until 1973, and I think when we think of declassification, we underestimate what that meant to that generation,” Knauer said. “It wasn’t just that they voted to declassify it and it was, ‘Oh thank goodness, now everything’s better.’ When your entire world view is shaped in a way that your sexuality is criminalized and you’re considered both mentally ill and a sinner, that’s a very complex identity formation.” Many LGBT elders have carried a form of internalized homophobia with them throughout their whole lives, often never going through a coming-out process, Knauer said, noting that some in this population still don’t label themselves gay or lesbian. Few LGBT seniors seek mainstream senior services like assisted living because of their longstanding need to conceal their sexual identity, and the lack of LGBT-specific senior programs further cuts them off from opportunities.

Knauer noted that LGBT seniors are at a very high risk of social isolation, as many are distanced from their families, never had children and report higher rates of being single than other groups of LGBT people. “Social isolation is not that they don’t know a lot of people,” Knauer explained, “but that there’s not one person that they could call to pick up their prescriptions or take them to doctor’s appointments or take them to go buy food. And that’s a big risk.” In her new book due out in January, “Gay and Lesbian Elders: History, Law and Identity Politics in the United States,” Knauer delves into the mindset motivating LGBT seniors and explores the resources and opportunities available, in order to provide an accessible, applicable text for those in the academic world, service providers and LGBTs who themselves are approaching their later years. While Knauer said more attention has recently been directed to elderly LGBTs — through efforts like the National Center for Lesbian Rights’ Del Martin Memorial LGBT Elder Advocacy Initiative — a unified front is necessary to ensure that the final days of a community that has often lived in the shadows are brighter. “We need to really rethink equality throughout the entire lifespan. We invest a lot in trying to guarantee safety for LGBT youth in schools, but we also need to be thinking about the safety of our LGBT seniors,” she said. “For many of these people, the closet has always been a non-negotiable part of life. They are so shaped by a history that we think is over and they’ve become this silent part of our community.” ■

Jen Colletta can be reached at jen@epgn. com.

Democracy for America is currently hosting an online contest to determine which political candidates have the most grassroots support and are deserving of the DFA endorsement. Fern Kaufman, an openly lesbian candidate seeking to represent the 26th District in the Pennsylvania House, is one of 12 Pennsylvanians who could be named DFA’s Pennsylvania All-Star. Kaufman, who will face off with longtime Republican incumbent Tim Hennessey in the November election, describes herself as a social progressive and fiscal conservative and, if elected, would become the first openly LGBT person in the Pennsylvania state legislature. For more information or to vote, visit

Gay skydivers jump in NJ The third-annual Rainbow Boogie, the world’s only gay skydiving event, will be held Aug. 26-29 in Williamstown, N.J., allowing both experienced and new skydivers to take to the skies. Rainbow Skydivers will attempt a 20person “Gay Way” jump to set a new world record, nearly double the size of the 2009 12-person joint freestyle jump the group staged. Events will take place at Skydive Cross Keys, about 20 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport. Skydive Cross Keys offers training for first-time jumpers, and spectators are welcome. Rainbow Skydivers will host a series of parties and other activities throughout the weekend. For more information, search for Rainbow Skydivers on Facebook or e-mail

Grant program for artists Local grantmaking agency Philly Stake is accepting proposals for a grant to fund area arts projects. Philly Stake hosts seasonal dinners, with meals generated by local farms and purveyors, where diners pay a on sliding scale from $10-$20 and vote on a series of proposed arts projects. The projects should be innovative, creative and contribute to the vitality of the local area. To apply, artists must answer a series of questions about their proposed projects and submit images that detail the project or past work. The first 15 proposals submitted that meet the criteria will be unveiled at the next Stake dinner. Proposals are due by noon Sept. 10. For details, visit ■ — Jen Colletta





From Page 1

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AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

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state’s marriage-equality ban private. Kelly McEntee, a Harrisburg resident, said that while she agreed with Equality PA that LGBTs shouldn’t interact with NOM, she also didn’t want their visit to be ignored, so she began mobilizing a response with other activists via Facebook. “While I can see the point of not feeding into what NOM was doing with their persecution complex, I also felt like there were ways we could protest without provoking them and without being in their faces,” she said. Harrisburg resident Zack Ford recently went to the Netroots Nation conference on a scholarship from Freedom to Marry and connected with the national agency and other activists organizing on Facebook to help coordinate the response to NOM. Like McEntee, Ford said he agreed that, while the counter-protest needed to be peaceful, it was necessary. “I don’t think it’s wise to let our opposition decide what our messaging should be. Yes, NOM has been using this propaganda strategy for their own benefit, but I don’t think that means we should completely ignore them. We just had to be more tactical,” he said. “I don’t think the decision to not protest was wise because that doesn’t speak to the need of the community to respond, and it doesn’t speak to the visibility we need to create for ourselves. The kind of response we had is what our movement is built on, and to just concede that power to our opposition is not a good idea.” The counter-protesters positioned themselves across the street from the NOM event and did not get into any confrontations with NOM supporters, McEntee said. “We were on the other side of the street, and we weren’t obnoxious,” she said. “We had a barrier because they parked their bus in front of the steps, so we couldn’t see them but we could hear them. But we still stayed calm and did some singing when the speakers were through. I think what we did was an appropriate response.” The NOM event included remarks from the agency’s executive director, Brian Brown, as well as Michael Geer, president of the Pennsylvania Family Council; Bishop Benjamin Revenel from Lingo Memorial Church of God and Christ in See HARRISBURG, Page 12

AUG. 20 - 26, 2010



Media Trail

Aviator reaches deal to halt discharge — for now By Jessie L. Bonner The Associated Press BOISE, Idaho — An Idaho aviator has reached an agreement with the U.S. Air Force to temporarily block his discharge under the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law that bars openly gay and lesbian military members from military service. The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, an advocacy group seeking equal treatment of gays in the military, says an agreement reached in federal court Monday prevents the Air Force from discharging Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach until a judge can consider its request for a court order to stop his ouster from the military. The group is representing Fehrenbach in his legal fight to keep his job, and filed a federal lawsuit in Idaho last Wednesday asking for a temporary restraining order to stop the discharge until a full hearing can be scheduled. It also wants the law declared unconstitutional. The deal reached this week dismisses a motion for a temporary restraining order and prevents the military from discharging Fehrenbach for 21 days. This three-week window will allow time for a court hearing on a preliminary injunction seeking to halt the discharge, said M. Andrew Woodmansee, lead counsel for Fehrenbach. “We are pleased that the Air Force has agreed to preserve the status quo until we can have a full hearing,” he said. Fehrenbach, who has been decorated for his combat valor in Iraq, disclosed he was gay in 2008 as he defended himself against allegations investigated by the Boise Police Department that he sexually assaulted another man. Fehrenbach said he had sex with the man but claimed it was consensual. He was cleared of the rape allegations, including by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, which found them to be without merit, according to court documents

CALIFORNIA From Page 1 Evan Wolfson, executive director of Freedom to Marry, cautioned that the latest ruling does not necessarily indicate that the appeals court will eventually rule against marriage equality, but rather shows that “the judges understand how important a quick end to the exclusion of marriage is to gay couples, their loved ones and all Americans who believe in equality under the law.” Plaintiff attorney Theodore Olson said he and co-counsel David Boies are immediately starting to prepare for the


Lesbian cadet quits West Point over DADT The Washington Post reports a lesbian cadet asked to resign from the U.S. Military Academy because she said she can no longer lie about her sexuality and was troubled by the antigay attitudes of some around her. Katherine Miller of Findlay, Ohio, also said she wants to fight for repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law, a subject she was studying and writing about as a sociology major at West Point. “I intend for my resignation to offer a concrete example of the consequences of a failed law and social policy,” she wrote in her resignation letter on Aug. 9. Ranked ninth in the class of some 1,100 cadets entering their third year, Miller’s letter was dated a week before she was required to commit to finishing her final two years and serve five in the military.

HOLDING PATTERN: This 2000 photo shows U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach at the Royal Air Force’s Lakenheath Base in England. The 19-year Air Force veteran reached an agreement earlier this week to block his discharge under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the military’s ban on openly gay servicemembers. AP Photo: Victor Fehrenbach

filed last week. But he still faces ouster from the military under the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. The policy prohibits the military from asking about the sexual orientation of service members but requires discharge of those who acknowledge being gay or are discovered to be engaging in homosexual activity. The U.S. House of Representatives voted May 27 for repeal, and the Senate is expected to take up the issue in September. In July, lawyers for a GOP gay-rights organization, the Log Cabin Republicans, asked a federal judge in California during a two-week trial to issue an injunction halting the military’s ban on openly gay members. Government lawyers urged the judge to

let lawmakers decide. A decision is pending, though Judge Virginia A. Phillips may wait to see if Congress acts. Servicemembers Legal Defense Network indicated it filed its lawsuit on behalf of Fehrenbach last week because the group believes his discharge is imminent. Fehrenbach is stationed at the Mountain Home Air Force Base, about 50 miles east of Boise, where he is assistant director of operations for the 366th Operations Support Squadron. In his 19-year tenure in the Air Force, Fehrenbach has flown nearly 90 combat missions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo.

December proceedings. “We are very gratified that the Ninth Circuit has recognized the importance and pressing nature of this case and the need to resolve it as quickly as possible by issuing this extremely expedited briefing schedule,” Olson said. “As Chief Judge Walker found, Proposition 8 harms gay and lesbian citizens each day it remains on the books. We look forward to moving to the next stage of this case.” In the two-page Ninth Circuit ruling, the judges also instructed the appellants, those in favor of Prop. 8, to “include in their opening brief a discussion of why this appeal should not be dismissed for

lack of Article III standing,” referring to the question of whether the groups arguing the case for Prop. 8 have proper standing to bring the appeal. The suit was filed against the state of California, but the governor and attorney general refused to defend Prop. 8 in court. A coalition of religious groups, led by Christian legal agency Alliance Defense Fund, took over the case and must now prove to the appeals court that they would be directly harmed if marriage equality was legal in California. ■

Jen Colletta can be reached at jen@epgn. com.

Portland’s only lesbian bar to close Yahoo News reports The Egyptian Club, Portland, Ore.’s, only lesbian bar, will close its doors for good Oct. 9 due to financial difficulties. Owner Kim Davis noted her dismay, saying, “I don’t want to do this, I really don’t. [Running this club is] the biggest thing I’ve ever done in my life and the coolest.” Last year, rated the club the nation’s best lesbian bar. The shutdown of The Egyptian comes in the wake of the closure announcement of New York City’s Starlite Lounge.

Target: No donations for gay groups Minneapolis’ Star Tribune reports Target Corp. said Aug. 16 it won’t give money to gay-friendly causes to quiet the uproar over a $150,000 donation that helped support an antigay Minnesota governor candidate. The company said it was “best to wait” given the controversy, which prompted Facebook calls for a boycott. “We believe that it is impossible to avoid turning any further actions into a political issue and will use the benefit of time to make thoughtful, careful decisions on how best to move forward,” the company said in a statement. In response, the Human Rights Campaign said it will contribute $150,000 to political candidates in Minnesota who support gay marriage. ■ — Larry Nichols




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DOYLESTOWN From Page 1 human-relations commission to investigate discrimination complaints. About a dozen people stood and spoke on the bill, including everyone from a gay high-school student to a grandmother to a

AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

mother whose 9-year-old daughter wanted to attend the meeting in support after watching a documentary about LGBT bullying. A few detractors did take the microphone to air concerns about taxpayer expenditures and that the law would allow male pedophiles to enter female restrooms, on which commissioners quickly


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commented that they’d researched that issue and never found such an occurrence. Commissioners Joan Doyle and Bill Stevens — the latter of whom joked that as the only Republican on the panel, he should be the commission’s first complainant — agreed that they were concerned about the cost, but said the ordinance was necessary. Berk said the feedback he’d gotten from borough residents ran about 10-1 in favor of the ordinance, and he applauded the community during the meeting for getting behind the measure. “I’ve always been proud to be a resident of Doylestown and never more so than this evening,” Berk said. “This ordinance is a statement that we will no longer treat groups of people differently. Discrimination will no longer be tolerated in Doylestown.” Nancy Reilly, an organizer for Doylestown Pride who has lived in the borough for eight years, said she has faced instances of discrimination but had no other resources until now. “Even though Doylestown is perceived as progressive and open — and it is and that’s why I live here — there was still room for improvement,” she said. “It’s important that not just the LGBT community, but everyone, have a voice and have someplace to go and report something if it happens. I’ve had things happen to me and there was just nothing in existence for me to go to and say I was treated this way and it was blatantly obvious that it’s because I’m gay.” Reilly said she was impressed by the overwhelming support the measure has seen from the borough’s heterosexual residents. “At the first commission meeting on this, I was just blown away by the number of young, heterosexual couples who were there,” she said. “There were people who owned businesses and who had young children with them and who said that they’d no longer live here if we didn’t pass this.” Berk’s own daughter, Julia, even got involved in the effort, and was handing out Doylestown Pride stickers to guests at Monday night’s meeting. Although she’s only 17, Julia said she recognized the need for Doylestown to take a stand on LGBT discrimination. “I think it’s important to show that we are very accepting here in Doylestown,” she said. “Even if they don’t get that many cases, it sends a message to other local communities around us that accep-

AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

tance of all people is important.” Together We Can, a discussion Stephen chair of with the group forGlassman, people dealing Pennsylvania Human emotional, mental andRelations addictive problems, willwho meetworked at 7 p.m. at The Commission, closely with the commission on the craftThe Information ing of theTrans-Health ordinance, said the vast Project will media hold a attention drop-in center mainstream the for all trans persons 7-11 p.m. measure garnered wasfrom deserved. oor; “I have worked on every single one of the 16 other jurisdictional The Humboldt a gay and ordinances in this Society, commonwealth, lesbian naturalist club, will meet and what you’ve done here is at 7:30 p.m. at the William Way unmatched and it’s the model for this Ties kind That of legislative he Bind Us,effort,” a 12-step told those gathered in Borough Hall. “The respect everyone’s shown, the outpouring of support from community members and the ability there was for all to thoughtfully and intelligently, from both parties, look at this with unjaundiced eyes and objectively evaluate the work before you is exceptional. The way you’ve handled this, with full transparency, ought to be looked at throughout the United States as a way to do business and to use the representative democracy that we’re so fortunate to have in this country.” Commission president Det Ansinn said the body had plans within the next month to pass a resolution to urge the state legislature to move on HB 300, which would include the LGBT community in the statewide nondiscrimination law. State Rep. Dan Frankel (D-23rd Dist.), the lead sponsor of HB 300, congratulated the Doylestown commissioners Tuesday and said he will continue to press for statewide protections. “While it heartens me to see that more and more municipal areas in Pennsylvania want to go out of their way to protect their own residents, I recognize that it is the commonwealth’s job to make sure that when someone takes a step outside of Doylestown or Pittsburgh, they don’t lose the basic protections they have while in those municipal boundaries,” he said. Pray said she hopes Doylestown’s action will spur others to work to eradicate LGBT discrimination throughout the state. “We know we have a lot of work ahead of us; we heard some of the opposition, and that’s part of why this is needed. People are uneducated and miseducated about the issues, but we’re going to continue to work to change that,” she said. “But it was heartening to see this kind of turnout and support from all different people. We’re very hopeful about what’s to come. Because this is what Doylestown is about.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at



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AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

Editorial Friends and foes in the right wing Well, if it isn’t progress sneaking up on us. This week, several conservative pundits took some (tentative) steps toward tolerance and inclusion, while others remained firmly entrenched in bigotry. At least they aren’t all spouting intolerance at every turn. First in the throwback list is “Dr.” Laura Schlessinger, who decided to end her radio show after she used the N-word 11 times on air while talking to a woman in an interracial marriage. Readers might remember Schlessinger from her comment that gays are a “mistake of nature,” which sparked efforts to get her off of network TV in 2000. At least this time she had the insight to resign on her own. Next on the throwback list is former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who told The Associated Press that he supported the proposed ouster of three Iowa Supreme Court justices after last year’s unanimous overturning of a ban on same-sex marriage. The three justices face retention elections this year. Gingrich went on to accuse the judges of “legislating from the bench,” and likened the ruling to Judge Vaughn Walker’s in California’s Proposition 8 case. Not surprisingly, Gingrich was in Iowa to promote a new book, and some have said he might put in a bid for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. But we might be seeing progress in other conservatives — or at least in the standard of antigay rhetoric. That same weekend in Iowa, former Sen. Rick Santorum said he wouldn’t support the effort to remove the justices, but did say he opposed judges with a political agenda. Santorum, known for comparing homosexuality to bestiality, is a likely Republican presidential candidate. Which brings us to another conservative making headlines, this time for (somewhat) backing gays. Right-wing darling Ann Coulter, no stranger to the F-word, has been dis-invited from a conference hosted by conservative website Word Net Daily, where Coulter has a weekly column. Organizers dropped her from the speaker list because Coulter is headlining an event hosted by GOProud, a Republican gay group. Coulter took umbrage at the assertion that she backed the group’s views, responding: “That’s silly. I speak to a lot of groups and do not endorse them. I speak at Harvard and I certainly don’t endorse their views ... I’m sure I agree with GOProud more than I do with at least half my college audiences. But in any event, giving a speech is not an endorsement of every position held by the people I’m speaking to.” True. But it is, at least, somewhat legitimizing the group. More likely for Coulter, the gay event just paid better. ■

Correction In “Film-fest love story takes the stage” (Aug. 13-19), PGN incorrectly reported the sexual orientation of “Just Say Love” director Daniel Student. He is straight.

Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

Bill McCollum I’ve never much cared for Florida. I mean, sure, alligators are cool. It has nice weather in the winter and is home to many kind grandmas, not to mention Disney World. But it also is the only state to completely ban gay people from adopting children. And I can’t help but take that a little personally. Granted, Florida does allow gays to be foster parents. And even that’s too much for Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum, who is turning up the antigay rhetoric as he vies for the Republican nomination for governor. McCollum, who defended Florida’s antigay adoption ban in court and who paid George “Rentboy” Rekers $120,000 to act as his expert antigay witness, doesn’t think gays should be allowed to be foster parents, either. “I really do not think that we should have homosexuals guiding our children. I think that it’s a lifestyle that I don’t agree with,” McCollum told the Florida Baptist Witness. “It’s my personal faith, religious faith, that I don’t believe that the people who do this should be raising our children. It’s not a natural thing. You need a mother and a father. You need a man and a woman. That’s what God intended.” Hmm. So no homos around the

kids because McCollum’s religiousbased bigotry is more important than kids without stability in their lives. And gays simply can’t provide that because they are “people who do this ... thing” that is not “natural.” But what is this thing? Being gay? Having sex? Sorry to break it to you, McCollum, but those things are natural. What isn’t natural is voluntarily becoming a foster parent in a state that has no shortage of kids in need of a home. Becoming a foster parent isn’t exactly an innate trait. It takes a lot of consideration and sacrifice to open your life and your home to kids in need. Are there terrible foster parents out there? Oh, hell yes. And by automatically weeding out the gay ones you simply shrink the pool, not make it safer. So if only a mother and a father will do, then that not only rules out gay folks, it also rules out single men and women, whom Florida also allows to be foster parents. So I guess what McCollum really wants is to make the shortage of foster parents in Florida worse. You know, for the kids. “And this election is about ... our children,” he said. “It’s about the grandchildren and children of the

people of Florida and making Florida a better place for them.” As long as “better” in this instance actually means “shittier,” then McCollum is totally correct. Not surprisingly, McCollum is also against letting gays and lesbians marry. “I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman,” he told the Florida Baptist Witness. “I believe that a family should consist of one man and one woman.” Wait, so if they have kids, then they’re not a family anymore? Dude, you’re confusing me. There’s really no confusion, however, about the travesty McCollum would be as governor for LGBT Floridians. “I don’t believe in involving the government in enforcing or encouraging the lifestyle of gays and homosexuals. I just don’t believe that,” he said. But I guess involving the government in discriminating against “gays and homosexuals” (because there’s apparently a difference) is A-OK. ■ D’Anne Witkowski is a freelance writer and poet. When she’s not taking on the creeps of the world, she reviews rock ’n’ roll shows in Detroit with her twin sister.


AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

Other Views

Street Talk

Leslie Robinson

You’re outta here! Even if you don’t like baseball, you’ve probably seen video of a manager vociferously arguing a call with an umpire. The manager might throw his cap. He might throw a base. He might throw out his back throwing a base. Brent Bowers, skipper of a minor-league team, performed an unusual physical maneuver and delivered a scalding tirade during a confrontation with openly gay umpire Billy Van Raaphorst. Bowers now has a place in baseball history, but it will only get him into the Hall of Shame. On July 31, Bowers’ Edmonton Capitals played the Orange County Flyers in Fullerton, Calif. Van Raaphorst, of Irvine, Calif., was the crew chief. In the first inning, another umpire called a close play at first base. Bowers and some of his players pointedly objected to the call. Van Raaphorst warned them. When Bowers and two players continued beefing, Van Raaphorst ejected them, the second day in a row he’d tossed Bowers in the first inning. Bowers promptly benched his brain. obtained the official report Van Raaphorst gave to the Golden Baseball League in which the umpire provided his account of what happened next. Bowers ran over to him and screamed, “You know what I heard? I heard you are a fucking faggot ... So what do you do you fucking faggot? Do you take it up the fucking ass you faggot?” Bowers bent over and grabbed his ankles, apparently fearful the umpire hadn’t understood his words and a visual aid was in order. This leader of men screamed into Van Raaphorst’s face, “What’s the matter, did your fucking boyfriend fucking cum on your face today, is that how you like it you fucking faggot?” It was a fine, family-friendly day at the ballpark. Bowers threatened, “I ought to kick your ass you faggot.” The plate umpire came over and Van Raa-


phorst walked away. Bowers screamed at the plate umpire, “I know he is a faggot, I was told by [two prominent people in the league] that he is a fucking faggot. I know he is a faggot!” Whew. Van Raaphorst, who stands 6-foot-4, did well not to knock him into the hotdog stand. Several possibilities here. The first is clear: This manager can’t manage his anger. As to the second and third possibilities, his rant was so extreme and so primal, Bowers either is a poster child for the testosterone-soaked ethos of pro sports, or he’s gay. My bet is the former. The very idea of the latter probably makes him want to throw bats out of the dugout. Preferably with me in the way. The Golden Baseball League responded to the homophobic tirade by suspending Bowers for two games. Yup, a whole two games. That decision was the foulest of foul balls. Fortunately, Van Raaphorst’s fellow umps were incensed over this slap on the wrist, and threatened to walk off the job. The league then suspended Bowers for the rest of the season. Bowers, who admitted to the tongue-lashing, resigned. The guy without a job said he regrets what he did. “I’ve grown up more in three days than ever before,” said Bowers. That still makes him only about 14. The league president said, due to this incident, all 10 teams will be required to go through diversity training. Now that is a grand slam. Kudos to Billy Van Raaphorst, who managed to endure an appalling situation. I don’t know if there’s a blessing for baseball umpires, so I’ll make one up: May your calls be accurate, may your temper be slow and may a line drive never land in your teeth. ■ Leslie Robinson lives in Seattle. E-mail her at and read other columns at

Should Obama issue a moratorium on gay military discharges until “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is resolved?

Harry Finnimore laborer Rittenhouse Square

Kirk Healy medical salesperson Conshohocken

“Yes, he should do it now. Sexual preference isn’t a valid reason to prevent someone from serving [in the military]. It’s a waste of time and money to go after gays and lesbians. If Congress decides to keep the policy, then at some point the discharges can begin again. But they shouldn’t be retroactive.”

“Yes. Put the discharges on hold. The policy is silly. While I understand the hillbilly mentality, I don’t agree with it. Sexual preference should be the least of the military’s concerns. We have two wars going on. We need people [to serve].”

Beth Kane server South Philadelphia

Darien Marshall writer Washington Square West

“Yes. People are losing their jobs for no good reason. I don’t think who you have sex with should matter on your job. It could take a long time for Congress or the courts to act. The situation requires prompt action from Obama.”

“Yes, Obama needs to go in there and stop [discharges], because it’s wrong. Delaying the process only prolongs the agony. We shouldn’t have to wait another minute. Opponents of gays and lesbians need to get over it.”

Letters and Feedback In response to “Eagles player tweets homophobia,” Aug. 13-19: Dude, I am as gay as gay can get and I didn’t find his initial tweet homophobic or offensive. He was just bummed out to see homo sex. If I was watching a gay series and then had to watch straight sex, I might feel the same way. Sorry, bro, for the political-correctness police! — MInkstole... Wow, Eagles management is monitoring them that hard? — reesehugg “Frankie says, ‘RELAX.’” — Rob Drake I agree with you all. This should have not been an issue. Remember,

it is always prudent to stop thinking out loud! — fitzmith There was a buttload of gay scenes. It shocked me a little. But, then again, I watch hetero scenes all the time. They might lose some straight male audience if it’s too much, though. — Butty In response to “Breaking up is hard to do,” July 23-29: I must commend Mark [Segal] for his bittersweet column. While, of course, you have no obligation to share matters of your personal life with the PGN readership, in this case, I’m glad you did. You showed that, in the midst of a breakup, two people can go

their separate ways with grace and dignity, demonstrate civility and decency, acknowledge and appreciate the contributions you made to each other’s lives and — best of all — know for sure that your love was/is genuine. I appreciate your story because, more and more, I see us treating each other with such disregard in an increasingly “disposable” society. Indeed, “breaking up is hard to do” ... but know that, in the process, you inspired and reminded us to see the good in one another and to respect and treasure our relationships. Gay life is difficult enough! Mark and Jason, I wish each of you the best — all that two seemingly great guys deserve. — Carl Shattuck Northeast Philadelphia



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AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

HARRISBURG From Page 6 Harrisburg; Damon Owens, founder of Joy Filled Marriage New Jersey; and Derek McCoy, president of the Association of Maryland Families. The Rev. Jeffrey Jordan of the Metropolitan Community Church of Philadelphia, who estimated the counter-protest at closer to 70 people, said he brought two supporters from Philadelphia and, although he was tempted to engage with NOM supporters, he and the other counter-protesters gave them a wide berth. “I think it’s very important that when anyone is giving any kind of message that both sides of the story are heard,” he said. “There was the potential of the bus tour having all of the media coverage and also being all that passersby heard, so we thought we needed to get out there and get out our message about marriage equality.” Morgan Meneses-Sheets, executive director of Equality Maryland, said that, like Equality PA, her organization also decided to not endorse a counter-protest when NOM visited Annapolis, but rather hosted events like a phonebank, postcardwriting and community discussions to reach out to LGBTs, allies and state legislators. “I applaud Equality Pennsylvania for resisting the urge to do a counter-protest. At each stop where there have been counter-protests or attendance by pro-equality supporters, the National Organization for Marriage has disrespected or mocked them and attempted to provoke them into screaming or yelling. Their goal in doing this is to make our side look foolish and hostile,” Meneses-Sheets said. “We decided that while we may be upset by their rhetoric, we can’t get caught up in retaliation when we need to remain focused on what needs to get done to win.” Martin said he did, however, witness part of the Harrisburg counterprotest and was impressed by the participants’ poise. “I did see some of the counterprotesting, and I was very pleased that they were so respectful and that they did it in a smart way. That’s a very good thing,” he said. “I know these people are repulsive, so it was very tough to say, ‘Don’t react,’ but there were a lot of reasons for us to choose that course. What we did was something different and it didn’t provide the National Organization for Marriage with anything of much value as they move forward.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

AUG. 20 - 26, 2010



Mexico Supreme Court upholds gay adoptions By E. Eduardo Castillo The Associated Press MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s Supreme Court voted Monday to uphold a Mexico City law allowing adoptions by same-sex couples, drawing jubilant cheers from gay-advocacy groups and angry protests from Roman Catholic Church representatives. The justices voted 9-2 against challenges presented by federal prosecutors and others who had argued the law fails to protect adoptive children against possible ill effects or discrimination, or to guarantee their right to a traditional family. “ To d a y, i n s t i t u t i o n a l i z e d homophobia has been buried,” said Jaime Lopez Vela, a leader of the group Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transsexual and Transgender Agenda. “We are happy, because now we have the same rights and responsibilities of any other married couple.” Monday’s decision followed earlier Supreme Court rulings that same-sex marriages performed in Mexico City are constitutional and that other Mexican states must respect them. Mexico City’s groundbreaking same-sex marriage law, enacted in March, extends to wedded gay couples the right to adopt children, to jointly apply for bank loans, to inherit wealth and to be covered by their spouses’ insurance policies. Outside the court building, dozens of gay-rights activists erupted in cheers and chanted, “Now we’ve won!” while a similar number of opponents of the Mexico City law chanted, “Man plus woman equals marriage,” and “Father, Mother, that’s what children need!” Justices voting with the majority argued that once same-sex marriages had been approved, it would be discriminatory to consider those couples less capable of parental duties than heterosexual couples. “There is no reliable evidence that sexual orientation determines, by itself” any other type of behavior, said Justice Arturo Saldivar, adding, “The preferences of the parents do not determine [a child’s] sexual orientation ... that is a discriminatory argument.” But church representatives strongly opposed the ruling. Father Hugo Valdemar, the

spokesperson for the Archdiocese of Mexico, said the court had “treated children as if they were pets, to be adopted by whoever wants one, and that violates their rights.” Armando Martinez, the leader of the Catholic Lawyers’ Association, said his group will ask for the impeachment of the justices who voted to uphold the Mexico City law, adding “the justices are not God. They make a lot of mistakes.” Three hundred and thirty-nine gay and lesbian couples have married under the law, but city officials say none of those couples have yet applied to adopt children. Lopez Vela said his group expects to present the first such application next week, on behalf of a lesbian couple. But the already-difficult process of adoption in Mexico — it usually involves years of red tape, and orphans here are usually adopted by a relative anyway — make it unlikely that same-sex adoptions of unrelated children will ever be numerous. For example, Lopez Vela said the first application would involve the adoption of a girl by the lesbian partner of the child’s biological mother. Justices who sided with the majority stressed that potential adoptive parents, gay or straight, are checked for suitability as part of the adoption process. “It is not a question of sexuality that determines whether a person is qualified or not to adopt,” said Justice Margarita Luna. The Roman Catholic Church heatedly opposed the law, and the court voted unanimously Monday to condemn comments by Cardinal Juan Sandoval, the archbishop of Guadalajara, who suggested over the weekend that justices may have been paid off by the Mexico City government to favor the law. Mexico City’s law was the first of its type in Latin America when it was enacted. Argentina became the first country in the region to permit gay marriage, when, in July, President Cristina Fernandez signed legislation declaring that wedded gay and lesbian couples have all the same legal rights and responsibilities as heterosexual couples, including the right to inheritance and to jointly adopt children. ■

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AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

Turning down the house

Out TV personality perseveres in ‘Flipping Out’ By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer When the real-estate bubble burst, it took down more than housing prices. For house-flipper Jeff Lewis, it meant reworking his business model. This season, the reality show “Flipping Out” is back to follow the entrepreneurial adventures of out real-estate investor Jeff Lewis. When we left Lewis and company last season, Lewis, who for the first two seasons had been making a pretty penny flipping high-end houses in Southern California, had to face the fact that the economy wasn’t going to be helping him unload million-dollar houses like it used to. So he decided to branch out into his own design business.

This new season finds Lewis — whose obsessive-compulsive disorder and other personality quirks have long been a source of guilty pleasure for viewers and somewhat of a bane to the people who work for him, like longtime assistant and newly promoted chief operations officer Jenni Pulos — in full swing. “Things are a little better for my business,” he said. “I think the main thing is that, last year, we were concerned about drumming up business. I was certainly concerned about money and that was the underlying stress of last season. This season is a little different. It’s kind of the opposite. It’s not that I have so much money but it’s that I have a lot of work coming in. I want to take on as much as I can but we’re a small office and we can only take on so much. It’s another problem, but it’s a better

problem to have.” After four seasons, Lewis is well aware of how he comes across on screen, but he insists that he’s understood. “I think there are a lot of different sides and facets to my personality. We see a lot of one side of me. It certainly would be nice to see more of the softer side because there is a softer side once in a while. I don’t know if I’m necessarily misunderstood. I just think I’m a certain personality during that day. That’s when we do most of our filming. So we’re filming between 9 and 6 every day. I think that I’m very different outside of work and on weekends. Wouldn’t you say, Jenni?” “Um ... [hesitates] ... yeah,” said Pulos. “That didn’t sound too convincing,” Lewis replied. “You’re an intense person at work but

Detour A departure from the ordinary

that’s just the deal,” Pulos added. “There is another side. What we saw is from 9 a.m.6 p.m. Monday through Friday. There are other sides to him. You see that this season actually with Zoila [Chavez, Lewis’ full-time housekeeper]. There’s definitely moments. What I will say is that you are as intense as you are. I think sometimes people think it’s turned up for the camera. You are that intense. I’ve known you for a long time. But that’s also why you’re the best at what you do. When he’s in work mode, he’s in work mode. He’s definitely a perfectionist and wants things done a certain way. That’s when the conflict comes, when he’s feeling like it’s not done the way he wants it to be done.” Both Lewis and Pulos admitted that Lewis had to rein in his personality a bit when he shifted his focus from flipping

Photos: Courtesy of Bravo

AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

houses to design. “When you are working for yourself there’s a certain amount of flexibility,” Pulos said. “And now that doesn’t exist. There’s a new set of drama and interesting twists this season.” “Also, we have a lot to do in a very short amount of time,” Lewis chimed in. “Remember that now we’re on the client’s business. We’ve got people breathing down our necks wanting to move back into their homes. A lot of times, there are construction delays that have nothing to do with us that are completely out of our control. These clients get upset. I’ve certainly been humbled because we eat a lot of shit now where we didn’t have to before. When you work with clients, you have to put up with a lot and I have to bite my tongue. But I feel I know where people are coming from a little better now.” Pulos added that she has noticed how much Lewis has changed since the show began. “I think that Jeff has a few more grays,” she said. “He’s changed a lot. His business has completely changed. The people that really watch our show watch our show. We have our niche and that’s because they’ve seen Jeff’s journey. Season one, he was flipping and I’ve known him so long and seen the dramatic change in his business. He’s had to adjust. I also think he looked at himself and said I don’t like a lot of my behavior. I don’t like how I go into a blind rage. I don’t like the certain things I do. For him, I think it was therapy. Now we’re at 30 hours total of his life. It’s odd. When you see your life edited into this package, I think he has changed a lot. I think having to deal with clients more and having this booming design business has helped more with relationships, dealing with different personalities and learning not to have outbursts.”


On the one hand, the show gives Lewis an advantage of heightened visibility in the field of design, but it also has the added bonus (or detriment) of people knowing his personality before they even meet him. Lewis explained that the benefits of having his own TV show outweigh any negative effects the show might have on his business. “I think that there are certain people that believe that once you have a reality show, you lose credibility. But I think in my case we have a good following and there are people that believe in my work ethic and my talent, and my business has grown as a result. I really can’t be concerned about people who criticize. I’ve gotten very used to ... Let’s be honest, I get a lot of negative criticism, let’s be honest, with the press and the blogs. I think the reason I handle it so well is because I was born into a world of criticism. I think that for me, I’m a little more resilient than most people. That being said, everybody wants to be liked and every now and again there’s some biting criticism that will actually sting a bit, but I just try to move forward and stay focused.” When it comes to relationships outside of work, both Lewis and Pulos agree they’d rather keep that aspect of their lives off the show. “I went through a divorce in season two,” Pulos said. “So now, last year, I was joking about my dating life. Now I’m with someone and we both chose that he not appear on the show. So I was done with that side of it.” “She didn’t want to get dumped again on camera,” Lewis teased. “You’re so sensitive today,” Pulos shot back. “Yeah, I guess that’s what it was. I respect this person that I’m dating immensely and whatever happens will be meant to be, but I don’t want to put him on the show.” “And he’s a doctor, so we don’t want

to screw this up,” Lewis said. “My mom is real happy. Let’s put it that way,” Pulos replied. Unlike Pulos, Lewis chose not to have his relationship play out on screen from the beginning. “I’m dating someone also. But when we first started the show, I had been in a relationship for about four years and this person did not want to be on camera at all. That established the whole structure of the show and it ended up being almost exclusively about my business life, which is the majority of my life anyway. The people that surround me are my employees and that’s kind of my family. When the other relationship ended and the new one began, it kind of felt like the show had already been established, and I don’t think that this person wants to be on television either. I think that it would be a red flag to me if somebody did want to be on the show because people, as I have found out, will date you for the wrong reasons.” So there you have it. Jeff Lewis is a happy, successful and changed man. But before we believe there isn’t much left of the old Jeff, we leave you with this quote: “I think I have an inflated sense of self and I think someone poked a pin in me. Sometimes I feel a little beaten down and beaten up, but it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing for me in the long run. Even though I hate working so hard for my money now. Because I work really hard. I work three times as hard for half the money and I’m tired.” Poor baby. “Flipping Out” airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on Bravo. For more information on Lewis, visit www.jefflewisdesign. com. ■ Larry Nichols can be reached at





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AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

Mauckingbird goes queer with Shakespeare By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer

Mauckingbird Theatre Company, which has carved out a niche for itself by injecting gay and lesbian characters into theater classics, is at it again. This time the company is turning one of Shakespeare’s most popular classics, “A Midsummer Night’s 253 S. 10th St. Dream,” into a cyberpunk comedy First Floor full of same-sex intrigue. In the original, Oberon, king of Philadelphia the fairies, sends the trickster Puck into the woodlands with magical juice (we’re guessing vodka) to manipulate the affections of four young Athenian lovers — Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius and Helena — to his advantage. Things don’t go as planned, as both Lysander and Demetrius end up falling for Helena. Wacky Shakespearian hijinks ensue. Mauckingbird’s take on the comedy sets the action at an elite boarding school and switches the genders of Lysander and Helena, who end up really wanting to get into the pants of Hermia and Demetrius, respectively. Patrick Joyce, 25, was eager to perform for Mauckingbird again, having previously appeared in the production of “The Misanthrope.” “They’re doing different theater that anyone else in the Philly area PAGE 15 does with gay and lesbian themes,” Joyce said. “That attracted me right away just because it’s something different. Then audiences loved ‘The Misanthrope’ and they were so open to it, so I knew that something like this was going to be the same thing.” Joyce said he was hoping to land any role in “Midsummer,” no matter how small. But he was cast as one of the main characters. “When I received the role of Helena, I was surprised and excited and nervous because it’s such a prominent role in all of Shakespeare’s works,” he said. “Being a male playing a role that is normally played by a female is going to be something that is different, interesting and funny. It adds a whole new twist. You can play around with the role so much. As an actor, you pray to land a role like this where you can have fun and learn about yourself.” Emily Letts, 22, plays the other switched-gender character in the

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production. She said that changing Lysander to a female doesn’t switch the character as much as it alters the context of that character’s struggle. “Lysander is a character who is fighting for what he wants despite everyone telling him that he can’t have it,” she said. “He’s fighting against a lot of oppression around him. Changing him into a woman, it kind of augments the oppression. It’s the same adversity but it adds a lot more of a modern context. For me, it makes the obstacles much stronger and my fight to get over them even stronger.” Both Joyce and Letts said the addition of the modern, cyberpunk aesthetic further distinguishes this version of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” from the more traditional versions of the play that most audi-

ences are used to. “It makes it more modern,” Joyce said. “We communicate through text messages and Facebook. Every type of communication has gone online or through telephone. It is so relevant and it will make the story so much funnier to the audience because they will be able to relate to that.” “I think that this will be a bit of a shock to people who have seen a lot of versions of it,” Letts added. “Not only are we doing the genderbend, but the styling of the show is very out there. In no way, shape or form is it traditional. I think [audiences] have to have an open mind when they come and see it. There are hundreds of productions of ‘Midsummer’ out there that are traditional and don’t take leaps. I’m in full support of that and I love it, but I think it’s important to push the boundaries every once in a while to see what we have, whether it’s successful or not. People are just going to have to go along with the ride with us.” Mauckingbird Theatre Company presents “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” through Sept. 12 at Randall Theater at Temple University, 2020 N. 13th St. For more information or tickets, visit or call (215) 9238909. ■


Larry Nichols can be reached at

Photos: Jill McCorkel

AUG. 20 - 26, 2010



Film explores gay adoption gone awry By Gary M. Kramer PGN Contributor “Patrik, Age 1.5,” opening at Ritz theaters today, is a modest but mostly enjoyable feel-good comedy-drama from Sweden. Göran (Gustaf Skarsgård) and Sven (Torkel Petersson) are an affectionate married gay couple who move into a suburban community where all the houses on the street look the same. They want to be just like straight families — and there is nothing wrong with that, right? The couple has also arranged to adopt a child to complete the traditional happy-family unit. However, their adoption request is denied at first. Their domestic harmony is further spoiled when Patrik (Thomas Ljungman), a 15-year-old with a criminal background and contempt for queers, turns up as their assigned “son.” Comedy ensues from this arrangement as Göran and Sven fight bureaucratic red tape from social services as well as the police. They also battle with the contentious Patrik and each other. Thankfully, the film’s writerdirector, Ella Lemhagen, mines this albeit contrived situation for poignancy and tenderness. Skarsgård’s performance is quite affecting as he palpably bonds with Patrik. Eager to prove that not every gay man registers for NAMBLA when presented with a cute male teenager, the film’s characters combat discrimination with dignity. Göran’s efforts to be respected in his community are endearing and even empowering. While the insistence on using album-oriented rock-pop tunes on the soundtrack makes “Patrik, Age 1.5” feel emotionally calculated and button-pushing at times, the positive messages still go down smoothly. Lemhagen chatted with PGN about her film and how she came to make this queer family comedy. PGN: What prompted you to adapt this play into a film? EL: I never heard or read the play — I accepted [the job] just from the pitch. I read the play and didn’t like the play so much, so I used the pitch and wrote my own story version. I like mistaken-identity comedies where someone thinks one person will

show up and another person does. And this is also a love story between three men — if you count the boy. PGN: The main characters want to be like “everyone else” — in a suburban house with a family — why does that theme resonate? EL: It’s more the idea Göran wants it but Sven doesn’t. Sven has the background living this typical life — he has been married and has a child — and he left it. He met Göran and chose a different [gay] life, but then he realized Göran is going after what Sven has left. Sven wants something completely different. He lives with a man now. I was interested in that conflict. Göran is not conflicted about being gay. He wants to live an ordinary life with kids and doesn’t want to be special, so he’s confused when people treat him like he’s different. PGN: The film is pretty familyfriendly — not too edgy, sexy or violent. Did you specifically want it to appeal to a broad audience? EL: Yes. The producer’s idea was to make it mainstream, and what I liked about that was not just telling a story about gay people for gay people — because that becomes a narrow audience — it was more telling a love story about a couple that wants to have a child and what happens when the wrong child appears. It’s important that it’s a gay couple — but I wanted to tell is so everyone can relate to the family issues. Their struggles aren’t specific to a gay couple, more of people you can relate to. PGN: Much of the comedy comes from the bureaucratic red tape Göran and Sven go through with social services and the police. Are you showing how difficult gay adoption is? EL: Yes. I really checked the situation in Sweden before I made this film. I interviewed the first Swedish gay couple that was accepted to legally adopt in 2003. But they are still waiting to adopt. So it was based on that couple’s story. It’s upsetting in a way that it’s legal but not possible because of bureaucracy. PGN: How did you choose the actors for the film? Did you go

for certain types — to break stereotypes, perhaps? EL: Torkel (Sven) and I worked together before. We discussed Gustaf as Göran, but I was almost sure, at 26, he was too young. So I took those two in by chance and after a minute I was convinced they were in love. I know they are both straight, but I believed them. It was more difficult to find a young kid for Patrik. Thomas had a lot of energy and wanted to do it. But he was almost too charming, and too cute. I was looking for someone more [dangerous]. I tried to turn him down. I [stripped] his [voice] away and worked more on his expressions and body language than words/dialogue. PGN: What’s with all the country music on the soundtrack? EL: Maybe it was a gay stereotype, but I wanted that kind of music for Sven who is macho. I started to think of him as a cowboy, with his shirts and boots. Originally I wanted only Dolly Parton, but it was so expensive, I had to change it to Tanya Tucker. Except I got “Here You Come Again,” because Dolly didn’t write that. We made our own recording, so it connected to Dolly. ■




AUG. 20 - 26, 2010


Bruce Yelk

Gay Philadelphia has it all What do you get when you combine one superstar from “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” two concerts of the best queer music, and three of summer’s most hotly anticipated gay events? Not sure of the answer? You get one of the busiest and most exciting times in Philadelphia in recent memory. There is a ton of ground to cover this week, so let’s get down to business:

nonprofit organization. The party runs from 5-10 p.m. Visit www. for more information.

On Aug. 20, international drag superstar Nina Flowers will take the stage at Voyeur, 1221 St. James St. Since she finished as runner-up on season one of “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” Flowers has taken the world of drag performance by storm. Her fan support and growing popularity after the show’s conclusion were so strong that RuPaul brought Flowers back to serve as a professor on Logo’s new show, “Drag U.” The event starts at 9 p.m. Cover is $25.

On Aug. 26 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St., several LGBT musicians will perform at QueerChannel Presents: A Showcase of Queer Talent. Musical acts include Steph Hayes & the Good Problems, Humble Tripe, Nicole Reynolds, Chris Shutz and the Tourists, Dangerous Ponies and Aiden James. The cover charge for the event is only $15, and 30 percent of the proceeds benefit The Attic Youth Center. For more information on the concert, visit To learn more about The Attic, go to www.atticyouthcenter. org.

Big girls may not cry, but they certainly know how to lip synch. On Aug. 21, the best in the business of large-lady drag will take to the stage at New Hope’s Nevermore Hotel, 6426 Lower York Road, to compete in the Miss Gay NJ USofA At Large pageant. If you’ve never seen an “official” drag competition in person, don’t miss this opportunity. These guys go full out with makeup, gowns and performance numbers that would make Cher stand up and cheer. The winner will go on to compete at the national Miss Gay USofA At Large. For more information on the event, including ticket prices, ordering and directions, visit thenevermorehotel. com. For the “real” women reading this column, there’s also something special this weekend. Ladies 2000 is hosting LADIES, its much-anticipated Saturday-night dance party at the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center, 229 Rehoboth Ave., Rehoboth Beach, Del. DJ Michel Decero is spinning, and a portion of the $15 cover charge will benefit CAMP Rehoboth, the town’s most influential LGBT

On Aug. 23, hundreds of Philadelphia’s LGBT baseball fans will take Citizens’ Bank Park by storm for the eighth annual Gay Community Night at the Phillies. This event has been on most calendars all summer and it always sells out in advance. A portion of every ticket goes to the Sean Halpin Memorial Scholarship Fund. Visit for more information.

After far too long, everyone’s favorite gender-bending, glamrock guilty pleasure, the Scissor Sisters, have finally put out a new album: “Night Work.” If the music is as phenomenal as the critics are reporting, then we just may forgive Jake and the gang for making us wait so long. In promotion of the album, the Scissor Sisters will take to the stage at 8:30 p.m. Aug. 27 at the Electric Factory, 421 N. Seventh St. This mid-sized venue is the type the Sisters thrive in, so I recommend that everyone who loves live music attend this show. For more information and to secure your tickets, visit www. That’s it for this installment, but it’s merely a snapshot of the excitement that Philly has in store for its residents and visitors over the next several weeks. Make sure to check out www.nightlifegay. com for daily event updates and information. ’Til next time, get offline and see what your community has to offer! ■

AUG. 20 - 26, 2010





Professional Portraits In the blazing heat of this r e c o r d - b r e a k i n g s u m m e r, I stopped into Absolute Abstract in Midtown Village for a quick respite from the sizzling sidewalks. Proprietors David White and James McManaman greeted me with a chilled lavender-scented towel to wipe off the grime from the street. This was just a small example of the hospitality offered at this welcoming gay-owned and -operated art store. The store concept is dual: Be the go-to place for affordable decorative art and provide a venue for up-and-coming artists to showcase their work in an approachable and relaxed setting. You never have to ask for a price as everything is clearly marked, and you will always feel comfortable coming in as you are. I stopped back this week to learn a little more about the business and co-owner David White. PGN: I know you love Philadelphia, but where are you originally from? DW: I was born and raised in Mesa, Ariz., which is right outside of Phoenix, so I have been accustomed to the heat that Philadelphia’s been recently experiencing, but not the humid-

AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

Suzi Nash

ity. It’s a real butt-kicker. PGN: What brought you to Philadelphia? DW: My partner James and I, who have been together for almost 20 years, did a lot of traveling. We went to South Africa to open a new hotel there, then went to Asia for seven years, then returned to Arizona, then California, then Virginia and, from there, we found Philadelphia and really liked the spirit of Philadelphia. Boy, that sounds like a slogan. PGN: I think it’s actually a boat! DW: [Laughs.] Oh yeah, it is! My brother lived here for 10 years before we did and we got to know the city during visits to see him. We’d always wanted to start our own business and this part of town seemed perfect. It hadn’t really been developed yet, so it was still reasonable to rent here and we saw great potential in the area. There’s been amazing growth in the past five to six years and we’ve expanded the store twice. PGN: How did you meet? DW: I was working at a restau-

rant in Arizona called Pischke’s Paradise. It was the type of place that always had a line out the door. The owner’s motto was “No sniveling,” so if people complained while waiting in line for a table, he would walk up to them and say, “You can go now.” People who worked there stayed forever, so to get a job there you literally had to wait for someone to die or move out of town. A friend of mine worked there and was going to retire. At her wedding, she hooked me up with the owner and got me her job. While I was working there and finishing up my degree in journalism at Arizona, James came in with some friends. We had mutual acquaintances and ended up hanging out after I got off. We went out dancing and have been together ever since! PGN: Siblings? DW: I have an older sister, Ellen: then there was me. Well, I guess there is still me! Then a younger brother Gary, who’s also gay, and a baby sister Susan. The women are all still in Arizona and my brother and I live here. My father passed away when I was 12. My mom comes out every

DAVID WHITE Photo: Suzi Nash

year to visit us. We try to have an adventure each time she comes here. This year, we did swimming with the sharks at the aquarium and went kayaking. In past years we’ve been canoeing, rock climbing and zip-lining up in Spring Mountain.

live a “typical straight” life. When you think about that stuff, think about how unfair it is to everyone else. The basis of any relationship would have been a lie. It’s crazy, and 26 years is a lot of life lived without being true to myself.

PGN: Mom sounds adventurous. DW: Oh yes, on the first rapids we came to she hit a tree. James and I were ahead of her and we heard her calmly yell, “I’m over!” We figured she meant she was over the rapid, but she meant that she’d tipped over, so I jumped out and slogged my way back upstream to help her. The water isn’t super deep, but her boat had filled and she couldn’t get back upright. She was fine and only tipped one other time.

PGN: Most unusual job? DW: I worked at Club Med as a trapeze instructor. It was the mid’80s and it was a blast. I worked for them at several different locations and it was a very casual and fun workplace. You know, in hindsight, one benefit of being closeted was that I would have come out during the first ravages of AIDS, before we really knew what was happening. Working at Club Med and being in pretty good shape, I probably would have had a lot of opportunities to play around. Had I done so, I might not be here now. I have mixed emotions about it.

PGN: What did you enjoy doing as a kid? DW: I swam competitively since I was about 5 and, in my teens, I worked as a lifeguard over the summers. After high school, I kind of let it go, which I really regret. Maybe I’ll join the LGBT swim team. I just read about the Fins at the Gay Games in Cologne. PGN: When did you come out? DW: I was 26, so it was pretty late. My brother came out five or six years ahead of me. I think I felt pressure to keep it hidden because my mother already had one gay child and I didn’t want to put her through a second one. I knew I was born gay, but just thought I could suppress it and

PGN: How on earth did you become a trapeze instructor? DW: Believe it or not, you could take a course in Club Med at Arizona State University. It was a three-credit, eight-week course. I was sent to Playa Blanca in Mexico to work as a sailing instructor. I didn’t know how to sail. I got a two-day crash course and then began teaching people how to sail. They were just little dinky boats. I got an A in the class and then contacted the Club Med people to see if I could get a job. There was a circus school at one of the Club Med facilities and I started working there. I

AUG. 20 - 26, 2010


soon got onto the circus team and they taught me how to do trapeze work and I eventually learned to be a catcher. My height was a real benefit there. I also learned how to juggle and did a bike act with five girls on a bike. PGN: Let’s talk about your work now. When did you open the business? DW: We opened Absolute Abstract in March of 2006. We carry art that is printed on the best-quality linen — art canvas. It’s UV-protected and built to last a lifetime. We currently have over 5,000 images to choose from. PGN: You do a lot of work with the community ... DW: James more so than me. He’s on the board of the Independence Business Alliance [the local LGBT chamber of commerce] and started the merchant association here: As a business, we really try to give back. We get several requests a week for donations and we try to give as much as we can, though sometimes you have to say no. PGN: Do you think being an LGBT business has helped or hurt? DW: I don’t think it has made any difference. We just are who we are. When we went to the bank for a loan, they didn’t ask if we were gay or straight, just what kind of credit we had. I don’t greet people at the door by saying, “Welcome to our gay-owned store!” Of course, being in the Gayborhood is nice, and I think other gay people who know that we are a couple feel comfortable

Q Puzzle Not Your Average Joe Across

1. Auntie disestablishmentarian? 5. “Sweet ___ ” (1998 film with a boy with AIDS) 9. Haul ass 13. Aid’s partner 14. Lot measurement 15. Holiday season 16. 2004 film with a gay hustler 19. Newton, who got hit on the head by a fruit 20. Make up 21. Double curve in a pipe 2 2 . “ E d Wo o d ” B e s t Supporting Actor Martin 27. Eligible for soc. sec. 2 8 . S h i r l ey o f “ S we e t

being themselves in our store. But we have a lot of straight customers and they could care less.

who are able to do that. It’s nice to be able to offer something that’s affordable for people.

PGN: What is the funniest question you get in the store? DW: “Did you paint all of these yourself?” It’s funny because there are so many different styles of painting, I’d have to be quite brilliant to do all that.

PGN: In what store would you choose to max out your credit card? DW: Oh, I wouldn’t! I’m the saver in this relationship. Maxing out a card ... the thought scares me! Being that overextended ...

PGN: How did you come up with the idea for the store? DW: Well, I have no art background aside from enjoying it and collecting art wherever we’ve traveled. When we moved to Virginia, I worked in a gallery/art store. They would get these prints on canvas that were gallery wrapped, which is when the image goes around the side. They’d sell within days and I wondered why the owner didn’t order more of them. He told me it was because he didn’t make enough of a profit. With posters and paintings, he could upcharge for all the accessories, the framing, the matting, glass, etc. When we were thinking about a business, I remembered how well those pictures sold, and wondered if you sold just them, would it be enough to make a profit. We ran the numbers and decided yes, and here we are. It’s great, you can get large, wall-filling paintings for a fair price. [Laughs.] We tell people, it’s OK to match your sofa. This is decorative art. We’re all about making it work for your space. It’s not about investing $20,000 for a small collector’s piece that’s 12x12. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I just don’t hang around people

PGN: Any nicknames? DW: When I was at Club Med, I was still pretty lanky. Doing trapeze work as the catcher, I’d stretch to grab people and I got the nickname Gumby.

Charity” 30. 2003 film with a Mormon homophobe 32. Singer Anita 34. Puts out 35. Allergic reaction 38. Baldwin and Frank 40. Brief tussle 41. Gaydar, for example 42. Beat up on 47. “Got a Rainbow” lyricist Gershwin 48. Opposite of swill 49. Marcos of the Philippines 50. “La Cage ___ Folles” 51. Joseph, who played the parts in 5, 16, and 30Across 5 4 . P r e c e d e r o f m a ny words? 55. “Gay ___ Sutra” 56. Nick’s time 58. Do-overs for Amelie Mauresmo 59. Series ender 60. Drag queen in a men’s

PGN: Celebrity encounter? DW: My mother is a big “Top Chef” fan. When she was here, we went to 10 Arts for dinner because the chef there, Jennifer Carroll, was one of the finalists on the show. After dinner we got to go into the kitchen and meet her. PGN: Award you’ve won? DW: I recently won the Welcome America window-decorating contest. We won for best small window display. I took our LOVE statue photo blocks and tinted them red, white and blue and arranged them into the American flag. PGN: What actor should play you in your life story? DW: When I was living in Thailand, I would constantly be told that I looked like John Ritter, but I guess he couldn’t do my life story because he’s dead. The other comparison I would get was Kevin Costner, which I don’t see

dorm? 61. Highland dialect 62. Lairs of bears 63. Common connections


1. She came between Bess and Jackie 2. Immeasurably vast hole 3. High places with flat tops 4. Jazz singer James 5. Canning container 6. Sitcom actress Meyers 7. Keanu in “The Matrix” 8. What 50 million Frenchmen never drink 9. Part of SSS (abbr.) 10. “Dinner at Eight” director George 11. Garment with a flared bottom 12. Credo 17. Fame 18. Sweaty place 23. Beginning of “Hairspray” 24. NY Met or LA Dodger


at all. But if I could choose, I’d pick that kid from the vampire series, Taylor Lautner. He has the body I’ve always wanted!

gives you a different perspective on people and things. It’s definitely made me a more rounded person. More forgiving.

PGN: Where would you suggest people travel? DW: My number-one spot, especially if you like beaches, would be Bali. There’s something about it that’s indescribably, I’d say magical, but I don’t like words like that. It has everything: mountains, beaches and a special je ne sais quoi.

PGN: What’s next for Absolute? DW: Well, we started with Absolute Abstract and then expanded with Absolute Pop, which offers art blocks at $39 a pop. We’ve recently added “Absolute Philadelphia,” a collection of Philadelphia photographs available in black and white or full color. I have one client who buys the Love statue print as a gift whenever he has a wedding to go to, which is such a lovely idea. We also now have the vintage tin signs, which James thought was the worst idea ever, but they’ve been pretty popular. One interesting bonus is that the Pop side of the store is so much more casual than the other side that it’s really drawn in a lot of new customers who start there and then wander in and find the Abstract side. We briefly opened up a shop in South Philadelphia on Passyunk, but we found that a lot of the customers there were still shopping downtown, so we were fishing from the same pond. But we haven’t ruled out opening another location. ■

PGN: A fun incident overseas? DW: Americans are already an anomaly in Asia, but because of my height I was like a rock star. My hair was longer and blond and I had more of it, and when I’d walk down the street people would literally stop and stare. I loved it. Here, people just walk past you without looking. PGN: Something surprising? DW: I think living overseas, I’ve found that they’re much more open to foreigners than we are in America. They are more open to helping out with our needs and are more patient helping us when we don’t know the language. Something we take for granted in America: There are 15 different types of peanut butter when you go to the grocery store. In Asia, I was lucky if I could find one. We have so much here and we complain about it. We take a lot for granted. PGN: How do you think having traveled the world has personally helped you? DW: Living abroad definitely

25. Gloomy 26. “As Is” subject 28. Deli jarful 29. Charlotte Bronte’s heroine 30. Stereotypical hookers’ stations 31. Post-orgy state 32. Poems of Sappho 33. Todd Oldham, for one 36. Marched cockily 37. Trick 39. Word after he and she 40. Pole, for example 43. Like many types of tasty meat 44. Caesar’s milieu 4 5 . C h e r ’s e x - h u s b a n d Gregg 46. A sexually enlightened society, and more 52. Pink shade 53. Peru native 54. Suffix with duct 57. Wood and more

See SOLUTION, Page 29

Absolute Abstract 141 S. 13th St. (215) 733-0190 To suggest a community member for “Professional Portraits,” write to: Professional Portraits, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 or portraits05@aol. com.



AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

Toronto: International diversity By Sarah Blazucki PGN Editor Philadelphians know their hometown offers great history and gay nightlife. But sometimes you need a change of scenery, a vacation, some R&R. Toronto — the so-called New York City of Canada — is a great urban getaway. This diverse city on the shores of Lake Ontario is one of the most gay-friendly in North America. And the LGBT community is integrated into the mainstream in ways Americans can hardly fathom: During Pride Week, the main parade (there’s also dyke and trans parades) was broadcast on live television, and then rebroadcast later that night. During the fivehour parade, which was held on July 4 this year, there were more

openly gay police and firefighters marching than actually on duty. Moreover, the city closed down several blocks for the parade and street fair, which draws thousands — many of whom are straight. And it’s super-clean: After the parade goes by, the street sweepers swing through and you hardly know that thousands of people had been there moments ago. Toronto Pride is one of the largest in North America, with events throughout the week, six stages with performances all weekend — Cyndi Lauper headlined this year — and myriad parties. Visit for more information. Basics Drive or fly. Flights are about 90 minutes and start at $350 or so. From Philadelphia, it’s at least an

eight-hour drive, depending on the border crossing. But, if you drive, you can stop at Niagara Falls for some sightseeing or in Buffalo for

some authentic wings. Or both. Do bring your passport. Do remember that you’ll probably have roaming charges for cell-phone use (even if it doesn’t say “roaming”). D o n ’t f o rg e t to be safe and be aware of your surroundings. While Toronto might have less violent crime than Philadelphia, that doesn’t mean it can’t happen. Where to stay Downtown is easily accessible by cab or public transportation, so you don’t have to limit yourself to staying in the downtown financial district. If you want to stay by the Gay Village, centered at

Church and Wellesley streets, try the Sutton Place Hotel (955 Bay St., www.toronto.suttonplace. com/). It’s a two-block walk to the Village. For something a little more intimate, try the Gladstone Hotel (1214 Queen St. West, www. This boutique hotel on the west side of the city features an art gallery, a bar and a live-music venue. Another option is The Drake (1150 Queen St. West, What to see You must make it to the Gay Village. The formal name of the neighborhood is Church Wellesley Village, and it’s home to the LGBT community center, Pride Week, the Church Street Fetish Fair and Halloween events. The 519 Church Community Centre (, named after its street address, is home to programming and services for the broad spectrum of LGBT populations. Just a note: Some Torontonians use the very-inclusive moniker LGBTTIQQ2SA: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning, two-spirited and allies. Church See TORONTO, Page 24


AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

Outward Bound


Jeff Guaracino

Top five international hotels of 2010 Where you rest your head at night is as important as who is laying there next to you! Exceptional hotels are destinations all their own. Combine luxury amenities with tons of free extras, add in stellar service and a great location, and you will find that these international hotels will surpass your every expectation. Of course, they are all gay- and lesbian-friendly and well worth your vacation dollars. Hotel Fouquet Barriere, Paris, France You know you’ve arrived when you check into the Hotel Fouquet Barriere, on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées at George V, across from the Louis Vuitton flagship store. A warm, multilingual staff greets you, then the hotel butler presents your room as if he is giving you a tour of hotel heaven. The hot tub in Spa Barrier is an escape for peace and relaxation. If you have to leave the hotel, window-shop along George V and immediately lunch at the Four Seasons George V. Axel Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina This hotel redefines “boutique.” Enter and you immediately notice the architectural beauty and innovation. Just look up at the fifth-floor glass-bottom swimming pool and the outdoor pool deck (open in summer), and you know you’ve found the perfect affordable luxury and weekend party hotel. Even the rooms are innovative, with closet doors that double as window shutters and free in-room Wi-Fi. A breakfast feast and weekend tango show is included. Hotel Le Germain, Toronto, Canada Oh, Canada! One could spend days in this hotel. The facility is perfect for mixing business with pleasure. You can hold sophisticated meetings next to the hearth fireplace while sipping complimentary cappuccino and,


of course, free Internet. You can also play on the roof-top putting green, sip wine on the terrace and hit the gym. After all of this work and play, linger under the best rain shower in the world! Continental breakfast is included. Intercontinental London Park Lane Hotel, London, Great Britain Once the site of a royal residence, the flagship of the Intercontinental Hotel chain is magnificent. The seventh-floor Club InterContinental has stunning views of Buckingham Palace and offers complimentary drinks, breakfast, lunch and dinner fare all day. You definitely will want to sleep late on perhaps the most comfortable bed in the world. Complimentary turndown service is included. Most major attractions are within walking distance, so you can rush back for an evening massage in the spa. Cheerio! Art + Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel The Art + Hotel is dedicated to Israeli art, and you can’t deny the authenticity of this venue. Culture, anyone? The comfy rooms resemble large cruise-ship cabins, but the hotel features works by leading Israeli artists and video art by internationally renowned artist Sigalit Landau. The hotel is within a 15-minute walk to the gay beach and a 10minute cab ride to all the gay bars, which are spread throughout town. Freebies include breakfast each morning with an evening wine hour and wireless Internet in the lobby. ■ Jeff Guaracino is a vice president for the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation and the author of “Gay and Lesbian Tourism: The Essential Guide for Marketing.” He has learned how to find the best deals and travel resources out there for our community. If you’re traveling locally, check out visitphilly. com!

Gay is our middle name.





TORONTO From Page 22

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Wellesley is home to many gay and lesbian bars: For the ladies, head to Slack’s ( on Church Street, or look out for the weekly and monthly women’s parties. Other notable neighborhoods: Cabbagetown (home to lots of lesbians and their families), Old Town (with the Historic Distillery District), the waterfront, the beaches, Queen West, Kensington Market and Bloor-Yorkville. For attractions, Toronto is brimming with museums (Royal Ontario Museum and Bata Shoe Museum top the list), theater (next in line after New York and London), comedy (Second City), live music, film festivals, cultural festivals and, of course, the always-popular CN Tower (www. If you want to get outdoorsy, there are beaches, kayaking, golf and sailing, to name a few. If you want to shop, Bloor Street is home to top-of-the-line boutiques, chains and department stores

(some familiar, some local, such as Roots apparel and Bay Department store). For something a little funkier, try Queen Street West, home to independent boutiques and smaller chains. To go big, head to Toronto Eaton Centre (www., home to more than 250 stores. What to eat Be prepared to eat well in Toronto, famous for its culinary offerings. Local, organic food is a growing trend there and, as a diverse city, there are great international restaurants. Whether it’s fine dining or street food, you can find it here. Try Fuzion (580 Church St., for fabulous outdoor seating, or 360 Restaurant at the top of the CN Tower, for an amazing view of the city. Well worth it. ■

For more information, visit There’s tab for “Gay Toronto” at the top of the page, right between “What to do” and “Calendar of Events.” Talk about integration.

AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

Toronto: Boys will be boys By Jeff Guaracino Looking for a sophisticated boys getaway weekend? Our close-by neighbor to the North should not be overlooked. A long weekend in Toronto, the largest city in Canada, delivers a mix of cosmopolitan elegance with an eclectic gay nightlife. Here is my perfect weekend in Toronto. Get there quick! Toronto is a short flight from Philadelphia International Airport with non-stop service by both USAirways and Air Canada Jazz. Try Porter Airlines from Newark (and soon Philadelphia), where the flight attendants serve you complimentary wine and snacks and everyone gets into the lounge with free Wi-Fi. Porter is the only airline to fly into downtown Toronto City Centre Airport with free shuttle service to downtown, saving you tons of money and a 30-minute cab ride to the larger Toronto Pearson International Airport. Eat! Toronto is a town that loves

food. Dine at the elegant Canoe Restaurant and savor the flavors of a true Canadian meal with many ingredients sourced locally. Insider’s tips: Ask the waiter to pair wine with your meal and sit at the kitchen bar to watch the incredibly handsome team prepare your food! After a late night in the Gay Village, brunch at Hair of the Dog, an affordable neighborhood restaurant and bar. Drink in the Village Canadians love beer, and there are plenty of great local brews served at Woody’s (yes, Toronto has one too!), Black Eagle (leather) or the dance club Fly. The streets Church and Wellesley are the heart of Gay Village. For culture, look for the statue of Alexander Wood, a famous Torontonian, and read all about his gay scandal. Useful info You need a valid passport to travel to Canada. For addresses, websites and more information on Toronto, visit ■


AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

worth watching: Queer TV you can always see: The Ellen DeGeneres Show Monday-Friday, 3 p.m. on NBC.

SUNDAY Drop Dead Diva Comedian Margaret Cho co-stars in a new episode of this dramady. 9 p.m. on Lifetime.

The Rachel Maddow Show Monday-Friday, 9 p.m. on MSNBC.

Mambo Italiano A romantic comedy about a gay man whose parents still try to play matchmaker — even after he moves in with his boyfriend. 10 p.m. on Logo.

FRIDAY The Real L Word The ladies head to Palm Springs for the Dinah Shore golf event in the season finale. 9 p.m. on Showtime.

MONDAY How I Met Your Mother Out actor Neil Patrick Harris stars in this repeat. 8 p.m. on CBS.

SATURDAY Black, White + Gray A documentary about photographer Robert Mapplethorpe and his relationship with art collector Sam Wagstaff. 8 p.m. on Logo. The Beautiful People Gay character Simon decides to revamp the family garden. 10 p.m. on Logo. The Jaquie Brown Diaries Jaquie has to get in shape for a New Zealand ad campaign. 10:30 p.m. on Logo. The Wanda Sykes Show The out comedian hosts this repeat of her weekly talk show. 11 p.m. on Fox.

RuPaul’s Drag U The queens teach women how to flirt. Taylor Dane guest judges. 9 p.m. on Logo. Desperately Seeking Susan Madonna and Patricia Arquette star in the 1980s classic film. 9 p.m. on IFC. Miss Universe Pageant Lots of evening gowns. Pretty. 9 p.m. on NBC. TUESDAY Glee Repeats of this musical comedy. 8 and 9 p.m. on Fox. America’s Got Talent Twelve acts try to perform into the top 10. 9 p.m. on NBC.


Flipping Out Out house-flipper Jeff Lewis stars in this reality show. 9 p.m. on Bravo. Hair Battle Spectacular Look for out judge Derek J. 10 p.m. on the Oxygen Network. Rachel Zoe Project Look for out assistant Brad in the fashion-based reality series. 10 p.m. on Bravo. Strangers With Candy The irreverent comedy series starring Amy Sedaris. 10 p.m. on Logo. WEDNESDAY America’s Next Top Model A repeat of the reality competition featuring out fashion experts Miss J. Alexander and Jay Hernandez. 8 p.m. on CW. America’s Got Talent Four acts are selected to advance. 9 p.m. on NBC. Modern Family Look for out characters Mitchell and Cameron in this repeat. 9 p.m. on ABC. Top Chef: Washington, D.C. A better-than-average cooking competition show. 10 p.m. on Bravo. The Real World: New Orleans Look for gay cast member Preston. 10 p.m. on MTV.

PLAY GIRL BUNNY: Watch drag superstar Lady Bunny alongside guest judge Jackee Harry as the queens of “Drag U” work their magic on some ladies in need of a flirting makeover. 9 p.m. on Logo.

THURSDAY Project Runway Openly gay Tim Gunn hosts this reality fashion competition. 9 p.m. on Lifetime. ■

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AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

Your guide to arts and entertainment


Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City; (609) 317-1000.

Beirut Quince Productions presents a play about the Lower East Side of New York City becoming a quarantine zone for “positives,” through Aug. 28 at Shubin Theater, 407 Bainbridge St.; (215) 6271088. Cirque Dreams Jungle Fantasy The animal-themed show blending circus elements and Broadway theatrics runs through Sept. 5 at Trump Taj Mahal’s Xanadu Theater, 1000 Boardwalk, Atlantic City; (609) 4416150. Curious George The live musical based on the children’s book runs Aug. 20-21 at the Wachovia Center, 3601 S. Broad St.; (800) 298-4200. Empress of the Moon Iron Age Theater presents an epic gender-bending adventure featuring six actresses playing multiple parts, both male and female, through Aug. 22 at Adrienne Theatre’s Second Stage, 2030 Sansom St.; Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl The Langhorne Players present a contemporary and inspired look at the classic tale from Greek mythology in which Orpheus, a musician, falls in love with and marries an oak nymph named Eurydice, through Sept. 4 at Spring Mill Garden, 1118 Richboro Road, Tyler State Park, Newtown; (215) 860-0818.

Ziggy Returns The David Bowie tribute band performs at 8 p.m. Aug. 21 at Sellersville Theater 1894, 136 N. Main St., Sellersville; (215) 2573000. EPMD, Kwame and Nice & Smooth The classic hip-hip groups perform at 9 p.m. Aug. 21 at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 9226888. HELLBENT FOR LEATHER: Out singer Rob Halford made an indelible mark on heavy metal with his banshee-like intensity as a singer and his S&M/leather fashion sense while fronting Judas Priest. All of which became the de-facto blueprint for every über-hetero, skirt-chasing metal band that came after it. Oh, the irony! This summer, the universally lauded “metal god” is touring with his solo band, Halford, alongside Ozzy Osbourne, Mötley Crüe, Nonpoint, Black Label Society and more as part of the day-long festival Ozzfest, beginning at noon Aug. 22 at the Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J. For more information, visit or call (856) 365-1300.

White Horse Pike, Oaklyn, N.J.; (856) 858-5230. Just Say Love Quince Production presents the romantic comedy centered on a young gay artist and a questioning construction worker, through Aug. 29 at Shubin Theater, 407 Bainbridge St.; (215) 627-1088.


beta hi-fi Emerging Music Festival 2010 The showcase of emerging area performers continues at 7 p.m. Aug. 20-22 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400. The Dukes of September Rhythm Revue Michael McDonald, Donald Fagen and Boz Scaggs perform at 8 p.m. Aug. 20 at the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City; (609) 317-1000.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Mauckingbird Theatre Company re-imagines Shakespeare’s classic as a gender-bending tale of modern love, through Sept. 12 at Randall Theater at Bob Marley’s ‘Legend’ Temple University, 2020 N. The live performance of 13th St.; (215) 923-8909. Bob Marley’s classic album kicks off at 8 p.m. Aug. 20 Philly Fringe Preview at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Groucho: A Life in Plays and Players presents Keswick Ave., Glenside; Revue a peek at some of the (215) 572-7650. Ritz Theatre Company upcoming Philly Fringe presents the classic comedy productions, Aug. 23 and David Gray of the Marx Brothers, The U.K. singer-songwriter 30, 1714 Delancey Place; through Aug. 22, 915 performs at 8 p.m. Aug. 20 (215) 735-0630.

at the Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.; (856) 3651300. The Lemonheads The alternative-rock band performs at 8 p.m. Aug. 20 at Sellersville Theater 1894, 136 N. Main St., Sellersville; (215) 2573000. Tears for Fears The hit ’80s pop group performs at 8 p.m. Aug. 20 at the House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City; (609) 345-8652. Rob Thomas The rock singer performs at 9 p.m. Aug. 20-22 at the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City; (609) 317-1000. MGMT The rock band performs at 8 p.m. Aug. 21 at the

Ozzfest Ozzy Osbourne, Mötley Crüe and out Judas Priest singer Rob Halford perform with others at noon Aug. 22 at the Susquehanna Bank Center, 1 Harbour Blvd., Camden, N.J.; (856) 365-1300. Joan Osbourne The singer-songwriter performs at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 22 at Sellersville Theater 1894, 136 N. Main St., Sellersville; (215) 2573000. The Mighty Mighty Bosstones The ska group performs at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 23 at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 922-6888. Jay Brannan The singer-songwriter who appeared in the movie “Shortbus” performs at 8 p.m. Aug. 24 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400. Queerchannel Presents: A celebration of the diversity of LGBT art, culture and expression Out musicians and bands, including Nicole Reynolds, Aiden James,

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Diversions, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19147; fax them to (215) 9256437; or e-mail them to Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

The Dangerous Ponies and Steph Hayes & the Good Problems, perform at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 26 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400.


Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt The Franklin Institute presents an exhibition of 150 artifacts from Egypt, through Jan. 2, 20th Street and the Parkway; (215) 448-1200. Converted Bambi Gallery presents an exhibition of sculptures by artist and hairstylist Julius Scissor, through Aug. 29, 1001 N. Second St., Suite 7; (267) 319-1374. Ellis Island: Ghosts of Freedom James A. Michener Art Museum presents an exhibition of photos featuring the New York Harbor through the lenses of Lewis Hines and Stephen Wilkes, through Oct. 10 in the museum’s Fred Beans Gallery, 138 S. Pine St., Doylestown; (215) 3409800. Fugitive Elements AxD Gallery presents an exhibition of works by Vincent McLoughlin and Susanne Scherette King, through Sept. 4, 265 S. 10th St.; (215) 627-6250.

AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

Gold Mountain Marginal Utility presents an exhibition of bricolage sculptures by Abigail D. DeVille, through Sept. 25, 319 N. 11th St.; (917) 355-4487. Inspiring Fashion: Gifts from Designers Honoring Tom Marotta Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of contemporary special-occasion and eveningwear, through Sept. 6, 26th Street and the Parkway; (215) 763-8100. Juried Art Winners: McLean, Muller, Stroud The William Way LGBT Community Center hosts an exhibition of the three winners of the fifth-annual Juried Art Competition — Kathy McLean, Elke Muller and Jeff Stroud — through Aug. 27, 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 732-2220. Maker, Make, Made The Clay Studio presents an exhibition of artwork by Ryan Greenheack, through Aug. 29, 139 N. Second St.; (215) 9253453.


29, 1001 N. Second St., Suite 7; (267) 319-1374.


Sculpting Nature The Center for Emerging Visual Artists presents an exhibition of works from Susan Benarcik, R. Noel Shaak and John Woodin, through Sept. 2, 1521 Locust St., lower level; (215) 5467775.

LaLaPaFilmZa The fundraising event for the film “Teach,” written by Peter Patrikios about a teacher who is pushed to the edge, features the sketch comedy group The Waitstaff and musical performances, 8 p.m. Aug. 22 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400.

Wired and Hazy SALT Art Gallery hosts an exhibition featuring the works of Chris Harford, Jill Allen, Thomas Pitilli, Sheila Delvin and Tim Ward, through Aug. 21, 212 Race St.; (215) 9397426.

National Lampoon’s Vacation The 1980s comedy film is screened at 8 p.m. Aug. 23 at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 922-6888.


Woodstock The documentary concert film is screened at 2 p.m. Aug. 22 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; (610)

King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters A free screening of the documentary about trying to be the best at Donkey Kong is presented at 7:15 p.m. Aug. 24 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400.



Out of the Wild ArtStar Gallery hosts an exhibition of works featuring animal imagery, through Aug. 29, 623 N. Second St.; (215) 238-1557.


The Lady Eve Bryn Mawr Film screens the 194l film starring Barbara Stanwyck, 7 p.m. Aug. 25, 824 W. Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr; (610) 527-9898.


Aaron Powell The out author of “Behind Concrete Doors” hosts a reading at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 20 at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; (215) 923-2960.


Nina Flowers The “RuPaul’s Drag Race” and “Drag U” alum performs from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Aug. 20 at Voyeur, 1221 St. James St.; (215) 7355772. Miss Gay New Jersey (USofA) AT LARGE The pageant kicks off at 7 p.m. Aug. 21 at Harlans at The Nevermore, 6426 Lower York

Road, New Hope; (215) 8625225. Drag Brunch Drag queens and mimosas brighten your day at 11 a.m. Aug. 22 at Harlans at The Nevermore, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope; (215) 8625225.


Rachel Feinstein and April Macie The comedians from the sitcom “Last Comic Standing” perform Aug. 20-21 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; (215) 496-9001. Eighth annual Gay Community Night at the Phillies GALLOP sponsors a night of rooting for the Phillies at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 23 at Citizens Bank Park, 1 Citizens Bank Way; (215) 463-1000. ■


A MAGICAL EXPERIENCE YOU MUST NOT MISS... A feel- good film bursting with courage, energy and overwhelming inspiration... as entertaining as it is astounding! ” - Rex Reed, THE NEW YORK OBSERVER

Pleasures and Pastimes in Japanese Art Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of costumes, masks and poetry exploring the ways in which leisure time was interpreted across all social classes in Japanese art, through fall, 26th Street and the Parkway; (215) 763-8100. Scratched and Demented Bambi Gallery presents an exhibition of paintings by Andrew Abbott, through Aug. SOLUTION From Page 21

Queerchannel has assembled an impressive lineup of local LBGT performers for its upcoming extravaganza to benefit The Attic Youth Center, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 26 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. Out musicians and bands including Nicole Reynolds (above), Aiden James, The Dangerous Ponies, Nicola Visaggio and Steph Hayes & the Good Problems will provide music. The event, hosted by comedian Nancy Fitch, also will feature the Liberty City Kings, Lulu Lollipop of the Peek-A-Boo Revue, spoken-word poets from The Attic and a short film by Puppett Rastello. For more information, visit or call (215) 222-1400.





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Meeting Place A community bulletin board of activities, facilities and organizations

Community centers ■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held from 4-8 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday through Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; (215) 545-4331 ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St.; (215) 898-5044;, Summer hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. ■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; (215) 348-0558 ext. 65; ■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 732-2220; Peer counseling: Monday through Friday, 6-9 p.m. Library hours: Mondays 3-9 p.m., Tuesdays 3-6 p.m., Wednesdays 3-9 p.m., Thursdays 3-9 p.m., Fridays 3-9 p.m., Saturdays noon-6 p.m., Sundays noon-6 p.m. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.; Volunteer Velada, third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.

Health Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 166 W. Lehigh Ave.; (215) 763-8870 ext. 6000. AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., suite 205; (2215) 536-2424. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursdays at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; (215) 851-1822 or (866) 222-3871. Spanish/English. HIV testing Free, anonymous testing and counseling is offered from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday and by appointment at AIDS Resource, 520 W. Fourth St., suite 2A, Williamsport; (570) 322-8448.

Key numbers

HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; (215) 685-1803. HIV health insurance help Access to free medications, confidential HIV testing available at 17 MacDade Blvd., suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; (610) 586-9077. Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 1201 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-0652. www. Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; (215) 985-9206.; Fax: (215) 686-2555

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: (215) 587-9377 ■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: (856) 933-9500 ext. 221

■ Mazzoni Center Family and Community Medicine: (215) 563-0658

■ AIDS Library: (215) 985-4851 ■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: (215) 592-1513

■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): (215) 572-1833

■ AIDS Treatment hot line: (215) 5452212

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: (215) 686-4670

■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: (215) 685-1633

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: (215) 772-2000 ■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Chief Inspector James Tiano: (215) 685-3655 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: (215) 600-0627;

■ Equality Advocates Pennsylvania: (215) 731-1447; (866) LGBTLAW

■ Philly Pride Presents: (215) 875-9288

■ Equality Forum: (215) 732-3378

■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: (717) 920-9537

■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: (215) 732-TALK ■ Mayor’s liaison to LGBT communities: Gloria Casarez, (215) 686-2194; Gloria.

ACT-UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) Meets at 6 p.m. every Monday at St. Luke and the Epiphany Church, 330 S. 13th St.; (215) 386-1981; Delaware Valley Chapter, Americans United for Separation of Church and State Seeks activists and supporters of church-state separation. Holds monthly meetings and events; (856) 863-3061; Equality Advocates Philadelphia Holds a volunteer night second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m., 1211 Chestnut St., Suite 605; (215) 731-1447; Green Party of Philadelphia Holds general meetings fourth Tuesday of each month (except April) at 6:30 p.m., 4134 Lancaster Ave.; (215) 243-7103; Log Cabin Republican Club of Philadelphia Meets at 7 p.m. third Wednesday of the month at the William Way Community Center; (215) 4655677; Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club Meets seasonally; (215) 760-7184; www.


Gay Men’s Book Discussion Group Meets at 6:30 p.m. first Wednesday of the month at the Independence Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia, 18 S. Seventh St.; (215) 685-1633. Library Book Club Meets to discuss a new book at 7 p.m. on third Wednesday of the month at the William Way Center. New Jersey Gay Men’s Chorus Chorus rehearses at 7:30 p.m. Mondays in Princeton, N.J.; (609) 675-1998. Open-mic night An amateur poetry, music and storytelling event sponsored by The Pride Center of New Jersey, meets at 8 p.m. every third Friday at the George Street Playhouse, 1470 Jersey Ave., North Brunswick, N.J.; (732) 846-0715. Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus Chorus rehearses from 7-9:30 p.m. Wednesdays; (215) 731-9230; Philadelphia Gay Men’s Opera Club Meets to share and listen to recordings at 6:30 p.m. on last Saturday of the month; (215) 224-6995. Philadelphia Voices of Pride Philadelphia’s first mixed GLBT chorus rehearses at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays at the William Way Center; (888) 505-7464; Queer Writer’s Collective Workshop and discussion group meets 4-6 p.m. on fourth Saturday of the month at the William Way Center. Women’s Book Group Meets first Thursday of the month at 6:45 p.m. at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.;

■ Mazzoni Center: (215) 563-0652; www.

■ The COLOURS Organization Inc. 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 4960330.


■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: (215) 732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays, and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)


Diversity Dancers Ballroom dancers meet the first Sunday of the month for tea dance and lessons. Other events scheduled throughout the year; (215) 922-2129; Gay Bridge Club Non-beginners group meets Monday afternoons at the William Way Center; (215) 985-4835. Gay-friendly Scrabble Club Meets from 6-11 p.m. in the P.I.C. Building, 42nd and Locust streets; (215) 382-0789. Gay and Lesbian Scrabble Players in the tri-state area gather for socializing and friendly/competitive games; Gay Opera Guys of Philly New group for opera appreciation meets last Sunday of the month at 2:30 p.m. in Roxborough/ Andorra area; (215) 483-1032. Humboldt Society: Lesbian and Gay Naturalists Meets second Thursday of the month at the William Way Center; (215) 985-1456; www. Indepedence Squares GLBT square dance club, modern Western square dancing. Monthly open house. Tuesday classes in the fall; Lutheran Church, 2111 Sansom St.; (215) 735-5812; Male Oenophile Group

AUG. 20 - 26, 2010 Male group forming to discuss, appreciate and taste various wines. Will meet once a month to investigate the nuances and glories of the fermented grape. Call (267) 230-6750 for more information. Mornings OUT LGBT Senior Social Activities for sexual-minority seniors are held every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the William Way Center. PhilaVentures Philadelphia’s GLBT outdoor group meets for a hike in Wissahickon Valley Park on Sundays at 2 p.m. at Borders Books, Music and Café, 8701 Germantown Ave.; (215) 271-8822. Rainbow Bridge Group Congenial group meets for supper and to play bridge monthly on a Monday at 6:30 p.m. Members rotate serving as host. New players welcome. For information call Gerry at (215) 592-1174. Rainbow Room A meeting/activity night held for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth and their friends Wednesdays from 6-8 p.m. at the Rainbow Room of Planned Parenthood in Doylestown; (215) 348-0558.


Brandywine Women’s Rugby Club Meets for Tuesday and Thursday practice at Greene Field, Howell Street and Moore Road, West Chester; City of Brotherly Love Softball League GLBT softball league serves the Philadelphia metropolitan area. Games are played Sundays, beginning in April, in Fairmount Park; (215) 4622575; Frontrunners Running club meets Saturday mornings at 9:30 for a run and brunch. Lloyd Hall, No. 1 Boathouse Row;


AIDS Law Project Provides free legal assistance to people with HIV/AIDS and sponsors free monthly seminars on work and housing; 1211 Chestnut St., suite 600; (215) 587-9377; BiUnity Philadelphia area social and support network for bisexuals, their family members and friends meets at 7 p.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month at the William Way Center; www. Global A political, community and social group that also works to promote Bordentown as a gayfriendly community meets on the first Saturday of the month at Firehouse Gallery, 8 Walnut St., Bordentown, N.J.; Delaware Pride Meets at 7 p.m. on first Thursday of the month at the United Church of Christ, 300 E. Main St., Newark, Del.; (800) 292-0429. Delaware Valley Pink Pistols For LGBT people dedicated to legal, safe and responsible use of firearms for self-defense; meets at 2 p.m. on third Saturday of the month at Classic Indoor Range, 1310 Industrial Blvd., Southhampton; (267) 386-8907; www. Friday Feast and Fun Dinner hosted by St. John’s Lutheran Church at 6:30 p.m. second Friday of the month, 24 N. Ridge Ave., Ambler; (215) 576-8008. Haverford College’s Sexuality and Gender Alliance Open meetings 10-11 p.m. Mondays in the lounge in Jones Basement at Haverford College, 370 Lancaster Ave.; (610) 896-4938.

Gay and Lesbian Bowling League Bowls at 8 p.m. Thursdays in the Norristown area; call Doug Schneidig; (716) 864-4393.

Latina/o Virtual Community Local listserv offers various information and resources; (215) 808-2493; Zorros_mail@yahoo. com;

Philadelphia Falcons Soccer Club GLBT and allied soccer club; practices Saturdays 10 a.m.-noon and Wednesdays 6-8 p.m. at Edgeley Fields in Fairmount Park;

LGBTQ and Friends Activity Group Meets at 7 p.m. on third Friday of the month to plan outings and potlucks at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County.

Philadelphia Fins Swim Team Male and female swimmers meet at 7 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and 10 a.m. Saturdays in Center City; (610) 564-6661; www.

Long Yang Club Philadelphia Social organization for gay Asians and their friends holds monthly socials; P.O. Box 401, Philadelphia, Pa. 19105; www.longyangclub. org/philadelphia.

Philadelphia Gay Bowling League Meets 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays September through April at Brunswick Zone, 1328 Delsea Drive, Deptford, N.J.; (856) 889-1434; www.

Our Night Out A casual social networking party of LGBT professionals, allied communities, friends and colleagues meets in a different Philadelphia hot spot each month. To receive monthly event invitations, send email to;

Philadelphia Gay Flag Football New group forming. Contact Jered at or (214) 770-5373. Philadelphia Gryphons Rugby Football Club Team seeks players; all skill levels welcome; (215) 913-7531; Philadelphia Liberty Tennis Association Meets at 7 p.m. every third Monday at William Way Center; Philadelphia Phoenix Women’s football team seeks players; (267) 6799535; Philly Gay Hockey Association Philadelphia Phury seeks players; (917) 656-1936;

Philadelphia Bar Association Legal Advice Offered from 5-8 p.m. on third Wednesday of the month; (215) 238-6333. Philadelphia Prime Timers Club for mature gay and bisexual men and their admirers meets regularly; (610) 344-0853; www. Philadelphians MC Club for leather men and women meets 7:30 p.m. first and third Mondays of the month at The Pit at The Bike Stop, 201 S. Quince St.; (215) 627-1662.

Rainbow Riders of the Delaware Valley Motorcycle club meets regularly; (215) 836-0440;

Philly Paw Pals Gay and lesbian dog owners and their dogs meet on first Saturday of the month at a dog park; (215) 618-5290;

Rainbow Rollers Gay and lesbian bowling league meets 9 p.m. on Tuesdays September-April at Laurel Lanes, 2825 Rte. 73 South, Maple Shade, N.J.; (856) 778-7467.

Rainbow Amateur Radio Association ARRL affiliated; private; weekly HF nets, monthly newsletter, e-mail server; (302) 5392392;

South Jersey Gay Bowling League Gay and lesbian bowling league meets 7 p.m. on Fridays September-April at Laurel Lanes, 2825 Rte. 73 South, Maple Shade, N.J.; (856) 778-7467.

Rock ’n’ Roll Queer Bar Party A party for gay and lesbian rockers with host Psydde Delicious starts at 10 p.m. every second Wednesday at N. 3rd, Third and Brown streets; (215) 413-3666.

Spartan Wrestling Club The gay wresting team meets from 7-9 p.m. Mondays at the First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut St.; (215) 732-4545; www.phillyspartans. com. Team Philadelphia Meets at 8 p.m. second Wednesday of the month at the William Way Center; Women’s Table Tennis New group forming. Interested women are encouraged to e-mail michelesimone19144@yahoo. com.

Silver Foxes Social and educational group for gays and lesbians 50 and older meets from 3-5 p.m. on fourth Sunday of the month at the William Way Center. Stonewall Model Railroad Club Meets monthly; (215) 769-4230; k3k@yahoo. com. Thirsty Third Tuesdays Collingswood Out in the Neighborhood meets at 7 p.m. on third Tuesday of the month for coffee, dessert and conversation at Three Beans, 40 N. Haddon Ave., Haddonfield N.J.; (215) 439-8337.


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AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

With Real Estate, Help Wanted, Services and Personals

In a sluggish economic summer, no easy fix ahead By Jeannine Aversa The Associated Press

The Federal Reserve has little power left to lift the economy out of its rut. Congress, with an election looming, has no appetite for more stimulus. Shoppers are reluctant to spend, and businesses are slow to hire. Let’s face it: There is no easy or imminent fix for the flagging recovery. The sluggish economic summer wore on last Friday with news that Americans spent less at most retail stores in July. Earlier this month came word that the trade deficit is ballooning and companies are not adding jobs fast enough to bring down unemployment. Typically, the Fed can lower interest rates to encourage Americans to borrow money and spend it, invigorating the economy. But the benchmark interest rate controlled by the Fed has been almost zero for more than a year now. The Fed last week took a new

step by announcing it would use the proceeds from its huge portfolio of mortgage securities to buy government debt. The idea is to make cheap credit a little cheaper, particularly for things like mortgages. The problem there: Americans who are worried about their jobs, not to mention volatility in the stock market, don’t want to borrow. They saved 6.2 percent of their disposable income this spring. Before the recession, it was more like 1.2 percent. “You can’t force people to take out a loan or spend money that they don’t want to spend,” says Alice Rivlin, who served as the Fed’s No. 2 official in the late 1990s. Sure, the Fed still has options. It could launch another trillion-plusdollar program to buy government debt or mortgage securities like it did when it was battling the recession and financial crisis. But the Fed is unlikely to commit that much money unless things get a lot worse. Plus there are risks. Regulators don’t want to push

interest rates on mortgages so low that they encourage speculative buying, like the kind that inflated the housing bubble. Or the Fed could cut to zero the rate it pays banks to keep money parked there, a move aimed at getting banks to lend more. But banks are not exactly feeling free with their cash, either. “It’s a pervasive level of uncertainty that people and businesses feel about their economic futures,” says Ken Mayland, president of ClearView Economics. “It’s frozen them into inactivity.” Congress has the power to regulate the economy by adjusting tax rates and passing stimulus programs — the side of the equation known as fiscal policy, as opposed to the Fed’s monetary policy. But there is little interest on Capitol Hill to undertake a major new stimulus effort. The midterm elections are less than three months away, and Republicans and Democrats alike fear voters are worried about the federal budget’s $1.4 trillion — and rising

— deficit. A scholar of the Great Depression, Fed chief Ben Bernanke has warned Washington policymakers not to repeat mistakes made during that era by pulling in government stimulus too quickly. Bernanke also suggested recently that extending the Bush tax cuts, at least for a while, would be “one way” to “maintain a reasonable degree of fiscal support — stimulus — for the economy.” But Democrats and Republicans are divided on what to do. Most Republicans want to make permanent the tax cuts enacted under President George W. Bush in 2001 and 2003. That would amount to nearly $3 trillion over the next decade. Democratic leaders want the cuts for the wealthiest Americans to expire. That leaves the work of jumpstarting the economy for the time being to everyday Americans and businesses, who can spend money and accelerate the cycle of growth. But both are in a frugal mood.

Mortgage rates have sunk to record lows: Rates on 15-year mortgages dropped to 3.92 percent this week, 30-year mortgages to 4.44 percent. Still, people aren’t scrambling to buy homes or refinance the ones they already have. Businesses, meanwhile, are sitting on a record $1.84 trillion pile of cash, according to the Fed. They aren’t using the money to expand operations or hire new workers because they, too, have doubts about the strength of the economic recovery. The economy grew at a 2.4-percent pace in the second quarter, about half as fast as it was growing late last year. And it may turn out, as the manufacturing sector is hurt by declining exports, that growth right now is even slower than we think. And the stock market, which had managed a significant rally in July, is now absorbing the blow of the economic pessimism. The Dow Jones industrial average fell this week from about 10,700 to about 10,300. ■

Location! Location! Location! This week’s featured property

Beds: 2 Baths: 1.5 Cost: $235,000 Square footage: 1,600 Realtor: Conrad Kuhn Real-estate co.: Weichert Realtors Phone: (856) 227-1950 ext. 124 Cell: (609) 221-1196 Website:

You’ll feel like you’re in the mountains. Custom home on 1+ acre. Every room has slider to the deck. Perfect entertaining home. Large LR, FR & DR. Newer kitchen, sunroom & hot tub.

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Philadelphia Gay News assumes responsibility for errors in classified ads only when notified by noon the Tuesday after the ad first appears. To receive credit for errors, please notify PGN by then. Credit only will be extended in the form of additional advertising space. Any cash refunds, for any reason, are subject to a $10 service charge. PGN will publish no classified ad — in any category — that contains sexually explicit language. Obviously excluded are traditional four-letter words that relate to sexual activity. Other words may be excluded at the discretion of the publisher, who reserves the right to edit or rewrite any ad that, in his opinion, violates this policy or its intent.


AUG. 20 - 26, 2010


Real Estate



WWW.GAYREALESTATE.COM Free On-Line Directory. Top Gay & Lesbian Realtors in Philadelphia. _______________________________34-40 RESORT WITH LOYAL CLIENTELE Nestled amongst 25+ scenic acres, this resort is open year-round to enjoy all the beautiful seasons of the Pocono Mountains. Amenities include an Olympic-size swimming pool with sundeck to enjoy sunbathing during the summer months; a 10-person hot tub with heated changing room for relaxation and social events; and 2-acre pond for paddle boats, fishing, and ice skating. Additionally, the resort has an on-site exercise facility and sauna as well as tennis, volleyball, badminton & shuffleboard courts. Established in 1981, this resort has loyal clientele. Listing requires a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement for more information. REF#1800-HR Contact: Michael Baxter & Associates Commercial Real Estate (570) 421-7466 or _______________________________34-35 BRIDGEPORT, PA, 432 FORD ST. OPEN HOUSE SUN. 8/22 1-4 Completely renov. single house. 3 BR, 2 BA, lg. loft, LR, mod. EIK, 1st fl. laundry rm., full bsmt. w/exit. Lg. yard & 2 car driveway. Gas ht. Pub. trans. Koffer ceilings in 1st fl. FSBO, $244,900. Call 610-539-3694. _______________________________34-34

VENTNOR, NJ, FACING THE BAY House and Adjacent Lot (inground swimming pool). 1st floor 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room and deck. 2nd floor 2 bedrooms, bath, efficiency kitchen, living room, dining area and deck. Central Air. Corner Property. Call 215-468-9166 evenings only. $675,000.00. Also property for rent1500.00 month plus utilities. _______________________________34-39 AUCTION: BANK-OWNED HOMES For Sale including properties in this area. Now is the time! The market, interest rates, and opportunities could not be better. NEW PROPERTIES ADDED DAILY! Bid Now Online: HUDSON & MARSHALL,1-866-539-4174. _______________________________34-34 ABANDONED SOUTHERN TIER FARM 14 Acres- $25,995 w/ Gorgeous views, excellent deer and turkey area. Statelands all around. Beautiful woods and meadows. Financing available. Call today for FREE CLOSING COSTS! 800-229-7843. www. � _______________________________34-34 Cameron County, PA: 2.6 acres with stream and state forest frontage. Mostly flat, Part wooded, Part open. Perc approved, surveyed. $39,000. Owner financing. 800-668-8679. PAGE 47 _______________________________34-34







� �



PGN WILL NOT PUBLISH RACIAL DISTINCTIONS IN ROOMMATE ADS. SUCH NOTATIONS WILL BE EDITED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ___________________________________ GREATER NE PHILA. Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split level home with 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 full baths, W/D, upper and lower decks, use of kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least reasonably neat and employed. Rent is $600 + 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. _______________________________34-39 MORRISVILLE, PA ROOM FOR RENT In house with pool and hot tub. Renovated home located in Morrisville, PA, minutes to SEPTA R6 line or NJT NE Corridor. The house includes an in ground pool and hot tub, and off street parking. There are two rooms available and they are completely furnished with full house privileges, also the home is not occupied during the week. The owners are a couple that are only in town on weekends. You would be responsible for 1/4 of the utilities. House is available immediately with a $600.00 security deposit. If interested, please contact me at _______________________________34-34





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OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800-638-2102 Online reservations _______________________________34-34


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������������������������ ������������������� ���������������������������� ������������������� REAL ESTATE


12TH & DICKINSON AREA Furnished Townhouse for rent: 3 levels. Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms , bath. Very Unique. 1500. mo plus util. (negotiable). Call 215 468-9166 after 6 pm. or 215 686 3431 daytime. _______________________________34-39 RITTENHOUSE SQUARE AREA Studios & 1 Bedrooms - Call for Availability (215)735-8050. _______________________________34-40

MANAYUNK 2 BR, 1 BA, W/D in unit in the Heart of Manayunk at Grape & Main. Rent $1300 mo + utils. Call Heather, 610-647-1776 or _______________________________34-35 LOCUST ST. NEAR BROAD Renovated studio apt. for rent. $750 includes utilities, cable, microwave, fitness center, and laundry facilities. Call 215-852-1923. _______________________________34-35




EMOTIONAL INETLLIGENCE WEDNESDAY SERIES A series to increase your awareness of Emotional Intelligence. 7-8:30 p.m., Aug 25, @ The Hub,(2929 Arch St); Sept 15, 22, October 6, 20, @ The Hub (30 So 17th Street). $25.00 registration. or 40% discount for students. Reply, _______________________________34-34 JOHN’S FIBER KLEEN Upholstery And Fiber cleaning. Total Fabric Care. Insured Bonded Registered. or call 213 726 6828. _______________________________34-36 AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified -Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888)349-5387. _______________________________34-34 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE From Home. *Medical *Business *Paralegal *Computers *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 888-220-3984 _______________________________34-34


SERVICES CASH NOW! Get cash for your structured settlement or annuity payments. High payouts. Call J.G. Wentworth. 1-866-SETTLEMENT (1-866738-8536). Rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau. _______________________________34-34



Breakfast Anyone? The Alexander Inn

“Key man of 13th Street” Gone Five Years, Never Forgotten. Sadly Missed by All

AUTOS TOP CASH. NOW. SELL YOUR CAR TRUCK or MOTORCYCLE Family Business 30 Yrs Hassle free - will come to you 215-669-5061 _______________________________34-35 CAR TROUBLES? 100% of COVERED Repairs PAID. 130,000 miles or Less. 24hr Roadside Assistance/Towing Coverage. Rental Car Reimbursement. Free Quote 888-364-1679. _______________________________34-34 AAAA** Donation. Donate Your Car, Boat, or Real Estate. IRS Tax Deductible. Free PickUp/Tow. Any Model/Condition. Help Under Privileged Children. 1-800-597-8311. _______________________________34-34

LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to §128.85 of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Title 7 regulations, GROWMARK FS, LLC. hereby gives notice of ground application of “Restricted Use Pesticides” for the protection of agricultural crops in municipalities in Pennsylvania during the next 45 days. Residents of contiguous property to our application sites should contact your local GROWMARK FS, LLC. facility for additional information. Concerned Citizens should contact: Michael Layton, MGR. Safety & Environment, GROWMARK FS, LLC. 308 N.E. Front Street, Milford, DE 19963. Call 302-422-3002. _______________________________34-34

Does Your House Need A New Coat? We’ve Got Specialists!

PGN Home Improvement Directory

seeks a local person for part-time to serve our breakfast buffet. Excellent position for a friendly mature person with knowledge of the city. Starts @ 6:30am to midday.

Call 215-923-3535 during daytime hours.

POCONOS RESTAURANT Now hiring cook, janitor. Live in. Call Kim, 917-992-5262. _______________________________34-35 SALON COORDINATOR Looking for full or part time salon coordinator for upscale C.C. salon. Strong customer service skills are required! Please send resume to _______________________________34-34 TRAVEL, WORK, PARTY, PLAY! Now Hiring 18-24 guys/gals to travel w/fun young biz group. NY LA MIAMI. 2wk PAID training. Hotel and transportation provided. Return guaranteed. 1-877-259-6983. _______________________________34-34 Independent Sales Agent For Collection Agency! Sell Collection Services To Business Owners. Earn Lifetime Commissions Per Sale. Set Your Own Hours FT/PT. Full Commission. Independent Agent Position. B2B Sales Experience Required. Call Jim:800-922-1505. _______________________________34-34 TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED! MORE HOMETIME! TOP PAY! EXCELLENT BENEFITS! NEWER EQUIPMENT! Up to $.48/mile company drivers! HEARTLAND EXPRESS 1-800-441-4953 _______________________________34-34 CDL drivers needed to deliver trucks from PA to surrounding area. Set your own schedule. Call 1-866-764-1601 or go to for information. _______________________________34-34 COMPANY Up to $2000 Bonus for Experienced OTR drivers and Teams. Consistent Miles, Excellent Health Benefits. 6 mo. OTR exp. & current CDL 888-463-3962 EOE m/f/h/v. _______________________________34-34 CDL-A Drivers: You Deserve The Best! We Have High Miles, Great Pay, Reliable Hometime. 2011 Freightliner Cascadias! $500 Sign-on for Flatbed Drivers. CDL-A, 6mo.OTR. Western Express 888-801-5295. _______________________________34-34 Professional Drivers! Class-A CDL Drivers Needed! Practical Mile Pay. $2,400 Bonus. Guaranteed Home-Time. Strong, Stable, & Safe. 1 Year OTR experience required. www. 800-333-9291. _______________________________34-34 Drivers - Hiring Regional Van Drivers. 41.5 cpm with 2 years experience. Great Benefits. Home EVERY Week. 1 year tractor-trailer experience required. Call 888-967-5487, or apply online at Equal Opportunity Employer. _______________________________34-34

PAGE PAGE 32 110


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AUG. 20 - 26, 2010


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PAGE 106

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PAGE 106

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AUG. 20 - 26, 2010



LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. _______________________________34-39

609-345-8203 _______________________________34-39 $$$NO SEX$$$ Looking for young boys (18+) for wearing sports gear, Speedos, football, baseball, jockstraps, etc. I will supply the gear. You must have a 28-32” waist and a swimmers build. I will be in Phila. Mon. Sept. 20th & Tues. Sept. 21st. Your egagement will include a 2 day stay at a 5 star hotel in Phila. with an indoor pool & gym, meals included. You can come and go CLASSIFIEDS as you please, keeping your work or school schedule. I do not need to see you naked. We would just be hanging out at the room, pool and gym, wearing our sports gear. No photos or videos. It will just be “boys will be boys”. You have to like to show off, on top of the hotel, meals, pool, gym and fun. I will pay $50 for your time. “No sex.” So, if you like to wear hot sports gear and just like to hang out with the boys, send your contact info (name, and phone no.) to Salon A, PO Box 911, Lebanon, PA 17042. Photo a must. Again, no sex--just hanging out as the boys do. _______________________________34-35 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. _______________________________34-37


Erotic Dungeon Master

6’, 165 lbs., 60 year old Master, greek active, french passive requires obedient slave for training, S&M, B/D, W/S, etc. Limits respected and expanded. Assistant Master wanted. Call Dave at 215-729-6670, day or evening. _______________________________34-34 MONMOUTH COUNTY, NJ GWM, 49, conservative, Italian, professional seeks friends/relationship with same, 45-55. Good sense of humor, solid core values a must, Call 732-763-1470. No blocked calls. _______________________________34-38 Road trips, the mountains, canoeing, bycycling, weight lifting, antiques, gardening, cooking, activism. What do you enjoy? GWM, 55, 6’3”, for Black or Latino non smoker. Leave message at 609-530-1726. _______________________________34-36


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Available from the “flippable book”Readers preview onWeekly Go ahead, play with it. $25.00 A Week. Reach Over 40,000 As Little As ���������������������������������������������������������������� Now viewable on Android OS smart phones. Coming soon to iPhone.

nite. GWM couple ISO GWMs 18-40 yrs. for 1 on 1 and group sex. Stockings, pantyhose, etc. Starts 9 PM Sat. Call Sat. 7-8 PM 856910-8303, ask for Mark. _______________________________33-24 AUG. 20 - 26, 2010 GWM, Italian, top or bottom, 7” cut. Also into assplay, toys & water sports. Bi, straight, out FRIENDS of towners welcome. Day or night. Call Jeff at 215-850-7900. _______________________________33-18




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GayMEN is our middle name.







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AUG. 20 - 26, 2010

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